About time 22

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Issue 22 | March 2017






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P M ub Ed an lish ito ag er r ing G Ed r G o ito Cr rou up r | ea p Di | Dr tiv Di rec .T C | e rec to Jo orn un D to r, ire r Pr y el ji O O iu l ct , Co odu bi s ug or nt ct ny O b en io n an nu od t, S oh i Sy er n v a

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Editorial Team 3





8 11-15



A New Decade Of Quantum Growth






VZ T E N & T H A N K F U L


page51 - 55

Awards & Recognitions


Take-a-Dip Events


32-35 & 46 page42

Brand Humour


Our Iceberg is Melting


table of

31, 56 & 57


Editor’s Note 5




STAYING AHEAD IN A RECESSION Recession is defined as a period of temporary economic decline during which trade and industrial activity are reduced, generally identified by a fall in GDP in two successive quarters.

by SojiAkinyele






t may have come and gone but the second edition of the Lagos Marathon left a bitter taste in the mouths of many Lagosians. Though a noble idea, the marathon which has the capability to boost Nigeria's and Lagos image needs better planning and organisation. Considering how congested Lagos is, the limited road networks and inadequate transportation systems, one would have expected the organizers of the marathon to take into consideration, the very many commuters who eke their living daily from commuting to their places of work or shops. To close major roads in a major city for hours however good the reason, is not acceptable. To leave thousands of commuters trekking and stranded in a road logjam is not the hallmark of a city aiming for the mega city status. Yes, the idea of the marathon is a great one but it needs the peoples buy in. It is not enough to bring in elite runners annually and gift them huge sums, how is the marathon benefiting the city in general? How do we ensure that after this administration leaves power, the event will not stop? What is the plan to map our routes properly for the next edition of the race, so commuters are not left stranded and suffering? How do we make the marathon culture become part of what makes and shapes the city of Lagos? On the face value, we have a treasure in our hands but how to make it beneficial and engaging to all is what we should aim at. One good way out of locking down the city is to consider organising the marathon event on any of the public holidays in our national calendar, when commercial and vehicular activities will be limited.


ould it be right to label the wanton looting that took place under exPresident Goodluck Jonathan the biggest heist in mankind's history? It's looking increasingly like that, day by day. Going by the unprecedented stealing and daily discoveries being made by the EFCC, the record looting may have to find a space in the Guinness Book of Wo r l d R e c o r d s . F r o m D a n s u k i g a t e , t o Amosugate, to Dikkogate, to Patiencegate to Diezanigate, the list of individuals, groups and companies who got their hands in Nigeria's apple pie appear endless. One cannot begin to recount the figures that have been recovered as the figures are astonishing. We are not talking about petty cash here, we are talking about money huge enough to run a small country like The Gambia and make it prosperous. Getting to the root of this mindless and evil heist would require some psychological and psychiatry analysis of the accused to be able to understand their motivation and quest to acquire so much while fellow citizens wallow in abject poverty. Public office should never ever be an invitation to steal but to serve the people. If ever a referendum is conducted on what to do with those whose hands have and will one day make it into the nation's cookie jar, I would suggest the Chinese treatment. Google that to get more details.





ig Brother Naija returned not so much to a grand welcome early 2017. The highly controversial TV reality show has been under the radar of many because of two reasons: the show is being filmed and aired in South Africa and the activities of housemates have thrown up the morality issue. Though rated 18+, moralists and protagonists have been attacking and supporting the show in their respective rights. For those questioning why the show is being filmed in South Africa, I don't think they can ever win the debate considering the content is a private affair and the producers can decide where and where not to stage it. Some top content production practitioners even got the Federal Government to step in and compel the producers to state why the show is not being filmed in Nigeria since it was for a Nigerian audience. Well, no so. The show is being watched all over Africa and maybe in some parts of the world. Our penchant for anything foreign is legendary around here because the environment does not encourage local



y the time you are reading this, President Buhari would have made it back to Nigeria and taken his spot behind his desk in Aso Rock hopefully. The furor generated over the President’s medical vacation abroad once again tested the stability of Nigeria. Though reminiscent of late President Umar Musa Yar'adua's trip to Germany when he was ill in 2010, President Buhari's case is different on one front he transmitted power to his Vice, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo. But as noble as the act was, the handling and bungling of the news surrounding the Presidents health was appalling. Mr. President, his family, media handlers, top government and party officials did a great disservice to the people by hiding the true state of his health. No man is immune from ill-health. At 74, nobody expected the President to be a super human. He has kept a decent lifestyle for him to have gotten to his prime age. If the man in the course of his stewardship falls ill, that should not raise any hairs whatsoever once the right thing is done. And the proper thing for the President to have done was either reveal the cause of his illness or get his medical team to talk to the people about it if his handlers couldn't be trusted. For his media aides and government functionaries who dribbled the people about the

production and that is what the organisers have cited as the reason for taking the show to South Africa like they did in the recent past with other reality TV Shows like 'Winner Is' and 'The Voice Nigeria'. While that debate was cooling off at some point into the show, the moralists took up the gauntlet again over the amoral nature of the show. When you keep a bunch of adults of both sexes, they are bound to behave like the humans that they are, which is one of the show's appeal, for those who love it. Those pontificating over why adults should be kissing and making out on TV think it isn't right. Those rooting for the show say it is after all a reality TV show, rated 18+ and events that happen in the BBNaija house take place among adults. Whatever side of the divide you stand, it's worthy to note that though the show is for commercial purposes and for adults, it should have a good story worthy of good telling at the end of the day.

status of Mr. President's health while he was away, they should go and learn about the demands of their duties and why information management is critical to the success of any government. The issue of withholding information from the public about an elected official needs to be revisited. In other climes where common sense and institutions prevail over ego, the President would have opened up about his health or resigned to take care of himself. That said, the President also must be commended for doing the lawful thing of handing over to his Vice when he was going away. African leaders are known for their grip on power without wanting to let go even at the point of death but this President honored the letters of the law but he should do better next time by being open to the people.

Cover Story 11

MOVING FAST, BREAKING THINGS, REINVENTING STORYTELLING 5 signiямБcant snapshots from 10 years of Verdant Zeal


MOVING FAST, BREAKING THINGS, REINVENTING STORYTELLING 5 signiďŹ cant snapshots from 10 years of Verdant Zeal Here is a question that gets asked a lot about Verdant Zeal: What exactly do they do? The answer to that weather-beaten query is another question: What exactly don't they do? by SamAdeoye

Cover Story 13


VZ Digital

On Time

“Every day is different. But it's an organisation that challenges you to create opportunities where none exist by solving seemingly insurmountable problems.”

On Budget

On Strategy


VZ Explore Extremely scrutinized and now deliberately copied in the industry, this yearly international expedition has cemented VZ's reputation as an unusual place to work. Since the 2007 premiere edition, which took the staff to Ghana, they have since been to South Africa, Ethiopia and Zanzibar, among other places. The tours, often quite costly, present an opportunity for a highly cerebral organisation to share rare moments of levity. Also, VZ Explore has helped the workers bond while expanding individual points of view.

appreciate the wonders of nature. Some moments that stood out for me include the boat ride to James Island [Gambia], meeting the great-greatgrandmother of Kunta Kinteh, walking in Elmina Castle [Ghana] while hearing stories of the tortured slaves and the point of no return. Climbing Table Mountain [Cape Town].” On a grander scale, VZ Explore being part of the company culture fits into the global vision. Ms Obinyan says, “Our vision has Africa in its sights and being connoisseurs of African cultures brings us closer to bringing this to reality.”

Says Joy Obinyan, senior manager, Business Service and Brand Development: “Asides the cultural exposure and the opportunities for staff to travel beyond the shores of Nigeria, these trips So, naturally, Verdant Zeal would stamp its feet in the always gets us to reflect on our African heritage and countries it passes through on this continual voyage.

Pan-African Expansion In 2014, VZ opened local offices in Ghana and The Gambia. These agencies, established by acquiring existing businesses, are full-service advertising agencies. “The world being a global village, it behooves us as a brand to create a business that is not limited by national boundaries but meets global standards,” says Nkiru Oguadinma, group director, Marketing & Business Development. For the group, the impact has been “a more international and African view of doing business. We receive input across borderlines, thus making our output better and holistic.” Predictably, Ghana and The Gambia are only the beginning. “We want to

expand further into Africa and take more territories,” Oguadinma says. Apart from the international branches, the group includes five other companies which completes the picture of VZ as an end-toend communications group. Gr8 Measures handles In that case, the VZ army would need more soldiers. And it has just the right platform to recruit the perfect youngsters for the mission.

Cover Story 15

The VZ Academy Created in 2012, it has graduated three sets of trainees, many of whom have been unleashed on the marketing communications industry as writers, brand managers, and producers. Adesida says, “The VZ Academy is important because of its symbiosis, allowing young and experienced marketing enthusiasts meld thoughts and ideas in a practical working environment. Because the interactions happen outside a classroom, the rate of assimilation is much faster. Also, it eases our recruitment procedure because we have a pool of talent to pull from.” For now, any graduate of the school could be posted to Lagos, Banjul or Accra. Ultimately, however, “VZ Academy will become an independent school, complete with its own faculty, training facility and curriculum,” says Adesida.

Innovention Series

As it marks its 10th year, VZ acknowledges its incredible progress but argues that it is still a little far from reaching its primary objective. Closely related to the VZ Academy is the Innovention Series of conferences. Every year it examines the most urgent questions about t h e f u t u r e o f communication and te c h n o l o g y a s t h ey relate to Nigeria and Africa. Of course, Innovention is a portmanteau word forged by VZ in its early days. As the founders explain it, inside VZ, innovation meets invention, and voila, Innovention.

In the period since it was first staged, the conference has hosted homegrown and international thought leaders. Last year, Prof Pius Adesanmi, a Canada-based Nigerian university teacher delivered a cheeky and disruptive lecture that, even though the title, which became a trending catchphrase, was in Yoruba, a regional Nigerian language, it still went viral on social media. The speech dealt with the role of young people in economy growth and how government policies could ignite creativity among the youth. It turned out it was just what many people had been hoping to hear and gave VZ a precious moment in the pop culture sun. This year, the Innovention series is focused on how technology is driving technology in Africa. With speakers from IBM, She Leads Africa, JK Capital South Africa, and Jobberman, perhaps the conference will seize the public attention once again.

“The vision is to be the biggest in Africa, and the first indigenous marketing communications group to own the largest media network on the continent of Africa,” says Adesida. At the moment, Verdant Zeal exists in three countries in Africa but he promises that “the next three years will be instrumental in actualising our vision as we take strategic steps in developing our knowledge quotient, expanding into key markets and increasing our financial base. It's doable.” For the time being, he gladly lists some of the ways in which VZ has made itself a force for change in the sectors it chose to play. “We created the concept of the multidisciplinary agency, one that couldn't be limited to just being all about advertising. Today, 10 years down the line, we're proud to have created our own products such Native & Vogue International Fa s h i o n We e k , A b o u t T i m e m a g a z i n e , Myhomepage.ng, Eko Akete International Fashion Week, and the Innovention Series. We have successfully shifted the model of waiting for briefs to creating them for ourselves. That's the multi-way of doing things,” Adesida says. And in the next 10 years? He says, “I see a Verdant Zeal with offices in every country in Africa – that's 54 offices and one in North America, United Kingdom, Europe, Latin America and China.”






e have understandably enjoyed the euphoria and back slapping of well wishers and patrons congratulating us for being in business for 10 years. It is a cause for celebration for 'surviving ' years of grueling, back-breaking work in building an African-centric brand from an organic growth perspective.

by TunjiOlugbodi Executive Vice Chairman



Our journey is taking a new course and a dierent trajectory.



y Verdant Zeal story is one that is 7 years of success, 7 years of thanksgiving, 7 years that see every New Year come with great expectation and look back to every previous year with a smile of gratitude and fulfilment.

My Verdant Zeal story and journey started in the year 2010, Precisely August 2010. Having been employed for its Public Relations subsidiary company – Red Gecko. Resuming with a staff ID NO: RG/002/2010 (I guess you know what that means…wink!), I started my VZ exploration with great challenge, great task, and with great expectation. For each day, each week, each month and each year of these 7 years, I only get to thank God that I took that bold step to join the Verdant Zeal family when the opportunity came calling. My Verdant Zeal story is one that is still on, one that is still work-in-progress, one that have been of great learning and one that has been a 7 years filled with so much that I will eternally be grateful to God for.



Cornel Onuoha



joined the Verdant Zeal team in August 13, 2007, the picture above was taken 4 days after. It has been an extraordinary ride. I still recall the interview at Background Check International with Mr. Ayopo and Kola Olugbodi. The long bike ride from Ogba to GRA to discuss financials with Gboyega Oluwatusin and Kayode Adegbite. The seemingly long wait to meet the Don who strolled in decked in all white. My total cluelessness about what to expect as I had never been an Executive Assistant before. My first friend was Dipo Adesida who was very welcoming and refused to let me continue in isolation, locking myself in my office and not talking to anyone. He encouraged me to write and blend with my colleagues. I have no clue what my story would have been without his constant and continuous support friendship and words of wisdom. It has been 10 years of joy, frustration, laughter, friendships, experiences, growth, triumphs, failures and a mix of emotions that have no words. I am thankful every day for the opportunity to have met and learned from the amazing people I have had the privilege of working with these past 10 years. My life is richer for it..


joined Verdant Zeal almost 10 years ago which i was a single young man by then and now am married to a beautiful lady with two wonderful kids (a boy & a girl) . I have grown in knowledge in my field of career and my networks have grown drastically; meeting various kind of people in different industries and even within the organization; people of high prestige and honors. My perception about work and businesses has changed through the years with a better knowledge of work balancing, personal relationships and family. Am glad to have had the opportunity to grow with the VZ family. Cheers!!


started my career as a front office manager in a retail firm with no vast knowledge about Human Resources. Transitioning into Verdant Zeal broadened my experiences, worldview and capabilities. My career has moved beyond a front office manager to a more encompassing role of providing administrative support to respective business units at the Opebi Office as well as some aspects of Human Resources Management.


ife is my canvas. I try to always set my music and make my days my sonnets. Verdant Zeal has contributed to the experience immensely.

he Journey so far

How do I start…? So many aspects to talk about but I'd rather highlight those important aspects that have made this journey worthwhile. October 1, 2017 marks my 5th year relationship with Verdant Zeal. I can boldly say a lot has happened since I walked into Verdant Zeal, personally and career-wise. I have metamorphosed over time from just following my job description to wanting to feel the pulse of the consumers who are essential to our communications. I have come to understand the value of family, friendship and team-work with colleagues. My trips to both Ghana and The Gambia gave me a broader scope to what it really entails in running a business effectively, with minimal staff strength and budget. You'd have to roll up your sleeves and take on tasks hitherto alien to your core competence. In Ghana especially, where I endured three weeks without TV and black out, I knew I had to adapt, and the transition had to be swift. The experience however drew me closer to the people and their way of life. It gave me the impetus to dig into their consumer patterns. The veritable lesson here is the experience built me in ways I never envisaged and in turn created a footprint to adaption to the Gambian peculiar consumer orientations. Career wise the organization has kept challenging me professionally and personally, and it has carved me in preparation for whatever endeavor comes next.



Gbenga Folarin


IJEOMA erewive

Joining Verdant Zeal has placed me in a position of influence to affect lives and develop people around me. I love the people I have worked with these past years and look forward to many more interesting years ahead.


My VZ Stories 21


walked into Verdant Zeal for the first time in November 2012 for an interview... I met with the MD of Brainbox i-Media who looked at my CV and said, okay so you're smart, prepare a presentation titled digital marketing and present it in 2 days. I must've impressed him because here I am almost 5 years later. It's been a truly unique experience working here at Verdant Zeal. I've had the opportunity to meet and work with diverse individuals. I've also gained a wealth of invaluable knowledge and acquired a new family. With Verdant Zeal the question has never been “will we succeed?” It's always been "How high should we set the bar?” Happy 10th anniversary Verdant Zeal, the Sky's only the beginning.


joined VZ as a fresh graduate just 3months after NYSC. "IT" has been a delightful adventure, working through briefs, projects and campaigns. And even more rewarding has been the privilege to work with the best of colleagues, a critical factor in any organisation. I look in and around me today and I thank God for the progress I see. VZ is a fruitful place to invest a portion of one's life, a good starting point and springboard for future exploits.



s a graduate from UNILAG awaiting NYSC posting, I called on my senior cousin Tola McGregor to help assist with securing a part time job placement. My intent was to work for the short period before getting deployed but the gods had something else in store for me. She sent a text to TJ and I was invited for an interview the next day. Following writing a test and several interviews with Gboyega, the then HR boss, and TJ, I received my employment letter and resumed on September 2, 2008 as a graduate intern in the HR department and later transitioning to Client Service (BSBD) in 2011.

Happy anniversary Verdant Zeal


ords fail me to express how blessed I feel to be part of this great family for the last 10 years. The tiny step I took in the early 2007 has seen my life change in more ways than one. When I look back on the transition my life and career has taken, I can only give praise to God for his faithfulness and grace towards my life. Over the years, I have been fortunate to have met some wonderful people who have been a blessing to my life. I have earned the trust and goodwill of many that money cannot buy. Ten years after, I have visited six countries (at little to no cost), have a flourishing career that is clearer every day and a proud husband and father to my adorable Softy and two beautiful children. My journey has indeed been sweet. Through the joy and pain. The laughter and hurt feelings. The hellos and goodbyes, indeed it’s been 10 years of growth, 10 years of strength, 10 years of fun and excitement, 10 years of learning new things, 10 years of knowing and going to new places and 10 years of getting to know a lot of great and lovely people. It’s really Fun to be Ten and I am Exceedingly Thankful. “He profits most he who serves best” - Arthur F. Sheldon



ollowing my graduation from the University, all I wanted was to delve into the business world as an entrepreneur but my keen Interest in advertising, which got me studying with APCON for 3 years, connected me with TJ - APCON had appointed Don-T as my mentor and project supervisor in 2008. I met with him to discuss my APCON project and the discussion turned into a job interview. I was invited to pick up an employment letter on the 30th of April 2008 to resume on the 2nd of May, 2008. I wasn’t prepared for that at all but the rest they say is history. Verdant Zeal have got me grounded in all fields. I am a jack of all trade and master of all! Verdant Zeal will always be part of my history; I met my husband here on a Saturday in 2009; we were to partner on a project which never saw the light of day and then we became an established project in God’s kingdom. I am thankful to God for Verdant Zeal’s role in shaping my future. Cheers to greater years ahead.

Verdant Zeal’s approach to work makes you grounded in all fields and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything.




When I look at my growth and trajectory over the past 9 years I am in awe of all I have learnt and accomplished. I married my university sweetheart and have 2 lovely kids. I am grateful for the awesome people I have met; they make me want to get up in the morning head to work.

Events 23

We are pleased to inform you that you no longer need to open several news sites and different tabs on your phones and PC anymore! myHomepage brings all your favorite news stories together in one place! myHomepage.ng was launched on February, 2017



Toke Mak inwa by FolashadeOmonijo


...there is a disturbingly worrisome increase of suicide cases in the country and Nigerians have to sit upright to nip this at the bud by proper (re)orientation and sensitization.






Omolara works with Red Gecko PR, a subsidiary of Verdant Zeal group. She is the last of two children. A follower of Christ but presently staying away from church as it has become too commercialized. She served in 2012 in Benin and taught for the one year period at a secondary school. NYSC was frustrating for her because the students were not interested in learning but felt their future was in Europe where they planned to go before graduation. She eats often. Share Your VZ Story After NYSC, I met someone who introduced me to PR and advertising and encouraged me to register for courses with the Nigerian Institute of Journalists (NIJ). After that, I joined the company through an internship program and have been with Red Gecko for over 2 years. I have enjoyed my career so far. What informed your career choice? I had my mind set on Mass Communication but that fell through and I had to settle for English Education and Literature from Tai Solarin University of Education. My experience during teaching practice and NYSC firmly convinced me that the education profession was not for me. I had always wanted a career that would enable me resolve problems and do that from the background. PR has been the perfect fit as the results in the foreground is a testament to my work, which is done behind the scenes. Plans for the future My plans for the future include setting up a PR firm and a charity organization to train girls to become entrepreneurs and productive members of society. I am passionate about young girls being educated and hardworking members of society. As a lady trained and raised by my mum, it is this entrepreneurial spirit within my mum that has led me to all that I have accomplished. I would also like to open a school that would provide quality education for free because good education is expensive these days.

Hobby I love to read, surf the internet and watch movies. My selection of movies are dependent on my mood but I am into Quantico at the moment. I do watch African Magic, but that is with my mum at the weekend. The books I read are also dependent on my mood but I am into spiritual / religious books at the moment Favorite moment of my life Most memorable day was the day I graduated from school. Favorite moment of the day Waking up in the morning. Coming to work to meet people I am comfortable with How do you spend your weekend? Laundry, read the papers and watch movies. Hang out with friends If not VZ I would have a school and make sure students are taught properly and teachers are held to higher standards. The educational processes are warped and I say this because I recall my brief stint as a teacher, being instructed by the proprietress of the private school I worked, to inflate student's marks and assist them during tests and exams. I am an advocate for hard work and I do not believe in taking shortcuts to success. My school would be different and such would not be allowed. Mentors Mum: She is a strong woman. She took care of my sister and I and we never knew what it was to borrow. We were well taken care of and provided for. Sister: She is very considerate and a constant encouragement to me What Kind of Music My choice of music is dependent on my mood. My happy mood music are songs from Asha, Lucky Dube, King Sunny Ade, Tu Face Top 3 Artistes Asha, King Sunny Ade and Bob Marley I love reggae because it's about freedom and emancipation. Life's Philosophy Be yourself and be comfortable in your skin. Don't let people determine your mood. What would I do differently? If it was in my power I would have wanted a family with both parents present.


He o, a subsidiary of the Verdant Zeal group. Desmond is an accountant in with Red Geck ng maki has been with the company 10 years joined the company fresh from NYSC and ion. him one of the pioneer staff of the organizat to Gbemisola Aleke and they have 2 kids. Desmond, fondly called Desy, is married Ayoola, 4 years and Aderinsola, 1 year.

Share Your VZ Story It all started in 2007, when I heard about the company from my mother in-law to be. She told me she had a friend starting up an agency and asked if I was interested so she could arrange a meeting. At the time I was working with GT Registrars and decided to give it a go and make a switch. I officially joined Verdant Zeal in April 2007 and the rest they say is history. Since joining, I have worked in the finance department of Verdant Zeal then was later moved to be accountant in charge of the Red Gecko subsidiary. I have developed close relationships with my colleagues across departments thus expanding my knowledge and experience beyond finance. It is in my nature to study and gain experience beyond my 9 – 5 career and this continuous quest for knowledge has helped mold me into the individual I am today. An Accountant, Fashion brand custodian and marketer. What informed your career choice? I started my accounting journey in the polytechnic but when I moved my admission to the university, I changed my course to banking and finance. In spite of my university course of study, I have always wanted to be an accountant from a very young age. I had to take professional courses to afford me the opportunity to specialize. I have enjoyed the journey so far even though it has been tedious to secure all the certifications required to be a full-fledged accountant but I am almost there. For me, the choice of accounting has always been a clear one. My passion for it started from my early days of petty trade, keeping track of what was spent and received. I also used to observe my elder brother studying accounting and doing assignments when I was younger. I remember him putting me through balance sheets and calculations; his help and guidance helped fuel my passion for the profession. My elder brother is also an accountant. Plans for the future When I was 16, I had a book where I used to write all the things I wanted to accomplish when grew up. There were about 30 things I wrote in that book. It was a whole lot of stuff but the thing I remember most is establishing a fashion line. I want to become a household name in the fashion industry. To have a clothing line, produce shoes, clothes, bags and fashion accessories. I have started taking steps to accomplish this with my wife. Our brand is called Ruby & Desy. One of the things that attracted me to my wife was our love and passion for fashion. When we met in the university, she could make things with her hand and it aligned with what I had in mind. We’ve been doing it off and on for some years and decided to go into it fully. Our differentiator is to produce made in Nigeria products that can compete with foreign imports.

How you met your wife We met in the school fellowship. I was an usher and she was in the choir. She walked in and I was staring and didn’t know how to approach her. All I could come up with was ‘I think I know you from somewhere’ – she saw through the toasting line and called me on it. She was studying law and we were in different campuses. In my final year of school, on July 4, 2004, I proposed and she said YES! Hobby Staying home and watching TV. Playing Football, music. I used to have a rap group before I went to the university. I love my Saturdays because of football. I am a Chelsea fan. I love to dance in private. Passion Sales and marketing. I love selling things that I have produced. Favorite moment of my life The day my children were born. I felt complete when my daughter was born. And the day I married my wife. How do you spend your weekend? Watching cartoons with my kids. If its football season, the EPL. If not VZ I would be doing my own business. Mentors Tunji Olugbodi: I saw a thirst for success in him. He wasn’t earning a salary when we started out and he made sure he paid everyone. He made me realize the business isn’t about me but about the team. Kwame: He wants to build an entrepreneurial spirit in everyone he meets and engages with. He keeps saying to me ‘Your time is now’ do something, now that you have the time. David Wej: He was my senior in secondary school. We exchange emails and calls. I have read his story of starting up his business while he was working in the bank. He motivated me to take Ruby & Desy seriously. What Kind of Music I select music based on my mood. Most preferred would be RnB, Gospel and Rap Top 3 Artistes Rap: 50 Cents, RnB: Usher. Gospel: Fred Hammond Life’s Philosophy Be yourself and be the best

What would I do differently? I would have loved to be a great musician, footballer and business mogul. I wish I had taken that notebook I had when I was 16 years old and followed through on the dreams I wrote down.


Awards & Recognitions 31



n the 10th of March, 2017, our very own Kola Omisore, Creative Director of the Verdant Zeal Group was conferred with the highest ranking of the Institute of Brand Management, Fellow of the Institute (FIBM) after having satisďŹ ed the council and the requirement of the Articles and By-laws of the Institute. The Institute of Brand Management of Nigeria (IBMN) is a professional Membership Organization for Brand Management and Branding Experts. Since its inception in 2007, the Institute has been at the forefront of developing Brand Management and Branding Profession in the country assisting Executives and their organization to improve their performance and achieve success through knowledge, education, and professional development. The conferment took place during the 10th Annual Distinguished Honorary Fellowship Award/Induction of associates and the Nigeria Brand Directors Summit themed Positioning 'Made in Nigeria Brands' in the Contemporary Global Market: Issues, Challenges and Future Prospects.

Verdant Zeal Wins Global Excellence Award Yet again another laurel for Verdant Z e a l . We a d d e d another feather to our cap as we won the hugely coveted Fa s t e s t G r o w i n g Advertising Agency of the Year Award at the Excellence Recognition Awards which held on March 12 2017 at Balmoral hall.







The Good Cheer Initiative, CSR for Verdant Zeal decided to spread the good cheer of Christmas by encouraging people to play Santa to the needy. So #YourPastTheirPresent was born – A digital campaign aimed at people to donate used or outgrown items to the needy. It was an instant hit on social media and donations came in bountifully. To round o the campaign, Verdant Zeal marked the end of the year on the 20th of December 2016, by celebrating with the less privileged from the NGO Save our Needy and gave them the donations.





ince 2013, the annual Vanguard Personality of the Year Awards has been celebrating exceptional achievers in Nigeria. It recognises the stellar actions of hardworking individuals; people who have left indelible marks of excellence in our society in the preceding year. The latest edition, held on March 11, 2017, specially recognised fourteen highly motivated individuals who had shone through challenging times and had gone beyond their call of duties for the sake of service in the preceding year. Their Excellences, Akinwunmi Ambode (Governor, Lagos State), Ben Ayade (Governor, Cross River State), Abubakar Bagudu (Governor, Kebbi State) and Willie Obiano (Governor, Anambra State) were the Governors of the year; Chief Edwin K. Clark, Dr Pascal Dozie, Alhaji Isa Funtua, Anthony Cardinal Okogie, and Alhaji Bamanga Tukur were recipients of the Vanguard Lifetime Achievement award; Captain Hosa Okunbo was the Businessman of the year and Herbert Wigwe, Banker of the year. The agship award, Vanguard Personality of the year 2016 went to Godwin EmeďŹ ele, for his unwavering focus on ensuring economic growth amidst present economic challenges. The Eko Convention Centre venue witnessed a massive turnout of power brokers, corporate colossi and other distinguished Nigerians in the country. The crowd was treated to spectacular performances by top artistes including Sani Danja, Dr Sid, Kenny Blaq, Aramide and Ycee.


CO SO MAS WEEK by JoyObinyan

Greetings. The 2nd COSOMAS Interactive on May 26, 2016 was a fitting grand finale to a busy and productive session in the College. There was a lot to savour, apart from the abundant refreshments and the entertainment at the event. Mr Gbenga Solademi, CEO, NQB8 (Incubate) was mentorship guest. Book gifts were distributed to 30 students, and certificates were presented to participants at the Verdant Zeal Innovention Forum 2016. Mr Solademi used the occasion to endow the INCUBATE Annual Awards in COSOMAS for the Best Business Ideas valued at N200, 000, with the second and third best ideas re ce i v i n g N 1 0 0, 0 0 0 a n d N 5 0, 0 0 0 respectively. The Business Mentor of the Year in the College would get a prize of N100, 000, while three internship positions would be given to selected students of the College annually. Details of the awards which is open to COSOMAS students and staff would be unveiled subsequently.

scholarship is N120,000 per award, although the cheque read N100,000. The balance is being transferred to the account of each awardee. The new Students Coordinating Team for the College was inaugurated with Emmanuel Joseph Omoteso, Department of Economics as head, assisted by Grace Nwoko, Department of Political Science and International Relations. Others are Omotola Elizabeth Nejo, Treasurer, and Bisola Akinola in charge of Logistics. Departmental representatives are: Emmanuel Akobi and Yemisi Ojo, Accounting and Finance, Philip Ogede and Aanuoluwapo Ogunwole, Business Administration, Mercy Omimi and Emmanuel Omoteso, Economics, Boluwatife Olafisoye and Michaels Awotayo Adedayo, Mass Communication, and EneOnazi Egwurube and Grace Nwoko, Political Science and International Relations. COSOMAS Annual Financial Awards of N25, 000 each for staff on their PhD programmes were presented to Mr. Adegboyega Agboola, Political Science and International Relations, Mr. Hezekiah Oladimeji, Business Administration, Mr. Dele Ojomolade, Acco u nt i n g a n d Fi n a n ce. Dr. Bu n m i Adesanmi received N10, 000 for successfully completing his PhD programme. Five other members of staff on their PhD would receive their awards at a future occasion. By God's grace, things can only get better.

The Tunji Olugbodi High Performing Student Economic Support Scholarship (Male) cheque was presented for the third year running to Obunneme Ezeofor, 400 level, Department of Economics, while the

COSOMAS - Role Model

36 Health Meter


A food craving or selective hunger is an intense desire to consume a specific food, and is different from normal hunger. Food cravings are a dieter's worst enemy. These are intense or uncontrollable desires for specific foods. The types of foods that people crave are highly variable, but these are often processed junk foods that are high in sugar. Cravings are one of the biggest reasons why people have problems losing weight and keeping it off.

It's All In Your Head Those who don't have food cravings might say that such cravings are "all in your head," and new research suggests they are right. It is all in our heads, several specific areas of our brains, actually. Areas of the brain responsible for memory and sensing pleasure are partially to blame for keeping those food cravings coming. Three regions of the brain, the hippocampus, insula, and caudate appear to be activated during food-craving episodes. Blocking the opiate receptors in the brain, which sense pleasure, can blunt a person's desire to eat foods rich in fat and sugar.

Beyond the physiological reasons for food cravings, they often have something to do with emotion and desire.

our levels of the hormone serotonin, which has a calming effect. And recent research suggests that the combination of fat and sugar may also have a calming effect.

Food cravings sometimes arise to satisfy emotional needs, such as calming stress and reducing anxiety. For many of us, cravings kick into high gear when we're stressed or anxious. Carbohydrates boost

How do I Curb cravings? The next time you're hit with an insatiable urge for that sugar-dipped doughnut, ask yourself these questions to get to the root cause.

1 Ask yourself: Am I stressed out? When you're under pressure, your body releases the hormone cortisol, which signals your brain to seek out rewards. Comfort foods loaded with sugar and fat basically "apply the brakes" to the stress system by blunting this hormone. When you reach for food in response to negative feelings such as anger or sadness (like potato chips after a fight with your spouse), you inadvertently create a powerful connection in your brain. It's classic brain conditioning. The food gets coded in your memory center as a solution to an unpleasant experience or emotion. What to do


Stimulate happiness by doing something you love e.g listening to music.


Wait it out. People give in to cravings because they think they'll build in intensity until they become overwhelming, but that's not true. Food cravings behave like waves: They build, crest, and then disappear. If you can "surf the urge," you have a better chance of beating it altogether.


Create the best distraction. What you're really craving is to feel better. Taking a solo walk might not be the best option when you are already feeling lonely. Instead, identify your current emotion, “bored, anxious, mad”? Then find an activity that releases it. If you're stressed, channeling nervous energy into a workout can help; if you're upset over a problem at the office, call a friend and ask for advice.

Health Meter 37

2 Ask yourself:

Have I been eating less than usual? If you're eating fewer than 1,000 calories a day or restricting an entire food group (like carbs), you're putting your body in prime craving mode. Even just three days of strict dieting decreases levels of the appetite-reducing hormone leptin by 22%. Experts note that "restrained eaters" or dieters who severely limit calories or certain foods aren't necessarily thinner than regular eaters; they're actually about 1 to 2 BMI points higher, or the equivalent of 10 to 20 pounds, as their selfimposed food rules often backfire. Restrained eaters are more likely to experience cravings and to overeat the "forbidden" food when given the chance. What to do

Stop starving or going on restrictive diets, rather lower your portions or get an ideal meal plan from a wellness expert or nutritionist.

3 Ask yourself:

Am I getting enough sleep?

A few sleepless nights is enough to drop levels of the hormone leptin (which signals satiety) by 18% and boost levels of ghrelin, an appetite trigger, by about 30%. Those two changes alone caused appetite to kick into overdrive, and cravings for starchy foods like cookies and bread jumped 45%. This means you get to probably eat more unconsciously, often times, sugary food items, and hardly get full. You are sluggish throughout the day and feeling rather groggy. What to do

Get as much as 6-8hrs of sleep daily. Switch off all gadgets and distractions, never give up your sleep for anything.


UNHEALTHY FOOD CRAVINGS 1. Drink Water Thirst is often confused with hunger or food cravings. If you feel a sudden urge for a specific food, try drinking a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. You may find that the craving fades away, because your body was actually just thirsty. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water may have many health benefits. In middle-aged and older people, drinking water before meals can reduce appetite and help with weight loss.

2. Eat More Protein Eating more protein may reduce your appetite and keep you from overeating.

3. Plan Your Meals If possible, try to plan your meals for the day or upcoming week. By already knowing what you're going to eat, you eliminate the factor of spontaneity and uncertainty. It also reduces cravings, and helps If you don't have to think about what to eat at the you feel full and satisfied for longer. following meal, you will be less tempted and less likely to experience cravings.

5. Fight Stress Stress may induce food cravings and influence eating behaviors, especially for women. Women under stress have been shown to eat significantly more calories and experience more cravings than 4 . Avo i d G e t t i n g E x t r e m e l y non-stressed women. Hungry Hunger is one of the biggest Furthermore, stress raises your r e a s o n s w h y w e e x p e r i e n c e blood levels of cortisol, a hormone c r a v i n g s . To a v o i d g e t t i n g that can make you gain weight, extremely hungry, it may be a good especially in the belly area. idea to eat regularly and have healthy snacks close at hand.

By being prepared, and avoiding long periods of hunger, you may be able to prevent the craving from showing up at all.

6. Eat Proper Meals Hunger and a lack of key nutrients can both cause certain cravings. Therefore, it's important to eat proper meals at mealtimes. This way, your body gets the nutrients it needs and you won't get extremely hungry right after eating. If you find yourself in need of a snack between meals, make sure it's something healthy. Reach for whole foods, such as fruits, nuts, vegetables or seeds.

38 Food Porn


LOVES TO HATE! Do you ever wonder why you hated eating beans as a child? I once did a post on Instagram telling my followers how I hated eating beans while growing up and now I love beans. I was surprised to see I wasn't the only one. Everyone had the same experience, the same sentiments.

by BolaBello

Food Porn 39

beans is the new sexy @agoyinspecial on Instagram

The torture begins from the moment my mother instructs us to pick beans to the long hours of cooking. Why did it take so long to cook beans back then? My mom's favourite catch phrase when she cooks beans is “You better eat beans so you can grow taller and healthy”. Thinking about it now, what about the tall children from other parts of the world where they don't eat beans?? Yimu! Fast forward to 2017, I now find myself eating beans almost every week. There are several ways to enjoy beans; beans porridge, plain beans and sauce, ewa agoyin, beans and corn, beans and yam, rice and beans and many more.

Beans is the new sexy. Beans has even gone digital {check out @agoyinspecial on Instagram} Ewa Agoyin is my favourite. "Ewa" means Beans in Yoruba language while "Agoyin" is a term used to describe people from neighbouring countries such as Benin Republic "Cotonu" and Togo, who came into Nigeria to settle as far back as in the sixties hence the name Ewa Agoyin which simply means "Beans of the agoyin people". Ewa agoyin is simply Mashed beans with palm oil based pepper sauce. It is made from blended dry pepper (never use fresh pepper or tomatoes), onion and palm oil. Here is a simple recipe for making Ewa Agoyin.

Ewa agoyin is simply Mashed beans with palm oil based pepper sauce


To prepare the beans:

To prepare the beans:

· Black eyed beans

Pick the beans, rinse and cook till it absorbs all the water and gets very soft. Add salt when the beans is well cooked. Once it's soft, mash it up in a pot with a wooden spoon.

1. Soak the dry pepper for few hours or overnight till it regains moisture, and then roughly blend. 2. Bleach the palm oil in a pan until the oil turns dark brown. Add sliced onions and let it fry till it starts to burn a little. 3. Pour your pepper blend into the hot oil, add salt and leave to fry for a while till the oil separates from the ground pepper and it has a sandy grainy like feel. 4. Dish out the beans and pour the sauce over the top of it. You can have your beans with Garri, yam or my favourite, Agege Bread. Enjoy!

· Small Dry chilli pepper & Cameroon peppers · Palm oil · Onion · Seasoning to taste (optional) · Salt to taste

40 Take-a-Dip

by ‘DipoAdesida



The Rule to Gaining Power using

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Not even me. You got a dream, you've got to protect it. When people can't do something themselves, they're going to tell you that you can't do it.

You want something, go get it. Period – Will Smith, “Pursuit of Happiness”

by ‘DesolaEboma


e are powerful manifesting machines, but since we have 50 to 70 THOUSAND unconscious thoughts per day, of which about 80% are NEGATIVE, we're not always manifesting wonders; hence losing powers!

Here are some tips to help you attract what you truly dream of in life:


Be Positive Walk around with the most positive attitude possible. When you speak, do it with good intentions. Attract While it's true that the rst step to using the law of positive thoughts no matter what you're attraction is shifting to more positive thinking, the reason going through. The more positivity you have people give up working with LOA is that they believe that in your life, the less negativity exists. if they start thinking positively, then all their dreams will manifest. Be grateful; appreciate everything There's nothing in this world we The law of attraction is not a magic wand. Because the shouldn't be grateful for. Be grateful brain preferentially scans and stores negative for your family. Be grateful for your experiences, we have to consciously, habitually build the friends. Be grateful for a home. Be grateful for positive mental muscle. We all have layers and layers of food to eat. Be grateful for adventure. Some stories, limiting beliefs, fears and blocks that have become people aren't fortunate enough to have any interior landscape to our minds and cannot be changed of these things. overnight just by thinking positive thoughts.


Some of us start with absolutely nothing. In order to become a master at manifesting with the law Don't take anything for granted. of attraction, we must undo the patterns that have been stored in our unconscious and replace them with positive, Believe in your own dreams empowering patterns. In other words, rewire the brain. Attract what you dream of because once your dreams come true, life It may sound complicated, but it's not. turns into an endless miracle. By implementing daily positive practices in our lives, we will shift and raise our energetic vibration so that we can Anything and everything you need or want is manifest from our place of calm, inspired action yielding out there. Just believe you, without question, faster results. If you get into the habit of using tools that have what it takes. will insert empowering and positive thoughts into your Anything and everything you need or want is mind, you'll be poised to produce good experiences and out there. Just believe you, without question, have what it takes. results to gaining power!


All it takes is grasping on to our fullest potential to do Some of us start with absolutely nothing. what we love, holding it closely and never letting it go. Don't take anything for granted.


Be grateful; appreciate everything There's nothing in this world we shouldn't be grateful for. Be grateful for your family. Be grateful for your friends. Be grateful for a home. Be grateful for food to eat. Be grateful for adventure. Some people aren't fortunate enough to have any of these things. Some of us start with absolutely nothing. Don't take anything for granted.


Give to others and help others Treat others the way you would like to be treated. We've all heard this statement, haven't we? Attract to yourself the way you want to be treated by equally treating others with kindness. It creates a world lled with virtuous karma.


Travel to be inspired on a whole new level Traveling is hands-down one of my top and most important priorities in life. Every time I travel, I am immensely exposed to a whole different part of the world I previously knew nothing about. When we see new places, we gain new perspectives and new perspectives are always a wonderful addition to the way we live our lives


Make time to do what you enjoy Do you want more time to do what you enjoy most? If so, make that time because there's plenty of it. Don't make excuses. Time is just an idea with numbers and a clock ticking.

8 9

No buts. No what ifs. No can'ts. No won'ts Nothing is “too hard” to accomplish.

Practice what you preach; don't be a hypocrite Show others that if you can do something, anyone can. If you want to practice putting good into the world, then you must preach about putting good into the world.


Conquer your failures If you fail, rinse, wash, repeat. Always attract success and happiness.

42 Brand Humour

by Kola’Omisore

Feature a voice within


a by SegunOlabode

When you say they have hurt your feelings, they tell you that you are too sensitive.



Book Review


he fable on organizational change told from the perspective of penguins in Antarctica portrays a story not much dissimilar from existing scenarios in a many an organization or family situation. As individuals, we are change averse and resist it even when negative implications are staring us in the face.

by JoyObinyan

8. Create a New Culture. Hold on to the new ways of behaving, and make sure they succeed, until they become strong enough to replace old traditions.

The Role of Thinking and Feeling Our mind is a powerful tool capable of affecting our responses to daily pressures or stimuli. Studies The story highlights key steps to take to ensure a have shown you can think yourself happy by taking successful change process. control over your emotions. Emotions control feelings. So by thinking and feeling differently, Set the Stage you can 1. Create a Sense of Urgency. n Critically collect, analyze and present Help others see the need for change and the information logically in order to inuence/ importance of acting immediately. cause a shift in perspective n Transform your thought process in order to 2. Pull Together the Guiding Team. change behavior Make sure there is a powerful group guiding the n Create experiences that moves you and challenges you. This in turn inuences your change-one with leadership skills, credibility, feelings about the prevailing situations around communications ability, authority, analytical skills, you. and a sense of urgency. Decide What to Do The story tells an important lesson that when leadership, middle management, and "front-line" 3. Develop the Change Vision and Strategy. Clarify how the future will be different from the past, employees are all on the same page with regards to and how you can make that future a reality. Make it change, it is amazing what can happen, despite adverse conditions. Happen Ask yourself whether you are living on the proverbial 4. Communicate for Understanding and Buy In. Make sure as many others as possible understand melting iceberg or an iceberg that could melt. Melting icebergs come in dozens of forms: product and accept the vision and the strategy. lines that are aging, schools that are becoming irrelevant, services that are decreasing in quality, a 5. Empower Others to Act. Remove as many barriers as possible so that those business strategy that makes increasingly little sense, a new strategy whose implementation is who want to make the vision a reality can do so. sinking into the ocean. Who in your organization can champion change? Who are the nay-sayers? And 6. Produce Short-Term Wins. Create some visible, unambiguous successes as what can your role be? soon as possible. 7. Don't Let Up. Press harder and faster after the ďŹ rst successes. Be relentless with initiating change after change until the vision is a reality. Make It Stick




he Winning the Future Conference (WTFC) is Verdant Zeal’s annual corporate conference that gathers all members of the organization to chart the way forward. The conference sets the tone and prepares the mindset of staff into what new changes to expect in the new business year, new business opportunities and markets to conquer. The venue of the conference was the prestigious Park Inn by Radisson, Abeokuta with focus on the theme making the quantum leap into the futu re. The them e and general direction of the conference was aimed at repositioning Verdant Zeal for new opportunities in digital communication, consulting, development intelligence and product development. Facilitators at the WTFC came from various sectors: Brand Building, Human Re s o u r c e s , M a r k e t i n g Communications, Economics and Investment/Corporate Finance and they all addressed the critical question of how to make the transition. All delegates left the conference, fired up to face the new year.



rguably the most frustrating loop in the marketing business is the Understanding of the Generation Y, Gen C, Gen I or any of the many ways that the cohort has been dubbed over the years (the constant renaming of this generation is another pointer as to how unraveled this generation is to the consumers profile analyst of this time). This cohort is largely perceived as the generation to bring the world to its end,


This generation is not Complex, it’s Different. Unique is the new Normal. Fast is the new Efficient. Long is the new Boring and Hardwork is the new Stressful to them.

by some researchers and The Millennial redefined the social engagement and by Abdul’RaheemBalogun created the Social Media Universe as the ultimate generational value binder and this is where we are today, but the truth remains unchanged, the cohort within this category To decode this cypher, you have to They are generally described as narcissistic, are extremely difficult to predict and profile. understand two things, one is that the self-interested, unfocused, lazy, excessively answers sit in their description, and two you attracted to instant gratification, they have to think like them or better yet, The fluidity of this group of people is the gravitate towards whatever makes them in most unique feature of the group, thus become one of them, a Zeeter, knowing fully control, content creator, hate to wait, highly marketing to them should be the same, well that they like to be creators (LOL is now engrossed with their mobile phones, they there is a new definition to the word normal a word in the dictionary), we need to let overtly feel entitled. them be just that, by developing meaningful to them and trust me its anything but normal. In the short future, Music Stations platforms that helps them maximize this All negative and no positive, and this is trait as creators. like MTV Base will be the Prime News because of the difficulty for the marketers to Source for them which is presumable going wrap their mind around the thinking if this to last for 3mins at the most, then Youtube Lifestyle promotion and enhancement generation and it is because of one thing,; will replace all forms of Televised programs Solutions designed on an accessible and Value Association. simple that connects them to the world. because they will like full control of what Social and engagement platforms that helps they watch. Software apps like Whatsapp Value association in this context is used to will replace virtually their formal them with their inter-personal relationship describe what centrally binds a generation, communication lines and email becoming deficiency. An instant measurement tool what makes the cohort a united unit, a that shows how well you are revered nothing but sign-in information protocol, common denominator to every member of amongst the society, in short, anything that Virtual banking companies like ?? will the age class, a common topic or ideology helps reduce stress. dominate the banking world, operating that everyone can relate with; The Silent without any physical outlet for customer Generation had Race as their uniting value interface because they are not physically This generation is not Complex, it’s and racial discrimination was the convener social creatures, they are virtually social Different. Unique is the new Normal. Fast is of this idea. The Baby Boomers had Faith as creatures. This will take the same route that the new Efficient. Long is the new Boring the common idea that bonded them, and and Hardwork is the new Stressful to them. Google and Wikipedia have towed in Religion as the vehicle of reach, Generation alienating the Customary Library, slow and X had the Socio-communal existence So, keep it simple, fresh and fast. They will lethal. (Groups and Associations) as their binding come to you. ideology, this has been argued to be sports

48 VZ Explore

VZ EXPLORE Every year our team of champions take a walk on the wild side and explore the world around us and when the globe of the world map was span, our nger landed on Nigeria. Hello Abeokuta. If you have been to Abeokuta and missed out on the sights, sounds and scenery that is the Olumo Rock towering 137 meters above the city, then you best head back there. The adventure that was the rock climbing experience was a cross between Fear Factor and Survivor which left many turning back and refusing to dare the rest of the climb. The view was impressive and the perfect location for our mannequin challenge video. We know the takeout from any team building session are the benets of collaboration and strategic thinking but boy-o-boy did the activities bring out the competitor in us all. I can still see the stripping going on to achieve the longest line. Talk about groove – pool party, club hopping, dinner dates … some things should not be spoken of post VZ Explore. Great town, Great People, Great Experience. Where do we go next ...



52 Innovention Series




Excerpts from Keynote Speech by

Joel Chimhanda Founder, JC Capital


ne of the most important things in my life is an African life that is worth living. So, when I was invited to speak, what I decided to do was give African ways that we can change the continent. Today, the company that's the most successful media business is owned by an African business. If I tell you to check for the richest industrialist in Africa it is a Nigerian. Go and check out the website "BRAND AFRICA", business reports for the past 5 years. Nigerian brands are in the top 50 when you look at strength per capita in Africa. Why? Because UBA, Etisalat, Dangote etc are there. If you count four people in Africa, one of them is a Nigerian. Why are the Nigerians not developed? We are 200 million people and there are 800 million people in the continent. YET with all of this, you can't say you are developed if you take 2 hours to commute from one place to the airport, you can't because some fundamentals are wrong! People say that South Africans are corrupt, but South Africa is the only country that after its independence (in 1994), its own leadership has invested and re- invested in the economy. Check out how many kilometres of road network have been done by Mandela and Jacob Zuma since independence over 20 years ago; check out how many houses have been built. Another issue to resolve is to note that aid is not the solution to Africa's problem and why Africa needs its own “Silicon Valley”. What is Silicon Valley anyway? Silicon valley is a place that a number of people can put forward 3 trillion USD or 5 trillion USD and say anyone can come with an idea and if the idea makes sense, we'll support it and we will do that with a percent of the capital. We can have 50 ideas and if the 50 ideas are tried, we only need 10 or so. If you put one trillion into ideas and the four hundred billion yields Facebook, Pinterest, Skype, Whatsapp; then the 600 billion dollars that's lost does not matter because these four companies are worth 10 trillion dollars. It has to be done by somebody somewhere. And that's what Africa needs to do. Now on the topic of industrialization – you can't compete globally without an industrialized


economy and to achieve that you need to build infrastructure first. Infrastructure means the ports, the harbours, the rail networks, the airports, the bus system and so on. Now African development bank requires 100 billion dollars to put the power necessary; it requires 300 billion dollars to put the rail networks to fix Africa; it requires 400 billion USD for the mines in the industrialization of the continent; we need more than 1 trillion USD for us to get the right roads, ports, harbours, to get them to function. To do that there has to be innovation in financing 90% of Africans are unbanked, the banking system is structured in a way where it is mimicking and addressing the western business model. $25 billion comes into Nigeria from diaspora. Western Union in turn charges between 10 and 15%of that money- we are talking about 2.5 to 2.7 billion dollars. Why can't we put a switch in the mechanism that enables technology to come without us trying to pay that. Banking is about three things; the first is about exchange, the second is about regulation, the third thing is about a switch. A Nigerian man created a switch Etranzact and he still cannot do business with banks in South Africa, all of them. And funny thing is that is product costs just 20% of

the one currently used all around. Does the woman in Port Harcourt, Kano, Enugu, Ogun etc require a EMV compliant card? The answer is NO! We don't need to go through a postilion switch to get her 5,000 naira? When the 5,000 naira reaches her in Kano, it has become 2,700 naira because the bank and the switch and transportation and everything now cost another 2,000 naira. The government of Nigeria can own a switch to pay all its salaries. No need for a VISA card or a Mastercard. An African solution addresses an African challenge. Who will find the solution for the little lady living on her own whose son is a PhD holder and sends a thousand dollars a month to her of which western Union takes 150 dollars every month, so she receives 850 USD and then she spends some of it on a taxi and she's left with 600 USD. We are participating in an immoral exercise instead of creating a switch in Africa that aggregates 200 million people that live on less than a dollar a day. When we can use our strength as a huge number of people to find a solution. All these points I am making is that a person should get a house, should be dressed properly, should get education, should have healthcare, should have a regular job or business and where we live today, should have something that they leave for their children, their children's children, and their children's children's children. Which is inter-generational wealth transfer.

One of the most important things in my life is an African life that is worth living.

56 Quantum Awards



vz Additions


VZ Birthdays 59

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