Sample Nepal Itinerary: Trekking Langtang

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Tr ek k i n g L an gt an g A Sam pl e Itin er ar y


The Art of Adventure Travel

Trekking Langt ang: A Sampl e It inerary


epal lays in the heart of the Himalaya and every aspect of this small nation has been shaped by this rugged terrain. The landscape is varied, beautiful and challenging and the culture of the people that call is home is just as impressive. This custom itinerary has been hand crafted to offer you both the chance to experience all the magic that Nepal has to offer in one of the most beautiful corners of the country. This itinerary is short but sweet! This will keep you close to the Kathmandu valley (making access/ timing fit best for you) and you will also be in the foothills of the world?s biggest mountains - ideal! With no domestic flights required, great days on the trail and amazing potential for views (weather permitting!) - this trek offers a lot for just a handful of days on the trail. The trek will start with some moderately challenging days on the trail - between the uphill and the elevation gains the trail will steady uphill through the forests, but as you get high enough to break through the forests you?ll find views of some magnificent peaks around you. All of that said, please note that this itinerary is designed to be an outline to structure as a jumping off point to customize this experience just for you. The best part of doing a custom trip is that you get to follow the path that is of most interest to you. There is something special about the role or serendipity on treks, and in this case we hope it takes you wherever your dreams inspire you.

Above t he Cl ouds, Inc. | PO Box 1566 | Burlington VT 05402 | (800) 233 44 99 | |


Itin er ar y Detail s This journey is all about your experience. Our goal is to create an itinerary in reflection of the interests and requests you've shared. We do our best facilitating opportunities for adventure that allow you to enjoy them, in whatever way feels right to you. While we wont be by your side during your travels, we are always here to support and help along the way. Please, don't ever hesitate to reach out for help. We are always here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The Art of Adventure Travel

Day-By-Day 01: Arrive Kathmandu today. You'll be met upon arrival and escorted to the hotel. Most flight arrive late in the evening , which generally makes traffic light and getting over jetlag easier. After a quick transit to your hotel and a smooth check-in, you will hopefully get a great night sleep to ensure your bodies are on the new time zone right away. Hotel Tibet . 02: Today is a full day to explore the city, prepare for trek and if you're at all interested, you can do a full gear check to ensure that you have everything you need for your upcoming adventure. The goal is to prep, get over some of your jet lag and give you a bit a buffer in case of any international travel delays. This evening you'll meet with your guide and together head into town for a lovely welcome dinner before getting a good night rest before trek! Hotel Tibet . (B, D) 03: Early this morning you?ll be met with your

guide and driver and together you?ll head north of Kathmandu valley to Syabrubesi (5,000 ft) (approximately 6 hrs). Upon arrival you?ll gather your gear and begin trek! Today will be a solid and hearty start to your trek, offering you lots of uphill through the pine and rhododendron forests to the Lama Hotel (8,140ft) for your first night on trek (approximately 4 hrs). Local Lodge. (B, L, D)

04: Today is a full day hike up and above camp and returning to the same site. The goal is to give your bodies a chance to rest, acclimatize to the elevation and prepare for your upcoming adventure. Local Lodge. (B, L, D) 05: This morning you?ll rise early and after breakfast, hit the trail! As you begin this morning, the trail begins winding you through the forest. As you follow the trail you will want to keep your eyes peeled for monkeys (both Langur and Rhesus monkeys call this

Above t he Cl ouds, Inc. | PO Box 1566 | Burlington VT 05402 | (800) 233 44 99 | |


area home), a wide variety of birds and some truly beautiful flora and fauna. As you continue on today the trail widens and opens as you gain elevation and head both upwards and northwards. Today is roughly 6-7 hours on the trail and the distance wont be as great as yesterday, the elevation gain will be the most challenging part. Heading farther up into the Himalaya as the day goes on you?ll want to move slowly and take your time up to Langtang Village (11,480ft). The elevation can heavily impact your bodies, and it's an odd factor as it is largely unpredictable in terms of how it will affect you. Once you arrive, the rest of your day is at leisure, the most important things to do are to rest, drink a lot of water and give yourselves the chance to acclimatize to the altitude. Local Lodge. (B, L, D)

06: Today's trek is approximately 4 hours and climbs gradually through small villages and Yak pastures as the valley opens itself further and the views become more extensive. After following the trail across several small streams and through the moraines, you will arrive at your destination for the evening, the village of Kyanjin (12,460ft). If weather cooperates, there is the potential for views of some of the Himalayan giants that guard over the Langtang Valley - Langtang Lirung (23,800 ft), Langtang Ri (21,000 ft) and Dorje Lhakpa (22,900 ft)! While views from the trail will (hopefully) be great - the village it self is in a dramatic setting surrounded in almost all directions by the snow covered peaks of the Himalayas! This afternoon is at leisure to give you both a chance to enjoy your new surroundings, but also to give your bodies a chance to recover and prep for the coming days on the trail. Local Lodge. (B, L, D) The Art of Adventure Travel

07: Today is scheduled rest day. The air up here is far thinner than our bodies are familiar with and it is vital to give your body some recovery time so that you can enjoy the final upward push into the base of hte biggest mountains on earth. Local Lodge. (B, L, D) 08: This is going to be one of your longer days on the trail, you'll wake early and depart for a day trip to Tserko Ri (16,500 ft). While the round trip will take you approximately 7 hours, the trail is gradual and the day should be a very enjoyable one. The trail will take you through alpine meadows, well above the tree line paths of just a few days ago, to the pass that offers panoramic views of the entire valley! You'll return to your now familiar overnight spot in time for dinner and to get a good nights rest before traveling onwards tomorrow. Local Lodge. (B, L, D) 09: Heading down from the heights of the previous treks you?ll begin to give your body some recovery time from the pushing of the last few days. As you head (mostly) downhill today for approximately 6-7 hours to Ghore Tabela (9,200 ft) you can take your time and enjoy the views (also knowns as the fruits of your labor). Local Lodge. (B, L, D) 10: After breakfast this morning you?ll once again head downhill towards the trail head that will now be familiar territory. You should expect appropriately 6 hours on the trail heading back to Syabrubesi.

experienced. Wrapping up trek with one last night out in hills is always a great treat! Local Lodge. (B, L, D)

11: This morning you and your guide will board your awaiting vehicle and head back to Kathmandu. You will all arrive back into the capital by early afternoon and you'll travel directly to your hotel. After time on the trail and so much travel to get there and back, one of the best joys is to clean up, rest and recover! Your hotel has beautiful grounds, great food and is a lovely place to celebrate your trek. Hotel Tibet. (B, L)

12: Today is scheduled for sightseeing all around the Kathmandu Valley. The valley is home to four cities? Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur and Kirtipur? each of which was its own kingdom prior to Nepal?s founding in 1769. The first of these days is also a backup day for your flight from Tumlingtar to Kathmandu in case of bad weather.! Hotel Tibet (B) 13: Depending upon the time of your scheduled departure, it molt likely that much of the day will be at your leisure. By late afternoon you will be met and transferred to a local restaurant (one of our personal favorites!) for a special farewell dinner. After your final Nepali meal, you'll be transferred to the airport for your on ward flights home. (B, D) End of Services.

While much of the trail will be familiar as you retrace your steps from high up in the mountains back into the forests, the time on the trail often changes the way it's Above t he Cl ouds, Inc. | PO Box 1566 | Burlington VT 05402 | (800) 233 44 99 | |


It inerary Cost ing: Nepal Land Cost s: $4,950 per person (based on a group of four & double sharing throughout) Incl udes: Pre-travel assistance & support, all listed accommodations, meals as indicated within the itinerary, all airport transfers, private guide, car and driver for all listed sight seeing, trekking services (guide/ staff), all communal camping equipment and all required trekking permits & fees. Not incl uded: International & domestic airfare, Nepali Visa, tips to the guide and staff, arrangements outside those listed, Travel/ Medical Evacuation Insurance and personal items such as bottled or alcoholic beverages, laundry, telephone, shopping, etc...

It inerary Not es: -

Trek Difficulty: Moderate - Difficult


Duration of trip: 12 days/ nights


Duration of trek: 8 days/ nights

Highl ight s: -

Trek in the foothills of the Himalayan giants!


Visit villages along the way of this tea house trek.


Hike through high meadows, pastures, mountain passes and stunning landscapes of Nepal!


Explore the medieval capital of Nepal - Kathmandu.

Trek Not es: This trek is short but sweet! It offers superb day hikes, potential for spectacular views (weather permitting of course!) and wonderful days on the trail. However it does include high altitude trekking and it is vital to be aware of the elevations included. To allow for a successful, enjoyable and healthy trek, this itinerary has been created with rest days, acclimatization allowances and is paced to allow for the greatest likelihood of a successful experience. The Art of Adventure Travel





Arrive Kathmandu, met upon arrival and transferred to hotel.

Hotel Tibet


Optional sight seeing & gear check. Welcome dinner. (B, D)

Hotel Tibet


Drive to Syabrubesi (5,000 ft) (6 hrs), hike to Lama Hotel (8,140ft) (4 hrs). (B, L, D)

Local Lodge


Day hike & return to Lama Hotel.

Local Lodge


Hike to Langtang Village (11,480ft) (6-7 hrs). (B, L, D)

Local Lodge


Hike to Kyanjin (12,460ft). (4 hrs) (B, L, D)

Local Lodge


Rest day for acclimatization.

Local Lodge


Day hike to Tserko Ri (16,500 ft) & return Kyanjin. (7 hrs) (B, L, D) Local Lodge


Hike to Ghore Tabela (9,200 ft). (6-7 hours) (B, L, D)

Local Lodge


Hike Syabrubesi (5,000 ft). (6 hours) (B, L, D)

Local Lodge


Drive to Kathmandu (6 hours), afternoon at leisure. (B, L)

Hotel Tibet


Full day at your leisure to enjoy & explore Kathmandu! (B)

Hotel Tibet


3/ 4 day in Kathmandu, afternoon pick up from your hotel for a final farewell dinner en route to the airport for flight home. (B, D) End of Services.


Above t he Cl ouds, Inc. | PO Box 1566 | Burlington VT 05402 | (800) 233 44 99 | |


Terms & Condit ions 1. CONTRACTI NG PARTI ES


These Terms and Conditions are legally binding between the traveler(s) and Above the Clouds, Inc. herein referred to as ATC.

All accommodation, room type(s) and specification are as shown in the itinerary.

ATC provides handling of baggage only as specified in the quotation. Weight restrictions for baggage on some routes on internal/domestic flights may apply; details of which will be provided with pre-tour documentation. Baggage and personal effects are at the owner ?s risk throughout the tour and ATC assumes no liability for lost or damaged baggage. Baggage insurance is strongly advised. Please check with your international carrier for other baggage restrictions applicable to your international flight.



- Bank transfer / Check

Meals are as shown in the itinerary.

Hotel taxes as imposed by city and state governments are included. Airport taxes are included only where specified in the itinerary. Gratuities for guides, drivers, porters, camp staff, ship crew and Tour Managers are not included and are at the discretion of the traveler.

ATC cannot guarantee that all payment methods will be accepted and ATC will therefore advise of the most suitable payment method at the time of deposit.



The tour price includes planning, handling and operational charges and is quoted based on the current rates of exchange and tariffs. Entrance fees as part of scheduled sightseeing tours are also included in this price. This price is subject to revision in line with significant changes in foreign currency, tariff rates, taxes etc.

All cancellations must be received in writing.

2. ACCEPTANCE OF THESE TERMS PLEASE NOTE: Acceptance of a quotation from ATC constitutes acceptance of these Terms and Conditions which take effect immediately. 3. ACCOMMODATI ON:

5. TRANSFERS: Transfers are provided where specified in the itinerary. 6. I TI NERARY: Accommodation and arranged sightseeing are subject to change at any time due to unforeseen circumstances or circumstances beyond ATC?s control. Every effort will be made to operate tours as planned, but alterations may occur after the final itinerary has been issued. ATC also reserves the right to withdraw a tour or any part of it, to make such alterations to the itinerary or the tour inclusions as it deems necessary or desirable, and to pass on to tour members any expenditures or losses caused by delays or events beyond its control. In case of any appreciable variation in the tour price due to these circumstances, ATC reserves the right to make adjustments to the tour costs as necessary. 7. SPECI AL REQUESTS: Specific requests should be advised at time of booking. Please note that every effort will be made to secure special requests, however; they cannot be guaranteed. 8. TRANSPORTATI ON: Transportation will be as specified in the itinerary.

12. EXCLUSI ONS: The cost of obtaining passports, visas, excess baggage charges, items of a personal nature such as drinks, laundry, telephone calls, fax charges and excess baggage charges unless expressly included in writing, are not included in the tour price. 13. PHOTOGRAPHY: ATC reserves the right to take photographs during the operation of any program or part thereof and to use them for promotional purposes. By booking a program with ATC, travelers agree to allow their images to be used in such photographs. Travelers who prefer that their images not be used are asked to identify themselves to ATC prior to The Art of Adventure Travel

final payment and they will be exempted from this photography waiver clause. 14. REGI STRATI ON: A non-refundable deposit of $600 per person is required at the time of booking. All airfare is due upon time of booking and is also non-refundable. The remainder of the total cost is due September 9, 2016. 15. PAYMENT METHOD: Payments may be made by the following methods: - Credit card

Payments made by credit card to ATC will be subject to additional credit card processing fees.

16.1 Cancellations received between 90 days or more from the start date of this itinerary will result in the loss of the deposit. 16.1.1 Cancellations received between 45 and 89 days of the start of an itinerary will be subject to a cancellation charge 50% of the total price. 16.1.2 Cancellations received 44 days or less from the start date of the itinerary will be subject to a forfeiture of the entire total price. 16.2 Cancellation of airline tickets result in a total loss. 16.3 The purchase of special event tickets is subject to the refund policy of each individual event. 16.4 ATC reserves the right to charge for financial penalties, fees and losses incurred as a result of cancellation.

Terms & Condit ions 17. CLAI MS AND REFUNDS:

depart on time.

Refunds are not made for any missed services, except for verifiable extenuating circumstances. Please see our LIMITS ON ATC?S RESPONSIBILITY clause below. For verifiable claims to be considered, they must be received in writing within 30 days of the termination of the program. Any adjustment considered will be based on the actual price of the services involved and not on a per diem basis. Adjustments will not be made for unused sightseeing trips or meals. ATC will not accept any liability for any claims that are not received within 30 days of the termination of your program. All claims for days missed while traveling should be made in writing within 30 days of the program.

There are many inherent risks in adventure travel of the type involved here, which can lead to illness, injury or even death. These risks are increased by the fact that these trips take place in remote locations, far from medical facilities. Passenger assumes all such risks associated with participating in this trip.


b) if alternative travel arrangements or products are not offered by ATC, ATC will make a prompt proportional refund of monies paid by the traveler.

Above the Clouds Inc, its employees, shareholders, officers, directors, successors, agents and assigns does not own or operate any entity which is to or does provide goods or services for your trip. It purchases transportation (by aircraft, coach, train, vessel or otherwise), hotel and other lodging accommodations, restaurant, ground handling and other services from various independent suppliers. All such persons and entities are independent contractors. As a result, ATC is not liable for any negligent or willful act of any such person or entity or of any third person. In addition and without limitation, ATC is not responsible for any injury, financial or physical loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection to the provision of any goods or services whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force major, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labor activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of aircraft or other means of transportation or for failure of any transport mechanism to arrive or

18.1 In the event of a cancellation or material alteration to the trip as a result of the circumstances as described in this clause ATC may in their sole and absolute discretion: a) offer the traveler(s) alternative travel arrangements or products of comparable standard as may be appropriate in the circumstances; or

18.2 ATC may charge a reasonable fee to cover the administration costs associated with providing alternative travel arrangements or products. 18.3 If a material alteration becomes necessary within 90 days of the departure date for any reason other than the circumstances described in this clause, ATC will endeavor to offer comparable products or a full refund of all monies paid by the traveler(s). 19. HEALTH PRECAUTI ONS: Please ensure that you consult your personal physician about anti malaria precautions and other inoculations and vaccinations before travel. 20. TRAVEL ADVI SORI ES/ WARNI NGS: It is the responsibility of travelers to become informed about the most current travel advisories and warnings by referring to their respective government agencies. In the event of an active State Department or government agency Travel Warning against travel to specific destination location(s) of the trip, should the traveler still choose to travel, notwithstanding any travel advisory or warning, the traveler assumes all

risk of personal injury, death or property damage that may arise out of the events like those advised or warned against. 21. TRAVELERS?REPRESENTATI ONS: Traveler(s) represent(s) that neither he nor anyone traveling with him has any physical condition or disability that could create a hazard to himself or other members of the tour. ATC reserves the right to remove from the trip, at the sole expense of the traveler, anyone whose condition is such that he or she could create a hazard to himself or others, or otherwise impact the enjoyment of other passengers on the trip. 22. AI R TRANSPORTATI ON: Airlines concerned are not to be held responsible for any act, omission or event occurring while passengers are not on board their aircraft. International air carriers are also subject to international air conventions limiting their liability. These limitations of liability are explained on the e-ticket or on the reverse of the airline ticket and when issued, this constitutes the sole contract between the respective air carrier(s) and their passengers. 23. PASSPORT & VI SAS Please note that passport holders are responsible for obtaining the required documentation applicable for entry. Please note also that passports must be valid for six (6) months before departure and should also have sufficient blank pages for visas and immigrations stamps. ATC cannot be held responsible should you be denied entry to a country due to non-compliance with these requirements. 24. TRAVEL I NSURANCE: ATC strongly recommend all clients take out comprehensive travel insurance prior to date of travel. This insurance should cover cancellation and curtailment, all medical expenses including evacuation/repatriation, personal baggage, personal liability, death and permanent disability and travel document insurance. ATC cannot be held responsible for any costs arising from such loss or injury.

Above t he Cl ouds, Inc. | PO Box 1566 | Burlington VT 05402 | (800) 233 44 99 | |


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