V G G S pulled Gujarat out of quake, bank crisis: P M Modi
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India-U S ties will touch a new high, says Jaishankar
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V G G S pulled Gujarat out of quake, bank crisis: P M Modi
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India-U S ties will touch a new high, says Jaishankar
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Anusha Singh & Shefali Saxena
Britain celebrates Eid, Diwali, Holi, Durga Puja Navratri and many more festivals f r o m e t h n i c m i n o r i t y c o m m u n i t i e sm o s t o f w h o m c a m e t o t h e U K a s immigrants who wanted to make a better life than they had before. Over the years, t h e y c o n t r i b u t e d t o b u i l d i n g t h e c o u n t r y ' s s o c i a l f a b r i c a n d t h e y t r u l y m a k e B r i t a i n m u l t i c u l t u r a l i n e v e r y s e n s e T h e s e c o m m u n i t i e s a r e t h e backbone of the nation, irrespective of the socio-political issues that surround t h e m , w h i c h i s a n o r m a l r o u t i n e f o r e v e r y c o u n t r y a c r o s s t h e g l o b e T o d e b a t e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m i n a c o u n t r y t h a t a c t u a l l y o w e s a l o t m o r e t o i t s i m m i g r a n t s i s a n e v e r e n d i n g p h e n o m e n o n . T h e m a g i c o f B r i t a i n ' s multiculturalism lies in its communities that have thrived over decades to make B r i t a i n g r e a t N o t t o f o r g e t t h a t w e currently boast of the most ethnically diverse cabinet in the UK government
Continued on page 12
The Cricket World Cup will begin on Oct 5 w i t h E n g l a n d f a c i n g N e w Z e a l a n d i n Ahmedabad and the same venue hosting the final on Nov 19, organisers said, with the schedule for the showpiece in India also confirming Pakistan's participation.
T h e f i x t u r e s w e r e r e v e a l e d b y t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C r i c k e t C o u n c i l d u r i n g a n event in Mumbai, less than four months before the start of the 50-overs tournament, with the delay partly due to sour p o l i t i c a l r e l a t i o n s b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d Pakistan
Continued on page 32
Ani ma Gupta A gga rwal is a philanthropi st, entrepreneur an d active leader in m ultiple charitie s and NGOs She has twen tyf i ve years of e xperienc e worki ng ac ros s the corporate and notfor-prof it s ectors in the U K, Swi tzerland , the Netherlan ds an d Indi a She si ts on the Exe cutive B oard of Pa rdada Pardadi
Educ ational Soci ety UK , a n NGO supportin g sys temic chan ge and empowerme nt of rural girls i n I ndia which educates over 3000 girls in Uttar Pradesh She i s also a foun ding mem ber a nd on the Executive Board of eSHIFT Partner Network, a Swis s- based not- for-prof it leader i n national di gital health architec ture across emergi ng ma rke ts
Anima has previously been employed by both The World Health Organisation and UNAIDS (Switzerland) in senior roles
Her qualif ications include an MSc in Software Engineering from the University of Oxford and an MSc in Management Sciences & Operational Research from the University of Warwick Anima enjoys swimming, yoga and learning about holistic complementary treatments "
1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?
Having lived in India, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey and the UK, I feel home is where the heart is Home is not about a physical place but about embracing the best that your surroundings have to offer
2) What are your proudest achievements?
Completing my master’s with a distinction from the University of Oxford, whilst working for the World Health Organisation and raising two young kids
3) What inspires you?
Knowing that the good of humanity prevails, and that in spite of all the negative, the world is full of incredible, motivated, kind people I am inspired by the fact there is always more power in goodness than in fault
4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career?
Cultural norms, gender expectations and familial obligations have often caused self-doubt of my capabilities and role in the world However, they have also taught me how to be resilient and persevere, personally and professionally
5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?
My mother, who has been a constant source of guidance, and physical and mental support throughout my life and career
6) What is the best aspect about your current role?
Firstly, it is having the ability to enable
S ue l la Br a v e r m a n h a s d eclin ed t o pr ovi de con f id e n t ia l br i e f i n g s t o M e m be r s o f P a r li a m e n t re gard ing the ex pense s a ssociate d wit h sen ding asylum see ker s to Rwan da for a sylu m c la im p r oc e ssi n g a n d re sett lem ent
long-term sustainable change through Pardada Pardadi Educational Society, who educate and empower girls in the underprivileged areas of Uttar Pradesh, India Secondly, it is being able to f irst-hand witness what girls are capable of when given the chance and opportunity to grow and flourish
7) And the worst?
Knowing that despite the changes being made and the numerous lives being impacted by charities like Pardada Pardadi, the work being done is only a ‘drop in the ocean ’ Being aware of the fact that there is so much more help needed
8) What are your long-term goals?
To continue making a difference and changing the world, one-person at a time, with the belief that one individual can start a ripple effect of positive change
9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?
I would reintroduce heart-cantered teaching and learning into schools I believe in the power of a holistic education, where children are not only taught academically, but learn the importance of being good, kind, honest human beings
10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why?
Though perhaps not entirely historical, Michelle Obama - because of her impactful stance on women ’ s empowerment and girls’ education, as well as her motivation to truly make a difference with her life
New stat is ti cs rev e al t ha t the num ber of racist incid ents reported by NHS per-
sonnel h as d oubled to ov er 40 0 annually over th e p ast f iv e years
In the 2022/23 period, there were 437 incidents, a notable increase from 213 incidents reported in 2018/19 This f igure surpasses the count for 2021/22, during which NHS staff reported 384 racist incidents The data was compiled from 12 out of Scotland's 14 health boards, as two were unable to supply the requested information
The Scottish Liberal Democrats obtained these f igures through a Freedom of Information request The party's leader and health spokesman, Alex ColeHamilton, expressed his sadness, stating that it deeply saddens him to think that dedicated NHS staff or vulnerable patients might have to endure racial abuse
During the summer, the efforts of the Public Accounts Committee to gain insight into the f inancial aspects of the UK's agreement with the Rwandan government were obstructed Off icials cited "commercial sensitivity" as the reason for withholding certain f igures from the public Home Off ice permanent secretar y Sir Matthew
Suella BravermanRycroft has now conf irmed that the Home Secretary has determined that it would not be "appropriate" for the committee to access the f inancial details of the agreement, as she has decided that these details "should
When questioned by the Public Accounts Committee in July, Rycroft was asked about media reports indicating that the cost of deporting an asylum seeker under the UK-Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership was just under £170,000, while processing an asylum application domestically costs £106,000 Rycroft characterised these f igures as "proxy numbers" derived from the cost of processing claims in the UK but was unable to provide further f inancial details of the agreement when pressed for more information
T h e g o v ern m ent p la ns to raise visa fees and immig rati o n h eal th s u rch a rg e s t o generate extra rev enue, but th e re ar e c o n ce rns th at th e s e i n cr eas es m ay no t ef fec ti v e ly re d u c e rec o rdh i g h i m m i g ra ti o n le v el s , acco rding to The Tim es
Starting on October 4, the cost of most visa and British citizenship applications will increase by 15 to
20 percent Additionally, the immigration health surcharge will see a substantial 66 percent rise, reaching £1,035 per year by 2024
An analysis of these changes indicates that the Home Off ice could gain nearly £3,000 per application The additional revenue from visa applications is intended to offset the rising costs associated with the
influx of migrants arriving in the UK via small boats and the growing backlog of asylum cases, which is currently at a record high Immigration minister Robert Jenrick has asserted that the health surcharge increase, which migrants must pay annually to access the NHS, will contribute to the Home Off ice's efforts to curb immigration
After ser vi ng as the representati ve for Readi ng West sinc e 2010, Si r Alok Sharma revealed that hi s dec ision to step down as an MP was not made lightly
In a statement shared on Tuesday (26) via the social media platform X, Sir Alok expressed, “I have this evening informed my local Conser vative Association that I have decided not to stand at the next General Election and therefore do not seek to be adopted as the Conservative candidate
for the revised seat of Reading West & Mid Berkshire This has not been an easy decision for me ”
The India-born MP expressed that it was the “honour of my life to serve as the MP for a constituency in the town where I grew up and a privilege to serve in Government and represent the UK on the international stage ”
Over 40 Tor y MPs, including former Health Secretary Sajid Javid, have
already declared they will not run for re-election to the House of Commons
Pu blic hearings will ta ke p la ce i n Leicester as part o f an inquiry into the d i s o rd er th at o cc u rred i n c ertai n areas of th e city last ye ar T h i s i n qu i r y, hosted by the Sch ool o f O ri en tal and A fr ic an S tu d i es ( S OA S ) at th e University of London, is distinct from the Governmentcom missioned rev iew
Following the violence and unrest, primarily involving members of the Hindu and Muslim communities in August and September of
the previous year, there were calls for an investigation to determine its causes
The anti-racism charity, The Monitoring Group, had been active in Leicester since May 2022, prior to the outbreak of violence
Subsequently, they engaged with various com-
munity groups and individuals affected by the unrest It was during these interactions that requests were made for an inquiry to establish the events, reasons behind them, strategies for prevention, and the promotion of community harmony
The plans for this inquiry were initially disclosed in June of this year and were formally announced during a briefing held in Leicester last week
Multiculturalism is defined as a situation in which all the different cultural or racial groups in a society have equal rights and opportunities, and none is ignored or regarded as unimportant
Is multiculturalism successful in Britain? Let’s look at Britain’s history Over the years, Britain has had foreigners coming and settling down The recent has been in 50 years ago, the arrival of Ugandan Asians Of course, there were hesitations as well as political apathy towards a different race settling down on Britain’s soil and all the debates about resources and inability to cope with the population growth, were dismissed as the community integrated, boosting and adding to Britain’s economy immensely
There are problems with multiculturalism As columnist Kenan Malik points out in The Guardian, for some it’s a victory of diversity, while for others it’s a loss of opportunity
Multiculturism as a social concept, has been a huge success in Britain When you have a Prime Minister and Home Secretary from the minority community, may what they believe as an individual or politician about multiculturalism holds less importance here- because they are the product of it Britain’s richest is an Asian family, and we have so many success stories- all a direct effect of a thriving multicultural society, despite any issues or problems
In politics, however, multiculturalism isn’t the same
In politics it stands for “ a set of policies and practices, the aim of which is to manage diversity by putting people into ethnic and cultural boxes, and using those boxes to define p e o p l e ’ s n e e d s a n d o b l i g a t i o n s ” , a c c o r d i n g t o T h e Guardian And this allows, divide and rule from the rulersto the extent of treating multiculturalism as a product of mass migration that made social policies a failure and minorities a “problem”
When the Asian or African migration had happened to Britain, the reason was to live a well secured and financially viable life for those who did not Better than their families in colonies or erstwhile colonies But that led to integration and today every community individually is well structured, well-knit – holding a separate identity When they arrived, they all appeared to be “dispensible immigrants” trying to find their feet in Britain, but an “invisible” solidarity existed within their “vulnerability” But the barriers that have cropped up with time, enhanced by socio-politico policies, concentration of wealth, have now aggravated tensions within immigrant communities or faiths, as we witness The ambiguity within multiculturalism, as Malik points out has also benefitted the right wing to recreate racism - an old wine in a new bottle
But whatever be the debate around the success of multiculturalism is– good, bad or ugly, one cannot overlook the fact that it’s simply a part of our lives in Britain and there is absolutely no doubt that it thrives!
The political climate in India is sweltering as the greatest democracy in the world gears up for the Lok Sabha elections The centre-ruling party has started campaigning for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections unusually early If the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) wins the general election in 2024, it will lead the country for the third consecutive year, but for the opposition it will be a great disaster
According to news sources, the party wants their report cards to be produced "well in time" before the elections
Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reign, the BJP received 37 36 percent of the vote share in 2019, roughly 6 percent more than in 2014 With this increase the BJP tallied to 303 on its own The party is expected to capture at least 350 seats in the coming election Congress, which served as the focal point of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), lost 44 seats in 2014 and 52 seats in 2019 On July 18, the UPA rebranded itself as the INDIA alliance, which stands for Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance of 26 parties, and the NDA displayed its strength with 38 parties coming together INDIA includes members of the erstwhile UPA, headed by the Indian National Congress This recast has proved to be beneficial, especially with the Janata Dal-United (JD-U) and the Shiv Sena (Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray) joining its fold Despite tacitly accepting Congress as a leading party, all the alliance partners of INDIA alliance are unable to declare Rahul Gandhi as the combined prime
In both 2019 and 2014, the Congress lost more than 80 percent of its seats in direct contests with the BJP In the Hindi heartland belt of Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chattisgarh, even after forming a government, the BJP under PM Narendra Modi could win 90 percent of seats in these three states in the Lok Sabha elections in 2019 The Congress s resurgence can best be evaluated by assessing its performance in three key states Despite facing some localised anti-incumbency sentiments, the BJP managed to secure more seats in 2019, often with larger margins compared to 2014 Given the current political situation, it appears to be a formidable challenge for the Congress party to reverse this trend
The BJP was not beaten by India's rising, but rather by its incorrect political assessment in Uttar Pradesh, where it chose to go with Mulayam Singh over Mayawati, and where in 2003 its cadre felt demotivated with no delivery or commitment on ideological issues Ram Mandir will be opened to Darshan in January 2024, and the BJP in Uttar Pradesh will be stronger in 2023 than it was in 2018
H o n e s t l y , e i t h e r t h e M a h a g a t h b a n d h a n ( g r a n d coalition) of 2019 or the renamed UPA (INDIA) of 2024 have been able to address the fundamental issue they have not been able to present a leader with the same level of popularity and broad societal influence as PM Narendra
ModiDuring his recent visit to the United States, India s Union Minister of External Affairs, S Jaishankar, addressed concerns regarding Canada with his American counterparts a n d e x p r e s s e d a p p r e h e n s i o n s a b o u t t h e p r e s e n c e o f extremist elements within the country
J a i s h a n k a r m a d e a s t r o n g r e m a r k s t a t i n g , " F o r Americans, perhaps, Canada looks very different but it depends where the shoe pinches For us it has certainly been a country where organised crime from India mixed with trafficking in people, mixed with secessionism, violence, terrorism - it's a very toxic combination of issues and people who have found operating space there ”
The Union Minister’s strong political acumen has been evident in his public statements like this His clear stance was also prominently highlighted when he, politely but firmly, underscored the significance of considering national interests and collective responsibility, transcending political boundaries, especially when representing the country on the international stage This was after Congress l e a d e r R a h u l G a n d h i s r e p e a t e d c r i t i c i s m s o f P r i m e Minister Narendra Modi and his government during his U S visit earlier this year
Jaishankar, entrusted with the responsibility of succeeding the beloved Sushma Swaraj, has successfully carved out his own identity and demonstrated remarkable zeal, not disappointing the nation While Swaraj is celebrated as India's most cherished politician for her unwavering dedication to assisting distressed Indians abroad, Jaishankar has proven to be the articulate spokesperson India has long needed
He is widely acknowledged for his diplomatic expertise and strategic thinking With an extensive background in foreign affairs and international relations, he has held piv-
otal roles both within India and on the global stage His expert navigation of complex international relations and effective negotiation has bolstered India's global standing, nurtured crucial alliances, and represented the nation's interests with clarity and conviction
One of Jaishankar's standout qualities is his unwavering honesty, particularly within the political realm He communicates directly, employing a soft yet firm approach Unlike many politicians who seek the limelight, he refrains f r o m g r a n d s t a n d i n g a n d p r i o r i t i s e s h i s p r o f e s s i o n a l r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o v e r p e r s o n a l p u b l i c i t y M o r e o v e r , h e remains removed from the partisan advocacy that often characterises Indian politics
This can be attributed to his non-political background as he commenced his career as a diplomat, ascending through the ranks of the Indian Foreign Service His entry into politics and government was not through the traditional route of grassroots political engagement or party activism but rather through his expertise in foreign affairs and diplomacy In essence, he is a dedicated professional, not merely a political appointee
Jaishankar possesses the experience, vision, and leadership qualities necessary to potentially become India s next Prime Minister and steer the nation in a positive direction However, whether he will receive the opportunity to lead the country depends on various factors, including his party's internal dynamics, public sentiment, and support from Prime Minister Modi
In his book "The India Way," Jaishankar mentions that "The India Way, especially now, would be more of a shaper or decider rather than just being an abstainer " This reflects the direction in which the former diplomat is guiding the country
“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today ”
Will RogersMy speech as Presi dent of the India League ( www theindialeague org) on the birth anniversary of the M ahatma Delivered at Tavis tock Square, G andhiji statue
From man ’ s great journey from the swamp to the stars, and dare I say, the moon - we convene today at a crossroads of human destiny, where the paths before us are fraught with both peril and promise We stand on the precipice of monumental change, yet are tugged at our coattails by the looming spectres of extremism and separatism These twin monstrosities are not mere ripples in the fabric of society; they are tremors, seismic events that promise to splinter the very bedrock upon which our civilization is built We face the problems the Mahatma himself faced
Ah, extremism! That insidious force that exalts myopia over vision, and intolerance over understanding It seduces the disenchanted with the siren song of false absolutes, luring them into a labyrinth of hatred from which there is seldom return It is the fortress of the closed mind, a citadel of darkness where reason is imprisoned and compassion exiled
And then, there's separatism, that crafty merchant peddling wares of division, sewing patches of discord onto the quilt of humanity It is the looking glass that distorts, magnifying differences while shrinking commonalities into microscopic irrelevance It champions the cult of the individual to the detriment of the collective, eroding the mortar of society until the edifice crumbles into a heap of disjointed rubble
Let us be unequivocal: These twin dragons, extremism and separatism, are not just threats; they are existential crises They gnaw at the sinews of human harmony like termites in a wooden palace, weakening our global residence until it is vulnerable to even the faintest gusts of conflict
But beware the temptation of simplistic solutions, for extremism and separatism are chameleons, everchanging in hue to blend into the current landscape of public sentiment The sword of legislation and the shield of enforcement, vital as they are, can only parry and deflect; they cannot vanquish these shapeshifting foes
The real battleground lies in the hearts and minds of men and women It is a theatre of war where the stakes are not lands or resources, but the very essence of humanity itself To triumph, we must arm ourselves not just with laws and sanctions, but with education and dialogue We must build bridges of compassion over rivers of mistrust, and erect lighthouses of reason on shores of ignorance
So let us marshal our forces, not for a battle to be won, but for a future to be secured For every life diverted from the path of extremism is a chapter in the tome of human unity; every voice that rises against the clamour of separatism is a note in the symphony of human harmony
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are the composers of this grand opus Let us pen a masterpiece for the ages, so that future generations may sing, in one unified voice, the glorious anthem of human potential; worthy of the Mahatma Worthy of our great civilisation
Bharat Mata Ki JaiAsian Voice is published by Asian Business Publications Ltd
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T h e Br i t i s h Mu s e u m f a c es accus ati ons of fai li ng to cond u ct p ro p e r d u e d i l i gen c e wh en acqui ri ng an Egyp tian a r te f ac t f ro m an a nt i q u es d ealer with a smuggl ing convi cti on
In 2017, the museum purchased a shabti, a mummiform figurine discovered in ancient Egyptian tombs, from Mousa Khouli, also known as Morris Khouli, who operates a n a u c t i o n h o u s e i n N e w York
K h o u l i h a d p r e v i o u s l y pleaded guilty in 2012 to purc h a s i n g a n d s m u g g l i n g Egyptian antiquities, including coffins, funerary boats, and limestone figures, while
providing false information to customs about their origin a n d v a l u e T h i s y e a r , U S authorities returned 77 seized a n t i q u i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e Egyptian artefacts, to Yemen British Museum records indicate that the shabti, dating from the 13th dynasty of ancient Egypt (1782-1650 BC), was acquired in 2017 from K h o u l i s P a l m y r a H e r i t a g e Gallery
T he fate o f sev eral m ajo r t ran s p o rta ti o n p ro j ec ts , such as a p ropo sed £ 9 billion r o ad t un ne l b ene ath t h e T h a m es , i s be c o m in g increasingly u ncertain This u n ce rta i nty ar o se a fte r P rim e Minister Rishi Su nak d eclined to comm it to th e constructio n of the northern sectio n of the HS2 h ighsp eed rail line extend ing to M anchester MPs and experts within the transportation industry are now of the opinion that s e v e r a l o t h e r i n i t i a t i v e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e L o w e r Thames Crossing connecting Kent and Essex, as well as a new tunnel beneath the Stonehenge world heritage site, may experience further delays and potentially never materialise due to escalating costs and diminishing polit-
ical support
A p p r o x i m a t e l y £ 6 0 0 million of public funds have already been expended on acquiring land and properties for HS2 in the northern regions of England, even as d o u b t s p e r s i s t a b o u t t h e project's extension beyond Birmingham
To date, nearly £423 million has been allocated for the purchase of 424 properties along the western leg f r o m B i r m i n g h a m t o Manchester, despite no construction work having commenced on that now uncertain section of HS2 Within this total, £219 million has b e e n a l l o c a t e d t o t h e Birmingham to Crewe section (phase 2a), and £204 million has been allocated to the Crewe to Manchester section (phase 2b west)
In celebration of the 50th anniversary of U gand an A si a n m ig rat io n t o L ei c es te r, a v ibrant scu lpture h as been unv eiled in th e city
Standing at an impressive 15 feet tall, this artwork, k n o w n a s S c u l p t u r a l Gateway, takes the form of an archway adorned with depictions of Ugandan flowers, birds, and animals
T h i s i n s t a l l a t i o n n o t only pays tribute to the challenges faced by those forced into exile from Uganda by its dictator in 1972 but also highlights Leicester's multic u l t u r a l i d e n t i t y O v e r
Form er Yo rkshire cricketer A zeem Rafiq, w hose rev elations about institu ti o na l ra ci s m w i th i n Y o rk sh i r e cr ic ke t s en t s h o c kw a v es th r o u g h En g li s h c ri ck et, exp r es se d d i s appo in tme nt w ith th e E ng land a nd Wal es C r ic k et B o ar d 's ( E C B ) res p o ns e t o t h e I nd e p en d en t Com mission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC ) on M ond ay I e x p e c t e d t h e t h r e e - m o n t h response to be detailed and clear w i t h s t r o n g c o m m i t m e n t s Unfortunately, from what I’ve read, it falls incredibly short and it’s flimsy at best," Rafiq remarked
“These commitments are important, but is it going to solve the other issues that led us here in the first place? I don’t think it will”, he further added
Rafiq acknowledged some proposed initiatives as "a step in the right direction," but he questioned whether they would effectively com-
bat the overt racism he personally experienced He also highlighted the ongoing challenges faced by individuals seeking guidance and trust amid such experiences " P e o p l e a r e s t i l l r e a c h i n g o u t with their stories and struggling to find guidance and reliable sources of s u p p o r t A m o r e r o b u s t r e s p o n s e today could have facilitated a positive change in that regard " D e s p i t e R a f i q ' s r e s e r v a t i o n s , s o m e p r o m i n e n t f i g u r e s b e l i e v e d that the ECB had taken positive steps toward addressing and transforming the culture of the sport
Uttarakhand Ch ief Minister Pushkar
Sing h Dh ami is currently visiting th e UK to pro mote his state, known as Dev Bhoo mi (Land of God s), as both a c om p e lli ng to u ri sm d es tin ati on and an attractive investm ent oppo rtunity
U t t a r a k h a n d , o n e o f I n d i a ' s younger states formed from Uttar P r a d e s h , t a k e s p r i d e i n i t s r a p i d growth During his visit, the Chief Minister engaged with the diaspora o r i g i n a t i n g f r o m t h i s n o r t h e r n Indian region and led a delegation to conduct roadshows in London and Birmingham
W i t h t h e D e s t i n a t i o n U t t a r a k h a n d : G l o b a l I n v e s t o r s Summit scheduled for December in the state capital of Dehradun, featuring Indian Prime Minister Narendra
Modi as a speaker, the delegation a c t i v e l y p r e s e n t e d t h e r e g i o n ' s numerous advantages to UK-based investors and entrepreneurs
Additionally, the Chief Minister s e c u r e d M e m o r a n d a o f
Understanding (MoUs) with several construction companies during discussions with business leaders and industry experts
2 7 , 0 0 0 A s i a n s sought refuge in the UK following their expulsion, with a sign i f i c a n t n u mb e r o f t h e m f i n d i n g a n e w home in Leicester
The creation and install a t i o n o f t h i s s c u l p t u r e , amounting to approximately £200,000, were financed by Leicester City Council The sculpture was crafted by Anuradha Patel, an artist of Ugandan Asian heritage w i t h G u j a r a t i r o o t s , w h o emphasised that the people o f L e i c e s t e r w a r m l y w e lc o m e d t h o s e w h o a r r i v e d during that period
Br it is h n u r s e L u c y Le t b y, previo usl y s entenced to life in prison fo r the murder of seven babies at th e ho sp ital where s he worked, will face a re t r ia l o n c h a r ge s o f att em p ting to k ill a no th er ne w b o rn , a s p r o s e c u t o r s annou nc ed on Monday (25)
Letby, aged 33, stands as Britain s most prolific serial child killer in modern times She was convicted in August for the murders of five baby boys and two baby girls at the Countess of Chester hospital in north-
Lucy Letbye r n E n g l a n d , a l o n g w i t h attacks on six other infants in 2015 and 2016
H o w e v e r , t h e j u r y w a s unable to reach a consensus on six charges of attempted murder related to five other infants
D u r i n g a h e a r i n g a t Manchester Crown Court, the C r o w n P r o s e c u t i o n S e r v i c e
(CPS) disclosed their intent to pursue a new trial on one of these attempted murder charges, with a provisional trial date set for the following year
On Wednesday (27) Britain s first officially sanctioned supervised drug consumption room received approval, aiming to combat infectious diseases and reduce overdoses in Scotland, which faces the highest drug-related death rate in Europe Glasgow city council, responsible for Scotland s largest city, endorsed the facility inspired by similar initiatives in Europe, Canada, and Australia This facility will allow individuals to use illicit drugs legally while being supervised by trained professionals and provided with clean equipment Critics argue that such facilities attract drug abuse but proponents maintain that they decrease overdose fatalities linked to potent street drugs minimise public drug use and facilitate access to treatment services
Nearly 90 retail leaders, including the CEOs of Tesco, Sainsbury s, Boots, and WH Smith, have penned a letter to the government urging action against the increasing incidents of violent criminals are "emptying stores " These retailers are advocating for the establishment of a new aggravated offense across the UK similar to the one in Scotland, specifically addressing assaults or abuse directed at retail workers This proposed offense would carry more severe penalties and necessitate the comprehensive recording of all retail crime The group of 88 retail leaders has sought a meeting with Home Secretary Suella Braverman to address this matter following a meeting with Minister for Crime Chris Philp
A Sri Lankan curry restaurant in Plymouth which has been in operation for just three years has earned the distinction of being voted one of the top restaurants in England The Cinnamon Garden Restaurant situated in Bretonside has been recognised as one of England s finest curry establishments at the 2023 National Curry Awards (NCA) Launched in 2019, the NCA aims to showcase and support businesses in the Asian catering industry while also celebrating the culinary creativity and skill of chefs in the sector The award winners exemplify excellence achieved through a commitment to preparing delicious cuisine and providing top-tier customer service
The C on servative gove rnm ent has revealed ne w in itiati ves on Frid ay (29) ai med at "s upporting drive rs " and c oun tering "anti- car m easures , " es pec ially in areas governed b y the opposition where vehic le usage restric tions are i mpleme nted under the pretext of environm ental protection
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, in a statement introducing the new plans, expressed concern
about the limitations imposed on drivers, stating, "The crackdown on drivers is an assault on the everyday lives of the majority of people in the UK who depend on cars for commuting or visiting their loved ones "
Among the
announced measures, which were disclosed two days prior to the annual Conservative Party conference, is a plan to
reevaluate guidelines related to 20-mile-perhour (32kph) speed limits and to "prevent their uniform application in inappropriate areas," as outlined in the statement
The document also takes issue with the concept of "15-minute cities," an urban planning idea that promotes placing essential services within walking or cycling distance of residents in order to reduce pollution
A n inquest comm enced on M onday (25) to investig ate t h e t rag i c d e ath s o f tw o teenag ers w ho encountered d ifficulties while sw imming in No rthern Ireland
Reuven Simon and Joseph Sebastian, both 16 and part of the local Kerala community in County Derry, tragically drowned while swimming in Enagh Lough, also known as Enagh Lake, in August of the previous year.
According to local reports, one of the boys was rescued from the water and transported to Altnagelvin Hospital, where he was subsequently declared deceased. The second teenager was sadly pronounced dead at the scene following recovery from the water during search operations by police divers.
During the commencement of the inquest this week, the proceedings
included the presentation of details regarding the summer day in August 2022 when a group of six boys, including Joseph Sebastian, cycled to Enagh Lough, carrying towels with them as they intended to swim.
Joseph Sebastian's father, Sebastian Jose, used the occasion to advocate for the installation of additional warning signs concerning open-water swimming at the lake.
New research sugg es ts th at p a re nts w ho shout at their c h i ld ren o r u s e d erogato ry lang uag e like " stupid " m ay be p u t ti ng t h ei r c h i ld ren at a hig her risk o f s elf - h arm , d ru g u s e, and in v o l v em ent i n c ri m i na l a ct i v i ti es E xp e rts a rg u e th at h ars h v erbal treatm ent of ch ild ren sh ould be recognised as a form of abuse du e to the significant harm it can cau se
The study defines "adult-to-child perpetration of verbal abuse" as involving behaviors such as shouting, yelling, demeaning the child, and making verbal
threats. According to the research, a greater number of children experience verbal abuse during childhood compared to physical or sexual abuse, with estimates suggesting that it affects as many as 40% of children, and this number appears to be on the rise.
The study reviewed
Gujarati 67 years old widower, Height: 5’ 4”, young looking, active into walking, dining in and out and watching sports looking for a companion, No caste bar.
Please e-mail to : dkptz@yahoo.com
existing evidence regarding the consequences of childhood verbal abuse.
One notable paper, a UK study led by Professor Mark Bellis and published in BMJ Open, analysed a representative sample of 20,556 UK residents. It revealed that individuals who had experienced verbal abuse were nearly twice as likely (19.9%) to use cannabis compared to those who had not (10.8%). Moreover, they faced nearly double the risk of ending up in jail (4.4%) compared to those who had not experienced verbal abuse (2.4%).
W h il e t ou r i ng S c o tl and , V i kr am D o rai s w am i , th e Indian High Co mmissioner to th e U K , e nc o u nte re d o b st ru c ti o n f ro m p roKh alistan extremists wh en he tried to enter a gurdwara in Glasg ow
Faced with threats and verbal abuse, both the High Commissioner (HC) and the Consul General of India (CG) made the decision to leave the premises in order to prevent any further confrontation.
In the aftermath of this incident, the Indian High Commission issued a statement on X, indicating that three individuals from outside Scotland intentionally disrupted the visit. One of them even attempted to forcibly open the diplomatic vehicle as senior diplomats were arriving at the Glasgow Gurdwara Guru Granth Sahib on Albert Drive.
The statement further stated that the "disgraceful incident" has been reported to both the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) and the Metropolitan Police.. MP Priti Patel, responded to the High Commission’s statement on X, writing, “Respecting the rights of all communities is the mark of a free and open society, even more so in our
places of worship. This incident involving our friend the Indian High Commissioner Vikram Doraiswami is unacceptable.”
The Glasgow Gurdwara Guru Granth Sahib Sikh Sabha said, “Certain unknown individuals from outside the Glasgow area attempted to disrupt the visit, following which the visiting party decided to leave the premises.”
It added: “The Gurdwara is open to people from all communities and backgrounds, and we welcome everyone openly as per our principles of faith.”
Despite the Glasgow Gurdwara’s strong condemnation of thedisruption a British Sikh family in London is now living in fear for theirsafety. Harman Singh Kapoor, the owner of Rangrez, a Punjabi restaurant, hasbeen a vocal critic of extremism and has previously experienced an attack onhis place of business. This week, extremists targeted his residence, first bysplashing red paint on his parked cars and then returning to fire a shot at oneof the vehicles.
Speaking to Asian Voice, former High Commissioner of India to the United Kingdom, Ruchi Ghanashyam said, “One can only strongly condemn such unfortunate behaviour. Such aggressive behaviour reflects poorly on the people
who claim to follow the teachings of the most peaceful and loving Guru Nanak Devji.”
She added that- “It is important to remember that the Sikh community in the UK is widely respected as a peace loving and hardworking community. The community performed a stellar role in the service of humanity during the COVID 19 pandemic. The misdeeds of a few should not be allowed to sully the good name of the entire community.”
A British government minister also expressed concern over the disruption. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, a junior foreign office minister took to social media to express that “The safety and security of foreign diplomats is of utmost importance and our places of worship in the UK must be open to all,”.
As the whole Khalistan row catapults, Khalistan supporters, on Monday, assembled outside the Indian High Commission in London for a protest. British security forces were notablypresent in large numbers at the High Commission, and the demonstrators wereconfined to the area opposite the High Commission.They asserted that their protest was in response to thekilling of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar.
Susan Hall, the Tory cand idate, accid entally referred to herself as the "first fem ale Labour mayo r" o f L ond on d u ri ng h e r s p eec h at th e C o ns er v at iv e P ar ty Conference
In her address, she expressed optimism about her chances of defeating Sadiq Khan in the upcoming election and pledged to eliminate the expansion of London's ultra-low emissions zone (Ulez) and address crime from her first day in office if she were to win the election. Polls indicate that Ms. Hall is in close competition with Mr. Khan, and Conservatives in City Hall are hopeful about their prospects in the May elec-
Mayur Gaglantion.
Susan Hall criticised Sadiq Khan, stating that he "doesn't care" about crime and pledged to allocate £200 million to policing. She emphasised the need to increase the number of police officers on the streets, saying, "We have got to get more bobbies on the beat."
Adda is celeb rating its fi fth
D urga Puj a this year from 2 0th Oc tober to 2 3rd O ctober Adda D urga Puj a i s the fi rs t Durga Puj a in the UK in a Kolkata like
gurer sondesh Adda is the melting point of two Bengals as well, as we have vendors from Bangladesh too It provides lot of east Bengal delicacies like
Haro ld Benjamin celebrates its 70th year anniversary th is year With mo re than 1 ,200 co mm ercial pro perty comp let io n s i n th e l as t yea r, multi-million po und transac ti o ns a nd o v e r 1 0 0 emp loyees and a respected partner-led serv ice, Harold Ben j am i n h a s e st ab li s h ed itself as one o f the UK’s leading law firms fo r natio nal and reg ional residential and co mmercial property developm ent, including secu red lend i ng , d ev elo p m ent and finance functions
The firm has gone from s t r e n g t h t o s t r e n g t h w i t h k e y h i r e s a n d n e w - f o u n d energy with its current managing partner, Vijay Parikh,
being supported by a robust compliance and operational team T h e a n n i v e r s a r y h a s b e e n m a r k e d w i t h s o m e events for staff and guests alike The firm has its own legally focussed magazine, and published a special edit i o n f e a t u r i n g i n t e r v i e w s w i t h l o n g - s t a n d i n g m e mbers of staff and long-held clients With plans to release a s p e c i a l l y c o m m i s s i o n e d
board game, and a specially c u r a t e d p l a y - l i s t , H a r o l d Benjamin is clearly having fun with, and enjoying this milestone
This was no more apparent than at the firm’s summ e r b a s h a n d P l a t i n u m anniversary party held on t h e t e r r a c e o f S o m e r s e t House With a 400-strong crowd, a live band and plenty of sunshine, the evening proved a successful showcase for the direction of the firm and the quality of its vision
C o m m e n t i n g o n t h e e v e n t , V i j a y P a r i k h explained: “It was a wonderf u l e v e n i n g a n d I ’ m v e r y proud to have celebrated the
firm’s 70th anniversary with so many of our long standing clients, business associates and our staff For the firm to remain truly indep e n d e n t f o r t h e l a s t 7 decades, is a testimony to its founders, everyone at the firm, our clients and associates I am certain that the next generation will take the firm into its 100th year and beyond”
Pandal since 2 019 Bas ed i n a London s uburb, Adda s tarted its journey as a B engali s oci al organisation i n 2013 with some five B engali friends who us ed to play football to encourage B engali c ulture, social, welfare and charity activities
I n 2013 Adda organised i ts fi rs t Saraswati Puja and s ubseq uently organised its fi rs t Kali Puj a in 2016 W ith a resoundi ng response from the loc al B engali dias pora
Adda launc hed the Durga Puja in 2 019 s ucc essfully
Apart from Pandal Adda is also known to showcase Bengali architecture and visual art form via a unique initiative called Gate of Joy Bengali artisans from India create a gate at the door of the Puja using Bengal’s crafts and that depicts Bengal’s culture In the last few years, we have depicted wooden dolls of Agradwip, Burdwan, patachitra from Nayagram, Pingla, West Midnapore, bamboo work from Kushmandi, South Dinajpur, shola work from Shantiniketan and Chhou mask from Purulia This year Adda is going to portray the exceptional lighting work of Chandannagar
Amit Shaw, an artist from Chandannagar is creating many lighting works including the gate, Adda nameplate etc for this This is already the talk of the town as Adda declared to do this
Adda’s famous food court serves lip-smacking Bengali and Indian foods to the visitors Adda’s food court is well known for Kolkata street food like luchi-kochuri, singara, kathi roll, Mughlai paratha, chowmin-chilli chicken, kosha mangsho, various croquettes (chop) and Kolkata biryani Adda excites its audience with its wide range of comfort foods like mustard hilsa, various fishes and sweet items like rosogolla, pantua, rosmalai or nolen
famous Kachchi Biryani and various fish items
Adda receives 15-20,000 crowd every year and is also known for post-Bijoya concerts where it has hosted celebrated musicians like Zubin Garg, Chandrabindoo, Cactuss, Anjan Dutt and this year our main attraction will be Anupam Roy and band on the 4th of Nov The tickets are already sold out
Adda is famous for Pandal's interior decoration have represents miniIndia There will be several segments: fine art paintings, art and craft from WB, artifice from Maharashtra, traditional Indian textile and craftsmanship from Punjab cultural representation from Tamil Nadu and many more
Adda Durga Pujo is about passing on cultural heritage to our children So not only do they encourage them to participate in cultural activities but also arrange activities that attract them to our Pujo In previous years Adda had bouncy castles, sit-anddraw competitions, dhak competitions and little star competitions to showcase their talents and make them feel part of our Pujo This year Adda is taking a step forward and arranging a funfair ride like it happens at the Indian village fair Funfair ride includes bumper cars, ferries wheel, coursel and waltzes The aim is to make Pujo memorable and enjoyable for the children and thus ensure they feel it is worthy to pass on to the next generation
Speaking to Asian Voice about the security of the attendees this year, Prasenjit Bhattacharya of Adda Slough said, “We are compliant with health and safety rules and insurance Also, we hire security men during the festival ”
A pioneering Asian d octor, w h o d edi cated nearly fou r d e cad es of h i s l if e to t h e N HS an d w as a h i g h ly resp ected comm unity lead er, p assed away last week at th e age of 96
D r S h i v k u m a r O z a , MBBS, FRCS (Lon), served as the general secretary of the O v e r s e a s D o c t o r s Association in Nottingham
He was known for his tireless support of Asian doctors in the UK, actively organizing medical meetings, lectures, and professional gathe r i n g s D r O z a p e a c e f u l l y passed away at his residence i n R a d l e t t , H e r t f o r d s h i r e , surrounded by his family on
( M G M ) C o l l e g e i n I n d o r e S u b s e q u e n t l y , h e a t t e n d e d
Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas
( G S ) M e d i c a l S c h o o l i n Bombay, where he received a gold medal during his final graduation year
the 22nd of last month
B o r n i n K u k a d e s h w a r ,
M a d h y a P r a d e s h , c e n t r a l
India, on August 11, 1927, Dr Oza completed his schooling at Rampura High School and e a r n e d a s c h o l a r s h i p t o M a h a t m a G a n d h i M e d i c a l
Dr Oza initially worked as a medical railway officer on the Western Railway in Mumbai before embarking on his journey to the UK in 1956 to pursue further studies In 1964, he achieved the d i s t i n c t i o n o f s u c c e s s f u l l y completing his fellowship of t h e R o y a l C o l l e g e o f Surgeons (London), specializing in orthopedics, before r e t u r n i n g t o I n d i a i n December of the same year
A n I nd i a n c o m m u n it y o r g an is a ti o n i n S u tt o n h eld a Ganesho tsav celebration in the city o ver the weekend, as stated in a press release
Sutton Mitra Mandal organized the event withi n a s p e c i a l l y e r e c t e d 3 , 4 0 0 s q f t m a r q u e e a t B e d d i n g t o n P a r k i n B e d d i n g t o n o n b o t h S a t u r d a y ( 2 3 ) a n d S u n d a y
(24) The celebration featured v a r i o u s I n d i a n t r a d i t i o n s , including the welcome lezim d a n c e f r o m M a h a r a s h t r a , S o u t h I n d i a n - s t y l e y a g n ah o m a , a r t i i n c o r p o r a t i n g
Marathi and North Indian c u s t o m s , a n d d e v o t i o n a l
bhajans that celebrated the l i n g u i s t i c d i v e r s i t y o f Indians According to the statement, approximately 5,000 d e v o t e e s t o o k p a r t i n t h e e v e n t , w h i c h w a s a j o y f u l observance of Ganpati pooja traditions, and 3,500 devot e e s e n j o y e d t h e m a h a prasad (food)
T h e s t a t e m e n t a l s o mentioned that over 220 volunteers, ranging from teenagers to senior citizens, worked tirelessly for three months to ensure t h e e v e n t ' s r e s o u n d i n g success The visarjan (immersion) ceremony was overs e e n b y M a y o r C o l i n S t e a r s , D e p u t y M a y o r L o u i s e P h e l a n o f S u t t o n B o r o u g h , a n d a t t e n d e d b y C o u n c i l L e a d e r R u t h Dombey, MP Elliot Colburn, Cllr Param Nanda, and Cllr Sunit Gordon Various community leaders and UK-based charitable o r g a n i z a t i o n s a l s o p a r t i c ipated in the event
T he Indian Di as po ra in t h e U K ( I D U K G ro u p ) h osted a series of extraord in a ry G an e sh I mm e rs i o n c er em o ni e s for the second year in a r o w T h es e c er em o ni e s took place on Day 2, Day 5, and Day 10, culminating in a grand celebration with over 300 Ganesha idols immersio n and more than 2 00 0 a tt en de es in t h r ee days
T h e e v e n t s s h o w c a s e d the rich cultural heritage of India and brought together people from diverse backg r o u n d s t o c e l e b r a t e t h i s auspicious occasion
G a n e s h C h a t u r t h i i s a festival that honours Lord Ganesha, one of India's most
revered and widely celebrated festivals
The festival symbolises
w i s d o m , p r o s p e r i t y , a n d
g o o d f o r t u n e T h e I n d i a n Diaspora in the UK, known for its vibrant cultural contributions, spared no effort i n m a k i n g t h i s f e s t i v a l a m e m o r a b l e e x p e r i e n c e f o r everyone involved
The Ganesh Immersion Celebrations spanned three days, with the second day
occurring on Wednesday, 20th September, followed
b y t h e f i f t h d a y o n S a t u r d a y , 2 3 r d September, and the grand finale on the tenth day, T h u r s d a y , 2 8 t h September
The event was attended by various politicians of Indian origin, including MP o f S o u t h a l l , V i r e n d r a Sharma Ji, Deputy Mayor of Slough Counselor Balvinder Singh, Counselor Chandra M u v l l a , C o u n s e l o r N e a l R a n a , C o u n s e l o r S u b h a s h M o h i n d r a , C o u n s e l o r Gurcharan Singh, Counselor Mabu Sekh, and Counselor D h r u v , a n d r e n o w n e d I n d i a n A u t h o r S h a n t a n u Gupta
In a bid to bolster trad e relatio ns and f oster ec ono m ic c o o p era ti o n be tw ee n th e U nited King dom and India, U d ay S am a nt, th e d i st ingu ish ed Cabinet M inister of the Ministry of Industries for th e G o v er nm e nt o f Maharashtra, em barked on a transfo rm ativ e v is it to the U K
Minister Samant's proactive approach and deep-rooted commitment to promoti n g c o m m e r c e a r e t a k i n g centre stage during this pivotal journey
Promo ting Bilateral T rade: Minister Samant's visit to the UK comes at a crucial juncture when both nations are seeking to enhance their trade and investment ties His mission is to highlight the immense potential for UK businesses and investors in Maharashtra and explore avenues for reciprocal collaborations
Key Objectives
Maharashtra, a dynamic Indian state with a thriving b u s i n e s s e c o s y s t e m , h a s become an attractive destination for global investors
With its strategic location, skilled workforce, and busin e s s - f r i e n d l y p o l i c i e s , t h e state offers a fertile ground for various industries
M i n i s t e r S a m a n t i s actively engaging with UK i n d u s t r y l e a d e r s , entrepreneurs, and government officials to foster coll a b o r a t i o n a c r o s s s e c t o r s such as technology, manuf a c t u r i n g , h e a l t h c a r e , a n d more
M a h a r a s h t r a ' s r a p i d industrialization, infrastructure development, and innovation hubs are being showcased as lucrative opportunities for UK businesses seeking expansion in India
Minister Samant efforts
t o e s t a b l i s h s t r a t e g i c alliances that benefit both
nations, fuelling economic growth and job creation
P ro-Business Vision
Uday Samant has consistently demonstrated a probusiness stance and a deep c o m m i t m e n t t o a d v a n c i n g e c o n o m i c g r o w t h i n Maharashtra His leadership h a s b e e n i n s t r u m e n t a l i n propelling the state into a prominent position on the global business map
Throughout his career, he has emerged as an inspiring advocate for trade, commerce, and innovation His dedication to fostering economic growth aligns seamlessly with the aspirations of both Maharashtra and the United Kingdom
The Future Beckons
Minister Uday Samant's visit to the UK signifies not only a renewed commitment t o s t r e n g t h e n i n g b i l a t e r a l t r a d e r e l a t i o n s b u t a l s o a vision for a future filled with economic collaboration and prosperity As the Minister actively engages with stakeholders on both sides, the p o s s i b i l i t i e s f o r m u t u a l growth are boundless
lar blood clinics are held to d o n a t e b l o o d I s h w e r b h a i received a very special certificate for his 50th donation and a gold award badge
S a th i s hb ha i V i th la n i , t he P r es i d e nt of S hr ee L oh an a Mahaparis had (parent b ody of Lohana community globally) h os t e d a s pe c i a l lu n c h on Saturday 23 Septemb er 2023 at the Grim's Dyke Hotel during his vis it to the UK
T h e l u n c h w a s h e l d t o honour C B Patel for completing 50 years of service provided to the Gujarati community by Gujarat Samachar It was attended by Lohana community leaders and business entrepreneurs from all over the UK
Satishbhai who travels all over the world t o s e r v e t h e L o h a n a c o m m u n i t y s p o k e about many projects that he and his team are working on He spoke very passionately a b o u t t h e s u c c e s s o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Lohana Business Forum 2023 (LIBF) held in Kampala in March 2023, where nearly a thousand business entertainers and upcoming business professionals attended from all over the world
The second LIBF 24 will be held in India from the 18th to 21st January 2024 where he is expecting around 30,000 Lohanas from all over the world and he is now personally visiting different countries in the world to invite community members to attend this exhibition
Satishbhai said he feels privileged to have had the opportunity to honour C B Patel for the service he has provided to the Lohana community and wishes him and Gujarat Samachar all the best for the future
CB said, “Lohanas knows how to make money and how and where to use money T h e y a r e v i r t u o u s a n d p h i l a n t h r o p i s t s Lohanas set the best example of growing together ”
The Loha na commun ity in t he UK r ec en t ly h os t e d a w eeke nd tha t uni ted gen erati ons a nd s howca sed communi
Thakrar, LCNL President Meena Jasani, LCUK President Bharat Sodha, Panna Raja, Ashok Rachh and prominent Lohana leaders were present
The book by Subhash Thakrar- Eyes of Tomorrow, which marks 50 years of Gujarat Samachar, was presented to the Lohana leaders A book by Dr Lalit Sodha was also presented to the guests
The event proceedings were compered by Dr Lalit Sodha Well known singer from Gujarat, Mayaben Deepak sang Ram Stuti
Participants, spanning ages
7 to 80-plus, joined in, demonstrating that sports and camaraderie transcend generations It epitomised unity and community strength, from sports to talent showcases
From table tennis to football, this event
o f f e r e d d i v e r s e s p o r t s a c t i v i t i e s T h e crowd-pleasing Lemon and Spoon Race and Rounders actively engaged spectators
Lohanas Got Talent (Antakshri) shone a s p o t l i g h t o n c o m m u n i t y t a l e n t , f r o m singers to comedians, emphasising that talent is abundant within the Lohana community The Mehfil was a huge success
Attendees savoured a fusion of music and cuisine, enhancing the overall experience
L C U K P r e s i d e n t B h a r a t b h a i S o d h a said, "This weekend celebrated our community's talents and togetherness Thanks t o e v e r y o n e w h o m a d e i t a s u c c e s s Gratitude extends to volunteers, participants, and sponsors for making this event p o s s i b l e , e x e m p l i f y i n g c o m m u n i t y strength
The Lohana Community anticipates future events, celebrating unity and inclusivity "
In North West L ondon, a collective o f A sian wom en is activ ely dism antling the cultural tabo os associated w ith cancer, thanks to the support of M acmillan Cancer Sup port
Known as the Asian Women Cancer G r o u p , t h i s g r o u p h a s b e e n g r a n t e d a n a l m o s t £
0 0 a w a r d b y M a c m i l l a n t o finance a series of workshops aimed at challenging societal stigmas Their mission is to empower Asian women who are living with cancer in the region A s s t a t e d i n a p r e s s r e l e a s e f r o m
Macmillan Cancer Support, these workshops serve as a safe space where women can openly share their experiences, rebuild their
self-confidence, and address t h e e m o t i o n a l s c a r s t h a t often persist long after cancer treatment has concluded E m m a H a m m e t t , M a c m i l l a n E n g a g e m e n t L e a d f o r L o n d o n , u n d e rscored the vital significance of grants like the one provided by Macmillan, particularly considering that the Asian Women Cancer Group does not receive any government funding The workshops, made possible through the generous support of Macmillan, encompass a
diverse array of activities T h e s e a c t i v i t i e s i n c l u d e i n f o r m a t i v e talks delivered by medic a l p r o f e s s i o n a l s , including psychologists and breast cancer surgeons, self-care works h o p s t h a t e m p h a s i z e mindfulness, exercise classes, and sessions devoted to hair and beauty These sessions are designed to aid women in regaining their s e l f - c o n f i d e n c e a f t e r u n d e r g o i n g c a n c e r treatment
At one time, I was a great admirer of charming, principled, youthful looking Canadian PM JustinTrudeau who came on the political scene as a breath of fresh air, accompanied by his equallycharming wife Sophie, making the dynamic couple a darling in the political circle and in greatdemand in international political circle
Canada, the second largest country in the world in term of land-mass, the first being Russia, isbuilt on immigration
It has the largest Sikh population outside India, forming some 21% of theCanadian population, the largest ethnic minority, settled mostly in Vancouver and BritishColumbia
While this hard-working, well-educated Sikh community is a great asset to an open, up-coming,vast and fast develo p i n g n a t i o n w i t h u n p a r a l l e l e d n a t u r a l r e s o u r c e s , P M Trudeau has some-howlost the plot Erred on the neutrality front, now Canada is regarded as a heaven for terroristwith Canada’s relations with India, world’s most populated and largest democracy, at the lowestebb!
PM Trudeau is refusing to act upon PM Modi’s request to extradite a couple of terrorists on India’smost wanted list and he is now accusing India of assassination of the killing of a Canadian Sikhcitizen without submitting any proof what so ever!
So what could be his reason to alienate someone like PM Modi who commands a great respect,even in Islamic world, where he is regarded as firm but fair, a great visionary and a myriad politician?PM Modi has built-up India to be strong o n e c o n o m i c a s w e l l a s m i l i t a r y f r o n t t o c h a l l e n g e China’smight and thwart China’s malicious, repugnant, dirty game to dominate the world The only country that could stand-up to China and subdue it isIndia, especially now that America has allied itself with India who has builtup an alliance in SouthChina Sea with seven like-minded countries who realises the threat posed by China
India’s moon landing and firing a rocket to the Sun to study the effects of radiation and its’ originhas enhanced India’s reputation on science and space exploration front PM Modi has assuredIndian people and the world that India will land astronauts on the moon in five years and willbuild a permanent settlement in ten years ’ time
Let us hope that Canadian PM Trudeau will come to his senses and mend his relations with Indiawho could be a great and faithful friend in time of need, especially now that China is on the war-path!
Bhupe ndr a M G and hi
Congratulations to Nitin Metha for his broad views on sanatan dhrama It doesn’t mean few ignorant, egoist sadhus of Swaminarayan Sampradaya, mocks other Sanatanis will have serious implications on our Hindu Culture
A dirty drop in an ocean, the ocean doesn’t become dirty
In religion, we have encountered various sampradayas and denominations and there is nothing essentially wrong about this The problem and difficulty arise when these sampradayas start feeling that they are separate Competitive forces that lead to friction, fanaticism and intolerance They do not understand basic source is one and the ultimate ideal is also the same India has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions and denominations Hindu religion gives full freedom to respect each other’s beliefs with an understanding of discrimination
One has to realise the meaning and essence of Sanatan Dharma Sanatana Dharma, which means “The Eternal Law”
The law of Dharma is moral law, obeying which one achieves righteousness The teaching of Sanatan Dhrama is to discover our true nature through the qualities of superior levels of BEING are our freedom, understanding, wisdom, unconditional love, courage, compassion, willpower, humility, honesty and non-attachments
P u j y a P r a m u k h S w a m i O f B A P S ( S w a m i n a r a y a n Samprayaya) addressed Millennium World Peace Summit at UN: “The true progress of any religion lies not in the growth of numbers but by the quality of life purity Thus every Hindu should become a better Hindu; every Jew should become a better Jew; every Christian should become a better Christian, and every Muslim should become a better Muslim
“We must not progress at the cost of others, but sacrifice a part of ourselves for the good of others” and prayed that “ all the people of our planet be blessed with peace, progress and salvation by GOD”
Man oj PatelThe architect of green revolution, Dr MS Swaminathan's life and work reminds us of Verse 1,032 of the Tirukkural which says: "Farmers are the linchpin of the world, for they support all those who take to other work, not having the strength to plough "
Though converting farmland for industrial purposes looks like a sunny prospect, let us remember that we cannot eat money Even currency notes are made using cotton produced by farmers An urgent policy intervention by the government is needed to make agriculture an attractive profession
TS Kart hik
The world celebrates Teachers’ Day on different dates of the year to honour teachers for their sincere efforts in imparting knowledge to students Teachers’ Day celebrations are meant to convey the message that we care for our teachers, just as they care for us On this day, students often dress up like their teachers and teach their juniors in classrooms in the same way they have seen their teachers doing Sometimes, teachers also sit in classrooms and act like students, reliving the time when they were students themselves This creates a bond of understanding between the teachers and the students
Teachers are reckoned as the backbone of society who put all their efforts to shape the career of the students and help them become successful citizen of the country For the students, Teacher’s Day is the most auspicious occasion where they get the opportunity to pay tribute, gratitude and reverence to their teachers for the extraordinary support and unselfish effort in shaping the career of the students and for enhancing the education system of the country with their unique learning processes
Teachers treat all students equally and take proper care of them and love them dearly as their own child In real life, we usually owe our teachers more than our parents as they play a crucial role in arousing the heart of all students and light it up with education and knowledge and help them in eliminating regret and ignorance
Since children spend a lot of time in school in their formative and impressionable years, teachers wield a great influence on them
In many countries across the world, Teacher's Day is a special day where teachers of schools, colleges, and universities are honoured specially The date varies from country to country The universally accepted World Teacher's Day is October 5th
A teacher is a friend, philosopher, and guide who holds our hand, opens our mind, and touches our heart
The contribution of a teacher cannot be ignored at all It is not just on October 5 that we should remember our teachers but we should remember them all through the year for the role they play in moulding our future
Teachers play a major role in shaping a child’s life
Since children spend a lot of time in school in their formative and impressionable years, teachers wield a great influence on them Teachers work hard to inspire, guide, educate and mentor us every day Within the world of languages, they help us navigate tricky grammar points, perfect our pronunciation, and stay motivated They're the coaches that spur us on and keep us on track
Jubel D CruzTuesday 10 October is World Mental Health Day and the Mental Health Foundation is encouraging everyone to get involved by talking the time to have a meaningful conversation about mental health
Talking about how you feel is important to help protect your mental health If you are struggling, it helps to talk to someone you trust
If you want to start a conversation with someone about their mental health, find a quiet space with no distractions Listen and allow the person to speak Ask questions but don’t interrupt Ask how you can help and listen to what they need
World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness and driving positive change for everyone ’ s mental health
So, you might like to host a Tea and Talk event at your work or community group to get everyone involved Our website has lots of information and materials for running an event including tips for starting conversations
You can also show your support by wearing a green ribbon or sharing information on social media Find out more along with posters, social media images, and advice on how to protect your mental health at www mentalhealth org uk/wmhd
Alexa Knig htNational Council of Gujarati Organisations (NCGO)
Deepak Chaudhary, Minister of Coordination, High Commission of India on Friday 6 October 2023, at 7 pm The venue is- Sangat Advice Centre, 28 A Sancroft Road, Harrow, HA3 7NS
President Vimalji Odedra, invites all the member
to get an insight into the support services available to the Indian community
Kapil DudakiaI t’ s that time of the year when all m ajor politic al pa rti es host thei r ann ual conferenc es The pa rty faithful gather hoping and pray ing that nothing monumentally disastrous happens that c ould de rai l them from their objective of winni ng the next gen eral election
As they say hoping is one thing, reality, especially within the political framework oftens tends to be quite different The several days they spend together, couped up in hotels, jam packed in conference rooms, standing around in exhibition foyers and attending those on the side fringe meetings, all culminate for their leader to arrive and give that grandstanding speech to galvanise the troops This year, it’s potentially their last chance to focus and get everyone on the same hymn sheet
Of course, it hardly ever happens that way! Party conferences is a time when they endeavour to misrepresent each other We will see politicians overkill the u s e o f r h e t o r i c a n d p l a t i t u d e s t o o b f u s c a t e t h e i r answers In the cauldron of political gymnastics, wanting to tell the voters what they stand for, we will witness politicians doing what they do best, confuse the issues, provide a fake narrative of each other’s positions and when everything fails, make things up If this was not serious, it would be hilarious and worthy of a sitcom
This week the Tory party gathered in Manchester PM Sunak’s first conference as their leader This will be the biggest test of his career to date within the confines of the political fraternity They say that the last party conference before a general election can either keep you in the race, or it can bury you What will it be? Time will tell
Rishi has major challenges, most of them tend to be from within the Tory Party itself If the Tories wish to win the next election, then each of them will have to get behind him and tow the party line Time for mischief making is over, unless of course they wish to lose and hand the nation over to the Labour Party
Whilst Rishi faces an uphill struggle, the Labour leader Keir Starmer seems to be coasting it He has a huge lead in the polls, almost insurmountable For Labour to lose from this unprecedented position would be history making The last time Labour made a total d i s a s t e r f r o m a w i n n i n g p o s s i b l e w a s w h e n N e i l Kinnock was in charge
Keir has played a masterful game, albeit against the backdrop of a Tory party that seems intent in selfharm He has faked his position on almost every major issue With Keir he is at ease saying and promising one thing today, only then to change his mind and doing a U turn to suit his advantage tomorrow Interestingly, the public are either totally fooled by his persona, or they just don’t care Either way, Keir is batting on a wicket of his choosing, with a tampered ball, umpires of his choosing and a field setting to his liking What’s to lose!
For our community we must not be taken in by rhetoric and empty promises Track record of what they have said and done is more important As I have said many times before, I don’t think there is any single party that really represents all our aspirations, however, there are parties that have proven themselves to be our enemies Knowing this should suffice in deciding where we place that cross on the ballot paper
Did you know that yet again the Labour Party will be discussing Kashmir It’s an obsession spurred by their Pakistani vote bank The illegal terrorist occupiers of Jammu and Kashmir are running the show in Labour And it is this that drives policy and narrative A narrative that is anti-India, anti-Hindu and anti-Modi Add to this mix the Khalistani tarka and you begin to get a sense of the party I never allow hot air from political parties to hoodwink me into believing their rhetoric For me it’s always simple How on earth can I ever vote for any party that so openly, and over a sustainedperiod of time, has shown such anti-India and anti-Hindu sentiments? So, enjoy the party conferences, keep your eyes and ears open, and read in between the lines Beware the smiles of those Indians who aspire for a pat on the back and seek an honour for services rendered
We are grateful to all letter writers for more and more versatile letters well within word limit
Please keep contributing as always
If you are new, then write to Shefali at shefali.saxena@abplgroup.com
Ifyou switch on the news
or open a newspaper right now, you’ll find Sir Keir Starmer, clearly preparing for an election and hammering the Government on any subject he can think of Tax, spending, immigration, and defence are all sure to come in for criticism at Labour’s Conference in Liverpool next week.
Now, some of these criticisms may be valid ‘Stopping the boats’ is proving difficult, and the IFS has recently published research showing this to be the biggest tax-raising parliament on record, but there’s one area in which the Opposition has studiously avoided offering solutions: housing
Political issues simply don’t come more salient than housing Your home is fundamental to who you are, and mortgages fundamentally affect the cost of living Housing is an issue which is too important to be used as a political football With demand showing no sign of abating, simple economics tells us that we need to increase supply
Mortgage rates are higher than the current crop of first-time buyers could ever have imagined them and, while the Government is starting to control inflation, the effect of the interest rate rises of the last couple of years will linger for a long time
So, whichever party is in power needs to be able to offer a coherent, credible programme to the electorate
To many it seems that the Labour Party is trying to have it both ways, criticising the Government without offering any alternative It was happy to vote down the recent attempts to liberalise building regulations in the Housing Bill amendments in the Lords, but we ’ ve not seen much from them on how they would solve the crisis
But the polls are pointing towards a Labour win, so it’s time to take seriously those proposals which the party have made, vague though they may be The party’s Economy Mission, one of five ‘Missions for a Better Britain’, includes a commitment to “helping first-time buyers onto the housing ladder and building more affordable homes by reforming planning rules and arcane compulsory purchase rules, with new protections for renters ”
I don’t think anybody would disagree with any of those aims Everybody in the housing industry has been crying out for more liberal planning rules for
years And it’s no secret that rents have been far outstripping wages for years, and the recent rates rises will of course worsen that situation
But what these proposals are missing is detail As a housebuilder, I experience the planning system every day, so can offer some advice to Labour, and indeed the Conservatives
First, we need a shift in directives to planning officers and councils across the country There is an overwhelming feeling in the industry that planning departments look for reasons why a development should not be built, not why it should be built On day one of any new government, the Secretary of State for Housing, Levelling Up and Communities should direct councils across the country to be growthfocused, driven by the reasons to build, not the reasons to delay
Next, while the Help to Buy scheme may not have been perfect, ending it and failing to replace it has left first-time buyers without support at a time when the market is less hospitable for them than it has been in many years We need a new programme, to help fix the market on both the supply and demand sides
Finally, uncertainty over housing and building regulations has been endemic in recent years
Theresa May promised to reform the system So did Michael Gove All have tried and, to one extent or another, failed, to do so But doubts about what will happen and when creep into the consciousness of the sector If I don’t know whether a new regulation on, say, energy requirements, will happen or not, or even what the regulation might be, then I simply don’t know what I can build, so I might put it off until I know for sure
Multiply this across an industry, and over many years, and you start to see one of the reasons why building has been so slow in this country Any new government needs to consult with the industry and put forward clear plans, and then actually enact them Without clarity and action, we’ll stay mired in an impasse which harms voters, politicians and housebuilders
So, a lack of clarity from Labour may be no bad thing It seems we ’ re all in agreement that we need more houses My offer is simple: let’s work together to make it happen
The stakes in the general election next year have never been higher, says PM Sunak
It is said that party conferences can make o r break a lead er As this year ’ s season of Party conferences beg ins, the C onserv atives m arked a few days of some imperativ e rem a rk s, d ec i si o ns a nd prom ises for th e vo ters to note ah ead of th e upcoming general elections in 20 24
The Conservative Party c o n f e r e n c e w a s h e l d o n Sunday 1 October and will r u n u n t i l W e d n e s d a y 4 October It is in Manchester t h i s y e a r , a t t h e C e n t r a l C o n v e n t i o n C o m p l e x , which is a conference centre converted from the former Manchester Central railway s t a t i o n M e m b e r s o f t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e F r i e n d s o f India including Ameet Jogia MBE, Reena Ranger OBE, former and present Home Secretaries, Priti Patel MP and Suella Braverman, and High Commissioner Vikram Doraiswami were also present
I n t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e p a r t y A g e n d a , P M S u n a k said, “The stakes in the general election next year have n e v e r b e e n h i g h e r T h e c h o i c e t h e B r i t i s h p e o p l e will be confronted with isn’t j u s t b e t w e e n t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e s a n d L a b o u r but two different ways of doing politics Governing in the long-term interests of the country and making the t o u g h b u t r i g h t d e c i s i o n s with the Conservatives or short-term politically motivated action, with no regard to the consequences with Labour Now is the time for we Conservatives to unite around this common purpose We have much work to do and I know you will all be up for the fight
Among the many highl i g h t s a n d a c h i e v e m e n t s e n l i s t e d d u r i n g t h e p a r t y conference, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said he will not be "forced into a premature decision" on the future of
The impending cha nges to inhe ritance ta x have sparke d a n e w de b a t e , w it h t he La bour part y claiming that Rishi Sunak st ands to save himsel f £300 mill ion if he pushes through his propose d alte rations It's worth n ot in g that tax l aws a re not se t in stone , a nd it's unl ik ely that hi s p o l ic y p r op o sa l s wi l l remain un change d until a nyone he knows fa ces mort ality The crux of this arg ument is simple : onl y 4% of the popul ation pay s inheritance tax , a n d S un a k i s u n de n i a b l y we althy Ther efore , it's e asy to b el i e v e t h at h e d oe sn 't ha v e t he a v e r a ge ci t iz e n 's int erests at heart
T h e w a y w e d i s c u s s inheritance tax encapsulates e v e r y t h i n g t h a t i s w r o n g w i t h B r i t i s h p o l i t i c a l d i sc o u r s e I t w a s e f f e c t i v e l y p h a s e d o u t i n t h e 2 0 1 5
with the intro-
u c t i o n o f t h e " r e s i d e n t ' s n i l - r a t e b a n d " f o r c a s e s
HS2 He told the BBC an " e n o r m o u s a m o u n t " o f money was being spent on t h e h i g h - s p e e d t r a i n l i n e a n d i t w a s i m p o r t a n t t o m a k e t h e r i g h t l o n g - t e r m decision
Pressure is growing on t h e P M t o m a k e a n a n n o u n c e m e n t a s r e p o r t s continue to circle that he is g o i n g t o s c r a p t h e l i n e ' s Birmingham to Manchester leg But the PM refused to confirm whether it would go ahead National living w ag e boo st an d b ene fi ts re fo r m announced by Chancellor
In the past, Chancellor J e r e m y H u n t h a d a n n o u n c e d a s u b s t a n t i a l w a g e b o o s t f o r l o w - p a i d w o r k e r s i n t h e U K T h e National Living Wage was set to increase to at least £ 1 1 0 0 p e r h o u r b y A p r i l
2024 Additionally, the government had outlined plans to reform the benefit sanctions regime, aiming to create a more equitable system £ 4 b n i nv es tm e nt i n ne w h u nt er- k il le r s u b m ar in es re v ea le d b y D ef en ce Secretary
In a significant developm e n t f o r t h e c o u n t r y s d e f e n c e c a p a b i l i t i e s , D e f e n c e S e c r e t a r y G r a n t Shapps unveiled a £4 billion i n v e s t m e n t i n a d v a n c e d a t t a c k s u b m a r i n e s T h e s e submarines were expected to bolster the UK's defence
while also providing support for domestic jobs in the submarine-building sector
Transp ort Secretary o pposes Labour's anti-car measures
T r a n s p o r t S e c r e t a r y
Mark Harper has strongly o p p o s e d L a b o u r ' s a n t i - c a r policies in the past He outlined a comprehensive plan t o c o u n t e r a c t t h e s e m e asures, addressing issues such as insurance claims, traffic zones, and parking The gove r n m e n t ' s a c t i o n s w e r e i n t e n d e d t o p r o t e c t t h e interests of motorists
Energ y efficiency for social housing tenants
The Secretary of State f o r E n e r g y S e c u r i t y announced £80 million in funding for energy efficiency improvements in social h o u s i n g T h e i n i t i a t i v e a i m e d t o m a k e h o m e s warmer and reduce energy bills for thousands of social h o u s i n g t e n a n t s , a l i g n i n g with the government's comm i t m e n t t o a c h i e v e N e t
Zero emissions by 2050
Six com panies progress in Nu c lea r D es i g n Com petition
In the realm of nuclear p o w e r d e v e l o p m e n t , s i x companies have been shortl i s t e d t o b u i l d S m a l l
M o d u l a r R e a c t o r s i n t h e U K T h e g o v e r n m e n t ' s objective was to lead in the development of cleaner and more secure energy sources, with this initiative expected
w h e r e a m a r r i e d c o u p l e p a s s e s t h e i r p r i m a r y r e s idence to their direct descendants Since 2020, the first million pounds distributed i n t h i s m a n n e r h a s b e e n exempt In essence, this cons t i t u t e s t h e i n h e r i t a n c e , while the rest typically consists of items with low resale v a l u e , s u c h a s s i l v e r w a r e , a n d a f e w s e n t i m e n t a l tokens
W e r e p e a t e d l y d e b a t e ending this tax, seemingly f o r g e t t i n g t h a t , w i t h t h e exemptions for the superrich and the million-pound threshold, it is already effectively defanged It s akin to watching a dog repeatedly fooled by a trickster who pretends to throw a ball but h a s c o n c e a l e d i t u p h i s sleeve However, the former is amusing, whereas the latter is tiresome
This inevitably leads to discussions about why people, who won't be affected
to bring substantial investments and job opportunities G o v er nm en t' s ef f o rt s t o t ac k le la te p a ym en ts t o S ME s
T h e g o v e r n m e n t a n n o u n c e d m e a s u r e s t o address the issue of late payments that affected small businesses in the past The focus was on improving the payment culture, especially for SMEs, to help businesses s a v e t i m e a n d m a i n t a i n healthy cash flow Revi ew of regulato ry p ractices post-Brexit I n a p o s t - B r e x i t l a n ds c a p e , t h e g o v e r n m e n t launched a comprehensive review of regulatory practices, involving 90 regulators in the UK The aim was to reduce bureaucratic red t a p e f o r b u s i n e s s e s w h i l e i m p r o v i n g o u t c o m e s f o r consumers The focus was on making regulation more e f f e c t i v e , r e s p o n s i v e , a n d accountable C o n se rv at i ve s ' b an o n mobile ph ones in sch ools E d u c a t i o n S e c r e t a r y Gillian Keegan made a significant announcement in the past, imposing a ban on the use of mobile phones in s c h o o l s T h i s m o v e w a s intended to reduce distract i o n s a n d f a c i l i t a t e a f o c u s e d l e a r n i n g e n v i r o nment, with limited exemptions considered for medical reasons
b y t h e t a x , p a s s i o n a t e l y advocate for its abolition, even though it draws revenue from a segment they will never belong to, all for the betterment of the society they live in
Dr Eric Boahen, Senior Lecturer and Cluster Lead in A c c o u n t i n g , F i n a n c e a n d
E c o n o m i c s , R o y a l D o c k s
School of Business and Law, UEL told the newsweekly, “ I n h e r i t a n c e t a x i s a l e v y p l a c e d o n t h e p r o p e r t y , money and possessions of a p e r s o n w h o h a s p a s s e d
a w a y , t h e l e v e l o f i n h e r itance tax depends on the: value of the estate (above £325,000), beneficiary of the estate and time between the donor's death and date of gift Inheritance tax is a tax o n m o n e y g o i n g , u s u a l l y , f r o m p a r e n t s t o c h i l d r e n This means that children of wealthy parents get windfalls that give them access to o p p o r t u n i t i e s c h i l d r e n o f
less wealthy parents could only dream of “ T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e Party’s position on inheritance tax is to abolish/slash the inheritance tax On the contrary, the Labour Party is p l a n n i n g t o i n c r e a s e t h e inheritance tax in a further raid on the middle class and businesses to raise as much a s £ 4 b n a n n u a l l y T h e Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) indicates that scrapp i n g o r a b o l i t i o n o f t h e inheritance tax would cost the UK government almost £15bn a year in lost revenue b y 2 0 3 2 B o t h t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e a n d L a b o u r Parties proposed changes to inheritance tax have sparked c o n c e r n s w i t h i n f a m i l i e s , b u s i n e s s e s , f a r m i n g l a n d o w n i n g a n d i n v e s t i n g communities Conseq-uently, several property-owning a n d w e a l t h y S o u t h A s i a n families are facing inheritance tax challenges ”
In the United Kingdom, there has been a significant shift towards embracing diversity, with 72% of Britons seeing it as part of British culture and t h r e e - q u a r t e r s b e i n g comfortable with mixed-race r e l a t i o n s h i p s H o w e v e r , despite this progress, racism still persists in various aspects o f s o c i e t y , i n c l u d i n g t h e labour market and policing
The concept of Britain as a " c o m m u n i t y o f communities," promoted by multicultural policies, has, in s o m e c a s e s , r e i n f o r c e d c o m m u n a l d i v i s i o n s a n d exacerbated social tensions
C o n t r o v e r s i a l i n c i d e n t s , such as the Batley school row and protests against inclusive s e x a n d r e l a t i o n s h i p education lessons, highlight h o w s o c i a l f r i c t i o n s c a n e s c a l a t e i n t o c o m m u n a l c o n f l i c t s w i t h i n t h i s multicultural framework
M u l t i c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s o f t e n t r e a t m i n o r i t y communities as homogenous e n t i t i e s , w i t h c e r t a i n i n d i v i d u a l s o r i n s t i t u t i o n s acting as "gatekeepers" who define what is acceptable to s a y a b o u t a p a r t i c u l a r community, often silencing marginalised voices
Additionally, places like Leicester have seen clashes b e t w e e n d i f f e r e n t communities, such as Hindus a n d M u s l i m s , f u r t h e r r e v e a l i n g t h e c o m p l e x i t i e s a n d c h a l l e n g e s o f multiculturalism F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e meaning of multiculturalism h a s b e e n e x p l o i t e d b y t h e r i g h t , l e a d i n g t o h o s t i l i t y t o w a r d s i m m i g r a t i o n a n d diversity itself While rightwing critics decry tribalism a n d i d e n t i t y p o l i t i c s , t h e y sometimes perpetuate social d i v i s i o n s I t i s e s s e n t i a l t o d i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n v a l i d c r i t i q u e s o f m u l t i c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s a n d a t t e m p t s t o rebrand racism T r u e d i v e r s i t y e n t a i l s e m b r a c i n g t h e m e s s y c o m p l e x i t y o f t h e w o r l d , a l l o w i n g f o r e n g a g e m e n t with different values, beliefs, and lifestyles, leading to a richer understanding of the world Multiculturalism, as a p o l i t i c a l p r o c e s s t h a t c a t e g o r i s e s a n d p o l i c e s boundaries, can undermine t h e g e n u i n e b e n e f i t s o f d i v e r s i t y a s a l i v e d experience Thus, it is crucial t o c r i t i c a l l y e v a l u a t e m u l t i c u l t u r a l p o l i c i e s w i t h o u t o v e r l o o k i n g t h e problems they can pose
U K H om e S ec ret ary S uella Brav erman was born in H a r r o w , G r e a t e r L o n d o n , and raised in Wembley She is
t h e d a u g h t e r o f U m a ( n é e
Mootien-Pillay) and Christie
F e r n a n d e s , b o t h o f I n d i a n o r i g i n , w h o i m m i g r a t e d t o B r i t a i n i n t h e 1 9 6 0 s f r o m
M a u r i t i u s a n d K e n y a r e s p e c t i v e l y P e r h a p s f o r g e t t i n g h e r r o o t s f o r a w h i l e , B r a v e r m a n r e c e n t l y c r i t i c i s e d m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m , s t a t i n g t h a t i t h a s n o t s u c c e e d e d i n E u r o p e a n d p o s e s a t h r e a t t o s o c i a l cohesion During a speech at a n e v e n t h o s t e d b y t h e
A m e r i c a n E n t e r p r i s e Institute, a centre-right think tank in Washington, the UK H o m e S e c r e t a r y c r i t i c i s e d what she referred to as the " m i s g u i d e d d o g m a o f m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m " S h e h a s also raised questions about the relevance of the United N a t i o n s ' 1 9 5 1 R e f u g e e C o n v e n t i o n , w h i c h w a s established after World War Two, in today's modern age This is not the first time she h a s v o i c e d h e r o p i n i o n B r a v e r m a n h a s p r e v i o u s l y discussed the idea of training UK residents for roles like l o r r y d r i v e r s , f r u i t p i c k e r s , a n d b u t c h e r s t o r e d u c e reliance on foreign workers She argued that this approach h a s e n a b l e d i n d i v i d u a l s t o e n t e r t h e U K w i t h t h e i n t e n t i o n o f u n d e r m i n i n g stability and posing a threat to societal security " "Multiculturalism makes no demands of the incomer t o i n t e g r a t e I t h a s f a i l e d because it allowed people to come to our society and live parallel lives in it They could be in the society but not of the society If cultural change is too rapid and too big, then w h a t w a s a l r e a d y t h e r e i s d i l u t e d , " s h e s a i d i n h e r speech and argued that global l e a d e r s w e r e h e s i t a n t t o i m p l e m e n t h u m a n r i g h t s reforms due to the fear of being labelled as "racist or illiberal " Braverman’s speech f a c e d c r i t i c i s m f r o m t h e U n i t e d N a t i o n s ’ s r e f u g e e agency, as she refused to rule out the possibility of the UK withdrawing from a global refugee charter if it remained u n r e f o r m e d T h e U n i t e d Nations High Commissioner f o r R e f u g e e s ( U N H C R ) c h a l l e n g e d h e r s p e e c h , a s s e r t i n g t h a t r e f o r m w a s unnecessary
Rishi Su nak com mend s U K’s vibrant multicultu ral d em ocracy
multicultural democracy He s t a t e d , “ I t h i n k t h a t t h i s c o u n t r y i s a n i n c r e d i b l e multicultural democracy”
B r a v e r m a n s p e c i f i c a l l y highlighted Leicester as an e x a m p l e o f t h e a l l e g e d
c o n s e q u e n c e s o f f a i l e d m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m H e r comments were rebuked by Leicester's mayor, Sir Peter S o u l s b y , l o c a l M P s , a n d dignitaries, who accused her o f i g n o r a n c e a n d m a l i c e Sunak also praised Leicester as a shining example of the country s diversity S e n i o r m e m b e r s o f t h e
C o n s e r v a t i v e P a r t y , o n t h e o t h e r h a n d , a c c u s e d B r a v e r m a n o f " s t o k i n g h a t r e d " t o w a r d s L G B T Q + i n d i v i d u a l s a n d f o r e i g n e r s w i t h h e r s p e e c h S i r B o b N e i l l , t h e C o n s e r v a t i v e c h a i r m a n o f t h e j u s t i c e c o m m i t t e e , c r i t i c i s e d h e r " a l a r m i s t r h e t o r i c " a s p o l i t i c a l l y u n w i s e a n d c a u t i o n e d t h a t i t c o u l d hinder efforts to address the small boats crisis A former Tory cabinet minister argued t h a t h e r " i n f l a m m a t o r y language" was detrimental to t h e U K ' s r e p u t a t i o n a n d c o u l d p o t e n t i a l l y c o s t t h e p a r t y v o t e s i n t h e n e x t election
Additionally, reports have emerged indicating that the H o m e S e c r e t a r y d e c l i n e d multiple invitations to meet w i t h A r c h b i s h o p J u s t i n W e l b y , w h o e x p r e s s e d c o n c e r n s a b o u t h e r immigration approach The A r c h b i s h o p ' s a t t e m p t s t o initiate this meeting have so far been unsuccessful Priti Patel says we are the actual products of integration, multiculturalism
be proud of in our country " We mu st continue wo rking to unite T h e M a yo r o f L o nd o n, Sadiq K han, told Asian Voice,
Nitin Mehta MBEIn a r e ce n t sp e e ch g i v e n i n W a s h in g t on , t he B r it is h Ho m e Secre ta ry Suella Br av erma n made a n u n p r e c e d e n t e d a t t a ck o n mult icultura lism Let us first look a t the de finit ion of Mult icultur alism: it is a con cept wher e all the diffe re nt cultur al or ra cia l groups in a socie ty hav e e qua l r ights a nd opport un ities, an d none is ign ored or r ega rde d as unimport an t There is no compulsion to adapt to the ways of the country one has emigrated to and there are no demands of the immigrant to integrate According to Braverman, it is this dogma that has created a toxic environment that has caused huge problems in Western countries
“I’m proud that London is a reflection of the success of m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m , w i t h o u r d i v e r s i t y i m p r o v i n g a l l aspects of life in the capital for the better From business to the arts, we see the positive impact that multiculturalism has every single day, and we a r e a l l r i c h e r a s a r e s u l t Rather than seeking to divide, we must continue working to unite our communities and p r o m o t e s o c i a l i n t e g r a t i o n and all the benefits it brings I am proud to be a Mayor for a l l L o n d o n e r s a n d I w i l l a l w a y s c e l e b r a t e L o n d o n ’ s diversity and work to bring communities together as we c o n t i n u e b u i l d i n g a b e t t e r London for everyone ”
A p olitically convenient narrative
S p e a k i n g t o t h e n e w s w e e k l y , L ad y K i s h w ar Desai, Chair of the Partition
From the UK to France to Sweden gang wars, drug trade, crime and riots, are all attributed to illegal immigrants or to people these countries welcome According to President Macron of France, half of all crimes are committed by illegal migrants Sweden, a model Socialist nation where every citizen gets all the facilities to live a life happily is now r o c k e d b y g a n g v i o l e n c e m a d e u p o f d i f f e r e n t immigrant groups Italy too has similar problems
Braverman expressed the fear that the current level and pace of immigration can pose an existential threat to Britain
Net migration hit a record 606,000 in 2022, with o n e i n f i v e b a b i e s b o r n t o m o t h e r s b o r n a b r o a d According to Braverman, 109,000 people have entered the UK on small boats crossing the Channel since 2018 It has cost the Government £4 billion so far in taking care of these refugees In 2022, 45,755 people entered the country on small boats T h e G o v e r n m e n t s p e n d s £ 8 m i l l i o n a d a y i n accommodating these migrants The UK will need an extra 213,000 secondary school places by 2026 to accommodate the additional number of children Half of the demand for new housing in England is due to immigration There are millions of people waiting to leave their countries and in an opinion poll around 40 million people have chosen Britain as a place where they would like to settle How many Liberals who champion the cause of illegal migrants would take in any refugee in their home?
It is indeed brave of Braverman to speak out on this deeply sensitive issue Her father came from Kenya and h e r m o t h e r f r o m M a u r i t i u s B r a v e r m a n h a s b e e n attacked by both the left and right-wing media How dare an immigrant child speak of curbing immigration they ask The answer to that question is why not? An English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish politician would not have spoken out on this issue for fear of being called a racist There indeed is a need for a uniform code of law that overrides the outdated regressive cultural practices of any immigrant group
I n c o n t r a s t t o Braverman’s approach, Prime M i n i s t e r R i s h i S u n a k h a s c o m m e n d e d t h e U n i t e d
K i n g d o m ' s v i b r a n t multicultural democracy He expressed his belief that the UK represents an incredible
S p e a k i n g t o S k y N e w s ' Sunday Morning with Trevor P h i l l i p s , t h e f o r m e r H o m e S e c r e t a r y P r i t i P a t e l s a i d :
"[Ms Braverman's speech] was v e r y m u c h a b o u t m a k i n g interventions [but] that is not a substitute for delivery around changes to policy in g o v e r n m e n t N o w , I d o n ' t know what the intention was around that, whether it be to get attention [or] have the dividing line as we go into a r u n u p t o a t h e g e n e r a l election
I can understand that, I c a n a b s o l u t e l y u n d e r s t a n d that, but you and I are sitting here today, we are the actual p r o d u c t s o f i n t e g r a t i o n , m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m , d y n a m i c c o m m u n i t i e s , p e o p l e t h a t l o v e o u r c o u n t r y , w a n t t o c o n t r i b u t e t o o u r c o u n t r y , along with a hell of a lot of other people that have done exactly the same, and I think that is something we should
Museum said, “While both the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman and the current Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak are a product of the success of multiculturism in Britain, it would make electoral sense for Suella Braverman to deny it ”
“After all, she needs to a p p e a l t o t h e s o - c a l l e d majoritarian sentiment in the country that the ‘foreigners’ need to be kept out else t h e U K i s i n d a n g e r o f collapse,” she said
“She needs to maintain t h a t t h e m u l t i c u l t u r a l narrative of the UK is broken Thus it would be simpler (for her) if politicians like her are s o m e h o w v i e w e d a s ‘different’- the unicorns- so t h a t t h e i r s u c c e s s i s considered unique and not a celebration of multicultural Britain”, Lady Desai added S h e f u r t h e r e x p l a i n e d that Braverman’s remarks on multiculturalism do not just present an incorrect picture of a changing UK, they also encourage racism while she keeps coming up with one u n s u c c e s s f u l i m m i g r a t i o n policy after another
The National Anthem should be sung in schools and other institutions There should be a clampdown o n t h e p o l i t i c s o f t h e c o u n t r i e s f r o m w h e r e t h e immigrants have come The Western countries should have the right to deport individuals who organise violent protests and plan terrorist activities in the very country that has welcomed them
I m m i g r a n t s a n d e t h n i c m i n o r i t i e s c a n b e unreasonable and violent and yet the left-wing media and so-called liberals find excuses for their behaviour
Unemployment, lack of opportunities, racism and in India's case Hindu nationalism are used as an excuse for the misdeeds of minorities Canada is a very good example of Liberal policies that accommodate every wish of a minority and can leave the country humiliated on the international stage
The UK and other Western countries have given the migrants every opportunity to excel and our Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Braverman are a very good example of that It is time to give back to the country which has given so much to the newcomers We are entering a post-Liberal era which is more realistic and practical You cannot be in the society but not in the society Any immigrant community or a minority must be loyal to the country that they have made their home Braverman rightly warns that unless these issues are resolved there is a danger of far-right parties coming to power and that would be a catastrophe for migrants The Indian diaspora, generally and from East Africa particularly, has an excellent record in integrating well in Western countries They are high achievers, the most law-abiding and loyal citizens and like in many things, India provides an answer to the best way of living in a new country When the Parsi community arrived on the shores of India their leader was offered a glass of milk The Parsi leader added sugar to it implying that they will mix just like milk mixes with sugar The rest is History www nitinmehta co uk
One some times wond ers what our p ublic lif e would be lik e if we d id not set up straw men a nd competed i n who k nocks the m ou t f i r st Su e l l a B r a v e r m a n' s rece nt spe ech es are a very good e x a m pl e o f i t S h e a t t a c k s a l mo st e v e r y t h i ng i n s i g h t , espe ci ally if i t has a li bera l a nd hu m a ni t a r i a n l o o k I n h e r re ce nt sp e e c h s h e a tt a c k e d ECH R, mu lt i cu l tu r a li sm , a nd refuge es comi ng into the country The y are all seen as a grave danger to the count ry, and must be st o p p e d a s a ma tt e r o f na t i o na l p r i o r i t y T o a c o ol mi nd thi s sounds absurd e ven downright si lly
Take multiculturalism The prime minister describes it in reasonably positive terms and sees it as an asset to the country Braverman takes the opposite view She thinks it involves leading parallel lives, does not encourage minorities to integrate into the British society and so on Nothing could be further from the truth All academic research in recent years s h o w s t h a t m u l t i c u l t u r a l i s m , m e a n i n g c r e a t i v e i n t e r a c t i o n between different cultures contributes to their enrichment It also encourages minorities to feel secure and wanted, and to venture out into the wider society in a spirit of warmth and
Lady Desai pointed out that u n f o r t u n a t e l y , f o r t h e H o m e S e c r e t a r y a n d o t h e r u l t r a - r i g h t politicians like her, the world has c h a n g e d a n d a d d e d t h a t , “ S h e cannot deny her own heritage and claim to be more of a child of the Empire than of the consequences of it
“Multiculturalism is an ideal and no country can claim to be entirely successful in managing it
openness There is little doubt that Brittain would have been a far more divided country without the support and encouragement provided by multiculturalism and the consequent principle of generosity and mutual respect B r a v e r m a n a t t a c k s i m m ig r a n t s , s e e s c h i l d g r o o m i n g g a n g s a s b a s i c a l l y B r i t i s hPakistani and a grave threat to British values It is obvious that s u c h g a n g s a r e a t h r e a t t o British values but there is no evidence that they or most of t h e m a r e B r i t i s h - P a k i s t a n i Such evidence as we have shows that most of the gangs are run by the whites, a point she had to concede reluctantly I t i s a b o u t t i m e t h a t w e allowed facts to speak rather than prejudices to take over our minds Equally it is important that we should show humanity a n d k i n d n e s s w h e n t h e y a r e needed Anything less is unworthy of a country like ours
Dame Sue Carr, th e first female h ead of the jud iciary, is being celebrated as a champion o f "div ersity, equality, and inclus i o n" w it h i n th e le g al p rofessio n
She made history by becoming the first lady chief justice of England and Wales, succeeding a line of 97 male predecessors dating back to the 13th century Dame Carr had t h e o p t i o n t o c h o o s e h e r t i t l e , which could have been either lord chief justice or chief justice, a gender-neutral term used in certain countries
N i c k V i n e a l l K C , Chairman of the Bar Council, lauded Dame Carr as an "unpreced e n t e d r o l e m o d e l " during her swearing-in ceremony, attended by p o l i t i c i a n s , s e n i o r judges, and barristers at the Royal Courts of Justice in London He noted that when Dame Carr joined the Bar in 1987, only a fifth of barristers were women Today, that figure stands at 40 percent, with 51 percent of new entrants being female, yet only a third of judges are women
A ksh ata M urty is in th e p rocess of w ind ing dow n her startup inv estm ent fund T his decision comes s e v era l m o n th s a ft er c o nc ern s w ere raised about the fund 's connections to taxpayer-funded initiatives C a t a m a r a n V e n t u r e s U K , M u r t y ' s v e n t u r e c a p i t a l f u n d , r e c e n t l y f i l e d d o c u m e n t s w i t h Companies House, indicating that its directors have chosen to dissolve the company Murty had utilized Catamaran Ventures UK to invest a portion of her substantial wealth, stemming from her 0 91% ownership stake in her father's Indian IT firm, Infosys E a r l i e r t h i s y e a r , h e r s t a k e i n Infosys was valued at £590 million
It requires largesse to recognise the talent of a first or secondgeneration migrant, and the UK h a s b e e n g r a c i o u s e n o u g h t o r e c o g n i s e t h a t o f b o t h M s Braverman and Mr Sunak
“They in turn stand on the shoulders of thousands of others, including Parliamentarians like my husband who came from another country and who have struggled f o r y e a r s t o c r e a t e t h e multicultural environment for Ms Braverman to get the acceptance she enjoys today But it is unlikely that she will recognise that ”
Lady Desai feels that we can always do better but to be in denial that multiculturalism has been a contributor to her growth, and that of the UK in general is a narrative of electoral convenience 'I had thought the Conservative party had g r o w n t o a c c e p t t h i s , e s p e c i a l l y u n d e r P r i m e M i n i s t e r D a v i d Cameron But I might have been mistaken ’ Multicult ura lism is a ma nifesta tion of a ran ge of global re la tions
N irmal Puwar , a Reader at the
Braverman’s controversial remarks, she said, “Braverman herself is a p r o d u c t o f m i g r a t i o n a n d colonialism She is an asset for the r i g h t w i n g a n d n o t a n u n u s u a l political entity whose colour brings legitimacy to ringing the bells of border hostility, with an attempt to expel others with revulsion
“Everything falling apart in the U K i s c h a n n e l l e d t h r o u g h a scapegoat tunnel in highly emotive rhetoric Distracting from the state of austerity, depletion of the NHS, schools and municipal governance a n d i n f r a s t r u c t u r a l c a p i t a l speculation projects ” Br ave rma n att acks almost ev ery thing in sight
In his special column for Asian
V o i c e , L o r d B h i k h u P a r e k h mentioned that Suella Braverman attacks almost everything in sight, especially if it has a liberal and humanitarian look He shares that “She thinks that multiculturalism involves leading parallel lives and d o e s n ’ t e n c o u r a g e m i n o r i t i e s t o integrate into British society, and so on Nothing could be further from the truth ” “ T h e r e i s l i t t l e d o u b t t h a t Britain would have been a far more d i v i d e d c o u n t r y w i t h o u t t h e s u p p o r t a n d e n c o u r a g e m e n t provided by multiculturalism and t h e c o n s e q u e n t p r i n c i p l e o f generosity and mutual respect
“ I t i s a b o u t t i m e t h a t w e allowed facts to speak rather than prejudices to take over our minds
Equally, it is important that we s h o u l d s h o w h u m a n i t y a n d kindness when they are needed
A n y t h i n g l e s s i s u n w o r t h y o f a country like ours ” , he added
The refugee council has also challenged Braverman's assertion that the majority of asylum seekers a r e e c o n o m i c m i g r a n t s highlighting an analysis indicating that, if their claims were processed, three out of four individuals who c r o s s e d t h e E n g l i s h C h a n n e l i n small boats this year would likely be granted asylum
migrant crisis
These remarks are anticipated to reignite the debate surrounding Rishi Sunak's immigration policy
The Business Secretary emphasised the necessity for the Conservative P a r t y t o e n g a g e i n a c a n d i d discussion regarding the potential departure from the ECHR
Braverman also found support from established far-right groups in the UK, including Mark Collett, a f o r m e r p r o t e g e o f B r i t i s h National Party leader Nick Griffin, w h o n o w l e a d s t h e P a t r i o t i c Alternative group According to Nitin Mehta, a r e n o w n e d s p e a k e r o n I n d i a ’ s spiritual heritage, it is brave of Braverman to speak out on this d e e p l y s e n s i t i v e i s s u e H e s a i d , “Her father came from Kenya and h e r m o t h e r f r o m M a u r i t i u s Braverman has been attacked by both the left and right-wing media H o w d a r e a n i m m i g r a n t c h i l d speak of curbing immigration they ask The answer to that question is why not?”
In a reiteration of Braverman’s a p p r o a c h t o g l o b a l l e a d e r s ' hesitancy, Mehta shared that “ an English, Welsh, Scottish or Irish politician would not have spoken out on this issue for fear of being called a racist ”
H e f u r t h e r a d d e d , “ T h e r e indeed is a need for a uniform code of law that overrides the outdated regressive cultural practices of any immigrant group
S o c i o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t a t Goldsmiths University, shared her opinion with Asian Voice, saying that multiculturalism exists in a m u l t i t u d e o f w a y s a n d i s a manifestation of a range of global r e l a t i o n s S h e f u r t h e r e x p l a i n e d that everyday matters, including t h e s l a v e t r a d e a n d i n d e n t u r e d labour relations to the British tea with sugar, can’t be understood without the historical contexts,
E x p r e s s i n g h e r o p i n i o n o n
The Council, utilising Home Office data on Channel crossings, reported that 74% of arrivals in 2 0 2 3 w o u l d q u a l i f y a s a s y l u m seekers, representing an increase from 65% the previous year
Support for Hom e Secre tar y ’ s a pproa ch
S u e l l a B r a v e r m a n r e c e i v e d support from Kemi Bade noch, who suggested considering the option o f e x i t i n g t h e E u r o p e a n C o n v e n t i o n o n H u m a n R i g h t s (ECHR) as the government faces mounting pressure to address the
“The National Anthem should b e s u n g i n s c h o o l s a n d o t h e r i n s t i t u t i o n s T h e r e s h o u l d b e a clampdown on the politics of the c o u n t r i e s f r o m w h e r e t h e i m m i g r a n t s h a v e c o m e T h e Western countries should have the right to deport individuals who organise violent protests and plan t e r r o r i s t a c t i v i t i e s i n t h e v e r y country that has welcomed them ” I m m i g r a n t s a n d e t h n i c m i n o r i t i e s c a n b e u n r e a s o n a b l e and violent and yet the left-wing media and so-called liberals find excuses for their behaviour
The fund faced scrutiny when it was revealed that some of the startups it supported had received financial injections from taxpayerfunded programs or had outstandi n g d e b t s t o H M R e v e n u e a n d
CustomsT he S ol i c it o r s R e g ul a t io n A ut h or it y ( S RA ) ha s a nnounc ed its in ter vent ion into the practice of Axiom Ince, r esulting in t he imm ediate closure of t he firm T h i s m o v e f o l l o w s increasing speculation that the firm was unable to continue operating due to the expiration of its insurance c o v e r a g e A x i o m I n c e h a d filed a notice with the court indicating its intention to appoint administrators
The SRA had previously suspended the individual practices of d i r e c t o r s P r a g n e s h M o d h w a d i a ,
Idnan Liaqat, and Shyam Mistry in August, and now it has taken the decision to shut down the entire b u s i n e s s I t i s r e p o r t e d t h a t a l l r e m a i n i n g s t a f f h a v e b e e n m a d e
The SRA stated that this action
was necessary to safeg u a r d t h e i n t e r e s t s o f c l i e n t s a n d f o r m e r clients of the firm T h e i n t e r v e n t i o n i n v o l v i n g A x i o m I n c e , w h i c h h a d a c q u i r e d firms Plexus Legal and Ince & Co this year, is poised to become one of t h e l a r g e s t a n d m o s t costly interventions in the SRA's history
As part of the intervention, the SRA has seized files from a total of 14 offices, including locations in B i r m i n g h a m , B r i s t o l , L e e d s , London, and Manchester
1 497, a nonprofit org anization dedicated to supporting S outh A sian filmm akers, has rev ealed its m entors for th e third Featu res Lab, including M ira Nair, Geeta Malik, and Minhal Baig
The Features Lab, initially conducted virtually in its first year and as a hybrid event in the second year, will take place in person in Malibu, California, for its third edition from October 18 to 23 This year's format involves each of the three L a b p a r t i c i p a n t s r e c e i v i n g dedicated mentorship from a group of experts, including a filmmaker, producer, representative, and a Lab alumnus, who will provide script feedback and career guidance A d d i t i o n a l l y , m e n t e e s will collaborate with film-
L ead in g U K p lay w ri g h t s Tanika Gupta and Anupam a Chand rasekhar are m aking a si gnifi cant co ntribution by d o nat in g f i rs t ed it io n s o f th ei r w o rk t o an hi s to ri c au c ti o n ai m ed a t rai s i ng funds to sup port refug ees in the UK
me for this project, it happened to align with the play I w a s a b o u t t o b e g i n r e h e a r s a l s f o r T h i s p l a y d e l v e s i n t o t h e t h e m e o f British colonialism, particul a r l y i t s l e g a c y i n I n d i a
Mira Nairm a k e r a n d e x p e r i e n c e d script consultant Adrienne Weiss to enhance the emotional depth of their stories
1 4 9 7 h a s g a t h e r e d a team of industry professiona l s r e p r e s e n t i n g a l l e i g h t officially recognized South Asian countries, including A f g h a n i s t a n , B a n g l a d e s h , B h u t a n , I n d i a , T h e Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, to serve as mentors, Lab advisors, and m e m b e r s o f t h e s e l e c t i o n committee
L olita C hakrabarti's adaptation of M ag gie O'Farrell's 'Hamnet,' w hich had a su ccessfu l run in StratfordU pon-Av on, is g earing up for its West E nd run starting at the end of this m onth
'Hamnet' is a story inspired by the son of the renowned 16thcentury playwright and poet William Shakespeare
The novel achieved significant success, selling over 1 5 million copies worldwide and receiving accolades such as Waterstones Book of the Year and the National Book Critics Circle Award in 2020 It also earned Maggie O'Farrell the 2020 Women's Prize for Fiction, one of the UK's most prestigious annual book awards recognizing fiction written by women In 2021, 'Hamnet' became the No 1 Sunday Times Bestseller and was
shortlisted for the Walter Scott Prize for Historical Fiction and the British Book Awards' Fiction Book of the Year
Following its record-breaking run at the Royal Shakespeare Company's Swan Theatre, the play is set to open at the Garrick Theatre in London with high demand, prompting an extension of the West End staging The production, presented by RSC and Neal Street Productions in association with Hera Pictures, is now booking until midFebruary 2024
M eer a S ya l s tar s i n ' M rs S id hu Investigates,' a new o riginal mystery series set to d eb ut o n W ed n es d a y, O c to be r 4 t h at 8 p m o n
U KTV Dram a Here's a prev iew of w hat to expect:
The series follows Mrs Sidhu, a widow running her catering business and helping her son Tez find his passion while also delving into solving crimes She metes out her unique brand of justice to those who believe
T h e s e r e n o w n e d p l a ywrights are among a group of 60 award-winning playwrights generously donating special first edition copies of their plays to the Out of the M a r g i n s o n l i n e a u c t i o n , h e l d i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h C h r i s t i e ' s A u c t i o n H o u s e The auction will run online until October 6, 2023
T a n i k a G u p t a a n d A n u p a m a C h a n d r a s e k h a r will be joined by a stellar lineup of theatre luminaries, i n c l u d i n g T o m S t o p p a r d , D a v i d H a r e , J e z B u t t e r w o r t h , R i c h a r d Curtis, Tina Fey, and many others, in an effort to raise funds for refugees arriving in the UK
T h i s n o t e w o r t h y a u ct i o n c o i n c i d e s w i t h t h e National Theatre's product i o n o f A n u p a m a C h a n d r a s e k h a r ' s " T h e F a t h e r a n d t h e A s s a s s i n , " o p e n i n g o n S e p t e m b e r 8 , a n d T a n i k a G u p t a ' s " T h e Empress," transferring from t h e R S C t o t h e L y r i c Hammersmith on October
4 Speaking to Asian Voice, Tanika Gupta spoke about the auction and her contribution to it
C an yo u p r o v i d e us a n overv iew o f the A uction?
E s s e n t i a l l y , a n o t a b l e group of writers, including
s o m e w e l l - k n o w n f i g u r e s , have contributed their first editions to raise funds for a charity dedicated to assisti n g r e f u g e e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y those in Cairo Our initiat i v e i n v o l v e s a n n o t a t i n g o u r s c r i p t s , o f f e r i n g people an insightf u l g l i m p s e i n t o our creative process, the chaos of c r a f t i n g p l a y s , and the nuances of our work
T h i s p r o j e c t provides a unique o p p o r t u n i t y t o explore the craftsmanship of established writers, such as t h e e s t e e m e d C a r y l Churchill It promises to be an extraordinary experience for anyone interested
Moreover, the quality of the work itself is exceptional The proceeds from this e n d e a v o r g o t o w a r d s u pp o r t i n g a r t i s t s w h o a r e r e f u g e e s , i n d i v i d u a l s w h o h a v e b e e n c o m p e l l e d t o leave their homes and start anew with little to nothing
Thus, it's a noble and worthw h i l e c a u s e o n m u l t i p l e fronts Of all your wo rks, how d id y ou d ec i d e th a t “ T h e Em press ” was th e best fit for the auction?
When they approached
Given that the refugee crisis today has direct ties to hist o r i c a l c o l o n i a l i s m , i t f e l t like a compelling choice It's an intriguing exploration
Additionally, the organisation was eager to diversify i t s c o l l e c t i o n o f w o r k s , w h i c h p r i m a r i l y f e a t u r e d renowned writers like Carol C h u r c h i l l a n d Tom Stoppard T h e y w e r e keen on incorp o r a t i n g t h e perspectives of g l o b a l l y e x p er i e n c e d w r i te r s O u r p l a y delves into dist i n c t t h e m e s , such as identit y a n d t h e impact of war, which complement the existing canon
Furthermore, this rendition of my play is entirely new, fresh, and revamped It's a brand-new edition The refugee stories are yet to have extensive representation in the world of theatre Why is it so ? What can be done to pro mote refugee narratives?
Certainly, the issue with refugee stories often arises when playwrights decide to write about refugees witho u t a c t i v e l y i n v o l v i n g refugees themselves in the s t o r y t e l l i n g p r o c e s s T h e ultimate goal should be to empower individuals to narrate their own experiences, a n d i d e a l l y , t o d o s o i n
English or have their work t r a n s l a t e d i n t o E n g l i s h While there are numerous p l a y w r i t i n g c o u r s e s i n L o n d o n a n d B r i t a i n , m y concern lies in who gets to tell these stories and whose perspectives are being repres e n t e d I t ' s a q u e s t i o n o f who holds the pen For far too long, we've w i t n e s s e d w h i t e w r i t e r s appropriating stories from o t h e r c o m m u n i t i e s a n d retelling them through their o w n l e n s T h i s a p p r o a c h t e n d s t o r e s u l t i n a o n esided portrayal The comm e n d a b l e w o r k b e i n g undertaken here is focused on facilitating, training, and providing opportunities for refugees to share their own s t o r i e s I m p o r t a n t l y , t h i s doesn't mean they are limite d t o o n l y w r i t i n g a b o u t t h e i r e x p e r i e n c e s a s refugees They may want to e x p l o r e e n t i r e l y d i f f e r e n t themes, and that s perfectly v a l i d N o o n e s h o u l d b e c o m p e l l e d t o c o n f o r m t o p r e c o n c e i v e d n o t i o n s o f w h a t t h e y s h o u l d w r i t e about
I've personally encountered situations throughout my career where I've been asked to write about specific topics that fit into certain stereotypes, such as domestic violence or terrorism I've always resisted this pressure because I believe in telling t h e s t o r i e s I ' m p a s s i o n a t e about, irrespective of their origin The same principle a p p l i e s t o t h e i n d i v i d u a l s they are training it's about granting them a voice and, in a sense, uncovering hidden narratives
t h e y a r e b e y o n d t h e l a w
Her journey into the world of detective work takes an unexpected turn when she forms an unofficial partners h i p w i t h D C I B u r t o n , a
divorcee who has seen his share of challenges
Before making its televis i o n d e b u t , ' M r s S i d h u I n v e s t i g a t e s ' w a s i n i t i a l l y introduced to audiences on BBC Radio 4, with Meera Syal lending her voice to the titular character
Travellers Guide: Sustainable Travel to South Asia
What is sustainable travel? In its simplest form sustainable travel is being socially and culturally aware when you travel, and understanding the impact your visit will have on a destination
By being more aware, we can minimise negative impacts and maximise the positive for not only those who live in the places we visit but also ourselves through richer experiences Sustainable travel to South Asia involves making conscious choices to minimise our environmental and social impact The main motivator for individuals to explore South Asia is its cost-effectiveness In numerous countries within this region, the expenses associated with daily life are quite reasonable, enabling travellers to relish a comfortable lifestyle without straining their finances
South Asia is a diverse and vibrant part of the world that includes countries like India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and others The region is home to some communities that have experienced both the positive and negative impacts of tourism
Unfortunately, some communities have been exploited, threatening their way of life which leads to a loss of culture Pollution, h a b i t a t d e s t r u c t i o n , a n d a g r o w i n g g a p between rich and poor are just some of the c o n s e q u e n c e s H o w e v e r , b y f a c i l i t a t i n g responsible travel, being socially aware of our actions, and providing the necessary resources to fight poverty, socially and environmentally responsible tourism can bring hope and make a positive impact on such communities
Opting for eco-friendly accommodation, a n d l o o k i n g f o r h o t e l s , g u e s t h o u s e s , a n d resorts that have adopted sustainable practices is the next step This could include using r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y s o u r c e s , r e d u c i n g w a t e r consumption, and implementing waste recycling programs Seek out hotels and resorts that have earned sustainability certifications, and contemplate booking tours and activities w i t h o p e r a t o r s d e d i c a t e d t o r e s p o n s i b l e tourism practices Tour operators that prioritise environmental and social responsibility will promote responsible tourism
Consider flying with airlines that have strong environmental commitments, such as reducing carbon emissions and offering carbon offset options If you are directly flying make sure to find airlines to minimise your carbon footprint Many airlines and organisations offer carbon offset initiatives that support environmental projects Investing in carbon offset programs will reduce your carbon emissions
While you are in South Asia try to choose public transportation It is an affordable and convenient way to get around Trains, buses, and local trams are a great way to sightsee while reducing your carbon footprint compared to private vehicles or taxis
South Asia, like many parts of the world, f a c e s p l a s t i c p o l l u t i o n p r o b l e m s C a r r y a reusable water bottle and shopping bag to reduce your consumption of single-use plastics Be mindful of disposing of your waste properly and make sure any waste is placed into the correct bins for recycling, as recycling infrastructure can be limited in some areas
Conserve water and electricity in your accommodation By turning off lights and air conditioning when not in use and by taking shorter showers you can reduce the impact of the environment Water sources can be a scarce resource in some parts of South Asia
Support local businesses by choosing to dine at locally-owned restaurants Buy souv e n i r s f r o m l o c a l a r t i s a n s a n d m a r k e t s
Supporting the local economy helps to preserve traditional crafts and culture
Respecting the wildlife in South Asia is important The homes of diverse wildlife, including endangered species are depleting due to human involvement If you plan to visit national parks or wildlife reserves, follow the guidelines provided by park authorities and maintain a respectful distance from animals
Avoid activities that promote captive or harmful interactions with wildlife
Shefali SaxenaT h e Br it is h A si an T ru s t annou nced th e app oi ntm ent o f A ati f H as s an , K h a tu n Sapnara, and Sho nnel Malani to its Board of T rustees earlier this m onth Th eir shared passion for the Trust’s work and u ni que exp ertise will play a piv otal ro le in ov erseeing the s uc ce ss o f th e o rg ani sat io n, driving impact and fulfilling its strategic objectives
T h e f i r s t p e r s o n o f Bangladeshi heritage to serve on the British Asian Trust’s B o a r d , H e r H o n o u r J u d g e Khatun Sapnara, is an experie n c e d C i r c u i t J u d g e a n d Deputy High Court Judge with a remarkable 24-year career as a barrister Her invaluable service extends to the expert gove r n m e n t a d v i s o r y b o d y , t h e Family Justice Council, where she contributed to significant d e v e l o p m e n t s i n t h e l a w Khatun s dedication to charitable causes is evident in her long history of serving on the Boards of various charitable o r g a n i s a t i o n s S h e c u r r e n t l y holds the esteemed position of the Lord Chief Justice’s nominated Trustee of The Access T o J u s t i c e F o u n d a t i o n S h o n n e l M a l a n i b r i n g s o v e r t w o d e c a d e s o f l e a d e r s h i p experience in the financial and private equity sectors
Asian Voice spoke exclusively to Khatun Sapnara
Please tell us about yourself, your background and your family.
I am a Circuit Judge and a Deputy High Court Judge following a 24-year career as a barrister I have advised successive governments on legal issues including as an expert on the Family Justice Council, where I’ve contributed to significant developments in the law and the justice system I was born in rural Sylhet, Bangladesh I came to England as a child, following the war
which led to the creation of Bangladesh Members of my family were freedom fighters I was educated in state schools and read law at the London S c h o o l o f E c o n o m i c s (University of London) My three brothers and I were raised by our late parents to have ambition for ourselves but to also do whatever we could to make a difference and to improve and empower the lives of those facing disadvantage, adversity and discrimination I have endeavoured to instil similar values in my two sons I have a keen interest and dedication to charitable causes and have served on the B o a r d s o f s e v e r a l c h a r i t i e s including as the Lord Chief Justice’s nominated Trustee of T h e A c c e s s T o J u s t i c e Foundation
What are your objectives aligned with those of the British Asian Trust that will help you fulfil your role?
Our outlook is aligned, in that to have the greatest possible impact on the scale and complexity of the challenges in South Asia, we need to think differently about them The B r i t i s h A s i a n T r u s t b e l i e v e s there is a need to disrupt the traditional development agend a a n d s e e k n e w , e f f e c t i v e solutions It works in partnership to design and deliver programmes, raise funds and convene partnerships that com-
bine new social finance tools, philanthropy and technology to deliver impact at scale Like my work, their work is peoplefocused, addressing inequalities and seeking to make real changes for the communities served
What aspect of the British Asian Trust appeals to you?
I admire the British Asian Trust’s drive to deliver tangible impact and reach as many vulnerable people as possible The Trust is a leader in employing social finance to deliver impact
a t s c a l e F o r e x a m p l e , i t s
Q u a l i t y E d u c a t i o n I n d i a Development Impact bond is the world’s largest education bond and has improved learning for 200,000 children in India so far More recently the Trust set up its Skill Impact
B o n d w h i c h w i l l s u p p o r t
5 0 , 0 0 0 y o u n g p e o p l e a n d women in India with skills, training and access to wage employment
A l w a y s a m b i t i o u s , a g a i n something that resonates, the T r u s t a l s o d e l i v e r e d a n a i d Match campaign with the UK Government, securing £4m to e n a b l e a m a j o r L i v e l i h o o d s programme to create jobs for t h o u s a n d s o f w o m e n i n Pakistan
T h e T r u s t ’ s m o s t r e c e n t p r o g r a m m e - T h e C l i m a t e I n n o v a t i o n F u n d i n Bangladesh excites me It supp o r t s i n n o v a t i v e l o c a l s o l utions working to mitigate the o n g o i n g t h r e a t s o f c l i m a t e change and enhance climate resilience in Bangladesh I love how The British Asian Trust is looking for new solutions to solve existing problems
The Trust has time and again helped Asian countries in times of crisis and also celebrated the community How would you like to move forward?
The British Asian Trust did
a tremendous job, especially during the pandemic Its India
Oxygen Appeal and Recovery
F u n d r a i s e d o v e r £ 9 m a n d helped 2 3 million people It w a s a r o u n d t h e s a m e t i m e , that they also launched their British Asian Heroes campaign celebrating the terrific work British Asians were contributing to the community
The British Asian Trust has continued to innovate in the way it raises funds and delivers programmes to transform the lives of vulnerable communities and individuals in South Asia I look forward to working with the British Asian Trust as it rolls out its impressive plans t o c o n t i n u e d e l i v e r i n g i t s important work Being a global pioneer in social finance, with a strong track record of driving successful collaborations and a p p l y i n g s o c i a l f i n a n c e approaches to solve social and economic challenges in South Asia, it is now building its portfolio even further I am particularly excited about being a part of this Why is the smooth functioning of such organisations imperative for Asians back home?
T h e T r u s t a l l o w s S o u t h A s i a n d i a s p o r a m e m b e r s t o maintain emotional links to c o u n t r i e s a n d g i v e b a c k t o society They can support the T r u s t c o n f i d e n t l y k n o w i n g that the agenda of the British Asian Trust is ensuring achieving the greatest impact using t h o s e f u n d s T h i s i s c l e a r l y established by the almost 12 million people the Trust has reached so far My role as a Trustee for the charity is to offer guidance in the direction of a charity and to ensure its p u r p o s e i s c a r r i e d o u t O r g a n i s a t i o n s s u c h a s t h e British Asian Trust aid econ o m i c g r o w t h a n d s o c i a l progress, contributing towards real progress in South Asian countries
T hi s Pu ja se as on , a c lub i n S out h Ko lk a ta pl a ns t o pa y h om a ge t o a s c i e nt i s t w ho played a pivotal role in developing the Oxford–AstraZ eneca Covi d- 19 vacci ne They will do t hi s b y c re a ti n g a n i d ol o f Goddes s Durga in her likeness
Chandraboli Dutta, a resident of Golf Garden, served as the quality assurance manager a t O x f o r d U n i v e r s i t y i n England during the development of the viral vector vaccine known as ChAdOx1 nCoV-19, which was later sold under the b r a n d n a m e C o v i s h i e l d i n India
In recognition of her contributions, the Young Mens’ Association Durga Puja committee in Behala is crafting an i d o l t h a t r e s e m b l e s Chandraboli Dutta The idol will be placed within a pandal designed to resemble a laborat o r y , c o m p l e t e w i t h l a p t o p s and other equipment
Speaking to Asian Voice, Chandraboli talked about her w o r k a n d t h e r e c o g n i t i o n About her role in the making of the vaccine, she said, I was employed as a key worker duri n g t h e p a n d e m i c , w h i c h meant that while the entire country was under lockdown, I had to put my life at risk to go to work Alongside this, there
was significant time pressure, as our project had to be completed as expeditiously as possible My primary role was to guarantee the safety of the initial clinical batch of the vaccine produced in our facility, which was intended for use in c l i n i c a l t r i a l s T h i s i n v o l v e d ensuring that every stage of t h e m a n u f a c t u r i n g p r o c e s s adhered to stringent quality a s s u r a n c e a n d c o m p l i a n c e standards " E x p r e s s i n g h e r g r a t i t u d e about the recognition for her work in the form of a Puja pand a l , s h e s a i d“ I s t i l l c a n ' t believe that this is happening; it feels like a dream I am genuinely thrilled and deeply honoured It's heartening to see s c i e n c e b e i n g f e a t u r e d i n a religious celebration, underscoring the idea that saving lives and humanity transcends e v e r y t h i n g T h i s r e p r e s e n t ation symbolizes the defeat of
the demon Covid virus, akin to how Ma Durga vanquishes the Asur
“I am immensely grateful that my dedication and hard work have played a role in saving human lives Throughout my years in the pharmaceutical industry, I have dedicated myself to making the lives of people better "
C h a n d r a b o l i i s c u r r e n t l y working on vaccines for rare diseases, and is determined to c o n t i n u e w o r k i n g h a r d t h r o u g h m y l i f e t o e n s u r e human lives are saved
Subhasini Naicker
"Gujarat Samachar," marked its illustrious golden jubilee with a dazzling celebration held at the prestigious House of Lords on the 22 September Lord Jitesh Gadhia was the chief guest of the event Guests were privileged to witness the unveiling of a Select Group of Patrons and the grand launch of a commemorative souvenir magazine titled' Eyes of Tomorrow,' a brainchild of Subhash Thakrar
G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r , marked its illustrious golden j u b i l e e w i t h a d a z z l i n g c e l e b r a t i o n h e l d a t t h e prestigious House of Lords on the 22 September Lord
Jitesh Gadhia was the chief guest of the event Guests were privileged to witness t h e u n v e i l i n g o f a S e l e c t Group of Patrons and the g r a n d l a u n c h o f a c o m m e m o r a t i v e s o u v e n i r m a g a z i n e t i t l e d ' E y e s o f Tomorrow,' a brainchild of Subhash Thakrar Chairman and Editor-inChief, CB Patel, took centre s t a g e t o f o n d l y r e m i n i s c e a b o u t t h e i n v a l u a b l e c o n t r i b u t i o n s m a d e b y readers, clients, community, a n d t h e d e d i c a t e d s e n i o r t e a m m e m b e r s T o g e t h e r , t h e y h a v e b e e n t h e u n w a v e r i n g p i l l a r s supporting the journey of Seva Yagna and Gyan Yagna, e n s u r i n g i t s u n b r o k e n continuity and success He made a special mention of h i s w i f e , P u s h p a b e n a n d s i s t e r - i n - l a w S a r o j b e n f o r their dedication and support during Gujarat Samachar’s journey
T h e e v e n i n g ' s proceedings were compered b y N a m i t a S h a h a n d t h e a m b i e n c e w a s f u r t h e r e l e v a t e d b y t h e s o u l f u l r e c i t a t i o n o f p r a y e r s b y E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r o f
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan-UK
C e n t r e , D r M N
N a n d a k u m a r a a n d a r e n o w n e d s i n g e r f r o m
G u j a r a t , I n d i a , M a y a
Deepak, adding a touch of
s p i r i t u a l i t y t o t h i s g r a n d
Vision for the future and
forward thinking
Former chairman of the L o n d o n C h a m b e r o f
C o m m e r c e a n d c o m m i s s i o n e r o f t h e U K Department of International
D e v e l o p m e n t , Su b h as h Thakrar said, “When I met CB back in December last
year, he wanted to mark the 50 years of the publication and we came up with this i n t e r e s t i n g c o n c e p t o f c e l e b r a t i n g b y l o o k i n g forward Everybody can talk about the past but moving forward and thinking about t h e f u t u r e , w e c r e a t e d a b o o k c a l l e d “ E y e s o f Tomorrow” which is about forward thinking I started
writing to various experts in their own areas of work and p r o f e s s i o n a n d r e q u e s t e d them to write about what their work will look like in t h e n e x t 2 5 - 5 0 y e a r s I ' m grateful to various authors w h o h a v e p a r t i c i p a t e d i n writing those articles ” “When you really look back at 25 years, you'll always see that the pace of change is faster I remember my days in Jamnagar (Gujarat) where if you wanted to make a call, you had to book it three days in advance before you could s p e a k t o a n y b o d y , n e v e r m i n d a p h o t o g r a p h o r a letter as it would take days to reach ” he added
H e s a i d , “ W e t h o u g h t that the book could be on your shelf for a lot longer d u e t o i t s f u t u r i s t i c approach You can monitor what the experts have to say about their particular sector a n d s e e w h e t h e r t h a t ' s coming out to be the case For the coming generations, t h e y m i g h t a m u s e
themselves and mull about t h e a p p r o a c h o f t h e l a s t generation and look at how fast things have moved on I h o p e y o u ' l l a l l f i n d i t o f interest and of use and it's really to mark the 50 years of celebration of achievement o f G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r a n d Asian Voice ” S p e a k i n g a b o u t C B ’ s achievement, he said, “These are more than just weekly newspapers They've clearly delivered the news to us CB has done a great job but at t h e s a m e t i m e t h i s organisation has provided a lot of service and done a lot o f p h i l a n t h r o p y w o r k towards our society and that we must recognise I want to personally thank CB under y o u r V i s i o n a r y l e a d e r s h i p that these publications have reached their 50 years ” I s p e n t t w o s u m m e r s a s a n i n t e r n a t A B P L , s a y s
Lord Gadhia
Chief guest of the event, Lord J itesh Gadhi a, said “I
am here tonight not as Lord J i t e s h G a d h i a b u t a s a n extended family member of t h e A s i a n b u s i n e s s Publications and CB Patel Let me explain why A few years back CB asked when we first met and I think I surprised him with a very p r e c i s e a n s w e r t o t h a t question which was 11th of N o v e m b e r 1 9 8 9 I w a s a s t u d e n t s t u d y i n g a t University, and invited him and Pushpaben to attend a dinner that I was hosting on b e h a l f o f t h e C a m b r i d g e U n i v e r s i t y I n d i a S o c i e t y O u r o t h e r g u e s t s t h a t e v e n i n g i n c l u d e d L a t e Manubai Madhwani and Sir J G o h i l s t a l w a r t s o f o u r c o m m u n i t y w h o m a n y o f you will know ”
“From that first meeting t o a l m o s t 3 4 y e a r s a g o , I t h i n k I c a n s a y w e h a v e forged a special connection In 1990 and 1991, I spent two of my summers as a student working as an intern at the
Coronet Street office writing for New Life(the predecessor publication to Asian Voice)
In those days it was all hands on deck as we went from w r i t i n g t o p r i n t i n g t o posting the newspapers On Thursdays, I recall there was an incredible team effort to post out the newspapers for p o s t o f f i c e c o l l e c t i o n H a v i n g s p e n t t h e s e formative years with CB and the team Having spent those years with them I feel very much a part of the Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice family It is a huge honour and personal pleasure for me t o h o s t t h e s e g o l d e n anniversary celebrations of t h e s e p u b l i c a t i o n s a n d t o
h o n o u r t h e i n c r e d i b l e c o m m u n i t y s e r v i c e a n d visionary leadership of CB P a t e l o v e r t h e p a s t f i v e decades,” he added He said, “Journalism has the unique power to inform, i n s p i r e , e n t e r t a i n , a n d enlighten Fifty years in the w o r l d o f j o u r n a l i s m i s a n extraordinary achievement by any measure and is a moment to celebrate not just for the n e w s p a p e r s t h e m s e l v e s b u t a l s o f o r t h e i n c r e d i b l e
individuals who have been part of this remarkable journey ”
Speaking about CB Patel, he said, “CB's journey itself is a source of inspiration and he has written a very moving and p e r s o n a l f o r w a r d t o t h e
souvenir book which Subhash has mentioned From humble b e g i n n i n g s i n B h a d r a n (Gujarat), he embarked on a p a t h g u i d e d b y a p r o f o u n d s e n s e o f r e s p o n s i b i l i t y H e r e c a l l s t h e w i s d o m o f h i s f a t h e r w h o e m p h a s i s e d t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f s p r e a d i n g
a r e b o t h r e l e v a n t a n d e n l i g h t e n i n g I n d e e d i t ' s interesting to reflect on how the face of Britain itself has changed during these 50 years L i k e m a n y i n t h i s r o o m I arrived here from East Africa in 1972 coinciding with the year when Gujarat Samachar was first launched in the UK and Britain has radically changed over this period ”
“After five decades, we are now a well-settled community p u n c h i n g a b o v e o u r w e i g h t a n d c o n t r i b u t i n g disproportionately to almost e v e r y f i e l d o f h u m a n endeavour yet we cannot rest on the success of the present and must look to the future and recognise the rapid pace of c h a n g e i n o u r w o r l d I ' m delighted that tonight we are not just celebrating the past glories and accomplishments but also viewing the world as S u b h a s h s a i d t h r o u g h t h e “Eyes of Tomorrow” which is the very apt name of the book I had a sneak preview of the contents and I can assure you it provides a captivating tapestry
CB Patel’s vision and advocacy praised Conservative Peer and Prime Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda, Rwanda and Democratic Republic Congo, Lor d Dol ar P opat said, “We gather here to make history again to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Gujarat Samachar and to pay a tribute to a truly extraordinary individual our dear friend CB Patel CB Patel the name I remember in the 80s when somebody mentioned to Neil Kinnick, he said it's a community board which embodies the tireless spirit dedicated to the welfare of the Gujarati or British Indian Community not just here in Britain but across the world For five decades, Gujarat Samachar and its sister titles under CB's visionary leadership have not only become the largest selling publication in the UK but have also earned the utmost respect and credibility within our community Over the years Gujarat Samachar has been a beacon of advocacy championing causes ranging from race equality and diversity to campaigning for direct flight London-AhmedabadLondon and of course to stop the closure of Hare Krishna Temple, and has carried out many campaigns for the benefit of the British Indian Community ”
knowledge and the sacrifices made by his mother who I had the great privilege of meeting on various occasions These v a l u e s h a v e u n d e r p i n n e d Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice making them not just newspapers but true pillars of our community ”
“For those who know CB, he refers to Karma Yoga as selfless action and service to the community I would say that CB has not just reported on our community's journey but has actively shaped it with h i s c a m p a i g n i n g z e a l , ” h e continued
T a l k i n g a b o u t t h e publications, he said, “These n e w s p a p e r s h a v e w i t n e s s e d o u r c o m m u n i t y ' s e v o l u t i o n c h r o n i c l i n g j o y s , s o r r o w s ,
successes and challenges; they have bridged generational gaps e n s u r i n g t h e i r c o n t e n t resonates with young and old I n a n e v e r - c h a n g i n g w o r l d t h e s e n e w s p a p e r s h a v e r e m a i n e d c o n s t a n t o f f e r i n g information and insights that
of ideas and scenarios that will shape our future within the p a g e s o f t h i s b o o k w e a r e transported to the future IT c a p t u r e s t h e e s s e n c e o f g r o u n d b r e a k i n g t e c h n o l o g i e s such as artificial intelligence and Global challenges such as climate change within business t r a d e a n d f i n a n c e t h e r e a r e v i e w s o n t h e e v o l v i n g landscape of UK India relations and the emergence of Africa as a global economic player,” he continued He said, “In diplomacy it is p r o j e c t e d t h a t w e w i l l s e e g r e a t e r i n v o l v e m e n t o f t h e d i a s p o r a c o m m u n i t i e s i n international relations over the next 25 years The secret of ABPL group success is that it e m b r a c e d c h a n g e w h i l e remaining firmly rooted in its core values but ready to face t h e c h a l l e n g e s a n d opportunities of the future I'd like to thank each and every o n e o f y o u f o r j o i n i n g t h i s s p e c i a l o c c a s i o n L e t u s continue to celebrate the work of Gujarat Samachar and Asian V o i c e f o r m a n y d e c a d e s t o come ”
CB’s son, Dr Mer ul P atel said, “You all have been generous in your praise and recognition for what my father with Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar have done for over more than half a century Many of you have also been stalwart supporters and we wouldn t
have been able to accomplish anything without your support so thank you so much Setting up and running a business is remarkably hard and requires a huge amount of dedication however running a media business is slightly different You spend your day at the desk for many long hours but there s much more time before you get to go back and rest as you ve got to plan for campaigns for communities you've got events to go to, and all these things eat into your weekends and evenings and leaving little time for anything else so you know family life It is not great but that's the dedication that is required to do this type of job My father has managed to do this for over 50 years non-stop and I wish I had half the energy that he does now when I'm his age In fact I wish I had half the energy that he does now ” For their 40 years of contribution Consulting Editors of Gujarat Samachar Jyotsna Shah and Kokila Patel, and for her 16 years of contribution, Managing Editor of Asian Voice, Rupanjana Dutta were felicitated by CB Patel and Subhash Thakrar Ot her t eam members of ABP L, Surendra Patel (Representative Community and Media), Cecil Soans (Head- Business Development) , Kishor Parmar (Advertising Manager), Pooja Raval (Manager - Business Development) and Ashaben were also acknowledged Group Editor Mahesh Liloriya presented vote of thanks
Special meeting between chief guest and patrons: Before the event, a very special meeting was held at the House room between chief guest Lord Gadhia and the select group of patrons All extended their heartfelt congratulations to CB and his publications and shared their views to strengthen Seva Yagna and Gyan Yagna
Patrons present:
1 Nagrecha Brothers LTD
Vinodrai Bachubhai Nagrecha
Hasmukhlal Bachubhai Nagrecha
2 Market Financial Solutions
Mr Paresh Raja & family
3 Westcombe Foundation
Mr Vraj bhai Pankhania, Mr Kamal Pankhania
4 Family of Late Manubhai Madhvani
5 Dhamecha Group
6 Shri Vinodkant D Vadera & Family
7 Kansagara family
8 Lord Dolar Popat & Family
9 Yogesh, Hitesh & Dilesh Bhogilal Mehta
10 Kaushik and Deepika Desai
Chown Dewhurst LLP
11 Interpolitan Money PLC
Mr Rishi Patel & family
12 Subhash & Rekha Thakrar
I’ve had many business and money ment or s I am one to many people now t hanks to my C ampaign for a Mil lion to teach a million peopl e to be better investors and specifically my Great Investment s Progr amme
But this is a sad note I write on the loss of not just a mentor, but a friend too
When you read those tributes to people and wonder, 'could they really have been that nice, that good?'
Well, my friend was
Whenever I asked for his time, came back the reply, "yes, let's meet, come over" How he made time, I do not know
If I invited him for dinner with friends, he would be there Most people with a global jet set life would say they could not make it He never refused
He was the first to invest into my new major and first venture - my hedge fund He actually wanted to put in more money than he was allowed He invested in me His faith together with other mutual friends meant it launched
We had businesses together, and he would show up, legal meetings, board meetings The lot He would negotiate the contracts, and I would sit next to him and make notes as I learnt how to do it He would point out to the other side the exploding warrants on page 36, section 75, subsection 2, paragraph 1 And tell them, deliver or don t sign
He could weigh up cost/benefit like no one I've met But life is not about cost/benefit It was about achieving, striving, building and he would do all those things and lift me and others to do the same and look skywards Only a few friends can do that
He would call up and unlike all the other business calls, when he said there was an opportunity - there really was!
He would uplift and was disarmingly charming He adored his son and rightly so I loved that about him
Forgive me, this is not my bad news to share, but I hope by now it is okay I have I made it a principle many years ago to let people know who made my life better, to tell them And I am glad I got the chance with him before it was too late You should all with those special people do the same
When we first met on the Board of TiE, we needed sponsors He called a major investment bank, and they sponsored to the tune of several tens of thousands He got things done
He loved his beloved India, and you better not speak ill of her in front of him
As his business grew and he got involved in buying banks, I would get calls from due diligence firms on behalf of regulators, who needed to check he was fit and proper And I would tell them I have only ever in the most private moments seen honesty and propriety Rare in business
And he knew how to have fun We had a lot of nights out back in the day and we laughed A lot
H e a l w a y s o f f e r e d h e l p o n p e r s o n a l m a t t e r s Perhaps the greatest compliment I received and I recall to this day is when he said, as we were flying to Dublin for a business meeting (he wasn't well but didn't cry off), "Alpesh, if I had a sister, I would want her to marry you) My friend was someone I looked up to, that meant the world to me Friends lift you Not with fluff, but because they are people of character
There are people you want not to let down, so you listen to them He was one such person for me
Farewell Harpal RandhawaI hope you dear leader find a mentor as good as mine
Brussels will imp ose hefty f i ne s o n t h e U K f o r N o rth er n I re lan d E U l aw breaches, according to th e Eu ropean C ourt of Justice T he co urt ru led that the UK sh ould face fines equivalent to those of an E U m em ber f o r an y v io l at io n s i n
This ruling establishes a p r e c e d e n t f o r t h e c o u r t ' s enforcement of the Brexit agreement, aiming to discourage even minor breaches The case, dating back to 2018, involved the UK perm i t t i n g t h e u s e o f " r e d diesel" for private pleasure
A v e r a g e m o r t g a g e r a t e s hav e d ropped to t heir lowe s t p o i n t i n n e a r l y t h r e e m o n t h s, d ip p i n g be lo w 6 p e r ce n t T hi s r e d uc t i on comes as major ban ks like Ba r cl a y s , Ha li fa x , H SB C , N a t W e st , a n d Sa n t a n d e r swift ly sla sh rat es by up to 0 6 perce nta ge point s
T h e w i d e s p r e a d b e l i e f t h a t i n t e r e s t r a t e s h a v e r e a c h e d t h e i r p e a k h a s s p u r r e d t h e s e r a t e c u t s
According to financial data a n a l y s t M o n e y f a c t s , t h e average five-year fixed-rate
mortgage fell to 5 99 percent, m a r k i n g t h e l o w e s t l e v e l s i n c e e a r l y J u l y J u s t t w o weeks ago, the most competitive offers breached the 5 percent threshold and have now descended to as low as 4 82 percent
I n c o n t r a s t , t w o - y e a r fixed-rate mortgages are still r e l a t i v e l y m o r e e x p e n s i v e , with the average rate currently standing at 6 5 perc e n t B a r c l a y s h a s announced a reduction of 0 6 percentage points on its cheapest two-year fixed-rate
mortgage, making it a market leader at 5 28 percent These attractive offers are fostering optimism for additional rate cuts as banks compete for borrowers' business
Although approximately 700,000 homeowners with fixed-rate mortgages set to e x p i r e i n t h e n e x t s i x months, many of whom are currently locked into rates at o r b e l o w 2 5 p e r c e n t , s t i l l face the prospect of higher payments, the overall outlook has improved compared
to a few months ago
During the period from mid-May to July, mortgage r a t e s e x p e r i e n c e d a s h a r p increase, reaching an average peak of 6 86 percent This surge was triggered by concerning inflation data, which indicated a necessity for the Bank to raise interest rates further and maintain them a t e l e v a t e d l e v e l s f o r a n extended period
Revised data has sho wn that th e UK 's economy exp erienc ed fas te r gr ow th th a n ini tially believed since th e start of the Covid pandemic, o u tp ac i ng F ra nc e an d Germany since the end o f 201 9 T hese gro wth figures wer e a nt i c i p at ed to b e re vi s ed u p war d af t er th e Of f i ce fo r N ati o na l S ta ti s ti c s ( ON S ) re c en tl y published new estimates fo r th e p andemic-era econo mic perfo rmance
However, analysts note t h a t t h e U K ' s g r o w t h r e m a i n s l a c k l u s t e r According to the latest ONS f i g u r e s , t h e U K e c o n o m y grew by 1 8% since the pandemic began, a significant c o n t r a s t t o t h e p r e v i o u s estimate of a 0 2% contraction Additionally, the economy expanded by 0 3% in the first quarter of this year, up from the previously estimated 0 1% The estimate for the April-to-June quar-
ter remained unchanged at 0 2 % D e s p i t e t h e s e r e v is i o n s , O N S C h i e f
E c o n o m i s t G r a n t F i t z n e r emphasised that the UK's g r o w t h r a t e h a s b e e n "almost unrevised over the last 18 months
D a t a b a s e d o n ' r i c h e r data' from the ONS annual survey revealed that the UK e c o n o m y w a s l a r g e r t h a n previously thought in the last quarter of 2021 compared to pre-pandemic lev-
els These new figures now show that the UK's growth since the pandemic surpasses that of France at 1 7% and Germany at 0 2%
The latest GDP figures revealed a 0 5% contraction i n t h e e c o n o m y f o r J u l y , attributed to a combination of strike action and adverse weather conditions There have been ongoing concerns about the economy's lackl u s t e r p e r f o r m a n c e i n recent months
The UK gov ernm ent's development finance institutio n, Bri t is h I nt ern ati o n al Inv estm ent (BI I), p lans to all o c ate ap p ro x i m ate ly $1 bi ll i o n to c li m a te- re lat ed pro jects in Ind ia by 20 26 T h i s m o v e i s d r iv en b y Ind ia's exp anding renewable energy capacity
b o a t s , i n v i o l a t i o n o f Brussels regulations
The ECJ judges imposed a €32 million fine, treating the UK as if it were still an EU member This decision creates a political challenge f o r R i s h i S u n a k , w h o believed the Windsor framework had resolved Northern Ireland matters Lord Frost, the former Brexit negotiator, cited this judgment as validation for his push to remove direct enforcement powers from the ECJ, while the government denied that it set a precedent
In the summer of 2021, during th e tumultu ous days of the pandemic, Etsy's CEO Jo sh Silverm an announced the acquisition of Depop , the trendy Lo nd on-based marketplace for second-hand clothes, fo r a stag gering £1 3 billio n
Depop had quickly gained a following among millions of home bound young people However, the subsequent downturn in the e-commerce market led to Etsy writing down Depop's value by a substantial $897 9 million in the following year Etsy's Chief Product Officer, Kruti Patel Goyal, was brought in to steer Depop back on course
Recent financial statements from Companies House unveiled pre-tax losses of £59 4 million for Depop, surpassing its sales of £54 3 million Despite this, the company claimed that recent trading has shown 'very encouraging' signs Etsy, having injected a total of £42 8 million into Depop, remains firmly committed to the cause However, it's worth noting that, according to Prufrock's investigation, Etsy's refund policy does not seem to apply
Indonesia's law minister announced th eir intentio n to take legal acti on against th e United Ki ngdom's anti-corru ption agency in o rder to claim a po rtion of the 9 91 million euros ($1 04 billion) bribery settlement th at ai rcraft manufacturer Airbus p aid to the British government
This settlement was part of Airbus's historic $4 billion agreement with France, Britain, and the United States in 2020, following a 3 5-year criminal investigation into allegations of bribery and corruption The investigation encompassed corrupt practices by Airbus in five different countries, including Indonesia A representative from the UK government emphasised the significance of their collaboration with Indonesia in combating international crime
In the previous year, BII invested over $300 million in climate finance sectors such as renewable energy, electric mobility, and sustainable agriculture in India
Their current portfolio in India is valued at $2 2 billion, encompassing investments in over 290 businesses Notably, BII also committed to invest up to $250 m i l l i o n i n a u t o m a k e r M a h i n d r a a n d M a h i n d r a L t d ' s n e w e l e c t r i c v e h i c l e unit last year
The company manages approximately £8 2 billion
i n a s s e t s , i n v e s t e d a c r o s s roughly 1,500 businesses in emerging economies spann i n g 6 5 c o u n t r i e s W h i l e discussing the overall portfolio performance, the company reported a 5% annual return over a rolling 7-year period but did not provide s p e c i f i c d e t a i l s a b o u t r e t u r n s o n I n d i a n i n v e s tments
Indian economy is experiencing a 'good phase' in c o n t r a s t t o B I I ' s i n v e s tm e n t s i n c e r t a i n A f r i c a n n a t i o n s I n t h e s e A f r i c a n c o u n t r i e s , f a c t o r s s u c h a s h i g h d e b t , i n f l a t i o n , a n d currency depreciation had a d v e r s e l y a f f e c t e d i n v e s tment returns B I I a i m s t o i n v e s t i n budding entrepreneurs and companies facing challenges in securing funding for their e m i s s i o n - r e d u c t i o n p r ojects
Ana ly sis from t he Inst it ute for Fiscal Stud ie s (IFS) sug gests that t axe s could in cr ea se to 37% of the na tiona l in come by t he nex t y ea r's e le ct ion, ma rk in g the highest le vel sin ce the 1940s, with no pre ce den t for a larg er incre ase in a ny pa rliamen t
The IFS report aims to intensify pressure on the government to alleviate the burden on households and businesses, highlighting that the UK is undergoing a 'decisive and permanent shift to a higher-tax economy ' According to the IFS, the government is expected to collect over £100 billion more in taxes next year compared to pre-2019 levels, equivalent to around £3,500 per household, although the tax hike won't be evenly distributed Taxes are set to rise from about 33% of national income at the 2019 election to approximately 37% "
Go o d s a nd s er v i ce s tax ( GS T ) collections rose 10 2% to £ 16 27 billion in Septem ber, driven by a 14 % g row th in dom estic transactions Th e finance ministry as well as tax experts expect the collections to get a boost d uring October and November as the festival se as o n ki c ks i n Be si d e s, ti g h t er regulation and the inclusion of online gaming and casinos in the GST net are expected to help swell the kitty in the coming mo nths
“We have been on a drive to plug e v a s i o n a n d t h e i m p a c t i s v i s i b l e People should comply with the law and a culture of being compliant is coming i n T h i s w i l l d r i v e m o r e p e o p l e t o register and pay, or face action,” said a senior government official Government sources said that the Centre and the states have taken a “ r e a s o n a b l e a p p r o a c h ” o n o n l i n e
In terna tion al Hol din g Company (IHC) of Abu D habi ha s decided to l eave two Ad a ni g r oup en e r gy com pa n ie s on e year and five months aft er it checked in to t he m
gaming, which is akin to gambling, w i t h t h e n e w r e g i m e b e g a n f r o m
Sunday The collections in September, based on transactions in the previous month, saw a strong growth in central and state GST Central GST collections are estimated to have increased 18% to £2 98 billion, while SGST grew 18 4% to £ 3 7 6 b i l l i o n I n t e g r a t e d G S T collections were hit by imports and went up 3 9% to £8 36 billion
Ja lan Kalr ock Con sortium, t he winning b id d e r f or t he r e v iv a l o f g r o un d e d carr ie r Jet Air wa ys, said it ha s infused an a ddit iona l £10 million in the airl in e a s pe r t he court-approved resolution pl an W i t h t h i s , t h e c o n s o r t i u m h a s “ f u l f i l l e d ” i t s t o t a l f i n a n c i a l commitment of £35 million to revive the airline, which would pave the way for it to take over the ownership of Jey A i r w a y s , J a l a n K a l r o c k C o n s o r t i u m (JKC) said in a statement
JKC also said it is expecting the airline to be up and running next year w i t h t h e l a u n c h d a t e l i k e l y t o b e announced in the next few days Jet Airways has not flown since April 17, 2 0 1 9 J K C a l s o s a i d t h a t t h e
c o n s o r t i u m ' s s t r a t e g y t o r e v i v e t h e airline remains unaltered “ T h e n e w p r o m o t e r s a r e d e t e r m i n e d t o r e - e s t a b l i s h t h e o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e a i r l i n e u p a n d running in 2024, ” it said and added that further announcements regarding the launch date of Jet Airways will be made in the coming weeks
In a boost to th e "Make in India" effo rt, g overnment and ind ustry data revealed t h at In d i a ex p o rte d m o b il e p h o n es w orth £4 5 billion betw een Ap ril and A ugust of the cu rrent fiscal year (FY24)
A s per the estim ates by the Department o f C omm erce and the India Cellular and Electronics Association ( ICEA) , the
A pril-A ugust perio d saw mo bile ph one exports worth abou t £2 5 billion in the same period in FY22-23
I n d u s t r y i n s i d e r s c l a i m t h a t Samsung was second to Apple in terms o f e x p o r t s o f I n d i a n - m a d e p h o n e s b e t w e e n A p r i l a n d A u g u s t , t o p p i n g more than 50% of the overall estimated amount for the first time
In the June quarter, Apple shipped nearly 50 per cent of the country's total 12 million smartphone shipments, as
compared to Samsung's 45 per cent export A c c o r d i n g t o m a r k e t r e s e a r c h company CyberMedia Research (CMR), Apple had a 6% market share of the Indian smartphone market in the first half and a commanding 63% market s h a r e o f t h e s u p e r - p r e m i u m smartphone segment (priced between Rs 50,000 and Rs 100,000)
Last week, it said its two subsidiaries, Green Energy Investment Holding and G r e e n T r a n s m i s s i o n I n v e s t m e n t Holding, have signed an agreement with a buyer to dispose of their investments in Adani Green Energy and Adani Energy
S o l u t i o n s ( f o r m e r l y k n o w n a s A d a n i Transmission)
IHC didn’t disclose the name of the buyer to whom it will sell its interests
B a s e d o n t h e I n d i a n c o m p a n y ' s closing price of Rs 1,012 on the BSE,
G r e e n E n e r g y o w n s 1 3 % o f A d a n i
G r e e n , w h i c h i s v a l u e d a t £ 2 0 1 9 million According to the BSE closing price of Rs 830, Green Transmission
o w n s 1 4 % o f A d a n i T r a n s m i s s i o n , which is valued at £130 5 million
IHC invested £385 million in each
o f A d a n i G r e e n a n d A d a n i
T r a n s m i s s i o n i n A p r i l 2 0 2 2 T h e agreements suggest that IHC will be losing money when it sells its stakes in two Adani group energy companies
It will clock a loss of £183 1 million and £254 5 million in Adani Green and Adani Transmission, respectively
IHC, which was established by Abu Dhabi to foray into non-oil sectors, attributed the sale of its Adani Green a n d A d a n i T r a n s m i s s i o n s h a r e s t o “portfolio rebalancing strategy”
J S W I nf ra st ru c tu re s in i ti al p u b li c offering (IPO), which receiv ed a goo d r eac ti o n fr o m i nv e s to rs ac ro s s th e board and resulted in a subscription of 3 7 8 tim es o n the final day of the threed ay share sale period , is Ind ia's secondlargest port operator in term s of carg o handling capacity
Investors bid for over 5,090 million shares against the 136 million shares on offer, exchange data showed The IPO, which is entirely a fresh issue of shares w o r t h £ 2 8 0 m i l l i o n , s o l d s h a r e s carrying a face value of Rs 2 in the range of Rs 113-119 apiece
JSW expects a market value of £2 5 billion at the top of the price range Data showed that, correspondingly, the categories designated for qualified i n s t i t u t i o n a l b u y e r s ( Q I B s ) , n o ni n s t i t u t i o n a l i n v e s t o r s , a n d r e t a i l participants were subscribed 57, 16, and 10 3 times
JSW will use the IPO proceeds to fund capacity expansion and pare debt
In lig ht of Ind ia's solid macro economic f u nd am e nta ls and th e a nti c i p ate d benefi ts from th e "C h ina p lus one" p olicy, Japan's Nom ura Group becam e the m ost recent m ajo r global financial institutio n to up grad e Ind ia's ratings from "neutral" to "ov erweig ht "
Analysts at Nomura believe there could be some cyclical slowdown in the next few months, but that won’t alter the “structural attractiveness” of I n d i a a s a l o n g - t e r m i n v e s t m e n t destination India received the highest rating among Asian emerging markets l a s t m o n t h a f t e r M o r g a n S t a n l e y , a n o t h e r m a j o r g l o b a l f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n , e l e v a t e d i t t o t h e
'overweight' category Its researchers h a d n o t i c e d t h a t w h i l e a l o n g a s c e n d i n g c y c l e w a s b e g i n n i n g i n
Of the 27 countries tracked by Morgan Stanley’s Asia strategists, India rose to number 1 from number 6 earlier In
In re ce nt times th ere hav e bee n a lot of comme rcia l prope rti es whi ch ha ve been disposed of both i n the aucti ons a nd p riv ate tre aty The pr imar y ca use bei ng tha t r eta iler s ar e movi ng a wa y from th e costs, a nd wa sta ge o f a stree t pre se nce to a n online p resence Onl y ver y str ateg ic a nd prominent si tes are bei ng reta ined
Prepping no doubt for what’s coming; which is a complete eradication of cash and a digital currency Soon, you’ll be paying for a cup of coffee with a chip in your hand!
Many of these include Barclays, HSBC and William Hill to name a few The majority of these have gone in auction and achieved good prices, due in part to the permitted conversion rights available Though with m o s t o f t h e p r o m i n e n t s i t e s i t w o u l d b e w o r t h retaining as commercial, primarily due to the hassle free FRI rent received, which when netted down may end up being higher than the residential rentals; this is also compounded by the sharp increase in build costs A l s o , m a n y o f t h e s e w e r e o w n e d b y t y p i c a l l y offshore based property companies, in the Isle of man, o r J e r s e y f o r e x a m p l e T h e y p u r c h a s e d t h e s e investments based on both the blue chip tenant and the hassle free nature of the tenancy When this is looking to come to an end, it no longer is fit for purpose, so they look to offload
N o t h a v i n g a l o c a l p r e s e n c e o r b e i n g i n t h e development game, it will soon become a liability for them if they do not offload An empty commercial property attracts business rates, enhanced insurance, n o t t o m e n t i o n t h e t h r e a t o f i l l e g a l o c c u p a t i o n T h e r e f o r e t h e a s s e t p a s s e s h a n d s , a n d w h a t c a n become a liability for one investor can become a gold mine for another
Similarly, we have sourced an opportunity which is off market, which is of a similar profile A prominent commercial tenant has a lease on the ground floor, though is not actually in occupation, and is tied in till sometime next year The upstairs has already been converted into flats, and is producing an income, although it seems well below market levels given the recent spikes in rents
This is a good opportunity, one which is off the radar of the masses, therefore allowing for a discrete private sale
The rents can potentially be increased by 25%, with the downstairs, either in our opinion, segregated into smaller commercial units so they are easier to rent or a partial residential conversion
There are a variety of angles in regards to this deal which need to be explored further
June this year, Goldman Sachs, another financial major, also upgraded India to an ‘overweight’ status
Nomura analysts said India is a “ l a r g e - l i q u i d m a r k e t a n d a
c o u n t e r w e i g h t t o n o r t h A s i a i f
s l o w d o w n i n t h e W e s t o c c u r s a n d
C h i n a c o n t i n u e s t o d i s a p p o i n t o n recovery ” “(It’s) home to a number of h i g h q u a l i t y , g r o w t h s t o c k s a l b e i t e x p e n s i v e ( b u t a r e ) l e s s e x p o s e d t o g l o b a l t r a d e s l o w d o w n , ” t h e r e p o r t
n o t e d F o r t h e s e a n a l y s t s , a n o t h e r positive for the Indian market is how, despite high interest rates, corporate earnings are being revised upwards and domestic flows are still holding up well
Reliance Infrastructure has won an arbitration award o f a t le a s t £ 40 5 m i ll i on w i t h th e Ca l c ut ta hi g h
c ourt ruling in its favour in a d i s pu te w i th W e s t
B e n ga l - b as e d D a m od a r
V al l ey C or p ( D VC ) Th e
total award is worth about
£ 13 5 4 m i l li o n , i n c l ud i n g release of a bank guarantee of £35 4 million by D VC, a p ub l i c s e c to r c om p an y
E arlier, D VC had released t he b a n k g ua ra n te e a n d
pai d £5 9 5 mi llion to the c ompany
More than 10 years ago, R e l I n f r a h a d w o n a contract to set up a thermal p o w e r p r o j e c t i n Raghunathpur in WB for £375 million The project went into several disputes and delays due to which DVC had sought damages from Rel Infra However, R e l I n f r a c h a l l e n g e d t h i s and an arbitration tribunal agreed with the company
A f t e r s e v e r a l r o u n d s o f court cases, Rel Infra is now set to receive the balance £40 5 million from DVC
L A H O R E : S i xt ee n al le ge d
P aki stani beggars disgu ised as p ilgrims were o ffloaded from a S audi Arabia- bo und flight and arrested for trying to travel to th e Gulf K ingdom to indu lge in begging, acco rding to a medi a repo rt T h e F e d e r a l I n v e s t i g a t i o n Agency (FIA) offloaded the begg a r s f r o m t h e S a u d i - b o u n d f l i g h t i n M u l t a n i n P u n j a b p r o v i n c e t w o d a y s b a c k , t h e D a w n n e w s p a p e r r e p o r t e d
According to the FIA, the group, including a child, 11 women and
f o u r m e n , w a s t r a v e l l i n g o n Umrah visas The Umrah is an I s l a m i c p i l g r i m a g e t o M e c c a that can be undertaken at any time of the year
The FIA officials during the immigration process questioned
t h e p a s s e n g e r s w h o confessed they were going to Saudi to seek alms, the report said They also told the FIA they would have to g i v e h a l f o f t h e i r e a r n i n g s f r o m b e gg i n g t o t h e a g e n t s involved in their travel arrangements, it said The group was to return to Pakistan after the expiry of their Umrah visas
The arrests came a day after t h e M i n i s t r y o f O v e r s e a s
Pakistanis and Human Resource Development disclosed to the Senate Committee on Overseas Pakistanis that a significant proportion of beggars are trafficked abroad through illegal channels
T h e m i n i s t r y ' s s e c r e t a r y r e v e a l e d t o t h e S e n a t e p a n e l that a staggering 90 per cent of b e g g a r s a r r e s t e d i n f o r e i g n countries belong to Pakistan
P a k i s t a n i s f a c i n g a n unprecedented economic crisis w i t h s k y r o c k e t i n g i n f l a t i o n amid price rises on fuel and food fronts
IS L A M A BA D: Two separate suicid e bom bings in Pakistan's dang erous Balochistan and Khyber P akhtunkhwa p rov inces resulted in at least 65 fatalities and o ver 100 injuries As th e natio n o bserv ed Eid Milad -un Nabi, th e b i rth a nni v e rs ary o f P ro p h e t M u h am m a d , th e as s ai la nts struck at tw o mosques T h e f i r s t b l a s t s t r u c k a m o s q u e i n M a s t u n g i n
Balochistan, where people had g a t h e r e d t o c e l e b r a t e t h e
Prohphet’s birthday, killing at least 50 people, including senior police official Nawaz Gishkori
Balochistan’s police chief Abdul
Khaliq Shaikh confirmed that it was a suicide attack
F o o t a g e o n T V c h a n n e l s showed an open area near the mosque strewn with the shoes of the dead and wounded after the powerful explosion “We were p r e p a r i n g f o r t h e P r o p h e t ’ s birthday procession when a sui-
ISL AMA B AD : Be ijing has re jecte d seve ral of Islamab ad’s pr oposa ls rel ated to direct investment s i n m ul t ipl e se ct or s un de r t he C h in a Pa k i st a n Eco n o mi c Corr idor (CPEC), in cl uding energy , t ourism, water mana gement a nd climate chan ge, minutes of a k ey panel me eting indicat e
The signed minutes of the C P E C ’ s J o i n t C o o p e r a t i o n Committee (JCC) bring to fore the challenges both sides face in deepening economic ties
The JCC meeting took place in October 2022, and on July 31 of this year, Ahsan Iqbal, the form e r p l a n n i n g m i n i s t e r o f Pakistan, and the vice premier of China signed the minutes The d r a f t s h a r e d w i t h B e i j i n g b y Pakistan and the final minutes signed by both sides were differ-
ent in many ways
China disagreed with a host of measures Pakistan proposed
The final document indicates that Islamabad has given up its o p p o s i t i o n t o a n u m b e r o f Chinese demands in order to address Beijing’s concerns China has rejected collaborating on cross-border tourism i n G i l g i t - B a l t i s t a n , K h y b e rP a k h t u n k h w a , P a k i s t a n - o c c upied Kashmir, and coastal areas, according to details of the minu t e s c i t e d b y a l o c a l d a i l y According to the report, China did not concur with Pakistan's d e m a n d t h a t w a t e r r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t , c l i m a t e c h a n g e m i t i g a t i o n , a n d u r b a n i n f r a structure development be incorporated into the CPEC framework
C OL OM BO: Th e International
M onetary Fund d id not reach a s taff-lev el agreement w ith S ri L anka in its first review under a $2 9bn bailout packag e, d ue to a p o tent ial sh o rtfa ll i n g o v ernm ent revenue generation, says the lend er
IMF delegation chief Peter Breuer said a second tranche of a r o u n d $ 3 3 0 m i l l i o n u n d e r a credit programme will only be issued once the IMF gets a stafflevel consensus, and there was no set schedule on when that would take place Breuer spoke after a two-week visit to the country “Sri Lanka has made comm e n d a b l e p r o g r e s s i n i m p l em e n t i n g d i f f i c u l t b u t m u c hneeded reforms These efforts are bearing fruit as the economy is showing tentative signs of sta-
bilisation,” the IMF said in a statement
“The team will continue its discussions in the context of the First Review with the goal of reaching a staff-level agreement in the near term ”
T h e I M F d e l e g a t i o n s a i d despite early signs of stabilisation, full economic recovery is n o t y e t a s s u r e d a n d g r o w t h momentum remains subdued
The runaway inflation rate in Sri Lanka has decreased to 1 3 percent in September, its currency has increased by nearly 12 percent, and its foreign exchange reserves have increased over the past six months
But despite additional steps that will probably be included in t h e f u t u r e b u d g e t i n m i d -
November, the island has had difficulty increasing its earnings
cide bomber blew himself up near the stage where our chief guests w e r e s i t t i n g , ” s a i d a n eyewitness Locals and rescuers were seen transporting the injured to hospitals, where a state of emerg e n c y h a d b e e n declared and requests for blood were being made, while some of t h e d e a d w e r e c o v e r e d w i t h shawls and bedsheets Following the explosion in M a s t u n g , a n e x p l o s i o n a t a m o s q u e i n H a n g u , K h y b e r Pakhtunkhwa, killed at least five
people and injured more than 10 others According to Fazal Akbar Khan, deputy commissioner of Hangu, two assailants attempted to attack the nearby Doaba police station The station is just a few metres from the mosque A s p o k e s m a n f o r K h y b e r Pakhtunkhwa police said that two suicide bombers and a vehicle full of explosives were intercepted One of the bombers was neutralised at the gate when he tried to enter the mosque in Hangu while another detonated his explosives The roof of the m o s q u e c o l l a p s e d d u e t o t h e blast impact
D H A K A : N ea r l y 1 , 0 00 pe o pl e h av e di e d of d e ng ue in B an gl a de s h thi s y ea r , in wha t authorities say is the c ountry's m os t s evere outbreak of the dise a s e y e t E x t r a or di n a ri l y we t m ons oons have made it ea sier f or m os quitoes that c arry the dengue virus to breed in dirty and s tagnant wa ter
Officials have struggled to contain the spread of the disease and hospitals have been critically o v e r w h e l m e d I n s e v e r e c a s e s , dengue causes internal bleeding which can lead to death
Dengue is endemic in tropical countries and outbreaks often occur in urban areas with poor sanitation that allow virus-carrying mosquitoes to multiply It used to be a seasonal disease in Bangladesh, but due to hotter and wetter monsoons brought
about by climate change, it has been occurring more frequently since the first recorded outbreak in 2000
Public health officials say the current wave of infections caught the country off guard, as it is caused by a stronger strain of the virus Doctors have noted that the condition of current dengue patients deteriorates much faster compared to the last few years
Up to 20 people have died of dengue every day over the past two months and the death toll this year has exceeded the total in the last 22 years, officials say Bangladesh has launched public awareness campaigns to prevent m o s q u i t o b r e e d i n g g r o u n d s from forming But more needs t o b e d o n e , a c c o r d i n g t o D r M u s h t a q H u s s a i n , a p u b l i c health expert
IS L A M A BA D: In ord er to keep th e IM F bailou t p rog ramm e on track to g uarantee economic stability until an elected adm inistration is formed in the nation, Pakistan is reportedly seeking approximately $1 1 billion fro m China and Sau di Arabia This is part of measures to co ver external and lo cal reso urce gaps
It comes amid the caretaker government’s push for expanding the tax net effectively to retail, agricultural and real estate sectors while continuing a crackdown on illegal currency movements
Media reported that this information was part of a detailed policy statement issued by caretaker finance minister Shamshad Akhtar before the Senate standing committee on finance and revenue The interim Prime Minister Anwar ul Haq Kakar would receive the government's plan for economic revival soon, according to her, and shared with the Senate standing committee on finance Pak seeks d isco unts from Russia on oil
Pakistan is seeking discounts in oil imports from Russia and has urged Moscow to strike a long-term oil deal while remaining within the price cap at $60 per barrel, a media report said Pakistan, which is grappling with high external debt and a weak local currency, is hoping that snapping crude at discounted rates from Russia will stabilise oil prices in the country People affected by the country's increasing inflation were relieved when Pakistan PM revealed in June that the first cargo of cheap Russian crude oil had arrived in Karachi on a trial basis
A city council member has announced her run as a Democrat to represent District 90 in Tennessee’s State Senate Varanasi-born Seema Singh will bid for the seat held by Representative Gloria Johnson, a fellow Democrat, who is now running for the US Senate seat held by Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn Singh became the first Indian American to be elected to any public office in East Tennessee when she was elected and sworn in as a member of the Knoxville City Council for the third District in 2017 and again in 2021 Singh now has positions on the boards of the Metropolitan Drug Centre Gateway Advisory Board, the YMCA of East Tennessee Board, the Knox County Domestic Assault Death Review Team, and the Coordinated Community Response team for the Knoxville Family Justice Centre
Pakistan’s anti-graft body is reopening at least four corruption cases against former PM Nawaz Sharif as he is scheduled to return to the country next month ending four years of self-exile in the UK an official said The National Accountability Bureau in the light of a Supreme Court ruling which struck down amendments made to the accountability laws by the previous government led by Nawaz s brother Shehbaz Sharif, is reopening four pending probes against Nawaz related to illegal plots and land allotment, dubious transfer of shares of his sugar mills and Toshakhana Meanwhile, Nawaz’s close aide Mian Javed Latif said PML-N has stopped “demanding accountability of former army chief Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa and former ISI head Gen Faiz Hameed” for conspiring against Nawaz to topple his government in 2017
A Pakistan special court extended the judicial remand of former prime minister Imran Khan for another 14 days in the Cipher case, blighting the chances of his early release Khan was detained last month after a complaint was made against him for allegedly breaking the Official Secrets Act by revealing a classified diplomatic cable (cypher) issued by the nation s embassy in Washington in March of last year It is the third time that Khan 70 has been sent to jail on remand Hearings were held in the district jail Attock where Khan has been detained since August 5 following his detention following conviction in the Toshakhana case, under the supervision of the special court judge Abual Hasnat Zulqernain
Around 100 people were killed and 150 others were injured when a roaring fire in northern Iraq destroyed a hall full of guests and appeared to have been started by fireworks fired off to celebrate a Christian wedding Authorities said flammable building materials also contributed to the disaster The fire happened in the Hamdaniya area of Nineveh province Multiple witnesses said the fire started as the bride and groom began their slow dance The flames raced through plastic decorations and the ceiling started collapsing Youssef said It was unclear whether the bride and groom were wounded PM Mohammed Shia al-Sudani ordered an investigation and requested assistance from the interior and health departments
At least nine people, including five children, of the same family were killed when a rocket launcher’s shell exploded at a house when the kids were playing with the ammunition in Pakistan’s Sindh province Kashmore-Kandhkot
SSP said children found a rocket shell while playing and brought it home where it exploded He said besides the casualties five others were injured and rushed to hospital
This is an area on the riverine belt and the rocket shell must have been left there by dacoits who hide out deep into the riverine belt areas, SSP added Sindh chief minister sought a detailed report into the incident from the provincial inspector general
A potent rush-hour rainstorm swamped the New York metropolitan area, shutting down parts of the city s subway system, flooding streets highways, and delaying flights into La Guardia airport Up to 13 cm of rain fell in some areas overnight, and as much as 18 cm more was expected throughout the day, NY Governor Kathy Hochul said Traffic was at a standstill, with water above cars’ tyres Some drivers abandoned their vehicles Photos and video posted on social media showed water pouring into subway stations & basements
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which runs subway and commuter rail lines urged residents to stay home if they could Virtually every subway line was at least partly suspended rerouted or running with delays
President Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit a member of the Secret Service at the White House, the latest in a series of episodes in which one of the Biden family s pets has bitten people since the president took office in January 2021 “The officer was treated by medical personnel on complex and is doing well ” a spokesperson for the agency said The 2-year-old German Shepherd has bit or otherwise attacked Secret Service personnel at least 10 other times between October 2022 and January, including one incident that required a hospital visit by the injured law enforcement officer One of Biden s other dogs, Major was sent to live away from the White House so on after the president took office because of what was described at the time as a “biting incident” with a White House staff member
At least 13 people have been killed in a fire in adjoining nightclubs in Murcia in southeast Spain emergency services said adding that rescuers were still searching for people unaccounted for after the blaze Diego Seral of Spain’s National Police said the dead were found in the Fonda nightclub, one of three adjoining clubs, which had sustained the majority of fire damage including the collapse of its roof The collapse was making it difficult to locate victims, and it was difficult to pinpoint yet where exactly the fire started, he said
Taiwan unveiled its first domestically developed submarine, a major step in a project aimed at strengthening the island’s deterrence against the Chinese navy, though it won t enter service for another two years In the past a domestically developed submarine was considered an impossible task But today a submarine manufactured by our country’s people sits before our eyes,” an official said, adding that it would play an important role in strengthening the navy s “asymmetric warfare capabilities China s defence ministry, responding to a question said Taiwan was over-rating itself and attempting something impossible”
W A S HI N G T O N : Vi v e k Ra maswamy , a R epublican pr esiden tial can didat e, ha s re-ign ited a cont ent ious ide a put out by for mer Pre sid ent Don ald Tr um p an d other "MAG A" supporte rs by promising to re voke " birt hright cit ize nship" for childre n of illega l imm igr an t s a lr e ad y i n t he coun tr y Son of Indian immigrants to the US, Ramaswamy took a strong position on the issue at the second Republican presidential debate by challenging the interpretation of the US Constitution’s 14th Amendment, which says “ all
persons born or naturalised in the United States and subject to the laws and jurisdiction thereof, are citizens ” Ramaswamy, however, disputes that interpretation, con-
O T T A W A : U nd e r C an ad a 's point-based E xpress Entry system, th e total number of immigrants invited to app ly for permanent residency fell to 46,539 i n 2 0 2 2 T h i s rep r es ent s a startling 59% decrease from th e statistic of 11 4, 000 invitatio ns from th e p rior year However, as th ey d i d fo r s ev era l ye ars , Ind ians rem ained at the top of th e li s ts A s m an y as 2 0 , 7 69
Ind ian citizens were invited to be p ermanent residents d uring 20 22, w hi ch cons ti tute nearly 45% of the total inv ites that w ere issued in this particular period Next in line were citizens from Nig eria w ho obtained 2,90 9 (6% of the invites) and Chinese who bagg ed 2,456 inv ites ( 5% of th e inv ites)
The immigration division of the Canadian government, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), has published the "Express Entry
Report-2022," which offers data by nation According to specialists in immigration, the temporary suspension of draws for "Federal Skilled" immigrant programmes from September 2021 to July 2022 is to blame for the decreased number of draws in 2022 The Express Entry system consists of three core programmes, typically the Federal Skilled Worker Program is the most significant in contributing to the permanent resident intake
A total of 65,565 Indians, or 57%, received invitations to apply for permanent residence in 2021's 114,000 Express Entry draws, which were conducted by the IRCC The most prevalent professions in 2022 were primarily tied to the technology sphere and included information systems specialists, computer system developers, and programmers
tending that it does not grant children of illegal immigrants the right to citizenship at birth
“Nobody believes that the kid of a Mexican diplomat in this country enjoys birthright citizenship Not a judge or legal scholar in this country will disagree with me on that Well, if the kid of a Mexican diplomat doesn’t enjoy birthright citizenship, then neither does the kid of an illegal immigrant who broke the law to come here,” he argued Ramaswamy’s pledge
came when he was asked by Univision host Ilia Calderón “what legal premise” he would use to expel undocumented immigrants and their American-born children from the country He started off by saying that the people opposing him "are on the right side of this issue" because they favour militarising the southern border, defunding sanctuary cities," and cutting off aid to Mexico and Central America But by banning "birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants in this country," he would go "a step further "
NE W JE RS EY : New Jersey in th e U S is s et t o h os t t he world's seco nd -larg est Hind u temp le outsid e Ind ia, to be f o rm al ly i na ug u rat ed o n
October 8 The A kshard ham temp le h as been built by the BA P S S w am i n ara yan
Akshard ham org anisation
This grand temple is dedicated to Bhagwan Swaminarayan, a Hindu spiritual leader of the 19th century, and was inspired by his 5th spiritual successor and renowned saint
Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Located in Robbinsville Township, New Jersey, the temple has been built by over 12,500 volunteers from across the US over a span of 12 years, from 2011 to 2023 The temple popular as Akshardham spans over 183 acres and has been designed according to ancient Hindu scriptures and includes design elements from ancient Indian
culture These include 10,000 statues and statuettes, carvings of Indian musical instruments and dance forms
The unique Hindu temple design includes one main shrine, 12 sub-shrines, nine shikhars (spire-like structures), and nine pyramidal shikhars It is designed to apparently last a thousand years The temple premises also have a ‘Brahma Kund’, a traditional Indian stepwell It contains water from more than 300 water bodies from around the world, including the holy rivers of India and all 50 states of the US
SEAT TLE: T he US officer who m ade lig h t o f I ndi an s tud ent Jaahnav i Kandula's m urd er by a police S UV this year in a bo dycam v id eo h as b een rem ov ed from p atrol duties, according to au tho rities Th e Seattle Police
De p ar tm en t ( S P D ) o n
Se ptem b er 29 co nf irm ed th at
Of fi c er D an ie l A u d e rer “ h a s been adm inistratively reassigned to a non-operatio nal positio n ” , The Seattle Tim es reported
A recording from Auderer's body camera in which he is heard saying that Kandula's life had "limited value" and that the city could "just write a cheque" led to an investigation into the SPD traffic squad member and vice president of the Seattle Police Officers Guild The video clip prompted international condemnation with leaders, lawmakers and advocacy groups calling for Audrer’s dismissal
CHICA GO: A 35-year-old Ind ian m an has pleaded guilty to comm itting marriage fraud in order to obtain a g reen card or permanent residency US A ttorney Trini E Ross recently stated that th e charge ag ainst Viv ek C hau han carries a possible sentence of five years in prison and a fine of $250, 000
On April 2, 2018, Chauhan married a US citizen in Worcester, Massachusetts, which was not genuine, investigations revealed They never resided together and entered the “contract marriage” only for the purpose of obtaining a green card, for Chauhan, Assistant US Attorney John D Fabian, who handled the case, stated Using his Indian passport, Chauhan applied for permanent residency or status adjustment with the Department of Homeland Security on June 1, 2018, citing his fictitious marriage In an interview with US Citizenship and Immigration Services conducted in May 2019, his "wife" said that they shared a home in Connecticut with Chauhan He was interviewed a second time by the USCIS in November 2021, during which he falsely claimed to continue to reside with his “wife” in Connecticut In addition, he also falsely claimed that his “wife” was pregnant with his child
from the police service
Defending himself in a letter to Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) earlier this month, Auderer wrote that the comments were not made with “malice” and hard heart Stating that he “lamented” Kandula’s death, he wrote that it was unfortunate that her death would “turn into lawyers arguing ‘the value of human life”
After receiving his letter, the
SPOG released a statement claiming that the dialogue had been misrepresented and that Auderer had mocked the young woman's life-appraising lawyers during a phone chat with Guild President Mike Solan
Last week, the Seattle’s Community Police Commission recommended that the officer under investigation for joking about Kandula’s death be placed on leave and his pay be withheld
M A L E : Pro-Ch ina cand idate Mo ham ed Mu izzu won the presidential election in the Maldiv es, a result set to once ag ain upend th e archipelago 's relatio nship with traditional benefactor India Muizzu, 45, helm s a party th at presid ed ov er an influx of C hinese loans w hen it last h eld power in the atoll nation, better known for its luxury beach resorts and celebrity to urists
He won 54 06 per cent of the vote in the run-off contest, prompting incumbent Ibrahim Mohamed Solih to concede defeat shortly before midnight
"Congratulations to president-elect Muizzu," Solih wrote on X I also congratulate the people who have shown a peaceful and democratic process " Solih, 61, will serve as caretaker president until his successor is inaugurated on November 17
The result upends Solih's efforts to revert the country's diplomatic posture back towards New Delhi since taking office five years ago Muizzu played a pivotal role in an earlier government's development programme, bankrolled in part by financial largesse from China's Belt and Road infrastructure initiative
T he Afg hanistan embassy in India, wh ich was a supp orter o f the prev ious West-backed a d m i ni s tr ati o n, h as announced its closure and s ta ted th a t it s to p p ed c o nd u ct in g b u si ne ss o n Octo ber 1
I n a s t a t e m e n t , t h e Afghan embassy said that it sought to establish a deal with the Indian government t o p r o t e c t t h e r i g h t s o f Afghans who reside, work, study, and conduct business in India
United Nations’ refugee agency stated that Afghans a c c o u n t f o r a r o u n d o n ethird of the nearly 40,000 refugees registered in India
B u t t h a t f i g u r e e x c l u d e s those who are not registered with the UN “ T h e r e h a s b e e n a s i g n i f i c a n t r e d u c t i o n i n
b o t h p e r s o n n e l a n d r e s o u r c e s a v a i l a b l e t o u s , m a k i n g i t i n c r e a s i n g l y c h a l l e n g i n g t o c o n t i n u e operations,” the statement said T h e s h u t d o w n c o m e s more than two years after the US withdrew its soldiers from Afghanistan after 20 years of war and occupation, p r e c i p i t a t i n g t h e f a l l o f
P r e s i d e n t A s h r a f G h a n i ' s administration “ I t i s w i t h p r o f o u n d s a d n e s s , r e g r e t , a n d d i s a p p o i n t m e n t t h a t t h e Embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi announces this d e c i s i o n t o c e a s e i t s o p e r a t i o n s , ” t h e e m b a s s y said The decision was taken d u e t o l a c k o f “ c r u c i a l
The B iha r g ove r n m en t
support” from India which has hampered the embassy’s c a p a c i t y t o c a r r y o u t t h e embassy’s duties, read the statement There were also s h o r t c o m i n g s i n m e e t i n g t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s t o b e s t serve Afghani citizens due to “the absence of a legitimate functioning government in Kabul”, read the statement, r e f e r r i n g t o t h e T a l i b a n administration
T h e d e c i s i o n t o c l o s e came as a result of rumours t h a t t h e a m b a s s a d o r a n d o t h e r s e n i o r o f f i c i a l s h a d j u s t l e f t I n d i a d u e t o s q u a b b l i n g a m o n g t h o s e w h o r e m a i n e d i n N e w D e l h i H o w e v e r , t h e e m b a s s y d e n i e d c l a i m s o f internal conflict among its e m p l o y e e s , e m p h a s i s i n g that they were "unfounded" rumours
I n a country that cu rrentl y boasts the greatest cohort of you th , a new UN research has emph asis ed the "rapi di ty of a ge i ng i n I nd i a " b y h i gh l i gh t i n g t h e d r am at i c i nc re as e i n o l d p o p ul a t i o n f ro m 2010 onward s together wi th a f al l in th e age gro up of th ose und er 15 Accord ing to p r e d i c t i o ns , I n d i a ' s s e ni or p opulatio n will surpass th at o f child ren between 0 and 14 years of age in 204 6, while th e p opulatio n of tho se between 15 and 59 years wil l d ecl ine
I n t h e " I n d i a A g e i n g Report 2023," which uses this data as support, the United N a t i o n s P o p u l a t i o n F u n d ( U N F P A ) s t a t e s t h a t " u n d o u b t e d l y , r e l a t i v e l y young India today will turn into a rapidly ageing society in the coming decades
T h e r e p o r t h i g h l i g h t s
that there are 149 million p e o p l e a g e d 6 0 y e a r s a n d above in 2022 (as on 1 July), comprising around 10 5% of t h e c o u n t r y ’ s p o p u l a t i o n B u t t h i s i s e s t i m a t e d t o increase to 15% (around 227 m i l l i o n ) b y 2 0 3 6 T h e proportion of older people will increase to 20 8% (347 million) by 2050 As a result, one in five people will be a b o v e t h e a g e o f 6 5 T h e elderly will make up more t h a n 3 6 % o f t h e n a t i o n ' s population by the end of the century As per an “ageing index” in the report, there are 39 older persons per 100 children in India according to 2021 population estimates a n d t h e s o u t h e r n a n d western Indian states reflect h i g h e r a g e i n g w h e n c o m p a r e d t o c e n t r a l a n d northeastern states
T h e C B I is s ai d to h a v e reg is te re d a p re li m i na ry inquiry ( PE) to look into the all eg e d " i rre g u lar it ie s and m isc ond u ct" by yet- to- beidentified public serv ants of th e D el h i g o v er nm e nt, la u nc h in g a c ri m i n al inv estigation into the claim s o f c or ru p ti o n i n th e co n s tru c ti o n o f a new res idential bloc k for ch ief minister Arvind Kejriwal
The probe agency has asked the PWD of the Delhi government to hand over all d o c u m e n t s p e r t a i n i n g t o the alleged irregularities by O c t o b e r 3 T h e s o u r c e s revealed that the documents sought by the CBI include tender details, note sheets, b i d d i n g d o c u m e n t s , payment records, guidelines that were laid down and a “ r e q u e s t f r o m c l i e n t ”
AAP claims vend etta
C a l l i n g C B I ’ s m o v e vendetta, AAP said nothing c a m e o u t o f p r e v i o u s i n v e s t i g a t i o n s c o n d u c t e d a g a i n s t t h e C M a n d h e would come out clean this time too After imprisoning former deputy CM Manish Sisodia and former health minister Satyendar Jain, the party claimed that the BJP w a s m a k i n g a " d e s p e r a t e a t t e m p t " t o d a m a g e i t s r e p u t a t i o n ; i t h a d n o w shifted its focus to Kejriwal and had so far registered more than 50 cases against him
Welcoming the inquiry, BJP claimed there had been violations in the renovation a n d i t ’ l l b e r e v e a l e d o n whose instructions it was done
“defamatory, slanderous, a n d m a l i c i o u s accusations”
T h e I n t e r n a t i on a l S oc i e t y fo r Kr ishn a C on scio usn es s ( Iskcon ) has se nt a £ 10 m d e fa m a t io n n ot ic e t o Bhar atiy a Ja nat a Pa rty (BJP) M P M ane ka G an dhi for her r ema rk aga inst t he religious o r g a n is a t i o n T h e n o t ic e ca me t wo da ys a fter Ga ndh i sa id Isk con is t he “big gest che at” in t he coun try due to it s p ur port ed sale of cows f r o m i t s g a u sh a la s ( cowshed s) t o butcher s C a l l i n g t h e a l l e g a t i o n s ‘ u n f o u n d e d ’ , I s k c o n i n a s t a t e m e n t s a i d t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n ’ s w o r l d w i d e c o m m u n i t y w a s “ d e e p l y pained” by the BJP leader’s
“Today we have sent a £ 1 0 m n d e f a m a t i o n n o t i c e t o M a n e k a G a n d h i f o r l e v e l l i n g c o m p l e t e l y u n f o u n d e d a l l e g a t i o n s a g a i n s t I s k c o n
The worldwide community o f I s k c o n d e v o t e e s , supporters, and well-wishers are deeply pained by these defamatory, slanderous, and m a l i c i o u s a c c u s a t i o n s W e w i l l d o e v e r y t h i n g i n o u r pursuit of justice against the f a l l a c i o u s p r o p a g a n d a against Iskcon, ” Radharamn D a s , V i c e - P r e s i d e n t o f
Iskcon Kolkata said The Iskcon, which is r e c o g n i s e d a s t h e m o s t i n f l u e n t i a l K r i s h n a s e c t g l o b a l l y , r e f u t e d t h e s e accusations and said they
are “unsubstantiated and false ” Maneka, a former u n i o n m i n i s t e r , a n d a n animal rights activist, has been vocal on social media o v e r i s s u e s o f a n i m a l welfare
In a recent viral video, she talked about her visit t o I s k c o n ’ s A n a n t p u r G a u s h a l a i n A n d h r a P r a d e s h a n d r e c o l l e c t s t h a t s h e c o u l d n ’ t c o m e across any cow that wasn’t either giving milk or had calves
“The biggest cheat in t h e c o u n t r y i s I s k c o n They establish Gaushalas f o r w h i c h t h e y g e t u n l i m i t e d b e n e f i t s f r o m the government to run the g a u s h a l a s , ” G a n d h i w a s heard saying in a video “There was no dry cow in t h e e n t i r e d a i r y N o t a
m a d e i t s s t a t is t i c a l
i nf or m a t io n on t he c a s t e - ba s ed he a dc oun t c onduct ed in the s ta te t hi s y e a r p ub l ic T hi s information could have a b ig im pa c t on B ih ar ' s ele ctoral politics in the future
The data reveals that of the state's 130 7 million total p o p u l a t i o n , t h e p o l i t i c a l l y s e n s i t i v e 1 1 3 - c a s t e g r o u p k n o w n a s t h e e x t r e m e l y b a c k w a r d c l a s s e s ( E B C s ) make up the largest portion (36%), followed by the other b a c k w a r d c l a s s e s a t 2 7 % , accounting for a total of 63% o f t h e b a c k w a r d c l a s s e s Muslims constitute 17 7% of t h e s t a t e ’ s p o p u l a t i o n , c o m p r i s i n g 1 2 9 % f r o m b a c k w a r d c l a s s a n d 4 8 % ‘ upper caste’ Muslims CM Nitish Kumar and his d e p u t y , T e j a s h w i P r a s a d Yadav, decided to term it a “ c a s t e - b a s e d h e a d c o u n t ”and not a “caste census ” - to escape a legal tangle as union j u n i o r h o m e m i n i s t e r Nityanand Rai had informed Lok Sabha in July 2021 that it would not be legally tenable to hold a “caste census ” in the c o u n t r y s i n c e t h e l a w provided for only counts of
single calf was there This means all of them were sold,” she added
T he US em bassy i n Ind ia said it has processed ov er 1 0 , 0 0 , 0 0 0 no n- i m m i g r ant v isa applications so far this year, a f irst f or I nd ia A s com pared to pre-Co vid 20 19 and 2022, th is is an almost 20 % increase “Indians no w rep resent o ver 1 0% of all visa a p p li c ant s w o rl d w i d e , includ ing 20 % of all student v isa app licants, and 65% of a ll H & L c ate g o ry ( e m p lo y m en t) v i sa a p p li c ant s, ” th e e m ba s sy said while welcom ing this g row th
M o r e t h a n 1 2 , 0 0 , 0 0 0
Indians travelled to the US last year According to the US embassy, a pilot scheme t h a t w o u l d p r o v i d e domestic visa renewal for qualifying H and L category employment visa applicants will be put into place early in
The caste b r e a k d o w n i n t h e s t a t e reveals that the Hindu "upper caste" groups, which are the B J P ' s b a s i s , m a k e u p o n l y 1 0 6 % o f t h e p o p u l a t i o n T h e s e g r o u p s a r e t h e B r a h m i n s ( 3 7 % ) , R a j p u t s (3 4%), Bhumihars (2 9%), and Kayasthas (0 6%) BJP has pinned its hopes on the assumed caste support of its alliance partners - like t h e c o n v e r g e n c e o f D u s a d h s / P a s w a n s , w h o a c c o u n t f o r 5 3 % o f t h e p o p u l a t i o n , f o r t h e N D A through the Rashtriya Lok Janshakti Party led by Union m i n i s t e r P a s h u p a t i K u m a r Paras and Chirag Paswan of the other faction; 4 2% of the K u s h w a h a / K o e r i c a s t e through Upendra Kushwaha and state BJP chief Samrat C h o u d h a r y , a n d 3 % M u s a h a r s t h r o u g h t h e H i n d u s t a n i A w a m M o r c h a (Secular) of former CM Jitan Ram Manjhi
the next year US ambassador to India E r i c G a r c e t t i s a i d : “ O u r p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h I n d i a i s one of the United States’ m o s t i m p o r t a n t b i l a t e r a l relationships and in fact one o f t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t relationships in the world The ties between our people are stronger than ever, and we will continue our recordsetting volume of visa work in the coming months to g i v e a s m a n y I n d i a n a p p l i c a n t s a s p o s s i b l e t h e opportunity to travel to the US and experience the USIndia friendship first hand ” A l t h o u g h t h i s i s significantly less than the r o u g h l y t h r e e y e a r s i t reached last winter, the wait time for B1/B2 visiting visa applications in India is still about 1 5 years
60+ will make up 15% of India's population by 2036: UNManeka Gandhi On October 3, 2023, the Smt Hansa Mehta Library at The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda hosted a special event to inaugurate the Lord Bhikhu Parekh Reading Section The ceremony was graced by the esteemed presence of Lord Bikhu Parekh, who did the honors of inaugurating the section, along with the Vice-Chancellor, Prof (Dr) Vijay Kumar Srivastava
P r i m e M i ni s ter N are nd r a M o d i s tated th at th e V i brant Gu jar at Global Summ it (VGGS) provid ed a p latform to h elp Gu jarat recover from the d ev astation brou ght o n b y th e earth qu ake i n 20 0 1 , th e God hra and p ost-Godhra v iolence in 2002, and the collapse of th e M ad h a v p u ra M er ca nti l e C ooperativ e Bank (M MCB), which p l u ng e d th e st ate 's co o p e rat iv e banking sector into crisis
The Prime Minister noted that while the world has seen the success of the business summit, its journey began when the then Union government (UPA) showed "indifference" to Gujarat's develop-
ment and threatened foreign investors not to invest in the state
The event was held to celebrate 20 years of the Vibrant Gujarat summit's success
In the same vein, the PM asserted that India is now poised to be a global growth engine and expressed confidence that the country will soon emerge as an “ economic powerhouse of the world”
“Gujarat faced a long period of famine before the earthquake The collapse of MMCB caused an upheaval in 133 other cooperative banks I was newly elected and had no experience in governance The
Modichallenges were huge Amidst this, one more event took place: the heartwrenching incident at Godhra In the situation that followed, Gujarat burnt in the fire of
One Seiminlu n Gangte mili tant was detained by th e NIA in Manipu r in connect io n wi th a tran s nat io n al p lot by terror gro up c omm an d er s l o c a te d i n B anglade sh an d Mya nmar to wage war against India by t ak i n g ad va nt ag e o f t h e o ng o i ng e th n i c c o n f li c t th ere Th e c ase h ad been su o mo to filed by the NIA in New Delh i on July 19, 2023
Investigation of the case has shown that terrorist groups with bases in Myanmar and Bangladesh have "entered into a conspiracy" with some militant leaders in India to incite violence with the aim of dividing various ethnic groups and waging war against the Indian government
For this purpose, the leadership has been provid-
ing funds to procure arms, ammunition and other types of terrorist hardware which are being sourced both, from across the border, as well as from other terrorist outfits active in the northeastern states, to stoke the current ethnic strife in Manipur, said NIA No end to protests, vandalism and ars on
Meanwhile, violence in the state escalated further as large mobs defied curfew and attempted to storm the ancestral home of Manipur's chief minister, N Biren Singh, in Imphal East and the home of BJP lawmaker Kebi Devi, in Imphal West This led to hour-long clashes between security personnel and demonstrators
To halt the mobs’ progress in both locations,
security forces resorted to tear-gas shelling Manipur police said both houses were secure and adequately protected Clashes were reported from multiple locations, leaving many people and more than a dozen police personnel wounded Manipur BJP writes to Nadda
In the first overt action, the BJP's Manipur branch accused the state's government of failing to stop ethnic violence, telling J P Nadda that "people's anger and protest is turning the tide" against the government The concerns have been flagged in a signed letter that top eight office bearers of the party, led by state chief A Sarda Devi, sent to Nadda
On the b ir th annive rsa ry of Mahat ma Ga ndhi, Pre sident D r ou pa d i M ur m u, Vi ce
Pre siden t Jagde ep D hankhar, a n d Pr i m e M in i st e r Na rendr a Modi paid tribute t o him on Monday G andhi r ece iv ed fl or al tr ib ut es from Modi, who a lso sta ted that G a n d h i' s t i me l e s s wi sd o m "continues to il luminate our pat h "
The nation remembered Bapu and former PM Lal Bahadur Shastri, both of them were born on October 2 Modi also paid floral tributes to Shastri at Vijay Ghat early in the morning It marks the 154th birth anniversary of Gandhi, hailed as the Father of the Nation, who led India to freedom through the path of non-violence, and continues to be a globally revered figure
Modi reached Rajghat in the morning and offered petals to the Mahatma’s memorial An interfaith prayer service was held at Rajghat where Gandhi’s favourite devotional songs were played “I bow to Mahatma Gandhi on the special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti His timeless teachings continue
to illuminate our path
Mahatma Gandhi’s impact is global, motivating the entire humankind to further the spirit of unity and compassion,” Modi posted on X
The PM also posted a video of German singer Cassandra Mae’s rendition of Gandhi’s favourite prayer ‘Vaishnava Jana To’, saying his thoughts struck a chord with people all around the world
Modi also hailed Shastri on X, saying his iconic call for ‘Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan’ resonated even today
The event was held at Rajghat, which is located on the banks of the Yamuna, and several Union ministers and officials were in attendance A "Bhajan Sandhya" was held at Gandhi Smriti, formerly known as Birla
Bhavan, where Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948
violence,” said Modi
He said his aim is to make India a global growth engine and expressed confidence that the country will soon emerge as an economic powerhouse of the world Speaking at an event to mark 20 years of success of the Vibrant Gujarat Summit, Modi said they sowed small seeds of a “Vibrant Gujarat” 20 years ago, and today it has developed into a big tree
Fo cus to be on Euro pe, Africa, Mid dle East
The Gujarat government has begun work on a plan to leverage international partnerships which
were strengthened during India’s presidency of the G20 by focusing on Europe, Africa and the Middle East for the tenth edition of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit (VGGS), which will be held in Gandhinagar from January 10 to 12, 2024
The goals of the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), the India-Israel-United Arab Emirates-United States of America (I2U2) forum, and the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G20 will all be strengthened through VGGS, according to state government officials
MS S wam inath an, a geneticist who spearhead ed India's ef f o rt to p ro d u c e ex ce ss grain in th e 1 960s by ad vocating the use of hybrid varieties and chem ical fertilisers, passed away at his hom e in Chennai He was 98
Swaminathan convinced the government that the high yielding dwarf wheat which US scientist Norman Borlaug introduced in Mexico was the answer to India’s grain shortage He instructed farmers in their cultivation and modified the seeds to fit Indian circumstances Because of this, Punjab saw a five-fold rise in wheat production in just five years, from 1 91 million tonnes in 1965–1966 to 5 15 million tonnes in 1970–1971
Swaminathan was laud-
ed as the ‘Father of the Green Revolution’ Even yet, he was aware that the heavy use of fertiliser was only a temporary solution to the nation's near-famine conditions
Swaminathan advocated for an "Evergreen Revolution" through organic farming in his final years
In a series of post on X, PM Narendra Modi said, “At
a very critical period in our nation’s history, his groundbreaking work in agriculture transformed the lives of millions and ensured food security for our nation ” “Beyond his revolutionary contributions to agriculture, Swaminathan was a powerhouse of innovation and a nurturing mentor to many His passion to see India progress was exemplary His life and work will inspire generations to come, ” the PM said President Droupadi Murmu said: “A visionary who worked endlessly to achieve food security, he was rightly called the Father of Green Revolution that ensured our country’s selfreliance in foodgrains ”
An Ind ian w hisk y has be en crowne d the w or ld's b est w his ky The I nd ri D iwa li C o l l e ct o r ' s E d i t i o n 2 0 23 has bee n aw arded a s the b est wh isk y in the world at the Whis kie s of the World Aw ards
This accolade marks a milestone in the global recognition of Indian whiskies, with the Indri Diwali Collector's Edition 2023 outshining hundreds of renowned brands from around the world The Indian single malt beat international brands,
including scotch, bourbon, Canadian, Australian, and British single malts
The Indri Diwali Collector's Edition 2023 is a product of Piccadilly Distilleries, a company that has consistently demonstrated its commitment to quality and innovation in the whisky industry It was awarded the 'Double Gold Best In Show'
The award-winning whisky is crafted in the Himalayan foothills using six-row barley handpicked in Rajasthan and fresh
An autoric kshaw dri ver was arrested in Uj jain for the rape of a minor girl, wh ose v id eo cl ip of b ei ng s hooe d away by people while pleading for help in a bleeding, half-naked state h as s ho c k ed th e c ou n tr y T he accused, Bharat Soni was brought to the crime scene for a forens ic investigat ion, he attem pted to f lee from police custody and injured himself by falling on the road Ujjain police formed a 28-member SIT to look into the issue after a video of the girl screaming for assistance went viral Five auto drivers were detained and questioned, according to IG Santosh Kumar Singh, based on CCTV footage from the previous 72
hours Soni was the SIT's main target, and he confessed to the crime
He was arrested and led cops to the survivor’s bloodstained clothes IG Singh told media that because the survivor was unable to speak, authorities heavily relied on technical evidence, including video from CCTV cameras in various locations, to establish the sequence of events
“The accused found the minor girl alone and offered her a lift He took her to an isolated spot in Jeevankhedi village and raped her He left her there and fled,” said Singh
Another auto driver later dropped the survivor near a residential colony,
glacier water from the Yamuna River It is then aged in Pedro Ximenez Sherry Casks, which imparts a dark amber hue and sweet, currant-like notes to the whisky
The Whiskies of the World Awards is an annual event that brings together some of the most influential tastemakers in the beverage industry Over 100 varieties of whiskies are blind-tasted and rated on a 100-point basis, focusing on aromatics, flavour and finish
where she went door to door seeking help for two and a half hours before she fell unconscious opposite an ashram
A priest found her and called the police
“We found bloodstains on the back seat of an autorickshaw and its owner, Rakesh Malviya, was detained for questioning Later, it was established that he had found the survivor in an injured state and had given her a lift,” said IG Singh Malviya, however, did not inform the police
C H A M A R A J A N A G A R : T he d ir e ct ion of the Cauve ry W ate r Re gulation C om mitte e (CW RC) t o Kar nat ak a t o re le ase wa te r a t the rat e of 3 ,000 cubic fe et per se con d (cuse cs) t o Ta mil Na du till October 1 5 will be challe nge d before t he Supr eme Court , t h e C h i e f Mi n i s t e r S i d d a r a m a i a h s a i d Sidda ra maiah sa id he has spok en to t he st at e s le ga l t e am which o pine d tha t it should be challe nge d in t he a pex court " W e a r e c h a ll e n g i n g t h e or d e r o f t h e C WR C be for e t he Su pr e me C ou rt W e don t have wat er to giv e, the CM told re port ers
Deputy Chief Minister D K Shivakumar had expressed satisfaction over the CWRC rejecting the request of Tamil Nadu, which wanted Karnataka to release 12,000 cusecs
Karnataka submitted before CWRC at its meeting in New Delhi that the shortfall in cumulative inflows to its four reservoirs in the Cauvery basin up to September 25 is 53 04 per cent BJP lea der s hold prote st BJP leaders, meanwhile, organised a protest against the Karnataka government over Cauvery water release to Tamil Nadu P r o t e s t e r s r a i s e d s l o g a n s a g a i n s t
Siddaramaiah and Shivakumar and called them agents of Tamil Nadu and DMK
C HENNAI: Thirty -one y ear s a ft er 1 8 wome n wer e ra ped in Vachathi tr ib al villa ge, in Tamil Na du’ s Dhar ma puri dist rict, t he Madr as high c ou r t co n fi r me d t h e c on v i ct i on o f a l l 26 9 g o v e r n me n t o ff ic ia l s wh o h a d r a id e d t h e set tlemen t an d br uta lised the residents on t he pr etext of l ook in g for sa ndalwood smugglers
Staging a sit-in over the Cauvery watersharing issue, former CM Yediyurappa said, " O u r C M a n d d e p u t y C M s h o u l d n o t behave like Tamil Nadu agents They must realise the actual facts In almost all our reservoirs there is no water at all and it is not sufficient for even drinking purposes PM can't interfere in this, the case is in SC It's not possible for him to interfere "
B J P M e m b e r o f P a r l i a m e n t f r o m Bangalore South Tejasvi Surya said that Karnataka must stop releasing water to Tamil Nadu
"Karnataka government has completely failed in putting forth proper details to the C W R C c o m m i t t e e S h o w i n g f i n g e r s towards to central govt is not going to work Central official work has been done Now it is in the hands of authorities and the Supreme Court" he said
NEW D EL HI : The S hirom ani
A kal i D al , a n e rs tw h i le m em ber of NDA, has “taken a v iew to have no coalition with BJP” fo r the 2024 L ok Sabha p o l ls , s en io r S A D le ad e r Naresh Gujral said
G u j r a l s a i d t h e l a s t t w o speeches in Lok Sabha by SAD member Harsimranjit Kaurd u r i n g t h e n o - c o n f i d e n c e motion and women ’ s reservation bill - were indications that SAD will not partner with BJP Elaborating on the decision to have “ no alliance” with BJP, he said, “SAD is a regional party O u r f o c u s i s P u n j a b W e s h o u l d follow the Karunanidhi model each time his (late DMK chief) party was beaten, he went back to the ground to consolidate the party’s position in the state
“Whether we get 4 or 5 seats in Lok Sabha is immaterial to us We have to be in Punjab, ready for the n e x t e l e c t i o n s I N D I A a l l i a n c e o f parties gives us a huge advantage,” said Gujral, adding that “if Congress and AAP tie-up in Punjab, SAD will e m e r g e a s t h e b i g f o r c e w i t h i t s
cadres and leaders on the ground Even during the recent floods in the state, the only people on the ground were SAD leaders”
Talking of SAD’s alliance with BJP, which snapped in September 2020 in the wake of the farmers’ stir against the now scrapped three farm l a w s , G u j r a l s a i d l a t e S A D c h i e f Parkash Singh Badal’s main focus was Hindu-Sikh unity in Punjab that had been damaged in 1984 “This unity is the life blood of Punjab That was behind this alliance But BJP does not h a v e t h e s a m e c o m p l e x i o n t o d a y Sikhs are followers of the Gurus who believed in tolerance, compassion, e q u a l i t y , r e s p e c t f o r a l l r e l i g i o n s , apart from charity,” he said
N E W D E L H I : P o li c e o n T u es d a y ni g h t remov ed T MC leaders from Krishi Bh av an in New D elh i , w h er e th ey w ere si tti ng on dharna after U nio n Minister o f State for Rural Develo pment Sadhv i Niranjan Jyoti refused to m eet m ore than five members of the TM C d elegation, wh ich comp rised 3 0 people
Police took members of the delegation, l e d b y T M C g e n e r a l s e c r e t a r y A b h i s h e k
Banerjee, from the ministry in two buses TMC sources said police were taking them to Mukherjee Nagar TMC MP Mahua Moitra was among those to be taken away in the buses, and she shouted out from the bus that the delegation had been manhandled and physically removed from the ministry
This is how elected MPs of the world’s largest democracy are treated after being
O n e o f t h e v i c t i m s w a s e i g h t m o n t h s pregnant at the time of the rape, and another was a 13-year-old kid Seventeen of the accused were found guilty While more than 50 defendants passed away during the trial, the remainder received prison terms ranging from one to ten years from the sessions court in 2011 The HC upheld all the convictions, saying, “To save actual smugglers and big shots, the officials played a big stage drama in which innocent tribal women got affected the pain and difficulties faced by them have to be compensated in terms of money and j o b s ” J u s t i c e P V e l m u r u g a n a l s o o r d e r e d t h e Tamil Nadu government to immediately release ₹10,00,000 compensation to each of the 18 women, as ordered earlier by a division bench in 2016, and to recover 50% of the amount from the accused convicted of rape The state was also d i r e c t e d t o p r o v i d e e i t h e r s u i t a b l e s e l f employment or a permanent job to the 18 women or their family members
P A T IA L A : Punjab C hief Minister Bhag want M ann said his go vernment will giv e Gov ernor Banwarilal Purohit an accou nt on the m oney spent out of the d ebt it raised , and took a swipe at him fo r no t seeking d etails on borrowings from previo us gov ernm ents
Purohit had earlier sought details from the Mann dispensation about the utilisation of £5 billion the state government had borrowed
Addressing a gathering here after the launch of a £55 million ‘Sehatmand Punjab’ mission, a campaign for the rejuvenation of government hospitals in the state, the chief minister said the reply will be sent to the governor soon
“He asked where the money was spent However, he never asked previous governments about raising £10 to 15 billion of debt and where that was spent,” he said “We have been asked (by the governor) and we have a reply We will give him an account of the £5 billion that we repaid the debt on Punbus, and paid interest on old loans We have an account of every penny, ” Mann added
Last month, the chief minister urged the governor to take up the issue of the pending Rural Development Fund (RDF) amounting to £563,74 million with the president and the prime minister
However, in his reply, Purohit had said he learnt that the debt of Punjab rose by about £5 billion during the AAP regime and sought details of utilisation of this “huge amount” so that he could convince the prime minister that the money was properly utilised
g i v e n a n a p p o i n t m e n t t o m e e t w i t h a Minister of the Govt of India (which she refused to honour after making us wait 3 hours)
Earlier, party MP Shantanu Sen told media outside Krishi Bhavan that a meeting between the delegation and the MoS had been scheduled for 6 pm
“AITC (All India Trinamool Congress) delegation, led by national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee, arrived at Krishi Bhavan at 6 pm to meet MoS Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti
Our leaders were then made to wait for 90 minutes Now, the MoS informed that she cannot meet our delegation Our national general secretary, Abhishek Banerjee, along with other leaders won’t leave from Krishi Bhavan until the minister meets them ” B a n e r j e e h a d s u g g e s t e d t h a t R u r a l
Development Minister Giriraj Singh was supposed to meet the delegation “Giriraj Singh was supposed to meet us at 6 pm But it is 7 30 now, and he is not here Earlier, we were told that he would meet us at 12 noon But later, we received an email saying that he cannot meet us in that allotted time Clearly, he was lying that he would not be in Delhi and that his flight would land at 5 pm and consequently, he would have a meeting with us at 6 pm Despite giving us time for a meeting, he is not here Unless he comes and meets us, we will not go from here,” he said Before the TMC delegation arrived, BJP leader from Bengal, Suvendu Adhikari, met MoS Jyoti at 4 pm and had a half-an-hourlong meeting He also handed over a letter to the minister regarding alleged irregularities in the MGNREGA scheme in the state
Kannada actor Nagabhushana NS was arrested after a car driven by him hit a couple in Bengaluru The 48-year-old woman died and her husband was severely injured Though Nagabhushana was not found drunk at the time of the crash, cops said the accident occurred because of negligent driving Charged under various sections, including rash driving and causing death by negligence, he was later released on bail The actor claimed the couple “suddenly entered the road from a footpath” He also said he rushed the couple to a hospital but the woman could not be saved
Two young doctors died when the car they were travelling in plunged into Periyar river at Gothuruth in Earnakulam district, police said Dr Advaith (29) and Dr Ajmal (29), both working at a private hospital in the district, died in the accident that occurred late at night As it was raining and dark, Dr Advaith, who was driving the Honda Civic turned on GPS for guidance Soon they came to a waterlogged stretch of road and as the map pointed straight ahead, the car waded into the water Except that it was not the road but a river and the car started sinking Dr Advaith and Dr Ajmal died Three others in the Civic managed to extricate themselves and were rescued Dr Advaith had turned 29 and the five of them were returning to Kodungallur from Kochi where they had gone for some birthday shopping
Amid the strong resentment against the AAP government over the arrest of Bholath MLA Sukhpal Khaira, senior Punjab Congress leader Navjot Singh Sidhu once again come in support of the INDIA alliance Without naming any Punjab Congress leader, the former PPCC chief said, “The INDIA alliance stands like a tall mountain A storm here and there will not affect its grandeur Any attempt to sabotage and breach this shield to safeguard our democracy will prove futile Punjab must understand that this is an election to choose India‘s Prime Minister and not Punjab s Chief Minister!!!” The former PPCC chief had spoken in support of Khaira upon latter’s arrest Khaira has been siding Sidhu with ever since Raja Warring took over as the PPCC chief
CRPF troopers will replace officers of Kolkata Police in the office and residential sections of the Raj Bhavan, with the union home ministry clearing the move following a complaint that the state cops were conducting surveillance on Bengal governor CV Ananda Bose’s activities The shuffle is the latest turn in an ongoing tussle between the TMC government and Bose, who has also sought the replacement of his principal secretary, Nandini Chakraborty, a state IAS officer Kolkata police will now only guard the gates and the gardens of the complex Sources at Raj Bhavan said two cops had recently entered the residential area on the first floor, outside their place of duty TMC Rajya Sabha MP Santanu Sen accused Bose of turning the Raj Bhavan into a BJP office CPM leader Sujan Chakraborty said “ (the governor) is not the first person to have sought central forces Mamata relied on central forces when she was the railway minister
Police remove TMC leaders sitting on dharna at Krishi BhavanCM Siddaramaiah
India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said th at it is "hard to p ut a lim it" on Ind ia's relatio ns w ith the U nited States and that " you ain't seen anything yet," in a blatant ind ication th at New Delhi v iew s the controversy with Ottaw a and Washing ton over th e killing of p r o -K h a li s tan te rro r is t Ha rd e ep S i n g h Ni j j ar i n C ana d a a s a n anomaly Speaking about U S-Ind ia p artnership at a festiv e ‘ Colors of Ind ia’ ev ent in Wash ing to n DC , Jaishankar said , “I can pro mise you t h at th i s r el ati o ns h i p , l ik e t h e C hand rayaan, will go to the Moon, m aybe even beyond ”
“(Earlier) we used to deal with e a c h o t h e r n o w w e w o r k w i t h
each other,” he added At the occasion, where Indian-American elites in the US administration and public life also talked up the links, Jaishankar made no mention of the contentious Nijjar issue, highlighting the human resources heft the two sides have built up with immigration “ I n t h i s c h a n g i n g w o r l d , I would say today that India and the US have moved to a position where we really see each other as very desirable, optimal and comfortable partners with whom it’s a natural instinct today to pick up the phone or if you meet someone and have a natural conversation,” Jaishankar said
C an’t n orma li se what i s going on in Ca nada
T a k i n g a i m a t C a n a d a , Jaishankar said it was important t o d e n o u n c e a c t s o f v i o l e n c e , intimidation, and threats against
The 53rd Dadas aheb Phalke Award, In dia's top film award, will be given to Waheeda R ehman, whose radiant beauty an d superb ac ting skills made her a favourite of a ge nerati on of moviegoers
The timing of the award, announced by union minister for information and broadcasting Anurag Singh Thakur couldn’t have been more perfect for the 85-year-old actor
“Her journey in Indian cinema has left an indelible mark A beacon of talent, dedication and grace, she embodies the best of our cinematic heritage Congratulations to h e r , ” p o s t e d P r i m e M i n i s t e r N a r e n d r a Modi It came on a day when Hindi film enthusiasts were celebrating the birth centenary of Dev Anand, a co-star she was fond of and frequently collaborated with Waheeda gave one of her most iconic p e r f o r m a n c e s a s R o s i e i n D e v A n a n d ' s
'Guide' (1965), which was adapted from writer RK Narayan's novel Waheeda played a lady who dared leave her unhappy marriage in order to seek love and independence with recklessness In a role that many people are familiar with, Waheeda gives a genuine and engrossing performance Waheeda made her acting debut in a role with dark overtones in CID (1956), another box office success directed by Dev Anand, over ten years ago
The two stars were also paired in the hit romantic comedy, 'Solva Saal' (1958), among the first of Hindi film remakes of Frank Capra’s 'It Happened One Night' (1934) and a bunch of other black and white movies such as 'Kala Bazar' (1960) and 'Baat Ek Raat Ki' (1962) that continue to draw old-timers on YouTube and OTT channels
Four earthquakes, the big gest measurin g 6 2 on the Richter Scale, rocked Nepal on Tuesday afternoon , causin g si gni ficant tremors to be felt in Delhi -Nati onal Capi tal Region (NCR) and other parts of north In dia
The earthquakes occurred within a span of less an hour The National Centre for Seismology (NCS) official said the first quake of magnitude 4 6 struck west Nepal at a depth of 10 km at 2:25 pm, followed by the 6 2 magnitude jolt at 2:51 pm
Two more quakes (magnitude 3 6 and 3 1) hit the same region at a depth of 15 km and 10 km at 3:06 pm and 3:19 pm, respectively
The tremors lasted nearly one minute
The epicenter of the most powerful earthquake was located 206 km southeast of the pilgrimage town of Joshimath in Uttarakhand and 284 km north of the Uttar Pradesh capital, Lucknow People in Delhi-NCR experienced substantial shaking after the second earthquake, which prompted them to leave their homes and tall office buildings The Delhi Police urged people to maintain their composure and not panic
The first earthquake had a magnitude of 4 6 and a depth of 10 km The second with a magnitude of 6 2, occurred at 14:51:04 IST, and its depth was reported as 5 km Additionally, reports of tremors came from Jaipur, Chandigarh, and numerous other north Indian cities There was no information about losses at the moment, according to the police control room in Jaipur
T elangana was th e first state where Prime Minister Narendra M odi said th e BJP will run for office because th e people there d em anded chang e
“You have been supporting the BJP (at the Centre) for the last four years in a big way Now people want change (in the state) Change for a transparent, corruption-free government that will not make false promises and an administration that delivers at the ground level,” Modi told a large rally in Mahabubnagar The assembly polls are due this year-end E a r l i e r , t h e P M a n n o u n c e d a n d o p e n e d a n u m b e r o f
Telangana development projects worth more than £1 35 billion He announced the establishment of the Central Tribal University and the National Turmeric Board, two politically critical measures made before the assembly elections
Modi started his speech in Telugu by referring to the audience as his family (Naa Kutumba Sabhyulara), and he did so for the entirety of it We don't have a government in Telangana, Modi continued, underscoring the BJP's dedication to the state Nevertheless, we made every effort to assist the farmers The Ramagundam fertiliser facility was reopened after being shut down for several years
Indian diplomats and missions, and he questioned if the world would have responded in the same way if it had happened to any other nation “Let’s not normalise what is happening in Canada,”
Jaishankar said during an interaction with Indian journalists “ W e h a v e h a d a n o n g o i n g p r o b l e m w i t h C a n a d a a n d t h e Canadian government for some years now The ongoing problem really revolves around the permissiveness to terrorism, extremism and violence This permissiveness is also reflected in the fact that s o m e i m p o r t a n t e x t r a d i t i o n requests have not been responded to from their side,” he said
Jaishankar said, “We have had smoke bombs thrown at the miss i o n , w e h a v e h a d v i o l e n c e i n f r o n t o f c o n s u l a t e s , t h e r e a r e posters put up Do you consider this normal? If this had happened to any other country, how would they react? It is important to call o u t w h a t i s h a p p e n i n g t h e r e ”
When asked about Trudeau’s allegations, he said India has already pointed out to Canada that this is not the government of India’s policy “But if they are prepared to share with us specifics and anything relevant, we are also open to looking at it So in that sense, that’s where the matter stands,” Jaishankar said
SC asks govt to clear judiciary appointments by October 9
Th e Sup reme C ourt gave the governm ent until O ctober 9 to produc e "so me res ults " or prep are to f ace "pro blems," taking a dim view of th e 86 c oll egium rec ommendatio ns fo r judgesh ip s that are s til l p ending with the Centre as well as the trans fers of 26 h igh cou rt judges and the ap po intment o f o ne HC 's ch ief ju stice
A panel of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul a n d S u d h a n s h u D h u l i a w a s a t p a i n s t o emphasise that the Centre had done nothing in the seven months since the case's previous hearing in February According to the bench, the names have been on the government's agenda for the past 10 months
“You will have to come back with something, otherwise there will be a problem for you Come with some results The matter is being listed after seven months but nothing
happened in the seven months Names recommended by high courts have not reached the Supreme Court,” the bench told attorney general R Venkataramani, who sought one week’s adjournment in the case
The bench thereafter gave details of the pending names before the Centre - 70 names sent by HCs but no decision taken to send them to the SC collegium; nine names sent by the SC collegium for the first time; and seven others whose names were reiterated by the collegium after the Centre sent the reco m m e n d a t i o n s f o r r e c o n s i d e r a t i o n T h e bench further elaborated that the SC decision to transfer 26 high court judges is also pending and so does the collegium's recommendation on appointment of the chief justice to a “ very sensitive” HC
All snow enthusiasts eager to experience skiing can consider India instead of the Alps India's stunning Himalayan mountain range offers a massive natural ski playground during the winter months where one can gracefully ski down snow-covered peaks while enjoying breathtaking valley views and Gulmarg is where you can definitely have the best skiing experience
This charming hill station is surrounded by s n o w y m o u n t a i n s , c e d a r s , a n d p i n e s , creating a beautiful setting While it offers various activities for all seasons, if you e n j o y s n o w a c t i v i t i e s l i k e s k i i n g , i c e s k a t i n g , a n d s n o w m o b i l i n g , t h e “ S k i
Capital of India” should not be overlooked
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extend your guided ski days as desired
They encompass various accommodation options, ranging from luxurious to budgetfriendly, all situated in prime locations A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e s e p a c k a g e s i n c l u d e d e l i g h t f u l m e a l s , c e r t i f i e d g u i d e s , t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , a n d r o u n d - t h e - c l o c k medical assistance for your peace of mind
Stay at Gulmarg includes six nights at t o p s k i r e s o r t h o t e l s , s u c h a s H o t e l Highlands Park, Hotel Khyber, and Hotel Rosewood The seventh night provides a unique experience with a houseboat stay
ascend the mountain Billa Majeed Bakshi, D i r e c t o r & L e a d G u i d e s a i d , “ G u l m a r g boasts the world's highest mountains for s k i i n g , m a k i n g i t a m a g n e t f o r h i g h l y advanced skiers, primarily from Western countries It's not a destination commonly chosen by intermediate or beginner skiers Western visitors predominantly come here t o e x p l o r e t h e c h a l l e n g i n g m o u n t a i n terrain suited for advanced skiers “However, for families looking to enjoy
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A k e y c o m p o n e n t o f t h e r e s o r t , Gulmarg Powder Guides, is dedicated to p r o v i d i n g a h o l i s t i c s k i i n g e x p e r i e n c e catering to beginners, intermediates, and
For hitting the slopes, Gulmarg Powder Guides ensures you are equipped with h i g h - q u a l i t y s k i o r s n o w b o a r d g e a r , including skis, boots, and poles Qualified ski instructors are on hand to guide you, regardless of whether you are a beginner or an experienced skier They also provide essential safety gear, including helmets, gloves, and goggles
a s k i i n g h o l i d a y t o g e t h e r , G u l m a r g i s indeed an excellent choice Our resort f e a t u r e s v a r i o u s s l o p e s a n d a n a m p l e number of ski lifts Despite its reputation for advanced skiing, it consistently attracts families and individuals with varying skill levels We have a robust community of instructors and ski guides who cater to skiers of all proficiency levels, ensuring e v e r y o n e c a n e n j o y t h e i r t i m e o n t h e mountains
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advanced skiers alike Their beginner's ski packages are perfect for those looking to start from scratch, offering expert guidance over a minimum of 5 days of guided skiing
The packages are flexible, allowing you to
Book Review
The package covers lift tickets, granting access to ski lifts that transport you to v a r i o u s s l o p e s a n d t r a i l s N o t a b l y , i t includes tickets for the iconic Gulmarg G o n d o l a , w h e r e y o u c a n e n j o y b r e a t h t a k i n g p a n o r a m i c v i e w s a s y o u
The story commences in 1924, India, where Cat Adam, a former bullied and overweight schoolboy, seeks refuge. He accepts an invitation from an old school friend, the Rajah, to visit the forgotten princely state of Dusa Mathavasi
Adam is on the run from The Trustees, who want their priceless da Salò double b a s s b a c k , a l o a n h e r e c e i v e d a f t e r g r a d u a t i n g f r o m t h e R o y a l A c a d e m y Assuming the role of Master of the Rajah s Music, he arrives to find a directionless court in a deteriorating palace While denied the luxuries he craves, he discovers love in Dr Vijinalakshmi Rajmani, the head of the women's hospital
Fast forward to the present day, Dr Philip Adam becomes an expert on Dusa Mathavasi, driven by his desire to find the m i s s i n g d o u b l e b a s s a n d r e s t o r e h i s family's fortune He hears that his greatgreat-uncle's former bungalow site has been located, prompting him to journey t o t h i s n e a r l y f o r g o t t e n p a r t o f t h e
T h e c e n t r a l c h a r a c t e r u n d e r g o e s s i g n i f i c a n t d e v e l o p m e n t , b e c o m i n g a multi-dimensional figure that readers can connect with easily One standout feature of the book is the author's meticulous research and historical accuracy, vividly p o r t r a y i n g
9 2 0 s I n d i a w i t h h u m o u r , subversion, intrigue, and insight The era's
backcountry skiing opportunities, it offers a diverse range of experiences suitable for all skill levels Plus, it boasts one of the h i g h e s t g o n d o l a d r o p s g l o b a l l y a t a n impressive 4000 meters ” Find out more about their packages at https://gulmargskiresort com/#
s e t t i n g s , a t t i r e , c u s t o m s , a n d s o c i e t a l n o r m s a r e d e p i c t e d w i t h p r e c i s i o n , immersing readers in a different time
The prose in "The Case of Cat Adam" is beautifully lyrical, often resembling a work of art Roger Ashton Griffins has a talent for crafting vivid imagery through w o r d s , e n r i c h i n g t h e n a r r a t i v e T h e p a c i n g i s g e n e r a l l y w e l l - e x e c u t e d , offering moments of tension and quiet reflection that mirror the ebb and flow of history
I n c o n c l u s i o n , " T h e C a s e o f C a t Adam" is a remarkable tapestry of words and history It's a must-read for fans of h i s t o r i c a l l i t e r a r y f i c t i o n , t r a n s p o r t i n g readers to a different era while exploring timeless themes of human existence The novel is a captivating journey through time, both enlightening and enchanting, showcasing the power of literature to breathe life into the past and resonate with the present
A b o u t t h e a u t h o r : R o g e r A s h t o nG r i f f i t h s w r o t e a b o u t A n g l o - I n d i a n literature for his PhD in Creative Writing a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f E a s t A n g l i a H e engages in creative work in a variety of fields as a musician, artist, director, and writer He began his singing career with English National Opera, but today his greatest fame comes from his work as a British actor
“The Case of Cat
Adam” by Roger Ashton Griffins
In a recent study, research ers discovered th at mice with imm une system s conditio ned to recog nise the m icrobial protein flagellin d id no t suffer the typ ical neg ativ e effects o f ingesting emulsifiers, which are food add itives The o utcom e suggests a v iable strateg y for treating a variety o f chronic inflammato ry diseases
D i e t a r y e m u l s i f i e r s a r e a d d i t i v e s added to processed foods to keep combined ingredients from separating Based on earlier research, the researchers theorised that some emulsifiers may alter the gut microbiota, allowing some microorganisms to more easily penetrate the gut's protective mucosal layer and potentially cause chronic intestinal inflammation
They hypothesised that training the gut's immune system to target flagellin may help protect against the detrimental d o w n s t r e a m c o n s e q u e n c e s o f d i e t a r y emulsifier consumption To test this idea, they immunised mice to flagellin for several weeks and then fed them food containing two common dietary emulsifiers, c a r b o x y m e t h y l c e l l u l o s e ( E 4 6 6 ) a n d polysorbate 80 (E433)
They observed that the immunised mice did not experience an invasion of microbes into their mucosal lining after ingesting emulsifiers They also noted that after eating food with emulsifiers, the flagellin-immunised mice still experienced changes in the proportions of various microbe species that comprise their gut microbiomes
R es earchers from M as s G eneral B ri gham have presented important findings i n a new review paper They have clarified the long-term links between traumati c b rain inj ury ( TBI) and c ardiovas cular disease The review paper highlights a numb er of variables that could be res ponsible f o r th i s c on n e c ti o n T he s e a s pe c t s i nclude changes in the brain-gut axis, neuroinflammation, and the emergence of post-i njury comorbidities
These factors may elevate the risk of cardiovascular and cognitive dysfunction in TBI survivors compared to the general population The Lancet Neurology study emphasises the importance of future cardiovascular research, surveillance, and i n t e r v e n t i o n i n T B I s u r v i v o r s F i r s t author Saef Izzy, MD, MBChB, of the Stroke and Cerebrovascular Center of Brigham and Women's Hospital, said, "Despite decades of extensive traumatic brain injury focused research, surprisingly, there has been minimal progress in m i t i g a t i n g l o n g - t e r m o u t c o m e s a n d mortality following injuries
Since we spend a lot of time sitting dow n, keeping our circulation healthy is crucial for our g en er al h eal th and w el lb ei ng
Nu m e ro u s h eal th p ro b le m s , i nc lu d i ng w ea ri ne ss , c o ld extr em iti es , and m or e s erio u s complications including card iov as c u la r d is o rd ers , ca n be broug ht on by poo r blood circulatio n P ranayam a is a fu nd amental aspect of yoga that focuses on controlled breathing techniques Here's how it works:
Oxy g en ati o n an d st res s reduction: Through Pranayama, you learn to take deeper breaths, allowing your lungs to absorb more oxygen Oxygen-rich blood i s p u m p e d m o r e e f f i c i e n t l y throughout your body, nourishi n g y o u r o r g a n s a n d t i s s u e s
Pranayama techniques help calm t h e n e r v o u s s y s t e m , r e d u c i n g stress, promoting blood vessel dilation, and enhancing blood flow
I m p r ov ed h ear t h e alt h : Regular pranayama practise can i m p r o v e t h e w a y y o u r h e a r t
Peo ple are warned that a smoo thloo king or sore tongue could be the sig n of a v itamin d eficiency that need s to be treated "as so on as possible"
The NHS states that there are many symptoms for vitamin B12 deficiency and it is important to h a v e i t t r e a t e d T h e s e s i g n s include ones that might sound s u r p r i s i n g l i k e a s o r e o r r e d tongue
“Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia can cause a wide range of symptoms These usually develop gradually, but can worsen if the condition goes untreated,” says the NHS “Most symptoms are the same whether they are caused by either folate deficiency or vitamin B12 deficiency ”
People are advised to go and see a doctor if you have the symptoms and a blood test can give a diagnosis But there can be “ permanent damage” if the condition is not treated
T h e t o n g u e c a n b e c o m e inflamed by the deficiency, while it may also feel smooth as the
taste buds are stretched out and disappear At the same time you may be affected by mouth ulcers
“Glossitis is a term used to d e s c r i b e a n i n f l a m e d t o n g u e , ” said nutritionist Helen West “If you have glossitis, your tongue changes colour and shape, making it painful, red and swollen
The inflammation can also make your tongue look smooth, as all the tiny bumps on your tongue t h a t c o n t a i n y o u r t a s t e b u d s stretch out and disappear
“As well as being painful, glossitis can change the way you eat and speak Studies have shown t h a t a s w o l l e n a n d i n f l a m e d t o n g u e t h a t h a s l o n g s t r a i g h t lesions on it could be an early sign of vitamin B12 deficiency ”
works Deep, controlled breathing lowers the risk of heart dise a s e , c o n t r o l s b l o o d p r e s s u r e , and enhances general cardiovascular health
P ra nay am a t ec h ni qu e s to e nh an c e b lo o d ci r cu l ati o n:
Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril
Breathing): This technique bala n c e s t h e b o d y ' s e n e r g y f l o w , e n s u r i n g b e t t e r c i r c u l a t i o n I t also helps in reducing stress and anxiety
Bhas tri ka (B ello w s Breath ): Involves rapid, forceful breaths that stimulate the cardiovascular system, promoting blood circulation and increasing oxygen levels
K ap al bh a ti ( S k u ll- S h i ni n g Breath ): It focuses on forceful exhalations, clearing the respiratory passages and improving oxygen intake, leading to better circulation
Ujjayi (Ocean Breath): Ujjayi entails breathing while producing a calming, oceanic sound It aids in mental relaxation, stress reduction, and body circulation
S ig ni fi c an t co r rel ati o n s be tw ee n d ent al h ea lth and surviv al among those with head and neck cancer were discovered by a multi-national inv estigatio n I ncreas ed s urv i v al was linked to better oral health, as m eas ured by the percentage of natural tee th and d e nta l v i s it s before diagnosis
The study, by researchers at UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center and UNC Adams School of Dentistry, Chapel Hill, N o r t h C a r o l i n a , a n d M o f f i t t Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida, i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l H e a d a n d N e c k C a n c e r E p i d e m i o l o g y ( I N H A N C E ) c o n s o r t i u m , appeared September 19, 2023, in t h e J o u r n a l o f t h e N a t i o n a l Cancer Institute
Lead author Jason Tasoulas MD, a current Ph D candidate, DMD, said, "The INHANCE consortium's patients data allowed us to be as thorough as possible
and identify robust associations between oral health and survival W e a s s e m b l e d a d i v e r s e a n d e x p e r i e n c e d t e a m t o e x a m i n e records of approximately 2500 patients from eight countries to carry out our state-of-the-art statistical analyses " Patients with head and neck cancer were asked to rate their o w n o r a l h y g i e n e a n d h e a l t h , i n c l u d i n g h o w o f t e n t h e y b r u s h e d t h e i r t e e t h , w h e t h e r t h e y u s e d m o u t h w a s h , a n d whether their gums bled They were also asked to self-report the number of natural teeth and frequency of dental visits during a 10-year period before their cancer diagnosis
Ma intai ni ng your p hysical a nd me nta l f itness does not nee d to b e d i f f i c u l t E xp e r t s be l i e v e cl im bi ng sta i rs i s one o f t he most inexp ensi ve exercises a nd th e most e ffe ctive wa ys to kee p f i t B e i n g a bl e t o bu i ld c a rd i o r e s p i r a t o r y f i t ne s s a nd d ete ct a ny ca rdi ac i ssue s makes i t a pa rti cula rly he art -h ea lthy w o r ko u t A cc o r d i n g t o t h e Journal of Medi ci ne & S ci ence i n S ports & E xer ci se , just half an h our of st air cli mbing a week, br oke n u p i n 10 -mi nu te se ssio ns t hree t imes a we ek, can sig ni fi ca ntl y improv e ca rdi ore sp ira tory f itness He re ar e wa ys
t o i mp rove you r he art hea lth:
Enhance d ca rdi ovascular fit ne ss
It engages multiple muscle groups, including the legs and core Your heart rate increases
as you regularly climb stairs, improving your cardiovascular fitness
Your chance of developing heart disease can be decreased by developing a heart that is stronger, pumps blood more effectively
Bu rn ca lori es and mainta in weig ht
O p t i n g f o r t h e stairs can help you burn some major calories, aiding weight management and reducing the risk of obesity Maintaining a h e a l t h y w e i g h t i s c r u c i a l f o r heart health
Improved blood circulation
Y o u r h e a r t p u m p s m o r e blood as you ascend, nourishing and oxygenating your muscles and organs Since blood clots, atherosclerosis, and hypertension can all increase the risk of heart disease, this enhanced circulation can lower those risks
Low ered choles terol lev els
H i g h - d e n s i t y l i p o p r o t e i n (HDL), or good cholesterol, can be increased with regular exercise The accumulation of harmf u l l o w - d e n s i t y l i p o p r o t e i n (LDL) cholesterol in your arteries can be decreased by having higher HDL cholesterol levels
a good mood and sleep
Pe o pl e n ow h av e a h i g h er pro pen s i ty to d ev el opi n g d iab et e s , w h os e p r e v al e n c e ha s increas ed dram atically in recen t de c a d e s Fu rt h e rm or e , t he prevalenc e of bad lifestyle c hoi ces am on g people is rais ing the li k e l i h oo d o f c o m p li c a ti o n s from diabetes Diabetes develops when the body is unable to create enough insulin, resulting in an accumul a t i o n o f e x t r a s u g a r i n t h e
blood This condition can lead to a number of health problems, i n c l u d i n g h e a r t d i s e a s e , r e n a l disease, and vision loss, among others Type 1 diabetes, which is more prevalent in youngsters, affects roughly 5–10% of people with diabetes It can be diagnosed at any age, and its symptoms can manifest rapidly They require a daily insulin regimen to ensure survival T r y t h e s e d r i n k s t o k e e p
your glucose levels in check M et h i s ee d s w a te r : I t i n c l u d e s g l u c o m a n n a n f i b r e , d e l a y i n t e s t i n a l a b s o r p t i o n o f ingested sugars Alkaloids such as fenugrecin and trigonelline have been demonstrated to possess hypoglycaemic action, and 4 h y d r o x y i s o l e u c i n e ( 4 - O H I l e ) amino acids act on the pancreas to release insulin
G iloy water: One of the alkal o i d c o m p o u n d s i n g i l o y i s
berberine Human studies have shown that a traditional herbal r e m e d y r e d u c e s b l o o d s u g a r Berberine works in a similar way to the diabetes medication metformin Cin namon tea: By influencing glycogen synthesis activity, it e n h a n c e s g l y c o g e n s t o r a g e C i n n a m o n h a s n a t u r a l c o mpounds that act as insulin to maintain a steady blood glucose level
Roshan had special words of praise for his girlfriend Saba Azar's new web series 'Who's Your Gynac?' He took to his Instagram Stories to share a positive review of the show and called it "incredibly heartwarming." He called Saba's performance "amazing."
Ileana D'Cruz recently shared a picture of her son Koa Phoenix Dolan as he turned two months old Ileana welcomed her first child on August 1, this year She captioned the selfie, "2 months already " In the picture, Ileana looked directly at the camera as she held baby Koa in her arms He put his head on the actor's shoulders and looked ahead.
Several fans and celebrities reacted to the post Actress Malaika Aurora commented with a red heart emoticon Meanwhile, Nargis Fakhri commented with several heart-eye smiley faces Many fans of the actor also sent good wishes in the comments A comment read, God bless him and you with all the happiness and good health and bright future " Another said, "Cute baby " A fan also said, "Seeing you after a long time, so sweet "
Ileana wrote, "1 wee Mama The actor a pregnancy in April t shared photographs social media Ileana silent about her per revealing the man in Dolan
On the work fro seen in the music vi Badshah's song 'Sab part of 'The Big Bul Abhishek Bachchan seen in 'Unfair and Randeep Hooda
The actor shared a poster of the series a n d w r o t e , " W h a t a n i n c r e d i b l y heartwarming show this is! Binge watched all episodes, just couldn't stop Great work g u y s , I h o p e t h e r e i s m o r e ! Congratulations to the entire team!" He also tagged the cast and crew of the show
In another Instagram Story, Hrithik p r a i s e d S a b a H e w r o t e , " E v e r y a c t o r d e s e r v e s a p p l a u s e T h a n k y o u f o r t h e laughs and the tears (red heart emoticons) And @sabazad, how amazing are you You should be so proud of this one " Saba plays D r V i d u s h i K o t h a r i , a 2 8 - y e a r - o l d optimistic OB-GYN struggling with her personal and professional problems, in the A m a z o n M i n i T V s h o w r e l e a s e d o n September 28
The two actors have been together for quite some time and are often spotted at film parties, events and lunch and dinner outings
On the work front, Hrithik will be next seen in Sidharth Anand's 'Fighter ' T h e a e r i a l a c t i o n t h r i l l e r a l s o s t a r s
Deepika Padukone, Anil Kapoor, Karan
Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi The film is all set to hit the theatres on January 25 next year Hrithik will also be seen in 'War 2,' which will be helmed by Ayan
Mukerji It also stars Jr NTR and Kiara Advani
Ileana had shared a glimpse of her son as she revealed his name in August In the closeup picture, Koi held Ileana's finger as she held his hand The black and white photo was clicked indoors Sharing the photo,
Shah Rukh Khan's 'Jawan' seems unstoppable at the box office, as it shatters records The Atlee directorial has now crossed the £100 million mark at the global box office It has also crossed the lifetime collection of Shah's other blockbuster of the year, 'Pathaan '
Jawan took 23 days to beat Pathaan s lifetime worldwide gross collection of £105 5 million It has collected around £70 5 million (gross) in India and £35 million overseas The film is now the fifth highest-grossing Indian f i l m a n d t h e s e c o n d - h i g h e s t H i n d i f i l m globally It is behind 'Dangal,' which stands at £196 80 million gross at the worldwide box office
At the domestic box office, 'Jawan' is the highest-grossing Hindi film this year, with a 23-day collection of £58 7 million It has
Actress and filmmaker Kangana Ranaut came to the defence of filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri after his new film 'The Vaccine War' failed at the box office in its opening week She responded to a "nasty, cruel and judg report slamming Vivek and his film
She said, "Why do you want to write such nasty things about any film? Does success means only money?? Why do you all humiliate artists like this? Of all the releases The Vaccine War got the best reviews, a well made film in itself is not success? Do all businesses always see profits? Some endeavours bear fruits and some don't Why like vultures always looking for corpses?
Writing obituaries? Shame on people like you Someone like you who sits at home, knows not even of films, how do you even muster courage to be so nasty, cruel and judgmental?"
A social media user responded to the post and said, "Don't support him my love Nobody can be more nasty than Vivek Agnihotri He drunk abused me He's far from
being an artist See what he said about Shah Rukh Khan also He doesn't need any empathy especially from a straight shooter like you " Kangana responded to them by I stand for every one I stood for even who did everything in their capacity to me, I stand for better future and llective well being "
already beaten India's 'Gadar 2' and 'Pathaan' collection and is now moving towards the £60 million club
Vivek's 'The Vaccine War' was released ically on September 28 It is a fictional of the development of Covaxin during the Covid-19 pandemic in India and sheds light on scientists' efforts involved in its creation The movie features Nana Patekar, Pallavi Joshi, Raima Sen, Anupam Kher, and Nivedita Bhattacharya, among others
The movie features Shah Rukh in a dual role While one of his characters is cast opposite Deepika Padukone, who is in an e x t e n d e d c a m e o i n t h e f i l m , t h e o t h e r character is cast opposite Nayanthara, who marks her Hindi debut with the film Vijay Sethupathi plays the lead antagonist in the m o v i e , w h i c h a l s o h a s P r i y a m a n i , S a n y a M a l h o t r a , S u n i l G r o v e r , R i d h i D o g r a , Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Girija Oak, Lehar Khan and Aaliyah Qureishi
T h e f i l m b o a s t s o f q u i t e a f e w h i t numbers, including 'Chaleya,' 'Zinda Banda,' 'Not Ramaiya Vastavaiya' and the title theme It also has songs like 'Faraatta' and 'Aararaari Raaro '
'Jawan' beats 'Pathaan' at worldwide box office, stands at £105.5 mn
In an interview with Elle US, actress Alia Bhatt recently opened up about her parents, filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt and actor Soni Razdan. Alia said that though people associate her father with his success, he also struggled. She recalled the time he was "battling an addiction to alcohol "
Malayalam film '2018' (also known as '2018: Everyone is a Hero') starring Tovino Thomas is India’s official entry for the 2024 Academy Awards, the jury headed by Kannada film director Girish Kasaravalli announced The film will only be eligible for the award if it finds a place on the nomination list
She said, "He had a bunch of flops at one point; he barely had any money, and he was battling an addiction to alcohol He eventually gave up drinking, but things were still very up and down with his life and work My parents struggled to get to a point where I could enjoy their privilege I do recognise that If tomorrow I don't do well and I stop getting films, I'll still always acknowledge the fact that I got such great opportunities, so I can never really complain "
The 'Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahaani' actress said about Soni, "My mother came from nowhere and didn't know how she was going to make it She had no connection to films and went from theaters to film studios to television studios to audition She also couldn't speak Hindi well, so that was difficult for her She never became a mainstream heroine But she worked very hard People say you just need to work hard and you'll make it, but that's not true "
Alia added that Soni's experience made a "big impact" on her, making her aware of her privilege from an early age She also said that Soni was always preparing her - from advising her on punctuality and patience to helping her develop a thick skin "either for rejection or for what people will be saying" about her
Janhvi Kapoor recently spoke about growing up as a star kid in today's paparazzi culture She said in an interview that pap cameras have always been a part of her life, and since childhood, people took pictures of her and her sister Khushi, with or without their consent The situation only worsened as they grew, as she found morphed photos of herself on "inappropriate, almost pornographic pages" as a teenager
The daughter of producer Boney Kapoor and late actor Sridevi, Janhvi said there's been an "influx of fake images, more so with today's advanced AI " She added, "People see these manipulated images and assume they're real That deeply concerns me " The 'Dhadak' actress also opened up about her formative years and how her transition from child to teen to adult was dissected on the internet
Janhvi said the attention didn't make her "popular," and instead "alienated" her from her peeps in school Moreover, her teachers "changed" towards her She said, "I don't think they understood it so they started disliking me I didn't understand what was happening My friends looked at me differently, they poked fun at me for not getting waxed Many insinuated that I don't have to work as I was famous anyway, weird taunts that I wouldn't understand Everyone kept asking me when I was leaving school and why I was on Yahoo There was a lot of judgement, a lot of questioning of one's self-worth from a very young age "
After making her acting debut with the Shashank Khaitan-directed 'Dhadak,' alongside Ishaan Khatter in 2018, this year, she was seen in 'Bawaal,' co-starring Varun Dhawan
'2018: Everyone Is A Hero' narrates the stories of humanity triumphing over adversity set in the backdrop of the 2018 floods that devastated parts of Kerala In the film, Tovino Thomas essaying a young man who leaves the Indian Army with a fake medical certificate and redeems himself during the floods The film also stars Asif Ali, Lal, Narain, Kunchacko Boban and Aparna Balamurali in prominent roles
The film was bankrolled by Venu Kunnappilly, C K Padma Kumar and Anto Joseph under the banner of Kavya Film Company and PK Prime Productions '2018' emerged as a massive hit at the box office and the performances were praised by critics and audiences alike
The 96th Oscars will air live on ABC on March 10, 2024 in more than 200 territories worldwide from Los Angeles’s Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood
At Oscars 2023, India made history by winning two awards India brought home an Oscar for Best Original Song for RRR’s 'Naatu Naatu' The song was also performed during the Academy Awards show 'The Elephant Whisperers' was the second Indian title to have won at Oscars The Kartiki Gonsalves directorial won the Best Documentary (Short Subject)
Kapoor's 'Animal' teaser has grabbed much attention and is already trending on social media.
According to a media report, the film's cost significantly increased due to the delays in postproduction and to do justice to director Sandeep Reddy Vanga's vision It also said that Ranbir reduced his acting fees to improve the production standard of the film
Ranbir reportedly cut his acting fees, estimated at around £7 million per film, by over 50 per cent to support 'Animal' makers Bhushan Kumar and Vanga The report added that a reduced amount has been "spent on improving the production value" of the gangster drama Ranbir, however, will not go emptyhanded, as he shall have a share in the profits if money is made
The makers of the movie unveiled the teaser on Ranbir's birthday The film also features
Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, and Rashmika Mandanna in key roles The teaser begins with Ranbir and Rashmika's characters talking about having children It also shows the troubled relationship between Ranbir and his father in the film
Anil Kapoor As promising as the movie appears, Bobby Deol's scene in the teaser garnered the most attention
'Animal' is all set to hit the theatres on December 1 in five languages – Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada and Malayalam
Actor Shah Rukh Khan praised cricketer Virat Kohli during his latest Ask SRK session, referring to him as his son-in-law It referenced his co-star of many films, Anushka Sharma, who is married to Virat When a user on X asked Shah Rukh to share his views on Virat, the actor wrote, "I love @imVkohli he is like my own and I pray always for his well being bhai damaad jaisa hai humaara (Bro is like our son-inlaw)!!!"
Anushka started her career opposite Shah Rukh in Aditya Chopra's 2008 romantic comedy 'Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi ' Subsequently, the two starred with each other in Yash Chopra's 2012 romantic film 'Jab Tak Hai Jaan,' Imtiaz Ali's 2017 rom-com' Jab Harry Met Sejal,' and Aanand L Rai's 2018 rom-com 'Zero ' Shah Rukh's home production, Red Chillies Entertainment, produced the last two films
Shah Rukh kicked off the Ask SRK session last week when he was free in the middle of a shoot He wrote on X, "Away shooting Been told call time is a bit later So think can do a faasssttt #AskSRK with u all if u are also free like me! Let s start and ask for anything oops ask anything!!! I mean
When a fan asked how his next film, Rajkumar Hirani's 'Dunki,' is shaping up, Shah Rukh replied, "#Dunki is done and very beautiful A little like life
itself!!" When another fan asked if Dunki would have action like Shah Rukh's last two films, Pathaan and Jawan, Shah Rukh wrote back, "#Dunki is all funny and emotional It’s Raju sirs world mere bhai Thoda sa action maine daal diya hai pata nahi sir rahein na rakhein woh editor bhi hain na (I've slid in some action Not sure whether Raju sir would keep it or not He's also the editor no)!!!"
The actor ended the session when Rajkumar Hirani posted that he was waiting for him to get out of the bathroom The director also hinted at getting the trailer for 'Dunki' ready for release He wrote, "Sirji ab bathroom se bahar aa jao Kya kar rahe ho? Trailer dikhana hain (Sir, please get out of the bathroom now What are you doing? I want to show you the trailer (of Dunki) #AskSRK"
Shah Rukh responded wittily, "Oh Sh#% Coming sir doston se baat kar raha tha (Was talking to friends)!!! Sorry boys and girls have to rush now Varna #Dunki se nikaal denge (Or I'll be kicked out of Dunki)!!! Thanks for ur time boys and girls See u in the theatres very very soon Love u all So much to do less time to talk to you Muah "
'Dunki,' also starring Taapsee Pannu, is co-written by Rajkumar, Abhijat Joshi, and Kanika Dhillon
Avi de o of act or L ak sh mi Manchu re ce ntl y surfaced onli ne, w here sh e was see n upset and hi tt ing a man o in te rruptin g her i nte rv ie w by walk ing i n front of th e camera
While t he in cide nt garne re d much att ent ion, th e actor finall y re sponded, say ing she st ands by he r act ions.
"That person very well knew that I was on a red carpet It was not some random person taking a video But was so nonchalant, and just w through the camera I am an actor, you don't come in front of my camera Never do that with any artiste He rightly got what he deserved These are basic manners that people don't have I slapped him and he deserved it I didn't go out of my way He came into my world," Manchu said, talking about the viral video
She added, "People have nothing better to do There are a lot of bills which need to be passed from teaching people etiquettes, compassion, and awareness of your surroundings "
In the viral video, the actor talks to an interviewer on the red carpet of the recently held SIIMA awards in Abu Dhabi At one
point, when she's speaking into the mic, a man walks in front of the camera, and ngry Manchu hits him on the ck When another man tried to block her interview, she said, "Go behind the camera dude Basic "
Manchu admits she knew the host asked the cameraperson not to record it, but she was not afraid of the clip getting out "I asked er to keep it I can protect elf I don't care if it gets out I am also an interviewer and have seen people come and say certain things where they feel they have shared too much And then I get a call back asking me not to air that I ve done that for every celebrity and you respect them But I don't care "
She is not even fretting about people taking the video incorrectly because she believes in her truth "In today's world, nobody has time or patience to process what really happened It's the age of cancel culture where we just believe in just cancelling things and people I cannot expect everybody to understand me Also, I am not there to prove myself and anything I'm just here to live my life in an unapologetically and authentic way "
Malayalam movie star Prithviraj
Sukumaran is finally on a path to recovery and has returned to work three months after an accident on the sets of 'Vilayath Buddha ' The actor took to social media recently to express his heartfelt appreciation to the medical practitioners who playe a crucial role in his journey towards recovery
He wrote, "It's been 3 months since I jumped off a moving bus for an action sequence in Vilayath Buddha and injured my knew Went in for a fairly complex knee surgery following that and ever since, life has mostly been about recovery So I guess now is as good a time as any to say THANK YOU "
Pointing out that the first person he wants to express gratitude to is Dr Jacob Varghese of VPS Lakeshore, Kerala, the actor noted, "The fantastically skilled surgeon along with his wonderful team of doctors and nurses performed multiple procedures in the same surgery on my knee Without his constant guidance and care, this recovery process would have been impossible "
Thanking Dr Suhas, the chief physiotherapist at Physio One, Prithviraj mentioned, Anyone who has successfully recov-
ActressHansika Motwani enjoys a huge following, h begun work as a child a grown in front of the ca While not new to rumou speculation, she addres specific rumour she hea about herself and called downside of being a celebrity.
In a recent interview, the actor shared that while she didn't care about people saying she has got hormonal injections, her mother, Mona Motwani might have been hurt by them "I don't remember getting bothered by it, I was fine with it because if you were talking about me I must be really important to you," Hansika said. When asked if it affected her mother, Hansika said, "I think it did but she
never showed it to me because she ng me But if you are c platform, it stops you " actor said that she s the pros and cons ng a public figure dignity "If I am takappreciation from h hands, then I have to learn to take negativity with both hands because it's part and parcel of my job but I don't get affected by it Over the years I have become thicker about it," she said
On the work front, Hansika has several films in the pipeline, including Telugu films' My Name Is Shruti,' ‘ 105 Minutes' and Tamil ilms' Man,' Gandhari,' 'Guardian' owdy Baby '
d from an orthopedic surgery will ll you that the physiotherapy folowing the procedure is as important as the surgery itself Dr Suhaas is the expert who designed my entire rehabilitation protocol until now and will continue doing so in the future "
"The third person is Rakesh, the physiotherapist who was in charge of executing the plan and supervising my physiotherapy sessions every single day sometimes as many as 4 times a day During the initial weeks of my recovery, the physiotherapy and other rehab procedures cumulatively went on for 9 hours a day every day!" he added
Mentioning that complete recovery was still a while away and that he had to stick to physiotherapy and a rehabilitation plan for some more time, Prithviraj noted, "But to get to where I am in 3 months took a lot of skill and dedication from this team So THANK YOU for the commitment and truly inspiring passion towards your professions!"
The actor also did not forget to express gratitude to his millions of fans and added, "THANK YOU to each one of you who reached out in various ways with your wishes and prayers
Vijay's upcoming 'Leo' is expected to see a massive opening in the UK, as indicated by the advance ticket booking It has already beaten the record set by Mani Ratnam's 'Ponniyin Selvan I ' The film marks Vijay and filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj's reunion after the 2021 blockbuster 'Master ' Film trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the latest update on the film s advance booking numbers He wrote, Vijay: Leo setting new benchmarks
#ThalapathyVijay’s #Leo is shattering records #Overseas Distributed in #UK and #Europe by #AhimsaEntertainment, with 19 days left, the film has already taken the *#Tamil* Day 1 #BO crown in #UK from the previously held #PS1 #Leo is targeting to surpass the
current single-day earnings for an INDIAN film in #UK, a record presently held by #Pathaan "
The film's audio launch event, which was scheduled for September 30, was canceled due to "overflowing pass requests and safety constraints " Production banner Seven Screen Studio shared the news on X "Considering overflowing passes requests & safety constraints, we have decided not to conduct the Leo Audio Launch In respect of the fans' wishes, we will keep you engaged with frequent updates, the studio posted The banner also said the event's cancellation was not "due to political pressure or any other reasons "
MON 09 OCT - FRI 13 OCT 2023
6:00 Jai Ashapura maa
10:30 Narsinh Mehta
11:30 Mahiyar ni Chundadi
19:30 Nima Denzonpga
20:00 Desi Beat Season 2
MON 09 OCT - FRI 13 OCT 2023
SUNDAY 15 OCT 2023
20:00 Desi Beat Season 2
21:30 Mann
British pop star M I A has been confirmed as the first headliner for this year's BACARDI NH7 Weekender 2023 Popularly known for tracks such as 'Paper Planes,' 'Beep,' 'Bamboo Banga,' and 'XXXO,' this will be her India festival debut
The event s diverse lineup includes global artists such as 2023 Mercury Prize winners Ezra Collective, New York-based duo MEMBA, Antwerpbased metal upstarts
BEAR, rising R&B sensation Priya Ragu and Afro pioneer Romare Other international names include French reggae duo
Jahneration, Copenhagen-based global bass star Alo Wala, and Certified Gold electronic music producer Jai Wolf The artists will hit the stage from December 1-3 in Pune
Multi-award-winning artist M I A said, "It's about time!! I'm super happy to bring the beats and the bass, and introduce M I A to a new generation of India Finally connecting with the Indian part of my sound " Born to Sri Lankan Tamil parents as Mathangi Arulpragasam, she is mainly known by her stage name M I A She was appointed an M B E in 2019 for her services to the music industry
Sir Michael Gambon, who rose through Laurence Olivier's fledgling National Theatre to roles in TV show 'The Singing Detective' and the 'Harry Potter' films, passed away at the age of 82 The actor has received a tonne of affection from fans for playing Albus Dumbledore in all of the Harry Potter films
A statement on behalf of his wife Lady Gambon and son Fergus, issued by publicist Clair Dobbs, stated “We are devastated to announce the loss of Sir Michael Gambon Beloved husband and father, Michael died peacefully in hospital with his wife Anne and son Fergus at his bedside, following a bout of pneumonia Michael was 82 We ask that you respect
our privacy at this painful time and thank you for your messages of support and love ”
After acting in Peter Greenaway's The Cook, the Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover (1989), Gambon gained notoriety in films including 'Sleepy Hollow', 'The Insider', and 'Gosford Park' Then, donning a flowing beard and a tassel hat, he played Harry Potter's professor Albus Dumbledore in many blockbusters, succeeding Richard Harris in the role after his death in 2002 He provided his deep voice to many films, including both Paddington flicks as Uncle Pastuzo and the Coen brothers' Hail, Caesar!
'Raees' star Mahira Khan married for the second time to businessman Salim Karim The duo got married in Murree, Pakistan, in an outdoor ceremony Anushay Talha Khan, Mahira's manager, posted videos from the wedding in which the actress can be seen heading down the aisle towards Salim. The groom can be seen wiping his tears as he walks towards her and lifts her veil. The video ends with the two sharing a warm hug.
On her big day, the 'Humsafar' star was seen wearing a pastel lehenga with a veil She accessorised with identical diamond jewellery to complete her ensemble Salim complemented the bride in a black
sherwani and a blue turban
V i d e o s f r o m t h e w e d d i n g were also shared by a magazine n a m e d N i c h e L i f e s t y l e F a n s f l o o d e d t h e c o m m e n t s e c t i o n with well wishes for the actress A p e r s o n w r o t e , " T h a t ' s j u s t g r a c e f u l H o p e t h e y f i n d comfort " "Awwww the groom is crying Such men still exist," said another fan M a h i r a K h a n w a s e a r l i e r married to Ali Askari They, however, parted ways in 2015 Mahira and Ali are parents to a 13-year-old son, Azlan She will appear in the Netflix series “Jo Bachay Hain Sang Samait Lo” alongside Fawad Khan and Sanam Saeed
Singer and actor Nick Jonas gave his fans a peek into his September memories, including a Jonas Brothers concert and his 31st birthday. The photo carousel also featured his wife-actor Priyanka Chopra and their daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas
In the first photo, Nick posed with his brothers, Kevin Jonas and Joe Jonas, at one of their concerts The trio posed with actor Adam Sandler in the following picture Another image showed Priyanka talking with Allison Hsu as actor Simu Liu, and Nick looked at her Allison is Simu's girlfriend Nick also posted pictures from his birthday celebrations
The Jonas Brothers have been touring across different cities in the US for their shows Priyanka has been a part of several of them, cheering for her husband She also was present at the concert w h e r e N i c k c e l e b r a t e d h i s birthday She shared a post for him on Instagram: "Celebrating you is the greatest joy of my life You have pushed me in ways I didn t know was possible shown me peace like I have never known and loving like only you can I love you my birthday guy! I hope all your dreams always come true Happy birthday baby @nickjonas "
The International Emmy Awards are coming up soon as the nominees have been announced with India garnering four nods
These nominations include two for ‘Rocket Boys’, one for ‘Delhi Crime –Season 2’ and one for ‘Vir Das: Landing’ Jim Sarbh has been nominated in the Best Performance by an Actor category for ‘The Rocket Boys’, competing against Gustavo Bassani in ‘Iosi, El Espía Arrepentido’ from Argentina, Martin Freeman in ‘The Responder’ from the UK, and Jonas Karlsson in ‘Nattryttarna’ (Riding in Darkness) from Sweden
Shefali Shah has been nominated in the Best Performance by an Actress category for her role in the series ‘Delhi Crime 2 ’ In this category, she is competing against Connie Nielsen in ‘Drommeren – Karen Blixen Bliver Til (The DreamerBecoming Karen Blixer)’ from Denmark, ‘Billie Piper’ for ‘I Hate Suzie Too’ from the UK, and Karla Souza in ‘La Caída’/’Dive’ from
Actor-comedian Vir Das has been given the Emmy nod in the Comedy category for his show ‘Vir Das: Landing’ where his competition includes: ‘Derry Girls
Season 3 ’ from the UK, ‘El Encargado’ (The Boss) from Argentina, and ‘Le Flambeau –Season 2 ’ from France In addition, producer Ekta Kapoor is also set to get an Emmy Award for the Directorate Award
The 51st International Emmy Awards will be held in New York on November 20, 2023 Bruce Paisner, who is the CEO of the International Academy, said in a statement on the official Emmy website: “The International Emmy competition is the pinnacle for recognising excellence in television around the world We look forward to gathering the international television community in New York City in November to recognise these outstanding programs and performances on our global stage ”
In a photo, Malti Marie Chopra Jonas stood on a farm with her hands on her waist as she looked at the animals near her The last photo featured a selfie of Nick in a mustard outfit Sharing the pictures, Nick wrote, "September " Priyanka shared Nick's post on her Instagram Stories She shared the photo featuring her, Nick, Allison and Simu The actor wrote, "What am I even saying @simuliu @allison "
Priyanka and Nick married in Jodhpur's Umaid Bhawan Palace in December 2018 In January 2022, the two announced they welcomed daughter Malti Marie via surrogacy
On the work front, Priyanka was recently seen in 'Citadel,' which was created by The Russo Brothers In ' Heads Of State, she will be seen next with John Cena and Idris Elba ' Priyanka also has Farhan Akhtar's 'Jee Le Zara' with Alia Bhatt and Katrina Kaif
South African comedian Trevor Noah
disappointed his Indian fans recently when he announced that he must cancel his Bengaluru shows In a last-minute announcement, mere hours before the show, Noah took to his X account, cited "technical issues" for cancelling his shows, and expressed his apologies
Trevor wrote, "Dear Bengalaru India, I was so looking forward to performing in you amazing city but due to technical issues w been forced to cancel both shows " The scheduled shows in Bangalore were set to take place at the Manpho Convention Centre on September 27 and 28
He added, "We tried everything but because the audience can't hear the comedians on stage there's literally no way to do a show We'll make sure all ticket holders receive a full refund and again I'm so sorry for both the inconvenience and disappointment this has
never happened to us before
Fans were not happy with this lastminute outcome One wrote, "Trevor has b e e n B a n g a l o r e d , n o t i n a n i c e w a y though! The joke is on Silicon City " Another said, "A minute of silence for t h o s e w h o b r a v e d t h e t r a f f i c o f
Bengaluru to get to this " A second fan wrote, "So those who missed the show because of traffic will get a refund because cancellation Blessing in disguise "
A comment also read, "I can imagine how frustrating this must have been for those who endured hours of O R R traffic for the show only to find it cancelled "Had got front row seats for this amazing show because I kinda knew the venue was bad and nothing would be audible at the back My friends travelling from another part of country to see this!! This is really sad," read another comment
R avichandran As hw in, 37, Indi a's s tar o f f - s p i n n er , w a s n a m e d i n I n d i a ’ s f in al 15- me mb er World Cup s qua d f ollowing a freak i njury to all roun der A xar Pa tel during the As ia Cup Ax ar i s sti ll rec overi ng from the quadriceps s train that he s uf fered whi le battin g agai nst B angladesh i n Colombo an d wi ll need s om e more time to b e fit
This was a call-up that Ashwin, n o r m a l l y m e t i c u l o u s a b o u t h i s preparations for any series, was just not prepared for Even though he was told by the team management that he could be called if necessary around August, when the call first came, the offie said he wanted time to prepare with the white ball The 36-year-old r u s h e d t o t h e N a t i o n a l C r i c k e t Academy (NCA), trained with Sairaj Bahutule, and joined the Indian team f o r t h e A u s t r a l i a s e r i e s w h i l e Washington Sundar played the Asia
remained the No 1 spinner
In 2015, though, Ashwin played
t h e O D I W o r l d C u p i n A u s t r a l i a , where he took 13 wickets in eight matches But following a hammering in the 2017 Champions Trophy final against Pakistan, India shifted to a w r i s t - s p i n n e r p o l i c y a n d A s h w i n couldn’t make the 2019 World Cup squad
Cup final
Now, with his inclusion in the World Cup squad, Ashwin becomes the second player - after Virat Kohlifrom the 2011-World Cup winning team In that World Cup, the Chennai offie, still in his early 20s, only got to play a couple of games - against West Indies and Australia - and took the crucial wicket of Shane Watson in the quarterfinal while Harbhajan Singh
While there had been brief white ball comebacks for him after that, Ashwin, still India’s No 1 spinner in Tests, played only a couple of ODIs in the last two years “It doesn’t matter if I don’t play for India, I will always be India’s No 1 fan,” he said in August, as c h a n c e s o f p l a y i n g a W o r l d C u p looked increasingly bleak
But all that turned around after the Axar injury and the offie was extremely impressive in the couple of ODIs he played against Australia
In d i a 's Pa r u l Ch a ud h a r y w in s g o l d meda l in Women's 5 000-met re race Mohammed Afsal won t he silver medal in t he m e n ’ s 80 0 m f in a l Te j a s wi n Sha n ka r win s sil v er me da l in me n s decathlon M e a n w h i l e , i n a s p e c t a c u l a r performance at the Asian Games on T u e s d a y , I n d i a n b o x e r L o v l i n a Borgohain secured her place in the 75kg category final by defeating Thailand's Baison Maneekon with an impressive score of 5-0 in the semi-final India has accumulated a total of 69 m e d a l s a t t h e 2 0 2 3 A s i a n G a m e s , consisting of 15 gold, 26 silver, and 28 bronze
I n d i a n b o x e r P r e e t i P a w a r concluded her campaign at the Asian Games with a bronze medal In the 54kg semifinal match, she faced the reigning f l y w e i g h t c h a m p i o n , C h i n a ' s C h a n g Yuan, and despite her commendable efforts, Preeti was defeated by a score of 0-5 It's worth noting that Preeti had
a l r e a d y s e c u r e d a n O l y m p i c q u o t a , adding to her achievements in the sport
Earlier in the day, India vs Nepal cricket match, India s captain Ruturaj Gaikwad won the toss and decided to bat This match marks the beginning of the Indian men's cricket campaign at the Asian Games India concludes their innings with a formidable total of 202 r u n s I n d i a s t a r t e d o f f a g g r e s s i v e l y , reaching 50 runs within the first 4 overs, raising expectations of a much higher total However, Nepal deserves credit for their comeback, taking 4 w i c k e t s f o r 5 0 r u n s , i n c l u d i n g t h e dismissal of Jaiswal In the end, Rinku S i n g h p l a y e d a n e x p l o s i v e i n n i n g s , pushing India's total past the 200-run mark F o l l o w i n g t h e s u c c e s s f u l p e r f o r m a n c e o f t h e w o m e n ' s t e a m , which has already secured its place, the men's team, under the leadership of Gaikwad and guidance from coach VVS L a x m a n , i s d e t e r m i n e d t o a c h i e v e
continued from page 1 India's refusal to travel to Pakistan for the Asia Cup in August-September triggered the latest dispute between the neighbours The stalemate was finally resolved when Pakistan agreed to split matches with Sri Lanka, where India played its Asia Cup matches
South Asia's arch-rivals will meet in the tournament's most anticipated match on Oct 15 in Ahmedabad's Narendra Modi Stadium India begin their campaign on Oct 8 against five-times c h a m p i o n s A u s t r a l i a i n C h e n n a i E n g l a n d ' s opener against New Zealand is a rematch of the 2019 final in which England prevailed via a nowscrapped boundary count rule
Among other key fixtures, 1992 champions Pakistan meet Australia in Bengaluru on Oct 20, while England take on South Africa the following day in Mumbai Australia captain Pat Cummins said he was looking forward to the atmosphere at the match with India in Chennai
The first semi-final will take place on Nov 15 in Mumbai with Kolkata hosting the second the following day There will be a total of 10 venues f o r t h e 1 0 - t e a m t o u r n a m e n t - H y d e r a b a d , A h m e d a b a d , D h a r a m s a l a , D e l h i , C h e n n a i , L u c k n o w , P u n e , B e n g a l u r u , M u m b a i a n d
Kolkata Apart from hosts India, the teams that have qualified include Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, England, New Zealand, Pakistan and South Africa UK viewers can watch live telecast on sky sports channel For more info, check page 5
nothing less than success
Earlier on Monday, India started its day by winning 2 bronze medals each in s p e e d s k a t i n g 3 0 0 0 m r e l a y t a k i n g India s haul in the ongoing Asian Games zoom past 55 On Sunday, India won 15 medals of which 9 came in athletics events Track and field athlete Avinash Sable shattered the Asian Games record as he comfortably secured India's first men's 3000m steeplechase gold medal at the continental meet Tajinderpal Singh Toor defended his men ’ s shot put crown at Hangzhou w i t h h i s s i x t h a n d f i n a l a t t e m p t o f 20 36m Harmilan Bains in women's 1 5 0 0 m c l a i m e d s i l v e r w h i l e M u r a l i Sreeshankar missed gold in men's long jump and settled for silver after falling short by just 0 03 seconds His secondspot finish saw a best of 8 19 meters, bettered only by China's Wang Jianan w i t h 8 2 2 m A j a y K u m a r S a r o j a n d J i n s o n J o h n s o n s e c u r e d s e c o n d a n d third positions in the men ’ s 1500m
T he England & Wales Cricket Bo ard (ECB) will i mp lement a number of initiatives in an effort to make c ricket mo re inclusive after a rep ort revealed wi despread discrimination througho ut the game, including an indep endent regulator and investment in talent pathways for kids fro m low-income backgrou nds T h e I n d e p e n d e n t Commission for Equity i n C r i c k e t ( I C E C ) , w h i c h u n c o v e r e d e v i d e n c e o f p e r v a s i v e r a c i s m , s e x i s m , c l a s s i s m , a n d e l i t i s m , issued a report with 44 r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , t o which the ECB responded The ECB declared it had adopted "most" of t h e s u g g e s t i o n s f r o m t h e I C E C s t u d y f o l l o w i n g a t h r e e - m o n t h consultation period
“The ICEC report was a massive moment for the sport and a responsibility we take extremely seriously, to bring about the changes we all want to see, ” said the ECB chief executive, Richard Gould
“We are on a journey to try to change history in terms of what cricket looks like and will look like ”
The report advocated for the immediate establishment of a fresh, ECB-unrelated regulatory agency The Independent Cricket Regulatory Board will receive reports from this regulator, which will be in place before the 2024 season begins, according to the ECB
It will undertake investigations and enforce regulations on inclusion and discrimination, and has the power to refer any discrimination within the professional game to a disciplinary panel
The ECB stressed that even though it will appoint this new body, it will operate independently from the cricket board's core operations and operate at arm's length, unlike suggestions for a totally autonomous regulator in football The ICEC was established in 2021 following a racism scandal centred on the treatment of Pakistan-born bowler
Azeem Rafiq during two stints at the Yorkshire County Cricket Club
There’s still a lot that must fall his way if Lean der Paes is to become the first In dia n eve r t o be inducte d into t he Inter national Te nnis Ha ll of Fame But for the 18-time Gra nd Sl am champion, just b e i n g a mo n g t he s ix n o mi n e e s in t h e pl a y e r ca t e g o r y i s a n ho n ou r i n itself
A d d r e s s i n g a g r o u p o f r e p o r t e r s , t h e 5 0 - y e a r - o l d Paes reflected on his threedecade old career, which has now brought him to the cusp o f a n o t h e r p r e s t i g i o u s accolade
“ F o r m e , j u s t t h e n o m i n a t i o n i n t o t h e
International Tennis Hall of Fame is very humbling and of great prestige, because to b e t h e f i r s t I n d i a n t o b e n o m i n a t e d i n t h e p l a y e r category is special, also to be the first Asian male to be nominated into the player c a t e g o r y i s p h e n o m e n a l , ” said Paes “ T h e r e ’ s s o m e g r e a t s there Althea Gibson, Arthur Ashe, Rod Laver, who is one of my favourites, apart from Borg, McEnroe, the Williams sisters, Navratilova, Hingis a n d C h r i s E v e r t I t ’ s v e r y special for this young kid f r o m I n d i a t o b e a m o n g these people ”
E x pl os iv e op e ne r Y a s ha s v i Jaiswal sm ashed seven sixes i n a s ub l i m e c e n t ur y a s p ow er h ous e In d ia o pe n e d t heir m aide n As ia n G am es c ampaign with a bat tling 2 3r un win agains t gutsy Nepal on Tuesday
W i t h s u p e r s t a r s l i k e Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, and Jasprit Bumrah at home preparing for the World Cup, t h e w o r l d ' s t o p - r a n k e d T w e n t y 2 0 t e a m h a s a s e c o n d - s t r i n g s q u a d i n H a n g z h o u B u t i t i s s t i l l
f o r m i d a b l e , p a c k e d w i t h p r o m i s i n g y o u n g s t e r s w h o have excelled in the Indian Premier League and a host of p l a y e r s w i t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l experience
After winning the toss and opting to bat, Jaiswal's masterful 100 from 49 balls p l u s l a t e f i r e w o r k s f r o m
Rinku Singh (37 not out) and Shivam Dube (25 not out) helped India to 202-4 Nepal had bludgeoned a r e c o r d 3 1 4 / 3 a g a i n s t m i n n o w s M o n g o l i a i n t h e qualifying rounds, but they could only manage 179/9 in reply, with Avesh Khan and R a v i B i s h n o i t a k i n g t h r e e wickets each Jaiswal got them off to a s c o r c h i n g s t a r t a n d w e r e cruising at 103 without loss a t a n o v e r c a s t Z h e j i a n g U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y
Pingfeng Cricket Field But w h e n c a p t a i n R u t u r a j Gaikwad fell slogging to deep mid-wicket on 25, it sparked a mini-collapse with Tilkak
V a r m a ( t w o ) a n d J i t e s h
Sharma (five) soon following
At the other end, Jaiswal,
who played in the Test and T20 series against the West Indies in July, brought up his c e n t u r y o f f 4 8 b a l l s , w i t h seven sixes and eight fours But the 21-year-old's luck ran out soon after, caught on the r o p e s b y A b i n a s h B o h a r a going for another big hit T h a t b r o u g h t K o l k a t a Knight Riders' star Singh to the crease and he slammed 37 off 15 balls in a late flurry that added 64 runs from the last five overs
A rampant Nepal rewrote cricket history on their way t o t h e q u a r t e r - f i n a l s i n beating Mongolia as the first men's team to score more t h a n 3 0 0 i n a T 2 0 i n t e r n a t i o n a l T h e y t h e n crushed the Maldives by 138 r u n s , b u t I n d i a ' s s t r o n g bowling unit was a different proposition N e p a l s t a r t e d b r i g h t l y and were motoring at 62-1 in t h e e i g h t h o v e r , b u t t h e introduction of leg-spinner Bishnoi put the brakes on
He snared captain Rohit Paudel for three and crucially Kushal Malla - who slammed t h e f a s t e s t - e v e r T 2 0 international century, off 34 balls, against Mongolia - for 29 It left Nepal in trouble at 7 7 - 4 i n t h e 1 1 t h o v e r a n d w h i l e D i p e n d r a A i r e e ( 3 2 ) and Sundeep Jora (29) did their best it was not enough