AV 1st February 2025

Page 1

Landlords speak out P07 ----------------------

Sathnam Sanghera discusses 'Empireworld' P14 ----------------------

South Asians among Britain’s top taxpayers P21

PM Modi speaks to President Trump on phone P26 ---------------------Coldplay concert draws record-breaking crowd P31 ----------------------

Bumrah wins ICC Test Cricketer of the Year award P32


India commemorates its 76th Republic Day with grandeur, honouring the adoption of its Constitution and the nation’s journey as a vibrant democracy

Sikh group


Subhasini Naicker Republic Day marks the adoption of India’s Constitution on January 26, 1950, three years after gaining independence from Britain. With

the country’s military might, cultural richness, and technological advancements, reflecting a blend of heritage (‘virasat ) and progress ( vikas’) Colourful tableaus, patriot-

unity marked this milestone occa-

announced on the eve of Republic Day (refer page 16).

Vande Bharat's successful trial run on

Read our comprehensive feature on 'Republic Day,' from pages 15 to 20, where we delve into the significance and celebrations surrounding this important event.


grooming gangs inquiry

leading Sikh organisation has called on the Home Secretary to expand the

audit, highlighting the targeting of

and Hindu girls by perpetrators who consider them “fair game ”

Lord Singh of Wimbledon

Starmer and Trump discuss strengthening UK-US ties in first call

Sir Keir Starmer and Donald


m p d is c us s ed th e i m p o rtance of maintaining "clo se and warm ties" between Britain and the US d uring th eir f irst call


s i nc e

n, Downing Street reported

T h e 4 5 -m

tion took place shortly after the US president praised the Prime Minister for his efforts, calling his work "ver y good thus far " According to a readout from Number 10, Trump began the call by expressing his condolences to Starmer over the death of his brother, Nick, who passed away from cancer on Boxing Day Starmer thanked him for his kind words and congratulated Trump on his inauguration

commended Trump for his role in securing a landmark ceasef ire

British-Israeli national, and sent

his best wishes to her family

The conversation, described as "warm and personal" by government sources, touched on global security, particularly in the Middle East, as well as trade and economic issues


boost economic growth, while both leaders reiterated the signif icance of the strong UK-US relationship The two leaders agreed to meet in person soon, looking for ward to further discussions The White House provided a shorter summar

of the

lences for Starmer’s brother and the discussion on fostering a "fair" bilateral economic rela-


Trump offered positive remarks

from Elon Musk,

Trump ally

Rishi Sunak to take on roles at Oxford and Stanford

Form er UK P rime Minister Rishi Sunak is set to embark on two acad em ic roles, returning to th e institutions th at sh aped his education and career

Su n a k a n

would be joining the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University as a member of its Wo r l d L

Additionally, he will take up a visiting fellowship at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, a

California It was at Stanford

Oxford and Cambridge lead university rankings

The University of Oxford has b een rec ognised as the best in the wor ld for t wo sub jec ts i n th e 2 02 5 Time s H ig her

E du c a t ion ( TH E ) Wo rl d

Un i ve r si t y Ra n k in g s b y Subjec t Oxford, which has held the top spot in THE’s global university rankings for nine

c o n s e c u t i v e y e a r s , w a s named the leader in medical and health f ields, a position it has maintained since 2019 It also retained the number o n e r a n k i n g fo r c o m p u t e r science, a title it has held since 2019, and rose from joint f ifth in 2024 to second place in business and eco-

n o m i c s T h e u n i v e r s i t y i s ranked within the top eight across the 10 subject areas it represents The University of Cambridge is among three institutions featured in the

top 10 across all subjects in t h e r a n k i n g s , a l o n g s i d e

H a r v a rd a n d St a n fo rd Cambridge secured its best rankings with second place in arts and humanities, computer science, life sciences, and psychology

Three other British universities follow Oxford in the medical and health rankings, w i t h C a m b r i d g e i n t h i rd p l a c e , I m p e r i a l C o l l e g e London in fourth, and UCL in eighth UCL also rose to 10th in education studies and law while maintaining sixth place in arts and humanities

The London School of Economics entered the top 10 in business and economics and ranked ninth in social s c i e n c e s K i n g ’ s C o l l e g e London achieved a signif icant leap to ninth place in psychology

Akshata Murty, while pursuing his MBA

Reflecting on his appointments, Sunak expressed enthusiasm, “I have huge affection for both Oxford and Stanford I was fortunate enough to study at both they shaped my life and career I look for ward to contributing to their world-leading research in the months and years ahead ”

ments since stepping down as


ord Alok

Prime Minister and returning to the backbenches He continues t o s

s t h e Me m

r o f Parliament for Richmond and No r t h a l l e r t o n i n No r t h Yorkshire

The move aligns Sunak with a tradition of former UK leaders contributing to academic institutions Tony Blair taught at Yale University following his tenure i n D o w n i n g St r e e t , w h i l e Gordon Brown held a distinguished residency at New York University

Sharma takes helm of UK’s Transition Finance Council

Lord Alok S harma, British Ind ian peer and form er president of the UN

C OP c li m a te su m m it , h as b ee n ap pointed chair of the Transitio n Finance Council, which aims to p romote f inancial products and serv ices su pporting the UK's transition to net zero and clean energy targ ets

T h e Ci t y o f L o n d o n Corporation, which co-launched the i n i t i a t i v e , s a i d t h e Tr a n s i t i o n

Finance Council aims to position the UK as the leading market for "high-

council will work with UK and intern

l d f inance capacity and drive sector priorities

L o r d S h a r m a e m p h a s i s e d t h e importance of growing the transition f inance market to meet climate goals "I look for ward to helping develop the UK into the global hub for transition f inance," said the 57year-old Agra-born parliamentarian

l Development in 2019 and Secretar y of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy in 2020 From 2020 to 2022, he was president of the C O P 2 6 U N C l i m a t e C

, where he played a key role in uniting n e a r l y 2


u n t r i e s , i n c l u d i n g India, to sign the historic Glasgow Climate Pact

London mosques and schools vandalised with Islamophobic graffiti

Sev en buildings in London, including m osques, scho ols, and commu nity centres, hav e been vandalised with anti-Muslim g raff iti th is m onth Police are treating the incidents, which occurred between Januar y 6 and Januar y 25 in east and south London, as hate crimes Among the t a r g e t

rd Mosque and Leyton Jamia Masjid in east London T

d Islamophobic messages at all locat

dents and reports of


Foreign nationals are facing difficulties entering the UK due to issues with the digitisation of the immigration system resulting in some being wrongly denied entry Despite holding legal residency status, several travellers have encountered problems when attempting to board flights to the UK, as their electronic visas are not functioning correctly A new digital visa scheme was meant to take effect at the beginning of the year after most physical ID cards expired on December 31 However, ministers delayed the rollout by three months, citing IT problems, and advised people to continue using their expired IDs Despite this, some travellers reported that airlines were not accepting the expired documents The new system which involves e -visas allows travellers to prove their immigration status using a share code to airlines and UK Border Force


Prince Harry secured a "monumental" victory as Rupert Murdoch's UK newspaper group, News Group Newspapers (NGN), settled his lawsuit by admitting to unlawful actions at its Sun tabloid for the first time and agreeing to pay substantial damages Harry had accused NGN publisher of The Sun and the now- defunct News of the World of illegally obtaining private information about him from 1996 to 2011 NGN also acknowledged intruding into the private life of Harry s late mother, Princess Diana Sources close to the settlement revealed it included more than £10 million ($12 33 million), primarily covering legal fees The trial was averted following last-minute negotiations NGN issued "a full and unequivocal apology" for the serious intrusions into Harry's private life and that of Princess Diana particularly during his younger years


acts, allegedly offering £100 for the graff iti attacks Local off icers are w

y leaders and conducting a thorough investigation No arrests have been made yet T

Association, one of the vandalised mosques, expressed gratitude for the c o m m u n i t y 's s u p p o r t " T h o s e responsible for this act of hate have s h a m e d

s , " a spokesperson said "This is not an act of faith it's an act of cowardice But they will not intimidate us We will not live in fear Together, as a united community, we will stand strong "

Labour will not continue to "keep throwing money" at public services, said Rachel Reeves s deputy, as he informed Whitehall departments that they would not receive additional funds until they identify 5 percent in savings Darren Jones, the chief secretary to the Treasury, highlighted the presence of "huge amounts of unproductive activity across Whitehall" and revealed that his department was developing an AI tool called "HMTGPT," to pinpoint areas where current spending could lead to future savings Additionally plans for what is being called the largest crackdown on benefit fraud in a generation could result in welfare fraudsters losing their driving privileges if they repeatedly fail to repay their debt Under new legislation the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will have the authority to seek a court order to suspend the driving licenses of fraudsters for up to two years, provided their debt exceeds £1,000 and they have ignored multiple requests to repay

Donald Trump
Keir Starmer
Sunak at his Oxford
Lord Alok Sharma

Education, the much needed catalyst for change

“I’ve found education to be incredibly empowering in breaking away from limitations, developing my voice, and helping those around me, ” said Gurvin Chopra, who made history as the first person in her family to attend school She graduated with a master’s in human rights law from the University of Bristol

Gurvin’s parents, Jaspal and Waryam Chopra, were forced to flee their home country in 2000 due to the Taliban’s persecution of Sikhs Despite not having received any formal education themselves and being unable to read or write, they prioritised the importance of education for their children They urged Gurvin and her two younger siblings to work hard in school

Gurvin’s life demonstrates how education can be a catalyst for change, impacting not just individuals but entire families Her story highlights that education goes beyond academic learning it’s about empowerment, providing individuals with a voice, broadening their perspectives, and paving the way for future generations

building resilience and fighting for one ’ s rights and freedoms

What is shared in the journeys of both Gurvin and Malala is the pivotal role the UK played in transforming their lives, albeit in distinct ways Through education and advocacy for their rights, the UK provided them with opportunities that empowered them to become stronger, more influential versions of themselves

After Malala was attacked by the Taliban, she and her family sought refuge in Birmingham, where she was able to pursue her education free from the threats of violence and repression This opportunity to study in a peaceful, supportive environment allowed Malala to nurture her ideas, broaden her influence, and prepare to take on a leading role in advocating for education globally

"The progress of any society depends on the progress of women " - Dr BR Ambedkar

Political Sketchbook

India’s Constitution: A Beacon for Humanity on Republic Day


Her journey symbolises not only personal success but also t h e p o w e r t o i n s p i r

marginalised backgrounds, to pursue education and advocate for equal opportunities Similarly, Malala Yousafzai’s life serves as a powerful example of the transformative power of education as well Despite facing violence and oppression, Malala’s dedication to education never wavered She became a global icon of courage and defiance against injustice, proving that education is more than just academic knowledge, it is a tool for

The role of education in fostering change was similarly vital for Indian freedom fighters such as Lala Lajpat Rai, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Jawaharlal Nehru Although Britain was a coloniser of India, many of these leaders used their education in the UK as a powerful tool in their struggle for independence Their experiences in Britain helped them sharpen their leadership abilities and lay the groundwork for the eventual success of India’s independence movement

This is the kind of responsibility that more nations should embrace Countries with the capacity to assist displaced youth suffering from war and extremism should follow the UK's example in supporting individuals like Malala and many others

Are global tensions on rise with Trump’s return?

Following the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas after 15 months of conflict, US President Donald Trump has proposed

describing Gaza as a "demolition site " He claimed to have discussed the plan with Jordan’s King Abdullah and intended to raise it with Egypt’s president

However, the proposal faced strong condemnation from Hamas and the Palestinian Authority and was firmly rejected by both Jordan and Egypt Meanwhile, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer praised Trump for his role in brokering the ceasefire and hostages deal during a call where Trump commended Starmer’s leadership and highlighted their strong rapport

The United States, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south, faces ongoing challenges in securing its vast borders, particularly with illegal migration and drug trafficking along the southern border In response, President Trump threatened 25% tariffs on Mexico and Canada unless they took stronger action to curb these issues

Known for his unconventional geopolitical ideas, Trump also attempted to buy Greenland and Canada as part of a broader plan to expand US territory While such proposals drew widespread criticism, territorial acquisitions are not new to US history Alaska and Hawaii, now the 49th and 50th states, joined the Union in 1959, with Alaska purchased from Russia in 1867 for $7 2 million However, both Greenland and Canadian officials firmly rejected the notion that their countries were for sale

On his first day back in the White House, Trump signed a record number of executive orders, fulfilling many of his con-

troversial campaign promises His "largest deportation program in history" is now underway, and his Cabinet is starting to take shape

Recently, the US government announced the suspension of all foreign aid and began reviewing American financial assistance to ensure alignment with the "America First" foreign policy agenda Trump also signed executive orders withdrawing the US from the Paris Climate Accords and the World Health Organization, signalling a significant shift in global commitments These actions, however, may backfire, as such policies could limit international cooperation and hinder efforts to address global crises Under Trump's presidency, America s soft power based on attraction was sidelined in favour of coercion and payment, diminishing a crucial aspect of US global influence

Many countries are uneasy at the prospect of Trump returning to power, particularly due to his policies on trade, immigration, and tariffs, which often disadvantage nations without strong ties to the US

However, India finds itself in a unique position due to the close relationship between Prime Minister Modi and Trump, often described as "best buddies "

Despite the deportations and arrests of hundreds of migrants under Trump’s previous administration, the Indian government has expressed its willingness to collaborate with the US to avoid a trade war The US also views India as a key partner in building economic capacity and strength Yet, the central question remains: can this partnership withstand global uncertainties and evolving geopolitical dynamics, or will it be tested by competing interests? Only time will tell

Honouring India's sovereignty and growth

Indian independence marked a significant shift in the country’s economic trajectory, moving away from the British Empire’s globalised economy Over the next 78 years, India embraced protectionist policies aimed at fostering industrialisation and addressing capital scarcity through state intervention While these strategies initially spurred growth, their long-term success hinged on India’s integration into the global economy

The foundation for India’s democratic journey was laid in 1949 when the Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly, and it came into effect on January 26, 1950 However, the origins of India’s republic can be traced back to 1930 when the Congress party declared ‘Poorna Swaraj,’ r e j e c t i n g B r i t i s h d o m i n i o n s t a t u s T h e d r a f t i n g o f t h e Constitution, led by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, culminated in its ratification and the decision to celebrate the date as a tribu t e t o t h e ‘ P o o r n a S w a r a j ’ m o v e m e n t T o d a y , I n d i a ’ s Constitution stands as the world’s longest, with 145,000 words, compared to the US Constitution’s 4,400 words, and continues to evolve, with the number of articles increasing to 448 through over 100 amendments

As India celebrates 75 years of its democratic journey, it offers a moment to reflect on the achievements and challenges shaped by the Preamble’s promises of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity India’s democratic processes, such as the first general elections in 1952, have upheld the principle of ‘One Person, One Vote, One Value ’ Over time, voter turnout has increased, with gender gaps narrowing, illustrating the country’s growing political maturity as it heads into the 2024 general election

During the recent Republic Day celebrations, Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto, the chief guest, spoke about the d e e p h i s t o r i c a l a n d c u l t u r a l t i e s b e t w e e n I n d i a a n

Indonesia He acknowledged the enduring influence of Indian civilisation on Indonesian culture, language, and genetics and praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leader-

ship for addressing poverty and uplifting marginalised communities Subiantoalso expressed his pride in being in India, extending his wishes for the country’s prosperity, peace, and greatness in the future

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership has been pivotal in transforming India’s global standing Under his guidance, India has shed its former "third world" label and emerged as a respected player on the world stage The nation has become a source of pride, not only for its citizens but also for the Indian diaspora across the globe Modi’s vision for

national progress has contributed to India’s increasing influence in international affairs, with countries around the world now seeking India’s input on critical geopolitical matters

Simultaneously, China has recognised the growing significance of its relationship with India With India’s young population, expanding economic influence, and role in global trade, China understands the importance of fostering cooperation with its neighbour As both countries acknowledge the immense potential for trade and economic collaboration, China is working to mend its relationship with India This shift is evident in recent developments, such as the resumption of direct air services between the two countries, signalling a thaw after the 2020 military clash on their disputed Himalayan border For China, maintaining a stable relationship with India is crucial for its long-term prosperity, and it cannot afford to remain in a prolonged cold war with such a strategically vital neighbour India’s rise is not just about diplomatic efforts but also about assertiveness in defending its interests The nation, once perceived as passive, is now confident in standing up for its values Whether it’s national security concerns, trade negotiations, or its role in global governance, India is no longer hesitant to assert its position As India continues to navigate global complexities, it will persist in standing firm in the face of challenges, ensuring its voice is heard on the world stage

As the sun rises on the 26th of January, a sixth of humanity stirs under the vast Indian sky. It is India’s Republic Day a celebration not merely of a nation’s sovereignty, but of the values enshrined in a document that continues to illuminate the path for humanity: the Indian Constitution. As the largest democracy in the world, India quietly carries a legacy that is both ancient and modern, revolutionary and resilient, spiritual and pragmatic

India, the land that taught the world the power of nonviolent resistance, also gifted humanity the dawn of democracy in one of its most diverse and pluralistic forms At a time when empires were the norm and colonialism reigned supreme, India dared to rewrite the global narrative Her non-violent revolution, led by Mahatma Gandhi, not only freed a nation but also shook the conscience of oppressors, inspiring movements across continents from the Civil Rights Movement in America to the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa

Yet, unlike many nations that proclaim their greatness with pomp and circumstance, India does not bang her drum Her wisdom is as understated as it is profound It is this quiet strength that makes her Constitution so extraordinary Adopted in 1950, it was the longest written Constitution in the world at the time a meticulous symphony of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity composed in the backdrop of millennia of cultural richness and colonial subjugation

The Indian Constitution recognizes the vastness of human experience Its Preamble is a declaration of humanity’s highest ideals, while its Articles delve into the granular realities of governance Its Directive Principles of State Policy reflect an ethical framework economic justice, the right to education, and equal opportunity that resonates far beyond India’s borders For a world grappling with inequality and environmental challenges, the Indian Constitution’s emphas i s

reminder of what governance can aspire to achieve

Moreover, the Constitution underscores the importance of pluralism and inclusivity In a nation of over 1 4 billion people, representing countless languages, religions, and cultures, the idea of unity in diversity is not just an ideal; it is a necessity Secularism, enshrined in the Indian ethos, ensures that people of all faiths can coexist, each contributing their unique hue to the nation’s tapestry

It is no accident that India, the cradle of the world’s oldest religion, Hinduism, is also the birthplace of Buddhism a philosophy that would profoundly shape the course of history The message of ahimsa, or non-violence, is deeply rooted in this soil, offering humanity an alternative to the cycles of conflict and war India's democracy is a living testament to the vibrancy of these ideals Despite its challenges poverty, inequality, and political discord India remains a functioning democracy Each election, marked by the ink-stained fingers of millions, is a reaffirmation of the people's power The idea that every voice matters, no matter how small, is India’s message to the world

Today, as we honour the Indian Constitution, let us also honour the light that India has always been a light that stems from ancient wisdom The Rig Veda, one of the oldest texts known to humanity, speaks of the universality of truth: "Ekam sat, vipra bahudha vadanti" Truth is one; the wise call it by many names It is little wonder, then, that India has inspired not just philosophers and spiritual seekers, but also revolutionaries, reformers, and dreamers

So, on this Republic Day, stand up and take a bow, India You are more than the sum of your 28 states and 8 Union territories You are more than the birthplace of yoga and curry, cricket and Bollywood You are an idea a living, breathing idea that bridges the ancient and the modern, the spiritual and the secular, the East and the West

In an age of noisy nationalism, India remains a quiet superpower of the soul Let us celebrate not just her democracy but also her dignity, her Constitution, and her contribution to humanity After all, it is under her sky that a sixth of the world sleeps, and it is her light that has guided us through the ages And the world, knowingly or not, continues to draw from her wisdom India, take a bow You’ve earned it

Southport stabbings: Axel Rudakubana receives second longest sentence in history

S o u th

Rudakubana has been handed the second-lo ng est life sentence

i n E ng l i sh h i s to ry , w it h Downing Street stating the government d oes not want to see him released

A spokesperson for Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer said


disgust at Rudakubana s barbaric crimes" but noted that imposing a whole-life order (WLO) was not legally possible due to international law His sentence has reignited calls to expand the application of WLOs, which are

typically reserved for offenders aged 21 or older but can be applied to those aged 18 to 20 in exceptional cases

WLOs ensure offenders die in prison, while standard life sentences set a minimum term before parole eligibility, with

license if released Downing Street stated on Friday that no further changes to WLO laws are currently under consideration, citing constraints under international law

The government spokesper-

Rudakubana is unlikely ever to be released However, calls to review his sentence under the

scheme have been made by Southport MP Patrick Hurley

The case has also prompted some, including Reform UK MPs Lee Anderson and Rupert Lowe, to advocate for the reinstatement of the death penal-

these calls, referencing past

capital punishment

Birmingham woman honoured with British Citizen Award 2025

M oseley, Birm ing ham, has been award ed the 2025 British Citizen A ward (BCA ) fo r her exceptional w ork in raising autism awaren es s a nd

The British Citizen Award


among these heroes

West Midlands named top spot for starting a business

W est Midla nds ran ke d high-

e st d ue t o its thriv in g busin ess comm unity , with 13 ,785 n ew busin esses foun ded last y ea r the most in the U K

The region's strong business growth, high concen-

t r a t i o n o f h i g h g r o w t h companies, and access to a talented workforce make it a n a t t r a c t i v e a r e a f o r entrepreneurs, offering both economic activity and proximity to London

W i t h s t r o n g a v e r a g e b r o a d b a n d s p e e d s (93 4Mbps), a 115-mile distance to London, and excell e n t t r a n s p o r t l i n k s , t h e West Midlands is an ideal location for new enterprises

The research, conducted

by Trooli, analysed data on n

from Ofcom, and distance to London Each county was ranked across these factors, with an average score determining the top locations

Andy Conibere, CEO of

importance of connectivity for business success, it's no surprise that counties in the M i d l a n d s a n d S o u t h o f England are leading the way

W i t h r e l i a b l e b r o a d b a n d , easy access to London, and a strong history of business

g r o w t h , r e g i o n s l i k e t h e West Midlands offer great o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r entrepreneurs "

Paedophile convicted for abusing vulnerable teenage girl

A Birm ing ham p aedop hile, M u h am m e d U sm an, h as been sentenced to 1 2 years i n p r i so n a ft er p l ead in g g uilty to seven charges o f sexu al activity with a v ulnerable teenage girl and one ch arge of possessing ind ecent images of children

The 39-year-old’s crimes were uncovered on June 22

l a s t y e a r w h e n d e t e c t i v e s received a tip-off about his a b u s e o f a v

teenage girl Police seized


g videos he had recorded of the abuse, which identified both him and the victim Hirah Khan from West M i d l a n d s P

Complex Investigation team

vulnerable teenage girl for his own gratification

grateful to the survivor and her family for their support

Birmingham, received


Medalists are added to the 'Roll of Honour' and can use the post-nominal BCA The award

Patrons Dame Mary Perkins and Lord Dholakia, followed by a Lap of Honour and certificate presentation in Westminster D r U p p a

reflects her dedication and passion over the past decade After her son's autism diagnosis, she shifted from dentistry to full-

commitment to autism advocac

s a fundraising event, raising nearly £30,000 for autism-related charities supporting children with special needs across the UK In 2

Bridging Brains CIC, a non-profit dedicated to empowering families with special needs children

Alongside a group of like-minded mothers, she works to create opportunities, foster inclusion, and ensure every child and family feels valued and supported

Mayor names Mat MacDonald as UK's first road safety commissioner

Richard Parker, Mayo r o f th e We st M i d l an d s, h a s app ointed th e reg ion’ s first road safety comm issioner, Mat MacDonald, an NHS docto r and chair of Better Streets for Birmingham

Alongside him, Beccy

M a r s t o n h a s a l s o b e e n a p p o i n t e d A c t i v e T r a v e l Commissioner, bringing 17 years of experience promoting walking and cycling Together, they will collaborate with Transport for West Midlands, local councils, police, and fire services to enhance road safety and promote greener travel, while s u p p o r t i n g t

w Transport Taskforce

Mayor Richard Parker emphasised the importance of road safety, stating, "Making our roads safer isn’t just a priority – it’s a duty " He also

h i g h l i g

cycling, walking, and wheeling for

environment, health, and reduce congestion Parker

saying they will help fulfill his pledge to make travel


goal to reduce fatalities and serious injuries on West Midlands roads by half by 2030 He said, “The task is clear – we must cut the number of deaths and injuries in road collisions It’s an honour to join a dedicated team working towards this goal, and I look forward to collaborating on the Regional Road Safety Strategy Achieving this is vital, not just for the victims of road crashes, but for future generations whose s a f e t y i s k e y t o u n l o c k i n g t h e region's potential ”

Deserted council offices to become new homes

A v ac ant o f

ck t h at

nc e housed Leicester City Co uncil is set to be transformed into resid ential ho usi ng T h e 19 70 s- era B osw orth Hou se, lo cated on Princ ess Road Wes t, h as rem

ine d em p ty si nc e co uncil staff transitioned to remote work follow ing the Cov id-19 pandem ic

Leicester City Council opted not to renew its lease in April 2023, citi n

f approximately £560,000 Developer Hooh expressed interest in repurposing the site last year, submitting a change of use application to the council


The British Business Bank s The Power of 10: 10-Year Impact Report reveals that smaller businesses supported by the Bank are set to generate an additional £6bn in turnover This growth is expected to contribute £3bn to the West Midlands' economic output over the lifespan of the finance, creating and sustaining over 202,000 jobs, with 16,000 more anticipated The Bank’s support has been widespread with 84% of businesses helped located outside London highlighting its commitment to fair access to finance across the UK Programmes like the Regional Angels Programme and the £1 6bn Nations and Regions Investment Funds including the Midlands Engine Investment Fund II have been instrumental in driving investment in regional innovation clusters, helping retain high-growth businesses


A person in the West Midlands has contracted bird flu after prolonged contact with infected birds, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) confirmed This is one of just seven cases in the UK since 2021, with the risk to the public remaining “low ” The individual who displayed symptoms, is currently in stable condition at a High Consequence Infectious Disease (HCID) unit The infection was acquired on a farm with birds infected by the DI 2 genotype which is circulating in the UK this season While the case was detected through routine surveillance everyone who had contact with the individual as well as those at high risk has been offered antiviral treatment Professor Susan Hopkins, UKHSA s chief medical adviser, reassured the public that there is no evidence of onward transmission from this case, and human-tohuman transmission of bird flu has not been recorded in the UK or Europe People are advised to avoid contact with sick or dead birds and follow Defra’s guidance on reporting suspected avian influenza


While the number of bike spaces falls slightly short of policy requirements, planning officers deemed the

property’s central location and the availability of diverse public transport options

The application, required when a proposed new use falls under a different planning category without significant external alterations, has now been approved by city council planning officers The redevelopment plan will retain the building’s 13 car parking spaces for residents

Two Redditch drug dealers, Tawqeer Mahmood and Aliyan Razzak both 22, have been jailed for supplying heroin and crack cocaine through the 'Madz' county drugs line They were arrested and charged after police raids in Redditch and West Midlands in July last year West Mercia Police said Mahmood of Other Road Redditch was sentenced to 56 months (4 years 8 months) at Birmingham Crown Court for supplying heroin and crack cocaine, along with breaching a suspended sentence Razzak, of Mount Street, Redditch, received a 32-month sentence for supplying both heroin and crack cocaine Safer Neighbourhood Inspector Rich Field praised the outcome, stating that the arrests targeted those behind the Madz county line in Redditch, which caused harm to the community He emphasized the police's commitment to tackling drug dealing, which often leads to further crime and impacts vulnerable people

Axel Rudakubana
Dr Anuradha Uppaluri
Muhammed Usman
Aliyan Razzak and Tawqeer Mahmood
Bosworth House in Princess Road West

Children's commissioner reveals police distrust behind riots

A re port by Dame R achel de Souza, Englan d’s childre n ’ s commissione r, found t hat distr ust of police a nd limit ed yout h opportun it ies drove hund red s of “dise mpower ed” childr en t o join last y ea r ’ s riots

She stated that young people were not mainly influenced by far-right or racist views, nor by online misinformation, challenging the “prevailing narrative ”

De Souza noted many young people joined the riots out of hatred for police or the thrill of the moment She expressed concern over the “dangerous” and “unusually severe ” punishments imposed on children during Keir Starmer’s crackdown last summer

The children’s commissioner also advocated for the erasure of youth

criminal records by age 18, except for serious offences In England and Wales, youth convictions are kept permanently, often affecting future employment opportunities Children as young as 11 were involved in the unrest following the tragic murder of three girls at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in

Southport on July 29

De Souza raised concerns about the deep sense of disaffection and disempowerment among children in England, which led to their involvement in the riots Axel Rudakubana, 18, was recently sentenced to 52 years for the murders of three young girls and the attempted murder of others The unrest that followed the tragic stabbings in Southport was fuelled by the spread of false online claims about the suspect’s identity, including misinformation about his background

De Souza, who interviewed 14 children charged in connection with the riots, found that while far-right misinformation played a role, it wasn t the driving factor behind their actions None of the children expressed far-right or

anti-immigration views

Instead, they were motivated by anti-police sentiment and a lack of opportunities De Souza was surprised by how many of them, including "star pupils" and trainees, joined the riots as a form of retaliation against police following negative past experiences One child said they joined after hearing the police would be there, seeing it as a chance to confront officers Ministry of Justice figures from December show 106 of the 916 people who appeared in court for the riots were under 18 By December 2, nine youths had been jailed, while others received rehabilitation orders or non-custodial sentences Police data reveals that 286 children and young people were arrested as of January 21, including four 11-year-olds, 10 aged 12, and 21 aged 13

MP condemns 'Khalistani terrorists' disrupting 'Emergency' screenings

A C onservative MP has called on the UK Hom e S ecretary to act after " masked Khalistani terrori sts " di sru p te d a sc reening o f

K a ng a na Ra na u t's fi lm ‘ Em erg e nc y ’ i n n o rth - w e st L ond on

B o b B l a c k m a n t o l d t h e House of Commons that similar i n c i d e n t s o c c u r r e d i n W o l v e r h a m p t o n , B i r m i n g h a m ,

S l o u g h , S t a i n e s , a n d Manchester, prompting Vue and Cineworld to pull the film from many UK theatres

B o b B l a c k m a n t o l d Parliament, "On Sunday, many of my constituents attended a screening of ‘Emergency’ at the

Harrow Vue cinema About 30 to 4 0 m i n u t e s i n , m a s k e d Khalistani terrorists stormed in, t h r e a

, a n d forced the screening to end " He added, "The film is controversial, and while I’m not commenting on its content, I defend the right of my constituents and others to watch it and form their own o p i n i o n I t c o v e r s t h e p e r i o d when Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister of India " The MP acknowledged that some in the UK view the film as "anti-Sikh" but emphasised that his constituents should be free to judge it for themselves without facing threats from those

disrupting screenings He asked

ensuring that people can watch films, approved by censors, in p e a c e " I d e f e n d t h e r i g h t t o protest outside cinemas, but not to disrupt viewings," he added L e a d e r o f t h e

behalf of the government, calling Blackman's concerns a "very important matter" regarding the balance between free speech and the right to protest peacefully She assured the House that an update would be provided on the issues he raised, emphasising the importance of people being able t

approved by censors

Justice Secretary challenges parole decision for Telford offender

The J ustice Secretary has opposed the release of Telford sex abuse ri nglead er Mohammed Ali Sultan, despi te th e Parole B oard's decisi on to free him


M in i st ers ar e co n si d e ri ng w hether to raise the minimum salary fo r sponso ring a foreign p artner to the UK, with L abour M Ps th reatening a rev olt

Last year, the Conservative

g o v e r n m e n t i n c r e a s e d t h e t h r e s h o l d f r o m £ 1 8 , 6 0 0 t o £29,000, with planned hikes to £34,000 in 2024 and £38,700 this spring However, Labour paused those increases and has asked t h e M i g r a t i o n A d v i s o r y Committee (MAC) to review the salary level, with a report expected this summer

In a Commons debate, severa l L a b o u r M P s u r g e d t h e

G o v e r n m e n t t o a b a n d o n t h e proposed increase and instead lower the current threshold to ease the process of bringing in

s p o u s e s a n d r e l a t i v e s f r o m abroad Irene Campbell, MP for North Ayrshire & Arran, called the requirement an "anti-family policy," saying it was "unrealis-

t i c " f

e a r n enough to sponsor a visa

I m r a n H u s s a i n ( B r a d f o r d East) called for scrapping the s y s t e m u n d e r r e v i e w b y t h e Migration Advisory Committee, s u g g e s t i n g t h e r e q u i r e m e n t align with the national living wage, which is around £24,000 a y e a r S i m o n O p h e r ( S t r o u d ) described the policy as inhumane," claiming it has torn families apart and increased the burden on the state, with parents forced to raise children alone

The Conservatives are pushi n g f o r t h e £ 3 9 , 0 0 0 s a l a r y threshold for family visas to be implemented this year Shadow H o m e S e c r e t a r y C h r i s P h i l p said, "If Labour is serious about controlling legal migration, they should introduce the measure a n n o u n c e d b y t h e p r e v i o u s Government It’s unreasonable to let people bring relatives to the UK without being able to comfortably support them, especially when the taxpayer could foot the bill for benefits or housing "


a Mahmood is seeking a review, citing concerns that one victim was not informed about last month’s hearing The Parole Board was not provided with a victim statement it should have received in Sultan's

spokesperson stated: "Our thoughts remain with all the

Public protection

After careful consideration, the Lord

for eight years, along with three others, for abusing a vulnerable

decision to release Mohammed Ali Sultan "

In 2012, Mohammed Ali Sultan admitted to sexually abusing two girls and was jailed for seven years In 2015, he was convicted of raping another victim, "Kate" (not her real name), and received a six-year sentence

In 2019, Sultan was jailed again

Crown Court described him as "clearly a very dangerous man" with no remorse The trial followed a police operation spurred by a Sunday Mirror investigation revealing up to 1,000 girls had been abused in Telford over 40 years Kate admitted she initially

release, fearing his reaction



The number of children and young people in England diagnosed with gender dysphoria by a GP has increased fiftyfold over the past decade, though the figures remain relatively small The rising number of birth-registered females seeking gender clinic referrals has sparked concerns, leading to the Cass review on the issue last year Previous studies focused on referrals to specialist services, not primary care, where many first seek help A new study conducted by the team behind the Cass review examined GP records to better understand trends in the community Prof Tim Doran co-author from the University of York explained that the study examined children and young people diagnosed with gender dysphoria or similar conditions Published in Archives of Disease in Childhood , the research analysed data from 3,782 individuals aged 18 and under across 20% of GP practices in England between 2011 and 2021 The study found both the incidence and prevalence of such diagnoses increased over the decade


Child deaths in England have reached new highs after a temporary drop during the Covid-19 pandemic, a study in PLOS Medicine reveals Between April 2020 and March 2021, during lockdowns fewer children died compared to any other period, with 377 fewer deaths than expected The study found that child deaths in 2022-23 were 258 higher than expected, following a similar trend to prepandemic years Researchers at the University of Bristol, using the National Child Mortality Database, also noted a rise in the death rate for non-white children compared to white children The increase may be linked to factors such as the return of diseases to prepandemic levels, the end of enhanced health measures like handwashing and reduced social support for vulnerable families Karen Luyt programme director for the NCMD and professor of neonatal medicine at the University of Bristol said the temporary decline in child mortality during the pandemic has now reversed She added that inequalities have worsened particularly for children from disadvantaged and non-white backgrounds


An inquiry led by former John Lewis boss Sir Charlie Mayfield is examining how the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) can collaborate with businesses to help disabled people and those with long-term illnesses secure jobs Launched last November, the 'Keep Britain Working Review' aims to address rising inactivity levels Prime Minister Keir Starmer has emphasised encouraging longterm sickness benefit claimants to work where possible, with the government pledging support to reduce reliance on these benefits The review is set to conclude by autumn with an initial phase featuring Sir Charlie s engagement with businesses and health and disability organisations nationwide scheduled to finish by spring This phase is expected to align with the announcement of major reforms to health and disability benefits Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall has expressed concerns over the rising costs of sickness and disability benefits, warning they could increase by £26 billion by the end of the Parliament Her remarks come ahead of plans to overhaul the welfare system, set to be unveiled before Christmas

Dame Rachel de Souza
Bob Blackman
Shabana Mahmood
Mohammed Ali Sultan

Caught between reforms, landlords speak out

“ Everyone talks about peop le's rig hts, but by owning an ap artm ent o r a ho use, is

m y r ig h t le s s t h an th e renter's rig ht?” is a question

Bharat Vaswani asks as his story paints a viv id pictu re

o f th e ch allenges landlord s face as th e Renter’s Reform

Bill p lans to increasing ly tilt

t h e s y st em in f av o u r o f renters

What began as a simple arrangement to rent out a property in London turned into a years-long battle for the right to reclaim a home

T h e t r o u b

ground checks, maintaining the property, and generously providing key benefits like paying for repairs and service charges all with the intention of being fair and responsible landlords

But when Bharat and his w i f e f o u n d t h e m s e l v e s needing to return to their

o w n h o m e , t h e s i t u a t i o n quickly spiralled out of control Despite giving the ten-

a n t s a m p l e n o t i c e m o r e

t h a n t w o a n d a h a l f

m o n t h s t h e y w e r e m e t with resistance and aggres-

s i v e t a c t i c s T h e t e n a n t s refused to vacate, invoking the need for a court order, and Bharat soon found himself plunged into the world of legal battles, confused by the intricacies of eviction laws

As landlords, Bharat and his wife had never anticipated such a nightmare After

a l l , t h e y h a d d o n e e v e r ything by the book, following the rules and maintaining the property in pristine condition Adding to the complexity was the tenant’s situ-

a t i o n , w h i c h i n v o l v e d a n autistic child and a reliance on social housing benefits The council, in an attempt

t o p r o t e c t t h e f a m i l y , e n c o u r a g e d t h e m t o s t a y , despite the fact that Bharat’s family was now effectively left homeless

A s t h e y f o u g h t t o reclaim their property, they were constantly reminded that the laws meant to prot e c t r e n t e r s w e r e l e a v i n g landlords vulnerable This ordeal is an example of the u n i n t e n d e d c o n s e q u e n c e s of Renter’s Reform Bill can b e , w h e r e w e l l - m e a n i n g policies to protect tenants can often put landlords in impossible situations

As we look at the evolving rental landscape in the UK, it's clear that Renter’s Reform Bill must strike a balance protecting tenants w i t h o u t

e x p o s e d t o u

e c e s s a r y hardships

Land lords being demonised

Landlords are expressing serious concerns about p r o p o s e d r e

rental market, warning of potential harm to their abil-

and support to adapt to the new regulations

negative portrayal of landlords in public discourse and policymaking “Not all landl o r d s a r

e v e r y 1,000 landlords, there might be one or two bad cases, but why does that define public perception or policymaking? It’s unfair,” he said Bharat n o t e d t h a t l a n d l o r d s f a c e s i g n i f i c a n t f i n a n c i a l b u rdens, such as mortgages and council taxes, yet they are often vilified “Because we w o r k e d h a r d a n d s a v e d , we ’ re now the ones being p e n a l i s e d T h i s n a r r a t i v e discourages investment in the rental market and creates an atmosphere of mistrust ” B h a r a t w a r n e d t h a t demonising landlords could destabilise the market, disc o u r a g i n g i n v e s t m e n t s i n b u y - t o - l e t p r o p e r t i e s

Policies like the abolition of n o - f a u l t e v i c t i o n s c o u l d exacerbate the problem “If g o o d l a n d l o r d s w i t h d r a w , tenants with poor credit or financial challenges will be l e f t w i t h f e w e r o p t i o n s , potentially falling prey to r o g u e l a n d l o r d s T h i s approach is counterproductive and harms the very people it aims to protect ” Desh al Raja, who manages over 100 properties and more than 300 tenants is the C o - F o u n d e r & M a n a g i n g

Director of the estate agency One Move, echoed similar concerns, highlighting how t h e p r o p o s e d R e n t e r s ’ R e f o r m B i l l c o u l d u n d e rmine landlords’ confidence and stability A key issue is the bill’s provision allowing tenants to give two months' notice at any point during a f i x e d - t e r m t e n a n c y “ T h i s creates uncertainty of term for landlords, who face additional costs from frequent tenant turnover, such as reletting fees and reference checks,” Deshal explained Deshal also criticised the removal of Section 21, which currently enables landlords t o e v i c t t e n a n t s w i t h o u t p r o v i d i n g


court system is already overloaded, with eviction cases t a k i n g s e v e n t o n i n e months, sometimes longer d u e t o

bailiff shortages Without a working court system , landlords may struggle to regain possession of their properties especially when faced with problem tenants, rent arrears and high mortgage payments ”

address tenant protections


and leaving

options They called for a more collaborative approach to ensure a fair and sustain-


Sm all landlords get the shorter end of the stick

Labour’s Renters’ Rights Bill


addressing Britain’s housing crisis, the two parties have

Labour’s reforms, combined


changes to Stamp Duty for additional properties, disin-

homeowners to buy multi-

ment, ultimately freeing up more housing for first-time buyers and renters

Deshal Raja shared his opinion on this stating, “The proposed Rent Rights Bill aims to strengthen tenant protections, but it also risks creating an imbalance that c

make up the majority of the rental market In fact, statistics show that 94% of landlords operate as individuals or small groups, with 43% owning just a single property These landlords are not large-scale investors; rather, they are individuals who rely on rental income to meet

, such as utilities, food, and childcare

“One aspect of the bill under concern is the proposed cap on upfront pay-

payments to mitigate risks, this will negatively impact tenants with poor credit his-

issues or people from abroad who do not have any history in the country

Sikh group urges broader grooming gangs inquiry

Continued from page 01

Wimbledon, has written to

Cooper urging the inclusion of race and religion as contributing factors in grooming crimes The group contends that the issue extends b

working-class communities to impact minority groups, including Sikhs and Hindus

In its letter, the NSO wrote, “Although much of t



s rightly been on those from vulnerable white workingclass communities, we want to highlight how this stain on British society has also long impacted the Sikh and Hindu community too ” T h e c a l l f o r a c t i o n comes after Cooper, facing mounting pressure, recently a n n o u n c e d l o c a l g o v e r nment-backed inquiries and a national three-month audit i n t o g a n g

t i o n T h e a u d i t , l e d b y B a r o n e s s C a s e y o f Blackstock, will examine the p r e v a l e n c e a n d n a t u r e o f grooming gangs, alongside their cultural and societal drivers

Histo rical cases of abuse

The NSO cited instances of Sikh girls being groomed and exploited Among them

was a 2013 case where


across the city

The letter also referred to a decade-old BBC investi-

dozens of Sikh girls being targeted Despite the findings, only a few cases were brought to court The NSO emphasised that Sikh and H

over the years, “Over the decades, we have been well aware of the targeting of girls from our community and those from the Hindu community ” The organisation pointed to cases where perpetrators justified their crimes by referencing religious texts and targeting non-Muslims

The NSO highlighted these motivations as being rooted in both cultural and religious drivers

“We cannot shy away from the irrefutable truth that non-Muslim girls are c

virtue of the fact they are kuffars (a derogatory term for non-Muslims) Until we a

admittedly uncomfortable

factor, we will be no further forward in addressing cases which involve racially and r e l i

geting of vulnerable girls from all our communities ” D ivisive responses

expected to spark debate, p

Muslim groups, who have previously criticised what they see as the politicisation of the grooming gang issue


Muslim Council of Britain pushed back against claims

ethnic groups, stating:


data show that perpetrators come from all backg

group-based offenders are white

that the letter was not an attack on the Muslim community as a whole, emphasising that he has consistently spoken out on issues affecting Muslims Baroness Casey’s review is set to analyse ethnicity a n d d e m o g r a p h i c d a t a linked to grooming gangs However, the NSO is calling for the review to go further by explicitly examining the roles of race and religion in these crimes

Both Bharat and Deshal
Bharat Vaswani
Deshal Raja

1 - 7 February 2025

Founder’s Day celebrations at The Bhavan

The Bhar atiya Vidya Bhavan, London, cel ebr ated its annual Founder ’ s D ay on 25th an d 26 th Ja nu ar y 2025 As t he UK’s la rgest orga nisat ion for Indian cla ssical ar ts, it tr ains over 700 student s annual ly across 16 courses in music, dance, an d l anguages



Day event was


Vocal, Bengali music, Sitar, T

Veena, Violin, and classical



The event also celebrated

Hindi, and Bengali languages and poetry, showcasing the depth of Indian arts and The B

o nurturing future torchbearers The audience applauded the dedication of both stu-

dents and teachers During the event, 60 students were

o m a (Grade 5) and Post Diploma (Grade 8) certificates, marking their growth from beginners to accomplished artists

K M Munshi's vision is to preserve Indian arts and culture, inspiring each new generation of students

The event began with a prayer by Executive Director Dr Nandakumara, MBE, and

Historic Bethnal Green Weightlifting Club faces closure

Bethnal Green Weightlifting Club, London’s oldest, faces eviction after nearly 8 0 years

i n i ts c u rr en t lo ca ti o n

T ower H amlets Cou nci l h as

n o t i fi e d th e c lu b th at i t s lease will end in J anuary

challenges and Paralympic powerlifter Ali Jawad, a sil-

gathering signatures for a petition against the eviction

The club has been at its current site on Turin Street

s i n c e 1 9 4 8 a n d h a s c o mplained it has had no prior warning from the council

F o u n d e d i n 1 9 2 6 , t h e Bethnal Green Weightlifting Club (BGWLC) is a commu-

n i t y - r u n n o n - p r o f i t H e a d coach Martin Bass expressed confusion over the eviction notice, saying, "We've been here nearly 80 years, they know who we are why didn ’ t t h e y t a l k t o u s ? " H e emphasised the club’s role as a safe, inclusive space for all, noting, “We welcome everyone, regardless of gender, race, or background " The club trains a diverse group, including ex-servicemen facing mental health

BGWLC claims that during a m

Hamlets Council, they were told the site would be redev e l o p

were provided

The club described the i n i t i a l d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t alternative accommodation as "promising," but said they were subsequently left without further communication

A T o w e r H a m l e t s Council spokesperson said, "We recognise the club's significance to the community and are eager to collaborate with them to provide support, ensuring they remain a valued part of our borough We will reach out to the weightlifting club to arrange a meeting in the New Year "



residing at 8 Newlyn Gardens, Harrow, HA2 9TA, London U.K., hereby give notice of my intension to changemy name to CHANDRIKA AGNIHOTRI, so relinquished to the intent that I may hereafter be called / known and identified the new name of


through its dedication to the arts

On the following day, Dr Radha Bhat, The Bhavan's Sanskrit teacher and consul-

psychiatrist, spoke about the legacy of Mathoor Ji, reflecting on his vision and dedication in building The Bhavan

was hosted by Smt Parvati Nair

On the 25th, The Bhavan

Minister (Audit) at the High

, London, and Shri Kapil Dev, Minister (Public Diplomacy) at the High Commission of India, London, as the Guest of Honour They highlighted

(teachers) and commended The Bhavan for preserving the Guru-Shishya Parampara

Saxena, recited a shloka and a poem celebrating the students' passion for learning, dedication, and the legacy of Munshi Ji


Sunak, Indian businesswoman and wife of former Prime Minister the Rt Hon Rishi Sunak MP, was honoured as the Chief Guest She shared heartfelt memories of The Bhavan, describing it as a home away from home- a place to grow, bask in art and culture

West Midlands centre revamped amid UK community space crisis

Go ve r n me n t f u nd in g f o r c omm un it y spa c e s ha s dr opped b y 18% f rom 2 02 2 to 2024, acc ording to dat a f rom 96 loc al authorities

This decline has pushed

West Midlands, to the brink of collapse

O n c e a v i t a l s p a c e f o r children to stay off the streets and parking lots, the centre f a c e d c l o s u r e i n 2

However, it was revived when dedicated volunteers stepped in to take over its operations

Centre secretary GemmaLouise Robins expressed the emotional toll of Brockmoor's decline due to funding cuts, saying, "It's heartbreaking to witness Brockmoor's struggle

We're not alone many others are facing the same chall

, "These spaces are the heart of our communities, and funding is crucial before it's too late "

Thanks to TV presenter and interior designer Banjo Beale, along with a team of v o l u n t e e r s , B r o c k m o o r

C o m m u n i t y C e n t r e h a s r e c e i v e d a r e v i t a l i

makeover Beale, winner of

Matters’ series 3, partnered with Crown Paints for their ‘The Space Between’ campaign, which highlights the decline of community hubs As part of Crown's Project Possible initiative, the com-

litres of paint annually to support local communities, h

Brockmoor "paint their possible "

British Muslim leaders back new national network

and eng



Baroness Sayeeda Warsi, t

minister, is a prominent supporter, while Mishal Husain, former BBC Radio 4 present

a n d u p c o m i n g Bloomberg host, also backs the initiative but will not have a formal role

Discussions with government and opposition parties


e launch event is expected to feature senior political figures

B a r o n e

s W a r s i , a k e y s u p p o r t e r , e m p h a s i s e d t h e diversity and vibrancy of the British Muslim community but criticised a 17-year policy

Bradford schools launch Greenpower kit car challenge

o f d i s e n g a g e m e n t T h e n e t w o r k w i l l h a v e a g o v e r n i n g board co-chaired by a man and woman, b r i n g i n g t o g e t h e r p r o

from broadcasting, a

academia, and religious leadership A source described it as the "most high-profile network of British Muslims ever " W

h i

l i g h t e d t h e need for a group that truly represents the full spectrum of British Muslims, beyond the government's past focus o n c o u n t e r - t e r r o r i s m “ G o v e r n m e n t s h a v e o n l y spoken to Muslim communities through that lens,” she said Akeela Ahmed, founder of the She Speaks We Hear platform and MBE recipient, e m p h a s i s e d t h e n e t w o r k ' s f o c u s o n e v e r y d a y i s s u e s , a i m i n g t o b r i n g e x p e r t i s e and insights to policymakers

S ch o o l p up i l s ac r os s th e region can now bu ild battery -p o w er ed ki t car s and race in the grand finale of the 20 25 ‘Bradfo rd Co lleg e Greenp ower C hallenge ’ I n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h

Bradford College as the project enters its second year, growing bigger and better The participating schools for 2025 include returning competitors BBG Academy, Tong

G r e e n p o w e r E d u c a t i o n

Trust, the annual event aims

t o i g n i t e i n t e r e s t i n e n g ineering careers and inspire

y o u n g p e o p l e i n S c i e n c e , T e c h n o l o g y , E n g i n e e r i n g , and Maths (STEM) through t h e e x c i t e m e n t o f m o t o r -


P a r t i c i p a t i n g l o c a l s c h o o l s w i l l d e s i g n , b u i l d , a n d r a c e e l e c t r i c c a r s a t

T o c k w i t h R a c e C i r c u i t i n

North Yorkshire this July A

G r e e n p o w e r E d u c a t i o n

Trust representative shared, “The Formula 24 Challenge boosts confidence and teaches transferable skills in mark e t i n g , f u n d r a i s i n g , a n d d e s i g n G r e e n p o w e r p r omotes engineering and social inclusion, making Bradford the perfect location for this a s p i r a t i o n a l i n i t i a t i v e I t offers hands-on opportunities to showcase careers to a diverse group of students ” Several Bradford schools h

Academy, Hazelbeck School, and Buttershaw Business & Enterprise College New to the competition this year are

P Academy, and Swain House

Academy BBG Academy, the reigning champions, will also return to defend their title Students will design and build 30mph vehicles with eco-friendly materials, guided by teachers and Bradford C

Team The Challenge culminates in a race day in July, where schools will compete against reigning champions

STEM and teamwork experience

BDCU hosts Nepalese credit union leader for collaboration talks

Br a df o r d D is t r ic t C re d it

Unio n (BDCU) welco med Mr M ee l a n D h a ka l , CF O o f P o kh a ra Ro y al S avi ngs a nd Cr ed it Co o pe ra t iv e So c i et y fro m Nepal , du ring his U K visit Both credit u nions , with over 10,000 members, s hare a comm itment to co mmunitydr iv en gr o w t h a nd va

Hall They exchanged flags as a symbol of friendship, and Mr Dhakal received gifts to m

Culture 2025 The Lord Mayor expressed pride in the city's i n t e r n a t

and the vital work of Nepal’s credit unions, underscoring B

“Having worked in Pokhara with the YMCA in the 1990s, it’s meaningful to see how c

a Royal have

L to R: Vinod Thakrar, Subhanu Saxena, Akshata Murty Sunak, Dr M N Nandakumara MBE, Candida Connolly and Shashi Vekaria
Sayeeda Warsi
Students from Swain House Primary School

Celebrating inclusivity: Labour’s Krish Raval OBE on his life peerage nomination

Anusha Singh

Kris h Raval OBE, Chair of

th e L a bo ur I nd i a n s h a s been nom inated for a life peerage in the House of Lords

The nomination celebrates Raval’s unwavering commitment to leadership development and his support for the British Indian diaspora With affiliations to prestigious institutions

l i k e t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Oxford and Dev Sanskriti University in India, Raval's work spans global boundaries In 2018, he was honoured with an OBE for his remarkable contributions

t o l e a d e r s h i p e d u c a t i o n and interfaith cohesion

In an interview with Asian Voice, Raval discusses the nomination, plans f o r L a b o u r I n d i a n s a n d more

What does this nomin ation mean to you, and how do you see your potential role in the Hous e of Lords representing diverse comm un i t i es , e s pe c i a ll y th e Indian diaspora?

I feel extremely privileged to be the first person of my background in this position since the time of L o r d P a r e k h a n d L o r d

D e s a i I a m a b s o l u t e l y thrilled to have this opportunity, and it’s a testament

t o t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r ’ s

f o r e s i g h t a n d c o m m i t -

m e n t t o i n c l u s i v i t y t h a t

t h i s g a p h a s b e e n addressed I was as surprised as anyone when the Prime Minister nominated me to become a peer That

s a i d , I a m h o n o u r e d t o

c o n t i n u e a l o n g l e g a c y

a f t e r s u c h a s i g n i f i c a n t hiatus

I a m d e t e r m i n e d t o represent everyone, and, as we Indians always strive to do, serve all communities, ensuring their interests, including that of the British Indian community,

a r e w e l l - r e p r e s e n t e d However, I also want to ensure that I’m not a bot-

t l e n e c k b u t r a t h e r a

b r i d g e f a c i l i t a t i n g t h e representation of our diaspora as well as other communities While I represent everyone, my awareness of the Indian commu-

n i t y m e a n s I h a v e a

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o w o r k with others to ensure its immense talent is not left behind

How will Labour I ndi ans address key issues for the diaspora in 2025, and what strategies are planned to b oo s t re p re s e n ta t i on o f British Indians wi thin the Lab our Party?

The real answer to this is: wait and see I’ll be a bit cryptic here, but I can say that Labour is very keen to

engage with our community, as it does with others

Over the next months, we will unveil a series of ideas, as this is indeed a priority for Labour Indians Labour’ s interaction with the community media, a representative of the diaspor a , ha s b e e n l i m i t ed

How does the party plan to change this ?

From my perspectivethough I am not a member

o f t h e g o v e r n m e n t - I ’ v e observed the Labour Party

c l o s e l y s i n c e I w a s 1 6

What I’ve noticed is that, for much of the last 14 years, there’s been little to no engagement with ethnic minority media To be honest, it’s only in the last three or four years, since K e i r S t a r m e r t o o k o v e r , that any meaningful effort h a s b e e n m a d e i n t h i s regard My hope is that,

n o w t h a t L a b o u r h a s formed the government,

"Our aim should be to ensure that the diaspora's contributions are recognised across the full spectrum of public policy, rather than being confined to just one or two areas "

we will address this issue

m o r e c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y Personally, I am committed to pushing for this, as I recognise the importance of ethnic minority media

But honestly, after 14 years in opposition, it does take time to regain footing and rebuild connections

That said, there are MPs a c t i v e l y i n t e r a c t i n g w i t h e t h n i c m i n o r i t y m e d i a , demonstrating that there is a voice for these communities within the party

The key now is to amplify that voice and strengthen the connection to ensure t h a t t h e s e c o m m u n i t i e s feel heard and represented effectively

La b our ’ s d i a s por a g ro up for Indians has undergone several leadership changes in recent years What were th e k e y r e as on s b eh i n d these transitions and what meas ures are being taken to ens ure s tabi lity of the group movi ng forward?

The way I see it, at different times, we witness various iterations of comm u n i t y a n d d i a s p o r a e x p r e s s i o n I h a v e immense respect for the o u t s t a n d i n g i n d i v i d u a l s who, out of genuine care f o r t h e i r c o m m u n i t y , e s t a b l i s h e d

Indians, we ’ ve built stabilit y t h r o u g h a c l e a r roadmap, which extends beyond being a voluntary initiative What’s particu-

l a r l y e n c o u r a g i n g i s t h e growing number of young p e o p l e g e t t i n g i n v o l v e d

To your earlier question a b o u t m y i n t e n t i o n s , I want to emphasise that I aim to serve everyone

W e a r e p a r t o f t h e movement for better representation and advocacy in order to usher in a new era of diversity and representation at all levels of the Labour Party in order to create a better country and world

W hat mes sage would you l i k e to s h ar e w i th t he I n d i a n d i as p or a a b ou t

Labour’s visi on for a united and inclusive Bri tai n as I ndi a c ele bra tes i ts 7 6t h

Republi c Day?

R e p u b l i c D a y h o l d s p r o f o u n d s i g n i f i c a

T h e s e v a l u e s l i e a t t h e heart of the Indian diaspora's identity As the largest diaspora in the world, the Indian community’s contributions span all areas

m e d i c i n e , e n vi ro n m e n ta l science, philosophy, faith, technology, and beyond

Our aim should be to ensure that the diaspora's c o n t r i b u t i o n s a r e r e c o gnised across the full spec-

t r u m o f p u b l i c p o l i c y , rather than being confined to just one or two areas

W h i l e I r

p l y mindful of the pivotal role the Indian Trade Union

m equally inspired to champion the ingenuity, enterp r i s e , a n d p r o f e

n a l pursuits of the diaspora


s fintech, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence present significant o p

can assist the government in shaping the future

U l t i m a t e l y , t h e g o a l should be to help pave the way for others, those more talented than myself, to rise and make meaningful contributions to society This collective aspiration d r i v e s o u r e f f o r t s a n d underpins the legacy we aim to build

UK-India Health Partnership to drive sector innovation

A ne w H eal th and L i f e

S c i enc es P a rtn er sh i p ' w as s ig ned last we ek be twe en U K Health S ecretary Wes Streeting and India’s Union M

J ag

Prakash Nadd a The agreement aims to e

n the health technology and innovation sectors between the two nations This memorandum of understanding (MoU) will focus on joint r

o n sharing, and cooperation through multilateral platforms on key issues such as antimic

(AMR), and will support the reform agenda f

Health Service (NHS) in the UK I n

Commissioner to the U K , V i k r a m

D o r a i s w a m i , e m p h asised the importance of the agreement, stating , "The Health and Life

S c i e n c e s a g r e e m e n t r e c o g n i s e s t h a t b o t h

c o u n t r i e s h a v e strengths in the sector and that this is a critical part o f t h e o f f e r i n g s t h a t a n y modern nation provides to its citizens – quality healthcare " He highlighted that antimicrobial resistance is a


nations, noting that India is one of the world’s largest producers of generic antibio t i c s , m a k i n

o affordable antibiotics a critical issue

The MoU outlines several areas of mutual interest, with a focus on b o t h s h o r t - t e r m a n d long-term goals These include health systems, w h e r

oritised Cybersecurity is another key area, particularly in

future challenges

Among other matters of understanding,

Jagat Prakash Nadda signing the MoU
Wes Streeting signing the MoU
Krish Raval OBE

Greenland: The forgotten island

Greenland is the biggest island in the world, although some people may consider Australia as the biggest island In reality, as Australia sits on a tectonic Plate, that makes Australia a continent rather than an island

At one time Greenland was considered valueless, as with its bitterly cold climate and at a long distance from mainland Europe, it was considered uninhabitable But now with its mineral wealth and surrounding seas rich in a variety of fishes, as well as these seas may contain oil reserves with ideal situation from mainland North America, it is one of the most precious pieces of land in the world

It is surrounded by sea on three sides, the sea water rich in a variety of fishes, namely Cod and Haddock, the favourite dish of British people, as well as most European nations But it is the hidden mineral wealth that makes Greenland a valuable part of Denmark, an European nation thousands of miles away

Geographically Greenland is part of Canada in every respect and is just a stone throw away from the Eastern shores of Canada, part of the British Commonwealth, thus many people consider Greenland as British territory, a wishful thinking!

Now that newly elected US President Donald Trump has shown an interest in acquiring Greenland, it is only a question of time before it will become the 52nd State and the richest one as well of America overtaking Alaska, once it was price possession of America with oil and gas exploited and exported all over the world

In American philosophy, “Might is Right” and there is no other country that can challenge the US either on economic or the battle-front Once Russia, under the Soviet Union, could have clipped American wings but now Russia is in a sorry state, unable to defeat tiny Ukraine Many pundits thought the war between Russia and Ukraine would be over in a month or so, with the Russian flag flying over Ukraine’s parliament

Now China is emerging as a rival to America and it will overtake the United State in a decade or two Chinese people are hardworking and industrious with a matching government Chinese influence is spreading fast, especially in Africa and Latin America, China is having an advantage that it was never a colonial power in these continents

Bh upendra M Gandh i

Cancer: Screening and early detection

World Cancer Day is celebrated on the 4th of February every year The importance of early testing for cancer in women cannot be overstated Early detection is crucial for effective treatment and improved outcomes Women face unique challenges when it comes to cancer detection and treatment, with breast and cervical cancers being among the most common types affecting them Regular screenings and early testing can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment Promoting early testing for cancer in women through increased awareness, access to screening programs, and support for research initiatives is essential Prioritising early detection can potentially save countless lives and minimise the impact of cancer on individuals and families

Unity in diversity

In the vibrant tapestry of India, our myriad cuisines, colours, and cultures intertwine to create a singular identity Whether Rasam or Roti, Rasgulla or Dhokla-all powered by one culture- agriculture Call it India or Bharat, our spirit remains intertwined Together, we celebrate our differences while embracing the unity that defines us as one resilient nation Our UID-Unique Identity is unity in diversity Vande Mataram Jai Hind!

UK Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds to visit India

The UK ’ s Secretary o f State for Business and T rade, Jonath an Reynolds, has announced plans to visit India next mo nth to exp ed ite th e ongo ing F ree Trade A g re em en t ( F T A ) neg o t ia ti o ns


Speaking as the Chief Guest at the India Global Forum’s (IGF) 7th Annual UK-India Parliamentary Lunch at the House of Lords, Reynolds emphasised the UK’s commitment to driving growth for both countries through the trade deal, as well as through the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the Technology Security Initiative

He added, “I want to reaffirm the UK's commitment to deliver growth for both countries through the trade deal that we're talking about I can let you know exclusively that I have been finalising my own visit to India next month to ensure we proceed with urgency on that basis ”

Reynolds’ remarks come after UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer announced that the stalled UK-India FTA negotiations would resume in early 2025, following discussions with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the G20 Summit in November last year Reynolds reiterated the importance of India as a key partner for the UK, stating, “India is a top priority partner for the UK, and we want to elevate that ambition across all

Scottish Hindu Foundation highlights Hinduphobia at parliament

The S co ttish Hindu Fo und ation (S HF ), in collaboration with MSP Bo b Doris, hosted a landmark p arliam


This comes shortly after the passing of the Hate

strengthens laws against hate crimes and promotes inclusivity The act provides enhanced protections for religious groups, marking a significant step toward a safer, more inclusive Scotland for all communities

Chaired by Bob Doris, the event brought together policymakers, community leaders, and the public to address Hinduphobia Keynote speeches and discussions focused on combating prejudice against Hindus in Scotland and beyond First Minister John Swinney congratulated SHF on the achievement, while prominent MSPs such as Foysol Choudhury, Pam Gosal, Dr Sandesh Gulhane, Pam DuncanGlancy, and former MP Martyn Day showed strong support, highlighting the cross-party commitment to tackling Hinduphobia and promoting inclusivity

In addition to MSPs, speakers included Lt Cdr Robert Swift (Royal Navy), Else Kek (Interfaith Scotland), Harry Dunlop (Interfaith Glasgow), and Sgt Valerie Gray (Police Scotland), who stressed the need for cross-sector collaboration to combat discrimination

Driver rearrested over fatal crash at school tea party

The driver involved in a crash that k il le d t wo eight-ye ar-old girls at a school te a pa rty has b een rea rrested on suspicion of ca using dea th by da nge rous driving Claire Freemantle, 48, previously expressed her "deepest sorrow" and stated she had "no recollection" of the incident, which claimed the lives of N

Wimbledon, south-west London, on 6 July 2023

T h e M e t P o l i c e

investigation into the crash after the C

P S ) decided not to charge the driver in June The girls' parents welcomed the decision, calling for the investigation to seek "the truth and full facts " The Met stated it acted in response to concerns raised by the families of Nuria and Selena Det Supt Lewis Basford stated that due to the ongoing investigation, he could not provide further details Claire Freemantle was first arrested at


Brits Opt for Trump

A sizeable survey of more than 2000 Brits was conducted between January 22nd and 24th by Opinion Research and Nepean The results for some might seem astonishing, but to be honest, they were in line with what I have been saying for some time now

Let’s have a gander at the data and see what the British public are saying at this moment in time

S1: Our government confronts a crisis of trust While the pillars of our society lay broken, we now have a government that cannot manage even a simple crisis at home while at the same time stumbling into a catalogue of catastrophic events abroad

A1: 57% agree with the statement whilst 25% disagree

S2: Our nation can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency We have a public health system that does not deliver in times of disaster, yet more money is spent on it than manynations in the world

A2: 64% agree with the statement whilst 22% disagree

S3: Our nation fails to protect our law-abiding UK citizens but provides sanctuary and protection for dangerous criminals that have illegally entered our country from all over the world

A3: 61% agree with the statement whilst 26% disagree

S4: Our nation needs to begin the complete restoration of Britain and the revolution of common sense

A4: 58% agree with the statement whilst 21% disagree

Each statement receives broadly twice the number in agreement compared with those who don’t agree In essence, the British people have just confirmed that they are aligned more to the policies of President Trump than to our Prime Minister Keir Starmer

In an interesting twist, further questions were asked to ascertain some precise clarity The following are a series of statements, and the responses are more than just interesting

S5: Declare a national emergency in the Channel and begin the process of returning thousands and thousands of criminal migrants back to the places from which they came

A5: 58% agree with the statement whilst 26% disagree.

S6: Begin the overhaul of our trade system to protect UK workers and families Instead of taxing our citizens to enrich other countries, we will tariff and tax foreign countries to enrich our citizens

A6: 56% agree with the statement whilst 23% disagree

S7: After years and years of efforts to restrict free expression, immediately stop all government censorship and bring back free speech

A7: 53% agree with the statement whilst 26% disagree

S8: End social engineering ethnicity and gender into every aspect of public and private life and forge a society that is colourblind, and merit based

A8: 53% agree with the statement whilst 23% disagree

S9: The official policy of the UK government will be that there are only two genders, male and female

A9: 51% agree with the statement whilst 32% disagree

The Labour Party is 180 degrees out of phase with where the nation is on the very core of what makes our nation Had it not been for Reform UK taking votes away from the Conservatives at the last election, Labour might still have won, but the majority would have been slender Today Starmer enjoys a massive majority not because the nation is with him He does so because our ‘First Past the Post’ electoral system worked in his favour

Less than a year on from the general election, today the polling is tight between the duopoly of Labour and the Tories, but now Reform UK have joined the party to potentially share the riches

epileptic seizure caused her to lose control of the vehicle, leading to the crash As a result, she was not charged Her solicitor had previously stated that her epilepsy had never manifested before, and she had always been in good health In a s t

s expressed support for the re-opening of the investigation in October 2024, stressing the importance of an unhindered pursuit of truth They added, "

would be inappropriate to comment further at this time

Many have gone crazy believing that Reform UK will now form the next government There is always that possibility, however, for that to happen it will have to poll way more than 36% nationally, and even higher in those seats they wish to win All possible, but will that happen? The jury is out on that Our FPTP system is difficult for a third party to crack Whilst Reform UK are doing great, if they don’t do better, than it is likely that we will see them taking votes away from the Tories and allowing Labour to grab seats by default Maybe come 2028, Tories and Reform UK might just have to sit down and have that difficult conversation of an alliance to ensure the madness of a Labour victory is not realised again by their in-fighting

The nation is clearly centre-right on many core issues For our nation to have a far-left Labour Party in power is just utter madness This disconnect is not good for the nation At some point civic society will breakdown, and at that point, all the extremists from all sides will take it as a green signal to cause anarchy

Kapil Dudakia
Jubel D Cruz
Nuria Sajjad and Selena Lau
“My lived experience and cultural heritage shape my worldview”

Rup a Mahadevan g rew up in Ch ennai, India, and has spent th e past 1 5 years living in Scotland

A n eng ineer by education, she works in the corp orate wo rld but h as always been d rawn to sto rytelling Her love for w riting began as a child, borro wing bo oks fro m a m obile library and creating her ow n stories wh en th e books ran out

Encouraged by author Caron McKinlay and inspired by a milestone birthday, Rupa finally embraced her true calling, beginning her journey as a writer Last year she won the Joffe Books Prize 2024 for her book ‘The Goddess of Death’ Speaking to Asian Voice, Rupa discusses her personal experience that shaped the idea about her book, themes and more

Congratulations on winning the Jo ffe Books P rize 20 24 ! How d oes it feel to receiv e this recognition for ‘T he Godd ess of Death ’?

For any writer, insecurities can be overwhelming, and as someone for whom English is a second language, mine felt even greater A constant voice in my head whispered that neither I nor my stories were good enough

Winning the Joffe Prize has been the greatest validation of my writing journey so far While it hasn’t silenced that voice entirely, it has helped me believe in my stories

I began pursuing writing seriously at 39, giving myself two years to secure a publishing deal or step away altogether With just six months left on that timeline, winning the prize was life-changing It meant the difference between becoming a published author and walking away, as balancing writing with a full-time job wasn’t sustainable long-term I’m deeply grateful to Joffe Books and Audible for championing underrepresented voices

and making this dream possible

The title ‘The God dess o f Death’ is intriguing Wh at insp ired th e story and the title? Was there a specific idea or ev ent that sparked it?

The Goddess of Death is a psychological thriller set in a farmhouse in Oban, Scotland, where a group of friends gathers to celebrate Navratri, a Hindu festival traditionally marked in South India with a display of dolls called ‘Bommai Golu’ (meaning “dolls display”) Bommai Golu was a cherished part of my childhood, and Navratri has always been my favourite festival more so than Diwali, which is far more widely celebrated

My other great love has always been crime thrillers When a writer friend, Angela Nurse, suggested combining these two passions, I was thrilled I wanted a title that captured both the themes of the dolls and the essence of crime After brainstorming a shortlist of titles, I held a household vote, and The Goddess of Death won unanimously

Kaali, often known as the Goddess of Death in Indian mythology, plays a pivotal role in both the ‘Golu’ display and the story’s narrative Including the word “Death” felt like a natural fit for the crime genre

The title also contains a hidden clue The Goddess of Death, refers to one of the characters in the story Uncovering who it is unravels the puzzle, but of course, you’ll need to read the book to find out!

How d id your cultu ral heritag e or p erso nal experiences sh ape th e themes in the book?

My lived experience and cultural heritage deeply shape my worldview and, in turn, influence my writing It’s not just about the vibrant festivals, colours, or curry though these add a beautiful richness to my stories but also the smaller, subtler elements, like a turn of phrase or a saying in my mother tongue, Tamil, that make my voice distinct

Having called Scotland home for the past 15 years, cross-cultural dynamics are a recurring theme in my work At its core, my writing seeks to explore our shared humanity Beneath societal conditioning, our wants and needs are remarkably alike and that’s what makes us human Through my stories, I aim to celebrate our differences while highlighting the common threads that connect us all

What advice would you giv e to asp iring w riters, particularly those from und errepresented backg rounds?

If I could offer advice to young novelists or my past self, it would be this: believe in yourself, especially as an underrepresented writer, because insecurities often feel magnified Embrace feedback as an opportunity to refine your craft and remember these three key points: read like a writer study passages you love to understand their magic; write like a reader craft stories you’d love to read for a natural, enjoyable process; and treat each chapter like a scene, guiding readers step by step For underrepresented writers, take advantage of opportunities like diversityfocused competitions, such as the Joffe Books Prize Research and put yourself forward you never know what might happen!

Literary agency shuts after diversity effort stalls

Founders Nikesh Shukla

announced the

Launched as a "pioneering force for change" by Arts Council England, The Good

ing increasing pressure on investment in authors and stalled progress on industry diversity

had supported

wars" and an industry that "assumed itself to be doing the work

Launched in late 2017 with a £580,000 grant from the Arts Council, the agency aimed to address the under-

writers in UK publishing, a situation that had worsened over the years

Santi and Naz : A Review

Rupanjana Dutta

There are s oulful partitio n stories of India that Punjab and Bengal share The grueso me attacks, friends turning into predators, shattering of tru sts in age-old co mmunity ti es, lo sing o f home as people knew it–we have heard many such heartbreaking stories of eternal losses ‘S anti and Naz’ is pretty much one of tho se sto ries, except that we get to be in the shoes of two you ng girls and feel their trauma

Santi and Naz are best friends who only think about stealing books, swimming in the lake and spying on the local hottie

The play starts with village life, two young girls dancing in the rain, and the plot develops around partition rumours, as Mountbatten arrives to divide India When Naz is betrothed to a tailor in Rawalpindi and her feelings for Santi become complex and confusing, the girls reach cross-roads with terrible consequence

The social unrest spreads and families and

communities are torn apart, neither understands how their religions are set to divide them, having lived side-by-side all their lives The plot contributes to a conversation about postcolonial legacy whilst giving a fresh perspective on female friendship, coming of age and coming out

The play ends with memories of two girlfriends separated forever, as they tearfully remember each other in their everyday chores and new life

Santi played by mixedorigin Aiyana Bartlett is a natural A graduate of Oxford School of Drama,

she has grown up in UAE and UK Playwright and author Farah Ashraf who played the role of Naz, is a queer, British Pakistani actor, writer and spoken word artist

Both actors poured their heart and soul into playing their characters effortlessly, but Farah often comes across too loud and shouty, startling the audience The production is by The Thelmas, a female-led touring company who explore social, political and cultural stories in a fresh and surprising way and is written by Guleraana Mir and Afshan d’souza-Lodhi

UK-India ties shine through cinema at India House event

In d i a H o u se i n L o n d o n hosted the 'Spirit of Indian Cinem a and Sports' film festi v al , ai m i ng to h i g h l i g h t cinema's role in strengthening UK-India ties The High Com mission p lans to m ake it a reg ular ev ent

Doraiswami launched a film series featuring Bollywood hits like ‘83’, ‘Dangal’, and ‘Chak De! India’ He emphasised film as a key connector between India and the UK, noting the natural synergy between the UK's expertise in studios, animation, and

through film and the creative industries

Award-winning bollywood singer brings soulful tour to UK

Bo ll yw o o d s in g er S u m ee t Tap poo, fresh off winning tw o p res ti g i o u s I nd ia n music award s, w ill perform fo u r UK c o nc e rts t h is Fe br u ary in L o nd o n, Leicester, Birmingham, and Hertford shire Sumeet Tappoo, a soulf u l M u m b a i - b a s e d s i n g e r , has recorded over 70 albums a n d s i n g l e s , i n c l u d i n g a recent album ‘Legacy’ with Anup Jalota The lead track, ‘Chaturang’, has over three m i l l i o n Y o u T u b e v i e w s With more than 1,100 global performances across countries like India, Fiji, the USA, and Australia, Tappoo has earned numerous accolades, including two 2024 CLEF awards for Artist of the Year (Ghazal) and Song of the Year for ‘Bachpan Ke Din’

and Centres

Rupa Mahadevan discusses about her book ‘The Goddess of Death’
Indian High Commissioner to
Sumeet Tappoo
Rupa Mahadevan

Chandni Vora on overcoming challenges and creating lasting change

Anusha Singh

Chand ni Vora stands out as a trailblasing lead er in the

Vascro ft Contractors L td

This principal contracting business specialises in

c o n s t

ment, engineering, joinery, and fit-out services across diverse sectors With over 26 years of experience, Vora brings expertise in finance, c o m m e

systems, and change management, fostering innova-


within the industry

entrepreneurial community as an advisor to E2E, an organisation that connects

a n d s u p p o

s entrepreneurs She is also a voluntary UK board member of the Women’s Indian C h a m b e

C o m m

a n d I n d u s t r y

, advocating for women and I

sustainability through her involvement with the City of London Livery, where she serves on the Climate

A c t i o n C o m m

m e n t o r s a s p i r i n g p r o f e ssionals through the climate scholarship program

Her philanthropic cont r i b u t i o n s a r e e q u

y impressive Vora has raised thousands of pounds for charity by participating in endurance challenges such as triathlons and long-distance cycling She serves as


n U K , which promotes sports participation among minority ethnic groups, and for the V a s c r o f t F o u n d a t i o n U K , supporting global humanitarian causes In recogni-

t i o n o f h e r o u t s t a n d i n g contributions to business and charity, Vora was honoured with an MBE in the New Year’s Honours List 2025 Lead ersh ip with purpose

As COO, Vora champions empowerment and coll a b o r a t i o n “ L e a d e r s h i p isn’t about knowing everything; it’s about creating an environment where others can thrive,” she shares Her

a p p r o a c h e m p h a s i s e s

e n c o u r a g i n g o w n e r s h i p and accountability, which fosters innovation

Her diverse professiona l b a c k g r o u n d s p a n s finance, engineering, and telecommunications, equipping her with skills in project management and process improvement While working in a male-domin a t e d i n d u s t r y , s h e

a c k n o w l e d g e s

Vora notes the progress made in addressing gender inequality within construct i o n “ T h e i n d u s t r y i s changing for the better, and t h e n e x t g e

have more opportunities,” s

leadership, fostering inclusive environments

Mentorship has been a cornerstone of her journey “I’ve been fortunate to have inspiring female mentors who taught me to navigate challenges Their guidance has shaped my leadership style,” Vora reflects


giving back

C h a n d n i ’ s j o u r n e y i s d e e p l y p e r s o n a l , i n

twined with her roles as a mother and a community leader As a diabetic, she prioritises health to ensure s

daughters Inspired by her mother’s untimely passing,

“Leadership isn’t about knowing everything; it’s about creating an environment where others can thrive”

she strives to lead a balanced life

Her passion for cycling began with the London to Brighton ride in 2012 for t h e R

, s u pporting families of terminally ill children This event sparked a deeper commitment to charitable causes, including participating in a

British Asian Trust in 2021

completed a 2,500 km autorickshaw drive across India for Sewa UK, alongside 108

for humanitarian projects

As a life member and volunteer for SKLPC UK, she completed the Three Peaks Challenge over three years, helping raise funds for the India Gardens pro-

itage is central to her identity and leadership Fluent in Hindi and Gujarati, she maintains strong ties to her

tradition she has passed on to her daughters “It’s about staying connected to where you came from and honouring the resilience of our forefathers who made the UK their home,” she says Rising above challenges

dominated industry has not

Early in her career, Vora often found herself as the

meetings, working alongside colleagues far senior to her “It was a different time I spent a lot of time listening to understand the ratio-

she recalls

instances of disrespect but chose to address such situat

“Instead of reacting in the moment, I used the right channels to resolve issues It taught me resilience and

explains Vora is a strong advocate for blind recruitment

purely on ability, free from

fairer and more inclusive,” she asserts Inspi rin g the ne xt ge neration

Receiving an MBE was a deeply humbling experience for Vora “I was taken

often given to extraordinary change-makers To be recognised among them is an honour,” she says The

strongly within her com-

‘You’ve paved the way for the daughters of Gujarat and Kutch ’ That acknowl-

touching,” she shares

Her advice to aspiring leaders is grounded in per-

support your growth The climb may be long, but with

mindset, you can overcome obstacles,” she advises For Vora, leadership is about creating a sense of shared purpose “Together, we can achieve so much more Embrace challenges a

and always strive to lift others along the way, ” she concludes

sional achievements,

Afghan refugee’s daughter becomes trailblazer in education and human rights

Gu rv i n C h o p ra , 23 , m ad e histo ry as the first person in her family to read and write, cu lm i nati ng in h er rec ent grad uation with a m aster’s degree in hu man righ ts law from Bristol University

In her keynote speech to 1,000 graduates, she reflected on the power of educat i o n , p a r t i c u

s a woman from Afghanistan, where women and girls are denied such rights Chopra’s parents, Jaspal and Waryam, fled Afghanistan’s Taliban regime in 2000 due to religious persecution faced by the Sikh community

H e r f a t h e

, f o r c e d t o work as a child in Kabul and wear a yellow armband to mark his identity, and her mother, denied an educat i o n i n J a

sised the value of learning for their children Despite their lack of formal educat i o n , t h e y e n c o u r a g e d Chopra and her siblings to excel academically

G r o w i n g u p i n W e s t London, Chopra supported her family by reading their mail and completing forms, o f t e n a c t i n g a s a b r i d g e between them and British society At ten years old, she d i s c o v e r e d h e r f a m i l y ’ s

passports “They wanted to shield us and ensure we felt no shame or ostracisation as immigrants,” she said


was awarded a bursary and b e c a m e a c t i v e i n s t u d e n t leadership, campaigning for wider access to postgraduate education She also founded the Beathard Project, a just i c e

miscarriages of justice in the United States, and volunteered at the university’s law clinic

During her studies, she f o u n d e d t h e T a y l o r S w i f t

served as a student union officer She plans to continue her advocacy through the Beathard Project and pursue a career as a human rights solicitor, with aspirations of w o r k i n



h e United Nations S p e a k i n g

u t h e r achievements, Chopra said: “In Afghanistan, women and girls are denied the right to be seen, heard, or educated M y j

education and the privilege it brings It’s a responsibility to ensure these opportunities are available to all ”


c h a llenges she has faced “I had to prove myself more than o t h

m o r e resilient,” she explains

Chandni Vora exemplifies

pose-driven leadership can create

lasting impact

Chandni Vora MBE
Gurvin with her parents Jaspal and Waryam Chopra

Empireworld: Britain and India are products of shared history

In an exclu siv e interv iew with A sian Vo ice, Sathnam

S an g h er a d i sc u s se s h i s

g r ou n d - br eak i ng bo o k ,

ex p lo r in g th e en d u ri ng

g l o bal l eg ac i es o f th e

British Empire and its profound impact on m odern history and id entity

C hoosing th e world of ‘ Empirew orld’

In three years of writing the book, Sathnam had the whole globe to choose which countries he would

c o v e r w h i l e w o r k i n g o n

‘Empireworld’ Describing how he shortlisted the key countries, he said, “I went to India, as it was always part of my plan, being such

a n i m p o r t a n t c o u n t r y t o include I also felt it was crucial to visit Africa, so I chose Nigeria because of its significant role in

t h e I m p e r i a l s t o r y Additionally, I needed to explore the history of

I n d i a n i n d e n t u r e d l a b o u r , a s t o r y t h a t remains poorly under-

s t o o d , e v e n i n I n d i a

For this, I had to decide

b e t w e e n G u y a n a a n d Mauritius While I ini-

t i a l l y c o n s i d e r e d

G u y a n a , I u l t i m a t e l y chose Mauritius ” Changing names from the colonial era The first chapter of t h e ‘ E m p i r e w o r l d ’ v i v i d l y m e n t i o n s h o w the Indian government has been rapidly changing

White Saviours

One of the most strikingly important chapters in t h e b o o k i s ‘ W h i t e Saviours’ Elaborating on it, Sanghera said, “Not many people seem to want to discuss it, but I think the issue h a s c o m e b a c k i n t o t h e public eye In America and

embraced each other culture “It’s like trying to take a n e g g o u t o f a b a k e d cake you just can’t When you ’ re in Britain or India, y o u ’ r e a p r o d u c t o f o u r s h a r e d h i s t o

’t simply remove parts o

uncomfortable It’s complicated, isn’t it? I often think

book He explains how, in the 1920s, an Indian might have a terrible experience

entry to a building because of their skin colour but later in the day, they might receive help from an imperial officer, perhaps resolving a dispute with a neigh-

t h e n a m e s o f t h e c i t i e s

f r o m t h e c o l o n i a l e r a t o names more rooted in the soil Commenting on that, Sanghera said, “It's interesting how many parts of the world are named after British places, a fact that

o f t e n g o e s u n n o t i c e d b y British people This topic has resurfaced recently, as

D o n a l d T r u m p h a s p r oposed renaming the Gulf of

M e x i c o t o t h e G u l f o f

A m e r i c a M a n y o f h i s actions seem to mirror the

B r i t i s h E m p i r e , f r o m

t h r e a t e n i n g t o i n v a d e Greenland and Canada to discussing the removal of c i t i z e n s h i p r i g h t s f o r Native American communities Even his ambition to plant a flag on Mars feels like a supercharged version of the British Empire Place

n a m e s a r e a s i g n i f i c a n t aspect of this, and there’s

f a s c i n a t i n g w o r k b e i n g done around renaming, not only in India but also in countries like Australia and Canada However, it poses

c h a l l e n g e s , e s p e c i a l l y f o r

t h o s e o f u s w h o s p e a k

E n g l i s h o r I n d i a n l a nguages, as some of the new names in places like South Africa and Canada can be q u i t e d i f f i c u l t t o p r onounce ”

Britain, especially with figu r e s l i k e D o n a l d T r u m p and Elon Musk, there’s a g r o w i n g c o n v e r s a t i o n about the rise of a new farr i g h t , r a c i s t a t m o s p h e r e E l o n M u s k , b e i n g S o u t h A f r i c a n , i s p a r t o f t h i s d y n a m i c , w i t h r a c i s t s i n America collaborating with counterparts in Britain and Australia Many frame this as a new phenomenon, but as you’ll see from the chapter, it was already happeni n g i n t h e 1 9 t h c e n t u r y B a c k t h e n , l e a d e r s a n d intellectuals from America, Australia, South Africa, and B r i t a i n w e r e c o a l e s c i n g , exchanging racist policies, a n d f i n d i n g w a y s t o e x c l u d e A s i a n m i g r a n t s , s u c h a s t h r o u g h l i t e r a c y tests or opposing Japan’s request for racial equality

d u r i n g t h e T r e a t y o f Versailles This isn’t new; it’s a continuation of what was already an obsession in the 19th century People of that era were even more fixated on race and racism than we are now it domi-

n a t e d t h e i r d i s c u s s i o n s W h a t w e ’ r e w i t n e s s i n g t o d a y i s s i m p l y h i s t o r y repeating itself ” P rod ucts of shared histo ry Inevitably both British a n d I n d i a n s s t i l l s h a r e a common history and have

Historian urges Britain to return India's artefacts

A h i s to ri an h as p ro p o s ed th at Bri tain return lo oted ar ti fa c ts t o it s f o rm e r colonies as an alternative to paying vast reparations, foll ow in g an O xf am rep or t s u g g e st in g In d i a i s o w ed ov er £ 52 trillion fo r colo nial exploitation

meant different things at different times of the day, in different places, and to different people

The legacies of empire are deeply contradictory, and they continue to shape our lives in com-

Asian Voice

Wh y Britons m ust read ‘ Empirew orld’

must-read for those who would like to learn more

a b o u t t h e s h a r e d p a s t between Britain and India

Explaining the importance of this book, he said, “For me, the most striking issue is the narrative in Britain that suggests brown peop l e , b l a c k p e o p l e , a n d I

d i a n s o n

a r r i v e d recently since the 1950s and 60s and came uninvited, supposedly to take advantage of British hospitality This narrative comp l e t e l y i g n o r e s t h e d e e p , centuries-old relationships between Britain and India

“ T h e r e ’ s n o a c k n o w ledgement of the millions of Indians who fought in both W o r l d W a r s o r o f t h e immense wealth, culture, t e x t i l e s , s p i c e s , a n d f o o d that India contributed to s h a p i n g m o d e r n B r i t a i n Instead, the focus is solely on British Indians “fitting in” and assimilating, with n o r e c o g n i t i o n t h a t t h i s relationship is, in fact, a two-way exchange

“White English people should also make an effort to understand this shared h i s t o r y b e c a u s e i t ’ s t h e i r history too We’re here for a reason, and that’s why u n d e r s t a n d i n g B r i t i s h imperial history is so cruc i a l i t h e l p s b r i d g e t h e gaps in understanding and challenges these one-sided narratives ”

The report, Takers not Makers: The Unjust Poverty a n d U n e a r n e d W e a l t h o f Colonialism, advocates for Western nations to provide at least £4 trillion annually in reparations and “climate debt ” The staggering $64 82 trillion (£52 58 trillion) figure cited was calculated by Indian economists Utsa and Prabhat Patnaik The report c a l l s f o r r e p a r a t i o n s t o address historical injustices and a shift toward a more equitable global economic s y s t e m , a r g u

n g t h a t


wealthiest individuals, who benefited most, should bear

the cost

However, Indian historian and author Rana Safvi questioned the feasibility of such monetary reparations, highlighting the complexities of addressing historical w

they can actually return are

the artefacts, the jewellery,

ings all that has been loot-

India, but to other regions like Africa and Asia whose heritage fills Western museums

tary reparations as impractical but argued that repatriating looted artifacts is both necessary and achievable An Oxfam spokesperson acknowledged that calculating colonial reparations is complex but defended the r e p

w would dispute that Britain derived significant financial b

, particularly its colonisation of India, and that these bene

enriched the UK’s wealthiest at the time ”

Gen Z show more inclination towards spiritualism

A s t u d y h a s f o un d t h a t me mbe rs of Ge n Z, curre ntly in th eir te ens an d twen ties, a re far less lik ely to ide ntify a s at heists t han the ir pare nt s or g ra n dp a re n ts T he y ar e a l so m o r e i n cl in e d t o de scr ibe them se lv es as “spiri t u a l” c o m pa r e d t o ol d e r ge ne rat ion s This challenges the common belief that spirituality declines with each generation In fact, Generation X, aged 45 to 60, appears to be the least religious, with 25 percent identifying as atheists higher than the 20 percent recorded among over65s and those aged 25 to 44

Among the under-25s, only

1 3 p e r c e n t d e s c r i b e t h e mselves as atheists, while 62 percent of 18 to 24-year-olds consider themselves “ very ” or “fairly” spiritual

The survey was conducted by OnePoll and commiss i o n e d b y C h r i s t o p h e r Gasson who described the results as “gobsmacking” and speculated that they might i n d i c a t e a s p i r i t u a l r e s u rgence in Britain However, he also cautioned that while young people may be more spiritual, they remain disenchanted with organised religion, suggesting that church leaders may need to rethink their approach

The religious composition of Gen Z could partially explain their increased spirituality Among respondents under 25, 40 percent identified as Christian, 21 percent as Muslim, and 3 percent as Hindu In contrast, among those over 65, 69 percent came from Christian backgrounds, while less than 1 percent were from Muslim or Hindu backgrounds Additionally, interest in astrology appears to be rising among Gen Z, with a s u r g e i n

platforms like TikTok

'Slay' and 'kindness' named kids' words of the year

T he word slay has like ly a lrea dy ente red the lexicon of mo st a dults, making it a n unsurp rising ch oice for ch i ld r e n ’ s s la n g wo r d o f th e y ear

H o w e v e r , t e r m s l i k e skibidi and sigma remain largely unfamiliar to anyo n e o u t s i d e G e n e r a t i o n Alpha, leaving many teachers and parents scratching t h e i r h e a d s O x f o r d

U n i v e r s i t y P r e s s ( O U P ) surveyed over 3,000 children in the UK, aged six to 1 4 , t o f i n d o u t t h e i r favourite words, followed b y a f u r t h e r 2 , 0 0 0 c h i ldren

T h e r e s u l t ? K i n d n e s s topped the list as the children’s word of the year, followed by artificial intelligence and conflict Slay a term of approval-came next, followed by the slang w o r d s s i g m a ( m e a n i n g good or cool) and skibidi (meaning fun) Andrea Quincey, director of early years and primary publishing at OUP, noted that the selection of kindness as the word of the year reflects how import a n t e m p a t h y , t o l e r a n c e , and the language we use are to children today Bank of Mum and Dad come with ‘strings

Over half of youn g adults in the UK s ay that fina ncial support from their parents


Charles Russell Speechlys

The poll, conducted by Opinium among 2,000 Gen

ventures or signing cohabit

purchasing properties with partners

Nearly half of respondents reported feeling obligated to follow their parents’ guidance when buying a home, while 40% felt similarly about wedding planning and starting a family The

Sathnam Sanghera
Rana Safvi


The parade began after President

D r o u p a d

national flag, followed by a salute

General Bhavnish Kumar


In a rare moment, parade com-


Kumar participated in the parade alongside his son, Lt Ahan Kumar, who led the 61 Cavalry contingent on Kartavya Path The event featured thrilling stunts by daredevils, s

Indian Air Force, and concluded with a grand celebration following the national anthem

The 2025 Republic Day parade at Kartavya Path featured over 18 marching contingents, 31 vibrant tableaux, and around 5,000 performers

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Subianto, the Chief Guest, joined

march-past on Kartavya Path

T h e B e a t i n

Ceremony, held annually at Vijay Chowk on January 29, marks the conclusion of the Republic Day

c e l e b r a t i o n s T h e P r e s i d e n t , e s c o r t e d b y t h e ' P r e s i d e n t ' s

Bodyguards,' leads the event

T ableaux sho wcase Ind ia’s h eritage and progress

During the Republic Day, India showed its military might and cultural heritage in a confluence of ‘virasat’ and ‘vikas’

A tableau paid tribute to the sacrifices of armed forces veterans, while distinguished sports champions, including Honorary Captain

J i t u R a i , P a d m a S h r i S u b e d a r

Murlikant Petkar (inspiration for t h e f i l m ‘ C h a n d u C h a m p i o n ’ ) , Colonel Balbir Singh Kular, and o t h e r s , a d d e d t o t h e h o n o u r s Arjuna and Khel Ratna awardees were also in attendance, highlighting India's pride in its heroes

state’s cultural preservation and progress

T h e C e n t r a l P u b l i c W o r k s

Department’s flower tableau at the Republic Day parade marked the 7 5 t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f I n d i a ’ s

C o n

Ashoka Chakra, symbolising life in

movement, at the front and the Constitution at the back, it emphasised progress and vitality

T h e D e l h i g o v e r n m

tableau showcased the capital as a hub of research, education, and t e c h n o l o g y M a d h y a P r a d e s h ’ s

tableau celebrated the successful reintroduction of cheetahs at Kuno National Park, showcasing a pair with their cubs, the flowing Kuno

T h e U t t a r P r a d e s h t a b l e a u , t h

Vikas,” highlighted cultural heritage and progress Tableaus from the Ministry of Social Justice and

E m p o w e r m e n t a n d M i n i s t r y o f Tribal Affairs also stood out The f o r m e r f o c u s e d o n “ S w a r n i m Bharat: Virasat aur Vikas,” while t h e l a t

anniversary of tribal leader and reformer Lord Birsa Munda

A n d h r a P r a d e s h ’ s t a b l e a u s h o w c a s e d ‘ E t i k o p p a k a W o o d e n Toys’, a 400-year-old eco-friendly craft known for its vibrant, toxinf r e e d e s i g n s G u j a r a t ’ s t a b l e a u , “From Anartpur to Ektanagar: A


River, and thriving wildlife in the park's lush surroundings



senting musical traditions A kinetic ‘Kalpavriksha’ transforming into a ‘Golden Bird’ symbolised creativity, cultural heritage, and economic progress

M ilitary excellence stuns at p arad

might with elite marching conting

weapon systems, with Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto as the chief guest

In a first, a tri-services tableau symbolising "jointness" among the armed forces rolled down Kartavya

operation involving the Arjun battle tank, Tejas fighter aircraft, and Advanced Light Helicopter The

Ambassador Pradeep Rawat read-

President's speech In Sri Lanka, the Navy band performed Indian patriotic tunes,

between the nations Acting High

at the IPKF Memorial, honouring Indian soldiers who sacrificed for peace in Sri

Subianto witnessed a grand military parade and cultural performances A former defence minist

Secure India), highlighted India’s defence capabilities The Indian Naval tableau showcased

and India’s sea power


President Droupadi Murmu taking

Path in a traditional buggy, flanked

Indian President’s bodyguards PM Modi, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Union ministers, senior military officials, and foreign diplomats were among the spectators Ind onesian President Subianto joins India s grand Republic Day as ch ief guest

Indonesian President Prabowo S

Kartavya Path, becoming part of a select group of global leaders to grace the nation’s biggest ceremo-

decades His presence marked 75 years since Indonesia’s first presid

inaugural Republic Day in 1950 as the chief guest




n t Murmu, PM Modi, Union Cabinet members, and other dignitaries,

India’s Republic Day Arriving on a four-day state visit with a delegation of six cabinet ministers, senior officials, and a l a r g e b u

, Subianto was joined by a 352-member Indonesian marching and band c o n t i n g e n

m e Indonesia has participated in a foreign national day parade Indian Republic Day celebrated by diaspora I n d i a n s w o r l d w i d e m a r k e d Republic Day at their country's missions, where the national tricolour was unfurled In Beijing, the I

Constitution In the Philippines, Ambassador Harsh K Jain hoisted the national

address In Jakarta, Deputy Chief of Mission Bijay Selvaraj honoured Indian World War II martyrs at the Commonwealth War Memorial In

Bodwale led

flag hoisting ceremony for about 200 Indians

President Murmu reflects on India’s growth and legacy

President Drou pad i Murmu adv ocated for the One Nation One

E lec ti

nance, prev ent


Republic Day add ress


In her speech, she emphasised the government’s efforts to dis-

, pointing to the repeal of outdated British criminal laws The new laws – Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, B

Sanhita, and Bharatiya Sakshya Adhiniyam – aim to deliver justice, particularly for women and children affected by crimes Murmu underscored the significance of the One Nation One E l e c t i o n p l a n , s t a t i n g i t c o u l d ensure consistency in governance, reduce policy paralysis, and lower financial burdens She also highlighted the ongoing Maha Kumbh

India's rich civilizational heritage and its diverse linguistic landscape

Reflecting on India's progress since independence, she noted how the Constitution has become a living document, uniting the

transformation She praised the c o n t

labourers, noting that India's high growth rate has lifted many out of poverty while promoting inclusive growth M u r m u u r g e d c i t i z e n s t o remember the sacrifices of those who fought for India's freedom, h

anniversary of tribal leader Birsa Munda She credited figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and Babasaheb Ambedkar

for uniting the nation and reinforcing democratic values

women, noting that 60% of new teachers today are women She expressed hope that future generations, especially young women, would continue shaping India’s future The President called for r

o Mahatma Gandhi's ideals of truth, non-violence, and compassion for both people and nature

The President of India Smt Droupadi Murmu hosted “At Home” reception on the occasion of 76th Republic Day at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi
Glimpses of 76th Republic Day Parade at Kartavya Path
The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu, PM Modi and the President of Indonesia, Mr Prabowo Subianto
Glimpses of 76th Republic Day Parade at Kartavya Path
Gujarat s tableau displayed at Republic Day parade

Padma laureates: A legacy of dedication and service

The Padma Aw ards, one of India's highest civilian honours, are conferred in three c at egories: Padma Vib hushan, Padma Bhushan , and Padma Shri These awards recognise exceptional service in fields such as art , social w ork, public affairs, science, trade, medicin e, lit erature, sports, and civil service Padma Vibhushan is for exceptional service, Padma B hushan for distinguished service, and Padma Shri for notable service in any field The awards are ann ounced ann ual ly on the eve of R epublic Day

The list of awardees included 23 women and ten individuals from the categories of foreign nationals, NRIs, PIOs, and OCIs Additionally, at least 13 of the recipients were honoured posthumously Padma Vibhushan for ex-CJI Khehar, Osamu Suzuki, danseuse Kumudini

Former CJI Jagdish Singh Khehar, the first Sikh to have risen to the highest position in judiciary and who was part of the bench that criminalised ‘triple talaq’, and late chairman Osamu Suzuki, who brought about a passenger vehicle revolution in the country, were named for Padma Vibhushan, India's second highest civilian award The Padma Vibhushan list also features celebrated violinist L Subramaniam, Kathak danseuse from Gujarat Kumudini Lakhia, Bihari folk

singer late Sharda Sinha, gastroenterologist D Nageshwar Reddy and Malayalam author and film director M T Vasudevan Nair.

This year ’ s 139 Padma awards, includes seven Padma Vibhushan, 19 Padma Bhushan and 113 Padma Shri As many as 23 awardees are women, while 10 are foreigners, NRIs, PIO or overseas citizens of India (OCI)

A state-wise break shows 14 awardees from Maharashtra, 13 from Tamil Nadu, 10 from UP, nine each from Bengal and Karnataka and eight from Gujarat

The Padma Bhushan has a diverse cast, from the oncefiery VHP leader Sadhvi Rithambara who is now a social worker and runs an ashram for girls at Vrinadavan, to former Maharashtra CM and Shiv Sena leader Manohar Joshi, Bibek Debroy, who headed the economic advisory council to PM and Chandrakant Sompura,

Eight from Gujarat honoured with Padma awards

Eight indiv idual s fro m Gujar at were h onoured with Padma awards K ath ak exp onent Ku mudini Lakh ia fr om Ahmedabad received the Padma V ibhushan f or h er contribu tio ns t o perf orming ar ts, wh il e P ankaj Patel, fo under and chair man o f Zydus G roup , was awarded the Padma Bh ush an f or his contribu tio ns t o tr ade and industry

Lakhia, 94, says, “The work of decades has found its result in this award I am happy that we have brought Indian dance to the new generation ” Patel dedicated his award to the pharmacists and researchers of the Indian pharmaceutical industry, stating, “Over the years we made India self-reliant in medicines with collective hard work and dedication The future of Indian pharma is bright ” Chandrakant Sompura, 82, architect of the Ram Temple at Ayodhya, expressed his gratitude, noting his family’s eight-generation legacy in architecture “My grandfather Prabhashankar Sompura was also a recipient of the Padma Shri in 1973 ” Ratan Parimoo, a nonagenarian artist and art historian, felt honoured for his contributions to art, art education, and museums “I will continue to contribute with renewed zeal and inspire the younger generation of Indian

artists ” Suresh Soni, founder of Sabarkanthabased Sahyog Trust, was recognised for his work with leprosy patients and those with disabilities His son said that despite his father’s ill health, he was elated by the recognition “We hope this motivates others to work for leprosy-affected people,” he said Poet Tushar Shukla, awarded the Padma Shri, said, “My work in the digital space kept me connected to the young generation and new ideas ” Other Padma Shri recipients include Chandrakant Sheth, a poet and critic known for his literary activities and translation work, and Lavji Parmar, a weaving maestro recognised for his dedication to the 700-year-old Tangaliya art

the original architect of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya

Film personality Shekhar Kapur, Malayalam actress Shobhana, ghazal singer Pankaj Udhas, former hockey player and coach P R Sreejesh, film actors Anant Nag and Nandamur Balakrishna, former Bihar deputy CM late Sushil Modi, Zydus Lifesciences Chairman Pankaj Patel and journalists A Surya Prakash and Rambahadur Rai have also been conferred the Padma Bhushan

The Padma Shri list, like the past few years under the Modi government, is a rich mix of accomplished celebrities in their field and unsung heroes, including foreigners, who have dedicated their lives to preserving and promoting Indian culture, tradition, innovative farming techniques and alternative healthcare The list includes Libia Lobo Sardesai, a key figure in Goa’s freedom movement who cofounded the underground radio station ‘Voz da Liberdade’ in 1955 Gokul Chandra Dey, a 57-year-old Dhak player from West Bengal, challenged gender norms by training 150 women in the male-dominated field Sally Holkar, 82, revitalised the Maheshwari craft and founded a handloom

school in Madhya Pradesh

Other honourees include wildlife researcher Maruti Bhujangrao Chitampalli, bhajan singer Batool Begum, and puppeteer Bhimavva Doddabalappa Shillekyathara

Additional awardees include Tangaliya weaver Lavjibhai Nagjibhai, oncologist Vijayalakshmi Deshamane, and forest conservationist Chaitram Devchand Pawar Tribal musician Pandi Ram Mandavi, social activist Radha Bahin Bhatt, and folk preservationist Joynacharan Bathari were also recognised for their contributions Other prominent awardees also includes Arijit Singh, Arundhati Bhattacharya, Gita Upadhyay, Ajay V Bhatt, Chetan E Chitnis, Stephen Knapp, Nitin Nohria, R Ashwin, Ricky Gyan Kej and more

Shri Rambahadur Rai
Arjit Singh
Libia Lobo Sardesai
L to R: Kumudini Lakhia, Pankaj Patel, Chandrakant Sheth and Chandrakant Sompura
L to R: Lavji Parmar Ratan Parimoo Suresh Soni and Tushar Shukla

Role of India’s constitution in global democracy

T h e I n d i an C o ns ti tu t io n

h o ld s i m m ens e si g n i fi -

ca nc e, es p e ci al ly o n Republic Day, as it marks

th e d ay I nd i a f o rm al ly ad op ted its C ons titu tio n,

tra ns fo r m i ng t h e n at io n into a sov ereig n rep ublic Drafted with the vision

o f j u s t i c e , e q u a l i t y , a n d

d e m o c r a c y , t h e Constitution serves as the cornerstone of India’s gov-

e r n a n c e , p r o t e c t i n g t h e rights and freedoms of its citizens Republic Day celebrates not only the country’s independence but also

t h e e n d u r i n g p r i n c i p l e s that guide its democratic fabric

As India continues to e v o l v e , t h e C o n s t i t u t i o n remains a living document that adapts to the changing needs of society, upholding the values of unity, secularism, and inclusive progress for all citizens

A radhya Seth ia, a Ph D candidate and Cambridge International Scholar at the University of Cambridge, emphasised the global significance of Republic Day,

s t a t i n g , “ R e p u b l i c D a y

m a r k s t h e a d o p t i o n o f I n d i a ’ s C o n s t i t u t i o n a n d the beginning of its journey as an independent democracy This moment is not only pivotal for India but for the world, as it represents the birth of a republic where over a billion people have the power to shape their future India’s constitutional democracy is one of the most courageous and remarkable experiments in modern history ”

He further added, “As t h e I n d i a n C o n s t i t u t i o n c e l e b r a t e s 7 5 y e

enduring success is a beacon of democracy India’s

transformation from colo-

challenges of illiteracy and p

g story for the world The courage and determination it took to democratise such a d i v e

success is due to both its design and the will of the people to protect it ”

Aradhya offered advice to the younger generation, noting, “The younger generation in both India and the UK share strong ties, not just through history, but also in various fields today A key connection is in the legal and constitutional frameworks While

UK, like the parliamentary system and electoral processes, it has adapted them to fit India’s unique con-

these systems operate dif-

India offers a compelling example of how the UK's

Constitution enshrines values like democracy, human rights, and the abolition of outdated titles, it’s not just a document on paper It provides the legal framework for government, citizens' rights, and the count

the best Constitution can fail if not upheld by good people and political parties ” He added, “The success of the Constitution lies in i t s f l e x i b i l i t y , a l l o w i n g future amendments, and in t h e c o m m i t m e n t o f t h e Indian people and politicians to uphold it While Indian politics is often criticised, the fact remains that the Constitution has been l a r g e l y r e s p e c t e d , a r a r e achievement in history Its

was adapted in a completely new setting While the structures may be similar, the outcomes and experiences are shaped by cultural and societal differences ” He continued, “This is a fascinating case for anyone interested in how laws and constitutions interact with societies For those in the UK keen on India's politics and Constitution, it shows how two countries can share a framework but

India’s Independence Day,

marks the end of colonial rule, but Republic Day is about India’s decision to chart its own course That

years after independence,


India House hosts Republic Day celebration with music and performances

T h e Hi gh C o m m iss

brought together dignitaries and guests to honour the country's cultural heritage and democratic values


The 30 winners of the Bharat Ko Janiye Quiz were honoured with certificates by the High Commissioner The event featured patriotic music, with performances by Shradha Mishra, Parvathi

Richa Srivastava It concluded with an informal gathering where guests enjoyed Indian delicacies A

p o f Khalistani protesters gathered opposite India House with separatist banners In response, members of the Indian diaspora waved

106 islands join Gujarat's R-Day fete

Gujarat's Republic Day celebrations w ere h eld in Tapi district, with Gov ernor A ch arya Dev vrat unfurling the national flag in the presence of ch ief minister Bhupendra Patel A go vernment statement said that flag unfurling ceremonies were also held in all d istricts and at 10 6 islands off the Guj arat coast Gujarat Police, Indian

Coast Guard, Border Security Force and forest department personnel participated in the events held at the islands, which included Pirotan and Aliya Beyt The statement added this was the first time that the functions were held at these many islands in the state Meanwhile, educational institutions in the city and Gandhinagar marked Republic Day with

lectures and competitions on the theme of patriotism and conducted cleanliness drives Many Ahmedabadbased residential societies and civil society organisations also celebrated the day with rallies, music events and competitions A special prayer meeting was organised at Sabarmati Ashram

S Jaishankar takes Viksit Bharat message to UAE

I nd ia s E x t

r n al Af f a ir s M inist er S Jaishankar delive

f o r m a k i n g

Bharat" by 2047


Republ ic Day celeb rations in Abu Dhabi where he highl ighted India's aim to become "V iksit Bharat" by 2 047 and the str ides whic h the country has taken in this dire ction He tha nked the UAE whic h has been a "true friend" of India and remarked t hat the Republ ic Day celeb rations in UAE become "onl y natural" as it is being cel ebrated "with g oo d f r ie n d s an d t r u st e d partners"

In his speech, he reiterated the Prime Minister's call

have embarked on that quest with strong conviction it is because in the last decade we have witnessed achievements which tell us what is possible

S u s t a i n e d g r o w t h r a t e s , embraced digital technology, building modern infrastructure, strengthening human s k i l l s a n d i m p r o v i n g t h e q u a


J a i s h a n k a r a l s o u n d e r

key sectors like food, health,

manufacturing, and energy security

ties, Jaishankar said, "This v e r y d

flowering of our ties with t h e U

impressive, guided as they are by the joint vision of M

Zayed Al Nahyan" I n

, Jaishankar highlighted the

milestones in the India-UAE relationship

Successful celebration of India's Republic day

I nd i a 's Re p u bl ic D ay w as c el ebr ate d w it h a v i b ran t cultural show org anised by th e s o c ie ty o n S at u rd a y, 2 4 th J an u ary 20 25

D i g ni ta ri es i n a tte nd a nc e i nc lu d ed th e M ayo r o f

P re s to n, C o u nc i llo r P h i l

C r o w e; C h ai rm a n o f t h e C ounty Cou ncil, C ouncillor

T i m A sh t o n; C o u n ci ll o r Na w eed a K h an ; M r A n d y Pratt; and Mr Nilam Karia

A total of 104 participants took part in the twoh o u r e v e n t , f e a t u r i n g shlokas by young children, d r a m a b y G u j a r a t i s c h o o l students, and classical and Bollywood dances by children attending the centre's c l a s s e s P r e s i d e n t Dashrathbhai welcomed the g u e s t s w i t h g a r l a n d s a n d

highlighted India’s progress over the past decade in a brief speech The mayor and chairman commended the centre’s efforts in preserving cultural heritage and fostering ties with India Over 400 a t t e n d e e s e n j o y e d t h e v i

, appreciating the dedication of participants and the GHS management The celebrations of flag-hoisting cerem

o n Sunday, 26th January 2025, at 6:30 PM

Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan

adorned with tricolour

On the occasion of India's Republic Day, Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan was adorned with the tricolor at the Shri Swaminarayan Temple - Kumkum - in London Devotees gathered in large numbers to partake in this sacred darshan. The event was marked by a spiritual atmosphere, with Dhun, Dhyan, and Bhajan Kirtan performed in the Ravi Sabha, creating a truly divine experience for all in attendance

Aradhya Sethia
From left Ishwerbhai vice president chairman of Lancashire county council Mr Tim Ashton his worshipful the mayor Cllr Phil Crowe Mayorees Dashrathbhai President Gujarati school children with teachers certificate presentation

The Zoroastrian legacy in the UK

As India celebrates its 76th Republic Day, it is essential to recognise the communities that embody the nation's diversity While the Parsi community may not have its origins in India, it is an integral part of the country's cultural fabric. Here, we take a glimpse into the community's journey in the UK and how they have made it their home.

Anusha Singh

Zoroastrians have a long and rich history in the United Kingdom, with the community being one of the oldestestablished outside of Iran and the Indian Subcontinent.

The first recorded arrival of a Parsi

Z o r o a s t r i a n , N a v r o j i R u s t o m j i S e t h , dates back to 1724, marking the beginning of a significant diaspora Over the years, the community has flourished, contributing to various sectors while preserving their faith and culture

T h e f o r m a l i s a t i o n o f t h e

Zoroastrian presence in the UK began in 1861, when Seth Muncherji Hormusji Cama, a senior partner of the first Indian mercantile firm in London, proposed establishing a religious fund for Zoroastrians in Europe This initiative was supported by key figures like Dr Dadabhai Naoroji, India’s first Member of Parliament in the UK, and led to the creation of the European Zoroastrian Association

In its early days, the community numbered only around 50 members, but with the support of influential patrons such as Ardeshirji Khurshedji Wadia and Dr Naoroji, the association laid the groundwork for a vibrant community

Thriving in the modern world

Today, the Zoroastrian community in the UK has made significant strides, not only preserving their religious and c u l t u r a l i d e n t i t y b u t a l s o m a k i n g notable contributions across a wide range of sectors, from business, armed forces and politics to the arts and civil service

Mal colm Deboo, currently the 2 6th ele cted pres ident of Zoroastrian Trust Fund s of E urope (Z TFE) , feels that coming to a new country, starting over, and achieving a decent standard of living through hard work has been a significant accomplishment for many in the community He said, “We have made sure our children were educated, and now many of them, as adults, have been very successful in careers across both the public and private sectors

“These individuals have overcome obstacles, including facing racism, but we have managed to progress ”

One such individual is Lord Karan B il im o ri a , a B r it i s h I nd ia n entrepreneur, m ember of the Hous e of Lords , and f or mer Chancel lor of the Univer sity of Birm ingham , who, in a conversation with Asian Voice shared his love for his culture and community He said, “I’m very proud to be part of the Zoroastrian

P a r s i c o m m u n i t y , o n e o f t h e

s m a l l e s t c o m m u n i t i e s i n t h e world, with only about 100,000 people globally and 5,000 in the U K A s a p a t r o n o f t h e

Z o r o a s t r i a n T r u s t F u n d s o f Europe, I work to preserve and promote our heritage

“ T h e P a r s i c o m m u n i t y i s known for its integrity and excel-

l e n c e W h e n I m e t N a r a y a n a Murthy of Infosys, his first words to me were, ‘I’ve never met a bad Parsi ’

Destination for affordable healthcare and spiritual wellness

This reputation stems from our values

a n d o u r a n c i e n t r e l i g i o n , Zoroastrianism, which dates back to 1 5 0 0 B C a n d h a s i n f l u e n c e d m a n y major world religions

“For me, the late Ratan Tata, a proud Parsi, exemplified these values ”

a n

Sa r o sh Za i wa l l a , S en i or P ar t n e r

firm, is

n a t i o n a

another community member who has done extremely well for himself He established his renowned law firm in 1982, carving a niche in the highly competitive legal landscape of the City of London His career, spanning over 1 2 0 0 i n t

t r a t i o n s , h a s seen him represent prestigious clients such as the President of India, China National Petroleum Corporation, Bank Mellat, and NIDC of Iran

His father’s inspiration and the influence of Parsi values has been a cornerstone of Zaiwalla’s approach to both life and philanthropy "Having principles and values in life is essential," he reflects "Courage is

Challenges and awareness

unknown to the wider public being “under the radar”, a challenge many

through education and outreach Z

themselves Deboo notes, “When we say we are Zoroastrians, people often ask, ‘What is that?’” This challenge is compounded by the fact that even famous

y Freddie Mercury, who was born into a Zoroastrian family, are often not recognised as part of the commu-

India is becoming a global hub for both medical and spiritual tourism, attracting millions of visitors seeking top-tier healthcare and spiritual rejuvenation With its rich history, diverse culture, and affordable healthcare options, India offers a unique blend of medical treatments and spiritual healing, providing a holistic experience for the body, mind, and soul.

Medical tourism in India has grown significantly due to its strong healthcare infrastructure, skilled professionals, a

also crucial When I started my firm, many doubted that a business run by a Parsi in the heart of London would succeed But I was determined to prove that quality cases could be handled with integrity, without disrupting the existing systems in place " Charity has always been at the h

reflected in the Zoroastrian principle of giving and Zaiwalla’s philanthropic endeavours are deeply rooted in these

values He established the Ratanshaw

College, in memory of his late father


Indian student pursuing postgraduate studies, continuing the family’s legacy of education and community support "The scholarship has been running for a few years now It’s a way for me to give back to the community and help future generations of scholars "

nity, many unfamiliar with their history and the contributions they’ve made T h e Z o r

a s historically faced extreme persecution in various countries, including Iran and Afghanistan Even today Zoroastrians continue to incur severe prejudice and are officially second class citizens in Iran, Pakistan, and many countries in t h i

despite these challenges, they have continued to contribute to society In India, where they have been warmly welcomed, Zoroastrians have played an integral role in the nation’s growth In the UK, they have similarly prospered, contributing to sectors such as business, the armed forces, and the civil service

Z o r o a s t r i a n s t a k e p r i d e i n t h e i r ability to maintain their identity while also giving back to the nations they live in, including the UK, which has provided them with opportunities for success Commitment to giving back D e b o o e m p h a s i s e s t h a t t h e Zoroastrian community is proud to be British and that their contributions are rooted in a deep sense of belonging to the UK

“We all have a responsibility to appreciate what this country has allowed us to do and achieve,” he asserts The community continues to give back in various ways from politics and the civil service to private sector enterprises acknowledging the opportunities the UK has provided them “We should c o n t i n u e t o g i v e b a c k t o t h e nation, ensuring that we help build a better future for everyone ” Sarosh Zaiwalla adds to the giving sentiment stating, “Despite being a small community of around 150,000 to 160,000 worldwide, the Parsi community has made an outsized impact "Look at the businesses in India, like Godrej, TATA and many others For such a small community, their contrib u t i o n s h a v e b e e n e x t r a o r d i n a r y A company led by Dr Cyrus Poonawalla and his son Adar Poonawalla was even responsible for arranging the COVID vaccine "

countries like the US, UK, and Europe, many international patients turn to India for high-quality treatments at a fraction of the cost

Marengo CIMS Hospital Ahmedabad, stated, India is rapidly

affordable costs, high-quality care, and short waiting times

The country boasts a pool of highly skilled doctors and nurses, ensuring excellent medical services across various specialties With treatment costs significantly lower than those in Western countries, India has become an attractive destination for patients worldwide Beyond conventional medical care, India also offers holistic options like Ayurveda, yoga, and traditional medicine Key sectors driving medical tourism include cardiovascular care, orthopaedic procedures such as joint replacements and spinal surgeries, advanced cancer treatments including surgery, chemotherapy, and r a d

program, with successful kidney, liver, and heart transplants "

international patients to India for cancer treatment He explains, “Clinically, accredited hospitals and specialised c

oncologists are crucial Financially, competitive pricing, transparent costs, and bundled packages make treatment more affordable than in Western countries Convenience is also a key factor, with easy travel, language support, and c

Additionally, stringent safety protocols and regular quality assurance maintain high care standards, with a patientcentric focus on comfort and well-being These factors make India an attractive destination for affordable, high-quality cancer treatment

renowned for its ancient healing practices like Ayurveda, yoga, and naturopathy, which have become integral to medical tourism

Spiritual tourism in India

Many international patients visit India for Ayurveda treatments and yoga therapy, often as part of wellness retreats aimed at restoring balance and health Spiritual tourism complements this journey, with many medical tourists combining treatments with spiritual experiences for holistic healing

Spiritual tourism in India is deeply rooted in the country's cultural and religious practices, with sacred sites, temples, ashrams, and pilgrimage destinations attracting millions of travellers seeking peace, solace, and personal transformation India is home to some of the world's most f

V a

a n a s i , Rishikesh, and the Golden Temple in Amritsar These sites are revered for their spiritual significance and provide an environment for deep reflection, prayer, and meditation Rishikesh, often called the "Yoga Capital of the World," d r a

seekers who come to study under world-renowned gurus or take part in meditation and yoga retreats along the banks of the Ganges River

In India, the spiritual journey is as vital as the physical one for many medical tourists After treatments, visitors often seek solace at sacred temples and holy sites, using prayer, meditation, and connection to the divine to promote mental and emotional healing


increasingly recognised in India as a way to provide

holistic experience that combines physical treatment with

international visitors to experience a complete healing journey, one that addresses not only their medical needs but also nurtures their spiritual well-being For many, India offers the perfect destination to heal on all levels physically, mentally, and spiritually

Sarosh Zaiwalla
Lord Karan Bilimoria
Malcolm Deboo
Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe (ZTFE)
Dr Bhavesh Parekh

Long live India-UK Partnership

Dhiren Katwa

India’s future is even brighter. This was a loud and clear message conveyed by speakers at a grand reception hosted by Dr Venkatachalam Murugan, India’s highestranking diplomat in the Midlands, to mark the country’s 76th Republic Day

Scores of people from all

, was the only VVIP to speak without a script The Mayor of the West Midlands was absent as were all Midland

diversity attended this function held last Sunday (26 Jan) at Birmingham Council


The round-table event began with, as per Indian tradition, a lamp lighting

c e r e m o n y T h e s a r i - c l a d compere, Anju, announced

t h a t t h e I n d

a n d U K national anthems would be sung But due to technical issues, the latter was inadvertently overlooked

Each of the seven VVIPs, a l l m e n , b


Coventry, were felicitated

w i t h a s i l k s h a w l T h e y were: Derrick Anderson and S i m o n F o s t e r , W e s t Midlands’ Lord-Lieutenant

a n d P o l i c e a n d C r i m e Commissioner, respectively, Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Cllr Ken Wood, Lord Kuldip

S a h o t a , M P f o r D e r b y

S o u t h B a g g y S h a n k e r

a n d t h e A s s i s t a n t

H i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r o f

B a n g l a d e s h , M o h a m m e d Alimuzzaman Derrick, who said, ‘the Indian community has added something spe-

MPs of Indian origin

Therapy and India Island

mance by Chloe and a vegetarian meal

One of the UK’s leading h e a l t

s , Professor Kiran Patel, was honoured for his outstand-

Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust as Chief

Celebrating India at Birmingham City Council

Medical Officer and consultant cardiologist, in March last year, after five years as Chief Medical Officer and Deputy CEO at University H

& Warwickshire Prior to that he spent six years as Medical Director for NHS England (West Midlands) In the voluntary sector, he has been

Foundation charity - which he founded in 1999 – since inception


Uganda’s Consul General in the Midlands, Jaffer Kapasi, C

Taj Bhatti, Nayaz Qazi from

Rajesh Bedi, members of the Yorkshire Sikh Forum, Dr

Bradford, Professor Pawan

Harmohinder Singh Bhatia, aka Upashak Ji and his son G

Tripathi, Sunny Gill, Rajiv

Udey Singh, Harjot Singh –to list just a few

Patriotic tunes at Nehru Centre

India is a wonder of the world


Freed om of thoug ht h as lo ng b ee n a co rnerstone of Indian ci v i l iz at io n , m ak i ng its people among the luckiest in the w orld


imposed prevailing orthodoxies, India has embraced independent thinking for tens of t

status quo, welcoming diverse ideas Even when belief in God was nearly universal, I

those of the Charvaka school, who rejected the idea of God Remarkably, agnostics and atheists are even included in India's sacred scriptures

In Western societies and Abrahamic religions, people grappling with gender

n accepted as part of society for thousands of y e a r s W h i l e I n d i a e m b r a c e d d i v e r s i t y , history shows stark contrasts elsewhere Hitler’s delusions of creating a "superior race" led to millions of deaths and the g e n o

conquistadors destroyed Mayan cities and

freedom and progress for centuries, with figures like Giordano Bruno and Galileo persecuted by the Church for their groundbreaking ideas about the cosmos, which challenged orthodoxy

The only space of freedom left for people living under such repression was to claim to be more pure than their coreligionists, hence sects claiming to be holding the supreme truth emerged The internecine bloodletting between them has impacted generations of people in Europe a n d t h e M i d d l e E a s t I n C h r i s t i a n i t y Protestants and Catholics have had huge battles over the centuries and in Islam, Shias and Sunnis have similar conflicts

In majority-Hindu India, freedom of thought allows Christians and Muslims to practice their faiths without persecution Hinduism, with its acceptance of diverse viewpoints, has avoided sectarian violence, even amid differing beliefs

The other nihilistic ideology which mercilessly destroyed millions of lives and c r e a t e d a h e l l o n t h e E a r t h w a s Marxist/Leninist Communist ideology In Russia, Stalin and Lenin killed millions of people who were considered the enemies of the state In China, Chairman Mao killed 60 million fellow country men and w o m e n R i g h t u p u n t i l t h e 1 9 6 0 s Communist ideology was considered as the most revolutionary ideology which would bring equality and end poverty forever Indeed, in most universities in the UK there were a huge number of lecturers and professors who absolutely believed that Communism and Socialism would be the final solution to create equality in the w o r l d P i t t e d a g a i n s t t h

Western Capitalist model For a long time

a nuclear war seemed imminent between these two ideologies China's Communist regime has stifled

freedom and controlling every aspect of life While praised for its economic and military power, the cost to its citizens liberty is immense

In contrast, India allowed Communist parties to operate democratically Unlike the McCarthy-era purges in the US, Indian Communists participated in elections and e v e n g o

However, over time, the people rejected the ideology, realising that while appealing on paper, Communism failed in practice, leaving it a relic of the past

On my recent visit to India I have observed at first-hand how Indians relish the freedoms they enjoy This is a country where you will find a crowded street with cars, motorbikes, rikshaws cows and a family of four or five on a scooter all jostling for space To top it you may even see a Jain religious procession complete with a music band Amongst all that chaos you may see an individual standing up and going flat on the ground and repeating this at every step He is slowly making his way towards a Mandir where his favourite deity resides No one bats an eyelid He is on his

country in which tens of thousands of naked Sadhus go about in their search of the ultimate truth Ever since I was young I have seen young boys and girls selling b a l l

continues today They stand with dignity and without any malice towards the very rich people whose children they hope to sell the toys to This is a country where a girl walks on a rope to earn a few rupees under the gaze of her father The building under which she is performing may house c

technology India today has women fighter pilots but there also women here who walk with a pot balancing on their heads

The ancient knowledge of arts and crafts remain very much alive The art of m

have been passed down from generation to generation

In an increasingly sanitised world the old treasures of knowledge is dying, but not in India Looking around the world m a n y c

b y fundamentalist ideologies The aspirations of people are extinguished Indians really are lucky to live in a free, open society which is not engulfed in violence In the seeming chaos of everyday life there is order 1 3 billion Indians, a vast n

languages, cultures, many different ethnic groups, many religions, and conflicting political ideologies -yet in spite of all of that Indians live freely and pursue their goals without fear There is a maze of layers after layers of Indian society These layers complement each other Within its huge diversity is unity Could it be that Indian s are high achievers because of this freedom of thought? India is indeed a wonder of the world

Slough Mandir marks Indian Republic Day with pride and

Hundreds gathered at Slough Hindu Mandir on Keel Drive over the weekend to celebrate India’s 76th Republic Day, a moment of unity and pride for the Indian community in the UK Held annually on January 26, Republic Day marks the adoption of India’s Constitution, symbolising its emergence as a sovereign republic after gaining independence from Britain.The event featured the hoisting of the Indian Tricolour, inspiring speeches, and vibrant cultural performances,


From L to R Derrick Anderson CBE, Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Dr Murugan, Lord Mayor of Coventry, Lord Kuldip Sahota, Assistant High Commissioner of Bangladesh, Simon Foster, Baggy Shanker MP
VVIPs light the divine lamp
MP Baggy Shanker is felicitated by Consul General of India
Professor Kiran Patel recognized for is outstanding contribution to Healthcare in the West Midlands
The 76th Republic Day Reception at Birmingham City Council highlighted India's vibrant cultural heritage
inspiring speeches, captivating performances, patriotic songs,
beautiful harp recital

The Maha Kumbh Mela A global village of the timeless and the emergent

This 'Global Village' draws


spectrum of humanity. It is a living testament to Hinduism's timeless beliefs and practices while also being a sandbox for newer and emergent facets It e


m i llions of people to the Maha Kumbh Mela at Prayagraj

The Mela offers a compre-

beliefs and practices, providing visual and experiential insights There is a pervasive feeling of equanimity, where distinctions dissolve, fostering a sense of

o n n e c t e d n e s s T h e

M e l a c o n n e c t s t o n a t u r e worshipping, honouring the Panch Tatvas – the five elements of life: Earth, Water, A i r , F i r e , a n d S p a c e I t

r e c a l l s a t i m e o f r i t u a l observance and intellectual inquiry into natural forces and their astrological signifi c a n c e , e m p h a s i s i n g t h e h a r m o n i o u s b a l a n c e o f these elements

T h e T r i v e n i S a n g a m delta at Prayagraj, the conf l u e n c e o f R i v e r G a n g a , Yamuna, and the mythical S a r a s w a t i , d r a w s a w i d e s p e c t r u m o f h u m a n i t y , f r o m Y o g i s f r o m t h e

H i m a l a y a s t o d e v o u t p i lg r i m s , c u r i o u s t r a v e l l e r s , a n d t o u r i s t s e a c h w i t h

t h e i r o w n o b j e c t i v e T h i s

45-day festival is hosted by an ecosystem of administra-

t o r s , v o l u n t e e r s , b u s i n e s s people, and entrepreneurs

Such a scale also amasses attention from educators, researchers, and innovators w i t h a m u l t i - d i s c i p l i n a r y lens

All triune things converge in this land where the three rivers meet, including

t h e c o m p e l l i n g c o m b i n ation of three cycles embedded in the sacred trilogy of B r a h m a , V i s h n u , a n d

Mahesh Brahma represents

E v o l u t i o n ( A n a b o l i s m ) , V i s h n u r e p r e s e n t s Equilibrium (Metabolism), a n d S h i v a r e p r e s e n t s

I n v o l u t i o n ( C a t a b o l i s m )

The Kumbh Mela is a rich example of these processes: celebrating the past, reflecti n g o n t h e p r e s e n t , a n d preparing for the future

The Mela finds its roots

i n t h e f a m o u s l e g e n d o f Hindu mythology, Samudra Manthan (the Churning of the Ocean) by Devtas (Gods) and Asuras (Demons) From the churning emerged vari-

o u s g i f t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e Kumbh of Amrit (a pot of nectar) for immortality The Kumbh Mela is a commemo r a t i o n h e l d e v e r y f o u r

years in each of the four

c i t i e s : H a r i d w a r , N a s i k , U j j a i n , a n d P r a y a g , o n a rotational basis


Kumbh Mela is also culturally and spiritually significant The sheer number of devotees and pilgrims in an e p h e m

l c i t y c r e a t e s a rare experience, attracting hordes of visitors to gain insights into the mystique

has been hosted with significant efforts to make it

experience These successful operations have gained w o r l d w i

d attracted diverse research efforts


Indian academic establish-

University, London School

o f E c o n o m i c s ( L S E ) , I I M Bangalore, and MIT have

o f t h e M e l a H i s t o r i c a l l y , many foreign travellers have written detailed accounts of t h e i r v i s i t s , g i v i n g t h e

K u m b h M e l a w i d e s p r e a d global recognition Hieun

T s a n g ' s C h r o n i c l e s a n d Fanny Parkes' Wanderings

o f a P i l g r i m h a v e e n a moured the global audience across ages The scale of the Mela has always been immense and is only growing The estimated number of visitors this year is likely to

c r o s s 4 0 0 m i l l i o n T e n thousand hectares of Mela area have been declared a temporary district with 10 z o n e s a n d 2 5 s e c t o r s Setting up a temporary city of this scale is a massive

a d m i n i s t r a t i v e c h a l l e n g e ,

e s p e c i a l l y o n t h e f l o o dplains of the Ganges, which receded very reluctantly this year, leaving a small time frame for arrangements

D e s p i t e t h e l i m i t e d time, various government departments and agencies

h a v e w o r k e d r o u n d t h e clock to provide infrastructure and amenities before t h e f i r s t s n a n ( h o l y d i p )

Massive budget allocations and personnel have been deployed to manage security, traffic, health, sanitat i o n , a n d o t h e r a r r a n g ements The Uttar Pradesh Government has also made a substantial technological push with its Digi Kumbh i n i t i a t i v e A I - p o w e r e d CCTV systems, using facial and vehicle number plate recognition, monitor crowd movement, traffic flow, and p a r k i n g U n d e r w a t e r

d r o n e s w i t h a d v a n c e d i m a g i n g c a p a b i l i t i e s p r ov i d e a q u a t i c s u r v e i l l a n c e , and an AI-powered chatbot, s u p p o r t i n g o v e r 1 1 l a nguages, helps with navigation

Since 1954, the Kumbh Mela in independent India

Immunity the natural way

-Dr Raghavendra Rao

In contemporary times, with an increasingly fast-paced lifestyle and modern healing tactics, we unknowingly accumulate micro assaults on our immune system without allowing the body to address them. T h e h u m

, repairing, and maintaining entity Nature has designed t h i s m a c h

y w i t h a n inherent capability to heal Provided the natural laws of healing are allowed to operate, our health becomes a

capacity is called vitality or immunity The body has a self-reliant system for prot

s a g

assaults by bacteria, viruses, h

promotes a holistic lifestyle, p r e v e n t i n g d i s e a s e s , improving health, and managing lifestyle disorders

One of the most beneficial yogic exercises is Surya N a m a s k a r I t i n v o l v e s twelve postures performed e a r l y i n t h e m o r n i n g , accompanied by regulated breathing Regular practice energises the body, ensures harmony, increases flexibilit y , a n d b o o s t s i m m u n i t y M o s t a s a n a s a l l e v i a t e i n f l a m m

n , a c o m m o n i m m u n e r e s p o n s e , a n d i n c r e a s e f l e x i b i l i t y N e w research in the Journal of Behavioural Medicine and the Harvard Medical School Guide confirm yoga's benefits, including better muscle a n d b o n e

t h , s t r e s s management, and enhanced immunity

breathing), Nauli (abdominal muscle isolation), and Trataka (yogic gaze) These techniques detoxify, activate organs, and improve awareness

Understanding immunity

Exposure to pathogens builds adaptive immunity, but surviving such expo-

conducted comprehensive studies to learn from the scale of operations and gain

public management, sociocultural and logistical complexities, AI, and technology The scale of the pilgrima g e , p a

main bathing days, garners astonishment

Such a massive footfall o

for brand visibility and mar-

businesses Alongside large brands, local enterprises tap into every opportunity to

visiting for a few days can

tents, budget tents, hotels, guest houses, and homes-

from taxi drivers to boatmen, are ready to cater to visitors, while vendors serve the essential needs of puja (prayers) and rituals H

ecology, and local food have

grims, devotees, and trav-

, academicians, and research enthusiasts, there is something meaningful for everyone to witness and partake i

b h Mela

Kavita is an avid traveller who collects stories from everywhere, enamoured by the rich tapestry of Indian history and culture Through Dus Dishaa, she brings alive local charms in this global village with immersive, curated experiences In her regular days, she is a management professor with over 20 years of experience (This is an edited version The full version is uploaded online )

p r o t e i n s , a n d oxidative stress through an i n t e r p l a y o f t h e n e r v o u s , endocrine, and immune systems In today’s world, these systems are constantly challenged by stress, unhealthy eating habits, and exposure to pathogens Yoga asanas and pranayama can reduce s t r e s s a n d i m p r o v e t h e body’s immune response to fight infections and allergies Yogic practices have b e e n s h o w n t o i m p r o v e immunity

Yoga and immunity

Y o g a m o d u l a t e s t h e i m m u n e r e s p o n s e A s a mind-body intervention, it c o m b a t s l i f e s t y l e - r e l a t e d diseases where stress plays a role Yoga helps calm the mind, balance vital energies, a n d i m p r o v e i m m u n i t y

S t u d i e s h a v e s h o w n i t s

e f f e c t i v e n e s s d u r i n g influenza epidemics Yoga, rooted in Indian traditions,

Nadi Shodhana

Pranayama (Alternate nostril breathing)

T h i s p r a c t i c e i n v o l v e s alternate breathing through n o s t r i l s S i t c o m f o r t a b l y w i t h t h e s p i n e s t r a i g h t , place the left hand in Jnana Mudra, and use the right hand in Nasagra Mudra for controlled breathing Inhale

a n d e x h a l e a l t e r n a t e l y t h r o u g h e a c h n o s t r i l f o r f o u r r o u n d s B r e a t h i n g should be slow, steady, and controlled

Benefits of Pranayama

P r a n a y a m a n o u r i s h e s the body, cleanses energy c h a n n e l s , r e d u c e s s t r e s s , and enhances focus It also improves mental calmness, i m m u n i t y , a n d o v e r a l l health

Cleansing with Kriyas

Kriyas, or yogic cleansi n g t e c h n i q u e s , r e m o v e

and reduce


infectious disease susceptibility

Meditate on wellness

attention on

object, fos-

relieves stress, improves health, and promotes a healthy lifestyle It helps overcome addictions, reduce hypertension, and manage psychosomatic illnesses, enhancing memory, awareness, and resilience

Dr Raghavendra Rao M, BNYS, PhD, is the Director of the Central Council for Research in Yoga & Naturopathy (CCRYN) under the Ministry of AYUSH, Delhi He has completed several research projects on yoga and naturopathy interventions (This is an edited version The full version is uploaded online )

Republic Day reception by the High Commission of India

Kinner Akhara sadhus take a holy dip at the Sangam

Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

As I write the UK Government is giving pensions the freedom to access your money to try to boost growth.

Pensions in the UK have long been a concern for savers, with performance falling short for many working people Despite government interventions aimed at reforming the system, the underlying problems persist While recent announcements by the UK Government highlight plans to unlock billions to drive growth and boost pension pots, the broader issue remains: UK pensions have underperformed because too many people lack the tools and knowledge to take control of their own savings Poor Performance of UK Pensions

For years, UK pension funds have delivered disappointing returns, particularly when compared to those in countries like Australia and Canada, which have more dynamic pension management systems Much of the UK’s pension system relies on traditional asset allocations, often favouring government bonds and low-yield investments While these provide stability, they do little to grow wealth in the long term We the readers of this paper want to grow wealth

Moreover, fees charged by pension managers eat into returns, and savers are often unaware of the true cost of their pensions Many are enrolled in default workplace pension schemes, which, while convenient, fail to deliver the growth needed to sustain a comfortable retirement Inadequate diversification, underperformance by active managers, and a lack of transparency compound the problem The result? Many pension pots fail to grow significantly, leaving savers unprepared for retirement Reforms Aren’t Enough

The government’s recent reforms aim to encourage pension funds to invest more in high-growth sectors, such as UK start-ups, to drive economic growth while boosting savers' returns However, while this is a step in the right direction, relying on pension providers to deliver better outcomes hasn’t worked well in the past Without systemic changes in how pensions are managed and understood, savers are likely to remain disengaged Education, Not Dependence, Is the Key

The real solution lies in equipping people with the knowledge to manage their own pensions Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) offer an excellent alternative for those willing to take an active role in their retirement planning SIPPs provide individuals with greater control over their investments, allowing them to choose where to allocate their money from stocks and funds to ETFs and more

Yet, the uptake of SIPPs is limited because most people lack the confidence and education to manage their pensions independently Financial education is critical to bridge this gap By teaching people about investment basics, risk management, and long-term financial planning, the government can empower individuals to take control of their pensions This would reduce reliance on underperforming default funds and encourage savers to seek better returns tailored to their goals

A Call for Action

Rather than simply tweaking existing systems, the government should make financial education a core part of its pension reform strategy Providing free, accessible courses on SIPPs and investment planning would enable more people to take charge of their future Over time, this could lead to a more financially literate population, better pension outcomes, and a stronger economy driven by informed, engaged savers

Ultimately, pensions should not feel like a black box that only fund managers understand With the right tools and knowledge, working people can unlock the potential of their savings and secure a brighter retirement It’s time to move beyond reforms that depend on providers and empower individuals to create their own success

UK businesses cut jobs amid National Insurance hike concerns

British businesses have reduced jobs at one o f the fastest rates since 2009, according to the flash S&P comp osite purch asing managers ’ index (PM I) for January Optimism has p lunged to its lowest since late 2022, sh ortly after the minibud get tu rmo il under L iz Truss

The job cuts are linked to October’s tax-raising budget by Rachel Reeves, which increased employers’ national insurance contributions (NICs) from 13 8% to 15% and reduced the earnings threshold to £5,000 from £9,100, effective this April Coupled with a 6 7% rise in the minimum wage, businesses have frozen hiring and shed roles, citing higher operational costs

Recent data highlights the trend: payrolls fell at their sharpest pace since November 2020, and major retailers like Sainsbury’s and Morrisons announced workforce reductions Meanwhile, restructuring firm Begbies Traynor reported a 50% rise in companies facing critical financial distress in late 2024

South Asians among Britain’s top taxpayers

remarkable strides in shaping Britain’s

families ranking prominently on the 2025 Sunday Times Tax List


those who have made the highest contributions to the UK’s public finances, s

society From retail to pharmaceuticals, hedge funds to hospitality, South Asian business leaders have demonstrated resilience, innovation, and success across diverse sectors Their combined efforts not only fuel economic growth but also highlight the commu-

nation’s public services

names such as Adar Poonawalla, the

Bobby, and Robin Arora, the brains behind B&M Others include Suneil Setiya, co-founder of the hedge fund Quadrature; and Joe Hemani, a leading figure at Chelsea FC Their collective contributions reflect a commitment to excellence and a deep connection to both their heritage and the UK

hedge fund manager and former boss of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, has topped this year ’ s list This year ’ s edition, the seventh of its kind, reveals

s amounted to £4 985 billion a 6 8% drop from 2024 Despite this, a record 15 individuals or families paid over £100 million each, up from nine in 2024 Key highlights include:

• The threshold for entry rose to £10 5 million, £500,000 more than in 2024

• The construction sector accounted for 11 entries, with Earl Cadogan

and the Duke of Westminster representing property

• Gambling families have collect

seven editions of the list

• Geographically, London dominated with 21 entries, followed by 11 from the southeast, and representation

Scotland and Wales John O’Connell of the TaxPayers’ Alliance commended the list’s top contributors for bolstering the Treasury and the wider economy Meanwhile,

Non-dom tax changes unlikely to halt wealthy exodus

Rachel Reev es has been cauti o ne d t h at tw


ax rules for w ealthy fo reigners losing no n-d om status may not convince them to stay The Chancellor plans to make the new rules more generous to retain the rich

Reeves argued the changes would make Britain more

accused her of pandering to the ultra-wealthy Lawyers for non-doms warned the move would do little to prevent an exodus Under the old rules, UK residents with a foreign tax domicile were only taxed on B r i t i s h i n c o m e H o w

, plans to abolish non-dom status will require long-term residents to pay taxes on worldwide income, includ-

ing inheritance tax At the World Economic

x increases on non-doms, citing the need to fund public services amid high debt and budget deficits She noted that while corporation tax remains at 25% and taxes on working incomes have not i n c r e a s e d , t a x e s o n t h e wealthiest have risen

Reeves announced plans to amend the Finance Bill, e

non-doms bringing money into the UK This comes amid reports of over 10,000 millionaires leaving the UK last year, though the change has reportedly been under T

some time UK to introd uce visa reforms for skilled workers

Another announcement made by the chancellor in Davos to highlight the government’s aims to simplify the UK’s migration system to help businesses hire highly skilled workers in sectors like AI and life sciences

Reeves revealed that an

these workers, will be published this year The policy targets key sectors like clean energy and biosciences amid c

immigration policies could

out of the US, sparking a global talent race

that supports business growth while securing borders and urged businesses to invest in the UK, highlighting its potential for innovation Reeves,

Reynolds, is meeting global business leaders to promote the UK as

London house sales highest since pre-Brexit vote

House sales in London have reached thei r highes t levels sinc e the B rexit vote, which i n i ti a l ly d a m pe n ed b uy e r confidence, as the property market recovers from nearly a decade of challenges, accordi ng to Foxtons

T h e L o n d o n - b a s e d estate agency reported that it is managing the highest n u m b e r o f h o m e s u n d e r offer since before the Brexit vote in 2016 Foxtons also exceeded market expecta-

tions for revenues and profi t s i n 2 0 2 4 G u y G i t t i

w h o r e j o i n e d F o x t o n s a s CEO three years ago after starting his career with the agency in 2002, explained that the London housing market was thriving before t h e B r e x i t v o t e , w h i c h impacted consumer confidence

“When the Brexit vote was announced, the number of sales each year, particularly in London, began

to decrease,” Gittins said He noted that a series of events, including changes in government, the pandemic, and Liz Truss’s mini-budg

mortgage rates and affected

London sales at lower levels

“The sales market has struggled since the Brexit v


h e

2 0 2 3 reached almost record low levels, and even last year remained historically low

But the strong under-offer activity in the fourth quarter is reflected in the revenue growth for the first quarter of 2025 ” Foxtons reported a 33% increase in adjusted operating profit to £19 million, with revenues growing 11% to £163 million The company highlighted its significant market share gains in

Joe Hemani
Adar Poonawalla
Rachel Reeves

Reliance to build world’s largest AI-powered data centre in Jamnagar

Reliance Industries, led by M ukesh A mbani, is p lanning to build the world ’ s largest

The project is expected to cost between $20 to $30 billion, making it one of the


The new data centre

infrastructure to support AI applications and innovations

A d an i G r ee n s ai d it h a s a ppointe d indepen

Gautam Adani and top Adani Gree n exec utives f or pay

T he a ppointment of the l aw firms was announc ed in a 33-page e a r n in g s r eg ul at o r y f i l in g made by Adani Green, where it did not discl ose the names

o f t h e f ir ms


t c on t in ue d t o a sse r t t he c omp a ny ' s c om pl i an c e o f a p pl i c a b l e l aw s an d r egulat ions

I n N o v e m b e r , U S a u t h o r i t i e s i n d i c t e d A d a n

Managing Director Vneet S Jaain, alleging that they paid bribes to secure Indian power

s u p p l y c o n t r a


during fund raises there The Adani Group has denied the c h a r g e s , c

m "baseless "

A key focus of the US investigation is a 2021 solar e


a d e s h s t

, w h e r e t h e Solar Energy Corporation of I n d i a a w a

renewables contract

s s

d concerns raised by finance and energy officials over its value and potential financial strain on the state, ultimately b e n e f i t i n g A d a n i G r e e n


center an environmentallyfriendly solution This focus on sustainability is

broader goal of promoting clean energy and reducing carbon footprints, ensuring

operations run in an ecoconscious manner Reliance has teamed up

move, as Nvidia’s powerful c

handling the high demands of AI applications

o ntr ac t

m a nu f ac tu re r P e g at ro n ’ s India unit that operates an iPh one plant in Tam il Nad u T his follow s Tatas’ earlier

a cq u is i ti o n o f W i st ro n ’ s

I nd ia o p era ti o ns i n Karnataka in M arch 2024

The financial details of

t h e s t a k e a c q u i s i t i o n r e m a i n u n d i s c l o s e d T

transaction positions Tata Electronics as a major Apple supplier alongside Foxconn, a

manufacturer On Jan 7, the C

o n of India said it has approved Tata Electronics’ proposed purchase of a majority stake i n P e g a t r o n T e c h n o l o g y India and its 100% arm TEL

C o m p o n e n t s ’ p r o p o s e d b

Energy, according to a report T h e c o m p a n y h a s n o t been named as a defendant in t h e i n d i c t m e n t a n d c i v i l complaint, and said it had m a d e a l l

p a s t including in bond offering c i r c u l a r s T h e U S b r i b e r y a l l e g a t i o n s h a d r a i s e d c o n c e r n s a m o n g s o m e partners and investors of the g

power deal with Adani, and T o t a l E n e r g i e s ( T T E F P A ) , o p e n s n e w t a b h a l t i n g further investments in the conglomerate

Govt issues notice to Ola, Uber over ‘differential pricing’

C e n t r a l C on s um e r P r ot e c t i o n A ut h or i t y (CCPA) has is sued notic es

t o c a b a gg r e g at o rs U b e r a n d Ol a s e e k i n g

operating s ystems

A m o n t h a g o , t a k i n g cognisance of a report on

t h e d i s p a r i t y i n f a r e s d i s p l a y e d s


CCPA to conduct a detailed probe

Uber said, “We do not set prices based on a rider’s

Budget may offer financial support, credit to exporters, small biz

Gov t may announce a package of m easures to boost financial sup port, includ ing cred it, to exporters and sm all businesses to ad dress a long-standing problem faced by the two crucial segm ents The announcem ent is exp ected in Budget

The commerce department has already held discussions with the finance ministry on ensuring that there is adequate credit flow and availability of other instruments, such as factoring and credit guarantee for exporters, who have been c o m p l a i n i n g a b o u t t h

r competitiveness In fact, the department had roped in a consulting firm to look at the issues in detail and based on the recommendations, it was asked by North Block to reassess some of the recommendations One of the options being looked at for exporters and MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises) alike is collateral free lending to help them tackle the problem of providing security to banks to raise debt Often small businesses, many of which are familyo w

personal and business assets, find it difficult to get capital Exporters have complained that the actual loan flow has been hit hard by banks, which insist on collateral

with CCPA to clear up any misunderstanding

Joshi held a meeting of

minister department where

he was appraised about the r e c e n t s t e p s t a k e n t o protect consumer interest, including this case Tagging the report, Joshi had earlier

appeared to be unfair trade

would be “ zero tolerance for consumer exploitation

other sectors, such as food

Nadella flays Stargate AI venture despite Microsoft’s ties to OpenAI

Microsoft C EO Satya Nadella joined Elon Musk in publicly qu estioning the v iability of the Stargate artificial intelligence megapro ject unveiled earlier this week by Presid ent Do nald

Microsoft’s substantial financial backing o f OpenAI, wh ich serves as Stargate’s operational leader, accord ing to Fo rbes

In a viral clip from a CNBC interview on January 22,

Stargate’s financial capability, saying, “All I know

investment in data center infrastructure this fiscal year The comment followed Musk’s public critique of Stargate, which claims to have $100 billion in initial funding and promises $500 billion over four years

Later, in a response to Musk’s repost of his interview, Nadella emphasized, “And all this money is not about hyping AI, but is about building useful things for the real world!”

partnership with Stargate in a blog post, Forbes noted the company is no longer the exclusive cloud provider for OpenAI, which remains a key Microsoft investment

electronics manufacturing Pegatron Technology India contributes approximately 10% of

halted during the quarter, resumed in January 2025 I n d

£158 1mn, driven by outperformance in focus therapies Torrent’s US business revenue was £27 1mn, reflecting a 1% decline In constant currency terms, US revenues were $32 million, down 3% from the prior year

C hina has m ounted its most serious challeng e to A merican d ominance in A I after one of its start-ups created a pow erful new prog ramm e at a fraction o f the cost of US rivals DeepSeek sent shockwaves through the markets with its R1 large language model, developed in two months despite US controls on chip exports After R1 reached the top of US app charts, investors sold shares in American tech companies that have committed to spending billions of dollars on AI infrastructure More than $700 billion was wiped from their value, with the chip-maker Nvidia losing $550 billion and its crown as the world’s most valuable public company R 1 a p p

developed by OpenAI, which created ChatGPT DeepSeek claims it spent just under $6 million developing it, compared with a range of $100 million to £1 billion given by US c

figure, most agreed that the company had created novel techniques to run AI more eciently

President Trump unveiled a $100 billion data centre project for OpenAI called Stargate last week, with Microsoft c

Mukesh Ambani
Gautam Adani


The US Department of Justice announced that Soumya Rudra 42 of Whitehall Pennsylvania has been sentenced to 30 years in prison by US District Judge John R Adams for traveling across state lines to engage in illicit sexual conduct with a minor and for possessing child sexual abuse materials After he gets out of prison, Rudra will have to serve 10 years of supervised release He was also fined $50 000 and must pay $17 000 in restitution In late November 2023 Rudra traveled from Pennsylvania to Ohio to meet the victim in person He admitted to picking her up and taking her to a hotel, where he engaged in illicit sexual conduct


Former State Senator Niraj Antani has launched his campaign for Ohio Secretary of State, a position currently held by Frank LaRose who is term-limited Antani a Republican represented the Dayton area in the Ohio General Assembly for over a decade first as a State Representative and later as a State Senator During his time in office, Antani was known for his advocacy of religious and cultural inclusivity, sponsoring legislation to designate Diwali and two other Hindu holidays as school holidays and establishing October as Hindu Heritage Month In his campaign announcement, Antani emphasized the importance of safeguarding elections and defending voting rights, drawing on his own family s experience under British rule in India


Two Indian-origins are among five people charged in the US with carrying out a robbery at gunpoint at the home of a small business owner in front of his young children Bhupinderjit Singh, 26, Divya Kumari, 26, Elijaih Roman, 22, Corey Hall, 45 and Erik Suarez, 24, were charged with perpetrating a gun-point home invasion robbery in Orange County, New York The defendants have been arrested and presented in White Plains federal court before United States Magistrate Judge Victoria Reznik a statement issued by the US Attorney's Office Southern District of New York said


Pakistan-occupied Kashmir’s president Sultan Mehmood Chaudhry has invited Chinese businesses to invest heavily in the disputed region, state media reported after the director of China s Yunnan Sunny Road and Bridge Company met him in Muzaffarabad to discuss “massive opportunities” across sectors Li Ping whose company specialises in building tunnels and highways, purportedly briefed Chaudhry on a blueprint for multiple projects in PoK The duo also spoke about the region s tourism potential and abundance of natural resources Beijing has already pledged investments in PoK under the CPEC initiative India which claims PoK & Gilgit-Baltistan as part of its territory, views the CPEC projects as an infringement


A court in Bangladesh acquitted BNP Chairperson and former prime minister Khaleda Zia in a sabotage case filed in the southeastern Cumilla district 10 years ago Additional District and Session Judge Court-2 of Cumilla Afroza Jesmin passed the order as there was no evidence against 79-year-old Zia, who is now undergoing treatment in London, the state-run BSS news agency reported The court observed that the case was filed on political grounds and harassment the agency said The case was filed against 32 people including Zia in the Special Powers Act 1974 in Cumilla in connection with damaging and setting fire to a covered van during a strike on January 25 2015

Bangladesh’s high growth under Hasina was ‘fake’, says Yunus

DAVOS: M uhammad Yunus, the h ead o f Ban g

h 's i n teri m gov ernm ent, said that his country's h igh growth under ousted Prim e M inister S heikh Hasina was fake and faulted the world for not questioning what he said was her co rruptio n Yunus took charge of the S outh Asian country 's i nte ri m g o v er nm

nt i n Aug ust after Hasina w as forced to flee to neig hbouring India follo wing weeks o f violent protests


with turning around the economy and the country's massive garments industry during her 15 years in power, although critics h a v e a

rights violations and suppressing free speech and dissent


Bangladesh since 2009, is being

investigated there on suspicion

Dhaka has asked New Delhi to extradite her "She was in Davos telling everybody how to run a country Nobody questioned that," Yunus said in an interview on the sidelines of the World Economic F

Davos "That's not a good world system at all The whole world is responsible for making that happen So that's a good lesson for the world," he said "She said, our growth rate surpasses everyb

completely "

Yunus did not elaborate on why he thought that growth was fake, but went on to stress the

growth, and the need to reduce wealth inequality

country of 170 million

nearly 8% in the financial year 2017/18, com-

Hasina took over in 2009, before the impact of Covid and the war in Ukraine pulled it down In 2023, the World Bank described Bangladesh as one of the world's fastest-growing economies

"Since its independence in 1

formed from one of the poorest countries to achieving lowermiddle income status in 2015," it

Dhaka vows to pursue Hasina’s return from India, may seek global support

D H A K A : B a n g l a de sh ’

governmen t said it will cont in ue its efforts t o bring deposed Prime Mi

fr om India and will see k intern ational inte rvent ion if necessa ry

Law Adviser Asif Nazrul told

would constitute a violation of the extradition treaty between Bangladesh and India

Hasina, 77, has been living in India since August 5 last year when she fled Bangladesh fol-

protest that toppled her Awami


Crimes Tribunal (ICT) has issued arrest warrants for Hasina and several former Cabinet ministers, advisers, and military and civil officials for “crimes against humanity and genocide”

Last year, Dhaka sent a diplomatic note to New Delhi seeking the extradition of Hasina “We have written a letter for extradition If India does not extradite Sheikh Hasina, it will be a clear violation of the extradition treaty between Bangladesh and India,” Nazrul said

I n t h a t c a s e , h e s a i d , t h e Ministry of Foreign Affairs will take necessary steps to address the matter within the interna-

Chinese nationals allege harassment by Pak cops,

file petition

IS L A M A BA D : A Pakistani hig h court has issued notices to th e m inistry of foreig n affairs and oth ers in respo nse to a petition filed by Chinese citizens seeking relief from harassment, exto rtion, and unconstitutional restrictions on their m ovement enforced by police in southern Sind h province

At least 12 Chinese nationals had filed a petition in the Sindh HC in Dec claiming that they, along with thousands of other Chinese citizens, came to Pakistan after completing all necessary legal formalities and invested significant amounts of money and resources in various business ventures and sectors Six of the petitioners appeared in court after the case was set for hearing

They claimed that it was the responsibility of the respondents to protect and provide a safe environment for all foreign citizens legally staying and investing in the country The petitioners said the Sindh police had engaged in repeated acts of harassment over the last six to seven months, including unwarrantedly restricting movement of Chinese nationals in Karachi and Sindh and unjustified detentions within their residences on the pretext of “security issues” without any legal grounds They also claimed that the policemen stationed at their homes literally locked them in and restricted their movement within the confines of their houses

tional community The foreign ministry is also making efforts and a red alert has already been issued, the law adviser added “ W e a r e d o i n g e v e r ything we can The governm e

said Yunus, who has promised to hold elections by the end of 2025 or early 2026, said he was not interested in running Yunus has d e m a n d e d t h a t I n d i a s e n d Hasina back to Bangladesh so she can face trial for what it says are crimes against protesters and her opponents, and crimes she is accused of committing during her tenure

efforts to bring Hasina back If necessary, international support will be sought,” Nazrul said Under the provisions of the I n d i a - B a n g l a d e s h e x t

refused if the offence is one of

The relations between India a n d B a

strain after the interim govern-

Yunus came to power India has been expressing concerns over attacks on minorities, especially Hindus, in that country

clause said a person convicted of an extradition offence may not be extradited unless the person was sentenced to imprisonment or other form of detention for a period of four months or more

Bangladesh hires 4 auditors in ‘robbed’ banks investigation

D H A K A : B a n g l ad es h F i

Intelligence Un it had formed 11 joi nt i nvestig ation teams to track down and reclaim assets i

believes we re bo

siphon ed out of the ban ks and to help to prosecute those responsible, A hsan H Mansur, the g overnor of Bangladesh B an k, said Mansur, who was appointed central bank governor by interim n a

m a d Yunus after Sheikh Hasina fled to India in August, said the investigations would look at 10 leading Bangladeshi businesses as well as the ousted former leader and her relatives The governor said the three international accountancy firms had already begun work on the asset quality review “We will determine how much assets are performing, who’s not performi n g , w h o t o o k t h a t a s s e t , a n d simultaneously we will do a forensic audit,” he said K P M G c o n f i r m e d i

Lanka firm had been contracted to support the review EY and Deloitte did not respond to a request for comment

Pak court sentences 4 people to death for blasphemy

R A W A L P I N D I : A Pa k i s t an i c our t s e ntenc ed four people to death for blasphemy, allegedly because they pos ted sacrilegi ous material on social medi a about Islamic religious fi gures and the Quran Thei r lawyer said appeal preparations are underway

Under the country’s blasphemy laws, anyone found guilty of insulting Islam or its religious figures can be sentenced to death Authorities have yet to carry out such a penalty, although the accusation of blasphemy and opposition to the law can incite mob violence or reprisals

Rawalpindi declared that blasphemy, disrespect to holy figures, and desecration of the Quran were unforgivable offenses and left no room for leniency Along with the death s

o l l e c t i v e fines of 4 6 million rupees and handed down jail terms to each of the four should a h i g h e r c o u r t

v e r t u r n t h e i

a t h s e nt e n c e s T h e m e n ’ s l a w y e r , M a n z o o r Rahmani, criticized the court’s decision and investigating authorities’ lack of evidence “The doubts and uncertainties that arise

in such cases are ignored by the courts, likely due to the fear of religious backlash and potential mob violence against the judge if the accused is acquitted,” said Rahmani “We are preparing our appeals against the decision and will go to the High Court ” Anti-blasphemy measures introduced in Pakistan in the 1980s made it illegal to insult Islam Since then, people have been accused of insulting the religion, desecrating its texts, or writing offensive remarks on the walls of mosques Critics of the law say it is used to settle personal disputes

Muhammad Yunus
Sheikh Hasina
Ahsan H Mansur

18,000 Indian migrants in US face deportation

W ASHI NGTON: For years, bo th I ndia and I ndian Americans h ave f

I ndia and th e com munity to face th ese iss ues head-o n India and Indians, one of the largest international supporters of Trump, is now grappling with

n migrants could face deportation, though the actual number may be

undocumented individuals

Indians now make up the third-

immigrants in the US, with an estimated 725,000 living without

Customs and Border Protection also highlights the growing trend of illegal crossings, especially at

border, where Indians make up

unauthorized migrants Indians have become the largest group of unlawful migrants intercepted at this entry point

might now have to face the idea

that the immigration status of their families who are in the US

t o s t u d y o r w o

k i n g h a v e a difficult road ahead if they want to get a US passport The Indian d i a s p o r a l e a d

repatriating money to their home country and the Indian economy has benefited greatly from this The Narendra Modi government h

phrase to “brain gain

also signed migration agreements with several countries, including Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Japan, and I

workforce gaps there However, India’s collaboration with the US

with nations in the Middle East t

workers, analysts say

Judge stays Trump's order to end birthright citizenship

SEA TT LE : A f ederal judge in Seattle has temporari ly blocked an executive order by Pre sident Donald Trump that sought to c urtai l bi rthright citiz enship in the U nited States The ruling

c a m e a s a r e l i e f t o I n d i a n f a m i li e s l i v i n g i n t he U S , es pecially those on tem porary H1B or L1 vis as, which do n ot gran t perm anent resi dency

U S D i s t r i c t J u d g e J o h n

C o u g h e n o u r g r a n t e d a t e m p o r a r y r e s t r

policy for 14 days while the court considers a preliminary injunction

T h e o r d e r , s i g n e d b y

T r u m p o n h i s D a y O n e i n office directed federal agencies to deny citizenship to children

b o r n i n t h e U S i f n e i t h e r p a r e n t i s a c i t i z e n o r l e g a l p e r m a n e n t r e s i d e n t T h e

ruling marks the first major l e g a l s e t b a c k f o r T r u m p ’ s r e n e w e d e f f o r t t o r e d e f i n e American citizenship laws

T h e o r d e r , s i g n e d b y

Indian American appointed as White House Deputy Press Secretary

WA SH IN GTO N : US Preside nt Donal d Trump has a ppointe d Indian Ame rican f or m e r j o ur n a l i st Ku sh D e

D eputy Pr ess Secr etar y, the White House has announced

D e s a i

Communications Director for the 2024 R e p u b

Republican Party of Iowa

D e s a i w

Battleground States and Pennsylvania



Republican National Committee In this capacity, he played a key role in messaging and narrative building in the key battleground States in particular Pennsylvania White House Office of Communications will be overseen by Deputy White House Chief of Staff and Cabinet Secretary Taylor Budowich Trump had previously announced the a p

President and Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt

Canada reduces international student permits for second year

TORONTO: Canada will c ap the number of internati ona l students allowed to enter the c ountry for a second year in a row in 202 5, as the governme nt continues to try to ea se press ure on housin g, healthcare and other services

Canada will issue 437,000 study permits this year, a 10% reduction from 2024, according to a statement from the immigration ministry

The country introduced a cap on new international student permits in 2024 after population growth in recent years was seen as aggravating a housing shortage Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who has announced he will resign in March, had pledged to reduce immigration levels in recent months as polls showed less support for newcomers in Canada

In 2023, Canada issued more than 650,000 study permits to f o r e i g n s t u d e n t s

number of international students in the country to a record of more than a million, roughly triple the number who entered the c

y immigration has put pressure on services, like healthcare and education, and has helped drive up housing costs H

Trump, is slated to take effect o n F e b r u a r y 1 9 I t c o u l d impact hundreds of thousands of people born in the country, a c c o r d i n g t o o n e

f t h e l a w s u i t s T h e U S i s a m o n g a b o u t 3 0 c o u n t r i e s w h e r e birthright citizenship or “right of the soil” is applied

D o c t o r s a n d

gynaecologists in the US had reported a sudden increase in t h e n u m b e r o f p r e g n a n t Indian women, on such visas, a s k i n g f o r a c a e s a r e a n , t o

February 20, which is when

into effect

T h e r u s h w a s b e c a u s e children born before that date would be granted citizenship, while those born after would n o t b e T h e y w o u l d o n l y become citizens if at least one parent is already a citizen or a G r e e n C a r d h o l d e r I f n o t , then out they go, when they turn 21

Congressman Ami Bera reappointed to house intelligence committee

WASHING TON : Congress man A mi B era has been rea ppointed to the House Perman ent Select C om mittee on Intelligen

res pons ible for overs eeing US i ntelligence agenc ies, i ncluding the CIA, N SA , and the Offi ce of

I ntelligence

Intelligence Committee, which

security of the United States,” Bera said in a statement “Given the growing challenges at home

work is essential I look forward to working with my colleagues across the aisle to ensure the I

in brief


Bangladesh’s deposed prime minister Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League would not be allowed to participate in elections a key adviser of Muhammad Yunus interim govt said The elections will be contested among pro-Bangladesh groups only, said Mahfuz Alam, a top leader of the Anti-Discrimination Movement, which spearheaded the mass uprising that toppled Hasina s Awami League regime and forced her to flee the country on Aug 5 last year Addressing a street rally at central Chandpur district, Alam said only former prime minister Khaleda Zia’s Bangladesh Nationalist Party Jamaat-e-Islam and other “pro-Bangladesh” groups would carry on their politics in the country He added that either of these “will establish future governance through a fair electoral process”


Nepal has announced a 36% hike in permit fees for climbing Mount Everest, the first increase in nearly a decade The new fees effective from September 2025 are aimed at boosting government revenue which heavily depends on income from foreign climbers permits and related spending Under the revised structure the permit for the peak April-May climbing season will rise from $11,000 to $15,000 Fees for the less popular September-November and December-February seasons will also increase to $7 500 and $3 750 respectively Critics have long voiced concerns about overcrowding and environmental degradation on Everest


President Donald Trump pardoned two police officers in Washington who were convicted in the 2020 murder of a black man named Karon Hylton-Brown In Sept 2024 Terence Sutton Jr was sentenced to 66 months in prison while Andrew Zabavsky was sentenced to 48 months in prison over an unauthorised police pursuit that ended in a collision on Oct 23, 2020, that caused the death of Karon Hylton-Brown, 20 the justice department said last year The officers remained free pending the outcomes of their appeals The incident happened months after the killing of George Floyd, a black man who died after a police officer knelt on his neck for several minutes


independent ” Bera, who first j

118th Congress, has previously

National Security Agency and Cyber Subcommittees

In addition to his position on the Intelligence Committee, Bera was also elected as Ranking Member of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on East Asia and the Pacific for the 119th Congress Ami Bera

The Senate on Thursday confirmed John Ratcliffe as CIA director President Trump’s nominee to lead the spy agency and his second nominee to win Senate approval Ratcliffe was director of national intelligence during Trump’s first term and is the first person to have held that position and the top post at the CIA The Texas Republican is a former federal prosecutor who emerged as a fierce Trump defender while serving as a congressman during Trump’s first impeachment The vote was 74-25, with many Democrats voting no

Differences spurred Ramaswamy exit from DOGE, revamp empowers Musk

Was hington: Differenc es betwee n the outlooks of bi llionai res Elon Musk and Vi vek Ramas wamy led to the latter exi ting the Depa rtm ent of Governm ent Effic ienc y (DOGE),

e s ta b l i s h e d o n U S Pr e s i d e n t Trum p ’ s order, allowing a revamp of the new department

T r u m p s ’ s e s t a b l i s h i n g D O G E aims to give Tesla CEO and SpaceX founder Musk “sweeping access ” to operations at federal agencies The new structure - which has DOGE taking over the US Digital Service, part of the executive office of the president - emerged after months

of behind-the-scenes manoeuvring between Musk and Ramaswamy, t h e D O G E c o - l e a d e r w h o w i l l depart to run for governor of Ohio The differences between Musk a n d R a m a s w a m y o v e r t h e f u n c t i o n i n g o f t h e d e p a r t m e n t were “deep” and “philosophical”, a c c o r d i n g t o t h e a n o n y m o u s sources The department in its new a v a t a r h a s l e d t o i n c r e a s e d speculation that Trump and Musk have “cut back on their aims for the D O G E

officialdom for places where deep cuts could be made But, sources said DOGE’s blade was “still poised to exert crucial influence in the n

because it could grant Musk far greater insight and control over f

n White House” S o m

revamped DOGE - the executive order was more in line with Musk’s vision than the original joint vision of the co-leaders - could give Musk


Kush Desai

India, China agree on direct flights, Kailash yatra

8 killed in Maharashtra ordinance factory explosion

After resu mp tion of bilateral visi


India and Ch ina

n 2025 and also co nsented, in p rinciple, to restart direct f

, to resume, resumption of air s ervices h ad been a longstanding Ch inese demand

The announcement by India followed foreign secretary Vikram Misri’s visit to Beijing during which he also called on foreign minister Wang Yi, kick-starting what promises to be a series of s u b s t a n t i v e b i l a t e r a l

e n g a g e m e n t s t h a t c o u l d culminate potentially in a visit to China by PM Modi for the SCO summit The two agreed to resume dialogue mechanisms step-bys t e p , a d d r e s s i n g e a c h

other’s concerns & priorit

deficit were discussed with a view to resolving these issues & promoting “longterm policy transparency & predictability”

The two countries also a g r e e d t o h o l d a n e a r l y meeting of the India-China expert level mechanism to discuss resumption of the p

data and other cooperation pertaining to trans-border rivers, said the Indian readout This follows concerns expressed in India about the

possible impact of a mega

ject in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo river on the flow of water to lower riparian states

“The two sides recognise that 2025, being the 7 5 t h a n n i

r s a r y o f t h e establishment of diplomatic relations between India and China, should be utilised to redouble public diplomacy e f f o r t s t o c r e a t e b e t t e r awareness about each other and restore mutual trust & confidence among public,” said the Indian govt in an official statement

12 killed as passengers jump off their train, run over by another

A t least 12 p asseng ers of Lucknow-Mum bai P ushpak Express lost their lives and 15 others w ere i nj u re d in a n ac ci d e nt i n no r th

M ah arashtra’s Jalgaon d istrict They jum ped from their train following rumou rs of a fire in one o f the compartments, only to be hit by B eng alu ru- New Delh i K arnataka E xp ress c om ing fro m th e op po site d irec tio n and negotiating a curv e o n the adjacent tracks

An official said the driver of Pushpak Express had turned on the flasher light after the train halted due to the alarm chain being pulled The Karnataka Express driver applied brakes upon noticing the light, but a track curvature near the spot hindered visibility

“The curvature of almost two degrees obstructed visibility and reduced the distance for the drivers to apply brakes The passengers also could not see the approaching train because of the curvature The drivers tried their best to avert the accident,” the official said

Witnesses described scenes of chaos as people on the tracks desperately tried to move away, but many were unable to escape before the oncoming train struck them Railways has ordered an investigation

Among the fatalities, three were women “Fifteen passengers were injured, four of them seriously All are undergoing treatment

at Jalgaon Government Medical College, Pachora rural hospital, and a private hospital,” Jalgaon district collector Ayush Prasad said

The accident occurred around 4 50 pm, about 10km from Pachora railway station

Central Railway chief public relations officer

Swapneel Nila said: “Suspecting a fire in one of the coaches, some passengers in the gen-

Panicked, some of them jumped off the train through the doors of either side of the compartment and fell on the adjoining tracks ”

Witnesses reported hearing a loud noise

“There was a rumour that the train was on fire Passengers who jumped through the doors on the right side of the compartment were run over by Karnataka Express,” a witness said

CBI files charges against Oxfam India over FCRA offences

T he CBI has filed a ch argesh eet on alleged f o rei g n f u nd v i o lat io ns b y res ea rch a nd adv ocacy gro up Oxfam India and its former ch ief executive o fficer A mitabh Beh ar A Delh i court is scheduled to consid er the ch arges on March 4

The action follows an FIR registered against Oxfam India in April 2023 based on a complaint from the Union home ministry

a l l e g i n g v i o l a t i o n s o f t h e F o r e i g n Contribution Regulation Act In the FIR, it was alleged that the NGO planned to circumvent the law by taking other routes to channel funds MHA, in its complaint, said that email communications found during an income tax survey showed that Oxfam India was planning to pressure the Indian govt to renew its FCRA registration through foreign governments and institutions

A f i reb al l e xp lo s i o n s ee n f ro m 3 km aw a y r ip p ed throu gh p art o f an ordnance f

B h and ara t h at m

ctures a rang e of explosivesinclud ing RDX and HMXkilling eig ht of 13 workers buried under the rubble o f its blown-out roof

Ordnance Factory Bhandara (OFBA), about 50km from Nagpur, was the most damaging in terms of casualties in a blast in any defence establishment since 19 peop l e d i

Wardha district's Pulgaon in 2016 The blast took place at a unit manufacturing lowtemperature plastic explos i v e s ( L T P E ) P o l i c e a n d

NDRF took at least a couple of hours to extricate the first b o d y f r o m t h e d e b r i s

Rescue and salvage operat i o n s c o n t i n u e d b

7pm, officials said

Dilip Bhujbal Patil, who visited the factory along with B

Noorul Hasan, confirmed 13 s

dance register

Residents living several k i l o m

seeing fire and smoke on the horizon coinciding with the cacophony of the explosion

Such was the force of the

inside the factory that large fragments of metal spat out from its entrails travelled more

ple of girls on their way to

when splinters landed a few steps away from where they stood

workers and a second apprentice among the five injured are in a critical condition It wasn't immediately known what caused the explosion inside OFBA, which oper-

Munitions India Ltd, established three years ago as part of a restructuring exercise that entailed carving seven PSUs out of the erstwhile

includes high-energy explosives that go into a wide range of ammunition - from artillery shells to rockets - in the form of propellants and warheads These explosives are known to be effective in up to -70 degrees Celsius temperatures

Adani’s younger son to wed on Feb 7 in simple ceremony

Billionaire Gautam A dani’s you ng er son Jeet will w ed next month in a simp le and traditional ceremo ny, witho ut any p om p and show and celebrity stars Ad ani, on M aha Kum bh pilgrimage with h is fam ily, scorched speculatio ns of a star-studd ed wed ding of his son Jeet with Diva Shah, daughter of Surat diamond m erchant Jaimin Shah

“It will be a very simple, traditional marriage just like common people,” he told reporters Ahead of the marriage, it was being speculated that the wedding will be another extravagant spectacle after rival billionaire M u k e s h A m b a n i ' s y o u n g e s t s o n A n a n t ' s

Responding to a question if the wedding were going to be a "Maha Kumbh of celebri-

Scheduling a hearing for considering CBI’s charges, the court of additional chief judicial magistrate Nishant Garg said in an order, “Notice be issued to IO to appear in person on the NDOH (next date of hearing) Put up on March 4, 2025, for appearance of IO/consideration on the chargesheet

after MHA alleged that Oxfam India continued to transfer foreign contributions to other entities even after the Foreign Contribution Regulation Amendment Act 2020 came into force The amended law prohibits such transfers Oxfam India was among 5,932 non-government organisations whose registrations under the Act lapsed on January 1, 2022, either because they did not apply for renewal or the home ministry refused to sanction their renewal applications

ties", the billionaire said, "Definitely not!" In recent days, social media has been abuzz with speculations that the guest list at the wedding could include likes of Elon Musk to Bill Gates, with Taylor Swift performing Jeet, 28, got engaged to Diva in M a r c h 2 0 2 3 i n a p r i v

m o n y i n Ahmedabad The wedding is also to take place in Ahmedabad It was being speculated on social media that the India-England oned

Motera stadium had been moved to accommodate the wedding, which was expected to feature 1,000 super cars, hundreds of private jets and chefs from 58 countries at a cost of over £1bn

It is with immense gratitude and love that we celebrate the life of Urmilaben Thakkar, a remarkable soul whose unwavering commitment to seva (selfless service) and passion for culture and community left an indelible mark on all who knew her.

Born in Kampala, Uganda, just after Janmashtami, Urmilaben inherited a legacy of dedication from her father, Shri Dolatrai Jinabhai Desai, an OBE recipient and her mother, Sarlaben Desai. From her early days, she embraced sports, music, and cultural activities, fostering a deep love for badminton, cricket, and the performing arts.

Urmilaben was married into a prominent Lohana family in Uganda, the family of the Late A. H. Thakkar, to his son Narendra (fondly known as Naru). Her journey alongside her beloved husband began with their modest yet heartfelt union in the UK before returning to Uganda, where she enriched the community through her pioneering efforts in promoting Indian culture on TV and teaching traditional dances. Following the upheaval in Uganda in 1972, she relocated to India, founding the Pragati Mahila Mandal in Bangalore, an organisation empowering women that continues her legacy today.In 1983, Urmilaben returned to the UK, where she tirelessly served the Lohana community of North London, particularly through the Young Lohana Association. Her vision and efforts brought younger generations together through dance, music and sports, ensuring the preservation of tradition and culture. Besides giving untiring services to the communities, Urmilaben was a presenter on Sunrise Radio for 16 years. She also developed Harrow Senior Ladies group for Senior ladies and was also a Chairperson of LCNL Senior Ladies Centre.

Her hard work was recognised by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and was awarded The Most Excellent Member of the British Empire(MBE) Award in 2011. She was also awarded Sanskar Garima Award by Gujarat Samachar, Barnet CIVIC Award, International award for best Raghuvanshi Senior Citizen, and was nominated by Heros of Harrow. In 2015, she was presented with a plaque by Mahaparishad at Global Convention held in Leicester.

Urmilaben’s life was a testament to resilience, compassion and dedication. Her legacy lives on in the countless lives she touched, her children who carry her values forward and the enduring community spirit she nurtured. May her soul rest in eternal peace.

University of Surrey unveils plans for International Branch Campus (IBC)

in GIFT City, Gujarat

T he University o f S urrey i s set to o pen a world-clas s

I n te rn a ti o n al B ra nc h

C am p u s i n GI F T Ci t y, Gu jarat, India, delivered in co llaboratio n with experienced transnational edu ca-

t i o n g ro u p G US G lo ba l

S e rvic es ( GG S) P rof es so r

GQ Max Lu, President and V ic e - Ch an c el lo r o f t h e University o f Su rrey, and D r Sh arad Mehra, CE O o f Global Uni versity S ys tems ( G U S ) A s ia P a c i fi c , annou nced th e collaborat i ve p ro j e c t o n th e s id e

l i ne s o f th e Q S I n di a

S ummit 2025 in Goa

The project, which is at an advanced stage of predelivery, is contingent on

r e g u l a t o r y a p p r o v a l f r o m

G u j a r a t ’ s I n t e r n a t i o n a l

Financial Services Centres

A u t h o r i t y ( I F S C A ) u n d e r

t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l B r a n c h

C a m p u s R e g u l a t i o n s , i n place to position GIFT City as an Indian hub for international higher education providers Professor Lu and representatives from GGS will be meeting with IFSCA in GIFT City on Friday 31 January to progress discussions

D e l i v e r y o f t h e n e w India campus will be a part-

n e r s h i p c o m b i n i n g t h e

U n i v e r s i t y o f S u r r e y ’ s

t e a c h i n g a n d r e s e a r c h

e x c e l l e n c e i n b u s i n e s s , international finance, computer science, cyber-securi-

t y a n d o t h e r a r e a s A l l

t e a c h i n g a n d a c a d e m i c assurance will be delivered and led by University of Surrey staff Ancillary ser-

v i c e s , s u c h a s s t r a t e g i c advice on India entry, stu-

d e n t e n r o l m e n t , c a m p u s establishment and operations management, will be provided by GGS, ensuring a seamless setup and operational excellence

T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f

Dr Sharad Mehra Regional CEO – Asia and Australia

PM Modi likely to visit US in Feb, says Trump

US P re s i d en t D o n al d Tr um p s a i d t ha t Pr i m e

Minister Narendra Modi i s li kely to visit Was hington in February to meet him, and that he believes India will do “what is ri ght” on the issue of taking back illegal migrants

details “I had a long talk with him this morning [Monday] He is going t o b e c o m


t o t h e White House, over next

Global University Systems (GUS) and Professor GQ Max Lu, President and Vice Chancellor of the University

Surrey and GGS are work-

p cement ties between the two countries and is closely aligned with Government o

I n d i a p r i o

t o e x p a n d e d u c a t i o n a n d become a global knowledge s u p e r p o w e r T h e U K Government has expressed its appetite for collaboration across a range of scientific priorities and opportun i t i e s t o d r i v e g r e a t e r growth for both countries

Professor GQ Max Lu, P re si d en t an d V i c eC h a nc e ll o r o f th e University of Su rrey, said, “The University of Surrey campus at GIFT City will be a shining example of B r i t i s h e d u c a t i o n e x c e l -

l e n c e a n d i m p a c t , c o ntributing to transnational education in a more globalised world We are proud and excited to be part of the GIFT City story, where w e ’ l l c o m b i n e I n d i a ’ s

s t r e n g t h s i n t h e g l o b a l financial sector with the University of Surrey’s academic and teaching comp e t e n c i e s i n b u s i n e s s , finance and computer science

“Students can look for-

ward to a world-class educ a t i o n d e l i v

e d a t t h e h e a r t o f a t h r i v i n

n e w international finance and technology powerhouse for the region Together we’ll be contributing to the skills

a n d g r o w t h a g e n d a s o f both our countries ” Dr Sharad M ehra, CEO o f G l ob al U n

(G U S ) A s i a Paci fic, said, “This initiat i v

world-class academic standards and global learning e

India It will offer Indian students the opportunity t

education without leaving the country The collaboration aligns with India's

such as improving global competitiveness, offering

locally, and contributing to the National Education

P o l i c y ( N E P ) 2 0 2 0 ’ s emphasis on internationalisation ”

announcement at the QS India Summit in Goa to GIFT City on January 31 for high-level meetings to accelerate progress on the project

US Supreme Court clears extradition of Mumbai attack accused Rana to India

T he US Suprem e Court ha s ref used to

d Tahawwur Rana’ s plea agains t extradition t o I n d i a , c l e a r i n g t he p at h f o

I n d i a n i nvestigators to bri ng him to the country

The review petition was turned down by the court on Jan 21, removing the last h u r d l e i n t h e e x t r a d i t i o n o

native and Canadian national Rana, an aide o f P a

y w

conspirators of the 26/11 attacks

The writ was filed in Nov last year against an earlier order of a lower court that had ruled in favour of his extradition to India “Petition denied,” the Supreme Court said, according to reports from the US Rana had been sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2011 for conspiracy to provide m a t e r i a l s u p p o r t t o a t e r r o r i s t p l o t t o behead a Danish newspaper ’ s employees and providing material support to LeT, the UN proscribed terror group responsible for the Nov 2008 attacks in Mumbai in which more than 160 people were killed P a k i s t

Headley, who had pleaded guilty in the M u m b

witness in Tahawwur Rana’s trial Headley testified that he travelled to Chicago and advised Rana, his longtime friend, to look for potential targets for terror attacks in India Rana lost legal battles in several federal courts, including the US Court of


Former US ambassador Eric Garcetti had in an interview last year said that US authorities had built an airtight case for his extradition and that he expected him to be extradited soon,citing it as an example of strong counter-terrorism cooperation between the two nations

Earlier, US govt had argued in the court that the petition for a writ of certiorari s

Elizabeth B Prelogar said this in its filing

in this case

T r u m p m a d e t h e remarks while speaking to reporters aboard Air Force One on Monday, according t o n e w s w i r e s H e w a s responding to a question on the phone conversation he had with Modi earlier in the d a y T h e r e w a s n o immediate word from the Indian side on a possible visit to the US by the Indian leader However, there has been a buzz in diplomatic circles in New Delhi that the Indian side has been w o r k i n g o n a n e a r l y meeting between the two leaders

A r e a d o u t f r o m t h e White House on the phone c a l l b e t w e e n t h e t w o

increasing its procurement of American-made security e

trading relationship” T h e I n

n government’s statement on the conversation had said the two leaders spoke about working together for global p

such as technology, trade a

they agreed to meet at an “early mutually convenient d

very good relationship with India,” Trump told

Force One

believes India will do

what is right when it comes to


readout said Trump had

“productive call” with Modi

They also discussed

range of regional issues, including

and Europe”, the readout added

Delhi court orders seizure of 'offensive' MF Husain paintings

A court in Del hi has order ed the seizur e of two "offensive " pa in tings by MF Husain, on e of In d ia ' s m o st fa m o us

a r t ist s Th e co ur t g r a n t e d pe rmission for t he police to se ize th e ar t wo rk s a ft e r a compl aint was fil ed a lle ging that the paintings, display ed a t a n a r t g a l l e r y a n d fea turing two Hindu deities, "hurt r eligious se ntime nts" Husain, who died in 2011 aged 95, often faced backlash for the depictions of nude Hindu gods in his paintings

The Delhi Art Gallery (DAG) w h i c h h e l d t h e e x h i b i t i o n said in a statement that it is " n o t a p a r t y t o t h e l e g a l proceedings and is seeking legal advice"

The paintings were part o f a n e x h i b i t i o n c a l l e d

H u s a i n : T h e T i m e l e s s Modernist, showcasing more than 100 works at DAG from 26 October to 14 December

The complainant, Amita Sachdeva, a lawyer, said on X t h a t o n 4 D e c e m b e r , s h e photographed the "offensive paintings" displayed at the DAG and, after researching previous complaints against the late artist, filed a police complaint five days later

O n 1 0 D e c e m b e r , Sachdeva reported that she visited the gallery with the investigating officer, only to discover that the paintings h a d


y officials asserted they had n e v e r e x h i b i t

that the Delhi police had failed to file a report She later petitioned the court to preserve the CCTV footage from the gallery during the period when the paintings were reportedly on display, according to media reports

a t D e l h i s Patiala House Courts said that the police had accessed the footage and submitted their report According to the inquiry, the exhibition was held in a private space and was intended solely to

Vande Bharat's successful trial run on world's highest rail bridge

In a boost to Jammu and Kashmir's rail c onnectivity, th e I n d i a R ai l w ay s succ essfully conducted the fi r s t t ri a l r un of t he s pe c i al l y de s i g ne d Va n de Bharat Express train The train, which travelled from Shr i M at a V ai s h n o D e vi Ka tr a ( SVD K) r ai l w ay station to Srinagar railway station, pas sed through the Chenab bridge - the world's highest rail bridge It also ran through Anji K h a d b


m e d with slogans and praises for the Indian Railways It then moved to the next Budgam station to complete its trial run Commercial operations of the train are set to begin

soon, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi expected to f l a g o f f t h e f i r s t j o u r n e y from Katra The date of the flagging-off ceremony is yet to be announced Compared to the other

V a n d e B h a r a t E x p r e s s trains running in different parts of the country, this train has several additional f e a t u r e s t o m e e t operational challenges and p a s s e n g e r s ' n e e d s I t includes advanced heating s y s t e m s t h a t p r e v e n t t h e freezing of water and biotoilet tanks, provide warm air for the vacuum system, a n d e n s u r e o p t i m a l functioning of the air-brake s y s t e m f o r s m o o t h operations even in sub-zero t e m p e r a t u r e s T h e t r a i n a l s o f

of Surrey

PM Modi to participate as co-chair at AI summit in France

T h e Mi nis t

y o f E xt er na

ai rs (M EA )

confirmed Prime Minis ter N arend ra Mo di' s participation as a co- chair at the upcoming A I S umm it in Franc e, fo ll ow ing an invitation from French Presid ent Emmanuel Macron


, M E A spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, "France is hosting the AI summit and French President Emmanuel Macron has invited PM Modi to co-

invitation You will be informed about any further updates regarding that tour in the coming days "


Action Summit will be held in France from February 10 to 11 On February 10, various stakeholders, including heads of state and government representatives, will participate in multiple sessions Macron will host a formal dinner for heads of state and other VIPs that evening while on February 11, the summit will feature a dedicated leaders' session exclusively for heads of state


January 11, President Macron had said PM Modi will visit the country France will be hosting the AI Summit on February 10-11 A summit for action, as we call it This summit

will allow for an international conversation on AI There will be Prime Minister Modi, who will move up to a major visit in our country as we want to forge a dialogue with all powers on AI "

importance of AI as a global conversation, stating that it will include countries such as the US, China, and India, as well as, the countries from the Gulf, which have significant roles in developing and regulating AI technologies

countries such as India have a key role to play, as well as the Gulf," Macron said

The French Presidency further highlighted the importance of addressing issues related to disinformation and the misuse of AI, which are central topics for the summit's discussions

Will take back illegals only after verifying: India tells US

Amid concerns r aised by the US over irr egular migrat ion, I n d ia

w o ul d , l ik e in

, a ccept ill egal migr ants from t he US only after ve rifying t heir Indian origin and that a ny t alk ab out the numbe r of such undocumented people it wa s will in g to tak e ba ck was “ pr emature”

T h e r e m a r k s b y t h e ministry of external affairs came shortly after reports from the US said “hundreds” of illegal immigrants were d e p o r t

Donald Trump’s presidency

M o r e t h a n 5 0 0 m i g r a n t s were also reported to have

b e e n a r r e s t e d I n d i a n

o f f i c i a l s s a i d t h e y h a d n o i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t t h i s “largest massive deportation

o p e r a t i o n ” “ T h e T r u m p administration arrested 538 illegal immigrant criminals also deported hundreds of illegal immigrant criminals v i a m

l i t a r y a i

c r a f t T h e largest massive deportation operation in history is well underway Promises made P r o m i s e s k e p t , ” T r u m p ’ s p r e s s s e c r e t a r y K a r o l i n e

Leavitt said in a post on X Trump has maintained all

a l o n g t h a t i l l e g a l i m m i g r a t i o n p u t s a n enormous burden on the US and pledged all lawful action at his disposal to address the “crisis”

W h i l e U S

t i e s were reported last year to have served final order of removal to close to 18,000 p e o p l e

India, the Indian govt has

maintaining it is yet to be

external affairs minister S

facilitating legitimate return of illegal migrants if their Indian origin is validatedwith all countries and the US was no exception

Jaishankar engages with top Trump team members in boosting ties

d Tr um p agains t almos t every region of the world as part of his

minister S Jaishankar got a head start on managi ng, i f not elevating US-India ties, after talks with top Trump aides including secretary of s


counterpart hours after he was confirmed as secretary of state by the Senate and

fastest any administration has gotten off the blocks In a post on X, Jaishankar said Rubio and he “exchanged views on a wide range of regional and global issues”, and he looked forward to closely working with him “to advance our strategic cooperation” He also made a brief reference to Rubio being a “

i e s between the two countries, an allusion to the US-India Defence Cooperation Act in which then senator Rubio c a l l e d f o r I n d i a t o b e treated on a par with US allies such as Japan, Israel,

friendship to ensure mutual benefit and enhance global stability and prosperity”

hosted a meeting of Quad foreign ministers soon after t h e b i l a t e r a l w i t h h i s counterparts - Jaishankar, Japan’s Takeshi Iwaya, and Australia’s Penny Wong Jaishankar said it was “significant” that the Quad foreign minister’s meeting took place within hours of t h e i n a u g u r a t i o n o f

h e Trump administration, and “this underlines the priority it has in the foreign policy of its member states”

“ T h e m e e t i n g t o d a y sends a clear message that in an uncertain and volatile w o r l d , t h e Q u a d w i l l continue to be a force for global good,” he added S e p a r a t e l y , J a i s h a n k a r a l s o m e t T r u m p ’ s n e w N S

y statements belied Trump’s verbal rampage in which he has been dissing countries across the world, including many allies, insisting they have been ripping off the U S o n t r a d e , a n d threatening tariffs to level the playing field as per his metrics

Jaishankar also met two

Ramaswamy and putative FBI director Kash Patel


presidential galas He also

Thune, effectively quashing

posted misleading videos to say he was insulted at the Trump inauguration

verifying their citizenship

After his meeting with c

Uttarakhand rolls out UCC; ‘not against any faith,’ says CM

A fter m onths o f deliberations, Uttarakhand has now finally im plemented Uniform C ivil Co de (UC C), hoping it w ill be a “tem plate” for other states to fo llow

Enforcing the code, CM Pushkar Singh Dhami launched the UCC portal, sending out into the public domain a detailed set of regulations that would henceforth “guide” citizens on various aspects of personal relationships and property, among other things “UCC is not aimed against a n y r e l i g i o n o r i n d i v i d u a l i t w i l l e n d a l l k i n d o f discrimination,” the CM said According to the new law, marriages conducted between March 26, 2010 and Jan 27, 2025 need to be registered within six months However, marriages solemnised after that would have to be registered within 60 days of the union

While UCC has set the age for marriage for women across all religions at 18 years, it is 21 for men All live-in couples will now be required to declare their relationship status to the govt For new ones, it will have to be done within one month “Either or both partners can terminate

stipulates “If a woman becomes pregnant during a live-in

Emmanuel Macron & Narendra Modi
S Jaishankar & Marco Rubio

Study finds life expectancy gap in adults with ADHD


en w ith A DHD liv e

an av era g e o f s ev en y ear s l es s th a n th o s e without th e condition, wh ile for w omen, the gap is nearly nine years, acco rding to a g ro undbreaking stud y A DHD, w hic h affects 3-4 % o f adults globally, can lead to difficu lties with concentration and impulsivity

Researchers have now found a significant link between an ADHD diagnosis and shorter life expectancy

“This group faces a significant and concerning reduction in life expectancy,” said Prof Joshua Stott of University College London, a senior author of the study

Unlike previous research, which estimated lower life expectancy for people with ADHD without analysing recorded deaths, this study examined primary care data from over 9 million UK adults (2000–2019) It specifically compared 30,039 adults diagnosed with ADHD to 300,390 similar participants without the condition, matched by age, sex, and primary care practice The study found that men with ADHD had an average life expectancy 6 8 years shorter, while for women the gap was 8 6 years

Prof Joshua Stott noted ADHD is unlikely to directly cause reduced life expectancy but highlighted possible factors, including higher rates of mental health issues, challenges accessing healthcare, and lifestyle behaviours such as smoking, drinking, and binge eating

“We know people with ADHD have higher suicide rates and are more likely to engage in risky behaviours,” Stott said, adding that these life expectancy figures apply only if current conditions for those with ADHD remain unchanged


diagnosis could be 10

years earlier with protein study

A lzhei me r's dis eas e could be di agnos ed up to a de cad e earli er than ks to the world's large st stud y on prote ins , starti ng i n th e UK this mon th

The research aims to uncover how diseases develop, paving the way for blood tests to detect conditions like cancer and dementia years before clinical diagnosis

Pilot data from the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project has already identified elevated proteins in patients up to a decade before dementia diagnosis and seven years before certain cancers

Experts say the study could be a “crucial piece in the jigsaw” of transforming healthcare by the decade's end Professor Sir Rory Collins, the project’s lead, said the data will help scientists worldwide explore how lifestyle, environment, and genetics influence disease development, enabling early identification and prevention of conditions

The study will examine how genes, lifestyle, and environment drive illness by altering blood protein levels It could also lead to faster, more accurate blood tests for autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease

Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, focuses on their role in disease and how their structure and function contribute to illness

Science Minister Lord Patrick Vallance praised the plan as having the “potential to unlock a new era of possibilities ” The project expands on a pilot program that analysed nearly 3,000 proteins from blood samples of 54,000 UK Biobank participants

Nourish your skin with Avocados

While avocados can't replace sunscreen, they offer natural sun protection Avocado oil contains antioxidants and vitamins that help shield the skin from harmful UV rays, while the healthy fats hydrate and nourish, keeping skin supple and glowing. So, next time you hit the beach, enjoy some avocados to complement your sun protection routine

Excessive screen time harms toddlers' development

Shefali Saxena

m e i s im pacting to ddlers’ dev elo p m ent

ld ren w atching ov er 90 minutes d aily often lag in v ocabulary, comm unicatio n, writi ng , and nu merac y ski lls E x p ert s u rg

are nts t o limit screen exposure and p rioritise interactive activ i-

and essential

young children Dr P rabh u Raj end ran, C

parents and caregivers use smartphones or tablets for babies or young children as an opportunity to get on with other things But we

develop language, all communication is non-verbal So they depend heavily on looking at a face and deriving meaning from that face R

screen time between 2020 and 2022, and that nearly 25% of children and young

o p l e u s e t h e i r s m a r tphones in a way that is consistent with a behavioural addiction Screen use has

been found to start as early as six months of age ” S h a r i n g r e c o m m e

means a baby doesn’t learn to read human emotions

Looking at people's faces helps them learn non-verbal cues, which is important for t h e i r b r a i n d e v e l o p m e n t and communication Babies need to be stimulated by human interaction and the outside world Having time

Screen time can disrupt a

C h i l d ' s a b i l i t y t o g e t t o sleep, Children who don’t sleep well are more likely to

lower mood and behaviour “

e t h a n a n h o u r o f

d that for babies under two years old, the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends no screen time For babies over the age of two, they recommend no m

s c r e e n t i m e a d a y T h i s remains the recommendation up to the age of four

The NHS advises no more than two hours a day even f o r o l d e r c h i l d r e n T h e W H O g u i d a n c e o n n o screen time might sound strict Realistically, it can hard for busy parents or carers of babies under two to ban screen time completely, but here are the reasons

T o o m u c h t i m e w i t h screens rather than people

entertained as much as poss i b l e , U N I C E F s a y s b o r edom is important It helps t h e m l

y o n themselves and others for entertainment It provides opportunities to build their imagination,” he added

important protective factor and children who struggle to build a strong community will be deprived of this ” D r D

alternative activities such as active play, reading, or art as well as involving children in family routine such as meal

interaction and skill building If screen time use is

should gradually scale this

The study highlights that it is very important for par-

behaviour by limiting their own screen time and creating device-free zones such

s o r before bed This is not only a good example to set for children but parents themselves with see the benefit if they are engaging in healthier behaviours such as those we advocate for at Mental Health Foundation – gett i n g o u r b o d i e s m o v i n g , spending time in nature, or having meaningful conversations with others ”

Sp e a k i n g t o A si a n V oi c e , D r Da v i d C r e p a zKea y, Head of Resea rch at Men tal He alth Founda tion, said: “The study finds that t o d d l e r s a n d v e r y y o u n g children who exceed recommended screen time are at higher risk of language development delays, poorer educational outcomes, and, difficulties developing peer relationships This is

Neurologist shares 6 daily habits to boost memory

multitasking and constant

recalling a name or finding your keys, memory retention is crucial in daily life

ability to store and retrieve information M

playing a key role in how we understand past events and

g u i d e o u r c u r r e n t behaviour Memory can be both short-term and longterm Workplace pressures, anxiety, and mental health issues can also affect attent i o n a n d m e

y issues, often stemming from stress or anxiety Here are six daily habits that can natu r a l l y i m p r o v e m e m o r y retention

K eep yo ur day o n track: Using a daily planner helps p r e v e n t f o r g e t t i n g i m p o rt a n t t a s k s a n d r e i n f o r c e s

m e m o r y W r i t i n g t h i n g s down stimulates the brain,

aiding retention

Prioritise sleep fo r better memory retention: Aim for 6 to 8 hours of sleep nightly to consolidate memo r i e s S l e e p s t r e n g t h e n s retention by allowing the brain to process and store information

Fully fo cused: Focus on one task at a time to ensure t h e i n f o r m a t i o n y o u ’ r e e x p o s e d t

p e r l y retained, avoiding the cognitive overload caused by multitasking

Stimu late yo ur brain to strengthen memo ry: Engage in brain-stimulating activi-

ties like puzzles, reading, or learning new skills to boost m e m o r y a n d s t r e n g t h e n neural connections

B o o s t m em o ry an d brain functio n with regular ex er c is e : P h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y improves blood flow to the brain, supports neurogene-

memory retention and cognitive function

Lower stress to enhance memory and focu s: Manage

Expert tips to combat eye strain from digital screens

Digital screens are everywhere in our workplaces, homes, schools, and even shops According to the American Optometric Association, an estimated 104 million working-age Americans spend over seven hours a day in front of screens, which can take a serious toll on eye health

Prolonged screen exposure can cause dry or watery

increase the risk of myopia (near-sightedness), particularly in children Some technology workers even report experiencing brief episodes

screen use Strained eyes

and frequent breaks

Try the 20 -20-20 rule for eye relief

i l


l i g h t f r o m screens doesn't cause permanent damage, it can lead to eye strain, headaches, and b

Take a 20-second break every 20 minutes by focusing on s o m e t h i n g 2 0 f e e t a w a y t o r e l a x t i r e d eye muscles “Luckily, eye strain is temporary, ” says Raj Maturi, an ophthalmologist at Midwest Eye Institute “The key to prevention is taking regular breaks and using lubricating eye drops if needed ” Don’t fall for mislead ing eye care claims

Products like blue light glasses are often marketed as solutions for digital eye strain, better sleep, and eye d

shown that these glasses are not very effective, accord-

culprit behind eye strain is not the small amount of blue light from screens, but rather our behaviour with d i g i

Academy explains Achieving restful sleep T

Rakul Preet Singh talks about balancing cinema across languages

Shahid Kapoor on respecting the spotlight:

"It’s a privilege"

Shahid Kapoor is actively promoting his upcoming action thriller ‘Deva’ In a recent chat on Raj Shamani's podcast, the Bollywood star opened up about his relentless drive to excel, even after two decades in the industry. He shared that his early struggles as an aspiring actor still fuel his need to prove himself with each new role.

Shahid Kapoor shared that he's never fully content with himself, explaining that he still feels the need to prove himself with every new role Reflecting on his early struggles, he said, “After 250 to 300 auditions, you realise it’s a privilege to get the spotlight Many never get that chance If you don’t respect it, you shouldn’t be there That spotlight is sacred, like a temple You’re truly blessed to stand in it ”

Reflecting on his two-decade journey since his debut in ‘Ishq Vishk’ (2003), Shahid Kapoor described his career as a continuous process of learning and self-discovery “After 21 years, my biggest takeaway is that no one is better or worse I am the best version of myself,” he said, emphasising his growth as an artist He also stars in the upcoming action thriller ‘Deva’, directed by Rosshan Andrrews and written by Bobby and Sanjay In the film, he plays a no-nonsense police officer alongside costars Pooja Hegde, Kubra Sait, and Pavail Gulati ‘Deva’ hits theatres on January 31, 2025

Additionally, Shahid is working on ‘Arjun Ustara’, a film directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, marking their reunion after the critically acclaimed ‘Kaminey’ (2009)

After no Hindi releases last year, Rakul Preet Singh will star in three Bollywood films this year Known for her work in multiple languages, the actress admits that the pressure of doing cinema across various languages every year can be overwhelming Rakul Preet Singh shares, "You can't constantly seek validation from working across boundaries I stay connected with people and focus on the warmth, continuing to work regardless of the language It’s all about finding the right script at the right time "

As an entrepreneur, Rakul’s ventures align with her passion for wellness and causes like safe sex, which also influence her film choices She adds, "With a platform as an actor and a business that promotes change, they complement each other, like in ‘Chhatriwali’ "

Rakul Preet Singh, who describes herself as a "workaholic," opened up about her married life, saying, "Jackky and I are first and foremost friends Our companionship remains the same, and nothing has changed It's wonderful to be married to someone who shares similar interests Coming from the same professional background makes it easier to understand each other’s work, whether it's night shoots or outdoor filming We’re always on the same page "

Manisha Koirala opens up on age bias in the industry


Koirala recently addressed ageism in the entertainment industry, highlighting how women are often shamed and trolled for their age She shared that many people assume she is too old for certain roles, reflecting the ongoing challenges women face in the film industry

Manisha Koirala spoke candidly about the ageism women face in the entertainment industry, sharing how they're often shamed for growing older She pointed out that male actors are rarely subjected to such criticism Reflecting on her own experiences, Manisha revealed being excluded from roundtable conversations due to her age, despite having co-actors of similar or older age She emphasised how ageism affects women more deeply, with older actresses often sidelined while older male actors are accepted

A t 5 4 , M

misconceptions about female artists in their 50s She emphasised the importance of showing that women can still thrive professionally and live fulfilling, healthy lives after 50 Manisha rejected the stereotype of older actresses being relegated to mother or sister roles, saying, “Women can still do kick-a** roles Age is just a number, and I still have the fire and hunger to grow as an artist ” She’s determined to continue working and proving that age should never limit potential

On the work front, Ajith continues to stay busy with multiple film projects His highly anticipated film Good Bad Ugly, directed by Adhik Ravichandran, is set to release on April 10, 2025 On the other hand, Madhavan-starrer Hisaab Barabar dropped on Zee 5

Akshay Kumar calls for unity in Bollywood: ‘We work in isolation’

Akshay Kumar, who began his career in the early 1990s, has seen many ups and downs in the film industry In a recent chat with IMDb to promote his latest film ‘Sky Force’, he discussed the lack of unity in Bollywood, despite it being like a family During the conversation, his co-actor Veer Pahariya, curious about Akshay’s journey, asked him about his career in the industry. Veer Pahariya asked Akshay Kumar, "Is there anything about movies or Bollywood you'd like to change?" Akshay immediately replied, "If I could change anything, I would bring more unity to the industry " He continued, "Though we ’ re like a family, sometimes we end up working in isolation If we supported and celebrated each other's successes, tackled challenges together, and acted as a collective force, it would have a positive impact on the industry and beyond ” Ajay Devgn previously shared a similar sentiment while on stage with Akshay Kumar He expressed, "I truly admire how the southern film industries come together and support each other Honestly, this is something we lack in the Mumbai film industry, and I’ve always wished for it to change " He continued, “The 4-5 of us who started together in the '90s – me, Akshay, Shah Rukh, Salman, Aamir, and others –aren’t involved in any struggles or conflicts We’ve always supported each other, and that’s well known You’ll never see any conflict among us ” Akshay then added, “What’s lacking is unity and respect, and that’s a big issue ”

R Madhavan praises Ajith's determination and spirit

Earlier this month, actor Ajith Kumar triumphed in the 24H Dubai 2025 endurance race, with his team, Racing by Bas Koeten, securing third place in the 991 category. Ajith also received the Spirit of the Race award in the GT4 category.

Proudly waving the Indian flag after his win, Ajith was cheered on by his wife, Shalini, and actor R Madhavan, who shared videos from the event. Praising Ajith, Madhavan wrote, “So so proud… what a man The one and only,” and added, “As he says, dreams do come true An incredible real hero ”

A heartwarming photo of R Madhavan hugging Ajith Kumar has gone viral since the race

Speaking about it, Madhavan said, “I’ve admired Ajith for a long time; he’s a friend When I heard he was in Dubai, I made sure to cheer him on ” Praising Ajith, he added, “He’s a man of grit and determination who achieves his goals with utmost decency

Watching him hold the tricolour on a motorsport podium, making our country proud, was truly special. I wanted to support him and help bring attention to his achievement and the sport ”

Samantha Ruth Prabhu talks turning down roles and seeking challenging characters

Samantha Ruth Prabhu, who gained fame with her girl-next-door roles, is now focused on projects that challenge her In a recent conversation, she shared why she's being selective about signing Tamil films and discussed her experience working with Raj & DK When asked why she's not taking on more Tamil films, Samantha, whose last project in the language was Vignesh Shivan's ‘Kaathuvaakula Rendu Kaadhal’ (2022), explained that she now requires more depth from a project She shared, “It’s easy to do many films, but at this stage in my life, every film must feel like it's the last It has to have a significant impact, and if I don't fully believe in it, I can't bring myself to do it ”

Speaking about reuniting with Raj & DK for ‘Rakht Brahmand’, Samantha shared, “With ‘The Family Man’ (Season 2), I was able to do something completely new, and the same goes for ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’ and ‘Rakht Brahmand’ They've spoiled me by constantly challenging me It’s incredibly fulfilling as an actor to give so much to a role every day If I don’t feel that way, I don’t want to go to work ” She also emphasised that she no longer wants to disappoint herself or others with her choices

In 2023, Samantha starred in the Telugu films ‘Shaakunthalam’ and ‘Kushi’, but both failed to make an impact In 2024, she appeared in ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’, and aside from ‘Rakht Brahmand’, she has yet to announce any new projects

Gautham Menon reflects on Suriya's exit from ‘Dhruva Nachathiram’

Gautham Vasudev Menon


is set to make his Malayalam debut with ‘Dominic and the Ladies’ Purse’, starring Mammootty, and eagerly awaits the audience's response Known for his hits and misses in Tamil cinema, Menon has been candid about his Kollywood journey

One of his long-delayed projects, ‘Dhruva Nachathiram’, initially starring Suriya and now Vikram, remains stalled due to legal and financial hurdles In recent interviews, he expressed disappointment over the lack of support from the Tamil film industry during challenging times

“There’s no disappointment I’m a candid person and just speak my mind without any intent to blame anyone, ” said Gautham Vasudev Menon “When asked about my work and challenges, I mentioned ‘Dhruva Nachathiram’, which remains unreleased Initially, Suriya was on board, and I was the producer, but he eventually opted out When Vikram joined, P Madan became the producer, and I stepped in later to resolve issues The perception that the film is stuck because of me is wrong it would have faced the same challenges even if Suriya had stayed ” Gautham Vasudev Menon addressed whether Tamil actors' reluctance led him to Malayalam cinema, saying, “I don’t view films by language If a story suits an actor, I approach them, no matter the industry When I heard ‘Dominic’, I thought of Mammootty, and he agreed Malayalam actors are open to diverse content, like Mammootty’s ‘Kaathal’ and ‘Nanpakal Nerathu Mayakkam’ Tamil heroes might not take on such subjects, but I have no regrets I’d still love to make more Tamil films ”

Kichcha Sudeep refuses award, thanks jury for honouring him

Actor Kichcha Sudeep has declined the Karnataka State Film Award for Best Actor for his role in the 2019 sports drama ‘Pailwaan’ He shared on X (formerly Twitter) that he stopped accepting awards years ago for personal reasons

Kichcha Sudeep thanked the Government of Karnataka and the jury for awarding him Best Actor for ‘Pailwaan’, but explained that he stopped accepting awards years ago for personal reasons He added that there are many deserving actors who would value the recognition more, and that his dedication to entertaining people has always been driven by passion, not the expectation of awards

The actor expressed his gratitude to the jury for selecting him, stating, "This recognition is, in itself, my reward " He apologised to the jury and state government for any disappointment his decision may cause, trusting they would respect his choice He reiterated his thanks for the acknowledgment of his work and for considering him for the award

Coldplay makes history in India: Ahmedabad concert draws record-breaking crowd

British rock band Coldplay, known for their electrifying performances and global fan base, recently captivated Indian audiences during their highly anticipated tour After performing in Mumbai on January 18, 19, and 21, the band made history in Ahmedabad with back-to-back concerts on January 25 and 26

Their Republic Day performance drew an unprecedented crowd of 1,34,000 people to the stadium, cementing its place as the biggest concert in India’s history With this feat, Coldplay has shattered previous records held by renowned artists Diljit Dosanjh and Justin Bieber, whose concerts attracted 50,000 attendees each. This marks Coldplay as the performers of the largest ticketed concert ever held in India

was genuinely excited because, after the Mumbai tickets fiasco, I had little hope of finally being able to see them live!”

Describing her experience, Insiya said, “The concert exceeded all my expectations The management was impressive too I entered the stadium

Asian Voice has spoken to a few fans who attended the Coldplay concert in India for the very first time, with the added thrill of it being hosted in their hometown, Ahmedabad Counselor Insiya Safri, a Coldplay fan since 2016, attended their concert in Ahmedabad on January 25 Reflecting on the announcement, she shared, “When I first heard they were going to perform in Ahmedabad, I

smoothly and exited without much trouble Although transportation afterward was a bit of a hassle, the overall experience was incredible I couldn’t stop smiling the entire night ” She added, “The crowd on the 25th was amazing! Elyanna's performance was fantastic and set the vibe However, Jasleen’s set brought the energy down a bit her performance was bland, and

her song choices were too mellow But all was forgiven the moment Coldplay took the stage! The crowd's energy soared, and it was truly an unforgettable night ”

Kanan Pathak, a master’s student in clinical psychology, attended the final leg of Coldplay's India tour in Ahmedabad Speaking about her excitement, she said, “When I found out they were performing in my city, the only thing on my mind was getting tickets! I’m a concert person, and missing Coldplay wasn’t an option ”

Reflecting on the experience, Kanan shared, “The atmosphere was magical, with wristbands, moon glasses, and fireworks making it feel like the stars were right here The crowd in Ahmedabad was incredible singing, dancing, and capturing moments At one point, Chris Martin stopped singing for a few seconds, but we kept the song alive, which was so uplifting Everything was well-organised, from getting to our seats to the band starting just a few minutes late I also loved their eco-friendly touch with wristband recycling and energy-generating cycles on stage It was truly unforgettable!”

Richa Chadha opens up about Ali Fazal’s paternity leave struggle

Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal


welcomed their baby girl, Zuneyra Ida Fazal, in July last year Richa reflected on the early months of motherhood and emphasised the importance of having a supportive partner at home. She revealed that Ali had requested paternity leave after Zuneyra’s birth but was denied it.

Richa shared, “Ali asked for paternity leave after our baby was born, but he didn’t really get it Everyone was like, ‘Haha, really? Okay, one or two weeks is fine ’ Thankfully, his shoot was delayed, so he could be with me It’s hard to explain how terrifying it is for a new parent ”

She added, “You’re dealing with no sleep, constant aches, pain, and brain fog Having a partner around is invaluable, especially since not everyone can afford quality childcare in our country ” Richa emphasised the need for more women in leadership roles to drive systemic change

Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal, who met on the sets of ‘Fukrey’, tied the knot in an e c o - f r i e n d l y c e r e m o n y i n L

October 4, 2022 Last year, the couple shared a glimpse of their daughter on

biggest collab of our lives! Our baby girl keeps us very busy Thank you all for your love and blessings ”

Mamta Kulkarni "can't imagine" returning to films after sanyas

Former actress Mamta Kulkarni, renowned for her roles in 90s Bollywood films, recently took sanyas at the Maha Kumbh Mela 2025, joining the Kinnar Akhara She assumed the title of "Mahamandleshwar" and was renamed Shri Yamai Mamta Nandgiri. After embracing the spiritual path as a Sadhvi, the ‘Baazi’ actress stated that returning to the film industry is now unimaginable for her. M a m t a K u l k a r n i s h a r e d , “ I can't imagine doing films again; it’s impossible now ” Reflecting on her entertainment career, she said, “ W h i l e

important, spirituality is a rare gift, a c h

e v e d t h r o u g h l u c k L i k e Siddhartha, who sought change after experiencing life ” She continued, “This was the c o m m a n d o f M a h a d e v , M a h a Kaali, and my guru They chose this day; I did nothing ” Dressed in s

, Kulkarni’s video performing the t r a d i t i o n a l ' P i n d D a a

alongside Salman Khan and Shah R u

Arjun’ and ‘Sabse Bada Khiladi’ She featured in successful films such as ‘Waqt Hamara Hai’ (1993), ‘ K

(1995), ‘Baazi’ (1996), and ‘Chhupa

after her last appearance in ‘Kabhie Tum Kabhie Hum’

Anurag Kashyap in awe of Jaideep Ahlawat in ‘Paatal Lok’ season 2

Jaideep Ahlawat's performance in ‘Paatal Lok’ season 2 has earned widespread praise, including from filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. On Instagram, Kashyap called Jaideep's acting a "masterclass" and applauded the entire team for their work He highlighted the series' powerful exploration of the "darkness that resides collectively within us as a society " Sharing posters of ‘Paatal Lok’, A n u r a g K a s h y a p r e f e r e n c e d t h e c e l e b r a t e d S o u t h K o r e a n f i l m m

Lok’ for its poignant writing, raw

darkness, as embodied by Hathi Ram's line, "main Pataal Lok ka permanent niwasi hoo " He urged v i e w e r s n o t t o s h y a w a

subtitles, highlighting the show’s

barrier of subtitles" to discover great films Reflecting on India's long-form TV journey, he praised ‘Paatal Lok’ as a powerful, bleak p o r t r a y a l o f s


i r s t s e a s o n K a s h y a p a d m i t t e d t h a t ‘Paatal Lok’ season 2 hooked him from its opening scene, drawing him into Hathi Ram Choudhary’s world of relentless, often fruitless, hope and exploring the darkness of human nature Anurag Kashyap praised ‘Paatal

powerful ending that unexpectedly offers light amidst darkness Kashyap called Jaideep Ahlawat's portrayal of Hathiram Choudhary not just his best performance but "the best performance of the 2020s " He applauded the entire team, from writers to costume designer Shruti K a

Ishwak Singh and Tillotama Shome, w


Star Indian fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah, who accounted for the dismissal of 71 batters in 13 Test matches last year, won the ICC Test Cricketer of the Year 2024 award Bumrah was in red-hot form for India in the home series against England and the away series against Australia

Bumrah kicked off the year 2024 with six wickets in the second innings of the Cape Town Test played against South Africa on

Bumrah wins ICC Test icketer of the Year award

anuary 4, 2024, and then picked up 19 wickets in four Tests against England In the

Bumrah dismissed six batters (2+4), and in the second Test at Vizag, he finished with nine wickets (6+3) His superb show with the ball in Visakhapatnam not only helped him win the Player of the Match award but also become world No 1 Test bowler

Bumrah finished the two-match series against Bangladesh in September-October with 11 wickets, and in the first two matches of the New Zealand series, he picked up three wickets

In the absence of Rohit Sharma, Bumrah led India in the first Test of the BorderG

wickets (5+3) Under his leadership, India hammered the Aussies by 295 runs inside

four days to take a 1-0 lead in the series Bumrah dismissed four Australian batters in the Day-Night Test played at Adelaide Oval from December 6-8 and finished with nine wickets each in the third (6+3) and fourth (

Melbourne Cricket Ground, respectively

impressed with his batting as well in the first innings of the Brisbane Test and scored 10 r

successfully avoid the follow-on Bumrah is the sixth Indian cricketer after Rahul Dravid, Gautam Gambhir, Virender Sehwag, Ravichandran Ashwin, and Virat Kohli to win the ICC Test Cricketer of the Y

recipient He bagged the top prize in 2004, Gautam won it in 2009, Sehwag in 2010, Ashwin in 2016, and Kohli in 2018

Smriti Mandhana crowned ICC Women’s ODI Cricketer

I ndi a b atter Smri ti Man dhan a

h a s b e e n n a m e d t h e I C C

Women ’ s ODI Cri ck eter of th e Ye ar after a phe nomenal 2024

i n the f ormat The left-h ande d ope ner w as a cut above in th e

5 0-ove r game i n 2024, scorin g a mounta in of run s and doin g s o i n s tyle

One of the factors that set

t h e e x p e r i e n c e d I n d i a s t a r apart during the year was how she managed to produce her

b e s t a g a i n s t h i g h - c a l i b r e opposition, scoring big runs in difficult series

M a n d h a n a s e t a n e a r l y

s t a n d a r d w i t h b a c k - t o - b a c k hundreds to inspire a 3-0 series

w i n a g a i n s t S o u t h A f r i c a i n

June An outstanding century proved the match-d

c o n t r i b u t i o n i n a d e c i d e r a g a i n s t Zealand in October

M a n d h a n a a showcased her abili

t o d o m i n a t e t h e v e r y b e s t w i t h a defiant century in P e r t h a g a i n s t A u s t r a l i a i n a l


M a n d h a n

s e t n e w c a r e e r s t a n d a r d s i n O n e Day Internationals,

scoring more runs than she e v e r h a s b e f o r e i n a dar year, racking up runs in 13 innings ss 2024 hat tally made the y l e f t - h a n d e r t h e eading run-scorer in W O D I ’ s i n t h e y


d H a y l e y Matthews (469)

M a n d h a n a ’ s r u n s c a m e a t a n mpressive average of 7 86 and she scored

at an impressive strike rate of 95 15, helping set an attacking tone for India’s top order She also scored four ODI centuries in the year – a new record in the women ’ s game –and found the boundary more than a hundred times in the year, hitting 95 fours and six maximums across 2024 Mandhana is one of just five batters to have reached f o u r f i g u r e s i n t h e competition, accumulating an eye-watering 1,358 runs in her 2 4 m a t c h e s i n t h e Championship, more than 100 runs clear of the next highest scorer (Wolvaardt)


England beat India by 26 runs in 3rd T20I

England open ed their a ccount on this tour with a 26- run wi n agai nst India in the thi rd T2 0I

i n R ajkot England were buoyed

b y a la t e c ha r ge f r om L i am

L i v i n g s t on e an d th e i r t a i le nders f ollowed b y a cli nic al

b ow l i n g pe r f or m a n c e l e d b y s pi n n

w i c k e ts a n d w as En g l a n d 's h i g h e s t w i c k et - t a k e r , A d i l R as hi d s p e ll o f 1 / 15 i s w h a t k nocked the wind out of India 's s ails

The hosts were under the pump, tottering at 78/4 in 10 overs while chasing a target of

172 They never really managed t

between the seventh and 15th


Jofra Archer, Mark Wood, Brydon Carse and Adil Rashid all picked a wicket each in the first 10 overs England got to a score of 171/9 in 20 overs which, w h i l e l o o k i n g b e l o w p a r considering the conditions, is f a r m o r e t h a n

possible for England at the end of the 16th over England had crumbled from 87/2 in the 10th

over to 127/8 in the 16th over Jos Buttler and Ben Duckett gave England a good start but t

s t


p i e c e s Chakravarthy ended his spell with sensational figures of 5/24 Livingstone then smashed Ravi Bishnoi all around the park and got to a score of 43 off 24 balls

b e f o r e f a l l i n


earlier put up a partnership of 76 runs off just 45 balls for the

thanks to a sensational catch by Sanju Samson Duckett got to

his half-century in 26 balls but soon fell to Axar Patel on 51 off 28 balls

England switched gears to

Hardik Pandya dismissed Phil Salt in the second over of the t h i r d T 2 0 I i n R a j k o t Mohammed Shami is back in

first time since the 2023 World Cup final with India captain Suryakumar Yadav saying that his replacing Arshdeep Singh, who has been rested for the third T20I against England in Rajkot India have won the toss and are bowling first

Lord's reshapes global role as Jay Shah joins new MCC advisory board

Jay Shah, the I CC chair and ex-

s e c re t ar y of th e B CC I , h a s j oi n e

Cri ck et Club ( MC C) ad vis ory board, which will replace the club's world c ric ket c ommittee Shah was a notable absentee

discuss the state of the global g a m e B u t h e i s a m o n g 1 3 founding members of the new W o r l d C r i c k e t C o n n e c t s advisory board, which will be c h a i r e d b y f o r m e r M C C president Kumar Sangakkara MCC announced that the second World Cricket Connects

forum will be staged on June 7 and 8, before Lord's hosts the W

final MCC chair Mark Nicholas said: "We are looking forward t o w e l c o m

y o f t h e game's most influential figures to debate the most important t

2006 and met for the final time last summer Other afounding m

impressive group of the best minds in cricket across several different areas relevant to our

working with this experienced group and excited about what we can collectively achieve for the benefit of the global game T h e w o r l d c

committee was an independent body which

not hold

adopted by the

f o r m a t i o n o f a W o r l d T e s t C h a m p i o n s h i p , t h e introduction of day-night Test cricket, and the use of a shot c l o c k t o i m p r o v e s l o w o v e rrates

W o r l d C r i c k e t C o n n e c t s a d v i s o r y b o a r d m e m b e r s : K u m a r S a n g a k k a r a ( c h a i r ) , A n u r a g D a h i y a ( I C C c h i e f c o m m e r c i a l o f f i c e r ) , C h r i s D e h r i n g ( C W I C E O ) , S o u r a v Ganguly, Sanjog Gupta (JioStar

C E O - S p o r t s ) , M e l J o n e s , H e a t h e r K n i g h t , T r u d y L i n d b l a d e ( C r i c k e t S c o t l a n d

C E O ) , H e a t h M i l l s ( W o r l d

Cricketers' Association chair),

I m t i a z P a t e l ( F o r m e r S u p e r S p o r t c h a i r ) , J a y S h a h , Graeme Smith, Andrew Strauss

Tickets for the first Kabaddi World Cup ever to be hosted in the UK began on January 24 - and they’re expected to sell fast Pre-registrations for tickets have already entered the thousands as fans from across the world seek to get in on the action Taking place in the West Midlands, this is the first time the championships have been hosted outside of Asia Hosted as a joint venture between World Kabaddi, the British Kabaddi League, West Midlands Combined Authority and the four hosting local authorities of Wolverhampton Coventry, Birmingham and Walsall, the Kabaddi World Cup 2025 will take place in venues across the region between 17th and 23rd March The tournament is supported by £500 000 of funding support from the UK Government’s Commonwealth Games Legacy Enhancement Fund Ticket prices will range from £5 - £25, depending on the event day and denomination of ticket Ashok Das, President of World Kabaddi said: “When I first had a vision to introduce my much-loved sport to the UK over 20 years ago I could never have anticipated that this day would come The day where we switch on ticket sales for the first Kabaddi World Cup to take place outside Asia right here in my home in the West Midlands Richard Parker Mayor of the West Midlands, said: Becoming the first place outside South Asia to host the Kabaddi World Cup is a huge moment for the West Midlands With millions watching, we ll show the world why our region is a top destination for global events and a great place to do business ” The West Midlands will welcome players, supporters, and spectators from countries like India USA, Kenya Tanzania, and those closer to home from both Scotland and England providing an economic boost for the region Spectators will also get to enjoy a celebration of the sport in both the opening and closing ceremonies which promise to engage fans of all ages


Jhulan Goswami’s name entered the history books when a stand at the Eden Gardens was named after her making the former India international the first woman cricketer to be bestowed with such an honour She joined two other Bengal and India cricket greats Pankaj Roy and Sourav Ganguly to have Eden stands named after them Interestingly Goswami’s association with the Eden began as a ball girl during the 1997 Women s World Cup final between Australia and New Zealand Only those girls who had played for Bengal at the U15 level were selected as ball girls I had not played for Bengal, but somehow happened to be there Someone mistakenly asked me also to move inside the ground, Goswami recalled with a smile However, since then, Goswami s entry into cricket was purely on merit as she made her international debut at the age of 19 in 2002


The 16-year-old Rocky Flintoff made an attacking 108 against Cricket Australia XI to become the youngest England Lions cricketer to score a hundred, breaking the record of his father Andrew Flintoff Flintoff senior who is coaching the Lions here had made a hundred when he was 20 for the England’s junior team Batting at No 9 Rocky made his runs off 127 balls as the Lions made 319 runs in their first innings on the second day of the four-day match

Jasprit Bumrah

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