AV 29th March 2025

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Breaking the silence on single parenthood - P07

Eid Special P16-17

“The FTA can facilitate increased investments in the UK” - P18


Bank deposit growth dips to 7.3% in Gujarat - P19 ---------------------

Sunita, Wilmore to undergo mental, physical adaptations - P20


India submits bid to host 2030 CWG in Ahmedabad - P31

West Bengal to ‘Best Bengal’

Chief Minister of Bengal, Mamata Banerjee gave a speech at a business meet and lunch reception coorganised by FICCI, UKIBC and WBIDC to attract investment opportunities in West Bengal The guests on dais with the CM included High Commissioner of India to the UK HE Vikram Doraiswami, Chief Secretary of Bengal Dr Manoj Pant, UKIBC Chair Richard Heald and Harsha Vardhan Agarwal, President of FICCI The business delegation attending the meet told the audience how under CM Banerjee West Bengal has become the “Best Bengal”

Business Secretary attends Iftar reception

D E C A D E O F N A T I O N A L R E N E W A L ?

While Chancellor Reeves intends to focus on defence spending and assert that the Government is on track with its economic plans, the Labour government may be out of its depth and overlooking key signals

Anusha Singh

Addressing the House of Commons as she presents the Spring Statement, Chancellor Rachel Reeves will highlight the government’s dedication to national security and economic stability

“This government was elected to change our country,” she will say “To provide security for working people and deliver a decade of national renewal ”

The plan is to tell us about all of Labour’s achievements so far, emphasising the government’s efforts over the past nine months and the result they yielded, including

“With no clear guidance, we were left uncertain about our options”

engulfed the North Hyde plant in Hayes, West London.


flights were affected, including around

Frankfurt, and Shannon each took six. Heathrow, one of the world's busiest

Heathrow s chief executive, Thomas

Subhasini Naicker

UK ‘s warning to Putin on nuclear deterrent

Bri tai n has th e p owe r to infli ct “untold d amage ” on adv ersari es li ke Russi a throug h i ts nuclea r arsenal, D efe nce

Secreta r y Joh n He ale y h as wa rne d

Speaking at a submarine construction site, Healey emphasised the UK’s commitment to NATO and European security, contrasting it with France’s more

limited nuclear policy

Healey, alongside Prime Minister Keir Starmer, attended a keel-laying ceremony for the Dreadnought-class submarine, which will replace the UK’s Vanguard-class fleet

These submarines form the backbone of Britain’s nuclear deterrent, operating silently to ensure national security “We must be clear, strong, and conf ident in our deterrent,” Healey stated The visit coincided with

high-level discussions at Northwood militar y headquarters, where off icials from 26 nations discussed a coalition to bolster Ukraine’s security Starmer stressed that Putin would face “ severe consequences ” for violating ceasef ire agreements and that any lasting peace required robust security measures

Britain appears to be shifting its militar y support towards air and maritime operations, with discussions about deploying Typhoon jets to

secure Ukrainian airspace Meanwhile, Germany has called for full US involvement in intelligence, sur veillance, and air defence efforts to deter Russian aggression

France is reportedly considering aligning its nuclear strategy with NATO, taking inspiration from Britain’s approach Poland has also expressed interest in hosting nuclear weapons Asked about the likelihood of Putin using nuclear force, Healey said the UK takes his threats seriously but recognises his frequent use of nuclear rhetoric

As Britain prepares to replace its nuclear fleet in the 2030s, collaboration with the US remains crucial Both nations are jointly developing the W93 warhead, ensuring the UK’s nuclear deterrent remains a key element of Western defence strategy amid rising global tensions

Prisoners held in police cells amid overcrowding

The Min istr y of Just ice (MoJ) has conf irmed t ha t prison ers will be t empor arily house d in police ce lls as a short -te rm

m e a su r e t o a d d r e ss o v e rcrowding in the prison sys-

t em

T h i s e m e r g e n c y r e s p o n s e , k n o w n a s Operation Safeguard, is activated when prisons approach

f u l l c a p a c i t y T h e g o v e r n -

m e n t h a s a n n o u n c e d t h a t 200 police cells will be made a v a i l a b l e u n d e r t h e p l a n , which is expected to last for t w o m o n t h s b u t m a y b e

e x t e n d e d d e p e n d i n g o n prison population levels

Asylum seekers to remain in hotels for years

Mig rants w ill co ntinue to be housed in hotels and o th er temp orary accom mod atio ns for years, the Treasury has adm itted

The Home Off ice has been directed to f ind more cost-effective providers and prevent private companies from prof iting excessively from the small boats crisis As part of an effort to save £4 billion annually, Treasur y advisers have launched an audit of the Home Off ice’s hotel spending A Treasur y document outlining the plan attributes the continued need for temporar y housing to global instability and existing pressures on the UK’s housing supply

However, it suggests that the government's target of building 1 5 million homes in England by 2029 could help reduce reliance on hotels The document, published by the Tr

(OVf M), highlights concerns over companies securing record prof its from asylum housing contracts Research by the Institute for Public Policy Research indicates that the cost per asylum seeker has risen sharply, from £17,000 in 2020 to £41,000 in 2024 Cu r r e n

housed in hotels, costing taxpayers £5 5 million daily, with an additional 65,707 in other accommodations The National Audit Off ice found that accommodating a migrant in a hotel costs £145 per night, compared to £14 for alternative housing such as shared flats or bedsits The OVf M warned that hotel stays negatively impact children and families and is reviewing how the Home Off ice can secure more suitable accommodation options

The government reaff irmed its commitment to ending hotel use and pursuing costeffective alternatives

Tulip Siddiq denounces corruption allegations as ‘false and vexatious’

L a bo u r M P Tu l i p S id d i q h as stro ng ly denied alleg ations of c o rru p t io n , c al li ng them a “targ eted and b as ele ss ” ca m p ai g


More than 5,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel into the UK this year, the highest number recorded at this stage since data collection began in 2018 On Thursday, 341 people arrived in six boats, bringing the total to 5,025 24% higher than at the same point in 2024 and 36% higher than in 2023 The busiest day so far this year was March 2 , when 592 people arrived in 11 boats The rise in crossings comes amid growing concerns over safety with two migrants dying in separate incidents this week while attempting the journey In response the UK and France recently signed an agreement to strengthen cooperation against people smuggling Meanwhile the government s Border Security, Asylum, and Immigration Bill continues through Parliament, proposing tougher criminal measures A Home Office spokesperson reiterated the government s commitment to ending dangerous crossings, while Downing Street defended its efforts to fix the “chaos” in the asylum system


Plastic litter on UK beaches has increased by nearly 10% since 2023, according to the Marine Conservation Society Its State of Our Beaches report revealed that volunteers collected 764,451 pieces of litter, averaging 170 items per 100m of coastline up 9 5% from last year Public sources, including household rubbish carried by rivers and wind, accounted for 46% of the litter Plastic fragments were the most common find, followed by single -use packaging Caps and lids were found on 88% of surveyed beaches while plastic bottles and containers appeared on 71% A Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs spokesperson reaffirmed the government s commitment to tackling pollution


T h e a n n o u n c e m e n t comes ahead of the opening o f H M P M i l l s i ke , a n e w prison near York, which will p r o v i d e 1 ,5 0 0 a d d i t i o n a l s p a c e s T h e g o v e r n m e n t hopes this will help alleviate pressure on the criminal justice system

D e s p i t e t h e e m e r g e n c y m e a s u r e s , t h e MoJ i n s i s t s that prison capacity has not yet been exceeded However, newly released f igures show t h e p r i s o n p o p u l a t i o n h a s reached a six-month high, with 87,556 people currently in custody The male prison estate is operating at over 9 9 % c

g the strain on existing facilities In a statement, the MoJ s a i d i t h a d “i n

a prison system in crisis” and e

sures provide only “temporar y relief ” The government is working to add 14,000 new prison places through new construction, expansion of existing facilities, and temporar y cells

Pia Sinha, the chief executive of Prison Reform Trust, cautioned that “it will not be possible for the government to build its way out of this crisis ” She emphasised that the sentencing review would be “vital to bringing our use

against her are false and politically motiv ated

Tulip Siddiq

Si d d i q r e s i g n e d from her role in the UK government amid scrutiny over her ties to her aunt, Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh’s deposed prime minister She questioned why the Bangladeshi government had briefed the media on the accusations but had not contacted her directly

Her lawyers, Stephenson Har wood, have w r i t t e n t o B a n g l a d e s h’s A n t i-C o r r u p t i o n Commission (ACC), describing its actions as an “unacceptable attempt to interfere with UK politics ” The ACC has named Siddiq in three separate inquiries, alleging her involvement in a nuclear power plant deal with Russia, land acquisitions in Dhaka, and money laundering

This legal response is Siddiq’s f irst signif icant statement since resigning as anti-corruption minister in Januar y She stepped down after Sir Laurie Magnus, adviser to Sir Keir

St a r m e r, w a r n e d t h a t h e r f a m i l y ’ s t i e s t o Hasina’s regime posed “reputational risks” to the UK government

The legal letter demands an immediate end to what it calls “false and vexatious allegations” and media brief ings aimed at damaging h e r r e p u t a t i o n Si d d i q r e f u t e s a l l c l a i m s , asserting that her London flat was a gift from h e r g o d f a t h e r i n 2 0 0 4 l o n g b e fo r e t h e Russian power plant deal in 2013 She denies any involvement in the agreement, despite h a v i n g v i s i t e d Mo s c o w a n d b e i n g p h otographed with President Putin

The ACC’s chairman, Mohammad Abdul Momen, maintains that the allegations will stand up in court, including in the UK

Britain is among the top destinations for stolen Bangladeshi money, according to Ahsan Mansur, governor of Bangladesh Bank He is seeking to recover $75 billion to $100 billion allegedly siphoned out of the country during Sheikh Hasina’s 15-year rule before her removal in August Mansur visited London this week to urge the UK government to sanction around 50 individuals with assets in Britain, accusing them of corruption through embezzlement and financial fraud Bangladeshi authorities believe a large portion of the stolen funds ended up in Britain, Dubai, and Singapore “Most rich families in Bangladesh have strong ties to Britain ” Mansur said noting that many own property in London Bangladesh Bank hopes that if Britain freezes these assets other countries will follow While no names have been released officials cite the UK s $30 billion asset freeze on Russian elites after the Ukraine invasion as a precedent for action


British Summer Time (BST) will start on this weekend So clocks will go forward by one hour at 1AM on Sunday 30 March 2025 Don’t forget to adjust the time! Remember- spring forward, fall back!

Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Defence Secretary John Healey at the BAE Systems
Credit Lauren Hurley / No 10 Down ng Street
Sir Keir Starmer addressing the officials present Credit: Lauren Hurley / No 10 Down ng Street
Pia Sinha

Another test for Labour

The Spring Statement is not a full budget but rather an update on how Labour’s economic policies are holding up It will include only a “thin book” of new policies and a “light scorecard” of measures, with no further tax increases

So what is the purpose of this Spring Statement? Primarily, it serves as a forecast from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), which has had to account for a slower-than-expected economy and rising government borrowing costs

When Labour won last year ’ s general election, one of its key promises was to “kickstart economic growth ” However, growth has stalled, and borrowing costs are rising No 11 Downing Street has ruled out both tax increases and a return to austerity, but that raises an important question where will the money come from?

While the government grapples with that issue, several policy changes have been announced and will take effect once the Finance Bill 2024-25 is passed These include the abolition of the non-domicile tax regime, the introduction of the Foreign Income and Gains system, and changes to the inheritance tax system

Scrapping the non-dom regime has already led to an exodus of wealthy individuals with over 10,000 millionaires leaving the UK in 2024, a significant increase from the previous year The government had expected these tax changes to generate substantial revenue, but with so many wealthy people leaving, the actual financial impact remains uncertain

Inheritance tax rules are also changing The tax-free inheritance limit for business and farming assets will be capped at £1

million from April 2026, and to no longer be exempt from inheritance tax in 2027 Currently, these assets can be passed on taxfree, so this marks a major shift These changes have sparked outrage, particularly among farmers and business owners, who argue that they will stifle growth and harm family businesses

There are some small signs of economic improvement, particularly in the service sector However, small businesses in retail and hospitality, facing increases in National Insurance and the National Living Wage, are hoping for some form of relief While the government claims that the National Insurance increase won’t immediately affect workers’ wages, businesses may eventually cut jobs or limit pay raises to offset the higher costs Despite concerns, the government is unlikely to reverse these changes in the Spring Statement

Beyond these immediate issues, a larger question looms over the government’s long-term economic strategy Eight months into Labour’s leadership, investors and businesses are still waiting for clear plans on infrastructure, industry, and trade The evolving global economy brings both challenges and opportunities, and it is up to the government to steer the country in the right direction If growth remains sluggish, Rishi Sunak’s warnings about the flaws in Keir Starmer’s economic plans may ultimately be proven right

Spring Statement may not be a full budget, it will provide key insights into the government’s economic direction Let’s just hope that it’s not all about the problems Labour inherited from the previous Conservative government and provides some actual answers

India’s corruption crisis?

Corruption disturbs the functioning of a democracy, dimin-

remains a significant challenge in India, as highlighted by the l


Transparency International

In the 2024 rankings, India dropped to 96th out of 180 countries, with its score declining to 38 from 39 in 2023 and 40 in 2022 This decline is indicative of persistent corruption issues in the public sector, as perceived by experts and business leaders Compared to its neighbors, India still fares better than Pakistan (135), Sri Lanka (121), and Bangladesh (149) but lags behind China, which stands at 76

One of the most alarming recent developments in India’s corruption landscape is the controversy surrounding Justice Yashwant Varma of the Delhi High Court Following the discovery of a large amount of burnt cash in a storeroom a t t a c h e d t o h

Collegium, led by Chief Justice Sanjiv Khanna, recommended his repatriation to the Allahabad High Court While the investigation is ongoing, this incident has cast a shadow over the judiciary, raising concerns about corruption at the highest levels The Supreme Court has clarified that Justice Varma’s transfer is separate from the inquiry, yet the scandal underscores the urgent need for greater transparency and accountability within the judicial system

At the same time, efforts are being made to combat corr u p


Mauritius signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to enhance cooperation in tackling money laundering, corruption, fraud, and asset recovery The collaboration between I n d i a '

Financial Crimes Commission (FCC) aims to strengthen financial enforcement capabilities and bolster economic and

security cooperation The agreement includes provisions for joint operations, skill-building initiatives, and the exchange of forensic technology and best practices ED Director Rahul Navin emphasised the agency ’ s high conviction rate in money laundering cases and its success in asset tracing and confiscation Notably, the ED has successfully restituted assets worth INR 2 6 billion (Rs 226 crore) to victims of financial fraud, highlighting its growing role in combating corruption

A recent report by the online platform LocalCircles further highlights the extent of corruption in India According to a survey conducted across 159 districts, around 66 percent of business firms admitted to paying bribes in the last 12 months The survey, which received 18,000 responses, found that 54 percent were forced to pay bribes, while 46 percent paid voluntarily to expedite processes

While such international collaborations are commendable, India still faces systemic issues that require urgent reforms The decline in the CPI ranking suggests that corruption remains deeply entrenched in various institutions The scandal involving Justice Varma further demonstrates the vulnerabilities within the judiciary, an institution that is supposed to uphold the rule of law Addressing corruption r

greater judicial independence, and institutional accountability

Moreover, the government must focus on transparency in political financing, strengthening whistleblower protections, and ensuring that investigative agencies operate without political interference Without sustained efforts in these areas, India risks further slipping in global corruption rankings, affecting its investment climate and public trust in governance While initiatives like the agreement with Mauritius are steps in the right direction, domestic measures must complement international efforts to bring about lasting change

Shaping a new future for Canada

Canadian Prime Minister Mark Carney has called a federal election for April 28, seeking a strong mandate to counter US President Donald Trump’s economic sanctions on Canada

Having taken office just weeks ago, Carney warned that Trump’s policies aim to weaken Canada and own us The move underscores rising tensions between the two longtime allies after Trump imposed tariffs and even suggested annexing Canada as the 51st state

The urgency behind Carney’s decision also stems from the instability of his minority government, where the Liberals lack a majority in the House of Commons In Canada’s parliamentary system, snap elections are often triggered by political calculations-governing parties seek to capitalise on strong polling numbers, opposition weaknesses, or a moment of public support Carney, who became Prime Minister through internal party mechanisms rather than a general election, is now looking for a direct mandate to solidify his legitimacy and strengthen his authority in these turbulent times A decisive electoral victory could reshape Parliament, allowing for more effective governance amid growing external threats

Beyond trade tensions with the US, Carney’s foreign policy ambitions include repairing Canada’s strained relationship with India a stark shift from the diplomatic deadlock under Justin Trudeau A recent survey shows that Canadians view Carney as more capable than Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre in handling trade negotiations, US relations, and economic uncertainty As Prime Minister, he has prioritised reengagement with India, recognising its strategic importance in Canada’s economic and political landscape

Carney’s emphasis on trade diversification and global part-

nerships positions India as a vital ally India has long contributed to Canada’s skilled workforce and student population, and under his leadership, immigration policies are expected to remain favourable for professionals and students His economic expertise suggests he will champion policies that attract top talent, boosting Canada’s workforce and innovation sectors A more stable diplomatic relationship with India could also lead to an increase in student and work visas, as well as streamlined permanent residency processes Restoring cooperation in recognising Indian credentials and qualifications could further strengthen professional ties between the two nations

However, one of the biggest obstacles to India-Canada relations has been Trudeau’s handling of the Khalistan issue, which led to a diplomatic standoff Carney’s leadership offers an opportunity to depoliticise bilateral ties and focus on common interests such as counterterrorism, regional security, and global governance With Trudeau’s departure, there is growing optimism that extremist Sikh elements will have less influence on foreign policy Reports indicate that India’s Ministry of External Affairs is already considering reinstating its High Commissioner to Canada-an essential step in restoring diplomatic engagement and fostering a more constructive partnership

As Canada navigates economic pressures from the US and seeks stronger global alliances, Carney’s leadership and the upcoming election will determine the country’s path forward Whether his vision for economic resilience, sovereignty, and diplomatic renewal secures a strong mandate remains to be seen, but his decisions will undoubtedly shape Canada’s role on the world stage

"It is never too late to be what you might have been." - George Eliot

Political Sketchbook

UK and India and MumbAI

During my recent journey through Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Delhi, I was struck by the palpable energy s urrounding artifi cial intelligence (AI) The TIE Conferenc e i n Mumbai epitomi zed this enthus iasm, with innovators and entrepreneurs fervently discussin g AI's transformative potential This optimism stood in stark contrast to the concurrent tremors in the US markets, underscoring I

advanc ement

Goldman Sachs' Perspective on India's Market Cap

Goldman Sachs has projected India to be among the best-performing emerging markets in 2025, citing the country's robust macroeconomic stability Factors such as improving terms of trade, effective inflation targeting, and reliable domestic risk capital contribute to this optimistic outlook The firm forecasts an earnings growth of 18-20% annually over the next 4-5 years, driven by an emerging private capital expenditure cycle and a structural rise in discretionary consumption These projections highlight India's potential to significantly increase its share in the global market capitalization

UK-India Collaborations in AI and Technology

The UK and India have launched the Technology Security Initiative (TSI), focusing on critical and emerging technologies, including AI This partnership aims to

address global challenges using AI Key initiatives include co-hosting conferences on AI bias, funding joint bias detection challenges, and exploring the establishment of a Centre for Responsible AI composed of experts from both nations

India's Strategic Position on the Global Stage India's unique geopolitical stance is noteworthy As a member of both NATO-friendly initiatives and alliances like BRICS, which includes Russia and China, India maintains a delicate balance in its international relations This positioning allows India to collaborate on AI and technology with a diverse set of global partners, navigating complex geopolitical landscapes to foster innovation and economic growth


India's vibrant engagement with AI and technology, bolstered by strategic international partnerships and favourable economic projections, paints a promising picture for its future As the nation continues to navigate its multifaceted global relationships, its commitment to technological advancement remains a beacon of optimism in an ever-evolving world

Asian Voice is published by

Asian Business Publications Ltd

CB Pate l : Publisher and Editor

Rupa njana Dut ta : Managing Editor

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Email: aveditorial@abplgroup com Website: www abplgroup com


Husband charged with murder of Harshita Brella

A murder charge has be en filed a gainst the husban d of a woman whose body was discovere d in t he boot of a car in ea st London

The body of 24-year-old Harshita Brella was found inside a silver Vauxhall Corsa on Brisbane Road, Ilford, on 14 November 2024 Her hus-

b a n d , 2 3 - y e a r - o l d P a n k a j

Lamba, is believed to have fled the country following her death

Announcing the charges,

t h e C r o w n P r o s e c u t i o n Service (CPS) did not con-

f i r m w h e t h e r L a m b a h a d been arrested but indicated

t h a t h e h a s n o t y e t b e e n located In addition to the murder charge, Lamba faces accusations of two counts of rape, sexual assault, and con-

t r o l l i n g o r c o e r c i v e behaviour

N o r t h a m p t o n s h i r e

Police previously stated that Brella was believed to have been strangled in Corby on the evening of 10 November before her body was transported nearly 160 km (100 miles) south to Ilford the following day

UK visa scams trap Kerala care workers

H u nd r ed s o f m i g r ant c ar e w o r ker s fr o m

Kerala have been left stranded and financially dev astated after paying large sums for UK job offers that nev er materialised

Many workers paid thousands of pounds to recruitment agents and care homes for visa sponsorships, only to arrive in the UK and find no work Some have returned to India, while others remain in precarious conditions


of the accused have also been arrested Indian police stated

Sunil Devi are facing charges

Harshita Brella, accused of s u b j e c t i n g h

reviewed a file of evidence

and has authorised a charge of murder against 23-yearold Pankaj Lamba in relation to Harshita Brella’s death “ L

y o

Sturton Walk, Corby, is also charged with two counts of rape, sexual assault, and cont

firmed that the charges were f

Court on Wednesday Meanwhile, the parents

D e t e c t i v e C h i e f Inspector Johnny Campbell reaffirmed the commitment to securing justice for Brella and supporting her family “ T h i s r e m a i n s a n a c t i v e investigation, and there are still aspects of the case we cannot comment on at this time We urge all parties to respect the judicial process to maintain the integrity of the proceedings ” Samantha Shallow from t h e C

under the country's "dowry death law This investigation is separate from the one being conducted in the UK by Northamptonshire Police

Four police officers have also been issued disciplinary notices over alleged failures in their handling of the case, with two facing gross mis-

potential misconduct

Brella’s family paid tribute to her, saying, “You may have left this world, but you remain in our hearts forev-

added, “We will never forget you Always stay with us We miss you in every moment of our lives ”

Top lawyer disbarred for inviting paralegal to hotel room

Nav jot “Jo” S idhu, a King’s C ounsel and fo rmer d iversity ad vocate, has been disbarred after a tribunal ruled he acted inapp ropriately by inviting an aspiring barrister to spend the nig ht in his hotel room d uring a trial

Sidhu, twice shortlisted for director of public prosecutions, was found guilty of three professional misconduct charges last year He had sought to have the case heard in private, but the tribunal ruled by majority that disbarment was a propor-

t i o n a t e r e s p o n s e t o t h e severity of his actions

D u r i n g a s e v e n - d a y hearing in December, the tribunal unanimously concluded that Sidhu’s invitat i o n t o t h e p

g a l

referred to as Person 2 was “entirely of a sexual nature and entirely inappropriate ” He initially contacted her t

room under the pretence of work and encouraging her to stay overnight

The tribunal heard that S i d h u c h a n g


amas, placed pillows down the bed as a "barricade," and

him He then initiated

wished to leave or sleep on the sofa

In its ruling, the tribunal f

“intentional” and motivated b

describing the situation as “ c o n t r i v

remorse, no evidence supported this

Sidhu, who has not practised for 17 months, previo

Asian Lawyers and chaired


role in the 2022 barristers' strike over pay

Over 110 child sextortion reports hit UK monthly

UK police forces are receiv-

o t he Na tiona l Crime Agen cy (NCA), which has l aunche d a

ne w awarene ss campaign to comb at t he gr owing onl ine thre at


Harjeet Kaur daughter of Parminder Singh Residing at Flat 9 A, Wembley Hill Road, Wembley HA9 8AF London - U. K, Formerly residing at 45, Azad Nagar Sultanwind Road, Amritsar Pin Code 143001, Punjab, India, Hereby give notice of my intention to change my name to Harjeet Kaur, so relinquished to the intent that I may hereafter be called /known and identified the new given name Harjeet and surname Kaur

though cases involving girls are increasing into sending nude or semi-nude images The perpetrators, often con-

social media and messaging

money, threatening to share the images publicly or with family and friends

The NCA reports a sharp rise in AI-generated sextortion attempts, where criminals manipulate or fabricate explicit images without vic-

material With AI technology



One of the companies accused of exploiting workers is Alchita Care, a domiciliary care h

e d l y t o o k money from workers but failed to provide employment The UK Home Office revoked its sponsorship license last year

At least three affected workers told the BBC they paid large sums but were not given the promised jobs One worker said he had been surviving on charity food for months Cambridge mayor Baiju Thittala, a Labour Party member, has represented at least 10 victims and estimates that 1,000–2,000 Keralites in the UK have been affected He highlighted the difficulty of pursuing justice due to crossborder legal challenges and high legal costs

In Kerala’s Kothamangalam town, about 30 people claimed they collectively lost millions to Henry Poulos and his agency, Grace International, which allegedly provided fake job offers Poulos is accused of sending some applicants on long trips for non-existent visa appointments Kerala police have sealed his local offices and reported that he is currently absconding in the UK

Peer’s meeting with minister raises concerns over Lords rules

Jitesh Gad hia, a peer an d C i ty fi n anc i er , attended a ministerial m ee tin g i n 2 0 2 1 alongsid e execu tives f ro m A c co rd H eal th c ar e, w h ere he serves as a nonexecutiv e d irector

The meeting has s

h House of Lords rules

Accord Healthcare, a major NHS supplier, sought the meeting to discuss policy changes, taxpayer-funded grants for a manufacturing facility, and opportunities to contribute to government working groups The company ’ s outreach email outlined its intent to engage with officials on procurement and service design

While House of Lords rules at the time were somewhat ambiguous, they explicitly prohibited peers from using their positions for financial gain or aiding external organisations in lobbying government officials The code of conduct also emphasised the importance of separating parliamentary duties from commercial interests Subsequent revisions reinforced these principles

Tom Brake, director of Unlock Democracy and a former deputy leader of the House of Commons, has called for an investigation into whether Gadhia’s involvement complied with the rules He stressed that any ambiguity in the code regarding peers with commercial interests must be clarified

Gadhia’s lawyers argue he did not provide parliamentary services for payment and that his role with Accord predates his peerage They dismissed allegations of lobbying as “misconceived ” Accord also denied lobbying, framing the meeting as a necessary engagement in the public interest

This report is part of The Lords Debate, a Guardian initiative examining the role and conduct of peers amid ongoing discussions on House of Lords reform

Britain will invest £600 million ($775 million) to train construction workers and address critical labour shortages threatening its plan to build 1 5 million homes by 2029 the government announced Saturday Construction, which makes up 6% of GDP, is central to the Labour government s economic growth strategy Finance Minister Rachel Reeves emphasised the importance of removing barriers to building new homes and improving infrastructure, stating, “We are determined to get Britain building again ” The UK’s construction sector has struggled with worker shortages worsened by Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic Official data showed 38,000 vacancies in the sector in the three months to February Additionally, the Construction Products Association warns that 500,000 workers 25% of the workforce could retire within 15 years To tackle this £165 million will fund more construction courses at colleges while £100 million will support upskilling The Construction Industry Training Board will contribute £32 million funding over 40 000 placements annually for four years The government estimates this will train 60,000 workers, including bricklayers electricians, engineers, and carpenters


Ed Miliband faced backlash after admitting that solar panels for UK schools and hospitals will be sourced from China The Net Zero Secretary confirmed that Beijing, the world’s largest polluter, will profit from GB Energy s public sector initiative Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith condemned the move accusing Miliband of “bending the knee” to a totalitarian regime He highlighted China’s ongoing expansion of coal oil and gas plants while Britain relies on Chinese-made panels for its clean energy transition Downing Street assured that panels under the £200 million project will meet strict security standards A spokesperson for Sir Keir Starmer defended the decision, stating that China s role in global energy supply chains cannot be ignored Critics also pointed out the environmental impact of shipping, with a single container vessel emitting up to 900 metric tons of CO2 Meanwhile, Miliband acknowledged rising energy costs as Ofgem increases the price cap

Tory leader Kemi Badenoch is charging taxpayers over £400 a month in council tax for a second home, located in the highest council tax band, as millions of working Britons face rising bills Badenoch's constituency home, a Grade II listed sixbedroom farmhouse, is rented through taxpayer expenses with her banker husband contributing to the rent as it exceeds her claim limit Despite this, Badenoch has passed the full council tax bill to the taxpayer The property is in “Band H” for council tax which includes just 0 6% of England’s most expensive homes and she claimed nearly £4 000 in council tax last year Her claim raises questions given her stance on reducing government spending Badenoch representing a constituency near London made the 23rd highest accommodation claim among MPs last year, despite the area s proximity to the capital where second-home claims are restricted The Grade II listed farmhouse which boasts five bedrooms, three living rooms and a guest annexe, was fully renovated and features extensive gardens Mrs Badenoch’s total accommodation claim last year was £36,244 65, just shy of her £37,450 claim limit

Harshita Brella Pankaj Lamba
Navjot Siddhu KC
Jitesh Gadhia

Teen accused in Bhim Kohli murder ‘panicked’ after attack

A 15-year-old boy accu sed

o f att ac ki ng B h im K o h li “panicked ” up on seeing a p o li c e ca r af ter s la p p i ng him with a shoe, a murder trial heard He also allegedly tried to swap sho es after the incid ent

Testifying at Leicester

C r o w n C o u r t , t h e b o y admitted to anger issues but denied leaving 80-yearold Kohli for dead after a

spinal injury and fractured ribs, dying in hospital the next day

The 15-year-old denies murdering Bhim Kohli or the alternative charge of m

old girl, accused of filming the attack while laughing and encouraging the vio-

manslaughter Due to their ages, neither can be named

who stood in the witness box wearing a white shirt and grey tracksuit bottoms

The boy told the jury he went to Braunstone Park, a

allegedly bragged about the

attack and panicked when

denied panicking because he had left Mr Kohli for dead

Sandhu KC asked if he tried to swap clothes The boy replied, “It was just shoes ” When asked why, he said, “I’m not sure, I just panicked because of what happened I hit him with my slider and pushed him ”

Starmer urged to contribute ‘fair share’ to EU defence fund

Britain mu st contribute its “ fair share” to the EU ’ s €1 50 billion defence fund if UK arm s companies are to benefit fro m Eu ropean rearmam ent, Sir Keir Starmer has been warned

M i g u e l B e r g e r ,

G e r m a n y ’ s a m b a s s a d o r t o the UK, told Times Radio that EU taxpayers’ money

“ c a n n o t s i m p l y g o i n t o British companies” without the UK first signing a security and defence agreement with Brussels

The EU announced this

w e e k t h a t n o n - m e m b e r

s t a t e s i n c l u d i n g t h e U K , the US, and Turkey will be e x c l u d e d f r o m t h e f u n d unless they secure formal

agreements The initiative, k n o w n a s S a f e ( S e c u r i t y Action for Europe), will raise f u n d s f r o m m a r k e t s a n d issue loans to member states for weapons procurement To qualify, at least 65% of

c o m p o n e n t s m u s t b e s o u r c e d f r o m t h e E U , Norway, or Ukraine

British officials had lobbied for inclusion, but their e f f o r t s w e r e b l o c k e d b y P r e s i d e n t M a c r o n , w h o pushed for a “Europe-only”

a p p r o a c h , u r g i n g E U nations to prioritise French military equipment

Despite the setback, UK officials remain hopeful that a defence and security pact could be agreed upon at a

May 19 summit, potentially allowing British firms like BAE Systems and Babcock to access the fund However, F r a n c e s e e k s t o t i

n y agreement to broader postBrexit negotiations, including fishing rights and migration Defence Secretary John H

“security cornerstone” but signalled openness to deeper EU cooperation


leading talks on a proposed r

tially offering up to £100 bill

UK-EU defence collaboration

Saffron Walden crowned best place to live in the UK

Saffron W alden, E ssex, has been named the UK's best place to live by ‘The Sunday Ti mes ’ , topping a shortlist of 7 2 l oc a t i on s , f r om bus tling c iti es to remote villa g es li k e M ae n c l oc h og, Pembroke-shire It succeeds la s t ye ar ’ s w in n er , No rth Berwi ck, E ast Lothian

J u d g e s c o n s i d e r e d schools, transport, broadband, mobile signals, green

s p a c e s , a n d H i g h S t r e e t

quality Bruce King, 49, of Cheffins estate agents, calls

S a f f r o n W a l d e n t h e b e s t , c i t i n

“Cambridge is 30 minutes

and London an hour,” he adds

Karen Oakley, 58, owner of Sage and Saffron, fully

p o

Walden for 12 years, she has

High Streets “We’ve been on the shortlist for years a

s praised the town’s historic charm, top schools, cultural scene, and growing foodie culture, calling it a modern r e i n v

tional High Street

Rayner’s cuts could weaken Islamophobia response

P o l ic e c h i ef s w a r n t h a t

Angela Rayner’s p lan to c ut funding f or Tell Mama, the UK’s Is lamop ho bia rep orting

s e rv ic e , c o u l d u nd er m i ne effo rts to combat hate crim es

The charity, which has

t r a c k e d a n t i - M u s l i m i n c i -

d e n t s f o r t h e g o v e r n m e n t since 2015, now faces losing its funding

T h e g o v e r n m e n t i s accused of cutting funding to Tell Mama because it opposes a new Islamophobia definition, fearing it could stifle

legitimate criticism of Islam

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has called

ending its support

M a r k H o b

t h e NPCC’s lead for hate crime, warned that the Gaza war and last year ’ s riots have heightened tensions in communities monitored by Tell Mama The NPCC shares data with t

tackle hate crime Tell Mama has yet to receive £500,000

Family pays tribute to student killed in London collision

Th e fam ily of Aalia Mahom ed , a 20 -year-old stu dent who d ied after being struck by a v an in central Lo nd on, h as paid tribute to h er, calling her a “brig ht, kind, and beautiful soul ”

Mahomed, a second-year BSc student at King’s College London, was pronounced dead at the scene near the Strand in Aldwych Two others a 27-year-old woman, who remains in serious condition, and a 23-year-old man, who has been discharged were also injured, according to the Metropolitan Police



Former owners of a High Street restaurant have been fined over £7,000 after inspectors found mouse droppings throughout the kitchen, including on food containers Slough Borough Council shut down New Shahi Spice in February last year due to a rodent infestation and multiple food safety breaches Inspectors reported widespread mouse activity chewed packaging and droppings on food preparation surfaces Containers of food were stored on the floor beneath shelves contaminated with droppings, and even cooking oil containers were affected At the time, the restaurant was owned by New Shishi Ltd but has since changed hands and reopened under a new name Company director Ryhana Akhtar was fined £2,050, while food business operator Pervez Akhtar received £5,000 in fines Inspectors also found dirty surfaces, encrusted sauce containers, and utensils with dried food particles Both Akhtars pleaded guilty at Slough Magistrates’ Court on March 7

from last year ’ s grant, though


Mama’s founder, said some politicians ignore its strong ties with law enforcement A housing ministry spokesman stated that grant applications will open soon, reaffirming

hate crime and monitoring anti-Muslim incidents as part of its Plan for Change

In a statement, Mahomed’s family described their devastating loss stating, “Aalia was a bright, kind, and beautiful soul who brought joy and laughter to everyone She was a ray of sunshine in our lives and will be deeply missed Her light will always live on in our memories, and her smile will be our strength as we navigate this difficult time ”

The family is receiving support from specially trained officers

The van ’ s driver, a 26-year-old man, was arrested at the scene on suspicion of causing death by careless driving and drug-driving offences He has been bailed while police investigations continue

West London doctor suspended for hiding convictions

A West Lo nd on d octor has been suspend ed fo r 12 months after repeated ly failing to disclo se his crim inal reco rd

The General Medical Council (GMC) ruled that Dr Sachin Manoraj’s “persistent acts of dishonesty” had undermined public confidence but stopped short of striking him off Dr Manoraj claimed he was unaware he needed to disclose his convictions, which included driving without due care and dangerous driving

A tribunal found he failed to inform the GMC and his former university about police investigations and subsequent convictions The tribunal stated, “Due to the serious nature o f D r M a n o r a j ’ s m i s c o n d u c t , i m m e d i a t e action was necessary to maintain public confidence ”

In June 2020, he denied being under investigation on an Imperial College London form and later failed to disclose his convictions on GMC registration forms in 2022 and 2023 He insisted he didn’t realise his offences were serious enough to report, believing his 2021 conviction was comparable to a speeding fine

His 2023 conviction stemmed from an incident where he drove onto a pavement, knocking a teenager off his scooter, before his friend assaulted the boy with a metal rod He was sentenced to 90 hours of unpaid work and a one-year driving ban

The tribunal found Dr Manoraj knowingly p r o v i d e d f a l s e i n f o r m a t i o n , a t t e m p t i n

avoid consequences While he admitted his mistakes, he maintained he never intended to deceive

He has 28 days to appeal and will face a review hearing in 12 months


A man has been arrested after the vicechair of a Slough mosque was assaulted during an incident at Manor Park Community Mosque on Villiers Road The attack occurred shortly after 10pm on Saturday, March 15 According to police, a man in his fifties was punched multiple times in the face resulting in a fractured nose He required hospital treatment but has since been discharged A 67-year-old man from Slough has been arrested on suspicion of assault and released on police bail until March 23 The Ujala Foundation, which operates the mosque confirmed the victim was a trustee and vice-chair In a statement the foundation emphasised its commitment to safety, stating: “We prioritise the wellbeing of our worshippers, trustees, committee members, and volunteers This incident has been reported to the police, and any future incidents will also be reported We have zero tolerance for violent behaviour at this mosque


Experts suggest the UK state pension age could rise to 68 earlier than planned The current schedule increases it to 67 between 2026-2028 and to 68 by 20442046 An expert believes this timeline may be accelerated as new ONS data shows life expectancy is rising again after stalling during the Covid pandemic Though still below pre-pandemic levels, gains have been recorded since 2021 Latest figures show UK life expectancy at birth is 78 8 years for men and 82 8 for women At 65 men can expect 18 5 more years, and women 21 A stark 10-year gap exists in male life expectancy across regions-73 1 years in Blackpool, Lancashire compared to 83 4 in Hart Hampshire Tom Selby, director of public policy at AJ Bell, warns that regional disparities in life expectancy and rising state pension costs pose a major challenge for the government Despite stalled improvements in life expectancy the number of centenarians has doubled in two decades With state pensions now costing around £125 billion and expected to rise, the strain on taxpayers will only grow

Bhim Kohli was found badly injured in Franklin Park Braunstone Town, in September last year
Aalia Mahomed

Breaking the silence on single parenthood

Single parents i n the Sou th Asian co mmunity face immense challenges, from financial stru ggles to emotio nal is olatio n, all wh ile raising their children alone

Whether divorced or widowed, many endure stigma, judgment, and a lack of supp o

expectations often place the burden on them to maintain appearances, discouraging them from seeking companionship or love again Dating, in particular, remains taboo, with fears of being judged or seen as "damaged" holding many back Su pp ort for So uth Asian s ingle p arents

Aruna Bansal, Founder of Asian Single Parents Network CIC, highlighted the challenges many divorced South Asian women face, particularly the stigma and isolation

“More couples today are unwilling to stay in unhappy marriages, yet divorce remains

Women often bear the burden of making a marriage work and are blamed even if they didn’t initiate the separation,” she said Many members of the network keep their situation private due to fear of judgment,


believe marriage is for life

“Some even endure domestic violence because their

added She emphasised the relief members feel upon joining the network, realising they are not alone and can find support from others who truly understand

Aruna shed light on the stigma surrounding single mothers, stating, “Many hesitate to leave unhappy marriages due to fear of judgment, often staying in toxic relationships for the sake of their children or the pressure of ‘what will people say ’” She recalled a heart breaking case of a

Come Discover Akram Vignan

woman who endured an abusive marriage to avoid being disowned by her family “Despite her suffering, she feared losing her family more than facing mistreatment ”

She also highlighted the unique challenges single fathers encounter, noting that societal expectations discourage men from expressing vulnerability “Men are often expected to suppress their emotions, making divorce an even more isolating experience for them Our network supports both mums and dads, recognising that stigma

"Women often bear the burden of making a marriage work and are blamed even if they didn’t initiate the separation "

"May the World Attain the Happiness that I have Attained"

- Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan

A Phenomenal Event

Ambalal Muljibhai Patel, fondly known as Dada Bhagwan or Dadashri was a family man, and a contractor by profession.

In June 1958, while sitting at the busy Surat railway station, within forty-eight minutes, spontaneous Self-realisation occurred within him. The vision of the whole universe opened up to him and he experienced the true bliss and happiness of the Self.

All the world’s spiritual mysteries were answered during this event such as, “Who am I? What is God? Who runs this world? What is karma? How to stop charging karma? What is liberation (moksha)?

He attained the state of a Gnani (one who is fully Self-realised and can impart the same to others).

Imparting the Knowledge Dadashri travelled round the world to impart the same experience of the Self as he had attained and give understanding of harmonious worldly interaction to all who came to see him.

He would do this through his divine original scientific experiment (Gnan Vidhi).

exists on both sides

Aruna noted, “Social isolation is a major challenge Without a partner’s support, many also lose the backing of family and friends due to stigma ” She stressed the toll on mental health, adding, “In our community, mental health issues are often seen as

silence ”

Discussing the importance of support

“Communities tailored for single parents help reduce isolation by providing a judgment-free space to connect, share experiences, and seek advice Our Network offers

through challenges, and inspiration from others’ journeys Hearing success stories gives members hope that they too can rebuild ” She also encouraged seeking support from family, friends, and platforms like Meetup and Facebook groups to foster new connections

Overcoming dating stigma South Asian single parents face unique challenges when re-entering the dating

His words became the foundation for a new spiritual science called Akram Vignan – a simple path to Self-realisation.

The Gnani’s Compassion for the World Dadashri said, “I am personally going to impart siddhis (special spiritual powers) to a few people. After I leave, will there not be a need for them? People of future generations will need this path, will they not?”

Pujya Dr Niruben Amin (Niruma)

Pujya Niruma attained Dadashri’s siddhi to impart Gnan Vidhi to others. She continued his mission of world salvation. Thousands of people from all walks of life and from all over the world have attained Self-realisation through her and are established in the experience of the pure Self, while living a normal life.

Pujya Deepakbhai Desai

The link of Akram Gnanis now continues with Pujya Deepakbhai Desai.

Through his compassion for all, and his unique and remarkable real-life examples, he is able to provide simple but profound solutions to whoever has gone to him with a problem, in such a natural way that, in just moments, the seeker is left with a feeling of awe and wonder. Knowledge of the Self does not exist in books. It exists in the heart of a Gnani. Hence, it can only be acquired from a Gnani.

world, navigating not just personal hurdles

expectations Transformation and relationship coach, Manj Bah ra explains, “There’s often a fear of being seen as ‘damaged’ or having to justify why the previous relationship ended Many feel torn between wanting companionship and being judged for itespecially by family or community The mental load is heavy, balancing the need for connection with protecting their children from instability For some, dating after years-especially in a modern landscape of apps and shifting norms-feels overwhelming ”

When it comes to balancing dating with p

shifts: “Dating doesn’t take away from your kids-it’s about modelling self-respect and

intentional Quality over quantity Use systems like childcare swaps, set ‘me-time,’ and limit dating to certain days ” He advises against hiding or overexposing dating to children, stressing that stability and clarity prevent emotional chaos at home “When you ’ re clear about what you ’ re looking for, you waste less time, reduce drama, and keep your home life stable ”

Encouraging South Asian single parents to seek love again, he advised, “Own your story-don’t hide it You’re not broken for being divorced or raising a child alone; you ’ re strong and emotionally mature But don’t settle just to prove your desirability Date from a place of self-worth, not urgency Know what you want-not what others expect Your child will benefit more from seeing you happy and secure than from you staying stuck in guilt or fear This time, you get to redefine love-on your terms ”


Pujya Deepakbhai is visiting the U.K. this April. We invite you to meet him, experience this free science of Akram Vignan and attain a new understanding that will bring profound changes to your life and your relationships.


I was introduced to basic teachings of Dadashri such as Adjust Everywhere, Avoid Clashes at a young age. However, I was not interested at all. But later, through talking to a friend, I became very curious. Then I was really eager to attend Gnan Vidhi.

During the six hour car drive home I felt that I was separate from Parth and I was pure Soul. I felt that nothing in the world could touch me. - Parth, USA

Harmony At Home; Experience of Fearlessness

My entire life is tremendously better post Gnan Vidhi. There is harmony at home and I experience a fearlessness. My two year old son recites "Let no living being in this world be hurt, even in the slightest degree through this mind, speech and

for having received the great gift of Gnan. - Anita, UK

body." Looking at him I realise that the purity within him has truly understood Dada. I feel humbled
Aruna Bansal
Manj Bahra



Bhavan UK hosts insightful talk on leadership and dharma

service, emphasising humil-

courage, and compassion Key takeaways from the

True Success: The Power of Human Connection

talk included viewing leadership as a sacred offering with

Vidya Bhavan, London, is a

higher purpose, the

desire, and anger Saxena

personal and organizational goals for meaningful work

from ancient role models

service for the greater good

Managing Partner at New Rhein Healthcare Investors and Chairman of Bharatiya

global leadership experience

INSEAD graduate fluent in six languages, he is also

Sanskrit and Vedanta The event offered senior executives a chance to explore timeless Indian leadership principles and their modern relevance The evening concluded with a networking dinner, sparking insightful discussions and professional connections

Honouring motherhood with Maatru Vandana by Sanskruti Centre

Cultural Excellence recently

through a captivating classi-

The Bhavan Drawn from the ‘Matsya Purana’, one of the e

Hindu tradition, the presentation paid tribute to mothe r s i n

Mother’s Day

It honoured the multifaceted role of a mother as

o m B u c k i n g h a m P a l

c e , conveying best wishes from H i s M a j e s t y K i n g C h a r l e s , w a s r e a d o u t d u r i n g t h e event

T h e s p e c t a c u l a r e v e n t showcased a ‘stotra’ recounting the seven divine mothers in battle against the demon legion of Raktabeeja, symbolising the eternal struggle between wisdom and igno-

r a n c e T h e e v e n i n g b e g a n with the traditional ‘Lighting of the Lamp’ by Guest of

Honour and BAFTA member Paul Brett, Professor Peter Austin from SOAS, author

T e j e n d r a S h a r m a , a n d Bhavan’s officer Parvati Nair

Anjana Vasa presented the o p e n i n g i n v o c a t o r y s o n g , setting the stage for a mesmerising lineup of performances

D e b a b r a t a P a l a n d

Debanjali Biswas paid tribute to Kali and Durga through Odissi and Manipuri dance

s t y l e s , w h i l e A r u n d h a t i

S r i

offered a graceful homage to River Ganga Dance invocations followed, performed by artists ranging from ages six t o s i x t y - f i v e T h e g r a n d f i n

, was a breathtaking tribute to the divine mother heptad, presented in Bharatanatyam, K u c h i p u d i , K a t h a k , Manipuri, and Mohiniattam b

A s w e journey th ro ug h life, we o ften acc um ulate p os sess ions , achi ev em ents, and experiences Yet, wh en all is said and d one, the only things w e truly carry with us are the m em ories we've made and the connections we'v e forged

We often wonder: is accumulating wealth or gaining power a true achievement? Or is it something else entirely, like the ability to influence decisions that affect many lives? The answer depends on one ’ s personal understanding of life, as well as the stage of life they are in That s why everyone has a unique perspective

Over time, however, I’ve come to realize that what truly matters what I now consider a measure of success is human connection, love, and friendship These elements are immeasurable, and that is what makes them so fulfilling Material wealth can always be quantified; a millionaire will always be outdone by a billionaire But love and friendship cannot be reduced to numbers That’s why they offer a deeper, lasting satisfaction

Here we are not talking about those telephone numbers, Facebook connections or followers on social media who regularly like your posts Real connections are those who are available in time of your need They may not be present to praise each of your small achievements, but would never let you down in any difficult situation They are the people whom you can trust to confide with your internal struggles, reveal without fear the biggest of your mistakes, and seek suggestions They do not claim any right over you but are happy to extend a helping hand in times of trouble They will be the friends who will miss you in your absence, and the void you have created will not be filled by others in their life A permanent place will remain for you in their heart

Even in social circles, only when you make others feel important, and give them due respect and genuine attention, do they stay with you forever You will remain important in their lives not because you have given them a bunch of money, but for the human touch you have imparted to them Therefore, the most memorable and revered figures in history have not been those who amassed great fortunes or held powerful positions, but those who touched lives in meaningful ways Consider Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, or Abraham Lincoln individuals whose true greatness lay in their ability to connect with humanity

Debabrata Pal demonstrated

Goddess Chamunda The event, attended by around 250 guests, resonated

who responded with over-

If we begin to view life through this lens, everything changes There would be no rat race, no betrayals for power You wouldn’t need to flaunt the wealth you ’ ve earned, nor would you feel the pressure to compete The world may continue on its familiar course, but you wouldn’t be racing along with it

Try seeing others as friends or fellow human beings, not as customers or colleagues who can be of benefit Infuse that human connection into everything you do, and you’ll experience a profound sense of satisfaction and peace

(Expressed opinions are personal)


Swamibapa, the band has gained global recognition under Vedaratna

A c h a r y a S h r i P u r u s h o t t a m

P r i y a d a s j i S w a m i s h r i Maharaj It is part of Shri

S w a m i n a r a y a n G a d i Sansthan and affiliated with Shri Swaminarayan Mandir Kingsbury, the world’s first eco-friendly Hindu temple

O n t h e s a m e d a y , t h e Commonwealth Games 2026

B a t o n R e l a y w a s o f f i c i a l l y l a u n c h e d a t B u c k i n g h a m Palace in the presence of King Charles T h e S h r i M u k t j

Band provided the Guard of Honour for the ceremony To m a r k t h e o c c a s i o n , K i n g Charles placed a message of p e

baton, which he handed over to Sir Chris Hoy, setting the baton on its journey across all Commonwealth nations The band performed a blend of Scottish and Indian melodies,

Rohit Vadhwana
Kushwaha, Debanjali Biswas, Lakshmi Aveen, and Manju
Dignitaries and dancers at the event
Subhanu Saxena


Akshata Murty supports Akshaya Patra’s UK initiative

it ed a leading children’s ch arity to co nnect with p up ils benefit-

after-sch ool meals p ro gram

across deprived areas, offering nutritious meals along-


some of the UK’s most disadvantaged children

Akshata Murty, philanthropist and wife of former


Akshaya Patra’s mission to n o u r i s h c h i l d r e n a n d enhance educational opportunities

“ M y f a m i l y a n d I a r e proud to support Akshaya Patra’s incredible journey, feeding 2 2 million children

d a i l y i n I n d i a , ” s a i d M s

Murty “It’s inspiring to see the charity making a difference in the UK through its ‘Hot Meals and Homework’ initiative ” She emphasised her and Rishi Sunak’s commitment

mobility, praising the pro-

nutritious meals and

crucial role in closing the attainment gap and empow-

she added

helped prepare meals and

Academy, an early adopter

Homework’ club She also shared a meal with the children and assisted them with

Dr Rakesh Joshi’s ensemble shines at Royal Albert Hall

D r Ra ke sh J o s h i , ar ti st ic director of the ensemble, is also the creator and conducto r o f B h ar ati ya V r un d Gaan, the Ind ian ad ult ch oir of Eng land , and SHIVA, the Indian youth ch oir In July 2024 , he earned a P h D in Mu sic from the University o

them atic co mposition

reflecting her commitment


Daniel Adams, CEO of A

Akshata Murty’s visit, calling her an inspiring advo-

highlights the crucial link

and opportunity,” he said

d t h e impact of ‘Hot Meals and Homework’ clubs in providing disadvantaged children with nutritious meals and academic support, hoping to expand the initiative as funding allows

Cambridge researcher push for Indian sign language

A Univer sity of Cam br idge

s tudy urges the Indian gove rnment to recognis e Indian Sign Language as an off ic ial

l an g ua g e t o ad d r es s t h e c ountry’s education c ris is

A 2014 government survey found that over 19% of

d e a f a n d h a r d - o f - h e a r i n g (DHH) children in India were

o u t o f s c h o o l T h e s t u d y

a d v o c a t e s r e j e c t i n g " o r a lism" the idea that deaf individuals should rely solely on lipreading and speech and calls for more schools and higher education institutes for DHH students

D r A b h i m a n y u S h a r m a

from Cambridge’s Faculty of M o d e r n & M e d i e v a l

L a n g u a g e s & L i n g u i s t i c s highlights that thousands of d e a f a n d h a r d - o f - h e a r i n g children in India miss out on education due to the lack of s i g n l a n g u a g e i n s c h o o l s , i m p a c t i n g t h e i r w e l l b e i n g and future prospects

His study, published in ‘Language Policy’, argues that sign language remains stigmatized and shunned, while " o r a l i s m " - w i d e l y c r i t i c

s e d elsewhere-continues to dominate Indian schools, hindering deaf students' learning

D r S h a r m a a c k n o w l -

edges India's efforts toward inclusive education, including the 2015 establishment of the Indian Sign Language

R e s e a r c h a n d T r a i n i n g

Centre However, he urges s t r o n g e r a c t i o n t o e n s u r e

DHH students receive the e d u c a t i o n t h e y n e e d a n d deserve

He calls for Indian Sign Language (ISL) to be constit u t i

edged as a linguistic minorit y O

o n would secure greater government funding and support for ISL

Mayor Bhardwaj's Civic Ceremony promotes faith unity

G er rar d s C ro s s m ar ke d a h istoric mom ent as M ayor

C llr Prerna Bhard waj hosted th e tow n ’ s fi rst i nterf aith

C iv i c C e rem o ny a t th e

C o m m u ni ty C ent re o n

M arc h 1 , 2 0 2 5 B len d i ng Hindu and Christian trad itions, the ev ent reflected h er com mitment to inclusiv ity

V a i s n a v a D a s


M a n o r a n d D r D e s m

n d Hall led prayers and readings from both faiths Mayor Bhardwaj emphasised how Hindu teachings inspire her dedication to service, equality, and environmental protection-values also echoed in the Christian hymns sung at the ceremony

T h e M a y o r ’ s c h i l d r e n , Reyaan and Kiara Bhardwaj, opened the ceremony with a heartfelt prayer, while community leaders like Marcia

B e l l ( G X C A C

) a n d Dhruv Chhatralia BEM also

Distinguished guests at

Pickford, Councillor Diane H o l d

k Pravina Patel participated in the proceedings

A highlight was the St Mary’s School Choir's per-

Jane Phillips After the ceremony, attendees donated to the Mayor’s chosen charity,

refreshments from Caraway Café

Lieutenant Joanna Barclay, Cllr Allan Sherwell (Mayor

Berkhamsted), Cllr Francis Holly (Mayor of Chesham), and PC3248 Kaitlyn Brooks Mayor Bhardwaj’s Civic Ceremony celebrated tradition while highlighting the importance of unity, community service, and interfaith understanding-values

Gerrards Cross

the Indian choir and ensembles have collaborated with Hallé, NYCGB, RNCM, BBC

string players, and various dance projects On Friday, 18 April 2025, Dr Joshi and his ensemble

London, presenting

repertoire of classical raga-based,

Upcoming events at The Bhavan

v The Karnatic Vocal Workshop will take place on Saturday, 29 March, and Sunday, 30 March, from 9:30 to 11:00 AM Renowned Karnatic vocalist Kalyanapuram S Aravind will lead an immersive session exploring the intricacies of raga, the precision of swaras, and the emotive depth of bhava in Karnatic music Trained under Smt Sudha Seshagopalan and later with Sri S Kasthuri Rangan, he was also mentored by the legendary Padmabhushan Sangeetha Kalanidhi Madurai Sri T N Seshagopalan Aravind will also perform on 29 March at 6:00 PM, accompanied by Vid Balu Raguraman on violin, Vid M Balachandar on mridangam, and Vid R N Prakash on ghatam

v A Bharatanatyam workshop will be held on Saturday, 29 March, and

Sunday, 30 March, from 10 00 AM to 12:00 PM, led by acclaimed dancer Divya Prabhath Participants will explore advanced techniques, intricate rhythmic patterns, and the expressive art of storytelling The workshop will also include learning a specially crafted composition set to music

v The Tripath, featuring Sharat, Divya, and Bharat Prabhath, will perform on Sunday, 30 March, at 6 PM As descendants of Saint-Poet Purandara Dasaru, they present a unique fusion of Bharatanatyam, Kathak, and Harikatha Their performance includes ‘Punyakoti , a folktale blending Kathak and Katha; Apaharana , an exploration of Sita and Rukmini s journeys; and a Kathak recital showcasing the Jaipur and Lucknow gharanas.

Dr Rakesh Joshi
Mayor Cllr Prerna Bhardwaj with community leaders at the event
Akshata Murthy (right) at the Akshaya Patra UK kitchen


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Coroner calls for action after three-year-old’s fatal biopsy error

A c o r o n e r h a s c a ll e d fo r a ction afte r me dics faile d to d ete ct a fa tal a rt ery in jury d uring sur ger y on a thr eey ea r-old boy

Aarav Chopra suffered a cardiac arrest due to undiagnosed internal bleeding following a liver biopsy performed by a trainee doctor

a t B i r m i n g h a m C h i l d r e n ’ s Hospital Efforts to resusci-

t a t e h i m l a s t e d n e a r l y 3 0 minutes, resulting in severe brain damage that led to his death The coroner ’ s report highlighted “ poor planning”

b e f o r e t h e p r o c e d u r e , including a failure to review Aarav’s blood-thinning medication, and “ poor communication” about the bleeding, which hindered emergency treatment

Concentrate on aviation/air safety

It is pretty much shocking to note that a passenger plane and a helicopter have been involved in a deadly air crash in mid-air near Washington, D C [reportedly nosediving into the Potomac River nearby] killing almost all the passengers on board These news reports have sent shockwaves across the world Even though the world has been thriving on technological advances, it is time to concentrate on crucial factors like safety and security to name a few Here it is all about air safety that has often been a talking point across the board

More to the point, the joy of flying is something every human has been looking forward to Still, I

Tuticorin and Mumbai via Chennai along with my parents No doubt more people have been flying across the world these days than before Yet, many more have been willing to do so for the sake of their families and profession Hence, all the parties concerned like aircraft manufacturers and operators should stick to safety measures and foolproof security systems on aircraft

As a person who just cannot control the joy of seeing airborne aeroplanes over native areas like Korkai, Tirunelveli, Tiruchendur, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu [déjà vu: I could hear the sound of a plane in the sky while preparing this letter], I [as a reader] have been writing about the aviation sector right from my professional years like 2007 and 2010 in Hyderabad where I had even a chance to witness a huge beautiful aviation expo First up, the aviation sector has all the high points from advanced technology to excellent careers So it can easily attract passengers and young talents alike But unfortunately, numerous incidents of air crashes [many of which, down the road, have not yet been resolved right up till date] have long been a blot on the aviation sector

This airline crash is yet another reminder of continuing air crashes across the world In this technological world, it is only time to revamp the entire aviation industry through expertise and technology Any further botch-up will not only show this aviation sector in bad taste but also result in many more bungled air trips

Just interestingly enough, the CNN news report has already confirmed that the Brazilian GOL Airline has started operating the services of Boeing 737 Max passenger planes These planes have been pressed into service after quite a long gap caused by various reasons like fatal incidents

All these events are pretty encouraging and such bold steps should be welcomed by all Quite interestingly, the recent business tie-ups between GOL and the 737 Max maker have been inspiring on top of good lessons and ethics to be emulated by other competitors over there

Travelling always carries boundless joy enroute, exposing you to new people and places in quick time In my college days in the late 1990s, students from Korkai, Tiruchendur, Tuticorin, Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu had

through special arrangements out there No wonder then all the students had enjoyed their tryst with the paragliding experiment

Lastly, it is time for the international aviation sector and all the airliners involved to sort out all the loopholes in the system using advanced technology and operating high-end aircraft

P S enth il Saravana D ur ai

UK installs first permanent facial recognition cameras

Lent, a period of prayer and fasting

Lent, the period of prayer and fasting for Christians all over the world in preparation for Easter is 40 days long But there are 46 days between Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar and Easter Sunday

How can that be? The answer takes us back to the earliest days of the Church Jesus’ original disciples, who were Jewish, grew up with the idea that the Sabbath – the day of worship and rest – was Saturday, the seventh day of the week, since the account of creation in the book of Genesis says that God rested on the seventh day Jesus rose from the dead, however on Sunday, the first day of the week, and the early Christians starting with the apostles (those original disciples) saw Jesus’ resurrection as a new creation and so they transferred the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday Since all Sundays – and not simply Easter Sunday – were days to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, Christians were forbidden to fast and do other forms of penance on those days Therefore, when the Church expanded the period of fasting and prayer in preparation for Easter from a few days to 40 days (to mirror Jesus’ fasting in the desert before He began His public ministry), Sundays could not be included in the count Thus, in order for Lent to include 40 days on which fasting could occur, it had to be expanded to six full weeks (with 6 days of fasting in each week), plus 4 extra days Ash Wednesday and the Thursday, Friday and Saturday that followed it Six times six is thirty-six, plus four equals forty And that’s how we arrive at the 40 days period of Lent

Lent is also a time to give up something we love the most, like eating non-vegetarian foods, chocolates, icecream, smoking cigarettes and consuming alcohol The tradition of Lent is based on the suffering that Jesus Christ went through during his stay in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights Christians celebrate Lent because it brings them closer to the suffering of Jesus Christ and allows them to acknowledge his suffering to deliver them from suffering and death

As we journey through this Lenten season, may we find renewed strength and hope, drawing closer to Christ and reflecting on His teachings Let us use this time for prayer, reflection, and acts of service, preparing our hearts for the joy of Easter Remember that Lent and Ash Wednesday are not just about putting away the bad things, it is more about creating good things and helping the poor and the needy, being kind to people, and much more

Jubel D'Cruz

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day always falls on a Sunday and is determined by the lunar calendar It occurs on the fourth Sunday in Lent, exactly three weeks before Easter, usually toward the end of March or the beginning of April This year, Mother’s Day will be on March 30, 2025

In North America and some other countries, it is usually observed in the second week of May

First of all, on behalf of my family and friends here in Markham, Canada, I extend my warmest Mother’s Day wishes to all If you are able to spend time with your mother, cherish those moments If distance separates you, take advantage of digital media video call her or send a heartfelt message on WhatsApp to wish her a happy Mother’s Day

As I reflect on Mother’s Day, I am reminded of March 1996 At that time, my late mother, Maniben Patel, lived in Southall, UK, with my younger brother, Mr Subhash Patel, and his family My wife, Bhavna, and I would often travel from Canada during our vacations to spend quality time with her Due to her age, she was not always in good health O n e m o r n i n g i n M a r c h 1 9 9 6 , m y b r o t h e r - i n - l a w , Mahendrabhai Patel, called me to say that my mother had been admitted to the hospital and that her condition was deteriorating I immediately took time off from work and flew to the UK to be with her, spending most of my time at her bedside

An inquest found Aarav C h o p r a ’ s d e a t h w a s “ c o ntributed to by neglect,” with h i s f a m i l y r e p r e s

Coroner Louise Hunt urged Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Trust to act, citing concerns over trainee oversight, lack of consent for trainee-led procedures, and a

, Kishore and Amrita Chopra, w e l c o m e d

underwent a liver transplant i

Admitted for a biopsy on 20 November, doctors failed to stop his antiplatelet medication in advance

Th e UK’ s first p ermanent live facial reco gnition camer as w il l be i n s ta ll ed i n Croydon, south Londo n, as part of a Met P olice p ilot to catch criminals P ositioned on two central ro ads, th e cameras will scan faces and match th em to a database o f suspects P r i v a c y c a m p a i g n e r s have strongly opposed the move, calling it a “steady slide into a dystopian nightmare ” T h e M e t P o l i c e w i l l install fixed facial recognition cameras in Croydon, mounted on lampposts or buildings, to identify susp e c t s o n a w a

d l i s t Superintendent Mitch Carr said this move will make LFR a routine policing tool,

reducing reliance on mobile u n i t s C a m e r a s w i l l o n l y operate when officers are present to respond to alerts T h e M e

used LFR at major events like the King’s coronation and says it led to over 500 arrests last year, including suspects of serious crimes

abuse, and rape

cameras will prevent wanted criminals from roaming

Watch called

warning against

an nightmare

The day before Mother’s Day in England, as my vacation ended and I prepared to return to Canada, I visited her in the hospital At that moment, despite being on her deathbed, she turned to my younger brother and asked, “What will Sureshbhai eat on the plane? Make sure you give him some food ” I was left speechless Even in her final moments, she was thinking about her 54-year-old son

I returned to Canada, and the day after Mother’s Day, she passed away She did not pass on Mother’s Day, nor on March 18, 1996, which was my younger daughter Aarti’s birthday, or March 20, 1996, my nephew Keyur’s birthday he, whom she lived with

A mother’s unconditional love, sacrifices, and strength in facing life’s challenges cannot be measured in monetary terms It is truly priceless and must be appreciated Before we pray to God, we must honour our mothers and parents, for they are equal to God Spending quality time with them and valuing their presence brings blessings that will enrich not just our lives but also those of our children and grandchildren

Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers, both with us and those who are no longer in this world

God bless all Stay safe and healthy

Sur esh and Bhav na Pa tel

“With no clear guidance, we were left uncertain about our options”



decision to shut the airport


Echave, on Thursday night, as senior staff split into two “gold command” teams one working overnight and the other resuming in the morning

No 10 and Transport

Secretary Heidi Alexander

crisis after a fire caused a power outage


Miliband has ordered the

Operator (Neso) to investigate the outage, while for-

n internal review of the airport's crisis response

T h e p r i m e m

Keir Starmer also expressed deep concern over the airport's closure, which was triggered by a power outage following a fire at a n e a r b y e l e c t r i c a l s u b s t ation A spokesperson for Sir Keir Starmer said it’s not the PM’s role to endorse private company CEOs but stressed the need to investigate the failure

W e s t B e n g a l C h i e f Minister Mamata Banerjee, who is visiting the UK as part of a delegation, had to cut her trip short by nearly a day after her flight was rescheduled due to the airport chaos

A t K o l k a t a ’ s N S C B I Airport, Mamta said, “As y o u k n o w , o u r m o r n i n g flight was cancelled, which disrupted the entire sched-

u l e a n d m a d e t h e t r i p extremely hectic, including two days of travel ” “ T h e r e i s n o d i r e c t

f l i g h t f r o m K o l k a t a t o London, which is the main issue We are making every effort to establish a direct f l i g h t b e t w e e n t h e t w o cities,” she added Travel ch aos amid flight disrup tions

A r o u n d 1 2 0 a i r c r a f t were diverted or forced to turn back as 70 firefighters and ten fire engines battled t h e b l a z e , c a u s i n g widespread disruption for passengers Many travellers faced significant delays and additional expenses due to the chaos

F o r m e r C h a i r o f t h e City Hindus Network, Neel Patani, shared his experience and said, “We were set

t o f l y f r o m D u b a i t o

L o n d o n o n F r i d a y a f t e r -

noon Just as we were packing to check out, I glanced at my phone and saw the n e w s O r i g i n a l l y , w e p l a n n e d t o r e t u r n o n March 22nd, but after my

c o u s i n ’ s w e d d i n g d a t e s w e r e c o n f i r m e d , w e rescheduled to fly back a day early to attend the cele-

brations ”

“Dubai Airport requires in-person check-in, so we planned to leave the hotel early, to return our rental car and check in at the airport But after the news

b r o k e , w e s t r u g g l e d t o reach British Airways-calls k

information With no clear g u

u n c e r t a i n a b o u t o u r options,” he added

Speaking about how he managed to return to the UK, Neel Patani said, “My wife and three-and-a-halfyear-old son, who has nut allergies, stayed at the hotel while I went to the airport to get information I was t h e r e f r o m 1 0 A M t o around 4 PM local time but c o u l d n ’ t r e a c h B r i t i s h

Airways or get any clear a n s w e r s M e a n w h i l e , Emirates quickly cancelled flights and rebooked pass e n g e r s , b u t B r i t i s h

Airways only sent an email later in the day with little follow-up communication

We only learned that our flight was eventually canc e l l e d v i a t h e H e a t h r o w website

“ W h e n I r e t u r n e d t o the hotel, my wife and I continued trying to call BA, a n d b y c h a n c e , w e g o t through to the same agent who had rescheduled our flight back in January We explained that we needed to be back for a wedding on the 22nd, and she found

o p t i o n s f o r u s - e i t h e r a Turkish Airlines flight via I s t a n b u l , a n A b u D h a b iVienna-Heathrow route, or

a n o t h e r t h r o u g h A b u

D h a b i W e c h o s e A b u

D h a b i - V i e n n a - H e a t h r o w as it allowed more rest for our son We drove an hour to Abu Dhabi, caught a 3 AM flight to Vienna, and finally landed at the airport at 8:30 AM on Saturdayjust in time for the wedding ” Ev acuatio ns ordered as fire cau ses major blackout

A l a r g e c o r d o n w a s established, leading to the evacuation of 150 people, most of whom were able to return by 17:00 Hillingdon

C o u n c i l a r r a n g e d h o t e l stays for 12 displaced residents The power outage affected over 65,000 homes

a n d t h e a i r p o r t , b u t t h e National Grid managed to restore electricity by 14:00 Business owner K innari

P at el, w h o l i v e s i n Cranford, just five minutes

from Heathrow, described the moment the outage hit her neighbourhood, saying, “It happened around 11:30 at night when most people were asleep I only realised s o m e t h i n g w a s

because I always have a fan

When I tried to turn on my

bedside lamp, it wouldn’t work That’s when I knew there was a power issue, but I had no idea how serious it was I looked out the window and saw the entire street, along with a nearby h o t e l , i n c o m p l e t

ness Alarms were blaringcar alarms, house alarmscreating a sense of panic It quickly became clear that this wasn’t just a problem

d affected the whole area We thought it was just a regular outage It wasn’t until later that we learned the

rounding areas had failed due to the fire

explained, “The evacuation was limited to the immediate perimeter of the fire I was just outside that area, so we didn’t have to leave, but those within the zone w

almost immediately Some

were not allowed to return home They had to leave

assigned to hotels One of my friends who lives closer to the airport said they had just 30 minutes to get out after the fire started They stayed there until the fire

thing smoothly, ensuring elderly residents and those n

taken care of

J u li u

kas , CEO of Oxylabs, warned that Heathrow's disruption is a prime target for cyber-

, 3 5 0 + flights cancelled, scammers are impersonating airline

rebooking messages

He urged passengers to verify offers via official airline channels, as legitimate carriers won’t pressure payments “This crisis under-


and real-time threat monitoring,” he said

Army Chief condemns treatment of female personnel

The head of the Bri tish Army

h a s ex p re s s ed d e ep s h a m e over the treatment of women i n th e service, f ollowi ng revelatio ns th at over 100 tro ops have been d ismi ssed for mi scondu ct in u nd er two years General Sir Roly Walker, Chief of the General Staff, voiced his anger, stating that y

have to "fight their own peop l e

enemy " His comments come

widespread abuse and misconduct within the ranks V

Carns disclosed to a defence select committee that 56 service members were expelled

offences involving inappropriate instructor-trainee relationships An additional 47 personnel were dismissed for


The issue gained further attention last month when T

shared their experiences of abuse on Fill Your Boots, a military-focused social media platform Many came forward

Artillery Gunner Jaysley Beck, who was found hanged in her

barracks in December 2021

An inquest revealed she had received thousands of

sages from her supervisor and had allegedly been assaulted by a senior soldier

former Army Reserve officer

monies Walker responded, "I


He noted that misconduct was limited to approximately 4% of Army personnel, emphasising that the majority

bullying or harassment

Student nurse jailed for life over Leeds hospital bomb plot

been jailed for at least 37 years for plotting a terrorist at

Hospital in L eeds

In January 2023, he took a home-made bomb to the maternity wing but abandoned his plan after speaking to a patient Prosecutors said he intended to "kill as many nurses as possible " Farooq, 29, was jailed f o r l i f e w i t h a m i n i m u m term of 37 years Sheffield Crown Court heard he first a t t e m p t e d t

Menwith Hill but switched to St James's Hospital after failing to breach security

Described as a "self-radicalised lone wolf" inspired by Daesh, he built an explosive device and targeted former colleagues He planned to die in a "murderous terrorist attack," using an imitation firearm to provoke police into shooting him

Farooq's bomb, twice as powerful as those used in the 2013 Boston Marathon attack, led to hospital evacuations The plot collapsed w h e n p a t i e n t N a t h a n

Newby intervened outside the Gledhow Wing Farooq a d m i


man ” whose kindness averted disaster, calling his testim o n y o n e o f t h e m o s t remarkable heard in court She told Farooq, “You planned a mass murder but lost your nerve A stranger’s kindness saved both you and your intended victims ”

Continued from page 1
Kinnari Patel
Neel Patani


The Chancellor of the Exchequer is set to announce a significant

i n c r e a s e i n d e f e n c e s p e n d i n g , pledging to deliver “security for working people” and a “decade of national renewal ”

The announcement will outline government plans to invest in advanced weaponry, enhance housing for military families, and drive economic growth through its Plan for Change However,

d e s p i t e t h e s e c o m m i t m e n t s , British households and business-

e s r e m a i n i n c r e a s i n g l y p e ssimistic about the state of the e c o n o m y p a r t i c u l a r l y a s Chancellor Rachel Reeves faces a £15bn fiscal shortfall

While defence spending is a key national priority, the economic policies introduced in the

A u t u m n B u d g e t s o o n t o become law will have a greater impact on business confidence and the overall strength of the UK economy

This comes at a time when public confidence in the economy is declining A KPMG survey found that over half of respondents believe economic conditions are worsening, with only o n e i n t e n s e e i n g s i g n s o f improvement The percentage of people who think the economy is heading in the wrong direction has surged to 58%, up from 43% before Christmas

In response, households are tightening their budgets by cutting back on discretionary spending and increasing their savings, which could further slow econ o m i c g r o w t h M a n y r e p o r t e d dining out less, reducing clothing p u r c h a s e s , a n d o r d e r i n g f e w e r takeaways

Tax refo rms and their im pact on businesses and families

The UK’s tax system is changing, and two big topics have been making headlines: the end of the non-domicile tax status and new rules on inheritance tax The government has replaced the nondomicile regime with the Foreign Income and Gains system, a move that has sparked a lot of debate

M a n y w e a l t h y i n d i v i d u a l s have left the UK, raising concerns about whether the new system will bring in as much money as expected Reports suggest that over 10,000 millionaires left the UK in 2024 157% more than the y e a r b e f o r e A t t h e W o r l d E c o n o m i c F o r u m i n J a n u a r y , Chancellor Rachel Reeves hinted at making the transition period more appealing, but so far, no major updates have been made That begs the question, will there b e a n y c h a n g e s i n t h e S p r i n g Statement?

Two key changes to inheritance tax have also caused strong reactions From April 2026, the tax-free allowance for passing on business or farm property will be capped at £1 million Anything above this will only get 50% relief, r a t h e r t h a n t h e f u l l 1 0 0 % a s before Starting in April 2027, p e n s i o n s w i l l n o l o n g e r b e exempt from inheritance tax On top of that, withdrawals from inherited pensions could also be taxed as income, meaning some families could face a combined tax rate of 64% I n a p r e v i o u s c o n v e r s a t i o n with Asian Voice, Neil Dav y, CEO

o f F am il y Bu s i ne ss U K h a d shared that, “family businesses must have a stable and supportive policy environment that allows them to plan for the long term It is fundamental in enabling them to draw up a strategy of when and how they can pass ownership to t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n – e i t h e r through a planned, phased succession or the death of the owner

"This summer’s Spending Review offers a key opportunity to boost growth prospects, using targeted innovation and policy and regulatory reforms to accelerate investment in the economy.”

He shared that It’s important that successive governments continue their support and failure to do so could be catastrophic to family businesses across the UK

He also shared that the reason behind the long-term success of family businesses lies in a stable regulatory and tax environment It underpins their entire business model and, without it, they are unable to plan and make d e c i s i o n s t h a t a l l o w t h e m t o invest for the long term as part of a multi-generational strategy

G i v e n t h a t m a n y b u s i n

s s owners and farmers feel these changes are unfair and harmful to growth, there is speculation that the government may revise t h e p l a n s , e


agricultural tax relief The Spring Statement could provide more clarity on whether any adjust-

ments will be made

Rising bu siness costs and fiscal u ncertainty

The 2% increase in employer National Insurance, announced in the Autumn Budget, will also take effect in April At the same

employers begin paying National Insurance will drop from £9,100 to £5,000 While the government claims this change will not directly impact workers’ wages, businesses facing higher costs may respond by limiting pay raises or

reversal of this decision in the Spring Statement appears unlikely Chancellor Rachel Reeves has been cautioned against imposing further tax increases on businesses after the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) warned that


Rupert Soames, chairman of

Chancellor to avoid additional tax burdens on the private sector, arguing that such measures could harm business investment and

c growth His warning follows an OBR report indicating that weak

costs since October’s Budget have

buffer Reeves initially set aside A lpesh P aleja, Dep uty Chief Eco nom is t, C BI also made his

businesses are still dealing with

announced in October’s Budget

Contributions, a big rise in the

higher for companies, and hit b

data suggests that firms are reappraising pay awards, hiring and pricing intentions in response,

such as retail and hospitality particularly affected

“This comes at a time when

pressures were proving stubborn While we expect some improvement in activity this year, it’s clear that more needs to be done to secure stronger, more sustainable growth over the longer term This summer ’ s Spending Review offers a key opportunity to boost growth prospects, using targeted innovation and policy and regulatory reforms to accelerate investment in the economy ”

print deadline on Tuesday, provides Parliament and the nation with an update on the economy, public finances, and the government's progress toward its economic objectives It is accompanied by the Economic and Fiscal F

Islamophobic posts on Sadiq Khan double in a year

Islamoph obic p osts targeting Sadiq Khan have m ore th an doubled in a yea r, w i th nea rly 28 , 0 0 0 s o ci al me di a m enti ons co ntai ning key Islamoph obic ph rases in 20 23

This marks a significant rise from 12,000 the previous year and an eight-fold increase from 2022, a

Authority (GLA)

This year, Khan has already

Islamophobic terms 2,180 times, with most abuse directed on X The platform has been responsible for 89% of Islamophobic posts targeting him since 2015 Khan, a vocal critic of online abuse, has called out Elon Musk, blaming him for worsening the issue, particularly with the reinstatement of far-


Khan has also advocated for stronger laws on harmful content, emphasising that the UK's Online Safety Act should be a starting p

online abuse

Islamophobic abuse aimed at Khan peaked in 2019 with nearly

42,000 messages, largely driven by posts from India linked to protests


Patrik Hermansson from Hope

Muslim identity makes him a target for Islamophobic conspiracy theories, including the belief that K h

London into a Muslim-majority city Since his election in 2016, Khan has faced hundreds of thousands of racist messages, including abuse from Donald Trump, who called him a “national disgrace” in 2017

Survey reveals Brits scaling down spending habits

Consumer s are red ucin g spend in g on e ver yda y items amid d eclin in g con fi de nce in th e U K e con omy , ah e ad of R a che l R ee v es 's spr in g st at emen t, a sur vey shows

As the chancellor prepares to announce billions in welfare and g o v e r n m e n t s p e n d i n g c u t s , KPMG's research revealed growing concerns about the economy

The survey of 3,000 UK consumers found that 58% believed the e c o n o m y w a s w o r s e n i n g i n t h e three months to February, marking a 1 5 p e r c e n t a g e - p o i n t i n c r e a s e from November

Although most people reported f e e l i n g f i n a n c i a l l y s e c u r e , t h e growing negative economic perc e p t i o n l e d m o r e c o n s u m e r s t o respond by cutting their spending and changing their buying habits

A survey found that 43% of consumers are cutting back on everyday spending, while over a third are saving more as a precaution, and 29% are postponing large purchas-

es Britain's economy has stagnated amid a sharp decline in business and consumer confidence Experts link the downturn to global uncertainties, including Donald Trump's trade wars, and Labour’s focus on tax rises and spending cuts

O f f i c i a l f i g u r e s s h o w e d t h e e c o n o m y s h r a n k b y 0 1 % i n January, adding pressure on Rachel Reeves ahead of her spring statem e n t T h e K P M G s u r v e y a l s o revealed a rise in financial insecurit y , w i t h 2 4 % o f p e o p l e f e e l

uncertain about their finances, up from 21% Of those, 15% are cutting discretionary spending, and 2% are going into debt to cover bills

The government has pointed to recent gains in real wage growth, w h i c h a r

recover from the financial strain c

o n Additionally, the Bank of England has cut interest rates three times since the summer, further supporting the economy

Teenage boys sharing extreme content are threat

Teenag e boys are increasing ly joining o nline gang s that share sad istic and m i s o g y ni st ic co n te nt, c o ntributing to crimes such as fraud , violence, and child sexual abuse, warns the director general of the National C rime Ag ency (NCA ) T h e s e o n l i n e c o m m u n i t i e s , known as "Com" networks, collaborate to engage in cyber-attacks, f r a u d , e x t r e m i s m , g r o o m i n g , blackmail, and serious violence Reports of these networks have surged sixfold in the UK from 2022 to 2024 The NCA estimates millions of harmful messages have been shared across the UK and o t h e r w e s t e r n c o u n t r i e s N C A director general Graeme Biggar warned that these groups operate on mainstream platforms young

people use daily, not just the dark web He stressed that despite the o n l i n e e n v i r o n m e n t m a k i n g offenders feel protected, arrests have already been made both in the UK and overseas, with more i n v e s t i g a t i o n s u n d e r w a y

Concerns are growing over boys a n d y o u n g m e n i n t h e "manosphere," amplified by the Netflix hit ‘Adolescence’, which examines the link between online " i n c e l " c u l t u r e a n d r e a l - w o r l d harm Keir Starmer acknowledged the issue, and Gareth Southgate warned of toxic influencers

The NCA's annual report highlights the rise of online criminal networks, with offenders exploiting our increasing online presence

Neil Davy
Alpesh Paleja
Sadiq Khan

‘Change NHS’ initiative aims to improve healthcare for all

The 10-Year Health Plan is central to the g overnment's

m i ss i o n o f cr eat i ng

th Asian com munities

Following Lord Darzi’s independent review of the NHS in England, published on 12 September 2024, the government is developing a


This plan will be codesigned with the public, staff, and patients through

Help Build a Health Service

Fit for the Future’

tions and improve efficiency, NHS England will be

D e p a r t m e n t o f

H e a l t h a n d S o c i a l

Care (DHSC), reduci n g b u r e a u c r a c y w h i l e e n s u r i n g resources are directed towards frontline staff and patient care

The Health Secretary has outlined critical


Observatory, we are working with the Department of Health and Social Care to enhance representation A recent roundtable, chaired by me and attended by the S e c r

brought together partners from ethnic minority com-

The success of any future healthcare plan depends on h

designed with the people it

who struggles with online prescriptions due to a lack of digital access “She was told to use the NHS app for


on digital inclusion Their 2022 report, ‘Digital Apps

ommends supporting NHS digital teams to work with local practices and communities to address these

plans must ensure digital services are accessible to


a c t i o n s , i n c l u d i n g hiring 1,000 GPs and ending resident doctor strikes, ensuring hospitals are fully staffed for the first winter in three years

A d d i t i o n a l l y , a r e f r e s h e d

w o r k f o r c e p l a n , s e t f o r r e l e a s e i n s u m m e r 2 0 2 5 , will focus on shifting care from hospitals to commun i t y - b a s e d s e r v i c e s t o s t r e n g t h e n a n d f u t u r eproof the NHS

One of the key upcom-

i n g i n i t i a t i v e s i s t h e Hypertension Plan, set for r e l e a s e i n S p r i n g 2 0 2 5 , w h i c h a i m s t o s u p p o r t South Asian communities,

w h e r e h y p e r t e n s i o n i s a common underlying health issue This plan aligns with the government’s broader vision for a modern NHS, built on three key pillars:

e x p a n d i n g c o m m u n i t ybased care, transitioning to digital healthcare, and prio r i t i s i n g p r e v e n t i o n o v e r treatment

Equitable h ealthcare requires real eng ag em ent

A s i a n V o i c e i n t e r -

v i e w e d Dr Ha bi b N aqv i M BE, Chief Executive of the NHS Race and Health Observatory, who emphas i s e d t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f

m e a n i n g f u l e n g a g e m e n t w i t h m i n o r i t y c o m m u n it i e s i n d e v e l o p i n g a n d implementing the 10-Year Health Plan (10YHP) He said, “We know that ensuring diverse voices, perspectives, and lived experiences are captured will make the p l a n t r u l y i n c l u s i v e , ” h e said “The government is i n c r

aims to serve ”

Dr Habib Naqvi MBE highlighted the importance of language inclusivity in healthcare, emphasising its role in ensuring equitable access and better patient o u t c o m e s “ L a n g u a g e i s c r u c i a l f o r a n o p t i m a l healthcare experience,” he said “Working with interpreters can break communication barriers, especially f o r v u l n e r a b l e p a t i e n t s

While learning English is beneficial, inclusivity must be a two-way effort The focus should be on provid-

i n g c o m p a s s i o n a t e c a r e t h a t m e e t s t h e d i v e r s e needs of our communities ”

He also addressed the impact of the spring budget’s social care fund, noting concerns over governm e n t c u t s “ T h e g o v e r nment’s plan to cut £2 billion in civil service admini s t r a t i o n a n d s c r a p N H S England is argued to free up resources for frontline c a r e , ” h e e x p l a i n e d

“However, carers-both regi s t e r e d a n d u n p a i d - o f t e n struggle with unmet needs, p a r t i c u l a r l y w i t h i n A s i a n households where extende d f a m i l y c a r e g i v i n g i s c o m m o n T h e u p c o m i n g budget must prioritise codesigned, inclusive healthcare services, as failing to do so will have significant financial consequences for the economy ” D r N a q v i h i g h l i g h t e d t h e

patients face with digital healthcare services, sharing a personal example of h i s 7 7 - y e a r - o l d m o t h e r ,

Surge in suicides

linked to domestic abuse, police report

P o li c e h av e w a rn ed th a t dom estic abusers are driving victims to su icid e, ad mitting past failures and p ledging to in v esti g ate m o re “h i d d en ” ca s es o f v i o len c e ag a in s t wom en

A new report revealed that suicides among domest i c a b u s e v i c t i m s h a v e exceeded intimate partner killings for the second consecutive year

In the past four years, 1,012 domestic abuse-related deaths were recorded, marki n g a " g r i m m i l e s t o n e , " according to Louisa Rolfe, the National Police Chiefs' Council lead for domestic abuse Between April 2023 and March 2024, 262 domest

were recorded, with 98 susp e c


The latest report by the Domestic Homicide Project, w

Home Office and led by the N P C C u

deaths where someone had fallen from a height

Over a four-year period, 2

deaths were recorded across 13 forces, with 36% classified a

(SVSDA) and 27% as unexpected deaths The report highlighted a high propor-

among the fatalities, noting

three of five died from falls Conducted with the campaign group Killed Women, the analysis urges police to treat domestic abuse as a


Stroke survivor calls for NHS refo

fered a stroke at the age of 55 and sees the ‘Change NHS’ cam-

opportunity for peo-

backgrounds to share their experiences and advocate for neces-

“When I had a stroke at 55relatively young for such a condition-miscommunication and a lack of coordin

took 10 days after my initial A&E visit to receive a proper diagnosis and the urgent treatment I needed ” D u r i n g t h i s t i m e , h e faced repeated delays, having to relay the same infor-

m a t i o n m u l t i p l e t i m e s , make unnecessary hospital visits, and deal with lost or unshared medical notes “If it hadn’t been for my wife, Bal, who fought tirelessly to ensure doctors connected the dots, it might have t a k e n e v e n l o n g e r , ” h e recalled He also credited the Stroke Association for providing crucial guidance and support from the very beginning

B e y o n d i m p r o v i n g NHS communication and care coordination, Ramas believes there is a cultural shift needed within South Asian communities “Many of us, especially men, tend

t o b o t t l e u p o u r h e a l t h c o n c e r n s , p u t t i n g o n a brave face instead of seeking help That doesn’t help anyone, ” he admitted “I used to be the same, but n o w w h e n p e o p l e a s k about my walking stick or m y f a t i g u e , I t e l l t h e m exactly why We need to break the stigma around d i s c u s s i n g b o t h m e n t a l

a n d p h y s i c a l h e a l t h because being open can literally save lives ”

investigations She acknowledged the difficulty of proving a link between abuse and suicide but emphasised the need for thorough investigations to ensure all possible lines of inquiry are explored

Mum-of-five and lover jailed for torturing victim

A Birm ingh am co uple has been jailed after subjecting th ree v ictims to m onths of extrem e cruelty, inclu di ng ca p ti v i ty , s ta rv a ti o n, an d hum iliation

Imaan Coley, 37, and her partner Mohammed Khan, 24, held a woman hostage for two months, beating her, f o r c i n g h e r t o s t r i p , a n d s t e a l i n g h e r t h r e e c a t s

Another female victim was starved, beaten, and made to drink urine, while a male v i c t i m s u f f e r e d a v i c i o u s hammer attack by Khan

B i r m i n g h a m C r o w n

Court heard that Coley, a m o t h e r o f f i v e , r e k i n d l e d her relationship with drug dealer Khan after her release from prison The first vict i m , b u r d e n e d w i t h h e r b o y f r i e n d ’ s d r u g d e b t t o Khan, was initially befriended by Coley before her home was “cuckooed” – taken over

C r e d i : W e s t M d a n d s P o c e

and used as a drug supply b a s e C o l e y d i s c a r d e d t h e disabled woman ’ s mattress, forcing her to sleep on the floor, while tightly controlling her movements

T h e w o m a n e n d u r e d

r e p e a t e d p h y s i c a l a b u s e , i n c l u d i n g b e i n g p u n c h e d , kicked, slapped, having her hair burned and shaved, and being starved to the point of eating scraps from the bin

S h e w a s f o r c e d t o w a t c h Coley’s dogs eat her meals

On June 11, 2023, Khan c h a s e d d o w n a m a n a n d attacked him with a hammer, causing severe injuries Two months later, he and C o l e y t o r t u r e d a n o t h e r woman, forcing her to strip, smearing cat food on her face, and making her drink floor cleaner

Sentencing Coley to 14 years and Khan to 11 years, J u d g e P e t e r C o o k e c o nd e m n e d t h e i r a c t i o n s a s “astonishingly inhumane ”

Dr Habib Naqvi MBE
Ramas Lal and his wife Bal
Mohammed Kasim Khan and Imaan Coley

Legacy of bold narratives and timeless art

Subhasini Naicker

Born in Baranagar in 1937, Arpita Singh emerged as a prominent artist in the 1960s, developing a distinctive painting practice that blends Surrealism and figuration with the narrative traditions of Indian Court painting

Throughout her career, she also explored abstraction, using pen, ink, and pastels to create dynamic lines, perforations, and textured layers on the surface The Serpentine Gallery is now presenting the first institutional solo exhibition of Singh’s work outside India, highlighting her remarkable six-decade career

the way it carries the paraphernalia of girlhood into the traditionally male-dominated realm of modernist painting Along the way, she masterfully absorbs and employs diverse artistic techniques, using them to break free from inhibitions and challenge the constraints of restrictive conventions

DoAsian Voice spoke with artist Nilima Sheikh, a long time friend of Singh, to gain insights into her creative process, the parallels between her work in India and internationally, and much more

How would you describe Arpita Singh’s personality beyond her artistic identity, and how has her approach to painting evolved over the years?

I could speak endlessly about this, but I must say that Arpita’s personality is deeply intertwined with her art it is almost impossible to separate the two Her intelligence, wit, charm, inventiveness, and wisdom are as evident in her paintings as they are in her presence Equally, her courage and strong sense of purpose shine through in her work Over the years, her approach to painting has evolved alongside her own growth, continually exploring new stylistic and conceptual directions while remaining rooted in the visual language of past experiences

Can you share any anecdotes about her daily routine or creative process?

Arpita Singh follows a disciplined daily routine, dedicating her days to painting while reserving her evenings for reading and spending time with friends Their home, always warm and welcoming, is shared with her husband, artist Paramjit Singh Reflecting on their early years, she

once offered a playful piece of advice, tongue firmly in cheek: "Don’t learn to drive cars or bake cakes it becomes difficult to find time to work " The remark, made with characteristic wit, was a light-hearted nod to her husband's generosity and many talents, which often saw him called upon for various tasks

Howdoes she feel about exhibiting at Serpentine Galleries, a major international art institution?

As a seasoned and highly accomplished artist, Arpita Singh has always been reserved when it comes to promoting her own work However, like any artist regardless of experience she undoubtedly appreciates the opportunity to reach new and wider audiences I am certain that this would bring her a sense of joy and fulfilment

Arpita often weaves together personal memories with broader historical narratives. How does she balance the personal and the political in her work?

Arpita Singh possesses

"Arpita Singh masterfully blends play and storytelling to explore aging and contemporary realities."

a remarkable ability to transform play and storytelling into profound explorations of the lived experience of aging women and the grim realities of the contemporary world Her work is unprecedented in


Khan on ‘Monsoon’: cooking, culture, and the rhythm of seasons

A cclaim ed ch ef and restaurateur Asm a Kh an, founder o f L o n d o n ’ s D ar j eel i ng Express, discusses her latest cookbook, Monsoon, which ex p lo r es In d i a ’ s cu l i nar y landscape th roug h the lens o f s ea so n al f lav o rs an d A yurvedic principles

you see parallels between her work and that of other Indian or international contemporary artists?

Despite her deeply guarded sense of individualism, Arpita Singh holds a deep admiration for the work of many artists both her contemporaries and the younger generation In the late 1980s, she, along with Nalini Malani, Madhvi Parekh, and myself, decided to hold a series of consecutive exhibitions together We chose to work with watercolours on paper, carrying our pieces with us as we travelled to different venues, setting up our exhibitions collectively while exchanging thoughts and experiences It was, I believe, a formative experience for all of us, even though our artistic practices were and continue to be distinct from one another

Whataspects of Indian history and folklore do you think she brings to an international audience?

Arpita Singh is widely read, both in her native Bengali and in English Her deep familiarity with Indian mythology, likely rooted in shared familial knowledge, has been further enriched by her own avid curiosity In addition to mythology, she is an enthusiastic reader of Bengali and English fiction As she herself notes, the stories of myth and lore reside in her consciousness, always waiting to resurface

Within the vast narratives of epics like the ‘Ramayana’ and the ‘Mahabharata’, countless smaller stories emerge, often taking on extended meanings of their own

This rich understanding is not merely referenced in her work it is seamlessly woven into her pictorial language, adding layers of narrative depth and complexity

Known for her emphasis on home-style Indian cooki n g a n d f o r c h a m p i o n i n g women in the food industry, Khan delves into the inspiration behind her recipes, the role of spices in Indian cuisine, and the cultural significance of food In t h i s i n t e r v i e w , s h e shares her insights on preserving culinary traditions, the challenges of running a restaurant, and how cooking can serve as a powerful form of storytelling and connection

Y o ur bo ok bea uti fu ll y embraces the six Indian seasons How do these chang ing seasons influence th e flav ou rs and i ng r ed i e nts i n Mo nsoon, and wh y w as it imp ortant for you to show case this culinary rhythm ?

th em use spices w ith confidence and ease?

I’ve included a section in M o n s o o n d e d i c a t e d t o toasting spices - it’s a simple t

Toasting helps unlock the full aroma and adds a rich, almost nutty depth to your spices It’s a way of coaxing o

n d bringing your dishes to life

Once you understand how spices behave, they become something to play with not fear A y u rv e d i c p r in c ip l es play a role in the

When I first moved to the UK, I was shocked that you could buy the same produce all year round Back home in India, the changing seasons shaped everything you always knew what time of year it was by what was available in the bustling bazaars Modern life often separates us from the natural rhythms and cadences of the year Cooking seasonally is my way of reconnecting of grounding myself in the moment and honouring the way I grew up You’ ve always champ ioned the emotional and cultu ral sig nific ance o f fo od How do the recip es in M onso on reflect your personal journey and the mem ories tied

to your nativ e Beng al?

So many of my memories are bound up in foodfrom the massive cast iron k a r a h i s w h e e l e d i n t o o u r courtyard as sweet makers and caterers prepared grand feasts over crackling fires, to t h e v i b r a n t s t r e e t s o f Kolkata, where the pungent black salt (kalaa namak) in chaats instantly transports me back Cooking is how I hold onto the memory and identity of home It’s also how I share a part of myself with others with everyo n e w h o c o o k s f r o m m y book

M a ny h o m e c oo k s f in d Indian sp ices intimid ating What are some key lessons from Monsoon that can help

Ayurveda speaks of six key tastes - sweet,

I’ve used these to build the

result is more than just food - it’s a feeling of deep satisfaction F

m m i d w eek cu rri es to street fo od and sweet treats, M o ns o o n c

v er s a w id e range of dishes If someone is new to Ind ian cooking , which recipe w ould you recomm end they start with and why?

The omelette curry is a g

e i n t r o

c t i o n I t ’ s quick, nourishing and comforting - perfect for a midweek meal It also teaches the fundamentals of making a b a s e g r a v y , a s k i l l t h a t opens the door to so many other Indian dishes

British galleries lost millions of visitors post-pandemic

Vi sito r numbers at Britain’s t o p a rt m u s eu ms h av e p lu mmeted since the p andemic , with Tate galleri es seeing a 30% drop , losing 2 7 millio n visitors in five years While institutions like t h

have bounced back, others, i n c

Gallery and Royal Academy, a

w n 47% compared to 2019, and the Royal Academy has seen a 50% decline

Regional galleries have also suffered Visitor numb e r s a t t h e W a l k e r A r t Gallery in Liverpool, Leeds Art Gallery, and Glasgow’s Gallery of Modern Art all fell last year The decline comes as Britain’s art mark e t f a c e s b r o a d e r c h a llenges, with fine art sales at

Sotheby’s dropping 31% in 2024 Christie’s also reporte d a

expanded into luxury goods A key factor in Tate’s struggles is the slow return of high-spending international tourists, particularly from China While blockb u s t e r e x h i b i t i o n s h a v e boosted some institutions, Tate has been hit hardest by the shift in visitor patterns


years, with the Fitzwilliam increasing visitors by 25% T h e

Arpita Singh

Sunetra Senior Gaby’s op ulent yet sensitively rendered celebrato ry pieces are a glowing testament to the mod ern m ediu m of digital art Many of h er works constitute proud female portraiture where different South-Asian wo men are shown ad orned in stunning sarees, beautiful cascad ing jew ellery and, above all, an intense emanating attitud e The calm online creativ e shared with us: " one of the techniques I’ ve develop ed is creating m y ow n brush es in A dobe It’s allowed m e to achiev e a level o f refinement and intricate detail that feels close to the textures I imagine " Ind eed, it is th e magnetic bo dy lang uag e at the centre of Gaby’s artwork that conv eys a certain degree o f mystery that com pelling ly draws the v iew er in As much as the gloriou s graph ics salute S outhAsian fashio n, w hich is an obv ious influence on the artist, her focus is o n the und errepresented yet dynamic inner world of South-Asian com munal mentality th at u nd erlies it Her p aintings belie a diverse range o f m ed itativ e personal feeling th at at once high lig hts pertinent cross-cultural issu es around which there should be social dialog ue


Whether it is discussing the prioritisation of mental health or different women ’ s issues, such as the unfair pressure to be the perfect partner, exploring alternatives to biological fertility and the demoralising normalisation of interpersonal female competition, especially amongst siblings, Gaby gently invites her audience to consider progressing past persisting common taboos by way of venerating tradition As opposed to simply routinely following customs, sharing intimate reflections about life can ensure a contemporary upto-date connection to culture, allowing the chance for a more fortified societal future Gaby’s work then seeks to immerse in nuanced emotionality She regularly elaborates upon the pressing range of topics through thoughtful indepth posts which typically accompany each creative piece on her popular page on Instagram One work, from her Abuse series, shows a spirited yet young woman shielded by the flank of her woven garment – this implies the state of mind of tenacity but also an everyday woundedness which implores us to contemplate the type of situation the featured individual may find herself in The pastels

convey the gendered vulnerability in terms of mood: ‘Between 14% and 25% of women are sexually assaulted by intimate partners during their relationship’, the important posting raising awareness of domestic violence states, going on to detail more stats and types of abuse, including financial

about uncovering the depth This is expressed through bold colours and poetic imagery This is especially evident in the book I illustrated, The Way of the Goddess, which explores the resilience, strength, and unique abilities of divine women It was a significant highlight in my

On the signature style of her work, Gaby commented: “Aesthetically, I draw inspiration from South-Asian culture, patterns and delicate detailing Symbolically, I often return to motifs like birds, butterflies, borders, and archways, each offering a simple but evocative metaphor There’s also a deliberate contrast between the attractive, composed exterior of my subjects and the subtle, subconscious gestures they express: the delicate positioning of a hand, a particular look in the eye These quiet cues suggest a deeper, unspoken story Some figures appear to be holding back tears or clutching their stomachs, inviting us to wonder what’s truly unfolding beneath the surface " Indeed, Gaby’s work is reminiscent of another rising artist, Rachel Deacon, who also channels the charm of the power of suggestiveness in her paintings which explore secret female tension through the lens of rivalry, longing and sexuality to precipitate obscured narratives As much an activist as an artist and influencer, Gaby’s pieces propel the wider alternative ideas of romance, identity and togetherness which can no longer be denied She is a passionate advocate of inclusivity, feminine power and even spirituality which underscores the triumph of female subjectivity: "many of my illustrations explore female perspectives, with the intention of amplifying women ’ s voices They draw attention to experiences and thoughts that are often overlooked it’s

Gaby Gohlar: Behind Brown Beauty London gains on New York as

top financial hub

London is closing in on the top spot as a global fin anc ial hub , acc or din g to t he l at est Z/Yen G lobal Financial Centr es Index

The city held its second-place ranking, gaini

York remained first with

Asian viewpoint, my intent is to gently educate and highlight the beautiful value within the culture In doing so, we can strengthen and empower the community, while encouraging a deeper appreciation from others " Finally, Gaby presents our inner landscape as territory to be discovered rather than feared or ignored: an environment of openmindedness should be native to us all

Arethe re any i ssue s t ouche d upon that are close t o your he art ?

professional journey, deepening my commitment to representing women ’ s accounts with intention and reverence " Gaby has illustrated Ananta Ripa Ajmera’s uplifting book, The Way of the Goddess: Daily Rituals to Awaken your Inner Warrior and Discover Your True Self, and been shortlisted in the Arts and Creative Industries category for the YAYA awards (2023) Her precise, high-quality approach has also paved the way for a

"There’s a deliberate contrast between the attractive, composed exterior of my subjects and the subtle, subconscious gestures they express"

creative career where the gracious artist launched a successful stationery line during the lockdown at the height of the breakout of Covid She commented on her stance as a proud South-Asian artist being beneficial where her work translates as more personal: “By exploring stories that are specific to a community, we can help people recognise familiar patterns or behaviours whether they’ve lived them or observed them in others Sometimes, certain feelings or situations aren’t easily identified By sharing examples from a South

One of the most meaningful parts of my work is creating space for others to feel seen I once did a series on motherhood, covering IVF, surrogacy, adoption, miscarriages, infertility, and egg freezing topics rarely spoken about in the South Asian community The response was incredible Women came forward to share deeply personal stories, shedding light on how isolating and stigmatised these experiences can be Many described facing blame or silence instead of support Yet, there was also hope a shared vision for a future where compassion, understanding, and healing are the norm

What, for you, makes a strong professional creative?

Maintain respectful and clear communication everyone deserves the same patience and understanding In the creative industry, problemsolving is key; there must be a balance between functionality and visual appeal It’s also important to take accountability and remain open to feedback, allowing ideas to evolve and improve through collaboration

Do you have a life philosophy?

Everything happens for a reason, even if it’s not clear at that moment understanding often comes with time Don’t let the past weigh you down; it’s done and cannot be changed Instead, focus on what you can do today and where you ’ re headed next Whatever the situation, lead with love and kindness I always come back to something a lecturer once told me: we don’t know comfort without discomfort I: @g abgoh lar

industries, securing first in banking In fintech, it closed the gap with New York to just one point

shrinking lead However, c

London’s future competitiveness

London leads Europe’s f

points ahead of Frankfurt, which placed 11th globally

The capital ranked in the top three across all major

NHS bosses reject calls for new pharmacies

officials maintain there are no gaps in service

Public health consultant

Louis Hall said access challenges were a broader health issue, not just a pharmacy


ing pharmacies to close as


Education Secretary pledges action on school absences

Educatio n S ecretary Bridget P hi llip s on h as p ledged to tackle scho ol absenc es, calling it a “crisis” that needs a “shared natio nal effo rt ”

S p e a k i n g a t a n e a s t London school, she highl i g h t e d t h e G o v e r n m e n t ’ s commitment to improving a t t e n d a n c e P r e - p a n d e m i c absence rates stood at 4 7%, rising to 7 6% in 2021/22 a n d s l i g h t l y d r o p p i n g t o 7 4% in 2022/23 So far in 2024/25, absences have fallen to 6 7%, but ministers say progress must be faster

Speaking to teachers at M u l b e r r y A c a d e m y S h o r e d i t c h , E d u c a t i o n

Secretary Bridget Phillipson urged schools to do more to tackle poor attendance She n o t e d t h a t w h i l e s o m e s c h o o l s e x c e l , o t h e r s l a g behind and must "catch up f a s t " t o p r o t e c t s t u d e n t s ' futures Phillipson emphasised that attendance was declining even before the pandemic and stressed the need to foster a sense of belonging, warning that a third of UK children feel disconnected from school the worst rate in the OECD

Speaking to the Local

Secretary Bridget Phillipson stressed the need for a collective effort from parents, s c h o o l s , a n d t h e Government to tackle the attendance crisis She highlighted new data tools and whole-school approaches to improve attendance While London fares better than o t h e r r e g i o n s , p r o g r e s s r e m a i n s t o o s l o w S h e emphasised early intervention, noting that consistent attendance is vital for maint a i n i n g h i g h e d u c a t i o n a l standards

In London, the absence rate in the academic year so far – 6 2 per cent – is lower t h a n a n y o t h e r E n g l i s h region, but the capital has a l s o m a d e t h e s m a l l e s t amount of progress compared with other parts of the country, year-on-year

Bridget Phillipson

A Reflection of the holy month

As the crescent moon signals the arrival of Eid, communities across the UK come together in celebration, marking the end of a spiritually enriching Ramadan This year’s holy month has been a time of devotion, reflection, and unity, with countless moments of generosity, faith, and community spirit woven into its fabric.

Throughout Ramadan, various events and initiatives showcased the depth of the UK’s vibrant Muslim community, from interfaith gatherings to charitable efforts supporting those in need Mosques, community centres, and grassroots organisations opened their doors to people of all backgrounds, fostering dialogue, mutual understanding, and solidarity

relationships, and deepened the sense of belonging within diverse communities

From community-led Iftars that welcomed hundreds to discussions on faith, inclusion, and social cohesion, Ramadan 2025 has left a lasting impactone that resonates far beyond the breaking of the fast

Meaningful and heartfelt gifting ideas

Eid is a time of j oy, g ratitu d e, a nd to g e th er ne ss , m a rki n g th e end o f R am ad an w i t h p r ay ers , f eas ti n g , an d h ea rtf el t exchanges o f lov e and generosity

It is also an opportunity t o s h

w a p p r e c i

n f o r f a m i l y , f r i e n d s , a n d t h e wider community through t h o u g h t f u l g i f t s W h e t h e r you're looking to surprise a loved one, express gratitude, or strengthen relationships, meaningful gifts can make the celebrations even more special

Here are some unique and thoughtful Eid gifting ideas to help spread happiness and warmth during this festive season:-

Traditional and elegant attire

touch to Eid celebrations

gift hamper with an assortment of dates, nuts, chocolates, and gourmet treats

You can also include prayer beads, a beautifully designed Quran, or a scented candle to make it extra special

Handcrafted jewellery

As we commemorate the month of Ramadan, Asian Voice covered numerous stories of creativity, food, charity, and cultural exchange that brought people together, strengthened

Looking ahead, the spirit of Ramadan continues to inspire acts of kindness, generosity, and togetherness Eid al-Fitr Mubarak to our Muslim readers and those celebrating!

Festive feasts made easy

F estiv als are a tim e of joy, celebration, and of course, d elicious fo od But for inter-

n ati o n al st ud ent s li v i ng

a lo n e, r ec rea ti ng th e flavours of hom e can feel like a challeng e, esp ecially o n a tight bu dget and with limited kitchen resources

Whether you're missing traditional dishes from back home or looking for simple

w a y s t o c e l e b r a t e w i t h f r i e n d s , c o o k i n g d o e s n ’ t have to be complicated or expensive

As we celebrate Eid, here

a r e s o m e e a s y , b u d g e tfriendly recipes that require

m i n i m a l i n g r e d i e n t s a n d effort perfect for students juggling studies and festive cravings

Vegetable P ulao (Easy One-Pot Rice Dish)

Ingred ients:

u 1 cup basmati rice

u 1/2 cup mixed vegetables (carrots, peas, bell peppers)

u 1 small onion (sliced)

u 1/2 tsp cumin seeds

u 1/2 tsp garam masala

u 1/2 tsp turmeric powder

u 1 tsp ginger-garlic paste

u 2 cups water

u 1 tbsp oil or butter

u Salt to taste

M ethod :

1 Heat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and onions

Sauté until golden

2 Add ginger-garlic paste and cook for a minute

3 Add vegetables, turmer-

i c , s a l t , a n d g a r a m masala Stir well

4 A d d w a s h e d r i c e a n d water, cover, and cook for 15-20 minutes

5 F l u f f w i t h a f o r k a n d s e r v e w i t h y o g u r t o r chutney S heer K hurm a (Sweet Vermicelli Pud ding)

Ingred ients:

u 1 cup vermicelli u 2 cups milk

u 2 t b s p s u g a r ( a d j u s t t o taste)

u 2 t b s p c o n d e n s e d m i l k (optional)

u 1 tbsp butter or ghee

u 5-6 chopped dates

u 1/4 tsp cardamom powder

u N u t s ( a l m o n d s , p i s t achios, cashews - optional)

M ethod:

1 H e a t b u t t e r / g h e e i n a pan, add vermicelli, and r o a s t u n t i l g o l d e n brown

2 Add milk and bring to a boil Stir occasionally

3 A d d s u g a r , c o n d e n s e d m i

well combined

4 Toss in chopped dates and nuts, then let it simmer for 5 minutes

5 Serve warm or chilled

Zakat UK calculator for Eid 2025

Ramadan is well und erway, a nd M u s li m s aro u n d th e w orld are reflecting on how m uch to g iv e to tho se in need

One key aspect of the month is Zakat, one of the five pillars of Islam Muslims who meet the Nisab thresho l d ( e q u i v a l e n t t o 8


6 1 2 3 6 grams of silver) are required to give 2 5% of their wealth to charity after a full lunar year While there’s no set t i m e t o p a y Z

Muslims choose to donate during Ramadan


paid depends on individual

income and assets To simplify the process, an online Zakat calculator does all the c

website explains, "Zakat can

helps you quickly determine the right amount, including how to calculate Zakat on g

current market values (as of January 27, 2025) " While most fundraising e

warning to help Muslims in England protect their donations

Fadi Itani OBE, CEO of MCF, emphasised, “Giving during Ramadan increases due to its spiritual signific

Muslim donors to give


moment to consid-

those truly in need, making a real impact in the fight a

porting charities working to improve the lives of vulnerable people

Eid is synonymous with dressing up in beautiful new outfits Gifting a loved one a traditional kurta, abaya, or a stylish shalwar kameez can be a thoughtful and practical choice Look for designs with intricate embroidery or modern silhouettes to suit personal tastes

Luxury perfumes and attars

Fragrance holds cultural and religious significance in many Muslim households Gifting high-quality attars (alcohol-free perfumes) or l u x u r y p e r f u m e s f r o m renowned brands is a wonderful way to add a personal

E l e g a n t a n d t i m e l e s s , jewellery makes for a cherished Eid gift Whether it’s a delicate bracelet, a personalised pendant, or statement earrings, there are plenty of o

styles and budgets

Islam ic art and ho

prints, intricate Islamic wall a r t ,

rugs make thoughtful gifts f o r t h

decor that reflects their faith and traditions

Tech gadgets and accesso ries

For those who love tech-

nology, smartwatches, wireless earbuds, or high-quality p h o n e a c c e s s o r i e s m a k e modern and useful Eid gifts

Personalised gifts

Customised gifts, such a s e n g r a v e d k e y c h a i n s , monogrammed prayer mats, or name-embroidered clothing, add a thoughtful and s e n t i m e n t a l t o u c h t o E i d presents

Ch arity in their name

Since Eid is also a time for generosity and giving, donating to a meaningful cause in someone ’ s namewhether supporting education, food distribution, or medical aid is a heartfelt way to celebrate the spirit of the occasion

Experiential gifts

Instead of a physical gift, consider gifting an experience such as a spa voucher, a fine dining experience, or a subscription box service that aligns with their interests

Fashion tips for women and men during celebration

Eid is a lso an oppor tunit y t o showca se y our pe rsona l sty le in a celebr at ion of fa shion a nd tr adit ion

W h e t h e r y o u ’ r e attending a family gathering, community event, or religious service, the key is to dress in a way that honours the signific a n c e o f t h e o c c a s i o n while feeling comfort-

a b l e a n d c o n f i d e n t

Here are some fashion tips for both women and men to help you dress stylishly for this special celebration

Tips for women:

Ce le br ate t ra dition with e lega nce

Eid is the perfect occas i o n t o w e a r t r a d i t i o n a l attire that blends style with c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e F o r women, options like salwar k a m e e z , l e h e n g a c h o l i , sarees, or abaya are popular

c h o i c e s L o o k f o r u n i q u e details such as embroidery, b e a d w o r k , o r m o d e r n s i lhouettes that complement

y o u r p e r s o n a l s t y l e w h i l e respecting tradition

O pt for vibr an t colours

Eid celebrations are all a b o u t v i b r a n c y a n d j o y

While black and white are

c l a s s i c , d o n ’ t b e a f r a i d t o experiment with bold, festive colours Gold, emerald green, royal blue, and fuchsia are all stunning choices for Eid attire You can also opt for pastels for a softer

look or even mix and match bright colours for an eyecatching ensemble

Add sta tem ent a cce ssor ie s Accessories are the finishing touch that can elevate y o u r E i d l o o k S t a t e m e n t j e w e l l e r y , s u c h a s c h u n k y n e c k l a c e s , o v e r s i z e d e a rrings, or intricate bangles, can make a big impact Don’t forget a stylish scarf or shawl to complete your outfit For shoes, go for something both stylish and comfortable, like embellished sandals or elegant heels

Tips for me n

celebration, a well-tailored suit with a crisp shirt can also be a great option

Choose time le ss colours Eid attire for men is often about rich, earthy tones or classic neutrals Opt for navy, charcoal grey, beige, or maroon for a sophisticated look Bright colours such as r o y a l b l u e , e m e r a l d green, or golden accents can add a festive touch w i t h o u t b e i n g o v e rwhelming

Tailored fits an d d eta iling A well-tailored outfit can make all the difference in your Eid look Whether you choose a kurta or sherwani, make sure the fit is perfect P

like embroidery, embellishments, or even stylish buttons that

Go for cla ssic tra ditiona l wea r For men, kurtas, sharwanis, jodhpuri suits, and suits with subtle embroidery are p

E i d

These outfits offer elegance and comfort while embracing tradition For a formal

Reynolds reaffirms UK’s commitment to Muslim business leaders

T h e De p ar tm en t fo r

Bu siness and Trade (DBT )

hosted a special Iftar reception at Lancaster House on 24 M arc h 20 25 , bri ng i ng

tog eth er bu si ness lead ers and policym akers in a celebration of inclusivity, collaboration, and shared v alues


Jonathan Reynolds led the evening alongside Minister for Services, Small Business


Their presence, along with other distinguished guests,


ment’s commitment to fostering strong relationships between faith communities and the business sector

l i g h t e d t h e p r o f o u n d impact of faith communities on society, the economy, and politics He stated, "As a person of faith myself,

I s t r o n g l y b e l i e v e i n t h e

p o s i t i v e d i f f e r e n c e t h a t faith communities make to their local areas, our economy, and our political system "

Reflecting on interfaith

c o n n e c t i o n s , h e a d d e d , "I've always found it fascinating how people of different faiths often feel a deep connection with one another It’s as if recognisi n g t h a t s o m e t h i n g i s important to you makes me understand its importance to me too He also drew

i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m Q u e e n Elizabeth II, saying, "She w a s a d e e p l y d e v o t e d

C h r i s t i a n b u t h a d a n incredible bond with faith c o m m u n i t i e s a c r o s s Britain "

Speaking about the significance of Ramadan and Eid, he said, "I take persona l i n s p i r a t i o n f r o m t h e d e v o t i o n o f M u s l i m s worldwide-the discipline of the fast, the spirit of generosity, and the celebration of Eid This is a time for reflection on the role faith

c o m m u n i t i e s p l a y i n t h e UK " " F a i t h c o m m u n i t i e s

t e a c h u s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y towards one another, he continued They have pioneered vital social initia-

t i v e s - f r o m t r a i n i n g i n s t itutes and credit unions to employment schemes that uplift communities Many faiths place charity at their core, and we see this clearly i n R a m a d a n , w i t h a remarkable surge in donations from Muslim communities each year "

The Business Secretary

a l s o a d d r e s s e d t h e r e s i l i e n c e o f M u s l i mowned businesses following the far-right riots, stating, "When I visited affected areas, it was clear that

despite the rhetoric of the r i o t e r s , t h e s e b u s i n e s s e s were integral to their communities They were wellloved by their neighbours and made significant cont r i b u t i o n s t o t h e i r l o c a l economies "

H e p r a i s e d M u s l i m entrepreneurs for their role i n t h e U K ’ s e c o n o m i c growth, saying, The UK has been incredibly fortunate to have Muslim business leaders driving innovation and prosperity I see this first-hand in my own constituency " He assured the audience of the government's commitment to crea t i n g a n e n v i r o n m e n t where businesses-"from all f a i t h s a n d n o n e " - c a n thrive

Highlighting the government's economic plans, he shared, "Our first mission is to raise living standards by driving economic growth We are working to c u l t i v a t e b u s i n e s s c o n f idence at home and abroad, ensuring the UK remains a p l a c e t h a t r e s p e c t s , s u pports, and is open for business " He emphasised the Industrial Strategy, set to be published later this year, s a y i n g , " W e a r e m o v i n g f r o m a l o w - i n v e s t m e n t , low-growth economy to a h i g h - i n v e s t m e n t , h i g hgrowth future "

D i s c u s s i n g w o r k e r s ' rights, he noted, "Our Plan to Make Work Pay includes t h e E m p l o y m e n t R i g h t s Bill, which will strengthen protections against unfair dismissal, improve flexibility in zero-hours contracts, a n d g i v e w o r k e r s m o r e c o n f i d e n c e i n r e q u e s t i n g f l e x i b l e w o r k a r r a n g ements-something Muslim C e n s u s i d e n t i f i e d a s t h e number one request from M u s l i m w o r k e r s d u r i n g Ramadan " H e a l s o h i g h l i g h t e d m a j o r t r a d e d e a l s i n progress, including negotiations with India on a free

t r a d e a g r e e m e n t , w h i c h would "open a market predicted to have 95 million middle-class consumers by 2 0 3 5 " H e a c k n o w l e d g e d the efforts of Indian High C o m m i s s i o n e r V i k r a m D o r a i s w a m i , s t a t i n g , " H e has been instrumental in s t r e n g t h e n i n g U K - I n d i a t i e s t h r o u g h t r a d e a n d investment "

Fo stering econom ic g row th through inclu siv e trade

Na z S h ah M P , w h o recently took on the role of Trade Envoy to Indonesia and ASEAN, spoke to Asian Voice about her priorities and challenges Reflecting on her priorities, Naz said,

mote trade, business, and i n v e s t m e n t o p p o r t u n i t i e s in this region ” N a z a l s o h i g h l i g h t e d her commitment to fosteri n g s t r o n g e r e n g a g e m e n t between the UK and the M u s l i m c o m m u n i t i e s i n Indonesia and ASEAN “As a proud British Muslim, I see a natural connection through our shared faith w i t h t h e p e o p l e o f Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim country, a s w e l l a s w i t h o t h e r ASEAN nations, particularly Malaysia I believe this c o m m o n u n d e r s t a n d i n g can serve as a bridge to fost e r d e e p e r c o l l a b o r a t i o n s and more effective partners h i p s T h r o u g h m u t u a l learning and the exchange o f i d e a s , w e c a n c r e a t e

“My top priority as the UK’s Trade Envoy to Indonesia and ASEAN is to strengthen economic ties between the UK and the region I

, driving economic growth at home, and creating more jobs and opportunities The r

wider ASEAN region holds s

potential My focus will be on unlocking that potential and securing the best possible outcomes for all sides ”

D i s

lenges of her new role, she

plexities of trade negotiations, stating, “One of the key challenges faced by all t

a d e e n v


d o n e I fully expect to encounter, is that you rarely start with a blank slate Trade agreements are often the result of decades of negotiation and relationship-building, s o t h e r o l e i n v o l v e s enhancing existing foundations rather than creating new ones While this continuity can be beneficial, it also means navigating an ever-changing global lands c a p e I n a w o r l d w h e r e

c e r t a i n r e g i o n s n a t u r a l l y receive more attention due

t o c o n f l i c t s o r s h i f t i n g international and economic priorities, my responsibility will be to actively pro-

Shukr honours Muslim creatives

S h u kr, a g ro u n d br ea ki ng if ta r ev ent ce leb ra ti ng Muslim creatives, took place on Saturday evening at 180 Ho use

Curated and hosted by Mohammad Qazalbash, vice president of publicity at Live N

with Soho House and Huda

Beauty, the event welcomed n o t a b l e

Krept & Konan and Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, who spoke on the significance of representation and belonging

“London’s creativity and culture is the beating heart of our city I was delighted to attend a special iftar at Soho House to celebrate the c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f M u

l i m Londoners working in our creative and cultural industries “ I ’ l l c o n t i n u e t o d o everything in my power to

achieve their potential Your background shouldn’t be a

ambition and realising your talent,” the Mayor wrote on Instagram

m e a n i n g f u l b u s i n e s s o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r B r i t i s h

c o m p a n i e s S u p p o r t i n g economic growth remains a top priority for our gove r n m e n t , a n d I h o p e t o contribute to this effort by s t r e n g t h e n i n g r e g i o n a l ties ” Chief Executive of the L o n d o n C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e a n d I n d u s t r y (LCCI), Karim Fatehi OBE, h i g h l i g h t e d t h e s i g n i f icance of the DBT’s Iftar r e c e p t i o n a t L a n c a s t e r House, stating, "The event showcased the UK’s commitment to inclusivity, tolerance, and collaboration, r e i n f o r c i n g t h e r o l e o f trade in uniting communities It provided a valuable platform for discussions on trade, investment, and the UK’s global economic strate g y B u s i n e s s S e c r e t a r y

J o n a t h a n R e y n o l d s d e l i vered insightful remarks on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA), the success of UK P L C , a n d t h e f u t u r e o f international trade My discussions with policymakers and business leaders reaffirmed LCCI’s role in driving economic growth and s t r e n g t h e n i n

n ’ s position as a global trade

h u b T h e e v e n i n g w a s a powerful reminder of the UK’s dedication to foster-

as well as Olivier Award-winning actors and

, beauty, and fashion, were also present Shukr was designed to

Muslim creatives from various industries, fostering a

, collaboration, and community

Open Iftar culminates in Trafalgar Square celebration

The UK’s largest commu nity and cu l tu ra l ev ent , Open Iftar, will mark its grand fi na le o n 2 9 M ar ch a t t h e iconic T rafalgar

S qu ar e T h i s annual celebrati o n b ri ng s

to g et h er in d i v i d u als f ro m diverse backgrounds, fostering unity and u nd erstand ing while embracing the sp irit of Ram ad an Open Iftar cre-

ate s a w e lc o m i ng atm osphere for ev eryone, regardless of faith , to come together and share in th e j oy of breaking the fast

The Open Iftar initiative

b e g a n w i t h a r e m a r k a b l e f i r s t a t W i n d s o r C a s t l e , where the State Apartments hosted a special Iftar event

Over 350 guests gathered at St George’s Hall, marking a p i v o t a l m o m e n t f o r t h e Muslim community in the UK The event was a beautiful occasion that brought people from all walks of life together to experience the

tradition of breaking fast

The atmosphere was one of warmth, unity, and reflection, as attendees shared a meal and celebrated the values of community, peace, and gratitude A n o t h

h i s t o r i c Iftar hosted at the British House of Commons For the f i r s t t i m e , t h e U K Parliament opened its doors for an Iftar ceremony, with a n I m

and English This landmark event highlighted the power of inclusivity and solidarity, offering a unique opportunity for dialogue and mutual u n d e r s


Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds speaking to business leaders at the event
Karim Fatehi OBE with Jonathan Reynolds
Morad Khokar, Ra'ed Khan, Nemat Abdela, Zubin Irani, Noha Hussein, and Menna Dief Representatives from Live Nation, Warner Music, NBA, Condé Nast, and The Guardian,
Sadiq Khan with Mohammad Qazalbash and his wife Sadiq Khan with hip hop duo, Krept and Konan
PM Keir Starmer attends Ramadan event in the British Parliament alongside MPs
celebrations at Windsor Castle


Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

I write to you fr om Ind ia, be fore v isi tin g the US Ma rket decline s i n b oth marke ts un til thi s w eek may cause people to look at the ir pe nsi ons

How does time impact risk? Imagine you can bet only heads on a coin If you win you double your money and if it’s tails you lose all of it If your time line is short eg one flip then your risk is high Ie a 50percent chance of losing your investment And it would be highly unwise for you to make the “investment” is you ’ re risk averse Now take an infinite time line and infinite flips Then you are guaranteed to have zero risk of loss ultimately Same coin (Although people have problems understanding infinity conceptually) So for any time between 1 flip and infinite flips you have a probably between 50 percent chance of loss and 0 Now take an investment in a security eg a stock If it is positively skewed (we estimate this based on valuation etc) then it has a probability greater than a coin of positive return but if your timeline is short it is not risk free and you also like with a coin stand the risk of ruin if it comes up tails time and again

Though the probability of multiple tails is smaller and smaller it can happen These extreme events in stocks happen more frequently than mathematical models suggest and is referred to as a “fat tail” ie higher than expected probability of an extreme event or a black swan (as until Australia was discovered it was believed all swans were white until they weren’t) Why buy when others are fearful? (Which is not a strategy btw given definitional problems and emotion and guesswork) because it implies that multiple tails are less likely Ie the probability of 10 consecutive tails is tiny BUT of the next flip being a tail is still 50 50

So buy when people are fearful or the dip is NOT that the next flip must be higher BUT that 10 consecutive ones are less likely than say 5 What does it mean for us?

1 Money management rules have to ensure we do not risk ruin by too large bet on one flip esp if our time horizon is short Indeed the Kelly Formula used by hedge funds has made a lot of people rich not by getting the stock right but by money management and not gett i n g r u i n e d i n a p o s i t i v e l y s k e w e d g a m e 2

Understanding maths helps perspective As you can imagine studies have been done and indeed I’ve written about this in my FT columns in the past Will discuss in future too

Many people invest in 50 50 securities and hope for multiple heads Especially as they’ve observed two heads in a row and now gamble on three more say The probability of one head is 50 percent The probability of three is 0 5 to the third power Ie 1/8 And indeed 5 heads given two they observed before entering, is 1/32

This is why sometimes those without understanding investing feel the market is out to get them They invest in 50-50 after two heads and hope for three more Instead 1 Extend time frame in a positively skewed security 2 Essentially this is what Buffett does He is unique because his brand allows him to not have to have a short time frame Investors in almost all funds do not have patience that Buffett reputation commands You and I don’t have 50 year time horizons either Buffett is a good mathematician Jim Simon’s the greatest performing fund manager of all time was a maths Professor

I nd ia n telec om bil lio nai re

S unil Bharti Mittal is reportedly considering increasing h is stake in BT , acco rd ing to the Financial T imes

Mittal currently holds a 24 5% stake in BT, acquired

f r o m L u x e m b o u r g - b a s e d telecom giant Altice, previ-

o u s l y o w n e d b y P a t r i c k Drahi His holdings, man-

Enterprises, initially began with a 10% stake, which he expanded after receiving UK national security approvals in December The increase

w a s m a d e v i a d e r i v a t i v e s c o n t r a c t s , w h i c h h e h a s been converting into equity Under UK regulations, if Mittal’s stake reaches 30% or more, he would be required to make an offer for the e n t i r e c o m p a n

“The FTA can facilitate increased investments in the UK”

Anusha Singh

The United Kingdom and India are nearing the finalisation of a longawaited free trade agreement (FTA), according to senior Indian diplomat Nidhi Tripathi

Speaking at the British Chambers

London, Tripathi, India’s economic

reports “We are very close, and this agreement will be a game-changer for both of us, ” she said, emphasising the benefits for service providers in both countries

According to Neeraj Kanwar, Vice Chair and Managing Director of the India-based tyre giant Apollo Tyres, the UK-India FTA presents a significant opportunity to strengthen economic ties, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable growth

In an interview with Asian Voice, he discusses more about what the agreement can mean for both India and the UK

1 How do you see the UK-India FTA strengthening trade and investment ties between the two nations? What strategic advantages does this agreement offer to Indian manufacturers like Apollo Tyres in the UK market?

investment between the two nations For Indian manufacturers like Apollo Tyres, which has a substantial sales and marketing presence in the UK, the FTA offers several advantages

has been placed on bilateral relations from a UK point of view The longstanding shared history between the two countries and India’s strong economic growth in contemporary times, make a compelling case for the world’s fifth and sixth-largest economies to work together in advancing the global economy

The reduction or elimination of tariffs can make Indian products more competitive in the UK market, poten-

share, especially in the current global trade climate Simplified regulatory alignments can streamline operations,

y chain efficiency The FTA can facilitate increased investments in the UK, enabling companies to expand their

A l l i s o n K i

k b y , w h o t o o k over in 2024, told The Times in February that Bharti is “not going to be a passive shareholder” and will “want results quickly ” She noted his extensive business experience in India and internationally Since Kirkby began a cost-cutting drive at BT, the company ’ s share price has risen by over 50%

footprint and collaborate more effectively with local partners

Apollo Tyres has strategically positioned itself in the UK by establishing i t s g l o b a l m a

d investing in a Digital Innovation Hub in London This hub collaborates with s c i e n t i s t s f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Glasgow to develop smart manufacturing solutions and leverage technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to enhance efficiencies The FTA is expected to bolster such initiatives further by facilitating smoother knowledge transfer and fostering an environment conducive to innovation

2 In what ways could the FTA enhance the competitiveness of Indian businesses in the UK and vice versa?

The FTA can enhance competitiveness by aligning product standards a n d c a n r e d u c e c o m p l i a n

o s t s , allowing Indian businesses to bring p r o d u c t s t o t h e U K m a r k e t m o r e swiftly and vice versa Eased visa regulations can enable the movement of s k i l l e d p r o f e s s i o n a

between countries, fostering a diverse talent pool and encouraging crossborder collaborations The agreement can pave the way for joint ventures and partnerships in sectors such as tech, financial and professional services, media and education, combining the strengths of businesses from both nations to innovate and capture new markets

In addition, and as with Apollo’s case, the UK, strengthened by its geographical location, coupled with its a d v a n c e d i n f r

s g l o b a l media presence and one of the bestin-class service sectors, can be a strong focal point for Indian businesses with a global presence Apollo Tyres exemplifies this by establishing its global strategic functions in London, leveraging the count r y ' s s t r a

operations across Asia, Europe, and the Americas

3 Beyond trade, how do you see the FTA facilitating knowledge transfer, R&D collaborations, and skill exchange between the two economies?

By fostering partnerships between academic institutions and industries, the FTA can promote joint initiatives that benefit both economies


136,921 Indian students were enrolled in UK institutions, marking a 294%

employed in high-skilled occupations, arriving on skilled-worker visas, particularly in sectors like information technology, engineering, and healthcare They often have high median earnings, reflecting their substantial contribution to the economy

Furthermore, sharing best practices and technological advancements can drive efficiency and growth in various sectors We have employees in the UK working across six business functions, supporting our global corporate and marketing arms

Apollo Tyres' Digital Innovation Hub in London serves as a prime example of such collaboration The hub works in tandem with a similar innovation hub in Hyderabad, India, where we seamlessly collaborate on new innovations in the automotive

Industry 4 0 across the world The FTA can encourage more such partnerships, leading to shared growth and innovation

4. Looking ahead, what should businesses like Apollo Tyres focus on to maximise opportunities from a potential UK-India FTA?

To fully leverage the benefits of t h

abreast of negotiation developments and understand the specific provisions that impact their sector Companies should be participating in industry consultations and providing feedback to policymakers in both countries to ensure that the agreement addresses s

should also be prepared to meet any new regulatory requirements and consider investing in certifications that facilitate smoother market access

Malabar Gold & Diamonds expands global presence with 12 new showrooms and plans for 60 more in 2025

Malabar G old & Diamonds is set to

across 13 c ountries These showrooms

The company also plans to launch 60 more showrooms in 2025 and expand into international markets,

Neeraj Kanwar

Vikram Sahu to become Bank of America's new India head

Bank of Amer ic a Corp (BofA)

is s et t o undergo a leaders hip tr a n s i t ion in i t s I n di a ope r a t io ns , wi t h K ak u

Nakhate stepping down f rom

he r r ol e a s t he c o un t r y executive af ter 15 years at the he l m Ac c or d in g t o a n internal me mo, Vikram Sa hu, c ur r e nt l y he a d o f g l o b al equity r esearc h in New Y ork, ha s bee n a ppointed as he r succes sor S a h u i s e x p e c t e d t o r

second quarter of 2025 to take charge of the bank’s

n c h

s e N a

e will continue to serve as CEO of BANA India until



Bank deposit growth dips to 7.3% in Gujarat



glitt erin g a nd silve r shin ing, bank d eposits a re no long er

Gujarat T



Despite stepping down

Nakhate will remain with

y approvals for the position from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) BANA India is the bank’s regulated entity in the country

terms of it global presence,

assets under management

senior client relationships in India, the memo stated Bank of America is one

Govt set to give major relief to telecom companies

G ovt i s set to gi ve a major reli ef to telecom c ompani es -

r u nn i ng i nt o m i l l i o ns o f

r u p ee s - by w a i vi n g of f

s pectru m usage charges (S UC)

o n airwaves bought through aucti ons before Sept 2021

T h e m e a s u r e w i l l h e l p companies, such as Vodafone Idea, Airtel and Reliance Jio conserve cash as they expand 5G services and continue the

w o r k t o b o o s

l e c o m network, an official source said In June 2022, govt had decided to remove SUC for

b a n d w i d t h

h a d b e e n auctioned after Sept 15, 2021 across different frequencies

H o w

s taken for spectrum bought through auctions before this period

“The move to waive off

through auctions before 2022 is likely to be approved soon The plan is to give relief to t h e

s s o that their network expansion work continues strongly,” the source said I t w a s f

h a t a competitive bidding process, w

v e o n many occasions, had already

helped the exchequer get the best prices for airwaves and thus there was no need to tax c o m p

f o r spectrum Apart from SUC payout, which ranges around 3 - 4 % o f a d j u s t e d g r o s s revenue (AGR) of companies, telecom operators pay an 8% licence fee to govt, including 5% towards Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF)

India to drive 6% of world trade growth in 5 years: Report


row th ov er the next five years, accord ing to the 'DHL Trade Atlas 2025' rep ort, jointly published by New York University’ s Stern

S c h o o l o f B u si n es s a nd

G er m an lo g i s ti c s bra nd DHL

The report, which gives an analysis of trade patterns for nearly 200 countries and territories worldwide, states that India’s share in global trade expansion will follow

t h a t o f C h

States, projected at 10 per cent

According to the report, India is expected to retain its third spot on the scale d

achieved due to "its trade

economies " India is also expected to rise to 17th place on the

current position at 32 T h e r e p o r t highlights that while India was ranked only as the 13th largest participant in international trade in 2024, its trade volume grew at a compound annual rate of 5 2 per cent between 2019 and 2 0 2 4 , s i g n i f i c a n t l y outpacing the global trade growth rate of 2 0 per cent during the same period

Bank deposits in Gujarat s

f j u s t

7 3% from £118 2bn in the

s a m e p e r i o d l a s t y e a r ,

a c c o r d i n g t o t h e l a t e s t

r e p o r t b y

Bankers’ Committee (SLBC),

AutoComp to acquire automotive components group IAC Sweden

Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd

Compone nts Group Sweden AB (IAC Swe den), in a b id t

Eur ope 's a ut

acquisition reinforces Tata A


o C

d e n a n d e n h

s e n c

n c e s t h

c o m p a n y ' s r e l a t i o n s h i p s with key European Original E q u i p m e n t M a n u f a c t u r e r s ( O E M s ) i n b o t h t h e p a s s e n g e r v e h i c l e a n d

c o m m e r c i a l v e h i c l e segments, further expanding i t s g l o b a l f o o t p r i n t , t h e company said in a statement The company, however, d i d n o t d i s c l o s e a n y f i n a n c i a l d e t a i l s I A C

Arvind Goel said With this acquisition, Tata Autocomp s a i d , i t w i l l c

and strengthen its presence in Europe's automotive sector

Sweden has a turnover of approximately $800 million a n d i s a w e l l e s t a b l i s h e d m a n u f a c t u r e r o f i n t e r i o r systems and components to the automotive industry, it added " T h i s a c q u i s i t i o n a l i g n s with our long-term vision of expanding in global markets a n d s t r e n g t h e n i n g o u r relationships with European O E M s , " T a t a A u t o C o m p S y s t e m s

India’s startup count to double by 2030: Study

Ind ia ’ s st ar tup ecosyste m is set for ra pid expa nsion, with t h e n u m be r o f st a r t u p s p r o j e ct e d t o d o u ble fr om 120,0 00 in 2023 t o 24 0,000 by 203 0, a ccord in g t o a new r epo rt by ex e cut ive sea rch firm Long house

This growth is expected to drive a surge in high-value

e n t e r p r i s e s , w i t h t h e n u m b e r o f u n i c o r n sstartups valued at over $1 b i l l i o n - r i s i n g f r o m 1 2 0 currently to 280 by the end o f t h e d e c a d e T h e expansion is also poised to have a significant impact on employment, with startups

RIL to acquire 74% in Dahej’s Nauyan Shipyard for £38mn

Reliance Ind ustries is set to ac qu i re 7 4 % o f Na u ya an S h i p yar d f ro m We ls p u n Corp, owned by BK Goenka, for £3 8 3mn, g aining access to 1 3 8 a cre s of l eas eh o ld land in Dahej, Gujarat Th is la nd i s l o ca ted ne ar Re li an ce ’ s p etr o ch

m i ca l manufacturing facility

Welspun had purchased

metres of waterfront and old ships from the insolvent ABG Shipyard for £65 9mn R

utilise the 138-acre plot to

storage, brine preparation, and hydrogen electrolyser m


use foreshore land, it said T h e t r

o n structure involves Reliance initially purchasing 100% of N

contributing to both direct a n d i n d i r e c t j o b c r e a t i o n across key sectors

T h e r e p o r t a d d e d t h e s t a r t u p e c o s y s t e m i s projected to create 50 million jobs by 2030, with startups driving a surge in both direct e m p l o y m e n t a n d t h e g i g e c o n o m y O f t h e s e , 4 - 5 million will be direct whitec o l l a r j o b s , a n o t h e r 9 - 1 0 million in the gig economy, a n


j o



o s s s e c t o r s “ A significant portion of these jobs will emerge from newer s t a r t u p s r a

As India



m e f r o m companies that are scaling up rapidly in emerging sectors like AI, SaaS, clean tech, and f i n t e c

Vikram Sahu

Sunita, Wilmore to undergo mental, physical adaptations to feel normal again

WA S HING TO N: Now back o n their h ome planet after a mission that stretched to 286 d ays, B u tc h Wi lm o re an d S u ni

W i lli a m s h a v e p h ys i c al an d m ent al a d ap t ati o n s t o m ake

“ It’s d efinitely an adjustment,” said Terry Virts, a fo rmer comm ander of the ISS “You ’ ve had that beautiful v iew for all that time and you ’ v e been floating aro und w eig htless and th en h ere you are, back o n planet Earth, trying to loo k and feel normal again You r m ind and you r bod y h av e to process a new way of living when you go into space, then d o it all again when you com e back do wn ”

Wilmore, 62, and Williams, 59, will have come home a couple of inches taller; without gravity to keep the spinal column compressed, astronauts gain up to 3 per cent in height as the fluid-

f i l l e d d i s c s b e t w e e n v e r t e b r a e relax and expand On Earth, that p r o c e s s r e v e r s e s i t s e l f s w i f t l y , but acute and chronic pain can result from muscle loss in the lower back and spinal instability

A study led by researchers in M a d r i d f o u n d a s i g n i f i c a n t occurrence of disc herniations and disc dehydration in returni n g a s t r o n

u t s ; 7 7 p e r c

t r e p o r t e d p a i n d u r i n g s p a c e flight, 47 per cent experienced a c u t e p a i n a f t e r r e t u r n i n g t o Earth and a third suffer from chronic pain post-mission

For every month in space,

a s t r o n a u t s ’ w e i g h t - b e a r i n g bones can lose around 1 per cent of their density unless they exer-

cise to mitigate it The ISS has a t r e a d m i l l , e x e r c i s e b i k e a n d weightlifting equipment specially designed to counter microgravity Astronauts follow a rigorous daily workout routine

Virts, who spent 199 days on the ISS in 2014-2015 and 14 days

o n t h e S T S - 1 3 0 s p a c e s h u t t l e mission in 2010, said: “Exercise is super important - 2 5 hours a day

a n d a

n D t


, because you don’t get the sunshine up there I was religious about it and I lost zero per cent of my bone density ”

Recalibrating the body’s balance system is one of the main challenges on return In weightlessness, the brain does not need to process movements the same way; back on the ground, the brain needs to be retrained T

r y adjustments to make The skin on the soles of the feet after months spent floating is baby soft and sore to walk on, for example, until astronauts have thickened it back up from walking

President, PM Modi hail Sunita's safe return President Droupadi Murmu and PM Narendra Modi joined celebrities, politicians, scientists

return of Sunita to earth after

come and lauding her determination

“India’s daughter and her fel-

ance, dedication and never-saydie spirit,” Murmu said on X “Congratulations to the entire team behind the safe return of Nasa's Crew 9 mission to earth Their historic journey is a tale of


The PM said it was a test of grit, courage and the boundless human spirit of the astronauts “Their unwavering determina-


dream, and having the courage to turn those dreams into realit

Williams, a “trailblazer and an icon”, had exemplified this spirit throughout her career

Union ministers Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh and Piyush Goyal, as well as Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge were among t h o s e w h o c o n g r a t u l a t e d Williams

Jhulasan village erupts in joy

Jhulasan in Mehsana district, Sunita Williams's ancestral village, hardly anyone slept They h a d a l l g a t h e r e d t o g e t h e r , i n front of one television, watching o n a u t s S u n i t a , W

Aleksandr Gorbunov land back o n E a r t h a b o a r d

S p a c e X Dragon spacecraft

The second Sunita got out of the space capsule, joy erupted through the village, that has a deep-rooted connection with the astronaut Firecrackers lit up the sky, drumbeats thundered in celebration and a grand procession w o u n d i t s w a y t h

u g h t h e streets, to mark the safe return of the village’s most illustrious daughter “People were dancing and chanting ‘Har Har Mahadev’ everywhere The villagers had also organised a ‘ yagna ’ praying for her safe return It’s incredible to think that the same narrow l a n e s w h e r e h e r f a t h e r o n c e played as a child held this celebration for her,” said Kishore Pandya, Sunita’s relative from Jhulasan

India condemns Pak hospitality to fugitive preacher Zakir Naik

N EW D ELH I: T he pres enc e of f u git ive I s l am ic p re ac h er Z akir

N ai k in P ak is ta n h a s f u r th er s t ra ine d t h e al r ea dy te ns e tie s betw een India and Pakis tan India h as exp ressed its disapp ointm ent and concern over Pakistan’s ho sp ital ity to N aik, w ho is wanted in I ndia on charges o f all eged mo ney l aundering and inc iting terrorism

N a i k w a s r e c e n t l y s e e n i n

P a k i s t a n , w h e r e h e m e t w i t h high-ranking officials, including

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif

a n d P u n j a b C

Maryam Nawaz He also met with

Mohammad Hafeez, who shared pictures of their meeting on social media

Guidelines to people who plan to visit BAPS temple in Abu Dhabi on Eid

A B U D H A B I : As the joyous occasion of Eid approaches, BAPS Hindu Mandir in Abu Dhabi looks forward to welcoming thousands of visitors Given the overwhelming interest and increasing popularity of the Mandir, a l l v i s i t o r s a r e s t r o n g l y

a d v i s e d t o r e g i s t e r i n advance to ensure a smooth and comfortable experience To effectively accommodate the large number of devotees during Eid, the Abu Dhabi Police and the BAPS Hindu Mandir management kindly request all visitors to strictly follow the guidelines:

• Opening T ime: 9 am • C losing T ime: 8 pm

• Mandatory Pre-Registration: Visitors must register in advance via the “Mandir Abu Dhabi” app or website: https://www mandir ae/visit

• A dhere to Your Registered T ime Slot: Please arrive at the Mandir as per your designated time slot to ensure smooth entry and crowd management

• Parking : Ample parking is available on the Mandir campus There is no remote parking

• Monday C losure: The Mandir will remain closed to visitors

that Pakistan’s sponsorship of terrorism is the biggest roadblock to peace and security in the region

sternly to Pakistan’s comments on Jammu and Kashmir, stating t h a t I s

Balochistan and Kashmir

In a recent podcast, Prime M i n i s t

expressed his hopes for improved bilateral ties, stating that India’s a t t e m p t s t


The Trump administration has nominated Harry Kumar as Assistant Secretary of Commerce the White House announced Kumar currently serves as a senior advisor in the Office of the Secretary at the US Department of Commerce, where he provides strategic guidance on economic policy trade, and business development initiatives He holds a JD from Texas Tech University School of Law and a BA in Political Science from Texas A&M Kumar and his fiancée, Alexandra, now live in New York City Kumar has also been the director of Government Relations for Li-Cycle, where he led federal engagement on critical mineral and battery recycling policy


The Texas Senate has passed its first-ever resolution recognising Holi officially acknowledging the Hindu festival of colours as a significant cultural celebration With this move Texas becomes the third US stateafter Georgia and New York - to formally recognise Holi The resolution was introduced by Senator Sarah Eckhardt and passed just ahead of Holi celebrations on March 14 It highlights Holi's cultural and spiritual significance, celebrating spring, renewal, unity and the triumph of good over evil


A Singaporean Indian-origin Radio DJ and Tamil-language actor was charged with sexrelated offences, including having sexual communication with a minor Gunalan Morgan, 43, was handed seven charges at the state courts four of which are related to sex offences according to a Channel News Asia report A gag order was issued on the identities of the three alleged victims as well as the locations where the alleged offences occurred Gunalan a Singaporean is a producer-presenter with Mediacorp s Tamil radio station Oli968 and a popular Tamillanguage actor, according to media reports

Indian territory under its “illegal a n

Pakistan were “met with hostility a

T h

tension between the two nations h

Naik’s visit and Pakistan’s continu

seems that tensions between the two nations will continue to rise

US lifts bounties on three senior Taliban officials: Kabul

WA S H IN GT ON : Th e US has lifted bou nties on th ree senio r Taliban figures, including th e interio r minister who also heads a p owerful netwo rk blamed fo r bl o o d y a tt ac k s ag ai n s t Afghanistan’s former Westernbacked govt, officials in K abu l S

acknowledged planning a Jan 2008 attack on Serena Hotel in Kabul, which killed six people, including US citizen Thor David Hesla, no longer appears on the state department’s ‘Rewards for Justice’ website The FBI webs i t e s

poster for him Interior ministry spokesman Abdul Mateen Qani said the US had revoked the b o u n t i e s p l a c e d o n H a q q a n i , Abdul Aziz Haqqani, and Yahya Haqqani “These three individuals are two brothers and one paternal cousin, Qani said The Haqqani network grew

into one of the deadliest arms of Taliban after the US-led 2001 i n v a s i o n o f A f g h a n i s t a n T h e g r o u p e m p l o y e d r o a d s i d e bombs, suicide bombings and o t h e r a t t a c k s , i n c l u d i n g o n Indian and US embassies, the Afghan presidency, and other major targets

A foreign ministry official, Z a k i r J a l a l y , s a i d T a l i b a n ’ s release of US prisoner George Glezmann removal of bounties showed both sides were “ moving beyond the effects of the wartime phase and taking constructive steps to pave the way for progress ” in bilateral ties

“The recent developments in Afghanistan-US relations are a good example of the pragmatic a n d r e a l i s t i c e n g a g e m e n t b e t w e e n t h e t w o g o v e r nments,” said Jalaly Taliban see the opening in breaking out of isolation


India is extending help to Amit Gupta, a citizen from Gujarat’s Vadodara, who has been wrongfully detained in Qatar for allegedly stealing data Gupta, who worked as the country head at Tech Mahindra in Doha, has been held by Qatar’s State Security for three months, according to his family The Indian Embassy in Qatar is aware of Gupta’s detention and has been in regular contact with his family lawyer and Qatari authorities The embassy is providing all possible assistance and closely following the case Gupta’s family insists that he is innocent and has been falsely accused of data theft


Bangladesh high court will hear a bail petition of Chinmoy Krishna Das Brahmachari a former Iskcon monk and spokesperson of Bangladesh Sammilita Sanatan Jagran Jote in a sedition case on April 23 - after the court s vacation and Eid holidays On Feb 4 HC had asked govt to explain why Das should not be granted bail in the sedition case, rejecting his initial bail application On March 19, the matter was presented for hearing before the court and the date of hearing was set The case against Chinmoy dates back to an Oct 25 incident, when a large gathering of the Sanatani community was held in Chittagong under him

Suni Williams & Butch Wilmore


A man from Gudivada city of Andhra Pradesh s Krishna district was found dead in Texas, in the US, a day after he went missing Authorities said it seemed to be a case of suicide Kolli Abhishek was last seen in Texas’s Princeton Following his disappearance, local law enforcement authorities, along with community members, launched a search operation His body was discovered the next day Abhishek, married for a year, was living with his wife in Phoenix before moving to Princeton His brother Aravind said Abhishek was unemployed for the past six months and was battling financial difficulties


A 28-year-old Singaporean of Indian origin who defaulted on his mandatory national service (NS) obligations by staying in India even after the expiry of his permit is to serve 14 weeks in jail after his appeal against his conviction and sentence was dismissed by a court here A High Court panel rejected Naresh Kumar Nagesvaran s claim that he did not know he needed an exit permit to remain in India for his studies as his late mother had been handling all the correspondence with the Central Manpower Base (CMPB) an enlistment centre, until late 2018


A Bangladeshi court ordered the seizure of cricketer Shakib Al Hasan s assets in the latest legal headache for the sports star over his allegiance to the country s ousted PM Sheikh Hasina Shakib is a former lawmaker from Hasina s party Awami League His links to Hasina made him a target of public anger and he was among dozens facing murder investigations for a deadly police crackdown on protesters during the uprising He has not been charged, but is currently being prosecuted on fraud charges


Taliban freed an American citizen detained in Afghanistan for over two years following direct talks between US hostage envoy Adam Boehler and Taliban officials a source said George Glezmann, who was detained in 2022 while visiting Kabul as a tourist left Afghanistan aboard a Qatari aircraft bound for Qatar Glezmann and Boehler are expected to travel onward to the US The meeting in Kabul marked the highest-level direct talks between the US and Taliban since Trump came to office in Jan US secretary of state Marco Rubio issued a statement confirming Glezmann’s release


China announced measures to simplify the marriage registration process and lessen the financial burden on couples, the latest initiative by Beijing to boost births The latest step allows people to register their marriage where they live, state broadcaster CCTV reported, citing a govt document Until now, couples have had to travel to wherever the bride or groom is named in the civil registry, which has created travel and financial burdens Also the govt will promote the fight against high bride pricesusually cash offered by the groom’s family which can sometimes be prohibitively high


Sudanese army seized full control of the presidential palace in downtown Khartoum, it said, in what would be a major gain in a two-year-old conflict with a rival armed group that has threatened to partition the country The army had long been on the back foot but has recently made gains and has retaken territory from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) in the centre of the country RSF is setting up a parallel govt in areas it controls, although that is not expected to secure widespread global recognition

Khalistan critic Chandra Arya's nomination for federal election revoked

OT T A WA : C hand ra A rya, wh o se rv e d as a Hi n d u -C ana d i an MP, announced that his no minatio n as the candidate for the up c o mi ng f ed eral elec tio n in Nepean has been revoked Arya h as b een v o c al ag a in st th e alleged d efacem ent of tem ples an d o th e r v io l en t a ct s by Khalistanis in C anad a In the past, Arya has been a

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government for giving refuge to pro-Khalistani elements in the country He has also slammed the petition initiated by Liberal Party MP Sukh

June 23, 1985, that left 329 peo-

tragedy in the history of avia-



n social media, Arya said, "I have been informed by the Liberal Party that my nomination as the candidate for the upcoming federal election in Nepean has been revoked "

"While this news is deeply

diminish the profound honour and privilege it has been to serve

the people of Nepean - and all Canadians - as their Member of Parliament since 2015, ” he said

He added, Over the years, I have poured my heart and soul into this role I am immensely proud of the work I have done as a parliamentarian, the unwavering service I have provided to the residents of Nepean, the principled stands I have taken on issues that matter deeply to C

I have stood up for - even when it was difficult, even when it came at a personal or political cost " "Serving my community and country has been the greatest responsibility of my life, and

US judge blocks deportation of Indian post-doctoral fellow


In di an po

at Georget own Univ ersit y, who was detaine d by immigr ation authorities ea rlier this wee k

detention had completely upended their lives and appealed to the court to allow Suri to return home to his family

“Our children are in desperate need of their father and miss

him dearly,” she said “As a mother of three children, I desperately need his support to take care of them and me ” Suri was taken into custody outside his home in Arlington, Virginia, under a provision of immigration law that allows the US Secretary of State to deport non-citizens deemed a threat to foreign policy His lawyer argues that Suri, who has no criminal record, is being targeted due to h i s w i f e ’ s P a l e s t i n i a n h e r i t a g e and their support for Palestinian r i g h t s U S S e c

March 15, 2025, that Suri’s presence in the country was a foreign policy concern A Department of H

spokesperson claimed that Suri had spread Hamas propaganda and had ties to a suspected senior Hamas advisor S

under President Donald Trump’s administration, which aims to c r a c

s accused of anti-American or proterrorist activities The court has

Holi festival turns San Jose into a spectacle of joy and unity

S A N JO S E : C ro w d s th ro n g ed Di s c o v er y M ead o w i n d o w ntow n San Jo se as th e vi brant hues o f Holi filled the air at the ci t y ’ s f ir st -e v er “ H o li F es t ” Presented by the Association of Ind o Am ericans (A IA ) and Bolly 92 3 , the festival drew an estim ated 15 ,0 0 0 attend ees, c elebrating the Ind ian festival of colors with joy, m usic, and cultural perform ances

H o l i , w h i c h s i g n i f i e s t h e arrival of spring and the victory

of good over evil, was marked by revelers playfully tossing colored powders at one another, transforming the venue into a dazzling spectacle The festival, supported by over 50 Indian organiz a t i o n s a c r o s s t h e B a y A r e a , brought together people of all backgrounds in a jubilant celebration of Indian culture

D i g n i t a r i e s i n a t t e n d a n

Adlakha, San Jose Mayor Matt

Indian origin woman kills son in US, was fighting for his custody

N EW YO R K : An In dian origin woma n has be en char ged with a lleg edly murde ring her 11-ye arold son after a thr ee -d ay vaca tion to Disn ey lan d S a r i t h a R a m a r a j u , 4 8 , h a s b e e n c h a r g e d with one felony count of murder for slitting her son ’ s throat during a custody visit

She has also been charged with one felony enhancement of personal use of a weapon, a knife

She faces a maximum sentence of 26 years to life if convicted on all charges, a statement from o f f i c e o f d i s t r i c t a t t o r n e y , Orange County, California said Ramaraju, who moved out of California after divorcing the boy’s father in 2018, was staying with her son at a motel in Santa Ana for a custody visit During the visit, she bought three day passes to Disneyland for herself and her son On March 19, the day Ramaraju was scheduled to check out of the motel and

return the boy to his f a t h e r , s h e c a l l e d 911to report that she h a d k i l l e d h e r s o n and taken pills to kill herself Police found the young boy dead on the bed in a room a m o n g D i s n e y l a n d souvenirs It appeared the boy had been dead for several hours before his mother called 911 R a m

s e d from hospital after ingesting t h e u n k n o w n s

b s t a n c e a n d arrested on suspicion of stabbing the boy to death

A report said Ramaraju had been in a custody battle with h e r h u s b a n d P

h R a j u since last year, when she had accused him of making medical and school decisions without her input and alleged he had s u b s t a n c e a b u s e i s s u e s Prakash Raju had said in court papers that he was born and raised in Bengaluru, an NBC report said

Mahan, Sunnyvale Mayor Larry K

Salwan, and several city council members and community leade r s R e p r e

Liccardo, and state officials also joined the festivities, expressing admiration for the event’s ability to bring the community together “We are thrilled to witness such a magnificent celebration of Holi here in San Jose,” said

Mayor Mahan “The colors, the energy, and the spirit of togetherness truly make this event special ” Many officials shared their e x p

o n s o c i a l m e d i a , posting pictures and messages of appreciation

The day-long event featured live music, dance performances, a n d c u l t u r a l s h o w c a s e s T h e Association of Indo Americans, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting Indian heritage, played a key role in organizing the event

Indian origin surges in New York mayoral race

NEW YORK: The Dem ocratic primary for New York C ity’s mayoral race is becom ing increasingly com petitiv e, with A ssembly member Zoh ran M am dani emerg ing as a contend er Recent fundraising rep orts sh ow Mamd ani, alongside form er Gov erno r Andrew Cuom o, leading the field in financial su pport


Queens, has raised nearly $845,000 over the past two months His campaign expects more than $500,000 of that total to qualify for the city’s eight-to-one matching funds program

Since announcing his candidacy, over 16,000 individual donors have contributed to Mamdani’s campaign Initially considered a lesser-known candidate, Mamdani’s strong fundraising success has allowed him to establish himself as a challenger, second only to Cuomo in terms of financial backing For Indian Americans his race is of interest, given that he is the son of filmmaker Mira Nair and India-born Ugandan academic Mahmood Mamdani

Mamdani, who represents the 36th district of the New York State Assembly, is gaining traction as a progressive alternative to Cuomo and Mayor Eric Adams His outspoken stance on issues like immigration, housing, and criminal justice reform has resonated with many voters, reported New York Magazine Recently, Mamdani criticized the detention of a Columbia University graduate student and greencard holder, underscoring his commitment to immigrant rights

Cuomo, a former governor, has raised over $1 5 million in just 13 days, with $332,350 eligible for matching funds His campaign has reported contributions from 2,821 individual donors While Cuomo remains the front-runner, Mamdani’s recent momentum has caught the attention of political observers

Mayor Eric Adams has yet to release his latest fundraising figures, amid ongoing legal challenges and shifting endorsements from some of his former supporters The lack of momentum in Adams’ campaign has created more room for both Cuomo and Mamdani

Chandra Arya
Badar Khan Suri
Saritha Ramaraju

3-member panel to probe recovery of cash pile from judge’s home

A cting sw iftly on Delhi h igh

c o u rt C h i ef J u st ic e D K

U p adh yay ’ s adv erse repo rt

a g ai n st J u s ti c e Y as h w an t

V a rm a o n th e all eg e d

d iscovery

o f a h uge p ile of

c ash at h is res id ence, C JI

S anjiv Khanna appointed a t h ree - ju d g e p a ne l,

c o m pr is ing tw o HC c h ief ju stices and one HC ju dge, to inquire into the charges, w hile stripp ing him of his ju dicial duties

T h e p a n e l c o m p r i s i n g

Punjab and Haryana HC CJ

S h e e l N a g i , H i m a c h a l

P r a d e s h H C C J G S Sandhawalia, and Karnataka

H C ’ s A n u S i v a r a m a n w i l l

“inquire into the allegations

a g a i n s t J u s t i c e V a r m a , a sitting judge of the Delhi HC,” the SC said No time limit has been fixed by the C J I f o r t h e p a n e l t o

c o m p l e t e i n q u i r y


asked the Delhi HC chief justice “not to assign any

c e Varma for the time being”, which would mean that he is barred from doing any judicial work till the inquiry panel submits its report to the CJI

On March 14, the day of Holi celebrations, a fire had

residence at Tughlaq Road i

Delhi The police and fire brigade rushed to the spot to douse the fire and allegedly stumbled upon a huge pile

outhouses of the bungalow T

informed the CJI on March 15

On the same day, the CJI had asked the Delhi HC CJ to submit a report on the incident along with Justice Varma’s explanation about the alleged recovery of cash Govt urged to send Justice Varma to Allahabad HC

M e a n w h i

, w i t h t h e three-member judicial panel


unaccounted cash at Justice

Varma’s official residence, S u p r e m e C o

officially recommended to the Union govt that Justice V

Allahabad HC to keep him away from Delhi and guard

him influencing witnesses J

sitting idle in Allahabad HC as the collegium has decided not to assign him judicial

from the inquiry committee S C

Justice Varma judicial work was to Delhi HC CJ, it would h

Allahabad HC CJ who would bar him from holding court This is meant to assuage the

l i n g s o f A l l a h a b a d H C Bar Association against his repatriation

India, China discuss ways to ease tension along border

India and China hel d talks on Tuesday, focusing on ways to

e a s e t e n s io ns a l o ng t he

b o r de r a n d r e s um e c r os s -

b or d er c oope r at io n A ke y

f oc u s of t he t a l k s wa s r e s t a r t in g c r o s s -b o r de r

c ooperation, par tic ul arly on t rans-bor der rive rs and t he K ailas h-Mans arovar Y atra

Both countries decided

t o r e s u m e t h e K a i l a s h

Mansarovar Yatra, stopped since 2020, in January this year

The 33rd meeting of the

(WMCC) was held in Beijing

e g a t i o n w a s J o i n t

S e c r e t a r y ( E a s t A s i a ) G o u r a n g a l a l D a s , w h i l e C h i n a w a s

General of the Boundary and Oceanic Affairs Department

Discussions covered the situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), with b

i d e s a g r e e i n g t h a t peace at the border is key to maintaining stable relations

T h e y e x p l o r e d w a y s t o implement past agreements, i n c l u d i n g d e c i s

Representatives’ meeting in December 2024

Both sides also discussed

and military communication c

a h e a d , India and China agreed to

start preparing for the next round of high-level boundary t

n India later this year

Since October 2024, the t w o c

progress in easing tensions along the LAC They resumed patrolling in Depsang Plains a n d D e m c h o k , w h i l e grazing activity also restarted i n t h e s e a r e a s D i p l o m a t i c engagements have continued, with both sides committed to o n g o i n g d i a l o g u e f o r a broader resolution

Witnesses who played key role in Pankaj Trivedi murder case

Chandrayaan-3 sheds new light on water-ice on Moon

Chandrayaan -3 ’ s Chandra’s Surface Thermophysical Experiment (C h aS T E) p ro v i d

), sheddi ng new li ght on the M oon ’ s thermal env ironmen t and the poten tial for water-i ce deposits C h a S T E , r i d i n g t h

temperatures of up to 355K (82°C) at the lunar south pole region - 25K higher than the expected 330K Scientists attribute this increase to the lander’s placement on a sunward-facing local slope of 6° “Water-ice prospecting is a crucial step in unlocking Moon’s potential for supporting human habitat and furthering exploration Lunar temperatures not only dictate water-ice but also drive other aspects of science and exploration,” K Durga Prasad from Isro’s Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) said

He said that prior to the Chandrayaan-3 mission, global lunar temperatures were mapped through remote sensing, but direct in-situ measurements were limited to the Apollo 15 and 17 m

ChaSTE’s new data bridges this critical knowledge gap

“This discovery highlights how small-scale topographical v

temperatures, a phenomenon less pronounced in equatorial regions,” Prasad said

“The low thermal conductivity of the lunar regolith acts as a blanket, causing significant temperature variations within just a few centimetres of the surface “By measuring these temperature gradients, ChaSTE not only refined our understanding of lunar surface conductivity but also provided crucial data for future missions seeking sustainable exploration solutions,” he said

Gujarati man, daughter shot dead in US store, shooter held

i n o o

S a c h a n i a , w h o c u r r e n t l y resides in London, filed a petition requesting further investigation They argued t h a t t h e p o l i c e r e p o r t pointed to the involvement of high-profile individuals

P a n k a j T r i v e d i h a d p r e v i o u s l y w r i t t e n l e t t e r s stating that he faced threats to his life from prominent figures, including Jayashree Talwalkar However, rather than treating these letters as d y i n g d e c l a r a t i o n s , t h e

p o l i c e c l a s s i f i e d t h e m a s d o c u m e n t a r y e v i d e n c e F u r t h e r m o r e , V i n o o

S a c h a n i a w a s a t t a c k e d b y unidentified individuals in J a m n a g a r , b u t t h e i n v e s t i g a t i o n i n t o t h e incident was set aside He urged the court to reopen the inquiry into the matter After the hearing, the court dismissed the petition but took note of the documents

s u b m i t t e d d u r

The trag ic d eath s o f a father an d d au g h ter in a V ir g i ni a shooting h av e sent shockwaves th r o u g h th e Gu j a rat i c o m m u ni t y i n th e U S a nd K an o d a v i ll ag e i n M eh s an a P ra d ee p P at el, 56 , w as s h o t dead on th e spot, w hile his 24ye ar- o l d d au g h ter , U rm i , succumbed to her injuries two days later Po lice have arrested a m an in connection with the i nci d ent, th ou g h th e m o ti v e remains u nclear


operated under the name of God He published

influential figures from the

stations and courts across multiple cities

D a n t a l i , S h a n k a r b h a i Thakkar, Maheshbhai Shah, V i n o d b h a i S h a h , H i t u

G a n d h i , a n d m y s e l f , t h e a u t h o r o f t h i s l e t t e r Tragically, they succeeded in murdering Pankaj Trivedi ” Twelve years ago, in this v e r y B h a d r a C o u r t i n Ahmedabad, Vinoo Sachania

Chandu Patel, Pradeep’s uncle, said the family first learned of the incident through media reports “They had just opened their store at around 5 am on March 20 when a man entered and began shooting Both Pradeep and Urmi were hit The accused, identified as George Frazier Devon Wharton, has been arrested,” he said

Relatives in Kanoda said the Patels had moved to the US in 2019 on visitor visas and eventually settled there, managing convenience stores run by the Gujarati Patel community

s i m p l y a n s w e r e d t h e financial questions raised by the late Pankaj Trivedi, a brave man would not have l o s t h i s l i f

Swadhyayis would not have r e c e i v e d l

Pankaj Trivedi, unable to get a

against the alleged financial i

n g t h e proceedings in its verdict Vinoo Sachania said, “I extend my congratulations to Judge Bharatbhai Jadhav o f t h e B h a d r a C o u r t , t h e investigating officers of the police department, and the state government for their thorough investigation and commitment to uncovering the truth This verdict marks a victory over the cruelty of r u t h l e s s c r i m i n a l s w h o s t r a y e d f r o m t h e p a t h o f

Parivar followers took the

u p h e l d t h e H i g h C o u

t ’ s decision Frustrated by this

l e g a l d e f e a t ,

c t i o n o f enraged followers allegedly launched violent attacks on Pankaj Trivedi, as well as other individuals, including Swami Sachchidanandji of

G a j j a r h a d a l s o f i l e d a petition through his lawyer f r o m L o n d o n , r e q u e s t i n g t h a t t h e n a m e o f D i d i J a y a s h r e e T a l w a l k a r , a k a Didi Dhanshree Athavale, be included in the police FIR However, his petition was not accepted Had it been c o n s i d e r e d , a d d i t i o n a l

n a m e s w o u l d h a v e l i k e l y

a p p e a r e d a m o n g t h e convicted individuals

O v e r t h e y e a r s , m a n y d i s t i n g u i s h e d i n d i v i d u a l s h a v e s u p p o r t e d t h e movement for justice for the late Pankaj Trivedi and his f a m i l y T h e s e i n c l u d e t h e respected Dr Vijay Mehta

( U S A ) , P a d m a S h r i a w a r d

w i n n i n g w r i t e r a n d philosopher Gunwant Shah ( V a d o d a r a ) , P a d m a S h r i Swami Sachchidanandji, CB Patel (Publisher and Editor of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar), Manoj Bhimani ( P u b l i s h e r a n d E d i t o r o f Aarpar magazine) and the C h i t r a l e k h a m a g a z i n e , among many other known and unknown supporters

They had taken over their current store just four months ago after working at another store about 75 km away “The family includes Pradeep’s wife, two daughters, and a son While both daughters are married into families from Gujarat, his son works in Canada Urmi got married three years ago, ” said Pradeep’s brother, Ashok Patel “It is likely that their last rites will be performed in the US ” Urmi and

on Pramukh Swami Maharaj launched

Vinoo Sachania
Pradeep Patel
Late Pankaj Trivedi

Dubai is set to welcome business leaders, entrepreneurs, and investors from across the globe for LIBF GCC Calling 2025, a premier networking event organized by the Lohana International Business Forum (LIBF) Scheduled for 13th16th April 2025, at the Mövenpick Grand Al Bustan, this event will bring together top industry minds to foster collaborations and drive meaningful economic and social impact


event aims to create

platform for

connect, exchange insights, and

innovation, and global economic development

The presence of eminent dignitaries and thought leaders will

Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Hon Minister of State


UAE, will grace the occasion with his esteemed presence

Among the Guests of Honour, distinguished personalities such a s S u n j a y S u d h i r , I n d i a n Ambassador to the UAE, Anurag Thakur, Member of Parliament,

L o k S a b h a & C h a i r m a n o f t h e P a r l i a m e n t a r y S

& Steel, Arnab Goswami, Editor-inChief of Republic TV and Lord Dolar Popat, Member of the UK House of Lords and former UK

T r a d e & I n v e s t m e n t E n v o y t o

(AoN)” to additional Army

unique opportunity to connect with heritage and traditions in the heart of the Middle East

Uganda, Rwanda & DR Congo will join the event The gathering will a l s o w i t n e s s t h e p r e s e n c e o f Sanjeev Sanyal, Member of the Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) of India

a n d S a t i s h K u m a r S i v a n , H o n Consul General of India, Dubai, will also be in attendance The event will also welcome Shivani


, House of Commons, UK and H E Tayeb Kamali, Chairman of the A D S M B o a r d o f T r u s t e e

Dhabi, whose participation underscores the global significance of the occasion

A grand event of this stature is made possible through the unwa-

is the emphasis on business networking and cross-border partnerships The event will facilitate

c alliances and explore expansion opportunities in emerging markets Additionally, expert panel discussions will provide valuable

driven growth


event is its focus on youth and women empowerment, encour-

entrepreneurs and professionals to step into leadership roles The event will also serve as a bridge

g funding and mentorship opportunities to drive business success

The LIBF is guided by a distinguished leadership team committed to driving global business growth At the forefront is Satish D Vithalani, serving as Chairman in India The Board of Directors

i n c l u d e s V i j a y P K a r i a , N i t i n Raichura, Pravin Kotak, Krunal Gadhia, Janak Thacker, Bharat Chandrani, Umangbhai Thakkar, M a h e n d r a G h e l a n i , S a m i r Somaiya, Jitendrabhai Thakker, Harshil Karia, Kaushik Maijthia, V i r e n M i r a n i a n d D i n e s h b h a i Kanabar, all playing a vital role in India’s economic landscape

E x p a n d i n g b e y o n d I n d i a ,

L I B F ’ s g l o b a l p r e s e n c e i s s t r e n g t h e n e d b y D

c t o r s R a s h m i C h a t w a n i , S u b h a s h Thakrar, OBE and Sanjay Thakrar r e p r e s e n t i n g f r o m t h e U n i t e d

K i n g d o m , B i m a l K a n t a r i a i n

K e n y a , K e

Chetan Chug in DR Congo and V i n a y D a w d a i n U g a n d a

Together, this esteemed leadership team ensures LIBF’s continued success, fostering collaboration and economic growth across continents About Lohana Mahaparishad (LMP) and LIBF

LMP serves as the umbrella body for over 3 million Lohanas across 37 countries, fostering economic g r o w t h ,

ment, and community welfare

U n d e r i t s a e g i s

established to empower Lohana entrepreneurs, professionals, and investors through strategic networking, mentorship, and business collaborations LIBF actively

established enterprises by facilitating trade connections, funding

expert business insights Renowned industrialist and p

Nanjibhai Kalidas Mehta was the

Lohana Mahaparishad Satish D

visionary President for the current term (2020-2025) of Shree

Euro Exim Bank), Chetan Chug (Chairman & MD, Vinmart), Disha Rajdev (Executive Director, APM Capital Limited)

A major highlight of the event

Beyond business, the event will incorporate a spiritual and cultural experience with a visit to the BAPS Hindu Temple in Abu D h a b i , o

L I B F , i s a n i n i t i a t i v e o f L o h a n a M a h a p a r i s h a d ( L M P ) which is a distinguished global o r g a n i s a t i o n r e p r e s e n t i n g t h e

f e r i n g p a r t i c i p a n t s a

whose strike range has been extended to 450km from the o r i g i n a l 2 9 0 k m , w o r t h around £2b

BrahMos missiles, jointly manufactured with Russia in I n d i a , h a v e b e c o m e t h e “prime conventional (nonn u c l e a r ) p r e c i s i o n - s t r i k e w e a p o n ” f o r t h e a r m e d forces, with contracts worth o v e r £ 5 5 b n a l r e a d y i n k e d over the years

The grant of an AON, of course, is just the first step in t h e l o n g - w i n d e d p r o c u r e -

Ready to collaborate with India on dual-use technology: Dutch minister

N eth erl and s, o n e o f th e g lo bal leaders in the sem icondu ctor indu stry, w hich is also looking to ram p u p its p resence in the Indo-Pacific, w ant s to i n teg r ate it s d efence industry with India

w ith collaboration in dual

u s e tec h n o lo g i es l i ke d rones, A I and sem icond uctors Du tch defence minister Ruben Brekelmans said that th e two countries are looking to up grad e their ties to the lev el o f a strateg ic p artnership and it’s im port an t t o h a v e a st ro ng d efence and security pillar to base it on Brekelmans said that the

N e t h e r l a n d s , o n e o f t h e principal backers of Kyiv in Europe, seeks robust security guarantees for Ukraine to b l u n t R u s s i a ’ s “ i m p e r i a l ambitions” and to prevent a return to the 19th century

Lohana community, a historically entrepreneurial and philanthropic group with deep roots in India and a strong presence worldwide

m e n t p r o c e d u r e t h a t c a n take years before the final contract is inked Towards this end, DAC also approved g u i d e l i n e s t o r e d u c e t i m e

l i n e s a t v a r i o u s s t a g e s t o m a k e t h e p r o c e s s “ f a s t e r , more effective and efficient”

A n o t h e r k e y t a k e a w a y was the fresh AoN granted f o r s i x ‘ N e t r a ’ A E W & C Mark-1A aircraft or “ eyes in the sky” for IAF to boost s u r v e i l l a n c e c a p a b i l i t i e s along the borders as well as help direct friendly fighters

d u r i n g a i r c o m b a t w i t h enemy jets

The new Netra a i r c r a f t , w h i c h w i l l e n t a i l mounting indigenous active electronically scanned array antenna-based radars, electronic and signal intelligence

torpedoes and Russian Shtil anti-aircraft missiles for its four 3,900-tonne

come later this year

built at Goa Shipyard with transfer of technology at a cost of around £1 3bn

s y s t e m s o n B r a z i l i a n Embraer-145 jets, will cost over £900mn With IAF currently making do with just three Netra Mark-1 planes and three Israeli ‘Phalcon’ radars mounted on Russian IL-76 aircraft, India is lagging far behind Pakistan, let alone China, in this arena The Navy, in turn, got AoNs

Journalism at its best

C ong ratulations to all 27 recipients of the Ram nath Goenka Excellence in Journalism A wards wh ich took place in New Delh i I n s t i t u t e d b y t h e R a m n a t h G o e n k a

side, it can be important,’’ said the minister, before his m e e t i n g w i t h c o u n t e r p

T h e N

r t Rajnath Singh

export of chip equipment in 2023, apparently under pressure from the Biden admin-

Brekelmans said the Dutch

exercise every two years in the region

“Both have strong mari t i m e s e c t o r s a n d t h e r e ’ s more we could do on this There are also some dual use technologies, for example in drones, AI, semiconductors where there’s a lot of innovation in the Netherlands, also in India It’d be interesting to look for synergies India very often doesn’t just have knowledge but also the s c a l e t o p r o d u c e i n l a r g e n u m b e r s T h a t ’ s w h a t w e need right now We need to ramp up our defence indust r i e s a n d i f t h e r e ’ s a l s o c a p a c i

Foundation, the awards acknowledge and honour the best of journalism showcasing outstanding contributions from print, digital and broadcast journalists across 13 categories, including investigative journalism, sports, politics and government, books, feature writing and regional languages Now in their 20th year, the awards competition this year received 1,500 submissions Chief guest was India’s President Droupadi Murmu Journalism based on human values is ‘not going to be extinct ever ’ she told the house-full gathering The President paid tribute to Ramnath Goenka, the founder of the Indian Express group, praising his commitment to press freedom and public service Delighted to have attended this event at The Oberoi, New Delhi, organised by The Indian Express Group

Rajnath Singh
Award winner multimedia journalist Jeet Mashru with our reporter Dhiren Katwa

Oppn states demand freeze on delimitation for 25 years

C HE NNA I: The Joint A ction Co mmittee for

F a i r D el i m i tati o n ,

c o m p r is i ng c h i ef m inisters and h eads of p oli ti cal parties fro m

T a m i l Nad u , K era la , K arnataka, Telangana,

O d i s h a, an d P u nj ab , p a s se d a res o lu t io n calling for a 25-year extension of t h e f re ez e o n L o k S abh a constituencies based on th e 1 971 p opulation census


The Joint Action Committee (JAC) resolution said,“Given the fact that legislative intent behind

BJP MLAs ousted from Karnataka assembly; Muslim quota bill passed

BEN GA L U RU : Bo th Houses of K arnataka legislature passed the controv ersial bill granting 4% reserv ation to Muslims in securing g ovt contracts despite strong opp osition from BJP-JD(S )

The bill was passed in the assembly soon after 18 BJP MLAs were suspended for six months for ‘disrespecting the Chair’ for vociferously demanding a probe into alleged honey-trap cases

The bill seeking to reserve 4% of civil work contracts up to £200,000 and goods and services contracts up to £100,000 for Muslims was passed in the assembly amid uproar without debate while the council witnessed a heated discussion before it was cleared


SC, HC judges push for peace in Manipur

Five Supreme Court and high court judges

constitutional solutions through dialogue

“Everything can be resolved through constitutional means If there is dialogue, the solution will not be distant People staying in relief camps wish to return to their homes I am certain that with the efforts of the governor, peace and normalcy will soon be restored in Manipur,” Supreme


delegation, said on the second and final day o

The Joint Action Committee, initiated by Tamil Nadu CM M K Stalin, decided to present a joint representation to PM Modi by a core committee of MPs during the current session of Parliament

The CMs, party chiefs and politicians rallied behind Stalin in Chennai to challenge the Union g

implementing population control

Constitution amendments was to protect/incentivise states which implemented population control measures effectively, and the goal

another 25 years ” The committee is scheduled to hold its second meeting in Hyderabad

SC raps Punjab govt over nonappearance of counsel

NEW DE L HI : T he Sup reme C ourt censured the P unjab Government o ver the absenteeism of its adv ocates in cases and asked the state’s A dv ocate General to ensure th eir attend ance

A bench of Justices JK Maheshwari and Aravind Kumar made the observation while hearing the plea filed by the state government against the Punjab and Haryana High Court order of bail to former minister and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) leader Bikram Singh Majithia on August 10, 2022

“Mr Advocate General of Punjab, we have already called you in one case In your state, even after service of notice, your panel advocates in the Supreme Court are not appearing We have already referred in two orders This is everyday drama State of Punjab means absent It is happening not only in criminal cases but civil cases also Nobody is appearing,” the bench said

The top court adjourned by two weeks the plea filed by the Punjab Government after it sought time

During the hearing, Punjab Advocate General Gurminder Singh apologised to the court over the issue and assured it won’t be repeated

T h e t o p c o u r t h a d d i r e c t e d M a j i t h i a t o a p p e a r b e f o r e S I T Headquarters, Patiala which is probing a drugs case against him The order had come after the Punjab govt said Majithia was refusing to cooperate in the probe

Majithia said he was being harassed for political reasons and asked the court to fix dates for the interrogation

BJP and JD(S) urged governor Thaawar Chand Gehlot to reject the bill, calling it “unconstitutional” as the quota was religionbased Calling the Congress move a part of “minority appeasement politics”, BJP announced a statewide agitation starting next week However, law minister HK Patil, who piloted the bill, termed it a step towards social justice

The suspension of the 18 MLAs in the assembly came a few minutes before the bill was taken up Announcing the suspension, speaker U T Khader said, “This seat is not just a Chair but a symbol of democracy, truth, and justice Speaking from it is a matter of pride, and every member must uphold its dignity Let this be a lesson for us to respect the Constitution and parliamentary traditions ”

Despite the suspension, the MLAs refused to leave the House, prompting marshals to physically evict them

Protesting farmers dare Punjab govt, refuse to seek bail

B A T H I N D A : T h e a rre st ed leaders and m em bers o f Kisan Mazdoor Morch a and Sanyukt Kisan Morcha ( Non-Political) have d ecid ed not to file any bail applications; instead , they wish to see how far Punjab gov t will g o in keeping th em imprisoned , said m em bers of a KMM d elegation that visited th em in jail

T h e K M M d e l e g a t i o n , comprising 14 members, said those arrested were in high s p i r i t s a n d r e i t e r a t e d t h e i r resolve to continue with the p r o t

Guramneet Singh and Tejveer Singh said those arrested had asked them not to file any bail applications as they wanted to show the reality of Punjab’s AAP govt to the world

The delegation met farmer

TMC and BJP launch outreach programme

KO L KA T A: Si liguri resid ents have been w i t ne s s i ng t h e p e o p l e o


B h ar at i y a Ja nat a P a rt y (B JP ) s i nc e S at u rd a y A l t h o ug h t h e G e ne ra l A ssembl y elections are sched uled for early 2026, p oliti cal observers note that b o t h p a rt i e s h a ve al r ea d y b eg un

r e ac h i ng o u t to t h e p u bl i c , c l ea rl y eyeing the cruci al elections TMC l eader a nd S i l i gu ri M ay o r G o u t am D eb l a u nc h ed h i s o u t re ac h ca m p ai g n i n Ward No 20, spend ing the night there and conclud ing h is p ubl ic engagement i n the same ward on Sunday

Deb’s initiative, titled “Manusher Kachhe Chalo” (let’s go to the people), aims to connect with residents and address their grievances Speaking to reporters, Deb emphasised that the programme is unrelated to the 2026 elections “I started this programme two and a half years ago, but it was d i s c o n t i n u e d d u e t o u n a v o i d a b l e circumstances Now, we have resumed i t o n b e h a l f o f t h e c o r p o

corporation can serve them better,” he s

speculate that Deb may be preparing to contest the Assembly polls from the S i l i g u r i

Fulbari Meanwhile, BJP leader and S i l i g u r i M L A S a n k a r G h o s h v i s i t e d Ward No 18 on Sunday adopting a s i m i l a r o u t r e a c h a p p r o a c h G h o s h ,

O p p o s i t i o n i n t h e S t a t e A s s e m b l y , c r i t i c i s e d t h e S i l i g u r i M u n i c i p a l C o r p o r a t i o n ( S M C ) f o r i t

c k o f development works in underdeveloped areas He highlighted issues such as poor drainage systems, congestion and the unhygienic conditions near Gandhi M e m o r i a l S c h o o l i n W a

d N o 1 8 , where a community latrine and a vat a r e l o c a t e d c l o s e t o t h e s c h o o l p r e m i s e s G h o s h c l a i m e d t h a t h e frequently visits various wards during his off-time to understand residents’ basic needs and allocate funds from his l o c a l a r e a d e v e

Corporation projects

leaders Sarvan Singh Pandher, Kaka Singh Kotda, Abhimanyu

K o h a d , M a n j i t S i n g h R a i , S u k h w i n d e r K a u r , P T J o h n from Kerala, Nand Kumar, P Pandian from Tamil Nadu, and others in jail

T h e f a r m e r l e a d e r s s a i d they feel cheated by Punjab govt, which did not even care for the convenience of Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been on a fast for the last 117 days The farmers will demonstrate to the govt that such actions will only increase mistrust, the delegation said

Will conduct fresh OBC survey, Mamata govt informs SC

N EW D EL HI: The Mama ta Ban erje e-le d West Ben gal g o v t i n


commission for backwa rd cla sses will con duct a fre sh e x e r c is e t o a ss e s s t h e ba ck w a r d n e s s

ff e r e n t commun it ies to bring t hem wit hin the OBC ca teg ory t o g ran t re serv ation

Appearing before a bench of Justices B R Gavai and Augustine George Masih, senior advocate Kapil Sibal, for the state, said that the exercise would be completed within three months and sought adjournment hearing of the case challenging Calcutta HC order cancelling OBC certificate issued in the state since 2010

Allowing the plea of the state, the bench said that the exercise would not prejudice the rights of either of the parties in the proceedings The state has challenged the Calcutta High Court's May 22, 2024 verdict that struck down the OBC status of several castes in West Bengal The HC had said, "Religion indeed appears to have been the sole criterion for declaring these communities as OBCs "

During the hearing in SC, West Bengal govt had stood by its decision to include 77 castes to the OBC list saying that additions were made after conducting the required elaborate three-tier process, including two surveys and a hearing by backward class commission, but let out that it completed the elaborate process in less than 24 hours in the case of certain Muslim communities

anniversary of establishment of Manipur HC in Imphal alongside junior Union law minister Arjun Ram Meghwal and governor A

emphasised that the delegation was sure everyone in the state wanted peace The judges had on Saturday visited relief camps in tribal-dominated Churachandpur in the hills and Bishnupur district in Imphal valley Hundreds of Meiteis and Kukis living in these separate camps had pleaded with the judges to help restore their homes and lands lost in the violence Meghwal described the judges’ visit as a “commendable gesture”

further ahead,” he said


The Gauhati High Court has granted interim bail to Mahbubul Hoque Chancellor of the University of Science and Technology Meghalaya (USTM), who was arrested in connection with the Dhekiajuli case Hoque, a prominent educationist and founder of multiple educational institutions in the region, was taken into custody in February from his residence in Guwahati under various sections of the Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means) Act, 2024 The arrest was linked to allegations of irregularities in the CBSE Class 12 physics examination held at Central Public School in Patharkandi, Sribhumi district Justice Mitali Thakuria granted interim bail to the petitioner with certain conditions, which include requiring Haque's full cooperation in the probe mandatory appearance before the investigating officer when required and strict prohibition on making any inducement threat or promise to influence individuals acquainted with the case


Five Supreme Court and high court judges on a two-day visit to conflict-scarred Manipur emphasised the need to find constitutional solutions through dialogue “Everything can be resolved through constitutional means If there is dialogue, the solution will not be distant People staying in relief camps wish to return to their homes I am certain that with the efforts of the governor, peace and normalcy will soon be restored in Manipur,” Supreme Court s Justice BR Gavai, who led the delegation, said on the second and final day of their trip Speaking at the 12th anniversary of establishment of Manipur HC in Imphal alongside junior Union law minister Arjun Ram Meghwal and governor Ajay Kumar Bhalla Justice Gavai emphasised that the delegation was sure everyone in the state wanted peace The judges had on Saturday visited relief camps in tribal-dominated Churachandpur in the hills and Bishnupur district in Imphal valley Hundreds of Meiteis and Kukis living in these separate camps had pleaded with the judges to help restore their homes and lands lost in the violence Meghwal described the judges’ visit as a “commendable gesture” “We have progressed in the process of restoring peace and will need to move further ahead,” he said


Festival of rumours, says Yunus amid Bangladesh coup buzz

M uhamm ad Yunus , th e Ch ief

Adviser of th e interim gover nment o f Bangladesh , o n

T ues day s aid that attem pts are being made to mis lead th e

p eo p l e b y s p r ea d ing

info rmat io n He call ed th is an attemp t to "des tabilise th e c ountry" His remarks c ame

a m id h ei gh t e ne d p o l i ti c al tensions and as repo rts o f a p robable cou p emerged

"As you know, since the i n t

k office, there has been a festival of rumours in the media and social media In order to



y , attempts are being made to mislead the people by spreadi

after another," Yunus said in

a s t a t e m e n t H

d t h a t rumours are being spread in all sorts of innovative ways

"One picture is being added to another picture Incidents a



another Such photo cards are being made and events from other countries are being circulated as incidents in this country and creating a stir on social media," Yunus said He warned that as the

intensity of misinformation would escalate "You all know who is behind it and why We have sought the cooperation of the United Nations to prevent the propagation of these

The Secretary-General of the United Nations has assured us of his cooperation in dealing with it "

traction following reports of

Zaman and student leaders, coupled with alleged troop

Sources said that the army

Yunus and assuming control of the interim government

The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) department refuted such claims, stating that the reports were "false and fabricated " The situation is unfold-

tions in Dhaka, reportedly in response to a surge in protest rallies Joint security forces have intensified patrols and s

Friday morning

Rhea Chakraborty in Sushant Singh death case

Thr ee a nd a half yea rs a fter it comme nced an in vestigat ion int o t he de ath of actor

Susha nt Singh Rajput , CBI is lea rn ed to ha ve closed the ca se a nd give n a clea n chit t o a ctre ss Rhe a Cha kra bor ty

T h e p r o b e a g e n c y i s learned to have filed a closure report in two of the cases it was investigating, sources said While one case w a s f i l e d i n A u g 2 0 2 1 i n

P a t n a b y S u s h a n t ’ s f a t h e r against Rhea, her kin and others, the other was filed in S e p t b y R h e a a g a i n s t Sushant’s sister and doctor The closure report in both the cases was filed in a special Mumbai court, sources said

Sushant was found dead at his Bandra apartment in Mumbai on June 14, 2020 Mumbai Police, which first i n v e s t i g a t e d t h e c a s e , termed it as a case of suspected suicide, although no s u i c i d e n o t e h a d b e e n found The provisional postm o r t e m r e p o r t s u g g e s t e d t h e c a u s e o f d e a t h w a s asphyxia due to hanging CBI’s FIR named Rhea a n d h e r k i n I n d r a j i t Chakraborty, Sandhya and S h o w i k , a p a r t f r o m h e r associates Samuel Miranda, and Shruti Modi The FIR, i n i t i a l l y f i l e d b y B i h a r Police, had sections of IPC related to criminal conspira c y , a b

wrongful restraint, wrongf

Mumbai Police recorded statements of film and casti n g d i r e c t o r M u k e s h C h h a b r a , R h e

managerial staff In July that year, producer Sanjay Leela B h a n

d Rajput four films, but event u a l l y f

Rhea, who confirmed being in relationship with Rajput on Twitter, demanded a CBI inquiry Mumbai Police also recorded the statements of f i l m m a k e r A d i t y a C h o p r a and three psychiatrists

officials to visit India for trade discussions

fo r

S o u t h an d C e nt r a l A s ia , Brendan Lynch “ T h i s v i s i t r e f l e c t s t h e

U n i t e d S t a t e s ’ c o n t i n u e d commitment to advancing a p r o d u c t i v e a n d b a l a n c e d t r a d e r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h I n d i a , ” t h e s p o k e s p e r s o n said

W i t h P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d Trump expected to impose reciprocal tariffs on various nations starting April 2, conc e r n s h a v e r i s e n a m o n g Indian exporters India hopes to be exempt from these tari f f s , a s n e g o t i a t i o n s o n a bilateral trade pact between the two countries continue

A g o v e r n m e n t s o u r

President JD Vance may also visit India in April

According to reports, sev-

industrial products under US

goods, potentially harming

India’s Trade Minister Piyush Goyal spent nearly a week in the United States for trade talks, and according to various media reports did not

despite trying to placate it

India receives Mahatma Gandhi artefacts from South Africa

I n di a' s E

rn a l A f f


i s te r S J aishan kar recei ved artefac ts and docum ents related to M ahatm a Gan dhi from t h e P h oe n i x Se tt l e m en t T ru s t- G an d h i Development Trust (PST-G DT) in South A frica

Notably, Mahatma Gandhi established the Phoenix Settlement, his first ashramlike community, in 1904 in Inanda, near Durban, South Africa Mahatma Gandhi's experiences in South Africa between 1893 and 1914 were crucial in shaping his political ideology, particularly his philosophy of Satyagraha Faced with racial discrimination and injustice, Gandhi realised that non-violent resistance could be an effective tool for

Swiss parliament approves trade deal with India

trade deal with India T he d eal wi ll gi v e S w is s bus

EU , US and U K co mpetitors

w h o s e g o v e rnm ent s h av e yet to reach trad e d eals w ith India

The deal was supported by 131 versus 22 parliamentary votes The main opposit

Party members keen to see investments associated with

a l damage excluded from any agreement

T h e s u c c e s s f u l v o t e , which accepted a deal coveri n g n e a r l y 9 5 % o f S w i t

India, is the result of 16 years of negotiations The agreement, which was signed

Norway and India

The trade deal will further open the Indian market

Indian jailed in Lanka over cricket match fixing

A n I n d i a n n a t i o n a l w a s s enten ce d to four years of ri gorous impris onment by the hi gh court in the central town of Mata le i n conn ecti on w ith a 2024 cas e of fi xin g a cri cke t match

Yogi Patel was charged based on a complaint by Upul Tharanga, chairman of Sri Lanka selectors, over a proposal to fix matches in t h e L e g e n d s L e a g u e T 2 0 t o u r n a m e n t p l a y e d i n

Kandy Patel, who was tried in absentia as he had fled the country despite a travel ban by the court, was arrested in March last year and later r e l e a s e d o n b a i l i n M a y u n d e r s t r i c t b a i


After he fled the coun-

l d t h e court that he had fled due to death threats The judge h a d p r e v i o u s l y o r d e

warrant for Patel's arrest S

, adopted the Prevention of Sports Related Corruption Act which carries jail terms up to 10 years and fines of over USD 5,50,000 Local m

accused was also fined Sri L a n

p e e s ( S L R

8 5 million and ordered to pay SLR 2 million to Tharanga for defamation

25 Indians awarded death sentence in UAE: Centre tells Parliament

Twe nty -five In dian n ationa ls hav e be en awar ded the de at h se nt ence in the Un it ed A r a b Em i ra t e s , t he U n io n g o v e r n me n t t o ld P a r l ia me n t Ho w e v e r , t h e ju dg me n ts w er e y et t o be impleme nte d

In all, 49 Indians have been sentenced to death in eight different countries, the government said Apart from the United Arab Emirates, 11 Indians were given the death sentence in Saudi Arabia, six in Malaysia, three in Kuwait and one each in Indonesia, Qatar, the United States and Yemen

The data was provided by the Ministry of External Affairs in the Rajya Sabha in

response to queries raised by I n d i a n U n i o n M u s l i m L e a g u e M P P V A b d u l Wahab

Wahab sought to know the details of Indians languishing in prison for years in foreign countries in the l a s t f i v e y e a r s , a s w e l l a s whether the Union governm e n t w a s p r o v i d i n g l e g a l support to them

He also sought to know the details of any Indians who had been executed or were awaiting capital punishment in foreign countries during the last five years and t

Union government to save their lives

“As per the information

available with the ministry, the number of Indian prisoners, including undertrials, in foreign prisons at present is 10,152, ” Minister of State

Vardhan Singh said in a written response S

Indian nationals had been

Arabia in the last five years In 2024, three Indians each were either executed or

, while one was executed


and Saudi

and one in Malaysia

Jnanpith award for renowned Hindi poet Vinod Kumar Shukla

P o e t a n d n o v e li s t Vi n o d

Kumar Shukla, whose writi n g s ha v e u n e r r i n g l y a n d e n d ur i n g l y c a p t ur e d t h e dilemma s a nd comple xitie s of ordina ry live s in an or ig in al a nd aud acious voice to p ro duc e t h e m a gica l fr om t he r eal, will rece iv e t he 59th Jna npit h A ward for 2024

The selection committ e e , c h a i r e d b y J n a n p i t h awardee Pratibha Rai, decided to confer the award to Shukla, now 88 He is the f i r s t w r i t e r f r o m Chhattisgarh, and the 12th H i n d i l i t t e r a t e u r , t o b e bestowed with the honour

“His writings are known for their simplicity, sensitivity and unique style He is also f a m o u s f o r e x p e r i m e n t a l writing in modern Hindi lite r a t u r e , ” a p r e s s r e l e a s e issued by Bharatiya Jnanpith said “ S h u k l a ’ s n o v e l s h a v e cemented his position as a w r i t e r w i t h a n a u d a c i o u s and experimental craft He is also lauded for the perspicacity of his poems He is a deserving choice for his literary genius,” said Sahitya A k a d e m i r e c i p i e n t w r i t e r Mridula Garg E m i n e n t D a l i t w r i t e r

Sheoraj Singh “Bechain” says t h e c o m m o n p e o p l e i n Shukla’s literary world are more powerful and magical than those created by writers who navigate the world of enchanted imagination “A s t r e a k o f r e a l i s m r u n s through his poetry as well He is a true ‘sahityasevi’,” he said Born in Rajnandgaon,


from Jabalpur His first poet-

(Almost Jai Hind)

Muhammad Yunus
EAM Jaishankar visited South Africa National Gandhi Museum

Maintaining dental hygiene

W it h N H S de n t a l wa it i ng

t im es at record highs , priori-

t is ing oral hea lth has never

b een m ore important Many

p at ie nt s s t r uggl e t o ac c e s s

t ime ly dent al c are, m aking

pr even tive m eas ures es se n-

t ial to avoid com pl ica tions

t h a t m a y re q u ir e ur g en t t reatment

Good oral hygiene starts

w i t h r e g u l a r b r u s h i n g a n d

f l o s s i n g D e n t i s t s r e c o mmend brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste for

a t l e a s t t w o m i n u t e s t o remove plaque and prevent

c a v i t i e s F l o s s i n g o r u s i n g interdental brushes once a

d a y h e l p s c l e a n b e t w e e n

t e e t h w h e r e a t o o t h b r u s h may not reach, reducing the risk of gum disease

Diet also plays a significant role in dental health

Limiting sugary foods and

d r i n k s c a n p r e v e n t t o o t h decay, as sugar fuels bacteria that erode enamel Drinking water, particularly fluoridated tap water, can strengthen

teeth and help wash away f o o d p a r t i c l e s C h e w i n g sugar-free gum after meals can also promote saliva prod u c t i o n , w h i c h n a t u r a l l y cleanses the mouth

R e g u l a r l y c h e c k i

signs of dental issues is crucial Bleeding gums, persistent bad breath, or sensitivity to hot and cold foods may i n d i c

lems that require professiona

early, even with long wait

issues from becoming severe If unable to secure an NHS appointment, consider pri-

seeking advice from a pharmacist, who may offer temporary relief for minor issues

B y m a i n t a i n i n g s t r o n g daily hygiene habits, being mindful of diet, and seeking e a r l y i n t e r v e n t i o n w h e r e possible, individuals can protect their dental health and reduce the risk of requiring urgent treatment

Quarter of UK’s sick unemployed

are under 35

Ne arl y a quarte r of peopl e out of work due to ill hea lth in the UK are under 35 , a ccor din g t o the Keep B ritain Wor king R eview

Young people with mental health conditions are 4 7 times more likely to be economically inactive than their peers, highlighting a concerning trend The report reveals that 8 7 million people in the UK have a work-limiting health condition, marking a 41% increase over the past decade Among them, 1 2 million are aged 16 to 34 Shazia Ejaz, director of campaigns at the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, warned of a "twin youth crisis" in the workplace She pointed to younger workers facing layoffs due to rising employment costs and high numbers of 16- to 24-year-olds not in education, employment, or training (NEET) The report states that one in eight young people currently falls into this category

Ejaz emphasised the need for policies that help young people enter the workforce rather than pricing them out She called for accelerated efforts by Skills England to expand apprenticeships and vocational training, alongside tax incentives for employers to invest in workforce support programs

The report also highlights the urgency of early intervention Individuals unemployed for less than a year are five times more likely to return to work than those out of work for longer

Your gut’s reset button

The stomach produces strong acids for digestion, but to prevent self-digestion, its protective lining regenerates every 3 to 4 days Specialised cells produce mucus and bicarbonate, forming a barrier against corrosive gastric acids This rapid renewal helps prevent ulcers and maintains stomach health However, factors like alcohol, stress, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) overuse can weaken the lining, increasing the risk of damage and infections like H pylori Supporting stomach health with a balanced diet and stress management helps maintain its natural protective function

The health benefits of nuts and seeds

Nuts and seed s are nutritional p owerho


plant-based protein

linked to numerous health benefits, including improved heart health, bet-

digestion Incorporating them into your daily diet can be simple and delicious

Health benefits of nuts and seeds

Heart h ealth: Nuts like almonds,

polyunsaturated fats that help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease Seeds such as flaxseeds and chia seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which support cardiovascular health

Brain function: Walnuts, rich in antioxidants and omega-3s, are particu

Studies suggest that consuming nuts regularly may help enhance memory and cognitive function


being calorie-dense, nuts and seeds can help with weight control Their

Coffee is a daily r itual for million s, offe ring



life But how

it work, an d

t he best time to dr ink it ?


Caffeine, the key ingre-

adenosine, a brain chemical that promotes drowsiness


alert and improves reaction time, focus, and vigilance


dopamine levels, enhancing m


blood vessels in the brain, w h i c h c a n h

p r e l i e v e headaches and is why it’s included in some migraine medications

high fibre and protein content promote satiety, reducing the likelihood of overeating


flaxseeds and chia seeds are excellent sources of fibre, which aids digestion and promotes a healthy gut microbiome

Bone health: Almonds and sesame seeds are rich in calcium and magnesium, essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis

Ways to incorporate nuts and seeds into your diet

B re akf as t b o o st : A d d c h o p p e d almonds, walnuts, or flaxseeds to oat-

meal, yogurt, or smoothie bowls for an extra dose of nutrients

Nut butters: Spread p e a n u t , a l m o n d , o r cashew butter on wholegrain toast, fruits, or mix into smoothies

S al ad to p p in g s : S p r i n k l e s u n f l o w e r seeds, pumpkin seeds, or crushed nuts over salads to enhance texture and flavour

Bak in g i ng red i en t: U s e g r o u n d nuts or seeds in muffins, granola bars, or pancakes for a nutrient-dense treat

Healthy snacking : Carry a small handful of mixed nuts and seeds for a quick and healthy snack on the go Sav ory dishes: Add sesame seeds to stir-fries, or use crushed nuts as a coating for fish or chicken

Incorporating nuts and seeds into your diet is a simple way to boost your overall health Whether enjoyed raw, roasted, or blended into meals, these small but mighty foods can provide a range of health benefits while adding crunch and flavour to your dishes

The science of coffee

Some research suggests caffeine may slightly raise brain temperature, improving cognitive function It can also encourage the body to burn fat for energy and may even enhance physical performance by reducing perc e i v e d e f f o r t H o w e v e r , drinking coffee immediately after waking could lead to

New drug offers hope for preventing early-onset Alzheimer’s

An e xper imen tal drug has shown promise in red ucin g the risk of Alzhe imer ’ s in in dividuals gen etically destin ed to de ve lop the disea se in middle ag e

The study involved 73 participants with rare inherited mutations that trigger excessive amyloid production in the brain, making Alzheimer’s all but inevitable for them Among 22 patients who started treatment before experiencing cognitive decline and remained on the drug for an average of eight years, the risk of developing symptoms appeared to be reduced by about half

The findings raise hopes that similar treatments could be effective in delaying or preventing the more common form of Alzheimer’s, which typically manifests later in life Published in The Lancet Neurology, the study supports the amyloid hypothesis," which suggests that amyloid plaques contribute to the disease’s progression

While previous trials using antibody drugs to clear amyloid have only modestly slowed symptom progression, this study tested whether gantenerumab, an anti-amyloid therapy, could prevent symptoms from appearing in the first place

Professor Randall Bateman of Washington University in St Louis, a lead researcher, noted that while it’s unclear how long participants will remain symptom-free, the results confirm that Alzheimer’s onset can be delayed, potentially extending healthy years of life

Professor Charles Marshall of Queen Mary University of London said the study offers "tremendous hope" for families with these rare mutations and suggests that future treatments could be even more effective

e x c e s s i v e c o r t i s o l s p i k e s , which might increase dependence Experts suggest waiti n g a b o u t a n h o u r b e f o r e having the first cup, though studies remain inconclusive

C a f f e i n e ’ s h a l f - l i f e i s three to five hours, meaning late-afternoon consumption can disrupt sleep Doctors recommend limiting intake

to the first half of the day T h e N H S

under 400 mg of caffeine per day (roughly four cups of brewed coffee) Some individuals, however, may exper i e n

o n

a lower risk of heart disease, s t r o k

health However, these findings don’t prove cause and e f f e c t W

r m h e a l t h issues, making it important to consume it in moderation

The ne xt time you have a he a d a c h e , co n s i de r s te pping outsid e A study has found that e x p o s u r e t o n a t u r e c a n alter the way the brain proc e s s e s p a i n , r e d u c i n g i t s intensity Surprisingly, participants didn’t need to be outdoors to experience the benefits; simply watching nature videos was enough to decrease brain activity linked to pain perception

R e s e a r c h e r s f r o m t h e universities of Exeter and Vienna monitored 49 peop l e w h i l e t h e y r e c e i v e d m i l d e l e c t r i c s h o c k s D u r i n g t h e e x p e r i m e n t


c a p e s , urban scenes, and an office environment Those who w a t c h e d n a t u r e f o o t a g e reported feeling less pain

B r a i n s c a n s c o n f i r m e d a shift in how pain was processed when participants w e r e e x p o s e d t o n a t u r a l imagery L e a d r e s e a r c h e r M

John Abraham on school days with Hrithik Roshan:

“We watched him dance”

John Abraham, busy promoting ‘The Diplomat’, spoke about his Bollywood struggles, offbeat films, and the industry. He also recalled his school days at Bombay Scottish with classmate Hrithik Roshan.

Reacting to an old class photo, John praised Hrithik’s dancing skills, s a y i n g , “ E v e n i n s c h o o l , h e w a s incredible at breakdancing We’d all gather during cultural activities just to watch him dance What a dancer he is ” He jokingly added, “I used to waste m y t i m e t u r n i n g b r o w n o n t h e f o o t b

d w h

n c e d beautifully ” Despite both playing anti-heroes in the ‘Dhoom’ series and appearing in the YRF Spy Universe, they’ve never shared the screen Addressing this in the interview, John wondered what an on-screen collaboration between his character, Jim, and Hrithik’s Kabir would look like Hrithik Roshan made his debut w i t h ‘ K a h o N a a P y a a r H a i ’ , b e c o m i n g o n e o f h i s g e n e r a t i o n ’ s biggest stars Before stepping into acting, he worked as an assistant to his father, Rakesh Roshan, on ‘Karan Arjun’ Recalling a shoot incident, Hrithik shared on Instagram, “During f i l m i n g , a m o r e - t h a n - m e r r y S h a h Rukh and Salman decided to drive to D e l h i , p

literally jumped on the car

s bonnet to stop them The call time was 6 AM, and I had to ensure my dad didn’t lose the day He didn’t ”

Pooja Hegde calls out sexism in films, praises Anushka Sharma

Pooja Hegde, who has worked with top male stars across industries, debuted in Bollywood with ‘Mohenjo Daro’ opposite Hrithik Roshan and has since starred alongside Vijay, Prabhas, Salman Khan, Jr NTR, Mahesh Babu, Allu Arjun, Ranveer Singh, and more.

In a recent interview, she spoke about facing sexism on film sets and expressed joy over female actors earning hefty paychecks She also revealed she will be more selective with projects and, when asked about her favourite male costar, chose to name a woman instead

Pooja Hegde spoke about sexism in the industry, noting how male actors get vanity vans near the set while actresses in heavy costumes walk long distances She called this “ s u b t l

missing credits on posters Despite working with top stars, she said she’s often treated as a second-class citizen, even on sets where she’s the bigger star When asked about massive stars like Prabhas and Salman Khan, she shared her perspective on learning from their careers

Esha Deol shares Hema Malini’s advice: “Never give up on romance”

ActorEsha Deol is gearing up for the release of ‘Tumko Meri Kasam’ and shared how her mother, Hema Malini, has been a pillar of support, offering invaluable advice over the years

Esha Deol shared some valuable lessons from her mother, Hema Malini “One thing she always emphasised is having your own identity,

worked hard to build a career, and even if you haven’t gained fame, your profession is yoursnever give it up Keep working ’”

ade It’s that feeling of butterflies n your stomach, something we all cherish I keep that advice in mind, hough I haven’t acted on it yet ” Esha Deol, daughter of veteran a c t o r s D h a r m e n d r a a n d H e m a Malini, married Bharat Takhtani in 2012, and they share two daughters, R a d h y a ( b o r n 2 0 1 7 ) a n d M i r a y a (born 2019) After 11 years of marriage, the c o u p l e a n n o u n c e d t h e i r s e p a r a t i o n i n February

On the work front, Esha stars in Vikram

B h a t t ’ s ‘ T u m k o M e r i K a s a m ’ , r e l e a s i n g i n

t h e a t r e s t o d a y L o o s e l y b a s e d o n D r A j a y

Murdia, founder of Indira IVF, the film also features Anupam Kher, Adah Sharma, and Ishwak Singh

Amaal Mallik reveals depression, blames parents for rift with Armaan


Amaal Mallik revealed he is clinically depressed, citing actions of loved ones for affecting his self-worth. In an Instagram note, he blamed his parents, Daboo and Jyoti Malik, for creating a rift between him and his brother, Armaan Malik

In a now-deleted post, Amaal Mallik shared that he is clinically depressed, feeling emotionally drained and robbed of peace He blamed his parents for creating distance between him and his brother, Armaan Malik Announcing his decision to step away from personal ties, he stated that his interactions with family would now be strictly professional “This isn’t anger but a necessity to heal I refuse to let the past rob me of my future,” he wrote

Amaal Mallik debuted as a composer with ‘Jai Ho’ and gained recognition for films like ‘Khoobsurat’, ‘Roy’, ‘Kapoor & Sons’, and ‘M S Dhoni: The Untold Story’ His brother, Armaan Malik, has sung many of his compositions, including ‘Naina’, ‘Buddhu Sa Mann’, and ‘Jab Tak’

Prerna Arora shuts down Jaya Bachchan on ‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ criticism

Jaya Bachchan recently mocked the title of Akshay Kumar’s 2017 film

‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’, calling it a "flop film." Speaking at the India TV Conclave, she questioned the choice of the name, saying, "Yeh koi naam hai? I would never watch a film with such a title " When she asked the audience if they would watch it, only a few raised their hands, to which she remarked, "Hardly four people want to watch it-it's very sad Yeh toh flop hai " However, the film’s producer, Prerna Arora, has defended its success and significance

‘Toilet: Ek Prem Katha’ producer Prerna Arora responded to Jaya Bachchan’s criticism, calling it hurtful Speaking to Bollywood Hungama, she said, "I am a huge fan of Jayaji, which makes this even more disappointing Our film was not a flop; it was one of 2017 ’ s biggest hits " Arora highlighted the film’s strong box office run, noting it earned 316 97 crore worldwide She admitted the title was a risk but defended it: "Cinema is about taking risks We weren’t sure about the name initially, but we embraced its boldness "

She also compared this to Jaya’s own unconventional choices, like ‘Doosri Sita’, where she played a woman who kills her abusive husband Arora added, "I’d love to show the film to Jaya Ma’am if she permits "

Sharvari calls working with Alia Bhatt in ‘Alpha’ a masterclass

AtNeetu Kapoor recalls dating Rishi Kapoor during ‘Karz’ shoot

ri is full of admiration for Alia Bhatt as she s on her biggest takeaway from the film ‘Alpha’. Calling Alia an "incredible actor ually wonderful human being," she described with her as a masterclass. e in the capital for Sheba's new campaign harvari told, "The most important from this film is learning from Alia She’s ible actor and an incredible human being " ari, who started her film industry journey stant director on ‘Bajirao Mastani’ and Titu Ki Sweety’, calls working with Alia ansformative experience She believes on learned from the ‘Dear Zindagi’ star e her future projects g on set with her every day felt like a ss I hope to apply everything I’ve learned in my upcoming projects I’m truly or this opportunity," she shared ted by Shiv Rawail, ‘Alpha’ is the seventh ash Raj Films' spy universe, which began Tiger’ franchise and expanded with ‘War’, and ‘Tiger 3 ’ Upcoming entries include Pathaan 2 ’ , and ‘Tiger vs Pathaan’ makers announced that ‘Alpha’ will hit n Christmas, December 25

The Red Lorry Film Festival, Neetu Kapoor attended the screening of her late husband Rishi Kapoor's cult classic ‘Karz’. The event saw a reunion of the film’s team, including director Subhash Ghai, Simi Garewal, and Tina Munim (now Tina Ambani).

Paying tribute to Rishi, Neetu shared that they were dating during Karz's shoot and were married by the time it hit theatres in June

Reacting to Neetu Kapoor’s revelation, Subhash Ghai quipped, “If you're dating during my film, you'll get married ” Ghai shared glimpses of ‘The Red Lorry Film Festival’ on Instagram, calling it an emotional reunion that paid tribute to Rishi Kapoor He wrote, “Reunion of all stars of ‘Karz’ today, honouring Rishi Kapoor, followed by a special screening at Inox Mumbai ”

He also mentioned that Neetu Kapoor, Tina Munim Ambani, and Simi Garewal praised Rishi Kapoor’s legacy as both an actor and a person The festival celebrated Karz's 45th anniversary and honoured Ghai’s contribution to Indian cinema through its legacy rewind segment

TV Listing

14:00 Daily Bonus

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam

17:30 Rasoi Show

18:30 Rashi Rikshawali

19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Loveyatri

20:30 Moti Baa Ni Nani Vahu

21:00 United States Of Gujarat

MON 31 MAR - FRI 04 APR 2025

09:00 Deshi Beats

14:00 Daily Bonus

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam

17:30 Rasoi Show

18:30 Rashi Rikshawali

19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Loveyatri

20:30 Moti Baa Ni Nani Vahu

21:00 United States Of Gujarat

21:30 Mayashakti

22:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma


09:00 Deshi Beats

MON 31 MAR - FRI 04 APR 2025

16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Anmol Bandhan

20:30 Udaariyan

21:00 Choti Sardarni

22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Shrukra Mangal

23:00 Ramachari


16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

21:30 Mayashakti

21:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma

SUNDAY 06 APR 2025

09:00 Deshi Beats

10:30 Best Of Rasoi Show

11:30 Gulaam Chor

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam

17:30 Best Of Rasoi Show

18:30 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Loveyatri

20:30 Lakshya

21:30 Mayashakti

22:30 United States Of Gujarat

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Anmol Bandhan

20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull


22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Shrukra Mangal

23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull

SUNDAY 06 APR 2025

16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Anmol Bandhan

20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull


22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Shrukra Mangal

23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull

SJ Suryah calls Vikram Tamil cinema’s pride, says ‘Veera Dheera Sooran’ is Hollywood-like

After ‘Thangaalan’ (2024), Tamil star ‘Chiyaan’ Vikram returns with ‘Veera Dheera Sooran’, directed by SU Arun Kumar Set for a March 27 release, the film’s audio launch and trailer event took place in Chennai SJ Suryah, who plays the antagonist, expressed excitement about his first collaboration with Vikram

SJ Suryah described ‘Veera Dheera Sooran’ as a classic SU Arun Kumar film, influenced by Martin Scorsese, blending Hollywood-style storytelling with Tamil sensibilities “Arun Kumar transformed my approach to acting After each shot, he would sit beside me and suggest subtle changes You’ll see a different SJ Suryah in this film,” he said

Calling it a unique project, Suryah praised the team’s dedication to fulfilling the director’s vision He lauded Arun Kumar as both a talented filmmaker and a rare, kind-hearted indiv i d u a l S p e a k i n g a b o u t c o - s t a r Vikram, he added, “This is my first time working with Chiyaan Vikram what a phenomenal actor and star He’s the pride of Tamil cinema ” ‘Veera Dheera Sooran’ is an action thriller planned as a two-part film

The second part is set to release on March 27, while the prequel is yet to begin production

Sonakshi Sinha, Anurag Kashyap and more set for Telugu debut

The Telugu film industry has delivered global blockbusters like ‘RRR’ and ‘Pushpa’, solidifying its Pan-India appeal This has attracted a new wave of talent, including actors Sonakshi Sinha, Adarsh Gourav, and even cricketer David Warner, all set to make their Telugu debut soon.

Sonakshi Sinha is set to make her Telugu debut in Sudheer Babu’s horror thriller ‘Jatadhara’, a mythology-meets-supernatural film directed by Venkat Kalyan She recently unveiled her first look from the film

Anurag Kashyap, who recently distanced himself from Bollywood, will also debut in Telugu cinema as a fearless cop in ‘Dacoit’, starring Adivi Sesh and Mrunal Thakur Directed by Shaneil Deo, the action drama is being shot in Hindi and Telugu and releases later this year

Cricketer David Warner, known for his love of Telugu cinema, has shot a special cameo in Nithiin’s ‘Robinhood’ Director Venky Kudumula revealed he always envisioned someone special for the role and was thrilled when Warner came on board The film also stars Sreeleela

Meanwhile, Emraan Hashmi is set for his Telugu debut in ‘OG’, starring alongside Pawan Kalyan Playing gangster Omi Bhau, he joins Sujeeth’s action thriller, which has been delayed from its original September 2024 release

After the success of ‘Superboys of Malegaon’, Adarsh Gourav is making his Telugu debut in an upcoming film The actor, whose mother tongue is Telugu, previously shared, “It was long overdue, but I didn’t know how to find a way in ”

Megastar Chiranjeevi receives Lifetime Achievement Award at UK Parliament

Prakash Raj issues clarification on betting app row, asks for forgiveness

The Telangana police have filed an FIR against 25 celebrities and influencers for allegedly promoting illegal betting and gambling apps on social media. Actor Prakash Raj responded, stating that while he had agreed to the ad nine years ago, he later refused to renew his contract. In a video on X, Prakash Raj addressed the case, stating he hadn't received any summons but would respond if he did He revealed that in 2016, he endorsed a gaming app but soon felt it was wrong Though bound by a one-year contract, he refused to renew it In 2021, snippets of his ad were reused without consent, prompting him to issue a legal notice He reaffirmed his stance against online gambling, urging youngsters to avoid betting apps as they ruin lives

Prakash Raj concluded by taking responsibility for his past endorsement, saying, “I hope you’ll excuse my one mistake from eight years ago ” The complaint alleges that several celebrities accepted large sums to promote betting platforms, encouraging users to gamble Those named include Rana Daggubati, Vijay Deverakonda, Lakshmi Manchu, Praneetha, Nidhi Agarwal, Ananya Nagella, Siri Hanumanthu, Sreemukhi, and Varshini Sounderajan

The award recognised Dr Chiranjeevi Konidela’s lifelong cultural impact and public service, including initiatives through the Chiranjeevi Charitable Trust, which has donated over 1 1 million units of blood, conducted 15,000+ corneal transplants, established 42 oxygen banks during Covid-19, and led key AIDS awareness campaigns transforming lives across India

Hosted by Navendu Mishra MP, the event saw warm congratulations from Members of both Houses of Parliament, including Sojan Joseph MP, Uma Kumaran MP, David PintoDuschinsky MP, Gurinder Singh Josan MP, Baggy Shanker MP, Danny Beales MP, Lord Kuldip Sahota, Padma Shri Awardee Bob Blackman MP, and former MP Virendra Sharma

Speakers at the event praised Dr Chiranjeevi Konidela for his enduring career, his seamless transition from filmmaking to politics, and his impactful contributions to philanthropy and public service

Dr Chiranjeevi expressed his gratitude, saying, “I am deeply honoured to receive this recognition at the House of Commons from esteemed Members of Parliament, ministers, undersecretaries, and diplomats Their kind words and the Lifetime Achievement Award from Team Bridge India truly humble me ” British Deputy High Commissioner for Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Gareth WynnThomas, commended Dr Chiranjeevi, calling the award “ a well-deserved acknowledgment of your hard work and dedication ” The award was presented by Bridge India founder Pratik Dattani and Aman Dhillon, curator of the annual Film Conclave The event brought together prominent members of the Indian diaspora from sectors including IT, healthcare, technology, and the creative industries Several hundred fans also gathered outside Parliament for a chance to meet Dr Chiranjeevi

Poorna Jagannathan calls Ranbir Kapoor 'generous,'

says he funded her play

Indian-American actor Poorna

Jagannathan calls Ranbir Kapoor “generous” when reflecting on their time together in ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ (2013) She played Riana Sarai, a tour conductor who helps Ranbir’s character, Bunny, land his dream job

Even in 2025, Poorna Jagannathan cherishes her bond with Ranbir Kapoor from ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ In a

Ranbir was the first investor in her play ‘Nirbhaya’, which toured globally for three years “Working with Ayan and Ranbir was a privilege ‘Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’ was special not just for the film but for the friendships and Ranbir’s generosity,” she shared P

praise for her role in ‘Deli Boys’, a comedy about two Pakistani-American brothers (Asif Ali and Saagar Shaikh) who unexpectedly inherit their father’s illegal empire after his sudden death

French Montana and Mohamed Ramadan relish India’s food and culture


rapper French Montana and Egyptian rapper Mohamed Ramadan recently visited Mumbai, immersing themselves in its culture and food Montana loved starting his day with kadak chai and savoring spice-rich dishes, while Ramadan enjoyed biryani and India's diverse, superior-quality fruits

Middle Eastern musical styles, they said, “Music unites us all!” Ramadan highlighted the song ’

unique fusion of Indian, American, African, and A

combination ” He added, “India is the gateway to Asia, and I hope to earn the admiration and love of the Indian audience ”

On his first visit to India, Mohamed Ramadan said, “It’s my first, but definitely not my last I love the kindness and warmth of the people ” He also hopes Egyptian films will find an audience in India F

celebrating Ramadan in Mumbai, appreciating how his team ensured he could observe the holy month while keeping the spirit high He also expressed his desire to work in Bollywood and teased an upcoming song with Guru Randhawa, saying, “I just can’t wait for it ”

Alia Bhatt praises on the series ‘Adolescence’, says pure magic of storytelling


latest offering Adolescence is gaining attention for all the right reasons. The British crime drama, directed by Philip Barantini, has impressed several Indian personalities. The latest to join the list is Alia Bhatt The actor took to her Instagram handle to express her excitement after watching the series A l i a B

cinematography She marvelled at how each episode was filmed in a single continuous take, wondering how the cast and crew felt after an hour-long shot

incredibly moving The energy was

palpable The magic of storytelling shines through, with every department pouring heart and soul into every second on screen I am in awe!” H

“devastating” and highlighting the impact of its final two episodes, especially three and four He noted that the show t

‘Adolescence’ follows a 13-year-old schoolboy arrested for the murder of a female classmate

Hansal Mehta on industry bias: “New talent struggles,

but big names keep failing”


Hansal Mehta and actor Pratik Gandhi voiced strong support talent at the Cinevesture International Film Festival They emphasised that while backing fresh faces is a small risk, the industry has largely shut tha door in the nam safety

Hansal Mehta, who recently addressed the issue on X, recalled how studios like UTV once championed newcomers He praised Applause Entertainment for following suit by backing talents like Pratik Gandhi, Zahan Kapoor, and Gaggan Dev Riar

“We're at a turning point there’s plenty of talent, but no opportunities That pipeline is

shut in the name of safety,” Mehta said He argued that investing i lent is a lower han repeatedly king stablished names, whose failures can be far more costly Pratik Gandhi, who rose to fame with Hansal Mehta’s ‘Scam’ ries, urged ducers and ors to embrace t “The space for newcomers is shrinking, yet people say there are no good actors Many are just waiting for a chance,” he said Gandhi, also starring in Mehta’s upcoming Mahatma Gandhi series, shared that their five-year collaboration has built a strong understanding His film ‘Ghamasaan’, directed by Tigmanshu Dhulia, premiered at the festival


A Burnley teenager Layla Khan has set her sights on representing Britain in boxing She has won all eight of fights and has triumphed in Barum Boxing Cup and the National Development Championships in Kettering Seventeen-year-old Layla attended a Youth Open Day in Sheffield with some of the most talented boxers in the country She has now been selected on the England Performance Pathway Dad Shiraz said We as a family are so proud of her as she puts in 100% effort every single day and this is the icing on the cake It is a massive achievement for Layla who attended the open day over the weekend and has been selected on the Pathway England Boxing s Performance Pathway is split into four age groups for Schools, Junior Youth and Senior It is delivered to the highest level of boxers on the pathway Performance boxers will look to compete both nationally and internationally This will include major competitions when the potential has been shown to win a medal Layla studies at Burnley College and previously attended Blessed Trinity A talented footballer Layla took up boxing after getting injured She now trains six times a week


The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) revoked the ban on the use of saliva while introducing a new rule of using a second ball for the second innings (from the 11th over) of a night match to counter dew, for the upcoming edition of the Indian Premier League These were among the key decisions taken by BCCI and IPL management for the upcoming season, following a meeting of IPL captains Pat Cummins (Sunrisers Hyderabad) Hardik Pandya (Mumbai Indians), Shreyas Iyer (Punjab Kings), Ruturaj Gaikwad (Chennai Super Kings), Rajat Patidar (Royal Challengers Bengaluru), Shubman Gill (Gujarat Titans), Sanju Samson (Rajasthan Royals), Axar Patel (Delhi Capitals), and Rishabh Pant (Lucknow Super Giants) at the BCCI HQ The BCCI explained the new rules to the captains and managers in the meeting which was followed by the 10 IPL team captains photoshoot The second ball will come into play after the 11th over of the second innings in a night match (7:30 pm start)


India women s team captain Harmanpreet Kaur, her deputy Smriti Mandhana and allrounder Deepti Sharma were retained in Grade A, the highest category of central contracts offered by BCCI Pacer Renuka Thakur all-rounder Jemimah Rodrigues wicketkeeper Richa Ghosh and opener Shafali Verma managed to hold on to their Grade B contracts Left-arm orthodox bowler Rajeshwari Gaikwad, who was in Grade B last year, didn’t find a place this season Young off-spinner Shreyanka Patil, fast bowlers Titas Sadhu and Arundhati Reddy all-rounder Amanjot Kaur and wicketkeeper Uma Chetry have got their first central contracts as they have been included in Grade C along side Yastika Bhatia, Radha Yadav Amanjot Kaur, Uma Chetry, Sneh Rana and Pooja Vastrakar



England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) chief executive Richard Gould said they would not support a proposed global T20 league bankrolled by Saudi Arabia as there was not enough room in the calendar for it A Sydney Morning Herald report said the event would be backed by the sports arm of Saudi Arabia s sovereign wealth fund and feature eight teams playing in four different locations With the busy international calendar a host of established franchise leagues around the world and existing concerns about player workloads, there is no scope or demand for such an idea ” Gould told the newspaper “It’s not something that we would support


India submits bid to host 2030 CWG in Ahmedabad

Olympic Games in 2036, India has formally su bmitted its bid to

ministry so urce said, confirming

as been in th

making for several weeks

The last date to submit the 'expression of interest' to host

India's letter was sent by the

(IOA) a few days ago

has been finalised to organise the 2030 CWG should the event come to India, is also the frontrunner to be the Olympic host if the 2036 bid is successful The C

Federation (CGF), which has re-

Commonwealth Sport, will now lead an evaluation process and the final appointment of the host will be decided by the CGF General Assembly

The decision to submit the bid comes after sports minister Mansukh Mandaviya recently asserted that the country was

Games India, which last hosted the CWG in 2010, is also aiming to host the 2036 Olympics The country had also expressed a

disciplines that were axed from the 2026 CWG to ensure that its

medal tally is not affected when the event is held in Glasgow

rejected by CGF

Katie Sadleir was quite open to

the idea of India hosting the 2030 CWG and had said that it would be a step in the right

pursued the ambition of playing host to the 2036 Olympics

IPL: Ashutosh Sharma leads DC to victory


miraculous run chase against Lucknow Super Giants, chasing down 210 with three balls to spare in their opening IPL 2025



Sharma smashed 66 off 31 balls as DC recovered from 65/5 to win by one wicket DC lost three wickets inside the first 10 balls, and key players kept getting out at regular intervals Debutant Vipraj Nigam smashed 39 off 15, r e v i v i n g D C

Ashutosh finished off with his heroics Earlier, LSG made 209/8 in 20 overs, helped by whirlwind knocks by Nicholas Pooran (75) a n d M i t c h e l l M a r s h

y disappointed in his first game for LSG, getting out on a six-ball duck

Noor spins CSK to dominant win C h e n n a i S u p e r K i n g s delivered a clinical performance

t o k i c k - s t a r t t h e i r I P L 2 0 2 5

c a m p a i g n w i t h a c o m f o r t a b l e victory over arch-rivals Mumbai Indians in Chennai on Sunday

L e d b y a s p i n - b o w l i n g masterclass from Afghanistan's Noor Ahmed, the Super Kings

o u t c l a s s e d a M u m b a i I n d i a n s side that looked ordinary in the a b s e n c e o f c a p t a i n H a r d i k Pandya and fast bowler Jasprit

B u m r a h F i f t i e s f r o m R a c h i n R a v i n d r

( 5 3 ) h e l p e d Chennai Super Kings complete a largely untroubled chase of 156 d e s p i t e d e b u t a n t V i g n e s h

Puthur's fine spell for Mumbai Indians With this four-wicket

d e f e a t , M u m b a i I n d i a n s extended their unwanted streak of losing their opening match of

90+ teams participate in NDG 2025 sporting event

t h e s e a s o n f o r t h e 1 4 t h

consecutive year Sunrisers fire first salvo

I s h a n K i s h a n m a d e a s e n s a t i o n a l d e b u t f o r h i s n e w t e a m A s t u n n i n g maiden, unbeaten 106 by the s o u t h p a w s e t u p l a s t - y e a r r u n n e r s - u p S u n r i s e r s H y d e r a b a d ’ s 4 4 - r u n w i n over Rajasthan Royals Courtesy the blitzkrieg, SRH racked up the league’s second highest total of 286/6, just shy of their record of 287/3 they set against Royal C h a l l e n g e r s B e n g a l u r u l a s t s e a s o n , i n H y d e r a b a d o n Sunday SRH now have the most 2 5 0 + t o t a l s - f o u r - i n I P L

Chasing an imposing target, the visitors, who played into SRH’s hands by inviting them to bat f i r s t o n a b e l t e r , f i n i s h e d a t

242/6 Sunday’s innings could well prove a giant first step for Kishan’s return into reckoning, after a couple of bleak seasons t h a t m a y h a v e f o r c e d introspection and a rekindling of ambition

RCB decimate KKR on opening night

Royal Challengers Bengaluru sent a statement on the opening n i g h t o f I P L 2 0 2 5 w i t h a resounding win over defending c h a m p i o n s K o l k a t a K n i g h t Riders RCB's bowlers led their team's comeback in the second h a l f o f K K R ' s i n n i n g s b y managing to restrict the hosts to 174 for 8 on a placid batting surface The chase appeared to be so effortless as RCB's new opening pair of Phil Salt and Virat Kohli registered explosive h a l f - c e n t u r i e s t o s e n d t h e champions to a crushing defeat Both teams put up very good scores in the PowerPlay but the difference is still a significant 20 runs To narrow it down further, KKR would rue the start they m

s struggling to put the ball away in the first three overs where they made only 9 runs While they managed to recover to finish with 60 in the PowerPlay, RCB raced to 80 for 0 after six overs

Coventry elected as first woman and first African IOC president

Th e Nati onal Dh arm ic Gam es (N D G) 2 0 25 , th e U K ’ s la rg es t Hind u stu dent sp orting ev ent, took place on 15th February at L o u g h bo r o ug h U ni v e rs it y Org a ni s ed by NH S F ( U K) volunteers, it d rew 700 attend ees and 90+ teams, includ ing nonHi nd u p la ye rs C o m p eti t io n s sp anned football, badm inton, netball, Kabad di, and Kho-K ho T he ev ent featured an op ening performance by Leicester Bo llyw ood & Asian Society and conclud ed with an award s cerem ony NHSF (UK) aims to promote key Hindu values through its events, emphasising their universal relevance for a harmonious world The 2025 theme, ‘Mamadharma’, focused on upholding one's personal Dharma - duty in alignment with universal harmony The event highlighted values such as honesty (‘Satya’), non-violence (‘Ahimsa’), integrity (‘Shīla’), respect (‘Satkāra’), and togetherness (‘Sangathan’), encouraging athletes to embody these principles in their gameplay By fostering these values in a competitive setting, NHSF (UK) hopes to inspire students to develop into future leaders

governing bodies for these sports This recognition is invaluable, as many NDG players have gone on to compete professionally Notably, several students and alumni represented England at the 2025 KhoKho World Cup in New Delhi This year's winners included Imperial College London for badminton, King’s College London for both men ’ s and women ’ s kabaddi, the University of Birmingham for netball, Loughborough University for kho-kho, and the University of Nottingham for football

Kirsty C oventry was elected as the 10th p re s id ent o f th e I nt ern ati o n al Ol ym p i c C ommittee (IOC ), capping


man and the first African to hold

role in spo rts

The election, which has been described in similar language to a papal conclave, was settled - to gasps by onlookers - in the very

membership, an eclectic group that features not only sports leaders but also royals, business moguls and even Hollywood stars

The victory immediately vaults Coventry to the very top of global sports, into a position that requires diplomatic, financial and

institution responsible for awarding and staging Games every two years that generate billions of dollars and are coveted by politicians around the world as they seek to bolster their own and their nation’s profiles

The departing leader, Thomas Bach of Germany, a former gold medal-winning fencer, served a 12-year presidency marked by a series of crises, revelations that Russia had corrupted international sports for at least half a decade through a state-backed doping programme, a revolt among some Western democracies over the cost of hosting the Olympics and a pandemic that upended the movement, forcing the Tokyo Olympics to be held behind closed doors a year later than scheduled For Coventry, there are urgent issues to deal with right at the start The next Summer Olympics will take place in Los Angeles in 2028, at a time when American leadership around the world is under scrutiny There are also significant decisions to be made about the rights of transgender athletes as well as about the challenges posed by the climate crisis

Participants at the event

s ies ood and memor ing f har y of he jo u t o inging y Br

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