Diaspora condemns antiIndia posters in Leicester

U K teachers trained to combat sextortion: Insights from educators

Diaspora condemns antiIndia posters in Leicester
U K teachers trained to combat sextortion: Insights from educators
Tuesday The poignant vigil took place at the car park near Hainault underground station, located just meters
I n sp i re d b y t h e U ni t ed
S ta tes , p ro -Pa les ti n ia n g roup s are setting u p protest camps at universities across Britain
A c c o r d i n g t o m e d i a reports, students at several Russell Group universities, i n c l u d i n g M a n c h e s t e r, Leeds, Bristol, Sheff ield, and Ne w c a s t l e , h a v e e r e c t e d t
I s r a e l s i g n s O r g a n i s e r s noted their inspiration from US demonstrations protest-
away from the site of the attack
where four others also sustained serious injuries after Marcus Arduini Monzo, a
Newham, went on
Eyewitnesses obser ved the horrifying scene as Daniel
dragged along the road dur-
attended to f ive individuals at the scene, including two police off icers who required surger y for stab wounds
n charged with Daniel's murder, along with two counts of attempted murder, two c
l y harm, aggravated burglar y, and possession of a bladed article He made an appeara
Magistrates Court and has been remanded in custody until his next hearing at the Old Bailey on May 7th
ing Israel's actions in Gaza
The protests, coordinat-
events, also saw
president of the Union of Jewish Students, raised conc e r n s a b o u t r i s i n g a n t isemitism on campuses, stati n g t h a t Je w i s h s t u d e n t s have faced increased hatred and prejudice since October 7, as reported by The Times
In Newcastle, students e s t a b l i s h e d a n i n d e f i n i t e camp, demanding university
for Palestinian causes, along with cutting ties with Israeli a
companies Similar actions occurred in Manchester and Leeds, organised by student groups aiming to challenge u
Palestinian oppression
Palestine erected tents on t h e u n i v
s i t y c a m p u s adorned with banners reading “Arms companies killing kids” At Leeds University, b a n n e r s w i t h s l o g a n
displayed as a group set up tents on the campus Similarly, the Sheff ield C a m p u s C o a l i t i o n fo r Palestine (SCCP) established tent camps at the university campus
A yea r ago, on A pril 6, 2023, K ing Charles III ascen ded t o t h e th r o n e a t
We s tm i n st e r A b b e y a f te r
t h e pa ssi n g o f Q u e e n Eli za beth II The world wi t-
n e ss e d h i s m a j e s t i c
C or o n a t i o n ce r e m o n y, mark in g the beg inn in g of h is reign
To c e l e b r a t e t h e monarch's f irst anniversar y since his Coronation, the
Royal Family encouraged f a n s a n d s u p p o r t e r s t o share their cherished memories of King Charles III and Queen Camilla This event follows a challenging year for the King, including h i s c a n c e r d i a g n o s i s a n d ongoing tensions with his
e s t r a n g e d s o n P r i n c e Harr y No off icial events were s c h e d u l e d t o c o m m e m o -
rate the milestone, but the King's Troop Royal Horse Artiller y f ired a gun salute, followed by 62 volleys from a n o t h e r c e n t r a l L o n d o n location Given the close c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n h i
s c e n s i o n
l i z a
Q u e e n
e t h I I's p a s s i n g , Charles prefers to obser ve the occasion with minimal f a n f a r e , fo l l o w i n g i n h i s mother's footsteps
British Sikhs and comm unity lead ers have cond em ned the disturbing appearance o f anti-India posters on v ehicles and near a gurdwara in L eicester ov er the weekend
Mo n ty P an es ar, t h e exEng land Test cricketer, will ru n as a c an d i d at e fo r Georg e Galloway’s Workers Party o f Bri tain in Ealing Southall during the general ele ct io n Pa nes ar h a s expressed his aspiration to become prim e m inister Panesar, aged 42, aims to challenge Labour's Virendra Sharma, aged 77, who has r e p r e s
d t h e w
t London constituency since 2007 with a majority of over 16,000 Born in Luton and o f Si k h
played 50 Tests for England as a left-arm spin bowler from 2006 to 2013, claiming 167 wickets, and was beloved by fans for his spirited celebrations While his batting and f ielding at times drew ridicule, a rearguard innings that helped England draw t
divorce and struggles with alcohol
“I’m here to represent the working-class people of this countr y, ” he said
“When I played cricket for England, I know that I got so much support from the public and now it’s my time to give back, give back to the working class, make sure the gap between the rich and poor gets closer ” He expressed his intention to delegate foreign poli c y m a t t e r s t o G a l l o w a y, with Gaza being a central focus of the campaign for the latter
ners but faced challenges off
Hum za Yousaf has submitted his resignatio n letter to K in g C h a rle s, s te p p i ng
d o w n as S c o tla nd 's f i rs t
m i ni s ter fo l lo w i ng Jo h n Sw i nn ey 's e le ct io n as th e new leader of th e SNP Mr Swinney, 60, is anticipated to assume the role of f irst minister in due course
H a v i n g s e r v e d a s d e p u t y f irst minister, Swinney has vowed to embark on a "new chapter" in the party's tra-
j e c t o r y Yo u s a f a c k n o w ledged last week that he bore the consequences of termin a t i n g t h e p o w e r- s h a r i n g agreement with the Scottish Greens
Scotland's seventh f irst minister in 25 years Reflecting o n
under investigation by both sides India has dismissed all allegations as "absurd and motivated" and is awaiting e v i d e n c e t o s u p p o r t t h e Canadian claim against its government
L o r d R a m i R a n g e r, chairman of the British Sikh Association, said: “I am sadd e n e d t o s e e b i l l b o a r d s w h e r e t h e p h o t o s o f
T h e p o s t e r s fe a t u r e i m a g e s o f I n d i a n P r i m e M i n i s t e r Na r e n d r a Mo d i , External Affairs Minister S Ja i s h a n k a r, a n d D e fe n c e Minister Rajnath Singh The banners disparagingly assoc i a t e d t h e I n d i a n l e a d e r s with the death of Canadian Sikh Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a case that Canadian Prime M i n i s t e r Ju s t i n Tr u d e a u r a i s e d i n Pa r l i a m e n t l a s t y e a r T h
Minister of India are shown with the caption ‘the assassins of Shaheed Nijjar’ “Any loss of life is tragic for the family and friends Ho w e v e r, d i s p l a y i n g s u c h billboards takes away sympathy from the victim The well-wishers need to maintain dignity and respect, not only for the victim but also for the government of India, so that they can systematically investigate the death of M r Ni j j a r ; M ay t h e t r u t h prevail
I n h i s l e t t e r t o K i n g
C h a r l e s , G l a s g o w Po l l o k
M S P Yo u s a f i n d ic a t e d h i s r e s i g n a t i o n w o u l d t a ke
e f fe c t a t t h e c o m m e n c ement of parliamentar y proceedings on Tuesday, May 7
He expressed gratitude for the opportunity to ser ve as f irst minister and extended appreciation for the King's guidance and kindness Yousaf is set to deliver a f inal address to MSPs before t h e y v o t e t o a p p o i n t
minister as a profound honour, especially considering his upbringing as a young
n d He expressed pride in accom-
council tax freeze and the
Looking ahead , Yousaf pledged to continue advo-
voices of marginalised communities from the Scottish Parliament s backbenches
Th e U K's M i n i s t r y of Defenc e f aced a sign if icant cyb eratt ack , as c onf ir med by a governm ent min ister on Monday Mel Stride, the Minister fo r Wo r k a n d Pe
s i o n s , characterised the attack as directed towards a system
m a n a g e d b y
x t e r n a l f irm, emphasising its cons i d e r a b
e g r a v i t y To
s Ellwood, a former minister in the Conser vative government, suggested that the a
p a r t y p a y r o l l s y s t e m utilised by the Ministr y of D e fe n c e a n d e x h i b i t e d characteristics indicative of a Chinese cyber assault
"The focus on the payroll system and the bank details of ser vice personnel s u g g e s t s a p o
n t i a l Chinese origin, possibly as part of a larger strategic agenda," Ellwood remarked during an inter view with BBC Radio
The breach reportedly c
ties, bank information, and, in certain instances, residential addresses of both current and former mem-
bers of the armed forces
While Stride acknowledged
f Defence promptly took the
, he stopped short of directly
"We're not making that assertion at this moment," he clarif ied in an inter view w
r details concerning the incident are expected to be disclosed by Defence Secretar y Grant Shapps later
Sadiq Khan's resounding victory in the London mayoral race not only highlights his personal triumph but also signifies the broader victory of diversity and inclusivity in British politics “We ran a campaign that was in keeping with the spirit and values of this great city, a city that regards our diversity not as a weakness, but as an almighty strength, and one that rejects right hard-wing populism and looks forward, not back,” Khan said in his victory speech
Sadiq Khan's successful bid for a third term as London mayor contradicted the narrative of Muslim voters drifting away from Labour due to the party's stance on the Gaza conflict Despite concerns, Khan retained substantial support from Muslim constituents, as evidenced by his victory margin of 275,828 votes over Conservative rival Susan Hall, marking an 11% lead
As London's first Muslim mayor, Khan's re-election also showcases the acceptance and embrace of multiculturalism w
widespread support across diverse communities, demonstrating the country s commitment to representative governance that reflects the rich tapestry of its population
In a time marked by social and political divisions, Khan's success serves as a beacon of unity and progress, emphasising the importance of inclusivity and equal opportunity for all citizens, regardless of background or ethnicity This historic win also underscores the potential for diverse leadership to foster unity and address the concerns of all constituents, contributing to a more equitable and inclusive society in England (more on p1, 1617)
Among Khan's pledges is a commitment to build 40,000 new council homes by the end of the decade, signalling a substantial investment in housing infrastructure, clearly a ray of hope for ethnic minorities who have suffered enough in the housing crisis
Local elections have held up a mirror as millions of voters across England participated in them, serving as a precursor to the i m m i n e n t U K g e n
n g towards a resurgence of the Labour Party after 14 years, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party faced a challenging
electoral landscape While the Conservatives suffered losses in council seats and a significant defeat in Blackpool South, Labour leader Keir Starmer's strategy seemed validated, positioning the party for a comfortable victory in the upcoming election
The Labour Party was founded in 1900 by, amongst others was Shyamji Krishna Verma, a Kutchi Gujarati barrister and investment advisor He was a socialist settled in London, primarily to campaign for Indian independence He started Indian Socialist weekly, and also founded the India House in Highgate, which has over many years helped several Indian students and politicians in many ways
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Vir Savarkar, and many others either visited India House or stayed there Varma's campaign for India was strongly supported by Annie Besant, Fenner Broakway and many other Labour Party stalwarts In 1912, Annie Besant established India League for Home Rule in India By early 20s, VK Krishna Menon, a close confidant of Besant became the main force for India League In 1929, the Indian National Congress passed the Purna Swaraj resolution, calling for complete independence In India, Mahatma Gandhi led the INC, and the responsibility was assigned to India League to campaign from London
During this long period, several Labour Party leaders were involved extensively and worked closely with India and Indian leaders In 1947, the Labour Party, under the leadership of prime minister Clement Attlee made Indian independence a reality Labour's journey back to power has been arduous, marked by a concerted effort to reclaim the political centre following the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn Keir Starmer's pragmatic approach appeared to pay off, evidenced by Labour's gains in areas long held by the Conservatives The party's success in councils it hadn't controlled for decades signals a significant shift in electoral dynamics, setting the stage for a potential landslide victory
While Labour's resurgence paints a promising picture, achieving a landslide victory akin to Blair's triumph in 1997 presents formidable challenges Despite these hurdles, Labour s broadening support base and strategic positioning suggest a competitive edge in the upcoming general election
In the face of ongoing conflicts around the globe, a looming concern emerges: the health of our economies Since 2020, the world has weathered three significant upheavals: the onset of the Wuhan Virus pandemic and two major wars With these challenges already straining resources and stability, the prospect of financial setback is deeply concerning According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), escalating geopolitical tensions led to a notable 7% increase in defence spending last year, adjusting for inflation This surge brought defence expenditures to a record high of $2 4 trillion, equivalent to 2 3% of the global economic output
Partly driven by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, defence spending saw a significant uptick last year across all five geopolitical regions tracked by SIPRI, a first-time occurrence Notably, American, European, and Ukrainian expenditures surged, with Russia's military outlays surpassing 6% of its GDP Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently announced plans to elevate Britain's defence industry to a "war footing," targeting a rise in expenditure to 2 5% of GDP by 2030 Additionally, NATO unveiled a $100 billion spending plan, while the US Congress approved $95 billion in military aid bills for Ukraine, Taiwan, and Israel
With tensions escalating in West Asia, Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, warns of potential repercussions on
the global economy due to increased violence A conflict could precipitate a global stock market sell-off as investors seek safer options, potentially destabilising investments Last week, over $15 billion worth of American large-cap stocks were divested, signalling heightened market volatility and risk aversion
Economists at the IMF echo this concern, particularly regarding the impact on oil prices Countries like South Korea and India, heavily reliant on oil imports, are bracing for potential ramifications India, importing 85% of its oil, with nearly half originating from West Asia and passing through the vulnerable Strait of Hormuz, emphasises the significance of keeping this route open A conflict between Israel and Iran could jeopardisethis critical passage, affecting major oil producers like Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UAE, and Kuwait
India has, by far, managed to navigate the choppy waters well and avoid any significant damage due to the elasticity of its diplomatic relations Despite maintaining strong economic growth and easing inflation, recent tensions in the Middle East, particularly the Iran-Israel skirmish, raise concerns A prolonged crisis could disrupt crude oil prices and necessitate a reassessment of economic projections for FY25, potentially delaying a rate cut Policymakers are hoping that the economy can weather this conflict, similar to past instances like the Russia-Ukraine war and Israel-Hamas conflict
India is currently in the midst of its democratic process, choosing new leaders with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Indian National Congress (INC) taking the lead in electoral campaigns Three phases of voting have already been completed, marking significant progress in the electoral calendar
Behind the scenes of the elections, significant events have unfolded in the country's political landscape From Arvind Kejriwal's arrest and the subsequent possibility of interim bail to the Karnataka sex scandal involving prominent political figures, these issues have influenced voters' decisions
Additionally, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, amidst all this, has submitted his second nomination for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 from Rae Bareli, Uttar Pradesh, prompting mixed reactions among constituents in his current constituency of Wayanad While some saw no issue with their incumbent MP contesting from Congress stronghold Rae Bareli for a second time, others expressed concerns about him potentially vacating the Wayanad seat if successful in Rae Bareli What is a question worth asking is that, is Rahul not sure of re-election from Wayanad? Is this why he is turning to a seat which is under the stronghold of his mother?
It is also notable that there has been a noticeable decrease in voter turnout across all three phases This has been partly attributed to the prevailing heatwave in India However, other factors are also influencing voters' mindsets Firstly, many are convinced of Modi's inevitable victory, leading them to abstain from voting and relying on fellow citizens to uphold democra-
cy Additionally, the allure of a long weekend often outweighs the importance of participating in the electoral process, as people opt to treat voting weekends as a brief vacation
Despite the ongoing low voter turnout, first-time voters aged 18 to 19 are anticipated to wield significant influence in the forthcoming elections, with a notable attraction towards Narendra Modi Even among the country's youth, who rank job scarcity as their primary concern, according to a recent survey by the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) and its subsidiary, Lokniti, confidence in Modi remains steadfast
The survey, encompassing 10,000 voters, unveiled that nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of respondents perceived obtaining employment as increasingly challenging over the past five years Despite these concerns, the respondents expressed their intent to vote for BJP in the upcoming election
Honestly, the confidence in Modi is grounded in his track record of fulfilling promises The Prime Minister's commitment to delivering on his pledges in the past has instilled hope among many This sense of hope is something that the opposition cannot currently provide
It’s not that Narendra Modi is perfect There are indeed areas where he needs improvement, such as fostering better
However, despite these shortcomings, it cannot be denied that he holds the greatest potential to fulfil the aspirations of the great Indian dream
“Each day comes bearing its gifts Untie the ribbon ” Ann Ruth Schabacker
Oh, You Meant “Nationalism, Autocracy, and Populism” as an Insult?
e, term s su c h as "nationalist, " "auto cratic," and "po pulist" are often w ielded as barbs, aimed to critique lead ers and m ovements
While these d escrip tors can carry neg ative connotations, particularly in liberal d emo cratic circles, they also h av e dim ensions th at can be interpreted positively, especially wh en viewed through th e lens o f prom oting national interests or add ressing popular demand s
The term nationalist is frequently used to describe leaders or policies that prioritize the interests of one nation over global cooperation and internationalism
Critics argue that nationalism can foster xenophobia and isolationism As Biden claimed of India (India a historically open to foreigners society, well, we all know what happened when the British were welcomed with open arms! The Chinese were shrewder)
However, from a positive perspective, democratic nationalism can be seen as a form of patriotism where the focus is on bolstering national unity, preserving cultural heritage, and ensuring that governance reflects the people's will
In this light, nationalism can be a unifying force, rallying citizens to participate more actively in their democracy and to protect their sovereignty It echoes the democratic principle that the government should reflect the interests and well-being of its own citizens first
The label "autocratic" suggests a style of governance where power is concentrated in the hands of a single leader or a small group, often associated with a disregard for traditional democratic processes This characterization is inherently pejorative in democracies, which value checks and balances and the rule of law
However, some proponents argue that in times of crisis, a decisive leadership style can be necessary and effective They suggest that autocratic decision-making in a democratic framework when checked by democratic norms and the rule of law can lead to efficient and bold decision-making needed to navigate complex, urgent challenges, such as national security threats or economic crises In the West, the “ war cabinet” is a common feature Thatcher was accused of having her inner circle Now the cry in the UK is we need more ‘stability’
Perhaps the most nuanced of these terms, "populist," is commonly used to describe leaders or movements that claim to represent the "common people," often against an elite or establishment perceived as out of touch with or corrupt
Populism is seen by critics as simplifying complex issues and promoting divisive us-versus-them narratives Nonetheless, populism's positive aspects are rooted in its core appeal to democracy It often emerges as a corrective force, aiming to bring attention to genuine grievances that are unaddressed by traditional political actors Populism can energize democratic engagement by mobilizing the electorate around felt needs and concerns, potentially leading to more responsive governance
Populism can serve as a wake-up call for political elites, encouraging reforms that make political systems more attentive to the needs of their citizens It's essential, however, that these approaches remain anchored within the rule of law and democratic norms, ensuring that they contribute positively to the democratic process rather than undermining it
Those that complain the most tend to be ones on the University campuses and the marches in the West halting p e o p l e g o i n g a b o u t t h e i r e v e r y d a y
protestors desire to protest by causing disruption to the majority is undemocratic, and autocratic At least it can’t be accused of being popular or populist
Beware the tyranny of the minority
S ajid Javid has shared insig hts i nto a young relativ e's courag eo u s st ru g g l e w i th m y alg ic
e nc ep h a lo m y eli ti s , c au t io n i ng about the dism issal of p atients w ith the co nd ition by medical p rofessio nals
I n a W e s t m i n s t e r H a l l debate, the former health secretary recounted the distressing journey of his cousin's daughter, who was diagnosed with the illness at the age of 13, seven years ago ME, a complex neurological disorder, impacts approximately 250,000 individuals in the UK,
c a u s i n g s y m p t o m s s u c h a s exhaustion and pain In severe cases, the condition can be fatal, r e n d e r i n g p a t i e n t s b e d r i d d e n and unable to consume food or liquids
U r g i n g m i n i s t e r s t o s t o p delaying the publication of a care overhaul plan, Javid said the fight against the illness was “not just an important policy area but simply very personal”
He added: “My cousin, who is here today, has an amazing d
this condition Until the age of
teenager She was academically
player Her life has completely c
begin after a battle with a viral
start of symptoms can simply
and hope are sought by visiting medical professionals, but too often ME patients are misdiagnosed or, at worst, dismissed entirely ”
F lora Mend es, previo usly barred from p ractising law d ue to a p r i o r co n v i ct io n , h ad as s ets exceeding £ 700, 000 confiscated by the Ho me Office following h er recent convictio n
At 45 years old, the Indian national deceived her victims by posing as a legitimate immigration lawyer, offering assistance in obtaining leave to remain in the UK
However, rather than fulfilling her promises, she submitted fraudulent applications for payment, with no chance of success
At St Albans Crown Court, Mendes was sentenced to sevenand-a-half years
After the Home Office ident i f i e d t h e f r a u d u l e n t a p p l i c ations, an investigation ensued, linking 19 bogus submissions to Mendes
The judge, noting her repeat offences, delivered a heavy sentence This wasn't Mendes's first b r u s h w i t h t h e l a w ; s h e h a d been previously banned from
practising law in 2015 after a conviction for providing immigration advice while suspended from her legal practice
Despite lacking a licence and having a criminal record, the defendant persisted in attempting to exploit the immigration system by defrauding victims M i n i s t e r f o r I l l e g a l Migration, Michael Tomlinson MP, said: This sentencing shows the effective and relentless work to dismantle the networks of people helping illegal migrants stay in the UK Those suspected of abusing our immigration system for profit will be swiftly brought to justice
J a m al S h a h , a t eac h e r a t S t arb an k S c h o o l i n Birmingham, has been prohibited from teach ing after a d iscip linary panel found h im gu ilty o f racially abu sing a parent d uri ng a c o nf ro nta ti on i n a ca r p ark The panel heard that Shah u sed a racial slur directed at th e p arents, who w ere acco mpanied by their children in the car
Mr Shah called the victim a slur during the vile tirade The teacher had denied using the word but was caught saying it on dashcam footage, a report from the panel said After the troubling incident, which transpired off-site, Jamal Shah, aged 37, has received an i n d e f i n i t e t e a c h
n g b a n M r Shah, who worked as an agency teacher specialising in nurturing
A Leicester mother, Preya Vaja, 39, and h er newborn narrowly survived a life-th reatening bacteri a l i n fec ti o n du ri n g c h i ldbirth V aja is advo cating for th e NH S to provide a simple £1 5 swab test for Gro up B S trep, wh ich cou ld have prevented th e
offered to p atients
F o l l o w i n g a h a r r o w i n g experience during a C-section at Leicester Royal Infirmary in 2021, Preya and her baby, Uma, were both afflicted with sepsis d u e t o G r
p T h i s ordeal left Preya grappling with PTSD and post-natal depression
Despite its prevalence, with one in four women affected and one newborn death attributed to it weekly in the UK, Group B Strep can be readily identified with a simple £15 swab test Preya expressed frustration that this routine screening is not
universally available, given the significant toll of baby deaths a n d l o n g - t e r m d i s a b i l i t i e s caused by the infection P r e y a , a m o t h e r o f t w o , expressed her frustration, stati n g , " L e a r n i n g t h a t w h a t I endured could have been prevented with a simple test was incredibly difficult The physical and emotional toll we experienced could have been avoided It was a very serious situation, nearly resulting in mine and Uma's deaths The entire family still grapples with the trauma from that experience "I learned a lot about Group B Strep and became an advoc a t e T e s t i n g i s a v a i l a b l e f o r pregnant women in later stages of pregnancy, but unfortunately, the NHS does not offer this screening In my case, it would have been crucial It's disheartening that such a vital test, costing only £15, is not widely available "
NHS data ha s r eve al ed that a staggering numbe r of mothers, estimat ed in the tens of thousands, are s eeking t reatment f or mental heal th conditions , incl uding pos t-tr aum atic stres s disorder (PTSD), f ol lowing c hildbirth
According to the latest statist i c s , a r e c o r d - b r e a k i n g 5 7 , 0 0 0 women received specialised support for mental health issues during or after pregnancy last year, marking a significant increase of one-third compared to figures from 2022 Shockingly, one in five women experience mental illness during pregnancy or in the postpartum period, with some requiring admission to psychiatric wards alongside their newborns
Recognising the urgent need for improved maternal mental health care, the NHS has established a network of 40 maternal m e n t a l h e a l t h s e r v i c e s a c r o s s E n g l a n d T h e
e s e r v i c e s a r e staffed by professionals such as p s y c h o l o g i s t s a n d m i d w i v e s , equipped to address a range of disorders, including PTSD resulting from birth trauma, and prov i d e a
childbirth-related anxiety
In line with updated guidelines, General Practitioners (GPs) are now mandated to conduct c
check-ups for all women within s
w e e k s o f c h i l d b i r t h T h i s proactive approach aims to identify and support those in need, ensuring timely referrals to specialist services
The call for enhanced care stems from a joint campaign led by Conservative MP Theo Clarke and Labour MP Rosie Duffield, b o t h a d v o c a t i n g f o r i m p r o v ements in maternal mental health services
New restaurants, offices and hospitals in England will now need to have distinct male and female toilets, as ministers aim to address rising worries regarding "privacy and dignity" in gender-neutral facilities The legislation will mandate that newly constructed nonresidential buildings must have separate facilities and cannot solely rely on "universal" lavatories Ministers noted that 81% of respondents supported the idea of separate single-sex toilet facilities in a consultation on the proposals Additionally, 82% agreed with the proposal to provide universal toilets which are self-contained and fully enclosed, for individual use where space permits The government stated that the new regulations will ensure access to facilities for people of all genders, either through separate single-sex spaces or "universal" toilets However, critics have labelled the policy as transphobic since its proposal in 2021 due to its lack of alternative provisions for transgender and non-binary individuals
Rishi Sunak's initiative to reduce wait times at GPs by directing patients with minor ailments to pharmacists faces resistance Pharmacists allege that numerous GPs in England are failing to refer patients to them for treatment, with some even opting out of the Pharmacy First scheme entirely In May last year, Sunak introduced a primary care recovery plan that placed patients under the care of pharmacists rather than family doctors, aiming to alleviate the strain on GPs and address delays in patient care The initiative aimed to offer patients more healthcare options and alleviate the pressure on GPs potentially freeing up 15 million appointments over two years for patients with urgent medical needs
EALING CASH AND CARRY FINED £30,000 Fair Deal Cash and Carry Ltd, located in Southall was fined £30 000 by Ealing Council following the discovery of employees working in hazardous conditions Inspections conducted in December 2021 at the establishment on Boeing Way revealed multiple violations Upon discovery of damaged glass roof panels with the potential to cause serious injury, Ealing Council officers promptly issued Fair Deal Cash and Carry Ltd a prohibition notice, restricting access to the area until repairs were completed
at the school, voluntarily participated in a police interview
He denied using the word but dashcam footage proved to be his downfall when he was overheard saying it Support for
criminal action
But disciplinary proceedings were launched following his actions The incident happened in May 2020 in a public car park
The panel took into consideration the altercation involving a parent who had children in their car Mr Shah also claimed when asked that the racist term "would not be offensive if it was between two people of the same ethnicity"
Glasto nbu ry revealed plans f or its inaug ural S outh Asian area at th is year's festiv al N amed Ar riv als, wil l f eatu re p erf ormances by artist s such as D J Rit u, Anish Kum ar , Manara, and Nabih ah Iqbal
area will be situated within the Shangri-La section of the fes-
from June 26th to 30th The announcement comes
moment for UK festival culture," remarked DJ and presenter Bobby Friction B
partnered with Dialled In and Daytimers to bring this initiative to life
"Having a dedicated space a t G l a s t o n b u r y f o r S o u t h Asian music, beats, and DJs for the entire festival? That's just mind-blowing and a personal dream come true " While headliners like Dua Lipa, SZA, and Shania Twain dominate the festival lineup, South Asian artists are notably u
heless, the industry is gradual-
c e o f S
h A s i a n music worldwide Coachella, for instance, garnered praise last year for its diverse lineup featuring artists like Mercury Prize nominee Joy Crookes, as w
Sethi, Jai Paul, and Jai Wolf
Four senior female presenters Martine Croxall, Karin Giannone Kasia Madera, and Annita McVeigh, aged between 49 and 55, have lost their challenge against the BBC over equal pay They were removed from air for a year and alleged age and gender discrimination in a legal action against the corporation However, they will not be able to argue at an employment tribunal next year that they were unfairly paid less than their male counterparts Nonetheless, the accusation that they were passed over for chief presenter roles on the relaunched BBC News channel in January last year due to their age and gender, leading to a "rigged" recruitment process, will be examined Sarah Goodman the judge for the preliminary hearing at a central London tribunal blocked the women from bringing new equal pay claims after they settled a previous dispute four years ago
ima ges for blackm ail, wit h
e xt ortion occurrin g ra pid ly NCA's director general,
y financial gain, disregarding the victims' lives Victims are coerced into meeting financial demands under threat of intimate picture exposure Families of victims, like a 16year-old boy who tragically took his life due to sextortion, advocate for openness to prevent further tragedies They implore potential victims to confide in trusted individuals for support Tamalika Basu, a teach er in the UK spoke to Asian Voice at length about this subject She said, “To effectively identify signs of sextortion, teachers are trained t o o b s e r v e b e h a v i o u r a l changes in students At my a c a d e m i c i n s t i t u t i o n , w e u n d e r g o P r e v e n t t r a i n i n g annually, mandated by the Department for Education
This equips us to recognise s i g n s o f r a d i c a l i s a t i o n , grooming, and inappropriate relationships among stu-
dents The training emphas i s e s
upon detecting behavioural changes, such as academic
lessons, frequent absences, or unusual patterns in leav-
with both the student and their parents or carers to offer support
“Moreover, our institut i o n
m p l o y s r o b u s t n e twork monitoring systems to o v e r s e e s t u d e n t s ' d i g i t a l a c t i v i t i e s T h i s i n c l u d
monitoring laptops provided to students, both on and off-campus, to detect any i n a p p r o p r i a t e o n l i n e behaviour or content Any flagged activity undergoes thorough investigation following safeguarding protoc o l
carers and school safeguarding leads to ensure proper resolution
“In our lessons, teachers r e m a i n v i g i l a n t f o r a n y comments or answers from students that may indicate exposure to inappropriate c
prompt further investigation by safeguarding lead-
action and support for the affected student
“Additionally, our curriculum includes lessons on online safety, covering topics ranging from financial s c a m s t o s o c i a l m e d i a
usage Students are educated on the risks associated with online activities and are encouraged to refrain from sharing school-related content on social media
enforced for any breaches of online safety guidelines
“While Prevent training is valuable, its effectiveness i
forms of crime, including sextortion, remains uncert a
tion of training programs to address emerging threats is essential Moreover, fostering parental awareness through initiatives such as parent-teacher conferences can enhance collaboration
against online risks
“By implementing preventive measures, providing targeted support, and
among stakeholders, edu-
play a crucial role in safeguarding students against the risks of sextortion and other online threats ”
Another London- based t
newsweekly, “In our school, we are going through many
regarding this Sometimes it is difficult to identify, but the pastoral teams are trying to identify the boys (as I work in a boys' School) and deal with the matter ”
N i rav M o d
L ond on for o ver fiv e years, faced another setback as a U K judg e rejected h is latest bail ap plicatio n, citing a p ersistent risk of ev ad ing justice
T h e 5 2 - y e a r - o l d d i amond merchant, who lost h i s e x t r a d i t i o n b a t t l e t o India for fraud and money
l a u n d e r i n g c h a r g e s , w a s absent from the bail hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court However, his son and two daughters attended the proceedings
District Judge John Zani
a c k n o w l e d g e d t h e l e g a l
t e a m ' s a r g u m e n t t h a t t h e c o n s i d e r a b l e t i m e e l a p s e d since the last bail applica-
tion constituted a change in c
d N o n e
n i concluded that substantial grounds against bail persisted, citing a genuine risk of non-appearance in court or tampering with witnesses
" T h i s c a s e i n v o l v e s a very significant fraud allegation not one where bail
can be granted," Judge Zani stated in his judgment The court was informed of ongoing confidential proceedings initiated by Modi, suggesting a potential asylum
Crown Prosecution Service
authorities dismissed claims t
prevented, they emphasised Modi's unwavering determination to evade Indian court proceedings
T h e a l l e g e d f r a u d exceeds $1 billion, with only $400 million seized so far, indicating access to substantial resources across jurisd i c t i o n s ,
the court
R es ea rc h i nd ic at es t h at female footballers are at a sig nificantly hig her risk of injury in the d ays preced ing
t h ei r m en s tru a l p eri o d , u nd erscori ng th e potential benefits of tailoring training p rog rams to accommo date the menstrual cycle
A team of scientists from UCL and the University of Bath conducted a compre-
, England’s premier league for women's football T h e f i n d i n g s o
h i s study corroborated anecdotal evidence suggesting that women are more susceptible to injuries during specific
believed to be linked to fluc-
mones estrogen and progesterone Particularly during
A Middlesbrough council lor, Zafa r Uddin, has come under fi r e fo r a l l e g e d l y sh a r in
post s re lat ed to the confl ict in the Middl e Ea st Councillor Uddin, repres e n t i n g M
n W e s t , reportedly shared and commented on several anti-Israel posts on Facebook, including one labelling world leaders as "
denouncing Israel as a "terrorist state "
between Israel and Gaza, this is purely a Genocidal act by
Service, Cllr Uddin, who also
serves as the executive member for children's services at M
acknowledged that the issue had been reported to local and central Labour groups but declined to offer further comment
The Conservative Party has condemned Cllr Uddin's posts, labelling them "offensive" and urging the Labour Party to take action against him A party spokesperson
promptly address this
espouse this divisive, hatefilled rhetoric without facing consequences The people of
ter "
Teesside deserve
The posts have been forwarded to Labour for review, and a spokesperson for the party affirmed their commit-
with their policies and
A cou ple who orchestrated the smug gling of h eroin, cannabis, and m obile ph ones into 11 prisons has been sentenced to p rison them selves
S a j a d H a s h i m i , 2 7 , and Zerka Maranay, 28, both hailing from Luton but residing in Compayne G
sophisticated operation utilizing drones to deliver contraband into prisons from August 2022 to August 2023 The duo amassed a minim
occurring in the week leading up to menstruation, the risk of muscle injuries such a
found to be six times higher compared to other points in the menstrual cycle
Jo Blodgett, a researcher
a t U C L a n d o n e o f t h e study's authors, highlighted the critical implications of these findings for elite-level football, where injuries can
from inmates, which
g a s t h e 'bookkeeper and conduit' of
through various accounts Hashimi made trips to prisons using rented vehicles, with 22 bookings made
T he parents of a British Indian m ed ical student, w ho tragically lost her life while courag eously attem p ting to sav e h er f riend d uring an attack in Nottingh am last year, h av e joined th e voices adv ocating fo r her posthumou s r ec o
the U K s hig hest civ ilian award fo r bravery
Grace O'Malley Kumar, 19, was returning to her university
also 19, when they were con-
, brandishing a knife
In an interview with ‘The Sun' newspaper, her father Dr
CCTV footage of the attack in which she tried to “fight, and f i g h t ,
"The bravery she showed was incredible for a young girl The accolade would be an example to every other young person," said
"The foundation that we've set up for Grace its motto is ‘Let's be more like Grace' The world, never mind just England, deserves people like Grace,” he said
The George Cross is a prestigious honour, typically recommended by the British Prime Minister, and has been bestowed only 160 times since its inception in 1940
Bucking ham Palace announced
t h at K i n g C h ar le s a nd o t h er
s eni or Bri ti sh royals w ill s tep
d own from th eir roles as patrons
o f nea rl y 20 0 c h ar it i es a nd
o rganisations following a rev iew
o f their inv olv em ent with over
1 ,00 0 groups
F o l l o w i n g t h e p a s s i n g o f
Queen Elizabeth, a review was initiated to assess all the chari-
t i e s a n d o r g a n i s a t i o n s w i t h which she, Charles, and his wife Queen Camilla were affiliated,
w h e t h e r a s a p r e s i d e n t o r patron
Elizabeth served as a patron for 492 organisations, Charles for 441, and Camilla for 100 After the evaluation, just over 830 organisations will continue
w i t h t h e k i n g a n d q u e e n a s patrons or will be transferred to other royal family members
O r g a n i s a t i o n s h a v e t h e opportunity to request a royal patron, who can offer publicity for their cause and enhance their
visibility and accomplishments
Among those that will retain their royal connection include t h e R o y a l B r i t i s h L e g i o n , t h e largest armed forces charity, the Dogs Trust, the Jockey Club and the Wildlife Trusts, a grassroots nature organisation
“His majesty has consistently demonstrated foresight, courage and leadership as he has helped communities, charities and businesses grapple with the challenges and opportunities inherent in living more sustainably and in harmony with nature,” said Craig Bennett, chief executive of the Wildlife Trusts
“It is therefore a great honour that His Majesty has agreed to continue with his patronage ”
The review's findings will be communicated to the relevant organisations this week, coinciding with the first anniversary of Charles and Camilla's corona-
t i o n , a s a n n o u n c e d b y t h e palace
Res earc hers em phas is e the need f or great er efforts to address barr iers hindering South As ians from a ttending eye s creenings aimed at p r e ve n t in g d ia b e t e s -r e l a t e d b lindnes s South Asian communities are recognised to have a significantly h i g h e r r i s k u p t o s i x t i m e s more of developing type 2 diabetes compared to the general population
Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes, occurs when high blood sugar levels damage the retina at the back of the eye If left undiagnosed and untreated, it can lead to blindness
According to a report by the Royal National Institute of Blind
During a public inquiry, it was rev ealed th at post office operators who attributed cash sho rtf alls in their branc hes to th e Horizon IT system were regarded as " enem ies of the business" by investig ators from the stateo wned com pany
T h e P o s t O f f i c e i n q u i r y unveiled a portion of a draft report from 2013, prepared by investigators at the accountancy firm Second Sight They were tasked with investigating concerns surrounding the Horizon IT system T h e H o r i z o n I T s y s t e m ' s involvement in wrongfully prosecuting hundreds of UK post office operators for theft and f
deemed a significant miscarriage
highlighted in the ITV drama "Mr Bates vs the Post Office,"
action from ministers to address the scandal and expedite compensation payments to victims
During the public inquiry in London, Chris Aujard, a former senior lawyer at the Post Office, was questioned about his inaction after being given a draft
joining the Post Office as interim general counsel in October 2013 Despite having access to the report, he continued in his role at the company until 2015 Po st Office lawyer allegedly cov ered u p flawed prosecution
The Post Office Horizon IT I n
Singh, a former senior lawyer at the Post Office, knew of bugs in
before legal proceedings began
mistress, resulting in her impris-
email detailing the glitch, Singh denied knowledge of it for years, despite saving and printing the document Singh, who denied the claims, held senior positions a t t h e P o s t O f f
n c
u d i n g head of criminal law after its split from Royal Mail in 2012 The report, sent to Mr Singh just three days before Seema Misra’s c a s e b e g a n i n O c t o b e r 2 0 1 0 , described a bug “that will result in a receipts payment mismatch” and offered an explanation for apparent cases of theft among subpostmasters, counsel to the inquiry Jason Beer KC said
Researchers have developed a vaccine with the potential to provide protection against a wide range of coronaviruses, including those that have not yet been identified The experimental vaccine, tested in mice, signals a shift toward "proactive vaccinology " where vaccines are crafted and prepared for production ahead of the emergence of potentially pandemic viruses The vaccine is created by affixing harmless proteins from various coronaviruses to tiny nanoparticles These particles are then injected to activate the body s immune response, preparing it to combat the viruses if they ever pose a threat Since the vaccine instructs the immune system to recognize proteins common to various coronaviruses, it offers exceptionally broad protection This effectiveness extends to both identified and unidentified viruses within the coronavirus family
People, in 2014, the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 54 6% among individuals with type 1 diabetes and 30% among those with type 2 diabetes
A recent study by St George’s U n i v e r s i t y o f L o n d o n r e v e a l e d that South Asian individuals are 54% more prone to developing s i g h t - t h r e a t e n i n g d i a b e t i c e y e disease compared to their white counterparts
I n O c t o b e r , t h e N H S announced that individuals with diabetes in England, deemed to h a v e a l o w e r r i s k o f d i a b e t i c retinopathy, will now be invited for NHS diabetic eye screenings every two years, instead of annually
Narinder Kaur seeks legal advice amid Laurence
N ar in d er K au r'
en t s tat ed that she is "seeking leg al adv ice" a s p o
o ffence"
known for her appearances on B i g B r o t h e r , G
o d M o r n i n g Britain, and GB News
K a u r ' s a g
d t h e P A news agency she is "seeking legal advice" as the police investigation continues T h e y s a i
n d
i s understandably upset and still c o m i n g t o t
t h a n k s everyone who has supported her so far She's currently seeking legal advice and awaiting further response from the Metropolitan Police " P o s t i n g o n X , p r e v i o u s l y known as Twitter, Kaur confirmed that the incident is now being handled by the police She expressed her deep embarrassment and mortification over the image, thanking those on the platform for their support "I
know people are saying not to feel embarrassed and mortified, but I am," she stated "I'm so incredibly upset that people are l o o k i n g a t m y p r i v a t e s a n d laughing It s unimaginably mortifying
T h e M e t r o p o l i t a n P o l i c e informed the PA news agency that they had been alerted to a social media post regarding an u p s k i r t i n g o f f e n c e a n d w e r e investigating the matter Fox responded to the situat i o n i n a l e n g t h y p o s t o n X , where he expressed his apology to Kaur However, he also stated that it was not his fault that Kaur was pictured in the compromising image
A mosque in south east Londo n, l ed b y an e xtr em i s t im am , recently welco med a p reac her w h o m a d e i nf la m m at o ry rem arks about "Zio nists running scho ols and ho sp itals" in the U K A d
extent of Hamas atrocities during an event on October 7
T h e L e w i s h a m I s l a m i c C e n t r e , l e d b y h e a d i m a m Shakeel Begg, who was previously found by a High Court judge t o h a v e
views and encouraged religious v i
preacher Tom Facchine on April
19 During the sermon at the mosque, Facchine was accused by Jewish groups of disseminating conspiratorial messages According to a video on the m o s q u e ’ s Y o u T
, " W
content with being doctors, yet we work for the Zionists who c o n t r o
t h e h o s p i t a l s y s t e m When will we establish our own hospital systems? We are content with being headmasters or headmistresses, yet we work for t h e Z i o n i s t s w h o o v e r s e e t h e school system Who will take the initiative to develop the school system for Muslims?"
London's black cab drivers have filed a £250 million lawsuit against Uber, alleging that the company unlawfully acquired a licence from transport authorities The claim, representing nearly 11,000 traditional London taxi drivers, was lodged in the High Court and asserts that Uber obtained a private hire vehicle licence from Transport for London (TfL) "improperly " RGL Management, which is bringing the claim on behalf of the drivers, alleges that Uber’s operating system did not comply with 1988 legislation covering private hire vehicles RGL Management alleges that "to obtain its licence Uber deliberately misled TfL regarding the operation of its system " The claimants also assert that Uber s intention was to gain market share unlawfully and consequently take business away from existing black cab drivers
Following the fatal stabbing of a teenager on his way home from school a 15-year-old boy has been found guilty of murder and now faces a potential life sentence At the age of 14, the schoolboy admitted killing Alfie Lewis 15, using a 13 cm kitchen knife he had brought from home However, he denied the charge of murder asserting that he acted in selfdefence out of fear for his life when he wielded the weapon In a harrowing incident witnessed by children and parents departing a primary school in Leeds last year Alfie was brutally attacked Following the verdict announcement at Leeds Crown Court family members adorned in T-shirts bearing images of Alfie alongside the words Forever 15 embraced in the public gallery
A Coventry-based takeaway business has been fined a total of £4,049 41 after admitting guilt to food hygiene offences Mr Azad Miah, the owner of Balti Hut in Spon End pleaded guilty to two offences at Coventry Magistrates Court A customer who bought a takeaway lodged a complaint after discovering pieces of metal in certain portions of their meal During an unexpected inspection authorities discovered that used metal scourers which were in poor condition were still in use These scourers matched the type of meal in which pieces of metal were found Additionally, several other potential causes of physical contamination were observed Balti Hut received a one out of five rating on the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme, indicating that major improvements are necessary
from her
bring ing in Hyd erabad, India
MasterChef journey, Yogita brings a wealth of flavours influenced by her heritage and global adventures Her culinary voyage began under her late mother's guidance,
embodies sharing caring and love
Why do you think the global gourmet community loves MasterChef - the concept?
Tackling the Waste Crisis: South Asia's Imperative
management stands at the forefront of global environmental challenges, nowhere more pressing than in the bustling cities and teeming landscapes of South Asia Here, lies a stark reality: a waste crisis of monumental proportions Openly, specific staggering statistics and compelling narratives surrounding waste management in South Asian communities, illuminate the urgent call for effective solutions to safeguard our environment.
adds fuel to the fire of air pollution, exacerbating respiratory ailments and contributing to the looming spectre of climate change In a region where nature is not just a backdrop but a lifeline for millions, the stakes couldn't be higher Yet, amidst this bleak landscape, there is a way outthe mantra of reduce, reuse, recycle It's a call to arms, urging individuals and busin
from a variety of rice and b
Bele bhaat, biriyani, Akki roti to lentil-based crepes s
Y o g i t a ' s c u i s i n e h o n o u r s diversity, authenticity, and spice Cooking transcends
heartfelt tribute to her family and a bridge to her cultural identity Here’s her exclus i v
n t e r v i e w w i t h A s i a n
How does it feel to represent South Asians on MasterChef?
I feel super proud to be
a b l e t o r e p r e s e n t S o u t h Asians and especially to represent our culture through food to wider audiences, as there is so much variety in our food which is an integral part of our culture which
I t h i n k t h e g l o b a l gourmet community loves MasterChef not just in the UK but around the world due to the diverse nature of the show bringing in people from all walks of life irrespective of their origin to share their love for food and e d u c a t e p e o p l
global cuisine
What are some key South Asian dishes you wish to make this season?
I h a d p l a n s t o m a k e plenty of dishes from a global perspective taking experiences from my travels but focussing on my roots, espec i a l l y f r o m t h e s o u t h o f India and Maharashtra as that is where I grew up I wanted to stay with time-
thalis, unique desserts such as beetroot halva, chiroti, Indian afternoon tea with a variety of savoury and sweet dishes and more
Howis your family reacting to your participation in the show this year?
My family are extremely proud of my achievement of getting on the show as no one that we know personally has been on any platform l i k
y support me and encourage me to do more, knowing my passion for food as I can cook and serve a variety of cuisines and I am using my Instagram page yogsy tales to showcase this for now
D r Purnima Devi Barman , an Indian wildlife biol ogist, has
b e e n ho n ou r e d wi t h t he p r e s t ig i ou s W h it l e y G ol d Awar d from t he UK wil dlife
c ha r i t y Wh it l e y F un d for Na ture (WFN) for her outsta nding effort s in conse rving the enda ngere d Gre ater Adjutan t Stork and its we tl and habita t
The GBP 100,000 award was presented to her at a cer-
e m o n y h e l d a t t h e R o y a l
G e o g r a p h i c a l S o c i e t y i n
L o n d o n o n W
m a n developed a deep connection with the Greater Adjutant Stork, considering them her c h i l d h o o d c o m p a n i o n s "Their feathers, their intense blue eyes, the sounds of their b e a k s w e r e m y c h i l d h o o d f r i e n d s , " s h e f o n d l y r e m inisced Despite her admira-
A staggering 270 million tonnes of municipal solid waste choke the streets and skylines of South Asia each year, as per the World Bank's alarming statistics This figure, projected to double by 2025, paints a harrowing picture of a region grappling with the consequences of its consumption From the bustling metropolises of Mumbai and Delhi to the sprawling urban sprawls of Dhaka, the scene is one of overflowing landfills and desolate dumping grounds, casting a shadow over both public health and environmental integrity
The genesis of this waste mound is m
march of urbanisation, the surge of population growth, and the gaping chasm of inadequate infrastructure But it's not just bricks and mortar driving this crisis; it's our changing lifestyles, fuelled by economic prosperity, that have accelerated the onslaught of waste The ubiquitous presence of single-use plastics, the hallm a
exacerbates the strain on already overburdened waste management systems
To extend the discussion further, toxic leachates from improperly disposed waste seep into the earth, threatening agricultural lands and food security The acrid smoke rising from burning heaps of refuse
practices and tread lightly on the planet While recycling rates may lag behind global standards within South Asian commun
Bharat Abhiyan are spearheading a movement towards improved waste managem
awareness of recycling M
would positively impact sustainability is composting In this matter, by transforming food scraps and garden clippings into nutrient-rich soil, composting offers a sustainable solution to reduce waste volumes and nurture the earth Community composting programmes, integrated seamlessly into municipal waste management sys-
potential, offering a much-needed exit in the fight against waste In a similar context, the heart of effective waste management lies in the power of community engagement - South Asian communities are especially cohesive and thus, by empowering individuals to take ownership of their waste, to segregate and dispose of it responsibly - that is the first
awareness campaigns, through grassroots initiatives and collective action, there is groundwork for a legacy of resilience and regeneration
tion became crucial as the
a , a s locally known, dwindled to a mere 450 birds in Northeast India The WFN highlighted h e r p r o j e
empowering local communi-
efforts, particularly through the involvement of women, who form the backbone of the 'Hargila Army' of 'Stork sister' advocates
Her ambitious goal is to double the global population o
implementing scalable initiatives across its habitat in India and Cambodia
Yadv ind er Malh i, Professor
o f Ecosystem Science at the S c h o ol o f Geo g rap h y and t h e E nv ir o nm e nt,
U n iv ers ity o f Oxfo rd , h as been reappointed for a sec-
o n d f o u r- ye ar te rm as a
T r u st ee o f th e N atu r al History Museum Board in
L o nd o n b y U K P ri m e M inister Rishi S unak
Expressing his gratitude, P r o f e s s o r M a l h i s t a t e d , " I a m d e l i g h t e d t o c o
serving on the Board of the N
thriving biosphere and a stable climate?"
Commander of the Order of the British
u m for another four years My aim is to further support this remarkable, esteemed, and beloved institution in its endeavours in research, public engagement, and policy influence " He added, "This endeavour will enable the museum to harness its unique influence to address what I cons i d e r t h e m o s t p r e s s i n g question of our time: How c a n w e c o m p r e h e n d a n d restore our connection with the natural world to ensure the flourishing of both peop l e a n d n
in 2020 for his contributions to ecosystem science, also
Centre for Nature Recovery and holds the position
During the event, he talked about an ancient Himalayan p ractice wh
lakia OBE
DL h osted the event G
Lord Dholakia said, “It’s
r e a t h o n o u r t o h a v e t h e presence of Swamiji in the House of Lords In today’s world, the work you do to promote ancient meditation, to promote global peace is required One of the most beautiful things about India is the culture it has Indian culture has existed for thousands of years but it will not continue unless we know it and respect it There were a lot of invasions including the B r i t i s h R a j t a k i n g c o n t r o l over the time but we never lost our culture, values and belief The belief in ourselves and promoting our culture
t o t h e y o u n g s t e r s m a k e s India great ”
E m p h a s i s i n g o n t h e Indian culture, Swamiji said, “The Indian culture teaches
u s V a s u d h e v K u t u m b k a m , which means the world is o n e f a m i l y S u r p r i s i n g l y , there is no one God, one Language, one belief or one
religion that exists which is followed by everyone in the world Then why does Indian Culture state that the World is one family? The answer is Yoga By the path of Yoga, the whole world can be connected For the past 30 years, I have been travelling the world Through this medium of Yoga, I have connected the p e o p l e o f d i f f e r e n t c a s t e s , beliefs, cultures and countries With my 30 years of e x p e r i e n c e , I c a n s a y
w h i c h c a n c o n n e c t t h e world ”
“Yoga is being misunder-
s t o o d a s p h y
whole world that Yogasan is not Yoga Yogasan can only make your muscles and body strong but your Chitta (Inner self, State of Mind) will be weak God is within us, that’s what I believe Start saying t h a t y o u a r e a h o l y s o u l
Forget how you are, you will feel a tremendous change in y o u r l i f e a s y o u r C h i t t a
o l d H i m a l a y a n m e d i t a t i o n
h e l p s i n m a k
strong, which is the indicator of your strong Chitta,” he added
CB Patel, Publisher and E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f o f A s i a n Voice and Gujarat Samachar said, “This historic building witnessed a different type of discourse through Swamiji India has now become not only an economic but spiritual power Thanks to Lord Dholakia, without him this d
e been possible Paras Meisheri is the ambassador for our culture and legacy E
Transformation Programme
event She said, “Samarpan M
Himalayan practice that is
open to all, free of charge and not bound by religion, gender or age It develops positive spiritual values and creates inner peace through just 30 minutes of daily medi t a t i o n S a m a r p a n Meditation is represented in 65 countries on every continent Worldwide there are more than 200,000 meditators with 13 Trusts and 26 A
including in the UK ”
D u r i n g t h e e v e n t , t h e audience engaged in a question and answer session with S w a m i j i S u b h a s h T h a k r a r
i n q u i r e d , " W
l i n g here in this historic building of the House of Lords? Can Vipassana help us?" Swamiji responded, "It took me 10 years to come here, indicati n g t h e r e w
s s o m e t h i n g amiss previously Now, there is a positive energy While Vipassana is a form of mindfulness meditation, my focus l i e s o n t h e A g y a C h a k r a , which represents the upper stage of Vipassana " T r u p t i P a t e l p o s e d a q u e s t i o n , s t a t i n g , " W e a r e
now very proud of India and we cannot let India down C a n s o m e n e g a t i v e f o r c e s affect the progress of India?"
S w a m i j i r e a s s u r e d , " I n d i a ' s
s t r e n g t h l i e s i n t h e widespread practice of medit a t i o n P r i m e M i n i s t e r
Modi's advocacy and practice of yoga have contributed to India's development over the last decade The UK is also on the right track " Lord Dholakia and CB Patel honoured Swamiji with the Citation of “Global Peace and Wellness Ambassador” for Swamiji’s tireless efforts
t o s t r e n g t h e n c o m m u n i t y , culture and values and to p r o m o t e i n n e r p e a c e a n d well-being across society
A v o t e o f t h a n k s w a s g i v e n b y P a r a s M e i s h e r i , Managing Trustee Samarpan
U K a n d M a h e s h L i l o r i y a , ABPL Group Editor
T he Hindu Eco nom ic Forum ( HEF ) UK has announced the s u c ce s sf u l l au nc h o f i ts
B u c ki ng h a m s h i re c h ap t er, m arking a significant m ilestone in its rapid gro wth and expansion acro ss the region
The launch event was a resounding success, featuri n g d i s t i n g u i s h e d g u e s t s , Slough Borough Councillors, p a s s i o n a t e v o l u n t e e r s a n d IDUK committee members with a commitment to fost e r i n g e c o n o m i c g r o w t h within the Hindu community HEF has been evolving in the UK since 2014 with a clear purpose: to provide a platform for the Hindu community to grow their businesses and contribute positively to society Embracing their rich cultural heritage, HEF members take immense pride in the diverse contribu-
tions and the rich culture they share with the world
Under the Leadership o f C h a i r m a n S w a m i Vigyananand ji, the guida n c e o f P r e s i d e n t A n i l Puri, and Vice President Subhash Thakrar, the UK Chapter is spearheaded by K Shankar, whose dedication has been instrumental in driving HEF s exponential expansion, wholly supported b
Rajesh Rajan Singh HEF has e x p e r i
growth, expanding fourfold in membership strength over
began with a core team of
blossomed into the formation of the London chapter led by Nitin Techchandani, Milan Patel, Sonia Patel, and Rachana Gupta
the Buckinghamshire chapter, with Ram Raghavan as P
HEF's commitment to further expansion and community engagement xThis
unite the Hindu business community across regions
Scotland chapter by the end
If you want to w alk on a clear path, don't search for o ne Rather rem ove stones on the p ath, and it will become levelled for you For those wh o are in search of eternal peace, what they need to d o is to identify issues that are causing anxiety in their m ind Once th ese issues are resolv ed , there w ill be blissful p eace Similarly, your intention to attain g ood health can be fulfilled by curing the diseases causing trouble T his approach of rem oving hurd les to m ake any situation cond ucive is o ften easier th an loo king for a new one
There are always two different approaches to achieving a goal One is to find a situation that is perfect for you, another is to remove imperfection in the existing circumstances Both lead to the same outcome The first approach is normally taken by people without realising there is another easier one available to them Only a few develop an ability to see through the existing layers of difficulties to make an uncomplicated surface available In vain, sometimes we search for greener pastures instead of watering our own dried ones to make them green It is a wise idea to remove gravels to make the stream flow smoothly Not necessarily do we need to search for a new stream
In life, when in despair of not getting something you have long desired for, try to make changes in what you already have got Perhaps it would give you the most amazing result you cannot even imagine This can be applied anywhere in life
Be it a life partner, family, friends, or any other relation where you find your mouth turning sour, perhaps it's time to re-look at them and make a bit of adjustment to let the sweetness of relationship fill in your life In career, while looking for something that you have not been able to achieve yet, it's worth trying to search for the opportunities available on hand, and make them work f
becomes just by resorting to a problem solving method, rather than a problem avoiding attitude
Albert Camus writes, 'You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life ' It is your way of addressing a problem that decides the direction of your life It gives you satisfaction or constant stress by having something or not having it Change in outlook might reveal the hidden gems that are in front of your eyes forever, but you have been unable to see its shine So, whenever you want a clear path, just remove stones (Expressed opinions are personal)
Hetal Sanghvi featured in Citywealth's Top 100
He tal Sang hvi, Par tne r at t he Ed win C oe T ax t e a m, ha s be e n r e co g n i s e d in t h e C it y w e a lt h T o p
ambitions to convene an
and enthusiasm
and collaboration and the expansion of our chapters signifies our commitment to this mission " The next HEF meeting is scheduled for June 27, 2024, at Anoopam Mission, w h e r e r e n o w n e d p h i l a nt h r o p i s t M a y a n k G a n d h i will be travelling from India t o a d d r e s s a n d s u p p o r t HEF's remarkable journey towards building a stronger, m o r e p r o s p e r o u s f u t u r e together
T he support on offer for patients at their GP p ractice is expanding, thanks to tho usands m ore healthcare staff w orking in local comm unities
NHS England launched a campaign at the end of last year to raise awareness of the support available, following a survey that revealed almost one third (31%) of South Asian people in England were unaware of the different roles available to support them at their GP practice
As part of the campaign, a new animated video has now been created to explain clearly how the range of health professionals at local GP practices can help patients get the right care when they need it, in addition to s
encouraged to download and share the animation, so that as many people as possible are made aware of the support offered in
include pharmacists, mental health practitioners, paramedics, physios, and social prescribing link workers, who are now available in every part of the country
The NHS is training more than 7,500
patients provide about their need so they can be seen by the right health professional in the team or other local service
For example, if a patient has muscular pain, they will be booked straight into see a physiotherapist
The new animation illustrates the types of health professionals that a patient may encounter at their GP practice, as well as explaining the different ways that patients can use to contact their local GP practice to d i s c u s
include calling the reception team, filling in an online form, or using the NHS App
Dr Minal Bakhai, GP and d irector of prim ary care transformation at NHS England said:
“The General Practice team is expanding to include an even wider range of expertise to ensure patients can get the right care to meet their needs This new animation is very helpful in explaining the full range of services in a clear and simple way so that everyone can benefit from the right care and support ”
The Muslim Doctors Association, South A
Association of British Sikh Nurses are supporting the NHS in sharing the animation, which is available to download or to view on NHS England’s YouTube channel The animation is also available in Hindi, Gujarati, Bengali and Panjabi
Dr Hi na S h ah i d , C h ai r o f t h e M u s li m
Doctors Association, said :
"Having a team of healthcare professionals who are more easily accessible to patients i
patients can get the care they need With the animation available in various languages, more people will be able to understand what is available to them ”
You can view and share th e anim ation by visiting -
English: https://youtu be/CT0aB-EORMU
Hindi: https://youtu be/WWZs6S3itbc
Gujarati: https://youtu be/Cg9aW2kBQag
Bengali: https://youtu be/OFTzFS2BY7w
Punjabi: https://youtu be/rOjn6f05kj0
To find out more about the support that is on offer at general practices, visit nhs uk/GPservices
Sa re e, six y ard s of elega nce, h as be en a ssocia te d wit h the bea uty , gr ace a nd inte llectual t emper ame nt of the w o m e n o f So u t h A s ia n he r i t a g e since t ime imme morial People from Sout h Asia, a s we id ent ify toda y, con nect over a common thre ad of s h a r e d cu lt ur a l l
g a c y w h i ch in cludes our ha ndloom we ave s, cuisine and p op ular culture
Sarees celebrate colours, joy and mirth while being points of conver-
Walkathon was held in New York city by ‘British Women in Sarees’(BWIS) under the
Dr Vinod Kapashi
Devou t Jains are known to
Olympic-style parade, from Central Park to Times Square, with a representation of women from nine different countries India, Bangladesh,
p a l , U g a n d a , t h e U n i t e d Kingdom, Trinidad, Guyana and the United States, wearing sarees
Showing solidarity to heal the world the parade sang “We shall overcome ” and “We are the world we are the children “ in unison, with human chain formation by the symbolic linking of the broken chains
For the first time in history, men in sarees joined to show soli-
weavers and craftsmen and to raise funds to support small businesses
ear R M r Readers, May 5, 1972, marks a special day in the history of Indian b d L k h d h s wri 53r ha May 5, 2024, after completing a remarkable 52-year journey. f G nguage newspapers abroad. L pu yo
our actions and future endeavours d k l d i.e., Sevayagna and
Gujarat Samachar’ d uage Las Gujarat Samachar’s milestone, entering its 53rd year on y
nking God for his blessings and guidance. As we enter our rd year, , we want to express our gratitude to all our readers, ters, advertisers, well-wishers and colleagues. This ublication journey would not have been possible without our generous support.
We seek ongoing guidance from the divine, ensuring that ndeavours consistently align with the principles of service st week, we shared the news , emarkable d r ers rom and knowledge Gyanyagna.
torial, sales elebration in order vayagna blic R
Esteemed Readers, to ensure that the celebration of unforgettable, our editorial, sales and marketing and Pub team have collaboratively planned an exceptional feature in period. This special issue will not only but also offer a glimpse into the future. Dholakia, CB P nto the future. n the coming ely elations
atel, and other dignitaries, P
The success of Gujarat Samachar and V Asian Voice oice is built on ou extend a special request to our subscribers to share their suggestions regarding the content they would like t
In this edition, we want to share the history of Gujarat Samachar
r Samachar, including years and important events es. emories e share them with us. Our ncluding them in this special
inaugurated Sha on thi subscribers and amachar and editorial Samachar’ nformation, photos, or memories related to Gujarat
uncovered from our archives. If you have any special highlights ant ur loyal Y to see in this publication. You can send your suggestions ou from the past 52 s journey, please share them with us. Our team will consider in
project with open arms. That’ you will embrace this chance to be part of our historic come together to applaud their contributions. W enriched our society over the past 50-55 years. L notable members of our Indian community who have volume. We also welcome information and photos of (Publisher and Editor-in-Chief dian Let’s heir contributions. We hope ce to be part of our historic t’s all for today...
Y Yours, ours, CB Patel ublisher and Editor-in-Chief )
Gu j arat D ay w as cel ebrated at A s hra m A sian Eld erly Day Centre on Wednesday 0 1 M ay 20 24
Gujarat Day, the foundation Day when Gujarat State was formed on 01 May 1960 was celebrated by Pravinbhai, Chairman presenting the History of Gujarat as a great
trading area with various cultures thriving for centuries H e m e n t i o n e d t h e c u r r e n t r a p i d progress by Gujarat including in trade, infrastructure development and education
All enjoyed music including Rashtriya songs, traditional Gujarati songs and garba
This weekend on Out & About, brace yourself for a blend of classical, contemporary, and folk dance performances at Bhartiya Vidhya Bhavan in central London, on the occasion of the World Dance Day
Watch the programme Sunday 05 May, 6 00 PM BST, only on Zee Tv
Moving regularly and being active is important to nurture and protect good mental health but many of us are not moving enough That’s why ‘Movement: moving more for our mental health’ is the theme of this year ’ s Mental Health Awareness Week which is taking place from 13 to 19 May
We know that it can be difficult to be physically active when you ’ re busy with work, childcare or caring responsibilities We know it can be tougher still if you ’ re living with a long-term health condition or struggling financially That’s why we ’ re sharing information and advice throughout the week to help people move more for their mental health People are invited to find their #MomentsForMovement and talk about how it makes them feel
Whether it’s dancing around your living room to your favourite music, doing chair exercises while watching television, or going for a walk in your local park, it all counts, and the Mental Health Foundation want to hear about it! We invite your readers to share what they’re doing and tag the M
#MentalHealthAwarenessWeek conversation A lex a Knigh t Dir ector of England M ent
Asians recently returning from a trip to their homeland would surely have an interesting view of how they think Bharat is progressing When did they last visit Bharat and what changes have they noticed or experienced? Are they impressed or depressed by what they saw, heard or felt over there? They should consider writing to Asian Voice with their views which would certainly interest those of us who have not been back to Bharat for many years
Ru dy Otter
Colour clue
As widely expected, the Conservative Party has suffered a humiliating defeat by Labour in the local elections However, I would like to applaud Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for his teeth-gritting, single-minded determination to do his very best for the country despite all the many obstacles he faces No matter how hard he works to justify his occupation of No 10 Downing Street, I sense there are many voters, particularly the elderly, who feel uncomfortable about having a brown prime minister in charge of their white country This is his biggest obstacle and unfortunately, he can do nothing about being born brown
A Gu pta
Our great long distance runners
This week is the 70th anniversary of Dr Roger Bannister’s famous run, breaking the four-minute mile record, running a mile in 3:59, a fraction under four minutes
At the time no one believed that it is possible to run a mile in under four minutes Many believed that trying to achieve such a record would kill the athlete, putting too much pressure on the hearts that would bust and kill the runner instantly!
Being a medical doctor, Roger Bannister was the right person to try and break the record, thus proving that with proper diet and the right training, such a feat could be achieved without damaging one ’ s health
This was a golden era for our athletes with such famous names like Steve Coe and Sebastian Ovate, Peter Elliott, and Ian Stewart catching the headlines with their supremacy in long-distance running, from 500 meters to 3000 meters, as well as long-distance marathon dominated by our athletes like one and only Sir Mo Farah
The long-distance running is dominated by athletes from East Africa but mainly Kenya with names like Eliud Kipehoge dominating the headlines He is the best athlete in the history of long-distance sports
There was a time when nations used to bend backwards to dominate such sports, and even the use of illegal drugs was not so uncommon, with East Germany, the Soviet Union and a few more nations regularly caught cheating, their athletics losing hard-won medals!
Let us hope that such achievement by our athletes will spur our younger generation to follow in their footsteps and reignite their interest in the well-loved sport!
Bhupend ra M Gand hi
I was glad to read in Gujarat Samachar about Indian Deputy High Commissioner in Kenya Rohitbhai Vadhvana informing in the Zoom Program that the Oshwal Community is one of the Gujarati Communities playing an important part in the development of Kenya
Settlement of Oshwals in Kenya started in 1898 from Gujarat and then from Kenya Oshwals started settling in the UK for over 50 years and evaluating the journey of my brother Late Suresh (Suryakant) Shah who wrote an article on Oshwal Migration to the UK
Shantilal Shah
Rohini Bajekal's interview in Asian Voice was incredibly enlightening Bajekal's expertise in nutrition and lifestyle medicine provided a comprehensive guide to transitioning from winter to summer with a focus on maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle
I really liked how Bajekal stressed the importance of eating more fibre and adding lots of different plant foods to our meals I also found her tips on teaching kids healthy eating habits and staying at a good weight without strict diets really helpful and encouraging Overall, Bajekal's interview serves as a valuable resource for readers like us who are looking to prioritise their health and wellness
Stuti Rathi
Last week s Soneri Sangat Zoom event was lively and diverse as we celebrated Gujarat Day and Maharashtra Day with special guest speakers Mr P K Laheri (Former Chief S
(Member of the Gujarat Wing for Overseas Friends of BJP) and Vinoo Sachania
entrepreneurial spirit, as well as Maharashtra's dynamic diversity The event provided a great opportunity for sharing and learning, historical significance and fostering understanding among us about the cultural richness of India
F or t ho se wh o missed it , catc h u p o n this event a nd previo us episodes by visiting ou r Yo uTube channel @abplgro up8772
St ay tu ned for mo re exc iting co ntent c oming your way!
This upcoming Sunday's Out & About will showcase the splendid Gujarat Day celebration, organised by NCGO UK. The entire community gathered at Blueroom Harrow to mark the occasion, joined by numerous dignitaries at Blueroom Sports Venue, Harrow.
Watch the programme Sunday 12 May, 6 00 PM BST, only on Zee Tv Sky
PIP payments to be divided into six tiers to reduce benefit costs
Independence Payme nts (PIPs) to a new six -tier disabi li ty benefi ts syste m, poten ti a lly r es ul ting i n r educe d pay me nts for numerous r ecipients
A Government green paper on replacing PIPs proposes offering benefits to people according to their individual condition and specific needs T h e p r o
Norway's "Basic Benefit" model, where individuals receive monthly cash payments at one of six varying rates These rates are determined by factors such as the severity of their condition, required equipment and clinical needs, as well as other forms of support People would have to provide a letter from their GP outlining the nature of their condition and the associated extra costs
The newly published plan is just one of several options on the table as Rishi Sunak overhauls the benefits system, which could also see people with anxiety and depression receiving less money – a move that has already prompted criticism The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) reported that there are currently 2 6 million working-age individuals claiming both PIP and disability living allowance (DLA), with approximately 33,000 new PIP awards granted each month This expenditure is projected to reach £28 billion annually by 2028/29, marking a 110 percent increase since 2019 The DWP said the rise in the benefits bill has been fuelled in part by people receiving PIP for mental health conditions such as anxiety and depressive disorders, with monthly awards doubling from 2,200 to 5,300 a month since 2019
News broke thi s week th at another Gu rdwara migh t have been desecrated by extremists
I refer to the events unfolding at
Leicester I was sent images of some
were hanging on the outer walls of the
spread lies,but it also seems to pro-
Singh Nijjar
I was so concerned at this desecration of a sacred place of worship, and the dishonouring of our Gurus, that I was compelled to write to the trustees and seek their response to issues arising
I informed them th at the po sters:
a Promote lies
b Make unsubstantiated accusations on three members of the Indian government
c Make a false declaration that those individuals are wanted
I also asked the trustees to :
1 Remove the said illegal posters that promote hatred, incite violence, and promote falsehoods
2 Make a public apology to the individuals whom they have falsely accused
3 Make a commitment to make reparations for the hurt caused
4 Put policy in place to ensure such transgressions do not happen again
I gave them 7 days to respond, they failed In my view the trusteeshave exhibited incredible levels of negligence by failing to abide by the objects of their own charity I havetherefore asked the Charity Commission to intervene
There has been a huge outcry by Hindus and Sikhsthat has forced the Gurdwara to remove the offensive and discourteous banners However, we cannot ignore that their actions are nothing short of being grotesque
FISIUK(Friends of India Soc Intl UK) said, ‘FISI strongly condemns the anti-India poster that was recently displayed at the Guru Tegh Bahadur Gurdwara in Leicester’ Adding, ‘95% of Sikhs in India are proud to be Indians as per Pew Research Report 2021 ’ , and that ‘India had rejected these allegations as "absurd and motivated" and awaits coherent evidence from the Canadian government linking the assassination to India’
The banners, and Gurdwara’s subsequent statement makes reference to the political situation in India It then uses the unfounded and unproven allegations from the Canadiangovernment claiming that the known terrorist and extremist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar was killed by 'agents' of the Indian government The truth being that theIndian government had declared Hardeep Singh Nijjar a criminal and a terrorist affiliated with the militant Khalistan Tiger Force and had sought his arrest Interestingly, the said banner seemed to have missed this very important point
The statement by the Gurdwara has the hallmarks of being political Their own statement makes commentary on the politics of twonations, namely Canada and India As a charity registered in the UK, it has broken the objects of its own charitable status
It is clear that the trustees of the Gurdwara have brought it, and the beautiful and honourable traditions of the Sikh faith, into disrepute They have failed in their primary duty of protecting the integrity of the Gurdwara and that of the Sikh faith
People at the grassroots are fearful that an extremist Khalistani element might be infiltrating some Gurdwaras in the UK We have witnessed this madness in Canada where one could say the Canadian government has given a safe bastion to these Khalistani terrorists
As the Indian government has stated, after months of speculation and allegations from Canadian sources, including PM Trudeau, there has not been one piece of independ e n t l y v e r i f i a b l e e v i d e n c e t h a t m
Indeed, only last week three possible perpetrators of the said crime were arrested by Canadian authorities All three are Sikh and it seems that this might have been gang related
Puneet Sahani (USA), an Expert on evolution of the Sikh identity and Khalistani terrorism made an interesting observation on May 3 when he posted, 'I’d said it as early as June 2023 that Nijjar was killed due to internal turf-war among
Organisation (WSO) as a terror outfit'
With opinion polls suggesting a Tory washout and media highlighting doubts about the success of Rishi Sunak as our Prime Minister, it is hard to remove these doubts and see what Sunak is all about We have to keep polishing these doubts to come up with a real diamond amongst us
If you have met and interacted with Rishi Sunak you will appreciate how sincere, honest and hardworking he really is He is a genuine individual and that is a lot to say for a political leader With Rishi, you get what you see and hear I still recall the sincerity in how he responded to questions and in meeting people when he visited our home to meet members of the Hertfordshire Conservatives
Being a practising Hindu, Rishi Sunak has those unique Hindu values in a leader that sets him apart from others This brings a bundle of values including hard work, the objective to benefit the country and society and performing all tasks without any personal gain The Hindu philosophy is to perform your tasks with excellence and leave the fruits upon the almighty When you unpack excellence, it means hard work, honesty, in the best interest of society and no personal gain I am confident that these great values will emerge in the minds of voters as the time of the general election nears
Rishi took on the assignment after the disastrous performance of his predecessor leaving the economy in doldrums full of doom and gloom He also had just over a year to perform And look at what he has done with the economy It is now growing albeit slowly and by the time we reach the elections, we can hope to see at least two interest rate drops and an outlook of further drops over time This is bound to play in the voter’s mind as we move closer to the polls
Can you imagine negotiating and convincing your former boss and former prime minister to agree to work for you and report to you? And that is exactly what Sunak has managed to do with David Cameron Today, the former PM and now Foreign Secretary Lord Cameron is noticeably putting forward Britain amongst the highest levels in the world This is no mean achievement and shows the strength of the Sunak leadership
Yes, the Rwanda law has had some setbacks but is it not a fantastic idea to scare those illegal economic migrants who try to enter the UK on false pretences? Yes, those labour peers who can only see damage to human rights, find this difficult but their task is to find holes in the legislation rather than provide solutions So far no one, including Kier Stammer, is offering any solutions to the real problems of illegal immigration to the UK It is Rishi Sunak who is willing to take this bold step despite the hurdles thrown at him This takes real guts and perseverance
There is no stopping Rishi with new and imaginative ideas Against a lot of criticism of the nanny state, and lack of freedom, Rishi has taken the baton of genuinely improving the lives of future generations by banning the sale of cigarettes to children with increasing age I have grandchildren and I cannot think of a better way to eradicate smoking as these children come of age and take the place of the next generation The damage to health and costs on the NHS brought by smoking is enormous and why should we not work to eradicate both these? Only the politically weak would give up on this This highlights Rishi’s strengths and commitment to improving our society
Just now he has taken the initiative that past leaders would not dream of The long-term sickness and the increasing in-active working population cannot be left unattended Economic inactivity must lead to depression How can you have a zest to live when you are doing nothing? If this issue is dealt with effectively, we will see benefits in economic growth, productivity and lower NHS costs in time to come
In Sunak, we have genuine, hard work and a real objective to improve our nation Many of his qualities will emerge as we get closure to the elections
Ultimately, we cannot fool the British people They will vote for what is right and Sunak is showing just that
Ri sh
po tenti
ng parliam ent as h e called on Conservativ e MPs to unite and confront Labour
time since the party's significant losses in the local elect
pointment felt within the
However, Sunak highlighted
suggesting that if the local election results were mirrored in a general election, L
enough seats for
possibility of the Tories los-
being propped up by smaller parties in Downing Street
mitment to delivering a plan for the country, despite ear-
Braverman urging a change in direction Electoral setbacks for the Conservativ es Amidst the loss of nearly 500 council seats and the narrow defeat in the West M
edged out by just 1,508 votes to Labour's Richard Parker, S
challenging circumstances
faces the daunting task of revitalising his beleaguered party as a general election looms on the horizon
T h e W e
d l a n d s defeat, confirmed only after a tense recount, capped off a disappointing series of out-
c o m e s f o r t h e
C o n s e r v a t i v e s , w i t h B e n
Houchen's victory in Tees Valley being their sole success out of 11 mayoral con-
I n addition to losing control of 10 councils, the Tories also faltered in local authority
than 470 councillors Their failure to retain the parliamentary seat in Blackpool South further underscored the extent of their setback, nearly slipping to third place behind Reform UK
Despite these setbacks, m u r m u r s o f d i s c o n t e n t a m o
S u n a k a s party leader have faded In a p i e c e f o r t h e S u n d a y T e l e g r a p h , f o r m e r H o m e
Secretary and Sunak critic
S u e l l a B r a v e r m a n e m p h asised the need to support t h e c u r r e n t l e a d e r s h i p Sunak, while expressing disa p p o i n t m e n t o v e r S t r e e t s loss and the dedicated councillors, reaffirmed his commitment to the party's agenda, aiming to bolster nationa l s e c u r i t y , e c o n o m i c growth, and opportunity for all citizens
Labou r ’ s trium phs in reg ional mayoral contests
S i r K e i r S t a r m e r h a s
c o m p o u n d e d t h e T o r i e s ' election woes with a series
o f L a b o u r t r i u m p h s i n r e g i o n a l m a y o r c o n t e s t s
A d d r e s s i n g s u p p o r t e r s i n
B i r m i n g h a m , t h e L a b o u r leader hailed their victories, citing a remarkable swing in Blackpool and the unexpecte d s u c c e s s i n t h e W e s t
M i d l a n d s , w h e r e R i c h a r d Parker secured the mayoral seat
H e e m p h a s i s e d v o t e r s ' dissatisfaction with the status quo, urging Rishi Sunak to call a general election Labour dominated in 10 out
of 11 mayoral races across various regions and Sadiq Khan’s victory was the cherry on the cake
Despite concerns over a low voter turnout of 40 5%, Khan of the Labour Party secured a historic third term
a s L o n d o n ' s M a y o r H e emerged victorious with a 43 8% vote share while his main opponent, Susan Hall of the Conservative Party, trailed behind with 32 7% of the vote Khan secured victories in nine out of 14 constituencies and garnered a v o t e m a r g i n e x c e e d i n g 276,000
K h a n s r e - e l e c t i o n a s L o n d o n m a y o r d e f i e s t h e assumption of Muslim vote r s ' d i s a f f e c t i o n f r o m Labour over its Gaza stance Despite initial worries, Khan maintained strong backing from Muslim constituents, evident in his 11% victory margin
However, amidst these victories, Labour still faces concerns over Muslim backlash due to its Gaza stance I n c e r t a i n c o u n c i l w a r d s w h e r e M u s l i m r e s i d e n t s form a significant portion of t h e p o p u l a t i o n , L a b o u r ' s v o t e s h a r e s a w a d e c l i n e compared to the previous election While the impact o n a g e n e r a l e l e c t i o n remains uncertain, Sir Keir acknowledged the need to address and alleviate these concerns
D e s p i t e t h i s s e t b a c k , L a b o u r ' s o v e r a l l p e r f o rmance was positive, gaining 185 councillors and securing
control of eight councils Sm aller parties shine, break record s Aside from Labour's vict o r i e s , s m a l l e r o p p o s i t i o n parties also saw success The Liberal Democrats are part i c u l a r l y c
r a t i n g t h e i r gains, securing more than 100 councillors and taking control of councils in Dorset a n d T u n b r i d g e W e l l s However, they fell short of securing a majority in their
Wokingham Sir Ed Davey, the party
Londoners believe that foreign affairs impact domestic issues Specifically, 60% of P
Kashmir conflict influences their voting decisions in the upcoming general election, a sentiment shared by 42% of Indian Londoners
The poll, conducted by Number Cruncher Politics
a m o n g 1 , 0 0 2 w h i t e a n d 1 , 0 0 2 m i n o r i t y a d u l t s i n G r e a t e
Londoners express satisfaction with Rishi Sunak's leade r s h i p a s P r i m e M i n i s t e r Interestingly, British-Indian L o n d o n e r s e x h i b i t m o r e support for the UK's first H i n d u P M , w i t h 4 7 % expressing satisfaction This s u p p o r t i s i d e n t i f i e d a s potentially pivotal, especiall y i n c o n s t i t u e n c i e s l i k e Brent, Harrow, Ealing, and Hounslow
R e g a r d i n g e c o n o m i c management, 37% of minority Londoners trust Labour, w h i l e 1 9 % f a v o u r t h e Conservatives
Starmer receives 18 demands from Muslim campaign
A g rassroots Mu slim camp a i g n, ba ck ed b y se v er al contentious g roup s, has p res ented 1 8 dem and s to S ir
K eir Starmer in an effort to reg ain lost supp ort over the Gaza issue
The Muslim Vote, seeking to "punish" MPs who didn't endorse a ceasefire, urges Starmer to apologise for his Middle East stance, pledge to sever military ties w i t h I s r a e l , a n d p e r m i t Islamic prayers in schools They demand revoking the g o v e r n m e n t ' s e x t r e m i s m d e f i n i t i o n a n d i m p o s i n g t r a v e l b a n s o n p r o - w a r Israeli politicians
T h e c a m
didates like Mothin Ali and Tiger Patel winning Pro-
settlement trade laws, and visa restrictions on Israeli officials
flagged by Michael Gove for extremism raises scrutiny Despite Gove's accusations,
Anusha Singh
Jasbinder Bilan, an awardwinning children's author, clinched the prestigious Costa Award for her literary prowess. Her debut novel, "Asha & the Spirit Bird," emerged victorious in the 2017 Times/Chicken House Competition, drawing inspiration from the profound connection Jasbinder shares with her grandmother
Following a string of successful children's books, Jasbinder's latest creation, ‘Nush and the Stolen Emerald,’ is set to hit the shelves on May 9th In an interview with Asian Voice, the author discusses her book, the inspiration behind it and exploring the colonial history
What inspired you to write "Nush and the Stolen Emerald," and what drew you to set the story during the reign of Queen Victoria?
Nush and the Stolen Emerald was inspired by a portrait I happened upon of the eleven-yearold Maharani of Coorg, Victoria Gowramma, commissioned by Queen Victoria and painted by the renowned Dutch artist Franz Xaver Winterhalter It is in the Royal Collection, kept at Osbourne House I’d never heard of her before which surprised me since she spent her childhood and youth in Victorian London, much of it at the court of Queen Victoria So I began as I do when I don’t understand something by doing lots of research into her short and sad life It made me want to write my first historical story A story which would be inspired by the portrait but which I would make my own by transforming it into an exciting adventure for 8-12year-olds
real queens of India, such as Razia Sultan She is also clever and has great social skills which means she is the perfect companion to her father on his diplomatic trip to Buckingham Palace She builds real friendships with the royal children I think readers will find Nush impressive but also
Jasbinder Bilancreate an exciting adventure with great characters which wasn’t a history lesson but would allow the reader to become Nush and see things from the very close first person present tense narrative I also wanted to re-imagine an ending for Victoria Gowramma which would perhaps make her smile
identify with her
Can you tell us more about Nush, the protagonist of your story? What aspects of her character do you think readers will find most compelling or relatable?
Whenever I set out to create my protagonists, I ask a lot of them I want them to be relatable, with admirable personal qualities such as bravery, heroism and a sense of wrong and right But they also need to have their flaws So Nush has all these aspects to her character I also wanted to create a character who would break the stereotypes readers might have of a girl with an Indian background from the 19th Century In contrast to her twin brother who will naturally inherit the throne from their father, it is Nush who must try harder to impress and also to imagine a life for herself which is one she wants, a ‘life of adventure,’ as she says Nush knows all about the powerful
Howdo you balance the complex themes of colonialism and identity in a children's story, and why is it important for young readers to explore these concepts?
The British Empire and colonialism are important and defining aspects of who we are today It was a hugely powerful and influential time which is often shied away from and not always taught in schools When I write, I want to create an authentic story, so I did a lot of research into this period I discovered so many things that I didn’t know and as I did my research lots of things about the present day began to make sense It’s important to bring these issues into the light and allow children the opportunity to discuss them That’s what education is about Once they know, they can make up their own minds about the rights and wrongs of colonial rule My challenge with this story was to
Teamw ork Arts has u nv eiled an exciting lineup for JL F London at the British Library, slated for June 7th to 9th , 2024 Celebrating its 11th anniversary, the festival's program offers a diverse range of sessions covering
One session will feature TurkishBritish novelist and essayist Elif Shafak discussing her forthcoming book, "There are Rivers in the Sky," a captivating tale intertwining a lost poem, two great rivers, and t
linked by a single drop of water She will engage in conversation
Shekhar Kapur, renowned for cine m a
" "Bandit Queen," and "Elizabeth: The Golden Age " He will engage in dialogue with Festival Producer a
Couldyou share a bit about your writing process? How do you weave such intricate historical details into your narrative without making it too drab?
My stories usually begin with a single visual
In this case, it was the portrait of Gowramma
At this early stage, I will pick a beautiful notebook and begin collecting thoughts, images and ideas in a very freely and record them in the book
This early period is one of freedom and musings I like to visit exhibitions, go for walks and think about who I see in my story I also like to create a musical playlist and a storyboard which I do on Pinterest I might also hand-write a few chapters if it feels right Nush was a real challenge for me, and I began thinking about it when I was in the middle of writing Xanthe and the Ruby Crown It was a challenge because I’d never written a historical story before and it’s also a mystery which is something else I’ve never really tried As a children’s author, the most important aspect of a story is for it to hook the reader, to make history exciting, so you have to use all your skills to see the events from the point of view of your young character
What message do you hope readers take away from "Nush and the Stolen Emerald"?
The main message I would like readers to take away is one of empathy I want them to know how it feels to be part of a royal household and the pressures that can bring I’d also like them to think about the personal stories behind big historical events I hope I also inspire them to find out more about this period in history by reading some of the great new non-fiction books on the topic
Munni Kabir, who has authored 20+ books on Hindi cinema and made 100+ television programmes for Channel 4; and Yasser Usman, a u t h o r o f G u r u D u t t : A n Unfinished Story
A range of engrossing sessions on history are in the line-up for the festival In one session, historian a
Teamwork Arts, Sanjoy K Roy Another session on Bollywood will see the coming together of S u n n y S i n g h , a u t h o r o f A
Bollywood State of Mind; Nasreen
D a l r y m p l e about her book How The World Made The West, a work that calls for a reassessment of the idea of the ‘West’ and takes a deep dive into a shared history lost in time
Bha vi Mehta emerged as the recipie nt of the p re s t
earn ing her a trophy and a ca sh priz e of Rs 1 lakh The distinguished jury, featuring luminaries such as author and Member of Parliament Shashi Tharoor, columnist Shobhaa De, and academic Kunal Basu, alongside industry leaders Priti Paul, Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, and A
P a n d e , meticulously evaluated the sub-
Alongside Mehta's outstandi n g c o v e r , d e s i g n e r s G u n j a n Ahlawat, Saurav Das, and Saurabh Garge were commended for their exceptional graphic prowess and narrative acumen in works such as "The Penguin Book of Indian Poets," "Azad Nagar," and "The Adornment of Gods" respectively, published by Penguin Random House, HarperCollins India, and Westland Books
S alm an K h a n, th e ren o w ne d Bo llyw o od star, re cently p aid a visit to L ond on wh ere he had an enjoyable encounter with U K M P Bar ry G ard i ner fr om th e B ren t North co nstituency Various snapshots from their meeting have gone viral, captivating the interest of Salman s admirers Barry Gardiner shared a series of pictures from their rendezvous at Wembley Stadium on Monday, sparking excitement among fans
Urdu translations, which is a nod to Khan’s famous “Ek that Tiger” film series “A pleasure to welcome @BeingSalmanKhan to Wembley
Khan and Barry Gardiner
today”, he wrote further Salman, last seen in the successful thriller "Tiger 3" alongside Katrina Kaif and Emraan Hashmi, is now gearing up for his next project, "Sikander "
Research sh ows th at 4-5% of women d ev elop p osttraum atic stress disorder after giving birth, equiv alent to ap proximately 3 0,0 00 wom en ev ery year Serious physical injuries such as pelv ic o rgan p rolapse, perineal tears, p elvic pain and incontinence due to child birth are also comm only rep orted
Geeta Nayar's life took a drastic turn during the traumatic birth of her first child, Maya, in 2008 Suffering from Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASI) and Post-Natal PTSD, Geeta's health, career, and family were profoundly affected In February 2024 Geeta bravely shared her experience as an expert in maternity safety in the first National Birth Trauma Inquiry in the history of UK Parliament
Geeta's testimony, alongside other affected women, underscored the urgent need for improved maternal safety measures and increased awareness surrounding birth trauma
The Inquiry, conducted by the AllParty Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Birth Trauma led by Theo Clarke MP, focused on gathering evidence from both parents and professionals to develop policy recommendations aimed at reducing the incidence of birth trauma and will be reporting its findings next week A survey conducted by the APPG revealed staggering statistics, with 79% of women reporting some form of birth trauma, highlighting the urgent need for reform in maternity care practices
Geeta's involvement in the inquiry, both as an expert in maternity care and a survivor of birth trauma, provided valuable insights into the challenges faced by affected women Drawing on her personal experience and professional expertise
Geeta advocated for systemic changes to improve maternal safety and support services for women experiencing birth trauma Her contributions, alongside those of other stakeholders, will play a pivotal role in shaping government policy and driving positive change in maternity care practices
Evidence shows that South Asian women experience disproportionately poor outcomes in maternal and neonatal care They
are at higher risk of complications such as maternal death, severe perineal injuries, stillbirth and preterm birth
“By way of background 15 years ago whilst having my first child I unfortunately sustained life-changing obstetric injuries At that time I had no idea that Asian women were at much higher risk of OASI (obstetric anal sphincter injuries ) There began a long journey of repair surgeries and other treatments I remain doubly incontinent and the impact on my life and family has been huge In 2015 I was asked by Professor Mike Keighley to support the start of The MASIC Foundation –the only charity that supports women with OASI and have been closely involved with the charity since, speaking about my injuries to healthcare professionals to give visibility to the impact of these injuries and how they can be prevented, detected and better repaired Ranee Thakar, President of the RCOG, has also been a huge advocate for the charity with her passion for improving women ’ s pelvic health,” Geeta said Geeta left her career for over a decade due to her devastating injuries and has recently been supported to return to her law Firm Irwin Mitchell to work with their charitable partners and to support other women who have been affected by birth trauma She has also been supported by Irwin Mitchell to put on the first South Asian Maternal Health Conference will be held at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) in London on Friday 28th June 2024 Key speakers will include Ranee Thakar, President of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, and Dr Nighat Arif, NHS GP, Author, and Resident Doctor on BBC Breakfast and ITV
This groundbreaking high-profile event has been co-produced with healthcare providers, policymakers, charities,
Geeta Nayarcommunity groups and South Asian mothers with lived experience The most important aspect is that it is a unique true collaboration of expertise and that there is the opportunity to learn how to engage and reduce adverse outcomes
The conference is supported by many of the main Birth Injury and Women’s Health Charities and organisations including The MASIC Foundation, The Birth Trauma Association, Make Birth Better, ASAM (Association of South Asian Midwives), British Sikh Nurses Association, Cysters, The Raham Project and Wellbeing of Women to name a few
Geeta Nayar told Asian Voice, “The focus of this conference is to identify positive and meaningful ways to collaboratively tackle these serious health inequalities and develop innovative approaches to drive progress ”
The day will host a diverse and highly engaged audience of midwives, obstetricians, GPs, colorectal surgeons, neonatologists, nurses, pelvic health physiotherapists, health visitors, professional organisations, charities, grassroots organisations and anyone with an interest in improving maternal outcomes
Looking ahead, Geeta remains committed to her advocacy work, collaborating with charity partners and policymakers to create meaningful and practical changes in maternity care Through her tireless efforts, Geeta continues to be a beacon of hope for women affected by birth trauma, advocating for their rights and ensuring their voices are heard in the halls of power
As Geeta's journey demonstrates, the fight against birth trauma is far from over However, with dedicated individuals like Geeta leading the charge, there is hope for a future where every woman receives the care and support she deserves during childbirth, free from the trauma that has plagued so many for far too long
Two British Indians conferred with honorary doctorates by University of London
of London,
hi story B
Shrabani Basu is renowned for her bestselling biographies, such as 'Spy Princess:
Abdul: The True Story of t h e Q u e e n ' s C
C o n
, ' t h e l a t t e r inspiring an Oscar-nominated film featuring Dame Judi Dench Basu's except i o n a l s t o r y t e l l i n g a n d meticulous research have e a r n e d h e r w i d e s p r e a d international acclaim The honorary Degree of Doctor of Literature was bestowed upon her during a prestigious graduation ceremony
father would have been
degree, as she had unveiled the statue of WWII heroine N o o r I n a y a t K h a n i n G o r d o n S q u a r e i n 2 0 1 2
Having HRH tell me that she was very pleased that they had chosen me for the honorary doctorate, made it even more memorable M
Chancellor and everybody else from the University of London who made it a very special day It was lovely
Speaking to the publication, Shrabani Basu said, It is a huge honour to be p r e s e n t e d w i t h a n h o no r a r y D o c t o r a t e f o r Literature by the University of London To be recognised for my work by such a t o p u n i v e r s i t y m a k e s m e f e e l b o t h h u m b l e a n d proud I feel that all the hard work has been worth it It was very special to h a v e P r i n c e s s A n n e p r es e
proud " British radio and television presenter Anita Anand was also awarded her doctorate from the University of London Shared on
“Well I took
long time, but thanks to @LondonU, my mothers dream came true and she can finally tell her friends I’m a doctor!
members for my honorary doctorate And congratula-
Organisations have implemented policies to foster inclusivity, such as promoting diversity in hiring and leadership roles, providing training on unconscious bias and cultural competence, and establishing support netw
groups H
inequalities and discrimination based on factors like race, gender, disability, and others con-
recent report titled 'The Khan
DBE, Independent Adviser to the UK Government for Social Cohesion and Resilience, highlighted an escalating climate of
has led to significant censorship affecting both politicians and the general public
The review, which included a nationally represented sample of 1,279 respondents aged 16 and above, revealed that 85 per cent p e r c e i v e f r e e d o m - r e s t r i c t i n g harassment as prevalent in the UK, with 60 per cent believing the issue has worsened over the past five years The report also
a r g u e d t h a t t h e G o v e r n m e n t
l a c k s a s t r a t e g i c a p p r o a c h t o deal with these threats to cohesion If left unaddressed, these issues not only undermine social cohesion and our ability to live well together as a diverse nation but also pose a risk to our democratic way of life
The recent legislation of the R w a n d a b i l l a n d t h e l a t e s t changes made to the immigration bill do not present a better picture of social cohesion in the c o u n t r y W i t h t h e r i s e i n Islamophobia and antisemitism, a d d r e s s i n g t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s requires ongoing commitment and collaboration from government, businesses, civil society, and individuals alike
A closer loo k at th e mino rity ethnic representation in UK p olitics
With the proportion of indiv i d u a l s f r o m m i n o r i t y e t h n i c backgrounds in the UK increasing in recent years, their representation in political and public r o l e s h a s a l s o i n c r e a s e d However, in many cases, their representation in such positions remains lower than the overall population – often significantly
Following the 2019 General Election, it was estimated that 66 Members of the House of C o m m o n s ( 1 0 % ) w e r e f r o m m i n o r i t y e t h n i c b a c k g r o u n d s
Of these, more than half (37) were women
In the opinion of Nitish Rai P arwani, Head of th e 'Diaspo ric
c o m mu ni t ie s ' d es k at th e I n te rn a ti o n al C en tr e f o r S u stai nabi lity ( ICfS ) , an independent think tank based in the city of London, while the diversity in the British political space is increasing, this rise is disprop o r t i o n a t e a n d n o n - e q u i t a b l e and the urban-rural divide in d i v e r s i t y a s p e c t i s o n e m a j o r indicator to support this claim
Further explaining his point, he said, “Despite having the first British-Indian Prime Minister of the UK, the pulse of the community is that representation of the
British Indians, a community with most of its members taxed at the highest slabs in UK public spaces, is non-proportional to the community's contribution, p a r t i c u l a r l y t o t h e t r e a s u r y , health sector and IT sector of the UK
“There also seems to be a disconnect between the community and the policy/legislative space Consultation is a pivotal instrument in representative democracy, but the BritishIndian community is not cons u l t e d i n p r o p o r t i o n t o t h e potential impact of policy on them ”
N i t i s h b e l i e v e s t h a t t h e
British state and political system should scale up its engagement with the British Indian commun
t h
k i n g p u b l i c a n d p o l i t i c a l spaces more accessible, and by f a c i l i t a t i n g i n t e r a c t i o n o f t h e community members (particul a r l y y o u t h ) w i t h t h e p o l i c y space, council offices and legislative chambers
“This may serve as a tool for consultation and also as electoral awareness of the community and may also encourage the B r i t i s h I n d i a n s t o a c t i v e l y engage in political space as repr e s e n t a t i v e s , a d v i s o r s a n d engaged voters”, he said
P ush for transp arency and accou ntability in the wo rkforce
According to Isha Sadiq, a diversity and inclusio n consultant at EW Gro up , diverse com-
m u n i t i e s c o n s i s t o f s o m a n y e x p e r i e n c e s t h a t n e e d t o
addressing diversity It's not just about race and gender, it s about the many ways in which people are marginalised
S h e s a i d , “ T h e i m p o
thing for organisations to recognise and embrace is that these e x p e r i
silence, and that for there to be a broader and richer understanding of diversity, the experiences and identity of individuals need to be appreciated through an intersectional lens
“The experiences of Asian women for example are significantly different to that of Asian men, given the entrenched and historic roles that have developed over time Similarly, a disabled Asian woman is likely
strides in diversity and inclusion, noting that many organi-
issues This has led to a surge in commitments, action plans, and revamped recruitment process-
amplify the voices of marginal-
representation, particularly in leadership roles She further voiced out the need for doing more, sharing that, “The recent backlash of diversity and inclusion initia-
unable to follow through their intended plans due to a fear of being seen as ‘woke’ We must remain awake to the ongoing challenges faced by marginalised communities in the workplace and stay on course to achieve justice and equity for all ” It is abou t teac hing ch ildren what equality loo ks like When it comes to the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community in society, Parminder S ekh on, t h e Ch i e f E x ec
(CEO) of NAZ , a charity focused
on tackling sexual health disparities within Black, Brown, and o
many people believe that the goal has been achieved, there is a backlash at the grassroots level
observation stating, “In reality, L G B T Q +
i n g backwards A prime example of this is primary and secondary schools becoming hotbeds for agitation and protests from parents who don’t want their child
h classes Suella Braverman very recently urged Rishi Sunak to focus, amongst other things, on ‘
n o u r schools’ This kind of reductive toxic language is dangerous No one is promoting ideologies; it is about teaching children what e q u a l i t y l o o k s l i k e f o r e v e r ybody “ Parminder also highlighted that conversion therapy is still
d underscores the exclusion of the trans community from potential bans She stressed the importance of medical practitioners
ences for better care and quest
s showing higher risks for minorit
' s childbirth mortality rates and trans individuals HIV contraction likelihood, urging attention to address these disparities in healthcare access and outcomes
A m i d s t t h e n e e d f o r improvement, Parminder finds encouragement in positive gen-
erational shifts where parents embrace their children s identit i e s L G B T Q + y o u t h l e a d empowered lives, forming families and expressing themselves freely For continued progress, she stresses the importance of s u p p o r t i n g t e a c h e r s a n d t h e e d u c a t i o n s y s t e m t o e d u c a t e about diverse lived experiences Beneath the iceberg, lie all sorts o f polari ties
K hu s h i T h a k k ar m o v e d
from India to the UK seeking a g l o b a l p e r s p e c t i v e H a v i n g graduated from the University of Bristol, she is now exploring a d d i t i o n a l e d u c a t i o n a l prospects For her, the topic of d i v e r s i t y a n d i n c l u s i o n i s a debatable one where while she f e e l s t h a t t h e c o m m u n i t y i s i n c l u s i v e , t h e i r a c c e p t a n c e
c o m e s f r a g m e n t e d a n d w i t h boundaries on a deeper level
“ I h a v e m a n y i n s t a n c e s where I felt accepted and safe, most days I do However, one thing that really made me feel included was my teachers going the extra mile, ensuring they pronounced my name correctly Also for most of the projects I did, since my stories were rooted in the Indian context, everyone in my university made sure t h e y u n d e r s t o o d w h e r e m y ideas were coming from and c e l e b r a t e d t h e m a s I i m p l emented my projects
“For certain festivals, I even d r e s s e d t r a d i t i o n a l l y a n d m y
c o h o r t c e l e b r a t e d t h e m M y f l a t m a t e s d r e s s e d i n I n d i a n
c l o t h e s t o m a k e m e f e e l a t h o m e I b e l i e v e c e r t a i n instances like these make you feel you're not a part of the diaspora but a diverse place ”
Pointing out the flip side of t h e c o i n , K h u s h i e x p r e s s e d , “Especially at workplaces, you will find so many people from the West and Middle East doing odd jobs whereas white collar j o b s a r e e m b r a c e d b y t h e
Britons There is a clear expression of exclamation on people's faces if internationals are in higher positions ”
“These differences are not apparent on the surface level but beneath the iceberg, lie all sorts of polarities The feeling of being dominated by other cultures is quite visible on the white faces where they do wear a facade of inclusivity but it is surely suffocating from them
Furthering the conversation about diversity and inclusion, Asian Voice is all set to host the “Be The Change” in association with the Royal Air Force(RAF) o n M a y 1 3 S u c h d i a l o g u e s enable the sharing and comprehension of diverse community issues, fostering potential for positive change Pre-event coverage, including Panellist and R A F
Academics are sounding alarms over the potential repercussions of cuts to arts and humanities courses in UK universities, warning that such actions could result in a diminished understanding of race and colonialism Petitions are circulating to safeguard disciplines like anthropology at Kent University, where closure looms Additionally, Oxford Brookes University has already ceased its music program this year as reported by The Guardian The decision to terminate the black British literature master’s course at Goldsmiths University sparked criticism from Booker prize-winner Bernardine Evaristo She emphasised the importance of such courses stating The MA in black British literature shouldn t be viewed as expendable but rather as a vital program that enriches academia, the college, and society "
The Health Secretary has urged the NHS to reconsider hiring diversity, equity, and inclusion staff Victoria Atkins emphasised on Times Radio that, with limited resources, the NHS should prioritise investment in frontline healthcare She announced changes to the NHS constitution that would, for the first time, define sex as “biological sex” for patient rights This adjustment would enable patients to request treatment in same-sex wards while transgender patients could opt for private rooms if they preferred Atkins said she wanted the NHS to move away from prioritising social issues and get back to treating patients According to her language used by the NHS should be clear and make sense to people , and not eradicate women
Following protests that compelled the Home Office to halt efforts to transport dozens of migrants to the Bibby Stockholm barge, police arrested 45 individuals Activists in Peckham, southeast London, obstructed a coach scheduled to transport asylum seekers from the Best Western hotel to the barge in Portland, Dorset Protestors slashed the coach's tyres and placed rental bikes under its wheels to prevent it from moving The bus departed without any migrants on board The protests were reportedly organised by a coalition of left-wing student groups Black Lives Matter local refugee charities and English teachers for migrants The relocation of asylum seekers to Bibby Stockholm is unrelated to the Rwanda deportation scheme the Home Office has said
Minorities and women are less inclined to report workplace bullying than white men, a study revealed A study analysing survey responses from 3,494 individuals across Britain found that white men are the most likely group to report instances of workplace humiliation, insults or being ignored compared to other demographics According to the study, white men reported the highest rate of bullying at 60 per cent followed by white women (54 per cent) black men (51 per cent) black women (44 per cent) Asian men (39 per cent) and Asian women (38 per cent) Regarding overall workplace bullying rates white employees reported
Diversity is about different social groups co-existing in society, and ‘inclusion’ stands for including these diverse people equally without discrimination In today’s world embracing these two concepts have become increasingly important, and Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar have been recording five decades of progress made in this area by British society
As Seema Malhotra MP has rightly pointed out, representation matters! Yet a lot remains to be done
Our ‘Be The Change’ is a two-part panel discussion in association with the Royal Air Force. The first part, at the House of Commons on Monday 13 May, focuses on dialogues, discussions, challenges and debates around the topics of diversity and
inclusion The role of the RAF's community engagement team is to showcase the Service as diverse, open and inclusive
The message from the event's host Seema Malhotra MP and interviews with the panellists show what our society needs to do to make it more equal and embrace diversity.
Hope you enjoy the read
Squa dro n Le ad er Amir
K han, War rant Off icer
Bal bir Singh Flo ra MBE
a nd Sa rg eant Shiv Ch and a re thr ee membe rs of th e Royal Air Force who curr ently work in Recru it a nd Se le ct Th ey a re f amilia r f ace s at Awa rds cer emonies, community e vents a nd diver sity and inclu sion confe rences
Amir Khan joined the RAF as a medical assistant and progressed to get commissioned as a medical support officer
He has attained both a Batchelor’s and Master’s degree along with numerous professional qualifications as part of his personal and professional development through the Royal Air Force Balbir S Flora and Shiv Chand are both logistics supply professionals Balbir attained a logistics management degree and numerous professional qualifications that include FRSA and CMILT amongst many others Shiv has numerous professional qualifications Between
the three of them, they have over 100 years ’ service in the Royal Air Force
A large part of their current role of community engagement is to engage, talk and myth-bust with diverse community groups across the UK, and promote and raise awareness of the many career opportunities that the RAF offers They are often supported by serving
i s a ple asure to host t his y e ar’s e ve nt on di ve rsit y “Be the C hange ” and to congratul ate Asi an Voice an d the R oy al Air Force on t his fant ast ic ev en t Representation matters – in our politics and our public life, in how we access and share power, and in how we build and create our shared future together
It is the diversity of experiences and voices that leads to the best decisions, with much research showing how diversity and inclusion in business lead to stronger growth and greater prosperity
When doors are opened, pathways created, role models seen, and growth encouraged, we see the strength that comes from our diversity and we inspire and motivate future generations to push their boundaries and succeed in places and ways they never before imagined
And we should remember that Britain is a global nation where we can influence for good and for prosperity across the world
Our diversity is a driver of our success as the Olympics over 10 years showed, with our diaspora communities as bridges between
Diversity is fundamentally about fairness, inclusion and social and economic justice
But harnessing the power of our diversity in all its forms is also vital to the success of our nation at home and across the world
“Unconscious bias is one of the main barriers to diversity and inclusion”
members and at times civil servants to showcase the diversity within the RAF which offers around 60 career roles in 11 profession groups that anyone can join under equal opportunities for all However, each profession and role has its own entry requirement which are listed on their careers website, their brochures and the RAF Recruitment App
Gro up Ca pta in G are th Taylor joined th e Ro ya l Air
For ce in Octobe r 20 01 a s a
Pe opl e O per ations Of fice r
A pr ofe ssionally qua lif ie d H uman Re so urce Ma nage r, h e has
ma ny d if fe rent units wit hin the UK, including th e Ministr y of Def ence H ead O ffice and H ead quar ter s Air Comma nd a t H ig h Wycombe in a v ariet
His operational experience includes working with the US Air Force during Operation TELIC (Iraq), the European Union in the
Balkans, and as a media officer role with NATO in Afghanistan Promoted to group captain in November 2021, he was made the Assistant Head Strategy within the Chief of Defence People’s Team in Whitehall In February 2024, near
20 years after leaving as the Officer Commanding Armed Forces Careers
Offices Birmingham and Coventry, he was assigned into his current role as Group Captain Recruiting and Selection In this role he is responsible to the Chief of Air Staff to recruit the high-quality people needed to sustain RAF operational capability today, and into the future
Group Captain Taylor is married with three school-age children He is very passionate about basketball, he plays the game, coaches, and passes on his skills to a team of young people in his hometown and is also a trustee of a major basketball academy in the south of England
In 1990, Lubna Shuja started practising law when only 709 solicitors were from diverse backgrounds. She faced gender and ethnic minority challenges. Today, she's the Immediate Past President of the Law Society of England and Wales, the 178th overall, first Asian, first Muslim, and only the seventh female president When she was starting out, diversity was not discussed at all and it was difficult to get a job in the legal field “I recall sending off over 100 applications for training contracts and got only one interview from a firm called F
) Fortunately, that one interview led to an offer of a training contract and my legal journey began”, she said Further delving into her e
her potential, she said, “In the early days I wanted to fit in and be a good solicitor I didn’t draw attention to my gender, ethnicity or religion and just got on with the job Over time I realised that my
superpower! I was the only minority solicitor at the first
“Women also have additional barriers to overcome They are often t
“However, there is much more awareness now with employers realising that life experiences make better employees and bring a distinct perspective that enriches the business ”
“Often this was because I could speak to them in their own language and I understood their culture, so I could empathise with how they had got themselves into difficult legal situations They trusted me because they could see themselves reflected in me ” Lubna believes that unconscious bias is one of the main barriers to diversity and inclusion Additionally, those from a Black, Asian and minority ethnic background are often bypassed on a project or important piece of work so they do not get the same opportunities to allow them to progress She further explained, “We also know from data that those from a Black Asian and minority ethnic background, as well as women, tend to get paid less than their white, generally male, counterparts for doing the same roles
take extended time off for m a
y l e a v e a
t o raise a family making it more difficult for them to either return to their role or to return at the same level as when they left Extended
Additionally, older women are often dealing with the
their confidence levels too
“However, there is much more awareness now with employers realising that life experiences make better employees and bring a distinct perspective that enriches the business ” Lubna also highlighted progress in diversity and inclusion in the legal field, with 18% of solicitors and 53% of females being from diverse backgrounds However, this diversity isn't reflected in senior roles or the judiciary Black, Asian, and minority ethnic lawyers are less likely to advance, particularly in small law firms Despite over 60% of newly quali-
remain stagnant She feels that promoting diversity at higher levels is crucial for genuine progress in the profession
Mamta Saha, a business psychologist, diversity and inclusion consultant, TEDx speaker, and accredited somatic coach. She is also accredited by the British Psychological Society and the International Coaching Federation Mamta drew inspiration from her grandmother's serene demeanour and mindfulness cultivated through meditation This influence led her to pursue psychology, with occupational psychology standing out as her primary focus
Emphasising on diversity and inclusion within the workplaces and organi-
inclusion ( D&I) for me is defined as a fair and inclusive playing ground for all
paramount for people to feel safe and thrive In all behavioural workshops I conduct, diversity and inclusion are integral topics that need to be addressed I feel we need to do better to address the racism towards black people in the Asian community ”
Mamta discussed effective strategies
inclusion within the corporate environment She said, “It is better to have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying in the workplace Invest in behavioural training and development across all levels This is something I see a lot of Asian business leaders not prioritising as they are more focused on commercials as opposed to investing in the culture, climate, and development of their people Fostering an open culture with focused
“Diversity and inclusion for me is defined as a fair and inclusive playing ground for all despite overt and covert diversity Creating psychological safety is paramount for people to feel safe and thrive In all behavioural workshops I conduct, diversity and inclusion are integral topics that need to be addressed ”
groups on mental health, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, neurodiversity, and global inclusion can help with diversity and inclusion Through events and coll
diversity each individual brings ”
Diagnosed with disability, Mamta reflects on influencing her work as a business psychologist especially in terms o
“Asking for what I need and working for success is crucial My unique approach fosters empathy, a skill many leaders lack I advocate for neurodiverse individu
coaching sessions with clients facing
broadens my clients' perspectives, allow-
beyond the standard norms ”
Sharing a success story from her work, Mamta Saha recounted her collaboration with a blue-chip French company in the Middle East aimed at enhancing inclusivity and diversity within their teams She said, Despite their business success, diversity wasn't fully embraced After focus groups, I identified staff feeling undervalued I designed and delivered five custom workshops, impacting
d adjustments for Ramadan, Diwali, and Christmas To promote cultural inclusivity, we introduced a monthly celebrating all cultures" day In the future, we risk becoming complacent about prioritising diversity and inclusion in organisations To seize opportunities, we must engage in difficult conversations with open minds and hearts ”
Yasmin Sheikh experienced a lifealtering event on March 18th, 2008, when she suffered a spinal stroke at the age of 29, unexpectedly rendering her wheelchair-bound Before this event, she had been working as a lawyer However, upon returning to work a year later, she found herself drawn to a different path –one focused on diversity and inclusion Sheikh noticed a glaring gap in discussions surrounding disability inclusion within the legal profession, recognising that disabled individuals were o f t e n o v e
about diversity Drawing from her journey with disability, she now approaches diversity and inclusion training with a unique perspective
O n e o f t h
Yasmin has faced due to her disability is attitudinal barriers She said, “There is often a soft bigotry of low expectation towards disabled people Before my injury people used to ask me “What do you do?” and now the question is “Do you work?” There is often no malice or ill-intention but massive assumptions are made about your abilities Having to constantly overcompensate or feel like you need to prove yourself can be exhausting ”
“ T h e s t r a t
overcome these barriers is to show confidence and guide others to demonstrate independence and control”, she further added
According to Yasmin, training is essential to challenge people’s biases
“There is often no malice or ill-intention but massive assumptions are made about your abilities Having to constantly overcompensate or feel like you need to prove yourself can be exhausting ”
Conversations can take place in a safe environment where
Explaining this view, she said, “In m
express ableist views, which occasionally I may feel particularly sensitive about
express this view in a safe environment so that we can use this as a teaching moment and they can leave the session feeling more confident and competent
I d o remember a manager once saying during a training session, ‘If I knew someo n
’ t employ them ’ So where do you even begin?”
She also shared that the emphasis on women being attractive according to what society deems as beautiful can create a challenge for disabled women If culturally a woman ’ s worth is determined by her marriage prospects, ability to bear children and be a wife caring for her husband’s emotional and physical needs then this again can create challenges for disabled women where others may perceive they are excluded from being considered “good wife and mother” material
Assessing the current state of disability inclusion in the UK, Yasmin is of the opinion that there have been both p r o g r e s s a n d o n g o i n g c h a l l e n g e s “There are positive developments in some sectors, notably in public services and technology, yet significant gaps r e m a i n i n a r e a s l i k e e m p l o y m e n t , accessibility, and social attitudes”, she said
Jasvir Singh CBE is a British family law barrister, media commentator and social activist He is one of the founding members of City Sikh and South Asian Heritage Month In an interview with Asian Voice, he spoke about social activism, balancing his roles in various organisations and more Jasvir believes that his faith has been the greatest inspiration of all in joining social activism and commun
e a d e r
i p H
i d , “ G r
S i k h , s e w a ( s e l f l e s s s e r v i c e ) w a s ingrained in me From serving in the gurdwara to volunteering with an LGBTQ+ charity, I've always felt the importance of fighting for equality As Sikhs, we are taught that we need to fight for equality at every opportunity, and being from West London, I heard many stories about the defiance, like B l a i r P e a c h ' s d e a t h a t a protest against the far right, s h a p e d m y w o r l d v i e w
Other such incidents made me feel vulnerable but also d e t e r m i n e d t o n o t l e t extremist behaviour determ i n e h o w I l i v e m y l i f e
Making positive change in society is never easy, but it is the right thing to do ” Emphasising on grassroot organisations and projects, Jasvir mentions them a s k e y f o r d r i v i n g s o c i a l change and fostering inclus i o n i n s o c i e t y H e s a i d , “ G r o u p s l i k e t h e I n d i a n W o r k e r s A s s o c i a t i o n a n d S o u t h a l l B l a c k S i s t e r s fought for equal rights in the 1970s and 1980s, paving t h e w a y f o r l e g i s l a t i v e changes promoting diversity and inclusion in Britain In today's divisive political climate, inclusive efforts are crucial Despite polarising c u l t u r e w a r s , g r a
“Growing up Sikh, sewa (selfless service) was ingrained in me. From serving in the gurdwara to volunteering with an LGBTQ+ charity, I've always felt the importance of fighting for equality.”
S i k h s f
o n i n t e r f a i t h activities, bridging gaps and promoting communal identity ” Jasvir acknowledges the U K '
over the last 25 years but there is a need to address issues such as homophobia within south asian community He said, “I would say that homophobia is sadly p
have received death threats for being
Despite facing visceral prejudice, it hasn't deterred me If others feel threatened by
their insecurities more than anything about me
“However, if we look at Britain as a whole, it is definitely one of the most progressively minded countries in the world The fact that we can talk about the difficulties we experience means that we don’t try to brush things under the carpet anymore and try to ignore it Issues need to be confronted head-on sometimes in order to address them, and we have the freedom to be able to do that in the UK,” he added
role in fostering community and unity Charities like the F a i t h F o r u m f o r L o n d o n a n d i
Dear Financial Voice Reader,
In my many, many years in investing,from Bloomberg TV to Financial Times, to asset management, I have noticed many investors exhibit traits akin to gamblers, driven by a combination of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) and the pursuit of quick dopamine hits associated with potential gains
This behaviour, while widespread, underscores a deeper narrative about the psychological underpinnings that influence financial decisions in the stock market
Investing in the stock market is often perceived as a
overnight millionaires and tales of stock market bonanzas play a significant role in fuelling these perceptions
However, such narratives can lead investors to develop unrealistic expectations about the nature of stock market gains The allure of immediate returns can cloud judgment, making investors prone to taking higher risks without adequate analysis or a long-term strategy
FOMO is a powerful motivator in financial markets It taps into the human fear of being left out of beneficial experiences that others are having When investors see others reaping substantial profits from market movements, the fear of missing out kicks in This often leads to impulsive decisions, such as entering a booming market at peak valuations without recognizing the risk of potential downturns The desire to be part of the 'winning crowd' can overshadow the fundamental principles of investing, such as due diligence and risk management
Dopamine, a neurotransmitter linked to the brain’s reward system, plays a crucial role in how investors react to the prospect of financial gain The anticipation of a reward triggers dopamine release, which can be exhilarating but also addictive This biochemical response can lead investors to repeatedly seek out short-term gains, akin to a gambler chasing losses or the next high from a win Such behaviour often results in a cycle of speculative investments, where the focus shifts from sound investment strategy to the emotional highs of potential gains
Patience is a virtue, especially in investing Historical data suggests that long-term investing, characterized by patience and the power of compounding, often leads to more substantial and more stable returns However, the modern investor's impatience, fuelled by rapid technological advancements and real-time trading, can lead to frequent buying and selling, potentially eroding potential gains through fees and missed opportunities for growth
To counteract these tendencies, investors are encouraged to develop a disciplined investment strategy that acknowledges these psychological biases Key strategies include:
Setting Clear Goals: Define what you are investing for and set realistic time horizons and expected returns
Educational Empowerment: Understanding financial markets and investment principles can demystify investing and reduce impulsive decisions driven by market noise
Diversification: Trade if you want to scratch that itch with a small money you ’ ve set aside for risk It helps my investing that separately, with a different pot of money, I trade
Coutts shifts £2 billion of UK shares
C outts, the b an k patroni s e d b y me m b
s o f t h e roy al family, faces accus ati ons of e xacerb atin g the UK's challen ges b y relocati n g n e a r ly £ 2 b i l l i o n o f c l i e n t f u n d s f r o m t h e L o n d on s t oc k ma rk e t to ove rsea s i nves tments
T h e p r i v a t e b a n k , catering to tens of thousands of affluent clients, is significantly reducing the allocation to UK shares in s i x p i v o t a l c l i e n t f u n d s
This reduction will range from as much as 40 per cent to between 1 9 and 3 5 per cent, contingent upon the specific fund
The move could be seen as an embarrassment to the Treasury, which still owns 28 per cent of Coutts’s parent bank, NatWest, and has been a cheerleader in push-
more money to UK stocks
A le ading fore caste r pre dict s that the UK will be the poore
r m i n g
m y among the G 7 na tions ne xt yea r, at tributing this out look to
expe cted
rowth following the gen er al election
Economic Co-operation and D
C D )
ment of the economy, reducing its UK GDP growth out-
look to 0 4 per cent for this year and 1 per cent for 2025 These figures mark a decline from previous projections of 0 7 per cent and 1 2 per cent growth, respectively, made i n M a r c h I t s a i d t h e U K
would be the slowest growing economy in the G7 next year and the second-worst this year, behind Germany’s estimated growth of 0 2 per cent for this year
The United States, the world’s largest economy, is on course to expand by 2 6
Britain stood out as the sole maj or European eco nom y to witness an increase in fo reign direct investm ent (FDI) projects last year, propelled by the th riv ing tech sector
A c c o r d i n g t o E Y , t h e professional services firm, the latest survey on the UK's attractiveness revealed a 6 per cent increase in FDI proj e c t s i n 2 0 2 3 M e a n w h i l e , Germany and France experienced year-on-year declines as the eurozone's economy stagnated amid high energy a n d b o r r o w i n g e x p e n s e s
Overall, European FDI saw a 4 per cent decrease compared to the previous year
T h e U K r e m a i n s
Europe’s second-largest destination for foreign investment behind France but has n o t y e t e x c e e d e d
pandemic investment levels
three years after Covid-19 O
Britain's portion of foreign investment in Europe has increased from 15 6 per cent to 17 3 per cent In 2023, digital services and technology accounted for over a quarter of overseas capital, marking a 9 p e r c e n t r i s e T e c h e m e r g e d a s t h e l e a d i n g recipient of FDI in the UK, s u r p a s s
vices, and capitalising on a
c e o f interest rate hikes last year
“The UK owes much of its FDI growth this year to a resurgence in digital investment, making the UK something of an outlier in comparison to the Europe-wide t r e n d f o r d e c l i n i n g t e c h p r o j e c t s ,
, chief UK economist at EY, said
per cent this year and the wider 20-country eurozone will have average growth of 0 5 per cent of GDP in 2024, the think tank said
The subdued forecasts, which fall below estimates from both the International M o n e t a r y F u n d a n d t h e O f f i
Responsibility, highlight the challenging fiscal landscape
the chancellor, and Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, as the general election
The OECD said the UK’s
strained government spending, would limit economic growth over the next two years It noted that a moder-
2023 was driven in part by “exceptionally large migra-
parties have said they want to drastically reduce in the coming years
In an unexpected turn, UK house prices declined once m ore in A pril, as reported by mortg ag e lender Nationwide
The data shows a 0 4 per cent decrease month-onmonth, following a 0 2 per cent drop in March, contrary to the anticipated 0 2 per cent increase according to a Reuters poll On an annual basis, house price growth decreased to 0 6 per cent from 1 6 per cent These statistics suggest a slowdown in the recent surge of housing market activity, characterised by a notable increase in mortgage approvals in March, reaching their peak level since September 2022
“The slowdown likely reflects ongoing affordability press u r e s , w i t h l o n g e r - t e r m i n t e
months, reversing the steep fall seen around the turn of the year, ” said Robert Gardner, chief economist at Nationwide
“House prices are now around 4% below the all-time highs recorded in the summer of 2022, after taking account of seasonal effects,” he said
In a message to clients published on its website, Coutts described its curr e n
a s "somewhat outdated" and announced a shift towards "a more global approach " The bank emphasised that c l i e n t s w o u l d g a i n from enhanced diversificat i o n a n d e x p
investment opportunities
Additionally, it stated that
s would decrease Charles Hall, head of research at Peel Hunt, the broker, said the move by
£1 96 billion switch out of
y material” in terms of the run rate for outflows out of UK funds These outflows amounted to £8 billion for
according to figures from Calastone
mate for the loss
acq uired duri
ina ncia l an d Covi d-19 cris es The BOE now antici-
mately £85 billion on its bond portfolio, known as the asset purchase facility, o v e r t h
although the estimate has varied, with last year's forec
Goldm an Sac hs ha s noti
London office that it will elim ina te caps on ban ker bonus es, m aking it the first major b ank to capitalise on contentious chan ge s to UK pay regulations The Wall Street institution conveyed this shift to staff via video yesterday,
replicated by competitors
greater flexibility to manage
cycle and pay for performance, ” Goldman said in a statement “It brings the UK
exceeding £100 billion
Taxpayers are poised to bear the burden of potent
s u r y when the asset purchase facility program was initiated 15 years ago
T h e B a n k g e n e r a t e d peak cumulative profits of
£ 1 2 3 8 b i l l i o n d u r i n g t h e first 15 years of the bondb u y i n g p r o g r a m m e , c a s h that was transferred to the Treasury, helping the pub-
lic finances
T h e s e p r o f i t s w e r e orchestrated by the prevailing low-interest rates globally However, a significant increase in interest rates aimed at addressing inflation has driven down bond prices, suggesting that the Bank is likely to incur losse s o n i t s a s s e t s i n t h e future
Additionally, the interest earned on the central
b a n k ' s b o n d p o r t f o l i o i s lower than the interest it p a y s o u t o n c o m m
tres, to support the UK as an attractive venue for
However, pay consultants have expressed scepticism
change will result in substantial alterations to compensation
“We are a global firm
suggest that paying interest on only a portion, rather than the entirety, of comm e r c i a l b a n k s ' d e
could mitigate the public
rates H o w e
banks, as they have
and to the extent possible we adopt a consistent global approach across everything we do,” said Richard Gnodde, chief executive of G
preventing us from being consistent in the area of compensation ”
Y ear end s ales and better
c o m p l i anc e h e lp ed GS T
collections soar p ast the £20 bn m ark for the first time, w ith experts sug gesting that this could be a tipp ing point
f o r th e nearl y- sev e n-y ear-
o ld indirect tax reg ime Based on transactions in M
went up
numbers buoyed the mood in govt
“GST collection crosses £20 bn benchmark, thanks to the strong momentum in the economy and efficient
Warren Buffett (93) said that
h as “ unexp lored ” opportunities,
h old ing comp any, Berkshire H at h aw a y, w o u ld
ke to explo re “in the future”
Buffett’s remarks came
a t B e r k s h i r e ’ s a n n u a l
m e e t i n g w h e n R a j e e v
A g a r w a l o f D o o r D a r s h i Advisors, a US-based hedge fund that invests in Indian equities, asked him about the possibility of Berkshire
e x p l o r i n g i n I n d i a , t h e w o r l d ’ s f i f t h - l a r g e s t economy “It is a very good question I am sure there are
l o a d s o f o p p o r t u n i t i e s i n
c o u n t r i e s l i k e I n d i a , ” h e said
“The question, however,
a n y advantage or insights into those businesses in India or any contacts that will make p o s s i b l e t r a n s a c t i o n s t h a t B
more energetic
founder, chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway said D e c i d e d l y r e d u c i n g stake in Apple was one of t h e k e y t o p i c s B
f f e t t clarified that it had nothing to do with the long-term view on the stock He also told shareholders that vicec h a i r m e n G r e g A b e l a n
themselves the right people to lead Berkshire after he departs
to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes & C
revenue, all officers at the state and central levels
Sitharaman tweeted Post-
collections It started with
tightening of norms, with data analytics playing a key role Within the levy, the sharpest increase of 14 1%
collections showing a strong growth, it was time for the Centre and states to move
expected after the formation of a new govt, growth may be further accelerated,” said Partik Jain, partner at PwC India
recei v ed an estab
h m ent inspection report (EIR) from the United States Food and Drug Ad ministration for its oncology facility in Gujarat The pharma company, in a stock exchange filing, s a i
formulation facility located at Panelav in Panchmahals
t h a s received the EIR from the US drug regulator
February 28 to March 8 The company also said that the EIRs are in place for all of its USFDA facilities
Pharma is all set to declare i t s r e s u l t s f o r t h e f o u r t h q u a r t e r o f F Y 2 4 , t h e company has informed the b o u r s e s “ A m e e t i n g o f Board of Directors of the c o m p a n y w i l l b e h e l d o n
May 9, inter-alia to transact the following business: To c o n s i d e r a n d a p p r o v e
Audited Financial Results of the Company for the quarter and financial year ended 31st March, 2024, ” the company informed the bourses
7 of 10 listed Adani companies get Sebi notices
re gulator Sebi f or alleged vi olations of various rules
i n c
orm s The companies that r e c ei v e d t he no ti c e s s ai d
t hat th e no tic es hav e n o
m a t er i a l i m pa c t on th ei r b us ines ses
The markets regulator
s e n t n o t i c e s t o f l a g s h i p
A d a n i E n t e
E n e r g y S o l u t i o n s , A d a n i Green Energy, Adani Ports, Adani Power, Adani Total Gas and Adani Wilmar If charges mentioned in the
penalties may follow In all t h e s e
n i n g Sebi’s show cause notices Neither the companies nor their auditors gave details of the charges mentioned
i n S e b i ’ s s h
The notices to the seven A d a n i c o m p a n i e s a r e significant in the light of a S u p r e m e C o u r
T h e a m i c abl e fa m i ly s et tle m en t announced by th e 127-year old Go drej Grou p, splitti ng the o perations i nto two factions, has pav ed the way for th e emerg ence o f the next generatio n of lead ers in the family Under the terms o f th e ag reem ent Ad i Godrej and Nad ir Go d rej g et co ntrol o f all th e li sted entities in the g rou p, Jam shyd Go drej and Sm ita Crishna h av e control of th e u n lis te d ent iti es c o m p ris i ng G o d rej Boyce & its affiliates, which includ es the ov er 3,0 00 acres of land ow ned by the gro up in M umbai
Adi Godrej’s son Pirojsha Godrej, e x e c
regulator that started about a year ago In Jan 2023, US-
Hindenburg Research had
g a i n s t A
g r o u p c o m p a n i
s A l l e g a t i o n s , which Adani group denied, i n c l u d e d r o u n d t r i p p i n g using offshore entities to inflate stock prices, cooking up books of accounts and s e v e r a l c a s e s o f n o ndisclosure As a result, over t h e n e x t f i v e w e e k s , t h e group ’ s stocks were on a
free fall, wiping out about 6 5 % o f t h e g r o u p ’ s t o t a l market value from a peak of £192 bn just a day before the report was published on Jan 24, 2023
A case was filed in the Supreme Court, which then h a d a s k e d S e b i t o investigate the allegations made in the Hindenburg report In Jan this year, the SC had passed its order in the investigation and had asked Sebi to complete two o f t h e 2 4 i s s u e s i t w a s looking into
S tro n g g ro w th i n
In d i a co n ti nu ed to reap rich d ividends for
A p p le as C E O T i m
C o o k s ai d t h e company is “ very, v ery pleased” after scoring a double-d igit rev enue growth here
Cook spoke about
A p p l e ’ s g r o w i n g engagement in India across
r e t a i l f u n c t i o n s a n d developer ecosystem as he
p o i n t e d t o s u s t a i n a b i l i t y e f f o r t s i n i t i a t e d b y t h e c o m p a n y i n w a t e r conservation
O n g r o w t h i n I n d
Cook said, “We did grow strong double-digit And so, we were very, very pleased about it It was a new March quarter revenue record for us As you know, as I have said before, I see it as an incredibly exciting market and it’s a major focus for us ” Apple is growing sales c h a n n e l s i n t h e c o u n t r y , apart from engaging deeper w i t h t h e d e v e l o p e r ecosystem, says Cook He had visited India last year to i n a u g u r a t e t w o c o m p a n yowned stores He also met P M N a r e n d r a M o d i a n d
other partners “ W e j u s t o p e n e d a couple of stores last year, as you know, and we see (an)
there We’re continuing to expand our channels, and a
developer ecosystem
Alphabet CEO Pichai on way to become a billionaire
Alphabet CEO S und ar Pich ai is on th e cu sp of achieving a rare milestone for a non-founder tech executiv e: a 10 -figure fo rtune
Since Pichai, 51, became CEO of Google in 2015, the stock has surged more than 400%, significantly outperforming the S&P 500 and Nasdaq over the same period It hit a fresh record last week after the company ’ s first-quarter earnings beat expectations, boosted by AIdriven growth in its cloud computing unit It also introduced a dividend for the first time in its history That rally, alongside hefty stock awards t h a t h a v e
d executives, has boosted Pichai’s fortune to nearly $1 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index Pichai was selected in 2015 by co-founder Larry Page to be Google’s CEO, while Page became CEO of newly formed holding company Alphabet Pichai took over that role as well in 2019 when Page and co-founder Sergey Brin - two of the 10 richest people in the world, according to Bloomberg’s wealth index - stepped back from day-to-day management
Premji Invest looking to acquire majority stake in BoB's Nainital Bank
Premji Inv est - the fam ily o ffice of Wip ro found er A zim Premji - is rep orted ly in ad vanced talks to acquire a m ajo rity stake in Bank of Baro da (BoB) subsid iary Nainital Bank
Accord ing to a repo rt, P remji Inv est h as signed a term sheet after co mpleting due diligence, h owever, a final decisio n is yet to be taken A term sheet is non-binding agreement that outlines th e terms and conditions o f a deal
In a statemen the group said, “The realignment has been arrived at in a respectful and mindful way to maintain harmony and to better align ownership in acknowledgment of the differing visions of the Godrej family members T h i s w
accelerate the process of creating longterm value for shareholders and all other stakeholders ” The listed entities under Godrej
j Properties and Jamshyd’s niece Nyrika Holkar have been given key positions i n t h e g r o u p s u
Industries, Godrej Consumer Products, Godrej Properties, Godrej Agrovet and Astec Lifesciences In addition Godrej
Multiventures will be part of the group o f w h i c
chairperson and Pirojsha Godrej will be the Executive Vice Chairperson and w i
Chairperson in August 2026 Under the terms of the agreement members of either group will not be directly or indirectly involved in the management and operations of the entities of the other group
The deal would likely value Nainital Bank, which is based in Uttarakhand, at £80 mn, the report cited sources as saying Premji Invest owns non-banking finance company TVS Credit and this will be the first banking play for the family office of the Wipro founder B o B i s e x
shareholding in Nainital Bank, the report said, adding in the first tranche around 51 per cent of the share would be sold Nainital Bank was founded in 1922 to meet the banking requirements of the local population In 1973, the Reserve Bank of India directed Bank of Baroda to oversee the operations The bank operates 168 branches in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan Premji has been on the lookout for investments in fintechs and startups, and earlier this year received an inprinciple approval to set up an investment fund at GIFT City, a report said
returned to the d esert country
d ownpours that exp erts linked to clim ate change
A lightning storm with high winds swept across the oil-rich monarchy overnight, with more than 50 millimetres (two inches) of rain falling before 8 am in some areas, the National Center of Meteorology said Flooding was seen in some parts of financial hub Dubai, and t h
busiest by international passenger traffic, cancelled 13 flights and diverted five, a spokesper-
son said State-owned, Dubaibased Emirates and sister airline Flydubai both warned passen-
switched to remote learning and public sector offices closed
But the rains were not on the scale of April 16, when a
I S L A M A B A D : P ak i st an P M
S heh baz Sharif exp ressed optim ism regarding release of IMF’ s final $1 1 billion tranche of a $3 billion bailo ut to th e country, saying it would bolster economic stability Pakistan is no w eyeing a new, long er and larger econ o m i c ba i lo u t p ac kag e, bu t e co no m is ts cau ti o ned a g ains t the co untry’s continu ed reliance o n ov erseas financial assistance, w arning of potential d ire co nsequences IMF approved the immediate release of the tranche following a key meeting of the
global lender’s executive board in Washington All board
from a severe economic crisis for over two years Last year, IMF had approved a 9-month
proved important to save the country from default, the state broadcaster quoted the PM as saying
T ele co m mu ni cati
A u tho ri ty ( PTA) and other teleco m comp anies to block the m obile p hone
S IM s of ov er 50 0 ,0 0 0 p eo p le w ho h av e not submitted their tax returns
T h e d e v e l o p m e n t c a m e a day after Shehbaz pledged at the closing plenary session of the World Economic Forum special conference in Riyadh to enact
s i g n i f i c a n t a u s t e r i t y m e a s u r e s a n d i m p l e m e n t l o n g - l a s t i n g reforms in order to steer his country out of its current economic crisis
Last week, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) had directed the PTA and all telecom operators to ensure compliance with the Income Tax General Order (ITGO) with immediate effect
“The FBR has taken decisive action by issuing an order to disable mobile phone SIMs associated with 506,671 individuals who are not appearing on the active taxpayer list but are obligated to file income tax returns,” the FBR said in a statement, adding that telecom operators are mandated to furnish a compliance report to the FBR by May 15 to provide transparency
a n d a c c o u n t a b i l i t y i n t h e enforcement process
“ U
Revenue, whichever has jurisd
restores the SIMs for the aforementioned individuals, they will remain blocked,” it added For 2023, so far only 4 5 million peop l e h a v e f i l e d t h e i r a n n u a l returns as against 5 9 million in 2 0 2 2 T h e g o v t h a d a l s o launched a compulsory tax regi s t r a t i
t o b
n about 3 2 million retailers who remain outside the tax net
record 259 5 mm of rain left four
roads for days and forced the cancellation of more than 2,000 flights
On Thursday last, little traffic was seen on Dubai's normally heaving, six-lane highways, and
cars were abandoned on flooded roads near the sprawling Ibn Battuta mall Water pumping trucks were stationed in several f
drainage is often unable to cope with large-scale rainfall
which also killed 21 people in n
heaviest in the UAE, a majorityexpatriate federation of seven S
began in 1949 World Weather Attribution, a network of scientists that assesses the role of climate change in extreme weather events, found the deluge was "
global warming caused by burning fossil fuels
Gen Fatuma Gaiti Ahmed as the fi rst female commander of the air force
This move follows the tragic
which claimed the lives of the
prompting the need for new leadership Alongside Maj Gen
head of the armed forces Gen Charles Kahariri was promoted to fill the vacant position left by the late military chief
Maj Gen Ahmed's journey to this prestigious role has shattered gender barriers throughout her career, becoming the f i r s
ranks of brigadier and major general in a military leadership dominated by men
Her military career began in 1 9 8
Women Service Corps, a separate entity from the main military services, focusing on support duties such as administrat
, a n d communication With the disbandment of the unit in 1999, women were integrated into the main military services, opening up more opportunities for them
to excel President Uhuru Kenyatta, during Maj Gen Ahmed s prom o t i o n t o m a j o r g e n e
a l i n 2018, emphasized her role as a positive role model for women in the country He encouraged her to prove that there are no limits for women in any profession
Maj Gen Ahmed's determination to succeed despite discouragement from some family members reflects her resilience and commitment to making a
embraced the values of discipline and hard work that shaped her life from an early age Her rise through the ranks
s e r v e s a s a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e progress towards gender equality in the armed forces, setting an inspiring example for women across the nation
Wickremesinghe may face his own cabinet colleague in Lanka presidential poll
C O L O M B O : Pr e s i d e n t Ran il Wi ckreme singhe, if stood for re- election in the presiden ti al poll due l a te r i n t h e y e a r, m a y have a face- up wi th hi s
c a b i n e t c ol l e a gu e Wi j e ya d as a R aj a pa ks h e, who i s currently s erving as the M inis ter of J us tice F o r m e r p r e s i d e n t Maithripala Sirisena, the c h a i r m a n o f S r i L a n k a
F r e e d o m P a r t y ( S L F P ) , t o l d reporters that Rajapakshe, 65, would be his party's candidate
scheduled to be held before November 15 this year Rajapakshe is a member of the now fragmented Sri Lanka
P o d u j a n a P e r a m u n a ( S L P P ) party, the home for members
o f t h e U n i t e d P e o p l e ' s Freedom Alliance loyal to its
Ranil Wickremesinghe
f o r m e r l e a d e r M a h i n d a Rajapaksa
A part of the SLPP is currently in alignment with 75y e a r - o l d W i c k r e m e s i n g h e while another section supports t h e m a i n o p p o s i t i o n S a m a g i Jana Balawegaya (SJB) - a political alliance led by Leader of the Opposition Sajith Premadasa The SLPP Rajapaksa loyalists are unlikely to field a candidate as the party has been
An Indian couple visiting Canada and their threemonth-old grandchild were among four people killed in a multi-vehicle collision when Ontario police pursued a liquor store robbery suspect driving the wrong way All four people were pronounced dead at the scene on Highway 401 in Whitby about 50 km east of Toronto, police said Police said two of the victims, a 60-year-old man and a 55-year-old woman were visiting from India The couple s three-month-old grandson also died in the multi-vehicle collision The agency said that the parents of the infant his 33-year-old father and 27-year-old mother were travelling in the same vehicle and were taken to hospital
A 16 year-old boy armed with a knife was shot dead by police after he stabbed a man in the Australian west coast city of Perth, officials said The incident occurred in the parking lot of a hardware store in suburban Willett The teen attacked the man and then rushed at police officers before he was shot, Western Australian Premier Roger Cook told reporters “There are indications he had been radicalised online,” Cook told a news conference “But I want to reassure the community at this stage it appears that he acted solely and alone,” Cook added A man in his 30s was found at the scene with a stab wound to his back
Three people including a senior journalist, were killed and eight others injured in a bomb blast that targeted his vehicle in Pakistan’s restive Balochistan province police said A remotecontrolled bomb was planted near Chomrok Chowk on the outskirts of Khuzdar town and when Maulana Mengal journalist and also president of Khuzdar Press Club reached the spot the bomb was set off a senior police official said Maulana and two passersby were killed, while eight others were injured, he said Mengal was also a provincial officer-bearer of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) party A police official said it is still too early to say whether Mengal was targeted because of his media work or his work in JUI-F
s t r u g g l
c e t h e 2022 mass protests The demonstrators blamed the erstwhile powerful R
nomic crisis W i c k r
s i n g h e , who is yet to announce his candidacy, is banking on cross-party supp
reform programme to pull the country out of bankruptcy
main opposition leader
Peramuna (JVP) party leader
have already announced
Sirisena has been in disarray since early April
Myanmar’s junta has suspended the issuing of permits for men to work abroad it said, weeks after introducing a military conscription law that led to thousands trying to leave the country The junta, which is struggling to crush widespread armed opposition to its rule in Feb said it would enforce a law allowing it to call up men to serve in the military for at least two years This sent thousands queuing for visas outside foreign embassies and others crossing into Thailand to escape the law
At least 24 people died after part of a highway collapsed due to heavy rains in southern China s Guangdong province last week state media said Guangdong a densely populated industrial powerhouse has been lashed by rainstorms in recent weeks causing severe flooding and landslides in some areas The downpours have been much heavier than normal and have been linked to accelerating climate change State news agency Xinhua said that a stretch of road between Meizhou city and Dabu county caved in, causing 20 vehicles to become trapped and involved a total of 54
Canada s main opposition politician Pierre Poilievre was ejected from the House of Commons after he called Justin Trudeau a “wacko prime minister” During a heated exchange Poilievre called Trudeau an extremist and a radical over his liberal govt’s support for the decriminalisation of the possession of small amounts of cocaine heroin fentanyl and other hard drugs in British Columbia The province said last week it would dial back the pilot project after an outcry over soaring drug use When will we put an end to this wacko policy by this wacko prime minister? Poilievre asked Speaker Greg Fergus urged the Conservative Party member several times to withdraw the question, reminding MPs “to carry themselves in a way that is dignified in this House”
German company HyImpulse successfully launched a candle wax powered rocket capable of carrying commercial satellites on a test suborbital flight into space for the first time “We’re signalling Germany’s prowess as a space faring nation and expanding Europe’s access to space,” HyImpulse’s chief executive Mario Kobald said The 12-metre 2 5-tonne test rocket dubbed “SR75” lifted off in Koonibba, Australia It is capable of carrying satellites weighing up to 250kg to an altitude of up to 250km while being fuelled by paraffin or candle wax and liquid oxygen Paraffin can be used as a cheaper and safer alternative fuel for rockets reducing satellite transportation costs by as much as 50% HyImpulse said
Berlin govt is offering to give away a villa once owned by Adolf Hitler s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, hoping to end a decadeslong debate on whether to re-purpose or bulldoze a sprawling disused site in the countryside north of the German capital “I offer to anyone who would like to take over the site, to take it over as a gift from the state of Berlin,” finance minister Stefan Evers told state parliament Berlin has repeatedly tried to hand off the site to federal authorities or the state of Brandenburg, where the villa lies, rather than pay for maintenance and security at the complex
At least three synagogues and a museum in New York received bomb threats but none were deemed credible by the New York police department a city official and police said Manhattan Borough president Mark D Levine said on X the synagogue bomb threats were “a clear hate crime and part of a growing trend of swatting’ incidents targeting Jewish institutions” A police spokesperson said an emailed bomb threat was sent to the Brooklyn Museum and one to a synagogue in Brooklyn Heights, with no evidence of any explosive device detected
Housing is at a premium and so is parking in the Netherlands but a parking space put up for sale this week for almost half a-million eurosmore than the average home price - has raised eyebrows Located next to Amsterdam’s famous Vondel park, the indoor 18-square metre space was advertised at 495,000 euros The parking space is a stone’s throw from the Van Gogh Museum and the Rijks museum Dutch commercial broadcaster RTL Nieuws called it “the most expensive parking space in the Netherlands” The parking space can also be rented for 750 euros a month The Netherlands is facing an acute housing shortage of some 390,000 homes, according to a recent study
W A S H I N G T O N : T im e h a s released the list of 10 0 people who w ill bring big changes in the field of health in 2023 Th ere are also five scientists of Ind ian origin among them Know about these 5 personalities of India or Indi an o ri gi n, w ho performed unp reced entedly
Dr A lka Dwiv ed i: Launched 'NextCar19' for the treatment of blood cancer
Dr Alka Dwivedi is a fellow of the National Cancer Institute of America She has developed ' N
blood cancer In India, treatment with this therapy will cost Rs 30,00,000 to 40,00,000 It is 10 times cheaper than CAR-T
Dr Av ind ra Nath: Found the
National Institute of Neurology Disorders and Stroke found the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome This syndrome, which usually occurs in women, causes complaints of extreme fatigue, sleep problems and severe pain Nath said that in this syndrome, problems arise due to over-activity of the immune system
Dr Venkat Shastri: New way to identify Alzheimer's through blood test
Dr Venkat Shastri, CEO of LG Path of America, discovered
Alzheimer's After this discovery,
Alzheimer's early through a simple blood test He and his company are now also working on early detection of Parkinson s disease through this technology
Dr Vivek Murth y: Program
among youth
Dr Vivek Murthy, working as a general surgeon in America, saw the problem of loneliness
dents and youth While being the American Surgeon General, he started efforts to deal with it
President of Apple Health is taking on mental health with the use of tech
Dr Sumbul Desai, along with researchers from the University of California, has developed the
depression And used iPhone Research has shown that sleeping late, staying at home more, sitting for more time and less
O T T A W A: Canadi an au th orities, who arrested three Indian na tio n als in c o nne ct io n wi th the killing o f Kh alistan sep aratist Hardeep S ingh Nijjar in Canada, said th ei r investigatio n has not co ncluded and "o th ers" played a role in th e h omicide Karan Brar, 22, Kamalpreet Singh, 22, and Karanpreet Singh, 28, all Indian nationals, residing in Edmonton have been charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder
The three are believed by investigators to be members of an alleged hit squad tasked by the government of India with the killing of Nijjar, 45, outside a g u r d w a
Columbia, on June 18, 2023 He was a Canadian citizen
“The investigation does not end here We are aware that there are others out there that played a role in this homicide a n d w e r e m a i n d e d i c a t e d t o identifying and arresting each one of them,” Superintendent M a n d e e p M o
Homicide Investigation Team (IHIT) said
The three men were arrested for the murder of Nijjar last w
e k b y I H I T i n v e s t i g a t o r s , with the assistance of members from the British Columbia and A l b e r t a R o y a l C a n a d i a n M o u n t e d P o l i c e ( R C M P ) a n d
US university warned against 'Kashmir flag' demand on campus
W A S H I N G T O N : I nd ia n Americans c alled upon a US university not to im plement a portion of one of the demands it conceded to prote sting s tudentsto dis pl ay on c ampus the fl ags of "oc cupied peopl e", whic h listed K a s h m ir i s al on g wi t h Pa lest inians and the Kurds "This is a dangerous territory for Rutgers to get involved (sic)," Thomas Abraham, chairman of t h e G l o b a l O r g a n i z a t i o n o f People of Indian Origin (GOPIO), w r o t e i n a l
New Jersey state " B
demand, you are questioning the integrity of India Kashmir is very much a part of India There is no
Kashmir residents are not displaced people In fact, the disp
against them If Rutgers displays such a flag of Kashmir, that will be the beginning of more sit-ins by students who are opposed to such flags," Abraham wrote The university has not implemented this demand "The Office of the Chancellor will take stock of flags that are displayed across Rutgers-New Brunswick campus, and ensure appropriate represen-
tation of students enrolled in aca-
responding to the protesting students The students had demanded, as specified in her letter, "display the flags of occupied peoples - including but not limited to
d Kashmiris - in all areas displaying i n
Rutgers campuses"
Students were protesting the Israeli war in Gaza as students of
the Edmonton Police Service
R o y a l C a n a d i a n M o u n t e d
Police Assistant Commissioner David Teboul said they are not a b l e t o m a k e a n y c o m m e n t s about the nature of the evidence collected by police nor “ can we speak about the motive” behind Nijjar's murder
“ H o w e v e r , u n d e r s t a n d i n g this situation has attracted very broad public interest, I will say this matter is still very much under active investigation I will u n d e r s c o r e t h a t t o d a y ' s announcements are not a complete account of the investigative work currently underway "There are separate and dist i n c t i n v e s t i g a t i o n s o n g o i n g
into these matters, certainly not limited to the involvement of the people arrested today, and these efforts include investigati n g c o n n e c t i o n s t o t h e Government of India ” The ties between India and Canada came under severe strain following Canadian Prime Minister Justin T r u d e a u ' s a l l e g a t i o n s i n S e p t e m b e r l a s t
Indian agents in the killing of Nijjar I n d i a h a s d i s m i s s e d Trudeau s charges
killing of Nijjar
US police deny reports on killing of Canada-based gangster
W A S H I N G T O N : T he Fr es n o police department in California denied reports that one of the t wo p e rs o ns a tt a c k ed i n a shooting in cident was Canadabased gangster Goldy Brar “If you are enquiring because of the onli ne chatter claiming that the shooting victim is ‘Goldy Brar', we can confirm that this i s a b s ol ut el y n ot t r ue , ” Li e uten an t W i lli a m
ley said i n an emailed statement in response to a query
“We have received inquiries f r
M E LB OUR NE : A 22 -y ear-old MTech student was al legedly s tabbed to death in Aust ralia during a fight b etween s om e India n s tudents , the vic tim’s unc le said He s aid that one more st udent was injured in the inc ident , which took pl ace in M elbourne
According to Yashvir, the victim’s uncle, Navjeet Sandhu was fatally attacked with a knife by another student when he tried to intervene in a dispute between a few Indian students over some rent issue
“Navjeet’s friend (another Indian student) had asked him to accompany him to his house to pick up his belongings as he had a car While his friend went inside, Navjeet heard some shouts and saw there was a scuffle When Navjeet tried to intervene asking them not to fight, he was fatally stabbed in the chest with a knife,” Yashvir said He added that like Navjeet, the alleged accused also hails from Karnal Yashvir said the family got the information about the incident on Sunday morning Navjeet’s friend, whom he was accompanying, also sustained injuries in the incident, the uncle of the deceased said
s morning as a result of misinformation being spread on social media and online news agencies We are not sure who started this rumour, but it caught on and spread like wildfire But again, it isn't true The victim is definitely not Goldy ” T h e p o l i c e h a v e n o t y e t identified the two persons who were attacked, one of whom died at a hospital later The other person was released from the hospital after treatment They two were attacked at Fairmont and Holt Avenue in the northwestern part of Fresno after a fight, the police said earlier The younger of the two, said to be in his 30s, was shot in the upper body He was taken to the hospital in critical condition where he died later The other man was hit in the lower part of the body and was released from the hospital after treatment
But reports of the shooting spread like wildfire in India, c l a i m i n g t h e d e c e a s e d w a s gangster Goldy Brar The US media was cited as a source, but the details were either sketchy or wrong One report said the m a n w a s s h o t i n C a l i f o r n i a
Some reports even claimed that rival gang leaders had claimed responsibility for the killing
I n d i a ’
bom ber U AV aircraft- FWD-
2 00 B d ev elop ed by Flying Wedge Defence, one of the p ioneers in Ind ia’s d efence
a nd a ero s p
sector, was unv eiled
bomber unmanned aircraft
Make in India initiative, the company aims to position
equipping the nation with
national security, according t
e d from Flying Wedge
“For over 15 years, India’s
p u r s u i t o f c o m b a t
u n m a n n e d a i r c r a f t remained a distant dream
W i t h t h e l a u n c h o f t h e
FWD-200B, India not only fulfils this dream but also
joins the league of nations
Suhas Tejaskanda, founder of Flying Wedge Defence & Aerospace
“While the US Predator costs a staggering £25 mn, our indigenous FWD-200B,
slashes the cost to
commitment to self-reliance but also positions India as
added T
payload capacity of 100 kg and is classified as a MALE Unmanned Combat Aerial
surveillance payloads and is integrated with missile-like w e a p
strikes W h i l e h a v i n g a m a x speed of 200 kts/370 kmph, it has an endurance capacity of 12-20 hours
Accused in Salman firing case dies in lock-up
In a ma jor em bar ra ssme nt to Mumbai city cr ime bra nch, a n a llege d weapon s supplie r in the actor Salman Khan firing ca se, A nuj Thap an ( 32), w a s f o un d d
i n t he lo c k u p o f
h e a d q ua r t
r s a t C r a w f or d Ma rke t la st we ek A sen ior p o li ce o f fi ce r s a i d it i s s us p e c t e d t h a t he committ ed suicide, but his family alle ged foul play
J o i n t c o m m i s s i o n e r o f p o l i c e ( c r i m e ) L a k h m i
Gautam said the state CID will conduct an inquiry into the death The lockup, split across two floors of an old b u i l d i n g o n t h e p r e m i s e s , had 11 inmates, but crime branch officials said two of t h e m - V i k a s G u p t a a n d
S a g a r P a l , w h o a l l e g e d l y fired at Khan’s residence on April 14 - were taken away for interrogation They were mum on why Thapan alone was left behind
The second alleged guns supplier, Subhash Chander,
A senior Afgh an diplomat in India h as resigned from her p osition after rep orts o f her i n vo lv em en t i n go l d s m u gg li n g f ro m D
su rfaced Zakia Wardak was
r ep o rt ed ly c au g h
t h e Mumbai airport last mo nth
f o r a ll eg ed ly tr y in g to smuggle 25 kg of go ld wo rth
£1 86 mn from UAE cap ital She had been the acting Ambassador of Afghanistan to New Delhi since late last year after working as the
Afghan Consul General in Mumbai for more than two years
"numerous personal attacks
towards her as well as her
didn't mention the reports o
Revenue Intelligence (DRI) seizing gold from her on April 25 "
i c h appear to be organised, have
severely impacted my ability to effectively operate in my role and have demonstrated t h e c h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b y women in Afghan society who strive to modernise and b r i n g p o s i t i v e c h a n g e amidst ongoing propaganda campaigns," her statement, released in both Pashto and English, read W a r d a k s a i d t h e persistent and coordinated attacks exceeded a "tolerable threshold"
T h e C o ng re s s f i l ed a
c o m p l ai nt w it h th e Su r a t p olice co mmissioner seeking
a n F I R a ga in s t t h e th re e p r o p o s e
K u m b h a ni w h o s e nom inatio n for the Surat Lok Sabha seat was rejected after th ey c laim ed th eir signatu res o n the form were forged
T h e c o m p l a i n t b y Congress also sought action against returning officer and d i s t r i c t c o l l e c t o r S o u r a b h Pardhi over the rejection of
t h e n o m i n a t i o n f o r m l a s t m o n t h I n t h e c o m p l a i n t s u b m i t t e d t o S u r a t p o l i c e
c o m m i s s i o n e r A n u p a m S i n g h G a h l a u t , C o n g r e s s w o r k e r A s h o k P i m p l e ( 6 7 ) a l l e g e d t h a t K u m b h a n i ’ s t h r e e p r o p o s e r s - R a m e s h Polra, Jagdish Savaliya, and D h r u v i n D h a m e l i y adeliberately ensured that his n o m i n a t i o n f o r m w a s r e j e c t e d a n d h e g o t d i s q u a l i f i e d C o n g r e s s h a d s o u g h t t h a t t h e p r o p o s e r s a n d P a r d h i b e b o o k e d f o r f o r g e r y a n d c r i m i n a l conspiracy under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) “It is for a civil court to d e c i d e w h e t h e r t h e s i g n a t u r e s w e r e f o r g e d o r
not In Kumbhani’s case, the d i s t r i c t c o l l e c t o r ( a s returning officer) decided the signatures’ authenticity even when he does not have the p o w e r f o r t h e s a m e , ” s a i d Congress zonal spokesperson Zameer Shaikh W h e n t h e t h r e e p r o p o s e r s o b t a i n e d c e r t i f i c a t e s t o b e a t t a c h e d with the nomination form f r o m d e p u t y c o l l e c t o r a t Olpad town in Surat district, proving they are voters of the s a m e c o n s t i t u e n c y , t h e y must have signed before the officer, he opined “When scrutinizing the
n o m i n a t i o n p a p e r s , t h e r e t u r n i n g o f f i c e d i d n o t examine the signatures of the p
c t o r
concluding discrepancies in their signatures that led to
noted The Gujarat Congress o n A p r
Kumbhani from the party for s
w a s rejected over discrepancies, l e a d i n g t o B J P c a n d i d a t e Mukesh Dalal getting elected unopposed
India's fo od safety regulato r said it had ordered testing and insp ections at all
c o mp a n i es m ak i n g sp i ce m i xe s , wi den i ng an i nve s ti gat io n i nt o th e sector as global regulato rs look i nto s u s p ec t ed c o nt am i na
wo pop ular local brands
Hong Kong last month suspended sales of three spice blends made by India's MDH and an Everest spice mix for fish curry Singapore ordered a recall of the same Everest mix as well, flagging high levels of ethylene oxide, which is unfit for human consumption and a cancer risk with long exposure M
hugely popular in India and also sold in Europe, Asia and North America, and the companies have said they are safe S t i
more information on the matter, and India had already ordered testing of the two brands' products The Indian regulator has now ordered officials to
manufacturing units", for powdered spices, with a focus on those making curry powders and mixed spice blends for local and foreign sales "Each of the product sampled will
is in judicial custody owing t o a n o l d i n j u r y T h e building is covered by CCTV cameras It is the first case of custodial death inside the p o l i c
recent years
Police said around 12 30 pm, an officer in charge of the lockup was conducting his routine check on the first floor when another inmate told him that Thapan had gone to the toilet but hadn’t returned The officer found Thapan and rushed him to GT Hospital, where doctors declared him dead His body was later sent to JJ Hospital for an autopsy
accidental death report, and l a t e r , C I D
footage from the site
Thapan, who hails from P
from the state on April 24,
cartridges to Gupta and Pal
Anmol Bishnoi, the Canada-
Ab out a wee k a fte r 15 0-odd school s in De lhi re ceive d emails with b omb hoaxes, at least 47 schools in Ahmeda bad we re subjected to simil ar thre aten ing emails on Monda y morning, on the eve of voting in Gujarat for t he Lok Sab ha e lection
Most of these schools are to be used as polling booths Ahmedabad police commissioner G S Malik said that the emails, sent from a Russian domain, contained Arabic words and a message threatening to bomb the schools
Malik said the emails were being investigated by city crime branch, cybercrime branch and the special operations group (SOG) Malik ruled out the possibility of a terrorist group being involved The sender identified himself as “Tauheed Warrior” and warned of attacks by “Istishhadi” (martyrdom seekers) across the city The message expressed an intent to establish sharia law in Gujarat and threatened violence against those who resisted
On receiving the email, some schools called the city police control room Several schools that have closed for summer vacation learned about the threat emails from police and the district education officer (DEO) Rohit Chaudhary, DEO, Ahmedabad city, sad, “We informed all schools about the threat email We have prepared a list of these schools Most have been checked by police and nothing has been found so far ” An FIR has been filed against t h e
Information Technology Act
be analysed for the compliance with
Food Safety and Standards Authority o
T h e agency added checks would also be made for any presence of ethylene oxide, whose use is banned in India,
India's external affairs m inister S
J a is h a nka r h as re je ct ed r ec ent
rem arks by U S Presid ent Joe Bid en d escribing India as “xenophobic” and em phasised that the co untry h as been open and welcom ing to p eop le from d iverse societies
J a i s h a n k a r a l s o r e f u t e d t h e allegation that the Indian economy was faltering Union minister said that the Citizenship Amendment
A c t ( C A A )
Narendra Modi-led govt showcases India’s welcoming approach
On April 2, Biden had said the
China, Japan and Russia is responsible for their economic troubles and argued that America’s economy is growing because it welcomes immigrants to its soil He made the statement while campaigning for
fundraising event and argued that
China, would perform better
embraced immigration more
immigrants We look to
the reason - look, think about it Why is
China stalling so badly economically? Why is Japan having trouble? W
Because they’re xenophobic They
economy is not faltering
“ I n d i a i s a l w
i a h a s been a very unique country I would say actually, in the history of the world, that it's been a society which has been very open different people from different societies come to India,” he said
He said, “That’s why we have the CAA, which is to open up doors for people who are in trouble I think we should be open to people who have the need to come to India, who have a claim to come to India ”
A n IAF p erso nnel was killed and four oth ers were w ound ed fo llowing a gunfight that ensu ed when terrorists ambush ed their tru cks traversing a m ountain road am id d ense forest cov er in Poonch district of J &K
The five men were evacuated to the nearest military hospital, where one of them died of his w o u n d s T h e a t t a c k p r o m p t e d Army and police to launch a coordinated cordon and search in the a r e a “ M i l i t a r y E n g i n e e r i n g Services (MES) and IAF vehicles were targeted in Sanai Sattar village of Poonch,” an official source said
The convoy was en route to S a n a i T o p i n t h e d i s t r i c t ’ s S
t e c h n i c a l w o r k o n r a d a r deployed in Poonch sector “The vehicles have been secured inside
the air base in the general area near Shah Sitar,” the source said The attack is believed to be aimed at disrupting the polls in AnantnagRajouri Lok Sabha seaton May 7 Security has been heightened for the elections and forces were cond u c t i
n Poonch the past couple of days following inputs about movement of terrorists in the district bordering Pakistan
BSF personnel in Samba sector thwarted a potential infiltration
attempt along the border, killing an “intruder” Several frontier villages were put on high alert
S a t u r d a y ’ s a m b u s h a d d s t o attacks on military personnel in Jammu region A terrorist ambush on two Army vehicles in Poonch district on Dec 21 last year left four soldiers dead Just a month earlier, security forces faced five fatalities in adjoining Rajouri sector On April 20 last year, five soldiers were killed in an ambush on a military truck in Bhata Dhurian of Poonch district, while another five died during an attack on an Army camp in adjoining Rajouri district on Aug 11
The two frontier districts in Jammu were declared terrorismfree more than a decade ago, but r e c o r d e d 3 5
n g that of 26 soldiers, in attacks from Oct 2021 to Jan 2024
Raging fires in several forest rang es
o f Uttarakhand h av e claim ed th e life of a 28-year-old wom an - th e fourth casualty in th e p ast th ree d ays and fifth ov erall - even as th e A di Kailash h elicopter darsh an serv ice, wh ich began last month , has been susp ended fo r the second day i n a row F li g ht arriv a ls a t th e Naini-Saini airp ort in P ithoragarh h av e been stopped due to low visibility in fire-ind uced haze
Pilgrims at Dunagiri temple, a prominent shrine in Almora district, were forced to flee as fire engulfed the passage to the shrine, lined
w i t h b e l l s V i d e o s
s h o w e d p i l g r i m s s c r e a m i n g a n d scrambling for safety,
a few places on the road from Haldwani where rocks have fallen and there are landslides due to the fires We are seeing the hills burning at night and in daytime, the s m o k e p r e v e n t s v i s i b i l i t y I t ’ s almost like an apocalypse,” said a resident of Mukteshwar
In Chamoli district, the blaze engulfed a large kiwi orchard Fires on hilltops in parts of Garhwal r e g i o n l i k e R u d r a p r a y a g a n d Chamoli were also reported Forest o
a s l e a p i n g f l a m e s appear to give chase Forest officials attributed the rapid spread of the fire to strong winds that transf o r m e d i t i n t o a “ c r o w n f i r e ” Priests and the forest department team quickly helped pilgrims to
s a f e t y a n d n o c a s u a l t i e s w e r e reported
Locals said the fires have left a trail of ash dust everywhere and they are breathing it in “There are
dents in Uttarakhand are mainly a t t
s They said locals sometimes ignite grasslands to clear areas for agriculture or livestock grazing, inadvertently sparking larger wildfires
Iran ha s said it rel eased all the crew memb ers of Por tug uesefla gged ca rgo vessel MSC Aries t ha t had 17 Indians among its 25 cr ew member s Iranian fore i g n mi n is t e r A mi r
A b d o l l a h ia n me nt io n e d t h e r elea se of the cr ew of the ship durin g a phone conve rsation with his Estonian counterpa rt Mar gus Tsahkna , accord ing to a n Ira nian readout
including the Estonians, can return to their country,” it said
woman cadet among the 17 Indian crew members of the Israeli-linked container vessel, was released days after the tanker was seized by Iran’s military on April 13 “In response to the request of the Estonian side r
seized in the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the release of the Estonian crew, A m i r a b d o l l
which turned off its radar in the t e r r i t o r i a l w a t e r s o f I r a n a
endangered the security of navigat
rules,” the Iranian foreign ministry said “He, however, noted that Iran has already released all the ship's crew members on humanitarian grounds, and if the ship's captain a
Iran’s foreign ministry had earlier said the Aries was seized for “violating maritime laws” and that there was no doubt it was linked to Israel MSC leases the Aries from G
Zodiac Maritime, which is partly owned by Israeli businessman Eyal Ofer
Hours after the Iranian military s
had said the ship's crew comprised Indian, Filipino, Pakistani, Russian and Estonian nationals
Recent attacks on merchant shipping in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden by Yemen’s Iranallied Houthis, claiming solidarity with Palestinians during Israel's war on Gaza, have affected global shipping
IS KCON Ch airman Gop al Krishna Gosw ami p assed aw ay after suffering card iac arrest at a hospital in Deh radu n o n S u nd ay m orni ng Pri me M inis ter Narend ra M od i of fered hi s co nd o lenc es to th e IS KCON d ev otees H
Synergy Hospital on May 1 with a lung infection, the hospital's MD, K
Vrindavan for last rites G o s w
Dehradun for a Bhoomi Pujan ceremony on May 1 He was rushed to the hospital when his health deteriorated suddenly
death, PM Modi tweeted, "Srila Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja was a revered spiritual icon, globally respected for his unwavering devotion to Bhagwan Shri Krishna
and his tireless service through ISKCON His teachings emphasised the importance of devotion, kindness and service to others He also played a significant role in expanding the community service efforts of ISKCON, particularly in areas like education, health and serving the needy My thoughts are with all devotees in this tragic hour Om Shanti "
about 910 incidents
o f f o r e s t f i r e h a v e been reported since Nov 1 last year, when t h e b l a z e w a s f i r
reported in the state, destroying over 1,144 h
The fires have been raging for almost six months now, not unlike the California wildfires Kumaon d
i o n i s t
o r s t - a f f e c t e d , r e p o r t i n g t h e m a x i m u m o f 4 8 2 i n c i d e n t s T h e w i l d f i r e s h a v e resulted in the deaths of five people so far The latest death was that of a 28-year-old woman labourer of Nepalese origin Officials said forest fire inci-
A Raj Bh av an em ployee has filed a co mplaint of molestation against Beng al g overnor C V Ananda Bose
T h e w o m an , ac c o rd i n g t o Ra j Bhavan insiders, works in the telephone ro om and stays at th e residential quarters on the campus She first went to the Raj Bh av an police outpost, from wh ere she was taken to Hare Street p olice station
The governor issued a statement a couple of hours later, saying he would not be “cowed down by engineered narratives”
T h e w o m a n ’ s c o m p l a i n t t o cops mentions two incidents It says that Bose asked her on April 19 to meet him with her CV She went to meet him on April 24 at 12 45 pm, when he “touched her inappropriately and made untow a
says According to the complaint, the governor again called her to his office but the woman, instead of going alone, asked her supervisor to accompany her The woman t o
d c o p s t h a t B o s e a s k e d t h e s u p e r v i s o r t o l e a v e a f t e r s o m e time, following which he assured h e r o f a p r o m o t i o n a n d t h e n “touched her cheek”, prompting her to protest A video in circulation shows t h e w o m a n c
m p l a i n i n
s e n i o r c o p t h a t s h e h a d b e e n molested “This is not the first time that this has happened to m e , ” s h e w a s h e a r d s a y i n g o n phone before explaining why she had not complained earlier: “I had kept quiet as I was scared of losing my (contractual) job ” She said she felt impelled to complain after the
latest incident to protect others from facing the ordeal she had faced She is also seen referring to another woman who made similar c o m p l a i n t s i n t h e p a s t S e n i o r cops said that they had recorded the woman ’ s statement but did not register any FIR Gag order Meanwhile, the governor has cited his constitutional immunity f r o m c r i
o “ignore any communication from police” and barring them from issuing statements in any form T h i s p r o m p t e d t h e s u r v i v o r t o question why the governor was “hiding behind a shield of immunity”, and why he was “ so scared” and not allowing the investigation to proceed
Wa ter Resour ces Minister
D ur ai Murugan said that
Supreme Court against the
"Has the Karnataka Government
(Cauvery) water? No! Be it excess water or scarcity of water there Even after Cauvery Water Management Board has
The Supreme Court can only question (them), so we will approach the court”, he added
Durai Murugan's statement came after the Cauvery Water Regulation Committee recommended the release of 2 5TMC water be released to Tamil Nadu for the month of May as the state is facing a severe water crisis due to the
onset of extreme summer
'inability' to release water
Nadu as directed by the CWRC, saying it does not have adequate water in its Cauvery basin
2,600 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu per day for 15 days from November 1, 2023
Earlier that month, farmer groups in Tamil Nadu called for a bandh in the state, in protest against crop damage due to inadequate water supply
Karnataka capital Bengaluru was facing a shortage of 500 million litres of water p e r d
requirement of 2,600 MLDs amid the severe drinking water crisis in the city K
Siddaramaiah had informed that 'out of 14,000 borewells in Bengaluru, 6,900 had dried up
B ENG A LUR U : A Blue corner notice ha s b een issued against absconding MP Prajwal Re vanna amid furore ov er sex ual ha rassment a ll ega tions Karn ata ka home minister G Para me shwara sa id that Indian author it ie s had sought the hel p of Int erpol t o b ring t he JD(S) lawmaker back t o India Pr ajwal is fa cing multiple se xual ha rassmen t ca se s after expl icit videos fea tur ing the 33year -old went vira l in recent days
Parameshwara said a Special Investigation Team formed to probe the sex scandal will now determine a way to bring Prajwal back The development came hours after the SIT arrested his father father HD Revanna on molestation and kidnapping charges
Gowda’s residence Initially, the police team was refused entry and had to wait for 20-25 minutes before a “smiling Revanna opened the door and walked out”, a police source said Revanna, who first came under scanner with his son Prajwal following sexual harassment charges made against them, found himself in a tight spot after the rape survivor’s son lodged a police complaint on May 2 that she had been abducted on the night of April 29 Hours before the court denied bail to Revanna, the survivor was rescued from a farmhouse in Kalenahalli near Hunsur taluk of Mysuru Police sources said the property belongs to Revanna’s personal assistant The survivor was then brought to Bengaluru
C H A N D I G A R H : P o ll - rel ate d
e nf o rc em e nt ag e nc i es h av
s ei z ed ca s h , li q u o r, d ru g s , p recio us m etals, and ‘freebies’ w orth £60 93 m n in Punjab since M arch 1 , m aking it the fourth state nationally in term s of th e amou nt o f such seizure Only
T a m i l Na d u , Gu j ara t, an d
R aj as th a n a re ra nke d h i g h e r than Punjab on th e list
Conduct (MCC) on March 1 6 , t o t a l s e i z u r e
agencies is valued at £60 93 mn The Punjab Police have made the highest seizure in
mn, followed by the
A m o n g t h e d i s t r i c t s , Jalandhar topped the list with total seizures worth £14 13 mn, followed by Amritsar with £9 39 mn, Tarn Taran with £5 95 mn, F i r o z p u r w i t h £ 5 4 5 m n a n d Fazilka with £4 21 mn
Defence minister Rajnath Singh said if elected to power again, the NDA govt will implement the “one-nation-one-election” policy in the next five years “Lok Sabha elections and assembly elections are being held simultaneously in Andhra Pradesh We will fulfil our commitment of onenation-one-election’ across the country by the end of the next five years This will save a lot of time and energy ” Singh said at an election rally in Jammalamadugu assembly constituency in Kadapa district He accused the YSRCP govt of leading the state into a debt trap with its corrupt practices adding that Andhra Pradesh s debt has skyrocketed to £135 bn during the current regime BJP entered into a pact with TDP and Jana Sena in AP to end the corrupt rule of the Jagan Mohan Reddy govt, he said “People of the state are fed up with the deteriorating law and order situation in the state ” he added, urging people to pledge support to all the NDA candidates in the poll fray
A 26-year-old woman allegedly threw her sixyear-old disabled son into a crocodile infested river at Dandeli taluk in this district following a quarrel with her husband police said The couple often fought with each other over the condition of their elder son who had been mute since birth They have another two-yearold son they said Savitri s husband Ravi Kumar (27) used to frequently quarrel with her over elder son s disability and questioned her as to why she gave birth to a mute child On certain occasions he used to allegedly tell her to "throw the child away", police said According to the police, following a fight over the same matter last week, frustrated Savitri allegedly threw her elder son into a waste canal directly linked to the Kali river which is infested with crocodiles
Sharing the news with the media, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) of Punjab Sibin C said the seizures include cash amounting to £1 12 mn, 27,95,000 litres of liquor valued at £1 8 mn, drugs valued at £56 35 mn, precious metals totalling £1 49 mn and freebies worth £169,000 He said that 24 enforcement agencies are actively operating i n
£500,000, Customs Department at £437,000 and the Narcotics C
enforcement of Model Code of
Sibin added
K O L K A T A : T ri n am o o l r el eas ed a s ti n g v i d e o sh owing a S andeshkh ali BJP fu nctio nary adm itting th at m any o f t h e ch arg e s, inclu ding rape in th e area, w ere le v el led fo l lo w i ng i nstructions alleg ed ly from p arty seniors, including the L oP in Bengal assembly Su vend u Ad hikari BJP d ismissed the clip as “fake”
T h e 3 3 - m i n u t e v i d e o f o c u s e s o n Sandeshkhali Block-II BJP mandal president
G a n g a d h a r K o y a l “ W e h a v e f o l l o w e d
S u v e n d u d a ’ s ( B J P M L A A d h i k a r i ) instructions He helped us We convinced TMC people to do all this (level allegations) They (complainants) never said no, they did whatever we told them to do He (Adhikari) told us that if we could not do this, if we c o u l d n o t g e t t h e b i g s h o t s ( T r i n a m o o l seniors of the area) arrested, we would not be able to stand (survive) here,” Koyal is heard saying “I had to do all this very smartly We said it (the alleged rapes and torture) happened seven, eight months ago We had to work hard,” he adds
T r i n a m o o l , i n c l u d i n g p a r t y c h i e f M a m a t a B a
spoke at length at public
during the day “The sting shows how deep the rot is within BJP In their hatred
Bengal brigade) orchestrated a conspiracy to defame our state Never before in the history of India has a ruling party in Delhi tried to malign an entire state and its people History will witness how Bengal will rise in rage against Delhi’s conspiratorial regime and ensure their bisarjan (defeat),” she wrote on
X Adhikari was guarded in his response: “I have not seen the video I will find out whose voice it is and speak on the matter ” Later, he said truth could be “twisted and a misleading version circulated But its shelf life is very short Ultimately, truth prevails,” he said “I will approach CBI and seek a full probe so that the perpetrators are punished ” Koyal himself later called the “viral video a conspiracy and a plot” “They have used technology to fake my voice This is a ploy to d e f a m e
O t h e r d i s t r i c t s w i t h s i g n i f i c a n t s e i z u r e s i n c l u d e Ludhiana (£2 78 mn), Pathankot (£2 14 mn), Sangrur (£1 17 mn), Gurdaspur (£1 07 mn), Patiala (£729,000), Barnala (£720,000) and Moga (£673,000)
A l l 1 3 L o k S a b h a s e a t s i n Punjab will go to the polls on June 1
K OL K A TA : Prime M inister Narendra Mod i attac ked th e ru ling Tri nam o ol C ong res s (TM C) gov ernm ent in West Beng al wh ile addressing back-to-back rallies, saying th at th e p ar ty " i n d u lg e s in co r ru p ti o n a nd politics of ap peasem ent" P M M odi furth er alleg ed that the TMC h as turned Hind us into “second -class citizens” in West Beng al While addressing rallies in BardhamanDurgapur and Krishnanagar on May 3, the p r i m e m i n i s t e r s l a m m e d t h e T M C government for having “apathy” towards the v i c t i m s i n S a n d e s h k h a l i i n N o r t h 2 4 Parganas, where allegations of sexual abuse against leaders of the ruling party have surfaced
Takht Sri Damdama Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh cautioned political parties to desist from mentioning religious references on political stages without having thorough knowledge about it Talking to mediapersons outside the Golden Temple complex he said “Exploiting religious sentiments for political gains should not happen Even the Indian Constitution does not allow it The religious symbol principles and maryada have its significance The politicians should be cautious of speaking about religion The Jathedar supported jailed Waris Punjab De head Amritpal s move of contesting the Lok Sabha poll, saying it was the right of anyone to contest under the purview of Indian Constitution and democratic set up in the country
secretary Abhishek Banerjee, latched on to the video The CM first
and then
f Sandeshkhali and my leader (Adhikari),” he claimed
PM Modi said, “The state government, due to its appeasement politics, didn’t touch the main accused in the Sandeshkhali case as h i s n a m e i s S h a j a h a n S h e i k h S o m a n y atrocities were committed against women t h e r e , a n d t h e e n t i r e c o u n t r y w a n t e d punishment for the culprits But, the TMC kept protecting the main accused till the end ” He further questioned why Hindus as being treated as “second class citizens” in Bengal, referring to the reported remarks TMC MLA Humayun Kabir on “throwing Hindus in the Bhagirathi River ”
The Trinamool Congress removed Kunal Ghosh from the post of West Bengal general secretary, stating that his views did not align with those of the party The Mamata Banerjee-led party removed Ghosh from the post hours after he showered praise on Tapas Roy the BJP candidate from Kolkata North Lok Sabha constituency Roy joined the BJP in March this year after quitting the TMC Recently Kunal Ghosh has been expressing views that do not align with those of the party It is important to clarify that these are his personal opinions and should not be attributed to the party Ghosh was previously relieved of his role as party spokesperson Now he has been removed from the position of general secretary of the State organisation,” the Trinamool Congress said in a statement
Congress has named Rahul Gandhi as the candida te in
t h e f a m i l y b as t ion o f R a e
B areli on the final day for n o m in a t io ns , s e t ti n g t h e s tage for the Gandhis and an e ntourage of loyalists to airdas h t o the UP c ons tit uenc y just in time f or the Wayanad M P t o file his sec ond s et of papers this elect ion
C o n g r e s s ’ n o m i n a t i o n for Amethi, the other party fortress that Rahul contested and lost to BJP’s Smriti Irani in 2019, also went down to t h e w i r e G a n d h i l o y a l i s t Kishori Lal Sharma made the
c u t i n a l a s t - m i n u t e a n n o u n c e m e n t , i n f u s i n g some drama into the exercise as two Congress teams headed in different directions to beat the deadline
My mother has entrusted me with the responsibility of s e r v i n g t h e c o n s t i t u e n c y with great faith and has given me the opportunity to serve the community Amethi and Rae Bareli are not different for me; both are my family, and I am pleased that Kishori Lal ji, who has been serving the area for 40 years, will repr e s e n t t h e p a r t y f r o m Amethi,” Rahul wrote on X
“ I n t h e f i g h t a g a i n s t injustice, I seek the love and
Continued from Page 1
blessings of my loved ones I believe that in this fight to
i a s telling her a few days ago, “My family in Delhi is incomplete; it becomes complete only in Rae Bareli ” Sonia has been MP from Rae Bareli, f
father-in law Feroze Gandhi, since 2004
Rahul arrived at Amethi’s Fursatganj by a charter plane at 10 30 am, accompanied by S
law Robert Vadra, AICC presi d
Venugopal and Ashok Gehlot T
Gehlot going to Amethi while t h e r e s t p
Bareli In Amethi, Priyanka
Amethi, Rahul has chosen to
because Sonia Gandhi had won the 2019 Lok Sabha poll from there with a huge margin, while in Amethi he lost the poll to BJP's Smriti Irani
BJP has persuaded c ontrovers ial incumbent in K aise rganj, Brij Bhus han Shar an Singh, to yield in f avour of his younger son, K aran, while als o announc ing the c andidature of UP m
Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief who has been accused of sexual harassment by woman wrestlers, BJP has sought to neutralise the charge that it was soft on the six-time MP who enjoys considerable clout in the area Although the leadership had made plain its intent by withholding the candidature for the seat, Brij Bhushan did not give up hope and had already started campaigning by taking out roadshows A
times in a row (2009, 2014 and 2019), Brij Bhushan has won from neighbouring cons
Balrampur (2004) His wife, Ketaki, one of the options considered by BJP, had won from Gonda in 1996 while his son Prateek is an
MLA Brij Bhushan exerts clout through nearly 54 educational institutions he owns or is closely associated with These institutes situated on both sides of a roughly 100 km stretch of the Ayodhya-Gonda highway connecting four districts - Gonda, Balrampur, Bahraich and Shravasti
In Rae Bareli, this is the second time that Dinesh Singh, a former Congressman who used to be a confidant of the Gandhis, will be c
Sonia Gandhi but lost by over 170,000 votes The contest has taken a turn with Sonia opting out of Lok Sabha polls and taking the R
Rajasthan BJP, according to sources, is banking on Dinesh Singh’s connect with grassroots functionaries, especially at the village and block level
Sources said he has already hit the ground and has been holding meetings with different sections for the past many days Even the local BJP organisational cadre had been pressing for his name
In a set back to the rul ing B JP in Ha ryan a amid the Lok Sa bha e le ctions, t hre e Inde pe nde nt MLAs an noun ced t ha t they have withdrawn their support to the Nay ab Singh Saini-le d governmen t in t he stat e
The three MLAs - Sombir Sangwan, Randhir Gollen and Dharampal Gonder - also said that they have decided to extend support to the Congress during the elections They made the announce-
Rohtak in presence of former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and state Congress chief Udai Bhan "We are withdrawing support to the government We are extending our support to the Congress," Gonder said "We h a
issues including those related to farmers," he said
Speaking at the presser, Udai Bhan
have withdrawn their support to the BJP government and extended their support to the Congress I also want to say that
Haryana Assembly is 88, of which the BJP has 40 members The BJP government earlier had support of JJP MLAs
Independents are also leaving
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge, NCP leader Ajit Pawar, NCP-SP leaders Sharad Pawar and Supriya Sule, and Samajwadi Party leaders Akhilesh and Dimple Yadav were among the promin e n
Polling in over 93 constituencies across 11 states and union territories was held in the third phase with a total of 1,351 candidates in the fray
Voting in a single phase was held across Gujarat, Goa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, and Daman and Diu Polling for four seats in Assam, eight in Madhya Pradesh, four in West Bengal, seven in Chhattisgarh, 11 in Maharashtra, 10 in Uttar Pradesh, five in Bihar, and 14 in Karnataka was also held on Tuesday
Over 110 million voters were eligible to cast their ballots during the third phase PM Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah cast their votes at polling booths in Gujarat's Ahmedabad in the initial hours of
G an dh i na ga r- U n i o n h o m e m i
Amit Shah of BJP will take on Sonal Patel of Congress here Among the past winners from here are Atal Behari Vajpayee and L K Advani Amit Shah contested the Lok Sabha election from here in 2019 and won by a margin of 560,000 votes
P o rb an da r- K e y c o n t e s t a n t s a r e
Mansukh Mandaviya of BJP and Lalit Vasoya of Congress BJP has fielded union health m i n i s t e r M a n d a v i y a f r o m
, t h e birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi Mandaviya term in the Rajya Sabha ended this April
Guna- Jyotiraditya Scindia of BJP will take on Rao Yadvendra Singh Yadav of Congress Scindia is trying to reclaim a seat that always voted for the royals, irrespective of political affiliation
Rajgarh- Rodmal Nagar of BJP will take on veteran Congress leader Digvijaya Singh here Rodmal was the winner in 2019
NCP leader Ajit Pawar and his wife as well as party candidate Sunetra Pawar voted in Maharashtra's Baramati Voting for J&K's Anantnag-Rajouri seat was deferred by the Election Commission from 7 May to 25 May
As voting in the third round of the Lok Sabha elections drew to a close, an approximate voter turnout of 61 66 per cent was r e c o r d e d , a c c o r d i n g
A voter turnout of 66 14 per cent and 66 71 per cent were recorded respectively during the first two phases of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, as per a press release by the
V idi sha - Shivraj Singh Chouhan of BJP and Pratap Bhanu Sharma of Congress are
Bhargave was the winner in 2019 election
Baramati- Supriya Sule of NCP (SCP) and Sunetra Pawar (NCP) are the main contestants The winner of 2019 was Supriya Sule
Ratnagiri - Sundhudurg- Narayan Rane of BJP and Vinayak Raut of UBT are the main contestants The 2019 winner was Narayan Rane of BJP
Agra - Key contestants are Pooja Amrohi (BSP), Suresh Chandra Kadam (SP-Cong) and Satya Pal Singh Baghel (BJP) The 2019 winner was Satya Pal Singh Baghel of BJP
Mainpu ri - Main contenders are Dimple Yadav (SP), Jaiveer Singh (BJP) and Shiv Prasad Yadav (BSP) The 2019 winner was Mulayam Singh Yadav of SP and after his death Dimple Yadav won the seat in bypoll held in 2022
Malda North - The key contenders are
poll body
State-wise voter turnout:
Assam: 74 86%; Bihar: 56 01%; Chhattisgarh: 66 87%; Dadra & Nagar Haveli And Daman & Diu: 65 23%; Goa: 72 52%; Gujarat: 55 22%; K a
62 28%; Maharashtra: 53 40%; Uttar Pradesh: 55 13%; West Bengal: 73 93% Wom en protesters boycott p olling in Bengal's Mald a A group of women in West Bengal s Malda boycotted polling during the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections and sat on a protest over developmental issues in their area, according reports
(TMC) and Mostaque Alam (Cong) The 2019 winner was Khagen Murmu of BJP Murshidabad – Key contenders are Md Salim (CPI-M), Abu Taher Khan (TMC), Gouri Shankar Ghosh (BJP) The 2019 winner was Abu Taher Khan of TMC Satara – Key contenders are Shahshikant S h i n d e ( N C P S C P
(BJP) The 2019 winner was Udayanraje Bhonsle; Shriniwas Patil after Bhonsle quit NCP So lapu r – Key contenders are Praniti Shinde (Cong), Ram Satpute (BJP) The 2019 winner was Jai Siddheshwar Swami of BJP Kolha pur – The key contenders are Shahu Chhatrapati (Cong), Sanjay Mandlik (Shiv Sena) The 2019 winner was Sanjay Mandlik of Shiv Sena Guwaha ti – The key contenders are Bijuli Kalita Medhi (BJP), Mira Borthakur Goswami (Cong) The 2019 winner was Queen Oja of BJP
A total of 75 delegates fro m 23 co untries visited many polling stations to witness th e po ll process Th e delegates also witnessed th e p ro cess of dispatch o f p olling materials and machines to th e po lling teams and were appreciative o f the magnitude, transp arency and mos t imp ortantly the festive mood o f vo te rs S o me o f th e del egate s are f ro m Ph ilippines, Sri Lanka, Bhu tan, Mongolia and Israel
Special arrangements were made to mitigate the effects of hot weather conditions, including the provision of shamiyana, drinking water, medical kits and fans for convenience of voters The Commission had made special efforts to facilitate voting among the tribal groups with polling stations decorated in tribal culture and local themes Women tribal voters came out along with children to c a s t t h e i r v o t e a t p o l l i n g s t a t i o n s I n
Chhattisgarh, five generations of a family voted together at a polling station in Sarguja
Parshottam Rupala (BJP), Paresh Dhanani (
Kundariya of BJP
South G oa – The key contenders are
Fernandes (Cong) The 2019 winner was Francisco Sardinha of Congress M adhepura – The key contenders are
Kumar Chandradeep (RJD) The 2019 winner was Dinesh Chandra Yadav of JDU Dh arw ad – The key contenders are Prahlad Joshi (BJP), Vinod Asooti (Cong) The 2019 winner was Prahlad Joshi of BJP G ulbarga – Key contenders are Umesh J a d h a v ( B J P ) , R a d h a k
Jadhav of BJP Sh im og a – Key contenders are B Y Raghavendra (BJP), Geetha Shivarajkumar
( C o n g ) T h e 2 0 1 9 w
w a s B Y Raghavendra of BJP
belo w Ascending into the sky in the spacious wicker basket of a ho t air balloon,
remarkable aspects of hot air ballooning is the tranquillity and serenity of the experience
Asian Voice has put together some of the most breathtaking locations for hot air ballooning, offering unparalleled views and u n f o r g
destinations promise to elevate your sense of adventure to new heights
Cappado cia, Tu rkey
Cappadocia stands as one
o f t h e p r e m i e r d e s t i n a t i o n s w o r l d w i d e f o r h o t a i r b a l l o o n i n g a d v e
c h i m n e y - s h a p e d r o c k formations sculpted by ancient v o l c a n i c e r u p t i o n s i n t h e Monks Valley Renowned for i t s b r e a t h t a k i n g v i s t a s , b o t h f r o m t h e g r o u n d a n d h i g h above, a hot air balloon ride in Cappadocia is an unforgettable experience
Sereng eti, Tanzania
The Serengeti is renowned for hosting the largest mammal
m i g r a t i o n , s p a n n i n g f r o m Tanzania to Kenya throughout
t h e y e a r a n d o f f e r s a n unparalleled hot air ballooning
e x p e r i e n c e , a l l o w i n g y o u t o
witness the captivating sight of wildlife moving beneath you From hippos bathing to zebras running and giraffes leisurely
s t r o l l i n g , o b s e r v i n g t h e s e animals in their natural habitat i s a r a r e a n d e x t r a o r d i n a
operators in the region utilise low-noise burners, allowing the balloons to glide silently over the wildlife below
uxo r, Eg yp
k , c a r v e d c o l u m n s a n d magnificent stone statues of
A m e n h o t e p I I I T h i s spectacular aerial perspective
m a k e s L u x o r o n e o f t h e premier destinations for hot air
b a l l o o n i n g e n t h u s i a s t s worldwide, offering the thrill of s o a r i n g a b o v e i c o n i c archaeological sites such as the Colossi of Memnon and the V a l l e y o f t h e K i n g s w h i l e
immersing in the contrasting landscapes of dry deserts and lush greenery all in a single ride Renowned as an open-air museum, this hot air balloon
a d v e n t u r e o f f e r s a u n i q u e opportunity to witness some of t h e w o r l d ' s m o s t f a m o u s archaeological wonders in just two hours
Angkor Wat, C am bod ia
S p a n n i n g o v e r 5 0 0 a c r e s and designated as a UNESCO W
capital of the Khmer Empire, it boasts remarkable preservation
to this day As the most popular tourist attraction in the entire country, it stands out as one of t h e p r e m i e r d e s t i n a t i o n s f o r hot air ballooning enthusiasts
H e r e , h o t a i r b a l l o o n s a r e tethered to a cable for optimal safety, offering 10-minute rides that are most enjoyable during calm winds
Tuscany, Italy
B o a s t i n g a p i c t u r e s q u e landscape of golden and green hills that offer sweeping views o f c h a r m i n g v i l l a g e s a n d ancient castles, Tuscany stands out as an exceptionally exotic location among the plethora of hot air balloon rides around the world Adding to the allure are the myriad cities included in t h e i t i n e r a r y a n d t h e breathtaking aerial views of the region's iconic vineyards Monument Valley, U tah
This scenic location ranks a m o n g t h e t o p d e s t i n a t i o n s w o r l d w i d e f o r h o t a i r b a l l o o n i n g , h a v i n g s e r v e d a s t h e b a c k d r o p f o r n u m e r o u s films Each January, the Bluff Balloon Festival draws crowds as participants vie for the title of the best hot air balloon ride a g a i n s t t h e b r e a t h t a k i n g panoramic backdrop
“Hindu Astrology: Myths, symbols, and realities” by Dr Anthony P Stone
In "Hindu Astrology," author and Oxford mathematician Dr A P Stone embarks on a fascinating journey into the depths of this a n c i e n t a n d e n i g m a t i c p r a c t i c e W i t h m e t i c u l o u s r e s e a r c h a n d a p r o f o u n d understanding of Sanskrit, Dr Stone delves into the intricacies of Hindu astrology, posing thought-provoking questions that challenge traditional notions and spark intellectual curiosity
One of the central inquiries of the book is the underlying mechanism behind the e f f i c a c y o f H i n d u a s t r o l o g y D r S t o n e explores why Hindu astrology seems to work in some instances and not in others, d e l v i n g i n t o t h e i n t r i c a c i e s o f c e l e s t i a l movements and their impact on human a f f a i r s T h r o u g h a r i g o r o u s a n a l y s i s o f various models for the origin, development, and functioning of yugas, manvantaras, karma, and Vedic astrology, the book sheds l i g h t o n t h e u n d e r l y i n g p r i n c i p l e s t h a t govern this ancient practice
Moreover, "Hindu Astrology" explores the historical and cultural context in which Hindu astrology arose and developed Dr S t o n e d r a w s p a
H i n d u astrology and other astrological systems, h i g h l i g h
insights into the role of the supernatural and synchronicity in shaping astrological
contemplate the interplay between science, spirituality, and astrology
intersections of science, spirituality, and astrology This introspective section adds depth to the exploration, inviting readers to contemplate the broader implications of Hindu astrology in the modern world
a comprehensive and illuminating study that a
general enthusiasts alike Whether you
insights or a curious reader intrigued by the mysteries of the cosmos, this book offers a rich tapestry of knowledge and wisdom W i t h
, practical applications, and philosophical reflections, the book is a valuable addition t
enduring practice
A b o u t a u t h o r : A n t h o n y P S t o n e , obtained his first degree in Mathematics, as well as his PhD Dr Anthony Philip Stone in theoretical physics, at the University of Oxford Arriving in India in 1956, he taught mathematics at colleges in Bengal, Kerala, and Delhi Becoming intrigued with the Hindu obsession with astrology, he learned Hindi at Delhi University and Sanskrit at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan He was accepted as a Fellow of the Indian Association for History and Philosophy of Sciences, and Life Member of the Indian Mathematical Society and of the Indian Society for the History of Mathematics
This square set of
Dear R eaders,
Somatic psychology is the study of accessing the wisdom our body holds rather than relying on our mind Many of my clients come to me as a somatic coach with a shared experience: feeling like they have more to offer than they're showing Traumatic experiences can often linger in the body, manifesting as physical symptoms or emotional distress But how can we address this hidden trauma and find pathways to healing? Let's explore the transformative power of somatic psychology together
Start by Listening to Your Body: Imagine your body as a wise companion, holding valuable insights into your past experiences Take a moment to tune in to bodily sensations, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort These physical cues may be signalling unresolved trauma that is yearning to be acknowledged By developing a deeper awareness of your body's language, you can begin to unravel the layers of stored trauma and pave the way for healing
Focus on Embodied Practices: Somatic psychology emphasises the importance of embodied practices in healing trauma These may include mindfulness, breathwork, or gentle movement exercises By engaging in these practices, you can create a sense of safety and grounding within your body, allowing suppressed emotions to surface and release One client I w o r k e d w i
t y through simple somatic exercises, enabling them to reclaim a sense of calm and empowerment in their daily life
Explore Body-Centred Therapies: Traditional talk therapy may not always address the somatic aspects of trauma effectively That's where body-centred therapies, such as somatic experiencing, come into play These approaches provide a safe space for exploring and processing trauma stored in the body, without the need to rely solely on verbal communication Through gentle guidance individuals can gradually release tension and restore equilibrium to their nervous system
A psychological study shows the effectiveness of somatic therapy in reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among survivors of childhood trauma The results highlighted the great impact of somatic interventions in restoring a sense of safety and empowerment to trauma survivors, paving the way for lasting healing and resilience By embracing somatic psychology, individuals in our Asian community can find culturally sensitive pathways to healing that honour the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit This holistic approach offers a gentle yet powerful way to address trauma stored in the body, paving the way for profound transformation and healing As we continue to prioritise mental health and well-being, let's remember to listen to our bodies and honour the wisdom they hold on our journey towards healing and wholeness
For the month of May I'm offering a pay what you can coaching session, that will incorporate somatic w o r k R e a c h o u t t o d a y t o b o o k y o u r s e s s i o n mamta@mamtasaha com Don’t forget to download your free E- Book at www mamtasaha com
M an y c or p o rat
experience d iscom fort and neck p ain after pro lo nged desk sitting, often lead ing to the develop ment of a neck hump This change in po
poses to allev iate the issue
These po ses can stretch and mobilise the neck and spine area effectively L et's exp lore these beneficial po stures Wall extension pose: For this stretch, stand with your
and use
wall for support
stretching as far as possible
Hold the position for 5 seconds, then repeat
forward, and lift your upper body Keep
apart, touching ground with
towards the sky Repeat 5-10 times
The cat
hump Start on hands and knees, lift your body into
Superfood to fight inflammation- Avocados Avocados, with their high healthy fats and low sugars, boast anti-inflammatory properties They're rich in omega-3s, phytosterols, and plant hormones like beta-sitosterol and stigmasterol, helping to ease joint pain by reducing inflammation
improve posture and burn excess neck fat
Multi ple s cle rosis (MS) is a chron ic autoi mmune condition w here the i
Duri ng s ummer, manag ing MS req uires ca reful atte ntion d ue to hea t exa cerb atin g sy mp toms li ke w ea knes s an d mobi lity di ffi culties
Here ar e some s trategi es to help man age MS d uri ng the s ummer: Stay cool: Stay indoors
during the hottest part of the day, usually between 10 am and 4 pm, to avoid the h e a t K e e p y o u r l i v i n g space cool by using fans or a i r c o n d i t i o n i n g I f y o u must go outside, opt for c o o l e r t i m e s l i k e e a r l y morning or late evening Hydra tion: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day,
A study has r evea led that me n who con sume a diet abunda nt in fruit s and vegeta ble s experien ce a sl ower adv ancement of pr ostat e can cer compa red to those wit h higher meat inta ke Plant-based diets have been associated with improved health outcomes, including reduced risks of diabetes, heart disease, and premature mortality
Researchers at the University of California surveyed men with prostate cancer from a US research cohort between 2004 and 2016 to assess the amount of plant-based foods in their diets “Our findings align with previous reports that plantbased diets may improve prostate cancer outcomes,” the researchers said, citing work that showed plant-based diets reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes
The researchers suggested that the anti-inflammatory properties of fruit and vegetables might be behind the association They said previous studies had suggested several mechanisms through which plant-based diets might improve prostate cancer outcomes because of their high content of compounds including antioxidants as well as fibre, “which may promote satiety and regulate blood-glucose levels”
In the Cancer of the Prostate Strategic Urologic Research Endeavour study, men were surveyed about their daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, meat, and dairy Based on their plant intake, participants were divided into groups The group consuming the highest amount of plants averaged nearly two additional servings of fruits and vegetables, approximately one extra serving of whole grains, and one fewer serving of dairy per day compared to the other group
exacerbate MS symptoms, so it's crucial to m a i n t a i n a d e q u a t e hydration Avoid caff
e d b e v e
s and alcohol, as they c a n c o n t r i b u t e t o dehydration
C oo l i n g pr o d u ct s : C o n s i d e r u s i n g c o o l i n g products like vests, neck wraps, or towels to regulate y o u r b o d y t e m p e r a t u r e when outdoors or during p h y s i c a l a c t i v i t y T h e s e items can offer relief from heat discomfort
E x e r c i s e : S t a y a c t i v e but choose activities that w
Swimming is an excellent exercise option for people with MS as it keeps you cool while providing a full b o d y
I n d
activities like yoga or tai chi c a n a
l p i m p r o v e strength and flexibility Nut ri ti on : Maintain a well-balanced diet featuring plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean p
smoothies, and grilled fish or chicken
Workplace AI, robots and trackers are bad for quality of life, study finds
laptops, tablets and instant messaging at work tended t o h a v e a m o r e p o s i t i v e effect on wellbeing
Analysing data from a survey of over 6,000 indiv i d u a l s , t h
investigated the impact of four technology categories increasingly integrated into the economy
Their findings indicate
u c h
“We found that quality of life improved as the frequency of interaction with I C T s i n c r e a s e d , w h e r e a s quality of life deteriorated as frequency of interaction with newer workplace techn o l o g i e s r o s e , ” t h e
While the authors did not directly investigate the
s A Ibased software, surveillance devices like wearable trackers, and robotics correlated with poorer health and wellbeing among workers By contrast, use of more l o n g - e s t a b l i s h e d i n f o r m at i o n a n d c o m m u n i c a t i o n technologies (ICTs) such as
In England, the health watchdog has endors ed a groundbreaki ng treatment for s ickle c ell di sease , heralded as a tran sformative breakthrough for in divi dua ls coping wi th the condition
n , h a s received a recommendation from the N a t i o n a l I n s t i t u t e f o r H e a l t h a n d Care Excellence (Nice) for inclusion in
intended for individuals aged 12 and above who are afflicted with sickle cell disease
17,000 individuals have the condition, with an estimated 4,000 eligible for t
organisations dedicated to supporting those with sickle cell disease have expressed their approval of the drug's endorsement
The drug, administered as a daily tablet, is said to significantly improve the quality of life for people with sickle cell by helping to reduce their need for blood transfusions, which can then lead to having fewer hospital visits Sickle cell disease is more common among individuals with African or Caribbean ancestry, as noted by the N H S I n E n g l a n d , a p
said: “On behalf of people living with Sickle Cell and the Black community as a whole, we are absolutely delighted that this treatment has been approved by Nice This treatment offers significant hope of better quality of life to
patient voices when addressing systemic inequities for a community that is underserved ”
In the dynamic realm of entertainment dominated by streaming platforms, Yami Gautam emerges as a symbol of versatility and commitment. Her latest movie, Article 370, not only garnered critical praise but also deeply connected with viewers, cementing her status as one of India's most accomplished talents. In a recent interview, Yami Gautam offered her viewpoint on the ongoing
actors who favour one medium over the other, Gautam has consistently focused
emphasised, "I never chose any of my films thinking this is great for OTT or for theatrical I chose them for what they were and the roles I wanted to
Vidhu Vinod Chopra revealed the backstory of casting Sanjay Dutt as Munna Bhai, despite Dutt being shunned by the industry due to a terrorism case conviction. Chopra disagreed with the industry's decision and chose to support Dutt by announcing his casting Initially, Dutt was slated for a different role, with Shah Rukh Khan set to play Munna Bhai
During a discussion at the Kellogg Management School, the filmmaker confessed that he initially didn't envision Sanjay Dutt in the film Consequently, upon Dutt's release from jail and eagerness to collaborate, the filmmaker conveyed that their collaboration would have to wait “Sanjay Dutt went to jail I didn’t know him at all The whole industry banned him, but I thought this was very wrong, so I went to his house and announced a film with him His father said that I’ll be banned as well, but I said, ‘I don’t care ’ , ” Chopra said
He continued, “Then, Sanjay Dutt comes out of jail I remember him calling me from the car He said he wanted to meet, and he wanted his first comeback film to be with me I told him, ‘I’ll never make a film with you, I just announced it because it was the right thing to do’ He’s a very simple man A good man, but a simple man He thought the announcement meant that we were actually going to work together I said, ‘I cannot make a film with you unless the equation changes, because I cannot exploit a good deed’ It’s a terrible thing to do, that you do something good and exploit it ”
whether it's the grandeur of the big screen or the intimacy of streaming services
convenience and accessibility, Gautam remains steadfast in her love for the cinematic experience "Watching myself on the big screen will always be my first
undeniable enchantment as the lights dim, the projector hums to life, and the audience collectively holds its breath Gautam's steadfast commitment to her craft and her deep respect for the art of cinema shine brightly, emphasising that
Four years after Irrfan Khan's passing, his wife and screenwriter, Sutapa Sikdar, honoured his memory on Instagram nv e d were still ve.
Rukh Khan remains a steadfast pillar of support for his cricket team
Kolkata Knight Riders, often seen passionately cheering from the stands recent discussion, the superstar reflect on the challenging early years of KKR's journey
Referring to himself as the 12th man in the team, SRK told star sports, "The first five six years were very challenging I am not a cricketer But I was the 12th man in KKR
As the 12th man, the role involves fielding, serving water, providing towels, and offering reassurance, reminding everyone to allow things to unfold naturally With unwavering determination, KKR secured the championship title in the fifth season of the IPL in 2012 and triumphed once more, claiming trophy in 2014
With the ongoing season, SRK ha
Yami Gautam shares her success mantra, 'I never chose any of my films...'
In a dialogue written like a script, utapa narrated how Irrfan would've stantly called Dinesh Vijan (his indi Medium and Angrezi Medium oducer) to develop a film with him nd Diljit Dosanjh after Sutapa ould've raved about the latter's latest movie, Imtiaz Ali's musical biopic Amar Singh Chamkila
Sutapa envisioned Irrfan mmersing himself in the film's music by AR Rahman, particularly praising Irshad Kamil's lyrics in the climactic song "Vida Karo " She also imagined proposing to Irrfan the idea of reprising his role as a Sardar from Anup Singh's "Qissa" (2014) to collaborate with Diljit in a new film
Sutapa's hypothetical
interaction with Irrfan also involved him warning that if “Bollywood doesn’t mend its way, ” he'd do a Malayalam film He'd refer to a director who helmed a Fahadh Faasil movie and would get his manager to make it happen
Before diving into her imagination, Sutapa wrote, “It’s 4 years and three days since Irrfan left me Four years? A feeling of guilt sweeps through my body 4 years we have lived without him added with sadness, fear, hopelessness and severe helplessness And then I thought but still I lived with him more I knew him since 1984 so that makes 36 years of knowing him more and definitely till I die I would have spent more time with him then without him ”
been constantly cheering for the team The revealed that after three releases in namely Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki, s decided to take a break from work st felt ki main thoda rest kar sakta oon Teen filmein kar chuka hoon, it ook a lot of physical work also. So I said maybe I’ll take some time off I told the whole team ki, main matches ko aaunga Fortunately, meri shooting ab August main hain, ya July we plan in June, to June se shuru hojayegi So, I am absolutely free to come to all the matches Main khushi se aata hoon (I felt I could rest I did three physically demanding films I told the whole team I’ll come to their matches Fortunately, I don’t hoot my next till August or June, we an in June It makes me happy to be ) ” The actor is expected to begin ing for 'Tiger versus Pathaan' with an Khan soon
"Sridevi wanted to convert her Chenna mansion into a hotel Janhvi Kapoor
Actress Sonali Bendre recently addressed past rumours, including false allegations of affairs, that were linked to her In a media interview, she mentioned the trend of actors being asked if they would prefer to have 'link-up rumours' with their co-stars circulated She noted that during the early stages of her career, such gossip was often used to promote films, leaving actors with little control over the situation.
Sonali said, “Gossips and newsmakers jumping to conclusions – be it about who you ’ re seeing or the affairs you ’ re having or even the fights you ’ re having with your co-stars – come under the gamut of ‘where did that come from?’ And most of the time, such things that were written about me weren’t true at all These days, actors are at least asked if they would want link-up rumours with their co-stars to be floated around "
She added, "During my time, we weren’t even asked, and those gossips would just be out there to promote the film, and the actors had no choice There was a motive to link the lead pair up just to be in news Itne shiddat ke saath yeh karte the ki (They used to do it so diligently) I think they (such gimmicks) may have worked But I found these things to be really strange ”
Kapoor has opened her childhood home in Chennai to fans through a rental service The lavish home, purchased by Sridevi, was intended to be converted into a hotel before the late actress's untimely passing in 2018
Shedding light on her mother's plans, Janhvi shared at an event, "I remember we ’ ve spent a lot of mom ’ s birthdays there, my birthday, dad’s birthday Towards the end of it, we couldn’t really spend as much time there because we had to refurbish the house So mom was thinking of doing a lot of things She wanted to make it a hotel ”
Boney Kapoor ended up fulfilling Sridevi's wish and renovated the entire house The filmmaker also celebrated his birthday at this Chennai bungalow, Janhvi shared, "I remember he kept saying, ‘I need to do it for her I need to do it for her ’ And then when he did up the whole house, and I think we brought in his birthday there, and it was the first time, I think, he tried celebrating his birthday after she passed I have this vivid memory that after 2-3 years, it was the first time I saw my dad allowing himself to start enjoying himself again ”
This Chennai home marked Sridevi's initial venture into property investment, and she personally adorned it with artistic touches However, the Kapoor family had to undertake a complete renovation due to persistent leakage and maintenance issues
Fardeen Khan on 'No Entry' sequel: All I would say is ‘don't mess it up’
Fardeen Khan expressed his sentimental attachment to his 2005 film "No Entry" and expressed hopes that the forthcoming sequel, featuring a fresh cast, will live up to the standards set by the original
Producer Boney Kapoor recently confirmed the active development of the sequel, revealing that Varun Dhawan, Diljit Dosanjh, and Arjun Kapoor will headline the project
Anees Bazmee, who directed the first part starring Fardeen, Salman Khan and Anil Kapoor, is returning for the follow-up as well
“I've heard the script, it is absolutely hilarious I think everyone tried hard to work out whether it was from Salman Khan or Boney Kapoor or Anees Bazmee It's a film that's close to my heart," Fardeen told the media
"Wish we could have been a part of it but it wasn’t meant to be So, these things happen For Anees and Boney, I only have love and my best wishes on the sequel, all I would say is: ‘Don't mess it up ’ , ” he added
The 50-year-old actor expressed his anticipation for the sequel, stating, “I don't know if they're taking a different approach with the sequel, but I'm confident it will maintain the essence of what Anees had envisioned I believe it will be fantastic I extend my best wishes and eagerly await its release ”
Sonakshi Sinha reveals she will not join dad Shatrughan in politics
Sonakshi Sinha has disclosed her disinterest in entering politics, unlike her father, actor-turned-politician Shatrughan Sinha. During a recent interview with Raj Shamani, when asked about her potential foray into politics, Sonakshi jokingly remarked, "No, because then you'll talk about nepotism there too "
The 36-year-old actress elaborated that one needs to possess a "people's person" persona to thrive in politics However, she confessed that she is i
Sonakshi also acknowledged her lack of "
joining a political party solely for the sake of it would serve no purpose
“All jokes aside, I don’t think I would because I’ve seen my dad do it I don’t think I have the aptitude for it My dad is a very people’s person I am a very private person, and you ’ ve to be a people’s person, you ’ ve to be there for t
country, and I’ve seen my dad do that, so I don’t think I have that in me, ” Sonakshi added
M e a n w h i l e , o n t h e w o r k f r o n t ,
Sonakshi Sinha is currently enjoying the success of Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar In Bhansali’s OTT debut, Sinha played the role of Fareedan, who is formidable, shrewd and sardonic She essays the role of the daughter of Mallikajaan’s elder sister, who had a catastrophic end
Director and actor Sundar C is currently engaged in promoting his upcoming film 'Aranmanai 4', featuring Tamannaah Bhatia and Raashii Khanna in pivotal roles. During a recent interview, Sundar C shared a poignant moment where his wife, actress Khushboo Sundar, tearfully suggested he marry someone else.
While talking to the media, Sundar was shown a picture in which he is sitting with his newborn and Khushboo, and she gazes at them with love
He described it as a profoundly emotional moment, captured immediately after Khushboo regained consciousness following the birth of their first child Sundar C had never previously disclosed the story behind that deeply touching image due to its intensely personal nature However, he revealed that Khushboo was shattered upon learning that she couldn't conceive
Before their marriage, Khushboo fell ill, and a doctor informed her that she might not be able to conceive Devastated by the news, she tearfully asked Sundar to consider marrying someone else However, Sundar remained steadfast in his commitment to Khushboo and accepted the possibility of not having children in their life together. Despite this, he believes that fate intervened, as they were ultimately blessed with two daughters
Star couple Jayaram and Parvathy's daughter, Malavika, exchanged vows with her fiancé, Navaneeth Gireesh, in a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony at the Guruvayur temple The couple united in matrimony surrounded by their loved ones
The stunning bride, Malavika Jayaram, drew inspiration from her parents for her wedding attire, opting for a red silk saree draped in the Iyengar style
The groom wore a traditional Kerala kasavu dhoti and shawl for the temple wedding Jayaram and Parvathy, who are the happiest star couple in the Malayalam film industry, expressed their joy as their daughter got hitched “These are the happiest moments in our life Words cannot express our joy With Guruvayurappan’s
beautifully That’s the biggest joy,” proud
dad Jayaram expressed
He also mentioned that he and his wife Parvathy were fortunate to have their wedding ceremony at the Guruvayur temple 32 years ago Witnessing their daughter getting married at the same sacred place fills them with joy and excitement
The temple wedding was attended by s
Radhika, and actor Aparna Balamurali, among other industry insiders
Navaneeth is the son of former UN
Nenmara, Palakkad The groom currently works as a chartered accountant in the UK Malavika, who has a Master's degree in Sports Management from Wales has been following her passion for modelling of late
Rajinikanth reunites with Amitabh Bachchan after 34 years for 'Vettaiyan'
Actor Rajinikanth and Bollywood icon Amitabh Bachchan are reuniting on screen after nearly 34 years
Their last collaboration was in the film 'Hum' Currently, they are shooting for their upcoming movie 'Vettaiyan' Directed by TJ Gnanavel, the film is slated to release in theatres in October of this year The makers of the film took to social media to share new photos from the film sets, featuring Amitabh Bachchan and Rajinikanth embracing each other.
scenic beauty of Mumbai's Marine Drive His blog post read, "but the greater joy in
The Tamil film 'Kanguva' features Suriya in the lead role and is directed by Siva. This period action drama stars Suriya, Disha Patani, and Bobby Deol in prominent roles, with the musical score composed by Devi Sri Prasad The teaser of the film has garnered a tremendous response from fans, generating anticipation for its release among audiences
The film has a huge anticipation and the movie happens with two timelines as to what happens in the present and to what has happened in the past with an ancient history plot
While the photos have created a great
experience on working with the superstar Commencing his blog with admiration for Mumbai's sea link and Marine Drive, which he observed on his way to the film sets, the actor proceeded to share his experience of working with Rajinikanth He emphasised that the privilege of collaborating with Rajinikanth surpassed even the
Rajinikanth at work no change in him at all the same humble, simple, down to earth dynamic star What a privilege and honour "
Sharing the pictures of the two stars yesterday, the production house captioned
'Vettaiyan' is said to be an entertaining social drama and the stellar cast of the film includes Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Dushara
among others
In an interview with the media, Jyotika revealed that actor Suriya has put in 200% of his efforts The actress said that Suriya is a fabulous actor and with 'Kanguva', the actor has done so much Jyotika explained that though she has only seen a few rushes and clips of the film, she believes that the movie will make the entire film industry witness something for the first time She added that the movie is a magnum opus and that she said that she has no words for the efforts put in by Suriya for his phenomenal appearance and role in the film
'Kanguva' is slated to be released in 3D across 10 different languages The film's ensemble cast includes Jagapathi Babu, Yogi Babu, Redin Kingsley, KS R
Nataraj, among others
keswoman for the
s year's Met Gala is awakening fairy tales or Disney ws inspiration from collection, n ancient and are too fragile for n display, as
Gala designates year's lineup ur alongside Latino Bunny and Jennifer rican actress n actor Chris
It's that time of year again whe world's most elit to celebrate fash prestigious even
Held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, this annual event, famously dubbed "fashion's biggest night," showcased a spectrum of celebrity attire, ranging from stunning to eccentric, inspired to perplexing.
The Met Gala remains an exclusive affair, strictly invitation-only, with a curated roster of celebrities spanning various domains gaining entry each year Embracing the designated theme, which coincides with the year's Costume Institute exhibition, guests are encouraged to dress accordingly In the previous year, approximately 400 individuals received coveted invitations,
na, Katy Perry, and a h otably d attending Met Gala, hemselves formed o subjects AIenerated deep fakes from this year's 'fashion's biggest night ' Their absence parked a gital torm, with ree at the f viral ons
South Asians who shine on the red carpet of Met Gala 2024
Numerous celebrities graced the red carpet of the 2024 Met Gala held at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York Among them, several notable Indians made their presence felt at this esteemed fashion event and fundraiser
event in a bespoke saree-gown meticulously crafted by designer Rahul Mishra The attire boasted an exquisite long floral train and intricate hand embroidery, requiring over 10,000 hours to meticulously bring to life
Indian entrepreneur and philanthropist, Mona Patel, turned heads with her striking ensemble a mechanical dress inspired by butterflies, elegantly styled by Law Roach As Mona gracefully walked, her dress fluttered from side to side, creating a captivating display that perfectly embodied the theme of 'Time and Nature ' Hailing from Vadodara originally, Patel ventured to the US at a young age to pursue her entrepreneurial aspirations
Socialite Natasha Poonawalla, a Met Gala regular, commanded attention in a bespoke ensemble from Maison Margiela's Artisanal Collection, curated by the iconic designer John Galliano Hyderabad-based billionaire, Sudha Reddy, made a stunning appearance at the Met Gala 2024 She dazzled in an ivory silk gown designed by Tarun Tahiliani, complemented by a stunning 180-carat diamond necklace
Indian-American comedian and actor Mindy Kaling made a memorable impression at the Met Gala Adorned in a striking sculptural gown crafted by designer Gaurav Gupta, Kaling captivated onlookers Her dress, symbolising both a bud and a withering flower, was aptly titled 'The Melting Flower of Time' Ambika Mod, the British star of the Netflix series "One Day," exuded elegance in a custom black-and-white ensemble by Loewe, the renowned Spanish luxury fashion house Born to Indian immigrant parents in Hertfordshire, England, Mod showcased her sophisticated style on the Met Gala red carpet
Bridgerton actress Simone Ashley arrived on the Met Gala red carpet in a cutout navy blue dress designed by Prabal Gurung
Indian couturier Sabyasachi Mukherjee made history as the first Indian designer to grace the Met Gala red carpet He donned an embroidered cotton duster coat from his own Sabyasachi Resort 2024 collection, accentuated with selections from the Sabyasachi High Jewellery line
featu ring P ratik Gandh i in the lead role, new casting upd ates have been revealed, w i th th e
ab le addition being Tom Felto n, renowned for h is role in the Harry Potter series
Tom will be seen playing the role of Josiah Oldfield, Gandhi’s friend in London during his student days, as per a media report He said, “I’m excited to be part of the journey of telling the story of Gandhi’s early years in London It’s an important aspect of history that hasn’t been told on screen before, and to be working with Hansal and Pratik is an honour and pleasure ” Hansal also shared this on X (formerly Twitter) and shared the names of other actors too who are joining the cast Apart from Tom Felton, Libby Mai, Molly W
Alexander, Jonno Davies, Simon Lennon will be seen in the show
The series reunites Pratik Gandhi with director Hansal Mehta following their success with the web series "Scam 1992 " Joining them is Bhamini Oza, portraying Kasturba Gandhi Produced by Applause E n
Ramachandra Guha's books "Gandhi Before India" and "Gandhi – The Years that Changed the World "
Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, returning for her second Met Gala appearance, captivated in a mesmerising mint-green Sabyasachi saree adorned with a remarkable 23-foot-long train, perfectly aligning with the gala's "Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion" theme This event follows her unforgettable Met Gala debut last year, where she dazzled in a striking ensemble crafted
UNICEF India has appointed Bollywood star Kareena Kapoor as its new National Ambassador Having been affiliated with UNICEF India since 2014, the acclaimed actress will lend her support to the organisation's efforts in promoting children's rights to early childhood development, health, education, and gender equality, as stated in a press release K
Advocate for UNICEF India “There are few things as
generation of this world I am honoured to continue my association with UNICEF now as India’s National A
"I will strive to use my voice and influence for v
equality For every child deserves a childhood, a fair chance, a future," she added
In addition to Kareena, UNICEF India has named its inaugural Youth Advocates, who serve as peer leaders and champions on various critical issues including climate action, mental health, innovation, and promoting girls' involvement in STEM fields
The four advocates include Gauranshi Sharma from Madhya Pradesh, focusing on the right to play and disability inclusion; Kartik Verma from Uttar Pradesh, advocating for climate action and child rights; singer Nahid Afrin from Assam, dedicated to mental health and early childhood development; and Vinisha Umashankar from Tamil Nadu, recognised as a budding innovator and pioneer in STEM
Hydera bad on Monda y Suryakumar entered the fray a
following the dismissal of Rohit
e , t
e a r - o l d showcased his batting brilliance, captivating the audience with an e l e c t r i f y i n g d i s p l a y o f p o w e r hitting By the end of the 17th
o v e r , t h e r i g h t - h a n d e d b a t t e r f o u n d
milestone, standing at 96 runs With Mumbai needing just six runs off 17 balls to chase down the 174 runs target, Surya found himself facing a low full toss from T Natarajan With nerves of steel, he went down on one knee and lofted the ball over
d e e p w i c k e t , n o t o n l y completing his first century but a l s o s e c u r i n g v i c t o r y f o r h i s team Nari ne takes Kolkata to top of table
S u n i l N a r i n e ’ s s p a r k l i n g 5 0
bowlers fashioned Kolkata Knight Riders’ 98-run win over Lucknow
Sunday Deciding to bowl first didn’t go as per plan for LSG as KKR became the first team to cross the 200-run mark at the Ekana stadium Proving his worth
, Narine (81 off 38 balls) went on a six-hitting spree, blasting seven maximums and six fours to take the visitors to 235/6 Chasing an imposing total, LSG batters had to go from the word go but the hosts found it hard to get the big shots and were eventually bundled out for 137 in 16 1 overs With the win KKR moved to the top of the table They have 16 points, the same as Rajasthan Royals but have played one game more
when it mattered the most for
hitting an unbeaten 43 and
defending champions jumped to third place in the points table after beating Punjab Kings by 28 runs at the HPCA Stadium
afternoon In the start, CSK were restricted to 167/9, thanks tight b
course to chase down the total by reaching 62/2 in 7 5 overs But they suffered a batting meltdown t
eventually ended up with 139/9 Jadeja’s spell turned the game on its head, while Simarjeet Singh and Tushar Deshpande returned
respectively to derail PBKS’ chase Ch alleng ers keep hopes alive Royal Challengers Bengaluru kept alive their slim playoff hopes with a four-wicket victory over Gujarat Titans in a low-scoring
U m p ire s N itin Me no n a nd
J a ya r am a n M a da na g o p a l , al ong with I CC m atc h referee
Ja vaga l Srinat h w ill b e th e
I ndian rep res entatives at th e u pco ming T2 0 W orld Cu p in
U SA next month The I CC
a n no u n c e d t h e l is t o f 2 6
m atch off ic ials set to be in c harge f or the first rou nd of th e mo nth-l ong event to be h eld in USA and the Wes t
I nd ie s , s t ar t in g o n Ju n e 1
T here w ill be 2 0 u mpires who w i l l b e o f f ic i at in g in 55 m atches acros s nine venues
thriller on Saturday Bengaluru
bowled out for 147 runs in 19 3 overs Bengaluru skipper Faf du Plessis then led the way with 64 off 23 balls, as the hosts finished with 152-6 in only 13 4 overs Virat Kohli scored 42 runs in 27 balls
partnership of 92 with du Plessis in 5 5 overs B e n g a l u
e d o f f t h e bottom of the table with its fourth w i n i n 1 1 g a m e s , a n d i s n o w seventh with eight points ahead of Punjab Kings on net run-rate It is mathematically still in contention to advance Gujarat lost its third consecutive game and dropped to ninth in the 10-team table It also has eight points and potentially can still make the playoffs Royals fall one run sh ort
S u n r i s e r s H y d e r a b a d h e l d their nerve to topple table-toppers Rajasthan Royals by one run on T h u r s d a y S u n r i s e r s p o s t e d a challenging 201/3, thanks to halfc e n t u r i e s f r o m N i t i s h K u m a r Reddy (76) and Travis Head (58) H o w e v e r , Y a s h a s v i J a i s w a l ( 6 7 )
and Riyan Parag (77) almost came to haunt the hosts as the duo
comeback through the brilliance
Cummins (2/34) and T Natarajan (
200/7 Needing 27 off three overs,
runs and picked up
wicket each in the 18th and 19th overs respectively Powell scored 10 runs off four balls and needed two off the last ball for victory However, Bhuvneshwar trapped Powell in front to give his side crucial two points
“ W i t h i n t h e s e l e c t e d
c o h o r t , w e h a v e a complement of experienced m a t c h o f f i c i a l s a n d o t h e r h i g h - p e r f o r m i n g m e m b e r s who have been recognized for their strong and consistent p e r f o r m a n c e s , ” s a i d I C C
G e n e r a l M a n a g e r W a s i m Khan
U m p i r e s : C h r i s B r o w n , K u m a r D h a r m a s e n a , C h r i
B e s i d e s M a d a n a g o p a l , the likes of Sam Nogajski, A l l a h u d i e n P a l e k e r , R a s h i d Riaz and Asif Yaqoob will also be making their ICC senior men ’ s competition debut
K e t t l e b o r o u g h , J a y a r a m a n
Madanagopal, Nitin Menon, Sam Nogajski, Ahsan Raza,
Saikat, Rodney Tucker, Alex Wharf, Joel Wilson and Asif Yaqoob
M a t c h r e f e r e e s : D a v i d
B o o n , J e f f C r o w e , R a n j a n
Madugalle, Andrew Pycroft,
R i c h i e R i c h a r d s o n a n d Javagal Srinath
r ecall ed to England’s
qua d f or the def ence of their T20 World Cup c rown af ter a year out of action
The 29-year-ol d, who has endured
2 019 , has not pl ayed competitive
ow injury
He takes his place in a 15-man provisional s q u a d c a p
tournament that starts on June 1 in the West Indies and the United States The same group will take on Pakistan in a four-match T20 series beginning at Headingley on May 22
All the players who are currently featuring in the Indian Premier League will return in time for the series against Babar Azam’s men
Another factor in England’s favour is that A r c h e r g r e w u p i n B a r b a d o s s o i s knowledgable about Caribbean conditions Veteran seamer Chris Jordan, also born in
B a r b a d o s , r e t u r n s a l o n g s i d e u n c a p p e d spinner Tom Hartley but there is no place for Chris Woakes Test captain Ben Stokes, who
w a s p
d w h o surrendered their 50-over title meekly in India last year, ruled himself out of the T20 World Cup in an effort to regain full fitness to play as
an all rounder
England begin the defence of the title they won in Australia in 2022 against Scotland in Barbados on June 4
The squad: Jos Buttler (capt, w k ) , M o e
, Jonny Bairstow, Harry Brook, Sam C
m Hartley, Will Jacks, Chris Jordan, L
Phil Salt, Reece Topley, Mark Wood
India were placed in Gro up A al o n gs i de de f en di n g ch ampi ons Australia, New Z e al an d, P a ki s t an i n th e Women’s T20 Wo rld Cu p, wh i ch wi l l b e h e ld i n Bangladesh from October 320 thi s year With all th eir gro up matches schedu led to be p layed at S ylh et, India wi ll o p e n th ei r ca mp a ig n a ga in s t N ew Z e a la nd o n O c to b e r 4 a n d f ac e o ff against arch -rivals P akistan on October 6 as th e ICC anno unced th e sch edule fo r t h e n i nt h e di ti o n o f th e Women’s T20 WC India’s next assignment w i l l b e a g a i n s t y e t - t o - b eidentified Qualifier 1 team
on October 9 while their clash against six-time world champions Australia will be on October 13
“Each side will play four g r o u p m a t c h e s a t t h e tournament, with the top two teams from each group p r o g r e s s i n g t o t h e c u tthroat semi-finals on 17 and 1 8 O c t o b e r a h e a d o f t h e f i n a l i n D h a k a o n 2 0 October,” the ICC posted o n i t s w e b s i t e “ I n t o t a l , t h e r e w i l l b e 2 3 m a t c h e s p l a y e d a c r o
p l a c e f o r both the semifinals and the f i n a l s h
A dominant I ndia grabbed an unass ailable 3-0 lead in the five-match women ’ s T 20I series as it pum melled Banglades h by seven w ickets in t
Harmanpreet Kau
op ted to fiel
squads until now
witho ut seeking p ermission from the WC Tec hnic al C ommittee
Rizwan, Azam Khan, Irfan Khan Niazi and Haris Rauf India, Australia, England, South Africa, New Zealand have all announced their WC
“It (delay) doesn’t matter because all these teams can change their entire squad by 24th May after that changes can only be allowed on fitness or injury basis with approval of the technical committee,” he said “That is why the PCB and selectors have decided to hold off until after the first match in England ” The source also added that the selectors also wanted to give more time to Babar Azam and other players to settle down and recapture the old bonding in the dressing room before the WC squad is announced “For the time being we have sent a provisional squad to the ICC for public relations and promotion purposes, ” the source said
with South Africa, England, West Indies and Qualifier 2 The two teams will enter the main tournament after
p erform anc e to restric t Bangladesh to 117/ 8, w hich th e visito r overhauled with nine ball s to s pare When they came to bat, openers Smriti Mandhana and Shafali Verma put on 91 runs in just 12 1 overs to take India closer to a series win Shafali got out after a 38-ball 51, hitting eight fours, while Mandhana found form as she struck 47 off 42 balls with the help of five b o u n d a
M o n i t o o k a blinder off her bowling to dismiss Shafali while Nahida Akter accounted for Mandhana But the damage was already done Earlier, the decision to bowl first did not y i e
s Bangladesh raced to 44 for no loss in the six p o w e r p l
bowlers tightened the screws on the home team batters after the dismissal of Dilara Akter, who blazed away to 39 off 25 balls T r a i l i n