AV 8th March 2025

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EAM Jaishankar’s UK trip highlights trade, technology and people links


Jaishankar is on an official visit to the

March 9 During his visit, he will engage

diplomatic and strategic ties with both nations The Ministry of External Affairs stated that India and the UK share a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which has grown across key sectors,

education, and cultural ties Continued on page 18

As the world unites to amplify gender equality and advocate for accelerated action toward women s representation in all aspects of life with International Women s Day, the anniversary of Sarah Everard’s death on March 3rd should weigh heavily on our collective conscience

Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old marketing executive, was raped and murdered by Metropolitan Police officer Wayne Couzens as she walked home in South London on March 3, 2021 Her tragic death brought global attention to violence against women and girls, embodying the fears of women worldwide

Subhasini Naicker
inaugurates and visits Vantara
Indian External Affairs Minister
S Jaishankar and Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds
King Charles III with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky
Anusha Singh

Anneliese Dodds quits over Starmer's aid cuts

respo nse to Prime M inister Sir Keir Starmer’s plan to red uce the foreign aid bud -

g et to fu n d i n cr eas ed d efence spending

In her resignation let-


global rules She argued it would be “impossible” for t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r t o uphold his promises to support development efforts in Gaza, Sudan, and Ukraine with a diminished budget

While Ms Dodds supported the move to boost defence spending in light of the "collapse" of the postw a r c o n s



concerns about the scale of the cuts She had accepted that some aid reductions might be necessar y to help raise defence spending to 2 5% of GDP by 2027, with ambitions of reaching 3% in the next parliament Ho w e v e r, M s D o d d s warned that the 3% defence spending target “ may only be the start,” and urged the g

alternative funding methods, such as revisiting bor-

City Hall rejects inquiry into London grooming gangs

n qu i r y in to p o t ent ia l

g roo ming g ang ac ti vi ty i n

L o nd o n w er e rej ec te d a t

C ity Hall on Tuesd ay

The Tories proposed a £ 4 4 9 m i l l io n a m e n d m e nt to Mayor Sir Sadiq Khan’s b u d g e t t o f u n d a n “Independent Inquir y into the Exploitation of Children

i n L o n d o n ” T h e a m e n dment, which needed a twothirds majority to pass, was d e fe a t e d 1 6 - 9 L a b o u r,

G r e e n , L i b e r a l D e m o c r a t , and independent members

o p p o s e d i t , w h i l e Re fo r m UK’s sole member supported it

The proposal followed criticism of Sir Sadiq last month when he was accused of “stonewalling” questions

f r o m C o n s e r v a t i v e

A s s e m b l y m e m b e r Su s a n Hall about whether groomi n g g a n g s o p e r a t e d i n London Sir Sadiq said he was unsure what she meant by grooming gangs

T h e C o n s e r v a t i v e s a r g u e d t h a t t h e

e m


u n k n o w n , n o t i n g t h a t “ m o r

nationwide had identif ied grooming gang activity, sugg e s t i n g

L o n d o n Ho w


v e r, t h e i r a m e n d m e n t i n a c c u r a t e l y claimed that the Jay Inquir y into child sexual abuse did not examine London, overlooking Tower Hamlets as one of the six case study areas

L a b o u r m e m b e r

Krupesh Hirani highlighted this error, contributing to t h e a m e n d m e n t 's d e fe a t

The Tories' claim was linked to a GB News report, where j o u r n a l i s t C h a r l i e Pe t e r s identif ied over 50 towns and c i t i e s a f fe c t e d b y a b u s e gangs

The Conser vatives contended that a local inquir y could address unanswered questions and deliver justice to victims, but the proposal lacked the support needed to proceed

rowing rules and taxation

She disclosed that she was only informed about the aid budget cut on Monday and decided to step down the same day


visit to Washington In her letter, she wrote, "The post-

undoubtedly come crashing down I believe we must increase defence spending and understand that there are no easy paths to achieve this Even with the cuts, maintaining our commitments to Gaza and Ukraine w

impact of these cuts will be more severe than acknowledged, particularly as hostile nations seek to f ill the void left by the UK "

Ms Dodds highlighted potential risks to national security and global influence, warning that reduced

K retreat from parts of Africa,

Chinese influence She added, "The decision risks aligning the UK

support such as food and healthcare from those in desperate need " This resignation marks the f irst in Sir Keir’s tenure to be driven by a policy disa

the deep divisions within the government over balancing defence and development priorities

Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty launch charity to boost numeracy skills

Former PM Rish i Sunak and h i s w i fe , Ak s h a ta M u rt y, h av e l au n c h e d ‘ T h e

Rich mond Project’ , a ch arity fo c u s ed o n i mp r o vi n g nu meracy acro ss th e UK

C r e d t I n s t a g r a m / @ r s h s u n a k m p

charity focused on transfo r m i n g l i v e s t h r o u g h numeracy

Murty emphasised that s t r u g g l i n g w i t h n u m b e r s can impact education, job

Named after their North Yo r k s h i re c o n s t i

aims to support children, families, and adults struggling with maths through creative solutions

Su n a k s a i d h e a n d Murty are passionate about e d u c a t i o n , e s p e c i

numeracy, and hope ‘The R

transform lives by improv-

across all ages in the UK

*Lessons At Ten*, bringing

o Downing Street for lessons, including numeracy

Writing in The Times, Mu r t y s h a


priorities and commitment to public ser vice Their passion for education led to ‘The Richmond Project’, a


A rise in sponsored visas for overseas hospitality and construction workers could increase the risk of exploitation experts warn While health and care worker visas have declined visas for foreign tradesmen hospitality and sales staff have risen The Work Rights Centre warns this puts more precariously employed non-unionised migrant workers at risk in the UK Sponsored visas for migrant tradesmen rose by 3 800 over two years while 3 400 more visas were issued to sales, customer service, and administrative staff An additional 1, 300 migrant workers received visas for food preparation and hospitality roles Despite this, overall work visas have declined, particularly in the NHS and social care, as the government moves to cut legal immigration Health and care worker visas dropped 81% from their 2023 peak , with 27,000 issued in 2024 All 181 occupations with high visa demand in 2023/24 were classified as "critically in- demand," highlighting employer reliance on migrant workers for roles lacking British applicants


Think tank Reform has urged ministers to streamline the UK s sprawling public bodies questioning their effectiveness in delivering government priorities It warned that creating more agencies to tackle policy challenges has led to a complex and opaque system with unclear governance and accountability Departments often lack effective oversight while many bodies focus on lobbying rather than their core responsibilities, Reform said, citing the Pensions Regulator and the British Business Bank Reform criticised public bodies for using taxpayer money to lobby the government for funding and policy changes

The think tank identified 100 bodies that could be merged, restructured or closed under stricter criteria It proposed a two -stage test to assess whether a body’s function requires political impartiality and independence from ministers


prospects, and f inancial stability The project aims to b r

e n c e i n numeracy from childhood to adulthood Sunak bac ks prostate canc er s creening as c harity ambas sador

Rishi Sunak said he is "honoured" to join Prostate

C a n c e r R e s e a r c h a s a n ambassador, supporting its c a m p a i g n fo r a n a t i o n a l s c r e e n i n g p r o g r a m m e fo r high-risk men Last week, Su n a k v i s i t e d Ox fo r d

B i oD y n a m i c s , w h e r e researchers are developing the EpiSwitch PSE test

Fo r m e r To r y l e a d e r

R i s h i Su n a k , M P fo r

R i c h m o n d a n d Northallerton, said he supp o r t s P r o s t a t e C a n c e r

R e s e a r c h’s m i s s i o n t o i m p r o v e d i a g n o s i s a n d treatment

Youth unemployment hit an 11-year high at the end of 2024, with ONS data showing 987,000 16 -24-year- olds out of work , education, or training between October and December Youth unemployment continues to rise with 13 4% of 16 -24-year- olds nearly one in seven out of work education or training by the end of 2024 The government says its Youth Guarantee initiative will ensure every young person can earn or learn ONS data shows young men (14 4%) are more likely to be Neet than young women (12 3%) Overall the number of Neet youths increased by 110,000 in a year, reaching 987,000 in late 2024 Young people not in work can be either unemployed, meaning they re actively job -hunting, or economically inactive, meaning they re not seeking work Most Neet youth fall into the latter group, with 595,000 classified as inactive and 392 000 unemployed in the latest data Poor mental health is a major barrier to employment, with nearly one in five (19 5%) affected in 2023, according to the Department for Education



A report by the centre -right think tank Policy Exchange reveals that soaring crime levels are costing the UK economy up to £250bn annually It blames austerity measures, which led to cuts in funding for police, prisons, and courts, for a rise in crime The report highlights an "epidemic" of shoplifting and other crimes, which directly cost the economy about £170bn a year, roughly 6 5% of GDP The report also highlights intangible effects of crime, such as fear influencing behavior, like avoiding high streets or delaying investments This could push the total cost to £250bn or 10% of GDP Policy Exchange urges Labour to invest an additional £5bn annually to address prison overcrowding boost police numbers and reduce court backlogs It also recommends sentencing reforms including tougher penalties for prolific offenders and deportation of foreign criminals With rising crime levels retailers have warned that shoplifting up 51% since 2015 is at its highest in 20 years Robberies and knife crimes have also surged by 64% and 89%, respectively

Anneliese Dodds
Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty

It’s time to walk the talk!

T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s D a y ( I W D ) 2 0 2 5 t h e m e ,

“Accelerate Action,” is a powerful call for collective efforts toward gender equality At the current pace, full gender parity will not be achieved until 2158 five generations from now, according to the World Economic Forum That’s far too long This year ’ s theme underscores the urgency of dismantling systemic barriers and biases that hinder progress in both personal and professional spheres

For Asian women in the UK, these barriers are even more pronounced According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), 9 3% of the population in England and Wales identifies as Asian, with 3 1% identifying as Indian and 2 7% as Pakistani Among the Chinese ethnic group, 55 2% are female, a higher proportion than the overall population’s 51 0% Yet, despite their demographic presence, Asian women continue to face disparities in employment, leadership, and safety Employment figures reveal that 61 4% of Asian men are employed compared to only 53 2% of Asian women, reflecting persistent workforce participation barriers Domestic abuse also remains a serious concern, with Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) data confirming its prevalence among Asian and Asian British women

These inequalities extend beyond the UK Globally, women face violence, discrimination, and economic disparity The latest insight from The Global Payroll Association (GPA), reveals that the world’s 100 richest billionaires have a combined fortune of over $5 trillion, and that women account for just 15% of the list

GPA has analysed data on the personal wealth of the world’s 100 richest billionaires* and found that they have a combined fortune of more than $5 trillion US billionaires account for $2 5 trillion of this global total, followed by

France ($463bn), India ($359bn), China ($258bn), and Russia ($176bn) The UK does not feature on the list because none of the world’s 100 wealthiest billionaires are from the UK

The technology sector is the biggest wealth-maker, with $1 5 trillion worth of the global total being made from tech In fact, 60% of the ten wealthiest billionaires in the world have amassed their fortunes through technology businesses This

Investments ($643bn), Diversified Portfolios, meaning those people who have made their fortunes by expanding their business interests across multiple industries ($527bn), and Automotive ($272bn)

Conversation event, held in association with the Royal Air Force, we spoke to inspiring women from the community about what it truly means to accelerate action (see p16-17) H

women ’ s stories are often missing from history: deliberate erasure and a lack of education, which prevented many from documenting their own experiences Meenal Sachdev, a councillor, charity founder, and community leader, embodies action through systemic reform From tackling human trafficking with the Shiva Foundation to advocating for fair policing, she has spent her life amplifying marginalised voices and driving real change Psychologist Mamata Saha stresses that real progress on gender diversity requires more than just conversations it demands shifting power structures and challenging biases, despite how uncomfortable that may be The most urgent step? Accountability at the top

Meanwhile, Dr Shriti Pattani OBE, the National Clinical Expert in Occupational Health and Wellbeing for NHS

Confidence, self-advocacy, and mentorship are critical to o

Women must ask for what they are worth, while those in leadership positions must mentor and support the next generation to ensure that systemic change is sustained (Turn to P16-17 for our coverage on Women in Conversation) Asian women in the UK have already demonstrated remarkable contributions across various fields, proving that when action is taken, progress follows Roma Agrawal, a structural engineer, played a key role in designing The Shard, one of London’s most iconic landmarks, breaking barriers in a maledominated industry Similarly, Dr Nikita Ved, co-founder of N

research to combat antibiotic resistance Leena Nair shattered glass ceilings as the first female CEO of Chanel, showing that British Indian women are not just part of the conversation but are also shaping industries worldwide Akshata Murty, entrepreneur and wife of former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, has an estimated net worth exceeding that of the late Queen Elizabeth II, a testament to the growing economic power of Asian women The late Queen Elizabeth II once said, “In the modern world, the opportunities for women to give something of value to society are greater than ever, because, through their own efforts, they now play a much greater part in all areas of public life ” While these opportunities exist, they are not equally accessible to all women, especially those from minority communities It is not enough to talk about gender equality we must accelerate action and ensure that all women, regardless of background, can thrive!

India to benefit from US-EU rift

India has firmly established itself as a key player in South Asia and a trusted global partner As a country that has been independent for over 75 years, it has emerged as an influential force on the world stage With its robust economy, growing defence capabilities, and strategic diplomacy, ‘giant’ India is shaping its own future The world now watches closely to see how New Delhi leverages its "Make in India" initiative and global partnerships to assert its position in the shifting geopolitical landscape

Recognising India's rising global influence, the European Commission has been actively engaging with New Delhi European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced plans to strengthen EU-India relations, including finalising a free trade agreement by the end of the year Additionally, von der Leyen revealed Europe’s intent to establish a “defence and security partnership” with India, like agreements it has recently signed with Japan and South Korea

This shift in Europe’s approach marks a significant departure from three years ago when the EU was critical of I n d

However, it is not India that has changed its position rather, European leaders now see deepening ties with New Delhi as essential to their strategic autonomy

The rift between former US President Donald Trump and European leaders over the Ukraine war is expected to widen, fuelled by his rapport with Vladimir Putin A key consequence of this growing divide is Europe’s push to increase its

defence spending-an issue Trump has long criticised He has repeatedly called NATO “obsolete” and argued that the US carries an unfair financial burden Even in his second tenure, Trump remained critical, pressuring NATO members to raise defence spending to 5% of GDP-far beyond the current 2% target, which no member, including the US, currently meets

As European leaders respond to these geopolitical tensions, their military strategies are shifting Following a summ

London, European leaders announced a surge in military spending across the EU With European nations working to reduce reliance on the US, India stands to benefit from these developments India’s expanding defence industry is wellpositioned to integrate into European supply chains, supplying weapons, ammunition, and military systems

The EU's efforts to bolster its defence capabilities align well with India’s growing defence exports, which have surged due to rising global demand for its ammunition, armoured vehicles, and artillery The ongoing Ukraine-Russia conflict has further depleted European ammunition reserves, creating a lucrative market for Indian manufacturers As Europe boosts its defence spending, Indian companies have an opportunity not only to expand exports but also to become key suppliers for European defence firms, strengthening long-term strategic ties and generating substantial economic gains

India’s strategic positioning allows it to navigate these complex geopolitical dynamics with a degree of autonomy

While Trump may push India to address trade imbalances by purchasing more American goods, New Delhi’s historical ties with Russia and its commitment to maintaining diverse partnerships ensure it can balance its global engagements effectively This diplomatic agility is also evident in Europe’s growing interest in deepening ties with India

Further cementing India’s diplomatic outreach, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar who is on a six-day visit to the UK and Ireland to reinforce bilateral cooperation across multiple sectors His visit highlights India's commitment to strengthening partnerships with key global players

Dr Jaishankar’s first stop will be London, where he will

Lammy on a broad spectrum of issues, including trade, security, and strategic collaboration A key focus will be the UKIndia collaboration on AI, which is a key pillar of the TSI

Additionally, Dr Jaishankar will meet with business leaders, policymakers, and the Indian diaspora, reinforcing the historical and economic connections between India and the UK

Following his London visit, Dr Jaishankar will travel to Ireland, where he will meet with Irish Foreign Minister Simon Harris and other key officials Their discussions will focus on enhancing trade, economic cooperation, and cultural ties, as well as expanding India’s diplomatic and economic footprint in Europe He will also engage with the Indian community in Ireland, further strengthening India’s global outreach and influence

Is Trump’s America a friend or foe?

Is Donald Trump trying to prove something with his second bout at presidency or is it just that his current decisions are a result of ego that has only gone up since his previous chance at leadership? His return to the political stage has sent shockwaves through global geopolitics, creating more turbulence than stability On one side, European nations are holding their breath, fearing that the US might exit NATO in a move reminiscent of its withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 On the other, world leaders are questioning whether America remains a reliable ally at all

Last week, French President Emmanuel Macron, British P r i m e M i n i s t

Volodymyr Zelenskyy travelled to Washington DC, for highstakes meetings Donald trump and JD Vance While Macron and Starmer navigated the discussions without diplomatic missteps, Zelenskyy faced a much colder reception Rather than working toward solutions, American leadership and media appeared intent on humiliating the war-torn leader

This behaviour from the world’s most powerful country raises a fundamental question: What qualities should a leader embody? Trump, with his business background, may view governance as a series of transactions, but leadership demands more Humility and compassion cannot be compromised If he remains stubborn, America risks further isolation on the world stage and as Buddhist leader Daisaku Ikeda once said: “No one can live entirely on their own, nor can any country or society exist in isolation ”

For three years, the Russia-Ukraine war has dominated global affairs, but Trump’s sudden shift in US policy toward Russia has shaken international confidence He now treats US

aid to Ukraine as a debt, demanding repayment, while simultaneously pressuring Zelenskyy and eyeing Ukraine’s $500 billion in mineral wealth His administration’s opposition to anti-Russia resolutions at the United Nations has raised global concerns, positioning him closer to Moscow’s allies, China, North Korea, and Iran, than to traditional Western partners

In the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, Trump’s stance appears aimed at erasing the Palestinian issue altogether He has proposed transforming Gaza into a luxury resort, which apart from being a very insensitive comment, would displace millions of Palestinians His unwavering support for Israel may serve not only a geopolitical agenda but also his personal business interests in the region This approach has unsettled Arab nations that have historically aligned with the US, including Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Qatar Trump has pressured Egypt and Jordan to absorb Palestinian refugees, an idea both nations firmly reject His unpredictable diplomacy is further eroding Arab trust in America

Trump’s perceived favouritism toward Vladimir Putin, framed as an effort to end the Ukraine war, is raising alarms in East Asia, particularly in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Australia With Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as a precedent, Taiwan now fears a similar move by China Previously confident in US support, Taiwanese leaders are beginning to doubt whether America would truly stand against Chinese aggression The same uncertainty is growing in South Korea and Japan, where officials are questioning America’s long-term security commitments

For South Korea, the stakes are especially high The country’s long-standing tensions with North Korea mean that even

a minor provocation could escalate into full-scale war After witnessing the US scale back support for Ukraine, South Korea is increasingly unsure whether Washington would stand firm in a conflict with Pyongyang Japan and Australia share similar concerns, as tensions with China continue to rise

Even India, a key member of the Quad alliance formed to counterbalance China, must now consider whether the US will remain a dependable partner Trump’s unpredictable foreign policy has cast doubt on America’s reliability, even among its closest allies Trump’s diplomatic moves have significantly damaged America’s global credibility While the uncertainty surrounding his foreign policy may eventually settle, the world’s balance of power may have already shifted turning allies into adversaries and vice versa Regardless of one ’ s stance on Trump, the reality remains that the world’s oldest democracy is now led by a figure whose unilateral decisions are creating instability both domestically and internationally

A new global order is taking shape, and time will tell whether Trump’s strategic gambles will succeed or leave America more isolated than ever


H.G. Wells

King and Queen join Ramadan preparations at Darjeeling Express

K i ng C h a rle s, 7 6, an d Queen Camilla, 77, v isited local Mu slim commu nities

i n L o nd o n

h ea d o f Ram ad an, which begins on 28 February

Their visit included a stop at Darjeeling Express, t

Kolkata and later moved to the UK


joined Asma Khan in packing dates into white paper bags for local hospitals, as d

Ramadan fast at sunset K

that he was “past my sell-by date,” packed alongside the Queen and impressed with his efficiency, even burst-

n t o l a u g h t e r w h e n

Asma praised his skills

“ I d i d n ’ t r e a l i s e t h e

K i n g w o u l d b e s o f a s t ! ”

Asma Khan marveled in a video posted on the royal f a m i l y ' s I n s t a g r a m , prompting a big laugh from C h a r l e s “ Y o u ’ r e p a c k i n g dates faster than I can seal them ” She added, “I never

r e a l i s e d t h i s i s a s p e e d y

c o u p l e , ” d r a w i n g m o r e chuckles

The royals also joined Asma and head chef Asha

Pradhan in London’s only a

charity supporting families

cheerfully asked, “Is that e

d more?”

Spotting Charles deep in conversation, she playf u l l y c o u g h e d t o g e t h i s attention, waving a take-

asking, “Is it chicken and proper basmati rice?” The King was delighted to hear some would be sent to the Palace for them to enjoy later

During their visit, the K

prominent British Muslim

Ahmed, and business leader

Shaheen Sayed The King also met Asma Khan’s parents, with Asma later sharing that her father spoke to Charles about their family

Ahmed Said Khan, resem-

proudly displayed his por-


Reflecting on the visit, Asma said, “Their Majesties spent time with extraordinary women preparing for Ramadan, a time of spiritu-

ported by Doorstep, con-

cooking for charity during Ramadan

Edgware Road shines bright with Ramadan lights

Marb le Arch London B ID ,

re turned its stunning illumina ted cresce nt moon displ ay t

N ut f or d Pl

e f or Rama dan C e l e b

a t i n g t h e h o l y month, the 2 9m light installation will shine daily from 6am to 11pm until 30 March

w a r m white LEDs and gold insets, t h e w a l k - t h r o u g h c r e s c e n


a t u r e s " R a m

d a n Mubarak," spreading blessings and goodwill as thousands gather along Edgware Road to break their fast or celebrate Eid M a r b l e A r c h L o n d o n

B I D i n t r o d u c e d R a m a d a n lights to Edgware Road last y e a r , a l o n g s i d e i t s a n n u a l Christmas lights The display was warmly received, with v i s i t o r s a d m i r i n g , p h otographing, and sharing its significance Its return highl i g h t s t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f

r e c o g n i s i n g R a m a d a n i n public spaces and celebrating Edgware Road’s rich diversity R a m a d a n , o b s

y millions, is a time of fasting, p

Supporting loved ones with dementia during Ramadan and Eid

Ram ad an has begun in the U K With nearly one million people living w ith d em entia, those unable to fast can still observe the holy month in m e ani n g fu l w a ys E i d alFitr, celebrating the end o f R am ad an w i th a fe st iv e feast, is expected on 30 th or 3 1st M arch 2025 S ti ck t o a co ns is tent and fam iliar routine

R o u t i n e i s c r u c i a l f o r those with dementia, especially during Ramadan when fasting and prayers disrupt daily schedules They may struggle with changes or feel d i s o r i e n t e d b y s h i f t i n g mealtimes Keeping a predictable routine with regular sleep and familiar activities can help M a ke r eli g i o u s ac ti v i ti es simp le and accessible

Praying and reading the Qur’an may be challenging

for someone with dementia, but simpler acts like listening to recitations or engagi n g i n D h i k r c a n h e l p O n l i n e p l a t f o r m s l i k

that can keep them connected to Ramadan

A c ti v i ti e s to s p a rk j o yf u l memories

S h a r i n g h a p p y m e m ories from past Ramadans can offer comfort and familiarity for people with dementia

Encouraging conversations about previous experiences a n d p r o m p t i n g t h e m t o share their own memories can create a sense of connection and joy Use family photo albums and familiar objects that link to the past to talk about Ramadan in years gone by K ee p p lan s f le xi bl e w i th breaks

Special times in the day

for example when breaking the fast, or Taraweeh (night p r a y e r s i n R a m a d a n ) E i d invite families and communities to come together and this can be overwhelming, so ask family and friends to spread out their visits where p o s s i b l e I f t h i n g s d o g e t busy, designate one room or space in the home a ‘quiet area ’ where your loved one c a n r e l a x w i t h o u t l o u d noise

Mindful eating d uring Eid

A full plate can be overwhelming for someone with e a t i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s S e r v e smaller portions or offer finger foods if preferred, and allow plenty of time to eat without rushing Fasting is a key part of Ramadan, but e x e m p t i o n s e x i s t P e o p l e with dementia, depending on their condition, are not expected to fast

London glows with Ramadan lights and food trail

L o n d o n ’ s R a mad a n l i g h ts were switched on last week, marki ng the third year of this stunn ing di splay, org ani sed by t he A

z F o u n d ati on an d R a mad an L i g h ts L on d on Spreadi ng cheer and R amadan wishes across

L to R: Queen Camila King Charles and Asma Khan


Recen tly , I h a d t h e o p p o rt u ni ty to

ex p lo re a r em a rka ble b o ok ti tl ed ‘ I

AM ?’ , which I received in th e post from my dear friend Gopichand P Hinduja F rom th e m oment I held it in m y h ands, I w as captiv ated , not just by the d epth of its content but also by the way it w as written

This extraordinary book compilation was officially launched on 8 February 2025 by the Hon’ble Vice President of India, Jagdeep Dhankhar Despite being compreh e n s i v e , t h e b o o k i s e n g a g i n g , e a s y t o absorb and filled with thoughtful enclosures that take the reader on an enriching journey through the wisdom of various religions It highlights their essence in a harmonious and soothing way

‘I AM?’ - A profound exploration of unity and spiritual wisdom

The book is the result of Gopichand Hinduja’s vision, a desire to bring together the virtuous teachings of the world’s great religions, illustrating how they have influenced and shaped humanity His aim was to showcase their fundamental oneness, proving that although their names, approaches

Goodwill and inspiring messages from dignitaries

The book features pro fou nd g oodw ill messages from esteemed g lobal dig nitaries, each offering a powerful reflection on u nity and shared wisdom :

u His Excellency Sh eikh Nah ayan M abarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence, UA E

“He has presented a verse in his message, from the holy Quran that says, in translation “Had God willed, He could have made you a single community - but in order to test you in what He revealed to you So, vie with one another in virtue and good works ”

u Swami C hidanand Saraswati, Presid ent, P armarth Niketan, Rishikesh

“This book is the reflection of the teaching, truth, and inspiration we need in our world today We may have different coloured skin, speak different languages, worship in different ways, but at the core, we are ONE That core essence of each of us is Divine and as God is ONE, so are all the manifestations, embodiments and reflections of this Divine ”

u HH M ah ant Sw am i M ah araj, Spiritual Head, BA PS

“Let us dwell on the common aspects of various religions to bring them closer to one another, and not on the differences which divide them ”

u Sri S ri Sug unendra Theertha Sw am iji

“The book by presenting the quintessence of thirteen religions with their all-time relevance to mankind, speaks of the value of wisdom Sanatan Dharma proclaimed this same truth in the following words: 'Ekam sat vipraaha bahudhaa vadanthi ' Even though the destination might be one, there can be many roads that lead to it This is the goal of ‘I AM?’ and its ultimate Truth ”

BAPS to revamp closed Croydon school site

Th e Jo hn Wh i t gi ft Founda tion has sold its Ol d Pala ce pre-school and primary sit e in South Croyd on for £7 5 m t o a N ea sde n -ba se d H in d u o r ga n i sa t io n , B AP S S wa m in a r a y a n Sa n s t ha (BAPS) which has ple dged to invest in the school aft er its closure l ast summe r

T h e M e l v i l l e A v e n u e site, a former high-performing girls’ school, closed in July 2023 due to financial concerns, according to the John Whitgift Foundation (JWF) Its senior school in his-

toric Old Croydon, with a 130-year legacy, is also set to close this summer and is up for sale While the closures sparked concern, the recent s a l e o f t h e l o w


B A P S S w a m i n a r a y a n Sanstha (BAPS), one of the UK’s largest Hindu commun i t i e s , h a s p l e d g e d t o expand education and community initiatives at the site Headquartered at Neasden Temple, BAPS plans to dedicate much of the space to schooling, including special

needs education The gym, s p o r t s f a c i l i t i e s , a n d o u tdoor areas will be revitalised for community use, while parking and amenities will be upgraded to ease congestion

B A P S T r u s t e e D r Mayank Shah said, “We are excited to invest in this site and restore its role as a hub for learning and community spirit This new space will allow us to expand our programs, support local comm u n i t i e s , a n d c r e a t e a n inclusive, welcoming environment for all ”

Wales to recruit 200 Indian nurses

Wales’ deal to recru it 200 nu r se s an d d oc to r s f ro m India has been w elcom ed , th ough a union estim ates a sh o rt fall o f 2 , 0 0 0 nu rs es

We ls h He al th S ec re tar y Jeremy Miles said the ag reement w ith Kerala’s gov ernment would help cut v acancies and reliance on ag ency staff



University's proposed nursing school closure R C N ’ s N i c k y H u g h e s welcomed the recruitment of 200 NHS professionals but stressed it was only a small step toward addressi n g W a l e s ' 2 , 0

vacancies She also warned t

University’s nursing school would significantly impact the profession

Welsh Health Secretary Jeremy Miles, after meeting K e

agreement would cut agency costs, which have already halved in recent years He

force F

Morgan previously signed

similar deal, and Miles highlighted Wales' long-stand-

international NHS recruitment

and historical evolutions may differ, they all ultimately point to the same universal truths

What struck me most was how ‘I AM?’ deeply aligns with the philosophy and guiding principles of the Hinduja family The bo ok seeks to answ er some of life’s most pro fou nd existential questions that hav e captivated hum ankind for centuries:

l What is the purpose of existence?

l What are the natural laws that govern life and the universe?

l What is the ultimate purpose of life?

l Who am I?

This book also highlights the universal truths that unite all faiths, showing religion as a bridge rather than a divide It emphasises harmony, compassion, peace, and shared values across all beliefs

Written in a clear and engaging style, ‘I AM?’ is for everyone, whether deeply religious, spiritually curious or simply exploring connections between faiths In a divided world, it inspires compassion, inclusivity and wisdom

A p erso nal connectio n with the Hind uja family

My association with the Hinduja family dates back to November 1982, and over the decades, I have had the privilege of knowing

Prakash, and Ashok Hinduja on a personal level Our friendship extends beyond social circles; we have collaborated on numerous

events and initiatives aimed at fostering community engagement and social upliftment

their immense wealth and success, is their remarkable tolerance towards criticism In

defensively or aggressively to critique, the Hindujas stand apart They not only accept criticism with grace but view it as an opportunity for growth

They believe that feedback, whether from journalists, intellectuals, or the public, is an essential part of leadership and responsibility This open-minded approach reinforces my belief that ‘I AM?’ is not just a collection of words; it is a genuine reflection of the Hinduja family s lifelong philosophy and commitment to unity

At the heart of the book lies a powerful message We are all one, regardless of the religious paths we follow The concluding sections of ‘I AM?’ feature detailed comparative charts, illustrating the remarkable similarities between diverse religious traditions

These visual representations strengthen the i

merely superficial, while at the core, we share the same universal values of love, truth, and peace It is a refreshing reminder that humanity is and always will be, one collective force bound by love, faith, and the eternal search for truth

I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone who wishes to explore the beauty of interfaith harmony and the deeper truths of human existence ‘I AM?’ is not just a book, it is a movement towards unity, tolerance and spiritual enlightenment

Labour must rebuild trust with Muslims

La bour’ s hea lth se cret ary, W e s St r e e ti n g, h as a c k n o w l e d ge d t h a t t h e party “hasn ’t alw ays got it right” when engagin g with M us lim comm unities , as he p l e dg e d t o e n d ov e r a d e c a d e o f g ov e r n m e n t a l fai lures

Speaking at the launch o f t h e B r i t i s h M u s l i m Network, Streeting admitted that successive governments, including Labour, h a d s t r u g g l e d t o b u i l d s t r o n g r e l a t i o n s h i p s w i t h Muslim communities He e m p h a s i s e d h i s c o m m i tment to ensuring Muslims have a platform to voice their concerns, stating, “It’s i m p o r t a n t t h a t g o v e r nment gets this relationship right, and I acknowledge w i t h h u m i l i t y t h a t w e haven’t always done so p a r t i c u l a r l y i n r e c e n t years ”

T h e B r i t i s h M u s l i m

N e t w o r k a i m s t o b r i d g e this gap by bringing together experts to advise policy-

makers on issues affecting Muslims, including healthc a r e , e d u c a t i o n , s e c u r i t y , and employment

B a r o n e s s S a y e e d a

W a r s i , a f o r m e r

Conservative cabinet minister and the first Muslim woman to serve in the role, suggested the new network could mark the end of a “policy of disengagement” t h a t b e g a n i n t h e l a t e 2 0 0 0 s S h e p r a i s e d t h e organisers for overcoming challenges often faced by n a t i o n a l M u s l i m b o d i e s , noting the criticism that

such groups rarely represent the “right Muslims” in the eyes of detractors Brendan Cox, a charity leader who helped establish the network, said the presence of senior politicians l i k e S t r e e t i n g a n d L o r d Khan of Burnley, the faith minister, signified a positive shift

Despite this optimism, s o m e c r i t i c s o n s o c i a l media have expressed scept i c i s m , w a r n i n g t h a t t h e network could “fail” if it becomes too aligned with those in power

CB Patel
Hon ble Vice-President Shri Jagdeep Dhankhar released the book 'I AM?' compiled by Shri Gopichand P Hinduja, Chairman of Hinduja Group, at Vice-President's Enclave
Gopichand P Hinduja
Wes Streeting Baroness Sayeeda Warsi

From Nehru to Ambedkar: How UK universities shaped Indian leaders

UK u n i ve rs i ti e s e du ca te mo r e

national leaders th an any other

co u nt ry, des p i te fi nan c ia l p

essures, jo b cuts, and declining foreign student nu mbers, according to new research A Jisc analys is fo und that in 2022, 50 world leaders had studied at UK institutions, placing th e co untry ah ead of th e US ( 41 ), Russia (14), and Franc e (6) Oxford tops the list, having educated 36 heads of state or government since 1990, followed by LSE (24), the University of London




Barbuda’s Prime Minister Gaston B

Namibia’s first female president, N

(Keele) Reigning monarchs like

studied in the UK Indian leaders


(Cambridge, Inns of Court), Dr

B R A m b e d k a r ( L S E ) , a n d M a n m o h a n S i n g h ( O x f o r d ) a r e also among the distinguished UKeducated figures who have shaped India's history Sector leaders argue this highlights the UK’s global influence

t h r o u g h e d u c a t i o n H o w e v e r , financial instability threatens the sector, with nearly three in four English universities projected to run deficits by 2025-26, according

to the Office for Students Rising costs, tuition fee stagnation, and a decline in international student applications exacerbate the crisis V i v i e n n e S

n , C E O o f Universities UK, called the findings a testament to the UK’s softpower influence, urging greater support for higher education Jisc CEO Heidi Fraser-Krauss echoed this, emphasizing the impact of UK graduates in global leadership

defended recent government decisions, stating reforms were necessary to stabilize the sector and

dents Despite these challenges, UK universities remain a crucial force in shaping world leaders

Voice in depth about this She said, “Gandhi, in particular, was very influenced by his time

in the UK He travelled to study law in 1888 at the Inner Temple in London and was called to the Bar in 1891 Not only did the workings of the British legal system give him a sound base for his future career in South Africa as well as in the freedom struggle in India, he was also influenced by many other factors in the UK

“He had taken a vow to be veg-

Vegetarian Society and made his first nervous speech to the society It would slowly train him in public speaking He even wrote an article in the Vegetarian newspaper In London, he met theosophists and

British government He was par-

Suffragettes, who were fighting for votes for women, and followed

Suffragettes refused to pay taxes as a form of protest They would go

would later be the foundation on

movement and practise of hunger strikes

“BR Ambedkar studied at the London School of Economics and famously went on to draft the


“Dadabhai Naoroji arrived in the UK in 1885 to work with the Parsee business firm Cama and Company But he soon left the company and became a Professor

of Gujarati at University College, L

stunned to see the wealth that had been accumulated from the colonies and became the proponent of the “Brain Drain” theory, s

colonised countries He became

while in London and founded the E


became the first Indian to take a seat in the House of Commons when he won the seat of Central F

Indian political leaders and was known as the ‘Grand Old Man of India’ “ R a b i n d r a n a t h T

e t r a velled to London and had a longlasting friendship with the artist William Rothenstein, who introduced him to W B Yeats and other authors like Ezra Pound, George Bernard Shaw and H G Wells At gatherings at Rothenstein’s house in Hampstead, Yeats and Tagore would read their poetry together I t w a s a t t h e u r g i n g o f Rothenstein and Yeats that he t r a n s l a t e d h i s b o o k o f p o e m s , Gitanjali, into English The book was published in 1912, and Tagore was famously awarded the Nobel P r i z e f o r L i t e r a t u r e i n 1 9 1 3 Without Rothenstein and Yeats, this may not have happened ”


calls for focus on older people's abuse

Hourg lass, the U K’s only charity fo cused on end ing th e abuse of o ld e r p

urg ent inquiry into the scale of abuse follo wing a new report from the Women and Equalities Select Com mittee

and the

among the younger generation It

enforced age discrimination laws and the creation of a dedicated representative for older people in W

Research shows that one in

Robinson welcomed the report but stressed that no strategy on ageism would succeed without addressing the widespread abuse of older people He called for a full inquiry into

affects 2 6 million people annually and costs the UK economy over £16 billion a year, projected to rise to £25 billion by 2050

Shrabani Basu

BAPS hosts grand Maha Shivratri celebrations

BA PS Swaminarayan Sanstha ( BA PS) celebrated a rare and au spici ous Maha S hiv aratri

o n 26 F ebruary 2025, coincid ing with the co nclusion of t h e 4

The Maha Kumbh Mela,

sacred events and the world’s l

drew over 400 million pil-

Triveni Sangam, where the

and local Hindu communi-

manifestation, celestial wedding, and Tandava dance

The festival was marked

assemblies and spiritual discourses enriching the celebrations A special highlight was the sacred water from

occasion and received as a blessing by devotees V

attend the Maha Kumbh in Prayagraj, but my family and I feel blessed to receive this holy water It’s reassuring to

Mela, hosting and feeding thousands of pilgrims while organising Vedic yagnas and spiritual discourses A video

s h o w c a s i n g t h e s e e f f o r t s inspired attendees

V o l u n t e e r A n j a l i P a t e l

added, “This Maha Shivaratri felt especially meaningful as it aligned with the rare conclusion of the Maha Kumbh Mela Seeing devotees and the local community unite in d e v o t i o n w a s t r u l y h e a r twarming ”


Dr M N Nandakumara MBE

Th e end of one ’ s world ly life

span is solely in the hands o f the A lm ighty But how one conducts him self, and what he achieves, during his lifetime is entirely in h is o wn hands

O n 2 8 / 0 2 / 2 0 2 5 , w e

mourn the passing away of a

m o s t r e m a r k a b l e h u m a n being, Shri Joginder Sanger

As a former Vice-Chairman and later Chairman of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for

d e c a d e s , h e s t e e r e d t h e organisation to its present unique position as the flagship centre of Indian Arts and Culture in the U K As a businessman, starting with humble beginnings, he built a vast business empire

Apart from being a great philanthropist to a variety of worthy causes, it is as a h u m a n b e i n g , a m a n o f h u m i l i t y , t r u t h f u l n e s s

that he will be remembered forever by scores of people whose hearts he touched, and whose pains he felt in helping and accommodating them, regardless of the business cost to him

S r i J o g i n d e r S a n g e r joined The Bhavan, London during late 70 ’ s and joined

t h e E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e during late 80’s Joginderji

c o n s i d e r e d D a l a l j i ( M r Maneck Dalal OBE) former C h a i r m a n a n d M a t h o o r j i ( D r M a t h o o r K r i s h n a m u r t h y ) , f o r m e r

Executive Director of The Bhavan as his gurus

H e w a s t h e o n e w h o started The Bhavan’s annual Diwali Banquet, which has been going on for over thirty-five years now, to raise funds for The Bhavan to meet its annual deficit As o u r f o r m e r t r e a s u r e r S r i

Late Shri Joginder Sanger

Indra Sethia pointed out, The Bhavan’s treasury team breathed a sigh of relief ever s i n c e J o g i n d e r j i t o o k t h e responsibility of fundraising for The Bhavan as its ViceC h a i r m a n D u e t o h i s i n c r e d i b l e h u m i l

a n d magnanimity, it has never been fully recorded what all

CB Patel

Pu b l i sh e r a n d Ed i t or of As ia n Vo ic e a n d G u ja r a t

Sa ma ch ar , CB Pa t e l sa id , “My dear frie nd, Joginde r Sa nger l ive d a remarka ble , mult i-face ted life I first met him years ago through Lord Gulam Noon and Moni Varma, and his b u s i n e s s v e n t u r e s a n d sporting activities in West

L o n d o n l e f t a s t r o n g impression We were privileged to feature his contributions in New Life, Asian

V o i c e , a n d G u j a r a t Samachar His dedication

t o t h e B h a r a t i y a V i d y a

Bhavan showcased his passion for community service

H i s w i f e A d a r n i y a Sunitaben, along with their children, Reema and Girish, has always been at the forefront of various social and fundraising events ” “Joginderbhai was well-

he has done for The Bhavan He ensured he would generate significant funds each year, whether by ‘sale’ of tables and advertisements or at times by picking up the heavy food bill– or both Dalalji always used to

responsibility given to him The very fact that he is one of the most respected busin e s s p e r s o n

s i n London and a non-contro-

Bhavan in a big way He took over from Dalalji after Dalalji’s retirement in 2011 and was its Chairman for 1 1 + y e a

Maha Shivratri observed with rituals and arti at Preston Mandir

Mahash ivratri was celebrated at P reston Mand ir with d ev ot i o n T h e d a y be g an with milk and water offering s, followed by an afternoo n arti In the main hall, Pu j ari led a R ud rab hi sh ek w i th 3 0 d ev o tee s Thro ugh out th e day, h undred s v isited to seek L ord Shiv a ’ s blessing s

Shiva’s arti, and all devotees received prasad in the main

day President Dashrathbhai Nayee announced a special Katha by Pujya Rameshbhai Oza to mark the society’s

Krishna, 25th anniversary of

In the evening, after the dhainik arti, Yaman Nilam Karia led the Kamal Arpan ceremony, followed by Dwaj Aropan by Yajman Nehaben a n d A s h i s h b h a i G a

Yajman Maheshbhai Buran &

Lord Rama, and the opening of a new centre The Katha will take place from 23rd–29th August 2025, and mem-

Mahavir Foundation hosts prayer for HH Pope Francis


The Bhavan reached new heights in the field of our art and culture He sincerely b e l i e v e d t h a t w e s h o u l d make our cultural education easily accessible to our children who are the future of our cultural movement His simplicity and accessibility made him a very popular figure amongst all commun i t i e s i n a n d a r o u n d

London He is known for his generosity and helpful nature for all good and worthy causes

Joginderji is survived by his wife Sunitaji, daughter Reema, son Girish, daughter-in-law Kanika and three grandchildren

i Shantoo Ruparell as its Joint Chairman During his term

respected and counted top I n d i a n b u s i n e s s t y c o o n s , Hindujas, Mittal, Yogesh M e h t a , N i r m a l S e t h i a among his friends I last saw him on 22nd February at L o r d S w a r a j P a u l ’ s 9 4 t h

Upcoming events at The Bhavan

v The M P Birla Memorial Talk 2025 will take place on Thursday, 13 March, at 6:30 pm (for a 7:00 pm start). By invitation only, with dinner served The talk, "Leadership Lessons from Ancient Indian Traditions," will be delivered by Sri Subhanu Saxena, Chairman of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan UK & Europe

I believe his life should be celebrated He was always there to support good causes and his generosity and kindness will never be forgotten May his legacy cont i n u e t o i n s p i r


birthday celebration, where he was enjoying the occasion with his son, Girish W e h a d a l s o p l a n n e d t o have lunch together The news of his passing came as a profound shock While he had faced health challenges in recent years, he was on the path to recovery, mak-

v On Friday, 14 March, from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, the London Sitar Academy presents a special evening dedicated to the iconic musician Ustad Vilayat Khan. The event will feature his devoted followers reflecting on his legacy and celebrating his beautiful compositions

v On Sunday, 16 March, at 6 pm, renowned Dhrupad vocalist Pandit Uday Bhawalkar will perform Hindustani vocal music Trained under Ustaad Zia Fariduddin and Zia Mohiuddin Dagar, Bhawalkar has been a global performer since 1985

Joginder Sanger (Left) with his son Girish Sanger and CB Patel at Lord Swaraj Paul’s 94th birthday celebration
Annakut offering at the BAPS
Sants performing Maha Shivratri puja
for HH Pope Francis’s speedy recovery and good health during this time of concern To seek divine blessings for HH Pope, an Aarti Mangal Divo has been organised on Friday, 28th February 2025, at 7:15 PM at Mahavir Foundation – 557 Kenton Derasar, HA3 9RS
Community members praying for HH Pope Francis recovery

Police release image of woman killed in Harrow crash

invo lv ing a bus, a car, and p ed estrians on Bessbo roug h Road, Harrow


family in Wembley has been

police support

A woman in her 30s and a 12-year-old boy were hos-

changing injuries after a No 395 bus and a car collided

The driver was arrested for causing death by dangerous driving and later released on bail

Detective Sergeant Paul


w i t n e s s a c c o u n t s o f t h e c r a s h t o come forward as the investigation continues

R o a d c l o s u r e s w e r e i n place but have since been lifted

they were called at 9:17 pm on February 24 to a crash n e a r W h i t m o r e R o a d

Multiple emergency teams, including ambulance crews, p a r a m

d i c s , a n d L

n d o n ’ s Air Ambulance, responded Four people were treated, two were taken to a major trauma centre, and one was discharged Sadly, one person was pronounced dead at the scene

Investment Minister promotes UK to attract Indian investments

U K In v e st m ent M i ni s ter

P o p p y Gu s taf s so n h as w rap p e d u p h e r v i s it t o M u m ba i an d B eng alu r u , adv ocating for Britain, prom oting free trad e, and hig hlig hting inv estment o pportunities in th e U K economy

T h e v i s i t a l i g n e d w i t h

B u s i n e s s a n d T r a d e

S e c r e t a r y J o n a t h a n Reynolds trip to New Delhi

t o r e l a u n c h F T A n e g o t i ations The UK Department

f o r B u s i n e

n t I n d i a n i n v e s t m e n t s i n A I , p r o f e s s i o n a l s e r v i c e s , a n d textiles, expected to create hundreds of jobs over three years

India has been the UK’s

s e c o n d - l a r g e s t i n v e s t o r b y p r

years, with Indian FDI stock

r i s i n g 2 8 % b y t h e e n d o f

2023 Meanwhile, UK insurers now have greater expansion opportunities in India after the latest budget raised FDI limits in the sector from 74% to 100% M

U KIndia business ties Aaseya

£25 million in London, cre-

a t i n g 2 5 0 j o b s S a s t r a Robotics is bringing £8 million to Manchester, generating 75 jobs the first South I n d i a n r o b

c s f i r m t o invest in the UK Deepcytes has set up its global HQ in London with a £5 million investment, adding 80 jobs in cyber fraud prevention University Living plans a £10 million UK expansion, creating 50 jobs and more

British Hindus take the lead in environmental actions

A n e w s t ud y of t he UK ’ s m aj or f a it hs in dic a t e s t ha t H in du s a r e m o re l ik el y to e ngage in environm entalis m due to the Dharm ic belief in t he world as a unified, interc onnec ted “ ec os ystem ” T h e r e p o r t ‘ C o n s e r v i n g the World in Faith’ by the Institute for the Impact of Faith in Life (IIFL) explores how Hindus view all objects as potential spaces to worship God, not the objects themselves, but the divine within

t h e m A u t h o r A m a n d a

M u r j a n f o u n d t h a t H i n d u

r e s p o n d e n t s e x p r e s s e d t h e greatest concern for climate change and were the most active in personal environ-

m e n t a l a c t i o n s , r e f l e c t i n g

t h e i r d e e p c o m m i t m e n t t o environmental stewardship

The report reveals that 64%

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee to deliver lecture at Oxford University

Anusha Singh

Th e C hief Minister of W est Bengal, M am ata Banerjee, is set to visit th

UK in the th ird

March 22 and has a packed sch edu le before co nc luding her trip o n March 28


lights of her visit is a lecture at Oxford University, follow-

Jonathan Michie, Pro-ViceChancellor of the University of Oxford, during the Bengal Global Business Summit in

will be at Kellogg College on March 27 for a conversation with Prof Michie and Bynum

Tudor Fellow, Lord Karan Bilimoria


Girl, Child,

Empowerment", offering

rare opportunity to engage

journey through politics, literature, and cultural advocacy On the business front, Ms Banerjee will attend a meeting with business leaders, to explore investment opportunities and economic collaborations

The Bengali diaspora in the UK is also eagerly anticipating the Chief Minister's visit She has been invited to

In addition,

Peterborough This project

of Hindu respondents partici p a

pared to 31% of Muslims and 2

nsumer habits (78%), donating to charities (63%), and joining environmental groups (44%) T

view the world as an interconnected ecosystem, where e

effect Picking a flower, for e

equences in time and space, emphasising cause and effect Hindus tend to prioritise personal experience, conscience, and inner motivations over external ones, leading them to engage in environmentalism not out of religious oblig

Mamta Banerjee
Lord Karan Bilimoria
Chithra Vanmeeganathan

Celebrating March: A month of festivities, charity, and hope

The month of March brings with it a vibrant tapestry of divine and holy festivals from various religions, all sharing a common theme: the victory of good over evil, joy over sorrow, and a time of festivity, charity, and prayer

1 Holi– Holi, one of the largest Hindu festivals, symbolises the triumph of good over evil Celebrated with great enthusiasm, particularly in India and by Hindus around the world, Holi unfolds over two days The first day, Choti Holi or Holika Dahan, involves rituals symbolising the burning of evil The second day, Dhulandi or Rangwali Holi, is marked by joyous celebrations with colours, water, and flowers Adults and children alike apply Gulal (coloured powder) to each other and seek blessings from their elders

2 Ramadan– Ramadan is a sacred time for millions of Muslims worldwide, focusing on festivity, community, charity, and prayer Similar to other major celebrations like Christmas, Ramadan is observed uniquely across different cultures while maintaining its core essence The month commemorates the revelation of the Holy Qur’an, described as “ a guidance for men and women, a declaration, and a means of salvation ” Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, fostering self-discipline and empathy for those in need

3 Nowruz– Nowruz, also known as the Persian New Year, celebrates the transition from winter to spring on the vernal equinox Rooted in Zoroastrianism, this 3,000-yearold tradition symbolises the rebirth of nature and the triumph of good over evil With its recognition by UNESCO and the United Nations, Nowruz stands as a unifying cultural event that highlights our increasingly interconnected world

4 Mother’s Day– In the UK, Mother’s Day, or Mothering Sunday, falls on March 30th this year The celebration has Christian origins, tied to Lent and observed on the fourth Sunday before Easter It is a special occasion to honour mothers and express gratitude for their unwavering love and sacrifices

As we celebrate these diverse and meaningful occasions, may we all stay safe and healthy May peace prevail on Earth, and may the ongoing wars on our planet come to an end God bless all Suresh and Bhavna Patel

Leaders must lead by example

“Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds apologises for false solicitor claim”, “Reeves accused of misusing bank expenses ” as reported in AV dated 1-7 March 2025 are not the kinds of news or accusations that look good in public eyes for people who are holding very high positions in the government Earlier, Tulip Siddiq appeared in the newspaper because a flat bought in 2001 for £195,000 was given to her without charge in 2004

These allegations may not harm the country or the public directly, but they degrade the image of the people involved In Reynolds’ case, it was mentioned as an “administrative error ” which is not a convincing reason from a high-profile personality In Reeves' case, she denies any misconduct, stating she was unaware of the investigation, which is also a kind of an evasive answer

They might not have done anything wrong intentionally, but it is time for the people having higher offices where trust and honesty are considered of paramount importance, to come clean It is time to check their LinkedIn or other social media profile If they have received any gifts of substantial value, they should declare before the BBC or the police find and later come into an embarrassing situation

Gifts or anything done wrong is visible, intentions are invisible

International Women's Day

As we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March 2025, this year ’ s theme For All Women and Girls:

R i g h t s , E q u a

a reminder and a call to action While progress has been made in education, leadership and workplace rights, true equality remains a distant goal for many women worldwide

Empowerment is not just about opportunity but also about dismantling the barriers that hinder women ’ s progress Equal pay, fair representation in leadership and freedom from discrimination should not be privileges, they should be the norm From corporate boardrooms to grassroots movements, real change will only come when gender equality is treated as a necessity, not a favour

This Women’s Day, let’s go beyond words and take action, by mentoring, supporting and encouraging for women ’ s rights in every sphere A society that empowers women is a society that thrives

(Prosperity and divinity thrive where women are given due respect)

Reviving UK-India trade ties

I really enjoyed reading your interview with Business and Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds about the restart of UK-India FTA talks It was insightful and timely, highlighting the strong economic ties between the two nations

As someone who closely follows trade developments, it’s encouraging to see the UK government’s commitment to strengthening relations with India,

Secretary Reynolds’ reference to the “living bridge”

between our countries

Negotiating such a major trade deal takes time and effort, but it’s great to see both sides willing to work together The UK-India partnership has huge potential, not just in trade and investment but also in innovation, sustainability and job creation

Your coverage of this important moment was clear, well-structured and engaging Loved reading it!

Rohan Sh ah

Celebrating womanhood in all its glory

March 8 is celebrated as International Women's Day by the United Nations Organisation, and this year's motto is "Accelerate Action" The theme emphasises the need to speed up progress towards gender equality Despite making progress in various fields, women still face oppression in various spheres of life

Gender equality remains a distant ideal as women endure atrocities at home, at work places, and in public spaces across the world

At times, safety remains elusive with rampant cases of rape and abuse In most of the countries, legal frameworks exist, yet fail to protect women and children from harm adequately A new life comes from a woman, and she should be revered with love and respect, for without her, there is no existence to mankind

Hence, let us honour and cherish women every day by recognising her invaluable contributions to humanity

Is India becoming one party State?

Reading BJP election victory on page twelve of last week’s Gujarat Samachar, the only Gujarati paper to cover Indian election in detail, one may feel that BJP’s hold on election, especially in Gujarat, PM Modi’s home state, is unshakable Then people of Gujarat are

election victories start and end with Gujarat G

freedom fighters and social reformers like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, Morarji Desai, Amit Shah and now PM Narendra Modi, a few among many, Modi is a true patriot in the mould of Sardar Patel

The second placed Congress has failed to win a single seat in many States, makes me wonder how this party, the home of Gandhi, Nehru and Sardar, once unbeatable in most States has become a laughing stock in political circle

One may believe or not, it is the influence of Nehru family that has drag this once noble party down, into the obviation Yet the remaining members of the Nehru clan refuse to bow out in silence and give upcoming younger generation opportunity to revive Congress No wonder Indian people believe that as long as Sonia and her family leads Congress, a victory for BJP is assured

The last member of this distinguished family to hold office of PM with dignity and popular support was, surprisingly Mrs Indira Gandhi, a though, nononsense lady who gave India a stable government Unfortunately she lost her life in confrontation with the Sikh community over the Golden Temple riot

I wonder whether Congress will ever come to power at the Centre within our life-time

Share the gift of knowledge and connection with your loved ones through our special combo subscription offer for Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar. Contact us today @ 020 7749 4080


From Ceasefire to Showdown: Vance Takes the Stage

Fr id ay 28t h2025 will r eme mbe red for a lon g t im e It ’ s the da y whe n VP JD Van ce secure d an ad van tag e t o adv an ce his bid to become t he ne xt pr esiden t of t he US in 2028

Last week when I wrote my article titled, ‘World according to Trump’, I had not realised that I would be proven right so quickly Trump does not abide by the rules set by the establishment, and neither does VP Vance Zelensky should have read my article and he would have avoided the mess he created in America

Last Friday President Zelensky visited the US with only one purpose, to sign a rare earth materials deal with the US leading to a much closer relationship with America The fundamentals of such a deal were very simple, there had to be peace between Ukraine and Russia And for that to take place there had to be a concerted effort for an immediate ceasefire and stop the bloodshed Yet it seems this was the last thing on Zelensky’s mind

Anyone who understands anything about international conflict, and especially the mindset of the Russians, would know that there is only one of two ways this war is ever going to end Either Ukraine compromises and gives up territory, or the war continues until Russia turns Ukraine into Gaza

The Trump solution would have given America the rare earth materials it needs in exchange for the huge amount of funding and resources it had already provided to Ukraine, and of course for its continued support There would have been new lines of demarcation between Ukraine and Russia And it would have given the EU and USA the opportunity to rebuild Ukraine I accept it’s not the best solution for Ukraine, but let’s be real about what alternative awaits them, the assured destruction of their nation

Zelensky knew what the main points of this agreement were and Trump had already told him he should only come to the US if he was ready to sign on the dotted line Sneaking into the Oval Office under false pretences and then exhibiting open disrespect to not just the President, but to the very office of the President was nothing short of an act of harakiri

This is when VP Vance made his move He did not mix his words In full view of the world media, he gavethe ungrateful Zelensky a piece of his mind He reminded Zelensky that he was disrespecting the very people who were trying to save his nation from destruction But the ungrateful Zelensky just did not read the room He elected to undermine both Trump and Vance And one thing we all know, if you dare to do that then be ready for a beating of a lifetime

The world went into collective meltdown and the media left aghast with mouths wide open The Ukrainian ambassador had her head in her hands Never in modern history has anyone witnessed such a volcanic eruption in what should have been quiet diplomacy

Unsurprisingly, many western leaders declared their support for Zelensky One thing is for sure, they will not put their armies on the ground to fight side-by-side with Ukrainians soldiers Apart from rhetoric and platitudes, they have nothing of substance to offer Ukraine in ending the war

For the record, and lest people have forgotten the root cause of this conflict, the west betrayed the Reagan-Thatcher promise to G

Ukraine's neutrality in exchange for the unification of Germany Russia made her compromises and kept to the agreement, but the west with Clinton in power systematically expanded eastwards towards Russia They made Ukraine their frontline and allowed Zelensky and his fascist mobs to brutalise the Russian majority populations of Donbas and Crimea Russia had no choice but to protect its interest and to protect the people who were being exterminated by Zelensky’s mob You don’t have to agree with Russia, nor be on their side, but if you don’t assess a situation based on historical facts then you will be hoodwinked by western powers into thinking they are always the good guys

In the days tofollow, leaders who have been promoting Zelensky will become desperate to get the US back in the game and to be their backstop You see, all these lily-liveredbig mouths know they are nothing more than spineless cowards who need America to give them some credibility

VP Vance in his intervention sent a message to the whole of America that not only is he robustly articulate, but that he is not afraid to stand up and fight for Americans And the voter base that the Republicans depend on, they like Trump and now they have reason to like Vance It seems Vance has taken his first step to putting his name in the hat to become the next President

Interestingly, the Keir Starmer appointed British Ambassador to America, Lord Peter Mandelson said: "President Zelenskyy needs to give his unequivocal backing to the initiative that President Trump is taking to END the war and to bring a just and lasting PEACE" So, whilst Starmer parades in front of the media, his own ambassador is supporting the Trump position

On a footnote, both the Tories and Labour have all called this incorrectly by siding with Zelensky so openly, and in doing so undermining Trump Let’s see how that works out for them Keir needs an excuse for an economy that is now tanking, and using Ukraine as a shield saves his position for the time being On the blood of the forced Ukrainian youths dying in their thousands, European leaders make hay whilst the sunshine of this great money laundering opportunity opens up to all of them

Kapil Dudakia


ing wi th a disabi lit y


Empowering communities living with neuromuscular condition

comes w ith it s ow n set of

chall eng e s, but for 33- ye ar-

old Priy anee t from Bi rmin gham, it has also spark ed a journe y of advocacy and communit y support.

Diagnosed at the age of s

nerves Priyaneet has transformed her personal experience into a force for change

A vital part of the Muscular Dystrophy UK’s South Asian Neuromuscular Community group, her work helps create a safe space for individuals and families to connect, s h a r e e x p e r


d access crucial resources

In this article, Priyaneet

n g with a disability and highlights the importance of representation

Can you share your journey of living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) and how it has shaped your life?

L i v i n g w i t h a m u s c l e wasting and weakening con-

d i t i o n c a n b e e x h a u s t i n g , stressful and lonely With e n d l e s s m e d

ments, physiotherapy, treatments, and respiratory support It can also be worrying knowing that my condition is progressive and how I’ll manage in the future My Sikh faith keeps me grounded, focused and steers me in the right direction and gives me hope

I always say my condition gives me a purpose and drains me at the same time It’s taken me a lot of self-

Along with the support from my family and friends, great m

coaching and therapy, it’s helped me to accept my condition Through community therapy I’ve learnt how to

through various techniques and built my confidence I now realise that my differences bring a new perspective

Although I m fairly independent, I try not to let my disability take over my life I do find daily physical activities challenging I often rely on my family members to support me with this For example, help with cooking a meal or carrying my food, and sometimes cutting up my food It took me time to a c c e p t

okay and doesn’t mean I am weak


shaped my life in a positive way It has given me a pur-

mined the career I’ve navig

tech geek to now a disability coach and diversity, equity and inclusion leader, that aligns with my purpose, values and focuses on making

more inclusive and accessible world, as well as giving individuals hope they can achieve anything they put their mind to

Doyou feel there is enough awareness about neuromuscular conditions within South Asian communities? If not, what barriers exist? I

within the South Asian com-

contribute to this issue One major challenge is the lack of South Asian representatives in community services who can effectively commu-

support they need Additionally, there is a

deep-rooted stigma around disability, with some families seeing it as a source of shame Many believe that a disabled person is unable to

communities often hesitate to seek help, as doing so may be perceived as a sign of weakness or dishonour In

viewed as a form of karmapunishment for past actions

Another key issue is the l

genetics and how it influences neuromuscular condit

n genetic factors can increase the risk of these conditions Additionally, there is a general lack of understanding about what neuromuscular conditions actually are To bridge this gap, information

must be made more accessible Educational materials, such as leaflets, videos, and personal stories, should be a v a i l a b l e i n m u l t i p l e l a nguages at GP surgeries and community centres

T h e M u s c u l a r Dystrophy UK’s South Asian Neuromuscular Community group plays a vital role in providing support It offers a judgment-free space where i n d i v i d u a l s c a n c o n n e c t with others who understand their experiences By coming together, they can navigate challenges, support one another, and find comfort in a community that sees and hears them

Whatcan attendees expect from the Muscular Dystrophy UK Information Days in Birmingham and London?

T h e M u s c u l a r

Dystrophy UK’s information d

muscle wasting and weaken-

are full of inspiring people all with common interests and problems It’s a community of like-minded people with different experiences a n d p e r s p

looking to help each other It’s a place to connect, share

valuable resources I enjoy volunteering at these events to show up for the South Asian community


neuromuscular conditions, you can have a voice that adds value By sharing my

gives comfort and encourages people to reach out for the support they need On the day people will be able to

“My condition has shaped my life in a positive way. It has given me a purpose, a voice and determined the career I’ve navigated for myself ”

hear from experts and learn about the support Muscular Dystrophy UK can provide for people living with

weakening conditions Plus,

work taking place to help

n t conditions better, which will hopefully lead to development of new treatments

Priyaneet Kainth

I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s Day (IWD), observed annually on March 8th, is a global celebration of the social, e c o n o m i c , c u


It also serves as a powerful reminder of the ongo-

Empower. Act. Accelerate

ing fight for gender equality and the need to address p e r s i s t e n t c h a l l e n g e s A t t h e c u r r e n t p a c e o f p r o g r e s s , a c h i e v i n g f u

until 2158-nearly five generations from now, according to the World Economic

Redefining ethical tourism through community-led experiences

J a y n i Gu d ka i s a s o ci a l e nt repre ne ur d edi cated to ma ki ng t ourism mo re inclusi ve fo r ma rgi na lised communiti es In 20 23, she fo und ed Sama Sama Internati onal a fte r de velo ping a t oolki t f or e thicall y co-cr eati ng walki ng tours wit h th ese communi tie s She al so lea ds Unse en T ou r s , a mu l t i - a wa r d - wi n ni ng socia l e nte rpri se tha t e mpowers p eople af fecte d by ho melessne ss t o curate a nd lea d London tour s

S p e a k i n g t o A s i a n V o i c e , Jayni discusses about her journey as a social entrepreneur, action to accelerate inclusivity in the tourism industry and more Can you tell us about your journey as a social entrepreneur? What inspired you to create Sama Sama International?

M y j o u r n e y a s a s o c i a l entrepreneur happened by accident Working with international NGOs and UK charities, I saw communities being spoken about but rarely given a voice The joy

o f h e a r i n g t h e i r s t o r i e s , c o mbined with my commitment to social justice, became a turning p o i n t f o r m e S a m a S a m a International was born from this vision "Sama Sama," meaning "together" in Bahasa Indonesia,

r e f l e c t s o u r m i s s i o n t o c r e a t e inclusive spaces where underrepresented communities can share

t h e i r o w n s t o r i e s t h r o u g h tourism experiences we co-create Using tourism and story-

t e l l i n g a s t o o l s f o r e m p o w e rm e n t , w e e n s u r e o v e r l o o k e d voices shape their own narratives At the core is ‘maitri’ universal friendship I believe genuine connections foster stronger, more compassionate communities, and that’s what drives me every day

Women entrepreneurs often have to break barriers in male-dominated industries What has your experience been like as a female leader in the tourism sector?

Though women make up 54% of the global tourism workforce, tourism, like many other sectors, has gendered power dynamics, meaning that women only make 23% of leadership roles in the sector Having said this, I’ve been

r e a l l y f o r t u n a t e t o h a v e h a d i n c r e d i b l e m e n t o r s a n d m a l e allies who have opened up many doors and opportunities for me, and given me great advice along the way Being a woman in this s p a c e h a s b e e n a n a d v a n t a g e , enabling me to create inclusive tourism models and build genu i n e c o

F o r u m . W o m e n c o n t i n u

to face wage gaps, limited access to education, workplace discrimination, and gender-based violence.

International Women's Day provides a platform to confront these issues and drive meaningful change. T

empowerment While

bold action and collective

pose, and uplifting voices that need to be heard

If you could make one major change in the tourism industry today, what would it be and why? If I could make one major change in the tourism industry today, it would be to put local

c o m m u n i t i e s a t t h e c e n t r e o f decision-making Not only does it make for a much more interesting experience for visitors, but i t a l s o e n s u r e s

community Tourism should be m o r e t h a n j u s t s e e i n g t h e world it should help change it for the better That begins by shifting the narrative, decision-

m a k i n g p o w e r , a n d e c o n o m i c benefits to the communities at the heart of these experiences

What key actions need to be taken to accelerate inclusivity in the tourism industry? How can governments, businesses, and travellers contribute?

T o o o f t e n , t o u r i s m i s designed and controlled by large corporations, governments, and e x t e r n a l i n v e s t o r s w h i l e t h e people who actually live in these

d e s t i n a t i o n s h a v e l i t t l e s a y i n how tourism affects their lives, cultures, and environments This leads to exploitation, displacement, and a tourism model that prioritises profit over people We’d like to see governments supporting community-led initiatives like ours, so that diverse h i s t o r i e s a n d p e r s p e c t i v e s a r e brought into tourism offerings, which make for richer and more memorable experiences for visitors and locals alike We’d like to see businesses focus on working with community-based tourism organisations, fairly compensati n g t h e s e c o m m u n i t i e s , a n d including them in decision making and leadership opportunities And we’d like to see travellers

c h o o s e t o u r o p e r a t o r s a n d accommodation providers that a r e e m p l o y e d f r o m t h e l o c a l community and prioritised social impact Ultimately, inclusivity in tourism is about making sure

t h a t l o c a l s b e n e f i t f r o m t h e industry, and are not excluded from it

progress and create lasting impact

By prioritising swift and effective measures, we can break down barriers, chal-

future for all.


This violence is a stark reminder that no matter how much progress is made in gender equality, it means little if women remain unsafe not only outside but also in places like their homes and workplaces, unable to trust even those meant to protect them, including the police

If there is one area in dire need of immediate, tangible change, it is in policing and the protection of women When gender becomes a vulnerability, no revolutionary stride in gender equality can truly matter

Sophie Francis-Cansfield, Head of Policy at Women’s Aid, emphasised the urgent need to reform policing She noted that while numerous investigations and reports have provided potential solutions, real, measurable change is overdue

“Since Sarah’s murder, we ’ ve seen countless other cases of police-perpetrated violence against women and girls (VAWG), leaving women ’ s trust in the police at an all-time low Urgent action needs to be taken to address the systemic failures within policing so that women can get the justice they deserve ”

Francis-Cansfield referenced several reports and investigations, including the Angiolini Inquiry and the Baroness Casey Review, which uncovered institutional misogyny, racism, and homophobia contributing to a failure to protect women and children, particularly those from Black, minoritised, and migrant communities She called on police forces to accept Lady Angiolini’s recommendation to adopt antisexist, anti-misogynist, and anti-racist practices through mandatory training and the involvement of expert organisations in recruitment and vetting processes

“Additionally, police forces need to hold officers and staff accused of misconduct accountable to safeguard women and families impacted by VAWG from further harm,” she added

New data from the domestic abuse charity Refuge also highlights the underestimation of domestic abuse s prevalence and just how dire the situation is when it comes to crime against women Only a quarter of UK adults (26%) are aware that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime While nearly 80% of people would report physical abuse, awareness of less apparent forms of abuse such as coercive and controlling

behavior, as well as technologyfacilitated, economic, and psychological abuse is far lower Just 39% of people say they would report these less understood forms of abusive behavior

Beyond safety concerns, women also face significant disparities in business leadership and financial representation Women hold only 28% of senior management roles globally, and female entrepreneurs receive just 2% of venture capital funding According to the Global Payroll Association (GPA), among the world's 100 richest billionaires, only 15 are women, whose combined wealth is $587 billion compared to the $4 4 trillion held by the 85 men

Notably, the UK is absent from the rankings altogether, as none of the world’s top 100 wealthiest billionaires hail from the UK meaning no British women are represented Melanie Pizzey, CEO and Founder of the Global Payroll Association, very rightly pointed out, "Look at how stark the gender gap is among the world’s richest people Fifteen women and eighty-five men; and of those few women, you ’ re hard pressed to find even one who hasn’t amassed their fortune through inheritance or marriage

Compare this with the number of ‘self-made’ billionaire men on the list, and it becomes clear that gender equality, while significantly improved over recent years, has not yet infiltrated the ranks of the ultrawealthy Why have no self-made women amassed fortunes large

Minister for Equalities, Seema Malhotra MP, said, "This International Women’s Day 2025, the Government is accelerating action to transform the lives of all women by breaking down barriers to opportunity

"From growing the economy, to keeping our streets safe, women are central to all our missions This Government will work tirelessly to put more money in the pockets of working women, which includes going further and faster to close the gender pay gap.

"We have also committed to the

enough to appear on the list? We know it’s not because they don’t have the skills, ideas, or work ethic to compare to men, so there must be some other forces at play ”

These inequalities are driven by gender pay gaps, career breaks for caregiving, and limited access to financial resources Women earn about 82 cents for every dollar men make, affecting savings, retirement, and financial stability Bridging this gap requires a focus on pay equity, improved access to funding, leadership support, and financial literacy initiatives

Empowering women in business is not only a matter of equality it is critical for economic growth and societal progress

While the urgency of ensuring women's safety and financial independence cannot be overstated, it is equally important to recognise and celebrate the strides being made in other areas From increased representation of women in politics and leadership roles to groundbreaking advancements in healthcare, education, and social justice, positive change is happening Grassroots movements, advocacy groups, and everyday allies are driving momentum toward a more equitable world Every step forward, whether big or small, is a testament to the resilience, strength, and potential of women everywhere What truly matters is that progress continues and that each positive change brings us closer to a society where gender equality is not just an aspiration but a reality

ambition to halve violence against women and girls in a decade, and we will do everything in our power to achieve this. This will involve focusing on prevention, as well as providing better support for victims throughout the justice system "

Jayni Gudka
Seema Malhotra

Impact of makeup on confidence, identity, and self-love

A arti P h as spent a d ecade

m astering hair and m akeup artistry, earning acco lades a nd r ec o g ni ti o

m ajo r brand s Her p assion began as a teenager when m akeup bo osted her confid ence Now, she focuses on

s i m p l if yi n g b ea u ty, e m p o w er in g



Asian Voice, Aarti discusses the challenges of being a South Asian makeup artist, t h e c o n



What inspired you to become a makeup artist, and how did you start your journey?

I've always been drawn

t o t h e t r a n s f o r m a t i v e power of makeup how it enhances features, tells a

s t o r y , a n d b o o s t s c o n f idence Inspired by South

A s i a n b e a u t y t r

vibrant lips, I often struggled to find products that

t r u l y c o m p l e m e n t e d o u

skin tones That gap fuelled


e u p artistry After training at top beauty institutions, I realised the industry lacked education on diverse skin

t o n e s T h i s l e d m e t o l a u n c

Beauty Collective a platform advocating for better

g South Asian beauty Today, as a makeup artist, consultant, and educator, I work

t o e n s u r e o u r b e a u t y i s s e e n , v a l u e d , a n d u n d e rstood

What challenges have you faced as a South Asian makeup artist, and how have you overcome them?

One of the biggest challenges has been the industry's lack of understanding of South Asian skin tones and features Early in my

career, I noticed that many p

e undertones There’s still a misconception that South Asian beauty fits into one shade range when, in reality, it’s incredibly diverse

T o a d d r e s s t h i s , I m a d e education a core part of my m i s s

train artists on undertone

also created spaces for our

ences, ensuring future gen-

and face fewer barriers

brands still struggle with S o u t h A s i a n u n d e r t o n e s , creating shades that appear too ashy or too orange The lack of South Asian professionals in decision-making roles also means our needs a r e n ’ t a l w a y s p r i o r i t i s e d

Through the South Asian Beauty Collective, I work with brands to ensure rep-

trend but a lasting commit-


How do you think makeup impacts confidence and selfexpression, especially for South Asian women?

For many South Asian women, makeup is more than just beauty it’s a cultural touchstone From sindoor and kajal worn in tradition to bold red lipstick passed down through generations, it has always been

South Asian women were made to feel their features

celebrating our brown skin,

"One of the biggest challenges has been the industry's lack of understanding of South Asian skin tones and features. "

Do you think the mainstream beauty industry has become more inclusive of South Asian features and skin tones?

l o n g w a y t o g o W h i l e South Asian representation

i n b e a u t y c a m p a i g n s i s growing and shade ranges are expanding, true inclusivity goes beyond foundat i o n s h a d e s i t r e q u i r e s real understanding Many

Simple tips for a flawless look

S peaking about skincare prep before app lying makeup , A arti said, “Prepp ing the skin properly is the key to flawless m akeu p I always start by hydrating with a lightweight yet nourishing moisturiser to create a smooth base Next, I apply a primer suited to the skin type-mattifying for oily skin or hydrating for dry skin If needed, I use a peach or o r a n g e c o

which is common among South Asian women, particularly around the mouth and under the eyes Finally, SPF is a must, even under makeup, ensuring protection without leaving a white cast ”

Aarti also emphasised that the key to foundation shade matching is understanding undertones She said, “South Asian skin can have warm, neutral, or olive undertones, and choosing the right shade means looking at how it blends into your jawline in natural light I always recommend swatching multiple shades rather than settling for the first one that seems close A simple trick that instantly enhances any look? A well-placed highlighter and blush duo A golden-toned highlighter on the high points of the face and a warm peach or coral blush on the apples of the cheeks can bring a beautiful, natural radiance to South Asian skin ”

Power of women representation in the fashion industry

British Indian d esig ner Nikita K arizm a is known

f o r h er i nno v ati v e

d e si g n s a nd c u tt in gedge style Wh ile studying fashion, she receiv ed h e r fi rs t o r d er fr o m

L i tt le M i x, u s i ng th e earnings to launch her ow n brand Since then, h e r la be l h a s g ro w n rapid ly, dressing num ero us celebrities, i nc luding Paris Hilton fo r her m us ic v id eo wi th Ki m Kard ashian

I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h Asian Voice, Nikita discusses how her British-Indian identity influenced her creative process, representation of South Asian women and more Your desig ns are know n for their innovative, blend -cut aesthetics Ho w d oes your B ri ti s h -I nd ia n id ent it y influence your creative p rocess and help your p ieces stand out?

My signature style aesthetic is glamour mixed in w i t h e d g y r e b e l l i o n M y British-Indian identity is at the heart of my creative proc e s s , s h a p i n g t h e w a y I approach design, craftsmans h i p , a n d s t o r y t e l l i n g

Growing up in London with S o u t h A s i a n r o o t s , I w a s immersed in a fusion of cultures This duality inspires my work, from the structured cuts and contemporary silhouettes to the rich t e x t u r e s , e m b e l l i s h m e n t s , a n d p r i n t s i n f l u e n c e d b y

kohl-rimmed eyes is both empowering and transformative Makeup not only

but also reclaims styles that

winged liner or a subtle, radiant glow, true confidence comes from embracing your look on your own terms

What actions do you think organisations need to take to “accelerate action” and break barriers for women in leadership, especially in the beauty industries?

T h e b e a u t y

n d u s t r y has long been shaped by a narrow definition of beauty, often side-lining diverse voices To break barriers, true inclusivity is needed at

other diverse voices in leadership roles, ensuring decis i o n - m a k

s g e n u i n e l y understand different communities rather than offering token representation Investing in education and training is crucial, equipping artists to work with diverse skin tones and hair textures Meaningful collaborations with community experts, rather than performative inclusivity, can drive real change

m a k e w o m

Empowerment is about the freedom to express without limits fashion isn’t about fitting a mould but owning w h o y o u a r e , c e l e b r

your identity, and making a

every piece to embody

What are yo ur thoug hts o n th e rep resentation of South Asian women in the g lobal fa sh i o n i nd u s try ? D o yo u th ink th ere ’ s still a g ap in visibility?

T h e r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f South Asian women in the global fashion industry has grown in recent years We are seeing more South Asian models, designers, and crea t i v e s s t e p p i n g i n t o t h e spotlight Fashion should be a space where all voices are seen, heard, and valued as an integral part of the industry’s fabric We can inspire the next generation to take u p s p a c e , r e d e f i n e b e a u t y s t a n d a r d s , a n d c e l e b r a t e

"My British-Indian identity is at the heart of my creative process, shaping the way I approach design, craftsmanship, and storytelling."

South Asian craftsmanship Fashion is a form of selfexpression, and my designs reflect a balance of heritage and innovation with pieces that celebrate culture while feeling new and globally relevant

M a ny o f yo u r c o ll ec ti o ns em p o we r w om en th rou g h bold silhouettes and statement pieces How d o you u se fa sh i on as a to o l fo r fem ale emp owerment?

F a s h i o n i s a p o w e r f u l language, and I use it to celebrate strength, confidence, a n d i n d i v i d u a l i t y M y designs are created with the i n t e n t i o n o f e m p o w e r i n g women through chic silhouettes, statement details, and pieces that make the wearer feel fearless, unapologetic, and in control of their narr a t i v e I b e l i e v e f a s h i o n shapes how we carry ours e l v e s a n d s t e p i n t o t h e world Whether it’s power tailoring, sculpting corsetry, or bold chainmail co-ords, e v e r y d e s i g n i s m e a n t t o

team that shares my passion and values has been invaluable

M o s t i m p o r t a n t l y , I’ve realised that success in fashion is about creati n g y o u r o w n p a t h , embracing your uniquen e s s , a n d u s i n g y o u r voice to inspire others T h a t ’ s w h a t k e e p s m e motivated every day We often talk about suppo rti ng w om en in th e ind u stry, bu t acti on is ke y Wh at s te p s sh o u l d brand s, d esigners and industry le ad ers tak e to

their cultural identity with pride I’m excited to be part o f t h i s m o v e m e n t , a n d I hope my work encourages more people of diverse backgrounds to step into fashion with confidence and visibility As a wom an in the fashio n i nd u s tr y, w h at a re t h e bigg est lesso ns or wisd om yo u ’ v e g ai n ed t h ro u g h o u t your career?

The fashion industry is f a s t - p a c e d , e v e r - c h a n g i n g , and filled with challenges, b u t o n e o f t h e b i g g e s t lessons I’ve learned is the p o w e r o f r e s i l i e n c e A s a w o m a n n a v i g a t i n g t h i s space, I’ve had to trust my instincts, stay true to my v i s i o n , a n d k e e p p u s h i n g f o r w a r d e s p e c i a l l y i n m o m e n t s o f u n c e r t a i n t y I’ve also learned the importance of building a strong, s u p p o r t i v e c o m m u n i t y F a s h i o n i s n ’ t j u s t a b o u t clothes, it’s about the people w h o b r i n g i d e a s t o l i f e Surrounding myself with a

where women feel valued is essential True change hap-

another women in

open doors for diverse


v e r competition is key when one rises, we all do Fashion shapes culture, and by committing to this, we ensure women don’t just participate but lead the industry Wh at adv ice would you giv e to emerging fem ale d esig ners, especially So uth Asian creatives, striv ing to break i nto th

mark? T o e m e r

l e designers and South Asian creatives, my biggest advice is: own your narrative and s

o n Your cultural background is a strength, it gives you a unique perspective that the world needs to

global stage This industry is competitive, and rejection is part of the journey Learn from setbacks, keep refining your craft, and stay persistent Success doesn’t happen

forward counts Find your community Surround yourself

Nikita Karizma
Aarti P


Driving change for women in 2025

The annual Women In Conversation panel discussion, hosted by Asian Voice in partnership with the Royal Air Force, will be held on 10 March 2024 at Edwardian I, Taj 51 Buckingham Gate, London

Aligned with this year’s International Women’s Day theme, "Accelerate Action," the discussion will focus on the systemic barriers and biases that women encounter in both their personal and professional lives It will emphasise the urgent need for swift, decisive action to advance gender equality.


Saha believes that human potential thrives when people feel seen, valued, and empowered Her journey into leadership, DEI, and personal empowerment was shaped by lived experiences navigating spaces where she felt different, learning to turn that difference into a strength, and witnessing firsthand the systemic barriers that hold people back.

As a facilitator, executive coach, and DEI learning and development expert, she sees DEI not as a side initiative

b u t a s t h e f o u n d a t i o n o f strong leadership For her, true inclusion means creating cultures where people

succeed but can belong and thrive

gender equality

What urgent actions must organisations take to “accelerate action” and break barriers for women in leadership?



n s t a l k about gender diversity, but progress stalls because the r e a l w o r k , s h i f t i n g p o w e r structures and challenging biases feels uncomfortable

T h e m o s t u r g e n t a c t i o n ?

A c c o u n t a b i l i t y a t t h e t o p Leaders need to ask themselves: Are we creating real opportunities for women, or just celebrating the few who managed to break through?

S p o n s o r s h i p o v e r m e n t o r -

ship Women don’t just need advice; they need decision-

makers advocating for them in the rooms they’re not in

Measure what matters Track not just how many women are hired but how m a n y a r e p r o m o t e d , retained, and given decisionm a k i n g p o w e r R e i m a g i n e leadership norms Challenge t h e i d e a t h a t l e a d e r s h i p l o o k s a c e r t a i n w a y (assertive, relentless, alwayson) Women shouldn’t have to adopt traditionally masculine traits to be seen as capable If companies truly w a n t t o a c c e l e r a t e a c t i o n

they must stop treating gender equity as a project and embed it into how business is done

“Women shouldn’t have to adopt traditionally masculine traits to be seen as capable.”

What challenges do companies face in retaining and promoting women in leadership, and how can they move beyond “checking the box” on gender diversity?

Companies often struggle with retention because they focus on increasing the number of women in leadership rather than improving t


i e n c


n y women in leadership roles face the "Only" Effect, where they are the sole woman in the room, leading to isolation and increased scrutiny Additionally, Broken Rung

As a local councillor, charity founder, and community leader, Meenal Sachdev has dedicated her career to driving meaningful change. Whether advocating for fairness in policing, fighting human trafficking through the Shiva Foundation, or supporting grassroots initiatives in India, her work is rooted in action not just conversation

Syndrome prevents women from advancing beyond midcareer positions, as compan

level gender diversity while neglecting the barriers that exist earlier Workplace policies, such as flexible working

place, but women still feel p

and despite DEI initiatives, microaggressions persist To

organisations need to fix the system, not women Instead of offering more resilience training, workplaces should

be based on clear, transparent criteria rather than subjective leadership potential,

nies must embed account-

metrics to real progress in diversity

What’s your advice for women striving to break barriers?


often, women wait until they feel 100% ready or qualified before stepping forward, but confidence isn’t a requirement for action; it’s a result of it Speak up before you ’ re comfortable Take the seat


pared Advocate for yourself as fiercely as you do for others And most importantly, don’t walk the journey alone Find people who champion you, and be that champion for others True empower-

l shares her insights on accelerating progress for women, ensuring that policies translate into real impact With a firm belief that equality is b u i l t t h r o u g h s y s t e m i c change, community engagement, and personal responsib i l i t y , s h e d i s c u s s e s t h e urgent steps needed to create s a f e r , f a i r e r s p a c e s f o r women everywhere

Accelerate Action is about tangible steps toward gender equity. From your experience, what are the most critical actions that governments, businesses, and communities must take? A c c e l e r a

g g e n d e r e q u i t y r e q u i r e s c o n c r e t e actions from governments, businesses, and communities w o r k i n g t o g e t h e r W h i l e International Women's Day often brings powerful conversations and goals, persist e n t i s s u e s l i k e d o m e s t i c abuse, modern slavery, and early marriage remain preval e n t R e a l p r o g r e s s b e g i n s with listening to the voices of women and those affected by these challenges It's crucial for all sectors to collaborate, channel resources and funding toward gender equity initiatives, and effectively evaluate their success

Governments must crea t e a n d e

Businesses should promote gender equality in the workplace by offering fair opport

respected and valued

Ultimately, the key is to develop strategies that are not just effective in the short term but also sustainable in the long term True change involves building systems of support that address the root causes of inequality, ensuring that progress does not stall but continues to grow, creating a fairer and more inclusive world for all

Access to quality education and training is key to advancing women and girls

How can we accelerate efforts to close the gender gap in STEM, business, and other male-dominated fields?

To advance women and girls in fields like STEM and b u s i n

, w e m u s t f i r s t ensure that all governments prioritise girls' education and take concrete steps to supp o r t

a l step is crucial to closing the gender gap Once we secure that commitment, the next focus should be on addressing specific gaps in areas like

incentives for girls to enter these fields

“Advocacy by women for women can break barriers and open more opportunities.”

Governments can offer scholarships and create programs that encourage girls to pursue careers in male-dom-

and universities should also provide mentorship and supp

r inspiring young women to explore these opportunities

In addition, women supporting each other in these fields plays a significant role Experienced women profess

girls, share their experiences, and create networks that foster growth and confidence A d v o c a c y b

and open more opportunities I believe, by combining government support, educat i o

work-building, we can make substantial progress toward c l o s i n g

STEM, business, and other traditionally male-dominate

next generation of women leaders

What challenges have you faced as a woman in leadership, and how did you overcome them? What advice would you give to young women aspiring to leadership roles but facing systemic barriers?

Leadership aside, just as a woman, I've at times faced various challenges, particularly in politics Navigating these spaces hasn't always been easy, but I've overcome certain barriers by building strong self-belief and understanding the value of mentorship I quickly learned to i

invaluable in helping me overcome obstacles

For young women aspiring to enter leadership roles despite systemic barriers, my advice is to remember that


and women are

Systemic barriers

Whatcan be done to “accelerate action” when it comes to gender equality?

According Dr Shriti Pattani OBE, the National Clinical Expert in Occupational Health and Wellbeing for NHS England, it’s the women who need to take the lead

She highlighted the persistent challenges faced by women, particularly in fields where credibility and authority are often assumed to belong to men and underscored how these biases can create additional hurdles, making women more hesitant to assert themselves, whether in professional settings or in advocating for fair financial compensation

“I believe that sometimes it’s women themselves who lack the confidence to take action

While we have policies in place and recognise that men often have an advantage, there are still persistent challenges”, she said

Of the many aspects that can help “accelerate action”, Dr Pattani believes that firstly, it is important for women to feel empowered to ask for what they are worth Secondly, those with tenure need to act as role models for the next generation of women

“We need to show them that success is possible and guide them on how to negotiate and advocate for themselves ” At the same time, she believes that self-care needs to be taken seriously because too often, women take on more responsibilities at work while continuing to manage everything at home, without allowing themselves to offload tasks

“Taking care of our own well-being is not selfish; it’s essential”, she highlighted

With self-care in mind, she noted that mental health, particularly stress, is a major concern for women Juggling childcare, elder care, household duties, and careers while

also facing disproportionate societal pressures only adds to the strain Often, women take on too much, finding it difficult to say "no " Dr Pattani’s advice?

Delegation is key, and it’s important to remember that it’s okay to have an off day “Women often feel the need to push through, but acknowledging when you need a break is essential”, she said

Further advocating for a change, she said, “Women face challenges throughout their working lives due to different stages of the fertility cycle However, these experiences also make us incredibly versatile A little support from employers can go a long way in easing these challenges Given that women make up 50% of the workforce, providing support isn’t just beneficial

“Women often feel the need to push through, but acknowledging when you need a break is essential.”

When it comes to physical health challenges particular to women, she feels that there is more awareness with conversations being more open and generalised but she also acknowledges that discussion alone doesn’t always lead to action, and that remains a significant challenge

Discussing her work in the NHS, she highlighted how different industries address these challenges

“In the NHS, we openly discuss issues like heavy periods, pregnancy, and menopause While policies exist, the focus is on actively supporting employees ” Her trust offers a comprehensive occupational health and well-being service, including weekly menopause support clinics and education for managers on handling sensitive discussions This ensures a more inclusive and understanding workplace However, she noted that such support is rare outside the NHS

Many small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs), which employ most of the UK workforce, lack occupational health services, leaving women without necessary resources

for employees it helps businesses optimise performance by ensuring their female employees can focus on their work without added stress ”

According to Dr Pattani, women make exceptional leaders They are nurturing, supportive, and invested in the success of those around them all natural leadership qualities “While leadership training is always beneficial, many women possess the soft skills that are crucial to effective leadership These skills, such as active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution, can be further refined through experience and development programs ”

However, as a woman in leadership herself, she is not aloof from the challenges “At times, I feel that I am not heard as clearly as my male counterparts I often have to work harder to achieve the same level of recognition”, she admits “At times, I feel that I am not heard as clearly as my male counterparts I often have to work harder to achieve the same level of recognition and often wonder whether a man in my position would face the same scepticism”, she further added

It’scrucial that girls see themselves represented in the past, as history has often overlooked the contributions of women, believes Shalina Patel, a historian, teacher and writer.

With over 15 years of teaching experience, the Head of Teaching and Learning at Claremont High School Academy has witnessed the impact of underrepresentation on her students This is why she prioritises bringing women ’ s stories into her lessons “Representation matters As the saying goes, ‘ you can’t be what you can’t see ’ and that inspiration can make all the difference,” she said Shalina also reinforces the importance of mentorship and positive role models “In my work, I make it a point to share a positive news story with the whole school every week, usually celebrating a remarkable woman who has achieved something significant ” According to Shalina, women ’ s stories are often missing from history for two reasons First, some women were deliberately erased and the second issue is a lack of access to education Many women throughout history couldn’t write diaries, letters, or firsthand accounts, meaning their voices are absent from archives She said, “This silencing and exclusion have shaped the history we learn today We often talk about the history of men simply because women weren’t given the opportunity to document their own experiences

“It’s all connectedwomen were denied education, political power, and even the right to vote until relatively recently Their experiences were not seen as valuable or important, and that’s why it’s so crucial to reclaim these stories now ” With the example of Noor Jahan, she explainsthe empress wielded immense power during her time, yet after her death,

male scholars and historians in the Mughal court actively suppressed her legacy They didn’t want future generations to know the extent of her influence

How can we “accelerate action” towards gender equality? For Shalina, it’s through shifting the mainstream understanding of women ’ s contributions

This means greater representation in major spaces TV, film, theatre, and beyond Seeing these stories celebrated on large platforms can make a huge difference

Similarly, in education, many assume schools are already teaching diverse histories, but that’s not the case She explains this further stating, “I always encourage people to ask the young people in their families: ‘What are you learning?’ If the only time women appear in history lessons is during the suffragette movement, that’s a serious issue Women existed before they got the vote, and their contributions deserve recognition

misogynistic influences online, and schools need structured support to combat this issue,” she explained “This requires action at the policy level ”

The biggest challenge, she noted, is regulating the content young boys consume “If they continue to be exposed to toxic ideologies that portray women as inferior, meaningful change for girls will be impossible Addressing this issue systemically is the only way forward

“Ultimately, ensuring safety for girls requires tackling harmful beliefs at their root If boys grow up believing that women are objects or second-class citizens, progress will be severely limited Addressing this issue at a systemic level is the only way forward ” She believes that we need to give girls grace to make mistakes, to explore, and to dream Especially in South Asian families, there is still a clear difference in how girls are treated compared to their brothers “I see this firsthand in schools

“If the only time women appear in history lessons is during the suffragette movement, that’s a serious issue Women existed before they got the vote, and their contributions deserve recognition.”

“To accelerate action, we must demand it Our voices need to be loud ”

As an educator, she believes one of the most crucial policy changes needed to achieve gender equity in education is providing schools with the necessary support to address incel culture While much of the conversation has focused on empowering girls, the risks facing young boys have not been fully addressed

“Many boys are being exposed to deeply

Having taught entire families over the years, I often notice the added pressure placed on daughters ”

To help girls reach their potential, parents and teachers must encourage their interests, whether it’s a new hobby, class, or unconventional path “Many still feel immense pressure from family expectations or cultural norms South Asian girls, in particular, need the space to grow and be themselves ” she said

European leaders unite for peace in Ukraine

Britain’s Prime Minister K eir

S t ar me r de cl a re d t h a t th e West stands at a “ cro ssro ads in history” as he addressed Eu ro pean leaders at a cruci al s

Su nday, March 2

assert Europe’s leadership in negotiations over the RussiaU k r a i n

unified stance amid a deteriorating relationship between Kyiv and Washington “This is not a moment for more talk It’s time to act,” Starmer urged following a day marked by intense diplomacy European leaders sought to navigate a path toward a ceasefire in Ukraine, underlining the need for swift and decisive action

come from both Starmer and the king in s t a r k c o n t r a s t t o h i s r e c


Zelensky, alongside a host of European leaders, attended the summit at a time of deep unease over the war Starmer emphasised the continued necessity of American support despite recent strains, defending

the US as “not an unreliable ally ” His reassurance came after Trump’s confrontation with Zelensky, which left European leaders scrambling to restore momentum toward peace

T h e s u m m i t u n d e r s c o r e d E u r o p e ’ s commitment to playing a proactive role in peace talks, countering perceptions that the continent was merely a bystander “A deal will have to involve Russia, of course it w i l l , ” S t a r m e r n o t e d “ B u t w e c a n ’ t approach this on the basis that Russia dictates the terms of any security guarantee before we ’ ve even got to a deal ”

The UK and France have been working to form a “coalition of the willing” to support Ukraine if a peace deal is reached “If a deal is done, it has to be a deal that is then defended,” Starmer said

Zelensky praised the summit on social media, calling Europe’s unity “exceptionally high ” He proposed that any potential peace deal should begin with a prisoner exchange and the return of children, which he said would “demonstrate Russia’s true intention for peace ” In a symbolic gesture, Zelensky also met with King Charles III at Sandringham The Ukrainian leader received a warm wel-


I n d i a n a u t h or Ba n u

M u s h t a

L amp ’ , trans lated b y Deepa Bhas thi, ha s made i t to the 2025 In tern ationa l Booke r Pr ize longli st

The judges praised the book for exploring the lives

o f g i r l s a n d

M u s l i m c o m m u n i t i e s i n southern India, noting its e m o t i o n a l a n d m o r a l depth This marks the first time a Kannada title has been included in the 13s t r o n g l o n g l i s t f o r t h e

£ 5 0 , 0 0 0 p r i z e , w h i c h i s shared between author and translator

The prize panel praised ‘ H e a r t L a m p ’ f o r i t s d r y

accused Zelensky of being ungrateful for US military support and of risking “World War III” by continuing to resist Russia’s invasion These comments rattled Europe, prompting Starmer to launch immediate diplomatic efforts to mend relations O

announced accelerated loans to Ukraine worth $2 8 billion, with the first funds

agreement on Sunday allowing Ukraine to use £1 6 billion ($2 billion) of UK export finance to purchase over 5,000 advanced air defense missiles from Belfast


stressed the gravity of the situation, “We gather here today because this is a once-ina-generation moment for the security of Europe, and we all need to step up ”

immediate needs, securing a lasting peace agreement, and planning robust security guarantees Starmer reassured Zelensky stating, “We are all with you and the people of Ukraine for as long as it takes ”

French President Emmanuel Macron, Canada’s outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and leaders from the EU, NATO, and several European nations participated in the talks Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni emphasised the importance of preventing a rift within the West over the Ukraine war Both Meloni and Starmer, who maintain close ties with Trump, are expected to leverage their influence to bring the US on board with Europe’s peace proposals

Earlier last week, Prime Minister Keir Starmer and French President Emmanuel Macron met with US President Donald Trump, pressing him to clarify America’s position on Ukraine The call for transparency came after Trump’s administration excluded Ukraine and Europe from n

United Nations resolutions condemning the invasion

humor and vivid portrayal of family and community t e n s i o n s O r i g i n a l l y p u blished in Kannada between 1990 and 2023, the book reflects Mushtaq’s work as a j o u r n a l i s t a n d l a w y e r a d v o c a t i n g f o r w o m e n ’ s rights and opposing caste and religious oppression The characters, from spirited children to audacious grandmothers and flawed h u s b a n d s , s h o w c a s e Mushtaq’s remarkable skill i n c a p t u r i n g h u m a n nature, blending wit, emot i o n , a n

‘Heart Lamp’, with its 12 stories set in southern

Jaishankar’s UK trip highlights trade, technology, and people links

Continued from page 1 a i s h a n k a r ’ s v i s i t c o i n c i d e s with the planned relaunch o f I n d i a - U K F r e e T r a d e Agreement (FTA) negotiations in New Delhi, set to resume shortly

D u r i n g h i s v i s i t , D r Jaishankar met Business and T r

Reynolds to discuss progress on the UK-India Free Trade A

March 8, he will inaugurate the new Indian Consulate in Manchester, joined by UK Minister for the Indo-Pacific C

n High Commissioner Vikram



t y Mayor of Manchester Kate Green

t o Ireland on March 6-7, Dr Jaishankar will meet Foreign M i n i

India, will compete for the 2025 International Booker

The prize honours the best long-form fiction or short story collections translated into English and published

i n t h e U K o r I r e

April 2025 The six short-

revealed on April 8, each w i n n i n g £ 5 , 0 0 0 f o r t h e author and translator The winner will be announced on May 20 at Tate Modern, w i t h £ 2 5 , 0 0 0 f o r t h e author and the remaining p r i z e s p l i t b e t w e e n t h e translator(s)

, “Pleased to meet Secretary of State for @biztradegovuk Jonathan Reynolds today in L o n d o n D

other dignitaries, and the I


progress on our FTA talks " He also met Home Secretary Yvette Cooper to discuss talent mobility, people-to-peop

and extremism

Dr Jaishankar will meet F o r e i g n S e c r e t a r y D a v i d Lammy at Chevening House for two days to advance the U K - I n d i a C o m

h e n s i v e Strategic Partnership Their talks will focus on economic growth, technological collaboration, and global chall e n g e s , i n c l u d i n g c l i m a t e c h a n g e , t h e U k r a i n e w a r , and the Middle East crisis

Foreign Secretary David L a m m y e m p h a s i s e d s t r e n g t h e n i n g U K - I n d i a ties, calling it a key part of the government's Plan for C h a n g e H e h i g h l i g h t e d efforts to boost the £41 billion trade relationship following talks in Delhi, noting it as a starting point for

greater economic collabor a t i o n L a m m y a l s o w e l -

c o m e d I n d i a ' s n e w c o ns u l a t e s i n B e l f a s t a n d

Manchester, underscoring their role in deepening ties, supporting the Indian community, and driving growth across the UK

M i n i s t e r s w e r e s e t t o d i s c u s s t h e T e c h

Security Initiative, launched d u r i n

Secretary’s Delhi visit in July 2024, focusing on AI, telecoms, and critical minerals

The visit also highlights UKI n d i a t i e s w i t h a s p e c i a l r e c e p t i o n f o r C h e v e n i n g s c h o l a r s a t C h e v e n i n g

H o u s e , c e l e b r a t i n g I n d i a ’ s s t a t u s a s t h e l a r g e s t

Chevening programme host

O n M a r c h 5 , D r Jaishankar will participate in a r e c o r d e d s e s s i o n a t

C h a t h a m H o u s e t i t l e d ‘India’s Rise and Role in the W o r l d ’ a r a r e d e p a r t u

from the institution’s usual off-the-record format On

with the

Jagtar Singh Johal cleared in India terror case

S cotti sh S ikh J ag tar S ingh J o h al , d et ai ne d i n I nd i a since 20 17 on terror charg es, has been cleared in one of nine cases ag ainst him He was arrested in P unjab just weeks after his wedding Jagtar has been imprisoned since 2017, facing trial for alleged involvement in targeted killings A Punjab court has now acquitted him of conspiracy and terrorist gang charges under India's

team argues that all charges

should be dismissed

G u r p r e e t S i n g h J o h a l has urged the UK government to secure his 38-year-

old brother’s release, stating, “My brother has lost seven years of his life in jail The UK government must bring


O f f i c

(FCDO) spokesperson welcomed the progress, stating, " T h e U K g o v e r n m e n t

securing faster progress in Jagtar's case, and we continue to support him and his f a m i

o h a

w a s accused of being a member of the Khalistan Liberation Force and funding weapons used in attacks on religious leaders in Punjab

Foreign criminals to be deported faster with new task force

T h e U K g o v er nm e nt is deploying a new im migration task force to speed up the deportatio n of foreig n crim inals from Eng lish and Welsh priso ns Backed by a £5 million investment, specialist staff will be placed in 80 jails to remove those with no right to stay and ease overcrowding, the Ministry of Justice s a i d T h e n e w s q u a d , launching April 1, will help the Home Office identify

and deport foreign criminals up to 18 months early or transfer them to serve sent e n c e s a b r o a d F o r e i g n national offenders make up 12% of the prison populat i o n , w i t h 2 , 5 8 0 r e

since July up 23% from the

February 24, England and W

(87,465), just before 1,000

inmates were released

Indian External Minister Affairs
S Jaishankar (right) with Home Secretary Yvette Cooper
PM Starmer meets Ukraine s President Zelensky
Prime Minister Keir Starmer hosts a European Leaders Summit at Lancaster House
Jagtar Singh Johal (right) with his brother Gurpreet

Swati Dhingra warns of trade fragmentation

T h e B a n k o f En g l a n d' s r esponse to risin g US ta riffs

a n d tr a d e r e st r ic ti on s wi l l de pend on their impa ct on

D hin gra sa id

of Economics and


Monetary Policy Committee, n

tariffs may push up costs, weaker global growth could o

effect in the short term She suggested that if the world

geopolitical realities

n e d that if tariffs led to strict barriers on foreign content i n i m p o r t s , g l o b a l s u p

chains could face significant

those proposed by the US, certain supply sources could

This, she cautioned, could

trigger price surges akin

invasion of Ukraine, though she viewed this as a less likely outcome

global economy is leaning

fragmentation" rather than

trade and investment would remain stable despite policy shifts in Washington Prime Minister Keir Starmer is set to discuss trade tariffs with U S officials during his visit to Washington on Thursday

Dhingra also emphasised that monetary policy is not

specific industries Raising i

investment in critical sectors like energy and food,

Since joining the MPC in

looser monetary policy This month, she voted for

diverging from the

Mohamed Chaudry’s guide to business growth tops bestseller charts

s c a l e e f f i c i e n t l y W i t h a

c a r e e r s p a n n i n g f i n a n c e , M & A , a n d h i g h - g r o w t h

s t r a t e g y , h i s e x p e r t i s e h a s b e e n i n s t r u m e n t a l i n t h e

s u c c e s s o f v e n t u r e s a c r o s s f o o d t e c h , h o s p i t a l i t y , a n d disruptive innovation

I n T h e A r t o f S c a l i n g , Mohamed shares a structured a p p r o a c h t o s u s t a i n a b l e business expansion Scaling is n o t j u s t a b o u t g r o w t h i t requires a strategic and wellexecuted plan Through realw o r l d c a s e s t u d i e s a n d insights from companies like Amazon, Apple, and Revolut, t h e b o o k p r o v i d e s a

c o m p r e h e n s i

e s s models, mastering financial planning, leveraging AI and technology for growth, and i m p l e m e n t i n g p r o

financial discipline, strategic e

dynamics Beyond the book, h

groundbreaking innovation

As the co-founder of SeaJet, he led the development of the world’s first fully electric CFE t

advancement that ultimately l

s acquisition by OEG Offshore His deep understanding of finance, technology, and market expansion continues

t o companies looking to scale, raise capital, and break into new markets

New measures to support small businesses in defence

designed to give small and medium enterprises (SMEs) better access to the defence supply chain

d e ci s i on to

s e de f en c e s pending to 2 5% of GD P

This investment aims to safeguard national security

w h i l e f o s t e r i n g a s t a b l e environment for businesses


o f driving economic growth A key part of this initiative is the launch of a new hub

A d d i t i o n a l l y , t h e Ministry of Defence will set d i r e c t S M E s p e n d i n g t a r g e

offering small, often family-

opportunities to contribute t h e i r e x p e r t i s e a n d i n

expected to create jobs and stimulate local economies,

towns and suburban areas

T h e d e f e n

p e n d i n g increase to 2 5% of GDP b y 2 0 2 7 , w i t h a commitment to reach 3% in the next Parliament will provide long-term stability for businesses and unlock prosperity across the UK N e a r l y 7 0 %

n c e spending already supports businesses outside London and the South East, yet only 4% reached SMEs in 20232 0 2 4 T h

loans surge nearly 16% in 2024 F

attributes this to fewer fixed-rate mortgage deals expiring last year, though 1 8 million are set to end in 2025 Mortgage arrears fell by 2 3% to 104,780, but repossessions rose by 34% to 6,440, m



contracts, access funding, and upskill their workforce, s t r e n g t h e n i n g B r


Defence Industrial Strategy,

ustry (F IC CI) and Innov

UK jo intly hosted a businessto -bu siness ( B2B) foru m in L uckno w, bringi ng together Ind ian and U K firm s to exp lore oppo rtunities in urban systems inno vation

A delegation of 13 UK-based companies specialising in urban systems engaged in business meetings with Uttar Pradesh firms working in this sector The initiative aimed to foster collaboration, drive research and development, and address urban infrastructure challenges through innovative solutions

Awanish Awasthi, advisor to the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister, emphasised the state s commitment to enhancing urban infrastructure and sustainability, highlighting the

challenges Charlotte Fraser, UK-India Partnership Manager at Innovate UK, underscored the mission’s objective, stating, “The Urban Systems mission to Lucknow brings 13 fastgrowing UK start-ups to India Our goal is to strengthen research and innovation partnerships between the UK and India ”

The session was attended by key industry representatives from Uttar Pradesh, including Mukesh Singh and Vinayak Nath, as well as AK Singh, General Manager of Lucknow Smart City

Sainsbury’s Bank confirms transfer of banking services to NatWest

Sainsbury’s Bank has provid ed an im portant upd ate to its 1 9 million custom ers as it p repares to exit the banking sector T h

transfer its personal loans, credit cards, and savings accounts to NatWest last June, has now confirmed that the transition is expected to take effect on May 1, pending High Court approval

A court hearing is scheduled for April 15, 2025 If approved, the full transfer of accounts to NatWest will be completed by the end of the year For now, there will be no changes to how customers access their accounts Existing online banking services, mobile apps, and customer support channels will remain the same Insurance and travel money services are also unaffected, as they are not included in the transfer Sainsbury’s announced in January 2024 that it would phase out its banking division to focus on retail o

Sainsbury’s Bank, leading to the withdrawal of new credit card and loan applications by August

Customers can continue to use their accounts as usual, with no immediate impact on direct debits, standing orders, or payment methods Sainsbury’s Bank assures customers that all services will remain accessible during the transition

Payments Association urges UK to


i g i t a l c u r r e n c i e s , a n d f i n a n c i a l inclusion

p ro tection

The manifesto, Creating the Conditions to Support Growth and Innovation in P

The manifesto follows the government’s National P a y m e n t s V i s i o n a n d S t r a t e g y ( N P V & S ) , w h i c h aims to position the UK as a global leader in payments i n n o v a t i o n , f o s t e r i n g competition and financial s e c u r i t y T o n y C r a d d o c k , d i r e c t o r g e n e r a l o f T h e P a y m e n t s A s s o c i a t i o n , emphasised the need for a m o d e r n i s e d i n

r a s t r u c t u

t h a t s u p p o r t s e c o n o m i c g r o w t h w h i l e e n s u r i n g consumer protection “It’s vital that the UK adapts its legal and financial systems t o d r i v e i n n o v a t i o n a n d stability,” he said Lord McNicol of West K i l b r i d e , w h o w r o t e t h e m a n i f e s t o ’ s f o r e w o r d , highlighted the urgency of t a c k l i n g e c o n o m i c c r i m e a n d i m p r o v i n g f i n a n c i a l inclusion, adding that new t e c h n o l o g i e s l i k e d i g i t a l c u r r e n c i e s p r e s e n t significant opportunities for the UK’s financial sector

Swati Dhingra
Mohamed Chaudry
Members from UK delegation with their Indian industry representatives

Centre slaps £2.45bn demand notice on Reliance

The cent ral g ove rnment has sl apped a USD 2 81 b illion

(a b ou t £ 2 4 5 b n ) de m a n d notice on Muk esh Amb ani's Rel ia nce In dustries Ltd and it s pa rtne rs, incl udin g BP Pl c for gains made from producin g a nd se lling na tural gas that ma y have migr ated fr om neighbouring bl ock of st ateowne d ONGC This fol lows the D elhi High Court's decision on Februar y 14, overt

which had al lege dly migrated from adjoin in g fields

" C o n s e q u e n t u p o n t h e division bench judgment, the Ministry of Petroleum and N a t u r a l G a s h a s r a i s e d a demand of USD 2 81 billion o n t h e P S C c o n t r a c t o r s namely Reliance Industries Ltd, BP Exploration (Alpha) Ltd and NIKO (NECO) Ltd,"

said the company received t h e l

March 3, 2025 "The company is legally advised that the division bench judgment and this provisional demand are unsustainable The company is taking steps to challenge the judgment of the division b e n c h o f t h e D

l h i H i g h Court," it said "The company does not expect any liability on this account," it added Reliance had previously said that it would appeal the decision in the Supreme Court

The dispute dates back to July 2013 when ONGC suspected reservoir connectivity of its KG-DWN-98/2 (KG-D5) and G-4 blocks with that of Reliance's KG-D6 It felt that

Reliance drilled on the borderline with KG-D5 may have drained out its resources as well ONGC in May 2013 filed

Court seeking compensation for the loss On September 10, 2014, the Delhi HC disp

and directed the government to take a decision, after it

independent panel set up by ONGC and RIL The government had in 2016 sought USD 1 55 billion from Reliance and its partners for the quantum of gas that had migrated to its block KG-D6 from adjoining

contested the claims before an arbitral tribunal which in July 2018 upheld that it was not obliged to pay any compensation The government filed an appeal and in May 2023, a single judge of Delhi High Court upheld the arbi-

g the government's appeal A division bench of the Delhi High Court last month set aside the single judge order, ruling against Reliance and its partners

Finance secretary Pandey named as new Sebi chief

Govt named finance secretary

Tuhi n Kanta Pand ey as the new Sebi chairman, opti ng for a ci vi l servant to once again

l ea d th e ma rk et re gu l at o r af t er c u r re nt c h ai rp

Mad habi Puri Buch, a fo rmer ICI CI Bank executive, faced

c o nt ro ve r s i es


ng charges o f confli ct of interest

Buc h’s term end ed o n Frid ay Pandey, who will turn 60 in August, has been given a three-year term at Sebi This marks another instance of a s e r v i n g b u r


period, he was involved with the privatisation of Air India

several public issues by public sector companies, exposing him to stock markets

In Jan, weeks before the Budget, Pandey was moved to the revenue department

The soft-spoken officer, who hails from Punjab, holds a master’s degree in economics and had served as finance secretary in Odisha and was

known to be a stickler for rules and has a very clean image Not shy to speak his mind, he makes his point, without offending anyone

Tesla to open 1st showroom in Mumbai

Elo n Musk’s Tesla is set to open its first show room in M u m b ai ’ s Ba nd r a K u rla Com plex (BKC ) The electric carmaker p lans to op en a second show room in Delhi

T e s l a w i l l o p

n i t s s h o w r o o m a t T w o N o r t h Avenue, a commercial tower at Maker Maxity, property

m a r k e t s o u r c e s

and Univoc Properties, the

k A

Maker Group spokesperson d i d n o t c o m m e n t w h e n contacted

T e s l a w i l l o c c u p y a 4 , 0 0 0 s q f t s p a c e o n t h e ground floor of the tower where it will showcase its c a r m o d e l s , s o u r c e s s a i d T h e m o

agreement is for five years Tesla, which has had a

limited presence in India, recently posted job openings

customer-facing and backend roles This move comes shortly after Musk’s meeting w

during the latter’s visit to the US Govt has recently i n

attract EV manufacturers by reducing import duties on high-end electric cars and p


Indian diaspora's investments in GIFT City funds cross $7bn: IFSCA official

Inv estments by the Indian diaspora in GIFT City-based fund s hav e crossed USD 7 billion, a top official from th e International Financial Serv ices Centres Autho rity said Ov er USD 129 billion were remitted by NRIs and people of Indian origin to th e h om ela nd i n 2 0 2 4 , ch ai rm an of th e f inan ci al regulator K Rajaraman said "As of now, about 5,000 NRIs have invested nearly a billion and a half in various banking products They have also invested close to USD 7 billion in the fund

ecosystem," he said at an

Auditors Dedicated facilities for attracting the diaspora money into the GIFT City in Gujarat were started in 2024

The thought process is how do we create a platform which can provide an alternate investment opportunit

abroad and send money to India to be saved or invested in rupee terms But GIFT City offers that in foreign exchange terms because this

Ambani firm to acquire SBI's stake in Jio Payments Bank

exchange territory," he said A

for reforms, Rajaraman said such measures will have to be completed over the next t h r e e

, a n d added that they can help us over the 20-year journey till

aspires to become a developed nation

H e s a i d t h

I F S C A , which is regulating India's offshore platform, is looking at playing its part and studying the best in the world's financial centres

o u t


f t h e U S and C anada, expects to increase its w orkforce across its India sites by the end of the year, a s eni o r c o m pa ny e xec ut iv e said "By the end of this year, we expect to have roughly 2,700 employees And in a

c o u p l e o f y e a r s , I f u l l y e x p e c t w e ' l l d o u b l e t h a t number or more," Executive V i c e P r e s i d e n t D a v e Williams said at the BioAsia c o n f e r e n c e i n T e l a n g a n a state M e r c k ' s I n d i a s i t e s , w h i c h t o g e t h e r e m p l o y around 1,800 people, focus on multiple therapy areas

i n c l u d i n g o n c o l o g y ,

d i a b e t e s , v a c c i n e s a n d

a n i m a l h e a l t h , a s w e l l a s technology-related centers

T h e U S d r u g m a k e r opened a new technology

c e n t e r i n H y d e r a b a d t h i s week

Williams, who heads the

i n f o r m a t i o n a n d d i g i t a l

d e p a r t m e n t , s a i d t h e

company is looking to hire "digital innovators" who can

h e l p b u s i n e s s p a r t n e r s

u n d e r s t a n d t h e r o l e

t e c h n o l o g y c a n p l a y i n reducing the time taken to g e t n e w t r e a t m e n t s t o patients

Amgen to invest $200mn

U S d r u g m a k e r A m g e n p l a n s t o i n v e s t approximately $200 million

t h i s y e a r i n i t s n e w technology center located in s o u t h e r n I n d i a , w i t h a d d i t i o n a l i n v e s t m e n t s a n t i c i p a t e d , C E O R o b e r t Bradway announced during the site’s inauguration L a s t y e a r , A m g e n

r e v e a l e d i t s i n t e n t i o n s t

e n t of

h y d ro g e n - po w e r e d v e hi c le s w i th v a r y i n g co nf i g ur a ti o n s a nd payloa d capa ci ti es These trucks, e quipped w ith n ew age H y d ro g

I n

r na l Comb ustion Engine s (H2-ICE) a nd Fuel Cell (H2-FCEV) techn o l og i e s , w i ll b e t e s te d on I n d i a ’ s m o st p ro m i n e n t frei ght routes, including those a round Mumb ai, Pune, DelhiN CR , S ur a t, Va d od a r a , J amshe dpur a nd Kaling ana gar

This trial was flagged off b y N i t i n G a d k a r i , U n i o n Minister of Road Transport & H i g h w a y s a n d P r a l h a d J o s h i , U n i o n M i n i s t e r o f New and Renewable Energy F l a g g i n g - o f f t h e t r i a l , Gadkari said, "Hydrogen is the fuel of the future with immense potential to trans-

form India’s transportation sector by reducing emissions and enhancing energy selfreliance Such Initiatives will accelerate the transition to s u s t a i n a b l e m

i l i t y i n h e a v y - d u t y t r u c k i n g , a n d move us closer to an efficient, low-carbon future I congratulate Tata Motors for taking the lead in this significant step towards enabling h y d r o g e n - p o w e r e d g r e e n and smart transportation " P r a l h a d J o s h i s a i d , “Hydrogen is an important fuel for India's transition to a sustainable and zero-carbon future The beginning of this trial is a significant step forward in showcasing t h e p o t e n t i a l o f g r e e n hydrogen in decarbonizing India’s transportation sector This initiative, part of t h e N a t i o n a l G r e e n Hydrogen Mission, reflects our commitment to driving i n n o v a t i o n a n d a c h i e v i n g India’s energy independence while contributing to global climate goals I applaud Tata Motors for taking the lead in this pioneering effort ”

Mukesh Ambani


Indian-origin Tushar Shah an MIT graduate and a member of the six-person crew, successfully completed an 11-minute celestial journey on Jeff Bezos s Blue Origin NS-30 tourism mission from West Texas Described as a private and low-key person by Blue Origin, Shah studied high-energy experimental particle physics for his PhD at MIT He and his wife, Sara, are philanthropists focusing on addressing issues related to poverty, health and education He is currently a hedge fund partner Shah has flown on the NS-30 mission at a time when India and the US are planning to further collaborate in the space sector


UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres, who is scheduled to visit Dhaka on March 13-16, has assured that the UN will continue to mobilise the international community to support Bangladesh as a host to the forcibly displaced Rohingya He reiterated the UN s strong solidarity with Bangladesh and its support for the transition process under Yunus’ leadership Guterres said “I will continue to exercise my good offices including through my special envoy on the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to work closely with regional actors Asean and other stakeholders towards a political solution to the crisis in Myanmar including creating conditions conducive to safe and voluntary return of Rohingya to Rakhine


Taiwanese authorities said they had detained a cargo ship crewed by Chinese nationals which investigators believe may have severed an undersea communications cable near the island It was the latest in a series of murky incidents that have prompted theories that China and Russia may be turning to cable sabotage as a form of harassment at sea The damaged cable connected Taiwan to Penghu Islands, which belong to Taiwan Communications were quickly rerouted Taiwan’s coast guard said it was probing the incident and had not reached a conclusion about whether the act was deliberate or accidental


A young American woman on a European trip was taken into custody after she allegedly threw a newborn out of a second-floor hotel window in Paris, killing the baby, authorities said The woman was not named The woman was travelling through Europe with young adults with a group called EF Gap Year She was taken to a hospital for medical treatment following childbirth and has been placed in custody there, officials said Authorities are considering the possibility of pregnancy denial, a condition in which a woman remains unaware of or in denial about her pregnancy until labour


Among the first acts by the new Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard was her announcement that she has fired more than 100 intelligence officers for their involvement in sexually explicit messages exchanged in National Security Agency (NSA) chat rooms “There are over 100 people from across the intelligence community that contributed to and participated in what is really just an egregious violation of trust ” Gabbard said in an interview “I put out a directive that they will all be terminated and their security clearances will be revoked ” Gabbard emphasized that the officers were “brazen” in using an NSA platform intended for professional use to engage in such horrific behavior

Bangladesh contradicts Trump: USAID did not fund political projects

passed throug h the count

gula tor y chann els

Trump, speaking at the White House on February 21, criticized s

tives recently scrapped on the

Efficiency (DOGE), led by Elon

Musk Among them, he singled out a $29 million program purportedly meant to “strengthen


strengthen the political landscape in Bangladesh went to a

Trump said “Can you imagine?

A small firm gets $10,000 here, $10,000 there, and then suddenly $29 million from the US government They had two employees I think they’re very happy,

very rich They’ll be on the cover of a very good business magazine soon for being great scammers ”

However, Bangladesh’s government says there is no trace of

Hossain, Director General (InC h a r g e ) o

t h e N G O A f f a i r s Bureau, which oversees foreignfunded non-governmental organ i z a t i o n s ( N G O s ) u n d

Foreign Donations (Voluntary A

n Ordinance 1978, said they have no record of the alleged dis-


“Donald Trump mentioned about $29 million, but we have not identified that amount coming through our NGO Affairs Bureau,” Hossain told reporters “ I f

d NGOs, we can verify, but overall, we do not see that amount spent for NGOs ” When asked whether USAID had bypassed the Bureau’s oversight in disbursing the funds, Hossain declined to comment

The controversy comes amid the suspension of USAID fund-

5 Indian origin men jailed for fatal fight at Singapore hotel

S ING AP OR E: Fiv e Indian o rigin men were sentenced to jail terms between two and three years and caning for being p art o f a riot that led to the death of a fo rm er bo uncer at a Singapore h otel

S r i d h a r a n E l a n g o v a n w a s g i v e n 3 6 months in jail and six strokes of the cane; Manojkumar Velayanatham was given 30 months in jail and four strokes; Sashikumar Pakirsamy was given 24 months in jail and two strokes; Puthenvilla Keith Peter was given 26 months' jail and three strokes; and Raja Rishi was given 30 months' jail and four strokes

Each of them pleaded guilty to a charge of rioting at Singapore's Concorde Hotel and Shopping Mall in 2023, a Channel News report said

S r i d h a r a n , 3 0 , M a n o j k u m a r , 3 2 , a n d Sashikumar, 34, were members of a secret society group Another man, Asvain Pachan Pillai Sukumaran, 30, was earlier handed a murder charge after he allegedly killed for-

Ismail, 29 The Indian origin man's case is pending

Six other men, between 25 and 33 years old, were named in court documents as coaccused who took part in the riot Isrrat and h i s f r i e n d M u h a

Osman, 30, were former bouncers at Club Rumours and members of another secret society

On August 19, 2023, a group of about 10 people, including several of the accused, were drinking at Club Rumours at Concorde Hotel and Shopping Mall when Isrrat and Shahrulnizam, who wanted to pass Israt s wedding invitation card to club staff, sat near the entrance of the club opposite to the accused persons

At about 6 am, as the club was closing, Isrrat and the accused had a verbal exchange d

stabbed multiple times Club Rumours staff then called for an ambulance for Isrrat, who was bleeding profusely He was pronounced dead at the hospital

Suicide blast kills 5 in Pak madrasa known as ‘university of jihad’

thers injured in

jihad” in Nowshera district of Pakistan’s north-

pro vince

Among the dead were

Uloom Haqqania school, the

Akora Khattak town where key Afghan Taliban members have studied Mullah Omer, the slain f o u n d e r o f t h e T a l i b a n movement in Afghanistan, was also an alumni of this religious school Graduates of the seminary include current Afghan Taliban brass

A m i r K h a n M u t t a q i , Sirajuddin Haqqani, Abdul

L a t i f M a n s o o r , M a u l v i

Ahmad Jan, Mullah Jalaludin Haqani, Maulvi Qalamudin,

A r i f u l l a h A r i f a n d M u l l a h

Khairullah Khairkhwa

The explosion occurred in the main prayer hall as people gathered for Friday p r a y e r s w e r e l e a v i n g t h e


KP police chief Zulfiqar Hameed confirmed that it was a suicide attack and that three policemen were also i n j u r

z e n p o l i c

c e r s w e r e g u a r d i n g t h e mosque when the attack occurred, and Haq’s seminary also had its own s e c u r i t y , ” h e s a i d “ I t a p p e a r s t h a t H a m i d H a q q a n i ( s e m i n a r y ’ s slain chief) was the target,” Hameed added Yawar Zia, a police constable, who was injured in the attack, said he was on security duty at the seminary when the blast happened and splinters hit him “ A f t e r o f f e r i n g p r a y e r , H a m i d - u l - H a q , a c c o m p anied by his guards, was leaving the mosque when the p o w e r f u l e x p l o s i o n o c c u r r e d , ” t h e w o u n d e d o f f i c i a l s a i d E y e w i t n e s s e s described a chaotic scene, with blood and body parts scattered all over the place

acknowledged could have longterm consequences “Our NGOs

decrease due to global crises like Covid-19 or disasters such as in Turkey, but they are often redirected elsewhere This suspension will have an impact, but N G

donors,” he said Bangladesh has 2,640 registered NGOs, which provide significant employment opportu-

projects for Rohingya refugees, with nearly 70 NGOs still receiving US assistance

For over 50 years, the US has invested more than $8 billion in Bangladesh, according to the US State Department But as Trump questions recent aid allocations,

seen no evidence of the missing $29 million

Bangladesh students’ group launches party, vows to end pro-India, pro-Pak politics

DH AKA: The stude nts’ group w hich spea rhe ade d the protests tha t led to the ouster of She ikh Ha sina as prime mini ste r la unched a political pa rty and vowe d to root out pro-India and proPa kistan poli tics from the country

Movement or Students against Discrimination turned into ‘Jatiya Nagorik Party’ or National Citizen Party at a rally at Manik Mia Avenue in central Dhaka near parliament with one of the key leaders of the July-Aug protests, Nahid Islam, 26, as its convener

The top leadership of the party, said to have t h e b l e s s i n g s o f t h e

e r i m g o v t


n d Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, doesn't have any representation from minority communities “There will be no place for pro-India and proPakistan politics in Bangladesh We will build the state by keeping Bangladesh in the forefront and the interests of the people of Bangladesh in the forefront,” Nahid said He highlighted the slogan of the July-Aug protests, ‘Who are you, who am I; alternative, alternative’, and said the new party intended to be the alternative The party is set to contest polls likely to be held by the end of the year The party’s declaration outlined a transformative political and economic roadmap for Bangladesh, beginning with a new constitution

Donald Trump & Muhammad Yunus


US man attacks Indian-origin nurse, faces hate crime charges

P A L M BE A C H:A violent attack at a Palm Beach C ounty hospital left 67-year-o ld nurse Leelam ma L al sev erely inju red, while 3 3-year-old S tep h en S c an tle bu

attempted second -degree m urd er ch arg e s w i th a h a te c ri m e enhancement


attacked nurse Leelamma Lal at HCA Florida Palms West Hospital

broken collarbone, and brain bleeding The brutal assault, lasting up to two minutes, was caught on hospital surveillance Lal's daughter, Cindy Joseph, described her mother's severe injuries, including brain


bruising, saying she was unrecognisable The

remarks after the attack, including, "Indians are bad" and boasting about assaulting an Indian doctor


remarks, while Lal's daughter detailed her mother’s severe injuries Scantlebury's wife

claimed he had been paranoid before the attack, but the judge denied his transfer to a

raised concerns over medical staff safety, with a petition for stricter security and tougher penalties gaining 10,000 signatures in three days

Petition organiser Dr Cheryl Thomas-

"Leela devoted her life to this profession and endured something so vicious Dr Manju Samuel of the Indian Nurses Association of S

highlighting the lack of legal protections for healthcare workers Lal remains in intensive care on ventilator support

Gujarat man deported for using stolen Pakistani identity

W A SH IN G TO N : A Gujarat m an, AC Patel, attem pted to enter the US using a Pakistani identity as M oham mad Najir Hussain but was caugh t and d epo rted after authorities uncovered the fraud

P a t e l a r r i v e d a t D e l h i a i

February 12, where immigration officials found he was using a genuine but lost Pakistani passport belonging to Mohammad

admitted to paying a Dubai agent for the fraudulent identity

Patel’s passport expired in 2016 His case c

n undocumented Indian immigrants under Donald Trump’s renewed presidency In the

Gujaratis, have landed in India

documents to obtain an Indian passport before applying for Portuguese citizenship

Trump offers $5mn Gold Card US citizenship

WA S HIN G TO N : We althy pe ople a round the world ca n potent ia l ly bu y t h e i r w a y t o a n

A merican citizen ship for $5 million (a pprox £4 4mn) per head un der a ‘Gold Ca rd’ progr amme

U S P r e s id e n t Do n a ld T r u m p a nn oun ced

In a move he hoped would generate a windfall for US economy, Trump hinted the Gold Card would be a premium version of a Green Card, which gives permanent residency to eligible f o r e i g n e r s , a n d w o u l d r e p l a c e the EB-5 visa programme, under which foreigners are eligible to a p p

y invest around $1 million in the US “ W e ' r e g o n n a b e s e l l i n g a Gold Card You have a Green Card, this is a Gold Card We’re gonna be putting a price on that c a r d o f a b o u t $ 5 m i l l i o n a n

that's gonna give you Green Card privileges plus ” Trump said at a White House presser, providing sketchy details “It’s gonna be a route to citizenship And wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card,” he added

The US President did not

gramme would come into effect but said there would be vetting involved in the process He also suggested the scheme could be kicked off with executive action from his office although visa cate

d o m a i n

t h e Congress and requires legislative a p p r o v a l M a n y c o u n

around the world, notably some Caribbean nations, have similar

investment St Lucia, St Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Dominica, Antigua and Barbuda all have

(£340,000), as do Turkey, Jordan and Egypt W

r i e s have specific requirements for job creation or economic contribution, as does the US EB-5 visa, Trump’s blandishment was thin on details “They'll be wealthy a n d t h e y ' l l b e s u c c e s s f u l a n

money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people,” he said

Vivek Ramaswamy officially launches bid for Ohio governor

CINCINNATI: Republican l eader

Viv ek Ramaswa my has official ly

a n n o un ce d hi s ca n d i da c y f or Gov ern or of O hio, positioning himsel f a s a st aunch support er of President D ona ld Trump and a cha mpion of conserva tive val ue s “ T o d a y , I a m h o n o r e d t o announce that I am running to be the next governor of a great state at the heart of the greatest nation known to mankind - the s t a t e w h e r e I w a s b o r n a n d raised, the state where Apoorva and I raise our two sons today - a state whose best days are still ahead,” Ramaswamy declared at a rally in Cincinnati R a m a s w a m y

d the son of Indian immigrants, was raised in the city He earned a biology degree from Harvard University and a law degree from Y a l e U n


s i t y I n

4 , h e founded Roivant, a pharmaceutical company where he built a fortune by acquiring and developing drugs abandoned by major corporations

H i s g u b e r n a t o r i a l b i d f o r 2026 marks his latest foray into politics after an unsuccessful run in the 2024 GOP presidential prim

Canada’s new visa rules cause concern for Indians

OTTA WA: Canad a ’ s latest im mig ration regu lations, w hich took effect at the beginning of February, have raised concerns for tho usand s of international stud ents, workers, and migrants, particularly from Ind ia Th e new rules giv e bord er officials g reater authority to alter v isa statuses, deny entry, or cancel permits at their d iscretion

U n d e r t h e r e v i s e d I m m i g r a t i o n a n d R e f u g e e P r o t e c t i o n Regulations, Canadian border personnel can now reject temporary resident documents - including work permits and student visas - if they believe an individual may not leave Canada after their authorized stay This discretionary power allows officers to assess and revoke permits at any time, even while a person is already studying, working, or residing in Canada

These measures could significantly impact Indian nationals, who form the largest group of foreign students and workers in Canada According to government data, over 420,000 Indian students are currently enrolled in Canadian institutions Canada is also a top destination for Indian workers and legal migrants, as well as tourists In the first half of 2024 alone, the country issued over 360,000 travel visas to Indian visitors

endorsement, Ramaswamy aims to reshape Ohio’s future under a conservative vision “President Trump is reviving our conviction in America We require a leader here at home who will revive our conviction in Ohio,” Ramaswamy said, unders

h Trump’s vision Earlier, Trump endorsed Ramaswamy’s candid a c

i n g him “something special ” “Vivek is also a very good p e r s o n , w h o t

u l y l o v e s o u r Country He will be a great governor of Ohio, will never let you

down, and has my complete and


Dr Rajesh Patel sentenced two years for sexual assault of patient

ATLANTA: Rajesh Motibha i Pat el, a 69-ye ar-ol d physician, has bee n se ntenced t o t wo y ears in federal prison for sexual ly a ssaulting a femal e vete ran during a medical exa m at a Vetera ns Affairs (VA) fa cility Patel was convict ed of viola ting his patient ’ s constitutional right to bodily integrity while acting under col or of l aw and for the offense of abusive se xual contact, the US Attorn ey ’ s Office for the Norther n Dist rict of Ge or gia a nnoun ced on February 21

“Patel used his position of trust as a VA physician to sexually assault his female veteran patient who had honorably served our country,” said Acting US Attorney Richard S Moultrie, Jr “His crimes were an egregious breach of that trust and an abuse of his power This sentence prevents Patel from causing future harm to veterans who seek care from the VA ” According to prosecutors, the assault took place in January 2020 during what should have been a routine medical examination Patel unlawfully touched the victim’s breast and vaginal area without her consent and for no legitimate medical reason A jury found him guilty on November 5, 2024 In addition to his prison term, Patel has been sentenced to 15 years of supervised release, during which he is prohibited from practicing medicine


Billionaire Elon Musk who is a close adviser to US President Trump has another child his 14th His latest child a son is with Shivon Zilis an executive at Musk s Neuralink with whom he already has three other children Discussed with Elon and, in light of beautiful Arcadia s birthday, we felt it was better to also just share directly about our wonderful and incredible son Seldon Lycurgus, Zilis said in a post on X She did not say when the child was born Musk responded with a heart Zilis announcement comes two weeks after conservative influencer Ashley St Clair said that she also recently had a child with Musk



Mexico has sent 29 drug cartel figures, including drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero, who was behind the killing of a US DEA agent in 1985, to the US as the Trump administration turns up the pressure on drug trafficking organisations The unprecedented show of security cooperation comes as top Mexican officials are in Washington trying to head off the Trump administration’s threat of imposing 25% tariffs on all Mexican imports Those sent to the US were brought from prisons across Mexico to board planes at an airport north of Mexico City that took them to eight US cities, according to the Mexican govt Among them were members of five of the six Mexican organised crime groups


Kurdish militants who have waged a 40-year insurgency in Turkiye declared a ceasefire in what could mark a significant boost to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan s govt, two days after their imprisoned leader called for the group to disarm The announcement by the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK comes against the backdrop of fundamental changes in the region including the reconfiguration of power in neighbouring Syria after the toppling of President Bashar Assad the weakening of the Hezbollah movement in Lebanon and the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza The govt is yet to respond in detail to the PKK s declaration


Kyrgyzstan announced it would exchange territories disputed with Tajikistan since the fall of the Soviet Union ending a decades-long spat between the neighbours The border between the countries has seen sporadic deadly clashes since both became independent in 1991, with the neighbours fighting over access to water and resources Both sides announced a border demarcation deal last Dec, but neither had detailed territorial concessions until now Under the deal Kyrgyzstan will receive around 25sq km from Tajikistan in exchange for land and better access to shared water resources, according to the head of Kyrgyzstan’s secret service Kamchybek Tashiev


A second Ebola patient a four-year-old child has died in Uganda the WHO said citing the country s health ministry The fatality brings the number of confirmed cases in Uganda to 10 The country declared an outbreak of the highly infectious and often fatal haemorrhagic disease in Jan after the death of a male nurse at Mulago National Referral Hospital in capital Kampala The WHO s Uganda office said the ministry had reported “an additional positive case in Mulago hospital of a four-and-a-half- year-old child who tragically passed away ” Mulago is the country s sole referral hospital for Ebola cases

Vivek Ramaswamy
Leelamma Lal

663mn take holy dip during Maha Kumbh

T he p ilg rims’ p rog ress at the w or ld ’ s bi g g es t sp ir it u al

c o ng reg ati o n c am e to an end with the Maha Shiv ratri

h o l y d i p a t S a ng a m i n

P rayag raj and th e p ro ces -

s io n ( pes hw ai) o f S hai v ite

akhara sants and Naga sad -

h u s cu l m i nat in g a t K as h i

V i s h w an ath T e m p le i n


V aranasi on Wednesd ay last


total count to over 663mn


Purnima (Jan 13), surpassing

t h e p r e v i o u s r e c o r d o f

240mn footfall during the 2019 Kumbh By 6 pm on W e d n e s d a y , o v e r 5 0 0 , 0 0 0

d e v o t e e s h a d t h r o n g e d

Kashi Vishwanath Temple

C M Y o g i A d i t y a n a t h

extended his heartfelt greetings to devotees across the country as rose petals were s h o w e r e d o n t h e m i n

Prayagraj and Varanasi He once again monitored the on-ground situation from Gorakhpur through CCTV

conducted peacefully

In Varanasi, millions of devotees were still in queue for darshan, as the temple was set to remain open nonstop until Thursday mid-

Mangla Aarti at 3 30 am on W

inconvenience to pilgrims, all VIP protocols were suspended

camping in the city since B

After stripping

Hanuman Ghat The peshwai processions were welcomed by police commissioner Mohit Agrawal, divi-

their ceremonial puja, darshan was once again opened to devotees

The tent city facilities, set up across the Sangam ghats, have bookings until Feb 28 The temporary govt establishments will also be gradually dismantled, to be

2 0 3 1 Ardh Kumbh

him of party posts, Mayawati now expels nephew from BSP

T he fa m il y f eu d b re wi n g wi thi n B SP pe aked with a p u rg e a s m at r i a r c h M a ya w a t i e x p e ll e d h e r

n e p h e w a n d es tr a n g e d politic al heir Ak ash Anan d f rom the party, c appi ng a c rackdown on diss ent that s tarted wi th shuntin g out h i s f a th e r - i n - l a w A s h ok Siddharth in Feb an d then s acki ng Akash as n ati on al c oordin ator for the sec on d ti me i n a year thi s wee kend

M a y a w a t i c a l l e d t h e

L o n d o n - e d u c a t e d M B A selfish, arrogant and lacking remorse" for allegedly working against the party

a t h i s f a t h e r - i n - l a w ' s

b e h e s t , s a y i n g i t w a s reflected in his response to her decision to remove him from the post he held Akash, 30, had said he viewed every decision of his aunt, whom he referred to as “Behenji”, as being “cast

i n s t o n e ” a n d t h a t h e respected it “The decision is an emotional one for me This is a big challenge now and there’s a long battle ahead ” M a y a w a t i h a d o u s t e d

S i d d h a r t h o n c h a r g e s o f anti-party activities on Feb 12, four days after the Delhi

e l e c t i o n r e s u l t s w e r e declared

Addressing his “ opponents”, Akash said, “Some people think my political career is over They should u n d e r s t a n d t h a t t h e Bahujan movement is not a

career but a fight to ensure self-respect for millions of Dalits and deprived people I will fight for my community till the last breath like a true worker of the Bahujan mission and movement ”

While announcing her d e c i s i o n t o e x p e l A k a s h , Mayawati wrote on X, “The lengthy reaction that he has put out is indicative of the influence that his fatherin-law has on him rather than his political maturity and him being sorry ” P a r t y s o u r c e s s a i d M

meant to remove the last

speculation that he still had

s plummeting electoral fortunes may have also forced her hand

Bihar CM Nitish inducts 7 new ministers from BJP

With less than a year left for assem bly p olls, Bihar Chief M in i st er N i ti sh K u m ar i nd u cted s ev en n ew fac es into his council of ministers, all from alliance partner BJP

T h e e x p a n s i o n , w h i c h could be the last before the e l e c t i o n s a r e a n n o u n c e d , raises the total number of ministers to 36, the maxim u m p e r m i s s i b l e i n t h e s t a t e w i t h a 2 4 3 - s t r o n g assembly

G o v e r n o r A r i f Mohammad Khan administered the oath of office to the new ministers who all are members of the assembly The state also has a leg-

islative council

The development took p l a c e o n a d a y s t a t e B J P president Dilip Jaiswal, the former minister for revenue and land reforms, gave up his cabinet berth citing the party's policy of "one person, one post"

T h e n e w m i n i s t e r s include Jibesh Kumar, who was a member of the state

C a b i n e t t i l l A u g u s t 2 0 2 2 , w h e n t h e c h i e f m i n i s t e r a b r u p t l y q u i t t h e N D A , accusing the BJP of trying to "break" his JD(U)

O t h e r i n d u c t e e s a r e Sanjay Saraogi, a fifth-term MLA from Darbhanga, and

AAP’s liquor policy caused £200mn loss to govt: CAG

De lhi g ovt suffere d a r evenue l oss of more than £200mn in i mp l e m e n t in g t he co nte ntious Del hi Excise Pol icy 2021-22, the Compt roll er and A ud i t or G e n e r a l ( C AG ) re veal ed in a r epor t that wa s t a b l e d in D e l hi a s se m b l y

The pol icy was withdr awn after nine mon ths foll owing re gistra tion of a ca se by CB I in Jul y 2022 t o probe all eged irre gul arities in its formulation and impl ementa tion

The federal auditor highlighted that the recommendations of an expert commit-

tee - formed by govt to identify lacunae in the previous e x c i s e p o l i c y a n d s u g g e s t changes for the formation of a new excise policy - were ignored without any justification The new policy had inherent design issues which increased the risk of monopolisation and formation of cartels

The CBI case and a related probe by ED into alleged charges of money laundering s

BJP and AAP govt in Delhi

arrested several people in the case, including the then chief minister, Arvind Kejriwal, his deputy, Manish Sisodia, and R a

Singh All three are currently out on bail

govt's regulation and supply of liquor in the capital from 2017-18 to 2020-21 financial years The report was reportedly sent to the LG and Delhi govt nearly 10 months ago but was not tabled in the assembly

Adani Group revives US investment plans: Report


Gautam A dani-led group is exploring projects in nuclear energ y, utilities, and ev en a port o n the East C oast This comes even as its f o u n d e r , G a u t a m A

remains caught in a legal

t h e r s

f a c i n g a c c u s ations of being involved in a $ 2 6 5 m i l l i o n b r i b e r y c a s e tied to an Indian solar energy firm

Originally, after Donald Trump won the US election, Adani had pledged a $10 billion investment, which was e x p e c t e d t o g e n e r a t e a r o u n d 1 5 , 0 0 0 j o b s B u t

once the bribery allegations surfaced, those plans seemingly took a backseat N o w , s o u r c e s i n d i c a t e that there’s been a shift in t o n e A p e r s o n l i n k e d t o

Adani said that the group is b r e a t h i n g e a s i e r a f t e r Trump, in early February, called for halting enforcem e n t o f t h e F o r e i g n Corrupt Practices Act

With Trump’s arrival, we have reactivated some plans," one insider reporte d l y s a i d , t h o u g h t h e

admitted that Adani could still be facing an “indefinite”

legal battle Another associate said, “We are clear about our intentions, but we will hold off until this matter is resolved ” For now, Adani Group's US footprint remains minim

a s t t a l k s w i t h American companies about p e t r o c h e m i c

l p r o j e c t s i n Texas never led to major deals M i c h a e

Washington, said, “Should the charges be dismissed, Adani is likely to pursue his i n v e s t m e n


It may be noted that the Adani Group has denied the allegations, calling them “baseless,” and has n o t c o m m e n t e d o n t h e report

Australia unveils roadmap to boost economic ties with India

A u s tr a

s r e la t i o n s hi p with Indi a ha s never been s t r on g e r , a n d Pr i m e Mi nis ter An thony Alb anese comm itted to taki ng it to the next level

S u n i l K u m a r , w h o r e p r esents Bihar Sharif, in the C M ' s p o c k e t b o r o u g h Nalanda, for as many times, t h r i c e o n a J D ( U ) t i c k e t before crossing over to the BJP in 2015

A n o t h e r f o r m e r J D ( U ) face was Raju Kumar Singh, the MLA from Sahebganj in Muzaffarpur, who had won the seat in 2020 on a ticket o f V i k a s s h e e l I n s a n P a r t y ( V I P ) , f l o a t e d b y f o r m e r B o l l y w o o d s e t d e s i g n e r Mukesh Sahni

A n o t h e r n o t a b l e f a c e

was Krishna Kumar Mantu, the MLA from Amnour in Saran district

In a post on X, Albanese said that Canberra is boosting economic ties with New D e l h i t o c r e a t e d o m e s t i c jobs Australian government unveiled a roadmap, accordi n g t o w h i c h A u s t r a l i a i s investing USD 16 million in t h e A u s t r a l i a - I n d i a T r a d e and Investment Accelerator Fund (TIAF) This fund will h e l p A u s t r a l i a n b u s i n e s s e s tap into India's fast-growing m a r k e t a n d u n l o c k n e w commercial opportunities

This roadmap identifies four key areas of growth, d u b b e d " s u p e r h i g h w a y s o f growth": clean energy, education and skills, agribusin e s s , a n d t o u r i s m T h e s e sectors have been chosen for their potential to drive econ o m i c g r o w t h a n d c r e a t e n e w o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r Australian businesses

E a r l i e r , A l b a n e s e s a i d , India is an essential partner a s w e d i v e r s i f y o u r t r a d e links to boost prosperity for a l l A u s t r a l i a n s T h i s roadmap is critical to helpi n g u s f u l l y r e a l i s e o u r potential with India, which

will be a boon to Australia's e c o n o m y , o u r b u s i n e s s e s and jobs, and our prosperity " T h e n e w r o a d m a p f o r

A u s t r a l i a ' s e c o n o m i c engagement with India aims to enhance trade opportunities, benefit businesses and c o n s u m e r s , s e c u r e s u p p l y chains, and create jobs

The roadmap focuses on bolstering two-way investm e n t a n d f o s t e r i n g c l o s e r collaboration with IndianAustralian communities and businesses

nearly 50 opportunities to deepen engagement i n k e y s e c t o r s s u c h a s d e f e n c e i

and technology

It is a strategic initiative designed to help Australian businesses expand into the fast-growing Indian market



Stalin misleading people on delimitation: Shah

C O I MB ATO R E: U nion h ome

m inister Amit Shah said that

T amil Nadu C M M K Stal in

w a s m i s l ea di ng p e o p l e

w ith h is cl aims th at the state

w o u l d l o s e a nu m b e r o f

p arliamentary cons titu encies

a f t e r de l im it a t io n Sh a h ’ s

a s s e rt io n c a m e a da y a f te r Stalin call ed for an all- party m eeting on March 5 to discu ss the c onsequences of th e exercise

A d d

Coimbatore, Shah said, “The PM has made it clear that no state will lose its LS seats due to delimitation Instead, Tamil Nadu and other southern states will gain constituencies on pro rata basis ” Asking Stalin to explain basis of h i s c l a i m t h a t T N w o u l d l o s e L o k Sabha seats due to delimitation, Shah said: “It is condemnable to mislead people ” However, a back-of-the-envelope calculation using India’s population as of March 2025 according to Census


major state is to suffer a decline in Lok Sabha seats but their shares are to


Section of

shares, the size of LS would have to expand to about 790 In such a scenario, Kerala’s LS seats would remain at 20 while all

s would see an addition to their tally However, in terms of the share of LS seats, the

significant loss At present, the five southern states between themselves have 129 of the 543 LS seats or about 24% In an LS with 790 seats, they would have 152 seats or just over 19% TN’s present share of 7 2% in the LS

Rajasthan, MP currently have 174 or 32% of LS seats In a 790-member House, that number would jump to 300 or about 38% of total UP’s tally alone would rise from the current 80 to 133 seats Shah’s visit to TN comes amid

inadequate fund allocation

iconic Rock Garden to be razed

C H A N D I G A R H : T h e i co ni c Ro ck Gard en in Chandigarh is facing the UT ad ministratio n ’ s bulldozers, and citizens are up in arms to stop them

A portion of the outer wall of the Rock Garden is being demolished and trees on either side of it being cut following a directive by Punjab and Haryana high court



c decongestion on the road near the high court abutting the Rock Garden



n ’ s m o v e , c i t i z e n s h a v e s t a r t e d campaigns to save the legacy of Nek Chand, whose waste-to-art project has been part of the city’s identity and heritage for decades

The wall that is being razed is near the ‘high court gate’ or ‘VIP gate’ of the Rock Garden “It is the same


gate from which Nek Chand ji used to enter the Rock Garden when he lived in it for around three years, ” said Nek Chand’s son Anuj Saini, adding, “The wall can be rebuilt, but the heritage value of the area will be lost ” C i t i z e n s h a v e b e e n h o l d i n

online petitions - ‘Save Rock Garden, S

Chandigarh’ - to halt the demolition

BJP-RSS meet focus on coordination in saffron camp

H O W R A H : A tw o - d a y coord inatio n m eeting between th e BJP and all frontal organisatio ns of th e RS S en d ed i n Ho w r ah ’ s Uluberia, with the resolv e to work to g eth er i n Be ng al b y bri d g i ng d i ff er enc es w i t h in th e s af fr o n ec o sy s tem a h ea d o f t h e 2 0 2 6

Assem bly elections

A source in the BJP said that a l t h o u g h t h e r e w a s n o d i r e c t connection between the election and the coordination meeting, the event assumes significance as the lack of coordination between the BJP and its ideological mentor RSS emerged as a challenge in Bengal in the 2024 general election when the party won 12 seats, six fewer than in 2019

“ T h e c o o r d i n a t i o n m e e t i n g was part of a nationwide drive that

b e g a n a t t h e n a t i o n a l - l e v e l conference in Kerala’s Palakkad in August last year However, the timing of the meeting in Bengal is very significant, as the Trinamool

Stalin slams Governor Ravi on language policy

CH EN NA I: Tamil Nadu Chie f Min iste r MK Stalin hit back a t Gover nor RN Ravi over his remark s on the sta te s twol anguage pol icy, accusing him of pushing a false narra tive a nd q ue st ioning the linguistic pol icies in B JP-rule d stat es Stalin’s comments come after Governor Ravi claimed that the rigid two-language policy had deprived Tamil Nadu’s youth of opportunities and restricted their ability to learn other South Indian languages

In his sixth letter to DMK cadre, Stalin said, “Tamils and Tamil Nadu have never opposed any language But whenever there has been an attempt to impose a language, Tamil Nadu has always stood up against it ”

Taking a swipe at the Governor’s statement, Stalin remarked, “He is reading from a new script, claiming that due to the two-language policy, Tamil Nadu youth have lost the chance to study South Indian languages How many North Indian languages are taught in BJP-ruled states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar? The Governor will not have an answer, nor will those who make him speak ”

Stalin also countered Ravi’s claim that knowing Hindi guarantees employment in North Indian states, pointing out that many Hindi-speaking migrants are coming to Tamil Nadu seeking work “Those who speak only Hindi are coming to developed Tamil Nadu in search of jobs because of its two-language policy Even the Hon’ble Governor is being paid with Tamil Nadu taxpayers’ money to work here,” he added The DMK leader also responded to criticism from BJP leaders who questioned why party members defaced Hindi on railway sign boards but not on rupee notes “The rupee note carries multiple languages, ensuring language equality,” Stalin asserted

Crack down on illegal travel agents in Punjab, 40 licenses cancelled

N E W D E L H I: P u nj a b authorities have cancelled th e licenses of 4 0 trav el agents in a crackdo wn on i l leg al i m m i g ra ti o n netwo rks, officials said Raids are ongoing, and o f f i c i a l s a

e involved in unauthorized migration, they said G o v e r n m e n t d a t a shows that Punjabis along with Gujaratis make up the

This month alone, three flights on February 5, 15, a n d 1 6 r e t u r n e d 3 3 3 deportees, 126 of whom -

Punjab Since May 2020, Amritsar has received 21 such flights Punjab has seen a rise

schemes, often referred to as the “Dunki route ” Over the past three years, more than 3,200 cases have been filed against travel agents, leading to several arrests,

September last year

The US, Canada, the UK and Australia remain top destinations for illegal migration

EPIC card duplication: Trinamul sets deadline for EC


Open up Manipur roads for all: Shah

Reiterating Centre’s resolve to assist with t h e r e s t o r a

Manipur, Union home minister Amit Shah issued specific directions to authorities to ensure free movement of people on all roads in the state, starting March 8 Shah, who chaired a high level meeting to review the situation in Manipur struck by spells of ethnic violence since May 2023, asked for strict action to be taken against anyone trying to create road obstructions in the state Also determined to check illegal influx from Myanmar into Manipur, Shah ordered fencing work to the left and right of designated border entry points, to be completed at the earliest He insisted that efforts be stepped up to dismantle the entire drug trafficking network in the state, with the ultimate objective of making Manipur drug-free The high-level review meeting - attended by Manipur governor Ajay Bhalla, Union h

director, deputy chief of Army Staff, Army Commander of the Eastern Command, DGs of BSF and CRPF, Manipur security adviser and senior officials of Manipur administration - is the first to be held since Manipur was placed under the President’s rule


More than 300 looted and illegal weapons and large amounts of ammunition were surrendered in Manipur, the final day of governor AK Bhalla s week-long deadline to do so Looting of arms from security forces has been a persistent issue, with mobs and insurgents seizing thousands of weapons from police stations, IRB outposts, and armouries since the Meitei-Kuki conflict began in May 2023 Manipur police reported that 246 weapons were surrendered at 1st Manipur Rifles campus in Imphal while 61 were deposited in other districts Many of these weapons were held by Arambai Tenggol a Meitei militia Earlier in the week at least 300 weapons were surrendered across districts following governor Bhalla s appeal while also warning of consequences for non-compliance Such voluntary surrender of weapons will help in restoring peace, communal harmony, and lawfulness in the state, police said in a statement As the deadline ended, people were urged to surrender any remaining looted arms “Any person found possessing illegal or looted arms after the deadline will face legal action,” police warned


Congress has already sounded the bugle for the Assembly elections next year, ” said a senior BJP leader

T h e t w o - d a y m e e t i n g w a s organised after RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat spent 10 days in Bengal last month, culminating in a mega p u b l i c r a l l y i n E a s t B u r d w a n ’ s Talit, where he urged the people of the state to join and observe the Sangh Parivar from the inside “ T h e m e e t i n g w i l l h e l p significantly in building a stronger cadre base for the RSS in Bengal, w h i c h i s c r u c i a l a h e a d o f n e x t year ’ s election,” said a source in the RSS

R e p r e s

frontal organisations of the RSS, a

Dilip Ghosh - participated in the meeting

K O L K A T A : Beng al’ s ruli ng p arty rep eated its acc us atio ns ag ainst the Election Com mission of Ind ia and set a d eadline of 24 hours fo r th e po ll panel to accept its error o n d uplicatio n of voter-card numbers

“Dear @ECISVEEP come clean on EPIC card duplication in the next 24 hours What has happened is criminal If you don’t we will release another expose, ” journalist-turned-Trinamul Rajya Sabha member Sagarika Ghose posted on X

Earlier, Trinamul’s Rajya Sabha Parliamentary Party leader Derek O'Brien also said that if the Election Commission (EC) fails to admit its error the party would come out with more documents O Brien, along with Ghose and Lok Sabha MP Kirti Azad, displayed lists with details of voter ID cards with the same EPIC number, and said most of them were from states ruled by the BJP

"We want only residents of a state to vote in that state Only voters of Bengal to vote in Bengal Voters will not be allowed to vote as their votes will be cast by people with identical EPIC numbers," O'Brien said

"These people will be sneaked in from other states to vote This is unacceptable," he added

After the Trinamul flagged identical voter card numbers to electors in two different states, the EC said it will rectify the issue and also update its technology-driven platform

The poll authority asserted that while the elector photo identity card (EPIC) numbers of some of the voters "may be identical , the other details, including demographic details, assembly constituency and polling booth, are different


Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge and party MP Rahul Gandhi met Assam PCC functionaries in New Delhi urging unity in runup to 2026 assembly elections amid growing tensions over the state brass A group of 26 senior Congress functionaries recently wrote to Rahul seeking the removal of Assam PCC president Bhupen Borah favouring former CM Tarun Gogoi s son and three-time MP Gaurav Gogoi instead However, no decision was made at the meeting Rahul emphasised discipline and urged Assam Congress functionaries to focus on grassroots efforts Anyone breaching the line of discipline should be acted against, he said, while emphasising working with the downtrodden Concerns were raised about the state brass, but opinions were divided More accountability was sought at the district level While polarisation and govt benefits were seen as challenges, Congress plans to target BJP over corruption Kharge posted on X: “In a year, the people of Assam shall discard the politics of corruption, division, and vendetta People of Assam look towards Congress to usher in this change ”

Amit Shah

PM Modi unveils new roadmap to boost wildlife conservation

On World Wildlife Day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a slew of initiatives aimed at bolstering conservation efforts for threatened big cat species, taking steps to increase their life through realtime health monitoring, mitigating humananimal conflicts, and boosting community participation in conservation projects

Chairing the seventh meeting of the National Board for Wildlife in Sasan, the only abode of Asiatic lions, Modi announced that the lion census would be conducted in May This would be the 16th quin-


Modi also laid the foundation stone for the National Referral Centre-Wildlife, a crucial facility to be developed on 20 24 hectares of land at New Pipaliya village near Junagadh The centre will play a key role in wildlife health management, acting as the nerve c

health monitoring, and coordinated governance of wildlife health across species


and representatives of NGOs, is a statutory body that advises the govt on wildlife conservation The theme for the 2025 World Wildlife Day is ‘investing in people and planet ’

Earlier, the PM spent around 150 minutes on a jungle safari in Sasan Gir and captured the majestic lions in his lens Modi said the population of Asiatic lions has seen a steady rise due to collective efforts and commended the contribution of tribals and women

living in surrounding areas in preserving the habitat

He also announced that cheetahs will be released in the sprawl-

which is being developed

spotted predator in India after Project Cheetah’s success at Kuno

Sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh Modi also announced the setting up of a Centre of Excellence

Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu

The meeting was attended by union minister of environment,

otal role in the roaring success of Asiatic lion conservation in Gir and adjoining areas

Tiger, Project Elephant, Project Snow Leopard, and discussed con-

servation efforts for dolphins and Asiatic lions along with enhancing the role of the International Big Cats Alliance

The NBWL board and environment ministry were asked to constitute various task forces to work on dwindling numbers of Indian sloth bear, gharial, and the Great Indian Bustard conservation and development

PM hails community role

PM Modi lauded the unwavering commitment of local communities, particularly the Maldharis (traditional cattle rearers) for their piv-

Bombay HC stays order directing FIR against

or der me cha nically

x a m i n i n g t h e d e t

s or a s si gn i n g sp e ci fic r ole s t o t he accused Justice Shivkumar Dige, presiding over a single-judge b e n c h , o b s e r v e d t h a t t h e special court’s March 1 order

l a c k e d d e t a i l e d r e a s o n i n g “Hence, the order is stayed till the next hearing The c o m p l a i n a n t , S a p a n

Shrivastava, is granted four weeks to file an affidavit in response to the petitions,” the court ruled T h e h i g h c o u r t ’ s d e c is i o n c a m e i n

s p o n s e t o petitions filed by Buch, three c u r r e n t S E B I w h o l e - t i m e directors - Ashwani Bhatia, A n a n t h N a r a y

Kamlesh Chandra Varshney - as well as two BSE officials, Managing Director and CEO

Sundararaman Ramamurthy,

Pramod Agarwal The petitions sought the quashing of

(ACB) to register

linked to the 1994 listing of a company on the BSE The petitioners argued that the special court’s order

flawed The case originated from a complaint by Sapan S

reporter, who accused the officials of involvement in large-scale financial fraud,


Addressing the seventh meeti

Wildlife in Sasan, Modi urged officials to replicate Gujarat's commu-

across the country He highlighted how the deep-rooted coexistence


played a key role in the steady rise of the Asiatic lion population Modi began the World Wildlife

morning safari in the tourism zone of Sasan Gir Sanctuary, where he sighted 14 lions at four different locations on the Dedakadi route

His sightings included a lioness with two cubs, two male lions, a

lioness with two cubs Modi captured the majestic animals on his

Gujarat CM praises


camera and shared photographs Foundation laid for wildlife health centre

PM Modi laid the foundation

Centre-Wildlife (NRC-W) at New Pipaliya, Junagadh, on Monday The centre, a first of its kind, is aimed at wildlife disease surveillance, prevent i o n ,

Apart from carrying out research to curb diseases, it will also suggest measures to improve the ecosystem

Approved by the Centre, the centre will come up on 20 24 hectares, with work on the boundary wall already on A high-tech monitoring centre


hospital have been set up in Sasan to monitor wildlife in the Gir region as part of the initiative

Offers prayers at Somnath, visits Vantara in Jamnagar


Vantara, an animal rescue, conservation and rehabilitation centre set

Jamnagar, and offered prayers at the Somnath temple before spending the night at Sasan in the heart of the Gir sanctuary

, Vantara is a rescue centre dedicated to the welfare of captive elephants and wildlife, providing sanctuary, rehabilitation and medical care to animals rescued from abuse and

involved in empowering local communities by providing sustainable livelihoods and training in humane animal care practices Later in the afternoon, the PM offered prayers at Somnath temple in Gir Somnath district Trust member and former state chief secretary P K Laheri said the PM offered prayers and that no meeting of Somnath Temple Trust was scheduled

MP for organising free mass wedding

A grand free mass weddi ng ceremony for 122 daughters was held in Amodra, Prantij and Sabarkantha district, under the chairmanship of Chief Minis ter Bhupendra Patel and Prafulbhai Patel, the administrator of Di uD aman, Dadra and Nagar H aveli, and Lak shadweep

Organised with the s upport

o f t he Ks h at ri y a Th ak o r

c o mm u ni t y of S ab a rk a n th a - Ar a va l li di stricts, the event was organized by MP Shobhanaben

B ar ai y a an d f orm er M LA Mahendrasinh Baraiya

The CM praised mass weddings as a remarkable i n i

Indian woman on death row in UAE executed

A 33-year- old Indian wo man, who was on death row in the United Arab Emirates (UAE ) for allegedly killing a four-month-old baby, was e xec u ted b y t h e a u

i nfo rmed the Delhi High Cou rt

S h a h z a d i K

m Uttar Pradesh’s Banda district, was executed on February 15 The grim news was formally communicated to the Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi only on February 28, leaving her f

bonds and, when celebrated with simplicity, serve as a source of inspiration for all By abandoning extravagant w e d d

mass weddings accessible to middle- and lower-income families, this tradition has proven to be a meaningful and practical solution in an

Wathba Central Jail


answers regarding her whereabouts and legal status, unaware that her execution had already taken place Khan had approached the Delhi H i g h C

information about his daughter’s well-being It was during this legal proceeding that Additional Solicitor G e n e r a


revealed the devastating truth - that Shahzadi had already been executed under UAE law

With no further legal recourse left, the court disposed of the plea, calling the entire episode a “sad and unfortunate” incident Her cremation is scheduled in Abu Dhabi Shahzadi Khan had been working as a caregiver in Abu Dhabi w h e n h e r e m p l o y e r ’ s i n f a n t s o n passed away on December 7, 2022, shortly after routine vaccination She was arrested in February 2023 and later awarded the death sent e n c

A v i d e o a l s o s u r f a c e d i n December 2023 in which Shehzadi could be heard confessing to the crime

However, her father’s petition a l l e g e d t h a t t h e c o n f e s s i o n w a s obtained through torture and coercion by her employer’s family The p l e a a l s

mortem examination and signed a waiver to prevent further investigation

PM Modi visits Gir National Park on the occasion of World Wildlife Day
PM Modi inaugurates and visits the wildlife rescue rehabilitation and conservation centre at Vantara in Gujarat
PM Modi lays foundation for various initiatives during the meeting of the National Board of Wildlife to mark the World Wildlife Day at Sasan Gir
PM Modi performs pooja at Somnath temple
Madhabi Puri Buch
CM Shri Bhupendra Patel Graces Sansad Samuh Lagnotsav 2025 in Amodra Prantij
PM Modi feeds milk and food to lion cub

PM Modi, EC president set year-end deadline for trade pact

A fter years of negotiations for an India-EU free trade

a g re em e nt ( F T A ) , P M

N are nd r a M o d i a nd

E u r o p ean

C o m m i s si o n

P r es i d en t U r su l a v o n d er

L eyen finally set a dead line -

e nd o f t h is y ea r - f o r a

b al anc e d , am b i ti o u s a nd m u tu al ly b ene fi c i al agreement, in a sig nificant

t ak eaw a y fro m th e E U lead er ’ s visit

Von der Leyen said her visit was taking place at a time the seven planets in the solar system had come into perfect alignment “They say this signals transformation and growth The planets are aligned, and so are Europe and India,” she said

D e s c r i b i n g I n d i a - E U partnership as natural and organic, based on trust and s h a r e d d e m o c r a t i c v a l u e s , Modi announced that both

l e a d e r s h a d a s k e d t h e i r teams to finalise by the yeare n d w h a t w o u l d b e , according to von der Leyen, the largest deal of its kind in the world The leaders asked officials to work as trusted partners to enhance market

a c c e s s a n d r e m o v e t r a d e barriers, according to a joint statement

India and the EU will

hold the 10th round of FTA negotiations in March since the talks were relaunched in 2021 Agreeing that meeting the deadline won’t be easy, von der Leyen said timing a n d d e t

reiterated after the meeting that they would continue to seek concessions from India on lower tariffs on wines and cars, without which the a

d commitment at the political level was important M

strengthen the investment f

discussed progress on the ongoing discussions for an Investment Protection and G I ( G e o g r a

Indications) Agreement this year They agreed to take c

forward the India


Modi saying it would drive

While there was talk about

security in the Indo-Pacific,

Maharashtra minister resigns after close aide arrested over murder

M a ha r as h tr a m i n i s te r

D h a na n j a y M un de h a s re si gne d afte r one of hi s close ai des was arrested in c o nn e c t i on w i t h th e

c h i ll i n g m ur d er of a sarpanc h i n Beed distri ct in

D e c e m b er M u nd e , w ho held the portfolios of food

a n d c i vi l s u ppl i e s , h a s

s t ep pe d do wn on th e i n s t ru c ti on s o f C hi e f

M i n i s te r D e ve n dr a

Fa d n av i s a ft e r h i s ai d e

Walmik Karad was arrested for his alleged role in the m ur d er o f S an t os h D es hmukh, the sarpanch of Massaj og village

In a post on X, Munde said it has been his firm demand that the accused in the sarpanch's murder case

g e t t h e h a r s h e s t p u n i s h m e n t

saddened The investigation into this matter has been completed and the charge sheet has been filed in the


According to sources,

Santosh Deshmukh,

built on international law

Initiative (IPOI)

After Modi-Xi ‘consensus’, ties in for a reboot: Chinese envoy

S i n o - In d i a n t i e s a r e se t f or a r e bo o t , following Modi-Xi me etin g in Ka za n last ye ar a nd the subse que nt visits to Beijing by NSA A jit Dov al and fore ign secre ta ry Vik ram Misri t ha t r e s u lt e d i n a se r ie s o f “ c om m o n un der st an dings on t he boun dar y question a n d p r a c t ic a l co o pe r a t io n ” , s a id C h in e s e a mba ssa dor Xu Feihon g

The remarks followed the recent meeting of external affairs minister S Jaishankar with his counterpart Wang Yi in which the former had lauded cooperation between the two c o u n t r i e s o n m u l t i l a t e r a l f o r u m s , particularly G20 Doval had visited China in D e c f o r t a l k s b e t w e e n t h e S p e c i a l Representatives that took place after a gap of five years This was followed by Misri’s visit to China during which India and China agreed to resume Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, t r a n s - b o r d e r r i v e r c o o p e r a t i o n a n d , i n principle, direct air services

“Since the meeting between President Xi Jinping and PM Narendra Modi in Kazan last y e a r , t h e t w o s i d e s h a v e e a r n e s t l y i m p l e m

h e i m p o

n s e n s u s reached by the two leaders, engaged in active interactions at various levels, and reached m a n y c o m


improving bilateral relations,” said Xu, on the


Calling India-China relationship one of t h e m

ambassador said that the two countries are

international balance of power

For the first time in five years, Modi and Xi had met in Russia in Oct 2024 on the sidelines of Brics summit, days after the two countries reached an agreement to complete

eastern Ladakh India, however, wants to tread cautiously in normalising ties with China and, in his meeting with Wang last week, Jaishankar stressed the importance of restoring mutual trust in bilateral ties and jointly maintaining border peace

Calling for respecting each other’s core interests, Xu said that Xi and Modi had agreed to handle relations from a long-term perspective, prevent “specific disagreements” f

i p , enhance strategic mutual trust and ensure peace and tranquillity in the border areas

Prime Minist er Na rendra Modi’s appeal to share their life journeys Some of them wil l be

on M

ch 8, ce

Inte rnational Women’ s Day

journeys shared on the NaMo App Open Forum From these, a few women will be chosen for a social media takeover of my digital accounts on March 8, Women’s Day I urge more women to share their stories,” the PM said in a post on X, encouraging greater p a r t i c i p a t i o n

followers across platforms like X, Instagram, and YouTube, the PM explained that selected women would take over his accounts for a day to share their life journeys - stories of r e s i l i e n

T h e platform may be mine, but it will be about their experiences, their challenges and their achievements,” he said, urging women to participate via the NaMo App’s Open Forum

l announcement in the 119th episode of “Mann Ki Baat,” which stirred excitement among women “This Women’s Day, I will hand over my social media accounts - X, Instagram, and others - to a few extraordinary women who have left an indelible mark on society,” Modi

T h e la st fo u r m i ss i ng

wo rkers at the avalanch e-hit

Bord er Roads Organisation (BRO) camp near Mana on the Indi a-C hina border in U t tar akh and w er e f o u nd d ead on S u nday, bring ing the toll in th e trag edy to eight and ending the threeday m ulti-ag ency search and rescue operation led by the Indian A rm y, to an end after alm ost 50 hours T wo of the 46 rescued w orkers rem ain in critical condition

The deceased have been identified as Mohindra Pal, Jitendra Singh and Harmesh

C h a n d f r o m H i m a c h a l

P r a d e s h ; M a n j e e t Y a d a v ,

A l o k Y a d a v , a n d A s h o k Paswar from Uttar Pradesh; and Anil Kumar and Arvind K u m a r S i n g h f r o m Uttarakhand The last body, that of Arvind Kumar, was recovered from beneath the snow beyond the village in Chamoli Seven bodies were s e n t t o R i s h i k e s h a f t e r autopsy and will soon be transported to their home states

M e a n w h i l e , o f f i c i a l s

said The NCP leader said he had heard his "inner self" to take the decision He said his health has

treatment soon


Fadnavis told the media

investigation has revealed

Uttarakhand avalanche: 4 bodies found, toll rises to 8

clarified that 54 workersnot 55 as initially reportedwere engaged in the doublelaning project of the Mana

P a s s h i g h w a y , w h i c h connects Mana village near

B a d r i n a t h t o t h e I n d i a -

C h i n a b o r d e r O f t h e w o r k e r s a t t h e s i t e , 4 6 survived, of which 44 were taken to Army hospital in J y o t i r m a t h T w o c r i t i c a l l y i n j u r e d w o r k e r s a r e a d m i t t e d t o A I I M S

R i s h i k e s h , t h e S t a t e

E m e r g e n c y O p e r a t i o n

C e n t r e ( S E O C ) s a i d T h e

o p e r a t i o n r e l i e d o n advanced search equipment, including thermal imaging, v i c t i m - l o c a t i n g c a m e r a s , r o t a r y r e s c u e s a w s , a n d avalanche rods

T h e A r m y a l s o deployed a ‘drone-based intelligent buried object detection system’ flown i n f r o m D e l h i A n a v a l a n c h e r e s c u e d o g was used in the search as well

, said, “We deployed five quad copters, three mini remotely

( T M R ) team, which specialises in avalanche rescues H

h t helicopters were used “Five were from Army aviation,

private agency The Army’s central command signed

integrate private helicopters for logistics support in high-

o f Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh These helicopters helped evacuate all survivors to the military hospital in Jyotirmath ”

India slams UN High Commissioner for 'baseless' Kashmir, Manipur remarks

Indi a h as s lammed UN H igh Commi ssio ner for H uman R ights Volker Turk' s "unfounded and baseles s" remarks i n th e 58 th regular sessi on o f the Uni ted N ati ons H uman Ri ghts Cou nci l r eg ar d i ng th e

Kashmi r and Mani pur

Addressing the session, India's permanent representative to the UN, Arindam Bagchi criticized the comments made in the High Commissioner's global update for the use of loose terminology and the apparent cherrypicking of situations

Further, Bagchi emphasised that India, the world's largest democracy, remains a vibrant, pluralistic society He noted that the concerns raised in the UN update were disconnected from the realities on the ground in India "Mr Vice President, allow me to share s o m e r e

Commissioner's global update As India was


and pluralistic society," he said "Unfounded and baseless comments in the u

realities The people of India have repeatedly proven wrong such misplaced concerns about us We would urge a better understanding of India and our civilisation ethos of diversity and openness, which continue to define our robust and often cacophonous civic space," he added Bagchi specifically addressed the reference to Kashmir in the update, calling the mention

development, he stated, "Ironically, in

year that stood out for that region's improving peace and inclusive progress, be it the large

Ursula von der Leyen & Narendra Modi
Dhananjay Munde

Celebrating Holi –The Festival of Colours, Sustainably

Holi-the Festival of Colours-is one of the most joyful celebrations in the world. It marks the arrival of spring, the triumph of good over evil, and the chance to let loose with colour, laughter, and love

This vibrant festival has been celebrated for over 1,600 years, with roots in Hindu mythology and traditions that have been passed down for generations


One of the most famous stories behind

g Hiranyakashipu and his son Prahlad The king demanded that everyone worship him,

Prahlad, the king’s sister, Holika, tried to b

saved him, and she perished instead This victory of good over evil is why Holi begins with the lighting of bonfires, symbolising the burning away of negativity

Holi is also deeply tied to the playful love story of Krishna and Radha Legend has it that Krishna, self-conscious about his dark complexion, coloured Radha’s face to match his own This sweet gesture turned into the tradition of smearing colours on loved ones, reminding us that love transcends appearances

For Sikhs, Holi takes on another formHola Mohalla Established by Guru Gobind Singh in 1701, it’s a time of martial arts disp l a y s , p o e t r y , a n d m u s i c , c e l e b r a t i n g courage, unity, and selfless service

But amidst the fun, it’s worth pausing to think about the impact of our celebrations on the environment Holi is a festival of nature-of flowers, colours, and community So, let’s honour that by celebrating in a way that respects the planet Here’s how:

1. Opt for Natural Colours

T r a d i t i o n a l H o l i c o l o u r s w e r e m a d e from flowers and herbs, but modern synt h e t i c p o w d e r s o f t e n c o n t a i n h a r m f u l chemicals Choosing plant-based colours

ensures a safer, more eco-friendly celebration Bonus: they smell amazing!

2 Burn Natural Materials

T h e H o l i k a b o n f i r e i s s y m b o l i c , b u t

burning treated wood or waste materials releases toxic fumes Stick to dry, untreated wood that’s no longer useful for other purposes Better yet, join a communal bonfire instead of lighting individual ones to reduce pollution

3. Be Water Conscious

We all love a good Holi water fight, but with growing concerns over water scarcity, it’s worth playing mindfully Try a dry Holi with colourful powders, or at least cut back on excessive water balloon use

4 Minimise Plastic Waste

Plastic balloons, disposable plates, and packaged snacks create a lot of unnecessary waste Swap them for reusable alternatives, homemade treats, and biodegradable decorations

5. Travel Sustainably

If you ’ re heading to a Holi gathering, consider walking, cycling, carpooling, or taking public transport to reduce your carbon footprint

6. Support Local & Homemade Treats

Nothing beats the taste of homemade gujiya or fresh thandai from a local vendor C h o o s i n g h o m e m a

treats not only supports small businesses but

spreading joy, and strengthening bonds-not just with people but with the planet too By making small, sustainable choices, we can ensure that this festival remains as beautiful for future generations as it is today

So let’s celebrate with colours, laughter, and a little extra love for Mother Earth After all, the best way to honour Holi’s spirit is by ensuring the world stays as vibrant as the festival itself!

UK gears up for grand Holi celebrations in 2025

H oli, the vibrant Festival of Colors, is jus t around the c orner Celebrated on the f ull m oon day in M arc h, this tradi tional Hindu fes tiv a l m a rk s th e a rr i va l o f s pring Known for i ts joyful s pirit, Holi is widely cele-

b r a te d ac r os s I n d i a a n d r ec ogn i s ed wo rld wi de f or i ts exuberanc e and colourfi lled festivities

A c c o r d i n g t o H i n d u scriptures, the demon king

H i r a n y a k a s h i p u , g r a n t e d near invincibility, demanded to be worshipped as a g o d W h i l e h i s p e o p l e obeyed out of fear, his son Prahlad, a devout follower

o f L o r d V i s h n u , r e f u s e d

E n r a g e d , H i r a n y a k a s h i p u ordered his sister Holika to kill Prahlad Holika, protected by a flame-resistant cloth, sat on a p y r e w i t h P r a h l a d

However, as Prahlad prayed to Lord Vishnu, the cloth shielded him instead, while Holika perished symbolising the victory of good over evil This event is marked by ‘ H o l i k a D a h a n ’ , o b s e r v e d t h e n i g h t b e f o r e H o l i , where people burn wood and other materials, signifying the destruction of evil and a fresh start

A n o t h e r p o p u l a r H o l i legend is the love story of Lord Krishna and Radha

A c c o r d i n g t o m y t h o l o g y , Krishna, concerned about his dark complexion compared to Radha’s fair skin, complained to his mother She playfully suggested he c o l o u r R a d h a ’ s f a c e t o match his own This mischievous act became a cherished tradition, symbolising love, friendship, and the joy of Holi The festival also has roots in ancient agricultural rituals, marking the arrival o f s p r i n g a n d n e w l i f e Farmers offer prayers for a good harvest and perform r i t u a l s f o r f e r t i l i t y T h e vibrant colours and water f e s t i v i t i e s r e p r e s e n t

n a t u r e ’ s r e n e w a l a n d t h e blossoming of spring Holi is not only celebrated in India but also by the Indian diaspora across the world with great enthusiasm and joy Various cult u r a l a n d c o m m u n i t y

organisations host vibrant celebrations, bringing people together to mark the festival of colours

In the UK, the Hindu

T e m p l e a n d C u l t u r a l C o m m u

Nottingham, in collaborat

Nottingham, will organise H

h March 2025, following traditional rituals The IDUK

Festival of Colours on 15th M

Club, offering an exciting d

tion Indians in London will present ‘Mega Rang Barse Holi 2025 ’ on 22nd March, promising an unforgettable


Monkey steals laddoos from wedding guests

Weddings are joyous celebrations, but they can also attract unexpected and unwanted guests While most people worry about total strangers sneaking into their parties, one wedding had a different kind of gate crasher who shocked all the guests with a quick heist In a viral video, a monkey was seen crashing into a wedding ceremony only to steal food and run away as quikcly as it entered The video shows a Haldi ceremony with the guests smearing haldi on the smiling bride and groom as loud music plays One guest holds a plate full of laddoos to offer to the couple when suddenly a monkey is seen sneaking into the scene It hurridly makes its way into the ceremony, startling many guests who jump back in fear as the primate makes its way straight to the plate of sweets It quickly grabs a few of them, stuffing them in its mouth and fists and rapidly runs back, leaving the scene as quickly as it came

14-year-old 'human calculator' breaks 6 world records in one day

A 14-year-old "human calculator" from India put his mental math to the test and broke six Guinness World Records in a single day Aaryan Shukla, 14, of Maharashtra, set his first Guinness World Record about a year ago, when he took on the record for the fastest time to mentally add 50 five-digit numbers on the set of Italian TV series Shukla, who accomplished the feat in a time of only 25 19 seconds, was invited to Dubai by Guinness World Records and now has six more titles to his name In a single day, Shukla broke the records for the fastest time to mentally add 100 four-digit numbers (30 9 seconds), fastest time to mentally add 200 four-digit numbers (1 minute, 9 68 seconds), fastest time to mentally add 50 five-digit numbers (18 71 seconds), fastest time to mentally divide a 20-digit number by a ten-digit number (5 minutes, 42 seconds), fastest time to mentally multiply two five-digit numbers (51 69 seconds) and fastest time to mentally multiply two eight-digit numbers (2 minutes, 35 41 seconds) Shukla, nicknamed the "Human Calculator" by Guinness World Records, said he practices math for five to six hours a day to keep his mind sharp for competitions

This startup rewards 140 employees with £1 45mn bonus

A Coimbatore-based startup has rewarded 140 employees with a bonus of £1 45mn for their loyalty to the company Kovai co, SaaS startup, appreciates its employees who have stayed with the company for a long time, offering bonuses based on loyalty rather than performance metrics The bonus was a part of their initiative "Together We Grow," aiming to stand out in the competitive startup landscape Saravanakumar, the founder and CEO of the business-to-business software solutions company, explained that this initiative was designed for employees who joined before or during 2022 and stayed with the company for the next three years The 48-year-old entrepreneur said that Kovai co gave a hefty bonus and salaries to employees as a gesture of gratitude, pride, and achievement This initiative, Saravanakumar added, has helped many employees make down payments on apartments, build long-term assets, invest in the stock market, or purchase cars Andhra breed cow creating history overseas

While the Ongole breed of cattle remains neglected in its home state of Andhra Pradesh, it is creating history overseas This breed of Ongole cattle, named Viatina-19, recently made headlines in Brazil by fetching an astonishing $4 82 million (about £4 1mn) at an auction, making it the most expensive cow in the world This sale surpassed even Japan’s famed Wagyu and India’s Brahman breeds, demonstrating the immense value of Ongole cattle when developed with proper care and scientific breeding This breed is auctioned at regular intervals In one such auction in 2023 at Brazil, Viatina-19 fetched $4 3 million Last year, it fetched around $4 8 million Originally native to AP’s Prakasam district, Ongole cattle are known for their unique genetic traits, including exceptional physical strength, heat resistance, and superior muscular structure These qualities make them highly desirable for dairy

Brazilian couple celebrate 84 years, 77 days of marriage

A Brazilian couple whose wedding was in 1940 officially took the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage for a living couple Manoel Angelim Dino, 105, and Maria de Sousa Dino, 101, were awarded the title when Guinness World Records and LongeviQuest, a website that tracks data about centenarians and super-centenarians, verified they had been married for 84 years and 77 days as of Valentine's Day The duo met in 1936 and were married at the chapel of Boa Ventura in Ceará, Brazil, in 1940 The couple raised 13 children, and now have 55 grandchildren, 54 great-grandchildren and 12 great-great-grandchildren The longest marriage ever lasted for 88 years and 349 days David Jacob Hiller and Sarah Davy Hiller were married in 1809 in Canada

Heroic horse dies days after rescuing drowning man

A seven-year-old white horse has died of illness, days after it completed a heroic rescue mission to save a drowning man in China The horse, nicknamed Bailong, rescued the man, despite not having stepped foot in water previously, as per its owner, Yilibai, but paid the ultimate price for it Six days after the rescue, Bailong suddenly stopped eating and did not defecate It soon caught a fever which lasted several hours Despite local authorities sending vets to treat the animal, Bailong could not survive and perished Narrating the incident, Yilibai said he and Bailong were training when a man fell into the river from a bridge in Xiantao As the unidentified man's daughter called for help, Yilibai, riding Bailong, ventured into the water body Bailong reportedly swam more than 40 metres with Yilibai holding the reins in one hand and pulling the man with another Yilibai said that Bailong had never been in the water before, so there was a risk to the horse too "I did not think twice about it To save a life, I had to act," said Yilibai Nagpur pani puri vendor's unique offer

Golgappas, pani puri, puchka - whatever you call them, these crispy spheres filled with spiced water and savoury ingredients are more than just a snack They're a cultural touchstone across the Indian subcontinent Their appeal transcends age and social status, and their presence is felt throughout India In a unique and viral marketing move, a Nagpur golgappa seller is offering a lifetime's worth of golgappas for a single payment of Rs 99,000 This deal allows customers to visit the stall anytime and enjoy golgappas free of charge after the initial investment The viral nature of the deal sparked a flood of reactions on social media The post garnered over 47,000 likes, with many people chiming in with their opinions on the offer

Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra announced they are expecting their first child Sharing a joint Instagram post with a picture of them holding baby socks, they wrote, "The greatest gift of our lives. Coming soon." The couple did not reveal further details.

Kiara and Sidharth were flooded with congratulatory messages from fans and industry colleagues Huma Qureshi commented, "Omg, congratulations!" while Neha Dhupia also sent her best wishes Fans expressed their joy, with one writing, "Going to be the best mom and dad," and another adding, "So happy for you both and your family "

Kiara Advani & Sidharth Malhotra announce pregnancy:

"Greatest gift coming soon"

Kiara and Sidharth met on the sets of their 2021 film ‘Shershaah’, where Sidharth played Captain Vikram Batra and Kiara portrayed his girlfriend, Dimple Cheema. The critically acclaimed war drama, released on Amazon Prime Video, sparked dating rumors, though the couple remained private In 2022, Karan Johar hinted at their relationship on ‘Koffee With Karan’ They married on 7 February 2023 in a grand Hindu ceremony in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, with their wedding photos becoming India's most-liked Instagram post at the time

Kangana Ranaut and Javed Akhtar settle legal feud after 5 years

nakshi Sinha on marriage: "No question of conversion"

4, Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal confirmed their marriage after much speculation he knot in a private ceremony under the Special Marriage Act, celebrating with family Rumors of Shatrughan Sinha’s disapproval were dismissed when he attended the me netizens also questioned their interfaith union

i Sinha said religion was never a factor in her marriage to Zaheer Iqbal "We’re two ve who wanted to marry We respect each other’s cultures but never discussed she shared She also revealed her father, Shatrughan Sinha, was supportive, telling appiness matters most Go ahead " i and Zaheer dated for seven years before tying the knot Now, as a married couple, ue to grow in love, enjoy adventurous trips, and share playful moments together

Neena Gupta prefers ‘Neena’ over ‘naani’ for g randdaughter Matara

Veteran actor Neena Gupta shared her special bond with granddaughter Matara, saying she doesn’t feel like a grandmother and prefers to be called by her name Neena Gupta shared that she doesn’t feel like a grandmother and prefers to be called Neena instead of naani On October

1 2 , h e r d a u g h t e r M a s a b a G u p t a a n d husband Satyadeep Misra announced the birth of their baby girl with a heartfelt I n s



m p

e d a monochrome photo of her tiny feet and a special message: "Our little girl arrived on 11 10 2024 " Neena, who plays a grandmother in her upcoming film ‘Hindi-Vindi’, described her role as a smart music teacher in India

‘ H i n d i - V i n d i ’ i s d i r e c t e d b y A l i S a y e d , written by Jay Sharma, and produced by Aniket Deshkar, Anil Sharma, and Sunny Shah The film features ‘The Archies’ star Mihir Ahuja and Australian singer Guy Sebastian

After five years of legal battles, Kangana Ranaut and Javed Akhtar have settled their defamation suits Kangana shared the update on Instagram, praising Javed ji’s graciousness and revealing he will write songs for her next directorial

Taking instagram, Kangana wrote, “Today Javed ji and I have resolved our legal matter (defamation case) through mediation, in the mediation Javed ji has been very kind and gracious, he also agreed to write songs for my next directorial ” The legal battle began in 2020 after Kangana's interview following Sushant Singh Rajput’s death She claimed Javed Akhtar pressured her to apologise to Hrithik Roshan, who had sued her in 2016 over their alleged relationship

In 2020, Kangana alleged Javed Akhtar pressured her to apologise to Hrithik Roshan, warning of dire consequences Javed denied the claims, filing a defamation case He told the court he had informed Kangana about the meeting’s purpose and praised her work, but changed the topic when she refused to listen

Mika wanted Gauri Khan to design his house, SRK joked, ‘She’ll loot you!’

Interior designer Gauri Khan has crafted homes for several celebrities, including Ananya Panday and Sidharth Malhotra

Singer Mika Singh recently revealed that she also designed his Mumbai home He recalled discussing the project with Shah Rukh Khan and shared that Gauri had one condition no interference in her decisions Respecting her request, Mika stayed away from the house, his 99th property, for nearly two years to let her work undisturbed

Mika Singh described Shah Rukh Khan as “ very kind” and a “great friend,” calling him a brother despite having collaborated on only a few songs Mika shared that he requested Shah Rukh to ask Gauri Khan to design his home, to which SRK jokingly warned, *"She’ll charge you a fortune!"* But when Mika insisted, SRK told him to speak to her directly

After their conversation, Gauri’s team visited the property, and she set one condition Mika couldn't question her choices Though he usually avoids green in his homes, she added a green couch in the middle of the space Trusting her vision, Mika stayed away for nearly two years while she worked Reflecting on the result, he expressed his gratitude: "Thank you, Gauri bhabhi, for such a wonderful house "

Karisma Kapoor on Sunny Deol’s hard work for ‘Yaara O Yaara’

Aftera 20-year gap, Sunny Deol made a blockbuster comeback in 2023 with ‘Gadar

2’, the biggest hit of his career He is now set to return to the big screen with ‘Jaat’ on April 10, and its teaser has already created buzz While Sunny is known for his good looks, emotional depth, and intense action, dance is one area where he just gets by

One of Sunny Deol’s most iconic dance numbers is ‘Yaara O Yaara’ from ‘Jeet’ where he danced with Karism Kapoor in Switzerland Recalling the shoot on ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show, Karisma shared how she was surprised to hear the song playing at 5 AM Stepping onto her balcony, she saw Sunny


Padukone on

hiding therapy visits: 'So much stigma around mental health'


Padukone has emphasised the importance of mental health awareness, recalling her struggle with depression While she has openly shared her experiences, she initially kept it private due to the stigma surrounding mental health.

Deepika Padukone shared what led her to speak openly about mental health In an interview with ‘The CEO Magazine’, she recalled being at the peak of her career but constantly feeling exhausted One morning, she collapsed, prompting medical tests

unease, frequent breakdowns, and a sense of not feeling like herself

Deepika Padukone revealed that she initially kept her therapy visits a secret, fearing judgment However, as she recovered, she questioned the

struggling with depression

"Even today, people refer to it to

parents I realised the floodgates had opened, and there was much more to be done," she said

diligently rehearsing Touched by his dedication, she told him that as a newcomer, she should be the one practicing H ever, Sunny humbly replied at since he had to dance with her, he needed to rehearse She added that he looked very cute in the song

During the filming of ‘Yaara O Yaara’, Sunny Deol was apprehensive about dancing in front of the crew, aware of his limitations as a dancer To ase his discomfort, the set s cleared, leaving only essential personnel Producer Sajid Nadiadwala shared that after each take, Sunny would ask if he had done the steps correctly, highlighting his dedication to delivering his best performance

MON 10 MAR - FRI 14 MAR 2025


14:00 Daily Bonus

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam


18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma

19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki



21:00 United States of Gujarat

21:30 Mangal Fera

22:00 Seeta Vallabh

22:30 Daily Bonus



14:00 Daily Bonus

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam

MON 10 MAR - FRI 14 MAR 2025

16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Appollena

20:30 Udaariyan

21:00 Choti Sardarni

22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Appollena

23:00 Ramachari


16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

TV Listing


18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma

19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki



21:00 United States of Gujarat

21:30 Mangal Fera

22:00 Seeta Vallabh

22:30 Daily Bonus

SUNDAY 16 MAR 2025


10:30 Best of Rasoi Show

11:30 Gandhi Ni Golmaal

14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam

17:30 Best of Rasoi Show

18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma

19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re

19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki



21:00 United States of Gujarat

21:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki

22:00 Seeta Vallabh

22:30 Daily Bonus

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Appollena

20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull


22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Appollena

23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull

SUNDAY 16 MAR 2025

16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3

17:00 Anmol Bandhan

17:30 Shrukra Mangal



20:00 Appollena

20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull


22:00 Anmol Bandhan

22:30 Appollena

23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull

SS Rajamouli accused of torture by former friend in final video before alleged suicide

Producer Uppalapati Srinivasa

Rao has accused director SS Rajamouli of harassment and claims the ‘RRR’ filmmaker is responsible for his personal and professional struggles. In a video shared by Mana Stars, Srinivasa, who says he was close to Rajamouli since the 1990s, alleged that Rajamouli and his wife, Rama Rajamouli, drove him to despair

He sent the video and a letter to Mettu Police Station, accessed by Big TV, stating, “India’s number one director, SS Rajamouli, and Rama Rajamouli are the reason for my suicide This is my final letter, not for publicity

Many, including MM Keeravaani and Chandrasekhar Yeleti, know how close I was to Rajamouli I never thought a woman could come between us ”

In the video, Srinivasa alleged that he and Rajamouli were involved in a "triangle love story" similar to ‘Arya 2 ’ , claiming Rajamouli asked him to sacrifice his love. “At first, I refused, but later I agreed He thought I had told people about it and began torturing me after an argument We worked together until ‘Yamadonga’ (2007), but he ruined my life after that Since becoming a big shot, he has made my life miserable I am 55 and have lived alone,” he stated, urging police to conduct a lie detector test

Rajamouli, who last directed ‘RRR’ (2022), is currently working on an action-adventure film with Mahesh Babu, rumored to feature Priyanka Chopra

Jyotika criticises top Tamil directors for making films only for male stars

Jyotika opened up about the challenges female actors face in the Tamil film industry, recalling how she took on different roles after becoming a mother at 28

In a Fever FM interview with her ‘Dabba Cartel’ co-stars Shabana Azmi, Shalini Pandey, Anjali Anand, and Shibani Dandekar, she discussed how male actors are embraced as they age, while women face restrictions

Jyotika highlighted the challenges female actors face in the Tamil film industry, sharing how she took on different roles after becoming a mother at 28 "I haven't worked with a star or hero since then It’s a struggle, as you're building your career with new directors, largely on your own," she said She also pointed out the lack of seasoned filmmakers creating strong female-led stories, unlike in the past with K Balachander "Big filmmakers only make films for big male stars Women actors face budget restrictions and have to fight this battle alone," she added

Jyotika married her longtime boyfriend, actor Suriya, on September 11, 2006 They have two children, daughter Diya (born in 2007) and son Dev (born in 2010) The couple has shared the screen in seven films, starting with ‘Poovellam Kettuppar’ (1999)

Mohan G teams up with Richard Rishi again for ‘Draupathi 2’

Director Mohan G, known for ‘Draupathi’, reunites with actor Richard Rishi for ‘Draupathi 2’ Set against the Hoysala dynasty (10th–14th century) in the southern Deccan and Cauvery river valley, the film also stars YouTuber Arunodhayan and Kanal


Director Mohan G clarifies that ‘Draupathi 2 ’ is unrelated to its predecessor and is based on a true event from

strategies in the 14th century, while also drawing a link to the 21st century Shot across

Mumbai, the director acknowledges budget constraints but aims to enhance the film’s scale using AI and VFX

Composer Ghibran Vaibodha will score the music for ‘Draupathi 2 ’ , experimenting with a genre new to him Since the film's antagonists are the Mughals, who originated from Turkey, the soundtrack will blend Indian and Turkish musical influences

Reflecting on his bond with Richard Rishi, Mohan G recalls meeting him during *Pazhaya Vannarapettai* at a difficult time in his life “Richard stood by me when I needed support the most He’s incredibly down-to-earth, and that’s how our friendship began We agreed to do three films together, and after a brief break, I’m now fulfilling that promise,” he shares

Vijay confirms ‘Jana Nayagan’ will be his final film at TVK meet

ActorVijay has confirmed his plans to leave films for politics Speaking at the first-anniversary event of his party, Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam (TVK), in Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu, he stated that he will retire from acting after his 69th film, ‘Jana Nayagan’

Despite being one of Kollywood’s top actors, Vijay has no plans to continue acting Many in the industry hoped he would return after the elections, but he put the speculation to rest at his party’s anniversary event He confirmed that ‘Jana Nayagan’, directed by H Vinoth, will be his final film Addressing critics, he reiterated his commitment to politics, focusing on public welfare over cinema

In February last year, Vijay launched the Tamilaga Vettri Kazhagam, announcing his plans to contest the 2026 elections He held his first conference in October at Vikravandi to outline his political vision Meanwhile, in September, he signed his 69th film with director H Vinoth, produced by Bengaluru-based KVN Production Announcing the project, the production house wrote, "The torchbearer of democracy arriving soon "

Anjali Anand on body babels:

“Why is it always women?”

Anjali Anand, starring in ‘Dabba Cartel’, addressed the challenges women face in the film industry, especially typecasting Speaking with Fever FM, she shared that she rejected many roles as they only saw her as a “plus-sized female actor.”

Anjali Anand shared her experience with typecasting, saying, "Nobody was ready to see me as a lead or heroine I’m doing it on the web and other platforms, but not yet in films for larger theatrical audiences No one ever labeled Govinda or Rishi Kapoor as ‘plus-sized actors’ they were simply actors But as a woman, I’m always introduced as ‘Anjali Anand, a plus-sized actor ’"

Anjali highlighted the double standards in the industry, saying, “In ‘Chandni’, Sridevi, Rishi Kapoor, and Vinod Khanna looked different, yet no one questioned them because they were men But when Vidya Balan played Silk Smitha, there was an uproar about her appearance Have we ever called a man a ‘plus-sized actor’? No So why am I labeled one?”

Anjali, known for ‘Dhhai Kilo Prem’ and ‘Kullfi Kumarr Bajewala’, made her Bollywood debut in ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ She has also appeared in ‘Untag’, ‘Fear Factor: Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 ’ , ‘Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11 ’ , ‘Bell Bottom’, ‘Bun Tikki’, and ‘Raat Jawaan Hai’

Oscars 2025: Conan’s Hindi, ‘Anuja’ snub, and historic wins-A night of global cinema

Th e 97th A cad emy A wards, held on March 2, 20 25, showcased a tapestry of global cinem a, with notable mom ents resonating deep ly w ith


in mainstream Hollywoo d, reflecting a broad er shift to ward s inclusivity

Co nan O'Brien's Hindi salutation

In a gesture that delighted many, host Conan O'Brien commenced the evening with a Hindi salutation, saying, "Namaste aur aap sabka swagat hai," which translates to "Greetings and welcome to you all " This unexpected introduction not only highlighted the global nature of the event but also acknowledged the significant viewership from India and other Hindi-speaking regions O'Brien's effort to connect with diverse audiences set a warm and inclusive tone for the evening 'Anuja' and the quest for recognitio n

The Indian film "Anuja," which had garnered international acclaim and multiple nominations, was anticipated to secure at least one Oscar However, despite its critical success and backing f r o m O s c a

, Mindy Kaling and Priyanka Chopra Jonas, the film did not clinch any awards that night This o

categories, even as the Academy strives for greater diversity The snub served as a reminder of the

celebrate global storytelling in all its forms Global film s in th e spotlig ht

The ceremony celebrated a diverse array of films from around the world Notably, "Anora," a romance-thriller, emerged as the night's biggest

The film's success underscored the Academy's

Brazil's "I'm Still Here" won Best International F

n g t h e A c a d e m y ' s appreciation for diverse storytelling Sp eeches A dvo cating for Peace

T h e e v e n i n g w a s m a r k e d b y p o w e r f u l acceptance speeches that transcended the realm of cinema Adrien Brody, upon receiving the Best A c t o r a w a r d f o r " T h e B r u t a l i s t , " d e l i v e r e d a heartfelt speech emphasising the importance of peace and unity in today's turbulent times His words resonated with many, highlighting the role of art in fostering empathy and understanding across cultures

Historic wins for Black A rtists

T h e 2 0 2 5 O s c a r s a l s o c e l e b r a t e d h i s t o r i c milestones for Black artists Zoe Saldaña won Best Supporting Actress for her role in "Emilia Pérez," becoming the first Afro-Latina to secure this h o n o r I n h e r a c c e p t a n c e s p e e c h , S a l d a ñ a expressed pride in her immigrant heritage and h o p e f o r f u t u r e r e c o g n i t i o n o f D o m i n i c a n Americans

T h e s e a c

inclusivity and representation

The 2025 Oscars ceremony was a testament to the evolving landscape of global cinema For Indian and Asian audiences, the event offered moments of pride, reflection, and anticipation for greater recognition in the future As Hollywood continues to embrace diverse narratives, there is hope that films like "Anuja” will eventually receive the accolades they deserve, further enriching the global cinematic tapestry

Sikandar Kher on OTT: “Streaming platforms are a blessing for artists”

Sikandar Kher, in the industry for 17 years, credits OTT for transforming his career with shows like ‘Aarya’, ‘Tooth Pari’, ‘Citadel: Honey Bunny’, and ‘Chidiya Udd’. He sees the platform as a boon, bringing fresh talent and job opportunities across creative fields “OTT has created more work for actors and technicians alike it’s a blessing,” he says While many believe longformat storytelling allows deeper character exploration, Sikandar sees no distinction “Film or series, both are visual mediums with their own pros and cons, ” he adds

Speaking about whether he feels more liberated on the web medium, Sikander says, “I feel liberated whenever I’m in front of a camera Acting itself is freeing I get to become someone else, step into a new character, and create something from a blank canvas ”

Up next, he plays an army officer in Sriram Raghavan’s ‘Ikkis’, a role he deeply values “The armed forces evoke a unique emotion Having been in close contact with them, I have immense respect and admiration Their warmth, generosity, and hospitality have been incredible I salute them,” he concludes


XCX dominated the Brit Awards, winning five trophies, including Album of the Year for ‘Brat’ She also took home British Artist of the Year, Song of the Year for ‘Guess’ (feat Billie Eilish), and Best Dance Act Earlier, she was named Songwriter of the Year

Charli XCX’s wins cap a defining year, with her

defined (even Kamala Harris was dubbed “brat”), it embodied wild raves, carefree living, and effortless cool The album topped the UK charts, spent 38 weeks in the Top 20, and earned critical praise for blending club anthems with raw, introspective tracks on fame and motherhood It also found success in the US, hitting No 3 and winning three Grammys

Charli XCX thanked her dance music heroes marking perhaps the first-ever mention of Autechre at the Brit Awards and praised Billie Eilish for her quick turnaround on ‘Guess’, noting: “Not all artists are as spontaneous as they claim ” Winning Album of

outsider, especially in the British music industry It’s meaningful to be recognised for an album where I made no sacrifices ” She encouraged fellow artists: “You don’t need to compromise your vision ” Charli XCX (Charlotte Aitchison, 32) has been making music since 2008, but these mark her first Brit Award wins after four past nominations The only artist to win more in a single year is Raye, who set the record with six last year and added another this year, winning R&B Act again

Charli XCX, born on 2 August 1992 in Cambridge, is the only child of nurse Shameera, of Gujarati Indian descent from Uganda, and Scottish entrepreneur Jon Aitchison Raised in Start Hill, Essex, she attended Bishop's Stortford College Aitchison has spoken about her struggles with bullying and discrimination

environment From a young age, she was drawn to music, inspired by acts like the Spice Girls and Britney Spears, and began writing songs at 14

Picture and Best Actress for Mikey Madison

India in Champions Trophy final

V i ra t K o h li s la mm ed a

se n sa ti o na l h a lf - c en tu r y

wh i l e H ar di k P an dy a

produced late fireworks as

In di a d ef e at Au s t ra li a b y

fo ur wickets to reach th e

Ch a mp i o ns T

fi nal in D ubai on T uesday

Ch asi ng 265, K ohli was once ag ai n th e t o p p er fo r me r wi th 8 4 b u t i t ne ed ed a

ca m eo f ro m H ar di k to clinch th e win for India

Hardik slammed 28 runs off 24 deliveries with the help

o f o n e f o u r a n d t h r e e

massive sixes The match went down to the wire with India needing 27 runs to

Hardik was able to help the cause massively with two sixes off Adam Zampa The sixes sent the crowd into frenzy and the reaction of Virat in the Indian dressing r o o m h a s g o n e v i r a l o n social media

Batting first, Australia were bowled out for 264 in 49 3 overs and India chased

i t d o w n w i t h 1 1 b a l l s t o spare Besides Kohli's 98b a l

made 45 while KL Rahul and Hardik Pandya chipped in with 42 and 28 respectively in the first semifinal

Australia past 260 Smith top-scored with

73 off 96 balls as he stitched

first with Travis Head (39)

which yielded 50 runs, and

third for another 56 runs Carey made 61 For India, Mohammed Shami (3/38) grabbed three

Chakravarthy and Ravindra J


Gujarat chess player Vivaan achieves world no 1 ranking in U-13 category


sporting caree r In the l ate st

I n t e r n a t i on a l C he s s Fede ration (FIDE) rank in gs, V iv aa n at t ai ne d th e wo rl d n umbe r one rank in g in the U - 13 ca t e g o r y , a pr e s s sta tement issue d by Guja rat

S t a t e C h e ss A ss oci a t i on (G SCA) said

Vivaan achieved his first

I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a s t e r ( I M ) norm at the Rudar Round Robin Chess Tournament in Požarevac, Serbia, held from Jan 28 to Feb 12 He gained 80 rating points, reaching a

r a t i n g o f 2 , 4 2 9 H e a l s o

c r o s s e d t h e 2 , 4 0 0 r a t i n g benchmark required for the IM title To become an IM, a chess player has to achieve

three IM norms H i s c o a c h S w a y a m Mishra was effusive in his praise for his hard work and d i s c i p l i n e “ V i v a a n i s disciplined and works hards He finishes the work that I give him on time and is eager t o g e t o n w i t h t h e n e x t assignment He can still play b e t t e r , a n d r e a c h f u r t h e r heights ” T h e f o c u s , M i s h r a further said, is how to handle certain situations and handle pressure “We also look at the mistakes committed in p a s t a n d w o r k t o r e c t i f y them Despite chess being played without much of an

a u d i e n c e , p l a y e r s a l w a y s h a v e i n t h e b a c k o f t h e i r m i n d t h a t t h e y a r e b e i n

scores are public We work

on handling the pressure ” Prior to the competition i n S e r b i a , V i v a a n h a d competed in the President’s C

Qatar Masters 2024 in Doha (Nov and Dec 2024) At the Qatar Masters, he scored 5/9 points, defeating four IMs and drawing with one GM

V i v a a n d e f

a Grandmaster and drew with another Grandmaster on the


e tournament in Serbia India’s R Praggnanandhaa once held the record of youngest IM at age 10 With the advent of c

M before age 15 is the norm

now Attaining IM and GM norms during events in India is mighty difficult and far more creditable

Bhandari tops shortlist to head new football regulator

S a nj a y B h an d a ri , th e

c h a i rm a n of t he f o ot ba l l anti- racism group Kick It

O ut, has emerged as a front runner to become the first c hairman of the game ’ s new i n d e pe n de n t r eg ul a tor B handari is on a shortlist of three but is considered the i deal candidate for the parttim e, £130,000-a-year role

b ec ause of his background

i n law and finance, as well

a s h i s kn o wl e dg e of th e football lands cape

A C a m b r i d g e l a w graduate, Bhandari moved from the legal sector into

t h e w o r l d o f f i n a n c e , occupying roles considered w e l l - s u i t e d t o a n independent regulator

A s a p a r t n e r a t

a c c o u n t a n

and Young he was the head

forensic team as well as the j o i n t c h i e f i n n o v a

n officer for tax and law

The appointment of the regulator chairperson has to be signed by the DCMS

s e l e c t c o m m i t t e e b u t Bhandari, who was awarded an MBE for his services to sport last year, has already impressed since becoming the chair of Kick It Out in 2019

enjoys in football could be

regulator is still being met

e a n d scepticism, not least among s e n i o r f i g u

Premier League Only this w

e chairman of Crystal Palace, told the football business summit that the watchdog “wants to interfere in all of the things we don’t need them to interfere in and

h e l p w i t h n o

d help with”

He added: “We have a p r o b l e m t h a t w e ’ r e constantly being told we ’ re not a business and [that] we ’ re part of the fabric of communities ”

Buttler quits, chaos hits England after

A day ahead of their game a g ai n s t So ut h A f r i c a, J os

Buttler declared that he

whiteba ll c aptai n followin g the team’s e arly exi t f rom the Champions Trophy T h e 3

lead England for the last time here on Saturday “I’m g o i n g t o s t a n d d o w n a s E n g l a n d c a p t a i n I t ’ s t h e right decision for me and t h e t e a m , ” B u

l e r s a i d “Hopefully somebody else who can come in alongside Baz (McCullum) will take the team to where it needs t o b e ” H a r r y B r o o k ,

B u t t l e r ’ s v i c e c a p t a i n , i s tipped to replace him

Buttler will continue to play for England, and said he wants to “get back to

early CT exit

really enjoying my cricket” H e s a i d : “ T h e o v e r r i d i n g emotions are still sadness a n d d i s a p p o i n t m e n t I ’ m sure, in time, that will pass and I can get back to really e n j o y i n g m y c r i c k e t , a n d (will) also be able to reflect o n w h a t a n i m m e n s e honour it is to captain your country and all the special things that come with it ” B u t t l e r

captain in June 2022 and led England to victory in the 2022 T20 World Cup


defend their 50-over and T20 World Cup titles “This tournament was going to

obviously two losses and

tournament, and with

tournaments before, I just probably reached the end of the road for me and my

shame I’m sad about that,” Buttler said

Embarrassed Cong asks leader to delete post on Rohit Sharma's fitness

Th e Congress has stepped in after its party spokesp erson

Sh ama Mohamed's criticism of Team Ind ia captain Ro hit S h a rm a' s f it ne ss d rew a strong backlash and left th e p a rty re d - fa ce d in t h e

c ri c ket -f re nz y na ti o n T o f ir ef i g h t, th e p art y h i g hcom mand asked her to take do wn her post that called th e s ki p p er a " fa t s p o rts p e rs o n" and s h e quickly followed th e orders Mohamed's post critical of Sharma dropped in the middle of Sunday's match

b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d N e w

Zealand "Rohit Sharma is fat for a sportsman! Need to lose weight! And of course t h e m o s t u n i m p r e s s i v e Captain India has ever had," it read, sparking a backlash from his fans and the BJP

I P L d efe ndi ng ch a mp i o ns

K o l k at a K n ig h t R i de rs (K KR) h ave decided to opt f o r e x p er i en c e i n th e leadersh ip role, handing the captaincy to veteran batter A j in k ya Ra h a ne as t h e ir cap tain f or th e u p comi ng season At the same time, t h e ma na ge me nt h a n ded V e nk a te sh I ye r th e v i cecaptaincy

Iyer is one for the future as far as KKR are concerned I y e r , i n c i d e n t a l l y , h a d r e c e n t l y e x p r e s s e d h i s willingness to lead KKR if asked Rinku Singh’s name, incidentally, had also done the rounds However, the pressure of captaincy could have bogged down the freeflowing Rinku

“ I t ’ s a n h o n o u r t o b e asked to lead KKR, which has been one of the most successful franchises in the I P L I t h i n k w e h a v e a n

s q u a d I l o o k f o r w a r d t o working with everyone and

S h a r m a ' s f a n s p o i n t e d out the stats of the team's p e r f o r m a n c e u n d e r h i s leadership while the BJP said t h e r e m a r k s r e f l e c t e d t h e C o n g r e s s E m e r g e n c y mindset"

N e x t m o r n i n g , s h e

c l a r i f i e d h e r r e m a r k w a s "generic" in nature and that s h e " f a i l e d t o u n d e r s t a n d h o w i n a d e m o c r a c y , w e d o n ' t h a v e t h e r i g h t t o speak" This, however, didn't help and left the Congress embarrassed and with a task in hand to set things right

F o l l o w i n g a b a c k l a s h , t h e C o n g r e s s d i s t a n c e d i t s e l f f r o m M o h a m e d ' s r e m a r k a n d a s k e d h e r t o

d e l e t e t h e p o s t S h o r t l y a f t e r , s h e d e l e t e

apologised yet Senior Congress leader

Mohamed's remark does not reflect the party's position "She has been asked to delete the concerned social media posts from

icons in the highest regard and does not endorse any statements that undermine their legacy," said Khera His response came after


Congress over Mohamed's remarks, which it said was "shameful"

posts, including the one that sparked the controversy as well as those in which she

taking up the challenge of d e f e n d i n g

R a h a n e , w h o h a s e a r l i e r captained Rajasthan Royals in the league and is known

f o r h i s s h r e w d

mind Rahane has played for KKR too earlier, and was picked up in the auctions at his base price of £150,000 A l t h o u g h R a h a n

s known more as a red-ball p l a y

reinvented himself as a T20 batter of note He had a stellar season for Mumbai in the Syed Mushtaq Ali T20 t

topping the charts In his younger days, as

captain He led India to

Test series win in Australia in the 2020-21 season This year, he guided Mumbai to the Ranji Trophy semifinals Vice-captain Venkatesh Iyer has been a part of KKR for a few seasons now, and although he had to go to the auction pool this time, KKR brought him back for an i m p r e

£ 2 3 7 m n Clearly, KKR have plans for him

Sanjay Bhandari
Ajinkya Rahane
Virat Kohli

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