AV 12th October 2024

Page 1

Celebrating 155 years of Mahatma Gandhi's wisdom P9

Remembering Lady Pramila Parekh P12

Changing workplace cultures P13

Chila Burman MBE hopes to provoke reflection on diversity and feminism P14

Love, laughter, and grandparent wisdom P17

BAPS temple in Flushing, NY celebrates 50 years P21

Jaishankar will visit Pakistan to attend SCO meet P22

India gives Maldives a hand with currency deal P25

Scottish Indian doctor makes history by dancing to SRK hit on UK TV P30

Harmanpreet, Shafali lead India to beat Pakistan by 6 wickets P31

Call for unity against hatred

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Israel-Hamas war, which began with

n Israel, resulting in numerous fatalities and hostages on both sides

What began as a humanitarian catastrophe has escalated into a situation where the entire Middle East is spiralling out of control, with Israel now engaged in a war on multiple fronts that poses a significant threat to the region's stability

Over the past year, there has been an alarming rise in hate crimes in the UK, particularly antisemitism and Islamophobia, significantly affecting Jewish and Muslim communities

The 2023 EY and University of St Gallen Family Business Index reveals that the largest family enterprises are outpacing global economic growth These 500 companies collectively generate $8 02 trillion in revenue, marking a 10% increase since 2021 The International Monetary Fund reported global economic growth of 6% in 2021, with forecasts of 3 2% for 2022 and 2 7% for 2023, family enterprises are growing nearly twice as fast as advanced economies and about one and a half times faster than emerging markets

PM Narendra Modi with Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers, J P Nadda

The BJP came back from behind to stop Congress celebrations on its tracks and snatch an incredible win for a historic third term in Haryana, defying exit polls' predictions Jammu and Kashmir, too, turned all projections on its head as the state handed a big win to the National C

Abdullah tapped his son, Omar Abdullah, as the next Chief Minister T h e


n Haryana; the majority mark stands at 46 The Congress won 37 seats No party has won a third consecutive term in Haryana since its inception in 1966

Continued on page 25

Anusha Singh
They create employment opportunities and contribute hugely to the local economy
L-R Roop Pratap Choudhary, Colonel Manbeer Choudhary and Binny Choudhary

Britain returns Chagos Islands sovereignty to Mauritius

T he UK has ag reed to transfer sovereignty of a g roup of I

to M au ritiu s, marking its f irst such handov er since retu rning Hong Kong to Ch ina in 1997 T h e d

Chagos Islands, with the UK retaining a 99-year lease on Diego Garcia, where it opera

with the US Diego Garcia

islands, from which the UK fo

islanders decades ago

This agreement follows f ive decades of negotiations over the strategically important 58-island archipelago, located between East Africa and Indonesia UK Foreign S

y D

hailed the deal as securing

“vital militar y base for the

UK s long-term relationship with Mauritius

g that "the sun never sets on

the British Empire" will no l o n g e r h o l d t r u e , a s t h e Pitcairn Islands will fall into d

reaches other UK territories further west

India played a key role in the historic transfer, advocating for the end of colonisation Supported by India and the US, the deal is seen a

decolonising Mauritius and enhancing maritime security in the Indian Ocean New Delhi welcomed the agreement as a positive move

‘AI is not a quick fix for public sector’, expert warns

One of the UK ’ s lead ing arti-

f i c i al i nte ll ig enc e r es ear ch e rs h a s c ri ti ci s ed

w h a t h e d e s cr ib es as an “ ex trem ely d an g ero u s ”

a p p ro ac h t o A I fo l lo w i ng c o m m e nts fro m g o v ernm ent minister Feryal Clark

r eg a rd i ng it s p o te nti al to add ress issues in public ser-

v ices

Neil Lawrence, a professor of machine learning at t h e Un i v e r s i t y o f

C a m b r i d g e , m a d e t h e s e remarks at The Times Tech Summit Lawrence responded to Clark’s assertion that public ser vices have “ comp l e t e l y f a i l e d , ” s t a t i n g ,

“ T h a t ’ s s i m p l y n o t t r u e

Most things work, actually While there are areas we’d like to f ix, the notion that

e v e r y t h i n g h a s f a i l e d a n d

c a n b e r e p l a c e d b y A I i s extremely dangerous ”

C l a r k h a d m e n t i o n e d

that the government aims to utilise AI to solve problems in “broken” public ser vices, such as lengthy NHS waiting lists, a sentiment echoed by former Prime Minister

Si r To n y Bl a i r L a w r e n c e argued that the belief AI can simply be imposed on public ser vices to “f ix ever ything”

r e f l e c t s a n “ a b s u r d a n d reductionist understanding” of human intelligence and society He emphasised the importance of recognising the complexity of our shared h u m a n v u l n e r a b i l i t i e s , w h i c h u n d e r p i n a c c o u n tability

L a w r e n c e h i g h l i g h t e d that AI technologies, particularly large language models

l i ke C h a t G P T, c o u l d b e “ u t t e r l y t r a n s fo r m a t i o n a l ” by enabling more compreh e n s i v e i n t e r a c t i o n s

b e t w e e n o r d i n a r y p e o p l e

a n d m a c h i n e s , u n l i ke t h e

past when only computer experts could engage with t e c h n o l o g y Ho w e v e r, h e c a u t i o n e d t h a t t h e s e

a d v a n c e m e n t s c o m e w i t h signif icant challenges that c o u l d u n d e r m i n e e x i s t i n g societal structures

He also criticised former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak fo r n o t c h a l l e n g i n g E l o n Musk’s prediction at a UK technology summit that AI

w o u l d e l i m i n a t e a l l j o b s , calling it a “total absurdity ”

Teachers accept pay rise offer

Teach ers in E ngland have

o ve r wh e lm i ng ly v o te d to accept a 5 5% pay inc reas e, bu t h ave cautioned that further adjustments are needed to keep pay competitive and address ongo ing teacher sho rtages

In a snap poll by the National Education Union

( N E U ) , 9 5 % o f m e m b e r s supported the 2024-25 pay

o f fe r, w h i c h i n c l u d e s a n

a d d i t i o n a l £ 1 2 b n fo r

s c h o o l s t o c o v e r t h e i n c r e a s e Fo l l o w i n g t h e

result, Education Secretar y Bridget Phillipson initiated the next pay round for 202526, requesting recommen-

y (STRB) as soon as possible P h i l l i p s

p h a s i s e d t h e n e e d t o r e t u r n t o a “timely” annual pay process, a i m i n g t o a n n o u n c e t h e next pay award close to the start of the f inancial year in April She also asked the STRB to explore ways to adapt the pay framework to

promote flexible working,

i tment and retention

He r l e t t e r a c k n o w le d g e d t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s challenging f inancial situation, citing £22bn in fund-

i n g p r e s s u r e s , w h i c h w i l l impact future decisions on pay and funding However, she reassured that alongside pay discussions, the government remains committed to

affecting the teaching profession

NEU General Secretar y D

the early focus on teacher pay, contrasting it with previous administrations, but

corrections are needed to make teaching more competitive and resolve shortages

Secretar y of the Association

Met Police's use of live facial recognition technology rises

T h e L o nd o n M et ro p o li tan Po li c e u t il i se d facial reco gnition technolog y 1 17 tim es from Janu ary to A u g us t thi s year, a si g nif ic ant i nc re as e fro m j u s t 3 2 i n st anc es rec o rd e d between 2020 and 2023 , acco rding to data from the City Hall Greens

Critics, including campaigners and some academics, argue that facial recognition can be inaccurate and biased, leading to racial discrimination and wrongful arrests In contrast, the Met asserts the technology is valuable for preventing and detecting crime and locating individuals on their watchlist An analysis revealed that approximately 770,966 individuals in London had their faces scanned over nearly f ive years

T h e Ci t y H a l l Gr e e n s h a v e c a l l e d fo r restrictions on its use The technology was employed for a total of 716 hours and 25 minutes, with Croydon and Westminster being t h e m o s t t a r g e t e d b o ro u g h s Si l k ie C a r lo , director of Big Brother Watch, criticised the technology as one of the most severe threats to privacy She is pursuing a legal challenge against the Met’s use of facial recognition alongside an alleged victim of misidentif ication

Lindsey Chiswick, the Met’s director of intelligence, stated the technology has an accuracy rate of 89%, and biometric data is deleted if individuals are not on a watchlist

This year, the Met's use of facial recognition has led to over 360 arrests, including more than 30 sex offenders found in violation of their conditions

Watchdog investigates Lord Alli's gifts amid Uddin loan controversy

L a bo u r p eer L o rd A lli, a multim illionaire and former fashi o n ent rep re ne u r, h e lp ed b ai l o u t B aro n es s U d d i n after she was found to h av e w ro ng ly c la im ed £ 1 2 5 , 0 0 0 d u r in g th e p a rli am e nta r y ex p ens e s scandal

O v e r a d e c a d e ago, Lord Alli loaned Uddin £62,000 to assist her in repaying the money after she was ordered by Lords authorities to return the funds to taxpayers In 2012, Sir Keir Starmer, then head of the Crown Prosecution Ser vice (CPS), announced that no fraud charges would be pursued against her Uddin, a community campaigner made a peer by Tony Blair in 1998, had claimed that her primar y residence was in Maidstone, while she actually lived in Tower Hamlets This led to her suspension from the House of Lords for around 18 months until the full repayment was made

The stor y has resurfaced 12 years later due to Alli’s increased public attention, particularly for gifts he has given to the prime minister and his wife In 2010, Alli raised concerns in the Lords that the three peers referred for investigation, including Uddin, were all Asian, questioning whether racial bias played a role Uddin now ser ves as a crossbench peer, focusing on social policy and human rights issues

n t a r

u n d t h e Labour peer, Lord Alli is under investigation by the House of Lords' standards watchdog for allegedly failing to register his interests The complaint, lodged last week, follows controversy surrounding his donations of clothing to senior politicians, including Sir Keir Starmer

In response, the prime minister stated that he has always adhered to the rules and that Labour politicians will no longer accept such donations As a member of the House of Lords, Lord Alli is obligated to declare his interests in accordance with the parliamentar y code of conduct



Kemi Badenoch has made headlines with a condescending remark about migrant care workers during her latest party conference appearance After suggesting that tens of thousands of civil servants should be in prison and describing maternity pay as excessive, she shifted her focus to essential care workers in a bid to bolster her leadership prospects At the Conservative conference in Birmingham, the North West Essex MP stated “ We need to make sure we are thinking about the next generation, not just who’s going to wipe bottoms for us today ” This comment comes as the UK faces a shortage of 130,000 care sector workers Badenoch's comments follow her controversial remarks regarding maternity pay, which she claimed had “gone too far ”


The BBC cancelled a prime -time interview with Boris Johnson after presenter Laura Kuenssberg accidentally sent him her briefing notes, which she admitted was an "embarrassing" mistake Kuenssberg said the error made it inappropriate to proceed with the interview Several broadcasters and podcasters including Adam Boulton Alastair Campbell Cathy Newman and Krishnan Guru-Murthy have offered to replace Laura Kuenssberg for Boris Johnson’s cancelled BBC interview Sunder Katwala also urged the BBC to find another interviewer Johnson s memoir Unleashed is set to be published next week Laura Kuenssberg previously investigated Boris Johnson s government in the Panorama episode "Partygate: Inside the Storm" and explored recent Conservative years in her BBC Two series ‘State of Chaos


The King and Queen will honour the people of the Commonwealth in anticipation of a significant gathering of leaders from the "family of nations " Charles and Camilla are set to host a reception at St James’s Palace for invited guests from various Commonwealth member states The gathering will honour the contributions of attendees to UK life and beyond The King and Queen will be joined by other royals high commissioners and representatives from Commonwealth-related organisations

Supporters of the King s Trust International and the British Asian Trust both founded by Charles will also be present, along with representatives from Camilla s initiatives, including The Wow (Women of the World) Foundation and the Queen s Reading Room


Under a new law, workers in England Scotland, and Wales will receive all tips from customers, whether paid in cash or by card, as firms are banned from withholding these payments This legislation, which benefits over three million service workers empowers employees to file claims with an employment tribunal if companies violate the law by retaining tips The law applies across various industries particularly benefiting workers in restaurants cafes bars pubs hair salons and taxi services Under this legislation all tips must be distributed to employees by the end of the month following their receipt While workers are still required to pay tax on their tips, as before, many are optimistic about the change Tom William, who previously worked for a chain restaurant that deducted 3% from serving staff's earnings said, "There s a high turnover in these professions In my experience, they would say If you don’t hand over your 3%, we won’t employ you anymore '"

Lord Waheed Alli

Challenges vs Opportunities

The Conservative Party is at a pivotal juncture as it navigates a turbulent leadership contest following Rishi Sunak’s departure His tenure, marked by internal divisions and a disastrous election result, has left the party grappling with its identity and future As Conservative MPs rallied at the Birmingham conference, a surprising sense of optimism permeated the atmosphere, despite the party facing one of

appeared in denial about the scale of the loss and harboured unrealistic expectations for a quick return to power

The conference underscored a troubling reality: the Conservative Party is fractured, with clear ideological divisions among the three candidates James Cleverly, Robert Jenrick, and Kemi Badenoch Tom Tugendhat was knocked out of the race on Tuesday Cleverly emerged as a promi-

Conservative stance while dismissing fringe elements like Nigel Farage’s Reform UK His platform, built on experience, called for increased defence spending and scrapping stamp duty, yet he faces the challenge of convincing party members that pragmatism is the way forward

In the backdrop of this internal strife lies the diaspora, which stood by the Conservative Party for 14 years, hoping for meaningful representation and progress The recent upheavals have left many within these communities grappling for visibility and influence amid controversies that threaten to sideline their interests With the party’s leadership now uncertain, the diaspora's hopes for representation

may be jeopardised as the candidates focus on appealing to more extreme factions within the party

Robert Jenrick has positioned himself as the champion of Middle England, with a tough stance on immigration and a call to exit the European Convention on Human Rights While this appeals to the right-leaning base, it risks alienating moderates and those who prioritise environmental considerations Kemi Badenoch, on the other hand, has proposed a radical overhaul of the British state, denounced

aggressive approach could resonate with traditional conservatives but may alienate professionals who value protections like minimum wage and maternity leave

As the leadership race unfolds, the Conservative Party is not only fighting for its future but also striving to address the concerns of its diverse membership, including the diaspora, which feels increasingly side-lined in this tumultuous environment

Ultimately, this leadership contest reflects the broader troubles facing the Conservative Party With an electorate that has rejected them and no consensus on a unified vision, the candidates face the daunting task of reuniting a fractured party while appealing to a public that may be sceptical of their relevance The road ahead is fraught with challenges, but it also presents an opportunity for the party to redefine its identity and reconnect with those it has long relied upon, including the diaspora seeking representation and a voice in the future of the Conservative Party

Co-existence is the best option for the Mid-East

Since Hamas launched its unprecedented attack on Israel, the conflict has intensified into a broader Middle East crisis with no resolution in sight Meanwhile, the UkraineRussia war has raged on for two years, adding to global instability Despite the United Nations' creation after World War II to maintain peace, its influence seems to be waning in the face of these ongoing crises

Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar compared the United Nations to an outdated company unable to keep pace with global challenges Amid growing conflicts, serious doubts are being raised about the UN's role and influence The international body has failed to stop the Russia-Ukraine war or address the escalating violence between Hamas and Israel, including Israel's invasion of Lebanon Its inability to enforce resolutions and prevent conflicts has led to widespread criticism, with many questioning its relevance and effectiveness today

The UN Security Council is dominated by its five permanent members: the US, China, France, Russia, and the UK, forming a "nuclear club" with veto power to protect their own global interests This has led to a lack of true international representation India, the world’s largest democracy, has long sought permanent membership of UNSC supported by all other members except China where no real progress has been made, raising doubts about the intentions and the commitment of the current members

The United Nations emerged from the shortcomings of the League of Nations, which was established after World War I to create a framework for preventing both natural and man-made disasters While the UN has made signifi-

cant strides in addressing the first aspect, it has largely failed to mitigate or significantly reduce the tensions and conflicts between nations The current bipolar world has intensified these dangers, creating an unacceptable and untenable situation To foster meaningful change, we must adopt imaginative, realistic, and practical approaches India and several other countries have proposed a creative solution: the UNSC should include representative nations from South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe Furthermore, the budgeting and distribution of resources and services must be approached with innovation and creativity

Since its establishment, Israel has faced numerous attacks from its neighbours, enduring significant challenges to its security and sovereignty Over time, various agreements were reached that recognised the possibility of coexistence between Israel and a separate Palestinian state, acknowledging the right of both peoples to exist peacefully within defined borders However, returning to this framework is essential for lasting peace in the region A renewed commitment to dialogue and cooperation is necessary to address historical grievances, foster mutual understanding, and create a stable environment where both Israelis and Palestinians can thrive in peace and stability

The cycle of retaliation, a ‘tit for tat” or ‘ an eye for an eye ’ , must come to an end Now is the time for both the protagonists and their backers to step back from the brink and make more sensible choices for the present and future A full-scale or limited world war is no longer feasible in the age of nuclear proliferation

Will the NC and Congress alliance stand the test?

It has been a surprising day After falling behind early in the voting in Haryana, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) made a strong comeback, winning big in the key state, securing a historic third consecutive term, a feat no party has accomplished In Jammu and Kashmir, the alliance of the National Conference (NC) and Congress has won a clear majority in the first election since 2014

This victory shows a major change in the political scene after ten years However, there are questions about how history and the changing political environment will impact the future of this coalition The NC’s election promises focus on restoring Articles 370 and 35A, and Farooq Abdullah is hopeful that partners in the INDIA a l l i a n c e w i l l h e l p b r i n g b a c k s t a t e h o o d H o w e v e r , Congress has been cautious about this topic, showing differences in views within the alliance These differences may affect how Jammu and Kashmir will be governed in the future, especially considering the history of the alliance

The long-standing relationship between Congress and NC has often been seen as more about convenience than a true partnership While they both value secularism and local autonomy, they have disagreements about Articles 370 and 35A and how to handle terrorism Their coalition has typically been based on practical needs, coming together to counter BJP influence while facing internal conflicts

Since the removal of Article 370 in 2019, the situation in Jammu and Kashmir has undergone significant trans-

formation, leading to increased stability The change has sparked socio-economic development in both Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh Notably, for the first time, Hindu refugees from Pakistan, including West Pakistan Refugees (WPR), Valmikis, and Gorkhas, were able to cast their votes

One of the most positive outcomes in Kashmir has been the restoration of administrative control With a safer environment in J&K, investment projects worth nearly ₹25,000 crore are currently underway, and proposals totalling over ₹80,000 crore are in the pipeline The region, once viewed with trepidation by tourists due to political instability and safety concerns, has begun to regain its former charm The establishment of elections for Panchayati Raj Institutions, such as Panches and Sarpanches, Block Development Councils, and District Development Councils, has created a three-tier system of grassroots democracy in Jammu and Kashmir

returning to power in a transformed Jammu and Kashmir, and they must now navigate a new political landscape where the rules have changed While previously the region grappled with extremist attacks on towns and villages, school closures, and frequent curfews, the current challenges, such as unemployment, seem more mundane and manageable in comparison It remains to be seen whether their joint governance will tackle these problems or continue to be an uneasy partnership shaped by past issues and practical choices

“Don’t let yesterday take up too much of today ” Will Rogers

The World Needs More Navratris

Navratri as a vehicle for intergenerational connection The older generation, who may have experienced the festival in India, get to pass on their traditions and values, while younger generations born in the UK can experience their cultural heritage in a celebratory and engaging way Through this, Navratri becomes a living tradition, ensuring that the stories, rituals, and cultural practices continue to evolve, but never disappear T he Rol e of Fe sti vals i n Multi cu ltural Brita in I

Navratri is a shining example of how multiculturalism thrives The festival is a celebration of community and has been embraced in parts of the UK, becoming part of

Christmas, Eid, and Diwali are recognised and celebrated, Navratri offers another opportunity for cultural e

widespread celebration of Navratri underscores the importance of recognising the contribution of British Indians to the fabric of the nation

The festival also presents an opportunity for British Indians to showcase their culture in the public eye, a subtle yet powerful assertion of their identity in a country that is still grappling with the challenges and opportunities of multiculturalism As debates on immigration, integration, and national identity continue to unfold, festivals like Navratri act as a reminder of the positive impact of diversity on British society They highlight the richness that multiple cultures bring, and how these celebrations can foster greater understanding and cohesion among different communities

A Fe st iva l of Empowerme nt

Another dimension of Navratri that resonates with British Indians is its focus on the empowerment of women The festival celebrates the feminine divine, with goddess Durga being the central figure This focus on female power and strength is particularly poignant in the context of modern Britain, where issues around gender equality and women's empowerment remain at the forefront of public discourse Navratri, with its message of overcoming evil and triumphing against adversity, offers a universal lesson in resilience, empowerment, and justice values that transcend religious boundaries

Nothing says I am Hindu than empowering women When your faith is inclusive this is what happens The world needs more Navratris

Asian Voice is published by

Asian Business Publications Ltd

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Mayor Sadiq Khan under fire for lavish freebies

L ond on Mayor Sad iq Khan

h as accepted over £10 0,0 00 in g ifts and hospitality since taking office, including conc er t ti ck et s fo r B

c e S p r i ng s

S wift

Serving as mayor since 2016, Khan is among several

cians, including the Prime

perks Reports indicate that Khan has attended events such as Madonna concerts, the Abba tour, the Vogue W

travel and accommodation

H i s t e a m


n g deputies and commissioners, has reportedly received an additional £250,000 in gifts

Recent enviable excursions for Mr Khan include six £194 tickets to see Taylor Swift at Wembley in August, courtesy of the FA, and a free ticket, worth £1,000, to see the Champions League final in June from Uefa The latter is listed as part of his o f f i c i a l e n g a g e m e n t s w i t h London being the host city M r K h a n , a L

tickets valued at £800 to

Carabao Cup Final against


February It is reported that h

Madonna ($800) and Bruce Springsteen (£239 90) performances Additionally, he

Wimbledon finals, totaling over £13,000

A spokesperson for the M a y o

d that, "As Mayor, Sadiq tirelessly promotes London and champions the capital's creative and sporting sectors


y t h e Mayor are declared transparently and adhere to strict regulations "

Office accused of fostering 'culture of misogyny'

T he P ost Office's chief execu tive, Nick Read , has been

a cc u s ed o f p r ef err in g to w or k w

th " d ef ere nt

m ale " co l le ag u e s

r w omen, accord ing to testim ony giv en to the Horizon inquiry

A l i s d a i r C a m e r o n , t h e company ’ s former finance

d i r e c t o r , s t a t e d t h a t f e w “independent-minded” men had succeeded under Read’s

l e a d e r s h i p D e s p i t e b e i n g cleared in April by an exter-

n a l b a r r i s t e r s ' r e v i e w o f multiple allegations of bull y i n g a n d s e x i s m , R e a d ’ s management style continues to face scrutiny In written evidence submitted to the inquiry, Cameron was asked if Read had fostered a “ c u l t u r e o f m i s o g y n y , ” a s r e p o r t e d i n a n e w s p a p e r article

Badenoch “jokes” about jailing 10% of civil servants

Kem i Badeno ch stated that as m any as 50, 000 civil servants “should be in prison” for leaking official secrets and und ermining ministers

The Tory leadership candidate estimated that around 10% of officials were “ very bad” and asserted that m i n i s t e r s s h o u l d n

t e t o remove underperforming staff A source close to Badenoch later clarified that her comments were meant as a joke, but they have sparked considerable controversy

During a fringe event, Badenoch emphasised that her concerns did not extend to all civil servants “Civil servants are like everyone else; they come in to do a job,” she said “I’d estimate that about 10% of them are exceptional, and the key to being a good minister is to quickly identify the good ones and bring them close while working to eliminate the poor performers ”

She elaborated, “However, there

is a small percentage around 5 to 10% who engage in very problematic behaviour, such as leaking official secrets and undermining their ministers I encountered this in my department, often led by unions ” With approximately 510,000 peo-

Badenoch remarked, “The good ones are frustrated by the bad ones ”

Staff to gain rights from day one

More than seven million w orkers will

y, maternity pay, and p rotection against unfair d ismissal from their first day on the job und er pro posed legislation

what it calls a “once-in-a-generation”

security Following discussions with

made concessions, including dropping a statutory “right to switch off ” The Employment Rights Bill, set to be published soon, will outline the first phase of Labour's reforms, igniting debate on the specifics A key component is universal sick pay enti-

tlement from the first day of illness, benefiting 7 4 million workers and an additional million earning below the threshold However, due to business lobbying against a “ perverse incentive” for employees to take sick leave, ministers plan to implement a lower sick pay rate for those under the earning limit, a concession likely to frustrate unions Women will be eligible for maternity pay from day one of employment, with improved prot e c t i o n s a g a i n s t d i s m i s s a l u p o n return More fathers will also gain access to paternity pay

Probation periods will be reduced from two years to six months, with staff protected from unfair dismissal from their first day

Hate crimes in Scotland rise after new law

Scotland h as experienced a no table ri s e i n h a te cr i me s , wi th a 6 3% increase since the Hate Crime and Public Order Act too k effect in Ap ril

Over 5,400 hate crimes have been reported in the past six months, prim a r i l y r e l a t e d t o


ened awareness of hate crime protections, leading to more reports I n t h

f i r s t w e e k a

o n e , o v e r 7,000 online hate crime reports were submitted, although only 240 were c



A new analysis reveals that 10 000 children have fallen into poverty due to the two-child limit since Sir Keir Starmer's government took office This translates to 109 children each day since Labour assumed power on July 5 with 1 6 million children in the UK impacted by the policy Labour estimates that abolishing the limit would cost £3 5 billion annually and Starmer has stated he will not eliminate it without a clear funding plan for the additional benefit payments The government is focusing on welfare reforms aimed at encouraging parents to return to work as part of its child poverty strategy A new task force will consider ending the twochild limit and has pledged to hold regular meetings with child poverty experts With four million children living in poverty, Starmer s refusal to abolish the two-child limit has drawn criticism from campaigners and MPs In July, the Prime Minister suspended seven left-wing Labour MPs who voted against the government in support of ending the policy


Unions and equality advocates are demanding an end to what they describe as a “witch-hunt” against flexible working Organisations such as the TUC, Age UK, the Fawcett Society, and Pregnant Then Screwed have noted a rise in attacks on employees' rights to work flexibly They released a joint statement as the government prepares to unveil its Employment Rights Bill, addressing issues like zero-hours contracts, hire and rehire practices, and flexible working rights The statement read: It s time to stop the witchhunt against flexible working Recently, we have witnessed relentless scaremongering about how new flexible working legislation could harm UK businesses and productivity Flexible working can help reintegrate more people into the labour market ”


d thrived under Read’s leadership at Post Office Ltd

Cameron also revealed that he had filed a formal grievance in 2021 after Read attempted to remove him

been signed off sick, and received a £490,000 settlement

C a m e r o n r e s p o n d e d , saying, “It has seemed to me that he is instinctively more comfortable with a team of y o u n g e r , d e f e r e n t i a l m a l e colleagues ” He added that very few senior or independ e n t - m i n d e d i

according to the BBC The new legislation introduced an offense aimed at addressing threatening or abusive behaviour intended to incite hatred against protected groups, including those based on race, disability, religion, sexual orientation, and transgender identity

Police Scotland suggests that the rise in reported hate crimes reflects not only an increase in incidents but also a greater public confidence in reporting them The law has height-

w Since the law's implementation, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) has prosecuted 468 charges from April to September, resulting in 42 convictions, while more than 80% of cases remain in the court system

A COPFS spokesman emphasised the thorough attention given to each case, cautioning against premature judgments regarding the law’s effectiveness With many cases still pending, it is too early to fully assess the legislation's long-term impact

Royal Navy chief admits 'intolerable' misogyny

Th e h ead o f th e Ro ya l Na v y h a s issu ed a h eartfelt ap olo g y for th e “intolerable” misog yny present in the Submarine Service, following multiple inv estigations that rev ealed incidents of sexual h arassment, bullying, and assault ag ainst wom en w ith in the ranks

First Sea Lord Adm Sir Ben Key expressed his sincere remorse to the women who have endured “misogyny, bullying, and other unacceptable behaviours” while serving their country “We must be better than this and do better than we have,” he stated The long-anticipated results of an

investigation into sexual harassment and abuse aboard the UK’s nucleara r m e d s u b m a r i n e s w e r e r e l e a s e d nearly two years after a whistleblower detailed a “constant campaign of sexual bullying” during her time in the elite Submarine Service

As a result of the investigation sparked by complaints from Sophie Brook who became one of the first w o m e n a l l o w e d t o s e r v e i n t h e Submarine Service in 2014 and made history as its first female warfare officer three navy personnel have been dismissed, and a fourth has faced disciplinary action

The chairman of the Metropolitan Police s Black Police Association (MetBPA) Inspector Charles Ehikioya 58 faces allegations of exchanging WhatsApp messages with an officer that contained misogynistic racist and violent content He is scheduled to appear before a gross misconduct panel on January 5, where he could face dismissal if the claims, related to inappropriate messages sent or received between 2017 and 2020, are substantiated Inspector Ehikioya has denied the allegations The emergence of these allegations in February sparked immediate backlash from the national association and calls for ethnic minorities to reconsider joining the Met until they feel “adequately protected ” Supporters of Ehikioya argue that he became the target of scrutiny after two officers were dismissed for sharing discriminatory messages about the disabled son of glamour model Katie Price They claim the officers used the phrase cotton picking as a racial slur against him


Emad Kaky a 47-year-old former doctoral student from Swansea has been sentenced to four and a half years in prison by Nottingham Crown Court becoming the first person in the UK to be convicted of conspiring to commit female genital mutilation (FGM) Kaky had denied organising for a child to be taken from Britain to Iraq for the procedure a plan that ultimately failed

Sadiq Khan
Kemi Badenoch

UK parliament to discuss assisted dying law

T he UK Parli ament is set to reconsider a propo sal to legalise assisted dying, nearly a decade after a similar p ro posal was rejected

Kim Leadbeater, a member of the ruling Labour Party, plans to introduce a bill on October 16 aimed at providing terminally ill individuals with a "choice" regarding end-of-life care while offering enhanced protections for them and their families Leadbeater emphasised that British law on this matter has remained unchanged for 60 years

In an opinion piece for The Guardian, she stated, “Someone with a terminal condition and very little time left has only limited options Parliament should now consider a change in the law that would offer reassurance and relief – and most importantly, dignity and choice – to people in the last months of their lives

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has previously indicated support for a free vote on the bill, meaning ministers can vote according to their personal beliefs Cabinet Secretary Simon Case confirmed,

“The Government will remain neutral on the passage of the Bill and on the matter of assisted dying ” Currently, assisted dying is illegal in Britain, and if the legislation passes, it would apply to England and Wales

Speaking on the subject, Anil Bhanot, the Managing Trustee of Hindu Council UK shared, “The recent Canada experience has shown that their Assisted Dying legislation has become so loose – the so called slippery slope – that one only needs one independent witness, which may be even the clinic’s receptionist, and it is so easy to just walk into a clinic and end one ’ s life –an unimaginably horrible prospect The assisted dying because of an unbearable pain from a terminal illness it would seem has become almost a right for ‘Euthanasia’, in other words ‘suicide’, a cowardly an sinful act in Hinduism

“The right to life always supersedes the right to die even in a painful existence, as it is all a part of one ’ s karma which one has to struggle through for a more hopeful outcome It could

be argued that if one is terminal ill and suffering extreme pain but only kept alive by artificial means, prolonging life through medicine but is diagnosed as terminally ill then it may well be that one ’ s Karma is already exhausted and the Soul should be released to leave the dying body so as to be free itself of an unbearable pain Even that, only after the palliative care has been exhausted too

“The Assisted Dying Bill does provide safeguards to have two independent assessments from medical professionals and finally an approval by the Court but surely an additional assessment should be sought from the palliative care team also

“However, this bill is about the Terminal ill, so why dilute it to ‘Assisted Dying Legislation’ which gives people the choice to take their own life Why not call it the ‘Terminally Ill Legislation’ or words to that effect?”

A separate bill on the topic was introduced in Scotland earlier this year According to Humanists UK, 31 countries and territories currently permit some form of assisted dying


VAT tax plan to proceed, says Bridget Phillipson

The Trea sury has an noun ced its i nten tion to implemen t a con troversial VAT tax on priva te schools, sig nalli ng a w in for Educa tion Secretary Bridge t Phi llipson

This decision follows the Treasury's earlier reluctance to endorse the Labour manifesto pledge during Rachel Reeves' budget presentation on October 30

It is reported government plans to impose VAT on private schools from 1 January next year may have to be delayed, following warnings that meeting the deadline could cause administrative chaos and job losses, as well as putting pressure on the state sector

Initially, the Treasury did not confirm the implementation of the VAT on private schools for January 1, 2025, stating it would be introduced "as soon as possible " However, later that day, it affirmed the January deadline, signalling a win for the Department for Education

Ms Phillipson took to social media to highlight the impact of the VAT policy, sharing a story that

indicated schools are forgoing essentials like embossed stationery and new swimming pools to manage the tax increase

She emphasised that state schools need teachers and mental health support more than private schools need amenities like embossed stationery, new pools, or AstroTurf pitches

According to a report, Labour's private school VAT policy is supported by a report from Luke Sibieta, a close friend of minister Matthew Pennycook, who was Sibieta's best man in his wedding The Institute for Fiscal Studies report suggests the VAT policy will have little effect on state schools and could generate up to £1 5 billion for the Treasury

Sir Keir Starmer has referenced a report by Luke Sibieta in support of his plan to impose VAT on private school fees A Treasury document released in July indicated that Pennycook's department would oversee the implementation of this tax Other ministers, including Baroness Smith, the skills minister, have also cited the report in discussions about the government's VAT plans Julie Robinson, chief executive of the ISC, warned that Labour's predictions might be flawed, citing data showing parents withdrawing children from independent schools due to the VAT She noted this trend could significantly impact small schools, putting many at risk of closure Education Not Taxation, a non-political group of concerned parents, has requested the National Audit Office to investigate the commissioning of Labour's planned school fee VAT using ESRC public funding, and to examine why meansures not implemented to ensure neutrality in the process

Bridget Phillipson

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shopkeeper penalised £16,000 for oversized vapes

A Bris tol s hopkeeper, A nwar Sdiq, 44, has been f ined over £16,000 for s elling illegal oversi zed vapes

He pleaded guilty at Bristol Magistrates’ Court to selling disposable ecigarettes that exceeded the legal limit of 2ml for nicotine e-liquid at his Yate Shopping Centre store


Drug dealer likened to Pablo Escobar sentenced


to no

s Colombian drug lo rd Pablo Esco bar, h as been sentenced to nine-and -a-half years in prison Shahen Ahmed, 34, from Tower Hamlets, was con-

Crown Court for supplying Class A drugs after a targete

arrest was part of Operation Yamata, aimed at dismantling drug networks across London Between December

2021 and June 2022, he ran three drug lines under the

crack cocaine and heroin in Tower Hamlets

home, discovering a large quantity of Class A drugs and over £60,000 in cash


charged Further investigation revealed he concealed over £600,000 in illicit cash

accounts, which the Met’s E

now working to seize under the Proceeds of Crime Act

During court proceedings, A h m e d b

influence over East London, and a video found on his devices showed him comparing himself to Escobar, claiming he "ran the streets " Detective Inspector Sam Bennett, who led the operation, expressed concern over


video of him

calling himself ‘Pablo’ and claiming to run the streets,” he said

Starmer reshuffles No 10 team amid turmoil

Prime Minister K ei r

Starmer app ointed five new members to h is Downing Street team as h e s eeks to mo ve p ast a challenging fi rst three months i n o ffice

He implemented a major overhaul of his No10 operation to strengthen his senior staff and 'reset' his premiership following the 'freebies' controversy

The most notable change was the replacement of the embattled Sue Gray as chief of staff with his top adviser, Morgan McSweeney

Ms Gray, who has stepped down as chief aide amid reports of a power struggle within No10, will now serve as the PM's envoy for regions and nations

This shake-up reportedly follows clashes

between Ms Gray and allies of Mr McSweeney, along with tensions involving Cabinet Secretary Simon Case

As Sir Keir approaches 100 days in office, he has faced significant criticism over accepting lavish gifts and hospitality, including from millionaire peer Lord Alli

An ally of Gray alleged

that she was the target of a "coup" by supporters of McSweeney However, critics contended that the prime minister held her accountable for much of the dysfunction in his new government and for not adequately addressing the donations scandal

One critic stated, "There was a complete lack of foresight regarding the

backlash over crony appointments, wealthy donors, and freebies issues she assumed would be acceptable because the Tories had engaged in similar practices

" Starmer has appointed two new deputy chiefs of staff alongside McSweeney: Vidhya Alakeson, the current political director at No 10, and Jill Cuthbertson, the director of government relations James Lyons, a former communications director for NHS England, will head a new strategic communications team at Downing Street Additionally, Nin Pandit, a former NHS executive who previously ran the Downing Street Policy Unit, will serve as Starmer's principal private secretary

Reeves drops pension tax, plans to protect teachers and nurses


Sdiq was fined £9,549, with additional costs of £3,632 33 and £3,180 in victim surcharges, bringing his total penalty to £16,361 33 He is the sole director of Worthy Market Bristol Limited, which operates as Yate Market Charges were brought against Sdiq and his company after South Gloucestershire Council’s Trading Standards received a complaint Officers conducted a test purchase of one device, and on November 30, 2023, with support from Avon and Somerset Police, they returned to the shop and seized an additional 73 disposable e-cigarettes Councillor Sean Rhodes, the cabinet member responsible for Trading Standards at South Gloucestershire Council, expressed satisfaction with the substantial fine and the removal of illegal vapes from circulation

Senior Treasury officials reportedly informed Rachel

He emphasised that the Trading Standards team actively responds to complaints and conducts routine checks to ensure only compliant vapes are sold Over the past three years, officers have confiscated over 9,500 illegal vapes valued at approximately £76,000 Rhodes noted, “While vaping is generally considered safer than smoking traditional tobacco products, inhaling nicotine through any device still carries risks ”

Experts from King’s College

compensation schemes fo r UK state scandals, arguing th at current systems are retraumatising victims o f

e Wi ndrush and Po st Office scandals instead of providing relief

Shaila Pal, director and

voices are not being adequately heard

“These individuals have been failed by the state, and it is unacceptable that com-

Additionally, concerns over the impact on junior doctors led Labour to abandon plans to cap the lifetime allowance on pension savings

Additionally, she is looking into closing inheritance tax loopholes, which could potentially generate £4

, according to the Institute for Fiscal Studies

pensation schemes are causing further harm,” Ms Pal stated “Their experiences are often marginalised, the

Many have found the entire process to be traumatising We need a fair, collaborative, and swift system that fully compensates individuals for the serious harms they have endured ” They are advocating for a new public body to ensure fair and independent outc

with mandatory guidance for establishing inquiries In April, Human Rights

claimants to prove they suffered life-altering losses due to misclassification as illegal immigrants The Home Secretary and other ministers have received the King’s

Shahen Ahmed
Keir Starmer
Rachel Reeves
Shaila Pal
Sue Gray

Celebrating Togetherness

Dear Readers,

Jains, Sikhs and Buddhists across the United

celebrations, culminating in the joyous festival of Diwali This festival marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after his victory over the demon Raavana

I am truly delighted by the overwhelming response from readers regarding our news coverage, community reporting, and, if I may say so, my column, “As I See It ” It is incredibly heartening to receive your feedback


people often reflect on how their parents and ancestors lived or migrated to new lands


reflection of select anecdotes from my long journey in the media and life in this country I am deeply grateful to all my supporters and w

suggestions, and while I cannot address every point in my column, I hope to explore these reflections in a future book

I must also acknowledge the success of our weekly Zoom program, Soneri Sangat I plan to publish a full list of every program, detailing the themes, interviews, and YouTube links in

S o n e

i Sangat has been overwhelming, with many viewers eager to learn not only about the past but also about the present and the future It is my responsibility, as your trusted source, to p r o v i d e y o u w i t h f a c t u a l n e w s , i n s i g h t f u l views, and other helpful reading materials Wherever I go, I often speak about my age and there is a reason for this As a Sanatani Hindu, I believe I am sent here with a purpose, and I aim to live as long as possible, doing as much good as I can A few years ago, I halfjokingly wrote in Gujarat Samachar that my

preferred departure date would be 9 April 2048 While that might seem unrealistic, this sentiment speaks of my commitment to living life with purpose, energy, and enthusiasm

At 88, I may experience a reduction in physical energy, but my mind remains sharp, and my dreams, aspirations, and commitments are as strong as ever I am immensely proud of t h e t e a m

Samachar, and our other publishing services

You will find the staff credits in this week's paper I respectfully ask that you offer them your full support and cooperation Over the past few years, we have learned some serious lessons We have lost money and, in some cases, good friends, but that is in the past I owe it to you my dear readers, subscribers, and my dedicated team to ensure that Asian

initiatives, including Soneri Sangat, continue to thrive We are blessed with the physical, mental and other qualities to keep moving forward H

papers as well It is your duty to read them, subscribe to them, and support them in any way you can If you feel we are not doing something right, please do not hesitate to speak up or write to us We welcome your feedback, and we will publish your input

As we look forward to Diwali, let us not forget the significance of Dusshera It is a

truth principles that continue to guide us through life I wish you all a very happy and blessed Dusshera as we continue our journey toward Diwali




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New e-visa rules raise fears of lockout for long-time UK residents

Long-te rm UK residents are c on c e r n e d a bo ut be i n g "loc ked out" of the country when e-vis as are introduce d at t he end of the year

replace physical immigrat i o

biometric residence permits (BRPs) and biometric resid e n c e c a r d s ( B R C s ) , w i t h online visas

Critics argue that the e-visas are flawed in design and implementation, raising concerns about potential issues Currently, the

proof of the right to reside, rent, work, and access benefits in the UK

Concerns are rising for the 200,000 individuals in the UK with legacy documents proving their right to remain, as they will need to first apply for a BRP and then a UK visas and immigration account Many of these older individuals may

vices, echoing issues seen in the Windrush scandal

repays over £6,000 in gifts after donation controversy PM Keir Starm er has reimbursed ov er £ 6,0

f r o m w e a l t h y d o n o r s , d e s p i t e t h e i r p l e d g e t o "clean up" British politics

In response to the backlash, the Prime Minister has committed to reformi n g h o s p i t a l i t y r u l e s f o r m i n i s t e r s t o e

n t i n c l u d e s c o s t s f o r s i x Taylor Swift concert tickets, four racing tickets, and a c l o t h i n g r e n t a l a g r e em e n t w i t h a d e s i g n e r favoured by his wife, Lady Victoria Starmer This foll o w s w e e k s o f c r i t i c i s m faced by Sir Keir and other C a b i n e t m e m b e r s f o r a c c e p t i n g t e n s o f t h o usands of pounds in freebies

transparency regarding the gifts received A D o w n

n g S t r e e t spokesperson stated, “The Prime Minister has comm i s s i o n e d a n e w s e t o f principles regarding gifts and hospitality, which will be included in the updated ministerial code Before the new code is published, t h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r h a s

covered the costs of several entries on his own register, which will be reflected in the next register of members' interests ” Sir Keir paid for four Taylor Swift tickets from U n i v e r s a l M u s i c G r o u p costing £2,800, two tickets f r o m t h e F o o t b a l l Association at £598, and four tickets to Doncaster Races for £1,939 He also covered an £839 clothing r e n t a l a g r e e m e n t w i t h Edeline Lee, the designer his wife wore to London Fashion Week, along with one hour of hair and makeup


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Lord Herman Ouseley, Founder of Kick It Out, Passes Away at 79

L ord Herm an Ouseley, the

e s tee m ed f o u nd e r o f th e a nt i- ra ci s m o

a ni s ati o n K ick It Out, has died at the age of 79 following a brief illness

H e e s t a b l i s h e d K i c k I t Out to combat racism and d i s c r i m i n a t i o n i n f o o t b a l l and served as its chairman for 25 years Kick It Out honoured Lord Ouseley today, calling him "a fearless advoc a t e f o r u n d e r r e p r e s e n t e d and disadvantaged communities," emphasising that he will be "sorely missed " The charity announced his passing on its official X (formerly Twitter) account, expressing deep sorrow over his death

In their statement, Kick

I t O u t r e m a r k e d , " L o r d Ouseley was a titan in tackling discrimination in football during his 25 years as chair He founded Let's Kick Racism Out of Football in 1993, and his vision represented the first true structural change in addressing a l o n g - s t a n d i n g p r o b l e m i n the sport "

T h e o r g a n i s a t i o n

a c k n o w l e d g e d t h a t L o r d

Ouseley's efforts have significantly raised awareness of discrimination within football, ensuring that the fight

a g a i n s t i t c o n t i n u e s f o r f u t u r e g e n e r a t i o n s T h e y extended condolences to his f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s d u r i n g this challenging time

Lord Ouseley served as a crossbench member of the House of Lords from 2001 until his retirement in 2019

P r i o r t o t h a t , h e w a s t h e chief executive of the Race

E q u a l i t y C o m m i s s i o n a n d had a distinguished career in local government

Tributes have flooded in from various figures, including Troy Townsend MBE, a former footballer and anti-

racism activist, who referred t o L o r d O u s e l

expressed gratitude for Lord

O u s e l e y ’ s c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o football and society, stating, "He stood up when others stayed silent and took on an industry that allowed racism to flourish "

Labour MP Diane Abbott also paid tribute, recognising him as "a pioneer at the top levels of local government "

Born in Guyana in 1946, L o r d O u s e l e y m o v e d

Primary School and Catford College He began his career in local politics and served as the chief executive of the L o n d o n B o r o u g h o f Lambeth He was also the first black head of the former I n n e r L o n d o n E d u c a t i o n A u t h o r i t y , w h i c h o v e r s a w over 1,000 schools and colleges

In addition to founding L e t ’ s K i c k R a c i s m O u t o f Football, which later became Kick It Out, he served as the head of the Commission for Racial Equality from 1993 to 2 0 0 0 L o r d O u s e l e y w a s made a Life Peer in 2001 and received 13 honorary degrees throughout his lifetime He i s s u r v i v e d b y h i s w i f e , Margaret, and their two children

Garba celebrations by Karamsad Samaj UK

Moor Park residents unite to clean up litter

The Moor Park Re si den ts As

pic k today, drawing inspiration from loc al heroes Don and J udy The event saw a str ong turnout f rom res idents and members of the MP58 board, who collectively ga th e re d

l amount of rubbis h from the roads and verges

afterwards to celebrate their

team from the Post Office and Supermarket for their assistance in ensuring the event ran smoothly

Among those participating was Subhash V Thakrar,

Shilpi Verma wins prestigious Great British Franchisee Award

The franchisee for Walfinch home care in Harrow and Brent, Shilpi Verma has been recognised as a winner at the es tee m ed G re at B ri ti s h Franch isee A ward s for 2024 Shilpi, who launched her h o m e c a r e b

Walfinch in 2021, has been honoured in these national awards for her dedication to

acumen has enabled her to build a team of 55 professionals who provide care for 28 clients S

Whichfranchise, the awards organiser, stated, "It's wonderful to see a young business in the care sector thriving Shilpi's passion for care


h e r entrepreneurial spirit, truly stands out She embodies the values that these awards celebrate, making it clear why the judges selected her as a winner "

Shilpi praised her team upon receiving the award, s t a t i n g , “ W i

British Franchisee Award

! I t reflects the passion and dedication of our entire team B e i n g r e c o g n i s

commitment to exceptional care means everything to us This award highlights not just my efforts as a franchisee, but also our amazing

What is Your Self-Worth?


m ay hav e encountered the question of an indiv idual's net worth, wh ich is typically measured by the monetary value of th eir assets Ho wev er, mo re important th an net w orth is a p erson's self-worth Wealth is not merely defined by m oney but by a list o f other elem ents that contribute to a p erson's sense of fulfilm ent, wh oleness, and completeness in life To liv e a fully enriched life, one do esn't need only financial success but also good h ealth, fam ily, friends, love, societal respect, a sense of purp ose, and various other qualities th at cannot be measured in purely financial terms

Have you ever considered that your ability to work diligently every day, or the relationships you nurture, could also be a measure of your worth? Having a loving family is priceless It's something that no amount of money can buy, yet it adds tremendous value to your existence Similarly, earning respect in society is not something that happens overnight It requires consistent effort, moral values, and ethical behaviour, all of which should also be considered forms of wealth So, how do we incorporate these intangible aspects into our understanding of self-worth?

Today, googling the net worth of celebrities or successful business figures has become a popular trend, but we rarely ask about a person s self-worth What is the point of having a high net worth if it comes at the expense of health, which could have been preserved with proper self-care and balance? What if the pursuit of success leads to strained or broken relationships? Consider the individual who has earned millions but loses family due to an inflated ego or lack of time spent with loved ones In contrast, someone with 20% less net worth but who enjoys a close-knit family and meaningful connections might have a higher sense of self-worth when viewed holistically

Additionally, consider the lives of working couples, both highly successful in their careers, yet unable to spend quality time together Their net worth may be rising, but their self-worth may be diminishing because they l a c k b a l a

Ambitious individuals who devote every hour to increasing income may be building financial worth, but often sacrificing their own mental health, family relationships, and overall well-being, which may lead to a reduction in self-worth

Similarly, individuals who resort to unethical practices to inflate their bank accounts may enjoy temporary financial success but lose respect in the eyes of their family, friends, and society This tarnishes their self-worth, regardless of how impressive their financial achievements may seem

The truth is, that net worth alone doesn't define success or happiness A person ’ s self-worth is a much deeper and more comprehensive measure, encompassing values like integrity, relationships, health, purpose, and peace of mind In a world that often glorifies financial success, it’s crucial to remember that a full and meaningful life is about much more than what can be counted in dollars

When assessing success, don't focus solely on net worth Look at the complete picture and ask yourself: How rich are you in terms of self-worth?

(Expressed opinions are personal)

Tribute paid to ‘aspiring writer’

T h e f am i ly of Shejuti Pasha, a 3 2 - y e a r - o l d A s ia n w o m a n w h o tra g i ca ll y lost her life in a ca r c ras h l as t m o nt h , h as paid tribute to her, describing her as a passionate writer pursu ing h er dreams Pasha was a passenger in a silver Toyota Icon when the vehicle crashed into raili n g s o n H i g h S t r e e t , K n u t t o n , i n N e w c a s t l eunder-Lyme at around 10:30 p m o n S e p t e m b e r 2 5 Despite being rushed

Shilpi Verma (Left) pictured with Walfinch Harrow and Brent Care Manager Freya Massingham
Herman Ouseley
Shejuti Pasha

Celebrating 155 years of Mahatma Gandhi's wisdom

T he 155th birth anniv ersary

o f M ah a tm a G and h i , t h e

F ather of the Indian Nation, also fondly known as Bapu

w as c o m m em o


Octo ber 2 with a heartfelt


d rawing a



Indian Law and Justice

Gandhi’s essential message of cleanliness, highlighting that this year also marks the 10th anniversary of Prime


( C l e

I n d i a M i s s i o n ) i n India

R e f e r e n c i n g M a h a t m a

Gandhi’s renowned prayer

‘ R a g h u p a t i R a g h a v R a j a

Ram’ to emphasise his message of unity, Meghwal stated, “The entire world recognises this remarkable man

It is fitting that the United Nations chose to commemorate the Mahatma by designating his birth anniversary as the International Day of Non-Violence ” C o u n c i l l o r E d d i e Hanson, Deputy Mayor of C a m d e n , r e m a r k e d , “Mahatma Gandhi remained

s t e a d f a s t i n h i s b e l i e f i n

n o n - v i o l e n c e , e v e n i n t h e

f a c e o f g r e a t a d v e r s i t y

Today, we honour his philosophy, which demonstrated that peaceful protest can achieve far more than military aggression ” I n d i a n H i g h

Commissioner to the UK, V i k r a m D o r a i s w a m i , emphasised, “Gandhi’s life serves as a lesson for everyone If we take the time to make an effort, to understand others, and to learn from our surroundings, we can all discover the inner Mahatma within ourselves ” F o r m e r L a b o u r M P

Virendra Sharma expressed h i s g r a t i t u d e , s a y i n g , “ N a m a s t e I t ’ s a t r e m e ndous honour and privilege to be here every year on O c t o b e r 2 n d f o r o v e r 2 5 years I owe this to Camden a n d e v e r y o n e i

especially CB Patel, Editor

Samachar, who initiated the statue many years ago I sincerely thank Camden and

great pride in being Indian and in embodying the valu e s o f M a

My father was a freedom fighter, a devoted follower of Bapu Gandhi, and played a key role in organising the Q u i t I n d i a M o v e m e n t i n Punjab from 1943 to 1945 It is truly a privilege to uphold those values ”

The event featured performances by students from B

Ram' and another favourite

hymns, ‘Vaishnava Jan’ The


Buddhist chant for peace and harmony at Tavistock Square

The Gandhi statue was u

Parliament Square, where many students and members of the Indian diaspora gathered for a floral tribute ceremony The event was led by Lord Meghnad Desai, a British Indian economist and peer, who played a pivotal role in the charity drive that established this memorial in the UK capital to honour the beloved apostle o

known as Bapu

Hudson Weir and The Accountants Club

celebrate charity success

Hudson Weir and The Accountants Club are celebrating the remarkable success of th eir recent charity event held o n Friday, S eptem ber 27, 2024, at The Bluero om in Harro w The evening raised an impressive £13,400 to support flood relief efforts and vital environmental restoration projects across Bangladesh and India The event, led by Hasib Howlader, president of The Accountants Club and codirector of Hudson Weir, brought together a diverse group of professionals and community members united by their commitment to this important cause As an active member of the Rotary Club of Great Britain, which will administer and distribute the funds raised, Hasib expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who attended and supported the event, ensuring the funds will be used directly to assist those in need

Attendees enjoyed a lavish three-course meal complemented by lively entertainment and an inspiring after-dinner talk that highlighted the

challenges faced by communities affected by the floods and the significance of ongoing environmental efforts

Guests participated in exciting raffles and auctions, with exclusive prizes that included luxury holidays and Tier 1 football tickets

Thanks to the generosity of the attendees, the funds raised will directly aid flood relief projects in Bangladesh and support environmental restoration initiatives in both Bangladesh and India

The Rotary Club and Global Relief Trust, which partnered in this endeavour, are committed to ensuring that the money goes where it is needed most, helping to rebuild homes, restore livelihoods, and protect the environment for future generations

(L to R) Former MP Virendra Sharma, Councillor Eddie Hanson, the Deputy Mayor of Camden, Indian Law and Justice Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal and Indian High Commissioner to the UK Vikram Doraiswami celebrate Gandhi Jayanti at Tavistock Square Gardens
Students of Bharti Vidya Bhawan UK sang Bapu s favourite hymns
Hasib Howlader

The decline of reading culture among students

I read an article which mentioned the declining reading habits of students It is shocking that students who once read three books a week now struggle to finish one in three weeks This trend reflects a broader societal shift away from deep engagement with literature, largely influenced by technology and changing educational priorities

Books have been a vital part of our culture, offering not just knowledge but also a means to develop concentration, critical thinking, and mental well-being The rise of smartphones and the instant pleasure of social media have undoubtedly contributed to shorter attention spans among today’s youth Many young people now prefer quick content, be it news or short videos, over the immersive experience of reading longer texts

While inclusivity is important, we must also ensure that students are exposed to a wide range of literary works, regardless of their background I have been a passionate reader since childhood and continue to cherish my extensive collection of books They have always been a source of comfort and companionship As we move forward, we must encourage our children to engage with books rather than get lost in the distractions of TV, video games, and social media

Let us not forget that books are our best friends in times of solitude We must support for a revival of reading culture, ensuring that future generations appreciate the profound impact literature can have on their lives

Smoke of Darkness

The proposed ban on vaping outside schools, hospitals, and playgrounds is a necessary and overdue step to address the growing concern over e-cigarette use among young people Vaping has become a serious problem, particularly among school students, many of whom are drawn to make then look cool or the influence of bad company

While there are laws in place prohibiting the sale of vapes to children, some unscrupulous individuals continue to exploit these vulnerable groups, luring them into addiction for profit The areas around schools, in particular, have become hotspots for such predatory behaviour, with vape sellers often targeting students This is not just about vaping, it can serve as a gateway to more harmful habits, including drug use and other illegal activities

Parents play a critical role in educating their children about the dangers of vaping, but this must be supported by stricter laws and more importantly, their proper enforcement We need tougher regulations on marketing, sales and access to vapes, especially around areas frequented by young people

Protecting our youth from the harmful effects of vaping should be a priority for everyone, parents, schools and the government

Soneri Sangat

Last week, we had an engaging session of the Soneri Sangat Zoom programme and explored the rich histor y a n d v i b r a n t a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e N a v n a t V a n i k

Association UK (NVA) Founded in 1970, the NVA unites the Navnat community, which includes nine different vanik sub-castes from Gujarat Through a variety of social, cultural, and spiritual events, the NVA creates opportunities for members to connect, celebrate, and support one another In this session, we a r e h o n o u r e d t o f e a t u r e d i s t i n g u i s h e d s p e a k e r s , Jashwantbhai Doshi- President NVA, Nalinbhai Udani - V i s i o n a r y m e m b e r o f N V M & P a s t P r e s i d e n t , Natubhai Mehta - President NVM Sarojben VariaPresident of Navnat Bhagini, Hasmitaben Doshi - Hall

Secretary and Shakuben Sheth - Head of Kitchen Committee They shared valuable insights into the NVA's significant activities, noteworthy achievements and also the impactful and inspiring history that has shaped the association

For tho se wh o miss ed i t, ca tch up on th is ev ent and prev ious epis odes by v isiting ou r You Tu be ch annel

@a bp lg roup 8772

S tay tune d for more e xciting conte nt coming y our wa y!

Dhruv Chhatralia BEM's 40th birthday celebrated

On 1 October 2024 celeb rities, pol it icians, and prominent l eader s att ended D hr uv Chhat ral ia BEM's gr and 40t h birthday cele brat ions at an exclusive star-studded reception at the prestigious Mint Le af Lounge and r est aurant in London The eve nt was atten ded by over 15 0 special gu e st s i n cl u d in g s pi r it u a l l e a d e r s, UK G o v e r n

Pa rliament , Member s of the H ou se o f Lo

s, Judges, CEOs of major corpora tes, partne rs a

private eq

funds, a ctr esses and act or

singer s, media personal


tributes and wishes to the

BEM upon completing this

guests, and servings of delicious Indian vegetarian food Guests were treated to a special cake designed by the gifted Anirudh Sawney Several photos from the celebrations


Dhruv Chhatralia is an

acquisitions lawyer, partner, head of venture capital and head of India group at a glob-

al law firm based in the City o f L o n d o n , a u t h o r o f 2 1 books on Hinduism and he h a s g i v e n o v

4 2 5 p u b l i c t a l k s o f o v e r 5 0 0 h o u r s between them on spirituality including on the Bhagavad

G i t a , H a n u m a n C h a l i s a ,

R a m a y a n , S h r i m a d

B h a g a v a d , S h r e e S u k t a m ,

D e v i M a h a t m a y a , t h e Upanishads, the Vedas, Yoga

a n d M e d i t a t i o n t h a t a r e watched in over 161 countries around the world, with o v e r 4 0 0 , 0 0 0 v i e w s o n YouTube and over 320,000 fans on facebook Dhruv was included in H e r M a j e s t y T h e Q u e e n ’ s

2020 New Year Honours List for the award of a BEM for

v o l u n t a r y s e r v i c e t o

H i n d u i s m a n d d e v e l o p i n g young people He has spoken on Hinduism at the British Army, House of Commons, H o u s e o f L o r d s , H o m e

O f f i c e , t h e M i n i s t r y o f

D e f e n c e , t h e M e t r o p o l i t a n

P o l i c e , B T ,

P r i c e w a t e r h o u s e C o o p e r s ,

E Y , N o m u r a I n t e r n a t i o n a l

B a n k , B a r c l a y s B a n

, Macquarie Bank Group, EDF Energy, State Bank of India, C M S C a m e r o n M c K e n n a , M a y e r B r o w n , I n t e r c o n t i n e n t a l H o t e l , AasthaTV channel, Zee TV, BBC nationwide television, B B C r a d i o , t h e Commonwealth Journalists Association, Nusoundradio, T e l u g u V a n i r a d i o , K i n g s College London, and at comm u n i t y h a l l s i n C e n t r a l

L o n d o n , N o r t h L o n d o n , Croydon, Leyton, Kingston, L u t o

d Ipswich A live Yoga session by Dhruv Chhatralia in the City was televised nationally on BBC national television Dhruv wrote the longest ever English commentaries on the great Indian works t h e B h a g a

Hanuman Chalisa and the S

million characters between

them All the proceeds from these books went to charity

Chalisa and Shree Suktam classes in English to educate youngsters about the Eastern scriptures

Practising as an international mergers and acquisitions lawyer in the City of London for the past 12 years, Dhruv has worked on major

acquisitions, private equity and venture capital transactions He has won multiple awards for Client Feedback of the Year (10 out of 10), was named Rising Star in mergers and acquisitions, corpo-

affairs by the Super Lawyers publication, and was named as a Key Lawyer in Venture

directory in three consecutive years Dhruv was named to the India Business Law

world’s top-tier internation-

based on recommendations

lawyers at Indian law firms, for his work on cross-border aspects of India-related matters DWF was shortlisted f

Practice of the Year” at the 6th Annual UK-India Awards in 2024 based on the achieve-

Group headed by Dhruv

Flu deaths reach 18,000 over two winters, raising alarm over vaccine uptake


high-risk groups

Concerns are rising over declining flu vaccine uptake

England While older adults maintained high vaccination rates, only 41% of individuals with long-term health conditions, 44% of 2- and 3-yearolds, and 33% of pregnant women received the flu vaccine Last year's vaccination resulted in a 30% reduction in hospitalizations for those

aged 65 and over and a 74% reduction for children aged 2 to 17

L a s t w i n t e r , C o v i d - 1 9 w a s l i n k e d t o o v e r 1 9 , 5 0 0

d e a t h s T o m i t i g a t e t h e impact of winter viruses and relieve NHS pressures, the U K H S A i s l a u n c h i n g a scaled-up Get Winter Strong campaign on October 7 The initiative will encourage eligible individuals to get their

f l u a n d C o v i d - 1 9 vaccinations, with a f o c u s o n h i g h - r i s k groups For the first time, it will also prom o t e R S V a

h o s e aged 75-79 This aims to provide essential protection for n e w b o r n s i n t h e i r e a r l y months, following a surge in f l u - r e l a t e d h o s p i t a l i s a t i o n s last year

Dr Shona Arora, Director at UKHSA, emphasised that individuals from Pakistani, B a n g

k African, Caribbean, or Black British communities face a higher risk of hospitalisation

due to flu She urged those eligible to receive their annual flu vaccine, which remains vital in preventing thousands of deaths each year "Pleasae book your flu jab through the NHS website, the NHS App, or call 119 for assistance if you can’t a c c e s s o n l i n e s e r v i c e s Children aged 2 and 3 are also eligible for the painless nasal spray vaccine, which c a n b e a r r a n g e d t h r o u g h your GP This vaccine not only helps prevent hospitalisations but also reduces the flu's spread, easing work and f

defence against severe ill-

Immigration lawyer sued by former employers

A law yer i s faci ng a lawsuit from her former employers ov

poached clients from them Shereen Shafaatulla, 42, h

and documents seized as part of a legal action taken


gration specialists Five Star

m claims ownership of paper

d computers that were seized during the search, conduct-


Commissioner Five Star is r e p o r t e d

charged by Shafaatulla to their clients

S h a f a a t u l l a , w h o h a s been a lawyer for 18 years and previously worked for Five Star advising on immigration cases and visa applications, was named as the f i r s t d e f e n d e r i n c o u r t Another unnamed individ-

ual, referred to as the second defender, is also implicated Both are accused of tampering with and concealing evidence during the s e a r c h o f S h a f a a t u l l a ’ s Glasgow home on May 17 A d v o c a t e E o g h a i n n MacLean, representing Five S t a r , s t a t e d t h a t v a r i o u s m a t e r i a l s w e r e r e c o v e r e d during the search, includi n g p a p e r s , t w o m o b i l e p h o n e s ,

M a c L e a n a l l e g e d t h a t Shafaatulla had concealed or tampered with some of t h e i t e m s a n d s u g g e s t e d that the second defender may have been involved as well

He further claimed that Shafaatulla had hidden a s e c o n d m o b i l e p h o n e , which was used to contact one of Five Star’s clients, a n d s u g g e s t

d t h a t s h e should be pursued for contempt of court

Dhruv Chhatralia celebrating his birthday with friends

Call for unity against hatred

The Metropolitan Police reported a staggering 286% increase in antisemitic hate crimes from September 2023 to August 2024 compared to the previous year, alongside a 67% rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes during the same timeframe

Prime Minister Keir Starmer marked the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, calling it the bloodiest day for Jewish people since the Holocaust He said, “It's a day of sorrow, a day of grief Over a thousand people were massacred

Hundreds taken hostage in an attack borne of hatred

Targeted not just at individuals but at Jewish communities, at their way of life and at the state of Israel – the symbol of Jewish security to the world ”

He added, “We stand with all innocent victims in Israel, Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, and beyond, as well as with all communities in the UK against hatred whether aimed at Jews or Muslims

Any attack on a minority undermines our values of tolerance and respect, and we will not accept it ”

Starmer emphasised that the UK stands with Israel against Iranian aggression as the Middle East nears the brink of regional war, reaffirming commitment to international law

London Mayor Sadiq Khan has warned that escalating violence in the Middle East could result in increased hate crimes in Britain He is already allocating £15 million to support hate crime victims and combat extremism in London

In response to the Lebanon crisis and the potential for an Israeli ground invasion, an additional £875,000 will be spent on addressing antiJewish and anti-Muslim hatred, including online Op eration Tarlac addresses community co ncerns ami d Middle East u nrest

Last year, The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) and National Police Coordination Centre (NPoCC) launched Operation Tarlac to support local policing and ensure public safety amid rising tensions from Middle East conflicts

The operation aimed to coordinate responses and align with counterterrorism frameworks

Following the initial attacks, protests quickly erupted across the UK, with police responding to

67 demonstrations outside London during a four-day period in early November, highlighting the widespread impact on British communities

Chief Constable Ch ris Noble, NPCC Strategic Lead for Operation Tarlac, and the national lead for Policing Protests stated that “The tragic events of October 2023 and beyond continue to affect our communities, and our thoughts remain with those impacted Over the past 12 months, our officers have responded to an increase in protest activity seen in response to events overseas, often under significant scrutiny

The Home Affairs Select Committee in February acknowledged the complexities of balancing rights during protests, with recent demonstrations putting policing under the most sustained pressure since 2012 Our officers and staff have demonstrated exceptional commitment and professionalism in responding to these challenges, and their efforts deserve our gratitude and recognition ”

“We recognise that events in the Middle East continue to evolve, that a further escalation in conflict is possible, and that this will raise concerns further in our communities at home, particularly those who have friends and family in the region People wish to have their voices heard, and the right to lawful protest is a key part of any democracy, which UK police uphold and facilitate We continue to ask that those looking to organise any future events contact their local police force and engage with them ahead of the time, to ensure that any activity that takes place does so peacefully and lawfully, to the benefit of all in attendance,” he added Festivities p ro ceed safely with po lic e security

The ongoing conflict raises concerns about potential racial clashes or jeopardising in security In response, many organisations are ramping up their security measures to ensure safe festivities and protect participants from any potential threats

President of The Hindu Forum of Britain, Truptib en Patel stated, “Community organisations are actively celebrating the Navratri Festival, with local police providing essential support to ensure safety during these events So far, there have been no reported incidents, which is a positive sign We emphasise the importance of health and safety regulations at places of worship and the responsibility of event organisers to conduct thorough checks to prevent any unruly behaviour It is crucial to ensure the presence of security cameras and other safety measures Additionally, close coordination with emergency services, including police and ambulance teams, is necessary to prepare for any potential emergencies Most organisations have been proactive in taking these basic precautions, which is encouraging ”

“From the outset, we have advised all organisations to obtain the necessary permissions from their local authorities before planning any activities Meeting with local councils to finalise event details is vital For instance, in Brent Council alone, there are currently 36 Garba events taking place across various locations While this may pose organisational challenges, the community has generally shown a sensible approach to managing these events,” she added

Trupti emphasised that no one should stand with those who perpetuate terrorism and hate She said, “In this world, there is room for everyone to coexist peacefully The Sanskrit mantra "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah," meaning "may all be happy, may all be free from illness, may all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer, and may there be peace," encapsulates this belief ”

*Asian Voice reached out to a few politicians regarding the ongoing tensions in the Middle East

Chris Noble Truptiben Patel


L ady Pram ila Parekh, belo ved wife of Professor Lo rd P arekh and devoted mother to Raj, Nitin, and Anant, passed away on A ugust 30 after a sh ort illness

She was an active Community Relations Officer who played a significant role in bringing Hull's diverse ethnic and religious communities together Particularly sensitive to the religious needs of minorities, she worked tirelessly to integrate them into Hull s tolerant social fabric As a well-known Cultural Ambassador, she explained and interpreted the religious beliefs and practices of different communities, especially Hinduism, in Hull's primary and secondary schools

The funeral was attended by nearly a hundred people from Britain, India, and the USA, united by their shared affection for Lady Parekh The initial Hindu ceremony was performed by Dilip Joshi, a renowned Maharaj from Leicester, who spoke for about fifteen minutes and offered blessings for Lady Pramila Parekh

The event began with Dr Nitin Parekh, who welcomed family and friends and set the framework for the funeral He expressed heartfelt gratitude to

their mother Raj described her as the bravest person he had ever known, recalling her upbringing in a joyful, loving family in Baroda Despite her happiness there, Lady Parekh took an extraordinary leap of faith for love, leaving everything familiar to join Lord Bhikhu Parekh in a foreign land a courageous decision that defied societal norms

attempting her driving test multiple times! You all are a testament to the deep friendships my mum made during her life

Our celebration will reflect what was important to her: her Hindu faith and her family,” he said

Nitin was followed by Amy Godfrey (née Parekh) who recited he poem Farewell My Friends by Rabindranath Tagore Nitin’s elder brother Raj, read a etter in the form of a poem dedicated to

those who came to celebrate his mother’s life, acknowledging her profound impact on countless lives, which was difficult to fully capture Nitin highlighted his mother's boldness, particularly her decision to marry his father a story he said was worthy of a film

He also spoke of her warmth in welcoming her daughters-inlaw into the family, reflecting her generous spirit “Her strength of character shines through, whether in raising three boys or

Raj recounted her early days in London in 1959, when Lady Parekh, a gentle figure in a sari, navigated the city, undeterred by language, culture, and loneliness

Her courage, he said, was rooted in her unwavering faith in Bhagvan, which helped her face challenges with grace and resilience Her deep faith and selfless nature earned her love and respect from everyone she met, whether visiting prisoners at Hull High Security Prison or assisting immigrant families in adjusting to life in a Western country Raj described how her daily rituals of prayer at her home Mandir underscored her devotion to her family's wellbeing

In closing, he said, “Legend, Wife, Mother, Friend, Guide – we will see you again, laugh again, hug you again, and leave this sadness behind But until then, we shall tread time’s elusive path and hear your laugh so vivid, so young, your voice so gentle, so calm, and see your face so kind, so serene ”

Raj was followed by their youngest brother, Anant, who delivered the eulogy Anant described his mother as someone whose light could make the night sky shine so brightly that the world would fall in love with its beauty Speaking on behalf of his grieving brothers, their father, and the extended family, Anant highlighted the deep sorrow felt by the community gathered to honour her He also shared his mother’s fun-loving nature, recalling, “Despite the seriousness of her work and the demands of being a devoted wife and mother, our mother was simply enormous fun She had a playful side that led to a wonderfully mischievous sense of humour, with a laugh that was deep and infectious “Like the choke on an old car, her laugh would be intermittent at first, then rise to a crescendo, leading

her to slide down her favourite armchair, clutching her ribs as happy tears streamed down her cheeks ”

Anant remarked that even as dementia took hold, Lady Parekh never lost her ability to find humour in life He expressed gratitude for the grace with which she lived and for the fact that she left the world without suffering, leaving her memory forever imprinted on the hearts of those who knew and loved her

The funeral concluded with reflections from Lord Bhikhu Parekh He began by speaking about the challenges faced by minority communities in a multiethnic society, noting the dangers of interpreting their identity through the language of the dominant majority He offered an example of how Hindu priests now often wish for the deceased to 'rest in eternal peace,' a concept foreign to Hindu beliefs in reincarnation Lord Parekh

used this as a metaphor for the complexities minorities face in preserving their cultural identity

He then spoke about the profound role Lady Parekh played in his life She was a source of stability and continuity Though Lord Parekh had been associated with Hull for nearly thirty-five years, he had spent many years abroad or engaged in national politics, often away from home Lady Parekh provided the necessary stability for their children, ensuring they had a supportive environment for their development

Lord Parekh also acknowledged his wife's spirit of courage and defiance He shared how, during a challenging time in his career as a Vice-Chancellor, she encouraged him to remain steadfast in his leadership, even when the role appeared overwhelming The funeral was a deeply moving event, admired by all who attended

Lady Pramila and Lord Bhikhu Parekh at Mahatma Gandhi’s birth place in Porbandar Gujarat
Lord Parekh and Lady Pramila with Shahrukh Khan
Lady Pramila Parekh
Lady Pramila Parekh
Lord Parekh and Lady Pramila at a social event

Changing workplace cultures

Shefali Saxena

A dv ita Patel, CIPR

P resident-Elect for 2025, is an internal

co mmu nications strateg ist w ith 20 years ’ experience

Founder of CommsRebel, co-founder of A Leader Like Me, and author of Building a Culture of Inclusivity, she has received numerous accolades, including the Emerging Leader Award Based in Manchester, she frequently speaks on inclusion and change management

What are some of th e mo st co mmo n barriers you've o bserv ed th at prevent w orkplace cultures fro m being truly inclusiv e, and h ow d o you h elp o rg anizations add ress them?

There are a number of barriers that can prevent cultures from being truly inclusive Some of the most common barriers include conscious and unconscious bias, a lack of representation in leadership, and poor communication between leaders and colleagues

These factors can often lead to exclusion and disengagement

At CommsRebel, we address these challenges through blended support We often start by undertaking an inclusion review which usually tells us where the gaps are and what support the organisation requires This could include anything from training, education, leadership coaching, and workshops that encourage colleagues to challenge their own biases and embrace inclusion When you can create a safe environment where uncomfortable conversations can take place and somewhere where leaders are encouraged to champion inclusive practices, the culture can transform Ho w does internal co mmu nication play a key role in shaping workp lace cu lture, and what strategies d o you recomm end for m aking com munication m ore inclusiv e?

Internal communication is key in shaping a company's culture because it connects colleagues with the organisational mission and values When communication is clear, transparent, and inclusive, it can bring a sense of belonging and can encourage collaboration

At CommsRebel, we often advise organisations to adopt strategies that promote two-way communication, ensuring colleagues feel heard and valued This can include things like using inclusive

language, making space for diverse opinions, and prioritising accessibility It’s also important to build in regular feedback loops and clear, authentic messages from leadership as they can inspire trust and motivate teams to work towards shared goals

Yo ur w ork focuses on p ositiv ely d isrup ting w orkplace cultures C an you share an examp le of a transformatio nal change p rog ram that successfully resh aped an o rg anization's culture?

A powerful example of transformational change is when CommsRebel partnered with an organisation facing significant disconnect between its leadership and colleagues We spent some time understanding what the challenges were, and then designed a culture shift programme that would allow them to see things differently We started by facilitating open, honest conversations, enabling all colleagues to contribute to the company ’ s future vision Leadership training was also key, as it helped align values with everyday actions and allowed leaders to understand their role in positively disrupting status quo People follow leader actions, so it’s important that they have permission to think differently After 12 months there was a significant change in culture which successfully resulted in creating a more engaged workforce, improved trust across all levels, and developed a culture that celebrated diversity and transparency

In what w ays can leadership coaching foster a mo re inclu sive and collaborativ e environm ent w ithin teams? What leadersh ip qualities are essential in driving cultural transformatio n?

Leadership coaching plays a crucial role in fostering an inclusive environment by encouraging leaders to develop self-awareness, empathy, and active listening skills Inclusive leaders are those who model the behaviours they want to see, encouraging collaboration and valuing diverse perspectives Essential qualities include emotional intelligence, accountability, and the courage to challenge the status quo At

CommsRebel, we help leaders build these skills, which not only drives individual growth but also enables them to lead teams in a way that promotes inclusion, resulting in a more cohesive and innovative workplace culture

How do tools like DISC and cultu ral assessments help teams build stronger relationships and improve w orkplace dynamics? Can you share any key insights from applying these in your consultancy work?

Using tools like DISC assessments helps teams better understand communication styles, reducing misunderstandings and building empathy within the team At CommsRebel, we ’ ve seen how DISC can highlight the diverse strengths of team members, leading to improved collaboration and fewer conflicts Cultural assessments are equally vital in identifying gaps in understanding or areas where teams need to align with organisational values

These insights allow us to create strategies that enhance communication, respect different working styles, and ultimately lead to a more harmonious and productive work environment

T hrou gh your work with A L eader L ike Me, what are som e of the key steps organizatio ns can take to ensu re that d iversity, inclu sio n, and belonging are at th e heart o f their corporate culture?

To ensure diversity, inclusion, and belonging are at the heart of corporate culture, leadership buy-in is critical At A Leader Like Me, we advocate for actionable strategies, such as setting clear diversity targets, creating accountability frameworks, and ensuring marginalised groups have a platform We also emphasise the importance of regular training and continuous learning to challenge biases and stereotypes Organisations should conduct frequent assessments of their inclusion strategies, ensuring that progress is measurable and sustainable Embedding these values into daily practices encourages long-lasting cultural transformation

Menopause affects 60,000 UK women’s employment

A m ajor report has revealed th at tens of tho usands of wom en in England are unable to w ork due to debilitating m enopause sym pto ms

The NHS Confederation's analysis estimates that around 60,000 women are on longterm sick leave related to the mental and physical health impacts of menopause, costing the economy approximately £1 5 billion annually Health officials have emphasised that investing in women ’ s health services, particularly in expanding access to hormone replacement therapy, is an “economic

imperative” to enhance workforce participation

Menopause typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 when the ovaries cease oestrogen production, leading to the end of menstruation and symptoms such as hot flashes and insomnia In the UK, about 4 5 million women are currently experiencing menopause The report found that women suffering from severe menopause symptoms are less likely to be employed compared to the general population, and they are twice as likely to be economically inactive due to health issues

Moreover, the report highlighted that absenteeism caused by heavy and painful periods, endometriosis, fibroids, and ovarian cysts costs the UK economy an additional £11 billion each year It stated that for every extra £1 invested in obstetrics and gynaecology services to improve access to care, there would be an £11 return on investment

Currently, 750,000 women are on NHS waiting lists for gynaecological services, and 83% of those with long-term health conditions report difficulties in maintaining employment


Burman MBE hopes to provoke reflection on

diversity and feminism

Acclaim ed artist Chila Burman MBE is set to d ebut a v ibrant collection of neon public art installations acro ss the West End next m onth, with eight p ieces featured in Leicester

S quare Gardens Part of A rt

o f L ond on ’ s Art A fter Dark

p r o g ra m m e, C h i la' s w o rk

w ill ligh t up the West End, coinciding w ith late gallery

o p ening s at c ultu ral h u bs

l ike th e Nati o nal Po rtra it

G al ler y an d t h e Ro y al

A cad em y of Arts

As a key figure in the

1 9 8 0 s B r i t i s h B l a c k A r t s movement, Chila continues

t o c h a l l e n g e s t e r e o t y p e s ,

d r a w i n g f r o m h e r I n d i a n heritage to explore themes

o f A s i a n f e m i n i n i t y a n d

f e m a l e e m p o w e r m e n t through imaginative depictions of deities, whimsical water worlds, and empowered icons

Can you tell us more about the inspiration behind Leicester Square Gardens's eight new neon installations? What personal or cultural themes did you explore in this collection?

M y d a z z l i n g i n s t a l l ation, There Is No Darkness

In The Garden of Light, will illuminate the iconic district of Leicester Square Gardens

f r o m T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 10th to Saturday, October 12th The display will feature a curated collection of glowing installations across the West End including eight

n e w s p e c i a l p i e c e s f o r Leicester Square Gardens

Public members can discover a world of light, fea-

turing neon representations of Indian deities like Laxmi a n d G a n e s h , a

seashells, alongside icons of South Asian femininity and e

inspired figure

Your work reimagines traditional perspectives on Asian femininity and draws from your Indian heritage How do these influences shape the narratives you want to create through public art?

M y p u b l i c a r t w o r k reflects a strong sense of my Indian cultural identity and heritage which I hope many people connect with My art reimagines traditional perspectives on Asian femininit

, and representation, giving these installations a deeper meaning, and infusing the heart of the city with bold and joyful energy just ahead of Diwali!

Howdo you see public art, like your neon installations, playing a role in encouraging people to engage more deeply with the world-class art and culture offered by galleries in the West End?

Initiatives like Art After Dark and Art of London are

a r t directly to the streets By bringing my neon installations into public spaces like the West End, we ’ re transf o r m i n g t h e c i t y i n t o a vibrant, open gallery where people can experience art spontaneously and joyfully


more people to seek out the incredible art and culture w

s incredible institutions and galleries!

Representation and inclusivity are key themes in your work How do you hope your installations will make art more accessible to minority communities, and what impact do you think this has on the broader art scene? R e p r e s e n t a t i o n a n d inclusivity are deeply pers

work helps make art feel

accessible to minority com-


I also draw on themes from my heritage and lived

cultural motifs and symbols in my installations, to create a space where minority communities feel seen and connected I believe when

art, it inspires confidence and engagement

This approach not only enriches the cultural landscape but also challenges

, which I believe can lead to a more diverse, vibrant, and innovative art world Incorporating iconic figures like Barbie-inspired into your work is a bold choice

How do you think elements of popular culture, such as Barbie, can challenge traditional notions in art and resonate with new audiences?

Pop culture makes art more relatable and accessible to new audiences With figures like Barbie, there’s both nostalgia and familiarity, but I hope to provoke reflection on diversity and feminism

Black British Book Festival founder slams publishing diversity

T he fo und er of a book festi-

v al d ed icated to celebrating B la ck au th o r s h a s s ta ted

t h at t h ey a re “ f o rc ed ” to forge their own paths in the p ublishing wo rld

indu stry


published children's author, established the Black British B o o k F e

address the challenges she and other Black authors face in building and maintaining careers in publishing The

claim is the only one of its

kind in Europe, is expected to draw around 4,000

Barbican Centre in London

Bridging tradition and innovation in Indian classical dance

Subhasini Naicker

Hiten Mistry, a Gu jarati native fro m Lei cester, began learning Bharatanatyam at th e age of eight and has never loo ked back In h is youth, h e garnered nu merou s accolades, i ncluding winning th e prestigious Boo gie Woo gie International title, wh ich brought him significant rec ognition in the dance world Currently, he is p urs uing a Ph D in Dance Research at Co ventry University, fu rthering h is expertise and contribu tio ns to the field

Speaking to Asian Voice about his inclination towards doing PhD, Hiten said, “After university, I pursued freelance dance work, and through that experience, I realised the need to delve deeper into dance research, particularly British South Asian dance, as it remains underrepresented in academia The existing research is outdated, and I’ve always had an inquisitive mind with a desire to contribute I’m the type of person who takes initiative, always asking myself, "What can I offer the world?" While there are countless dancers, how many truly leave a lasting impression? That thought led me to explore what I could do differently ” “During the pandemic, like many other dancers, I found myself at a standstill I was teaching, running my dance school, and doing a lot of work in health settings, including hospitals Toward the end of that period, I came across an advertisement for a PhD studentship I applied with a research proposal that examined the impact of Covid-19 on South Asian community dance practices in the UK, particularly how dancers like myself adapted to remote working Fortunately, my proposal

was accepted, and I’m now nearing the completion of my thesis,” he added Making dance mo re inclusive and accessible

Hiten highlighted that one of the key applications of his research is to look at how we can expand the virtual space for dance beyond the adjustments that were made during the pandemic He said, “How can we make dance more democratic and inclusive?

In traditional Indian dance, especially forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathak, many gurus resisted teaching online, but the pandemic broke down that barrier It became a necessity otherwise, we would lose our students, communities, and practices That shift made Indian dance training more accessible, but the question now is: how can we make it even more inclusive? How can we reach disabled individuals, LGBTQ+ communities, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds? How can this practice extend beyond the South Asian community?”

“One of my goals is to democratise Indian dance and provide platforms for community artists beyond traditional performances There's a misconception that artists working in schools or hospitals do so because they lack stage opportunities, but their work is equally valuable These artists are ambassadors of the dance

form, keeping it alive by adapting it to modern contexts, rather than just repeating what was taught 100 years ago, ” he added Evolvi ng percep ti ons in Indian classi cal dance Hiten emphasised that in Indian classical dance, particularly Bharatanatyam, there's a deep historical and societal context He said, “Traditionally, dance was governed by men, as seen with Lord Nataraja, the Lord of Dance Even in the Devadasi tradition in Tamil Nadu, men called nattuvanars were the custodians of dance, shaping how women performed and holding the knowledge they passed down to temple dancers

However, when the British colonised India, their Victorian ideals influenced perceptions of gender roles, including dance This led to a societal question: Why would a man dance? While I’ve faced some of this questioning, my personal experience has been largely positive Many women in the field, including senior teachers, have been warm and welcoming ”

“Society’s perception of male dancers has evolved, especially with the rise of male dancers on television and popular culture

Although classical dance still carries some of the old biases, where people wonder what a man could know about it, the landscape is changing Historically, women were favoured in dance for their beauty and grace, while men were associated with strength Today, however, beauty standards are shifting, and these perceptions are evolving With these changing dynamics, we ’ re witnessing a more progressive conversation around gender roles and representation in dance and the performing arts,” he added

Saroj Patel explores British Indian stories in new immersive exhibit

O xf or d s h i re- b as ed a rti s t Saro j Patel’s new solo exhibition, ‘ Journey of the Blue S

ditional routes into publishing as conventional paths remain largely inaccessible

“There is still a lot of work to be done Accessing traditional publishing often requires going through literary agents, who act as gatekeepers,” she explained

Speaking ahead of the festi-

with Penguin Books

increasing number of people from marginalised communities are pursuing non-tra-

“That’s why we ’ re witnessing a surge in self-publishing, hybrid publishing, and individuals leveraging

compelled to take different

com munity

Opening at Oxford’s Old Fire Station gallery and running until mid-November, t

and sculptures that blend c


, l i g h

, a n d s o u n d , drawing on Patel’s British Indian heritage and tracing a j o u r n e y f r o m a s m a l l Indian village to life in the UK Preston-born artist Saroj Patel reflects on her parents' migration to the UK, saying,

Saroj Patel

“I’ve always been fascinated by their stories and the challenges they faced As a second-generation immigrant, I’ve had far more opportunities than I would have if I’d

been born in Gujarat's villages ” Blending her signature textile artworks with innovative sound and video elements, Patel offers visitors an immersive sensory experience The exhibition feat u r e s c o l l

t i v e p i e c e s created with women from t h e S u

, Oxfordshire Celebrating the experiences of intercultural comm u

, ‘Journey of the Blue Sun’ h o

y Mark Devereux Projects

Chila Burman MBE
Hiten Mistry



A major conflict is emerging over the future of London’s airports as Labour prepares to decide on expansion plans that could significantly boost the capital s aviation capacity Five of the six airports are pursuing proposals for substantial increases including new runways at Gatwick and Heathrow, and a new terminal at Luton Stansted and London City airports have received approval for expansion, while Gatwick and Luton are still awaiting sign-off on their plans The £14 billion proposal for a third runway at Heathrow is currently "under review" due to the pandemic s impact on international travel However, with recovery surpassing preCovid levels, industry insiders believe Heathrow's CEO Thomas Woldbye may soon revive the project, prompting renewed opposition and posing a significant dilemma for Labour If approved, the five London airports could boost capacity by 83 5 million passengers annually by the mid-2040s, matching the current traffic at Heathrow While this is uncertain last month’s decision by Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner and Transport Secretary Louise Haigh to allow London City Airport to increase weekend and early morning flights has pleased the industry but raised concerns among environmentalists


Chicken Tikka Masala topped a survey of 2,000 adults, outpacing milder dishes like Korma and Butter Chicken, which ranked second and third, respectively Commissioned by Onken for National Curry Week (October 7-13), the study found that 89% of adults enjoy curry, averaging five servings per month Following the poll, Paddy McGuinness partnered with yogurt brand Onken and MasterChef 2024 winner Brin Pirathapan to launch a 'Curry In a Hurry' menu as part of its Feed Your Inner Happiness campaign Paddy shared “I m heading off on tour soon and the temptation of a takeaway curry is real Onken teamed me up with Brin to learn three quick curries that I nailed complete with my own top tips to help you feed your inner happiness at home Other popular dishes include Biryani and Rogan Josh, rounding out the top five, while Jalfrezi, Balti, Madras, Bhuna, and Saag complete the top ten Given its popularity, it s no surprise Chicken Tikka Masala (31%) is the most attempted dish, followed by Korma (29%) and Madras (18%) Brin Pirathapan noted, "While there are many delicious curries with diverse flavours, a third of us stick to just one or two dishes That's why I created three quick Curry In a Hurry' recipes with top tips for you and Paddy to try at home "

“Family businesses are deeply connected to their communities”

Continued from page 01

Family businesses are a driving force behind the UK economy as well, playing a vital role in creatng jobs, generating wealth, and

These firms, often deeply rooted n their communities, contribute s

economy every day According to

Economics in 2021, there are

million family businesses across the UK Among the top 100 fam-

turnover exceeds £138 billion C

employ 14 2 million people and contribute more than £200 bil-

underscoring their critical role n the nation’s economic fabric

Driving forces behind the success of family businesses

Discussing the values behind the long-term success of family businesses in the UK, Neil Dav y,

responsible business that has a deep sense of purpose, with people at the centre They are driven by a desire to see their business succeed under the stewardship

because it is their name hanging

sense of heritage and pride

“They are also unhindered by

marily looking for profit maxmisation and quarterly returns That gives the owners of a family

nvest, experiment, and take a ong-term view than their count

equity backed businesses

“ B u t a b o v e a n y t h i n g e l s e family businesses are about the

Trafficking gang sentenced for worker exploitation at McDonald's

A gang th at trafficked 12 p eople fro m Eastern E u r o p e a n d fo rc ed them into lo ng h ours of work while stealing th eir wa ges h as been sentenced to priso n The group, consisti n g o f Z d e n e k Drevenak, 47, his partner Monika Daducova, 44, Jiri Cernohous, 49, and Martin Slovjak, 46,

a l l f r o m t h e C z e c h

R e p u b l i c , w o r k e d together to lure 10 men and two women to the UK with false promises

values of people, place and the communities they serve It is a business model that others can and perhaps should learn from ” Davy also shared how family businesses also face a unique set of challenges like succession He said, “Questions like how the business is structured and managed, whether and how to bring t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n i n t o t h e business and, at times, how to convince the senior generation it is time to let go of the reins Working with family members can be challenging too so managing relationships and dynamics amongst family members is also a serious consideration

“But above all this, family businesses must have a stable and supportive policy environment that allows them to plan for the long term It is fundamental in enabling them to draw up a strategy of when and how they can pass ownership to the next generation – either through a planned, phased succession or the death of the owner

“The policy that allows family businesses owners to do this, called Business Property Relief, o r ‘ B P R ’ f o r s h o r t , h a s

n around for 50 years, so it is well understood by family business owners It’s important that successive governments continue to support it Failure to do so could be catastrophic to family businesses across the UK ”

He also shared that the reason behind the long-term success of family businesses lies in a stable regulatory and tax envir o n m e n t I t u n d e r p i n s t h e i r entire business model and, without it, they are unable to plan and make decisions that allow them to invest for the long term as part of a multi-generational strategy

“But, policy aside, successful family businesses are rooted in shared purpose, and are led and governed by the values that the family owners hold true This is what helps create, and sustain, the unique culture in a family b u s i n e s s , a n d w h y i t ’ s n o t uncommon to find employees in a family business working there n o t j u s t f o r y e a r s , b u t f o r decades”, he further added South Asian businesses th riv e in the UK


This entrepreneurial drive is often attributed to innate trading skills and the determination to improve their lives Another

most accomplished Indian prof

of well-paying jobs and a better quality of life

The victims, many of whom spoke little or no English, were compelled to work in various roles, including at a b a k e r y f a c t o r y i n H o d d e s d o n , a c a r w

cleaning tasks T h


routines that involved a three-hour round trip

tion, first in a brothel and later on the streets, where Drevenak would occasionally watch her from his car The vulnerable victims, hailing from poor

Slovakia, were targeted for exploitation

inesses have long been a vibrant and integral part of the UK’s economic landscape From bustling corner shops to high-end restaur a n t s , t h e s e e n t e r p r i s e s h a v e flourished, contributing significantly to the nation’s economy while also enriching its cultural diversity

A s s t a t e d i n t h e G

a n t Thornton report called ‘India in the UK: the diaspora effect 2 0 ’ published in March 2022, Indian entrepreneurship in the UK has a rich history dating back to the 1 9 5 0 s , w h

i a n s b e g a n migrating to the country and contributing significantly to its economic development Beyond holding important positions in government, academia, finance, and politics, the Indian diaspora has demonstrated a natural tale n

many to pursue business ventures The first generation of Indian migrants set up successf

s i z e d

b u s i n e s s e s , o f t e n e m p l o y i n g members of their own community Over time, many of these businesses grew into larger-scale enterprises, capitalising on the U K ’ s p e r i o d s o f e c o n o m i c growth

Prominent Indian business figures in the UK today include Gopichand Hinduja & brothers ( H i n d u j a G r o u p ) , L a k s h m i M i t t a l ( A r c e l o r M i t t a l ) , L o r d Karan Bilimoria (Cobra Beer), K a r t a r a n d T e j L a l v a n i (Vitabiotics), Mohsin and Zuber

I s s a ( E G G r o u p ) , t h e A r o r a b r o t h e r s ( B & M G r o u p ) , a n d K u l j i n d e r B a h i a ( S o u t h a l l Travel) T h r o u g h h a r d w o r k a n d e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l s p i r i t , S o u t h

Asian businesses have become key players in sectors ranging from retail and hospitality to t e c h n o l o g y a n d f i n a n c e

Discussing the key factors that contribute to the long-term success of family businesses, particularly South Asian businesses, A nuj C hand e OBE, C o rpo rate Finance P artner & Head South

A s i a Bu s i ne ss Gr o u p , Gr ant Thornton U K L LP said, “South

Asian businesses possess several key strengths that contribute to their long-term success One of the most significant factors is the family's commitment to a

2 4 / 7 a p p r o a c h t o b u s i n e s s

Flexibility is another strength, as family members are willing to take on different roles as needed, stepping in for each other when required A strong work ethic, deeply ingrained within the family, drives their determination to succeed against all odds

“ F i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t o f t e n comes from within the family or extended family, provided inform a l l y w i t h o u t t h e n e e d f o r paperwork cousins, for example, frequently lend money to o n e a n o t h e r w i t h o u t f o r m a l agreements Finally, the implicit trust between family members e n h a n c e s d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g , allowing the business to operate with confidence and unity ” A family business th riv ing across generations One family business thriving in the UK is Colonel Saab, an Indian restaurant with roots in

India The inception of the business is deeply rooted in a vision s e t b y C ol o ne l M an be er C h o u d h ar y an d Bi n ny Choud hary Over three decades ago, they launched Jewels Hotel in Karnal, with a clear focus on hospitality that blends cultural heritage with modern comfort Their vision evolved when they saw the potential for largescale events, particularly weddings, which inspired the creation of Noormahal Palace 15 years ago a venue that offers not just luxury but an immersive experience of India’s royal heritage Today, Noormahal Palace stands as one of the top destinations for weddings in India The family’s journey also extended internationally with the launch o f C o l o n e l S a a b i n L o n d o n , bringing authentic Indian cuisine and culture to the heart of the UK Roop Pratap C houd hary

involved in the business and disc

journey has been one of dedication across generations, and my role has been to carry forward their legacy, while also innovating to meet modern expecta-


longevity and success of family businesses often come from a deep sense of commitment, continuity, and personal ownership South Asian family businesses, in particular, often have a multigenerational outlook, with each generation not just inheriting a business but also a set of values and a vision for the future He said, “For us, these qualities are tied to our South Asian values of resilience, respect for tradition,

through generations

connected to their communities, creating employment opportunities and contributing to the local economy in a more personalised and sustainable manner For instance, at Colonel Saab, we bring the essence of Indian hospitality and culture to London, which not only enhances the dining experience for our customers but also promotes cultural exchange and diversity

“Family businesses often prioritise long-term growth over short-term profits, and that stability can have a lasting positive impact on local economies by building strong, enduring rela-

Neil Davy
Anuj Chande OBE
Roop Pratap Choudhary

Swami Swaroopananda unveils cosmic vibrations at Wembley event

Parth Pandya

" The univ erse is a symp hony

o f v i bra ti o ns , an d e v er y

sou nd carries the essence o f

c re ati o n " Wi th th i s p ro -

f o u nd st ate m ent , S w a m ij i

o pened h is thoug ht-prov ok-

i n g s p ee ch , o ff eri n g d e ep

i n si g h t s i nt o th e c o sm ic

i n ter p lay b etw een v i b ra-

t i on s , s ou n d , a nd t h e essence of existence, blending ancient spiritual wisd om

w ith mo dern scientific dis-

c o v e ri es H i s d i s c o u rs e,

t i tle d T h e P o w e r o f

V ibration and Sound in th e

U ni v e rs e, " c ap ti v a ted t h e aud ience as he exp lored th e fundamental id ea th at th e u niv erse is not merely a collection of m atter but rather a manifestation of energy in

tions He highlighted that while modern science posits that the world began with the Big Bang, ancient texts

s u g g e s t t h a t t h e u n i v e r s e started with sound specifically, a sacred sound

He further emphasized the spiritual significance of this understanding, point-

constant vibration

T h i s e n l i g h t e n i n g d i scussion was part of a series

o f t a l k s o r g a n i z e d b y t h e Chinmaya Mission UK, held

f r o m S e p t e m b e r 2 4 t o September 28 at the Sattavis Patidar Centre in Wembley, London The series, themed "Sacred Sounds: The Power of Om Namah Shivaya," was

d e s i g n e d t o e x p l o r e t h e beautiful universal wisdom

o f A d i S h a n k a r a c h a r y a ' s Shiva Panchakshara Stotram

w i t h S w a m i Swaroopananda

Wembley has become a s i g n i f i c a n t h u b f o r t h e Indian diaspora, embodying a rich tapestry of cultures and communities With its v i b r a n t a t m o s p h e r e ,

W e m b l e y s h o w c a s e s t h e thriving Indian culture and cultural events The Sattavis

P a t i d a r C e n t r e , n e s t l e d within this lively locale, provides a serene oasis amidst

t h e h u s t l e a n d b u s t l e o f urban life Its tranquil environment, adorned with trad i t i o n a l d e c o r , o f f e r s a peaceful setting for spiritual exploration and community gatherings

The event was graced by

D r R a m V a i d y a , a d i s t i nguished scholar with a PhD in Sanskrit and a member of t h e H i n d u S w a y a m s e v a k Sangh, who served as the Chief Guest The proceedings began with a traditional Poornakumbham ceremony, setting a reverent tone for the spiritual gathering The

J a t a n i a f a m i l y , i n c l u d i n g Deepak and Kiran Jatania, hosted the event, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere for all attendees

S w a m i j i o p e n e d h i s speech by explaining that the entire universe is fundamentally composed of vibra-

as a whole The collective v i b r a t i o n s o f i n d i v i d u a l s shape the harmony or discord within communities

A c e n t r a l t h e m e o f

Swamiji’s talk was the power of mantras sacred sounds believed to carry the vibrations of the universe He explained that ancient sages, o r r i s h i s , d i d n o t c r e a t e these mantras; rather, they discovered them by attuning t h e m s e l v e

Swamiji highlighted the universal appeal of the mantra "OM," which is now chanted across the world, transcendi n


Swamiji explained how mantras have the power to a

with the natural vibrations o f t h e

peace and clarity Specific mantras, like "OM Namah

Narayanaya," carry unique vibrations that connect the chanter with the divine The

ing out that many religious

s c r i p t u r e s , f r o m t h e O l d Testament to Hindu philosophy, describe the universe as having originated from a single sound or vibration In Hinduism, this primordial

s o u n d i s " O M , " w h i c h

S w a m i j i d e s c r i b e d a s t h e foundation of all vibrations He explained that "OM" represents the infinite reality

The Legacy of Chinmaya Mission: The Chinmaya Mission is dedicated to sharing the timeless wisdom of Vedanta and Indian philosophy through talks classes, and spiritual retreats Through events like this they promote the understanding of sacred texts and the transformative power of spiritual practices, empowering individuals on their journey to selfdiscovery and peace In the heart of Wembley, the Chinmaya Mission UK serves as a vital link for the Indian diaspora, fostering community spirit and cultural richness while providing a sanctuary for spiritual growth

S w a m i j i ' s t e a c h i n g s extended beyond the physical realm, as he discussed t h e r o l e o f v i b r a t i o n s i n h u m a n r e l a t i o n s h i p s

t o g e t h e r " i s a c o m m o n phrase people use, he pointe d o u t , h i g h l i g h t i n g h o w vibrations influence interpersonal connections When o u r v i b r a t i o n s a l i g n w i t h s o m e o n e e l s e ' s , r e l a t i o ns h i

y , when there is disharmony, relationships can falter This s a m e p r i n c i p l e , S w a m i j i explained, applies to society

once, with full devotion, can help an individual transcend

mantra connect the practitioner with the divine, offeri n g a p a t h t o s p i r i t u a l growth and self-realization

Each day of the event commenced and concluded with the musical recitation o f t h e S h i v a P a n c h a k s h a r Stotra, creating a spiritually u p

was performed, adding to the sanctity of the gathering

A t t e n d e e s a l s o h a d t h e opportunity to explore various stalls showcasing books on Indian culture, religion, and spirituality, enhancing t h e i r u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d

a p p r e c i a t i o n o f t h e s e ancient teachings

Observance of Sraad

The period of Sraad is v ery au s p ic i o u s am o n g p i o u s Hindu fam ilies T his time in the annual calendar is d ed icated to the rem em brance of our pitrus ( ancestors) and elders who have passed on to a high er abode

We pay tribute to all our ancestors and mark this by p e r f o

n y g

d d

, i n c

p r a y e r s , pujas, and charitable giving This auspicious time spans 16 lunar days in the month of Ashwin In 2024, Pitru Paksha began on Tuesday, September 17, and concluded on Wednesday, October 2 S a r v a ( A l l ) P i t r u Amavasya

Tarpan: Providing water m i x e d w i t h b l a c k s e s a m e seeds

F ee d i

tions to the needy S o m

e r P

n d and water in their gardens to the birds and plants in honour of Pitru In our family, we aim to engage in as much charitable giving as we can We a

morning by providing water

ghee, and milk to nature

We invite our family, especially our sisters, nephews, and nieces, for prayers at

these mantras, he noted, lies in their ability to elevate the practitioner’s vibration, fostering inner peace and spiritual awakening

Panchakshari Mantra, OM Namah Shivaya, which he described as a powerful tool for overcoming fear, sorrow, and personal limitations He explained that each syllable of the mantra represents an aspect of the universe and the human experience and that chanting this mantra aligns the individual’s vibration with Lord Shiva the destroyer of ego and suffering

Swamiji explained that even chanting the mantra

Concluding his speech, Swamiji stressed that pers o n a l h a p p i n e s s , s o c i e t a l harmony, and even world peace can only be achieved by aligning our vibrations w i t h t h e h a r m o n i o u s f r equencies of the universe He urged the audience to cultiv a t e v i b r a t i o n s o f l o v e , unity, and peace energies that foster collective wellbeing S

between vibrations and the spiritual path He demonstrated how practices like chanting mantras can help individuals tune their inner selves to the vibrations of t h e u n i v e r s e , r e s u l t i n g i n peace, harmony, and spiritual enlightenment His message was clear: the universe is a symphony of vibrations, and when we align ourselves w i t h i t s r h y t h m , w e f i n d unity, peace, and ultimate fulfilment

Sraad is a sacred time for performing Shraddha rituals, which are meant to offer food, water, and prayers to our Pitru These rituals are believed to provide peace to the souls of the departed and help them be released from earthly attachments

V a r i o u s c u s t o m s a r e observed to honour ancestors, including: P ind Daan: Offering rice

b a l l s m i x e d w i t h s e s a m e seeds and barley flour

l together On the last day, we offer food and water to the birds

It always astonishes me that the special bird visitors are always the crows that c

known to be clever birds and are believed to bring blessings from the pitrus Sraad serves as a focal point

their ancestors This is a beautiful time to reflect on

well-being, wherever their souls have moved on to

Two-thirds of Brits call renting a choice

M o re t h an t w o - th i rd s o f peo ple no w view renting a home as a " lifestyle choice," according to a recent report

Nearly half of respondents believe that owning or renting makes little difference when creating a home Additionally, over a third of those who rent do so despite being able to afford to buy, with 60% appreciating the flexibility and 20% using it as an opportunity to test out different areas

The poll revealed that 4 8

mates, with 57% citing a better social life and 73% noting cheaper bills as key benefits Manchester has the highest percentage of sharers at 13%, compared to just 1% in rural Norwich Moneysupermarket co m ’ s H o

h o l d M o n e y Index highlighted a significant shift in attitudes and behaviors around renting

Chovis Gaam Ujamni 2024 celebrates community and tradition

Th e Sh ree Ku tch Lev a Patel

C o m m u ni ty C e ntr e i n Northolt hosted the annual C hov is Gaam U jam ni festiv a l o n S u nd a y, 29 th Septem ber 2024 , drawing a crowd of ov er 7,0 00 attend ees from the 24 vi llages that m ake up the Cho vis Gaam comm unity This year ’ s th em e, “ Back to Our Roots,” emph asised c u lt u ral p res er v at io n and unity

The day began with aarti at the Hanumanji a n d G a n e s h a m a n d i r s , followed by two vibrant processions led by the

nectedness of the community

Attendees were treated to an expo with over 60 stalls from the community, along with cultural performances and talks Esteemed guests included Councillor

h e a r t f e l t s p e e c h u r g i n g c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s t o contribute

Gardens and SKLPC UK’s n

ported by Ravibhai Varsani, General Secretary of SKLPC

Yvonne Johnson, Mayor of E a l i n g , C o u n c i l l o r T a r i q M a h m o


P J a m e s M


Representatives from each of the 24 villages carried maps that formed a symbolic puzzle on the main stage, representing the intercon-

K r u p

h Hirani, London Assembly M e m b e r f o r B r e n t & Harrow Mavjibhai Dhanji Jadva Vekaria, President of S K L P C U K , d e l i v e r e d a

UK, and other notable figures The festival featured a w

ball, and football tournaments,

heritage, including archae-

dishes like fresh rotla and vegan


Swami Swaroopananda explaining the importance of sacred sounds
Deepak and Kiran Jatania, the hosts of the event offering vedic aarti
L-R: Lalji Gorasia President Mavji Dhanji Vekaria Supporter Ramji Kerai, Trustee Vinod Gajparia, Donar Kanji Jesani, Saturday School Head Jeetendra Vaghjiani, General Secretary Ravi Varsani and Trustee Jayesh Hirani
Saints from Shree Swaminarayan Mandir Bhuj with Vice President Premji Varsani and Convenor Kiran Pindoria, watching video on the progress of India Gardens Building Project

Love, laughter, and grandparent wisdom

Anusha Singh

The sa yin g “Pare nts k now a lot, but gr and pare nts kn ow e ve ryt hing” hold s t rue in m any ways G ran dpa ren ts occupy a special an d ir rep lace able r ole within fa milies, act in g as pillar s of wisdom, love , and st ability

As living links to a family’s cultural roots and history, grandparents pass on invaluable knowledge through stories of their own experiences, childhoods, and the challenges they’ve overcome This storytelling helps the younger generation connect to the past, fostering a strong sense of identity and belonging by making them aware of where their family comes from and the sacrifices made by earlier generations

In addition to imparting life lessons, grandparents model behaviour like empathy and gratitude, shaping how grandchildren interact with the world around them Their calm, balanced perspective can strengthen family bonds and promote harmony They are also the guardians of family traditions, ensuring that cultural customs, holiday celebrations, and special meals are passed down through generations These practices preserve a family’s legacy, offering continuity and helping grandchildren understand their place in a broader historical and cultural context

As the UK marked Grandparents' Day on Sunday, October 6, Asian Voice explored the vital role grandparents play in the lives of their grandchildren Pr ana v Bha not, 36, spent the first 30 years of his life living with his grandparents in an extended household

Reflecting on the close relationship he shared with them, he remarked, “My grandparents, in my world, are just like my second parents They helped raise me, took me on holidays, picked me up from school, and I'm very fortunate to still have one of my paternal grandparents living with us at home ” The comfort grandparents provide their grandchildren is unique and deeply cherished, rooted in love, wisdom, and a sense of security Grandparents often offer a calm, nurturing presence that makes their grandchildren feel safe and cared for, in ways distinct from the parent-child dynamic Pranav’s experience exemplifies this bond He shared, “My grandparents have always been that source of comfort when everything seems to be caving in Because they’ve lived through so much, they are able to offer a different perspective on the challenges we face ” He fondly recalls one of his favourite memories sharing, “From the age of two or three until now, one of my favourite things has been going into my grandma's room, sitting with her, and just talking about the world and how

it’s changing I love hearing her stories about growing up in East Africa and moving to the United Kingdom The real value they've brought to our lives comes from the many sacrifices they've made for the betterment of our generation In many ways, I see that we stand on their shoulders on the shoulders of giants, really The life we have now is entirely due to the sacrifices they made ” Pranav believes the best way to honour grandparents is by showing appreciation while they are still alive “Too often, people express their love and appreciation for grandparents after they’ve passed away, at their funeral It’s much more meaningful to celebrate them while they’re still here, by spending quality time with them and letting them know how much they mean to you ” He added, “Grandparents are probably the most valuable people in my life I don’t know how much longer I’ll have them, but I feel incredibly blessed to still have my grandma and nanny-ma both maternal figures I deeply miss the father figures who are no longer with us, my dadaji and nanaji ”

Girls thrive as math schools multiply

T his summer, King ’ s C ollege London M athematics School

achieved record-breaking Alevel results, w ith 76 2% of all grades at A * and 99 5% at A * to B, making it one of the highest-p erfo rming scho ols in the country

Inspired by its success, more state sixth-form math schools are emerging, with a significant rise in female students excelling in the subject Surrey Maths School recently opened, led by Sahar Shillabeer and Nora Kettleborough, former assistant heads at King’s The school, which has 87 students in year 12, boasts 30% female enrolment, with all students taking A-levels in mathematics, further mathematics, and subjects like physics, economics, chemistry, or computing

Shillabeer and Kettleborough emphasise

the importance of supporting women in STEM, stating that gendersensitive teaching is crucial to boosting female confidence in these fields

Even before opening, they hosted a Women in STEM summer school for 112 local students

Currently, eight mathfocused sixth-form schools operate across England, with more planned in cities like Nottingham, Aston, and Durham About 500 students are enrolled, a number expected to grow to 1,100 in the coming years These schools aim to nurture mathematical talent, particularly among students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and are linked to universities for additional support

Math is the most popular A-level subject, but

Indian flavours meet British classics

Indian cuisine, with its rich heritag e and d iv erse array o f spices, has long been celebrated for its bo ld flav ours and intricate co oking techniques

As global palates evolve

emerged: fusion Indian cui-

approach blends the time-

Indian cooking with modern flavours and ingredients from around the world, creating dishes that are both f

Indian cuisine is not just a passing trend it’s a reflection of how food can bring t

s , t

d itions, and tastes in exciting and delicious ways

Asian Voice, in its previous edition highlighted the g r o w i n g t r e n d o f I n d i a n flavoured pizza and found t h a t t h e t r e n d g o e s w e l l beyond Italian pizzas The fusion fever has taken over t h e B r i t i s h p i e a n d s a n dw i c h e s a t B r o h m o n , a n award-winning Indian and B a n g l a d e s h i r e s t a u r a n t i n Essex

What started as a creative take on British food through Indian perspective

d u r i n g t h e B r i t i s h F o o d F o

with spicy mushroom filling, Karim Ullah, the owner of the establishment said, “We thought it would be a great idea to offer a special l u n c h t i m e d e a l f e a t u r i n g pies, served with jeera aloo

T h i s d i s h g i v e s a u n i q u e t w i s t o n t h e t r a d i t i o n a l

B e n g a l i p i e a n d m a s h while it’s not mashed potatoes, we use baby potatoes cooked with cumin and a variety of spices It turned out to be a hit! We make our pies using puff pastry, w h i c h i s l i g h t e r t h a n t h e heavy pastry that most pies i n t h i s c o u n t r y u s e Customers have really loved t h e p a s t r y , m a k i n g t h e whole dish a success ” O t h e r f u s i o n t w i s t s introduced during the fort-

soups, including some spicy options that featured intere

instance, instead of the typical spinach found in many I

university enrolment in math has stagnated At the same time, industries face a shortage of math graduates Women now make up 24% of the science and math workforce, a figure projected to rise to 30% by 2030, though this growth has been uneven across industries like engineering and ICT

New math schools hope to address these gaps by offering research projects with universities and employers Cambridge Maths School, for example, offers biology alongside math to attract more female students, with almost half of its pupils being girls

Leeds Mathematics School, which opened last year, offers subjects like Mandarin and STEM, and more than 40% of its students come from deprived backgrounds

Secretary of State (Minister

Departm ent for Education, in addition to her existing


State in the Hom


include promoting equality for LGBT people in the UK across areas such as home, work, health, and wellbeing, banning conversion therapy

ensuring LGBT equality in the workplace, and addressing LGBT safety concerns, including homelessness and domestic violence

Malhotra has served as

Migration and Citizenship since July 2024 and has been the Member of Parliament f o r F e l t h a m a n d H e s t o n since 2011 O

Griffith DBE MP, who has been named a Parliamentary U

(Minister for Equalities) in

Education while maintaining her role in the Wales

Swiss chard, which has also become

bhaji with cheese were offered as well also becoming very popular “We enjoyed this approach so much that we


“The response has been fantastic; even after just two weeks, we

he further added

Seema Malhotra assigned new duties in King's appointment

Office Lord Cryer has also been appointed as a Lord in W

( G


Hon the Baroness Smith of Malvern has been appointed as

Government spokesperson for Equalities, in addition to her current position as Minister of State for Skills

Under Secretary of State in

Farage vows to prosecute men kicked by police

Party's five MPs wrote to H o m e S e c r e t a r y Y v e t t e C o o p e r , e x p r e s s i n g c o ncerns that the CPS might be waiting for the IOPC to find

f a u l t w i t h t h e o f f i c e r s involved as a way to avoid

c h a r g i n g t h e a l l e g e d

assailants The letter stated, " T h i s i s t o t a l l y u n a c c e p table," and warned that the party would pursue a private criminal prosecution if the CPS failed to act They also claimed that a "senior p e r s o n " w i t h i n G r e a t e r M a n c h e s t e r P o l i c e h a d intentionally withheld the fuller video of the incident The party stated that the p r o s e c u t i o n w o u l d b e crowdfunded if necessary I n r e s p o n s e ,

confirmed that a file had b e e n s e n t t o t h e C P S i n

mid-August and that they were awaiting a decision on charges A GMP spokesperson said, “We have refrained from commenting publicly o n t h e c a s e , i n c l u d i n g releasing footage, to ensure t h e

that GMP continues to support the officers involved A H o m e O f f i c e s p o k e s p e r s o n r e i t e r a t e d t h a t t h e r e i s n o t w o - t i e r policing system and stressed the importance of independent investigations by the CPS and IOPC

Karim Ullah
Seema Malhotra

Dear Financial Voice Reader,

Alpesh Patel O

So many readers of this paper will be b us ines s owners So this is for you:

The Untapped Potential: Why Company Owners Shoul d Invest Their Bus ines s Cash for Long-Te rm Weal th

As a company owner, you likely view your business as the cornerstone of your financial future For many entrepreneurs, their company is their pension, their legacy, and the engine that will fund their retirement Yet, one of the most overlooked strategies for enhancing longterm wealth and safeguarding that future is leveraging the cash within your company to invest whether through personal pensions like SIPPs or by investing directly in equities via your company

With global stock markets, particularly the US market, sitting at or near all-time highs, now may be a perfect time to reassess how you handle your company's retained earnings It’s easy to focus solely on reinvesting in your business, but savvy company owners should also consider the potential of investing company cash in equities, benefiting from the growth of companies like Apple, Costco, or Nvidia, while enjoying substantial tax efficiencies Here's why this approach could be a gamechanger for your long-term financial strategy

The Common Misconception: "My Business Is My Pension"

Many business owners fall into the trap of thinking, “My business is my pension ” While this is partially true, it can be risky Business valuations are volatile, and economic downturns or unforeseen circumstances could significantly erode your company's value just as you near retirement

By diversifying how your company ’ s cash is managed, you can create a buffer that doesn’t solely rely on your business’s performance If your business falters, your equity investments, like owning shares in bluechip companies, can help soften the blow

But, if your company is your pension then you should make your cash work hard for you, as hard as you work for your company by investing it Of course, markets can fall and past performance does not guarantee the future So make sure you know what your doing by looking at the free resources on www campaignforamillion com

SIPPs: A Personal Pe nsion Strategy with Tax Advantages

For company owners, using a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) offers a powerful way to grow your wealth in a tax-efficient manner

The UK tax code currently allows you to contribute up to £60,000 per year into a SIPP, and these contributions are tax-deductible That means you can make contributions from your company and use this as a corporation tax write-off, effectively lowering your taxable income

More importantly, any investments held within the SIPP, whether in shares, bonds, or other assets, grow free of income tax and capital gains tax So while you're building your business, your SIPP can be quietly compounding in the background, growing tax-free until you reach retirement

However, despite this clear tax advantage, many entrepreneurs neglect the personal pension route, either because they see their business as their primary retirement asset or because they’re unaware of how efficient the SIPP structure can be

Investing Company Cash: A Missed Oppo rtunity fo r Growth

For many companies, significant sums of cash can sit idle in bank accounts, earning negligible returns This is not only an inefficient use of capital but also a missed opportunity By investing a portion of your company ’ s retained earnings in equities, you can tap into the growth of world-leading companies

Imagine your company owns shares in Apple, Costco, or Nvidia some of the most successful and innovative companies on the planet

You could benefit from their market-leading growth, technological advances, and robust business models Not only would your company be generating profits from its core business, but it would also have these titans of industry effectively working for your company

The Be nefits of Holding Shares in Y our Company

Unlike personal investing, where capital gains tax can eat into your returns, holding investments within your company can be more taxefficient Capital gains realized from selling shares held by your company are subject to corporation tax which is often lower than personal capital gains tax rates for higher earners Inves ting Wis ely: Wha t Companies to Own

When deciding which companies to invest your retained earnings in, it’s essential to focus on high-quality, blue-chip stocks that have a track record of stability and growth Companies like Apple, Nvidia, or Costco are examples of well-established firms with robust balance sheets, global reach, and the ability to generate consistent returns

These companies are leaders in their sectors, and their shares are likely to continue appreciating over the long term In essence, by investing in these firms, you're aligning your company's financial future with theirs

This is not individual stock advice, as these companies are ‘overbought’ presently, unlike say Tesla So we need the data to choose carefully

A Dual Str ategy f or Suc ces s

Business owners have a unique opportunity to leverage both their personal pension options, like SIPPs, and their company ’ s cash for investments The combination of these two strategies can help mitigate risk, provide tax advantages, and potentially enhance long-term wealth

In an era where stock markets are reaching new heights, and with growing concerns over how to preserve wealth in the face of inflation, investing company cash whether through pensions or direct equity holdings should be a key consideration for every entrepreneur By thinking beyond your business as your sole retirement asset, you ’ re setting yourself up for a more secure, diversified financial future

Your company is your pension, but it can also be much more When you invest wisely whether in your business or in world-leading companies you build wealth that can work for you long after you've stopped working for it

Through my Campaign for a Million I want to get a million people (including companies) around the world to add an extra million to their pensions or cash piles across their lifetimes by giving free resources and education

UK-India FTA boosts companies' business expansion



gro wing interest in

T rade Agreement (F TA) amo ng bus iness es lo oking to expand on both s ides

The report highlights that nearly all (92%) of Indian businesses surveyed believe an FTA would encourage them to explore opportunities in the UK, while 72% of UK businesses expressed similar sentiments about India Additionally, 90% of Indian

understanding of the potential provisions and implications of the FTA, compared to 72% of their UK counterparts

According to Anuj Chande OBE, Head of the South Asia Business Group at Grant Thornton UK LLP,

opportunity to enhance economic collaboration between the UK and India Chande notes that provisions

relaxed visa restrictions could drive

growth in trade and investment for both nations

Negotiations for the UK-India FTA have been ongoing since the previous Conservative government, with the new Labour administration r e a f

t o advancing discussions, building on the fourteenth round of talks UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy’s visit to India in July, which secured the Tech Security Partnership, fur-

toward closer economic ties

The IBR also found high levels of optimism within the UK-India business corridor A remarkable 89% of mid-market Indian businesses view the UK as a key growth market, while 61% of UK businesses express similar ambitions for expansion in India

Bank official warns against rate cuts

Chartered Accountants in England

importance of maintaining a restrictive monetary policy to keep inflation under control He projected a "virtuous cycle" of stabilising inflation in the coming year but stressed that this outcome hinges on sustaining a tight monetary policy stance to

manage inflationary pressures effectively Pill remarked that while interest rates will eventually need to fall, this should happen at a pace that ensures inflation is reduced in a lasting manner, not just temporarily He also highlighted the risk of "deeper structural changes" in the UK economy that could fuel prolonged inflationary pressures, requiring a sustained monetary response to keep inflation i n c h e c k A c c o r d i n g t o P i l l , t h e Bank's current assumption of neutral interest rates those that neither restrict growth nor drive inflation was set too low These comments stand in contrast to remarks

made earlier by Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey, who suggested to The Guardian that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) might consider a more aggressive loosening of policy if inflation continues to decline Bailey’s comments contributed to one of the pound’s largest one-day drops against the dollar since the aftermath of Liz Truss’s mini-budget in 2022

0 26% to $1 3157, before losing those gains after a strong U S labour market report The pound also rose 0 5 5 %

€1 196

Labour set to reverse investment tax plans

L abour is re con sid erin g its plan to close a loophole tha t allows privat e e qui

or s t

from the Tr ea sur y that t he move c ould co st


nd red s of million s of pounds r athe r t han g ene ra te r eve nue

Sir Keir Starmer had pledged in Labour’s manifesto to end the practice where profits from private equity deals are taxed as capital gains at 28%, instead of at the top income tax rate of 45% Labour initially projected that reforming the tax on “carried interest” a share of profi t s f r o m p r i v a t e e q u i t y f u n d s would raise £560 million to support public services Carried interest is

currently taxed as a capital gain because it is considered a return on investment rather than income

T h e a d d i t i o n a l r e v e n u e f r o m closing the loophole had been earm a r k

recruiting 8,500 new mental health workers, providing legal aid to disaster victims, and waiving visa fees for non-UK veterans serving in British forces However, internal Treasury a n a

could result

might relocate outside the UK to avoid the higher tax, potentially discouraging investment

The analysis estimates that the cost could rise to £350 million per year within five years The government has been in consultation with the private equity industry on how the proposed tax changes might be implemented

British Land invests £441 million in retail parks

L isted property compani es are reg ai nin g a competiti ve edge over priv ate equi ty buyers in the race for real estate deal s, accordin g to the head of British Lan d

The company recently raised funds from shareholders for the first time in a decade to acquire several retail parks, highlighting a shift in the investment landscape British Land, one of the UK’s largest listed property owners, announced that it h a d s u c c e s s f u l l y r a i s e d £ 3 0 0 m i l l i o n

l p finance a £441 million acquisition of seven retail parks from Brookfield

While the Bank of England cut interest rates from a 16-year high earlier this summer, the market does not anticipate a return to near-zero rates The increased borrowing costs have positioned public companies like British Land to act more decisively, as they can swiftly raise funds from shareholders for acquisitions, in contrast to private equity, which often faces lengthy fundraising processes British Land last raised equity in 2013 Brookfield has sold a total of nine parks to British Land since September, having acquired them during a period of heightened uncertainty in 2021

UK pay growth hits lowest since 2021

Britain's job s mar ket has showed further signs of cooling in September , wit h pa y growth rising at its sl owe st rate in nearl y four y ears This de velopment is like ly to pr ovide rea ssurance to the B ank of En glan d as it del ib erat es pote ntial cuts to borrowing costs According t o a surv ey by the Recruit me nt and Employmen t Confeder ation (REC) and KPMG, the growt h in st arting pa y for per ma nent roles has fal len to its l owest leve l since Fe bruary 2021 Additionall y, the mon thly index for perma nent job pl acements ex tended a two-y ear de cl in e, al though the reduct ion in hir in g was less seve re than in August Jon Holt, KPMG's UK chief executive and senior partner, noted that businesses are grappling with uncertainty surrounding Britain's tax policies and other economic measures in anticipation of finance minister Rachel Reeves' first annual budget on October 30 Reeves has indicated that some taxes may rise as Prime Minister Keir Starmer's new Labour government aims to enhance public services and investment Holt suggested that the easing of pay pressures could bolster the case for another interest rate cut at the Bank of England's upcoming meeting in November The REC/KPMG survey also revealed that the pool of available candidates for job openings continued to expand, while the number of vacancies decreased for the 11th consecutive month, marking the fastest decline since March

S Jaishankar and David Lammy
Keir Starmer

g n currency assets by $10 billion and a $2 billion addition to gold reserves The accretion in the week ended Sept 27 was the fifth highest The highest weekly accretion was during the week-ended Aug

inflows Forex reserves have

since March 2024, while the

$117 9 billion, representing


most quarters, the deficit is offset by capital flows and

living overseas, resulting in

balance of payments surplus

always draw


forgotten the lesson during

which led to the reforms in 1991

“India’s foreign reserves have increased at the fastest monthly run rate under RBI

ever recorded, at $4 2 billion a month, over an extended period of 70 months, with almost $298 billion collected since he took charge This eclipses the past record of $3 3 billion under governor Y V Reddy During his fiveyear term, RBI accrued more

double the reserve adequacy

2023, at $351 billion,” said

research note

Apple set to make AirPods in India, focus on exports

A f t e r s h i f t i n g i P h on e produc tion w or th b illi ons of dollars to In dia, Apple has fina li sed plans to make A i r P od s , wi th a s

on g f oc us on exports

The company will start

m a k i n g c a s i n g


t h e product at Pune factory of US contract manufacturer Jabil and after that AirPods will be manufactured at a n e w u n i t o f F o x c o n n i n Telangana, sources said

The AirPods production comes to India even in the a b s e n c e o f a p

smartphones Apple, which

iPhones in India in 2021, is estimated to have exported

accounting for 14% of the global production

n y i s ramping up the iPhone production rapidly and h

t e d manufacturing the Pro

through its list of contract m

and Pegatron and local Tata g r o u p , w h i c h h a d t a k e n over operations of Wistron

year and will also be sold in I n d i a , t h e s o u r c e s s a i d , adding that Apple plans to ramp up the production “to a few billion dollars very r a p i d l y T h e f o c u s o n exports means that Apple will create a second large m a n u f a c t u r i n g b a s e o u t s i d e C h i n a , w h i c h

c u r r e n t l y i s a k e y production centre for most of its products The plan was the same when iPhone m a n u f a c t u r i n g h a d started,” one of the sources said

Adani to supply clean energy for Google’s cloud operations

sustainability goals and add m ore clean energy to India’s g rid

T h

d hybrid project is expected to be operationalised in Q3 of 2025

operations and services with electricity from the grid In

m e shares of baby care platform F

announced its goal to run on 24/7 carbon-free energy (CFE) on every grid where it

operates by 2030, aiming to p r o c u r e c l e a n e n e r g y t o meet its electricity needs “Adani is well-positioned to p r o v i d e c u s t o m i s e d renewable energy solutions t o c o m m e r c i a l a n d industrial (C&I) customers

t o m e e t t h e i r e n e r g y r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d r e d u c e t h e i r c a r b o n f o o t p r i n t Going forward, Adani plans

t o i n c r e a s e t h e f o c u s o n merchant and C&I segments t o h e l p d e c a r b o n i s e i n d u s t r i e s , ” t h e c o m p a n y said in a statement

Indian origin Ravi Ahuja named Sony Pics CEO

Indian origin Ravi Ahuja is s e t t o s u c c e e d T on y V inc iq uer ra , who wil l s t ep do wn a s C E O of S on y

Pict ures Enter tainm ent, the Hol lywood studio of Japa n ’ s Sony Corp

A h u j a ( 5 3 ) , w h o i s c u

officer of Sony Pictures, will take over as CEO on Jan 2, 2 0 2 5 T

Ahuja to the growing list of Indian-American executives w

companies Vinciquerra will continue to advise the studio as non-executive chairman until Dec 2025 Ahuja will r

chairman Kenichiro Yoshida

mentored by him since 2007 when he was hired at Fox Networks He joined Sony

Pictures in 2021 Ahuja also oversees the India business

television studios He played

(which was later called off) of Sony Pictures India with Zee

which plans to go public in the near

1 33% in Upstox in 2016, the year when he was involved in

performance The company announced a board overhaul


Last month, Southwest s

Gary Kelly will step down and six other directors will

board Elliott has held firm

GS T collections rose 6 5% in Sep t to £1 7 3 2 bn, which was th e s lo w es t p ac e o f exp a ns i o n i n o v er th r ee yea rs T h is t i m e, th e slow d ow n ap peared to be d ri v e n m o re b y d o m e s ti c sources, as Integ rated GST, in c lu d i ng on i m p o rts , log ged an 8 8 % rise in Sept ( bas ed o n tra nsa ct io ns i n Aug ) Central GST collections were pegged 5 4% higher at £3 14 bn, while state GST m o p - u p w a s 4 3 % h i g h e r , according to official data A part of the slowdown could h a v e b e e n o n a c c o u n t o f flooding in several parts of t h e c o u n t r y a s s t r o n g monsoon disrupted normal life in several states Andhra P r a d e s h , w h e r e s e v e r a l d i s t r i c t s w e r e r a v a g e d b y floods, for instance saw a 4% decline, Gujarat reported no change Manipur logged the worst performance with a 3 3 % c o n t r a c t i o n , w i t h M a d h y a P r a d e s h , Chhattisgarh, Mizoram and Nagaland also in the red In contrast, Haryana (24%) and

growth charts

15 companies file for IPO documents in just one day

However, most of the i n v e s t o r s a r e l o o k i n g f o r listing gains About 54 per cent of IPO shares (in value terms) allotted to investors (excluding anchor investors) w

from listing, the regulator said Non-institutional investors ( N

investors sold 42 7 per cent shares by value, the study said Some of the big IPOs in the lot are Hyundai

t w e e k , i

e changes in the top ranks, including the ouster of CEO B o b J o r d

s a i d i t p l a n s t o r e q u e s t a special shareholder meeting to press for those changes Gangwal said that more u p h e a v a l i n t h e e x e c u t i v e suite and boardroom would hurt shareholders

Th e fr e n zy i n t h e in i t ia l pub lic offering (IPO) market is get ting stronger with 15 companies submit ting t he ir IPO d ocume nts on the final d a y o f S e p t e mb e r 2 02 4 , bringing the total filings for the mont h to 41, t he highest e v e r r e c or d e d in a s in g l e mont h The IPO market is now c r o w d e d a s 2 5 c o m p a n i e s have planned to raise nearly £6 35 bn after getting the Sebi’s approval Another 48 c o m p a n i e s a r e l o o k i n g t o raise about £9 18 bn and are awaiting Sebi approval, data shows, taking the total fundraising to over £15 50 bn The activity in the IPO m a r k e t r e m a i n e d b u o y a n t on the back of stronger retail participation as reflected by number of applications and over subscription “Success o f t h e I P O s w a s p a r t l y supported by overall positive market sentiments and was f u r t h e r b o o s t e d b y s t r o n g post-listing performance in some of the IPOs,” a Sebi study on IPOs said


Ratan Tata

Ensure peaceful Durga Puja, eminent Bangla citizens write

DH A K A: Amid co ncerns o ver

secu rity during Durga Puja, 40 eminent citizens of Bangladesh h ave urged th e govt to take steps to ensure the Hindu community can celebrate its biggest festival

P uja is likely to be celebrated at 3 2 , 46 0 ma n da p

s s Bangladesh

“We want to believe that the govt will take measures as per its c

create communal tension They also urged citizens, irrespective of their caste and creed, to unitedly stand against miscreants trying to create communal ten-

to govt

sion “Some groups with vested

disharmony during the festival, carrying out subversive activities They are trying to create communal tensions by spreading anti-minority speeches on s


The Bangladesh army has made comprehensive preparations to ensure the safety of all during Durga Puja, said chief of army staff General WakerUzZaman during his visit to the Dhakeshwari National Temple,

measures The interim govt has

issued a set of instructions for the local administration and law enforcement agencies to maintain law and order during the festival A monitoring committee will be formed, including students, to ensure security at puja mandaps Meanwhile, the Sammilito

announced not to celebrate the ‘kothin chibor dan’ - the main religious festival of the Buddhist community - this year citing “lack of security and uncertainty ” Parbatya Bhikkhu Sangha p

Mahathera said that the festival will not be organised at any monasteries in the CHT

Bangladesh recalls 5 envoys, including India’s, in major reshuffle

D H A K A : B ang lad es h h as recalled five env oys, including the ambassado r to neig hbo uring India, foreig n m inistry officials

s a id , i n a m a j o r d i p l o m at ic resh uffle as th e interim gov ernm ent clears out ho ld overs from the previou s adm inistration

P o l i t i c a l u p h e a v a l i n t h e

South Asian nation ushered in the interim government led by

N o b e l P e a c e l a u r e a t e Muhammad Yunus after weeks of violent protests forced the Aug 5 resignation of then prime m i n i s t e r S h e i k h H a s i n a , w h o then fled to India

T h e f o r e i g n m i n i s t r y o r d e r e d e n

and the permanent mission to the United Nations in New York to immediately return to the capital, Dhaka, the official said "It’s possible the government doesn’t want them to continue, a s t h e y w

wouldn’t be surprising if more changes in the diplomatic corps follow " The departure of Hasina’s g o v e r n m e n t h a s t r i g g e r e d a broad administrative overhaul, with hundreds of senior officials

being re-assigned or transferred, and the contracts of some key ones terminated, forcing many of them to resign or retire early

A l l t h e r e c a l l e d d i p l o m a t s are set to go on post-retirement leave in December, another foreign ministry official said "You are requested to leave your current posts and return to Dhaka without delay," the ministry told the diplomats in its n o t i c

a Muna Tasneem, the high commissioner, or ambassador, who was similarly told to return A f o r e i g n m i

ment on when the replacements would be announced

More than 700 people died as a result of the student-led movement that ousted Hasina, straining ties with India The

itime boundaries in the Bay of Bengal M i n o r i t y g r o u p s i n Bangladesh have made accusations of attacks on Hindus after the political changes, though the government says the violence was motivated by politics, not religion

Two Chinese workers killed in blast outside Karachi airport

KA RA C H I: A m assiv e explo sio n

o utside Pakistan's K arachi air-

p o r t o n M o n d ay k il le d tw o

C hinese w orkers and injured at l ea st ei g h t o th e rs i nc lu d in g

P akistani citizens

Videos circulating on social media showed a thick plume of smoke rising from the scene

The spot was immediately cordoned off and military personnel were deployed

Rahat Hussain, a worker in the civil aviation department, said the blast was “ so big” that it s h o o k t h e a i r p o r t ’ s b u i l d i n g s Provincial home minister Zia Ul Hassan told Geo TV station that the explosion was an “attack targeting foreigners”

D e p u t y I n s p e c t o r G e n e r a l

E a s t A z f a r M a h e s a r s a i d t h e attack seemed like an oil tanker explosion "According to initial i n f o r m a t i o n , a n o i l t a n k e r caught fire which spread to several other vehicles causing collateral damage We are determining if there was an element of terrorism involved which we cannot rule out at the moment," he added

The militant group Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement emailed to journalists The group said the explosion was an attack carried out by t h e m u s i n g a v e h i c l e - b o r n e improvised explosive device tar-

g e t i n g C h i n e s e n a t i o n a l s , including engineers

Former Singapore minister of Indian origin jailed in rare case

S I N G A P O R E : Su b r am a ni a m I swaran, a senior c abinet m inis ter in Singap or e's government, has been s entenced to 12 mo nth s in p ris on in a h igh- prof il e trial th at h as gripp ed the wealthy natio n Iswaran, 62, pleaded guilty to accepting gifts worth more than £234,586 while in public office, as well as obstructing the course of justice The gifts included tickets to the Formula 1 Grand Prix, a Brompton T-line bicycle, alcohol and a ride on a private jet

Justice Vincent Hoong, who oversaw the case in Singapore's high court, emphasised that the f o r m e r t r a n s p o r t m i n i s t e r ' s crimes were an abuse of power and jeopardised people’s trust in public institutions

He also noted that Iswaran

acquitted "In his letter to the

would be acquitted," said Justice Hoong

Thus I have difficulty accepting these are indicative of his remorse " Iswaran will report to prison on October 7 He will serve his sentence at C h a n g i , t h e s a

i s o n t h a t holds Singapore's death row prisoners, where the cells don't have fans and most inmates sleep on straw mats instead of beds He is Singapore's first political figure to be tried in court in nearly 50 years

T h e C h i n e s e E m b a s s y i n Pakistan described the explosion as a “terrorist attack” and said a c o n v o y f r o m t h e P o r t Q a s i m E l e c t r i c P o w e r C o m p a n y w a s attacked near the airport The embassy said it has been working with authorities in Pakistan “The Chinese Embassy and Consulates General in Pakistan strongly condemn this terrorist

a t t a c k , e x p r e s s d e e p c o n d olences to the innocent victims of both countries and sincere sympathies to the injured and (their) families,” read a statement from the Embassy

T h o u s a n d s o f C h i n e s e nationals, mostly engineers and other construction workers have been deployed by Chinese com-

panies that are building infrastructure projects as part of the m u l t i - b i l l i o n - d o l l a r C


The BLA is seeking independ e n c e f o r t h e p r o v i n c e

Balochistan, in Pakistan's southwest and bordering Afghanistan and Iran The group considers P a k i s t a n ' s c o n t r o l o f t h e province as an “occupation”

T h e s t r a t e g i

Gwadar, a key strategic point in the Arabian Sea, is located in Balochistan The BLA accuses Beijing of helping Pakistan to exploit the province of its rich mineral resources while continuing to suppress the rights of people in the region

Imran's party vows to continue its protest against govt

ISL AMA B AD : The situat ion re ma in ed tense in Pakistan 's capita l as jail ed former prime min ister Imra n Khan's par ty vowed to continue its prote st against the gove rnment, a day aft er v iol ent cl ashe s betwee n secur it y forces and his suppor ters that l eft one police ma n dead a nd sever al others injur ed Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party, in an overnight meeting, decided that the demonstration would go on until the release of Khan, who has been in jail since August last year The situation in Islamabad and neighbouring Rawalpindi, which witnessed the violent clashes remained tense However, there were no reports of violence in the twin cities on Sunday, indicating that the situation was improving gradually The mobile phone services have also been restored in the two cities which had been suspended earlier Meanwhile, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) chief minister Ali Amin Gandapur, whose mysterious disappearance after he led a rally of Pashtun supporters of PTI in Islamabad on Friday raised speculation about his arrest by Pakistani agencies, reappeared late on Sunday He entered the KP Assembly chamber in Peshawar and launched a tirade against PM Shehbaz Sharif’s govt, alleging that Islamabad’s police chief, along with Pakistan Rangers, had “raided KP House (guest house), sealed its gates, and misbehaved with staff and women ”


India does not share the vision for an Asian NATO” called for by Japan’s new Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar said Jaishakar told an event at Washington s Carnegie Endowment for International Peace that unlike Japan, India had never been a treaty ally of another country “We don t have that kind of strategic architecture in mind, he said when asked about Ishiba’s call India and Japan, along with the United States and Australia, are part of the so-called Quad grouping of countries established as a counterbalance to China


In a celebration of classical music, the As We Speak India' tour has been announced, featuring Grammy-winning icons Zakir Hussain, Rakesh Chaurasia, Bela Fleck and Edgar Meyer This multi-city tour scheduled for January 2025, will have a fusion of Indian classical music and Western jazz The quartet s performance will showcase their collective virtuosity, having garnered 31 prestigious Grammy Awards Tabla maestro Zakir Hussain expressed his excitement about returning to his homeland to perform with such incredible musicians “This concert is a celebration of the universal language of music exploring the common ground between Indian classical and Western jazz ”


Shailaja Paik a distinguished historian and professor at the University of Cincinnati is among this year’s group of 22 MacArthur Fellowship recipients The prestigious award often referred to as the genius grant includes $800 000 in no-strings-attached funding over five years The John D and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation which gives the award recognized Paik s groundbreaking work on the intersections of caste, gender, and sexuality in modern India, with a particular focus on Dalit women Paik’s journey to this recognition is a story marked by perseverance in the face of personal and societal challenges Born into a Dalit family, she has said she grew up in a oneroom house in a slum in Pune


Pabitra Margherita, India's minister of state for external affairs participated in the swearing-in ceremony of the new Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum reflected New Delhi's commitment to bolstering ties with the Latin American nation which has emerged as a vital partner in the region This participation highlights India s strategic autonomy as an emerging major power in global affairs Dr Sheinbaum is the first woman President of Mexico Pabitra Margherita conveyed warm greetings on behalf of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, as well as the 1 4 billion people of India on her appointment as the President of Mexico


Pakistan army said six of its soldiers including a high-ranking officer were killed in a gunfight after terrorists attacked a military convoy in the country’s restive North Waziristan tribal region, bordering Afghanistan Six terrorists were also killed in the skirmish in Spinwam area, according to an army statement It identified the slain officer as Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Ali Shoukat adding search and rescue operations were on The statement did not reveal the number of wounded soldiers, but intelligence sources put the number at 24 North Waziristan has long been a hotbed of terrorists operating on both sides of the Durand Line, the disputed border between Pakistan and Afghanistan


Renowned mountaineer Mingma G Sherpa, 38, has become the first Nepali mountaineer to scale all 14 peaks above 8,000-metre without using supplemental oxygen In 2022, Mingma climbed Mt Everest, Mt Dhaulagiri and Mt Kanchenjunga without using supplemental oxygen He also scaled Manaslu in 2021, Gasherbrum-II in 2019, Lhotse and Broad Peak in 2018, K2, Makalu and Nanga Parbat in 2017, Gasherbrum-I in 2016 and Annapurna in 2015 without using bottled oxygen


A devastating fire on a Thai school bus killed at least 23 people, police said after rescuers pulled children’s bodies from the charred wreckage of the vehicle The inferno engulfed the coach on a highway in a northern Bangkok suburb as it carried 38 children and six teachers on a school trip It is believed to be the deadliest road accident in a decade in Thailand DNA testing would be needed to identify the remains police said “The driver is on the run acting national police chief Kitrat Phanphet said PM Paetongtarn Shinawatra said govt would pay for medical treatment and compensate the victims’ families


More than a dozen tigers were incinerated after the animals contracted bird flu at a zoo in southern Vietnam, officials said State media VNExpress cited a caretaker at Vuon Xoai zoo in Bien Hoa city saying the animals were fed with raw chicken bought from nearby farms A panther and 20 tigers, including several cubs weighed between 10 and 120 kg when they died Samples taken from the tigers tested positive for H5N1, the virus that causes bird flu Over 20 other tigers were isolated for monitoring The zoo houses some 3,000 other animals including lions, bears, rhinos, hippos and giraffes


An airport in Japan was closed after a US bombshell likely dropped during WWII to stem “kamikaze” attacks exploded near its runway causing nearly 90 flight cancellations Miyazaki Airport shut its runway after the explosion caused a crater seven metres wide and one metre deep in the middle of the taxiway next to the runway A bomb disposal team later found that the cause of the explosion was an American bomb that had been buried beneath the land surface, probably dating to a wartime air raid No injuries were reported but footage showed an airplane had been taxiing nearby two minutes before the explosion


The Haitian govt has deployed specialist antigang police units after an apparent massacre northwest of Port-au-Prince that the United Nations said left at least 70 dead The attack carried out in the town of Pont Sonde some 100 km from the capital, also saw scores of houses and vehicles torched after gang members open fired “Members of the Gran Grif gang used automatic rifles to shoot at the population killing at least 70 people, among them about 10 women and three infants UN Human Rights Office spokesman said The Haiti PM’s office said in a statement that “this latest act of violence, targeting innocents, is unacceptable and demands an urgent, rigorous, coordinated response from the state ”

UN Chief remembers Mahatma Gandhi's teaching of non-violence

United Nations: UN SecretaryGe ner al A n to ni o Gu te rre s und erscored Mahatma Gand hi s message of non-violence, peace and equality as he v oiced deep concern over a w orld "bristling with v iolence" and co nflicts raging from U kraine to the M iddle East

“On the International Day of non-violence, we commemorate

Gandhi and reaffirm the values to which he dedicated his life: equality, respect, peace and justice,” Guterres said in his message for the day, commemorat-


world today is bristling with violence, Guterres said across the

“From Ukraine to Sudan, the Middle East and far beyond, war

foundations of peace And hate whipped up online is spilling over onto the streets,” he said The UN chief underscored that Gandhi believed non-vio-

powerful than any weapon He called on the international community to together build institu-

planned at the UN headquart e r s t i t l e

and UN Charter', organised by

India to the UN to commemorate the International Day of Non-Violence

Fung, Chef de Cabinet of the President of the 79th session of

Assembly Philemon Yang, said that Gandhi's life stands as a powerful testament to the effec-

world, particularly in Asia and Africa


behalf of Yang, Fung said that leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King Jr were deeply influenced by Gandhi's concept of ‘Satyagraha' “As the world endures a turbulent period with conflicts raging in Gaza, Lebanon, Myanmar, Sudan, Ukraine and elsewhere, the Mahatma's message of peace

he said

Consulate unveils Mahatma Gandhi bust at Seattle center

SEATTLE: A bust of Ma ha tma

Gandhi was unve il ed at Sea ttl e Cente r on October 2, in honour of the Indian free dom fight

bene ath the iconic Space

Garde n and Gla ss Museum, t his marks the first inst all ation dedica ted to Gandhi in Seat tle

The ceremony was attended

Congressman Adam Smith, and Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal L

Prakash Gupta, Consul General of India in Seattle, accompanied by Lt Gen Xavier Brunson, commander of the US First Corps in the Pacific Northwest, and Eddie Rye, chair of the Martin Luther

King-Gandhi Initiative

Speakers at the event empha-

w e l f a r e f o r a l l ) , underscoring their relevance in today’s world Gandhi’s message of peaceful resistance continues to resonate globally, particularly in times of political and social unrest T o f u r t h e r c o m m e m o r a t e

t h e o c c a s i o n , W a s h i n g t o n

Governor Jay Inslee issued an o f f i c i a l p r o c l a m a t i o n , acknowledging the bust as a gift from the Government of India to Seattle The proclamation hailed the installation a s a p o w e r f u l r e m i n d e r o f Gandhi’s impact through nonviolent activism

A d d i t i o n a l l y , K i n g C o u n t y issued its own proclamation, designating October 2 as ‘Mahatma Gandhi Day’ across all 73 cities in t h e G r e a t e r S e a t t l e a r e a T h e d o c u m e n t h o n o r e d G a n d h i ’ s philosophy of non-violent resistance, which has inspired civil r i g h t s m o v e m e n t s w o r l d w i d e

The King County proclamation also connected Gandhi’s legacy to that of Dr Martin Luther King

Jr , noting that King was a devoted follower of Gandhi’s teachings

This event follows the opening of the Indian consulate in S e a t t l e l a s t N o v e m b e r , w h i c h serves the Pacific Northwest and plays a key role in fostering cultural and diplomatic ties The installation of Gandhi’s bust is part of a broader initiative across the region to promote peace and non-violence The bust’s placement at Seattle Center, a location visited by millions annually, was chosen to align with the city’s values of inclusivity and its commitment to Gandhi’s teachings Gandhi’s birthday is also recogn i z e d g l o b a l l y a s t h


BAPS temple in Flushing, NY celebrates 50 years

NEW YOR K: I n 1974, the fi rst mandi r of BAPS Swaminaray an Sanstha in N orth Am erica wa s i n a ug u ra t e d b y P ra m u k h Sw a m i M ah a r a j i n Fl u s hi n g,

e n li gh t e n m e


m m u n i t y servic e, an d cultural pres ervation with a grand c ele bration held i n the same c ity where it all began

T h e f e s t i v i t i e s , s p a n n i n g two weekends, drew thousands o f v i s i

country The event highlighted


, which started with just a handful of devotees and has since evolved into one of the most

p r o m i n e n t H i n d u o r g a n i z ations in the US, now overseeing more than 115 mandirs across North America A special inter-

a c t i v e e x h i b i t i o n s h o w c a s e d the history and contributions

o f B A P S o v e r t h e l a s t f i v e decades

C o n g r e s s m a n T o m S u o z z i expressed his admiration, stating, “The journey of BAPS is remarkable ” He presented the organization with a US Capitol flag, flown in honor of BAPS’s 50 years of service and dedication

The foundation of BAPS in North America is rooted in the teachings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, whose motto, “In the Joy of Others, Lies Our Own,” continues to inspire millions This sentiment was echoed by C

leader, Mahant Swami Maharaj, who sent his wishes from India

A distinguished lineup of dignitaries and community leaders also graced the occasion

Earlier this year, the New

h o noted, “BAPS is an example of how society can live together and serve together in a loving, friendly way ” The event carried the bless-

honoring the 50th anniversary of BAPS’s first mandir in North America Sponsored by Senator John Liu and Assembly member Nily Rozic, the resolutions celebrated BAPS’s spiritual, social, and community contributions

Former Haley campaign staffers are now endorsing Kamala



has since backed Do nald Trump T hese endorsements come from key figu res who once held leadership roles in Haley’s state campaigns Tom Evslin, the former cochair of Haley’s Vermont state l

, emphasizing the role of independents and former Haley sup-


In Michigan, two other former Haley supporters - business consultant Jimmy Greene and c o m m u

l l Nowling - also announced their e

n a joint op-ed for the Michigan Chronicle, the two Republicans praised Haley but expressed disappointment with the current state of the Republican Party

Nowling is also a co-chair of t

Harris, which includes prominent former GOP representatives such as Adam Kinzinger of Illinois and Denver Riggleman of Virginia, CNBC reported Haley’s former Iowa state co-chair, Dawn Roberts, made a similar announcement in the Des Moines Register Roberts, a l

about Harris, “She showed

These endorsements high-

Republicans who, while initially backing Haley, are now crossing party lines to support Harris T e n

y a n d Trump have persisted, reported The Hill In a recent interview on her SiriusXM show Nikki Haley Live, she reiterated her c

defending her eventual decision to endorse him “Politics is

Antonio Guterres

Jaishankar will visit Pakistan to attend SCO meet

F or th e first time in nine

y ea rs , an I nd ia n fo re i g n

m in i st er w i l l tr av e l to

P a ki s tan w i th th e g o v t

confirm ing that S Jaish ankar

w ill rep resent Ind ia at the

S C O h ea d s o f g o v t

m eet in g i n I s lam aba d o n Octo ber 15-16

Pakistan had invited PM

N a r e n d r a M o d i f o r t h e

m e e t i n g H o w e v e r , w i t h

Modi’s participation in SCO restricted to the heads of


whether he would nominate

J a i s h a n k a r , w h o h a s

p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e s a m e meetings in the past, given the troubled relationship

While more a formality in line with SCO protocol than a peace outreach, the invite opens the possibility

status of J&K in August 2019



Jaishankar is significant as I

sending a junior minister

Jaishankar had said recently

accordingly to both positive and negative developments

Whether or not there’s

Ishaq Dar is likely to depend more on the host


commissioner to Pakistan, Ajay Bisaria, said the ball is

Jaishankar India has made a

troubled relationship

“Pakistan must seize this opportunity and as the host p

bilateral conversation on the S C

countries would be to grab

commissioners and reviving trade ties,” he said W

MEA spokesperson Randhir

a l s a i d t h e v i s i t w a s about SCO and not much should be read into it

T h e v i s i t a l s o underscores the significance

I n d i a a t t a c h e s t o t h e

E u r a s i a n b l o c a m i d

s p e c u l a t i o n o v e r I n d i a ’ s

c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e grouping after Modi skipped the heads of state summit in July this year in Kazakhstan

D e s p i t e t h e C h i n e s e predominance, and efforts to position it as an antiWest forum, SCO remains an important platform for I n d i a t o b u i l d t i e s w i t h resource rich central Asia

Gujarat businessman duped with fake notes bearing Anupam Kher's image

A b u l l io n t r ad er i n Ahm edabad los t 2 kg of go ld, w orth £130,000, by fraudsters w ho u sed f ake cu rrency notes f ea t u r ing Bo l l yw o o d a c to r

Anup am Kh er ’ s image

Mehul Thakkar, a gold and silver trader, received a call on September 23 from t h e m a n a g e r o f L a x m i Jewellers, who is known to h i m T h e m a n a g e r a s k e d him about the price of over 2 kg of gold for a third party

Thakkar, who had been doing business with Laxmi Jewellers for over 15 years, confidently made the deal for £160,000

The following day the

manager informed Thakkar that the buyer required the gold urgently, but due to a technical issue with RTGS ( R e a l T i m

d provide a security deposit in

remaining amount later

area Thakkar sent one

deliver the gold, where three individuals were present, one of whom was using a currency counting machine

After handing over

Anupam Kher, with a stamp of the "Star Bank of India" instead of the State Bank of India (SBI)

Upon realising the scam,

Thakkar and the manager of Laxmi Jewellers rushed to the location, only to find that the so-called Angadia firm had been set up just

person who had contacted


, after which Mehul Thakkar lodged a complaint T h a k k a r f i l e d a complaint with the police, who are now investigating the case The police have s t a r t e d r e v i e w i n g C C T V footage from the area and are working to identify the fraudsters

India calls for restraint over West Asia flare-up

After Iran launched an att ack on Isra el, spa rking fear s of a w i de r r e g io n a l co n fl ic t , Indian govt e xpresse d de ep conce rn over the deve lopin g s it u a t i on i n W e st A si a , urging a ll pa rties to exer cise r estraint and address issues

t h r o ug h d i a l o gu e a n d

d i pl om a cy t o e ns ur e t he e ntire r egion isn’t e ngul fe d b y the conflict

W h i l e I n d i a s o u g h t p r o t e c t i o n o f c i v i l i a n s , i t didn’t condemn, unlike close

p a r t n e r s l i k e F r a n c e a n d Japan, the escalation by Iran, or name any country in its g u a r d e d r e s p o n s e t o t h e fresh flare-up

“ W e a r e d e e p l y concerned at the escalation of the security situation in West Asia and reiterate our c a l l f

r e s t r a i n t b y a l l concerned and protection of civilians,” a statement issued

b y t h e U n i o n m i n i s t r y o f external affairs stated

“It is important that the conflict doesn’t take a wider regional dimension and we

u r g e t h a t a l l i s s u e s b e addressed through dialogue

a n d d i p l o m a c y , ” t h e g o v t added

F o r I n d i a , a s o f f i c i a l

sources said, the first priority is to ensure the safety and security of Indian nationals in Israel and Iran “We are c l o s e l y m o n i t o r i n g t h e recent escalation in security situation in the region,” said the govt in another advisory, as it advised Indian nationals t o a v o i d a l l n o n - e s s e n t i a l travel to Iran

Won’t allow ‘bulldozer justice’ for alleged crime: Supreme Court

T h e S u p re m e C o u rt reiterated that it w ould not allow ‘bulldo zer justice’ as a p u n it i v e m eas u re a g ai ns t alleged crim inals, saying it w ould soon pass an o rd er to l ay d o w n th at ne it h er a lle g ed in v o lv em e nt i n c ri

A t l e a s t 3 1 N a x a li t e s we r e k i ll e d w h e n se c u r it y pe r so n n e l encount ere d the m in a 48-hour ope rat ion in

Da n t e w a d a d i s t r i ct s of C hhatt isg arh This was the highe st number of fa talities suffere d by Ma oists in


rsonne l in Ka nke

distr ict

Nearly 1,500 jawans of District Reserve Guard (DRG) from Dantewada and Narayanpur and Special Task Force w

Superintendent of Police RK Barman said

The crackdown was launched based on inputs about the presence of Maoists belonging to their company No 6 and east Bastar division on the hills of Gavadi, Thulthuli, Nendur and Rengawaya villages, he said

The operation, launched on October 3 and lasted for two days, turned out to be the biggest ever successful counterinsurgency operation in the state, he said

The gunfight broke out between security forces and Naxalites at around 1 pm on Friday and ended late in the evening in a forest between Nendur and Thulthuli villages, he said

While bodies of 28 Naxalites were recovered from the encounter site, three more bodies were found later, he said, a d

Reinforcement by the Central Reserve Police Force helped the search operation and the Naxalites' bodies are being brought to Dantewada, he said

The identity of the Naxalites is yet to be ascertained but prima facie, it appears they belonged to PLGA (People's Liberation Guerilla Army) company No 6, Platoon 16 and East Bastar division of Maoists, Inspector General of Police (IGP) Bastar Range Sundarraj said

Cocaine worth


seized in Delhi's biggest drug bust

The Delhi P olice reco vered o ve r 50 0 kg o f c o c a i ne worth mo re than £200 mn follo wi ng a raid in s ou th Delh i in wh at is said to be th e biggest drug bust ever in th e nati onal capi tal Fo ur p eo p le wer e a rr es t ed i n connec tio n with the drug bu st

A n i n t e r n a t i o n a l d r u g syndicate is believed to be behind the massive cocaine c o n s i g n m

narcotics were being used in high-profile parties

India to lay pipeline to supply petroleum products to Nepal

Reserving its order on petitions against ‘bulldozer justice’, a bench of Justices

V Viswanathan said there was a need for judicial oversight and also that notice should be delivered to the

equally, regardless of their community

The SC said guidelines would be applicable

Rajasthan, which have been accused of using bulldozers against alleged offenders for instant justice, agreed that involvement in crime could


for the three states, told the bench that involvement in a crime could not be the basis for bulldozer action and any demolition must be done as per municipal laws

He also said the practice of demolition notice being pasted on the house should be done away with and the notice should be delivered by registered post

Ind ia will lay two pipelines to supply petroleum prod ucts to Nepal in the most affordable and environm ent friendly w ay, a m ove that w ill raise the entry barrier for China in th e country’s oil market

framework agreement One pipeline will supply products from Siliguri to Jhapa in Nepal, 50 km away

The other pipeline will be laid inside Nepal to push products upcountry from Amlekhgunj near the border town of Birganj to Lothar, 62 km away

The agreement follows a 2023 MoU Both the pipelines have been under discussion since 2019, when peeved by India’s 2018 economic blockade, Kathmandu had signed a trade and fuel supply pact with China

But the Himalayan logistics involved in carting fuel from China has made the option economically unviable

India currently meets Nepal’s fuel needs, estimated at about 1 5 million tonnes per annum

IndianOil supplies products to Amlekhganj through a pipeline from IndianOil’s Motihari depot in Bihar

Extension of the pipeline to Lothar will reduce cost of transporting fuel across the country and the resultant pollution from tankers

The pipeline from Siliguri will open a second supply route and improve availability in eastern Nepal

S Jaishankar

Lack of loos an insult to poor and against human dignity: PM Modi

St at in g t hat wome n ha d t o

s uf fe r t h e m a x i m um p a in

d ue t o open defeca tion, PM



lack of t oilet s was an “insult

t o the poor ” and was a gain st “ h u m a n d i g n i t y ” a n d h i s g ovt made it a na tiona l issue

“Filth and lack of toilets were never considered as a national issue As a result, there were no discussions about it in society and it was like they made dirt a part of their lives,” he said at an

h Bharat Mission

The PM urged the citizens to make cleanliness a lifelong mission, instead of a one day ritual, arguing that the programme had a positive impact on public health and well-being of a large sec-

tion of the society Pointing out that more than 60% of the country’s population was compelled to defecate in the open until 10 years ago, it was “disrespectf u

which continued from one generation to the other He said women had to undergo the pain and faced threats to

their health and safety as it was never a priority of the earlier govts


movement, more than 120 million toilets were built in the country and their coverage reached 100% from less than 40% in just five years of the mission


r govts for ignoring this critical issue, Modi said those who used Mahatma Gandhi for their political benefits a

subject of interest and hardly did anything to improve cleanliness He also recalled facing criticism after speaking about swachhta from the ramparts of the Red Fort He recollected how millions of people joined hands w

launched, be it marriage or a public function or any other place, the message of cleanliness was spread effectively

h o w women sold their cattle and mangalsutras to build toil

donated pension and some

benefits for the cleanliness mission

On the success of the m

India is the world’s biggest and most successful mass movement in the 21st century “When people talk about 21st century India even after 1,000 years, they will definitely remember SBM,” he said

PM Modi completes 23 years in public office, says a lot still to be done

P r im e M i ni s ter N are nd r a

M odi marked the com pletion of his 23 years in elected

p u b li c o f fi c e af te r tak in g ov er as Gujarat ch ief m inister for the first tim e on Oct 7, 20 01, by vo wing to co ntinue w orking tirelessly with m ore v ig ou r and no t rest until the goal of a “develop ed India” is accom plished

“ M u c h h a s b e e n achieved over the years but there is still more to be done

The learnings over these 23 years enabled us to come up with pioneering initiatives which have made an impact both nationally and globally

I assure my fellow Indians that I will keep working tire-

The situati on alo ng the Li ne of Actual Contro l is “ s table bu t sensiti ve and not normal ” , Army chi ef General Up endra Dwi vedi sai d, wh ile stressi ng the armed forces “ are operational ly full y prepared to deal wi th a ny c o nt i nge nc y ” t i l l Chi na restores the status quo in eastern Lad akh as it exi sted befo re April 2020

“With China, you have to

lessly, with even more vigour in service of the people I will not rest till our collective goal of a Viksit Bharat is realised,” Modi said as he thanked those who greeted him on reaching the personal milestone

The PM thanked BJP to elevate him from a ‘humble karyakarta’ to the chief minister of Gujarat and recalled the tough challenges he had faced - the 2001 Kutch earth

q u a k e , a s u p e r c y c l o n e , a m a s s i v e d r o u g h t , a n d t h e “legacy of many decades of Congress misrule like loot, communalism and casteism” - a f t e r t a k i n g o v e r t h e responsibility

“Powered by Jana Shakti, we rebuilt Gujarat and propelled it to new heights of progress, even in a sector like agriculture, for which the state was not traditiona l l y k n o w n , ” M o d i s a i d , claiming that during his 13 y e a r s a s C M , G u j a r a t emerged as a shining example of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’, ensuring prosperity for all sections of society

R e i t e r a t i n g a c h i e v ements of his tenure as PMincluding over 250 million people freed from clutches of poverty, India emerging a s f i f t h - l a r g e s t e c o n o m y , Modi said India’s developmental strides have ensured

LAC situation ‘stable but sensitive’: Gen Dwivedi

compete, you have to cooperate, you have to co-exist, you have to confront and contest,” Gen Dwivedi said He also warned that India has to guard against the possibility that China was replicating its “ grey zone warfare” tactics, under way in the South China Sea to lay claim to territory, along the 3,488-km LAC as well by relentlessly building and populating dual-use border villages there

In a candid fireside chat during the curtain raiser for

t h e C h a n a k y a D e f e n c e

Dialogue, the Army chief said “trust has become the biggest casualty” in the continuing military confrontation with

Ladakh in April-May 2020

nalling” had come out from the flurry of political-diplomatic meetings over the last two months, the execution of

military commanders on the ground, he said, adopting a cautious approach

“What we have to understand is that the diplomatic side gives options and possibilities But when it comes to the execution on ground, it is

commanders on both sides to take those decisions,” he said

t h a t t h e c o u n t r y i s b e i n g v i e w e d w i t h u t m o s t o p

imism globally “The world is k e e n t o e n g a g e w i t h u s , invest in our people and be a part of our success At the same time, India is working e x t e n s i v e l y t o o v e r c o m e global challenges be it clim a t e c h a n g e , i m p r o v i n g healthcare, realising SDGs and more, ” he said

S e n i o r B J P l e a d e r s

i n c l u d i n g h o m e m i n i s t e r

A m i t S h a h h a i l e d M o d i ’ s journey from Gujarat to the Centre as a “living inspiration” Shah said it was a matter of good fortune for him that he has been a witness to Modi’s long public life

Navratri festivities to generate £5bn business this year: CAIT

The ten- day N av ratri festiv i ties i nclu din g Raml eela, Garba, Dandi ya and Dussehra i n the country are likely to g en erate business worth more than £5 bn , said traders’ body Confederation of All Ind ia Traders (CAIT) Festi vities in Delhi alon e for the next 10 days are expected to see trad e of over £800 mn Accordi ng to C A I T, o v e r 10 0 ,0 0 0 f es ti v e e v en ts c el e bra ti n g N av r at ri , Ramleela, Garba, and Dan diya are anti ci pated to feature di fferent reli gious, cultural, social, an d sp iritual prog rammes

“Over 1,000 Ramleelas are held in Delhi alone, along with hundreds of Durga Puja pandals Dandiya and Garba, originally celebrated in Gujarat, are now widely organized across the country, including Delhi, with millions of people joining in the festivities,” said Praveen Khandelwal, Secretary General, CAIT

There is also a high demand for puja materials on a large scale while essential items for worship like fruits, flowers, coconuts, lamps, incense sticks, and other puja materials are also in great demand, he said Food items, sweets, flowers, decorative items, and tent houses for setting up pandals are other categories that see a surge in demand Moreover, the upcoming wedding season during November and December is expected to see £59 bn in business According to CAIT, the wedding season beginning November 12, 2024, is likely to witness around 48,00,000 weddings vis-a-vis 35,00,000 weddings in 2023 which led to around £42 5 bn business

Maharashtra dy speaker jumps off secretariat building in protest

N earl y hal f a dozen tribal MLAs, inclu ding deputy sp eaker N arh ari Zirw al , o ne of the senio r mo st Schedul ed Tribe MLAs in th e Mah a Yuti go vt, staged a p rotest over im plementatio n o f quo tas by jum ping o ff the s tate secretariat buil ding on to safety nets install ed in the atrium of th e stru cture betw een flo ors The protest against discontinuation of appointment of S T c a n d

e Panchayats Extension of Scheduled Area) and inclusion of the Dhangar community among STs ahead of the assembly elections raised eyebrows as Zirwal, an NCP (Ajit) legislator, holds a constitutional post The tribal MLAs which included Kiran Lahamate, Hiraman Khoskar and Rajesh Patil jumped off from the third floor around noon Minutes later, the group was led away by the police MP Hemant Savra was with them Nets were installed at the secretariat in 2018 following a spate of suicide attempts After police led the MLAs off, they staged a sit-in protest in Mantralaya corridors Deputy CM Devendra Fadnavis said an inquiry will be cond

Padalkar said Zirwal who holds a constitutional post should not have taken such an extreme step

National Space Commission okays India's fifth Moon mission Lupex

I n di a' s Na ti o n a l S p ac e Commission, th e apex body o n sp ac e m i s si o n s , h a s cleared th e fifth lunar mi ss i o n - L u n ar P o la r E x p l o ra ti o n Mi s s i o n o r Lu p ex Lu p ex s ee ks to explore the Moo n for water

a nd o th e r r es o u r c es an d gain exp ertise in exp lo ring the surface o f th e Moo n

U n l i k e m i s s i o n s Chandrayaan 1 to 4, the fifth edition will be jointly implemented by India and Japan It is part of India’s lunar series that eventually aims to send an Indian to the M o o n a n d b r i n g h e r / h i m

b a c k T h e U n i o n c a b i n e t cleared Chandrayaan-4 on Sept 18 Lupex will be put up

for cabinet clearance soon, although the space commission nod gives Isro the goahead to work on the mission

I s r o c h a i r m a n S Somanath said, “We wanted some more approvals from the cabinet Possibly, in the coming days, they will also

g e t a p p r o v e d W e ’ v

C h a n d r a

n m i s s i o n s w h i c h w i l l b u i l d u p t h e capability from the current level to the one which will send humans to land on the M o o n a n d b r i n g t h e m back ”

“At present, it is at the technical discussion level C o m m i t m e n t f r o m t h e

Keep marital rape out of IPC to protect institution of marriage: Govt

Opposing crimina lisat ion of mar ital rape , the Ce ntr e told Supr eme Court th at a hu sba n d an d wife sha

which is n ot ex clusively cent re d on se x a nd st re ssed if Parliame nt has thought fully car ved out an e xcept ion for ma rita l ra pe in the pe nal provision s (in Sec 3 75 of IPC), it should n ot be st ruck down by the court

Responding to a clutch of PILs seeking criminalisation of marital rape, the Union home ministry in an

affidavit said, “Given the nature of the marital institution in our sociolegal milieu, if the legislature is of the view that, for preservation of the marital institution, the impugned exception should be retained, it is s u b m

down the exception ” A husband certainly does not have any fundamental right to violate the consent of the wife, the

marital intercourse with rape, as the latter is recognised and abhorred in India, would be excessively harsh and disproportionate, it said The Centre clarified that it is committed to “fully and meaningfully” protect the liberty, dignity and rights of every woman “The govt attaches highest importance to ending all kinds of violence and offences c

including domestic violence against

women, ” it said The central govt asserts that a woman ’ s consent is not obliterated by marriage, and its violation should r e s u

c e s I t added, “Parliament has provided different remedies, including criminal law provisions, to protect consent within marriage Sections 354, 354A, 354B, 498A IPC, and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, ensure serious penal consequences for such violations ”

J a p

development of the rover to a firm Also, their govt has

f o r t h e project and they’ve identified their launcher for it,” he s a i d A l t h o u g h I s r o a n d Japanese space agency Jaxa s i g n e d a n a g r e e m e n t i n 2017, one of the challenges t h a t p r e v e n t e d w o r k o n L u p e x a f t e r I n d i a ’ s Chandrayaan-2 mission - as was the initial plan - was the

soft-landing of the lander on the lunar surface “So we took it up after C

done, but it should add features, which would

Somanath said He added that Isro has completed reengineering the spacecraft, which called for the


Narendra Modi
Upendra Dwivedi

Supreme Court forms SIT to probe Tirupati laddu row

NE W DE L HI: Supreme Court replac ed

t h e An d hr a P ra d e s h go vt - ap po in t e d s pecial inves tigation team with a new SIT c om pris ing off ic ers f rom CBI, AP Police a nd Food Safety & Standards Author ity of India (FSSAI) to probe all ege d adulteration of the f amous l addu pras adam of Tirupa ti “ I f t h e r

allegations, it is a very serious matter but we will not allow the court to be made

Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan said It replaced the TDP govt-appointed SIT with one that will comprise two officers each from CBI and the state police and an FSSAI officer The probe will be monitored by the CBI director, the bench ordered

Five PILs were filed in SC shortly after A n d h r a P r a d e s h C M N C h a n d r a b a b u Naidu on Sept 18 alleged, based on a lab report, that ghee used in the preparation of laddu contained animal fat Disposal of petitions by SC means the SIT need not submit its report to the court and it will have to be acted upon by the state govt

The bench said though there was no d o u b t i n g t h e a b i l i t y

appointed SIT, an independent one was required as the allegations in the FIR had “the potential of hurting sentiments of


Venkateswara residing worldwide”

The proceedings saw sharp exchanges between senior advocates Mukul Rohatgi,

Devasthanam Board, on one side and

Subramanian Swamy on the other side demanding an independent probe

Mehta said, “If there is any element of

unacceptable ” He said the Centre did not have anything against the state-appointed SIT, whose officers were competent and capable to probe the controversy He suggested that if the court wished, the Centre would depute a senior officer to supervise the probe

Kumaraswamy booked for extortion, intimidation

BE NGA L U RU : Beng aluru police have lodg ed an FIR against Union m inister H D Kum araswamy and a former ML C o n a co mplaint filed by a citybased realtor that he was threatened with dire consequ ences if he d id not m obilise £ 5 m n

Vijay Tata, who is not related to the Tata Group, accused Kumaraswamy of demanding the m o ney fo r th e u p c o mi n g C h a n n

byp ol l which Kumaraswamy’s son, Nikhil, is likely to contest Kumaraswamy and former JD(S) MLC Ramesh Gowda were charged under BNS sections 3

allegations made by street dogs?”

Vijay said he was associated with JD(S) since 2018 On Aug 24, Kumaraswamy allegedly asked Vijay to arrange £5 mn “When I explained I didn’t have the amount, he said I won’t be allowed to do business here,” he said

SGPC bans online sale of Sikh scriptures

AM R IT S A R : S hiromani Gu rd wara Parbandh ak C ommi ttee (S GPC ) presid ent Harji nd er Si ngh Dh am i cr i ti ci s ed t he o nli ne sa le of G u tka (hand y book of gurbani) and Gu rbani Sai nchi ( s c ri p t u r es ) by t h e e- co m m er c e we bs i te A mazon and asked th at it s hould be stop ped i mmed iatel y

The SGPC president said the online sale

o f g u r b a n i s c r i p t u r e s b y e - c o m m e r c e websites could not be tolerated

“ T h e r e s p e c t o f t h e h o l y s c r i p t u r e s cannot be maintained at the stocking stores When it reaches from one place to another through the parcel or courier, it is natural that the respect and due reverence accorded to these scriptures is not followed,” Dhami said

He said that there is immense devotion and respect for Gurbani in the minds of the Sikh community and devotees and there is


resentment in the Sikhs with the sale of Gutka Sahib online by Amazon and some other e-commerce websites

He appealed to the publishers to refrain f r o m s e l l i n g g u r b a n i s c r i p t u r e s o n l i n e keeping in mind the respect of Gurbani

The SGPC president said the issue will be

RG Kar council expels 53 junior doctors, students for torture, bribery

K O L K A T A : F r om p h y s ic al and mental torture, forceful collection of unaccou nted for money, th reats to fail exam inatio ns and sexual miscond uct - a section of ju nior d o ct o rs a nd s tu d e nts h ad co n v er ted th e RG K ar M ed i c al College campu s into their fiefdom in the past few years Th e special co l leg e co u n ci l h a s no w pronounced stringent punish ment agai nst 59 perp etrato rs o n find ing su b st an ti al p r o o f o f s o m e o f th e ch arges

The students, barring six, have been barred from the campus for six months to one year depending on the nature of their misconduct Six were let go with a warning The council has categorised the 59 - 36 junior doctors and 23 students - against whom the p r o b e w a s c o n d u c t e d , i n t o t h r e e groups depending on the severity of misconduct

Students and junior doctors at RG Kar Medical College said reign of terror by the group began after Sandip Ghosh took charge as principal in 2021 While the name of house staff Asish Pandey appeared several times

as far as threat culture is concerned, sources alleged that Sourav Paul, a senior resident at the radiotherapy department, was the one who would pull the strings While Pandey is in CBI custody, Paul is also under scanner Both are among the 10 who have been handed over the most stringent actions by the council Expelled from the college and hostel, their names will also be forwarded to West Bengal Medical C o u n c i l f o r r e - e v a l u a


“They not only decided who will get good marks and who will fail but also took bribes from juniors against seats for internships or house staff,” an intern said

discussed in the upcoming meeting of the dharam prachar committee (panel on Sikh religious preaching) “ A l e g a l n o t i c e w a s s e n t t o Amazon when such cases came to l i g h t i n t h e p a s t , a f t e r w h i c h t h e o n l i n e s a l

stopped for some time Now the Sikh community members have brought to notice that such practice has resumed again In this regard, a letter is being written to Amazon asking them to immediately remove Gurbani’s Gutka

S a h i b f r o m i t s w e b s i t e a n d s e n d i t s explanation to the SGPC,” he said In another decision on the offering of rumala sahib (cloth covers for holy books), SGPC decided to set up special counters in gurdwaras where devotees can donate for rumala sahib

Sanjay Roy raped and murdered R G Kar doctor: CBI chargesheet

KO L KA T A: The C BI filed a cha rge she et a ccusing Sa njay Roy , who was a civ ic volun te er with t he Kolka ta police, of ra pin g a nd m ur der ing a junior doctor a t R G Kar M edical Colleg e Hospita l on Aug ust 9

The incident had caused widespread outrage and led to a long strike by junior doctors in West Bengal Roy was arrested soon after and subsequently, the case was handed over to the CBI On Monday, 58 days after the rape-murder, the CBI filed the first chargesheet in the case – a 45-page document that was submitted to the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate (ACJM) Court in Sealdah

“Roy has been charged with rape and murder There is no mention of a gangrape (in the chargesheet) Roy is the only accused who committed the crime However, the probe is still going on He was in an inebriated condition when the crime was committed This is mentioned in the charge sheet,” said a source in CBI

According to sources, the chargesheet highlighted that investigations have so far revealed that Roy is the only one accused of direct involvement in the rape and murder On August 9, the body of the murdered doctor was found inside the seminar room of R G Kar’s emergency building, where she had gone to rest during her night shift

According to the chargesheet, CCTV footage showed Roy entering the seminar room around 4 am on August 9 and leaving after around 30 minutes The chargesheet also mentioned that there were 16 external and nine internal injuries on the body of the doctor


Mob loots arms, ammo from Manipur police station

A m ob took away aro und 21 firearms and 90 0 ro und s of asso rted amm unition from the armo ury of U kh rul po lice statio n in M anipur in a raid coincid ing gu nfigh t 3km away inv olving two Nag a villages, o fficials said as the death to ll in the v iolence rose to four

While police are still to officially report t

snatched, sources said the loot included six I

pistols, two 9mm carbines, an SLR and a Sten gun The looting frenzy harked back to the peak of the ethnic conflict in the state last year, when mobs barged into several state armouries and took away hundreds of firearms

Army chief Gen Upendra Dwivedi said in N

episodes contributed to Manipur's society getting “weaponised” and feeding the flames of the conflict Around 25% of the 4,000-odd weapons lost to looters have since been recovered, he said

The gunfight around which the latest instance of looting occurred was apparently over the choice of a disputed site for a Swachh Bharat Mission-linked programme A member of the Manipur Rifles was among the three casualties in the firing T

Hunphun and Hungpung, both inhabited by the Naga community CM N Biren Singh s a

financial assistance to the families that lost a member each in the fighting He sought support from organisations representing the community in fostering peace


Two Meitei men held hostage by tribal Kuki village volunteers in Manipur’s Kangpokpi for five days were freed in a purported exchange involving “safe passage” till their native district for 11 undertrial Kuki prisoners all of whom got bail a couple of months ago but had remained in jail because it was deemed unsafe for them to step out unescorted Committee on Tribal Unity (CoTU), a Kuki group, handed over Oinam Thoithoi Singh and Thokchom Thoithoiba Singh to a senior police officer in the presence of Assam Rifles and CRPF teams at Kangpokpi’s Gamgiphai

A third youth reported missing on Sept 27 along with the duo returned home the same day The tribal organisation released pictures of Kuki and Meitei representatives hugging and shaking hands during the handover, marking the first reciprocal gesture of conciliation from the warring sides in 17 months of ethnic conflict


Seven members of a family were buried alive under debris due to a massive landslip triggered by torrential rain in Hatiasia Songma village of Meghalaya’s South Garo Hills district

A search operation was underway to retrieve the bodies CM Conrad K Sangma said

The death toll in Garo Hills region due to inclement weather has mounted to 10 so far taking into account Saturday’s tragedy plus three deaths due to extensive flood induced landslides at Dalu in West Garo Hills district

An official report stated that three persons had also been injured in landslides and were under treatment at health centres

CM Sangma chaired a high-level review meeting and directed the deputy commissioners of the two districts to release ex gratia to the deceased's next of kin at the earliest He requested officials to mobilise resources and provide relief to the affected people

H D Kumaraswamy

India gives Maldives a hand with currency deal

A s PM Narendra Mo di and M ald iv es P r es id ent M ohamed M uizzu sough t to

b o o s t ti e s in a bi l ate ral

m eeting , Ind ia anno unc ed sup port in the form of $40 0

m illion and £3 00 m n as a

b i lat era l c u rr enc y sw a p

a g reem ent w h ic h, M ui zz u

a ck no w l ed g ed , w i ll be instrumental in tackling the o ng oing financial challenges faced by his country

L o o k i n g t o

through increased defence

Muizzu agreed to compre-

a n d M a r i t i m e S e c u r i t y Partnership While under-

l i n i n g I n d i a ’ s t r a d i t i o n a l support to the Maldives as

t h e f i r s t r e s p o n d e r , M o d i a n n o u n c e d t h e t w o s i d e s

will initiate discussions for a Free Trade Agreement

“Today, as per the need of Maldives, a currency swap agreement of USD 400 mil-

lion and £300 mn has also been concluded,” said Modi, a d d i n g M u i z z u ’

marked a “ new chapter” in ties

The Maldivian President also invited Modi to visit the i s l a n d n a t i o n n e x t y e a r when the two countries celebrate the 60th anniversary of establishment of bilateral t

M M o d

d President Muizzu s invitation to visit Maldives next y e a r ” f o r e i g n s e c

e t a r y Vikram Misri said

The two sides signed five

the inauguration of the new

Maldivian Coast Guard ship Muizzu said India is a key partner in the socioeconomic and infrastructure development of the Maldives, and has stood by the Maldives during its times of need “I am thankful for the I


o provide support in the form of £300 mn, in addition to

Prashant Kishor launches party before Bihar polls, vows to end liquor ban

For mer election str ate gist Prasha nt Kishor 's lo ng -pe n din g e n tr y in to ele ct ora l po li tics ca me wit h the formal launch of his Ja n Sur aj g roup a s a political par ty The Jan Suraj Part y is e xpe ct ed to cont est in all se at s of Bihar in t he ne xt a sse mbly election

K i s h o r , w h o t a l k s o f c h a n g i n g t h e paradigm for voting - shifting it from caste and electoral sops to a vision for the futurehas said who heads the party will be a decision of the people who worked for the group over the last two years For more than last two years, Kishor has been travelling across the state, raising awareness about what he says ought to be election agenda

Earlier this year, he had announced that he was ready for a formal launch as a political party His Jan Suraj, he had said, would offer the people a fresh alternative

"In Bihar, in the last 25 to 30 years, people have been voting for RJD or BJP That compulsion should end The alternate should not belong to any dynastic party, but people who wish to form the party," he had said

Continued from Page 1

Om Prakash Chautala’s Indian National Lok Dal (INLD), once a powerhouse in Haryana, won two seats, while the Dushyant Chautalaled Jannayak Janta Party (JJP), which aligned with the BJP in 2019, failed to open its account

In Jammu and Kashmir, where

e l e c t i o n s t o t h e 9 0 - m e m b e r Assembly were held for the first time in a decade, the Congress-NC combine won 48 seats, while the BJP secured 29 seats Mehbooba Mufti's P e o p l e s D e m o c r a t i c P a r t y ( P D P ) bagged three seats In something of a surprise, AAP's Mehraj Malik won in Doda NC leader Omar Abdullah, who won in Budgam and Ganderbal constituencies, took a jab at the BJP, saying "those who sought to destroy us were decimated instead Asked about government formation, he said to wait till results were fully declared

Kishor had started the Jan Suraj initiative after a brief stint in the ruling Janata Dal United of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and the Congress's aborted effort to recruit him to revitalise the party

Offered a slot on the party's "Empowered Action Group" after extensive talks in 2022, Kishor had declined, with pointed remarks about the Congress's lack of "collective will to fix deep rooted structural problems"

He had launched the Jan Sena with a yatra and says its conversion to a political party is only the halfway mark on his journey

Kishor has said he aims to visit every vil-

improving their living standards and those of their children, encouraging people not to vote under pressure from misguided leaders and work towards the progress of the state


stage of his initiative would be presenting a blueprint of solutions for the challenges Bihar is facing, he has said

$400 million bilateral curr e n c y s w a p a g r e e m e n t , which will be instrumental i n a d d r e s s i n g t h e f o r e

exchange issues we are facing right now Our discussions today underscored a s

remain engaged on further measures that will bolster t

resilience and stability,” he

will remain a true friend, c

d vision of peace and development in the region Modi said he engaged in comprehensive discussions o n v a r i o u s a s p e c t s o f defence and security cooperation “We will continue our cooperation in training and capacity building of the Maldives National Defence

F o r c e s T o g e t h e r , w e w i l l strive for stability and prosperity in the Indian Ocean

R e g i o n W e w i l l e n h a n c e our cooperation in hydrogr a p h y a n d d i s a s t e r response, ” he said

PAC summons Sebi chief Buch


officials from revenue dept

The Public Ac counts Com mittee ( PA C) o

E xchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairpers on Madhabi Puri Buc h along with other of ficials from t he de p ar t m en t of ec on om i c af fairs and the department of revenue to appear on October 24, acc or ding to a report

The PAC is a committee of n

audit the revenue and the expenditure of the Government of India The PAC is currently headed by Congress leader KC Venugopal and has members from both the ruling NDA and the opposition INDIA blocs

The summoning comes amid the controversy caused by US-based activist shortseller Hindenburg Research alleging Buch and her husband Dhaval Buch had stakes in offshore funds related to the Adani Group, used to siphon money

The couple, as well as the Adani Group firmly denied the allegations

Apart from Buch and the aforementioned officials, even Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) officials have been summoned, according to a report

Meanwhile, The revenue department officials were asked about goods and services tax (GST) frauds, to review reports by the C&AG regarding 2,447 cases involving revenue loss of £3 2 bn, and for recent notices being sent to corporates including IT giant Infosys, according to the report

Supreme Court halts probe against Sadhguru's Isha Foundation

In bi g relief for spi ri tual leader Sadhguru, the Supre me Court paused a Madras High Court order that had as ked Tam il Nadu police to inves tigate cas es fi led against his Is ha Foundation The top court took over the ca se and asked the polic e to file a status report It s aid the polic e s hould not ta ke any ac tion in the matter as per the high court orde r The bench, led by Chief Justice of India

D Y C h a n d r a c h u d , w a s h e a r i n g I s h a Foundation's challenge against the high court order after hundreds of cops entered its premises in Coimbatore

T h e h i g h c o u r t ' s p r o b e o r d e r h a d come after retired professor S Kamaraj filed a petition, alleging that his daughters Geeta and Lata were "brainwashed to r e s i d e a t I s h a Y o g a C e n t r e " i n Coimbatore He alleged that the foundation did not allow them to maintain contact with their family

Isha Foundation denied the allegations and said the two women - aged 42 and 39 -

consequential Ahirwal belt, which comprises urban and

, Rewari and Mahendragarh

The BJP appears set to improve on its 2019 performance, when it won 40 seats and had to partner with the JJP A key factor that could have contributed to this success is the party’s strategy of

had been staying at its premises willingly

The two women were produced in the high court, where they confirmed this Isha Foundation also said the petitioner and others tried to trespass under the pretext of being members of a fact-finding committee

H e a r i n g t h e m a t t e r , C h a n d r a c h u d

noted that a doctor at the Foundation's Ashram was recently charged with child abuse under the stringent POCSO Act and s a i d t h e p r o b e m u s t c o n t i n u e S e n i o r Advocate Mukul Rohatgi, appearing for Isha Foundation, said the alleged incidents did not happen on its campus

The Chief Justice then asked if the two women were online so that the bench, also c o m p r i s i n g J u s t i c e J B P a r d i w a l a , c o u l d speak to them Rohatgi said they were

The Chief Justice then noted, The first thing is that you cannot let an army of police in the establishment like this what we will do is ask a judicial officer to visit the premises, and talk to these two inmates "


The Congress lodged

Congress, the party's missteps like

Bhupinder Singh Hooda and the sidelining of Dalit leader Kumari Selja may have cost it the election

votes by the BJP hurt the Congress further The grand old party focused its efforts on wooing the Jat community and neglected the politically

The possibility of a hung assembly in the Union Territory has opposition parties apprehensive that the five Lieutenant Governor-nominated MLAs could play a decisive role in government formation

Scheduled Caste (SC) communities

Nayab Singh Saini is being credited as the key architect behind the B

replacing Manohar Lal Khattar as


n i , a n O B C , became the face of the BJP's poll campaign His leadership is seen as instrumental in overcoming antii n c u


t h e party's third consecutive term in the state

In Jammu and Kashmir, where a

photo finish was predicted by most exit polls, the National Conference staged a sensational comeback The party won 41 seats and is leading in one, while ally Congress bagged six seats N C c h i e f F a r o o q A b d u l l a h expressed confidence about forming the government and said, "It will not be police raj here but logon ka raj' here " The BJP dominated the Jammu region but posted a dismal perform a n c e i n t h e K a s h m i r V a l l e y Despite the central government’s f i v e - y e a r p u s h t o t r a n s f o r m t h e region into a 'Naya Kashmir' with a focus on peace, development, and prosperity, the promised change did not convert into votes for the saffron party in the region C

J u l a n a o n h e r p o l l d e b u t T h e Olympian secured 64,548 votes and beat her nearest rival, BJP’s Yogesh Kumar, by 6,553 votes Phogat was nominated by the Congress after

and unacceptable delay in updating trends" on its website "Like the Lok Sabha elections, in Haryana we are again witnessing slowing down of uploading up-to-date trends on the ECI website Is the BJP trying to build pressure on the administration by sharing outdated and misleading trends?" tweeted Congress leader Jairam Ramesh

The Election Commission dis-

worded statement, the EC said it "unequivocally rejects" the party's attempt to "surreptitiously give credence to irresponsible, unfounded and uncorroborated malafide narratives"

In a setback for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the party failed to win any seats in Haryana, the home state of its leader Arvind Kejriwal

PM Modi meets the President of Maldives Dr Mohamed Muizzu at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi
Madhabi Puri Buch

American, British climbers rescued after three-day ordeal

American climber Mich elle

T heresa Dvo rak and British alpinist F ay J ane Manners

w er e r es c u e d af t er b e i ng

s t ra nd ed fo r 7 2 h o u r s

w i th o u t f o o d , w at er , o r sh elter on th e unforgiving

s lo p es o f C ha uk ha mba- II I p eak in the Himalayas

W i t h b a d w e a t h e r preventing an air rescue, a French climbing team in the vicinity managed to spot the duo who were at the risk of f r e e z i n g a f t e r h a v i n g l o s t their tent The two women were then rescued by IAF, airlifted to Delhi and sent to their respective embassies

“We’re back down and safe,” Manners posted along with a picture on social media, relief palpable in her words

The trouble began on Thursday when a rock fell, severing their safety rope and sending their essential g e a r - t e n t , f o o d a n d

climbing ropes - tumbling into a crevasse Exposed to t h e h a r s h e l e m e n t s o f

Garhwal Himalayas, where temperatures can drop to20 degrees Celsius, enough to induce hypothermia in mere minutes, Michelle and Jane were left in a perilous position




As son falls ill, thief returns stolen idols of ‘ashtadhatu’

n from the freezing cold, their

Indian Air Force sent out


from Saharanpur in Uttar P

conditions forced them to return to base On Saturday, IAF helicopters airdropped four members of the State


(SDRF) at an advanced base camp at 4,990 metres with

g a ground search operation

Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) had also sought help from a French expedition team, already en route to the Chaukhamba peak, to assist in the search “On Sept 18, a group of

Their biggest worry was the loss of their tent They could survive without food and water for a few days,

embarked on an expedition to climb Chaukhamba peak IMF informed them about

stranded at an altitude of near ly 6,000 metres T he administration shared the

team, who then joined the search efforts By Saturday evening, the French team l

women and informed the authorities that both were


“After battling two days of bad weather, the IAF’s Cheetah helicopter airlifted

0 feet,” the Indian Air Force

d i a , confirming the success of the rescue

5 killed, over 90 land in hospital after Chennai air show

F ive p eople d ied and ov er 90

w ere h o s p i ta li ze d fo r fainting and d ehydration at an IAF airshow on Sunday at C h enn ai ’ s M ari na B ea ch , w hich was filled to capacity A bout 15,0 0,0 00 spectators

t u rne d up f o r t h e ev e nt,

a cc o rd in g to e st im ate s, m ark i ng a rec o rd f o r an airsh ow

After the airshow ended, a large crowd attempted to leave all at once, creating a

s t a m p e d e - l i k e s i t u a t i o n

E x i t p o i n t s b e c a m e

c o n g e s t e d , w i t h p e o p l e

s t u c k f o r m o r e t h a n 4 0

m i n u t e s u n d e r t h e scorching sun Desperate to e s c a p e , s o m e a t t e n d e e s

b r o k e t h r o u g h b a r r i c a d e s , and children suffered minor injuries in the chaos

A m b u l a n c e s w e r e

t r a p p e d i n t h e c r o w d f o r over 30 minutes, delaying the transport of the affected

p e o p l e t o R a j i v G a n d h i

G o v e r n m e n t G e n e r a l

H o s p i t a l a n d O m a n d u r a r

G o v e r n m e n t H o s p i t a l

A thief who stole “ashtadhatu” (made of eight metals) idols of Radha and Krishna from a temple near the famous Gau Ghat ashram in Prayagraj, returned them to the temple along with a written apology In his apology, the thief described how his son and wife had taken seriously ill after he stole the idols and added that he was being haunted by nightmares He sought forgiveness for the theft from the deities and the temple priest Police said some local residents spotted a man leaving behind a sack near the temple On opening it, they found the idols of Radha and Krishna and a letter where the thief narrated why he was returning the idols The idols were stolen on Sept 23 The letter written in Hindi says: “I committed a sin and out of ignorance stole idols of Lord Krishna and Radha I have been suffering from nightmares since I stole the idols and have not been able to sleep, eat, or live peacefully Also, my son and wife fell seriously ill since I committed the theft for money ” “I tampered with the idol with an intention to sell it I am fed up with the nightmares and am returning your ‘amaanat’ (valuables),” the letter added The mahant identified the stolen idols and performed puja after “jalabhishek” of the idols

12-year-old brave Nashik boy locks leopard in room

In a shocking incident, 12-year-old Mohit Ahire from Malegaon encountered a leopard which entered a wedding hall while he was playing a game on a mobile phone However, the boy neither screamed nor asked for help In the CCTV footage, which went viral on social media, he didn't scream or panic In fact, he got down from the sofa very patiently, closed the door and walked out of the room According to media reports, the boy narrated the ordeal to his father who later informed the forest department Some media reports claimed that someone had already informed the concerned department after the leopard had been spotted in the nearby residential area Meanwhile, the video is being shared widely on social media platforms and the boy is being applauded for analysing the situation quickly and patiently

IAF chopper makes emergency water landing

An Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) of the Indian Air Force made a precautionary water landing in Muzaffarpur, Bihar, after one of its blades broke during flood relief efforts The incident occurred while the helicopter was distributing food packets A video showed a partially submerged chopper, with locals seen trying to take the food packets safely out of the carrier "The helicopter made an emergency landing in a water-logged area in Aurai block District Magistrate Subrat Kumar Sen said, "All four occupants appear safe and unharmed However, as a precaution, they are being taken to a local hospital for check-up and treatment, if required " Bihar has been battling flooding for the past few days, with the situation impacting over 11,00,000 people The IAF helicopters have been dropping packets of food and other relief materials The state disaster management department said this has benefited more than 200,000 people in Sitamarhi and Darbhanga districts

Fan cycles 1,200 km to meet MS Dhoni

O v e r 2 3 0 p e o p l e w e r e

t r e a t e d f o r

hospitalized at Omandurar and Rajiv Gandhi hospital T h e i n t e n s e h e a t a n d c h a o t

s u f f o c a t i n g ; I h a d b e e n stuck for over 40 minutes t r y i

out, s a i


h m


signal jammers hindered the coordination of rescue and medical efforts

A l t h o u g h a r o u n d 5 0 ambulances were deployed, with 20 stationed along the b e a c h r o a d , n a v i g a t i n g t h r o u g h t h e d e n s e c r o w d proved challenging

Amul ready to foray into European market

M anaging Direct or of Amu l and Gu jarat Co -o perat iv e M il k Mar keting F eder ation

Limit ed (GCMM F) Jayen M eh ta said that t he milk r ecently launched by Amul in th e US has been 'extr emely su ccessf ul' and no w it is ready to enter the E uro pean m arket He said that if this h ap pens, it will be a h isto ric moment f or th e br and I n t h e 1 1 t h D r V e r g h e s e K u r i e n Memorial Lecture on the topic AMUL Model: Transforming Lives of Million' o r g a n i z e d b y p r i v a t e b u s i n e s s management institute XLRI, Mehta said, "India is now the largest milk producer in the world and in the coming years, onethird of the total milk production of the world will be in India "

T a l k i n g a b o u t A m u l ' s r e c e n t m i l k launch in the US, Mehta said it has been ' h u g e l y s u c c e s s f u l ' , a n d n o w t h e y a r e ready to enter the European market for the first time He said Amul focuses on o f f e r i n g p r o t e i n - r i c h , o r g a n i c a n d chemical-free products that customers trust

H e p

n t developed by Amul founder Dr Kurien Mehta said, If India can give any gift to the world, it would be the cooperative working system A gift that Dr Kurien gave us His belief in cooperation has given birth to a new revolution in India " Addressing the gathering, Dr Verghese Kurien's daughter Nirmala Kurien said that more than 50 years ago her father had dreamed that a milk-deficient country could one day become self-sufficient She said that today India is the largest milkproducing country in the world

Recently, Gaurav Kumar, a devoted admirer from Delhi, embarked on an arduous journey, cycling nearly 1,200 km to Ranchi in hopes of a brief encounter with Dhoni Upon arriving at the gates of Dhoni's farmhouse, Gaurav set up camp and waited patiently for almost a week, enduring long hours in a tent to catch a glimpse of the former captain of the Indian cricket team During his wait, Gaurav saw Dhoni on a couple of occasions as the cricketer drove by, waving from his car but not stopping Despite Dhoni's well-known habit of interacting with fans outside his farmhouse, he did not pause this time, possibly due to a busy schedule or simply being unaware of Gaurav's efforts Gaurav later shared his story on social media, hoping it would reach Dhoni and encourage him to come out for a brief meet-and-greet This wasn't Gaurav's first attempt to meet his idol; he had previously cycled from Delhi to Chennai during the Indian Premier League with the same goal, but fate did not favour him then either Bengaluru woman wins Rs 900,000 just by sleeping

A Bengaluru-based investment banker has turned her dream of getting more sleep into a profitable reality, winning ₹ 900,000 Saishwari Patil earned the title of Sleep Champion in the third season of Wakefit s sleep internship program, a Bangalore-based start-up initiative Patil was among 12 'sleep interns' chosen for the programme, which encourages individuals who value sleep but struggle to prioritize it, to sleep for eight to nine hours each night Interns were also encouraged to take 20-minute power naps during the day Each participant was provided with a premium mattress and a contactless sleep tracker to monitor and improve their sleep quality The interns attended workshops led by sleep experts to enhance their sleep habits and increase their chances of winning the coveted 'Sleep Champion' title Wakefit revealed that, over three seasons, the program has attracted over 1 million applicants and engaged 51 interns, with a total of ₹ 63,00,000 paid in stipends Throughout the internship, Patil gained insights into sleep science, learning about the different sleep cycles and their importance for well-being

Man walks through storm to attend daughter's wedding

A touching story of a father's unwavering love for his daughter has gone viral, capturing the hearts of many A man braved extreme weather conditions and walked nearly 50 km to attend his daughter's wedding Good News Movement shared the inspiring tale, highlighting David Jones's determination to make it to the ceremony despite the odds stacked against him David Jones strapped on his backpack, determined not to miss his daughter Elizabeth's wedding It was 11am on Saturday, but what normally would have been a two-hour drive on Interstate 26 wasn't possible due to the storm," the outlet reported A seasoned marathoner, Jones took only a few essentials in his backpack and set out on foot His journey was fraught with challenges, including trudging through knee-deep mud After a gruelling 12-hour trek, his perseverance paid off "A trooper helped him get to his destination, and after the 12-hour ordeal, David took a shower, put on his tux, and walked his girl down the aisle He said nothing was going to stop him Our hearts go out to all affected," the outlet added

Baby boomers live longer but are unhealthier

A global study r eveal s that

b a b y b o o me r s

i v in g l onger b ut are exper ie ncing worse heal th than previous ge nera tion s at the same age, de spite a dvances in medicine a nd increa se d awar eness of he althy l ifestyl es


d that individuals in their 50s

a n d 6 0 s t o d

prone to serious health problems compared to those born before or during World War II when they reached similar a g e s E x p e

University College London (UCL) emphasised that the f i n d i n g s

d longevity Conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, c

n d other ailments are affecting people at younger ages

The study, published in the Journals of Gerontology, indicates that rates of illness

tions over the past century

Lead author Laura Gimeno from UCL pointed out a phe-

lighting that younger generations tend to have poorer

predecessors at the same age

The researchers analysed

100,000 individuals aged 50 and above between 2004 and 2018, spanning several generations across England, the U S , and Europe Their analy

increase in chronic diseases, particularly when comparing

born from 1955 to 1959

strate a consistent rise in chronic diseases across all regions, with more recently born adults showing a higher likelihood of developing cancer, lung disease, heart issues, type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol than their p r e


First ovarian cancer vaccine may eradicate disease

Researchers in the U K are d ev eloping the world ’ s first v accine ag ainst ov arian cancer, which has the potential to eradicate the disease

Named OvarianVax, this vaccine is being created by scientists at the University of Oxford and aims to educate the immune system to identify and target ovarian cancer at its early stages

T h e g o a l i s t o e v e n t u a l l y make the vaccine available through the NHS to prevent ovarian cancer, similar to h o w t h e h u m a n p a p i l l om a v i r u s ( H P V ) v a c c i n e i s being used to eliminate cervical cancer

The OvarianVax project will focus on identifying the proteins present on the surface of early-stage ovarian

c a n c e r c e l l s t h a t t h e immune system recognises most strongly and testing

how effectively the vaccine can eliminate mini-models of ovarian cancer in the laboratory Following this, the t e a m p l a n s t o c o n d u c t h u m a n c l i n i c a l t r i a l s o n individuals with BRCA gene m u t a t i o n s , w h i c h s i g n i f icantly increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer, as well as on women witho u t t h e s e m u t a t i o n s t o explore prevention possibilities

The study is funded by Cancer Research UK, with u p t o £ 6 0 0 , 0 0 0 a l l o c a t e d over the next three years

E a c h y e a r , a p p r o x i m a t e l y 7,500 new cases of ovarian cancer are diagnosed in the UK, but there is currently no

e f f e c t i v e s c r e e n i n g t e s t , leading to many late-stage d i a g n o s e s d u e t o v a g u e symptoms like bloating and loss of appetite

Creating a Peaceful Home

A peaceful home is essential for mental wellbeing. The National Institute of Mental Health highlights that chronic stress can lead to anxiety, depression, and various health issues. To reduce stress, designate a specific area in your home for relaxation, whether it’s a separate room or a device-free bedroom This space should encourage restful activities. For optimal results, establish a daily relaxation routine, ensuring you dedicate regular time to unwind. By creating a serene environment, you can enhance your mental recovery and overall health.

Supercharge your meals

Many of us go through phases where we find ourselves eating the same meals repeatedly, which can prevent us from obtaining the optimal intake of nutrients, fibre, and beneficial plant compounds we need With busy lifestyles and

nient processed foods, it's easy to overlook the impor-

tweaks can make a big difference in how your meals contribute to your overall health and the smallest of changes to your food choices or cooking methods can significantly enhance your overall dietary profile

nutrition of your meals:

Aim for a variety of colours on your plate Each colour

vitamins and minerals For

blend vegetables into sauces or soups, add grated zucchini or carrots to muffins, or

smoothies for added nutrients without altering taste significantly C


Substitute white rice, pasta, and bread with whole-grain

bread These options provide more fibre, B vitamins, and minerals Introduce different grains into your diet, such as farro, barley, or millet, for variety and added nutrients

fat s: Add sliced or mashed a v o c a d o t o s a l a d s , s a n dwiches, or toast for a dose of

fats or sprinkle nuts (like

and fibre

Prot ein choice s: Choose lean cuts of meat or opt for plant-based proteins such as beans, lentils, or chickpeas, which are rich in fibre and e s s e n t i a l n u t r i e n t s

Incorporate eggs for protein and essential vitamins Use l o w - f a t d a i r y o r f o r t i f i e d plant-based alternatives to boost calcium intake

Flav our wit h he rbs an d spice s: Use fresh herbs like parsley, cilantro, or basil to add flavour without extra calories They also contain

b e n e f i c i a l a n t i o x i d a n t s

Incorporate spices such as turmeric, ginger, and garlic, which have anti-inflammatory properties and enhance the flavour of dishes

Mindful cooking method s : O p t f o r s t e a m i n g , grilling, or roasting instead of frying These methods retain more nutrients and reduce added fats Prepare m e a l s i n a d v a n c e

making it easier to have h e a l t h y o p t i o n s a v

l a b l e throughout the week Sn a c k s m a r t: C h o o s e snacks that are nutrientdense, such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables with hummus, or Greek yogurt with berries Pre-portion snacks i n t o s m a l l c o n t a i n e r s


Hyd rat ion : Enhance the f l a v

your water by infusing it

, berries, or cucumber, which can encourage better hydrat i o n I

which can provide additional antioxidants and hydration without added sugars R ead labe ls: Familiarise yourself with reading food l

unhealthy fats to limit in your diet Choose products with fewer ingredients and


your time while eating to savour flavours and recognise when you ’ re full, which can prevent overeating and

meals, such as watching TV or scrolling through your phone, to help you be more aware of what you ’ re eating

small changes and additions into your meals can significantly enhance their nutritional value, contributing to

well-being By focusing on variety, quality ingredients,

tices, you can create delicious and nutritious meals


Babies to be screened for 200 genetic conditions

As part of a groundbreaking study, up to 100,000 babies will be screened for potentially life-altering genetic conditions in NHS hospitals across England.

So far, over 500 blood samples have been collected from newborns at 13 different NHS facilities as part of the Generation Study, led by G

whole genome sequencing for newborns using blood samples typically collected f

d Currently, children are usually tested for most conditions only after symptoms

include a screening of 200 conditions, with hopes that

slow the progression of dis-


Expectant parents will be informed about the study during pregnancy and can discuss it with their midw i v e s A n N H S d o c t o r , nurse, or midwife will confirm that parents are agreeable to the testing shortly after the baby’s birth NHS g e n o m i c s s c i e n t i s t s w i l l review the results, aiming to s h a r e f i n d i n g s w i t h i n 2 8 days if a condition is susp e c t e d , o r w i t h i n a f e w months if no conditions are flagged

This study will support broader research to improve testing and treatments for g e n e t i c c o n d i t i o n s a n d e x p l o r e t h e p o t e n t


“Diagnosing rare conditions in newborns at the earliest

employs blood spot screening to detect nine rare but serious health conditions in newborns, and babies participating in this study will still undergo this testing

Quitting smoking could add a year to lives

Reducing smoking rates to five percent of current levels by 2050 could extend life expectancy by one year for men and 0 2 years for women, according to recent study published in The Lancet Public Health journal

The research indicates that, if current trends continue, smoking rates may decline to 21 percent among men and around 4 percent among women by 2050 In addition to increasing life expectancy, enhancing efforts to eliminate tobacco smoking could prevent the loss of 876 million years of life due

researchers from the Global


The study also found that a ban on the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products

the populations tend to be younger compared to high-income nations, the authors noted

ventable deaths were derived from an analysis of how

ban on tobacco sales

The research also highlights

anyone born in or after 2009 was repealed earlier this year

At the launch of ‘Singham Again’ trailer, Ranveer revealed that the film marks their daughter's debut, affectionately referring to her as "baby Simmba," a nod to his character's name in the ‘Singham’ franchise R

with their first child while shooting

explained, “Deepika is busy with the baby, so she couldn't come I’m on night duty, so I’m here This film features many stars, and I want to

debut baby Simmba ” He added, "Deepika was pregnant

audience, saying, “So, a Happy Diwali in advance to all of you from Lady

Simmba ”

Deepika and Ranveer welcomed their first child on September 8, 2024,

Tillotama Shome criticises Air India for 8-hour flight delay to London: 'No communication, is this legal?'

Tillotama Shome revealed on X (formerly Twitter) that her early morning Air India flight from Mumbai to London was delayed for over eight hours. She expressed her frustration, noting that passengers were not informed and no facilities were provided during the extended wait

flight to Heathrow delayed from 5:15 AM to 10 AM No messages or calls from the airline to inform passengers

When I contacted Air India, all they

offered This is India's official airline "

Heathrow is now delayed until 1:30 PM We received no information about the delay no calls or messages No hotel accommodations were provided, and our luggage is already checked in Is t h

g compensated?"

Tillotama Shome shared on X that a patient needing treatment had been waiting since 2 AM for the 5:15 AM flight, now delayed by 8 5 hours She q u e s

@airindia not informing passengers of such a long delay?"

She also stars in ‘The Fable’ directed by Raam Reddy, which premiered at the 74th Berlin Film Festival and will compete in the Meeting Point Official Selection Competition from October 1 8 - 2 6 T h e f i l m f e a t u r e s M

Bajpayee, Deepak Dobriyal, Priyanka Bose, and debutant Hiral Sidhu

Ranveer Singh announces his daughter's debut in ‘Singham Again’

Karan Johar addresses misinterpretation of Vasan Bala's comments on ‘Jigra’ script

Filmmaker Karan Johar stated Jigra director Vasan Bala's comments regarding sharing his unfinished script with Alia Bhatt, which led to negative comments in the internet While expressing frustration over the online misinterpretation of Bala's remarks Karan Johar posted a lengthy note on his social media

Sharing a file photo of a person with their fingers on their lips, Karan Johar remarked, "Twitter became X and I broke up with the nauseous noise, muting the unwarranted angst Yet, social media is like the Loch Ness monster; it still gets to you I was flooded with Vasan Bala’s interview, which he answered with pure innocence and love "

He addressed the misinterpretation of Bala's comments, stating, "Initially, I found the grave misinterpretation of his comment about me sending the script to Alia without his grammar checks amusing, but now it’s genuinely annoying me "

Expressing his respect for the director, Karan said, "Vasan is one of my most talented and wonderful collaborators If you watch his interview and hear his tone, you’ll understand! But there's a lot of fuss over nothing I urge everyone to listen to and read entire interviews before jumping to clickbait assumptions! Loads of love to all of you "

In an interview, Vasan Bala recalled the initial email that sparked his collaboration with Alia Bhatt He described it as a "kaccha pakka" (rough) stream-of-consciousness message sent to Karan Johar Just hours later, Karan called to say he had already shared it with Alia, which upset Bala He expressed his frustration, saying he would have done a spellcheck and polished it up, to which Karan reassured him, "This is how it works "

Dharmendra weighs in on




Gaon Mera Desh’ debate

Veteran actor Dharmendra has reacted to FIR writer

Amit Aryan's claim that iconic screenwriters Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar are "non-writers" who "plagiarised their entire life " Amit specifically accused the duo of copying elements from their renowned film ‘Sholay’, asserting it was derived from Raj Khosla's ‘Mera Gaon Mera Desh’

Dharmendra, who starred in both ‘Sholay’ and ‘Mera Gaon Mera Desh’, addressed the controversy in an interview with Zoom, stating, “I don’t see any similarity between the films Yes, one film has Jabbar Singh as the villain, and the other has Gabbar Singh, but that doesn’t make them alike They might even be cousins!” In a previous interview, Amit Aryan criticised

Salim Khan and Javed Akhtar, calling them “copy-writers” rather than original writers, asserting that they failed to produce any original work

Amit Aryan compared ‘Sholay’ to ‘Mera Gaon Mera Desh’, noting similarities in

their plots He explained, “In ‘Sholay’, a man seeks revenge against a dacoit who harmed his family In ‘Mera Gaon Mera Desh’, Vinod Khanna plays a dacoit named Jabbar Singh, who inspired Gabbar Singh (Amjad Khan) in ‘Sholay’ Both films feature retired soldiers Jayant in Khosla's film and Sanjeev Kumar in ‘Sholay’, with the latter losing both hands In Khosla's movie, Jayant's character urges Dharmendra to take revenge, which he initially refuses but eventually accepts ‘Sholay’ adds Amitabh Bachchan's character to the mix ”

Amit labelled Salim and Javed as "better businessmen and salesmen," stating, “They knew how to sell something and narrate it well ”

I&B Ministry suspends Jani Master's National Award amid minor rape allegations

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has revoked the National Award for Choreographer Jani Master amid sexual assault allegations Arrested by Telangana Cyberabad police on September 19 in a minor's sexual assault case, he remains in judicial custody. Jani had applied for interim bail to attend the National Award ceremony for his work in the film ‘Thiruchitrambalam’

Following the bail order, netizens criticised the judicial system for releasing a man who confessed to sexually assaulting a minor

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting announced that Jani Master's award has been suspended pending the investigation and final accusations

Additionally, his invitation to the 70th National Film Awards at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi has been rescinded

The National Film Awards Cell stated, "Due to the seriousness of the allegations and the matter being sub judice, the Competent Authority has decided d h B

Pooja Gandhi and Vijay Ghorpade seek Lord Basaveshwara's blessings in London


actress Pooja Gandhi and Vijay Ghorpade recently visited London to seek the blessings of Lord Basaveshwara, following their marriage The couple was accompanied by members of the British Indian and Kannada communities during the visit

The event was organised by the Lambeth Basaveshwara Foundation and Basava Samithi of the UK, with strong support from two key Kannada organisations: Kannada Balaga and Kannadigaru UK Notable attendees included former Mayor of Lambeth Dr Neeraj Patil, Chairman of Kannadigaru UK Mr Ganapati Bhat, and Executive Committee members of Basava Samithi, Mr Abhijeet

Rajinikanth and Mani Ratnam reunite after 33 years

SuperstarRajnikanth and acclaimed filmmaker Mani Ratnam are reuniting after 33 years, following their 1991 hit ‘Thalapathi’, which became a cult classic in Kollywood. Rumours suggest that Ratnam is planning to approach Rajinikanth for his next film

Their previous collaboration, which also starred Mammooty in the lead role, drew inspiration from the friendship between Karna and Duryodana in the Mahabharata The film was a significant commercial success and served as a major breakthrough for both leading stars in the Tamil film industry

Meanwhile, Mani Ratnam has reunited with Kamal Haasan after 34 years for ‘Thug Life’, which has now completed shooting Set to be released next year, the film features an ensemble

cast, including Kamal Haasan, Trisha, Simbu, Nasser, Abhirami, Joju George, Gautham Karthik, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Sanya Malhotra, Ali Fazal, and Pankaj Tripathi The music for the film is composed by AR Rahman Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is preparing for the release of his film ‘Vettaiyan’, set to hit theatres Directed by TJ Gnanavel, the movie features an impressive cast, including Rajinikanth, Amitabh Bachchan, Rana Daggubati, Fahadh Faasil, Manju Warrier, Dushara Vijayan, Ritika Singh, Abhirami, and Rakshan

Salimath, Mr Mirgi Ranganath, and Mr Sharan Bhemalli

At the event, Pooja Gandhi paid tribute to Lord Basaveshwara, emphasising his 12th-century contributions to human rights, gender equality, and the fight against caste discrimination She also recited verses from his Vachanas

She expressed deep admiration for Basavanna and said she is a devoted follower of his teachings

The statue of Lord Basaveshwara, unveiled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 14th November 2015, is significant as the first statue unveiled by an Indian Prime Minister in the UK It is also among the few

conceptual statues approved by the British Cabinet under the UK Statutes Act of 1854

Jr NTR on his sons’ acting dreams: ‘Let them choose their path’

ActorJr NTR, recently seen in ‘Devara: Part 1, promoted the film internationally. This marks his first release since SS Rajamouli’s global hit ‘RRR’. In a recent interview, he expressed his hopes for his children, stating he wants them to make their own choices but acknowledged that their family legacy as actors may influence their career paths Jr NTR is the grandson of actor-politician NT Rama Rao and the son of actor-politician Nandamuri Harikrishna

When asked if he encourages his children to appreciate the arts, Jr NTR told, “I don’t want to impose anything on them Kids today need to develop their own minds and decide what they want to do ”

He noted that his sons, 10-year-old Abhay and 6-year-old Bhargav, are very different b u t b o t h s h o w a n i n t e r e s t i n a c t i n g

“They’re completely opposite,” he said Jr NTR emphasised that his parents allowed him to explore his passions, and he wants to provide the same freedom for his children without forcing them into any specific path

Jr NTR acknowledged that his children, being constantly exposed to his profession, naturally have an affinity for acting “They see me in my work all the time, and this exposure will always be with them They obviously aspire to become actors one day because they see their father on screen, ” he said

Revathi set to direct her first Tamil web series

Actor-director Revathi, who made her acting debut in Tamil with ‘Mann Vaasanai’ (1983) and later directed ‘Mitr – My Friend’ (2002), is now set to direct her first Tamil project Despite receiving accolades for her acting, including a National Award for Best Supporting Actress for ‘Thevar Magan’, she hadn't directed in Tamil until now Revathy recently announced on social media that she will be directing a Tamil web series for Disney+ Hotstar.

Sharing a photo of the director’s copy for the upcoming series, Revathy expressed her excitement, saying, “So happy to get back to b


Hotstar with Siddharth Ramaswamy as codirector and cinematographer The first day of shooting is on October 5 The energy is

Siddharth, known for films like ‘Yaaradi Nee Mohini’ and ‘Aravaan’, previously collaborated with the streamer on the 2022 series ‘Fall’, making this his second project with Disney+ Hotstar Revathy, who last appeared in the third instalment of Salman Khan's ‘Tiger’ spy franchise, has directed five films, including ‘Salaam Venky’ (2022) starring Kajol and Vishal Jethwa This upcoming Tamil web series will mark her directorial debut in the f o r m a t a n d h e r f

h Disney+ Hotstar Recently, she made headlines for winning the Kerala State Award for h e r r o l e i n t h e 2 0 2 2 h o r r o r f i l m ‘Bhoothakalam’


films will showcase technology as a major character, says Ananya Panday

Actor Ananya Panday believes social media will play a significant role in future films, regardless of genre Known for her work in modern tech-driven stories like ‘CTRL’, ‘Call Me Bae’, and ‘Kho Gaye Hum Kahan’, Ananya stars as Nella in ‘CTRL’, directed by Vikramaditya Motwane In the film, her character, a social media influencer, faces a crisis when she uses AI to erase her cheating ex (Vihaan Samat) from her digital life

Ananya Panday noted that the release timing of her three projects, which prominently feature technology in their narratives, creates a sense of connection, though she didn’t plan it that way

She explained, "We live in a time where technology is integral to our lives As part of Gen Z, these stories are relatable to me and reflect a growing trend In both romance and thriller genres, technology will become a significant character It's hard to imagine a story without its influence, and I believe it will appear in many more films moving forward ”

When asked if working on ‘CTRL’ made her more cautious about hyper-connectivity, Ananya Panday admitted that some habits are hard to break However, she noted that the film has heightened her awareness of her online activities

Reflecting on seemingly minor actions, like agreeing to terms and conditions, she acknowledged, "The film made me aware of these small things, but I still engage in that toxic behaviour " Ananya, the daughter of Chunky Panday and Bhavana Pandey, also recalled secretly creating her first Facebook account, which her mother later discovered and deactivated for a few years until she reached legal age

Fawad Khan and Vaani Kapoor

start filming romantic comedy 'Abir Gulaal' in London

Pakistani heartthrob Fawad Khan and Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor have officially commenced work on their romantic comedy, ‘Abir Gulaal’. The filmmakers released the official first look of the duo as production kicked off in London.

This film marks the first on-screen collaboration between Fawad and Vaani, set against the charming backdrop of London, promising a heartwarming cinematic experience

The first look that was posted online sees the two locked in each other's embrace as they lay on the grass

Director Aarti S Bagdi provided insights into the film’s storyline, sharing with Variety, “The film follows the journey of two individuals who inadvertently aid each other's healing, with love blossoming as an unexpected outcome ”

Meanwhile, the producers expressed excitement, stating, “Fawad has a massive global fan base, and we believe audiences and his fans will wholeheartedly embrace this film, showcasing him in his most endearing role to date The chemistry between Fawad and Vaani is poised to light up the screen with their captivating performances and undeniable charm ” Filming will take place in the UK throughout October and November Just before shooting began, fans spotted Vaani arriving in the UK According to the production team, the film aims to be a grand international project, featuring six original songs by some of the industry's top vocal talents

Scottish Indian doctor makes history by dancing to SRK hit on UK TV

Dr Punam Krishan, a Scottish Indian doctor and author, has made history by performing the first Bollywood dance routine on the UK's popular show ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ Proudly identifying as a 'Glajabi' (a Glasgow-born Punjabi), she danced to the iconic song "Bole Chudiyan" from the 2001 film ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’, marking the first Indian film sequence in the show's 20year history.

a GP in her 40s, became emotional

m Punjab to Scotland after her acclaimed performance "It meant everything," she said,

younger self She dedicated her dance to her late grandfather and emphasised her humble upbringing, stating, "We didn’t have much, but we made it " Choosing Bollywood for the "Couple’s Choice" category, Krishan aimed to celebrate her Indian heritage on a mainstream platform "I am so proud to be a Scottish Indian woman Growing up, I never saw Indian girls dancing on mainstream TV, so performing an Indian dance on ‘Strictly’ is monumental," she shared Reflecting on her selection for this year's ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, Dr Punam Krishan s

‘Strictly’ every year with my family, and being part of its 20th anniversary season is incredible It's outside my comfort zone, but I'm ready for the challenge and will give it my all "

in brief


Trailblazing gymnast Dipa Karmakar announced her retirement from the sport thus bringing to an end a career that broke a number of glass ceilings for Indians Dipa was the first Indian female gymnast to qualify for the Olympics and she even missed out on a Games medal by a whisker She is one of only five women in the world to have mastered the Produnova vault Dipa 31, became the first Indian female gymnast to compete at the Olympics when she qualified for Rio 2016 She ended up missing out on a bronze medal by a whisker finished fourth in the vault, with an overall score of 15 066 Switzerland's Giulia Steingruber finished third with 15 216, which meant that Dipa missed out on bronze by just 0 15 points


Pacer Chintan Gaja will captain Gujarat for the second year running in the Ranji Trophy, beginning October 11, a press statement issued by the Gujarat Cricket Association said The senior men’s team will commence their campaign against Hyderabad in the capital of Telangana They then host Andhra Pradesh from October 18 Gujarat will play Rajasthan in their third match in Jaipur from October 26 before hosting Pondicherry from November 6 They then round off their campaign with a match against Vidarbha in Nagpur from November 13 Former India cricketer Romesh Powar is the coach


The troika of Deepak Dalal (545), Kamaljeet (543) and Raj Chandra (528) won the men’s 50m pistol team gold medal on the concluding day of the Junior World Shooting Championship in Lima, Peru The Indian shooting team won the top position with a combined tally of 1,616 points, beating Azerbaijan by a point Armenia came third In the junior women’s 50m pistol, Parisha Gupta won an individual silver with a score of 540 In all India s junior shooters finished the championship on top with a rich haul of 24 medals including 13 gold three silver and eight bronze Italy finished second with five gold and four silver and bronze medals each while Norway was third


Vaidehi Chaudhari and Rethin Pranav claimed the women’s and men’s singles titles in contrasting fashions at the Fenesta Open National Tennis Championships in New Delhi Gujarat girl Vaidehi made light of an indisposition and the buzz around her opponent - 15-year-old prodigy Maaya Rajeshwaran Revathi - to win 6-3, 6-3 in an hour and 35 minutes at the DLTA Complex It was the 24-year-old s second crown and also her third successive final The 17-year-old Rethin needed two hours and 20 minutes to overcome the seasoned Nitin Kumar Sinha of Railways 6-4, 2-6, 6-2 for his maiden national title


Former Sri Lanka captain and opener Sanath Jayasuriya was appointed the country’s cricket head coach, replacing Chris Silverwood who quit following the country s early exit from the T20 World Cup Jayasuriya, 55 had been in interim charge since June and on Monday was appointed full-time coach until March 2026 after recent successes, which included a Test match win in England and a home 2-0 Test series sweep against New Zealand Sri Lanka also won a Oneday International series against India for the first time in 27 years under Jayasuriya The former Lanka captain said his appointment was a dream come true “It is a challenging job I know that but I want to take the challenge and move forward with the team ” he told the media in Colombo

India thrash Bangladesh in first T20I at Gwalior

Play ing the fi rst T20 I game a


W or ld


Te am In dia

howed ex actly w hy they a re crow ned wi th the 'Champions ' tag

After bowling Bangladesh out for 127 in 19 5 overs on a

batters made a mockery of the

Abhishek Sharma, came with all guns blazing Abhishek was unlucky as he ran himself out trying to take a non-existent single but the wicket did not

Harmanpreet, Shafali lead India to beat Pakistan by 6 wickets

runs, the Indian batters struggled in the beginning but soon got

scoring the runs For Pakistan,

wickets, while Sadia Iqbal and O m a i

Reddy was announced 'Player of t

wickets India will play with Sri Lanka on October 9 at Dubai

International Cricket Stadium

E a r l i e r , P a k i s t a n W o m e n have won the toss and opted to b a t T h e y s c o r e d 1 0 5 / 8 i n 2 0 o v e r s , w i t h N i d a D a r ( 2 8

Sana (13) contributed some runs

For India, Arundhati Reddy took three wickets, Shreyanka Patil picked two wickets, and

Renuka Singh, Deepti Sharma, and Asha Sobhana clinched one wicket each Harmanpreet Kaur and Co will need to turn their fortunes around quickly after suffering a 58-run defeat to New Zealand in t h e i r f i r s t e n c o u n t e r T h e W o m e n i n B l u e , w h o w e r e

favourites to win the title, must n o w w i n a l l t h r e e o f t h e i r remaining matches if they are to have any chance of reaching the semi-finals of the tournament Pakistan, on the other hand, started the T20 World Cup on a high after beating Sri Lanka by 31 runs in a low-scoring affair in which captain Fatima Sana led from the front, taking 2 wickets for 10 runs and also scoring a crucial 30-run knock

Neeraj parts ways with coach Klaus, eyes fresh start

Two- t im e Ol y m pi c m e d a l l is t

Neer aj Chopr a and his renowned coach, b iomec ha nic s expert Dr Klaus Bart onietz, have de cided to end their long-term ass oc iation

The 75 -y e ar



n ha s dec ided to return home to spend tim e with his f amily

Klaus’ departure brought an end to one of the most successful a t h l e t e -

Indian sports Klaus first joined

Neeraj as a biomechanical expert in Feb 2019 and later took over

German and javelin throw legend

Uwe Hohn

world champion, Russia’s Sergey Makarov, to train the country’s javel in throwers His name has been sent for consideration to the Sports Authority of India (SAI) and a final approval is awaited According to sources, Makarov

javelin throwers too The 51-yearold has a personal best of 9

, Neeraj won two Olympic medals and two World Championships medals and successfully defended

secured a Diamond League title in

League and Brussels

was also unable to breach the 90m-mark despite heaving

occasions this

Diamond League two years ago

“He told us that he had done the best he could for Neeraj, and it was time for Neeraj to work with a coach who could elevate his game further,” said Athletics

president Adille Sumariwalla

India home with a massive six off Taskin Ahmed's bowling In the bowling department,

Arshdeep Singh Chakravarthy claimed a three-wicket haul in what was his first T20I in over 1,000 days gap Arshdeep also bagged a three, helping India

meager total of 127 Arshdeep also bagged the Player of he Match award for his

Sachin Tendulkar joins US National Cricket League ownership

T h e Nat io n al C ri c ke t L e ag u e ( NC L ) h as anno u nced tha t leg end ary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, h as j o i ne d i ts o w n ers h i p group Th is mov e m arks a significant milestone in the growing p resence of cricket in th e U nited States, where the sp ort is g aining traction Tend ulkar, w ho is globally celebrated as the “ God of C ricket, ” wi ll also pres ent the championship troph y at th e l eag u e ’ s i na u g u ral tournam ent, sig naling a new er a f o r th e s p o rt o n Am erican soil

In a statement, Tendulkar expressed his excitement about the opportunity to help elevate cricket in the US “Cricket has been my life’s greatest journey, and I am pleased to join the National Cricket League at such an exciting time for the sport in the US The NCL’s vision to create a platform for world-class cricket while inspiring a new g e n e r a t i o n o f f a n s r e s o n a t e s w i t h m e , ” h e s a i d “ I l o o k forward to being part of this i n i t i a t i v e a n d w i t n e s s i n g cricket’s growth first hand in the US ” N C L C h a i r m a n A r u n Agarwal welcomed Tendulkar to the league, emphasizing the

weight of his involvement “We a r e i n c r e d i b l y e x c i t e d t o welcome Sachin Tendulkar to t h e N a t i o n a l C r i c k e t L e a g u e family His influence in cricket is comparable to what Pele does i n

n baseball,” Agarwal said The league has also enlisted an impressive lineup of cricket l

i n g S u n i l Gavaskar, Sir Vivian Richards, Wasim Akram, and others, who will mentor and coach the next generation of talent Top-tier players from around the world, such as Shahid Afridi, Suresh Raina, and Dinesh Karthik, will c o m p

t ’ s g l o b a l appeal and setting the stage for its expansion in the US

Bumrah regains top spot in ICC test rankings

India’ s p ace sp earh ead Jasp rit

Bumrah is back at the summit

o f th e I CC T es t bo w li n g rankin gs fo llowi ng h is match h au l of six wickets in th e second T e s t a ga i ns t B an gl ad es h i n K a np u r T h e 3 0- y ea r- o l d r ep l ac e d h i s I n di a t ea mm at e Ravich andran Ashwin - p layer of th e Series against Bangladesh - at th e to p o f t h e c h ar ts S p in n er R av i nd ra J a de j a m ai n ta i ne d h i s si x


of 72 and 51 and helped I n d

match by seven wickets With 792 rating points, the 22-yearo l

Kane Williamson (829) and Joe Root (899), both of whom are m u c h m o r e e x p e r i e n c e d batters Virat Kohli is also back in the top 10, gaining six places to rise to the sixth position after knocks of 47 and 29 in Kanpur Rishabh Pant, too, remained in the top 10, dropping three spots t o n i n t h , w

h s k i p p e r R


t Sharma and Shubman Gill on 15th and 16th spots respectively

Sachin Tendulkar
Jasprit Bumrah

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