A g e d 5 6 a n d b o r n i
u s l y knighted as Sir Alok in last y e a r 's K i n g 's Ne w Ye a r 's Honours list for his leader-
s h i p i n
change as president of the COP26 climate summit He has now been appointed to the House of Lords, taking on the title of Lord Sharma
“Humbled to have been appointed to the House of Lords but so sorr y to see
m a n y f i n e C o n s e r v a t i v e candidates lose, including in R e a d i n g We s t & M i d Berkshire,” said Sharma in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter), as his party's disastrous 2024 general election results became evident
S h a r m a h a s b e e n a Conser vative MP since 2010, ser ving as Secretar y of State fo r Bu s i n e s s , En e r g y, a n d International Development Appointed COP26 president by Boris Johnson in 2021, he later voiced concerns from the back benches about government delays in meeting
climate targets under Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
Theresa May h onou red in the dissolution list
Former Prime Minister
who was an ally of Liz Truss but also ser ved under Mr Sunak as environment secretar y, will be made a dame in the dissolution honours list Ms May, who represented Maidenhead as an MP, was nominated for a peerage b y R
announcement of the honours list came unexpectedly before the 2024 general election polls closed
retired from politics at the 2024 general election
A recent report has uncov-
e r ed t ha t m i dw i v es a t a
We s t M i dl a n ds ho s pi t a l
r e fer re d t o wo me n i n labour as "As ian princes ses" when they requested pain
r e li e f , hi g hl i g ht i ng c on -
c erns over racist behaviour
i n maternity care
N H S o f f i c i a l s h a v e
e x p r e s s e d d e e p c o n c e r n over these incidents following a review into midwives'
t r a i n i n g a t Un i v e r s i t y Hospitals Birmingham According to a report
f r o m t h e He a l t h S e r v i c e
Journal, trainee midwives witnessed senior staff using the term "Asian princess" to
r e fe r t o b r o w n - s k i n n e d women who requested pain relief during labour Some
t r a i n e e s re p o r t e d h e a r i n g
c o m m e nt s l i ke "Oh , t h e y are all like this," referring to Asian women, and derogator y remarks about asylum s e e ke r s " p l a y i n g t h e s y s -
tem " Trainee midwives fur-
t h e r h i g h l i g h t e d t o N H S off icials a perceived "disregard" from some midwives towards black and brownskinned women, especially those whose f irst language
w a s n o t E n g l i s h T h e y n o t e d i n s t a n c e s w h e r e women unable to communicate in English were left without interpreters
The report also highlighted instances of midw i v e s m a k i n g "s a r c a s t i c " remarks towards mothers dealing with mental health issues It also pointed to b r o a d e r c o n c e r n s w i t h i n the trust's maternity serv
e p
n g t h e y had "never experienced a fully staffed shift" and midwives being unable to take breaks or attend to personal n
staff ing levels
A t r a i n e e n u r s e
was found guilty of tryi ng to blow up t h e h os p
a l where he worked with a homem ade bomb in an ISISi n s pi re
attac k
Farooq, 28, was apprehend-
workable bomb that he had m a d e u s i n g
cooker and 9 9 kg of low explosive
Other things that were discovered on him or in his
black tape, and a fake gun that had blank ammunition in it
According to Sheff ield Crown Court, he visited the location to "seek his own
g out a "murderous terrorist attack" and immersed himself in "extremist Islamic ideology "
B u t a "s i m
a c t o f kindness" from a hospital
patient dissuaded him from carr ying out his plan after they struck up a conversation outside the building
r l e s
n t w o hours of deliberation, the jur y found him guilty
TikTok and to have taken a phone picture of a plaque honouring Jewish ties to the hospital
The investigations also uncovered that he had conducted a covert smear campaign against several coll e a g u e s T h i s o c c u r r e d after he was mandated to repeat a year of his course due to frequent absences and failing to pass required exams
A m i nan R ah m an , 4 6 , h a s been conv icted of m urderin g h i s 2 4 - yea r- o ld w i fe, Sum a Begu m, by strang ling her in front of her lover and disposing o f her bod y hidden in a suitcase into a tributary of the River T ham es He faces a potential life sentence after a jur y at the Old Bailey found him guilty of the crime committed in a flat in east London on April 29 last year
T h e m u r d e r o f M s
Begum was witnessed by her two children and her online boyfriend , who was video c a l l i n g f r o m t h e Un i t e d Arab Emirates (UAE), where he lived
Rahman then placed Ms Begum, who was either dead or unconscious, into a suitcase and was captured on CCT V dumping it into the R
During the trial, it was revealed that Ms Begum's boyfriend, Shahin Miah, 24, had recorded a video of the events leading to her death, which he later provided to the police
Mr Miah broke down in
Mohamm ed Jakir Hussain, 3 0 , f ro m S te p ney Gr een Court, has been sentenced to 22 years in prison He admitted to sup plying heroin and w as fou nd guilty of add itio nal drug traff icking c h arg es i n A p ri l 20 23 , i nc lu d i n g th r o w in g d ru g s ov er prison walls
Po l i c e s u s p e c t e d Hussain of playing a key role in a large-scale drug operation in 2021 They analysed c o m m u n i c a t i o n s f r o m s e v e n p h o n e s l i n ke d t o Hu s s a i n o v e r s e v e r a l months, gathering substantial evidence of his involvem e n t i n t h e i l l i c i t d
Upon further investigat
Hussain had been making t
drugs over the wall and supp l y t h e m t o i n m a t e s Ev i d e n c e i n c lu d e d G o o g le
Maps screenshots used to plan the smuggling operations His communications revealed discussions with a p r i s o n e r wh o
plans to involve shop work-
ers in smuggling and to use a d r o n e fo
r a n s p o r t i n g drugs They discussed test flights, making the drone quieter, and obser ving guard routines and locations for these activities
He was implicated in the sale of cocaine, heroin, and cr ystal methamphetamine The investigation revealed his involvement in damning discussions on EncroChat, indicating his role in drug d i s t r
n Ho w e v
n o evidence linked him directly to having an account on the platform
Off icers also uncovered h i s r o
Sadiq Khan vo ws to push for increased affordable hou sing funding and new po wers from the incom ing Labour
Go v ern m en t, ai m i ng t o ov erco me p ast obstacles and tackle Londo n's housing crisis
He has been advocating fo r
home-building efforts
He e x p r e s s
n g support for additional devolution to City Hall, emphasising his hope for new powers focused on skills training and housing to be delegated t o m a y o r s a n d r e g i o n a l authorities
"In recent months, I've been encouraged by regular meetings with Keir Starmer, Angela Rayner, and Rachel Reeves, along with mayors n a t i o n w i d e , " h e n o t e d " I l o o k fo r w a r d t o
opportunities for devolving powers and resources
mayor expressed astonishment, stating, "These results are truly unbelievable If you had told me back in 2019 that within one parliamentar y term we would not only b
w s through east London into the Thames
Ten days later, a mudl a
Begum inside the suitcase washed up on the riverbank
Begum, who was seen on the bed in the background
g a i
s t M r M i a h , who was in the UAE at the time, according to the court proceedings
o t h e o v e rwhelming election outcome revealed in the early hours o f Fr i d a y m
t h e n e x t Government, but with such a commanding majority, I wouldn't have believed it " He hailed the achievement as historic for Labour in London, proclaiming, "It's the best results Labour has ever seen in London There are no Conser vative MPs in central or inner London It s a r e m a r k a b l e n i g h t fo r Labour "
The Labour-led Welsh government has pledged to enact groundbreaking legislation that would effectively criminalise falsehoods in politics, marking a historic move to address the existential threat these lies pose to democracy, according to Senedd members Fo l l o w i n g a n i n t e n s e and impassioned debate in the Welsh parliament, Mick Antoniw, the government's counsel general, announced t h a t l e g i s l a t i o n t a r g e t i n g
deliberate deception in politics would be introduced before the next Welsh elect i o n s i n t w o y e a r s He emphasised that the Welsh g o v e r n m e n t a i m s t o d i squalify members and candid a t e s p r o v e n g u i l t y o f intentional deceit through a n i n d e p e n d e n t j u d i c i a l p r o c e s s A n t o n i w u n d e rscored the need for crossp a r t y c o l l a b o r a t i o n t o ref ine the practical implementation of this groundbreaking law
The dignity and grace with which former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak departed from No 10 was a final testament to why voices from ethnic minority communities are imperative for the growth of a country and his contribution over two years which in retrospect changed the destiny of many members of the BAME community However, with the most ethnically diverse cabinet dismantling itself after 15 odd years of Conservative rule in the country, Britain has entered a sceptical era of lack of ethnic diversity in the newly formed cabinet by Prime Minister Keir Starmer from the Labour Party
British Asian representation in Parliament has increased to 28 Indian-origin MPs However, Labour must ensure their significant roles, addressing concerns about Rajesh Agarwal’s defeat and Seema Malhotra’s non-inclusion and the absence of senior leaders like Virendra Sharma who promisingly represented British Indians for the longest time Shivani Raja, a 29year-old businesswoman of Gujarati origin, is the only Indianorigin candidate and the only Tory to have snatched a seat from Labour in the recent UK election Labour must balance ethnic minority voices on immigration, healthcare, and the economy, outperforming predecessors to fulfil their manifesto promises amidst numerous challenges
Labour's relationship with India, strained during Corbyn’s leadership, remains a sensitive area Shabana Mahmood, an MP with origins in Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, has been critical of India's stance, exacerbating tensions Additionally, Labour’s engagement with the Asian community has been questioned, with figures like Lisa Nandy facing criticism for lack of interaction Labour must improve its outreach and address concerns within these communities to foster a more inclusive political environment
Sanam Arora from NISAU UK highlighted the implications of Labour's immigration policies for India With the Conservatives and BJP historically aligned, Labour must navigate a pragmatic and ambitious relationship with India, focusing on regional stability and counter-terrorism The Graduate Route visa, crucial for supporting the UK's ambitions in
Phillipson, Labour’s Shadow Education Secretary, emphasised
economies and universities Labour must maintain this support to ensure economic and societal benefits while addressing the broader geopolitical landscape
The NHS's reliance on skilled immigrants underscores the necessity of comprehensive immigration policies With councils facing bankruptcy, the Labour Party must ensure that care homes and other critical services receive the skilled workforce they need This issue also ties into the broader economic and social stability, which Labour must manage adeptly to avoid systemic failures
In his latest interview with Asian Voice (published in 6 July issue), before taking charge of No 10, Sir Keir Starmer said, “I want to be absolutely clear here, that there is absolutely no place for discrimination of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs or any other group in Britain Any efforts to divide us, stoke hatred and demonise people will not – and never will be – tolerated ”
It’s welcoming to know that the newly appointed leader of the country has his heart in the right place, but it’ll take a greater amount of courage, effort and consistency to diminish the fear, lessen the anxiety and fulfil promises for the citizens, especially while nurturing the voices of the ethnic minorities, who truly make Britain multicultural
Recent years have brought unusual developments in Europe, highlighted by a significant political shift in June when the farright made notable gains in the polls In Germany, support for Olaf Scholz’s centre-left Social Democrats plummeted, while the far-right Alternative for Germany ascended to second place Meanwhile, in Italy, Giorgia Meloni’s far-right Brothers of Italy emerged as the dominant party, positioning her as a potential unifying figure in Europe Even the Netherlands is set to form its most right-wing government in decades as Dutch nationalist Geert Wilders announced a breakthrough in negotiations
The rise in populism across Europe can be attributed to various factors unique to each country However, sluggish economies, high immigration rates, and rising energy costs driven partly by carbon net zero goals have fueled discontent Populist leaders often blame the European Union for national challenges, intensifying Eurosceptic sentiments among the populace
While much of the world appears to be shifting to the right, there has also been a notable surge in left-wing support driven by several factors Economic concerns play a significant role, as left-wing parties often focus on social welfare, income inequality, and workers' rights, appealing to those facing financial hardships Many voters also prioritise progressive values such as social justice, climate action, and human rights, which are championed by left-wing parties Additionally, dissatisfaction with right-wing policies drives voters to seek alternative approaches, reinforcing the left's appeal in this dynamic political landscape
The UK's decision to give the centre-left Labour Party a parliamentary majority, ending 14 years of Conservative rule, contrasts with Europe s right-wing populist surge Experts suggest British voters are 'fed up' with Tory governance and austerity
measures, seeking change and accountability for economic issues Britain has faced turmoil due to Conservative actions and external factors, leaving many pessimistic The UK's exit from the EU, the Covid-19 pandemic, and Russia's invasion of Ukraine have severely impacted the economy Rising poverty, deteriorating infrastructure, and an overstretched NHS have fueled complaints about a "Broken Britain "
In a surprising turn of events, the left won the most seats in France s legislative elections, overcoming a far-right surge but failing to secure a majority This has led to a hung Parliament, creating potential political paralysis in a key EU member and upcoming Olympic host Similarly, in India, the Congress party, part of the opposition alliance INDIA, exceeded expectations by winning over 230 seats in the general election
People are closely watching the upcoming US Presidential election in November 2024 The race is shaping up to be between current President Joe Biden and former president Donald Trump A Trump victory would align America with farright European candidates who share his populist nationalism, hostility towards immigrants, strong economic message, and disdain for governing elites and globalist institutions
The shift towards the left raises questions about its effectiveness in addressing global challenges such as war, financial losses and other problems While left-wing policies often emphasise social welfare, economic equality, and human rights, their impact on complex issues like international conflicts and economic stability remains uncertain Critics argue that leftist approaches might not adequately tackle geopolitical tensions or global financial crises However, proponents believe that prioritising social justice and reducing inequality can create a more stable and peaceful world Ultimately, whether this shift will successfully resolve these pressing issues will become clearer as left-wing governments implement their policies
As Asian Voice went to press on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi concluded his two-day official visit to Russia from July 8 to 9 at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin for the 22nd India-Russia summit The summit aimed to review the entire range of multi-faceted ties between the two countries, including defence, investment, energy cooperation, education, culture, and people-to-people exchanges
This visit coincided with the NATO summit in Washington from July 9 to 11, raising questions about the signal India might be sending However, Indian Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra dismissed any connection, stating that Modi's visit was part of the scheduled summits between the two countries
The optics of Modi and Putin meeting while NATO leaders discuss support for Ukraine is strikingly significant
The ModiPutin summit sends a clear message that Russia is not isolated despite a united West Modi's visit aims to balance concerns that India is leaning too close to the West and away from Moscow, potentially yielding influence to China
Russia and India have held annual summits since 2000, with the last in-person meeting in 2021 when Putin visited Delhi The 2022 meeting in Moscow was cancelled due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, while Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping elevated their ties, pledging a "new era" of partnership in May India obviously doesn’t want that Modi has made Russia his first bilateral visit of his third term, a point not lost on Western leaders managing crises in Europe US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell expressed "some concerns" over India's engagement with Russia in military and technology domains but also voiced confidence in
advancing the India-US partnership The United States has cultivated strong ties with India, recognising it as a crucial ally amid China's growing influence in the region
However, India is justified in maintaining its relationship with Russia and prioritising its self-interest while upholding its stance on the war Prime Minister Modi reiterated this stance following an informal meeting with Putin, stating that "war is not a solution " Without directly mentioning Ukraine, PM Modi referenced the recent attack on a children’s hospital and stressed the importance of working towards a better future for future generations Earlier in the day, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had criticised the meeting between Modi and Putin, expressing disappointment that the leader of the “world’s largest democracy” was embracing the world’s most notorious criminal India's deep-rooted connection with Moscow dates back to the Cold War era, and the country has chosen not to participate in Western sanctions against Russia, opting instead to purchase discounted energy from them Additionally, India and Russia cooperate closely at several multilateral platforms such as the UN, G20, BRICS, and SCO It would be unwise on the country’s part, to disrupt relationships with countries India has strong ties with, and this could also inadvertently support China's growing influence
Following his visit to Russia, PM Modi will travel to Austria, marking the first visit of an Indian Prime Minister to Austria in 41 years He will meet Austria s President, Alexander Van der Bellen, and hold talks with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer
Alpesh Patel
Fi rst, L abour’s dispe rsi on of v oters is such tha t the y can a t mer ely one i n fi ve eli gi ble vot ers vo ting f or t hem sti ll win a n electi on
At just 21% of the eligible voters, actually voting for them, Labour won 63% of the seats So perverse is the electoral system (They had 35% of the vote, on a 60% turnout)
Never before in the history of British elections has a party won with such a low percentage of votes
Never in the history of British elections has a party had just enough of its voters spread efficiently so that with such a low spread of voters it can win enough seats
To understand this – think of it this way; Labour tend to have lower majorities in constituencies, but more of them – it’s just the way their vote is spread and so they tend to win more seats per voter
So pronounced is Labour’s advantage that in 2005 more people actually voted Conservative than Labour in England– but the Conservatives won 92 fewer seats than Labour within England (285 to 193)
Put another way Labour can get 55% of the seats with only 36% of the votes cast in 2005, and in 2024 can get 63% of the seats with only 35% of the votes cast
Whereas everyone else combined with 65% of the votes can only manage 37% of the seats
The Tories with 70% as many votes as Labour, only got 30% as many seats as them
It’s just as bad for the Lib Dems – with a 1/3 of the votes of Labour, they have 1/6 of the seats
Don’t look to America for removing a Democratic deficit There have been five US Presidents taking office, with the losing candidate having more votes Most recently Trump and Bush were minority ‘winners’
Of course, we in the West are quick to lecture other nations on their Democratic deficit Take India the world’s largest democracy whose majority party leader has had more people casting a vote for his leadership than any other elected leader in the history of the world Everybody is for democracy until they disagree with its outcomes Worst still are those who cannot accept others may have perfected it – little like India beating England in the cricket But it’s ‘ our game ’
The business lesson is focus on what leads to wins Small things in the right place Not everything Think strategically Focus on the marginals with high impact
One a personal note, my politics tutor at Oxford was the UK’s number 1 authority on General Elections – Dr David Butler This was a man who sat down for drinks with Churchill to discuss election strategies – and indeed with pretty much every Prime Minister since
Dr Butler and I would sit for my tutorials, one to one, discussing modern British Government He had been persuaded out of semi-retirement by another politics tutor to teach me over the Summer before I started work in the US Congress on a bursary I’d won
It amazes me that the 1970 General Election, before I was born, was co-hosted on BBC by Dr Butler, and my grandfather would have seen the man who would become my tutor before I was even born
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An As i an tyc oo n f ro m Uganda, part of the influential Madhvani family known
a s th e 'Ro ck efe ller s o f Uganda' due to their extensive business ventures across Africa, plans to establish a s eries of General Electri cHitachi mi ni-nuclear reactors in Britain
The Madhvani family, who arrived in Uganda in the early 19th century, now control a conglomerate that includes sugar farming, steel production, construction, hotels, and insurance They are pursuing plans to construct small modular reactors (SMRs) using GE-
Hitachi technology, dubbed 'Project Quasar', with aspirations to expand this initiative to other nations
The company is still considering potential sites but intends to deploy its first reactor, capable of generating up to 300 megawatts of power, by the end of the decade
Adrian Simper, the UK government’s former chief nuclear adviser, is currently collaborating with the Madhvani family He believes the UK was chosen due to its open market and robust regulatory framework
The government agency Great British Nuclear is overseeing an SMR design competition, offering public funding to selected designs and subsequent site contracts for reactor construction
GE-Hitachi is among the shortlisted companies in the competition, with the results expected by year-end Other contenders include EDF, Holtec Britain Limited, NuScale Power, Rolls Royce SMR, and Westinghouse Electric Company UK
The new Labour government has expressed its support for SMRs
A n explosive review of the N ur sing and Mid w if e r y Council (NMC) has uncovered a toxic and dy sfunct io na l cul t ur e , w ith t h e organisation ignoring serious cases of sexual, physic a l, a nd r a cist a bu se Shocking failures include a seven-ye ar delay in striking off a nurse accused of raping a colleague and sexually assaulting a patie nt
The review, conducted by Nazir Afzal KC, found
t h a t t h e N u r s i n g a n d Midwifery Council (NMC)
t o o k n o a c t i o n d e s p i t e
knowing a nurse or midwife was accused of accessing category A child sexual abuse images
The NMC, which regul a t e s o v e r 8 0
claimed it could not find
review was commissioned
praised The Independent for amplifying the whistle-
blower said has been validated by our findings "
f executive Andrea Sutcliffe apologised to those affected, calling their experiences "unacceptable " The report, after a five-month investi-
upon hearing the accounts of hundreds of staff interviewed for his report He
issues and failing to address concerns raised over the past 15 years
F ormer nurse Lucy Letby, 34, has been co nvi cted o f attempting to murder a premature baby girl known as Baby K, after a retrial
In a statement, Baby K's family described their ordeal as a long, torturous, and emotional journey twice "
"Today, justice has been served But it does not take away the extreme hurt, anger, and distress that we have all had to endure," they said
In a previous trial last August, Letby was convicted by a different jury of murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others at the Countess of Chester Hospital's neo-natal
unit between June 2015 and June 2016 However, the jury could not reach a verdict on the allegation concerning Baby K, leading to a retrial at Manchester Crown Court
In the retrial, the jury found her guilty of attempting to murder the "very premature" infant by dislodging her breathing tube on February 17, 2016 The par-
Prime Minister Keir Starmer heads to Washington this week for his inaugural international appearance, shortly after assuming office following a sweeping election win
At NATO's 75th anniversary summit in the US capital, Starmer, 61, emphasised Britain's steadfast backing for the Western military alliance and Ukraine's defence against Russian aggression
Starmer's debut international diplomacy begins with his visit to Washington, followed by the UK hosting a European leaders' conference next week, marking a whirlwind start to his first two weeks in office
"It will be an opportunity for him to learn and get to know other leaders as much as to communicate any particular messages," foreign policy expert James Strong told AFP
Starmer has committed to ongoing support for Kyiv under Labour, and he is set to personally reaffirm this commitment to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the NATO meeting His Defence Secretary John Healey has already made a visit to Ukraine since the last election, while Foreign Secretary David Lammy has been engaged in visits to European NATO members Labour is dedicated to the alliance and aims to match the Conservatives' commitment to increase defence spending to 2 5% of GDP, surpassing NATO's target of two per cent
Vi c ti m s of dom e st i c vi olence are opting out of seeki ng prote cti ve inj unc tions due to concerns that their abusers could benefit from e arl y pri s on rel ea se a mi d ov er c row di n g i n Eng li s h prisons
The Prison Governors’ Association (PGA) is urging the next government to extend the early release program, allowing prisoners with sentences under four years to be released sooner
In October, Justice Secretary Alex Chalk introduced an early release scheme allowing inmates to
ents of Baby K gasped and then cried upon hearing the verdict after three-and-ahalf hours of deliberation Letby showed no emotion in the dock
Det Ch Insp Nicola Evans, of Cheshire Police, praised the "courage, strength and resilience" of the child's parents, who she said had been forced to face "continual denials" from Letby
“I would like to thank them for continuing to put their faith in us and I hope that the conclusion today provides them with some peace of mind and some of the answers they have been searching for," she said
The UK's highe st court has ruled that waterway owners can now pursue private
nu isa nce cl a ims a g ai nst wa ter companies for dumping raw sewage
C a m p a i g n e r s b e l i e v e this Supreme Court decision could prompt a surge i n
pushing them to improve sewer networks and sewage treatment facilities
In a unanimous decision, the UK's highest court has ruled against United U
water company, following a six-year legal dispute The
owner of Manchester Ship Canal, a 37-mile waterway connecting Manchester to the Irish Sea, had threatened a private legal claim over untreated sewage discharges into the canal from approximately 100 outfalls owned by the water firm
that the canal company had no legal grounds to sue
Court has now overturned both rulings This decision
Utilities, serving Liverpool
charged untreated sewage into rivers and seas nearly 100,000 times, more than any other water firm The c
s "assessing the implications" of the court's decision
leave prison 18 days ahead of schedule This was extended to 60 days in March and further to 70 days in May Recently, the PGA has advocated for another extension of the programme
According to the latest Ministry of Justice data released on 28 June, the prison population in England and Wales was recorded at 87,360, with usable operational capacity reported at 88,818
In an open letter, the PGA emphasised the urgent need for legislative changes
by any new government They proposed that sentenced prisoners should routinely be released from custody at the 40% mark of their sentence, applying this retrospectively to all currently incarcerated individuals This, they argue, would substantially reduce the prison population and alleviate the ongoing crisis
The PGA also underscored, "Without a substantial reduction in the prison population now, the criminal justice system will falter, posing risks to public safety "
In a tightly contested electi on, Hendo n w itness ed th e narr ow es t m argi n na tio nw i de, as L abo u r c andi date D avi d Pi nt oDuschinsky clinched victory by just 15 votes over Conservative Ameet Jogia
This trend of close races extended across other constituencies as well In Poole, veteran Tory MP Sir Robert Syms lost his seat after 27 years by a mere 18 votes In North West Cambridgeshire, 22-year-old Labour candidate Sam Carling triumphed over Conservative Shailesh Vara with a razor-thin margin of 39 votes Similarly, Conservative Mel Stride narrowly defeated Labour's Ollie Pearson by just 61
However, thousands of voters nationwide were unable to cast their ballots with up to 120 constituencies affected by delayed or missing ballots
"Barnet council has repeatedly experienced issues with missing or delayed postal votes," said Ameet, referring to ongoing problems that affected the
mayoral election and persisted through this recent vote He wrote to Barnet Council's electoral officer in May seeking clarity after numerous residents, despite timely registration, did not receive their postal votes
The former Downing Street adviser has accused the council of mishandling postal votes, which he claims "cost him the vote," and is contemplating legal action over the alleged chaos
According to Ameet, several constituents have informed him that their postal votes, which could have made a decisive difference, never arrived
New Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has initi ate d eff orts to re cru it 6,500 new teachers, fulfilling a key promise from the Labour party' s manifesto She aims to reset the government's relationship with the education sector and revamp the image of teaching to attract new tal-
Phillipson emphasised the urgency of recruiting
thousands of new teachers and mending the government's relationship with the education workforce She noted that the teaching profession has been "
and denigrated," and made it her priority to address this by writing to the peo-
change: the educators
between teaching unions and the previous government was strained, leading to several strikes across the
issues, as reported by the BBC
E c on om i c P o li c y Gro u p ( EPG) organised India Week
2024 (29 June – 6 July), a
w ee klo ng pr ogr am m e o f e vents th at enco m p as sed crucial discussions on topics such as politics, trade, busin ess , s us tai nabi li ty, i nc lusion, and innovation
T h e e v e n t s t o o k p
c e across three cities in the UK, with more than 100 business
a n d p o l
n g f o r t h e events The program included industrialists, tech innovators, and politicians from at least five states in India
The flagship Ideas for India conference in London was arranged in partnership with the think tank Bridge India,
India Week 2024 was a
e l d i s c u ssions on New India India's economic growth rate was
panies from India The event included several high-level meetings with UK governm e n t o f f i c i
advancing the bilateral economic relationship
During India Week 2024 on 5 July, the Ideas for India conference focused on fos-
ment, civil society, and the Indian diaspora The event
gence and innovation
t h e h i g h e s t a m o n g m a j o r
e c o n o m i e s , w h i l e C h i n a
s t r u g g
d w i t h a b l
d infrastructure sector, local government debts, a zeroCovid policy, and an ageing
p o p u l a t i o n C o n c u r r e n t l y , w a r s i n E u r o p e a n d t h e Middle East strained global
r e l a t i o n s h i p s , a n d t h e U S focused on its Presidential e l e c t i o n A s t h e W e s t e r n world diversified its supply
c h a i n s a n d g e o p o l i t i c a l
d e p e n d e n c i e s a w a y f r o m China, India stood to benefit
T h e e v e n t f e a t u r e d a
r a n g e o f d i s t i n g u i s h e d speakers, including English
c r i c k e t e r A z e e m R a f i q , Deputy Mayor of London for B u s i n e s s a n d G r o w t h
H o w a r d D a w b e r , G l o b a l
B e a u t y C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Specialist Jazz Kaur Sohal, Pratik Dattani the Managing Director of EPG Economic and Strategy Consulting and more
On 3 July, as part of India Week 2024, the Education Innovation Conference convened educators from across India at the University of Oxford, renowned globally as a leader in academia The event, organised in collaboration with partners WBR,
t h e U K I n d i a B u s i n e s s
C o u n c i l , a n d t h e O x f o r d Centre for Hindu Studies, f o c u s e d o n s h a p i n g t h e future of education
An awards dinner was held on 4 July in the House of Commons to honour the most innovative and exportoriented private sector com-
The Film Conclave fea-
addressing critical aspects of the industry The first sess
Cinema, brought filmmakers, producers, and industry
movie co-production, cross-
the evolving cinematic land-
passed about funding, incentives, film exhibition, age ratings, licensing, and the delicate balance between artistic
The UK has long been a h
ties This year's India Week featured a special exhibition dedicated to Bollywood lege n d s D e v A n a n d a n d h i s f i l m m a k e r b r o t h e r V i j a y A n a n d C u r a t e d b y A m a n Dhillon of ReelN Ltd , "The Anand Brothers: A Journey Through" took place on July 5th and 6th Dev Anand, celebrated for his charismatic screen presence and spann i n g a c a r e e r o f o v e r s i x decades with more than 110 f i l m s , i s r e m e m b e r e d f o r c l a s s i c s l i k e G u i d e a n d Jewel Thief His brother
V i j a y A n a n d , k n o w n f o r d i r e c t i n g a c c l a i m e d f i l m s such as "Teesri Manzil" and "Johny Mera Naam," also left a lasting impact on Indian cinema
A d d i n g t o t h e e
Anand, was present at the e x h i b i t i o n T h e e x h i b i t i o n offered fans a unique glimpse into the lives and careers of these iconic figures through photographs, personal artif a c t s , a n d e
' s presence provided a personal connection to the legendary actors and offered insights into their enduring impact on cinema
The event also included the inaugural Film Conclave on 6 July, bringing together filmmakers from the UK and India to discuss co-production opportunities
Minister Tony Blair offered early advice in British poli-
St arm er to develop a strategy for immigration control Blair cautioned that the
challenge to Labour, alongside the Conservative Party, particularly after maximising damage to Conservatives by dividing the right-wing vote during the election
and garnered 14 per cent of the vote
Tony Blair
that the party would now target Labour voters In a Sunday Times article titled "My advice to Keir Starmer," Tony Blair noted the disruption traditional political parties face globally Blair highlighted exam-
ples from France and Italy w
gaining ground He emphasised the need for a immi-
, stating, "If we lack rules, we foster prejudices " Blair, the Labour leader who led his party to three consecutive election victories starting with his landslide win in 1997, embedded
focused on harnessing the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) He suggested that digital ID technology could provide the most effective solution
issue highlighted during the election campaign
Sir Keir Starmer expressed de ep c o nc ern abo u t t he fu ture o f Tata Steel after meeti ng with W elsh F irs t Minister V aughan Gething in Cardiff Bay, the final stop o f his to u r ac ro s s t he devolved nations
H e a l s o m e t w i t h J o S t e v e n s , t h e S e c r e t a r y o f
State for Wales, during his visit to the Senedd
expression and self-imposed censorship Notable speakers included Lee Stone, Pranab K
The second session, "The I
Celebrity: Balancing Privacy and Public Interest," led by celebrity lawyer Sana Raees Khan, delved into safeguarding the privacy of stars while respecting the public’s right t
p e r t s Kavino Nagulendren, Naila Mughal, and Vaibhav Anand provided insights into navigating these complex legal and ethical issues
I n c o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h Mugafi, the third session will f o c u
advancements and the future
examine the impact of technological innovations such as OTT platforms, VFX, VR, and
y Experts Thomas Drakovitch and Cary Rajinder Sawhney offered perspectives on how
production methods
n companies, distributors, content creators, and agencies to explore lucrative opportunities in the industry across both countries A highlight of this year s event was the pres-
U p o n a r r i v i n g a t t h e
Welsh Parliament, Sir Keir Starmer reiterated his commitment to an "immediate
r e s e t " o f t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p
b e t w e e n t h e W e s t m i n s t e r
G o v e r n m e n t a n d t h e devolved nations
His visit coincides with g r o w i n g c o n c e r n s o v e r potential job losses at Tata steelworks in Port Talbot, putting approximately 2,800 jobs at risk
After meeting with Mr Gething, the Prime Minister emphasised a desire to "collaborate" with the devolved nations and build "mutual respect and trust " Plans to a d d r e s s r e p o r t e r s o n t h e
S e n e d d b a l c o n y w e r e d i srupted by a small group of a r o u n d a d o z e n p r oPalestinian protesters, relocating interviews to the fifth floor due to noise
T h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r
emphasised the importance of resetting relations with Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, aiming for collaboration, mutual respect, and trust He highlighted his
Government on issues like Tata Steel, expressing conc
mandatory layoffs, pledging an additional £3 billion in funding to support the UK's steel industry
An Asian lifestyle coach living with type 2 diabetes has created six short f ilms discu ssing t he ill n ess a n d strategies for managing it P ro du ced b y T he A d da C lu b, t he se f il m s f e at ure Monir Ali and explore topics such as diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices They are available in English with subtitles in Bengali, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Arabic, and Punjabi
Approximately 420,000 p
nosed with type 2 diabetes, and this number is expected t
over the next decade Type 2 diabetes causes elevated blood sugar levels, which c a n l e a d t
organs such as the eyes and kidneys
This can lead to other serious health issues and, in
I n d i v i d u a l s o f I n d i a n , Pakistani, and Bangladeshi descent face a heightened risk of developing type 2 diabetes at a younger age
some cases, even death In the film series, Monir Ali, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2016, engages
GP, nutritionist,
explore the causes of diabetes and effective management strategies The videos demonstrate
n significantly improve control over type 2 diabetes and m i t i g a
threatening complications
c s attempted to revive him on t
e h e was rushed to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead Thames Valley Police are investigating the incident and have indicated no foul play is suspected A
A 19 - year- o l d fir st -y ear s t u dent at Ox fo rd U ni versi t y t ragic al l y dro w ne d aft er j um pi ng into t he Thames River to cel ebrate t he end o f his exams on June 21 The student, who has not been publicly named, was reportedly wearing full academic attire when he jumped into the river at Port Meadow, a scenic area i
coroner's report is forth-
mortem examination
to a witness interviewed by the Oxford Mail, the student was part of a group c
near Fiddler’s Island
Shefali Saxena
As i f Ra ng o o n wa la C B E
received the h onour fo r ser-
vi c e s to C h a ri ty a nd Ph ilanthrop y As a promin en t b u s i ne s s l ea de r a nd
p h i l an th ro p i st , A si f h a s been a driving fo rc e in the ph ilanthrop ic landscape for many years, with a focu s on c re at i ng p o s i ti v e c h an ge with in communities bo th in the UK and So uth Asia
Through the Rangoonwala Foundation, he has championed numerous projects aimed at improving the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals The Foundation's work includes providing scholarships for underprivileged students, funding medical research and facilities and supporting community development programmes He spoke to Asian Voice about it:
Congratulations on receiving the King's Honour, Asif Can you share with us what this recognition means to you personally and how it reflects the work of the Rangoonwala Foundation?
I am extremely honoured to receive this accolade from His Majesty King Charles III What this
means to me personally is approval of the work I have been doing in the UK for marginalised communities, mainly in the disability and community service sectors
Of course, all of this would not have been possible without the support I have received from the Rangoonwala Foundation
The Rangoonwala Foundation has been instrumental in improving the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals in both the UK and South Asia. What has been the most challenging project you've undertaken, and how did you overcome those challenges?
Working with disadvantaged individuals has been a lifelong mission from the early days when the Rangoonwala Foundation was holding four annual gatherings for disadvantaged people at the Rangoonwala Community Centre in Pakistan Since then in the UK we have worked closely with the Whitefield Development School, where I am still a Governor With the support from Whitefield and other organisations i e Sense, Coram, Leonard Cheshire and so many others, we established MAITS
We have done a huge amount of work on a global basis and the biggest challenge that we found at MAITS is fundraising We can manage the small stuff but there is so much out there to be done, it would be a big boost to our professional team as well as our volunteer team if we could secure the big pot required for so many young children who have various issues ranging from physical and mental disabilities but also behavioural and nutritional issues
Yourwork spans various areas such as education, medical research, and community development
How do you prioritise which projects to support, and what criteria do you use to ensure they align with the Foundation’s mission?
The Foundation’s mission and how we prioritise projects are based on an application and in-depth vetting system created by Meheen Dalamal at the Rangoonwala Foundation, who spends most of her time going through hundreds of applications and coming up with a list of credible and needy organisations that fit he
Rangoonwala Foundation's criteria
Lookingahead, what are your future goals for the Rangoonwala Foundation, and how do you envision continuing to make a positive impact in the communities you serve?
The future goals of the Foundation are to continue the existing work we are already doing, however, there are new areas ie environment and conservation that are being looked at for future collaboration We also believe that the Rangoonwala Foundation has reached a stage where as the projects become larger there is a need to collaborate with others to address the issues affecting public needs in the medical, disability and environmental sectors
Rishi Suna k, in his first spe ech as the Le ad er of the Opp osition, re ite ra ted his a pol ogy to Co nser va tiv e M Ps who we re not r e-ele cted a nd promised to take up the oppo sitio n role "prof essional ly, e ff ective ly, and humbly "
country, and the principles they believe in Sunak concluded by describing being an MP as the "greatest honour, privilege, and responsibility " Sir Keir Starmer praised the new Parliament as the most
Sunak began his speech by congratulating Sir Keir Starmer on his general election victory He emphasised that while politics involves vigorous debate, mutual respect remains paramount He reminded everyone that despite their disputes, all members are united by their commitment to serve their constituents, their
diverse in race and gender "this country has ever seen" during his first speech to the Commons as Prime Minister He pledged to end the politics that often seemed selfserving and replace it with "the politics of service " Other party leaders also addressed the Commons ahead of the swearing-in of MPs
Leprosy Mission Head of Asian Partnerships Louise Timmins has 20 years’ experience of working with communities affected by leprosy in India
She believes that with the right strategy and investment, we have a fighting chance of eradicating leprosy in our lifetime
The last few years have been the most challenging the charitysector has ever faced The economy dived, affecting all channels of fundraising As Covid hit corporates hard, often the first things to be dropped were CSR partnerships Then came the cost-of-living crisis
International charities were losing money fast, and smaller ones were closing Over 40% of international charities in the UK with an income of less than £1 million ceased to exist Agility, transparency and evidence of sustainable impact were key to ensuring The Leprosy Mission went against the tide to continue to provide vital services in India
A global perspective on the cost-of-living crisis
As the cost of living rises exponentially, where does this leave charities? Transport, fuel and hikes in everything from paper to construction mean cash savvy are understandably tightening belts But perhaps it is at this time we need to think globally Even in countries perceived to be developed,
growing global economies are unable or unwilling to invest in bridging the increasing gap between the rich and the poor Communities living in poverty are hit hardest by inflation and increased costs for basics At the very bottom of the pile is where you’ll find people affected by leprosy and disability
It’s a shock to many that leprosy still exists As a disease of extreme poverty, it’s not on our doorstep, but today it continues to devastate the lives of people across South Asia India still shoulders the biggest burden of leprosy, with 60% of the world’s cases One person every two minutes is newly diagnosed, but this is the tip of the iceberg Evidence suggests that for each individual diagnosis, a further nineteen cases remain hidden Millions more are living with disabilities caused by untreated leprosy
Leprosy is a complicated bacterium and can hide in the body for up to 20 years It’s not hereditary, it can’t be contracted by touch, and you won’t catch it because your immune system is strong The good news is that leprosy can be cured with a simple combination of three antibiotics called Multidrug therapy It costs just £24 to cure
one person But sadly, leprosy continues torobpeople of family, livelihoods, and dignity
There’s a cure, so what’s the problem?
Severe discrimination means many people with leprosy hide their symptoms for as long as possible It’s not uncommon for someone displaying early signs of the disease to be thrown out of family and community because of myths such as leprosy being a curse or a result of misdeeds in a former life One diagnosis can ruin prospects of employment, marriage and acceptance for the whole family
If leprosy is not cured quickly, it can cause blindness and loss of feeling in your hands and feet
And if you can’t feel pain, daily tasks become fraught with danger Hands get burned while cooking and walking on sharp stones injure your feet Wounds often ulcerate, which can then lead to amputation and disability
Your fingers curl inwards and won’t straighten, making it
impossible to care for your children or hold a tool to work in the fields All of this adds to your daily struggle with poverty And if you ’ re battling to put food on the table, paying to see a doctor isn’t an option
The Leprosy Mission’s unique approach
For almost 150 years we have led the way in leprosy treatment and research Inclusive and farreaching, our teams work in ten countries across Asia and Africa All staff in-country staff are nationals This means programmes are culturally appropriate and effective Leprosy does not discriminate and neither do we, serving people of all faiths and none, regardless of background A by-product of this strategy has been communities that were once opposed coming together with a common goal This has improved tolerance and mutual understanding, dramatically increasing the number of people coming forward for treatment
As development experts, we know that providing the cure is just the beginning Our goal is to enable sustainable change, involving people affected by leprosy in project needs assessments, planning, design and implementation We focus on women and the most marginalised, giving a platform for unheard voices to be included Our projects are diverse and include
• Pioneering research
• Reconstructive surgery and restoring mobility
• Health awareness and medical camps in remote communities
• Mental health
• Water and sanitation
• Improving farming techniques to manage climate change and food insecurity
• Education, training and job creation
• Advocacy- lobbying local governments for fair and equal treatment including accessing e g , electricity and disability pensions
A grand ceremony was held at Navn at Hall to h ono ur o c to genari an an d n on agen ari an c it iz ens fr om t he community, celebrating their contributions and recognising their years of experience
This tradition of honouring elderly members is practiced to foster respect and admiration within the society
On Friday, 5 July, the day was filled with joy and enthusiasm for many elderly attendees Approximately 450 senior citizens, accompanied by their loved ones, gathered to celebrate this grand occasion Distinguished guests included Jasvant Doshi, President of Navnat Vanik Samaj, Vice President
Subhashbhai Bakhai, and Manharbhai Mehta, Chair of the Vanik Council, among others
The hall was beautifully decorated by Hasmitaben Doshi, Jagdishbhai Sangani, Meenaben, and numerous other volunteers Vice President Bharatbhai efficiently managed the kitchen
arrangements and lunch ser-
vice The dedicated efforts of the co-ordinators were evident throughout the event
The women of the kitchen committee,under the guidance of Shakuben Sheth and Ansuyaben, were praised for their service The sound system and music arrangements were overseen by Kishorbhai
Batavia Coordinators Meenaben and Bansariben outlined the programme as President Natubhai Mehta warmly welcomed the attendees Meenaben and Bansariben introduced the elderly participants one by one, starting with those aged 90 and above, followed by those aged 85 Committee members and dignitaries honoured them with certificates and gifts
Jyotsnaben Shah, Consulting Editor of Gujarat Samachar, applauded former President Nalinbhai Udhani’s commitment to mark and continue this tradition of honouring senior citizens
T he Jee man 2024 festival, organised by the Rajasthan Association UK, took place in Lon don on Sun day, 30 June, 2024 The event showcased Rajasthan's rich cultural heritage, featuring traditional food, warm hospitality, and entertaining stage performances
ness of Rajasthan warmly greeted each other upon arrival
In a grand celebration commemorating its 50th anniversary, Citibond Travel hosted a memorable summer luncheon The event showcased the company's extraordinary journey and steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional travel experiences Citibo nd’s dedicated team and esteemed partners gathered to reflect on five decades of growth and achievements, marked by joyous camaraderie and shared memories
Preparations for this annual festival began well in advance, with volunteers working diligently on various aspects such as decorations, cultural programs, guest lists, menu planning, and venue arrangements
This year's event was under the experience coordinators
Rakhi Singh Gehlote and Rajiv Khichar
On the event day, the Sattavis Patidar Centre at Wembley was filled with attendees dressed in colourful traditional attire
Volunteers wearing clothing reflecting the cultural rich-
At the entry, a welcome team of volunteers greeted guests, including Vijaya, Krishna, Kavita, Pratibha, Shivi, Shalini, Ragini, Smita, Chinki, etc , with Tilak on their foreheads and traditional Rajasthani welcome folk songs
The festival began with a delicious spread of authentic Rajasthani cuisine, including traditional seating arrangements for dining
The food's aroma filled the hall, and guests savoured the diverse flavours of Rajasthan
The cultural programme, anchored by Aditya and Anuja, commenced at around noon with an invocation and aarti Young Rudransh's rendition of "Tharo Mharo Desh" touched everyone's hearts
The event showcased various performances, including flute recitals by Asana Gupta, Ghoomar dance by Lavishka, and many other cultural acts
The chief guest, Anil Agarwal, Chairman of Vedanta Group, delivered a message in Rajasthani
Special guests Lakshyaraj Singh and Pawan Arora were also invited on stage Other dignitaries from Rajasthan who showered the program with blessings include Sant Soham Chaitanya Swami, Shreepal Ji Shaktawat, Kapil Dev ji from the Indian High Commission, Mahendra Madhup Ji, Anil Punglia etc
A series of colourful performances, including folk dances, songs, and cultural displays, kept the audience engaged throughout the day Performers like Prachi
Sharma, Raghika Ramdev, Tanushka Yadavi Parmar, and Krishna presented various folk dances, while Vivek sang Rajasthani folk songs
The event successfully brought together the Rajasthani community in London, allowing them to connect with their roots and celebrate their rich cultural heritage The vibrant atmosphere, filled with the beats of dhol and the grace of Ghoomar, made it feel as if all of London was witnessing the cultural splendour of Rajasthan
As the event drew close, guests were treated to masala chai and refreshments, especially Rajasthani Besan Barfi Everyone enjoyed the tea while reminiscing about the Jeeman experience before gradually departing for their homes
On June 30th, The Bhavan in We st K ensi ngto n, Lo ndon, ho s te d a d yna mi c per fo rmance by mu sical maestro s Sounak Chattopadhyay and Anirudhya ( Sasha) Ghoshal
The c o nc e rt, "TAG ORE & BEYOND," was presented by The Tagoreans, the UK's o ldest Bengali cultural organisation, established in 1965 For 59 years, they have pro moted Rabindranath Tagore's univ ers al i sm thr o ug h va ri o u s cultural activities Curated in E n gli s h, thi s mu l ti li ng u al production featured Bengali, Hindi, and English compositions, highlighting Tagore's influence on Indian classical, folk music, and Bollywo od
The first half of the programme featured two segments exploring Tagore's influences The first highlighted Hindustani classical music and Tagore's experiments with Carnatic music Sounak Chattopadhyay's rendition of "Shukhahin nishidin" and "bipula twarango re," along with Sasha Ghoshal's "Lavanya Rama" and "Eki labonye purno prano," showcased their impressive vocal talents The second segment delved into Eastern and Western folk influences on
Tagore's work, with Sasha performing Lalon Fakir's Milan hobe koto dine and Sounak joining in with "Amar praner manush ache prane "
After the interval, the duo explored Tagore's impact on contemporary music, including Bollywood They performed a duet of the classic Bollywood song "Tere mere milan ki yeh raina," inspired by Tagore's "Jodi tare nai chini go," captivating the audience Sujit Bhattacharjee, exchairperson and currently Hon Advisor of the Tagoreans said “We saw a mesmerising performance of
A highlight of the celebration was the heartfelt recognition of Citibond’s hardworking team, whose commitment and passion have been the backbone of the company's success Speeches were delivered, acknowledging their tireless efforts and the pivotal role they have played in building the company's stellar reputation in the travel industry
Citibond travel also extended profound gratitude to its travel partners, whose unwavering support has been instrumental in its success Special thanks were given to Air India, Emirates, Virgin Atlantic, British Airways, and Taj Hotels Their partnership and collaboration have enabled Citibond to offer unparalleled travel experiences to its customers
Hitesh Mehta, Managing Director of Citibond Travel, shared his personal and professional journey that took the guests through a nostalgic journey of the 50 years Reflecting on the Citibond's success, Hitesh stated "Our 50-year journey from humble beginnings was guided by my parents advice: honest hard work always pays off, and family comes first I have always said that treating clients and suppliers as friends is the best way of doing business and we are proud to have achieved that”
The summer lunch was more than just a celebration; it was a reaffirmation of Citibond's values and vision for the future As the company looks forward to the coming years, it remains committed to enhancing its services and continuing its legacy of excellence in the travel industry
Tagore songs by two amazingly talented singers, Sounak and Sasha Their exploration of the diverse origins of Tagore’s songs and Tagore’s influence on other composers, along with their incredible vocal ranges took Tagore songs to a new level
The Tagoreans have every reason to be proud of this wonderful and unique presentation ” Another member of the audience said “I was overwhelmed by the quality of the performances and was completely immersed in the music Sasha and Sounak
were amazing – such beautiful yet contrasting styles –sublime and invigorating at the same time ” Another audience member commented on the fact that this was one of the best concerts that they had heard in a long time, asking the Tagoreans to continue to produce more such excellent events; while another patron commented on the superb production, already wanting to pre-book tickets for the next Tagoreans venture so she could bring her young grandsons with her to enjoy such shows!
“R at ha-ya tra ” mean s
“cha riot festiva l ” Held
a nn ually for cen turies in
Pur i, Orissa, on In dia’s ea st
coa st , this ce le bra tion
fea tur es thre e huge char iots
ca rry ing the deity for ms of L ord Jaga nn ath, L ord Balar ama a nd Devi
Subhad ra The se chariot s
a re pulle d by hand t hrough t he city str ee ts, a ccompa nied by loud m usical performa nces, d rawin g millions of pilgrims Ja gan nat h is a spe cia l an d ver y me rciful form of Krishna
Ratha-yatra is the largest street festival sponsored by ISKCON and concludes with a delicious, sanctified vegetarian feast
Celebrated by Lord Krishna devotees worldwide, it was introduced to the West by His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1967 in San Francisco The biggest Ratha-yatra festival in the UK takes place in London
The London procession starts from Hyde Park Corner, moves through Park Lane, Piccadilly, and Haymarket, and finally arrives at Trafalgar Square, where festivities continue until night Highlights include drama, dance, philosophy, and a feast The London Ratha-yatra will take place on Sunday, 21 July 2024 Lord Jagannath, Lord Balarama, and Devi Subhadra will arrive from ISKCON-London RadhaKrishna Temple for Snana
chanting, dancing, and pulling the resplendent
Chariot (Ratha)
The festivities began with the preparation of a hand-constructed, painted, and adorned Chariot by dedicated volunteers The deities were ceremonially adorned and carried to the chariot in a grand Pahandi Yatra from Shri Ram Mandir, Southall Manoj Panda, Ajay Thakur, and Padma Shri Dr Krishna Mohan Pathi performed the Chhera Pahanra (ceremonial sweeping) of the Chariot Virendra Sharma and Jai Sharma also graced the celebrations The atmosphere was filled with the sounds of cymbals and conches as devotees pulled the Chariot, chanting and dancing in worship
A highlight was the joyous bhajan satsang led by young children, showing the strong Jagannatha and Sanatani culture among the UK-born younger generation Devotees had
G ra nd celebrat ion of th e R at h Ya tra in Southall
The Shr ee Ja gan na tha Societ y UK (SJSUK) organised a grand celebration of the Rathayatra in Southall, London on Sunday, 7 July 2024
Held on the auspicious Ashadha Shukla Paksha Dwitiya Tithi, the event saw hundreds of enthusiastic devotees from across the UK The Ratha-yatra, symbolising the journey of Lord Jagannath, Lord Balarama, and Devi Subhadra to their Aunt's abode in Gundicha Mandir, was meticulously organised at The Featherstone High School, Southall The festival provided a platform for participants to immerse in Jagannath tradition, fostering community and spiritual connection Over 600 devotees, from young children to those in their 80s, joyously participated,
the opportunity to offer puja and archana to the deities, seeking divine blessings and receiving Sukhila Bhog (dry prasad) The day culminated with the offering of Chhappan Bhog Prasad, comprising 56 special delicacies, to the deities and devotees The Adharapana Niti and Niladri Bije Niti were performed as the deities were carried into the Temple, concluding with Aarati
Dr Sahadev Swain, Chairperson of SJSUK, expressed gratitude to participants and volunteers, emphasising the organisation's commitment to constructing a Shree Jagannatha Mandir in London Shri Bhakta Batshal Panda invited devotees to celebrate Bahuda Yatra on 15 July 2024 at Shree Ram Mandir Southall and support the temple's construction SJSUK has been actively
engaged in humanitarian, social, educational, and spiritual initiatives, including Covid-19 relief efforts, supporting rural schools and orphanages in Odisha, reforestation programs, blood donation drives, and promoting mental and physical wellness This year, SJSUK partnered with Mohanji Foundation for Maha Prasad Seva, distributing free meals and bottled water to pilgrims visiting Puri for Rath Yatra
Volunteers from Mohanji Foundation, Ammucare Charitable Trust, and Chhattis Nijog, led by Pattajoshi Janardana Mahapatra, served thousands, embodying the spirit of selfless service and devotion Bilete Bangali celebrates Ratha-yatra
London's socio-cultural calendar is rich with diverse events Although Rathayatra was not widely recognised in England initially, the social group Bilete Bangali has worked tirelessly to bring this festive event to life, showcasing the rich culture of Orissa for the last three years This year, the community celebrated with fervour, starting with a sacred puja performed by a priest, followed by Anjali, a dedicated bhog to Lord Jagannath enriching the event's significance
The highlight was children and adults pulling the Jagannath Chariot, a traditional spectacle that captivated the 200 attendees
Bilete Bangali infused the event with cultural vibrancy, featuring dances, songs and plays spanning traditional, classical, and modern genres Dancers showcased Orissa's folk art, adorned in traditional Odissi sarees woven by village women supported by British Women in sarees Performances reflected Orissa's rich cultural heritage
A small mela, echoing Bengal's festive spirit, added to the charm with numerous stalls, including delicious food stalls, for visitors to enjoy Despite the heavy rain, a typical feature of Ratha-yatra, the enthusiasm remained undamped, making the event a memorable celebration of culture and community
July 1, 2024, marks the 157th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation Festivals and celebrations across Ontario and Canada, including fireworks, will be held for Canadians and visitors who choose to celebrate this day Similarly, July 4 is the 248th anniversary of the United States' Independence, a day filled with fun, festivities, and patriotic spirit to honour this special occasion
On June 30, 2006, my letter to the editor in the Toronto Star was published as the letter of the day, titled "Loyal Canadians all There is no need to doubt the attachment to this country of fans waving the flags of nations competing in the FIFA World Cup in Germany " The letter addressed criticism from citizens who doubted the loyalty of fans hoisting flags of their native countries during the World Cup celebrations
In my letter, I emphasized that we are as loyal as those born here To clear doubts about our loyalty, I mentioned my daughter Alpa Patel's wedding to Naval Gandhi on June 30, 1996 During the wedding reception, in my speech as the father of the bride, I not only wished for a long-lasting union of the bride and groom but also for Canada, as the following day was Canada Day My words received the loudest applause from guests of diverse origins, including Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Filipino, South American, Sri Lankan, and Canadian I concluded my letter with "Happy Canada Day to all "
In another letter to the Toronto Star dated August 18, 1 9 9 6 , t i
, " I expressed my gratitude to friends who helped organize wedding-related events, easing our tensions as it was the first wedding among our friends and relatives in Canada, attended by 575 invitees
My first letter to a North American newspaper was published in The Palm Beach Post, Florida, on June 29, 1971, titled "Indian-Students Wishes for the Fourth of July on America’s Independence Day " After reading my letter, First Federal Savings and Loan Association of West Palm Beach wrote to me, appreciating the contributions of Indian students and others from abroad to the growth of their country
Currently, the UEFA Euro Cup 2024 is being hosted in Germany, and the 2024 Copa America, the 28th edition of the quadrennial international men ’ s championship, is ongoing Fans in different cities across Canada are waving flags of their countries of origin, demonstrating that they too are loyal Canadians
Suresh and Bhavna Patel
The recent proposal by PM Sir Keir Starmer to release prisoners early is a necessary response to the severe overcrowding crisis in England and Wales prisons As predicted around 40,000 inmates could be free to ease jail crowding
However, this measure highlights a deeper issue within our justice system The growing prison population suggests both an increase in criminal offences and an over-reliance on imprisonment rather than rehabilitation
Yet, while early releases may ease immediate pressure, they must be handled carefully to ensure public safety More drastic measures, like cancelling the sentences of low-level offenders upon release, should be considered carefully
The overcrowding crisis is a result of years of neglect and requires thoughtful and sustainable solutions We must reform our criminal justice system to balance public safety with reducing overcrowding As a citizen, I worry that this decision might lead to an increase in crime rates On the other hand, it could provide inmates with a valuable opportunity to reintegrate into society and lead better lives Vivek Gupta
I wish Sir Keir Starmer the best of luck as our new prime minister but fear the job will prove overwhelming because he is unable to make quick decisions and keeps changing his mind How will he cope when he has to deal with a tsunami of crises occurring 24 hours a day demanding his immediate attention and action? In my opinion the relentless pressure will quickly wear him down and he will feel impelled to pass the baton to his deputy, Angela Rayner, who will no doubt swerve the government sharply back to Left wing politics with possibly disastrous consequences
A Gu pta
Why Tories tumbled at the last hurdle
Election time is always busy, engrossing and full of suspense; the result can never be taken for granted, until it is o f f i c i a l O u r Q u e e n s b u r y W a r d , a Labour stronghold until it became part of Harrow East, has now become a Conservative stronghold, mainly due to the popularity of our sitting MP Bob Blackman
PM Rishi Sunak took every one, including his closest allies, by surprise when he announced 4th July as election date when his party was trailing some 20 %, a big gap to close within such a short time-spell
He could have delayed it, gone for the autumn election or just after the spring budget with some sweetener to the voters that could have given him a fair chance to save his PM’s job
Was he over confident or just misled by his closest advisers! In any case the final decision is his and only his to make Could fear of Rwanda policy failure played any part in decision making
Most political pundits warned that Ruanda policy was a non-starter from day one It was a game to take pressure
pitching tents on French beaches to cross the channel, sometimes in unseaworthy boats risking their lives O
England when they are already in a safe EU country that opens the door to migrate anywhere in Europe, including Germany, the richest nation in the EU
The answer is simple and the blame lies at the door of our unpatriotic, ignorant politicians who have badly failed to counter the propaganda spread by the
such risky tasks
London are practically paved with gold; these illegal migrants can live on generous benefits forever where no one is required to work against their will
Perhaps it is true to some extent, as these lazy migrants are housed in 3* to 4* hotels on full board, in sharp contrast to France where they struggle to survive in flimsy tents, soaked in rain water and fed by charity organizations So there is every reason to reach our shores, one of the most liberal nations on earth
This is in sharp contrast to how we treat our own rough sleeping people who are left on their own to survive or die during our wet, windy and cold winter months, sleeping under the bridge, in shop entrances and underground stations
Bhupendra M Gandhi
Since the East Indians are the original inhabitants of Mumbai, it's high time the Catholic Church all over Mumbai celebrated the Holy Eucharist (or the Mass as it is called) in the East Indian Marathi dialect too
Waking up on Friday 5th July felt like a coronation was unfolding of a new King Not sure K ing Charles III has been made aware, but there is a new sheriff in town now
On first look the results are truly astonishing for Labour and Keir Starmer As I write this column Labour have 412 seats to the Tories that have 121 Most commentators will all too easily run with the standard rhetoric just regurgitating commentary from social media and other media outlets My take will be different, as usual
Let’s get the facts right Chart co urtesy of the BBC
The chart exposes a horrible truth about these results Labour with ONLY 34% vote share commands 64% of the actual seats The Conservatives with 24% of the vote share secured only 18% of the seats Only the LDs managed to secure the number of seats that represented their vote share accurately
Let me put this another way If you combine
Reform, it totals 38% (4% m
) However, when you add up the number of seats they have secured collectively, it totals only 19%
Reform Party took away
Conservatives, but in so doing they ensured the Labour Party won the general election with only 34% of the popular vote 66% of the voters did not vote for Labour Remember, Labour questioned the legitimacy of BREXIT which got 52% of the popular vote I guess securing power with only 34% changes the moral compass of politicians all too easily
All Nigel Farage has achieved was to establish Keir Starmer as the Prime Minister Reform itself remains irrelevant when it comes to British parliamentary politics In parliament, Reform and Farage will not be able to affect anything with their five seats
Nigel and those on the very right need to reflect on their madness to feed their personal egos The negligence of Nigel Farage in using his form of extreme rhetoric to fire up the deluded voters won him momentary stardom, but in so doing, he lost the battle and the war The nose is well and truly cut to spite one ’ s own face
Going back to HRH King Starmer, and I say that as a tongue in cheek remark, since his majority is such that he might as well be the king, with such strength in seat numbers comes great responsibility This will now become a huge test for Starmer and Labour Get this mandate wrong and in the next election, the voters will take vengeance
I have had reservations about Labour and Starmer for a very long time, and I have expressed those with my customary shyness! However, I do have hope for the new go vernment and Keir Starmer I hope Keir:
1 Ensures ou r bo rders are secured That illegals are repatriated and not allo wed to stay That he does not create special visas for conflict zones like Palestine
2 Ensures that direct or indirect taxes do no t rise
3 Ensures that NHS waiting times are reduced significantly
4 Ensures that Police numbers increase significantly as per his rheto ric
5 E nsures crime is redu ced significantly as per his rhetoric
6 Ensures that at least 2 5% o f GDP is spent on o ur armed forces as per his pro mise
7 Ensures that affo rdable housing becomes available to everyone as trumpeted by Labour pre-election
8 Ensu res that our energy costs are reduced significantly
9 Ensures that a Royal Co mmission is set up immediately to investigate every aspect of the grooming gang ’ s fiasco, and to hold all po liticians and public bodies negligent in their duty o f care to account
10 Ensures that antisemitism and anti-Hindu hatred that is on the rise is stamped out
The list is not exhaustive It gives a flavour of what was promised by Labour, and now it’s time to hold them to account
May this exciting time be filled with lots of joyous and loving memories.
From: ABPL team
Mother - Ashaben Patel
Father - Ankurkumar Patel
DOB of Daughter - 30/06/2024
When Masses in Mumbai can be celebrated in Konkani, Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil and other regional languages, why can't the Mass be celebrated in East Indian Marathi dialect too for the sake of the East Indians living in gaothans and v i l l a g e s l i k e G o r a i , C u l v e m , U t t a n , Malwani, Manori and Dongri who cannot speak or understand English I hope Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the head of the C a t h o l i c C h u r c h i n M u m b a
thought to it
Jubel D'Cruz
I have hopes, just like you and countless millions more In his victory speech the prime minister said he wants to make sure that his government is one for all citizens In that spirit I will give him time to prove that he and Labour have truly changed His campaign slogan was to bring about change To do that, we need to see a massive change in Labour and its politicians I have had little confidence in Labour, and that will remain until I see verifiable evidence that they are deserving of my trust It is now for the new Prime Minister to put to power his words, so his actions show us he can be trusted
The first 100 days are his honeymoon, let me assure you day 101 every action, or inaction, will be scrutinised and there will be no place to hide Blaming the previous government is not a viable excuse for not delivering on promises made during the election campaign
I have a hope, a hope that the Prime Minister will prove me wrong I hope he does so with such assurance that I am forced to write my column in praise of the Prime Minister and the Labour government I am ready to change my view of the Prime Minister and Labour, but I need solid reasons to do so Give me that reason Keir For the sake of our nation, please prove me wrong
Anusha Singh Indian writer Sanjana
T hakur h as been announced as the overall winner of the 2024 Commonwealth Short Story Prize, a prestig ious g lobal literature award
T he 26-year-old from Mumbai triumphed over 7,359 entrants worldwide to claim the £5,000 prize
Her winning story, “Aishwarya Rai,” named after the Bollywood actor, reimagines the traditional adoption narrative It follows a young woman, Avni, who must choose between possible mothers housed in a local shelter The story was noted for its unrestrained candour and dark humour, extracting wry, absurd observations from contemporary life and imbuing every scene with grit and compassion
In an interview with Asian Voice, Sanjana discussed the inspiration behind her story, the intricacies of its creation, and her feelings on winning the prestigious prize
Whatwas your initial reaction when you found out you had won the Commonwealth Foundation’s literature prize?
I was thrilled, shocked, and overwhelmingly grateful I’ve read the regional winners’ stories and found them to be brilliant, full of heart, offering readers a rich window into various lives and voices, from Trinidad to New Zealand I feel lucky to be in such good company I feel particularly lucky to have won this prize at this moment in my life––fresh out of my MFA program and looking to find a place in the world for the work I have done over the last three years It’s just a dream
Can you tell us a bit about your background and what inspired you to start writing? How has growing up in Mumbai influenced your writing style and the themes you explore in your stories?
I grew up in Mumbai, but moved away when I was fifteen––first, to Dubai, then Boston, and now Austin I haven’t truly lived in the city as an adult In living elsewhere, I create a version of Mumbai in my mind and that’s the Mumbai that shows up in
Sanjana Thakur
my work Textured, I hope, with the specificity and details that come from lived experience, yet evoking a feeling of near misses and constant longing When I return home, the city is never as I had constructed it My stories try to bridge the gap between the city of my imagination and the city I come back to every few months
Your story "Aishwarya Rai" reimagines the traditional adoption narrative in a unique way What inspired this twist?
The idea was different at its inception––a store full of mothers you could buy off the shelf, based on their features, their characters, their looks That idea evolved into what it is now A shelter, where you can try out and adopt mothers as you search for the right fit I wanted to offer a sense of the inherent complexity of the mother-daughter relationship How the expectations mothers and daughters have for each other are complicated by the expectations society has for them, in terms of beauty, docility, homemaking, lifemaking, loving, caretaking, and so on There is no way to not fall short And yet, we see the characters in “Aishwarya Rai” try––try to love each other, try to be enough for each other
Can you tell us more about the symbolism behind the mothers Avni chooses from the shelter? How do you think your story reflects or challenges traditional narratives about family and adoption in Indian society?
The mothers Avni chooses from the shelter are, like Avni herself, flawed women The first and second mothers are both damaged by the constant messaging women receive around beauty, in different ways
The third mother wants to mother Avni by taking
"Mrs Kapoor's Daughter's Wedding" is making history as the first British Gujarati theatrical production to grace the West End
A special one-night performance at the esteemed Adelphi Theatre in London's West End promises an interactive and immersive experience, allowing attendees to participate from either the bride s side (Red) or the groom s side (Blue), ensuring a memorable evening for all
care of everything and making her life easier Nazneen wants to mother Avni by teaching her things Avni’s real mother has failed her daughter in numerous ways but is there for her when she’s in crisis
None of the mothers are perfect They are all shaped, likely by a combination of societal expectations and their own mothers They aim for a kind of ideal and cannot achieve it, and that informs their attempts at mothering I hope readers come away with a sense of each of these women as nuanced and flawed and, again, trying
Whatadvice would you give to aspiring writers, especially those from ethnic minority backgrounds, who are trying to make their mark in the literary world?
My first piece of advice is to read widely, in such a way that you surprise yourself with what fiction can be We’re lucky now to have access to such varied work from across the world Read the classics, read the literary canon, but also read nonWestern voices, books in translation, experimental work, hybrid work, etc You have to see the breadth of what’s out there to imagine what your work could be
My second piece of advice is to know that different people will have different levels of access to your work, especially if you are a writer from an ethnic minority background If your work is specific and textured and grounded in place, there will certainly be people who don’t understand elements of it Get comfortable with knowing that not all your readers will get the same things from your work Some might get less, and others more Be okay with that You cannot write for everyone Write for yourself, and you’ll find your readers
“A fabulous and proud moment for the Gujarati community", commented CB Patel, Chairman Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar
Since its inception, the show has received widespread acclaim for its seamless integration of comedy, dance, and music, captivating audiences and establishing itself as a cultural phenomenon Featuring relatable immersive Indian wedding rituals like the vidai ceremony, ring ceremony, and the groom s shoe hiding ceremony, the play
not only entertains but also educates culturally
The three-month tour commenced on April 6th and will culminate in a grand finale at the Adelphi Theatre in London s West End on July 16th This night will not only be a red-carpet exclusive event but also a significant milestone as Mrs Kapoor's Daughter's Wedding will have reached 100,000 audience members
This phenomenal accomplishment cements its position as the most successful British Asian touring show
Archana Kumar, the visionary behind the
production, expressed her excitement for showcasing British Asian culture on stage, stating, "This production is not just a mere spectacle; it's a testament to the essence of our British Asian identity It's about honouring our roots, embracing our traditions, and showcasing the diverse narratives that define us Let's celebrate this proud achievement and historic event for the Gujarati community ” 16th July 7pm Adelhi Theatre West End Tickets available at www mkdw co uk
Directors: Archana Kumar & Hiten Kumar
Led by a talented ensemble cast, including Archana Kumar, Manoj Kerai, Kush Pattni, Reeya Patel, Bavine Baichande, Bhavna Patel, Vallisa Chauhan, Rupal Maru, Rio Jai, Dhvani Thacker, Vicky Vaghjiani, Karishma Patel, Jinisha Haria, Maya Gorsia, Vinesh Barber, Ram Patel, Vinay Mepani, Kaushik Vaghji, Shahid Abbas Khan, Anj Chauhan and Rajvi Raja
The Royal Society of Literature (RSL) is facing accu satio ns of compromising literary excellence by loo sening its criteria for aspiring fellows in an effort to promote inclusivity
This move has provoked outrage among many of the world's leading writers, who have accused the society of censorship, governance failures, and insufficient support for Sir Salman Rushdie following the nearfatal attempt on his life
The society, established in 1820 by George IV to “reward literary merit and excite literary talent,” is currently under investigation by the Charity Commission after a selfreferral It has now come to light that some of the
country’s prominent writers have expressed concerns about its governance and questioned its stance on freedom of expression and censorship
A recent letter to the society’s council of trustees, signed by former presidents Dame Marina Warner and Colin Thubron, highlights “ongoing misgivings about some aspects of the RSL’s management ” The letter criticises the society for diluting its fellowship requirement, which traditionally mandated nominees to have at least two works of “outstanding literary merit ”
The signatories also question whether a proposed governance review is “genuinely independent” and express
frustration that no “evidence of attempted censorship” has been found They have reiterated calls for an extraordinary general meeting, a request the society has again denied This year, the RSL faced criticism from numerous leading writers, including Margaret Atwood, Kazuo Ishiguro, Dame Hermione Lee, Ian McEwan, and Philip Pullman
The society has been accused of censorship for refusing to publish an article in its magazine mentioning Israel’s actions in Gaza, of maintaining silence after the attack on Rushdie, and of exhibiting autocratic behaviour towards its fellows, among other governance issues
Renowned Indian opera singer Anando Mukerjee has praised Byron Jackson’s diverse production of Wagner’s “ The F lying Dutchman”, stating that it will break barriers in the opera wo rld
This marks the UK’s first ethnically-led Wagner production, featuring artistic direction from Jackson and stage direction by Iqbal Khan Jackson, a dramatic baritone of British
Events), a charitable organisation dedicated to bringing opera, classical, and choral music to communities in the West
“The Flying Dutchman”, which premiered in 1843, tells the tale of a man cursed to sail the seas forever unless he finds true love This production will be performed in its original German, accompanied by English subtitles
turnaround within a single election cycle
mance in terms of seats ever, securing only 121 The Liberal Democrats achieved their highest seat count since 1923, claiming 72 seats The SNP holds nine seats, while Reform UK has five, and both Plaid Cymru and the Green Party secured four each Additionally, 23 seats were won by other parties, exclusively in Northern Ireland, along with independent candidates
In terms of representation, ethnic minorities make up 13 8% of MPs, marking a notable increase in British Asian candidates from 35 to 50 Among them, those of Indian descent rose from 15 to 28 This results in 7 7% of parliament being British Asian, with individuals of Indian origin accounting for 4 3%
6 6
L a b o u r M P s c o m e f r o m e t h n i c minority backgrounds, constituting 1 6 p e r c
Conservatives were elected, along with 5 Lib Dems and 4 new independent MPs from minority backgrounds
Of the 50 British Asian candidates, a record number of six MPs have joined the cabinet Shabana Mahmood has taken on the roles of Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, while Lisa Nandy assumes the position of Secretary of State for Culture, Media, and Sport
T u l i p S i d d i q M P h a s b e e n appointed to Parliamentary duties i n H i s M
, a n d Seema Malhotra MP now serves as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of S t a t e i n t h e H o m e O f f i c e Additionally, Rushanara Ali MP has been appointed as Parliamentary U n d e r - S e c r e t a r y o f S t a t e i n t h e Ministry of Housing, Communities, and Local Government, alongside Lord Khan of Burnley, who also serves in the same ministry Asian communities historically were strong supporters of the party Shyamji Krishanvarma, a political propagandist and the Founder of India House in London, notably played a crucial role in the early days of the Labour Party s formation Conversely, the Labour Party supported India's freedom movement, highlighting a historical con-
n e c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e p a r t y a n d I n d i a n i n d e p e n d
n c
e f f o r t s However, the Labour party now, doesn’t reflect the same sentiments and this has led the British Asian population to pull its support away from the party
Here, Asian Voice aims to bring the issues and needs of the Asian diaspora to the forefront as the new government gears up to make the UK great again
Community an d UK-In dia rel ationship
One of the primary global chal-
l e n g e s o n S t a r m e r ’ s a g e n d a i s repairing his party’s relationship with India, which has been strained
Kashmir issue
J e r e m y C o r b y n ' s l e a d e r s h i p , t h e Labour Party passed an emergency motion advocating for international observers to enter Kashmir and supporting the right to self-determination for its people The motion also called for mediation between
restore peace
India reacted strongly, criticising the motion as pandering to vote bank interests As tensions escalated, Starmer intervened to ease the situation
Now, he faces the responsibility of rebuilding Labour's ties with the I n d
communities have shown different voting patterns Shivani Raja's victory in a Labour constituency and
candidates over Labour due to its stance on Gaza illustrate this divide
Europe told Asian Voice that there is a political incentive for Labour to foster a positive relationship with India, given their loss of Hindu voters “While it's uncertain if this s
mindful of constituencies like the
o n d
, w h e r e t h e Conservatives gained a seat due in part to Hindu voters”, he said V o i c i n g t h e c o n c e r n s o f t h e Hindu community, Tru pti Pat e l, the Pre sid ent of Hind u Forum of Br itain wrote to Keir Starmer congratulating him on his election and h i g h l i g h t e d t h e i s s u e s f a c e d b y Hindu community in the UK She wrote, “The ripple effects of global conflicts have significantly impacted faith-related issues within our multifaith community The Hindu c o m m u n i t y h a s w i t n e s s e d a n d experienced a significant rise in anti-Hindu hatred and trust that your leadership with the potential to bridge gaps and promote harmony will create a more unified and resilient society ” She further added, “I extend o u r w i s h t o w o r k w i t h y o u t o ensure that the needs, the wishes, and the aspirations of the Hindu community are addressed such that we can increase our contribution to our country ” M a n o j L a d w a , Fo u n d e r a n d Cha ir man , India Global Forum also shared his opinion on the UK-India r e l a t i o
S t a r m e r h a s s t r u c k t
chords, starting with his famous "
Forum last year This was his first major intervention on India since b
Party and has been regarded as a landmark moment in his efforts to regain the trust of British Indians “His senior cabinet colleagues, including Foreign Secretary David L a m m
Jonathon Reynolds, have certainly also been following through UK jobs, economic growth and future prosperity will depend a lot on how Sir Keir Starmer is able to navigate this crucial relationship
bo ur India ns', to discuss the dismantling of the party's faith group and the g
shared that the government now has a Faith Minister, and her role, in concern with those across the different British faith traditions, will be vital in pulling the country together “PM Starmer has said that his government will focus on inclusive policies and direct engagement with faith leadership as part of a
healthy discussions across government, ensuring awareness of faith in aspects of policy-making, and
issues through dialogue and targeted action”, he said
Minister, on his first day in office, discussed the importance of the living bridge between the UK and
also the 2030 roadmap, agreeing that there were numerous areas for enhanced cooperation, including defence and security, critical and emerging technology, and climate change
Earlier in the week, the Indian Prime Minister had congratulated Starmer with a message of X
Starmer’s India visit can happen soon “ Prime Minister Starmer has expressed a strong interest in visiting India, recognising the strategic and cultural importance of the UKIndia relationship Plans for such a visit are underway, aiming to reinforce diplomatic ties and explore new avenues for collaboration”, he said W hat is in st ore for busin esses an d FTA ?
In the very same conversation, D
ment’s commitment to finalising a free trade agreement (FTA) with India that benefits both nations as S
finalise a deal that benefits both sides
India and the UK have been negotiating an FTA for over two years under a Conservative Partyled government However, the talks hit a roadblock in the fourteenth round due to the general elections, first in India and then in the UK Nit ish Rai-Pa rwan i, a re se arch o
d iasp oric com
that, while PM Starmer will have a desire to work closely with India, he can face turbulence from within his party He said, “India has been one of the largest source of FDI in the UK Indians invest $1 billion into London real estate alone every year Indian firms employ over 130k people - India is too important to ignore or sour relations with
"activists" in his own party to “finger point” at India on everything from internal issues like minority rights to environment- this will be his true test of leadership
while bilateral strategic p a r t n e r s
tinue, it remains to be seen whether the new L
seeks to refine or redefine it “In terms of key areas being prioritised in such a s
u l d envisage trade and climate change issues being at the top, along with defence and security cooperation The latter is especially important, f o l l o w i n g t h e v i s i t o f I n d i a ’ s Defence Minister Rajnath Singh to the UK in January this year, after a too long a gap of 22 years ” , he said C o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h S o u t h
A s i a n S M E s h i g h l i g h t e d t h e entrepreneurial spirit of the British Asian community and the recent challenges they have faced, including employee shortages, funding difficulties, safety concerns, and i n c r e a s e d r e g u l a t o r y b u r d e n s There are renewed hopes that the new government will foster a positive business environment, avoid t a x h i k e s , l o w e r i n f l a t i o n , a n d strengthen ties with the EU There is stress on the importance of targeted support for SMEs, including grants, tax reliefs, and improved financing access along with calls for affordable housing, investment in community infrastructure, and business rate reforms to support high street businesses (More about the SME perspective on page 13 ) Viv ek Sa raog i, t he chairma n of Institut e of Char te red A ccount an ts U K is of the opinion that how Labour shapes their immigration policy can address the labour mark e t c h a n g e s A c c o r d i n g t o h i m , simplifying and streamlining visa processes for skilled workers from I n d i a c a n h e l p a l l e v i a t e t a l e n t shortages in the UK Introducing dedicated visa categories for highdemand sectors like IT, healthcare, and engineering on the other hand, would facilitate easier entry for I n d i a n p r o f e s s i o n a l s s e e k i n g e m p l o y m e n t i n t h e U K Additionally, encouraging Indian businesses to engage in the UK's apprenticeship programs could further enhance workforce development and collaboration between the two countries
Im porta nce of immig rat ion policie s a nd stude nt v isa s I n h i s f i r s t m a j o r p o l i c y announcement since securing a historic election victory, Starmer declared he would scrap the controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda
S i g n i f i c a n t c h a n g e s o n t h e horizon could include tightening i m m i g r a t i o n p o l i c i e s , w i t h increased border checks and higher eligibility requirements for foreigners wishing to move to the UK Immigration was a key issue during the 2024 general election, with both major parties promising to cut net migration levels
To access the changes to immig r a t i o n p o l i c i e s , P r o f A n a n d
Menon highlighted two significant factors at play He said, “On one h a n d , t h i s g o v e r n m e n t i s i n a u n i q u e p o s i t i o n , h a v i n g b e e n elected by voters who do not consider immigration a top priority While Conservative voters view immigration as a key issue, Labour voters generally do not rank it among the top five concerns facing the country
“On the other hand, the government has adopted a very firm stance on immigration, likely due to concerns about Nigel Farage and his potential success in future elections This firm tone doesn't suggest a shift towards a more liberal immigration policy So, we'll h a v e t o w a i t a n d s e e h o w i t unfolds ” S a na m A ro r a an d V i g ne s h K arth i
eadin g th e largest p an-UK Indian students bo dy, the N a ti o n al I nd i an S tu d en t s a n d Alu mni Uni on UK (NIS AU UK ) look forward to positive changes in the context of international students The Graduate Route visa is crucial for supporting the UK’s ambitions to become a global leader in research and innovation and addressing skills shortages in key sectors
They have shared that, “At our a
year, Labour indicated support for the Graduate Route, recognising the significant economic contributions these students make to the UK We look forward to the government to safeguard this vital pathway, as it benefits not only the students but also the broader UK economy and society ” NHS and care secto r need major rebuilding It seems that the government is taking its pledges quite seriously a
things done from day one The
their first meeting with the newly appointed Secretary of State for H
offices to discuss how to make progress in bringing the nearly two-year-old pay dispute to an end
The co-chairs said, “We discussed why we thought the previous set of talks went wrong and h
work with us, so the mistakes of the past are not repeated
“From the start we have been very clear about what would end it: a credible offer that begins to
2008 As we have said repeatedly in this dispute, we are open to discussing the timeframe over which pay restoration can occur – but
negotiating partner who takes the principle seriously
journey: we are looking to set off
However, the NHS is also fac-
extra pressure on the doctors and nurses in the service
Bringing in a perspective from the care sector, Pranav V ora, the CEO o
Care Grou p wishes to see more awareness towards the elderly care under the Labour government In a conversation with Asian Voice, he said, “It is important to understand the challenges we face due to the rising cost of
Addressing these issues by increasing funding would be beneficial
n g efforts with local GP practices and the Council across all aspects of care could significantly reduce the load on the NHS ”
Subhasini Naicker
With the UK's political landscape shifting significantly under a new Labour government, British Asian businesses are closely observing and expressing their hopes for the future. This community, comprising a diverse array of enterprises ranging from small family-owned businesses to large corporations, plays a vital role in the UK's economic fabric.
With ties deeply rooted in both historical migration and contemporary economic interactions, British Asian businesses have contributed substantially to the UK's prosperity across various sectors including retail, technology, finance, healthcare, and hospitality.
The recent political developments have sparked a renewed sense of anticipation and expectation among British Asian entrepreneurs and business leaders. They are keenly interested in how the new government will shape policies affecting trade, investment, immigration, and regulatory frameworks—all crucial elements that impact their operations and growth strategies. The outcomes of these deliberations hold implications not only for the immediate business environment but also for broader issues such as diversity and inclusion, which are increasingly integral to corporate governance and societal impact.
Business leaders optimistic about new leadership Chairman of Pickfords, Yogesh Mehta said, “I like Keir
Starmer's quote, Country first, party second. With that and the complete mandate from the people, the new government should focus on reviving the economy, deal with social issues such as housing and combat crime. I hope they will re-look at non-dom and trusts to ensure that foreign entrepreneurs are not driven away from this country and find a way to ensure they remain here and continue to contribute to the UK economy.”
Sharing thoughts about the new UK government impact on business climate, Mitesh Vekaria,
Chartered Surveyor and Director of Vascroft Contractors Ltd said, “Change was necessary, and a
new government can bring fresh ideas and perspectives. The most notable shift is the immediate focus on tackling housing and planning shortages to spur economic growth. The previous government's inefficiencies in the planning process stifled economic development. If land cannot be developed, it disrupts the entire economic flow. Developers, demotivated by these blockages, hold onto sites without progress, and the housing crisis worsens, affecting refugees and others in need. Keir Starmer's team can address these issues promptly, with further focus on immigration, development and more. British Asian businesses, significant contributors to the UK economy, continue to grow and prosper, undergoing generational shifts as the second generation takes the helm.”
Election impact on British Asian SMEs
Dr Bharat Shah CBE, founder
of Sigma, highlights that the election outcome will significantly impact the economic environment for small and medium enterprises within the British Asian community. He said, “The British Asian community in the UK is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, actively opening new businesses and investing in existing ones. However, in recent years, especially post-Brexit and amid financial crises, British Asian-owned small and medium-sized businesses have faced challenges like employee shortages, funding difficulties from banks, safety concerns, and increased regulatory burdens, all impacting their growth. I hope the new government fosters a positive business environment, avoiding tax hikes that could discourage investment. Lower inflation and interest rates would support small and medium businesses. Strengthened ties with the EU would particularly benefit sectors like pharmaceutical distribution and manufacturing, community pharmacies, and public well-being. Majority of Independent Community Pharmacies in GB are owned by British Asian communities and they are not in a ‘good shape’ financially as previous Governments over the last few years have not supported the sector and ‘starved’ the sector of adequate funding. Pharmacists are required to do more for less money and their funding has not kept up with the public demand for health care. Hence we have seen closures of Community Pharmacies. The new government has pledged support and funding for our sector. I hope they reconsider the 'Hub & Spoke'
model in Community Pharmacy, which could lead to more closures. The previous government rushed its approval without financial assessments. I urge the new government to thoroughly debate this legislation and listen to all Pharmacy Groups & Bodies before implementing changes that could result in widespread pharmacy closures. The election results mandate strong support for small and medium businesses, mainly owned by British Asian communities. These businesses are crucial for employment in rural and urban areas, offering essential services with extended operating hours. With numerous British Asian MPs elected, a favourable tax regime is anticipated to stimulate business growth and cater to their needs effectively.
Operations Director of The MortgageStop,RohitKohli said,
“The British Asian community, known for its vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, stands at a pivotal point with the new Labour government in place. The election outcome could significantly influence the economic environment for SMEs. If the government prioritises support for small businesses through targeted grants, tax reliefs, and improved access to financing, it could create a thriving landscape for SMEs. It's crucial that the government acknowledges the unique challenges faced by minority-owned businesses, including those within the British Asian community. Tailored support measures can ensure these businesses not only survive but flourish. The focus should be on creating an inclusive economy where SMEs have equal opportunities to grow, innovate, and contribute to the broader UK economy.”
“As a community-focused business, we urge the new government to prioritise key areas for economic growth. Addressing housing affordability, simplifying SME funding access, providing tax incentives for reinvestment, maintaining balanced regulations, investing in skills development, and promoting diversity in business are crucial steps to foster innovation, expand opportunities, and ensure equitable economic progress for all,” he added.
Speaking about particular policies or reforms that he hopes that the new government will prioritise, Mortgage Consultant from Trinity Finance, Amit Patel said, “The delivery of affordable housing is vital to boost growth and investment. We need energy efficient homes, with investment in community infrastructure in schools, transport and local
amenities. The planning system needs to be overhauled. The new housing stock must be ‘genuinely affordable’ for ordinary people. Reform of the business rates system to help revitalise high streets up and down the country. The system is not fit for purpose. We need to have a level playing field between high street firms and online retailers, big multinationals and tech companies must pay their fair share. By levelling the playing field, it will rejuvenate high street shopping areas and support local economies. Local businesses are pivotal to the UK economy and Labour must do everything they can to help them prosper and grow.”
UK election results impacting the housing market
Speaking about the recent UK election results impacting the housing market in your region, Executive Director of The Kushman Group, Kundan Bhaduri said, “A change in gov-
ernment has more often than not resulted in an increase in market activity and increase in house prices as well. However, Labour came to power on the back of solving the housing crisis. It remains to be seen what different policy measures the new government will bring to incentive forprofit housebuilders to build more homes with private money. For Labour, this capitalist ropewalk will be a real predicament, given its socialist roots.”
Kundan stated that the rental market will be going through a major flux over the next couple of years. He said, “With Labour firmly in the driving seat, a new avatar of the Renters Reform Bill will be introduced soon, albeit more stringent and tilted in favour of the tenants. More landlords will consequently leave the market, causing supply to dwindle further in the face of ever increasing housing demand. This will likely lead to rent control measures in England, similar to the failed experiment in Scotland, causing further pain for landlords. The added costs will be passed down to tenants, resulting in sustained, record-breaking rental price increases year-overyear.”
Labour’s majority raises hopes and concerns for UK's future
Results of the Election have been beyond expectation. No one had expected that Labour will return to power with an unprecedented majority and on the ashes of the Conservative Party. This is welcome but is also fraught with danger. There will be virtually no opposition and that is obviously unhealthy. It is difficult to predict where this would lead, but there can be no doubt that it would have serious consequences. Absence of effective opposition could mean autocracy or internal divisions and quarrels within Labour.
This kind of majority arouses the hope that it will be used to radically restructure our major institutions. That can happen when the Party is driven by a passionately felt ideology. There does not seem to be strong evidence of this. Therefore, the danger of drifting, making small changes here and there, remains, especially as this is also what previous Labour administration have been urging.
Secondly, Farage and his party have a public platform, happily only in the Commons and not in the Lords. This will give them the opportunity to propagate their views and even recruit some members of Parliament. The fact that Reform UK came second in over 100 constituencies gives them political depth and a measure of self-confidence. The rest of the MPs have the opportunity to expose and discredit the politics of Reform UK. One hopes that the opportunity to do so will not be missed, of which there is a real danger.
Finally, the political consequences of the crushing Conservative defeat could be serious and should not be ignored. Every party will have to rethink its position in the new landscape. The Conservatives are obviously the most important in this regard. It is very important that they should not be allowed to turn further right. That would be dangerous not only for them but even more for the country. They have been in power; they understand the responsibility of power and have a deep commitment to the country. Labour has a responsibility to see that our political life should not become deeply polarised. Labour should be concerned with the long term interests of the country as a whole and avoid quick short term gains, however tempting they might be.
Short ly aft er assumin g offic e, Prime Minister Keir Starmer an nounced his new cabinet Rachel Reeves became the UK's first female Chan cellor, and t he cabinet made hist ory w it h t he highest
number of femal e minist ers
The new cabinet features 11 female ministers, the highest number in the country's history Comparatively, former PM Rishi Sunak’s cabinet had seven female ministers before the reshuffle and ten afterward In the House of Commons, more than 40% of seats are now held by women, including 46%
of Labour MPs and 24% of their Conservative counterparts
However, despite a record 89 ethnic minority MPs elected this year, Starmer’s cabinet remains predominantly White Starmer's cabinet includes only one Black MP, Foreign Secretary David Lammy The first Labour cabinet in 14 years has six ministers of Asian descent: Shabana Mahmood, one of the UK’s first Muslim female MPs, Tulip Siddiq, Rushanara Ali, Seema Malhotra, Wajid Khan, the Baron Khan of Burnley and Lisa Nandy, who has spoken of her Indian heritage during Labour Party conferences in the past Nandy is the daughter of Calcutta-born
academic Dipak Nandy and English mother Luise Byers, with her father being notable for his work in race relations in Britain.
Meanwhile, Labour veteran and Britain’s first Black female MP, Diane Abbott, will become the "Mother of the House" in the new parliament, having served her Hackney North and Stoke Newington constituency for nearly 40 years Sir Edward Leigh will be the Father of the House of Commons Peerages announced in t he new cabinet
The new cabinet includes some unexpected appointments Richard Hermer is the new Attorney General, rather than Emily Thornberry, who had shadowed the role Hermer, a friend of Sir Keir's from his barrister days, will receive a life peerage to sit in the House of Lords and attend the cabinet
Former government chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance has been given a peerage to become
a science minister in the new government James Timpson has also received a peerage and been appointed prisons minister Former Prime Minister Theresa May will sit in the House of Lords, having been nominated for a peerage alongside former Justice Secretary Chris Grayling and the chair of the Conservative backbench 1922 Committee, Sir Graham Brady Labour has chosen its former Deputy Leader Harriet Harman, former Foreign Secretary Dame Margaret Beckett, and Dame Margaret Hodge to sit in the House of Lords Dr Hilary Cass, who conducted a review into gender identity services, has been nominated as a crossbench peer
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has also given honours to five of his Conservative colleagues
Oliver Dowden, the Deputy Prime Minister and close ally of Sunak, will be knighted, as will former Northern Ireland
Secretary Julian Smith, former Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, and Scottish Secretary Alister Jack Therese Coffey, who served under Sunak as Environment Secretary, will be made a dame
The Conservatives have also awarded peerages to Liam BoothSmith, Sunak's Chief of Staff; Sir Alok Sharma, who was president of the COP26 climate conference; and Dame Eleanor Laing, who served as Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons for over a decade
Other Labour politicians to receive peerages include John Cryer, formerly representing Leyton and Wanstead; Kevan Jones, a champion of workers caught up in the Post Office scandal; Barbara
Keeley, a former MP for Worsley and Eccles South; John Spellar, a former MP for Warley; and Dame Rosie Winterton, former MP for Doncaster Central and former House of Commons Deputy Speaker
Liberal Democrat
Caroline Pidgeon, who led the party in the
Prime Minister and First Lord of TreasurySir Keir Starmer
Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government Angela Rayner
Chancellor of the Duchy of LancasterPat McFadden
Chancellor of Exchequer and Second Lord of TreasuryRachel Reeves
Foreign SecretaryDavid Lammy
Home SecretaryYvette Cooper
Secretary of State for DefenceJohn Healey
Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for JusticeShabana Mahmood
Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and TechnologyPeter Kyle
Secretary of State for Health and Social CareWes Sterling
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural AffairsSteve Reed
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons Lucy Powell
Leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy SealBaroness Smith of Basildon
Secretary of State for Business and Trade and President of the Board of Trade Jonathan Reynolds
Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net ZeroEdward Miliband
Secretary of State for Work and PensionsLiz Kendall
Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities Bridget Phillipson
Secretary of State for TransportLouise Haigh
Secretary of State for Culture, Media and SportLisa Nandy
Secretary of State for Northern IrelandHilary Benn
Secretary of State for ScotlandIan Murray
Secretary of State for WalesJo Stevens
Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury (Chief Whip)Sir Alan Campbell
Chief Secretary to the TreasuryDarren Jones
Paymaster General and Minister for the Cabinet O ceNick Thomas-Symonds
Government Chief Whip and Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury Sir Alan Campbell
Chief Secretary to the TreasuryDarren Jones
Attorney General for England and Wales and Advocate General for Northern Ireland Richard Hermer
Minister of State for DevelopmentAnneliese Dodds
Parliamentary Secretary (Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister) in His Majesty’s Treasury Tulip Siddiq
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Home O ceSeema Malhotra MP
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Rushanara Ali
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Lord Khan of Burnley
London Assembly, joins the upper chamber, along with former leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Thomas Elliott Minette Batters, former president of the National Farmers' Union, will be a crossbench peer C onservat ives ann ounce int erim shadow cabinet
The Conservative Party has announced a reshuffle as former ministers and returning MPs transition into the shadow cabinet as opposition leader Rishi Sunak introduced his interim shadow cabinet lineup
Key chan ges an d appoint ments include:
Shadow Foreign Secretary: Former Foreign Secretary David Cameron, who made a surprise return to the cabinet in November, resigned, making way for Andrew Mitchell to step into the role
Shadow Chanc ellor : Jeremy Hunt remains as
Shadow Chancellor.
Shadow Home
Secr etary: James Cleverly continues as
Shadow Home
Shadow Defenc e
Secr etary: James Cartlidge takes over as
Shadow Defence
Shadow Justice
Secr etary: Ed Argar assumes the role of Shadow Justice Secretary following the electoral defeats of Grant Shapps and Alex Chalk
Int erim Chair man : Richard Holden, who narrowly retained his seat, resigned as Conservative Party Chairman citing challenging election results He has been replaced by Richard Fuller, the former Economic Secretary to
the Treasury, in the interim Chairman role
Reflecting on the election outcomes, the interim Chairman emphasised the need for the Conservative Party to regroup and conduct a thorough review of their performance, stressing the importance of introspection and outlining areas for improvement
Currently, the biggest step being taken to regroup within the conservative party So far none of the party's 121 surviving MPs have confirmed whether they plan to run in the eventual contest to replace the former PM but some of the frontrunners for the position include Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman, James Cleverly, Priti Patel, Tom Tugendhat, Victoria Atkins and Robert Jenrick
The 2024 UK general election witnessed significant victories for South Asian politicians across various constituencies These wins highlight the growing influence and representation of the South Asian community in British politics, reflecting a diverse and inclusive political landscape From experienced incumbents to new faces, these leaders are set to play pivotal roles in shaping the future of the UK
Imran Hussain has represented Bradford East since 2015, previously serving as a Labour councillor in the City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council He initiated a motion against the Coalition Invasion of Iraq and was elected Deputy Leader of the council's Labour Group in 2008
Rushanara Ali Bethnal Green and Stepney
Rushnara, born in Bishwanath, Sylhet, Bangladesh, was the first in her family to attend university She worked on human rights at the Foreign Office and as associate director at the Young Foundation in Bethnal Green, a social innovation think tank The Guardian listed her among Britain's most powerful Muslim women in 2009
Sojan Joseph Ashford
Joseph is a mental health nurse in the NHS who migrated from Kerala 22 years ago His victory marks a historic milestone for the Labour Party and for Ashford, where Joseph is the first Labour candidate to win in its 139-year history
Yasmin Qureshi
Born in Pakistan, Yasmin Qureshi has overseen the criminal legal section of the UN Mission in Kosovo, served as Judicial Administration Department Director, advised former London mayor Ken Livingstone on human rights, and chaired the Human Rights and Civil Liberties Working Group of the Association of Muslim Lawyers
Yasin Bedford
Born in Mirpur, Pakistan, Yasin relocated to Bedford, Bedfordshire at 21 He was elected councillor for Queen's Park ward in Bedford Borough Council in 2006, re-elected in 2009 and 2015 Yasin supported the UK remaining in the EU in 2016 Since May 2019, he serves on the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Committee
Rosena Allin-Khan Tooting
Rosena Allin-Khan, a doctor, served as Shadow Minister for Mental Health from 2020 to 2023 Her background in public health includes humanitarian work as a doctor in Gaza, Israel, Africa, and Asia, leading to her involvement in local politics
Before becoming an MP, Naz served on the Opposition frontbench from 2018 to 2023 as Shadow Minister for Crime Reduction Previously, she chaired the mental health charity Sharing Voices Bradford and worked as a carer for disabled individuals and an NHS Commissioner
Athwal Ilford South
Born in Punjab, India, Jas Athwal worked in computer security post-graduation and later founded a children's nursery in Redbridge, London In 2019, he was elected as Executive member for Crime and Public Protection at London Councils, representing the city's 32 Borough Councils
Naushabah Khan Gillingham and Rainham
Naushabah secured victory in a traditionally conservative stronghold that had stood for over a decade Her plans for her constituency include establishing a summer school and addressing the housing crisis in Medway
a first-time MP, has a robust public service background, including roles on the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council and Labour's National Executive Committee He also serves on the West Midlands' Strategic Policing and Crime Board and was elected to Labour's National Executive Committee in April 2020
Shabana, a barrister, now serves as Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice She was among the UK's first female Muslim MPs, holding various frontbench roles under Ed Miliband, including Shadow Minister for Prisons, Higher Education, and Financial Secretary to the Treasury
Kanishka Narayan Vale of Glamorgan
Narayan, born in Bihar, India, served as a civil servant in David Cameron's Cabinet Office and Liz Truss's Environment Department He has provided financial advice to businesses in the private sector and volunteered with Citizens Advice and The Trussell Trust
Ali served on the council's cabinet (2000-2003, 20122016) and shadow cabinet (2004-2012), focusing on services, development, jobs, transport, and the economy In 2012, he was the sole ethnic minority member He is an active trade unionist and a political officer for the Communication Workers Union
Rupa Huq Ealing Central and Acton
Huq, a columnist and academic, worked as a researcher for Tony Banks and Patricia Hewitt In 2008, she joined a UK government "Understanding Islam" delegation to Bangladesh Huq has contributed to Tribune, The Guardian, New Statesman, Progress magazine, and The Times Higher Education Supplement
Zarah Sultana Coventry South
Born to a Muslim family of Pakistani ancestry, Sultana served on Young Labour and NUS's National Executive Councils in university In January 2020, she became Parliamentary Private Secretary to Dan Carden, the Shadow Secretary of State for International Development
child protection and public health She supported remaining in the EU during the 2016 referendum
Harpreet Uppal Huddersfield
Uppal served as Deputy Chief of Staff for Debbie Abrahams and contributed to Andy Burnham's 2017 mayoral campaign Elected as a councillor for Ashdown ward on Kirklees Council in May 2018, she chaired the Economy and Neighbourhood Scrutiny Panel during her tenure
Speaking to the As ian Voic e, Harpreet s ai d, “It is the honour of my life to be elected the MP for my home town of Huddersfield I want to thank the people of Huddersfield for putting their trust in me and the Labour Party After 14 years of Conservative failure they have demanded change for our town and for our country
Whilst we have seen an historic Labour victory I know there are issues around apathy and trust I will be working hard to engage with local residents and I want to make sure they know politicians are normal too, that we come from the same backgrounds
Town centre investment will be one of my first priorities It’s my job to ensure investments in towns like Huddersfield are prioritised by the Government so we can build our infrastructure and ensure local people benefit from highly skilled jobs "
Satvir Kaur Southampton Test
Satvir served as Leader of Southampton City Council from 2022 to 2023, becoming the first female Sikh leader of a local authority in Britain Born and raised in Southampton, her family owned a sari shop in the city's Bevois area
Sonia Kumar, a Labour Party candidate, has been elected as the Member of Parliament for the newly reformed Dudley constituency, ending Marco Longhi's five-year tenure
Mohammed Afzal Khan CBE Manchester Rusholme
Mohammed Afzal Khan CBE, a British Labour MP, represented Manchester Gorton from 2017 to 2024 and now serves Manchester Rusholme Born in Jhelum, Pakistan, he came to the UK at age 11
Zubir Ahmed Glasgow South West
Sureena Brackenridge Wolverhampton North East
Sureena Brackenridge secured victory in Wolverhampton North for Labour, contributing to the party's electoral gains She was a Deputy Head teacher at a Wolverhampton school
Navendu Mishra, a British Labour Party politician, has served as the MP for Stockport since the 2019 general election He has Indian parents, with his mother from Gorakhpur and his father from Kanpur, both in Uttar Pradesh
Tan Dhesi Slough
Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, a Labour Party politician, was re-elected as the MP for Slough First winning the seat in 2017, he became the first turbaned Sikh in any European Parliament Born in Berkshire, he spent his early years in Slough, attended primary school in Punjab, India, and returned to the UK at age nine
Neil Shastri-Hurst Solihull West and Shirley
Uma Kumaran Stratford and Bow
Uma Kumaran, born in East London to Sri Lankan Tamil refugees, has been the MP for Stratford and Bow since July 2024 Before joining the Labour Party, she worked for NHS professionals and first contested in the 2010 local elections in Harrow, London
Warinder Juss Wolverhampton West
Warinder Juss won the Wolverhampton West seat for the first time He has held various positions in the Party, including Trade Union Liaison Officer, and serves on the Labour Party’s National Policy Forum
Valerie Vaz Walsall and Bloxwich
A British Labour politician and solicitor has secured the seat in Walsall and Bloxwich, serving as the MP for Walsall South since 2010 Her family originates from Goa, India, and settled in Twickenham and then East Sheen, London
Neil Shastri-Hurst is a British Conservative politician who has represented Solihull West and Shirley
Since 2019, Neil has been a member of No5 Chambers, specialising in healthcare,
Begum Poplar and Limehouse
Apsana Begum, a Labour Party politician, has been the MP for Poplar and Limehouse since 2019 Born in Shadwell, Tower Hamlets to Bangladeshi Muslim parents, she is the UK's first MP to wear a hijab
Nadia Whittome Nottingham East
Nadia Whittome is a British politician of Indian origin She won the Nottingham East seat in the 2019 general election at age 23, becoming the youngest MP until 2023 She represents the Labour Party
Kirith Entwistle Bolton North East
Kirith Kaur Ahluwalia is a British politician serving as a Labour Member of Parliament for Bolton North East since the 2024 general election Her grandparents, Kenyan Indians, migrated to the United Kingdom during the 1970s Her father, originally from Delhi, moved to the UK in the 1980s
Jeevun Sandher Loughborough
Dr Jeevun Sandher, a British Labour Party politician, has been the MP for Loughborough since July 2024 He leads the economics team at the New Economics Foundation and previously worked as an economist in Somaliland's Ministry of Finance
Baggy Shanker Derby South
Baggy Shanker, a Labour Party politician, has been the Member of Parliament for Derby South since 2024 In 2023, he became the first Sikh to be elected as Derby City Council leader
Lisa Nandy Wigan
From the Labour Party, Lisa Nandy retained her Wigan seat which she has represented since 2010 Her father, Dipak Nandy, a Kolkata-born Marxist academic and politician, dedicated his life to advocating for racial and gender equality
elected as the
abolition in 2023
Seema Malhotra, a British politician of Hindu descent, has been serving as the Minister for Skills and the MP for Feltham and Heston since 2011 In 2017, she founded Hounslow's Promise, a charity dedicated to giving local children a strong start in life
A s s p o k e n t o A s i a n Voice, See ma said, “This is a historic result for our country
“Thursday was a decisive vote for change, for national renewal and for a return of politics to public service
“Nationally and locally, our campaign was based around a positive vision of the future, with an end to divisive culture wars and unity across our communities
“I'm proud that it has resulted in the most diverse Parliament on record - with 18 Indian Labour MPs, 11 Pakistani Labour MPs and 4 Bangladeshi Labour MPs, as well as 264 women across all parties This will be a government that will serve everyone, whether or not you voted Labour in the election, and we will work to rebuild trust with communities across the country
“We will rebuild Britain with wealth created for everyone in every community, our NHS back on its feet and fit for the future, secure borders, safer streets, everyone treated with dignity and respect at work, cheap clean British power in your home and opportunity for all
“It will be an honour and a privilege to work with a Labour government to secure the investment needed for Feltham and Heston, where I grew up, and for communities across our country ”
Shivani Raja Leicester East
Shivani, born to parents who migrated from India and Kenya in the 1970s, secured the only Conservative gain in the 2024 election from the traditionally Labour stronghold of Leicester East, ending a 37-year streak for Labour in the constituency S peaking to Asian V o i c e, S h i v an i s ai d ,
“Nationally I was disappointed with the result but locally I was thrilled I guess the entire country was ready for a change, including Leicester, which had been under Labour administration for over 30yrs
Regardless of the outcome, we must all focus on the task at hand which is to represent our constituents and ensure their interest is put first I look forward to representing the people of Leicester and our city in Parliament ”
Claire Coutinho served as the MP for East Surrey from 2019 and as Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero from August 2023 to July 2024 Her parents, of Goan Christian descent, emigrated from India in the late 1970s
Mohammad Saqib
MBE has been the MP for Meriden since the 2019 general election He was born and raised in Walsall, West Midlands, to a Pakistani immigrant family from Punjab
Nus Ghani Sussex Weald
Ghani, born in Kashmir, has worked with Age UK, Breakthrough Breast Cancer, and BBC World Service Appointed Assistant Whip and Minister at the Department for Transport in January 2018, she became the first female Muslim minister to speak in the House of Commons
Rishi Sunak, the first British Asian Prime Minister, served from 2022 to 2024 He was Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022 and has been MP for Richmond and Northallerton since 2015
Dame Patel served as Home Secretary from 2019 to 2022 and as Secretary of State for International Development from 2016 to 2017 Ideologically on the right wing of the Conservative Party, she identifies as a Thatcherite and is known for her socially conservative stances
Suella Braverman KC, a British Conservative politician and barrister, served as Home Secretary from September to October 2022 and again from October 2022 to November 2023 She was the MP for Fareham from 2015 to 2024 and currently represents Fareham and Waterlooville
Gagan Mohindra South West Hertfordshire
Gagan Mohindra is a British Conservative MP for South West Hertfordshire since 2019 Born into a Punjabi Hindu family in 1978, his parents immigrated to the UK from Punjab before his birth
Facing scrutiny for the electoral loss, the party's leader, J
now confronts challenges
Adnan Hussain Blackburn
Hussain was admitted as a solicitor in August 2022 and is a director at Bank View Solicitors in Blackburn, Lancashire He defeated the incumbent Kate Hollern of the Labour Party, his election campaign significantly focused on the Israel–Hamas war
Munira Wilson Twickenham
Munira Wilson is a British-Indian politician who has been the Member of Parliament for Twickenham since the 2019 general election She was born to parents of East
Ayoub Khan Birmingham Perry Barr
Khan was first elected as a Liberal Democrat councillor in Birmingham in 2003
He left the party in 2024 to run as an independent, citing pressure to remain silent on the Gaza war, which conflicted with his integrity
Shockat Adam Patel Leicester South
Shockat Hussain Adam Patel, former Leicester chair of Muslim Engagement and Development, addressed the 2022 Leicester unrest He joined politics without prior party affiliation Backlash over Labour's stance on the Israel–Hamas conflict was a contributing factor to his win
Iqbal Hussain Mohmed Dewsbury and Batley
Indian-origin Iqbal Mohamed is from Bharuch, Gujarat
Before becoming an MP, Mohamed used to work in manufacturing, electrical engineering, and business consulting He also serves as a governor at Westborough High School
He made history as Yorkshire's first independent MP since 1907 and was among five independent candidates elected nationwide
African Indian heritage
S peaking to A sian Voice, Munira said , “I am incredibly humbled and grateful that the people of Twickenham have put their trust in me again, and I promise to continue being a strong voice for Twickenham on the issues that matter to residents
“As the daughter of immigrants from Zanzibar in East Africa, I had drummed into me from a young age the importance of education, working hard to achieve your very best in life, but also the importance of always looking out for those who are struggling
“That’s the reason why I got involved in politics, because I’m passionate about making life better for
our children and young people They are the most important investment we can make - not only in their futures, but in the future of society and the economy as a whole “I'll fight for a brighter future for our children and young people I'll hold the new Labour government accountable to fix the NHS, clean our rivers, reverse community policing cuts, help young people with housing, and support those struggling with bills after the Conservatives' economic crash ” I promise to continue being a strong local champion, the voice of Twickenham in Parliament – and a voice for the voiceless ”
R i s hi Su na k, the fi rs t B ri ti s h
As ian Pri me Minister has bowed out of his role with a s peech that reflected humility and i ntegrity
As the former leader stepped out of No 10 Downing Street one last time, he took accountability for the Conservative Party’s loss and apologised to the nation “I am sorry, I have given this job my all,” he said “But you have sent a clear signal that the government of the United Kingdom must change, and yours is the only judgement that matters I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss,” he added
His graciousness also reflected in his words for his successor at his farewell speech at No 10 Welcoming Keir Starmer as the Prime Minister of the country, he said, “In this job, his successes will be all our successes, and I wish him and his family well ” He asked for the best of people’s understanding for the new leader as he took up the “most demanding of jobs in an increasingly unstable world ” Sunak took responsibility for the entire 14 years of Conservative governance, despite having the shortest term While he becomes the target of the nation and the Conservative Party itself for leading the party to a historic loss, it is the gaffes of Liz Truss and Boris Johnson that have significantly contributed to the party’s downfall According to John Curtice, it was virtually impossible for the party to recover from the "party-gate" scandal and the Truss fiscal event
“It's been a difficult few years, ” Sunak told Asian Voice’s Managing Editor, Rupanjana Dutta, in an interview a few weeks ago when asked if the Conservative Party’s internal divisions and problems have affected his leadership and political career He also admitted to have fallen short in certain areas like the NHS He told Rupanjana, “I wish we'd made more progress on tackling NHS waiting lists I come from an NHS family I'm very committed to making sure the NHS is there for everyone when they need,
and it has been a challenge recovering from Covid ”
One can have any opinion about the man, but one thing is clear, Rishi Sunak is more dignified than the entire Conservative Party criticising him for what is a collective responsibility It is evident that this election was about voting out the Conservatives and had little to do with the leader himself Sunak’s win in his constituency of Richmond and Northallerton proves this point
Not only did Sunak get reelected, but he also did so with a resounding majority He won with 23,059 votes, while Labour’s Tom Wilson came in second with 10,874 votes, a large margin of almost 13,000 votes No one can claim this victory was driven by his ethnicity, as Richmond is a predominantly white constituency
In fact, very little of his short term was defined by his ethnicity It’s significant that this aspect of his identity did not play much into his leadership, reflecting the increasingly multicultural aspect of British society
Sh iv ani Ra ja, a 29-yea r-old busi-
n e ssw oma n of G u ja ra t i o ri gin , h as se cur ed the Le ice ste r Ea st se at for t he Conse rva tive Part y, bre ak in g the L abour Part y's 3 7y e a r st r on g ho l d i n t he c onst it uen cy She wa s the on ly Tory
ca n did a te t o t ak e a se a t fr om L abour in t he U K gen era l e le ct ion
Shivani Raja secured 14,526 votes, defeating prominent competitors Rajesh Agarwal, Claudia Webbe, and Keith Vaz Rajesh Agarwal, the former Deputy Mayor of London, garnered 10,100 votes The incumbent politician, Claudia Webbe, received 5,532 votes, while Keith Vaz obtained 3,681 votes, placing them fourth and fifth, respectively Originally from Diu, Gujarat, Shivani actively engaged British Indian voters, particularly those from Diu and Gujarat, during her campaign Her parents immigrated from India to Kenya and later settled in Leicester in the late 1970s Shivani studied Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Science at De Montfort University and has built a successful career with major cosmetic brands in England
In her victory speech, Shivani Raja attributed her win to voters feeling disillusioned and drawn to her local roots She criticised former MPs for failing to support the community during crucial times, such as the Leicester riots, and for unjustly blaming Hindus Her election signifies a shift in local sentiment and a desire for leadership that genuinely prioritises community interests over political agendas
Communit y ce le br ate s Shiv ani’s win in Leiceste r East
Founder of Jain Animal Sanctuary, N It i n M e h t a M B E said, “It is a matter of great satisfaction that young Shivani was backed by a united Gujarati community It was a matter of shame that due to deep rooted prejudices of the Labour Party that it failed to select a Gujarati speak-
ing candidate even after Keith Vaz had to resign after a scandal
The Conservatives under the leadership of Rishi Sunak had the decency to select a Gujarati candidate The Gujarati community which traditionally voted Labour realised that they should come together and vote for Shivani
And what a result we had Shivani defeated the Labour candidate as well as Keith Vaz While the Conservatives did badly nationally, in Leicester East they reversed the trend and won a seat The lesson is clear The Indian community must become politically active and unite Right at this time there will be many individuals and groups in Leicester who will think they have been hit by an earthquake!”
Vi n o d K ot e ch a , Ex-Chief Executive Officer of the Confederation of Indian
Organisations (UK) said, “It's fantastic news, particularly for women and people of Indian origin, to have Shivani Raja, the first
Gujarati from the Lohana community, elected as Member of Parliament (MP) Her victory is a testament to the hard work of volunteers who tirelessly supported her campaign Leicester East, where a significant Indian population resides, overwhelmingly backed her candidacy Key issues such as employment, education, and the rising cost of living need urgent attention
Supporting those on low wages to ensure they receive their entitled benefits is crucial As a local from Leicester, Shivani intimately understands these pressing concerns and is well-positioned to represent her constituents effectively She brings youth, enthusiasm, and a track record of organising impactful community events to her role as MP The electorate s shift away from the Labour Party, particularly due to dissatisfaction with Keith Vaz and Claudia Webb, indicates a desire for change that Shivani embodies at this opportune moment ”
Retired retail sector worker, Mukund Sama ni said, "I was confident that Shivani would win the Leicester East seat, despite the odds In the previous election, the Conservative Party wasn't close to winning here, but this time they succeeded Even though the Labour Party won nationwide by 34%, Shivani Raja secured victory with 31% in what has historically been a Labour stronghold Leicester East has always been dominated by
Clear call for change: How Labour won a 211-seat majority and what comes next for the Conservative Party
Lord Dolar Popat On 4th J uly 2024, the Ge n er al E
inted h is cabinet hitting the gro und
nning after spending months prep aring for office
This election can be summed up by the Labour Party’s slogan: Change The country was fed up with the Conservative Party and the issues caused during Boris Johnson’s premiership The lack of leadership and having 5 Prime Minister’s within the space of 8 years People voted tactically against the Conservatives which saw Labour win 412 seats and Liberal Democrats win 72 seats However, it is worth pointing out that it wasn’t a pro-Labour vote as some are suggesting In 2019, the Conservatives won 43 6% of the votes compared to Labour winning only 34 % of the votes in 2024
Labour; in the early 80s, RV Ganatra failed to secure a Labour seat and ran as an independent, which he ultimately lost the seat Shivani's campaign was bolstered by community leaders and her personal touch resonated with voters she visited every household in the constituency Her warm demeanour and dedication played a crucial role in securing this unexpected victory " Community leader, Bh a r t i Acha rya said, “Shivani Raja, as a young woman and a local resident, has garnered widespread community support to undertake remarkable initiatives Over the years, our communities have faced numerous disparities and
felt unheard, especially during the unrest in Leicester East a couple of years ago, where the Hindu community was unfairly blamed They have not received the grants and support they deserve, despite steadfastly supporting the Labour Party for so long in hopes of reciprocal support This motivated a significant shift towards a Conservative representative who understands our needs and concerns Though it's regrettable that Rishi Sunak isn't here, his initial support for Shivani was commendable Despite inheriting a challenging situation as Prime Minister after the Conservatives' missteps, his efforts in a short time are noteworthy As Indians, we are immensely proud of both Shivani Raja and Rishi Sunak ”
One of the other factors that played a role in this election was Nigel Farage coming back to lead Reform UK Reform UK managed to win 14 % of the vote and win 5 seats including Clacton which saw a 45% swing away from Conservatives Reform gave traditional conservative voters who had become frustrated with the party, an opportunity to vote elsewhere Unfortunately, this resulted in the rightwing vote being split in more than 50 constituencies where Conservatives could have won
Part of the post-election reflection will have to include a look at how we can win back these voters whilst also not lurching to the right and losing the middle ground
As a former businessman, I can’t help but draw parallels between politics and business If a company was run like the UK has been over the last few years, then shareholders would call for change Whilst Rishi took some steps to correct several issues, he did not go far enough to restore trust and give people the confidence that the issues weren’t part of who Conservatives are
The Cabinet will be settling in and starting to work on the issues they promised in their manifesto There are difficult decisions to be made including the prison capacity crises, junior doctor strikes and global conflicts
As the Conservative Party, we will be looking for a new leader in the coming weeks and months to challenge Sir Keir and his decisions There are several individuals including Suella Braverman, Robert Jenrick, James Cleverly, Tom Tugendhat, Priti Patel and Victoria Atkins are potentially in the running I agree with those who argue for a longer leadership election because as a party it is time for reflection There are some things we got right over the last 14 years including during the recent election but also many things we got wrong which we need to learn from
The Conservative Party is the most successful party in terms of the number of elections it has won over the last 50 years This has been as a result of being pragmatic, open to change and ready to tackle issues head on When we lose this, we lose elections Therefore, it is crucial we take a pragmatic approach to our leadership election, focusing on the issues we need to tackle and be open to changing what we do to ensure a victory in 2029
Why Your Pension Isn't Matching the S&P 500's All-Time Highs
If you're perplexed by why your pension isn't soaring like the S&P 500, you're not alone Despite the market reaching unprecedented heights, many active fund managers are struggling to keep pace Here’s why your pension, likely managed by these professionals, isn't benefiting as much as you might expect Active Mana gement Underperformance
Theoretically, active fund managers, who meticulously pick stocks aiming to outperform the market, should thrive in today’s environment where stock movements are less synchronized and the gap between winners and losers is wide However, recent data suggests otherwise In the first half of 2024, only 18 2% of actively managed mutual funds and ETFs that benchmark themselves against the S&P 500 managed to outperform it, a decline from 19 2% in the previous year
The Concentration Challenge
One significant factor is the concentration of the S&P 500's gains in a handful of giant tech companies As of mid2024, the top three stocks in the S&P 500 (Microsoft, Apple, and Nvidia) accounted for nearly 21% of its total market value The top ten stocks represented more than 36% This concentration poses a dilemma for active managers who typically diversify to mitigate risk Concentrating too heavily in a few stocks would not only be risky but could also lead to regulatory issues regarding diversification
Ma rket D ynamics and Dispersion
Moreover, while measures like correlation and dispersion (which track how much individual stock returns differ from the average) suggest a favourable environment for stock picking, they can be misleading The dispersion largely reflects the outperformance of a few major tech stocks against a broader field of underperformers For example, Nvidia alone contributed nearly one-third of the S&P 500 ’ s total return in the first half of 2024 This skew means that unless fund managers are heavily invested in these few topperforming stocks, they struggle to outperform the index Market ing vs Performance
The asset management industry's heavy reliance on marketing narratives often overshadows the harsh reality of performance The promise that paying a premium for active management will yield better returns isn't holding up in today's market The ongoing underperformance of active managers underscores a fundamental truth: the industry's dependency on marketing is greater than its ability to consistently outperform the market
The Takeaway for Pension Holders
For those with pensions tied to actively managed funds, this scenario means returns may lag behind the headlinegrabbing gains of the S&P 500 This disparity highlights the importance of understanding how your funds are managed and the potential benefits of alternative investment strategies, such as low-cost index funds that aim to replicate the performance of the market rather than beat it It is why I created my campaign to teach a million people to add an extra million to their pensions across their lifetimes through the free tools at www campaignforamillion com
Marks & Spencer has faced criticism from shareholders over its decision to pay an annual dividend of just 3p per share, despite granting substantial bo nuses to its executives
At the retailer's recent annual meeting, several investors expressed disappointment with the "very low dividend payment," the first in four years, especially following M&S's better-than-expected profits Archie Norman, the chairman, acknowledged that while the dividend was intended to provide shareholders with a modest return, he recognised it might seem inadequate He emphasised the company's commitment to investing for growth, stating, "Our priority is to invest in our future "
Questions were also raised about why Stuart Machin, M&S's chief executive, received the largest pay package in a decade, totaling £4 7 million in fixed pay, bonuses, and other remuneration in the latest financial year, despite the modest dividend payout Norman defended the executive compensation, highlighting that M&S had faced years without bonuses previously, and now they could reward executives while reintroducing dividends He underscored that a significant portion of bonuses and long-term incentives are deferred, emphasising accountability and aligning executive pay with long-term company performance
Under Machin's leadership, alongside former co-chief executive Katie Bickerstaffe, M&S has embarked on a significant transformation Efforts include improving the fashion appeal of its clothing division, enhancing its food offerings, modernising its stores, and rationalising its less profitable locations
Manjit Dale, 59, co-founded TDR Capital with Stephen Robertson, 64, both former inv est me nt b anke rs w h o quietly am as sed a f ortune th rou gh leveraged buyouts over two decades
TDR now holds a portfolio of 15 businesses, including well-known brands like David Lloyd and Slug & Lettuce owner Stonegate, collectively employing about 200,000 people in the UK
Operating from a single office near London’s Oxford Street, TDR manages over €15 billion (£12 7 billion) in assets with a team of 85 professionals
The firm gained significant attention with its acquisition of Asda in 2021, marking a shift towards greater public scrutiny
Despite ambitions to acquire Boots, the UK’s largest pharmacy chain, plans have been stalled as current owner Walgreens intends to retain ownership Nonetheless, TDR continues to grow as a formidable presence in the retail sector
Dale and Robertson’s partnership began in the Nineties at Bankers Trust, leading to the establishment
of TDR in 2002 with an initial €160 million investment from US hedge fund billionaire Paul Tudor Jones Known for his interest in pubs and bars, Dale personally invested in Flight Club, a “social darts” chain, and purchased The Double Red Duke, a Cotswolds hotel and gastropub Former insiders describe TDR’s culture as “work hard, play hard,” often transitioning from impromptu lunches to late-night socialising reminiscent of the Roman Empire’s final days Despite this, the firm is recognised for its professionalism, recruiting top talent from elite universities and leveraging data science in its investment strategies
Dale’s approach of
focusing on fewer, larger deals drew scepticism from some investors but garnered loyal support due to his sharp business acumen Enabled by a decade of low interest rates, TDR capitalised on acquiring asset-backed businesses with cheap debt, facilitated by Dale’s relationships with lenders cultivated during annual ski trips In recent years, TDR’s top executives have received substantial payouts, averaging £31 8 million annually, with additional potential for significant returns through carried interest from successful funds This approach has positioned TDR’s partners to potentially earn tens of millions of pounds from successful deals
Shell ha s h alt ed co n st ru c ti o n o n o ne o f Eu
plants to address technical is
u es an
ts , part of a broader effo rt by its CEO to enhance financial returns
The oil giant announced a temporary reduction in on-site activities at its Rotterdam complex in the Netherlands, where a facility was being built to produce approximately 820,000 tonnes of sustainable jet fuel and renewable diesel
annually from waste This decision aims to optimise project workflow and control expenses
Under CEO Wael Sawan, who took the helm last year, Shell has scaled back various clean energy initiatives This includes divesting from investments in renewable power and battery storage, focusing instead on bolstering profitability in its core oil and gas operations
Shell plans substantial investments between $10
A mazon founder Jeff Bezos has announce d p l a ns t o se l l a n a dditional 25 million
giant, valued
on Wednesday
This move follows B
decision in February to sell Amazon shares worth approximately $8 5 billion, marking the first
down as Amazon's CEO in 2021 and now serves as its
surged by over 30% this
expectations of increased
technology, particularly in
Last month, Amazon's market valuation exceeded $2 trillion for the first time, although it trails behind tech giants Nvidia, Apple, and Microsoft, all of which h
e company recently reported strong quarterly earnings, highlighting the success of its AI investments Jeff Bezos, who stepped
, r e m a i n s the largest shareholder He founded Amazon in 1994 in a Bellevue, Washington garage, originally focusing on online book sales before expanding into one of the w
i n e retail and cloud computing companies
In addition to Amazon, Bezos also founded Blue Origin, a rocket company that achieved a significant m
y sending six customers to
Billionaires list, he ranks as t h e w
wealthiest individual with an estimated net worth of around $214 billion
billion and $15 billion from last year through next year in developing low-carbon energy solutions These efforts encompass emobility, low-carbon fuels, renewable power generation, hydrogen, and carbon capture and storage
The Rotterdam project has faced challenges due to its design complexity and scope expansion, leading to engineering delays that have impacted site productivity Huibert Vigeveno, Shell’s downstream, renewables, and energy solutions director, stated that pausing construction will allow for a reassessment of the project's commercial viability while affirming Shell's commitment to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 Low-carbon fuels remain integral to this strategy
Vigeveno emphasised Shell's approach to deploying shareholder capital prudently, aiming to deliver enhanced value while reducing emissions across its operations
Consumers are expected to remain cautious in discretionary spending until further interest rate cuts are implemented, cautioned the CEO of Sainsbury’s, as the company reported a significant decline in Argos sales
Sainsbury’s, the UK’s second largest supermarket chain, saw a 2 7 percent increase in like-for-like sales during the 16 weeks ending June 22, down from 9 8 percent in the same period last year This marks a slowdown from the previous quarter’s 4 8 percent growth, influenced by easing food inflation, adverse weather conditions, and the ongoing cost of living challenges impacting consumer spending
The overall performance was dragged down particularly by the Argos division, where sales dropped by 6 2 percent in the latest quarter following a 4 7 percent decline in the prior quarter Despite a 25 percent boost in television sales during the Euros football tournament, Argos struggled due to a weaker demand for seasonal items like house and garden products and outdoor furniture, as well as reduced interest in consumer electronics such as gaming products
Simon Roberts, CEO of Sainsbury’s, remarked, “Customers remain cautious, especially in discretionary spending areas, which is understandable given the financial pressures households are facing due to the cost of living crisis ” He expressed satisfaction with inflation stabilising but emphasised the need for interest rate cuts to bolster consumer confidence in non-essential purchases
In February, Sainsbury’s outlined plans to strengthen its "food first" strategy while downsizing its clothing and general merchandise divisions by reducing store space This restructuring aims to streamline operations and reduce costs by approximately £1 billion over the next three years as part of its broader "next level" strategy Despite challenges in non-food sectors, Sainsbury’s continues to see robust growth in its food division, although the rate slowed to 4 8 percent from 7 3 percent in the previous quarter as inflation pressures eased across the market Roberts highlighted Sainsbury’s ongoing success in gaining market share within the grocery sector, outperforming competitors consistently over the past 15 months With a current UK market share of 15 2 percent, Sainsbury’s remains second only to Tesco and continues to attract shoppers away from both discounters like Aldi and Lidl and premium retailers such as Marks & Spencer and Waitrose
Indian o fficials have cooled hopes o f a Tesla production
u ni t i n the c o u ntr y as
ex ec u ti ves o f the E lo n
Mu s k- le d e le ct ri c veh ic le mak er have s to ppe d
co n ta ct in g the m, repo r ts said
The country no longer
e x p e c t s T e s l a t o m
e forward with an investment a s M u
with officials in New Delhi,
matter The pull back comes
M u s k postponed his April visit to India, the sources added
The Indian government
o f Tesla's financial issues, they
said, adding that the EV-
from the Union Ministry of
according to the report
The development comes as Tesla recorded a second consecutive drop in global deliveries this quarter, and faces increased competition
announced job cuts, the
Cybertruck stall, and its
construction delayed Musk also cancelled a visit to India that was supposed to include
Minister Narendra Modi in
pressing issues” at work kept him away, but was seen in Vietnam weeks later
Meanwhile, the Indian government seems to have turned its hopes for boosted
Mahindra & Mahindra and Tata Motors, sources said
After Apple, Go ogle is set to manufacture Pixel smartpho nes in India, with plans to export the devices to Euro pe and the U S, m edi a repo r ts s ai d According to reports, the tech g ia nt wi ll s o o n b egi n commercial produ ction through pa rtn er shi ps wi th F o x co n n
nd Di x o n Technologies’ subsidiary Padget Electronics
The company has already started trial production in Tamil Nadu with Foxconn, a major maker of Apple devices
As per reports, Google might make the formal announcement of this development in H2 The base variant of the Pixel phone w
variants The commercial production will
stabilizes This move is in line with the government’s production-linked incentive
Bajaj Auto has introduced the Freedo m 125, marking the debut o f
wo rld’s first motorcycle to run on Co mpressed N at u ral Gas (C N G) Thi s 1 2 5 cc co m
rollout will be in Gujarat
plans to export to markets including Egypt, Tanzania, P
(PLI) programme, which aims
production/assembly of iPhones For
compared to its peers
Equipped with a small p e t r
mounted switch The CNG cylinder, positioned under the petrol tank, integrates seamlessly with the bike’s design, distinguishing itself subtly from other models
i s designed for cost-conscious consumers, boasting a 50 per cent reduction in
separate filler nozzles for CNG and petrol, catering to
tank holds 2 liters, while t h e C N G
capacity of 2 kg
Freedom 125 can cover up to 213 km on CNG alone, with an additional 117 km p r o v i d e d b y t h e p e t r o l tank, totaling a range of 330 km The fuel efficiency is rated at 102 km/kg for C N G a n d 6 4 k m / l f o r petrol
Sebi sends Hindenburg notice over ‘fraudulent trade practices’
In di a' s m ark et r egu la to r Sebi has issued a show-cause
no ti c e t o Hi nd enb u rg, asking why it should not act agai nst the s ho rts eller for vio lating norms related to the “ pr o hib i ti o n o f fr au du l ent an d u nf ai r tra di ng pra ct i ce s i n the securities market”
The notice, dated June 26, was released online by Hindenburg, which took a d e f i a n t s t a n d a g a i n s t t h e market regulator and made
c o u n t e r c h a r g e s f o r n o t acting on their allegations
H i n d e n b u r g d e s c r i b e d the notice as “ nonsense ” and “ n e b u l o u s ” a n d a l l e g e d a t t e m p t s t o s i l e n c e t h e
research firm Hindenburg also claimed it only made $4 million from the operation, w h i c h r e s u l t e d i n a $ 1 5 3 billion drop in the Adani group ’ s valuation I n a s t a t e m e n t , Hindenburg said: “Sebi has neglected its responsibility, s e e m i n g l y d o i n g m o r e t o protect those perpetrating fraud than to protect the i n v e s t o r s b e i n g v i c t i m i s e d by it ” The thrust of Sebi's notice is that the research f i r m c o l l u d e d w i t h i t s investor partner, misled the public, and used non-public information to manipulate prices and profit from its action K
Birla steps up consolidation in holding cos
In a fr esh push, Kuma r M angalam Birla is consolidat in g investments in group companies under Birla Group Holdings
The latest round of consolidation will impact seven companies, including Jay Shree Tea & Industries, which is run by Jayshree Mohta, Kumar’s aunt and elder daughter of Basant Kumar Birla The other companies are Hindalco, Aditya Birla Fashion, Grasim Industries, Century Textiles and Century Enka
Birla Group Holdings will see its stake in textile giant G r a s i m r i s
9 %
e consolidation Birla Group Holdings, which currently holds no stake in Century Textiles, will get almost 7% in the company Kumar had inherited Century Textiles and Century Enka from his grandfather B K Birla
“Aditya Birla Group’s process of consolidating would help in establishing a unique entity, simplifying holding structure and to raise promoter holding in major group entities,” said Arijit Malakar of Ashika Stock Broking
notice to Hindenburg and K
that KMIL had created the offshore fund structure used b
report was published in Jan
2 0 2 3 I n a s t a t e m e n t , t h e bank said, “Kingdon had not disclosed that they had any r e l a t i o n s h i p w i t h Hindenburg nor that they were acting on the basis of a
c e f r o m
Kingdon to invest would be b a s i s p u r e l y p u b l i c information ” I n J a n 2 0 2 3 , a f u n d managed by Mark Kingdon sent $43 million to the K India Opportunities Fund, w h i c h t h e n b e g a n s h o r ts e l l i n g A d a n i E n t e r p r i s e s using futures, according to t h e n o t i c e T h e s e s h o r t positions were closed by Feb 22, earning $22 million By June 1, the Kingdon fund had given Hindenburg $4 1 million from the profits of the Adani short sale
India ha s now become the world’s t hird-largest domestic aviation market after the US and China, as airlines such as IndiGo and Air India have expanded their fleet size to cater to the surge in air passengers, according to data compiled by aviation mark et analytics firm OAG
The data show India’s domestic airline capacity doubled in the last 10 years from 7 9 million seats in April 2014 to 15 5 million in April 2024 to surpass Brazil and Indonesia and move up from the 5th position India has replaced Brazil, which now stands at the fourth place with 9 7 million airline seats followed by Indonesia in fifth rank with 9 2 million India has also posted the highest annual average capacity growth rate of 6 9 per cent over the last decade among the top five countries, followed by China at 6 3 per cent and the US at 2 4 per cent IndiGo and Air India, which together have more than 1,000 planes on order, account for 9 of 10 domestic seats in the country According to OAG, India’s transition to lowcost carriers (LCCs) has been the sharpest among the top five
In April 2024, LCCs accounted for 78 4 per cent of Indian domestic capacity, followed by Indonesia at 68 4 per cent, Brazil at 62 4 per cent, the US at 36 7 per cent, and China at 13 2 per cent
Koo, which was once touted as a locally-developed desi alternative to global microblogging giant Twitter (that had been havi ng f requ ent ru n -i n s wi th go vt o ver c o nte nt mo de rat io n ) , i s shutting down o perations
T h e a l t e r n a t e s o c i a l media platform, which was a l s o
heartedly by govt, ministers and ministries after Twitter (now called X) had refused
In dia n b enc hm ark in dic es ende d at record high on Tuesday
FMCG and auto are leading the gains, buoyed by progress in the monsoon and k
direction The IT sector, with optimistic revenue growth expectations, is expected
positive sentiment
Nifty opened on a positive note and continued to inch higher throughout the day to close with gains of 97 points On the daily charts we can observe that the Nifty closed above 24,400 suggesting that there is likely to be more upside over the next few trading sessions
trade where Mid and Smallcaps remained
major buying traction was seen in the Index stocks, particularly in the Auto counters which helped Nifty50 to settle the trade at yet another record level of
Banking sectors outperformed while IT was the major laggard
ministries (especially at the height of farmers agitation
, said it is closing shop after failing to get investors that would helped it stay afloat
between govt and Twitter In the days of its heady growth, K
daily active users and
active users, and had marquee
A 24-year-old Indian woman who was travelling from Melbourne to New Delhi in a Qantas flight died on the spot when she developed a medical condition while the aircraft was still on the ground according to a media report Manpreet Kaur who had dreams of becoming a chef boarded the aircraft ready to fly from Melbourne to Delhi on June 20 and died on board after the student reportedly felt unwell hours before arriving at the airport but managed to board the flight without any issues According to a friend, Kaur was travelling to India to see her parents for the first time since she moved to Australia in March 2020
A 33-year-old Indian origin Singaporean woman was sentenced to three years of imprisonment for cheating 12 people of over SGD 106,000 in total in various scams District Judge John Ng also imposed a fine of SGD 2,000 on Priscilla Shamani Manoharan, who started her crime spree in 2022 Among other cases, the woman created fake WhatsApp chat records, purportedly between her and a hospital staff member, to convince the victim that she needed money urgently for medical fees The con woman continued cheating people two of whom were duped of SGD 11 800 early this year
The Government of India has made a contribution of $1 16 mn o expand the use of Hindi in the United Nations The ‘Hindi @ UN’ project in collaboration with the UN Department of Public Information was launched in 2018 with the objective of enhancing the public outreach of the United Nations in the Hindi language and spreading greater awareness about global issues among millions of Hindi-speaking people around the world India has been partnering with the UN Department of Global Communications since 2018 by providing an extra-budgetary contribution to mainstream and consolidate news and multimedia content of DGC in the Hindi language
A court in Singapore allowed an Indian-origin Singaporean woman, who was charged with organising a pro-Palestine procession without a permit, to leave the country to visit her grandparents in Kerala Annamalai Kokila Parvathi, 35, had organised the procession in February with two others to show support for the Palestinian cause without a permit A permit from the authority for holding a procession is mandatory according to the law in Singapore Parvathi who is currently on bail had applied for permission to go to Kerala to visit her grandparents there District Judge Lorraine Ho granted the application for Parvathi to leave the jurisdiction, imposing several additional conditions including an additional bail of SGD10 000 a report said
Umesh Dahal 41 was attending a concert by the Nepali band Mantra in Nashville when an argument erupted, causing people to leave and go into the parking lot, police said Police said Dahal was trying to break up the fight when he was punched, causing him to fall and hit his head on the concrete The perpetrator did not stop and kicked Dahal in the head even while he lay on the ground Punched badly, Dahal was rushed to hospital but after battling injuries, the father of two young girls succumbed on July 2 Police have identified Bishal Rai, 26, as the man who kicked Dahal while he was on the ground
NAIROBI: Riot police fired tear g as gre nad es an d c harg ed a t s to n e- thr o win g pr ot es te rs i n downtown Nairobi and across Kenya in the most widespread unrest since at least two dozen protesters died in clashes a week ago
The nationwide demonstrations signalled that President William Ruto had failed to appease a spontaneous youth protest movement, despite having abandoned plans for tax rises that triggered the unrest last week
Last eek's demonstrations began in ebullient mood but turned more violent as the day wore on In Nairobi’s downtown business district, police wearing helmets and carrying shields and
wooden clubs charged at the protesters, and tear gas bombs exploded in the crowds
A kiosk was set ablaze in the centre of a street Medics tended to a youth who lay on the pavement with a bloody hand Police bundled other youths into the bed of a pickup truck Outside the capital, hundreds of protesters marched through Mombasa, Kenya’s second
largest city, on the Indian Ocean coast They carried palm fronds, blew on plastic horns and beat on drums, chanting “Ruto must go!”
Later, Kenya’s NTV television reported two people shot in Mombasa, showing pictures of cars ablaze Ruto, facing the worst crisis of his nearly two-year-old presidency, has been caught between the demands of lenders such as the International Monetary Fund to cut deficits, and a hardpressed population reeling from the soaring cost of living
Members of the protest movement, which has no official leaders and largely organises via
K A R A CH I : A U ni ted N ati o n s human rights working group says former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been arbitrarily imprisoned in vio lation of international law In an opinion, the G en eva -b as ed UN Wo rk i ng G ro u p o n Ar bi tr ary De ten ti o n s ai d the “ a ppro pri a te r eme dy would be to release K han immediately and accord him an enforceable right to compensation and other reparations, in accordance with international law”
“[The] working group concludes that his detention had no legal basis and appears to have been intended to disqualify him from running for political office Thus, from the outset, that prosecution was not grounded in law and was reportedly instrumentalised for a political purpose, ” the UN working group said in the opinion, which was dated
March 25 but only made public last week
The group, made up of five independent experts, whose opinions are not binding but carry reputational weight, said Khan’s legal woes were part of a “much larger campaign of repression” against him and his Pakistan Tehree-eInsaf (PTI) party
It said that in the lead up to the 2024 general elections, members of Khan’s party were arrested and tortured and their rallies were disrupted It also alleged “widespread fraud on election day, stealing dozens of parliamentary seats” The Pakistan government, meanwhile, denounced the report and termed it as “arbitrary and in violation of international law”, asserting that the arrest of the cricketerturned-politician and the cases against him were an “internal matter” of the country
JAK ARTA: An Indonesian woman, who was reportedly missing, has been found dead inside the belly of a snake after it swallowed her whole in central Indonesia, a local official said The 45-year-old Farida was fo und inside the reticulated python by her hu sband and residents of Kalempang village in South Sulawesi province
The python measured around 5 meters (16 feet) She went missing last week and didn't return home Following that, a search operation was launched, village chief Suardi Rosi said Her husband "found her belongings, which made him suspicious The villagers then searched the area They soon spotted a python with a large belly," said Suardi
"They agreed to cut open the python's stomach As soon as they did, Farida's head was immediately visible," he added She was found fully clothed inside the python's belly
Instances like these are rare, yet in Indonesia, there have been several fatalities
in recent years after pythons swallowed whole individuals Last year, residents of Tinanggea district in Southeast Sulawesi encountered an eight-meter python, which they killed as it was strangling and devouring a farmer in the village In 2018, a 54-year-old woman was discovered dead within a sevenmeter python in Muna town, also located in Southeast Sulawesi
And in the preceding year, a farmer from West Sulawesi vanished, only to be later found consumed alive by a four-meter python on a palm oil plantation
social media, have rejected Ruto’s appeals for dialogue –even after he abandoned his proposed tax rises
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNHCR) says 39 Kenyans have been killed in demonstrations and clashes with police since June 18 Most of the deaths took place on June 25 when officers opened fire near parliament where some protesters tried to storm the building to prevent lawmakers from voting on the tax hikes
“We are determined to push for the president’s resignation,” said Ojango Omondi, an activist in Nairobi “We hope for a peaceful protest and minimal casualties, if any ”
Iran votes for a reformist as president
TEH RAN : Iranians have picked reformist Mas oud Pezeshkian as the Islamic republic’s n ext pr es id en t i n a el ec ti on to repl ac e Ebrahim Raisi who was killed in a helicopter crash in May Pezeshkian, a 69 -year- old heart surgeon, won the largest number of votes in the runoff against ultraconservative Saeed Jalili, taking around 16 million votes or 54% of about 30 mi llion cas t He rode on support from the country’s main reformist coalition and many Iranians who feared a continued hardli ne grip on power Unlike in many countries, Iran’s president is not head of state, and the ultimate authority rests with the supreme leader - a post held by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei for 35 years
In campaigning, Pezeshkian called for “constructive relations” with Western countries to “get Iran out of its isolation” He pledged to try to revive a 2015 nuclear deal with the US and other powers, which imposed curbs on Iran’s nuclear activity in return for sanctions relief
Within Iran, he vowed to ease longstanding internet curbs and to “fully” oppose police patrols enforcing the mandatory headscarf on women, a high-profile issue since the custody death in 2022 of Mahsa Amini, which sparked nationwide unrest
P e z e s h k i a n a l s o p l
more women and ethnic minorities such as Kurds and Baluchis in his government He has also promised to reduce inflation, now hovering at around 40%, which he says has “crushed the nation’s back” in recent years
In one debate with Jalili, Pezeshkian estimated that Iran needs $200 billion in foreign investment
ROM E: Italian polic e arrested the employer of an Indian farm labourer who was left on the road to die after a work accident
t ha t s ev er ed h i s a rm a n d c r us hed hi s l eg s An to ne ll o Lovato was arrested for second degree murder over the death of Satnam Singh, who was injured w hi le w ork i n g o n a fa rm i n Lati na, a rural a rea s outh of Rome where tens of thousands of Indian farmhands work
"If the Indian, who died due
to copious blood loss, had been promptly helped, he would in all likelihood have been saved," the Latina prosecutors' office said, citing a medical examiner
Satnam Singh, who was 31 and working without legal papers, had his arm sliced off by a machine which also crushed his legs
Antonello then dumped Satnam and his wife on the roadside, along with the severed limb in a box, according to trade
unions who are supporting Satnam's widow "The worker's condition after the accident was so serious as to make the need for prompt assistance clear," the prosecutors' office said Prosecutors said an ongoing investigation would continue into working conditions on the farm
Undocumented workers in the region where the farm is located are paid an average of 20 euros ($21) a day for up to 14
hours labour, according to the Osservatorio Placido Rizzotto, which analyses conditions in the agriculture industry
undocumented workers from January 2023 to June 2024 But
WA SHI N GTO N: US Prez Jo e Biden said that he wo uld not a bando n hi s re -ele cti on campaign as he sought to stave off a po s s i bl e r evo l t fro m f el lo w Democrats who worry the party cou ld lose the White Hou se and Congress in the No v 5 US election Biden, 81, said any candidates who doubt his ability should challenge him at the Democratic National Convention in August - an effort that stands no chance of success unless he lets the delegates he won in primaries this year consider other candidates “The bottom line here is that I am not going anywhere,” Biden said in a
call he placed to MSNBC’s Morning Joe programme
Separately he told wavering Democratic lawmakers in a letter that they needed to close ranks behind his candidacy
Many of them urged him to drop out, and more could do so in coming days as lawmakers return to Washington after a break Biden faces a critical week as he tries to shore up a campaign that has been on defence since a shaky June 27 debate against Republican Donald Trump, which raised questions about his ability to do the job for another 4-1/2 years Biden wrote in the two-page letter that “the question of how
to move forward has been well-aired for over a week now And it’s time for it to end We have 42 days to the Democratic Convention and 119 days to the general election,” Biden said in the letter, distributed by his reelection campaign
Though Biden has secured enough delegates to win the Democratic presidential nomination, some donors and lawmakers have called for him to step aside and let vice-president Kamala Harris or another candidate lead the ticket On MSNBC, Biden sounded a defiant note against wealthy donors who
have called for him to drop out “I don’t care what the millionaires think ”
A growing number of Democratic lawmakers have voiced concern that his poor approval ratings, plus concerns about his age and ability, could hurt party’s prospects for retaining Senate, which they control by a 51-49 majority, and winning back the House, where Republicans have a 219-213 majority
W AS H IN GT ON : A 5 1-y ea r -ol d Indian American physician from t he Chic ago a re a ha s pl ea de d guilty to a federal healthcare frau d by billing Medicaid and private insurers for nonexistent services
Mona Ghosh, who owns and operates Progressive Women's Healthcare, specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology services, pleaded guilty to two counts of health care fraud Each count is punishable by up to ten
years in federal prison US District Judge Franklin U Valderrama has set sentencing for October 22 Federal prosecutors allege that Ghosh is accountable for at least $2 4 million in fraudulently obtained reimbursements
She admitted in her plea agreement that she was accountable for more than $1 5 million of such fraudulently obtained reimbursements The final amount
will be determined by the court at sentencing, a media release said According to court documents, from 2018 to 2022, Ghosh submitted, and caused her employees to submit, fraudulent claims to Medicaid, TRICARE, and numerous other insurers for procedures and services that were not provided or were not medically necessary, some of which were performed without patient consent
CHI CAGO : Two Indian origin people, the for mer executives of a Chicago-based health t echnology start-up company, were sentenced o n ch a r ge s of b e in g i n vo lv ed in a fr a ud scheme a llegedly tar gett in g t he compan y's clients, lender s, and invest ors
According to the US Department of Justice, the charges involved approximately $1 billion (£750 mn) in fraudulently obtained funds The accused were identified as 38-yearold Rishi Shah - the co-founder and former CEO of Outcome, and 38-year-old Shradha Agarwal, a co-founder and former president of Outcome
Another person, 35-year-old Brad Purdythe former chief operating officer and chief financial officer of Outcome, was also among the accused
While Rishi was sentenced to seven years and six months in prison, Shradha was sentenced to three years in a halfway house Brad was also sentenced to two years and three months in prison
According to court documents and evidence presented at trial, Outcome, which was founded in 2006 and known as Context Media prior to January 2017, installed televi-
sion screens and tablets at doctors' offices across the United States and then sold advertising space on those devices to clients, most of which were pharmaceutical companies
Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy sold advertising inventory which the company did not own, to Outcome's clients, and then under-delivered on its advertising campaigns Despite these under-deliveries, the company still invoiced its clients as if it had delivered in full
An official release in the case suggested Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy lied or caused others to lie to conceal the under-deliveries from clients and make it appear as if the company was delivering advertising content to the number of screens in the clients contracts Purdy and others at Outcome also inflated metrics that purported to show how frequently patients engaged with Outcome's tablets installed at doctors' offices
According to the trial evidence, the scheme targeting Outcome's clients began in 2011 and lasted until 2017, and resulted in at least $45 million of overbilled advertising services Shah, Agarwal, and Purdy also defrauded Outcome's lenders and investors, the release stated
India and the United States signed a statement of intent to formally establish the Gandhi-King Development Foundation by October this year which aims to address global development challenges The statement of intent was signed during the visit by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to India last month US Ambassador to India Eric Garcetti emphasized that this foundation is built on the principles of Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr, two iconic leaders who promoted non-violent resistance and civil rights The foundation underscores our shared commitment to forging global progress by leveraging our collective strengths Garcetti said
Ghosh also fraudulently overstated the length and complexity of in-office and telemedicine visits and submitted claims using billing codes for which the visits did not qualify in order to seek higher reimbursement rates, her plea agreement states She admitted that she had prepared false patient medical records to support the fraudulent reimbursement claims
W ash i ngto n: P aki sta ni -o ri gin Canadi an businessman Tahawwur Rana, who is sought in India for his involvement in the 200 8 M um bai terror attack, is extraditable under the plain provisions of the US-India extradition treaty, a US attorney has told a federal court
Assistant US Attorney, Criminal Appeals Chief Bram Alden was making a closing argument before the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, where Rana has appealed against the order by a US District Court in California that denied the writ of habeas corpus In May, Rana, 63, had filed a writ of habeas corpus challenging the court order, which acceded with the request of the US government that the 2008 Mumbai terror
attacks accused be extradited to India
“Rana is extraditable to India under the plain provisions of the treaty, and India has established probable cause to prosecute him for his role in terrorist attacks that resulted in 166 deaths and 239 injuries,” Alden said
In his deposition before the court on June 5, Alden, who left the position last week, said both India and the United States have agreed on the meaning of the treaty provision, the non-bis provision in Article 6-1
“Both parties have now stated what they intended, that provision be interpreted based on the elements of the offence and not based on the conduct underlying those crimes That is consistent with long-standing Supreme Court double jeopardy precedent,” he argued
WASHINGTON: Project ed to last only days, t
return to Ea rth announce d
NASA’s Commercial Crew Program manager, Steve Stich has said that the US space agency is considering extending the duration of Starliner’s mission from 45 to 90 days
Officials have repeatedly hinted that the Starliner, which faced issues with helium leaks and thruster outages heading to the International Space Station in early June, will be safe to bring astronauts including Sunita Williams and Butch Wilmore home
Part of that desired extension is due to the ground tests that Boeing and NASA plan to conduct in New Mexico, seeking to better understand why some of the Starliner’s thrusters unexpectedly failed during the first leg of its journey
Stich and Mark Nappi, vice president and program manager of the Commercial Crew Program for Boeing, also said that engineers are still not certain about the reason behind the Starliner’s problems
Nappi said that part of the aim is conducting the ground tests while the vehicle is still in space to try to whittle down possible reasons why the thrusters malfunctioned
Meanwhile, Williams and Wilmore have integrated with the rest of the crew currently aboard the International Space Station and are conducting routine tasks
Several more helium leaks were identified while the craft was heading to the International Space Station, along with the thruster issues The Starliner’s service module, a cylindrical attachment at the bottom of the spacecraft that provides much of the vehicle’s power during flight, faced several issues, CNN reported It is not clear yet whether NASA will extend the maximum mission length to 90 days Stich said officials must clear the battery life of the Starliner for that purpose Although he noted that the batteries are being recharged at the space station, they should operate the same way after 90 days as they will for the first 45 days
Pakistan s security forces have killed a highprofile militant commander involved in multiple terrorist attacks in the disputed northern region of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) in a shootout, top govt functionaries said “Terrorist commander Shah Faisal was killed during an intelligence-based security operation in the Darel valley of GB’s Diamer district, while his accomplice, Zahidullah, was injured,” GB home minister Shams Lone said He did not disclose the name of the outfit with which the slain commander was associated but stated he was the mastermind of the terrorist attack in Chilas region last Dec when militants shot up a bus on the Karakoram Highway killing nine people and injuring 21
Australia said it had more than doubled the visa fee for international students the latest move by the government to rein in record migration that has intensified pressure on an already tight housing market From July 1 the international student visa fee has risen to A$1 600 ($1 068) from A$710 while visitor visa holders and students with temporary graduate visas are banned from applying onshore for a student visa Official data released in March showed net immigration rose 60 per cent to a record 5 48 800 people in the year to September 30 2023
China s coast guard has seized a Taiwanese fishing boat and its crew of five and forced it to a port on the mainland Chinese coast, a move that could add to tensions between Beijing and Prez Lai Ching-te of Taiwan The fishing boat was in Chinese waters 27 miles northeast of Kinmen, a Taiwanese-controlled island close to the Chinese coast, when two Chinese coast guard ships boarded and took control of it, Taiwan’s Coast Guard Administration said Taiwanese coast guard vessels that sailed to the area to help the fishing boat were blocked by their Chinese counterparts the administration added The situation in the seas around Taiwan has become more and more tense with coast guard standoffs between the two sides seemingly on the rise
A Delta flight from Detroit to Amsterdam was diverted to New York’s Kennedy Airport after passengers were served spoiled food airline officials said The flight took off from Detroit landed in New York after reports that a portion of the main cabin in-flight meal service were spoiled a Delta spokesperson said Emergency medical responders met the flight and treated 12 passengers It was not clear how many of the flight's 277 passengers ate the spoiled food Delta said it would investigate
India recorded the higheste ver a nn u al do me st i c defence production in 202324, reaching £13 bn in terms
o f value, which represents a 16 7% gro wth over the previo us fiscal, defence minister Rajnath Singh said
Stating that the ‘Make in India’ programme is crossing new milestones, year after year, under PM Modi, Singh said govt has an “ unwavering resolve” to develop the country as a leading global defence manufacturing hub
Of the total value of production in 2023-24, 79% was contributed by defence PSUs and other PSUs manufacturing defence items, while around 21% by the private sector “The data shows that in terms of absolute value, both defence PSUs/PSUs and the private
sector have recorded a steady growth in defence production,” the ministry said
“The feat has been achieved due to the policy reforms and initiatives as well as the ease of doing business brought in the last 10 years, with focus on attaining self-reliance The indigenisation efforts have been pursued aggressively,” it added
An army convoy was attacked by terro rists in the remo te Machedi area of Jammu and Kashmir's Kathua district Five army personnel were killed and six ot hers were injured in t he incident o n M onday when terrorists ambushed their vehicle, hurled a grenade and opened fire targeting Army vehicles on a routine pat rol
T h e i n c i d e n t o c c u r r e d o n t h e
Machedi-Kindli-Malhar road at around 3 30 pm near Badnota village in Lohai Malhar, 150 km from Kathua town
Moreover, increasing arms exports have also contributed to the overall growth in defence production India’s defence exports touched a high of £2 10 bn in 2023-24, reflecting a growth of 32 5% over the last fiscal when the figure was £1 59 bn “In the last five years (since 2019-20), the value of defence production has been increasing steadily, and grown by over 60%,” it said
Security forces retaliated but the terrorists fled into the nearby forest, as per reports Officials said that an intermittent exchange of firing was going on between the terrorists and security forces when the last reports were received Reinforcements have been rushed to the area
The troopers were in the vehicle which came under grenade attack and firing by the terrorists
D e f e n c e M i n i s t e r R a j a n t h S i n g h expressed his anguish at the loss of lives and said that the counter terror operations are underway
The injured were shifted to a military
After a total of 12 bridges collapsed in Bihar over two weeks, the state government s u s pen ded as m any a s 15 e ngi n eer s The N i ti sh K u m ar- le d B iha r go v ernment has also ordered the reco nstru ction of the new bridges The cost of the construction will be imposed on the contractors found guilty
The decision was taken after the flying squads submitted their reports, pointing out that engineers were negligent and monitoring was ineffective as the main reasons behind the collapse of the bridges
Additional Chief Secretary of the State Water Resources Department, Chaitanya Prasad, accused
the engineers of not taking proper care and highlighted the lack of diligence of contractors behind the incidents
Briefing the media, Prasad stated, "It appears that engineers didn’t exercise proper care, and contractors were not diligent either ” Earlier, with the col-
lapse of one more bridge in Bihar's Saran district on Thursday last, the total number of such incidents rose to twelve over the past 17 days
Speaking about the incidents, Secretary of the Rural Works Department (RWD) Deepak Singh said, "The bridge over the River Bakhra
in Araria was reported damaged on June 18 Both state and central teams are conducting an inquiry, with four engineers suspended, and two others already suspended for unrelated reasons Payments to the contractors concerned will be withheld until the inquiry concludes, and final actions will be taken against the contractor and consultant after the final report is submitted by the inspecting teams
He further stated that the RWD is in constant touch with the district administration, seeking input to ascertain further details regarding the incident
O ne h u ndred and tw enty one families have still been reeling under the impact of the stampede in Hathras last week where their loved ones died But all of them have united in two demands - a s w i ft p ro be, a nd ac tio n against Bhole Baba aka Suraj Pal Singh who organised the 'satsang' where the stam pede o c cu rre d Af ter arr est ing several accused in the case, police have uncovered that B h ol e Bab a's o rgani sa tio n h ad bee n get tin g f un ding from several political parties Hathras Superintendent of Police, Nipun Agarwal, revealed that the main accused Devprakash Madhukar had recently been in contact with several political parties This has prompted investigations into potential political conspiracies surrounding the incident Madhukar was known to manage fundraising activities for events organized by the self-styled godman
Agarwal emphasized that financial transactions, money trails, and call records associated with Madhukar are currently under scrutiny The police are also planning to seek his remand for further questioning
An initial probe into the stampede had revealed that the godman had received permission to host an event for 80,000 people, but 250,000 people were allowed to enter the venue After the gathering, when the 'godman' was leaving, there was a rush among his followers to collect dust stirred up by his car's tyres According to officials, the godman's private security guards started pushing his followers and some people fell and were trampled In the chaos, many others fled towards the open field and slipped, and others ran over them Many of those killed in the stampede were women and children According to eyewitness-
es, only about 40 police personnel were on duty to ensure safety at this massive gathering and they were overwhelmed when the stampede broke out
A three-member judicial commission team has arrived in Hathras to investigate administrative lapses that may have contributed to the tragedy Statements from multiple officials have been recorded, and the team visited the site of the incident to gather further evidence Authorities plan to delve deeper into Madhukar's association with Bhole Baba's trust, scrutinizing funding sources and bank accounts They intend to collaborate with other agencies to probe potential political links to the case Should it be deemed necessary, a summons may also be issued to Bhole Baba for questioning Asked if the self-styled godman may be arrested, state police chief Prashant
Kumar said, "Right now, everything is a matter of investigation We do not want to influence the investigation by drawing any immediate conclusion The ambit of the investigation is open Action will be taken based on the facts that come to light during the investigation
hospital, where the condition of two of them was stated to be “critical”
On June 12 and 13, two terrorists and a CRPF jawan were killed in a fierce gunfight during a search and cordon operation The terror attack comes within a fortnight of a gunfight between terrorists and security forces in the Gandoh area of Doda district that left three foreign terrorists dead on June 26
On June 9, terrorists struck a bus carrying pilgrims from the Shiv Khori temple
including the driver and the conductor of the vehicle, and injuring 41
An dhra Pra des h C M N Chandrababu Naidu came calling to the Capital with a long wish list - from shortte rm f u nds t o addi t io n al c apex s uppo r t f or i nf rastructure, money for the capital city of Amaravati and a new oil refinery - suggesting that so me of the anno uncements be made in the Union Budget
Sources in AP govt described the meeting between PM Modi and Naidu as “ very positive” but refrained from stating whether there was any demand for a package
“The CM highlighted how Andhra is grappling with the repercussions of the unfair and unjust bifurcation of 2014 Additionally, the miserable governance of the previous administration marked by malice, corruption and misgovernance has dealt a more deleterious blow to the state than the bifurcation,” the sources said
During his meeting with the PM, Naidu sought Centre’s “financial hand holding” to tide over the crisis and focus on investments in specific projects
and backward regions He argued that there was “ no other way to face such a challenge”
The list of items for which Naidu has sought the Centre’s “cooperation” runs into several pages - covering short term assistance as well as an additional allocation under the Scheme for Special Assistance to States for Capital Investment, meant to build core infrastructure Besides, projectspecific support to build the govt complex and trunk infrastructure in Amaravati, chosen by Naidu to be the capital, the Polavaram irrigation project and development of Duggirajupatnam port also figure in the list Naidu also met home minister Amit Shah, road transport and highways minister Nitin Gadkari, commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal, oil minister Hardeep Puri, power minister Manohar Lal, agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan and 16th Finance Commission chairman Arvind Panagariya and had specific demands from each of them
Heavy rains have lashed Mumbai and its surrounding areas on Monday leading to widespread waterlogging and disruption of suburban train services Some areas in the city have recorded over 300 mm of rainfall within six hours from 1 am to 7 am on Monday The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued an orange alert for Mumbai, Thane, Palghar and the Konkan belt Vikhroli and Powai saw the highest rainfall in the last 24 hours as over 315 mm of rainfall was recorded
Over 50 flights have been cancelled due to the downpour Several airlines warn pas-
sengers and urged them to check flight status before leaving for the airport
At Dombivli station, people waited for trains on submerged tracks Water-logging was reported from Worli, Buntara Bhavan, in Kurla East, King's Circle area of Mumbai, Dadar and Vidyavihar railway station
Several teams of National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) were deployed in Thane, Vasai, Mahad (Raigad), Chiplun (Ratnagiri), Kolhapur, Sangli, Satara, Ghatkopar, Kurla and Sindhudurg NDRF rescued 49 people from a water-logged resort in Thane and 16 villagers in Palghar
C H ENN AI : Bah ujan Samaj Party ( BSP )
su p rem o M ayaw ati h as ac cu sed the Tamil Nadu gov ernm ent o f not being serious about the investigation into the m u r d er o f s tat e p art y ch i e f K Armstrong, who was h acked to death near h is residence on July 5 The BS P ch ief also dem anded C hief Mini ster M K S tak i n t o h a nd o v er th e investigatio n to the C entral Bureau of Investigatio n (C BI)
Mayawati, along with her nephew and BSP National Coordinator Akash Anand, reached Chennai to pay last respects to K Armstrong Addressing her party workers, Maywati questioned the law and order situation in Tamil Nadu
" T h e w a y A r m s t r o n g h a s b e e n
murdered, it seems there is no law and order left in Tamil Nadu The main culprits have not been arrested yet," she said
A c c u s i n g t h e D M K - l e d s t a t e government of not being serious about t h e m u r d
serious about this murder investigation otherwise the culprits would have been behind bars If the state government does not want to serve justice, this
matter should be handed over to the CBI "
"We demand a CBI investigation If the state government does not refer the case to the CBI, it means they are also involved in this murder," she added
"It is not about one Dalit leader's
community is under threat and many Dalit leaders are scared about their lives, she said
Mayawati also cautioned the BSP cadre to not take the law into their hands "To ensure action against the accused, the party cadre should come forward but at the same time, stay within the limits of law and show that the weaker section does not take law into their hands," she said
H YD ER ABAD: I n yet ano ther setback to the Bharat R as h tr a Sa m it i ( BR S) o f K C h an dr a s h e ka r Ra o in T e l a ng an a ,
Krish na Moh an Reddy, joined th e ruling Congress last week
He is the seventh BRS MLA to join the Congress after the party came to power in November last year Krishna Mohan Reddy joined the Congress in the presence of Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, who is also the Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee president In the Assembly elections held last year, the BRS had won 39 of 119 seats, while the Congress won 64 It rose to 65 after BRS MLA from Secunderabad Cantonment, G Lasya Nanditha, died in a road accident on February 23, and the Congress won the bypoll
With the seven BRS MLAs switching loyalties, the Congress’s strength has risen to 72 In the past few months, BRS MLAs Kale Yadaiah (Chevella); Pocharam Srinivas Reddy (Banswada), who was Speaker during the BRS regime; Sanjay Kumar (
Srihari (Station Ghanpur); and Tellam Venkat Rao (Bhadrachalam) have joined the Congress
Congress, increasing the party’s MLC strength in the 40member Legislative Council to 12 The MLCs include Dande Vittal, Bhanu Prasad, B Dayanand, Prabhakar Rao, Egge Mallesham and Basavaraju Saraiah
All of them were with the Congress prior to 2014 when the Telangana Rashtra Samithi, now the BRS, came to power after the creation of a separate state of Telangana, following which they switched loyalties
Amritpal contradicts his mother’s ‘not Khalistani supporter’ remark
A M R I T S A R : Da ys a f te r t ak i ng oath i n Parli ament, jailed Kh ad oor Sahi b MP Amritp al Singh iss ued a statement which contradi cts hi s mother Balwinder Kaur’s remark that he was not a s upporter of ‘Khali stan’
On July 5, Balwinder Kaur, interacting with mediapersons, s a i d , “ H e ( A m r i t p a l ) i s n o t a s u p p o r t e r o f K h a l i s t a n D o e s speaking about Punjab or saving t h e y o u n g s t e r s m a k e h i m a
K h a l i s t a n i s u p p o r t e r ? H e contested the election within the purview of the Constitution and s t i l l h e i s b e i n g t a g g e d a s Khalistani ”
Detained under the National
S e c u r i t y A c t i n A s s a m ’ s
Dibrugarh jail, Amritpal’s letter surfaced on X “I am saddened by Mataji’s
s t a t e m e n t T h o u g h t h e s e r e m a r k s w e r e m a d e unknowingly, such a statement should have never come from my
family or from anyone w h o s u p p o r t s m e Dreaming of Khalsa Raj
i s n o t a c r i m e b u t a m a t t e r o f p r i d e I f I have to choose between P a n t h ( r e l i g i o n ) a n d
f a m i l y , I w i l l
c t Panth,” reads the letter A m r i t p a l ’ s f a t h e r T a r s e m S i n g h , w h o a u t h e n t i c a t e d t h e letter, said, “We are not very m u c
aspect I have read this letter, which is on X His supporters or t
a v e uploaded it But looking at the content, I believe it is genuine It
N E W D E L H I : T h e Su p r e m e C o u r t
o rdered the c onstitutio n of a s earch and s election co mmittee to resol ve th e im pass e betw een the West Bengal government and G o v er n o r C V An an da Bo s e o v er th e ap po intment o f vice-ch anc ellors (VCs ) of u niversities in the state
A bench of justices Surya Kant and Ujjal Bhuyan ordered the committee’s formation within two weeks, noting that both the state and the office of the governor agreed on the constitution of the committee for appointing VCs in at least seven universities in West Bengal that functioned without full time VCs The committee will be headed by former Chief Justice of India Uday U Lalit, said the bench, adding it will comprise five members who will prepare a panel of three names, listed alphabetically, for each university’s VC appointment
Leaving it to the former CJI to have separate or joint selection committees for the universities where VCs are to be appointed, the court directed that the entire selection process be completed in t
presented to the chief minister (CM)
unsuitable, the supporting material and
chancellor (governor) within two weeks,” directed the bench
According to the court order, the CM is entitled to recommend the shortlisted names in order of preference to the chancellor, who will appoint the VCs
recommended by the former Should the governor have reservations about the candidates or the CM’s remarks, the bench held, he may file his own opinion, supported by material and reasons Once the governor approves the names, the s
notify the appointment within one week of receiving the approval The Court also stipulated that it would make the final decision if either party objects to the shortlisted names and the objections are not mutually resolved The expenses of the committee will be borne by the state
The bench was hearing a petition filed by the West Bengal government, challenging the June 2023 judgment of the Calcutta high court that had upheld t h e i n t e r i m v i c e - c h a n c e l l o r appointments made by Governor Bose in 13 universities, in his capacity as the chancellor of the institutions
is referring to Amritpal’s vision of establishing a ‘Sikh Raj’ on the lines of Maharaja Ranjit Singh where all were equal irrespective of their caste, creed or race We c a n c l a r i f y m o r e o n l y a f t e r meeting him in the jail ” Amritpal’s parents on met Takht Damdama Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh at Manji S a h i b D i w a n H a l l i n G o l d e n Temple complex The Jathedar said, “Sikh detainees are being discriminated It is a pity that the Sikhs were being honoured in British Parliament but Amritpal, who got a thumping mandate, was released on parole to take oath as MP ”
K OLK ATA : The im pa ss e over the swearing-in of t wo newly elec ted Trinamool Congress (TMC) M LAs in West Bengal ended with Le gis lative Ass embl y Speaker B im an Banerjee adminis tering the oath to Sayantika Banerjee of Bar anaga r and Reyat Houss en Sarkar f rom Bhagawa ngola
Though West Bengal Governor C V Ananda Bose had deputed Deputy Speaker Ashish Banerjee to administer the oath, he refused to do so, saying “it d o e s n
administering oath while Speaker is present”
During a Business Advisory committee meeting before the Assembly session, the Speaker had a talk with the Deputy Speaker, following which he agreed to administer the oath But when the session began,
administer the oath as he was present
Eventually, violating the Governor’s directive, the Speaker administered the oath to the two MLAs The face-off between the TMC government and G
began in the second week of June after the Governor asked the two MLAs to come to the Raj Bhavan for the oath-taking ceremony and they refused The Governor, who normally assigns either the Speaker or the Deputy Speaker to give oath to the legislators, sent a letter inviting the MLAs to take oath at the Raj Bhavan on June 26 However, the letter reportedly did not mention who would administer the oath
A report submitted by the Regional Labour Commissioner, Chennai, stated that no evidence has been found showing discrimination against married women in employment and recruitment practices at the Foxconn iPhone factory in Chennai after media reports revealed that only unmarried women were eligible for assembly jobs while there was no mention in this regard in the advertisements made by the company Media reports mentioned a WhatsApp conversation between a married candidate and the hiring agency of the company When the candidate asked about the salary and childcare facility offered by the company, the response was 'married not allowed The company, reportedly refuted the allegations of discrimination in employment based on marital status gender religion or any other form the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) said
Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah suspended the allocation of alternative sites by Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) in response to BJP’s allegations of nepotism and irregularities in a £400 mn land-allotment scam This suspension includes the allocation of premium alternative sites made to his wife Parvathi as a replacement for three acres and 36 guntas that her brother had gifted her Since we have suspended the allocation, there is no monetary loss to MUDA as alleged by BJP, he said, underscoring that the allocations were made when BJP was in office between 2019 and 2023 The controversy erupted after BJP accused MUDA of deviating from the standard site allotment ratio of 40:60, allegedly favouring a 50:50 ratio for CM’s wife on Siddaramaiah’s directive
A group of men attacked a Punjab Shiv Sena leader with swords in the middle of a busy street in Ludhiana allegedly over his controversial remarks against Sikhs Two people have been arrested A video of the incident shows two Nihangs' brutally assaulting Sena leader Sandeep Thapar while a third keeps a policeman at bay with the help of others Thapar can be seen riding a scooter with the cop riding pillion when he is accosted by two of the attackers They have a conversation with Thapar but one of the men starts assaulting him with a sword As the cop tries to intervene he is taken to the side of the road by a third man The first man hits Thapar repeatedly with the weapon on his face and neck Thapar loses balance and falls to the road with the scooter when he is attacked by the second man As he sits on the road with a bloody shirt, the two men rode away with his scooter The Shiv Sena leader was taken to a hospital, where his condition is said to be critical
The Election Commission of India will deploy 70 companies of central forces at 1,097 booths in four Assembly constituencies - Raiganj, Ranaghat Dakshin Bagda and Maniktala - for the by-elections on July 10 According to data Parganas will have the highest concentration of central forces, with 20 companies to manage 301 polling stations Ranaghat Dakshin in Nadia district which has 307 polling stations will witness the deployment of 19 companies of central forces Additionally 16 companies of central forces will be deployed at Raiganj in North Dinajpur district to man 212 polling stations Fifteen companies will be stationed in Maniktala to manage 277 polling stations Initially, the EC had sanctioned 55 companies of central forces but the Union home ministry later allocated an additional 15 companiesfour each for Bagda Ranaghat Dakshin and Raiganj and three for Maniktala
The first Budget of Narendra M odi ’ s th ird term w ill be presented on July 23 am id i ndi c ati on s t ha t fi na nce
m i ni st er Ni rm ala
Sitharaman will use the revenue growth and record dividend from Reserve Bank of India to spend not just on capital expenditure for creating infrastructure but also use the resources at its disp osal to foc us on sp eci fic target grou ps s uch as the m i ddle cl ass , w o m en and farm sector
While the economy has so far been performing well, govt also wants to use the Budget to announce some reform measures that do not need legislative approval
“ H o n ’ b l e P r e s i d e n t o f India, on the recommendation of Govt of India, has
approved the proposal for s
Houses of Parliament for the budget session, 2024 from 22nd July, 2024 to 12 August, 2024 (subject to exigencies of parliamentary business)
Union Budget 2024-25 will be presented in Lok Sabha on 23 July, 2024, ” parliamentary affairs minister Kiren Rijiju said in a post on X T h e E c o n o m i c S u r v e y for the last financial year,
which is also due, is likely to be tabled in Parliament on the opening day, outlining
ments during the first two
focus areas It remains to be
much-talked 100 days’ agen-
tabled since the elements in the plan will feed into the announcements
present her seventh consecutive Budget - a record that
six, will seek to address critical concerns around inflation, jobs, income inequality
while announcing tax measures and other social security benefits targeted at the middle class
Poverty dipped to 8.5% from 21% in 2011-12: NCAER paper
A new survey has estimated poverty to have declined to 8 5% from 21% in 2011-12 and pointed out that chronic poverty has come down b ut there is a sign if ican t proportion of people who can slip back into poverty due to “accident of life”
B a s e d o n t h e i n i t i a l f i n d i n g s o f t h e j u s t - c o n -
c l u d e d I n d i a H u m a n
Development Survey, it has estimated headcount ratios of poverty using inflationadjusted poverty line by the
T e n d u l k a r C o m m i t t e e , which is used by govt to formulate and implement its schemes This is lower than
t h e W o r l d B a n k ’ s $ 2 1 5 international poverty line using the 2017 purchasing power parity
A paper by economists
l e d b y S o n a l d e D e s a i o f
t h i n k t a n k N C A E R , e s t im a t e d a s h a r p e r f a l l i n headcount poverty ratios in rural areas - from 24 8% in
2 0 1 1 - 1 2 t o 8 6 % n o w I n u r b a n a r e a s i t d e c r e a s e d from 13 4% to 8 4%
The estimates are high-
er than SBI Research, which u s e d t h e N S S O ’ s H o u s e h o l d C o n s u m p t i o n Expenditure Survey to estimate rural poverty at 7 2% a n d u r b a n a t 4 6 % I n March, former RBI govern o r C R a n g a r a j a n a n d economist S Mahendra Dev h a v e e s t i m a t e d I n d i a ’ s p o v e r t y r a t e t o h a v e declined to 10 8% in 2022-
2 3 , c o m p a r e d t o 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 , based on HCES Niti Aayog CEO B V R Subhramanyam had recently indicated that the poverty level could be less than 5% based on preliminary estimates on the h o u s e h o l d c o n s u m p t i o n expenditure data released by the statistics office Desai’s paper estimated that there was a significant i n c r e a s e i n f o o d s u b s i d y through the public distribution system and other benef i t s t h r o u g h m u l t i p l e schemes run by the Centre as well as the states It, however, suggested that the approach to social protection must pay greater attention to circumstances
of life, such as illness, marriage and natural disasters, w h i c h p u s h p e o p l e i n t o poverty rather than circumstances of birth associated w i t h s o c i a l i d e n t i t y o r region of birth
U s i n g I H D S d a t a f o r 2 0 1 1 - 1 2 a n d 2 0 2 2 - 2 4 , t h e paper estimated that out of 8 5% poor, 3 2% were poor by birth, while 5 3% became poor due to “accident of life” “Historically, India’s a p p r o a c h t o s o c i a l s a f e t y nets has involved identifying the poor and providing them with priority access to
v a r i o u s s o c i a l p r o t e c t i o n p r o g r a m m e s t h a t i n c l u d e both in-kind and cash assistance - however, the nature
o f p o v e r t y c h a n g e s w i t h economic growth,” says the p a p e r p r e s e n t e d a t I n d i a Policy Forum, adding that identifying the poor is often a challenge
The paper said econom-
i c g r o w t h a n d p o v e r t y d e c l i n e c r e a t e a d y n a m i c climate that requires nimble social protection programmes
I t was a rare oc casion when Lo k Sabha Speaker Om Birla named and reprimanded the newly appointed leader of oppositio n in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, accusing him of inciting o pposition members to troo p to the well of the Ho us e to pro test whi le PM Narendra Modi was delivering his reply to the vo te of thanks to the President’s address to the joint sitting of Parliament
“It is unbecoming of you as leader of the opposition I have seen you asking members to troop to the well Such behaviour is unwarranted on your part,” Birla said Opposition MPs, mostly from Congress, started protesting from both sides of the well and continued heckling the PM during his entire over two-hour speech As soon as the PM rose to speak, opposition members, amid relentless sloganeering, urged the Speaker to allow an MP from Manipur to speak As Birla said one of them had already been given an opportunity to speak, Congress MP Gaurav
Ma nip ur
nd pr ov ide support t o people impacte d by ethnic violence This was his third visit to the state in the past one ye ar “In this huge tragedy, I request PM Narendra Modi to take one-two days off and come and listen to the people It will comfort the people of Manipur,” Rahul said in Imphal He began his journey from Assam’s Cachar, where he interacted with displaced people from Manipur taking shelter at a relief camp at Fulertal He then proceeded
border, to visit another relief camp
and Moirang Thereafter,
Gogoi along with two Manipur MPs rushed to the well Later, several Congress MPs entered the well, while TMC members were standing in the aisles voicing their support
Breaching the well and protesting from the side of the treasury was seen as a serious
norms, as the MPs were sloganeering just in front of the PM
It was also a rare occasion as the entire treasury remained silent and did not confront the protesting MPs even for once
PM Modi, before the session started, asked the NDA members to be respectful of parliamentary norms and their behaviour should not disappoint the people and their electorate in particular
Although the PM completed his reply with full throttle, he urged the Speaker that h e s h
behaviour lightly and also look at how the House will run in the next five years
I ndi a's fo rei gn m i ni st er S
Jaishankar in a m eeting with h i s c ou nte rp art Wan g Y i called for redoubling military and diplomatic efforts to achieve complete disengagement in th e remaining areas of eastern Ladakh, as India and China agreed that prolongation of the current situation in the border areas i s no t in th e in teres t of either side
J a i s h a n k a r t o l d W a n g
t h a t r e s p e c t i n g L A C a n d restoring border peace and tranquility is essential for removing obstacles to norm a l i s i n g t h e S i n o - I n d i a n bilateral relationship, which PM Narendra Modi recently described as important for the entire region and the world
Jaishankar met Wang on t h e m a r g i n s o f t h e S C O summit in Astana In line with China’s position that progress in bilateral ties is not stymied by the border issue, Wang sought “positive t h i n k i n g ” i n t h e f o r m o f efforts on the one hand to manage the situation in the
b o r d e r a r e a s a n d , o n t h e
other, to “actively resume ” n o r m a l e x c h a n g e s o n t h e other This never sat well w i t h I n d i a ’ s p o s i t i o n t h a t there can’t be normalcy till the time disengagement is fully completed in eastern Ladakh
I n d i a a n d C h i n a h a v e achieved disengagement at four points in the western s e c t o r , s i n c e t h e o n g o i n g s t a n d o f f e r u p t e d i n M a y 2 0 2 0 , b u t t h e s a m e h a s
r e m a i n e d e l u s i v e i n
D e p s a n g a n d D e m c h o k areas even after 21 rounds of military and 15 rounds of diplomatic talks
D u r i n g t h e “ i n - d e p t h ” exchange of views for early resolution and rebuilding of
r r e a ffirmed the importance of fully abiding by relevant bilateral agreements, prot o c o l s a n d u n d
ings reached between the t
t India and China agreed to s
issues Another round of
expected soon, the Indian side said in its readout J a i s h a n k a
e r a t e d India’s position that mutual respect, mutual sensitivity a
guide bilateral ties Before Modi opted out, the SCO summit was seen as the first opportunity for both sides
between him and President Xi Jinping, who have not had a formal bilateral meeting since 2019 The leaders are expected to come face to face only in Oct at the Brics
a Jaishankar also told Wang t h
u p p o r t China’s upcoming presidency of SCO
A war of words erupted between Rajya Sabha chairperson Jag deep Dhankhar and leader of opposition Mallikarjun Kharge after the form er sarcas ti cally to ld C ong ress mem ber Jairam Ramesh to take the latter’s post of LoP
Kharge, who is a Dalit, said Dhankhar was bringing in the “Varna” (caste) system by calling Ramesh “intelligent and gifted”, and by implication labelling him “dull” An agitated Dhankhar then rapped Kharge for “twisting” h i s r e m a r k s T h e a c r i m o n i o u s e x c h a n g e began when Congress member and deputy LoP Pramod Tiwari was attacking the govt for “ b e t r a y a l ” o n m u l t i p l e f r o n t s d u r i n g t h e motion of thanks on the President’s address When Dhankhar told Tiwari not to make unverified claims, Ramesh interjected to say that they would be authenticated “The senior leadership (Kharge) is here I t h i n k y o u ( R a m e s h ) s h o u l d r e p l a c e (Kharge) You are so intelligent, so gifted, so talented, you should immediately come and
take the seat in place of Kharge because, by and large, you are doing his job,” the chairperson said
Kharge promptly retorted: “Don’t bring in the Varna system It is still in your mind that is why you are saying Ramesh is very intelligent and that I am dull so that I should be replaced ” Accusing Kharge of “twisting” his statement, Dhankhar said he did not mean anything like that “You cannot run down the Chair all the time Never in the history of Parliamentary democracy and Rajya Sabha proceedings, has there been such disregard of the Chair I have a lot of patience and tolerate so much,” Dhankhar said
Adding that Ramesh was always passing some comment or the other, the Chairperson said, “There is a problem which you have to solve ” Pointing to Congress leader Sonia Gandhi sitting next to him, Kharge said it was she and the people who had made him LoP, “not Jairam Ramesh or you ”
Enforcement D irectorate moved S upre m e C ourt c ha ll en gi n g
J harkhand Hi gh Court’s decision to grant bail to Hemant Soren, whic h paved the way for his return as chief minister, on the ground t ha t the H C f ail ed to cons id er d i re c t ev i de nc e a ga i ns t hi m relating to land grab and money laundering
The HC had granted bail to Soren on June 28 saying prima
n o direct evidence to link him to the land scam and that there was no
similar offences in future
In its special leave petition, ED
said the HC erred by glossing over
measuring over
acres and drew
the apex court’s attention to the alleged recovery of Rs 36,00,000 f r o m h
i Niketan, New Delhi, during a raid
Soren was arrested on Jan 31 by ED hours after he resigned as CM H
i Morcha's senior leader Champai Soren succeeded him as CM, only to resign on grant of bail to Soren to pave the way for the latter to become CM again
On May 22, SC had refused to entertain Soren’s plea challenging the validity of his arrest by ED in the land scam case He had argued that land grab was not a predicate office under Prevention of Money
Hundreds of mostly exiled Tibetans gathered in India’s hillside town of Dharamshala to celebrate the birthday of the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lam a, who turned 89 on Saturday
The Dalai Lama has made the hillside town his headquarters since fleeing Tibet after a failed uprising against Chinese rule in 1 9 5 9 R e p r e s e n t a t i
government-in-exile also reside there
T h e m
Tsuglagkhang temple inside the complex where the spiritual leader lives Tibetan and Buddhist flags adorned poles and railings
While a colorful three-tiered cake was cut inside the temple, schoolchildren sang: “Happy Birthday His Holiness ”
A r t i s t s f r o m t h e T i b e t a n I
Performing Arts, dressed in traditional attire, played the drums and some marched with bagpipes inside the complex, drawing cheers
and applause from the crowd Then, Indian and Tibetan flags were hoisted, as the band played the two national anthems
Tibetan and Indian officials sat on a slightly raised platform as photos of the Dalai Lama, some from his childhood, hung on pillars around them T h e D a l a i L a m a , h o w e v e r , w a s n ’ t present He is currently in the US where he h
, according to his secretary
Addressing the gathering on Saturday, Penpa Tsering, the president of the Tibetan government-in-exile, announced that several events commemorating the Dalai Lama’s achievements would be held throughout the year Last month, a group of US lawmakers met with the Dalai Lama at his Dharamshala residence, sparking anger from China which views the exiled leader of Tibetan Buddhism as a dangerous separatist
Continuation From page 1
E a r l i e r i n t h e d a y , M o d i
a d d r e s s e d t h e I n d i a n diaspora in Moscow At a jam packed event, the prime
m i n i s t e r c a l l e d R u s s i a a n ‘all-weather friend’ He also said that he will work three
t i m e s h a r d e r i n h i s t h i r d term as prime minister
On Monday, Modi was accorded a state of honour upon his touchdown at the Moscow airport Later, he
m e t P u t i n w h o h o s t e d a private dinner for him Putin
e x p r e s s e d g r a t i t u d e f o r hosting PM Modi and said,
Y o u a r e w e l c o m e h e r e , friend I'm really happy to
s e e y o u " P u t i n t o o k P M Modi on a ride in his electric
c a r a r o u n d h i s r e s i d e n c e , N o v o - O g a r y o v o T h e
R u s s i a n E m b a s s y i n I n d i a shared a video of the two leaders enjoying the drive, w h i c h f o l l o w e d a conversation between them
R u s s i a h a s b r o a d l y heeded to India's call to end the recruitment of Indians
a s s u p p o r t s t a f f t o t h e
Russian military and ensure
t h e r e t u r n o f t h o s e s t i l l operating in the force, top sources said PM Modi and Putin have met 16 times over the past 10
y e a r s T h e l a s t i n - p e r s o n
w o leaders took place on the
( S C O ) S u m m i t i n Uzbekistan's Samarkand in 2022
P M M o d i h a d e a r l i e r s a i d t h a t h e i s l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o r e v i e w i n g a l l a s p e c t s o f b i l a t e r a l c o o p e r a t i o n w i t h “ f r i e n d Vladimir Putin ” He further said that both the leaders w i l l “ s e e k t o p l a y a s u p p o r t i v e r o l e f o r a peaceful and stable region ”
This is Modi’s first visit to R u s s i a s i n c e M o s c o w invaded Ukraine in February 2022 Modi’s visit to Russia comes as leaders of the 32 n a t i o n s i n t h e N o r t h A t l a n t i c T r e a t y O r g a n i s a t i o n ( N A T O ) gather in Washington DC from July 9-11 to celebrate 75
y e a r s o f t h e a n t i - R u s s i a military alliance
I n d i a a n d R u s s i a h a v e a g r e e d t o s i g n i f i c a n t l y enhance their bilateral trade to over USD 100 billion by 2 0 3 0 t h r o u g h v a
boosting investments, using national currencies for trade settlements, and expanding cooperation across multiple s
and digital economy
B o t h n a t i o n s a i m t o e l i m i n a t e n o n - t a r i f
possibility of
Laundering Act and that the land alleged to have been forcibly taken by him was never in his name Soren wi ns trust M e
through the first trust vote of his third term in the assembly with 45 votes out of 74, including those of the two renegade JMM legislators f a c
having contested the Lok Sabha
during the vote, saying Hemant’s return was the start of another phase of dynastic governance
opposition behaved during trust
conducting the vote smoothly,” said the CM For the first time in close to a decade, the new govt will
Ram (Latehar) and Congress MLAs
routes The agreement also emphasizes cooperation in nuclear energy, healthcare,
aiming to strengthen their strategic partnership
P M M o d i a f t e r concluding his two-day state visit to Russia, has departed for Austria following what
successful trip
Upon arrival in Vienna,
marks the first by
Indian prime minister in the past
Gandhi's visit to the Central European nation in 1983
Prime Minister Modi was
conferred the 'Order of St Andrew the Apostle' award
bilateral ties between the two
I dedicate it to the people of India, Modi said in a post on X after receiving the award at a ceremony Established in 1698 by Tsar Peter the Great in honour of Saint Andrew, the first apostle of Jesus and patron saint of Russia, the O
Apostle is the highest
decoration of Russia
For the first time a record 20 b enc hes wer e s e t u p i n Supreme Court during the ne ar ly t wo -m o nth l o ng b rea k thi s ye ar an d exhausted the list of cases to b e ta ke n u p du r i ng t his perio d with the consent o f counsel for parties F o r t h o s e u n a w a r e o f t h e p u n i s h i n g w o r k schedule of SC judges, often c r i t i c i s e d f o r t h e
Chandrachud said, “People see us sitting in Supreme Court from 10 30 am to 4 pm daily, when we handle between 40-60 cases The work we do between 10 30 am and 4 pm is a fraction of the work we do in order to be ready to deal with the cases coming up the next day ” “Every judge spends an e q u a l a m o u n t o f t i m e
Champai Soren, who resigned on July
to make way for Hemant,
resources and higher education department
reading case files scheduled for the next day Judgments
a r e r e s e r v e d o n w o r k i n g days On Saturdays, every j u d g e d i c t a t e s j u d g m e n t s
On Sundays, all of us read the cases listed for Monday So, without exception, every SC judge works seven days a week,” he said
I n t e r e s t i n g l y , d e s p i t e h a n d l i n g a l o t o f a d m i n i s t r a t i v e w o r k a n d a t t e n d i n g c o n f e r e n c e s i n India and abroad, the CJI h a s b e e n w o r k i n g o n j u d g m e n t s r e s e r v e d i n 1 8 cases, which have a total of 176 connected petitions, by benches headed by him
Monday after the summer break, the CJI-led benches in the next few weeks would be p r o n o u n c i n g j u d g m e n t s , including three by 9-judge b e n
benches, and two by 5-judge benches These constitution
dispute whether
categorised as intoxicating liquor and whether privately
The disposal during the summer vacation saw a near three-fold increase to 1,170 as compared to data from 2017
“Other SC judges have reserved judgments in 190 c a s e s w i t h 7 8 6 c o n n e c t e d petitions and they are also working round-the-clock on t h e s e j u d g m e n t s s o t h a t d e c i s i o n s c a n b e p r o n o u n c e d w i t h i n a f e w w e e k s o f t h e c o u r t reopening,” the SC registry s a i d A s t h e S C r e s u m e s n o r m a l f
TMC leader Moitra booked for ‘derogatory’ post on NCW
Delhi Police has registered an FIR against TMC Lok Sabha MP Mahua Moitra for her "der oga tor y " so c ia l m edi a rem ark on Nat io nal Com m i ss i on fo r Wo m en ch i ef Rekha Sharma, officials said Moitra was booked under Section 79 of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) that deals with a word, gesture or act intended to insult modesty of a woman This was the first FIR r e g i s t e r e d u n d e r t h e B N S b y t h e D e l h i Police's Special Cell since it came into force on July 1 The Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader commented on a video posted on X
that showed Sharma arriving at the site of a stampede in Uttar Pradesh's Hathras on July 4 M
h referred to a man holding an umbrella and walking behind the NCW chief Reacting to the development, BJP national spokesperson S h e h z
stopping TMC chief Mamata Banerjee from sacking Moitra A senior officer said the FIR was registered on the basis of a complaint to t h e p o
N C W Moitra's now-deleted comment drew a sharp response from the BJP
A pro to ty pe of l i ght t ank ‘Z o ra war ’ , developed jointly by Defence Research and D eve lo pme nt O rga ni sa ti o n ( D RD O) and Larsen and Toubro (L&T), is undergoing first round of trials at a test bed at Hazirka, G uj a rat , to c he ck per fo r manc e o n a ll parameters before its possible induction into the Indian Army by 2027
The Zorawar project, developed for the Indian Army to enhance its all geography capabilities, was reviewed by DRDO chief Dr Samir V Kamat at L&T’s facility in Hazira, which also has a test bed After that, the Army and the DRDO will take the 25-tonne Zorawar in the desert for the next round of live trials, said defence sources
Finally, the light tank would move to the high altitude locations of Ladakh to test its capabilities in extreme cold conditions, in
water bodies, and tough terrain as well
The need for a light tank, that is swift, agile and has better fire power, was felt for the first time during the Galwan face off with China in eastern Ladakh in May 2020
The Chinese light tanks could move through steep climb along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) much more easily than the Indian Army’s heavy-weight T-72 and T-90 tanks of Russian origin
After inspecting the progress, Dr Kamat said, the tank is expected to be inducted into the Indian Army by 2027 after completing all trials Overall, there is requirement of 354 light tanks in the Indian Army
The Zorawar is likely to be fitted with M T U
Parth Pandya
“If I can transform the worst-affected B e e d d i s t r i c t o f M a h a r a s h t r a , I c a n transform India by using this proof of c o n c e p t , ” r e m a r k e d M a y a n k G a n d h i , who is currently working with farmers in Maharashtra’s worst affected district.
Mayank was a prominent figure from Anna Hazare’s India Against Corruption Movement and served on the national executive of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) before leaving in 2015, criticising it as the ‘Kejriwal Party ’ He then founded the Global Vikas Trust, working to improve the lives of farmers in Marathwada, particularly in Beed, a district severely affected by farmer suicides and droughts Gandhi’s organisation is active in 4,200 villages, aiming to boost farmers’ incomes and address local issues and climate change
He recently spoke at the Hindu Economic Meet organised by the Hindu Economic Forum at Anoopam Mission Denham, where he gave an exclusive interview to Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar
Beed district’s farmers are among the worst affected in India Working with them, what is your rural transformation
m i s s i o n , a n d w h a t a r e i t s m a i n objectives?
The idea was never just about Beed; it was always about India, with Beed serving as the proof of concept While working on education, healthcare, and various other sectors can maintain the country's status quo, true transformation can only be achieved through sustainable agriculture on a large scale We chose the region with the highest rate of farmer suicides, severe drought conditions, and very low farmer incomes I believe that if we could bring about change here, this proof of concept could be scaled up across the country
How did you begin your work in this s c e n a
provide to the farmers?
Initially, we initiated a people s movement against alcoholism The locally produced liquor, made using traditional methods, has toxic effects that have led to fatalities Following this, we launched a campaign against dowry practices because farmers often mortgage their fields to moneylenders for their daughters' dowries If there is insufficient rainfall or crop failure, they are unable to repay the interest, leading to farmer suicides Subsequently, we started a movement to develop water resources We worked within a 70-kilometer area to deepen and widen the Papanashi River Additionally, we constructed 164 farm weirs and 62 check dams As a result, we have stored 2 22 billion liters of water We then advised farmers to change their cropping practices, replacing cotton and soya with fruit cultivation To date, we have planted over 50 million plants and these changes have led the farmers incomes to increase To further the benefits, we are establishing a World Class Farmers Training Center in Beed district
reasons behind these suicides At its core lies poverty, but I believe it's also a social issue Farmers mortgage their land for their daughters' dowries Compounded by recurring droughts and crop failure, they find themselves unable to repay, leading to relentless pressure from moneylenders Moreover, the government's financial aid of Rs 150,000 to Rs 300,000 to the families of deceased farmers can inadvertently drive others to take the same tragic path
The decision to end one's life does not happen suddenly; it brews over days in a farmer s mind Social circumstances a n d c a s t e d y
m i c s s o m
s exacerbate these challenges In your career as an international urban planner, your involvement in the Anna Hazare movement, founding the Aam Aadmi Party, and your current role as a social activist, how do you perceive these transitions, and what are the underlying reasons?
The fight between Duryodhana and Bhima endured for 15 days and would have persisted had Krishna not revealed the crucial spot to Bhima for Urubhang Similarly, I find myself in a continuous search for that pivotal point Initially, I
through policy reform Subsequently, I championed the Right to Information Act Feeling the need to exert pressure
initiated the India Against Corruption Movement T
politics, culminating in the founding of
subsequent changes within the party,
Ultimately, I concluded that rather than
You've left the Aam Aadmi Party and authored a book about it How do you c
Party amid the allegations against its leaders by the ED? I
support, the party could have achieved much more Instead, it has become just another political entity, succumbing to
taken their own lives in Maharashtra. Why has this issue not been resolved yet? Where do the government, system, and society falter?
Upon visiting the region, I came to understand that we have not grasped the
Initially envisioned to revolutionise the country's politics, the party fell prey to the toxic nature of power, now taking s
consequences of these choices
An American police officer in South Carolina was demoted for spying on his wife, whom he believed was having an extramarital affair, using public surveillance cameras located in the city Prior to discovering the alleged affair in a Target parking lot, Ryan Terrell, a former lieutenant in the North Charleston Police Department, misused his authority to locate his wife at least three times, according to a notice of disciplinary action from the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy On April 11, Terrell allegedly threatened to hurt a sergeant who was suspected of having romantic involvement with his wife This incident exposed Terrell's covert behaviour According to WCSC, Terrell caught his wife in a romantic relationship with the sergeant earlier in the day while at work Terrell s wife and the sergeant both stated they were safe and didn't feel threatened, and the Chief of Police directed the Office of Professional Standards to conduct an interview
In a bizarre case of burglary in China, a thief robbed an office in Shanghai and then left a note asking the owner to improve their anti-theft system According to the South China Morning Post (SCMP), the incident took place on May 17 The thief managed to enter a company premises and steal a watch and laptop, but before departing he left a note for the employer, suggesting an upgrade to the security measures in place, Shanghai police said According to the cops, the man, identified by his surname Sang, scaled the building's outer wall before gaining entry He managed to steal a watch and an Apple MacBook from the office When inside the house, the burglar gathered mobile phones and laptops, piled them onto a desk, wrote inside a notebook, left it open and stuffed it under the pile of digital devices, the police said "Dear boss, I took a wristwatch and a laptop You should improve your anti-theft system I did not take all the phones and laptops, fearing it might hurt your business," the man wrote in the note
Savitri Thakur, minister of state for women and child development in central government, cut an embarrassing picture as she couldn’t write four words in Hindi correctly at a govt school event in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh The school authorities invited her to be the first person to write “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao” on a board to inspire children and staff, but she scrawled something that looked like “Bedhi Padao Bachchav" In her Lok Sabha election affidavit, the 46-year-old had written that she passed her “higher secondary, Urdu Education Board” in 2018 Twice MP from Dhar constituency, Thakur was was chief guest at a “School Chale Hum” event in Dhar town, 60 km from Indore As cameras rolled, Thakur managed just three of the four words, that too with mistakes in letters and “matra”
A British farmer was reunited with his Rolex watch 50 years after it was believed to have become a meal for a hungry cow James Steele, 95, said he bought the Rolex shortly after his 21st birthday in 1950, but he lost it about 20 years later while working on his Shropshire, England, farm Steele said he searched the fields for the watch, but his only lead was a nearby cow "The cow could have eaten it with a mouthful of grass," Steele said The watch has now resurfaced 50 years later, after Steele's son gave treasure hunter Liam King permission to use his metal detector to search for old coins on the property It was unclear whether the watch, which now has a green tint to its face, had indeed passed through a bovine's digestive tract "I was quite pleased because I never thought I would see the watch again," Steele said "But I have got it now I only have half the bracelet - the other half must have disintegrated " He said the watch is not in working order, but it did avoid rusting over the years
An 81-year-old Boston woman who drives trains for the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority was named the world's oldest train operator by Guinness Book of World Records Helen Antenucci, who started working for the MBTA at the age of 53 in 1995, has been driving Blue Line trains for nearly three decades I had five daughters, she told Guinness World Records "It was a way to get me out of the house and get some peace and quiet " She was named the world's oldest train operator after a co-worker applied to Guinness World Records on her behalf Antenucci didn't know about the application until the record was made official Antenucci, who is approaching her 82nd birthday, said she has no plans to retire
Low back pain affects over 619 million people globally, with pr o j ec ti o ns to re ac h 843 million by 2050
Nearly 70% of those who recover experience r ec u rre nc e wi thi n a ye ar, requiring ongoing treatment
A randomised trial fo und that regu lar walki ng do ubl es the pain-free period co mpared to no n- walkers, highlighting its u n i ver sa l ac c es si b i li ty a nd effectiveness in managing low back pain
Walking for at least 30 minutes
Published in The Lancet journal, a study followed 701 Australian adults in their 50s recovering from severe low back pain Participants were assigned to a control group or an intervention involving personalised walking and education Over six months, the intervention group increased walking to 30 minutes, five times a week, with jogging allowed Pedometers and accelerometers monitored progress, and physiotherapist-led education sessions focused on self-management This approach aimed to reduce recurrence and improve back pain prevention costeffectively
What walking do es for the body
Walking benefits lower back pain by reducing prolonged sitting, improving circulation to muscles and joints, boosting metabolism and maintaining weight, strengthening core muscles, enhancing muscle endurance and bone density, and releasing endorphins for pain relief and stress reduction
Proper footwear, pace variation, and distance are key for injury prevention Alternating with activities like cycling or swimming, and including back exercises and stretches, can aid persistent back pain
Yoga, known for flexibility and relaxation, is effective for wei ght l o ss , es pec i al ly t arge ti ng s tu b bo r n be lly fa t
Integrating postures, breathing techniqu es, and mindfulness offers a holistic appro ach to shedding pou nds and toning the midsection Combine with a balanced diet and co nsult a healthcare professional before starting
Boat pose (Naukasana): The boat pose strengthens core muscles by engaging abdominals and burning midsection fat Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet flat Lean back, keeping spine straight, and lift feet off the ground, balancing on sit bones Extend arms forward, hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute, focusing on your breath
Plank Pose (Santolanasana): The plank pose engages core muscles fully Start in a push-up position with hands under shoulders Keep body straight from head to heels, engage core by pulling navel to spine, and hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute with steady breathing Regular practice improves core strength, posture, and metabolism
Warrior III Pose (Virabhadrasana III): It engages core, legs, and back Stand on one leg, hinge forward at hips, extend the other leg behind parallel to ground, and reach arms forward Hold for 30 seconds, switch sides Improves core strength, balance, and concentration
Twisted Chair Pose (Parivrtta Utkatasana) : Stand with feet hip-width apart, bend knees into a squat Palms together at chest, twist torso right, hook left elbow outside right knee Hold 30 seconds, switch sides Engages obliques, aids digestion, and enhances spinal flexibility
Adhering to a healthy diet in your forties may be crucial in preventing dementia in later years , acc ord ing to rec ent research
Eating habits during middle age have a more significant impact on memory decline prevention than previously believed
A new study involving 3,000 British adults revealed that the quality of one s diet at the age of 43 can predict the risk of developing dementia in the future
Individuals with diets rich in leafy vegetables and whole grains had sharper brains at 69, according to
memory tests Presented at the American Society for Nutrition conference, the study analysed data from 3,059 UK adults born in 1946, tracked for over 75 years
Participants maintained food diaries at various ages,
providing snapshots of their diets, which were rated as "low," "moderate," or "high" quality based on factors like vegetable intake and consumption of sugary foods
They also regularly
completed cognitive tests measuring brain function and memory Participants were divided into four groups based on their cognitive sharpness and memory performance until the age of 69, revealing a strong correlation with diet quality
Of the group with the worst performance in memory tests, 59 per cent had low- quality diets, whereas 7 per cent had highquality diets Of the group with the best memories, 36 per cent had a high-quality diet and 8 per cent had a low- quality diet
Researchers have suggested that body mass index (BMI) may ha ve a ge ne ti c expl an ati o n, a ft er discovering a 77 % chance of children develo ping obesity at age 17 if their pare nts were obese at the same age
A team, including researchers from Tel Aviv University, analysed data from over 1 3 million individuals recorded between 1986 and 2018 during pre-military service screenings in Israel
BMIs of children aged 17 were compared with those of both their parents when they were the same age Data was available for 24 per cent of over 4 45 lakh trios included in the analysis
“Among trios in which both parents had a healthy BMI, the prevalence of (being) overweight or obesity in the offspring was 15 4 per cent, this proportion increased to 76 6 per cent when both parents had obesity,” the authors wrote
in the study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Network Open
The researchers also found a correlation between the average BMI of parents and that of their child, estimating BMI to be 39% heritable Specifically, the correlation between fatherson BMI was 0 273, suggesting a son ’ s BMI could be influenced by his father’s by up to 27%
Additionally, the study
revealed a stronger correlation between the BMIs of mothers and daughters compared to mothers and sons Previous findings indicated that mothers with obesity have a higher likelihood of passing the condition to their daughters than fathers do
The results highlight gender-specific influences on the heritability of BMI, along with genetic and environmental factors, according to the authors
A new " ultra-sensitiv e" blood test sh ow s p rom i se in pred i cti ng breas t cancer recurrence before it appears on mam mo g rams T he Institute of Cancer R esearch (ICR) in London conducted a trial on 78 patients with early breast cancer, demonstrating that th is test can d etect recur rence and p redi ct di seas e relap se years in advance, potentially before it becomes untreatable
Dr Nanda Rajaneesh, Visiting Consultant in Breast Onco Surgery and Bariatric Surgery at Sakra World Hospital in Bengaluru, stated that while circulating tumour cells and tumour DNA can be microscopically detected in
Sta mi n a
Almonds are loaded with antioxidants
Almonds are an excellent source of antioxidants, which play a crucial role in protecting against oxidative stress. This type of stress can damage molecules within your cells, leading to inflammation, ageing, and diseases such as cancer
blood, they are mostly found in advanced breast cancers Detecting these cells in early-stage breast cancer poses significant challenges
According to research, a specific blood test uses advanced technologies to detect tumour cells in the bloodstream Dr Tirathram Kaushik, Consultant
Oncosurgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals Mira Road, highlighted that early detection of these cells can significantly aid in prompt diagnosis, improving treatment outcomes and life expectancy
While traditional methods like mammograms and biopsies are useful, they may miss early-stage cancer
The ultra-sensitive blood test offers promise in monitoring and detecting breast cancer growth, though further research is needed to validate its effectiveness Potential benefits and risks should be discussed with healthcare
providers for informed decision-making
The "ultra-sensitive" liquid biopsy uses whole genome sequencing to detect genetic faults in a patient s DNA, potentially indicating cancer and detecting tumour DNA traces early, before relapse becomes difficult to treat Lead researcher Dr Isaac Garcia-Murillas explained that even after treatment, breast cancer cells may remain in the body in small numbers undetectable by scans, leading to potential relapse years later Ultrasensitive blood tests offer a promising method for longterm monitoring of highrisk patients
s n' t j us t a bo ut phy s i c al en dur an c e i t' s the en e rgy th at empowers us to tackle daily tasks with en thu si a s m a n d v ig our B ui ld i ng stamina takes time, but incorporati ng strategi c habits into our daily routine can make a noticeable difference Here ar e s om e da i ly ha bi t s to en ha nc e stamina and energy levels
Engage in active hobbies
Incorporating active hobbies like gardening, dancing, or playing musical instruments such as drums can fun and effectively boost stamina
Research from Frontiers in Psychology shows these activities not only enhance physical endurance but also improve mental well-being
Revitalis e with cold showers Cold showers improve circulation,
boost alertness, and enhance energy levels, according to research in the North American Journal of Medical Sciences They increase blood flow, reduce muscle fatigue, and provide a quick energy boost to start the day feeling invigorated Practise progress ive muscle relaxation
Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) involves tensing and then slowly relaxing various muscle groups in the body Supported by studies in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, this technique reduces stress and enhances physical endurance by facilitating faster recovery PMR is beneficial for athletes aiming to improve stamina and performance through accelerated recovery times
Explore stress-relieving herbs
Including adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, and Ginseng in our diet naturally enhances stamina by helping the body combat stress Research in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology shows these herbs increase physical endurance and reduce fatigue, making them beneficial for daily use
Adopt time- restricted eating
Time-restricted eating, a type of intermittent fasting, boosts stamina by enhancing metabolic efficiency and energy levels Research in Cell Metabolism indicates it improves energy utilisation, reducing fatigue and enhancing endurance This method involves consuming all meals within a set window, like 8 hours, optimising energy and endurance
Alia Bhatt and Sharvari are slated to portray superagents in Yash Raj Films’ upcoming Spy Universe film titled Alpha, announced by the makers Directed by Shiv Rawail, known for YRF's Netflix series The Railway Men, Alpha marks the first female-led instalment in the YRF Spy Universe T
cinematic universe that includes blockbuster titles like Pathaan and franchises such as Tiger and War
Reports indicated that Alia and Sharvari w
produced by YRF’s Aditya Chopra In the title reveal video, Alia can be heard
Fawad Khan to make Bollywood comeback with rom-com after nearly 8 years
Pakistani actor Fawad Khan is set to make his return to Indian cinema with a romantic comedy co-starring Vaani Kapoor. The project will be directed by Aarti Bagdi and will be filmed entirely in the UK.
"Fawad Khan has a massive international pull g
worldwide He has also been a part of the Marvel cinematic universe Details of this project are being kept under wraps and everyone is tight-lipped about it The producers will announce this project just before it starts its filming schedule in the UK," a trade source was quoted as saying
The romantic comedy will revolve around two broken individuals who come together by a stroke of luck, help each other heal, and ultimately fall in love This yet-to-be-titled film marks Eastwood Studios' first international collaboration
Fans in India are thrilled about Fawad Khan's return, as his last Hindi-language film was eight years ago He has previously starred in Indian films such as Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, Kapoor & Sons, and Khoobsurat
saying, “Greek alphabet ka sabse pehla akshar Aur h
motto sabse pehle, sabse tezz, sabse veer Dhyaan se dekho toh har sheher mein ek jungle hai Aur jungle mein hamesha Raj karega ALPHA!”
“It’s the time of the #ALPHA girls,” Alia wrote on Instagram
YRF has announced the start of filming for Alpha in a 51-second clip on its X page The Spy Universe began with Ek Tha Tiger in 2012, followed by sequels Tiger Zinda Hai (2017) and Tiger 3 (2023) War (2019) and Pathaan (2023) expanded the universe Alia was last seen in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, while Sharvari starred in Munjya
Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions, founded by his father Yash Johar in 1979, made a strong debut with the hit film Dostana (1980), starring Amitabh Bachchan, Shatrughan Sinha, and Zeenat Aman. Despite early success, subsequent films faced challenges Karan recently reflected on his relationship with wealth and how Dharma’s setbacks impacted him
“Right after Dostana, Papa saw a series of about
which he wanted me to
would give us money and we would pay them back with interest When one
m y mum (Hiroo Johar) sold my nani’s flat, and when another faced the same fate, she sold some of her jewellery My father had to sell a little property he had in Delhi These are the stories I have heard,” he said during a chat "We were not wealthy, but rather middle class to upper middle class We always had food, I attended a good school, and my dad had a decent car Travel abroad was out of reach Growing up in an affluent neighbourhood, I felt special to my father, who treated me generously If my pocket money was Rs 25, he'd give me Rs 50 I lived beyond my means thanks to him," Karan Johar shared
Veteran actor Smriti Biswas, known for her work in numerous Hindi, Marathi, and Bengali films, passed away at her residence in Nashik, Maharashtra, according to sources
S m r i t i , a g e d 1 0 0 , succumbed to age-related a i l m e n t s A c e l e b r a t e d actress of her time, she h
rented one-room-kitchen flat in the Nashik Road area T
shared several recent and
photos of the actor He wrote, “Go away in peace and to a happier place, dear Smritiji Thank you for blessing our lives RIP Smriti Biswas ” Smriti Biswas began her career as a child artist and appeared in films by renowned filmmakers such as Guru Dutt, V Shantaram, Mrinal Sen, Bimal Roy, B R Chopra, and Raj Kapoor
Anand, Kishore Kumar, and Balraj Sahni Smriti made her film debut with the Bengali movie “Sandhya” in 1930, and her final Hindi film was *Model Girl* in 1960 She r
Following her husband's death, she relocated to N
February 17, 2024 She is survived by her two sons, Rajeev and Satyajeet, according to sources
‘Truth be told, I did Indian 2 only because of Indian 3’
Ahead of Indian 2's theatrical release, Kamal Haasan stirs anticipation by declaring his preference for Indian 3 over its predecessor Currently on a nationwide promotion tour for Indian 2, he reveals he accepted the sequel solely due to his enthusiasm for Indian 3
"I accepted the second part solely for the third I'm a big fan of it Typically, people prefer the first or second halves of a film I'm all about Indian 3 I've been praising it and eagerly await its release in six months," Haasan revealed
Directed by Shankar, ‘Indian 2 ’ features a star-studded cast including Siddharth, SJ Suryah, Kajal Aggarwal, Rakul Preet Singh, Siddharth and others Anirudh Ravichander has composed music for both parts Shankar, speaking at the *Indian 2* audio launch, disclosed that he conceived a third part to fully realise the essence of his content, having wrapped up filming for both instalments
Indian 2 continues the story from Indian (1996), a vigilante action drama where Kamal Haasan portrays both father and son Senapathy, a former freedom fighter, pursues corrupt officials to cleanse society of corruption Even when his own son is exposed as corrupt, Senapathy holds him accountable without hesitation
Samantha Ruth Prabhu's recent post on hydrogen peroxide nebulization sparked controversy with Dr Cyriac Abby Philips, known as The Liver Doc, leading to a virtual clash of opinions Following Samantha's post, The Liver Doc criticised her sharply, labelling her as "health and science illiterate " Samantha responded with a detailed clarification, referring to The Liver Doc as "a certain gentleman," and clarified, "I am not naïve enough to strongly advocate a treatment "
Samantha Ruth Prabhu responded to criticism by clarifying she suggested hydrogen peroxide nebulization based on personal experience and advice from a qualified MD with DRDO experience In reply, The Liver Doc accused her of promoting pseudoscientific therapies and playing the victim, criticising her track record of spreading healthcare misinformation He emphasised the challenge of combating such misinformation propagated by influential celebrities
The Liver Doc criticised celebrity influencers for promoting unscientific healthcare practices while playing the victim of scientific criticism He urged them to embrace critical thinking, reject debunked therapies, and support medical science for positive impact
Vijayakanth, a revered figure in Tamil cinema, passed away last December, leaving a significant void Filmmakers have since attempted to revive the actor using AI in their movies, prompting his wife, Premalatha Vijayakanth, to demand that they seek family permission beforehand She emphasised that no one has done so thus far
Premalatha Vijayakanth had previously confirmed Vijayakanth's AI-assisted cameo in Vijay's 'GOAT' and praised the bond between the actors She mentioned Vijayakanth's brief appearance, citing her inability to refuse Vijay and his team's request However, her recent statement indicates a change in permission stance, causing confusion among fans
Director-cinematographer Vijay Milton recently revealed Vijayakanth's role in his upcoming film 'Mazhai Pidikkatha Manithan' at the movie's audio launch, generating excitement among the audience It seems likely this is the film Premalatha Vijayakanth was referring to in her latest statement Fans are eager to see how she responds to this apparent refusal
Vijay Sethupathi on parenting: “I never project myself as a father figure”
Vijay Sethupathi, who has a daughter and a son, has always kept his personal life private In a recent interview, he opened up about his bond with his kids, sharing that he discusses his work and interesting scenes from shoots with them and seeks their input
The actor also shared how his experiences as a parent influenced his role in his latest release, Maharaja
When asked how his personal experiences as a parent influenced his role in *Maharaja*, the actor discussed his relationship with his children "I have a son and daughter I adore my daughter immensely I cherish it when she takes charge I affectionately call her 'amma' (mother) and my son 'appa' (father) I constantly engage with them, sharing interesting scenes from my shoots," he revealed
In fact, he feels a responsibility towards his choice of subject matter and takes their suggestions seriously "I never portray myself as a father figure Sometimes, I am the kid," he d itt d
Ambani and Radhika Merchant are gearing up to wed, with celebrations underway The family recently hosted a lavish mameru ceremony on July 3, attended by Mukesh Ambani, Nita Ambani, Akash Ambani with Shloka, and Isha Ambani with Anand Piramal The Ambani residence was adorned with vibrant flowers and golden lights, with a digital screen displaying caricatures of the couple, wishing them well Radhika looked stunning in an embroidered lehenga, complemented by traditional jhumkas, maang-teeka, and neckpiece The mameru ceremony, a Gujarati tradition, saw the bride receiving sweets and gifts from her maternal uncle (mama)
The highly anticipated wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant will take place on July 12 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai's BKC Among the Ambani family’s plans is a special chaat stall featuring delicacies from Kashi Chaat Bhandaar in Varanasi
As part of the wedding celebrations, Nita Ambani, founder of Reliance Foundation, visited Varanasi last month She sought blessings at the Kashi Vishwanath Temple and personally invited Rakesh Keshari, the owner of Kashi Chaat Bhandaar, after enjoying various chaats at his shop Sang eet ceremony
The sangeet ceremony of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant was held on July 5 just days ahead of their wedding After two glam pre-wedding festivities, 1 samuh vivah , the couple are finally set to tie the knot on July 12
The Sangeet ceremony also featured a performance by the entire Ambani family together on stage Additionally, Justin Bieber lit up the stage right from his evergreen to the latest superhits The event took place at Jio World Centre in Mumbai and was graced by the presence of Madhuri Dixit, Deepika Padukone, Khushi Kapoor, Ananya Panday, Salman Khan, MS Dhoni, Aditya Roy Kapur, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor, Hardik Pandya, and various other personalities
“Mirzapur fandom unmatched, critics' opinions not a concern”
in the second season
Reflecting on the series' popularity, Vijay Varma shared with PTI how the show's extensive fan base has brought immense love and recognition to its actors
He recalled his excitement at landing the dual roles and expressed gratitude for the show s widespread appeal, saying, It s unparalleled Mirzapur has reached audiences who may not have watched other shows, which is incredibly rewarding "
The 38-year-old actor reflected, "Then I saw the fandom erupt and I was like, 'Have we actually become this country that has fandom for shows? It's a one-of-its-kind series, I think Sacred Games and Mirzapur are the pioneers So, when I was asked to do the second season, I was more than glad "
When asked about his approach to scripts, Varma said he first checks if his character survives till the end He praised director Gurmeet Singh for maintaining continuity in the show's universe through consistent details like lighting, set design, props, and costumes "Wearing the same outfit and accessories helps me slip back into character easily The challenge lies in cracking the emotional arc for each season," he added
Singer and former One Direction member Zayn Malik showcased traditional Indian outfits by renowned designer Manish Malhotra for a magazine cover shoot.
In his first look, he wore a black sequined blazer paired with a black shirt and pants The jacket featured intricate silver sequin embellishments and notch lapel collars Completing his ensemble with statement rings and silver earrings, he effortlessly blended traditional and contemporary styles
For his second ensemble, Zayn Malik wore a green bandhgala velvet jacket adorned with floral threadwork, paired with a matching silk shirt and velvet pants Completing the look were a stylish watch, Christian Louboutin shoes, and earrings
In another striking outfit, he chose a navy blue sherwani with a structured silhouette, featuring statement shoulders and a kneelength hem The sherwani was highlighted by intricate handembroidered floral lace designs in white, adding a whimsical touch to the traditional attire
In his interview, Zayn opened up about his music, life away from the city, and the joys of fatherhood Reflecting on his daughter Khai with ex-Gigi Hadid, he expressed, “Being a father has been incredibly inspiring and fulfilling My daughter is my entire world and gives my life meaning ”
Jitendra Kumar reveals why he admires Shah Rukh Khan, Dilip Kumar and Irrfan Khan
Jitendra Kumar, known for his roles as Jeetu Bhaiya in the acclaimed web series Panchayat and Kota Factory, has gained widespread recognition for his relatable and sincere performances With the recent release of the third season of both shows, fans are eager to delve deeper into the actor's journey
In an interview, Jitendra Kumar shared insights into the actors who have influenced him and his future aspirations in the industry
Reflecting on his inspirations, Jitendra expressed his admiration for several legendary actors, saying, "There are many whose performances make acting feel enjoyable and worth pursuing "
He specifically highlighted Dilip Kumar, Irrfan Khan, and Shah Rukh Khan, noting how they've shown him the depth and breadth of acting possibilities on screen "They've made me realise that acting is both enjoyable and can be explored in profound ways There's so much that can be portrayed," he added
A do mi nan t s ho w o n t he f ie ld helped India level the three-match T20I series against So uth Africa 1-1 with a 10-wicket win in the final fixture in Chennai on Tuesday Course correction with the ball - better line and length, focussed plans, bowling to the field - helped the host bowl out South Africa for a paltry 84 after opting to field in
o v
c o u s crowd helped make the Chepauk Stadium a claustrophobic cauldron
f o r t h e w o m e n i n y e l l o w a n d green
Laura Wolvaardt and Tazmin
B r i t s b e g a n f l u e n t
y b u t w i t h caution, getting 17 runs off the first two overs Arundhati Reddy, who was smacked for 37 runs in the previous game, came in with some d i s c i p l i n e d s w i n g b o w l i n g , conceding just two runs in her first over Wolvaardt was the first to fall, miscuing a tossed up delivery to Arundhati at mid-off Marizanne Kapp began with two boundaries but fell to Pooja Vastrakar who gnawed at the Proteas lineup with
tighter lines and use of the wobble seam Radha Yadav’s miserly threerun over in the seventh helped unsettle Brits, who was dismissed by Deepti Sharma, with a brilliant l o w c a t c h a t m i d
Harmanpreet Kaur
Anneke Bosch and Chloe Tryon, with the former eventually trapped leg before by Pooja in the 11th over The pacer then ripped through Nadine de Klerk’s stumps to leave the Proteas reeling at 61/5
A n in e- yea r-o l d I ndi an o rig in gi rl fro m Harrow has made history by be c o mi ng the yo
pers o n selected to represent England in an international competitio n Bodhana Sivanandan has been named in the women ’ s team for September’s Chess Olympiad B o d
playing chess during the lockdown
The South African innings died a long-drawn painful death, the last five wickets falling for just 23 runs in 7 1 overs The anaemic target meant Kapp rolled her arm f
, conceding just three runs in the two overs she bowled
y , taking nearly 11 overs to seal the game With nearly 15,000 fans on their feet chanting for a six, Smriti promptly obeyed with a maximum over deep midwicket to bring up her 24th T20I fifty and the win
An ocean of jubilant fans poured o nto Mumbai’s Marine Drive to cheer the world champions when they retu rned home last week after being stranded in Barbados Rohit Sharma’s Men in Blue held the c oveted trophy in an open bu s convo y to Wankhede stadiu m as tens of thou sands danced, waved t he I ndi a f la g an d fl as hed s ma rtpho n e li ght s The b u s covered the five-minute distance in more than o ne-and-a-half hours as the players savoured the evening o f their lives
The crowd chanted ‘We Love
Y o u , T e a m I n d i a ’ , ‘ T e a m I n d i a Zindabad’ 'Mumbaicha Raja, Rohit Sharma’, and more, voicing the ecstasy of seeing the T20 World Cup return to India after 17 years
One would have thought the team would be tired after a long flight from Barbados to Delhi for a meeting with PM Narendra Modi and then to Mumbai but as Rohit said that “he wants to enjoy every minute, every second of it” and the rest of the pack followed
He enjoyed to the fullest as he led the team onto the field to a vociferous reception from those present in the stadium, who had waited patiently since 4pm He was the first one to break into a jig to a dhol tasha group giving their
all in the MCA Pavilion Virat Kohli then dragged him closer to them and then the entire team followed The Wankhede isn’t the biggest stadium in the country but the electric atmosphere it produces is
accuracy, Surya’s that catch and Pandya’s all-round performance PM Modi hosts champs
Modi rolled out the red carpet for Team India Despite the monsoon
deployment, fans turned out in huge numbers at the IGI airport to greet the champions
World Cup winning team at 7,
conversation on their experiences
Prime Minister said on his social media handles, sharing photos and videos while interacting with the champions T h e P r i m
i s t e r w a s flanked by Rohit and outgoing head coach Rahul Dravid in the group picture Several players later shared photos with the PM Pace spearhead Jasprit Bumrah shared a photograph of his wife and son w
Yadav also shared images of his interaction and looked emotional as he was hugged by Modi Pacer Arshdeep Singh and his parents were all smiles posing with Modi
F o r mer I ndi a n play er a nd Wo
d Cu p winner Gau tam Gambhir was named the n ew head co ach o f the I ndian Crick et Team, following the departure of Rahul Dravid
BCCI secretary Jay Shah announced
@GautamGambhir as the new Head Coach of the Indian Cricket Team Modern day cricket has evolved rapidly, and Gautam
h a
Having endured the grind and excelled in various roles throughout his career, I am confident that Gautam is the ideal person to steer Indian Cricket forward His clear vision for #TeamIndia, coupled with his vast experience, positions him perfectly to take on this
exciting and most sought-after coaching role The @BCCI fully supports him as he embarks on this new journey,” Shah wrote on his social media handle
Gambhir is known to be a serial winner and will bring his vast experience and grit as the new coach of the Indian team, which clinched the latest edition of the ICC T20 World Cup 2024 in the Caribbean as a farewell gift to outgoing coach Dravid Gambhir’s previous assignment was with IPL Champions Kolkata Knight Riders as the Delhi-born southpaw took over the duties of the mentor for the Kolkata-based side and took them to the silverware after a wait of over a decade for the Shah Rukh Khan-owned unit He will look to continue his golden run at the helm of the men in blue
medals in the rapid and blitz European Under-eight tournaments This year, she achieved the status of the world’s highest-ranked girl under 10 The Chess Olympiad is a prestigious tournament organised by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), featuring teams from around the world The first official event was held in 1927 in London It uses a Swisssystem format, with teams consisting of four main players and reserves, competing in open and women ’ s sections The tournament includes team and individual board prizes Hosted in different countries each time, it attracts top players from across the globe
Being selected for England in the tournament is a huge accolade but certainly not the first of Bodhana’s triumphs In 2022, she was described as “exceptional” and had become the world No 1 girl in blitz for her age group In May 2022, she won three gold medals at the European Schools age group championships in Rhodes At seven, she delivered an impressive performance at the British Chess Championship, defeating the current U12 champion In 2023, she beat former British chess champion Peter Lee in an exhibition match and won the women ’ s prize at the European Blitz chess championship with a score of 8 5/13
Bodhana’s interest in chess started at the age of five years and ten months when she became fascinated by the horse pieces (the Knights) on a chessboard gifted to her family by a friend Initially, she played most of h e r g a
transitioned to over-the-board rated games
Giving a big vote of confidence to Ro hit's captaincy, BCCI secretary Jay Shah said that the veteran Mumbai batsman, who recently retired from T20Is after leading Team India to the T20 Wo rld Cup title, will captain India in two majo r assignments next year - the Champions Trophy in Pakistan and then the Wo rld Test Championship, schedu led to be played at Lord’s in London in Ju ne
“I am confident that under the captaincy of Rohit Sharma, we will w i n t h e W T C f i n a l a n d C
congratulating the Indian team on winning the T20 World Cup in a video uploaded by on ‘X’
But will India, in the first place, go to Pakistan to play in the Champions Trophy? And will 2025 see Rohit, who will turn 38 in April next year, signing off from the game on a high? Or will he continue till the ODI World Cup in Oct-Nov 2027? Things are unclear at the moment on both counts
“It’s unlikely that Kohli and Rohit will go to Sri Lanka (for a threematch ODI series from August 2), but a decision will be made once the BCCI speaks to them,” a source said
In the T20 World Cup last month, the swash bucklin g opener was India’s highest run-getter, scoring 164 runs in eight matches@36 71, at a strike rate of 156 70, with three fifties “Rohit was in sensational touch in the T20 World Cup, despite the wickets not being the easiest to bat During the India versus Australia Super 8s match at Antigua, (Rohit smashed 92 off 41 balls), West Indies batting maestro Vivian Richards was left so enchanted watching Rohit bat that he said it was like soultouching music to him! As a captain, he is an honest guy, who is so down to earth,” a BCCI official who was with the team in the Caribbean during the T20 World Cup said Meanwhile, Shah dedicated the T20 World Cup final victory to Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli, outgoing head coach Rahul Dravid and Ravindra Jadeja