-------------------Ronan’s Law step towards safer streets P06
Gardening Special P16-17
-------------------US intelligence chief to visit India P25
-------------------India’s historic win in Champions Trophy P32
Jaishankar’s visit concludes with stronger UK-India ties
D u
Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar stated t h a
Occupied Kashmir would fully resolve the Kashmir issue Speaking at Chatham
H o u s e , h e o
s t e p s : revoking Article 370 in 2019, fostering economic growth and social justice, and
final step, he asserted, is reclaiming the illegally occupied region, which would complete the resolution of the Kashmir issue
Dr Jaishankar’s UK visit from 4 to 9 March 2025 coincided with the planned relaunch of India-UK FTA talks in New Delhi and ongoing US sanctions
Continued on page 15
Last week, Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak recently spoke about his identity and faith on ‘Political Thinking with Nick Robinson’, affirming, “Of course, I’m English I was born here and brought up here ” His journey has paved the way for British Asians, showing that they can aspire to any role in society Third and fourth generation British Asians, proud of their heritage, are integral to the nation’s fabric Continued on page 10
report next week
India celebrates, when Mauritius prospers, says PM Modi
Subhasini Naicker
Photo courtesy: Ar n Johr
Prime Minister Keir Starmer with Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr S Jaishankar
Modi meets
Republic of Mauritius, Dharambeer Gokhool at Port Louis, in Mauritius
UK sentencing guidelines spark backlash over ethnicity considerations
Justice Secretar y Shabana
po wers and is prepared to leg islate if necessary,
d place greater emphasis on an offender’s ethnicity or f
While ministers lack the authority to overturn the
g u i d a n c e , M a h m o o d h a s urged Lord Justice William Davis, the council’s chairman, to reconsider the policy “ as soon as possible ”
The proposed changes
h a v e s p a r ke d a p o
i t i c a l d e b a t e C o n s e r v a t i v e
Shadow Justice Secretar y Robert Jenrick has called the rules anti-white and a n t i-C h r i s t i a n , a r g u i n g they create a “two-tier justice system ” He has threatened legal action if the government fails to inter vene
T h e S e n t e n c i n g Council defended its deci-
sion, stating the updated
have comprehensive information to issue fair sen-
the criminal justice system
a shows that ethnic minority
than their white counter-
attributed to offence types and plea rates
g her “displeasure” with the changes, stated, “As someone from an ethnic minority background myself, I do
not stand for any differential treatment before the
whether policy decisions of such signif icance should be
Council and announced a review of its role and powers, alongside an ongoing sentencing review led by former Conser vative minister David Gauke
Prime Minister Sir Keir
Sentencing Council member, also voiced concerns
leader Kemi Badenoch has called for the changes to be “scrapped entirely ” The revised sentencing guidelines emphasize the
individuals from ethnic or
abuse sur vivors, and preg-
reports provide context on an offender’s background and circumstances before sentencing and are aimed at ensuring fair and rehabilitative justice
Trump cools on Britain after King meets Zelensky
Donald Trum p is repo rted ly “ co o li ng ” o n Bri ta in af ter K i n g C h ar les h o s ted U kra i ni an P re si d e nt Volod ymyr Zelensky at his S andring ham estate
D i p l o m a t i c s o u r c e s i n Washington suggest Trump was displeased upon seeing images of the King warmly greeting Zelensky, making him feel “less special” about his forthcoming state visit to the UK According to the Da i ly M a i l , Tr u m p ’ s a l l ie s were informed that it would be “inappropriate” for the UK government to prevent the King from meeting the Ukrainian leader
Z e l e n s k y ’ s v i s i t t o Sandringham came just days after Sir Keir Starmer delivered King Charles’s off icial invitation to Trump, who initially responded positively, calling the King “ a won-
d e r f u l m a n ” D o w n i n g
NHS England to lose half its staff in major restructuring
NHS England will lose half its wo rkforce and much of its senior management in a major restructu ring under new leadersh ip
The organisation’s staff will shrink from 13,000 to around 6,500 as entire teams are cut to reduce costs and eliminate "duplication" with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) The scale of the cuts has left employees “in shock and awe, ” far exceeding the 2,000 job losses announced weeks ago to save £175 million
The DHSC will also downsize as it begins working more closely with NHS England from April, though its staff reductions will be smaller The restructuring will give Health Secretar y Wes Streeting greater control over NHS England, which oversees the health service’s operational performance
“ T h i s
NHS’s national structure in over a decade,” said Matthew Taylor, chief executive of the NHS Confederation Outgoing chief executive Amanda Pritchard informed staff via email that Streeting had driven the radical downsizing Her successor, Jim Mackey, and
efforts to restructure NHS England and the DHSC
A transition team of DHSC and NHS England off icials will oversee the process, reporting to Dash and Alan Milburn, the former Labour health secretar y Several senior e xe c u t i v e s , i n c l
The Conservative Party has proposed a policy to deport all foreign nationals in the UK who receive a criminal conviction, regardless of the severity of their offence Under the plan, an amendment to the government ’s borders bill would remove the current rule that only mandates deportation for foreign criminals sentenced to at least one year in prison The Tories argue that this change would simplify the deportation process and eliminate exceptions granted by the European Court of Human Rights However the amendment would require support from Labour MPs to pass The policy would apply to all foreign nationals, including asylum seekers and those convicted of immigration offences Additionally, the Conservatives plan to introduce another amendment to the Immigration Act 1971, aiming to prevent the UK from issuing visas to nationals of countries that refuse to accept the return of their own citizens, including convicted criminals
l y Lawson, and Steve Russell, will also leave this month
Streeting has long sought greater ministerial control over NHS England, reversing its semi-independent status established under Andrew Lansley’s 2012 reforms
Reform MP under investigation for "serious bullying"
O f f i c i a l s s t r e s s e d t h a t
Zelensky’s meeting with the King had been planned in a d v a n c e a n d w
response to Oval Off ice ten-
St r e e t d e n i e d a ny k n o w ledge of Trump’s apparent displeasure, emphasising his “positive engagement” with Starmer However, a senior s o u r c e t o l d t h e M a i l , “Things def initely went a bit c o o l i n Wa s h i n g t o n a f t e r Sandringham We told them t h e K i n g m a ke s h i s o w n decisions ”
spokesperson dismissed the reports, stating, “We do not recognise these claims The United States remains one of the UK’s closest allies, and we have been unequivocal about the importance of our partnership
“No two nations share a stronger alignment on econ o m i c , d e fe n c e , s e c u r i t y, a n d i n t e l l i g e n c e m a t t e
Re fo r m U K i s inv estigating allegatio ns of “serio us b u lly in g ” a g ai ns t i ts M P R up e rt L o w e fo l lo w i ng c o m p la in ts fro m tw o fe m al e s taf f m e m be rs , th e p a rty h as co nf irmed
Lowe, elected as the Reform MP fo r G r e a t Yarmouth in last year ’ s general elect i o n , s e r v e s a s t h e p a r t y ’ s B u s i n e s s a n d Agriculture spokesman Party chairman Zia Yusuf and chief whip Lee Anderson released a statement detailing accusations of workplace bullying, targeting of female staff who raised concerns, and derogator y and discriminator y remarks about women, including references to a perceived disability T h e c o m p l a i n t s w e r e l o d g e d b y t w o female employees one from Lowe’s parliamentar y off ice and another from his constituency off ice The allegations have also been reported to parliamentar y authorities
The statement described the claims as i n d i c a t i v e o f a “d i s t u r b i n g p a t t e r n o f behaviour” and further alleged that Lowe had, on at least two occasions, made threats of physical violence against the party chairman The matter has also been reported to the police
“We have a duty of care to all our staff, whether employed directly or indirectly,” the statement emphasised
The British government is planning over £6 billion in welfare savings as Chancellor Rachel Reeves works to balance the budget ITV News reported on Friday Reeves will deliver her Spring Statement on March 26 but economic challenges since the October budget have increased pressure to find additional funds Slowing growth and concerns over potential U S tariffs have added to fiscal strain ITV reports that the government plans to tighten eligibility for Personal Independence Payments (PIP), a disability benefit and freeze PIP payments next year, preventing them from rising with inflation While the basic rate of Universal Credit for job seekers and lowincome workers is expected to increase, support for those deemed unfit to work will be reduced The Office for Budget Responsibility projects that disability and incapacity benefits will cost £100 billion annually by 2029/30 the same year Reeves aims to balance day-to - day spending with tax revenues
The government is launching a nationwide toothbrushing campaign to improve children's oral health and reduce pressure on NHS dentists The initiative, rolled out in nurseries and schools, aims to encourage children to brush with fluoride toothpaste after data revealed that in some areas, six in ten children have decayed teeth by age five The £11 million scheme has been widely welcomed, but education leaders argue that schools cannot be expected to “fix all of society s ills,” emphasising that parental responsibility plays a key role Focusing on three to five -year- olds in England the programme targets the country’s most deprived areas If successful it could save the NHS millions by reducing the number of children requiring hospital treatment for severe tooth decay Supervised toothbrushing is already available to 143,000 children, according to the British Dental Journal The Department of Health and Social Care expects the expanded programme to reach up to 600,000 children
Shabana Mahmood
King Charles III with Volodymyr Zelensky
Donald Trump
Rupert Lowe
Identity vs inclusion
Racism and identity in the UK are shaped by colonial history, immigration, and evolving social attitudes While the nation prides itself on multiculturalism, racial discrimination remains prevalent in workplaces, policing, and education Ethnic minorities continue to navigate the tension between heritage and societal expectations, while movements like Black Lives Matter and South Asian Heritage Month advocate for inclusion and systemic reform
A landmark study conducted for The Times, in collaboration with YouGov and Public First, highlights a growing disillusionment among Generation Z Nearly half (48%) of 18- to 27-year-olds believe the UK is a racist country, while 50% feel it is stuck in the past National pride has sharply declined, with only 41% of young Britons expressing pride in their nationality compared to 80% in 2004 The sense of unity has also eroded, with just 15% perceiving Britain as united, down from 60% two decades ago Alarmingly, only 11% of young people would be willing to defend the country in war, with 41% stating they would never take up arms These findings reveal a generational shift in attitudes towards national identity, institutions, and social cohesion
Religious discrimination is also on the rise, with the UK experiencing what experts have called the "most dangerous" time to be a Muslim Islamophobic assaults surged by 73% in 2024, according to Tell MAMA, a leading anti-hate crime charity The organisation recorded 6,313 reports of anti-Muslim hate the highest in its history marking a 43% increase from the previous year The surge has partic-
ularly affected Muslim politicians, with London Mayor Sadiq Khan, former Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf, and MP Zarah Sultana among the most targeted figures
In response, the government has launched a review into anti-Muslim hate, led by former Attorney General Dominic Grieve Commissioned during Ramadan, the initiative aims to establish a working definition of Islamophobia for the Labour government Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has expressed confidence in Grieve’s legal and governmental expertise in shaping policies to address rising hate crimes
Meanwhile, concerns over Hinduphobia have prompted action from Hindu advocacy groups The student-led grassroots organisation Hindu on Campus (HOC) has launched the first dedicated website to document antiHindu incidents on university campuses across the US, UK, Canada, and Australia With over 100 reported cases from the past four years, the platform serves as a resource for addressing discrimination in academic institutions In the UK, several Hindu community organisations continue to w
changes, and supporting those affected by religious bias
Workplace discrimination remains another persistent issue, with a survey by HR software provider Ciphr revealing that 45% of UK workers believe they have experienced unfair treatment or bias in hiring The findings indicate that employment discrimination disproportionately affects early-career professionals and ethnic minority employees
“Either you run the day or the day runs you.” Jim Rohn
(excluding white minorities) Notably, 76% of Black respondents and 65% of Asian respondents reported experiencing racism or hiring bias significantly higher than the national average of 45%
Institutional bias in policing is also under scrutiny Amnesty International has condemned predictive policing tools, calling them racist and unfairly targeting poorer communities The organisation argues that these algorithm-driven systems reinforce existing biases by relying on flawed data from stop-and-search practices, which dispro-
Amnesty’s Automated Racism report, 32 of the UK’s 45 police forces use geographic crime prediction models, while 11 employ individual profiling tools Amnesty warns that these systems perpetuate institutional racism by embedding biases present in police intelligence reports, suspect records, and stop-and-search data
Racism persists in the UK’s education system, with schools and colleges failing in their legal duty to prevent and address discrimination They argue that the national curriculum in England lacks an explicit anti-racism focus and are calling for Black history to be made a compulsory subject As discrimination persists across multiple sectors of society, advocacy groups and policymakers face mounting pressure to implement meaningful reforms to promote equality and justice for all communities
A game of allies and adversaries
Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari's visit to China last month, as the first foreign leader to do so in the Year of the Snake, carried deep symbolic significance His visit, immediately following the Lunar New Year holidays, resonated with cultural undertones In China, the Spring Festival is traditionally a time for family reunions and strengthening close bonds, imagery that aligns well with Islamabad’s desire to cultivate close, almost familial, ties with Beijing
After the US froze foreign aid to Pakistan under President Donald Trump’s second term, Islamabad has been doubling down on its efforts to revive the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and has increasingly favoured China as a mediator between Pakistan and Afghanistan’s Taliban-led government This shift is not surprising as China has long been Pakistan’s go-to problem solver Islamabad often turns to Beijing like a child to its mother, seeking support and this dependence explains why Pakistan has consistently supported China at pivotal historical moments, choosing strategic calculus over traditional alliances
Currently, Pakistan is more vocal about the “ironclad” nature of its alliance with China than China itself Pakistani officials have repeatedly emphasised the sustainability and strategic importance of the CPEC with Shehbaz Sharif reaffirming CPEC as “ a vital cornerstone of Pakistan’s economic development and regional connectivity ” Such statements serve not only as internal affirmations but also as pointed reminders to China of Pakistan’s strategic relevance, particularly in the context of its rivalry with India
CPEC signifies a broader strategic realignment that not only counters Western efforts to contain China but also
intensifies India’s concerns over a potential Chinese military foothold in the region However, India’s challenges with China go far beyond border disputes The real issue lies in China’s increasingly assertive global stance While the border dispute often draws the most attention, these confrontations may be more of a symptom of deeper geopolitical tensions than the root cause
Over the past two decades, India-China relations have steadily deteriorated, well before the 2020 border clash that d r
opposed the US-India nuclear deal, and although it eventually agreed, it later blocked India’s bid to join the Nuclear Suppliers Group During the same period, China repeatedly obstructed India’s efforts to have Pakistan-based terrorists designated under the UN terror list Additionally, Beijing has consistently resisted India’s push for UN Security Council reforms and its aspirations for a permanent seat on the Council
These actions are unlikely to be isolated policy disagreements but rather indicators of a deeper strategic rift and any assumption that resolving the border issue would lead to better bilateral relations may be overly simplistic
The icing on this very unpleasant cake of a situation? India can no longer take America's support for granted when it comes to countering China Since returning to power, Trump has been loud and blunt with America’s longtime allies but strangely quiet when it comes to criticising China Instead of confrontation, he often appears to accommodate America’s chief rival on the global stage, perhaps because several key figures in his administration stand to benefit from
favourable ties with Beijing
India would do well to draw lessons from the ongoing NATO tensions, where Trump left many European nations in a difficult position On one hand, these countries are committed to supporting Ukraine and maintaining peace in Europe; on the other, they face uncertainty about NATO s future as Trump consistently cast doubt on whether the US would remain in the alliance
Who’s to say a similar scenario could not unfold for the QUAD alliance? A wavering American commitment might undermine the group ’ s collective resolve to keep China’s i
Washington, the QUAD’s mission to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific could be left adrift, potentially allowing
Shouldn’t India learn from what’s right in front of them and position itself very carefully with regard to America?
Honestly, India has built a reputation as a nation that firmly stands for itself, and excessive reliance on America could undermine this image While the chances of India’s relationship with America resembling that of Pakistan and China, where one is overly dependent on the other, are next to none, perhaps it is time for India to assert even greater independence from Trump’s America
As for Pakistan, with mounting debt, increasing Chinese control over critical infrastructure, and an economic model that favours Beijing over Islamabad, the country must critically assess whether this so-called friendship truly aligns with its national interests or if it is merely a slow march toward economic subjugation
PM Modi’s fight to prevent obesity
Prime Minister Narendra PM ’ s recent warning on India’s rising obesity crisis should serve as a wake-up call for nations worldwide Speaking in Silvassa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli, PM Modi highlighted a stark projection: if current dietary and lifestyle trends persist, nearly 440 million people could be obese by 2050 That’s nearly the combined population of the United States and the United Kingdom today In a British context, this would be equivalent to nearly 30 million Britons almost half the current population falling into the obese category within the next few decades
Obesity, as PM Modi rightly pointed out, is the root cause of various diseases, from diabetes to cardiovascular conditions The economic burden is staggering; in the UK, the National Health Service (NHS) already spends over £6 billion annually on obesity-related illnesses, with costs projected to rise to £9 7 billion per year by 2050 In India, where healthcare resources are already stretched, such a crisis could be devastating
PM Modi’s prescription for tackling obesity is simple yet effective: reduce daily intake of cooking oil by 10% For the average Indian, this might mean cutting consumption by 3 to 5 grams per day In the UK, where adults consume around 36 grams of fat from oils and spreads daily, a 10% reduction would equate to approximately 3 6 grams small, yet meaningful
This advice aligns with global public health initiatives In Britain, where 63% of adults are classified as overweight or obese, campaigns such as Change4Life advocate a lower con-
sumption of saturated fats and oils In India, where dietary habits are deeply ingrained in culture, behaviour change is a challenge, but small adjustments like PM Modi’s 10% reduction recommendation could have an outsized impact if adopted at scale
India, often associated with malnutrition, now faces a paradox: undernutrition remains a concern, but obesity is rising at an alarming rate Urbanisation, sedentary lifestyles, and a shift towards processed foods have fuelled this epidemic Studies suggest that India’s obesity rates have doubled in the past two decades, with nearly one in every five adults now overweight or obese This mirrors trends in Western nations, where fast food, sugary beverages, and inactivity have created an obesity crisis
Recent research underscores the urgency of tackling obesity on a global scale A pair of studies published in The Lancetestimate that by 2050, 3 8 billion people over half of all adults globally will be overweight or obese Among children and adolescents, the figure is expected to reach 746 million, or one-third of the global youth population As of 2021, approximately 2 11 billion people 45% of the world’s population were already overweight or obese, with the highest concentrations found in eight countries: China (402 million), India (180 million), the USA (172 million), Brazil (88 million), Russia (71 million), Mexico (58 million), Indonesia (52 million), and Egypt (41 million) These figures highlight the need for urgent interventions
PM Modi nominated Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister
Omar Abdullah, industrialist Anand Mahindra, actors R Madhavan, Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua, and Mohan Lal, sport shooter Manu Bhaker, weightlifter Mirabai Chanu, Infosys co-founder Nandan Nilekani, singer Shreya Ghoshal, and Rajya Sabha lawmaker Sudha Murty to spearhead the campaign Their participation could mobilise public support and encourage lifestyle changes on a broader scale
PM Modi’s call for a healthier India is not just about reducing oil consumption but about lifestyle changes, public awareness, and policy interventions His message is equally relevant for Britain and other nations grappling with obesity Simple dietary shifts increased physical activity, and better public health initiatives can make a significant difference
The key takeaway? Small changes whether a 10% cut in cooking oil, 30 minutes of daily exercise, or mindful eating can have a profound impact Governments, health professionals, and individuals alike must heed this warning before the obesity crisis spirals further out of control
Anusha Singh
For Zakiya Batool Syed Arif, cooking is more than just a passion, it’s a bridge to the past, a way to reconnect with the mother she lost too soon.
Growing up in a South Indian-Muslim household, food was never just about sustenance; it was an act of love, tradition, and community Her mother, a gifted cook, spent her life preserving and passing down generations of culinary knowledge, ensuring that every meal carried the weight of history and the warmth of home
B u t w h e n Z a k i y a l o s t her at just 21, she was left with a deep longing, not just for her presence, but for the dishes that defined h
until years later, when she m
drawn to the kitchen, cooking not just to nourish hers e l f b u t
Now, with a Ramadan Special Supper Club, Zakiya shared this deeply personal journey with others About the inspiration behind the supper club, she said, “The idea fascinated me, inviting p e o p l e i n t o y o u r h o m e , sharing food, telling stories, and bringing people together It reminded me of my m o t h e r S h e w a s a l w a y s that person, the one who w e l c o m e d p e o p l e , m a d e sure no one left hungry, and created a warm, communal space ” Featuring Dhakni cuisine, a rare and underrepre-
s e n t e d c u l i n a r y t r a d i t i o n from a small Muslim community in South India that she belongs to, her supper clubs are more than just meals, they are stories, legacies, and a heartfelt tribute to the woman who taught h e r t h e t r u e m e a n i n g o f hospitality
A tap estry of culture and heritag e The Dhakni community is a culturally rich and historically significant group primarily found in South
Celebrating Dhakni cuisine through Ramadan feasts
India, with strong roots in c i
parts of Maharashtra
c o m e s f
m t h e w o r d "Deccan", referring to the
evolved into "Dhakni," representing not just a geographical identity but a distinct cultural and linguistic heritage What makes the Dhakni people truly fasci-
diverse cultural influences
Over centuries, the com-
staying deeply connected to South Indian traditions
One of the most distinctive aspects of Dhakni culture is its food, a hidden culinary treasure that combines the royal richness of Mughlai flavours with the bold and earthy essence of South Indian cooking The result is a unique, aromatic, and flavourful cuisine that deserves more recognition The flavours of Dh akni cuisine and the essence o f Ram ad an
A t t h e h e a r t o f
R a m a d a n i n t h e D h a k n i community are dishes like H a l e e m , K i c h a r a , a n d Dalcha, slow-cooked prepar a t i o n s t h a t e m b o d y warmth and nourishment and food is a language of love, a means of hospitality, and a way to foster commu-
nity spirit
What sets Dhakni cuisine apart is its unique use of spices and cooking techniques Many of its flavours feel familiar, yet the preparation methods make them distinct A prime example is Zeera-Methi, a spice blend
that goes beyond its literal translation of "cumin-fenugreek " This carefully crafte d m i x i n c l u d
m u s t a r d seeds, lentils, raw rice, black pepper, and curry leaves each ingredient roasted and s t o r e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a n d c
aromatic blend right before i t i s a d d e d t o a n y f o o d preparation This spice mix is a staple in every Dhakni kitchen, forming the base for many of the community’s curries and stews
Another dish that is
biryani is Dalcha a lentil-
bottle gourd, giving it a distinct flavour
role in Ramadan traditions,
thick, nourishing porridge
yogurt, and green chilies
The dish is cooked in large q
until evening, then served
to those breaking their fast at the mosque Families line
e a g e r l y w a i t i n g f o r t h e i r s h a r e o f t h i s c o m f o r t i n g dish
A s a c h i l d , Z a k i y a remembers the excitement of taking her tiffin to collect Ash, a ritual that bonded her to the community and to her family's heritage In her home, samosas were the perfect accompaniment to Ash “When I hosted my supper club, I made Ash the c e n t r e p i e c e , s h a r i n g i t s story with my guests To complete the experience, I prepared lamb samosas to accompany it, just as my family does”, she said
A n o t h e r b e a u t i f u l aspect of Ramadan in the D h a k n i c o m m u n i t y i s
M e v a , a c o l l e c t i v e f o o d
d o n a t i o n s y s t e m t h a t ensures everyone has access to a meal Unlike charity, M e v a i s f o r e v e r y o n e regardless of wealth or stat u s F a m i l i e s c o n t r i b u t e fresh rotis, vegetable curries or assortment of fruits and s w e e t s I t i s a m o m e n t where societal differences fade away, and people sit side by side, breaking their fast together in an atmos p h e r e o f w a r m t h a n d unity
For Zakiya, these tradit i o n s a r e m o r e t h a n j u s t m e m o r i e s ; t h e y a r e t h e foundation of her supper clubs Through her food, she recreates the flavours of her childhood, paying tribu t e t o t h e u n r e c o r d e d recipes and shared meals t h a t s h a p e d h e r i d e n t i t y
A n d i n d o i n g s o , s h e ensures that the spirit of Dhakni cuisine lives on
mental stewardship as an integral part of faith
The ethical iftar was built on three core principles: reducing food waste, limiting meat consumption and minimizing sing
these values into action, attendees were asked to bring their own water bottles, cutlery, and reusable
Over 450 guests gather at Lord’s for first community Open Iftar at the cricket ground
More th an 450 peo ple from the Islam ic comm unity and beyo nd comm emo rated the spirit of Ramadan at Lord’ s Cricket Ground o n Saturday 8 March by g athering fo r a rem ark ab le Op en I ft ar ev ent
public and giving many people their first opportunity to experience Lord’s T h e E C B ’ s D i v e r s e C o m m u n i t i e s M a n a g e r , Sabah Hamed, who spoke at the event said: “When you s
The evening, which was s t a g e d i n a p a r t n e r s h i p b e t w e e n t h e E n g l a n d & Wales Cricket Board (ECB), t h e M a r y l e b o n e C r i c k e t Club (MCC) and the awardw i n n i n g c h a r i t y R a m a d a n Tent Project, brought people together to pray, break their fast with a stunning iftar meal, and hear inspiring talks from special guests E n g l a n d M e n ’ s p l a y e r , S a q i b M a h m o o d s a i d : “Bringing the local Islamic c o m m u n i t y a n d s o m a n y others through the gates of L o r d ’ s w a s a s p e c i a l m o m e n t I t j u s t s h o w e d what cricket is all about As s o m e o n e f a s t i n g f o r R a m a d a n , I k n o w h o w i m p o r t a n t i t i s t o c o m e together for iftar, and today really felt like one big family ” Since 2022, the ECB and MCC have partnered to host an iftar at Lord’s in the Long Room, though it has traditionally been a closed event f o r i n v i t e d g u e s t s T h i s w e e k e n d ’ s O p e n I f t a r marked an intentional step forward – welcoming in the
this, with more people able to attend in a more accessible fashion, it’s incredible to experience The memories from the evening will stay with me forever and shows the power of partnership ” The Imam, Ismaeel Asif led the call to prayer before guests broke the fast with d
Founder, Omar Salha said: “We are delighted to have
MCC to host Open Iftar
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to host nationwide iftar for Ramadan
On M ar ch 1 5, m o s qu e s ac ro s s th e U K w il l o p en their doors for The Big Iftar, a nationwide event hosted by th e A hmadiyya M uslim Com munity UK
everyday practices
Sofia Ali, Co-Lead of the E t h i c a l I f t a r , r e f l e c t e d o n the significance of this initiative, "I've been involved in running these Ethical Iftars s i n c e 2 0 2 0 I n a w o r l d increasingly driven by overc o n s u m p t i
, i t ’ s crucial to recognize that sustainability is deeply embedded in Islam
“Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year, a time to be even more conscious of our impact on the world There are so many small, consistent changes we can make, as taught by our Islamic tradition "
Welcoming people of all faiths and backgrounds, the e v e n t o f f e r s a c h a n c e t o e x p e r i e n c e R a m a d a n a n d share in the spirit of unity
T a k i n g p l a c e a t m o s q u e s across the country, including the Baitul Futuh Mosque i n M o r d e n , L o n d o n , t h e evening will feature a threecourse iftar meal, mosque tours, exhibitions, and discussions on the significance of fasting Visitors will have the opportunity to engage in o p
, l e a r n about the deeper meaning of R a m a d a n , a n d c o n n e c t with the local Muslim community
R a f i q H a y a t , N a t i o n a l
President of the Ahmadiyya M u s l i m C o m m u n i t y U K , described the event as a way to bring people together and foster friendships “The Big Iftar is about building a socie t y b a s e d o n r e s p e c t a n d understanding,” he said Guests are encouraged to take part in the fasting c h a l l e n g e , e x p e r i e n c i n g firsthand the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of abstaining from food and drink The event will also offer Q&A sessions, cultural e x h i b i t i o n s , a n d g u i d e d tours, creating an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere for everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs The Big Iftar is free to attend and will take place at B a i t u l F u t u h M o s q u e i n London, with arrivals from 3:00 PM and iftar at 6:30 PM
Zakiya Batool Syed Arif
Cadets fly RAF flag with pride & joy
Dhiren Katwa
RAF A ir Cadets were hono ured at an annual p resentatio n in Bi rm ing ham last
S aturd ay, o rg anised by the 1 65 ( C as tle Br
i ch ) S quadron
Cadets received certificates in recognition of their achievements over the past year, with the event bringing together the squadron, their families, and dignitaries
The evening aimed to inspire and motivate, staying true to the Squadron’s motto, "Strive to Excel "
d Leader of Solihull Council, Cllr Ian Courts,, Chair of C
Council, the straight-taking,
Allen, & senior officers from the RAF & Royal Navy Constituency MP, Neil
apologies His chief of staff,
Christine, said he is unavailable for the rest of this year
Busy man, Neil
Wale & Jerry Elston, treasurer & warrant officer, respectively Gordon served in the RAF for 22 years, Jerry, 47
was given to Flying Officer Mark Berry, his staff, and
evening’s roaring
prompted laughter with his joke, ‘the vast majority of
King’s College London offers awards for Indian postgraduates
C hancellor’s A wards, offering a £ 10, 000 fee waiver for p o s tg rad ua
focused on societal impact
Vice-Chancellor Professor Shitij Kapur, who once left Delhi for postgraduate s t u d i e s a
pride in supporting Indian s t u d e n t s t h r o u g
K a p u r h i g h l i g h t e d
Sarojini Naidu was among its first female alumni in the 19th century “We were one of the UK’s first universities to teach Sanskrit and Bengali,” he said With risi n g I n d i a n a p p l i c a n t
Kapur acknowledged fees as a barrier and introduced the V
to support more students Now in its second year,
Indian students enrolling in
Applicants must apply by
strate how their studies will benefit their communities
“Beyond academic qualifications, we want to see how t
world a better place,” said Kapur
From left: Cllr Ian Courts, Cllr Pauline Allen, reporter Dhiren Katwa – member of the RAF Welfare Committee Mrs Courts
Cadet Priyen with retired Squadron Leader Pablo Mason & Sergeant Dylan Jackson
King Charles highlights Commonwealth unity and calls for global harmony
Kin g Charl es III emphasised the str ength foun d in diver-
si t y a s he m a r k e d
C om mo n w e a l t h D
y o n Mon day, cele brat in g the 56n a t io n
ol u n t a r y a s so ciation he n ow le ads
In a message released by Buckingham Palace, the 76y
scored the importance of unity in challenging times "In these uncertain times, it is easy to see our differences
a s o b s t a c
h a n d opportunities for learning," Charles stated
" Y e t , t h e
Commonwealth’s remarkable collection of nations and peoples comes together in a spirit of support and, c
l e across the world has stood
t h e t e s t o f
today "
T h e k i n g a n d s e n i o r m
Westminster Abbey for the a n n u a l C o m m o n w e a l t h Day service, an event both Charles and the Princess of W
year while undergoing cancer treatment This year, they were in attendance for the significant royal occasion " A s w e m a r
y together, there is no more urgent task than restoring the disrupted harmony of our planet," Charles said "For the sake of future gene r a t i o n s , I h o p e t h e Commonwealth continues its vital work in fostering unity and progress " In a unique tribute to
the occasion, Charles also curated a 17-song playlist
Music’s global radio stations, includes reggae icon Bob Marley, Canadian jazz
Australian pop star Kylie Minogue, and US superstar B
described as so exceptional he couldn’t resist including her
High Commission of India commemorates Commonwealth Day
Ronan’s Law marks a step towards safer streets
Anusha Singh
N ew stati stics sugges t that teena ge hom ic ide vic tims in England an d Wales are si gnifi cantly more like ly to be fatally stab bed than any other age group
In 2023-24, 83% of homicide victims aged 13 to 19 53 out of 64 were killed with a sharp instrument, according to figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) This
proportion is substantially higher than for all age groups, where 46% of homicides involved a knife or sharp instrument during the same period
The data reflects a continuing upward trend in teenage homicides involving knives, rising from 56% in 2013-14 Of the 262 knife-related homicides recorded in 2023-24, 40 victims were under the age of 18, the ONS figures show
The ONS data further revealed that homicides involving bladed weapons reached a decade high in 2023-24 Male victims were more likely to be fatally stabbed than females, with 50% of male homicide victims killed with a knife compared to 35% of female victims Among the 262 recorded knife homicides, the most commonly used weapons were kitchen knives (42%), followed by unidentified sharp instruments (17%), machetes (7%), and combat or military-style knives (5%)
Government pledged last year to halve knife crime within a decade In September 2024, England and Wales implemented a ban on zombie-style knives, making it a criminal offense to own, manufacture, transport, or sell them Additionally, with the introduction of new measures under Ronan’s Law, the government has taken further steps to crack down on the online sale of knives
Named in memory of Ronan Kanda, a 16-yearold British Indian boy tragically killed in a mistaken-identity attack in Wolverhampton in 2022, Ronan’s Law requires retailers to report
suspicious and bulk knife purchases made on their platforms
The UK Home Office announced the legislation this week following persistent advocacy from Ronan ’ s mother, Pooja, and sis ter, N iki ta , to prevent other families from experiencing similar heartbreak Ronan’s killers, also teenagers, had illegally purchased lethal weapons online and collected them from a Post Office without any age or identity verification
In a conversation with Asian Voice, Ronan’s mother, Pooja Kanda, spoke about the pivotal moment that sparked her campaign She recalled, “When I sat in the courtroom in 2023, I was shocked to uncover a series of systemic failures that led to my son ’ s death
Witnessing how a 16-yearold could so easily obtain a 22-inch Ninja sword and seeing how many organisations failed to intervene was a wake-up call From that moment, I knew something had to change ”
Under the previous Conservative government, Pooja struggled to gain support for banning the online sale of lethal weapons, despite delivering an open letter to the Prime Minister at the time with over 10,000 signatures “We were able to work much better with our current government, who have supported us, ” she said
She spoke about the overwhelming support she received from the community “Ronan was a much-loved boy who touched many people’s lives with his fun-loving personality His case was a real eye-opener, showing that knife crime can
happen to anyone you don’t have to be part of a gang to be stabbed We urge the community to keep supporting us and to continue fighting against knife crime ” A spokes pe rs on for the May or of Lon don also provided a statement stating, “The Mayor has consistently called for tougher action by the Government to bring in legislation to ban zombiestyle knives and machetes, and urgently close the loopholes that could still allow the sale of dangerous knives in shops and online
“These weapons have no place in our society or in the hands of young people which is why Sadiq welcomes tougher action announced by the Government on retailers last week It means those caught selling weapons to under-18s could now face a jail term of up to two years
“Knife crime devastates our communities which is why the Mayor is investing record amounts in the Met Police and tackling the complex causes of crime through record funding for his Violence Reduction Unit He is determined to build on the progress that has been achieved in London with the number of young people being injured with knives down since 2016 But clearly there is still much more work to do and the Mayor is continuing to work with partners, the police and government to make London safer for all ” For what should be the next steps, Pooja Kanda said, “Ronans law is one solid step forward with so much still left to do Ensuring there are no loopholes in the online sale of these knives and potentially introducing a licensing system to further regulate the sale of knives are steps I believe are necessary We need more community initiatives to highlight the devastation knife crime causes We must continue to highlight failures so that we can rectify them, ensuring that organisations learn from their mistakes and implement meaningful improvements ”
King Charles III and Queen Consort Camilla
The Prince and Princess of Wales, Prince William and Kate Middleton
Defence Adviser, Commodore Sameer Pote representing High Commission of India in London laid a wreath at the Memorial Gates Commemoration Ceremony
Pooja and Ronan Kanda
Sadiq Khan
If you or someone you know lives in social housing, and a problem with your home is giving you sleepless nights, your landlord is the your issue. They are responsible
• damp and mould
• broken locks
• changes you need to your home if you are disabled
• anti-social behaviour, such as noisy neighbours
There are three-steps to complaining. By following them you have the best chance of getting your prob-
Know the three steps to complain
Step 1. Report it to your landlord
First, report the issue to your landlord. This is who you pay your rent to – it could be your local council or a housing association. You can usually do this on their website, or by using their email or phone number.
Step 2. Complain to your landlord
If you’ve reported an issue and you feel it’s not properly sorted, complain to your landlord. Remember, you have a right to complain if you’re not happy. Your landlord will website.
When you make a complaint to your landlord about a problem that required to respond to issues fairly and effectively. Landlords must take your complaint seriously and cannot punish you in any way for raising a problem or making a complaint.
Social housing issue? Know how to complain.
Everyone deserves a safe and secure home. If you live in social housing, you can sometimes have problems with your home. But you don’t have to
Landlords have 2 stages to their complaints process.
you within 10 working days from the day you logged your complaint.
hasn’t been resolved, it can go to stage 2. Landlords must respond within 20 working days. They will things.
When you make a complaint to your landlord about a problem that should
and how long it will take Be polite and respectful to you They should not:
Suggest that it is wrong to complain
Tell you that your problems have been caused by your lifestyle or religion
Step 3. Escalate to the Housing Ombudsman
If you’re still not happy with whatsponse to a complaint, you can tell the Housing Ombudsman.
The Housing Ombudsman looks into complaints about social housing and landlords. They are free to use and investigate fairly. They will look into your problem.
If the Housing Ombudsman tells your landlord they’ve made a mistake, the landlord must show they weeks.
Last year, the Housing Ombudsman to people who had problems in their homes.
You can get in contact with the Housing Ombudsman here:
Website: www.housing-ombudsman.org.uk
Email: info@housing-ombudsman.org.uk
Telephone: 0300 111 3000
Everyone has the right to a safe and secure home. For more information, visit gov.uk/social-housing
BAPS marks International Women’s Day 2025 with inspiration
Hindu values on a journey of self-discovery
Tulsi Vaghjiani, a passionate advocate for diversit y , e q u
shared how her Hindu faith
breaking barriers, highlighting the power of both individuality and collective support A pre-recorded video by Priya Mohan (AI expert at KPMG) explored the role of AI and digital platforms in shaping cultural identity, stressing the need to instil
with a vibrant dance celebrating Hindu womanhood and a special message from H
reflected, “This celebration
New Hindu prayer room opens at QE Hospital
Dhiren Katwa
A special ceremon y to mark t
plac e on Monday this week
The event was an exemplar of community cohesion in action People from all walks of life and all faiths a
grounds took part
Priests Rama and Rakesh Bhatt led a consecration ceremony which was televised
, identity struggles, and societal integration
The celebration took an engaging approach, following “A Day in the Life of a Blogger,” where a central character explored themes o f c u l t u r a l i d e n t i t y a n d
challenges She left a powerful message: “As our identity evolves, we don’t need to compete with the world we need to be better than we were yesterday and even better tomorrow Pass the baton on, ladies!”
A diverse panel featuri n g R a b b i H a n n a h K
Sachdev, Julie Siddiqi MBE,
that by understanding our roots, we can navigate the
while staying true to our values
celebrated at 30 other BAPS mandirs across the UK and Europe, reinforcing a commitment to empowerment, integrity, and kindness
Lohana community celebrates IWD 2025 with unity and pride
their s econd insp iring
I n te rna tio na l W
s Day event on Su nday, 9th M arc h
2 025 , at The Dh amech a Hall
T h e g at h e r in g br o u g h
greater equal ity T h e t h e m e ‘ D i g n i t y , Purity, and Hope’ set the tone for an inspiring evening filled with engaging discussions and
h e a r t f e l t s t o r i e s K e y n o t e speakers Jay Rughani, Kamel Hothi OBE, and Pooja Naidu
h i g h l i g h t e d t h e p o w e r o f unity in uplifting women A
p a n e l d i s c u s s i o n f e a t u r i n g
(Moderator), Ketan Dattani, Roshni Thakrar, Amit Sodha,
S a r i t a T
a n d o u t moment of the event
P a n e l i s t s s h
Roshni Prabhu and fellow medical students,
Vimla Prema, Bhuvneshbhai
live far and wide, including on a screen in the nearby a
musical recital of ‘kirtans’ or hymns by devotees from the ISKCON Movement, T h e ‘ D h
Room’, first of its kind at U n i v e r s i t y H o s p i t a l s Birmingham, offers a space for prayer, meditation, or quiet reflection It aims to connect people and communities, regardless of their differences
President of the Namdhari Sikh Community, Bipinbhai Shingadia from BAPS, Jigar
Indian languages shine at House of Lords on Mother Language Day
The event concluded with a sense of inspiration and com-
women LCNL and YLS’s cele
power of community-driven c h
e s eager for more initiatives that uplift and empower women
journeys, challenges, and the role of resilience in success, sparking meaningful conversations on breaking barriers
Upcoming events
v A Sitar recital by Smt Punita Gupta and her students will be held on Saturday, 22 March 2025, at 6 PM A senior disciple of Bharat Ratna Pandit Ravi Shankar, she has dedicated her life to training the next generation of sitar players The event will also feature renowned flutist Rikhil Rai (Bansuriboy), with Vidwan M Balachandar on Mridangam and Hevylen Shenan on Tabla
v On March 23, 2025, Vidwan Doreswamy Balakrishna will present a Veena recital The son and disciple of Sangeetha Kalanidhi Dr Mysore V Doreswamy Iyengar, he is a distinguished artist of the Mysore school Trained in Karnatic instrumental music from childhood, he is renowned for his purity of notes, mellifluous ragas, and rhythmic precision
v A Kathak workshop will take place on Saturday, March 29, and Sunday, March 30, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm Led by acclaimed artist Sharat R Prabhath, the workshop will explore advanced techniques, intricate rhythmic patterns, and the art of storytelling Participants will also learn a specially crafted composition with accompanying music
T h e 25 th I n ter nat io n al Mo ther L anguage Day was celebrated at the House of L ord s, h o sted by Baro ness G ard
ers showcased classical and folk
Honorary Consul of Bhutan,
Guest panel at the event
Community members doing aarti at Neasden Temple
Shrikant Kulkarni,
cian Dr Madhu Gowda
Hindu priest Rakeshbhai Bhatt, centre, with medical students from University of Birmingham
Guests at the Hindu shrine opening
Priest Rama and
T H E C H A N G I N G F A C E O F B R I T A I N ?
ground Many British Asians still face racism, often being told they
English enough
This struggle over belonging continues to shape daily life, influencing job opportunities, healthcare access, and public safety
D e s p i
Britain, ethnic minorities often
against them rather than celebrated as an asset
The idea that one cannot be fully British while embracing their heritage fuels discrimination and exclusion
The 2024 Ciphr workplace discrimination survey found that one in 11 people in the UK has faced racial (9 3%) or accent-based (8 8%) discrimination at work, but these numbers rise sharply for ethnic minorities, with one in three (34%) experiencing racial bias and one in s i x ( 1 8 % )
, police recorded 98,799 racist hate crimes in England and Wales in 2023/24, reflecting the persistent challenges minorities face
Racism is evolving, extending beyond physical spaces into the d i g i t a l w o r l d T h e t h
y e a r ‘ P r o t e c t i n g M i n o r i t y E t h n i c
C o m m u n i t i e s O n l i n e ( P R I M E ) ’ study revealed that the rapid digitisation of UK services is deepening inequalities, as online platf o r m s o f t e n o v e r l o o k b a r r i e r s faced by ethnic minorities, including language challenges and systemic discrimination
B r i t a i n ' s s t r u g g l e t o f u l l y embrace its multicultural identity reflects a deeper issue: the inability to accept that being British is not defined by a singular identity but by a diversity of cultures, histories, and traditions
Embracing dual id entity
D u r i n g t h e i n t e r v i e w w i t h ‘ P o l i t i c a l T h i n k i n g w i t h N i c k Robinson’, then Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reflected on identity, faith, and belonging
As Britain’s first Asian prime minister, Sunak spoke movingly about his grandfather’s pride in his achievement, recalling how the e l d e r l y m a n t e a r f u l l y c a l l e d a friend in India upon Sunak’s first visit to Westminster Rejecting the ‘Tebbit Test,’ which questioned i m m i g r a n t s ' l o y a l t y b a s e d o n cricket support, he called it “ a r i d i c u l o u s i d e a ” O n b e c o m i n g Prime Minister during Diwali, he
s a i d , “ I t m
T h a t ’ s t h e kind of country we are where my
grandparents, who arrived with little, could work hard, integrate, and two generations later, their grandson is in Downing Street ”
Describing Hinduism as a way of life, he explained, “It’s a set of values as much as a faith ” He h i g h l i g h t e d ‘ D h a r m a ’
r e p r i n c i p l e f r o m ‘ T h e Mahabharata’ as a guiding force, a n d s h a r e d h o w t h e ‘ B h a g a v a d
Gita’'s lesson on duty and detachm e n t i n f l u e n c e s h i m , s a y i n g , “That’s why I chose to take my oath in Parliament on the ‘Gita’ ” Like Rishi Sunak, many British Asians take pride in their dual identity, excelling in politics, busin e s s , e n t e r t a i n m e n t , a n d academia while staying true to their roots Their success chall e n g e s o u t d a t e d n o t i o n s o f b e l o n g i n g , p r o v i n g t h a t b e i n g
British and embracing one ’ s heritage go hand in hand In the last UK general election, 26 Indianorigin MPs, including Sunak, were
e l e c t e d o n c e a n i m p r o b a b l e dream, now a reality
Speaking to Asian Voice about h i s i d e n t i t y , C l lr A b h i sh ek S ac h d ev s a i d , “ B e i n g a B r i t i s h
Asian is an integral part of my identity, but I was born here I consider myself just as British as anyone else This country wel-
c o m e d m y p a r e n t s f r o m E a s t Africa in the ’ 70s and gave them e v e r y t h i n g , a n d i n t u r n , i t h a s given me every opportunity For m e , t h e r e ’ s n o c o n f l i c t b e i n g
British and being a British Asian are one and the same in my daily life "
"It was a fantastic quote from Rishi one he’s repeated a few times But I was there the day he held his first Diwali event at 10 Downing Street after becoming Prime Minister He said something remarkable: ‘I’m the first British Hindu Prime Minister, but it’s not a big deal No one ’ s talking about the fact that I’m Hindu or Asian they’re talking about me as a person ’ That, in itself, is a powerful testament to the openness and inclusivity of this country , " he added
Speaking about the challenges due to his identity, Abhishek said, "As a child, I did face some bullying and racism at school growing up in the '80s, that was unfortunately quite common I went to a private school where I was the only Indian boy in my year, which made me stand out But over time, things changed for the better At Durham University in the 2000s, I was the only Hindu in my year, yet I t o p p e d m y c l a s s a n d n e v e r encountered any racism So apart from those early school years, my
whelmingly positive
Faith based discrimination surg es in UK
While many embrace a dual identity, the fear of racist attacks remains Last month, a 26-yearold Indian-origin woman faced a vicious racist tirade from an intox-
London to Manchester
Speaking about Islamophobia, Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)
Asians, racism against them mere-
Islamophobia, for it to have absolutely no consequences This is because the giant loophole of having no agreed acceptable definition of Islamophobia means that Islamophobic abuse is the racism
minorities, regardless of religion
CEO Jabeer Butt OBE said, "The racist riots of August 2024 demonstrated that, for some, Black, Asian and minoritised ethnic people do not belong in Britain The anti-
Muslim hate and the racism that was at the heart of the disinformation that drove the violence on the streets of Northern English cities and Northern Ireland was shocking, but not surprising As long as political leaders and others are allowed to demonise some communities these incidents will reoccur We need everyone to clearly state that people of Black, Asian
belong in Britain
e Hinduphobia in the UK, Krupesh H irani A M said, “In 2023, Met Police data revealed that Hindus were the second most targeted faith group for racially or reli-
dents being force-fed meat and victims struggling to have crimes against them recognised as hate
revealed that 291 hate crimes were
2022/23, accounting for 3% of all
Wales an increase from 161 the previous year This rise, along with b
d y increase in racially or religiously a g g r a v a t e d o
f e n
s s i n c e 2 0 1 5 , underscores the growing severity of the issue
Emphasising the urgency of a c t i o n , K r u p e s h s a i d , “ R a c i s m persists across all areas of society employment, policing, education, and politics making it essential to tackle the issue at every level British Asians, including Hindus, continue to face challenges related to identity and representation, despite the progress we ’ ve seen The appointment of
R i s h i S u n a k a s t h e U K ’ s f i r s t
Hindu Prime Minister and the increasing presence of Hindus in top global business roles are sign i f i c a n t m i l e s t o n e s H o
breed complacency there is still much work to do in addressing deep-rooted prejudices and systemic barriers ” He stressed the need for a multi-pronged approach, saying, “ G o
improve the recording and handling of hate crimes to ensure incidents are properly recognised and victims receive the necessary support Law enforcement and policymakers must work closely with communities to foster trust and understanding, while individuals should feel empowered to r
fear of being ignored ”
Highlighting the role of the media, he added, “Media representation is crucial in shaping public discourse A stronger commitment to inclusivity can help c
amplify diverse voices, and create a society where all communities feel valued and heard ” E thnic minority professionals f ac e career barriers
Racial and Ethnic Equality, and board member of the NHS Race and Health Observatory said, "We live in a multiracial society, and being British should inherently mean embracing multiculturalism The UK, with its colonial past and Commonwealth ties, has become more inclusive I proudly celebrate my Indian heritage t h r o u g h m u s i c , a r t , a n d t r a d itions while also valuing British culture To me, the two identities coexist harmoniously
"However, my Indian identity has also exposed me to discrimination When I arrived in the UK as a child in the late 1960s, racism was widespread There was no Race Relations Act, and I faced blatant prejudice in public spaces Later, as I pursued medicine, I encountered barriers countless rejections when applying for GP roles, despite my qualifications I h a d t o b e e x c e p t i o n a l
white Chair of the British Medical Association, it required constant e
n unequal system This shouldn't be the reality for future generations Success must be based on merit, not on the need to work twice as hard just to be recognised True equality means ensuring everyone has access to opportunities without systemic bias,” he added
within the NHS, Dr Chaand said, "Ethnic minority doctors continue to face significant disadvantages They are less likely to be shortlisted for jobs, face greater barriers as they progress, and are underrepresented in senior roles There’s clear evidence of racial discrimination in career advancement, workplace experiences, and p r o f e s s i o n a l g r o w t h W h i l e progress has been made, much more needs to be done Ethnic minority doctors report higher l e v e l s o f b u l l y i n g , h a r a s s m e n t , and disciplinary action This is a s y s t e m
urgent reform to create a fair, supportive work environment " Dr Chaand also emphasised on the economical cost of the racism that it doesn’t just harm individual but it weakens society H e s a
people opportunities, we undermine healthcare, education, and p
leads to
and resources On the other hand,
Sciences, highlighted racial disparities in Scotland’s workforce, stating, “The employment rate for
Scotland is significantly lower at
ethnic minorities face career progression barriers, with
stark non-White workers earn, on average, 10% less than their White counterparts, a disparity greater than the gender pay gap This contributes to high in-work p
affecting ethnic minority women O
workers live in relative poverty, compared to 18% of White British
workers These systemic barriers reinforce exclusion and hinder racial equity in employment ” Highlighting successful models to combat racial discrimination, Professor Naseer Meer stat-
positive step, but
accountability are needed for real progress In England, ethnicity pay gap reporting though currently voluntary has improved transparency Making it manda-
Rooney Rule, used in England’s Football Association, ensures ethnic minority candidates are inter-
could be expanded across sectors Additionally, the Race Equality Charter, which supports universities in tackling racial inequalities, should be deepened and extended to both public and private organisations ”
Krupesh Hirani AM
Dr Chaand Nagpaul CBE
Nasar Meer
Jabeer Butt OBE
Rishi Sunak reflects on regrets, legacy, and lessons
otherwise would have been a huge gamble" that could have led to a government collapse
reg rets and lesso ns learned
One of his bigg est adm issions was his reg ret over the slogan "Stop the Boats, " calling it "too stark, too binary," and conced ing that it was u ltimately und eliverable
In a conversation spanning more than two hours,
the mistakes he believes he made but also his economic d
Johnson, the radical policies
lessons he learned as chancellor during the Covid pandemic He also spoke about his views on race, faith, and i d
Asian prime minister
Reflecting on his sudden rise to power, Sunak admitted he "didn't have the time to enjoy or appreciate it in t
political chaos that led to his appointment He inherited leadership after Liz Truss’s brief tenure, stepping in to stabilize a fractured party and a struggling economy He defended his decision to unite warring Conservative factions, arguing that "to do
On immigration, Sunak reaffirmed his support for d
o Rwanda and advocated leav-
were not made, arguing that the court had "taken on new powers" and needed to be reined in He also admitted he should have acted sooner on reducing legal migration
Sunak described himself as an "accidental prime min-
learned of Liz Truss's resignation while dining with his
after a bowling game Four days later, he found himself walking into Number 10
ment, he said, was stabilising the economy after the market turmoil caused by Truss’s "fantasy economics " H
clashes with Boris Johnson, emphasizing his preference for a "small state" conservatism, careful public spending, and lower borrowing to e
n approach Johnson did not share He was particularly c
inflation and interest rates,
borrowing would put fur-
maintained that any expansion of support should be
opposed tax increases for a more generous system He also advocated a more radical restructuring of the state to cut welfare spending and boost defence funding He now believes the UK should abandon its legal commitment to net zero, arguing that the policy burdens the economy
During the Covid pan-
Sunak admitted he considered resigning over the scandal but decided against it, still incredulous that he was
penalised for arriving early to a work meeting where
More broadly, he criticised how the government handled lockdown messaging,
"more like grown-ups" and informed of the long-term
As Britain’s first Asian prime minister, Sunak spoke movingly about his grandfather’s pride in his achievem
elderly man tearfully called a friend in India upon Sunak’s first visit to Westminster However, he also expressed f
s p o n d i n g t o a p o p u l a r podcaster s claim that he s a b r o w n H i n d u ; h o w i s h e English?" by asserting, "Of
c o u r s e I ' m E n g l i s h b o r n here, brought up here "
Despite speculation that he called an early election to move to California, Sunak dismissed such claims, stating that the UK is his home He has since launched ‘The Richmond Project’, a charitable initiative named after his Yorkshire constituency
T h e p r o j e c t e v o l v e d
m Lessons at 10, an educational program started by his w i f e , A k s h a t a M u r t h y , w h i c
n v i t e s s c h o
c h i ldren to Downing Street for learning experiences While b o t h S u n
humorously admitted their own children dislike maths, saying, "Akshata is good at it, and through storytelling, she can teach them better than me L
described being prime minister as "a lonely job" where "it is 100% only on you " Now, as he steps away from t
appears to be reflecting not just on what he achieved, but on whether the country truly had time to know him
Conservative prime minister in just six years
Boys outperform girls in maths for first time in decades
Boys in England are
and science, according to
study for the Departm ent
after years of
schools across 59 countries found that in 2023, boys in England outperformed girls in maths by 26 points,
decades of parity England had the largest gender gap among participating countries, with similar trends in
Australia Boys also led Year 9 science by 14 points, up from three in 2019, while Year 5 scores remained similar D r J e
e G o l d i n
o f UCL noted that boys and girls had similar maths and science scores for 20 years, but a new gap has emerged C
belonging, and absenteeism m
h more research is needed
Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak with Nick Robinson during his interview
Unleash the power of those beautiful books
Toni Morrison died in the Bronx of New York City at the age of 88 The Nobel literature laureate, Toni Morrison had authored almost 11 novels apart from children’s books
Way back in 1993, Morrison had become the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Literature Prize Just interestingly enough, most American English newspapers have been singing the praises of Morrison For example, The New York Times has called her a towering novelist in its coverage
Her writing prowess had been widely accepted and applauded at the world stage The fact that her novels like Beloved had hugely exposed the facets of the AfricanAmerican slavery and the omnipresent reach and impacts created by her English writing and speech skills are all quite interesting and far more inspiring
Speaking of all these interesting stories, I as an English content writer and as an English trainer have just got inspired no end The interesting fact is that there have been interesting and beautiful English newspapers, magazines and books aplenty around the world
A voracious reader and a “book lover”, I have been in touch with and buying a lot of English newspapers and
Hyderabad and Mumbai All I do/want in the morning is to go to the newspaper stalls wherever I am be it in my native places like Korkai, Tiruchendur or in workstations such as Mumbai, Chennai
This having been the effect of my humble study culture and passion for languages like Tamil, English, I sincerely convey my condolence on the demise of Toni Morrison Finally, the international media houses should pitch for such great authors to literally fill up the world with beautiful books and newspapers that are replete with inspiring stories and words
I always love and admire books because they bring great knowledge to our table in the beautiful print format The message they carry and the knowledge they hold are tremendous and beautiful I fondly remember b u y i n g a l o t o f b o o k s i n t h e a r e a s l i k e T u t i c o r i n , Tirunelveli, Coimbatore, Chennai and Mumbai [across the various parts of India]
I always have great opinion of the makers/writers of the books because it is their high intelligence and great hard work that bring us good books I equally admire the media people for their tireless work and for the fact that the media for instance newspapers brilliantly carry our names and viewpoints in the beautiful format Kudos to all those makers
It is also time to release mini books in large numbers as they are simply beautiful and informative [just as I had experimented with during my college years like 2001 in Tuticorin and Chennai]
India- The champion of champions
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships” quote by Michael Jordan sums up India's victory It means that while individual talent is important, teamwork and intelligence are essential for long-term success TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More
TS Karthik
Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti
Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated all over India on the 14th of April every year to pay respect to Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar
On this auspicious day, we remember the contribution and accomplishment of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Dalits treat him as their God because he helped them a lot The major contribution by Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was helping Dalits to get equal authority, status, and respect in the society as others He is one of the greatest leaders in Indian history He fought tirelessly to abolish untouchability and secure equal rights for Dalits and marginalised communities
As the chairman of the Drafting Committee, he played a pivotal role in ensuring that the Indian Constitution upheld principles of justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity He was one of the first Dalits to get a complete education in India He achieved a degree in political science, economics and law He was a great lawyer, writer, historian, and also one of the greatest political leaders He was born in Madhya Pradesh on 14th April, 1990, and hence we celebrate this day as his birth anniversary
One of the biggest achievements of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was the Bharat Ratna He won the award in the year 1990 He completed his post-graduate from Columbia University and London School of Economics He is an inspiration of young lawyers across the world and was one of the greatest leaders in the history of India He helped Dalits and made sure they got what they deserve Because of him, many students are able to get good quality education in India at a lesser fee
There are people who are economically backward and cannot afford education in the high-level institute, but because of Babasaheb Ambedkar, even they are able to get high-quality education for their children which will secure the future of India
Babasaheb is a Marathi phrase which means 'Respected Father' (Baba = father and Saheb = sir) This epithet is commonly applied to B R Ambedkar
Jub el D'Cruz
“Make in India”
Tata Motors Hydrogen powered heavy-duty truck trial (as reported in AV dated 8-14 March 2025) clearly shows the ability of India to find innovative solutions in any sector In the current geopolitical situation, it is not only a desirable step but also a necessary step towards self-reliance to the extent possible
As such, developed countries are not very supportive of passing advanced technology to countries like India, and they charge very high prices India has got dedicated and talented manpower, very well developed infrastructure, top-class educational institutes like IITs, IISCs and IIMs just to name a few, so it is easy to make things happen at a very competitive price
In the era of high tariffs and threatening behaviour, it is advisable to reduce dependence on the things which can easily be made in India Just in the name of fashion or big brands, we should not be dependent, but should try to use local goods where quality is available We should only import the products which are impossible to make in India due to resource constraints or because of advanced technology, it is difficult to make in India We can easily avoid buying FMCG to minimise the adverse impact of tariff war
Like “Make in India”, people should be encouraged to use products made in India to support local industries Also, value added products should be encouraged to support local industries Countries which are proactive in reducing unnecessary imports will benefit in the long run Hitesh Hingu
Greek Church opposes Hindu temple plan in Harrow
A proposal to replace a Kenton scout hut wi th a Hi ndu templ e has sparked 150 + objections an d tens ions with a nearby G reek Orthodox Church
Submitted to Harrow Council, the plan seeks to build a two-storey temple for the Swaminarayan Gurukul Rajkot community
The Hindu group, currently based at Priestmead Primary School, faces opposit i o n f r o m S t P a n t e l e i m o n G r e e k Orthodox Church, just meters away A consultation drew 162 objections,
including from the church’s priest, who fears increased congestion and potential
nursery parents
church, cite noise concerns, traffic, and a lack of service considerations, including “noisy drumming ” They argue the temple could attract up to 200 people and suggest using other nearby sites The applicant disputes these claims, calling the figures unclear and the church’s objections “misleading ” Plans also include a two-
bedroom residence for the priest
The application proposes daily 30minute prayer sessions, with up to 50 attendees on weekends, plus weekly children's classes and monthly festivals for up to 100 people The applicant argues other local temples are not Gurukul centres and insists they can manage traffic and noise They also claim the church itself generates significant disturbances and that the temple’s operations can be regulated to avoid adding to existing issues
UK’s police lack data on extremist motives
T wo of Britain’s largest police forces,
t h e M et an d G rea ter M a nc h es te r P olice, adm it they do n’t track crim es
l i nke d t o ex tre m i sm , i nc lu d in g
I sla mi st, far- rig h t, far- left, inc el, o r enviro nm ental m otiv es
Critics argue this oversight blinds them to potential terrorist threats The revelation came via freedom of inform
crime data since 2020
The Met Police stated it has no central system to track extremist crimes, lacking flags or codes for Islamist, farright, incel, environmental, or far-left extremism Greater Manchester Police similarly admitted their system cannot identify such crimes
Shadow Justice Secretary Robert Jenrick urged all police forces to track
extremist-motivated crimes, calling for mandatory data recording to improve transparency
The Met said it tracks terrorism and hate crimes but lacks a specific offence for extremism A 2022 review b y S i r W
of attacks since 2018
K A P I L’S K H I C H A D I Time to End the Commonwealth?
Kapil Dudakia
Is it time to end the C omm onw ealth? Or at least end it in the way it exists currently?
My position on this has always remained the same, the Commonwealth is nothing more than a control tool for the British using the Royal family to continue their enslavement of previous conquered territories and project its influence
The Commonwealth comprises of 54 countries across continents The estimated population ofthose nations collectivelyis about 2 5 billion
On the official website of the Royals, it states, ‘After achieving independence, India was the first of a number of countries which decided that, although they wished to become republics, they still wanted to remain within the Commonwealth’ India’s first act as an independent nation was to beled by its imperial master Let that sink in!
Currently UK trade with the Commonwealth is mainly with five countries –Australia, Canada, India, Singapore and South Africa; combined these countries accounted for 73% of UK exports to the Commonwealth and 70% of UK imports from the Commonwealth
We are in global turmoil with previous associations and allegiances being tested to the extreme Post 75 years of nations being granted their independence, of nations surviving the fascism of Germany and Hitler, the aftermath of the cold war, and the more recent western indulgence with the "axis of evil" (term first used byPresident G e o r g e W B u s h S n r ) : o n e m u s t q u e s t i o n t h e
e r y paradigm that still dictates the world order
Whilst India rightfully shouts about its progress on the world stage, let us also be mindful that in the scheme of things, India is still a sideline when it is compared with how far China has developed from the very same standing start some 75 years ago For your information, the Chinese economy is 5 times bigger than India And the American economy is more than 7 times that of India
China was exempt from western imperial control;this allowed its own heritage to be central to everything it did It did not get things right at the start, but when it realised that they only way to survive in the world was to ensure dominance not just militarily, but economically as well –and on this it went full steam ahead We now live in an era when America and Europe together would think twice before taking on China today
Contrast that with India and its development under the narrative of the ‘Commonwealth’ and the stranglehold of continued western narrative The leader of 1 3 billion is still beholden to His Majesty the King – and my friends, that is the ugly truth whether you like it or not
As I put my metaphorical pen to paper, on the TVI hear the news that its Commonwealth Day It is paraded a s a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o c
e s s o f t h e Commonwealth The King is welcomed by representatives of the nations in a manner not too dissimilar to how previous royalty were welcomed by their subjects around the world I am left wondering, what has changed? Whilst those physical chains of slavery might not be seen, the remnants of that enslaved mindset are all too visible
I understand why the smaller nations remain beholden to Royal patronage, but one wonders why on earth India still acts like an enslaved nation When will India and its leadership have the confidence to step out of the shadow of the British Raj?
I am reminded of the dominance of the MCC and ECB in yesteryears Can you all remember how the power of these organisations controlled the world of Cricket When in 1983 India won the world cup, it was still treated like asecond-classnation Indian cricket was so poor, it could not even look after its team properly It took Indian cricket (BCCI) a few more decades before it realised its true strength The power of 1 3 billion behind them was finally realised Today Indian cricket is many times wealthier
together Ironically the week in which we celebrate the Indian cricket team winning the champions cup in Dubai, we also see the grotesque parade of power at Westminster
Commonwealth The King with his smile reminds every one of their place in the scheme of things!
The message to the Indian government, and to PM Modi ji, is very simple Is it not time that you flex the power of 1 3 billion? The chains of imperial privilege and patronage for the few surely must be abandoned for the welfare of the whole of India India is decades behind China, is it not time to unleash the genius of the Indian people? If there is to be a ‘Commonwealth’ – then let it be in the image of free nations led by India It’s time to end this show of imperial power
Sen thi l Sa ravan a Durai
Landlords who take the initiative can easily do better than what’s “average”
Property investors don’t need to settle At first glance in the rental market, the outlook for success doesn’t look that great at the moment. Zoopla’s latest UK Rental Market Report found that the average monthly UK rent hit £1,284 in early 2025.
T h i s w a s 3 % h i g h e r than last year – the lowest rate of growth seen for over 3 years Rental growth is n o w a t r i s k o f f a l l i n g behind inflation, which is i t s e l f c u r r e
these results at face value
Dig a little deeper, and it’s clear to see that by taking a bit of initiative, much better results can be attained
Higher rents can easily be found across the UK No one needs to settle for 3%
T h e s a m e r e s u l t s f r o m
Zoopla also revealed that rents rose by 6 2% year-onyear in Newcastle specifi-
c a l l y F o l l o w i n g t h i s , L i v e r p o o l h i t 5 4 % , a n d
Cardiff saw growth of 4 8%
Also, we mustn’t lose sight of the clear, yet crucial difference between rising rents and rising yields
R e n t a l y i e l d s d e t e r m i n e how well an investment has paid off and by the looks of
things, many investments are runaway successes right now
Rental yields are at a 13y e a r h i g h a c c o r d i n g t o recent analysis, sitting at an average of 6 93% across the UK But even here, with the b e n e f i t o f s e l e c t i v e n e s s , this could appear on the lower side I f w e l o o k a t H M O s s p e c
e , we see almost a doubling in the average yield The average HMO yield in the UK, according to Lendlord’s late s t H M O D a t a A n a l y s i s
Report, was 10 4% at the end of 2024 The highest y i e l d o f 1 5 4 % c o u l d b e found in the North East of England
Evidently, by embracing proactivity and a bit of e n
lords can secure surprisingly high returns Even if the wider market struggles
when the broader picture looks bleak, there is always o
d somewhere This is why we ensure we can lend across E n g l a n
l e
d not obsess over the South East hotspots It’s also why we ’ re open to a broad range of asset types, from studio flats to large HMOs As the m a r k e t m o v e s , a n d n e w opportunities emerge, we will be ready to help our clients jump on them
AWRC to host landmark conference on housing crisis for BME women
T h e As i a n W o m e n ’ s Resour ce Centre (AWRC)
i s set to launch it s f irste ver confer ence a ddr essi ng th e housing crisis for Black a nd Minori ty Ethnic (BME) women with No Recour se to Public F und s (NRPF)
T i t l e d " U n l o c k i n g
D o o r s : S u s t a i n a b l e Solutions to the Housing
C r i s i s f o r B M E W o m e n with NRPF," the event will take place on March 14, 2025, at the Royal Society
o f A r t s , L o n d o n B M E women facing NRPF are locked out of government benefits and housing support, leaving them in precarious and unsafe situations Since 2024, 86% of the women supported by AWRC have been affected by NRPF, highlighting the u
actionable solutions Dame
Abuse Commissioner for
address the national landscape for NRPF survivors, while Pragna Patel, a leading women ’ s rights activist, will explore the intersec-
anti-racism, and advocacy
stark challenges they face
AWRC Director Sarbjit Ganger calls the event a “call to action” to dismantle systemic barriers and ensure all women, regardless of immigration status, have access to safe housing
Half of young women in the UK report feeling lonely
Nearly half of yo ung women in the UK experience loneliness, accord ing to a landm ark M RP poll of 1 0,0 00 a d u lt s co n d u ct ed by Opinium for the Belong ing F orum T h e s t u d y f o u n d t h a t 49% of women aged 18-24 feel lonely some or all of the t i m e , s i g n
t h a n t h e 2 9 %
p o r t e d across the general population The research also highlighted a gender gap in life
adults While 67% of men aged 18-24 report being satisfied with their lives, the
women Additionally, life satis-
women has declined, with only 55% feeling satisfied in
2024 The Belonging Forum n
secure in their social relationships, making them
Women now outnumber men in NHS
For th e first time, fem ale doctors in the UK outnumber their male co unterparts, marking a m ajor shift in a historically m ale-d ominated profession A
data, as of February 28, there were 164,440 female doctors 245 more than men, making up 50 04% of the
doctors from ethnic minori-
(HCSA), described it as a historic milestone, noting that w
lower pay, harassment, and sacrifices in their personal lives to reach this point H
particularly in medical specialists Women dominate in obstetrics and gynaecology (63%), paediatrics (61%), and general practice (58%), but are underrepresented in surgery (17%), ophthalmolo-
medicine (37%)
Despite progress, challenges persist An HCSA survey found that four in five female doctors had experi-
Paoloni stressed the need to
lonelier than the rest of the population The study also explored the role of social media in loneliness and isolation, revealing that while many respondents use it to build connections, excessive s o
f participants reported daily use of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram, while nearly 4 8 % o f 1
platforms regularly
step toward
pay gap, and ensure flexible work options for women in medicine While this demographic shift is
experts argue that systemic changes are still required
Harriet Harman appointed UK’s Special Envoy for Women and Girls
In her new role, Harman will lead global efforts to empower women and girls,
reproductive health rights,
based violence The Foreign Office emphasised that "cre-
through the milestones of this government " A L a b
u r M P f o r 4 0 years, Harman has been a t i r e l e s s a d v o c a t e f o r w o m e n ’ s r i g h t s , c h a m p ioning political representation, maternity rights, and m e a s u r e s t o c o m b a t v i ol e n c e a g a i n s t w o m e n a n d girls
stating: “Accelerating action on equality for women and girls is vital to delivering the global economic growth we n e e d a n d a s a f e r , m o r e secure world Harriet’s lifelong dedication to women ’ s r i g h t s m a k e s h e r a formidable advocate for this cause ” Harman acknowledged t
women and girls as ‘far from done ’ She pledged that the UK will stand in solidarity w i t h w o m
ensuring their rights remain
Lammy expressed confidence in her appointment,
Harriet Harman
Paresh Raja, CEO MFS
Sarbjit Ganger
“Race has no place in political debate and should never be used to stifle democratic discussion”
A H e r ts m e r e B o r ou g h Coun cil m eeting des cended i nt o c ha os la st w ee k after Counci l Leader Cllr
J e r e m y N e w m a rk ( L a b ) ,
a c c u s e d C ll r A b h i s h e k
Sachdev of usi ng an “anti-
Se m i ti c tr o pe ” i n hi s speech
C l l r S a c h d e v , a Conservative representa-
t i v e a n d f i n a n c e e x p e r t , has served on the council since 2014, becoming its first British Hindu coun-
c i l l o r H e p r e v i o u s l y
c h a i r e d t h e A u d i t
C o m m i t t e e , o v e r s a w council accounts, and later held the role of Finance
P o r t f o l i o H o l d e r
F o l l o w i n g t h e
Conservative Party's election loss, he took on the role of opposition finance spokesperson, scrutinising the council’s budget
D u r i n g t h e h e a t e d
e x c h a n g e , C o n s e r v a t i v e
Group Leader Cllr Morris
B r i g h t , c o n d e m n e d C l l r Newmark’s remarks, calling him a “disgrace” for m a k i n g t h e a c c u s a t i o n against Cllr Sachdev
C l l r A b h i s h e k t o l d Asian Voice that, “During a recent Council meeting,
I d e l i v e r e d m y b u d g e t
r e s p o n s e , d i r e c t i n g m y criticisms at the Council leader, Jeremy Newmark, as he is widely recognised as the driving force behind m a j o r d e c i s i o n s M y speech was well received, but when Newmark later spoke, he accused me of u s i n g a n " a n t i - S e m i t i c
t r o p e " a s h o c k i n g a n d baseless claim If he had g e n u i n e l y b e l i e v e d m y remarks were offensive, he w o u l d h a v e o b j e c t e d immediately, but he waited until his speech to raise the issue ” “ H i s a c c u s a t i o n sparked outrage across the chamber Several Labour
a n d L i b e r a l D e m o c r a t C o u n c i l l o r s , i n c l u d i n g a
J e w i s h L a b o u r m e m b e r , walked out in protest, call-
ing out the weaponisation o f a n t i - S e m i t i s m M y C o n s e r v
u s a t i o n t w i c e a g a i n after this, making it clear t h i s w a s n o m i s u n d e rs t a n d i n g L a t e r , u n d e r pressure, he issued a halfhearted apology, blaming high blood sugar and suggesting I had unknowingly
u s e d p r o b l e m a t i c l a nguage The situation escalated to the point where enough Councillors across all three political parties were ready to call a vote of no confidence in him an unprecedented move The ( L a b o u r ) M a y o r b l o c k e d the vote from taking place, but the reaction showed h o w s e r i o u s t h e m a t t e r was What disappoints me most is that despite know-
i n g m y v a l u e s h e e v e n a t t e n d e d M o r a r i B a p u ’ s Ram Katha in Cambridge w i t h m e l a s t y e a r h e refused to fully retract his words, ” he added S p e a k i n g a b o u t
C o n s e r v a t i v e G r o u p L e a d e r M o r r i s B r i g h t ’
i s B r i g h t , o u r Conservative Party leader, then shared that he was bullied as a child and, as a
J e w i s h p e r s o n , u n d e r -
s t a n d s t h e d i f f e r e n c e between bullying and antisemitism I live in Elstree, a p r e d o m i n a n t l y J e w i s h area My children attend school locally, which has a large Jewish community, and many of my clients at
V e d a n t a H e d g i n g a r e Jewish property investors
B e i n g a c c u s e d o f a n t is e m i t i s m i s s
could impact my family, my business, and my community standing A Liberal Democrat Councillor told me he worries that antisemitism is being used as a tool to suppress democracy, making people hesitant
t o e n g a g e i n h o n e s t debate This is about the r i g h t t o d i s c u s s i
Councillor out of seva selfless service following the teachings of my guru, Bapu I don’t do this for t h e £
, 0 0 0 y e a r l y allowance; it’s about giving back to the community ” Giving a message to his c
this matter, Abhishek said, “
a n d should never be used to stifle democratic discussion It’s not about antis e m i t i s m o
o t h e r identity If I give a speech a n d s o m e o n e c r i t i c i s e s me, that’s fair debate But I should never accuse them of being anti-Hindu or any
political parties, expressing their dismay But this
debating serious financial concerns affecting all residents of Hertsmere, attention was diverted I even stated that I was so worried about the Council’s
that I would contact the Auditors Yet, instead of addressing my concerns,
deflected by playing the race card That’s not how democracy should work ”
Launching in July, this will be the only direct link
n g m a j o r e c o n o m y
Business and political leaders have hailed the move as a key step in advancing the government’s growth agenda
B u s i n e s s a n d T r a d e
S e c r e t a r y J o n a t h a n
Reynolds, MP for Stalybridge a n d H y d e , w e l c o m e d t h e new route, calling it a major
b o o s t f o r b u s i n e s s e s a n d travelers Fresh from trade talks in New Delhi, he highlighted the UK’s strong ties with India, backed by a £41 billion trade relationship set to grow with improved conn e c t i v i t y H e c a l l e d t h e
flights a sign of confidence in the UK economy I
ing service export partner, with exports more than doubling from 2019 to 2022, now
Partnership (MIP), a publicprivate body strengthening
County Cricket Club, MIP has led numerous trade mis-
Punjab-born 'Walking Singh' wins UK Movember Award after 508 km feat
Indian-born Gurmeet Singh
Sid hu has made th e com munity prou d by winning th e 2 0 2 5 M o v em b er U K & Europe Award in the " Going the Distance" category, cover i ng 50 8 ki l o m ete rs Mo vember raises aw areness for men s health, including p ro st ate c anc er, t esti c ul ar cancer, and mental health
T h e a w a r d s t a t e m e n t p r a i s e d G u r m e e t S i n g h
Sidhu, known as 'Walking Singh,' as an inspiration A p
School, he has deeply motivated his students this year Despite being told he might never walk without impairment due to health issues, he defied the odds through d a i l y w a l k i n g , a v o i d i n g s u r g e r y , a n d c o v e r i n g a n i n c r e d i b l e 5 0 8 k i l o m e t e r s during Movember
S i d h u , o r i g i n a l l y f r o m Bathinda and an alumnus of PPS, Nabha, participated in M o v e m b e r , a m o n t h - l o n g charity event raising awareness for men's health Best k n o w n f o r e n c o u r a g i n g moustache growth, it also includes various fundraising activities Widely regarded as one of the UK’s top men's h e a l t h c h a r i t i e s , i t s e e s strong support from both m e n a n d w o m e n S i d h u noted that the award panel reviews participants’ efforts before announcing the winner in March " I c o m p e t e d i n t h e 'Going the Distance' category, walking 508 kilometers in a month an average of 17 km per day after school a n d o n w e e k e n d
years, but I was determined to prove otherwise and I did " Passionate about youth w e l
NHS sexual assault referrals for women up 18% in two years
Government pledges support for miscarriage leave
to £38,700 They argue the move aims to curb
D e l i v e r y D
BusinessLDN, warned that raising the salary threshold would worsen skill short-
ages, making it harder for firms to recruit talent He urged policymakers to prioritize economics over politics a n d c r e a t e a f l e x i b l e , f a i r i mmi g r ati o n s y s tem wh i le strengthening domestic talent pipelines
The Tory proposals also t a r g e t s p o u s a l a n d f a m i l y visas, increasing the minimum salary from £29,000 to £38,700 Spouses must be over 23, married for at least two years, and first cousins will be ineligible
T he g ov er n me n t b ac k s bereavement leave for misc a rr i a ge , w i th B
During debate, Madders expressed full support for bereavement leave for pregnancy
stating they look forward to further discussions with Owen and peers as the Bill progresses
Cllr Abhishek Sachdev
Navendu Mishra Jonathan Reynolds
Gurmeet Singh
MEA Jaishankar’s visit concludes with stronger UK-India ties
The trip included inaugurating India’s new Consulates in Belfast and Manchester and engaging with govern-
and the Indian diaspora
At the start of his visit, Dr Jaishankar met Business
a n d T r a d e S
y Jonathan Reynolds to review
Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Home Secretary Yvette
exchanges, and cooperation on tackling trafficking and extremism
Minister Keir Starmer at 10 Downing Street to advance bilateral and economic ties,
exchanges, and discuss the
t h e Ukraine conflict
O v e r t w o d a y s a t
C h e v e n i n g H o u s e , D r J a i s h a n k a r a n d F o r e i g n
S e c r e t a r y D
t e n s i v
s o n s t r a t e g i c c o o r d i n a t i o n , political cooperation, trade
n e g o t i a t i o n s , e d u c a t i o n , t e c h n o l o g y , a n d m o b i l i t y
Both sides agreed on next steps to further strengthen
affirmed India’s support for the US dollar as the global r e s e r
the Rupee to support trade and investment Addressing BRICS, he dismissed claims of a united stance against the dollar, stating India prioritises collaboration with the US to strengthen the global financial system
After the meeting, a proK
country that they are safe," he added
A Met Police spokesper-
attempted to breach barric
while others shouted antiIndia slogans The Ministry o
forces” and “indifference” to their threats
M E A s p o
n Randhir Jaiswal said India had conveyed its “deep conc e
, stressing that further action would determine the sincerity of the UK’s response The UK Foreign Office strongly
their partnership He also
m e t w i t h C h e v e n i n g
S c h o l a r s f r o m I n d i a a n d later shared details of the meeting in a post on X Dr
J a i s h a n k a r d e s c r i b e d t h e scholars as great advocates of India-UK ties," highlighting their role in strengthen-
i n g t h e b i l a t e r a l r e l a t i o nship
Ch atham House event
cov ers K ashm ir, FT A, and global affairs
D u r i n g a C h a t h a m House meeting hosted by
D i r e c t o r a n d C h i e f
E x e c u t i v e B r o n w e n
M a d d o x , D r S J a i s h a n k a r a d d r e s s e d q u e s t i o n s o n Kashmir and human rights
Earlier that day, the House
o f C o m m o n s d e b a t e d “ G o v e r n m e n t S u p p o r t f o r
H u m a n R i g h t s i n J a m m u and Kashmir,” led by Labour
MP Sarah Smith
Several key topics were addressed, including IndiaC h i n a f l i g h t s , t h e K a i l a s h p i l g r i m a g e , I n d i a - U S t i e s , and UK-India FTA negotiations Responding to questions on the Biden adminis-
t r a t i o n ’ s f i r s t 4 1 d a y s , J a i s h a n k a r n o t e d i t s s h i f t toward multipolarity, aligning with India’s interests He h i
shared commitment without burden-sharing disputes
condemned the breach, calling any attempt to “intimidate, threaten, or disrupt” public events unacceptable A video circulating on social media shows a man with the Indian flag rushing toward Jaishankar’s car before being
s t o p p e d b y p o l i c e , w h i l e p r o t e s t e r s w a v e d p r oKhalistan flags and shouted slogans
MP Bob Blackman and Labour House Leader Lucy P o w e l l c o n d e m n e d t h e attack on External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, calling for better visitor protection Raising the issue in the H o u s e o f C o m m o n s , B l a c k m a n d e
d e m o c r a c y a n d I n d i a - U K ties He criticised security lapses and urged measures to prevent such incidents, requesting ministerial statem e n t s o n v i s i t o r s a f e t y Referring to the attackers as “ K h a l i s t a n i t h u g s , ” h e s t r e s s e
stronger protections, stat-
Geneva Convention, and we must ensure it never happens again ” " S o w i
i a t e minister makes a statement to this House about what p r o t e c t
Wednesday evening, where a small protest was taking
event attended by the Indian External Affairs Minister
leaving, a protester ran in front of his stationary car,
protester did not approach the Minister, who departed without incident No arrests were made,” the spokesperson added
An FCDO spokesperson said: “We strongly condemn the incident that took place
External Affairs Minister’s visit to the UK While the
threaten, or disrupt public events are completely unacceptable The Metropolitan
address the situation, and we remain fully committed to ensuring the security of all our diplomatic visitors, in line with our international obligations ” Bilateral talks in Ireland to boost econom ic cooperation External Affairs Minister
Ireland, holding high-level talks to strengthen bilateral ties He met Irish President
Deputy PM Simon Harris, with both sides agreeing to
trade, investment, and technology collaboration
focused on bilateral ties and
talks with Foreign Minister Simon Harris covered trade,
FinTech, and semiconduc-
expanding higher education c
sional opportunities
Jaishankar described his m
i n g w i t h H a r r i s a s “ warm and open, ” announci n g p l a n s f o
D u r i n g h i s v i s i t t o Dublin, Dr Jaishankar paid t r i b u t e t o R a b i n d r a n a t h
T a g o r e ’ s s t a t u e a n d t o o k part in an academic discuss i o n o n g l o b a l a f f a i r s a t University College Dublin
A d d r e s s i n g t h e I n d i a n community, he reaffirmed the government’s unwavering support for its citizens abroad, stating, “We want
t o d a y ’ s I n d i a n s g o i n g
a b r o a d w h e t h e r t h e y a r e t o u r i s t s , s t u d e n t s , p r o f e ss i o n a l s , o r r e s i d e n t s t o
have the confidence that the g o v e r n m e n t t h i n k s a b o u t
D e s c r i b i n g B e l f a s t a s a s t r a t e g i c l i n k b e t w e e n I n d i a ’ s U K a n d E u r o p e a n policies, he noted its privileged access to both He also underscored India’s ongoing FTA negotiations with the UK and the EU, expressing hope for an early conclusion
Inaugu rates M anchester consulate, enhancing business links
C h a n g e i s m a k i n g B r i t
n the best place to do business and driving growth across the country ” H i g h l i g h t i n g I n d i a ’ s investment in Manchester, she added, “India’s commitment to this city is a major boost for businesses across t h e N o r t h W e s t , a s w e strengthen the UK’s £41 bill i o n t r a d i n g r e l a t i o n s h i p with India Together, we are d e e
Indian External Affairs
M i n i s t e r D r S J a i s h a n k a r , a l o n g s i d e D e p u t y P r i m e
Minister Angela Rayner and Minister West, inaugurated the new Indian consulate in Manchester, positioning it as a gateway for business growth in the North West
He also visited Lancashire
C r i c k e t C l u b a t O l d
T r a f f o r d , h i g h l i g h t i n g t h e positive shift and expanding ties in the India-UK relationship
H i s v i s i t f o l l o w e d a m e e t i n g w i t h F o r e i g n
Secretary David Lammy, as the UK welcomed over £100 m i l l i o n i n I n d i a n i n v e s tment, creating jobs, boost-
you and has your back If you are in a jam, we are there ” He emphasised that this w a s m o r e t h a n j u s t a promise, adding, “This is not just a statement It is a commitment backed by a system
t h a t l e v e r a g e s t e c h n o l o g y and a structured framework of action to ensure the safety and well-being of Indians overseas ”
J a i s h a n k a r v i s i t e d
B e l f a s t , w h e r e h e m e t
D e p u t y F i r s t M i n i s t e r
E m m a L i t t l e - P e n g e l l y a n d
J u n i o r M i n i s t e r A i s l i n g
R e i l l y , t h a n k i n g t h e m f o r their support in establishing t h e I n d i a n C o n s u l a t e i n Northern Ireland He highl i g h t e d o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o s t r e n g t h e n t i e s i n s k i l l s , c y b e r s e c u r i t y , t e c h n o l o g y , c r e a t i v e i n d u s t r i e s , a n d manufacturing At Queen’s University Belfast, which is s e t t o o p e n a c a m p u s i n
G I F T C i t y , G u j a r a t , h e e n g a g e d w i t h I n d i a n s t udents and emphasised growing India-UK academic collaboration
J a i s h a n k a r i n a u g u r a t e d t h e I n d i a n c o n s u l a t e i n
n t Economic Commission and a n e w A c t i o n P l a n t o strengthen ties They also exchanged views on global i s s u e s , i n c l u d i n g U k r a i n e , West Asia, Afghanistan, the Indo-Pacific, and India-EU cooperation
ing growth, and benefiting working people
Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government, Angela Rayner, expressed her pride in the opening of the new I n d i a n c o n s u l a t e i n Manchester, calling it “ a fantastic moment for our great city and the UK-India relationship ” She highlighted the significant contributions of the Indian diaspora in Greater
M a n c h e s t e r , s t a t i n g , “ T h e I n d i a n c o m m u n i t y h a s played a vital role in the region’s historic growth and success, and I am excited to see this partnership deepen today ”
E m p h a s i s i n g t h e g o vernment's commitment to n a t i o n w i d e g r o w t h , s h e added, “The opening of this consulate supports our Plan for Change, helping to raise living standards across the region It stands as a symbol of the UK and India’s shared c o m m i t m e n t t o f o s t e r i n g e c o n o m i c g r o w t h f o r t h e benefit of both nations ” I n d o - P a c i f i c M i n i s t e r
C a t h e r i n e W e s t e x p r e s s e d her excitement at the opening of India’s new consulate in Manchester, stating, “It’s fantastic to be here and to meet so many from the 1 7 million-strong Indian diaspora in the UK This consulate underscores how the UK Government’s Plan for
B e l f a s t , N o r t h e r n I r e l a n d , emphasising its role in serving the Indian community and fostering cooperation in trade, technology, business, a n d e d u c a t i o n H e h i g hlighted that the new cons u l a t e i s p a r t o f I n d i a ’ s broader initiative to establ i s h d i p l o m a t i c m i s s i o n s w o r l d w i d e t o s u p p o r t i t s g r o w i n g d i a s p o r a
connections, and working to improve the livelihoods of people in both our nations ” Foreign Secretary David L
importance of strengthening UK-India ties, stating, “One of my first visits as
India because deepening our
Plan for Change
Highlighting trade relations, he said, “Dr Jaishankar and I are supercharging our £41 billion trading relationship with India, following the relaunch of trade talks in Delhi This is just the foun-
far beyond, benefiting both our economies
India’s expanding diplomat-
reflects our growing ties and commitment to delivering growth not just in London, but across the UK This will further strengthen our trade links and support the valued Indian community ” At the Manchester consulate, Dr Jaishankar high-
Agreement (FTA) as a symbol of the India-UK bilateral r
heights Jaishankar also encouraged Manchester universities to expand their presence
model for deeper academic collaboration Additionally, he announced the UK’s first
Sahayata Kendra (NRI Help
Indian diaspora The minister’s visit also touched upon strengthening connectivity between India and the UK, hinting at potential direct flights between Manchester and Delhi D
well-wishers in London and concluded his trip with a tour of Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, hosted by Foreign Secretary David Lammy He
Bournemouth match, reinforcing India-UK ties The visit injected fresh momen-
Indian Minister of External Affairs
Dr S Jaishankar inaugrating Indian Consulate in Belfast
L to R: Nicola Green, Foreign Secretary David Lammy, Indian MEA Dr S Jaishankar and Kyoko Jaishankar at Chevening House
Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves with Indian MEA Dr S Jaishankar
A celebration of green spaces
Gard ening is mo re than just an enjoyable pastim e, it’s a g atew ay to improved well-
b ei ng , a g re ener env iro nm ent, and a m ore beautiful h ome
W h e t h e r y o
a modest balcony, the benefits of nurturing plants extend f
Tending to a garden provides a sense of accomplishm e n t , r e d u c e s s t r e s s , a n d even contributes to physical health through gentle exercise and fresh air
In this special gardening feature, we explore the personal sanctuaries that are gardens, embracing a fusion of practicality, culture, and nature From vibrant flowers to fragrant herbs, every green space tells a unique story, shaped by the plants we choose and the care we give
We delve into the world of South Asian plants, guiding you on how to successfully cultivate them in different climates If allergies keep you from fully enjoying t
related gardening tips will help you design a low-allergen space, making your garden a haven for relaxation
bring you creative ways to
touches into your garden, from intricate sculptures to
vibrant decor
Gardening is a journey o n
nature, enhances our surroundings, and enriches our lives Through this feature, we aim to inspire, educate,
plants in all its forms
A forgotten garden blooms again
N es tl ed i n th e h ear
f Woking , a town kno wn for its Tudor history and litera ry c o nne ct io n s , li e s an u n ex p ec ted s a nc tu ar y
f serenity an Islamic m em orial g arden with roots th at stretch back to the late 19th century
T o d a y , t h i s
t o r e d s p a c e , t h e P e a c e G a r d e n , stands as a tribute to a lesse r - k n o w n c h a p t e r o f Britain’s horticultural and c u l t u r a l h e r i t a g e , w h e r e Mughal aesthetics meet the
E n g l i s h c o u n t r y s i d e T h e story begins with Gottlieb W i l h e l m L e i t n e r , a Hungarian Jewish orientalist who envisioned Woking as a centre for oriental stud-
How to enjoy your garden without the sneezes
Fo r many, gardening is a r ew ar d i ng and p ea c efu l h o bb y th a t
ay fev er seas on arriv es T
j o y o f p l ant
w e rs , pruning shrubs, and tending to v eg etables can qu ickl y b e o v er sh a d o w ed by sneezing , itch y eyes, and a runny nose
Hay fever, or allergic rhinitis, occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne allergens such a s p o l l e n , d u s t m i t e s , mould spores, and pet dand e r C o m m o n s y m p t o m s i n c l u d e p e r s i s t e n t s n e e zi n g , a r u n n y o r b l o c k e d nose, and itchy, red, watery eyes that may be sensitive to light Many also experience an itchy throat or ears, often with a scratchy sen-
s a t i o n F a t i g u e a n d i r r itability can develop after prolonged exposure, affecting overall well-being
H o w e v e r , h a y f e v e r doesn’t mean you have to g i v e u p g a r d e n i n g W i t h the right strategies, plant choices, and precautions, y o u c a n s t i l l e n j o y y o u r
o u t d o o r s p a c e w i t h o u t constant discomfort
Managing your pollen allergy
ing plants should not be
g r o w n n e a r w i n d o w s t o
r e d u c e p o l l e n e n t r y indoors
P r o t e c t i v e m e a s u r e s ,
s u c h a s w e a r i n g g o g g l e s , g l o v e s , a n d l o n g s l e e v e s , help prevent direct contact with allergens Showering and changing clothes after outdoor activities remove residual pollen A filtration face mask is beneficial for mowing or raking leaves
W r a p a r o u n d s u n g l a s s e s shield eyes, and a hat with a brim reduces pollen accumulation on hair and skin
Using saline nasal washes, allergen barrier balms, and high-quality air filters further help manage exposure
kle provide excellent alternatives to traditional grass while keeping pollen expos u
y , herbs and vegetables such a s l a v e n d e r , r o s e m
r y , m i n t , a
great choices Av ailable treatment to loo
involves minimising exposure to allergens and using
immunotherapy for severe cases Understanding the difference between seasonal
relieve hay fever symptoms and are available over the counter or by prescription These medications come in
ies in Europe His ambitious plans left a lasting imprint on the town, most notably with the construction of the S h a h J a h a n M o s q u e i n 1 8 8 9 t h e f i r s t p u r p o s ebuilt mosque in Britain
Commissioned with the s u p p o r t o f S h a h J e h a n Begum, an influential ruler from Bhopal, the mosque
s o o n b e c a m e a h u b f o r I s l a m i c s c h o l a r s h i p a n d
c o m m u n i t y g a t h e r i n g I n 1917, amid the devastation of the First World War, a Muslim burial ground was added to the mosque complex Designed with Rajputinspired chattris, it provided
public memory
However, history has a w a y o f r e s u r f a c i n g , m u c h like a dormant seed waiting for the right conditions to bloom The revival of the m e m o r i a l g a r d e n w a s spurred by an unlikely benefactor Paul Weller, frontman of the punk band The Jam and a Woking native With a deeply personal conn
c e worked as a cleaner at the S h a h J
h a n M o s q u e Weller helped to restore the site, ensuring it would once again serve as a space of r e m e m b r a n c e a n d r e f l e ction
Finally reopened in 2015, the redesigned garden is a b r e a t h t a k i n g b
a f i n a l r e s t i n g p l a c e f o r I n d i a n s o l d i e r s w h o h a d fought for Britain But over t i m e , t h e s i t e f e l l i n t o neglect, and in the 1960s, the graves were relocated to Brookwood Cemetery after the memorial suffered vandalism The once-peaceful garden became overgrown, its significance fading from
The centrepiece is a tranquil water feature, a nod to tradit
where flowing water symb
seven Himalayan birch trees encircle the space, each representing one of the Indian soldiers originally interred
Portland stone and Indian
carved stone prayer mats, aligned towards Mecca, further enhance the spiritual essence of the garden
space as “ an Islamic garden reimagined for the English c
Mughal gardens meets the organic charm of an English p
l landscaping, the garden is not only a poignant memorial but also a testament to the power of restoration both of memory and nature
As the seasons change, so does the garden’s beauty
I n
s form a delicate canopy of g
e n , w h i l e i n
u m n , their golden leaves contrast with the pale stonework A w a l k t h r o u g h t h i s s a c r e d space is a journey through time, where every planted tree and carved stone whispers stories of those who came before More than a t r i b u t e t o h i s t o r y , t h e restored garden of Woking is a symbol of resilience proof that even forgotten landscapes can bloom again
Reducing exposure to pollen and mould allergens is essential for those with a l l e r g i e s , b u t s t a y i n g indoors constantly is not practical Instead, strategic m e a s u r e s c a n h e l p m i ni m i s e s y m p t o m s w h i l e allowing enjoyment of outdoor spaces
One can also practice g a r d e n i n g w i t h s o m e adjustments Use low-allerg e n m u l c h i n s t e a d o f organic compost, and keep l a w n s s h o r t t o p r e v e n t f l o w e r i n g a n d p o l l e n
r e l e a s e A l t e r n a t i v e s l i k e decking, shingle, or artificial turf offer low-mainten a n c e s o l u t i o n s K e e p i n g compost heaps covered can p r e v e n t t h e s p r e a d o f mould spores, and climb-
C h o o s i n g a l l e r g yf r i e n d l y p l a n t s i s a l s o essential for creating a gard e n t h a t m i n i m i s e s h a y fever symptoms The best options are those that produce minimal pollen or rely on insects for pollination rather than wind dispersal
S e v e r a l f l o w e r s a n d shrubs are suitable for an a l l e r g y - f r i e n d l y g a r d e n
R o s e s , h y d r a n g e a s , f u c hsias, camellias, and begonias are all excellent choices For trees and hedges, consider apple trees, magn o l i a s , c h e r r y t r e e s , a n d holly, which are less likely to trigger allergies
G r o u n d c o v e r p l a n t s a n d g r a s s e s c a n a l s o b e s e l e c t e d c a r e f u l l y I r i s h moss, clover, and periwin-
nasal sprays A pharmacist can recommend the most suitable option N
fast relief for congestion and are available over the counter or by prescription Proper usage is essential for
therapy, or desensitisation, is also an option for severe
I t involves gradually increasi n g a l l e r g e n e x p o s u r e through injections or sublingual tablets
B e f o r e s t a r t i n g a n y treatment, it is always best t o c o n s u l t a d o c
e n approach is safe and appropriate for your specific condition
Spring gardening guide
A s spri ng nears, temp e ratu r es ri se , d ay s leng then, and gardens awaken No w is the p erfect time to fo cu s on planting and preparing fo r th e seas on ahead Here’s all that you can plant in you r garden in March
Plant stru ctural beauties
March is ideal for planting bare-root roses, herbac e o u s p e r e n n i a l s , a n d h e d g e s T h e s e s t r u c t u r a l plants form the foundation of a vibrant summer garden, so get them in the ground before the warmth sets in P rune for healthy growth
daylilies, and irises Splitting them not only revitalises the p l a n
extra stock for free!
Prepare for sowing Dahlia tubers should be planted in pots undercover to ensure a spectacular sum-
If last year ’ s perennials still have dead stems, now is your final chance to clear them away Pruning ensures shrubs remain healthy and e n c o u r a g e s f r e s h s p r i n g growth Act now before new shoots emerge Div ide and multip ly
digging, give your soil a final prep by hoeing off weeds, removing stones and debris, and raking in a light layer of organic fertiliser to create a fine, crumbly seedbed Start Fruits & Veg etables Sow lettuces, tomatoes, salads, and cauliflowers undercover At the same t i
beets, cabbages, herbs, leeks,
and Brussels sprouts outdoors March is also the time to plant early potatoes, g a r l i
and strawberries
Embrace the new season by getting your garden ready for a lush and bountiful year ahead!
The reflecting pool and memorial stone
ic produ ce
Bringing South Asian flavours to your garden
Home-grown vegetables are healthier, free from pest
bought alternatives
imported produce, lowering
these crops fosters a sense of pride and heritage, allowing families to pass down traditional knowledge and cooking practices H
South Asian cuisine gains popularity across the UK, more gardeners are looking to grow authentic ingredients at home At the same time, a gradually warming climate is making it easier to cultivate traditionally heatloving crops such as bottle gourd (lauki), bitter melon (karela), okra (bhindi), and a u b e r g i n e s ( b a i n g a n ) B y
a p p l y i n g s t a n d a r d v e g -
e t a b l e - g r o w i n g p r i n c i p l e s with specific adaptations for these plants, home gardeners can successfully grow a variety of South Asian veg-
e t a b l e s i n o p e n g r o u n d , greenhouses, or containers ”
O f f e r i n g a d v i c e o n growing South Asian vegetables, Tim explained, “For the
b e s t r e s u l t s , c h o o s e c r o p s suited to your garden’s conditions Heat-loving vegetables like bottle gourd (lauki), bitter melon (karela), ridge gourd (turai), okra (bhindi), a u b e r g i n e ( b a i n g a n ) , a n d c h i l l i e s ( m i r c h ) t h r i v e i n greenhouses or polytunnels, w h i l e c o o l e r - s e a s o n c r o p s such as methi (fenugreek), coriander (dhania), mustard
g r e e n s ( s a r s o n ) , a m a r a n t h ( l a l s a a g ) , a n d r a d i s h (mooli/daikon) can be grown o u t d o o r s T o m a x i m i s e growth, start seeds indoors i n M a r c h o r A p r i l b e f o r e transplanting, provide support for climbing plants like karela and lauki, and practice succession planting for herbs like methi and coriander Effective pest and disease management is key-use n e e m o i l o r c o m p a n i o n planting to deter aphids and w h i t e f l i e s , p r o t e c t y
u n g plants from slugs with barrie
s , a n d p r e v e n t p o w d e r y mildew by ensuring good air c i r c u l a t i o n a n d a v o i d i n g overhead watering ”
Hina Josh i, Niru P atel, and Rish i Shah-experienced gardeners with a passion for p
e d the benefits of urban gardening, stating, “Urban gardening plays a vital role in
above and below the soil but also enhances the nutrient content of vegetables, supporting both environmental sustainability and personal well-being ”
Offering advice to those interested in growing South Asian vegetables at home, they suggested, “Start small b y g r o
etable and gradually learn what works best for your garden’s conditions Since not all South Asian vegetables thrive in every environment, begin by experimenting with adaptable varieties
cooler climates ”
Start a green space in apartment balcony
You don ’t need a bi g gar-
d en t o g r ow p l an t s A
sm al l bal c o n y c an become a green space
As more people in the U K l i v e i n a p a r t m e n t s ,
b a l c o n y g a r d e n i n g i s becoming popular Even a
t i n y s p a c e c a n p r o v i d e fresh herbs, flowers, and vegetables
Choosing plants that suit your balcony’s light and weather conditions is impor-
t a n t S u n n y b a l c o n i e s a r e great for Mediterranean herbs
work well for balconies
Regular watering is
watering containers can help keep moisture lev-
Elevate your garden with Indian-inspired decor
H o m e d éc o r ex ten d s beyond interiors, playing a k ey ro l e i n tr an sf o rm i ng your ou tdo or space A welldecorated g arden enhances not only its beau ty but also its functionality, creating a serene retreat and an inviting space for so cial g atherings
I n d i a n - i n s p i r e d d e c o r offers a unique way to infuse vibrancy and cultural charm into your garden With its rich heritage of artistry and c r a f t s m a n s h i p , I n d i a p r ovides a variety of stunning d é c o r e l e m e n t s t h a t c a n instantly elevate your outdoor space Here are seven Indian-inspired ideas to give your garden an exotic touch
1 Ga rd e n sc u lp t u res : Sculptures and ornaments are a simple yet effective way to add character to your g a r d e n I n d i a n c u l t u r e i s known for intricate handic r a f t s , a n d g a r d e n s c u l p -
t u r e s o f t e n m a d e f r o m stone, bronze, or marble reflect this artistic heritage E l e p h a n t s t a t u e s , r e v e r e d for their cultural symbolism, a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y p o p u l a r , while Buddha figures and deity sculptures offer a spiritual ambiance These decorative elements blend seamlessly with nature, making a s u b t l e y e t s t r i k i n g s t a t ement
2 C olourful accessories:
V i b r a n t a c c e s s o r i e s c a n bring a festive Indian touch to any garden Items like p i n w h e e l s , b u n t i n g , a n d
pompoms, commonly used in Indian celebrations, add a splash of colour and energy Cushions, parasols, and fabr i c l a n t e r n s c a n f u r t h e r enhance the space, creating a warm and inviting atmos p h e r e T h e s e b u d g e tfriendly additions effortlessly transform any garden into a lively sanctuary
3 Traditional swings: An outdoor swing is a staple in Indian home décor, offering both aesthetic appeal and comfort From simple sing l e - s e a t d e s i g n s t o g r a n d m u l t i - p e r s o n s w i n g s w i t h elaborate carvings, there is something for everyone A traditional Jhula swing, featuring a canopy, intricately c a r v e d w o o d e n c o l u m n s , a n d a s u s p e n d e d b e n c h , adds a regal touch to the garden Whether placed in a shaded corner or as a focal point, an Indian-style swing provides a perfect spot for relaxation
4 D h o kr a la m p s: Dhokra lamps, crafted using
India’s 4,000-year-old lostwax casting technique, bring an element of tradition to any garden Handmade by the Dhokra Damar tribes of W
A garden is often overlooked, but with the right decor, it can become
Full moon planting thrives in historic garden
G ar de n er s at t he Na tio na l T r ust ’ s A v e bur y Ma n o r in Wiltshire ar e t urnin g to the moon for guidan ce , followi n g a s t r i k in g d is co v e r y ve get able s sown in line with lunar phases prod uce d sign ificant ly hig her y ields
Making the most of limited space is key Vertical g
l l planters, trellises, and hanging baskets can help, as can
shelves Deep pots with good
l i k e r o s e m a r y , t h y m e , a n d basil, as well as tomatoes, pepp e r s , a n d p e t u n i a s S h a d i e r balconies are better suited for ferns, ivy, begonias, lettuce, and spinach If your balcony is windy, hardy plants like lavender, dwarf conifers, and ornamental grasses will do well
plants with organic fertiliser every few weeks will promote healthy growth
Balcony gardening is a great way to bring nature into your home, even with limited space With a little care and creativity, your balcony can become a lush and vibrant green retreat
Homebase to open 16 new garden centres
Homeba se is expandin g its garden centres, bri nging ex citin g news f or garden ers and plant lovers
The retai le r ha s announce d the openin g of 16 new garden centres across the
U K, located wi thi n The R ange superstores
Promis ing “ a shed load of f re sh finds , ” these c entres wi ll of fer a variety of garden ing ess entials
So far, 24 of the exclusive garden centres have already opened, with more set to launch in
March and April Shoppers can find easy-release propagation pots, houseplant accessories, nutrient-rich feed, and pot hangers all designed to make gardening easier
New locations opening this month include Edinburgh, Horsham, Ruislip, Maidenhead, and Harrogate In April, additional centres will launch in Balloo Park (Bangor), Winchester, Godalming, Sittingbourne, Frome, Newmarket,
Sevenoaks, Bishops Stortford, Drogheda, Sligo, and Portlaoise Homebase has confirmed that even more locations will be announced soon
Existing garden centres are already operating in Christchurch (Bournemouth), Pollokshaws (Glasgow), Kings Heath (Birmingham), Ashbourne, Bicester, Blandford Forum, Blyth, East Dereham, Felixstowe and Leicester among various other areas
A f t e r o b s e r v i n g t h a t c r o p s p l a n t e d d u r i n g l a s t y e a r ’ s f u l l m o o n s s h o w e d improved germination and growth, head gardener Garry Mumford decided to expand
the experiment Despite initial scepticism, he now plans to sow 2,000 more plants using the same method "It seemed logical that full-moon sowing was more successful due to the moon ’ s gravitational pull affecting t h e e a r t h ’ s w a t e r , " h e explained The results were c o m p e l l i n g s w e d e c r o p s planted under a full moon weighed 8 5kg (18 7lbs), compared to just 5 5kg (12 1lbs)
for those sown during a new moon While not a formal scie n t i f i c s t u d y , M u m f o r d b e l i e v e s t h e a p p r o a c h i s w o r t h c o n t i n u i n g W i t h limited gardeners and volunteers, anything that boosts p r o d u c t i v i t y a n d y i e l d s i s invaluable," he said As the new growing season begins, he’ll be closely m o n i t o
Sanjeev Gupta in legal dispute over £3bn Australian steel firm
InfraBuild is seen
options to either sell the business or use it as collateral to secure new funding for repaying creditors
Greensill, aiming to return them to Greensill’s credi-
report from October, GFG still owes nearly $600 million A GFG spokesperson stated, “We do not recogn
which is disputed and has no legal basis ” However,
sources close to the admin-
dates back to the founding of BHP’s Newcastle steelw o r k s i n 1 9
, l a t e r acquired by Gupta in 2017 Meanwhile, Gupta remains under investigation by the UK’s Serious Fraud Office for alleged fraud, fraudul e n t t r a d i n g , a n d m o n e y laundering linked to GFG’s financing, including dealings with Greensill
Investors in limbo over payment from Bollywood film group
T housand s o f U K inv estors
face uncertainty ov er a £ 3 7 5
m il li o n p aym ent f ro m
B o ll yw o o d fi l m c o m p an y
E ros M edia World, as th e firm h as w arned it m ay not be able to p ay on time
The payment, due on 10
M a r c h , w a s p r o m i s e d t o bondholders who purchased
E r o s - i s s u e d b o n d s o n t h e London Stock Exchange in
2014 It forms part of a larger
£ 5 0 m i l l i o n o w e d t o investors, with repayments
r e p e a t e d l y d e l a y e d u n d e r the leadership of the Lulla
f a m i l y , T h i s i s M o n e y
reported I n 2 0 2 3 , b o n d h o l d e r s a c c e p t
g plan, agreeing to exchange their bonds for a partial payment of up to £7 50 per £100
owed amounting to £3 75 million alongside a further commitment of up to £57 50 per £100 within two years H
while it intends to meet the 10 March deadline, payment will be made “ as soon as it has funds available ” The announcement has frustrated investors, particu l a r
y i n l i g h t o f r e c e n t reports that Eros has repaid £43 million of debt in India
In response, the compan y s t a t e d : “ W e ’ r e a c t i v e l y working to meet this obligation on Monday as planned Should there be any delay, which we are striving to prev e n t , w e w o u l d e n g a g e d i r e c
and the trustee ”
FCA weighs redress scheme for motor finance misconduct
The UK’s Fin ancial C on duct A uthorit y (FCA ) is con side rin g im plem ent ing a re dre ss scheme for ban ks if t hey fin d t ha t pa st m o t o r f i n a n c e p ra ct ices cause d consu me r ha rm I n i t i a l l y , t h e r e g u l a t o r had planned an alternative approach to handling complaints related to the issue
However, in a statement on T u e s d a y , t h e F C A s a i d a redress scheme would pro-
vide a clearer and simpler path for affected consumers
The final decision depends on a case scheduled for April b e f o r e t h e U K S u p r e m e
Previously, the FCA had set May as the timeframe for its next update on the review of whether auto loan borrowers were overcharged It now expects to announce its decision within six weeks of the Supreme Court’s ruling “ U n d e r a
responsible for determining whether customers have lost out due to the firm’s faili n g s , ”
they have, firms would need
d s
t rules firms must follow and put checks in place to make sure they do ” At the centre of the legal battle are FirstRand Ltd and
Lloyds expands IT hiring in India while cutting UK jobs
Llo yds B an ki n g Gr oup i s expanding its IT workforce in India while planning job cuts in the UK, ac cording to The Financial Ti mes
The bank aims to have 4,000 permanent technology and data employees in India by the end of 2025
Hyderabad tech centre that opened in 2023, with hiring
neers as part of Lloyds’ digital transformation
Meanwhile, 6,000 UK
warned that their jobs are at risk due to a skills review Although the bank plans to
skilled tech roles, staff must compete for them While Lloyds has not confirmed how many jobs will be lost, it has acknowledged that some employees will not be retained In a letter to staff, Chief Operating Officer Ron van Kemenade said that
Mark Brown,
The analysis, based on Health and Safety Executive ( H S E ) d a t
c o m m i ssioned by the Trades Union Congress (TUC), highlights the economic toll of poor workplace conditions The findings come as the govern-
m e n t p r e p a r e s t
n t r oduce its Employment Rights Bill, which aims to improve j o b s e c u r i t y a n d w o r k i n g conditions
B u s i n e
t e x p a n d i n g e m p l o y m e n t rights could stifle economic growth, but TUC General
S e c r e t a r y P a u l N o w a k argues the opposite “Workrelated ill health costs bill i o n s e v e r y y e a r S t r e n g t h e n i n g w o r k e r s ' rights will improve health, well-being, and productivity,” he said
According to the study, work-related illness cost the economy £22 billion in 2023, a p e r i o d t h a t a l s o s a w a sharp rise in insecure work
The number of people in precarious employment has surged by a third since 2011, reaching over four million
A separate report by the Commission for Healthier Working Lives suggests that p o o r - q u a l i t y j o b s c a n b e more harmful than unemployment, citing issues such as job insecurity, discrimination, and excessive demands
Close Brothers Group Plc, which are appealing a lower t
e m e d i t u n l a w f u l f o r lenders to pay car dealers a c o m m i s s i o n t o s e l l l o a n s without customer consent
The case has drawn global investor attention, with U K l e n d e r s p r e p a r i n g f o r p o t e n t i a l m u l t i - b i l l i o npound payouts should the Supreme Court rule against the two companies
Bupa gains
10 million customers as revenue jumps
Bu pa, the glo bal healthcare an d i n su ra nc e p ro v i de r, added over 10 million custo mers in 2024, bringing its to tal to 60 5 millio n
This surge, along with h i g
occupancy, drove a 16% rise in revenue to £16 9 billion
Statutory profit before tax jumped 72% to £972 million
CEO Iñaki Ereño high-
Bupa’s digital health platf o r m ,
Launched in 2021, Blua pro-
provider of private hospitals, GP services, dental centres, and aged care facilities
In 2024, it expanded its network with 59 new clinics, 34 dental centres, 16 onsite service centres, two care homes, and a hospital The
ened its healthcare portfolio Bupa Asia Pacific led the c
with revenues rising 13% to £6 3 billion, while Europe and Latin America saw a 30% profit increase to £442 million
However, profits in the UK, India, and global division fell 15% to £228 million, partly due to a £51 million loss from India’s Niva Bupa following acquisition costs
Th e UK and K enya hav e pa rtnered t o h ost a thr eeda y workshop in Nai robi, ai med at enha ncing r egul a t o r y f r a m e w or ks t h a t su p p o r t b u si n e s s o p e r ati ons i n Kenya
The initiative seeks to a d d r e s s k e y c h a l l e n g e s f a c e d b y b o t h l o c a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l b u s i n e s s e s w h i l e e q u i p p i n g K e n y a n officials with insights from U K r e g u l a t o r y p r a c t i c e s
The workshop focuses on improving business regulations to foster a more effic i e n t o p e r a t i n g e n v i r o nm e n t B r i t i s h b u s i n e s s e s have identified regulatory c o m p l e x i t y , p o w e r o u tages, and high electricity costs as major barriers to investment in Kenya
O t h e r c o n c e r n s i n c l u d e c u m b e r s o m e import procedures, a complex tax system, and local o w n e r
Service (KENAS) Frequent regulatory changes make compliance difficult, while a c h i e v i n g a c c r e d i
requires ongoing training and assessments to meet evolving standards Strengthening regulatory efficiency could also
Sanjeev Gupta
Reliance Retail plans job cuts, slows expansion amid $50bn drop
The report indicates that
daughter Isha are considering job and cost cuts to address the issue This includes slowing store openings, reducing
marketing budgets, merging
retail business, and reviewing
Additionally, hires with high-
Morgan Stanley expects India to recover lost ground
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ” T h i s i s because it makes India “ an ideal market for an uncertain m a c r o e n v i r o n m e n t t h a t e q u i t i e s a r e d e a l i n g w i t h
f undamentals i
p rice’ for Indi a This is wh at m a y s p u r t h e r e co v er y f or I nd ia
T h e M o r g a n S t a n l e y r e p o r t h i g h l i g h t s o
n g s f r o n t , “ C r u c i a l l y , I n d i a ’ s r e l a t i v e earnings growth is turning up b a s e d e v e n o n t h e m o r e
c o n s e r v a t i v e c o n s e n s u s forecasts In the meanwhile
v a l u a t i o n s a r e t h e m o s t a t t r a c t i v e s i n c e t h e C o v i d pandemic ”
Desai added that another key factor that’s propelling
t h e o p t i m i s t i c o u t l o o k i s “ I n d i a ’ s l o w b e t a
Importantly, our sentiment i n d i c a t o r i s i n s t r o n g b u y territory ” A c c o r d i n g t o M o r g a n S t a n l e y , “ I n d i a w i l l b e t h e w o r l d ’ s m o s t s o u g h t - a f t e r
r e n e r g y transition, credit to GDP will rise and manufacturing could g a i n s h a r e i n G D P ” T h e y b e l i e v e t h i s i s p o s s i b l e because India is likely to gain “share in global output in the c o m i n g d e c a d e s d r i v e n b y robust population growth, a f u n c t i o n i n g d e m o c r a c y , m a c r o s t a b i l i t y i n f l u e n c e d policy, better infrastructure, a r i s i n g e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l c l a s s a n d i m p r o v i n g s o c i a l outcomes ”
approval from the chairman's office According to company filings, Reliance Retail laid off 38,000 employees in 2024 and slowed the pace of new store openings The company also reduced marketing spending on its online platform, Ajio, as reported by sources famil-
earning over $22,890 annual-
from Ambani's office, according to a Bloomberg report Any additions to store staff
The changes are aimed at
brokerages, including Kotak
Reliance Retail at $50 billion, down from $125 billion, with hopes to reach this figure in its planned IPO
India signs MoU with Qatar to boost economic, financial cooperation
India and Qatar have sig ned an ag reem ent to pro mote and dev elop m utual collaboratio n in pu blic-priv ate partnership fram ew ork and investm ent, use o f financing too ls, as well as economic policies, the finance ministry said
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on financial and economic cooperation was signed between the two countries on February 18 during the visit of Amir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani to India
collaboration in the areas of economic policies, use of financing tools, public-private partnership framework and investment The MoU is expected to explore new and emerging sectors and avenues for investments in both countries," the ministry said in a statement
promote models and areas of joint collaboration between them, such as organising expert workshops, seminars and c
information in areas of joint work and keeping pace with the dialogue between the business communities of the two countries
The MoU signifies the commitment of both sides to work together and unlock new opportunities for investment, growth and development
Coinbase registers with India’s Financial Intelligence Unit to launch crypto trading
US- b a s e d Coi n b as e, an online pla tform for buying, s e l l in g , t r a ns f e r r in g a n d st or ing cr yptoc urre ncy , has re g is t er e d wi t h In d ia ’ s
Fin an c ia l I nt e l l ige n c e Un it (FIU) to off er cry pto trading
s e r vi c e s i n I n di a The com pany pl ans to l aunc h its initial retail se rvic es lat er t his year, f oll owed by additional inves tment and produc ts in India thereaf ter
In a company blogpost, J o h n O ’ L o g h l e n , R e g i o n a l
Managing Director for APAC at Coinbase shared, “We’re c o m m i t t e d
markets that believe in the p o t e n t
represents one of the most
e x c i t i n g m a r k e t opportunities in the world today, and we ’ re proud to deepen our investment here in full compliance with local regulations ”
Coinbase intends to grow its
space India’s
powerhouse, home to one of t h e m o s
international expansion, the company said India has rapidly grown
India now boasts the highest concentration of talent in the chain space Paul Grewal, Coinbase’s
Tesla signs deal for first India showroom
a lease d eal to op en its first showroom in M umbai, mo ving toward s its goal of selling impo rted cars in Ind ia, acco rding to reg is tr ati o n p ap er s T h i s fo l lo w s th
According to reports the company has signed a fiveyear lease from February 16, 2025, and will pay rent of about $446,000 for the first year for 4,003 square feet,
commitment to fostering ties between the two economies
US giant Jabil to invest £100mn in Gujarat
U S - base d elec troni cs m anu fac turi ng g iant Jabil Inc has announced plans to es tabli sh a se con d faci lity in
ia, investing £ 100 mn in Gujarat
This move is set to bolster India’s s
networking solutions The agreement, formalised through an MoU between Jabil and the Gujarat government at the G u j a
Summit, marks a significant step in the
Jabil’s new facility will explore
reports, Tesla had selected l o c a t i o n s f o r t w o showrooms in New Delhi and Mumbai, days after the
Airtel partners with Musk’s SpaceX to bring Starlink satellite internet to India
Bh arti Airtel h as announced a strategic partnership with SpaceX , the aerospace giant led by Elon Musk, to bring S tar li nk s ate lli t e i nt ern et services to India This marks S tar li nk ’ s fi rs t f o rm al co l la bo ra ti o n i n th e co u n try , st ren g th e ni ng Airtel’s po sition in satellite bro a d b and c on ne ct iv it y, p art ic u la rly fo r ru ra l a nd und erserved reg ions
T h e p a r t n e r s h i p , h o w e v e r , i s s u b j e c t t o r e g u l a t o r y c l e a r a n c e s , a s
S p a c e X a w a i t s a p p r o v a l from the Indian National
S p a c e P r o m o t i o n a n d
Authorisation Center (INSPACe) and the Department
o f T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s ( D o T ) t o l a u n c h S t a r l i n k operations in India
With this collaboration, Airtel will integrate Starlink i n t o i t s e x i s t i n g s a t e l l i t e broadband services, which
a l r e a d y i n c l u d e E u t e l s a t O n e W e b , t o p r o v i d e
n a t i o n w i d e h i g h - s p e e d i n t e r n e t c o v e r a g e T h e move is expected to bridge
I n d i a ’ s d i g i t a l d i v i d e , b r i n g i n g c o n n e c t i v i t y t o r e m o t e v i l l a g e s , s c h o o l s , h e a l t h c a r e c e n t e r s , a n d businesses
competitive, with Eutelsat
“Working with SpaceX to offer Starlink to Airtel
The two companies are a l s o e x p l o r i n g t h e possibility of selling Starlink equipment via Airtel’s retail n e t w o r k a n d p r o v i d i n g S t a r l i n k s e r v i c e s t o e n t e r p r i s e c u s t o m e r s Additionally, Airtel’s ground infrastructure and market expertise will help support S p a c e X ’ s o p e r a t i o n
Mukesh Ambani
Militants kill 30, take 214 hostages on Jaffar Express
S e p a ra ti s t m i li ta n ts at ta ck e d the Jaffar Express, a passenger train carryi ng abo
Liberatio n Army ( BLA) claimed
Local police stated that militants have taken 35 passengers hostage, while around 350 others are believed to be safe
a c k , i s s u e d a 4 8 - h o u r u l t i m a t u m
They threatened to execute the hostages unless Baloch political prisoners, activists, and missing p
continued military intervention would lead to the execution of all hostages and the complete destruction of the train
Provincial government and railway officials have not confirmed the hostage situation
attacked when it got trapped in a tunnel Gunmen opened fire, killing the train driver
Sharif condemned the attack,
Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi also denounced the attack, calling the militants "beasts" for targeting innocent passengers In response to the attack,
enacted emergency measures, with security forces exchanging
passengers The region has long faced an insurgency led by separatist groups like the BLA, who
exploiting Balochistan's gas and mineral resources without benefiting the local population
Bangladesh sees alarming rise in rape and assault cases
wrenching case of an eight-yearold girl fighting for her life after
alarming surge in sexual violence across the country Reports of rape, gang rape, sexual assault, a n d h a r a s s m e n t
increasingly prevalent
Fauzia Moslem, president of B
addressed the ongoing violence against women in Bangladesh, noting the troubling rise in incidents since last year, with alarming numbers reported in the first two months of this year She s
into chaos, with growing lawlessness and criminal impunity
The failure of law enforcement,
accountability are emboldening
revealed that February 2025 saw 295 incidents of violence against women and children, an increase of 24 from January The report highlighted the involvement of
Trump announces capture of Afghan terror attack mastermind
I S L A M A B A D : U S P re s id e nt T r u m p ’ s annou nc ement to Co ngress abo ut the c apture
o f m o s t- w an t ed t e rr o r is t M o h a m m a d
Shariful la - masterm ind of the 2021 Abbey Gate bombing ou tside Kabul airpo rt that kill ed 13 American m ilitary s ervice perso nnel and 17 0- odd Afghans - came with a surp ris e pat on P akis tan’s back for its ro le in th e op eratio n
“Tonight, I am pleased to announce that we have just apprehended the top terrorist responsible for that atrocity, and he is on his way here to face the swift sword of American justice,” Trump said in his first address to Congress since returning to the White House for a second term “I want to thank especially the govt of Pakistan for helping arrest this monster,” he said of the prolonged search culminating in forces tracing Sharifulla to a hideout on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border
According to US media reports, CIA and
Pr e s id
Pakistani intelligence worked closely to find Sharifulla, whom Pakistan described as a “top-
scribed Islamic State-Khorasan Province (ISKP) The terrorist outfit had claimed responsibility for the suicide bombing that followed
m Afghanistan that year Pakistan PM Shehbaz
Sharif was quick to highlight what his govt sees as an opportunity to regain the US’s faith as a strategic partner following years of fric-
Afghanistan and Washington’s growing closeness with India
Sharif separately announced Sharifullah’s arrest through a post on X “We thank US President Donald Trump for acknowledging and appreciating Pakistan’s role and support
region,” he wrote
Trump's new travel ban could bar Afghans, Pakistanis soon, say reports
Af ghanista n and Pakistan f rom entering the US as s oon as next week b ased on a govt review of countries ’ se cur ity and vetting ris ks, sourc es said The s ources said other c ountries could al so be on the lis t but did not know whic h ones
The move hankers back to the Republican president’s first term ban on travellers from seven majority-Muslim nations, a policy that went through several iterations before it was upheld by the Supreme Court in 2018 Former president Joe Biden, a Democrat who suc-
ceeded Trump, repealed the ban in 2021
The new ban could affect 200,000 Afghans who have been cleared for resettlement in the US as refugees or on special Immigrant Visas because they are at risk of Taliban retribution for working for the US during a 20-year war in their home country They have been stranded in Afghanistan and nearly 90 other countries, including about 20,000 in Pakistan, since Jan 20, when Trump ordered a 90-day freeze on refugee admissions That order directed cabinet members to submit by March 12 a list of countries from which travel should be partly or fully suspended ”
in brief
A 27-year-old student from Telangana was killed when robbers opened fire at a store where he used to work part-time in the US's Milwaukee, his family said The victim, Gampa Praveen, had gone to the US for higher studies and was pursuing Master of Science (MS) while working part-time at a store in Milwaukee Praveen was a resident of Keshampet in Ranga Reddy district in Telangana The victim s father Raghavulu said he received a WhatsApp call from his son at 5 am but couldn't answer it "When I contacted his friends they told me they had received information that he had gone to a store for a part-time job and during a robbery the robbers opened fire A bullet hit him and he died, he added
Islamic fundamentalist groups, terrorists, and other extremist e
m various professions shared with local media that they had experienced sexual harassment outside their homes in the past three months Ranging in age from 19 to 48 and residing in Dhaka, the w o m e n r e p o r t e d m u l t i p l e instances of harassment
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e D h a k abased human rights organisat i o n A i n o S a l i s h K e n d r a , February saw 46 women fall victim to rape, with 22 of them b e i n g
January, when 39 women were reported as victims, including 15 minors
Will try Hasina even if it’s in absentia: Yunus
D H A K A : Interim g ov t ch ief M uham m ad Yunus has alleged India h as been sitting on Bangladesh ’ s formal request to send back S h ei kh H as i na t o fac e t ri al f o r “ c rim es against humanity”, and said the deposed PM wo uld be tried ev en if it is in absentia
Dhaka had sent a set of documents to India with a diplomatic letter (note verbale) last Dec seeking her extradition, according to Bangladesh’s foreign ministry New Delhi confirmed receiving the letter, but refrained from commenting on it
“We are waiting we haven’t received any official response, ” Yunus told UK-based Sky News, insisting “it’s a legal issue India is required to send Hasina to Bangladesh” He claimed his govt has evidence to try Hasina, who has been living in India since last Aug
“All the evidence is here but she [Hasina] is not physically present in Bangladesh She will face trial, there is no doubt about that The question of the trial is not whether it will happen, it will be happening in absentia or in her presence, it will be taking place,” Yunus said
Two Kerala natives convicted of murder and sentenced to death in the UAE have been executed The Indian foreign ministry identified the duo as Muhammed Rinash A and Muraleedharan P V Sources say Rinash, who hailed from Thalassery in Kannur, was convicted in a case involving murder of a UAE national He had been working in a travel agency in Al Ain prior to his arrest Muraleedharan was sentenced for the murder of a fellow Indian immigrant UAE authorities informed Indian embassy on Feb 28 about the executions, after which the mission got in touch with their families The embassy is trying to arrange the families’ participation in the last rites of the executed men, MEA said
An Indian national was sentenced to seven months jail after pleading guilty to one count of molestation with one count of housebreaking taken into consideration for his sentencing Erakkodan Abinraj, 26, climbed into his neighbour s condominium unit and molested a 36-year-old woman She was asleep in the master bedroom with her husband and her daughter was in another room when Abinraj who entered the house through the balcony entered her room and proceeded to touch the victim s underwear as he saw her asleep The victim woke up as she felt someone touching her The victim screamed waking her husband who confronted Abinraj and asked him to leave the room
Authorities in the Dominican Republic are searching for a 20-year-old university student from the US who went missing in the popular tourist town of Punta Cana while on vacation Sudiksha Konanki was last seen before dawn on March 6 at a beach near the resort where she was staying with several friends, according to Civil Defense officials, who said the search for her continued Konanki is a student at the University of Pittsburgh Konanki is said to have vanished while walking on the beach wearing a bikini, local officials said
Shasti Conrad, Chair of the Washington state Democrats has been appointed Associate Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), marking another historic milestone in her political career Conrad, the first woman of color and youngest person to lead the Washington Democrats will join US Representative Joyce Beatty and Labor Caucus Chair Stuart Applebaum in the role Born in Calcutta, she was adopted by a single mother and raised in rural Oregon before earning degrees from Seattle University and Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs
Muhammad Yunus & Sheikh Hasina
in brief
In light of the political shift in Dhaka Islamabad has now shown interest in initiating foreign secretary-level talks and convening a meeting of the Joint Economic Commission to bolster its relationship with Bangladesh This initiative was discussed when Imran Ahmed Siddiqui, additional secretary (Asia Pacific) in Pakistan’s foreign ministry, met Bangladesh foreign secretary Md Jashim Uddin The last foreign secretary-level talks occurred in 2010, and the JEC was last convened in 2005
Uganda s Ebola caseload increased to 14 in the last week, Africa’s top public health agency said, with a new cluster emerging from a 4-year-old child who recently died of the infectious disease Three of five new cases have been confirmed as Ebola, with two cited as probably Ebola, Dr Ngashi Ngongo of the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told reporters The Africa CDC reported that there was no direct epidemiological link between the new cluster and another one accounting for nine previous Ebola cases including the first victim of the outbreak
Unidentified gunmen shot dead three migrant barbers inside their shop in Panjgur district of Pakistan’s volatile southwestern Balochistan province Balochistan has in recent years witnessed a sharp increase in targeted killings of non-Baloch inhabitants Ethnic Baloch separatist militants accuse non-Baloch residents of spying for the Pakistani military Three Sindhi barbers lost their lives in a targeted attack a police officer said The gunmen arrived on a motorbike, entered the barber shop, opened fire and then fled, police said No group has claimed the attack
The death toll from two days of clashes between security forces and loyalists of ousted Syrian President Bashar Assad and revenge killings that followed has risen to more than 600 a war monitoring group said, making it one of the deadliest acts of violence since Syria’s conflict began 14 years ago The clashes marked a major escalation in the challenge to the new govt in Damascus three months after insurgents removed Assad from power The revenge killings that started by Sunni Muslim gunmen loyal to the govt against members of Assad s minority Alawite sect are a major blow to Hayat Tahrir alSham, the faction that led the overthrow of the former govt
A Denver judge sentenced a former ride-share driver to 290 years to life after prosecutors said he abducted a dozen women over four years by falsely posing as the driver they requested The man John Pastor-Mendoza was convicted on 30 charges related to the kidnapping attempted sexual assault and sexual assault of the women between 2018 and 2022 Pastor-Mendoza 43 falsely claimed to be the driver for women who used a ridesharing app, picking them up outside downtown bars and clubs The women he targeted appeared intoxicated and were unaware that, though Pastor-Mendoza was a driver for Lyft he was not the correct driver assigned to pick them up
Hindu temple in California vandalised with anti-India graffiti
Califor nia’
Sun day in
tr oublin g act of hate aga in st the Hin du commun ity
California, denouncing it as an attempt to spread division and intolerance Despite the attack, the organisation reaffirmed the community’s resilience, stating, “In the face of another Mandir desecration, this time in Chino Hills, CA, the Hindu community s
Together with the community in C
n o H
California, we will never let hate
take root Our common humanity and faith will ensure that peace and compassion prevail ” The incident occurred just d
d ‘Khalistan referendum’ event in L
widespread condemnation, with Hindu organisations calling for immediate action from authorities
The Coalition of Hindus of N o r
o condemned the attack, pointing to a troubling pattern of temple vandalism in the U S This is not an isolated case last September, t h e B A
Mandir in Sacramento was similarly defaced with inflammatory
attack on the BAPS temple in
Former banker Carney to be Canada PM
O T T A W A : Fo r m er c e ntr al banker Mark C arney won the lead ership election fo r C anad a ’ s Liberal Party, with 86 per cent of the v ote He w ill now take ov er as Canad a ’ s Prime Minister, follo wing Justin Trud eau ’ s resignation in January
Carney’s ascent comes at a trying time for Canada as it battles an unprecedented trade war with its longtime ally and neighbour, the United States Under President Donald Trump, the U S h a s i m p o s e d t a r i f f s o n Canada and threatened to annex Canada as the “51st state” of the U S I n h i s v i c t o r y s p e e c h , C a r n e y a c k n o w l e d g e d U S a c t i o n s a n d s a i d , “ T h e
Americans want our resources, our water, our land, our country If they succeed, they will destroy our way of life ”
The former governor of the central banks of Canada and England vowed to uphold the retaliatory C$30 billion worth of
tariffs instituted by Trudeau on American imports to Canada, until “the Americans show us some respect” Carney’s election also marks the first time a political outsider has become the Canadian Prime Minister He obtained his bachelor’s degree in economics with high honours at Harvard University i n 1 9 8 8 H e t h e n s t u d i e d a t Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar, completing his master’s and doctoral degrees in 1993 and 1995 It was here that he met his wife, British economist Diana Fox He worked for 13 years at Goldman Sachs, with stints at t h e c o m p a n y ’ s o f f i c e s i n London, Tokyo, New York and Toronto
I n a d d i t i o n t o b e i n g a Canadian citizen, Carney holds citizenships from the UK and Ireland However, he has begun the process of renouncing both o f t
Prime Minister
“Hindus go back” was scrawled on temple walls, deeply alarming the local Hindu community and p r o
security measures
Hindu organisations are urging law enforcement to take decisive
dents thoroughly, and ensure the protection of religious insti-
Tahawwur Rana files new petition to block extradition
Tahawwur Rana, an accused in th e 20 08 Mu mbai terror attacks, h as filed a renewed re qu
C h
ef Justice John Roberts, seeking a stay o n his extradition to Ind ia T
Court’s rejection of his initial emergency appeal, a significant setback in his legal fight against extradition
Rana, a 64-year-old Canadian national of Pakistani origin, is currently held at the Metropolitan Detention Centre in Los Angeles On February 27, he h a d s u
Litigation of Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus” to US Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan However, a court notice dated March 6 confirmed that Justice Kagan denied his request
In response, Rana’s legal team has now redirected the plea to Chief Justice Roberts, urging a stay until all legal proceedings and appeals are concluded
In his petition, Rana argues that his extradition would violate US law and the United Nations Convention Against Torture, claiming he faces a serious risk of mistreatment in India He asserts that his Muslim identity, Pakistani origin, and prior service in the Pakistani Army put him at heightened risk of torture if extradited
Indian sentenced for bringing illegals across US-Canada border
In d ia n n a t i on a l li v in g i n Sa n t a R o
, Califor nia, ha s bee n se nt enced t o six mon ths in prison for his involveme nt in a human smugglin g oper ation that fa cilitat ed ille gal bor der cr ossing s alon g th e US-Ca nad a bord e r Ku m a r w
id u a ls indicte d for t heir roles in a sche me tha t ta rget ed vulner able ind iv iduals seek ing en try into t he Unit ed Sta te s Kumar, along with his co-conspirators, operated a smuggling network that brought undocumented individuals to Peace Arch Park in Canada before assisting them in
crossing the US border illegally Afterward, the individuals were transported to various locations in Washington State and across the country Court records show that Kumar participated in two significant smuggling incidents in late 2023, during which at least eight Indian nationals crossed the border illegally
The first incident occurred on November 27, 2023, when five individuals were spotted by US Border Patrol agents jumping a fence n e a r t h e U S - C a n a d a b o r d e r i n B l a i n e , Washington The individuals were seen running toward a white minivan driven by 68year-old Bobby Joe Green, who was later
stopped by authorities
The five individuals, all Indian nationals w i t h o u t t h e n e
enter the US, were arrested Investigators discovered that Kumar had been in contact with some of the individuals via WhatsApp, providing them with instructions and his live location ahead of the illegal border crossing A second similar attempt took place in December 2023, resulting in more arrests
The individuals involved in these smuggling attempts had each paid between $5,000 and $10,000 to the operation for their illegal entry into the US
Indian-origin in Australia sentenced to 40 years for raping 5 Korean women
S YD NEY : Balesh Dh ankh ar, a co mmunity lead er of Indian origin in Au stralia, has been sentenced to 4 0 years in prison in Sydney fo r the “elaborately executed, manip ulativ e and h i g h ly p re d at
ean wom
Australian wing of the Overseas Friends of B
Bharatiya Janata Party He was convicted of 39 offences, including 13 counts of rape, six of administering an intoxicating substance, 17 of recording intimate videos without consent and three of indecent assault
Dhankar lured the women with fake job advertisements for Korean-to-English transl
Sydney’s Hilton Hotel before drugging and raping them, either at the hotel or his nearby
video evidence of his crimes, as well as daterape drugs and a hidden recording device at his home
Dhankhar, who arrived in Australia as a student in 2006, was a prominent figure in the Indian-Australian community and acted as a spokesperson for the Hindu Council of Australia He had also worked with organisa-
tions including the ABC, British American Tobacco, Toyota and Sydney Trains His connections to the Bharatiya Janata Party drew scrutiny after his conviction The
played a role in organising Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s reception in Sydney in 2014 The group said that Dhankhar had resigned in 2018, the year in which he was arrested The court noted that Dhankhar had meticulously documented his crimes, maintaining a spreadsheet with victims’ personal details and assessments of their vulnerability
Tahawwur Rana
Govt committed to women’s safety, BNS showing results: PM Modi
O n the occa sion of In ter nat ional W
r eplacing the colonial-er a IPC with t he Bhar at iy a Nya ya San hita (BNS) i s sh o w in
faste r just ice to v ict ims of heinous c
The PM concluded his two-day visit to Gujarat by participating in the ‘Lakhpati Didi’ event held at V
a r i district, where financial assistance of £45mn was disbursed to more than 250,000 women from over 25,000 Self-Help Groups
He also interacted with some ‘lakhpati didis’ who shared stage with him and acknowledged that the entire security of the event was handled by a team of women cops
R e f e r r i n g t o a b r o g a t i o n o f
A r t i c l e 3 7 0 , M o d i s l a m m e d h i s opponents without naming them and said the so-called champions of
the Constitution turned a blind eye to injustice to women in J&K
The PM also said that the govt
samman ’ (honour) and ‘suvidha’ (facilities) for women, ” he said He said BNS has strengthened
women ’ s safety and made the filing
delivery of justice faster “In the
priority, and in order to prevent crimes against them, we have made stricter rules and laws, including introducing capital punishment for heinous crimes like rape, ” he said S
y showing results, Modi recalled that
China hikes defence budget by 7.2% amid hectic military upgrade
s pace and cybe r domains at a
Pac if ic and beyond am id the ongoing ge opol itic al churn
E x p e r t s s a y C h i n a ’ s actual defence spending is at least 40-50% more than its
d e c l a r e d o n e b e c a u s e i t a l l o c a t e s f u n d s u n d e r different heads to mask its m a s s i v e m i l i t a r y
e x p e n d i t u r e T h e o f f i c i a l
C h i n e s e d e f e n c e b u d g e t i s still more than three times of India ($79 billion) and second only to the US, which will spend over $900 billion on its military this year
C h i n a ’ s s u s t a i n e d
m o d e r n i s a t i o n o f i t s 2m i l l i o n s t r o n g P e o p l e ’ s
L i b e r a t i o n A r m y ( P L A ) i s
d e s i g n e d t o s t r a t e g i c a l l y challenge the US across the globe and prevent any thirdparty intervention in Taiwan as well as flex its muscles in territorial disputes with its neighbours in South and East China Seas and the 3,488-km line of actual control (LAC) with India
There are as yet no signs o f d e - e s c
r o o p s along the LAC after last Oct’s d i s e n g a g e m e n t a t t h e t w o remaining face-off sites with I n d i a a t D e p s a n g a n d Demchok in eastern Ladakh
“India should increase its defence budget to at least 2 5% of its GDP, instead of j u s t 1 9 % a t
d e t e r r e n c e a g a i n s t b o t h China and Pakistan There are several operational voids in our military capabilities
t h a t n e e d t o b e u r g e n t l y plugged,” a senior military
officer said M o r e o v e r , w i t h b a l l o o n i n g s a l a r y a n d
t y expenditure on operational sustenance of its over 1 4million strong armed forces, India is left with just about 25% of its defence budget for military modernisation every year
T h i s t r a
several fronts, ranging from
helicopters to advanced air
guided missiles and nightfighting capabilities
T h e s i t u a t i o n i s especially dire for IAF, which is making do with just 30 fighter squadrons (each has
generation Tejas fighters
Lilavati Hospital trust loses Rs 1,200 crore to embezzlement
kickbacks The fresh FIR, filed on March 7, provides n e w
s o n t h e investigation Additionally, a case involving the theft of valuables from the Gujarat
claiming that the missing funds have impacted daily
Lilavati Hospital, stated that t h e a
trustees are in Belgium and Dubai There are also claims t
engaged in witchcraft
Mr Singh revealed that e i
were found under the flooring of the
e uncovered during an audit initiated by a new team of t r u s t e e s A f o r e
charges were framed in a gang-rape case in Surat within 15 days of the c
sentenced to life imprisonment a few weeks ago On Feb 17, two p
imprisonment till last breath for r
Navratri on Oct 8 last year M
He said he was the wealthiest person in the world not in terms of money, but because of the blessings from crores of mothers, sisters, and daughters,” he said
Obesity a grave concern
projects worth £258 7mn in Silvassa t
Dadra and Nagar Haveli including a 4 5 0 - b e d N A M O H o s p i t
Highlighting his govt's pro-poor
initiatives, Modi said the BJP-led NDA govt has lifted over 250mn p
various welfare schemes launched in the last 10 years
Flagging lifestyle diseases as
Stating that obesity is the root cause of many diseases, Modi urged people to fight the chronic health
India evacuates 283 citizens from Thai-Myanmar border
I nd ia n m i l it a r y t ra n s p or t plane evacuated 266 m en and 17 wom en stuck at the ThaiM yanmar border f or wee ks a f t e r b e in g r e s c u e d f r o m s c am c al l c e n t r e s in M y a n m a r ’ s M y a wa dd y region A sec ond ba tch of 2 40 a r e ex p e c t e d t o b e repatriated later The evacuees belong to m u l t i p l e s t a t e s , i n c l u d i n g
A n d h r a , T e l a n g a n a , M a h a r a s h t r a , G u j a r a t , Punjab, UP, and Bengal It was not immediately known where the plane landed in India K Madhukar Reddy, a native of Rangapeta village in T e l a n g a n a ’ s K a r i m n a g a r district, said over the phone that Indian embassy officials a n d M y a n m a r ’ s B o r d e r Guard Force facilitated the
According to a report, a g r o u p o f I n d i a n o f f i c i a l s c r o s s e d i n t o M y a n m a r t o a c c o m p a n y s e v e n b u s e s t a k i n g t h e f r e e d I n d i a n nationals - as well as three more carrying their luggaget o M a
t a i r p o r t i n northwest Thailand Authorities in Myanmar, u n d e r p r e s s u r e f r o m a l l y
China, have cracked down in recent weeks on illegal online fraud operations that have flourished in the country’s lawless borderlands Around 7,000 workers from at least
been freed, the majority of
temporary holding camps on the Thai-Myanmar border T
syndicates that lure foreign workers, including Indians, with fake job offers These
compounds such as KK Park in Myanmar
India denies commitment to tariff cuts after Trump's claim
I nd i a h as no t c o m m i tt ed t o red ucing trade tariffs w i th th e U S , C o m m erce Sec retary Sunil Barthw al told a Parliamentary panel
H i s c l a r i f i c a t i o n came in response to P r e s i d e n t D o n a l d T r u m p ' s c l a i m t h a t I n d i a h a d a g
boost bilateral ties, a tariff
fraudulent expenses in the High Court
vowed to hold all involved accountable and urged the Enforcement Directorate
trade negotiations between t h e t w o c o u n t r i e s a r e ongoing and no agreement h a s b e e n f i n a l i s e d H e emphasized that India has n o t m a d e a n y t a r i f f c o m m i t m e n t s b a s e d o n media reports or Trump's statements
B u r e a u c r a t S u n i l
B a r t h w a l a s s u r e d t h a t India's interests would be p r o t e c t e d i n t r a d e
n e g o t i a t i o n s H e emphasised that while India supports free trade and the l i b e r a l i z a t i o n o f t r a d e t o
w a r c o u l d h a r m b o t h c o u n t r i e s a n d p o t e n t i a l l y lead to a recession Barthwal
s t r e s s e d t h a t I n d i a w o u l d n o t l o w e r t a r i f f s i n d i s c r i m i n a t e l y , p a r t i c u larly in sectors vital to its e c o n o m y , a n d p r e f e r s bilateral negotiations over m u l t i l a t e r a l o n e s t o safeguard national interests Barthwal clarified that India's situation differs from C a n a d a a n d M e x i c o , w h o have challenged US tariffs d u e t
agreement that is "mutually beneficial " Trump criticises India's tariffs; Ind ia seeks d elay In his second term, Trump has
Prime Minister Narendra Modi with US President Donald Trump
India signs $248mn contract with Russia for T-72 tank engines
I n d i a i n ke d a $ 24 8
m i l l i on c on tr ac t w i t h
R u s s i a ’ s s t ate - ow n ed
R osoboronexport (RoE) for p rocuremen t of 1,000 H P eng ines for its fleet of T-72
t an k s i n “ f u ll y f o rme d , completely knocked d own and semi kn ocked down” con dition s “ T h e d e a l i n c l
t r a n s f e r o f t e c h n o l o g y from RoE to Armoured Vehicles Nigam (or Heavy Vehicles Factory) at Avadi, Chennai, for integration and subsequent licensed produc-
t i o n o f e n
s t o b o o s t ‘Make in India’,” a defence ministry official said “ R u s s i a n
are the mainstay of the Army tank fleet, which are fitted
w i t h a 7 8 0 H P e n g i n e
The Army force is
indigenous Arjun Mark1A tanks, with 14 major and 57 minor ‘upgrades’
and protection, ordered
Equipping the fleet of T-72 tanks with 1,000 HP engines will enhance the battlefield mobility of the Army,” he added Along with a fleet of 2,400 T-72 tanks, the Army has so far inducted 1,300 T90S ‘Bhishma’ tanks of the 1 , 6 5 7 b
under licence from Russia
indigenous light tanks for high-altitude warfare to be
Zorawar for around £1 75bn
The need for such tanks has been driven home by continuing four-year-long military confrontation with China in eastern Ladakh
Jungles cleared of Maoists but ‘urban Naxals’ a threat: PM Modi
D e ci s ive g ovt ac t ions ha ve
c leared Naxalism f rom jungl es but the threat of urban Naxal s is growing and they h a ve “ ra p id l y in f il tr a t e d ” p ol i t ic a l p ar t i e s , P M
N a r e nd r a M od i s a id T he voices and language of urban Naxal s ar e now heard within t hes e parties, indica ting their d e e p- ro ot e d pr e s e n c e , he s aid
Naxalism is in its final phase, with affected districts reduced from more than 100 to fewer than 24 in the past decade, the PM said as he credited decisive governance, infrastructure expansion and grassroots development for neutralising the insurgency
Warning of the new challenge posed by urban Naxals, t h e P M s a i d o n c e o n t h e fringes, they are now “shaping narratives within parties
India’s development and heritage,” Modi said at a media event He also underscored that the ideological extremism is also gaining ground in
Highlighting India’s remarkable economic strides, Modi said even 65 years after independence, the country was the world's 11th largest economy, but in the past decade,
largest economy and is now
He recalled that in 2007, India’s GDP reached $1 trillion annually, whereas today, the same amount is generated every quarter, reflecting t h e n a t i o n ’ s
growth In addition, he said, 250mn people have been
transferred to beneficiaries
transparency and eliminating corruption leakages
Modi also detailed India’s
“From importing rifles, we now export defence equip-
before Solar energy capacity has increased 30 times, and toy exports have tripled,” he
boost, doubling the number of airports and tripling the
tions The startup ecosystem has flourished, and India now ranks among the top three in the world for new businesses, Modi said
Israeli tourist among three killed by drunk men near Hampi
A 27-year-old Israeli tourist an d h er fem a le ho m e sta y operator w ere raped while a fellow board er from Od isha was thrown to h is death in a canal in Karnataka’ s K oppal by three intrud ers at a scenic s p o t b ar ely 2 5k m f ro m U nesco world heritag e site of Ham pi
T w o o t h e r t o u r i s t s i n the group, one from the US a n d a n o t h e r f
Canal after the horror on March 6 night
P o l i c e a n n o u n c e d arrests of two of the suspects, and a hunt for the
widespread outrage over the gruesome attack and conc
tourists at Hampi and its surrounding areas
C h i e f m i n i s t e r
S i d d a r a m a i a h a n d d e p u t y
C M D K S h i v a k u m a r promised a thorough investigation and justice
A c c o r d i n g t o t h e F I R , t h e g r o u p o f f i v e w a s
stargazing near the canal, playing guitar a n d l i s t e n i n g t o music The five were not friends but had met at the homestay w h e r e t h e y w e r e s t a y i n g A r o u n d 1 1 pm, the three suspects, who had been drinki n g a t a b a r i n n e a r b y Sanapur town, approached the visitors on a motorcycle, initially asking for money to buy petrol The tourists gave them Rs 20, but the men demanded Rs 100 When the tourists refused, the intruders turned aggressive, hurli n g a b
A senior housing and urban affairs ministry official confirmed that they have received a letter from Singh’s family and the process to allot the land will start soon Sources said Singh’s three daughters, their husbands and a former Union FM had visited the proposed memorial site The plot measuring around 900
Pranab Mukherjee’s memorial Officials said next in the process would be the transfer of land in the name of a trust to be set up in Singh’s memory The family has to propose and finalise the names of members of the trust, which is likely to be set up soon Once the trust is formed, the govt will transfer a one-time grant of Rs 25,00,000 for building the memorial Central Public Works Department officials have visited the site
Ukraine displaces India as largest arms importer during 2020-24
U kraine has di splaced Indi a as world ’ s largest arms imp orter in 2020- 24 time frame, with i ts i mports skyrocketi ng by nearly 100 ti mes c omp ared to 2015-19 d ue to its ongoi ng war wi th R ussi a India notched up 8 3% of the global arms imports in 2020-24, driven largely by heightened tensions with China and Pakistan, while Ukraine stood at 8 8%, as per latest data on
Institute (SIPRI)
Overall, European arms imports grew by 155%, fuelled by fears of Russia’s expansionism after invading Ukraine in Feb 2022 and prevail-
ing uncertainty over the future of US foreign policy under new Trump administration
P a k i s t
y , increased by 61% between 2015-19 and 2020-24 It was placed fifth in world ranking, with 81% of its weapons coming from China, in yet another indicator of the ever-expanding military collusiveness between India’s two hostile neighbours There was a silver lining for India despite its strategically-vulnerable position of being a top arms importer, with SIPRI noting that its imports decreased by 9 3% between 2015-19 and 2020-24, partly due to Delhi’s increasing ability to design and produce its own weapons
worse As Daniel Pitas, 23, from US, Pankaj Amrit Rao Patil, 43, from Nashik, and B i b a s h , 2 6 , f r o m O d i s
attackers pushed the three into the canal
T h e F I R s t a t e s , “ T h e y (the attackers) threatened to bash their heads with stones before throwing them into the water ” One by one, the three tourists were shoved into the swirling waters
found in the canal around 2km from the spot Using their descriptions and mobile tracking technology, police arrested two of the suspects The third, on the run, is believed to be 20-25 years old All three are locals The survivors have
PRL scientists discover dense sub-Saturn using Paras-2 Spectrograph
The scie ntists of t he Physica l R esear ch Laborat ory ( PRL), A h m e d a b a d , h a v e d i sc ove red a n ew e xopla ne t, TO I60 38A b, a den se sub-Sat urn size with a mass of 78 5 Ea rth ma sse s a nd a ra dius of 6 41 Ear th ra dii in a wide bina ry syste m The pla ne t orbits a br ig h t , me t a l- r i ch F - t y p e sta r e ver y 5 8 3 da ys in a circula r orbit The TO I-6 038A b lie s in the tr ansition r egion be tw ee n N ep tu ne -lik e an d ga s gian t e xoplan ets, ca lled a s “Sub-Satur n, ” a ca teg ory a bsen t in our sola r sy st em, pr ov iding a un ique opport un it y to study p lan et ary forma tion an d ev olution
This discovery marks the second exoplanet discovery
u s i n g t h e s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t
P a r a s - 2 s p e c t r o g r a p h
a t t a c h e d t o t h e 2 5 - m e t e r
t e l e s c o p e a t P R L ' s M o u n t
A b u O b s e r v a t o r y a t G u r u s h i k h a r , M t A b u Furthermore, it is the fifth e x o p l a n e t d e t e c t i o n u s i n g the combined efforts of the Paras-1 and Paras-2 spectrographs It highlights India's g r o w i n g e x p e r t i s e i n a d v a n c e d a s t r o n o m i c a l i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n , w i t h t h e Paras-2 spectrograph being the highest-resolution stabil i z e d r a d i a l v e l o c i t y ( R V ) spectrograph in Asia Precise R a d i a l - V e l o c i t y d a t a f r o m Paras-2, which was used to m e a s u r e t h e m a s s o f t h e planet, along with high-spatial resolution speckle imaging from the PRL's 2 5-meter telescope, were thus absolutely crucial in validating the planetary nature of the transit signal and hence the discovery
TOI-6038A b has a high
density (1 62 g/cm³), placing i t a m o n g t h e d e n s e s u bS a t u r n s b e l i e v e d t o
early disk-driven migration Its host star, TOI-6038A, is
with the planet’s density and orbital characteristics, raises intriguing questions about its formation and migration While the companion could influence the planet's orbit
initial analyses suggest these effects may not fully explain its close-in orbit Notably, this is only the fifth subSaturn exoplanet discovered in a binary system
Indian origin Canadian astronaut set for space odyssey
Shawna Pandya , Canada's first woman commercial ast ronaut, is se t for her space odysse y as earl y as nex t year When Pandy a goe s on her space mission as earl y as 2026, she will b
astrona ut to go
space, joining
l ist with Kalpan a Chawla, Sunita Williams an d Sirisha B andla
The space medicine expert will be cond u
health, neuroscience and health technology, as they pertain to space health, as well as the physical sciences The long journey to space began with baby steps and dreams To achieve her childhood dream, Pandya pursued space medicine and even became an astronaut
Sciences (IIAS) IIAS-02 mission with private spaceflight company, Virgin Galactic Pandya, whose journey is inspiring, credits it to only one thing - her work ethic, which she got from her parents who immigrated to Canada
from Maharashtra in the 1980s
another dream from her bucket She delivered a lecture at the Nehru Planetarium's auditorium in Mumbai on March 2 The Nehru Planetarium has a special place in Pandya's heart As a child, her eyes used to grow wide as she watched shows at the planetarium during her visits to Mumbai In an interview, Pandya talked about her journey from being a student of medicine to taking up research in space medicine and her life as a child of immigrants in Canada She also spoke about the biggest game-changer in her life
"I do not just work immigrant-hard, I work Pandya-hard, Pandya said This is also reflected in the body of work she has done
Pandya is the Director of IIAS’ Space Medicine Group and Executive Director of the IIAS Flight Opportunities Program She is also an emergency and aeromedical transport physician, aquanaut and a pilot in training
Manmohan Singh
DMK to seek support of 7 states against delimitation
C H E N N A I : T a m i l N ad u c h i ef
m inister M K S talin decided to send
s e ni o r D M K n eta s t o m ee t c h i ef
m inisters and senior politicians fro m seven states, including BJP-g overned
O d i s h a, t o ra ll y s u p p o rt f
h i s campaign ag ainst Centre’s proposed d elimitation exercise
At a meeting with DMK MPs, Stalin assigned responsibility for each of the seven states Tamil Nadu IT minister Palanivel Thiaga Rajan will engage with Kerala politicians, while DMK MP Kanimozhi Karunanidhi
Bengal State PWD minister E V Velu
politicians of Andhra Pradesh while industries minister T R B Rajaa will head for Odisha Similar delegations will be sent to AAP-governed Punjab
d Karnataka
Stalin had last week written to the CMs and other key politicians of t h e s e s e v e n s t a t e s , e x
N govt’s position against population-
unfair exercise”, Stalin had said the
Centre’s plan was a “blatant assault on federalism, punishing states that ensured population control and good governance by stripping away our rightful voice in Parliament ” A senior DMK functionary said the CM directed party MPs and TN m
delimitation to govts and politicians in all seven states DMK functionaries said Stalin pointed out that such a delimitation was not just a cause of c
challenge for other states as well H
M P s t o coordinate with legislators from all parties in Tamil Nadu even as they take the protest forward in Delhi
C HAN DI G AR H: The Shir oman i Gurd wara Pa r ba n d h a k C om m it t e e ( SG P C ) r e m ov e d
Aka l Tak ht Jat heda r Gia ni Ra ghbir Sin gh and Takht Ke sgar h Sa hib Jathe dar Gian i Sultan Singh fr om t heir posts The Sri A kal Ta kht Sahib in Amritsa r a nd the Tak ht Kesgar h Sahib a t An and pur Sahib ar e two of the five se at s of tempor al a uthor it y of Sik hism
The development comes almost a month after the SGPC removed Giani Harpreet Singh from his post as Jathedar of Takht Sri Damdama Sahib in February
Now, all three Sikh Jathedars who had sentenced then Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) president Sukhbir Singh Badal for religious m i s c o n d u c t a n d s t r i p p e d f o r m e r P u n j a b chief minister, the late Prakash Singh Badal, of the Panth Rattan Fakhr-e-Qaum title on December 2 last year, have been removed from their posts
“Sikh preacher Kuldeep Singh Gargaj is appointed Jathedar of Takht Kesgarh Sahib with officiating charge Akal Takht Jathedar
Gold smuggling case: Kannada actor remanded to judicial custody
BEN G A LU R U : A special court i n Bengaluru has s ent actor R
Directorate o f Revenue Intelligence (DR I) arrested Rao on M ar
Bengal uru fo r alleged ly smuggl ing 14 8 kg of gol d from Dubai
Days after her arrest, the BJP has accused her of seeking help from two ministers in the Siddaramaiah-led Congress government to escape legal trouble State BJP chief BY Vijayendra claimed that the “blatant violation” of protocols that reportedly facilitated the smuggling “could not have happened without the direct support of influential figures within the government”
In response, the Congress alleged that during the B
Industrial Area Development Board allotted land to Ranya Rao in 2023 for a steel plant project
Amid growing speculation about the actor’s political links, BJP MLA Y Bharath Shetty said, “When she was caught, she tried to contact some Congress ministers to use their influence to get out of the problem Now it is almost in the public domain that two ministers are trying to help her
The CBI has taken over the case, something solid will come out of it and we will know who is behind this ”
BJP state president Vijayendra referred to media reports alleging a senior minister’s involvement Posting on X, he said that such claims were unsurprising, stating it aligned with the government’s history of “churning out scandals in increasingly innovative ways ”
SGPC member Tek Singh Dhanaula will serve as Takht Damdama Sahib Jathedar,” an SGPC spokesperson said Giani Raghbir Singh had objected to the S
Singh and this had led to Harjinder Singh Dhami resigning as the committee president
On December 2 last year, the Sri Akal Takht Sahib had pronounced a religious sentence for Sukhbir Singh Badal and other senior party leaders for the SAD’s alleged misrule when it was in power in Punjab between 2007 and 2017 It also formed a seven-member committee to reorganise the SAD by initiating a membership drive and making arrangements for the election of its top leadership within six months
sentence but said that it could not allow the s
membership drive as it could lead to its registration with the Election Commission of India being cancelled
TMC demands unique ID for voter cards
K OLK A T A: A delegation o f the ruling Trinamoo l Congress (T MC) met the chief electoral o ffi cer (CEO) o f West Bengal, demanding th at u ni qu e ID to be i n tro du c e d o n vo te r c a rds t o prevent the i nduction of fake vo ters in th e electo ral ro lls
Earlier in the day, TMC leaders h e l d a m e e t i n g w i t h d i s t r i c t functionaries to review findings of a d o o r - t o - d o o r s c r u t i n y o f e l e c t o r a l rolls, alleging that the BJP has been manipulating the voters' list ahead of next year's assembly elections, with the meeting focusing on addressing detected irregularities and finalising the party's strategy to counter the issue
The TMC delegation that called on the CEO was led by the party's state president Subrata Bakshi and i n c l u d e d s t a t e m i n i s t e
H a k i m , A r u p B i s w a s , C h a n d r i m a
Bhattacharya, and Rajya Sabha MP
Ritabrata Banerjee
(Electors Photo Identity Card) number to exist across different states Just as Aadhaar and passports have unique identification numbers, voter cards too must have a unique ID
Hakim added that this marks the beginning of a new movement under
voter card reform, similar to her 1993 demand for photo identification in
manipulating voter lists to gain power in Delhi and Maharashtra by adding fake voters
Hakim claimed that the number of voters increased abnormally in a short span, similar to the voter surge in West Bengal from the 2024 Lok Sabha elections to date
Last week, Mamata accused the BJP of inserting "outsider" voters into the electoral rolls with alleged backing from the Election Commission She claimed that the BJP had used similar tactics in Haryana, Maharashtra, and Delhi in previous elections
Punjab police thwart farmers’ march to Chandigarh
C H AN DI GARH: P unjab farmers’ m arc h to C h an di ga rh f o l l o w in g Sa m y u kt K is a n Mo rcha’s (SKM) call for a week-l ong pro tes t fro m Marc h 5 was headed o ff at mul tip le p o int s by p o l ic e , l ar g el y r e s tr i c ti ng t h e p rotesters to their dis tric ts T h e f a r m e r s , w h o m o v e d t o w a
vehicles were stopped on various highways Chandigarh police, too, put up barricades a t C h a n
prevent the protesting farmers from entering the city Security was also increased at these p
vehicles, especially buses Many farmer union r
Ugrahan, were detained and later released SKM strongly condemned AAP govt headed by Bhagwant Mann for detaining octogenarian union representatives , including Ugrahan, Balbir Singh Rajewal and Ruldu Singh Mansa, and demanded an apology
Calcutta HC asks Didi, governor to bury hatchet
K OL KA T A : C alcutta HC adv ised Beng al go vernor CV
Ananda Bose and CM Mamata Banerjee to h av e a “ch ai pe charcha” to resolve th eir differences, saying “it isn’t a good example” for the public to witness a legal battle inv olving Raj Bhav an and the state gov t Justice Krishna Rao, who was hearing the state’s petition challenging an interim directive restraining it f r o m m a k i n g a n y s t a t e m e n
extended the gag order till April 10
The case dates back to July 2023, when Bose filed a defamation case against Mamata and three othersMLAs Sayantika Banerjee and Reyat Hossain Sarkar, and former MP Kunal Ghosh - over what he said was “personal imputation” in public The governor sought £1 1mn in damages along with an order barring the r e s p o n
specifically objected to Mamata’s purported remark that “ women fear to enter Raj Bhavan” in Kolkata, alluding to allegations against the governor that he molested a former member of his staff
Later that month, the court restrained the three from “making any defamatory or incorrect statement” against the governor It said Bose had prima facie made a case for an interim restraint order Mamata challenged this order on the ground that “justifiable criticism” w a s n ’ t l i b e l , a n
Manipur protester killed amid clashes over free movement
A 30-year-old man was killed in police firing and more than 20 others, mostly women, were wounded as clashes erupted between Kuki demonstrators and security forces in Manipur’s Kangpokpi district
The violence broke out during protests a
movement across the strife-torn state The clashes erupted in Kuki-dominated areas of
when demonstrators attempted to block vehicles, including a state transport bus travelling from Imphal to Senapati district Protesters set at least two vehicles on fire The situation remains tense, with security forces on high alert in the region The ethnic conflict between the Meitei community of
population of the hills has fuelled unrest in Manipur since May 2023, displacing more than 60,000 people and claiming over 250 lives Union home minister Amit Shah had earlier directed state authorities to ensure free movement on all roads in Manipur, a move aimed at bridging the deep divide between Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities
resumed inter-district govt bus services, but officials reported little public participation
Assam Finance Minister Ajanta Neog while presenting the state budget, announced several key welfare measures aimed at benefiting government employees, farmers and tea garden workers In a significant move, the state government will extend benefits of the Old Pension Scheme (OPS) under the New Pension Scheme (NPS) for eligible employees, impacting around 280,000 government employees
Starting October, every ration card holder in Assam will receive 1 kg of lentils, 1 kg of sugar, and 1 kg of salt as part of state assistance To facilitate this, £37mn has been allocated as commissions for fair price shops
Acknowledging the contribution of Assam’s tea garden workers the government will provide a one-time financial assistance of ₹5 000 to 680 000 tea garden workers both casual and permanent A total of £34 2mn has been allocated for this initiative To ensure financial security all contractual employees and public sector employees receiving salaries through commercial banks will now be covered under a zero-cost accident and death insurance scheme
Basant Utsav the colourful spring festival that dates back to the 17th century and was once popular in Tripura during the period of erstwhile Manikya monarchs, is on a path of resuscitation The Tripura government will hold a Basant Utsav in the city on March 16 to showcase the cultural heritage of different communities in the state Chief Minister Manik Saha will inaugurate the event on BT College premises in Agartala “Basant Utsav will be celebrated in a new way this year with the involvement of different cultures, including Bengali, Manipuri, and others A meeting was conducted to oversee the preparations, where officials from different departments took part ” West Tripura District Magistrate Vishal Kumar said The event will have indigenous Holi Geet (holi songs) apart from dance performances of different communities including Manipuri Rabindra and Vaishnav Records show that Basant Utsav or Holi festival was celebrated during the period of the Manikya regime which saw the participation of the royals and common people The Tripura kings like Maharaja Bir Bikram Kishore composed Holi songs to celebrate the occasion and the royal members engaged in throwing coloured water or powder within the palace premises, scholars say
Modi lauds Mauritius as bridge between India and global South
P M M o d i d es c ri be d
M au ritiu s as a v ital bridge between India and th e g lob-
al S outh , calling it a 'mini
I nd i a, ' w i th s ha red b o nd s
b etw een th e tw o nati o ns
H e e m p h as i se d th at
M au ritiu s is not just a partner, but an integral part of India's extend ed family
During his two-day visit
t o M a u r i t i u s , P M M o d i addressed the Indian diaspo-
r a , e m p h a s i s i n g t h a t
Mauritius is not just a partner but an integral part of India’s extended family
“Mauritius is a garden of diverse cultures, and a 'mini India' resides here,” he said
“ I u n d e r s t a n d y o u r d e e p emotional ties to Bihar and Bhojpur, and we will bring b a c k B
U S D i r e c t or of Na t io na l
I nt e l l i ge n c e T ul s i G a bb a r d on Tuesday emb arked on a m ul t i -n at i on t r i p to t h e Indo-Pacific, incl uding India Cal ling hers elf a 'chil d of the Pac if ic ' , Gabbard said s he will b e going t o Japan, Thail and, a nd India, with a brief stop in Franc e
G a b b a r d ' s t r i p w i l l include an appearance at a security conference in India next week, American media reported
I t i s G a b b a r d ' s s e c o n d international trip as a top Trump administration official Immediately after she was confirmed a month ago, she traveled to Germany to attend the Munich Security Conference, as per reports
G a b b a r d w i l l a r r i v e i n
teachings of Lord Buddha inspire global peace Soon,
favorite,” PM Modi added
The event was attended by Mauritius Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam, his wife, and cabinet ministers, saw PM Modi reaffirm-
cultural, and emotional ties
visited the Ayurveda garden
Mauritius, developed in collaboration with India, alongside President Dharambeer Gokhool
Modi p resents special gift to M auritius P M
Prime Minister Modi pre-
US intelligence chief Tulsi Gabbard to visit India
a y , which hosts a large National Security Agency office as well as the military's Indo-Pacific C o m m a n d h e a d q u a r t e r s , officials said Gabbard, who represented the state for eight years in Congress, will meet military a
while in Hawaii, according to h
would watch US troops train
The Asia leg of Gabbard's t
address on March 18 at the Rasina conference, a multinational gathering of security officials in Delhi, to which
Indian officials and officials
senior Trump administration official said The Trump administration is pushing for a ceasefire between Ukraine and Russia
and has been pressuring the K
concessions to end the war
February left many European diplomats reeling, particularly Vice President JD Vance's rebuke of Europe for what he said was abridging conservatives' free speech, American media reported
But Gabbard's remarks, which focused on countert-
America, were well received by European diplomats' eager for any sign that US intelligence agencies intend to preserve their partnerships with longstanding allies
themes in India and would a d d
n t
r t e
i s m , cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and intelligence sharing, as per media reports
Need to filter Cong netas hand-in-glove with
BJP in Gujarat: Rahul
In a candid talk w ith party w or ke rs in A h m e d ab ad , C o ng r es s M P R ah u l Gand hi said th ere was a n eed t o fi lte r d ed i c ated p arty functionaries wo rki n g h an d - i n- g lo v e w i th B J P I ns i st in g th a t th e p ublic wanted an alternative party and not B-team of BJP, Gand hi w arned strict action, includ ing sacking of those conniv ing with BJP, if need ed, to clean the party
“Gujarat is stuck and wants to find a way, but the Congress party in Gujarat is not in a position to show the way I am not ashamed and scared in saying this that Congress workers, me, and the state party leadership cannot show the way forward We will have to acknowledge that we have not met the e x p e c t a t i o n s o f t h e p e o p l e o f G u j a r a t , ” Gandhi told party workers on the second day of his visit to the state
After unambiguously spelling out what ails the party in the state, Gandhi further dissected the rot saying: “There are two types of people in the Gujarat Congress leadership and among workers There is a division One section is of those who are honest with peo-
sented Overseas Citizen of I
i a ( O C I ) c
Mauritius PM Ramgoolam and his wife, Veena He also a n n
n c
d t h a t t h e O C I card will now be extended to the seventh generation of
Mauritius, further deepening the strong ties between the two nations PM Mod i to receive M auritius top civ ilian h ono ur Earlier, Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam
r e v e a l e d t h a t P M M o d i would be honoured with the nation's highest award, the Grand Commander of the Order of the Star and Key of the Indian Ocean Modi is the first Indian to receive this esteemed recognition,
a c k n o
ing his pivotal r o l e i n enhancing the r e l a t i o n s h i p between India and Mauritius This marks the 2 1 s t i n t e r n ational accolade PM Modi has received from a foreign country Sangam water and makhana gifted to Mauritius P resident
Dharambeer Gokhool,
Over 100,000 ‘dependent’ Indians fear self-deportation from US
C hild ren o f H1 -B v isa holder s w h o m i g r ate d to th e
U nited States as minors and are set to turn 21 are facing an exi s te nti al d il em m a
Th ey can no longer be considered d ependents of NRI parents (H-4 visa holders)
U S policy so far had g iven them two years to op t for a new visa status after ‘ageing out’, but recent chang es in the imm igratio n rules and court cases h av e left th em wo rried abou t the prov ision of being struck o ut Their fear: Being forced to ‘self deport’ to India - a country that they are barely familiar with - or living as ‘ o u t s i d e r s ’ i n t h e U S
A c c o r d i n g t o d a t a f r o m
March 2023, nearly 134,000
I n d i a n c h i l d r e n w e r e
e x p e c t e d t o a g e o u t o f dependent visa status before t h e i r f a m i l i e s o b t a i n e d green cards
A recent court ruling in Texas that blocks work perm i t s t o n e w a p p l i c a n t s under the Deferred Action
p l e , f i g h t f o r t h e m , respect them and have
Congress in their heart
And the other is who a r e c u t o f f f r o m t h e people, sit far away, do not respect them, and half of these are handin-glove with BJP,” Gandhi alleged
Amid an uproar of approval from the workers, Gandhi said, “As long as we do not separate these two groups, people will not put their trust in us Traders, businessmen, farmers, youth, students want an alternative, not a B-team of BJP And my responsibility is to separate these two groups of Congress workers and leaders Even if we have to remove 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 people, we are ready to do that to set an example ” Gandhi said that district and block presidents along with senior leaders need to display complete loyalty to the party ideology “They should carry Congress in their blood Put the issue of winning and losing the elections aside As soon as we do that, the people of Gujarat would like to join our organization, and we will open the door for them,” he said
f o r C h i l d h o o d A r r i v a l s ( D A C A ) h a s c o m p o u n d e d the confusion DACA prov i d e s t e m p o r a r y t w o - y e a r protection from deportation t o u n d o c u m e n t e d i m m igrants, including children, who become ineligible for their status as their parents’ dependents after turning 21 - w i t h t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f renewal
Without this provision, the Indian youth fear they might be staring at uncert a i n t y C o m p o u n d i n g t h e problem is the fact that the p a r e n t s h a v e a p p l i e d f o r green cards with a waiting period of between 12 years and 100 years
Some of these youth are also considering moving to other countries like Canada or the UK, where immigrat i o n p o l i c i e s a r e s e e n a s more inclusive “It might be an easier option Even if I stay and study here, I don’t know what my prospects are of getting a job and securing my future My parents are
planning to return to India after retirement, so I have nothing to stay back for,” s a i d a M e m p h i s - b a s e d undergraduate student who will be turning 21 in April He added: “I can’t see myself moving back to India as it seems like just another foreign land to me I left when I was a child I would have to start afresh ” The massive backlog in the US employment-based g r e e n c
n a t e l y a f f e c t s Indian immigrants, is a serious concern among this section of youth “Our waiting period is 23 years, and I am turning 21 this Oct What am I supposed to do after that? Earlier, people would get two years of extension under DACA and they could study, work, and get social security numbers But after the new govt came to power and banned birthright citizenship, everything is confusing,” said a Texas-based student
44 mn tourists visited J-K in past 2 years: Omar Abdullah
Ov er 4 4 mi ll ion to uri s ts , in clud ing 120,00 0 foreigne r s , v i s i te d Ja m mu a n d Ka sh mi r i n t he pa st two ye ars, Chie f Mi nis ter Omar Ab dullah told the ass embly whi le s tres sin g the sector's p
minister said 44 8 million pilgrims, including 120,000 foreigners, visited Jammu and Kashmir in the past two years
H e a d d e d t h a t 2,11,24,674 tourists visited J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r i n 2 0 2 3 a n d 2 , 3 5 , 2 4 , 6 2 9 i n 2024 Of these, 55,337 foreign tourists visited in 2023 and 65,452 in 2024
l l a h , w h o i
g employment i n the region T h e a rr i v a l o f t o u r i s t s s hows a s igni fican t d ecli ne i n mi l i t a n cy - r e la te d v i olenc e in the re gi on C M A b
a l s o i n c h a r g e o f t h e tourism department, said £3 50mn has been allocated for the promotion, advertisement and related activities of the department over the past two financial years
P o u n d 1 2 5 m n w a s spent in FY 2023-24 and £2 25mn in 2024-25, he told the House Responding to a q u e s t i o n f r o m N a t i o n
A b d u l l a h s a i d t h e tourism sector holds extensive employment potential for the people of Jammu and Kashmir He acknowledged that while the sector employs a significant workf o r c e i n J a m m u a n d Kashmir, no formal survey h a s b e e n c o n d u c t e d t o ascertain the exact number J&K g ets first bu dg et in 7 years
Meanwhile, CM Omar
A b d u l l a h p r e s e n t e d a £11 2bn budget for 2025-
26, the first by an elected govt in J&K in seven years, as he heaped praise on PM Modi, promised allround growth and ladled out a salad of sops for disadvantaged groups Terming the document a roadmap for growth and a true reflection of peop l e ’ s a s p i r a t i o n s , O m a r said J&K was at the cusp of a new era of peace and p r o s p e r i t y , w i t h a s e mb l a n c e o f n o r m a l i t y r e t u r n i n g a f t e r o v e r 3 0 years of turmoil
O m a r
i s e d U n i
ministers Amit Shah and N i r m a l a S i t h a r a m a n f o r support in various areas of a d m i n i s t r a t i o n H e s a i d t h e i m p r o v e d e n v i r o nm e n t i s c o n t r i b u t i n g t o progress, with J&K’s econo m
£24 50bn in 2023-24
PM Modi holds meeting with the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam at Port Louis, in
Tulsi Gabbard
Celebrate art, culture and renewal at Nova Maldives
Experience the magic of Easter at Nova
Maldives from April 18-20, where creativity, culture, and wellness come together in a vibrant celebration Guests can enjoy immersive art activities, community gatherings, and wellness experiences that refresh both body and mind, all while connecting with like-minded travellers Ignite creativity through art and community
At the heart of Nova's Easter program is
Initiative Art Market Featuring five talented
local artists, this vibrant market offers guests a chance to explore the creative process first hand and discover unique artworks and handicrafts, including lustrous lacquer and egg shell art Visitors can also participate in
connection and collaboration
Easter Sunday culminates in the Good Vibes Festival, featuring an all-ages Easter
Throughout the weekend, three Creative Expression painting sessions will be held, where guests can create soulful canvases inspired by Maldivian island life, guided by a local artist
Savour tradition with culinary delights
Maldivian flavours at Nova, starting with the Truly Maldivian Flavours workshop on Good
delicacies, followed by a High Tea featuring coconut-infused pastries and tropical treats
Explore marine conservation and its wonders
Embracing the season of hope, guests at Nova can adopt a Coral Frame, joining the resident marine biologist in planting young
Maldivian Fish Market comes alive, offering guests the chance to select the freshest
authentic dining experience
Mindful wellness and inner peace
Prioritising self-care and wellness, a core value of the island resort, Nova invites guests to unwind with the Eskape Coconut Secret spa session on Good Friday This indulgent experience features a coconut scrub, warm coconut oil massage, and a soothing head massage For deeper relaxation, an intimate wellness sharing session will explore the benefits of yoga, meditation, and journaling
emotional clarity, this guided experience offers practical tools for inner balance and reflection
World Book Day: 40% of Britons haven’t read a book in a year
Jane Austen’s Pride and P rejudice famously d ec lar es , “ T h e re i s no enj o y m en t l ik e reading!” yet for a significant nu mber of Britons, th at joy seem s lost
A YouGov survey for World Book Day has revealed that 40% of the population has not read a single book in the past year The survey found that 23% of respondents had read or listened to between one and five books, while 10% managed between six and ten A further 10% read 11 to 20 books, and 9 % t h e m o s t d e d i c a t e d r e a d e r s completed between 20 and 50 titles
Despite the high percentage of nonreaders, Hereward Corbett, bookseller at the Y e l l o w - L i g h t e d B o o k s h o p i n Gloucestershire, pointed out that 60% of the public are still engaged in reading However, he noted that the cost-of-living crisis has affected book sales While his shop has seen increased revenue, the number of customers h a s d e c l i n e d , w i t h c a s u a l b o o k b u y e r s dropping off while more affluent readers continue their purchasing habits
The study also highlighted a preference for physical books, with 61% of respondents choosing print over digital formats Corbett suggested that distractions like smartphones are a major reason people read less but emphasized that the publishing industry must also adapt
The survey, which polled 2,121 British adults, found that women read more than m e n , f i c t i o n r e m a i n s t h e m o s t p o p u l a r genre, and reading is more common among o l d e r i n d i v i d u a l s a n d m i d d l e - c l a s s households
On the other hand, while reading habits w i t h i n t h e U K m a y b e s h i f t i n g ,
global influence A separate survey released by the Publishers Association found that 80% of “international adults” defined as foreign-born UK residents who moved to the country after the age of 18 believe British
nation’s international reputation
international adults alongside 2,009 other UK residents between February 7 and 27
According to the Publishers Association, the findings emphasize the role of UK books,
power, including music (73%), sports (72%), and business influence (57%)
The study also underscores the impact of literature on tourism Projections suggest that the total value of UK literary tourism both domestic and international will rise from £1 7 billion in 2024 to £2 1 billion by 2030, an increase of nearly 25% Additionally, 54% of foreign-born UK residents surveyed said they had been inspired to visit British landmarks, towns, or cities because of their connection to a work of British literature
These findings reinforce the importance of the UK’s literary heritage, not just as a source of cultural pride but as a key driver of tourism and international engagement
Kerala teen dies after extreme dieting
An 18-year-old girl from Kerala’s Kannur district, died due to health complications caused by severe dietary restrictions and prolonged starvation, reportedly driven by her fear of gaining weight The teen, identified as Sreenanda passed away while undergoing treatment at a hospital in Thalassery, where she had been on ventilator support She had previously been admitted to Kozhikode Medical College for treatment as well According to her relatives, Sreenanda had been skipping meals and excessively exercising out of an intense fear of weight gain She was reportedly following diet plans suggested by online platforms and had been surviving on a water diet, eventually reaching a state of extreme starvation She was a first-year undergraduate student at Mattannur Pazhassiraja NSS College Medical experts suspect that Sreenanda was suffering from anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder that causes individuals to obsess over their weight and food intake Affected individuals often perceive themselves as overweight despite being underweight and resort to extreme measures to avoid eating Experts have observed a rise in such cases in the postCovid period
Terminally ill man hosts farewell party
Instead of dwelling on his illness, a man with terminal cancer opted to create lasting memories with his family and friends, a moment beautifully documented by his daughter's video "My Dad is a Legend! I'm not sure how it is in your country, but in Poland, admitting you are dying is often seen as giving up a big no-go because it's believed to bring bad luck It makes people deeply uncomfortable Here, we have a tradition of honouring people after their funerals It's called STYPA," the daughter, who goes by Bibi Brzozka on Instagram, wrote She shared that her father disliked the idea of a gathering held in his honour after his death Instead, he planned his farewell party, which was bold, unconventional, and courageous "What truly amazed me was how many people left feeling inspired, saying they'd love to celebrate their life while they're still here," she wrote In the video, she offers a glimpse of her father and the heartfelt celebration he organized to say goodbye to his loved ones
Thai man discovers venomous snake inside ice cream
A Thai man has gone viral after he found a whole snake frozen inside an ice cream bar he bought from a street cart Rayban Naklengboon, hailing from Pak Tho in the Mueang Ratchaburi region of central Thailand, shared pictures of the spooky discovery on Facebook, much to the shock of users Such big eyes! Is it dead yet? Black bean, street vendor, real picture because I bought it myself," Naklengboon wrote in Thai Black bean is a kind of ice cream in Thailand that is widely consumed However, in Naklengboon's case, a black-and-yellow snake's head could be clearly seen in the picture he posted Social media users speculated that the creature might be a mildly venomous golden tree snake (Chrysopelea ornata) that is commonly found in the region The post garnered thousands of reactions and comments with some reacting in horror while others joking "This is why I don't usually buy food from street carts This is horrific," said one user while another added: "Well, you're getting some extra protein with the ice cream "
Pet dog fights off leopard cub, saves mother, daughter
It was a calm and quiet evening, but soon screams and cries for help ripped through the darkness in Uttarakhand’s Kafoli village as a leopard cub barged into the kitchen of a house and attacked a woman and her daughter Seeing the intruder, their pet dog, Jullie, jumped in to rescue its masters and started biting the big cat fiercely The pet fought off the leopard, which seemed to be around six months old, for nearly 20 minutes The fight came to an end after the injured big cat stumbled after hitting a heavy iron stove kept outside the kitchen door As the appliance fell side ways, the cowering leopard got trapped between the stands The leopard cub entered the house of Trilok Chandra Pandey while his wife Kamla Devi, 45, and their daughter, Vijaya, 15, were in the kitchen Instinctively, she pushed her daughter out of the way Their frantic bid to escape left them with injuries as they fell on the ground hard The terrified family alerted forest department, which dispatched a team to capture the animal Forest ranger Shyam Singh Karayat said the dog left several bite wounds on the wild animal Kamla suffered fractures in both her jaws, while Vijaya suffered minor wounds
Dinner treat turned into a misadventure
A dinner treat turned into a misadventure for Kurla’s Shaikh family Ruby Shaikh (name changed), a 34-year-old mother of two, was enjoying chicken biryani from a local restaurant Little did she know that a chicken bone would take her on a month-long medical journey that would perplex even doctors The modestly priced biryani left Ruby’s husband with an Rs 800,000 bill, although the hospital later halved it through donations The 3 2cm bone that damaged Ruby’s oesophagus was extracted on Feb 8 But when doctors at Criticare Asia Hospital began the throat procedure, it vanished from its initial position X-ray and ultrasound examinations couldn’t find it in the chest or abdomen A CT scan revealed its unexpected upward movement to the nasopharynx, the topmost part of the throat The operation lasted eight hours instead of two Immediately after choking on Feb 3, Ruby arrived at Criticare Hospital where an X-ray scan showed a foreign object in her neck She refused CT scans and admission but returned two days later with fever, high blood pressure, and oral infection This time, through endoscopy and CT scans, doctors found the foreign body in the cervical oesophagus, having caused bilateral perforations Navi Mumbai transforms into a pink wonderland
Every year, Navi Mumbai's wetlands undergo a breathtaking transformation as thousands of Greater and Lesser flamingos migrate to the region, painting the landscape with vibrant hues of pink This spectacular phenomenon has captivated the hearts of nature enthusiasts, photographers, and social media users alike, with the mesmerizing visuals taking the internet by storm The Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary, a vital ecological hotspot, serves as a welcoming haven for these majestic birds As they arrive in search of food and a safe habitat, the sanctuary's mangrove forests, mudflats, and salt pans provide the perfect setting for the flamingos to thrive Singapore's High Commissioner to India, Simon Wong, shared a video that took social media by storm The footage showcased a vast flock of flamingos, known as a "flamboyance," soaring elegantly over the serene wetlands of Navi Mumbai "Stunning sights at the Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary, where tens of thousands of Greater and Lesser flamingos migrate to each year A true ecological marvel in the heart of India's financial capital, Mumbai," the post was captioned on X
Tea could help remove toxic metals from water
for iced tea was even more effective Finely ground black
from water, accordin g to new research
S c i e n t i s t s h a v e f o u n d that tea leaves can trap contaminants like lead, cadmium, and chromium during b r e w i n g , p r e v e n
m from being consumed Lead researcher Benjamin Shindel of Northwestern University explained that while other materials could have similar
i c a l a n d effortless solution “People don’t need to do anything extra just brew their tea as usual,” he said
The study revealed that the longer the steeping time, t h e m o r e m e t a l s w e r e removed A tea bag left in water for three to five minutes eliminated about 15% of lead, while brewing tea for l o n g e r s u c h a s o v e r n i g h t
t e a l e a v e s p e r f o r m e d b e s t due to their larger surface area, while black, green, and w h i t e t e a o u t p e r f o r m e d c a m o m
d oolong when left to steep for 24 hours
Everyday habits that can help improve mental health
Mental health is just as important as p h y s i c a l h e
e n overlooked in daily life.
With the pressures of work, family, and social commitments, it’s easy to neglect self-care However, small, consistent habits can make a significant difference in maintaining good mental well-being
Here are some everyday habits that can help boost mental health:
activity has been proven to reduce
Whether it’s a daily walk in the park, cycling to work, or engaging in a fitness class, staying active helps release endorphins, the body’s natural mood
spaces, and spending time outdoors can further boost mental well-being
can help regulate mood and e n e r g y
T h e Mediterranean diet, for example, has been linked to lower rates of depression and anxiety Pra c ti c e mi n df uln
s an d relaxation: Mindfulness techn
n , deep breathing, and yoga can help reduce stress and improve o
The NHS recommends mindfulness exercises as an effective way to cope with anxiety and negative thoughts
Whether it’s reading, painting, playing music, or gardening, hobbies provide a sense of purpose and joy
S ee k pr of e
on a l h el p w he n needed: It’s important to recognise when professional support is necess
A s tark pos tcode lottery in GP tes ting for prostate canc er is putt ing men at r is k, wit h a l ack of cl arity in NHS s creening guidelines leading
t o i n c on s i s t e n t a c c
s , a s tudy has found
Men over 50 can request
a p r o s t a t e - s p e c i f i c a n t i g e n ( P S A ) t
even if they have no symp-
t o m s
revealed a 13-fold difference in how often these tests lead to a diagnosis Experts say this variation is partly due to
wealthier men are more likely to seek testing
R e s e a r c h e r s f r o m t h
U n i v e r s i t i e s o f E x e t e r , Manchester, Newcastle, and U n i v e r s i t y C o l l e g e L o n d o n analysed the medical records of 9,800 men across 1,639 GP p r a c t i c e s i n E n g l a n d T h e s t u d y , p u b l i s h e d i n t h e B r i t i s h J o u r n a l o f G e n e r a l P r a c t i c e , f o u n d t h a t w h i l e one in five cases was diagnosed following a PSA test request, access to testing varied widely across the country
“Inconsistencies in local, regional, and national guidance mean GPs are left to decide who to test, when to test, and what PSA thresh-
o l d s w a r r a n t u r g e n t r e f e rrals,” said Dr Sam Merriel, t h e s t u d y ’ s l e a d a u t h o r
“These inconsistencies could be contributing to regional disparities in diagnosis rates ” Campaigners are urging the government to update
Researchers also examined teabag materials, finding that biodegradable cellulose bags were more effective a t r e m o v i n g
n t
than cotton or nylon alternatives While some micro-particles from cellulose may be released, Shindel noted that t h e s e f i b
tion in UK drinking water is low, Shindel suggested that
might contribute
exposure and related health risks over time The findings are published in ACS Food Science & Technology
Prostate screening disparities leave men at risk
N H S g u i d e l i n e s , a l l o w i n g GPs to proactively offer PSA tests to high-risk men Amy Rylance of Prostate Cancer
U K s t r e s s e d t h a t c l e a r e r guidelines could reduce confusion and save lives
While PSA tests detect high protein levels linked to p r o s
t i
P r o f e s s o r K a m i l a H a w t h o r n e , c h a i r o f t h e
Royal College of GPs, warned that the test is not always r e l i a b l e e n o u g h t o d e t e c t cancers requiring treatment, which is why it is not rout i n e l y o f f e r e d t o a s y m ptomatic men
A national screening trial is currently underway, and the UK’s National Screening
C o m m i t t e e i s r e v i e w i n g g u i d e l i n e s t h i s y e a r T h e p u s h f o r p r o a c t i v e t e s t i n g has gained high-profile support, with Olympic legend Sir Chris Hoy, who has terminal prostate cancer, calli n g i t a “ n o - b r a i n e r ” f o r high-risk men to be tested from age 45
M e a n w h i l e , f o r m e r
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has become an ambassador f o r P r o s t a t e C a n c e r Research, backing calls for a n a t i o n a l s c r e e n i n g p r ogramme Sunak emphasised that men often ignore health
c o n c e r n s , s a y i n g , “ T h a t ’ s part of why prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men in the UK ”
Maintain a healthy s leep routine: Getting enough rest is crucial for mental health Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night and establish a cons
g screen time before bed, avoiding caffeine in the evening, and creating a
improve sleep quality
E at a balanc ed diet: What we eat can significantly impact our mental health A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats
Pe ars are a de lici ous an d
of he
h benefi ts Packed with essenti al vitami ns, minerals , and fibre, they are a great additi on to a balanced diet
One of the most significant benefits of pears is their high fibre content A single pear provides about 6 g r a m s o f f i b r e , w h i c h s u p p o r t s d i g
motes gut health, and helps prevent constipation The fibre also aids in lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease
Pears are also an excellent source of antioxidants, including vitamin C, which boosts immunity and fights
Co n n ec t w i th ot he rs : S t r o n g social connections play a vital role in mental well-being Make an effort to spend time with family and friends, whether in person or through video calls Support groups and community activities can also provide valuable emotional support
n time: Excessive screen time, especially on social media, can contribute to stress and anxiety Setting boundaries for screen use, such as digital detox p
usage, can help create a healthier mental environment
Engage in a hobby: Having a creative or recreational outlet can be i n c r e d i b l y b
health resources, such as the NHS mental health services, Mind, and Samaritans Seeking therapy or counselling can be a proactive step toward mental well-being
Focusing on positive aspects of life can help shift perspective and improve mental well-being By incorporating simple habits into daily life, individuals can take meaningful steps t o w a
n t a l health While these strategies can be helpful, seeking professional guidance when needed is always recommended
The health benefits of pears
antioxidants help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals, potentially lowering the risk of chronic d
With a high water con-
tent, pears contribute to hydration and overall body function They have a low glycaemic index, meaning
health by
bacteria With their natural sweetness and impressive nutritional benefits, pears
healthy choice for people of all ages
Norovirus cases remain high despite recent decline, NHS warns
week by patients with diarr h o e a
m i t i n
recent drop in in fections
The virus, which spread rapidly across the UK in January and February, con-
While the situation appears
remain cautious and avoid mixing with others for at least 48 hours after sympt
further spread P
c a l Director of NHS England, emphasised that while temperatures are rising, the latest figures prove that winter pressures are far from over for NHS staff
According to the NHS,
with over 40,000 bed days lost in February alone due to the virus Additionally, infection control measures forced the closure of 273 unoccupied beds, bringing t h e t o t a l i m p a c t o f norovirus-related bed losse s t o 4 3 , 9 3 8 d a y s l a s t month
The main symptoms of norovirus include nausea, v o m i t i n g , a
January, with an average of 898 hospital admissions per day for the week starting J a n u a r y 2 0 , p u t t i n g immense pressure on NHS resources While the latest data shows a 4% decrease in hospital cases, the numbers remain alarmingly high On average, 1,094 hospital beds were occupied each day last
norovirus-like symptoms down from 1,134 the previous week but still just 6% below the record high of 1,160 two weeks earlier
Health officials continue to stress the importance of strict hygiene measures, i n c l u d i n g f r e q
water, to curb the virus's spread
Bubble up your brainpower
Chewing gum can significantly improve concentration by enhancing memory, focus, and overall cognitive function Studies suggest that the rhythmic motion of chewing increases blood flow to the brain, delivering more oxygen and nutrients that support mental performance It also stimulates the production of insulin, which may help regulate glucose levels and provide the brain with a steady energy supply Additionally chewing gum reduces stress and anxiety by lowering cortisol levels, helping individuals stay alert and focused Whether during studying, working, or problem-solving chewing gum can be a simple yet effective tool for boosting brain function and productivity
Bhatt, one of India’s most popular actors, recently opened up about her mental health struggles In an interview, she revealed being diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety and has been actively working on managing it
Alia Bhatt recently opened up about her mental health struggles on Jay Shetty’s podcast, revealing that she was clinically diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety She shared that she initially dismissed her struggles as just feeling anxious but later sought professional help when she started experiencing physical symptoms like body heat surges at social gatherings and difficulty focusing
Believing herself to be an “amazing multi-tasker,” Alia eventually realised that juggling too much was taking a toll, causing her to forget even basic things This led her to undergo a professional three-day assessment, which confirmed her diagnosis
She described the diagnosis as a relief, saying, “Whenever there’s a lack of information, I feel most thrown off ” Now aware of her condition, she finds it easier to manage Choosing not to take medication, she said, “I could, but I chose not to Instead, I’m actively working on it, and I think I manage pretty well ” Alia shared that her desire to seek answers grew stronger after becoming a mother, as she feared forgetting important moments with her daughter, Raha “The need to be more organised intensified after motherhood because I didn’t want to forget anything about my daughter That became my biggest fear,” she said
Alia Bhatt opens up about mental health struggles
Anurag Kashyap leaves Mumbai calls Bollywood ‘toxic’ and ‘profit-driven’
Kashyap, a pioneer of modern Hindi cinema, has delivered some of Bollywood’s most acclaimed films, including ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ However, he has long criticised the industry's shift towards profitdriven filmmaking over artistic expression Now, two months after announcing his plans, Kashyap has left Mumbai, moving away from the heart of Bollywood
“I’ve left Mumbai to stay away from film people The industry has become too toxic, obsessed with unrealistic box office targets The creative atmosphere is gone, ” Kashyap said While he didn’t reveal his new location, the publication, citing a source, reported that he has moved to Bengaluru
R e f l e c t i n g o n h i s d e c i s i o n t o l e a v e Mumbai after decades, Kashyap said, “A city is not just its structures but its people Here, they pull you down ” He noted that many filmmakers had already left, with the b i g g e s t e x o d u s t o t h e M i d d l e E a s t , particularly Dubai, while others moved to Portugal, London, Germany, and the US
S i n c e r e l o c a t i n g , K a s h y a p f e e l s l e s s burdened and more focused on his projects and well-being “My stress is lower, and I’ve quit drinking,” he shared He also revealed plans to direct a Malayalam-Hindi film and a Tamil film soon
Akshay Kumar reveals Twinkle’s fun dig at his patriotic roles
Neil Nitin
Mukesh says fair skin cost him film roles
ActorNeil Nitin Mukesh opened up about his 'unique' position as a fair-skinned man in India Recently, he shared that he lost several roles due to his complexion and lamented that while others could break the mould, he couldn't.
Addressing his fair skin, Neil Nitin Mukesh said, “In a country of 140 crore people, I may be unique, but that doesn’t mean I don’t fit the role of a common man The issue isn’t that I’m not trying With today’s advanced m a k e u p a n d t e c h n o l o g y , w e c a n c h a n g e a n a c t o r ’ s a p p e a r a n c e c o m p l e t e l y
o c u s o n acting? If you believe I can act, give me an opportunity ” Citing Saif Ali Khan and Hrithik Roshan as examples, he added, “Even for roles like a gangster, why wouldn’t I fit? Saif played Langda Tyagi in ‘Omkara’, and Hrithik shed his ‘Greek God’ image for ‘Super 30 ’ They get o p p o r t u n i t i e s , b u t I
k e e p struggling ” Neil Nitin Mukesh started his film journey as a child artist in the late 1980s before debuting as a lead in ‘Johnny Gaddaar’ (2007) He starred in h i t s l i k e ‘ N e w Y o r k ’ , ‘ P r e m R a t a n Dhan Payo’, and ‘Golmaal Again’ His l a s t a p p e a r a n c e w a s i n ‘ H i s a a b
Barabar’ alongside R Madhavan and Kirti Kulhari
Actor Akshay Kumar, known for his patriotic films, shared at the Republic Plenary Summit that his wife, Twinkle Khanna, often teases him about how many times he has "saved the day " He also revealed why he is drawn to making such movies
Akshay Kumar admitted that since launching his production house, Cape of Good Films, he has made many films about India He shared, “Even my wife teases me, asking, ‘How many times will you save the country?’ But in Hollywood, whenever there’s a global crisiswhether from asteroids, terrorists, or aliens-it’s always America that saves the day ” This made him question why India doesn’t showcase its own achievements and potential through films “If America is always saving the world, what is everyone else doing? Do we not know what India is capable of? That’s why I made ‘Airlift’, ‘Mission Mangal’, and ‘Sky Force’ I’ll keep making films about my country, even if they don’t earn much,” he said
In 2024, Akshay Kumar starred in ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’, ‘Sarfira’, ‘Khel Khel Mein’, ‘Stree 2 ’ , and ‘Singham Again’ This year, he appeared in ‘Sky Force’ alongside debutant Veer Pahariya, Nimrat Kaur, and Sara Ali Khan Up next, he will star in ‘Kesari Chapter 2 ’ , ‘Jolly LLB 3 ’ , ‘Housefull 5 ’ , and the Telugu film ‘Kannappa’
Viineet Kumar Siingh says ‘Chhaava’ toned down brutal torture scenes
Vicky Kaushal’s ‘Chhaava’ is the biggest Indian hit of the year and the biggest of his career Directed by Laxman Utekar, it stars Rashmika Mandanna, Viineet Kumar Siingh, and Akshaye Khanna The film nears 500 crore domestically and has crossed 600 crore worldwide Its climactic scene, depicting Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj’s torture by Aurangzeb, has sparked debate over its brutality Viineet defended the portrayal, stating it was only a fraction of the real horror
Madhuri Dixit on marriage:
"I've lived my life well"
Aspart of IIFA's Silver Jubilee celebrations, Jaipur hosted ‘The Journey of Women in Cinema’ on the eve of International Women’s Day. The event featured a thought-provoking conversation with a Bollywood icon and Oscar-winning producer, moderated by IIFA Vice-President Noreen Khan.
Madhuri Dixit reflected on her journey, saying, “I’ve lived a fulfilling life after marriage with a supportive partner and a loving family I’ve also had the privilege of playing incredible roles in my career ”
Madhuri Dixit recalled ‘Mrityudand’ as a career-defining film, saying, “People discouraged me, but I went ahead, and it became a milestone ” On social media’s impact, she added, “Actors today are also influencers I enjoy creating reels and engaging with my audience in new ways ”
Oscar-winner Guneet Monga shared her journey from humble beginnings to filmmaking success, managing ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ at 27 and ‘Lunchbox’ at 29
Madhuri Dixit reflected on her 39-year career, noting how women ’ s roles have evolved from supporting to leading narratives Monga emphasised the need for strong female leadership in Indian cinema
The discussion highlighted challenges, progress, and the growing impact of women in the industry, inspiring future filmmakers
IIFA Vice-President Noreen Khan said, “As IIFA marks 25 years, we remain committed to celebrating women's contributions to cinema and beyond ‘The Journey of Women in Cinema’ is more than a discussion it’s a movement By sharing stories of courage and leadership, we honour trailblazers and inspire future generations IIFA will continue to drive positive change through platforms that amplify voices and empower the belief that ‘I can bring change ’”
Viineet Kumar Siingh shared that before filming ‘Chhaava’, he visited the shrines of Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj and Kavi Kalash ji, spending hours there and speaking with locals He emphasised that the film’s brutality was a toned-down version of reality, stating, “If you depict over a month of torture on screen, imagine what you’d see ”
Viineet Kumar Siingh, a former doctor, compared the film’s brutality to real-life trauma, recalling patients screaming from antiseptic treatments or fractures He noted that in ‘Chhaava’, salt was rubbed into open wounds, a reality he heard firsthand from locals He added that while he follows the director’s vision, his improvisation remains within the script’s limits
Zeenat Aman on being mistaken for Parveen Babi: “Had to
actress Zeenat Aman recently connected with fans in a Reddit AMA, sharing her experiences of being frequently mistaken for fellow star Parveen Babi. With their striking resemblance and iconic style in the ’70s and ’80s, the two were often compared by fans.
During the session, a Reddit user asked, “Hi Zeenat Ji As a kid, I always confused you with Parveen Babi Did fans ever mistake you for her in public?”
Zeenat acknowledged it was a common mix-up and shared an awkward encounter “Parveen was stunning, so I didn’t mind! But once in Dubai, a woman went crazy
tell a fan”
over me, thinking I was Parveen this was after her passing It was so uncomfortable, and I had to break the news to her that her favorite actress was no more ”
Zeenat Aman and Parveen Babi were among Bollywood’s most glamorous stars, sharing the screen with legends like Amitabh Bachchan, Dharmendra, and Shashi Kapoor Parveen’s final film was ‘Iraada’ (1991) with Shatrughan Sinha Parveen, diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, also battled diabetes and osteoarthritis She passed away at 50 due to multiple organ failure, with her body discovered three days later
Meanwhile, Zeenat Aman remains active in the industry She will appear in ‘The Royals’ with Ishaan Khatter and Bhumi Pednekar and ‘Bun Tikki’ alongside Shabana Azmi and Abhay Deol
TV Listing
18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma
19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re
19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki
21:00 United States of Gujarat
21:30 Mangal Fera
MON 17 MAR - FRI 21 MAR 2025
14:00 Daily Bonus
14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam
18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma
19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re
19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki
21:00 United States of Gujarat
21:30 Mangal Fera
22:00 Seeta Vallabh
22:30 Daily Bonus
14:00 Daily Bonus
14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam
MON 17 MAR - FRI 21 MAR 2025
16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3
17:00 Anmol Bandhan
17:30 Shrukra Mangal
20:00 Appollena
20:30 Udaariyan
21:00 Choti Sardarni
22:00 Anmol Bandhan
22:30 Appollena
23:00 Ramachari
16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3
17:00 Anmol Bandhan
22:00 Seeta Vallabh
22:30 Daily Bonus
SUNDAY 23 MAR 2025
10:30 Best of Rasoi Show
11:30 Jaysuk Zdpayo
14:30 Laxmi Sadaiv Mangalam
17:30 Best of Rasoi Show
18:30 Rangai Jaane Rangma
19:00 Shyam Dhoon Lagi Re
19:30 Sanskaar - Dharohar Apnon Ki
21:00 United States of Gujarat
21:30 Mangal Fera
22:00 Seeta Vallabh
22:30 Daily Bonus
17:30 Shrukra Mangal
20:00 Appollena
20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull
22:00 Anmol Bandhan
22:30 Appollena
23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull
SUNDAY 23 MAR 2025
16:00 Rasoi Show Desi Flavours S3
17:00 Anmol Bandhan
17:30 Shrukra Mangal
20:00 Appollena
20:30 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull
22:00 Anmol Bandhan
22:30 Appollena
23:00 Entertainment Ki Raat-Housefull
Gautham Menon says South stars avoid romance films today
Director Gautham Vasudev Menon
shared his desire to create a larger-than-life romance but said stars today avoid the genre. “I approached actors across Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, but the moment I mentioned romance, they either postponed or refused to meet You should ask them why,” he laughed
‘ V e t t
Gautham Vasudev Menon shared that many of his stories are inspired by his own and his family’s life “Thankfully, I haven’t run out of them yet That’s how my filmmaking journey began, and it continues Every film of mine
s embraced it,” he said
On whether films prioritise fan service over storytelling, he responded, “I don’t think I’ve done that much Ajith sir has said ‘Yennai Arindhal’ changed the trend of his films When directing ‘Dominic’ and ‘The Ladies Purse’, I saw Mammootty as Dominic, not as a star ”
Discussing the challenge of drawing audiences to theatres amid the OTT boom, he admitted, “I’m still figuring it out People came for ‘Vendhu
T h a n i n t h a d h u K a a d u ’ b u t n o t f o r
‘Joshua’ In Tamil and Telugu, stars s t i l l d r i v e t h e a t r e a u d i e n c e s ‘Vettaiyan’ opened big despite being different from a typical Rajinikanth film ” D i r e c t o r G a u t h a m V a s u d e v
Menon addressed the impact of OTT
o n t h e a t r e s , c i t i n g S e a n B a k e r ’ s
Oscars speech “We are killing theatres ourselves We take digital sales money to fund films and release them p e r O T T s c h e d u l e s I n i t i a l l y , I thought streaming would make cine-
m a m o r e a c c e s s i b l e , b u t d e l a y i n g releases hasn’t helped theatres I hope this digital dependence fades so we can bring audiences back,” he said
Nayanthara asks fans to drop 'Lady Superstar' title
Tamil star Nayanthara has renounced the title 'Lady Superstar,' saying accolades can sometimes distance actors from their craft
‘Chandramukhi’, ‘Ghajini’, and ‘Jawan’, announced on X that she is renouncing the title ‘Lady Superstar ’ Addressing fans, media, and the film fraternity, she expressed gratitude for the love behind the title but requested to be called simply ‘Nayanthara ’ Nayanthara is the latest South star, after Kamal Haasan, Ajith, and Jayam Ravi, to renounce a title given to them Born Diana Mariam Kurian, she was named ‘Nayanthara’ by director Sathyan Anthikad for her debut film ‘Manassinakkare’
The 40-year-old actor emphasised that love transcends all boundaries “While the future is unpredictable, your unwavering support remains constant, as does my commitment to entertaining you Cinema unites us, and let’s continue celebrating it together,” she wrote Her post was captioned: "Nayanthara will always be and only Nayanthara "
Ilaiyaraaja heads to London for symphony premiere, calls himself ‘Incredible’
Ilaiyaraaja arrived at Chennai Airport this morning to board his flight to London for the unveiling of his latest symphony
Speaking to the media, he shared his excitement, calling it a grand treat for music lovers
“Performing at the Apollo Theatre is a significant milestone,”
he said, emphasising his commitment to showcasing Tamil culture globally.
Ilaiyaraaja emphasised that this achievement is a collective pride for Tamil Nadu and India “I am going to London to celebrate our greatness, not mine alone This is Tamil Nadu’s pride, India’s pride I am nothing without all of you, ” he declared Confidently, he added, “There has never been anyone like me, and there won’t be another I will focus on my work, and you should do the same ” With these words, he boarded his flight, ready to add another milestone to his legendary musical journey
Last year, Ilaiyaraaja made
headlines for composing a symphony in just 35 days, impressing music lovers and Tamil cinema fans
At 81, he remains unstoppable, traveling the world to showcase his work Now, his latest masterpiece will debut at a prestigious London event, further cementing his legendary status His influence goes beyond music, earning admiration from fans and artists alike Recently, an actor gifted him a musical instrument in tribute, while Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin and other politicians visited him, with their meetings going viral testament to the deep reverence he commands
Rashmika on Animal ‘I questioned Geetanjali’s choices’
Rashmika Mandanna, who starred alongside Ranbir Kapoor in ‘Animal’, previously shared her thoughts on her character, Geetanjali. In an interview and on X, she admitted to questioning some of her character's decisions on a personal level.
"As Rashmika, I questioned some of Geetanjali's choices," she admitted "But as an actor, I had to understand her perspective and portray it authentically "
‘Animal’ marked a major milestone in Rashmika's Bollywood journey, offering her a new storytelling experience under Sandeep Reddy Vanga, known for his raw and intense narratives
Rashmika expressed gratitude toward her co-actors and director, acknowledging how ‘Animal’ pushed her as an artist and challenged her emotionally
Despite initial reservations about certain aspects of her character, she embraced the role wholeheartedly, stepping out of her comfort zone to immerse herself in the film's gripping narrative
"There were moments I had to remind myself that I was playing Geetanjali, not Rashmika," she shared "That’s the power of cinema it allows you to see the world through another’s eyes, even if you don’t fully agree with them "
As ‘Animal’ continues to be celebrated for its powerful performances and gripping storyline, Rashmika’s reflections on her character highlight her dedication to her craft Her willingness to challenge herself and explore her character’s motivations showcases her growth as an artist in the industry
Santosh: A
story of strength, loss,
and selfdiscovery
Subhasini Naicker
Shahana Goswami is a critically acclaimed actress known for her nuanced performances She began her film journey with ‘Yun Hota Toh Kya Hota’ (2006) and rose to fame with ‘Rock On!!’ (2008) Her latest film, ‘Santosh’, has earned nominations at the ‘BFI London Film Festival’ and ‘Cannes Film Festival’, further cementing her global recognition
approving a take when it truly captured that essence Her ability to fine-tune performances, guiding actors toward more layered expressions, was remarkable Working with her was a great experience, and the incredible cast including Sunita Rajwar as well as firsttimers brought a unique authenticity that I could reflect and play off as an actor
Speaking to Asian Voice, Shahana spoke about her experience in the role of Santosh, role of female led narratives in cinema and much more
Whatdrew you to the role of Santosh?
I found the writing absolutely spectacular strong, powerful, subtle, and non-judgmental The film beautifully captured the complexities of society, highlighting issues we often criticize yet actively participate in What stood out was how these themes emerged naturally, without feeling forced, within a compelling fictional narrative Santosh was not a onedimensional hero but a deeply human character flawed, searching, and evolving Her journey, along with those of other characters, was explored with nuance, making it impossible to simply love or hate anyone Just when you think you can judge, empathy creeps in, and that, to me, was the film’s greatest strength
Was there a particular scene that was emotionally challenging for you to portray?
The torture scene was particularly challenging because I had built it up so much in my mind As someone who struggles with expressing aggression and violence, it forced me to confront that side of myself Yet, it was also deeply cathartic acting within a safe space allowed me to fully embody the emotion without real harm It felt almost like a therapy session, where I could express that intensity without the burden of guilt The real difficulty was more in my mind than in the performance itself
How was your experience working with Sandhya Suri? What was her vision for Santosh, and how did she help you bring depth and authenticity to your character?
Sandhya is a fantastic writer, and her script was incredibly detailed and clear in its vision As a director with a documentary background, she has a sharp eye for realism, which I deeply appreciated She ensured that every scene felt raw and authentic, only
IIFA Awards 2025: Magic of King SRK takes over; Laapataa Ladies takes home ten trophies
The IIFA Awards celebrated its Silver Jubilee edition this year in Jaipur over the weekend Kiran Rao's social dramedy Laapataa Ladies emerged as the biggest winner of the night with ten trophies The action-packed thriller Kill also made a mark, securing five awards
awards including Best Performance In A Leading Role (Female), Best Picture,
Role (Male), Best Direction, among others Kartik Aaryan lifted the trophy for Best Performance In A Leading Role (Male) for
Negative Role for Kill
Check the full list o f winners here:
Film Category:
Howdid you prepare for the complexities of playing a woman navigating both personal loss and professional duty? Like playing a cop, where our understanding often comes from films rather than real-life experience, this role required moving beyond preconceived notions Observing real people in their daily lives helped me avoid playing off cinematic impressions Since the story and characters were so realistically written, it pushed me to rely on my own observations of human nature I realised that everyone ’ s responses and reactions are layered, shaped by their circumstances This approach helped me replace judgment with empathy, seeking to understand why people behave the way they do rather than simply labelling them
Howdo you see the role of female-led narratives evolving in cinema?
I grew up watching old Hindi films, often back-to-back, and I've seen how storytelling has evolved in cycles Over the years, we've had strong, well-written female characters, but also periods of stereotyping for both men and women Today, there’s a growing demand both from creators and audiences for more nuanced, authentic portrayals While female-led stories have progressed, tokenism also exists, where films seem progressive but still follow outdated storytelling patterns However, evolution requires both push and pull Despite some box-ticking, the shift toward deeper, more layered narratives is happening, and I’m hopeful it will continue
Whatconversations do you hope ‘Santosh’ sparks about gender roles and empowerment in law enforcement?
‘Santosh’ highlights deep systemic issues both social and administrative that are all interconnected I see it as a reverse triangle, where large-scale problems ultimately stem from individual choices and behaviours True systemic change begins at the individual level; if we continue to act out of fear, greed, and insecurity, the world will reflect that My hope is that the film fosters self-reflection, making us aware of our own hypocrisies and contradictions As Gandhi said, *be the change you want to see* change starts within us, creating a ripple effect that can reshape the world
Laapataa Ladies
Best Perform ance In A Lead ing Ro le (M ale)
Kartik Aaryan (Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3)
Best Perform ance In A Lead ing Ro le ( Fem ale)
Nitanshi Goel (Laapataa Ladies)
Best Directio n Kiran Rao (Laapataa Ladies)
Best P erfo rmance
In A Neg ative Role
Raghav Juyal (Kill)
Best Performance In A Suppo rting Role (Female)
Janki Bodiwala (Shaitaan)
Best P erfo rmance
In A Supp orting Role ( Male)
Ravi Kishan (Laapataa Ladies)
Best Story (Orig inal) In The Popu lar Category
Biplab Goswami (Laapataa Ladies)
Best Story (A dap ted)
Sriram Raghavan, Arijit Biswas, Pooja
Ladha Surti, and Anukriti Pandey (Merry Christmas)
Best Directorial Debut
Kunal Kemmu (Madgaon Express)
Best Debut (Male)
Lakshya Lalwani (Kill)
Best Debu t (Female)
Pratibha Ranta (Laapataa Ladies)
Best M usic Director
Ram Sampath (Laapataa Ladies)
Best Lyrics
Prashant Pandey (Sajni from Laapataa Ladies)
Best S ing er (Male)
Jubin Nautiyal (Dua from Article 370)
Best Sing er (Female)
Shreya Ghoshal (Ami Je Tomar 3 0 from Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3)
Outstand ing Achievement In Ind ian Cinem a Rakesh Roshan
The glittering night saw spectacular
The highlight of the ceremony was Shahid Kapoor and Kareena Kapoor's epic reunion on stage They shared a warm hug, breaking the Internet
IIFA Dig ital A ward s 20 25:
The IIFA Digital Awards 2025 took place in Jaipur on Saturday (March 8) night, honoring the best in streaming content
The hit rural dramedy Panchayat and Imtiaz Ali's musical biopic Amar Singh Chamkila emerged as the night's biggest winners In the acting categories, Kriti Sanon and Vikrant Massey stole the show, taking home the top honors with their standout performances
Film Catego ry: Best F ilm
Amar Singh Chamkila
Performance in a Leading Role, Fem ale (Film )
Kriti Sanon (Do Patti)
Perform ance in a Leading Role, Male (Film)
Vikrant Massey (Sector 36)
Best Direction (F ilm)
Imtiaz Ali (Amar Singh Chamkila)
Performance in a Supporting Role, Female (Film)
Anupriya Goenka (Berlin)
Performance in a Supporting Role, Male (Film)
Deepak Dobriyal (Sector 36)
Best S tory Orig inal (F ilm )
Kanika Dhillon (Do Patti)
Series Category: Best Series
Panchayat Season 3
Performance in a Leading Role, Fem ale (Series)
Shreya Chaudhry
(Bandish Bandits Season 2)
Performance in a L eading Role, M ale (Series)
Jitendra Kumar (Panchayat Season 3)
Direction (Series)
Deepak Kumar Mishra (Panchayat Season 3)
P erfo rmance in a
Supp orting Role, Female (Series)
Sanjeeda Shaikh (Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar)
P erfo rmance in a
Supp orting Role, Male (Series)
Faisal Malik (Panchayat Season 3)
Best S tory Orig inal ( Series)
Kota Factory Season 3
Best Reality or Best
No n-scrip ted Series
Fabulous Lives Vs Bollywood Wives
Best Docuseries/Do cu F ilm
Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous
Best Title T rack
Anurag Saikia
(Ishq Hai from Mismatched Season 3)
Special Effects Red Chillies VFX
Bhulaiyaa 3)
Shahana Goswami (centre) from the movie Santosh
India seal historic win over NZ in Champions Trophy
S ki p per Ro h it S h arma led by examp le with a comp osed h alfcentury as India clinched th eir thi rd Champ ions Trop hy title, defeating New Zealand by fou r wickets in th e final o n S unday
T h e vi c t o ry s o l i di f i ed I n di a 's dominance i n th e to urnament, making them the only team to win it th rice
Opting to bowl first after Rohit lost his 12th consecutive toss, India s spinners kept New Z
overs Kuldeep Yadav (2/40) and
V a r u n C h a k
t h y ( 2 / 4 5 ) played crucial roles in stifling the Kiwi batting lineup
their innings well, with Rohit a
Shreyas Iyer added a valuable 48 off 62 balls However, a brief stutter at 183 for three saw India lose two quick wickets, raising tension in the final overs KL Rahul (34*) and Hardik Pandya (18 off 11) held their nerve to take India across the finish line with six balls to spare
Mitchell (63 off 101), Michael
Rachin Ravindra (37 off 29) were the key contributors with the bat In the bowling department,
Bracewell (2/28) tried to keep
their side in the contest, but India’s depth proved decisive
consistency, as they remained
tournament Having previously
victory cements their legacy
Champions Trophy history Scores: New Zealand: 251/7 in 50 o v e r s ( D a r
6 3 , Michael Bracewell 53*, Rachin R
(Rohit Sharma 76, Shreyas Iyer
, Michael Bracewell 2/28)
Middlesex Cricket welcomes Naynesh Desai as president-elect
In a historic m ove for Midd lesex Cricket, f
M ark Ram prakash has nominated Naynesh
p residency
Reflecting on his tenure, Mark expressed his pride in serving as president, highlighting the challenges and achievements during his time He spoke about his deep connection to Middlesex, having been part of the club since childhood and later contributing as both a player and coach Despite a turbulent period for cricket, he found it rewarding to engage with the board and supporters, ensuring the club remained stable and adaptable in an evolving cricketing landscape
While traditionally the role of president has gone to a former player, Mark saw in Naynesh a unique set of qualifications A lifelong Middlesex supporter, Naynesh has spent 39 years in the legal profession, served
realised the seriousness of the proposal
Having previously been encouraged to apply for the chairman's role, he welcomed the opportunity to contribute to Middlesex’s future He reiterated his commitment to supporting the club’s growth and ensuring its continued success "I have always been passionate about Middlesex Cricket, and to b e g i v e n t
"Cricket is evolving, and I look forward to w o r k i n g w i t h t h e b o a r d ,
supporters to ensure that Middlesex remains a strong and inclusive club that embraces both its heritage and the future " With his wealth of experience and deep passion for Middlesex, Naynesh’s presidency marks a new chapter for the club, one that b
approach to modern cricket
India set to take on Switzerland in Davis Cup
I n d ia i s se t t o t a k e o n
S w it z e r l a n d i n a D a v i s C up
Worl d Gr oup I tie, foll owing the d r a w co n d uc t e d b y t h e Int ernat iona l Tennis Fede ration
( I TF ) in L o n d on T he cr u ci a l
e n c ou n t e r w il l b e h os t e d b y Switzerla nd from Septemb er 12 t o 14, with the hosts sel ecting the pl aying surface
India secured their place in
t h i s t i e w i t h a d o m i n a n t 4 - 0 victory over Togo in the World Group I Play-off held in New
D e l h i l a s t m o n t h M e a n w h
l e , Switzerland suffered a 1-3 loss to Spain in the Qualifiers, setting u p t h i s d e c i s i v e f i x t u r e T h e winner of the India-Switzerland tie will advance to next year ’ s Davis Cup Qualifiers, while the losing team will be relegated to the World Group I Play-offs Historically, India holds a 2-1 h e a d
meeting was nearly three decades ago, in 1993 In that tie, Indian
tennis legends Leander Paes and R a m
team to a 3-2 victory in Kolkata Switzerland’s squad boasts a strong lineup, led by three-time
World No 165 Other top Swiss
World No 131 Jerome Kym, and W
Huesler In doubles, World No 101 Jakub Paul is Switzerland’s
highest-ranked player I n d i a ’ s
player is World No 132 Sumit N
ranked World No 39 in doubles, is the country’s leading doubles player However, India will be
D a v i s C u p d u t i e s i n 2 0 2 3 Additionally, Bhambri and Nagal have missed the last two and t h r e e D a v i s C u p t i e s , respectively
India turns to Chhetri to help team to qualify for Asian Cup
I ndi a ’ s record goal scorer
c ome out of retirement and
c rucial final round of the AFC As ian Cup 2027 q ualifiers
probables for the international f r i e n d l y a g a i n
o p e n e r o f t h e A s i a n C u p q u a l i f i e r s a g
on March 25 in Shillong
India, without a win in the w h o l e o f 2 0 2 4 , h a v e b e e n clubbed with Bangladesh, Hong Kong and Singapore with only the top team making it to the continental showpiece in Saudi Arabia
“The qualification for the Asian Cup is very crucial for us
Media accreditation is now open for the Paddy Power Kabaddi World Cup 2025 taking place in venues across the West Midlands between the 17th and 23rd March This is the first time the competition has been hosted outside of Asia and promises to be a truly international spectacle of sport with 16 of the world’s best men’s and women’s teams descending on the West Midlands to challenge for the title Teams from India, China, Iran and Pakistan as well as home nation teams from England and Scotland will compete for the World Cup across seven days and over 50 international matches In what will be a fun, energetic, and interactive celebration, spectators will also get the chance to enjoy opening and closing ceremonies which promise to engage fans of all ages Kabaddi is a fast-paced contact sport that has been thriving in the UK for the last 20 years and boasts a competitive national league Hosted by World Kabaddi and delivered by the British Kabaddi League (BKL) on behalf the England Kabaddi Association alongside the West Midlands Combined Authority and the four hosting local authorities of Wolverhampton, Coventry, Birmingham and Walsall, the Paddy Power Kabaddi World Cup 2025 is supported by £500,000 from the UK Government s Commonwealth Games Legacy Enhancement Fund It also enjoys the backing of official partners Sporting Equals and University of Wolverhampton
England batter Harry Brook has pulled out of his IPL deal with Delhi Capitals for the second straight season, a move which could result in a two-year ban from the competition Brook apologized “unreservedly” to the franchise and its supporters but stressed that playing for England remains his “priority and focus” The 26-year-old is one of the favourites to replace Jos Buttler as white-ball captain However Brook could face a ban from the world s premier T20 leagueaccording to new tournament rules, any foreign player who misses the IPL after getting picked at the auction faces a two-year ban unless he is injured I have made the very difficult decision to pull out of the upcoming IPL I apologize unreservedly to the Delhi Capitals and their supporters ” Brook wrote on social media “It’s a really important time for England cricket and I want to fully commit to preparing for the upcoming series In order to do this I need time to recharge after the busiest period in my career to date Not everyone will understand, and I don’t expect them to, but I have to do what I believe is right and playing for my country remains my priority and focus ” England will play India in a home Test series in June followed by the muchanticipated Ashes from Nov to Jan Brook withdrew from IPL-2024 too following the death of his grandmother
Given the importance of the tournament and the matches ahead, I discussed with Sunil C h h e t r i a b o u t m a k i n g a c o m
national team He agreed, and so we have included him in the s q u a d ,
l o Marquez said The striker had not made any official statement on this d
are just
‘I’ll see you soon ’ in disguise,” on their official X handle “Sunil’s leadership
motivate the entire team His form too has been impeccable
India can greatly benefit with a striker like him in the team,”
Kalyan Chaubey
Chhetri is India’s highestever goalscorer and was third
international career in May last y
continued to star for Bengaluru FC and has scored goals in the Indian Super League (ISL) This season he has scored 12 goals in the ISL, second only to t h e M o r o c c
d i n
Ajaraie who tops the list with a record 21 for NorthEast United Other Indian strikers have not r
Marquez to fall back on the services of the veteran striker Marquez, who also coaches FC Goa, took over the national t
will have him in the dressing room for the first time
India Sri Lanka and South Africa will play a Women’s ODI tri-series during April-May this year Sri Lanka Cricket (SLC) announced The tournament will help all the three teams fine-tune their preparations for the 2025 Women’s ODI World Cup Post this tournament the Indian women s team will tour England for a series involving five T20Is and three ODIs in June-July All the matches in Sri Lanka will be day games to be played in Colombo The tournament will kick off with India and Sri Lanka facing each other on April 27 Each team will play four games with the top two teams qualifying for the final, which will be played on May 11 India s women cricketers are currently involved in the Women’s Premier League (WPL) Thank you for reading Asian Voice