AV 17th June 2017

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Vol 46 | Issue 7

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17th June to 23rd June 2017

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side

THE LOOMBA FOUNDATION CELEBRATES 20TH ANNIVERSARY 1997-2017 By launching a project to provide skills training to 30,000 impoverished widows 1,000 widows in each of the 30 states in India in partnership with the Rotary India Literacy Mission at a Gala Ball at the Dorchester on International Widows Day, 23rd June, 2017


Training will be provided in Beauty & Wellness, Healthcare & Care giving, Security industry, Telecom, Tourism & Hospitality, Handicraft, Food processing, Textile & apparel, Agriculture and food processing and Automotive industry.

For more information, visit www.theloombafoundation.org or Email Safdar Shah: safdar@theloombafoundation.org

Parliament gets record number of BAME MPs 12 Indian, 12 Pakistani and 3 Bangladeshi MPs elected

Priti Patel and Sajid Javid have made back to May's Cabinet Alok Sharma and Lord Ahmad promoted as Ministers of State

Rt Hon Keith Vaz MP with wife Maria and son Luke Full Story Page 16-17

“Fractured Britain should engage it’s Diaspora communities more”- an EXCLUSIVE piece by political and global business strategist Manoj Ladwa. See Page 2

Modi to meet Trump on June 26 Priti Patel

Indian origin MP Priti Patel and Pakistani origin MP Sajid Javid have joined Theresa May's Cabinet as the Secretary for I n t e r n a t i o n a l Development and Secretary of State and Communities and Local Government respectively. Alok Sharma, an Indian origin MP has been promoted as the Minister of State for the Department for Communities and Local

Sajid Javid

Government on 13 June 2017. He was the former Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office from 17 July 2016 to 13 June 2017. Lord Tariq Ahmad of Wimbledon has been also been promoted as the Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 13 June 2017. Ahmad who is of Pakistani origin was the Parliamentary Under

Alok Sharma

Secretary of State for Transport (Minister for Aviation) from July 2016 to June 2017. Though the Cabinet has undergone very slight shuffle, the election results have rattled Theresa May's belief of 'Strong and Stable Britain'. On Friday morning Britain woke up to a hung parliament, with soaring popularity of the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn and May's broken spirit. On

Hyderabad Mumbai Ahmedabad Lucknow

Lord Ahmad

Friday there were even speculations if she would step down and give way to Boris Johnson, India's son-in-law (as his wife is half Indian) to take over the Tory leadership. But by mid-day May she had already clarified that she was not going to resign, and forge ahead with stronger convictions and tougher resolutions, along with support from the DUP. Continued on page 17

£374 £396 £369 £431

Full Report on Page 26

The countdown begins for two power-packed community events by ABPL Group this weekend on 17th and 18th June. Full Story Page 15

Rajkot Goa Bangkok Bangalore

£463 £368 £442 £367

Chennai Colombo Kochi Delhi

£368 £427 £368 £390



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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


Manoj Ladwa

Strategic Advisor - Global Business & Government


Fractured Britain Should Engage it’s Diaspora Communities More


Is there someone you know who has broken boundaries and deserves recognition for their unique contribution to the Asian Community or the Nation

Nominate them for the 17th Asian Achievers Awards


The prestigious Asian Achievers Awards is hosted every year by UK’s leading news weeklies Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar to honour British Asians par excellence.

Deadline for nomination 31st July, 2017 NOMINATION FORM Please tick the appropriate category Achievement in Community Service In recognition for an individuals service to community.

Woman of the Year The award will recognise and honour a woman who has made a significant mark in any chosen field. Sports Personality of the Year Awarded for excellence in sports. Business Person of the Year Awarded to a business person who is a success in every sense of the word and can demonstrate a genuine passion for social issues. Lifetime Achievement Award To honour those individuals, who during their lifetime, have made immense contributions in any given field. This remarkable individual can be marked as an example for the younger generation. Uniformed and Civil Services For outstanding achievements in uniformed and civil services or contribution to the community through any of the above services. Entrepreneur of the Year Awarded to an entrepreneur with a proven track record of operating a successful business enterprise. Professional of the Year Professionals in the field of medicine, law, education, banking, finance and others, who have scaled the heights of their chosen profession. Achievement in Media, Arts and Culture Someone who has made a mark in media including print and broadcast media; cinema, art and culture.

Details required for filing the nomination Please email/post the below details on a separate sheet I Nominee's Name, Occupation I Nominee's Contact Details (Tel/ Email) I Award Category: (choose from the category above ) I Reason for nomination I Nominees Accomplishments /Awards/Recognitions I Personal background /CV/ Bio (Attach these documents if necessary) I Any other information you would like to include about the nominee I Your Name/ Contact details(Email/Phone) Make sure that you fill in this application form and send it on or before 31st July, 2017 by post, fax or email to Mr. L George, Tel: 020 7749 4013, Fax 020 7749 4081, Email: aaa@abplgroup.com. If you are sending it by post the address is Mr. L George, ABPL Group, Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, London N1 6HW. Apply online www.abplgroup.com/Events/Asian-Achievers-Awards/Nominations

Charity partner

The UK election delivered a fractured verdict. So too did the Brexit vote the year before. Neither were decisive by any stretch of the imagination, or what competing spin doctors may claim. In fact, since 2010, when the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats became uneasy bedfellows, the UK has been grappling with a level of political unease not witnessed for at least a generation or more. In my view, this is symptomatic of an underlying problem. That British society itself is suffering from very difficult fault lines. Whether it’s the realisation that terrorism and its causes are now rooted and home grown, or that unchecked immigration and the negative reactions against it are leading to racial tensions, or more generally, large parts of the British public are feeling and living financially insecure lives with little clarity about their future – there is no denying that the Britain of today is in a fundamentally different place from even a decade ago. Thankfully, Britain’s democratic ethos and robust, objective and impartial institutions are the actual bedrocks of its strength and stability. They hold the basics of a civil British society, so admired globally, together. In just the manner they were conceived and built to be. Any lesser country would have by now witnessed far greater turmoil. It is in this context that we should view Theresa May’s ability to continue (just) as prime minister and Jeremy Corbyn’s spectacular conversion from maverick protester to (almost) a conceivable prime minister in waiting. But I fear neither main political party is speaking in the language that will truly heal and unite the nation. The Conservatives, despite some admirable efforts at re-packaging themselves, are viewed yet again as the party of the privileged few, and Labour is speaking very effectively and loudly to its core, but is failing to reach that hallowed political centre ground where elections are eventually won, and won big. It is therefore imperative that the UK’s political leadership seeks to urgently heal the fault lines and supress the politics of ‘them and us’.

My reference point has always been my own community, the British Indian community. In 2010 68% of British Indians voted for Labour, in 2015 there was a dramatic shift to the Conservatives with more British Indians voting Tory then Labour for the first time. We will still need to wait before we get the data for this last election. But I suspect that the swing, if any, back to Labour has not been as dramatic as the rest of country. In part, this blasts any myth that British Indians are any longer a monolithic vote bank. This can only be a good thing. But, it’s a good thing, only so long as all political parties engage with British Indians in a meaningful, constructive and mature dialogue across all critical policy issues. But what disappoints me is that British politicians give the impression that they think that a quick election pilgrimage to the temple or a few fuzzy statements on UK-India relations will bag the British Indian vote. In fact, I have gone further in my criticism of the Labour Party which had over the last few years almost written off British Indians as no longer “natural” Labour voters (whatever that means) and taken divisive stands on caste legislation, Kashmir, and most recently opening old wombs on incidents on the Indian sub-continent that occurred over 3 decades ago. These approaches lead to the sort of “them and us” politics that fracture, rather than heal community discontent. Prime Minister Modi has described the Indian diaspora as the ‘Living Bridge’ that inspires and binds our two great nations. I would argue further that they could be the ‘Living Bridge’ between many Commonwealth nations. If ever there was a burning need to showcase the depth of Britain’s community cohesion, and strength of its diaspora communities, the time is now. As the UK navigates through the choppy waters of Brexit, Britain’s 1.5 million Indian community may just be the right place to start by leveraging their fabled global outlook and enterprising spirit. [Manoj Ladwa is the founder and CEO of India Inc. publishers of India Global Business magazine.]

Judges reveal the names of the youngest UK murderers The judges have revealed the names of two fifteenyear-olds, Kim Edwards and boyfriend Lucas Marham after Kim's chilling confession, who alongside her boyfriend plotted to brutally murder her mother and her 13-year-old sister in April 2016. The victims Edward's mother, dinner lady Elizabeth Edwards, 49, and sister Katie were stabbed in 'brutal executions' as they slept in their Spalding home in Lincolshire, last April. Speaking to the police after the killings, Kim said she let Lucas kill her mother by slashing her throat open with a kitchen knife, while she recoiled in a foetal position and later sent Lucas to kill her sister Katie, listening from the bathroom while she begged him to spare her life. Kim told police officers:

“The plan was to murder my mother and sister. Ever since I was young, I never got on with my mum. I knew she favoured my sister more than me. She said she didn't but I knew she was lying.” The 14-year-olds did not leave the house after the murders, they changed into fresh pyjamas, went downstairs to avoid the smell of blood, ate, drank and had sex, shared a bath and watched Twilight vampire films as they 'revelled' after the killings. Kim backed out of the suicide plans after the murder. She stayed normal, without any remorse and went to school the following day. Lucas' aunt reported him missing when she realised he was not at home and when the police broke down the doors 24 hours later to get into the house,

Kim Edwards with Lucas Marham

the couple were found casually sitting in the living room. When asked what had happened, Lucas told the police: “Why don't you go up and see?” The young couple have been detained for life with a minimum term of 20 years last November, by a judge at the Nottingham Crown Court who described the case as something that had “few parallels in modern criminal history.”

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Calculation that went awry Prime Minister Theresa May’s decision to go to the polls in the expectation that a strong Conservative party result would strengthen her government’s hand in the Brexit negotiations in Brussels was a calculation that went awry Her message of stability and firm government cut little ice with voters, who were clearly more concerned about their standard of living, and a variety of welfare issues. The recent jihadi terror attack in the London Bridge area, in which innocent members of the public were wantonly done to death, coupled with a financial cut in the police budget did nothing to inspire public confidence in her judgment. Her perceived U-turns on aspects of her party’s manifesto didn’t help either. Although the largest party in Parliament, the Conservatives lack the absolute majority to govern on their own; they will have to look to the Democratic Unionist party of Northern Ireland for support, hence will be forced to compromise on their Brexit agenda.. The Opposition Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn’s inspired leadership, concentrated on social issues, which struck a responsive chord across a broad spectrum of the

electorate. :Labour gained around thirty seats, and are now a credible national force. They may lack the numbers just yet to form an alternative government, but they may well be on the road to do so in the not too distant future. Those within the Labour party who scoffed at what they perceived as Mr Corbyn’s seeming lack of leadership skills must think again. He has ridden out their challenge and the abuse of the country press barons and emerged stronger for the ordeal. The tabloids and broadsheets who sought to demonize him have lost ground in the moral and intellectual stakes. The Fourth Estate in Britain, much like its uglier American sibling qualify as a fourth-rate estate. British is in turbulent waters. Ms May could weather the turbulence in the short-term, but is doomed to abdicate sooner rather than later, with a party and nation deeply divided. A second election cannot be too far-off. One cannot even guess, at this stage, whether Brexit will have a hard or a soft landing.

Spectacular space triumph It wouldn’t be an Oriental hyperbole to describe the launch last week of GSLV Mark-III as a true triumph of mind and matter. To send a satellite weighing nearly four tones into deep space in a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with a perigree (closest point to Earth) of 170 km and an apogee (farthest point to Earth) of 35, 975 km was a jaw-dropping exercise.. India is now in an elite club of four – the US, Russia, the European Space Agency and China. GSat-19, a communications satellite, will enhance India’s communications infrastructure. The satellite weighs 3,1136kg. The launch provides a platform for India to propel a 4 tonne satellites into deep space. Previously such launches were contracted to foreign agencies at considerable cost. The cryogenic engine powering the rocket, India’s heaviest, is equivalent to five fully loaded Boeing aircraft estimated to be 640 tonnes. Prime Minister Narendra Modi twttered: ‘The GGSLV MKIII D GSAT-19 mission will take India closer t the next generation launch vehicles and satellite capability. The nation is proud.’ As, surely, it should be. Hereby hangs a tale of unconquerable endeavour. The cryogenic engine was indigenously designed and manufactured by the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) following decades of dedicated research and development. Originally ISRO had a deal with the former Soviet Union to train Indian scientists and engineers, but under relentless pressure from the Clinton Administration in Washington, President Boris Yeltsin, of the new Russian Federation, aborted the contract to supply the critical technology., The US permitted the supply of a few Russian cryogenic engines. True to form, the US Administration confiscated the Indian blueprint for the Tejas supersonic aircraft from the offices of Lockheed Aircraft Corporation hired as a consultant by the Indian Aeronautical agency. In both instances, the relevant

Indian bodies decided to go it alone, relying on the brains and dedication of homegrown talent. These were bold visionary decisions with myriad benefits in the medium and long-term. This should never be forgotten. Curiously none of India’s mainstream media made even passing mention of the American role. No talk here of shared democratic values and similar guff. The cryogenic engine has no military use. Put it down the Indian media’s memory loss to expectations of a lucrative fellowship to American fellowships. ISRO Chairman Kiran Kumar spoke of the ‘culmination of large amounts of work done over decades.’ He explained: ‘The cryogenic stage is a complex technology. We were making it for the first time; we faced no serious test failures or problems. That is a world record. It is a marvel that we were able to achieve this, despite limited resources. Based on experience, we made modifications and had all the issues addressed. More than 200 tests have been done since December 2014. The entire team was confident.’ The success of the GSLV mission will probably help India attract foreign customers who seek demonstrated competence plus cost benefits, which India can meet with ease. ‘As far as Mk III is concerned, we are planning two launches every year. Right now our focus is on making sure that whatever bottlenecks are there we achieve our goal of 12 launches per year,’ said Kiran Kumar. When one looks at the entire canvas, India’s journey has been nothing short of a space odyssey. In 1963, a Thumba rocket was fired from the garden of a local church garden in Kerala. Fifty-four years later India is an elite space power. At this special moment, the vision and dedication of outstanding leaders of ISRO – those who took it to the next levels – deserve the nation’s gratitude, men such U.R.Rao and Satish Dhawan et al.

Lessons of OBOR China’s One Belt, One Road (OBOR) has been creating waves lately. It took China decades to recover from Chairman Mao’s lunatic Great Leap Forward, the People’s Communes and the murderous Cultural Revolution, and its attendant famine – the worst in recorded history. . That the country was able to recover from these traumatic experiences is surely the most lasting tribute to the residence of the Chinese people, their work ethic and their daunting entrepreneurial skills. China’s late paramount leader Deng Xiaoping, counselled his younger colleagues to, ‘hide your strength and bide your time.’ This they have done and now believe their country’s time has come. Chinese muscle-flexing in the South China Sea, irredentist territorial claims on the Himalayan border have caused deepening concern. It is a recurring tragedy in human affairs that arrogance – hubris, in other words, brings its nemesis. The rise and fall of Germany in the first half of the twentieth century surely has lessons for all humankind. China’s rulers have little appetite for the history and cultures of foreigners, hence they press on regardless. It has very deep pockets, which its regime has decided, to exploit to the full in an unprecedented economic expansion across continents, from Africa to Latin America. Mega projects have been undertaken to the delight of recipients. Huge Chinese credits came with no

questions asked about accountability or domestic politics and social practices. A leading example is oil rich Venezuela in South America. When a barrel of oil fetched $100 on the international market, the Maduro regime had no problem meeting its interest payments on Chinese loans; when oil prices collapsed to $30 a barrel the country’s economy shattered. Food prices soared, as did inflation. Scarcity became the norm. Venezuela is bankrupt. To meet its obligations, its oil and gas exports to China have doubled and the revenues halved. In South West Africa’s Namibia, China is constructing the world’s largest uranium mine for its nuclear power industry. At every stage , from machinery to workforce, which now numbers a million and more across the continent, and rising. In Zambia, for example, Chinese labour practices have led to popular demonstrations. Chinese money, steel, cement and other material is presently constructing a massive rail network linking East Africa with Central Africa with no thought of an accumulative debt burden at the end of te rainbow.. China is acquiring the natural resources of Africa and exporting its economic problems in exchange. The reforms China’s economy urgently needs are blocked for political reasons; its domestic debt in ratio to GDP has turned toxic. All that glitters in The One Belt, One Road project is not gold. Caveat Emptor

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow. Friedrich Nietzsche

“Our London” Navin Shah

GLA Member for Brent and Harrow

Labour upsurge A totally unnecessary general election has left Tories in tatters and seen a massive upsurge in Labour’s popularity. Whilst Theresa May has been described by a leading light of her own party as ‘woman walking’, Jeremy Corbyn has emerged as the one with vision and hope for the nation. The Labour’s popularity, confounding the pundits, is based on its manifesto and its positive campaign lead by Jeremy Corbyn who’s proved to be a leader of utmost integrity. Labour’s fully costed manifesto has touched the hearts and souls of the youth and working class people who’ve been disfranchised for far too long. Having laid this foundation Labour now needs to build on it to deliver equality for all our communities. Austerity has hurt the poorer people the hardest and it’s time now to invest in public services. I thank people of Harrow East for what, against all odds, is a moral victory for me. The result is entirely due to the trust and confidence people of Harrow East have shown in me. I express my sincere gratitude and promise I won’t let people down. I’m proud of positive and clean campaign we ran in Harrow East. It was a campaign fuelled by and fought with nothing other than love, friendship, family and the kindness and determination of some of our local activists, volunteers and party members who had the strength and imagination to believe that the supposed 'impossible' was actually completely possible. As incredibly disappointing and infuriating as it is to know just how close we came, this great effort shows there’s all to play for! It is most regrettable that in the last few years Tories locally have seen it fit to run negative campaign risking division than forging unity. I’m entirely with a resident who wrote to me during the election saying “I'm really upset when letters by the Tory Party, recently one signed by Dolar Popat are being circulated. This sort of politics is divisive and playing on sectarian issues. The Labour Party needs to say something. Politics is secular. I'm an East African Asian of Jain background. I do not want to be lumped with any religion.” The general election also saw the same old issues like Kashmiri Pundits and caste legislation dragged out for the Tory propaganda to find cheap favours amongst Indian / Hindu voters. One cannot deny that these are important issues but when it comes to the plight of deprived Indians in the UK and culturally specific needs, particularly those of the first generation Indians, there is deafening silence in the Tory propaganda. In his Asian Voice column of last week Cllr Sachin Shah, Leader of Harrow Council, is spot on in highlighting the wide range of issues affecting our Indian communities and his commitment to work to supporting and delivering needs of Indians in Harrow. This is what you get from Labour and this is what you’d get from me - not the dangerous tactics peddled by the ‘nasty party’. Editor: CB Patel

Asian Voice is published by

ASIAN BUSINESS PUBLICATIONS LTD Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, (Off Coronet Street) London N1 6HW. Tel: 020 7749 4080 • Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup.com Website: www.abplgroup.com

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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Nepalese-descent environmentalist bags the prestigious Chartered Environmentalist title

Radha Neaupane from was awarded the prestigious Chartered Environmentalist title and membership to the Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment, or IEMA. Radha is of Nepalese descent, who passed the ‘Assessment of Professional Competence’ where she demonstrated her experience and under-

standing of environmental issues. “I’m genuinely thrilled at my achievements so far,” said Radha who works in the hazardous waste team at the Environment Agency, Midlands. Asked what she enjoys most about her job, “talking to people and businesses and advising on a range of environmental issues such

Radha Neaupane

as pollution prevention, energy saving and environmental protection,” she stated. The IEMA is an international membership organisation, committed to global sustainability. Its 11strong Board of Directors includes two women. Previously Radha worked in Thailand and came to the UK in 2008. She is married to a chartered civil engineer and the couple have teenage twins and the family live in Warwick. A big congratulations to Radha for her achievements, we wish her all the luck.

Drug peddler and ring leaders caught in Birmingham In one of the biggest drug rackets in Birmingham, Zarak Khan and Shabaz Ali, both 28, a part of a gang in Birmingham was caught and is to receive a jail sentence for more than 130 years for being involved in a Class A drug ring where officers seized £1.5 million cocaine and heroin, with Zarak Khan Shazad Ali Shabaz Ali evidence of more drugs Desar Asllani, Arjol Cerriku and being produced and hidden in Aleks Asllani, who were illegally specially adapted secret comdistributed kilos of cocaine partments in cars. between July 2015 and January Khan and Ali were arrested this year. when they were found with West Midlands Police offithree blocks of cocaine worth cers used intelligence and £300,000 when the police raided Detective Constable Warren a garage. They admitted to drug Moore, from the Serious and charges and conspiracy to supOrganised Crime Unit, said: ply cocaine and were jailed at “This was a sophisticated operathe Birmingham Crown Court tion involving large amounts of last September. cocaine and heroin. Khan from Vale Crescent “Miraka was the lynchpin in South, Nottingham in possesco-ordinating the supply of sion of a shotgun, pistol and drugs to other dealers and there ammunition got 15 years, and is no doubt this would have conAli of Foxhall Road received 15 tinued without police intervenyears and five months. The drug tion. network was handled by an “Drugs can ruin lives and Albanian gangster Asmirald communities and these senMiraka who imported the cocain tences should act as a strong and used cars to deliver the warning that those involved in cocaine. such crime will feel the full force His Albanian couriers were of the law.”


Manchester Day 2017 to pay tribute to victims of Manchester Arena bomb attack

The Manchester Day, to be celebrated on 18 June will pay tribute to those who lost their lives in the arena. The family of the victims, the injured will parade to honour the heroic acts of emergency services who worked selflessly to help those affected by the attacks. Lord Mayor of Manchester, Cllr Eddy Newman, and Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham, will join Chair of Manchester Day, Cllr Pat Karney, marching in the parade, which has the theme of 'Abracadabra' this year. Community groups from across the city will come together and 2,000 people will parade through the city centre to celebrate the city’s diversity together, regardless of background, belief or religion.

Leicester Police arrest three youth for groping

The Leicester Police have arrested three youth aged 12 to 14 after receiving numerous reports of women being touched inappropriately in the city centre, and want to hear from victims and other witnesses. Police said in a statement: "A number of women were approached and touched inappropriately by a number of youths. It was a busy bank holiday Sunday evening and we know there were a number of people in the area at the time. Three youths, aged 12, 13 and 14, were arrested in connection with the reports, they have since been released from custody pending further investigation." Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call the police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Teenager with learning disabilities threatened with knife in a bus

Police has released images and are appealing for information after a 19-year-old boy with learning disabilities was threatened with a knife on a bus in Harbourne when he refused to hand over his hat to a group of boys who surrounded him inside the bus. The group activated the emergency stop button in the bus and ran off in the direction of the Court Oak Road after taking the hat. The police have released images of some men from the recording inside the bus.

Enhancing the UK-China bond through higher education

The Chinese delegation along with the senior members of Dudley College in West Midlands

A 14 members delegation from China has visited the Dudley College in West Midlands to discuss opportunities for educational exchange programmes. The strong team, led by Jingquan Liu, the Vice General Director of Tianjin Municipal Education Commission and Enli Liu, Principal of Tianjin School of Commerce (the

delegation, pictured), met with the Principal of Dudly College, Lowell Williams, and his senior colleagues to see how the academic institutions can share good practice and learn from each other in a bid to establish programmes that would enable learners to exploit their full potential. This would also, they said, fur-

ther strengthen links between Tianjin, one of four municipalities in China and the Midlands and wider UK. The exchange was organised by Irene Chu, Chief Executive of Birmingham Chinese Society. Dudley College is an established college of further education in Dudley, West Midlands that was started in the late nineteenth century.


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Multiple polls say immigration policies will hit UK industries

Smita Sarkar

As the government is about to enter Brexit negotiations, many sectors in UK are raising the alarm about how the proposed immigration policies are likely to hit their industry. A poll by Tech London Advocates (TLA) delved into the concerns of 272 of its members and found concerning data that the existing immigration policy does not permit world-class talent to enter the UK, and over 50 per cent of the techies were concerned about the policies. Russ Shaw, founder of TLA said: “Access to global talent is a top priority for tech companies, and these results confirm that firms want a government that can establish an immigration and visa policy to press this need. With Brexit negotiations set to begin, we need a government that creates the right conditions for tech companies to grow, ensuring that they can access international talent to bridge the sills gap and provide world-leading insights and knowledge.” It's appearing to be very difficult to make plans for the future. As an example, during the Brexit campaign, Boris Johnson had said that Indian immigrants would benefit if EU immigrant numbers were to be reduced, but that may not be the case any more.

Optimism for the IT industry

Jon Howell, an IT professional

working as a freelancer told Asian Voice: “In my experience, the IT industry hasn't had any significant trouble getting visas for highly-skilled foreign workers to come over to the UK when needed. If anything we're lucky to not have to worry as much as some industries, primarily because the internet makes IT jobs easier to outsource than many other sectors. Workers don't always have to physically come here.” There are further reasons for the IT industry to feel confident as the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, formally inaugurated the London Tech Week as a part of his plans to turn London into "world's leading smart city". His plans include launching a new £1.6 million clean technology incubator called 'Better Futures', that will assist London business to battle pollution and deliver technology. As well as that, a new tech innovation centre named 'Plexal' was opened in East London to support 800 start-ups and other businesses, as part of plans to entice firms to the city.

majority of international recruits have come from the EU and action was required to offset any further loss of EU nursing staff that would lead to 'severe consequences for patients.' Janet Davies, head of the RCN said the profession was in a "state of crisis" with 40,000 vacancies in England. The Department of Health said the future of EU nationals in the health and care system 'should be a priority' in Brexit negotiations. Small and medium-size businesses that depend on professionals from outside the UK shared their views over the immigration cap. Gurpal Singh, Property Developer and Founder of Specialist Skin Clinic Miravue in Southall said: “We will have to put a lot more into training and development, and lose out on committed and trained staff.”

Tight regulation will be damaging for the construction industry

The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB), in an article in The Guardian, had warned that tight regulation of migration The NHS feel the pinch as would damage construction staff drop activity in the UK. However, other indusHowever, it also tries have started feeling acknowledged a longthe pinch. In healthcare, standing industry failure the Royal Council of to train UK workers, parNursing (RCN) last ticularly young people. month has found that Kulvinder Paul, the one in nine posts in Founder of Kool Cakes England were vacant. shares the same opinion. The Health Foundation While he heavily said that since 2008, the Kulvinder Paul employs EU members for

his shops and his property development businesses, he seemed confident. “Things will continue the way it was going on 30 years back. We will have to invest some more time in the training and skill development. I think this is a healthy situation.”

cerns over immigration. “More than 50 per cent of our staff is from EU countries, both ours and the casino business that has floating customers from all over the world will be impacted by a hard Brexit,” he said.

The way ahead?

Diverse nature of hospitality industry will always need immigrants

Conservative MP Priti Patel had promised the Bangladeshi Curry industry According to the Recruitment that the vacanand Employment Confederation cies created (REC), the government must from a cap in recognise the need for sufficient immigrants expertise in the hospitality from the EU industry as it tightens the UK’s after Brexit will borders.The REC reports that be filled in by Sadiq Khan one in every five hospitality the Bangladeshi vacancies is already difficult to chefs from South Asia. However, fill, and any immigration cap Theresa May plans to drastically could increase the scale of the cut down on immigration and problem. does not plan to give any addiSuzanne Letting, chair of tional leverage to non-EU counREC Hospitality, wrote in an tries. article on immigration matters Amidst all the panic and that it was clear that immigramixed opinions, we try to stay tion is an issue which needs positive about the impact of the tackling and the diverse nature Brexit negotiations. Sadiq of the UK hospitality sector is Khan's positive vision for techvital to its success and its potennology is what we would aspire tial to grow. “Any immigration for other industries as well “my policies limiting the number of ambition now is to harness the staff with the in-demand skills new technologies that are being will have a direct impact pioneered right here to on the already hardtransform London into pressed hospitality industhe world's leading try,” Ms Letting said. smart city... the potenMahmud Zaman, the tial for cutting-edge Head Chef at Zaman technology to tackle a International, a multihost of social, economnational cuisine restauic and environmental rant, and a part of the challenges is immeaSportman Group of surable.” Mahmud Zaman Casinos shares similar con-


Head Chef Mahmud Zaman at The Sportsman Casino in the West End has won his third culinary award in a row for serving up some of the finest cuisine in London. To celebrate, he is offering you the chance to win a three course meal for two in his restaurant plus complementary wine and a free £10 bet to enjoy on the gaming floor.

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Competition closes on 31st July 2017 and winners will be drawn at random.



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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Fraud businessman and son abscond, wife gets jailed instead

Falguni Shah

Bhadresh Shah

Businessman Bhadresh Shah, 49 and his son Abhishek Shah, 24 fled after laundering £80 million, leaving behind Bhadresh's wife, Falguni Shah, 45, who got four years. The two (Bhadresh and Abhishek) were jailed for 12 and nine years respectively but fled while on bail and remain at large, leaving behind Falguni Shah. The pair Bhadresh and Abhisekh stood trial with Falguni Shah, Dipak Doshi, 57, and Dinesh Parmar, 35, all found guilty as accomplices to launder millions of pounds between September 2011 and April 2014. Parmar and Doshi were each jailed for five years for one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.

Abhishek Shah

Two of the defendants, Bhadresh and Abhishek Shah, have deliberately absconded and Falguni Shah, 45, who was jailed for four years. Bhadresh was also found guilty of possessing mephedrone and ketamine with the intent to blackmarket. Branded as a 'disgrace' by his defence barrister Leonard Smith QC, Bhadresh was pressurising his family and 'guillable' businessmen to take part in his dodgy schemes through organised crime gangs across the country from their hub at Chandni Bazaar in Wembley, northwest London, while posing as a pious, respectable Hindu of the Gujarati community. Judge Andrew Goymer said in a statement: “The amounts of

Chandni Bazaar in Wembley

money that were laundered through those companies are quite staggering. There's no doubt in my mind that this money has come predominantly from the sale of controlled drugs.” The police raided the Bazar in Ealing Road where they found false company stamps that were used to create legitimate business documents that were linked to at least 10m in transfers, cash laundering using money services and false invoices from several companies using the same templates. The Metropolitan Police has asked for anyone with information about their whereabouts to contact police on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Navin Kundra brings Bollywood to the BBC Singer Navin Kundra, who will be performing at the ABPL Group's Anand Mela on the 17th June, revealed that he was making a cameo appearance in the BBC soap, “Doctors”at the 2017 British Soap Awards. What he didn’t reveal was that he was bringing Bollywood to the BBC with a new English version of his hit single “Mehbooba”. The special episode was broadcast on 9th June and is being praised as ‘spectacular’ by fans of BBC Doctors and Navin. The ‘Big Bollywood Proposal’ scene reached over 85,000 organic views on Facebook over the weekend – a record first for the soap. “The producers of the show contacted me a few months back about using some of my music in the episode for a special proposal and asked if I would also feature in it. I was absolutely delighted and agreed to be a part of it,” explained Navin. “They had a really strong vision and it’s very different for the popular soap, which is watched by over a million people every day, so good on them for wanting to attempt something new and fun to treat their viewers,” he said.

Tax fraudster and brother caught, fined heavily

A tax fraudster former magistrate and his brother have been ordered to repay a total of £443,190 or face prison. Zaher Somani, 58, of Quorn, was jailed for tax fraud and money laundering in 2015, after a HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigation found he lied about his income and hid the profits from his two Loughborough taxi companies in offshore bank accounts. Somani’s brother Pyarali and other family members were also sentenced in 2015 for their part in the conspiracy. A court today ruled that Zaher, who was a serving magistrate in the Loughborough area, must repay a total of £254,375 within three months – plus £54,000 costs – or face another two years in prison. Pyarali must pay £188,812 plus £28,000 costs. Stuart Taylor, Assistant Director, Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, said: “Somani had the audacity to sit in judgement on others while living a life funded by crime. He and his brother are being stripped of their illegal profits. “We will ensure tax fraudsters pay money back to the honest majority

they stole from. They cannot be allowed to take funding from our public services. Anyone with information about tax fraud should contact the HMRC Fraud Hotline on 0800 788 887.” Somani owned two Loughborough taxi firms A1 and Charnwood Taxis – and had 30 private hire vehicles. He lied about his earnings on Self Assessment returns while family members helped hide his company’s profits. The family purchased property in Canada, Turkey and Morocco as well as putting cash in offshore bank accounts across the world. They shared the profits from the scam with huge amounts being spent on property, private schools and gambling. The defendants were ordered to repay the money at Nottingham Crown Court on Monday (12 June 2017).

Abhiraj Singh, a 12 year old Indian origin boy, got the top score of 162, to enter into Mensa, which is believed to be the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. Membership is open to anyone who can demonstrate an IQ in the top 2 per cent of the population, measured by a recognised or approved IQ testing process. His score is the highest one can achieve in the under 18 category, making him join the league of the top 1percent of the brainiest across the nation. Abhiraj, a student of Year 7 (equivalent to Class 6 in India) of Queen Elizabeth for Boys, Barnett, one the top most Grammar Schools in the country, is excited about becoming a member of this high IQ society. He told Bartaman Patrika " I was curious about the test and I thought it would be a good opportunity to challenge myself". He added that " I am pleased at the top score and it will serve as a reminder that I need to continously apply myself in the right direction". Abhiraj who loves science and coding, traces his roots to Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir in India. He divides his school holidays between Patna and

Jammu. Abhiraj is very conscious of his Indian heritage and draws inspiration from Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta. One of his favourite message from Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, which is a guiding light for any student is - without effort there is no gain. His mother, Manu Khajuria, a freelance writer and a community activist is a Dogra from Jammu & Kashmir, while his father Mayank Singh, a Client Partner with TCS, hails from Bihar. They told the newspaper "We wanted Abhiraj to give this test as a way to keep himself challenged and to channelise the potential that we see in him. Indian origin children have been historically doing very well in this test, being amongst the youngest with the top scores. We are happy that Abhiraj has joined this group and we hope that by sharing our experience, more Indian children will be inspired to give this test".

Zaher Samani

Indian origin boy scores highest in IQ test

Navin on BBC 'Doctors'

Navin reworked his single “Mehbooba” for the episode and called in talented singer, Rekha Sawhney to duet with him. “It was exciting to go back to the song and give it a new life,” he said. “I wanted to make sure that the lyrics would fit the characters and story so I spent some time watching and studying past episodes before re-writing parts of the song.” Bollywood Dreams Dance Academy and Artistic Director, Reena Tailor choreographed a special Bollywood dance routine which was performed by all the cast on set.

“Mehbooba” has previously gained Navin an entry into the Guinness Book of World Records and he also performed the song for the Royal Family where he famously taught Prince Charles to call Camilla his “Mehbooba”. Navin laughed, “I’ve been a part of many couple’s proposals, first dances and love stories through my music, but this is the first time I’ve done it on television! Anyone looking for marriage proposal ideas … this is the best you can get!” Navin Kundra is a British singer, songwriter, musician and actor.

Woman sentenced for money laundering Nimisha Bhadaria, 29, has been given a 14-month prison term and ordered to pay $5,140 within three months by Woolwich Crown Court for money laundering. Nimisha from Stanmore, is one in the gang of ten fraudsters who tricked people of £1.7m by making them change a direct debit, standing order or bank transfer mandate by pretending to be a representative from an organisation. The money was withdrawn as large amounts of untraceable cash


from branches or cash machines. The victims, both individuals and companies span across the UK, Nigeria, Mauritius, Switzerland, France and the United States. Detective Sergeant Kevin Jackson of the Metropolitan Police's criminal finance team said: “Members of the public and organisations need to be very careful when moving and transferring money. “Many of the victims linked to this case were tricked into sending

money to criminals' accounts after they were sent a spoof email with change of payments details. "Always verify changes to financial arrangements with the organisation or person directly on the phone, or go via the company's main switchboard to check if an email is genuine. “Trust your instincts and always check before transferring the money, because it will be extremely difficult to recover once you’ve sent it."


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews



Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Indian origin councillor and couple fall victim of racism in Britain There has been a spike in the number of racist incidents recorded since the London Bridge attack, the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has warned last week. Khan reportedly said that the police will take a "zero-tolerance approach to hate crime" as the latest statistics show a rise in hate crime and Islamophobic incidents after the London Bridge terror attack. Provisional figures released by the Mayor's office show the number of racist incidents recorded on last Monday was 54, compared with a daily average of 38 so far this year. There has also been an increase in Islamophobic hate incidents, with 20 on last Monday, compared with a daily average of 3.5 this year. This is the highest daily level of Islamophobic incidents so far this year, and is also higher than the levels following the Paris attacks in November 2015 and the murder of Lee Rigby in May 2013. The mayor has called on all Londoners to report hate crimes of any kind to the police. It is quite apparent that after Brexit, the UK has already witnessed such hate crimes rising, and the diaspora living here have started feeling vulnerable. Suffering such a horrific racial attack, recently was Indian origin couple Sachit Poonekar and Tejal Sonwalkar. During this election UK born Gujarati boy, Cllr Ameet Jogia

who stood in Brent North against Labour's MP Barry Gardiner was made a target of racism. He came across a racist graffiti scrawled on the wall of a voting booth in Wembley. The message read: ‘Vote Labour Barry, not Jogia. Keep p*kis out of politics’. The racist graffiti about Ameet Jogia The 30-year-old unnoticed for so long. The was alerted to the message by authorities are investigating the one of his supporters who spotmatter with the police." ted it in a polling booth at Living in the town of around 7pm, at The Ascension Swindon in England's Wiltshire Church in north London. county for about a decade now, The photo also made rounds Poonekar and Sonwalkar conon social media, where Ameet's sider England their second friends and family tried to comhome and run a flourishing fort the Tory candidate. Jogia, Indian food joint business there. who went to investigate shortly On October 7, 2016, they before voting closed at 10pm, were heading out of their said he was ‘saddened’ to see restaurant for a delivery when the ‘racist’ message still there. Poonekar had an argument with “There are very strict rules one Michael Francis Wright over that no messages should be what side of the road to drive placed anywhere in the polling on. station let alone the polling That's when Wright hurled booth that would influence anyabuses at the couple calling one’s decision. This message them a 'f**king Asian monkey'. clearly said ‘vote labour…” He fear that the next thing He allegedly brought it to would be a blow coming his way, the attention of a presiding offigiven the guy's big build, so he cer but claims they ‘literally just refrained from saying anything, shrugged their shoulders saying and informed the police. it was 10pm and nothing they The case was later taken up could do’, the Metro reported. for investigation by the police Jogia told the Asian Voice, "I and on May 18, the Chippenham have launched a formal commagistrate court ruled in their plaint with Brent Council and favour and asked Wright to pay the Electoral Commission as to up for the harassment. why such a message was left

Sachit Poonekar and Tejal Sonwalkar

Since Poonekar had managed to take a picture of the car's number plate, he was able to produce it in his statement to the cops. That is how Wright could be traced. After the court hearing that followed, Poonekar won the case. He said,"Winning the case was important for me not because I needed the compensation, but because I needed to know that the place I called my second home considered me a part of it, too. There are so many like me who face issues like this on a daily basis. “Standing up against the bullies is what they must do, no matter what...Ever since Brexit, there have been several cases of racial abuse. I have myself heard of many that occurred in London. But our neighbourhood mostly comprises Polish and Hungarian people. There aren't

many Indians here, so we didn't hear of incidents involving racial slurs on them, till it happened to us.” In the order that was issued on May 19, the magistrate court sentenced Wright to pay £120 as fine, £400 as compensation, £30 as victims' surcharge and £ 220 as crown prosecution service (CPS) costs. Chief Superintendent Raj Kohli, who is a Senior Public Order Officer too with the met Police, is qualified to control, order and command big and serious crowds at events. Speaking to the Asian Voice exclusively about a probability of increase in hate crimes, he said, “Usually Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims are targeted after such incidents. Don't accept any misbehaviour towards you and must tell the Police wherever you are. We are there for you.”

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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

High Commissioner of India visits Chattri Memorial in Brighton The High Commissioner of India to UK, Mr. Y K Sinha, alongwith Defence Adviser Brigadier Rajesh Kumar Jha attended a commemorative event at Chattri Memorial Brighton on 11 June 2017 to commemorate the contribution of Indian Soldiers during World War 1. The Chattri is a memorial built to honour the Indian dead of the First World War. It stands on the Downs near Patcham at the place where Hindu and Sikh soldiers who died in Brighton war hospitals during 1914 – 1915 were cremated. It was unveiled by the Prince of Wales on 21st February 1921. During the First World War (1914-1918) over one and a half million Indian army soldiers saw active service alongside British troops. Twelve thousand Indian soldiers who were wounded on the Western Front were hospitalized at sites around Brighton. These included York Place School, the Dome, the Corn Exchange and the Royal Pavilion. The fifty-three Hindu and Sikh soldiers who died in Brighton were taken to a peaceful resting place on the Sussex Downs near Patcham for cremation, after which their ashes were scanned in the sea, in accordance with their religious rites. The

Muslim brothers in arms, totaling nineteen, were buried in a purpose built burial ground near to the Shah Jehan Mosque in Woking. The Chattri Memorial Service is arranged every year in the month of June to commemorate the Indian soldiers who fought on the Western Front during the First World War, on the Downs near Patcham, Brighton. The commemorative ceremony commenced with wreath laying by the High Commissioner followed by Lord Lieutenant of Sussex, Mayor of Brighton and Hove Council, local dignitaries and members of local The High community. Commissioner, after laying the wreath, recounted the great Indian contribution

in World War 1. He highlighted the strong bond between India and people of Brighton and also emphasized on the relevance of such commemorative events which act as catalyst in further strengthening and deepening of IndiUK relations. He recounted the well known example of great camaraderie between the British and Indian troops in WW1. In 1915, at the battle of Neuve Chapelle, Manta Singh of the 15th Ludhiana Sikhs, saw an English comrade, Capt George Henderson laying injured on the battlefield with utter disregard to his personal safety, Manta Singh started pushing Henderson out of harm’s way in a wheel borrow, when he was shot. Manta Singh recovered Henderson to safety while himself being severely wounded. He was sent to Brighton to recuperate, but died of his injuries. He said that it was example(s) of camaraderie like this that binds us today and these commemorations are as relevant today as they were a century ago, since they assist in increasing awareness of shared heritage amongst our future generations.


Indian cricket team meets Diaspora at Lord's

Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, Girija Sinha, High Commissioner Y K Sinha, Ravindra Jadeja, M S Dhoni and Hardik Pandya

tion at the Nehru Centre Edinburgh from 15th July The Indian cricket team in London as part of the to 23rd July 2017. attended a reception at UK-India Year of Culture An illustrated book the historic Long Room in 2017. Curated by the titled ‘Cricket Connects: Lord's on Monday, where Nehru Science Centre, captain Virat Kohli, forIndia-England Cricket mer Captain M S Dhoni Relations’ was published Mumbai, the new exhibiwere surrounded by fans along with the exhibition, tion celebrates the shared for photos and comtracing the various love of both UK and India ments. With some hoping aspects of the game in - Cricket – for centuriesfor an India-England final India over history. and opens in London and at the ICC Champions In the room was also tours to Birmingham and Trophy, Captain Kohli present was actor Edinburgh. assured the supportSharmila Tagore, ers that they are Isa Guha, Monty ready for 'any rival'. Panesar as well as The High legends Mike Commissioner of Brearley and Farokh Engineer India to UK HE Y K and contemporary Sinha, who was icons such as Dilip accompanied by wife Doshi, Andrew Girija Sinha, Strauss and Anil addressed the audiKumble. ence and recalled The event was the ties between two Ashis Ray interviewing captain Virat countries. He also Kohli, with Shikhar Dhawan and rest of compered by Dr Aseem Vohra, hoped that India and the team in the backdrop Second Secretary in England meet in the Public Diplomacy, High ongoing Champions The exhibition is preTrophy final but added, sented at the Nehru Commission of India and “And may the best team Centre in London from the players were interwin”. 12th June to 23rd June, viewed by Sport journalist The event was a prewill be in Birmingham and Indian Journalists' cursor to the from 1st July to 7th July Association President Cricket@IndiaUK exhibiand at The Grange Club in Ashis Ray.

Pitru Vandana- Bhuli Bisri Yaade finds magnificent reception in Leicester Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, along with Leicester's Music Arts group paid tribute to fathers through the beautiful medium of music in a specially-arranged programme on June 9. Held in Leicester's Symphony Rooms, the event saw a spectacular turning as people from all near and far areas poured in to participate and forward their support. Well-known singer Mayaben Dipak was at her vocal best as she mesmerised the audience with her soothing voice. Mayaben, along with fellow singer Rocky managed to keep the crowd captured with their renditions of popular Bollywood songs including 'Lag Jaa Gale', 'Jo Vaada Kiya Wo Nibhana Padega', 'Aaja Re Pardesi', 'Sau Saal Pehle', 'Yeh Mera Deewanapan Hai', 'Madhuban Mein Radhika Nache Re', 'Chandan sa Badan', and 'Ehsaan Tera Hoga'. Commencing the programme, Pravinbhai Majithia, founder of Music Arts group welcomed chief guests Leicester's Lord Mayor Rashmikant Joshi and wife, and all those present in his opening speech. Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar News Editor Kamal Rao who had arrived from London, along with several performing artists, said, “Following the success of our Matru Vandana programmes, Gujarati and Indian families settled in Britain celebrated contributions of Fathers in the true spirit today, through Pitru Vandana. Initiator of the programme and Gujarat Samachar-Asian Voice Editor, CB Patel has always strived to

serve the society and is thankful for all of your involvement and encouragement.” A grander Pitru Vandana- Bhuli Bisri Yaade programme will be organised in Masefield Suite of London's Harrow Centre, on June 17 and 18, featuring more popular artists. Mayaben Dipak, Fahad, Rubayyat Jahan, Raja Kaasheff, Nimesh and Rocky will make it a night to remember as they will celebrate the golden days of Bollywood and perform songs by Lata Mangeshkar, Mohd Rafi, Kishor Kumar, Mukesh, Asha Bhosle, Hemant Kumar, and Talat Mehmood. Lord Mayor Rashmikant thanked everyone for making the programme a hit and expressed his gratitude towards the organisers for bringing together such a beautiful event that helped bring the community together. Vinod Popat of Music Arts, thanked Hasmukh Tailor of Symphony Rooms, Pratima Tailor and staff, Ticket agents Melton Hot Potato Shop, Paraban Super Market, Sabras Radio's Rajni Davda and Shobha Joshi, along with Nottinghambased Shailesh Thakrar.


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews



Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Proud of Jalandhar Roots- Media All- Rounder Gurtej Singh Thukral

Many Indians, rich and poor, seem to be entrepreneurs at heart. They can be original, creative, and solutionbased. Give an Indian a problem and he or she will find an answer. Meet Gurtej Singh Thukral, a tour de force in international Punjabi media. International media tend to work with competent home grown professionals, so Gurtej is its go-to man.

Who is Gurtej Singh Thukral? Gurtej has anchored around 100 reality show episodes for India and the UK’s most popular Punjabi TV channel; PTC Punjabi. He’s also produced around 3000 jingles for Punjabi radio stations all over the world, so his voice is familiar to thousands of people!

Background Gurtej was born in Jalandhar, Punjab, India. His father owns a sports goods manufacturing unit and his mother is a homemaker. The roots of what Gurtej Singh Thukral does now lie in his family background. After migrating from Pakistan in 1947, his

grandfather started a printing press in the early 1960s, and then he started working for one of the most reputed newspaper groups, the Punjab Kesari. “He was one of the founding members of the Punjabi versions, the Jagbani and worked there for almost 40 years. My uncle worked with him. I used to go to the press once every week and they amount of respect they used to get attracted me towards the media line,” he explains. Gurtej describes his younger self as being a “nature lover and very talkative. I wanted to become a meteorologist but ended up doing only a BSc in Geography as there wasn't much scope here.” Serendipity happens to those who look for it. Gurtej Singh Thukral continues; “I was selected by a radio channel in an RJ hunt in college, I never wanted to volunteer for the auditionsit just happened. I was selected out of 200 professional debate and elocution experts and after that I never looked back.” It’s no surprise then that

he has been a popular radio jockey in Jalandhar. In addition, Gurtej has worked on the Akaal and Sikh channels in the UK. Such a

frequent visitor to England that he is now planning to make a second home here, he has produced jingles for nearly every British Punjabi radio station. His voice and personality are famous throughout much of the younger end of the Punjabi community. Though he has anchored for Punjab Radio London, he has also worked as a station head in India. His voiceovers have appeared on more than 20 radio stations and TV channels around the globe. He has been an aide de camp and media adviser to

renowned Immigration Solicitor Gurpal Singh Oppal in India. Now Gurtej presents and produces in sound and in visual media.

have always been a big challenge for me as they never let me take risks in investing or experimenting. I was forced by my father to discontinue my degree to join Gurtej on my father in his business but I Jalandhar “I love working took a chance and ended with the Brits; He is up being fiercely they are profesu n r e g r e tproud of sional and stand ful.” He has his hershown his itage and by their word.” ability to h o m e Gurtej Singh produce in t o w n . the media, Clearly, you Thukral. though there is can take a small cost, as Gurtej out of this writer discovered Jalandhar, but you first hand when consultcan never take Jalandhar ing him. He does not out of Gurtej! He says, “I sleep before 3am- like love Jalandhar, its better many producers, musithan the other two parts cians and media workers. of Punjab, it’s an NRI city

and people have good sense. It's a media hub of south east Asia too, having a large number of newspapers, channels and radio stations based here.”

Challenges Gurtej Singh Thukral seems effortlessly to handle any project he chooses. He recently produced a short film festival and awards ceremony in Jalandhar, Punjab. But there have been multiple obstacles along the way. He explains; “My financial crises

Why Gurtej loves the UK A recurrent remark that comes from Asians discussing the media in the UK is professionalism. Gurtej is no exception. He enthuses; “I have always loved the UK and always loved to work with the Brits; they are professional and stand by their word. They appreciate creativity and give space to good talent or ideas. I look forward to doing business officially from UK as an entrepreneur.

Dealing with Inheritance Tax (IHT): Part 2 and grandchildren in your lifetime.

Implications of making gifts

When deciding whether, when and how much to gift whilst you are alive, there are a number of important factors to consider that could impact on your decision: Kishan Devani Consultant

So far I have identified spending and gifting as two great ways to limit the amount of IHT that will be payable once you pass on. I have also flagged-up and elaborated on some important implications to consider when making gifts. Previously I mentioned two ways you can reduce the amount that your estate will have to pay in IHT when you die. The first way was to just keep on spending in your lifetime. The less you leave behind, the less your estate will need to pay in IHT. The second way was to make gifts to your children

The Seven Year Rule

I covered this in my last article, however in short; the Seven Year Rule means that your gift will only be 100% out of your IHT seven years from the date that you make the gift.


Once you have made the gift, you no longer have control over how the recipient uses the gift. This is important to consider in cases where you may not trust the recipient to use the gift in a way that you approve.


Once a gift has been made, you can no longer take any income of have any benefit from the money. If at any stage you take an income

from the gift, then it reverts back into your estate.


If you make a gift, this gift is now in the estate of the recipient immediately. If the recipient was to get divorced, the gift that you have made – assuming that it has not been spent- can be split as part of the divorce agreement.

Being sued

If you make a gift and the recipient is subsequently sued or fined, because the gift is now in their estate; the gift that you have made can be called on to settle the lawsuit or pay the fine. Let’s now look at some of the trusts that can be used to reduce your potential IHT liability. But before I start let me explain the 3 parties involved in setting up a trust.


The person or persons who is making the gift.


This will normally be the settlor(s) and other members of the family. There should always be a minimum of two trustees, this avoids delay in

dealing with the trust fund on death of the settlor(s) or other trustees.


The beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries are known at the inception of the trust being created. The beneficiaries are usually children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews but can include anyone the settlor(s) they wish to benefit from the gift. Some of the types of trusts that are available

Gift Trust

The purpose of this trust allows you as the settlor to reduce your IHT liability by gifting money to beneficiaries which you as the settlor will not require access to during your lifetime.

Loan Trust

This trust allows you as the settlor to make a loan to trustees, the trustees invest this money via a loan trust. The settlor during your lifetime will have access to all or part of the loan at any time. Any growth from the loan is not part of your estate and is for the use of the beneficiaries. Any part of the loan that

is not repaid during your lifetime will remain an asset of your estate for inheritance tax purposes. This is a good way for you as the settlor to limit your IHT liability by making a loan via a trust which allows you access to the loan during your lifetime but allows any growth to be outside your estate.

Discounted Gift Trust (DGT)

This type of trust allows the settlor(s) to make a gift into trust, to receive an initial IHT discount on the initial gift (depending on your state of health) and will also allow you to take a regular income from the gift. This type of trust allows you to gift money but still allows you to take a regular income for as long as you live.

The Investment

All trusts monies are invested via an offshore wrapper or otherwise known as offshore bonds. Fear not these wrappers are not part of the government’s crusade against tax evaders using offshore jurisdictions to dodge tax responsibilities. Offshore wrappers have been in exis-

The value of your investments can go down as well as up and past performance of an investment is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

‘Missing People Choir’

Recently I watched ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ on television at the behest of my grandson. It was heartwarming to see so much diversity of talent in all ages young and old. Nearly 2.5 million people voted with a young up coming musician Tokio Myers, who comes from a deprived background, winning the top prize. This gesture gave more hope to a young life that could otherwise have gone astray. Even more touching was the heartfelt and moving performance by the ‘Missing People Choir’. Everyone from the judges to the presenters and audiences including those at home shed a tear when images of young missing people were shown while the heartbroken parents sang ‘You took our days, our nights and our lives’. It is their hope as much as all of ours that the missing people come back home. Sudha Rasik Bhatt Glasgow

Enough is enough

Paris, Nice, Berlin, Manchester and now London. The killings of innocent people continues. With all the security measures in place, it is becoming increasingly difficult to stop these kinds of atrocities from taking place. First the referendum, then the Brexit negotiations and the general elections. The country is going through a period of uncertainty. These random killings of people are putting extra burden on those in power. How can we prevent people being radicalized and crack down on the insurgents? Can we not take a leaf out of Donald Trump’s book and follow in his footsteps? No such attacks have yet taken place in the US but Trump has put measures in place to protect his country. We rake our brains and try to find reasons for these atrocities, but in vain. There are people who are envious of others. They bear a grudge against the rest of humanity – have a chip on their shoulders. This is what happened in other European cities and now that is happening in our cities. Our heart cries out for those who are dead or injured - our condolences to their families. What drives these lunatics to take lives without regard to any principles that govern the people in the rest of the world? Why can’t people live and let others live in peace and harmony? There has to be a way of stopping these indiscriminate killings before our world succumbs to the killers and anarchy becomes norm. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

Getting it write

Dinesh Sheth is proud of the 355 letters he has had published in Asian Voice. He also acknowledges other AV scribes who have penned books and poems but dismisses me as a writer of “only a letter and a half”, and not worthy of inclusion in his proposed AV Awards List, an assertion which made me rock with laughter. I am actually an 82-year-old retired professional journalist with more than 60 years’ full-time and freelance experience writing news, features, interviews, personal columns and sport for national, local, business, company, technical and leisure newspapers and magazines. Readers may safely assume that in all those years I have written considerably more than "only a letter and a half". Rudy Otter By email

Support for Breast Cancer

I know first-hand how devastating a breast cancer diagnosis can be as I was diagnosed with secondary breast cancer when I was 46. As I love baking and having family round, I’m encouraging people to host an Afternoon Tea this summer to raise vital funds for the wonderful charity Breast Cancer Care, who support people like me. It’s the only UK wide charity providing free care, support and information to those living with breast cancer, providing somewhere to turn so they feel less isolated and more in control. It’s easy to get involved in the Afternoon Tea fundraiser, simply choose a date and invite your friends and family over to enjoy a lovely cuppa with some delicious cake and tasty sandwiches. However you do yours, all money raised will enable the charity to continue to be there for the 691,000 people living with breast cancer in the UK today. For recipes and to take part, sign up for your free fundraising kit at breastcancercare.org.uk/cuppa Jane Devonshire On behalf of Breast Cancer Care

Terrorist Attacks

I am deeply shocked and at the same time strongly condemn the recent and very cowardly suicidal attacks in Manchester and London Bridge killing and badly injuring total innocent people who are having good time and enjoying their lives to get break from day to day hard work they do in to-day's stressful and tension filled life. Also I condemn the terrorist attacks happening anywhere in the world killing children, women and elderly people and so many are displaced from their home and no where to go, no food to eat, no roof on their head. It is a pity that this is happening in holy month of Ramadan and also in Muslim countries by terrorist group namely, ISIS, Al Quaida, Taliban in the name of Islam. Some time ago in a letter to the editor of Canada's English newspaper ‘Toronto Star’, one moderate Muslim gentleman strongly condemned this type of suicidal attack and quote Prophet Mohammad very meaningful sentence - Paradise lies at the feet of your mother. Suicidal attackers are completely brain washed by recruiters in believing that after they die in suicidal attack they will go to "Jannat" - heaven to enjoy lavish life. As per Hindu religion they say that before you pray God, pray your parent because they are equal to God while many so-called religious people in search of heaven, Moksha, peace go to their religious places of worship, brain washed by their Mullas, Gurus, Bapus, priest, monks and donate their hard earned money, serve them and in turn they spent donated monies for their lavish life styles, live in air conditioned five star Aashram, travel in first class in plane, having expensive cars and list goes on but if they have to help their parent, family members, friends who are economical not doing well then they will hesitate to help out them. Last but not least, June 18 th is being Father's Day so on behalf of my family and friends I extend warmest Happy Father's Day wishes to all the readers of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar and also to their staff and let's celebrate Father's Day 24/7 365 days a year by spending quality time with them to get their blessings which in turn bring heavenly peace to us. Suresh and Bhavna Patel Markham, Canada

Snap General Election

Theresa May dug her own grave by calling a needless snap election when she already had a majority of 17 in the house. She could have easily continued as Prime Minister till 2020 but she wanted more and took a gamble, which went horrible wrong. She fought the election on a single agenda of Brexit and demonising, vilifying and denigrating Jeremy Corbyn the Labour leader. She made it personal fight instead of a political fight. That strategy back fired badly depriving her the coronation she was expecting. Jeremy Corbyn kept his cool, he did not retaliate in kind to the three pronged attack he faced from Theresa May and her Tory Party, the hostile media and his own Labour Parliamentary members. He concentrated on policies of the Labour party as shown in the popular manifesto and enthusing young people to register to vote in the interest of their education, jobs and the country. His strategy worked and he gained 26 more seats for Labour contrary to expectations. With a hung parliament, Theresa May’s days are numbered, she is no longer a stronger and stable leader but a weak and unstable leader. Whether she will be able to govern with the help of DUP of Northern Ireland is to be seen. She has lost credibility both in the eyes of the British people and the European Union. She will have to take a U-turn from hard Brexit to soft and sensible Brexit. It would be in the interest of United Kingdom to take on board leaders of all the political parties on the negotiating team to get an acceptable trade agreement with the European Union. That is the only way to get the British people behind her and to remove divisions in the country. Baldev Sharma Rayners Lane, Harrow


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Individual Choice

Eating beef is an individual choice. One particular community cannot enforce its beliefs on others. Billions of people eat pork and are healthy. None of these scriptural injunctions has a scientific basis and are simply blind faith. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is wrong in many ways. He has banned beef from the country which is not a secular step. He has gifted a copy of Bhagavad Gita to the Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, which is against the Constitution of our country. It reflects his mentality that India is a land of only Hindus and not secular. His ministers say Muslims are only responsible for India's over population. However, the truth is that the followers of Hinduism are equal contributors to growing population. His supporters can hate me but the truth is that he is one of the worst Prime Ministers India has ever had. Since Independence, no Prime Minister's decision has resulted in the deaths of more than 100 people due to a foolish decision such as demonetization. Now, he's trying to make studying of Bhagavad Gita compulsory in Catholic and Muslim schools. Jubel D'Cruz, Mumbai, India

‘Traits of Hindus’

R.N.Patel is right about health benefits of yoga. But he has missed my point that Hindus are docile, meek and do not grumble or complaint loudly as Mr Jubel and his Christian compatriots do. Values that preach metaphysical practices peace, tolerance and nonviolence are compatible only under certain circumstances. At other times players in international arena watch with surprise our surrender to evil forces. That is where yoga, however beneficial, fails. Please note that Europeans were very much poor, but they did not sit and do mere yogasana. They recognized fact that physical problems need physical measures. They discovered new worlds and filled coffers of their country with riches of the world. Yesterday’s super-rich India is today’s poor country, as it prioritized metaphysical methods, values and preaching, to combat robbers from the European countries. Also if Europeans had retreated in mountains/cave and practiced vedic/yoga and metaphysical practices, there would have been no lifesaving medicines, technical gadgets and many other products that make our physical lives faster, comfortable and more secure. Please note use of physical forces are in our hands, which we must exploit. We should not worry and try to handle forces that God has kept to itself. Ramesh Jhalla By email

PM’s stunning naivety

This unexpected result will do more harm than one could imagine. Our politicians are laughing stock in EU; weakening PM’s negotiating position, “Hard Brexit” a distant dream now. Soft Brexit may be worse than terms negotiated by David Cameron, paying billions demanded by EU without justification. Even after this humiliation, PM’s arrogance is apparent, refusing to apologise to the nation for this damaging election, attracting the title “Queen of Denial” just to take advantage of enormous lead in opinion poll that could have given her hefty majority, forgetting that opinion polls are notoriously fragile at best of times. In any case seven weeks between announcement and poling date is a long time in politics. However Tory manifesto drafted by her clueless advisers, many pundits calling the longest suicide note in Conservative history, punishing pensioners, depriving school children lunch and so called dementia tax drove students, family members with children and OAPs into Labour fold. In sharp contrast cleverly drafted Labour’s manifesto, promising to abolish tuition fees, guarantee pension’s triple protection, as well as 5p rise in income tax for high earners won the day for Labour. Although we know Labour could not pay for these extravaganzas without huge borrowing that would burden next generation with huge debt, by not participating in TV debate, PM missed golden opportunity to question JC on tax, borrowing and his past association with IRA. Simply putting JC outsmarted PM at every turn, mainly due to PM’s egoistic approach. Irish bailout “May” not last long, public facing another costly general election sooner than later! Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Being a successful Real Estate developer in Eastern India, Indrajit Roy is all set to conquer the cinematic screens Finance, Real Estate and now Films, adding another feather to his already golden cap, the versatility of Mr. Indrajit Roy is immense. Be it financial trading, Realty, or setting up Easel productions, we see glimpses of his creative personality and vision in all the three ventures he has been pursuing over last one and half decade. A man with an enormous passion to learn, create and conquer any field he sets his eyes on, Mr. Roy started his career with stock market. In 2006, after a successful tryst with financial market, Indrajit Roy expanded his reach with his real estate business ‘Aatreyee Nirman’. Aatreyee Nirman is a name synonymous to simplicity and innovation. Today this real estate venture has already completed its landmark projects like Narayani Tower, Katyayani and many more. It has led its way into few others in the northern parts of the Kolkata city Utkarshini,

Indranee, Ujjwainee, Mritikka and others. Quality and customer satisfaction is the motto which drives the team to deliver their client’s dream home. Influenced by Bengali


literature and theatre, Indrajit Roy wants good quality films inspired by yesteryear culture and tradition to be seen by the audience, which led to the launch of his Easel Productions.

Taking this a step forward, Aatreyee Nirman will present UK Bengali Film Festival, an annual celebration of Bengali films. Hailed as the largest Bengali film festival in the world, outside of Bengal, it will hold a special screening of all the 3 produced movies in Birmingham, Manchester and London on 30th June, 2nd July and 8th-9th July, 2017 respectively. The iconic Flash Musical Theatre in Harrow would host the prestigious screening. More information about this festival can be found on http://www.ukbff.org. Roy marks the cinematic debut of Easel productions, with ‘Comrade’ films followed by ‘Baranda’ and ‘Dharasnan’, set to release in the coming months. Indrajit Roy hopes to scout out some insightful scripts and talent, with an aim to produce a minimum of 9 films each year. It seems that he is both the Jack and Master of all trades.

Islamic boarding school passes Ofsted inspection An Islamic girls’ boarding school that was criticised by a former pupil for its extremist teaching looks set to win its battle to stay open after finally passing an Ofsted inspection at the third attempt. Nottingham’s Jamia al-Hudaa Residential College, a fee-paying school, was ordered by the Department for Education to stop taking any new boarders after Ofsted said that its narrow curriculum was failing to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain. It was rated as inadequate when inspected in April 2015, missing 15 of the independent school standards and ten national minimum standards for boarding schools. Ministers ordered Ofsted to carry out an “additional” special inspection in April last year to see if any progress had been made. Inspectors concluded that pupils were being dragooned into a future of teaching Islamic studies, with no alternative careers being discussed. They also criticised the narrowness of the curriculum and the dearth of general knowledge among pupils, saying that some did not appear to know the difference between the political parties or even “the purpose of parliament”.

School places pressure hits secondaries

The proportion of 11-year-olds offered a place at their first-choice secondary school in England is the lowest since 2010, official figures show. This year, 83.5% of applicants received offers from their first choice schools, down from 84.1% last year. The last time more than 16% of applicants were not offered their first choice was in 2010. However, the government says the system is "rising to the challenge" of providing more school places. And at primary level, there was an improvement in the proportion of children offered their first choice of school. This year, 90% of four-year-olds were offered their first choice, up from 88.4% last year. The figures show that overall 94.6% of 11-year-olds received an offer from one of their top three preferences for secondary school and 97.2% of four-year-olds were offered one of their top three preferences at primary school.




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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

US investment bank Morgan Stanley, sees the Sensex rising to 34,000 by June 2018. To the question, where do the Indian markets go from here, the answer was unequivocal: Up another 9 per cent, said Jonathan Gartner, the bank’s Chief Asia and Emerging Markets Equity Strategist. Gartner cited the upbeat corporate earnings outlook and strong economic growth as reasons for the optimistic forecast. Last week, the benchmark 30stockSensex closed at 30,190. 6 points, the gauge rising 17.14 per cent since January. We’re bullish on the Indian market. In fact, we are overweight on India in relative to our coverage,’ said Gartner, speaking from Hong Kong. If you look at the situation for equities globally, it is characterized by strong earnings growth.’ Gartner said he expected the Sensex to register 18 per cent earnings growth for fiscal year 2018 ending March 31., on the back of of synchronized growth in India’s infrastructure and consumption sector.

Optimistic outlook ‘There is increasing support from exports, while global trade growth is recovering. We also think corporate capex spending will be rising globally,’ he said. Foreign investors have bought $7.81 billion in Indian stocks this year, betting on Indian growth prospects. This optimism has ridden out the dip in Indian growth to 6.1 per cent in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2017, ending March 31. ‘Now, actually we are close to a situation where the economy will be firing on all cylinders and strong earnings growth will come through, said Gartner. ‘Inflation is well contained here, the current account is in balance , bond yields have been trending down. All these are quite constructive.’ (Mint June 7)

More optimism on economy NITI Ayog Vice Chairman Arvind Panagriya issued a tocsin of optimism on India’s economic prospects, saying the economy would grow 7.5 per cent in the current fiscal ending March 31`, 2018, and outperform this with 8 per cent by 2018-19. ‘The full impact of the economic reforms and changes in governance being undertaken at present is yet to be realized,’ he said. Panagriya was a professor of economics at Columbia University before taking charge of at NITI Adyog in 2015. NITI Adyog is the government’s think tank, replacing the planning commission, which had operated in the decades following India’s independence. Panagriya said the ‘Reforms will lead to accelerated growth with a lag,’ citing the experience of reforms between 1991-1996 by the Congress government of Narasmha Rao, and by the BJP government of Atal Bihari Vajpayee between1998-2004. (Mint June 3)

IT firms need fewer H-1B US visas Indian IT companies made fewer applications for US H-1B visas for its professionals in 2015 when the Obama administration was in the final lap – a trend that has accelerated with the new Trump Administration. Stephen Yale-Loehr, Professor of Immigration Law Practice at Cornell Law Schoo, said that technological change was promoting many India-based companies to file fewer H-1B visa petitions, and not by Congressional legislation. Professor Yale-Loehr said: ‘The rise in artificial intelligence is and cloud computing mean fewer people are needed to perform certain jobs.’ (Times of India June 7)

Infosys to hire 20,000 this year India’s second-largest IT company, Infosys, has said it would hire 20,000 people, adding that reports of job losses were exaggerated. ‘I think all the news about job losses is really overstated. In Infosys itself last year, we recruited more than 20,000 people, and this year we are likely to recruit similar numbers. In fact, in the first half itself – first and second quarters - we will be recruiting more than 10,000, said Pravin Rao, Chief Operating Officer, Infosys. ‘So we are actually creating more jobs and letting go a miniscule amount of people, purely from a performance-related perspective. I am very optimistic about the future and opportunities in this sector,’ he said (Business Line June 3)

Indian start-ups going global Established in 2016, Bangalorebased PropUrban is set to jet the world in search of clients, be they foreign or Non-resident Indians. ‘Apart from our overseas centres at Dubai and London, we now plan to go to Hong Kong and Singapore by July-end. And we will have around a dozen cetres overseas by the end of 2017,’ says Mir Ali Jaffer, Founder-CEO.

Done deals ‘We have done 14 major global transactions in India, originating in Dubai and London with a gross value of transaction worth $2 million,’ he said, pointing out also that his company expected 75 per cent of its revenues to come from abroad in the next fivers or so. He attributed this potential inflow to India’s consumer-friendly policies,

increasing transparency, GST. and ongoing correction as the seed-bed of his optimism.(Business Line June 8)

Green light for Adani’s Australian project Following seven years struggling environmental hurdles, Adani Enterprises Ltd has emerged with the Queensland state government’s permission to begin work on its $16.5 billion mega Carmichae coalmine and rail project , said Chairman Gautam Adani in Ahmedabad. ‘I am proud to announce the

case involving the funding of jihadi terrorist activities operating out of Pakistan. Four NIA teams, along with paramilitary and police support , fanned out across Srinagar and raided 14 premises housing separatists and businessmen. DDuring the raids the NIA sleuths recovered Rs 1.15 crore in cash, property-related documents and incriminating evidence such pen drives, laptops, hard discs. They also discovered numbers of bank accounts and lockers (Hindu June 4)

Heavy toll Seven jihadi terrorists were killed by Indian security forces , as they attempted to infiltrate Kashmir. They were intercepted. One Indian soldier lost his life in these encounters. The mounting jihadi death toll tells of the heavy cost their organizations are paying (Telegraph, Times of India June 9)


objection to anything said of him by anyone. More importantly, the Army was equipped and ready for wars on two-an- a-half fronts against Pakistan and China externally, and another domestically. However, there had been no conflict with China for over 50 years and he hoped to keep it that way. (Times of India June 6, 9)

Passage to India for Jeep Compass When the first Jeep Compass rolled out of the Ranjangaon plant assembly line last week, it was a proud moment for the team that had worked tirelessly for this triumph. As Chief Executive Officer of the Fiat India Automobiles, Tata Motors

Army Chief unfazed

Gautam Adani

official start of one of the largest single infrastructure and jobcreating developments in Australia’s recent history.’ He called it a historic day for Queensland and for Indian investment in Australia. Adani has invested $3.3 billion in the project, including t buying the bulk coal handling port at Abbot Point. Investors cheered the news. Adani Enterprises shares rose 8.63 per cent. (Mint June 7)

Terror attack in Kashmir foiled Thanks to a key intelligence input several weeks ago, and the alertness of two sentries a jihadi terror attack on a paramilitary outpost on the Line of Control in Kashmir was repulsed, with four of the assailants killed in the exchange of fire. The paramilitary battalion has been in action in a number of counterinsurgency operations and have distinguished themselves by their courage and resourcefulness (Times of India June 6)

More Pinakas for Army The Defence Ministry is shortly to place a fresh order for Pinaka rocket launchers to equip six regiments of the Indian Army. Each regiment will have 18 systems. The Pinaka has been designed and developed by private sector companies, Tata and Lasen & Toubro, with the aid of the state-owned Defence Research & Development Organization (Business Line May 8(

NIA raids on separatists The National Investigation Agency conducted a number of raids recently at 26 locations in Kashmir, Haryana and Delhi in a

A man named Partha Chatterjee ((not to be confused with the Bengal State minister) claiming to be a political theorist, is a voluble poseur, a paid-up member what may best be described as the proto-Maoist tendency of the pretentious, selfobsessed babu class, has compared the Army Chief General Bepin Rawat to General Dyer of ages past, who ordered the Jalianwalabagh massacre of April 1919.

What say the they, let them say When this was brought to General Rawat attention, the Army Chief reacted with superb aplomb: He had not the slightest

Jeep Compass passenger car

and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles joint venture, Gurpratap Boparal, was especially pleased at the outcome. ‘As a manufacturing facility, we are right there with other plants on efficiency and quality. We are are one of the unique automobile facilities, which also has a fully fledged power-main unit in a single complex.’ The Ranjangaon plant now has a special place in the Fiat Chrysler global map. Small wonder that Kevin Flynn, President & Managing Director of FCA India Automobiles is so delighted by the performance (Business Line June 9) . Shikhar Dhawan, Virat Kohli, Jaspreet Bumrah. Architects of India’s win over South Africa.

Landmark GSLV satellite The Times of India in justifiable excitement, devoted most on inside page on the impending landmark launch of the Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) GSLV Mark-III on June 5. Neither the launch nor the preparation merited a single line in the Telegraph, so credit to the Times of India.


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Court of Protection to consider the cessation of care for a woman with Huntington’s Disease

The Indian Taliban – Ravan Lives An Indian Bollywood actress met the PM of India. She wore a knee-length skirt. The anger this unleashed broke the internet. Apparently, this was disrespectful to the PM. Presumably when the Duchess of Cambridge, the Queen and the British PM wore the same length skirt, that was not offensive. Narendra Modi texted me that ‘those Taliban fundamentalists don’t speak for me. I had a great meeting’. I write this because being of Indian origin, I could worry about Britain, but with Brexit, a hung Parliament, Scottish Independence, there is nothing I can do to help. So let me stick my big fat oar into defending Priyanka Chopra. You see if you want to wear the full ninja from head to toe – be my guest. Do as you wish. But you know the definition of a fanatic? Someone who cares more about you, than they do themselves. And I am a fanatic when it comes to your Taliban views. The world needs us to shut down extremists. And the extremists are not all Muslim fundamentalists. Extremists are in remote villages being biased towards women. Oh they will say it is for their protection and honour

and it is because they hold women to a higher standard. Sure. The last decision point still lies with the woman. It’s like abortion politics in America. A bunch of men telling women what to do with their bodies. And of course, a bunch a women too – not supporting their gender in the freedom to choose, but agreeing with the Taliban. I come from a family of sisters, daughters, nieces. God forbid anyone tells them what to do. Safety sure, but Priyanka Chopra was meeting the PM. I think she was safe, it’s not like she was walking in Delhi with her boyfriend – now then her life would be at risk of sexual assault regardless of what she wore. I do not attack India. Some fanatic will tell me I am. No, I do not attack Indians. Of course not. Some fundamentalist will write in to say I am. No, I attack the Taliban in all I write. The Taliban who treat women differently – not for security – but so they can feel more powerful. In a parallel universe, it is Sita who rescues Ram. Or at least Sita’s sisters who rescue her from the grips of Taliban Ravan. Ravan lives.

IHC and Mayor to support International Day of Yoga at the Trafalgar Square The High Commission of India in coordination with the India Tourism Office is celebrating the 3rd International Day of Yoga at Trafalgar Square on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 from 1500 to 2000 hrs. The event is also supported by the Mayor of London. A number of Yoga Organizations are associated with the Indian High Commission, with each organisation getting a

slot for performing yoga sessions and meditations

for around 15 minutes which will be followed by Cultural performances. The Indian High Commission has requested for wide participants by all people who are interested in Yoga, where prior to the 20th June, 2017 daily practice Yoga sessions are being held at the High Commission of India. You could check for the details and timmings by logging on the IHC London website.

London continues to support the victims of the June 3 terror attacks London has come together once again to stand in unity and solidarity for the victims of the London Bridge attacks on June 3. The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton made a surprise visit to meet the victims of the London Bridge attacks and praised the hospital staff who saved their lives at the King's College hospital in south-east London. Kate spoke to the staff, shook hands with them and was keen to find out about the support and care being offered to the victims in the hospital and visited six survivors, privately. What distressed her was the number of female victims who were stabbed repeatedly in the neck and throat and were brought in with multiple injuries. 14 victims were taken to the hospital after the attacks. At the ground level, the British Red Cross has called for a "Saturday Night for London" where people could come togeth-

er to take a "ride for London, eat a dish for London and say cheers to London. To support the fundraisers, restaurants, cafes, pubs and bars including those in the area of the attack, will be asking for donations of the price of a drink. The Borough Market chairman of trustees Donald Hyslop said to the BBC: "Borough Market is not just a collection of stalls, restaurants and pubs; it is a community of people. Never has that been more apparent than it is now, in this darkest of hours. "This community has been shaken to its core by Saturday's horrific events, but bolstered by the love,

togetherness and defiance of this vibrant, diverse city it will carry on doing what it has always done - celebrating the pleasures of good food and conversation." The Mayor's office has shared concerns over a surge in hate crime in the capital. Sadiq Khan reported that there has been a five-fold increase in Islamophobic incidents since the attack, with 20 incidents reported in a single day, when the 2017 average is 3.5. Sadiq Khan said: "Just as the police will do everything possible to root out extremism from our city, so we will take a zero-tolerance approach to hate crime." In the education sector, Heads from the Association of School and College Leaders have issued messages on how schools should approach planned trips, many trips have been reported to be called off. Schools are being

The Court of Protection is responsible for assisting people that never had or no longer have the mental capacity to make decisions. The Court ensures that vulnerable persons Helen Cummings cannot be exploited, and that those responsible for their welfare are assisting appropriately. Recently, a mother has requested that a Judge give doctors permission to withdraw the life-supporting treatment being provided to her severely ill daughter. Her extended family also agree with this decision. In this case, the mother concerned is concerned that her daughter’s dignity is been compromised by continued treatment by doctors for her Huntington’s condition. Her daughter has suffered from the disease for over 20 years, and no longer displays any awareness of her surroundings. Huntington’s disease is a hereditary condition that damages nerve cells in the brain. The brain damage gets progressively worse over time and can affect movement, behaviour and cognition – including perception awareness, thinking and judgement. Unfortunately there is no cure for Huntington’s disease and its development cannot be reversed or slowed down. The condition usually progresses for between 10 and 25 years until the person sadly reaches the end of their life. Mental incapacity can be defined as a person’s inability to make decisions, owing to them being unable to understand the information relevant to the decision, being unable to retain that information, being able to weigh the information as part of the decision making process and being unable to communicate his or her decision. Huntington’s disease can affect a person’s communication and cognition, and with time a person with Huntington’s disease will often become less responsive, more withdrawn and less aware of their surroundings. Therefore the Court of Protection is required to make decisions in this matter. The Court of Protection (Mr Justice Peter Jackson sitting) will now make best

urged to review their planned trips in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks. Many concerned parents also want their children to stay in school till things 'settle down.' Police have said that the death toll from Saturday's attacks has risen to eight. An Australian au pair Sara Zelenak is named as the latest victim of the attacks, while a search is still on for French national Xavier Thomas have recovered a body from the Thames. A 30-year-old man was arrested for terrorism offences in the early hours of Wednesday. The Police casualty bureau can be contacted on 0800 096 1233 and 020 7158 0197

interest decisions based on medical evidence provided by professionals, and other parties, at a hearing on 22nd June in London. At Duncan Lewis Solicitors our first thoughts are to the family at this difficult time. We have represented families in similar predicaments, and our sympathies are with families in comparable circumstances to the family involved in this matter. We would strongly advise that families in similar situations seek legal advice as soon as possible. Author Helen Cummings is a Trainee Solicitor in the Public Law and Court of Protection Department at Duncan Lewis. Helen has considerable legal experience in litigating a broad range of areas, including: l Judicial Review arising: 1) under the Children Act and Community care Legislation in respect of local authority’s refusals to provide services to vulnerable children and their families; 2) against Primary Care Trusts for refusal to provide medical treatment on the NHS; 3) from challenges to statutory law; against public bodies involving environmental and planning points; and 5) Consultation challenges against governmental cuts. l Court of Protection proceedings arising from the representation of “P”, professional advocates and families against public bodies. l Providing representations for individuals against regulatory bodies such as the: General Medical Council, HCPC, and Solicitor Regulatory Authority. l Providing representations for children, and adults, in education matters. Duncan Lewis Court Of Protection Department Duncan Lewis' Court of Protection Department assists individuals in both publicly and privately funded cases from offices across London and throughout the UK. The department is recommended by the independent legal directory, Legal 500, as a leading practice in cases that overlap mental health and capacity, and deprivation of liberty safeguards. The firm is also applauded for its specialism in judicial review claimant matters and higher courts work. For more information about our Court of Protection services, please contact Duncan Lewis Solicitors on 033 3772 0409.

Hate preacher Anjem Choudary could be free next year Notorious hate preacher Anjem Choudary, accused of radicalizing the London Bridge terrorists, could be released from prison by the end of next year having served less than half of his sentence. Choudary was jailed last September for fiveand-a-half years after being convicted of drumming up support for Islamic State. The 49-year-old British-born co-founder and leader of outlawed group al-Muhajiroun was charged after posting a series of YouTube videos recognizing the “caliphate” created by IS in Iraq and Syria.

Anjem Choudary

Because he spent almost five months on remand while awaiting sentence, he could be freed from jail as early as December 2018 and no later than the end of January 2019, according to the Daily Mail.




Asian Voice | 17th June 2017



e.g. oily curries, and eating copiously is a huge part of our social culture! When I went to University I put on a lot of weight cooking for myself. It’s actually what happens with a lot of young girls too. I learnt from that. I first tested out my insights on a group of young women, just because I enjoy helping and giving back to the community, and it really worked! There was a mother of two, who was just stuck at 21 stone and felt very defeated. She would lose the weight but feel miserable, putting it all on again anyway. Under Body Plot, she lost six stone and kept it up.

Sonali Dattani:


Health and happiness is unique to all: some of the lovely ladies of Body Plot showcasing their different body types, unswayed by a body conscious society

Sunetra Senior

Sonali is the director and coach of tions include Nutritional Therapist, Body Plot: one of the most Personal Trainer, and Pre and Post compassionate yet efficacious fitness Natal Specialist in Fitness. “Diet and programmes available online. Colifestyle are just as important in the founded with her partner in life, Body Plot plans,” the young trainer Shafraz Hasnani, the budding added. “It’s part of a wider, holistic company focuses on emotionally approach. Many physical fitness holding its clients through customcoaches forget that. You might get fitted physical routines as their recommended these fad diets, primary objective: including particular protein shakes “We are unique in that our physical etc. and intensive work outs that health programmes aren’t a generic work in the short-term but are simone-size-fits-all policy,” Sonali ply not sustainable, and quite explained. “We cater to the frankly also unhealthy. With Body differences in people, and Plot, we consider the whole acknowledge that picture; from the best everybody is an location for you to work individual. What out - from the gym to ‘Once you have a diets and exercises the comfort of your you require are Body Plot plan, own bedroom - to the always going to be most appropriate you never need unique to you and exercises and your re-think your your lifestyle. I blood sugar levels, physical fitness also schedule many when and what you eat again!’ of my sessions and your sleeping patthrough video chats to tern. We are so thorough provide that 360 degree that once you have a Body assistance and immediate, Plot plan, you’ll never need to caring approach. I do however meet re-think your physical health rouclients face-to-face if that’s preferred. tine again!” Thus Body Plot doesn’t We just lead such hectic modern lives just reshape one’s body, but the so that whether you’re a jet-setter or a faulty attitude to physical fitness stay-at-home mum, that special itself: ‘it’s not just about losing the guidance and extra understanding is weight,” Sonali aptly summarised, crucial. Women especially lead “it’s about long-term functionality. incredibly challenging lives, wherein There needs to be a routine that they’re trying to balance their career boosts and slots into your future with their roles as mothers and the plans, not one that squeezes your generally increased social stresses too life and impacts on you adversely.” such as body image! They are doing so To this end, Body Plot’s sensitivity much emotionally, and there’s often no even extends to catering to physical one there to provide for them!” Here, illnesses, such as IBS and abdominal the business side of the team, Shafraz, pain, which Sonali herself has perinterjected to say: “that’s really what sonally conquered. Body Plot really makes the difference; having someone does put health first, counteracting to talk to, whatever the obstacles may the superficial norm. be - from the pragmatics to allergies and personal issues clients can confide Tell us a bit more about how in Sonali. Body Plot works through you and partner Shafraz foundproblems to ultimately mobilise and ed Body Plot? give people that positive feedback and Once I completed my own weight loss celebrate weight loss success. In that journey, I was able to identify the sucsense, the journey is also immersive ceeding factors - including the moral and very fun and invigorating! We have support of Shafraz. It was definitely a graduation pack, for example, and a also about maintenance and not a Body Plot community feeling, including one-track focus on slimness and a fun competitions to enter!” calorie deficit, and of course, very good nutrition. As an Indian, I do *** Sonali’s numerous qualificacome from a background of rich food


UK Around the world in 70 days

An inspiring story of three women-on-wheels who drove through 24 countries in 70 days

Sonali, do you have a favourite workout? Ones undergone outdoors. You can be anywhere – in the park or on the beach – and just make use of the natural or incidental equipment! For example a swing or a swathe of sand. How exactly do you write someone’s body plot? It’s always collaborative. I am a coach and counsellor – the initial consultation can take up to 3 hours so that I’m getting the individual client’s plan right. Shafraz, do use wearable technology? It’s definitely on the horizon! Having got the ideological core of the programme in place, we can now move towards digital trends, including developing an app. Is there a highlight moment in Body Plot’s Journey? Yes: in 2015 we took part in a very challenging climb up Mount Snowdon, Wales. At this early stage, we were still discussing the direction of the company, and upon actually having reached the top, we knew the company was going to the top too! It was a really positive, personal achievement. How much of your company’s success is determined by online presence? Basically 75%! Sites such as Instagram are apt for a physical fitness company, showing the results tangibly and in real time. That goes hand in hand with Twitter/FB and YouTube too. Sonali creates these great blogs on topical issues, such as going on holiday and how to have a healthy lifestyle during holidays such as Ramadan. We are growing and gaining more followers every day: the goal is to make an integrated website to increase accessibility to all people and age groups. Please give us some useful social media tips? Keep attentive to particular issues; for example knowing right now that a huge portion of the population is observing Ramadan: it’s more about content than the number of blog posts or features. Also make your site educational and motivational – people want concise and interesting information. Another aspect is authenticity. There’s a lot of generic material out there – e.g. ‘just eat bananas!’ But because Sonali’s experienced the journey herself, she can provide advice that really resonates with clients. She’s always learning from each individual consultation too. Instagram: body.plot Twitter: @body_plot Website: www.bodyplot.co.uk YouTube: www.bodyplot.co.uk/YouTube Facebook: Bodyplot Website: www.bodyplot.co.uk

Smita Sarkar Three Indian women drivers completed a historic expedition of travelling across 24 countries in 70 days on a Tata SUV, and hoisted the Indian flag at the High Commission in London to mark the end of their journey, on 5th June. The ladies, Meenakshi Arvind, 45 from Coimbatore, Priya Rajpal, 56 from Mumbai and Mookambika, 38 from Pollachi embarked on the road trip from Coimbatore to London in a Tata Hexa Vehicle crossing 24 countries, covering a distance of 24,000 kms. The team will fly back to India while the SUV will be shipped and returned to sponsor Tata Motors Limited. Organisers said that the total cost of the trip is around INR 60 lakh. Asian Voice spoke to the three stalwarts in London. Speaking about their expedition, and what it means to them individually, Mookambika, the 38-year-old Software engineer and yoga teacher from Pollachi said this was her first experience outside the country. “The entire journey was beautiful. We need to live through the moment, and despite our differences, people across the world are the same... but India has to come a long way in terms of cleanliness and we have to look at the way we take our country for granted. Women's emancipation and their literacy and uplifting them needs to be given priority... It is wonderful to be in London and we are looking forward to coming back here and frequently being associated with the Indian diaspora.” Meenakshi, a Business Management graduate runs a spinning mill, a resort and exports and has travelled, studied and lived abroad said “I think Indian women should follow their dreams and do what their heart desires... I hope this drive has inspired many Indian women to follow their dreams.” She spoke about how the three drivers, who were complete strangers from diverse backgrounds came together to form a team, driven sheerly by their passion for the road, behind the wheels, "through a Facebook page called XPD2470." Priya Rajpal, an Advertising Professional philosophises the journey: “the drive was just a metaphoric manifestation of doing what we want to do. Life itself is a journey and we are all here to make the most of it, and make our life count... this journey was the most fabulous learning experience one could ever have.” Their mission is celebrating the 70th year of India's Independence and to promote the cause of ‘Rotary India Literacy Mission’, spreading awareness about women’s empowerment and literacy. Asha Kiran is a world literacy mission initiative of Charity organisation Rotary for Child Development with the purpose of sending 100,000 children back to School. Despite their meticulous planning the three faced several challenges in their mission. They were stuck at 13,000 feet above sea level in Kirkisthan, where at -15C, their diesel froze and they spent two days trying to get a permit they were not aware of, in Thailand. But their strong determination made them make up for the lost time and they were able to complete the expedition in the stipulated time. They crossed Myanmar, China, Kyrgzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, The Netherlands to reach London last week. Our heartiest congratulations to the three women of steel, and your initiatives to raise the bar for the women in India.

www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 17th Junel 2017




The countdown begins for two power-packed community events by ABPL Group this weekend on 17th and 18th June Anand Mela, successfully running its seventh year and “Pitru Vandana – Bhuli Bisri Yaade” a musical tribute for Father's Day is geared to entertain and help enterprising individuals of the Indian diaspora

When people share and experience an event as a community, it can transcend and modify their lives and the lives of others. ABPL group, that works closely with the British Asian communities have designed the events to benefit and entertain the British Asian diaspora, and to donate all the proceeds from the ticket sales of Anand Mela, to their charity partner Hope for Children. Priced reasonably at £2.50, with children below 5 going free, the event is an ultimate value-for-money. All ticket sales are at the gates. Bringing together big and small businesses, community entertainment, food, fun and frolic for all age-groups Anand Mela is successfully running it's 7th year and will start from the 10am to 7pm at the Harrow Leisure Centre, Christchurch Avenue, Harrow HA3 5BD on 17th & 18th June.


ANAND MELA HIGHLIGHTS The two-day mega family fest that attracts around 5000 visitors every year will have ample free parking and an easy access to the stalls and goods. A wide range of stalls from food and drinks to

health and wellbeing, beauty, fashion, Indian wedding attires, banks, travel and tourism, creative decorations, will keep the attendees busy and entertained.


Shruti Rawat, Hiba Nawab and Jai Soni, will be here to promote their latest soap Bhaag Bakoo Bhaag. Their apprearence at the Anand Mela will be subject to their visa approval.

UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL TOURISM - SHARING INSIGHTS BY SOME EMINENT SPEAKERS Samit Kumar Biswas, the Director and CEO of Advatech Healthcare Europe Ltd. under the brand name Meditouria will be running the Medical Tourism section at the Anand Mela. The company helps patients take informed decisions with the help of technology, get proper treatment and an To light up the stage this year, there will be cultural performances both days with established performers, community organisations and school children. Line-ups include noted singer Navin Kundra, Mira Salat of Mira Performing Arts, singer Kishan Amin, East West Fusion Dance Group, AK Dance Academy, singer Adriana Galani, London Sharad Utsav, singer Raja Kashif, Bilete Bengali Group, and Indian Ladies in the UK (ILU), besides several other classical dance and musical performances.


Among the participants for the individual performances are: Bhanu Pandya (stand-up comedy), Yaksh Rawal, Renia Banerjee, Tanisha Biswas, Adriana Galani, Shreya and Vedant will be accompanied by their mothers Seemangi and Vedan, , Payal Basu and group, Raja Kashif Navin Kundra and Muhammad Fahad (Singing) and Ahana, Anashmita Saha, Payal Basu & Group, Sangeeta Naik, Honey Kalaria, Meera Salat (Dancing). The ILU Group, which connects Indian ladies across UK, the Bilete Bengali group will be singing old Hindi film songs while the London Sharad Utsav will bring together multi-talented individuals from across the UK to sing Tagore songs in Bollywood. Mira Performing Arts, specialising in classical dance recitals, will also feature on the stage at the Mela.

expected outcome. Leading consultants Dr Rajiv Gupta and Dr Shekar will be giving us alternatives to skip the long waiting at the NHS through their speeches on the 17th and 18th June. We will also have Dr Bhalla’s clinic from Ahmedabad who will be exhibiting and available for a FREE one to one discussion.

AN EVENT WITH A CAUSE - RAISING FUNDS FOR THE CHARITY HOPE FOR CHILDREN Hope for Children, our Charity Partner for Anand Mela 2017. An international charity that passionately believes every child has the right to a happy, healthy and positive childhood, enables vulnerable children

Our Sponsors

to experience a positive childhood by improving their access to education and healthcare whilst empowering their families to support themselves. Twitter:@anandmelaUK

All proceeds from the ticket sales at the Anand Mela will be donated to our charity partners Hope for Children

PITRU VANDANA - BHULI BISRI YAADE The other event at the same location, in the evening is “Pitru Vandana – Bhuli Bisri Yaade” a musical tribute on the occasion of Father's Day on the 17th and 18th June 2017 between 6pm to 10pm, priced at £15 for the front 8 rows and £12 for the remaining rows. The tickets will includehot, freshly-made vegetarian dinner. If you buy tickets for Pitru Vandana, you get to enter Anand Mela for free. ABPL Group's Matru Vandana or Mothers day celebrations in March-April 2017 with ace singer Maya Deepak and her entourage was a smash hit, and by popular demand, ABPL has organised a similar event to celebrate Father's Day, “Pitru Vandana – Bhuli Bisri Yaade”

A MUSICAL TRIBUTE TO FATHERS - THE FAMED MUSICIANS AND THEIR ENTOURAGE The evening will be a musical tribute to the fathers who showed us our way, and have been a constant support. The event will be in The Masefield Suite, Harrow

Leisure Centre, HA3 5 BD. Singers Maya Deepak, Raja Kaasheff and Rubayyat Jahan will be accompanied by Amardeep (Tabla), Sonu Gujjar (Octopad) and Hinal Pattani (Keyboard). For the performance on the 18th June, singer Rocky will be replaced by Nimesh, Naushad will be playing the Tabla and Anantbhai the Keyboard.

A SUCCESSFUL SHOW IN LEISCESTER There was a Pitru Vandana show at Symphony Rooms in Leicester on 9th June, and the event was a huge success with nearly 250 people turning up to enjoy and evening of old Hindi songs and mouthwatering snacks.


For tickets, contact: Kokila Patel 07875229177, Bhanubhai Pandya 07931708026 or 020 8427 3413 and Kamal Rao 07875229211. Tickets are selling fast, so do book your tickets and we hope to see you there!






Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews




Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

12 Indian, 12 Pakistani and 3 Bangladeshi MPs elected

Shailesh Vara

Seema Malhotra

Rupanjana Dutta The Parliament has now more than ever Asian, black and ethnic minority MPs. The 2017 election saw the first ever female Sikh and first turbaned MP being elected as well as an increase of BAME MPs to 51 from 41. While this is still only around one in 13 MPs, it means the House of Commons is now more diverse than in any previous Parliament. The new Parliament will also be more diverse than ever before in other ways. There are a record number of women – up to 208 from 191, but still only 32% of the total. There was also a record number of turn out from the BAME community to vote as well. There are 12 MPs of Indian origin who have won this election. Labour Party had selected 14 Indians and Conservative Party 13 as their Parliamentary candidates. The tally is stronger for the Labour Party with 7 Indianorigin MPs to Tory’s 5. Labour is also close to achieving the landmark of having half of its total MPs being female. 45% currently are, compared to just 21% of Conservative representatives. Labour candidate Preet Kaur Gill who won her Birmingham Edgbaston seat by polling 24,124 votes, defeating ruling Conservative party rival Caroline Squire by 6,917 votes, speaking about her victory said, “I am delighted I have been given the opportunity to become the next MP for Edgbaston where I was born and raised. I want to engage with the people of Edgbaston and with Area


May’s failed gamble

Continued from page 1

Preet Kaur Gill

hard work, passion and determination I think we can achieve great things together.” Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, better known as Tan, won his Slough seat decisively polling 34,170 votes, to become Labour’s first turban-wearing MP. He defeated his Conservative party rival by a whopping 16,998 votes. Dhesi said he was “humbled” and wanted to serve the town where he was born and raised. The Sikh Federation UK in a statement said, “Credit to the Labour Party leadership for taking the bold step of giving Sikhs the opportunity to fight for winnable seats. Labour now needs to turn its attention to having visible Sikh representation in the House of Lords at the first opportunity so Sikhs are better represented and can bring fresh thinking and ideas,” the PTI reported. Among British Pakistanis, Khalid Mehmood, Shabana Mehmood, Rozeena-Allin Khan, Yasmin Qureshi, Naz Shah, Imran Hussain, Afzal Khan, Mohammed Yasin and Faisal Rasheed from Labour have all secured their spots in Westminster. Sajid Javid, Nusrat Ghani and Rehman Chishti from Conservatives have defended their respective constituencies successfully. Tasmeena Sheikh of Scottish National Party (SNP) has lost her seat to Conservatives. In comparison to 2015 Parliament when nine MPs won elections, the number has now reached 12, 9 from Labour and 3 from Conservative. Three MPs of Bangladeshi origin have also won in the 2017 election, all Party

Aldershot Leo Docherty Conservative Arundel & South Downs Shweta Kapadia Lib Dem Barking Minesh Talati Conservative Basildon South & East Thurrock Reetendra Banerji Lib Dem Bedford Mohammed Yasin Labour Bethnal Green and Bow Rushanara Ali Labour Birmingham Edgbaston Preet Kaur Gill Labour Co-op Birmingham Hall Green Reena Ranger Conservative Birmingham Ladywood Shabana Mahmood Labour Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood Labour Birmingham Perry Barr Parmjit Singh Lib Dem Birmingham Yardley Mohammed Afzal Conservative Blackburn Irfan Ahmed Lib Dem Bolton South East Yasmin Qureshi Labour Bradford East Imran Hussain Labour Bradford West Naz Shah Labour Brent Central Rahoul Bhansali Conservative Brent North Ameet Jogia Conservative Broxbourne Andrew Graham Lib Dem Cambridgeshire North West Shailesh Vara Conservative Cardiff Central Mohammed Sarul-Islam UKIP Carshalton & Wallington Shasha Khan Green Chingford & Woodford Green Bilal Mahmood Labour Chipping Barnet Marisha Ray Lib Dem Cities of London & Westminster Anil Bhatti UKIP Cities of London & Westminster Ankit Love Independent Cornwall North Scott Mann Conservative Coventry North West Resham Kotecha Conservative


Virendra Sharma

Rishi Sunak

from the Labour party. There are now more openly LGBT MPs than at any time in history. There were 32 openly LGBT people in the House of Commons in 2015 but the figure is reported to have now risen to 43. A second turban-wearing Sikh of the Labour Party Kuldip Sahota lost out to his Conservative rival by just 720 votes. All other incumbent Indian origin MPs retained their seats, Conservative’s Paul Uppal failed to retake Wolverhampton South West, though he got higher votes than before. Among other Indian-origin contestants, Conservative party’s Priti Patel has held on to her stronghold of Witham in Essex with a solid majority of 18,646 votes. Alok Sharma has held on to Reading West by 2,876 votes and Shailesh Vara has won in Cambridgeshire North West by 18,008 votes. The 2015 general election first-timers for the Tories Rishi Sunak and Suella Fernandes have also held on to their seats decisively with a margin of 23,108 and 21,555 votes respectively. For the Labour party, the longest serving Indian-origin MP Keith Vaz, has been re-elected for the 8th time and held on to his Leicester East seat attracting 35,116 votes, more than before- the largest majority of 22,428 in his 30 years at Westminster. His sister Valerie Vaz also won a solid 25,286 votes to hold on


Indian Indian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Indian Indian Pakistani Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Indian Indian Mixed Indian Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Indian Indian Mixed Indian


Hindu Hindu Hindu Muslim Muslim Sikh Sikh Muslim Muslim Sikh Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu – Hindu Muslim Muslim Muslim – Hindu Hindu Hindu


26,955 4783 10,711 732 22712 42969 24124 8199 Won 30109 1080 8824 709 25676 29831 29444 10211 18435 1481 37529 343 501 20638 3012 426 59 25835 18315

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi

to her Walsall South seat. Speaking after his victory, Mr Vaz reportedly said: "Jeremy Corbyn did a great job despite all the criticism." Vaz also paid tribute to party colleagues on the Leicester city council, including elected mayor Sir Peter Soulsby for upholding Labour votes in the city and helping to ensure their successes. Speaking to Asian Voice he said, "I am honoured and privileged to have been reelected again. Leicester is a great City and I am so pleased to be its representative once again. I cannot believe the margin." On Brexit Mr Vaz said: "The UK has failed to give Theresa May the mandate she wanted for Brexit. She must consult with Parliament again. She should not have triggered Brexit before this election. I have 6000 Portuguese passport holders in my constituency. They need to be given permanent right to stay in the UK immediately." Vaz added that the national result would also have a significant impact on the pending Brexit negotiations. The independent local candidate, Sujata Barot, surprised many by claiming third place, ahead of the Green Party and Liberal Democrat candidates. Lisa Nandy won in Wigan for Labour with 29,575 votes, Seema Malhotra held on to Feltham & Heston with 32,462 votes and Virendra


Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost 34166 Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Lost

Valerie Vaz

Lisa Nandy

Sharma polled 31,720 in his safe seat of Ealing Southall. Among the prominent losses was Labour’s Neeraj Patil - the former mayor of the London Borough of Lambeth - lost to Justine Greening, the UK’s Education Minister. He lost by a margin of just 1,554 votes to Greening, who was defending her Conservative party stronghold. Conservative's blue eyed boy Ameet Jogia who stood from Brent North against Labour's Barry Gardiner for the first time, lost to Gardiner by 17,061 seats, so has Conservative's Resham Kotecha at Coventry North, who lost to Labour's Geoffrey Robinson by 8580 votes only. Reena Ranger at Birmingham Hall Green lost out to Labour's Roger Godsiff by 33,944 votes. Kolkata boy Dr Rohit Dasgupta, stood for Labour party at East Hampshire but has lost to Conservative's Damian Hinds by 25,852 votes. Labour party's Navin Shah from Harrow East has lost to Bob Blackman MP by 1757 votes only. Omar Khan, Director of race equality charity Runnymede Trust, told The Independent. “Good to see an ongoing increase in black and minority ethnic MPs, with the number now at 50 “Thirty years after the first post-war BAME MPs were elected we’re getting closer but we’re not yet near a representative parliament of around 100 BAME MPs.

“Better representation is a test of the quality of our democracy and one that is particularly urgent given the increased engagement of young people - a group that is not only more diverse but also expects discrimination of whatever kind to be combated. “One longstanding proposal for parties to reach this target would be to increase the number of younger MPs and MPs from more diverse social backgrounds, but the youth turnout at this last election may now refocus party efforts.” Several seats with a high BAME population, including Kensington, Croydon Central and Enfield Southgate, switched from the Tories to Labour. Khan said there was an 11.5 % increase in Labour’s vote share in the 75 most ethnically diverse seats – higher than the 9.5% rise the party achieved nationally. Simon Woolley, the cofounder and director of Operation Black Vote, told Buzz Feed News: “I think that is a massive step forward in the right direction. Democracy works best when all of society feel they have a stake within it ... If you don’t have diversity within parliament you cannot begin to effectively speak for the multicultural society that we are. It inspires many more people to engage in politics, and to believe that their voices are listened to.”

Theresa May's failure to lead the party to a full majority, has waged a mini civil war, with anticipations that Britain may again go to poll soon. However her bringing back former secretary Michael Gove to the government less than a year after she sacked him, may soften the blow. It is believed that his returned to the front bench as environment secretary, may prove vital, so that the “PM is given strong support for key Queen's Speech and Brexit talks." Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has also stood up on her behalf stating that Theresa May was the "best placed person" to lead the country through Brexit. International Trade Secretary Liam Fox also said he had "absolute faith" in the PM but former Chancellor George Osborne described Mrs May as "a dead woman walking" and said she would inevitably face a leadership challenge. Mr Osborne, now editor of the Evening Standard, said Tory MPs were "furious" that Mrs May had not acknowledged their losses in the general election. May has brought in one more figure of Damian Green as First Secretary of State - a title often associated with the role of deputy prime minister - based in the Cabinet Office, in a limited reshuffle of her top team. However on Monday she

apologised to the Tory MPs for the party's election performance, telling them "I got us into this mess I'll get us out of it." Addressing a meeting of backbenchers, the PM reportedly said she would serve as "long as you want me to do". One senior backbencher told the BBC that she had appeared "contrite and genuine but not on her knees". It comes amid confusion over whether the Queen's Speech will be delayed because it has to be written on goatskin paper and the ink takes days to dry. Whitehall sources on Monday morning suggested at a briefing of journalists in Westminster that the state opening of parliament, scheduled for June 19, will be pushed back. However, critics have suggested that the Government is playing for time as it tries to hammer out the terms of a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party. The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the contents of the Queen’s Speech are yet to be finalised after voters returned a hung Parliament on June 8. The BBC reported that a senior minister has said he was "optimistic" that the Tories and Democratic Unionists will reach an agreement in the coming days to allow a proposed Tory minority government get its plans for the year ahead through the Commons, possibly as early as next Monday. But First Secretary of


Difference (with Winner) 32790 21608 26079 33,944 29029 16574 32439 27997 17061 28034 24850 20318 2438 22667 17579 17946 8580


Derby South Devizes Dewsbury Down North Ealing Central & Acton Ealing North Ealing North Ealing Southall Ealing Southall East Ham Edinburgh South West Edinburgh South West Feltham & Heston Feltham & Heston Feltham & Heston Grantham & Stamford Hackney South & Shoreditch Hamshire East Hampshire North East Hampstead & Kilburn Harborough Harrow East Harrow West Huddersfield Ilford South Islington North Kennelworth & Southam Leicester East Leicester East


Joe Naitta Imtiyaz Shaikh Ednan Hussain Andrew Muir Rushanara Huq Stephen Pound Humaira Sanders Virendra Sharma Nigel Bakhai Stephen Timms Foysol Choudhury Aisha Mir Seema Malhotra Samir Jassal Hina Malik Anita Day Dave Raval Rohit Dasgupta Ranil Jayawardena Tulip Siddiq Zaffar Haq Navin Shah Gareth Thomas Zulfiqar Ali Farid Ahmed Jeremy Corbyn Bally Singh Keith Vaz Sujata Barot


Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Alliance Labour Labour Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Labour Labour Lib Dem Labour Co-op Conservative Lib Dem Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Conservative Labour Lib Dem Labour Labour Co-op Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Labour Labour Independent


Indian Pakistani Pakistani Mixed Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Mixed Bangladesi Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Mixed Indian Sri Lankan Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Indian Indian Indian


– Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu – Muslim Muslim Hindu Muslim Hindu – Hindu Buddhist Muslim Muslim Jain Muslim Muslim Sikh Christian Hindu


1229 10608 1214 3639 33037 34635 1275 31720 1892 47124 13213 2124 32462 16859 1387 3120 3168 9411 37754 34464 7286 23372 30640 1155 772 40086 13121 35116 1753


Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Won Lost Won Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Won Lost Won Lost

Difference (with Winner) 25201 21136 27600 12509 33360 29828 4362 15451 15603 31075 31970 40806 25852 22849 1757 25315 42952 18086 33363


State Damian Green said he could not confirm the Queen's Speech will proceed as planned on 19 June. Labour party, that has come back with a brilliant with much support from younger generation and said the government was "in chaos" and continued to be "in denial" about the message voters had sent about their opposition to an "extreme Brexit". Time will also tell if all those promises made by the Labour party are on solid grounds or not. Mrs May addressed a packed meeting of the 1922 Committee for 90 minutes after her failure to win the election outright prompted days of speculation about her future. According to reports of the meeting, she accepted personal responsibility for calling the snap election and for the result, which saw her party lose its overall majority and have to rely on the support of others.

'DUP veto' Mrs May, who chaired a two-hour cabinet meeting on Monday, reportedly told the committee, a group of backbench MPs, that the DUP would not have a "veto" on the government's agenda, and there would be no watering down of equalities laws over which the two parties disagree.

Leicester South Leicester South Leicestershire South Luton North Maidenhead Manchester Gorton Mansfield Milton Kenes South Newport East Ochil & Perthshire South Old Brexley & Sidcup Poplar & Limehouse Putney Reading West Richmond Sheffield Central Slough Southshields Sutton & Cheam Telford Walsall South Warrington South Wealden Westminster North Wigan Wimbledon Witham Wolverhampton South West Wycomb Wyre Forest


Meera Sonecha Harrish Bisnauthsing Shabbir Aslam Rabi Martins Theresa May Afzal Khan Anita Prabhakar Tahir Maher Natasha Ashgar Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh Freddy Vachcha Oliur Rahman Neeraj Patil Alok Sharma Rishi Sunak Shaffaq Mohammed Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Gitanjali Gordon Amna Ahmad Kuldip Singh Sahota Valerie Vaz Faisal Rashid Nusrat Ghani Abby Dharamsey Lisa Nandy Imran Uddin Priti Patel Paul Uppal Rafiq Raja Shazu Miah


Conservative Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Conservative Labour Lib Dem Lib Dem Conservative SNP UKIP Independent Labour Conservative Conservative Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Labour Labour Conservative Independent Labour Labour Conservative Indian Labour Lib Dem


Indian Pakistani Indian Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Indian Bangladeshi Indian Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Pakistani Sri Lankan Indian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi


Hindu Muslim Christian Muslim Hindu Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu Hindu Muslim Sikh Muslim Sikh Christan Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu Muslim Muslim


10896 1287 16164 808 37718 35085 697 1895 12806 19110 1619 1477 19125 25311 36458 2465 34170 681 13869 21057 25286 29994 37027 91 29575 18324 31670 18714 20188 1943


Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost Won Lost Won Lost Lost Lost

Difference (with Winner) 26261 35870 18631 28957 22695 28757 8003 3359 27926 38081 1554 31498 9889 12698 720 25846 5622 2185 6578 27916






Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

12 Indian, 12 Pakistani and 3 Bangladeshi MPs elected

Shailesh Vara

Seema Malhotra

Rupanjana Dutta The Parliament has now more than ever Asian, black and ethnic minority MPs. The 2017 election saw the first ever female Sikh and first turbaned MP being elected as well as an increase of BAME MPs to 51 from 41. While this is still only around one in 13 MPs, it means the House of Commons is now more diverse than in any previous Parliament. The new Parliament will also be more diverse than ever before in other ways. There are a record number of women – up to 208 from 191, but still only 32% of the total. There was also a record number of turn out from the BAME community to vote as well. There are 12 MPs of Indian origin who have won this election. Labour Party had selected 14 Indians and Conservative Party 13 as their Parliamentary candidates. The tally is stronger for the Labour Party with 7 Indianorigin MPs to Tory’s 5. Labour is also close to achieving the landmark of having half of its total MPs being female. 45% currently are, compared to just 21% of Conservative representatives. Labour candidate Preet Kaur Gill who won her Birmingham Edgbaston seat by polling 24,124 votes, defeating ruling Conservative party rival Caroline Squire by 6,917 votes, speaking about her victory said, “I am delighted I have been given the opportunity to become the next MP for Edgbaston where I was born and raised. I want to engage with the people of Edgbaston and with Area


May’s failed gamble

Continued from page 1

Preet Kaur Gill

hard work, passion and determination I think we can achieve great things together.” Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi, better known as Tan, won his Slough seat decisively polling 34,170 votes, to become Labour’s first turban-wearing MP. He defeated his Conservative party rival by a whopping 16,998 votes. Dhesi said he was “humbled” and wanted to serve the town where he was born and raised. The Sikh Federation UK in a statement said, “Credit to the Labour Party leadership for taking the bold step of giving Sikhs the opportunity to fight for winnable seats. Labour now needs to turn its attention to having visible Sikh representation in the House of Lords at the first opportunity so Sikhs are better represented and can bring fresh thinking and ideas,” the PTI reported. Among British Pakistanis, Khalid Mehmood, Shabana Mehmood, Rozeena-Allin Khan, Yasmin Qureshi, Naz Shah, Imran Hussain, Afzal Khan, Mohammed Yasin and Faisal Rasheed from Labour have all secured their spots in Westminster. Sajid Javid, Nusrat Ghani and Rehman Chishti from Conservatives have defended their respective constituencies successfully. Tasmeena Sheikh of Scottish National Party (SNP) has lost her seat to Conservatives. In comparison to 2015 Parliament when nine MPs won elections, the number has now reached 12, 9 from Labour and 3 from Conservative. Three MPs of Bangladeshi origin have also won in the 2017 election, all Party

Aldershot Leo Docherty Conservative Arundel & South Downs Shweta Kapadia Lib Dem Barking Minesh Talati Conservative Basildon South & East Thurrock Reetendra Banerji Lib Dem Bedford Mohammed Yasin Labour Bethnal Green and Bow Rushanara Ali Labour Birmingham Edgbaston Preet Kaur Gill Labour Co-op Birmingham Hall Green Reena Ranger Conservative Birmingham Ladywood Shabana Mahmood Labour Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood Labour Birmingham Perry Barr Parmjit Singh Lib Dem Birmingham Yardley Mohammed Afzal Conservative Blackburn Irfan Ahmed Lib Dem Bolton South East Yasmin Qureshi Labour Bradford East Imran Hussain Labour Bradford West Naz Shah Labour Brent Central Rahoul Bhansali Conservative Brent North Ameet Jogia Conservative Broxbourne Andrew Graham Lib Dem Cambridgeshire North West Shailesh Vara Conservative Cardiff Central Mohammed Sarul-Islam UKIP Carshalton & Wallington Shasha Khan Green Chingford & Woodford Green Bilal Mahmood Labour Chipping Barnet Marisha Ray Lib Dem Cities of London & Westminster Anil Bhatti UKIP Cities of London & Westminster Ankit Love Independent Cornwall North Scott Mann Conservative Coventry North West Resham Kotecha Conservative


Virendra Sharma

Rishi Sunak

from the Labour party. There are now more openly LGBT MPs than at any time in history. There were 32 openly LGBT people in the House of Commons in 2015 but the figure is reported to have now risen to 43. A second turban-wearing Sikh of the Labour Party Kuldip Sahota lost out to his Conservative rival by just 720 votes. All other incumbent Indian origin MPs retained their seats, Conservative’s Paul Uppal failed to retake Wolverhampton South West, though he got higher votes than before. Among other Indian-origin contestants, Conservative party’s Priti Patel has held on to her stronghold of Witham in Essex with a solid majority of 18,646 votes. Alok Sharma has held on to Reading West by 2,876 votes and Shailesh Vara has won in Cambridgeshire North West by 18,008 votes. The 2015 general election first-timers for the Tories Rishi Sunak and Suella Fernandes have also held on to their seats decisively with a margin of 23,108 and 21,555 votes respectively. For the Labour party, the longest serving Indian-origin MP Keith Vaz, has been re-elected for the 8th time and held on to his Leicester East seat attracting 35,116 votes, more than before- the largest majority of 22,428 in his 30 years at Westminster. His sister Valerie Vaz also won a solid 25,286 votes to hold on


Indian Indian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Indian Indian Pakistani Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Indian Indian Mixed Indian Bangladeshi Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Indian Indian Mixed Indian


Hindu Hindu Hindu Muslim Muslim Sikh Sikh Muslim Muslim Sikh Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu – Hindu Muslim Muslim Muslim – Hindu Hindu Hindu


26,955 4783 10,711 732 22712 42969 24124 8199 Won 30109 1080 8824 709 25676 29831 29444 10211 18435 1481 37529 343 501 20638 3012 426 59 25835 18315

Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi

to her Walsall South seat. Speaking after his victory, Mr Vaz reportedly said: "Jeremy Corbyn did a great job despite all the criticism." Vaz also paid tribute to party colleagues on the Leicester city council, including elected mayor Sir Peter Soulsby for upholding Labour votes in the city and helping to ensure their successes. Speaking to Asian Voice he said, "I am honoured and privileged to have been reelected again. Leicester is a great City and I am so pleased to be its representative once again. I cannot believe the margin." On Brexit Mr Vaz said: "The UK has failed to give Theresa May the mandate she wanted for Brexit. She must consult with Parliament again. She should not have triggered Brexit before this election. I have 6000 Portuguese passport holders in my constituency. They need to be given permanent right to stay in the UK immediately." Vaz added that the national result would also have a significant impact on the pending Brexit negotiations. The independent local candidate, Sujata Barot, surprised many by claiming third place, ahead of the Green Party and Liberal Democrat candidates. Lisa Nandy won in Wigan for Labour with 29,575 votes, Seema Malhotra held on to Feltham & Heston with 32,462 votes and Virendra


Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost 34166 Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Lost

Valerie Vaz

Lisa Nandy

Sharma polled 31,720 in his safe seat of Ealing Southall. Among the prominent losses was Labour’s Neeraj Patil - the former mayor of the London Borough of Lambeth - lost to Justine Greening, the UK’s Education Minister. He lost by a margin of just 1,554 votes to Greening, who was defending her Conservative party stronghold. Conservative's blue eyed boy Ameet Jogia who stood from Brent North against Labour's Barry Gardiner for the first time, lost to Gardiner by 17,061 seats, so has Conservative's Resham Kotecha at Coventry North, who lost to Labour's Geoffrey Robinson by 8580 votes only. Reena Ranger at Birmingham Hall Green lost out to Labour's Roger Godsiff by 33,944 votes. Kolkata boy Dr Rohit Dasgupta, stood for Labour party at East Hampshire but has lost to Conservative's Damian Hinds by 25,852 votes. Labour party's Navin Shah from Harrow East has lost to Bob Blackman MP by 1757 votes only. Omar Khan, Director of race equality charity Runnymede Trust, told The Independent. “Good to see an ongoing increase in black and minority ethnic MPs, with the number now at 50 “Thirty years after the first post-war BAME MPs were elected we’re getting closer but we’re not yet near a representative parliament of around 100 BAME MPs.

“Better representation is a test of the quality of our democracy and one that is particularly urgent given the increased engagement of young people - a group that is not only more diverse but also expects discrimination of whatever kind to be combated. “One longstanding proposal for parties to reach this target would be to increase the number of younger MPs and MPs from more diverse social backgrounds, but the youth turnout at this last election may now refocus party efforts.” Several seats with a high BAME population, including Kensington, Croydon Central and Enfield Southgate, switched from the Tories to Labour. Khan said there was an 11.5 % increase in Labour’s vote share in the 75 most ethnically diverse seats – higher than the 9.5% rise the party achieved nationally. Simon Woolley, the cofounder and director of Operation Black Vote, told Buzz Feed News: “I think that is a massive step forward in the right direction. Democracy works best when all of society feel they have a stake within it ... If you don’t have diversity within parliament you cannot begin to effectively speak for the multicultural society that we are. It inspires many more people to engage in politics, and to believe that their voices are listened to.”

Theresa May's failure to lead the party to a full majority, has waged a mini civil war, with anticipations that Britain may again go to poll soon. However her bringing back former secretary Michael Gove to the government less than a year after she sacked him, may soften the blow. It is believed that his returned to the front bench as environment secretary, may prove vital, so that the “PM is given strong support for key Queen's Speech and Brexit talks." Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has also stood up on her behalf stating that Theresa May was the "best placed person" to lead the country through Brexit. International Trade Secretary Liam Fox also said he had "absolute faith" in the PM but former Chancellor George Osborne described Mrs May as "a dead woman walking" and said she would inevitably face a leadership challenge. Mr Osborne, now editor of the Evening Standard, said Tory MPs were "furious" that Mrs May had not acknowledged their losses in the general election. May has brought in one more figure of Damian Green as First Secretary of State - a title often associated with the role of deputy prime minister - based in the Cabinet Office, in a limited reshuffle of her top team. However on Monday she

apologised to the Tory MPs for the party's election performance, telling them "I got us into this mess I'll get us out of it." Addressing a meeting of backbenchers, the PM reportedly said she would serve as "long as you want me to do". One senior backbencher told the BBC that she had appeared "contrite and genuine but not on her knees". It comes amid confusion over whether the Queen's Speech will be delayed because it has to be written on goatskin paper and the ink takes days to dry. Whitehall sources on Monday morning suggested at a briefing of journalists in Westminster that the state opening of parliament, scheduled for June 19, will be pushed back. However, critics have suggested that the Government is playing for time as it tries to hammer out the terms of a deal with the Democratic Unionist Party. The difficulty lies in the simple fact that the contents of the Queen’s Speech are yet to be finalised after voters returned a hung Parliament on June 8. The BBC reported that a senior minister has said he was "optimistic" that the Tories and Democratic Unionists will reach an agreement in the coming days to allow a proposed Tory minority government get its plans for the year ahead through the Commons, possibly as early as next Monday. But First Secretary of


Difference (with Winner) 32790 21608 26079 33,944 29029 16574 32439 27997 17061 28034 24850 20318 2438 22667 17579 17946 8580


Derby South Devizes Dewsbury Down North Ealing Central & Acton Ealing North Ealing North Ealing Southall Ealing Southall East Ham Edinburgh South West Edinburgh South West Feltham & Heston Feltham & Heston Feltham & Heston Grantham & Stamford Hackney South & Shoreditch Hamshire East Hampshire North East Hampstead & Kilburn Harborough Harrow East Harrow West Huddersfield Ilford South Islington North Kennelworth & Southam Leicester East Leicester East


Joe Naitta Imtiyaz Shaikh Ednan Hussain Andrew Muir Rushanara Huq Stephen Pound Humaira Sanders Virendra Sharma Nigel Bakhai Stephen Timms Foysol Choudhury Aisha Mir Seema Malhotra Samir Jassal Hina Malik Anita Day Dave Raval Rohit Dasgupta Ranil Jayawardena Tulip Siddiq Zaffar Haq Navin Shah Gareth Thomas Zulfiqar Ali Farid Ahmed Jeremy Corbyn Bally Singh Keith Vaz Sujata Barot


Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Alliance Labour Labour Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Labour Labour Lib Dem Labour Co-op Conservative Lib Dem Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Conservative Labour Lib Dem Labour Labour Co-op Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Labour Labour Independent


Indian Pakistani Pakistani Mixed Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Mixed Bangladesi Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Mixed Indian Sri Lankan Bangladeshi Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Indian Indian Indian


– Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu – Muslim Muslim Hindu Muslim Hindu – Hindu Buddhist Muslim Muslim Jain Muslim Muslim Sikh Christian Hindu


1229 10608 1214 3639 33037 34635 1275 31720 1892 47124 13213 2124 32462 16859 1387 3120 3168 9411 37754 34464 7286 23372 30640 1155 772 40086 13121 35116 1753


Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Won Lost Won Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Lost Won Lost Lost Won Lost Won Lost

Difference (with Winner) 25201 21136 27600 12509 33360 29828 4362 15451 15603 31075 31970 40806 25852 22849 1757 25315 42952 18086 33363


State Damian Green said he could not confirm the Queen's Speech will proceed as planned on 19 June. Labour party, that has come back with a brilliant with much support from younger generation and said the government was "in chaos" and continued to be "in denial" about the message voters had sent about their opposition to an "extreme Brexit". Time will also tell if all those promises made by the Labour party are on solid grounds or not. Mrs May addressed a packed meeting of the 1922 Committee for 90 minutes after her failure to win the election outright prompted days of speculation about her future. According to reports of the meeting, she accepted personal responsibility for calling the snap election and for the result, which saw her party lose its overall majority and have to rely on the support of others.

'DUP veto' Mrs May, who chaired a two-hour cabinet meeting on Monday, reportedly told the committee, a group of backbench MPs, that the DUP would not have a "veto" on the government's agenda, and there would be no watering down of equalities laws over which the two parties disagree.

Leicester South Leicester South Leicestershire South Luton North Maidenhead Manchester Gorton Mansfield Milton Kenes South Newport East Ochil & Perthshire South Old Brexley & Sidcup Poplar & Limehouse Putney Reading West Richmond Sheffield Central Slough Southshields Sutton & Cheam Telford Walsall South Warrington South Wealden Westminster North Wigan Wimbledon Witham Wolverhampton South West Wycomb Wyre Forest


Meera Sonecha Harrish Bisnauthsing Shabbir Aslam Rabi Martins Theresa May Afzal Khan Anita Prabhakar Tahir Maher Natasha Ashgar Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh Freddy Vachcha Oliur Rahman Neeraj Patil Alok Sharma Rishi Sunak Shaffaq Mohammed Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Gitanjali Gordon Amna Ahmad Kuldip Singh Sahota Valerie Vaz Faisal Rashid Nusrat Ghani Abby Dharamsey Lisa Nandy Imran Uddin Priti Patel Paul Uppal Rafiq Raja Shazu Miah


Conservative Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Conservative Labour Lib Dem Lib Dem Conservative SNP UKIP Independent Labour Conservative Conservative Lib Dem Labour Lib Dem Lib Dem Labour Labour Labour Conservative Independent Labour Labour Conservative Indian Labour Lib Dem


Indian Pakistani Indian Pakistani Indian Pakistani Pakistani Pakistani Indian Bangladeshi Indian Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Indian Indian Pakistani Pakistani Sri Lankan Indian Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi


Hindu Muslim Christian Muslim Hindu Muslim Muslim Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu Hindu Muslim Sikh Muslim Sikh Christan Muslim Muslim Hindu Hindu Muslim Muslim


10896 1287 16164 808 37718 35085 697 1895 12806 19110 1619 1477 19125 25311 36458 2465 34170 681 13869 21057 25286 29994 37027 91 29575 18324 31670 18714 20188 1943


Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won Lost Won Lost Lost Lost Won Won Won Lost Won Lost Won Lost Lost Lost

Difference (with Winner) 26261 35870 18631 28957 22695 28757 8003 3359 27926 38081 1554 31498 9889 12698 720 25846 5622 2185 6578 27916



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Infosys founders planning to sell stake

CEA calls for open markets

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

The co-founders of Infosys are exploring the option to sell their entire 12.75% stake in the company worth about £2.80 billion. people familiar with the development said. This move, people familiar with the development said, have been triggered by the promoters' unhappiness over the manner in which the company has been run since their exit three years ago. Instead of a war of attrition with the company's board and management, the promoters appear to have veered around to the view that it might be better to make a complete break from the company they founded in 1981 and took public in 1993. The Infy promoter group, led by N R Narayana Murthy and Nandan Nilekani, have long been seen as the original flagbearers of a new breed of engineer-

N R Narayana Murthy, Nandan Nilekani, Kris Gopalakrishnan, K Dinesh and S D Shibulal

entrepreneurs who decided to start a business, which helped spread the story of Indian software around the world. Any stake sale is most likely to take place through stock market block deals, and in tranches. A single, block deal is thought to be unlikely. “Large private equity or sovereign wealth funds (SWFs) won't be enthused to write $4-5 billion cheques to be minority investors without any rights,” said a top banker. When contacted, Narayana Murthy denied there was any move to sell the promoter holding in the company. “It is not

true at all,” he said. His family and he are the largest promoter shareholders with a stake of 3.44 %. Nandan Nilekani, who took over the reins of the company from Murthy before going on to launch Aadhaar said, “I do not comment on Infosys.” Infosys co-founders Murthy, Nilekani, Kris Gopalakrishnan, S D Shibulal and K Dinesh hold neither executive nor non-executive roles in the company anymore. Still, their exit moves, coming at a time when the sector is facing business uncertainties, could act as an deterrent on the stock price.

Jet Airways in talks to buy 50 narrow-bodied jets Jet Airways India is in talks to buy 50 narrow-bodied jets worth at least $5.6 billion on top of a pending order for Boeing 737 Max aircraft, a source said. The airline is also looking at Airbus SE's A321neo jets as well as the 737 Max 10, a stretched version Boeing may introduce in Paris this month, the source added. Jet Airways could sign the deal in the next two months for deliveries starting 2024. Jet Airways continuously reviews its fleet in response to demand, but won't comment on speculation, a spokesman said. A representative for Boeing said the plane maker is in constant communications with airlines in India about

their needs but doesn't discuss specific conversations publicly. An Airbus spokesman also declined to comment. Jet Airways, in which Abu Dhabi's Etihad Airways PJSC owns a 24 per cent stake, is expanding its fleet as competition intensifies in India, one of the world's fastest-growing aviation markets, where carriers offer cutthroat, below-cost fares to attract passengers. The Indian carrier made its first annual profit in seven years in the 12 months

ended March 2016, mainly due to a drop in oil prices the biggest cost for an airline. Airlines in Asia are ordering hundreds of new planes to meet surging demand as an emerging middle class spends more of its disposable income on air travel. In India, market leader IndiGo has ordered 430 A320neo jets and is in talks to buy 50 ATR turboprop aircraft, while budget carrier SpiceJet Ltd. has ordered as many as 205 Boeing jets.

Retail inflation in India dips to record low Retail inflation in India registered record low of 2.2% in May due to cheaper food products, while industrial production rose at a slower pace in April, raising demands for a rate reduction by the RBI. Latest data showed that industrial production expanded by 3.1% in April, compared to 3.8% in March and 6.5% a year ago as mining and electricity sector witnessed a slowdown. On a sequential basis, manufacturing growth was muted as consumer durables as well as capital goods witnessed a contraction. But the big positive was inflation, where a

good pulses production and low vegetable prices meant that the food index witnessed a contraction. Even fuel inflation was lower on a sequential basis. This is the lowest level of retail inflation since the revised index based on 2012 prices was released. DK Joshi, chief economist at ratings agency Crisil, said with forecast of a good monsoon, food inflation is expected to stay low during the current financial year, helping keep a tab on overall inflation. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, group chief economic adviser at SBI, said, “With

real interest rate at 15year high in 2016-17 and inflation near 2% level now, RBI cannot avert a rate cut in the August 2017 monetary policy meeting. The expectation of a prominent rate cut would become more pronounced if inflation continues to remain benign for a longer time.” The RBI has been under pressure from the government to pare interest rates as fresh investments remain slow, partly due to a pile of bad debt. In addition, the monetary policy committee, which now decides on rate cuts, has got its inflation calculations wrong.

The deal is unlikely to be a rushed affair given the implications it could have on the price the promoters would get and also for the stock in general. Large blocks of shares are usually offloaded at a discount. Sources said chances are that the founders and the management would work on a joint narrative to stave off deep discounts. “In fact, there will be investors who may see the exit of founders as a positive for the company, as this removes the conflict factor,” said another banker. The spat between Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka

and Narayana Murthy played out very publicly in February this year with Murthy raising serious concerns over corporate governance and the changing cultural ethos of the company. He was particularly upset at the high compensation packages drawn by Sikka and other senior Infosys executives, the outsized severance package offered to former CFO Rajiv Bansal, and by Infosys's acquisition strategies. He believed the board led by R Seshasayee had failed in its duty to guide the management in the right direction. When asked whether it was his unhappiness at Sikka's style of functioning that was making him want to exit the company he cofounded 36 years ago, Murthy said, “Whatever I had to say about Sikka and Infosys I have said some months back. I have nothing to add to that.”

IIT-Bombay among world's best institutes IIT-Bombay has joined the big league of institutes globally by bagging the 179th position in the QS World Rankings. The premier institute jumped 40 positions, from 219th rank last year, to join IIT-Delhi and the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, in the elite club of top 200 universities. IIT-Delhi and IISc-Bangalore were among the top 200 since the last two years. While IIT-Delhi (172nd) moved up a few notches this year to be the top institute in the country, beating IISc (190th), which is placed third, IIT-Bombay, held

second position. IIT-Bombay has made an improvement on all the three of the four parameters, taking the overall score to 49.7, from last year's 44.6. The institute's score in academic reputation progressed from 45.7 last year to 62.3 now. The faculty-student ratio also got 32.1 points over last year's 25, and the citations per faculty increased from 48.5 to 50.8. The employer-reputation, however, dropped from 79.1 to 77.9, but is also one of the highest contributors to the institute's higher rank.

India's Chief economic adviser Arvind Subramanian expressed concern over growing protectionism in global markets and felt that India needs open markets to grow at 8-10%. Citing an example, he said, India witnessed fastest growth during the period when exports were highest. “I think, we in India have now a much bigger role in ensuring that world markets remain open... At the very least, any reversal of globalisation is something that we should be very, very anxious about because if we want 8-10% growth, I think we need open markets,” he said. The biggest beneficiaries of the open market policy or globalisation has been middle-income countries and the continuation of this is in their interest, he said at an event. However, the idea of protectionism gained momentum recently after Donald Trump took over as the US president. Recently, the Trump administration indicated that it wanted to look again at trade agreements with countries where the US buys more than it sells, including China, Japan, South Korea and Germany. Besides, Britain has also started the process of exit from the European Union. Subramanian said, India has done a lot on FDI and more would help in attracting investment. “We have done a lot on FDI and other areas, I think we need to do more,” he said. Speaking about ultra-loose monetary policy adopted by various advanced countries, the CEA said he was actually much less worried than the early indications about the pullout of the US.

Fuel prices in India to be revised daily from June 16 Petrol and diesel prices in India will be revised daily from June 16 throughout the country to counter undercutting by private retailers and bring India at par with the US oil market. The move follows successful implementation of a month-long pilot run in Udaipur, Jamshedpur, Puducherry, Chandigarh and Vishakhapatnam from May 1. Public sector retailers have so far been revising prices on the 16th and last day of each month except in these cities - on the basis of average prices of crude and products in regional bulk markets as well as rupee-dollar exchange rate in the preceding fortnight. The idea of daily revision has been on the oil ministry's table since 2012. But state-run retailers, in a complacent mar-

ket of high oil prices, subsidy and lack of competition, were loath to implement the idea, citing lack of connectivity and infrastructure in the hinterland. Petrol pricing was freed from government control in June 2010 by the UPA government. The NDA government deregulated diesel pricing in October 2014. A daily revision is expected to take the sting out of price hikes as they would be in small doses sometimes could even go unnoticed. But more than that, the move has the potential to set off a price war and bring real competition in a market, 95% of which is controlled by public sector retailers. Revising prices daily will give public sector retailers a chance to match private companies who have been

undercutting them in a free market. The private refiner-retailers have been offering discounts - sometimes up to Re 1 litre - taking advantage of their operational efficiency, coastal location of refineries and freedom in buying crude. Politically, a daily revision will help the government sidestep the political fallout of consumer ire that may follow a steep revision. It will also largely free state retailers from government intervention on the matter to suit political considerations. Technically, oil companies have been free to revise rates since deregulation. But it is common knowledge that they have been “guided” by the parent oil ministry in line with the ruling dispensation's political considerations.





A couple of weeks ago I went to see an elderly couple who had the fearlessness to invest in a BTL property a few years back.

Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment

They originally came to see me about a year before they purchased, expressing their intention to purchase something. Good to their word, they followed through; even though they are at a ripe old age, both retired and had never invested into a BTL property. They had the realisation that property investment was the direction to go in. This decision was taken for several reasons, namely to preserve wealth, and to make money in a safe and long term manner. The ultimate aim was to ensure their next generation do not have to scrimp and save as they had done; often this is the biggest factor amongst Asians for investing in property.

AGONY AGENT Each week, we answer a reader’s rental property question, from first-time landlords to experienced owners. Agony Agent, is here to help! Q: I want to gain access to my property to carry out repairs, how do I do this? A: You need to know in what circumstances you can obtain access to a tenanted property that you own. Legally, when you grant a tenancy you give the tenant exclusive possession i.e. the right to exclude the world, includ-

ing you and your agent. Entry without the tenant's permission, unless you have the right to do so, is a trespass and the tenant could take action to claim damages or an injunction to prevent entry by the you or your agent. Access can be permitted in one of two ways, either by a provision in the tenancy agreement or where the law grants right of access. Access will normally only be needed to carry out repairs, or to inspect the property to see whether repairs or other works are needed.


Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

They agreed to purchase a property in St. John’s Wood, NW1. It was an ex council flat, and was the ‘penthouse’ of the block. It was on the sixth floor of a purpose built building and consisted of 773 sq. ft. The apartment also had a balcony which stretched across the whole length of the flat, giving views across St. John’s Wood; only seconds away from Regent’s Park, and minutes from St. John’s Wood station. The couple agreed to purchase the property blind, i.e. without seeing it. The purchase was done back in November 2013, at a purchase price of £585k. Ex council flats in central London are great long term holds for two reasons: One, the lease tends to be long, and when an extension is required the cost is usually very reaThe tenant can always give permission to you or your workmen to enter. This permission must not be assumed. There can be arguments to whether permission has or has not been given. If you are going to rely on permission make sure that the tenant fully understands why you need to go in to the property. Even if the tenant appears to have given permission to enter, the permission may not be valid at all if you have misled the tenant as to why you want to go in or if you have not informed the tenant about the reasons for access. For extensive works, if you are going to rely on the ten-

sonable. Secondly, the service charges tend to be low. We have just closed a deal for a two bedroom ex council in Westminster, for £375k, where the service charge is only £600 per annum and this includes building’s insurance. After three and a half years the value of this couple’s property is now £850k. A massive uplift of £300k. The return on cash is even more impressive. £200k was invested back in 2013 and it has more than doubled over a few years. And it is worth bearing in mind we are currently in a low point in the market. This property also generates a cash positive of £1,200 per month after paying the monthly mortgage. This gives the family a valuable income and also means the money invested is yielding 7%. The capital growth is in ants permission then make sure you get it confirmed in writing by the tenant, for example, via email or text, something that has a time and date stamp.

addition to the strong monthly return. Having completed the deal, and experienced the strong returns, they have decided to take the plunge again, and reinvest. A good time to do so. There is a one bedroom flat in Notting Hill which would suit them. It’s in the prime part of Notting Hill, opposite Kensington Palace Gardens, in a cul-de-sac.

Please make sure that the below clauses are included in your tenancy agreement, as this will allow ease of access:

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Remember there is a difference between repairs and improvements and unless your wording in your tenancy agreement covers both then your tenant can refuse you access.

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The property is a probate deal, it will come with a 999 year lease on completion. It requires some light modernisation. We are hoping to get it for around £530k; after the programme of works, I’m confident the property will value at £650k. In a few years I expect this property to have risen in a similar way to the previous deal in St. John’s wood.

bered that unless access is legally authorised then allegations of harassment on the part of you or your agent may arise. Feel free to give me a call if you need assistance. Richard Bond Lettings Manager Sow & Reap



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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Consultant Editor Financial Voice

obtaining more visas. So, if the India-based companies have received fewer visas, it is because they filed fewer applications. TCS last week said the number of its H-1B applications this year is a third of what it was in 2015. The NFAP report notes that the global trend is for corporate clients of both US and India-based IT services companies to demand digital engineering and more sophisticated services, including better data analysis, that require fewer workers and more advanced technology. “These trends have escaped the notice of Congress and many policymakers, which have aimed more visa restrictions at IT services companies,” NFAP said, referring to the Trump administration's moves to restrict H-1Bs. Yale-Loehr echoed that sentiment: “President Trump's recent executive order calling for limits on

H-1B visas looks backward, not forward. The current unemployment rate for computer-related jobs is 2.5%, lower than the overall national unemployment rate of 4.4%. We should encourage bright foreign students to stay and work in the United States after they graduate, not send them overseas to compete against us.” The report noted that MNCs in IT services too received fewer H-1Bs. Accenture saw a 44% decline in new H-1Bs between FY2016 and FY2015, and IBM's fell to 1,608, from 1,919. Indian IT companies still have more than 50% of their employees in the US on H1Bs and L-1s. There are moves to sharply increase the minimum salary paid to these visa holders. If this happens, the Indian IT companies could be hit badly.

sibility now rests It seems that the with the Monetary government is not Policy Committee, happy with the way headed by the RBI the Reserve Bank of governor. It has India governor Urjit two other RBI repPatel is conducting resentatives, and himself. The governthree government ment expected him to nominees. aid in the effort to Urjit Patel Nevertheless, accelerate growth an influential section withthrough measures such as in the government believes lowering of interest rates the RBI has been unsympaand other revival measures, thetic to its concern over but he has not obliged. persisting high interest Beyond a 25-basis point rates and reluctant to take reduction soon after he advantage of the room took charge last afforded by a comfortable September, Patel has held fiscal situation and inflarates. Unlike his predecestion, which is within the sors, Patel is not solely central bank's comfort zone responsible for deciding of 2-6%. interest rates; that respon-

The government has not concealed its disappointment over the functioning of the MPC, including that of its own three nominees. A certain frustration has set in over the RBI's stonewalling of attempts of ministries such as power and transport to revive stalled projects through a package of measures. “It is not even willing to listen to the concerns of government departments,” said a senior official at the Centre, reflecting deepening disappointment over RBI's “inflexibility.” Similarly, the banking regulator is seen to be moving slowly

on tackling the mountain of non-performing assets (NPAs). Even banks have been critical of the manner in which the RBI has dealt with their concerns - and some top bankers are learnt to have conveyed their grievance to the finance ministry. This, in part, prompted the ordinance allowing the government to “authorise” RBI to issue instructions to banks to resolve specific NPAs by initiating insolvency proceedings. In addition, the RBI was empowered to set up committees to advise banks on stressed asset resolution. Even this has not yet borne results.

India to emerge as top FDI destinations in the world

globally FDI was expected to rise moderately from $1.75 trillion in 2016 to 1.8 trillion in 2017 and $1.85 million in 2018. Analysing FDI into India, the report said: "Foreign MNEs are increasingly relying on cross-border M&As (mergers and acquisitions) to penetrate the rapidly growing Indian market."

Dear Financial Voice Reader, With the stock market soaring and the Pound falling, and you hear binary options, CFDs, spreadbetting, forex, options, MT4? How do you decide what to do and how do you choose a broker? Most people will know I have been involved as an expert witness in legal action against the broker MF Global where they lost £22m thanks to my expert testimony and the story hit the headlines. So I am not a big fan of brokers. So how do I pick a broker? Customer service. You see brokers people fear can manipulate prices and do all sorts of tricks like ‘take out your stop losses’, ‘change margin’. I don’t want any of the bad stuff you hear to put you off your goal of ‘more money monthly’. For me, anything a broker may accidentally or intentionally do can be reversed if they have good customer service. So that is my number 1 concern. Of course as the leading global authority on online trading with 18 books on the subject under my large belt, the brokers are not going to mess with me. But still, I like to have gone to their offices and met the CEO. You see, whether it is buy to let or property refurbishment, people are going to have to know all the parties they work with. What I love about online trading is that I can do it from the comfort of my own home without taking on debt. I hate debt. So what next? Well for me binary options have to be with a broker who’s CEO I have met. I am sorry, it’s just too many dodgy firms out there otherwise. Sorry to be blunt. And also binary is for fun, not serious trading. It’s just the odds are too stacked against you because of the nature of the instrument. As for spreadbetting – it is attractive because it is tax free. But that should not be your concern. Check the spread between the buy and the sell price (like you do at the airport). Else go for a CFD, often cheaper, but subject to capital gains and also often broker commissions, but a more professional product for the serious trader. As for MT4 – you may have heard of it – free live realtime prices for forex. Don’t trade from it – too clunky – use it to monitor markets for free. There is a lot of choice out there. Whoever you learn from, I have a checklist. Make sure the person you learn from is an FCA fund manager. If they are teaching you trading (as opposed to technical stuff like how to place a trade) then they should be a regulated money manager. Make sure they have won awards for their trading forecasting the markets from reputable sources like the Financial Times. Make sure they are good enough to have been published by the Financial Times. There are too many people who are basically unregistered doctors teaching you to trade and like an unregistered doctor – it is dangerous!

Abhishek Sachdev

It’s official - the UK has a hung parliament. Conservative hopes for a landslide General Election victory, all but guaranteed in early May and expected by ‘May’, have been dashed. While the Tories

Indian IT cos cut H-1B dependence computing and artificial intelligence, that require fewer people to service US clients. It said IT services companies are also choosing to hire more locally. Stephen Yale-Loehr, professor of immigration law practice at Cornell Law School said that he agrees with the NFAP reports that technological change is prompting many Indiabased companies to file fewer H-1B petitions. “The rise of artificial intelligence and cloud computing mean fewer people are needed to perform certain IT jobs,” said Yale-Loehr. The US has a cap of 65,000 for H-1B visas issued in a year. If the number of applications are higher than this, which has been the case in recent years, it uses a lottery to determine who gets how many. The more the applications a company files, the higher its chances of

Alpesh Patel

Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) in India remained almost flat in 2016, but the nation is expected to emerge as one of the top FDI destinations, according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The World Investment Report released by the UN agency said that FDI rose by a paltry one per cent in


2016 to $44.486 billion from the $44.064 billion in 2015. At the same time FDI by India elsewhere declined by about third from $7.572 billion in 2015 to $5.12 billion in 2016, the report said. The signing of a tax treaty by the Indian and Mauritian governments in

The top seven Indiabased IT companies received only 9,356 new H1B visas in fiscal year 2016, a drop of 37% from FY2015, according to an analysis by the National Foundation for American Policy (NFAP). The sharp decline in the use of H-1B visas by Indian IT companies began in Barack Obama's last year as US president, indicating that Donald Trump was only accelerating an ongoing trend. These are petitions filed during the April 2016 H-1B filing period and approved for individuals to start work on October 1, 2016 (the start of 2017 fiscal year). In the year before, the top seven India-based IT companies received 14,792. The foundation said the decline reflects, in part, industry trends, particularly digital services such as cloud

Patel turns out to be more hawkish

2016 may be the reason for the fall in FDI outflows from India as it "might have contributed to reduced round-tripping FDI," it added. Looking at the future, UNCTAD said that India would be the third top prospective destinations for FDI, after the US and China. It said that

in India "renewed policy efforts to attract FDI could contribute to an increase of inflows in 2017". Twenty per cent of top executives of multinational enterprises (MNE) surveyed listed India as their top prospective host economy for 2017-19, it added. UNCTAD, however added a

note of caution: "Although new liberalization efforts continue to improve the investment climate in India, tax-related concerns remain a deterrent for some foreign investors." The report did not give a specific figure for the brighter picture projected for India, but said that

in the last month, and 19 bps lower than last year. This indicator is commonly used to gauge what the expected average inflation rate will be over a five year period, five years from now. The 5-year swap (i.e. fixed) rate is also down 13 bps in the last month and 10 bps since the start of the year at 0.65%. The financial markets have almost become used to dealing with unprecedented uncertainty as part of a quasi ‘new-normal’. From an Economic perspective, conflicting signals show no signs of abating. For example, it was

reported yesterday that the European Central Bank has ruled out further Monetary easing or rate cuts. Yet, we are seeing relatively poor economic data in the UK; with the OECD warning just this week that next year’s economic growth will slow. This was before last-night’s shock election results. What matters most is how the British Government will be able to manage its most testing ever phase; that of Brexit negotiations and obtaining domestic political support in doing so. If there are fears of a ‘harder’ Brexit, or that remaining EU countries seek to take advantage of these domestic political events, the

That morning after feeling....

remain the largest party in the Commons, they now control only 318 seats out of 650 that’s twelve seats fewer than before the election and less than the 326 seats required for a majority in Parliament. Theresa May can console herself that she won more votes in this Election than any other Conservative leader since John Major in 1992. However, Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party increased their representation in the Commons by 29 seats for a total of 261 seats. What happens now? As I write, the morning after the election, the Theresa May has

asked the Queen to form a Government with the support of the pro-Brexit Democratic Unionist Party. However, combining the Tories’ 318 seats with the DUP’s ten would still only yield a razor-thin three seat majority - not an encouraging prospect. Markets were quick to react to the news, with the Pound nose diving 1.3% against the Euro minutes after the exit poll results were announced at 10pm last night. The financial markets dislike uncertainty more than anything. As I write, the ‘5yr - 5yr Inflation Swap’ is down 10 bps

financial markets will further punish the Pound and possibly deter foreign investment. Even UK exporters are wary of a weakening Pound, because manufacturers often rely on imported raw materials and hence can ‘import’ inflation. You can keep track of key market rates by subscribing to our FREE market rate sheet. Updated daily, this concise summary covers swap rates (i.e. fixed rates for loans), FX rates and more. Visit our website for more details.

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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Indian American among 12 new astronauts chosen by NASA IOWA: An Indian-American aeronautics engineering graduate from MIT has been selected by NASA to join the 2017 Astronaut Candidate Class. Raja Chari, 39, is among 12 new astronauts chosen by NASA on June 7 from its biggest pool of applicants ever. The Astronaut Class of 2017 includes doctors, scientists, engineers, pilots, and military officers from Anchorage to Miami and points in between. The selected members have worked in submarines, emergency rooms, university lecture halls, jet cockpits, and battleships, and range in age from 29 to 42. NASA's acting administrator Robert Lightfoot said, “It makes me personally feel very inadequate when you read what these folks have done.” Lt Col Raja Chari is a commander of the 461st Flight Test Squadron and the

Xi snubs Sharif in Astana over China duo's killing in Pak

BEIJING: Pakistan and China's 'all weather friendship' was tossed into the bin as Chinese President Xi Jinping chose not to meet Pak Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in Astana. The move is said to be China's way of expressing its chagrin at Sharif government's failure to protect the lives of two Chinese citizens who were kidnapped over two weeks back in Balochistan and killed by militants. Murders of the Chinese citizens only gave a boost to the issues of terrorism raised by Modi at a speech at the SCO. China has always defended Pak on the subject, especially when issues are raised by India about its role in abetting terrorist attacks in the country. However, China could not accept the killing of its own citizens during a time when the China Pakistan Economic Corridor will bring hundreds of Chinese engineers and workers to Pakistan. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying said, “We are highly concerned.” She added that China had “always been advising Chinese citizens to not visit highly risky regions.”


Raja Chari

director of the F-35 Integrated Test Force at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Born in Milwaukee and raised in Cedar Falls, Iowa, he graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 1999 with bachelor's degree in Astronautical Engineering and Engineering Science. At the time of his selection, he had accumulated over 2,000 hours of flight time in the F-35, F-15, F-16, F-18, including F-15E combat missions in Operation

Iraqi Freedom and deployments in support of the Korean peninsula. He is scheduled to report for duty in August this year to begin two years of training as an astronaut candidate, and will be assigned technical duties in the Astronaut Office while he awaits a flight assignment, on completion. After training, the new candidates may ride commercial rockets to the International Space Station or flying beyond the moon in NASA's Orion spacecraft.

Their ultimate destination could be Mars. The other chosen astronauts apart from Chari are, Navy Lt Kayla Barron, Zena Cardman, Navy Lt Cmdr. Matthew Dominick, Bob Hines, Warren “Moody” Hoburg, Dr Jonny Kim, Robb Kulin, Marine Maj Jasmin Moghbeli, Loral O'Hara, Dr Francisco “Frank” Rubio and Jessica Watkins. US Vice President Mike Pence welcomed the group during a televised ceremony at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. He offered President Donald Trump's wishes and said that he was “firmly committed to NASA's noble mission, leading America in space.” Pence assured that NASA will have all resources and supports necessary to continue to make history and said he would lead a resurrected National Space Council to help set the direction of the program.

E-cigarettes may be as harmful as smoking NEW YORK: New research has found that electronic cigarettes loaded with nicotine-based liquid are potentially just as harmful as tobacco cigarettes when it comes to cancer causing DNA damage. “From the results of our study, we can conclude that e-cigarettes have as much potential to cause DNA damage as unfiltered regular cigarettes,” said Karteek Kadimisetty, lead author of the study. Electronic cigarettes or ecigarettes are battery-powered devices that heat up liquid and turn it into aerosol vapour that can be inhaled. Cellular mutations caused by DNA damage can lead to cancer. These cigarettes are seen as a better and less toxic alternative for people looking

to break their habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes. The team of scientists decided to look into whether the chemicals in e-cigarettes could cause damage to human DNA while testing a new electrooptical screening device they developed in their lab. Researchers said the small 3D printed device is believed to be the first of its kind capable of quickly detecting DNA damage, or genotoxicity, in environmental samples in

the field. Samples were gathered through an artificial inhalation technique at 20, 60, and 100 puffs of an e-cigarette. Potential DNA damage was found to increase with the number of puffs. The study revealed that potential DNA damage from e-cigarettes was found to increase with the number of puffs. Vapour from non-nicotine ecigarettes caused as much DNA damage as filtered cigarettes possibly due to the many chemical additives present in e-cigarette vapours. Kadmimisetty said, “Some people use ecigarettes heavily because they think there is no harm. We wanted to see exactly what might be happening to DNA.”

‘Hot Yoga’ founder Bikram Choudhury settles sexual harassment suit

CALIFORNIA: Bikram Choudhury, the embattled Indian American founder of 'Hot Yoga,' has finally settled the sexual harassment lawsuit against him for an undisclosed amount ahead of a June 12 trial. The yoga guru was accused of sexually assaulting Larissa Anderson in 2011 at a teacher training workshop. When she spurned his advances in 2013, Choudhury allegedly blackballed her yoga studio and banned her from Bikram Yoga community, as per the lawsuit. An arrest warrant was issued for Choudhury on May 27, after he failed to turn over his assets to settle a $6.47 million lawsuit brought about by his former in-house attorney Minakshi Jafa-Bodden. Minakshi has won her suit in January 2016 but is yet to receive her monetary dam-

70 die in attack on Somalia military base

MOGADISHU: Heavily armed al-Shabab extremists have stormed a military base in Somalia's semi-autonomous state of Puntland, killing close to 70 people, officials said. Officials called it the region's deadliest attack in years, highlighting the twin challenges facing security forces from the al-Qaida-linked al-Shabab and growing presence of fighters linked to IS. The attack began with a blast at the Af-Urur camp, roughly 100 km west of the commercial hub of Bossaso, before extremists overran the base and killed soldiers, said Ahmed Mohamed, a military official.

3 Chinese warships dock in Karachi for war games BEIJING: Three Chinese warships have arrived at the Karachi port in Pakistan as part of a goodwill and training mission which will also include some naval exercises. Official Xinhua news agency quoted Rear Admiral Shen Hao, the commander of the People's Liberation Army (navy) fleet, as saying that the visit will further understanding and mutual trust between China and Pakistan. Pakistani media said that the fleet was received by senior navy officers, including chief of naval staff, Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah, who accorded a guard of honour to the visiting fleet. They visited the fleet along with Chinese embassy officials at the Karachi port. The vessels were identified as Chang Chun, Jing Zhou and Chao Hu.

Blasphemy on FB: Man gets death in Pak

LAHORE: A minority Shia Muslim man in Pakistan was sentenced to death by an antiterrorism court for posting blasphemous content on Facebook, the first death sentence handed for blasphemy on social media in the country. The sentence is the harshest among cyber-crime related sentences handed down so far in the country. Pakistan has never executed anyone convicted of blasphemy. Judge Shabir Ahmed of the anti-terrorism court in Punjab province's Bahawalpur district announced the sentence for 30-year-old Taimoor Raza after holding him guilty of posting derogatory content on Facebook. Blasphemy is an extremely sensitive issue in Pakistan.

28 killed in Bangladesh landslides

DHAKA: Officials and media reports said that 28 people have been killed in landslides triggered by incessant rains in three hilly districts in south-eastern Bangladesh. Chunks of mud have buried many thatched homes since heavy rain began on Monday morning. It is not yet clear how many people were missing. Officials said on Tuesday that at least 14 people died on Monday and overnight in the worst-hit district of Rangamati. Eight died in Chittagong and the rest in Bandarban district.

Oz cops get more teeth in terror fight

ages. His wife Rajashree filed for divorce in December 2015, amidst news of not one, but six sexual harassment lawsuits against her husband. Meanwhile, Choudhury has reportedly shut down his US operations and moved to Lonavala, a hill station outside of Mumbai. He claims to be

broke despite a vintage car collection and a Beverly Hills home. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge John Doyle, on hearing of the accord reached between plaintiff Larissa Anderson and Choudhury, said, “It was the toughest case we had around here for a while.”

SYDNEY: Police in Australia's most populous state will be allowed to shoot suspects in “terrorist related” incidents even if the attacker does not pose an imminent threat, under a proposed law, New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian said. This comes after a series of “lone wolf” Islamist-inspired attacks, the most serious of which raised questions about the traditional police strategy of “contain and negotiate” in hostage situations. Under the proposal, which is likely to be adopted in the state's parliament given the support for it, lethal force can be used immediately if an incident is declared “terrorist related” by the state's most senior police officer. Currently, police have to wait until a suspect demonstrates an imminent threat to others.



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Gulf widens as Saudi, allies place Qataris on `terror list' DUBIA/DOHA: The rift across Arab countries widened as those isolating Qatar tightened their squeeze by putting dozens of figures with links to the country on terrorism blacklists, as ally Turkey rushed to Qatar's side. Developments intensified a confrontation between the tiny-butwealthy Qatar and a group of Arab nations led by Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The world's richest country per capita, Qatar is accused of supporting militant Islamist movements across the region, by Riyadh, Cairo, and their allies. They have imposed what Qatar says is a blockade of shipping and air traffic, and closed Qatar's only land border. The country, however, denies all claims and said it is in fact, helping to reduce the threat of terrorism by backing groups that fight poverty and seek political reform. Saudi, the UAE, Egypt, and Bahrain has added 59 people to terrorist blacklists, including 18 Qataris. Among them is former interior minister and a member of the

nation's royal family, Abdullah bin Khalid Al Thani. Qatar said the move “reinforces baseless allegations that hold no foundation in fact. Our position on countering terrorism is stronger than many of the signatories of the joint statement- a fact that has been conveniently ignorer by the authors.” Meanwhile, Iran sent four cargo planes of food and plans to provide 100 tonnes of fruit and vegetables every day, amid concerns of shortages after Arab countries cut off all ties with the importdependent country. Shahrokh Noushabadi, head of public relations at Iran's

Won't change foreign policy: Qatar Qatar said fellow Arab states' move would endanger stability in the region but it was not ready to change its foreign policy to settle the dispute and would never compromise. Foreign minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani spoke as would be mediators ranging from US President Donald Trump to Kuwait's ruling emir

struggled to ease a crisis that Qataris say has led to a blockade of their nation. “We have been isolated because we are successful and progressive. We are a platform for peace not terrorism ...This dispute is threatening the stability of the region,” Sheikh Mohammed said in Doha. “We are not ready to surrender, and will never be ready to surrender, the independence of our foreign policy.” Sheikh Mohammed said Qatar had not yet been presented with a list of demands by countries that cut off diplomatic and transport links with it, but insisted the matter be solved peacefully. “There cannot ever be a military solution to this problem.” Normally guarded about politics, Qataris expressed outrage. “It is a blockade! Like that of Berlin. A declaration of war. A political, economic and social aggression,” a Qatari diplomat said. “We need the world to condemn the aggressors.” Saudi Arabia's closure of Qatar's only land border sparked fears of major price hikes and food shortages.

Madrid: Hindus in Spain are joining hands to form a united platform to work on issues of common interest and be a voice for the community. A Federación Hindú de España (FHE) is being formed to unite all Hindus, defend, preserve and promote Hinduism, challenge and correct academic misrepresentation of Hinduism, advise the governments on Hinduism and make Hindu representation, promote yoga and claim equal standing with other religions, etc. FHE intends to approach and affiliate other Hindu temples, organizations and groups all over Spain who are not members yet. In future, it also plans to conduct educational programs; train Hindu priests; create directory of Hindu temples, institutions,

associations groups etc. According to reports, founding Hindu groups included Veda Dharma (Madrid), Sudha Satva (Valencia), Arsha Vidya (Madrid) and Advaita Vidya (Barcelona); while Centro Védico Dharma (Alicante) and Om Shiva Shakti (Barcelona) joined later. FHE is expecting three other Hindu groups to join. Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement commended efforts of Hindu groups and community in Spain to unite. He said that it was important to pass on Hindu spirituality, concepts and traditions to coming generations amidst so many distractions in the consumerist society and hoped that this Hindu federation

would help in this direction in Spain. Zed stressed that instead of running after materialism; we should focus on inner search and realization of self and work towards achieving moksh (liberation), which was the goal of Hinduism. Zed also urged the federation to actively participate in interfaith dialogue with other religions to help promote harmony in the Spanish society. As per a rough estimate, there are about 50,000 Hindus in Spain, including Hindus of India-descent and Spanish followers of Hinduism. They are spread all over the country but Canary Islands have a large concentration of them. Some Hindu groups are reportedly registered, while many are not registered yet. There are

about 40 Hindu temples, places of worship in Spain, including temples in Valencia, Malaga, Melilla and Madrid; Hare Krishna temples in Madrid, Barcelona, Tenerife, Malaga, besides an institute and a farm; followers of Brahma-Kumaris, Mata Amritanandamayi Amma, Sathya Sai Baba, Siddha Yoga, Sahaja Yoga, etc. Various Hindu festivals, including Rath-Yatra, are celebrated. Juan Carlos Ramchandani (Krishna Kripa Dasa) is the President of FHE. Other office-bearers include: VicePresident Swami Satyananda Sarasvati, Secretary Hari Das, Treasurer Pedro Soto, Public Relations Naren Herrero, Academic Relations Javier Ruiz Calderón Shankara, and India Representative (Varanasi) Álvaro Enterría.

Islamabad: The joint investigation team (JIT) probing Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his family's alleged offshore assets, as revealed in Panama Papers leaks, has summoned Sharif to appear before it on June 15. The constitution of JIT to further probe the Panama scam involving members of Sharif 's family was ordered by the Supreme Court and had directed the probing body to complete its investigation within

two months. It includes representatives from Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Military Intelligence (MI), Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), State Bank and National Accountability Bureau (NAB). According to government sources, Sharif has been asked to come to the Federal Judicial Academy along with all relevant documents. The summons was

issued to Sharif after he returned from Kazakhstan, where he had been attending the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit. After discussing the issue with his close aides, Sharif has decided to appear before the JIT. Sharif's sons, Husain Nawaz and Hassan Nawaz, have already appeared before the JIT and members of the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) accuse the probing body of

being partial and harassing PM's sons. The case stems from documents leaked from the Panama-based Mossack Fonseca law firm, showing that Nawaz Sharif's daughter, Maryum Nawaz, and his two sons owned offshore companies registered in the British Virgin Islands and used them to buy properties in London. At least eight offshore companies were found to have links to the Sharif family in the documents that were leaked.

national airline said, “Following sanctions... on Qatar, IranAir has so far transported food and vegetables to this country by four flights.”

Hindus in Spain joining hands to create a united voice

Sharif served summons in Panamagate


Indian student shot at in California out of danger

NEW DELHI: India's External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said that the government is following a case with the US police about an Indian man who was shot at in California. In a series of tweets, Swaraj said she has received a report from Indian Consulate in San Francisco that an Indian man identified as Mubeen Ahmed, who was working at a gas station in California, was shot at by a gunman. A gunman demanded money from Mubeen and then fired at him, she tweeted. "He is admitted in the Eden Medical Centre CA. Fortunately Mubeen is now out of danger. We are following up the case with the police," she said. According to reports, 26year-old Ahmed, a native of Telangana, had gone to the United States in February 2015, to pursue his Masters course in a university. He had completed the course two months ago and was doing a temporary job at a private store.

12 killed in attacks on Parliament, Khomeini tomb in Iran

TEHRAN: At least 12 people were killed when attackers raided Iran's parliament and set off a suicide bomb at the Mausoleum of Ayatollah Khomeini in Tehran last week. The Iranian intelligence ministry said security forces had arrested a "terrorist team" planning a third attack. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks. It is the first attack claimed by ISIS, which is at war with Iranian-backed forces in Syria and Iraq. The attacks began in morning when assailants armed with Kalashnikov rifles stormed the parliament building. One of the attackers later blew himself up inside, where a session had been in progress. The attacks, targeting parliament and the shrine of the Republic's revered founder, Ayatollah Khomeini, took place less than a month after the re-election of President Hassan Rouhani, a moderate. The attackers opened fire at the mausoleum, wounding several members of the public, Iran's English-language Press TV said.

10 bodies recovered from Myanmar plane crash

YANGON (Myanmar): The bodies of at least 10 people and parts of a Myanmar military aircraft that went missing over the Andaman Sea, were recovered, the country's Ministry of Defence said. Local media quoted the ministry as saying that aircraft debris and bodies of passengers were discovered 23 km off the country's coast. Myanmar's military had sent vessels and planes to the area, in search of the missing aircraft. The main part of the plane has not been found. The ministry said that the plane, a Y-8-200 F, was carrying 122 members, including 14 crew members. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed grief over the crash through a tweet.

Japan enacts law allowing Emperor Akihito, 83, to abdicate

TOKYO: Japan's parliament passed a law allowing Emperor Akihito to become the country's first monarch to abdicate in 200 years, but put off a debate over how to tackle the shrinking royal population and whether to allow women to ascend the throne. In veiled language, the 83-year-old emperor expressed his wish to abdicate last August, citing his old age and health. Under the law, his abdication must take place within three years. Current succession rules allow only men from the paternal bloodline to ascend the 2,000-year-old Chrysanthemum Throne. Women, but not men, are forced to renounce their royal status if they marry a commoner. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's conservative government supports male-only succession. Akihito's son, 57-year-old Crown Prince Naruhito, is next in line. Naruhito's only child is a girl, and his younger brother, Prince Akishino, has two adult daughters and a 10year-old son, Hisahito. This means only one of the emperor's four grandchildren is an eligible heir. The last emperor to abdicate was Kokaku in 1817.


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Sher Bahadur Deuba Islamic State threatens takes office as Nepal PM attacks in Saudi Arabia

The induction of new ministry has given Nepali citizens hope for development. Rumu Neupane, a resident in Kathmandu, said, “With newly elected Prime Minister, I hope for the development, reduction of dusts in the roads, and an end to corruption. The biggest of all is the development of the nation.” Another resident said, “For the implementation of the Constitution, all the elections should be held on time. The second one is the projects of national pride: fast track, Budhi Ganadaki and others should gain completion phase.” Deuba faces the challenge of appeasing all sup-

porting parties to stand firm on all issues. Downside to the overwhelming support while forming coalition government might take him down for their own vested interests. Analyst Prateek Pradhan said, “It's all about the coalition government. The political parties are more interested to get seats and better positions, better ministries so that they can show their work as well as can earn some money happily, if they are corrupt.” He added, “Sher Bahadur garnered almost two-third majority, 388 if he gets 393 that is the two-third majority, he has already got 388 seats but if the smaller political parties who have some kind of greed, some kind of expectations from the Prime Minister if they don't get benefit from the ministry they might desert him soon.” The new PM has to first face the challenge of holding the second phase election which is 21 days ahead from the day of his swearing-in.




DODOMA: London-based company Acacia Mining has been accused of operating illegally in Tanzania, prompting an almost instant dip in shares. A committee appointed by Tanzanian President John Mangufuli also denounced it of underpaying the government tens of billions of

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17th & 18th June 2017


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Corps blamed the assault on regional rival Saudi Arabia and has threatened revenge. Sunni Saudi Arabia denied any involvement in the attacks. Tensions have been high in the Middle East since Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain severed diplomatic and transport ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism. Doha denies the accusation. The US embassy in Saudi Arabia issued a security notice to US citizens recommending that they "exercise caution in places frequented by foreigners due to the continuing risk of terrorist attacks... across the Kingdom.

Acacia Mining accused of operating illegally in Tanzania

in association with


masked men said. He sent a message to the Saudi government at the end of the video, saying, “Know that after Iran, your turn will come. By Allah, we will strike you in your own homes... We are the agents of nobody. We obey Allah and His Messenger, and we are fighting for the sake of this religion, not for the sake of Iran or the Arabian Peninsula.” The IS has carried out attacks on Saudi security forces as well as deadly bombings and shootings targetting the kingdom's Shia population. Iranian authorities said five of the attackers in Tehran were nationals recruited by IS, while Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards

9 771478

K AT H M A N D U : Nepali Congress President Sher Bahadur Deuba has taken oath as the 40th Prime Minister of Nepal, administered by President Bidya Devi Bhandari, in Kathmandu. He formed his Cabinet by inducting seven new ministers, including three Deputy Prime Ministers; three from Nepali Congress, three from CPN, and one from Nepal Loktantrik Forum. Gopal Man Shrestha from Nepali Congress has been appointed as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education, Gyanendra Bahadur Karki and Farmullah Mansoor as Minister for Finance and Minister for Labour and Employment, respectively. Krishna Bahadur Mahara of CPN (Maoist Centre) has been appointed as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, CPN (MC) leader Janardhan Sharma has been appointed as Minister for Home Affairs and Prabhu Sah has been appointed as minister without portfolio.

DUBAI: Terror group Islamic State has threatened attacks in Saudi Arabia as reported by monitoring group Site Intelligence. The threats came after the group claimed responsibility for assaults in Tehran that killed 17 people. In a video that appears to have been recorded before the attack, five masked fighters can be seen threatening Shias in Iran as well as the Saudi Arabian government saying their turn “will come”. “Allah permitting, this brigade will be the first of jihad in Iran, and we ask our brothers, the Muslims, to follow us, as the fire that was ignited will not be put out, Allah permitting,” one of the

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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


Deepa stopped from entering aunt Jaya's home Chennai: Deepa Jayakumar, the niece of J Jayalalithaa, was not allowed to enter the house of the former Chief Minister in posh Poes Garden. Deepa, who recently floated her own party, said she had been invited to her aunt's home by her brother Deepak. But when she reached there, she was stopped and roughed up by private security guards. A cameraperson who was accompanying her was also assaulted. Her supporters staged a protest, alleging that she had been not allowed to enter the premises by the supporters of TTV Dinakaran, the nephew of VK Sasikala. “I would not even have come here had he not repeatedly insisted. This is a conspiracy by Deepak, acting on behalf of Sasikala,'' she said. Deepa said Deepak had "conspired with Sasikala to kill my aunt Jayalalithaa". "Jayalalithaa was like a mother to him, but for the sake

of money, he turned against her and killed her," she said. Deepa's husband Madhavan also made an appearance and the couple claimed there was a threat to their lives from what they called "musclemen" employed by Sasikala. After Jayalalithaa's death, Deepa had floated

OPS camp disbands panel for merger talks Chennai: As there was no progress on the merger move by the AIADMK factions, the group led by O Panneerselvam (OPS) has dissolved the seven member committee he had set up to work out modalities for merger with the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edapadi Palaniswami (EPS) faction. The OPS camp, which presently has 12 MPs and 11 legislators, also said that the EPS faction has not honoured their demands of expelling party chief VK Sasikala and her nephew TTV Dinakaran from the party. "EPS camp hasn't met our two key demands: to expel Sasikala and Dinakaran. They've not sought CBI probe into Jayalalithaa's death," said Rajya Sabha lawmaker V Maitreyan, who was a member of the now dissolved committee. The committee was formed on the 21st of April but had not met even once with the other faction. AIADMK fractured into two following Jayalalithaa's death

in December as its chief VK Sasikala tried to appropriate the chief ministership from Panneerselvam before her conviction in a corruption case. Before her incarceration, Sasikala appointed EPS, who many see as her proxy, as Tamil Chief Minister and her nephew Dinakaran as the party's number two. The Election Commission froze the party's two-leaves symbol after both sides staked claim for it, saying they represent the original AIADMK. In April, Dinakaran was arrested on charges of bribing Election Commission officials to get control of the symbol. Since his release from prison last week, Dinakaran - who had stepped aside from the party to pave way for a merger - has begun to assert his position. He met nearly 20 legislators of the EPS camp. "Even 45 days after I left, the merger hasn't happened. Now I should save the party and the government," he said, after his release from jail.

AAP readies to corner Amarinder govt

Chandigarh: The budget session of the Punjab assembly which begins on June 14 would be a stormy affair as the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is gearing up to corner the government over a host of issues, including farmers’ suicides, farm debt waiver and “mining mafia.” “We will be taking up several burning issues like rising number of farmers’ suicides in the state. Nonimplementation of farm debt waiver by the Congress-led government is also another issue which will be taken up during the budget session,” AAP MLA and leader of Opposition in Vidhan Sabha HS Phoolka said. Phoolka, a Supreme Court lawyer, said the party would also highlight the “poor” education system in Punjab and demand doubling of budget allocation on

education. The party will also demand filling vacant seats of teachers in government schools. “Sand mining mafia is another important issue which we will be raising in the assembly,” Phoolka said. AAP, the main Opposition party in the state assembly, has also decided to give training to its firsttime legislators in parliamentary exercises so that they can “effectively raise” burning issues in the House. A team of experts will also be attached with each legislator by the party to help them prepare for discussions in the assembly, he said. Notably, opposition parties have been demanding sacking of Punjab minister Rana Gurjit Singh, who was facing the allegations of impropriety in the sand mining contracts.

her own party MGR Amma Deepa Peravai in February. She also claims to be legal heir of the property that belonged to the former Chief Minister. The two were estranged when Jayalalithaa was alive. It was only when her aunt was in hospital that Deepa made an appearance and said she wanted to meet Jayalalithaa, but was not allowed to do so. Poes Garden was a property inherited by Jayalalithaa from her mother Sandhya. There has been no news so far of any will that she left. After her death, her live-in aide Sasikala had continued to live at Poes Garden, till her arrest in February. Sasikala is in jail after the Supreme Court upheld her conviction in the disproportionate wealth case. There have been demands from the rival O Panneerselvam camp that the house be converted into a memorial.

Minor planet named after Bengaluru girl Bengaluru: Sahithi Pingali, a twelfth standard student from Bengaluru’s Inventure Academy, is on cloud nine after a minor planet was named after her. Pingali joins an elite group of people having the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy named after their names. She got the rare honour after she won the prestigious international science award for her work in improving the quality of water. She shined at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF) held in Los Angeles, earlier this month. She won the gold medal for her research on 'An Innovative Crowdsourcing Approach to Monitoring Freshwater Bodies' which was based on Bengaluru lakes. The Lincoln Laboratory of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which owns the right to name minor planets, decided to name a planet after her. At the science fair finals, the 16-year-old won three special awards out of 21 awards won by the Indian contingent. She was also

CHENNAI: A 14-year-old girl was allegedly gang-raped in a private bus by two drivers and a conductor in Tamil Nadu's Salem district, about 350 km from Chennai. The three accused in the case have been arrested. Police say the girl, who had finished Class IX this year, ran away from home in Salem and boarded the bus. She stayed on the bus for the next seven hours as it made several trips from Salem to Omalur. After the last trip, the crew parked the bus in an isolated area and allegedly sexually assaulted the teenager one after the other, police said.

Kerala govt unveils eased liquor policy

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The Pinarayi Vijayan government in Kerala has unveiled a new liquor policy. From July 1, three and four star hotels in Kerala will be allowed to serve liquor to guests. At present, only five-star bars in the state have the licence to serve liquor while others have the licence to serve only beer and wine. The government eased the liquor policy as the earlier policy had caused huge loss of revenue to the state, threatened to downgrade Kerala's status as a pre-eminent tourist destination and split the society down the middle on the desirability and efficacy of prohibition as best means of fighting growing alcoholism.

Pregnant woman set on fire by own family

Sahithi Pingali

awarded “overall second place” in the Earth and Environment Sciences category. “I definitely didn’t see this coming. I was expecting one special award at most. I haven’t yet digested the fact that I have a planet named after me,” she said. Pingali is currently interning at the University of Michigan, working in collaboration with PhD students and professors in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Earlier this month, her work on Varthur Lake has earned her a Gold Medal at the International Sustainable World Engineering Energy Environment Project (ISWEEEP) Olympiad held at Houston in the US.

Chandigarh has highest incidence of diabetes Chandigarh: A research study has revealed that Union Territory of Chandigarh has the highest incidence of diabetes among 15 states. Experts say that less physical activity and use of junk food may pushing up the diabetes cases. The doctors say highest per capita income, genetic predisposition and large number of migratory population could be other reasons behind it. According to the data, the overall prevalence of diabetes is 14% in Chandigarh, highest in 15 states. The city’s 27% poor were also found having diabetes. The results were of an ongoing study, conducted by the Indian Council of Medical Research-India Diabetes study. “Chandigarh has highest per capita income, which

14-year-old girl allegedly gang-raped in bus

means people are more likely to stay indoors and less involved in physical activity,” said Dr Mandeep Singla, endocrinologist, said. “Physical inactivity, excessive intake of junk food that is rich in carbohydrates are the other two reasons. Until people don’t improve their lifestyle, they will continue to get metabolic diseases.” he added. Dr Sanjay Bhadada, endocrinologist, PGIMER, said another reason could that a large number of people are from Punjab and they have highest waist circumference, blood pressure and BMI (body mass index). Dr Bhadada said the exact cause is not clear but there is a theory called Barker’s hypothesis, which can explain the scenario.

BENGALURU: A 21-year-old pregnant Muslim woman was burnt alive by her own family for marrying a Dalit man in Bijapur district. Banu Begum and Sayabanna Sharanappa Konnur fell in love but kept their relationship secret. When Banu's parents came to know about their relationship, they assaulted Sayabanna. Later the duo eloped to Goa and officially got married there. Later when Banu got pregnant, the couple returned to their native village. The families did not accept their marriage and tried to persuade them to end the relationship. But when they failed in their attempt, the couple were attacked and woman was set on fire by her own family members.

Amarinder hails newly elected Punjab-origin MPs in UK

CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh described the election of Indian origin lawmakers to the House of Commons in UK as a dawn of a new era. He congratulated Britain's first female Sikh MP and first turban-wearing MP, along with 10 other Indian-origin lawmakers. He said that the victory of first female Sikh MP Preet Kaur Gill and first turbaned Sikh Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi in England along with two other MPs -- Virender Sharma and Seema Malhotra from Punjab, has endorsed the indomitable spirit of Punjabis. He said that the newly elected MPs would play a major role in the overall development of their native state along with that of England.

Rahul visits Golden Temple

AMRITSAR: Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi along with party MP from Amritsar Gurjit Singh Aujla and other local party leaders paid obeisance at the Golden Temple. Rahul avoided taking VIP entry and stood in queue along with other devotees to reach sanctum sanctorum of the Golden Temple. He first performed a circumambulation and then offered 'Karah Prashad' at the sanctum sanctorum of the temple. It was the first visit of Rahul to Punjab after his party stormed into power in the state.

Drug dealer attacked

BATHINDA: A young man accused of drug dealing in Bathinda in Punjab was attacked by a mob in his village and chopped off his hand and sliced his legs. He died in hospital a few hours later. Vinod Kumar, 25, had been charged with selling drugs and the villagers forced him to leave the village some 6-7 months ago. When Kumar returned to his village, a group of men attacked him. Villagers said they were angry that the police did not take any action against Kumar when they had complained of him selling drugs.


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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Dr. Hari Desai

Rift between Morarji Desai and Justice Chagla Both of them served Congress-led Ministries and also fought for Democracy MC opposed being ruled by a group of opportunists, hypocrites and sycophants History takes quite unusual turns. Morarji Desai(18961995 ), a Wilsonite from Mumbai, was a Deputy Collector with British regime.


e resigned the government job to join Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Patel’s Congress-led freedom movement, fighting British following Gandhian way. He was destined to be the Chief Minister of Mumbai State, Union Minister in the Ministries headed by Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. He resigned as the Deputy PM, opposed Congress, was imprisoned during the Emergency (1975-’77) and became the Prime Minister of India in the Janata Party-led Government. An Oxford-educated Mohammad Ali C. Merchant-Chagla(19001981 ) was a Muslim Leaguer under Mohammad Ali Jinnah till Jinnah was a nationalist, rose to be the Chief Justice of the High Court of Bombay. He found T. T. Krishnamachari, the Union Finance Minister involved in an Insurance Investment fraud. The son-in-law of Nehru, Feroze Gandhi, exposed the misdeeds of the government of his father-inlaw in the Parliament. Justice Chagla was appointed as a head of one-man Inquiry Commission in Mundhra Case, leading to the resignation of the close friend of the PM. Despite such a track record, he was appointed Union Minister in Nehru Cabinet and Indira Gandhi Cabinet as well ! He was also the Indian Ambassador to US and the leader of the Indian Delegation to UN strongly representing India. He preferred to resign as Union Education Minister and narrowly missed the chance to be arrested for opposing the black Emergency of Indira regime. The words of Justice Chagla are still humming in the ears of this writer he heard as a cub reporter covering the first national convention of Bharatiya Janata Party at Mumbai on

29 December 1980 : “This huge gathering that I see before me is Bombay’s answer to Indira. This gathering tells her plainly that those gathered here are opposed to her authoritarian methods and her intention of becoming a dictator. ‌.We are not being ruled by the rule of law but by a group of opportunists, hypocrites and sycophants.â€? Unlike the present era, it was Gandhi-NehruSardar era where the leaders could express their differences quite freely and still work together. One would hardly imagine the clash in writing between a Chief Minister and a Chief Justice of the High Court. But honesty and integrity prevailed in those days. Morarji’s Director of Information, Manilal Shah, reported to the CM that Justice Chagla was critical of the government and the hard-hitting correspondence between both dignitaries started. Morarji notes in the second volume of his autobiography “The Story of My Lifeâ€? : “It is commonly believed that a politician is seldom able to pursue the path of truth but one must have faith that it is possible to pursue truth

Ambasaddor Justice Chagla with US President J F Kennedy

even though one is active politician.� Morarji took Chagla’s lighter comment seriously and was bit irritated which reflected in his letter dated 24 November 1950. “In that at one stage you have said ‘in the modern and complex society every act of ours is controlled by some law, every minute of our living existence is spent in confirming to or – and I hope that is very rarecontravening some rule or regulation enacted by the mighty State.’ You also said that ‘in this conference, however, the Government is not represented as a publisher. Otherwise, all the stalls would be taken up by the different laws that it has published for the betterment of humanity.’ I do not know what the Government of the State of Bombay or any other

a judge is his own, and everyone in England respects it. It is entirely incorrect to say that judges do not visit clubs‌ Have I ever attended a political meeting or spoken on a controversial subject? Have you ever known me say anything about prohibition?....Of course I do speak on questions affecting the administration of justice and I will continue to do so. It is not only my right but my duty and in doing so I am following the highest traditions. I also cannot forget that besides being a judge, I am also a citizen and so I am deeply interested in educational, social and cultural matters.� Both Gujaratis differed on so many issues but they had a bond to serve the motherland and democratic norms where their religion was always a private affair. Next Column: Maulana Azad foresaw disaster of Pakistan ( The writer is a Sociopolitical Historian. E-mail : haridesai@gmail.com )

US President Jimmy Carter in India with PM Morarji Desai and his External Affairs Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Government in the country has done to deserve these comments from you.� CM Desai incorporates Chagla’s replies in his book but the Chief Justice prefers to have full correspondence in his autobiography “Roses in December�. One needs to read both the books together to understand the rift and psyche. Chagla says in his reply to Morarji dated 10 October 1950, “I violently differ from you in your outlook on life and with some of your views. You will concede to me the right to do so. But I have the greatest admiration for your fundamental integrity and honesty of purpose. We both have the same goal in view. We may try to appreciate it by different ways. But so long as we love our country passionately and desire her well being, there ought to be an unseverable bond between us.� In reply of Morarji’s letter dated 24 November , Chagla is little bitter by saying “it clearly shows how much you dislike my being in the position that I am in, and how much you would have preferred a more docile and tractable Chief Justice. I am sorry you have got to put up with me, but perhaps you will be able to do so better if we understand each other.� “You do not realize how independent thinking is fast disappearing from Government officials.� In the letter of 26 November 1950, Morarji Desai talks about the British traditions and democratic norms. In this lengthy letter, he says : “ If dictatorship overtakes this country in my lifetime, I shall not be in the seat of Government but am sure to suffer terribly and even lose my head in an

attempt to fight the dictatorship with whatever little strength of purpose God may have given me.� He did follow this commitment during 1975-’77. “I consider it very essential that I should give no offence to or irritate the head of the Judiciary in the State as cordial relations between the Executive and the

Judiciary are very vital in the interest of a sound Democratic State which both you and I want to build up.� Both Morarji Desai and Justice Chagla differed on the prohibition policy of the Government and also the judges going to the clubs. Chagla in a reply dated 27 November 1950 states : “The private life of

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www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017


Modi to meet Trump on June 26 Shameless Mallya shouts

Both, India and the United States will aim for a “new direction for deeper bilateral engagement” and “consolidation of multidimensional strategic partnership” when Prime Minister Narendra Modi calls upon US President Donald Trump, announced New Delhi and Washington. Modi is scheduled to arrive in Washington on June 25 amid Trump's pressing of stricter norms for issuance of H1-B visas, and the US' pulling out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The two leaders have spoken to each other over the phone three times since Trump's inauguration in January this year, but are yet to meet in person. The statement said, “Their discussions will provide a new direction for deeper bilateral engagement on issues of mutual interest and consolidation of multi-dimensional strategic partnership between India and the US.” Modi's visit comes in the backdrop of Trump's blame on India and China for the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement. As he received global condemnation, Trump had said, “India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and bil-

lions of dollars from developed countries.” India, in response, had said it signed the agreement not under duress or for lure of money, but due to its commitment to protect the environment. In fact, Modi, during his visit to France this month, had said that the country would go “above and beyond” the Paris deal to protect climate for future generations. White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said, “I think you can expect the two of them to set forth a vision that will expand the US-India partnership in an ambitious and worthy way of both countries' people.” He said both the leaders were expected to set forth a “common vision” on expanding the US-India partnership and cited fighting terrorism, economic growth and reforms, and expanding security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region as shared priorities. “President Trump and Prime Minister Modi will look to outline a common vision for the United States-India partnership that is worthy of their 1.6 billion citizens.” Trump had invited Modi to Washington after the latter rang him in January to congratulate

him on his inauguration. “The President and the Prime Minister have had a number of positive phone conversations, and expect to further that discussion,” Spicer said. Given the focus of the upcoming visit, Modi will be in Washington and the Indian delegation will be occupied with engagements with the White House and top administration officials. Modi will meet the Indian community on one occasion but the event will be a rare break from official business. He will look for gains in dealing with Pakistan's role in promoting terrorism and India's case for a seat at the nuclear supplier's group besides enlarging the economic relationship. So far, Trump has sprung more than a few surprises in his foreign policy. He has rubbed his NATO allies the wrong way, saying US is carrying more than its fair burden in supporting the long-standing transAtlantic alliance. He has decisively backed Saudi Arabia against Iran, a move that some feel lacks balance but could also be seen as an attempt to contain at least one major source of instability in the middleeast.

India, Pakistan become full members of SCO Following a long twoyear process, India and Pakistan finally became full members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. A Chinadominated security grouping seen as a counterweight to NATO, India's membership was pushed by Russia, while Pak's entry found steady backing from China. As a member, India is now expected to have a bigger say in launching concerted action in dealing with issues like terrorism, security, and defence. Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, current chair of the SCO said, “India and Pakistan are now members of the SCO. It is a very important moment for us,” as he made the announcement at the summit of the grouping. The group was founded at a summit in Shanghai in 2001 by the Presidents of Russia, China, Kyrgyz Republic, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. It got the ball rolling to make India a member of the bloc way back in 2015, during its summit in Ulfa, when administrative hurdles were cleared to grant membership to India and Pakistan. India has been vying to make the group, and feels that as an SCO

Narendra Modi meeting Chinese president Xi Jinping

member, it will be able to play a major role in addressing the looming threat of terrorism in the region. Representing the nation at the annual meet of the SCO, Prime Minister Modi met Chinese President Xi Jinping and thanked him for China's support. The first Modi-Xi meeting this year, Modi said, “I got the opportunity to meet you again during the SCO summit. I am grateful to you for your efforts and support for India's SCO membership.” The meet came after India's boycott of the OBOR conference attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin. India and China have maintained cold vibes between them, with the latter being open about its

stand to block India's admission into the 48member Nuclear Suppliers Group, and stalling India's move to list JeM chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist by the UN. Modi also met with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and discussed ways to boost IndiaUzbekistan relations, especially economic cooperation. The highlight of his meets was his exchanging pleasantries with Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif at a cultural gala, as both the countries remain tied in deadlocked talks and escalation of hostilities along the LoC in Jammu and Kashmir. This was the leaders' first meet after 2015, when Modi made a surprise stopover in Lahore.

Embattled business tycoon Vijay Mallya resisted and called all charges against him false as he arrived at a London court for an extradition hearing. The court granted him bail till December 4, and set July 6 as the next hearing date for the case. Speaking with reporters outside the Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, Mallya said, “I deny all allegations against me. I have not eluded the court, I have enough evidence to prove that I am not guilty.” A visibly smug Mallya appeared out of the court following the hearing, and said he would make his submission before the appropriate court. When a reporter asked about the “billion pounds” he was accused of fleecing, the Kingfisher tycoon replied, “You can keep dreaming about a billion pounds; you don't know the facts so don't ask irrelevant questions.” The 61 year old who came to the court with his son Siddharth, was arrested by the UK police in April following India's request for extradition. His lawyer Ben Watson informed the court that India is now preparing a second extradition request with further separate charges. Mallya has been in the UK since March last year, and was arrested by Scotland Yard on an extradition warrant on April 18. He was, however, quickly released after furnishing a bail bond worth £650,000 and assuring the court of abiding by all conditions associated with extradition proceedings, such as the surrender of his passport and a ban on him possessing any travel documents. Britain's Crown Prosecution Service will

present the case in court on behalf of the Indian authorities. Mallya's defence team is being led by Joseph Hague Aaronson LLP. They have instructed barrister Clare Montgomery, a specialist in criminal, regulatory and fraud law, to argue in court on their behalf. Booed at the Oval Vijay Mallya was being booed and jeered by Indian fans at Oval as he walked in to watch the IndiaSouth Africa game at the Oval on Sunday. Cries of “chor, chor, chindi chor” and “Vijay Mallya chor hai” rent the air the moment Mallya was spotted. Even son Siddharth was not spared, being greeted with cries of “chor ka beta chor”! Mallya, on the run from Indian authorities and out on bail here, has been in the thick of controversy for attending India's cricket matches and official functions. Such incidents, however, seem to make him more determined to be seen around Team India, and he is expected to be in Birmingham for the semifinal. The Indian government have been trying for Mallya's extradition. The former UB group chief fled the country last year and has unpaid debts close to the tune of £900 million taken as loans from various Indian banks. Mallya's presence

makes Team India squirm Earlier, Mallya also turned up at Virat Kohli's charity ball at the Honourable Artillery Company grounds in London. Sources said that his presence made the Indian team uncomfortable. There was minimal interaction with the fugitive businessman, the former owner of the Virat Kohli-led Royal Challengers Bangalore IPL team. The charity dinner, organized to raise funds to better tackle human trafficking, was hosted by commentator Alan Wilkins, who first called up Virat Kohli, Sunil Gavaskar and Sachin Tendulkar for a chat before inviting Rohit Sharma, MS Dhoni and Yuvraj Singh for a `town-hall' style interaction. Mallya was spotted arriving at the ball in a Rolls Royce, and sources close to the team indicated Virat Kohli and Co had no idea he had bought a table, or was among the invitees. “His presence creates an uncomfortable situation for the cricketers,” said a source. Mallya had earlier caused a media sensation in Birmingham by attending the India-Pakistan game, and then tweeted: “I intend to attend all games to cheer the Indian team.” His continued presence at such events is likely to be perceived as a nosethumping gesture towards Indian authorities, who have filed an extradition request. In fact, in a similar case a year ago, the then high commissioner of India, Navtej Sarna, walked out of a book launch event at the London School of Economics when he saw Mallya in the gathering.

India to get next President on July 20, announces EC The Election Commission of India announced the dates for the Presidential elections. CEC Naseem Zaidi informed the nation that the poll will be notified on June 14 by the Election Commission and that the last day for nomination is June 28. The last day for scrutiny is June 29, and the last day of withdrawal for the nomination will be July 1. Zaidi, addressing a press conference, said no party can issue a whip and MPs and MLAs can choose not to vote. The polls will be held using ballot paper, and the pen for voting will be issued by the Election Commission. Votes cast using any other pen will be cancelled. As President Pranab Mukherjee prepares to retire in July,

Pranab Mukherjee

political parties in the country scramble to decide their position on the issue. While the Opposition is considering talking to the ruling government for a consensus candidate, it also plans to field its candidate in case their offer is declined. Modi government and its allies don't have any visible troubles as they have statistics on their court. The NDA just needs 1.7 per cent votes to reach

the halfway mark, especially after its Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand wins. It banks on the support of parties like TRS, YSR Congress, and two factions of the AIADMK. The BJP camp has seen speculation over the names of senior leaders like Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, and social justice and empowerment minister Thawarchand Gehlot. The Opposition that comprises of parties like the Congress, Trinamool, Left, RJD, DMK, and NCP, have decided to put a nominee and use the campaign to highlight and oppose BJP's “majoritarian” policies. A sub-committee chaired by NCP chief Sharad Pawar is yet to identify a “secular” consensus candidate.




Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

health lifestyle

To Our Readers

We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement any advice. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy.

Moderate drinking could do more damage then good A study into the effects of alcohol consumption which showed that even moderate drinking has damaging effects on the brain has sparked interest about how exactly moderate drinking is defined. There is a lot of confusion about the measurement of alcohol intake, in part because units are defined differently. Examples of standard drinks include a half-pint of beer, a pub measure of spirits or a small glass of wine. So, a pint of beer or a large glass of wine is two units, not one. A bottle of wine contains about seven standard drinks, or units. The HSE’s guidelines for low-risk drinking are a

maximum of 11 standard drinks a week for women, and 17 for men. However, this allocation should be spaced out over the week, it says, not consumed together. Light drinking is consuming less than 5½ units a week – about six small glasses of wine or 2½ pints. Consumption above this but below the weekly recommended limit is considered moderate drinking. That might seem low to some people, but driving with alcohol was considered normal until recent years. Consumption over the 17/11 weekly threshold, or binging, is considered hazardous drinking that can

lead to future health problems. Harmful drinking is defined as when a person is over the recommended weekly limit and has related health problems. Finally, dependent drinking is when the person is addicted to alcohol. The health effects of

heavy drinking are wellknown but as the HSE says the problem with alcohol is “not all about red noses and liver damage”. Even moderate drinking has been linked to a raised risk of breast cancer and reduced fertility among women. On the other hand, there is some evidence to suggest that low to moderate alcohol consumption may have a protective effect against coronary heart disease in women. As Alcohol Action Ireland points out, this latest study again shows the public needs to be aware of the risk associated with consumption of alcohol at any level.

Bilingual Children May Perform Better at Recognizing Voices According to a new study, published in the journal Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, kids who speak several languages are more capable of recognizing voices than those who are monolingual.

Learning multiple languages is a good thing for your child. It can help them understand different cultures, make them more aware and confident, develop their communication skills and boost creativity.

Two men have been ice fishing all day. One has had no luck, while the other has pulled out a ton of fish. “What’s your secret?” asks the unlucky fisherman. “Mmmmm mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm,” is the reply. “I’m sorry; what did you say?” “Mmm mmm mm mmm.” “I still didn’t understand you.” The lucky fisherman spits something into his hand and says slowly and clearly, “You’ve got to keep your worms warm.” *** On an icy, bitter-cold day, Hank visited Lou. “I had a rough time getting here,” said Hank. “For every step forward, I slipped back two.” “If you slid back two steps for every one you took forward, how’d you get here?” asked Lou. “I almost didn’t. But then I said to myself, Forget it. So I turned around and started home.” *** A man vacations on a tropical island, and the first thing he hears is drums. He goes to the beach and hears the drums; he eats lunch, he hears the drums; he tries to sleep, he can’t—drums. Finally he storms over to the manager. “I’ve had it! Can’t you stop those drums?” he begs. “No!” says the manager. “It’s very bad if the drums stop.” “Why?” “When the drums stop, the bass solo begins.” *** A hiker stumbles upon a golden lamp in the forest. He rubs it, and out pops a real-life genie. “In return for freeing me,” says the genie, “I will grant you three wishes.” “I want a million more wishes,” the hiker says immediately. “Rule number one: No asking for more wishes.” The hiker considers his options before replying, “In that case, I want a million more genies.”

Researchers also found that children who can speak and understand more than one language have better cognitive control and focus which makes them better at recognizing different voices. They have been exposed to listening to languages spoken with an accent and may have better social perception that helps them perceive voices more effectively. The study included a total of 41 children out of

which 22 were monolingual English speaker and 19 were bilingual. Further, it was also revealed that bilingual children performed better than monolingual children in recognizing and processing voices speaking in both English and German. When listening to both the languages, bilingual children were better at discriminating and identifying the voices. They were also faster at learning voices. Researchers believe that this study adds to the list of benefits of being bilingual and proves that it may actually be good for your child in not just one but several aspects.


Parents' Divorce and Family Stress Can Affect Children's Health: Study

Excessive stress can be bad for you and your family, especially your little one. If you are going through a stressful event in your life, chances are it might trickle down to your child. Constantly fighting with your spouse or getting into repeated arguments may have a negative impact on your child's brain. According to experts, even prenatal stress can have an effect on the mental health of your baby. Stress during pregnancy puts the fetus under lot of pressure. It may lead to complications in delivery and development issues in the newborn. A recently conducted study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences explains that kids who see their parents separate may take a hit on their mental health. Experts found that kids with separated parents who didn't keep in touch were more susceptible to falling sick over children with separated parents who kept in touch. Family stress

during childhood may influence a child's susceptibility to disease 2040 years later. Many previous studies have studied the concept of 'mirror neurons' explaining why a baby smiles back at you when you smile. Kids therefore have the ability to mirror parental or familial stress as well. It may become an active part of their personality. According to Daphne Hernandez and her team from the University of Houston, "Experiencing family stress - specifically family disruption and financial stress - repeatedly throughout childhood was associated with overweight or obesity by the time adolescent girls turned 18." There has been much documented evidence underlying the association between childhood stress and health ailments in children. While some repercussions may begin to show right in the childhood - irritability, mood swings, depression, poor performance at school, antisocial behavior, aggressiveness - others may surface later in life.



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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

A big banner for Nayanthara and Hiphop Tamizha A

'Maheshinte Prathikaram' to be remade in Tamil Udhayanidhi Stalin has announced that his next film will be with veteran director Priyadarshan and the film will be produced by Santhosh of M o o o n l i g h t Entertainments banner. Now, it is learnt that this film will be the Tamil remake of critically acclaimed Malayalam super hit 'Maheshinte Prathikaram'. The film starring Fahad Fazil in the lead role won two National awards under the Best Malayalam film and the Best Screenplay (Shyam Pushkaran). The film made on a budget of £450,000 went on to collect £1.73 million. The shooting of the Tamil remake is expected to begin from the 15th of July 2017.

ctors Atharvaa and Nayanthara’s film together directed by Ajay Gnanamuthu is the much awaited 'Imaikkaa Nodigal.' The teaser trailer which was released recently has got a good reception among watchers and the work on the movie is happening at a good pace. The latest is that, this film which has music by Hiphop Tamizha has got a big banner for it’s audio. The audio rights have officially been acquired by Think Music India. Cameo Films took to their Twitter space to confirm the same. This movie is expected to be released in October 2017.

Rajinikanth takes a break? S u p e r s t a r Rajinikanth is busy these days with 'Kaala Karikalan'. The film, directed by Pa Ranjith, is said to be about a man who came to Mumbai from a town in Tamil Nadu and went on to rule the city as a don. The shooting for the flick is on in full swing in Mumbai and the Superstar had been shooting continuously for it. Now, the actor has taken a break and returned to Chennai. According to a source, "Rajinikanth landed in Mumbai on May 28 and started shooting on the same day. He filmed on the streets of city, in pockets where Tamil population resides. The team is in Mumbai for a 40-day schedule. But Rajini shot for his portions and has gone back to Chennai. Ranjith is shooting portions that doesn't require the Superstar. Now, the actor will return in a week to resume his work on the film." 'Kaala Karikalan' is Ranjith's second film with Rajinikanth after 'Kabali', and stars Huma Qureshi, Nana Patekar and Anjali Patil among others.

‘Bank Chor’

'Bank Chor' will star Riteish Deshmukh, Vivek Oberoi and Rhea Chakraborty. It is the story of Champak Chandra Chiplunkar (Riteish Deshmukh) who along with two of his friends tries to rob a bank.

Mind your business, Shruti Haasan tells trolls

Obscene videos on film industry celebrities

Actress Shruti Haasan has warned body-shamers, saying that how she chooses to look is 'nobody's business' but hers and that she's 'not answerable to anyone.' Shruti, 31, was recently fat-shamed after she gained weight for her new film 'Behen Hogi Teri.' Accusations of a lip job were also renewed. Shruti said, "It's my face, my body. What I do with it is nobody's business. What people write about me on social media does not bother me. I am not answerable to anyone." Shruti has put on eight kilos to play the character of Binny in 'Behen Hogi Teri,' something which was a stipulation of the role. "Given the family and background that my character Binny Arora comes from, it was essential that she look fuller. Thankfully, gaining weight paid off, given the amazing response our trailer received," Shruti said. Shruti also talked about the unforgiving standards of beauty that actresses are held to, from which is no deviation is countenanced. "Looking good is part of our job, but the unnecessary chatter about weight must be filtered. To maintain an 'acceptable' figure for an actress is impossible. We are human. We gain and lose weight for roles, and sometimes naturally too," she said.

A few months ago the obscene videos and messages involving film industry celebrities mainly actresses was leaked in the Twitter of popular RJ and singer Suchitra. It came to be known as Suchileaks. Within a few days the account was deactivated. Actress Amala Paul is one of the top heroines whose name was involved in 'Suchileaks' when she was busy with multiple projects. She did not react in any manner to the controversy at that time. But now the 'Myna' girl has for the first time spoken about the same. In her interview to a leading Tamil magazine, Amala was quoted saying "I was told that one of my videos is going to be released. I was also eager to watch the video but sadly the account was deactivated. I was sad that I could not watch my video." Amala's latest Malayalam release 'Achayan' is doing well at the box office. In Tamil she has completed 'VIP 2' with Dhanush, which has been scheduled to hit the screens in July. The actress confirmed that she plays Dhanush's wife in this film while she was seen as his lover in the first part that released in 2014 and turned out to be a blockbuster. She is presently shooting for 'Bhaskar Oru Rascal' with Arvind Swamy, 'Minmini' with Vishnu Vishal and 'Tiruttu Payale 2' with Bobby Simha.

Kajal to replace Tamannah in Tamil remake of 'Queen'

T ‘Atithi In London’

'Atithii in London' is a comedy movie. The movie stars Karthik Aaryan, Paresh Raval, Kriti Kharbanda and Tanvir Azmi.


amannah was supposed to play the lead role in the Tamil remake of Bollywood film 'Queen', which fetched the National Award to its lead actress Kangana Ranaut. Thiagarajan who holds the South Indian remake rights of the film said the 'Dharmadurai' actress could not be retained as the remuneration quoted by her was not affordable. Now sources suggest that Kajal Aggarwal has been zeroed in for the lead

role of the remake which will be written by Suhasini and directed by Revathy. Amy Jackson is expected to play the crucial supporting character played by Lisa Hayden in the original. An official confirmation in this regard is still awaited. Kajal has completed shooting for 'Vivegam' with Ajith and 'Thalapathy 61' with Vijay. She has not signed any other new film in Tamil as of now.


Priyanka gets trolled for going under the knife AsianVoiceNews



Varun, Taapsee and Jacky head to Portugal

Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

'Dangal's' earnings may touch £200 mn


ot-too-long-ago, Shruti Haasan got trolled for her alleged plastic surgery. However, the actress refused to comment on the issue asserting that she is not answerable to anyone. Now, the latest victim seems to be Priyanka Chopra who is getting trolled on social networking sites for the same reason. It all started when PeeCee posted a picture of herself on Instagram before landing in Mumbai. That particular picture drew attention to her nose and Twitteratti couldn't stop talking about how it looked unusual. This isn't the first time the actress was trolled for her alleged nose job. She was also once questioned about the same on a talk show.

Sushant Singh Rajput's behaviour


Stardom won't affect me: Sushant Singh

came under scanner after the success of “M S Dhoni: The Untold Story.” Sushant said he was not "dumb" to get affected by stardom but at the same time he was not willing to let the opinion of other people influence his decisions. "After 'M S Dhoni...' people started saying I turned arrogant but people see things the way they want to. I am not bothered by what others feel about me... I know how I am and how I want to be," Sushant said. "Dumb people get affected by stardom. I believe that anyone who is intelligent will know that apart from the actor, there are so many other parameters deciding the success of a film and making an actor a star." Recently a clip of Sushant losing his cool on a journalist, when she asked him about the Kulbhushan Jadhav issue, went viral. The actor refused to comment on the subject which he was not familiar with. Sushant, said he was not here to please people and will talk about the subject which he is aware of. "I take the responsibility of everything I do. If I am asked some question I will say what I feel, not what somebody else wants to listen. I am not man to please people. I will not endorse a popular opinion just for the sake of getting an acknowledgement. I will be extremely confident in putting forward my version of things." Sushant said he became rich and famous during his television days and he would have continued to do that if money was his endgame. "We define success on money and fame. They are taken way too seriously. Initially, money and fame were important to me as well. It was a big high when it started happening, but I got used to it during my TV days. Thankfully, I was doing something which I really liked (acting), otherwise I don't know what I would have done with my career."

Varun Dhawan, Taapsee Pannu and Jacqueline Fernandez are set to fly to Portugal in July to continue to shoot for David Dhawan-directed 'Judwaa 2'. They had an extensive 40-day schedule in Central London earlier. "It's a five-day schedule. The makers will leave for a reccee around mid-June to lock the final locations in Portugal. It will be a glamorous number for which the team is on the lookout for a choreographer. They are finalising a name in a week and will subsequently kick off rehearsals," said a source. Varun, Taapsee and Jacqueline have already shot for the recreated version of 'Oonchi Hai Building' from the Salman Khan-starrer 1997 original in London and will be shooting for 'Tan Tana Tan' in Mumbai later. Taapsee had said that she was excited to shoot for the two numbers for the Sajid Nadiadwala production. "Both are iconic and have been on my playlist forever. We'll be shooting in Central London and hopefully in Oxford too," the actress had said. Meanwhile, Varun has given his nod to Abhishek Varman's 'Shiddat', in which he is paired opposite Alia Bhatt, while Jacqueline is to start promoting Krishna DK-Raj Nidimoru's 'A Gentleman'. Taapsee is promoting her new Telugu film, 'Anando Brahma'.

he Aamir Khan-starrer 'Dangal' since its release in China in May 2017 has earned almost £110 million, a record in itself. The film directed by Nitish Tiwari and also featuring Sakshi Tanwar, Zaira Waseem, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Sanya Malhotra, has gone from strength to strength, quickly racking up collections that are higher than any other Indian film has seen thus far. It's £110 million haul from China (where its run has been extended for another month) adds substantially to its previous approximately £75 million in India and other territories to bring it very close to a total box office collection of £190 million. Media watchers are anxiously awaiting whether the collection would tough the £200 million mark a landmark for an Indian film. Whether or not it manages to reach that landmark, its leading man has a record pay cheque to his name. Unlike other Bollywood superstars Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar - who charge a flat fee and a share of the profits from their movies, Aamir insists on being paid from the profits alone. Recent reports have indicated that his profit share from 'Thugs of Hindostan' will be as high as 75 per cent - although there was no confirmation about the figure. Before 'Dangal' travelled to China, and a little after its successful run in Indian theatres, Bollywood Hungama had computed Aamir's earnings from the film to be around £20 million.

Prabhu Deva to direct 'Dabangg 3'

Ritesh Deshmukh turns 'musician'

Bollywood buddies Vivek Oberoi and Ritesh Deshmukh came together on Kapil Sharma's comedy show recently and the 'Masti' actors were seen having a gala time, along with host Kapil. Apart from the bonhomie, everyone was surprised when Ritesh took to the stage to unveil his musical talent. During the show, Ritesh couldn't resist but showcase his histrionics as he played a melodious tune using just a table and plastic cup! The audience were stunned and everyone praised him for his act. A source from the set said, "Everyone was stunned when Ritesh started playing the tune. He gave an amazing performance surprising everyone with his hidden talent which no one knew about."


he Dabangg franchise has another edition coming up, though there is no official announcement yet. But the makers have approached Prabhu Deva to direct 'Dabangg 3.' No confirmation from Arbaaz Khan's production house so far, but Salman Khan has spoken of a collaboration with Prabhu Deva which will definitely happen soon. That's more than a subtle hint coming for Khan. This project may take off only after the actor completes Ali Abbas Zafar and Remo D'Souza's dance drama. Apart from this one he may also be seen working with SLB, this was long due.



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Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

A Father's love is known to be irreplaceable and eternal The bright light on a dull day, the main source of strength in the weakest of moments, fathers spend their entire lives selflessly working for their families' good future. He never preached or scolded; and the rod – Well, he used it as a turning pole in play. But he showed the tender sympathy of God. To his children in their troubles, and their joys. He was always chum and comrade with his boys, And his daughters – oh, you ought to hear them say ‘Father.’

Let us celebrate

Fathers Day

with well-known singer Maya Deepak & Group Harrow

Saturday 17th & Sunday 18th June from 6 to 10pm including dinner. Presented by By

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Tickets: £15 for front 8 rows and £12 for remaining rows


Gujarat Samachar - Asian Voice The Masefield Suite, Harrow Leisure Centre, Harrow, HA3 5BD

For Tickets contacts: Kamal Rao: 07875 229 211 or Kokila Patel: 07875 229 177


Hindu Council Wales. Sanatan Dharma Mandal & Hindu Community Centre, Seaview Building, Lewis Road, Cardiff CF24 5EB For Tickets contacts: Vimla Patel: 07979 155 320 Radhika Kadaba: 07966 767 659

ge r: J

v ayu Ra


er : Ro ck



Sunday 25th June 2017 from 3pm to 7pm.


Presented By


Saturday 24th June 2017 from 5.30pm including dinner


Shree Hindu Community Centre, 541-A Warwick Road, Birmingham B11 2JP For Tickets contacts: Anjuben Shah: 07814 583 907 Jayantibhai Jagatia: 07808 930 748

If you wish to share your information or need more details about the special magazine, organise shows and tickets, please contact

Kamal Rao: 020 7749 4001 / 07875 229 211 Email: kamal.rao@abplgroup.com Kokila Patel on 07875 229 177 Email: kokila.patel@abplgroup.com

Sneh Joshi

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 At home you need to

become more organised and active around your loved ones. This is also a time when you need to sort out any differences you may have with a family member. You should be very careful that there are no arguments or misunderstandings. This is a period when you reflect and also try to move forward.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 Venus, your ruling planet,

moving through your sign, helps you as people are drawn to you and appreciate the qualities you display most naturally. Possessiveness can be a problem, don't be mentally and physically overwhelming in intimate relationships. You should try to handle your money and resources with a clear head.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 Very important time in

relationships, be it with family or partner, as Saturn continues to dominate your 7th house. Get out as much as possible. Do not be misled by inconsequential issues as you will have better opportunities if you stick to your main objectives. Mentally you will be in good form to make on-the-spot decisions.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22

You need patience this week. You have been stepping on people's toes and it may be upsetting everyone around you. Calm down and you'll find that everything works out much more easily. You need to to settle down and remember patience brings happiness and new friends. Focus on essentials and establish a solid foundation.


Term 'genius' alienates women, says lecturer A Cambridge lecturer says colleagues should refrain from using terms like brilliant, genius and flair, as they could alienate female students. Dr Lucy Delap, deputy director of history and policy at Cambridge, said these terms were vague and carried assumptions of gender inequality. Dr Delap said female students were often less likely to project themselves into such categories. She said a "maledominated environment" at Oxbridge must be challenged. Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Dr Delap said: "Students who're arriving at an Oxbridge college can still find it a bit of a male-dominated environment. "If you look at just something as simple as the art on the walls of a college, they're often by men and they depict men and

often they're white men as well. "We think that a more plural environment would encourage a wider range of people being able to imagine themselves as powerful figures, as success stories, as excelling in academic terms." In 2015-16, 31% of women students gained firsts in history at Cambridge compared with 39% of men. Dr Delap's comments come a month after a group of 14 black undergraduates at the university posed for a photograph aimed at breaking

Norway is proposing a ban on the Muslim full face veil and other face-covering clothing because it says it hinders communication between pupils and teachers.

The ban, the first in Scandinavia, targets the niqab as well as burqas, balaclavas and masks, and would apply in nurseries, schools and universities. However headscarves,

down stereotypes of the institution. The group posed for several images that were shared on social media in an attempt to encourage more black students to apply to Cambridge. In April, Oxford University announced it was putting up more portraits of women in its buildings. It said it wanted to redress the balance from the university's walls being lined with pictures of "dead white males" by adding more women and ethnic minorities.

Norway to ban full-face veil in nurseries, schools and universities

Coming Events

l Sree Sree Anukulchandra's Satsang will be held on June 17, 6.30 pm onwards, at VHP Ilford Hindu Centre, 43 Cleveland Rd, Ilford, Essex, 1G1 1EE

l Thoughts and Images- an exhibition of paintings in acrylic handmade paper by Sunayana Panda, from June 13 to 15, 11am to 7 pm, at The Bhavan Centre, 4a Castletown Road, West Kensington, London, W14 9HE

hats and caps could continue to be worn. Most parties support the bill, which is expected to pass next year. Local authorities in Norway can already ban the full-face veil in schools but there is no national policy. However critics have questioned the bill's relevance given that the fullface veil is not widely worn in Norway.

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LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23 The fiery planet Mars is the moving force in regard to amorous experience, giving more than just a hint that links between lovers will be rather intense and passionate. Your thinking is inspired, so listen to your thoughts. Extra energy and drive will serve you well in getting things accomplished. Keep both your feet firmly on the ground.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 Friendships need to be scrutinised carefully. Sometimes it is a good idea to stand back and re-assess life. Organise your time so that it is not taken up entirely by the demands of other people. Life appears to be focusing your mind on practical matters. So you will need to organise your time carefully if you are to avoid an "all work and no play" situation.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 It is essential that you adopt a very open attitude now for this is a time of lucky opportunity and a chance to greatly enrich your working life and at home. New windows on the world are about to open and this is bound to have a maturing effect on you from now into the future. There is a rather secretive aura surrounding new romance, which could turn into something very special.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22 Venus, the goddess of love, is transiting your oppoaite sign. This is a time when you naturally show your softer side. Romantic matters, as well as pleasure-seeking activities, come to the fore now. You are more likely to pay closer attention to your physical appearance and aim to improve and enhance your attractiveness. At home, be diplomatic or there will be misunderstandings.

Regardless of the limits, you have the capacity to turn the course of your life in a more fulfilling direction. People entering your life now will encourage you to move beyond your established boundaries of safety. You will be pleased to see that your social life livens up during this week. Joint resources need to be scrutinised.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 It's time to rethink, revise, and reorganize your plans. Backtracking is a good idea. Daily affairs become less complicated and this frees you up to tend to more worldly goals. Your original ideas can capture the attention of your superiors. Professional opportunities abound. Love has a private feel and you are not ready to share your feelings with others. AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

All close ties of love and affection will benefit from the gentle influence of Venus. The need to push ahead with personal interests and to assert yourself with added force will take precedence over everything else for some time to come. Give yourself plenty of physical outlets to drain off some of the excess mental stimulation.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

You have everything to gain by following creative inclinations. If you have new ideas, now is the time to put them into practice. Keep your assertive inclination under control as conflict and disagreement could be sparked off by your short sightedness. Think carefully about the implications of your actions.

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Muralidaran inducted into ICC Cricket Hall of Fame Muttiah Muralidaran, the most successful bowler in Tests and One Day Internationals (ODI), was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame during the innings break of the India versus Sri Lanka ICC Champions Trophy match at The Oval on Thursday. The retired Sri Lanka spin legend was awarded the honour along with Arthur Morris, George Lohmann and Karen Rolton by fellow ICC Cricket Hall of Famers and members of the media, according to a statement from the International Cricket Council (ICC). He became the first player from Sri Lanka and the 83rd overall to be formally inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame when ICC Chief Executive David Richardson presented him with a commemorative framed cap. "It is a moment of great pride and honour to be receiving this award, especially from the ICC which is the ultimate any cricketer can aspire to achieve. The induction during this prestigious ICC Champions Trophy makes it even more remarkable," Muralidaran said. "I thank the ICC for making this possible because this is a moment I will cherish throughout life."

Argentine town braces for Messi's superstar wedding Football superstar Lionel Messi's Argentine home town is preparing to host footballing and showbiz celebrities when he marries childhood sweetheart Antonella Roccuzzo this month in Latin America's wedding of the decade. Colombian popstar Shakira, wife of Messi's Barcelona teammate Gerard Pique, has said she hopes to attend. Media such as local Rosario newspaper La Capital also expect other current and former Barcelona stars such as Luis Suarez, Neymar, Cesc Fabregas and Xavi Hernandez to be among the invitees. The Barcelona forward's agents confirmed that the couple will wed in Rosario on June 30, a week after Messi's 30th birthday. The guest list, venue and party details are the subject of speculation. Sources in the city's cathedral denied reports that Messi and Roccuzzo would have a religious wedding ceremony there.

Shah Rukh in talks to buy T20 franchise in S Africa Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan could buy a franchise in the newly formed South African T20 League. He currently owns Kolkata Knight Riders team of the Indian Premier League (IPL) and a Caribbean Premier League (CPL) franchise. According to a report, Khan is interested in T20 Global League of South Africa. The owners of the eight franchises will be announced at the Lord’s Cricket Ground on June 19. The report said that the sports management team of SRK has been in talks with Cricket South Africa (CSA) as he wants to buy a team in Cape Town or Johannesburg. Keeping the growing Indian market value in mind, the CSA took the initiative as they eye the Indian market for the venture that was announced two months ago. The report also said that SRK sent his emissary to South Africa for discussion of the same who brought to the table SRK’s brand value that has boosted KKR’s popularity. Other than the Bollywood celebrity, businessmen from India as well as those with Indian origin based in South Africa have also shown interest in the franchises. A few IPL owners have also reportedly placed bids but N Srinivasan, the discredited BCCI chief, has backed out. The CSA offers Tier 1 cities for $ 50 million to be paid over a period of 10 years and Tier 2 cities for $ 30 million. The salary cap has been pegged at $ 1.5 million (about £1 million) a year in comparison to IPL at £6.6 million a year.




Asian Voice | 17th June 2017

Rafael Nadal won his record 10th French Open title by dominating 2015 champion Stan Wawrinka 6-2, 6-3, 6-1 in the final on Sunday. No other man or woman has won 10 championships at the same major in the Open era, which began in 1968. The 31-year-old Nadal was overwhelmingly good from start to finish against Wawrinka - and over the past two weeks en route to La Decima, Spanish for `10th'. Not only did Nadal win every set he played in the tournament, he dropped a total of only 35 games, the second fewest by any man on the way to any title at a Grand Slam tournament in the Open era with all matches being best-of-five-sets. Along with improving to 10-0 in finals at Roland Garros, Nadal increased his career haul to 15 Grand Slam trophies, breaking a tie with Pete Sampras for second place in the history of men's tennis, behind only rival Roger Federer's 18. It marked a stirring return to the top form for Nadal in his favourite event and on his favourite surface – clay. A year ago in Paris, Nadal surprisingly withdrew before the third round because of a wrist injury. Finally back to full strength in the off season, Nadal returned to work, reconstructing his forehand and redoubling his efforts to get back to his best. Well, he sure proved to be precisely that on Sunday. Wawrinka is no slouch; he owns three major titles, including one from Roland Garros, and had never lost a Grand Slam final. But a fiveset semifinal win on Friday over Andy Murray must have taken something out of the 32-year-old from Switzerland. His shots didn't have their usual verve, his

legs their usual spring. After one point on Sunday, Wawrinka bent over, leaning one arm on his racket and resting the other on a knee. Nadal has that way of wearing down opponents. On this day, he was nearly perfect. He won all 12 service games, saving the lone break point he faced, and made a mere 12 unforced errors. Bopanna- Dabrowski win mixed doubles crown

In his 14th year on the Tour, Rohan Bopanna, in partnership with Gaby Dabrowski (who became the first Canadian woman to win a Grand Slam), got the monkey off his back and became only the fourth Indian after Bhupathi, Leander Paes and Sania Mirza to win a Grand Slam. Like most things Bopanna, the win came the hard way. The seventh seeds saved two championship points to beat Anna-Lena Groenefeld of Germany and Colombia’s Robert Farah. For all his obvious talent and consistency on the doubles tour, the spotlight has rarely been on Bopanna. For long a sideshow in Indian tennis’ soap opera of selection fiascos and camps, he has had to play catch-up and grow steadily. However, the 37-year-old - India’s highest-ranked doubles player at

22 - has let the racquet do the talking lately. Bopanna started the year with the Chennai Open title with Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan and won April’s Monte Carlo Masters with Uruguay’s Pablo Cuevas. Incidentally, his last four Masters finals have all come on clay, including April’s Monte Carlo title. Bopanna, who admittedly didn’t like the surface during the initial years, has said that he has learned to adapt and has begun to enjoy clay in the past couple of years. Relieved as he may be after checking one box, Bopanna’s next, arguably bigger, challenge would be winning the men’s doubles title. After all, the mixed event is played officially at only the four Grand Slams and the Olympics, and is perceived by many as an afterthought. Only two years ago, Paes went on a rampage with Martina Hingis, collecting all Grand Slam mixed doubles titles except French Open, which they won in 2016. The defending champions were knocked out in the first round this year, another instance of the 43year-old Paes’ waning powers. But while Paes won the last of his eight men’s doubles Grand Slam in 2013, Bopanna contested his only final seven years ago. However, one can count on the pragmatic Bangalore man to draw confidence from his achievement and kick into another gear. In any case, a French Open mixed doubles title goes a long way in establishing him as the country’s go-to doubles player. French crown for Ostapenko Latvia's Jelena Ostapenko stunned third seed Simona Halep 4-6, 6-4, 6-3 on Saturday to win her

maiden Grand Slam title and become the lowest-ranked champion in French Open history. World number 47 Ostapenko is the first unseeded player to lift the Roland Garros title in the Open era and the first Latvian major champion in history. The 20-year-old is the youngest French Open winner since Iva Majoli in 1997 and the first player to win a debut tour-level title at a Slam since Gustavo Kuerten in Paris that same year. “I am really happy. I have no words. It was my dream,” said Ostapenko, who will rocket to 12th in the rankings. She trailed by a set and 3-0 but launched a memorable comeback with a remarkable display of fearless shot making. “I was just trying to stay aggressive. A couple of games, everything turned my way. I was 3-0 down but I was fighting for every point. I still cannot believe it. It was my dream always. When I was a child I was watching. It's amazing to play here. I just enjoy it so much.” For Halep, bidding to join compatriots Ilie Nastase and Virginia Ruzici as major winners, it was a second final defeat in four years at Roland Garros. The 25-year-old would have replaced Angelique Kerber as world number one with victory, but Halep was overpowered as Ostapenko blasted 54 winners to the Romanian's 10.

Shooters Jitu, Heena grab world cup gold in mixed team air pistol Ace Indian shooters Jitu Rai and Heena Sidhu clinched the gold medal in the Mixed Team Air Pistol event after beating Russia 7-6 in the final at the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) World Cup Rifle/Pistol stage at Gabala (Azerbaijan) on Monday. France beat Iran by an identical score to settle for the bronze in the event. Earlier on Sunday, both Jitu and Heena had narrowly missed making the final of the individual men's and women's 10m Air Pistol event, when they finished 12th and 9th in their respective qualification rounds. Only the top eight make it

through to the final. Although the Mixed Team events are not being considered for the medal tally at the World Cup stage this year, they have been approved as medal events for

the Tokyo 2020 Olympics in a recent official communiqué. This heralds well for the pair of Jitu and Heena as this was their second gold in a World Cup stage together, having won the event in the

New Delhi World Cup earlier this year. Overall, China leads the medal tally at Gabala, with six medals, out of which three are gold medals. A total of 430 athletes from 45 countries are competing for medals at Gabala World Cup which will be the last chance for Rifle and Pistol shooters to qualify for the year-end showpiece - the ISSF World Cup Finals (WCF) - which has the eight best shooters of the world in each Olympic discipline along with reigning Olympic and World Championship medallists and wild-cards squaring-off with each other.

Sport 32


Asian Voice | 17th June 2017




England, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh have reached in the semifinal stage of the ICC Champions Trophy. In the first semi-final England will meet Pakistan on Wednesday in Cardif. In the second semi-final India will meet Bangladesh on Thursday in Edgbaston. Sarfraz Ahmed's 61 takes Pakistan to semi-final Skipper Sarfraz Ahmed cracked 61 as Pakistan survived some tense moments before notching up a three-wicket win over Sri Lanka in their must-win Group B match to enter the semifinals of the ICC Champions Trophy at Cardiff on Monday. Pakistan will meet Group A toppers England in the first semifinal on Wednesday at the same venue. Chasing a modest 237 to win, opener Fakhar Zaman (50) cracked a 36-ball 50 at the top but Pakistan suffered an inexplicable collapse to slip to 162-7. Finally, it was Sarfraz Ahmed, who played a resolute captain's knock to take Pakistan home. The wicket-keeper batsman shared 75 runs with Mohammad Amir (28) for the 8th wicket as Pakistan overhauled the target with 31 balls to spare. Sri Lankan seamers, led by Nuwan Pradeep (3/60), produced a disciplined bowling performance but some sloppy fielding, which included two drop catches of Sarfraz, cost them the match. Earlier, fast bowlers Hasan Ali (3/43) and Junaid Khan (3/40) claimed three wickets each, while Amir (2/53) and Fahim Ashraf (2/37) accounted for two wickets to help Pakistan bowl out Sri Lanka for 236 after electing to field. Opener Niroshan Dickwella (73) and skipper Angelo Mathews (39) added 78 runs for the fourth wicket but Amir and Junaid took two wickets each in the space of 3.2 overs as Sri Lanka lost four wickets for six runs to slip to 167-7. India thrash South Africa India defeated South Africa by 8 wickets on Sunday to enter the Champions Trophy semi-final. Shikhar Dhawan top-scored with 78 runs in India's win, while captain Virat Kohli remained unbeaten on 76. With this win, India moved to the semifinal of the Champions Trophy where they will meet Bangladesh at Edgbaston, Birmingham on June 15. Earlier, a disciplined Indian bowling performance restricted South Africa to 191 runs in 44.3 overs in the Group B Champions Trophy clash at The Oval. Asked to bat, South Africa were off to a slow but steady start with openers de Kock and Hashim Amla adding 35 runs in the first 10 overs. Opener Quinton de

Kock was the highest scorer with 53 runs from 72 balls. Pacers Jasprit Bumrah and Bhuvneshwar Kumar bagged two wickets each. Star off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin got the breakthrough for India when Amla mistimed a cut and Mahendra Singh Dhoni displayed lighting quick reflexes to glove the top edge. Ravindra Jadeja struck the second blow for India when he knocked back de Kock's off-stump. His dismissal saw the Indian bowlers starting to dominate proceedings as the rest of the South African batsmen displayed poor shot selection at times. Except for AB de Villiers and Jean-Paul Duminy, none of the other SA batsmen were able to reach double figures. England in semis England skipper Eoin Morgan and all-rounder Ben Stokes came out with a brilliant batting performance before rain came in as England defeated Australia by 40 runs through DLS method to knock them out of the Champions Trophy at the Edgbaston Cricket Ground on Saturday. England, chasing 278, were 240-4 after 40.2 overs when rain came in for the second time during the innings and the match was officially called off by the umpires at that stage. The hosts needed to be at 200-4 as per the DLS after 40.2 overs. The Eoin Morgan-led side had a horrific start to their chase as they were left reeling at 35-3 following the dismissals of Jason Roy, Alex Hales and Joe Root and looked in a spot of bother. However, Stokes (102) combined with Morgan (87) to pull England back from the abyss and put them on course for a win. Australian bowlers were guilty of bowling short and English duo ensured they kept the scoreboard ticking with regular fours and sixes. Stokes played with straight bat and used the pace of

the ball while Morgan ran hard along with using the long handle to good effect. The pair meant business and played with a steady head. They ensured there were not many dot balls in the passage of play. They both shared a 159-run stand before the skipper was run out at the team's score of 194, but not before putting England in a comfortable position. Epic win for Bangladesh Shakib Al Hasan and Mahmudullah scripted one of the most memorable comebacks in ODI cricket as they stitched a 224-run partnership to help Bangladesh overhaul the 266-run target set by New Zealand with five wickets and 16 balls remaining. Bangladesh were reduced to 33-4 in the 12th over when the duo joined hands in the middle. Shakib finished with 114 off 115 balls as Mahmudullah remained unbeaten on 102 off 107 balls. Bangladesh's effort knocked the Kiwis out of the Champions Trophy. Mossadek Hossain marked his return to the Bangladesh side by taking three wickets as New Zealand slumped to a total of 265 for eight in a must-win Champions Trophy clash at Cardiff on Friday. New Zealand were well set while captain Kane Williamson (57) and Ross Taylor (63) were sharing a stand of 83 their third fifty partnership in as many matches this tournament. But, as happened in their no-result washout with Australia and defeat by England, the Blackcaps' innings collapsed once the experienced batsmen were out in quick succession. New Zealand, who had been 152 for three off 30 overs, only managed 113 more runs in the last 20 overs. Given 300 is now generally regarded as a `par score', Bangladesh were on top at the half-way stage.


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CAC asks Kohli and Kumble to bury differences

Can the `Big Three' Sachin Tendulkar, Sourav Ganguly and VVS Laxman help in working out a truce between Indian captain Virat Kohli and coach Anil Kumble? Well, this is what the BCCI is hoping for. Sources said that the three legendary stars, members of the board's cricket advisory committee (CAC), have asked both Kohli and Kumble to soften their stand and bury their differences to ensure a congenial atmosphere in the Indian dressing room. If Kohli and Kumble are able to reach an understanding while handling team matters, the head coach's announcement for the coming two years - till the 2019 World Cup could happen before the Indians leave for the West Indies tour, or in the middle of the West Indies series. India will play five ODIs and a T20 game between June 23 to July 9 in the Caribbean. If the announcement is delayed till July, it may mean the end of Kumble's stint with Team India, sources said. The Committee of Administrators (COA), looking after BCCI's administrative affairs, confirmed that Kumble would be the head coach till the West Indies series. “The coach selection matter is being taken care of by the CAC, which selected Anil Kumble last year for one year. Now the process - for picking the coach - has to be followed. And since the process has been delayed, Kumble, subject to his acceptance, will be there for the West Indies tour,� CoA chairman Vinod Rai said without elaborating much on the coach issue. But why opt for a temporary truce? Board sources said that if making the choice was so simple, the CAC would have given Kumble an extension right away. The fact that Kumble has been given a temporary extension means the CAC is simply buying time. “Both Virat and Kumble were spoken to by the CAC members and both have to agree on certain things. Perhaps, Kumble would have to take a little step back if he wants to continue as a coach,� a source said while adding the CAC would be meeting the team management again to assess the progress. A top board official said that Kohli has made a conscious effort to ensure that the differences he had with Kumble in the past had to be forgotten and the thrust of the team was to do well in the Champions Trophy. “Kohli told his close aides in the team that differences with Kumble can't be made such a big issue at the cost of the team. He made it clear that India doing well would be the prime concern for him and nothing else,� the official added.

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