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Ratan Tata
Alex Salmond, Scottish independence leader, dies at 69
A lex Salm ond , the fo rmer
F irst M inister of Sco tland
w h o b rou g h t th e co u ntr y close to independ ence and left an indelible mark on UK p olitics, has died at 69 He
c o ll ap s ed aft er g iv in g a sp eech in North M acedonia
S a l m o n d , a t o w e r i n g and often divisive f igure, led the Scottish National Party ( S N P ) a n d t r a n s fo r m e d i t from a political outsider to the governing party in 2007 His leadership achieved an unprecedented SNP majority in the Scottish Parliament in 2011, setting the stage for the historic 2014 independence referendum
T h e r e fe r e n d u m c a mpaign energised and divided
S c o t l a n d , w i t h S a l m o n d , k n o w n fo r h i s b o l d n e s s , coming close to a victor y However, on September 18, 2014, the Yes campaign was defeated by Alistair Darling’s Better Together, with 45%
v o t i n g fo r i n d e p e n d e n c e and 55% against The day

a f t e r t h e
Minister, handing the reins to his deputy and long-time protégé, Nicola Sturgeon Despite stepping back , Salmond briefly returned to We s t m i n s t e r a s M P fo r Gordon from 2015 to 2017 He resigned from the SNP in 2018 following allegations of s
charges in 2020, Salmond
claimed the allegations were part of a plot orchestrated by Sturgeon’s government, straining their relationship permanently
Following his death, the King expressed sorrow, sayi n g , " H i s d e v o t i o n t o Scotland def ined his public ser vice Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and loved ones "
Scotland’s First Minister, John Swinney, paid tribute, s t a t i n g , “A
x m a d e a remarkable impact on political life, not just in Scotland
Migration drive s record surge in UK population
Immigr ation has fuelle d a re cord in cr ease in t he UK popula tion, d espite de at hs out pacing births for the f ir st time in 50 ye ars By mid-2023, the population had reached 68 2 million, marking the fastest growth in over half a centur y, largely driven by a sharp rise in net migration The population grew by 662,400, a 1% increase from 2022 the largest annual growth since 1971, according to the Off ice for National Statistics (ONS)


U K He fo u g h t
fo r
Scotland and its independence ”
Sir Keir Starmer echoed the sentiments, saying, “For m
, A le x Salmond was a monumental f igure in UK politics, leaving
about Scotland’s culture and the communities he represented "
Oxford tops global university rankings
T h e U n i v e r s it y o f O x fo rd
ha s se cur ed t he top spot in t he Times Highe r Educat ion ( T HE ) Wor ld Un iv e r si t y R an king s for a record nint h con se cut ive ye ar
The UK remains strong in global higher education, with 25 universities listed in the top 200, matching last y e a r ’ s f i g u r e s Ho w e v e r, experts have raised concerns that the UK's higher education sector could face challenges if the funding situa-
t i o n d o e s n o t i m p r o v e British institutions are said to be facing "multiple press u r e s , " i n c l u d i n g f i n a n c i a l constraints and restrictions
o n i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t numbers, which could affect their global standing in the future
This year ’ s rankings evaluated more than 2,000 universities from 115 countries and regions based on f ive key areas: teaching, research q u a l i t y, r e s e a r c h e n v i r o n -

ment, international outlook, and industr y impact Of the UK’s top 200 universities, 13 have improved their rankings over the past year, f ive have remained steady, and seven have dropped by at least one place
B r i t i s h u n i v e r s i t i e s i n t h e t o p
teaching and research reputation scores for the second consecutive year
Despite these challenges, Oxford retained its position as the world’s leading univ
Massachusetts Institute of Te
h ranked second US universities dominated the top 10, occupying seven spots The Un
slipped from eighth to ninth
Other UK universities in the top 50 include University College London (22nd), the
Science (50th)
Student visa applications decline, raising university concerns
A p p li ca ti o ns fo r s tu d e nt v isas to study in the UK hav e d rop ped sig nif icantly, rais-

ing concerns about universities’ f inances Ho m e O

revealed a 16% decline in sponsored study visa appli-
312,500 in the same period last year Additionally, applications from student dependants plummeted by 89%, from 59,900 to just 6,700
warned about the f inancial impact of frozen domestic tuition fees and a decline in international students due to restrictions from the previous Conser vative government In total, there were
This growth is entirely attributed to net migration, as the UK experienced more deaths than births for the f irst time since 1976 The ONS projects the population could reach 70 million within two years These statistics are expected to increase pressure on the government to curb immigration, with experts highlighting the strain on housing, healthcare, and education systems By mid-2023, the population was estimated at 68,265,200, nearly two million higher than mid-2018 The year also marked a signif icant demographic shift, with deaths outnumbering births, a result of falling birth rates and an aging population Immigration, now primarily from outside the EU, has become a key driver of population growth Work-related arrivals from non-EU countries rose from 277,000 in 2022 to 423,000 in 2023, with nearly half of these migrants c o m i n g f r o m I n d i a a n d Ni g e r i a , m a n y employed in the health and social care sectors Dependants of long-term work visa holders outnumbered the primar y applicants, according to ONS data
Recent policy changes, including restrictions on master's students bringing family members and tighter rules for care workers, are yet to show signif icant effects
Religious hate crime s increase by 2 5 percent
A Home Off ice report has revealed a 25% increase in relig ious hate crimes in England and Wales for the year ending M arch , coinciding with th e Israel-Hamas conflict
A total of 10,484 incidents were recorded, up from 8,370 the previous year, marking the highest f igure since records began in 2012
This rise is largely attributed to offenses targeting Jewish and Muslim communities The report indicates a sharp increase in antisemitic
Je w s , more than double the previous year's total of 1,543 This represents 33% of all religious hate crimes, up from 20% Hate crimes against Muslims also rose, reaching 3,866 incidents, a 13% increase from 3,432 Almost 40% of religious hate crimes were directed at Muslims
The most common types of hate crimes i
assaults, and harassment Muslims faced more assaults and harassment than Jews, but Jews experienced a higher rate of hate crimes, with 121 per 10,000 individuals, the highest for any religious group
The Jewish charity Community Security Trust reported 5,583 incidents from October 7, 2023, to September 30, 2024, tripling the previous year's total of 1,830 Tell Mama reported 4,971 Islamophobic incidents since October 7, the highest in over a decade Hate crimes against Christians rose to 702, while those targeting Sikhs and Hindus decreased to 216 and 193, respectively
Home Secretar y Yvette Cooper described the f indings as "appalling" and pledged to take
Sadiq Khan s police watchdog, the Mayor ’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC ), faces accusations of endorsing the political campaign group Black Lives Matter (BLM) Emails from MOPAC featured a footer stating, “MOPAC stands against racism Black Lives Matter,” raising concerns about the organisation's political stance A police source told The Telegraph, “ They assert they are anti-racist but also seem to support BLM a political organisation How can MOPAC representing the Metropolitan Police include an explicitly political message in every email? It ’s extraordinary In response a MOPAC spokesperson stated The Mayor has declared City Hall a committedly antiracist organisation The email signatures of MOPAC staff do not endorse any specific organisation but affirm that the Greater London Authority stands united against racism
Sadiq Khan has experienced his second significant departure in a week as his deputy mayor for policing and crime, Sophie Linden, has decided to resign from City Hall Linden, who has held the £141, 386 -a-year position since Khan was first elected in 2016, is set to become a senior adviser to Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood She will officially leave City Hall on October 18, just five months after her reappointment following Khan's victory for a third term as mayor A successor will be announced in due course Sources indicate that Linden's decision to resign was voluntary and not due to any pressure from Khan This news follows the recent exit of night czar Amy Lamé who faced criticism over the state of London’s night-time economy Linden is the third deputy mayor to depart from Khan s administration in recent months, following Shirley Rodrigues, who managed the environment portfolio, and Baroness Twycross, who served as deputy mayor for fire and resilience, both of whom stepped down ahead of the May election
Buckingham Palace has confirmed that the King will not be attending the COP29 climate conference in Azerbaijan, following guidance from the government A Palace source noted that the 75-yearold monarch who is undergoing treatment for cancer will have just returned from a lengthy trip to Australia and Samoa The decision regarding the King s attendance or that of any royal family member at international conferences, is made based on government advice Notably, King Charles was not invited to attend COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, during Liz Truss s tenure as prime minister, which sparked controversy given his longstanding support for COP meetings King Charles attended COP28 in Dubai last year, where he cautioned that the world was becoming desensitised to alarming climate records In his inaugural address as King at a COP meeting, he highlighted the significance of recordbreaking temperatures urging listeners to reflect on the implications of pushing the natural world beyond its limits

Alex Salmond
Starmer's first 100 days of challenges
When Keir Starmer celebrated his historic victory in July, he likely anticipated the pressures, scrutiny, and relentless questioning that come with leadership However, he may not have foreseen the intensity of the criticism and the magnitude of the challenges that would characterise his first 100 days as prime minister
Starmer's government asserts it has made a solid start by resolving long-standing strikes involving doctors and railway workers, establishing a publicly owned green energy firm, scrapping the previous government's controversial plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda, and introducing legislation to enhance rights for workers and renters Additionally, Starmer has travelled to Washington, the United Nations, and various European capitals to showcase that "Britain is back" after years of introspection surrounding Brexit
Yet, amid weeks of reports about internal conflicts, freebies, and financial challenges, polls indicate a significant decline in Starmer's personal approval rating The Labour Party now enjoys only a slight advantage over the Conservative Party, which voters previously rejected due to years of infighting and scandal This decline is particularly concerning, especially as experts suggest that the 2024 election was primarily focused on ousting the Conservatives, with Labour's success emerging as a byproduct of widespread dissatisfaction with the Tory government
The far-right riots have forced second- and third-generation immigrants in the UK to relive the horrors of the racist 1970s when the English Defence League instilled fear in the streets
These immigrants never expected their children to witness similar unrest, and Starmer's failure to explicitly condemn the riots as Islamophobic has drawn criticism, particularly from the Muslim community, which was already sceptical of Labour
Issues such as the implementation of VAT on private schools, the recent freebie scandal, winter fuel payments, and budgetary concerns have further marred Starmer’s first 100 days in office While Labour has promoted this period as evidence of its readiness for government and the urgency of its objectives, it seems they have set themselves up for scrutiny under unrealistic expectations
Despite these challenges, the past 100 days haven’t been without positives While the Labour government has opened itself up to scrutiny and has rushed to keep pace with challenges, it deserves credit for its transparency regarding the state of the economy, early reforms in the NHS etc Many believe that while Prime Minister Starmer could have taken a firmer stance in response to the riots, he handled the situation effectively
Throughout this period, Labour has focused on highlighting the state in which the Conservatives left the country However, in about six to seven months, these issues will soon become solely Labour's responsibility, marking the true test of their governance Key areas such as prison reform, the NHS, and the economy along with various other significant and minor matters will fall under their purview
At this point, it seems that Labour should have tempered its promises, especially considering they are returning to power after 15 years
India’s diplomatic outreach with neighbours and
India has a long history of maintaining amicable and cooperative relations with its neighbours, rooted in its diplomatic ethos of mutual respect and non-interference This approach has allowed India to emerge as a key player in South Asia, enhancing its influence through strategic partnerships and regional stability Recently, India took significant steps to strengthen ties with its southern neighbours the Maldives and Sri Lanka
President Mohamed Muizzu of the Maldives met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to review and strengthen bilateral ties, discussing various issues beyond financial aid and defence cooperation India has provided significant financial support to the Maldives, including $400 million under the US Dollar/Euro Swap Window and ₹30 billion ($357 million) under the INR Swap Window Maldives is now working to restore ties with India and promote tourism, highlighted by the "Welcome India" campaign
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar's visit to Sri Lanka marked the first high-level foreign meeting with newly elected President Dissanayake The visit aimed to build on the progress in India-Sri Lanka relations, especially as Sri Lanka seeks India's support in IMF debt restructuring However, tensions may arise due to President AKD's opposition to a wind energy project awarded to India s Adani Group and China gaining momentum in its strategic cooperation with Sri Lanka in the maritime domain
The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) plays a cru-
cial role in Eurasia, representing a vast expanse of territory and population EAM S Jaishankar visited Pakistan after a decade SCO summit India, a full member of the SCO since 2017, benefits from greater access to regional markets and enhanced political and strategic ties The membership also helps India, a major energy consumer, tap into Central Asia s resources and engage on security matters It also helped India to counter
Economic Corridor, while advancing its own International North-South Transportation Corridor
India’s relations with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) also have strengthened significantly, driven by strategic engagement in energy, food, and trade The GCC, which includes Oman, the UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, is home to 8 9 million Indian expatriates and is a key trading partner EAM S Jaishankar’s visit to Riyadh for the first India-GCC foreign ministers’ meeting highlights the deepening ties
Apart from that, the UAE is an attractive destination for Indian businesses, offering a business-friendly ecosystem with streamlined processes, free trade zones, and a focus on innovation Inaugurated by Prime Minister Modi, the BAPS Hindu temple in Abu Dhabi stands as a symbol of universalism and cultural harmony As the largest Hindu temple in the Middle
between India and the UAE
He made a difference
Today, the salt that India eats, coffee, cars, salt, software, steel, power, and airlines, is all thanks to the Tatas Little do we realise how their vision enhances millions of lives everyday for the last many decades In a 2018 interview, when asked 'how would Ratan Tata like to be remembered,' he succinctly stated, “ a person who made a difference Not anything more, not anything less ” And he did make a difference, or a whole world of difference to the country
Ratan Tata, who passed away at the age of 86, leaves behind an indelible mark on the world of business and philanthropy
As the head of Tata Group, he not only transformed the company into a global powerhouse but also ensured that its legacy would be deeply intertwined with social upliftment His life’s work spanned across industries, but what set him apart was his commitment to using business as a force for good, with a focus on philanthropy that improved lives across the globe, particularly in the UK and India
Under Ratan Tata’s leadership, Tata Group became a symbol of visionary expansion and ethical business practices His landmark acquisitions in the UK, such as the purchase of British tea company Tetley in 2000 and the iconic Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) in 2008, cemented Tata Group’s global reputation His ability to see value where others saw the challenge was exemplified in the turnaround of JLR At the time of acquisition, the British motoring giant was struggling, but Tata's strategic investments in design and technology revitalised the brand, bringing it back to prominence on the world stage
Another monumental acquisition under his stewardship was that of Corus Steel in 2007, a deal that placed Tata Group firmly on the global map as one of the largest steel producers Although not without its challenges particularly as steel prices plummeted following the global financial crisis this acquisition reflected Ratan Tata’s unwavering belief in longterm value over short-term gain Even in difficult times, Tata Group continued to invest in the UK’s steel industry, preserving thousands of jobs and preventing further decline in the sector Beyond his business acumen, Ratan Tata was deeply committed to philanthropy, a legacy inherited from his forefa-
thers but profoundly expanded under his leadership In moments of crisis, his compassionate response made all the difference After the tragic 2008 Mumbai attacks that targeted the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel, Ratan Tata personally ensured that every affected employee and guest received financial and medical support, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to the wellbeing of others
Likewise, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Tata Steel continued to support the families of employees who lost their lives, paying salaries until the deceased would have turned 60 These acts underscored his belief that business must serve the greater good
The philanthropic arm of Tata Group, Tata Trusts, has had far-reaching impacts on education, healthcare, and scientific research Ratan Tata's contributions weren’t limited to India he made significant contributions to prestigious institutions such as Harvard Business School and the London School of Economics His vision of ethical leadership was one that extended beyond borders, benefiting communities and fostering global cooperation
One of the most notable recognitions of his efforts came in 2014 when Ratan Tata was awarded the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE), one of the highest civilian honours in the UK He was the first Indian to receive this honour since India became a Republic in 1950 Queen Elizabeth II bestowed this prestigious award in recognition of Tata Group’s contributions to strengthening UK-India relations, inward investment to the UK, and philanthropic efforts His statement upon receiving the award echoed his lifelong mission: “It has been a privilege to endeavour to have our enterprises contribute positively to the growth and standing of the United Kingdom ”
Ratan Tata's legacy is not just that of a businessman, but that of a humanist someone who saw the potential for business to be a driver of positive societal change He was a leader who balanced ambition with compassion, and global expansion with local impact As the world remembers him, Ratan Tata will be celebrated as a leader who worked not just for profits, but for the betterment of society as a whole
Political Sketchbook

Canada’s Extremist Problem
As the Middle East conflict showed, the UK has a pro Hamas, and Pro Hezbollah problem There is an extreme minority who tacitly support terrorism as a legitimate means for political goals They don’t see that as a problem This is different to someone who disagrees with Israel’s existence, or wants a Palestinian State For the record, I would not want a Palestinian State, given it would be the third terrorist run State, after Afghanistan and Iran There are those who will say, “ yes but we should just kill ourselves” When their Government is civilised they can have a State When it is Hamas, they can go to hell And I in the West am not taking the blame for the existence of Hamas Canada also has an extremist minority in Khalistanis who were responsible for the largest terror act in history prior to 9/11 – the bombing of an Air India plane They too want a Caliphate India and Canada’s relations have deteriorated sharply in recent months, reaching their lowest point in decades, with significant geopolitical and economic implications for both nations
The primary cause of the diplomatic rift is Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s public accusation that I n d i
Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian Khalistani separatist leader, in June 2023 India has forcefully denied these allegations, and tensions have escalated with both countries expelling diplomats
When I worked in the US Congress a little old man would daily deliver letters about supposed wrongs It is the mindset of Hamas The seeing of victimhood in everything It’s not a political but a psychological problem which flourishes in countries like Canada where being a victim is encouraged
Economically, Canada is already seeing setbacks India is Canada’s largest source of international students, who make up nearly 40% of study permit holders This educa-
Moreover, trade talks, which had shown promise with the possibility of a free trade deal, have been halted
For India no longer willing to cow-tow to the West, it’s something the West is yet to come accustomed to They’re not used to strong Indian voices
If India is doing what Israel has long done and sanctioning extra-judicial killings it seems it is not a ‘no-brainer ’ positive strategy any more than it has been for Israel
The problem ultimately is at the grassroots where chest beating people feeling inadequate in their daily lives have to take to religion and make up victim status It’s the Hamas playbook It doesn’t end well for Hamas It won’t for Khalistanis wanting a theocratic State based on Disney fairy tails How has it turned out for ISIS? Still no Islamic State Caliphate The problem is, ‘their own ’ people don’t want it
Far better the Gandhian way – live together in peace, respect each other, as opposed to the Jinnah way of religion based theocracies You tell me, how is Pakistan doing? They just become hotbeds of terrorism India is right to shut down the nonsense about it being free speech When in the UK persons in the name of free speech took action on the streets this summer, they swiftly got double digit jail terms India is using the Western playbook Khalistanis the Hamas playbook Guess who wins?
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Alpesh Patel

Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar, the most widely read English and Gujarati newsweeklies in the UK, are seeking talented and driven Sales cum Media Representatives to join our expanding team. With the largest circulation in our category, a strong reader base, and deep community connectivity, we have been at the forefront of delivering news that matters to the British Asian community for over five decades Additionally, we have effectively executed various campaigns that address the needs of our community.
We are looking for enthusiastic individuals with a passion for results and the ambition to make a significant impact
As part of our team, you will play a key role in driving growth, strengthening client relationships, and expanding our reach within the community.
This is a unique opportunity to join a well-established brand with a rich heritage, where your contributions will truly make a difference
For more details, please see page-11
Lord Gadhia discusses FDI challenges in the UK
L o rd J it es h Gadhia highligh ted the critical role
o f F oreign Direct
Inv estm ent ( FDI)
d uring a d ebate in
t h e H o u s e o f
L o rd s His c om -
m ent s u nd e r-
s c o red th e c u r-
r en t i nv e st m en t land scap e as th e

c o u nt ry g e ars u p f o r th e
f o rth c om i ng In terna ti on al Investm ent Summ it and the bud get
Lord Gadhia highlighted the recommendations of the Harrington Review, describ-
i n g t h e m a s
hygiene measures for revitalising investment ” He stressed the need to
r e i n s t a t e t h e I n d u s t r i a l
S t r a t e g y C o u n c i l a n d expressed optimism that the c u r r e n t g o v e r n m e n t w i l l fully embrace this agenda
“Global investors are indifferent to domestic political
t r i b a l i s m , ” h e a s s e r t e d ,
e m p h a s i s i n g t h a t p r ed i c t a b i l i t y , c e r t a i n t y , a n d
c o n s i s t e n c y a r e v i t a l f o r maintaining investor confidence
Lord Gadhia highlighted
three major challenges impacting
F D I i n t h e U K , b e g i n n i n g w i t h
B r e x i t ' s e f f e c t s , which he pointed out have led to a notable decline in
F D I p r o j e c t s
“Since 2016-17, we have experienced a 30 percent drop in the number of FDI projects,” he stated, noting that the situation would be even more dire without greenfield investments in renewables, especially in offshore wind
Lord Gadhia expressed concerns about the UK s tax regime, noting that while permanent full expensing of capital expenditure could be beneficial, changes to the non-dom tax regime might deter high-net-worth individuals from investing He q u e s t i o n e d t h e T r e a s u r y ’ s projections of £2 7 billion in annual revenue by 2028-29 and warned that potential changes to capital gains tax could further hinder FDI, labelling the politics of envy a s " e c o n o m i c a l l y d e s t r u ctive "
"I legally punished her", Sara’s father told police
A fath er, along w ith his wife and broth er, has been charged w ith the murder of his ten-year-old daughter
In court, it was revealed that he left a note saying, “I legally punished her, and she died ” Following the incident, the family fled to Pakistan
Urfan Sharif, 42, a taxi driver, along with his wife Beinash Batool, 30, and brother Faisal Malik, 29, are charged with the murder of ten-year-
Woking, Surrey, following a “ campaign of abuse ”
During the opening of their trial at the Old Bailey, it was revealed that
injuries” over several months and was
burned with an iron
Bill Emlyn Jones KC, representing the prosecution, informed the jury
e bruising, burns, broken bones, both old and new, ” and had also suffered

human bite injuries After fleeing the country, Sharif reportedly contacted Surrey police from Pakistan, stating, “I beat her up It wasn’t my intention to kill her, but I beat her up too much,” according to the court
L a s t y e a r , A u g u s t 1 0 , p o l i c e arrived at the family’s three-bedroom home and discovered Sara's body covered in a bunk bed The court was informed that she had died two days prior Beside her body, authorities found a note written by Sharif that stated, “I am running away because I am scared ” Sara Sharif
Thugs jailed for stabbing boy in Coventry Park
Two m en have been sentenced to over 3 0 years in prison for a brutal att ac k o n a 1 5 - yea r- o ld b o y i n
Cov entry Ismail Hussain and Ad am M eh m o o d v io l en tly p u nc h
stabbed the victim in F oleshill
Police, Hussain and Mehmood, along with a 17-year-old boy who was 16 at the time, launched a brutal attack on the victim, using knives to punch and stab him multiple times before flee-
place on February 3 of this year in a park near Kitchener Road
According to police, the 15-yearold victim staggered out of the park and collapsed, with bystanders providing first aid until help arrived The jury heard that he had been lured to the park by Hussain, who had called him to come and see him Upon
d b
y , whose identity is protected Shortly after, Hussain arrived, and the atmo-

sphere turned hostile when he pulled out a knife and stabbed the 15-yearold West Midlands Police reported that Mehmood joined Hussain in the vicious attack Fortunately, the young victim has since recovered from his injuries Following the incident, officers conducted extensive investigations and arrested the trio within weeks They utilised CCTV footage to build a case against the suspects, all of whom were charged and subsequently convicted
Charities face challenges
due to APPG rule changes
Charities are finding it challeng ing to nav igate the " v ery difficult" process o f fo rming an A ll-Party P arli am entary Group ( APPG) due to recent rule changes
N e w r e g u l
erning APPGs took effect on M
inquiry focused on improving transparency and reducing susceptibility to outside influence E
(APPG) must now consist of exactly four officers, including at least two members f r o m t
f Commons MPs are limited to serving as officers on a maximum of six APPGs, and e a c h g r o u p
a minimum of 20 members
Additionally, no APPG can receive secretariat support o

As of the latest register update on October 9, there are currently 138 APPGs, a s
before the general election
In February 2020, shortly after the 2019 election, 355
n established Charities are frustrated b
(APPGs) Vanessa Hebditch, d
British Liver Trust, noted that early signs indicate it has become "more challenging to set up APPGs" and secure the required officers
British Liver Trust, a small charity addressing a significant issue, lost all its APPG members from the previous parliament

Two British economists, James A Robinson, 64 and Simon Johnson, 61, have been awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economics They were recognized for their "studies on how institutions are formed and their impact on prosperity," as announced by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences They were joined by Turkish economist Daron Acemoglu, who earned his PhD from the London School of Economics (LSE) in 1992 The official Nobel Prize account on X stated "This year's laureates in the economic sciences have enhanced our understanding of the disparities in prosperity between nations Daron Acemoglu Simon Johnson and James Robinson have highlighted the critical role of societal institutions in a country s prosperity Societies characterised by poor rule of law and exploitative institutions fail to generate growth or progress The laureates' research sheds light on the reasons behind this "
Research shows only one in ten Londoners accurately know how many children live in poverty, with 700,000 affected one in three The Childhood Trust reports that just 13 5% of residents can estimate this figure correctly Meanwhile nearly 45% of London residents underestimate the extent of child poverty, believing it to be less severe than it is These figures have been released in conjunction with London Challenge Poverty Week, which seeks to highlight the increasing crisis of child poverty in the city and the urgent need for change Neha Mahendru interim chief executive of the Childhood Trust expressed deep concern over the survey results, highlighting a shocking lack of awareness about child poverty in London in 2024 “While we know there are 700,000 children (33%) living below the poverty line in our city, it s clear that this message isn’t reaching the public with nearly half unaware of the true extent of the issue ”
London bosses call for faster worker visa process to fill vacancies
Busi ne ss le ade rs ar e wa rni ng th at v isas fo r sh ort-term workers a re esse nti al for London's economy a nd ar e ur ging a faste r busi ness v isa sy ste m
The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry highlighted the potential economic harm that could result from a strict crackdown on immigration
The warning came as the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) released its quarterly economic survey, which revealed growing optimism among business leaders Karim Fatehi, CEO of LCCI, emphasised the importance of London's openness and diversity in providing access to a
unique pool of talent
He stated, "To maximise employment in London and reduce economic inactivity, we need visa and immigration rules that foster economic growth and support our potential " Fatehi urged the government to collaborate with businesses to create a probusiness skills and immigration system, calling for measures such as increased short-term worker visas in key sectors and streamlined business visa processes, along with a comprehensive longterm immigration and skills strategy The LCCI survey revealed a notable rise in optimism regarding the economy and sales for the third quarter of 2024
Adam Mehmood and Ismail Hussain
Lord Jitesh Gadhia

British Asians shine in LDC’s Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders of 2024
LDC, the private equity arm of Lloyds Banking Group, has unveiled its latest list of the UK’s most ambitious business leaders
Each year, the LDC Top 50 recognises trailblazers who are driving growth, creating jobs, and making a lasting impact in their industries These leaders stand out for their commitment to sustainability, fostering positive change, expanding internationally, and prioritising employee wellbeing As featured in The Times, the 2024 Top 50 highlights the individuals shaping the future of UK business
Here, we spotlight the South Asian faces who have earned a place on this prestigious list
Younis Chaud hry, C EO, Regal Food Products Group: Starting from scratch in

2009, Younis Chaudhry faced immense challenges while building what is now a £40m-turnover food empire Today, Regal Food Products Group supplies a wide range of items, from cakes to confectionery, to major retailers like Tesco, Morrisons, Asda, and Sainsbury’s, with 10% of its revenue coming from exports
Tiku Ch auh an and K av ita Parmar, F ound ers, Word3 60: In 2013, husband-

and-wife duo Tiku Chauhan and Kavita Parmar took over a small translation business from Chauhan’s uncle, which at the time had a turnover of just £600,000 Optometrist Parmar used her clinical expertise to transform Word360 into an essential partner for clients in health and social care, evolving into a technologist along the way Today, Word360 boasts a national network of 15,000 linguists, covering 450 languages, offering critical language support in settings from emergency rooms to GP practices
Ram Gupta, F ound er, Nybble: Ram Gupta’s goal is clear: to invest in people At his tech firm Nybble, he’s cultivated a diverse team

from various backgrounds
As the son of immigrant parents, Gupta’s upbringing filled with both abundance and scarcity shaped his leadership style Gupta launched Nybble in 1998 as an IT retailer, and in 2010, he pivoted the company into a managed service provider (MSP) serving the automotive and manufacturing sectors
Now a multi-million-pound enterprise, Nybble is projected to grow by 30% next year, with plans for international expansion
Ankit Mod ani, Director, Nustone: Ankit Modani

comes from an entrepreneurial family, having scaled his family’s business in northern India to £15m in just a few years
However, he always aspired to strike out on his own In 2020, he purchased Nustone, a paving stone retailer that was struggling at the time He revitalised the company by expanding product lines, improving customer service, and focusing on e-commerce
This year, Nustone is set to reach £25m in turnover -----------------------Sat Sang hera, CEO, IPI:

After selling his technology firm, Datapoint Europe, Sat Sanghera spent a day working on a market stall In 2019, he joined contact centre specialist IPI, becoming CEO just a year later Under his leadership, IPI has doubled in size, launched its own software
products, and earned a ‘World Class’ rating from Best Companies Sat was honoured with ‘The People Award’ for his
commitment to supporting his team and fostering an exceptional workplace culture at IPI ------------------------
Individual award winners
Apart from Sat Sanghera being recognised with ‘The People Award’, D ipt esh P ate l, f ounde r and CE O o f UBD S Gr oup was honoured with the ‘The Alumni Award’
Since being featured in The LDC Top 50 in 2022, Diptesh has embarked on a journey of both professional and personal growth The digital transformation agency he founded in 2019, UBDS Group, has nearly tripled its workforce to 150 employees in just two years, expanded its client base by 60%, completed its first acquisition, and is on track to achieve £35m in turnover by 2026

Patel is also taking steps to transform UBDS into an incubator for talented entrepreneurs and visionaries UBDS is committed to creating social value, not only through its public sector work but also by bringing new skills into the industry with its apprenticeship programs and initiatives for exmilitary personnel
The Ones to Watch 2024
The Ones to Watch 2024 are LDC’s choice of entrepreneurs poised for remarkable success, disrupting industries like healthcare and finance to transform traditional business practices South Asian faces that made an appearance on the list include:
Assa d Ah med , F ounde r & CEO, P hase 3, a transformation

consultancy in HR, Payroll and Finance
D r Sh orf ul Islam, Ch ie f E xe cutiv e Off ice r, Be D ata So lutions, a comprehensive data

ly and enj o y t he Di w ali s p eci al issue and calend ar, delivered to your doorstep for free!
Diwali is a festival that ushers in light, moving us from the darkness of the new moon to brighter days ahead While it is deeply r
tions, this joyous occasion
Buddhists, Sikhs and many other Indian communities
whether through vibrant fireworks displays or festive gatherings filled with delicious food
release a rich and colourful Diwali edition, featuring a wide array of articles on topics such as the spirit of
sions through art, health and wellness tips, tackling climate change, and sustainable practices You will also find insightful interviews with industry leaders
company specialising in Data Strategy, Engineering, and Analytics
Vino d K akkar, Ma naging D ire ctor, Cit ycom The company

manages the complexities of Mobile, Fixed Line, Broadband, Cloud, Networking, and more
Am ad Ta baba, Fou nd er & D ir ector ,

Autify Digital, one of the UK’s leading ecommerce integration and digital marketing specialists providing services like SEO, PPC, web design and ecommerce integration
Rest assured, even dur-
tions, your favourite weekly publication will be delivered on schedule While s
s p a u s e for a few weeks to bring out a Diwali special, our commitment to our reade
With a steadfast dedication to knowledge and service, Asian Voice will continue to provide you with
, and global updates without interruption If you haven't already subscribed to Asian Voice, now is the perfect time! Sign up for an annual s u b s c r i p
o receive your regular issues, the Diwali special and a vibrant calendar, all at no extra cost Plus, share the gift of Asian Voice with your loved ones by gifting an annual subscription It’s a meaningful way to stay connected throughout the y
issue serving as a thoughtful reminder
Wildlife Filmmaker Ashwika Kapur on India-UK relations
Ashwika Kapur, an internati onally acclaim ed w ild life d o c um ent ary
m ak er from Ko lkata, harnesses the power of film for conservation
In 2014, she became the first Indian woman to win a Green Oscar for her documentary on the endangered Kakapo parrot Now a direc-
l History Unit, she has collaborated with major networks l
y , earning numerous internat
her impressive career
For Ashwika Kapur, documentaries are transformative tools that inspire love for the natural world, showc
Her passion for wildlife filmmaking was ignited by such documentaries: “I fell in love with nature then I went out there and became

vibrant global community of storytellers based in Bristol, UK a hub for wildlife film-
ninety percent of what
‘National Geographic’ and the BBC is made here,” with much content sourced from countries like India Kapur highlights India
fostering a unique synergy
Younis Chaudhry
Tiku Chauhan and Kavita Parmar
Ram Gupta
Ankit Modani
Sat Sanghera
Diptesh Patel
Assad Ahmed
Dr Shorful Islam
Vinod Kakkar
Amad Tababa
ental health has bec om e a pressi ng conc ern i n the U K, w ith risi ng rates of a nxiety, depres sion, and other m ental health is sues a ffecti ng mi lli ons
An Ipsos survey has found that mental health has surpassed cancer and obesity as the primary health concern for many Britons
Experts attribute this shift in public perception to the significant increase in mental health issues in recent years, driven by factors such as the Covid pandemic, the cost of living crisis, and rising male violence against women When the study commenced in 2018, 50% of British participants identified cancer, obesity, and mental health as the country's biggest health issues
However, mental health has since risen in prominence, with 54% of respondents in England, Scotland, and Wales now expressing concern about it
With the growing demand for mental health services and lack of staff, The National Health Service (NHS) has been struggling to keep up which leads to long waiting times for patients seeking support This backlog not only exacerbates existing mental health problems but also discourages individuals from seeking help altogether
In response to this crisis, numerous private companies have launched AI-driven mental health apps designed to provide quick and streamlined access to support These innovative solutions offer users the ability to receive immediate assistance, track their mental health progress, and access tailored resources While these apps present a promising alternative for those facing barriers to traditional care, concerns remain about their efficacy and the lack of human empathy in digital interactions
While there may be potential benefits of these AI applications, it is crucial to consider whether they truly represent the best option for individuals navigating mental health challenges, or if they should serve as a supplementary resource alongside traditional therapeutic methods
Co-founder & CEO, MAGIC AI, Varun Bhanot said, "Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising both mental and physical health, offering unprecedented opportunities to enhance

well-being and personal performance By harnessing advanced algorithms, AI can provide personalised insights and recommendations that cater to individual needs, transforming the way we approach health and fitness At MAGIC AI, we recognise the transformative power of personalised training and wellness solutions Our innovative MAGIC AI Mirror utilises AI technology to provide realtime feedback, helping users optimise their workouts and build mental resilience through tailored coaching ”
“Moreover, AI's ability to analyse data trends and user behaviour allows for continuous adaptation of fitness routines, helping individuals overcome mental barriers and stay committed to their health goals The integration of AI in mental health applications further supports users by offering personalised mindfulness and meditation practices, which can significantly reduce stress and improve emotional well-being As we continue to explore the intersection of AI, mental, and physical health, we recognise the importance of creating accessible solutions that empower individuals to take control of their wellness, " he added
Balanc ing AI advanc ements with human connec tion
N iki ta Thakrar, a multifaceted teacher and coach, highlights that artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionise mental health care by offering innovative solutions for accessible and effective treatments However, it is essential to address the concerns and risks associated with its use She said, “While AI offers significant benefits in mental health care, the absence of human empathy is a valid concern Empathy is vital for understanding a patient’s thoughts and feelings, forming the foundation of a therapeutic relationship Although AI can effectively support patients logistically, it should be complemented by qualified mental health professionals The

limitations of AI in understanding the nuances of human emotion can result in ineffective interventions and a lack of connection, potentially triggering negative feelings and worsening symptoms ”
“Furthermore, patients may hesitate to share sensitive information with
AI due to fears of being misunderstood, impacting trust essential for therapy Additionally, AI tools often lack the emotional support that human therapists provide, which is crucial for patients facing complex emotional challenges,” she added
Nikita pointed out that AI systems rely on large datasets to learn and make predictions, but these datasets can be biassed, resulting in skewed outcomes This is especially troubling in mental health care, where such biases can reinforce harmful stereotypes and exacerbate disparities in treatment She said, “Data bias in AI
models can lead to inaccuracies in diagnosing and treating individuals from underrepresented demographics, highlighting the need for training datasets that reflect the diverse population they serve Additionally, AI systems must be culturally sensitive to avoid reinforcing harmful stereotypes based on background, religion, or ethnicity Protecting patient privacy and confidentiality is crucial in mental health care, necessitating AI designs that comply with relevant regulations Accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities are also
essential, requiring technology adaptations for diverse needs ”
“To ensure AI-driven mental health tools are effective and unbiased, a hybrid approach that combines AI assistance with human expertise is vital This model allows AI to handle data analysis and personalised treatment planning, while human therapists provide the emotional support and guidance necessary for effective care I believe AI will not replace therapists but will enhance our efficiency in supporting those struggling with mental health issues,” she added

Nikita Thakrar Varun
Uganda High Commission celebrates independence anniversary
On the occasion of th e 62nd independ ence anniversary of the Republic of Ug anda, a g rand recep tion was held at t h e p re st i g i o us I M O
Building The event brou ght
t o g et h er d i s ti ng
i s h ed g uests, includ ing dig nitaries, d iplomats, and m em bers of
t h e U g an d an c o m m u n it y
A ttendees enjo yed a rich cultural p rog ramme that high -
l i g h te d U g and a's v i bra nt h eritage
The evening served as a
r e m i n d e r o f t h e j o u r n e y
U g a n d a h a s u n d e
since gaining independence, f
d e among its people while looking forward to a future filled with promise and progress
S p e a k i n g a t t h e e v e n t ,
High Commissioner of the Republic of Uganda to the
U n i t e d K i n g d o m o f G r e a t Britain & Northern Ireland and Ambassador to Ireland, N i m i s h a M a d h v a n i s a i d ,
“Today, we gather with pride and honour to celebrate a
m o m e n t o u s d a y i n o u r
n a t i o n ’ s h i s t o r y U g a n d a ’ s
6 2 n d I n d e p e n d e n c e
Anniversary It is a day that fills our hearts with joy as we remember the significance of this occasion and reflect
o n t h e j o u r n e y t h a t h a s brought us here On October 9 , 1 9 6 2 , U g a n d a e m e r g e d from the shadows of colonial rule to take its place as a sovereign nation Our forefathers fought with courage
a n d d e t e r m i n a t i o n , l a y i n g t h e f o u n d a t i o n f o r t h e
U g a n d a w e p r o u d l y c a l l h o m e t o d a y W e o w e a n eternal debt of gratitude to our heroes, both known and

unknown, whose sacrifices secured our freedom and set us on the path of self-determination ” The reception welcomed a host of esteemed guests, i n c l u d i n g M a r s h a l l o f t h e D i p l o m a t i c
Harrison, and Dean of the D i p l o m a t s , H i s E x c e l l e n c y A m b a s s a d
Citibank and their team, and
Chartered Bank Also present was Oliver Scheidt, the representative of Lord Dolar Popat, the UK Trade Envoy for Uganda, the Democratic R
Rwanda The event saw a sign
Ugandans in the diaspora, i n c l u d i
C B Patel, Publisher and Editor of Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar

Shree Kutch Leva Patel UK leads Europe’s grandest Navratri celebration
Shree Kutch Lev a P atel UK is proud to announce the successful hosting of Europe’s larg est Nav ratri celebration
Samaj volunteers and com-
was prioritised, with thor-

This vibrant and culturally rich event, w hich can acco mmod ate ov er 3,500 attend ees, was org anised with a strong comm itment to safety and trad ition, ensuring a memorable experience for all participants
The Navratri festival, cele
s , showcased the rich cultural heritage and the strong spirit of community This year's e
Celebration of Navratri and Dussehra Festival at Navnat Bhavan
Navn at Bhavan in Haye s w itne sse d a grand celeb ration of Navratr i an d Duss ehra, w ith a large n umb er of communi ty members parti ci patin g in the worshi p an d de votion
ough searches at the gate to ensure a safe environment for all Additionally, parking
managed by volunteers, pro-
Enhancing the festivities, the volunteer catering team provided a delicious selection of freshly prepared dishes that highlighted the rich flavours and traditions of the celebration
LCNL hosts energetic Navratri festival
The Lohana Community of Nor th London (LCNL)
hundr eds for nights of music,
vating music and lively beats kept the crowd dancing T h e f e s t i v a l ' s s u c c e s s was driven by the dedication o
Shonchhatra, Jeet Rughani,

and Ronak Paw, supported
faith, welcoming
The festival's energy was
Anuradha and Kiran Thakrar, known for top-tier UK garba
Chandrana, and other LCNL
Navratri celebration at GHS
Through out the nine nigh ts of th e festival, th e Gujarat Hind u So ciety (GHS) organi se d a s p ec ia l la d i es - o nly garba in the temple d uring th e afternoo ns, wh ile in th e ev ening, the m ain hall w as organised for family-friend ly garba, accomp anied by liv e mu sic
This vibrant celebration fostered community spirit as participants prayed to the goddess for everyone's wellbeing The festival attracted over 2,000 devotees, creating a memorable and spiritually enriching experience for all

Ha rrow C oun ci llors a nd the edi tors of Guj arat Sa machar a nd A sia n Voi ce "
That day saw a significant gathering of people Guests addressed

to the goddes s On Octob er 12, durin g the fe stiv al of Vi jay adas hami, s peci al i nvita tions we re s ent to the Hi llingd on-
the audience, praising the events celebrated at Navnat and the dedicated volunteers who serve the community
Cultural pride shines at Prayash UK Durga Puja in Staines

Children playing garba at Heathland school in Hounslow
Navratri celebrations organised by Hari Om Shivy Satsang Utsav Mandal Hounslow
Shree Vishwakarma Association (SVA) UK organised Navratri
CB Patel with Her Excellency Nimisha Madhvani
Garba celebrations at SKLP
Special ladies-only garba by Gujarat Hindu Society
Front row: President of Navnat, Jashwant Rai Doshi (addressing the audience) with Kalpanaben Doshi, Bina Holden, Bachulal Mehta, Kiritbhai Batavia and Hasmitaben Doshi
Back row: Councillor/Member of the London Assembly Councillor Ajay Maru Jyotsnaben Shah Subhash Bhakhai Piyush Vora Councillor Sheetal Poonja, Councillor Nitin Parekh, and compere Mamta Tolia
A scene from the Navnat Hall showing players dancing the Garba
CB Patel with Lincoln Jopp MP
Panditji chanting prayers at the event
Mayor Sadiq Khan announces London’s Diwali celebration
T he Mayor of Lo nd on, Sadiq Khan has co nfirmed that th e Diw ali on the S quare celebrations will return to T rafalgar S quare on S und ay, October 27
The family-friendly Diwali celebration will unite Londoners and visitors in the heart of the capital, offering a fantastic programme of dance, music, activities, and food from 1 PM to 7 PM
In partnership with the volunteer-led Diwali in London committee and supported by headline sponsor Remitly, the event will h
Hindu, Sikh, and Jain communities The afternoon will kick off with a vibrant display of colour and music, featuring 200 traditionally dressed dancers performing at the centre of Trafalgar Square
Attendees can explore market stalls and
dance workshops, yoga, and comedy from
Soho Theatre Highlights include sari and turban tying, the Glimpse of Goddesses stall, and a new Bhajan singing space featuring performances throughout the day Visitors can also savour a variety of traditional and fusion vegan and vegetarian South Asian cuisine from various caterers
Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, stated, “Diwali on the Square is a vibrant family cel-
Londoners and visitors from diverse backgrounds to honor the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance through an exciting entertainment program Amid ongoing global tensions, Diwali's core messages of peace and hope are especially relevant By coming
demonstrate why London is the greatest city in the world as we work towards creating a better future for everyone ”
ARCC's Navratri fest

Mayor Cllr Moham
and BAP IO Training

The event drew senior community members and representatives from local charities, including Gurdwaras, Temples, the Shaheedi Sports Council, NHS doctors, and SEVA Trust volunteers Dr Baljit Upadhyay, vice chair of SEVA Trust, expressed pride in celebrating seven years of the charity's launch and highlighted the success of projects in the UK and India, emphasising community cohesion and Bedford's spirit of generosity
impactful work in Bedfordshire and India, commending Chairman Charan Sekhon MBE
Dignitaries present at the event
for his leadership She noted that during the pandemic, SEVA Trust delivered over 5,000 food parcels and supported more than 350 families, 750 international students, and 55 individuals facing homelessness Additionally, SEVA Trust UK has provided vital services to disadvantaged communities in India, acquiring land to build SEVA Dham, which will include a care centre for children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a diag-
women and girls Dr Upadhyay emphasised that SEVA Trust operates entirely on a volunteer basis, embodying the spirit of selfless service
British Indians excel in education and employment
A new repo rt on m od ern British society rev eals that British Indians, as one of the hig hest-performing ethnic gro ups in education and emp loyment, attribu te much of their success to strong family relationsh ips
Published this week by the think tank Policy Exchange, ‘A Portrait of Modern Britain: Ethnicity and Religion’ warns that the term “ethnic minority” has become so broad both within individual groups and
increasingly ineffective for public policy considerations
The report highlights that categories like “South Asian” obscure significant econ
I n d i a n , P
s t a n i , a n d Bangladeshi communities, and fail to recognize the diversity within these large groupings

Farewell my friends
I was reading both the Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar dated October 12, 2024, while here in Markham, Canada
That same morning, we watched the live funeral ceremony of our uncle, Mohindra Kumar C Patel, at the North East Surrey Crematorium in England
He passed away peacefully due to age-related issues He resided in Wimbledon, England, but was born in Nanyuki, Kenya, to the late Chunibhai C Patel, who was the owner of the well-reputed Settlers Store In their neighborhood, many Sikh families lived in harmony, supporting each other through good times and bad Mohindra Kumar was named by a Sikh family, and since then, his legal name has been Mohindra Kumar He was also known as Mahendrabhai C Patel and fondly referred to by many as Mahendrakaka He was fluent in Punjabi
As I read “Farewell, My Friends” by Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913, I was deeply touched by each word Tagore was awarded knighthood in 1915 but renounced it in 1919 as a protest against the Amritsar Jallianwala Bagh massacre
The poem resonates profoundly with my life journey At the end of the poem, it says, “When you live in the hearts of those you love, remember then, you never die ”
On behalf of our family and friends, we pay tribute to the late Mohindra Kumar with this poem, as well as to our family members, relatives, and all our loved ones who are no longer with us
Jai Shri Krishna
Suresh an d B ha vna Patel
Stolen crown from Jeshoreshwari temple I would like to express my deep concern regarding the recent theft of the gold-plated crown gifted by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the Jeshoreshwari Kali Temple in Satkhira, Bangladesh, during his 2021 visit This crown, s y m b o l i s i n g t h e d
y between India and Bangladesh, holds not only religious significance for the Hindu community but also represents the shared history and commitment to mutual respect between our nations
The reported theft of the crown is particularly distressing given the current climate of heightened tension, marked by recent racial unrest and challenges surrounding the Durga Puja celebrations Such an incident, which affects a cherished religious artifact, has added to the prevailing sense of insecurity among the Hindu minority in Bangladesh It is alarming to see a lapse in security at a temple of this significance, and the silence of the Chief Adviser, Muhammad Yunus, on this matter only deepens the concern
The recovery of the crown will reinforce the commitment to protecting religious sites and uphold the longstanding tradition of cultural and religious harmony between India and Bangladesh I hope the relevant authorities will take swift action and restore the faith of the affected community by ensuring justice is served Shri Ra j
Indian nationals in military conflicts
The troubling trend of young Indian men being recruited into foreign military forces, particularly the Russian army amidst the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, is indeed alarming Many young men are lured by promises of high-paying jobs, only to find themselves in life-threatening situations
This disturbing reality shows the vulnerability of these individuals, especially given India's high unemployment rates The serious implications of declining deployment rates in various countries, leads to a greater dependence on foreign nationals as soldiers The increasing use of armed forces and private military contractors raises ethical concerns, as non-citizens are often treated as expendable resources This practice can lead to governments feeling less pressure to end conflicts quickly if their own citizens are not involved
We need to strengthen our migration policies and create more job opportunities to protect our young people from being drawn into dangerous situations It is unacceptable for foreign nations to exploit our youth as mere cannon fodder India must take proactive measures to ensure that our citizens are not misled into participating in international conflicts
Sh ruti Sen
RIP Ratan Tata
With the passing away of industrialist Shri Ratan Naval Tata on August 9, India has lost an icon who blended corporate growth with nation building, and excellence with ethics A recipient of the Padma Vibhushan and Padma Bhushan awards, he took forward the great Tata legacy and gave it a more impressive global presence His warmth, generosity and kindness had always been very endearing
Known for his visionary leadership, Ratan Tata was also a licensed pilot and deeply cared for animals, exemplifying compassion and social responsibility Like his forefathers, his contribution to the industrialisation of India has been immense He was the real son of India Like APJ Abdul Kalam, India will miss him a lot
Jubel D'C ruz
Waste control
A recent report highlights that over nine billion recyclable items in England end up in landfills or incinerators due to incorrect disposal, especially items like deodorant cans and plastic bottles commonly discarded in bathrooms The widespread use of plastic in households is harming
significantly help householders make better choices
The public’s hesitancy to recycle certain items often
misunderstandings is crucial to increasing recycling rates
recycling practices, stricter policies, and better waste management infrastructure, are key steps toward the government’s vision of a zero-waste society
Arjun Gup ta
Soneri Sangat
Last week on Soneri Sangat, we paid tribute to Lady
Bhikhubhai Parekh
The tribute took place in the Committee Room of the House of Lords, led by Bharatiben Pankaj Vora, Kantibhai Nagda MBE, Jyotsnaben Shah, and CB Patel Dr Gautam Bodiwala and Dr Jagdishbhai Dave also participated virtually During the event, Lord Parekh shared his journey with Lady Pramilaben Beyond supporting Lord Parekh, she united minority communities and uplifted them, establishing herself as a dedicated social worker Lady Pramilaben exemplified the balance between family life and social responsibility
Through this tribute, we gathered as a community to honour Lady Pramilaben Parekh, whose life and contributions have inspired countless individuals within the Gujarati community in the UK Her legacy will continue to resonate and motivate others
A festive break for Soneri Sangat: Stay tuned for our exciting comeback!
Following 34 successful weekly episodes of Soneri Sangat since its launch in March, , we are taking a short break for 3-4 weeks due to the festive season During this period, our team is dedicated to producing our much-awaited annual Diwali magazine alongside our regular newsweeklies
We deeply appreciate your ongoing support and encouragement, which has fuelled our commitment to serving the British Asian community We look forward
content Please stay updated with Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar for the announcement of our return
In the meantime, we invite
episodes on our YouTube channel: @abp lg roup 8772

Romford MP and Councillors celebrate Indian festival in Gidea Park
Mem b ers
on Oc tob
brate th e annual Durg a Pu ja fes tiv
h o sted b y Essex Indians T
Durga and showcases the rich cultural heritage of the c
Rosindell, the Member of P
who joined local councill o r s D i l i p P
Patel, and Viddy Persaud in the festivities Durga Puja is a ten-day f e s t i v a l c
Hindus conduct Puja ritu-
s p e a k e r , M r
emphasised the longstand-

Onconferencetaking place in Parliament hosted by Carla Lockhart MP and the Asian Human Rights Forum led by Arif Aajakia.
I am sure almost all of you will already know of Pakistan as a terrorist state It is also a nation that abuses its own citizens with utmost cruelty The conference organised by people from Pakistan showed the extent of their desperation that their country, in the hands of dictatorssince 1947,is a failed state
Speakers at the conference were:
• Ms Carla Lockhart MP (DUP)
• Mr David Vance, British Journalist
• Mr Mehran Balouch, Human Rights defender and Balochistan representative
• Dr Shabir Chaudhry, Author, Kashmiri leader from Pakistan Occupied Jammu & Kashmir
• Dr Lakhumal Luhana, General Secretary, World Sindh Congress
• Mr Roshaan Khattak, Pakhtoon representative and a PhD student in London
Arif moderating the conference made an explosive opening observation He said Pakistan was createdartificiallyin the name of a religion Ironically that decision was made in this very building, the House of Parliament He went on to say, it’s now time that Britain and USA, the biggest supporters of Pakistan’s terrorist Punjabi Army, should guarantee the restoration of fundamental human rights in Pakistan
When it comes to basic human rights in Pakistan, it’s important to first understand that not only are all the minority communities being abused, but whole nations and people have been occupied by Pakistan illegally since 1947
Mehran Balouch Marri (Representative of Balochistan at the UNHRC and EU),highlighted the miserable conditionsinPakistan occupied Balochistan where the Pakistani Punjabi army is not only looting and plundering resources of Balochistan, but are also committing the genocide of the Baloch people He reminded everyone, Balochistan was never part of Pakistan It has been occupied and seeks self-determination
Dr Shabir Chaudhry spoke about the historical perspectives of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the British rule and the current situation of human rights in Pakistan Occupied Jammu, Kashmir, Gilgit and Balochistan
Dr Lakhumal Luhana presented the case for Sindh He highlighted the loot and plunder of Sindh’s wealth and natural resourcesby the Pakistani dictatorship He also highlighted the miserable situation for the religious minorities of Sindh because of systematic radicalisation of provincein the name of religion The Pakhtoon nationalistRoshaan Khattakgave detailed accounts of the abuses of Pakhtoons He confirmed that dozens of terrorist outfits created by the Pakistani army are operating freely Arif in his concluding remarks hoped that Britain and other international authorities will pay attention to the miseries inflicted on Sindhis, Baloch and Pakhtoons whose lands are occupied by Pakistan’s Punjabi Army
In her concluding statement, Carla Lockhart MP declared that providing basic human rights are fundamental to any society and we, the British Parliament, should always stand for human rights for all in every part of the world She said that she is studying the human rights violations in Pakistan presented in the bookletissued by Asian Human Rights Forum titled, ‘Gross Human Rights Violations in Pakistan’
Christians, Hindus, Ahmadis, and others, face discrimination, persecution, and violence in Pakistan Blasphemy laws are misused to target religious minorities, and there have been instances of mob violence and attacks on religious minority communities

England and India, praising t
tions Hindus make to the community every day
Highlighting the festiv
Rosindell expressed gratitude to Councillors Nisha P
for their dedication as local
munity members
various events throughout the year and actively works to combat violence against
Forced conversion of minor girls of religious minority communities is order of the day Thousands of minority girls, every year, are kidnapped, raped, forcefully converted to Islam and forcibly married to their rapists’
I took the opportunity to advise Carla that in her capacity as a Member of Parliament, that she should:
a Move an Early Day Motion (EDM) that highlights these gross human rights violations in Pakistan
b That she should write to the concerned minister seeking detailed explanation on how the British Government is ensuring that as part of the any aid package, that Pakistan takes proactive and verifiable action to eradicates these human rights abuses
I would add:
c S h
Balochistan and Sindh as independent nations for self-determination
d And to ask the Prime Minister to declare that Pakistan Occupied Jammu and Kashmir is integral to India consideringitslegal accession to India on 26 October 1947 After all, it was
Mountbatten i e It’s already a declared legal position of Britain that the whole of Jammu and Kashmir is integral to India!
I must commend Arif and his team, most of Pakistani origin, who have shown great courage in raising these very important issues I know that those who expose the truth about Pakistan are often subjugated with threats of violencenot just to themselves, but also to their families Their steadfastness in this battle to save their nation now needs the active support of western nations
Kapil Dudakia
Subhasini Naicker
L ast week, du ring Baby Loss
A w are ne ss W ee k, p eo p le
c am e to g eth e r to r ai se
a w ar ene ss a nd s u p p o rt
bereaved p arents, famili es , and friend s in comm em orating the lives o f babies lo st d uring preg nancy or infancy T
vance aimed to break the
nancy and baby loss, fostering open conversations and e
to share their experiences
Through various events and initiatives, individuals highlighted the importance of a c k n o w
found losses and ensuring that families receive the support and understanding they need during such challenging times
In the South Asian community, where grief and loss are often stigmatised, Baby Loss Awareness Week offers a vital opportunity to break
d o w n t h e s e b a r
s C u l t u r a l e x p e c t a t i o n s c a n lead to isolation for those experiencing loss, highlighting the importance of fos-
t e r i n g o p e n c o n v e r s a t i o n s about baby loss, grief, and healing Asian Voice reached out to several organisations and
Baby Loss Awareness Week shines light on grief
individuals to discuss their perspectives and insights on Baby Loss Awareness Week
Need fo r open co nv ersations

CEO, said: “Despite its frequency with about one in five pregnancies estimated t
many people are unaware of how common it is because we, as a society, have not been used to talking openly about it That can mean that p e o p l e
share their loss and that can p
‘taboo’ Many people who e
they're alone in their grief
Sharing their stories can foster a sense of community, helping them realise they’re
feelings can be immensely
comforting and alleviate the burden of silence ”
“Every miscarriage is different; and there is no right way to feel about it If you ’ re finding it difficult to talk to
Miscarriage Association has a staffed helpline, live chat, online and in-person peer support groups, and private Facebook groups, she added
A law enforcement professional and TEDx speaker, Ni

babies has been the hardest experience of her life She emphasised the significant impact of increased awareness during Baby Loss Week
loss, stating, “It breaks the silence around this painful and taboo subject, showing families they are not alone It fosters empathy and sup-

port in the broader community, easing feelings of isola-
Sharing stories and hearing about others' journeys can provide healing and hope Moreover, raising awareness
tions about baby loss, leading to improved support services and resources for families in need

faced by South Asian communities in dealing with baby loss grief She stated, “One of the biggest challenges is the
loss, particularly within Black and South Asian communities The death of a baby is a s
with around 13 babies dying
t l y after birth each day in the U K R e s e a r c h s h o w s t h a t S o u t h A s i a n a n d B l a c k w o m e n f a c
l i t i e s i n p r e g n a n c y outcomes, with the highest rates of baby loss in these communities Sands is working to understand the complex reasons behind this and to identify preventive meas
South Asian heritage often e x p e r i
ings of shame, stigma, and isolation, which can severely a
t h and hinder access to support Recognising these challenges, Sands emphasises the need for greater engagement and t a i l o r e d s u p
and South Asian communities
this conversation within the communities, Madhuri said, “
talking about them, apologising if their name comes up But as a parent, I want to speak about my child Even though I can't hold him in my arms, I carry him in my heart forever, and saying his n
Awareness badge or giving memory boxes, helps par-
who's experienced loss, and letting them know there is support available can make a huge difference
need for the South Asian community to confront the
loss, stating, “There is still significant taboo and blame
baby in our
change through open, honest conversations Many in the older generation misunderstand loss, often viewing it as merely
‘bad period
need to provide hope and
loss, allowing grief without shame, and fostering dial
y alive It's important to allow parents to talk about their child, and small gestures like acknowledging a birthday or simply reaching out can mean the world There's no right or wrong way to grieve, but showing support

Nisha Chandra-Square
Madhuri Bedi
Vicki Robinson
100 D A Y S O F K E I R S T A R M E R
Over six in ten Britons now express disapproval of Starmer, as reported by YouGov
Public outrage has surged in response to reports detailing accommodation costs, pricey glasses, Taylor Swift concert tickets, football match tickets, clothing, and various other perks he has accepted, especially as many citizens grapple with a cost-of-living crisis Equally concerning is Prime Minister Starmer's apparent appeasement towards unions
Amid riots, scandals and financial challenges, some of Labour's lesser-known promises have gone unnoticed In an Instagram reel commemorating Labour’s 100 days in office, Keir Starmer highlighted the issues he inherited from the Conservatives, stating, “Fourteen years is a long time to cause damage, and 100 days isn’t enough to fix it While we expect to be judged on our ability to address these challenges, actions speak louder than words ”
He outlined some of the steps already taken on the economy, including prioritising growth, securing investment, and delivering the biggest upgrade to workers' rights in a generation to ensure fair pay in the NHS Starmer mentioned the resolution of junior doctor strikes and the development of a tenyear plan to improve the NHS On housing, he discussed reforms to planning rules aimed at boosting construction and restoring the dream of home ownership
Regarding crime and border security, he highlighted measures taken to quell riots with swift sentencing for offenders, the launch of a new border security command to combat human trafficking, and the initiation of a plan to restore neighbourhood policing He also noted the lifting of the ban on onshore wind, the securing of a record number of clean energy projects, and the launch of Great British Energy, which aims to lower bills and create jobs On transportation, he mentioned the end of train strikes, the move to bring railways back under public control, and empowering local communities over bus services
While we have Starmer’s perspective on what he should be judged on and his achievements, here we explore expert and community opinions on the matter
Experts an aly se the first 100 days of c han ge
According to Professor Anan d M enon, Direc tor of the UK in a C han gi ng Europe judging any government by its first 100 days is a flawed approach, particularly for this administration, which has faced interruptions due to summer and party conference recesses However, he acknowledged that these initial days have significantly impacted the Labour government’s public image He observed that "three months after that heady electoral victory, the Labour government has lost its gloss," citing

prevailing narratives of freebies, chaos in Number 10, backlash against the winter fuel payment decision, and a lack of substantive policy As a result, both the Prime Minister and his party have seen their popularity decline
In terms of policy, Professor Menon highlights that Angela Rayner and Ed Miliband have made notable progress, initiating planning reforms and making key appointments to advance the

government’s clean power agenda However, he described an overall sense of a “government on hold as we wait for the budget,” expressing hope that the upcoming budget on October 30 will help the government move past its rocky start He did however point out that Reeves mishandled her only significant policy announcement thus far, which involved the decision to means-test the winter fuel allowance
Profes sor John Curti ce, Bri ti sh poli ti cal sc ientist an d prof essor of politic s at the Un iversity of Strathc lyde, echoes the sentiment that the government will remain somewhat stagnant until the budget is released He noted, “The government's biggest challenge is the fiscal situation, particularly the state of public services and the economy We’re waiting to see how they reconcile their promise not to raise many taxes with the belief that the public spending framework they inherited from the Conservatives is too small and unrealistic Improving public services without increasing spending presents another hurdle These critical strategic decisions will be addressed in the upcoming budget, which will be pivotal ” Prof Curtice emphasised that the budget serves as a more meaningful indicator of the government’s performance than the preceding 100 days He stated, “What really matters is the fallout from the budget, and then the more detailed spending plans that will follow, particularly for 2025-26 and beyond For now,
the government is somewhat on hold ” He added that, despite a relatively inactive summer, the administration has not garnered positive press or strong public enthusiasm The weaknesses observed in Keir Starmer as an individual, along with Labour’s overall appeal before the election, have only become more pronounced since taking office
He outlined two main areas of concern “First, there is no clear narrative The Labour Party entered power with a slogan of

change, but change to what?
There hasn’t been a defined message regarding the direction they intend to take the country, beyond a vague promise of increased prosperity Of course, no government campaigns on making the country less prosperous
“Second, Keir Starmer was never a particularly popular Opposition leader, and his shortcomings have been further exposed in the context of governance Although there was a brief surge in Starmer's popularity following the election win, it has not endured; his approval ratings are now lower than they were during much of his time in Opposition However, this doesn’t necessarily indicate a complete loss of public faith in the government There is a sense of disappointment, yet many are adopting a "wait and see" attitude "
Min ority perspective of the Labour government
A report titled "Minorities Report: The Attitudes of Britain’s Ethnic Minority Population," from the think tank UK In a Changing Europe and research firm Focaldata, reveals that ethnic minority voters in the UK often hold different political and social views compared to the general population There are also varying opinions among different ethnic and religious groups
Sophie Stowers, a R esearch Ass oc iate at UK In a Changing Europe, explained why these groups did not support the Labour Party in the recent election She noted, “Voting patterns change depending on the specific group For example, British Muslims, especially those of Asian descent, are influenced by the party's position on Gaza ” In contrast, British Indian and British Chinese voters tend to have different views Stowers mentioned that while these voters are generally socially liberal, they often hold conservative opinions on economic issues like welfare, taxation, and public spending
This economic conservatism can create a divide between these groups and Labour, which is why many chose to vote Conservative or support other parties, especially in 2019 While this trend may change in the upcoming 2024 election, it is still important to consider
Stowers added that the next election's dynamics might heavily depend on how much the issue of Gaza remains in public discussion “If the conflict stays as prominent as it is now, it could greatly affect British Asian voters,” she said
Another key factor will be how the Conservative Party positions itself after the upcoming leadership election “Our data shows that white and non-white voters often have similar policy preferences, but they differ significantly on the issue of immigration If the Conservatives focus heavily on immigration, particularly with a leader like Robert Jenrick, it may

slow the shift of some ethnic minority voters towards the Tory party,” Stowers explained She emphasised that many of these voters care more about economic issues, welfare, and taxation than immigration “If the Conservative Party adopts more centrist views on these important topics and emphasises them as part of their Opposition to Labour, we could see more ethnic minority voters shift their support in the next election”, she said
While Sophie offered an expert view on the Labour Party's current and potential standing within minority communities, Ishwer Tailor, Vic e President of the Gujarat Hi ndu Soci ety in Pres ton, shared a community perspective
He stated, “The recent instability of the Conservative government has allowed the Labour Party to gain public trust and secure a majority in the House of Commons This gives Keir Starmer the opportunity to pursue his agenda However, there have been setbacks, like the suspension of pension credit and fuel support for pensioners Additionally, Labour has struggled to address immigration effectively Right now, Labour doesn’t seem to have a strong international presence, while in comparison, Rishi Sunak was actively featured on the global stage ”
He added, “Currently, the economic situation in the country isn’t great Starmer is trying to strengthen ties with the EU to improve relations and facilitate
trade on various projects, which I see as a positive move He has a capable cabinet, but they are all relatively new to politics, so it will take time for them to adjust
“He has already admitted that it’s been a bumpy journey I believe he knows that to achieve results, he will need to make some bold decisions He still needs to demonstrate to the broader community that the party has changed and is committed to making significant improvements in how the country is run I hope they can implement that ”
100 days of Tory O pposition
While there has been a lot of talk about Labour’s 100 days in power, this milestone also stands for the Conservative party which has undergone significant internal analysing and changes With internal disagreements and leadership battles, a lot can be said about how things can pan out for the party
According to Prof Curtice, none of the Conservative leadership candidates, in a general sense or broadly, have achieved two key things “First, there are not well-established figures, and we don’t know whether they can capture the public’s attention and second, none of the candidates have managed to command clear support from the parliamentary party”, he said
Highlighting a very interesting point, Prof Curtice said, “With all the infighting within the party, it doesn't seem like they’re putting up a strong front, and I think that has an impact as well That raises an interesting question if we have a Labour government that isn’t particularly popular and fails to improve its standing, and an Opposition that might take a while to recover, who stands to benefit? It could be the Greens, Reform, or the Liberal Democrats
“Current polling suggests that all three parties may find themselves in stronger positions, potentially leading to an even more fractured British political landscape than we already have ” Sophie also shared her opinion on the Tory leadership candidates sharing, “When we consider the last two candidates who advanced to the leadership election, both are situated on the right of the party It remains uncertain whether this approach will resonate with a broad range of voters or if it is the best strategy for recovering from their recent electoral defeat
“Moreover, there's a challenge in trying to "outFarage Farage," which is a difficult undertaking Many Reform Party voters do not support the Conservative Party, making them a tough demographic to win back This raises the question of whether the Conservatives are focusing too much on appealing to a relatively small group of voters at the expense of engaging with a significant portion of the British public If they continue down this path, they may risk losing broader support in the coming years ”
Prof Anand Menon
Prof John Curtice
Sophie Stowers Ishwer Tailor
Health experts alarmed by sharp rise in vaping among non-smokers
V aping has gained p opularity as an alternative to trad itional smoking, but it poses sig nificant h ealth risks
It can lead to respiratory issues, cardiovascular prob-
l e m s , a n d a d d i c t i o n T h i s has been a pressing concern among the medical professionals
R e s e a r c h h a s r e v e a l e d that one million people in England now vape without ever being regular smokers,
m a r k i n g a s e v e n - f o l d increase in just three years This surge has raised significant concerns among health experts
E - c i g a r e t t e u s e a m o n g adults who had never regularly smoked remained stable until 2021, when approximately one in 200 around
1 3 3 , 0 0 0 i n d i v i d u a l s w e r e vapers However, this figure surged sharply to one in 28 by 2024, totaling 1,006,000 people, according to a study p u b l i s h e d i n ‘ T h e L a n c e t Public Health’ journal
S e p a r a t e f i g u r e s f r o m
t h e O f f i c e f o r N a t i o n a l
S t a t i s t i c s a l s o p u b l i s h e d
s h o w s 5 1 m i l l i o n p e o p l e aged 16 or over in Britain –about one in 10 – use ecigarettes Vaping rates were highest among those aged 16
t o 2 4 , a t 1 5 8 % , t h e O N S found Ministers are reportedly exploring a ban on vaping in p l a y g r o u n d s , h o s p i t a l grounds, and near schools to d i s c o u r a g e c h i l d r e n f r o m taking up the habit This initiative aims to protect young people from the potential health risks associated with e-cigarettes
Speaking to Asian Voice, Professor S arah Jackson, a Principal Research Fellow at UCL, emphasised the urgent

noted that current measures are insufficient to prevent this trend, highlighting the necessity for more effective regulations She said, “The p r e v i o u s g o v e r n m e n t almost passed a tobacco and vapes bill before the snap e l e c t i o n
and these findings should remind the new government that passing the bill should be a top priority The plan was for new legislation to give the government powers t o r e g u l a t e a n u m b e r o
aspects of vapes, including how they are branded, marketed, and sold Despite the s h
g among people who’ve never regularly smoked, our data also show that overall vaping rates appear to have levelled off since 2023 ” “This may help to reass u r e p o l i c y m a k e r s t h a t i t w o u l d b e r e a s o n a b l e t
n w i t h m
f o c u s s e d o n p r o d u c t appearance, packaging and marketing, as those are least likely to reduce the effectiveness of e-cigarettes for smoking cessation The UK
d will be able to provide a
r a p i d a p p r a i s a l
impact of these measures on youth vaping,” she added P r o f e s s o r S a nj a y
Agrawal, special adviser on

tobacco at the Royal College of Physicians, said, “Vapes can play a crucial role in helping tobacco smokers to quit However, we are clear t h a t n
d not use vapes The number of non and never-smokers w h o a r e n o w v a p i n g i s alarming The research into
n health is still in its infancy and it is clear that more needs to be done to understand its long-term effects We know now that vaping exposes users to a far narrower range of toxins than d
but vaping is still not without risk
government does more to curb the rising levels of vaping – particularly amongst children and young people –
descriptors and addressing industry marketing tactics which target children But w
ensure that adult smokers can continue to access them as an effective quit aid,” he added
Sigma UK Conference 2024 highlights need for sustainable pharmacy funding
Phar ma cy Min ister Ste phen K in n o ck h a s pl e dg e
pha rmacie s, especia
in de prived ar eas, by be tter utilising phar ma cy te am skil
In a video message at the S
A U K C o m m
t y Pharmacy Conference 2024 on October 6, he announced p l a n s t o e x p a n d t h e Pharmacy First initiative and i n t r o d u c e a n i n d e p
prescribing service as integral to community pharmacy operations Kinnock emphasised the need to revitalise
t h e p r i m a r y c
, shifting care from hospitals to communities and focusing on prevention
H e e x p r e s s e d c o n c e
n over the number of community pharmacies exiting the market and underscored the urgent need for sustainable funding to support reforms and expansion of services

Dr Bharat Shah, CBE
Terminal 5 drew around 250
macists and politicians In his speech, Hatul Shah, CEO o
plc, highlighted the financial
issues many contractors face
He noted that the sector is struggling due to rising costs
community pharmacies
On a positive note, Shah
Kings Kitchens celebrates 30
whom have been with the company for years, emphasising that their hard work has been crucial to Kings Kitchens' success He also
tomers, noting that multiple
e n Kings Kitchens for their furniture needs I n h i s
d d r e s s , R a m j i highlighted the company's commitment to community a n d c
i t y , s t a t i n g , “ W e believe productivity increase s w h e n i n d i v i d u a l s f r o m diverse backgrounds work t o g e t h e r ” A k e y m o m e n t came with a message from Lord Dholakia, who praised K i n g s K
f f w e l
a r e p r a ctices, calling it “ a very good example to British industry ”

B P a t e l , E d i t o r - I nChief of Asian Voice, reflecte d o n h i s l o n g - s t a n d i n g association with the company, saying, “Thirty years on, I’m still here proudly discussing the company ’ s philanthropy ”
The celebration recognised important team members, including Kantilal, a director who will celebrate 30 years with the company n e x t y
, another founding director Deepak Ramji, Manubhai’s son and director, shared his aspiration to continue his father’s legacy, indicating a bright future for the familyrun business Ramji’s journey began in a f a r m i n g c o m m u n i t y i n India before he moved to Nairobi, where he faced significant hardships At 14, he b u i l t a m o s q u
i n M t i t o Andei, and later, after marrying Kanta, he moved to the UK in 1984 Starting as a carpenter, he founded Kings Kitchens after purchasing a t i l e s h o p H i s b u s i n e s s expanded with showrooms in Willesden and Hendon, eventually settling in Park Royal
ness of the challenges facing
working towards collaboration with the government He stressed the importance of West Streeting’s focus on primary care and urged for a
n s f o r m a t i
p l a n t o reform healthcare, emphasising the vital role of skilled pharmacists I n c l o s i n g , D r B h a r a t Shah, joint Sigma founder, added that Sigma was hosting a session at the House of Commons later this month focusing on ways to encourage healthcare professionals “We want to move forward in working together in t h e N H S b
l work for the patients We should be working in silos,” h e s a i d H e c o n c l u d e d b y thanking everyone present and expressing hope for a successful future collaboration

Sarah Jackson
Sanjay Agrawal
Sharmilaben Vasanti Veljibhai Parbhatbhai Manubhai Ramji Kantilalbhai, Pintubhai, Mahendrabhai and Kantaben Ramji
CB Patel addressing the guests on the occassion
Your ultimate guide to festive cooking and crafts
Subhasini Naicker
Ren u Bhardwaj, bas ed in Sc otland w ith her husb and and two c hi ldre n, i s pass ionate about c reating aff ordable, deli cious me als for busy f amilies Origin ally from M anches te r, s he dra ws i nspiration f rom her c hildhood m emories of her m other’ s kitc hen filled wi th the arom a of homem ade Indi an dis hes
Struggling to find suitable books to introduce
important to have a nice mix of traditional and modern flavours
Many families struggle to balance tradition and time in the kitchen
What are some quick yet authentic recipes you have included for busy families that can easily prepare?
As working families in the UK, I know how challenging it can be to manage everything, especially around Diwali

her children to Diwali, Renu authored “Celebrate Diwali,” a resource featuring recipes, crafts, and activities to help families learn about the festival
Speaking to Asian Voice, Renu discusses her book which includes recipes for busy families to prepare during festivities, importance of involving children in celebration through activities and much more
Can you tell us about some standard recipes from your book that made the perfect Diwali feast? Are they based on traditional dishes or your own personal taste?
I'm a big foodie, so I have to say all the recipes are amazing! But the ones that really resonate with me are those connected to special moments, especially at religious functions For example, my mum always makes creamy kheer, which we call Nani ji's kheer, and it's a musthave rice pudding that’s close to my heart Another favourite of mine is samosa chaat, or some kind of chaat, and of course, the traditional Punjabi dish chole bhature it s a classic that ties everything together perfectly
I also wanted to add a modern twist to the book, so I included masala chips, potato bites, which are a fun hybrid of tikki and batata vada I think it's
section on hosting a Diwali party without breaking the bank, with tips on setting a budget and decorating using items you already have at home
One of the key things I wanted to address is how to celebrate Diwali if you ’ re away from family, perhaps newly married or living independently for the first time Traditionally, the eldest in the family takes charge of organising everything, but

That’s why I included a checklist at the back of the book – a guide to help busy families stay organised, or even for those unsure of what to do It covers everything from planning to preparing in advance
For instance, you can prepare chutneys, drinks, and festive ice cubes a few days ahead, so they're ready when you need them For dishes like chole bhature, you can cook the chickpeas the day before, and then on Diwali, all you need to do is prepare the dough and fry it
The goal is to break down the process, making it easier for families to celebrate without the stress of last-minute cooking If Diwali falls on a weekend, that’s great, but if it’s a weekday and you ’ re juggling work, kids, and everything else, this checklist helps simplify things It’s about making Diwali special, even when time is limited
How does your book help families create a beautiful, vibrant Diwali atmosphere without breaking the bank?
As a food waste blogger, I'm very conscious of sustainability, and I’ve incorporated that into the book For example, I suggest upcycling items from around the house, like making lanterns from jars or candles from oranges simple, ecofriendly crafts that anyone can do There’s also a
Celebrating South Asian stories
Th e UK’ s p remier bo ok festi v a l c el ebr ati n g Bri t is h
So uth Asian literature h as unveiled its lineup for the 2024 edition
Now in its eighth year, t h e D E S I b l i t z L i t
a t u r e Festival 2024 will take place i
October 19 to November 2, featuring some of the most prominent names in British South Asian writing across genres such as fiction, poetry, storytelling, music, film, TV, and publishing, alongside emerging talents
H i g h l i g h t i n g t h e r i c h diversity and creativity of British South Asian literature today, the festival will offer a variety of themed a u t h o r e v e n t s , i n c l u d i n g crime fiction, children’s lite r a t
h i s t o r i c a l f i c t i o n , poetry readings, and memo i r d i s c u s s i o n s Additionally, attendees can e n g a g e i n c o n v e r s a t i o n s a b o u t d i v e r s i t y i n B r i t i s h publishing and enjoy music a l p e r f o r m a n c e s r a n g i n g from Bangla to Punjabi folk
The festival also aims to p r o m o t e w r i t i n g , s t o r yt e l l i n g , a n d c u l t u r a l exchange from South Asia in s c h o o l s a c r o s s t h e U K t h r o u g h t h e D E S I b l i t z

Half’ at the festival, offering a p r o f o u n d d i s c u s s i o n o n mixed identity and his personal journey of self-discovery Ahead of the event, he s h a r e d i n s i g h t s a b o u t h i s
b o o k , s t a t i n g , “ ‘ B o t h N o t
Half’ is more than just a memoir; it's a call to action It advocates for belonging in a d i v i d e d w o r l d a n d r e sonates with anyone searching for home and community “ M y P u n j a b i h e r i t a g e deeply influences my work, b u t m y a r t i s t i c s e n s i b i l i t y w a s s h a p e d b y m y m u m

‘Both Not Half’ taught me t h a t s o c i a l h i e r a r c h i e s , including racial hierarchies, can be challenged and dismantled We are continually evolving, both as individuals and as societies I aim to i n v i t e r e a d e r s i n t o t h e s e conversations and encourage them to ask their own questions ” F e s t i v a l D i r e c t o r I n d i Deol added, “At the 2024 D E S I b l
Festival, we are dedicated to i n s p
this book aims to guide those who may not have that support It offers ideas on how to celebrate and explains the steps involved, helping to pass down these traditions to the next generation
Whatdo you hope readers take away from your book, beyond the recipes and you know, crafts, about the essence of Diwali and how it can be celebrated with loved ones?
I'm thrilled to see nonIndians buying my book, showing that Diwali’s appeal goes beyond religion Many have shared memories of celebrating with friends, which makes me happy I hope the book becomes a resource for everyone, especially schools, to highlight the meaning behind the fiveday celebration, not just the food and crafts
I’ve included a lot of helpful elements, like mantras, the Diwali calendar, and even a Diwali Eve box for kids, similar to Christmas traditions There are tips on how to prepare for Diwali, from making crafts and sustainable gifts to planning meals and decorating using items already in your home I've also added sections on Bandi Chhor for Sikhs and how to explain Diwali to children
*Book is available on Amazon
Truck Art Bus This vibrant vehicle, designed and painted by renowned truck artist Haider Ali from Pakistan, has already visited twenty schools and will feature a storytelling program showc a s i n g a v a r i e t y o f S o u t h Asian cultures at this year ’ s festival
F i l m m a k e r a n d a c t o r Jassa Ahluwalia will present h i s n e w b o o k ‘ B o t h N o t
From a young age, I learned to respect art and embrace my creative impulses The arts are crucial in helping us understand our identities, a n d m y b o o k e n c o u r a g e s readers to ponder the question, ‘Who am I?’ People of mixed heritage represent an i n c r e d i b l y d i v e r s e d e m og r a p h i c , y e t t h e i r e x p e r iences are often misunderstood due to a lack of repres e n t a t i o n W h e n c e r t a i n voices are excluded from the narrative, it leads to their marginalisation in society The solution lies in representation!
“A significant part of this book involves confronting sensitive truths Ultimately,
n g through the vibrant tapestry of storytelling Our festival embraces diversity in every s
and emerging voices, amplifying their stories and perspectives to reflect the richness of various cultures
introducing new talent and facilitating thought-provoki
workshops, and captivating performances We believe in nurturing talent and providing a platform for aspiring writers to shine, using the p o w e r o f w o r d s t o i g n i t e inspiration and foster lasting connections and opportunities ”
First Asian woman clinches Nobel in literature
H an K ang , th e ac c la im ed Sou th Korean p oet and novelist, has made h istory as the first A sian wo man to w in th e N o be l P ri ze f o r Literature
A t 5 3 , s h e i s a l s o t h e y o u n g e s t r e c i p i e n t o f t h e
a w a r d i n n e a r l y f o u r decades, breaking the long tradition of older, European m a l e w i n n e r s T h e N o b e l c o m m i t t e e p r a i s e d H a n ’ s exploration of trauma, pain, a n d l o s s , w i t h c o m m i t t e e member Anna-Karin Palm highlighting her ability to write about individual and c o l l e c t i v e s u f f e r i n g w i t h "compassion and care " H a n , w h o w a s d i n i n g with her son in Seoul when

ographical reflection on the loss of her older sister Her l a t
Part’, will be published in English in February 2025 It
The Nobel Prize
n December, where Han will
s h e r e c e i v e d t h e n e w s , expressed her gratitude, saying, "I grew up with Korean literature, and I hope this r e c o g n i t i o n b r i n g s j o y t o Korean readers and my fellow writers " She plans to c e l e b r a t e q u i e t l y w i t h t e a and her son Han is known for her powerful novels, including ‘The Vegetarian’, which won t h e I n t e r n a t i o n
Lisa Nandy pledges to bring art to communities
Labo ur plans to bring p arts of t he na tio nal art c o ll ec tio
Secretary Lisa Nandy
She hopes this initiative will inspire the next generation of artists across the UK Nandy emphasised her commitment to showcasing the government art collection to ensure everyone can appreciate its treasures, encouraging them to create for future generations
Currently, the collection, celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2024, is exhibited in government buildings in the UK and around the world, including British ambassador residences and 10 Downing Street While Nandy did not elaborate on how the new a p p r o a c h t o s h a r i n g t h e national art collection would work, it is currently shared w i t h i n s t i t u t i o n s t h r o u g h partnerships A recent report by the Fabian Society sug-
gested that art should be displayed not just in arts institutions but also in GP surgeries, h o s p i t a l s , t o w n h a l l s , a n d libraries, to bring “art, heritage, and culture to the peop l e o f t h e U K w h e r e t h e y spend their time ” S i n c e t a k i n g o f f i c e , Nandy has highlighted the lack of equal access to the arts a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y a n d i n industries like TV and film, where studies show only 8% of the workforce comes from working-class backgrounds
Renu Bhardwaj
Indi Deol
Jassa Ahluwalia

Nisha Hirani: A Return to Organic Roots
Sunetra Senior Nisha is a Wellness coach and activist w ho works with th e global nutritional brand HerbalL ife who aim to “improve nu tritional habits with a range of tasty science-backed prod ucts av ailable as an optio n ” She also runs her own fitness classes lo cally and is generally passionate about wellbeing where her personal journey into weig ht loss has deeply transfo rmed h er life: “after much hard work and reflection I am now metabolically at 3 0 years of ag e ” she shared Her role as a key distributor working with HerbalL ife includes “helping people m anage, maintain and plan better wellbeing by supplying the app rop riate meal replacements, pro teins and vitamins and m inerals, and face and haircare to pro mote end urance, beauty and ultim ately a health y lifestyle ” Th e comp any h as locations in 90 + countries and, im pressively, “65,00 0 Nutrition clubs in to tal which is more bases th an McDonalds ” Indeed , seeking to pro vide a fully working solution to o ur dom inant culture of pro cessed and fast fo od such a business mod el app ears to be a salubriously counteractive one ***
“The ethos is to live your best life now, ” Nisha elaborated: “and this can be at odds with a very fasttrack world where the objective is often a superficial one of ‘getting a big house and two cars ’ However, sustaining your body is vitally important and this involves implementing a beneficial routine – from eating the right way to getting enough quality exercise and regular sleeping habits ” Indeed, a role model in her own right, Nisha runs her fitness club separately where people are actively introduced to a general culture of wellness through the commitment to exercise in “BollywoodZumba fusion style ” Physicality is then treated as the epicentre of health where nurturing this can lead to the strong foundation for a truly enriching life: “this is why macronutrients are particularly important – it is a solution amongst a few to boost yourself at the bottom of a pyramid of priority where the body is the base: the type of food we eat commercially is not cellularly efficient material In my classes, we do keep track of this alongside the weight loss and can incorporate it if applicable One’s system has a
threshold for how much it can manage before developing heart problems, including high levels of cholesterol etc Even before Covid we were living in an extremely unhealthy way and must collectively learn to address the issue broadly ”
Nisha’s foray into fitness began following an individual medical scare: “I had been working in a high-pressure career in banking and had been neglecting myself
Additionally, I suffered a significant loss within the family: tragically, I lost my husband and had to cope with the grief as well as carryon on as a single mother The stress showed itself in the worrying deterioration of my physical health In 2018, my doctor issued me an ultimatum: “simply, you must lose weight That is when I came to know of Herbal Life before becoming a brand ambassador and going on to open my own venture and studio The program helped me to shed over 16 pounds of body fat while improving my muscle mass through an intensive regiment that combined cutting-edge

education in wellresearched nutrition and 3 days of exercise a week I felt as if my independent goals were being encouraged ”
Another integral

"The objective is often a superficial one in life of ‘getting a big house and two cars etc’. However, sustaining your body is vitally important and this involves implementing a beneficial routine – from eating the right way to getting enough quality exercise and regular sleeping habits”
wellness value Nisha took away was the practice of the power of community which is at the heart of her current coaching success with her fitness studio: 24fitKenton As well as creating a friendly environment in which people can emotionally bond, she hosts events afterhours such as cookalongs and skincare parties: “healthy solidarity is of the utmost importance in maintaining one ’ s physique once obtaining it, which I cultivate in classes We are social beings by nature and benefit much from affirmative guidance and mutual interests: you can present someone with a product or idea but it will be taken up better if one is supported in the handling of it: loneliness is another damaging epidemic ” Therefore genuine motivation is sparked through a warm and invested sense of purpose “It is very interesting,” Nisha commented “The wellness industry is rising worldwide, bringing in trillions, but it seems it is at once being adapted into grassroots movements –either you become a part of the change or are lost and swept away ” Meeting materialism with organic strength, Nisha shows us in a very direct, empowering way that the personal is the political
Tell us a bit about your background and how it has impacted your nutritional journey?
I was born in India and grew up in Gujarat I had my primary education there From early on my parents and teachers made me understand the importance of hard work and how to be a good human being We migrated to Kenya: my dad was an accountant I joined a bank service after my high school as I was good with maths As a family we always ate clean home cooked healthy food although after my marriage I was pulled into the Kenyan lifestyle; a world of carbs and fattening curries Eating out is the norm there!
What draws you to the world of fitness emotionally?
When I moved to UK, I saw first-hand the scale of suffering in our community with lifestyle diseases I share the passion for building core strength As you age, it is imperative to build and maintain your muscles as it create a foundational baseline of health; you can boost your fitness naturally and with it the immune system
What has been a highlight of your journey?
The pride I see in my legacy: my daughter is studying Osteopathy and keeps the focus on good health She keeps up her fitness regime; my son takes full ownership of his mental and physical wellbeing while studying his degree in finance
Just as exciting is the fact that I am helping my local 24fit Kenton community achieve their health and fitness goals too
Redefining state influence in cyberspace
The International Institute fo r Strategic S tud ies (IISS ) h as
S S Cyber Power Matrix, hig
Released in beta ahead of its
Matrix analyses
ernm ents
Vikram S ing h, a Research Fellow at the Cyber Power a
c t Programme, delves into the motivations behind developing the IISS Cyber Power Matrix and more
Could you explain the motivation behind developing the IISS Cyber Power Matrix and how it differs from other frameworks used to assess state power in cyberspace?
The IISS Cyber Power Matrix began as an in-house effort to collect information on state activities across the three layers of cyberspace Over time, we realised that by creating an interactive p l a t f o r m w h i c h a l l o w e d researchers to look at information across the physical, logical and virtual layer, we could significantly advance our understanding of comp e t i t i o n a n d c o n f l i c t i n c y b e r s p a c e T h e I I S S defined cyber power as "the ability of a state to project p o w e r i n c y b e r s p a c e , t o achieve strategic objectives and exert influence globally" this work builds on that defi n i t i o n b y c r e a t i n g a l i v e platform where we can continue to track state efforts to influence cyberspace As a live platform, this will be regularly updated with new i n f o r m a t i o n a n d a n a l y s i s , which is all the more important, as capabilities, policies and strategies evolve to deal with a changing geopolitical landscape
The Matrix draws from data since 2001 What trends have you observed in how states project cyber power?
Much of our analysis is s t i l l f o r t h c o m i n g , a n d I wouldn t want to get ahead of myself when there's more work to be done However, t h r e e g e n e r a l t r e n d s t h a t can be observed: By virtue of the activities conducted, we are seeing more states looki n g t o e x e r t i n f l u e n c e i n cyberspace, we are seeing increased reporting of incidents - either voluntarily or through a changed regulatory environment - in both western states and its allies, and we are seeing a shift in the political decision-maki n g a m o n g s t a t e s a r o u n d attributing state cyber activities which is increasingly a m e c h a n i s m f o r a l l i a n c e building for western states and other regional partners

Thephysical disruption of submarine cables is highlighted as an example of vulnerability in cyberspace
How significant is this vulnerability, and how do states leverage control over such critical infrastructure to project power?
C o n t r a r y t o p o p u l a r conception, the Internet is i n c r e d i b l y p h y s i c a l a n d relies on a series of cables and wires that are spread across the world with subm a
connectivity The connectivity provided by submarine cables create a vulnerability both in their disruption, as well as their supply The average repair time for submarine cables is estimated to be around 40 days, which can have incredible ramifications in the event of n a t u r a l
states, such as those island states in the Pacific Ocean, depend on economic agreements with larger states to e
cables and in doing so, enter new arenas of geopolitical influence - examples of this can be seen with how China engaged with the Solomon I s l a n d s , a n d h o w F i j i rebuked China to strengthen its connections with the United States For states like T
create clear points of vulnerability, in February 2022 the Matsu Islands were cut off from the Internet when its two cables were severed by Chinese vessels coincidentally within days of each other
What role do you think cyber power will play in shaping future global conflicts or geopolitical tensions, particu-
Cyber power remains a critical tool in how states seek to engage each other on issues and this is only l
d more geopolitical tensions appear Technology continues to advance at a frighteni n
i o n continues to outweigh security concerns I anticipate there being increased focus on supply chains as we've already seen with semiconductors, but also the ownership of data as competition
Nisha Hirani
Virpratap Vikram Singh
Employment law gets a major makeover
This Bill marks a significant step toward fulfilling
both employers and employe
reforms are still substantial F
require over two years of consultation
K e y h i g h l i g h t s i n c l u d e day-one rights, where workers will be protected against unfair dismissal from their first day on the job, benefiti n g 9 m i l l i o n i n d i v i d u a l s
Paternity leave and unpaid parental leave will also be available from day one, with a n e x t e n s i v e r e v i e w o f
p a r e n t a l l e a v e r i g h t s p r o m i s e d T h e B i l l i n t r oduces a universal sick pay
e n t i t l e m e n t s t a r t i n g f r o m the first day of illness, shifting the right from day four Statutory sick pay will be strengthened by removing the lower earnings limit for all workers, ensuring broader access to support during illness
Additionally, a statutory
p r o b a t i o n p e r i o d f o r n e w hires will be implemented, allowing employees to claim for unfair dismissal A ninemonth limit is set for consultation, with implementa-
t i o n p l a n n e d f o r a u t u m n 2026 Over 1 million workers on zero-hours contracts will gain the right to guaranteed hours, while those on lowhours contracts can secure a guaranteed-hours contract if they work regular hours

over a specified period
The practice of fire and rehire will be banned except
exceptions for businesses at risk of collapse may concern unions New laws will also make flexible working the
address gender pay gaps and support women experiencing menopause Enhanced protections during pregnancy and after maternity leave will also be introduced
including holiday pay, and revise the remit of the Low Pay Commission to consider the cost of living when set-
This change will eliminate
increases for many Union rights remain crucial to the plan, with many commitments to be implemented through alternative means Sharing his opinion on t h e s e r e f o r m s , T o ny
M ath
n o f C e ntr al L ond on A lliance CIC said, "Understanding the meaning and purpose behind the new government’s messages has not been easy " He questioned whether
C h a n c e l l o r R a c h e l R e e v e s included business owners in
h e r b r o a d d e f i n i t i o n o f working people, especially
Tributes paid to Sir Ratan Tata at Uthamna prayers in Harrow
i s fa ci ng p
se cu t io n by C omp anies House for failing to file accounts for ov er 70 comp anies reg istered in Britain
G u p t a , o n c e h a i l e d a s “the saviour of steel” for resc
fines or disqualification as a d i r e c t o r T h i s l a t e s t l e g a l challenge comes as Gupta’s c o n g
(GFG), is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office (SFO) for suspected fraud linked to the collapse of its main lender, Greensill Capital, in 2021
The Companies House action pertains to 76 companies associated with Gupta, i n c l u d i n g L i b e r t y C o m m o d
firm he founded, and those
in light of proposed increase s t
"Are the 'broadest shoulders'
and small to medium-sized enterprises, which represent 99 2% of the UK’s business population, expected to bear the increased tax burden?"
M a t h a r u e m p h a s i s e d the need for clarity, asking, "
International Development
) mean when she promises a partnership with business? Does this include collaborating with and encouraging business owners who identify as 'working people'?"
H e p o i n t e d o u t t h a t many questions need clear answers "Business owners a n d r i s k
entrepreneurs require cer-
aims to attract
takes control and focuses on
growth," Matharu stressed the importance of supporting central London and its businesses "The challenges f
London are significant To recover sustainably, London needs the right environment a n d t o o l s t
competitive advantage and remain the best place to live, w o r k ,
invest "
He concluded that businesses understand how to s u p p o r t , i n v e s t i n , a n d retain their workforce better than governments do "Any g o v e r n m e n t a l i m p o s i t i o n s should focus on stimulating i n v e s t m e n t a n d e m p l o yment rather than creating naïve and impractical rules that hinder hiring "

has confirmed the enforcement action but declined to provide further comments G
At 53, Gupta, who was born in India and studied at Cambridge, built his wealth through commodity trading before acquiring struggling
U thamna prayers for Padm a Vibhushan Sir Ratan Naval Tata (193 7-2024) were h eld o n F ri d
Harro w
The ceremony was led by three Zoroastrian priests, i n c l u d i n g M
P o l i c e S u p e r i n t e n d e n t Z u b i n P W r i t e r , P o l i c
Borough of Harrow, Ervad

How very true Who will
future generations – it’s the current crop of businesses
Ambanis, Reliance, Adanis, Hindujas and alike can follow in the footsteps of Sir Ratan Tata because his legacy must live on for the sake of humanity, fairness and c
human beings - particularly

Yazad T Bhadha, resident priest of ZTFE, and Ervad Z u b i n R B h e d w a r , s e n i o r
p r i e s t a t Z T F E N o t a b l y ,
E r v a d Z u b i n R B h e d w a r ’ s l a t e f a t h e r , E r v a d R u s i K
Bhedwar, had prayed at the funeral of JRD Tata in Paris in the early 1990s
A group photo featured ZTFE patron Lord Karan F
B i l i m o r i a C B E D L , a l o n g with the priests and several distinguished speakers who p a i d t r i b u t e t o S i r R a t a n
T a t a T h e s e i n c l u d e d
M e h r n a v a z P A v a r i , A r e a
D i r e c t o r U K o f I n d i a n Hotels Company & General Manager of St James' Court Hotel, Navin Shah CBE, form e r H e a d o f t h e G r e a t e r
L o n d o n A s s e m b l y , Z T F E
P r e s i d e n t M a l c o l m M
D e b o o , T r u s t e e D o r a b E
M i s t r y O B E , a n d K R u s i Dalal
D u r i n g t h e c e r e m o n y , Lord Karan Bilimoria gave a h e a r t f e l t a n d p e r s o n a l s p e e c h , r e c a l l i n g h i s l o n g association with Sir Ratan Tata since 2002 He shared memories of their common
across 30 countries, including the Liberty Steel Group, which operates several man-
Newport, and Scunthorpe
Greensill Capital, founded
unveiled that Greensill had lent £400 million to compa-
Gupta, utilising the coronavirus large business inter-
(CLBILS) that had an 80% government guarantee
launch a criminal investigation into Gupta’s financing and operations, suspecting
and money laundering The ongoing SFO investigation
GFG’s ability to appoint new auditors
i n t e r e s t s , i n c l u d i n g t h e i r m e m b e r s h i p i n t h e Cambridge University India Advisory Board, and praised Sir Ratan as his role model Lord Bilimoria recounted a conversation from a flight
d u r i n g t h e 2 0 0 8 G l o b a l Financial Crisis, where Sir Ratan expressed frustration o v e r t h e l a c k o f s u p p o r t from the UK Government but remained determined to o v e r c o m e t h e c h a l l e n g e s , saying, "We shall do it by ourselves, and I know we can do it " Lord Bilimoria emphasized Tata’s contribut i o n s t o U K i n d u s t r y through major investments i n c o m p a n i e s l i k e T e t l e y T e a , C o r u s S t e e l , J a g u a r
L a n d R o v e r , a n d T a t a Consultancy Services (TCS) Mehernavaz Avari, Area Director UK of the Indian H o t e l s C o m p a n y , a l s o spoke, reflecting on her 24year career with the Tata Group and her interactions w i t h S i r R a t a n T a t a
Numerous Tata employees, past and present, attended

t h e c e r e m o n y L a k s h m i
N a r a y a n , F i r s t S e c r e t a r y
Economics and Income Tax from the High Commission
o f I n d i a , r e p r e s e n t e d t h e
Government of India, while tributes were also made by councillors and former mayo r s f r o m t h e L o n d o n Borough of Harrow

Nav in S h ah C B E , F o r m e r C h a i r o f L o n d o n
Assembly & Former Leader
o f H a r r o w C o u n c i l , i n a speech at the prayer ceremony said, ““In my view, we tend to use the adjective or superlative ‘Legend’ too libe r a l l y w h e n d e s c r i b i n g achievements of a person
Generally such an expression is emotionally speaking well-meant but when examined objectively often it’s an exaggeration and even misplaced
“But in the case of Sir Ratan Tata there is no such question or doubt whatsoever Anyone who even half k n o w s a b o u t S i r R a t a n
Tata’s contribution knows he was a giant and a true legend
“Sir Ratan Tata’s family members in their message
h a v e s a i d ‘ h i s l e g a c y o f h u m i l i t y , g e n e r o s i t y a n d p u r p o s e w i l l c o n t i n u

the poor and deprived We all have a role to play in this and that would be a real tribute to Sir Ratan Tata ” ZTFE Trustee Dorab E Mistry OBE conducted the
M Deboo gave a brief speech highlighting the close ties between the ZTFE and the Tata family He noted that
with his sons Sir Dorab and Sir Ratan, are buried in the
Trustee Rusi
Dalal also paid tribute to Sir Ratan,
Officer Dr Karishma Koka explained the significance of the Uthamna prayers She described how, according to
detaches from the body on the third day after death to begin its journey to the afterlife, and is judged on the fourth day for its good and bad deeds
Tony Matharu
Sanjeev Gupta
Navin Shah CBE
Lord Karan Bilimoria
Lord Bilimoria and others attending the event
Attendees at the Uthamna prayer

Farewell to Ratan Tata: The visionary who reshaped Indian and British industry
Prime Minister Narendra Modi praised him as “ a visionary business leader, a compassionate soul and an extraordinary human being,” while the opposition Congress party hailed him as “ a titan of Indian industry and a philanthropist who shaped India’s corporate landscape ” Often referred to as the "humble business tycoon," Tata led over 30 companies across 100 countries Yet, despite his immense impact, he never appeared on billionaire lists, as Tata Group’s earnings were directed to Tata Trusts, reflecting a philanthropic tradition that predated modern figures like Bill Gates Tata’s journey began in 1962 when, after earning a degree in architecture from Cornell University, he returned to India to join the family business He started humbly, living in a hostel for apprentices and gaining hands-on experience on the shop floor near blast

never showed it The reserved and thoughtful Mumbai-based magnate led a wave of “ reverse colonisation” in the 2000s, including Tata’s takeover of Tetley Tea for £271 million in 2000, Corus Steel for £6 2 billion in 2007, and Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) for $2 3 billion in 2008
While UK firms outsourced services like call centres to India, Tata was bringing large segments of British industry into the fold with a straightforward strategy: cut costs by 10%, modernise operations, boost production, expand into Asian markets, and

furnaces He later reflected that those early days, though tough, provided invaluable lessons In 1991, Tata succeeded JRD Tata as chairman of Tata Sons and took the conglomerate to new heights
Now, Noel Tata has been appointed the new chairperson of Tata Trusts
He is the half-brother of Ratan Tata and serves on the boards of several publicly listed Tata companies, including Tata Steel and Voltas Known for his low-profile leadership style, Noel stands in contrast to Ratan Tata's more prominent public presence The leg end’s U K connectio n If Ratan Tata took any satisfaction in his Indian company acquiring prestigious brands from its former colonial ruler, he
leverage Tata’s vertically integrated model for access to affordable raw materials, insulating the company from fluctuating commodity prices This approach proved highly successful at Tetley and JLR
It was for this reason that he was a towering figure in Indian business, renowned for his strategic global acquisitions His vision transformed the Tata Group, propelling Indian businesses onto the world stage and earning him global admiration
One of Tata's most significant international recognitions came in 2014 when Queen Elizabeth II conferred upon him the Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the British Empire (GBE), making him the first Indian to receive this honour since India became
a Republic in 1950
Reflecting on the recognition, Tata expressed his gratitude, stating, "I am deeply touched and feel greatly honoured to receive the recognition so graciously bestowed on me by Her Majesty It has been a privilege to have our enterprises contribute positively to the growth and standing of the United Kingdom "
Tata had also received the Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) in 2009, acknowledging the vital role his leadership played in strengthening the India-UK relationship He attributed these achievements to the trust and dedication of the people within Tata's UK enterprises, saying, “None of what we have achieved could have been possible without the unflinching commitment of our teams in the UK ”
The Indian High Commissioner to the UK, Vikram Doraiswami, recently led a moment of silence in his honour during a Diwali reception near the Houses of Parliament on October 10th Addressing a
gathering of parliamentarians, entrepreneurs, and community leaders, Doraiswami paid tribute to Tata’s contributions, stating, "No man has embodied the India-UK partnership quite as much as Ratan Tata did Mumbai and London were both his home, and his influence, from Air India to Jaguar Land Rover, spanned across the globe "
Lord Karan Bilimoria, co-chair of the India All

Party Parliamentary Group and founder of Cobra Beer, also praised Tata’s legacy, describing him as a fellow Parsi and a
champion of India-UK ties "Ratan Tata showed how Indian companies could successfully expand their global footprint," Bilimoria remarked Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that Tata’s pioneering global vision had left an indelible mark He added, “In his memory, it is fitting for the Indian industry to pledge to deepen the India-UK economic and commercial corridor ” As India and the UK continue to strengthen their economic ties, Ratan Tata’s legacy endures as a powerful symbol of collaboration, innovation, and global leadership
Message from Richard Hawkes, CEO, British Asian Trust
In the days since Ratan Tata died th ere have been tributes from across the globe for one of the world ’ s g reatest bu siness leaders – a man w ho was years ahead of h is time in recog nising th e im portance o f businesses being run with v alues and comp assion Not only because it was the righ t thing to d o, but because it would also lead to greater com mercial success
It is an honour for the British Asian Trust to add to these tributes We have had the huge pleasure of knowing Mr Tata for many years and of enjoying a strategic partnership with Tata Trusts As a result of this partnership, we have successfully established social finance in India, leading three pioneering Development Impact Bonds that are transforming the way that development programmes are both funded and delivered, as well as providing quality education for children, skilling and job opportunities, especially for women
But perhaps nothing captures the kind of man Ratan Tata was better than in 2018 when our Royal Founding Patron, His Majesty The King, was going to present Mr Tata with the British Asian Trust Lifetime Achievement Award at a special event at Buckingham Palace At the last minute, Mr Tata cancelled his trip to the UK after one of his beloved dogs fell critically ill! Now that really is compassion and kindness above self Perhaps something we could all learn from
It was a privilege for the British Asian Trust to have enjoyed such a great partnership with Ratan Tata and millions of lives are so much better for it
Ratan Tata with brother Jimmy
Ratan Tata and JRD Tata
Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

The 2024 Autumn Budget is likely to bring significant changes to pensions, as the Labour government faces a fiscal shortfall of £22 billion. Speculation suggests the government may target pension tax relief, potentially reducing the popular 25% tax-free lump sum or altering other pension perks, which could disproportionately affect retirees. The 25% tax-free lump sum, long a staple of the UK pension system, may be lowered to a fixed limit of £100,000, potentially impacting one in five retirees and leading to tax bills for larger pension pots
These potential changes make it more critical than ever for pensioners to take control of their financial future With the possibility of reduced pension benefits, retirees need to be proactive in managing their pensions to safeguard their retirement income
Top 10 Important Steps Pensioners Should Take:
1 Re view Your Pen sion Pla n: Understand your current pension scheme, especially in light of possible tax changes It’s essential to know how much you have saved and what your potential tax liabilities could be
2 Conside r Ta king Tax -Fr ee Cash Ea rly: If changes to the 25% tax-free lump sum are introduced, it may be beneficial to withdraw this amount before the new rules take effect But think carefully, as if you take it out and there is no change then it would not grow tax-free outside your pension
3 Maximise Pen sion Con tributions: While tax relief on contributions could be reduced, it’s still important to contribute as much as possible, particularly if you ’ re in a higher tax bracket But even better than saving more, is ensuring you ’ re investing in good performance Sadly IFAs and adverts tell you to save more so they can get more of your money, but they underperform as I have written about so often in my books Learn yourself how to invest
b e t t
www campaignforamillion com
4 Div ersify Your In vestme nt s: Make sure your pension
p o r t f o l i o i s d i v e
especially if you ’ re nearing retirement and need to ensure financial stability For me this has always been higher return, lower volatility or risk US stocks The US market yet again is at an all time high My first Financial Times column in 1999 mentioned this is how I invest Quarter of a century later and it’s still the right thing for me
5 C h e ck fo r Ta x Im p lica t i on s: W i t h i n c o m e t a x thresholds frozen and the state pension potentially subject to more tax, review how these factors could affect your income A growing portion of pensioners will soon pay more tax due to these frozen thresholds
6 Assess Your Re tire men t Ag e: Consider delaying retirement or working part-time if tax changes reduce the value of your pension pot Staying in work longer could allow your pension investments more time to grow Again, I take the better approach for me, which is to have my investment in great US companies rather than the pain of saving more or working longer
7 Ex plor e Pen sion Dr awdown : Pension drawdown allows flexibility in how you access your pension savings, e n a b l i n g y o u t o c o n t r o
withdraw, which may help minimise tax exposure
8 Speak to your a ccoun tan t: If you have one, they can always keep up to date for you Beware of IFAs and Wealth M a n a g
underperforming funds as Warren Buffett points out time
a n d a g a i n a n d E
Economics for showing
9 Plan for He althcar e Costs: Rising healthcare costs may eat into your retirement savings Consider if private medical insurance is suitable or not for you
1 0 S
informed investor is the best placed for retirement I make a lot of resources freely available at www alpeshpatel com/links
UK pay growth hits lowest since 2021
B ri ta in 's j o bs m a rke t h as s h o w e d f u rth e r s i g ns o f coo ling in S eptem ber, w ith p a y g ro w th ri s in g a t i ts slowest rate in nearly four years
l i k e l y
ance to the Bank of England as it deliberates potential c u t s t o b o r r o w i n g c o s t s According to a survey by the R e c r u
Employment Confederation
( R E C ) a n d K P M G , t h e growth in starting pay for permanent roles has fallen
Pioneering the South Asian grocery market in the UK

Subhasini Naicker
In 1981, Pankaj Sedani opened a shop selling Indian groceries in Upton Park, supported by his brothers Arvind and Vipul. Over the years, the shop steadily grew, and by 1992, Quality Foods had firmly established itself as a recognised brand, offering a wide range of products. In 2006, they transformed it into the largest South Asian supermarket in London Under Pankaj's leadership, the company also launched its proprietary brand, ‘Gulab’ Today, Krishan and Shyam Sedani represent the company, solidifying its position as a leader in the UK's South Asian supermarket sector
Speaking with Asian Voice, Krishan Sedani shares insights into the evolution of their family business, reflecting on valuable lessons learned throughout their journey and much more
1) How has the business evolved over the years, and what do you think has been the key to its enduring success?
Over the past four decades, Quality Foods has evolved from a small shop in Upton Park to a multi-location supermarket chain serving diverse communities across London What began as a modest operation has expanded into a thriving business with numerous physical stores and a successful online platform The key milestones including the opening of our flagship store in Ilford
and subsequent expansions to Southall, Hounslow, and beyond, highlight our growth trajectory The enduring success of Quality Foods stems from our profound understanding of the Asian community's needs, coupled with our unwavering commitment to quality,
2) You and your brother recently won the Special Award for Young Business Person of the Year at the Asian Achievers Awards What does this recognition mean to you, and how do you think it reflects on your journey in the business world?
Winning this award is a tremendous honour for both my brother and me It signifies the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, not only to our family business but also to the
achieved impressive growth in a short span More importantly, it affirms our commitment to honouring the legacy of our father while pushing the business into a new era of innovation and success
3) As a second-generation entrepreneur, what values or lessons did you learn from your family's business that you still carry forward today?
Growing up in a family business, I have learned the importance of hard work, perseverance, and staying true to o u r r o o t s M y f a t h e r a n d u
l e s instilled in me the value of customer relationships, integrity, and maintaining high standards, whether in product quality or service These values are central to Quality Foods’ success and guide every decision we make today I've also learned the importance of adapting to c
staying true to our family s vision By
preserving our core family values and integrating modern business practices, we have maintained our competitiveness in a rapidly evolving retail landscape
4) The Asian food market in the UK has grown significantly How does Quality Foods differentiate itself from other supermarkets catering to the same demographic?
Quality Foods differentiates itself by staying deeply connected to the communities we serve From the beginning, we ’ ve been attuned to the unique needs of the Asian population, offering a wide selection of products, many of which are exclusive to us through our proprietary brand, ‘Gulab’ Our commitment to offering the highest quality p r o d u c e a n
enhanced by our strong partnerships with global suppliers, enabling us to provide items often unavailable elsewhere in the UK Additionally, our effective integration of physical stores with a well-developed online platform distinguishes us in delivering both convenience and quality to our customers
5) What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs, particularly those looking to grow within the grocery industry?
My advice to young entrepreneurs is to remain adaptable and committed to continuous learning The grocery industry is highly competitive, with c
evolving, so staying ahead of trends and embracing innovation is essential This could involve adopting new technologies or exploring niche markets, as the ability to pivot is crucial for success Additionally, building strong relations h i p s w i t h b o t h s u p p l i e r s a n d c u stomers is vital for long-term growth Finally, never underestimate the power of hard work and persistence; growing a business takes time, but with a clear vision and unwavering dedication, you can achieve remarkable success
Reeves faces £25bn tax hike to avoid austerity
Rachel Reeves may need to rai s
au sterity, econom ists hav e warned
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) estimates that the chancellor will need to implement tax hikes double the size of George Osborne’s
ensure public spending can rise across the board, even

Reeves is reportedly
The Labour chancellor faces the challenge of raising billions while adhering to her pledge not to increase taxes for “working people ” Although she is expected to introduce looser fiscal rules to allow more borrowing for
address the pressing need for day-to-day spending on public services like the NHS, local councils, and prisons
October 30 budget, Reeves
spending to be covered by
acknowledge that this will be the most challenging goal
The IFS estimates that Reeves will need to raise £25 billion in this budget to stay on track
February 2021 Additionally, the monthly index for perm
decline, although the reduction in hiring was less severe than in August
The REC/KPMG survey also revealed that the pool of available candidates for job openings continued to expand, while the number of vacancies decreased for the 11th consecutive month, marking the fastest decline since March
T h e n u mb er o f m il l io nair es in the UK is project ed t o decrease by a f if th by t he end o f th is parliam ent ary ter m, a lar ger decline t han in any oth er co untry, a cc o r d in g t o t h e A da m S mit h Instit ute (ASI)
C u r r e n t l y , 4 5 5 % o f British residents are millionaires, but this figure is expected to drop to 3 62% b y 2 0 2 8 I n c o n t r a s t , Germany, France, and Italy are anticipated to see an increase in their million-
a i r e p o p u l a t i o n s T h e
t h i n k t a n k r e p o r t s t h a t many millionaires are leaving the UK or considering d o i n g s o d u e t o f a c t o r s such as potential changes to the non-domiciled tax status and high taxation rates
A s a g r o u p , m i l l i o naires contribute a significantly larger share of taxes t h a n o t h e r t a x p a y e r s ; HMRC indicates that the top 1% of earners pay 29 1% of all income tax, which is a key revenue source for the Treasury The ASI also
noted that liquid millionaires those with over $1 million in liquid assets and c a s h a r e d e p a r t i n g t h e UK, with an estimated loss of 9,500 such individuals this year The number of b i l l i o n a i r e s h a s a l s o d e c l i n
102 in 2019 to 75 last year In 2022, around 74,000 individuals claimed nondom status, allowing them to pay UK tax only on their U K e a
Rachel Reeves
Krishan Sedani
Hyundai raises £831.5 mn from anchor investors
Musk reacts to Ambani lobbying for satellite spectrum auction
entities and v arious fund s The IPO, which is the
s , opened for subscription on Tuesday
Govt of Singapore is the t o p i n v e s t o r , p i c k i n g u p 4 9% of the issue, with its central bank, the Monetary
0 8% Other top investors include funds managed by Fidelity Group (4 5%), SBI Group (4 5%), HDFC Group (4 2%), ICICI Group (4 1%), and Nippon Group (3 1%)

The company said that it has finalised the issue of 42 m
investors at a price of Rs
includes a premium of Rs 1,950 per share
According to Sebi rules, if the offer price discovered through the book-building process is higher than the anchor investor allocation price, anchor investors will b
Hyundai Motor India’s Korean parent is selling a 17 5% stake through an offer for sale The proceeds of the
IPO will go to the parent
The current pricing values the company at close to £16 bn, which is the same as the market cap of HDFC Life or
Suzuki has a market cap of
Corporation has a market cap equivalent to £39 bn
Until now, the largest IPO was that of LIC, worth
second-largest player in the
India It has also been the
India Since its entry into
company has sold nearly 12 mn cars locally and abroad
Hyundai India is among the top three in terms of global sales for the group and contributes 18 2% of the company ’ s sales
Tata Steel's Narendran elected World Steel Association chairperson
The Wor ld Ste el Associa tion a nn oun ced t hat i t e le cte d TV N a re n dr a n, chi ef e x
uti ve office r of Ta ta Stee l, as th e chair person for t he y ea r 2024-25 Th is is only t he se con d time t hat a n India n has be en e lect ed to hea d the W orld Ste el Associa tion a ft er Sajjan Jinda l, cha ir per son of JSW Group, le d t he global st eel body in 20 21 Narendran has also been included in the 1 5 - m e m b e r e x e c u t i v e c o m m i t t e e o f t h e World Steel Association, where Sajjan Jindal, ArcelorMittal, and other top officials from JFE and Posco were present
The World Steel Association represents a s i g n i f i c a n t p o r t i o n o f t h e g l o b a l s t e e l industry, with its members accounting for a p p r o x i m a t e l y 8 5 % o f t h e w o r l d ' s s t e e l production The organisation comprises over 160 steel producers, national and regional
steel industry associations, and steel research institutes, making it an important platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing within the steel industry
Narendran joined Tata Steel in 1988 and h a s s
products divisions and managing director of Tata Steel India and Southeast Asia He played a crucial role in building the Tata Tiscon brand and distribution network
He is currently serving as the global CEO and MD of Tata Steel, one of the largest steel producers in the world Narendran holds an u n d e r g r a d u a t e d e
i n m
c h a n i c a l engineering from the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, and an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
RBI keeps repo rates unchanged for 10th time
R BI an nounced a cha nge in it s mon et ar y policy st an ce fr om withd rawa l of a ccomm odation to ne utra l, ev en as it kept the policy rep o r ate un chang ed a t 6 5% for the t en th successive t im e in its lat est mone ta ry policy comm it te e mee ting
A ‘withdrawal of accommodation’ stance indicates a position where RBI makes money less easily available to keep a check on prices A neutral stance, on the other
h a n d , i n d i c a t e s t h a t t h e monetary policy is neither trying to speed up nor slow
down spending For borrowers, this could mean more festive offers on some bor-
rates may plateau
The change in stancefirst in nearly 30 months - is seen as a step towards the
both inflation and growth well balanced, there was no
achieved what we wanted to
inflation is moderating, con-
sidering the significant risks that lie ahead of us, it will be inappropriate to specifically talk in terms of the timing of a
r Shaktikanta Das said
e received a 5-1 majority vote, with all members, including the newly-appointed external members, voting unanimously to change the stance Consequent to the MPC’s
Starlink boss Elo n Mu sk said the mov e by India to au ction satellite bro ad band spectrum, and not allocate it, w ould be "u nprecedented " , reacting to a s to ry th at r iv al b
Mu kesh Am bani w as lobbying for the auction route
In what is seen as a battle between the two billionaires, Starlink argues administrative allotment of licences is in line with a global

auction is needed for a level playing field as foreign players could offer voice and data
telecom players
According to reports, Ambani's Reliance has argued India's telecom regulator has incorrectly concluded that home satellite broadband spectrum should be allocated and
seeking industry feedback, and the consultation process must start afresh
and advocates that allocation
RIL Q2 net drops 3% on weaker refining margin
Reliance Industries posted a 3% dro p in quarterly p ro fit, h u rt b y w ea k r ef i ni n g m ar gi n s P ro f i t s to o d a t £1 93 bn in Q2 FY2 5, in line with analysts’ expectations R ev en u e w as s ta bl e a t n ear ly £2 4 b n, be nef i ti ng from th e strength of the o ilto-ch emicals ( O2C) and o il &gas busi nesses as well as i ts f as t- g ro w i ng d i gi ta l services (Ji o) businesses
O p e r a t i n g p r o f i t , a y a r d s t i c k f o r u n d e r l y i n g business performance, fell 3 1% to £4 18 bn Expenses
climbed by a marginal 1 4% to about £22 bn
Operating profit of the O 2 C b u s i n e s s d e c r e a s e d 24% to £1 24 bn due to s h a r p d e c l i n e i n p r o d u c t m a r g i n s F u e l c r a c k s declined nearly 50% as did petrochemicals, with muted global demand in a wells u p p l i e d m a r k e t F u e l cracks refers to cracking or b r e a k i n g c r u d e o i l i n t o different components like j e t f u e l , g a s o l i n e , a n d k
growth in
contribution from the O2C
chairman and MD Mukesh Ambani
BEML gets contract to make India's first high-speed train
I n te gra l C o ac
h Movers Limited) a contract for the desi gn, manufactu re, and co mmissio ning of two h igh - sp eed trai nsets , eac h wi th ei gh t c ars E ac h c ar co sts £2 78 mn and the total co ntract value is £86 68 mn T h i s a m o u n t c o v e r s non-recurring fees, design c o s t s , o n e - t i m e d e v e l o p m e n t c o s t s , a n
fixtures, tooling, and testing facilities that will be used for all upcoming high-speed projects in India
The first trainsets with a test speed of 280 kmph to b e d e s i g n e d a n d manufactured in India will b e p a
f t h i s p r o j
c t , which is a major milestone in the country’s high-speed rail journey The trainsets are expected to be delivered by the end of 2026 and will be constructed at BEML’s
n Bengaluru The trains will have chair car layouts with
d e c i s i o n , t h e s t a n d i n g deposit facility rate remains at 6 25%, while the marginal standing facility and bank rate continue at 6 75% TCS revenue rises over 5% in Q2, N America biz down 2%
India warns Ola Electric after 10,000 complaints
I n d i a ’ s co n su m er r ig h ts ag en cy rec eiv ed u nu su ally h i g
government received
media to complain about its after-sales service
Ola has also been in the spotlight following a public
Bhavish Agarwal and come-
revived questions over its
wave of complaints online
show cause notice to Ola after the
Khare, the consumer affairs secretary
Several complaints are too high, Khare said, adding the agency took the step as “ you cannot leave it to individual consumers to fight their way out”
IT m ajor TCS’ s revenue grew 5 5% yearo n - y e a r i n c o n s ta n t currenc y in the Sept quarter The company ’ s mains tay ba nking and f inanc ial servi ces s e c tor s how e d s i gn s of recovery even as c lients c o n t i n ue d k e e p I T c os t s down However, its outlook on deman d rem ains guarde d a s t he g l ob al p i c t u re conti nue s to show un certain ty “ A m i d s t a n u n c e r t a i n geopolitical situation, our b i g g e s t v e r t i c a l , B F S I , showed signs of recovery Financial institutions in the US are looking at sustaining t h e g r o w t h m o m e n t u m Stability in the macro brings initial signs of confidence,”

TCS CEO K Krithivasan said in an investor call He added that with the easing of interest rates, cons u m e r c o n f i d e n c e a n d i n d u s t r y c o n f i d e n c e w i l l improve “This can potent i a l l y l e a d t o i m p r o v e d investments Customers are focused on operational efficiency and upgrades for the future with an eye on efficiency and automation,” he said
Growth was led by energy, resources & utilities, and
India asks Bangladesh to ensure safety of minorities
N EW DE LHI : Ex pres sing s erious c on cern over the attack on a Durga Puja man dap at the Tan ti Ba zar area i n Dhaka and the theft at Jes horeshwari Kali tem ple at Satkhi ra , In dia has de p l or e d t h e e v en ts , s a y i n g thes e follow a “system atic pattern ” of desecrati on an d dama ge to temples and deitie s that has b een witnes sed over several da ys now

earlier said they are disturbed by the reported incident of theft of the c
Kali Mata, gifted by PM Modi during his visit in 2021 The Indian High Commission in Dhaka had raised the issue with Bangladesh authorities “
Tanti Bazar area of Old Dhaka
Though the bomb caught fire, nobody was injured, the report said, adding that the incident took place on Friday night On Thursday, two Muslim clerics a n d h
shocked the Hindus at a Durga P
reports of attacks on Hindus
country are
“We call upon the govt of Bangladesh to ensure the safety and security of Hindus and all minorities and their places of worship, especially during this auspicious festival time,” said the govt in a statement, which also seemed to be a rejection of the claim of chief adviser to the
Indian fined in Malaysia over clothes reflecting support for LGBTQ
S I N G A P O R E : A 7 0
1 ,00 0 by a M alaysian court fo r obscenity after he took part in a fundraiser for children su ffering f ro m ce reb ra l p a ls y w e ar in g cloth es reflecting " support" fo r the L GBTQ comm unity
Satyanarayana Prasad Papoli and 66-year-old Arthur Wang from Taiwan were fined USD 1,168 each for dressing inappropriately at the run meant to
r a i s e f u n d s f o r t h e S p a s t i c Children's Association of Johor P a p o l i , a f o r m e r l a w y e r , apologised and requested that t h e f i n e b e r e d u c e d o n t h e grounds that he is already 70, has a wife, who works as a doctor and came here to participate in a charity programme
The viral footage from the run showed some of the male participants who cross-dressed and participants wearing rain-
authorities urged to investigate
article and bring the guilty to book,” said a source Bangladeshi daily ‘Prothom Alo’ reported an incident of a “crude bomb” allegedly thrown at a Durga Puja pandal in the
inevitability of the success of Islamic revolution India did not let up on its c
Dhakeshwari, his second since being installed as the adminis-
Sheikh Hasina to quit as prime minister and flee to India
Gunmen kill 20 at a coal mine in Pak’s Balochistan
well as Afghanistan “Most of the v i c t i m s w e r e f r o m P a s h t u ns p e a k i n g r e g i o n s w i t h i n
In the wake of Hurricane Helene s devastation, BAPS Charities has launched a comprehensive relief initiative to support affected communities in Spartanburg, Piedmont, Asheville and Greenville Coordinating closely with local authorities and emergency response teams, the organization has been working tirelessly to ensure that aid reaches those in critical need Volunteers from Greenville and Charlotte came together to provide essential assistance to impacted residents During this period, they prepared and distributed 620 hot meal packs and 252 care packages, delivering much-needed relief to those grappling with the aftermath of the hurricane
B alochistan pr ov in ce, pol ice said T
t a c k o c c u r r e d a m i d heightened security concerns in Pakistan as it prepares to host
t u r e L G B T Q
b o w s o c k s , w h i c h w e r e p e rceived to be an endorsement of t h e L G B T Q c u
guilty to the charges in a Johor court for committing obscene acts in public, which carries a
s imprisonment or a fine or both upon conviction They were detained along with another local participant at a hotel for suspected lewd and indecent behaviour during the race
S Korea’s Han Kang wins Nobel prize in literature
S T O C K H O L M : S out h K or e a n poet and novel is t Han Ka ng wa s awarded the Nobel Prize in litera tur e f or h er “in te ns e poe ti c pr os e ” a nd uns e tt l ing b ody of work that the Nobel comm ittee s aid “ c onf ronts his torica l tra um as and ex poses t he fra gility of hum an l if e ”
A slow-burning international literary star who has won multiple awards in Korea and Europe, Han (53) is the first Asian woman and the first South Korean writer to win the Nobel Lit prize She was awarded for books, including “The Vegetarian” and “Human Acts”, that explore the pain of being human and the scars of Korea’s turbulent history Nobel committee chairman
e r a b l e , often female lives” of her characters “She has a unique awareness of the connections between body and soul, the living and the dead,” he said Han said she was both “honoured” and surprised to become South Korea’s first Nobel literature laureate “I grew up with Korean literature, which I feel very close (to),” said Han, whose father and brother are both novelists “So I hope this news is nice for Korean literature readers and my friends, writers ” As for celebrating the win, she said: “I’m going to have tea with my son a n d I ’ l l c e l e b r a t e i t q u i e t l y tonight ”
Organisation (SCO) Summit on Oct 15-16 Incessant violent inci-
and southwest have raised serious questions about the ability of its forces to protect high profile
The assailants, according to police, broke into the miners’ quarters in Balochistan’s Dukki
d i s t r i c t , g a t h e r e d t h e w o r k e r s together and opened indiscriminate fire The victims belonged to various regions of Pakistan, as
B a l o c h i s t a n T h r e e o f t h e deceased and four of the injured are Afghan nationals,” Humayun Khan Nasir, in charge of Dukki police station, said Khairullah Nasir, the coal mine owner, said t h e a t t a c k e r s u s e d h a n d grenades, rocket launchers, and other weapons in the attack He added the attackers also set fire to “ 10 coal engines and machinery ” N o g r o u p h a s c l a i m e d responsibility for the attack but suspicion is likely to fall on the o u t l a w e d B a l o c h L i b e r a t i o n Army (BLA), which often targets c i v i l i a n s a n d s e c u r i t
B a l o c h i s t a n o f i t s r e s o u r c e s , including minerals and gas
Pakistan's Punjab CM seeks climate diplomacy with India to tackle smog
IS L A M A BA D: Th e c hi ef m i nis ter of P akis tan's m o st po p ulo us province called for "clim ate diplom acy" w ith neighbour and archrival Ind ia to com bat sm og ah ead of the w inter months, w hich are accom panied by d angerou s levels of pollu tion in both nations
"We should talk to them, this is called climate diplomacy We should do it with India," said Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, adding the two nations needed to coordinate actions to temper toxic smog, which winds carry across the border
Relations between India and Pakistan have gone through periods of thaw but have been largely frozen since they downgraded diplomatic ties in tit-for-tat moves in 2019 When cooler temperatures take hold, pollution spirals The Pakistani city of Lahore and India s capital Delhi are among the most polluted cities in the world
Rising air pollution can reduce life expectancy by more than five years per person in South Asia, one of the world's most polluted regions, according to a report published last year which flagged the growing burden of hazardous air on health India's foreign minister will visit Pakistan next week to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit, the first such visit in nearly a decade However India's government has ruled out discussions of bilateral relations during the visit
Over 79 mn girls in sub-Saharan Africa raped, sexually assaulted: UN
NAI RO BI : Th e United Nations
c hi ldren’ s agenc y says o ne in eight girls and young women across the wo rld h ave endured rape and sexual violence, with the highest number o f victims recorded in su b-Saharan Africa
UNICEF published its firstever global estimate on sexual violence against children, revealing that 79 million girls – one in five – in sub-Saharan countries hit by conflict and insecurity had experienced sexual assault or rape before turning 18
“It’s terrifying,” said Nankali
Maksud, a child violence spec
n Nairobi, Kenya “It is generations of trauma ” Girls who had suffered the trauma of sexual abuse were often unable to learn at school, she said Globally, UNICEF estimates that sexual violence has affected some 370 million – or one in eight – girls and young women The number rises to 650 million, or one in five, when taking i n t o a c c o u n t “ n
forms of sexual violence, such as online or verbal abuse, accord-
ing to the agency ’ s report
The report said that while
affected, 240 to 310 million boys and men, or about one in 11, have experienced rape or sexual
“Sexual violence against children is a stain on our moral cons
“It inflicts deep and lasting trauma, often by someone the child knows and trusts, in places where they should feel safe,” she
said Numbers were highest in “ f r a g i l e s e t t i n g s ” , i n c l u d i n g those with weak institutions, where UN peacekeeping forces are present or where there are large numbers of refugees
“We are witnessing horrific s e x u a l v i o l e n c e i n c o n f l i c t zones, where rape and genderbased violence are often used as weapons of war, ” said Russell
However, the data showed that sexual violence against children is pervasive, cutting across geographical, cultural, and economic boundaries
The family of Kishan Patel, a New Jersey man left paralyzed following a road rage incident involving an off-duty NYPD officer, has filed a lawsuit against the officer, the city of New York, and key officials, including Mayor Eric Adams and Police Commissioner Edward Caban The lawsuit claims gross negligence and failure by the city to address the officer s mental health and behavioral issues before the tragic shooting Kishan Patel 30 was shot on May 17 during what investigators describe as a road rage altercation in Voorhees Township, New Jersey
Chef Vikas Khanna’s New York restaurant Bungalow has been recognized by The New York Times as one of America s 50 best restaurants offering what the publication describes as a nostalgic journey into India s vintage clubhouses The review highlights Khanna s bold approach, celebrating the restaurant as a for-us-by-us establishment where Indian flavors are unapologetically showcased for a broader, more diverse audience, moving away from the usual practice of adjusting Indian cuisine to suit Western palates The New York Times praised Bungalow as an invitation to explore history, culture, and exceptional cuisine, inspired by the opulent clubs that played a significant role in shaping India’s social life The restaurant, which opened in March of this year, stands out for its innovative take on Indian cuisine
The Singapore government has called for the investigation of an Indian origin activist for not posting a correction to her social media posts related to the execution of drug-related convicted prisoners which the authorities said, contained false statements The Ministry of Home Affairs said it would refer Kokila Annamalai to the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) Office for investigations into her noncompliance with the correction direction that was issued to her on October 5
Two young men, a Nepali and a US citizen married in Kathmandu, a first such instance involving a foreigner in the Himalayan nation after its Supreme Court allowed same-sex marriage The organisation that facilitated the marriage said Nepal can be a hub for same sex marriage which can help promote tourism The apex court in June 2023 issued an interim order to legalise same sex marriages in Nepal Following that interim order, Nepal’s Surendra Pandey and Maya Gurung had registered same sex marriage in Nov 2023, a first time for South Asia Last week the marriage between Nepal’s Prajeet Budhathoki 27 and US citizen Joseph Foster Elis 30 was solemnised in a hotel as per the Hindu rituals
At least three people were killed and several injured when Pakistani police opened indiscriminate fire at a gathering of rights group Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM), an advocacy group for the Pashtun ethnic minority, in northwestern Khyber tribal district Police and paramilitary personnel fired tear gas and swung batons to disperse hundreds of protesters who had gathered in the town of Jamrud near Peshawar the provincial capital of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to denounce the govt ban on PTM The crowd responded by pelting stones A doctor at a local hospital said the facility received 3 bodies and 15 injured protesters The govt banned PTM saying it was supporting Pakistani Taliban
Japanese organisation Nihon Hidankyo a grassroots movement of atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki won the Nobel Peace Prize, in a warning to countries who have nuclear weapons not to use them Many survivors of the only two nuclear bombs ever to be used in conflict, who are known in Japanese as “hibakusha , have dedicated their lives to the struggle for a nuclear-free world The Nobel recognises the group at a time when survivors of the attacks - which killed an estimated 2,00,000 people, are mostly in their 80s and are dying by the hundreds each month
A Turkish Airlines jetliner headed from Seattle to Istanbul made an emergency landing at New York’s John F Kennedy International Airport after the captain died on board, an airline official said Pilot Ilcehin Pehlivan, 59, lost consciousness after flight took off from Seattle A Turkish Airlines spokesperson said medical intervention failed to revive the captain and the co-pilot made an emergency landing but the captain died before landing
TikTok faces new lawsuits filed by 13 US states and the District of Columbia, accusing the social media platform of harming and failing to protect young people The states accuse TikTok of using intentionally addictive software designed to keep children watching as long and often as possible and misrepresenting its content moderation effectiveness The lawsuits filed separately in New York, California, the District of Columbia and 11 other states, expand Chinese-owned TikTok s legal fight with US regulators, and seek new financial penalties against the firm “TikTok cultivates social media addiction to boost corporate profits, California attorney general Rob Bonta said
Boeing announced that it plans to cut 10% of its workforce as it projected a large thirdquarter loss amid a machinist strike in the Seattle region The aviation giant must reset our workforce levels to align with our financial reality ” CEO Kelly Ortberg said adding the cuts of 17,000 positions globally “will include executives, managers and employees ” Boeing announced a series of belt-tightening measures and production delays as the nearly month long strike of 33 000 workers has added to the company’s litany of problems
Boeing staff with the International Association of Machinists (IAM) and Aerospace Workers walked off the job on Sept 13 after overwhelmingly rejecting a contract offer
Obama urges Americans to vote for Kamala in 'tight' presidential race
appeal ed to Americans to vote for Kamal a Harr is, warning
en her and Donal
Trump wit
Pittsburgh in the swing state of
family and vote" for the current Democratic vice-president in the 5 November US election
campaigning in Detroit, another battleground state of Michigan,

accusing the Joe Biden-Kamala
"destroying our country"
The US presidential election is expected to be determined by
Speaking at the University o
"This election is going to be tight because there are a lot of
struggling out there It's not just about policies that are on the ballot It is about values," he added
He denounced Trump as a
cared about "his
and his money and his status He's not thinking about you," he said, accusing Trump of "trying
Care Act - key legislation that millions of Americans rely on
The 44th US president and his wife Michelle Obama publicly endorsed Harris in July, shortly
decision to withdraw from the White House race M
Trump addressed a crowd for over an hour about a wide range of topics from voting rules to tariffs on China
Much of his speech focused on his claims that the US
industry is failing
comm un ities The recogn ition, an nounced by First La dy Jill Bide n on October 10 a t a ce remony held a t t he W hite House, co i n ci d i n g w it h I
t i o n a l Da y of t he Gir l Selected by the White House Gender Policy Council, the honorees were recognised for their l
areas such as education, digital safety, STEM accessibility, and healthcare Dr Biden, a longtime a d v o c a t e f o r y o u t h e m p o w e rment, praised the young leaders,

saying, These incredible hono u r e e s a r e m e e t i n g t h e c h a llenges they see in the world by developing innovative new techn o l o g i e s ,
through the power of art and poetry, and more ”
Among the honourees are: Sreenidi Bala, 16, a passiona t e a d v o c a t e f o r e x p a n d i n g STEM education to neurodivergent students After identifying a
gap in her school district, s h e c r e a t e d A S P I R E Adaptive STEM, an elective that offers tailored S T E M l e s s o n s f o r s t udents with learning disabilities She also founded Code for All Minds, an online platform that provides educators and families with free, adaptive technolog y l e s s o n s H e r i n i t i a t i v e h a s reached schools across the country through partnerships with neurodiversity advocacy groups Pragathi Kasani-Akula, 17, a y o u n g s c i e n t i s t d e v e l o p i n g accessible healthcare solutions Inspired by her mother’s breast cancer battle, Pragathi created a l
down in Florida, he said In St Lucie County on Florida's east coast, a spate of tornados killed five people, including at least two in the senior-living S
eawater that was
Governor Ron DeSantis said the state
though he cautioned the damage was still significant and flooding remained a concern
The Tampa Bay area appeared to sidestep the storm surge that had prompted the most dire warnings, though the barrier islands along the shore south of the city endured extensive flooding U S H
Alejandro Mayorkas said at a White House briefing that there were reports of 10 deaths thus far, adding it appeared they were caused by tornados At least 27 twisters touched
concrete electric poles and overturned trucks in ditches offered evidence of the twisters' power More than 3 2 million homes and businesses in Florida were without power, according to PowerOutage us At least some had already been waiting days for power to be restored after Hurricane Helene hit the area two weeks ago M
f Tropicana Field, the stadium of the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team in St Petersburg, but there were no reported injuries The ballpark w
thousands of cots set up on the field
Indians celebrate Durga Puja at Times Square
N E W Y O R K : N
an Americans an d several other nationalities
Organised by the Bengali Club, US, the two-day celebration began with the traditional Nabami Puja held on the ninth day of Durga Puja, and the recitation of Durga Stotras
A Bollywood musical and dance session, as well as a live band performance entertained the attendees In a video making rounds on the internet, a singer can be heard singing the popular Bengali song, ‘Dhak Baja Kashor Baja’, as devotees dance to the tune
A vibrant celebration of the Sindur Khela, a Bengali ceremony where married women a p p l y v e r m i l l i o n t o e a c h o t h e r , w a s t h e highlight of the event Videos of men and women dressed in traditional attire while performing the Dhunuchi Naach have also caught the attention of internet users
Netizens applauded the event, terming it a ‘historic’ celebration by the growing Indian American community Several of them also expressed pride over the showcase of Bengali
c e l e b r a
concluded with the Dashmi Puja as devotees bid farewell to the Goddess seated at the heart of the portable pandal
country," he said of the BidenHarris administration, accusing it of failing
workers and
been moved to Mexico Kamala Harris
4 Indian American teens among White House ‘Girls Leading Change’ honourees
breast cancer During the pandemic, she also taught an epid e m i
Virtual Foundation, promoting public health education Meghna “Chili” Pramoda, 17, and Siona “Dolly” Pramoda, 16, are digital safety advocates and c o - f o u n d e r s o f S i t e s O n l i n e (STO), an organisation that educates teens worldwide about safe online practices Their work has empowered over 5 million teens through campaigns, surveys, and research on internet usage and cyber safety Seeing the impact of the digital divide during the pandemic, they expanded their efforts to include digital literacy f o r p a r e n t s , t e a c h e r s , a n d seniors
Khalistani terrorist Pannun threatens to balkanise India
ignty by adv oca ting for in depe nde nce m oveme nts beyon d Punjab In his latest video, Pannun addressed Chinese President Xi Jinping, provocatively urging him to deploy the Chinese army to
asserting that “Arunachal Pradesh is the territory of China ” A
movements in regions such as Jammu & Kashmir, Assam, Manipur,
“Balkanising the Union of India ” This statement appeared to be a response to Canada’s Deputy Minister for Foreign A
There’s one India, and that’s been made very clear ” David Morrison made this statement during a public hearing of the Canadian Foreign Interference Commission in Ottawa
Battlefield can't find any solution: PM Modi calls for peace in west Asia
U n d er li ni n g a “ c o ll ec ti v e
d e si r e f o r re st o rat io n o f peace and stability in w est
A sia and Eurasia as soon as po ssible”, PM M odi iterated th at “ s o lu ti on s c ann ot be found in battlefields”, and that Ind ia, in fulfilling its
re s p o ns ib i li ti es as a “ v i s h w ab an d h u ” , w o u ld
c o nti n u e t o m a ke ev e ry effort to contribute to peace efforts
“I come from the land of
B u d d h a , a n d I h a v e repeatedly stated this is not the age of war It is essential
i n t e g r i
y , a n d international laws,” he said while addressing East Asia Summit in Laos last week
In a message to Asean
c o u n t r i e s a m i d g r o w i n g Chinese assertiveness, Modi said the region’s approach
s h o u l d b e f o c u s e d o n
d e v e l o p m e n t a n d n o t
e x p a n s i o n i s m H e s a i d a
f r e e , o p e n , i n c l u s i v e , prosperous and rules-based Indo- Pacific is crucial for p r o g r e s s o f t h e e n t i r e
r e g i o n , a n d t h a t p e a c e , s e c u r i t y a n d s t a b i l i t y i n

South China Sea are in the interest of the entire IndoPacific region
“ W e b e l i e v e t h a t
maritime activities should be conducted in accordance w i t h U N C L O S E n s u r i n g freedom of navigation and a i r s p a c e i s e s s e n t i a l A robust and effective Code of C o n d u c t s h o u l d b e developed And, it should not impose restrictions on t h e f o r e i g n p o l i c i e s o f regional countries,” said the PM
C a l l i n g f o r c o n c e r t e d action against terrorism, he s a i d t h e m e n a c e p o s e s a serious challenge to global peace and security
He said, “To combat it, f o r c e s t h a t b e l i e v e i n h u m a n i t y m u s t c o m e t o g e t h e r a n d w o r k i n t a n d e m A
cooperation in the areas of cyber, maritime, and space ” W
n ’ s approach to Myanmar, PM Modi said India believes it is
i n humanitarian assistance and i
measures for the restoration of democracy
engaged rather than isolated i
neighbouring country, India will continue to uphold its responsibilities Friends, the
c t e d countries, due to ongoing conflicts in various parts of the world, are those from the Global South,” he said, f u r t h e r a d d i n g I n d i a h a s
consistently supported the u n i t y a n d c e n t r a l i t y o f
Asean that is also pivotal to I n d i a ' s I n d o - P a c i f i c v i s i o n and Quad cooperation PM highlighted that the path of dialogue must be adopted Asean friendship crucial Making common cause with Asean nations, Modi s a i d I n d i a a n d A s e a n member states respect each o t h e r ’ s s o v e r e i g n t y a n d territorial integrity, and in t i m e s o f c o n f l i c t a n d t e n s i o n s , f r i e n d s h i p a n d cooperation between them is of paramount importance
A d d r e s s i n g t h e I n d i aAsean Summit at Vientiane, the capital of Laos, Modi said the 21st century is the “Asian century” that belongs t o I n d i a a n d A s e a n ( A s s o c i a t i o n o f S o u t h e a s t Asian Nations) To enhance connectivity a n d r e s i l i e n c e , M o d i a l s o p r o p o s e d a 1 0 - p o i n t p l a n that included doubling the number of scholarships at N a l a n d a U n i v e r s i t y f o r
Asean students, and a review
o f A s e a n - I n d i a T r a d e i n
Goods Agreement by 2025
Centre declares Hizb ut-Tahrir as terror outfit
C entre h as declared Hizb ut-
T ahrir - fo und to be active in
T amil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka, etc, th rough
m o du l e s in s p i re d b y it s
v io l en t i de o l o g y
e s t a bl i s h an I s l am i c St a t e/ C aliphate by waging jih ad - as a “ t er r o r is t o r g an is a t io n ” u nder the U nlawfu l Ac tivities (P reventio n) Ac t, 1967
The ban notification said H u T a i m s t o e s t a b l i s h
I s l a m i c S t a
o v e r t h r o w
n g t h e democratically-elected govts through terrorist activities
Terming it as a grave threat, the home ministry said HuT i s i n v o l v e d i n t h e r a d i c a l i s a t i o n a n d motivation of gullible youth t o j o i n t e r r o r i s t o r g a n i s a t i o n s C i t i n g H u T role in conspiracy to carry o u t t e r r o r i s t a c t s a c r o s s
India, the MHA said it was exercising its powers under UAPA to include “HuT and a l l i t s m a n i f e s t a t i o n s a n d front organisations’ in First Schedule of the Act that lists terrorist outfits
The activities of HuTf o u n d e d b y P a l e s t i n i a n s c h o l a r T a q i a l - D i n a lNabhani and active in parts of Asia and Europe - in India
c a m e t o n o t i c e o f t h e investigative agencies in 2020 d u r i n
n s p i r e d m o d u l e i n Bengaluru
It was found that some members of HuT had formed a group called ‘Quran Circle’ to radicalise and fund visits of M u s l i m y o u t h s f r o m Bengaluru/Karnataka to ISIS
t e r r i t o r y i n S y r i a A n o t h e r module was busted in Tamil Nadu after agencies stumbled upon a Facebook page
Colombian cocaine worth £600mn seized in Gujarat
C o l o mb i an c o c a i ne wo rt h a ro u n d
£600 mn was seized follo wing a raid at
a p h a rm a ce u t ic a l c o m p a ny i n Anklesh war town of Bharuch district
T he seizure was made wh ile cop s were p ro bing th e international drug ring, whic h was busted in Delhi a fo rtnight
a go T h e la te st o p e ra ti o n , wh i c h resulted in recovery of arou nd 500kg
c o cai ne, wa s carri ed ou t jo in tly b y D elhi and Gujarat police together
According to sources, the seizure took place during a search at Avkar Drugs Limited in Ankleshwar Delhi Police’s special cell had recently seized
5 6 2 k g a n d 2 0 8 k g o f c o c a i n e , respectively, in the two raids carried out in a span of 15 days
Bharuch SP Mayur Chavda said:

marijuana After further investigation, an additional 208 kg of cocaine was
Nagar on Oct 10
following the interrogation of arrested
AAP rules out tie-up with Cong for Delhi polls after Haryana snub
Congress for the Delhi Assembly polls after it w as snubbed during Haryana seat-sharing talks With the C ong ress failing to sto p the BJP from winning Haryana for a third co nsecu tiv e te
"ov erconfid ence" for its underwh elming performance
"The AAP will have no alliance with the Congress in Delhi The Congress didn't accommodate the Samajwadi Party and the AAP in Haryana despite being given more seats in Uttar Pradesh and Delhi during the Lok Sabha polls," Kakkar said Assembly elections are slated to be held in Delhi in February next year, with AAP looking for a third straight term in the national capital
The Congress, widely predicted to return to power in Haryana after a 10-year hiatus by exit polls, could only win 37 seats The BJP bagged 48 seats - its best-ever performance in Haryana
The AAP, which contested 88 of the 90 seats in Haryana, failed to open its account as it decided to go alone after seatsharing talks with the Congress fell through The solitary solace for the party came in J&K, where it bagged the Doda seat in Jammu
Arvind Kejriwal took a veiled dig at the Congress over its Haryana poll loss Addressing a gathering of AAP councillors, Kejriwal said, "One thing is clear, the biggest lesson is that one should never be overconfident in the elections "
The AAP and Congress have had a rocky relationship In the Lok Sabha polls, the parties formed an alliance in Delhi and Haryana, but contested separately in neighbouring Punjab The AAP contested four seats in Delhi, leaving three for the Congress However, it failed to pay dividends as the BJP won all the seven seats
C o n g r e s s ' s d e f e a t i n H a r y a n a a n d
performance in J&K leaves very little elbow room for the party to drive a hard bargain during seat-sharing talks with its INDIA bloc partners in the upcoming Delhi and Maharashtra polls
Govt clears deals to build N-subs, purchase of 31 Predator drones
Govt clea red the i ndi genous project to b uild tw o n ucle arpowe red sub mar ine s as w ell as the deal to acquire 31 w e a p o n
Q- 9B P
h e US , colle cti vely worth aroun d £6 8 bn, as pa rt of th e lon g-te rm plan to counter Chi
’ s aggres si ve a nd expan si onis t tactics in the region
The PM-led cabinet committee on security (CCS) approved the long-pending £4 bn ‘Project-77’ to construct the two nuclear-powered attack submarines (called SSNs in naval parlance), which will be armed with conventional m i s s i l e
Visakhapatnam ship-building centre, sources said
The CCS also gave green signal for the acquisition of 31 MQ-9B drones for around £2 8 bn - 15 ‘Sea Guardians’ earmarked for the Navy and 8 ‘Sky Guardians’ each for the Army and IAF, paving the way for the govt-to-govt deal to be inked within the next few days
The racket was busted after cops started working on a tip received from a central intelligence agency in Aug A total of 1,289 kg of cocaine and 40 kg of hydroponic marijuana from Thailand have been recovered in this case so far, with a total worth of £1 5 bn
On Oct 1, the special cell raided the warehouse of a person identified as
seized a consignment of 562 kg of
“The raid was carried out by Delhi Police special cell in continuation of their early seizure of cocaine Delhi police had sought our help and we are providing them local support The raid took place in Ankleshwar GIDC area ”
handled by a suspect named Savinder Singh, who is a UK national Further
a pharmaceutical company in Gujarat Following this, the raid was conducted in Gujarat The cocaine was stocked up b
upcoming concerts and music festivals in Delhi, Mumbai and Goa, sources said
Mahadev application kingpin held in UAE, ED to seek his extradition
Enforce me nt Dire ct or ate is prepar in g t o l a un ch l e g a l
who was arr est ed by UAE pol ice, and his a ccompl ice Ravi Uppal , masterminds of t he Mahad ev on line bet ting scam
The arrest of Chandrakar, who was in house detention in Dubai following
a r e d c o r n e r n o t i c e i s s u e d a t E D ’ s behest, marks a significant turn in the investigation into the £600 mn scam in which thousands were defrauded and which is believed to have contributed
to Congress’ defeat in Chhattisgarh assembly elections last Nov
Sources said ED will soon move
extradition The agency is set to
financial transactions related to the illegal betting scam that was run from UAE Uppal was arrested by Dubai police in Dec last year
Senior bureaucrats, police officers
Bhupesh Baghel-led regime in Raipur
have been accused of irregularities ED had earlier said in a statement that
Bhupesh Baghel
UAE police marks a success for ED’s dogged pursuit of him and Uppal, it is not clear if the agency will get him to India soon It has not been able to get
There was, however, no official word on the CCS decisions Both the SSNs and MQ-9B remotely-piloted aircraft are “hunter-killer” weapon platforms because they can quietly gather intelligence, track enemy targets at extended ranges and then destroy them if required The twin-capability, deep underwater and the other high in the a i r , i s c r u c i a l g i v e n C h i n a ’ s r a p i d l
footprint in the Indian Ocean Region and beyond
“It will take around 10-12 years for the first SSN, with a 1 9 0 M W p
displacement of almost 10,000-tonne, to roll out The two SSNs will be around 95% indigenous, with foreign help only being taken for some design consultancy,” a source said
The original case was for six such SSNs, which with
capability to discreetly operate in enemy waters are meant for conventional (non-nuclear) warfare “Apart from antiship missiles and torpedoes to take out enemy warships and submarines, they will also have land attack cruise missiles The other four SSNs will be cleared at a later stage,” a source said
The approval comes soon after India commissioned its second nuclear-powered submarine with nuclear-tipped b
deterrence, not conventional warfare) as INS Arighaat on Aug 29, and plans to induct the third as INS Aridhaman early next year
Maharashtra to vote on Nov 20, Jharkhand in 2 phases, results on Nov 23
T h e Ma ha r a s ht r a a n d
Jha rk hand assembly elec-
t ions will be he ld across
t wo ph a s e s be g in n in g
N ov e mb e r 1 3 , t he
E le ct i o n C om m i ss i on
sa id Jha rkha nd will vote
i n t w o p h a se s - on
N ov e mb e r 1 3 a n d
N ov e mb e r 2 0 , a n d
M ahar ashtr a will vote on
N ove mbe r 20 Coun tin g of vot es for bot h stat es will t ak e place on N ovember 23, the poll pan el sa id

S e n a d o m
D a t e s w e r e a l s o a n n o u n c e d f o r s o m e L o k
S a b h a b y p o l l s , i n c l u d i n g
K e r a l a ' s W a y a n a d s e a t
Rahul Gandhi has given up the seat because he also won
t h e f a m i l y b a s t i o n o f
Raebareli in Uttar Pradesh
In the 2019 Jharkhand
e l e c t i o n C h i e f M i n i s t e r
Hemant Soren's Jharkhand
Mukti Morcha - part of the C o n g r e s s - l e d U n i t e d Progressive Alliance - won 47 of the state's 82 seats
I n M a h a r a s h t r a , t h e Bharatiya Janata Party and t h e ( t h e n u n d i v i d e d ) S h i v
161 of 288 seats However, the alliance broke down over sharing of power and the Sena joined hands with the Nationalist Congress Party and the Congress to form the government
That government, however, lasted only till 2023; r
Eknath Shinde - now the C
then Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray to resign and his coalition Maha Vikas Aghadi government to fall Looking ahead, the BJP -
in power in Maharashtra now with the Sena and NCP factions that broke away from Thackeray and Sharad Pawar - will look to finish 2024 on a high after a historic April-June general election that saw Narendra Modi become a
Minister Shinde will bank on
Ladki Bahin Yojana, which
monthly stipend of ₹ 1,500
alliance's poor show in the Lok Sabha election The rul-
Mahayuti - won just 17 of the 48 parliamentary seats
Maharashtra and Jharkhand polls are critical after the Haryana defeat - in an election it was widely expected to win - and the slump in J&K, in which support for the NC from four independents means the Kashmiri party doesn't actually need Congress support
Omar meets LG, stakes claim to form govt; swearing-in likely on Wednesday
With four Inde pen dents an d the lone AAP MLA f orma lly pledgi ng their s up po r t t o N a t i on a l
C o n f er e n c e ( N C ) , a n d
a l l i a n c e p a rt n e r
C on gres s, too, han ding over a letter ex ten ding un c ondi ti onal s upport,
C M - d e s i g n a te O m a r
A bdullah m et lieutenant governor M anoj Si nha an d s taked claim to form J &K’s f irst elec ted govt si nce i t b ecame a Uni on Territory

It will be a long process as there is a central rule here
Omar, who was unanimously elected as the leader of NC legislature party earlier, drove to Raj Bhavan and handed over letters of s u p p o r t t o S i n h a A f t e r c o m i n g o u t , h e t o l d reporters: “I requested him to fix a date for the sweari n g - i n c e r e m o n y s o t h a t govt can start functioning
The LG will first send the documents to Rashtrapati Bhawan, which will then go to the home ministry
We have been told it will take two three days So, if it h a p p e n s b e f o r e T u e s d a y , we will have the swearingi n c e r e m o n y o n Wednesday ” N C p r e s i d e n t F a r o o q Abdullah had said earlier in the day that the INDIA bloc
would meet the LG and seek a date for the swearing-in of t h e n e w g o v t H e expressed hope the alliance would get e n o u g h t i m e t o “inform our friends to attend the ceremony ” , and said the focus of the elected govt would be on rebuilding J&K The backing of independents and AAP has taken the alliance tally to 54, well above the magic figure of 48 in the 95-member assembly - 90 elected and 5 nominated
T h e r e h a d b e e n c o nc e r n s r e g a r d i n g J a m m u ’ s representation in the new g o v t , b u t O m a r a s s u r e d after meeting the LG that t h e r e g i o n “ w i l l n o t b e ignored in this govt ”
Plans under way to take PM Gati Shakti to other countries
Pl ans a re un derway to take PM Gat i Shakt i scheme gl ob-
a l , wi t h d is cus si on s in pr ogr ess with sev eral count r i e s , in c l ud i n g N e pa l ,
B a n gl a de s h, S r i La n k a , M a d a g a sca r , Se n e g a l a n d
G ambia “Takin g PMG S t o
t he int ern ationa l l eve l an d
p r omo t in g t he us e o f P M
G at i Sha kt i a nd g eospa t ial t echnol ogy in the inte grate d
p l a n n i n g o f in fr a s t r uc t ur e diplomatic enga gements are unde rway wit h countries in t h e n e i g hb o ur h o od , ” sa i d govt in a state me nt Govt is also considering
g r a n t i n g n o n - g o v t p l a y e r s a c c e s s t o n o n - s e n s i t i v e s h a r e a b l e d a t a r e l e v a n t t o the planning of infrastructure projects This access will
be provided in a secure manner, the statement added So far, about 208 infrastructure p r o j e c t s i n v o l v i n g s e v e r a l ministries, including roads a n d r a i l w a y s , w o r t h o v e r £150 bn have been sent for approval, officials said
PM Gati Shakti has integrated 44 central ministries and 36 states and UTs with more than 1,600 data layers, making it a crucial tool for p l a n n
infrastructure projects
PM Gati Shakti national master plan (NMP) for mutim o d a l c o n n e c t i
launched by PM Modi on Oct 13, 2021 and completed three years last week “ P M G a t i S h a k t i h a s brought about a paradigm
Hindus should take lessons from Bangladesh violence: RSS chief
RSS chie f Moh an Bh agwat sai d in hi s a nnual Vi ja ya D
wea k is like invi ting atro citi es by th e wi cked ” Hi nd us should ta ke le ssons from th e eve nts in Ba ng lade sh , he sai d a s h is org anisati on e nte rs its 10 0th ye ar
O n s o c i e t y , a n d t h e country in general, he said there is a famous saying t h
care about the weak “It is the job of the administration to prevent such incidents from happening, and to control and punish the culprits immediately But u n t i l t h e y a r r i v e , s o c i e t y has to protect itself and its p r o p e r t y a l o n g w i t h t h e lives of loved ones, ” he said B h a g w a t s a i d h i s description of the situation was “not meant to scare, intimidate, or incite fighting” “We are all experiencing the existence of such a situation It is everyone ’ s responsibility to make the c o u n t r y u n i t e d , h a p p y , p e a c e f u l a n d s t r o n g Hindu society has a greater responsibility,” he added
B h a g w a t s a i d H i n d u s in Bangladesh are facing persecution and have been r e d u c e d t o a m i n o r i t y They will need help from the “Bharatiya govt” and Hindu community all over

the world
He said there is a “sudden increase in the incidents in the country that incite fanaticism without any reason (sic)” but there a r e “ d e m o c r a t i c w a y s t o e x p r
them” He said “resorting t o v i
H e s a i d “ d e e p s t a t e ” , “ w o k e i s m ” a n d “
Marxism” are topics of discussion nowadays “In fact, they are the declared enemies of all cultural traditions Complete destruction of values, traditions and whatever is considered virtuous and auspicious is a p a r t o f t h e m o d u s operandi of this group, ” he s a i d a n d c a l l e d f o r a national narrative against s u c h e l e m e n t s w h i l e r e m a i n i n g w i t h i n t h e
capturing educational
n s t i t u t i o n s a
spreading their distorted philosophy, he said
Satsang, a movement for promoting meditation and a spiritual sect with a large following in eastern India, into Sangh’s “hall of fame” list-
Munda and others who have made signifi-
national life but don’t figure in the mainstream catalogue of nation builders B
shift in how India plans and i m p
projects By integrating data from multiple ministries and s
more efficient, transparent, and outcome-driven system The impact is visible in faster
services reaching every cor-
commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal
All 36 states and UTs
(SMP) portals, aligned with the PM Gati Shakti NMP p
enhance regional development
his last Vijaydashmi speech recalled the contribution of Gond queen Maharani Durgavati, announced that this year ’
focus was on
Maratha queen who was
mark across the nation by rebuilding Hindu shrines which were destroyed during the medieval period
birth anniversary is being observed this year Satsang

Rajiv Kumar
Manoj Sinha & Omar Abdullah
Mohan Bhagwat
Kharge family trust withdraws plea for land amid Sidda wife’s plot row
BE NGA L U RU : C ong ress president
M all i kar
tru st withdrew a request for a five-
rtnigh t after Karnataka
Develo pment Authority (Mud a)
“We withdraw our proposal and
t h e
a l l o t m e n t o f t h e C A ( c i v i c amenities) site, per Clause 8 of the allotment letter,” Rahul Kharge, one o f t h e A I C C c h i e f ’ s s
c h a i r p
o f S i d d h a
V i h a r Trust, said in a letter to the CEO of K a r n a t a k a I n d u s t r i a l A r e a s Development Board
The site was allotted to the trust in March, prompting BJP to accuse the Congress govt of favouring the p a r t y p r e s i d e n t ’ s f a m i l y T h e trustees include Kharge, his wife Radhabai, elder son and minister
P r i y a n k K h a r g e , s o n - i n - l a w
R a d h a k r i s h n a D o d d a m a n i , a n d Rahul

cannot function effectively while
politically motivated allegations
We do not wish to be drawn into controversies that will divert our a t t e n
u r primary objective of empowering t h e d i s e m p o w e r e d t h r o u g h education and social service,” states the letter to the board
While the request for land had been approved, the site was still to be handed over to the trust, sources said D e f e n d i n g h i s b r o t h e r ’ s decision, Priyank said BJP tried to create “ a needless controversy” and t h e f a m i l y d e c i d e d t o s t e p b a c k rather than make an issue of it The K h a r g e f a m i l y h a d b e e n s t o u t l y defending the land allotment until recently
Probe agency suspects track sabotage in Tamil Nadu train accident
C h enna i: H o u rs aft er t h e M y su ru - Da rbh a ng a Bag m ati E xp ress train co lli ded with a statio nary g ood s trai n at K av araipettai railw ay station in Tam il Nadu, th e National I n v
to investig ate
According to sources, the NIA suspects the accident may have been caused by track sabotage Initial findings revealed missing bolts and other components from the tracks, raising suspicion of foul play Also, the track is believed to be hampered by hammers
The probe further revealed that a similar pattern was o
September 22, when the signal boxes were found removed Notably, Ponneri is approximately 10 km from the accident site at Kavarapettai railway station
The collision happened last week, when the passenger train entered a loop line and rammed from the rear of the stationed goods train injuring 19 passengers A fire broke out in two coaches of the express train, and 13 coaches derailed The Railways ordered a high-level probe into the matter
Meanwhile, the stranded passengers were transferred to another special train to continue their journey The injured people have been hospitalised
Earlier, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi slammed the central government, stating that no lessons were learned from the repeated train derailments "The Mysuru-Darbhanga train accident mirrors the horrific Balasore accident - a passenger train colliding with a stationary goods train Despite many lives lost in numerous accidents, no lessons are learned Accountability starts at the top How many more families must be destroyed before this government wakes up?" he tweeted
Haryana govt's oath taking on Oct 17, PM Modi to attend
N E W D E L H I : Nay ab S i ng h Saini w ill be sworn in as the ch ief m inis ter o f Haryana on October 17, in th e presence of Prime Minister Narendra Mod i a nd s en i o r l ead ers o f th e
B h ara ti ya Ja na ta P ar ty, i ncl ud i ng S ai ni' s c o unt erp arts
f ro m o th e r BJ P - ru le d st ate s, sources said
This will be Saini's second term; his first began March after M a n o h a r L a l K h a t t a r q u i t t o contest the Lok Sabha election
Saini was seen then as a surprise pick to head the party in the heartland state, particularly with a general and Assembly election on the horizon

Following the election there w a s s p e c u l a t i o n - a n d a m i d r u m o u r s o f a n i n e f f e c t i v e government and in view of caste e q u a t i o n s - h e w o u l d b e
r e p l a c e d , b u t B J P
sources said that having played a key role in the p a r t y ' s b i g w i n , S a i n i would be given a second shot
He was first picked for this post about 200
d a y s b e f o r e t h e
e l e c t i o n ; h i s s e l e c t i o n was prompted partly by Khattar standing down
( a n d g e t t i n g a L o k Sabha seat in exchange) and also the BJP's traditional p r e - p o l l l e a d e r s h i p s h u f f l e t o ward of anti-incumbency
Some state leaders argued
f o r S a i n i , s a y i n g h e h a d
Doctors' demands hit a wall as Bengal govt dodges deadlines
K O L K A T A : T h e c r u c i al m ee ti ng between representatives o f 12 d octors' ass ociatio ns i n West Bengal and Chi ef S ec r et ar y M ano j P a nt at S w a s th y a Bh av an c o nc l u d ed wi th o u t an y resol ution as th e state government was reluctant to set a timeli ne to reso lve the dead lock, s ources sai d
The absence of Health Secretary NS Nigam was questioned by the doctors' representatives, who urged Pant to visit the fasting junior medics and speak w i t h t h e m d i r e c t l y , t h e y a d d e d Government sources said Nigam has g o n e t o N e w D e l h i t o a t t e n d t h e Supreme Court hearing on the RG Kar issue
"The meeting was unproductive We requested the state government to send someone - preferably the highestranking official - to engage with the y o u n g d o c t o r s w h o a r e f a s t i n g However, the Chief Secretary indicated t h a t h e c o u l d n o t p r o v i d e a n y deadlines," Dr Kaushik Chaki, president of the West Bengal Doctors' Forum, said Speaking to reporters later, Pant m
r junior colleagues to end their hunger strike immediately "We had a detailed discussion lasting about two-and-a-half hours Various concerns were raised and we took note of them Regarding the demands of the junior doctors, we discussed them thoroughly Out of the 10 demands, seven have already been addressed," Pant explained "For the remaining three demands, they were requesting specific timelines These are administrative decisions that t
cannot provide a deadline at this point We assured them that we have noted their issues and grievances We urged them to persuade the junior doctors to withdraw their hunger strike, as we are concerned about their health and wellbeing, the bureaucrat added "Let them return so we can work together toward our common goals Our intentions are clear," Pant said During the meeting, the Chief Secretary was accompanied by Home Secretary
implemented schemes meant to b e n e f i t t r a d e r s , y o u t h s , b a c k w a r d c l a s s e s a n d government employees, turning a r o u n d t h e a n t i - i n c u m b e n c y a c c u m u l a t e d o v e r t h e y e a r s against Khattar's government
The next step for the BJP will be deciding the Haryana C a b i n e t T h e r e c a n b e a m a x i m u m o f 1 4 m i n i s t e r s , i n c l u d i n g t h e C h i e f M i n i s t e r T h a t l e a v e s 1 3 p o s i t i o n s , o f which the BJP will need at least 1 1 n e w f a c e s b e c a u s e o n l y M a h i p a l D h a n d a a n d M o o l Chand Sharma, from the first Saini government, managed to retain their seats
Meitei, Kuki and Naga
MLAs attend meeting called by Centre
N ea rly a ye ar an d a half a ft er e thnic viole nce brok e out in Ma nipur, t he Cen tr e for the first t ime brought t og eth er leg islat ors from t he st ate 's Meite i, Kuk i a nd Na ga comm un ities for a meet ing in Ne w De lhi
T h e m e e t i n g w a s o r g a
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to discuss confidence building measures to pave the way for lasting peace in the state In a statement issued later, the MHA s a i d , “ A
Manipur Assembly, representing Kuki-ZoHmar, Meitei and Naga communities, met in New Delhi to discuss on the current scenario
resolved to appeal to the people of the state belonging to all communities to shun the path of violence so that no more precious lives of innocent citizens are
meeting The Kukis were represented by ministers Letpao Haokip, Nemcha Kipgen
Ngursanglur Sanate There were also three Naga legislators, including
interlocutor appointed by the MHA, AK Mishra, and a few other senior officials of the ministry, said sources While the legislators remained tight-lipped, it was learnt some
meetings with Meitei and Kuki civil society organisations in the near future
In its ongoing crackdown on extortion rackets targeting businesses in Manipur, police arrested two members of banned militant outfit PREPAK in Imphal West district “Irungbam Nganba Meitei (34) and Haobijam Sanathoi Singh (18) were involved in extortion of various showrooms in Imphal,” police said, adding two mobile phones, one motorbike, and a driving licence were seized from the duo There are 15 crack teams within an antiextortion unit led by additional DGP with zonal IGPs as members “Extortion activities have become a major concern in Manipur since the outbreak of violence on May 3 last year Many underground groups have intensified their extortion efforts, IGP (intelligence) K Kabib said He said the banned groups also engage in psychological warfare, including threats, kidnappings, and throwing grenades at homes They also illegally collect toll on national highways Two members of the banned Kangleipak Communist Party were detained by police two days ago for attempted extortion
welcom ed the bigg est A irbus Beluga series aircraft –Beluga XL, an official said Belug a X L is the upg raded and big ger v ersio n of Beluga ST
accommodated its ST series aircraft but it was for the first time that Kolkata airport accommodated the XL series aircraft, an Airports Authority of India spokesperson said in a statement
The aircraft arrived at Kolkata airport from Bahrain international airport It was received with a water salute, the spokesperson said
“For the first time, Kolkata’s NSCBI Airport welcomed the Airbus Beluga XL, the largest in its series, carrying essential aircraft components The flight stopped in Kolkata for crew rest, FDTL and refueling, as it’s the only airport in Eastern India equipped to handle this aircraft,” the Kolkata airport posted on X
g h t f r o m T o u l o u s e (LFBO/TLS) Airbus factory, and is transporting some equipment and parts to another unit based in Tianjin (ZBTJ), China, the spokesperson said
The flight has arrived at Kolkata for crew rest, crew flight duty time limitations (FDTL) and fuel stop as Kolkata is the only suitable airport in eastern India to accommodate this type of aircraft
UK-based Swan Fine Art has removed 22 human skulls, shrunken heads and other human remains from various communities worldwide, including the 19th-century horned Naga human skull from their sale after the auction house faced a backlash from people and museums The Naga human skull was earlier put up as part of the “Curious Collectors Sale and described as a piece that would be of particular interest to collectors with a focus on anthropology and tribal cultures Earlier, Nagaland CM Neiphiu Rio sought foreign minister S Jaishankar s immediate intervention to halt the auction of the Naga human skull Rio described the auction as an act of dehumanisation that is considered as continued colonial violence upon our people” Tetsworth-based Swan Fine Art’s website had listed the skull as among the items to go under the hammer but it was removed from the auction catalogue Oxford University’s Pitt Rivers Museum -which houses anthropology and archaeology collections from various world cultures - posted on X that “the Naga ancestral remains have been withdrawn from sale”
Nayab Singh Saini & Narendra Modi
Mallikarjun Kharge
India expels 6 Canadian diplomats, recalls its envoy as murder row escalates

Sanjay Kumar Verma and the o t h e r d
Canada Soon after, India said it was expelling six Canadian diplomats from New Delhi,
Commissioner All
India by the end of this week
Jaishankar attends dinner hosted by Pak PM ahead of SCO meet
M inister S Jaishankar to a d inner ho sted by h im for S C O C o u nc i
H ead s o f Go vernm ent, in Islam abad o n Tuesd ay Up on arriv al, Jaishankar was receiv ed at t h e Nu r K h an ai rb as e by senio r Pakistani officials
H e a l s o e x c h a n g e d pleasantries with Sharif at a dinner reception hosted by the PM at his residence in honour of the delegates of the SCO member countries
This is the first visit by a s e n i o r I n d i a n m i n i s t e r t o Pakistan in nearly nine years amid continuing strain in relations between the two neighbours
The last visit to Pakistan by a foreign minister was in 2015 by Sushma Swaraj She had travelled to Islamabad in December 2015 to attend a c o n f e r e n c e o n Afghanistan
Pakistan is hosting the
t w o - d a y S C O C o u n c i l o f
H e a d s o f G o v e r n m e n t ( C H G ) s u m m i t T h e t w o -
d e ,

environment and socio-cultural linkages and review the performance of the SCO
P a k i s t a n a s s u m e d t h e rotating chair of the SCO
C H G , t h e s e c o n d h i g h e s t forum within the SCO, for 2 0 2 3 - 2 4 a t t h e p r e v i o u s meeting, held in Bishkek in October 2023
Both sides have already ruled out any bilateral talks between Jaishankar and his Pakistan counterpart Ishaq Dar on the sidelines of the SCO heads of government s u m m i t R e c e n t l y , J a i s h a n k a r h a d s a i d “ l i k e with any neighbour, India would certainly like to have g o o d r e l a t i o n s w i t h Pakistan ”
"But that cannot happen by overlooking cross-border
terrorism and indulging in
h a d added
To ensure the safety and security of the guests arrivi n g f o r t h e s u m m
Islamabad, the Pakistan has deployed Army rangers to
government buildings, and the Red Zone area
been temporarily shut down
minimise security risks in Islamabad and Rawalpindi T
10,000 police and paramilitary personnel for the security of about 900 delegates
US okays sale of torpedoes worth $175 mn to
The US govt has appr ov ed a pr oposed sa le of 53 MK-54 lightwe ight t orpe does wort h $175 million t o India for the m u lt i- m is s io n M H -6 0 R S e ah a wk he lico pt e r s bei ng in ducted by the Indian Na vy
T h e B i d e n a d m i n i s t r ation’s notification to the US Congress said the sale will support Washington’s for-
e i g n p o l i c y a n d n a t i o n a l security objectives by helping to strengthen the bilateral strategic relationship and i m p r o v i n g t h e s e c u r i t y o f major defence partner India, which “continues to be an important force for political
s t a b i l i t y , p e a c e , a n d e c onomic progress in the IndoP a c i f i c a n d S o u t h A s i a regions”
“The proposed sale will improve India’s capability to
m e e t c u r r e n t a n d f u t u r e threats by increasing the size o f i t s a n t i - s u b m a r i n e w e a p o n s s t o c k p i l e f o r i t s M H - 6 0 R h e l i c o p t e r s , ” i t said The Navy in March had c o m m i s s i o n e d i t s f i r s t squadron of six submarinehunting MH-60R Seahawk h e l i c o p t e r s , a r m e d w i t h Hellfire missiles, MK-54 torp e d o e s , a n d p r e c i s i o n - k i l l rockets, at INS Garuda in Kochi
B y n e x t y e a r , I n d i a i s slated to induct all the 24 heavy duty Seahawks, which a r e a l s o e q u i p p e d w i t h m u l t i - m o d e r a d a r s a n d night-vision devices, under the £1 51 bn contract inked with the US in Feb 2020
N a v y o f f i c e r s s a y t h e i n d u c t i o n o f S e a h a w k s , which operate from decks of
withdrawal of India's High
Affairs underlined that in
diplomats safety
Canadian Charge d'Affaires
Wheeler, was summoned by
Affairs He was informed that the baseless targeting of the Indian High Commissioner and other diplomats and offic
pletely unacceptable
It was also conveyed that India reserves the right to take further steps in response to the Trudeau government's support for extremism, violence and separatism against I n d i a , t h e M E A s t a t e m e n t said
The Ministry of External
government did not share
shred of evidence of India's involvement in Nijjar's killing despite repeated requests and
doing enough to tackle sepa-
ratist elements on Canadian soil
aircraft carriers and other f r o n t l i n e w a r s h i p s , r e p r esents a “significant capability j
Indian Ocean Region
A n I ndi
The escalation by Canada followed
meeting last week
Narendra Modi in Laos after which the Canadian PM had said there were real issues between the two countries that needed to be addressed
and that
India won't hesitate to take big step if threatened: Rajnath
In dia wi ll no t hes itate to take “ a big step” if its interests are th reatened by an adversary, defence minister R aj n at h S i n gh s ai d w h i le inaugurating 75 infrastructure p ro jects bu ilt at a cost o f £ 2 23 6 mn b y B o rd er Roads Organisation (BRO)
“ I n d i a h a s n e v e r attacked any country out of h a t r e d o r c o n t e m p t W e fight only when someone insults or tries to harm our i n t e g r i t y a n d s o v e r e i g n t y ; when war is waged against religion, truth and human v a l u e s , ” S i n g h s a i d , p e rforming shastra pooja (wors h i p o f w e a p o n s ) o n Dussehra at Sukna military station in West Bengal
“This is what we have inherited We will continue t o p r e s e r v e t h i s h e r i t a g e However, if our interests are threatened, we will not hes-
i t a t e t o t a k e a b i g s t e p Shastra pooja is a clear indication that if need be, the w e a p o n s a n d e q u i p m e n t will be used with full force,” he added
The BRO projects inaugurated include 22 roads, 51 bridges and two others, with 19 in J&K, 18 in Arunachal Pradesh, 11 in Ladakh, nine i n U t t a r a k h a n d , s i x i n Sikkim, five in Himachal, t w o e a c h i n B e n g a l a n d Rajasthan, and one each in N a g a l a n d , M i z o r a m a n d
A n d a m a n & N i c o b a r Islands
With these 75 projects, BRO has completed a total of 111 infrastructure projects this year at an overall cost of £ 3 7 5 1 m n O n e o f t h e prominent projects inaugur a t e d o n S a t u r d a y i s t h e strategic Kupup Sherathang road in Sikkim, which serves
as a crucial link between J a w a h a r L a l N e h r u M a r g and Zuluk axis
It provides an alternate r o u t e f o r m o v e m e n t o f Army troops and equipment to forward areas The projects are a testament to the govt’s “unwavering resolve” to keep strengthening the b o r d e r i n f r a s t r u c t u r e f o r strategic reasons as well as e n s u r i n g s o c i
, Singh said
The Modi govt, in its third term, aims to further bolster the border infrastructure at a faster speed, he s a i d , r e f e r r i n g t o t h e increased allocation of £650 mn for the BRO in the 202425 budget “India will be one of the safest and strongest n a t i o n s i n t h e t i m e s t o come, ” he said
Hoax bomb threats to 5 Indian flights, USbound Air India plane lands in Canada
F i v e I n d i a n f li g ht s w e r e gr ounde d on Tuesda y afte r fak e bomb t hrea t ca lls The D e lh i -C h i ca g o A i r I n d i a flight , t he Jaipur -Ben galuru
A i r I n d i a E x p r e s s, t h e Damma m-Luck now In diGo f li g ht , t h e Da r b h a n g aMumbai SpiceJet flight an d t he Siligur i-Ben galuru Aka sa
Security agencies carried o u t p r e c a u t i o n a r y c h e c k s a f t e r b o m b t h r e a t s w e r e made via an X handle, which t a g g e d a i r l i n e s a n d p o l i c e handles The threats were later declared hoaxes
The Delhi-Chicago Air India flight was diverted to Canada for checks, while the
A i r fli g h t we r e t h e f i v e f li g ht s t h a t g ot bo m b t hrea ts A n X h a n d l e i s s u e d threats to four planes - an Air India Express aircraft, a S p i c e J e t p l a n e , a n A k a s a flight and an Air India plane
flights from Mumbai All the messages on Monday were declared
hoax after security, intelligence agencies, airlines and airport operators
Indian probe team heads to US in assassination plot probe
s t ablish ed to investigate th e Americ an allegatio ns of the invo lvement of an I ndian government of fic ial in a f oiled plo t to ass assinate a US national will be visiting Was hingto n, the US State Dep artment s aid
The Committee was established by India to investigate the activities of certain organised criminals and is actively investigating the individual who was identified last year in the Department of Justice's indictment as an Indian government employee who directed a foiled
plot to assassinate a US citizen in New York City
"Additionally, India has informed the United States they are continuing their efforts to investigate other linkages of the former government employee and will determine follow-up steps, as necessary, ” said the State Department In November last year, US federal p
Gupta, arrested in the Czech Republic in June last year, was extradited to the US on June 14 India has denied the allegations but has constituted an internal investigations team to look into it Pannun is an India-designated
S Jaishankar & Shehbaz Sharif
Ahmedabad educated scientist in Nasa team to study Jupiter’s moon
A s N as a re ad i es fo r it s ambitio us journey spanning
m il li o ns
A hmedabad
On the Europa Clipper
manages missions for Nasa i s R u
h ,
doctoral fellow, who calls Ahmedabad her home
Parekh is an alumna of St Xavier’s College and Cept University in the city for BSc and MSc courses whose
s c
e n c e b e g a n w i t h a n internship at the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
Parekh, a post-doctoral
f e l l o w w o r k i n g o n t h e mission to find ‘ingredients of life’ on the moon, said, “for the past two years, I h a v e c l o s e l y c o l l a b o r a
w i t h t h e p r o
s c i e n c e team My research focuses on studying the small-scale surface features of Europa and other icy worlds in our s o l a r s y s t e m a n d b e y o

understanding the surface and near-surface conditions on Europa,” she said
R u t u P a r e k h , w h o earned her doctoral degree in planetary science from
Nasa’s largest spacecraft,
C r a c ki n g do wn o n n o nperformers and c orrupti on, P M N a r en d ra M od i h as as ked Union secretaries to c a r ry o ut ri g or ous as sessment of performance of employees as per rules, which gi ve absolute right to govt to retire any staffer i n “ public interest”
S o u r c e s s a i d i n a n interaction with all central
m i n i s t e r s a n d s e c r e t a r i e s , t h e P M r e f e r r e d t o Fundamental Rule 56(j) of t h e C C S ( P e n s i o n ) R u l e s , w h i c h s p e c i f y t h a t t h e “appropriate authority” can retire any govt servant if it is of the opinion that he/

s p a c e C e n t e r ( D L R ) , Germany, said that Europa is thought to conceal a vast s u b s u
environment for life A
beyond Earth
other Jovian moons such as Ganymede and Callisto, as well as Saturn’s Enceladus,”
will pave the way for future
landers that can investigate
Axe tainted and non-performers, Modi tells Union secretaries
she is unfit for retention in service Govt needs to give three month notice or three
m o n t h s o f p a y a n d a l l o w a n c e s i n c a s e o f compulsory retirement
Employees attaining 55 y e a r s o f a g e c a n b e i m
Similarly, Rule 48 specifies that at any time after a govt servant has completed 30 years qualifying service, “he m
opportunity to respond and can also challenge the order
500 officers invoking these rules
Officials said there is a need to tweak the current
screening system is based on benchmarks and not on
ratings by their seniors, and they pass the yardsticks for promotion A
Modi said good governance and development works get rewarded by people
Former cricketer Ajay Jadeja named heir to Jamnagar royal throne
Former In dia n cricke ter Ajay Jade ja has be en n amed a s the n ext Jam Saheb of Nawanaga r, a lso kn own as Jamna gar, a prince ly state in G ujar at This an nouncement was con firmed b y Mahar aja Jam Sa he b of Nawana gar in a sta tement
I n a
Digvijaysinhji Jadeja stated that Ajay has agreed to become his heir Shatrusalyasinhji,
J a m S a h e b o f N a w a n a g a r , i s t h e c o u s i n b r o t h e r o f A j a y s f a t h e r T h e f e s t i v a
Dussehra is believed to mark the day the P
e Today, on Dussehra, I am equally happy, as I
h a v e f o u n d a r e s o l u t i o n t o o n e o f m y dilemmas thanks to Ajay Jadeja, who has accepted to be my heir," Maharaja Jamsaheb, a s h e i s p o p u l a r l y c a l l e d , d e c l a r e d i n a statement
"Ajay Jadeja taking up the responsibility of serving the people of Jamnagar is truly a boon for its people I express my sincere gratitude to him," he said
A j a y J a d e j a , b o r n i n t o t h e e r s t w h i l e Nawanagar royal family, has a rich cricketing
pedigree His relatives, K Ranjitsinhji and KS
D u l e e p s
prestigious Ranji Trophy and Duleep Trophy, respectively
The announcement comes after a recent visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who p a i d h i s
Nawanagar Memorial in Warsaw, Poland, in August
"I saw a direct and living example of our deep people-to-people ties yesterday I had t h e p
memorial of Maharaja of Kolhapur I am happy that even today the people of Poland respect his philanthropy and generosity To immortalize his memory, we are going to start the Jam Saheb Nawanagar Youth Action Program between India and Poland Every year, 20 young people from Poland will be taken on a visit to India," PM Modi said after the visit The memorial honours the legacy of Jam Saheb Digvijaysinhji Ranjitsinhji, the former Maharaja known for his humanitarian efforts during World War II, where he was affectionately dubbed the ‘Good Maharaja ’

48 years after applying, woman finally gets her job letter
A 70-year-old woman, who applied for the job of a motorcycle stunt rider 48 years ago, has finally received her job letter Tizi Hodson, a former stuntwoman, was in for a pleasant shock when the long-lost letter arrived nearly five decades after she sent it The letter, written in January 1976, was trapped behind a drawer in a post office all these years but has now found its way back to her It came with a handwritten note: “Late delivery by Staines Post Office Found behind a draw Only about 50 years late ” This unexpected arrival rekindled memories of a dream she nurtured in her youth “I always wondered why I never heard back about the job Now I know why,” Hodson told the BBC Hodson recalled she typed the application in a London flat, eagerly awaiting a response that never came “Every day I looked for my post, but there was nothing there, and I was so disappointed because I really, really wanted to be a stunt rider on a motorcycle,” she shared Despite the initial setback, Hodson pursued a remarkable career She moved to Africa and worked as a snake handler and horse whisperer She later learnt to fly and eventually became an aerobatic pilot and instructor She recalled she was careful not to let people know she “ was female” because she thought she would “have no chance of even getting an interview ”
Apple watch helps save elderly woman
An Apple watch recently proved to be a life saver for an elderly woman by detecting an irregular heartbeat, leading to timely medical intervention Renowned for its advanced health-tracking capabilities beyond just monitoring steps, sleep, and blood oxygen levels, the Apple Watch's ECG (electrocardiogram) feature identified a condition called atrial fibrillation, prompting the woman to seek immediate medical attention Nikias Molina shared this incident on X, revealing that his Apple Watch Series 10 detected his grandmother's irregular heartbeat He also posted a picture of the watch alert, stating, "My Apple Watch Series 10 detected my grandmother's atrial fibrillation today using the ECG feature She's now at the hospital and receiving the care she needs I still can't believe it " The post quickly gained attention online, amassing over 2 2 million views on X, with many users responding by sharing their own stories about the Apple Watch's health-tracking features
Mumbai teacher's ramp walk stuns social media
A video showcasing a teacher's dazzling ramp walk at the Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIS) in Mumbai has taken social media by storm, amassing over 20 million views The clip, shared by an Instagram user, features the teacher confidently swaggering down the ramp As she entered the stage, a student humorously mimicked a memorable scene from the Bollywood film Om Shanti Om, where Shah Rukh Khan pretends to faint upon seeing Deepika Padukone This playful nod added to the fun atmosphere, captivating viewers and prompting an outpouring of compliments in the comments section One user quipped, "Karan Johar wala college," while another remarked, "Ok, but that fall was so smooth " The humour didn't stop there; a commentator noted, "The guy who acted fainting understood the assignment," highlighting the student's playful performance Others praised the teacher's poise with comments like, "She looks like a model," and "Born to be a model, forced to be a teacher "
Las Vegas man climbs the height of Everest in his own home
A Las Vegas man spent nearly 23 hours going up and down the stairs in his home to break the Guinness World Record for the fastest time to ascend and descend the height of Mount Everest on stairs Sean Greasley had to climb - and descend - a distance of 29,031 feet and 5 5 inches on the stairs in his home to match the height of the world's tallest mountain He live streamed his attempt on YouTube, finishing after 22 hours, 57 minutes and 2 seconds "I decided to break this record because nobody has done this before, not from sea level anyway," Greasley told Guinness World Records "I wanted to raise money for suicide prevention, so I figured I would combine these two goals into one major goal We were nearing the end of Covid-19 and I was having a lot of mental problems and issues, which is why this charity is very close to my heart " Greasley added in some of his own rules during the attempt, including never touching the banister while on the stairs, since "you wouldn't have that on Everest "
Couple earning 150,000 'dreams' of owning a home
In metro cities like Chennai, soaring commercial rates, crippling EMIs, and mounting daily expenses make wealth creation a daunting task, despite impressive skills and hard work That's the reason why the aspiration of home ownership remains an unattainable dream for many Recently, Chennai-based financial planner shared a story of how a successful couple, with a combined income of ₹ 150,000 per month, is unable to own a home In a tweet, he shared that the physiotherapist couple resided in an upscale Chennai neighbourhood The couple has two children, with the husband working full-time and the wife balancing part-time work Their combined monthly income stands at ₹150,000 After EMI and all expenses, they together make ₹150,000 a month I'm talking about a successful professional couple in a city like Chennai Earning money and creating wealth is very difficult in India They dream of owning a home one day Even for people like them, it's a dream, the tweet read
Employee quits after first day, calls out unfair treatment by boss
A man quit his job on day one and stood up to an unreasonable and belittling boss The product designer revealed in a Reddit post that his reporting manager expected him to work beyond normal hours without compensation and mocked his desire for a work-life balance The designer accepted an offer for an associate product designer position with an annual pay of ₹700,000, describing it as below fair median pay He was drawn to the role due to its fully remote setup and believed it would allow him to continue working on his startup during off-hours However, on his first day, the situation soured He recounted how his reporting manager demanded unreasonable commitments, insisting on work beyond normal hours without compensation When the designer attempted to discuss boundaries, his manager mocked him, referring to the idea of “work-life balance” as a “fancy term” and “Western developed nation behaviour” and ridiculing his desire for personal time The manager's mocking response left him feeling disrespected and demeaned In his resignation email, the designer expressed serious concerns about his boss's approach He stressed the importance of personal time and called the treatment he received “unacceptable ”
Rutu Parekh
Teenagers' social media use linked to rising anxiety and depression

The study suggests that enhancing sleep and physical activity could significantly improve the mental wellb e i n g o f a d o l e s c e n t s T h e study initially involved over 7,000 teenagers, with plans t o i n c l u d e a r
NHS data reveals that
a l health issues has surged in r e c e n t y e a r s A c a d e m i c s f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Oxford, currently conducting the world's largest study on teenage mental health,
f o u n d t h a t a p p r o x i m a t e l y 60% of 16- to 18-year-olds spend between two to four hours daily on social media platforms
“We discovered a linear
r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n i n c r e a s e d a n x i e t y a n d d e p r e s s i o n a n d t h e t i m e spent networking on social media,” said Professor John
G a l l a c h e r , w h o l e a d s t h e s t u d y H e n o t e d t h a t i n
extreme cases, some young people reported spending up to eight hours a day on these
s i t e s T h e i n i t i a l r e s e a r c h indicated that girls are more l i k e l y t o r e p o r t m e n t a l health issues than boys, with
I n s t a g r a m , S n a p c h a t ,
T i k T o k , W h a t s A p p , a n d YouTube ranking as the top
f i v e m o s t - u s e d p l a t f o r m s among teens
u n d 5 0 , 0 0 0 y o u n g p e o p l e a g e d 1 1 - 1 8 across the UK in a comprehensive 10-year examination of their mental health trajectories Researchers aim to c r
u n i q
t a l health map ” of the adolescent population According to official figu r e s r e l e a s e d l a s t w
e k , there were 1 1 million children in England receiving support from NHS-funded services for mental health issues, learning difficulties, a n d a u t i s m a s o f M a r c h T h i s f i g u r e i s m o r e t h a n double that of 2016-17, the year the data was first published
T e e n a g e g i r l s a r e t h e most affected, with approximately one in five 16- and 17-year-old girls in contact with NHS services in the past year Notably, the rates of mental health issues have also risen among primary school children Nearly 7% of girls and 11% of boys aged six to ten accessed NHSfunded services in 2023-24, compared to 3% and 6% five years prior
Observatory commissions groundbreaking initiative to overcome barriers for children with sickle cell disease
C hild ren and young p eop le living w ith sickle cell disease face num erous challenges as they transition from paed iatric to adult health care serv ices To ad dress these bar-
ct research and develop practi-
and enhancing th
quality of life for those affected
care can be particularly difficult for young people with sickle cell disease, especially
inadequate care This new initiative seeks to capture
patients, whose voices have frequently been overlooked, to ensure they feel supported and empowered to manage their condition as they enter adulthood A

babies are born with sickle cell disease each year in the
needs of patients, typically between the ages of 12 and 18, to provide practical solutions to improve their care during the transition The project will explore a range of strategies, including the evaluation of new and existing apps, online resources, a n d p o l i c y i n i t
a s well as gathering insights from face-to-face interactions with patients, families, carers, and healthcare professionals
Engagement with health bodies, red cell specialists,
A&E admissions will play a crucial role in understanding the gaps in care and identifying successful outcomes that can be applied to t h e s
Professor Habib Naqvi, chief executive of the NHS R a c e a n d H
work, stating:“The insights from this work will significantly impact the future of y
sickle cell disease The transition period is a challenging time for young people, a n d b y i m p
u s t within the care pathway, we can tackle gaps in care, learn from successful outcomes in transition from other disorders, and ensure excellent patient-centred care is provided ” The research will evaluate interventions aimed at improving transition care, assess patients' quality of
experiences with those of
terns and examine educational and employment outcomes through data linkage
gramme aligns with broader efforts to address dispari-
g patients receive the support and pain management they need during this vulnerable stage
Tea and coffee are heart’s best friend
It's oft en said tha t a cup of t ea can solve a ny thing N ow, n ew re se arch suggest s it may a l so p r o t
cks and str oke s
A study has found that
g u l a r t
f f e e drinkers tend to have better heart health, thanks to the anti-inflammatory benefits of caffeine Experts suggest that consuming two to three cups daily could be added to the traditional heart health
a d v i c e , s u c h a s l o s i n g weight, to help prevent heart disease
The research is the first to show caffeine’s "protect i
individuals with weakened immune systems It revealed
Lemon water wonders
Lemon water provides many benefits, including hydration, improved digestion, and toxin removal. Packed with vitamin C, it boosts the immune system and promotes healthy skin Its refreshing flavour encourages increased water intake while its natural acidity aids in weight management and pH balance Additionally, lemon water has antiinflammatory properties that may reduce inflammation and support joint health It can enhance metabolism, assisting with weight loss, and the antioxidants in lemons combat free radicals, protecting cells from damage Furthermore, it freshens breath and improves liver function by stimulating enzyme activity.
that the more tea or coffee participants consumed, the higher their levels of a type o f c e l l t h a t h e l p s s h i e l d
a g a i n s t h e a r t a t t a c k s a n d strokes
T h i s s t u d y a d d s t
e c a n reduce heart disease risk in t h e g e n e r a l p o p u l a t i o n Although caffeine’s effects on heart health have been d e b a t e d , w i t h c o n c e r n s a b o u t p a l p i t a t i o n s a n d
caffeine’s anti-inflammatory properties make it beneficial for overall health It binds to immune cell receptors, suppressing the production of inflammatory chemicals

The new research, published in Rheumatology by S a p i e n z a U n i v e r s i t y i n Rome, focused on 31 patients w i t h l u p u s , a c
where the immune system attacks its own tissues, raising the risk of heart disease
A guide to the health benefits of carrots
C arr o t s ar e p ack
They support immune function, wound healing, and digestive health, and may also lower the risk of
nutrients found in carrots and their associated health benefits, as well as tips for
your diet and any precautions to consider
Nutriti onal profile of c arrots
Vi tami ns: They are particularly high in vitamin A, which is crucial for maintaining healthy vision
Mi ne rals: Carrots provide essential minerals like

potassium, which plays a role in heart health
Fiber : A medium carrot contains about 1 7 grams of fiber, contributing to daily fiber intake
An t i o xi d a n t s: T h e s e nutrients help protect the body from oxidative stress
c a u s e d b y f r e e r a d i c a l s , u n s t a b l e m o l
u r a l l y eliminate some free radicals, dietary antioxidants are vital, especially in environments with high oxidative stress
T ips f or a ddi ng carr ots to y our die t S na c ki ng : E n j o y r a w carrot sticks with hummus or yogurt dip Sala ds: Grate
vibrant color Ro asting: Roast carrots with olive oil and herbs for a tasty side dish Ba ki ng : Use grated
Tradition, ethics, and premium brews
lku mry Co ff ee: The Blesséd Brew brings the finest Indian coffee to the UK, sourced from the Chikkamagaluru region Founded by 3rd and 4th generation p l a
honours family heritage while ensuring
abroad, it is totally unknown Everyone associates tea with India, but not coffee, and that’s something we hope to change G
t F a t h e r s , I n d i a W e s p e a k t o
s 1 0 % o f profits support charitable projects with the M o n t f o
Bernadette and Sona Lisa, Co-Founders and Owners of Kulkumry Coffee Estate: The Blesséd Brew
Kulkumry Coffee has a rich family heritage Could you share some insights into how your family's legacy, starting with "Abba" Bonaventure Martis, has shaped the philosophy and vision of the estate today?
“Abba” Bonaventure Martis was wellknown for four things: his love for his family and the land, working hard, sharing, and prayerfulness Leaving home at 15, he worked tirelessly to save enough money to buy some land and tended it with love to see it flourish into the Kulkumry Coffee Estate Rather than keeping all the profits for himself, he shared the harvest with local communities, donating to those in need He was also very forward thinking, leaving his estate to his three surviving daughters, which is how the estate comes d o w n f r o m N a n a D o r a t o u s - m u m , Bernadette, and daughter, Sona Lisa His close-knit family strives to honour his legacy in the estates and our coffee today Your brand emphasizes bringing India’s best-kept secret its coffee to the UK market What do you think makes Indian coffee, particularly from Chikkamagaluru, stand out compared to other coffee-growing regions?
It’s interesting, because in South India, everyone drinks Indian filter coffee and it’s enjoyed as part of the daily routine; but
techniques, which is what we at Kulkumry Coffee Estate, and our family and selected neighbouring partners in Chikkamagaluru do This gives the coffee its special aroma - delicious on a cold morning! The coffee typically has a chocolatey or fruity profile and a rich, inviting flavour that works well as filter coffee, or indeed as espresso
and ethical practices are key pillars of your business Can you elaborate on the specific sustainable farming techniques you employ and how these efforts contribute to both environmental preservation and community engagement?
We work with nature, not against it
contributes not only to a great tasting cup of coffee, but a cup that literally doesn’t cost the earth To give you a couple of examples, we don’t mono-crop and our coffee is shade grown under a canopy of trees Unfortunately, many large sungrown coffee estates that are grown on a commercial scale, clear vast areas of forest
deforestation, increased flooding, and a lack of biodiversity Shade-grown coffee like ours, on the other hand, works with
reducing the need for artificial pesticides and fertilisers - and we ’ re sure our coffee tastes better for it
With10% of your profits going to the Montfort Fathers and their charitable projects, how do these contributions impact the local community, and what role does their involvement play in your business?
estate on behalf of our family and oversee

Together, we ensure the well-fare of all our staff, plants, and creatures who call the e
management fee, 10% of the profits goes towards supporting their Missionary work: schools and centres for those affected by Leprosy or HIV; those in need of elderly care; and who are affected by other local social issues The Montfort Fathers of Kanathi, of course, add a special blessing to the coffee and the estate, which might help explain why our coffee tastes so good, and definitely helps explain why Kulkumry Coffee is blesséd!
Asa brand committed to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking, what specific measures have you implemented to ensure transparency and ethical practices throughout your supply chain?
From the very start, our estate has been built on a foundation of love and respect for the land and the people who live and work on it This means that we ensure that all workers on our estate are employed voluntarily, have the freedom to leave their e m p l o y m e n t , a n d a r e p a i d f a i r l y a n d promptly We comply with relevant labour laws and regulations in India and we only partner with those who can be trusted to adhere to the same ethical code This ensures that we produce not just great tasting, environmentally friendly coffee, but happy and blesséd coffee too!
Escape to paradise: Discover the best resorts in the Maldives
TheMaldives, renowned for its stunning landscapes and pristine beaches, is a dream destination for vacationers seeking both relaxation and adventure With crystal-clear waters, vibrant marine life, and luxurious resorts, it offers an idyllic escape for travellers of all ages
Whether you're looking to unwind in a b e a c h f r o n t v i l l a , e x p l o r e u n d e r w a t e r wonders through snorkelling and diving, or indulge in exquisite dining experiences, the Maldives promises an unforgettable getaway that caters to every desire Its unique blend of natural beauty and rich culture makes it the perfect choice for a memorable holiday Here are a two resort options that you can check out:
Kandima Maldives:
K a n d i m a i s a r e v o l u t i o n a r y l
f e s t y l e resort in the Maldives, providing affordable soft-luxury for adventurous travellers of all ages Located on a 3km-long island in the Dhaalu Atoll, it features over 10 dining outlets, an overwater spa, a lakeside art studio, a beach club, a football pitch, and multiple tennis courts, along with a variety of day-to-night entertainment and active lifestyle activities
Kandima's expensive island is perfect for all-inclusive stays, offering ample space for exploration along its coastline and through winding cycling paths in lush palm forests The resort boasts over 10 dining outlets, serving global flavours from beach picnic snacks to sizzling steaks at SMOKED and barbecues featuring freshly caught seafood, catering to every taste Guests can enjoy
including snorkelling, scuba diving lessons, Turtle Quest, and Sunset Cruises Aquatic

adventures like jet skiing, wakeboarding, and parasailing are also available, along with
Introduced in 2024, Kandima is inviting
secure getaway at the resort
With a focus on safety, the resort offers small-group night fishing tours and PADI
nights, performances, and beach parties, allowing guests to join in as they please
Nova Maldives
Located in the South Ari Atoll, this
sustainability and local culture Guests can
snorkelling with whale sharks and manta rays, as well as rejuvenating spa treatments and nutritious dining options While ideal for couples and honeymooners, the resort welcomes friends and families, allowing
restrictions of a fully adults-only property
Nova, situated on an all-natural island, o

reconnect with nature through encounters
snorkelling with whale sharks and manta rays The eco-conscious resort emphasises sustainability and marine conservation with initiatives such as coral planting, coconut t r e e d o n a t
partnership with the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme From October 31 to November 7, guests can participate in a retreat led by Dr Lim Xiang Jun, a renowned Traditional Chinese Medicine physician, e
On November 15, Nova invites guests to a n e x c l u s i v e f
partnership with Taittinger Champagne,

featuring exceptional champagne pairings for each dish against a breathtaking sunset backdrop From December 21 to January 7, Nova will host a celestial journey celebrating t o g e t h e r n
experiences such as nighttime snorkelling, m
stargazing cruises, outdoor movie nights, a n d u n i q
u n s e t s
n d b a n k d i n i n g , complete with overwater teppanyaki and select sake pairings for two
Mithun Chakraborty expresses gratitude to Zeenat Aman: "Forever grateful"
Mithun Chakraborty, Dadasaheb Phalke Award winner, revealed the challenges he faced early in his career, including female stars refusing to work with him. Despite winning a National Award for his debut, he soon experienced a downturn in his career.
He described the early challenges in his career, saying, "There were many obstacles I was moving ahead quickly, so they were inevitable " Despite the setbacks, he remained determined, stating, "I refused to give in If I had to lose, I would at least battle it out, not just give up "
Mithun recalled a key moment when Zeenat Aman agreed to work with him in a Brij Sadanah film The director praised Mithun, telling Zeenat, He is a very handsome-looking boy
Mithun credited Zeenat Aman's support for helping him overcome early rejections, as her willingness to work with him led to more lead actresses signing on Grateful, he said, "I am forever thankful to Zeenat ji " Despite facing criticism for his dark skin, Mithun persevered and became one of Bollywood's most beloved stars, with his iconic role in ‘Disco Dancer’ cementing his legacy

Ma llika Shera wat reca lls tears a fter backla sh f rom top actresses o ver ‘Mu rder’ scenes

Ranbir Kapoor eased Alia Bhatt's anxiety before Raha’s paparazzi debut
Alia Bhatt has shared that she felt anxious and nervous before revealing her daughter Raha's face to the public for the first time alongside husband Ranbir Kapoor last year The couple introduced Raha to waiting paparazzi ahead of the Kapoor family's Christmas lunch, and Alia has now spoken about that moment for the first time
On Kareena Kapoor's chat show, Alia
revealing Raha's face to the world on that day Until then, the couple had kept their daughter out of the public eye and had asked paparazzi not to photograph her However, Ranbir encouraged them to go ahead, which made Alia feel very anxious
The actor added, “He understood my anxiety and said, ‘Okay, you ’ re going to feel really anxious, so let’s discuss your worst fears ’ We talked about it during our drive from Bandra to Juhu Eventually, I realised that this is our life, and I didn't want people
face that was never our intention ” Eventually, Ranbir stepped outside to inform the waiting paparazzi that they would bring Raha out and asked them to keep it down The moment was captured by various media outlets as Raha adorably posed with h
Reflecting on that moment, Alia said, "I didn’t want it to be a big deal, but it was so cute when she held both our faces " She added that while she still gets nervous when paparazzi flash cameras in Raha's eyes, she has become more accustomed to it

Sherawat rose to fame with ‘Murder’ alongside Emraan Hashmi, but she recently revealed that she faced considerable backlash for the film despite its success
On Ranveer Allahbadia's podcast, Mallika Sherawat shared how ‘Murder’ brought her stardom and financial independence, allowing her to live life on her own terms While the film had a lasting impact, both positive and
bigger in the early 2000s Today’s actors, she added, face a different challenge, as even big hits fade quickly due to the overwhelming amount of content
comments from her peers left her devastated,
actresses in Bollywood, whose names I won’t take, were openly condescending to me," she said "I ran to Mahesh Bhatt for support "
faced, Mallika Sherawat revealed, "There were so many sluts in Bollywood; one more won’t matter " She noted the intense slut-shaming aimed at her for the bold scenes in ‘Murder’,
Bollywood wasn’t ready for ‘Murder’, saying, "While they were shy, I was unapologetic The
fatale "

Janhvi Kapoor on shooting ‘Chuttamale’ in jellyfish waters: “Only a thin silk saree to protect me”

Janhvi Kapoor recently debuted in Tollywood with Jr NTR's film
‘Devara: Part 1’, which has grossed approximately Rs 260 crores in India. She shared behind-the-scenes glimpses on Instagram, and one particular clip resonated with fans, highlighting the challenges she faced during the shoot In the clip, Janhvi shared that she filmed the hit song "Chuttamale" in Thailand
She captioned the post, “Too late for some #Chuttamale BTS? I think
and that it’s a memorable shot ”
The next clip showed a warning sign on the beach reading, “Beware of Jellyfish,” noting the risks posed by
recounted having to navigate “really sharp rocks” before stepping into the perilous waters
The song “Chuttamale,” featuring Anirudh Ravichander and Shilpa Rao, h
from fans and

since its

Prasanth Varma unveils
India's first female superhero adventure ‘Mahakali’.
Director Prasanth Varma, known for the blockbuster mythological superhero film ‘HanuMan’, has gained fame for creating the Prasanth Varma Cinematic Universe (PVCU). He has now announced the third project in this universe, titled ‘Mahakali’.

‘Mahakali’ will be India's first female superhero film, directed by Puja Aparna Kolluru The announcement poster features a girl gently touching her forehead to a tiger, set against a backdrop of chaos with burning huts and a Ferris wheel
It blends spiritual and mythical elements with the modern world, similar to the Sankranti 2024 release ‘HanuMan’, while boldly portraying Goddess Kali The film aims to break stereotypes by featuring a dark-skinned actress in the lead role
The project boasts a talented crew, including Smaran Sai for the music and Sri Nagendra Tangala as the production designer Details about the cast and technical team are still under wraps, but expectations are high for this addition to the growing Indian superhero genre, rooted in Indian mythology
‘Mahakali’ is set to release in IMAX 3D and will be available in multiple languages for both Indian and international audiences

Karthik Subbaraj hails ‘Vettaiyan’ as a “treat to watch Rajinikanth-Amitabh”

Karthik Subbaraj visited a Chennai theatre to watch TJ Gnanavel’s latest Rajinikanth film, ‘Vettaiyan’
Having previously collaborated with the actor on the 2019 film ‘Petta’, he shared his review on X (formerly Twitter), describing it as a “subtle Thalaivar film ”
Since the film’s trailer was released, Karthik has been vocal on social media about wanting to watch the movie True to his word, he caught a screening at a theatre in Chennai
After watching ‘Vettaiyan’, he posted on X, “#Vettaiyan is an intense social drama with a strong statement about t
Thalaivar was on (fire emoji) from the first frame ” He

Vijay Kiragandur shares updates on 'KGF 3' and 'Kantara 2'
Producer Vijay Kiragandur, known for hits like the ‘KGF’ franchise and ‘Kantara’, recently provided updates on Rishab Shetty's ‘Kantara 2’ and Yash's ‘KGF: Chapter 3’, both of which were recognised at the 70th National Film Awards He revealed that ‘Kantara 2’, directed by and starring Shetty, has completed 30% of filming, with the next schedule set to start in September The film is expected to hit theatres by August 2025

Set in Kundapura, the prequel will further explore the engaging story that captivated audiences in the original film, promising to provide more depth to the characters and themes that made it a success
Kiragandur shared updates on the ‘KGF’ sequel, noting that while production hasn't started yet, more information will be available in four to five months He expressed pride in the dual wins at the National Film Awards for ‘Kantara’ and ‘KGF: Chapter 2, ’ highlighting the team's dedication and the films' strong themes of human-nature conflict He praised ‘KGF: Chapter 2 ’ for its action choreography, which helped elevate Kannada cinema nationally, securing a prominent place for the industry on the national stage

Thalaivar and Amitabh Bachchan, noting, “#FahadhFaasil as Battery was fun, and @anirudhofficial rocked it as usual Congratulations to @tjgnan, @LycaProductions, and the entire cast and crew for delivering such an intense, subtle Thalaivar film ”
Rajinikanth and Amitabh Bachchan in 33 years, following their 1991 Hindi film ‘Hum’ It also marks Amitabh's debut in Tamil cinema Additionally, he recently took on a fullfledged role in Prabhas’ Telugu film ‘Kalki 2898 AD’, having previously made a cameo in Chiranjeevi’s 2019 film ‘Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy’
Dulquer Salmaan on stepping back after ‘King of Kotha's flop
The underwhelming performance of Abhilash Joshiy's ‘King of Kotha’ impacted Dulquer Salmaan's pan-India stardom aspirations. Despite fewer Malayalam projects, he's taken roles in other languages, but since King of Kotha's release 14 months ago, he has only appeared in a cameo role in Nag Ashwin's ‘Kalki 2898 AD’
As Dulquer Salmaan prepares for the release of his upcoming film, ‘Lucky Bhaskar’, directed by Venky Atluri, he recently shared that health issues contributed to his reduced film output over the past year "I needed a short break Some films didn’t work out, and I also had health challenges Last year, I managed to do only one film, which might have been my fault for not prioritising my health," he admitted during a promotional interview
Dulquer Salmaan praised his father, Malayalam megastar Mammootty, highlighting his remarkable career with over 400 films across five decades He emphasised that, even at 73, Mammootty remains deeply focused on cinema My father is constantly thinking about his roles and films, even at home One day, he suddenly snapped his fingers and said, 'I got it ' When I asked what he meant, he replied, 'My character ' He was referring to the movie he would start filming in a few weeks He has a onetrack mind," Dulquer shared
Reflecting on his early career, Dulquer Salmaan admitted he had doubts about longevity in acting "When I started, my biggest question was whether I'd get a second or third film Would people want to watch me for two hours? Those were my main concerns," he shared

Joseph Gordon-Levitt compares ‘Gangubai
to ‘The Godfather’, praises Alia Bhatt
Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt, known for films like ‘Inception’ and ‘500 Days of Summer, has become a fan of Alia Bhatt. He praised her performance in ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’, comparing it to classics like ‘The Godfather’ and ‘Goodfellas’ Gordon-Levitt, on his first trip to India, shared his thoughts during a conversation with Rajkummar Rao at IFP (India Film Project)
I n h i
Rajkummar, the actor lauded the 2
Bhatt in the titular role of
intense drama and beautifully c

outstanding performance, which earned her a National Award, further underscores the film's significance and impact
Later, Joseph Gordon-Levitt elaborated on what impressed
captivating musical sequences
“I recently watched a film
I believe is a brilliant actor It’s
prostitute’s rise, reminiscent of ‘Goodfellas’ or ‘The Godfather’ It was a fantastic movie, and I was surprised by how sincerely it
musical number caught me off guard, but everything from the music and choreography to the c
beautifully ”
Rishabh Raj Jain's ‘A Dr eam Called Kh ushi’ wins Student Academy Award
Nineteen-year-old Rohingya refugee Khushi's determination for education inspired New Delhi filmmaker Rishabh Raj Jain, a former journalist He created ‘A Dream Called Khushi’, a documentary that recently won the 2024 Student Academy Award for Best Documentary

Studying at New York University, Jain plans to submit his 35-minute documentary for consideration at the Academy Awards Reflecting on the unexpected win, he said, “It’s surreal Competing with films from around the world is no small feat To see our story stand out is a proud moment for the entire team We’re all overjoyed ” The 34-year-old filmmaker first met Khushi in 2018 while
covering the Rohingya refugee crisis “Her resilience left a lasting impact on me, ” Jain recalls After enrolling at New York University’s Arthur L Carter Journalism Institute in 2022, he felt inspired to return to Cox’s
Bazaar to document more of Khushi’s journey “The experience was overwhelming yet rewarding; revisiting Khushi’s story was both challenging and deeply moving,” he says

A R Rahman’s performance aims to support Harris’ campaign
Renowned music composer AR Rahman has recorded a 30-minute performa video in support of Vice President Kamala Harris, set to provide a major boost to her presidential campaign as the November 5 general election approaches
At 57, A R Rahm becomes the first major international artist from South Asia to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, who herself has a mixed Indian and African heritage

"A R Rahman has joined a chorus of leaders and artists advocating for progress and representation in America," said Shekar Narasimhan, chairman of the AAPI Victory Fund He emphasised that Rahman's 30-
minute performance in support of Kamala Harris’s 2024 idential campaign is ore than just a musical event; it’s a call to action for our communities to engage and vote for the future we want " This significant endorsement from a rominent voice in South Asian community underscores the vital role of AAPI voters in the upcoming election and the momentum behind the HarrisWalz ticket, according to the AAPI Victory Fund Rahman's exclusive performance will be broadcast on the AAPI Victory Fund’s YouTube channel and major South Asian networks like AVS and TV Asia, aiming to rally support for Kamala Harris among South Asian voters worldwide
‘Village Rockstars 2’ wins award at Busan International
Rima Das' ‘Village Rockstars 2, a sequel to her 2017 film, has won the Kim Jiseok Award at the 2024 Busan International Film Festival It was the only Indian feature among eight selected for the Jiseok Competition at the festival The film follows the internationally acclaimed, National Award-winning ‘Village Rockstars’, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2017 and was India’s official entry for the 2019 Academy Awards
Established in 2017, the Kim Jiseok Award honours the late Kim Jiseok, who dedicated his life to discovering and nurturing Asian cinema The award is given to two films that best represent the current state of Asian cinema The Jiseok jury, including
Film Festival 2024

Christian Jeune, Prasanna Vithanage, and Shin Suwon, praised Das' film as “ an honest poetic expression of everyday life, showcasing the harmony between nature and humanity through the struggles of a young
girl ” In a statement, Das expressed her privilege in receiving the Kim Jiseok Award, honouring someone dedicated to the growth of Asian cinema Earlier this year, she was invited to join the Academy of Motion

Picture Arts and Sciences' director's branch ‘Village Rockstars 2 ’ chronicles a teenage girl s unwavering quest to achieve her musical dreams

India sweep series against Bangladesh 3-0
India turned up the heat in th e final of the th ree-m atch T20I series to su ch lev els that it will leav e a lasting impression on th e Bang ladesh bo wlers
Sanju Samson, struggling to get going of late, came to the
century His belligerent
completed a 3-0 sweep with
133-run win
Skipper Suryakumar Yadav

173 runs (70b) between the two made sure the Indian innings
through after they decided to
sixes, Surya smashed five
Stadium in Hyderabad have not

Bangladesh were consigned to playing catch up for most of the innings that saw only 32 dot b
boundaries in the second over of the innings off Taskin Ahmed was just an appetizer as Samson
Hossain, slamming him for sixes off the last five deliveries of the 10th over
Riyan Parag (34) added 70 in 26 balls for the fourth wicket
B a n g l a d e s h l o o k e d o u t o f breath right from the start of the chase Mayank Yadav dismissed Parvez Emon off the first ball of t h e B a n g l a d e s h i n
Bishnoi picked up 3/30
Bumrah named vice-captain for test series against New Zealand
P r e mi e r pa ce r J as pr i t Bum ra h wa s na med vice-capt ain of India for t he upcoming t hre e-mat ch hom e Test ser ie s a gain st New Ze ala nd, st rong ly in dicatin g his p o s si ble e l e v a t i o n t o t h e lea der sh ip role whe n the t eam t r av els t o A ustr a lia fr om n ex t m on th
T h e t h r e e - m a t c h s e r i e s against the Kiwis will start on N o v e m b e r 1 6 i n B e n g a l u r u , followed by the second Test in Pune from October 24 and third g a m e i n M u m b a i f r o m
N o v e m b e r 1 A s p e r r e p o r t s , captain Rohit Sharma could skip one of the first two Test matches in Australia owing to personal reasons
The five-match Test series in Australia starts on November 22 in Perth and the second match will be held at Adelaide from D e c e m b e r 6 , a n d t h e r e i s a possibility that Rohit could give either the first or the second game a miss

A d d i n g s t r e n g t h t o t h a t thought is the fact that India did not name a vice-captain for the r e c e n t h o m e s
s a g a i n s t Bangladesh, which they won 2-0 Bumrah has prior experience of leading the side as he wore the c a p t a i n ' s a r m b a n d d u r i n g t h e r
h against England in July 2022 at Edgbaston He also led India in t h e a w a y T 2 0 I
Ireland in 2023
reclaimed his No 1 spot in the
stellar effort against Bangladesh
The 30-year-old has been in riveting form in red-ball cricket, grabbing 42 wickets from eight Tests after his comeback from an injury in August 2023 He has an excellent average of 14 69 in this period
Overall, Bumrah has played
averaging 20 18 with 10 fivewicket hauls Yash Dayal, who was part of the squad for the
Trophy match against Bengal in Lucknow
It is not yet clear how long Dayal will take to recover from the injury, casting a shadow over his chances of touring Australia
retained in the 15-member squad
Women's T20 WC: India out as NZ beat Pak to enter semis
India were elim inated from the Women's T 20 World C up after New Zealand scripted a com mand ing 54-run v ictory over P akistan in Dubai on M onday to reach the sem ifinals fo r the first time since the 20 16 edition
I n d i a ' s o n l y c h a n c e t o m a k e t h e semifinals was depended on a Pakistan win with an inferior Net Run-rate compared to theirs Pakistan were very much in the game after restricting New Zealand to a meagre 110 for six in 20 overs
However, Pakistan's batting crumbled badly as they were shot out for 56 in just 11 4 overs as White Ferns entered the semifinals with three wins from four games in Group A
Australia topped the group with eight points while New Zealand came second with six points The loss to New Zealand in their tournament opener effectively cost India a place in the last four
Spinner Amelia Kerr took three wickets but it was seamers Lea Tahuhu (1/8) and E d e n C
s o n ( 2 / 7 ) w
Pakistan were supposed to reach the target in less than 12 overs to qualify but they ended up being all out before that Earlier, Pakistan bowlers gave a good account of themselves restricting New Zealand to a modest total
After 26 years, Baroda thrash
Mumbai in Ranji match
The Baroda boys bow led o ut M umbai in the Ranji trophy game to reco rd the team ’ s first victory in 26 years
n against Mumbai was in the 1998-99 season
In the ongoing season, Baroda won the toss
Despite a poor start in the first innings, the hosts managed to post a decent total of 290 runs, thanks to a partnership of 130 runs between Mitesh Patel and Atit Sheth for the sixth wicket Mumbai was bowled out for just 214 runs as Baroda spinner Bhargav
Bhatt sent four batsmen, including skipper Ajinkya Rahane, to the pavilion In the second innings, Baroda crumbled
Krunal Pandya came to the rescue with a 55run knock, along with Atit Sheth’s 26 runs and Mahesh Pithiya’s valuable contribution of 40 runs Mumbai was given a target of 262 to make The visitors failed to cobble up even a single stable partnership as wickets kept falling at regular intervals Baroda won by 84 runs as Mumbai was bundled up for 177 runs

which will be led by Rohit Pacer Mohammed Shami, who is recuperating after an a n k l e s u r g e r y , w a s n o t considered, as the wait for his return to international cricket continues
All-rounder Harshit Rana, middle-order batsman Nitish Kumar Reddy, pacers Mayank
Y a d a v a n d P r a s i d h K r i s h n a w e r e n a m e d a s t r a v e l l i n g r e s e r v e s i n t h e s q u a d , a
place for these young players in the long-term Indian scheme of things India's squad for the New Z
Shubman Gill, Virat Kohli, KL Rahul, Sarfaraz Khan, Rishabh Pant (WK), Dhruv Jurel (WK),
Siraj and Akash Deep
India sweep Under19 series against Australia
India under-19 off-spinner Anm ol jee t Singh, nicknam ed ‘Bhajji’ for his strikingl y-s imilar ac tion of Harbajan Singh, delivered a stel lar perform ance that brought back mem ories of the Indian great ’ s spell
steered India to a thumping innings and 120run victory against Australia U-19 with a day to spare in the second youth Test The win helped the India colts wrap up a resounding 50 sweep (one-dayers and multi-day matches combined) Anmoljeet began his cricketing journey as a fast bowler but transitioned into a spinner after receiving guidance from his coach “I feel very good Picking five wickets (in an innings) on my India debut is quite
idolises Harbhajan Australia started the day at 142-3 in their first innings but barring skipper Oliver Peake (117) and Alexander Lee Young (66) 166-run partnership for the fourth wicket none of the Aussie batters could hold the fort Soon, Australia were bundled out for 277 Following one, they were shot out for 95
Brief Scores: India U-19 492 beat Australia U-19 277 in 80 2 overs (Oliver Peake 117, Alexander Lee Young 66; Mohamed Enaan 460, Anmoljeet Singh 4-72) & (follow-on) 95 in 31 3 overs (Anmoljeet Singh 5-32, Mohamed Enaan 3-37) by an innings and 120 runs
Aara Valentina Patel achieved a remarkable victory for Great Britain at the United Nations of Ju Jitsu competition and congress, held in Germany from October 5th to 6th, 2024 Despite being the youngest competitor in her age group, she entered three events and secured a gold medal for Team GB, demonstrating outstanding talent and determination Her success has led to her selection for Team GB at the UK Nationals in August 2025 as well as the World Championships which will be held in Italy in 2026
Five-time IPL champions Mumbai Indians have roped in former Sri Lanka captain Mahela Jayawardene as their head coach as part of a major overhaul ahead of the mega auction Jayawardene has had a similar role with the franchise from 2017-2022 and oversaw their title winning campaigns in 2017 2019 and 2020-21 Jayawardene replaced former South African wicketkeeper-batter Mark Boucher who had a two-year stint as MI s head coach
Spain s tennis legend Rafael Nadal announced his retirement from professional tennis The 38-year-old will make his final appearance for Spain at November s Davis Cup finals in Malaga In a video message, Nadal said: I am here to let you know I am retiring from professional tennis “The reality is that it has been some difficult years the last two especially ” Nadal has won 22-grand slam singles title and a record 14 French Open titles Nadal withdrew last month from the US Open, meaning he missed three of the four Grand Slam tournaments in 2024 He last played in reaching the men’s doubles quarterfinals at the Olympics, where he also lost in the second round of singles to Novak Djokovic
Jay Malusare will captain Gujarat in the Col CK Nayudu Trophy (U-23 multi-day format) a press statement issued by the Gujarat Cricket Association (GCA) said Wicket-keeper Priyesh Patel has been named vice-captain of the team, who will be coached by Chetan Mankad and Bhavik Thakar Dipak Oza has been named the strength and conditioning coach while Dr Rudra Majiyatar and Bharat Parmar have been named the physio and video analyst respectively Gujarat commence their campaign against Nagaland at the Narendra Modi Stadium ‘B’ ground from Oct 13-16 A trip to BSP Stadium in Bhilia to face Chhattigarh from Oct 20-23 forms their second assignment The S P Stadium in Valsad will host Gujarat’s clash against Saurashtra from Oct 27-30 Gujarat play their fourth match against Delhi at the Jamia Millia Islamia from Nov 8-11 before rounding off their group engagements with a trip to Jammu University in Jammu to play Jammu & Kashmir from Nov 15-18
Jasprit Bumrah
Aara Valentina Patel