Droupadi Murmu at the reception hosted by King Charles III at Buckingham Palace Gujarati film 'Chhello Show' is India's entry for Oscars 2023 SE E PAGE 22 See full story on P22
FIRST & FOREMOST ASIAN WEEKLY IN EUROPE R Let noble thoughts come to us from every side VOL 51 ISSUE 21 This is not the era of war, but of diplomacy: PM Modi tells Putin Unfortunately, the U K still faces an I V F postcode lottery SE E PAGE 14 24 - 30 SEPTEMBER 2022 Continued on page 06 Leicester’s unity threatened by communal violence R e p o r t s o f u n r e s t b e t w e e n H i n d u a n d M u s l i m c o m m unities emerged after the Asia C u p c r i c k e t m a t c h b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d P a k i s t a n o n 2 8 t h August Post the match, there w e r e c l a s h e s i n t h e B e l g r a v e a r e a o f L e i c e s t e r , w h i c h resulted in eight people being arrested. Further violence was reported on 5th September and a t o t a l o f 2 7 p e o p l e w e r e d e t a i n e d f o r q u e s t i o n i n g a s part of a major police operation to tackle the trouble GOODBYE, Shefali Saxena At some point during the broadcast of the late monarch’s lying in a state ceremony at Westminster Hall, you may have witnessed a spectacle of a minute where a batch of people queuing up to see the coffin arrived. Among them were two Muslim women (a mother and daughter) who prayed to Allah making a ‘dua’ for the departed soul; THE QUEEN OF HEARTS Britons stood in a 10 mile queue to catch the last glimpse of their beloved monarch, as she once again, in spirit, united world leaders, and multicultural Britain at her funeral, followed by a royal reconciliation, teary eyes, rainbows and good omen At the end of the Committal Service, King Charles III placed the Queen's Company Colour of the Grenadier Guards on the Coffin Continued on page 16
Chris Kaba: Sadiq Khan shows ‘concerns’ over police shooting
I have never seen these as being obsta cles only challenges It’s the challenge that keeps you on your toes and makes one think out of the box This is what I do, I’m a creative Creatives solve problems and more so visually in my case Once you clear the challenge your another step towards your vision and a winner 5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date?
My choice would be a creative histori cal f igure whom I witnessed in this lifetime
The Edmonton MP said the appeals process was “not f i t fo r p u r p o s e” a n d Wi n d r u s h c l a i m a n t s a re being told to “take it or leave it” when they receive offers
S c a n d a l No w t h e y a re deciding how much com pensation should be award e d t o t h e i r v i c t i m s T h e result is unsurprising con s i s t e n t a n d p o o r q u a l i t y decision making resulting in insultingly small offers of compensation,” Ms Osamor told The Independent
has hot households, schools s ay P TA s w i l l s t r u g g l e t o raise funds this winter
If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why.
Head of Design & Creative Lead Vibrant Foods
Steve Jobs Why, because he created ‘apple’ as we know it today I would love to hear how the journey started, what he had to do to achieve his vision etc He has made every bit of difference to our lives and especially mine I can’t do my job well without the apple t o o l s a n d s o f t w a re I u s e Entertainment has changed forever, music streams and devices which make ever y o n e’s l i fe m o re e n j o y a b l e Cre a t e d a s t yl e a n d t a ke n things to levels un imagin able Technology to the next level Then we would name the island ‘Apple Island’ and everyone would want to be part of it Boom life starts again!
l i e s w h o a re s t i l l a b l e t o d o n a t e m o n e y t o s u p p o r t their child’s education and t h o s e i n d i s a d v a n t a g e d
S h e a d d e d : “ Un d e r those circumstances a fully independent and function
"A r m e d p o l i c e o f f i cers do a really important job You will see them over the course of the next few days [during the Queen’s funeral prepara t i o n s] T h e y a c t i o n f irearms warrants, they respond to spontaneous i n c i d e n t s , t h e y w o r k incredibly hard "
I would change the class system in edu cation, for example, students who really want to reach high and excel in their learn ings, give them the chance to go further and not be held back by the class system to flow along according to your age group This would bring younger achievers into the professional world at an earlier age and help to stand on their own feet with pure conf idence ‘Real Life’ lessons to be manda tory in secondary school education
“The new commissioner has taken a decision to sus pend the police off icer I support that Why? Because t h e p u b l i c n e e d s t o h av e conf idence in our police
02 AsianVoiceNews 24 30 September 2022 MORTGAGESRemortgagesBuytoLetResidential ALFINANCIA PROTECTIONIncomeProtectionCriticalIllnessLifeInsurance SERVICES mortgage@majorestate.co77HighStreet,Wealdston Call: 020 Mortgage8424Ad Dinesh S C Please conta om ~ ne, Harrow, HA3 5DQ 4 8686 / 07956 810647 dviser Shonchhatra act:
He added: “There is a live investigation and the off icer has not been found guilty of anything It’s really important that the due pro cess takes place ”
Wessentialsiththesoaring costs and energy bills, school lead ers ask for money from PTA f u n d r a i s i n g wh ic h w i l l b e needed to cover core costs rather than “nice to have” extrasAs the cost of living crisis
All gover nment and House of Commons business that was paused for 10 day s, following the death of Queen Elizab eth II, Parliame nt could sit for extr a days in t his wee k
As part of the Justice for Chris Kaba campaign, Black L i v e s M a t t e r c a r r i e d o u t demonstrations across the country
Parliament could sit for extra days after Queen's death paused proceedings
6) What is the best aspect about your current role?
1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in?
may break for conferences later than previously planned next week or the Conference recess period could end earli er inDOctoberuringt
areasOne f inance director at a small trust in the south east said: “I’m going to the PTA AGM in a couple of weeks’ time Basically, the message will be: as much money as you can raise needs to come to the school Not for specif ic projects just so that we can keep our core services going ”
Ombudsman"Because we’re a Black c o m m u n i t y t h e y w a n t t o dictate how much they pay They don’t want us to go to court because if one of us is found [to have been] under p a i d , i t w o u l d o p e n t h e doors for everyone now i t ’s a m a t t e r o f f i n d i n g l aw y e r s , ” t h e L o n d o n e r added
T h e P r i m e M i n i s t e r ’s o f f i c i a l s p o ke s p e r s o n h a s conf irmed that the annual break for conferences could be altered to address urgent
“The Home Off ice per p e t r a t e d t h e Wi n d r u s h
L a b o u r M P K a t e Osamor who attained free dom of information data a n d s h a re d i t e xc l u s i v e l y w i t h T h e I n d e p e n d e n t shows that of 3,479 claimant a p p e a l s i n 2 0 2 1 , o n l y 4 2 resulted in a settlement
“The independent police w a t c h d o g , t h e IOP C, a re investigating this not the police That is really impor tant in relation to how the police are policed
Simon Kidwell, the prin cipal of Hartford Manor pri m a r y s c h o o l i n C h e s h i re , said his school will not ask parents for additional dona tions “The PTA are ver y, very aware that parents don’t have the same money avail able
The biggest have been my family, who have supported my passion of Arts and to follow my dreams, and my design ‘Guru’ ex creative director at Saachi and CEO of own agency Lloyd Bantleman who has been my mentor to date He hired me as a Junior Designer some what 30 years back and real ly put me in the deep end, where I was absorbing every bit of knowledge, skills and mindset required to thrive as a successful designer in this ever evolving challenging creative world
Ravish’s motto is “Life is creative, live love respect and enjoy the journey!”
To build further on the brands I am working on, this in return will enhance my ro l e a n d p o s i t i o n To a l s o p i l o t N E W brands and bring them to the market and inject more of our lines into the main stream f ixtures The feeling you have when you see brands you have created or worked on, positioned in store or even better in consumers homes is priceless Don’t think I will ever retire from being a creative It’s part of my life I would love to mentor the next generations in this f ield and more so help, inspire and encourage my sons to achieve the highest levels they can reach in whatever they decide to pursue both pro fessionally and personally 9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change?
i n g a p p e a l s p ro c e s s i s essential That isn’t what we have ” Wi n d r u s h c l a i m a n t , Auckland Elwaldo Romeo, 6 7 , w h o w a s w ro n g l y denied British citizenship for 13 years, said he did not t a ke a £ 4 0 , 0 0 0 p ay o u t from the Home Off ice and is now taking his claim to t h e Pa r l i a m e n t a r y
I”t is believed that the cri sis will raise the prospect of a w i d e n i n g g u l f b e t w e e n schools with affluent fami
I always feel at home wherever I reside with my family Whether here in Leicester, back in Preston where I am originally from, or even abroad My family is where my heart is and that’s where home is 2) What are your proudest achievements?
I wouldn’t say worst, but hurdles, not enough hours in the day being honest I have multiple projects on at the same time and only wish I could give each of them the same level of detail and time 8) What are your long term goals?
I’m inspired every single day But main ly, when I see like minded dedicated suc cessful people who reach their goals, which enforces the quote ‘anything is possible’, work hard to get where you want to be I’m living proof of this, I’ve been recognised to be featured here right! Hard work , perse verance and FOCUS on what YOU want from life
Schools urge parents to help plug funding gaps
Ravish has a great passion for music and likes to play various percussion instruments from Classical Tabla to the Drums, he started his own band aged 12 and through the years has performed to crowds from 350 to 10,000
3) What inspires you?
h e m o u r n i n g period so far, Parliament has played an important role in p ro c e e d i n g s w i t h K i n g C h a r le s w e lc o m e d fo r t h e f irst time as Head of State
Head t eac he rs h av e ra is ed the alarm about a funding crisis in schools, with some parents urged to make dona ti o ns and p arent teac h er associations on standby to plug funding gaps for class room
n t h e n i g h t o f Mo n d ay, S e p t e m b e r 5 , Mr Kaba, 24, an unarmed black man, was shot dead by police in Streatham H i l l , a f t e r a p o l i c e c h a s e through the streets of south LondonWhen he was asked on Good Morning Britain how concerned he was about the way the incident was han dled and the way Mr Kaba’s family had been treated, Mr Khan said: “There are con cerns in relation to his death by shooting by an off icer
government matters, which were previously due to com mence on 22 September
with Keith Vaz
As new f i gures point out that only 1 per cent of pay out reviews were success f ul, the gov ernm ent has been accused of “marking its own homework” over the Windrush compensa tion appeals process
I love what I do so much it doesn’t feel like I’m working Part of an Amazing organ i s a t io n , V i b r a nt Fo o d s L t d W h e re I’m ‘Head of Design and Creative Lead’ I have a studio set up at the Leicester Off ice and have the pleasure of working with a large number of huge brand names in the Asian FMCG market, Cofresh Snacks being one of them Its great to be able to work with a great marketing team and to bring our her itage, culture and tastes to the mass cultur al diversities
I have quite a few being honest, being marked in history for the winning design of the Preston Guild 1992 Medal to commem orate the event, celebrated every 20 years Achieved my childhood dream of becoming a designer/artist Had my own live per forming Band, Owned our own successful Ev e n t s Co m p a ny w i t h my Wi fe Bi n a Becoming a husband and Father to two amazing sons
4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career?
" We a re l o o k i n g a t changing the recess dates,” t h e p r i m e m i n i s t e r 's s p o ke s p e r s o n s a i d o n WednesdayItisbelieved that several o p t i o n s a re b e i n g c o n s i d ered One is that Parliament
Ravish was born in P reston, w here he spent mo st o f his early years with his extended family before moving to L eicester in 2016 He graduated with a BA Ho nou rs degree in Graph ic Design from th e University of Central Lancash ire, where he met h is wife Bina They were married in 2000, he also secured his f irst job as Junior Designer th at same year They have two so ns Yash born March 2004, who is about to embark on his next journey University, and Neev born No vember 2008 He is so proud of what they have already ach ieved and lo oks forward to a bright future for them
May o r S a di q K h an admitted that there are “c o n ce rns ” ar o u nd th e police sh ooting of Chris KabaO
7) And the worst?
Windrush compensation scheme ‘not fit for purpose’
Our interests are to keep our country safe and do our duty to report crime; safe from jihadis because we are spe cial targets just as the Jewish community are, just as America is and Britain and it’s vaues are
The practice of peace and reconciliation is one of the most vital and artistic of human actions. Thich Nh at Hanh
Political Sketchbook
Narendra Modi’s words “Today’s era is not of war” to Russian President Valdimir Putin on the sidelines of the S h a n g h a i C o o p e r a t i o n O r g a n i s a t i o n ' s s u m m i t i n Uzbekistan s Samarkand, as India finally telling Russia what needed telling That interpretation was seemingly buttressed by India twice voting to allow Ukraine President Zelensky to address UN bodies But this is a reductive reading of what PM Modi said as well as what India stands for and can do First, PM Modi has been asking for cessation of violence from the time Russia invaded Ukraine Second, he and government of India have always been clear that New Delhi’s approach to particular aspects of this geopolitical crisis will be driven also by national interest Therefore, while calling for peace and negotiations, India didn’t and rightly so join the West in its raft of sanctions against Russia And since European imports of Russian oil and gas were exempted from this sanc tion, India’s stand was well vindicated Therefore and third, when PM Modi tells Putin that this isn’t the era of war, he’s not changing India’s position but re emphasising the critical ity of peace by pointing to the terrible costs of conflict That’s why the words that made global headlines should be read with what PM Modi said about food and fuel shocks the Ukraine conflict has inflicted on developing countries
We have to be our Brother’s keeper, defender of not just our faith, but those whose faiths are being used by extrem ists to cause harm to Britain Country first, faith second Law above all else
are from a community almost uniquely to benefit so much from being in the UK through our overachievement in education, the professions, public service consider the numbers of NHS nurses and doctors alone of Indian origin I myself a Barrister in the traditions of Indians such as S a r d a r P a t e l , M a h a t m a G a n d h i , J a w a h a r l a l N e h r u , Mohammed Ali Jinnah (of whose Inn I am a member)
Crowds gathered around the path from Westminster Hall to Wellington Arch were waiting overnight to see the Queen’s last processionTheythrew roses in front of the Queen’s coffin and cheered a s s h e c i r c l e d a r o u n d Q u e e n V i c t o r i a M e m o r i a l o u t s i d e
21st century will see India’s emergence as an influential peace advocateExpressing the impact of the war, PM Modi told Putin, “today we will get the opportunity to talk about how we can progress on the path of peace India and Russia stayed together with each other for several decades We spoke sev eral times over phone about India Russia bilateral relations and various issues PM Modi's diplomatic acumen, who in a friendly tone pushed the concern of the global community to its long standing friend Russia, was praised by the inter national media The statements were made by PM Modi dur ing the face to face meeting highlighted Russia's increasing isolation on the diplomatic stage They came just a day after Putin conceded that China had "questions and concerns" over the invasion Responding to PM Modi, Putin said that he knows about India's position on the Ukraine conflict and want all of this to end as soon as possible The rare reproach showed the 69 year old Russian strongman coming under extraordinary pressure from all sides Putin said that rela tions between Russia and India are in the nature of a privi leged strategic partnership and continue to develop very rapidly We are actively engaging at international platforms We are in discussion on international issues Sometimes these issues are something that is not very good news," he said The MEA said the two leaders appreciated the sustained momentum in bilateral ties, including contacts at various levels, adding they discussed important issues of bilateral cooperation as well as regional and global issues of interest
I write after paying my respects this September to the 9/11 memorial in New York; at the twin towers destroyed by Islamic fundamentalists
Of course, the Queen’s role in the Commonwealth has raised many questions, especially about its relevance in recent years Footballer Mohammed Salah is facing scathing criticism for penning a condolence message on Twitter, as the Egyptian community reminded him of what destruction the British Empire brought upon African nations In India, there has been a polarisation of views The older generation has been seen posting photos of themselves with the Monarch, but the younger generations have referred to history by talking about the Jallianwalabagh massacre and Bengal famine Anti colonial ism has been the spirit of the current Indian government, that has driven them to de anglicise the names of streets and mon
Like you I too saw the recent community disturbances in Leicester, the final resting place of King Richard III slain during the civil war between the War of the Roses red against white
Email: aveditorial@abplgroup com Website: www abplgroup com
The final goodbye to the Queen included kings, queens, ministers and diplomats from all across the world Around 4bn
As President of the India League (est 1928) we provide an additional strong voice for our goals of liberalism and democratic ideals of liberty and equality which the League always stood for India is a brand with global and historic reach We carry forward the values of Mahatma Gandhi of nonAviolencendthat sometimes means in living cheek to jowl due to history and culture, and not turning the other cheek we are made aware of such dangerous extremist folk and it is our duty and responsibility as citizens of a country that has offered us such a peaceful home, to ensure we uphold its valuesWe
ing consecutive Chancellor and Home Secretary from the minority community, the country isn’t what was visualised by Enoch Powell We have had a Hindu man and woman and a Muslim man as our Chancellor, Home Secretary and Health Secretary Sadiq Khan, who is London’s first ever Muslim Mayor has visited Hindu temples often on occasions, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron have been seen visiting temples and Gurdwaras over the years as wellItis important to remember that when racist or communal violence erupts, it definitely does not stand for what the majority feels Even in Leicester, it is time for the community stalwarts, leaders and who’s who to stand shoulder to shoulder providing faith that people are lacking, the sentiment of togetherness The message is very clear, no difference is worth violence that affects common life
In his opening remarks, Putin said the ties between India and Russia continued to develop "very rapidly" and both sides are actively engaged at international platforms on key issues "It is important that we constantly coordinate our positions," he said Putin also referred to increase in bilateral trade turnover "The trade turnover is growing, in particular due to the supplies, as you asked to do, of additional deliver ies of Russian fertilizers to the Indian market," Putin said PM Modi said ties between India and Russia have strength ened manifold and New Delhi values its relationship with Moscow In his remarks, Putin also talked about his "warm memories" of visiting India in December last year and invit ed Modi to visit Russia Putin also greeted Modi on his birth day last week
The larger point is whether India can play an even larger role as a peace advocate in the sense that its advocacy will be one of the critical diplomatic factors when a conflict breaks out There are reasons to believe that India’s ability to wage peace may get considerably stronger In global realpoli tik, economic heft matters India, already the world’s fifth largest economy, is looking at years of steady, if not spectac ular, GDP growth that will, as per current research, make it the world’s fourth largest economy by 2027 and third largest by 2029 To this economic size, add the advantage of India’s excellent record as a non aggressor A big country with a big economy that has never harboured war like tendencies is a powerful peace advocate And in PM Modi, whose national mandates in the world’s largest democracy give him global political heft, India has a PM who can effectively leverage the country’s strengths The peace principle has a long pedigree in India, it’s a part of India’s civilisational ethos and it has Mahatma Gandhi as its 20th century champion Perhaps, the
We Must All Be Defenders of the Faiths
India finally tells Russia what needed telling
I am ashamed to say as a Governor of Luton University where several of the 7/7 Islamic terrorist bombers had con nections, I did not do more to prevent and sever the connec tions to University societies preaching the hate of Hamas and Hezbollah We failed this country then
umentsHowever, in Britain, the diaspora has paid tribute to the Queen along with other nationals As the 10 days of national mourning concludes, will the world forget the monarch? The Royal family released some beautiful but unseen photos of the Queen after the funeral It reminds everyone of their own vul nerability It reminds one of the end of an era, their own life sto ries and grief around it, the finality in letting go of someone you love, acknowledging the different losses or things they had ever wished for (For more see p1)
As K in g C h a r le s I I I p r o c l ai m ed h i s du t y a s Defender o f the Faith, it is f o r e a c h o f u s t o b e a defender of th e faiths
Rt Rev Rachel Treweek explained what the Queen’s passing meant for the Britons She said how the Queen stood for com munity spirit drawn together in good times, and difficult times She said, “We belong together in her life and death People are therefore drawn together This committal service will change us a bit ”
Leicestershire has always been one of the most diverse cities in Britain, with Hindus and Muslims coexisting peacefully From Navratri to Diwali to Eid to Christmas everything is celebrat ed with equal enthusiasm In 2011, the Census recorded that 50,087 of Leicester’s population are Hindus and 61,440 are Muslims What happened on 28 August after a cricket match and thereafter last Saturday, with a group of men ripping off a flag from a Hindu temple in Melton Road, is a shock for people living in Leicester Any communal violence whether it is on the streets or at a stadium, between different people is a mat ter of major concern everywhere It could be fuelled by cultur al or historical differences, but what it leads to is an attack on the safety of common people, affecting businesses and suspen sion of people’s livelihood The risk of harm also multiplies among women, who are often targeted purposefully With the festive season nearing, people are now fearing to go about their business normally Why should this be tolerated in today’s Britain?
The bottom line, it is not for one community alone or law enforcement to stop Islamism, breeding of jihadis en route to Syria, another 7/7, fanaticism and fatwas, but to all of us, including those in the British Indian community who know through history and demography that community so well In Leicester where we see extremism festering, videos online of the next generation of Abu Hamzas, and we know now from 7/7 and 9/11 not to leave it too late
Alpesh Patel
Thought for the week
Asian Voice is published by Asian Business Publications Ltd Units 207 208, Harrow Business Centre, 429 433 Pinner Road, North Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 4HN Tel: 020 7749 4080 • Fax: 020 7749 4081
Buckingham Palace Over the last five days, thousands of people have queued up for almost 24 hours to pay respect to the Queen, including celebrity footballer David Beckham An unknown Sikh gentleman was seen to be touching his forehead on the floor next to the coffin, paying his respect like in an act of worship People of every faith gathered to pay their tributes including from the diaspora Kings and Queens, State Heads gathered to say the final goodbye
Stop hurting us all
03AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian voice com 24 30 September 2022
End of an era and the dawn of a new
people watched the funeral remotely, whereas more than 250,000 people came to London from across the country and bid her farewell
A pandemic like Covid 19 has shown how solidarity is the only way forward So calm, positive dialogue and an end to aggression are the solutions we need As LeicesterLive Editor Adam Moss rightly said, “The anger and violence need to stop because you are not just hurting those who you are targeting You are hurting yourselves and ultimately hurting us all ” (See p1 and 6 for more)
Queen Elizabeth II has been laid to rest with her husband Prince Philip in Windsor, united after 17 months The family made up of three generations, marched poignantly behind her coffin, teary, grief stricken, the pain etched on their faces
All the faiths, as indeed the King will also unoffi cially be Indeed each of us to uphold the motto, “Regnum Defende” (Defence of the Realm) Terrorism and those inspired by it are officially according to the Security Services the number 1 threats to UK national security
M a n y c o m m e n t a t o r s h a v e i n t e r p r e t e d P r i m e M i n i s t e r
Racist attacks terrorised Britain’s ethnic minorities in the 1970s That led to the community forcefully sticking to each other, living close by and creating ghettos Today’s Britain is obviously much different, more tolerant and multicultural With the most diverse cabinet in the UK under Liz Truss, hav
We have almost become a stereotype or caricature of the hard working doctor, lawyer, accountant It is because of our vested interest in Britain, being British, and indeed long memories of expulsion from Uganda due to fanaticism, that we must ensure we report jihadis, and extremists and at the same time reach out to such communities to help t h e m w h o h a v e n o t b e n e f i t e d f r o m B r i t a i n a n d f e e l aggrieved enough to attack British values and turn on Britain with extremism, to help them become more inte grated, uplift them as we have ourselves and showcase how despite being a minority, how much stronger we are for being British and upholding British values
Matthew Barnes, pros ecuting, said: "In each case, the girls were all 16, some just 16 The prosecution case is that the defendant g
back to the council
“ H o w e v e r , u n t i l t h i s time, there is likely to be dis ruption to services, which may mean late running and some students having to use a different bus to the one they were originally allocat ed to The county council apologises for the shortfall in service ”
During that course of time he set up an online g r o u p S n a p c h a t s o h e could "sexually communi cate" with them
The woman, now a mum, was raped by Nicholas Caro when she was 14 She did not wish to reveal her name
M a t h e w B e a r d f r o m L o n d o n w a s h o r r i f i e d t o know that his son was being physically and verbally bul lied just a week into high school and he was tallying it up on his hands
C o u n c i l S p o k e s m a n s a i d : "We can confirm that one of o u r s e r v i c e p r o v i d e r s h a s very recently handed back t h i s b u s s e r v i c e d u e t o staffing and operational dif ficulties This is extremely d i s a p p o i n t i n g n e w s f r o m the company, but please be a s s u r e d t h a t t h e c o u n t y council is working as hard as possible to find alternative providers for this contract
On September 6, Caro was sentenced to jail by a judge for four years He was o r d e r e d t o s i g n t h e s e x offenders register for life
When a dad reali sed that his son was keeping a score of how many times he was being bullied at his school, he was heartbroken
Mr Barnes added that M u h a m m a d w o u l d a l s o send intimate pictures of himself and talk about sex ual mattersThevictims eventually reported the incidents, he said "The offences came to light when the three g i r l s c o m p l a i n e d t o a teacher who reported it to the head on May 9 this
Woman walked up to man and said 'you raped me'
Teacher sexually abused girls at school and groomed them on Snapchat
t h e m a j o r i t y o f offences that were commit
The abuse took place over a three month peri o d , B i r m i n g h a m C r o w n Court heard
H e s a i d t h e t e a c h e r groomed the students by offering them the oppor t u n i t y t o t r u a n t f r o m l e s s o n s a n d s p e n d t i m e with him in his classroom, allowing them to use their mobile phones, use vapes and giving them treats like chocolates and doughnuts
A Leicestershire County
Earlier this month, jus tice was finally done
Racist and religiously aggravated crimes hit record levels
Dad heartbroken after seeing marks on his son's hand
Parents' anger over late school buses
tion, the dad took to social media to warn other par e n t s a n d h a s c a l l e d f o r s c h o o l s t o ' c o m e d o w n harder' on bullies and their p a r e n t s t o b e f o u n d H e said: "My son has been at high school for just over a week"On his hand here he’s made a record of how many times in the last two days he has been bullied, verbally or
"You raped me when I was 14 " In that moment, she took back control
04 AsianVoiceNews 24 30 September 2022 NORTH/MIDLANDS
A f t e r f i n d i n g t h e s t r e n g t h t o c o n f r o n t h e r a t t a c k e r , s h e w e n t t o t h e policeThe woman, speaking to t h e M a n c h e s t e r E v e n i n g News, said the burden of liv ing with the traumatic secret for more than three decades took a toll on her health
She met Caro, now 51, as a teenager at a sports club "I w a s a t o m b o y t h e n , " s h e
year," Mr Barnes said M u h a m m a d , 2 9 , o f Richmond Road, Yardley, had previously admitted 11 charges of sexual assault H e w a s j a i l e d f o r t h r e e
physically In total 21 It’s h e a r t b r e a k i n g S c h o o l s need to come down harder o n b u l l i e s , t h e i r p a r e n t s should be fined "
p a s s i n g s e n t e n c e , Judge Roderick Henderson said: "You are a teacher and you groomed them for t h r e e m o n t h s T h i s o f f e n d i n g w a s r e p e a t e d and, of course, it was not impulsive in the sense of somebody losing their self control"It w a s t h e g r o s s e s t breach of trust and it was at a significant time for these girls as it led up to their exams that are criti cal for the rest of their lives "
A woman walked up to a man whom she did not see for 30 years reminded him t hat he raped her
t r i a l a t M a n c h e s t e r C r o w n C o u r t w a s d e l a y e d s e v e r a l t i m e s d u e t o t h e Covid pandemic
Last year, 4,063 offences o f r a c i a l l y o r r e l i g i o u s l y a g g r a v a t e d a s s a u l t w i t h injury and 10,039 crimes of assault without injury were reportedBut
The woman stood in the w i t n e s s b o x o n J u l y 1 1 i n front of a judge and jury, gave the evidence and she sealed Caro's fate
w i l l o f t e n g e t t h e r e j u s t before the first lesson and miss their form time ”
nities Everyone has a right to live their life, and prac tice their religion, without the fear of targeted abuse f o r w h o t h e y a r e , e i t h e r physically or verbally; and we will always seek to pro tect that right
" W e w i l l c o n t i n u e t o work to bring offenders to justice and to protect our c o m m u n i t i e s f r o m a b u s e and would encourage any one who suffers hate crime, or receives a serious threat against them to report it to the police, either by calling 101 (999 in an emergency) or o n l i n e t h r o u g h t h e T r u e V i s i o n w e b s i t e a t www report it org uk ”
She tapped him on the shoulder The man looked her up and down "Do you know who I am?, she asked, fighting back tears
A p e r v e r t e d m a t h s t e a c h e r , M u h a m m a d T a i m o o r h a s b e e n s e n t e n c e d t o j a i l f o r t h r e e y e a r s a f t e r s e x u a l l y a s s a u l t i n g t h r e e t e e n a g e g i r l s , i n c l u d i n g a t a Birmingham school
Many pupils who use the b u s h a v e e x p r e s s e d t h e i r a n g e r t o w a r d s t h e l a t e buses, with one suggesting o n a n o n l i n e f o r u m t h a t they are regularly marked as late by the school, despite having no control over the situationLeice
Angry parents at Kibworth Me ad Ac ade my exp r es s ed th e i r ang er o ver s c h o o l buses arriving late to collect th e i r ch i l dren L e ic es te rs h i re Co u nt y Council h as apologised for the Psameupil s w h o b o a r d t h e b u s f r o m F l e c k n e y t o Kibworth have been made to wait for up to 40 minutes for buses to show up and have missed lesson time as a consequenceOnemother of a pupil w h o w i s h e s t o r e m a i n a n o n y m o u s , s a i d : “ A t t h e start of the year, the buses w e r e r e a l l y b a d , a n d m y child was getting really wor ried about going into school a n d w o u l d c a l l m e i n a panic This is now a regular occurrence, and my child
According to the Home Office figures, there were more than 80,133 offences committed in England and Wales in the year ending M a r c h 2 0 2 2 t h a t w e r e believed to be aggravated or motivated by either racism or religious intolerance
She said that fear and and shame made her to mum for all those years
"I just hid it," she said "I never spoke about it I felt like I was living a lie "
pupils both on and away from the school premises "
r o o m e d a n d s e x u a l l y a s s a u l t e d t h e s e t h r e e
A spokesperson for the N a t i o n a l P o l i c e C h i e f s ’ C o u n c i l s a i d : “ T a r g e t i n g s o m e o n e a n d a s s a u l t i n g them because of their race o r r e l i g i o n i s c o m p l e t e l y unacceptable and will not be tolerated Policing take a l l r e p o r t s o f h a t e c r i m e seriously because we know that they have a devasting impact on individual vic tims and targeted commu
F o l l o w i n g t h e r e v e l a
ted were crimes of causing racially or religiously aggra vated public fear, alarm or distress Last year 55,951 of these offences were record ed in England and Wales, up by 17% from 47,928 the pre vious year
s t e r s h i r e C o u n t y Council, the providers of the bus service, responded to the parents by suggesting the disruption to services occurred because a bus com pany handed their contract
Po li c e ha ve c ome a c ros s more racially or reli giously aggravated crimes than ever before in Britain
Sitting in a bar with a friend, a woman saw a man walking in She started to cry When her friend asked her if she wanted to leave she said she wanted to say something to the man who entered the bar
He added: "He wanted to show us how often it’s happened in two days of school You just don’t know what goes on & you expect y o u k i d s t o b e s a f e a t school I’m sure it will all sort itself out "
05AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022 lr a nI p ’d rat re b n Sd tin er l y m l t op ome us we ord, ome rs wh c d wn t d ow orfa nt oriaw t s a cont But n ma e h l ar we ’ a. y eorsyL ma on us . ondonL vities e withe a datMak ee actier frvocDis
given as a deterrent for any further dis turbance ”
A p r e s s r e l e a s e f r o m I n d i a House said, “We strongly condemn the violence perpetrated against the Indian Community in Leicester and vandalization of premises and sym bols of Hindu religion We have strongly taken up this matter with the UK authorities and have sought i m m e d i a t e a c t i o n a g a i n s t t h o s e involved in these attacks We call on the authorities to provide pro tection to the affected people ”
Sir Peter Soulsby, the Mayor of Leicester acknowledged that social media were “distorting now and some of it just completely lying about what had been happening between different communities ” Leicestershire Police condemned the violence and called for dialogue between representatives from both communitiesAsianVoice reached out to over 40 residents of Leicester to under stand the situation better But most of them refrained from coming out with their names or identities amid fear of backlash The community has collectively called for peace and t o l e r a n c e a m i d t h e u n r e s t a n d many residents believe that nothing can deter the cultural diversity and unity in Leicester Many residents have affirmed that Leicester is not divided by its different faiths and hope to see unity in the city Some members believe that community leaders from all faiths and commu nities need to speak out and guide their members Another resident told the newsweekly that she feels the ‘news is not correct, and some news is unnecessarily escalated’
In an official statement, the Federa tion of Muslim Organ isation said, “It is long overdue and time for all communities and statutory bod ies to match this commitment to stand against the hate that is hurt ing the city we love Leicester is a proud city renowned for its diversi t y a n d h a r m o n y o f w h i c h t h e Muslim and Hindu communities have always worked peacefully for over 50 years, yet we have to accept that recent spates of violence are l i n k e d t o s o m e n e w l y a r r i v e d groups with racist ideologies ” Hindu temple and community cen tr e le ad er s from Jain Centre, Shree Sanatan Mandir, Shree Ram M a n d i r , S h r e e j i d h a m H a v e l i , H i n d u M a n d i r , G e e t a B h a v a n M a n d i r , B A P S S w a m i n a r a y a n T e m p l e , V r a j d h a m H a v e l i , T h e S w a m i n a r a y a n M a n d i r , J a l a r a m a Prarthana Mandir, Shakti Mandir, R a d h a K r i s h n a M a n d i r , B r a h m a Kumari, Gujarat Hindu Association ISKCON Leicester, Brahma Samaj Leicester released a joint statement on the issue “Leaders of the Hindu community are not going to toler ate such acts of aggression that undermine the relationships and unity within this city of Leicester “If anyone was involved or knows of others who have been caught up in this, PLEASE STOP, and immedi ately report it to the police If any one needs support or would like to discuss any concerns in a safe and confidential manner, please call the police on 101 or 999 We must unite in peace and call out those from within the community, who are acting to disturb the peace and har mony Dialogue, discussion and sit ting side by side is what is required at the appropriate time ” The group reiterated that this was the time to be in prayer and respect for the Queen, the Royal family and the countryIna letter to the Temporary C h i e f C o n s t a b l e L e i c e s t e r s h i r e P o l i c e , Si t a l Si n gh G ill, G e n e r a l S e cr e t a r y , In d i a n W or k e r s A sso ci a t i on ( G B ) L e ic e st e r s hi r e said, “Indian Workers Association ( G B ) a l w a y s w e l c o m e s p o r t i n g events and promote healthy living However, we strongly oppose com m u n a l b a s e s p o r t s c e l e b r a t i o n s which conclude in religious dishar mony and community division We stand together with the police to take serious action against those w h o a r e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h i s attempt to divide and disrupt com m u n i t i e s i n L e i c e s t e r t h a t h a v e always lived together in harmony ”
Pakistan should not be a cause of conflict In the T20 game, there will be only one winner and fans of both teams should accept defeat or victo ry gracefully ”
Pr a v i n A mi n , Pr e s id e n t , t h e N a t io n a l As so ci a t io n o f Pa t i d a r Samaj told us, “The volatile situa tion amongst communal and reli gious groups in Leicester needs to be calmed down Liaison amongst community leaders, the police and local government officers must play their part urgently to bring peace The perpetrators must be dealt with firmly and appropriate punishment
N” ir m a la Bh oj a n i, a journalist and com mu n it y a c t iv i st t o l d us, “Having lived in Leicester for 34 years, w e h a v e a l w a y s f e l t that there was a great community spirit as people of all faith lived in harmony Police reports say 47 peo ple were arrested, including some from Birmingham This means out siders are involved in creating chaos here It's really sad to see the unrest, caused by some divisive groups and we as Hindus have to be vigilant that this does not incite further fear or divide the peaceful communities in our city, which has been a perfect example of multicultural harmony for so long Let's unite together to bring back peace in Leicester ”
t e m p l e s , c o m m u n i t y c e n t r e s Sanjay said, “The Hindu communi ty will be in fear (especially the elderly and very young) to come o u t f o r t h e s e c e l e b r a t i o n s D i s c u s s i o n s w i t h t h e P o l i c e C o m m i s s i o n e r s , M a y o r s , Ministers, MPs etc have to take place “involving young people” f r o m b o t h c o m m u n i t i e s T h e Secretary of State for Levelling up and Communities/and or Minster of Faith has also been encouraged to make a visit to Leicester to ask for calm If this situation is not c u r t a i l e d n o w i t w i l l f l o w i n t o other cities and towns very quickly a s w e h a v e a l r e a d y s e e n i n B i r m i n g h a m a n d o t h e r p l a c e s Temple/Mosque Leaders, together with so called National Umbrella Faith Organisations have very little influence over the youths of both Communities It needs younger m e m b e r s t o b e e m p o w e r e d t o make a stance a correct stance and be role models for calm and community cohesion ”
Dilip Patel of Hindu Sahitya s a i d , “ A n y d i s o r d e r t h a t m i g h t occur will pose even greater prob lems to the Hindu community in two weeks when tens of thousands of Hindus will come together in public and in community centres across the city to celebrate the ancient festival of Navratri We demand that the Hindu communi t y i s g i v e n t h e p r o t e c t i o n i t deserves in due course in the prac tice of its traditions We are con d u c t i n g p u j a s f o r p e a c e i n o u r mandirs and urge all sides to come to a peaceful resolution ”
While Twitter was abuzz with tweets from women and men wor rying about their safety to travel w i t h i n L e i c e s t e r , a n a n o n y m o u s source told the newsweekly, “On Saturday, I witnessed a group of men smashing up car windows two streets away from where I live I would say there were hundreds of them They were shouting religious chants I felt extremely scared for my safety, but I don't blame the police They are trying their best but are outnumbered I am worried about my car being smashed and I know people in the area especially the elderly who are scared to even leave their house ”
“I hope that decades of peaceful co existence of Leicester's diverse communities do not turn into a fearful living I pray that everything will be done by the powers that be and by local communities & leaders of faith to preserve the fearless free dom of our city and its citizens It is not just about cricket match results or Hindu Muslim issues but a multitude of factors that will need t o b e h o n e s t l y e x p l o r e d a n d addressed I think that there will be G o o d w i l l t o r e s t o r e L e i c e s t e r ' s image & hallmark of a successful diversity city,” resident Smitaben Shah said
06 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
“Words like Muslim areas and H i n d u a r e a s a r e b e i n g u s e d i n social media There are no such areas All areas in Leicester are Leicester areas and there is a pres ence of all the faith communities everywhere in Leicester This divi sion of Leicester by those who want to create communal dishar mony is not acceptable
K a r t i k Ka v i w a s b o r n i n L e i c e s t e r a n d g r e w u p a m i d s t d i v e r s e f a i t h s a n d c u l t u r e s Speaking to Asian Voice, Kavi said, “I have seen first hand Leicester’s diverse community work together to create a multicultural bastion It was therefore extremely shocking and saddening to see while working as a junior doctor in the city’s hos p i t a l , o n e o f m y p a t i e n t s b e i n g assaulted because of their religion Faith has previously never been a cause for unrest in modern, inclu sive Leicester As the riots continue, I fear for the safety of my family and friends, especially those living in the affected areas However, at this moment, when fear and anger are elevated, I propose Leicester is not divided by its different faiths but divided by the majority who seek peace and the small minority who pursue violence And when the riots end and they will end, we must ensure those who sought to ter
Businessman Nagarjun felt that in the end, both communities won’t get any benefits if they carry this on “I can see that there are many young people taking part in this, but they should not be encouraged to join in Both communities must settle down and have a respectful manner toward each other because they are both big contributors to the UK economy, and a thank you t o t h e L e i c e s t e r s h i r e P o l i c e f o r doing a fantastic job,” he said Vinod Kotecha, Ex chief ex ecu tive officer of the confeder ation of In d i a n or g a n i sa t i on s ( UK ) s a i d , “Leicester is truly a multicultural city and people of different faith & race have been living very peaceful ly for decades Recent unrest is very alarming and should be resolved v e r y s o o n A g a m e o f c r i c k e t b e t w e e n t w o r i v a l s I n d i a a n d
In a statement to the press, Vinod Popat, Chair BHV said, “The British Hindu Voice very strongly c o n d e m n s t h e a c t i o n s o f t h o s e who, through social media, made fake allegations that 3 Indian boys tried to kidnap their 15 year old daughter The police have investi g a t e d t h i s a l l e g a t i o n a n d h a v e found it to be untrue This kidnap ping allegation was followed by further social media postings of a car and a photo of a man who the ‘author’ claimed was involved in the kidnapping action Later, it was found that this man was abroad when the alleged incident of kid napping took place
Prof Man oj Lad wa Chairman & CEO India Inc tagged PM Liz Truss and posted a tweet, “Woke up to yet m o r e d i s t u r b i n g n e w s f r o m Leicester where the Hindu commu nity is under siege Let's not brush this off as some sporadic, minor law & order incident This is a symptom of what s been brewing in our inner cities for years #StampOutTerror and it's causes @trussliz ”
A statement by the Co Cha ir s a n d M od e r a t o r s o f t h e F a it h Communities Forum of the In ter Fait h Net wor k for the UK read: “We affirm the vital efforts of all t h o s e w o r k i n g i n L e i c e s t e r a n d other areas of the UK to tackle ten s i o n s w h e r e t h e s e a r i s e a n d t o develop greater understanding and stronger interfaith and inter com munity relations and we call for the n e c e s s a r y r e s o u r c e s t o b e m a d e available to support this work ” Safety con cer ns
Continued from page 1
C o m m u n i t y o r g a n i s a t i o n s h a v e released a joint statement appealing to the masses to stop any kind of violence immediately and report to the police if needed Meanwhile, the residents also hope that the per petrators will be dealt with firmly and appropriate punishment will be given as a deterrent for any further disturbance The community also fears for its safety ahead of the fes tival of Navratri/Durga Puja, fol lowed by Dussehra and Diwali next monthDr
So far 15 people were arrested on Sunday night after rival gangs, many wearing masks, gathered in the east of the city where temples were allegedly vandalised A video circulated on social media that saw men pulling down a flag outside a religious building at Melton Road and ripping it apart That led to the m a s s m o b i l i s a t i o n o f y o u t h s , attacking each other
“This must stop,” he said as he urged the Leicester City Council must take a lead on this and show leadership
D ipt i Mistry has been living in Leicester since 1989 and has been working with community organisa tions and religious places Speaking to the newsweekly she said, “It has b e e n a s h o c k i n g e x p e r i e n c e a s something like this has never hap pened before Leicester is known for its multicultural values and peo ple from all faiths and communities live and work closely having good family like relations with neigh bours and colleagues To my per sonal understanding, community leaders from all faiths and commu nities need to speak out and guide their members towards peace and harmony with each other ”
Sanjay Jagatia believes that this s i t u a t i o n n e e d s t o b e b r o u g h t under control He pointed out that in one week we are entering the largest Hindu festival (Navratri) where many hundreds of thou sands of Hindus will be congregat ing daily for 9 days and nights across the country, which will be closely followed by 5 days of Diwali celebrations where major cities a n d t o w n s l i k e L e i c e s t e r , W e m b l e y , H a r r o w , B i r m i n g h a m etc, will be immersed by over hun dreds of thousands of people cele brating on the streets, roads and
Stating that facts have been twisted, Alpa Suchak said, “In my personal opinion, all the news is not correct, and some news is unneces sarily escalated without knowing the facts Because of this, the false news is affecting innocent people, specifically the elderly and kids I feel so sorry for the local residents who are suffering Local authorities are doing their best duties to deal with it ”
“ T h e H i n d u community has been a target of organised violence in Leicester o v e r t h e p a s t 2 0 days It is obvious f r o m t h e v i d e o f o o t a g e t h a t t h i s attack was carefully planned to ter r o r i s e t h e H i n d u c o m m u n i t y Included within the attacks are the Diu Daman Hindus, a small and marginalised group who are based in the Belgrave and Latimer areas a n d f a c e v a r i o u s s o c i o e c o n o m i c challenges“Numerous fabricated and dis torted videos that falsely accuse Hindus of creating this situation have been shared online and are s t i l l a v a i l a b l e W e s u p p o r t t h e police’s calls to end misinformation and urge them to continue to take action against this to prevent fur ther incitement by extreme ele ments“Every citizen in the UK has the right to protest peacefully, just as the role of the police is to maintain peace and prevent harm We call on the police to ensure that Hindus r e c e i v e t h e d u e p r o t e c t i o n t h e y d e s e r v e , ” a sp ok e s pe r s on fr o m Insight UK told the newsweekly
S h an tu b h ai P i ns a d s a i d , “Winning and losing is a part of any sport We must learn to digest the result whether winning or los i n g E x c i t e m e n t s h o u l d r e m a i n o n l y i n s p o r t s P e o p l e m u s t enlighten themselves that it’s only a game Don’t take it so seriously ” Fake kidnapping allegation
Manoj Ladwa Sanjay VJagatia inod Kotecha
“ T h i s i n c i d e n t b r i n g s i n t o question the motivation of those who made such serious fake allega tions against Indian boys at a time when communal tolerance is at its lowest It seems a narrative is being created through the use of social media that a particular community is to be blamed for raising the ten sions and the unrest
rorise our streets and drive a wedge across this harmonious city a r e b r o u g h t t o j u s tice
Oxford ranks best in Britain for the first time in 12 years
During this period, only 1 3% were unsolved but that d o e s n o t e n s u r e t h a t t h e same children were found who went missing in those five Myearsean w h i l e , 1 7 1 a d u l t s o v e r t h e a g e o f 6 0 w e n t m i s s i n g d u r i n g t h e s a m e period while 167 were found T h e W e s t M i d l a n d s
T he UK's best chippies in t h e ru nn in g h a ve be en revealed w here 40 fish and ch ip sho ps have been sh ort listed as category finalists
For more than 30 years, the National Fish and Chip Awards has been celebrating the nation’s favourite dish, recognising and rewarding the people and businesses w h o p r o v i d e u s w i t h t h e best fish and chips across the UK, both in terms of food and service
40 chippies in the running be crowned UK's best
T h e a d v e n t u r e r , f r o m W i n d e r m e r e i n t h e L a k e District, said her toughest moment had come in bad weather on Ben Nevis: “We h a d n o v i s i b i l i t y a n d w e were climbing without rope and essentially we got a little bit lost on a route and ended u p s t u c k a n d w e h a d n o safety equipment with us We managed to get out of it, but I reckon we sat on a ledge for 30 to 40 minutes deciding what was the best course of action ”
“Those are our trade pri orities,” she said
A woman has become the first climber to complete a c o nt i nu o u s h u man p o w ered round
mountainsAnnaTaylor has become the first climber to complete a continuous human pow ered round of 100 routes up British mountains
She cycled almost 1,250 miles, walked 210 miles and climbed more than 39,000ft in height in 53 days, com p l e t i n g a l l t h e r o u t e s i n Mountain Rock, a climbing guide book
leasing company said: “It is r e a l l y i m p o r t a n t f o r a l l drivers to keep an eye out on t h e c h a n g e s t o m o t o r i n g rules this summer No one wants to be landed with a fine or severe driving penal t y b y s i m p l y n o t s t a y i n g u p d a t e d o n n e w r e g u l a
Dr Hirani was one of seven candidates to sit the exam, which took place at the 14th ESLO Congress in Sorrento, Italy in June 2022. He is now the only orthodontist in the UK to possess this qualification from a population of 67 million.
w i t h i n w e e k s o f h a v i n g CovidA leading immunologist has now suggested it could be causing a new symptom among patients “ O n e e x t r a s y m p t o m from BA 5 I saw this morning is night sweats,” Professor Luke O’Neill from Trinity College Dublin has said BA 5 was first discovered in South Africa in February, one month after BA 4 was identified in the same coun try
B r i t i s h o u t d o o r c o m p a n y , began her Mountain Rock tour on July 24, on Beinn Eighe in the Highlands, and finished on Cader Idris in Snowdonia on Wednesday
“ C h a l l e n g e s l i k e t h i s always remind me just how much of an adventure you can have on our little island, without having to fly off overseas ”
Both have since spread a r o u n d t h e w o r l d a n d s p a r k e d c o n c e r n o v e r a resurgence in Covid infec tionsIt
“My colleagues and I are d e l i g h t e d b y t h i s n e w s , ” Richardson said
o f 1 00 ro u te s u p Br i ti sh
secret that the industry are facing some challenges
four laws changes drivers should be aware of this September include low emission zones, speed lim
A s B ri tai n 's le ader , P ri me Minister Liz Truss kicked off h er first visit to th e United S t ate s w i th a n a dmi ss i o n that a UK US free trade deal is not going to h ap pen for yearsT
‘Orthodontist Dr Sunil Hirani makes history’.
Lingual orthodontics involves treating patients discreetly with braces ‘behind their teeth’. This technique known as invisible braces is very technically demanding. Lingual orthodontics is an advanced sub-specialty of orthodontics.
New symptom of Omicron BA.5
Johnson and Theresa May “There (aren’t) currently a n y n e g o t i a t i o n s t a k i n g place with the U S , and I don’t have an expectation that those are going to start i n t h e s h o r t t o m e d i u m term,” Truss told reporters
T a y l o r , 2 4 , a n a m b a s s a d o r f o r B e r g h a u s , t h e
The Sussex Police and the Independent Office for Police C o n d u c t ( I O P C ) , w h i c h i s i n v e s t i g a t i n g w h e t h e r t h e officers used excessive force, which may amount to crimi n a l m a n s l a u g h t e r , h a v e refused to identify the care home
Almost 30,000 children
p u b l i s h e d o n l i n e , p l a c e d O x f o r d a t t h e t o p o f i t s league table of 132 universi ties
P o l i c e a d d e d t h a t e v e r y effort is made to ensure that t h e f i g u r e s p r e s e n t e d a r e a c c u r a t e a n d c o m p l e t e “However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from a num ber of data sources used by forces for police purposes T h e d e t a i l c o l l e c t e d t o respond specifically to your r e q u e s t i s s u b j e c t t o t h e inaccuracies inherent in any l a r g e s c a l e r e c o r d i n g s y s tem,” they said
June 21, he managed to get hold of a knife and threatened staff, who then detained him in his room and
A s p o k e s p e r s o n f o r a
A n im mu n ol og i st h a s w a r ne d t he n e w st r a in of C ovi d 19 could b e ca usin g d i ffe r e n t sy mp t om s including on e t ha t e me rges during the night
Truss doesn’t expect UK US trade deal anytime soon
07AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian 24 30 September 2022
taken to the hospital immedi atelyThat same day, the care home refused to have him back He remained in hospital and died on July 13 The cause of death is still unknown
iters, transporting goods to Europe and mobile phone usage while driving
O v er th e l ast f iv e ye ars, thousand s of child ren under 1 6 and alm os t 20 0 adu lts ov er the age of 6 0 hav
T h e w i n n e r w i l l b e announced on February 28 at an awards ceremony held a t t h e P a r k P l a z a Westminster Bridge
The increase continues to be driven by the afore mentioned sub variants, the institution said
Specialist Orthodontist Dr Sunil Hirani is celebrating after recently passing the higher level European Society of Lingual Orthodontics (ESLO) exam (Figures 1 and 2).
“It’s been a long, hard and at times scary journey, but it’s allowed me to travel to parts of the UK that I never would have otherwise seen,” Taylor said
The National Fish and Chip Awards has announced the shortlist for the Fish and Chip Takeaway of the Year categoryThetop 40 includes fish and chip shops from across the UK, however, the West Midlands has been snubbed with the closest chippy o v e r a n h o u r a w a y i n Nottingham
New driving laws from this month
Omicron BA 5 is a high l y c o n t a g i o u s s u b v a r i a n t prompting concern as it con tributes to a fresh wave of infections across the globe, including the UK
“It is a testament to the talent and commitment of staff all across the collegiate university, as well as to the creativity and resilience of our students, who refused to allow a pandemic to derail their education ”
A n d r e w C r o o k , p r e s i d e n t o f T h e N a t i o n a l Federation of Fish Friers, s a i d : " B e i n g a b l e t o announce the top 40 final ists for this category is an absolute pleasure It is no
There are currently about 1500 registered specialist orthodontists in the UK and less than 3% of them can proficiently undertake lingual orthodontic treatment. The main reason for this is the very high level of skill required as it takes many years to master.
A woman becomes first climber with 100 summits added
exceptionally difficult exam worldwide, so it’s a fantastic achievement.
As chairman of the British Lingual Orthodontic Society (BLOS), Dr Hirani is committed to raising the profile of lingual orthodontics (invisible braces) in the UK.
For th e first time in 1 2 years, Oxfo rd University has been rated the best in Britain, tak ing the to p spot in a UK uni versity ranking guide beat ing its rival Cambridge
A f t e r a r r i v i n g , o f f i c e r s had a short conversation with h i m , a f t e r w h i c h o n e deployed Pava spray, a senso ry irritant that causes a burn i n g s e n s a t i o n i n t h e n o s e , throat and skin, similar to p e p p e r s p r a y , a n d u s e d a b a t o n T h e s e c o n d o f f i c e r used a Taser
A panel of lingual examiners assessed Dr Hirani’s five challenging cases. About 50 individuals have passed this
He was 93 years old, con fined to a wheelchair and was living alone in the home He was tasered by his local police force and three weeks later he diedOn
Dr SSunil HHirani mmakes hhistory aas tthe ff irst and oonly UUK OOrthodonti st tto eever ppass tthe higher llevel EESLO bboard eexam!
O x f o r d , l e d b y D a m e Louise Richardson, the vice c h a n c e l l o r , h a s w o n t h e a c c o l a d e a f t e r a y e a r i n which a team of the univer sity’s scientists, led by Dame
Dr Hirani, said: “I aam aabso lutely tth rilled tto hh ave pp assed tthis exami nati on IIt rreflects tth e sstep s that II hhave sslowly cclimbed oover tthe last 119 yyears aas aa sspecialist IIt iis mmy family aand ffaith tthat hhave kkep t mme very ffocused ” reported missing in last years e been reported missing in the West M i d la nd s, a F reed o m o f I nf o rm ati on req ue st h as rev d a t a h a s b e e n shared by the West Midlands 14 September 2017 to 14 September 2022, 2 8 , 6 5 5 c h i l d r e n u n d e r t h e age of 16 years were reported missing During the same time period, 28,280 children under the age of 16 were found as well
Sarah Gilbert, made head lines and saved lives around the world with the design of t h e O x f o r d A s t r a Z e n e c a Covid 19 vaccine
Donald Burgess was moved into Park Beck care h ome in St L eo nards on Sea post h is wife s death, a dementia diag nosis and a leg amp utation due to diabetes
A f t e r t h e u n i v e r s i t y excelled across the board in all of the academic measures that are used to compile the rankings, including demon s t r a t i n g h i g h q u a l i t y research and strong gradu ate job prospects, the Times a n d T h e S u n d a y T i m e s Good University Guide 2023,
A c c o r d i n g t o e x p e r t s , “The government and local councils have both intro d u c e d f u r t h e r r u l i n g s t o help improve air quality in city centres, as well as the general road safety for all users two areas which have become increasingly more r e c o g n i s e d t o i m p l e m e n t measures of change "
Dr Hirani is the only consultant-trained specialist in the UK to hold this esteemed qualification. The candidate sitting the exam is usually a specialist for at least 10 years. He is also the first British Asian to ever have achieved this accolade.
Moto rists have been urged to be familiar with new driv i n g law s th a t h av e be en r o ll ed o ut th i s m o nth , i n cl u di ng s tri c te r ru le s against th e use o f mobile p honesDrivers are also being cautioned to be aware of clean air zones on their jour ney and to ensure their vehi cle has the required permis sions to avoid a fine
r u s s s a i d a t r a n s Atlantic deal is not one of h e r p r i o r i t i e s d r a w i n g a s t a r k c o n t r a s t w i t h t h e stance of her immediate pre d e c e s s o r s a s C o n s e r v a t i v e p r i m e m i n i s t e r , B o r i s
According to his family, Burgess was handcuffed and arrested and on arrival at the station, the custody sergeant r e c o m m e n d e d t h a t h e b e
called the police
A 93 year old died after he was hit with a baton in a care home
comes as coronavirus cases in the UK have risen by 7 per cent to 3 8 million in the week to 14 July, up from 3 3 million a week earlier, a c c o r d i n g t o O f f i c e f o r National Statistics data
aboard her plane to New York, where she landed to attend the United Nations General Assembly Truss said her priorities would be obtaining acces s i o n t o t h e T r a n s P a c i f i c trade partnership and strik ing trade deals with India and the Gulf Cooperation Council of states including Saudi Arabia and Qatar
S c i e n t i s t s h a v e b e e n finding differences with pre vious strains, including the a b i l i t y t o r e i n f e c t p e o p l e
"That said, this industry is built upon British sto icism And with spirit and determination, we are com m i t t e d t o s u p p o r t i n g o u r m e m b e r s a n d s e e i n g through tough times We cannot wait to celebrate at t h e a w a r d s c e r e m o n y i n February 2023 "
His Co founder Dharmesh Mistry has been involved with Indian commu nity organisations in the UK for many years including serving as President of
At last, what about a gift or memento for the chief guest? What would s/he like? Can it be a handicraft or something costly? Will s/he accept it or reject it? Can it be handed over during the event or has it to be given in private? All such dilemma has to be resolved much in advance by getting infor mation about the nature of the person and past practices Better to follow what has been acceptable to him/her in the
event w as attended by over
Patel, Jayeshbhai Patel, Rajeshbhai Patel lightened diya Rajendrabhai Pandya mentioned the activities of S o j i t r a S a m a j a n d r e c a l l e d t h e names of trustees and presidents Education Awards were given t o P r a s h i t a J a y a n t b h a i P a t e l i n A e r o n a u t i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g , F i r s t c l a s s H o n o u r s w i t h f u l l Scholarship, Drishti Nimeshbhai P a t e l B a c h e l o r o f S c i e n c e w i t h Honours first class in chemistry a n d V a n d a n N i m e s h b h a i P a t e l Bachelor of Science with Honours i n P h y s i c s a n d M a t h e m a t i c s T r o p h i e s w e r e g i v e n b y V a s u d e v b h a i , N i l k a n t h b h a i a n d Janakbhai Patel Shawl honour was conferred
PIE is the premier news and b u s i n e s s a n a l y s i s p l a t f o r m f o r P r o f e s s i o n a l s i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l Education In addition to their online platform, they organise their annual awards and serve as a recruitment plat f o r m f o r r o l e s i n I n t e r n a t i o n a l
With live songs and dance per formances, raffle tickets were the main points of attraction With the message of Unity is Strength, the AGM of the Golden Jubilee year thanks was given by Jitubhai Patel, Trustee of Sojitra Samaj
CB Patel with Bhadreshbhai GPatel uests at the event
for Her Majesty the Queen All the sisters daughters of Sojitra Gam and the Presidents of 6 Gam were specially invited In the Golden Ju bilee year o f Sojitra Samaj (UK), th e A nnu a l gen era l m eet in g w as h el d o n S u n day 1 8 S e p te mbe r at K adv a P atidar Hall, Kenton All t h e s i st ers da ug h ter s o f S o j i tr a G am a nd t h e P residents of 6 Gam w ere s p e ci al ly i n vi ted t o t h is event T he struggle, hard w ork and success of th e p ast 50 years w ere recalled and the vision o f the next 50 years was o utlined by S amaj leaders One minute s i le nc e w as o bs erv ed f o r H er Majesty the Queen at the start of the event and at 8 pm with the w hole Nation As a guest of honour, CB Patel Publisher and Editor In Chief of G u j a r a t S a m a c h a r A s i a n
bu siness, Proj ectCHAKRA, h a s be en aw a rded th e P ro gr es s iv e Education Delivery Award at the pres tigiou s PIEo neer Awards, which are th e o nly global aw ards that celebrate inno v ati o n an d a ch ie vem ent ac ro s s t h e w hole of th e international educatio n indu stry Th e
a w a r d r e c o g n i s e s e d u c a t i o n p r o
grammes that have innovated how they teach and who they reach, that are unique, successful in their approach to teaching, and focused on the student’s life journey in the 21st century Anand Mistry, Co founder of ProjectCHAKRA
e l o i t t e M i l l e n n i a l S u r v e y (2019) suggests 47% of Gen Z want to make a positive impact on the world through their careers However, these pathway opportunities are scarce and the perception of social impact careers are ‘risky’ and ‘not serious’ Meanwhile, s o c i a l i m p a c t o r g a n i s a t i o n s n e e d skilled workers to progress their work a n d t o m a k e a g r e a t e r i m p a c t ProjectCHAKRA’s approach to bridg ing this gap is what makes them so pro gressive and innovative
Inviting and managing a chief guest is the most tricky aspect of any event
now we are well established It is time to draw the vision of the next 50 years "
Jayrajbhai Bhadranwala said, "Our forefathers came f r o m I n d i a A f r i c a a n d worked hard to uplift the community I urge the young members of the samaj to par ticipate in every activity and contribute their skills We have a glorious history and a bright future "
UK bas ed high rofile 600 education sionals Delivery
If the selection has to be made by vote, a divide among members further delays the decision Everyone tries to push the name of their known dignitary Therefore, understandably, the name that is finalised for the chief guest is not well received by everyone Yet, it has to go ahead because the majority voted for her/him However, if the deci sion has to be taken by the Head of the organisation, then at least the choice becomes easier Others have to follow the decision and the chief guest is invited by the organisation
while doing post event publicity, tweet and social media handles of the chief guest must be tagged and the name must be spelt correctly If the organisation makes mistake in writing the name of the chief guest, it is a sure shot recipe of turning her/him away from your organisation forever
said, “We are very grateful for this recognition and we hope that it will l Universities and Students who are driv en, want to broaden their horizons and make a positive impact through their future careers
Bhadaran Gam President Bimalbhai Patel said, "This t y p e o f g e t t o g e t h e r g i v e s new strength and a way forward to grow and achieve as a community He invited all 6 Gams to the AGM of Bhadaran Gam on 6 November "
to Deputy Mayor Ramji Chauhan b y B h a d r e s h b h a i P a t e l , t o Janakbhai Patel by Jitubhai Patel, to Vasudevbhai Patel by Jayant Patel, to Nilkanthbhai Patel by V i n a y b h a i P a t e l t o M a h e s h b h a i P a t e l b y N i m e s h b h a i P a t e l , t o L a l i t b h a i P a n d y a b y J a y e s h b h a i P a t e l a n d R a s i k a b e n P a t e l b y Kalaben Patel
Their flagship programme ‘A Social Entrepreneurship Experience’, run at institutions including Imperial College Business School uses simulation role play and gamification to engage stu dents in a dynamic way and is based on a real UNDP partner social enterprise in India that works on waste manage ment and women’s empowerment and is addressing 14/17 UN SDGs 9 3/10 is ProjectCHAKRA’s average rating from their post workshop survey, with 67% giving 10/10
h e w o r k d o n e b y S o
who flew in from over 20 cou n t ri es , i n cl u di ng, US A, Can ada , A u st ral i a, I sr ae l, J ap a n an d Ne w ZealandThe Progressive Education
While organising any important func tion or event, we tend to think of a digni tary who can be invited as the chief guest
Co founder Anand Mistry partici pated in Connect India’s service based l e a d e r s h i p p r o g r a m m e i n I n d i a Inspired by this he started his own social enterprise at university and went back to India in summer 2018 to serve with Manav Sadhna, an NGO based at the Gandhi Ashram in Ahmedabad
t i
In a world dominated by digital, it’s the personal, intimate and hands on nature of their education experiences, which make it so unique and impactful A University of Bristol student said, “This was a really touching experience, realistic to take into the real world and has made me consider other avenues for my future career”
Managing a chief guest (Expressed opinions are personal)
08 AsianVoiceNews 24 30 September 2022
Rohit Vadhwana
National Hindu Students Forum UK Dharmesh co founded Connect India, which supported young British Indians through service based leadership pro grammes in India
Sojitra Samaj AGM: Reminiscing 50 years of struggle and hard work; the vision of the next 50 years outlined minute silence was observed V o i c e said, "Years before our forefathers worked very hard Due to their far sightedness, we all are at this stage in this country This country gave us a lot, still providing opportuni serve the community in the U K T j i t r a S a o f o r a l l Bhadreshbhai Patel, President of Sojitra Samaj UK said, in the last 50 years we worked very hard and
ties to grow and flourish Now it’s our duty to work unitedly for the d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e S a m a j , o u r nation and our motherland " D e p u t y M a y o r R a m j i b h a i Chauhan said, "50 years is a long time to
a m a j i s a n i n s p i r
Students play the role of real people and simulate India’s urban waste man agement system, which makes them feel real emotions, build empathy with the stakeholders involved and gives them a deep understanding of the on ground realities Then, through more game based activities, students build their own social enterprise model to solve the problem and then innovate further on real challenges the social
enterprise is facing P a r t i c i p a t i o n i n t h i s e x p e r i e n c e then opens up pathways to work with ProjectCHAKRA’s network of social impact organisations, particularly in IndiaThe
ProjectCHAKRA inspires action in young people for social impact through experiential education experiences that will broaden their aspirations and per sonal growth opportunities, as well as provide the structured pathways and mentorship to support their journey
After the chief guest is selected, there starts the process of matching the diary of the chief guest with the proposed event Occasionally, the chief guest gives a date so late that you can not go ahead with the event as scheduled, otherwise you run a risk of losing your important audience because of short notice If you request a change of date from the chief guest, again it goes into a toss Anyway, when the date is finalised based on the availability of the chief guest as well as the event, the running order of the event becomes another tricky issue Who will speak first, when the chief guest will deliver his/her remarks? If there comes confirmation from any other impor tant dignitary, you have to add her/him as a guest of honour Again the same issue of protocol, who speaks first and for how long? If there are pre decided topics, the allocation of topics also creates headaches Making invitations, and using saluta tions and photographs of the chief guest, as well as the guest of honour, are bigger challenges After all these formalities are finalised, you wait for the day of the event, praying that every thing will go fine Who will escort the chief guest, who will welcome and give the bouquet etc are other issues that have to be finalised in a very sensitive way Sometimes on the day of the event, the chief guest doesn't turn up, or s/he comes late or wants to go earlier You have to, in all these cases, make adjustments in the event Let's say the chief guest is available as per schedule, the event starts on time, but then he might speak longer than decided, or make some comments which are not favourable to your organisation, it becomes another problem How do you make sure there is nothing which makes your chief guest unhappy? Any other speaker taking a long time or making some comment that doesn't go well with the chief guest
G P D e s a i g a v e i n f o r m a t i o n about the activities of the Lion’s clubIn the beginning, Samaj veter a n L a l i t b h a i P a n d y a o f f e r e d prayers and reminisced the history of Sojitra Samaj Vinaybhai Patel, R a j e n d r a b h a i P a n d y a , D i l i b h a i
From Left to Right: Vasudevbhai Patel (Trustee of Sojitra Samaj), Chetanbhai Patel, Kantibhai Nagda MBE, Janakbhai Patel (Founder Member & Bhishmapitamah of Sojitra Samaj), C B Patel, PG Patel, Sumanbhai Desai and Mandaben Pandya
e a d t o f u r t h e r e n g a g e m e n t w i t h
Project CHAKRA given prestigious award by professionals in international education
T h i s i s s u p p o s e d b e c a u s e t h e i r b o s s i s
T h e a r t i c l e s L o n d o n b a s e d a u t h o r , K o j o K o r a m who is a lecturer at Birkbeck College, dubbed Ms Truss as ‘ h e i r t o t h i s t r a d i t i o n o f
The court also heard
H i s p r e d i c t i o n o f a
We pamper adults with kid gloves, making them feel extremely comfortable during the treatment. Our aim is always to remove people’s phobia of dental treatment.
C h a r l e s ’ m o s t s e n i o r aide, Sir Clive Alderton said p r i v a t e s e c r e t a r i e s , t h o s e w o r k i n g i n t h e f i n a n c e office, comms teams and h o u s e h o l d s t a f f w e r e a l l n o t i f i e d t h a t t h e y m i g h t lose their jobs
of drugs they hope will slow t h e p r o g r e s s i o n o f A l z h e i m e r ’ s d i s e a s e , t h e m o s t c o m m o n c a u s e o f dementiaResults for lecanemab, made by Eisai and Biogen, are expected by the end of this month; gantenerumab, m a d e b y R o c h e , i n November; and donanemab, m a d e b y E l i L i l l y a n d Company, early next year If their results are posi
u n d e r l y i n g c a u s e o f A l z h e i m e r ' s d i s e a s e Pharmaceutical companies have spent decades and bil lions of pounds to decode the problem, but all the tri als failedHowever now scientists h a v e b e c o m e m o r e o p t i mistic believing that they are close to a breakthrough
Mehmood will be eli gible for another review in due course, the Parole Board added
In 2001, he was jailed for life for starting a fire at the family's home in T e l f o r d , S h r o p s h i r e , i n August 2000
after that, it’s not clear if t h e y ’ l l b e k e p t o n , t h e Times has revealed
i s c u r r e n t l y i n p l a c e , n o final decisions have been made just yet Those made redundant are usually allowed to look out for alternative employ ment across all royal house holds, receive help in look ing for new external roles, and get “enhanced” redun dancy pay
Mr Powell, who was the M P f o r W o l v e r h a m p t o n South West for 24 years is i n f a m o u s l y k n o w n f o r h i s ‘ r i v e r s o f b l o o d ’ t i r a d e , i n which he said immigration would lead to ‘the black man [having] the whip hand over the white man’
a p a r k e d l o r r y i n C a m b r i d g e s h i r e w h i c h ultimately led to the dis covery of Amani's body
I think a feedback letter that I had received from a patient from London might be the perfect answer for this. TThe pp atient was aa ddoctor hhimself TThe lletter ssays, ““Having llived iin LLondon for oo ver ttwo ddecades , II aappreciate tthe hhigh llevel oof ssterility aand s tandards oof yyo ur ppractice NNot oonly aare tthe iinstruments vvery well ssterilized, tthe ss taff wwho hh andle tthem aare aalso wwell ttrained Your eequipment iis ff irst rrate aand mmo st uup to date FFurth er aand fo r em os t , II aa p p rec ia te yy o u r cc o mm itm ent tto ee xc el l en ce , kindness aand hhumane mmannerism ”
Over a two day period between Amani s suspect ed death and his fatal col lision, Jay withdrew hun dreds of pounds from her bank account in three sep arate transactions, drove her Fiat 500 and ordered pizza on her Apple Pay, an i n q u e s t a t W a l t h a m
f t e r t h e d e a t h o f a s o v e r e i g n i n t h e P a l a c e ’ s employees’ contracts, there is a six month grace period,
Q. PPatients ffro m aacross tthe wworld hhave bbeen ppo uring iin aat S halby ffor mmore tth an ttwenty yyears nnow WWhat mmakes SSh alby aa p referred ddes tination ffor NNRIs aas wwell aas fforeign nnational s?
Total makeover and smile design. Many actors and celebrities come to Shalby for these procedures.
DDarsh ini SShah, SS halby HHospitals AAh medabad’s Director oof DDental CCo smetics && IImplantology, ttalks abo ut wwh at mmakes hh er ccentre aa pp referred ccentre ffor NNRIs aas wwell aas fforeign nnationals WWith aan eexperience oo f 330 yyears, ssh e iis wwidely rrecognized bby tthe ddental ffraternity aas aa ttowering ff igu re iin tthe ff ield oof ddentistry iin IIndia SSh e hhas pplayed aa pprominent rrole iin tthe ddevelopment oof ddental iimplantolo gy aand ccosmetics iin IIndia
p e r t h e p o s t m o r t e m e x a m i n a t i o n Amani, a successful mar keting propositions man ager at Sainsbury’s, had died from compression to the neck, with police con firming that no other per son apart from Jay had entered the property dur ing that time period
The major procedures NRIs and foreign nationals come to our centre are implants, dental cosmetics and dental laser surgery. Of course, besides that they come for root canal and other miscellaneous procedures too.
Dr Darshini was awarded Diplomat by the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI) USA, which is the highest accreditation in Oral Implantology. She was the first woman dentist from Gujarat and second woman from India to have been awarded this. Equipped with world-class equipments and facilities, Shalby’s Dental Centre is among the best in India.
‘bloody race war’ and call for the voluntary repatriation of immigrants eventually kicked him out of the shadow cabi net in 1968
Palace employees' jobs could now be on the line
A s p e r t h e f i g u r e s o b t a i n e d b y T h e H e r a l d newspaper, numbers have a l m o s t d o u b l e d l a s t y e a r from 572 to 1000
F heardAs
Taxi driver who murdered family refused parole again
e x p e c t e d t o m o v e t o Buckingham Palace
The application was turned down in 2020, cit ing risk to the public
"It is a stark r e m i n d e r o f j u s t h o w important it is that the gov ernment at every level acts to ensure that all families h a v e t h e r e s o u r c e s t h e y
Q. WWhat aare tthe mmajor ddental ccosmetic pp ro cedures ppeople co me tto yyou ffor?
she died in the blaze He was jailed for murdering t h e t h r e e b u t w a s n o t p r o s e c u t e d f o r s e x
New York Times compares Liz Truss to Enoch Powell
Ac cording to new figures, thousands of children have b een treated for malnutri tion in Scottish hospitals
o r e s t C o r o n e r ’ s C o u r t
Azhar Ali Mehmood, then 26, killed 16 year o l d L u c y L o w e , t h e mother of his child, as well as her 17 year old sister and mother Eileen Linda Lowe, 49
As a consultation period
crimesMehmood's daughter
Thousands of children treated for malnutrition in Scotland
A d a G a r c i a , p u b l i c health nutritionist at the University of Glasgow, said: "Monitoring true undernu trition associated to pover ty is important for the iden tification of cases needing clinical treatment and for the provision of social care "In a population, inde pendent of wealth, there will always be a number of children who are not grow i n g a c c o r d i n g t o t h e e x p e c t e d g r o w t h c u r v e s and standards and those c a s e s n e e d t o b e d o c u mented and monitored "In the UK the thresh old for true poverty associ a t e d u n d e r n u t r i t i o n i n childhood is very mild but it is important to be vigi lant "
Lucy was pregnant a second time by him when
Q. WWhat iis tthe UUSP oof SShalby wwith rregards tto ddental ttreatment?
The newspaper published an opinion piece drawing a c o m p a r i s o n b e t w e e n M s T r u s s ’ s e c o n o m i c p o l i c i e s , ‘hard line’ stance on immi gration and supposed nostal gia for the British Empire to that of Enoch Powell
Q. Tell uus bbriefly aabout yyour jjourney aas aa ddent ist Dentistry was at an elementary stage when I began my practice in early 90s. In those days clinical hygiene was not a high priority in India, but when I started my practice in Ahmedabad I wanted to implement the strict sterilization processes, which are practiced in advanced countries like USA. Besides, it was my dream to make Shalby the best dental centre not only of Gujarat but of the whole of India.
Q. WWhat aare tthe mmajor pprocedures NN RIs aand fforeign nnational s co me tto yyour cc entre ffor?
Q. YYour ccentre iis rrenowned ffor DDental CCosmetics ttoo TTell uu s briefly wwh at iis aa ddental ccosmetics pprocedure?
Du ri n g th i s p er io d o f nat io n al mo u rni n g, K i ng Charles III might be bu sier than ever but, th e rest of the country is essentially on hold including all royal staffA
that in the weeks before he died on the A11, Jay had a history of mental health issues, and had been see ing a psychotherapist
T a s n i m h a s p r e v i o u s l y criticised the justice sys tem for not prosecuting her father for child sex offencesThe
Boyfriend strangled girlfriend, withdraw £750 from her bank and ordered pizza
I t i s b e l i e v e d t h a t Amani Iqbal, 28, who was found lying in the bathtub for three days was killed on New Year's Eve by her boyfriend Jay Dawes
A taxi driver who mur dered two teenagers and t h e i r m ot h e r h a s b e e n den ied parole f or a s ec ond ti me
In a written statement, A m a n i ’ s m u m S a m i n a Iqbal said: “The circum stances around Armani’s tragic death are to this day unclear and our family are s t i l l i n s h o c k t r y i n g t o make sense of such a sad and unexpected event ”
Unlike cancer, HIV or even Covid 19, there is no such drug that can slow the
thinking’Hesaid Ms Truss’s deci s i o n t o s u p p o r t t h e Government’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda and promise to increase the country’s border force by 20% was an example of this men talityH
On January 2, he died after crashing his car into
Drug firms optimistic about Alzheimer’s breakthrough
One of the US’s biggest new s papers, the New Y ork Times h as l i nk e d B ri ta i n’ s ne w prim e m inister to a former T ory M P not or io u s f or rac ism and xenophobia
In simple terms it is a dental procedure that improves the appearance of teeth and gums, thus improving the overall appearance of the face. It is like an art combined with science, wherein the dentist enhances the look of a person.
e s a i d : ‘ U n d e r M s Truss, the broken mentality o f e m p i r e r u l e s A n d i t i s everyday Britons who will pay the price ’
Q. TTell uus bbriefly wwhat aare ddental iimplants?
There is a slightly grim joke that does th e rou nds among dem ent ia sp e ci a li s ts “ I’ v e be en i n th i s f i eld f o r 30 years,” said Robert Howard, pro fessor of old age psych ia try a t Uni ve rs i ty Co l leg e London “And during th ose 30 years we’ve always been five years away fro m a life changing treatment ”
09AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian 24 30 September 2022
Dental implants are titanium fixtures which are implanted to replace missing teeth. Since titanium is not treated as a foreign object by the body, the integration of titanium fixtures has become standard dental treatment.
In the next few months three big drug companies might reveal the trial results
John Dickie, director of Child Poverty Action Group Scotland, said the figures w o u l d n o t a l l b e a b o u t
P a r o l e B o a r d refused his application to be released, saying "deci sions are solely focused on what risk a prisoner c o u l d r e p r e s e n t t o t h e public if released"
“We get patients from across the world at Shalby Dental Centre”
tive, then they will apply immediately for a licence f r o m t h e F o o d a n d D r u g Administration in the US and equivalent bodies in the UK and elsewhere "There has never been a more excit ing time to be involved in dementia research,” said Dr R i c h a r d O a k l e y , a s s o c i a t e director of research at the A l z h e i m e r ’ s S o c i e t y “ T h e drugs coming through really look powerful ”
D o z e n s o f e m p l o y e e s from Charles’ former home a t C l a r e n c e H o u s e w e r e n o t i f i e d t h a t t h e y m i g h t soon be made redundant, The Guardian revealed
F r o m 2 0 1 8 t o 2 0 2 2 , NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde alone recorded 3,895 a d m i s s i o n s o f c h i l d r e n under the age of 18 to an acute site for malnutrition
A y o un g wo m an wa s killed by her boyfriend by s tr an gli n g h e r wit h a d re s s in g go wn a t he r home in East London, an inquest has heard
need to give their children a healthy diet
NHSBhupendra M Gandhi
Spontaneous street celebrations harm our image
Spontaneous celebrations on the streets of our cities if India wins a Cricket match cause a lot of disturbance It leads to traffic jams, and noise pollution and interferes negatively with the lives of the ordinary public This gives our community a bad image During the recent Indian Independence Day, Indian motorbike delivery riders caused a nuisance around the Kingsbury area Hooting, shouting and riding as a group does not do our Image any goodThere have been video clips of people doing the Garba dance in residential streets Just imagine how much good we would be losing from the people of other faiths living in those streets
Nitin Mehta
Ravi said, “The highest level of participation from N e p a l w o u l d h a v e s e n t a m e s s a g e o f t h e s t r o n g partnership between the two c o u n t r i e s N e p a l e s e
President or Prime Minister should have visited London, a missed opportunity for Nepal
lie on social media (by the very same twitter han dles) circulated that a Mosque had been attacked The truth came out when police announced that there was no such attack Islamists on twitter demanded Muslims to gather in Leicester to teach Hindus a lesson This they did on Saturday 17th leading to street wide disruptions The police once again were on the back foot having to calm a situation that could have been avoided, had the Islamist fake news merchants been stopped In one attack, Islamists attacked a Hindu Mandir, tore down a flag and proceeded to burn it All whilst the police watched on The big question, why did the police do nothing? Is it that Hindu casualties are acceptable? What will it take for the authorities to wake up the death of a Hindu?Asa nation it’s time to face up to reality A truth that many hitherto wish to hide from, some even promote the very opposite as self therapy to compensate for their cow ardice and lack of moral integrity We have witnessed how the Jewish community have been terrorised by such racist and religiously motivated gangs It seems the focus is now on Hindus These two are the most law abiding and most suc cessful communities in the UK They integrate well, they put the nation first and they seek the path of peace and commu nity tranquillity, often at a cost to themselves
Table: Religio n of prisoners
If we fail to learn the lessons of today, let it not be a sur prise if our streets see such disruption on a regular basis tomorrow The very fabric of our society will be at risk just because politicians and law enforcement agents find it too difficult to find their spine The situation prompted an unprecedented statement issued by the High Commission of India in London asking the British Government to ensure the security and safety of Indians in Leicester On this I com mend HCIL and H E Mr Vikram K Doraiswami the High Commissioner It’s time for India to step up in this way a lot more often If you aspire to be a global power, then you must exercise that power to protect your people as well
Recently our friends who were staying in a four star hotel, full of migrants, had a bad experience, the hotel was practically taken over by these migrants, jumping queues at breakfast, emptying the whole tray of toast, croissants and bread rolls to take it to their bedrooms
On Wednesday, when Westminster Hall opened its doors to the public, Adio Adeshine, 19, allegedly exposed himself and pushed into the mourners from behind, as they waited in line at Victoria Tower Gardens
Kapil D udakia
The Kohinoor diamond was also worn by Queen Elizabeth II during her reign as the monarch of England
Queen Victoria's death, the Kohinoor was set in the crown of Queen Alexandra, the wife of King Edward VII, which was used to crown her at their coronation in 1902 The diamond was then transferred to Queen Mary's crown in 1911, and then to the queen mother's crown in 1937
With King Charles III succeeding to the throne after his mother's death (Queen Elizabeth II) on August 8, the 105 carat diamond, which is steeped in history, will go to his wife, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, who has now become Queen consortHence, we Indians would like King Charles III to return the Kohinoor diamond to its rightful owner, i e India Jubel D'Cruz, Mumbai, India
And exactly as we had predicted, social media erupted and thus began their campaign to attack Hindus in Leicester They made up stories to heighten the tensions even further In one claim they said that a Hindu man had tried to abduct a Muslim girl They then disclosed his name and other details Had it not been for the swift action of a few Hindus in Leicester who contacted Rob Nixon the Temporary Chief Constable, this could have led to a serious situation Muslim youths who had gathered outside his parents’ home were dis persed by the police, but by that stage the family had been traumatised to their very core And the man in question, he was on a holiday abroad, so how on earth could he have been
Just as we defeated the far right, it is now necessary to defeat the Islamists We cannot do that whilst we have lead ing institutions entrenched in appeasing to Islamists I have spoken to many from the wider Muslim community who would welcome proactive action since it protects them, as it does the rest of us
For the record, this was a hate crime committed by these Islamists Their purpose was not only to desecrate Hindu cel ebrations, but to also incite communal tensions The police were informed and told that if they don’t take proactive action, these Islamists will spread fake news to incite others across the country
Priti Patel, scapegoat for government’s failure
Given over 200 year old relations between Nepal and the UK with brave Gurkhas a s a c o r n e r s t o n e , t h e President or Prime Minister of Nepal should have visited London to pay respect to t h e l a t e Q u e e n a n d g r e e t t h e n e w m o n a r c h N e p a l d e c l a r e d t h r e e d a y mourning as against the only o n e d a y m o u r n i n g b y i t s n e i g h b o u r I n d i a B u t t h a t a l o n e w o u l d n o t b e sufficient ”
Deputy Chief Magistrate Tan Ikram did not grant bail to Adeshine, remanding him in custody ahead of his next appearance at Southwark Crown Court on October 14
Sporting celebrations should be confined within the four walls of our homes or at a designated community centre I call upon all the community elders to send a clear message that taking to the streets without prior permis sion and planning is against the interests of our commu nity With Diwali coming soon we have to completely avoid using firecrackers They cause pollution and fright en the life out of domestic animals If you must use fire crackers go to a field away from residential areas The Jewish community and its excellent success in all fields in this country is an example of how communities can realise their full potential
The recent trouble in Leicester is a warning that interracial violence c o u l d s u r f a c e a t a n y t i m e T h i s would lead to break down in law a n d o r d e r a n d a d d t o f e a r a n d apprehension and to pressures of l i f e a s i f t h e y a r e n o t e n o u g h
There is a reason why Hindus, Sikhs, and Jews are hardly ever found in our prisons, they represent the very best in humanity Let us not test their patience
The British got a 5 year old Indian prince to gift the Kohinoor diamond to them Hence, it s no longer morally defensible for the UK to hold on to this loot The honourable thing to do is to return it from where they took it from
Women sexually assaulted in queue to see the Queen lying in state
When the government cancelled the flight to a tiny African nation of Rwanda, the deal secured by the Home Secretary, the government, respecting the European court’s decision in favour of migrants, cancelled the flight that cost the taxpayer half a million pounds It gave a green light to migrants that Britain is a paper tiger, a toothless country where they could have an easy ride
In a similar situation, would France have cancelled the flight, and accommodated migrants in 4* hotels, not a chance! Yes, some of these migrants are indeed victims of upheaval in their country, so often caused by Western nations, especially Britain and America, prime example is Libya, turning a stable country into turmoil with civil war raging between various tribes, supported by both Russia and the West Britain should open an office in our embassy where these migrants can apply for a visa to come here offi cially After all, some of these refugees are highly qualified and could be an asset to our ailing
Return the Kohinoor diamond to India
As France has so often pointed out the reason migrants want to come to Britain is our policy of appeasement, accommodating them in hotels, as opposed to their treat ment in France where they shiver in flimsy tents, living on hand outs by French charities This is in sharp contrast to the treatment they receive once they landed on our shore We also provide a free ride as soon as they enter British waters, our naval fleet ready to go to their aid!
We as a community have achieved a lot in this country and we have many aspirations for our youth growing up here Let us not ruin our image in petty point scoring
H e w a s r e m a n d e d i n c u s t o d y a f t e r a p p e a r i n g a t Westminster Magistrates’ Court charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of breaching a sexual harm prevention order
Lon don ba se d businessman a nd philat hropist Ra bind ra J u n g La m ic hh a n e ( R a v i) expressed his disap pointment t o note t ha t Nepal did not s e n d a t op le a d e r t o t h e Q u e e n ’ s st a t e fu n e r a l H e said to Asian Voice , “Foreign M i n is t e r N a r a y a n K ha d k a r e p r e s e n t e d N e p a l a t t h e funera l cer emon y
Whatever faults Home Secretary Priti Patel may have, she is certainly not a loser She is indeed a fighter and does not give in easily So to blame her for the deluge of refugees crossing the channel does not make sense
Outlining the allegations, prosecutor Alex Adowale, said: “The defendant was part of the queue to see the resting in state of Queen Elizabeth II ”
alreadyOver the last 20 years, we have had big numbers of Indians settling in this country This has evolved into a unique amalgamation between East African Indians and the more recently arrived Indian Indians Both have com plemented each other Indians from India have found already existing facilities of temples, schools and thriving culture all of which the East African Indians have built t h r o u g h t h e i r h a r d w o r k a n d c o m m i t m e n t t o o u r Dharma The Indians from India have on their part revived our culture and Dharma They are highly educat ed and high achievers This excellent partnership is des t i n e d t o a c h i e v e a l o t o n a l l f r o n t s f r o m P o l i t i c s , E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p , E d u c a t i o n a n d C u l t u r a l v i b r a n c y What we have to be very careful of is to maintain our rep utation of being a law abiding community which blends in with the norms and values of this country
We are grateful to all letter writers for more and more versatile letters well within word limit Please keep contributing as always If you are new, then write to Shefali at shefali saxena@abplgroup com
Kohinoor was mined in India and was one of the largest diamonds ever mined After changing hands among various kings in India for centuries, it found its way to the legendary Ranjit Singh who ruled Punjab The British con quered Punjab after his death in 1849 and put his five year old son, Daleep Singh as the king under the regency of the British Later, they got this child to gift the diamond to them They also moved Daleep Singh to England, converted him to Christianity and did not allow him to meet his mother or any other Indian relative so that he wouldn't be aware of his her itageAfter
politicians are busy at the moment as federal elections are scheduled in November t h i s y e a r B u t P r e s i d e n t Bidya Devi Bhandari missed the opportunity to visit the UK to pay respect to the late Queen who was a great fan of the Gurkhas, Nepal and t h e N e p a l e s e A l o n g w i t h P r i n c e P h i l i p , s h e v i s i t e d Nepal twice in 1961 and 1985 No British Prime Minister has visited Nepal yet This h a s b e e n a m i s s e d opportunity for Nepal ”
Rabindra Jung
Hindus under attack in Leicester K A P I L’ S K H I C H A D I
Two w omen wh o were standing in the queue to attend th e Qu een's lying in state were allegedly sexu ally assaulted, a court has h eard
By n ow many of you will b e awa re of a series of atta cks on Hindus in Leicester b y I sla m is t g a n g s Know the tr ut h, it d id N O T st a r t because of the India v P a k is t a n cr i ck e t match That has nothing t o do with it The tr uth that they wish to hide from y ou is that a Hindu family that was cele bra ting Gane sh Chaturthi with family and friends wa s att ack ed A mob of Muslim youth start ed thr owing e ggs desecrating the sacred ce remony Our Hindu youth that were pre sen t came to the re scue to pr ot ect t he family Some of t he Isla mists ran a wa y but one was caught It is r egret tab le t ha t sun dry punishment was delivered, but under such circumstances, that was unavoidab le
The Kohinoor diamond is now part of the British Monarch It is currently on public display in the Jewel House at the Tower of London, seen by millions of visitors each day
10 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
Dhyaan, Shefali Kaala, Heeral, Namita, Jyotsnaben, Jigar, Hardik, Pankhil, Maansi, Hema, Manish Karina Vihana Virina
services as a teacher during the pandemic period are unforgettable It was like she worked for her seven generations She made her three granddaughters speak and write Gujarati The ‘road less travelled’ taken by J y o t s n a b e n w i l l b e a n i n s p i r a t i o n f o r women s empowerment This release will now inspire many The life experiences of Jyotsnaben and Late D R Shah teaches us h o w t o h a v e d e d i c a t i o n , a f f e c t i o n a n d respect towards one's spouse ”
Popat said, “The title of the second b o o k i s a l s o t o u c h i n g “ T a m a r a V i n a ” (Without You) This book is a heartfelt trib ute by Jyotsnaben to her late husband Shri D R Shah The feeling that drips in each and every word of this book is enough to soak the reader The fluent flow of language and emotions weaved in the writing inspires the reader to keep reading Her books will be an inspiration to many ”
Lord Parekh was introduced by Shri Deepakbhai Patel, Treasurer of NCGO and Sardar Memorial Committee He said that Lord Bhikhu Parekh was to perform the launch ceremony of these books but due to unavoidable circumstances he had to travel to India, so he had shared his response and observations on these books through a video message
Jyotsnaben has created a new trend that will also inspire others This is an autobiography written without any bias The book presents
In a highly emotional moment and with tears in her eyes, Jyotsnaben Shah said, “Today is a mixed day of happiness and sad ness for me I am happy that today my hus band DR's dream of launching the book "Jeevan Ek Sur Anek" in London is being realised However, it is indeed sad that he is no more I never dreamt that I would have to pay tribute to him by the launch of this bookHumans have no control over destiny However, the consolation is that he lived every moment of his life He had been active throughout his life Considering others' pain as his own, he tried to do everything he could He has indeed left the fragrance of good deeds He lived with dignity and his life has became his message Though he is not present personally his subtle form is giv ing me the courage and inspiration to live ”
J y o t s n a b e n h a s n o t only written about her own life but also her contemplative essays, travelogues and many interviews, including t h o s e w i t h v a r i o u s s a i n t s , p o l i t i c i a n s , Bollywood actors, lit e r a t u r i s t s S h e h a s provided an overview of the entire British society by covering program reports and dif ferent social events If a student of journal ism wants to refer about British society, this voluminous book of her will be of great ben efit
Jyotsnaben joined Gujarat Samachar in 1983 She is also a wonderful teacher Her
A highly emotional and inspiring book launch of Jyotsnaben Shah, Consulting Editor of "Gujarat Samachar" Gujarati books "Jeevan Ek Sur Anek" and "Tamara Vina" was concluded on Sunday 4th September 2022 at Navnat Centre, Hayes, London The release ceremony was held at the hands of Lord Dolar Popat in the special presence of President of Navnat Vanik Association Dilipbhai Mithani, Editor in Chief of “Gujarat Samachar” and “Asian Voice” CB Patel, Kantibhai Nagda MBE, Nemubhai Chandaria OBE A special video message was delivered by Lord Bhikhu Parekh and Lord Jitesh Gadhia The program was suc cessfully organized with support from "Gujarat Samachar", “Asian Voice" and Navnat Centre which was happily attended by about 400 people
Dilipbhai Mithani, President of Navnat Vanik Association, said, “Jyotsnaben D R Shah is the pride of our society The release ceremony taking place at Navnat Hall is for
Editor in Chief of "Gujarat Samachar" and "Asian Voice" CB Patel said, "I don't remember anyone writing such a book on Pati Bhakti (Devotion to Spouse) in Gujarati literature We are festive, that's why we live longer Today we are celebrating ‘spouse dedication’ Shri D R Shah has provided an
Thanks giving by Jyotsnaben Son Hardik Shah
Lord Bhikhu Parekh in his video mes sage said, “The occasion of book release brings joy as well as pride and glory We per sonally have relations with Jyotsnaben since Dabhoi and Vadodara In these books, apart from her life, Jyotsnaben has written impor tant interviews, character sketches and has
Lord Gadhia in his video message said, “I am fortunate that I know Jyotsnaben for the last three decades I had the privilege of meeting her first because of my long and close association with Shri CB Patel When I was a university student I worked at New Life (now Asian Voice) during my summer holidays I consider myself an honorary member of the Gujarat Samachar family Jyotsnaben is not just a journalist, but an ambassador of Gujarat Samachar, Gujarati language, Diaspora, literature and culture With the encouragement of Late D R Shah, Jyotsnaben was able to do justice not only in journalism but also in the field of education She is an influential role model for the com ing generations and these books will guide everyone ”
excellent example of how one should live Social service is the hallmark of the Jain Community Navnat Samaj Centre is a place where Krishna Bhakti is also practiced and Tirthankaras are also respected This centre is the largest in Britain in line with the char acteristic of having a huge and open heart of the Vanik community The services provid ed by Navnat Centre in times of Covid pan demic have touched humanity The high light of Navnat Centre are the two thousand families associated with it
bution to the society is also significant The couple has always readily helped any known or unknown person who came to them with a personal problem, be it related to immi gration or benefit claim, maternal issue, intermediate questions or a query by a new comer student "
Hema Rachhoya reciting prayers
Master of ceremony Namita Shah
Lord Bhikhu Parekh
AccountantAfterthe launch ceremony, Lord Popat said, “Smoothness of nature, simplicity and e n g t h o f p e n a r e t h e h a l l m a r k s o f J y o t s n a b e n J y o t s n a b e n h a s w o n d e r f u l l y titled her books ‘Jeevan Ek Sur Anek’ (sever al tunes of single life) Life is full of struggles and problems Instead of naming in one life, ‘problems are many’, she called it ‘several tunes’ That exhibits the character of her nature A positive approach to seeing and appreciating life is revealed in this title
not one but two books of Mrs Shah "Jeevan E k , S u r A n e k " a n d " T a m a r a V i n a " Weddings, engagements, evening celebra tions, plays, music concerts, lectures, reli gious social cultural programs are held in Navnat Hall but for the first time, Gujarati b o o k s a r e b e i n g l a u n c h e d I t g i v e s m e immense happiness and pride for Navnat Samaj Congratulations Jyotsnaben Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice weekly and its Editor in Chief C B Patel for making us a part of this event as a result of which you all became our guests C B Patel s newspapers are serving the society and bringing various news to the wider community ”
Lord Dolar Popat was introduced by Shri Subhash Thakrar, the former partner at
Kantibhai Nagda MBE said, "I have been associated with Jyotsnaben since the day she joined Gujarat Samachar D R's contri
L R: Karina Virina & Vihana Jyotsnaben s Granddaughters reciting Gujarati Poem
Photo Courtesy Raj D Bakrania, PR MEDIA PIX
s t r
L R: Kanti Nagda MBE Lord Dolar Popat Jyotsnaben Shah Dilip Mithani C B Patel & Nemubhai Chandaria OBE
Lord Jitesh Gadhia
Jyotsnaben’s Son Jigar Shah gave a tribute to his father
B l a c k s t o n e F r a n k a n d C h a r t e r e d
financial advisor, helped many to get set tled His caring nature has made many his fans "
also covered important events I have not read such a book till date, which has its own l i f e s t o r y a l o n g w i t h o t h e r i n c l u s i v e s
Grandson Dhyaan Shah gave a tribute to his Grandfather D R
Deepak SPatel ubhash Thakkral
11AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www asian voice com 24 30 September 2022
Along with her life story, the book also con tains the history of her birthplace Dabhoi ( a n c i e n t h i s t o r i c a l town of Darbhavati)
where each and every word carries tears Anyone who reads this book will get those feelings from deep inside firstly, who was Late Dineshbhai and secondly, how loving, dedicated he was and how much love and attachment his wife had towards him This book becomes an important piece of litera ture Both books describe how to live life and how to accept death "
a balanced view without any hatred and without showing any emotions towards anyone Jyotsnaben has written about her life experiences it is about how to live life The book Jeevan Ek Sur A n e k " i s a b o u t t h e enthusiasm and joys of life, while "Tamara Vina" is about the limitations of life It is important to note that the words in the books are full of sor row and pain, but with o u t a n y h a t r e d T h e book is presented in a wonderful language,
Dilip Mithani Lord Dolar Popat
An emotional and inspiring book launch ceremony of " J E E V A N E K S U R A N E K " & " T A M A R A V I N A "
Nemubhai Chandaria OBE said, "Since Jyotsanaben joined Gujarat Samachar as a journalist, she has attended and covered most events of the Jain community She is respected in the society for her simplicity and affability D R also, a banker and later a
It's a wonderful experience to go
Hemant Vadhwana, a wildlife activist, said Rathwa, a resident of Halol in Panchmahal, entered the river near Darshanam complex in Sayajigunj in the night A crocodile lunged towards him and grabbed both his legs in the jaws A woman, who was walking nearby, heard Rathwa’s screams and alerted some local youngsters A group of four men rushed towards the river bank and began throwing stones at the crocodile to scare it away But the reptile dragged Rathwa to the other side of the river But the youngesters were not ready to give up and rushed to the other side They used sticks to hit the reptile and divert its attention After a 25 minute of violent tussle, the crocodile finally let go of Rathwa’s legs and disappeared into the waters (The Times of India)
asked to vacate a XL emergency seat on board a Hyderabad bound IndiGo flight last week because she could not speak either Hindi or English sent social media into a frenzy According to the posts by co passenger Devasmita Chakraverty, the woman was moved to another seat because she only understood Telugu The incident took place on a flight from Vijayawada to Hyderabad Attaching a photograph of the passenger with a hashtag #discrimination, Chakraverty wrote: “The woman in green originally sitting in 2A (XL seat, exit row) was forced to seat 3C because she understood only Telugu, not English/Hindi The attendant said it’s a security issue Flights from AP to Telangana have no instructions in Telugu The attendant said it's a safety issue that she doesn’t understand English/Hindi No dignity, non Hindi treated as second class citizens in their own state #HindiImposition (sic) ” The post drew sharp reactions from other co passengers and other air travellers many of whom termed the move by airline staff as “discriminatory” and “unjust” (Agency) Hundreds of sheep follow runner on the trail
A video of a leopard resting on the branch of a mango tree has surfaced online But was it actually resting? At first, it seems that the big cat went all the way up for some adventure but that s not the case After a few seconds, as the camera zooms out, it becomes evident that the leopard is stuck up there The animal was rescued after eight hours amid a huge crowd of onlookers The clip was shared by Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Praveen Kaswan "Wildlife management is a field of daily adventure Now imagine how this leopard reached there and surrounded by a sea of people We had to rescue him," he said in the tweet In a follow up tweet, Kaswan said, "There are SOPs [Standard operating procedures] but then every situation is unique and with different challenges Every situation demands on the spot innovation from crowd control to rescue And earlier experience helps This one was convinced to get down after 7 8 hours of operation " He also mentioned that the incident took place two three months back The clip was originally shared in June (Agency)
Seeing a man taking a selfie in front of Burj Khalifa in Dubai wearing beige striped trousers with a long sleeve turtleneck t shirt, one cannot say that he has become the head priest of the Guruvayoor temple in Kerala. Kakkar Kiran Anand Namboodiri (34) is an Ayurvedic doctor by profession and has run a clinic in Moscow, Russia for six years Last week, he was appointed as the Melshanthi of the temple Melshanthi is the head priest who conducts special worship rituals. Dr Kiran is also a musician and specializes in religious rituals performed in the temple He will assume office from the night of 30 September and will look after the work as the chief priest of the temple for the next 6 months from 1 October. Kiran says, ‘I think our happiest moments are those when we are able to pursue activities and ideas that bring us joy without harming anyone else When I am doing puja, I mentally get into that state of mind and get completely engrossed in it.’ He was selected through a draw. Forty two people had applied for it and 39 were shortlisted after interview with Mandir Tantri (Agency)
Leopard's climb atop a mango tree goes wrong
Man saved from the jaws of crocodile
man after she left the house of her first husband two three years ago His daughter's former in laws attacked Vishnoi apparently to take revenge for the insult, they said A case has been registered and the matter is being investigated, police said (Agency) Kerala man beats all odds, wins £2 5 mn lottery
Man's nose, ears cut off to take revenge
A 30 year old autorickshaw driver in Kerala won a bumper Onam lottery jackpot of £2 5 million, beating all odds Anoop B had bought the ticket only a few days ago and that too by breaking the piggy bank of his two year old son Adwaith “I wanted to buy the ticket (priced at Rs 500), but was falling short Anoop was a cook at a roadside eatery and switched to driving an autorickshaw to take care of his family He was expecting a visa from Malaysia to join as chef at a hotel there He will get £1 57 million after taxes, vaulting him into stratospheric wealth “I had applied for a Rs 300,000 from a cooperative bank They informed me that it has been approved I have informed them now that I don’t want that loan,” he said The Onam bumper was won by an autorickshaw driver of Kochi last year too It was his wife Maya who informed Anoop about the jackpot win “I have been buying lotteries from age 22 and I have won prizes several times The maximum prize I won was only Rs 2,000 though,” he said (Agency)
Language row sends media into a frenzy
12 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
Some unidentified people cut off the nose and ears of a 55 year old man in Rajasthan's Barmer district, police said Sukhram Vishnoi, a resident of Adarsh Sondi village, was rushed to a hospital in critical condition from where he was referred to Jodhpur for treatment The incident took place when Vishnoi was returning home, and some people, allegedly the former in laws of her daughter, thrashed him and cut off his nose and ears His leg was also fractured in the attack, said police According to the police, Vishnoi had got his daughter married to another
You have probably seen monkeys doing funny antics Their antics are quite adorable to watch In many parts of India, the risk of monkeys is fairly prevalent, they steal things from people and occasionally trespass into homes in quest of food One such video going quite viral on social media shows a monkey stealing things from a person s bag and running away Shared by a user named Waow Africa on Instagram, the caption reads, "What is on bag? Let me see !" The humorous video starts off with a monkey unzipping a bag pack that had been carried by a person It initially acts as if it's looking inside the bag for something, after which it opens a second zip, takes an apple from inside, and flees Since being shared, the video has received more than 100,000 views and over 6,000 likes on Instagram Several users have adored the video and swamped the comment section of the post with amusing remarks One user wrote, "All monkeys are thief, no matter if they are from NY or Chicago " (Agency) 3 year old girl raped by schoolbus driver
Tweets about a woman passenger being
kindergarten child was allegedly raped by her school bus driver in the presence of a woman attendant in the bus in Bhopal The parents filed a complaint after which both the accused were arrested The driver is a 32 year old father of two girls and began working at the school barely three months ago The child picked him out from a bunch of photographs at the school Police are checking if the school had carried out his police verification, though the authorities say they did It’s not known why the parents waited to file a complaint since the medical test needs to be done as early as possible and time is often a crucial factor in preservation of forensic evidence The child’s medical examination was conducted later (Agency)
A three and a half year old
hiking in the mountains While hiking, the journey is often better than the destination You get to experience lovely natural scenery as well as amazing animals and their behaviour in native habitats One such video is gaining traction on social media that shows hundreds of sheep following a trail runner in France A user named Eleanor Scholz posted the video on Instagram She captioned the post as "One of the best things I've seen Do you think they're still chasing her?" The video was captured by Scholz when she was hiking alone in France It shows a large flock of sheep following the runner in the mountains "Can't stop thinking about this bewildered trail runner I encountered while hiking alone in France, reads the text in the video As the woman stops for a few minutes to speak with Scholz, the sheep stop too and wait patiently while she explains her situation to Scholz As she resumed her run, the entire flock of sheep continue following her "When she started again they all ran after her She is a shepherdess now," the text in the video further said (Agency)
Ayurvedic doctor becomes chief priest of Kerala temple
Monkey steals apple by opening zip of a bag
The Vishwamitri River in Vadodara witnessed battle between a group of men and a giant crocodile Desperate wails of a man, who was snapped by the reptile, reverberated across the ravines, sending shivers down the spine of the locals The daring group of saviours won the war and managed to pull the man out of the crocodile’s deadly jaws Identified as Narpat Rathwa, the victim was admitted to SSG Hospital where his condition was reported to be stable
E a rl i er th is mon th , U K s Kin g's Col lege of London launched Cannabis & Me, a s c i en ti f i c s t udy i n to th e effects of cannabis on men tal health, consi dered the larges t cannabis study of its kindThe study, which aims t o i n v o l v e 6 , 0 0 0 p a r t i c i pants, will research environ mental and biological fac t o r s b e h i n d t h e d i f f e r e n t e f f e c t s o f c a n n a b i s c o n s u m p t i o n o n t h e h u m a n brain and provide informa tion to physicians in the UK and across the world for prescribing cannabis safely
C o u n c i l l o r I a n W a r d , WMCA portfolio holder for t r a n s p o r t a n d l e a d e r o f Birmingham City Council, said: “Offering better value and convenience is a key part
“In the interrogation B h u j w a l a h a d r e v e a l e d the name of Rajput with the help of whom he had started the business,” said a police officer
f u n d i n g f o r t h e s t u d y i n 2 0 2 0 , b u t t h e C O V I D 1 9 pandemic has delayed its startCannabis & Me's lead r e s e a r c h e r , D r M a r t a d i Forti, has extensive experi e n c e s t u d y i n g c a n n a b i s from a psychiatric perspec tiveCannabis & Me's study c o n s i s t s o f a 4 0 m i n u t e online survey, which aims t o e x p l o r e " t h e d i f f e r e n t effects that people experi e n c e w h e n t h e y u s e c a n n a b i s a n d h o w t h e s e might relate to other recre ational drug use, live events, including trauma or illness es, but also positive situa tions and social context "
of our plans to encourage more people to leave their cars at home and use public transport as we tackle the cli m a t e e m e r g e n c y , r e d u c e t r a f f i c c o n g e s t i o n , a n d improve the air we breathe
“This is just part of the more than £1 billion invest ment we are putting in our transport over the next five y e a r s t o r e v o l u t i o n i s e o u r bus, cycling, rail and tram networks and services better connecting people to the job a n d l e i s u r e o p p o r t u n i t i e s across the region ”
Amongst the number of innovations, this scheme is being delivered over the next two years after TfWM, which is part of the West Midlands
This book is useful for enthusiastic learners of any age as it is supportive and self-learning with lots of practice using daily situations. The Gujarati letters and vowels are clearly introduced and explained in detail, especially those which are not in the English language. This way, the complete base of the Gujarati language, which is Barakhadi, is given. A bookmark with Barakhadi is also attach which will promote reading, speaking and writing skills with practice. This is a 282-page Gujarati book with lots of self-supporting materials.
C o m b i n e d A u t h o r i t y (WMCA), secured £18 mil l i o n ( U S $ 2 1 0 9 m i l l i o n ) i n f u n d i n g f r o m t h e C i t y R e g i o n S u s t a i n a b l e Transport Settlement
To offe r p asse ng er s b et te r value an d conv enience when using t heir cre dit or de bit ca r d s on pu b lic t r a ns por t , Tran sport for We st Midla nds (TfWM) is working with UK bus oper ators and is plan ning to launch a major fare cappin g project
The Medical Research Council (MRC) granted $2 8 m i l l i o n ( £ 2 5 m i l l i o n ) o f
The Mumb ai Police have traced f ugi tive d rug sup p lie r Kai las Ra jput a lia s KR one of the bi ggest d r u g s up p li er s t o t h e coun try to the Un ited Ki ngdom (UK) The poli ce have sta rte d a procedure
market“In interrogations of the two accused, the role o f K a i l a s h R a j p u t h a d e m e r g e d H e w a s i n Dubai after his release on bail, since 2014 Rajput, an international drug suppli er against whom a look o u t n o t i c e h a s a l r e a d y been issued, is wanted by the Anti Narcotics Cell, t h e S p e c i a l C e l l o f t h e D e l h i p o l i c e , t h e Narcotics Control Bureau ( N C B ) a n d t h e D i r e c t o r a t e o f R e v e n u e Intelligence (DRI) in vari ous cases,” said a police officerEar
W a n k h e d e h a d a l s o i n i t i a t e d a p r o c e s s t o bring back Rajput, who he had earlier claimed was a big player, but his opera tion was left halfway
13AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
“The present Mumbai P o l i c e C o m m i s s i o n e r , V i v e k P h a n s a l k a r a n d J o i n t C o m m i s s i o n e r o f P o l i c e , C r i m e , S u h a a s Warke, have been keenly following the movements to bring back Rajput,” said a s e n i o r p o l i c e o f f i c e r from Mumbai Police
“He is the supplier of p a r t y d r u g s E p h e d r i n e , Ketamine, Meow Meow ( M D ) ; b a n n e d d r u g F e n t a n y l , w h i c h w a s m a n u f a c t u r e d i n I n d i a b u t o n l y f i n a n c e d b y him,” said a police officer. E p h e d r i n e a n d E c s t a s y
West Midlands to launch ‘tap and go’ fare capping
A n o t h e r s t u d y , p u b lished in the same journal in 2019, found that daily use of h i g h p o t e n c y c a n n a b i s i s strongly linked to the risk of developing psychosis "
Scientific study for effect of cannabis on mental health
P a r t i c i p a n t s h a v e t o m e e t s e v e r a l c r i t e r i a , i n c l u d i n g b e i n g o v e r 1 8 years old, resident in the L o n d o n a r e a , f l u e n t i n English, willing to take part in a face to face assessment, willing to donate a blood sample, and to take part in virtual reality (VR) experi ence, and being without a previous or current diagno sis of psychotic disorders a n d w i t h o u t c u r r e n t l y receiving treatment for psy chotic disorders
t o ex t r a d i t e h i m f r o m Lond on a nd are in touch w ith the Cen tral Bureau o f I n v es ti ga t i o n ( C BI ) , w hi ch acts a s In terpol in the TcountryheCBI will coordi nate with the Ministry of External Affairs to initiate e x t r a d i t i o n p r o c e e d i n g s t o b r i n g K R t o I n d i a “India and UK have had an extradition treaty in place since 1993,” said a police officer “His pass port has been seized by UK authorities and he is under house arrest ”
Indian fugitive traced in UK
Sources in the police d e p a r t m e n t s a i d t h a t Rajput has played a major role in the supply of syn t h e t i c d r u g s , e s p e c i a l l y M e p h e d r o n e , i n t h e countryInFebruary 2018, the A m b o l i p o l i c e t e a m , headed by police inspec tor Daya Nayak, arrested two people and seized 13 5 kilograms of party drugs worth 27 3 million, which was valued at 250 million in the international illicit
(MDMA) are used in vari ous parties in the city and the Fstateorm e r N C B Z o n a l D i r e c t o r , S a m e e r Wankhede had also bust ed a racket after the arrest of Chinku Pathan from N a v i M u m b a i L a t e r , Pathan had revealed the n a m e o f A r i f B h u j w a l a who had fled from Dongri when the NCB team went to arrest him The agency had found a lab where Mephedrone was manu factured by Arif It then seized 20 million in cash and 12 kilograms of MD from the place
A system will be devel oped to allow passengers to use their contactless cards across a range of transport modes and operators, with the best value fares applied automatically over the next two years
Price : £12 , $ 20 Free Postage Contact : What’s app mobile message :07540 614 012 A book to learn Gujarati in the most practical way Globle Gujarati by J.D.Patel, B.Sc. M.Ed
l i e r , D e p u t y Commissioner of Police, Shivdeep Lande, who was h e a d i n g t h e A n t i Narcotics Cell, and Joint Commissioner of Police, (Crime), Santosh Rastogi, had started an operation to bring him back to India when he was in Dubai However, the Covid 19 driven national lockdown dashed their plan
Professor Geeta Nargund is the award winning Medical Director of abc ivf She is als o the Medical Director of CREATE F ertility, our s i s te r c l in i c , a nd a S en i or C ons ul ta nt G yn a ec ol ogi s t an d Le ad Co ns ul ta nt f or Reproduc tive Medici ne services at St George’s Hospital, London H ere ’s our ex cl usi ve I nter vi ew with Profes sor Geeta Nargund, Medical Director of abc ivf and s en i or N H S c on su lt an t f or R epr od uc ti ve M ed i c in e wh er e she discusses the challenges fac ing Asian communities when it c om es to ta c kl i ng i n fe rt i li t y issues or seeking IVF treatment What are the early signs of infertility in South Asian women? Are they any different from women of other origins?
For instance, chronic PCOS, Empty Sella Syndrome et.
If you are having difficulty conceiving, the best first step is to speak with your GP who can sug gest the appropriate course of action It is likely you will be referred for a fertility investiga tion where you’ll have an ultra sound scan and blood tests taken to check your egg reserve and i d e n t i f y f a c t o r s t h a t c o u l d b e causing infertility A fertility doc tor will then be able to talk you through the best options
job of honouring Queen Elizabeth II’s memory,” she further wrote
less likely to be discharged with the optimum set of drugsIn a 2 0 1 9 r e p o r t b y t h e B r i t i s h H e a r t F o u n d a t i o n , i t w a s f o u n d t h a t failure to treat women and men equally has led to more than 8,000 w o m e n i n E n g l a n d a n d W a l e s dying needlessly from heart attacks over the past decade A mispercep tion that a heart attack is a man’s disease, and unconscious biases in the delivery of healthcare, are lead ing to delayed treatment and poor er survival chances for women who suffer heart attacks
Finding out that you might have issues with your fertility can of course be very emotionally dis tressing, so most fertility clinics offer a fertility counsellor who can guide you through the pro cess They will also support with how you can approach discussing infertility with your friends and family Many of our staff have Asian heritage, so they under stand some of the sensitivities a s s o c i a t e d w i t h i n f e r t i l i t y f o r some south Asian groups
Unfortunately, the UK still faces an IVF postcode lottery, meaning that access and eligibili ty to NHS funded fertility treat ment will be based on where you live At abc ivf, we have a mission to help as many people as possible and we have pioneered affordable IVF treatment We are proud to offer the lowest cost treatment in the UK, with our fully inclusive I V F p a c k a g e c o s t i n g £ 2 7 5 0 However, there will be additional costs if you need ICSI treatment f o r m a l e f a c t o r i n f e r t i l i t y a n d other additional specific treat m e n t s r e l a t e d t o y o u r c l i n i c a l c o n d i t i o n s I t i s v i t a l t h a t w e address the inequality of access to fertility treatments and we are proud to deliver affordable IVF across our country In terms of preparing for starting IVF treat m e n t , a s s e s s i n g y o u r l i f e s t y l e choices is a good first step and preparing for pregnancy is key
How costly is an IVF cycle and what can partners do to prepare for it if they know that it is their only option?
The ‘monarchy’s quiet stars’
There is no evidence that IVF treatment leads to cancer It is important that you discuss your m e d i c a l i s s u e s a n d t r e a t m e n t options and choose the safest options for you
There is a fear and little information about IVFs wherein many people suspect it may lead to cancer Is that true?
The global labour force partici pation rate for women is just over 50% compared to 80% for men, according to statistics from the World Bank a discrepancy that was heightened during the pan demicWomen are still handling the majority of the childcare in hetero sexual partnerships Research also shows that more women lost their j o b s d u r i n g t h e p a n d e m i c t h a n
Women are still highly underrepresented in the C suite
Shefali Saxena
After ta king on a new role with the NH S , t he L a b o ur MP R os i e Cooper is expected to s tan d dow n a nd tr igge r a b yele ct ion i n he r West Lancashire constituency
The latest studies have similarly shown that women have worse out comes for heart operations such as valve replacements and peripheral revascularisation As well as being misdiagnosed, women are less like ly to be treated quickly, less likely to get the best surgical treatment and
Could you list some root causes of infertility for our readers?
Women are still highly underrep re sented in th e C suite at European tech companies, w ith one in seven executives being women, according to data from F igures
How many IVF attempts can one woman undergo healthily?
Labour MP Rosie Cooper to trigger by-election
“From the Queen Consort sol diering on through visits to all four corners of the UK with a broken toe, to the Princess Royal’s extraor d i n a r y t w o d a y j o u r n e y f r o m Scotland to London with her late mother’s coffin, to the Countess of Wessex’s heartwarming hug with a teenage wellwisher in Manchester on Thursday, these leading royal ladies could not have done a better
men The UK has the highest per c e n t a g e o f w o m e n i n b o t h t h e CHRO and chief marketing officer (CMO) role 86% of CHROs are women at UK startups, while 40% of CMOs are women, according to F i g u r e s J u s t 5 % o f U K s t a r t u p CTOs are women
Ac c o rdi n g t o a r ep o rt i n T h e Guardian, women are 50% more like l y to r ec ei ve a w rong initial diag no s is ; w h en th ey are having a heart attack, s uc h mi s takes can be fatal People w ho are initially misdiagno sed have a 7 0% higher risk of dying
Cooper said she was “very sad that my time in West Lancashire has come to an end” Later she a d d e d t h a t s h e w o u l d b e c o m e chair of Mersey Care NHS founda tion
S h e s a i d i t h a d b e e n “ a n incredible honour and privilege” to serve in the Commons since
Age is an important factor affecting fertility outcomes As women get older, the quantity and quality of eggs decline mak ing it more difficult to conceive and also leading to increased mis carriage rates If you are over 35 years old, and are trying to con ceive, it is important that you see your GP for tests The prevalence o f P o l y c y s t i c o v a r y s y n d r o m e (PCOS) is higher amongst South Asian women and it is one of the leading causes of irregular ovula tion and infertility and its symp toms can include weight gain, irregular periods and excessive f a c i a l h a i r E n d o m e t r i o s i s c a n also impact a woman’s fertility, t h e m a i n s y m p t o m s o f w h i c h include heavy and painful peri ods, pelvic pain and pain during i n t e r c o u r s e W o m e n w h o a r e underweight or overweight can also suffer from ovulation and fertility problems If you suffer from underactive thyroid prob lems, this can also contribute to difficulty in conceiving
A l o n g s i d e P C O S a n d endometriosis for women, there are of course sperm factors that i m p a c t f e r t i l i t y , s u c h a s l o w sperm count or sperm quality and blockages that prevent the deliv ery of sperm Age can also play a significant role female fertility peaks at age 25, and drops after the age of 35 Many people don’t realise that men also have a bio logical clock, and their fertility also declines from the age of 40
Women are 50% more likely to receive a wrong initial diagnosis
“ T e a m T r u s s w i l l w a n t t o avoid a collapse in vote share in their first electoral test,” said Rob Ford, an elections expert
Please check your mother's medical and reproductive history as well as the age she entered menopause If your mother has undergone early menopause, you are more likely to undergo early menopause Please ask for your tests to check your egg reserve if you have a family history of early menopause, underactive thyroid, endometriosis or have undergone ovarian surgery Finally, if you have irregular periods or have any known gynaecological problems, or if your partner has sperm prob lems, it is important that you seek help without any delay How can women figure out the root cause of infertility and what kind of counselling is needed not just for them, but for their spouses/partners as well as family, since South Asian households still live in the stigma of not reporting or addressing infertility?
T h e a r t i c l e q u o t e d t h e l a t e Q u e e n a n d s a i d , i n h e r 1 9 6 6 C h r i s t m a s b r o a d c a s t , Q u e e n Elizabeth said: “It has been women who have breathed gentleness and care into the harsh progress of mankind ”
Cooper, who was considered as part of a murder plot by mem bers of a banned neo Nazi group, said she had undergone a “consid erable period of soul searching” a n d a d m i t t e d t h e e v e n t s h a d “taken their toll”
14 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
Unfortunately, the UK still faces an IVF postcode lottery
women undergo more than one cycle of IVF treatment (up to 3 cycles) Undergoing mul tiple cycles of IVF can also be very emotionally challenging and it c a n a d d t o t h e f i n a n c i a l a n d physical burden It is important that you get the best advice from your consultant and you don’t c o n t i n u e w i t h t r y i n g m u l t i p l e c y c l e s u n l e s s t h e r e i s a c l e a r change in your tailored treat m e n t p l a n b a s e d o n s c i e n c e based evidence It might be that some women decide to stop try ing due to the emotional burden caused Our clinicians will ensure your wellbeing at every stage of treatment, guiding you through the process and giving you the o p p o r t u n i t y t o m a k e w e l l informed choices, to ensure your safety throughout your cycle Do you think that South Asians miss the point that infertility is not just about not being able to conceive a child but a lot more about a woman's over all health conditions?
Dr Geeta Nargund
a r e c e n t O p E d i n T h e T e l e g r a p h , i t s A s s o c i a t e E d i t o r d e s c r i b e d t h e R o y a l w o m e n a s ‘ m o n a r c h y ’ s q u i e t s t a r s ’ “ T h e House of Windsor owes a huge debt to the hard work of Camilla, Kate, Sophie and Anne,” she wrote
Gtrustiven its performance at the l o c a l e l e c t i o n s i n M a y , L a b o u r sources are hopeful the party will win the by election comfortably
M a n y p e o p l e d o n ’ t r e a l i s e that lifestyle factors can impact your fertility, such as your age, BMI and how active you are It is critical that we drive education a n d a w a r e n e s s o f f e r t i l i t y amongst the south Asian com munity a key part of this is encouraging couples to seek ear lier diagnosis to increase their chances of success in treatment We must transform success and access of fertility treatment for south Asian communities and opening up the conversation and tackling the stigma around infer tility is our first step I am com mitted to educating people about their fertility I have done many fertility education sessions on Asian media channels and com munity organisations in the last t h r e e d e c a d e s K n o w l e d g e i s power We are here to help you
end of November triggering a by e l e c t i o n i n t h e n o r t h w e s t England seat that she held with an 8,000 majority in 2019
Every woman’s body is differ ent The physical burden and side effects of IVF treatment on the woman can be reduced by less drug intensive mild IVF options which use a lower dose of stimu lating drugs for a shorter period of time It is the best option for women with PCOS to reduced r i s k s o f O v a r i a n H y p e r s t i m u l a t i o n S y n d r o m e which, in its severe form, can lead to hospital admission Mild IVF can be used by women of all age groups and is aimed at maximis ing the quality and not quantity of eggs, reducing health risks and side effects related to drugs and improving the health outcomes for mother and baby Natural and Natural Modified IVF are partic u l a r l y u s e f u l f o r w o m e n w h o have low egg reserve and who are older, where taking high doses of stimulation drugs has no benefit N a t u r a l I V F r e l i e s o n n a t u r a l selection of the egg by your ovary to create an embryo for implan tation Naturally selected eggs can be of higher quality com pared to eggs from conventional s t i m u l a t i o n T h e a i m i s t o achieve the best possible success rate without compromising your safetyMany
2005It is believed that she might step down from parliament by the
However, leaving Duchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle out of the list of stars, the Op Ed critiqued M a r k l e ’ s t e l l a l l i n t e r v i e w w i t h Oprah Winfrey and that ‘Kate still had the good grace to act as peace maker between the estranged royal b r o t h e r s a t t h e D u k e o f Edinburgh’s funeral ’
The British royal family has always been looked up to for its exemplary women and w ith the recent unfor tunate demise of Qu een Elizabeth II, media reports have been bu zzing with the news and appearances of Ro yal women amid the mourning periodIn
and devotion Her Majesty conve hes followed a recital of praye
Sunday 17th September 2022 memorable farewell, Leicester’s a partnership with diverse grou er Service in R er Majesty The
from the Jalaram for Her Majesty’s sou in it’s onward journey her last Christmas add Queen referred to child
A n A ustr alian TV chan ne l f a i le d t o r e co g n i se P r i m e M in ist er Liz Truss, as she a r r i v e d a t W e st m i n s t e r A bbey for the fun er al of the Q uee n
" H e r p h y s i c a l d e c l i n e had not made her last weeks easy: standing and walking, e s p e c i a l l y u p a n d d o w n stairs, were difficult and she was eating sparingly But t h e j o y o f b e i n g a t h e r favourite home more than made up for it
15AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
y e a r s , t h e r e h a v e b e e n rumours they use fake hands and arms in order to keep the likes of an FN P90 rifle under their coats, should the worst happen But nothing has ever been proven
God Save the King. esentedeealni pr nting of the TrTr
guard has not officially been n a m e d a l t h o u g h t h e bearded security officer has b e e n e v e r p r e s e n t a t h i s public appearances in recent daysH
Many have likened him to Colin Firth’s character, Harry Hart, referring to the umbrella he has been carry ing as a ‘gunbrella’ similar to the gadget laden device Firth’s character carries in that film
supporting a tiative to form to Her Majesty bethof II
Queen was 'perky' but 'eating sparingly' during her final days
The mix up happened on Australia’s Channel 9 as it was covering the funeral, attended by prime ministers and presidents from around t h e w o r l d i n c l u d i n g Australian premier Anthony AlbaneseButit was the UK prime minister, admittedly only a few days in the job, who drew blanks from presenters
o w e v e r , i t ’ s h i s umbrella which has attract ed the most interest and t h e r e f o r e t h e K i n g s m a n comparison causing him to go viral on TikTok
service was the headt f th Jl Bl V
P e t e r O v e r t o n a n d T r a c y Grimshaw“Who i s t h i s ? ” M s Grimshaw asks “ N o , h a r d t o i d e n t i f y , maybe minor royals, mem bers of the I can’t identify t h e m , ” M r O v e r t o n responds“Wecan’t spot everyone u n f o r t u n a t e l y , ” s a y s M s Grimshaw“They l o o k l i k e t h e y could well be local digni taries, it is hard to see, we are looking at the back of their heads mostly ”
" A l t h o u g h f r a i l , s h e remained alert and chatty almost until the end," said royal expert and journalist Richard Kay "She was in 'good form' 'perky even' It was clear she drew strength f r o m h a v i n g l o v e d o n e s around her
The pair appear then to realise the mistake, with Mr O v e r t o n t e l l i n g v i e w e r s : “I’m just told that was Liz T r u s s , t h e n e w P r i m e Minister in the distance that we could see, hopping out of that car ”
brance, Her Majesty’s Lord OBE, Himat Swami from Anoo
2: Leicester: In the spirit of s Jalaram TeTemple took the init ps in Leicester, to pay tribute t
, py
Alongside trees plan Her Majesty The Quee was planted by the L Memory of Her Majestty Queen Elizabeth of her Jubilee celebrations.
Lieutenant of opam Mission, tain great!
is uniquely uniting strangers w er any other circumstances – t eleaves’’.visitof her is to a local GurudhanjaljstorderntasinestyThen.whomayhisisaudwara”
The guard who stands by the new King
King C harles II I’s security team h av e been attracting their fair share of attention in recent days, as the new monarch has been o ut g reet ing th e crowd s in the wake o f Qu ee n E li za be th I I ’ s d ea th Ho w e v er , o ne o f th em i n p art ic u la r h as attracted attention on social media
The security guard has
been seen accompanying the monarch on several of his recent social engagements, with many on TikTok and other sites comparing him t o a c h a r a c t e r f r o m t h e Kingsman film franchise
The Leicester City as part together diversity for b today - and a legacy
It h as been repo rted that d uring her final d ays, th e Queen was "alert and chat ty until the end but was e ati ng sp ar in g ly Qu ee n E l i zab et h I I d ie d o n S eptem ber 8
pp g Queen Elizabeth II.
teacher Sajanben Odera and c Vik Shl h did th Shdp
United in prayer and remem Leicestershire Mr Mike Kapur O
The mix up inevitably p r o m p t e d s o m e m o c k e r y online, with the funeral in London beamed across TV s c r e e n s i n A u s t r a l i a a n d around the world
It’s been suggested their h a n d s a r e d e c o y s f o r w e a p o n s h i d d e n b e n e a t h t h e i r c o a t s , a n d o v e r t h e
Keynotes and speech
eyed, and her role in making Bri ers childrandendhjlj
ikas who the Shrad l to be blessed with the highes y. This was particularly poignan dress to the country, Her Maje dren as the future of our Nation
better inclusivity is the spirit of the nation and responsibility for us to fol nted on May 22 and as pa en’s Green Canopy initiative, a Lord Lieutenant Mr Mike KapudwarathenationlowinherartofaTTrreepur,in and Birjubhai Ghea participated in the plan
So who is King Charles’ private bodyguard and how did the comparisons come about?The King’s private body
TV channel did not recognise Liz Truss
her passing, London i have never met unde wonderful legacy she “The most memorable
The late Queen Elizabeth II wearing Kohinoor in her crown
r e i g n C o i n c i d e n t l y , a n
More than 250,000 people saw the Queen lying in state in Westminster Hall in London, the cultural secretary revealed on Tuesday One member of the public queued up twice in the same night to see the Queen lying in state Britons queued round the clock from late last Wednesday until 6 30 am on 19th September, the day of the Queen's funeral, to see her cof fin in Westminster Hall The queue stretched from parliament along the south bank of the Thames and past Tower Bridge to Southwark Park The mayor of London's office said an estimated 80,000 people were in Hyde Park, 7 5 , 0 0 0 i n c e r e m o n i a l v i e w i n g a r e a s a n d 60,000 on South Carriage Drive Overall num bers will be much higher as crowds formed on virtually the entire route to Windsor, where Thames Valley Police said 100,000 people had turned out
a s t h e m u l t i c u l t u r a l B r i t a i n t h a t t
The monarch may be no more, but with her passing, she gave Britain, the gift of recon ciliation of the Royal family Her four chil dren, King Charles III, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward walked behind her coffin guarded by royal regiments with state honours across the UK with cloudy eyes, and grim faces but heads held high Princess Royal glanced at her brother with concern as he stared at the floor He also appeared emotion al during the singing of the national anthem inside the abbey The Queen’s funeral brought together Prince of Wales, Prince William and P r i n c e H a r r y a l o n g w i t h t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e spouses Princess of Wales, Catherine and Meghan Markle The two brothers along with their cousins marched in the royal vigil for their beloved grandmother in unison The Queen’s great grandchildren showed enor mous maturity and courage with grace at her funeral at Windsor Castle where the little Princess Charlotte showed her older brother, Prince George, to bow to the Queen as her cof fin passed in the procession from Westminster Abbey to the castle at Windsor In a heart warming broadcast, viewers warmed the cock les of their hearts, not just by seeing a reunion among the royals, but also witnessing the Queen’s pony and her two corgis who stood outside the castle as their Queen made way to her final journey
16 AsianVoiceNews 24 30 September 2022
Asian Voice, “Having worked in Parliament for over a decade we have been made very familiar with Operation London Bridge The signifi cance of Westminister Hall has been ingrained in us, from the plaques that we walk past every day reminding us of past lying in states, to yearly rehearsals However, the Queen’s pass ing still caught me off guard In an ironic s e n s e , h a v i n g b e e n o u r c o n s t a n t , w e a l l thought the Queen would be with us forever The events of the last few weeks have moved not just the nation, but the entire world From crowds flocking to Buckingham Palace, to mile long queues for Lying in State, to dedi cated crowds gathering for the funeral of a lifetime It was testimony to how much the Queen meant to us all But it wasn’t just us The way the international community gath ered in London, reminded us of the incredible role that the monarchy plays in keeping us on the global stage With the highest number of world leaders present together in one place, over half the world’s population is said to have watched the funeral on TV The Queen’s funeral reflected why we are still “Great” Britain ”
“For seventy years she has been a constant in our public life and an inspiration Speaking with residents in Witham, they all remember how the late Queen was always there for us, in good times and bad, and send their sincere and heartfelt condolences to King Charles III and the Royal Family,” she added, Tribu te p aid to Her Majesty by ZTFE
Hon’ble President of India Droupadi Murmu arrives in London to attend the State Funeral of Queen Elizabeth II
sionate individuals representing charities at this historic occasion Rest in peace Queen Elizabeth II ”
More than 250,000 people queued up to see the Queen lying in state at Westminster Hall, in queues that were as long as 10 miles The longest reigning monarch of Britain, Queen Elizabeth
industrialist Gopichand Hinduja, Lord Rami R a n g e r C B E , C l l r A m e e t J o g i a M B E , a n d renowned PR professional Sangeeta Waldron were among the many ethnic minority mem bers who paid their last respects to the Queen Queue in like Beckham
at the same time some Gurkha men marched in civil clothes with folded hands and saluted the Queen’s coffin; a British Sikh man came forward to bow down and went down on his knees to place his forward on the floor (con ventionally termed as ‘matha tekna’), and sev eral women with a dupatta on their head bowed down with folded hands in prayer This w h e monarch nurtured for over 70 years of her o t h e r r a i n b o w appeared in the sky, like the one that overar ched Buckingham Palace the day the monarch breathed her last A spider was spotted among the flowers in the wreath over her coffin, which is considered to be a good omen
Kirit Mod i told us, “It was a great honour to represent the National Kidney Federation and the Jain and Hindu Organ Donation steer ing group (JHOD) at the Queen's funeral at Westminster Abbey on 19 September 2022
F o o t b a l l C a p t a i n D a v i d B e c k h a m w a s standing in the queue for more than 12 hours and patiently waited for his chance to come As per The Guardian, David Beckham said, “Every time that we stood there when we wore those three lions shirts and I had my armband and we sang God Save the Queen, that was something that meant so much to us Every time that we did it, it was something special So this day was always going to be difficult, and it’s difficult for the nation, it’s difficult for everyone around the world because I think e v e r y o n e i s f e e l i n g i t , a n d o u r thoughts are with the family and
she was lying in state and queued for 13 hours, which was nothing when compared to the Queen’s 70 years of dedicated service; and for the final chapter, we joined the crowds along the Mall to say goodbye when the Queen made her final journey from Westminster Abbey to Windsor The Queen will never be forgotten ”
Speaking to Asian Voice about bidding adieu to the Queen one last time, Sang eeta Waldron, Founder, Serendip ity PR & Media, “We have been witnessing history, never seen before, and it was so important as a proud British Asian to pay my respects to our Queen and say thank you for her service It has been a time of ceremony and sorrow As a family we wanted to pay our respects to the Queen when
o b v i o u s l y w i t h e v e r y b o d y h e r e today ” “Because it’s special to be here, to celebrate, and to hear the different stories that people have to say I thought by coming at 2 am it was going to be a little bit qui eter I was wrong,” David said
The service was amazing The choir and the hymns were the highlights for me It was most humbling to be in the presence of the Royal family, world and UK leaders and many pas
Mayura Patel, Hindu Rep resentativ e from Croydon shared her message for the Queen, where she stated that the people of the Indian diaspora thank her for creating a multicultural Britain and for allowing them to make Britain their home, away from their homeland “We salute your commitment that you demonstrat ed towards the people of this country and the Commonwealth and many sacrifices that you had to make on your Royal journey ”
Continued from page 1
II was buried in a private cer emony at St George’s Chapel in Windsor The Queen now lies in eternal peace alongside her h u s b a n d P r i n c e P h i l i p , s i s t e r P r i n c e s s M a r g a r e t , m o t h e r Q u e e n E l i z a b e t h I a n d father King George VI
The monarch is gone Her bloodline is left behind and the good she did in her lifetime, especially to the Commonwealth nations and the British Indian community will never be f o r g o t t e n M e m b e r s o f t h e c o m m u n i t y , including former home secretary Priti Patel,
The ex secretary of state Priti Patel was seen by a mourner on Sunday who pulled her aside for a picture as the queue stretched for up to five miles with a waiting time of 24 hours at one point dur ing the four day lying in state in Westminster In her tribute to the Q u e e n , t h e f o r m e r m i n i s t e r thanked the late monarch for her “lifetime of duty and public service to the people of this country, the Commonwealth and other parts of the world”
September Saturday at Zoroastrian Centre, Rayners Lane While paying tribute to Her Majesty, speakers said, the Queen lived life with pride and commitment She was the Monarch of all Monarchs; she was the most respected Monarch by heart Malcolm Deboo President ZTFE, Lord Karan Bilimoria CBE DL, Rusi K Dalal, Dorabji, Navinbhai Shah CBE, Shenaz, Ashok Chauhan Warrant Officer Army, Sir Rohinton Kalifa OBE, Harmander Singh shared the most special memories with the Saudienceharinghis sentiments, L ord Rami Ranger C BE told the newsweekly, “The nation owed Her Majesty the Queen a huge debt of grati tude for giving 70 years of public service with passion, commitment and dedication The least one could do to appreciate her services was to pay her the last respect while she lay in
Gop ich and P Hind uja spoke about the late Queen’s 70 year reign and said that her love and respect for India was unwavering He reminisced about her reign as a young boy “For 60 years my family has lived in London I and other family members have had the hon our of meeting the Majesty,” he said as he con tinues to pray for her departed soul The Hindjuas met the Queen last year at Windsor World leaders pay tribute to the Queen
state in Westminster Hall It was a moving experience watching people in the queue for up to 20 hours to say goodbye to our gracious Queen with utmost gratitude British Armed Forces gave the Queen a dignified and befit ting send off May she rest in peace in heaven God save the King Cou ncillor Ameet Jogia MBE awarded an MBE by Her Majesty the Queen for political and public services in this summer’s Platinum Jubilee Honours List also paid his last respects to the Queen at Westminster Hall He told
A S e r v i c e o f C o m m e m o r a t i o n a n d Thanksgiving for Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was organised by the Zoroastrian T r u s t F u n d s o f E u r o p e ( Z T F E ) o n 1 7
Queen's coffin passing on Mall Photo courtesy Sangeeta Waldron
100 year old Rajindar Singh Dhatt waits for the Queen's procession to pass in Hounslow, West London with a single rose in his hand to pay his respects
Acharya Shree Jitendriyapriya Swamiji Maharaj presided as
as well as that of all Commonwealth realms, their territories, and the Crown Dependencies in the British isles The Band has had the honour of representing India across the Queen’s Golden, Diamond and Platinum Jubilees before the Royal Family Thousands of people from all over the world that have gathered for the auspicious M a h o t s a v ( f e s t i v a l ) r o s e t o t h e i r f e e t i n respect, reverence and celebration during the rousing rendition, and tens of thousands saw the proceedings live across the live broadcast of the event The Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Suvarna M a h o t s a v c e l e b r a t e s f i f t y y e a r s s i n c e Jeevanpran Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa established Shree Swaminarayan Gadi The festival, which was inspired by World Peace A m b a s s a d o r , A c h a r y a S h r e e Purushottampriya Swamishree Maharaj, has attracted thousands of disciples from all over I n d i a , U K , N o r t h A m e r i c a , A f r i c a a n d Australia Pipe Bands from these regions have also gathered to form a mass Band of over 250 members, which will be performing throughout the event Numerous dignitaries will be visiting the festival, including today, t h e C h i e f M i n i s t e r o f G u j a r a t , S h r i Bhupendra Patel, who will be received by Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa Pipe Band President Droupadi Murmu at the reception hosted by King Charles III of United Kingdom at Buckingham Palace Prince William and Harry take part in the vigil of Queen's grandchildren Kirit Modi at Queen's funeral Ameet Jogia MBE
O t h e r w o r l d l e a d e r s i n c l u d e d U S President Joe Biden whose Limo, famously known as ‘The Beast’ got stuck in traffic out side Pret while he was on his way to the Abbey Mr Biden arrived at the abbey in his bomb proof limousine, with his wife Jill, and t h e y w e r e r e c e i v e d b y t h e d e a n o f W e s t m i n s t e r A b b e y P r e s i d e Minister Jacinda Ardern her counterparts from Canada, Justin Trudeau, and Australia, Anthony Albanese, were also seen watching t h e i n s t e r Abbey China's Vice President Wang Qishan was also seen in the abbey, attending as the special representative of President Xi Jinping, despite concerns over China's treatment of the Uyghur people Other royals and monar chs from all over the world also gathered in St George's Chapel, Windsor, to say their final goodbyes to the Queen
Vahagn Khachaturyan a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin was snapped by a flunky at the foot of the Queen's coffin According to The Sun, the staff in the hall were left outraged by the incident Granny Janet Taylor spotted the dignitary having his picture taken as she watched on TV to see her two sons, who had been queuing for 13 hours, pass the Queen's coffin
have quite
t h e p a r l i a m e n t a r i a n s w r o t e t o F o r e i g
“That has led me to understand that the sovereign has an additional duty less formal ly recognised but to be no less diligently dis charged
Charles pledged to carry out his duties as sovereign of the UK and the Commonwealth “in a way which reflects the world in which we now live”
China have expressed serious concerns about the
p r i a t e g i v e n t h a t s e v e n p a r l i a m e n t a r
Qu een ’ s
The State Funeral of Her M ajesty The Queen took place at Westminster A bbey in London The same day is also the first d ay of a seven day religious festival (Sh ree Swaminarayan ch thou sands of followers of M aninagar S hree Swaminarayan Gadi S ansthan from around the orld gathering at S hree Swaminarayan Mand ir Maninagar (A hmedabad, India)
Government being invited to the Q u e e n ’ s f u n e r a l S e n i o r T o r y
i n
inv ite
The King expressed his concerns over the cost of living crisis and has promised to pro tect religious diversity He told faith leaders that his responsibility as sovereign was to
The new monarch, while speaking at a recep tion at Buckingham Palace, reiterated his own Christian beliefs and vowed to protect faith as it is practised through different “religions, cul tures, traditions and beliefs” He highlighted the multicultural nature of Britain, saying: “I have always thought of Britain as a ‘communi ty of communities’
Gad i S u v ar na M a h o ts av ) , w h i
also signed by crossbench peer Lord Alton and Labour peer, Baroness Kennedy, says: “We are g r e a t l y c o n c e r n e d t o h e a r t h a t t h e Government of China has been invited to attend the state funeral next week, despite other countries Russia, Belarus and Myanmar being excluded " Currently, the Chinese lead e r i s m e e t V a d i m i r Putin at a summit in Uzbekistan In the letter, n Secretary James Cleverly to express their con cerns, saying that it was particularly inappro i a n remain sanctioned by the
Similarly, India has now started calling for i t s j e w e l , K o N i n o n f B a ’ crowns, back But it is currently sitting at the top of the Queen Mother’s crown, which was first made back in 1937 for her coronation as King George VI’s Queen consort
S p a r k i n g d e b a t e , A r m e n i a n P r e s i d e n t
India’s President Smt Droupadi Murmu v i s i t e d L o n d o n f r o m 1 7 1 9 S e p t e m b e r t o a t t e n d t h e S t a t e F u n e r a l o f H e r M a j e s t y Queen Elizabeth II Murmu paid her respects to the Queen lying in state at Westminster H a l l a n d s i g n e d t h e c o n d o l e n c e b o o k a t L a n c a s t e r H o u s e o n 1 8 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 2 President met King Charles III at a reception held at Buckingham Palace on the same day On the 19th, she attended the State Funeral service held at the Westminster Abbey
Challenges await King Charles
Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, former British colonies want the royal family to return some of the world's most famous jewels When the British Empire was acquir ing colonies, precious stones were taken and presented as souvenirs or the spoils of war These stones are embedded within the crown jewels and have been put on display repeated ly for this period of national mourning From South Africa renewed calls are being made for the UK to return the world’s largest known clear cut diamond, the Great Star of Africa
Shree Muktajeevan Swamibapa Pipe Band UK honours and celebrates the late Queen
s including ourselves
n t E m m a n u e l M a c r o n o f F r a n c e a n d P r e s i d e n t J a i r B o l s o n a r o o f B r a z i l , N e w Z e a l a n d P r i m e
defend the practising of all “religions, cul tures, traditions and beliefs” The King’s com ments came as mourners wishing to pay their respects to the Queen were warned of 24 hour queues People who were willing to join the queue to see the Queen's coffin were told to temporarily stay away after it reached capaci ty Later, it was announced on social media that the queue had reopened, the estimated waiting time was 24 hours, with mourners warned of low temperatures overnight Cou ntries w ant their jewels back
A group of MPs and peers sanctioned by Chinese M P s T i m Loughton and Sir Iain Duncan Smith wrote to the Commons Speaker and Lord Speaker, call ing it an “extraordinary” decision The letter,
Speaker rightly the Chinese Ambassador from attending the Palace of Westminster whilst these unjustified sanc tions remain in place
s ees
t i n g R u s s i a n p r e s i d e n
o o r ,
from different religions that he has a personal “duty to protect the diversity in our country”
the UK branches of Shree Muktajeevan Pipe Band (London and Bolton), comprising 120 British Indian pipers and drummers, honoured the late Queen Elizabeth II, and celebrated the accession of
MP s criticise the decision to C hina to funeral
King Charles III, by playing Save King’ British national anthem,
e o
Amid the cost of living crisis, unrest in Leicester, healthcare crisis and more chal lenges, King Charles told faith leaders hailing
(With inputs from journalist Rupali Shinde)
also known as Cullinan I, now the centrepiece in the Queen’s sceptre A petition has been signed by more than 6,000 people asking for the Great Star of Africa to be sent back to its supposed place of origin and put in a South African museum
17AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
c o f f i n b e b r o u g h t i n t o W e s t m
C h i n e s e G o v e r n m e n t a n d t h a t t h e L o r d s
r i t
“It is the duty to protect the diversity of our country, including by protecting the space for faith itself and its practice through the religions, cultures, traditions and beliefs to which our hearts and minds direct us as indi viduals ”
h i
The Bank has suggested that customers who do not need to use the paper money
The notification from King & King regarding the
$20 billion GFG said it had “parted company with King & King due to overall issues resulting from the collapse of Greensill Capital We are in the process of appointing new auditors There is no impact on the operations of any of our businesses ”
UK and Swiss banks missing out on favourable rates for financing
To understand where the pound might be headed, it’s worth looking at its recent history For most of the past decade, the sterling has been in a period of decline
Speciality Steels has plants a t R o t h e r h a m a n d S t o c k s b r i d g e i n S o u t h Yorkshire, and the Dalzell plate mill is in Motherwell
Lead ing eco nom ic experts have warned that a slig ht fall in ov erall inflation does not provide relief for the cost of living crisis as reduced fuel co st s m as k th e fa ct th at prices for h ousehold goods are still rising
Histo rical Co ntext
fund, which will be provided by the Bank of England, will be available as “a last resort” to ensure firms can buy the energy they need, even if g l o b a l p r i c e s c o n t i n u e t o rise as a result of the war in UkraineKwarteng is preparing to deliver an emergency mini budget soon which will con tain the government’s plans for growing the economy He is expected to unveil the g o v e r n m e n t ’ s p l a n s t o reverse the rise in national i n s u r a n c e a n d s c r a p t h e scheduled rise in corpora
In conversation with Simon Ring, h e a d o f m a r i t i m e b u s i n e s s development and B2B at Pole Star was q u e s t i o n e d t h e n e e d f o r b a n k s t o transition their sustainability strategies when it comes to trade finance Pole
More than a quarter of U K S ME s say they h ave had dif fi cu lties accessing finance from th eir main banks, acc ording to new research
T h e r e h a s b e e n a n i n c r e a s e d demand throughout the industry for financial institutions to screen carbon emissions and act more sustainably The pressure on large corporations to reduce emissions has also led to numerous greenwashing campaigns that falsely i n d i c a t e p e r f o r m a t i v e s u s t a i n a b l e action When it comes to corporate ESG scoring under the Paris Climate Accord, Ring notes that the general consensus around corporate ESG scoring is that t h e a d o p t i o n o f a n e x t e n d e d K Y C process works well, as most financial institutions work with corporate clients to enable the start of this transition
18 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
The pandemic was especially hard on the UK economy, and this has weighed heavily on the pound In March 2020, the pound sank to its lowest level against the US dollar in more than 30 years as the pandemic forced the UK into lockdown
The chancellor is also under pressure to set out what help the government will give businesses to cope w i t h r i s i n g e n e r g y b i l l s P r i m e m i n i s t e r L i z T r u s s recently unveiled plans to cap the typical household’s energy bill at £2,500 a year until 2024 Downing Street also admitted recently that the business support pack age could be delayed, lead ing to warnings that could see thousands of firms go to the wall
Overall, the outlook for the pound is uncertain The cur rency has fallen sharply in recent years, and it remains well below its pre pandemic level Thus, there is a risk that it could fall further in the coming months and years However, the UK economy is starting to recover from the pandemic, and if this continues, then the pound could recover Therefore, it could be worth buying sterling at its current level
S t a r d e a l s w i t h t r a d e f i n a n c e a n d compliance, often coordinating their s e r v i c e s w i t h e n v i r o n m e n t a l a n d sustainability goals Ring explains that it is in banks’ best interests to adapt to a greener industry due to the measurable and m o n i t o r a b l e a s p e c t s o f s u s t a i n a b l e trade and commodity finance and the reductions in the interest rates for greener transactions “ I t h i n k f u t u r e p l a t f o r m s w i l l incorporate all of the fundamentals that the banks and corporates need, and a b i g p a r t o f t h a t w i l l b e a r o u n d digitalisation, payments trade, speed, a u t o m a t i o n , a n d s u s t a i n a b i l i t y T h e
Authorities discuss bailout fund for energy firms
After the death of the Queen, the nation’s coins and banknotes will in time be replaced with versions featuring the head of King Charles However, the process is expected to take at least two years, and probably longer for the coins
reasons for its resignation was not immediately avail a b l e f r o m C o m p a n i e s
The Institute for Public Policy Research noted that b e c a u s e p r i c e s f o r h o u s e hold goods are still going up, further government inter vention was therefore need ed to prevent more poverty and more destitution this winterThere has also been crit i c i s m t h a t w a g e s d o n o t m a t c h r i s i n g l i v i n g c o s t s , even as inflation falls slight ly In response to the figures, Sharon Graham, general sec retary of the Unite union, w a r n e d o f a " c r i s i s o f income” “Rocketing infla tion may have been eased last month but that won't last," she said “Current lev els continue to threaten the living standards of millions of workers This is now a cri sis of income Only the rich and powerful are protected "
i n S c o t l a n d G u p t a h a s b e e n t r y i n g t o secure fresh financ ing since the collapse of the group’s main l e n d e r G r e e n s i l l Capital in March last year, but has yet to secure a long term alternative
I write to you from New Yo rk wh ere I was talking markets at Bloo mberg
The firm helped fund a global acquisition spree to build GFG Alliance, which at its peak employed more t h a n 3 5 , 0 0 0 p e o p l e a n d boasted annual revenues of
HouseBot h b u s i n e s s e s a r e flagged as having failed to file their accounts for the year to the end of March 2 0 2 0 b y t h e d e a d l i n e o f M a r c h 2 0 2 1 L i b e r t y
Right Moves
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) announced that the Consumer Prices Index was 9 9% in the year to August, down from 10 1% the previous month While it remains close to its 40 year record, it had not been fore cast to fall since July
agenda is already overwhelming ”
Th e Current Situatio n
While the majority of paper £20 and £50 banknotes in circulation have already been replaced with the new polymer version, more than £6bn worth of paper £20 notes featuring the economist Adam Smith remain in circu lation, along with more than £8bn of paper £50 notes featuring the entrepreneur Matthew Boulton and the engineer James Watt
SMEs having trouble accessing finance from main bank
Is It Time to Buy Sterling?
So, what does the future hold for the pound sterling? Is it time to buy the currency, or is a further decline on the cards?
The UK is now starting to recover from the pandemic, but the outlook for the economy is still uncertain The country’s vaccination program is progressing well, and the government has set out a roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions
Auditor of Gupta's two steel businesses step down
However, the ONS said t h e i n f l a t i o n r a t e w a s d r a g g e d d o w n b y a 6 8 % d r o p i n f u e l p r i c e s , t h e biggest fall since between March and April 2020 at the start of the pandemic when oil prices briefly went nega tive on some markets
N ew C h anc el lo r Kw as i K warteng is i n talks wi th bank bosses to thrash out the details of a £40 billion b ai lo u t f u nd f or e ne rgy firms Bank of England gov ernor Andrew Bailey is also in the talks amid mou nting c o nc e rns o v er so a ri ng w holesale gas prices
immediately can send their old banknotes to its offices by post Holders of old paper ban knotes, including those based outside the UK, have been contacting the Bank on social media to ask whether they will be left with worthless currency
The British pound continues to face significant chal lenges, with the currency seeing significant volatility in recent years This is likely to continue for some time
However, if the recovery falters or the UK economy underperforms relative to other countries, then the pound could fall further This is especially true if interest rates stay low, as this would make it less attractive for investors to hold
improve their treatment of small business owners after a r e v i e w f o u n d o n g o i n g instances of lenders treating small businesses unfairly over s e v e r a l i s s u e s i n c l u d i n g ensuring fairness
Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel OBE
Two years later, the sterling is still going through a tough time In fact, things look worse for the currency In May 2022, the pound fell to around $1 1443, well below its pre pandemic level This is the first time in 37 years that UK importers are getting so little for their pound
Before the pandemic struck, the key drivers of this were the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and concerns a b o u t t h e c o u n t r y ’ s e c o n o m i c p r o s p e c t s T h e s e f a c t o r s weighed heavily on the pound, causing it to fall by around 4 5 percent since 2016 The pandemic then exacerbated the situa tion, as the UK was one of the worst hit countries in Europe This led to further concerns about the country’s economic prospects, and the pound fell to its lowest level against the US dollar since 1985
T h e g o v e r n m e n t l a s t week announced the Energy Markets Financing Scheme, w h i c h w o u l d s e e e n e r g y firms being loaned the cash they need to cover rising costsThe Treasury said the
However, there are still risks that the recovery could be derailed by a resurgence of the virus or further lockdown mea sures This means that there is still considerable uncertainty about the pound’s future prospects What Does the Future Hold?
Looking ahead, the key question is how the UK economy will perform in the coming months and years If the country can avoid a double dip recession and return to strong growth, then the pound is likely to recover
Ninety p er cent o f UK banks and 56% of Swiss banks h ave lo st business in th e trade finance indu stry due to lack of dec ar bo ni s at io n fi na nc i ng te rms , according to a research The maritime, go ver nme nta l, an d f i nan ci a l tec h no l o gy so l u ti o ns c o mp an y is ca lli n g f o r env ir o nme nta ll y dri ve n regulation for banks falling behind on su s ta in ab il i ty and ca rb o n e mis s i o n reductio ns
The Bank of England has warned people to expect long queues at its headquarters as they try to swap paper £20 and £50 notes It has reassured customers that there is no deadline for exchanging the notes However, the fact that they will no longer be accepted in shops or by businesses has led to a rush to exchange them
King & King, th e auditor of at l eas t tw o o f S an j eev Gupta’s main British steel businesses, has resigned fol lowing investigation by the F i na nc ia l Re p o rti ng Co u n ci l , t h e ac c o un ti ng regulato r, over its audits of four comp anies in Gup ta’s G FG Al li an ce gro u p It re s ig ned fro m L i be rty Sp eciality S teels and Liberty Steel Dalzell
T h e r e s e a r c h , c o m m i s sioned by embedded finance a n d p a y m e n t f i n t e c h Sonovate, found that 26 per cent of firms surveyed had t r o u b l e a c c e s s i n g f i n a n c e from their bank while over a third (38 per cent) say their m a i n b a n k d o e s n ’ t u n d e r stand their business needs
Another finding was that around two in five businesses ( 4 1 p e r c e n t ) t h i n k b a n k s ’ lending policies haven’t kept pace with modern business needs while 35 per cent said that banks provide them with no other service or support beyond lending
tion tax in an attempt to boost economic growth
Co nsumers in UK are racing to exchange their old paper banknotes for new plastic versions, just o ver a fortnight befo re they cease to be legal tender at th e end of September
On the other hand, those surveyed recognised the ben efits of using non traditional banks For example, over a third (37 per cent) of business es surveyed say that alterna tive lenders make it easier to access funding Additionally, around three quarters (76 per cent) say that invoice financ ing tools have greatly benefit e d t h e i r b u s i n e s s , w i t h a r o u n d t w o t h i r d s ( 6 4 p e r c e n t ) c i t i n g f a s t e r t r a n s a c tions and business processes as key advantages But only five per cent surveyed secured a l o a n o r a c c e s s e d i n v o i c e finance from an alternative lender in the past 12 months
“There will be long queues and you may encounter waiting times in excess of an hour,” the Bank warned “We would ask that you kindly consider the long wait times when travelling to the Bank to undertake an in per son exchange ”
No relief in cost of living due to slight fall in inflation
Heavy rush to exchange paper currency
T h e f i n d i n g s f o l l o w a recent announcement by the F C A w a r n i n g b a n k s t o
Sanjeev Gupta
in the value of shipments a n d p e g g e d t h e f u l l y e a r e s t i m a t e a t a r o u n d $ 4 7 0 billion, compared to $422 b i l l i o n l a s t y e a r T h e government has set a $450 b i l l i o n t a r g e t f o r g o o d s e x p o r t s f o r t h e c u r r e n t fiscal“Global trade is slowing d o w n a n d t h e W T O ’ s r e v i s e d n u m b e r s , d u e i n October, will further point t o a m o d e r a t i o n F r e i g h t rates on some major routes have dropped by 50% We do not expect to see the kind of g r o w t h w e s a w l a s t y e a r when we added $130 billion to our exports this year, but we expect it to be over $470 billion,” said FIEO director general Ajay Sahay
India’s exports went up 1 6% to $33 9 billion in August, co mpared to a 1% decrease es ti mat ed ear li er , w h i le imports shot up 37% to $62 billio n, pushing up th e trade deficit to $28 billion, more than twice last year’s level
There are probably numerous answers to this; I only h a v e a f e w s u g g e s t i o n s O n e i s , i t h a s b e e n m i s d e s c r i b e d I h a v e s e e n w h a t l o o k e d l i k e a n d therefore probably was a straight square building, where the ground floor consisted of say 1,000 sq ft , but as you went up the square foot diminished substantially Probably due to a combination of the way Net Internal Area is calculated and bad measurement Another is, when the property is in a certain geographic location, say in Middlesborough, but is put in a London auction, rather than the local one This is less of an issue now as the online auction platform serves to level the field, but still has an impact
Sharing an update on Air India’s transformation, Campbell Wilson, MD, and CEO, Air India said that the transformation has already commenced with a slew of initiatives in areas such a s r e f u r b i s h i n g c a b i n s , s e r v i c e a b l e s e a t s , a n d i n f l i g h t entertainment systems JRD Tata piloted the first flight of Air India 90 year ago Since then, Air India and its employees have persevered through many challenges before its homecoming back to the Tata group, the company said
e c o n o m i s t s a n d o t h e r forecasters were lowering growth projections for the current financial year
India's wholesale price inflation dips
T h e a i r l i n e h a s a l s o b e e n a d o p t i n g p r o a c t i v e maintenance and refining flight schedules to enhance on time performance Earlier, Air India announced to induct 30 new aircraft, including 5 wide body Boeing planes, and 25 Airbus narrow body aircraft from December this year, to augment its existing fleet in the near term
The finance ministry said that India's gross direct tax collections grew 30 per cent to £8 3 6 bi l li o n ti l l S ep t emb er 1 7 o f cu r ren t fi s c al y ea r o n h i gh e r advance tax mop up buo yed by th e e co n o mi c r evi va l post p andemic A f t e r a d j u s t i n g f o r refunds amounting to £13 5 billion,
India's imports shot-up in Aug, to double the trade deficit
e r s ’ b o d y F I E O said that in sectors such as e n g i n e e r i n g g o o d s & plastics, a fall in commodity prices resulted in a decrease
An interesting segment to look at when d igging for de als is the unsold section of the auctions This is wh e r e a pr o pe r ty h a s be e n t h ro u gh t h e au ct io n process and has not sold Of ten auctioneers, espe cia lly so the bigger ones, prior to ta king a property on make sure it’s a t a price whe re they will achie ve a sale; a s to ha ve properties which are unre asonably priced means the y will e nd up be ing unsold And this is not good PR f or the next a uction
Desperate Deals
Adani briefly becomes World's second richest person
T h e d a t a r e l e a s e d b y I n d i a ’ s m i n i s t r y o f c o m m e r c e a n d i n d u s t r y recently showed inflation, a s m e a s u r e d b y t h e W h o l e s a l e P r i c e I n d e x (WPI), rose an annual 12 4% in August, lower than the p r e v i o u s m o n t h ’ s 1 3 9 % Inflation during the month was largely driven by rise in
We have a couple of properties which we are circling currently with a view to putting offers in shortly These will be looking for investment
Gautam Adani became the w or ld' s s ec o nd ri c h es t p erson, but only for a brief p e ri o d T h e tyc o o n surpassed Amazon boss Jeff Bezos and Lo uis Vuitton's Bernard Arnault to grab the s e co n d s p o t w i th a n et w or th o f $ 1 54 7 bi l li o n, s h o w e d F o rb es ' r eal ti me b illi o naire s li st, b efo re h e w as p ushed back to the th ird p osition by Arnault
following the completion of t h e a c q u i s i t i o n o f Switzerland based building m a t e r i a l s c o n g l o m e r a t e H o l c i m ’ s I n d i a a s s e t s , Ambuja Cements and ACC, G a u t a m A d a n i w a s a p p o i n t e d c h a i r m a n o f Ambuja Cements while his elder son Karan was named a director of both cement firms and as chairman of ACC For Karan, this would b e a d d i t i o n a l responsibilities, as the 35 y e a r o l d i s a l s o t h e c h i e f executive officer of Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone
T h e J u l y i n d u s t r i a l p r o d u c t i o n g r o w t h numbers also showed that expansion was sluggish at 2 4 % T h e w e a k n e s s w a s s i g n i f i c a n t i n m a n u f a c t u r i n g & n o n d u r a b l e c o n s u m e r g o o d s p r o d u c t i o n a l o n g w i t h c o n t r a c t i o n i n m i n i n g Das’s statements were seen as a softening of stance and yields of government bonds have eased in the money
Experts predict sharp interest rate hike in India net direct tax kitty g r e w 2 3 p e r c e n t t o £ 7 0 billion Gross collection of d i r e c t t a x e s f o r 2 0 2 2 2 3 s t a n d s a t £ 8 3 6 b i l l i o n compared to £6 42 billion in
Suresh Vagjiani, Sow & Reap Properties Ltd
India's direct tax kitty grows by 30% on higher advance tax mop-up
marketsRepo is the interest rate at which the central bank l e n d s m o n e y t o b a n k s D e u t s c h e B a n k c h i e f e c o n o m i s t K a u s h i k D a s f o r e c a s t s t h a t t h e U S Federal Reserve will hike rates by 75bps, which will prompt the RBI to hike by 3 5 b p s H S B C I n d i a i n a report said that the RBI is expected to hike rates in the two remaining meetings of the year, taking the repo rate to 6% by December
Air India has unveiled a 5 year plan called ‘ Vihaan AI’ to focus o n its growth in netwo rk and fleet, revamping its customer p rop osition, enhancing reliability and on time performance, after its recent acquisition by the Tata Gro up
t h e y e a r a g o p e r i o d , registering a growth of 30 per cent, the ministry said in a Tstatementhisincludes revenue
of £39 8 billion
“ D i r e c t t a x collections continue to grow at a robust pace, a clear indicator
advance tax collection grew 17 per cent to £29 5 billion This includes advance tax p a y o u t b y c o r p o r a t e taxpayers of £22 9 billion After adjusting for refunds, net direct tax collections rose 23 per cent to £7 01 billion, compared to £5 68 billion in the corresponding period of 2021 22
In di a’ s w h o le sa le p ri ce inflatio n (WPI) moderated to a n 1 1 m o nth lo w in Augu st on the back of easing pri ces o f f uel and po w er, man uf ac tu r ed fo o d an d no n f o o d it ems bu t remained in double digits for 17th month in a row
o f t h e r e v i v a l o f e c o n o m i c a c t i v i t y p o s t p a n d e m i c , a s also the result of the stable policies of the g o v e r n m e n t , f o c u s i n g o n s i m p l i f i c a t i o n a n d s t r e a m l i n i n g o f p r o c e s s e s and plugging of tax leakage t h r o u g h e f f e c t i v e u s e o f t e c h n o l o g y , ” t h e m i n i s t r y said For April September,
b e h i n d M u s k a n d B e z o s This time he overtook Bezos for a brief period
O v e r t h e p a s t f i v e y e a r s , A d a n i E n t e r p r i s e s h a s i n v e s t e d h e a v i l y i n n e w g r o w t h s e c t o r s i n c l u d i n g a i r p o r t s , c e m e n t , c o p p e r refining, data centres, green h y d r o g e n , p e t r o c h e m i c a l refining, roads and solar cell manufacturing It also plans to foray into the telecom space and has massive plans to grow its green hydrogen a n d a i r p o r t s b u s i n e s s e s A d a n i G r o u p h a s a l s o committed $70 billion for green energy infrastructure Karan Adani is ACC chairman I n a b o a r d r e s h u f f l e
Formerly the national carrier, Air India under the new ownership aims to increase its market share to at least 30% in t h e d o m e s t i c m a r k e t w h i l e s i g n i f i c a n t l y g r o w i n g t h e international routes from the present market share in the next five years “The plan is aimed at putting Air India on a p a t h t o s u s t a i n e d g r o w t h , p r o f i t a b i l i t y a n d m a r k e t leadership,” the company said in a statement
Tata's 5-year plan to enhance Air India's growth
It's often the sales figures for the last auction w h i c h w i l l d r i v e t h e b u s i n e s s f o r t h e n e x t o n e Therefore, the point being if the property remains unsold, even after it has been priced properly and been through the auction process there’s a strong chance there is a deal to be done The above serves to be a filter There are those properties which are on the market because they have to be sold, it is no longer a choice The obvious being repossessions; the not so obvious is councils and housing associations who need to convert some assets into cash prior to a certain accounting date I was offered a freehold building in Kings Cross, many moons ago, for £350K for this very reasonTheother obvious question , t he sceptic would a sk, is well if it’s worth so much more , then why didn’t it sell?
A d a n i ' s w e a l t h , m e a n w h i l e , s l u m p e d t o $ 1 5 1 3 b i l l i o n a s h i s g a i n s were slashed to $1 1 billion from over $4 billion, and he settled at the third position Mukesh Ambani, who heads Reliance Industries Ltd, is at the eighth spot and is worth $92 Abilliondani heads the Adani G r o u p w h i c h c o m p r i s e s s e v e n p u b l i c l y l i s t e d c o m p a n i e s s p a n n i n g i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , m i n i n g , energy, and other sectors
Refunds amounting to £ 1 3 5 b i l l i o n h a v e b e e n i s s u e d i n 2 0 2 2 2 3 t i l l September 17, a 83 per cent growth over the year ago period
E n g i n e e r i n g g o o d s , g e m s a n d j e w e l l e r y , r e a d y m a d e g a r m e n t s a n d other segments of textiles were among sectors in India t h a t w i t n e s s e d a s t e e p d e c l i n e a s d e m a n d f o r several items in developed markets dropped due to the slowdownExport
f r o m C o r p o r a t e I n c o m e T a x o f £ 4 3 6 b i l l i o n a n d Personal Income Tax (PIT)
Recently, RBI governor Shaktikanta Das had said t h a t m a c r o e c o n o m i c c o n d i t i o n s h a d i m p r o v e d after the August policy and that commodity prices were lower than what the central b a n k h a d e s t i m a t e d T h e g o v e r n o r a l s o s a i d i n a n interview that the RBI will ensure that growth sacrifice would be minimum This w a s a t a t i m e w h e n
The jump in retail inflation i n A ugus t t o 7 % ha s t ri gg er ed a ppr ehe ns i on s that I ndia’ s Reserve Bank (RBI) may unveil a sharper than expected interest rate i n c re as e to ta me pr ic e pressures This has dashed hopes that the central bank w as s hi f ti n g to a l es s ha wk i s h s t an c e a f te r a downward trend in prices E x p e r t s a n d f i n a n c i a l markets are now bracing for an increase in the key policy rate by 35 50 basis points ( 1 0 0 b p s = 1 p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t ) w h e n t h e R B I ’ s m o n e t a r y p o l i c y p a n e l m e e t s t o r e v i e w i n t e r e s t rates in September end
Elon Musk remains the richest person with a net worth of $273 5 billion Last m o n t h t o o , A d a n i h a d overtaken Arnault to grab t h e t h i r d s p o t , b u t w a s
When a property has been unsold, but needs to be sold, the door is open to put a cheeky offer in, especially in the current environment of economic and interest rate uncertainty This strategy does not work so well in central London, but more so on the outskirts, and of course even more so completely outside of London; areas which have been receiving a lot of attention from investors, due to the poor yields and stagnation of the London market
prices of mineral oils, food a r t i c l e s , c r u d e , p e t r o l e u m products and natural gas, basic metals, chemicals and c h e m i c a l p r o d u c t s , e l e c t r i c i t y a n d f o o d productsFood
inflation rose to 9 9% in August from a three month low of 9 4% in July “The recent moderation in W P I i n f l a t i o n h a s l a r g e l y been driven by a correction in global commodity prices following fears of a global s l o w d o w n a n d t h e r e i m p o s i t i o n o f C o v i d restrictions in China,” said Aditi Nayar, chief economist at ratings agency ICRA
19AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian 24 30 September 2022 FINANCE & REAL ESTATE
Air India said its 5 year plan has been developed after extensive feedback from employees on their aspirations and h o p e s f o r t h e a i r l i n e ’ s g r o w t h E x c e p t i o n a l c u s t o m e r experience, robust operations, industry best talent, industry leadership, and commercial efficiency and profitability, have been touted as the five key pillars of Vihan AI While the immediate focus will remain on fixing the basics and readying the carrier for growth (Taxiing Phase), the medium to long term focus will be on “building for excellence and establishing scale to become a global industry leader (Take Off & Climb phases)”, the company said
Pakistan police have filed a chargesheet against three more persons, including the alleged mastermind, in connection with the powerful car bomb blast outside Mumbai attack mastermind and JuD chief Hafiz Saeed s house in June last year that killed three people A source in Punjab police said that the mastermind and other two facilitators were arrested after the conviction of five suspects in this case “After keeping them in custody for several months for investigation the Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) of Punjab Police finally decided to present them before the anti terrorism court (ATC) Lahore for their trial ” he said
A Chinese national, accused of sexually assaulting a teenage girl for months, has been arrested, police said A case was registered against the suspect in response to a complaint lodged by the 16 year old girl, who was working as a translator with the Chinese national The girl in her complaint said the suspect started harassing her soon after she started the job He sexually assaulted her in January this year and continued to rape her as he threatened the girl with dire consequences in case she filed a complaint the report said The girl however got pregnant but did not disclose it to her family Her elder sister, who noticed her condition took her to a private hospital where she was pronounced over 31 weeks pregnant They then approached the police for registration of the case
in brief
support totalling about billion in 2022 h
“We are continuing to help our good friend and neighbour Sri Lanka to ensure food security by providing nearly $4 billion in food and financial assistance during the past few months,” Kamboj said On August 22, India handed over 21,000 tonnes of fertiliser to Sri Lanka “This follows 44,000 tonnes supplied last month under Indian
A c c o r d i n g t o a c t i n g c h i e f district officer Dipesh Rijal, at
KathmanduElevenpeople, who sustained
Afghan Sikhs started fleeing their home coun try in the 1990s and it is estimated now there are fewer than 100 left, including this last big group of 60 who are unwilling to leave their country with out the four Guru Granth Sahib
17 killed in Nepal after heavy rain triggers landslides
In this backdrop, a concerned SGPC chief took to Twitter to express his concern over the emerg ing situation "If the Afghan government actually cares for Sikhs it should ensure security of their life, property and religious shrines, in place of caus ing harassment to them when they are distressed due to attacks on places of worship gurudwara," Dhami stated adding that it is due to atrocities on minority Afghan Sikhs that they are forced to leave their country "It is a matter of concern that if Sikhs do not stay in Afghanistan, who will take care of Gurudwara Sahibs?
On April 21, 2019, nine suicide bombers belonging to the local Islamist extremist group National Thawheed Jamaat (NTJ) linked to the Islamic State terror group car ried out a series of blasts that tore through three churches and as many luxury hotels in Sri Lanka, killing 270 people
The village elders, all men, s a y i t i s o n l y a c c e p t a b l e f o r women to leave in “emergency” s i t u a t i o n s s u c h a s i l l h e a l t h Natural disasters do not count, and one elder named Mureed Hussain said they did not evacu ate during the last catastrophic floods in 2010
flooded fields, and the dirt road t h a t o n c e c o n n e c t e d t o t h e nearest city is under 10 feet of water, worryingly low amounts o f f o o d l e f t , a n d t h e y h a v e d e c i d e d t o p o o l a n d r a t i o n whatever wheat and grain they managed to salvage after the rainsNumerous volunteers have pleaded with the residents to leave for safety, to no avail “We are Baloch Baloch don’t allow their women to go out,” said res ident Muhammad Amir “The Baloch would rather starve and make do than let their families go out ”
KA T HM A NDU : A t least 17 peopl e h a ve b ee n k i l l ed i n l a nd s l i d es tri ggered by h eavy rain in western N e p al , an o f f i c i a l s a i d T h e l ands li d es o cc urred i n d i ffer ent p arts of the A chham d istric t of th e S ud u rp a s ch i m p r o vi n ce , w h i c h h as been badly af fected by floo ds c aus ed by incessant rai nfal l f or th e l as t few d ays
A powerful typhoon slammed ashore in southern Japan as it pounded the region with strong winds and heavy rain, causing blackouts, paralysing ground and air transportation and prompting the evacuation of thousands of people Japan Meteorological Agency said Typhoon Nanmadol was heading north after making landfall in Kagoshima city on Japan’s southern main island of Kyushu
Meanwhile, at a UNGA Annual Joint Debate on the Reports of Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and Peacebuilding Fund (PBF), India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj said that India had p r o v i d e d n e a r l y $ 4 b i l l i o n i n f o o d a n d financial assistance to Sri Lanka
C OL OM BO: With a total of $968 million in loans in four m onths of 2022, Ind ia h as em erg ed as Sri L anka' s l arg est b ilatera l lend er, ov ertaking C hina in th e process, a media report said In the past five years from 2017 20 21, China has been the largest bi la ter al l en d er t o S ri L ank a as C h i n a disbursed $947 millio n, out of w hich $809 million was obtained as m arket borrowings from th e China Dev elopm ent Bank Th e report said the Asian Develop ment Bank (A D B) has been the larg est m u ltilatera l lend er in the past five years and disbursed fu nd s amou nting to $61 0 millio n in 20 21
was earlier held as responsible for the attack by a probe panel he was forced to a p p o i n t f o l l o w i n g p r e s s u r e f r o m t h e Catholic Church and the relatives of the victims He had denied the allegation
i n j u r i e s i n t h e i n c i d e n t s w e r e airlifted to the Surkhet district for t r e a t m e n t T h r e e p e r s o n s h a v e gone missing in the landslides, according to the official Nepal Police personnel have been mobilised and rescue work is o n t o s e a r c h f o r t h e m i s s i n g persons, he added T h e n u m b e r o f c a s u a l t i e s
The Colombo Fort magistrate’s court, which pronounced the judgment, accused Sirisena of neglecting intelligence reports on the impending attack leading to the bombingsSirisena, 71, will now have to appear in court on October 14 The former president
Even friendly countries now look at Pak as beggars: Shehbaz
l e a s t 1 7 p e o p l e h a v e b e e n confirmed dead in landslides in the district, which is about 450 km w e s t o f t h e c a p i t a l c i t y o f
The women of Basti Ahmad Din do not get a say “It is up to the village elders to decide,” said S h i r e e n B i b i , a b o u t t h e 9 0 homes of this village in Punjab province being destroyed The c o t t o n c r o p s a r e r o t t i n g i n
In many parts of Pakistan, women live under a strict sys t e m o f s o c a l l e d h o n o u r Women can even be killed for bringing “shame” by interacting with men or marrying someone they, rather than their families, choose And in a disaster situa t i o n s u c h a s t h e f l o o d s i n Pakistan, this code can com pletely cut off women and girls from basic needs such as food and medical care
F l o o d s a n d l a n d s l i d e s f r e q u e n t l y o c c u r i n t h e m o u n t a i n o u s a r e a s o f N e p a l , p a r t i c u l a r l y b e t w e e n J u n e a n d September
IS L A M A BA D: Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif has presented a bleak pic ture of th e country’ s falling eco nom y, regretting th at ev en friend ly cou ntries h ad started looking at P akistan as o ne that w as always beg g ing fo r mo ney “Tod ay, when w e g o to any friend ly country or make a pho ne call, th ey think that we h av e com e (to them ) to beg for m oney, ” th e PM said in an address to a law yers ’ convention Sharif said even small economies have surpassed Pakistan, “and we have been wandering for the past 75 years carrying a begging bowl” According to the PM, the country’s economy was facing a “challenging situation” even before the floods, which had made it more “complicated” The cash strapped nation was struggling with the worst floods in the past 30 years, leaving more than 1,400 dead and 33 million people affected since early June
Fires ripped through an oil well in southwestern Iran, state TV reported, blaming “unknown” saboteurs for causing the blaze The oil well in Iran’s restive Khuzestan province burned as a result of “manipulation by unknown individuals,” state TV quoted oil official Ghobad Nasseri as saying He did not report any casualties or elaborate on the alleged interference State TV showed footage of black smoke billowing from the damaged well The province is home to an ethnic Arab population that complains of discrimination and includes an aggressive separatist movement Authorities were working to control the damaged well and restore production, Nasseri added
Bas ti A h m ad D in ( P ak i st an) : T h e 4 0 0 re si d e nt s o f B as ti Ahm ad Din, a tiny Pakistani v il lage left surro und ed by floodw a ter after severe m onsoo n rains, are facing starvation and d isease as they refused pleas to ev acu ate Leaving for a relief camp would mean the w omen of th e village mingling with men out si d e th ei r fa m il i es , an d th a t would vio late their “h ono ur ”
Taliban stop Afghan Sikhs from leaving for India with holy book
KA BU L: Afghan Sikhs wh o were to leave fo r I ndia o n September 11 were sto pp ed from taking the Guru Granth Sah ib along w ith th em as th e religiou s scrip tu res were cited to be th e h eritage of Afghanis tan
India pips China; becomes Lanka’s top lender
The UN said $150 million have been pledged so far in response to flash appeals for Pakistan’s flood victims but only $38 million has been converted into assistance While several countries have come forward to provide aid to Pakistan, Pakistan and the UN had launched an appeal for $160 million in initial funding out of which $150 million has been pledged
e f e r t i l i z e r w i l l c o n t r i b u t e t o f o o d security and support the farmers of Sri L a n k a I t d e m o n s t r a t e s b e n e f i t s t o t h e people from close ties with #India and
A man shot and killed a Toronto traffic police officer while he was on lunch break and killed another person and injured three others before police tracked the suspect down and killed him in a cemetery, officials said Authorities issued an emergency alert saying they were investigating an active shooter following two shootings in Mississauga and Milton in the province of Ontario “He was a gentle giant,” Toronto Mayor John Tory said Toronto Police Chief James Ramer said Hong of traffic services was shot at close range Hong 48 was a 22 year veteran of the force
mutual trust and goodwill between #India a n d # S r i L a n k a , ” a d d e d t h e H i g h Commission of India India has been at forefront of extending economic assistance to Sri Lanka as per t h e i r r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d i s o n e o f t h e countries that have provided the maximum amount of assistance in time of need Since t h e b e g i n n i n g o f 2 0 2 2 , L a n k a h a s experienced an escalating economic crisis and the government has defaulted on its foreign loans with food and fuel scarcity affecting a large number of the people in the island nation The economy has been in a free fall since the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic
In flooded Pak village, men won’t let women be evacuated Lanka ex president named suspect in 2019 Easter bombings
could increase, said the official, adding that Bhimdutta Highway connecting seven districts in the province was also disrupted due to t h e d i s a s t e r C o m m u n i c a t i o n service has also been affected in Achham due to the incidents
Last year during emergency evacuations con ducted by India after the Taliban regime took over, they were able to bring the Guru Granth Sahib There was no such restrictive protocol in place at that time as the new regime was still stabilizing
The development caused much concern to the Afghan Sikh community members in India Many
of those stranded in Afghanistan have families that came to India earlier while they stayed back to care for the gurudwaras There are an estimated 20,000 Afghan Sikhs in India, most of them in Delhi
India has disbursed $377 million and ADB has disbursed $360 million, which account for 76% of the total disbursements in the first four months of 2022, according to the report
C OL OM BO : A Sri L ankan court named form er p resid ent M aithripala Sirisena as a suspect in the 20 19 Easter bombings in which 270 p eople, includ ing 11 Indians, were killed
20 AsianVoiceNews 24 30 September 2022
A 77 year old Australian man was killed this weekend by a kangaroo in what is believed to be the country s first fatal kangaroo attack in 86 years Police believe that the man was keeping the wild kangaroo as a pet He was found with serious injuries by a family member on his property in rural Western Australia Paramedics and police were called to the scene but could not immediately get to the man because the kangaroo was in the way, police said Officers fatally shot the kangaroo, and the man was later pronounced dead at the scene In Australia, permits are required to keep wild animals as pets The police did not respond to questions about whether the man had a permit to keep the kangaroo
S J a i s h a n k a r , F o r e i g n minister had said only last week that those who block UN action against terrorists do so at
Toronto with anti India graffiti Have requested Canadian a u t h o r i t i e s t o i n v e s t i g a t e t h e i n c i d e n t a n d t a k e prompt action on perpetrators ” M e m b e r s o f t h e t e m p l e management did not want to c o m m e n t o n t h e i n c i d e n t However, they confirmed the front gate of the temple was defaced and spray painted with
D ug ga l, a n In d ia n A me r ica n po lit i ca l ac t iv ist , h as be e n confirmed by US Senate as the cou nt r y ’ s n ex t e nv oy t o t he Nether lands
Shigeki Matsuda, a sociology professor at Chukyo University in central Japan, said the declining marriage trend would adversely affect the birth rate Government data released in May showed that Japan’s population fell by a record 644,000 last year the 11th consec utive year of decline
China blocks proposal at UN to proscribe Pak terrorist
T h e o w n e r o f M K A u t o Repairs was shot dead by the accused Satwinder Singh, who was working part time at MK A u t o R e p a i r s a t t h e t i m e o f s h o o t i n g , w a s i n j u r e d i n t h e attack According to an online page honouring Satwinder, the f o r m e r i n t e r n a t i o n a l s t u d e n t had been on life support and
Large number of young people in Japan rejecting marriage
21AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
“I was born in India, but I was m a d e i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s , ” S h e f a l i t o l d m e m b e r s o f t h e S e n a t e F o r e i g n R e l a t i o n s C o m m i t t e e d u r i n g h e r c o n f i r m a t i o n h e a r i n g i n J u l y Shefali is an experienced political a c t i v i s t , w o m e n ’ s r i g h t s a d v o c a t e , a n d h u m a n r i g h t s , c a m p a i g n e r S h e i s a f o r m e r p r e s i d e n t i a l A p p o i n t e e t o t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s H o l o c a u s t Memorial Museum Council and continues to serve as a Western Regional Advisor S h e i s a S a n F r a n c i s c o Committee member of Human
Rights Watch, a member of the W a k e F o r e s t U n i v e r s i t y L e a d e r s h i p a n d C h a r a c t e r C o u n c i l , a n d s e r v e d o n t h e National Board of Directors for Emily’s List
in brief Swaminarayan temple in Toronto vandalised
T h e o n l i n e p a g e d e s c r i b e d S a t w i n d e r a s a “ l o v i n g s o n , brother and grandson who will be missed daily ” He had a pas s i o n f o r r e a d i n g a n d w r i t i n g poetry “He will leave us with a dent in our hearts for a lifetime,” the post said “It is a tough time for our family, and we need prayers from all of you ”
T OK YO : A large p ropo rtion of men and w omen in Japan say they do not intend to marry, trend exp erts h ave w arned will u ndermine efforts to address the country’s po pulation crisis The National Institute of Pop ulation and Social Security, a government affiliated body in T okyo said th e results of its 2021 survey, p ublished this mo nth, wo uld add to concerns about the low birth rate
B Lashkar or financing case by an anti terror c ourt in Pak i s ta n, w hi c h i s struggling to exit the grey list of the F inancial Action Task Force the peril of their own reputation interests has accused had undermined the s a n c t i t y o f t h e w o r k i n g m e t h o d s o f U N S C s a n c t i o n s
as a ‘global terrorist’ for the third time this year The joint India US proposal was for banning LeT commander Sajid Mir, a most wanted terrorist and handler of the 2008 Mumbai at ta c ks , un de r th e 12 6 7 A l Qaeda Sanctions Committee of the UN Security Council Mir has a bounty of $5 mn placed on his head by the US for his role in the 2 6/ 11 Mum b ai a tt ac k s carried out by LeT terrorists In June this year, he was jailed for ove r 15 ye ar s i n a te rr
decline in marriages will affect Japan’s birth rate as it faces depopulation and a shrinking workforce and economy, including a growing desire among young working women to enjoy the freedoms that come with being single and having a career Experts said, govern ment should make it easier for women to return to work after having children and to address Japan’s notoriously long working hours Asked what constituted an “ideal” lifestyle for women, almost 40% of surveyed single men and 34% of single women cited the ability to bal ance a career with raising children In a sign of shifting attitudes towards gender roles, less than 7% of men said they would like their future spouse to stay at home to look after the family
“I have full confidence that kindness, empathy, honesty and sweat equity mean something in our country It is the reason why people from all over the world see us as a beacon of hope and freedom While my story is not unique, it is one that represents the infinite possibilities of the A m e r i c a n s p i r i t a n d t h e American dream,” Shefali said
T OR ON T O: T h e I ndi an government has p rotested the van dal i sa ti o n o f T o ro n to ’ s la rge st t emp l e, af te r i t w as s p ray p a i nte d w i th p ro K h al is ta n gr af fi ti T h e defacement w as discovered in the morning by w orkers and vo lu n tee rs a t t h e B AP S S h ri S w am in ara ya n Ma ndi r in TorontoAsenior Indian official said that a formal protest note over
A federal judge rejected the Justice Department’s request to resume a key part of its inquiry into former President Donald Trump’s handling of sensitive government records and appointed an outside arbiter to review thousands of documents seized last month from his Florida residence The judge Aileen M Cannon declined to lift any part of an order she issued last week that barred the department from using the documents, including about 100 marked classified, in its investigation until the arbiter known as a special master, had completed a review In her decision, Cannon appointed a special master suggested by Trump legal team :Raymond J Dearie, a semiretired judge from US district court for the Eastern district of New York
WAS HING TON: Shefa li Razdan
On Saturday, surrounded by g r i e v i n g f a m i l y a n d r e l a t i v e s , Singh was pulled off life sup port, Sarabjot Kaur, a cousin who grew up with Satwinder, told Toronto Star newspaper Satwinder, who obtained an MBA in marketing in India, was a student at Conestoga College
Shefali Duggal confrmed as US envoy to the Netherlands
Shefali Razdan
Kazakhstan’s parliament renamed the Central Asian nation’s capital from Nursultan to Astana, the latest move by government officials and politicians to distance themselves from the former Soviet republic’s first president The city became the capital in 1997 It was renamed Astana the following year Nursultan Nazarbayev Kazakhstan’s president at the time said he wanted the capital to be located closer to the geographical centre of the vast nation In 2019, when Nazarbayev resigned after 3 decades in power, his successor Kassym Jomart Tokayev renamed Astana to Nursultan in honour of the ex leader
A hotel in the Thai capital set a Guinness World Record by stirring up the world s largest Negroni cocktail, with more than 630 litres of the bitter Italian drink Mixologists at the Kimpton Maa Lai Bangkok Hotel poured dozens of bottles of the key ingredients gin, vermouth, and Campari into an iced acrylic container 5 6 ft tall and weighing about 400 kg
e p t e m b e r 1 2 , a m a n s h o t a n d k i l l e d t w o p e o p l e , including a police constable He had also injured three others before police tracked the sus pect down and killed him
ONT ARI O: T he death toll in last week’s sh ooting rampage in Can ada ’ s O nt ari o p ro v in c e climbed to three with an Indian st u den t s u cc u mb in g to h i s inju ries S atwi nder S ingh (28 ) h ad su s tai n ed s ev ere i nj u ri es du ri ng t h e att ac k an d w as u nde rgo i ng tr eat men t a t th e Hamilton General Hospital He succ umbed to hi s inju ries on
f i v e , w h e r e s h e g r e w u p S h e graduated from Miami University and earned her master’s from New York University
EI J IN G: China put on hold the designation of a Pakistan based ope ra ti v e of U N pr os cr i be d
committeeLastmonth, China put a hold on a proposal by the US and India at the United Nations to blacklist Abdul Rauf Azhar, t h e b r o t h e r o f J a i s h e M o h a m m e d ( J e M ) c h i e f M a s o o d A z h a r a n d a s e n i o r l e a d e r o f t h e P a k i s t a n b a s e d terror organisation In June this year, China put a hold, at the l a s t m o m e n t , o n a j o i n t proposal by India and the US to l i s t P a k i s t a n b a s e d t e r r o r i s t A b d u l R e h m a n M a k k i u n d e r the 1267 Al Qaeda Sanctions C o m m i t t e e P a k i s t a n i a u t h o r i t i e s h a d i n t h e p a s t c l a i m e d M i r h a d d i e d , b u t w e s t e r n c o u n t r i e s r e m a i n e d u n c o n v i n c e d a n d d e m a n d e d proof of his death
Shefali, 50, was confirmed by the US Senate by a voice vote a l o n g w i t h t w o o t h e r c o n f i r m a t i o n s t o s e n i o r a d m i n i s t r a t i v e p o s i t i o n s A K a s h m i r i P a n d i t , S h e f a l i w a s b o r n i n H a r i d w a r a n d m o v e d with her family to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at the age of two T h e r e a f t e r s h e m o v e d t o Cincinnati, Ohio at the age of
Indian student injured in Canada shooting dies
The survey says, 17 3% of men and 14 6% of women aged between 18 and 34 said they have no intention of ever tying the knot, the high est figure since the questionnaire was first conducted in 1982 In that survey, taken just before the rise of the bubble economy in the mid 1980s, just 2 3% of men and 4 1% of women said they would never
I n a t w e e t , I n d i a ’ s h i g h c o m m i s s i o n i n O t t a w a s a i d , “We strongly condemn defacing of BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir
China of politicising the fight a g a i n s t t e r r o r i s m s a y i n g Beijing’s “double standards” on the issue
t h e v a n d a l i s a t i o n h a s b e e n c o n v e y e d t o G l o b a l A f f a i r s Canada, the country’s foreign m i n i s t r y , b y I n d i a ’ s H i g h C o m m i s s i o n i n O t t a w a T h e m i s s i o n h a s s o u g h t a n expeditious investigation into the episode and described it as a “hate crime”
Taipei accused China of pressuring organisers of a Malaysian trade event into barring a Taiwanese beauty queen waving the island s flag on stage Miss Taiwan Kao Man jung was photographed in a beauty pageant appeared on stage during the opening ceremony of the 2022 World Congress on Innovation and Technology, according to Taiwanese authorities “China pressured the Malaysian organisers to ban Kao from holding our national flag on stage,” Taiwan s foreign ministry said It said such suppression “would only disgust Taiwanese people and the international community more” and accused Beijing of deploying “vile actions”
had been declared brain dead
the slogan, Khalistan Zindabad T h e b a c k e n t r a n c e w a s a l s o vandalised They also said law e n f o r c e m e n t w a s i n f o r m e d after its discovery and officers of Toronto Police visited the temple and were looking into it
The eight cheetahs were given their names in Namibia "Right now we don't have plans to rename them," the official said At the time of their release, the big cats looked hesitant But the initial hesitation appeared to be gradually fading, he said
In a decision that meant to counter the menace of terrorism, the member states, in accordance with their national legislation and b a s e d o n c o n s e n s u s , d e c i d e d t o develop “common principles and approaches’’ to form a unified list of terrorist, separatist and extremist
organisations whose activities are prohibited on the territories of the SCO
This is not the era of war, but of diplomacy: PM Modi tells Putin
PM Modi called for deepening c o o p e r a t i o n a n d m u t u a l t r u s t among SCO member states at the s u m m i t , u r g i n g t h e E u r a s i a n security group to work together to d e v e l o p r e l i a b l e , r e s i l i e n t , a n d diversified supply chains in the r e g i o n a t a t i m e w h e n t h e pandemic and Ukraine conflict h a d c a u s e d a n “ u n p r e c e d e n t e d food and energy crisis’’
Decoding Indian Babudom: The inside view to India's bureaucracy
Ashwini Shrivastava
List of terror ists, terror outfits
A t p r e s e n t , S h r i v a s t a v a i s working with the Press Trust of India (PTI) at its Delhi’s office as an Assistant Editor
De lh i ba se d s eni o r jo u r nal i st Ashw ini Shrivastava has recently come up with a first of its kind bo o k, a fter yea rs of c o nsi s tent research, experience and analysis ‘Decoding Indian Babudom’ may, in fact, be the first book authored by a mainstream journalist on the country’s bu reaucracy The book i s a lre ady h ai le d by In di an bu reaucrats, po litical leaders and the journalist fraternity
t h e a n i m a l s T h e s e animals are believed to take food once in three days, he added
booth"Chhello Show", which f e a t u r e s B h a v i n R a b a r i , B h a v e s h S h r i m a l i , R i c h a M e e n a , D i p e n R a v a l a n d Paresh Mehta, had its world p r e m i e r e a s t h e o p e n i n g f i l m a t t h e T r i b e c a F i l m Festival in June last year It won multiple awards during its festival run, including the Golden Spike at the 66th Valladolid Film Festival in Spain where it also enjoyed commercial success during its theatrical run
Pakistan PM Shehbaz Sharif r e s p o n d e d s a y i n g “ i f w e m o v e t o w a r d s a m o r e s t r u c t u r e d c o n n e c t i v i t y , t r a n s i t r i g h t s w i l l a u t o m a t i c a l l y c o m e ’ ’ P a k i s t a n d o e s n ’ t a l l o w I n d i a a c c e s s t o Afghanistan and Central Asia but agreed last year, under pressure from the Taliban government in K a b u l , t o I n d i a ’ s p r o p o s a l f o r delivery of 50,000 MT of Indian wheat to Afghanistan by the land route
view of the system that governs Indian citizens and also for those w h o w a n t t o u n d e r s t a n d t h e problem confronted by citizens at a l l l e v e l s i n a c c e s s i n g t h e governance "
In the book that is available in b o t h p a p e r b a c k a n d e l e c t r o n i c v e r s i o n , S h r i v a s t a v a h a s h i g h l i g h t e d p o s s i b l e c a u s e s o f
Prime Minister Narendra Modi released these cheetahs brought from Namibia, 8,000 km away from their native place, into a quarantine enclosure at the KNP in Sheopur district as part of a project to revive the population of the animal which became extinct in India in 1952
remarks aimed at Pakistan, called upon all SCO countries to give each other “full right to transit”
The story is inspired by N a l i n ' s o w n m e m o r i e s o f falling in love with movies as a child in rural Gujarat Set in a remote rural village of Saurashtra, the film follows the story of a nine year old boy who begins a lifelong l o v e a f f a i r w i t h c i n e m a when he bribes his way into a rundown movie palace and spends a summer watching movies from the projection
Modi’s remarks, delivered in his first in person meeting with Putin since Russia launched its military operation in Ukraine, are expected to assuage the feeling in the West that India has aligned itself with Moscow on the Ukraine issue by not condemning Moscow and increasing its crude and other
Sisters Savannah and Sasha also looked cheerful The four other cheetahs Obaan, Asha, Cibili, Saisa also appeared in good spirits, KNP officials said, adding, the eight cats among five female and three males, aged between 30 to 66 months were served food for the first time since their arrival from the African country to India, each of the eight cheetahs was served two kg of buffalo meat Only one of them ate less, the official said, adding that there was nothing to worry about it
22 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
In some straight talk with Ru ssian p re si de nt V lad im ir P u ti n, Narendra Mo di told h im “th is isn’t th e er a o f w ar ” , w h i le al so u nde rl in in g th e s i gni fi c anc e o f " de mo c rac y, di al o gu e a nd dip lomacy"Meeting the Russian president o n t h e s i d e l i n e s o f t h e S C O S u m m i t i n U z b e k i s t a n ’ s S a m a r k a n d , t h e P M M o d i a l s o urged him to take the initiative in addressing, as he put it, some of the biggest problems the world is facing in the form of food, fuel and fertiliser scarcity
I n h i s i n t e r v e n t i o n i n t h e restricted session of the summit, P M M o d i a l s o s o u g h t g r e a t e r c o o p e r a t i o n a m o n g t h e S C O countries to deal with terrorism and stressed the role that SCO Regional Anti Terrorist Structure (RATS) can play in this India has not allowed its differences with Pakistan to come in the way of cooperation with SCO countries on the issue of terrorism
Narendra Modi & Vladimir Putin
imports from Russia India has always maintained that one of the pillars of its position on Ukraine has been its initiative to remain in touch with both sides to promote dialogue and diplomacy and bring the hostilities to an early end Putin, who spoke before Modi, acknowledged India’s position on Ukraine and said Russia will do its best to stop the conflict as soon as possible Putin added though it was U k r a i n e w h i c h h a d r e f u s e d t o continue negotiations and declared it wanted to achieve its goals by military means
Addressing the summit, PM Modi said these efforts will require b e t t e r c o n n e c t i v i t y a n d , i n
Last year, Tamil drama
T h e f i l m , w h i c h w i l l represent India in the best i n t e r n a t i o n a l f e a t u r e f i l m category at the Oscars, is produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur's banner Roy Kapur F i l m s , J u g a a d M o t i o n P i c t u r e s , M o n s o o n F i l m s , C h h e l l o S h o w L L P , a n d Marc Duale
G u j ara ti f i lm Ch h e ll o S h o w i s I n di a s o f f ic i al entry for th e 95th Academy Awards, the Film Federation o f India (F FI ) annou nced T itled "L ast Film Show" in English, the mo vie, directed by P an Nalin, will release in t h ea tre s c o u ntr yw i de o n Octo ber 14
common man’s eye in a simplistic, easy to read and lucid format The "15 sutras of good governance" that the book describes is actually
Gujarati film 'Chhello Show' is India's entry for Oscars 2023
Asked about the Hindi name of a female cheetah 'Asha', which means hope, he said it seemed an Indian official might have written it on its cage while the big cats were being b r o u g h t h e r e V e t e r i n a r i a n s a n d e x p e r t s from India and Namibia are keeping a close watch on the cheetahs in the quarantine enclosure where they will be kept for a month, he added
The cheetahs looked cheerful and active, said the official who is part of the team keeping a close watch on the movements of
In his speech after releasing cheetahs, PM Modi had cautioned that they need time to get used to their new surroundings before people can see them in the wild, adding "Cheetahs are our guests; we should give them a few months to make Kuno National Park their home”
Nischal Sanghavi
A s h w i n i , " t h e b o o k i s r e c o m m e n d e d f o r I n d i a ' s c i v i l services aspirants and those in governance to have a ‘realistic’
Cheetahs brought from Africa enjoy first meal in India
rampant organized corruption in India's Property Registry Offices, R e g i o n a l T r a n s p o r t O f f i c e s (RTOs), civic authorities and other g o v e r n m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s a n d offices It leads the reader to a 360 degree view of red tapism and ineffectiveness of administration i n e n s u r i n g e a s e o f a c c e s s i n g governance and also the existence of an unprofessional approach in I n d i a f r o m a l a r g e n u m b e r o f ‘ p u b l i c s e r v a n t s ’ t o w a r d s t h e public The author aptly weighs t h e e f f i c a c y o f t h e c o u n t r y ’ s a d m i n i s t r a t i v e s y s t e m , r e c r u i t m e n t a g e n c i e s a n d a n t i c o r r u p t i o n w a t c h d o g a m o n g o t h e r s i n t h e b o o k f r o m t h e
The book mentions ailments o f I n d i a ’ s b u r e a u c r a t i c s y s t e m from the common man’s point of view and suggests ways to improve i t t h r o u g h “ 1 5 s u t r a s o f g o o d g o v e r n a n c e ” A c c o r d i n g t o
a synopsis of Ashwin's journalistic career, who has put down the crux of his entire experience of 15 years to analyse and present how India could be a country with better governanceAshwini Shrivastava has been practicing journalism for over 15 y e a r s a n d i s c o n s i d e r e d a s a c r e d i b l e r e s o u r c e p e r s o n o n m a t t e r s r e l a t e d t o I n d i a ’ s governance, bureaucracy, Right to Information (RTI) Act and anti corruption matters among others He is, in fact, one of the few journalists in the country who regularly exercises his Right to Information (RTI) in journalism b y g e t t i n g g o v e r n a n c e r e l a t e d d e t a i l s f r o m d i f f e r e n t c e n t r a l government departments
Rcountrieseferring t o t h e announcement, which was made in the Samarkand Declaration, foreign secretary Vinay Kwatra said each of t h e m e m b e r s t a t e s w a s c l e a r i n recognising the threat posed by terrorism to the region Like in the p a s t , I n d i a w a s a g a i n t h e o n l y country to not endorse China’s BRI initiative in the declaration
PM Modi calls for better supply ch ains
" K o o z h a n g a l " ( " P e b b l e s " ) , d i r e c t e d b y f i l m m a k e r V i n o t h r a j P S , w a s I n d i a ' s official entry at the Oscars b u t d i d n ' t m a k e t h e s h o r t l i s t T h e l a s t I n d i a n film that made it to the final f i v e w a s A a m i r K h a n l e d "Lagaan" in 2001 "Mother I n d i a " ( 1 9 5 8 ) a n d " S a l a a m B o m b a y " ( 1 9 8 9 ) a r e t h e other two Indian movies to have made it to the top five The 95th Academy Awards are scheduled to take place on March 12, 2023 in Los Angeles
The new guests are s t i l l o b s e r v i n g t h e n e w s u r r o u n d i n g s w i t h curiosity, the official said Freddy and Alton were seen running in a playful mood and drinking water often in their enclosure
F re ddy and A lto n ( s i bli n gs ) , tw o o f th e eight cheetahs brough t f ro m N ami bi a , w ere s ee n p l ay in g i n th e i r quarantine enclosure in Madh ya Pradesh's Kuno Na ti o na l P ark , a day after all of them were served food for the first time since their arrival in India
s a t i o n s i n t e r a l i a r e v o l v e around inclusive, equitable a n d s u s t a i n a b l e g r o w t h ; L i F E ( L i f e s t y l e F o r E n v i r o n m e n t ) ; w o m e n ’ s empowerment; digital pub lic infrastructure and tech e n a b l e d d e v e l o p m e n t i n areas ranging from health, agriculture and education to c o m m e r c e , s k i l l m a p p i n g , culture and tourism; climate financing; circular econo m y ; g l o b a l f o o d s e c u r i t y ; e n e r g y s e c u r i t y ; g r e e n h y d r o g e n ; d i s a s t e r r i s k r e d u c t i o n a n d r e s i l i e n c e ; developmental cooperation; f i g h t a g a i n s t e c o n o m i c c r i m e ; a n d m u l t i l a t e r a l reforms,” said the govern ment in its announcement
US based East West Center organised a wo rk sh op f or I n di a n a n d Pa ki s t an i j our na li s t s on 5 9 Sep te mb er i n Kathmandu with a focus on cross border issues of mutual concern
India backs Ukraine president for address at UNGA for second time
U n i o n A p a r t f r o m t h e member states and interna tional organizations which participate in the summit, India will also be inviting B a n g l a d e s h , E g y p t , M a u r i t i u s , N e t h e r l a n d s , Nigeria, Oman, Singapore, Spain and the UAE as guest c o u n t r i e s , a n d t h e I S A ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l S o l a r Alliance), CDRI (Coalition f o r D i s a s t e r R e s i l i e n t Infrastructure) and the ADB (Asian Development Bank) a s g u e s t o r g a n i z a t i o n s B a n g l a d e s h i s t h e o n l y i m m e d i a t e n e i g h b o u r t o make it to India’s guest list
Volodymyr Zelensky
A s h w i n i S r i v a s t a v a , A s s t E d i t o r , P T I Delhi; George Kallivayalill, Bureau Chief, D e e p i k a ; S u k r u t K a r a n d i k a r ; A b a n t i k a Ghosh, Senior Associate Editor, The Print; Laxmi Dev Aere, Asst Editor, PTI Delhi among others
A p a r t f r o m A s i a n V o i c e ' s N i s c h a l Sanghavi, some of the Indian journalists invited to attend the conference included
T h e P P 1 5 d i s e n g a g e m e n t d e c i s i o n w a s t a k e n b e f o r e D e f e n c e M i n i s t e r Rajnath Singh and External
Fo r the second time in two m on th s , In di a vo te d in favour of allo wing Ukraine P r es i den t V o lo d ymy r Z el en sk y to a ddre s s th e U ni ted N ati o ns vi rtu a lly Mo re than 1 00 co untries vo te d i n f avo u r al lo w in g Z el en sk y to a ddre s s th e h i gh l eve l U N G ene ral Assembly session through a p r e rec o rd ed st ate men t because of his need to deal w ith the war on his country unleashed by Russia
was divided into four t h e m e s : E c o n o m y , t r a d e a n d entrepreneurism; Environment, ecology, r e l a t e d s c i e n c e ; A g r i c u l t u r e , f o o d p r o d u c t i o n , w a t e r s h a r i n g a n d H e a l t h , related science 10 10 selected journalists w e r e i n v i t e d f r o m t h e n e i g h b o u r i n g countries of India & Pakistan for each theme The groups were further divided i n t o t e a m s o f 2 2 j o u r n o s f r o m b o t h countries The cross border teams mapped out their collaborative stories during the weeklong workshop
According to Susan Kreifels, East West C e n t e r M e d i a P r o g r a m M a n a g e r w h o coordinates the cross border journalism activities, "this collaboration is important t o p r o v i d e f i r s t h a n d p e r s p e c t i v e s a n d information from both countries Just as important as these stories are, the lifelong professional and personal relationships the n e i g h b o u r i n g j o u r n a l i s t s d e v e l o p T h e y continue to rely on each other as fact checkers, collaborators and information sources through social media networking " " C o l l a b o r a t i o n a m o n g j o u r n a l i s t s around the world is so important to future f a c t c h e c k i n g a n d r e p o r t i n g , e s p e c i a l l y b e t w e e n c o u n t r i e s t h a t s h a r e a h o s t i l e border," Kreifels said "These programs are among the most valuable media activities the Center offers "
Asian Voice correspondent Nischal Sanghavi receiv ing testimonial at Cross border conference from Iowa based investigative journalist Erin Jordan
Blame game in Maharashtra as Gujarat wins $20bn chip project
c i a l s m e t C M B h u p e n d r a P a t e l i n G a n d h i n a g a r w h e r e t h e s t a t e o f f e r e d a l l s u p p o r t ,
h e d e c i s i o n w a s adopted with 101 votes in f a v o u r , s e v e n a g a i n s t , i n c l u d i n g B e l a r u s , C u b a , Eritrea, Russia and Syria, and 19 abstentions India was among the 101 nations that voted in favour of the d r a f t d e c i s i o n T h e
Nischal Sanghavi
L e a d i n g P a k i s t a n i p r i n t a n d T V j o u r n a l i s t s i n v i t e d t o t h e w o r k s h o p includes Shiraz Hasnat, bureau chief, Hum News, Lahore; Zeeshan Javaid from News Today; Mian Saud Ahmed from Samaa TV; Tanveer Lehri, Chief Editor, Daily S a d a O l a s , B a l o c h i s t a n ; A t t i q A h m a d S a d o z a i f r o m K a s h m i r , P a k i s t a n ; S a n a m J u n e j o f r o m Associated Press of Pakistan; IFJ's P a k i s t a n G e n d e r C o o r d i n a t e r Lubna Jerar Naqvi; Faiz Paracha from ProPakistani pk; Muhammad Irtaza from Daily Business News among others
EWC Cross border participants and allumni at Kathmandu
23AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
F oxconn to ch oose Guj arat for th eir $20 billion semi condu ctor project instead of M ah ar as h tra tr ig gere d a p o l i ti ca l b la me ga me i n M ah ar as h tra e ven a s th e Gujarat government signed an MoU for th e unit The o pposi tion in Mah arashtra targeted the Eknath Shinde Devendra Fadnavis go vern ment for losing ou t on a m ega o p p o rt un i ty w h i le dep uty CM Fadnavis blamed the erstwhile MVA go vern m ent fo r no t i n vi ti ng F oxconn for two years when they were working on the deal w ith Gujarat
s tru ctures are “d ism antled and mutually verified”
d o c u m e n t t h a t w a s a p p r o v e d e x p r e s s e s c o n c e r n t h a t l e a d e r s o f “ p e a c e l o v i n g ” U N s o v e r e i g n n a t i o n s c a n ’ t participate in person “for r e a s o n s b e y o n d t h e i r control owing to ongoing f o r e i g n i n v a s i o n , a g g r e s s i o n , m i l i t a r y hostilities that do not allow s a f e d e p a r t u r e f r o m a n d return to their countries, or the need to discharge their n a t i o n a l d e f e n c e a n d s e c u r i t y d u t i e s a n d functions” The document permits Zelensky to submit a pre recorded statement to be played in the General Assembly Hall It stresses t h a t t h i s w i l l n o t s e t a precedent for future high l e v e l a s s e m b l y m e e t i n g s T h e a n n u a l m e e t i n g o f w o r l d l e a d e r s a t t h e General Assembly was all virtual in 2020 and hybrid in 2021
Affairs Minister S Jaishankar left for Tokyo for the India Japan 2+2 ministerial meet ing last week Ajit Doval, National Security Adviser, was overseeing the process in New Delhi along with the t o p b r a s s o f t h e a r m e d forces, while the ministers wereHawayowev e r , o t h e r c o n tentious issues related to the b o u n d a r y s t i l l r e m a i n between the two countries and Chinese forces continue to block Indian access to tra d i t i o n a l p a t r o l l i n g a r e a s a l o n g t h e L A C i n t h e D e p s a n g P l a i n s a n d Charding Nala region
The workshop also included a walking tour and field trips in and o u t s i d e K a t h m a n d u t o r e l e v a n t p l a c e s w h e r e t h e j o u r n a l i s t s interviewed people and took stock of the on field situation The workshop organised a t K a t h m a n d u ' s H o t e l H i m a l a y a w a s followed by a tea party with EWC alumni at Aranya Boutique Hotel The workshop w a s m o d e r a t e d b y C h r i s t i n a M o n r o e , Director, EWC Alumni Engagement The journalists who have returned to their h o m e c o u n t r i e s a f t e r c o m p l e t i n g t h e workshop, continue to collaborate with their team members and complete the c r o s s b o r d e r s t o r y f o r p u b l i c a t i o n o r broadcast within the next three months Stories would be published by journalist's news organizations and/or other media outlets and websites
“this isn’t the era of war” w h i l e u n d e r l i n i n g t h e significance of “democracy a n d d i a l o g u e ” T h e 1 9 3 member General Assembly voted on a decision to allow Zelensky to address world leaders at its session this weekT
“Whilst our G20 priori ties are in process of being firmed up, ongoing conver
T h e dec is i on o f Ve danta
A n i l A g a r w a l , V e d a n t a Group chairman, said the investment will be funded t h r o u g h i n t e r n a l a c c r u a l s and the company will not raise any fresh funds “India will now be the fourth coun try to soon start manufac turing semiconductors We h o p e t o f i n a l i s e t h e l a n d over the next fortnight and perform the ground break
i n g c e r e m o n y w i t h i n t h e next three months and the project is expected to opera tionalise over the next two years We expect to break even in the business in next f i v e y e a r s , ” s a i d A g a r w a l Vedanta will hold 60% of the e q u i t y i n t h e J V w h i l e F o x c o n n w i l l o w n 4 0 % V i j a y N e h r a , s e c r e t a r y , department of science and t e c h n o l o g y , s a i d t h a t t h e MoU is a big development f o r n o t j u s t G u j a r a t b u t India too
assuring a dedicated team led by IAS officers would s u p p o r t a t a l l l e v e l s f o r f a s t e r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f the Rprojectesponding to a tweet by Anil Agarwal announcing that Gujarat was the pick, e x M a h a r a s h t r a m i n i s t e r Aaditya Thackeray tweeted, “Although I’m glad to see t h i s i n I n d i a , I a m a b i t shocked to see this New d i s p e n s a t i o n h a d t w e e t e d p h o t o s , c l a i m i n g t o h a v e b r o u g h t t h i s t o Maharashtra, but it seems intent/ commitment was to s e n d t h i s a w a y f r o m M a h a r a s h t r a O u r M a h a V i k a s A g h a d i g o v e r n m e n t had brought this to the final stage Then industries min ister Subhash Desai and I held meetings to bring this s e m i c o n d u c t o r p r o j e c t t o Maharashtra For a project almost finalised, and a new dispensation claiming credit over it, only shows lack of commitment from them for our state’s progress ”
Senior journalists from India, Pakistan meet in Kathmandu
The company has been given 25% capital subsidy in addition to a Rs 3 per unit of subsidised power tariff for 20 years, among others by the state government This is the first big ticket invest m e n t , a i m e d a t c r e a t i n g 100,000 jobs, after the state g o v e r n m e n t a n n o u n c e d S e m i c o n d u c t o r P o l i c y i n 2022
Expert US and Asian media trainers led the sessions on best practices in reporting t h e w o r k s h o p t o p i c ; c r o s s b o r d e r collaboration techniques; multimedia skills and technology in the newsroom; data base and investigative reporting; and other skills and Tissuesheprogram
India will host the G20 lead ers’ s ummit next year o n September 9 10 and its pres idency of the strategic mul ti l ate ral p la tf o rm w h ic h bri ngs to ge the r develo p ed an d e mer gi ng ec o no mi es , beginning December 1 this year will see th e government hosting 200 meetings across th e c o u ntr y In di a w i l l assu me th e p residency for o ne ye ar st art in g f ro m D ec emb er 1 , 2 02 2 to November 30, 2023, the gov ernment said in an official
India, China complete disengagement in Hot Springs region
Indian and Ch inese troops have completed the disen g a g em ent p ro ces s at P at ro lli ng Po i nt 1 5 i n th e Gogra Hot Springs region of eastern Ladakh The six day p ro c es s ha d f iv e c om p o nents: stopping of “forward d e p lo ym ents ” ; re tu rn o f troops of both sides to their r esp ec ti v e ar eas ; d i s ma n tling of “all temporary struc tures and other allied infras t ru ctu re” ; re sto ri ng “ land form s in the area” to pre standoff positions by both si des; stop ping of forward d e p lo ym ent i n a “ p ha sed , c o o rd in ated and v eri f ied m a nner” , an d ens ur ing
A strict instruction had been given to local Army commanders and officers to “verify” each movement It is learnt that instructions had also been issued to comman ders to complete the entire process in a calm manner, and not escalate tension in the area But the wider de escalation of 60,000 troops and arms and ammunition, including heavy equipment, is still to be negotiated
Earlier, India’s first vote a g a i n s t R u s s i a , t h e government had last month backed Zelensky’s right to a d d r e s s t h e U N S e c u r i t y C o u n c i l v i r t u a l l y , C h i n a a b s t a i n e d o n b o t h occasions India’s vote came after PM Narendra Modi t o l d R u s s i a n p r e s i d e n t V l a d i m i r P u t i n d u r i n g a meeting on the fringes of t h e j u s t c o n c l u d e d S C O summit in Samarkand that
India to host G20 leaders’ summit in Sept next year
The East West Center, a public non profit organisation based out of Hawaii has been conducting these cross border m e d i a p r o g r a m s b e t w e e n I n d i a a n d Pakistan since 2015 with 300 media alumni who have now participated and continue to network
A passenger from Dubai carrying four capsules with over a kilogram of gold inside his stomach was arrested at Kerala s Karipur airport The accused has been identified as Naufal (36), a native of Variamkode in Malappuram district of the state Naufal arrived at the Karipur airport from Dubai He tried to smuggle 1 063 kg of gold by concealing it in four capsules in his stomach
NEW D EL HI : Former P unjab C hief Minister C ap t A marinder Sing h o n M o nd a y m e rg e d h is nascent party, the P unjab L ok C ong ress, w it h th e B J P in p r es en ce o f U n io n m inisters Narendra Singh Tomar and K iren Rijiju
u d r
S i n g h ’ s s o n R a n i n d e r S i n g h , whom BJP’s media in charge Anil Baluni addressed with prefix “yuvraj”,
BJP wins co-op body election in Nandigram appo intment of the ch ancellor of Calcutta University
S h a h s p o k e a t a p a c k e d P a r a d e G r o u n d s i n t h e c i t y where the Centre launched its year long Telangana Liberation Day celebrations “to mark 75 years of Hyderabad becoming part of India”
N AN DI GRAM : BJP on Sunday won th e tens io n filled Bh eku tia Samabay Samiti elec tions in Nandigram 1, wh ich h ad be e n a T ri na m o o l b a s ti o n t il l t h e 2 02 1 Be ng a l as sembly p oll s BJP bagged 11 of th e 12 coo perative s ociety s eats, w hile T rinamoo l took one
The win gave BJP a much needed boost after losing two cooperative polls in Nandigram II’s Birulia and Contai’s Mahisda and quite a few madrassa boards just a month ago The Bhekutia polls were keenly fought in the spare no quarter political battle between BJP and Trinamool, with both parties trading charges that “outsiders” were drafted to rig the results Police had to chase away supporters of both parties to maintain peace during voting
shouted slogans: ‘We want justice’ During the protest, police had to cane charge students to disperse them Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann ordered a high level probe into the incident and said that the daughters “are our dignity and pride” adding that such incident is highly condemnable”
a n d d a u g h t e r J a i I n d e r K a u r , a l s o j o i n e d a l o n g w i t h supporters, including h i s f o r m e r a d v i s e r B I S C h a h a l , f o r m e r d e p u t y s p e a k e r o f P u n j a b A s s e m b l y
“We wanted peaceful polls But BJP used muscle power and brought outsiders They forcibly took voters to the polling booths in vehicles and made them vote for BJP Locals put up a resistance from time to time,” said Trinamool Nandigram block president Bappaditya Kar
Former o d o so w it h pr id e e v e r y y e a r t o m a r k t h e d a y In dia n for ces e nt e re d t he cit y r ule d by t he Nizam in 1948
someone observed it or not, PM Narendra Modi has decided to officially observe the day and will continue to do so with pride
K i n d l y h a v e a l o o k a t provision 8(2) ” At this, t h e b e n c h a s k e d , " W h o h a d t h e original power under Section 8(2)?
A f t e r t h e a m e n d m e n t w h a t i s t h e change that is brought about? The original power given to the Chancellor is not substituted by the amendment " S i n g h v i s u b m i t t e d t h a t , " T h e intention of amendment to Section 8(2) (a) is that the power vesting in the Chancellor is taken away in favour of t h e s t a t e g o v e r n m e n t C h a n g e o f intent in the amendment is not dealt with by the Judge "
Harshest p unishm ent for cu lprits
C h a n d h e p o n d e d , T w o months is not a long time for reserving j u d g m e n t T e l l u s , d o e s t h e
Ajaib Singh Bhatti, former MP Amrik S i n g h A l i w a l , f o r m e r l e g i s l a t o r s H a r c h a n d K a u r , H a r i n d e r S i n g h Thekedar, Prem Mittal and labour leader Kewal Singh
g o v e r n m e n t h a v e t h e p o w e r t o r e a p p o i n t VCs?”Sin g h v i r e p l i e d , "Under Section 8 of the Calcutta University Act
r a c
The Punjab and Haryana HC last week suspended the sentence of Punjabi singer Daler Mehndi who is behind bars after being convicted in a human trafficking case Justice Gurvinder Singh Gill passed these orders while allowing the plea filed by the singer against his conviction and seeking suspension of his sentence His appeal against conviction, however, is yet to be decided by the HC Mehndi was convicted and jailed in July this year by a Patiala court in connection with a human trafficking case At present, Mehndi is confined in Patiala jail
At the outset, Singhvi the HC order was passed after the verdict was reserved for several months Justice
BJP’s Meghnad Pal countered that it was Trinamool that “brought people from outside” and “mounted tension in the otherwise peaceful polls” Pal said: “People voted for us spontaneously ”
The police carried out a thorough inspection of his body and luggage, but failed to recover the gold After this, he was taken to a private hospital and was subjected to a detailed medical examination An X ray of his body revealed four capsules containing gold inside his stomach
The Enforcement Directorate on Monday said it has attached assets worth £4 62 million "beneficially owned" by former minister Partha Chatterjee and his alleged associate Arpita Mukherjee as part of a money laundering probe in the West Bengal teachers' recruitment 'scam' The attached properties include 40 immovable assets such as a farmhouse flats and prime land" located in Kolkata worth a total £4 03 million apart from £789 000 worth deposits kept in 35 bank accounts, the federal agency said in a statement The attached properties are found to be beneficially owned by Partha Chatterjee and Arpita Mukherjee " it said According to the agency several of the attached properties were registered in the name of shell companies and persons acting as proxies for Chatterjee The former minister in the TMC led government in West Bengal and his "close associate" were arrested by the ED in July brief
SOUTH INDIA PUNJAB WEST BENGAL 24 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
After undergoing a spine surgery in London, Singh had met Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Shah and Nadda, setting off speculations
Lauding the saffron party for its commitment to national security and calling it one of the reasons for his joining, Singh said that prior to his s p i n e s u r g e r y a b r o a d , h e h e l d discussions with his colleagues in PLC who told him that “if we want to see a future in Punjab, we need to join the “BJP”Now is the time to do something for the country We have seen the Congress, now it is time to go to the party that has been doing so much for the country and its security It is a pleasure being here,” Singh said
CHAND IGARH: A woman hostelite s tudying MBA in a pri vate universi ty in Punjab’ s Mohali was detained by police on charges of making an obj ec ti onable video and posting i t on the s ocial media Senior superintendent of police Vivek Soni told the media that no suicide attempt was reported after the incident came to light He said, “ As per our the inves ti gation, the accused made her own video an d the video of no other students was made There was no evidence so far There is so much misinformation an d rum ours doi ng roun ds W e sho uld re spe c t t he modesty of the accused student as we are inves ti gating the matter, ” he said Soni appealed to the public and the students to maintain calm and help police to investigate the matter As the video went viral, a massive ruckus on the campus of Chandigarh University erupted overnight with crowds of h o s t e l s t u d e n t s s t a g i n g a m a s s i v e p r o t e s t S t u d e n t s
His statement was viewed as a riposte to Telangana CM K Chandrashekar Rao and his TRS government as well as those who i n s i s t t h a t H y d e r a b a d h a d “ i n t e g r a t e d ” i n t o t h e I n d i a n Union and was not “liberated” by O p e r a t i o n P o l o t h e n h o m e m i n i s t e r S a r d a r V a l l a b h b h a i P a t e l ’ s c o d e n a m e f o r t h e military action
Meanwhile, Delhi chief minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal said that the culprits involved in the alleged video leak from girls’ hostel in a private university in Punjab will get the harshest punishment
Punjab CM Amarinder Singh joins BJP SC reserves order on re-appointment of Calcutta University VC Punjab cops douse the fire sparked by offensive video Centre to celebrate September 17 as Hyderabad Liberation Day H Y D E R A B A D: U n i o n h o m e m i n i st e r A m i t S h a h s a i d t h e C ent re will ce le bra te Sept ember 1 7 a s “ L i be r a t i on D a y ” a n d co nt in ue t
v ice
“ S u d d e n l y , e v e r y o n e h a s joined to observe September 17 a s L i b e r a t i o n D a y a f t e r t h e Centre announced it,” he said, a l l u d i n g t o t h e f a c t t h a t n o political party in the region had grandly celebrated the historic day for the past seven decades Events barely lasted a couple of h o u r s S h a h s a i d w h e t h e r
Given the hype, the absence of Home Minister Amit Shah and party p r e s i d e n t J P N a d d a a t t h e e v e n t raised some eyebrows His response to whether his wife Preneet Kaur, a Congress MP, will also join the BJP, left everyone laughing “Yeh zaroori hai ki jo husband kare wohi wife kare (Is it necessary for the wife to do what the husband is doing),” he shot back when asked about plans of his wife
The day also happens to be PM Modi’s birthday Steering clear of directly naming KCR and his g o v e r n m e n t , w h i c h h a s a n n o u n c e d t h r e e d a y s o f celebration, Shah said those who
N E W D E L H I : T h e S up reme Co urt reserv ed its judg ment on the plea o f th e Wes t B en g al g o v er nm e nt ag ai ns t th e C alcutta Hig h C ourt ord er t h at s et as i d e th e r e
Karnataka announced “third gender” reservations in police recruitment possibly the first state to do so State home minister Araga Jnanendra said the process of hiring 3 484 constables had started and 79 of these had been reserved for the male third gender a queer expression that baffled many till officials clarified that it should be taken to mean as transgender We have a quota for transgenders and will fill the posts accordingly, an officer said The minimum qualification is a second PUC pass certificate, or Class XII pass The deadline to submit forms online is October 31 Transgender activists welcomed the move but said it may not benefit many in the community who are illiterate or school dropouts Of the 3,484 posts, 420 have been reserved for Kalyana Karnataka candidates, 11 of them for transgenders
A b e n c h o f J u s t i c e s D Y C h a n d r a c h u d a n d H i m a K o h l i reserved the judgment after hearing Senior Advocate AM Singhvi that the HC passed the order and set aside the decision of the statutory authority
do not want to call it “Liberation Day” should remember that they a r e i n p o w e r b e c a u s e o f t h e sacrifices of martyrs They have forgotten the very purpose of the state’s creation, he said H e a l s o t o o k a s w i p e a t H y d e r a b a d M P A s a d u d d i n O w a i s i o f A I M I M , w h o h a d demanded that September 17 be observed as National Integration D a y “ S e p t e m b e r 1 7 w a s n o t observed in the state due to vote bank politics and due to pressure from some parties But, these parties should now realise that there is no Razakar rule in this c o u n t y , ” S h a h s a i d A f t e r t h e event, Shah met badminton ace and coach Pullela Gopichand, triggering speculation about the former All England champion heading to politics fuelled more by the fact that his ward and ex world No 1 Saina Nehwal joined BJP two years ago
He will address a gather i n g o n t h e A h m e d a b a d E d u c a t i o n S o c i e t y g r o u n d He is likely to take a short r i d e i n t h e M e t r o b e f o r e a d d r e s s i n g t h e g a t h e r i n g However, officials in Gujarat M e t r o R a i l C o r p o r a t i o n (GMRC) said that they are
BJP also asked its office bearers t o o r g a n i s e a n e x h i b i t i o n o f numerous books written on work culture and social welfare measures taken by the prime minister BJP is also making a strategy for the pro motion of the book "Modi @20 Sapne Hue Sakaar"
The CM was in Germany with a delegation of state officials to meet potential investors for Punjab He was expected to return to attend the party’s ‘Rashtriya Jan Pratinidhi Sammelan’ in Delhi, but couldn’t make it and joined
BJP plans 16-day programme as PM Modi turns 72
Vaccination ce ntres
AS Prime October 2 B JP national president JP Nadda has given instruct ions to all t he part y worker and leader s to cele brat e it as "Seva Pakhwara "
Promot e teachings of Mahatma Ga ndhi
PM Modi likely to open Ahmedabad Metro service on September 30
25AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022
p r
BJP leaders have been asked to share ‘Vocal for Local’ stories for Atmanirbhar Bharat and 10 best district presidents who will upload such stories will be awarded Exhibition of b ooks
Blood donat ion camps BJP’s Yuva Morcha will organise a blood donation camp in every dis trict Every district must have a health check up camp Additionally, 10 best health check up camps and
The 8 MLAs form 2/3rds of Congress’s strength in assem bly, which means they can split without having to resign and recontest Sudden turn of events took place after Congress MLA Michael Lobo told CM Pramod Sawant that the merger, if any, should be done soon as he was leaving for Kenya Two months ago, there was an attempt by most of these MLAs to join BJP, but it fizzled out after 2 of them backed out at the last minute Congress had thereafter moved disqualification petition against Kamat and Lobo, which is still pending Kamat returns to BJP after 17 years, complaining of suffoca tion, despite being considered no 2 in the Manohar Parrikar led government The BJP camp greeted his homecoming with silence as party workers still feel he “backstabbed” Parrikar
media report quoting co passengers say Pb CM @BhagwantMann was deplaned from Lufthansa flight as he was too drunk to walk And it led to a 4 hour flight delay He missed AAP’s national convention These reports have embar rassed & shamed Punjabis all over the globe ” Lufthansa News, a verified twit ter handle, tweeted that “Our flight from Frankfurt to Delhi departed later t h a n o r i g i n a l l y p l a n n e d d u e t o a delayed inbound flight and an aircraft change Best regards ”
b e i n g c a r r i e d o u t b y P M M o d i would continue to progress under his leadership Vice President J P Dhankar greeted PM Modi and said his transformative vision and inspi rational leadership had elevated “Bharat” to newer heights of glory H o m e M i n i s t e r A m i t S h a h called him the “creator of a safe, strong and self reliant ‘New India ”, and “a symbol of service and dedi cation” Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said PM Modi’s leadership had boosted progress and good governance like “never before”, and “taken India’s prestige and self respect to a new high” Others including Union Ministers Smriti Irani, Piyush Goyal, Maharashtra Deputy CM Devendra Fadnvais, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla also extended their wishes to PM Modi Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Shashi Tharoor also greeted PM Modi on the occasion Some of the world leaders who greeted PM modi include Russian President V l a d i m i r P u t i n , T i b e t a n l e a d e r D a l a i L a m a , N e p a l P M S h e r Bahadur Deuba
Minist er Nar endra Modi turns 72 on la st Sa turday, t he BJP w ill ce le b r a t e 1 6 d a y s a s Se v a Pakhwara (service for tnight) BJP h a s ch a lk e d ou t e v e n t s fr o m S e pt e m b e r 1 7 ( h is b ir t h d a y ) t o
The party has been asked to put up camps at every vaccination cen tre and help people, as the whole world has seen the success of the country’s Covid programme Last year, with over 25 million Covid 19 vaccine doses administered, India
awarded There should be distribu tion of artificial limbs Tree plantat ion drive
Good wishes poured in from across the country, and the world, as PM Modi turns 72 on Saturday Extending her wishes, President Droupadi Murmu said she hoped t
t h e m e e t i n g t h r o u g h a v i d e o c a l l Controversy came over for his delayed arrival following reports that a flight of the German carrier ran behind sched ule because of a passenger who was allegedly drunk and removed from the plane SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal, his wife Harsimrat Kaur Badal, and Congress legislative party leader Partap Singh Bajwa alleged that the “deplaned” man was CM Mann and asked him to resign Sukhbir tweeted that “Disturbing
AAP denies ‘drunk’ Punjab CM deplaned in Frankfurt
b l o o d d o n a t i o n c a m p ’ s w i l l b e
year and ensure proper treatment, livelihood and take care of the needs The party has also urged its l e a d e r s t o c e l e b r a t e ‘ U n i t y i n Diversity’ and ‘Ek Bharat, Shrestha Bharat’ Under this programme, the leaders have been asked to fol low the custom, traditions and eat ing habits of another state for a day
The tree plantation drive and several cleanliness campaigns will be included in programmes organ ised for PM Modi's birthday cele brations The video of the tree plantation on every booth must be u p l o a d e d o n s o c i a l m e d i a a n d NaMo appSwachhta move me nt
‘Voca l for Local’ st or ie s
Modi is already scheduled to flag off the Vande Bharat train on September 30 from G a n d h i n a g a r S o u r c e s s a i d that Modi is likely to flag off t h e M e t r o s e r v i c e o n t h e same day before the Vande Bharat train departs
P u n j ab CM B h agw ant Ma nn c am e under attack from opposition Congress and SAD that alleged a man reportedly “drunk and deplaned” from a Lufth ansa flight in Frankfurt the day before w as h im, a ch arge AAP denied and demand ed an apology for
8 of 11 Cong MLAs in Goa join BJP
Every mandal will undertake S w a c h h t a m o v e m e n t t o s p r e a d awareness on ‘Catch the Rain’ pro gramme, etc
Under the Seva Pakwara , the party will organise exhibitions on PM Narendra Modi at the district level BJP has asked the leaders to start a people's movement in every ward to adopt a TB patient for a
a w a i t i n g a n o d f r o m t h e CentreThe M e t r o s e r v i c e f o r Ahmedabad was envisaged in 2004 and 18 years on, the pro j e c t w i l l b e o p e r a t i o n a l H o w e v e r , G M R C o f f i c i a l s said that work on the 1km s t r e t c h f r o m T h a l t e j t o Thaltej Gam is still under w a y A l s o , K a n k a r i a E a s t , Sabarmati and Thaltej Gam s t a t i o n s w i l l n o t b e r e a d y when the Metro is inaugurat ed The CMRS gave the final a p p r o v a l f o r t h e 3 2 5 k m N o r t h S o u t h ( V a s t r a l t o M o t e r a ) a n d E a s t W e s t (Thaltej to Apparel Park) cor ridorsThe 6 5 km stretch from Vastral to Apparel Park had been operational since 2019 Phase I is to be further con n e c t e d b y P h a s e I I t o Mahatma Mandir and GIFT City from Motera
BJP has also directed the lead ers to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti by promoting principles and teach ings of Gandhi and by promoting KhadiLeade rs gre ete PM Modi
Eight of the 11 Cong ress ML As “merged” the Goa Cong ress L egislature Party into BJP, taking the saffron party’s streng th alone to 28 in th e 40 member House Former CM Digambar Kamat, who led the rebel MLAs along with opp osition leader M ichael Lobo, said they “spoke to God” before joining BJP and were advised to take an “appropriate d ecision”
The Phase I of the Metro ser vic e in Ahmedabad is finall y ready to begin operations as the Commissioner of Metro Railw ay Sa fet y (CMRS) has given the final approval The projec t is likel y to be inaugu r a te d b y Pr im e M in ist e r Na r en dr a M od i on September 30
h e n a t i o n b u i l d i n g c a m p a i g n
CM Pramod Sawant’s cabinet 2 0 is expected to be reshuf fled soon as he is likely to drop 2 3 ministers to accommodate the new entrants A senior BJP functionary said Alexio Sequeira, who had been a minister in two previous Congress governments, would be inducted immediately This comes at a time when Rahul Gandhi is leading a “Bharat Jodo” yatra Sawant said while Congress was busy with its “Bharat Jodo” yatra, a “Congress chhodo yatra” had begun in Goa
The party has also sent direc tions to states and asked them to participate in events and upload them on the NaMo app, along with social media platforms, to ensure that it is celebrated countrywide BJP general secretary Arun Singh has written a letter to all party w o r k e r s r e g a r d i n g o g a m m e s , and informed that "Seva Pakhwara" will be celebrated from September 1 7 t i l l t h e b i r t h a n n i v e r s a r y o f Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, on October 2
created a world record of the highest number of Covid jabs in a day on the occasion of PM Modi’s birthday The beneficia r i e s a t e v e r y m a n d a l s h o u l d send Shubhakamna Patra to the P M , t h e p a r t y h a s a s k e d i t s booth level leaders
Narendra Modi
T he 66t h BFI London Fil m Festiv al (LFF) annou nc ed the fu ll programme line u p, which w ill be presented in cinemas and online, across the UK Over twelve days from 5 16 October, the LFF will return to its fantastic flagship v e nu e s in t he he ar t o f Lon do n B FI Sou thbank and the Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall , w hich between them host Galas, S pe c ia l Pr e se nt a ti on s a nd O f f ic i al Competition Fil ms and series from all strands of t he Fe stiva l scr een in ma ny of ce ntr al L ond on ’s ic o ni c c i ne m a s w i t h a c u r at e d selection of features showcased at 10 partner venues across the UK
S eemab Gul’ s Sandstorm is a coming of age story th at navigates the tricky terrain of internet dating in a conservative Muslim s o c i ety T h e f i lm q u es ti o ns th e o bjectification of th e female body and its relationship to honour in Pakistani cu lture
S t y l e s a n d R u p e r t E v e r e t t ; C h i n o n y e Chukwu’s TILL, starring Danielle Deadwyler and Whoopi Goldberg; ALLELUJAH, directed by Richard Eyre adapted from Alan Bennett’s play, with stars including Judi Dench and J e n n i f e r S a u n d e r s ; F r a n k B e r r y ’ s A I S H A starring Letitia Wright and Josh O’Connor, and LADY CHATTERLEY’S LOVER, directed b y L a u r e d e C l e r m o n t T o n n e r r e a n d a l s o s t a r r i n g E m m a C o r r i n a l o n g s i d e J a c k O’Connell
F i l m F e s t i v a l , T h e B e s t S h o r t F i c t i o n a t M e l b o u r n e I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m F e s t i v a l , T h e J u r y Award at Bucheon International Fantastic Fest and the Gold Audience Award for Best Asian Short at Fantasia Film Festival Other notable festival selections include Sydney Film Festival, DreadCenter Film Festival and Palm Springs ShortFest
l Culture Dance event
Zara, a schoolgirl in Karachi, Pakistan, shares a sensual dance video with her virtual boyfriend, who then blackmails her Caught between his manipulative behaviour and the desire to experience love on her own terms, Zara searches for the strength to reject the confines of a patriarchal society
What does a community festival mean to
Nuhash Humayun’s multi Oscar qualified film Moshari to screen at BFI
What do you do in your power as the Community Engagement Manager at Wembley Park and the community hub, The Yellow, to ensure the festival is celebrated with full grandeur and heritage?
With the sad passing of the Queen, will the celebrations still be on?
l ‘Discover the Power Within’ workshop
What are the plans for this year?
l Chrismal Carol and Variety show
In Wembley Park, the 1st October event will run from 1pm onwards, with events on the main stage including Classical Indian Odissi Dance, Bollywood dancing, and a variety of performances from BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir” (popularly known as ‘Neasden Temple’), Indian drumming and bhangra dancers from the Dhol Foundation
a s D i w a l i a t W e m b l e y P a r k ( a n d o t h e r festivals we hold throughout the year within the neighbourhood), is about respecting the different and varied community we live in here in Brent (and wider London) To be able t o l e a r n , e x p l o r e a n d u n d e r s t a n d o t h e r cultures and deliver a festival for all to enjoy and be proud of
ali is coming early to Wembley P ark th is year, as L o ndo n’ s mo st exciting new neighbourhood invites visitors and the local community alike to celebrate the victory of ligh t over darkness o n Saturday 1 st October 2022
It is very import for us to listen to local
l Men’s Mental Health event
Seemab Gul’s Oscarqualifying short Sandstorm shares the story of Zara
a thrilling new generation of international filmmakers with 39 debut features in LFF World Premieres from filmmakers and artists include: GUILLERMO DEL TORO’S PINOCCHIO; a new series from television auteur Hugo Blick, THE ENGLISH, starring Emily Blunt and a brand new commission AR
H a v i n g j u s t t a k e n h o m e t h e B e s t Horror Award at Hollyshorts Film Festival, the Best Short Fiction Award at Melbourne International and the Audience Award at Fantasia, the film will now screen at the
ups, community champions and al faiths, to shine a light on what w a l i m e a n s t o t h e m a n d t h e n i v e r a s h a r e d p r o g r a m m e o f ents For Diwali at Wembley Park 22 we have performances from the dissi Dancers, a talented local dance oup, the Bollywood Dancers, the Dhol o u n d a t i o n a n d B A P S S h r i w a m i n a r a y a n M a n d i r ( p o p u l a r l y n as ‘Neasden Temple’)
D i r e c t o r , w r i t e r a n d c o p r o d u c e r S e e m a b G u l i s a P a k i s t a n i a r t i s t a n d filmmaker based in London with a BA in Fine Art and an MA in Filmmaking from the London Film School Her films interweave d o c u m e n t a r y a n d f i c t i o n a l e l e m e n t s t o explore social political stories and often f o c u s o n t h e o u t s i d e r e x p e r i e n c e H e r a w a r d w i n n i n g s h o r t f i l m S a n d s t o r m (Mulaqat) premiered at the 78th Venice International Film Festival and at Sundance Film Festival 2022 It won the Grand Prize at the RIIFF 2022 and Best Live Action award at HollyShorts Film Festival amongst many other awards
Nu h a sh H u may u n’ s S o u t h A si an fi lm sh ares the sto ry o f tw o si sters s eeking s h elt er i n a s tr ang e ne w w o rld; w h i le battling th eir inner demons Inspired by the devastating effects of climate ch ange in Bangladesh, w hose peop le are th e most affected by the climate crisis yet the least culp able
Shefali Saxena
A s h P a t e l , C o m m u n i t y E n g a g e m e n t Manager, Wembley Park and Manager of T h e Y e l l o w s p e a k t o A s i a n V o i c e a b o u t Diwali at Wembley Park this year
f r o m a c c l a i m e d f i l m m a k e r G u y M a d d i n , H A U N T E D H O T E L : A M E L O D R A M A I N A U G M E N T E D R E A L I T Y I n t e r n a t i o n a l
S a n d s t o r m h a s q u a l i f i e d t o b e considered for the 95th Academy Awards® a f t e r w i n n i n g t h e t o p a w a r d s a t R h o d e I s l a n d a n d H o l l y S h o r t s F i l m F e s t i v a l s Sandstorm can soon be seen at and Bueu I n t e r n a t i o n a l S h o r t F i l m F e s t i v a l f r o m Sunday 11th to Saturday 24th of September and ONE Country ONE Film International Festival on 16th October
LFF for Free will return to BFI Southbank with a programme of inperson events and screenings as well as a programme of free short films and events that will be available across the UK virtually The Festival will also be accessible UK wide via a specially curated programme of feature and short films on BFI Player, which viewers will be able to enjoy for a full week after the Festival (from 14 23 October)
T h e s e n s i t i v e a n d w o n d e r f u l c i n e m a t o g r a p h y w a s c r e a t e d b y A l b e r t o Balazs based in Lisbon, Portugal who is interested in projects that focus on the human condition while exploring social and environmental issues
Designer Outlet will host a range of talented performers along with exciting attractions across the neighbourhood The festival will kick off with the Odissi Dancers taking to the stage at 1pm, performing classical Indian d a n c e b y t h i s t a l e n t e d l o c a l g r o u p T h e
p r e s t i g i o u s B F I L o n d o n F i l m F e s t i v a l , a l o n g s i d e t h e O S C A R q u a l i f y i n g f i l m f e s t i v a l s N a s h v i l l e and Calgary
W r i t e r / D i r e c t o r N u h a s h H u m a y u n i s i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e intersection of the genre with South Asian identity politics He is the first Sundance Screening F e l l o w f r o m B a n g l a d e s h T h i s a w a r d winning director’s credits include Moshari and Sincerely Yours, Dhaka which was acquired by Netflix His upcoming film Moving Bangladesh received support from the Sundance Institute, Film Independent, the Sloan Foundation, Cannes Marche du
Y e s , t h e D i w a l i a t W e m b l e y P a r k c e l e b r a t i o n w i l l s t i l l g o a h e a d W e a r e mindful of recent events and are looking at ways to pay our respects to the late Queen Elizabeth II
crowds The lively grand finale will feature 10 drummers and four bhangra dancers from the Dhol Foundation, who will then support the Diwali lantern parade as it wends its way from the main stage down Wembley Park Boulevard and Olympic Way to BOXPARK Wembley The mesmerising light parade will feature lanterns made by local Brent school children A special Diwali tuk tuk will also be a v a i l a b l e b e t w e e n n o o n a n d 6 p m o n O l y m p i c W a y , s e r v i n g a s t h e p e r f e c t b a c k d r o p f o r c o m m e m o r a t i v e s e l f i e s Following the parade, revellers
F i l m , t h e H o l l y w o o d F o r e i g n P r e s s a n d ScreenCraft
This important story a l s o w o n t h e B e s t Narrative Short at Atlanta
A special Diwali
This award winning film could also be on its way to the Oscars
M o s h a r i w a s a w a r d e d t w o O s c a r ® qualifying awards at Atlanta Film Festival and Short Shorts & Asia, in addition to winning the Grand Jury at SXSW where the Bangladeshi short premiered
Producer Abid Aziz Merchant is based in Karachi, Pakistan After 21 years as a banker, in 2014 he founded Sanat Initiative, with a view to change the artistic landscape in P a k i s t a n U n d e r t h e b a n n e r o f S a n a t I n i t i a t i v e , A b i d v e n t u r e d i n t o f i l m production with his first feature I’LL MEET YOU THERE (Grand Jury Award Nominee SXSW 2020) He has produced several short f i l m s i n c l u d i n g 1 9 7 8 , T H E E N D a n d Sandstorm (MULAQAT) In Pakistan, the film industry is in its revival phase & Abid a i m s t o b r i n g o r i g i n a l a n d m e a n i n g f u l stories to an audience that clearly seeks engaging content
At The Yellow we also have a packed events calendar for the local community to be part of and enjoy with events coming up including:
T h e m a i n s t a g e i n f r o n t o f L o n d o n
The full programme features films, series a n d i m m e r s i v e a r t w o r k s f r o m o v e r 6 3 countries with 41% of the programme made by female and non binary directors/creators or c o d i r e c t o r s / c r e a t o r s a n d 3 4 % m a d e b y e t h n i c a l l y d i v e r s e d i r e c t o r s / c r e a t o r s A n i m p r e s s i v e n u m b e r o f m a j o r a l u m n i filmmakers return to LFF including: Darren Aronofsky, Noah Baumbach, James Benning, Marco Bellocchio, Bertrand Bonello, Jean Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Richard Eyre, Kevin J e r o m e E v e r s o n , P a t r i c i o G u z m á n , M a n i Haghighi, Mia Hansen Løve, Joanna Hogg, A l e j a n d r o G I ñ á r r i t u , R i a n J o h n s o n , A s i f Kapadia, Joe Lawlor and Christine Molloy, S e b a s t i á n L e l i o , S é b a s t i e n L i f s h i t z , T o b i a s L i n d h o l m , E d w a r d L o v e l a c e , M a r t i n McDonagh, Santiago Mitre, Michel Ocelot, Ruben Östlund, François Ozon, Park Chan wook, Alexandre O Philippe, Laura Poitras, S a r a h P o l l e y , L u c í a P u e n z o , J o ã o P e d r o Rodrigues, Jerzy Skolimowski, Paolo Taviani, Guillermo del Toro, Lars von Trier, Nora Twomey Major emerging alumni returning to LFF with new features include: Ali Abassi, Fyzal Boulifa, Lukas Dhont, Alice Diop, Sally El Hosaini, Soudade Kaadan, Hlynur Pálmason, with the Festival also introducing audiences to
moves they’ve seen during the day at the Diwali disco held at BOXPARK Wembley from 6pm
Premieres include SHE SAID, starring Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan and based on the booked from New York Times journalists Jodi K a n t o r a n d M e g a n T w o h e y , a n d a w a r d w i n n i n g d o c u m e n t a r y f i l m m a k e r O n d i T i m o n e r ’ s L A S T F L I G H T H O M E M a j o r E u r o p e a n P r e m i e r e s i n c l u d e : E M P I R E O F LIGHT from Sam Mendes; GLASS ONION: A KNIVES OUT MYSTERY from Rian Johnson; M Y P O L I C E M A N , d i r e c t e d b y M i c h a e l Grandage and starring Emma Corrin, Harry
l The Yellow Open Mic
The 66th BFI London Film Festival
l Black History Monday
26 24 30 September 2022 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww asian voice com
Bollywood Dancers will follow them with an energetic Bollywood dance performance at 2 20pm, before a variety of engaging dance performers from BAPS Shri Swaminarayan M a n d i r ( p o p u l a r l y k n o w n a s ‘ N e a s d e n Temple’) take to the stage to entertain the
Recommended by experts to be added to the daily diet, Tulsi helps in acting as a reme dy for various illnesses such as asthma, bron chitis, cold cough, sinus problems, acidity and fever Leaves of black tulsi contain more medicinal properties than green tulsi and should be included in the daily diet
New technique to detect early signs of breast cancer
They added, “Overall, our findings show black and south Asian patients are diagnosed with dementia at a younger age and die at a younger age w i t h d e m e n t i a t h a n w h i t e patients, losing more years of life ”
High in potassium, it helps in reducing water retention in the body It also helps in controlling blood pressure In case of water retention issues, it is recommended to reduce the intake of salt, sugar and maida, and include watermelon juice in the daily diet
Some misconceptions and common mist akes in the weight loss journey are:
to a study by academics from University College London and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Britons of blac k and south
3 nutritious juices with incredible health benefits
2 Keeping short term goals Losing weight is not the tough part, keeping it off for a longer period is difficult That is the reason why
of tea a day to potentially l o w e r t h e i r c h a n c e o f acquiring type 2 diabetes ” Because of the numerous a n t i o x i d a n t , a n t i i n f l a m matory, and anti carcino genic components present in the beverage, it has long been known that drinking t e a f r e q u e n t l y m a y b e h e a l t h y , b u t t h e l i n k between tea consumption and type 2 diabetes has been less obvious
Developed by Georgetown alum Brendan Rooney while working as an undergraduate in Furth’s lab, the innovative analytic computer program allowed for the sorting of mam mary gland tissue to one of two imaging assessments
According As ian origin with d em en ti a di e youn ge a nd s oon af te r being di agnosed than white people A team led by Dr Naheed Mukadam from UCL’s division of psychiatry reached their conclu si ons after studying health records covering t he 2 1 y ears 199 a nd 2018 of 662,882 people across the UK who were aged over 65
This was the first study to investigate the incidence and prevalence of dementia, as well as the age of diagnosis, survival and age of death, across white, black and south Asian ethnic groups using electronic records kept by GP surgery and hospital staff They have voiced concern about also discovering that south Asian and black people are diagnosed y o u n g e r , s u r v i v e f o r l e s s t i m e a n d d i e younger than white people
Wa terme lon juice
Carrot juice
ethnic groups and therefore people decline faster, if underlying risk factors in these groups contribute to worse overall health or if there is a difference in post diagnostic support that results in these differences ”
27AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly Available from Superdrug, Holland & Barrett, Lloydspharmacy, GNC, supermarkets, health stores independent pharmacies, www vitabiotics com CALCIUM + Magnesium + Vit D3 MOST TRUSTED UVITAMINS K’ S AWA R D W I N N I N G N O.1 S K I N, H A I R , N A I L S B e a u t y T a b l e t s Most trusted for pregnancy TA B L E T S For all women over 40 years M e n o p a u s e Ta b l e t s HEALTH & VITALITY GTablets entle IRON+Vitamin syrup sponsored by: 24 30 September 2022
"The idea for the analytic program came from routine visual observations of tissue samples and the challenges inherent in observing differences in breast tissue with just a microscope We found that visual human observations are important but having another read on abnormalities from optimal imaging programs added validity and rigour to our assessments," says Rooney, the lead author of the study "Not only does our program result in a high degree of diagnostic accuracy, but it is also freely available and easy to use ”
According to a systematic review and meta analysis of 19 studies, moderate findings, presented is year’s Euro pean Association for the Study o f Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting in Sto ckh ol m, S w eden, indi ca te th at h a vi ng at l eas t fou r cups of tea p er day is linked to a 1 7 per cent lower risk of type 2 diabetes over an average of ten years
Director of the NHS Race and Health Observatory, Dr Habib Naqvi said the find ings showed that minority ethnic patients needed more help after they had been diag nosed He said, “Dementia is a ‘silent killer’ a f f e c t i n g A s i a n , b l a c k a n d o t h e r e t h n i c minority group disproportionality, and trag ically, at a younger age These findings are critical and should be a call to action for the NHS and wider social care profession ”
4 Too much cardio Cardio is a great mode of a workout when it c o m e s t o b u r n i n g c a l o r i e s H o w e v e r , t o o m u c h c a r d i o c a n result in muscle loss which can lead to loose and flabby skin Hence, d o i n g a c o m b i n a t i o n o f w e i g h t training and cardio exercises during the week is not only a sustainable strategy to lose fat but also a great way to build and tone up muscles
Dementia rates have increased across all ethnic groups Black people are 22 per cent more likely to get dementia than their white peers Dementia is 17 per cent less common among those of south Asian background
E x p e r t s o f t e n r e co mm e nd in co r p or a t in g f ruits, vegetables, and especially their juices i nt o o ur d ie t s e v e r y d a y I n h e r la t e s t Instagram post, nutritionist Anja li Mukerjee shared three juices and their health benefits
Common mistakes hampering your weight loss journey
H e a d d e d , “ E v i d e n c e s h o w s e t h n i c minority patients and carers are already more likely to be isolated from mainstream healthcare services Prolonged delays in seeking support, combined with health and care services that often do not meet diverse n e e d s , c a n l e a v e v u l n e r a b l e d e m e n t i a patients and their families in ‘crisis’,” he said
M u k a d a m s a i d t h e s t a r k d i s p a r i t i e s between ethnic groups are “concerning” When asked to explain why black and south Asian people die sooner than white people, she replied, “We do not know if earlier death after dementia diagnosis is because demen tia is picked up at a later stage in minority
3 Obsessing about your weight Weight loss is not always going to b e l i n e a r T o l o s e w e i g h t , i t i s important to maintain your muscle mass and reduce your body fat per centage Hence, the correct way to lose fat is to focus on inch loss, m a i n t a i n i n g y o u r s t r e n g t h a n d stamina, and focusing on your daily energy levels
ysis ”
coh ort
Li said, “It is plausible t h a t s p e c i f i c t e a c o n stituents, like polyphenols, m a y l o w e r b l o o d g l u c o s e levels, but it may need a sig nificant quantity of these bioactive substances to be effective It may also be the reason why, despite looking at higher tea intake, we did not discover a link between t y p e 2 d i a b e t e s a n d t e a drinking in our cohort anal
Researchers now anticipate a new approach fro m mice to better human breast imaging A grou p o f scientists devised a tw o pronged tech ni qu e fo r meas uri ng breast density in mice, resulting in imp roved detection of changes in breast tissue, including early symptoms of cancer They believe this app roach may also aid in disease prognosis because density can be linked to specific patterns of mammary gland growth, including signals of cancer develop ment
The benefits of regula r exercise and working out are commonly known However, simply pairing the m with diets does not necessarily speed up t he we i gh t loss pr oc es s Ma n y times, de spite sticking to the diet, a nd t we a ki n g e a ti n g ha b i t s a n d lifestyle, some people do not see expected results
Study says British black and S Asian people with dementia die younger
The main author of the study, Xiaying Li of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in China, said, “Our results are intriguing b e c a u s e t h e y i m p l y t h a t people can do something as easy as drinking four cups
The team writes in their paper, “The ear lier age of dementia diagnosis in people of black and south Asian (origin) may be
The meta analysis dis covered a linear relation ship between tea consump t i o n a n d t y p e 2 d i a b e t e s risk, with each daily cup of tea lowering risk by about one per cent Adults who drank 1 3 cups of tea per day had a four per cent lower r i s k o f t h e d i s e a s e t h a n t h o s e w h o d i d n ’ t , w h i l e those who drank at least four cups per day had a 17 per cent lower risk
related to the higher preva lence of some risk factors for d e m e n t i a s u c h a s , i n o l d e r south Asians, fewer years of education, and in both groups h y p e r t e n s i o n , d i a b e t e s a n d obesity Black and south Asian people survived for less time after a dementia diagnosis and they died at a younger age ”
Rooney initially looked at younger mouse glands and found that a program that removed background ‘noise’ in those images helped boost the detection of abnormalities in what are typically rounder, more lobular tissues However, as aging occurs and the chances of developing cancer increase, lobules diminish and ridges become more apparent, just as falling autumn leaves expose tree branches The mammary ridges represent ducts that carry milk and other fluids When the de noising technique was applied to the images from the older mice, it was found to be less reliable in detecting ridges Therefore Rooney and the team turned to a different imag ing program, which has primarily been used to detect blood vessel changes in the eye's retina
1 Not counting calories A calorie deficit is vital for weight l o s s M a n y p e o p l e f o r g e t t h a t weight loss is effective when you burn more calories than consumed H e n c e , k e e p i n g a t r a c k o f y o u r nutrient intake for the day can go a long way in losing fat
The same plant that is used to produce green and black teas is also used to manufacture oolong tea, a traditional Chinese bever age The processing method makes a difference; oolong t e a i s p a r t i a l l y o x i d i s e d whereas black tea is permit ted to fully oxidise Green tea is not allowed to oxidise substantially
Tulsi juice
It is loaded with calcium, Vitamin A, sodium, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin B, V i t a m i n C , V i t a m i n D , V i t a m i n e a n d Vitamin K
us e o f bl ac k, g ree n, o r oo l o ng tea i s as s o ci at ed with a lower risk of acquir in g typ e 2 di a bet es T h e st ud y i n vo lve d o v er o ne mi lli on adu lts from ei gh t di ff ere nt co u n tri e s T h e
P r i s c i l l a A F u r t h , M D , p r o f e s s o r o f o n c o l o g y a n d m e d i c i n e a t G e o r g e t o w n L o m b a r d i a n d c o r r e s p o n d i n g author of the study, said, “Having a means to accurately assess mammary gland density in mice, just as is done clini cally for women using mammograms, is an important research advance This method has the benefit of being applicable across all ages of mice and mammary gland shapes, unlike some methods used in earlier studies ”
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The team found several things, includ ing:
many people tend to gain most of the weight loss in a very short span of time
Tea may lower risk of getting type 2 diabetes
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She captioned the post, “Today is a break day, I don’t call it a break I call it a pause day On such a b l a n k b e a t y o u w o n d e r w h e r e d i d y o u l o o s e yourself You dissolve in the character and find that nothing of you is left in you You see your own pictures like a stranger and wonder will you ever be the same ”
She also added, “ the truth is you can never go back to being the same person, once a character has happened to you it remains like a scar on the soul, like the darkness of the night, like the glow of the moon, like a realisation you can’t own, like a million s h i n i n g s u n s , l i k e t h e d i z z y i n g h e i g h t s o f t h e mountains and suffocating depths of the sea a c h a r a c t e r w i l l r e m a i n r e g a r d l e s s o f y o u #emergency ”
Taking to his Instagram, Nick posted a video from an airstrip He can be seen approaching an aircraft with the camera focused on him As he reaches the plane, he moves the camera away from him revealing it’s a private jet We also get a glimpse of Priyanka sitting inside, talking on the phone The brief glimpse also shows that the plane is decked up for celebrations with a “Happy Birthday” banner hanging as well Nick then moved
e l i g i o u s s e n t i m e n t s o f t h e K a y a s t h a
Pakistani actress Sajal Ali, who co starred with late actor Sridevi in her comeback project ‘Mom’, has hit the headlines once again, this time for her newfound “love” on Instagram. Sajal recently shared a picture of Shah Rukh and Gauri’s son Aryan on Instagram Aryan is quite popular on the social media platform despite rarely posting updates
Last week, Sajal took to her Instagram Stories and shared an old picture of Aryan in a white t shirt where he is seen posing candidly during the golden hour Revisiting the throwback photo, Sajal added Shah Rukh's and Anushka’s hit song ‘Hawayein’ in the background with a red heart emoji to express her love for the star kid
28 24 30 September 2022 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly
i t u a t i o n s i n c e i t h u r t s r e l i g i o u s
Kangana compares herself to Indira Gandhi, talks 'identity crisis'
a r s h a l S a m
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Ajay Devgn, Sidharth Malhotra named in a case filed against ‘Thank God’
On the work front, Sajal will be next seen working in Shekhar Kapur’s ‘What’s L o v e G o t T o D o W i t h i t ’ T h e m o v i e p 2 o r o n t o International Film Festival (TIFF) Sharing a few pictures from the festival, Sajal wrote in a post, “My debut outing at TIFF was an absolute dream and fills my heart with immense gratitude This would not have b e a n j e m i m a & @shekharkapurI am beyond overwhelmed by the love, appreciation ”
accused Ajay of using "poor jokes" and objectionable words" in the film Ravi Prakash Pal, Anand Srivastava, Maan Singh, Brijesh Nishad and Vinod Srivastava have also been named as complainants in the petition The petition also alleged that the movie is an attempt to “spread hatred and humiliation”
the camera back to himself, making a face He captioned the post, “Here we go #30 ”
Reacting to the post, Anupam Kher commented, "You wrote this so well Every ‘good’ actor will identify with what you wrote Hai Ho! (clapping hands and heart eyes emojis) " Sharing the pictures on her Instagram Stories, Kangana wrote, "Identity crisis #actorspsyche ”
a series of Instagram Stories, actress Kangana Ranaut spoke about her movies and losing herself while getting into the character for a film She also talked about how an actor can never go back to being the “same person, once a character has happened to you” She also posted two pictures of herself one in her character of late prime minister Indira Gandhi, for her film ‘Emergency’ and the other from a photoshoot In the second image, she posed for the camera during a photoshoot She wore a pink dress and makeup as she looked at the camera
F a n s b e g a n s p e c u l a t i n g o n N i c k ’ s picture as to what their destination could be “I really want to know what she has planned for him It seems big,” wrote one fan Another commented, “Looks like the Jonases are going to party hard ” It does seem some big celebrations with friends and family are planned Priyanka’s friend a n d s o c i a l i t e N a t a s h a P o o n a w a l l a commented on the post, “Sad to have missed it Happy birthday Nick ”
Nick Jonas turned 30 over the weekend and it seems Priyanka Chopra had something big planned for the singer’s birthday. In a new video posted by Nick to social media on the eve of his birthday, the two can be seen boarding a private jet. Priyanka also shared a picture on her handle ahead of the celebrations. Neither, however, revealed the destination, sparking some speculation among fans
Priyanka, Nick fly off to mystery destination for birthday celebration
Sajal made her Bollywood debut in 2017 with Ravi Udyawar’s ‘Mom’ She played the role of Sridevi’s daughter, Arya In 2020, the actor got married to her longtime boyfriend and co star Ahad Raza Mir in an intimate nikah ceremony in Abu Dhabi
r e m i e r e d a t t h e
e n p o s s i b l e w i t h o u t @ k h
“And above all, I am extremely humbled to have had an opportunity to represent Pakistan on the world stage Thank you, Toronto it has been an absolute honour I hope to see you again soon Special thanks to my family and close friends for always being there for me,” she added It also stars Emma Thompson, Lily James, Shazad Latif, and Shabana Azmi The film is backed by Jemima Goldsmith
Ajay Devgn and Sidharth Malhotra, the lead actors of ‘Thank God’, have been named alongside director Indra Kumar in a case filed against the producers of the upcoming film. The case has been listed for hearing at a Jaunpur court on November 18. ‘Thank God’ is slated for a theatrical release on October 25. The first trailer of ‘Thank God’ was released last week and it showed Devgn playing Chitragupta who wears a blazer, pants and a shirt In the trailer, Sidharth Malhotra dies in an accident and later meets Chitragupta, who shows him the account of his deeds in his lifetime Chitragupta is a Hindu deity assigned the task of keeping records of a person's good and evil acts on Earth
when his petition comes up for hearing The petition
Sajal Ali confesses her love for Shah Rukh’s son Aryan
On the work front, Kangana is busy with her film ‘Emergency’, which revolves around the life of Indira Gandhi and it features Kangana in the titular role of the late politician The movie also showcases Anupam Kher, Mahima Chaudhry, Shreyas Talpade, and Milind Soman as J P Narayan, Pupul Jayakar, A t a l B i h a r i V a j p a y e e a n d F i e l d M Manekshaw respectively
Earlier, Priyanka had posted a picture on her Instagram Stories about Nick’s b i r t h d a y c e l e b r a t i o n s T h e p i c t u r e included a drink in a glass with some ice along with a customised plaque that read ‘NJ 30’, signifying Nick’s 30th “Ok it’s that time,” wrote Priyanka alongside the picture, tagging Nick in it
A media report said the petition has been filed by advocate Himanshu Srivastava in Jaunpur and his petition says, “Chitragupta is regarded as the Lord of Karma and keeps a record of a man’s good and bad deeds Such depiction of Gods can create an unpleasant s sentiments According to another report, the petition claims that the film hurts the r community The petitioner will be required to record his statement on November 18
Now, in a recent interview, Ranbir said the economics of ‘Brahmastra’s is much different and all figures of budget floating around are “ wrong ” Ranaut had shared a number of posts on Instagram, casting doubts on the movie’s collections, saying a film with a budget of £65 million cannot be called a hit after earning £24 6 million Meanwhile, other sources have referred to the film budget as £41 million
discuss various things from finance and fame to friendship and family ” The show premieres on September 24
c t a n d a d o r a t i o n , a t l e a s t
‘Brahmastra: Part One Shiva’, the movie also stars Alia Bhatt and Mouni Roy, w i t h e x t e n d e d c a m e o s b y A m i t a b h B a c h c h a n , S h a h R u k h K h a n , a n d N a g a r j u n a I t h a s b e c o m e t h e h i g h e s t grossing Hindi film of the year by its ninth day and is on course to be one of the highest grossing of all time
Janhvi at ease on competition with Sara, Ananya
Actor Shah Rukh Khan wished Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his 72nd birthday He took to Twitter and wrote, “Your dedication to the welfare of our country and its people is highly appreciated May you have the strength and health to achieve all your goals. Take a day off and enjoy your Birthday, sir. Happy Birthday @narendramodi.”
Fernandez, Karan Johar, Aanand L R a i , K a p i S h a m a , I m t i a z A i , Anurag Basu, Boney Kapoor and several others
Navya, Shweta and Jaya Bachchan to appear on a new podcast
s p e a k i n g f o r m y s e l f , f o r e a c h o t h e r , ” shares the actor, last seen in the film 'Good Luck Jerry' Her next is set to be 'Mr and Mrs Mahi' with Raj Kumar Rao
film but for the whole trilogy ” While he did not discuss the figure, he emphasised that a lot of the work already done for part one w o u l d b e u s e d i n t h e s e q u e l s , t h e r e b y spreading that expense out over the other films H e a d d e d , “ S o , t h e a s s e t s w e h a v e
d J a y
How would she describe the equation she shares with the girls? Janhvi says it’s one of mutual respect and a lot of ease “At this point, we are just over the stupid ‘who wore it better’ collages, or like who’s doing what, and who did what better Of
hosted by @navyananda with her 2 special guests S h w B N a a n a B a c h c h a n ,
O t h e r B o w o o d c l b i t i e s w h o w s h e d t h e P M i n c l u d e Abhishek Bachchan, Anupam Kher and Akshay Kumar On the work front, Shah Rukh was last seen on the big screen in a cameo role in the recently released ‘Brahmastra’
His last starring role came in 2018’s ‘Zero’ Shah Rukh has three films l i n e d u p f o r r e l e a s e n e x t y e a r , ‘Pathaan’, ‘Jawan’ and ‘Dunki'
29AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 17 23 September 2022
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course, there’s an element of insecurity in all of us as human beings, but I think w e a l l a r e v e r y c o n f i d e n t a b o u t o u r individual personalities We all have a lot o f r e s p e
She goes on to add that only one ’ s contemporaries are able to relate to what you ’ re going through Janhvi tells us, “We are genuinely fond of each other They are such fun girls, what they are doing is so cool It’s not easy, whether one comes from a place of privilege or not, to wake up every day and put yourself out there and entertain people I think they do it with a lot of ease No one will understand the situation you are in better than your contemporaries ”
Shah Rukh wishes PM Modi on his birthday
Three generations of the Bachchan family are all set to appear on a new podcast titled ‘What the hell Navya’ Hosted by Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter Navya Naveli Nanda, the first episode of the show will feature her mother Shweta Bachchan Nanda and her grandmother Jaya Bachchan The promo for the show is out and it promises “stories you have never heard before ” The snippets in the promo suggest that the t h r e e w o m e n w i l l t a l k a b o u t a v a r i e t y o f
the movie’s massive budget and stated the film needs to do a lot more to be called a hit
Both, Jaya and Navya are the only two members of the family who are not in the film business and h a v e s t a y e d a w a y f r o m t h e l i m e l i g h t N a v y a ’ s brother Agastya is set to make his debut in the movies with Zoya Akhtar’s ‘The Archies’ Jaya Bachchan took a break from movies a few years ago She was last seen in a cameo in 2016’s Ki & Ka She is currently working on Karan Johar’s ‘Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani’, in which she will star alongside Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh
Reported ‘Brahmastra’ budget figures 'all wrong': Ranbir
a n d
Actor Ranbir Kapoor has come forward to defend his recent release ‘Brahmastra’, days after Kangana Ranaut questioned how several trade publications and analysts are calling the movie a hit. As is the norm with her these days, the actress went on a rant on
She has only nice things to say about t h e m “ M y c o n t e m p o r a r i e s A n a n y a ( P a n d a y ) , S a r a ( A l i K h a n ) , R a d h i k a ( M a d a n ) , T a r a ( S u t a r i a ) , a l l a r e s u c h wonderful actors They are confident girls, the way they carry themselves My co stars like Raj (Kummar Rao), Pankaj ( T r i p a t h i ) s i r m y a i m i n l i f e i s t o constantly learn and evolve hopefully,” she quips
experiences Jaya says in the clip, “My best friends have been Navya and Shweta ” She also says, “The definition of love has changed today ” The promo was shared on Instagram with the caption, “ 3 ladies, 3 generations, 3 perceptions ‘What The Hell Navya’,
In what appears to be a response to the rumours, Ranbir said, “These days, we are reading a lot where people are discussing the budget of the film People are saying this much is the budget and this much is the recovery But ‘Brahmastra’ is unique being where the budget is not just for one
l l y
g u r e s f l o a t i n g a r o u n d , w h e t h e r i t ’ s
a c h c h a n
Shah Rukh met Modi in 2019, alongside several of his industry colleagues such as Aamir Khan, K a n g a n a R a n a u t , E k t a K a p o o r , Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, Jacqueline
created for the film, like the fire VFX or effects for other superpowers, they will be used in three films So, it’s not like the f i hundred rupees or two hundred rupees, are correct It’s all wrong The economics of this film is not like the economics of other films that have been made in our industry Now, we can easily go into part two and part three With part one, Ayan had to learn how to make this kind of a film
Actor Janhvi Kapoor is at ease when it comes to competition. While ‘actresses can never be friends’ is a quite frequently thrown around notion, the same she claims doesn’t hold true for her
S p e a k i n g i n a n i n t e r v i e w , Nagarjuna said, “I was getting incredible roles (But) I am kind of a home bird I like to live in Hyderabad I always did very special roles in Bollywood Whatever I have done right from the begin ning, it was important for me to entertain people All the roles that I did come looking for me, I never (went for them) ”
last photo showed Soundarya with her son Ved The mother son duo smiled as they looked at each other
Malayalam star Dulquer Salmaan has said that he saves screenshots of social media posts that criticise him and make personal attacks He added that he even remembers the IDs of those accounts that make such posts While criticism of actors is not new, nor unwarranted, social media has dropped the curtain and trolls have often resorted to making personal attacks on celebrities
The Hyderabad based banner was planning to do another Korean adaptation, following the success of the comedy d r a m a ‘ O h ! B a b y ' , s t a r r i n g S a m a n t h a R u t h P r a b h u a n d Lakshmi The 2019 movie was a remake of the 2014 South Korean film ‘Miss Granny’
“That’s when I saw the original film ‘Midnight Runners’ It sounded exciting, I loved the screenplay and the story My first two thoughts were how are we going to do this with women and what is the social issue since they talked about illegal egg harvesting? These questions were out of curiosity Having two female leads also sounded very exciting, especially in a com mercial film From the word go, I was down to doing it,” the 31 year old actor said
Speaking in an interview with Prabhat Khabar, Dulquer said he has read about Abhishek Bachchan pasting paper cutting of his own criticism on his mirror He added, “If I talk about myself, if you search on my phone, you will find screenshots of comments that personally attack me I save those and even look at them from time to time Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, (I save them all) I remember the IDs of all those who attack me ”
Soundarya Rajinikanth, husband welcome a baby boy
Touted as a romantic psychopath thriller, ‘Chup’ is being pegged as a homage to yesteryear filmmaker Guru Dutt and his film, ‘Kaagaz Ke Phool’ The upcoming film also marks the debut of Amitabh Bachchan as a music composer R Balki is known for his films such as 'Paa', 'Ki and Ka' and 'Shamitabh' All the films that he has directed, feature Amitabh Bachchan
“With God's abundant grace and our parents' blessings (folded hands and angel emojis), Vishagan, Ved and I are thrilled to welcome Ved’s l i t t l e b r o t h e r V e e r R a j i n i k a n t h Vanangamudi today 11/9/22 #Veer #Blessed Thank you to our amazing doctors (sic),” Soundarya tweeted C e l e b r i t i e s c o n g r a t u l a t e d h e r , a l o n g w i t h s e v e r a l f a n s A c t o r Abhishek Bachchan wrote in the c o m m e n t s s e c t i o n , “ C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ” T h i s i s Soundarya’s first child from her sec ond marriage to Vishagan They got mar ried in 2019 in an intimate ceremony She has a son Ved, from her first marriage to
businessman Ashwin Ramkumar
On the work front, Soundarya started her career by working as an assistant direc tor and assisting in the graphic designing department on films such as ‘Baba’, ‘Majaa’, ‘Sandakozhi’, and ‘Sivaji’ She made her d i r e c t o r i a l d e b u t w i t h h e r f a t h e r ’ s f i l m ‘ K o c h a d a i i y a a n ’ , a p a r t f r o m f o u n d i n g Ocher Picture Productions
Last year, she announced that she has partnered with video streaming service MX Player to produce an original web series on t h e T a m i l e p i c , ‘ P o n n i y i n S e l v a n ’ Soundarya will produce the series under the banner May 6 Entertainment while her a s s i s t a n t S o o r i y a p r a t h a p w i l l d i r e c t t h e series
‘Brahmastra’ reminded me of Mahabharata, Ramayana, says Nagarjuna
Veteran actor Nagarjuna is always looking for an experience that satisfies his soul and it is this reason why he took up ‘Brahmastra Part One: Shiva’. The actor returns to Hindi cinema after close to two decades with a cameo appearance in Ayan Mukerji directed fantasy adventure epic, led by Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt.
What got Nagarjuna most interested in the movie was that it took him back to his days of watching mythological shows on television He reminisced that he grew up watching “Ramayana” and “Mahabharata” and a lot of folklore films “I had seen in ‘Maharabharata’ where they had used these astras in the war and that interested me I also read a lot of Chitra Katha comics when I was young ”
30 AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweeklywww.asian 24 30 September 2022
“Here working in Bollywood, I look at it for experience and soul satisfaction as they call it and doing roles which are not on my shoulders It has always been like that,” the 63 year old star, who acted in Bollywood m o v i e s l i k e “ S h i v a ” , “ K h u d a G a w a h ” , “Criminal” and “Zakhm”, he added “A film like ‘Brahamastra’ is the right opportunity The bridges have opened up and so everyone is going everywhere And India has become one industry and that is how it should be because Indian people love films and cricket I am so happy that this film helped the industry grow and actors are getting to do d i f f e r e n t r o l e s i n d i f f e r e n t l a n g u a g e s , ” Nagarjuna also said
Besides adapting the 2017 action comedy film for Indian audiences, Saakini Daakini flips the gender of the leads with Cassandra and Nivetha Thomas The Sudheer Varma directo rial follows two police trainees (played by Cassandra and Nivetha Thomas) who witness the kidnapping of a girl by a gang running an unfertilised egg harvesting ring and later embark on an investigation to find her What also excited Cassandra about the Telugu adaptation was how the core emotion of the narrative changes from sym pathy to empathy “As far as the Korean original is concerned, it’s two guys saving the day which we have seen many times in many films It’s a tried and tested formula as well I feel when a guy is helping a girl get out of a situation, he could be empa thetic but it’s more sympathy than empathy,” Cassandra said “When it’s a girl empowering or saving a woman, it comes from a deep place It’s like ‘How could you do this to us?’ Not, ‘How could you do this to them?’ This emotion is important that drives these two girls through the film It’s closer to home than it would be for a guy, ” said the actor, known for films such as ‘Mughizh’, ‘Suryakaanti’, and ‘Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga’
Veteran actor Rajinikanth’s elder daughter Soundarya Rajinikanth has announced the birth of her second child. She took to Twitter to share a few pictures from her pregnancy shoot as well as a glimpse of the newborn Soundarya also revealed that the child has been named Veer Rajinikanth Vanangamudi However, she hasn’t revealed the face of her newborn In the first closeup picture, the baby is seen holding a finger of a person The second photo features the entire family d u r i n g S o u n d a r y a ' s p h o t o s h o o t Soundarya posed in a black and white pic ture from the time she was pregnant The
Regina Cassandra is all set to feature in ‘Saakini Daakini’, the official Telugu remake of the hit Korean film ‘Midnight Runners’ When she was offered the role, she had two questions: How will we do this with women and what is the social issue here? Two years ago, Cassandra’s agency reached out to her for the role with Suresh Productions on board
In ‘Brahmastra’, Nagarjuna featured as an artist named Anish Shetty, who holds the p o w e r o f t h e ‘ N a n d i A s t r a ’ N a g a r j u n a r e c a l l e d t h a t M u k e r j i o f f e r e d h i m Brahmastra in 2018 but he had a condition before saying yes to it “When I was told Ayan wants me to play a role in his film, I said sure but what am I going to be doing in a film like that? And I won’t do it if it doesn’t work for me It is not about the length, it has to work for me in my heart ”
On the work front, Dulquer will be soon seen in R Balki’s revenge drama ‘Chup Revenge of The Artist’, which is slated for a theatrical release on September 23 The movie will also feature Sunny Deol, Pooja Bhatt and Shreya Dhanwanthary
Dulquer Salmaan saves screenshots of his criticism
Korean film ‘Midnight Runners’ being remade in Telugu
g o t t e n t h i s o p p o r t u n i t y a n d spot with a host of other global b r a n d s , " s a y s B a l a S a r d a , Founder & CEO, VAHDAM(R) India“W e a r e t h r i l l e d t o i n t r o d u c e b r a n d s s u c h a s V A H D A M I n d i a t o t h e celebrities at the Emmy Awards a s w e e n j o y w a t c h i n g t h e m d i s c o v e r n e w p r o d u c t s t h a t c o u l d s o o n b e c o m e p a r t s o f their daily lives I envision the stars sipping each flavour in their
The much anticipated Netflix fan event Tudum is back, and it features the most beloved and popular stars globally The streaming giant released a promo of the event and it features India’s own Rajkummar Rao, Alia Bhatt, and filmmaker duo Raj and DK, along with the ‘Stranger Things’ cast and ‘Superman’ actor Henry Cavill
Alia shares screen space with ‘Heart of Stone’ co-star Jamie Dornan
The video, featuring actors from France, South Korea, the UK, India and America, was shared on YouTube with a description that read, “Calling all fans! Tudum is back with 5 shows around the world! Mark your calendars on September 24 to watch your favorite global stars and creators on the virtual stage for an exciting day full of Netflix news, exclusives and first looks ”
verses in it u n a b r i d g e d v e r s i o n w i l l r o p e i n a u d i e n c e i n I n d i a “ M y t h o l o g y h a
The curtains recently closed on the 74th Emmy Awards the annual night that commemorates the finest in American prime time television programming This year was a little special for India, however, as a global wellness brand, VAHDAM India made its way into the official Emmy Awards Gift Bag for 2022 VAHDAM’s Herbal Tea Sampler was included in the much touted goodie bag It is a sun kissed assortment of 60 certified organic, nutritious herbal tea infusions in pyramid tea bags with ingredients for an exceptional wellness experience "We're honoured to be a part of the prestigious 2022 Emmy gift bag Our vision continues to take the best of India to the world under a home grown brand and it is a matter of great honour to have sampler collection revealing new variants of herbs and spices, said Karen Wood, Founder, Backstage Creations
Indian-origin actor Himesh Patel shines in black at Emmy's 2022
Cambridgeshire born Indian origin actor Himesh Patel made it to the shortlist of nominees for the Emmy Awards for the first time ever. He arrived for the night in style, sporting a patterned suit jacket with a black shirt and black pants. Patel was nominated in the Best Actor, Limited Series or TV movie category for his performance in HBO’s Station Eleven He plays the role of Jeevan Chaudhary in the show B o H s h i s b k portraying Tamwar Masood on the BBC soap opera ‘EastEnders' from 2007 to 2016 He also starred i n t h e 2 0 1 9 m u s i c a l r o m a n t i c comedy film ‘Yesterday’, the 2020 science fiction action film ‘Tenet’ a n d ' D o n ' t L o o k U p ' w i t h Leonardo DiCaprio
The Emmy Award Gifting Suite for this year features opulent resort getaways from Four Seasons Nevis, RiverView Ranch in Montana, and Museum Hotel in Cappadocia, Turkey, as well as designer skincare, jewellery, candies, and books
Bollywood star Alia Bhatt, who is currently in the news for her latest release ‘Brahmastra’, who is set to make her Hollywood debut with ‘Heart of Stone’, shared screen space for the promo with co star Jamie Dornan, as she asked him, “Are you ready?”
O r i g i n a l l y f r o m S a w t r C a m b r i d g e s h i r e , H i m e s h ' parents are both Gujarati but they were born in Africa His mother was born in Zambia and his father in Kenya
Disney planning a series on Mahabharata
‘What’s Love Got To Do With It?’, written by Jemima Khan, tells the story of documentary maker and “dating app addict” Zoe (Lily James) who always matches with the wrong men, much to her mother Cath’s ( E m m a T h o m p s o n ) d i s m a y S h e g a i n s a n e w p e r s p e c t i v e o n relationships after she travels to Lahore where his childhood friend and neighbour Kaz (Shazad Latif) is having an arranged marriage
Hollywood gets a taste of India in the Emmy's gift bag
Walt Disney Co. Is filming a series based on ancient Hindu mythology Mahabharata. Head of content at Disney+hotstar, Gaurav Banerjee made the announcement at the media giant’s three day D23 extravaganza event at the Anaheim Convention Center in California. He said it will be a retelling of the around 2000 year old Sanskrit poem about two groups of cousins vying for their clan’s throne and kingdom with the aid and interference of the Gods, will be released in 2024
Indian actress Shabana Azmi recently received praises from her ‘What’s Love Got To Do With It?’ Co star Emma Thompson for her work in the movie. Directed by Shekhar Kapur, the movie premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) earlier last week. Emma was not present with her co stars Shabana, Lily James, and Sajal Aly at the premiere where the film received two standing ovations, but she sent a heartfelt message to Shabana after watching it
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Emma Thompson compliments 'darling' Shabana Azmi
Shabana's colleagues from the Hindi film industry reacted to her post Vidya Balan and Dia Mirza commented red heart emojis Shekhar Kapur wrote, "It’s amazing Shabana and thank Emma for the message " Fans also showered Shabana with compliments One wrote, "From one legend to another!!!”
Emma's message to Shabana read, "My darling, I just saw the film and you are simply wonderful in it and it is absolutely fantastic I'm very proud to be a part of it, it's so funny and moving and it goes straight into the heart I am sure you are going to adore it too Very very happy Sending you all my love Emma ”
‘Heart of Stone’, a spy thriller helmed by Tom Harper, features Gal Gadot, Jamie Dornan and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles
31AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly 24 30 September 2022 CROSS-PLATFORM
r n o n O c t o b e r 1 3 , 1 9 9 0 ,
n o w n f o r
Disney hopes the longest poem eve written with 200,000 always been one of the most popular genres on Indian television, said Mihir Shah, the Mumbai based vice president at consultancy Media Partners Asia “The announcement of Mahabharata on Disney+ Hotstar is a move to extend this success” into the world of online streaming, he said
Of the three main international streaming services in India, Disney is at the top, with just under 60 million subscribers Live streaming of cricket, India’s national obsession has been a big driver of that growth, though Disney lost the rights to digitally broadcast tournaments earlier this year to a consortium of Hollywood studio Paramount Global and Indian conglomerate Reliance Industries Ltd
Shabana took to her Instagram account to share a screenshot of a message she received from Emma Thompson She captioned it, "Emma Thompson's message to me on Shekhar Kapur’s What Love Got To Do With It " Emma started her message to Shabana by calling her 'darling,' and called her performance ‘wonderful '
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is 1st Indian to win 4 medals at wrestling Worlds Ganguly, Jay can continue as BCCI president, secy: SC Ace grappler Bajrang Punia became t he only Indian to claim four medals a t t h e W o r l d Wr es t l
D a y a l a n H e m a l a t h a ( 9 ) o n c e a g a i n disappointed as Freya Davies cleaned her up 16 balls later Skipper Harmanpreet Kaur (29 not out off 22) then joined her deputy Mandhana at the crease and the duo played effortlessly, stitching unconquered 69 runs f o r t h e t h i r d w i c k e t t o c o m p l e t e t h e formalities as India reached 146 for two in 16 4 overs Scores: England Women 142/6 (Freya Kemp 51*, Maia Bouchier 34; Sneh Rana 3 24) lost to India Women 146/2 in 16 4 o v e r s ( S m r i t i M a n d h a n a 7 9 * , Harmanpreet Kaur 29 no; Sophie Ecclestone 1 22)
"Definitely we made a poor start Having given a 2 0 lead we should have come out firing But we had a slow start we were not sharp we were not good enough a candid Bhambri said after the humbling loss
Sudha Singh, the 36 year old Indian distance runner, has decided to retire from competitive international athletics Over the course of her career that spanned over 13 years, the two time Olympian and Asian Games gold medallist competed and brought India laurels across the globe The Indian steeplechaser and marathon runner will continue to compete domestically and plans to open an academy Born in Amethi Uttar Pradesh Sudha burst onto the national athletics scene after winning the 3000m steeplechase event at the 2007 National Games In the same year she broke India’s national record at the national championships in Jamshedpur with a timing of 10:18 76 Sudha dominated the 3000m steeplechase events across India for the next few years and clinched her first international medal at the 2009 Asian Championships by winning silver
to John Michael D i a k o m i h a l i s o f U S A i n t h e q u a r t e r f i n a l s , q u a l i f i e d f o r t h e b r o n z e
A bench of Justices D Y Chandrachud and Hima Kohli, thus, significantly altered the 2018 SC approved BCCI constitution, which had mandated an office bearer to undergo t h r e e y e a r c o o l i n g o f f p e r i o d a f t e r t w o consecutive terms in state association, or BCCI or cumulatively
Opener S mriti Mandhana hit a stroke filled unbeaten 50 after off spinner Sneh Rana snared three wickets to hand India wo men a c o mp re h ens i ve e ig h t w i ck et w i n o ver England in th e second T20 International and level the series 1 1 at Derby England’s decision to bat first night backfired as Indian bowlers raised their performance by a notch to reduce the hosts to 54 for five inside 10 oversEngland found the going tough in the i n i t i a l o v e r s , l o s i n g w i c k e t s a t r e g u l a r intervals before teenager Freya Kemp (51 not out off 37 balls) and Maia Bouchier (34 off 26) shared 65 runs for the sixth wicket to resurrect their innings But once Rana broke the dangerous looking partnership, taking the wicket of Bouchier stumped by Richa Ghosh, the writing was on the wall for England Rana was the wrecker in chief returning with figures of 3/24, while Renuka Singh (1/30) and Deepti Sharma (1/21) picked up a wicket each India began their chase in a fine fashion with openers Mandhana (79 not out off 53) and Shafali Verma (20) adding 55 runs in the f i r s t s i x o v e r s E c c l e s t o n e g o t t h e b r e a k t h r o u g h f o r E n g l a n d w h e n s h e dismissed Verma
Smriti Mandhana
“(Kohli) improved a total of 14 spots to 15th overall on the T20I batter rankings due to his efforts,” the ICC said in its statement Kohli's horrendous run in the T20 cricket over the last three years had seen him fall out of the top 10 However, he looked almost as good as he did at his p e a k d u r i n g t h e A s i a C u p , w i t h h i s s t e a d i l y i m p r o v i n g p e r f o r m a n c e s culminating in an unbeaten 122 off 61 balls in India's last Super 4 game against Afghanistan
Kohli gains big in ICC T20I rankings
Ind i a 's st a r w icke tk e e p e r ba t t e r S a nj u Samson was na me d the ca ptain of the India ‘A’ sid e for its upcoming three match one day series a gainst Ne w Ze aland ‘A’
Speed sensation Umran Malik, who had earlier played for India on the back of consistent performances in IPL 2022, also finds a place in the A squad alongside fellow pacers Kuldeep Sen, Shardul Thakur, Navdeep Saini and Raj Angad Bawa
Samson had been an integral part of India's limited overs squads following the IPL, but didn't find a place in the side for the Asia Cup 2022 After the emergence of D i n e s h K a r t h i k a n d R i s h a b h P a n t ' s a l r e a d y c e m e n t e d s p o t i n t h e wicketkeeping role, Samson failed to break into the 15 member squad for the T20 W o r l d C u p a s w e l l H o w e v e r , t h e wicketkeeper batter will be aiming for consistent outings as skipper in the ‘A’ series against New Zealand
Prithvi Shaw, Abhimanyu Easwaran, Ruturaj Gaikwad, Rahul Tripathi, Rajat Patidar, Sanju Samson (Captain), KS Bharat (wicket keeper), Kuldeep Yadav, Shabhaz A h m e d , R a h u l C h a h a r , T i l a k V a r m a , K u l d e e p S e n , S h a r d u l T h a k u r , U m r a n Malik, Navdeep Saini, Raj Angad Bawa
Sanju Samson to lead India 'A' in one-day series against NZ 'A'
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I t i s B a j r a n g ’ s t h i r d b r o n z e a t t h e
Outgoing South Africa coach Mark Boucher will lead the Mumbai Indians and Australia’s Trevor Bayliss will take charge of the Punjab Kings in the next Indian Premier League season, the franchises said Boucher, 45 will leave his current role once the Twenty20 World Cup wraps up in November, despite having a year left on his contract He will replace Sri Lanka s Mahela Jayawardene as coach of Mumbai when the league resumes next year Punjab is the third IPL team to be coached by Bayliss, who had long stints as England and Sri Lanka coach He guided the KKR to two IPL titles in 2012 and 2014 before a disappointing stint at Sunrisers Hyderabad
Here s the full squad:
Bajrang in Championship by clinching bronze in th edition, in Belg weekBajrang, who won a bronze in last year’s Tokyo Olympics, one of the the bronze medal bouts Bajrang, who lost medal contest through repechage round where he defeated Vazgen Tevanyan of Armenia 7 6 by points Worlds The celebrated Indian wrestler had earlier won a bronze at the 2013 edition, silver in 2018 and bronze in 2019 India had fielded a 30 member team for the ongoing World Championships but
been pending for more than two and half years As per the amended cooling off clause approved by the SC, a person after two consecutive terms in a state association, will have to undergo a cooling period of three years before contesting elections for the state association It said the cooling off period would not kick in if he chooses to switch to national level and contest elections for BCCI, where on being elected, he would be entitled to further two terms The bench accepted the a m e n d m e n t s p r o p o s e d b y B C C I t h r o u g h solicitor general Tushar Mehta after these were tweaked by amicus curiae Maninder Singh to make them conform to the judicial s e n t i m e n t s T h e s e a m e n d m e n t s w o u l d permit Ganguly and Shah to contest again for the posts they are holding
The Supreme Court last week effecte d major a mendments to the constitution of Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) tha t would e nt itle it s pr eside nt, se cre tar y a nd office b e a r e r s t o ha v e t wo co ns ec ut iv e t er m s spanning six years in the boar d, even if they had served for thr ee years in state associations immediately before entering BCCI
p r o d b e l o w p a r p e r f o r m a n c e , securing just two medals Tokyo Olympics silver medallist Ravi Kumar Dahiya had crashed out early and failed to secure a podium finish Besides Bajrang, earlier in the tournament, Vinesh Phogat won her s e c o n d W o r l d C h a m p i o n s h i p b r o n z e medal in the women’s 53kg category
Bajrang Punia
Sourav Ganguly & Jay Shah
The squad also includes ex plosiv e opener Prithvi Sha w, a s well as Rahul Tripa thi and Ra jat Pa tidar , who had be en impre ssive in this yea r's Indian Premier L eague
AsianVoiceNews AsianVoiceNewsweekly www.asian-voice.com24 30 September 202232
Pace spearhead Mitchell Starc and all rounders Marcus Stoinis and Mitchell Marsh were ruled out of Australia s Twenty20 tour to India with low level injuries Team “Selectors felt with three games in six days across three cities, including travel to India and internally, Marsh, Stoinis and Starc are best served remaining in Australia ” Cricket Australia said The injuries are all minor with Starc (knee) Marsh (ankle) and Stoinis (side) replaced by Nathan Ellis Daniel Sams and Sean Abbott
India's hopes of qualifying for the top tier of the Davis Cup came unstuck at the final hurdle once again as they lost to Norway in the World Group I first round in Lillehammer last week
eked out a c l o s e 1 1 9 w i n o n p o i n t s o v e r Sebastian C Rivera of Puerto Rico in
u c e d a
Former In dia captain V irat Kohl i has made major gains in the International C ricket C ouncil 's (ICC) latest update of t he T2 0 I r an k i ng s a f ter hi s s te l l a r performances in the recently concluded Asia Cup Kohli ended the tournament as the second highest run scorer and al so scored his first T20I century, which w as a lso his first international cen tury in nearl y three years Meanwhile, Pakistan captain Babar Azam has gone down a spot t o th ird , w ith Sou th A f ric a ' s A i de n Markram replacing him at second place
Vinesh had defeated Emma Malmgren of Sweden 8 0 to claim the bronze
The hosts took a winning 3 0 lead after World No 2 Casper Ruud and Viktor Durasovic clinched the all important doubles rubber with a 6 3, 3 6, 6 3 win over Yuki Bhambri and Saketh Myneni India had lost to Finland at the same stage last year before bouncing back into contention after defeating Denmark in the playoff Prior to that, the team had lost to Croatia in 2020 and Serbia in 2018 at the same stage At the Hakons hall indoor arena, the Indians hopes had rested on Bhambri and Myneni, who had won five Challenger titles together this year and climbed up the ladder in doubles rankings, after the team had lost both the singles rubbers earlier Ramkumar Ramanathan went down 1 6 4 6 to Durasovic after Ruud had made short work of Prajnesh Gunneswaran with an identical scoreline
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The series sta rts on Septe mber 22 with all three matche s be ing play ed in Chennai
Mandhana knock helps India level T20I series
been called up as another wicketkeeper in t h e s q u a d A m o n g s p i n n e r s , K u l d e e p Yadav, Rahul Chahar, and Shahbaz Ahmed lead the attack
The earlier constitution had mandated a person, who was an office bearer in a state association for three years, to cool off for three years after a succeeding three year term i n t h e B C C I T h i s c l a u s e w a s i m p e d i n g further stints in the BCCI for its president Sourav Ganguly and secretary Jay Shah as both had worked as office bearers in cricket associations of Bengal and Gujarat
In December 2019, the AGM of BCCI had u n a n i m o u s l y p a s s e d r e s o l u t i o n s f o r a m e n d i n g t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n a n d i t s consequent application for SC approval had
R u t u r a j G a i k w a d a n d A b h i m a n y u Easwaran have also been picked for the three match series while youngster Tilak V a r m a , w h o d r e w e y e b a l l s f o r h i s impressive performances for the Mumbai I n d i a n s i n t h e 2 0 2 2 s e a s o n , h a s b e e n selected as well Alongside Samson, KS Bharat has also