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Government to reward people for healthier lifestyle
S teve Barclay said the pilot could 'pave the way for more initiativ es that reward people for increasing t h ei r ex erc i se l ev els o r eat in g h ealthier food '
Supermarket vouchers will be given to the public for increasing their daily step count and eating well through a new Government app The Better Health: Rewards app is free to download for all over-18s living in Wolverhampton i n a f i r s t - o f - i t s - k i n d p i l o t launched
Users will be given free fitness trackers, which will link to the app to follow their physical activity
O v e r 2 0 w e e k s , p a r t i c i p a n t s collect points for completing personalised goals - such as increasing their step count or eating more fruit and vegetables - which they can exchange for rewards including cinema tickets, clothes or food vouchers
The Government has given £3 million of funding for the incentives, which users will be given if they meet weekly challenges and improve their diet and physical activity Supermarkets including