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Pak Taliban warn of more attacks against police force
K A R A C H I : Paki stan’s Tali ban warned o f m ore attacks against law enfo rcem ent officers, a day after nine people, inclu ding fiv e terrorists, were killed in a gu nfigh t w ith security fo rces who m anaged to secure back control of the h ead office build ing o f the K arachi Po lice ch ief
The police are often used on the frontline of Pakistan’s battle with the Taliban and are frequently a target of militants who accuse them of extra-judicial killings “The policemen should stay away from our war with the slave army, otherwise the attacks on the safe havens of the top police officers will c o n t i n u e , ” T e h r e e k - e - T a l i b a n P a k i s t a n (TTP) said in an English-language statement
Earlier, armed militants of the Tehreeke-Taliban (Pakistan) stormed the office of the Karachi Police chief and opened fire As many as nine people, including five terrorists, were killed in a gunfight Four other people, including two police constables, a rangers personnel and a civilian were also killed and 17 were injured in the firing, reports said As per reports, at least eight armed militants entered the police chief's office, situated on Sharea Faisal in Karachi
A senior security source said five terrorists were killed during the operation He said three were killed in the long gun battle while two blew themselves up which also caused some damage to one floor of the building
The building was under siege for nearly four hours In the videos from the spot, several rounds of gunshots can be heard A video also shows the moment an explosion took place inside the building
Bangladesh shuts down main opposition party’s newspaper

D HA KA : The Dainik Dinkal , a Benga li-l ang uage broadsheet an d the mouthpiece of t he Bangl adesh Na tion alist Party (B NP), has ha lted pr oduction after a govern me nt suspe nsion orde r was uphel d by a wat chdog, stoking fea rs about media free dom in the country It has be en in circul ation for mor e t han t hree decades It employs hundreds of journal ist s and press worker s and look aftte be eternally g blessings will
The caretaker cabinet of Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in its first meeting approved the transfer of approximately two acres of government land to the Auqaf department for the construction of cremation grounds for Hindus and Sikhs in the province Cremation ground each in the Peshawar and Nowshera districts are to be constructed for the Hindu and Sikh communities and a little less than half an acre for Christian graveyards in the Kohat district of the province The caretaker cabinet approved the transfer of two acres of government land for the minority communities The communities welcomed the decision
Pet Leopard Runs Amok In Islamabad
A pet leopard escaped from a house in the Pakistan capital and roamed the streets for hours before being shot with a sedation dart, wildlife officials said In videos posted to social media, the young male cat slips between cars before knocking down a man and leaping over a garden fence “According to our initial investigation it is a pet animal and not wild at all but he is scared and is constantly roaring ” Tariq Bangash director of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board said Pakistan last year banned the import of exotic mammals after large numbers were brought in or bred in recent years causing problems for wildlife officials
8 Killed As Cyclone Hits Nz
f a move on to g er abo e aftter a short period of illness caused by Lukemia a ff f
In many w ys her soul has now been released frrom this difffiicult time
/ /
Our Ben when she had came to f f f a
The daily covers news stories including the frequent arrests of BNP members and what the party says are thousands of fake cases against its supporters The newspaper on Monday said the Dhaka district authorit i e s h a d o r d e r e d t h e s h u t d o w n o n December 26, but it continued to publish after filing an appeal at the Press Council headed by a top high court judge
“The council rejected our appeal yesterday [on Sunday], upholding the district magistrate’s order to stop our publication,” said Shamsur Rahman Shimul Biswas, managing editor of the newspaper
A New Zealand mum has recounted the heartbreak of watching her two-year-old daughter being swept away in floodwaters unleashed by Cyclone Gabrielle, which has killed at least eight people The storm has faded into the South Pacific but left a trail of destruction and human suffering across New Zealand s North Island About 10,000 people are displaced, cities and towns are still without power and drinking water, and local government officials estimate tens or even hundreds of communities have yet to be contacted f f f a a n ra g t frrom the beginning Ben showed remark ble artisti craft t and creative skills S would oftten do paintings of craft t I remember that designed and created her sari which was admired b c , he and made items she even own wedding y many f gratefu u a n
Our Ben, Chandrika Unalkat was born on 2/44/446 in Jinja, Uganda Her initial upbringing was i K ki Ri h f f f f a a a a a a f a r our Ben For this we sh ll ratefuul I am sure Ben’s lw ys be with ll of them had some health ch llenges to go on dialysis When it the possibility of kidney ant, we as her siblings ll d up to donate but our other Sanjay was the fiirst Sanj j y gave his kidney to Ben and she recovered remark bly well This happened on 18 th November 2018 and Ben had a beautifuul happy life e until a feew months back The diagnosis of lukemia f a a tra was a tot l surprise and frrom a real bad condition, she again pulled through to a level of normality foor 3 months Sadly, thereaftter it took a negative turn

a a f f a f f
We h ve been receiving messages frrom numerous frriends and relatives s ying that Ben was in contact with them or spoke to them or sent messages Our Ben had decided to s y her good byes She lso decided irmly to not bother with any fuurther treatment During the foormal f f
The order said the printing permit of the newspaper was cancelled after it violated the country’s printing and publication laws The council said the paper ’ s publisher, Tarique Rahman – the acting chief of BNP –was a convicted criminal and was living abroad without handing over his job to another person
B i s w a s s a i d R a h m a n , n o w b a s e d i n L o n d o n , s u b m i t t e d h i s r e s i g n a t i o n a n d appointed a new publisher, but the authorities did not accept the changes “This shutdown is all part of the government crackdown on dissenting voices and freedom of speech,” Biswas said
Japan has “discovered” more than 7,000 new islands it did not know existed using advanced mapping technology in the first geographical study of the archipelago in 35 years The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan is expected to release a report on its updated map of the nation in March At present, Japan is officially made up of 6,852 islands, but that figure will rise to 14 125 islands, Kyodo News reported The previous estimate was the result of a study by the Japan Coast Guard in 1987 but that list of islands only included those with a circumference of at least 100 metres or 328 feet
7 siblings and second mother ole in ll our are immensely
China temporarily shuts down consular office in Pak
Chinese citizens to be cautious while in Pakistan, saying they might be at risk due to a deteriorating security situation a f a
Ben feell in love with the boy next door! This was our Sureshbhai and they were married on 26/6/66 which m kes it 56 years of marriage! I was only 11 years old when I did the brother’s blessings in the wedding They now h ve two wonderfuul daughters: Shilpa and Anjli, two ver y supportive sons in law, Paresh and Raj j and of course their proud grandsons, Shaan and Ar yan
Recently, Sureshbhai,Shilpa, Anjjli, Paresh and Raj j and the grandsons had given up ever ything in their lives to care a a n a prayers so ma st yed on till to how many touched
Ben was the eldest of she assumed the role of a She played a signi icant r upbringing foor which we f l f
So many our Ben foor h smile and wil love f ny people turned up and the end This is testament hearts that our Ben had of faamily frriends remember er contagious constant lingness to show care and
I S LA M A B AD : A fter warning its citizens to rem ain cautious in Pakistan owing to the deteriorating secu rity situatio n, C hina has tem porarily sh ut dow n the consular section of its mission th ere due to technical concerns f f
For us ou Baa about 10 motherly igu deeply She h we shall alwa f r Ben took the place of our years ago She was our re who cared and loved us as been a beautifuul soul that ys bow down to
The embassy announced this on its website, refraining from providing specific information about the nature of the "technical issue" or the timeline for the closure The warning stated that starting on February 13, 2023, until further notice, "the consular section of the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad will be temporarily closed due to technical concerns "
T h e n o t i f i c a t i o n f o l l o w s l a s t w e e k ' s notice by the Chinese government, advising
Pakistan has seen a rise in terror attacks s i n c e l a t e l a s t y e a r w h e n t h e P a k i s t a n i Taliban group called off a fragile truce with the government Chinese nationals working on the ambitious China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) have regularly been targete d b y v a r i o u s t e r r o r i s t o r g a n i s a t i o n s i n Pakistan, putting a significant portion of Beijing's Belt and Road infrastructure programme at risk
The CPEC is a USD 65 billion network of r o a d s , r a i l w a y s , p i p e l i n e s , a n d p o r t s i n
Pakistan connecting China to the Arabian Sea