AV 28th September 2024

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Vadhwana appointed as India s next Ambassador to Bolivia P25

Double gold for India at the Chess Olympiad in Budapest P32

As the festive season is upon us, there's an undeniable sense of excitement in the air with celebrations like Navratri , Durga Puja, Golu, Diwali and other festivals approaching, each showcasing the vibrant cultural tapestry of our diverse communities

These festivals are not just times of revelry; they embody the spirit of togetherness, unity, and shared joy that enrich our lives Families and friends come together to enjoy the colourful traditions, lively music, and mouth-watering delicacies that make this time of year so special Celebrating South Asian success at the 22nd Asian Achievers Awards

an air of despondency over the failure of UN and

Subhasini Naicker
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Garba at Diwali on the Square

Mass immigration, 'woke culture' threaten England's identity: Jenrick

To r y lead er sh i p ca nd i d ate Robert Jenrick has expressed c onc ern that m ass m ig ration and " w oke cu lture" are t h rea ten i ng En g la nd 's national identity

Je n r i c k , c u r r e n t l y t h e frontrunner to replace Rishi

Su n a k , c r i t i c i s

described as the "metropolitan establishment's" "sneer-

England's identity The former immigration minister warned that this attitude, combined with an influx of


In an article for the Daily Mail, Jenrick argued that the public has repeatedly voted against these changes, and politicians in Westminster

depth of anger across the countr y He also suggested

riots following the stabbings in Southport According to Jenrick, years of "inter-communal violence, radicalisa-

tion, and diminishing trust in our communities" have set the stage for such unrest

Jenrick also warned that unless the UK addresses the identity crisis and controls immigration, it risks falling victim to "ugly politics" from the far right He accused the English "metropolitan elite" of actively disapproving of

Scotland and Wales feel for their respective identities

In another recent interview, Jenrick acknowledged that immigration has historically enriched England but argued that the net migration surge over the past 25 years, starting under Tony Blair, has been excessive

L abour reverses stance on free offerings

S i r Ke ir Sta

d h i s senior team w ill no lo ng er accep t d onatio ns fo r clothing after th e prime m inister bow ed to pressure from top colleagues

A l l i e s o f St a r m e r acknowledged there was a "perception" issue following his acceptance of clothing valued at £16,000 and glasses worth £2,485, both provided by Lord Alli, a prominent Labour donor Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, also

a c c e p t e d £ 7 ,5 0 0 i n d o n a-

t i o n s fo r c l o t h i n g , w h i c h were registered as “support” for her off ice Deputy Prime

M i

L ondon motorists are facing ri sing costs after S adi q Khan's U l tr a L ow Emi s s i o n Zo n e (ULEZ) exp ansi on brought in

£3,550 from Alli, which were listed as a “donation in kind for parliamentar y duties ” Previously, Starmer had defended the £100,000 he r

clothing, gifts, and hospital-

backed him, arguing that it was essential for the prime minister to present his best

British people Lord Alli also reportedly purchased more than £5,000 worth of clothing and arranged for a personal shopper for Starmer's wife, Victoria

o v e r £ 32 2 mi l l i o n s


t s launch las t year, accordin g to n ew d ata Reform UK's Howard Cox,

Urgently Required - Full-Time Gujarati female Carer in Leicester

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Pregnant woman claims attack on BA Flight, offered champagne as apology

Parul Patel, 3 5, wh o w as 11 weeks preg nant, claims she w as assaulted by a fellow passenger while waiting to disem bark a British A irways flig ht fro m Am sterdam to London Heathro w

Watford, who was travelling with her partner

Dhiren Raghvani, 32, said, "I felt like this man was going to hurt me I was made to feel like the bad guy and now fear confronting anyone " The couple was returning from Amsterdam after visiting a friend on August 19

The move, which applies only to clothing and glasses

Parul Patel recalled, "I was already standing in the aisle when he suddenly pushed me and said, 'Don't think I won't punch you in the f ***ing face ' I was in shock " The situation escalated as the man continued to verbally abuse her with threats Although a cabin crew member tried to console her, Parul was left shaken and fearful "I asked them to call security," she said "I was in such shock, cr ying so much I could barely speak I didn’t understand why they offered us a bottle of champagne It would make sense for bad customer ser vice, but we were dealing with common assault " Despite reporting the incident, she felt her concerns were not taken seriously, and when she followed up with the airline, she was offered a £50 voucher

a "cash grabbing scheme "

An analysis of Tf L data shows nearly 1 8 million ULEZ penalty charge notices were issued between August 29 and June, totaling £322 8 million Each f ine is £180, reduced to £90 if paid within 14 days Around £176 million was col-

ULEZ fees during this period

Tf L

ULEZ revenue is "reinvested into improving London’s pub-

expansion in August last year

London’s boroughs

Mayor Sadiq Khan called the ULEZ expansion a "diff icult" but necessar y step to tackle air pollution, creating

To comply, most petrol vehicles must be registered after 2005, and diesel vehicles after September 2015 Non-compliant vehicles are charged

Parul Patel emphasised, "This wasn't about a delayed flight or lost luggage this was a serious assault " To make matters worse, she e n c o u n t e r e d t h e s a m e m a n a g a i n i n t h e arrivals hall "I was in tears, and he squared up to me, swearing and cursing my unborn child," she recalled "I was terrif ied I felt he would hurt me and my baby " Despite the threats, Parul said the police were unable to take any action

Imam sentenced after recruiting family for brutal attack

Rotherh am : A resp ected imam h as received a prison sentence for enlisting six family members to execute a 'shocking ly' v iolent assault on tw o peo ple

Talhat Mughal, 51, was sentenced to f ive years in prison for instigating a brutal assault that resulted in one victim requiring reconstructive facial surger y and the other suffering a stab wound

He r e c r u i t e d s e v e r a l f a m i l y m e m b e r s , including his brother Mohammad Tabarak Mu g h a l , 4 8 ; h i s s o n Mu h a m m a d U w a i s Mughal, 27; Mohammed Basharat Mughal, 46; and Ahmed Mughal, 34, all of whom were also jailed for their roles in the attack

Tw o o t h e r f a m i l y m e m b e r s , H a m z a Mughal, 22, and nephew Wakaas Mughal, 26, r e c e i v e d s u s p e n d e d s e n t e n c e s S h e f f i e l d

Crown Court was informed that Talhat had held a respected religious position in the Mu s l i m c o m m u n i t y o f Ro t h e r h a m , S o u t h Yorkshire, for over two decades

However, in the hours leading up to the violence on Februar y 21, 2021, he had a brief physical confrontation with the f irst complainant in a local shop

Judge Peter Hampton stated that Talhat then began 'recruiting family members to carr y out a shocking act of violence,' arming them with 'sticks, bats, and knives '


The "10 -year route" visa for immigrants has been criticised as discriminatory following an analysis revealing that most applicants are people of colour This lengthy and costly visa route is typically used by individuals who cannot access other immigration schemes due to insufficient income or professional qualifications often because they work in low-paid jobs such as cleaning or care work In contrast other pathways to settlement in the UK usually take five years According to freedom of information data from the charity Ramfel, there are currently 218,110 individuals on the 10 -year route Analysis by The Guardian of Home Office data found that nine out of the top ten nationalities affected by this route are from countries with predominantly minority ethnic populations The top five countries are Nigeria, Pakistan, India, Ghana, and Bangladesh Overall, 86% of those using this route are from Asian or African countries, with only 6% coming from Europe


A 12-year- old boy, the youngest known individual in England to be charged in connection with the widespread unrest in UK cities earlier this summer, has been sentenced to a 12-month referral order The boy, whose identity is protected due to his age, appeared at Liverpool Youth Court on Tuesday In addition to the referral order, he was given a three -month curfew requiring him to stay indoors between 9pm and 7am His father received a six-month parenting order and was ordered to pay £200 in compensation to the mosque central to the unrest on behalf of his son The boy had earlier admitted to violent disorder after taking part in riots in Southport which erupted following a knife attack that claimed the lives of three girls in the town CCTV footage captured the boy throwing an object at police officers during the riots on 30 July, before fleeing the scene on a bicycle


Junior doctors across the NHS will now be referred to as resident doctors, a change aimed at better acknowledging their expertise The British Medical Association (BMA) which advocated for the shift criticised the term "junior" as "infantilising and demeaning " The new title, "resident doctor," will apply to over 50,000 qualified doctors working in GP practices and hospitals This includes both recent graduates and those with a decade of experience Health ministers have endorsed the change as part of an effort to "reset the relationship" between NHS doctors and the government This follows a recent agreement where resident doctors in England accepted a 22% pay rise over two years resolving an 18month dispute The term "junior" will be phased out in all BMA and government communications with NHS media and healthcare institutions encouraged to adopt resident as well


Sir Mark Rowley the head of the Metropolitan Police has criticised public criticism of the police saying it “emboldens thugs ” Speaking at the Police Foundation event Rowley warned those hurling insults to be cautious about their stance He also highlighted the dire state of the policing budget, which he described as dangerously stretched and heading off a cliff and anticipated that half of the force s buildings may close in the next decade In his annual John Harris Memorial Lecture, marking his two -year tenure as commissioner, Rowley addressed concerns about the future of policing His remarks seemed directed at Suella Braverman former Home Secretary who had previously criticised the Met for perceived bias during anti-Israel protests

Robert Jenerick
Parul Patel and her partner Dhiren Raghvani

The dual edge of technology

Every invention has the potential to either benefitting or harming the society Technology inherently possesses dual aspects, like a coin When used correctly, it can greatly enhance societal well-being; however, if misused, can inflict lasting harm on the collective interest

Currently, society is contending with serious issues like rape and sexual exploitation, which the internet plays a role in exacerbating Recently, the UK Home Secretary raised concerns about the growing trend of young people, particularly teenagers, consuming violent pornography, which is deeply troubling This type of content is fundamentally reshaping young people's understanding of sex, leading to significant consequences for their safety Reports indicate that most of the rape and sexual exploitation cases in the UK involve 14year-old girls Alarmingly, one-third of the reported incidents concern girls under 18 who have been victimised by rape

Statistics indicate that the menace of rape is escalating among young girls In the past year, the number of girls under the age of 15 who fell victim to rape has been significant Out of the 31,603 rape cases recorded by the police, 9,928 involved girls under the age of 18 According to data released by 31 police departments in England and Wales, in 2023-24, 1,458 girls aged 14 were victims of rape Rape is taking on a horrific and monstrous form in the UK

AI-generated child sexual abuse videos, primarily deepfakes, have started circulating, highlighting rapid technological advancements in AI models/generators Increasingly, deepfake videos shared in dark web forums take adult pornographic videos and add a child’s face using AI tools There is a noticeable increase in AI-generated child sexual abuse imagery

on the clear web, including on commercial sites Perpetrators

imagery of known victims of child sexual abuse or famous children

“The children in the pictures are real Their abuse and suffering are very real Our experts never forget that”, said the UK Internet Watch Foundation, an organisation with expertise to help governments shape new laws, and laws that will benefit victims of child sexual abuse and give the best possible protection to children online

Violent pornography is significantly influencing the sexual behaviours of young boys, fundamentally altering their views on women and relationships, according to Home Secretary Yvette Cooper She noted that schools and parents are failing to educate boys about acceptable sexual behaviour There is an escalating concern that the misuse of AI could lead to an increase in the number of teenagers and young women who become victims Perpetrators are increasingly misusing artificial intelligence to blackmail, exploit, and target women A study conducted by the University of Edinburgh in May revealed that around 300 million children globally fall victim to some form of online sexual exploitation each year

On average, children are first exposed to pornography at around 13 years old, and by the time they reach 18, a staggering 79% of girls have already encountered violent pornography In this 21st century, characterised by advanced technology, pornography has emerged as a significant threat Parents must take proactive measures to safeguard their children from this danger and prevent them from becoming either victims or offenders

The rise of the anti-India forces in its south

Electoral democracies in South Asia have grown highly competitive, often defying traditional expectations As a major player in the region, India frequently gets entangled in its neighbours' domestic politics, requiring skilled diplomacy to navigate these dynamics Moreover, the increasing presence of anti-India forces in the neighbouring countries within the Indian sub-continent poses a significant challenge to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government's foreign policy

Pakistan has engaged in three wars with India till now It continually seeks opportunities to destabilise India through terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir Meanwhile, China remains a persistent threat, always looking for ways to exert pressure on India So far, China has seized thousands of square kilometres of Indian territory Political leaders in Nepal often turn to India for support, yet most of the time, they remain aligned with China Bangladesh, which had been a reliable neighbour to India, has shifted towards an anti-India stance following Sheikh Hasina s removal from power Meanwhile, Sri Lanka which has historically depended on India's assistance, also bears responsibility for China's increasing influence in the Indian Ocean

The new Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake’s (AKD) popularity surged locally, due to his role in the Aragalaya movement While he didn’t claim credit for the protests, he positioned himself as an outsider advocating for "drastic change," resonating with the voters Sri Lanka has already handed over the strategic Hambantota Port to Beijing on a 99-year lease India's security concerns centre on the regular movement of Chinese naval vessels, including submarines and research ships While India doesn’t demand a break in Sri Lanka-China ties, it expects Sri Lanka to address its security concerns and prevent China from disrupting Indian shipping or spying activities

AKD rose to prominence in 1987 during the JVP’s insurgency against the Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF), which had been deployed to disarm the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) His party also opposed the 1987 India-Sri Lanka Accord signed by President JR Jayewardene and Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, which suggests that the situation for Tamils in Sri Lanka is unlikely to improve under his leadership Protecting Tamil interests is important for the BJP’s outreach in South India, but Dissanayake’s anti-Tamil stance could complicate this effort While he hasn’t expressed any anti-India views since taking office, his Marxist ideology may bring him closer to China Indian policymakers therefore, must work harder to prevent AKD from aligning with China

In recognition of AKD's rise, India extended an invitation to him in February this year, where he led a delegation to meet with India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar and National Security Adviser Ajit Doval Experts believe India will closely monitor AKD’s approach towards China Maintaining friendly relations with Sri Lanka is crucial for India, not only for its strategic interests in the Indian Ocean but also to address the longstanding Tamil issue in Sri Lanka

While AKD acknowledges India’s importance, bridging the “trust deficit” between the two nations, it will require more efforts from him Sri Lanka stands to benefit significantly from deeper integration with India, as the world’s fastest-growing large economy, which offers substantial economic opportunities As India faces challenges in its neighbourhood with Sheikh Hasina out of power, pressure from China and Pakistan, rebel activities from Myanmar, and ongoing issues with the Maldives securing a stable, cooperative relationship with Sri Lanka would be a strategic advantage for both countries

Modi’s US visit celebrates diaspora and diplomacy

Since his re-election for a third term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has embarked on a high-profile diplomatic tour, engaging with key allied nations that play pivotal roles in global politics while advancing India’s strategic interests From war-affected Ukraine and Russia to France, Dubai, and now the USA, Modi has been showcasing India’s growing global influence and reinforcing international relationships

This marks Modi’s ninth official visit to the United States during a decade of BJP rule During this trip, he participated in the Quad Leaders' Summit in Wilmington, addressed thousands of Indian Americans in Long Island, and spoke at the UN’s Summit of the Future At the Quad Summit, Modi emphasised that the alliance comprising Japan, the US, Australia, and India is not directed against any specific country but is committed to maintaining a "rulesbased order" and respecting sovereignty

In addition to these diplomatic engagements, Modi hosted a large-scale event titled “Modi & US,” which celebrated the Indian diaspora and further strengthened ties between India and its global community The event attracted over 13,000 Indian Americans, many of whom traveled from across 40 states, underscoring the profound connection they feel to their homeland and their eagerness to contribute to India's rising stature on the world stage Modi lauded the diaspora as vital ambassadors of India, highlighting their crucial role in promoting the nation’s interests abroad

Since coming to power in 2014, Modi has made outreach to the global Indian diaspora a hallmark of his government’s foreign policy His engagement with the diaspora has been particularly pronounced in the United States, where the Indian American population has grown to over 4 million, becoming the second-largest immigrant group in the country In previous large rallies on US soil, Modi aimed to celebrate the diaspora's achievements, outlining the various

ways they can support India’s interests from afar while emphasising their significant economic, political, and social influence in the United States These high-energy gatherings raise important questions: How do Indians in America perceive India, and how do they maintain connections to developments back home? What are their views on Indian politics and the changes occurring in their ancestral homeland?

Research published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in 2021 reveals that Indian Americans generally maintain a strong connection to their homeland However, the intensity of this connection and the specific channels through which it operates vary significantly across the Indian American population While a majority express support for Modi and his government, a notable minority do not Indian Americans tend to hold more conservative opinions on policy issues in India than on those in the United States, yet they are less pro-Modi compared to Indians living in India and display a more moderate stance overall Overall, the Indian diaspora in the US is a significant asset for the BJP and Narendra Modi The diaspora's fundraising efforts and support for policies that promote investment while minimising rights-based criticism greatly benefit Modi s party When it comes to bi-lateral relationship between the two countries, India and the US continue to be crucial partners, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, where India p

Additionally, India acts as a bridge between Russia and the West, providing opportunities for diplomacy India’s leadership in the Global South further solidifies its importance as a partner for the West, especially in navigating complex global changes

Both nations depend on each other for strategic and economic reasons, and although the relationship may face challenges, it is likely to endure through careful diplomacy

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible ” Tony Robbins

The Unfiltered Lens From Ideology to Action: Sangh and BJP

C Natarajan

In the p ast six m onths, various statements from lead ers of th e B h ara ti

( BJ P ) an d th e R as h tri y a Swayamsevak Sang h (RS S) have been both revealing and co ncerning During the election cam paign, BJP Presid ent J P Nadd a remarked, " In th e beg inning , we may have been smaller, less capable, and need ed th e RSS Tod ay, w e h av e gro wn stronger and are self-sufficient T he BJP op erates ind ependently," sug gesting that the party’ s structure has solid ified He further noted that the RSS now serves as an 'id eolog ical front'

After the election, Shri Mohan Bhagwat, the chief of the RSS, openly expressed concerns about the arrogance displayed by leaders of the BJP and the ruling government To some extent, the Sangh’s reaction can be seen as justified

The RSS was founded in 1925 by Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, a physician and Hindutva activist, in the city of Nagpur Hedgewar, popularly known as Doctorji, qualified as a medical doctor in Kolkata

The period following World War I was marked by growing resentment among Indians, fuelled by events such as the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, the oppressive Rowlatt Act, and the British Empire’s treatment of the Turkish Khalifa These incidents set the stage for a broader mass movement against British rule

In this context, the Khilafat issue became an opportunity for Mahatma Gandhi to unite Hindus and Muslims in their fight against the vast colonial empire Beginning in 1919, the Khilafat Movement, led by the Ali brothers, alongside Gandhi's Non-Cooperation Movement, marked a new phase of the Indian national struggle under his leadership

In 1921, as part of the British colonial government’s efforts to suppress the Moplah rebellion on the Malabar coast, thousands of Hindus were brutally massacred, with many forcibly converted to Islam Later, in Kolkata, the All-India Muslim League perpetrated a similar atrocity on Hindus, known as the Great Calcutta Killings

Dr Hedgewar must have been deeply concerned by these events, which likely contributed to the founding of the RSS Initially established as a socio-cultural organisation, the RSS has, over the past 99 years, grown into one of the most extensively organised groups, both in India and abroad

After Independence, Syama Prasad Mukherjee led the H

Unfortunately, Syama Mukherjee died under controversial circumstances in Jammu and Kashmir

The RSS has numerous affiliated organisations, one of which was the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, its political wing The Jana Sangh played a key role in the Janata Dal government under Morarji Desai in 1977 However, after the dissolution of the Janata Dal alliance, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) emerged in the early 1980s as a fully-fledged political organisation closely aligned with the Sangh

Let me be very clear, both the Sangh and the BJP have contributed significantly to India’s development and have played an important role in shaping the country’s political, social, and cultural landscape The RSS has long been a driving force behind social initiatives and nationalist ideologies, while the BJP has successfully led the nation in various capacities, contributing to economic growth, national security, and global standing

But irresponsible statements, particularly from leaders and representatives, can undermine the progress both organisations have made They can create unnecessary divisions within society, damage the image of these institutions, and weaken the very cause they stand for They desperately need to coexist in cooperation

• Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup com Website: www abplgroup com

Political Sketchbook

Don’t Bring Me into Your Beef

Today we nee d to talk a bout In dia’s fore ig n policy It’s inde pend ent It's prag matic A nd hone stly , it’ s r ight Let’s br eak it down-India 's policy towa rds Russia and t he Unit ed Sta tes is like jugg ling fire an d wa ter , a nd somehow, New De lhi is doing it lik e a pr o, mak ing e ver yone wonde r, “Wa it, how are they p ullin g this off?”

Let’s get one thing straight: India ain’t picking sides

See, here’s the thing For the longest time, the global narrative has been, “You’re either with us, or against us ” Cold War-era alliances, proxy wars it was like picking teams in dodgeball, but with nukes India? India’s like, “We’re just trying to win the whole tournament, why are you fighting over the ball?”

The West, especially the U S , has been nudging India to join the party condemn Russia outright, cut off ties, stop buying oil But India’s like, “Hold up, wait a minute We got 1 4 billion mouths to feed, we need affordable energy, and we have historical ties with Russia that go back decades You want us to just ghost them? In this economy?!” It’s like when you ’ re at a family wedding and your two best friends start fighting Do you pick a side, or do you say, “Can we all just focus on the free buffet?” Russia an d In dia: It ’ s Complicat ed

Historically, Russia’s been that one friend who always had India’s back in rough times During the Cold War, when the U S was busy cosying up to Pakistan, Russia was like, “We got you, bro ” Remember that? Russia provided arms, defence tech, and was a reliable partner at the United Nations In fact, 60-70% of India’s military hardware comes from Russia It’s like ordering half your wardrobe from one store if that store suddenly goes out of business, you ’ re gonna be wearing last season ’ s clothes for a long time

So when the U S says, “India, stop buying weapons from Russia,” India’s like, “You got replacements for the MiGs and Sukhois? Oh, you don’t? Thought so ”

The U S a nd India : B esties with Boun dar ie s

But let’s be real, the U S is not just any other friend The relationship between India and the U S has grown massively in recent years They’ve got a strategic partnership, trade deals, tech collaborations, you name it It’s like India is dating Russia but flirting with the U S at the same time Is it messy? Sure But it’s smart India's making sure it’s hedging its bets And for good reason

Think about it India’s neighbourhood is like living in a rough part of town You got China on one side, flexing military muscle; Pakistan on the other side, with its own set of issues India needs friends in high places, and the U S is a powerful ally But at the same time, India’s not about to burn bridges with Russia, especially when Moscow is still critical to its defence and energy needs

India is out here playing 3D chess while everyone else is stuck on checkers The U S and Russia are trying to get India to pick a side, but India’s like, “Nah, I’m good ” It’s the ultimate power move Independence is the name of the game

And let’s not forget, this isn’t just about Russia It’s about China

See, Russia and India have both had their fair share of conflicts with China Russia might have closer ties with Beijing nowadays, but India knows that an isolated Russia could get pushed deeper into China's embrace So India’s thinking, “If I keep Russia close, I keep China from getting too comfortable ” It’s geopolitical judo

At the same time, the U S wants India to help counter China’s rise in the Indo-Pacific India’s all for that look at their involvement in the Quad But India’s also smart enough to know that blindly following the U S could hurt its long-term interests India’s like, “We’ll work with you, America, but we ’ re gonna do it on our terms ” The Cold Har d Truth

Look, in today’s world, countries can’t just stick to one “friend group ” They need to be versatile, adaptive India’s independent foreign policy isn’t about loyalty or betrayal it’s about self-interest And, really, can you blame them?

India’s got 1 4 billion people to look after, a massive economy to grow, and security concerns from all sides If they can manage to get cheap oil from Russia, why wouldn’t they? If they can deepen strategic ties with the U S without burning bridges with Moscow, why shouldn’t they? It’s called looking out for Number One

In conclusion, India’s independent foreign policy is not just right it’s necessary New Delhi is proving that in a world of polarized politics, you can be a balancing force It’s about finding that sweet spot where you protect your interests without getting dragged into someone else’s drama It’s like being invited to two parties at the same time, and India’s just showing up to both, saying, “I’m here for the snacks and good vibes don’t bring me into your beef ” India’s foreign policy? It’s not just diplomacy It’s survival

“Service to community can come in many forms”

A s U K m ark ed th e Or g an

Do n ati o n Wee k ( 2 3 - 2 9

S ep te m be r) , D eep a k S i ng h Udassi, a 4 3-year-old Sikh from Surrey, has m ad e a significant im p ac t o n h i s co m m u ni ty through his d ed ication to blood and platelet do nations

In August, Deepak reached an impressive total of 100 donation credits after giving 33 whole blood and 67 platelet units over the past thirteen years


blood donation stems from his Sikh faith, which emphasises selfless service

Explaining, Deepak said, "Service can come in many forms, whether it's making a donation, feeding someone, or using a skill you have to help others In this case, it means contributing my body to help others ”

A deeply personal motivation for Deepak's continuous effort is his father who suffers from a type of leukaemia called myelofibrosis and requires blood transfusions every three weeks “If my father is taking a unit out every month and I put a unit in every month, it sorts

of balances out I feel like I'm helping him in my own way, ” he shared How did Deepak’s jo urney begin? Deepak’s journey to blood donation began when he started donating w h o l e b

Twickenham After moving to Surrey about four years ago, he switched to

Centre, where he makes monthly trips B

London, I can donate platelets more frequently than whole blood, which allows me to contribute more regularly Tooting is an hour’s drive for me,

Celebrating South Asian success at the 22nd Asian Achievers Awards

The 22 nd A sian A chiev ers Award s celebrated the co n-

tri bu t io n s o f p ro m in en t

S o ut h A s ia ns i n th e U K , attracting ov er 500 g uests

Ho s te d by f o rm e r

Ea st E nd e rs s tar N it in Ganatra and ITV newsreader A nila Dham i, the event highligh ted the excep tional ac h ie v em ent s w it h i n th e British A sian co mmunity Winners included fusion sound duo Abi Sampa and R

Choudhury, GP specialising

founder, and the largest dis-

Award for over 50 years of public service

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer acknowledged the impact of British Asians on social and economic innova-

Minister Rishi Sunak con-

Boxer Amir Khan was honoured with a Special Award for Philanthropy, expressing


British Asian community's significant contributions to the UK, and host Ganatra noted the event's enduring legacy The evening featured

and was supported by

Andaria, Aries Global, and

along with media partners

Samachar and LycaRadio

Special Award for Philanthropy : Amir Khan

Art and Culture Award : Abi Sampa and Rushil Ranjan

Business Person of the Year : Sukhpal Singh


Community Service Award : Iftikhar Chaudhri

Entrepreneur of the Year : Muhammad Ibrahim (Chaiiwala)

Lifetime Achievement Award : Virendra Sharma

Media Person of the Year Award : Tasnim Nazeer

Professional of the Year : Dr Kesar Singh Sadhra

Sports Personality of the Year : Hamza Choudhury Woman of the Year : Dr Nighat Arif

Special Award for Entrepreneurship : Irshad Akhtar

Special Award for Young Business Person of the Year : Krishan and Shyam Sedani

Special Award for International

Business Person of the Year : Bipen Sharma

Special Award for Professional Impact : Navita Yadav

but appointments are flexible, so I book when I know I’ll be in the area on business – and free parking is provided too!” he said Need for bloo d donati on within Bri tish Asians

Speaking about the importance of blood donation within minority communities, Deepak e

e need for blood donations, espe-

South Asian populations Blood

often provides a better match

But unfortunately, there's a mismatch between those who need blood and those who give it ” He encourages p

Asian heritage, to donate blood "It's free, has no negative impact on your body, and helps directly serve your community while easing the burden on the NHS We all need to contribute in our own way "

She was born in Burma a nd relocate d to t he UK in 196 2 fr om t he Pun jab re gion of India, r esiding in Cove ntr y until he r d eat h in Nov embe r 20 13 at t he ag e of 84

In 1942, Chand Lal-Sarin was among the last to flee Burma during the Japanese invasion, escaping to India o n

e focused on women's issues in the South Asian community and served as a police interpreter

She also spoke at local clubs about India and integration before becoming the UK's first Asian magistrate When she and her husband Daman moved to England, he opened a dental practice on Broad Street in Foleshill

T h e d e n t a l p r a c t i c e established by Chand and Daman Lal-Sarin became a haven for the Indian community in Coventry Their d a u g h t e r , R e n u k a K a p o o r , noted that her parents "fell in love" despite coming from different castes Chand also

worked to create a refuge for South Asian women facing f o r c e d m a r r i a

interpreter and giving talks about India to local clubs

A t C o v e n t r y ' s R o t a r y Club, she encouraged the inclusion of Indian members and invited her husband to join, leading them to years of volunteer work R

mother as "very vivacious," "full of life," and a "pillar of

that they often said, "We are E n

OBE from the late Queen E l

r k with the Rotary Club, with C h a n d a s h i s h u g e s u pport



Leicester struggled with a "collective inferiority complex " He expressed pride in the city's appeal, highlighting three key strengths: its rich history, historic buildings, and diverse community "With 2,000 years of h

cherished structures from every period of its development," he said

Left to Right: Tetiana Kashchuk, Deepak Singh Udassi, Demi Barber, Marryam Batool and Tinu Odunsi during Deepak’s donation of platelets at the Tooting donor centre
Chand Lal-Sarin
Pratik Dattani with Amir Khan

When we pro t, so do of our members f

This year, nearly 4 million of our members received a £100 Fairer Share payment.


Ajourney of dedication and delivery

In February this year, I h ad the pleasu re of welco ming David Dabydeen to my ho me, accompanied by Mike Nich olson fro m Cambridge University David is one of the foremo st creative writers o n th e Indian indentured experience in the Caribbean

For over two decades, he served at the University of Warwick’s Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies An award-winning poet and novelist, David has written extensively on themes of migration, belonging, and identity He has also served as Guyana’s Ambassador and Permanent Delegate to UNESCO and Guyana’s Ambassador to China

During his visit, he presented me with his book "We Mark Your MemoryWritings from the Descendants of Indenture "

I have known David for many years, our connection deepening after a meeting in 2021 organised by Prof Lord Bhikhu

Parekh Held in the Speaker's Room of the House of Lords, the event introduced an initiative led by David and his colleagues, focusing on the recollections of descendants of indentured labourers, particularly in Guyana and the Caribbean Many prominent figures participated in this significant gathering

preparing a book about the transformation of the UK

During our conversation, I shared my reflections on how the UK, particularly London, was back in November 1966 and the remarkable transformation it has undergone over the past 58 years While some may be interested in hearing about my personal autobiography, that isn't something I feel inclined to pursue I don’t believe I possess the honesty or courage to delve deeply into my own story

However, the subject of the UK's transformation is indeed fascinating Yet, it’s also a complex topic that requires significant time, preparation, and research I would need to revisit my notes, archives of Asian Voice, Gujarat Samachar, our special magazines etc, and gather a lot of material to do it justice, so I don't want to rush into it In a way, my column, "As I See It," touches on selective topics from the past and present, with a hint of what the future may hold, offering a short reflection on such themes

I recall attending a dinner at the Indian Gymkhana, where I met a young, successful dentist in his early fifties Interestingly, I had known

allow it But, I must admit, the response from readers has been very encouraging

So far, we have only touched on a few subjects, and even then, only in a broad outline For the full details, readers will have to wait for the book and two years is not a long time P ro f David even cautioned me, saying, “Loo k, CB, you ’ ve got a great memory and all you r faculties are still sh arp, but yo u sh ould dedicate more time to th is subject ” He was referring to the academic liberties that come with relying on memory, eyesight, hearing, and other such aspects I am grateful to everyone who appreciates and adds value to the topics I select However, I am limited by the amount of time and space available to me, as the Asian Voice is a comprehensive weekly publication

During their visit, David and Mike spent several hours with me, engaging in an extensive and insightful discussion

They sought my cooperation on various projects they are involved with at Cambridge University, particularly those related to the descendants of indenture

In a previous meeting, David mentioned that he would like to assign one or two scholars from Cambridge to engage in a detailed conversation with me, with the intention of

both his father and grandfather During our conversation, he liked my Gujarati column Jeevan Panth in Gujarat Samachar He also encouraged me to write in English, particularly about my journey of settling in the UK He felt it would be valuable to share stories, anecdote from my childhood, my experiences growing up in Gujarat and my time in school

All of these topics are certainly interesting, but they require a significant amount of time and my current work commitments simply don’t

The book

" We Mark Y our Memo ry" is both informative and enlightening, perhaps even self-reflective It highlights not only what we have gained but also what we have lost In particular, it sheds light on the struggles endured by people of Indian and African origin from the Caribbean, many of whom faced significant hardships during the Windrush saga

Similarly, many East Africans, particularly those from Uganda, Tanganyika, and Kenya, faced significant challenges, especially after the 1968 "Rivers of Blood" speech by British politician Enoch Powell The UK had already passed the Immigration Act of 1962, which restricted people from Commonwealth countries from settling in the UK without limitations However, in the early 1960s 1961, 1962, and 1963, a large number of East African Asians, primarily Indians (Gujaratis and Punjabis) from Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, migrated to the

UK They arrived full of hope, carrying with them not only skills but also aspirations and other valuable resources

In a short time, many of these East African migrants made their mark, progressing from humble jobs to becoming successful entrepreneurs It all began with small businesses like selling groceries and provisions to predominantly Asian consumers I recall a few notable examples, including a shop in Liverpool Street, East London, owned by a Gujarati Bohra gentleman known to me as Sutharwala Saheb His shop was a primary source for many of our kitchen essentials Today, his children and grandchildren have built a vast empire, including Sutharwala Cash and Carry, Sutharwala Properties, and several other enterprises

In November 1966, on a misty morning, I arrived at Victoria Terminus after taking a coach from Heathrow Airport I was warmly received by my friends from Dar-esSalaam, Manubhai Th akkar and Rasikbhai Lavingiya We shared a single room for five months before I began to find my footing in the UK

While both of them worked full time, I attended college for lectures and courses at various London institutes However, since my schedule wasn’t too intense, I took on the role of cook Our typical th ree tinned course dinner consisted of roasted papad, warm soups, and slices of bread with butter and cheese, accompanied by a cup of coffee or tea As time went on, I eventually learned to cook simple dishes like Mug Bhat (green gram and rice) among a few other basic preparations

Someone once mentioned to us that there was a shop near Euston Station that sold tinned Patra, and Manubhai was eager to check it out So, we visited the shop that was around in December 1966 It was a small establishment run by Lakubhai Pathak, selling groceries, samosas, and other snacks Within a few years, Patak Spices and

gondolas, shelving, and lighting This transformation took about five weeks and the turnover skyrocketed from £170 to over £600 per week

This story is not just about my experience; many Ugandan and East African Asians, along with other migrants, learned the skills of transformation and improvisation during this time

Patak Enterprises had grown into a major operation, transforming British tastes Instead of the traditional fish and chips, people began embracing curries and other Indian dishes I also remember meeting Gulambhai Noon of Noon Products and several other notable entrepreneurs later on This shift from serving the internal community to reaching the wider host

In 1990, I interviewed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and she wrote in Asian Business magazine, one of my then publications, that Asian entrepreneurship has made huge impacts on retailing and helped to transform the streets of London, Leicester, Birmingham, Harrow and various other places without any government help Additionally, with various businesses

community has grown on a large scale

My greatest joy came from witnessing how Ugandan Asians, primarily Indians, who were forced to arrive in the cold winter of 1972-73, quickly became shop owners I remember during that time, my friends and I had a chain of five shops in Chiswick, supplied with newspapers by W H Smith, John Menzies, and James Mayell Each week, they reported that more Patels, Shahs, and Singhs were popping up along Chiswick High Road and Hammersmith Road, a long stretch between the Hammersmith and Chiswick roundabouts

One day, as I travelled nearly two miles along that road, I counted 37 shops owned by Ugandans Not only were they thriving, but they also served their customers with smiles and an innovative approach I particularly remember one shop we took over, that had only been selling groceries It was a sizable space, 18 feet wide and 40 feet long The previous owner was content with a few vegetables in the front 12 feet, while the rest was essentially a stockroom With the support of my bank and friends, we transformed it into a selfservice store We invested in shop front, flooring,

developed by Asian, supported the local government through tax

I find immense joy in the dedication of these shopkeepers, both husbands and wives, along with their relatives, who worked incredibly long hours A report published by Mr Rampton, the Chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality, highlighted this effort The dedication of these shopkeepers husbands, wives, and their relatives, who put in extraordinarily long hours was commendable

His study on Inner London education across twelve boroughs also featured an article from New Life Mr Rampton noted that many shopkeepers and individuals from East Africa, especially those of Indian origin, demonstrated remarkable hard work and commitment to sending their children to private schools I know several examples where they laboured tirelessly to ensure their children received private education Today, those children have reached higher levels in various walks of life This truly captures the incredible sacrifices, dedication, potential and bright future that lies ahead

CB Patel
L to R: Prof David Dabydeen, CB Patel, Lord Bhikhu Parekh and Dr Shailaja Fennell
PM Margaret Thatcher with CB and Pushpaben Patel

Navnat Vanik Association hosts grand feast with an impressive gathering of 1,500 people

A fter th e auspicious festiv al

o f P a ryu s h an , th e Na v na t

V anik Association org anises

a g ra nd a nn ua l b an qu et

A cc o rd in g ly , th i s y ear , on

S und ay, 22 Sep tember 2024 , a banqu et was held at Navnat C ent re ' A a p nu Gh a r' in Hayes Around 1500 Navnati brothers and sisters travelled from far distances to attend

T h e a t m o s p h e r e w a s vibrant, with the event feeling like a big family gathering The hall was beautifully decorated, everyone received a warm welcome, and the o v e r a l l m o o d w a s o n e o f happiness and energy

From the very start, the event featured registration for all attendees, a heartfelt appeal for donations towards animal welfare and the sale of Navratri tickets The second edition of the 'Navaras Cookbook' also drew significant interest, following the quick sell-out of its first edition within just a week As guests enjoyed their meal, they engaged in light convers a t i o n s , r e c o n n e c t e d w i t h one another, and exchanged Michhami Dukkadam greet-

ings, adding a warm and personal touch to the gathering

Doshi warmly welcomed all

acknowledged the efforts of the dedicated brothers and sisters The core committee

worked tirelessly to ensure its success Preparations had

been underway for several days A total of 243 volunteers, both men and women, were actively engaged in various tasks, from managing the car park to assisting the elderly and disabled, serving food, and keeping the venue c

work, they radiated joy, satis-

than exhaustion Their community spirit truly deserves recognition!

which included two sweets, t w

e dishes, masala puris, dal, rice, papad, and chutney, provided a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together and enjoy a hearty meal It turned into a unique occasion to foster brotherhood and community bonding

Walfinch Home Care in Harrow and Brent receive nominations for social care awards

W al fi nc h H o m e C are in H ar ro w an d Br en t h as r ecei v ed m u lti p le no m i nations for th e 20 24 National

S o c i al C a re L ead ers h i p A ward s Freya Massingham, Care

M a n a g e r a

t h e Y o u n g Leader in Social Care Award,

r e c o g n i z i n g h e r l e a d e r s h i p skills, ability to inspire others, and innovative solutions to challenges in the sector

Shilpi Verma, Managing

D i r e c t o r a n d R

M a n a g e r a t W a l f i n c h Harrow and Brent, has been nominated for the Executive H o m e C a r e L e a d e r ( F r a n c h i s e ) A w a r d T h i s award honours those providi n g h i g h - q u a l i t y , p e r s o ncentred care while demonstrating consistent growth, strong staff retention, and commitment to training and development

Shilpi Verma stated, “It’s an incredible honor to be nominated for these national awards Our entire team is dedicated to caring for peop l e i n t h e i r h o m e s ,

above and beyond daily to provide the best possible care and valuable services to our l

and me, as well as our whole

reflect our commitment to exceptional care and putting our clients first

Care Leadership Awards will

independent judges led by Prof Martin Green, CEO of C


gala event on

Grosvenor Square

four team members named finalists in various categories at the London Region of the Great British Care Awards Carer Vaibhavi Patel won the

organisation has been nominated for the Palliative Care T

Award this year

Landmarks light up for Mito awareness

T his year, ov er 3 83 monum ents and buildings wo rldw id e w i l l b e il lu m i n ate d g reen for m itoch ond rial disease, and C ardi ff wi ll join this effort to raise aw areness

o f this devastating cond ition aff ecting m any babies and ch ild ren On Septem ber 21st, l an d m ar ks li ke C ar d i ff C as tle , C it y H al l, Wal es M il le nni u m C en tre , S h re e

S w am i na ray an T e m p l e

C ard if f , an d th e We ls h

G o v er nm e nt o f f ic es w

mito on the map!’ W

n September 16, 2024, as part of the ‘Putting Mito on the Map’ campaign by the Lily Foundation and other mitochondrial disease charities

Their goal is to raise awaren

d i s e a s e ( m i t o ) , a r a r e a n d devastating genetic disorder with no cure that robs cells of energy, leading to organ dysfunction or failure Mito can affect any organ at any age, yet few people are aware o

Light Up for Mito crucial for

Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration at Shree Vallabh Nidhi Temple, Wembley

tees offered laddus during the

three days totalling 151kgs whilst recitals of Shri G

The Mandir Chairman, Shri Narendrabhai Thakrar, the Trustees and the devo-

Mandir Maharajs and devotees

Bappa, all assembled to

farewell to Bappa to return to his home The atmosphere

danced, and chanted praises of Ganpati Bappa! The ultimate blessings were evident as He made His way back through to the water pond on the Temple premises Ganpati Bappa Morya!!!

LCNL hosts Diabetes Screening Camp to raise awareness

L oh a n a Co m mu n it y N or t h

Lon don (LCN L) con tinue s its e ffort in pr omoting awa ren ess in we llbe in g an d healthcar e On t his occasion LCNL c on d uc t e d a D ia be t e s Scre enin g Camp on Sunda y t he 22nd Sep tember 2024 a t Dhame cha Lohan a Ce ntr e in South Har row

The focus was on Type 2 Diabetes which is prevalent in the South Asian community The day started with lectures delivered by Dr Mitesh K a k a d , a r e n o w n e d G P , Karishma Thakrar, a clinical pharmacist and Sujata Din, a p r o f e s s i o n a l H e a l t h a n d Nutrition coach The audience were enlightened on the medical and clinical aspects of Type 2 diabetes as well as t h e c u r r e n t m e d i c a l t r e a tment available and lifestyle changes required to be made

The event was attended b y a b o u t 1 5 0 c o m m u n i t y

members who participated in t h e s c r e e n i n g p r o g r a m m e which was designed to pick up individuals at potentially high risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Identifying the disease earlier on can help tremendously in preventing some serious complications that may arise if left untreated T h e h e l p a n d s u p p o r t from the above speakers as well as other general practit i o n e r s n a m e l y D r B h a r a t Thacker, Dr Shyam Thacker, D

Suchak a clinical pharmacist was greatly appreciated The LCNL President Mrs Meena Jasani was delighted with the event and expresses h e r g r a t i t u d e t o h e r Executive Committee and all t h e o t h e r v o l u n t e e r s t h a t helped out The Diabetic Screening w a s s p o n s o r e d b y L C F Chairperson Vinod & Daksha T h a k r a r a n d R a j n i b h

spreading the word Baby Riaan Gopal, diagn

disease at four months old after a seizure, spent 13 days in a coma in intensive care His condition stems from a rare mutation in the KARS

function With no treatment or cure available, his family has been informed that their t

d Riaan’s mother, Kalpna, is dedicated to raising awareness about this underfunded c o n d i

more young lives than cancer each year


Two key announcements marked the event: the launch o f H E F

n Empowerment Wing, focusing on female leadership and e

Shanker, CEO of HEF UK, emphasised the forum's role in uniting various sectors of Hindu society and promoting economic collaboration "Through HEF, thousands of

formal announcement of the HEF Scotland chapter, with Dr Richa Sinha appointed as its President, set to launch in January 2025

, President Anil Puri, and Vice President Subhash Thakrar This meeting highlighted its achievements, with particip

such as the Scottish Hindu

International UK, reaffirmed his support for HEF’s mission, outlining his company's diverse global services across

Committee members welcoming everyone from the stage
Volunteers serving at banquets
Freya Massingham and Shilpi Verma

Soneri Sangat

Last week, we were delighted to host the third episode of Kamu Palan’s popular yoga series on Soneri Sangat!

Kamu Palan, has captivated audiences with her deep knowledge and practical guidance on asanas and mudras Her sessions have empowered viewers to improve their overall well-being, reduce stress, and cultivate a healthier lifestyle Whether you are new to her teachings or have been following along since the first episode, this third session promises to elevate your mind and body to a new level of balance and harmony

For those w ho missed it, catc h up on this event an d previous episodes by visiting our YouTube c han nel @abpl group877 2 Stay tuned for more exciting con tent c oming your way!

Miracles beyond medicine

The story of the four-year-old boy who defied medical expectations after his life support was turned off is nothing short of miraculous Despite the doctors’ certainty that he would not survive, this child is now thriving, showing us that science, though powerful, does not have all the answers

This case shows that medicine, even with all its knowledge, is still limited by uncertainty Sometimes, outcomes don’t follow logic, as seen in this boy’s recovery It suggests there may be forces beyond our understanding, where faith, hope, and possibly something supernatural are at work The boy’s parents, strong in their belief in his right to live, fought for him when hope seemed gone Their love and faith, along with life's mysteries, showed that the human spirit can overcome what science can't explain

This amazing recovery shows that while we trust science, we must also recognise possibilities beyond it Miracles do happen, reminding us to keep hope alive even in the darkest times The saviour watches over us and protects us

As I See It

I was delighted to read CB's column last week, "A Walk Through Memory Lane: Indian Republic Day, the India League, and IJA Legacy " It was a unique and insightful experience to revisit some of the historic moments that have shaped the Indian community in the UK The story behind how the Mahatma Gandhi Statue came to be at T a v i s t o c k S q u a r e G a r d e n w a s e s p e c i a l l y f a s c i n a t i n g

Although I live nearby, I had no idea about the statue's detailed history It’s often said that we know the least about things closest to us, and this certainly proved true for me

CB’s ability to capture and narrate these moments makes it feel as if we are transported to a virtual world, witnessing these events live before our eyes I hope CB continues to share more of these historic recollections, as they provide a deeper understanding of the legacy and contributions of Indian leaders and communities in the UK

AI threatening justice and fairness

The recent case involving a serial job applicant who reportedly exploits the legal system to file numerous discrimination claims using artificial intelligence raises significant concerns

Using artificial intelligence to create claims complicates matters by suggesting a deliberate attempt to exploit legal loopholes This trend of "vexatious" litigation goes against the purpose of anti-discrimination laws, which aim to help those who genuinely need support

The legal system should allow legitimate claims to ensure that everyone has access to justice, but it must also implement safeguards against playful lawsuits that waste resources and detract from addressing real workplace issues

This situation illustrates a concerning misuse of AI technology Instead of being used to enhance processes or provide legitimate assistance, AI is being exploited to generate fraudulent claims A system designed to make life easier is now turning into a threat in various ways

Sanya Rao

Gandhi Jayanti celebration at Tavistock Square

T h e 1 55 th bi rt h d ay o f

Mah atma Gand hi w ill be celebra ted a t T av is to c k S q u are, Central L ondon Th e Gand hi statue, installed 55 years ag o through efforts by th e India

L eag u e an d s u p p o rt fro m

C am d en Bo r ou g h C o u n ci l, marks the first of its kind in a maj or western country

The Indian High Commission in London helps maintain the statue and organise the annual Gandhi Jayanti event, which is also observed as the International Day of NonViolence and Martyr's Day

The Indian High Commissioner, Mayor of Camden, Chairman of the India League, and many Gandhi devotees will be present at the event

New Activities at Jain Network, Collindale Centre and Community Hall

Jyotsna Shah

Over for Starmer

Over th e weekend the Labo ur Party go t togeth er in Liverp ool to h old their fi rst party conferenc e po st the General Electi on and getting into government On h is electio n victory I wrote th at the new Prime Ministerh ad just 1 00 days in wh ich he needed to set h is mark After th en the h oneymoo n perio d wou ld be over, and h e wou ld face challenges fro m all sides I was wro ng He is o nly th ree quarter of the way throu gh these 100 days and already th e wheels are c oming off

Ipsos, a multinational market research company published its most recent report this week And the news could not have been worse for Keir Starmer as he was making his way to Liverpool The following are a few observations from that report:

• Half (50%) of Britons say they are disappointed by what Labour have done in government so far

• Only a quarter (25%) think Starmer is doing a good job as Prime Minister

• 36% of Britons are now more likely to think that the Labour government will change Britain for the worse

The Jain Netwo rk's new centre in C olind ale (6468 C o l i nd a le A v e nu e, Colind ale, NW9 5DR) is now buzzing with activities On Satu rd ay, 21 S ep te m be r, o v er 1 0 0 d ev o t ed b ro th e rs a nd sisters participated in a comm unal Samayik p rog ramme w ith great rev erence Scholar Dr Saurav S hah , an exp ert in Jain scriptu res, offered clear and insigh tful explanations of religious concepts After the Samayik, attendees participated in a Mangal Deep A arti and enjoyed a Jain meal

On Sunday, 22 September, three coaches from Leicester arrived for the Chaitya Paripati, a significant event of the Paryushan festival Over 200 devotees immersed themselves in the spirit of devotion The Leicester Sangh shared their happiness at being hosted by the Jain Network, enjoying both spiritual worship and a delicious meal Trustees, including Shri Vijay Sheth, Jayashree Modi, and Kusum Punatar, have contributed to the vibrant activities at the centre, supported by the sponsors ’ families (Active member of the religious committee, Beena Holden, was on leave) The children of the late Dr Natubhai are actively engaged in social and religious activities, fulfilling their father's dream, which is commendable

Ayambil Olli will also take place at the centre from 9 to 18 October Those interested in participating should register their names

C ontact Vijay Sheth : 0 7956 454 1 49

On 29 September, the Jain Youth Network will be launched in response to the requests from the youth, which is commendable From 12 PM to 5 PM, there will be registration for new members, along with fun games, socialising and lunch Youth aged between 13 and 23 are welcome to join the group Fo r more d etails contact: jnyouth@jainnetwo rk com

Man imprisoned for assaulting teen girl

Afte r being extra dited from Bulgaria, a man who l eft the UK afte r be in g accused of indece ntl y a ssa ult ing a 1 4year -old girl was senten ced to prison

Shahid Hussain, 48, was c

Prosecution Service (CPS) as

familial child sexual abuse

1997 and 2013

After a trial at Sheffield C

, 2024, Hussain, a former resid e n t o f R

, w

found guilty of one count of i n d e c

handed an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order and sentenced to eight years in prison

The victim was only 14

years old at the time of the incident that gave rise to the c

drove the victim down a road and parked one night He took her away from the automobile after telling her to get out He then began to ask her to engage in sexual acts Despite the victim’s refusal, H

, t h re w her to the ground and made her engage in sexual activity Hussain was charged in connection with the incident i n J u l y 2 0

e d t o appear in court and subseq u e n t

t t h e c

n t r y , prompting the CPS to obtain a European Arrest Warrant He was arrested in Bulgaria i n N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 3 , a n d through collaborative efforts involving the CPS, National C r i m e A g e n c y ( N C A ) , a n d Bulgarian authorities, he was extradited back to the UK to face the charges

The public is split on whether the Labour government is doing a better or worse job than the previous Conservative government (33% better, 28% about the same, 32% worse) i e 60% of respondents felt the new Labour government was the same or worse than the Tories Let’s put this in context This is a party that only a few months ago secured one of the highest majorities in living memory For it to lose the confidence of most of the nation within just a few months of being in government takes some doing Liz Truss would be proud of Keir, I guess

When we turn to the Prime Minister’s personal rating, things don’t improve there either In July Starmer had a positive approval rating of 22% (that is the difference between doing a good job and a bad job) Today his approval rating is negative 17% (-17%) That is a swing of 39% against him in just a few months

The Opinium/Observer poll paints an even gloomier picture It found, ‘Starmer’s approval rating has plunged below that of the Tory leader Rishi Sunak, suffering a huge 45-point drop since July While 24% of voters approve of the job he is doing, 50% disapprove, giving him a net rating of -26%’

If this carries on, as I suspect it will, I should not be too surprised if in due course there are calls for him to step down in favour another leader Possibly on this occasion Labour might even select their first woman in leadership – you can take a guess as to who you think it could be!

It's therefore not surprising that Keiran Pedley, UK Director of Politics at Ipsos said:

‘These findings reflect other Ipsos research that shows declining ratings for Keir Starmer, a lukewarm response to the new Labour government and a sense of public pessimism about the future of the country As Labour gathers for party conference next week, the Prime Minister and his party will be hoping to inject some belief into the public that the Labour government can deliver against the public’s priorities in the months and years to come ’

In my view, Starmer will use public money to buy out the Unions to stop the strikes that Labour encouraged when they were in opposition Ploughing more money into inefficient public services that are held to ransom by some workers who care little for the public or ingiving value for money will drag us into a massive financial mess At this week’s party conference Starmer will hear open and subtle calls to support vanity projectslobbied by extreme groups to get their slice of the pie Prospective f

knowing that it’s only a matter of time before the power houses within Labour push Starmer out I suspect by the time the Prime Minster completes his 1st year, this Labour government and our nation will be in a pitiful state

My simple advice to him is to be bold Root out the extremists and the madness of the anarchists who are so deeply embedded in Labour Labour have disenfranc

decades because it chose to side with Islamists It’s for Starmer and Labour to take those initial steps of friendshiptowards these communities because resetting relationships take time, effort and a bit of humility would help as well

The Prime Minister once said, ‘country first, Party second’, might I suggest an alternative, ‘One Nation, One People, One Law’

Kapil Dudakia
Jain Sangh members from Leicester performing Aarti at Jinalaya in Colindale

PM Starmer takes centre stage at the labour conference of triumphs and trial

Take pride that Labour won in Scotland But never forget that this opportunity is only here because we changed the party," he said

He also referenced the Hillsborough disaster, highlighting a new law of duty of candour He described it as “ a law for Liverpool, a law for the 97, a law that people should never have needed to fight so hard for, but will be delivered by this Labour gov-

would also serve victims of other injustices, such as the

Horizon scandal, the victims of infected blood, Windrush, and Grenfell Tower Wint er fuel pa yme nt ba ck la sh


pressure during the conference due to his decision to limit winter fuel payments to the elderly This contro-

Starmer defended the move,

would ultimately be

the cuts to winter fuel pay-

the difficulty of the decision,

popular or easy, we would have walked it already

days lie ahead" as she adopted a more optimistic tone in

Labour Party conference as chancellor Previously criticized for "talking down" the economy by highlighting the need for "tough choices" in

describes as a worse-thanexpected situation inherited f

Reeves aimed to shift the

narrative "My ambition for Britain knows no limits because I can see the prize on offer if we make the right choices


mounting opposition from

Labour members over her decision to cut winter fuel payments for 10 million pensioners, with a heated con-

later this week

Britain's largest trade unions called the decision to limit fuel payments "cruel," voic-

poor, sick, and disabled pensioners, who may struggle to maintain a warm and safe living environment during

increased financial pressure i

feelings of isolation and anx-

iety, forcing the elderly to cut back on essentials like food, clothing, and heating M

members, as well as charities a

severity of the situation with Asian Voice last week “

, we are forced to find ways to cut costs, such as reducing spending on food, clothing, or heating,” one elderly couple told the newsweekly A c

r o u p added, “It’s already increasing older people’s stress and a n x i e t y S i n c e i t w a s announced, it’s been a hot topic at the centre I’ve spoken to many older people, and they’re worried about it ”

J o h n O ’ C o nn el l, c h ie f executive of the TaxPayers A lliance, criticised Starmer's speech, saying, “Taxpayers will receive little joy from a speech that sounded more like a protracted shopping l i s t f o r e v e r m o r e p u b l i c spending than a platform for genuine change and reform Starmer claims that he is b u i l d i n g a B r i t a i n t h a t belongs to the people, but in reality, he is tapping up taxpayers to pay for the priorit i e s o f b a c k r o o m b u r e a ucrats, relentless regulators, a n d p r y i n g p

M i n i s t e r w

E x ec u ti v e o f t h e C B I, offered a more optimistic view She stated, "The Prime Minister is right to say that government is facing chall e n g e s t o o c o m p l e x t o resolve alone The 'shared struggle' to put the country back on the path to prosperity serves as a rallying call for a partnership between business and government that h a r n e s s e s t h e i n n o v a t i o n , investment, and optimism of industry to deliver lasting change " N e w t o n - S m i t h p r a i s e d

S t a r m e r ’ s c o m m i t m e n t t o sustainable growth, viewing i t a s t h e g o v e r n m e n t ’ s "north star " She highlighted the importance of the Prime M i n i s t e r ’ s I n d u s

Strategy and the introduct

Skills Levy in driving global i

productivity issues

While Starmer and his t

Labour conference would focus on celebrating their r

n d addressing Britain’s pressing issues, the controversy

them to defend their decisions rather than fully bask in the conference's achieve-

n t s t o d e l i v e r meaningful change for the B r i t i s h p e o p l e , h e s h o u l d r e m e m b e r t h a t f o r m a n y m i l l i o n s , i t ’ s g o v e r n m e n t that is the problem, not the solution ” On the other hand, Rain N ew to n - S m i th , C h ie f

ments Labour reverses stance on free offerin gs Sir Keir Starmer and his senior team will no longer accept donations for clothing after the prime minister bowed to pressure from top colleagues

A l l i e s o f S t a r m

acknowledged there was a "perception" issue following his acceptance of clothing valued at £16,000 and glasses worth £2,485, both

prominent Labour donor Rachel Reeves, the chancellor, also accepted £7,500 in

from Alli, which were listed as a “donation in kind for parliamentary duties ” Previously, Starmer had defended the £100,000 he received in donations for clothing, gifts, and hospitality, insisting all

arguing that

was essential for the prime minister to present his

also reportedly purchased more than £5,000 worth of clothing and arranged for

Starmer's wife, Victoria

17-year-old breaks cultural norms by choosing NHS apprenticeship

Shefali Saxena

Raunak Roy is a 17-year-o ld from North L ond on, who com pleted h is GCS Es at Ashmo le Academy and jo ined the NHS Ro yal Free Trust as an ap prentice after his year 1 2 exam s Raunak was attracted toward s working for the UK p ublic sector after a w ork experience at the Greater L ond on A uth ority He has strong analytical skills and is proficient in robotics, com puter prog ramm ing and working w ith d ata

Raunak is passionate about the local government, mergers and acquisitions and business development He spends his free time playing golf and basketball and is an advanced skier Raunak lives with his parents in Southgate, London He spoke to Asian Voice about his apprenticeship and why more South Asians must sign up for it What inspired you to pursue an NHS apprenticeship, and how did you navigate any cultural perceptions within the South Asian community regarding this career path?

The NHS apprenticeship originally inspired me due to the on-the-job learning and the practical element It has allowed me to expand my knowledge on a wide range of areas within my sector and will continue to do so throughout my apprenticeship It allows me to gain valuable work experience, which is impossible through traditional education pathways My parents were very open and supportive, although this pathway was very new to them and a very unexpected turn from A levels; they supported me throughout this process My school, Ashmole Academy, in particular my sixth-form teachers, helped explain the pathway to me and my parents, and this opportunity within the NHS was identified and sent to me by my biology teacher Some family and friends were quite sceptical, as this is a very new approach to learning, especially at this critical age, and the rest of our community is pursuing traditional

pathways via A levels and university education My family is a member of a few community groups, and we are socially active within the South Asian community, especially the West Bengal Bengali community This is an entirely new concept for most parents known to me, and I think it will take time for this pathway to become more popular

Inyour experience, how common is it for South Asian individuals to choose NHS apprenticeships, and what do you think are the main barriers preventing more people from considering this option?

In my experience, it is extremely rare for someone in the South Asian community to choose apprenticeships as an approach to learning Based on government statistics, the entire Asian community accounts for only 7% of total apprenticeships (www ethnicity-factsfigures service gov uk) Although the number has increased from 2 5% to 7% in the last decade, it is a minuscule number In my opinion, the main barriers are how someone doing an apprenticeship will be perceived by the community, as traditionally, the 'accepted' route to success is traditional degree and professional education, e g , chartered accountancy, medicine, and/or engineering Another barrier is the lack of examples of people pursuing apprenticeships within the community I hope that I can inspire more young people in our community to go down the path of apprenticeships

Can you share some of the skills and knowledge you’ve gained through your apprenticeship that you believe are valuable for future careers in healthcare?

My apprenticeship is in business management Within the very short period that I have worked in the NHS so far, I have been exposed to a variety of skills, from data analysis to mergers and acquisitions There is a very structured learning pathway that

has been provided, which will ensure that I develop a rounded understanding of not just healthcare management but general management, like leadership, strategy, marketing, and finance These skills will allow me to be ahead of my peers when I start my professional career after completing my education

Whatbenefits do you see in promoting NHS apprenticeships within the South Asian community, and how do you think this could help address health disparities in the UK?

Apprenticeships have several benefits across the board The main benefits are gaining invaluable work experience while gaining a standard education An apprentice gets paid while learning and does not have to apply for a student loan Most apprenticeships will also lead to a permanent position within the company My apprenticeship at the NHS is a permanent role, which will allow me to continue within the NHS even after I finish my education This takes away the immediate pressure of finding a job after finishing my education The other benefit of the NHS is that I get to serve the community at large through the National Health Service and be a member of the UK public sector

Whatadvice would you give to young South Asians who might be hesitant to pursue an NHS apprenticeship, and how can community leaders support these individuals in their career choices?

A major benefit of an apprenticeship is financial The average student loan in the UK in 2024 is £48,470, according to published figures An apprenticeship will allow a young person to avoid taking a student loan and enable them to earn a living wage while getting a formal education The work experience on top is invaluable because an apprentice will be ahead of their peers, as it makes them more employable My advice to young South Asians will be to seriously consider applying for apprenticeships, not only in the NHS but in any sector of their choice Community leaders should be more encouraging and willing to support this choice of career through knowledge-sharing workshops I will be very willing to share my experience and encourage the current and younger generation to follow this path

One in four D-grade A-Level students earn first-class degrees

The univ ersi ty reg ulator has stated t h at n ea rl y ha lf o f th e f i rs t- cl as s d eg rees awarded to s tudents cannot be justi fied

The Office for Students (OfS) reported that the proportion of firstclass degrees awarded has returned to pre-pandemic levels, with 29 6% of degrees in England receiving the top grade in the 2022-23 academic year, a d e c r e a s e o f 3 7 p e r c e n t a g e p o i n t s from the previous year

However, over 45% of these firsts could not be justified based on factors such as students' prior attain-

Notably, nearly a quarter (24 4%) of

grades at A-level went on to earn a first-class degree, according to the regulator's analysis

The head of the OfS noted that

remains excessively high, double that of 12 years ago, prior to the tripling of tuition fees to £9,000

Performing arts institutions led the rankings for the highest proportion of firsts, with the Royal Academy of Music, Royal Northern College of Music, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, and Northern S

awarding firsts to between 50% and

Oxbridge loses top academic ranking

For the first time, The London School of E conomics and Political Sc ien ce (LSE ) has surpass ed its Ox

the top


the UK uni versity ranki ngs, s ec uring the title of the best university in Britain In the 2025 edition of ‘The

University of Oxford has dropped

University of Cambridge has fallen to fourth, marking the lowest rankings ever held by these prestigious institutions in the 31-year

history of the guide This is also


place in the top three, with the University of St Andrews taking second LSE’s rise from fourth to first

with teaching The rankings are determined through a comprehensive analysis of graduate outcomes, student feedback, research quality, and entry standards

Sadiq Khan congratulates Hindu School as World’s Best School Prizes 2024 finalist

Mayor Sadi q K han congratu lated Avanti Ho us e Seco ndary S cho ol for being a To p 3 finalist in the World’s Best Sch ool P rizes 2024

Establish ed by T 4 Educatio

in c


Lemann Fou ndation, the awards inclu de a $50,000 prize fund for th is year's winners

together global education leaders with the world’s best schools to help transform education Mayor of London Sadiq Khan praised Avanti House for its nomi n a t i o n f o r t h e W o r l d ’ s B e s t S c h o o l P r

dedication of its teachers, parents, and students He highlighted the school s focus on student



finalist for the W

Supporting Healthy Lives E

n response to Covid, the five World’s Best School Prizes Community


Action, Innovation, Overcoming Adversity, and Supporting Healthy Lives aim to highlight schools that positively impact their communities and share best practices to enhance education globally

The winners and finalists of the World’s Best School Prizes will be invited to the World Schools

S u m m i t i n D u b a i , U A E , o n November 23-24, which will bring

health and wellbeing, integrated into its curriculum, which contributes to its impressive results H e n o t e

exemplifies the positive aspects of London as the city strives to create a better environment for all S

, P

n c i p a l o f Avanti House Secondary School,

Way” prioritises the mental, physical, and spiritual health of staff and students to foster compass i o n a

c h a n g e m a k e r s T h e school incorporates yoga, mindfulness, retreats, and journaling into its curriculum, alongside a vegetarian menu served during c o m m u n a l l u n c h t i m e , m a k i

school experience

Parents consider private school withdrawals amid VAT rise

Other institutions with a notable share of unexplained firsts included

Manchester Metropolitan University

decline in first-class degree rates, yet they remain nearly double the rate of 2010-11, when only 15 8% of students received firsts Students entering with the highest A-level results continued to be the most likely to achieve top grades, with 47 9% of those with AAA grades earning a first

A poll con ducted by L BC, surv ey in g over 3, 500 par en ts a cr oss t he UK, has r eve aled that 85% of those with childre n in priva te schools ar e consid erin g withdr awing t hem due to t h e g o v e r n m e n t 's d e ci si o n t o rem ov e the VA T e xe mption C u r r e n t l y , i n d e p e n d e n t schools are exempt from charging VAT as education providers, but Labour plans to introduce a 20% tax on these schools starting in January

An impact assessment of the p o l i c y i s s e t t o b e r e l e a s e d o n

B u d g e t D a y , j u s t e i g h t w e e k s before it is scheduled to take effect

Sophia from Birmingham has already withdrawn her daughter from the private school she attended, as the increased fees would have been unaffordable

"She really loved her school, was happy, comfortable, and had made great friends, so having to leave so suddenly was very upsetting for her," Sophia shared

Her son is now in his final year at an independent primary school

Getting him through the year will require even more sacrifices on top of what we've already done, but it's definitely going to be a challenge," she added

More than half of the parents surveyed who received notice from t h e i r c h

n informed that they will face the full 20% fee increase

planning to withdraw their chil-

Education VAT: Heath House School Director stands with middle-income families

Heath Hou se P repar at ory

Schoo l in Blackh eath , London, will abso rb t he ful l cost of Labour ’ s 20% VAT charge t o attr act new stu dent s fr om riv al independent scho ols

From January, th e sch ool will indef initely cover the £250,000 bil l, ensur ing stabil ity and pr ev enting disr upt io n fo r its 120 pup ils

Director Harjesh

Singh Kaushal hopes to offset the cost by enrolling up to 25 new students annually

Acquired by Singaporebased Global Schools Group in 2023, Heath House cannot reclaim VAT due to its UK location By absorbing the cost, it avoids raising annual fees by £3,230, becoming a rare outlier in this decision

How do you foresee the Education VAT impacting the overall affordability of private schooling, particularly for middle-income families?

We believe middleincome families are already facing a stretch to pay for private schooling VAT imposition will further adversely affect the affordability for such families, especially with the rising cost of living

Whatare the primary challenges Heath House Prep School anticipates in absorbing the full 20% VAT cost indefinitely, and how do you plan to manage those?

At Heath House, we are deeply aware of the financial commitment families make to provide high-quality education for their children

Absorbing the VAT on tuition fees is one way

we are investing in the future of our students and our school, while also providing our families with a level of stability to minimise disruption during this time of economic uncertainty This, undoubtedly, is a significant financial commitment from our side and it will have an initial impact on profitability but we are hopeful that long-term growth will support our sustainable, independent school model

Do you believe the decision to absorb VAT will make Heath House more competitive compared to other private schools that may pass on the cost to parents?

Global Schools Group and Heath House have a strong record of providing outstanding pastoral care alongside an exceptional academic education Our competitive advantages are the exceptional academic programmes of our schools and the support of our parent community Every decision we make is made in the interest of our pupils and we believe this makes us different from other schools

Howdo you think this policy will influence enrollment trends in private schools across the UK, and do you expect to see a shift from high-fee schools to more affordable options like Heath House?

This policy is likely to prompt many families to re-evaluate their private education options Our decision is based on our

own school community, and we cannot comment on other schools Every school is facing its own unique circumstances and must make the decision that it believes is best for its community At Heath House, we carefully considered all options and believe that absorbing the VAT cost is the right approach for us at this time

Whatis your opinion on the broader implications of this VAT policy on the private education sector? Do you believe it will increase inequality in education or drive more families towards state-funded schools?

We are focused on keeping Heath House profitable and sustainable so we can continue providing an exceptional academic education for our students and future students The Independent schools sector is facing multiple challenges but we cannot offer comments on the wider implications of the VAT introduction At Heath House, our focus is on what we can control - providing an excellent education for our pupils and supporting our families

Inadequate NHS maternity services being normalised

M ate rni ty s e rv i c es i n

E n g la nd are fa ci n g s u ch severe inadequacies th at the risk of poor care and harm d uring child birth becom ing “ norm alised ” i s alarm ing ly h igh, according to the NHS reg ulator

A recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) report, which analysed inspections



admission of acute anxiety about the potential for disasters affecting women

problems in maternity care

For instance, women often discharge themselves due to

units are deemed unsafe for c

18% are rated as inadequate Additionally, some hospitals fail to document inci-


Man jailed for threatening to kill MP Lisa Nandy


Labour’s Secret


ceedings at Bolton Crown Court, it was revealed that

Manchester, claimed he had

assault rifle and threatened to attack NHS workers

Breheny was sentenced after pleading guilty to making a threat to kill, making

tions, and committing common assault

He claimed to have been “offered an AK-47” and stated he intended to

while detailing the specific weapons he planned to employ in his threats

During the call, Breheny

could acquire and the ease of making a bomb Less than an

threatening emails to Lisa Nandy’s constituency office, explicitly threatening to kill the MP

The office manager, feeling alarmed, contacted the

he noticed Breheny inside, preparing to arm a crossbow

Ofsted finds safety breaches at nurseries owned by Labour MP

Ofsted has repo rted th at a nu rsery com pany, found ed by Ilfo rd South Labou r M P J as A th w al, h as br eac h ed child safety regulations

L o n d o n M P a n d

Commons' largest landlord, Jas Athwal, founded Village Day Nurseries in 2007 The chain operates three sites in Essex and Derby, caring for up to 300 children under five

However, recent Ofsted inspections have criticised all three nurseries, with one site coming under scrutiny for a "significant event relati n g


July, is also facing scrutiny over his property dealings, as tenants in some of his 15 r

issues with black mould and ant infestations

and sickened" by the claims and has since fired the managing agent

Last year, two of Village D

received Ofsted complaints Orchard Garden in Derby breached safety regulations in September, while Royal V

widespread shortage of staff

Moreover, hospitals sometimes neglect to address the

receive poor care Nicola Wise, Director of

Care at the CQC, stressed

Southend-on-Sea failed to

dards in February

A third nursery in Leighon-Sea was issued a "welfare r

addressed the issues and are now rated as "good " Jas Athwal

The Golden Road: Dalrymple's take on India's global impact

William Dalrymp le is the closest we ha ve t o a pophist orian of India His success in rea chin g a broad audie nce stem s from his skill as a story te ller, a crucia l a ttr ibute for hist orian s, especially t hose seek ing to e nga ge re ade rs be yond a cade mic circle s

Dalrymple also has a talent for selecting subjects and narratives that appeal to a general audience In his latest book, ‘The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World’, Dalrymple explores ancient Indian contributions, from Buddhism and Hinduism to astronomical texts, the concept of zero, and the game of chess He argues that, more than the famous Silk Road, it was the waterways linking India to Europe through Persia, Arabia, and northern Africa to the west, and to China, Southeast Asia, and Sri Lanka to the east, that played a crucial role in shaping India’s empire of ideas Speaking at an online event for The National Archives, he said, “These ideas spread from India to China and Southeast Asia, transforming both regions The book also covers how Prakrit and Sanskrit languages, along with the broader spectrum of Indic learning, influenced these areas

“In addition, it examines how Indian ideas have impacted the West in ways we are often not taught In Britain, we grow up learning about figures like Pythagoras and Archimedes from a young age Despite this, when I ask audiences on my book tour how many Brits have heard of Aryabhata or Brahmagupta, only a few hands go up, and those are usually from people of Indian heritage These are the scholars who invented the numerals we use daily, including Brahmagupta, who defined the properties of zero the final numeral in the Indian system This numeral system first spread to the Arab world and then to the West, where it is now called Arabic numerals While this is common knowledge in India, it remains largely unknown in the West This book is intended as much for Europeans as for Indians, offering new insights that will be enlightening to both audiences ”

Talking about the Silk Road and how it was represented, Dalrymple shares that the concept of the Silk Road gained prominence in the mid1980s Today, it is widely

recognised, often depicted as a trade route spanning from the Mediterranean to the South China Sea “This representation implies that

began to replace the older trading routes Supporting this idea are sources such as the mysterious papyrus found in Vienna, which is a shipping invoice from an Alexandrian Greek shipowner trading with a producer in Kerala”, he added

He also shared his insight into the prominence of Buddhism in India sharing that in the early centuries of

the Silk Road was a major trade route in classical antiquity, linking cities such as Alexandria, Gaza, Tyre, Antioch, and Palmyra However, recent maps often omit India from both the Maritime Silk Road and northern trade routes, which is significant because, based on my research, such maps do not accurately reflect classical trading patterns”, he said

He further proposed an alternative model to the traditional Silk Roads in the early periods “The focus should be on the westernmost ports leading into the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf When Rome fell in the fifth century, it triggered a crisis in India and led trading guilds to move eastward to what they calledSwarna Bhumi , or the lands of gold, where they discovered gold mines that replaced the Roman gold they had previously received For example, in the epic Ramayana, the Monkey King Sugriva tells Hanuman that he needs only to go to Swarna Dweep to find gold”, he said

“This model suggests that, while the Silk Road did exist as a series of local trading routes through Central Asia, it was not a major East-West highway as often depicted until the Mongol Empire disrupted and eventually blocked off Indian access

It was only in the 13th century that the Silk Road

For the love of Ireland

B o rn i n I n di a, Ca u v er y Madh avan moved to Ireland 38 years ago and has been i n love with th e co untry ever s i nc e H e r n ew n o ve li n sp i re d b y h e r l o ve o f Ireland, h er h ome for over 30 years - will ap peal to lo vers of bo th co ntemp orary and hi storical fictio n With a beautiful evocation of the rich Irish environment and the magical Beara peninsula, alongside a link to a real piece of history, this is an unforgettable and lyrical tale of longing, identity, and finding peace She spoke to Asian Voice about it

Ho w h as you r experience of li vi ng i n Ire land fo r ove r t h re e de c ad es i n fl u e nc e d the th emes and characters in Th e Inh eritance?

I l e a r n e d a l o t a b o u t

Ireland initially from daytime radio and continue to l i s t e n a s m u c h a s I c a n

M a n y o f t h e i s s u e s t h a t popped up, on a variety of s h o w s o v e r t h e y e a r s , stemmed from the Catholic church’s stranglehold over women s lives and the ensuing trauma for unmarried mothers with forced adoptions and the nightmare of mother and baby homes It wasn't long before I unders t o o d t h e o b s e s s i v e I r i s h

Buddhism, from the midfifth century BCE to the mid-third century BCE, archaeological evidence is scarce and that Buddhism's visibility increased after Ashoka's conversion in 250 BCE, spreading across India He shared that, “This period saw the development of notable rock-cut monasteries in the Western Ghats and the emergence of the Padmapani figure in the Ajanta Caves These structures, along with preserved teak and wooden rafters, demonstrate a transition from bamboo and wooden buildings to stone architecture Buddhism also spread to Sri Lanka, where Ashoka’s son, Mahinda, converted the local king ”

Dalrymple went above and beyond in illustrating how the book explores cultural exchanges as evidence of India’s global influence, extending well beyond mere trade He concluded his set by highlighting that advancements in mathematics, such as interest rate calculations and double-entry bookkeeping, ultimately contributed to the formation of the East India Company This, he pointed out, is a key example of how Indians provided the tools that Westerners later used to subjugate them in the 18th century

felt I am working from one s i n g l e p l a y b o o k H a v i n g grown up in one ultra conservative society and then moving to live in another, it was nearly predictable that I would pick up on shared s t i g m a s - e s p e c i a l l y t h e intolerance of disability of any sort, physical or intellectual, that colour our societies even today Then there are the shared joys to write a b o u t t o o – n e i g h b o u r l iness, love of family and a willingness to lend a helping hand are just a start!

Yo ur novel c oincides with the "Loo king East: Ireland + Indi a" exhibition Can you tell us about you r involvement in the exhibition and ho w it reflects your p ersonal j o u r ne y b et wee n th e se two cultu res?

n o t i o n o f n o t m a k i n g a show of yourself Just like in India, a family's reputation was everything and had to be protected at all costs The t h e m e s a n d c h a r a c t e r s i n The Inheritance reflect the r e a l i t y o f I r e l a n d i n t h e 1980s

Both India and Ireland have rich sto rytelling traditions Ho w do you weave the cu ltural nu ances o f both countries into your writing?

I s u p p o s e i t m a k e s i t e a s y t h a t b o t h c o u n t r i e s have very similar cultural nuances that centre around religion, family and food for starters So I have always

I was really honoured to be asked to take part in a s h o r t f i l m t h a t a d d r e s s e d both the difficulties that we f a c e d a s 1 s t g e n e r a t i o n immigrants as well as the joys of being fully Irish It w a s o n l y w h e n I b e g a n researching my book The Tainted that I discovered

t h e i n c r e d i b l e d e p t h a n d importance of the historic c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n o u r two nations This is wonderfully curated exhibition looks at 300 years of Irish lives in India I am on a mission now to tell the stories that only historians, in the main, have known – that I n d i a a n d I r e l a n d h a v e a shared past that was inti-

mate and most definitely a s h a r e d f u t u r e , f u l l o f promise

How does T he Inh eritance exp lore th e sh ared o bs essions of family, religion, and po litics between India and Ireland, and what message do yo u hop e resonates with readers on both si des?

T h e I

n a remote peninsula in West Cork I think Indian readers will be able to empathise w i

who are subject to censure

circumstances of their personal lives Desi readers will

havoc that religious beliefs and interfering busybodies can cause and I know they will be rooting for Marlo Kitty and the rest of my characters

What does it mean to you to b



There isn't a writer in the world who doesn't want to be invited to the Jaipur Lit Festival I was an invitee in 2021 but it was during COVID and it wasn't quite the same to be doing my event via Zoom! Given the themes of the book, I see my novel connecting extremely well with both Indian and

, dealing with family secrets, having to face disdain in the community that you live in, overcoming stigmas - these are universal themes and I look forward to presenting

that touch us all The Inheritance by Cauvery Madhavan is published by HopeRoad at £12 99

UK's first sacred music exam set to diversify music education

A m u s ic ex am i n ati o n i n

S ikh sacred mu sic, believed to be the first of its kind, is s et to l aun ch i n th e UK

T h i s i n i ti at i ve h as be e n desc ribed as an “imp ortant s te p ” t o wa rd d i ve rs i f yi n g music educatio n T h e M u s i c T e a c h e r s ’ Board (MTB) is introducing

a n e x a m i n a t i o n t h a t w i l l integrate Kirtan, a form of Sikh sacred music, into the universal eight-grade examination system Dr Harjinder Lallie, cod i r e c t o r o f t h e G u r m a t S a n g e e t A c a d e m y i n

B i r m i n g h a m , s p e a r h e a d e d this initiative, emphasising that it will help recognise and appreciate the talents of m o r e s t u d e n t s s t u d y i n g Sikh sacred music

T h e e x a m i n a t i o n w i l l i n c o r p o r a t e S o u t h A s i a n string instruments such as t h e d i l r u b a , t a u s , e s r a j , sarangi, and saranda into

the Music Teachers' Board (MTB) syllabus Organisers note that this is the first instance of a globally recognised grading system being introduced to assess student proficiency in Kirtan and these instruments

Similar to other music examinations, students who achieve grades six to eight will earn UCAS tariff points, w h i c h c a n c o u n t t o w a r d t h e i r u n i v e r s i t y e n t r y requirements in the UK

According to its website, the syllabus is designed to expose students to various ragas, taals, and composit i o n s a s t h e y a d v a n c e t h r o u g h t h e g r a d e s Examinations will be accessible online, allowing pupils from around the world to p a r t i c i p a t e a n d e n h a n c e their understanding of Sikh sacred music

Speaking to Asian Voice, D a vi d K e s el, M a n a

director of Music Teacher’s Board, said, “This exciting project allows learners of Sikh Sacred Music to be able t o t a

ments of learners of this music tradition to for the

them with the opportunity

Grades 6-8 The development of these new exams have been in collaboration with the South Asian Music Committee who are made up of representatives and organisations who are at the

Music tuition around the world This project is an important step as part of MTB’s mission to culturally

and examinations and celebrate all cultures’ musical traditions ”

Willuam Dalrymple


Many people in the UK have a deep belief in the strength of multiculturalism and the sense of community, especially during the festive season

D e s p i t e t h e r e c e n t widespread racial riots that saw people of ethnic community being a target, there is a shared optimism that these events will go smoothl y , b r i n g i n g e v e r y o n e together in harmony

W h i l e t h e c o l l e c t i v e spirit of community fosters a sense of security, British Asians are embracing a few simple precautions to their

f e s t i v e e x p e r i e n c e s i n t h e UK They are ensuring that by being mindful of the surroundings and keeping safe-

t y i n m i n d , p e o p l e c a n ensure that everyone enjoys these joyous occasions without worry

Emph asis on safety and comm unity sp irit

Navratri is one of the most vibrant and cherished festival periods for Gujaratis and various ethnic commu-

n i t i e s I n t h e U K , m a n y Navratri organisers are prioritising safety precautions to ensure that participants can enjoy joyful and secure gatherings

Speaking about the safety measures that is ensured for the participant’s safety, H i r e n d r a P a t e l w h o i s involved as a volunteer for t h e N a v r a t r i F e s t i v a l

A s s o c i a t i o n M a n c h e s t e r said, “We implement stringent security measures to ensure a safe environment at our events, including professional security guards at the entrance to allow access only to those with passes and to monitor all attendees This helps us comply with fire and safety regula-

t i o n s b y p r e v e n t i n g o v e r -

c r o w d i n g O u r e x t e r n a l guards also ensure that individuals under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted entry ”

“To prioritise the safety of women, we actively promote a zero-tolerance policy against harassment through our social media channels and throughout the event,

e m p h a s i s i n g o u r c o m m i tm e n t t o a p p r o p r i a t e behaviour We also highlight

t h a t o u r e v e n t i s f a m i l yfriendly, welcoming attendees of all ages to set a positive tone for the festivities

Uniformed security personnel will patrol the venue to deter any inappropriate conduct, and we will conduct

s a f e g u a r d i n g t r a i n i n g f o r

our management and volunt e e r s , w i t h a d e s i g n a t e d safeguarding officer present at all times,” he added

P rat ib h a K a rd i le f r o m Mesmeric Eventz highlight-

e d t h e i r c o m m i t m e n t t o safety by conducting thoro u g h r i s k a s s e s s m e n t s t o i d e n t i f y p o t e n t i a l t h r e a t s such as overcrowding and venue size She explained, “ W e o n l y o r g a n i s e G a r b a events in venues equipped w i t h a C C T V s y s t e m t o

ensure we can monitor the area and address any incidents Barriers are utilised to control crowds and create restricted zones, while clear s i g n a g e a n d d e s i g n a t e d paths guide attendees effic i e n t l y A d d i t i o n a l l y , w e a l w a y s h a v e f i r s t - a i d s t at i o n s o n - s i t e , r e a d y t o respond to any injuries or h e a l t h e m e r g e n c i e s O u r s e c u r i t y p r o c e d u r e s a r e designed to be non-discriminatory, treating all attendees fairly while effectively maintaining a safe environment ” Meena Jasani, president of LCNL, emphasised their comprehensive approach to safety and security for the upcoming events She stated, “We have implemented g e n e r a l s a

s u r

t h r o u g h o u t t h e b u i l d i n g , ensuring that all exits and e n t r y p o i n t s a r e c l e a r l y m a r k e d A c c e s s i b i l i t y i s a p r i o r i t y , w i t h l i f t a c c e s s a v a i l a b l e f o r d i s a b l e d a n d e l d e r l y a t t e n d e e s A d d i t i o n a l l y , w e h a v e arranged adequate seating facilities that include noise a b

create a comfortable atmosphere Our safety protocols a l s o e n c o m p

f i r e m a r

throughout the festival My heartfelt wish is for everyone in the community to stay safe while enjoying the N

Local supp ort eases secu rity concerns

At certain events, there is a strong sense of trust within the community, leading some organisers to feel

crowd control and monitoring, provide adequate safety, and therefore do not see the need for additional precautions

B h as ka r B h at tac h ar je e of Prakash UK Durga Puja told Asian Voice, "Our Puja is in a very predominantly White area, and last year we g o t t r e m e n d o u s s u p p o r t from the local residents I have a very strong feeling t h a t t h e w a y w e I n d i a n s contribute positively to the society here in the UK and therefore there should not b e a n y c o n c e r n S o , w e haven't thought of any extra security as of now "

Most Durga puja organisers who have spoken to Asian Voice, similarly suggested that they do not see the need for extra security as of now, because they have always had immense supp o r t f r o m t h e n o n - e t h n i c

community P reparations und erway for the safety celebrations “As of now, no special a r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e b e e n made, but I strongly urge families to prioritise their safety and security, especiall y a s t h e f e

a m i l i e s s t a r t t a k i n g o u t their jewellery from safety deposit boxes Please ensure that all doors and windows are securely locked We are

i s s u i n g w a r n i n g s t o r e s id e n t s v i a e m a i l , a n d t h e police will also be making a statement soon, ” said Bob B lac k m an, t h e M P f o r Harrow East regarding safety measures for the upcoming festive period, starting with Navratri

S p e a k i n g t o t h e A s i a n Voice, Liz M attock, Media

R e l a t i o n s O f f i c e r f r o m

Leicestershire Police stated that, “As the festive season approaches, we will be issuing further messaging to our communities on our social media channels and through o u r w o r k w

w o r k s a n d p a r t n e r s W e wouldn’t be able to go into

s p e c i f i c s a r o u n d s e c u r i t y measures in place All events are assessed and an appropriate policing plan is put in place ” * A s i a n V o i c e h a s r

a c h e d

u t t

l organisations, including the MET Police, for comments on safety and security measures during the festive season

Tips from the police for home and personal security

Staying mindful of safety and security is essential, both at home and when celebrating in the community during the festive season In case of emergencies-such as immediate danger to life, threats or acts of violence, road accidents where lives are at risk or the road is blocked, or a crime in progress like burglary or theft-please contact the MET Police immediately by dialling 999 To stay safe throughout the celebrations, particularly when you re out and about, it's important to follow a few key safety tips When it comes to burglary prevention,

shalling and vigilant door security, and we have hired an ample number of security personnel from a reputable a g e n c y t o o v e r s e e t h e events ” “ I n a d d i t i o n t o t h e s e s a f e t y m e a s u r e s , w e a r e excited to host a matchmaking event prior to Navratri, p r o v i d i n g a w o n d e r f u l o p p o r t u n i t y f o r b o y s a n d girls within our community to meet their potential soulm a t e s T h i s i n i t i a t i v e n o t only fosters connections but also adds a festive spirit to the celebrations,” she added Meena also stressed the importance of community safety during Navratri celebrations She shared a message for all attendees, stating, “I urge all community members attending Navratri e v e n t s t o r e m a i n v i g i l a n t a n d , w h e n e v e r p o s s i b l e , attend in groups rather than g o i n g a l o n e , e s p e c i a l l y a t night It's essential to take e v e r y s a f e t y p r e c a

Farage raises concerns over loss of 'culturally English' areas in the UK

concern" that


he insists

not related to Britain's ethnic makeup


after his party placed third


General Election, winning



stated that he believes large parts of the nation are no longer "culturally English " He expressed his concerns, s a


y w o r r i e d that we have entire areas of our towns and cities that are unrecognisable as English, but this is not due to skin colour It's due to culture ” A d d r e s s i n g c h a n g i n g p o p u l a t i o n d e m o g r a p h i c s , M r F a r a g e d e s c r i b e d t h e British as the "most openm i n d e d , m o s t a c c e p t i n g people" in Europe and the W e s t e r n w o r l d H o w e v e r , he noted the "cultural" and "societal" impacts of mass m i g r a t i o n , r e f e r e n c i n g recent EU discussions, particularly in the Netherlands and Germany, about limiting immigration He added, “In our cities n o w , p e o p l e o f t e n d o n ’ t e v e n k n o w t h e i r n e i g hbours It reflects the breakd o w n o f c o m m u n i t i e s , which is why I emphasised ‘Family, community, country’ during the election campaign ”

Ehsan Hussain jailed for racial hatred using innocent man's identity

Bi rm i n g h am : A m an h a s be en s ent enc e d f o r h i s in v o lv em e nt i n t he rac i al unrest that sw ept the nation in A ugust

E h s a n H u s s a i n , f r o m Yardley, was jailed for using an innocent man's identity t o i n c i t e r a c i a l h a t r e d i n Birmingham

always ensure that windows and doors are locked, even when you're home, and use a timer switch for lights to give the impression that someone is in Keep valuables out of sight to avoid attracting attention For personal safety, remain aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts Avoid distractions like wearing headphones or talking on your phone, and keep your purse and valuables in a zipped compartment If you re wearing jewellery, consider covering it with a scarf. Lastly, ensure your vehicle is locked and that nothing valuable is left on display

W e s t M i d l a n d s P o l i c e r e p o r t e d t h a t 2 5 - y e a r - o l d Hussain used the messaging platform Telegram to disseminate "extremely harmful" material under a fake name last month, including calls for disorder in Alum Rock and Bordesley Green The police confirmed that t h e i n

whose identity was misused i s

s u p p o r t from specialist officers after being "wrongly identified" as the source of the messages H u s s

Hussain Google

fall behind

Goo gle has warned that the UK m ay fall behind in the global artificial intelligence race unless the gov ernm ent ac ts s w i f tly t

i sh m o re d ata c en tre s a nd allo w s tec h co m p ani es to utilise co pyrighted materials in their AI mo dels The company highlighted research indicating that the UK ranks seventh on a global AI readiness index for data and infrastructure, urg-

ing several policy changes Debbie Weinstein, Google’s UK managing director, stated that while the government recognises the potential of AI, it needs to implem e n t m o r e

“We have significant advantages and a strong history of leadership in this area, but w

Bob Blackman
Pratibha Kardile
Hirendra Patel
Meena Jasani
Nigel Farage

Garba’s sacred spin for Navratri

Navratri, wh ich translates to "nine nights," is a Hind u festival d ed icated to th e worship of Godd ess Durg a and her nine forms, symbolising the victo ry of good over evil



Garba, a traditional

during this festival as an expression of devotion, s

Traditionally, a clay pot with a light inside, called the "garbha deep," is placed at the centre, representing the womb of the universe or the divine feminine energy of the Goddess

D a n c e r s f o r m c i r c l e s around this pot or an image of Durga, symbolising the eternal cycle of life, death, a n d r e b i r t h , w i t h t h e Goddess as the unchanging p r e s e n c e a t t h e c e n t r e

G a r b a a l s o r e p r e s e n t s t h e Hindu concept of cyclical time As participants dance

i n c i r c u l a r p a t t e r n s , t h e y reflect the unending cycle of time, with birth, life, and death repeating, while the

d i v i n e r e m a

The dance honours the feminine energy in all beings

a n d

e c o g n i s e s t h

d i v i n e presence within A s a p a r t o f r e l i g

o u s practice, Garba is traditionally performed barefoot, a sign of respect for the earth, the sacred mother The foot is seen as a conduit through w h i c h v i t a l e n e r g y f l o w s from the earth to humans, deepening the connection to the divine

Beyond its spiritual sign i f i


s community, bringing people

during Navratri Its popular-

Gujarat to other parts of India and Hindu communities worldwide

Alongside Navratri, several festivals are celebrated concurrently or during the same period,

notable are Durga Puja a

(Dussehra) Durga Puja,

with Navratri and culminates in its final days It celebrates the victory of Goddess Durga over

the triumph of good over evil, and features elaborate

and cultural performances V

marks the tenth and final day of Navratri, signifies the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana, as well as Goddess Durga s tri-

This festival is known for

Kumbhkaran, representing the conquest of good over evil and light over darkness

Navratri etiquette and tips for first-time participants

Garba, a traditio nal dance

f o r m o ri g i na ti n g fr o m

Gu jarat, India, is celebrated during the Navratri festival

It is a vibrant and joyou s o ccasion filled with music, dance, and commu nity sp irit

UK gears up for annual Durga puja festivities

I n th e A u tu m n o f 1 96 3 , U K’s first ev er Durg a P uja

w a s h el d i n M ar yw a rd

C entre, Russell Square by the Durg a P uja Du sserah

A s s o ci a ti o n D r K um ri a was th en th e P resident and D r S o nd h i w as th e Vi c e Presid ent

The history of Durga puja in the UK goes back to a g r o u p o f B e n g a l i s t udents, who regularly met for food and adda and one day had decided to celebrate UK’s first Durga puja They had been celebrating S a r a s w a t i p u j a a t t h e

B e n g a l i I n s t i t u t e i n t h e India League’s office at 30 John Adam Street and were d e t e r m i n e d t o b r i n g M a Durga to “Bilet” (England) for a five-day celebration

L o nd o n D u rg a P u j a Dusserah Association (popularly known as the Belsize Park puja), beautifully tells the story on their official

w e b s i t e , a b o u t h o w t h e telephone directory pages

w e r e o p e n e d , a n d e v e r y

I n d i a n h o u s e h o l d w a s approached for a donation to kickstart their puja

M e m b e r s p i t c h e d i n

£ 1 0 e a c h , w h i c h w a s n o

mean sum in those days

T u s h a r K a n t i G h o s h ,

E d i t o r o f t h e r e p u t e d

B e n g a l i n e w s p a p e r

J u g a n t a r a n d p u b l i s h i n g

h o u s e A m r i t a B a z a r Patrika, who was visiting

L o n d o n , w a s a p p r o a c h e d

t o d o n a t e t h e D u r g a

P r a t i m a A m b a l a S w e e t s ,

through the tireless efforts of four families who took on all the responsibilities, supported by the unwaveri n g a s s i s t a n c e o f o u r friends in the community

We are a vibrant and inclusive community dedicated to celebrating and preserving the rich cultural heritage of Bengal here in UK

O r g a n i s e r D r A n a n d a Gupta told us, “We stand in solidarity with the peop l e o f W e s t B e n g a l , d e m a n d i n

c e f o r Abhaya The name ‘Durga’ m e a n s t h e ‘ i n v i n c i b l e ’

Followed by the tragic R G Kar incident, this year, we invoke Devi Durga to seek freedom from all evils like injustice, cruelty, hatred, e g o a n d o t h e r f o r m s o f pain and suffering “This year at Camden, we will have new statues from Kumartuli, Kolkata Goddess Durga is accompanied by two lions, that

(power or energy) to confront and transform what-

Simhavahini form is also a lesson for the control of animal instincts in human beings

attention It has helped to raise awareness about the event not only within the

also within the Indian dias-

D r e s s A p p r o p r i a t e l y : W e a r i n g t r a d i t i o n a l a t t i r e enhances the festive spirit For women, a chaniya choli

( a c o l o u r f u l s k i r t a n d

b l o u s e ) i s p o p u l a r , w h i l e men can opt for a kediya (a

Attending a Garba event for the first time can be

b o t h e x c i t i n g a n d o v e rw h e l m i n g , e s p e c i a l l y f o r those unfamiliar with the customs, dance styles, and cultural nuances The practice of garba in itself has

u n i q u e , r h y t h m i c d a n c e patterns that often involve circular movements, clapp i n g , a n d f o o t w o r k F o r first-timers, it can be intim-

i d a t i n g t o s e e s e a s o n e d dancers gracefully executing steps they’ve practiced for years and if you ’ re not aware of certain etiquettes and norms, there’s a chance you’ll feel even more like a sore thumb

I f y o u ' r e a t t e n d i n g a Garba celebration for the first time, here are some essential etiquettes and tips

t o e n s u r e a m e m o r a b l e experience:

traditional top) and dhoti or kurta with churidar Bright, vibrant colours are encouraged Traditionally, garba is p e r f o r m e d b a r e - f o o t l i k e any other Hindu religious celebration, choosing comfortable footwear for places that do allow, as you'll be d a n c i n g f o r l o n g p e r i o d s Avoid high heels or sandals that may slip off

U n d e r s t a n d t h e d a n c e style: Familiarise yourself w i t h b a s i c G a r b a s t e p s before attending The dance

t y p i c a l l y i n v o l v e s c i r c u l a r movements, clapping, and hand gestures and you can break the flow of the whole g r o u p w i t h o n e m i s t a k e

You might not know all the steps but follow the rhythm confidently and observing

o t h e r s a s f o l l o w i n g t h e i r lead is a great way to learn

Garba is about expressing joy and devotion Let go of inhibitions and enjoy the experience, whether you ’ re

a s e a s o n e d d a n c e r o r a novice

Respect cultural tradit i o n s : U n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e significance of Navratri and G a r b a w i l l e n h a n c e y o u r experience The festival celebrates the victory of good over evil and honours the divine feminine If the event h a s s p e c i f i c g u i d e l i n e s o r rules, such as no photography during certain rituals, b e s u r e t o r e s p e c t t h e m

Garba is a communal celebration Don’t hesitate to join groups or couples dancing, even if you ’ re not familiar with the steps Strike up c o n v e r s a t i o n s w i t h f e l l o w participants to learn more about their experiences and make new friends

Stay hydrated and energ i s e d : D a n c i n g f o r l o n g hours can be exhausting Stay hydrated by drinking w

snacks if available, but be mindful not to overindulge,


dance a lot

By embracing these etiquettes and tips, first-time p a r t i c i p

Garba celebration, experiencing the joy, energy, and c o m m u n i t y s p i r i t t h

t define this beautiful tradit i o

E n j o y t h e d

, music, and the warmth of the community around you

w h i c h h a d j u s t o p e n e d

t h e i r d o o r s t h a t y e a r , donated the fruit and sweet packets for Prashad And the rest is history The fest i v a l h a d m o v e d t o t h e Indian YMCA in 1965 and to Belsize Park in 1966

T o d a y , t h e U K h a s around 80 Durga puja celebrations according to the Indian Beng alis in U K – a virtual platform to provide U K b a s e d B e n g a l i s ( w i t h

I n d i a n r o o t s ) t o c o n n e c t with each other Every year they meticulously collate a list of Durga pujas in the UK, along with their exact dates of celebration

One of such pujas is M ed way Oi kotaan D urg a U tsav, who had organised their first community puja but at home last year This year they have a new venue i n T h e C h a r l e s H o t e l , D i c k e n s H a l l f r o m 1 0 - 1 3 October Speaking to Asian Voice, organiser Snehangsu Banerjee said, “We discove r e d t h a t t h e r e w a s n o Durga Puja celebration in the area, with the nearest one being in London, 35 miles away Determined to bring this important festival to our new community, we took the initiative to o r g a n i s e t h e f i r s t - e v e r

D u r g a P u j a i n M e d w a y , Kent The event showcased a s t u n n i n g , e c o - f r i e n d l y idol that we had specially s h i p p e d f r o m B i r a t i , Kolkata This historic occas i o n w a s m a d e a r e a l i t y

Our mission is to create a space where everyone can connect, share, and thrive together ” T h e y h a v e a f a s h i o n show and Garba night as part of the cultural activities Prayash UK Durga Pu ja is hosting their puja at the H y t h e C e n t r e i n S t a i n e s from 11-13 October Their idol comes from Kolkata’s f a m o u s K u m a r t u l i a r e a , prominent as the residence a n d w o r k s h o p f o r i d o l makers Speaking to the n e w s w e e k l y , o r g a n i s e r Bhaskar Bhattacharjee said, “Prayash UK Durga Puja, n o w e n t e r i n g i t s s e c o n d year, is an emerging celeb r a t i o n i n L o n d o n t h a t blends tradition with cont e m p o r a r y v a l u e s T h i s year, the theme focuses on women empowerment, an e s p e c i a l l y r e s o n a n t m e ssage following the tragic R G K a r i n c i d e n t ( i n Kolkata) To honour this, women take centre stage in organising the puja, from l e a d i n g c u l t u r a l p r ogrammes to handling crucial rituals, embodying the s p i r i t o f r e s i l i e n c e a n d strength

“ T h e f e s t i v i t i e s a l s o include Kolkata-style food and cultural performances, ensuring that the community remains connected to their roots despite being a w a y f r o m h o m e T h e i n c l u s i o n o f w o m e n i n every aspect of the celebration is a tribute to their role not just in the festival, but in society at large, making Prayash UK Durga Puja a m e a n i n g f u l a n d h e a r t f e l t occasion this year ” Lo n do n D u rg o ts a v C o mm i tte e o r f a m o u s l y k n o w n a s t h e C a m d e n Durga Puja will celebrate p u j a f r o m 9 - 1 3 O c

L i b r a r y , L o n d o n T h e m e this year is ‘home-coming’


2 0 September, they staged the event ‘The Divine to the

r d i n i (triumph of good over evil) Lalbaba Th ames Durga Parade, which conceptually celebrates “bhashan” (or immersion of the Durga protima/idol at the end of the puja) and the Kolkata Red Road Carnival, is an

(HBG) Usually, a boat or

with community members

Tower Bridge had opened to mark the occasion, as the boat had passed under

“Techno India Group

Durga idol, made of paper, to showcase on the boat this year We also have the University of Arts, Central

University supporting the

Bengal group, which tries to promote Bengal and its heritage across the world

Prayash UK Durga Puja celebration last year
Medway Oikotaan Durga Utsav last year

The Greatest Show on Earth promotes iconic Durga Puja

The Greatest Sh ow on Earth (GS OE) is d ed icated to promo ting

Beng al’s iconic Durga Puja

to a g lo bal audience, especially for those

u nfam iliar w ith its

g rand eu r With Du rga Puja now recog nised by

U NE SCO as an Intang ible C ultural Heritage, GSOE o ffers an imm ersive experience for internatio nal travellers, allow ing them to engage w ith the festiv al not

ju st as spectators bu t as activ e participants

Through cultural exchange, GSOE introduces visitors to Bengal's artistry, food, and vibrant energy, creating a deeper appreciation of this grand celebration Beyond the festival, GSOE curates travel experiences across Bengal, from serene landscapes to bustling cities

Speaking to Asian Voice, GSOE Cofounder Dr Arnab Basu explained that for the Indian diaspora in the UK, GSOE serves as a cultural bridge, allowing them to remain connected to their roots while fostering new traditions UK-based Durga Puja organisers can actively participate in the GSOE Awards, which honour the creativity and dedication of Puja committees worldwide The GSOE Recognition Award 2024 will acknowledge 50-60 Durga Puja committees globally, including those in the UK, providing an

opportunity for organisers to gain certification and recognition for their contributions Collaborations with Heritage Bengal Global, based in the UK, ensure the seamless inclusion of local Puja celebrations in this prestigious program “Durga Puja is celebrated in every corner of the world, where the Bengali communities find a habitat This year, we are glad to introduce the GSOE Recognition Award 2024, in association with The Global Connect and Heritage Bengal Global, to recognise and reward key representatives (from 50-60 Durga Puja committees across the globe (spanning across all continents), as part of the overall Awards Programme The distribution of these awards would be completed by us over a period of 8-10 months, starting in July,” Basu added

Moreover, GSOE’s initiatives extend beyond

the festival, focusing on gender sensitivity and women ’ s empowerment through the "Tilottama Durga Team " This program, launched during Durga Puja, aims to create safe spaces and foster awareness around women ’ s safety UK-based individuals can actively participate in these empowerment campaigns, with opportunities for certification, acknowledging their role in promoting gender equality GSOE's long-term goal is to make women's safety and empowerment integral to the festival, creating a lasting social impact within the global Indian diaspora

Through its focus on inclusivity, GSOE enables the UK’s Indian diaspora to engage with Durga Puja in meaningful ways, whether by organising local festivals or supporting broader cultural and social initiatives The organisation’s mission is to highlight Durga Puja as not just a celebration, but a global platform for cultural exchange, social responsibility, and community empowerment With initiatives that celebrate artisans, promote safety, and encourage international participation, GSOE provides a gateway for the diaspora to stay connected to their heritage while contributing to the global promotion of Bengal’s Durga Puja

Embracing tradition with a modern twist

Navratri , the vi bran t ni nenight festival dedic ated to the worship of the Hi ndu goddess Durga, is celebrated wi th immens e enthusias m acros s India and among the Indian diaspora worldwide

creating an irresistible dance atmosphere

Revellers can be seen dancing to the latest chartbusters as well as timeless classics, ensuring that everyone finds something to enjoy The

While the traditional aspects of the festival, such as fasting and prayers, remain integral, many regions also embrace contemporary celebrations that infuse modern elements into the festivities Here’s a look at some of the best Navratri celebrations

1 D isco dandiya: One of the most popular ways to celebrate Navratri in urban settings is through disco dandiya, a lively and energetic twist on the traditional garba and dandiya raas This celebration combines traditional folk dance with contemporary music, often featuring DJs who remix traditional songs with modern beats The atmosphere is electrifying, with vibrant lights, flashy outfits, and an exuberant crowd, making it a favourite among the youth 2 Bollywood D J parti es:

These parties have emerged as a thrilling addition to Navratri celebrations, blending traditional dance with popular Bollywood hits These parties often feature well-known DJs who mix classic Bollywood tracks with upbeat remixes,

fusion of traditional dandiya with Bollywood beats makes for an exhilarating experience that attracts diverse audiences

3 Garba nights: A vibrant highlight of Navratri, particularly in Gujarat and among Gujarati communities worldwide These gatherings feature rhythmic clapping, lively music, and stunning traditional attire as people dance in circles around a decorated idol of Maa Durga Local communities often host public garba events, fostering togetherness and cultural pride The infectious energy draws participants of all ages, from children to elders, making it a joyous celebration for everyone

4 D an di ya raas:

Dandiya raas is another beloved form of dance during Navratri, where participants use decorated sticks (dandiyas) to strike each other in a rhythmic pattern Traditionally performed in circles, this dance form celebrates the victory of good over evil Many places host Dandiya Raas competitions, where groups showcase their

dance skills and creativity

The colourful costumes and the vibrant music create a festive atmosphere, drawing crowds of all ages to join in the celebration

5 Navratri Mela: These fairs or Navratri Melas offer a blend of cultural performances, food stalls, and shopping These melas feature traditional games, rides, and live performances, making them perfect family outings Visitors can indulge in a variety of festive delicacies and other traditional snacks that are commonly enjoyed during the festival The colourful stalls showcasing handicrafts and festive attire also add to the charm of the Mela

6 Cultural programmes:

Many communities organise cultural programmes during Navratri, highlighting local talent through dance, music, and drama These events often feature performances by renowned artists and groups, showcasing traditional dance forms like Kathak and Bharatnatyam alongside contemporary acts Such programmes not only entertain but also educate attendees about the rich cultural heritage associated with Navratri 7 Virtual celebrati ons : In recent years, particularly following the pandemic, many communities have turned to virtual celebrations of Navratri Online events featuring live-streamed garba and dandiya sessions enable participants to join from the comfort of their homes Social media platforms have emerged as vibrant hubs for sharing dance videos, traditional recipes, and festive greetings, allowing the spirit of Navratri to thrive despite physical distance

Elevate your look with these trendy Garba outfit ideas

P rim arily celebrated in Gujarat, Garba h as gained im mense popularity across India and arou nd the world

With its exciting d ance m oves and v ibrant o utfits, Garba is cherished by Indians everywhere While it’s a belov ed trad ition for all, it holds special sig nificance for wom en who enjoy d ressing u p and sh owcasing their style

Traditionally, women wore chaniya cholis, lehengas, and suits, but fashion trends are evolving

If you ’ ve received an invitation for Garba night and are unsure about what to wear, we ’ ve curated a list of stylish Garba outfits to

help you shine at the celebration

1) E ffortlessly m inim alist look: If you appreciate the elegance of minimalism, consider a stunning georgette lehenga adorned with delicate floral patterns This choice embodies simplicity while making a strong style statement Pair it with a plain choli that complements the lehenga's intricate designs, allowing the floral details to shine A matching floral dupatta adds a touch of grace and sophistication

2) Go with a traditional: The sari is a traditional Indian garment consisting of a long piece of fabric elegantly draped around the body It is one of the most cherished ethnic outfits among Indian women, celebrated for its versatility and ability to enhance beauty Typically ranging

from five to nine yards in length, the sari can be made from various luxurious fabrics, such as silk, cotton, and chiffon, each offering a unique drape

3 ) Dhoti kurta style: Wearing a traditional dhoti with a long kurta and dupatta strikes a perfect balance between modernity and tradition, exuding a comfortable vibe The dhoti allows for ease of movement, making it suitable for various occasions, while the long kurta adds elegance, often featuring intricate patterns or embroidery The dupatta drapes gracefully, enhancing the overall look

This ensemble can be paired with Kolhapuri sandals or high heels for a modern twist

4 ) Long skirt w ith top: If you're looking to embrace a more modern silhouette, consider opting for a long flared, floor-length skirt This choice beautifully combines elegance and comfort, allowing for ease of movement while making a statement Pairing the skirt with a fitted tank top or a stylish blouse creates a chic and sophisticated look that is perfect for various occasions, from festive celebrations to evening gatherings The absence of a dupatta adds to the modern

appeal, offering a clean and streamlined appearance

5) Co uple fashio n feat:

During Navratri, couples often embrace the festive spirit by coordinating their outfits in complementary colours, creating an appealing look For women, a colourful ghagra choli adorned with intricate mirror work is a stunning choice, reflecting the vibrant energy of the celebration On the other hand, men can choose a dhoti kurta in shades that harmonise with their partner's attire They even can add a traditional necklace to elevate their outfit

Dr Arnab Basu greeting Dr Andrew Fleming British Deputy High Commissioner in Kolkata at the award Unvwiling Night
Pryas UK receiving GSOE recognition Award
Influencer Ritvi Shah with her partner

Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh Patel

U S Markets Make New High s: A Catalyst for Global C onfid ence and Pension Growth

As we watch the US stock markets reach new highs, it’s an exciting moment, not only for American investors but for global markets at large The strength of the US economy often serves as a bellwether for other financial markets, and this latest surge is a reason for optimism for investors worldwide including those like myself, who are thinking ahead about their pensions and long-term investments

What’ s Driving th e U S Markets to New Heigh ts?

The half percent cut in interest rates by the US central bank was the key reason in the near term Several factors have contributed to the impressive rally in US stocks Key among them is the resilience of the US economy, which has shown remarkable adaptability in the face of challenges Inflation, while still a concern, has moderated thanks to decisive action by the Federal Reserve This balancing act reining in inflation while supporting economic growth has boosted investor sentiment

Tech stocks, particularly in sectors like artificial intelligence, clean energy, and digital infrastructure, have played a leading role in driving the markets higher With global innovation centering around these industries, US tech giants have positioned themselves at the forefront of future growth, which has investors feeling bullish

Additionally, consumer spending remains robust in the US, buoyed by a strong labour market People are back to spending, investing, and driving the economy forward, which bodes well for both the stock market and the broader economic outlook

Why This Matters for Glo bal M arkets

The US is the world’s largest economy, and its markets are often a barometer for global financial health When US stocks rise, it typically fuels optimism across the globe Investors in Europe, Asia, and other regions see these gains and often adjust their strategies, boosting demand in their home markets It creates a ripple effect that can lift the tide of global stock markets, bringing renewed confidence to portfolios everywhere

In Asia, where growth has been robust, we see an increasing interconnection with US markets Exports, particularly in technology and manufacturing, benefit from a strong US economy For investors, this means an opportunity to gain exposure not only to local growth but also to US-driven market optimism

Increased C onfid ence in Global Sto cks

As US markets continue to hit new highs, my confidence in global stock markets has risen significantly The global economy is more interconnected than ever, and as the US shows resilience and recovery, the outlook for Europe and Asia improves as well Asia, in particular, offers compelling opportunities Economies like India and China, while navigating their unique challenges, are still poised for long-term growth Investors are keenly aware of Asia’s role in global supply chains, technological innovation, and consumer demand With the US markets firing on all cylinders, these regions stand to benefit from increased trade and investment flows

For investors with a diversified global portfolio, this interconnectedness is crucial US market gains often translate into higher demand for goods and services from Asia and Europe, benefiting companies around the globe This not only supports stock markets worldwide but also provides stability to long-term investors like myself What Th is M eans for My Pension

Like many, I’m thinking not just about the short-term market trends but the long-term outlook for my pension

A rising US market, coupled with global economic growth, is a reassuring sign Pension funds, often heavily invested in global equities, are positioned to benefit from this broad-based market strength

As someone focused on the future, these new market highs give me confidence that my pension will continue to grow The combination of strong US growth, coupled with promising signs from global markets, reinforces my belief that long-term investments will pay off After all, pensions are designed to weather the ups and downs of the market, and current trends are a reminder of the benefits of staying invested through both good times and bad

A Time to S tay the C ourse

While market highs are always exciting, they also come with reminders to remain disciplined We’ve seen periods of volatility in the past, and there will inevitably be corrections along the way However, the current market dynamics, both in the US and globally, provide reason for optimism Whether you ’ re an active investor or someone, like me, with an eye on your pension, this is a time to remain confident and stay the course

In the end, these new highs are not just numbers on a screen they’re a signal of resilience, opportunity, and the potential for long-term growth As US markets climb, global stocks follow suit, and for investors looking towards the future, including our pensions, this could be a time of promise and prosperity

Issa brother’s departure aims to halt Asda’s ‘drift’

Wh en T D R C ap i t al p ar tnered with th e Issa brothers to acquire Asda, many qu estio ned i f they could p ull o ff another multibillion-po und de al T h

intensified T h e d e

e o f Mohsin Issa, who managed Asda's operations during a p r o

standards, increased com-

missteps that have hurt the supermarket's performance Mohsin is stepping down to

focus on his role as CEO of EG Group, handing Asda’s oversight to Lord Rose, the chairman, and Rob Hattrell, TDR Capital’s head of digi-

The U K h as experienced its

ne since th e 1980s, costing public finances ov er £ 16 billion annually in lost tax revenue, according to a study by the I ns ti

Stu dies

c , hundreds of thousands of

h e labour market and have not

n i n g t h e economy and reducing government revenue The "par-

tal T

non-executive director, he will soon be the sole CEO of E G G r o u p , f o l l o w i n g h i s

brother Zuber’s exit after the sale of EG’s remaining UK forecourts Asda’s challenges continue to mount Sales fell 6% in the 12 weeks leading to August 4, dropping its market share from 13 7% to 12 6% compared to t

borrowing costs have also hindered its ability to compete aggressively on price,

t i c i p a t i o n c

" i s h i g h

lighted by a 1 5 percentagepoint drop in the number of people aged 16 and over who a r e w o r k i n g o r s e e k i n g work, equivalent to about 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 f e w e r w o r k e r s double the decline seen after the 2008 financial crisis I f p r e - p a n d e m i c employment levels had been m a i n t a i n e d , t h e e c o n o m y would be £25 billion larger, and the government would collect an additional £16 bill

UK watchdog targets big banks over low savings rates

B r it a in ’ s l a r ge st b a nk s a r e pa ying b elow-avera ge in tere st r at e s on so me sav in gs a ccount s and could face regul atory act ion if t he y don't improve their offerings, the Finan cial Conduct Author it y (FCA) has warn ed T h e F C

cash savings market last year, has been working with major b

HSBC, NatWest, Santander

U K , B a r c l a y s , N a t i o n w i d e Building Society, TSB, Virgin

M o n e y U K , a n d t h e Cooperative Bank to address the issue Under the FCA’s Consumer Duty, which took effect in July last year, financ i a l s e r v i c e s

a r e r e q u i r e d t o e n s u r e c u stomers receive fair value and that no group is unfairly disadvantaged when using the same product

As a result of rising intere s t r a t e s , s a v e r s a r e n o w

receiving approximately £4 billion ($5 3 billion) more per year in interest payments, with the average rate on easy

a c c e s s s a v i n g s a c c o u n t s increasing from 1 66% in July 2022 to 2 11% in June 2023

N e a r l y 1 7 5 i n s t a n t a c c e s s accounts are offering rates above 4%, according to the FCA

However, the regulator n o t e d t h a t s o m e o f t h e l a r g e s t b a n k s c o n t i n u e t o offer below-market rates on t h e i r s t a n d a r d e a s y a c c e s s savings products The FCA raised concerns about how these firms assess the value of their products and warned that further action could be taken if improvements are not made

" W e e x p e c t f i r m s t o

i m p r o v e t h e i r f a i r v a l u e assessments over time, and w e w i l l t a k e a p p r o p r i a t e action if this does not happen," the FCA said

UK equipment finance down 14% in H1 2024

funded by Financial Fairness Trust, reveals that several distinct groups are driving the workforce reduction


were unemployed before the p a n d e

out of work, while a growing

worsening the impact of the cost-of-living crisis, as budg

Aldi and Lidl

retailing and

loyalty app in place, the focus now shifts to daily operations Asda's CFO, Michael Gleeson, has

and boosting checkout availability on weekends to rebuild customer loyalty

health, have never entered the labour market after leaving school or college Tony Wilson, director of the institute, said the UK is an outlier among developed nations, where workers have

greater numbers than before the pandemic He compared the situation to the 1980s, w

pushed many to the margins of employment

Bank of England to reduce bond sales

The B an k of Eng la nd wil l ease its q uan titative tighte ning (QT) program by reducing t he amount of bonds it sell s back to investors, l ightening the fiscal burden on t h e g o v e r n me n t a h e a d o f nex t mont h’s budget

The central bank plans to cut its balance sheet by £100 billion over the next y e a r , m a t c h i n g l a s t y e a r ' s pace but significantly lowering active gilt sales to £13 billion, down from £50 billion

l a s t y e a r T h e r e s t o f t h e r e d u c t i o

m a t u r i n g g i l t s , w i t h p r oceeds not being reinvested

T h i s £ 1 0 0

aligns with market expectations but is less than the £125 billion some economists had predicted, which would have increased financial losses for b o t h t h e B a n k a n d t h e Treasury

The Bank began active bond sales in 2022 to reduce

The latest A cqui s Index reveals a 14 % decli ne in the value of new equipment f inance deal s in th e UK d uring the first half of 20 24, compared to th e same period i n 2023

Now in its fourth year, the Index tracks new lease originations across multiple UK industries, including restaurants, retail, industrial, office, and IT equipment The report shows that lease inceptions for the first half of 2024 lagged behind both 2022 and 2023 figures Notably, June saw a sharp 30% drop in new equipment finance deals However, July offered a positive sign, marking the first month in six to show growth, suggesting potential recovery in the second half of the year Among sectors, industrial equipment was the only one to experience growth, with an 8 2% rise in new deal values compared to 2023 In contrast, office equipment suffered the most, with values plummeting by 20% in the first half of 2024 The latest Acquis Index has reported a 14% decrease in the value of new equipment finance deals in the UK during the first half of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023 These findings are consistent with recent data from the Finance & Leasing

Association (FLA), which reported a 7% decrease in total asset finance new business, including leasing and hire purchase, for the same period

response to previous quantitative easing measures taken d u r i n g f i n

The bond sales impact the g o v e r n m e n t ’ s p u b l i c finances by realising losses as gilt prices fall due to rising interest rates These losses are covered by cash transfers from the Treasury, affecting the government's fiscal strategy to reduce the debt ratio within five years There is speculation that C h a n c e l l o r R a c h e l R e e v e s might exclude the Bank’s QT impact from the debt measure in the upcoming budget, potentially adding about £20 billion in fiscal headroom If the Bank maintains its £100 billion QT pace until 2028, it could lead to £96 billion in losses for the governm e n t o

Economics Foundation

Pound hits 30-month high

The pound surged t o a two-y ear high a gainst the dol lar , b reak in g the $1 3 3 ba rrier, after the Ba nk of Englan d de cided to keep inter est rates unchan ged and signa lle d onl y "gradual " monet ary ea sing in the coming months

Sterling climbed by as much as 0 7% against the dollar, reaching $1 331 its highest level since March 2022 following the Bank of England's decision to maintain borrowing costs at 5% The rise was further fuelled by the U S Federal Reserve's significant halfpercentage point interest rate cut on Wednesday

Higher interest rates tend to boost a currency's value, as investors seek out higher-rate environments for better returns The pound also gained 0 3% against the euro, hitting €1 19, the highest since July The UK's interest rate reduction cycle is now lagging behind that of the U S and the eurozone, both of which have eased monetary policy by half a percentage point In comparison, the Bank of England's monetary policy committee cut rates by just a quarter point in August Markets anticipate only one more rate cut in the UK, likely in November

Mohsin Issa

prospects are healthy and filled with opportunities in multiple sectors, including trade, agriculture, and AI, l

India’ s Hero

and scoo ters, plans to start selling e-sco oters to the UK a

year, in its first foray into

developed market

According to the World

Container Port Performance

Indian ports found


Moreover, the performance

Nearly 90 per cent of India's

increasing exports and bulk commodity imports

demands India is poised for growth, and with a young and dynamic workforce, it is well-positioned to shape the global economic landscape

largest government-owned port, the Jawaharlal Nehru P

ranked 96th globally, while

Mundra Port Terminal in Gujarat ranked 27th

Tata Steel building new blast furnace in India while closing down Port Talbot's

t i v

Talb ot Tata

India’s lar ge st

urnac e at K alinganagar in Odisha


Tata said the investment

the plant’s overall production capabilities” It comes in the same week it was revealed

4 , 0 0 0 j o b s w

Tata’s Port Talbot site as part of the deal which will see the a new plant built to recycle old steel instead

E a r l i e r t h i s m o n t h t h e UK government signed the deal to give Tata £500 mn

T h e d e a l , o r

a n n o u n c e d u n d e r t h e p r e v i o u s C


government, was confirmed by Labour’s cabinet minister Jonathan Reynolds

contributing the remaining £750 mn of the £1 25 bn plan, can progress its plan to build

recycle previously-used steel

a t P o r t T a l b o t A j o i n t s t a t e m e n t f r o m t h e community and GMB trade unions said the deal was "not something to celebrate but is the best possible deal

Port Talbot's electric arc


significantly less manpower It is estimated the move will cost the local economy in Port Talbot more than £10

mn Under Tata's plan for Port Talbot the site will still be importing steel until late 2027 at the earliest, when it e

operational But even after that the UK will still need to import the some qualities of steel from abroad

TV Narendran, CEO and m a n a g i n g d i r e c t o r a t T a t a , called the commissioning of India’s largest blast furnace a “momentous occasion for the

Kalinganagar is a momentous occasion for the steel industry, s

sustainability,” he said

Sitharaman launches pension scheme for children

motorcycles in partnership with the US company, may also export bigger vehicles


The moves come at a

time when Indian officials say India and the UK are making progress on a free trade deal that would cut tariffs on goods, including in the automotive industry “ T h e r e

h a s shown that in both the UK and Europe customers feel excited to receive this kind of product,”

than 45 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, has also announced plans to sell


FM said NPS Vatsalya

longterm financial planning and security for all citizens Besides securing the future of s u b s c

inter-generational equity by providing cover to older and young members of the family

“My appeal to all parents is that when you attend a child’s birthday party, you can take

Vatsalya will also be a form

future,” Sitharaman said S

habit of

among young subscribers, and large wealth can be accumulated through the power of compounding She asserted that the scheme will allow a dignified life to people in their old age

scheme He said efforts are being made to include more workers from the informal sector into the pension fold D

, chairperson, PFRDA, said for pensions, an early start is a head start: small amounts squirrelled away could yield


India's equity indic es Sens ex and N ifty s caled th eir new record clo sing high levels o n M o nd ay , h el p ed b y s tr o n g foreign f und inflo ws and a largely f ir m trend in Asian markets

Rallying for the third day

r u n n i n g , t h e 3 0 - s h a r e B S E

Sensex jumped 384 30 points, or 0 45 per cent, to settle at an all-time high of 84,928 61

D u r i n g t h e d a y , i t s o a r e d

436 22 points, or 0 51 per cent, to hit a fresh lifetime intraday peak of 84,980 53

T h e N S E N i f t y r o s e

1 4 8 1 0 p o i n t s , o r 0 5 7 p e r

Afte r fa cing a hammering in the st ock mark ets, foll owing an adver se judgme nt by the Supre me Court on the AGR is su e , e m b a t t l e d t e l c o Vodafone Idea (VIL) sought t o a ss ua g e in v e st or sen time nts Vodafone Idea promised a “ s m a r t t u r n a r o u n d ” b y l i n i n g u p £ 5 5 b n n e w investment Out of this, VIL will spend £3 bn over the n e x t t h r e e y e a r s t o b u y n e t w o r k e q u i p m e n t f r o m N o k i a , E r i c s s o n , a n d Samsung

T h e c o m p a n y h a s t o c o u g h u p

towards its AGR dues

has “kickstarted

franchise network

p r o d u c e s g r o s s r o o m r e v e n u e s o f $ 1 7 b i l l i o n , which generates a strong fee base and cash flow for G6 O y o w i l l l e v e r a g e i t s technology suite as well as its global distribution network and marketing expertise to further strengthen the Motel 6 and Studio 6 brands and d r i v e c o n t i n u e d f i n a n c i a l growth, said the company “ T h i s a c q u i s i t i o n i s a significant milestone for a startup company like us to strengthen our international presence Motel 6’s strong brand recognition, financial profile and network in the U S , c o m b i n e d w i t h O y o ’ s entrepreneurial spirit will be instrumental in charting a sustainable path forward for t h e c o m p a n y w h i c h w i l l c o n t i n u e t o o p e r a t e a s a s e p

cent, to close at a record peak of 25,939 05 During the day, it zoomed 165 05 points, or 0 63 per cent, to reach a new i n t r a - d a y a l l - t i m e h i g h o f 25,956

From the 30 Sensex firms, Mahindra & Mahindra, State Bank of India, Bharti Airtel, H

Gautam Swaroop, CEO Oyo International

participate in the industry growth opportunities,” CEO A k s h a y a M o o n d r

investment cycle” as part of a VIL 2 0 p l a n I t w i l l r a i s e f u n d s through debt after it mopped up £2 4 bn through a followon public offer and infusion by promoters “ W e a r e c o m m i t t e d t o invest in emerging network t e c h n o l o g i e s t o p r o v i d e a b e s

Pak court sentences Christian woman to death in blasphemy case


C hristian wom

to d eath in a blasp hem y case A case w as filed under blasphemy l aw s ag ai

K aran, ac cus ed


d ero g ato ry m aterial abo ut the Prophet of Islam in a

W h at sA p p g

p i n S eptem ber 20 20



Judge Afzal Majuka of



Pakistan Penal Code, which


The court also imposed a fine of Rs 300,000 on Karan

A p a r t

o m t h i s , t h e court also sentenced her to seven years imprisonment

and imposed a fine of Rs 100,000 under Section 11 of t h e P a k i s t a n E l e c t r o n i c Crime Act (PECA)


order said the convict has the right to file an appeal in a high court within 30 days of the decision

Judge Majuka added the execution of the sentence would not take place until the high court approved the decision Karan is the second Christian woman sentenced to death in a case of insulting the Prophet and the religion of Islam

Earlier, Asia Bibi, who was sentenced to death for b l a s p h e m y , w a s k e p t i n prison for eight years, but a bench headed by Asif Saeed


Justice of Pakistan Supreme C

October 2018

After her acquittal, Bibi moved to Canada with her family Blasphemy laws were enacted in the 1980s by for-

blasphemy are often targeted by the extremists

According to the think

Justice (CSJ), nearly 3,000 persons have been accused of blasphemy since 1987 At least seven persons accused

killed by individuals or mobs

January this year, the CSJ said

Left-leaning Dissanayake sworn in as new Lanka president

COLO M BO : Sri Lank a's new president Anura Kuma ra Diss anaya ke ha s been s worn into of fice, prom is ing "c lean" politics as the country r ecovers from its wors t ec onomic c ris is

T h e l e f

a n i n g D i s



t himself as a disruptor of the status quo, and analysts see his victory as a rejection of corruption and cronyism that has long plagued the country Saturday's election was the first since 2022, when discontent over the economy fuelled mass protests and chased former president Gotabaya Rajapaksa from power

"We need to establish a new clean political culture," he said "I commit to achieving this We will do the utmost to win back the people’s respect and trust in the political system "

The 55-year-old, who is familiarly known as AKD, told Sri Lankans that "democracy doesn’t end with voting in a leader"

"We need to strengthen democracy I pledge to do my utmost to safeguard democracy," he said

"I have said before that I am not a magician – I am an ordinary citizen There are things I know and don’t know My aim is to gather those with the knowledge and skills to help lift this country "

Dissanayake received a Buddhist blessing at the end of his speech Representatives of Sri L a n k a ' s o t h e r m a i n r e l i g i o n s - I s l a m , Hinduism and Christianity - were also present during the oath-taking, highlighting the new president's emphasis on diversity

In a statement on the eve of the ceremony, Dissanayake said the "unity of Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and all Sri Lankans is the bedrock of this new beginning"

D u r i n g t h e c a m p a i g n , D i s s a n a y a k e promised voters good governance and tough anti-corruption measures

He has promised to develop Sri Lanka's manufacturing, agriculture and IT sectors He has also committed to continuing the deal struck with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to bail Sri Lanka out of the economic crisis while reducing the impact of its austerity measures on the country’s poorest

S r i L a n k a n P r i m e M i n i s t e r D i n e s h

Gunawardena resigned before Dissanayake was sworn in, paving the way for the dissolution of parliament

In an earlier interview with BBC Sinhala, Dissanayake signalled that he would dissolve parliament soon after being elected

There is no point continuing with a parliament that is not in line with what the people want," he said at the time


stretched into a second round on Sunday, as no candidate was able to win more than 50% of the total votes in the first round Once the second and third-choice votes for president had been tallied, the Election Commission said Dissanayake had won with a total of

Outgoing President Ranil Wickremesinghe got 2,299,767 during the first round of counting and was excluded from the second round

Canada MP voices concerns about attacks on minorities in Bangladesh

DH AK A: Expressing deep concern over vio

Bangladesh are concerned about the

ty and safety o f their families, their temp les, and properties

He said they will be holding a rally on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to highlight the current situation in Bangladesh Arya said they will be joined by Canadian Buddhists a n d C h r i s

n Bangladesh


“I am deeply concerned by violence tar-

n Bangladesh,” he said in Canada’s parliament Every time there is instability in

killed in Iran coal mine explosion

T EH RA N: An explosion in a coal m ine in eas tern Iran kill ed at lea st 34 workers and injured 17 others , of ficials said, m arking one of the wors t mining dis ast ers in the country’s history while many ot hers remained m is sing hours af ter the blas t The blas t s truck a c oa l m ine in Tabas, about 540 km s outhea st of the c apital, Te hran By Sunday , we eping m iners s tood alongs ide m ine c ars t hat brought up the bodies of c ol leagues , all covered in coal dus t Around 70 people had been working at the time of the blast State television later said 17 were believed to be trapped at a depth of 650 feet down a 2,300-foot tunnel However, figures kept changing throughout Sunday, with some reports suggesting the death toll was higher A provincial emergency official told the state-run IRNA news agency that the death toll had reached at least 34 as rescue efforts continued Authorities blamed the blast on a leak of methane gas Such gases are common in mining, though modern safety measures call for ventilation and other measures to protect workers It wasn’t immediately clear what safety procedures were in place at the p r i v a t e l y o w n e d M a n d a n j o o C o , w h i c h operated the Tabas Parvadeh 5 mine

Cop killed as bomb explodes near convoy of envoys in Pakistan

I SL A M AB AD : A ro adside bom b e xplode d n ear a conv oy of foreign diplom ats visitin g Pa kistan ’ s scenic Swat district in the nor thwe st , le avin g one police man d ead a nd t hree injur ed P olice officials said t he victims were pa rt of the squad le ading the con voy of 12 count ries They sa id a ll t he foreign d ignit arie s we re unha rme d

The envoys included ambassadors from R u s s i a , P o r t u g a l , I r a n , I n d o n e s i a , Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Rwanda, Zimbabwe, T u r k m e n i s t a n , V i e t n a m a n d B o s n i a a n d Herzegovina The diplomats were visiting the area at the invitation of a local chamber of commerce

No one has so far claimed responsibility for the attack but officials said militants associated with the Pakistani Taliban are primarily responsible for violence in the region Swat, a former stronghold of the Tehreek-iTaliban Pakistan (TTP), is known for its picturesque landscape and historic religious sites and hosts thousands of local and foreign tourists each year

in brief


An Indian embassy official has been allegedly found dead under mysterious circumstances inside the mission premises in Washington

According to reports, local police and the Secret Service are currently investigating the incident, including the possibility of suicide The Embassy confirmed the death in an official statement but did not give any further details "With deep regret, we wish to confirm that a member of the Embassy of India passed away on the evening of 18th September 2024 We are in touch with all relevant agencies and members of the family to ensure the swift transfer of the remains to India," it said



Indian American Dhruvi Patel a Computer Information Systems student has been crowned Miss India Worldwide 2024 marking her as the latest winner of the longestrunning Indian pageant held outside India

The Miss India Worldwide pageant is organized by the India Festival Committee, based in New York, and led by IndianAmericans Neelam and Dharmatma Saran Patel, who has aspirations of becoming a Bollywood actor and a UNICEF Ambassador, expressed her excitement following the victory at the Edison, New Jersey event


Salman Rushdie’s memoir, Knife Meditations After an Attempted Murder,’ has been nominated for a National Book Award This candid and resilient account of his 2022 stabbing is a notable addition to Rushdie s distinguished literary career The National Book Foundation released the long lists for the nonfiction and poetry categories on September 12 These lists which include 10 nominees each will be narrowed down to five finalists on October 1 The winners will be announced at a Manhattan dinner ceremony on November 20


Islamabad has complained to Kabul after an Afghan diplomat failed to stand up when the Pakistani national anthem was played during an event in the country s northwest, officials said The foreign ministry also summoned Ahmad Shakib, Afghanistan s charge d affaires and its most senior diplomat in Islamabad, in protest over the incident

Bangladesh, the Canadian MP said, religious minorities, particularly Hindus, face the brunt

Earlier, Australian minister for climate change and energy Chris Bowen had said their thoughts are with all Bangladeshis at this difficult time, and he made particular reference to the violence and plight of ethnic and religious minorities in Bangladesh “As I said at the outset, all violence to all Bangladeshis is to be deplored,” he had said in Australia’s parliament, adding that he wanted to raise the particular matter of attacks on religious and ethnic minorities in Bangladesh - Hindus, Christians and others

In Bangladesh, the Hindu community protested in Dhaka and Chattogram recently and placed their demands

“All the ambassadors remained safe in the attack and had been shifted to a safe place before their departure to Islamabad,” said Mohammad Ali Gandapur, a senior police officer

Pakistan’s foreign office said the foreign diplomats had returned to the Pakistani capital, extending sympathies to the families of the deceased and injured policemen It said that the convoy was travelling to Islamabad after their trip to Malam Jabba (in Swat) when “ an advance scout police vehicle was hit by an IED which resulted in a casualty of the police detail” PM Shehbaz Sharif’s office condemned the attack as a “cowardly terrorist” act

R u s s i a n a m b a s s a d o r A l b e r t K h o r e v ’ s office in Islamabad confirmed his presence in the convoy, saying they took part in a tourism summit in Swat “On the way to the hotel from the town of Mingora in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, an escort vehicle hit a mine

According to Pakistani officials, Mohibullah Shakir, the Afghan consul general in Peshawar, remained seated during the anthem at an official ceremony The ministry spokesperson said such disrespect of the host country’s anthem went against diplomatic norms


Former Republican prez candidate Nikki Haley is launching her own radio talk show on SiriusX Mthat’s set to air once a week She’ll do interviews, take listener calls and talk politics on the show Her radio show, however, “is not going to be about campaigning for a particular candidate,” she said She said she’d been approached by some partisan news outlets but she didn t identify them Her campaign she said taught her how the media is tainted and partisan outlets are predictable That’s what Americans are tired of she said They don t want to go on and watch a news show and know exactly which candidate they re pushing They want to know the issues

Anura Kumara Dissanayake

in brief



Pakistan’s ISI will have a new chief in Lt Gen Muhammad Asim Malik from Sept 30 replacing former PM Imran Khan’s appointee Lt Gen Nadeem Anjum the military’s media wing said Malik is a graduate of Fort Leavenworth in the US and the Royal College of Defence Studies in London A recipient of the Sword of Honour in his course he had also served as the chief instructor at the National Defence University in Islamabad and taught at the Command and Staff College, Quetta Malik takes over from Anjum at a time when Pakistan has been facing a surge of militant attacks in the northwestern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan provinces


Venezuela’s highest court, Supreme Tribunal of Justice, approved a warrant for the arrest of Argentina’s Prez Javier Milei, a vocal critic and ideological rival of counterpart Nicolas Maduro The warrant was issued over the “theft” of a Venezuelan plane seized in Buenos Aires for alleged sanctions violations But it is only symbolic as Milei is unlikely to set foot in this country where the warrant applies Warrants were also issued for Argentina s security minister and the presidential advisor


More than two dozen top American lawmakers have expressed outrage over the recent vandalism of a Hindu temple in New York which came days ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi s visit to the US The road and the signage outside the BAPS Swaminarayan Temple in Melville New York, were sprayed with expletives last week The desecration of this Hindu house of worship is vile Hate has no place on Long Island or anywhere else in New York or across America,” Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer said “I am deeply saddened by the desecration of the BAPS Mandir This act of vandalism is a clear attempt to incite hatred against Hindus and has no place in our country,” he said


A man from Wayanad who migrated to Norway has emerged as an alleged link in the sensational pager explosions in Lebanon that targeted Hezbollah fighters and killed 12 people Norta Global Ltd based in Sofia Bulgaria - allegedly owned by Rinson Jose (37) of Wayanad, now a Norwegian citizen - is being probed by international security agencies following reports linking it to the sale of hundreds of pagers Hungarian media reported that Norta Global had facilitated the sale of the pagers The firm’s website has been taken down now However, Bulgaria’s State Agency for National Security said that Norta Global and its owner had “not carried out any transaction linked to the sale or purchase of the merchandise or that which falls under laws on terrorism financing


Tanzanian police arrested three opposition leaders again on Monday their party and police said to stop anti-government protests in the commercial capital Dar es Salaam The main opposition party Chadema s chairman Freeman Mbowe was detained on the street, while his deputy Tundu Lissu was taken from his home amid plans to demonstrate against alleged killings and abductions of government critics Chadema said later that police arrested another senior official and an unspecified number of party members and staff and guards at two of their offices in Dar es Salaam

NBC, CBS polls show Kamala gaining ground on Trump

W A S H I N G T O N : U S V i c e

President Kamala H arris leads Republican rival Donald Trump by 5 percentage points in an

Sunday that found that respon-

candidate for president

Asked about their views of

nominee, 48% of 1,000 registered voters surveyed said it was positive compared to 32% in July - the largest jump among politi-

Bush’s favorability rose after the Sept 11, 2001, attacks

Asked about Trump, 40% of those polled said they viewed him positively compared to 38% in July, the news network said

The poll, conducted on Sept 1317, has a margin of error of 3 percentage points

A separate CBS News poll

a l s o f o u n d h a r r i s l e a d i n g Trump, by 4 percentage points, 52% to 48%, among likely voters, with a margin of error rate of p l u s o

e points

The findings are broadly in

line with other recent national p o l l s , i n c l u d i n g t h o s e b y Reuters/ipsos, that show a close contest heading into the Nov 5 election while national surveys offer important signals on the

electoral College determine the winner, with a handful of bat-

immigrants being enrolled to vote

Trump also made an audacious effort to stir New Yorkers into voting for him with a raucous rally in long island, claiming, as he did in California, that the state was ripe for picking because Democrats had diminished the state Both California a n d N e w Y o

v o t e d Republican during the Reagan era and are now considered reli-


decisive in CBS’ poll of 3,129 registered voters surveyed Sept 18-20, harris edged up

split in Aug with a growing roster of polls showing Kamala edging ahead, the Trump campaign is building redundancies into its election denialism, proffering

polls,” to iranian interference to

+20) to an extent neither party

only go there for fund-raising or to campaign for Congressional

Trump was doing, although he used the occasion to talk up an improbable victory, telling New Yorkers to “get off your ass and vote for me ”

At 2mn Indians leads pool of educated immigrants in US

WA S HI NGT ON: A recent analys i s d o ne b y th e M i g r ati o n P o li c y In s ti tu te (

based thinktank, revealed th at nea

grants - those arriving in th e US betw een 201 8 and 2022 - h eld a college d eg ree T h i r t y - f i v e p e r c e n t o f a l l immigrant adults (14 1 million people) had a bachelor’s degree or higher as of 2022, roughly similar to the 36% of all US-born adults (67 8 million) who graduated college, cites this study by

Jeanne Batalova, a senior policy analyst india led the global pool of educated immigrants, constituting 2 million degree holders, or 14% of the total educated immigrant population China (including hong Kong) followed with 1 1 million educated immigrants, making up 7 9% of the total college-educated immigrant popul a t i o n a s o f 2 0 2 2 T h e Philippines and Mexico followed with 7% and 6%, respectively The analysis relied on data from


immigrants come to the US on temporary visas for high-skilled workers and researchers, or as family members of US residents, or as humanitarian migrants, or via other paths Others obtain their education once they are in the US

inflow was from india

The analysis does not reflect the numbers of college educated immigrants as of 2022 as against the stock in each of the previous years however, it analyses the

operations (10%), and education and related occupations (9%)

Canada tightens restrictions on international students, Indians to be hit

OTTA WA: In a bid to bring down the number of t empora ry res ide n t s i n t he c o un t r y, C a n ad a announced to further r educe the num ber of s tudy perm its it wil l grant to foreign s tudents and als o t ig ht e n e d i t s f or e ig n wor k e r rules , a m ove that will im pa ct many Indians " w

t number's going down by another 1 0 % , " P r i m e M i n i s t e r J u s t i n Trudeau posted on X "immigration is an advantage for our economy - but when bad actors abuse the system and take advantage of students, we crack

down," he added A


a d a approved 5,09,390 in 2023 and 1,75,920 in the first seven months of 2024 and the new move would reduce the number of international study permits issued to 4,37,000 in 2025

The changes would also limit work permit eligibility for spouses of some students and tempor a r y f o r e i g n w o r k

r a i l i n g i

o n polls ahead of the federal elections next year, seeks to reduce the number of temporary resid e n t s , i n c

Cargo ship owner sued for Baltimore bridge collapse

BA L TI M ORE : T h e U S j us tic e departm ent sued th e owner and manager of th e cargo ship that caused the Baltimore bridg e collapse, seeking to recover m ore than $10 0 m illion that the g overn m en t s p en t t o cl ea r th e und erwater debris and reopen the city’s port

T h e l a w s u i t f i l e d i n Maryland alleges that the electrical and mechanical systems o n t h e s h i p , t h e D a l i , w e r e improperly maintained, causing it to lose power and veer off course before striking a support column on the Francis Scott Key Bridge in March

“ T h i s a c c i d e n t h a p p e n e d b e c a u s e o f t h e c a r e l e s s a n d grossly negligent decisions made by Grace Ocean and Synergy, who recklessly chose to send an unseaworthy vessel to navigate a critical waterway and ignored the risks to American lives and

the nation’s infrastructure,” said Chetan Patil, the acting deputy assistant attorney general S e v e r a l o f t h e c r e w w e r e from india and were stranded on board for months as investigations took place The collapse snarled commercial shipping traffic through t h e P o r t o f B

e f o r months before the channel was fully opened in June “with this

ensure that the costs of clearing the channel and reopening the Port of Baltimore are borne by the companies that caused the crash, not by the American taxp a y e

a l Merrick Garland said The case was filed against Dali owner Grace Ocean Private l t d

students and foreign workers in January, Canada had also placed a two-year cap on internat i o n a l s t u d e n t s A c c o r d i n g t o

S t a t i s t i c s C

jump in immigration numbers comes from temporary residents, especially students and workers, whose ranks have doubled in just two years from 1 4 million in the second quarter of 2022 to 2 8 mill

s e c o n d q u a r t e r o f 2024 Canada has already pledged to reduce the number of temporary residents to 5% of the total population, which was 6 8% in April

Migrants have been blamed

for societal problems including a lack of affordable housing and a r a m p e d - u p c o s t o f l i v i n g i n Canada

C a n a d a i s a m o n g t h e favourite destinations for indian students According to the indian government's data released last month, about 13,35,000 indian s t u d e n t s a r e s t u d y i n g a b r o a d , with about 427,000 in Canada

Between 2013 and 2022, the number of indian students moving to Canada to study has seen a massive rise of 260 per cent

According to a report earlier this year, about 40 per cent of overseas students in Canada were from india

Indian investors rush to buy houses in Greece under golden visa scheme

NE W DE L HI : Greece has

ce nt s urge i n property purchases by In dian in ves tors b etwee n July an d August Thi s flurry of activity is dri ven by In dian buyers e ager to secure permane nt

Gold en Visa Programme be fore si gnif icant re gulatory change s took ef fect on Se ptember 1 launched in 2013, Greece's Golden Visa programme offers residency permits in exchange for property investments, making it an attractive option for

€250,000 (£220,000) threshold was one of europe's lowest, drawing significant investment a n d b o o s t i n g G r e e c e ' s r e a l estate market h o w e v e r , t h e s u r g e i n demand pushed up property p r i c e s , p a r

Santorini To address this, the Greek government raised the

€800,000 (approx £700,000) for properties in these regions, effective September 1 2024

Kamala Harris

All 24 J&K seats recorded higher turnout than in LS polls

A l l 2 4 a s s e m b l y

c on s t i t ue n c i e s a n d s e v en

di stricts of J &K that we nt to polls last week - inc ludi ng Pulwama, Shopi an, Kulgam an d Doda that have seen

t e r r or a c ti v i t i e s a n d

g u n f i g ht s i n t he r e c e n t m on ths - rec orded higher turnouts than i n LS polls

h e l d b a re l y f o ur m o n t hs

b ack Also, three of the four Valley dis tri cts c overed in Phase I - Pulwama, Shopian

an d Kulgam - s aw a jump of around 2 to 12 perce ntage

p o i n ts i n tu r n ou ts a s

c om pared to 2014 as semb ly poll

O v e r a l l , t h e p e o p l e ’ s participation in J&K Phase I poll, at slightly over 61 1%, was better than the 60% polling witnessed in 2014

a s s e m b l y p o l l a n d w a y h i g h e r t h a n t h e

c o r r e s p o n d i n g 5 0 3 %

t u r n o u t i n t h e s a m e districts in the 2024 Lok

S a b h a p o l l s T h e p o l l i n g w a s h i g h e r i n a l l

o u r V a l l e y ’ s d i s t r i c t s a s compared to 2024 LS but s l i g h t l y l o w e r o n l y i n Anantnag when compared

to 2014 assembly polls As regards the three districts

o f J a m m u r e g i o n t h a t voted - Kishtwar, Doda and Ramban - the polling was higher for all as compared to LS polls but a tad lower i n r e s p e c t o f D o

2 0 1 4 assembly polls

The turnout figures for last week’s polling are still p r o v i s i o n a l A l s o

between 2014 and current assembly elections would n

redrawn in 2022 as part of the delimitation exercise

Rajiv Kumar said that the p e o p l


J a m m y & Kashmir have proven right the Urdu couplet recited by him while announcing

English, means that “in the celebration of democracy, y o u r ( J & K p e o p l e ’ s ) participation will show the world the story of defeat of m a l a f i d e i n

e n t i o n s ( n a p a a k i r a a d o n k i shikast)”

Air Marshal A P Singh to be next IAF chief

A ir Marsha l A P S in gh will t ak e ov er as the ne xt IA F chief from Air Chie f Ma rshal

V R Chaudha ri on Se pt 3 0, at a t i m e w he

a s t e r i n d u ct io n o f in digen ous Te jas fig hter s as w e l l a s f or ce - m u lt i p li e r s a mid the con tinuin g milita ry con fr onta tion with Chin a

o v

S i n g h ( 5 9 ) , a f i g h t e r p i l o t who has notched over 5,000 hours of flying on a variety

o f a i r c r a f t a f t e r b e i n g commissioned in Dec 1984, to the top post

A q u a l i f i e d f l y i n g instructor and experimental test pilot, he held important command, staff and foreign appointments, including as Central Air Command chief

A P Singh

fast-depleting numbers



n g h will also have to push

into his force For one, IAF is making do with

crucial to enhance the o p e r a t i o n a l r a n g e o f fighters

For another, IAF is lagging far behind even Pakistan in the “ eyes in the sky” arena It has just three indigenous ‘Netra’

Air India issues full refund after Indian American’s video goes viral

Air India has is sued a full refu nd to Anip P atel, CE O

o f C aP a te l I n ve s tm en ts , after h e sh ared a video o n s oc ial media detaili ng h i s d is a p p o i n ti n g f i r st - c la s s experience

T h e I n d i a n A m e r i c a n

b u s i n e s s m a n h a d t a k e n a non-stop flight from New D e l h i t o C h i c a g o a n d described it as his “worst” flying experience

I n t h e v i d e o , P a t e l recounted his “nightmare” j o u r n e y , e x p r e s s i n g frustration over the lack of Wi-Fi and broken in-flight

e n t e r t a i n m e n t d u r i n g t h e

1 5 - h o u r f l i g h t H e a l s o criticized the condition of the first-class cabin, noting it was unclean, with leftover

food and trash still present, a

seating appeared worn or damaged “ I h a d h e a r d

v e things about Air India in the past, but I was hoping the recent changes under new

Unfortunately, that wasn

After furore, labour ministry to probe death of EY India staffer

The upro ar over the death of Anna S ebastian Perayil, an em plo yee at consulting firm EY i n P u ne , a ll eg e d ly o n account of wo rk stress, has p us h ed th e U ni o n l ab ou r ministry to initiate a pro be in to th e c i rc u m s tan c es su rround ing the death

Union labour minister Mansukh Mandaviya said an investigation is underway “Based on the findings of the probe, necessary action will be taken,” Mandaviya told reporters

H i s d e p u t y S h o b h a K a r a n d l a j e s a i d o n m i c r o b l o g g i n g p l a t f o r m X that a thorough probe into the allegations “of an unsafe a n d e x p l o i t a t i v e w o r k environment is underway ” “We are committed to e n s u r i n g j u s t i c e & t h e labour ministry has officially taken up the complaint,” she

said while responding to a p o s t b y f o r m e r m i n i s t e r Rajeev Chandrasekhar, who h a d r e p o s t e d a p o s t o n A n n a ’ s m o t h e r A n i t a A u g u s t i n e ’ s l e t t e r t o E Y chairman Rajiv Memani that alleged workplace stress

That letter, which went viral online, had triggered the furore Chandrasekhar requested Karandlaje to look into the allegations made by the mother “of unsafe and e x p l o i t a t i v e w o r k environment that claimed t h e l i f e o f y o u n g , f u l l o f f u t u r e A n n a S e b a s t i a n

Perayil ” E a r l i e r , E Y ’ s M e m a n i said in an interaction that EY India has about 100,000 e m p l o y e e s a n d t h a t everyone works hard “Anna worked with us only for four m o n t h s S h e w a s a l l o t t e d w o r k l i k e a n y o t h e r

employee We don’t believe t h a t w o r k p r e s s u r e c o u l d have claimed her life,” he said T

launching an investigation into the matter IT industry union Nascent Information

that it has submitted letters to both labour ministry and home ministry demanding

questions about the

within certain corporate environments ,

NITES president Harpreet Singh Saluja said


support through the Adani

contribution of £2

mn to the relief effort,” Chairman Gautam Adani posted on X,

As a top-notch aviator

w h o e a r l i e r c o n d u c t e d e x t e n s i v e f l i g h t t e s t i n g o f t h e T e j a s l i g h t c o m b a t aircraft, Air Marshal Singh k n o w s f u l l y w e l l t h a t t h e s i n g l e - e n g i n e f i g h t e r s a r e critical for IAF to make up its

a t P r a y a g r a j , b e f o r e becoming the IAF vice-chief in Feb last year

a i r b o r n e e a r l y w a r n i n g a n d c o n t r o l ( A E W & C ) aircraft, apart from the three I s r a e l i P h a l c o n A W A C S inducted in 2009-2011 The n e w c h i e f s h o u l d e n s u r e DRDO delivers in time the plan to develop six Mark-1A and six Mark-2 versions of the Netra aircraft

Naidu and Adani Group’s Karan Adani

subsided now Residents in

Indian armed forces were deployed to provide relief and rescue operations in the flood-affected

The Chief Minister met the affected people in

them to do everything possible to help them build their lives back to

Minister Shivraj Singh C

Telangana Later, Chouhan met Union Home Minister Amit Shah and handed over

damage caused by the flood and heavy rains in Andhra


Bombay HC strikes down Centre’s fact check unit

De sc ri b in g i t as a n infringement o n the righ t to equ a li ty and f re ed o m o f sp eech, Bom bay high court qu as h e d t h e am e nd e d In fo r m ati o n T e c h no lo g y rules enabling the C entre to set up its ow n fact check unit (F CU) and flag social m ed i a c o nte nt ab o ut i ts functio ning as ‘ fake, false o r misleading’

Holding the FCU to be unconstitutional, Justice A S Chandurkar of the Bombay High Court – who served as ‘ t i e - b r e a k e r j u d g e ’ a f t e r a division bench in Jan 2024 delivered a split verdict –d e s c r i b e d t h e e x p r e s s i o n , ‘fake, false and misleading’ as ‘ vague and overbroad’

“The FCU in a sense is an arbiter in its own cause, ” s a i d J u s t i c e C h a n d u r k a r , echoing the view of Justice Patel who had on Jan 31, 2024, struck down the rule as unconstitutional for its v a g u e n e s s a n d

d i s p r o p o r t i o n a l i t y J u s t i c e

P a t e l h a d d i f f e r e d w i t h

Justice Neela Gokhale, on

t h e t w o - j u d g e b e n c h t h a t heard the matter and arrived a t a s p l i t v e r d i c t , t h u s bringing it before a third

j u d g e J u s t i c e C h a n d u r k a r

s a i d t h e F C U r u l e w o u l d have “ a chilling effect” on i n d i v i d u a l s a s w e l l a s intermediaries; the new rule could have led to loss of ‘safe harbour’ against legal action for social media platforms if F C U - f l a g g e d c o n t e n t w a s not acted upon T h e F C U r u l e i s s a n s s a f e g u a r d s t o p r e v e n t i t s a b u s e , s a i d J u s t i c e C h a n d u r k a r , r e j e c t i n g t h e Centre’s stand that making the FCU’s findings subject to a legal challenge was a safeguard

“ U n d e r t h e r i g h t t o f r e e d o m o f s p e e c h a n d e x p r e s s i o n , t h e r e i s n o further ‘right to the truth’, nor is it the responsibility of t h e S t a t e t o e n s u r e t h a t citizens are entitled only to ‘information’ that is not fake o r f a l s e o r m i s l e a d i n g a s

identified by the FCU,” the HC said The judge also said there

print Justice Chandurkar in a 99 page opinion accepted all major contentions raised by comedian Kunal Kamra and others who challenged its

citing its

judge said he agreed with arguments put forward by senior counsel Arvind Datar

Farasat and Gautam

Cabinet okays one nation, one poll recommendation

k i cke d off t h e

impleme nt

O n e E


p r o m is e by 2029, a ccept ing t he r ecomm end ation s of a hig h-lev el p a n e l h e a d e d by fo r m e r

Pr esiden t Ra mna th Kovind

The move will require support from opposition and n o n - N D A p a r t i e s t o p u s h a m e n

c h three ministers have been tasked to coordinate with political parties The amendments may be introduced as early as the winter session of Parliament, sources said

Although home minister Amit Shah had reaffirmed govt’s intent to implement the move within the current term of Modi govt, few had expected matters to move so swiftly, given NDA’s lack of numbers in Parliament and t h e s t a t e d p o s i t i o n o f oppositon parties, who had a m o n g t h e m e n o u g h strength to thwart the move

Logistica l challe nge s

Apart from the challenge of getting the numbers to push through constitutional amendments, the govt also has to tackle several logisti-

cal issues, including regularisation of electoral rolls for panchayat polls

From electoral rolls to electronic voting machines and movement of personnel, the logistical requirem e n t s a r e e n o r m o u s , sources said In its submissions to the Kovind committ

n had sought a “definite lead t i m e ” , w h i l e p r o j e c t i n g funds requirement for the exercise in 2029 at £795 1 mn

While electoral rolls for a s s e m b l y a n d L o k S a b h a polls are streamlined and a rigorous process is adopted in preparing them, the proc e s s f o r l o

need to be streamlined, govt officials said

As per EC’s inputs sent to the Law Commission in

March 2023 - which it had reiterated in its letter dated Jan 19, 2024, to the Kovind committee - the number of polling stations across the country would have to be

13,60,000 in 2029, requiring the deployment of 53,80,000 ballot units (BUs), 38,70,000

paper audit trail (VVPATs)

CUs and 23,80,000 would be

election cycle, 360,000 BUs and 125,000 CUs would have

would need to be phased out It had projected a short-

17,80,000 VVPATs

India rejects Sikh separatist's assassination plot charges

A US -based gro up advocati ng for an indep endent Sikh

s t at e i n n o rt h er n I n di a announced th at a US di strict court has su mmo ned the Indian go vernment in a

c i v i l la ws u i t i n vo lv in g claims of a "murder-for-hire

p lo t " an d r ep r e ss i o n , a ch arge India rejects

P a n n u n , t h e g e n e r a l counsel for Sikhs for Justice – which is a US-based group that is part of a movement pushing for an independent Sikh state called Khalistan in northern India – has been designated a "terrorist" by the Indian government

Pannun, wrote on Xhis account is withheld in India: “US District Court for Southern District of New

Y o r k i s s u e d s u m m o n s against government of India in the civil lawsuit on the issues of 'murder for hire

p l o t ' a n d t r a n s n a t i o n a l repression ”

“As we have said earlier, these are completely unwarranted and unsubstantiated imputations Now that this p a r t i c u l a r

our views about the under-

Misri told reporters in New Delhi

Last year, Sikh separatist leader Hardeep Singh Nijjar w

c o m m u n i t y s h r i n

n e a r Vancouver, diplomatic and legal actions are increasing s

u t i n y o n I

’ s s u pposed involvement in suppressing overseas Sikh separatist movements through assassinations in the US and Canada

In June, Nikhil Gupta, who is suspected of being involved in a plot to assassinate Pannun, was extradited from the Czech Republic to the US

Nijjar was linked to the Khalistan movement, which advocates for a Sikh nation in India While Sikhs make up 2 per cent of India's popu l a t i o n , t h e y r e p r e s e n t

n e a r l y 6 0 p e r c e n t i n Punjab Khalistan is the proposed name for this nation, including Punjab and other Punjabi-speaking regions

Although the movement declined after a peak in the 1970s and early 1980s due to c r a c k d o w n s b y I n d i a n forces and Hindu mobs, it has recently experienced a resurgence among Sikhs in the diaspora

L a s t N o v e m b e r , I n d i a said it was probing the US concerns over a foiled assass i n a t i o n p l o t T h e p r o b e announcement came after W a s h i n g t o n h a d n o t i f i e d New Delhi that it thwarted a conspiracy to assassinate the Sikh separatist leader on US soil

Kerala reports India's first Mpox case

In dia has r epor ted its fir st ca se of Mon ke ypox (Mpox )

ca use d by the fastspre ading

C la de 1B str ain of t he vir us

L ast mont h, WHO d ecla red

M pox as a disea se of inte rna -

t ional conce rn, fla gging the spe cific str ain

Health ministry sources

s a i d t h e s t r a i n h a s b e e n f o u n d i n a p a t i e n t f r o m Kerala who returned from Dubai recently “The patient is stable, and contact tracing

t o i d e n t i f y a n y p o t e n t i a l spread of the disease is being carried out,” a source in the ministry said “There is no

indication of any widespread r i s k t o t h e p u b l i c a t t h i s time,” the source added “ U n l i k e i n f l u e n z a o r Covid-19, Mpox is not airb o r n e , ” a h e a l



e a d s mostly through unprotected close physical contact with an infected person Sexual t r a n s m i s s i o n i s a l s o a n important mode of spread

I n a d d i t i o n t o t h a t , t h e infection can spread from contact with infected material from blisters and scabs of a patient that can contaminate material such as

Couple from Gujarat held in Delhi with forged Canada visas

A coupl e from Mehsana were caught at In dir a Gan dhi Int erna tion al (IGI) airport in D elhi with for ged Ca nadian visa st amps just b efor e they were to board a flight t o Toront o on Sep 15 Now, a team fr om Del hi Police is camping in G andhin aga r to sea rch for the huma n smuggl er fr om Mehsa na

According to a complaint filed at IGI Airport police station on Sep 15, Ashishsinh Chavda, 22, and wife Priyanka, 20, from Kada in Visnagar, were apprehended at the airport before they were to board an Air Canada flight to Toronto on counterfeit visas “The couple were to board flight, but while conducting document checks, airline staff discovered fake visa stickers on their passports The stickers were affixed on seventh page of t h e i r p a s s

E741959470 and E741959471,” the FIR states

“The flight they were supposed to board was scheduled to take off from the Delhi airport on Sep 15 Police have registered a case against the couple under Sections 318 (4)

(cheating), 336 (3) (forgery) and 340 (2) (producing forged documents as genuine) under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) as well as Section 12 of the Passport Act for using a forged travel document,” the FIR reads

According to sources at the IGI airport, during their four-day police remand, the couple told the investigating cops that they had sought the assistance of a visa agent from Kalol town in Gandhinagar to obtain visitor’s visas for Canada

Sources at the IGI airport said the couple had planned to illegally cross into the US

assured them of a job in the US

Earlier, on Aug 22, Krupesh Patel, a man from the Ranip area of Ahmedabad, was c

allegedly trying to travel to Canada on a counterfeit visa stamp This was his second attempt as he had been caught in 2019 at the Mumbai airport while trying to board a flight to Canada on the same forged visa

Kalol youth dies while trying to cross US-Canada border

A 22-year-old youth from Nard ipur in Kalol taluka of Gandh inagar d ied of a heart attack wh ile attemp ting to cro ss the US -Canada bord er, marking the latest in a series of fatalities among Gujaratis trying to enter the U nited S tates illeg ally

Yash Prajapati, who had travelled to Canada with a group of eight in Aug, succ

around 10 days ago, Gujarati community in the US and Gandhinagar police confirmed S o u r c e s s a i d t h a t a m a n f r o m K a l o l known as “Varghese” facilitated the journey However, details regarding the visa Prajapati used to travel to Canada remain unclear

Conflicting reports have emerged about the circumstances leading to his death

According to Gujaratis living in America, Prajapati was arrested while attempting to cross the border and later released from a detention camp A relative allegedly came in a car to pick him up, and the youth suffered a fatal heart attack while travelling in the car

Others claim that Prajapati had to wade through mud and cross rivers and streams in h a r s h c o n d i t i o n s b e f o r e r e a c h i n g t h e American side, where a cab was waiting for him Shortly after getting into a cab on the American side, he collapsed from a heart attack

In Loving Memory of

bedding Therefore, maint a i n i n g h y g i e n e i s i m p o rt a n t A n o t h e r m o d e o f t r a n s m i s s i o n i s t h r o u g h caregivers who are not using

p e r s o n a l p r o t e c t i v e m e asures ” Mpox cases have been reported in India earlier as w e l l F r o m 2 0 2 2 t o 2 0 2 4 , officials said, more than 30 c a s e s o f t h e d i s e a s e h a v e been reported from various parts of the country, mostly involving people with a hist o r y o f t r a v e l t o A f r i c a n countries, where the disease is widespread

Manilal Keshavlal Shah

Birth: 14-10-1935 (Manjusar, Vadodara, Gujarat) Date of Death: 03-09-2024 (Hammersmith, London)

Manubhai sadly passed away unexpectedly on the 3rd of September, 2024, following the loss of his beloved wife, Arvinda, who predeceased him in 2018. He earned a degree in Textile Chemistry from Baroda University before moving to the UK in 1964 to pursue a Master's Degree in the same field at Bradford University. After completing his studies, Manubhai established himself in London, where he successfully ran a shop in Hammersmith for 30 years, becoming a respected and well-known figure in the community. He was deeply respected by family and friends for his kindness, humility, and dedication to his loved ones. His passing leaves a profound void in the hearts of all who knew him.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

He leaves the following people behind Son-Sagarkumar Manilal Shah Daughter in law-Hayley Joy Shah Hayley's Brother-Tim Dennis    Grandchildren-Sky India Dora Shah -Jay Sagarkumar Shah

Jay Yamunaji
Ja Shri Krishna


Andhra govt sets up SIT to probe Tirupati laddu case

VI J AYAW ADA: Andh ra Pradesh

C M N C h a n dr ab a bu N a idu

a n no u n c e d c o ns t it u t io n o f a

s pecial inves tigatio n team (SI T)

h eaded by an ins pecto r general (I G) rank o ff ic er to p ro be th e al leged irregul arities in T irum ala

T i ru p at i De va s t h an a ms (T T D )

d u r in g Y S RC P re g im e N a idu

t o o k t h e d ec is io n o v e r t h e al leged us e of ghee adulterated

w i t h a ni m al f at in t h e p r e p ar a t io n o f

T iru pati laddu s

Naidu said that no one involved in the “irregularities”will be spared, after the govt gets the SIT report He said former CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy should have kept away from Tirumala temple if he had no faith in the religion Naidu also alleged that Jagan’s

d e c i s i o n t o a p p o i n t “ n o n - b e l i e v e r s ” o f

Hindu religion as TTD chairpersons led to the chaos at the holy shrine of Hindus Centre s eeks rep ort

Union health minister J P Nadda said he had spoken to Naidu and sought a report on the laddu issue Nadda said the

matter would be examined by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and suitable action taken

“I spoke to Naidu and asked h i m t o s h a r e t h e a v a i l a b l e report so that I can examine it,” the minister said “I will also speak to the state regulators and take their views The report will be examined, and suitable action taken within the legal framework and regulations under the FSSAI

“The FSSAI will examine it, give a report and then we will act,” he added Union food minister Prahlad Joshi has also

among devotees

Rajya Sabha MP YV Subba Reddy, who was chairperson of the TTD for four years, said it is "unimaginable to even say 'animal fat was used in consecrated food offered daily to the deity and in laddus given to

Minister for the heinous claim

BJP, Cong manifestos for Haryana polls target women, youth, farmers

C H A N D I G A R H : W it h th e H ar yan a

Assembly elections nearing , p olitical parties are trying to em ploy ev ery measure p ossible to woo voters, with the ruling BJP and the chief op positio n party, C ongress, making big promises to the p eople

The two political rivals have released their poll manifestos for Haryana with a f o c u s o n t h e p o o r , w o m e n , y o u t h , a n d farmers

Interestingly, both political parties have made promises which are similar to each o t h e r T h e B J P h a s m a d e 2 0 e l e c t i o n promises, of which five are similar to those made by the Congress

Creation of 200,000 jobs: Both the BJP and the Congress have targeted the youth as the unemployment rate in the state is higher than the national average As per CMIE data, the unemployment rate in Haryana is 37 4 per cent The parties have promised to create 200,000 government jobs, which will cost nearly £90 mn to the state exchequer BJP's poll manifesto says that their government will create additional job opportunities for 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 y o u t h s T h e n a t i o n a l

FIR filed against union minister for remarks on Rahul

B E NGAL URU: Day s aft er BJP leader and Union Minis ter Ravneet Singh Bittu sparked controvers y with his remarks on Leader of t he Oppos ition in Lok Sab ha, Rahul Gandhi, an FIR has been regis tered aga ins t him at H igh Gr oun ds Pol ice St ation in Bengaluru

According to information, the complaint was filed by a Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee

Railways, who had targeted Rahul Gandhi for his comments in the US regarding the condition of Sikhs in India Replying to the reporter s question over Gandhi s comments in the US on the conditions of Sikhs, Bittu had then called Rahul Gandhi a terrorist "Rahul Gandhi spent most of his time outside the country His friends and family are there I think he does not love his country much because he goes abroad and says negative things about India I think he is not a Hindustani," he said

"Now, he has got support from separatists, who always talk about dividing this country They (the separatists) and the most-wanted persons are also appreciating Rahul Gandhi for his remarks against Sikhs When such people, who are also experts in

Gandhi, then he is the number one terrorist of the country" he added

apprenticeship promotion scheme will also pay a monthly stipend to the unemployed M o n t h l y f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e t o

78,00,000 women: Under its Lado Lakshmi Yojana, the BJP has promised that 78,00,000 emale voters aged between 18 and 60 years will get Rs 2,100 monthly On the other hand, the Congress pledged Rs 2,000 per month If this promise is kept, the state government would be spending £2 bn per annum on this scheme

LPG gas cylinder at subsidised rates: The

49,00,000 homemakers with a subsidised LPG gas cylinder, costing Rs 500 The BJP


government almost £200 mn per annum, and a subsidy of Rs 334 will be required on each gas cylinder

Increased social security pension: The grand old party has promised a monthly pension of up to Rs 6,000 to elderly women, and differently-abled persons While the BJP has said it will provide a dearness allowance and pension based on a scientific formula

Kolkata junior doctors announce partial resumption of duties

KO LK ATA : Endin g the 42-da y logjam, agitat in g junior doct or s call ed off their “ ce ase wor k” protest in t he wake of the rape and murde r of a y oung doctor at R G Ka r h os pi t a l i n Ko l k a t a a n d a n n ou n ce d a pa r t i a l r e sum p t io n o f wor k The prote sting doctors have al so warn ed the West Be ngal govern me nt that they will pr ot est again if justice is not se rved

A d d r

o u t s i d e t h e o f f i c e o f C B I , w h i c h i s investigating the Kolkata doctor's rape case, the protesting medics said, “We are stopping our sit-in protest due to flood situation We will serve in flood-affected areas but our protest will not stop ” “We will continue this in all medical colleges & hospitals We will see till the next Supreme Court hearing However, if the assurances and promises are not fulfilled, we will again start our agitation programme, ” a junior doctor said The procession, seeking a speedy wrap-up of the probe by the CBI into the case, covered a distance of around 4 km from t h

O Complex

The doctors would not work in the O u

essential services

The decision to withdraw the “ cease work” protest came after Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee held a meeting with a delegation of the protesting doctors to end impasse Following the meeting, Mamata Banerjee sacked Vineet Goyal as Kolkata Police Commissioner (CP) and

health departments C

following up on issues discussed in the meeting between the agitating junior doctors and the state task force, issued a list of directives on the safety, security

healthcare professionals, saying those

d immediately

The West Bengal Medical Council cancelled the registration of RG Kar

connection with the Kolkata rape and murder case

Punjab CM inducts 5 new ministers, drops


ministers into h is cabinet on Monday H

Ravjot Singh and Mohinder Bhagat were administered the oath of office and secrecy by Governor Gulab Chand Kataria

It was a quiet and solemn ceremony at the Punjab Raj Bhawan, lasting 20 minutes, with most ministers, some MLAs, senior bureaucrats and families and friends of new inductees in attendance

CM Mann was present on the stage when the new ministers were called in for taking oath After taking oath, the newly a p p

ministers have been chosen after the AAP top brass did a thorough background check on the inductees Since the results of the Lok Sabha elections were declared in June, there was a talk of a reshuffle in the cabinet

With this, the total number of ministers in the Bhagwant Mann-led Punjab cabinet has reached 16

SC pulls up CBI for alleging hostile environment in Bengal courts

N E W DE LHI : Th e Su preme C ou rt rebu ked th e Central Bureau of Inves tigatio n (CBI) f or f iling a petitio n to transfer p ost- po ll violence cas es fro m West Bengal to anoth er state


withdraw the petition, expressing strong disapproval of

environment existed in all West Bengal courts

Justice Abhay S Oka, addressing Additional Solicitor General (ASG) SV Raju, remarked, “Mr Raju, what kind of grounds are taken in this? That all courts in West Bengal have (a) hostile environment? Blanket averment that c o u

aspersions that the entire judiciary is under (a) hostile environment ” Following the bench’s sharp critique, ASG Raju opted to withdraw the transfer request The bench, comprising Justices Abhay S Oka and Augustine George Masih, was p a r t i c u l a r l y c o n c e r n e d a b o u t t h e ‘ s c a n d a l o u s ’ accusations made against the West Bengal judiciary “Scandalous allegations have been made against all the courts in general in West Bengal Repeatedly averred that there is hostile environment prevailing in the courts It is very unfortunate that Central Agency has chosen to cast aspersions on courts in West Bengal,” the Supreme Court said in the order Although Raju admitted that the petition contained “loose drafting” and offered to amend it, the bench insisted on its withdrawal


Manipur on high alert over alleged influx of militants from Myanmar

India's northea ste rn st ate of Ma nipur ha s been place d on high alert after intel ligence reports of a potentia l influx of 9 00 suspected K

or security off icial said An organisation that repre sen ts t he K uki com munit y, howev er, denied the

urity off ic ial 's alle gat ions and call ed f or his res igna tion

Kuldiep Singh, Manipur's security adviser, said the information regarding the militants had been shared with various intelligence agencies S i n c e M

embroiled in violence between the majority

driven by disputes over economic benefits and quotas "The border police have been

underway," he said, adding that hill districts,

heightened vigilance

Denying there had been an influx of Kuki militants from Myanmar, the Kuki Students’

representing the community in the state, accused the security adviser of spreading false

failing to ensure their safety

resignation," a KSO statement said The Kuki people, residing in southern Manipur, share ethnic ties with the Chin tribe in Myanmar The latest intelligence follows reports of a

drones that officials allege were carried out by

denied the attacks were carried out by people in their community

resulting in 11 deaths earlier this month Since May of last year, the conflict

displaced over 60,000 people in Manipur, which is home to 3 2 million people The

of refugees following Myanmar's 2021 military coup


Thirteen Chakma organisations in Mizoram, including political parties, sent a memorandum to PM Narendra Modi, urging his intervention to halt recent attacks on indigenous ethnic minorities in the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh Chakmas share ties of ethnicity and kinship with such groups in the neighbouring country The organisations highlighted the atrocities in CHT, alleging at least nine people were killed many wounded and hundreds left homeless following attacks by illegal settlers who were backed by army personnel on Sept 19 The attacks also resulted in the destruction of over 100 houses and Buddhist temples forcing many people to take refuge in nearby forests According to the memorandum these attacks came in the wake of the Bangladesh interim govt s decision to grant magisterial and policing powers to the army The Chakma groups expressed shock that such violence occurred under the leadership of Muhammad Yunus who is known for advocating upliftment of vulnerable communities The attacks were reportedly a response to a peaceful “March for Identity” which took place on Sept 18 in CHT, during which a total of 40,000 indigenous people called for constitutional recognition of their rights and full implementation of a 1997 peace accord

N Chandrababu Naidu

Shah launches steps to boost dairy sector, empower women

TMs at d airy co operative societies

“ N

country will remain without P A C

ing dairy exports The programme is one of

undertaken in the first 100 days of Modi govt’s third term

“Nearly 36,00,000 women in Gujarat are involved in the dairy

50% over the next five years by providing market access to dairy farmers in uncove

and increasing the share of the organised sector in milk procurement

“We no longer need to import any dairy machinery

Japan Their 100% production will take place in India In a way, we have moved

Rohit Vadhwana appointed as India's next Ambassador to Bolivia

Rohitkumar R V adhwana has b e e n a pp oi nt e d a s In d ia 's n e x t A m b a s s a d or to t h e

Plurinational State of Bolivia, t he M in i s t r y of E x t e r n al

Aff air s (M EA) announced

Vadhwana is an Indian Foreign Service officer of the 2010 batch He is presently s e r v i n g a s D e p u t y H i g h

The key components of W

2 0 include four focus areasempowering women dairy f


n g l o c a l milk production, strengthening dairy infra, and boost-

Shah said on the occasion, during which guidelines on forming and strengthening 200,000 new multi-purpose Primary Agriculture Credit Societies, and primary dairy and fishery cooperative societies in villages/ panchayats were released

tive will focus on empower-

against malnutrition,” Shah said

Under White Revolution 2 0, the target of milk pro-

societies will be increased by

becoming completely selfsufficient in the dairy sec-

assured full budgetary supp

e p r o g

e under White Revolution 2 0, saying it is a top priority sector for the govt

Rare cardiac surgeries performed at Shree Krishna Hospital

Bh anubhai and Madh uben P a te l C ard i a c C en tre ( BM PCC ), at Sh ree Krishna

H o s p i tal , B h i ak aka

U ni v e rs it y K ar am s ad , h as achieved a milestone by succ es s fu l ly tre ati n g a f o u ryear-o ld g irl fro m Go dh ra taluka having tw o rare cong enital anom alies in a sing le o peration

The small girl had been facing difficulties in swallowing and drinking milk and persistent fatigue She received initial treatment at Ahmedabad hospital but the results were not satisfactory

Her poor parents then took her to Shree Krishna Hospital, where Dr Mahesh

B h a t t , C o n s u l t a n t

C a r d i o l o g i s t , c o n d u c t e d a


T h a ne M u ni ci p a l

C o rp o ra ti o n an d Nan a

P a lk ar S m r u ti S am i ti

o p ened Quest Fo und atio n Dialysis Centre at Ko pri v illag e, M um bai T h e centre w as established after a donation o f £1 00, 000 by Quest F ound ation, Sio n, Mum bai

T he center will o perate 11 d ialysis m achines

A j a y S h e t h a n d B i n a S h e t h o f t h e f o u n d a t i o n o p e n e d t h e c e n t r e T h o s e present at the inauguration

w e r e m e m b e r s o f t h e S i r K i k a b h a i H o s p i t a l , R a j i v Shah, Deepak Mehta, Pankaj

T a n n a , J a i n c o m m u n i t y


tion The child was diagnosed with a Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) on the left s i d e a n d a C o n g e

c H e r n i a ( C D H ) o n t h e r i g h t s i d e , requiring surgeries for both conditions If left untreated, these anomalies could have

posed serious risks to her life

c Surgeon, said that PDA is an abnormal connection

congenital hernia involved an unusual opening in the m u s c l e s e p a r a t i n g t h e c h e s t a n d a b d o m e n , a l l o w i n g a b d o m i n a l organs to migrate into the chest cavity The simultaneous occurrence of these conditions is extremely rare in pediatric patients, with only a f e w c a s e s h a v e b e e n reported globally Dr Bhende said that in a n

l e a d e r B h a r a t J a s a n i , D r S h r i k a n t B a d v e a n d Samedha Joshi The Sheth couple found-

e d t h e Q u e s t F o u n d a t i o n with the mission of serve the

humanity They have donated millions to various causes in India, including the Maa S w a m i D i v y a n g S a h a y Yojana, Maa Swami Jivdaya, G a u m a t a M o d a k Y o j a n a ,

addressed the PDA on the left side of the chest and t h e n o p e r a t e d u p o n t h e right side of the chest for CDH During the surgery, they discovered a rare situat i o n w h e r e t h e a p p e n d i x , which is normally situated in the right lower abdomen, and parts of the intestines had herniated into the chest c a v i t y T h e s u r g i c a l t e a m s k i l l f u l l y r e p o s i t i o n e d t h e organs, repaired the hernia, and used a mesh to prevent future complications This s u c c e s s f u l o u t c o m e w a s achieved with the invaluable c o n t r i b u t i o n s o f D r

Gurpreet Panesar, Cardiac

A n e s t h e s i o l o g i s t a n d D r

Haryax Pathak, third year resident

Maa Swami Shikshan Sahay Yojana, Maa Swami Swayam

Swami Sahay Yojana

Rajkot Despite being financ i a l l y w e l l - o f f , t

has been following a very s i m p l e l i f e b y r e n o u n c i n g the luxuries of modern life

For the last five years, they have been publishing a m a g a z i n e c

d M a a Swamini Prerna, which they have been distributing free of charge to thousands of people

Viewing ‘child porn’ is an offence under Pocso and IT Acts: SC

T he Su preme Court ruled that mere

v iew ing of ch ild pornograph ic material

o n the internet is also an offence u nd er

S ection 15 of th e Pocso A ct and p rov isions of Inform ation T echnology Act, thus consid erably expand ing the scope o f the tw o law s th ro ug h p u rpo s iv e interpretation

E x p r e s s i n g c o n c e r n o v e r r i s i n g t r e n d o f c h

Chandrachud and Justice J B Pardiwala widened the ambit of Pocso Act and said, “Any act of viewing, distributing or displaying of any child pornographic

material by a person over the internet without any actual or physical possession or storage of such mterial in any device or in any form or manner would also amount to ‘possession’ in terms of Section 15 of Pocso Act ”

This verdict by the Supreme Court settled conflicting high court verdicts a n d a c c e p t e d s e n i o r a d v o c a t e H S Phoolka’s argument on behalf of NGO ‘Just Rights for Children Alliance’ to set aside an “egregiously erroneous ” order of Madras HC, which had quashed a Pocso case against a porn-addict man merely on the ground that he had not

circulated it

Justice Pardiwala emphasised more than once the need to bridge the gap between the oft-repeated legal maxim ‘innocent till proven guilty’ and ‘ reasonable suspicion’ warranting police to take preventive measures against a possible child abuse offence

However, the SC was aware of the vagaries of social media and the internet, where certain material get automatically downloaded and protected the device owner against prosecution as he/she may not even be aware of the offensive material

Commissioner at the High C o m m i s s i o n o f I n d i a i n Nairobi, Kenya

The ministry also noted that Vadhwana is expected to take up the new assignment shortly

India and Bolivia enjoy f

exchanges, trade and invest-

mutually beneficial cooperation Both sides are working

engagement and forge

nership in sectors like minerals, infrastructure development, health & pharmaceuti-

Technology, capacity building and development cooperation

The Indian Embassy in

lo ans in Reliance Home Finance matter Additionally, the regulat

Reliance Housing Finance

Both have been directed to pay the amount within 45 d a y s , t h e S e c u r i t i e s a n d

E x c h a n g e B o a r d o f I n d i a (Sebi) said in its order The o r d e r c a m e a f t e r S e b i , i n August, barred Anil Ambani and 24 others from the securities market for five years in a case pertaining to diversion of Reliance Home Finance Ltd's funds Also, a fine of £2 5 mn was levied on him

In its order, Sebi noted

t h a t A n m o l A m b a n i , w h o was on the board of Reliance

H o m e F i n a n c e , h a d

a p p r o v e d g e n e r a l - p u r p o s e

c o r p o r a t e l o

G P C L loans, and that too after the company's board of directors had given clear direction not to go ahead with any approval of such loans

The approval for loan of £2 mn to Accura Productions Private Limited was provided b y A n m

F e b r u a r

4 , 2 0 1 9 , d e s p

h e b o a r d o f directors in their meeting on February 11, 2019, had directed the management to not issue any further GPCL loans "The

noticee 1 (Anmol Ambani), as non-executive director of the company, has taken the company in his own direction and has gone overboard in his role as director Noticee 1 in doing so, gives a hint of being motivated and definitely not in the interests of the shareholders and has not acted with due care and diligence, and has not maintained high ethical standards, Sebi said Anmol, who was on the board of Reliance Capital and Reliance Home Finance and also a director in the other Reliance ADAG group companies where the funds were onward lent, "did not exercise reasonable due diligence w

Reliance ADAG group com-

Capital", it added Sebi said that Gopalakrishnan had also approved various GPCL loans and was aware of the sub-

h were recorded in the credit approval memos of various

Amit Shah
Anmol Ambani
Sheth couple (centre) with other esteemed philanthropists
Rohitkumar R Vadhwana

Success of humanity lies in our collective strength: PM Modi

Continued from page 1

Addressing the landmark UN ‘Summit of the Future’ in New York, the PM said “reform is the key to relevance ” He highlighted India’s record in pulling people out of poverty, and its readiness to share the experience with Global South Modi said a human centric approach must be accorded the highest priority in any deliberation on global future

While prioritising sustainable

ensure human welfare and food

raised the issue of terrorism, saying that while on the one

serious threat to global peace and security, on the other areas like cyber, maritime and space are emerging as new theatres of conflict “On all these issues, I

must match global ambition,” said the PM Modi emphasised the need for balanced regulation at the global level for the safe and responsible use of technology, saying the world


Invites global tech CEOs

In a meeting in New York with 15 corporate titans, including AI leaders Jensen Huang of nVidia

Alphabet/Google, Modi displayed

Asserting that India’s policy is to promote ‘AI for all’, underpinned by its ethical and responsible use, he invited tech companies to take advantage of India’s growth story for collaboration to co-develop, codesign and co-produce in India for the world

The PM’s pitch impressed the CEOs Talking up nVidia’s already

gushing: “AI really democratises

Modi’s challenge of doing more in terms of AI to benefit the people of India While CEOs of major

including Eli Lilly, Bristol Myers S

attended the meet, AI and its leap into India hogged the limelight David Ricks, CEO, Eli Lilly,

Eye on China, Quad unveils de facto security alliance


mentioning China or Russia, the Quad quartet of India, US, Japan and Australia announced what is essentially a de facto security alliance aimed at countering an expansionist Beijing-led axis.

Pledging to be a force for good that delivers “real, positive and enduring impact for the Indo-Pacific”, Quad leaders said in w h a t w a s c a l l e d t h e “ W i l m i n g t o n Declaration” that the countries were “ more strategically aligned than ever before” and that they would “buttress the Indo-Pacific for decades to come ”

Only a formal mutual defence element is missing from the 5,700-word declaration issued at the end of talks, PM Narendra Modi had with President Joe Biden, his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida, and Australia's Anthony Albanese

On page after page of the declaration,

t h e f o u r c o u n t r i e s , presenting themselves as t h e “ l e a d i n g m a r i t i m e democracies in the IndoP a c i f i c ” , t r a n s p a r e n t l y detailed measures aimed at seeking a region “where no country dominates and no country is dominated” The declaration opposes - in an oblique reference to China -“destabilising or unilateral actions that seek to change the status quo by force or coercion”

“comprehensive, just, and lasting peace in line with international law, consistent with t h e p

Charter, including respect for sovereignty a n

negative impacts of the war with regard to global food and energy security, especially f


Among more than a dozen measures outlined in the declaration

maximise tools to monitor and secure waters, enforce laws, and deter unlawful behaviour There is also a first-ever Quad-at-Sea Ship Observer M

I n a s i g n o f N e w D e l h i ’ s g r o w i n g

d i s t a n c e f r o m M o s c o w o n t h e R u s s i aUkraine war, the declaration also calls for a

India and US announced an unprecedented collaboration to establish a futuristic semiconductor plant in India aimed at advancing national security for both countries

T h e a g r e e

f a b r i c a t i o n p l a n

“watershed arrangement” between the two sides, came after what officials described as a “personal” and “emotional” farewell meeting between PM Narendra Modi and President Joe Biden at the latter’s private residence in Delaware A joint fact sheet issued after the meeting said the fabrication plant will be enabled by support from the India Semiconductor Mission a

partnership between the US Space


safety The third is a Quad Indo-Pacific Logistics Network pilot project to pursue

countries’ collective logistics strengths

said the pharma company plans to grow its already large researchbased centre in India “It is an exciting moment to work with India,” he said Praising Modi’s leadership, Accenture CEO Julie Sweet said: “I was very excited to

our individuals in India serve the

about India’s growing technology and manufacturing potential, HP

hear about the commitment of so

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi highlighted the unbreakable bond between India and its people, no matter where they are in the world and the key role the Indian diaspora plays in the relationship between India and the US

Nassau Coliseum in New York, Long Island, he said, "You have connected India with America and America with India Your skill, talent, and commitment are unmatched D

separate you from India "

P M M o d i s a i d t h a t h e h a s a l w a y s understood the potential and capabilities of the Indian diaspora, and for him, they have been strong brand ambassadors of India and he calls them "Rahstradoot" He also praised the Indian community for keeping up the tradition of "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" that means "the world is one family " " W h i l e b e i n g P M , I h a v e r e c e i v e d i m m e n s e l o v e a n d a f f e c t i o n f r o m y o u Wherever we go, we treat everyone as family a n d m i n g l e w i t h t h e m U n d e r s t a n d i n g diversity, living it, implementing it in our lives it is in our values Someone speaks T a m i l s o m e o n e T e l u g u , s o m e o n e Malayalam, someone Kannada someone

P u n j a b i , s o m e o n e M a r a t h i , s o m e o n e Gujarati There are many languages, but the f e e l i n g i s o n e a n d t h a t f

“We’re clearly appreciative for the PM to learn and understand what we need to continue to expand in India We just announced that we are expanding our manufacturing capabilities in India ”

Minister recounted his old days and how interested he was to connect with them " Y o u r l o v e i s m y g

e a t f o r t u n e I remember those days when I was not even the PM, not even the CM and not even a leader At that time I used to come here as a curiosity Even before I was not holding any post, I had visited about 29 states of America After that, when I became CM, the process of connecting with you through technology continued," said PM Modi

Speaking on the diversity of India, PM Modi said, "We are residents of a country where there are hundreds of languages and dialects, all the religions and sects of the world Still, we are moving ahead united and n

e l i n g i sIndianness," said PM Modi P r a i s i n g t h e I n d i a n d i

P r i m e

naturally bind us to the world " PM Modi also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to United States President Joe Biden for his warm hospitality during a visit to his home in Delaware, stating that it "touched my heart "

PM Modi, Biden seal semiconductor deal

3rdiTech and Bharat Semi The “fab”, with the objective of manufacturing infrared, gallium

electronics for national security,

energy applications T

giant leap for two countries that

, overriding the last remnants of residual and institutional doubts about sharing advanced, critical, dual-use technology In a clear indication that there is an “India exception” to this, the fact sheet

redouble efforts to address export controls, enhance high technology commerce, and reduce barriers to technology transfer between our

two countries, while addressing

Trade Dialogue” 297 stolen antiquities to be returned

In a significant development during PM Modi’s visit to the US, t h e B i d e n

facilitated the return of 297 stolen or trafficked antiquities to India

The antiquities that will be soon repatriated to India belong to the time period spanning almost 4,000 years -from 2000 BCE to 1900 CE - and have origins in different parts of the country

In a symbolic handover, a few select pieces were showcased to Modi and Biden on the sidelines of their bilateral meeting A

antiquities are terracotta artefacts from eastern India while others are made of stone, metal, wood and ivory, and belong to different

M wrote on X, “Deepening cultural

fight against illicit trafficking of cultural properties I am extremely grateful to President Biden and the US government for ensuring

antiquities to India ”

According to the statement, M

support in the return of these artefacts, and noted that these o

India’s historical material culture but also formed the inner core of its civilization and consciousness

PM Modi in a bilateral meeting with US president Joe Biden at Greenville, Delaware, USA
PM Modi in a group photograph at the Tech CEOs Roundtable in New York, USA
PM Modi in a group photograph ahead of the Quad Leaders Summit at Wilmington, in USA

Day after SC prod on delay, Centre appoints 8 chief justices



Supre me Court colle gium’s


a ppointe d the C hief Jus tice

o f Jh a r k h a n d H C , f o r w hich the state had moved a contempt plea agai ns t the

C e n t r e i n t h e Su p

e me

C ourt

T h e P r e s i d e n t h a s

s i g n e d w a r r a n t s o f appointment for the Chief Justices of Delhi, Madhya

P r a d e s h , M e g h a l a y a , Himachal Pradesh, Kerala,

Madras, Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh and Jharkhand

T h e g o v t ’ s q u i c k d e c i s i

between the executive and the judiciary on the issue of appointments in the higher j u

d o n

into a tussle and tug of-war


proceedings last year when the apex court expressed its d

Centre not adhering to the

appointment of judges was the law of the land and the Centre was bound to follow it and in case of reiteration, govt has no option but to


The govt has appointed acting Chief Justice of Delhi HC Justice Manmohan as its

H C judge Justice Rajiv Shakdher has been appointed as Chief

Justice Suresh Kait will take charge as Chief Justice of Madhya Pradesh HC

Dhaka to send hilsa fish to Kolkata ahead of Durga Puja

F is h traders in Ko lkata had all

b u t giv e n u p h o p e o f imp orting “P admar ilis h” th is year, in wh at s eemed like th e u ltimate red h erring due to

t h e p o l it ic a l u p h ea v al in Banglades h

But in a surprise move,

t h e M u h a m m a d Y

l e d interim govt announced the approval of 3,000 tonne of

t h e p r i z e d h i l s a f i s h f o r export to India just in time

f o r D u r g a P u j a T h e

a n n o u n c e m e n t f o l l o w s p e r s i

m exporters in Bangladesh and K

f i s h t

r s B a n g l a d e s h , t h e w o r l d ’ s


have access to the fish

hilsa to India in 2012, after

A new member in PM Modi's household

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has shared a heartwarming moment from his residence at Delhi's Lok Kalyan Marg He introduced a newborn calf named 'Deepjyoti' in a video posted on his X account Citing the ancient Sanskrit scripture "Gaav: Sarvasukha Prada:"


significance of the new arrival The video features PM Modi interacting tenderly with Deepjyoti, who bears a distinctive mark on its forehead resembling a symbol of light In the footage, the Prime Minister is seen sitting beside the calf in the temple at his residence, gently stroking its forehead and walking with it in his garden This gesture aligns with PM Modi's past interactions with cows Earlier this year, during Makar Sankranti, he posted a video feeding Punganur cows, an indigenous breed known for its small stature and resilience to arid conditions "It is said in our scriptures - 'Gaav: Sarvasukha Prada:' An auspicious new member has arrived in the Prime Minister's residence The beloved mother cow has given birth to a calf with a symbol of light on its forehead, so I have named it 'Deepjyoti '"

An NRI billionaire shares one essential trait

Chaudhry, believes that passion for your work is one trait that can provide ultimate success in any business, according to a report by CNBC The 66-year-old businessman, who launched his first entrepreneurial venture even back in 1996 by co-founding SecureIT with his wife, sold it in an all-stock deal two years later for $70 million Since then, Chaudhry has founded three more companies-AirDefense, CipherTrust, and CoreHarbor-all of which he eventually sold In 2008, he started Zscaler, which he currently serves as the company's CEO Zscaler's market capitalisation is $25 31 billion, and Forbes puts Chaudhry's wealth at $9 5 billion In a recent interview, Jay Chaudhry emphasised that the key trait for achieving success is passion He specifically highlighted the importance of having a "passion to achieve something meaningful " "When you strongly or deeply have a passion for something, you'd do that so much that work becomes your hobby because you are enjoying it," Chaudhry said, adding that motivation leads to harder work and better results

immense in Bengal “Some traders are selling frozen hilsa from Myanmar, which lacks the taste of hilsa from the Padma-Meghna river system that connoisseurs in Bengal appreciate,” Fish Importers’ A s s o

While Hasina lifted the ban before Durga Puja in 2019, the new political landscape in Bangladesh had led many to believe that hilsa trade was unlikely to resume Traders e

i n K

a t a market will hover between Rs 1 , 5 0 0 - R s 2 , 0 0 0 a k g , d

n d i n g o n

y S y e d

Anwar Maqsood said The backdrop of this hilsa d i p l o m

Former PM Sheikh Hasina h a d b a n n e d t h e e x p o r t o f

u p p l y Resumption of hilsa exports underscores the importance of this fish in broader cultural and diplomatic relationship b e t w e e n B a n g l a d e s h a n d


Atishi sworn in as Delhi CM, retains 13 ministries

A tis hi wa s s worn i n as the

e i g h th c hi e f mi n i s t e r o f

De lhi at a n eve nt in Ra j

N i w a s , r e p l a ci n g h e r men tor and AAP n ation al conve ner Arvi nd Kejri wal, w ho r esi gned from the post

e a rl i e r t h i s w e e k A t 43 , s he’s the s econ d younge st C M of D e lh i a f t e r

C haudha ry Brahm Praka sh ( 3 4 ) i n 1 95 2– 5 5 a n d t h e

y ou n g e s t a m on g t w o w ome n CMs Shei la Di ks hit

a nd Sus hma Swara j the ci ty

h a s s e e n to d a t e A l o n g w ith A tis hi, fi ve mini ste rs a lso took oa th, in cl udin g f our - Gopal Ra i, Kaila sh Gahlot, Sa urabh Bha radwa j a nd Imran Hus sai n -from the previ ous d ispe nsa tion, a n d Mu k e s h K um a r

A hlawa t, a n ew e ntran t to the Ca bin et She a nd othe rs w ere admin is tered the oath of offi ce and secrecy b y LG VK Saxen a Soon after taking over,

A t i s h i s e n t t h e l i s t o f portfolios allocated to the ministers in her council to the LG for his approval While she will continue to hold 13 portfolios that she h a d i n K e j r i w a l ’ s d i s p e n s a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g finance, planning, power, water, revenue, and public

w o r k s d e p a r t m e n t , Bharadwaj will have eight

Apart from health, urban d e v e l o p m e n t , i n d u s t r i e s , t o u r i s m , i r r i g a t i o n a n d flood control, art, culture and languages, which he k e p t i n t h e l a s t g o v t , Bharadwaj has been given the charge of two more, s o c i a l w e l f a r e a n d cooperatives, which were held by Raaj Kumar Anand, who quit the govt and the party earlier this year Ahlawat, the new face in the council of ministers, h a s b e e n a s s i g n e d t h e r e m a i n i n g f i v e departments Anand held, i n c l u d i n g l a b o u r , employment and SC& ST welfare Rai, Gahlot, and H u s s a i n w i l l r e t a i n t h e portfolios they held in the last govt While Rai’s three d e p a r t m e n t s i n c l u d e d e n v i r o n m e n t a n d

development, Gahlot will h a v e t h e c h a r g e o f f i v e , including home, transport a n d w o m e n a n d c h i

Hussain will have two

become the 17th woman to hold the post of a chief

legislator, Atishi will have

months as CM in this term

Before swearing in as CM, Atishi, along with her cabinet ministers, called on outgoing CM Kejriwal at his residence Soon after

around the corner, the AAP

An 8-year-old drove an SUV on a solo Target run

An 8-year-old girl took an SUV from her Ohio home and drove for miles to a store where she was later found unharmed, authorities said The girl, whose name was not released, and the vehicle - a 2020 Nissan Rogue - were reported missing, Bedford police said Family members said they had last seen the girl at the residence about two hours earlier As police launched an investigation, they learned a small child had been spotted driving a vehicle on a nearby road, but that vehicle could not be located The SUV eventually was found a short time later in the parking lot of a Target store in Bainbridge, which is nearly 13 miles from her home Police soon found the child by herself inside the store She told officers she had struck a mailbox while driving, but nothing else Authorities did not say why she had decided to travel to the store or provide further details about her trip The girl is too young to be charged criminally, police said It wasn’t clear if any charges would be filed in the matter, which remains under investigation

This Brazilian dog is a footvolley star

Rio de Janeiro’s main beaches bustle with commotion on sunny weekends But activity ground to a near standstill on one stretch of sand People held up their phones to record athletic feats they’d never before witnessed, or even imagined The game? Footvolley, a combination of soccer and beach volleyball The athlete? A 3-year-old border collie named Floki Floki sparks wonder among bystanders, because he hangs tough in a game that even humans struggle to get a handle on Footvolley rules are essentially the same as beach volleyball, but with a slightly lower net and, like soccer, players are forbidden from using hands and arms Floki springs up from the sand to drive the ball with his mouth He has become something of an internet sensation in Brazil, with hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and TikTok

Desperate bid to dodge loan recovery

In a bizarre attempt to dodge a loan recovery, a woman from Rajasthan's Banswara reportedly pretended to be possessed by a goddess when loan officials arrived to reclaim a tractor The incident, captured on video, has gone viral on social media, amassing 4 3 million views The footage shows the woman engaging in dramatic gestures and shouting curses at the loan agents The theatrics appeared aimed at intimidating the officials, who were seeking to repossess the tractor due to unpaid loan instalments The woman can be seen raising her hands, warning the agents that taking the vehicle would result in severe consequences The video's caption claims that a farmer in the household had defaulted on the loan taken to purchase the tractor Instead of making the payments, the family seemingly turned to a desperate measure to protect their asset

Painted dogs shown as 'pandas'

Visitors at the Shanwei Zoo in China were in for a shock after they discovered that the 'pandas' there were actually just painted dogs It so happened that one of the 'pandas' began panting and barking, and that is when the zoogoers realised that something was wrong, New York Post reports, citing local media A video of the ‘painted dogs’ has gone viral in which one of them was seen panting while lying exhausted on a rock inside a fenced-off area Another ‘panda’ with a curly tail appeared soon after as it was seen taking a stroll in the enclosure After the video went viral, Shanwei Zoo had initially claimed that it was a breed of “panda dogs” However, it admitted later that it had just dyed two chow chows - a spitz-type of dog breed originally from Northern China Upset visitors have asked Shanwei Zoo authorities to return their money after the truth was revealed

‘Monkey attack’ foils man’s bid to rape 6-year-old

A troop of monkeys purportedly intervened to save a six-year-old girl, a UKG student, from a rape attempt in Baghpat Following her parents' complaint, the unidentified accused was charged under the Pocso Act and is on the run, police said The girl's parents claimed that a man had lured their child to an abandoned house, where he took off her clothes and was attempting to sexually assault her, when a few monkeys aggressively rushed towards him, forcing him to leave the minor and flee After reaching home, the traumatised child narrated her ordeal to her family and informed them how the monkeys “saved her from the accused”


Study links abdominal fat to chronic pain in women

t i s linked to a hi gher risk of e x pe r i en c i n g w i de s pr e a d c hronic pain, es pecially in w om e n , ac c o rd i n g t o a recent study

o v e r 3 2 , 0 0 0 U K B i o b a n k p a r t i c i p a n t s , r e s

c h e r s f o u n d t h a t w o m e n w i t h high levels of visceral fat

f a t s u r r o u n d i n g i n t e r n a l organs were twice as likely to suffer from chronic

p a i n a f f e c t i n g m u l t i p l e

b o d y a r e a s T h e s t u d y included participants with an average age of 55, rough-

l y h a l f o f w h o m w e r e women

C h r o n i c p a i n p e r s i s t s beyond the usual healing time after an injury and can

b e w i d e s p r e a d T h e

r e s e a r c h , w h i c h i n v o l v e d the University of Tasmania, also showed that women

w i t h m o r e s u b c u t a n e o u s f a t f a t j u

n c i n g widespread chronic pain

W h i l e t h e c

n between obesity-related fat and pain is known, the specific links between visceral and subcutaneous fat and w i d e s p

were less explored For men,

types were associated with a 34% and 39% increased likel i h o o d o f c h

o n i c p a i n , respectively The stronger correlation between fat and pain in women might be due to differences in fat distribution and hormonal factors compared to men

R e s e a r c h e r s s u g g e s t that reducing abdominal fat could potentially alleviate chronic pain, particularly if it is widespread

Flavonoid-rich foods may reduce dementia risk

A new study suggests that i ncreas ing c onsumption of f l a vo no i d- r i c h f oo ds a n d drinks, such as berries, tea, and red wine, could reduce the risk of dementia by 28%

W i t h t h e n u m b e r o f people living with dementia expected to nearly triple to 153 million by 2050, the disease poses a growing challenge to global health and social care systems While age and genetics remain the leading risk factors, experts

b e l i e v e n e a r l y h a l f o f

d e m e n t i a c a s e s c o u l d b e prevented or delayed, with mounting evidence pointing to diet as a key factor

R e s e a r c h e r s f r o m

Queen’s University Belfast found that boosting intake

c o u l d s i g n i f i c a n t l y l o w e r dementia risk Flavonoids, commonly found in plantbased foods, offer various health benefits, including a n t i o x i d a n t , a n t i - i n f l a mm a t o r y , a n d a n t i - c a n c e r p r o p e r t i e s T h e y ’ v e a l s o been linked to reduced risks

of chronic diseases like car-

d i o v a s c u l a r d i s e a s e a n d i m p r o v e d c o g n i t i v e f u n c -


P u b l i s h e d i n J A M A

Network Open, the study

a n a l y s e d d a t a f r o m o v e r

120,000 UK adults aged 40 to 70 Lead researcher Prof Aedin Cassidy stated, “Our research shows that adding six servings of flavonoidrich foods daily, particularly berries, tea, and red wine, was associated with a 28% lower dementia risk This

e f f e c t w a s e s p e c i a l l y notable in individuals with high genetic risk and those e x p e r i e n c i n g d e p r e s s i o n symptoms ”

Dr Amy Jennings, the s t u d y ' s f i r s t a u t h o r f r o m Queen’s University Belfast, emphasised that the findi n g s s u g g e s t a s i m p l e d i e t a r y c h a n g e b o o s t i n g d a i l y c o n s u m p t i o n o f f l a v o n o i d - r i c h f o o d s could significantly reduce the risk of dementia, particularly for those at higher risk

Take antibiotics the right way

Antibiotic resistance is a major public health threat today Misuse and overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals weaken their effectiveness, making infections harder to treat. This leads to higher medical costs, longer hospital stays, and increased risk of death To help combat this, only take antibiotics when prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional, and always complete the full course of treatment as directed Never share antibiotics with others

Brain food: Eat right for a happier mind

It’s wel l-establ ished that nutrition significantl y impacts physical heal th, b ut emerging r ese arch highlights it s crucial ro le in men ta l a nd e mot iona l we llbe ing as well

The connection between diet and emotions is rooted in the relationship between your brain and your gastrointestinal tract, often referred to as the “second brain ” Here’s how it works: Your gut houses billions of bacteria that influence the production of chem-

, which transmit signals between the gut and the brain

Consuming nutrient-dense foods encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria, which positively affects the production of these neurotransmitters Optimal production means your brain

can lead to mood disturbances Opting for a diet rich in nutrients can lead to fewer mood swings and better focus Research suggests that diets composed mainly of whole, unprocessed foods can alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, while unhealthy diets are linked to an increased risk of conditions like dementia and stroke

So what should you include in your diet for better mental health? Here’s a guide to beneficial foods:

Wh ol e Fo od s: P r e s e r v a t i v e s a n d additives can exacerbate hyperactivity and depression Fresh fruits and veg-

etables, especially colourful ones, are packed with nutrients that benefit both mind and body

Fibr e : Plant-based foods rich in fibre help regulate glucose absorption, preventing sugar rushes and crashes Include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains like beans and oats

A n t i

i d

n t s : T h


m b a t inflammation and are found in berries, leafy greens, turmeric, salmon, and chia seeds Dark chocolate also contains antioxidants but should be consumed in moderation due to its sugar content

F ola t e : A B v i t a m i n c r u c i a l f o r dopamine production, folate is present i n l e a f y g r e e n s , l e n t i l s , a n d c a ntaloupes

Vita min D: Essential for serotonin p r o d u c t i o n , v i t a m i n D i s p r i m a r

l y obtained from sunlight but can also be f o u n d i n m u s h r o o m s S u p p l e m e n t s may be recommended for those with d e f i c i e n c i e s , a n d A e t n a m e m b e r s might receive discounts on these sup-


Magn esium: This mineral supports nerve and muscle function and is vital for the food-mood connection It can b e f o u n d i n c a c a o n i b s ,

s , spinach, bananas, and beans


sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and kombucha benefit your digestive health However, they are high in sodium, so consume them in moderation or avoid them if you have high blood pressure In cor porat ing hea lt hy foods in to your life

Adapting to a diet rich in moodenhancing foods might require some effort initially Start by making small, healthy substitutions, such as switch-

choosing salads with nuts and colourful vegetables over chips

General nutrition principles still apply stay hydrated, avoid skipping meals, and moderate caffeine and alcohol intake Making dietary changes doesn’t have to happen all at once For

fresh fruit one week and add more vegetables and lean proteins the next Being mindful while eating can also

overeating While it might take time to notice the mood-boosting effects of

choices will lead to improvements in both your mind and body over time

Berries: Tiny powerhouses for health

Berries are among the

wild, grow them in your garden, or buy them from the store, berries come in numerous varieties, from the beloved strawberry to the elusive huckleberry.


, berries are a specific type of fruit True berries develop from a single flower with one ovary and contain mult i p

y , bananas and tomatoes qualify as berries by this definition Packed with nutrients, many berries offer substan-

a n t i o x i d a n t s t h a t c o m b a t cell damage and potentially lower disease risk

B lood sugar regulation: Blueberries, in particular, are linked to better blood

s u g a r m a n a g e m e n t


Research indicates that the deep blue pigment in blueberries, whether fresh or freeze-dried, can help lower b l o o d s u g a r l e v e l s a f t e r meals

C an c e r p re v en t i on :

A n t i o x i d a n t - r i c h b e r r i e s like açai, lingonberries, and black raspberries are known f o r t h e i r c a n c e r - f i g h t i n g properties Studies suggest that antioxidants in these berries help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of certain cancers

Eye health: Age-related

m a c u l a r d e g e n e r a t i o n (AMD), a leading cause of blindness in those over 55, may be mitigated by antioxidants Research indicates that antioxidants can lower the risk of AMD, and goji berries might enhance macular pigment density, which is crucial for eye function Antioxidants may also help p r e v e n t a n d m a n a g e cataracts, a condition where

blood test

blood plasma in hospitals, doctors could detect early signs of disease in children

p r o t e i n s i n t h e e y e l e n s accumulate

H e a rt he a l th : B e r r i e s such as raspberries, blueb e r r i e s , s t r a w b e r r i e s , a n d blackberries are high in solu b l e f i b r e

health W

may identify at-risk children

a n d t

e q u i c k l y , e n a b l i n g faster access to treatment D r C r i s t i n a L e g i d oQuigley, the study’s lead

a u t h o r , e x p l a i n e d : “ F

decades, lipid classification focused on good and bad

cholesterol, but now, with a simple blood test, we can assess a wider range of lipid molecules that may indicate early illness ” LegidoQ u i g l e y , a s y s t e m s medicine leader at King’s

S t e n o D i a b

t e s Center Copenhagen, highlighted the test’s potential, stating it could offer a new w a y t o a s s e s s i n d

v i d u a l disease risk and even prevent metabolic diseases like d i a b

molecule study and modification

P u b l i s h e d i n N a t

Medicine, the study challenges the idea that cholesterol is the main factor in o

tions in children, uncovering other lipid molecules that contribute to health risks such as high blood pressure, independent of a child’s weight

‘Emergency’ delay leads Kangana Ranaut to sell personal property

Actor-politician Kangana

Ranaut revealed that she was compelled to sell her property in Mumbai after the release of her directorial venture ‘Emergency’ was delayed due to a hold-up in obtaining a censor certificate Reports indicate she sold her bungalow in Pali Hill, Bandra, for ₹32 crore, having purchased it for ₹20 7 crore in 2017

Ranaut, who portrays former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the film, told, "I had staked my personal property on this film, which was meant to release in theatres Now that it’s not, I have to sell off the property during these difficult times " ‘Emergency’, a political drama that Ranaut also wrote and co-produced, was initially set to premiere on September 6, but the Central Board of Film Certification did not grant approval

Ranaut emphasised that OTT platforms require more censorship than films due to the nature of their content "Today, the Censor Board has become redundant I raised this issue in the last parliament session; we need to rethink censorship, especially for OTT platforms," she said She expressed concern about the kind of content available on these platforms and YouTube, noting, "We're worried about what children might see If you pay, you can access anything, which is alarming We often debate with the Censor Board about violence in our films, while OTT content goes unchecked "

Kareena Kapoor reflects on taking up ‘Chameli’ at 22: “Everyone doubted

I could pull it off”

Reflecting on the iconic movie during a press event, Kareena Kapoor Khan shared that she took on the role at just 22, despite many doubting her ability to pull it off at the time

During a press interaction at the Kareena Kapoor Khan festival, the actress recalled, "When I was 22, I did ‘Chameli’, and people doubted whether I could pull it off, but it turned out to be a success " She went on to emphasise that an actor should explore diverse roles throughout their career, using her own journey as an example, noting, "I can't do ‘Singham’-style films for my entire career "

Kareena shared, "You also crave to try something new We can’t stay in the same film for 25 years " She explained that choosing diverse roles breathes life into an actor’s career, like a fresh gust of air that sustains and extends its vitality

Kareena further reflected on her experience, sharing that when she took on the iconic role in ‘Chameli’ at just 22, many doubted her ability to deliver it perfectly "For that time, the film did exceptionally well," she said "At this stage in my career, I believe it’s important to take on different types of roles "

Alia Bhatt says that "haven't had

a therapy session in two months" Since Raha’s arrival

ActorAlia Bhatt has candidly discussed her relationship with her daughter, Raha In a recent interview, she shared insights into her life as a mom, revealing that since Raha's arrival, her personal time has been limited, and she hasn’t had a moment to herself

Referring to Raha as "naughty and chatty," Alia Bhatt described her daughter as a bright child who occasionally shows moments of shyness Alia confessed that balancing acting with motherhood has been a significant challenge "How do I ping-pong between the two and do them well while also finding time for myself? I’ll be candid there’s no such thing as me time I haven’t even been able to schedule a therapy session for the last two months," she shared, acknowledging that motherhood has changed her

In the interview, Alia also discussed the nuances of parenting, emphasising the importance of being present for children rather than trying to control their lives

As a mother, Alia Bhatt described her emotional journey as a rollercoaster, stating, "Your soul is fulfilled, but you re also constantly filled with fear and nerves, wanting to do it right " S h e r e f l e c t e d o n h e r p a r e n t s ' w i s d o m , s a y i n g ,

"Children come through you They’re yours, but their life is not yours You are a catalyst and a source for their life; your role is to provide them with the tools to navigate their own journey "

Shibani Dandekar discusses interfaith marriage with Farhan Akhtar

Farhan Akhtar and Shibani

Dandekar met through work and, despite initial challenges in their relationship, got married in 2022 Like many public figures, they faced their share of online trolling Shibani revealed she was labelled a "gold digger" when she began dating Farhan, and recalled people questioning her identity by saying, "Who was she before marrying Farhan Akhtar?"

In a recent conversation with Rhea Chakraborty on her podcast, Shibani Dandekar shared how she

comments should only affect you if there's some truth in them that resonates with you If there's no basis for what's being said, how can

impact on you?"

Shibani Dandekar opened up

after starting her relationship with Farhan Akhtar She recalled being labelled with terms like "love jihad" and "gold digger" daily "What am I supposed to do with that? I'm not going to cry myself to sleep because of it I’m not a gold digger, and yes, he’s from a Muslim home and I’m from a Hindu home, but we ’ re happily married That’s our reality, so people can say whatever they want," she said

reflected, "Am I going to believe some random person or trust my own journey? I lived a full 39 years before meeting him It’s important

attempt to undermine you " She added, "I could easily go online and leave nasty comments, but it’s not our job to figure out why people do this It’s up to us to h

affect us "

Veteran actress Kaviyoor Ponnamma passes away

The Malayalam film industry is mourning the loss of veteran actress Kaviyoor Ponnamma, who passed away at the age of 79 She breathed her last at a private hospital in Kochi, Kerala, where she had been admitted a few days earlier due to health issues

Superstar Mohanlal, who played Kaviyoor Ponnamma's on-screen son in numerous films like ‘Kireedam’, ‘Vietnam Colony’, ‘Dasharatham’, and ‘Bharatham’, was heartbroken upon hearing of her passing In a heartfelt note shared on Facebook, Mohanlal expressed that he never had to 'act' as her son, as he was truly 'living' those roles

He also posted a touching photo of her affectionately kissing him Mammootty similarly shared a lovely picture of her giving him a kiss on the cheek in tribute

Actor Suresh Gopi turned emotional as he paid tribute to veteran actress Kaviyoor Ponnamma

The Women in Cinema Collective (WCC) also honoured her, stating, Known for her motherly roles in Malayalam cinema, Kaviyoor Ponnamma lit up the screen for 65 years, winning numerous awards, including the Kerala State Award " They praised her remarkable career despite many challenges

The Film Employees Federation of Kerala (FEFKA) Directors Union celebrated her legacy, noting her over 700 films and four Kerala State Film Awards during her six-decadelong career

Jr NTR calls for Vetrimaaran collaboration:

"Let's do a Tamil film"

While promoting ‘Devara: Part 1’ in Chennai, Jr NTR expressed his admiration for director Vetrimaaran, sparking fan hopes of a future collaboration. When asked about doing a straight Tamil film, he replied, "I’ll do one with Vetrimaaran sir and we can dub it in Telugu," drawing cheers from the audience. This isn’t the first time Jr NTR and Vetrimaaran have shown interest in working together While promoting ‘Viduthalai’ in Hyderabad last year, Vetrimaaran revealed that he had met Jr NTR after ‘Asuran’ to discuss a potential collaboration He said, “We’ve talked, so it’s bound to happen But I take time with my films, which is the only issue Otherwise, we ’ re eager to try ” At the same promotional event in Chennai, Janhvi Kapoor made headlines by speaking fluent Tamil in public for the first time She won over fans by expressing her deep connection to the city, especially through her late mother, Sridevi Janhvi said, Chennai is very special to me My best memories with my mom are from here The love you gave her is why my family and I are here I’ll always be indebted to you and hope you show me the same love " Jr NTR was visibly impressed by Janhvi's effort and fluency in Tamil She further added, "I promise to work very, very hard ‘Devara’ is special to me, and I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that you enjoy what we've created "

Allu Aravind says that Mumbai filmmakers' limited worldview behind Bollywood's struggles

Aprominent producer A Aravind in South India cinema, recently discussed the success of South films, including their dubbed versions, in the North He attributed the shortcomings of Hindi cinema to the cocooned existence and narrow worldview of filmmakers in Mumbai.

Lokesh Kanagaraj on leaked Nagarjuna scene: “Two months of hard work wasted”

advancements have transformed various fields, including cinema, but they also come with drawbacks With everyone on film sets carrying smartphones, producers and studios are finding it increasingly difficult to keep plot details and surprises under wraps In an era where films increasingly depend on star cameos, producers face significant challenges Director Lokesh Kanagaraj has experienced leaks twice in his five-film career After having to confirm Suriya's role in ‘Vikram’ due to behind-the-scenes photos being leaked, he recently took to social media to condemn a leaked video of Nagarjuna from the sets of Rajinikanth's ‘Coolie’

Speaking at the South India Film Festival in March, Aravind highlighted the evolution of the Pan-India phenomenon, stating, "Now, the gates are open The material produced here is being well-received across India Our dubbed films are thriving in Hindispeaking markets " He acknowledged that while content is produced in the North, it doesn't resonate as strongly, adding, "I have a slightly controversial answer to this, but I should be honest "

ommenting on Hindi mmakers, Aravind stated, respect Bombay filmmakers and their thinking, but they seem locked between Bandra and Juhu, which shapes their culture and vision They need to recognise hat places like UP and har exist Telugu and il films are more popular cause of their content; there’s no special love for us ”

He added, “I've spoken with some people in the Hindi film industry though I won’t name them who are beginning to understand this and are trying to create films that appeal to a broader audience This recognition of South cinema will fade as Bombay filmmakers also start making mainstream films All-India films will emerge from all industries as they align content and budgets ”

A frustrated Lokesh Kanagaraj expressed, “Two months of hard work by many people have gone to waste because of one recording I humbly request everyone not to engage in such practices, as they ruin the overall experience Thank you ” Despite the release of character posters for the main cast, including Rajinikanth, Nagarjuna, Soubin Shahir, Upendra, Sathyaraj, and Shruti Haasan, the leaked clip of Nagarjuna in action revealed key details about his character, which understandably upset Lokesh In contrast, a recent video of Rajinikanth from the sets of ‘Coolie’ became a sensation as the Superstar danced to “Manasillaayo,” his number from ‘Vettaiyan’, during the festive occasion of Onam Since this was an official release, there were no issues However, the clip of Nagarjuna was obtained illegally, leading to concerns about leaks

‘Laapataa Ladies’ selected as official entry for the 2025 Oscars

The Film Federation of India, which oversees the selection of India’s official entry for the Best Foreign Film category at the 97th Academy Awards, has announced ‘Laapataa Ladies’ as the country’s submission.

A m o n g t h e 2 9 f i l

competing for the honour of being India’s official entry for


y were twelve Hindi films, six T

Malayalam films

This year, the following

Savarkar, Good Luck, Gharat

G a n p a t i , M a i d a a n , J o r a m , Kottukaali, Jama, Article 370, Aattam, Aadujeevitham, and All We Imagine As Light

The jury members were introduced to the media by Ravi Kottarakara, President of the Film Federation of India, with filmmaker Jahnu Barua serving as the chairman of the 13-member panel

In response to ‘Laapataa Ladies’ being named India’s official Oscar entry, Director K i r a n R a o s t a t e d , “

tireless efforts of my entire team, whose dedication and passion brought this story to


medium that connects hearts,

conversations I hope this film


worldwide, just as it has in

Productions and Jio Studios for their unwavering support and belief in this vision It has been a privilege to collaborate with such a passionate and

telling this story

After more than five years in Bollywood, actor

Ananya Panday expresses confusion over the narrative of pitting women against each other. She believes there’s ample space for strong female friendships in the industry, which she values with her colleagues Sara Ali Khan and Janhvi Kapoor.

A n

always being there for her friends Sara and Janhvi

importance of creating a supportive environment for her contemporaries and highlighted her belief

Ananya Panday rejects Bollywood catfight narrative:

"We support each other"

in the strength of female friendships Reflecting on her early years in the industry, Ananya shared, “I’ve become much more vocal about what I stand for What motivates me is seeing change; knowing that by speaking up or through cinema, I can make an impact If even one young girl feels comfortable in her skin because of me, I know I’ve done my job ” She added, “While there's a tendency to pit actresses against each other, with Sara and Janhvi, we consciously support one another publicly to show how female friendships should be ”

Anil Kapoor’s ‘The Night Manager’ nominated for International Emmy: “Ijust couldn’t believe it”

The streaming series ‘The Night Manager’, starring Aditya Roy Kapur, Anil Kapoor, and Sobhita Dhulipala, has received a nomination for Best Drama Series at the 2024 International Emmy Awards The prestigious awards ceremony will be held in New York City on November 25, hosted by comedian Vir Das ‘The Night Manager’ will compete against France's ‘Les Gouttes de Dieu (Drops of God)’, Australia’s ‘The Newsreader Season 2 ’ , and Argentina’s ‘Iosi, El Espia Arrepentido Season 2 ’

A remake of the acclaimed 2016 British series based on John Le Carré’s spy novel, ‘The Night Manager’ was created by Sandeep Modi and stars Anil Kapo Roy K Sobh Dhul roles, Tillot Shom Behl, Saswata Chatterjee a featuring Produced Banijay Asia and The Ink Factory, the seri premiered on Disney+ Hotstar

Anil Kapoor, who portrays a notorious arms dealer in the series,

expressed his reaction to the nomination, saying, "I just couldn’t believe it I called Sandeep (Sandeep Modi, the director) and the entire team We were messaging each other, in an interview Director Sandeep Modi also took to Instagram to share his feelings, posting a note

The award-winning film ‘All We Imagine as Light’, directed by Payal Kapadia, is set to kick off its Oscarqualifying run with a theatrical release in Kerala This film, which won the Grand Prix at Cannes earlier this year, follows the story of two nurses from Kerala living in Mumbai as they explore their desires

Written and directed by Payal Kapadia in her narrative directorial debut, ‘All We Imagine as Light’ follows Prabha, a troubled nurse who receives an unexpected gift from her estranged husband, and Anu, her young roommate seeking intimacy with her boyfriend A trip to a beach town prompts them to confront their desires The film stars Kani Kusruti, Divya Prabha, and Hridhu Haroon, all of whom are from Kerala Spirit Media, founded by ‘Baahubali’ actor Rana Daggubati, has acquired the Indian distribution rights for the Malayalam and Hindilanguage film The movie will have a limited release in cinemas across Kerala, marking its qualifying run for consideration as India’s entry in the Oscars' international feature category "We are proud to bring this incredible film to audiences in India, starting with Kerala, where the two leading characters are from," Daggubati told

Double gold for India at the Chess Olympiad in Budapest

India made history by achie ving a double gold in the Chess Olympiad, winn ing outright in b oth the open and women 's sections B ot h Indian tea ms dominat ed in the final r ound, securing convincing 3½-½ vict or ie s In the open sect ion, Dommaraju Guke sh and Ar jun Erigaisi led the way, while Divya Deshmuk h a nd Vant ik a Agr awal starre d in the women's section All four pl aye rs capped their stel lar per formances with individua l gold medal s The United Sta tes and Uzb ekistan took sil ver a n d b r o n ze in t

Kazakhstan a nd the United Stat es cla imed silve r and bronze in t he women's sect ion

This was the second time a country won g o

(China also achieved this feat in 2018) The Soviet Union had a dominant run of double golds between 1980 and 1986, a streak that was interrupted by the Hungarian women's team, led by the Polgar sisters, who claimed gold in 1988 and 1990 ahead of the still existing Soviet Union

Both Indian teams delivered emphatic

3½-½ wins in the final round The open team only needed a draw to secure gold, while the women's team could have ended tied for first with Kazakhstan if the latter had won

States However, Kazakhstan's draw meant

eliminating the need for tiebreak calculations to decide the champions

The open team triumphed over Slovenia with wins from Gukesh, Arjun Erigaisi and P

women's team defeated Azerbaijan thanks to

Deshmukh and Vantika Agrawal Both teams opted to go all out in the final round, securing gold with a flourish rather than relying on safer, more calculated strategies

Individually, Gukesh and Arjun set new benchmarks, each winning gold medals on their respective boards Gukesh, in particular,

improving on his already stellar performance in 2022 Arjun, meanwhile, scored 2968 TPR, which would have been the highest overall in the previous edition Gukesh's performance earned him 30 1 rating points, moving him to world number 5 in the live ratings, while Arjun gained 19 2 points, overtaking Fabiano Caruana to become the third-ranked player, just 2 8 points shy of the 2800 mark The

maintained control through the first seven rounds PM Modi praised the achievements of both teams "Bharat is full of energy and dreams Every day we see new achievements Today, both India men's and women's teams have won gold medals in Chess Olympiad," he said

India beat Bangladesh by 280 runs to win first Test in Chennai

R av icha ndra n Ashwin wr ecke d Ba nglade sh a s h e cla im e d si x w ick e ts i n t he se con d in ning s and bowled In dia to a com prehe nsive 280-r un victory on the fourt h d ay of the ope ning Test mat ch in C henn ai

Chasing a mammoth 515 victory target, Bangladesh were all out for 234, with only skipper Najmul Hossain Shanto (82 runs) offering some resistance with the bat as India took a 1-0 lead in the two-match series on Sunday

Playing at his home ground, the MA C h i d a m b a r a m S t a d i u m i n T a m i l N a d u , Ashwin followed up his first-day batting heroics (113 runs off 133 balls) by taking 10 wickets across the two Bangladesh innings He was named player of the match

Ashwin’s spin-bowling partner Ravindra Jadeja claimed three wickets on the final day after scoring 86 runs in a 99-run partnership

with Ashwin in India’s first innings After Bangladesh resumed their innings on 158-4 on the fourth day, Shanto and all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan kept India at bay with their dogged resistance in the opening hour

Captain Rohit Sharma pressed Ashwin into service and the local boy responded by breaking the partnership in his first over of the day

The wily off-spinner lured the batter forward and Yashasvi Jaiswal took a bat-pad catch at short leg to end Shakib’s knock of 25

Left-arm spinner Jadeja had Litton Das c

collapsed in a heap to lose with five sessions to spare

India declared their second innings at 287-4 on day three after centuries from Shubman Gill, who hit an unbeaten 119, and

flattened the opposition Gill and the lefthanded Pant, who is playing his first Test since a serious car crash in December 2022, put on 167 runs for the fourth wicket

The Test was also Virat Kohli’s first since the birth of his second child made him miss India’s 4-1 victory over England at home earlier this year Kohli scored just 6 and 17

B o w l e r s , l e d b y J a s p r i t B u m r a h , g a v e

India an early advantage after they bundled out Bangladesh for 149 in their first innings

India are looking to extend their lead at the top of the World Test Championship

r a n k i n g s i n t h e n e w T e s t s e a

matches Bangladesh came to Chennai fresh from a landmark series win in Pakistan They have never beaten India in Tests The two teams now head to Kanpur for the second Test starting on Friday

45 teams participate in Amrut Cup UK

The annual BAPS Char ities 5 -a-side youth footba ll t ournament, the Amrut Cup, took pl ace at Fairlop Powe rleague in East London

Thi s y e a r ’ s e v e nt m a r ke d a s


inc ept ion in 19 96 The c om pet ition saw an im pr ess ive tur nout, with 45 teams a nd over 300 pl ayers from across t he UK , Ireland, and als o the Netherlands participating

The 2024 tournament introduced a new format, with teams split into two categories: K1 and K2 The 18 K1 teams were divided into three groups, while the 27 K2 teams were split into five groups The group-stage fixtures p r o v i d

platform for showcasing the immense talent within the participating teams The bottom four K1 teams entered play-offs to join the remaining 14 teams, which had automatically progressed to the round of 16, with their match-ups determined by their group-stage

rankings In the K2 category, the top team from each group earned a bye to the round of 16, while the remaining teams entered the play-offs based on their group rankings

One of the standout moments of the knockout stages was the shock elimination of t h e 2 0 2 3 A m r u t C u p c h a m p i o n s N o r t h London Barnet, who suffered a 1-0 defeat to Birmingham A in the round of 16

The K2 final between Harrow-Brent G and Leicester G was a rematch of their earlier group-stage encounter, which ended in a draw The final proved to be another tight and cagey affair, but a magical strike by Nishchay Patel made the difference, securing a 1-0 victory for Harrow-Brent G

Desi Hikers Badminton Club conquers Mount Kilimanjaro for charity

I n a n i ns p i r i n g f e at of en d u ra nc e a nd d eter minat io n, th e Desi H i kers Badm into n C lub f ro m H arrow, London, has s uccessful ly reached the summit o f Mo unt Ki limanjaro, th e h ighest free-s tandi ng mountai n i n the world , l ocated in Tanzani a The team of avi d h ikers , many of wh om had little experience, overcame t r em en d o u s p h y s i c a l a nd m ent a l h u r d l es d uring their ei ght- day journey to the peak

The adventure was initiated by Prakash Joshi, a passionate hiker and long-time club

m e m b e r , w h o i n t r o d u c e d h i s f

l o w badminton players to the world of trekking Born in Kenya, Joshi had always dreamed of conquering Kilimanjaro, but due to health reasons, he was unable to join the final expedition Nonetheless, the team continued in his honour, with high spirits and a deep sense of purpose

in brief


Leg-spinner Yuzvendra Chahal worked his magic to grab five wickets in his second successive match as Northamptonshire resisted a Leicestershire fight-back to secure a nine-wicket win in the English county championship Following up on his 4/82 in the first innings, Chahal claimed 5/134 - a ninewicket match haul as Northants bowled out Leicestershire for 316 to set an easy target of 137 in the Division Two county championship Northants romped home in 30 3 overs, losing just the wicket of Gus Miller (11) Skipper Luke Procter (68 not out) and George Bartlett (54 not out) sealed the chase Leicestershire, after resuming the final day on 69/4, recovered through Scott Currie and Tom Scriven (48), with Currie reaching a century (120) before being dismissed by Chahal for his fifth wicket In his previous match, Chahal claimed 5/45 and 4/45 in Northants’ 133-run win over Derbyshire


The GMR group, co-owner of IPL franchise Delhi Capitals, has completed a historic deal with English county team Hampshire In what is the first entry of an overseas investor into the county set-up the GMR group will enjoy 49 per cent stake and have the option to acquire the remaining 51 per cent too The deal is estimated to be around £120 mn With the move GMR will take control of the Utilita Bowl the Hilton hotel and the 18-hole golf course adjacent to the cricket ground It also beefs up GMR s cricket portfolio which already features an IPL team ILT20 in the UAE and the Major League Cricket franchise in the USA

IIW all ladies soft ball cricket tournament

Twelve teams particip ated in th e all ladies soft ball cricket to urnament spo nso

Chief guest was Hounslow mayor Karen S

Kothari, Jaymin Patel, Rajiv Patel, Nikesh

preparing in earnest for the demanding climb nearly a year in advance The team’s journey began on 15 September 2024 at Lemosho Gate, after arriving at Kilimanjaro Airport

Over eight days, they ascended from 2,100

navigating various camps along the way The hike was supported by a team of Tanzanian chefs, guides, and 22 porters who carried heavy equipment

The final ascent began in the pitch dark and freezing temperatures Armed with headlamps and guided by chants of the Hanuman Chalisa and Gayatri Mantra, the

mountain After seven gruelling hours, they reached Stella Point (5,766 meters) From there, it was another hour to the summit at Uhuru Peak Exhausted but overjoyed, the

shedding tears of joy as they realized they had achieved a lifelong dream

attache from the High Commission of India in UK, Councillors Shantanu Rajawat, Allan a

Kamal Prabhakar, Baljinder Singh Rathore and Ravi Sharma from Lyca Radio and Kapil were the commentators The teams which participated in the tournament are: Hounslow

Bleed Blue, Dartford Eagles, BCC-Sutton Strikers

red by Indian Gymkhana
(L-R) Rashmin Shah, Rajiv Patel, Hiren Gandh , Milan Dave M tesh Kothari Sanjesh Parmar Jaymin Patel Dr Nikesh Mehta

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