AV 31st March 2018

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First & Foremost Asian Weekly in Europe


Vol 46 Issue 46

31st March to 6th April 2018

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side 80p

Diaspora demands Labour party leader to improve his relationship with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Akash Ambani to wed Shloka Mehta

Rupanjana Dutta The Labour party has perhaps been the last of the three main UK parties to have a Jewish leader, but no one could ever imagine that it would have anything to do with anti-Semitism. On a similar note, the Indian community never thought Labour party could ever severe ties with the diaspora under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership, especially after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the centre stage. But with time it seems, under the party's new leader, has come a series of remarks and frivolous disregard for some of the diaspora and their faith in Britain. And in both cases, it was just a matter of time for the issues to erupt again.

Corbyn and anti-Semitism The Labour party historically have had deep links with British Jewry. The Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jeweish Leadership Council issued an open letter accusing Mr Corbyn of siding with anti-Semitics and announced 'enough is enough'. In his response, of course Mr Corbyn acknowledged that antiJewish prejudice had surfaced within Labour party and it had been wrong for some people to disregard it "as a matter of a few bad apples". He has therefore promised to deal with alle-

Jeremy Corbyn's meets Narendra Modi in London, 2015

gations of abuse more quickly and improve "political education" among activists. But the matter is not just of a few 'rotten apples'. It has also about Corbyn's own bad decisions and a failure to protect one against the other. Over the past few days Corbyn himself has been alleged to be a part of three facebook groups in which anti-Semitic conspiracy theories including holocaust denial have been discussed and has been challenged about his objection of

removal of a street mural with antiSemitic message, where he supported the artist. Yet all he could say to his own defence was, “I sincerely regret that I did not look more closely at the image I was commenting on.” Corbyn has unfortunately become the 'poster boy' for antiSemitism, with more than 15 MPs joining a 600 strong Jewish protest against his leadership, that also included officials and Peers. Continued on page 8

BJP-Cong war over Facebook data scam Facebook's Cambridge Analytica crisis has spread worse than an epidemic. Several users have now become aware of the fact that social media is never free, and that they pay a higher price - their loss of privacy. Social media platforms hook people by providing value to a user by enabling digital connections to the user's social network. More the users in the network, higher the value of the network to each user, or the “network effect”. It is undeniable that people will always be attracted to platforms on the world wide web,

Narendra Modi - Rahul Gandhi

because we all want a platform where we can find our circles online. All hell broke lose on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, following the Analytica crisis. Groups of regulators, politicians, and law enforcement offi-

cials from all around the world are keen on more information about the platform's privacy practices. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) confirmed reports that it was investigating how Facebook handles infor-

mation about its users. Later, Senator Charles E Grassley, Republican of Iowa and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee invited Mark Zuckerberg to testify about privacy standards. Also, a group of 37 attorneys general have sent a letter to him asking for details about his site's privacy safeguards. The FTC said it planned to determine whether the social media giant had violated a consent decree it signed in 2011 to protect users' privacy. Continued on page 26

Full story on page 26

Karnataka Assembly elections on May 12

Siddaramaiah and BS Yeddyurappa

Karnataka Assembly elections is all set to be held on May 12, with the counting of votes to be held on May 15, as announced by the Election Commission.

The announcement indicates that the model code of conduct will also come into force in the state immediately. Continued on page 26



Asian Voice | 31st March 2018


to Dr Adatia is both a registered Chiropractor and a registered Physiotherapist, and has successfully treated a variety of conditions for more than twenty years. He is a member of the British Chiropractic Association (BCA), College of Chiropractors (MCC) and registered with The General Chiropractic Council (GCC); he is therefore trained to the highest national and international standards. He is also a member of Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and is registered with the Health Professional Council (HPC). Dr Adatia attends national and international events to keep abreast with the latest advances in diagnostic and treatment procedures which he can utilise in patient management. Dr Adatia has been successfully running his practice in Pinner, Middlesex and Ilford, Essex for more than 20 years. 1) Which place, or city or country do you most feel at home in? London

2) What are your proudest achievements? My academic achievements, helping my first


Keith Vaz, MP Dr Kishore Adatia

patient recover from her ailment and gain her independence, who is now helping patients with similar conditions.

rent role? Helping patients recover naturally. I enjoy the sincere appreciation I receive from my patients.

3) What inspires you? Patients recovering under my management. Desire to help patients and fitness training.

7) And the worst? There are sometimes limitations in getting them well again.

4) What has been biggest obstacle in your career? I am lucky enough not to have encountered any obstacles in my career. 5) Who has been the biggest influence on your career to date? My parents and my wife 6) What is the best aspect about your cur-

Join us to celebrate NaMo's visit to the UK Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visiting the UK from 16-20 April 2018 to attend the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London and Windsor. Finance Minister of India, Arun Jaitley, will also be coming to the UK and on 12 April will be addressing an event at the Chatham House. To celebrate NaMo's visit to the UK, Asian Voice will be publishing a special issue on 14th April viz. 'NaMo: Making of a Modern India'. If you want to send relevant articles to include in this special issue or want to be a part of it in any other way, please contact AV Editorial at aveditorial@abplgroup.com.

Sadiq Khan launches his culture strategy – ‘Culture for All Londoners’ Reshma Trilochun On 23rd March, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, launched Culture Seeds – a new £1million micro-grant programme which will bring bright ideas to life by supporting creativity in all of London’s communities. Culture Seeds was launched on the same day as the Mayor publishes his draft Culture Strategy – Culture for All Londoners. Khan's strategy lays out a bold vision to sustain London’s position as a global capital of culture, while also ensuring that all Londoners have access to culture on their doorstep. Culture brings communities together and helps create a strong sense of identity. Culture Seeds will support grassroots organisations, artists and creatives with up to £5,000 to make their ideas a reality. Culture Seeds will reach communities who don’t ordinarily access grant funding, especially individuals and smaller grassroots organisations working locally. Successful applicants will receive support from City Hall and will be invited to join the Culture Seeds Network to help them make the most

Sadiq Khan, along with Justine Simons (2nd from the left) at the Battersea Arts Centre

of their project. Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said,“London is overflowing with talent and imagination. Thousands of artists have made the capital their home and their creative influence is felt in all corners of the city. However, I know how difficult it can be for emerging artists and small creative organisations to get quick access to funding to support some amazing grassroots cultural activity in communities around the city. That’s why I’m launching Culture Seeds and calling on all Londoners to let us know how a small grant could make a big difference in your neighbourhood. From kickstarting a new arts festival, to funding a pop-up cinema screening in your local park – the possibilities are endless.” He continued, “I have


invested more in culture than any other Mayor because I believe in its transformative power. I will continue to support culture and the creative industries and today’s draft strategy sets out an ambitious plan to keep London at the top of its creative game.” Khan visited Battersea Arts Centre (BAC) with Deputy Mayor for Culture and Creative Industries, Justine Simons, to launch the programme and take a tour of the newly-refurbished building. The tour included the Grand Hall which reopens in September, after a fire in 2015, and the new Scratch Hub - a co-working space for up to 150 start-up enterprises. He also watched performances from Battersea Community Choir and BAC Beatbox Academy.

8) What are your long term goals? Continue doing my work and helping as many patients as best I can. 9) If you were Prime Minister, what one aspect would you change? Focusing on the people seeking help and offer solutions relevant to their lives.

10) If you were marooned on a desert island, which historical figure would you like to spend your time with and why.

Mahatma Gandhi - To learn more about his nonviolence and truth seeking policies in order to help in achieving current world peace.

Newly launched TYE is inspiring the next generation As temperatures dropped once again in London last week, a group of excited Young Entrepreneurs ducked out of the cold and into the first TYE event at The House of Lords. The event, to mark the launch of TYE (TiE Young Entrepreneurs) brought together a diverse cross-section of London’s budding entrepreneurs all keen to be part of this new and exciting membership launched on 22nd March. Lord German hosted and introduced the evening, stressing how important young entrepreneurs were to London, a view which is backed up strongly by TiE London's President, Nina Amin, MBE. In a statement to Asian Voice she said,“ Our young entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of London’s future economy. It is vitally important that we nurture and support this diverse and exciting group of Londoners”. TYE has three young Entrepreneur’s at it’s helm, Sheena Amin, Sabina Ranger and Saba Yussouf. Their mission is to create a supportive and inspiring community for l i k e - m i n d e d entrepreneurs who will benefit from access to seasoned and successful entrepreneurs and serial investors as mentors as well as opportunities to pitch for funding. Further events throughout the year will see learning panels, networking and inspiring speakers. And TYE’s first speaker

Sabina Ranger, Sheena Amin and Saba Yussouf

Nina Amin

didn’t disappoint, Charlie Gilkes, co-founder of the Inception Group (Mr Fogg’s, Bunga Bunga, Cahoots) took guests through his roller-coaster rise to becoming one of London’s most exciting and highly innovative hospitality companies. Charlie’s gung-ho attitude to opening unique and experiential bars left the room feeling they could tackle anything so long as they were adept at pivoting, maintained an active imagination and sense of

humour. TYE is part of the larger organisation,TiE London. Young entrepreneurs under the ages of 35 can join for a yearly fee to network with like-minded individuals at free events, find mentors and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge found in TiE’s global network of seasoned businessmen and women. TiE itself is the largest not-for-profit entrepreneurial network in the world, with over 12,000 members in 17 countries, hosting conferences in Silicon Valley, retreats and pitching competitions for investment throughout the year. Their London flagship event , the” Tie Gala Ball” will be held on 5 December 2018. This new membership is an amazing opportunity for any budding young entrepreneur in London. For further information on TYE or TIE please contact Louise Findlay on 07825757044

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Blizzard of new Cold War Despite ritual British and Western denials, the starter’s gun for a new Cold War has been fired and a reality check on its likely consequences is very much in order. Standard diplomatic discourse has been jettisoned for unrestrained abuse of Russia and President Putin. In face of ‘overwhelming evidence’ it is ‘likely’ that Russia, if not President Putin personally, poisoned the Russian double agent and his daughter in Salisbury. “Overwhelming evidence’ attached to a plea of ‘likely’ will make many a Lord Chief Justice and lesser justices and magistrates turn in their graves. The ‘international community,’ from which Moscow is allegedly ‘isolated,’ excludes India and China, seemingly counting for nothing in the battle order. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was among the first foreign dignitaries to congratulate President Putin with a telephone call on his re-election as President of the Russian Federation; President Xi Jinping of China was also quick to send his warm congratulations to the Russian leader. The majority of humankind, long accustomed to the cynicism of international politics, will recall the CIA’ repeated attempts to assassinate Cuba’s revolutionary leader Fidel Castro and brazenly boastful about its efforts.. When Mumbai was assaulted by jihadi terrorists twice, in March 1993 and again in November 2008, with massive losses in innocent lives on each occasion, there was much handwringing and condemnation of generic terrorism without specific mention of the source. Why? Because of a misbegotten alliance with the jihadis’ Pakistani handlers. Overwhelming evidence in each case pointed firmly in one direction only. The unilateral global order is misconstrued fiction; the multilateral vision is the only workable alternative. Fretting and fuming in Washington, London, Paris, Berlin and Brussels will not alter the ground realities. The Trump administration in the United States has unceremoniously dispensed with the services of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State, followed by the replacement of General McMaster as National Security Advisor. Mike Pompeo is a tested Russophobe as is Tom Bolton, an extreme hawk, who replaces General

McMaster. What next? God only knows. Or does he? Alas, we no longer have Stephen Hawking among us to provide a credible answer. The two Koreas are taking charge of their foreign relations, from the grasp of Uncle Sam, understanding full well the consequences of any modern war on the Peninsula, having already experienced the devastation of the conflict 68 years ago. A brilliant edit-page article by its US correspondent Varghese George in the Hindu newspaper (March 17) will reward the reader for his/her time. Referring to the false evidence of Saddam Hussain’s weapons of mass destruction, initiated the George W. Bush administration’s fateful invasion of Iraq and its tragic aftermath of a million lost Iraqi lives. American defence spending including a new generation of nuclear weapons will exceed a trillion US dollars. George sets out context and scene: ‘As the only advanced country …where life expectancy is falling, where 96 people die from gun violence every day, where heroin-related deaths increased six-fold since 2002, where opioid over-dose kills 115 people a day, the signs of distress are unmistakable…the upshot of this neo-McCarthyism is that it has rendered any diplomacy between the nuclear rivals impossible…the US’s political system is weakened and the world becomes a more dangerous place. The Russia prism has not merely bent perspective, but blinded vision in America. Perhaps, deliberately and conveniently.’ This dire reality is now compounded by the reports of collusion between UK company Cambridge Analytica and Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg in making the latter’s vast storage of personal data on users available to the former and thence to candidates fighting elections in the US and elsewhere. Zukerberg apologized for the oversight and promised never to repeat for ‘Russian meddling’ (an obligatory allusion if he was seek the indulge of his Congressional interrogators back home in Washington). He has promised to keep clear of such malpractice in the next general election in India, its largest market where Facebook has 251 million subscribers. However, such surveillance is the norm. Now a business model for multinational companies, it will be difficult if not impossible to abolish, despite reassuring pieties to the contrary.

Xi Jinping puts down his markers President Xi Jinping in his acceptance speech as holder of his office for life (if he so wishes) to the National People’s Congress in Beijing outlined an ambitious vision for China in the coming decades. Deng Xiaoping, the country’s paramount leader who had led China’s recovery after the havoc of Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution had placed a two-term time line for China’s presidents, to which Deng himself and his successors for the next 20 years, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao adhered without demur. Deng Xiaoping, as paramount leader, had advised his younger colleagues to bide their time and hide China’s strength. President Xi, however, decided to dispense with these shackles and stake China’s place at the high table of the world’s foremost Great Powers, the United States and the Russian Federation. He did so in robust language that brooked no denial. ‘All maneuvers and tricks to split the motherland are sure to fail and will be condemned by the people and punished by history. Not one inch of territory of the great motherland can be carved off from China. China will never seek hegemony or engage in expansionism. Only those who are accustomed to threatening others see everyone as a threat’, he said. These last words, clearly an oblique allusion to the United States, is not without truth, but Mr Xi’s earlier lines abjuring expansionism and hegemony require close critical scrutiny.

The splits of the motherland, to which the Chinese President alludes, are references to Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibet. Taiwan’s population is overwhelmingly Han [ethnic Chinese], but having severed ties with the Communist regime in Beijing during the country’s civil war 70 years ago, the Taiwanese people have no wish to rejoin the mainland as a single, unified polity. Their desire for sovereign self-rule must surely be respected. Otherwise Britain could lay claim to the United States on the pretext that it was once a constituent of the British Empire; France, also, could make a similar claim to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Preposterous! China’s muscular policy in the South China Sea is based on the premise that its rights must prevail over those of local littoral states by its superior military might. As for Xinjiang and Tibet these territories were subdued through conquest by Mongol and Manchu power from the Central Asian steppe, who became China’s governing monarchy. With the fall of the Manchu monarchy, these non-Han territories asserted their independence from China’s Nationalist KMT and Communist regimes. History cannot be erased on a whim. Sino-Indian relations, stable for now, are adjusting to the unpredictable turbulence of American policy in the Far East and Middle East. New Delhi and Beijing are taking stock of their relationship in a changing international environment.

Services sector propellant of Indian growth Economics Nobel laureate Paul Krugman, during a lecture in New Delhi pronounced, ‘India’s growth is quite unique. Services [have been] propelling growth to an extent that hasn’t been seen anywhere else in the world and the possibilities of service globalization have only just begun. Globalization of services trade has a huge potential. That’s one reason one is hopeful of India’s progress. It has the first mover’s advantage.’ Three reasons informed Dr Krugman’s thinking. ‘The first one is people: both numbers and qualifications. There is clearly a cultural reservoir of

creativity and entrepreneurship nobody could have imagined in the bad old days of slow growth. The widespread fluency in English is the language of global commerce and that’s going to matter.’ Finally, there was the issue of demography, where India scores heavily – ‘it matters a lot how many people of working age you have, ‘ said Dr Krugman. However, India had to deepen its manufacturing base for jobs for its expanding population. This was where the demographic advantage would truly be realized, he said.

Asian Voice | 31st March 2018


The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own. - Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)

Alpesh Patel

Ram Raj In April, the Commonwealth Heads of Government will meet. Her Majesty to Queen spoke at a recent such Commonwealth gathering about this being an event to commemorate women as ‘agents of change’. The highest aspiration of a Hindu man is to be like Ram. His story is not history. The battle of good and evil is a daily battle. And Sita, Ram's wife, has been abducted - literally. She is a 15 year old girl, called Sita, who is enslaved in sex slavery in Mumbai. I have a picture of Sita taken from a documentary. Her name is actually Sita. She truly is 15. She has been in reality abducted. I am not making this up. So what does Ram Navami mean to me? It is not a celebration. It is an annual renewal. A renewal to the cause fought by Ram himself. That evil wins when good men and god men sit silent. Every day is a Ram battle. So let us prove our bloodline to be sons of Ram and rescue Sita today. Go defeat evil and bring her back. Earn the right to call ourselves Hindu. I then asked the non-Hindus to stand and bare witness that the honour of the Hindus is at stake if we do not now dedicate to a great cause. That there may come a day when Hindu will not care for Hindu. But bare witness that today is not that day. We may live in a world of women’s equality where sexism is barred – but I don’t think it is sexist to say – Sita needs rescuing and it is men who have imprisoned her and it down to men to in the footsteps of Ram save her. Find your Hanuman and Lakshman and save Sita – save the women. Shame if the women have to do it themselves for themselves. Shame. I was inspired to see so many of our youth take up the cause and come back and desire to fulfil their lives with a great cause. To say they come from the most ancient of civilisations and that on their watch the Ramayan did not become ancient history. That Ram and Sita to this day from this earth have not left, that our gods are not dead. That they live…in the one place we rarely look – within is. So you will hear stories of Ram Raj – don’t let the politicians abuse Ram and Sita. If they want Ram Raj tell them to free Sita. She is a 15 year old abducted girl in Mumbai. Save her and you save the nation and we save our souls. Editor: CB Patel

Asian Voice is published by

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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Britain to celebrate its first ever National Samosa Week

- Rupanjana Dutta Britain's six cities are taking part in the country's first ever 'National Samosa Week' from 9-13 April, where participants will be selling and eating the popular Indian snack to raise money for charity. Brainchild of a Leicester-based

media personality, along with Leicester, Birmingham, Manchester, Coventry and Nottinghamshire in Midlands and Radlett, in Hertfordshire have come on board with the idea. It involves a range of fun and interesting activities; including competition of eating samosa, pop-up samosa shops and tastiest samosa awards. Romail Gulzar, Editor of Pukaar News and founder of Leicester Curry Awards, who launched this concept in Leicester, reportedly said, “It is a tea time snack in the subcontinent but it can be so much more than that. We want to use this week to draw attention to the rich culture and food heritage of South Asia. This triangle-shaped deli-

cacy is said to originate from the Middle East and was eaten by travelling merchants. It is likely that this is how the tasty parcels made their way to other parts of the world including India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.” The proceeds from the sale in Leicester are aimed at two charities mental health charity LAMP and Care of Police Survivors (COPS). Gulzar believes the world's best samosas are to be found in Delhi and he is determined to bring some of that flavour to the UK with this samosa week, set to become an annual event. Some of the winners of the prize draw will win tickets to the Leicester Curry Awards 2018, to be held in Leicester on April 22.

Couple decides to sell home after violent raid A couple, who have been married for 45 years have decided to sell their home and move following the violent raid on their home in Leicester in October 2017. The husband described the terrifying impact of the attack on his wife. Farhan Loonat, a takeaway boss has been sentenced to four years in prison for his role in the burglary. Leicester Crown Court heard that Loonat was involved in the incident, however, he did not physically attack the victim. An unnamed second person was blamed for the physical harm, but he has never been traced. The 64-year-old husband of the victim, who would like his family to remain anonymous, said, “These men came in through a bedroom window after midnight. I wasn't at home. One of the men had

Farhan Loonat has been jailed for his role in the burglary

a knife and started attacking my wife. He was telling her to tell him where the jewellery was. My granddaughter, who is three was there at the time and saw what they did to her grandmother. My wife was treated In hospital for facial injuries but the psychological effects will last much longer. I have to be with her

24/7 because she does not want to be left alone. She is so scared.” Around £20,000 worth of jewellery was stolen during the violent raid which has not been recovered. Detective Constable Damian Young led the investigation. He said, “This was a distressing incident for the victim in her home, the violent nature of the offence was callous. We are pleased that Loonat has pleaded guilty to his part in the incident, albeit he wasn't responsible for the violence, he was responsible for entering the house and stealing more than £20,000 worth of items. Burglaries, especially when there is violence involved, leave the community in fear. We take these reports extremely seriously and will leave no stone unturned to find those responsible.” Police are investigating

Scotland Yard's Indian-origin chief launches new anti-terror campaign Neil Basu, the Scotland Yard's newly appointed Indian-origin counter-terrorism chief, has launched a new campaign to urge the public to help fight terrorism. The Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner of Specialist Operations has revealed that last year more than a fifth of reports from the public produced intelligence which was helpful to police. Research carried out by CT Policing suggests that while more than 80% of people are motivated to report suspicious activity or behaviour, many are unclear exactly what they should be looking for, the PTI reported. At the launch of Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) campaign in London last week he reportedly said, "Since the beginning of 2017, we have foiled 10 Islamist and four right-wing terror plots, and there is no doubt in my mind that would have been impossible to do without relevant information from the public. "We have been saying for

Neil Basu

some time now that communities defeat terrorism, and these figures demonstrate just how important members of the public are in the fight to keep our country safe... "Like other criminals, terrorists need to plan and that creates opportunities for police and the security services to discover and stop these attacks before they happen. But we need your help to exploit these opportunities, so if you see or hear something unusual or suspicious trust your instincts and ACT by reporting it in confidence by phone or online.”

burglaries on a number of Asian households where the thief's main target is gold jewellery. Police has urged people to double lock doors and windows, while also advises owners of expensive gold or jewellery to consider storing such items in a safety deposit box, rather than in their homes. Leicester has a large Asian population, many associated with gold merchants and traders from the city's Golden Mile, on Belgrave Road. 74 year old, Indian-origin jeweller Ramniklal Jogiya was killed this January, in what is believed to be a robbery gone wrong. The incident caused a lot of distress within the local community. The local police have now deployed extra officers to patrol the Golden Mile. Four men aged between 19-29 were charged with his manslaughter last month.

Royal wedding invitation sent to 600 guests As the countdown begins to the highly anticipated wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle due to take place on 19th May, their spectacular wedding card has been revealed. 600 guests, including the Royal Family, Meghan Markle's family and a few of the couple's friends, have received the formal invitation to attend the wedding at St George's Chapel in Windsor, following a lunchtime reception given by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. Only a selected 200 close friends have been invited to the afterparty at Frogmore House, where the couple spent time together as their relationship grew flourished. Printed in gold and black, the invitation uses American ink on English

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

card, which could also be considered to signify the union of The British Prince and the American actress.


Man accused of claiming £13k in benefits fraudulently Father-of-five, Abdul Dossani, 42, has been accused of fraudulently claiming nearly £13,000 in benefits to repay a drug debt. It is alleged that Dossani, from Leicester, used a false identity to claim thousands of pounds in Abdul Dossani Jobseekers' allowance even though he was not entitled for it. Leicester Magistrates' Court was informed that Dossani allegedly used the name “Rocko Henry Soko” to claim benefits, totalling to the amount of £12,877 during the course of time. After being tipped-off, he was kept under surveillance by the Department of Social Security (DSS) and was arrested on 19th January 2017 and admitted the fraud. At an earlier hearing, Dossani had pleaded guilty to making a false statement to obtain benefits in 2011, 2013 and 2016. The Magistrates' Court gave him a 12-week prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. He was also ordered to attend a drug rehabilitation programme, as well as told to pay a victim surcharge of £115.

Early screening could have caught Alagiah's cancer

BBC television newsreader, George Alagiah, 62, has expressed that his cancer could have been detected sooner if NHS screening in England began as early as it does in Scotland. The News at Six presenter was informed that his stage- George Alagiah four bowel cancer had returned just before Christmas. Alagiah was first diagnosed with bowel cancer in 2014 which later spread to his liver and lymph nodes. After 17 rounds of chemotherapy and five operations, he returned to work in 2015. He said, “Had I been screened, I could have been picked up. Had they had screening at 50, like they do in Scotland... I would have been screened at least three times and possibly four by the time I was 58 and this would have been caught at the stage of a little polyp: snip, snip.”

A snowy Easter forecast

Freezing temperatures of minus 10C and snow is expected in the forecast for Easter in some parts of the country. Along with the frosty weather, one can expect rail strikes and engineering upgrades which may cause severe travel disruption over the Easter break. Furthermore, workers at three rail companies are taking industrial action, which can lead to further travel disruption throughout the country.

Police arrest two men on suspicion of terrorism

Two men from Leicester and Birmingham, both 21 years of age, were detained at their homes and arrested on suspicion of preparing terrorist acts. The pair were questioned by Counter Terrorism detectives at a police station in the West Midlands after being detained under PACE (Police and Criminal Evidence Act) legislation. In a statement, police said, “West Midlands Counter Terrorism detectives have arrested two men today on suspicion of terrorism offences. The men – both aged 21 and from Leicester and Birmingham – were arrested from their respective home addresses on suspicion of preparing for terrorist acts. They are being questioned at a police station in West Midlands after being detained under PACE legislation. The arrests were intelligence-led and there was no immediate threat to the public.” The dress code for the occasion is “uniform, morning coat or lounge suit” for men and “day dress with hat” for women. 24-year-old former intern at a Royal Warrant-holding printing company, Lottie Small was assigned to create 600 wedding cards for the Royal couple. But the most difficult task for her was to keep it all a secret.


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Police selfie at crime scene causes outrage

Following the death of 20-year-old Benjamin Pieknyi, who was stabbed at the Stratford mall, two officers from Forest Gate North's Safer Neighbourhoods Team posted a selfie on social media in which they were seen smiling. The caption for the image was “Crime scene at Stratford mall today”. The image caused an outraged online and commenters were quick to express their anger. Metropolitan Police apologised and deemed the move of posting the image at the crime scene as “insensitive”. The apology issued by the police force stated, “We apologise for any offence caused by the 'selfie' picture that was posted from the scene of a serious crime. The officers showed a lack of judgement and sensitivity in posting this and they will be spoken to and reminded of how to use social media responsibly.” Benjamin Pieknyi became the eighth person to be killed in London in the span of one week.

Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

London marks 1st anniversary of Westminster attack 22nd March marked the 1st anniversary since the atrocious Westminster attack. Khalid Masood ploughed his rented van across Westminster Bridge, killing five people and injuring several other pedestrians before stabbing unarmed PC Keith Palmer to death outside the Houses of Parliaments.

This selfie posted by the officers on social media caused an outrage


“London United” was projected onto the Houses of Parliament, London Bridge, Finsbury Park Mosque and Parsons Green Tube station on the eve of the one year anniversary. These were the places that were hit by attacks in 2017. #LondonUnited also trended on social media as people posted their tributes online to pay respect to those who lost their lives, while also encouraged the spirit of London to continue to stand tall in unity. On the occasion, the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan said, “Over the past 12 months, London has endured a series of horrific terrorist attacks – Westminster, London Bridge, Finsbury Park and Parsons Green. I know that on the anniversary of anniversary of the Westminster attack, all our thoughts are with the families of those who were killed, survivors and everyone affected. We will never forget them, or the bravery of our emergency services and first responders who ran towards danger whilst urging others to safety.”

He further stated, “Londoners will never forget the horrific terror attacks on our city in 2017. These were not only attacks on our city and our country, but on the very heart of our democracy and the values we cherish most – freedom, justice and tolerance.” A minute's silence was observed at 9:33am, to correspond with the number of slain officer Keith Palmer. Prime Minister Theresa may also stood in silence to pay her respect after laying a floral tribute outside the parliament. One year on and several attacks later, London stands united, posing as the perfect example to the world that such atrocious attacks will not deter the spirit of London, nor shake up the British democratic beliefs.

Prime Minister Theresa May laying a floral tribute outside parliament in London on the anniversary of the Westminster Bridge attack

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan

#LondonUnited projected on the Houses of Parliament



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31st March 2018


Southall man dies Can Amazon pose a threat to traditional community pharmacy? after attack by gang Reshma Trilochun Amazon, the online platform where one can purchase books, gadgets, clothing and even watch movies and TV shows, could also become a portal from where one can purchase their medication. Vitamins and over the counter medicines are already available to buy from Amazon. However, in the latter part of 2017, Amazon was on the brink of making a big decision whether they would move to selling prescribed medication online as well. This decision, which Amazon is yet to make, has both, several pros and cons but there is no denying that this move can prove detrimental to the traditional community pharmacy model if people opt to buy their prescribed medication from this online portal. A majority of sectors, be they business or education, have embraced digitisation as the way forward, however, the digital move has change the attitude and ways of how consumers buy their products. For example, retailers with prominent high street presence are being rattled

Can the prospect of prescribed medicines being sold online be dangerous for local pharmacies?

by the demands for the convenience the internet provides. New technological advances, such as the iPhone, have changed how one listens or buys music, while Netflix has become the norm and most popular choice when we think of watching movies or TV series, causing the once prevalent choice for video rental service, Blockbuster to close. Amazon, undoubtedly, is an extremely popular online portal where surely one must have come across, if not purchased something from their site. If Amazon decides to venture into this domain, it may provide people with

Research finds morning sickness linked to genes

According to scientists, extreme morning sickness are linked to your genes, whilst they also think that it may be possible to treat the condition. It is estimated that between one in 300 and one in 50, women suffer from hyperemesis gravidarum, which causes severe nausea during pregnancy. The Duchess of Cambridge also suffered from this during her pregnancy and like her, some cases of repeated vomiting during pregnancy can result in being hospitalised. After losing a baby to hyperemesis gravidarum in 1999, Marlena Fejzo, from the University of California Los Angeles has been researching the condition. In her latest study which was published in the journal Nature Communications, she has tried to identify the common genetic factors in women with the condition. The study by Professor Fejzo and her colleagues showed that proteins made by two particular genes were usually high in women suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum. Investigating and finding a way to reduce the pro-

the easy facility of purchasing their medication in the comfort of their homes at a touch of a button. But according to a community pharmacist from Sunderland, Umesh Patel MBE, this could be a very “dangerous” move. He shared, “Buying medication from such online portals is not only dangerous for patients, but also for the traditional community pharmacy model. Your local pharmacy provides you with free advice and also acts as a point of control when it comes to your medication, ensuring that no errors are made in terms of providing the right medication. Although it would be easy

to buy medicines online, will Amazon be providing patients with free advice? Will there be that facility for patients to go to for any health-related queries like they are able to do at their local pharmacy? I do not think so.” Umesh Patel continued, “Amazon is good for books, clothing and technological items, but not for medication. They cannot provide you with any advise on medicines. Only pharmacists in community pharmacy can provide you with advise on medication. Besides, most of your local pharmacy can provide you with your medication on the same day, whereas with Amazon you'll have to wait a couple of days, and if there is a postal strike or bad weather conditions, you will have to wait longer. So if prescribed medication is available from Amazon, it will be dangerous and affect community pharmacy. ” Whether Amazon is to take the plunge into selling prescribed medication is yet to be decided but the thought of them venturing into this arena can suggest that they can pose a threat to traditional community pharmacy.

tein levels could lead to the reduction of nausea. Professor Fejzo said, “A treatment could make a huge difference for them. It is severe enough that many women decide not to have more children because of this.”

Sukhjinder Singh

wielding the weapons intended to kill.” The jury were also informed that Singh and Dhillon had been friends until Singh allegedly had an affair with Dhillon's wife. Sandhu and Soba both deny a further charge of disposing of the bloodied weapons and clothing used in the attacks. Dhillon also denies a charge of intimidating someone who is assisting in a police investigation. Multani admitted assisting an offender. The trial continues.

TfL completes biggest test yet of new signalling system set to transform Tube

Galloways former aide could face jail

Aisha Ali-Khan, 36, the former parliamentary assistant to George Galloway, who had once made claims of having to buy underwear for him could face two years in jail for insulting the former MP on Twitter. The longstanding battle between the two returned to the High Court where Aisha Ali-Khan apologised in person to Justice Warby for 26 contempts of court for breaching the judge's order to stop making demeaning and derogative comments about George Galloway. The judge said that the

Aisha Ali-Khan could be jailed for 2 years for insulting George Galloway on Twitter

maximum penalty for her breaching the orders was two years behind bars.

Non-stop flights from Australia to UK takes off

The Duchess of Cambridge has suffered from hyperemesis gravidarum

The Old Bailey was told how 28-year-old builder Sukhjinder Singh, also known as Gurinder or Guri, was murdered in what appears to be a feud between warring Sikhs. He was killed by a gang who were armed with knives, hammers and swords and had chopped off two of his fingers. Sukhjinder Singh was stabbed, slashed and bludgeoned 48 times by the masked gang who travelled in two cars to attack him in Southall, West London. Amandeep Sandhu, 30, Ravinder Singh-Shergil, 31, Vishal Soba, 30, and Kuldeep Dhillon, 27, all deny murder; whereas Palwinder Multani, 36, has admitted manslaughter and will give evidence for the prosecution. Prosecutor Alan Kent QC told the court, “It was brutal, it was sustained and vicious. There can be no doubt that those who were responsible for

The first scheduled nonstop flight from Australia to the UK arrived at London's H e a t h r o w Airport on 25th March 2018. The Qantas flight completed 9,009 miles from Perth to London in just over 17 hours. Chief Executive Officer at Qantas, Alan Joyce called this new service a “gamechanging route”. It is a game-changer indeed

compared to the “kangaroo route” for Qantas Historical non-stop flight from Perth took 17 hours and 6 minutes to reach London

flights between Australia and the UK in 1947, which took four days and seven stops to reach its destination.

On the weekend of 24th and 25th March, Transport for London (TfL) expanded testing of the new, modern Tube signalling system, which is set to transform the Circle, District, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan lines, to its largest area yet. The new system was successfully tested from Hammersmith through to Euston Square and Paddington, with the work involving the complex Baker Street junction – the first such junction to be tested with the state-ofthe-art Thales communications-based train control (CBTC) system. Work to transform the world’s oldest metro into one of the most modern is now well underway, and once complete it will improve reliability and boost capacity on 40 per cent of the Tube network. The section between Hammersmith and Edgware Road will be the first to go live on the new

system this summer, and will provide better, more accurate real-time customer information and improve reliability. The testing this weekend was conducted from the brandnew control room at Hammersmith Service Control Centre, which will also begin operation this summer. The new system will be introduced progressively over 14 sections across the network, each improving reliability as it is introduced. Customers will benefit from quicker, more frequent services from 2021, with all four lines using the new system by 2023. The new, modern signalling will allow trains to run closer together, which will increase the frequency of train services across these lines with 32 trains per hour set to operate in the central London section. This will boost capacity by a third across all four lines – equivalent to space for an extra 36,500 customers during the busiest times of day.


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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Your Local Pharmacy Pharmacists can help with minor health concerns. That’s the message from the recent NHS Stay Well Pharmacy campaign featuring Community Pharmacist Meera Thakrar. Meera tells us more and shares why she’s supporting the campaign.


Stay Well Pharmacy is a new campaign that aims to raise awareness that the local pharmacy is the first place to go to for clinical advice or over the counter medicines to treat minor health concerns such as sore throats, coughs, colds, tummy troubles, teething, aches and pains. The campaign highlights how community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians can assess symptoms and recommend the best course of treatment or simply provide reassurance, for instance when a minor illness will get better with a few days’ rest. However, if symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, we have the right clinical training to ensure that people get the help that they need. Pharmacist Meera Thakrar


NHS Stay Well Pharmacy aims to remind people that local pharmacy teams offer a fast and convenient clinical service for minor health concerns with no appointment needed and use of a private consultation room should it be required. We’re in a climate in which millions of GP appointments and visits to A&E take place for conditions which are self-treatable and therefore could be avoided. By promoting the use of community pharmacy services, the NHS can help ensure we all make the best use of the clinical expertise of the pharmacy team while relieving some of the pressure on GPs and A&E departments.


Research shows that only 6% of parents/carers of children aged 5 and under currently say they would consider seeking advice in the first instance from a pharmacist for a minor health concern which had lasted more than 24 hours. Whereas 35% said they would choose to contact a GP and 5% would choose emergency care as their first point of call.

AROUND 95% OF PEOPLE LIVE WITHIN A 20 MINUTE WALK OF A LOCAL PHARMACY, MAKING US EXTREMELY ACCESSIBLE AND WE ARE ALWAYS AVAILABLE WITHOUT AN APPOINTMENT TO OFFER CLINICAL ADVICE AND SUPPORT. However, parents could get more convenient and timely expert advice if their child has a minor illness by opting to go to their local pharmacist first instead of the GP.


Community pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are qualified healthcare professionals who can provide clinical advice and over the counter medicines to effectively and safely manage a range of minor health concerns. More importantly, they can do this with no appointment needed unlike a GP. As highlighted previously, if symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right clinical training to ensure people get the help they need.


Yes, over 90% of pharmacies across the country have a private consultation room where you can request to talk to a member of the pharmacy team in private.


As a community pharmacist, it’s great to see a campaign putting pharmacists at the front of people’s minds when it comes to getting clinical advice and over the counter medicines for minor health concerns. I want to encourage the public to choose to visit their local pharmacy first. Around 95% of people live within a 20 minute walk of a local pharmacy, making us extremely accessible and we are always available without an appointment to offer clinical advice and support. For more information visit nhs.uk/staywellpharmacy where you can also locate your local pharmacy services.

Visit nhs.uk/staywellpharmacy



Asian Voice |

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31st March 2018

Nilesh Sadhu: A dynamic new candidate in local election promises to fight parking and traffic issues in Brent Rupanjana Dutta The Conservative party has a new candidate in this local election, standing from Northwick Park Ward in Brent North. Nilesh Sadhu, has the community progress in heart and looking forward to develop this further if he is elected. Nilesh was born in India, arrived in the UK in 2003, and is a Businessman in the Education sector. Nilesh has reached the pinnacle of success and believes it is his moral duty to do for this country and its society. Joining politics has been an instant decision. Speaking to Asian Voice he said, “There are several issues in our locality, that affects our community directly and indirectly. It is my mission to address those issues ahe help the locals, such as Freezing Council Tax by 5%, restart Diwali procession in Brent, increase parking facilities for local residents, fight fly-tipping and combatting traffic congestion due to school expansion.” “We as Conservatives, are looking to improve how we manage parking

Nilesh Sadhu with Prime Minister Theresa May

space on the roads in Northwick Park Ward." But that is not the only problem he needs to address. The locals are also suffering due to an inflow of increasing traffic chaos and Sadhu thinks he could provide with a solution, when and if elected. “There is a local school called Byron Court School which is on Spencer Road. Right now all Local residents there are struggling to get in and get out of the area during school time. And Brent council is planning to expand the school, which will cause more trouble for local residents. “There is no facility for public transport. School is located in mid-

dle of the residential area. Currently there is no Off-site either, the park and walk arrangements are done by council. There are no potential solutions for traffic arrangements in the area, so if i am elected, I would like to consider that.” Asian Voice will regularly publish stories about the upcoming local elections including details of the Asians standing as candidates from different councils. If you are taking part in this year’s election on 3 May as an electoral candidate, please email your details with contact number and photo to Asian Voice Editorial at aveditorial@abplgroup.com. Last date: Sunday 22 April 2018.

Corbyn under scrutiny Continued from page 1 Protesters at the Parliament Square shouted that there was no safe space for Jews in the Labour party any more and wanted 'Jeremy Corbyn to go'. Luciana Berger, chair of Jewish Labour, reportedly said anti-Semitism was a "stain on the conscience of the party". Jonathan Arkush, President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, also reportedly said the Labour leader simply needed to confront and expel anti-Semites from the party. "He's clearly trying to make up some ground but in the end it's about actions and not words," he said. BBC reported that former Prime Minister Tony Blair told Newsnight the time for words was over and Mr Corbyn had to show he was "prepared to act" to "root it out, completely, 100 per cent". Mr Blair, who became a Middle East envoy after leaving power in 2007, however has been accused for very long by the left of having too cosy a relationship with the successive Israel governments. But the problem is not just political but also very deep rooted in the com-

munity. Britain's Chief Rabbi said he had reached out to the Muslim clerics to combat anti-Semitism, but they were not publicly present to engage with Jewish religious leaders. So Rabbi was forced to offer private meetings, which have not materialised as yet. In a speech at the Global Forum of Coombating antiSemitism, in Jerusalem, Ephraim Mirvis complained that the leaders were “keeping silent.” Corbyn and anti-Modi sentiments A report in The Guardian in 2015 with headline 'Jeremy Corbyn has the moral rights to challenge Narendra Modi' said, “Corbyn has long been a trenchant critic of Modi. In 2013, as the Foreign Office began making overtures to Modi after having snubbed him for more than a decade, Corbyn signed a parliamentary motion calling on the British government to reinstate its diplomatic boycott of Modi, 'given his role in the communal violence in 2002 (in Gujarat) that claimed the lives of hundreds if not thousands of Muslims'”. Corbyn is believed to have had a long standing relationship with Indians, especially with Indian

workers. In fact reportedly it was his JewishAmerican intellectual mentor, the writer Mike Marqusee, a tireless champion of India, introduced Corbyn to India and the country's history. The irony is, Corbyn has failed his own mentor, his faith and definitely introduction to India's history. A leader who himself could stoop as low as to take part (whether by accident or voluntary) in a political subculture that believes world events such as the holocaust were manipulated by a Jewish conspiracy, and allies with alleged extremists himself, holds no right to sign an early day motion (EDM) to ban a country's elected Prime Minister's visit to the UK, as it was in 2015. Corbyn's actions affected the Indian sentiments, especially that of the Gujaratis living here, who interestingly have a very close relationship and inherent similarities with the Jewish community. When the Indian diaspora arrived in this country from East Africa, especially after Idi Amin's expulsion, they undoubtedly all voted for the Labour party. But the Conservatives stole Labour's vote bank just because of the party's


Viagra available without prescription for the first time in the UK Reshma Trilochun As from 27th March 2018, men can purchase over-the-counter viagra for the first time in the UK without the need of a prescription. Viagra Connect, manufactured by Pfizer can be purchased exclusively from Boots pharmacy and online for two weeks before they become available at other pharmacies. The medical manager for Pfizer, Kristie Sourial MRPharmS said, “The launch of Viagra Connect offers men a new and convenient route of access to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. It's important to remember that erectile dysfunction is a medical condition, and that the impact often goes beyond the physical symptoms – it can lead to men feeling a n x i o u s , depressed and lacking confidence.” However, the chairman of the National Pharmacy Association (NPA), Ian Strachan has stated that Pfizer's decision to have an exclusive two-week deal with Boots is “incredibly disappointing.” In a statement to the media he said, “Deals like this restrict patient choice and undermine confidence in independent community pharmacies. Furthermore, it points towards an inherent unfairness whereby vertically integrated companies can steal a march

Leyla Hannbeck MSc, MRPharmS, MBA, M.A. Chief Pharmacist and Director of Pharmacy at NPA

on their competitors with this type of sweetheart deal.” In a YouTube video, Dr Teena Thomas, a Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist explains the side effects of taking viagra. Some of the side effects she mentions are “dizziness, loss of hearing, loss of water, diarrhoea...”, etc. As this is a new breakthrough within the UK pharmaceutical industry, one may be skeptical in opting to buy viagra at their local pharmacy. Leyla Hannbeck MSc, MRPharmS, MBA, M.A., Chief Pharmacist and Director of Pharmacy at NPA spoke exclusively to Asian Voice regarding the prospect of viagra being available without a prescription. She said, “Viagra is not new to pharmacist. They are very much trained on what advise to give and whether they should be

dispensing viagra to the customer. Viagra being made available to buy over the counter has many advantages, such as, it will stop people from using dodgy websites to buy the pill, which could be very dangerous.” Men over the age of 18 can purchase Viagra Connect, however, before the transaction is completed they will need to answer some questions at the pharmacy or complete a short questionnaire online. And once the pharmacist has approved the answers the transaction will go through. Leyla Hannbeck added, “Before selling viagra, the pharmacist will ask a list of healthrelated questions to the customer to see whether they have a heart condition or any underlying conditions which may be affect. The pharmacist will only issue viagra once they are certain that the customer does not have any conditions that will be affected by this pill. Pharmacists will also instruct and help the customers on how to take the pill. Therefore, it is essential that the customer is honest with the pharmacists about their health condition as they will be putting themselves at risk if they do not give the right information.” Currently available at Boots stores and online, over-the-counter viagra will be available at independent pharmacies from 11th April.

38-year-old woman beats sepsis Nina Khaira, a 38-yearold dentist from Cornwall, gave birth in October 2015 and eight days later, she was back in hospital fighting for her life. Shortly after giving birth, she developed severe pain in her lower gradual failing leadership, and the leaders' inabilities to connect with the sentiments of the Indian diaspora. Unfortunately Labour party is now led by a man who fails the test of political integrity too. But he still has a chance to mend his social and emotional ties. With Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) approaching, Narendra Modi will be in London on 16 April 2018 till the 20th. It is perhaps Corbyn's last opportunity to forge the old ties and build something on a cleaner note. The diaspora is hoping and eagerly watching.

and became shivery within two days and told her husband, “I think I'm going to die.” She was rushed to A&E and following blood and urine tests that confirmed she had sepsis, she was moved to her own room and was given Nina Khaira paracetamol, fluids and aztreonam, a back. Her doctor diagrare antibiotic, three nosed this as a kidney times a day for 12 days. infection and was preFor 10 days, she scribed a routine antibiotshowed no improvement ic, trimethoprim. as her temperature conHowever, Khaira had tinued to soar. Her blood contracted sepsis which pressure had become so was triggered by a urinary low that doctors were tract infection that spread afraid she was in septic to her blood. The E.coli shock, a life-threatening strain which produces state. Extended-Spectrum Beta It took Nina Khaira Lactamase (ESBL) was nine months to fully resistant to most antibirecover, however, the otics, even the ones that thought of what could were prescribed by her GP. have happened still The medication had inihaunts her. She said, “I tially helped soothe the could have died, I could pain but did not kill the have left this child and my infection. She had a fever husband alone.”


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Asian Voice |

Rani Singh, Special Assignments Editor

Vegetable Forward and East Asian Cooking with Jay Morjaria It takes guts to open a vegetarian cooking school in a society that is still highly carnivorous. One innovative chef chose to do this. Jay Morjaria founded Sutra Kitchen in Carnaby Street when there were no vegetarian- centred cooking schools in central London. Unusually, he also incorporates Japanese and Korean notes into his cooking. Jay Morjaria’s Innovation Jay Morjaria explains to us how he came to set up his m e a t free

food in the UK – unusual for a British born Asian who comes from a family that ran Indian restaurants.” How Jay Busts the Myth about Korean Food I bet we all associate Korean f o o d with a couple of dishes. Jay rejects t h e stereot y p e . “Korean food is not j u s t

Jay Morjaria

cooking school. “I realised that people, both veggie and non-veg, needed somewhere to learn to cook without meat. I started the business as a shortterm pop up, but it was a success and I was asked to stay for over two years in that site. Eventually I decided to take the classes into peoples’ homes. This was a more personal approach to teaching and was equally popular. My clients had the pleasure of a chef in their home and learned to cook while they wore house slippers.” Why Jay focuses on Japanese and Korean Cuisine Before Jay became a chef, he worked in buying and design. This work took him to different parts of Asia. He was drawn, roughly two years ago, to Korea. He explains, “I found its cuisine fascinating and felt that the best way to learn about the food of a culture is to live and work in the country of origin. I learnt to make traditional Korean food at source which was exciting. I now work with both the Korean and the Japanese embassies on events promoting their countries’

BBQ and kimchi. The bibimbap is a good place to start. It is a rice bowl with various toppings, some pickled, some cooked. It is spicy, tasty and nourishing, which

“I take a lot of my influence from Korea and Japan and other parts of Asia.” would suit the South Asian palette.” So traditional dishes are a good place to start for readers. How Other Restaurants and Chefs learn from Jay Morjaria An important part of Jay’s work is getting restaurants to improve their menus. He also teaches chefs. How does he do this? “With most existing businesses I begin by asking ‘how well does their menu fit with their concept?’ Then, I look at sales

and the items that are not selling. The creativity starts once you have aligned the business and streamlined their menu. This is when you have the chance to update and introduce some innovation. A restaurant must set itself apart from others. It is a tough business, and everyone needs stand out in a highly saturated market. Each site is different, and the skill set varies from chef to chef. The requirements of the restaurant will always dictate what I teach the chef. This is normally determined from the consultation process.” On the topic of advice, we asked Jay to tell us how to eat more healthily. He replied, “As I am chef and not a nutritionist, I say have balance in your diet, eat more veg if you don’t already and be discerning about your choices. This is my way of eating and it works for me.” Media Work Jay’s public profile, he says, gives him a platform “to talk to people about his thoughts on food and keeps people updated on my upcoming events. I also value my position in the hospitality industry, one that I have grown up in. I find that sharing my experiences helps others in their businesses and passion for food.” Jay’s Pop Ups and Residencies Jay says that his pop ups started in early 2017. “Nearly all have been sold out with more longer-term residencies planned throughout the coming year. At my events, my customers will experience modern East Asian food which is mostly plant based, which essentially means while there is well sourced meat and fish on the menu, vegetables take centre stage. I take a lot of my influence from Korea and Japan but also other parts of Asia.” Jay is clearly a success. He explains, “The restaurant consultancy is the most fruitful of my ventures, but my passion is to open my own restaurant. At the moment, I concentrate on cooking for people and hope they enjoy my food.” www.jaymorjaria.com @chefjaymorjaria


31st March 2018


By Roma Loomba It would appear that the saying “the Eyes are the Windows to the Soul” has more truth to it than apparent on the surface. What a Revelation we can each experience, when we Realise that our “offendor” is actually our “Soul Friend” in disguise who in the “Place of Learning” made an agreement with our Soul that would be mutually beneficial for their Soul and for our Soul, in agreeing to both have the courage to “Experience” certain Life Circumstances, which although at times, Challenging and Difficult, would Ultimately help each Soul to Learn the Remaining Life Lessons that each Soul needed to Learn through the School of Life. Each soul has its own different lessons that it needs to experience and learn. Through the same set of Life Circumstances, in one Lifetime, different Souls that are connected to each other in that Lifetime can each learn their different lessons for their Individual Soul Development. When we Realise the “Bigger Picture” and appreciate the Universal Intelligence in Orchestrating and Supporting us in our Spiritual Goal and Mission then we can Truly Forgive our “Offendors” and begin to Understand their allegiance and agreement to help our Soul Development, in a particular lifetime. Then, perhaps beneath their “outer clothing”, character and circumstances, we can then begin to see them as our “Soul Friend” and subsequently, with this awakening, with this Understanding and Knowledge; we can truly Forgive each other and per-

haps even be grateful to each other for being the “Chosen Ones” to help us in our Individual Soul Development and Spiritual Growth. Then we can begin to Marvel at the Pure Brilliant Genius of this Infinitely Intelligent Divine Cosmic Universe. Returning to the Author, M. Scott Peck and his emphasis about the absolute necessity for Forgiveness, if Spiritual Development is to progress; he stated categorically that Forgiveness is often a painful and difficult process. However, despite the pain, challenges and difficulties that we often experience throughout Life, “there is the Light at the end of the tunnel”. Similarly, Florence Scovel Shinn, in her book “the Game of Life and how to Play it” referred to our pain as the “Darkness before Dawn”. She said that “before the Dawn appears, before the Light of the Dawn there is Darkness”. In his first book, “The Road Less Travelled” the Author, M. Scott Peck (Phd) opened with the words: “Life is Difficult”. In his long awaited sequel, “Further Along the Road Less Travelled” he opened with the following sentence: “You may remember that “The Road Less Travelled” opened with the words “Life is Difficult”. And to that great truth, I will now add another translation: “Life is Complex”.” He said that each one of us must make our own path through Life. There are no self-help manuals, no formulas, no easy answers. The Right Road for one, is the wrong Road for another. Nowhere will you find it said “Go this way” or “Make a left turn here”. The Journey of Life is not paved in blacktop; it is not brightly lit, and it has no road signs. It is a Rocky Path through the Wilderness. The Road is not Linear - you do not take one step after another in a straight forward progression......there is nothing simple or straightforward about it. However, the good news is we do not have to make the Journey alone. We can ask for help of the force in our Lives that we Recognise to be Greater than we are. A force that we all see differently, but of whose presence, most of us are aware. And as we make our way, we can help each other. We can begin to think Multidimensionally and we can appreciate the Mystery of Life. www.romaloomba.com

Bob Blackman accused of giving “platform to bigots” Conservative MP, Bob Blackman, has been accused of giving platform to bigots by sharing a story titles “Muslim Somali sex gang say raping white children 'part of their culture;” from an anti-Muslim website on his Facebook page. Bob Blackman later deleted the post and apologised, stating it was his “error” in posting the article from the website Hardcore News USA. The MP has previously been accused of excusing extremism after retweeting Tommy Robinson, as well as hosting the Indian Hindu nationalist Tapan Ghosh in parliament. Ghosh is said to have called for the UN to control the birth rates of Muslims, and also praised the genocide of Rohingya

behaviour. It cannot Muslims in give Islamophobia a B u r m a . H o w e v e r , free pass.” Blackman said Bob Blackman said that the retweet he shared the story was “in error” because “the subject and also said matter is very trouthat he did not bling and I have a lot accept Tapan Bob Blackman of engagement on it via Ghosh's views on Muslims. social media and email A spokesman from the recently because I raised Muslim Council of Britain the issue of child sex abuse and grooming in business said that Blackman sharing questions in parliament. I anti-Muslim materials deleted the link as I saw revealed “a consistent that the headline to the record of giving a platform article was phrased inapto bigots, but he still faces propriately. I can confirm no censure by the that I have never visited the Conservative Party. We now website in question and am see he chooses to share anti-Muslim material from not part of any group relata site full of Islamophobia. ed to it. I sincerely regret If the Conservative Party any upset caused to the claims to be a party for all, Muslim Council of Britain it cannot continue to toleror the wider community by ate and even reward such my error”.



Asian Voice |

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31st March 2018

India’s demonetised notes

I read letter by Nira and Nitin Patel about India’s demonetised notes. I have returned from Ahmedabad, and was deeply shocked by shenanigans of two rich tycoons that dominated newspapers from 15th February 2018 onwards. I also noted that 31 more persons have looted Indian banks and fled to safe havens. 91 looters are in pipeline and may run away soon. I therefore would oppose cash donations to India. Gullible NRIs must open their eyes to inverted funnel economy of India. Narendra Modiji is exhorting to citizens to put money in banks. This happens at upper narrow end. At the broad mouth at the bottom, looters are waiting to wipe away hard earned money of poor folk and gullible NRI. India is crying and escaped looters and safe haven countries are smiling to next loot. I was warned in 1996 to keep my cash away from India. Just bring enough to spend and either spend residue in India or take it back. This warning has become true all through 30 years. There are many pitfalls to giving cash to temples or organisations and persons. So if you do want to donate, go to needy places or persons and give them what they need, but no cash. See that they utilise to the fullest; you go and donate again. There should be no hoarding or storing for future. Cash and goods do not always each needy targets. I had most gratifying experience at one temple near Ahmedabad. Children flocked to me for alms. I gestured that I carry no money. But these kids pointed at shops of ice-cream and “penda” sweets. I said yes, and children enjoyed all the treat. They did not want cash. Please, do not shut your eyes by paying cash. Give the clothes, goodies, sweets that can bring sunshine to their faces. Ramesh Jhalla By email

Capital Knife Violence

Since the beginning of the year, there has been some 16 fatal stabbings. This is alarming for all parents having young children in their teens. The knife violence is an epidemic affecting some ethnic groups. It is sad to see young promising life taken away and suffering caused to the victim’s family for the rest of their life. Unfortunately in these days of political correctness, police are limited. They cannot solve this grave problem on their own. The root cause that drives young men to commit such a horrendous crime of illegally carrying a knife and brutally killing someone needs to be found. The community leaders, parents, and schools need to join hands with the police and work together to establish why the youths are going astray. The evil of knife violence needs to end for the greater good of the society. Niranjan Vasant By email


'Good Friday' is a great festival of Christians. It usually falls between March 20th and April 23rd. This festival is observed to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Good Friday is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary. Initially, it was called 'God's Friday'. In the Eastern Orthodox Churches, it is known as the 'Great Friday'. On this day prayer and meditation take place at all churches. Good Friday is observed as a day of fasting, mourning, sorrow and prayer. The first day of the month of April is called ‘All Fools’ Day’ or ‘April Fool’s Day’. On this day, people take delight in playing practical jokes on each other. The custom started in Rome when king Leopold of Belgium, who was married in Rome, was made a fool of by his sister-in-law when he went to his father-inlaw’s palace on the first of April by mistake as he had been invited there on first of May. Today, centuries later, April fool is played on people on a large scale. It is played by students in schools and colleges and also by employees with their colleagues in offices. It is also played at home with neighbours and family members. So don’t get April fooled this year. Be alert. Jubel D'Cruz, Mumbai, India

Warm Feelings

My advice to everybody in this freezing weather is to get indoors as quickly as possible and make yourself a cup of masala tea. The steaming sweet milky liquid, infused with cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, pepper and ginger will generate delicious feelings of warmth and joy. Try it. Rudy Otter By email

My cause ce’lebre

As the saying goes, in spring, young men’s thoughts turn to love. I would say that the contributors of this column think of a get-to-gether of like minded people by AV and GS. I have again been asked by other veteran writers to resurrect my original idea, my cause celebre, of a meet and greet of letter writers in AV and GS. I am glad that a couple of contributors who were initially opposed to my suggestion of a get together and presentation ceremony, and viewed it with contumely, have come round to my view of an award ceremony to celebrate the prolific letter writers. Others have also jumped on the band wagon and have asked for a bite at the cherry. I have also received e-mails from other veteran writers asking me to resurrect the idea and persuade the publisher/ editor to organnise this ceremony. As a number of people have intimated, most of us are getting old in the tooth and may want to put up our feet near the fire place and admire the certificate and or a trophy on the mantle piece which could bring back the fond memories of their long association with AV and GS – as subscribers and contributors. I was disappointed that due to unavoidable circumstances, the letter writers’ get together a few years ago at the House of Lords had to be cancelled. It would have given us chance to meet other writers and also ABPL staff. Dinesh Sheth Newbury Park, Ilford

Trump’s trade tirade with China?

One may wonder why US President Donald Trump, who was shrewd, intelligent and successful billionaire businessman before becoming President, wants to drag his country into trade war with China. In reality he has no choice but to balance books, both on homefront, Federal Budget, as well as on foreign trade where US accumulates $750 billion overall annual deficit, China alone is responsible for $375 billion. US imports from China consists of metals, computers, electrical goods, machinery, furniture, leather, plastic and consumer goods Americans use in their homes. All these items were once manufactured in US, until cheap, highly subsidized goods from China killed these industries. Now US consumers are captive market for China. US total debt is nearing $20 trillion. It may become unsustainable in a decade if allowed to grow unchallenged. All previous Presidents knew this but no one had courage to take appropriate action, rock the boat and become unpopular on world stage. It was selfish, self-preservation at any cost! Main creditors for US are Japan and especially China who holds some $2 trillion in Federal Government’s Treasury Bonds and stocks. China is clever, cunning, intelligent totalitarian nation who would fight tooth and nail against Trump targeting $60 billion Chinese import, although this is tiny amount, considering overall import. China has already targeted US imports of £3 billion, mainly food, such as soya beans, rice, fruits, beef and pork to feed 1:4 billion Chinese who are growing rich at the expense of US, EU and even India who also has significant trade imbalance with China. If it comes to all-out trade war between US and China, there could be only one winner, US. But China can use financial “Nuclear Option” that is to dump US bonds it holds on international market, that will weaken US dollar, forcing US to increase interest rate domestically and making borrowing expensive indeed. This is game of chess that cleverest entity with inexhaustible patience can win, that is totalitarian China! Bhupendra M. Gandhi By email

Have something to say about the stories featured in Asian Voice? Letters are welcome at: aveditorial@abplgroup.com Word limit: 450 words.


Communism, poverty and dignity of women in India

Reference to Mr Jubel D' Cruz's letters dated 10/3/18 and 17/3/18 letters, the pulling down of Lenin's statue in Tripura (N.E. India) is not a new news. It had already happened in Russia while the communist country changed to a progressive democratic society and country in which left ideology had become unpopular in an age of political democratisation all over the world; and allowing the plurality of ideas, the plurality of religions and the argumentative tradition are established there again. India has never been a communist country, but under the guise of politically socialist policy, some politicians carry the banner of communism giving wrong promise to the ignorant and poor people to eradicate poverty; and instead of improving the poor's life economically, they long for the increased number of poor people, so that their votes can help them to come and remain in power. Mr Modi has been tackling the mammoth task of removing poverty successfully even in a short span of time of his continued 4 year's rule, while Congress government failed to do it in 70 years' rule. Bharat Singh like every one else studied the life of great men, inclusive Lenin, but it does not imply that he intended to follow communism. While spending money on celebrating weddings, birthdays etc. Indian people invite "any and everybody" that includes " underprivileged children" as well; and also donate money,clothes etc to charitable institutions, which, in turn, organise collective and group marriage ceremonies for poor people; but the Indian people do not "parcel the remaining food home", as he blames. His blame is blatantly derogatory lie and full of dereliction in letter writer's duty. The dignity of mothers and sisters is honoured in Indian culture, the laws are in place and effective for prospective offenders, as they operate in the rest of the countries of the world. R.N.Patel Essex

Could GPs be responsible for A&E overcrowding?

According to widely published reports in national newspapers, 75% of the patients who turned up at A & E do so without even trying to see their GPs or ringing 111 that should be the first contact before visiting A & E. Their reasons for neglecting GPs were their past experiences whereby they tried and tried again to make an appointment without success. This is what we hear from our friends, although our personal experience is different from the norm. That is mainly due to dedication of our GP and the excellent team she has behind her, led by her Practice Manager. Most GPs, especially those who do not have telephone consultation, ask their patients to ring early in the morning. It is not uncommon for some to ring twenty times or more before they could get through. By this time all available appointments are fully booked and patients are asked to ring next day, rather than giving them appointments in advance, even if they are willing to wait a week or so. It is difficult to understand reasons behind such refusals, except to stress to NHS that all their patients are seen within 48 hours, a white lie to put it mildly! I hope when CQC inspect surgeries, they will go deep into appointment system, make sure no one has to ring more than few times, can leave a message and GPs obliged to ring back within 24 hours! CQC team should also interview patients, especially elderly, chronically sick and mothers with babies, toddlers. Some patients were unaware of “Walk In” Clinics while others feel they are far few and as they do not provide scans and blood tests, they will prefer A & E, even with their long waiting time. If NHS wants to stop patients inundating A & E, then NHS should recruit more, young GPs, willing and able to work full time as partners rather than as locums with limited commitment, a norm in many surgeries! Kumudini Valambia By email

ASIAN VOICE is published by

Asian Business Publications Ltd Karma Yoga House, 12 Hoxton Market, (Off Coronet Street) London N1 6HW. Tel: 020 7749 4080 Fax: 020 7749 4081 Email: aveditorial@abplgroup.com www: abplgroup.com © Asian Business Publications


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31st March 2018




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31st March 2018

Has Indian democracy a secure future, or will it sink into some form of authoritarian rule presided over by a hand wringing strongman despairing of democratic norms and its attendant chaos. Democracy, it will be said, was unsuited to India’s myriad social and political complexities; a better and more workable alternative would big-stick government. This is the most appropriate time to address this vexatious question, because the Indian street, disenchanted by days of mayhem in Parliament, has started to pose the question, whither India? Television anchors have conducted random surveys of public opinion, especially of the young, many of whom will be voting for the first time in the next general election in mid-2019. Naming and shaming guilty MPs, ejection from the House for unruly conduct and much else were discussed. One startling fact placed before these assemblies was disturbingly relevant: Rs 100,000 was lost for every minute of disruption. From March 5, when both houses of Parliament reassembled, to the time of writing not a single piece of legislation was discussed, let alone passed. Democracy, as it is perceived in much of presentday India, is yielding decreasing dividends for the ordinary Indian citizen.

Chickens coming home to roost The rot had started during the second period of Congress rule, 2009-14, when the BJP, then in opposition disrupted parliamentary proceedings on every conceivable pretext, even joining hands with the Communists to bring down the government on the Indo-US accord on nuclear energy, which it was quick to endorse when it returned to power in 2014. The brazen cynicism undermined public trust in politicians. What we are witnessing today are the chickens coming home to roost. The print media have been issuing dire warnings on the current state of affairs (Times of India, Hindu et al March 20, 21).

IS kill 39 Indians in Mosul The government somewhat belatedly revealed that 39 Indians reported earlier as missing in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul were killed by the notorious jihadi terror outfit Islamic State (IS). Their remains are now subject to DNA for purposes of identifying the victims. There is case to made on how the tragedy was handled by the government, but no use can justify the despicable behavior in the well of the Lok Sabha (Hindu, Times of India, March 21).

Telugu Desam splits from BJP The ruling Andhra Pradesh government led by Chandrababu Naidu has severed its alliance with the BJP regime at the centre over its demand for a special status for the State. Its MPs in Delhi have been among the leading disrupters of parliamentary proceedings, and

Chandrababu Naidu

the outcomes from this breach will be watched with interest in the rest of the country (Hindu March 19).

Pune arrests point to new jihadi nexus The arrests of three suspects earlier in the month, believed to belong to the Ansarullah Bangla Team - an al Qaeda affiliate reveal the presence of Bangladeshi terrorist cells in India. Senior intelligence officials suggested there was a detectable shift in allegiance from al Qaeda to Islamic State, following the interrogation of the arrested men. They said that after the 2014 Burdwan bomb blasts in West Bengal and the bombing at Bodhgaya this January, were perpetrated by the Jamaat-ulMujahideen Bangladesh The Ansaruullah Bangla Team arrests point to a wider problem entailing a possible shift in allegiance from al Qaeda to Islamic State (IS), said intelligence officers. The proximity of Afghanistan and Bangladesh are sources of infiltration into India.

Philippines To these countries is now added the Philippines, where the government is battling an Islamic insurgency. As with the Middle East, many Indians travel to the Philippines, and hence close watch have to be kept on their movements and activities for possible radicalization (Hindu March 21).

Force Motors, Rolls-Royce in joint venture Despite the political turbulence in Delhi, India’s economic activity presses on regardless. Rolls-Royce Power Systems, a part of BMW’s Rolls-Royce Group, has signed a contract with Pune-based Force Motors for the production and supply of of its high powered MTU 1600 series


to invest Rs 50 crore in what is to be named the Centre of Excellence to expand its footprint in the aerospace sector.

Fabrication of ISRO engines Jamshyd Godrej, Chairman and Managing Director of Godrej & Boyce, said: ‘Fabrication has been a long-term area of excellence for us.’ The company supplied India’s space agency, Andreas Schell [left] CEO Rolls-Royce, Prasan Firodia, CEO, Force Motors

diesel engines in keeping with German company’s global expansion plans. The company will relocate its MTU 1600 manufacturing hub from Germany to Pune as a cost cutting measure. Force Motors will hold 51 per cent in the venture, to be named Force MTU Power Systems Pvt Limited and will produce MTU’s 10 and 12 cylinder Series 1600 with power output from 545 to 1050 horse power. The new company will employ 200 Indian engineers who are to proceed to Germany for training (Hindu March 21).

Export duties on sugar scrapped The government has abolished export duties on sugar in a bid to help the country’s sugar industry and boost India’s sugar exports. Indian sugar mills will thus be able to handle the present glut of sugar Industry bodies like the Indian Sugar Mills Association and the National Federation of Cooperative Sugar Factories have for long sought the scrapping of this onerous duty on the product. The sugar glut had resulted in a precipitous decline in sugar prices and making production costs abnormally high. The government’s abolition of the export duty has been warmly welcomed (Business Line March 21).

Nano unicorns sweep Odisha Even as unicorn start-ups like Flipkart, Ula and Paytem hog media headlines, a midget-sized force of 57 unicorns have emerged in the heart of Odisha. These businesses include tailoring, electric repairing, fast food and plumbing, plastic manufactures, welding and much else. These nano unicorns were incubated in a pilot project launched by the Odisha Skill Development Authority under which skilled youth with exceptional entrepreneurial ideas are provided with donor capital of Rs 1 lakh [100,000] to start their ventures.

India’s priorities ‘What India needs today are nano unicorns – small people who are skilled, who will start small businesses and within 12-18 months generate employment for one/three people each. Our goal is to create and support 100 100 entrepreneurs in 2017-18, 1,000 in 2018-19 and 3000 in 2019-20,’ said Subroto Bagchi, Chairman, Odisha Skill Development Association (Hindu March 21).

Vodafone’s global, India project Britain’s Vodafone telecommunications giant, says it is planning to train 10 million people world-wide in career guidance and access to training content in the digital economy by 2021. Of these numbers, 5 million are to be Indian, ‘India has one of the youngest populations in the world. The vision of Digital India, to which we are all committed, requires an abundance of of digital skills… Over time, every workplace will go digital, creating new roles and accelerate the demand for a wide range of specialist technology skills relevant for a digital economy,’ said Sunil Sood, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Vodafone India (Business Line March 21).

Godrej Aerospace in Rolls-Royce deal Godrej Aerospace has won a Rs 200 crore contract to manufacture and supply RollsRoyce unisaon rings, complex fabrication and external brackets and 600 different parts to RoollRoyce’s civil aerospace engine portfolio. The company will manufacture these parts in its new facility at Mumbai over the next five years. The company is

Jamshyd Godrej

ISRO, with the Vikas engines for its rockets. ‘Over the decades we have developed the knowledge that goes with making aerospace components.’ The Centre of Excellence will meet the diverse needs of aircraft manufacturers (Business Line March 22).

TVS Motor in twowheeler surge Tamil Nadu-based TVS Motor company has entered the ‘million’ club as its scooter sales have soared passed a million and more this fiscal (ending March 31). TVS is the second company to achieve this target in India after Japan’s Honda. TVS clocked 100,000 scooter sales every month of the current fiscal, a 35per cent rise over the previous year, and comfortably in excess of the industry’s annual growth of 21 per cent. (Business Line March 22).

India’s high flying women

Shivani Reddy, Pilot, Spicejet, Avani Chaturvedi, Pilot, Indian Air Force and Nivedita Bhasin, Pilot, Air India

Well, what do you know? Last December, the Minister of State for Civil Aviation, Jayant Sinha, speaking at the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Indian Women Pilots’ Association, said that India had more women aviators than any country, which must have come as a surprise to many in the country. Cameos of three such pilots made interesting reading: Chennai-based Shivani Reddy works for SpiceJet and flies the Chennai-Port Blair (Andaman) route, with its unpredictable weather conditions; Delhi-based Nivedita Bhasin, captains Air India aircraft; she relates a fraught experience flying into Tripoli (Libya) during civil disturbances, with trapped Indians desperate for rescue. Finally, Avani Chaturvedi, an Indian Air force pilot inducted into service in 2016, when the government opened it for women. In the concluding stage of her training programme, Chaturvedi now flies solo in supersonic MIG fighters (Hindu March 10).


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Sigma officially opens new Brexit and How it will affect automated distribution facility Business Immigration Asian Voice |

Rt. Hon Steve Brine MP and Rt. Hon Richard Harrington MP inaugurating HD House

Rt. Hon Richard Harrington MP and St. Hon Steve Brine MP were pleased to officially open Sigma Pharmaceuticals' new automated warehouse and offices; HD House, on 22nd March. Richard Harrington, MP for Watford said, “It's a pleasure to be here today for the official opening of Sigma Pharmaceuticals' impressive new facilities. It's great to see a local business that employs hundreds of people already, expanding their premises and thriving in the Watford area.” Having started as a community pharmacy in 1975, the family-owned business has grown into Sigma Pharmaceuticals plc – one of the largest independent pharmaceutical distributors in the country, employing over 400 people, and servicing over 3000 pharmacies, 1000 hospitals and 600 dispensing doctors throughout the UK and Europe. With their roots in pharmacy, Sigma has always been committed to providing a reliable, flexible and high-quality service to its customers. As

From left: Bharat Shah, Rajiv Shah, Rt. Hon Steve Brine MP, and Bhavin Shah

the business has grown over the last few years, Sigma made the decision to invest in their business infrastructure, and introduce automation into the operation. The result being HD House, named after Bharat, Manish and Kuku Shah's father, the late Mr Hansraj Devraj Shah, who was head of the family, provided inspiration to start Sigma and always supported the family in growing the business. HD House accommodates not only a modern working environment for the Head Office functions but also a brand-new material handling system, which empowers their dedicated and productive

staff to process more orders in less time with even greater levels of accuracy. Sigma are planning to hold welcome events later this year to allow customers to see how the investment in HD House will improve the efficiency and service they receive. Steve Brine MP, Parliamentary UnderSecretary of State for Public Health and Primary Care said, “It is fantastic to witness a British company making investment to enhance its competitiveness and ensure continued growth in the healthcare market. I wish Sigma Pharmaceuticals every success for the future.”

Convicted money launderer must pay back amount

Sandeep Singh Gill, 43, from Buckinghamshire was jailed for six years in June 2016 following a HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigation regarding the allegation of money laundering from of an online banking service used by criminals. It is now said that Gill must pay back £1,0178,085 within three months or else he could spend another seven years behind bars and still owe the money. Gill was also accused of laundering criminal cash through a number of bank accounts in Portugal, Cape Verde Islands, Jersey, Cyprus and in his Swiss bank accounts. He was convicted of two counts of

Sandeep Singh Gill

transferring criminal property amounting to £621,151 in May 2016 in Isleworth Crown Court. And on 19th March 2018, a confiscation hearing concluded Gill benefited by over £6.3 million from criminal conduct, however his current realisable

assets, including property, are just over £1 million/ HMRC will be able to pursue any future wealth. Assistant Director at the Fraud Investigation Service, HMRC, Nicol Sheppard said, “Our work doesn't stop when a criminal is jailed. No matter how complex a money laundering investigation is or how many different bank accounts are used, we will stop criminals profiting from their crimes and recover the money to fund public services. Gill is already serving a six-year prison sentence. If he doesn't pay back what he owes, he will spend even more time behind bars – and still owe the money.”

Tamana Aziz, an Immigration Director at Duncan Lewis Solicitors with over 10 years’ experience in immigration law, has seen the early effects Brexit is having on her clients and the Tamana Aziz wider implications of losing free movement. What changes have you seen as we head for Brexit? Legally not much has changed with the EEA regulations, however many EU nationals seeking advice are confused about what the future may hold. Net migration had been increasing since 2012, but there has been a recent fall due to Brexit. Many EU nationals without families doing low skilled job have returned to their countries. Will Tier-2 applicants find it harder to attain a visa to work in the UK after Brexit? I don’t think there will be any impact on Tier-2 workers applying within the UK since these jobs are not low skilled. UK Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs), thought to be the most significant for boosting productivity and economic growth, may be the most negatively affected. Dr Ross Brown, who led a major research on the impact of Brexit on SMEs, said: "The results of our analysis suggest that Brexit-related concerns could result in a range of negative consequences for UK SMEs, especially the impact on reduced capital investment, which critically weakens and undermines their ability to grow and prosper.” What restrictions will employers / businesses face after Brexit? There are no indications any restrictions will be imposed on employers and businesses however they may find it hard

31st March 2018

to gain unrestrictive certificates of sponsorships when applying to recruit migrants from overseas. UK businesses will experience difficulty recruiting within the EU since free movement will cease. If they import their raw materials from EU their cost will increase since free trade between UK and EU will not be prevalent. How should an EEA national, who wishes to stay in the UK after Brexit, protect their status? As an EEA national, if you have been living in the UK exercising your treaty rights for 5 years or more, you should apply for a permanent residence card now before we exit in March 2019. Once you have held a permanent residence card for at least 12 months you will be eligible to naturalise as a British national. Tamana Aziz represents individuals and businesses with expertise, assisting with immigration applications under EU law, business immigration under the Points Based System, complex appeals (including deportation appeals and country guidance cases) in Immigration Tribunals, the High Court, Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. Contact Tamana on 020 3114 1130 and tamanaa@duncanlewis.com. Duncan Lewis Immigration Solicitors Our Immigration department is ranked as a top-tier practice in Immigration: human rights, appeals and overstay matters in Legal 500 2017. As leading immigration specialists we advise on business immigration, right to work in the UK, Tier-2 visa applications, student/graduate visas, spousal visas and visa overstays. Contact our expert immigration solicitors on 0333 772 0409 or call our 24-Hour Emergency Helpline on 0333 772 0607.

Parsons Green bomber told to learn meaning of Koran in prison Ahmed Hassan, who attempted to risk the lives of nearly 100 passengers by trying to detonate a bomb on a District line train at Parsons Green station, London was told by a judge to spend 34 years in prison and learn the true meaning of the Koran as a book of peace. Justice Haddon-Cave told Hassan, “You will have plenty of time to study the Koran in prison in the years to come. You should understand that the Koran is a book of peace, Islam is a religion of peace. It is to be hoped that you will come to realise this. The Koran and Islam forbid anything extreme, including extremism in religion. Islam forbids breaking the law of the land where one is living or

is a guest. Islam forbids terrorism. You have, therefore, received the most severe of sentences under the law of

this land. You have violated the Koran and Islam by your actions, as well as the law of all civilised people.”


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Asian Voice |


31st March 2018

The Willows - Britain’s best banqueting suite for Asian weddings The Willows, in Hainault, Ilford, has been nominated as Britain’s best banqueting suite for Asian weddings. The venue scooped two awards at the British Asian Wedding Awards 2018, including the best banqueting suite in Britain for Asian Weddings and the best suite in the south east of England. The award was given after couples who held wedding celebrations at the Willows picked the venue through an online ratings system. The Willows hosts approximately 200 events per year, many of which are Asian weddings. The venue is named after the three willow trees which stand in the extensive grounds. It is also known for an opulent ballroom which accommodates up to 1000 people, it’s convenient location, state-ofthe-art audio-visual system, crystal chandeliers, 250 car parking spaces and magnificent water fountain. Julio Marques, Operations Manager of The Willows and the nearby Holiday Inn Express Newbury Park, said: “These two awards are a fantastic recognition of what has been achieved by the team’s hard work and the company’s investment since 2014 to make the Willows the spectacular venue it is now. “While the majority of our cele-

Leah Germain, Julio Marques, and Aly Syed of The Willows celebrate winning Britain’s best banqueting suite for Asian weddings

brating families are from the borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas, such is our reputation that clients come to us from as far as Birmingham, Leicester and Manchester. We’ve even had one family from Israel! “All the events over the last three years have truly been spectacular and memorable.” Nadim Anwar, from Leyton, whose daughter got married at The Willows, said: “We looked at a couple of wedding venues before someone recommended The Willows.

"All in all, we found it an outstanding venue due to its spaciousness, car parking space for all our guests, terrific lighting, and indeed the professionalism of everyone who was working there. I’d definitely recommend the venue to other families.” The Willows received its awards, which celebrate Britain’s expanding Asian wedding industry and recognise those who go “above and beyond” for couples, during a ceremony on 18th February 2018 at the Sheraton Park Lane Hotel in London.

High Commission of India celebrates 350th birth anniversary of Shri Guru Gobind Singh The High Commission of India in collaboration with South Asia Centre in the London School of Economics organised the culmination event celebrating 350th birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh on March 22, 2018. The celebration took the form of a high power panel discussion by experts on Sikhism based in the UK at Thai Theatre, London School of Economics. The event, organised as part of the 100 Foot Journey Club, commenced with opening remarks by High Commissioner of India to the UK, His Excellency Y K Sinha. From Patna himself, the High Commissioner took pride

Commission and Ministry of Culture to Gobind Singh. Indo-British All Party organise the series of events throughout the country celebrating the life of Parliamentary Group reception the great Guru. HE Y. K. Sinha addressed a distinThe other key speakers at the event guished gathering of members of the were Professor James Hegarty House of Commons and the House of (Professor of Sanskrit and Indian Lords at a reception hosted by Mr. Religions at the University of Cardiff), Virendra Sharma, Chair of the IndoMr. Prab Seyan (former President of the British All- Party Parliamentary Group Watford Sikh Association), Professor at St. James’s Court, London on 21st Pritam Singh (Professor of Economics March 2018. About 45 Members of at Oxford Brookes University) and Parliament were present on the occaProfessor M P S Bedi (Chair of the P C sion including Deputy Speaker of the Pirthi Bedi Foundation). House of Commons, Dame Rosie Prof James Hegarty said that in his Winterton. view Guru Gobind Singh’s story must The Indian High Commissioner be heard by everyone and continues to talked about the UK-India relationship. be an inspiration for the whole of He referred to the programme of familmankind. iarisation visits to India being organIn his address, Prof MPS Bedi ised for groups of British MPs by the said that the West will always be High Commission of India and the indebted to the sacrifices of Sikh Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. soldiers in World War I and High Commissioner also spoke of the WWII. He spoke of the 'sacred need to utilise the opportunity providword' the Gurbani as the light ed by the Commonwealth Heads of guiding Sikhs for all times to Government Meeting (CHOGM) in come. London in April to rejuvenate the Prof Pritam Singh said that Commonwealth and to make the most Shri Guru Granth Sahib celeof the 'Commonwealth Advantage' in brates spiritual equality and promoting both intra-Commonwealth HE Y K Sinha addressing the guests at LSE social equality. The sacred text is and bilateral ties. a repository of highest level of spiritual in the fact that the celebrations of this wisdom. historic year were commenced in the Mr Prab Seyan in his city of the great Guru’s birth by Hon’ble comments said that Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Dharma as contained in He spoke of the deep sense of reverShri Guru Granth Sahib ence the great Guru has instilled is righteousness and among of Sikhs and non-Sikhs alike, the right way of living throughout the globe and through genand human existence. erations. He also spoke of the life of The aim must be to be Guru Gobind Singh as an example of true to yourself and unrelenting struggle for justice and freedom, and against treachery. High practise truthfulness, Commissioner thanked the various and this is one of the HE Y K Sinha, High Commissioner of India to UK, partner organisations and Gurudwaras key messages as conDinesh Patnaik, Deputy High Commissioner in various cities all over the UK who tained also in the life’s Ambassador of India to UK, Rt Hon Virendra Sharma with other came together with the High message of Guru guests at the Indo-British APPG reception

Spiritual artist from Birmingham signed by major record label in India A spiritual composer and producer from Birmingham, Priyesh Dhoolab is taking mantra chanting globally as he has been signed by a major record label in Rajkot, India called Studio Sangeeta. Studio Sangeeta is renown for spiritual, devotional and regional music in Gujarat and Rajasthan. Dhoolab has become one of the most popular and dedicated composers in the spiritual genre. He received over 500,000 views on YouTube for his peace version of the Hanuman Chalisa. He made his presence strong online and was previously signed by the reputable Bollywood record label Tips. Priyesh Dhoolab said, “I am very pleased. It's hard to even describe how much work I have been putting in, but I truly believe that the grace and blessings from above come to those who work hard to pursue

Priyesh Dhoolab

something they are passionate about.” He continued, “Westerners are coming to India to learn yoga, meditation, mantra and spirituality in the thousands. They have inspired me to ask myself what am I doing with what is already in my genes. I couldn't say any mantras some years back. But difficult times in my personal life inspired the thirst to learn, so I want to help those who would like to feel at peace. Creating such music gives me immense satisfaction.”

Swaminarayan Jayanti and Rama Navmi celebrations at Neasden Temple

BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir at Neasden has observed the birth celebrations of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Bhagwan Rama over the weekend of 24 and 25 March 2018. An evening cultural programme of dances, devotional singing and short sketches involving children, youths and elders was held at the Mandir on Saturday 24 March to mark this joyous occasion. Their performances charted the life and works of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Bhagwan Rama, revealing the spiritual upliftment and social reforms that they inspired during their time on earth. Swamis discoursed on these messages further, sharing examples of Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s divine power and His profound impact upon countless lives. Chaitra sud 9 is the Hindu calendrical day on which Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Bhagwan Rama manifested on earth. This year the day fell on Sunday 25 March and was marked with a host of devotional festivi-

ties at the Mandir, including a ceremonial offering of food (the ‘annakut’), singing, chanting, and an evening assembly. A special musical programme was held in the evening where children, youths, senior devotees and swamis sang a series of devotional songs extolling the greatness and glory of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Bhagwan Rama. Their devotional hymns were accompanied by the melodious sounds of various musical instruments and interspersed with short commentaries. In his keynote address, Yogvivek Swami, Head Swami of the Mandir, drew upon the exemplary lives of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Bhagwan Rama and encouraged everyone to incorporate their teachings into daily spiritual living. The evening assembly culminated with a special arti at 10.10pm, signifying the precise time Bhagwan Swaminarayan chose to be born to mother Bhaktimata in the small north Indian village of Chhapaiya. The birth of Bhagwan Rama was marked with an arti earlier in the day at noon.


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Scottish designed water-carrying robot brings help to Indian village Rupanjana Dutta Dr Amol Deshmukh, a research associate in the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow has recently completed a project with partners from Amrita University in Kerala, which aimed to explore how a watercarrying robot would affect the lives of villagers in Ayyampathy in Southern India. On World Water Day (22 March) he highlighted how residents of the remote Indian village have benefited from social robot which helped them with their daily burden of water-gathering. The research team, who visited the village in November last year, used a four-wheeled device from Clearpath Robotics known as a ‘Husky’ to help 11 volunteers from Ayyampathy’s 200 residents carry water to their houses from the local well. The robot could carry three 20-litre bottles at a time, and communicate using a synthetic male voice. The robot’s motion and speech were both controlled by the researchers via remote control. The researchers were keen to see not just how much labour could be saved by offering villagers the use of the Husky, but also how people who had never seen a robot for themselves before

would interact with it. The robot communicated with the volunteers, 10 of whom were women and one of whom was a man and who ranged in age between 15 and 70, to encourage them to place the water jugs on top of it and to show it the way to their homes. Once the volunteers decanted the water into their storage containers at home, the robot thanked them and reminded them to wash their hands before their next meal. Dr Deshmukh said: “After several days of using the Husky, we surveyed each of the participants about their perceptions of the robot and how helpful they found it. “Every one of them said the robot made their lives easier, and they unanimously reported that they enjoyed working with the robot. Interestingly, they were also unanimous on the robot being ‘alive’, despite being aware that it was being controlled

remotely. “We also asked if they thought the robot had a gender. More than a third of participants perceived it as ‘female’ although it communicated with a malesounding voice and had no other gender-coded features, primarily because water-carrying is done mainly by women in their village. “It’s clear that labour-saving devices like these bring real benefits to remote communities, and we’re keen to do more work in the future with our partners in India to explore these issues in more depth.” Akshay Nagarajan from Amrita University said "It is making an effort to understand the challenges of introducing robotic solutions in a real life rural setting. This is an essential step towards informing design decisions for robotic products that seek to address the populations at the bottom of the economic pyramid." This main research was carried out by Dr. Amol Deshmukh himself from University of Glasgow along with Sooraj Krishna, Nagarajan Akshay, Vennila Vilvanathan, Sivaprasad J. V., and Rao R. Bhavani from Amrita University, Kerala, India. This research was funded by Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA) and Amrita University, Kerala, India.


31st March 2018

“Hero” mechanic saves shopkeeper from thieves

Balu Patel

A 60-year-old shopkeeper in East London was subjected to abuse as two knifemen stormed into his shop yelling, “Give us everything from the till!” The shopkeeper was beaten with a baseball bat and had his face slashed by the two young men, who threw him to the floor and threatened him with a gun. Balu Patel, 67, a mechanic who is also a regular customer was visiting the store and saw the ordeal. He grabbed a hammer from his toolbox and went to help the victim. Balu Patel said, “Blood was running like a shower – I had to step in. I'd just come from work and had my toolbox with me so I grabbed it and went in. They were going to kill him. I saw my friend on the floor and it looked like one of them pulled out a gun – they were wrestling over it. One of them started punching me in the face, the chest, the head... I thought I was going to die too.” CCTV footage reveal the four men exchanging blows and

punches before the thugs ran away empty-handed. The shopkeeper, who has been running the shop, East London Wine in Shrewsbury Road, Forest Gate, East London, as a family business for nearly 40 years was left covered in blood from the attack. He informed his family members that his turban protected him against the blows. The shopkeeper's brother said, “Balu's a hero, no doubt about it. It's natural for him to help people and I do believe he saved my brother's life. The police need to catch the idiots who did this and put them away for a proportionate time. These monsters don't deserve to be on the streets, not just for my brother but for society.” The Met's Flying Squad is investigating the raid. So far there have been no arrests. A spokesman said, “The victim suffered sever injuries and was taken to an East London hospital. His injuries were deemed non life-changing. He has since been discharged.”


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31st March 2018




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31st March 2018



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31st March 2018




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31st March 2018




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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Letting International's 25th Anniversary Gala maneuvered through the crowd to perform jawdropping illusions. On entering the Grand Ballroom the entertainment continued with silk aerialist duo Charlee Oakton and Giorgia Davies provided by Scarlett Entertainment , who captivated the guests with their visually striking performances that created an ethereal atmosphere. Rizz

endless support and loyalty that has lead to the success of Letting International. The guests were then shown a visual timeline that illustrated the growth of Letting International. From a small business started in 1992 by Directors, Rizz Patel and Sam Chand at the ages of 17 and 22 to their present day accomplishment of

Rizz Patel and Ravi Bopara

On Thursday 22nd March, Letting International held their 25th Anniversary Gala Dinner at Meridian Grand, London. They celebrated by thanking over 500 of their landlords from the local community and the local authorities for their support and loyalty. Letting International created a night of pure entertainment and laughter to ensure, after 25 years in business, they gave back and truly acknowledged their clients. The event was attend-

ed by high profile guests from accomplished England Cricketer Ravi Bopara to upstanding political figures such as: Deputy Mayor of Newham Councillor Ken Clark, Councillor Unmesh Desai and Mayoral Advisors Councillor Mas Patel and Councillor Idris Ibrahim from the London Borough of Newham. The night began with an exquisite drinks reception accompanied by live harpist, Holly Lowe and compelling live entertainment from Sky Magic as he

L to R: Cllr Idris Ibrahim, Cllr Ken Clark, Zakhariya Bhariwala, Sam Chand (Managing Director), Cllr Mas Patel & Shoaib Patel

Patel and Sam Chand then addressed the guests, thanking their landlords, families, friends, and their devoted team for their

being shortlisted as The Professional Agency Team of the Year by 2018 Property Awards, organised by Property Week.

God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers Jyotsna Shah Taraben Bhogilal Mehta passed away on March 23, Friday at the age of 82. Beloved wife of late Bhogilal Chhaganlal Mehta and daughter of Popatlal Mithalal Shah of Kampala, Taraben was the shining light of her family, and had lived a full life. Funeral was held on March 27, Tuesday, at Golders Green Crematorium. The unfortunate news was delivered to me by our Publisher/Editor CB Patel. He informed me about a prayer meeting that was organised in her remembrance on March 25. CB told me he wishes to go but his health wasn't compliant, so I was to go and convey his condolences on his behalf. He said he holds a lot of respect for Taraben, and that I should write a heartfelt obituary for her. Navnat Hall overflowed with people on the 25th. As I braved the grieving mass of over a 1000 people, I realised just how many Taraben had actually affected in her life time. Well-known singer Mital Patel graced the evening with beautiful songs. The gloominess in the tightly packed hall spoke volumes about Taraben's loving nature.

Yogeshbhai and Taraben inaugurate a hall together

Despite the massive loss, I don't believe she has left us. She will remain alive forever in our memories. Her elder son Yogeshbhai addressed the meet. He said not only was his mother's loss personally painful, it also felt like a social loss. “Our inspiring mother was not only active in the community, she was also very much present in maintaining family relations. She had also contributed immensely in the financial growth of our family. We are fortunate to have had the opportunity to call her our mother,” Yogeshbhai said. Taraben's younger brother, Kirtikumar Shah said, “Born in a large family of four brothers and nine sisters, our elder sister was very blessed.” All those who knew her, remember her as ami-

able and empathetic. She was closest to her sister Shakuben. They were both also actively present in the community kitchen,

ders with her husband, she was instrumental in the growth of the family. She soon mothered three beautiful sons, Yogesh, Hitesh, and Dilesh. An easygoing person, she remained upbeat despite facing the losses of her daughter Kishori and later, her husband. I find it important to state that she kept her face even in the most trying of times. The presence of a woman always prime in a family's growth and progress. The matron spent her last days in a hospital.

Taraben with her family

and it only developed their chemistry. Taraben was born on August 30, 1935, in Kampala, Africa. She was married to Bhogilal Mehta at the young age of 17, on May 14, 1952. Matching shoul-

She remained surrounded by her three sons, daughters in law, son in law, and grandchildren. I find peace in the fact that our beloved Taraben experienced the warmth of her family before she left the world.


Bhumi Puja for the Shree Krishna Haveli at Bhaktivedanta Manor

Bhumi puja with Gauridasji and other devotees including Shashi Vekaria of Vascroft

together as a community On the morning of Sunday to signal the beginning of 25th March, a special the construction stage of foundation laying ceremothe project. It was a wonny for Bhaktivedanta derful way to begin the Manor's elaborate Shree day-long celebrations of Krishna Haveli building Ramanavami, the sacred project took place in the festival honouring the centre of the site. The cerbirth of Lord Rama. emony included a tradiVedic tional Bhumi Shanku Sthapana within the foundation pit, accompanied by the chanting of Sanskrit mantras and the ringing of bells. In the sacred arena, priests were joined by the building's design and planGauridasji with young priests and ning team, monks adorned devotees during puja in saffron and senior Temple management. Learn more about the Shree After sacred items invokKrishna ing auspiciousness were Haveli:http://haveli.bhakcarefully placed deep into tivedantaman the pit, everybody was Questions and donations, given the opportunity to email:Haveli@krishnatemadd earth, thus working ple.com

London schoolgirl's coding lessons helped 1,800 schools in Gujarat While studying for her Alevels, a 17-year-old pupil at Westminster School set up her own charity to help teach how to code to over 70,000 children in India. Mahek Vara, who previously went to Langley Grammar School before Westminster, started a Code Camp after she was left aghast by the poor facilities in government schools in India. Mahek wants to go to university to study maths and computing. She realised that having a knowledge of computer programming is a necessary and important skill for professional life. Hence, she designed a programme to teach the subject in India. So far, Mahek's charity has provided lessons in computer coding to over 1,800 schools in Gujarat, and she plans to venture into Sri Lanka and the Gulf as well. Mahek, along with a team of Code Camp volunteers have taught the course to thousands of children, and now she is designing a gap year programme for British students to help boost the

Mahek Vara

number of volunteers in the programme. She said, “I set up the charity primarily for government schools in India because I believe students don't have the same opportunities that we have here. I am originally from India and used to go there every year. Last year I had longer holidays for Christmas and Easter so I spent more time there. I realised there was a need for computer education. There are computers in schools but a lot of technical difficulties.” The inspirational 17year-old schoolgirl also wants to run events to encourage more girls to take up STEM subjects in science, technology, engineering and maths.



Suresh Vagjiani

Sow & Reap London Property Investment



A deal which I have been working on, and almost expected to land in my lap, has fallen out of bed. It happens. It’s the nature of the beast. The offer which nailed the deal came from none other than the freeholder. The properties had extremely short leases, of just over six years. The deal was not only good in terms of the discount in comparison to the block, but also in relation to the surrounding areas. The prices close by are in the region of £1,700 per sq. ft. and above. This site was worth £1,100 per sq. ft. post lease extension. Last week’s article was focussed on why the current environment is conducive to plucking deals. A deal was defined as a property which is priced below its comparables. This certainly has a feel good factor to it, and is something to tell your colleagues about – once the deal is done of course.

It can be just as important to purchase in an area which is about to kick off. What I mean by kick off, is there is a tremendous spurt in its growth in a short space of time. This has notably happened to areas in and around London. The rate of growth is surprising, and is often missed until the bulk of the wave has already risen. When the mainstream press get hold of this it is often too late to catch the highest rise. Two areas come to mind, one is Walthamstow and the other is Shepherd’s Bush. The cost of an average home in Walthamstow has more than doubled over the last five years. House prices in the area have risen sharply across districts close to the Olympic Park since London 2012, with E17 seeing the biggest property value increases. In September 2012, the

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and inspections. Two gentlemen were found to take the tenancy on the property, and all the referencing went through fine. No red flags were raised.

A landlord approached me to let his three bedroom property. The particular service level this investor had taken with us only involved the marketing of his property and referencing of the tenants. We had no further involvement with the rent

Seven months down the line, I was contacted by the landlord, asking for assistance. Apparently there were seven single people living at the property. It would seem that the two original gentleman never moved in, they set up a little


Bayswater, London W2 Purchase Price: £550,000

Specialists in Central London Property Sourcing

business subletting the property to an extreme. After the removal of the current occupiers, there was evidence that as many as 12 people had lived in the property at one time. Apart from the high level of wear and tear on the property, which the landlord was able to claim from the deposit with our help; the biggest problem that the landlord had was that these two gentlemen were making money, a lot of money off the top of his investment.

average property in Walthamstow would set an investor back £238,348. However, a study by Halifax bank has found in 2017, the average home in the area was priced at £479,421. You have a doubling of price over five years. What’s interesting is at the 2012 level, the average price was less than £250k. This put the price of property in the borough within the range of the average couple who both earn an average income. Together they would need to earn only £42,500 to qualify for a 85% LTV mortgage. This put the borough within the reach of the desperate home for ownership first time buyer category. This is the generation which has been priced out of the whole property ownership economy; fuelled by the supply of fiat money against actual finite resources. At its bare core, this is the reason On a twelve month AST the landlord was looking at an income of around £15,000 per year. The gentlemen subletting, on the basis of £70 per person per week and assuming 12 people living at the property including the lounge, were looking at around £43,680 per year, and even with the rent being paid to the landlord they were still earning around £28,680 in profit! So, this third party not only caused damage and seriously breached the agreement, they also

Asian Voice |

why houses cost and rise so much. It is actually nonsensical to think a house price rises in general more than a good professional working person’s wage. But that is the reality of the current terrain. It is therefore important to deeply research the geographic environment coupled with its property prices, in order to see which location will have the next spurt in prices. If you can purchase a distressed property in this location you will have the ideal scenario. When it


31st March 2018

comes to property investment you couldn’t get much better. However, my opinion is that simply purchasing in these locations will allow you to sit back and ride gently off the naturally occurring wave. We are currently conducting an in depth study in search of such a location. We will soon have a report, which will be backed by on the ground numbers, as to why we believe this location will shoot in price in the coming few years.

made around £28,680 profit from this. I doubt even the legal action would have cost them that amount, still leaving them with tidy profit. Even though this situation was not great and caused the investor some expense, he did learn a valuable lesson! That his property was ripe for a conversion to an HMO. The landlord decided to take on our full services. With a little expense, and some changes, including the implementation of

some of the basic HMO requirements, we increased this investors rental income from around £15k closer to the mark of £30K! It just shows that thinking outside the box may work for you. So, get in touch to see how much you should be making on your investment property.

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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Consultant Editor Financial Voice Alpesh Patel Dear Financial Voice Reader, The Russia crisis has escalated. With Trump also expelling diplomats and EU avoiding serious tariffs from Trump but instead likely to work with him on tackling China and a hard Brexit likely to be avoided, one could see how the EU is the key beneficiary between the UK, EU, US, China in the world economic picture. And given that data supports the UK may leave the EU as its weakest major economy, the Europeans may well not be losers after all. Some data shows that Euro-area confidence is the highest in some time too. Brexit has shown the instant negative impact on economic growth of EU and UK as well for short term. But the expert arguments show that if we observe the long-term impact of Brexit it may enhance the economic growth to a large extent – the problem with economists being they have three opinions for every two economists. You can basically find in statistics anything you want. Experts reveal that there are more risks for the UK with Hard Brexit. The recent predictions about Hard Brexit say that if we analyze the short to medium term impact of this deal, GDP of UK will fall by great extent as compared to EU. However, the report of Bertelsmann Foundation shows that Hard Brexit will cost somewhere around 0.1 to 0.36% for EU’s GDP by the year 2030. The impact continues to other platforms as well where Ireland will be losing by 2.66%, Germany will decline by 0.33%, Sweden by 0.48% and Belgium will lose by 0.99%. But it looks like a Hard Brexit will not happen in any event. We have a perfect storm where the EU may be in the peaceful eye; Brexit (the UK suffers more), trade wars (the EU is largely exempted so US and China fight it out), Russia (the EU is protected by its scale and size). Add to this that if you look at a comparison of the Dow and the EuroStoxx 50 companies then the European companies have lagged for 5 years significantly behind their US counterparts, but now in the past 12 months, have started overtaking US stocks. This recent 12 month performance of EU over US may too be a reflection of what we can expect for the next 12 months if my thesis above is correct. Consider too that global funds will hardly be confident of investing in China, the other major country to get global funds, in light of Trump’s tariffs. In reality, Trump will not follow through – anyone who has read his book, the Art of the Deal, knows that. But it will cause uncertainty and that leads to investors lacking confidence.. Alpesh Patel Alpesh Patel and Juventus Football Club are Official Partners of 24Option.com brokers. Alpesh.patel@tradermind.com

London witnesses growth of luxury apartments even during market slowdown The UK property market may be in a state of flux. But London has a history of stretching back more than 2000 years and some of the latest five-star developments are trying to establish a trend among the heritage, the FT reported in its How to Spend it Magazine. No 1 Grosvenor Sqaure, the 44 residences in Mayfair that is owned by the Lodha Group, with starting price from £8m, will not only benefit from a 930 square metres of deluxe communal facilities and a Michelin star restaurant but will also enjoy uninterrupte views of Eero Saarinen's iconic midcentury monument, which used to be the American Embassy. The Canadian High

Commission moved to Canada House in Trafalgar Square, and sold 1 Grosvenor Square to India's Lodha Group for £306m in 2017. A spokeswoman for Lodha told The Guardian last year that the company planned to turn the building into a mostly residential development with flats valued at £5,000 per square ft. This is the first development for the Lodha Group outside India, where the company is developing more than 35m sq ft of property in Mumbai, Pune and Hyderabad.


ICC and techUK to promote links between UK and eastern India

Rupanjana Dutta

The UK’s technology trade association, techUK and East India’s premier business chamber, the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have agreed to facilitate a two-way technology collaborations between British and Indian companies, with a special focus on West Bengal, and have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) last week. It emphasises on facilitating economic opportunities through joint events, delegation visits and facilitation of trade linkages. This followed discussions between techUK and the ICC during a recent visit by a technology companies from Kolkata to London. During the visit, the delegation met with leading technology companies in London including fintech entrepreneur Rishi Patel, CEO of The Currency Account, who said:

“London’s global eminence in fintech offers great opportunities for Indian companies, such as reducing exchange rate risk for those dealing across borders between India and the UK.” The delegation also met innovative, technology-led companies in English Midlands and launched a jointly produced report (Kolkata 4.0) on how Kolkata could become a regional digital hub with London-based strategy consultancy EPG. EPG’s Managing Director Pratik Dattani told Asian Voice: “The recent Kolkata visit identified a substantial number of new potential areas for the two countries to work together, that were previously unexplored. For example, startup incubator and technology partner in India is now in discussions with a medtech startup in London to help with expansion plans. Two innovation summits being organised in

India in July and November, in order to provide a bilateral collaboration platform for tech companies from both countries. This is an important set of good news ahead of PM Narendra’s Modi’s visit to the UK for CHOGM and shows the scope of the bilateral relationship postBrexit.” The Economic Policy Group (EPG) which is an economic and strategy consulting firm based in London and India, helped the MoU to be signed between techUK and ICC. The company offers economic analysis, strategic communications, policy advice and market entry assistance with India and East Africa, to businesses and the third sector around the world. For techUK, this marks a strengthening of the its ties with India, which it has identified as one of its five priority international markets. It came shortly after a major visit to India last month to

SC stays RCom sale to Jio The Supreme Court has ordered a stay on the sale of assets of Anil Ambani's RCom Consolidated to elder brother Mukesh's Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio) in a bid to decide who should be refunded first out of the money raised from the deal. A bench of Justices AK Goel, RF Nariman and UU Lalit directed the parties to maintain status quo, agreeing to hear a plea filed by the State Bank of India (SBI), one of the creditor banks, meaning the deal cannot be finalised without the court's permission. SBI had challenged a tribunal's order, which was upheld by the Bombay High

Court, allowing Ericsson to stake a claim on RCom Consolidated's assets. RCom owes Indian lenders £4.20 billion. SBI said that as a secured lender, its claim took precedence over others. Apart from the bank, 24 other Indian lenders constitute the Joint Lenders Fora. They had initiated a sale through bidding for RCom Consolidated's assets. Reliance Jio had agreed to buy spectrum, cell towers and other infrastructure, including 1,78,000 km of fibre optics line, for £1.73 billion. Along with monetisation of secured assets, two properties of RCom

Consolidated in Delhi and Chennai were proposed to be sold to third parties for £80 million. Additional Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, who appeared for SBI, said value of the property was depleting with each passing day and the bidding process had to be completed by March 31. He said the SC must decide who should be given priority in getting money back. Senior advocate Mukul Rohatgi, who represented RCom, supported SBI's stand. He said secured creditors must be given preference and the issue had to be adjudicated to settle the controversy.

LITRG calls on couples to declare interest on joint savings The Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) is calling on couples to declare money held in joint accounts otherwise they might face penalties for non-disclosure, and has suggested to HMRC ways they can prevent people falling unwittingly into non-compliance in the first place. HMRC started to use information about interest provided to them by banks and building societies in tax calculations and PAYE coding notices in late 2017. Although these data include details about interest received on accounts both in sole and joint names, HMRC only use details of interest on accounts held in sole names when calculating tax liability. If individuals receive interest on a joint account, they need to advise HMRC to ensure that it is

included in their tax calculations, otherwise they may face penalties and interest on the tax due if HMRC later discover that the taxpayer should have paid tax on this income. LITRG recommends to HMRC that messages concerning interest received on joint accounts should be included within the Personal Tax Account, on PAYE coding notices and on P800 tax calculations, to prevent people incurring, unwittingly, penalties for non-disclosure. Most people have a personal savings allowance of £1,000. Provided that the interest they receive in the tax year is less than that, they have no further tax to pay on the interest. LITRG’s concern is that couples with non-retirement savings may receive interest that exceeds this allowance and therefore

may be caught out. Chair of LITRG, Anne Fairpo said, “Everybody who has taxable income is responsible for disclosing it to HMRC. People must not assume that HMRC have all their information on their savings; equally, they must not imagine that HMRC have not noticed their joint accounts. If HMRC discover that a taxpayer has failed to tell them about some taxable income, they can face penalties and interest on top of the unpaid tax. Penalties can be as high as 100% of the unpaid tax liability. We call on HMRC to ensure that it communicates effectively that while it is obtaining and making use of some information from banks and building societies, it is not automatically including interest received on joint accounts in tax calculations.”

build on these partnerships and create further opportunities for British companies in India. Director-General of the ICC, Dr Rajeev Singh, said: “Kolkata and the region more widely offer a unique gateway to a population of 500m in East and North-East India, as well as neighbouring countries. We welcome the opportunity to work with innovative companies from the UK to support the ecosystem development in the region.” CEO of techUK Julian David, said: “Kolkata and the West Bengal region more widely has untapped potential to create an exciting and vibrant tech ecosystem. We are pleased to sign this memorandum and believe that through partnership, UK and West Bengal companies can contribute to a successful innovation hub that benefits not just the region, but India and its neighbours more broadly.”

JITO UK event on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

Jain International Trade Organization UK (JITO UK) recently organised a networking event and international conference on Blockchain and Crypto Currencies, its importance, its current and future applications. The conference was attended by businesses and professionals. It was hosted by the Navnat Vanik Association. In a message to Asian Voice, a spokesperson for JITO said, “This just goes to show us how new and alien this space still is to us, and the important need to not just be aware of what's going on, but to understand it, and how this can influence or benefit us in our own fields or industries. This new paradigm presents an evolving global opportunity for border-less and virtual currencies that can be transferred between individuals on a peer-to-peer network, without any requirement for an intermediary.” Speakers at the event included by Mr Asok Shah, Investment Director at London & Capitol and now also a senior level speaker on educating people on Cryptocurrencies; Mr David Prais, Chairman of Cofound.it, a leading blockchain consulting and investment company, aiding blockchain start-ups navigate the funding world; Mr. Guy Davies, Business development manager for Blockpass across UK and Europe; and Mr Myles Milston, founder and CEO of Globacap, a capital raising platform transforming access to debt and equity capital through the blockchain.


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US sanctions against 7 Pak firms for 'nuclear trade'

ISLAMABAD: The US has imposed sanctions against seven Pakistani companies for allegedly engaging in nuclear trade in a move that could undermine Pakistan's ambition of joining the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), an elite club of countries that can trade fissile materials and nuclear technologies. The list, prepared by the US Bureau of Industry and Security, declared that all seven companies were "reasonably believed to be involved, or to pose a significant risk of being or becoming involved, in activities contrary to the national security or foreign policy interests of the US", Dawn online reported. Overall, a total of 23 entities were added to the list. The list also included 15 entities from South

Sudan and one from Singapore. All 23 entities now face tough export control measures which could prevent them from conducting international trade. Among the seven Pakistani companies three were listed for "their involvement in the proliferation of un-safeguarded nuclear activities that were contrary to the national security and/or foreign policy interests of the US". The move will have a negative impact on Pakistan's efforts to join

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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

the NSG which is a group of 48 countries that seek to prevent nuclear proliferation by controlling the export of materials, equipment and technology that can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons. Pakistan applied for the NSG membership on May 2016. It says that NSG "should adopt a non-discriminatory, criteriabased approach for inducting new members". Several countries including China and Turkey support Pakistan's application.

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Nomination deadline

31 March 2018.

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Pak defence ministry rejects Musharraf's security plea

ISLAMABAD: According to a media report, the Pakistan government has rejected former dictator Pervez Musharraf's request for security on returning to the country to face a special court trying him on treason charges. The Ministry of Defence has conveyed to the Dubai-based former president through his counsel that providing him security is not its job, the Dawn newspaper reported. In a letter to Musharraf's counsel Akhtar Shah, the ministry said "provision of security in the subject case does not fall under the purview of Ministry of Defence", according to the report. The 74-year-old retired

Army general has been living in Dubai since last year when he was allowed to leave Pakistan. He was indicted in March 2014 on treason charges for imposing emergency in 2007 in the country which led to the confinement of a number of superior court judges in their houses and sacking of over 100 judges. He has been declared "proclaimed offender" by courts in the treason and the Benazir Bhutto assassination cases. He is the first general to face trial for treason in Pakistan's history and if convicted, he could be given life imprisonment or the death penalty. An application was moved on behalf of Musharraf on March 13 that the former president

be provided security by the ministry of defence on his return to Pakistan. "His team contends that he faces serious security threats," it said. On March 16, the special court hearing the treason case against Musharraf authorised the government to suspend his passport as well as his national identity card. The court had also directed the interior ministry to approach the Interpol for the arrest of the former president. The Islamabad High Court had last month ordered the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to investigate Musharraf over charges of accumulating assets beyond his known means of income.

Bangladesh Islamic school burns students' mobile phones

DHAKA: A hardline Islamic school in Bangladesh said it had confiscated hundreds of mobile phones and torched them in a bonfire because they were distracting students from their learning. upils at the seminary in southeast Bangladesh were ordered to hand over their cellphones to school administrators who then tossed the devices into a fire in a nearby field. "These devices are ruining their character," said Azizul Hoque, a spokesman for the Darul Ulum Moinul Islam

The Awards ceremony will be held on Friday 18th May 2018 at the Hilton, Park Lane , London

Award Categories

For Charities and Not-for Profit Institutions I Charity of the Year

This award recognises a UK-registered charity for their outstanding work and contribution to society, as well as demonstrated excellence service and achievement in its work over the last five years.


Start-Up of the Year

This award is similar to Charity of the Year, but specifically for charities that have been operational for three years or less.

I Outstanding PR Team

This award recognises excellence in charity PR, either in-house at a charity, or an agency undertaking a PR campaign on behalf of a charity

I Most Enterprising

This award recognises a social enterprise or the trading arm of a charity that has made a significant difference to beneficiaries through its ability to generate income to meet its social goals over the last two years.

I Social Impact Award

This award recognises an organisation for the social impact they have created and their contribution to society.

For Corporate Partnerships: I Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility

This award recognises the best corporate partnership and corporate responsibility programmes. It honours a company which goes beyond simply CSR projects to engage in partnerships in the last two years with either UK-registered or international charities, social enterprises or unincorporated charitable projects, to demonstrate quantifiably positive impact to the community.

madrassa, or Islamic seminary. "The students use internet (on their phones) throughout the night and then doze during classes the next morning. Their parents are concerned." Hoque said the seminary, a 123-year-old institution with 14,000 registered students, was not against technology "but

the negative results of mobile phones far outweigh its positives". "We are flooded with letters seeking fatwas (Islamic edicts) from Muslims against the use of mobile phones, as many complained that the gadgets were frequently used for extramarital affairs."

For Individuals: I Inspiring Individual

This award recognises an individual who has demonstrated dedication, professionalism and integrity over a sustained period of time, and who has produced an identifiably profound effect on the social sector in the UK or otherwise through their work, which could be voluntary or otherwise.

I Inspiring Young Person

This award recognises a young individual who has demonstrated dedication and integrity through their work with the social sector in the UK or otherwise over the past year.


email: rovin.george@abplgroup.com



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 31st March 2018


Zuma faces graft charges over decade - old arms deal PRETORIA: Disgraced former South African president Jacob Zuma could appear in court within weeks on charges of corruption, fraud and money laundering in connection with a decade-old $5 billion arms deal, reports said. Quoting sources close to the case, news websites said the first hearing could take place in Durban on April 6. Prosecutors in the case allege that Zuma took kickbacks from the purchase of fighter jets, patrol boats and other arms manufactured by five European firms, including British military equipment maker BAE Systems, and French company Thales. It was announced last week that Zuma, who resigned as president last month, would face prosecution

Jacob Zuma

over the deal signed in the 1990s. However, a spokesperson for the elite Hawks police investigative unit said that the date for the hearing had not yet been confirmed. Hangwani Mulaudzi said it was hoped that it would be finalised within the next week. Zuma stepped down under pressure from his ruling African National Congress party in the wake of a slew

of corruption scandals. Zuma's criminal charges relate to the arms procurement deals struck by the government in the late 1990s and from which he is accused of profiting corruptly to the tune of four million rand ($345,000, 280,000 euros). Prosecutors in 2009 decided to drop the corruption charges against Zuma just months before he became president. Last year a court ruled against that decision, leading to the path to last month's decision to prosecute. State prosecutors previously justified dropping the case by saying that tapped phone calls between officials in thenpresident Thabo Mbeki's administration showed undue interference. However, National

Director of Public Prosecutions Shaun Abrahams, said in Pretoria that he believed there were "reasonable prospects of a successful prosecution of Zuma on the charges listed in the indictment." Zuma would face one count of racketeering, two counts of corruption, one of money laundering and 12 counts of fraud. "I am of the view that a trial court would be the most appropriate forum for these issues to be ventilated and to be decided upon," said Abrahams. The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) spokesman Luvuyo Mfaku confirmed that Thales would also face prosecution, alongside Zuma. If found guilty, Zuma could face a lengthy prison sentence.

official with the rights body, said Miguna flew home on Monday afternoon but was denied entry. The politician then staged a protest and police cordoned off an area in the international terminal at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, the official said. Mucheke said that eventually about 50 plainclothes officers hustled Miguna to an Emirates airline flight bound for Dubai. Video showed a group pushing Miguna onto the plane. "You cannot take me from country by force. ... You cannot chase me from my country of birth because you have guns," Miguna said in the video,

which appeared to have been taken with a mobile phone by an airline crew member. Mucheke said the flight left without Miguna after the politician caused a commotion. Earlier, Miguna had told a reporter through a glass door: "Even bullets won't stop me." The rights official said that up to 100 police officers beat up journalists and opposition supporters during the confrontation. Odinga has argued that Kenyatta lacked legitimacy because his initial Aug 8 reelection victory was nullified by the Supreme Court over "irregularities and illegalities."

Drama as Kenya tries to deport opposition politician again

NAIROBI: Kenyan authorities want to deport an opposition politician again despite court orders that he should be allowed into the country, a human rights official said. Miguna Miguna had been deported to Canada as part of a government crackdown on opposition politicians who participated in the mock Jan. 30 inauguration of opposition leader Raila Odinga as a protest of President Uhuru Kenyatta's disputed re-election. A Kenyan court ordered that Miguna's Kenyan passport be restored and that he be given safe passage into the country. The court also ordered

Miguna Miguna

the government-funded Kenya National Commission on Human Rights to oversee Miguna's return, said Sen James Orengo, who was among the lawyers representing Miguna. Kamanda Mucheke, an

Boko Haram frees 104 abducted Nigerian girls LAGOS: Boko Haram Islamists who kidnapped 110 schoolgirls in Dapchi, northeast Nigeria, over a month ago have so far returned 104 of the students to the town, the government said. Information Minister Lai Mohammed said the girls were released "unconditionally". "No money changed hands," he told reporters in the capital, Abuja. He added: "As of now, the number (of girls confirmed to have been released) has increased to 104." One of the missing girls' parents, Kachalla Bukar, said the militants shook hands and took pictures

with them before leaving. Fatima Gremah, 13, who was among those released, told reporters: "Boko Haram said we were lucky we were young and also Muslims. "One of us who is a Christian has been left

behind. They said they would keep her until she converted. If she converts, they will release her. She is the only one among us left behind." Nigeria's President Muhammadu Buhari said

last week the government had "chosen negotiation" to secure the return of the Dapchi girls rather than use military force. Mohammed had earlier said their release was the result of "back-channel efforts" with the help of "some friends of the country", without elaborating. Military operations in and around Dapchi had been suspended "to ensure free passage" of the girls and also to ensure "that lives were not lost", he added. Nigeria's presidency said separately the girls were in the custody of the country's intelligence agency, the Department of State Services.



Lanka PM seeks investments from India, Japan COLOMBO: Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe said that his country was seeking investment from India, Japan and others amid criticism over his country's reliance on Chinese loans for infrastructure projects. In an interview, Wickremesinghe defended a deal last year that gave a joint venture led by stateowned China Merchants Port Holdings Co Ltd a 99year lease to the southern port of Hambantota. The agreement gave Lanka $1.1 billion in revenue at a time when it's spending 80 per cent of government revenues on servicing outstanding debts. "On Hambantota, the burden is off us, because China Merchants and the Sri Lanka Ports Authority have taken it over," Wickremesinghe said. "We've been looking at inviting a broad range of foreign investors," he said. "Initially the investors will come from China, Japan, India. Then the others will follow. We'd like to see them coming in from Europe." Since Wickremesinghe took power in 2015, he's been under pressure to improve Sri Lanka's finances. A previous administration secured billions of dollars worth of Chinese loans after the South Asian nation emerged battered from three decades of civil war in 2009, contributing to a debt burden that threatens to impede economic growth. Even with the sale of Hambantota and other concessionary measures, Sri Lanka has been forced to pursue other revenueraising measures, including a recent tax reform. The country's total debt to

Ranil Wickremesinghe

China was $5 billion at the end of 2017, according to government treasury figures. "It's an easing of the Chinese part of the debt burden, but we have the international sovereign bonds, so 2018, 2019 and 2020 are going to be tough years for us," Wickremesinghe said. India worries Sri Lanka was an early participant in China's infrastructure-building plans that eventually became the Belt and Road Initiative backed by hundreds of billions of dollars in financing. Still, its appetite for Chinese cash waned after the debt burden forced it to sell the Hambantota port back to China Merchants Port Holdings. The deal also prompted concern in India about its geopolitical rival China using a port close to its southern coastline for future military or strategic uses. Public anger over Chinese debt helped Wickremesinghe rise to power three years ago with President Maithripala Sirisena in a coalition government that pledged to reevaluate China-funded projects they alleged were corrupt. But faced with few good options, the government has since negotiated concessions - including turning a Chinese freehold land reclamation project in Colombo into a long lease.

Hardline Buddhist group in Lanka to float political party COLOMBO: A hardline Sinhala-Buddhist group in Sri Lanka, which was allegedly involved in attacks on Muslims during the recent communal riots in the country, has decided to float a political party. Mahason Balakaya or the Devil Mahasona’s Force, which had allegedly published videos of hate speech against Muslims, said it has forwarded papers to the authorities for the party’s registration. “Sinhalese have got no political party while every race has one. We have decided to form a new political party with Mahason Balakaya and several other Sinhala organisations,” a spokesman for the group

said. Mahason Balakaya was accused in arson attacks on Muslims, their religious sites and properties during the communal violence between majority Sinhala Buddhists and minority Muslims in the island’s central hills Kandy and Ampara districts. The communal violence was triggered by the death of a Sinhalese man at the hands of a mob. The government had imposed a state of emergency and blocked Facebook, WhatsApp and other social media sites following the riots in which three people were killed and hundreds of Muslimowned properties were damaged.


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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Western allies, US and Australia expel dozens of Russian diplomats

WA S H I N G T O N , BRUSSELS: More than 20 western allies, North America and Australia have ordered the expulsion of dozens of Russian diplomats in response to the nerve agent attack in the UK, in a show of solidarity that represents the biggest concerted blow to Russian intelligence networks in the west since the cold war. Over 100 Russian diplomats alleged to be spies in western countries were being told to return to Moscow, in a coordinated response to the use of a chemical weapon in the attempted murder of Sergei Skripal, a former Russian intelligence official, and his daughter, Yulia, in Salisbury on 4 March. British prime minister Theresa May welcomed what she said was “the largest collective expulsion of Russian intelligence officers in history”. “I have found great solidarity from our friends and partners in the EU, North America, Nato and beyond over the past three weeks as we have confronted the aftermath of the Salisbury incident,” May said. “And together we have sent a message that we will not tolerate

asking which US consulate in Russia should be closed. The US has ordered the expulsion of 60 Russian officials w h o Wa s h i n g t o n says are spies, including a dozen based at the United Nations, and told Moscow to Sergei and Yulia Skripal were poisoned shut down its with the nerve agent novichok in Salisbury consulate in Russia’s continued Seattle, which would end attempts to flout internaRussian diplomatic repretional law and undermine sentation on the west our values.” She added: “If coast. The EU members the Kremlin’s goal is to Germany, France and divide and intimidate the Poland are each to expel western alliance, then their four Russian diplomats. efforts have spectacularly Lithuania and the Czech backfired.” Republic said they would The Russian governexpel three, and Denmark, ment called the expulsions Italy and the Netherlands “a provocative gesture” and two each. Estonia, Latvia, said it would retaliate in Croatia, Finland, Hungary, kind, raising the prospect Sweden and Romania each of further tit-for-tat expulexpelled one Russian. sions, as the US and Europe Iceland announced it would left the door open for addinot be sending officials to tional measures. The the World Cup in Russia. Kremlin said Vladimir Ukraine, which is not an EU Putin would make the final member, is to expel 13 decision, and the Russian diplomats, while Albania, embassy in the US an EU candidate member, launched a poll on Twitter ordered the departure of

Indian-origin man in US charged with fraud

NEW YORK: An Indianorigin man in the US has been charged with stealing more than $250,000 in a Ponzi scheme in which his friends and coworkers invested. Niket Shah of New Jersey was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) which also ordered a preliminary injunction and asset freeze against him. According to the SEC's complaint Shah used Spark Trading Group to defraud more than 15 investors into contributing hundreds of thousands of dollars to two funds that he marketed. He obtained investments for the funds by lying about his success as a trader, Spark Trading's returns, and how he intended to use investors' money, including altering financial statements to make the funds appear profitable when they were actually losing money. The complaint alleges that Shah promised investors monthly returns, and guaranteed against losses but misused investors' money for his own benefit and suffered substantial losses on the amounts actually invested. When investors sought their money back, he lied and said the money had been frozen by government agencies, including the Commission. "Fraudsters who swindle their friends and colleagues using doctored

financial statements and outright lies should expect the Commission and its staff to act swiftly and decisively, as we have here today," Associate Director of the SEC's Enforcement Division Melissa Hodgman said. The SEC's Complaint charges Spark Trading and Shah with violations of the anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws. The


SEC is seeking return of allegedly ill-gotten gains with interest and civil money penalties. A court hearing was held on the SEC's complaint and requested relief at which Brian M Cogan granted the SEC's request for a preliminary injunction, asset freeze, order against the destruction of documents, and an accounting.



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two Russians from the embassy in Tirana. Macedonia, another EU candidate, expelled one Russian official. Canada announced it was expelling four diplomatic staff serving in Ottawa and Montreal. A pending application from Moscow for three more diplomatic posts in Canada is being denied. Australia confirmed that it too would expel two Russian diplomats who were in the country as undeclared intelligence officers, giving them seven days to leave. tPortugal, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Malta, Slovakia, Slovenia and Luxembourg said that they were not planning to expel any Russian diplomat. Belgium and Ireland made no announcements but have indicated action will be taken after cabinet meetings. The UK expelled 23 Russian diplomats in the wake of the poisoning, and Russia responded by ejecting the same number of British diplomats. The Russian foreign ministry issued a statement denouncing the expulsions as “an unfriendly step” based on alliances rather than evidence.

'We Are Sikhs' campaign wins top US award NEW YORK: A campaign to create awareness of Sikhism and its followers in the US and fight prejudice has won a top award for excellence in public relations programming to promote public causes. The "We Are Sikhs" campaign received the top 2018 PRWeek US award in the category of Public Cause. The campaign launched last year on Baisakhi by the National Sikh Campaign (NSC) and executed by FP1 Strategies, won the award for effectively projecting the Sikhs as neighbours and everyday Americans who face discrimination due to ignorance of their faith. The PRWeek US awards are nicknamed the "Oscars of the Public Relations Industry". "It is indeed a great victory for the Sikh community across the US," NSC cofounder Rajwant Singh said. "Countless Sikhs have had to face bullying, discrimination, and hate crimes due to the lack of understanding of our faith and our values. Our community decided that we needed to communicate effectively with our fellow Americans." The judges commented

that the "provocative campaign that really broke through" and "put a face on one distinct minority group" and noted "the real humanity in the execution", PRWeek magazine said. The $1.3 million for the campaign was raised mostly by Sikhs, with some Hindus also making notable contributions. The campaign told the stories of Sikhs through online and TV advertising and amplifying them via emails to journalists and community events nationwide. "The campaign drove online conversation that reached more than 5.5 million voters and gained the attention of many of Washington's most influential organisations. "A post-campaign poll proved the group moved the needle, with significant increases in the percentage of people who knew more about Sikhs.



www.asian-voice.com AsianVoiceNews

Asian Voice | 31st March 2018


CCTV cameras in ICU switched off during Jaya’s treatment CHENNAI: Apollo Hospital, Chennai, Chairman Prathap C Reddy revealed all that CCTV cameras in the ICU ward of the hospital were turned off during the 75-day hospitalisation of former Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa before her death on December 5, 2016. Speaking on the sidelines of a press conference of the Apollo International Colorectal Symposium 2018, Reddy said that the hospital had submitted all relevant documents to the Justice A Arumughaswamy Commission of inquiry probing the death. Jaya was admitted to

J Jayalalithaa

the hospital on September 22, 2016, and suffered a cardiac arrest on December 4. She was declared dead the next day. When asked if he had also submitted CCTV footage, Reddy said, “I am sorry. Unfortunately, they switched off all the CCTVs

for all the 75 days. As soon as she got admitted, the access to the ICU was closed. All patients were diverted to another ICU. This ICU was occupied only by her. Only one out of 24 rooms in the ICU was used. They removed the camera because they did not want everyone to be watching.” He added that no visitors were allowed to meet her. “In hospital, we follow a simple policy. No one is allowed in the ICU, except close relatives for a short time. Since she was critical, we did not permit. But relatives have an option to ask for some people. The doctor who is on duty can allow,”

Reddy said. He said the hospital had done its best but unfortunately could not save the 69-year old leader. “The matter is sub judice, as a one man commission is holding an inquiry. She was at the hospital for several days. From ward boys to technicians to nurses to doctors, every one took good care of her. There were doctors from other countries as well. We had high hopes she would recover. I even said she was well.” “We have submitted all reports. I do not know the day-to-day developments. If they call us, we are ready to appear before the commission,” Reddy said.

Appointment of 3 Puducherry MLAs upheld CHENNAI: Madras High Court had upheld the appointment of three Puducherry BJP MLAs who were nominated by Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi. The MLAs were appointed by her in July last year, leading to exchange of barbs between the lieutenant governor and Chief Minister V Narayanasamy. The CM had called Bedi a “BJP agent”, using words like

“murder of democracy” while she clarified she was an “agent of the Constitution”. Bedi had also repeatedly stated that the MLAs were nominated to the Assembly in keeping with the norms and an unnecessary uproar was created over it. The Congress government in Puducherry and Bedi have been at loggerheads ever since she took office in 2017 over several

SC begins final hearing in Sidhu's road rage case NEW DELHI: Countdown has begun for a decision in the case that will decide the political career of cricketerturned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu. The Supreme Court began hearing the final arguments in the culpable homicide case involving the Punjab minister and former MP as the prime accused. A bench of Justices J Chelameswar and Sanjay J Kaul started hearing the appeal filed by Sidhu and co-accused in the road rage case as his lawyer defended him in the opening arguments. Senior advocate RS Cheema represented Sidhu, along with senior lawyer R Basalt who argued for coaccused Rupinder Singh Sandhu. Cheema gave a summary of the case before the bench, beginning with a narration of the case which has been pending before the SC since 2007. The prosecution said on December 27, 1988, when Gurnam Singh asked the occupants of Gypsy to give way to his car. Sidhu got out, allegedly dragged Gurnam out and gave him fisticuffs. After the assault, both, Sidhu and Sandhu sped away and reportedly

Navjot Singh Sidhu

issues, like medical admissions, civic problems, and induction of three nominated MLAs. Narayanasamy on January 24, had said he would soon meet the President and the Prime Minister to discuss the unabated violation of statutory provisions in discharging her duties and “interfering in the routine administration of the elected ministry”. He said, “Whenever differences arise between

the lieutenant governor and the government on any matter, the concerned files should be sent to the President for final decision as had been prescribed in the statute relating to the administration of Puducherry.” In December 2017, Narayanasamy had alleged that Bedi's “style of functioning is more like a leader of Opposition than an administrator” of the Union Territory.


also took away the keys of Gurnam's car along with them. Gurnam was declared dead when he was taken to a hospital. Both the accused were initially tried for murder in connection with the death of the Patiala resident. But they were acquitted by a Patiala Sessions judge in 1999. The state government and the son of the deceased then challenged this verdict in the Punjab and Haryana High Court. Subsequently, Sidhu and Sandhu were sentenced to three years in jail each by the High Court in 2006. Their conviction had come under Section 304(II), culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Sidhu appealed against the verdict in the Supreme Court, which stayed his conviction and suspended the sentence in January 2007.

Martyr status sought for Sukhdev, Bhagat Singh and Rajguru

LUDHIANA: Family members of freedom fighter Sukhdev Thapar have demanded that he, along with Bhagat Singh and Shivaram Hari Rajguru be given the status of martyrs. They said the three gave their lives for the country, and yet, even after 70 years of Independence, they have not been bestowed the recognition. Sukhdev's family has warned that if the three freedom fighters were not given their due they would go on a hunger strike. A relative said, “Our demand is that they should be given the status of martyrs. We are going to Delhi and will place our demands there. If our demands are not met, then we will go on a hunger strike.” A senior member of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association, Sukhdev was hanged on March 23, 1931, along with Rajguru and Bhagat Singh, for the “assassination” of British police officer JP Saunders in Lahore in 1928. Khed in Maharashtra was named Rajgurunagar in honour of Rajguru. Bhagat Singh's acts of bravery against the British made him a hero of

the Independence movement. Meanwhile, Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh dedicated a martyrs' museum to the nation and memorial at Shaheed Bhagat Singh's ancestral village Khatkar Kalan in Nawanshahr district. Prior to the inauguration, Amarinder and Local Bodies Minister Navjot Singh Sidhu paid floral tributes to Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev, declaring the day as Youth Empowerment Day. The Chief Minsiter also launched the Drug Abuse Prevention Officer (DAPO) scheme in which volunteers will engage with government employees and the people of Punjab in the ongoing fight against drugs. Singh became the first person to register himself as a DAPO. Later, he took and administered the DAPO oath to his cabinet ministers and other volunteers. He also thanked them for joining his government's efforts to rid the state of the problem of drugs. The event was boycotted by Ashok Thapar, nephew of Sukhdev.



Violence during Ram Navami claims 3 lives in West Bengal

Participant carrying arms during Ram Navami procession

KOLKATA: At least three people were killed and an unspecified number of people, including cops, were injured as violence erupted during Ram Navami processions in West Bengal. One person died in Purulia on Sunday while two others – one in Raniganj and another in Kakinara - died on Monday as the administration struggled to quell violence. Raniganj in West Burdwan, Kakinara in North 24-Parganas (where, besides the death, a bust of India’s first Union education minister, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, was pulled down) and Kandi in Murshidabad were Monday’s three flashpoints, which prompted curfew in Raniganj, sealing off of the affected areas in Kakinara, police crackdown at several other places and suo motu FIRs against BJP leaders in West Midnapore and Birbhum. “The clashes were incited in a systematic manner. Processions deviated from their original routes at these places and processionists tried to forcibly

enter a neighbourhood populated by one community at one of these places. We are monitoring the situation. Steps are being taken to restore peace,” a senior police officer said at Nabanna. In Kakinara, bordering North 24-Parganas’ Bhatpara Municipality, miscreants first brought down a bust of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad near the market named after him, triggering violence, on Sunday afternoon. A freefor-all ensued, in which there were reports of gunfire as well. Two persons were injured. Both were taken to hospital where one was declared dead early on Monday. The Raniganj violence started after Rajbandh locals asked rallyists to lower the volume of music being belted out by DJs, who accompanied the rally. The rallyists refused, prompting an altercation that flared into large-scale violence. Several shops were looted, some were set on fire and the clashes continued for three hours. Five policemen, besides several other people, were injured.

Jawaharlal Nehru statue in West Bengal vandalised KOLKATA: In a recent incident of vandalism, a statue of the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, was damaged in Katwa's Telephone Maidan in West Bengal. Police rushed to the spot immediately on receiving information that black ink was thrown on the sculpture. This wasn't the first case of vandalism. Earlier in the week, a statue of Bharatiya Jana Sangh founder Syama Prasad Mukherjee was found vandalised in Assam's Kokrajhar. A lifesize statue of prominent 19th century poet Michael Madhusudan Dutt, was found defaced in Raniganj of West Bengal's Purba Bardhaman district. The police and eyewitnesses said Dutt's face was smudged with red colour by unknown miscreants. The incident triggered condemnation in the political circles, and locals. Several incidents of statue vandalism have been reported from various parts of the country

over the past week. The statue of Dalit icon BR Ambedkar was also damaged with its head destroyed completely. Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's statue was defaced in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur. Earlier, two statues of Vladimir Lenin was demolished in Tripura. One was razed by a mob at Sabroom Motor Stand in Agartala, and another by a bulldozer at Belonia College Square in a Tripura town.


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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Dr. Hari Desai

The Historic Letter of Shivraya to Jai Singh

Maratha King tried to play Hindu Card against Emperor Aurangzeb Chhatrapati preferred Dara Shukoh as a ruler to his fanatic brother Chhatrapati Shivaji was given the title of Raja (King) by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb since he was his Sardar but after the Agra Durbar episode (1666), Shivraya could fulfill his dream to establish his independent Hindavi Swaraj, a sovereign State in 1674


he Maratha King Shivaji Maharaj (19 February 1630 - 3 April 1680), popularly known as Shivraya, ruled over his own State, carved out of Bijapur Adilshahi territory, only for a short span of six years(1674-1680), but even today he is considered the Great Maratha King who laid the foundation of benevolent rule in present day Maharashtra. Chhatrapati Shivaji was given the title of Raja (King) by the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb since he was his Sardar but after the Agra Durbar episode (1666), Shivraya could fulfill his dream to establish his independent Hindavi Swaraj, a sovereign State in 1674. After Shivaji and Afazal Khan’s deadly meeting on 10 November 1659 followed

August 1667), in 1665 to control or capture Shivaji. Jai Singh was the King of Amber- Jaipur and had been loyal to the Mughal Durbar. Since he knew how clever Shivaji was, he got certain pre-conditions approved by the Emperor to function freely in the Deccan region. Mirza Raja even got certain Sardars of Shivaji defected to the Mughals like Netaji Palkar. Before the Treaty of Purandhar was agreed upon, a deadly fight between the Marathas and the Mughal warriors took place. Jai Singh convinced the Emperor to give audience to Raja Shivaji in the Mughal Durbar at Agra. Before that Shivaji tried to play a Hindu card followed by writing a historical letter to Jai Singh. This letter incorporated in the first

Shivraya meeting Mirza Raja Jai Singh

appeared before the Emperor in the birthday celebration of Aurangzeb. Both offered the Nazrana to the Mughal ruler. Shivaji was escorted by the son of Jai Singh, Ram Singh. Since he was made to stand behind Jashwant Singh, he felt humiliated and left the Durbar. Aurangzeb conspired to kill the Maratha Sardar but Shivraya along with son managed to vanish secretly from Agra. They appeared together at Raigad on 20 November 1666! In the historical letter

Shivaji leaving the Agra Durbar after he felt insulted

by his encounter with Shaista Khan and looting Surat city in 1664, which was under the Mughal territory, the Emperor Aurangzeb was feeling ashamed. Aurangzeb deputed one of his most important Army General, Mirza Raja Jai Singh (15 July 1611-28

volume of the book, “Shivkaleen Patra SarSangrah”, edited by N.C. Kelkar and D. V. Apte, published in 1930 by Raigad Smarak Mandal and BharatItihas Sanshodhak Mandal, Pune. As per the arrangements, Shivaji reached Agra on 12 May 1666 along with his son, Shambhaji,

written in 1965 by Shivaji to Jai Singh, the Maratha leader tries to instigate the Mirza Raja against the Emperor and offers to join hands with him to demolish the Mughal Empire. Unfortunately, since his family had the matrimonial alliance with the Mughals, Jai Singh preferred to

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remain loyal to the Emperor till his last breath. In a lengthy letter to Jai Singh, Shivaji conveys the Mirza Raja: “If you have come to conquer Deccan for yourself, I would prefer to offer my services at your disposal. But since you have come on behalf of Aurangzeb, I am little perplexed how to deal with you. If we both fight, the loss of the Hindus would be from both sides. One would not be considered brave and no heroism in fighting among each other.” “The intention of Aurangzeb is no brave man among the Hindus should survive. The lions should fight among each other and finish off themselves so that the vultures can rule over. You do not understand the strategy of the Mughals… I would appreciate you not to blacken the faces of Hindus by fighting with lions like us. If you have guts, you should attack the enemies of Hindu religion and get rid of Islam. If Dara Shukoh would have been the ruler of this country, he could have showered love and affection on us. But since you have ditched persons like Jashwant Singh, you cannot distinguish between good and bad. You have been fighting small fries so far and now since you have to fight with lions like me, you would realize where do you stand. You may run after mirage. It is like after making so much of efforts, you can capture a beautiful lady to be handed over to

our enemy. Are you such a low level personality? Do you feel proud of earning favours of such rascal? Are you not aware of the outcome of the efforts of Zuzar Singh?” Jai Singh was instrumental in getting Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of the Emperor Shah Jahan, captured and killed by Aurangzeb. Jai wrote a letter to Jashwant Singh of Ajmer not to extend any support to Dara. Dara believed in Hindu-Muslim harmony unlike his fanatic brother Aurangzeb. Zuzar Singh was the King of Odisha loyal to the Mughal Emperors, Jahangir and Shah Jahan, but Aurangzeb sacked him from his Durbar and made him run from pillar to post.

Raj Singh, Rana of Mewar, it would be of great help.” The Maratha leader expresses his desire to wipe out the influence of Islam not only from Deccan but also the power and fame of Emperor like Aurangzeb from India too. Shivaji was a daredevil who was prepared to fight Jai Singh. Of course, both fought the battle and when Mughals had upper hand, Shivaji expressed desire for the Treaty of Purandar where he was prepared to have peace with the Mughals by offering certain forts and money to Agra Durbar apart from expressing his loyalty to the Emperor. Of course, as per the conditions laid down, Shivaji had presented himself before Aurangzeb on

Emperor Auranzeb

his birthday. Since he was Shivaji writes further: insulted and arrested, his “A few Muslims taking honeymoon did not last over our great country long. Aurangzeb considered really surprises me. But Ram Singh, the Prince of Jai this has happened not Singh, responsible for because of their advenShivraya’s escape from tures. They talk nicely with Agra and banished him us and made us slaves if from the Durbar. Even Jai you try to understand. If Singh died on 28 August your eyes can see, you may 1667 at Burhanpur under realize it. We need to realmysterious circumize how they are stances, believed tying shackles Next Column: to be poisoned in our legs and Four decades of on the orders of cutting off our heads by BJP and Gandhian A u r a n g z e b . Mirza Raja Jai our own Socialism Singh did not give swords. We need an ear to the advice to make tremenof Shivaji, otherwise the dous efforts to protect history of India would have Hindus, Hindustan and been different. Hindu religion. We should go for tit for tat policy. The (The writer is a Turks be shown the power Socio-political Historian. of our swords. If you can E-mail: join hands with Jashwant haridesai@gmail.com) Singh, Raja of Marwad, and

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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Akash Ambani to wed Shloka Mehta Billionaire Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani hosted a grand engagement party for son Akash Ambani and daughter-inlaw to be Shloka Mehta. The young couple officially announced the news over the weekend, later calling over their highprofile friends for celebration. It is told that Akash proposed to Shloka at a plush resort in Goa, on Saturday. The two were spotted at Mumbai's Siddhivinayak temple along with the Ambani family. Shloka is the youngest daughter of diamond magnate Russel Mehta and Mona Mehta. The engagement is being seen as coming together of two of India's largest business families. Wedding bells for the couple are likely to ring in December. It is reported that the wedding could take place at the Oberoi in Mumbai. The post-engagement party

was held at Antilla- the Ambanis' residence. Stars like Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Katrina Kaif, Karan Johar, John Abraham, and Rajkumar Hirani were present. Cricketers Zaheer Khan and Harbhajan Singh were also in attendance.

For the party, Shloka wore a golden gown, while Akash looked dashing in a blue suit. Both the families are associated with each other for several years. While Akash serves on the board of Reliance Jio, Shloka is the director on Rosy Blue Foundation. She has held the position since

July 2014. She is also cofounder of ConnectFor, a platform that matches volunteers with NGOs that need them. The two reportedly studied together at Mumbai's Dhirubhai Ambani International School in Mumbai, and have been close friends for years.

Sruti Dharma Das battles Cancer Temple president at Bhaktivedanta Manor, Sruti Dharma Das has sadly been diagnosed with a form of brain cancer. Like all bad news, this too came as a shock as he had not seen any previous indications. Both, the family and the temple community are currently adjusting to the news. Sruti Dharma had been facing several health complaints and was advised to run further test. Reports showed several lesions on his brain. After being

admitted to Charing Cross Hospital, it was confirmed that he has cancer. Sruti Dharma is being treated by a brilliant team of healthcare profession-

als who are evaluating further treatments available outside of the UK. Over the next few months, he will undergo radiotherapy and chemotherapy supported by a host of holistic treatments. He is advised to rest and recuperate during the time of treatment. Despite being at home with family, Sruti Dharam remains up to date with temple matters and construction plans for the Shree Krishna Haveli community facility. “We need to get the Haveli built and

own guidelines in sanctioning some of the loans," she said, "inviting" the Indian authorities to explain the case against some of the bank officials involved because that relates to the "conspiracy" point against Mallya. The court will decide whether the 62-year-old businessman can be extradited to India to face charges of fraud and money laundering amounting to

around £900 million. The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), arguing on behalf of the Indian government, laid out their arguments against the defence calling into question the admissibility of some of evidence submitted by the Indian authorities. Pointing out that Mallya had "chosen not to give evidence" in the case, CPS counsel Mark Summers rejected the defence claims on the evi-

Sruti Dharma Das

have many more years of service together. This is my test sent by God and I am determined to get a good grade. If you want to pray, pray that I may have the strength to serve you all in a way that pleases Lord Krishna,” Sruti Dharma said. His family has expressed gratitude for the unprecedented support from the community, and remain optimistic. They have asked everyone to respect the family's privacy at this trying time.

Hearing in Mallya’s extradition case begins The British judge hearing the extradition case of liquor baron Vijay Mallya said that Indian banks had broken rules while sanctioning loans to the erstwhile Kingfisher Airlines. Presiding over a hearing at Westminster Magistrates' Court in London, Judge Emma Arbuthnot described the case as a "jigsaw puzzle." "There are clear signs that the banks seem to have gone against their

dence as "nonsense". "The government of India has established by other copious evidence a prima facie case of fraud," he said. The judge is expected to rule on the admissibility of evidence and set a timeframe for her final verdict. However, the matter could be delayed over further clarifications required on the source of some of the emails submitted as evidence by the Indian authorities.

Karnataka Assembly elections on May 12 Continued from page1 The EC also said that April 24 will be the last date to file nominations and April 27 will be the last date for withdrawal of candidature. Two hundred and twenty four seats are up for grabs in the upcoming elections. Term of the current assembly will end on May 28. Sources said, “It will be a fight to the finish in Karnataka” in both the

BJP-Cong war over Facebook data scam

Continued from page1

Aishwarya Rai Bacchan with her daughter, Shah Rukh Khan, Karan Johar and Kartina Kaif attending engagement ceremony of Akash Ambani and Shloka Mehta

Congress and the BJP. Congress president Rahul Gandhi and BJP national chief Amit Shah have already kicked off campaigning in Karnataka's battleground constituencies. For Congress, winning comes as vital as it faces its power diminishing in other states. The previous assembly polls held on May 5 in 2013 in single phase, with 2,948 candidates in the fray. The state witnessed 71.45 per cent polling back

then. For Congress, incumbent chief minister Siddaramaiah remains the candidate for the top post. Meanwhile, the BJP has pitched former chief minister BS Yeddyurappa as its candidate. For the BJP, a win will mark its entry to the South, which has held out the longest against a BJP onslaught. Meanwhile, the ruling Congress got a bit of a boost when seven former JD (S) MLAs joined the party. The rebel MLAs

resigned from the Karnataka legislative assembly a day after they cross-voted in favour of the Congress candidates in the March 23 Rajya Sabha biennial election in the state. At a meeting, the names of all 122 sitting Congress MLAs and the recently joined Independent and JD (S) rebel legislators were recommended by the Congress State Election Committee.


It said the decree required Facebook to notify and receive explicit permission from users before sharing their personal information beyond the limits dictated by their privacy settings. Each violation of the agreement, which the agency reached with the platform, carries a penalty of up to $40,000 a day. In a statement, the agency said that it “takes very seriously recent press reports raising substantial concerns about the privacy practices of Facebook.” BJP-Congress war over data scam The Bharatiya Janata Party accused the Congress of sharing users' data to a Singapore-based firm. The accusation came a day after Congress president Rahul Gandhi referred to a media report in which a French vigilante hacker in a series of tweets alleged that the personal data including email IDs, photos, gender and names of the users of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's mobile app, were being sent to a third party domain without their consent. The party had earlier accused the Congress of compromising national security by roping in Cambridge Analytica to run its 2019 election campaign. BJP's allegations found support when a former employee with Analytica claimed that it worked “extensively” in India and has an office there. Deposing in front of UK lawmakers, Christopher Wylie said the firm equated to a group of modern colonisers that don't care what is legal or what is not unless it gets the job done. He went on to name Congress as one of the parties that possibly worked with Analytica. “I believe there client was Congress, but I know that they have done all kinds of project. I don't remember a national project but I know regionally. India's so big that one state can be as big as Britain. But they do have offices there, they do have staff,” Wylie said. He confirmed the statements before the digital, culture, media, and sport committee in the House of Commons, while testifying against Cambridge Analytica and its alleged role in propagating a culture of fake news. “India is Facebook's biggest market, it is a country that is rife with political discord and opportunities to desta-

bilise. They worked extensively in India, they have an office,” Wylie said. How does Facebook's biggest scandal affect its credibility in India? Following the breakout of the scandal, Indian IT and Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad promptly warned “stringent action” if any attempt was made by them to influence the country's electoral process. He said, “Let me make it very, very clear. We fully support freedom of press, speech, and expression. We fully support free exchange of ideas on social media. But any attempt, covert or overt, by social media, including Facebook, of trying to influence India's electoral process through undesirable means will neither be appreciated nor be tolerated.” London-based Cambridge Analytica is accused of harvesting more than 50 million user profiles on Facebook with the help of academic researcher Aleksandr Kogan, without any consent from users, possibly playing a big role in the 2016 US presidential election that saw the victory of Donald Trump as the US President. As Facebook now scrambles to spend the next few months trying to convince its users their data is safe, India steps in as a major part of its plans. Facebook's largest market with 250 million monthly active users, India accounts for a whopping 12 per cent of it global base. Also, WhatsApp, India's chat app of choice, has 200 million users, the highest in any market, and Instagram has 53 million. Both the apps are owned by Facebook. While India is set to add 100 million internet users and 250 million smartphone users by 2020, it also has to deal with those wondering whether they should sign up or continue being on the network. A data consultant from Delhi called Facebook “passive aggressive” about data. “It gives you a host of privacy options, makes you feel you are in control of your wall, but buries an 'unless you don't want to share' option at the bottom.” He added, “If you don't opt out, it assumes you are happy to share. Even if you do, you can never be sure the nonconsensual sharing has stopped.”


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To Our Readers

We are publishing these items in good faith, kindly consult your Doctor before you try to implement any advice. We do not hold any responsibility for its efficacy...

“I would like vitamins for my son,” a mother said. “Vitamin A, B or C?” the pharmacist asked. “It doesn’t matter,” the mother replied. “He can’t read yet.” *** My granddaughter was graduating from college, so I asked about any plans she had for the future. She hadn’t any, but she did know this much: “I certainly don’t want to sit in one of those cubicles and think all day.” *** During a visit with his grandfather, Edith's husband noticed a birthday card from a local funeral parlor. “That was nice of them,” he said. Grandpa was unimpressed. “They only want me for my body,” he grumbled. *** Anna's neighbor brought over a delicious homemade meal, eliciting this comment from her daughter: “No offense, Mom, but Kristi’s dinner makes you look like a really bad mother.” Her older daughter quickly jumped to my defense. “Parker, that’s absolutely not true,” she said. “Kristi just makes Mom look like a really bad cook.” *** Mr. and Mrs. Brown had two sons. One was named Mind Your Own Business & the other was named Trouble. One day the two boys decided to play hide and seek. Trouble hid while Mind Your Own Business counted to one hundred. Mind Your Own Business began looking for his brother behind garbage cans and bushes. Then he started looking in and under cars until a police man approached him and asked, "What are you doing?" "Playing a game," the boy replied. "What is your name?" the officer questioned. "Mind Your Own Business." Furious the policeman inquired, "Are you looking for trouble?!" The boy replied, "Why, yes."

TV LISTINGS Mon 2nd April 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30

Tues 3rd April 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30

Wed 4th April 11:00 11:30 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:30 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:30

Sooper Hits First Cut Hitz Kadak Awaaz De Kahan Hai B4U First Cut Non Stop Hits Full Volume Bajao In The Mix Costar First Cut Hitz Kadak Awaaz De Kahan Hai B4U First Cut Non Stop Hits Full Volume Bajao Boom Box Sooper Hits First Cut Hitz Kadak Awaaz De Kahan Hai B4U First Cut Non Stop Hits Full Volume Bajao In The Mix

Asian Voice |


31st March 2018

Why Whole Grains Are Good For You? 7 Benefits To Look Out For! Various health experts vouch for the daily consumption of whole grains, considering they are power-packed with essential nutrients required by the human body. In fact, The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recommended that children and adults should consume at least half of their grains as whole grains. Whole grains are a part of the original kernel, which includes bran, germ and endosperm in original proportions. While a high intake of refined grains like white rice, bread, et al are linked to various health problems, whole grains are known to promote health. Some of the examples of whole grains include barley, sorghum, whole wheat, quinoa, oatmeal, millet, brown rice, whole rye, buckwheat, et al. Here are a few benefits of whole grains that will convince you to add more of them on your plate every day. 1. Whole Grains Are Loaded With Fibre: If you are looking to avoid untimely cravings, then whole grains are your goto foods. All thanks to the fibre present that tends to digest slowly, further

keeping you fuller for longer. This will help you cut down on unnecessary bingeing. Include more oats, barley and bulgur in your diet to ensure you are loaded up on enough fibre for the day. 2. Whole Grains Can Help Lower Your Cholesterol: Whole grains not only lower triglycerides, but also help to prevent your body from absorbing 'bad' cholesterol, both of which are key contributors to heart disease. Any form of whole grain, including whole wheat, brown rice, barley, oats, et al will help keep your heart safe. 3. Can Aid Weight Loss: If you are looking to shed extra kilos, toss away all the refined foods and opt for whole grains that will help you achieve your weight goals. These fibrerich foods can help prevent

overeating. According to a study by National Centre of Biotechnology Information, eating three servings of whole grains daily was linked to lower body mass index (BMIs) and lesser belly fat. 4. May Help Lower Your Blood Pressure: Both Mediterranean diet and DASH diet recommend eating whole grains in order to keep blood pressure in check. Intake of whole grains may increase the intake of potassium that has been linked to lower blood pressure. Whole grains also help reduce damage to your blood vessels and reduce the risk of insulin resistance. 5. Are A Boon For Diabetics: Whole grains are rich in fibre that can help to delay the absorption of glucose in the blood. This will reduce the

2nd APRIL - 8th APRIL 2018


18:00 18:30































19:00 19:30

chances of spiking blood sugar levels that can be dangerous for diabetics. Furthermore, whole grains like oats and brown rice are deemed as low-glycaemic foods that also prevent spiking blood sugar levels, reducing the chances of developing type-2 diabetes. 6. Support Healthy Digestion: Thanks to the fibre content that keeps the bowel movements regular and help ward off digestive issues like constipation, diarrhoea and others. Whole grains also contain lactic acid that promote good bacteria in the large intestine and aid digestion, and further promote better nutrition absorption. 7. May Reduce Inflammation: Whole grains have been linked with reduced inflammatory conditions that can cause asthma, arthritis, et al. Whole grains may also cut levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, which has been associated with heart diseases and type-2 diabetes. Add more whole grains in your breakfast and ensure a healthy body, free from ailments. Make sure you cut down on refined grains to experience effective results!







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Asian Voice | 31st March 2018


Nithya Menen joins Mysskin's next

D ‘Baaghi 2’

A battle-hardened army officer squares off against drug lords and Russian henchmen to save his ex-lover's kidnapped daughter in the underbelly of Goa, India.

Prabhas finds leading lady in Pooja Hegde


ooja Hegde is in her prime time. The actress is just signing one mega project after another. In latest developments, the actress is set to romance 'Baahubali's star Prabhas in a one of its kind love story. The movie will be directed by Radha Krishna Kumar and bankrolled by UV Creations. Hegde recently revealed that the film is a thorough entertainer and that she is looking forward to it. Talking about her role, she said, “The director (Radha Krishna Kumar) and producers (Vamsi Krishna and U Pramod of UV Creations) came to me for the narration. It's a thorough entertainer.” She added, “Prabhas is a sensation not just in India but internationally as well after the magnanimous success of 'Baahubali'. It's an opportunity to prove myself. Prabhas has done that already, it's my turn now.” The shoot will start from next month onwards, and it will hit the screens may be in 2018. The film will be made in Telugu and Hindi and will be shot across exotic locations. On the work front, Hegde is a part of Vamsi Padaipally's next with Mahesh Babu. She will also be seen in 'Rangasthalam', where she will be seen shaking a leg with Ram Charan for a special number.

irector Mysskin's next project starring Shanthanu Bhagyaraj in the lead has some interesting news. Close sources reveal that actress Nithya Menen has signed on the project as one of the female leads. The other female lead is said to be Sai Pallavi. Producer Ravinder Chandrasekaran had stated that AR Rahman will compose music for the film. Mysskin's last directorial was 'Thupparivaalan' featuring Vishal and Prasanna in lead roles. The project is slated to go on the floors from May or June, however, there are no official announcements. Son of veteran director Bhagyaraj, Shanthanu spoke about his role in the film. “This is like my first film and I have no words to explain

my happiness. People used to say that I have made so many mistakes in my past. But I learned so much. This film will be a re-birth for me. I am going to surrender to sir.” He added, “We met at an audio launch and he told me that I have changed quite a bit. He said we will work soon. I was happy, but didn’t expect much. A week later, he called me saying that he had finished penning his next and that I will be playing the lead. I was shocked and met him at his office. It is a dreamcome-true moment for me to work with Mysskin sir and PC sir. The kind of character Mysskin sir sketches is phenomenal. I am certain that it will be a breakthrough for me as an actor. I want to thank all my well-wishers who hoped the best for me.”

Shriya Saran marries Russian beau Andrei Koscheev Priya Prakash Varrier not part of Suriya’s next

Haasan's new look creates uproar


amal Haasan, who recently took a political plunge and floated his own party, is back in the public eye. A picture of the actor sporting a big moustache has sent fans into a tizzy. The photo gives a major throwback to his 'Thevar Magan' days. It has also triggered speculations that the picture might be Haasan's new makeover for his forthcoming film 'Indian 2' with director Shankar. Makers of the film are finalising the cast and crew of the project, and actress Nayanthara is being considered to play the leading lady in the muchawaited sequel. If reports are to be believed, 'Indian 2' may be Haasan's last film before he enters full-time politics. Meanwhile, the actor's highly anticipated 'Vishwaroopam 2' has cleared the censor formalities and has been passed with a 'U/A' certificate.


hriya Saran reportedly tied the knot with her Russian beau in a secret ceremony in Udaipur on March 19. While the actress' family and friends continue to deny the news, recent photos and videos of the beautiful couple have surfaced on social networking sites. The gorgeous couple reportedly also had their 'Haldi' ceremony, and a Holi party on March 18, along with a 'Sangeet' in the same evening. Andrei is a nationallevel tennis player and entrepreneur. He owns a restaurant chain in Moscow, Russia. Sources reveal the groom sur-

prised his beautiful bride with a small speech in Hindi, explaining it in English, and elaborating more on their love. A small part of his speech has circulated the internet. Translating his Hindi speech, Andrei said, “If someone loves you, they love you the way you are. If someone asks you to change for love, that's not love that's compromise. In love we do not compromise.” Shriya was quick to respond, “You are telling me you will accept all my madness”, for which he replied saying 'Yes I will'. She jokingly added, “My friends thought I will change for once.”


irector KV Anand and Suriya are once again teaming up for a Tamil film, and rumour mills were abuzz with the news that recent Malayalam sensation Priya Prakash Varrier has been cast opposite Suriya. There were also reports suggesting that Varrier is one of the female leads of the film. However, the director himself has clarified that he hasn't even approached Priya for the film. Anand said that he's looking for a big heroine to Suriya's love interest. The yet-untitled film is

currently in its pre-production stage and the shoot is expected to commence later this year. To be produced by Lyca Productions, music composer Harris Jayaraj is reuniting with KV Anand and Suriya. The film will be written by Pattukottai Prabhakar, and is likely to release next year. On the work front, Suriya is presently shooting for 'NGK', which is being directed by Selvaraghavan. The film produced by Dream Warrior Pictures, also stars Sai Pallavi and Rakul Preet Singh in lead roles.

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Sonu gets a surprise gift from Jackie Chan


Rani voices struggles of women in B-Town

Asian Voice | 31st March 2018



e all envied Sonu Sood when he appeared in 'Kung Fu Yoga' alongside Jackie Chan. Both the actors bonded quite well over the shoot and now, Jackie sent a special gift to Sonu. The Hollywood star sent a limited edition leather jacket with a handwritten note. It read, “My Dear Sonu, This is a special limited edition leather jacket commemorating the 40th anniversary of the JC Stunt Team. I sourced the best kind of leather, found the best manufacturer and had these jackets custom-made according to my requirements. Every detail you see was conceived and carefully designed by me.” It added, “I can't say how much this leather jacket is worth, but I can honestly say that it contains a lot of thought and meaning. Not only do I want to give these to my brothers who have worked with me through the good and rough times in life, I especially made extra ones so I could gift them to my most valued close friends like you. Now, I would like to give this small gift and hope it gives you warmth during the cold season. And the most important thing is that when you look at it, you will instantly think of me. When you wear it, you will feel my big hug!” Just when I thought we couldn't get any more jealous!

Kat and Hrithik reunite for 'Bang Bang' sequel?

ani Mukerji has created a niche in the film industry, and as she turned 40 last week, the actress looks as strong as ever. Rani took the opportunity on her birthday to share a letter looking back at her memorable 22-year long career. She thanked filmmakers who gave her the opportunity to play characters that became her identity, and also shared stereotypes actresses struggle within the film industry. Rani promised to be back to push the envelope yet again. Rani is known to never hold her tongue over her opinions. The 'Hichki' actress has made interesting statements every time she talks. In her letter she wrote, “It feels great to be 40! It feels great to have also worked for 22 years and having been incredibly lucky to get so much love and appreciation. Very rarely do we artists get material that can genuinely cause social change, cause change in attitude and thinking and I have been fortu-

nate enough to get such content multiple times. I truly feel blessed. I thank all the film-makers who have trusted me with their characters. Your characters, your films, became my identity.” “I had to prove myself every day,” Rani said. “Actresses have to prove themselves every day. A woman has a short career span, a married woman's equity dies, women are not bankable commodities at the box office, 'female-centric' (I hate this word!) films are huge risks, a married actress who is also a mother is the final nail in the coffin of her dreams, ambitious and aspirations- these are some of the discriminatory stereotypes that we have to live with and try to overcome every single day.” Rani took a two-year hiatus when she welcomed her first child Adira with husband Aditya Chopra. Her upcoming 'Hichki' has put her in public eye yet again.

Deepika wants to treasure 'jauhar’ outfit from ‘Padmaavat’ A

women to commit jauhar will indeed go down cinematic history. Bhansali recounts shooting the scene was certainly not easy, and was an “emotional” challenge. He said that by the end of the shooting of the particular scene, there were “frayed nerves” and rising tempers”. He said junior artists would “meander off in groups” in between shoots and sleep due to exhaustion. Bhansali also added that the scene had emotionally drained Deepika and physically exhausted Ranveer. They had used “burning rubber tyres” in the shot where women throw hot coal on Khilji, played by the actor, and the strong stench of the rubber tyres reportedly made Ranveer to “puke” on every shot.

fter garnering a lot of interest for her latest project 'Padmaavat', leggy lass Deepika Padukone finds herself closer to the film for more than one reasons. Her third movie with director Sanjay Leela Bhansali, the jauhar scene was reportedly the most difficult part for the actress. The climax of the film is said to be so close to her heart that the actress has reached out to Bhansal requesting him to give her the outfit she had worn for the scene to treasure. Deepika said the entire journey of the film will stay with her forever, and the climax scene was one of the most intense ones. The iconic scene with Rani Padmini played by Deepika, walking towards the fire along with other

Bal Thackeray biopic to kickstart soon


he 2014 Bollywood version of Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz-starrer 'Knight and Day' fared really well at the worldwide box office, and for good measure. 'Bang Bang' featured two of B-Town's hottest celebrities. Fox Star Hindi now reportedly wants to make a sequel to the movie. While Siddharth Malhotra's 'A Gentleman' was supposed to be the sequel, the makers changed their minds and made it into a different movie. Reports suggest the makers have narrowed down on a script for the movie and have even locked the title. The sequel will be called 'Bang Bang Reloaded', and the name has been submitted to the Producers' association. Fox is also keen on finalising Hrithik and Katrina for the sequel too. A director is yet to be decided.


ne of the most anticipated films yet, Nawazuddin Siddiqui's biopic on Bal Thackeray has reportedly not hit the floors yet. The upcoming film received a lot of attention a single teaser, and from what we know, people want the movie to happen soon. It is reported that Siddiqui was undergoing diction and vocal training to feel and sound like Balasaheb Thackeray, and from what we learn, he is nearly ready. The film will kickstart from soon, and will

be shot across several locations in Maharashtra and will release on Balasaheb's 93rd birth anniversary, on January 23, 2019. Shiv Sena politician Sanjay Raut said, “It is a full-fledged commercial film which will be shot at approximately 108 locations, including the Lucknow Court that Balasaheb Thackeray visited during the Babri

Masjid demolition hearing.” The film will be shot in and around Matoshree, the late politician's residence in Mumbai. As

expected, the movie won't follow Balasaheb's journey as a politican, but will in fact focus on him as a cartoonist and how he rose to power. Nawaz will sport several looks, from a young Marathi ethnocentric cartoonist to the politician who changed Maharashtra. A Hindi-Marathi bilingual, the film will be directed by Abhijit Panse, and from what we hear, will also be dubbed in English.



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31st March 2018

Mayor of Brent's fundraising extravaganza The Mayor's Fundraising Extravaganza, hosted by the Mayor of Brent, Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan will be held on Friday 13th April 2018, at Sattavis Pattidar Centre, in Wembley, London. The event, which consists of a buffet dinner, has a dress code of dress to impress, and will have entertainment such as a live band, performances, a bar and raffle during the event. This fundraising extravaganza, which will start at 6pm, will be supporting two key charities; Akshaya Patra and Asian Women's Resource Centre.

If your child has a good joke, poem or any suggestions they would like to share please email us with the name, age and school. Email:- support@abplgroup.com We wish all the children a very Happy Easter


Easter gives hope for tomorrow as after winter comes spring. Our hearts can be filled with gladness as hearts rejoice and sing.

h action. Success seems to be connected wit y make The ing. mov p Successful people kee t. qui not mistakes, but they do - Conrad Hilton

Best out of Waste

Easter Facts You Didn't know

Mayor of Brent, Cllr Bhagwanji Chohan

So not only will guests have a night to remember, they will also be able to do their bit for a good cause by attending the fundraising event.

Coming Events

l The Bhavan hosts the Young Artists Charity Concert for Sivapoomi Trust on March 31, Saturday, 5.30 pm onwards, at The Bhavan, 4a, Castletown Road, West Kensington, London W14 9HE. l Birmingham Friends of The Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies has organised a free and openfor-all event- Exploring Harmony in Diversity. The seminar will see four speakers: Jagannathji Kirtananda of ISKCON, Darshanbhai Pithadia of Swaminarayan, Subrata Dey of Advaita Vedanta, and Dr Ramesh Pattni of Chinmaya Mission represent their individual denominations of Hinduism. The event will take place on April 14, 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm at the Shri Birmingham Pragati Mandal, 10 Sampson Road, B11 1JL. l Bochasanwasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha's head Param Pujya Mahant Swami is currently in Australia. Mahant Swami had performed an asthipushpa visarjan on the Pacific ocean in Gold Coast on March 22. Currently in Sydney, he will continue his Australia vicharan till March 28, Wednesday. Pujya Mahant Swami will visit Perth from March 29 to April 1.

Sneh Joshi

l Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in Christianity. l Eggs have been seen as an ancient symbol of fertility, while springtime is considered to bring new life and rebirth. Easter Eggs


Basket Rabbit Chicks Jesus

Chocolate Spring Hunt


7 9





Sudoku Edition 13




SUDOKU - 013 6



4 2 3 9 5 1 3 9 1 2 1


2 7 5 9 5 4 1 7

For solution see next edition



How to make a paper basket Materials Required The materials required to make this basket are: n Cut out 8 strips of paper of length 10 " and width 1/2" . n Cut out 4 strips of paper of length 11 " and width 1/2". n Glue is also required at the end. How to Construct the paper basket Step 1- Keep 4 strips of 10" length vertically and 4 strips horizontally over the vertical ones. Step 2 – Now start weaving by moving each horizontal strip inside and outside of the vertical strips. Pls see the image for reference. Once all the 8 pieces are weaved your base is complete and it will look like the image. Step 3 – Now take the remaining strips for making its height. This part has to be done little carefully as it will not be done very easily. From this step it is little difficult to adjust the strips but practice will help you. Pick one long strip and fit on all the four sides by the same weaving process and glue it at the end. Step 4 – Now repeat the above process with the remaining stripes. Don't forget to glue them at the end. All strips must fit properly so that you can see no gaps in between. Step 5 – Now once this is done you will see need to fold the remaning paper that is left at the top edge of the basket. Fold each once inside and once outside nicely to get a nice finished edge and apply glue to paste this extra paper.

Joke of the week 5

- Knock, Knock Who's There? Lettuce. Lettuce who? Lettuce in, we're cold out here!

- Knock, Knock Who's There? Bean. Bean Who? Bean a While since I last saw you!

Sudoku Answer Edition 12

6 7 8 2 1 5 4 9 3

The UK’s leading Vedic writer and TV personality

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 By nature you are a highly

enterprising, go-getting type of person and these are qualities that will stand you in good stead in the coming weeks. Go easy on yourself though, especially if it's a question of financial loans. Don't be afraid to act forcefully if your instinct tells you it's time for change. If you know your ground and are not afraid to stick your neck out, you can create your own opportunities.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 Venus, your ruling planet, is

now transiting your sign. This will put you in the right mood if you intend to indulge your pleasure-loving instincts. Venus, the planet of love and romance throws a pleasing light on affairs of the heart. Existing emotional differences can be easily sorted out now.

Venus transits your 12th Solar GEMINI May 22 - June 22 House. This indicates that experience will put you in a deeply reflective mood. This is a favourable time for getting away from usual routines and seeking a retreat for a few days. All the better if you are interested in such things as meditation, yoga and healing therapies. A great time for reunions with your loved ones.

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 22


With Venus in your solar 11th house, this is a good time for your social as well as your love life. If you’re single you are likely to meet the person of your dreams. You could also benefit at work through a promotion. Organise your time so that it is not taken up entirely by the demands of other people.

At work sometimes a little upheaval and chaos is exactly what you need to set things right again. There’s no need to be complacent: the time is now. Unpredictable energies continue to influence your health sector, bringing erratic highs and lows. The key for you as always is to remain calm and collected.

LEO Jul 23 - Aug 23

You will feel confident as the week begins. The cosmic energies are decidedly invigorating at the moment. If you are taking a holiday, so much the better ! Not only do you have Venus putting a favourable emphasis on travel but, with Mars you can be sure of deriving the utmost pleasure from adventures and excursions.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

A long-standing problem or disagreement will need to be sorted out before allowing you to restructure both personal and joint financial interests more efficiently. You will be able to resolve issues as Venus,your ruling planet is now transiting your 8th house.

SCORPIO Oct 24- Nov 22

Love and close personal relationships will occupy the centre of your attention this week. With Venus remaining in your opposite sign, any emotional tensions will be smoothed out easily and harmony will prevail. On a purely practical note, you can expect your financial affairs to take a turn for the better.

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020 8518 5500

Venus moves into your solar sixth house, the accent shifts to your job interests and physical welfare. Do not try to rush projects to completion - pace yourself sensibly. At the moment, relationships are experiencing major transformations those with shaky foundations should be extra careful.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21

It is a great week for seeing real results. You can accomplish more than usual with a little elbow grease - the keyword here is discipline. Your social graces will serve you well career-wise. Mixing business with pleasure will bring you benefits. You will achieve great success by being responsible and diplomatic. Romance will have its pleasant surprises.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

Venus continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house. This is a time to recharge yourself, get in touch with your innermost feelings, connect with your roots, and spend more time with your loved ones. Use this opportunity to find ways to improve your family relations and your home environment.

This week you will make your best progress by focusing your mental and physical energies on what you want to achieve. Intense focus is what is needed now so do not let yourself be distracted by non-essentials. The underlying trend seems to be pulling you into a much wider social circle now and this is bound to enrich your life and give you a deeper sense of purpose.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20





New Zealand pulled off a dramatic win by an innings and 49 runs over England in Auckland, wrapping up the rain-affected first Test with 18.5 overs to spare. It is only the 10th time New Zealand have beaten England in the 102-Test history between the two countries. As fortunes fluctuated on the final day in scenes reminiscent of the cliffhanger finish the last time the two sides met at Eden Park, five years ago, Ben Stokes lined himself up to be the hero England so desperately needed. But with his dismissal for 66 on the stroke of dinner in the day-night Test, New Zealand went into the final session with the task of mopping up the last three wickets, while England still needed 69 runs to makes New Zealand bat again. Five days after all seemed lost for England when they were rolled for a paltry 58 in their first innings, New Zealand settled the outcome with the tourists all out for 320. For three consecutive sessions in England's second innings, New Zealand changed the flow of the match with a wicket in the final over. Joe Root went at stumps on day four to have England 132 for three, Moeen Ali fell at tea


on day five after adding 36 runs with Stokes, and then Stokes went at dinner ending an 83-run stand with Chris Woakes. Five years ago, England lost Ian Bell in the last over before tea to be seven down going into the last session, but then they had battling Matt Prior to save the day as they survived until stumps with one wicket remaining. This time there would be no such heroics as Stokes, returning from exile after being dropped before the Ashes series following a nightclub altercation in England, saw his effort to snatch an unexpected draw

end after 188 deliveries. A stubborn stand for two sessions folded when he lost patience during a lengthy spell of short-pitched bowling from Neil Wagner - New Zealand's go-to bowler when wickets are hard to come by and clipped a rising ball to Tim Southee at point. Wagner, Todd Astle and Trent Boult all finished with three wickets. When New Zealand declared their first innings at 427 for eight, after almost two full days were lost because of rain, England faced a target of 369 to avoid an innings defeat. They resumed the final day needing 237 and lost

Dawid Malan early in the fifth over. Stokes and Jonny Bairstow cautiously advanced the score to 181 in a partnership of 39 off 128 deliveries before Bairstow was out for 26. Ali was lbw to Boult with the umpire initially ruling in favour of the batsman before the decision was overturned on review. Craig Overton could only manage three, Woakes went on to 52 before he fended a Wagner delivery to Henry Nicholls and the match ended when Astle had James Anderson caught at mid-off by Boult. The second Test starts in Christchurch on Friday.


Asian Voice | 31st March 2018

Saha hits 6 sixes in an over in 20-ball ton India's test specialist and wicketkeeperb a t s m a n Wriddhiman Saha made a 20-ball hundred during a Cricket Association of Bengal (CAB)organised T20 meet for his club Mohun Bagan. Saha’s knock also included six sixes in an over. He smashed 14 sixes and four fours to remain unbeaten on 102 that came off just 20 balls. His hurricane innings helped Bagan chase down a victory target of 152 runs in only seven overs in a JC Mukherjee Trophy match against Bengal Nagpur Railways (BNR) Recreational Club at the Kalighat ground. Opening the innings, Saha started off with a single before smashing pacer Abhidipta Chakraborty all over the park in the very first over. The right-hander had an astonishing strike rate of 510 while his opening partner and skipper Subhomoy Das remained unbeaten on 43 off 22 balls. “I could feel from the first ball that I was able to hit the ball from

Wriddhiman Saha

the middle of the bat and I went for it,” Saha stated. The 33-year-old finished the match in the seventh over hitting medium-pacer Aman Prosad for six sixes. The over yielded 37 runs, including a wide. The last six brought his hundred. “After five sixes in five balls, I tried to hit the last ball for a six as well. I am feeling really good that I could achieve it,” he said after the match. Saha, however, played down his achievement. “I am not sure whether this is a record. With the IPL coming up, I just tried to play different shots,” he said. However, he is the first and only player so far to score a century in an IPL final.

Nadia Nadim's journey from troubled past to a successful footballer It rings true that every star has a past that drove them to success. Manchester's City club's brilliant Afghan-Danish striker Nadia Nadim is one such person. Her journey from life under the Afghan Taliban, to becoming one of Europe's best footballers is gutsy and inspirational at best. She tops our admiration for her by training as a doctor despite her busy schedule. Women, strong women. One of the five daughters of Rabani Nadim, Nadia jokes that her parents tried five times to have a son. He, however, she said, would constantly lay bets with his friends that she could run faster than their sons. And she did. An influential general in the Afghan army, Rabani was unfortunately murdered by the Taliban. Nadia remembers her father's love for sports. “My dad didn't necessarily try to push us into sports but he made us believe; you're girls but you can do whatever you want to do.” She remembers a large walled garden in Kabul

where they would kick balls and race. Describing her life under the Taliban, Nadia said, “Everyone felt a difference; we were not allowed to be outside. Women were not supposed to work any more, you could not go and buy groceries alone any more. The fear was there before they came, you would hear stuff. They tried to do things to make people feel fear.” Soon, violence escalated. The girls had to stay indoors. At the age of ten, when their father did not come home one day, they eventually discovered that he had been shot in an isolated spot used for executions. “We never found his body because there are a lot of wild animals in the area so they would just eat people,” she said. Their mother Hamida handed over all her money to ensure safe passage to London. They fled Kabul, flew to Italy, and then boarded a truck. They were inside the vehicle for 50 hours, and then told to get out. They were told they had arrived. It was only

Nadia Nadim

after an hour of wandering around in the wee hours of the day, when they bumped into a man who told them they were in Denmark. “I knew nothing about Denmark. But we didn't care. Everyone was happy that we were safe and together,” Nadia said. The family went to a police station and Hamida explained they needed political asylum. After, what seemed like a never-ending pro-

cess of interrogation and interviewing, the family was sent to live in a refugee camp. The Nadims lived there for six months before they were qualified for asylum. The six months were crucial for Nadia. It was during this period that she became acquainted to the sport she is associated with now. Alongside the camp was a football club where boys and girls would train. Nadia, along with her sis-

ters and other refugee kids would watch them. They spent days retrieving balls for the players from bushes. Nadia soon began to copy the skills back at the camp, undeterred with the lack of actual footballs. She soon mustered the courage to approach the girls to ask if she could join. With a welcoming coach and complying team members, a 12 year old Nadia was soon handed a note with the time and date of her first match. The player remembers not owning a pair of football boots. She went with her mother to a secondhand store. They found a pair of old leather boots that were too small for her. She decided if she managed to push her feet in hot water, they would mould her feet. The 12 year old played her first ever match in a pair of shoes too tight, and feet full of blisters from the scalding. The rest, as they say, was history. The girls soon began to grow. Despite the ups and downs in her life, Nadia calls football her only constant. “I love it, it

makes me happy, and no matter how stressed I am and what's going on outside, as soon as I step on the field and see the ball, everything disappears,” she said, “It's so easy to play football. You can play it anywhere, you can play it alone, you can play it with a ball and if you don't have one you can kick something that's round. So basically, I think that's one of the reasons football is so popular in the world and loved by most people.” Since her first stint with a ball, Nadia's career only went from strength to strength. She went from Danish clubs B52 Aalborg, Team Viborg, IK Skovbakken and Fortuna Hjørring to spells in the United States with Sky Blue FC and Portland Thorns. Nadia has been with Manchester City since January, and is already one of the main players. “It has been amazing and Manchester is awesome, besides the weather. I am still waiting for the sun, but I am really happy, plus I am close to my family, so it is a win-win.”

Sport 32


Asian Voice | 31st March 2018




Three days after the ball-tampering controversy erupted during the third test between Australia and South Africa in Cape Town, Cricket Australia (CA) has announced that Steven Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft will fly back to Australia and have no further role to play in the ongoing tour. Speaking to reporters assembled inside a Johannesburg hotel, the CA CEO James Sutherland said that the board will be "in a position to announce sanctions" in the next 24 hours and that "as a matter of emergency" its investigation will be completed by Wednesday and the quantum of punishment for the trio will be revealed too. This means that Australia, down 1-2 in the ongoing series, will head into the final Test on Friday without their best two batsmen. Tim Paine, who led the embattled touring team on the final day of the third Test after Smith and Warner stood down as captain and vice-captain, has been confirmed to lead Australia in the fourth match. Matt Renshaw, Glenn Maxwell and Joe Burns have been named as the replacement players and they will reach South Africa. Contrary to reports that he was ready to resign, Darren Lehmann will continue as head coach of the Australian team. Smith, Warner and Bancroft all charged after it was found they had prior knowledge of the ball tampering incident. While cricket's governing body, the International Cricket Council (ICC) had already handed down punishments to Smith and Test opener Cameron Bancroft on Sunday, CA has against a huge public outcry back in Australia, including statement from the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull -

Manu Bhaker and Anmol Jain

Steve Smith

confirmed its determination to hand out its own penalties for the key figures involved in plotting to alter the conditions of the ball on day three of the recent third Test in Cape Town. "I want to repeat what I said on Sunday in Australia - I understand and share the anger and disappointment of Australian fans and the broader Australian community. On behalf of Cricket Australia, I want to apologise to the citizens of Australia, especially all the kids who idolise cricket, as well as to Cricket South Africa," said Sutherland. "This is an issue beyond technical issues; it is about whether Australia can feel proud of their sporting teams. "Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft - no other player or member of the support staff had prior knowledge and that includes Darren Lehmann who will continue to coach the Australian team under his current contract. The three players have been charged with breaching the CA Code of Conduct for bringing the game into disrepute. The expectations of players around the world must be clearer - winning is important but not at the expose of the laws or spirit

Cameron Bancroft

of the game. We will finish our investigation over the next 24 hours." Tuesday's high-profile press conference came after a

Smith quits as RR captain

Under fire Australian cricketer Steve Smith has stepped down as captain of the Rajasthan Royals team. He will be replaced by Indian opener Ajinkya Rahane. The Indian Premier League franchise, which is making a comeback in the league after serving a two-year ban, confirmed the news in a statement. Rajasthan Royals' Head of Cricket, Zubin Bharucha said, "The incident in Cape Town has certainly disturbed the cricketing world. We have been in constant touch with the BCCI and taken their counsel. Furthermore we have been in regular contact with Steve.” Steve believes given the current circumstances “it's in the best interest of the Rajasthan Royals that he steps down as captain so the team can get ready for the start of the IPL without the ongoing distractions.”

David Warner

day of interviews with Australian players, team management and staff conducted in Cape Town by the CA head of integrity, Iain Roy, and head of team performance Pat Howard, who then spent much of today relating their findings to Sutherland. Smith's admission on Saturday that Australia's "leadership group" had been behind the plan to tamper with the ball was the first instance of an international captain admitting to such illegal activity. After the third day's play, while addressing the media, Smith had admitted that his team had deliberately tried to tamper with the condition of the ball in an orchestrated attempt to gain an advantage. He also claimed that Lehmann was unaware of the plan, but TV cameras showed Lehmann looking at the giant screen at the ground and then covering his mouth while reaching for a walkietalkie place next to him. The cameras then panned to Australia's 12th man, Peter Hanscomb, who appeared to have received a signal. Hanscomb then entered the field and delivered a message to Bancroft, who subsequently hit the yellow object down his pants.

Kohli set to play county cricket India captain Virat Kohli is all set to play English county cricket in his bid to prepare for the upcoming Test series against England in AugustSeptember. While it is yet to be ascertained which county Kohli will represent, it could be Surrey in all likelihood. "Virat will be playing for a division one county side for sure. I wouldn't like to add anything more to it. There were talks with Surrey and Essex," a senior BCCI official said. It is learnt that the Indian captain's sole focus is on the five Test series against England and he is likely to miss the one-off Test against

Indians win 18 medals in Junior Shooting World Cup

Afghanistan starting June 14 as he will be busy with his county stint. He will leave for England after completing his assignment for Royal Challengers Bangalore in the 11th edition of Indian Premier League. Kohli didn't have a great Test series in England in 2014 when he failed to get even a single half-century. He was found vulnerable outside the off-stump and Stuart Broad and James Anderson troubled him a lot. The BCCI is putting in a lot of effort for the

Virat Kohli

upcoming Test series and want more and more players to get accustomed to English conditions. Accordingly, Cheteshwar Pujara will be turning up for Yorkshire while Ishant Sharma will be playing for Durham. It is also learnt that some of the senior India players will also turn up for India 'A' in England in their bid to prepare for the tour. The likes of Murali Vijay, Ajinkya Rahane are also expected to prop up their preparations.

Anmol Jain and Manu Bhaker added another gold medal for India at the ISSF Junior Shooting World Cup in Sydney when they won the 10m Air Pistol Mixed Team final on Monday. India, with 18 medals (seven golds, three silvers and eight bronze medals), are second in the standings, just behind China which won 22 medals. Italy is third with two gold medals and a bronze. Anmol, 19, and Manu, 16, dominated the final match since its very first series, progressively building a gap between them and their closest rivals and eventually finishing with 478.9 points, 1.8-point away from the current World Record. Anmol and Manu also set a new Junior Qualification World Record with 770 points. China clinched the bronze and silver medals. A second Indian pair – 18-year-old Gaurav Rana and 19-year-old Mahima Turhi Agrawal – finished fourth, leaving the final at the 38th-shot mark with 370.2 points. Manu Bhaker earlier won two gold medals. Elavenil Valarivan and Anish Bhanwala won gold in their respective events.

325-member Indian contingent for CWG approved The Sports ministry has confirmed 325member Indian contingent for the 2018 Commonwealth Games to be held at Gold Coast City in Australia from April 4-15. The team comprises 221 athletes, 58 coaches, 17 doctors and physiotherapists, seven managers and 22 other officials. athletics

and shooting has the maximum representation with 31 and 27 participants respectively, while weightlifting and wrestling will see 16 and 12 contenders. Ten shuttlers will vie for supremacy at the quadrennial event, comprising the likes of World No. 2 Kidambi Srikanth and No. 3 PV Sindhu (who will be India's flag bearer at the opening ceremony). Earlier, the presence of 'extra officials' in the contingent had become a major flashpoint between the sports ministry and the Indian Olympic Association (IOA). The IOA said that Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore had assured it to have a relook at government's policy of not clearing 'extra officials' for the CWG. This assurance came after the IOA President Narinder Batra slammed the ministry for raising "unnecessary issues" about the contingent, asking it to apply the same standards of probity for its own bureaucrats.

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