AV 5th October 2024

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Mahant Swami Maharaj’s 91st birth anniversary celebrated P25

Work pressure means health trouble ahead P27

Kolkata Trams bid adieu after 151 years P28

Over 65% voter turnout in J&K final phase PM Modi holds talks with Jamaican counterpart, inks four pacts

The third and final phase of polling held in the seven districts of the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir concluded peacef u l l y o n T u e s d a y w i t h a r e c o r d v o t e r turnout of 65 58 per cent till 7 pm, according to the Election Commission of India With this, the polling has come to an end in the Union Territory with results scheduled on October 8

A s p e r t h e d a t a s h a r e d b y t h e E C I , Udhampur saw the highest poll percentage of 72.91, followed by Samba 72.41 per cent, Kathua 70 53 per cent Jammu 66 79 per cent, Bandipora 64 85 per cent, Kupwara 62 76 per cent and Baramulla 55 73 per cent Continued on page 25

Modi meets the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Dr. Andrew Holness at Hyderabad House, in New Delhi

Starmer shares UK’s new diplomatic vision


Britain will adopt a more listening-focused app roach on the

lobal stage as p art of

in internatio nal relations

In a speech at the United Nations, Starmer signalled a

cooperation to prevent the

withheld details due to security concerns Additionally,

Donald Trump, a move seen

Trump's continued support for Ukraine if he wins the 2024 US presidential election

In his address to the UN, Starmer emphasised a shift

in the UK's approach, moving towards "a partnership for the future" by listening more, talking less, and offer-

spirit of equal respect He

Ukraine and warned against a sense of fatalism about growing instability and conflict

Starmer also advocated for the expansion of the UN

Security Council to include

restoring UK aid spending to 0 7% of national income, a level cut by Rishi Sunak, but deferred the timing to when "f iscal circumstances allow " During his trip, Starmer

President Zelensky and dis-

strike inside Russia While the UK is reportedly prepared to support this, a formal decision has yet to be

sources suggesting that any

private to maintain an element of surprise

Shabana Mahmood reveals plan to reduce women’s prisons

J us t i ce S e c r e

a r y S ha ba n a

plan s t o sign if ican tly red uce

t he n u m be r o f

n impr ison ed in Englan d and Wales

Speaking at the Labour Pa r t y c o n fe

L i v e r p o o l , M a h m o o d emphasised the shortcomings of the current prison

s y s t e m i n a d d r e s s i n g t h e needs of women "It’s high time we stopped sending so many women to prison," she stated, outlining her long-

t e r m v i s i o n t o e v e n t u a l l y close all female prisons

O f t h e 1 1 7 p r i s o n s i n England and Wales, only 12 are designated for women, w i t h 3 , 4 5 3 fe m a le i n m a t e s out of a total prison populat io n o f 8 6 , 4 0 6 M a h m o o d aims to prevent up to twothirds of women from being i n c a r c e r a t e d e a c h y e a r Many female offenders are

imprisoned for non-violent c r i m e s , a n d m o s t r e c e i v e sentences of less than six m o n t h s , i n d i c a t i n g t h a t alternative measures could be viable for a large portion of these cases

Ci t i n g 2 0 2 2 s t a t i s t i c s , Mahmood noted that this could mean around 2,400

found impact on families, pointing out that about 50 b a b ie s a re b o r n i n p r i s o n each year, and three-quarters of children are displaced w h e n t h e i r m o t h

women not only affects individuals but also harms families and communities As part of her initiative, M


Justice Board , tasked with

We are seeking a Full-time Gujarati female carer for an elderly person. The carer should be able to stay with the elderly and be able to live at the property 24/7.

will include : Cooking & Cleaning

Spending Quality time with the Elderly and ensuring they have been looked after. Eligibility to legally work in the UK ( Documents Required ) Pleasecontacton:07951839190

C a mp a i g n e r a n d fo rmer sub postmaster Sir Al an Bat es wa s awarded kn ighthood for his cont r i b ut i on s t o ju st i ce , having be en recognised in t he Kin g ’ s Birthday H on o ur s in Jun e Princess Anne pre sented t he knight hood t o him

At 70 years old, Sir Alan gained signif icant attention after an IT V drama showcased his campaign for subpostmasters who were wrongly prosecuted for theft He previously declined an OBE while former Post Off ice chief executive Paula Vennells retained her CBE Earlier this year, Downing Street supported calls for Si r A

returned her honour

After the ceremony, Sir Alan described the experience as "most unusual" but expressed gratitude, stating, "I accept it gratefully, not just for myself, but for the whole group and for ever ything we ’ ve all endured If it gives me an extra sort of stick to beat the authorities with, so be it I’ll put it to good use " As the leader of the Justice for Subpostmasters Alliance, he is advocating for f inancial compensation for the 555 victims involved in the landmark group legal action against the Post Off ice

reducing the female prison population Led by a minister, the board will publish a strategy in the spring and work closely with an upcoming sentencing review The reforms will focus on providing alternatives to prison for

level, non-violent offenses Me

s are planning for Texas-style prison reforms that would allow inmates to earn points to reduce their sentences by participating in workshops

Dozens of prisoners released early due to error

Dozens of prisoners w ere m istakenly released early from jail as part o f a new emergency scheme desig ned to free up space

Sources at the Ministr y of Justice informed the Mirror that 37 inmates, who were imprisoned for breaching restraining orders, were wrongly released due to their offences being recorded under outdated legislation While f ive of these prisoners have yet to be returned to jail, the others have been brought back into custody All identif ied victims have been contacted following the incorrect release of these inmates Offenders sentenced for breaching restraining orders were meant to be excluded from the government's early release plan The r

Sentencing Act 2020 However, it has come to light that some offenders were charged and s

from Harassment Act 1997, which has since been replaced by the Sentencing Act This led to incorrect entries in prison records, causing the breaches to go unflagged during the early release vetting process

Rishi Sunak bids farewell as Conservative party leader, urges unity In h is f inal address as C

defeat in the July general election, expressed optimism for the party's future in his address at the annual

Akshata Murty, received a warm welcome from the Tor y members as he introduced the four leadership contenders vying to succeed him

"I'm optimistic about our count r y 's a n d o



Former cabinet minister Michael Gove has been appointed as the new editor of ‘ The Spectator ’ magazine, following the recent £100 million acquisition of the right-wing publication by GB News backer Paul Marshall Gove, set to succeed Fraser Nelson on 4 October, will be joined by former ‘Daily Telegraph’ and ‘Spectator ’ editor Charles Moore, who has been appointed as chair Nelson, who joined ‘ The Spectator ’ in 2006 and became editor in 2009 described Gove as his "clear successor" in a blog post noting that Gove had long been considered a future editor due to his journalistic experience at publications like The Times and his contributions to The Spectator By taking the role, Gove has fulfilled a lifelong ambition, first voiced at age seven in his hometown of Aberdeen Gove, 57, who stepped down from Parliament before the general election, previously served in the cabinets of four prime ministers


A global analysis indicates that children s eyesight is deteriorating with one in three now short-sighted or struggling to see distant objects clearly Researchers attribute this decline to Covid lockdowns, which led to increased screen time and reduced outdoor activity The study warns that myopia is a rising health concern that could impact millions more children by 2050 The highest rates of short-sightedness are in Asia, with 85% of children in Japan and 73% in South Korea affected, while over 40% are impacted in China and Russia In contrast, Paraguay and Uganda have some of the lowest rates at about 1%, with the UK, Ireland, and the US around 15% The study published in the ‘British Journal of Ophthalmology’ analysed data from over five million children and teenagers across 50 countries and found that myopia tripled from 1990 to 2023 now affecting 36% of youth The increase has been particularly pronounced since the Covid pandemic

against each other

o n l y l e a d s t o a L a b o u r g o v e r nment," he added Fo r m

ters James Cleverly, Ke m

B a d e n

c h , Robert Jenrick, and Tom Tugendhat are c o m p e t i n g a t t h i s week's party confere n c e

Tor y MPs and party members that they are best suited to succeed Sunak after the party's signif icant general election defeat Sunak praised the leadership cand


d To m - s a y i

h e y a r e a l l c

p a b l e Conser vatives who could lead the countr y better than Keir Starmer He e m p h a s i s e d t h e n e e d fo r u n i t y among Conser vatives to return to off ice and urged party members to support the new leader, ensuring one of the candidates becomes the next prime minister

r t y 's l o n g - t e r m future," Sunak said to loud cheers He urged members to support the next leader, emphasising the need to end division and backbiting "We must fo c u s o n w h a t u n i t e s u s r a t h e


Children from deprived areas are set to benefit first from Labour s free breakfast clubs At the Labour Party conference, Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced that the trial programme, aimed at funding free breakfast clubs in primary schools, will begin in April at 750 schools across England Hundreds of statefunded primary schools will be invited to join the “early adopter scheme,” which will run from April to July 2025, providing thousands of children early access to the programme aimed at tackling child poverty and reducing absenteeism This new initiative will complement the existing national school breakfast programme which offers free breakfast supplies to all students in participating schools A Labour source indicated that the schools selected for the trial are likely to be in the areas of greatest need

Shabana Mahmood
Sir Alan Bates awarded knighthood for justice advocacy
Sir Alan Bates
Rishi Sunak with his wife
Akshata Murthy

Decades of promises, but are women any safer?

Asha-Rose Migiro, the High Commissioner of Tanzania to the United Kingdom has poignantly stated, “Nowhere in the world is a woman safe from violence The strengthening of global commitment to counteract this plague is a movement whose time has come ”

However, the global commitment to women's wellbeing has at least been going on for four decades with the C o n v

o f Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) being adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979 Yet, violence against women and girls continues to be a widespread issue across the globe, manifesting in various forms such as domestic abuse, sexual violence, harassment, and femicide

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), one in three women worldwide will experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime, usually at the hands of someone they know This startling statistic underscores a harrowing truth: women often face danger in the very places that are meant to offer them safety homes, workp

‘Nirbhaya’ and ‘Abhaya,’ and the UK’s Sarah Everard, starkly illustrate that no environment guarantees security for women Whether at work, traveling with loved ones, or even interacting with figures of authority like police officers, the spaces where women once felt safe are rapidly shrinking

This reality is all the more troubling in light of the continued global efforts to enact stronger laws aimed at protecting women and fostering safer societies Is enough not being done? And if the actions match the words, then why is it that the situation of women keeps getting grim despite all the action being taken The threat to women ’ s safety is

not confined to the physical world As life increasingly shifts online, women face new forms of violence, including digital harassment, stalking, and abuse From revenge porn to online threats and bullying, the virtual realm has become another frontier where gendered violence thrives Religion, too, plays a complex role in shaping societal attitudes toward women ’ s sexuality and has long been intertwined with their exploitation Sexual exploitation by some religious leaders or ‘ gurus ’ is a deeply disturbing issue that cuts across faiths, cultures, and regions These ‘gurus', often regarded as spiritual guides, have access to vulnerable individuals seeking emotional support, spiritual counsel, or relief from personal struggles In many cases, they exploit this trust for personal gain, whether through manipulation or outright abuse Beyond sexual exploitation, some of them have been notorious for perpetuating oppressive gender stereotypes Recently, Pope Francis faced criticism from a Roman Catholic University for suggesting that women should adhere to traditional gender roles In India, the situation with religious leaders is often far worse, as many of these so-called ‘godmen’ have been exposed for crimes ranging from exploitation to human trafficking and abuse

The issue of women safety reveals not only the gross abuse of power but also the failure of religious institutions to protect vulnerable individuals, especially women, from exploitation There has been much discourse on women ’ s safety, yet, alarmingly, little meaningful action The reality is grim: violence against women continues to escalate, while trust in law enforcement plummets If we are to create a safer world for women, decisive and immediate action is essential and anything less is unacceptable

Is Pakistan’s economic necessity driving SAARC's revival talks?

Muhammad Yunus, head of Bangladesh's caretaker government, met with Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif to seek support for reviving SAARC during the bilateral relations between the two nations, the regional group where India plays a key role Bangladesh's postSheikh Hasina government advocating for SAARC revival with Pakistan adds a new dimension to the situation

T h e S o u t h

Cooperation (SAARC) was founded on 8 December 1985 to promote trade and economic cooperation among eight South Asian nations: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Afghanistan Its headquarters are in Kathmandu, Nepal The last SAARC summit was held in 2014 in Kathmandu, after which the organisation has largely been inactive India's withdrawal from subsequent SAARC summits stems from Pakistan's ongoing support for terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, which has hindered progress within the organisation As a result, leaders from other nations also opted to stay away, leading to the cancellation of the conclave

The reviving call for SAARC stems from economic necessity to Pakistan and Bangladesh Pakistan's economy is struggling, relying on loans from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Gulf countries to cover daily expenses While China has provided support, it has begun pulling back, and the US ceased its financial backing of Pakistan years ago For Bangladesh, which experienced significant economic growth under Sheikh Hasina, has stumbled in recent years, with corruption being cited as a major contributor to its economic challenges

India has made it clear that it cannot tolerate the contradiction of Pakistan promoting terrorism while seeking trade and cooperation Whether SAARC is revived or not holds little significance for India In the wake of SAARC's decline, India has shifted its focus to stronger alliances like BRICS and the Quad, where it plays a pivotal role Previously, SAARC was a platform for India to raise its voice, but today, India’s influence is recognised globally, without the need for SAARC India remains one of the few major economies experiencing strong growth, while many larger economies are slowing down With an annual growth rate exceeding 7%, India is projected by S&P to become the world’s third-largest economy by 2030-31 Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's leadership, India's foreign policy has evolved, and global powers now value India's stance, making SAARC increasingly irrelevant In terms of trade and business, SAARC primarily relies on India, not the other way around While India may seek to maintain ties with its neighbours, it can

depending on a multilateral forum

However, there are downsides to the current situation It has been a decade since SAARC last held a full summit, underscoring the urgent need for renewed cooperation in South Asia The organisation is vital for promoting economic collaboration and enhancing security among member states In a time when neighbouring countries frequently face conflict, developing a constructive action plan could benefit both India and its neighbours, helping to alleviate the suffering of their people

Saving India's sinking youth

Recently Apple launched iPhone-16 There were mile-long queues at Apple stores from early mornings in India Some had even camped outside Apple stores since dawn, including youth The craze for buying expensive gadgets and smartphones has made it clear that consumerism has reached its peak Bank loans, credit cards, monthly repayment options by companies to buy expensive things seem to be worsening people’s habits

A debt resolution platform claims that 33 to 40% of Indian youth today are under massive debts An average person has 6 loans worth Rs 560,000 (approx £4993) Earlier generations preferred saving their money and spent only on necessities and that too when they could afford it

But today's youth need every form of gadgets at hand

Appearance is also a contributing factor to this evil Today, you will hardly see a middleclass or young man riding a bicycle in Indian cities He needs an expensive motorcycle to leave his home On the other hand, easy loans are adding fuel to fire, as family savings hit rock bottom

The Reserve Bank of India has recently issued a warning that after Covid-19, lending by banks and finance companies are reducing drastically India's newly emerging middle-class accounts for the largest share of these loans, due to which family debts are increasing According to the

Reserve Bank's estimate, debt of Indian household has reached 40% of the country's GDP

On the other hand, the craze of getting rich overnight

Currently the Indian stock market is growing by leaps and bounds In that frenzy, hundreds and thousands of people

According to SEBI data, 93% i e 1 13 crore (11,300,000) individual traders have suffered huge losses in the short period of two years from 2022 to 2024 in equity F&O

Due to the loss in the stock markets recently, many now are in debt and constantly betting their future on the hope of winning something tomorrow But when all their plans fail, and the debt piles up, the whole family doesn't hesitate to commit suicide Such news of suicide is increasing rapidly

Who will explain to today's younger generations that no one is pleased to see them getting into back breaking debts, which they can’t ever pay off Banks, finance companies have to push their portfolio so they can keep luring with attractive loans or new schemes, but today's youth have to learn proper finance management to live a life with peace of mind Otherwise, no one can save this sinking generation

Political Sketchbook

In Memory of

forces who want ed power


Today we are not just celebrating a birth! Today, we are summoning a spirit A spirit that stirred the very soul of a nation, spirit that still echoes in every corner of this world! Today, we honour Mahatma Gandhi, the man who walked barefoot against an empire, armed not with guns or swords, but with the truth and his unbreakable will!

Think of this: a frail man with nothing but a cloth wrapped around him stood before the might of the British Empire and won! But it wasn t a victory just for him No, it was a victory for justice, for freedom, for humanity itself! And that spirit, that fire, that unrelenting belief that the world can be better, that the oppressed can be free that is what we must reignite today!

Let me ask you: have we forgotten his lessons? Have we forgotten that power is not just in the hands of the strong, but in the hearts of the brave? The brave who refuse to stay silent in the face of injustice, the brave who stand up when they see wrong, who do not bend, who do not break, no matter the cost! That is the legacy of Mahatma Gandhi!

But here we are, in a world still plagued by division, by hatred, by greed! Where the powerful fuel the fires of fear to keep the rest of us down! But we, WE must remember the lesson that Gandhi taught us tha t the m ost powe rful force on this Eart h is NOT v iolen ce, it is NOT ha te! It is t he power of the people st an ding tog ethe r in TRU TH!

He faced down armies, empires, tyranny, an d oppre ssion an d he did it wit h pea ce ! Do you understand what kind of strength that takes? To fight not with fists but with compassion To march not with an army but with love And that strength, that unimaginable strength, was not just Gandhi s It is OURS It is yours It is mine It is the inheritance of every human being who dares to believe that a better world is possible!

And so today, on this sacred day, I say to you: will you stand for truth? Will you stand for justice? Will y ou fight for t he wor ld Ga ndhi dre amed of? A world where fre edom is not t he privilege of t he powerful, but the bir thr ig ht of EVER Y human being ! Where the colour of your skin, the size of your bank account, your religion, your background none of it matters, because we are ONE people, bound by the same truth!

Will you? Will you? Or will we fall silent, let hatred win, let division pull us apart? NO! I say NO! Not today, not EVER!

Today, we remember Gandhi not as a relic of the past, but as a call to arms for the future A call to st an d up! To speak out! To march forwar d with the same coura ge, t he same d ete rmin ation , the sa me un dying be lief tha t t he fight for just ice is NEVER ove r until the last chain is br oken !

We are his lega cy! We are his sol die rs in the fight for peace! And together, with truth as our weapon and love as our shield, we will create the world that Gandhi dreamed of

So I ask you, each of you will you answer that call? Will you take up that fight? Will you be the change that this world so desperately needs?

Because if you will if you truly will then together we will honour not just Gandhi’s memory, but his mission Together, we will build the world of peace, justice, and freedom that he gave his life for

Jai Hind! Jai Mahatma Gandhi!

Alpesh Patel

Three men imprisoned in Plymouth for raping young girls

of four y oung girls in Plymouth in 2017 The Crown Prosecution

Salih, 30, and Saif Kahya, 32,

Devon and Cornwall Police


Facing abuse, Uma Kumaran nearly quit her MP dreams


says, “I’ve never had any action taken ”

They received sentences of

years, respectively


m i t t e d between February 2017 and December 2017

F o l l o w i n g t h e v i c t i m s '

d i s c l o s u r e t h a t t h e r e h a d

b e e n o t h e r h o m e p a r t i e s where the young girls had

b e e n l u r e d a n d e x p l o i t e d

w i t h m o n e y , a l c o h o l , a n d drugs, the police investigation and prosecution process got underway

T h e v i c t i m s a t t h e t i m e ranged in age from 14 to 16 Claire Brinton, Specialist Prosecutor for the CPS, state d , “ T h e s e m e n e x p l o i t e d f o u r y o u n g g i r l s t h r o u g h drugs, alcohol, and money, subjecting them to grooming and rape Their vicious c a m p a i g n o f s e x u a l a b u s e

caused life-changing harm and trauma to the victims

“ W e e x t e n d o u r g r a t it u d e t o t h e v i c t i m

crimes and testified in court T h e s e c o n

CPS, in collaboration with

those who exploit children

“I encourage any victims


c e s it's never too late to seek justice, and help is available ”

The defendants' houses were the scene of every rape

University faces deficit from declining international students

Newcastle U niv ersity is fac-

i n g a £ 35 m i l li o n bu d g e t sh ortfall due to a decline in the number of internatio nal students, as outlined in an

e m ai l t o s ta ff fro m V i c e C hancellor Professor C hris Day

tracts, such as requests for

annual staff pay review and academic promotions In the email obtained by



Symond s “Being in the public eye, there’s an ele-

says, noting her recent decision to install security at her home due to her new role

threats,” Kumaran shares, recounting

when a man drove past her with two children in the car and shouted abuse about Gaza, wishing violence upon her “He said he hoped I’d die and suffer and get raped ” Despite reporting these serious threats to the police, she

Harrow with the support of a close-knit

Parliament in Harrow East in 2015 but faced a "vile" and "religiously divisive" campaign, which led her to vow never to run again Kumaran reflects on her challenging past campaign a

Khan in 2016, which faced accusat

encouraged to run in every election since, it took nearly a decade for her to feel ready Her journey as an MP was marked by personal hardships, including the loss of her grandmother and her husband Jacob suffering a s

Actress Maggie Smith dies at 89

Os c ar- w i nn i ng ac tre ss M ag g i e Smith, known for her ro les in the ‘ H arr y P

and ‘Downton Abbey’, has passed aw ay at 89 in C helsea and Westm inster Hospital, London Her sons, Chris Larkin and T oby Stephen, shared th e news, but the cause of death has no t been d isclosed

In a statement, Maggie Smith's sons announced her peaceful passing on the morning of September 2 7 t h T h e y d e s c r i b e d h e r a s a n intensely private person surrounded by friends and family at the end, leaving behind two sons and five g

gratitude to the staff at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for their care and requested privacy during this difficult time


A planned national maths academy once championed by Rishi Sunak as a means to discover the Alan Turings of the future has been scrapped by the Labour government Mathematicians expressed disappointment over this decision, which follows the announcement made by the former prime minister in May Sunak had aimed to enhance the country s numeracy and elevate mathematics to the same level as other sciences The proposed academy would have been the fifth national academy, joining prestigious institutions like the Royal Society, the Royal Academy of Engineering, The Academy of Medical Sciences, and the British Academy Initial funding of £6 million had been allocated for organisations applying to establish the academy but this was withdrawn by the Department for Science Innovation and Technology before any funds were disbursed despite several applications already submitted Academics have warned of maths deserts forming at British universities due to funding cuts limiting aspiring maths teachers ability to study the subject beyond A-levels in their regions


In response to the financial challenges, the university will implement immediate cost-cutting measures, which include a freeze on c h a n g e s t o

Reporting Service, Prof Day

£15 million of "mitigations"

t i n g c o n -

Maggie Smith began her stage career at the Oxford Playhouse in 1952 and made her Broadway debut in ‘New Faces of 56’ She became a p

former alongside Judi Dench, working with the National Theatre and the Royal Shakespeare Company

n t o i t s b u d g e t b u t n o w needs to identify an extra £20 million in savings to avoid a financial deficit

T h e N e w c a s t l e University Executive Board has agreed to freeze recruitm e n t f o r a l l n e w a n d replacement "core funded" p o s i t i o n s u n t

h e r n o t i c e E x c e p t i o n a l c a s e s may be considered if they are deemed "business critical " All "capital projects," including construction and equipment purchases, will be reviewed to weigh the r i s k s o f p a u s i n g w o r k o r purchases against the costs of completing them

I t i s a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t most of the university’s payment cards will also be withd r a w n a n d s u s p e n d e d According to Home Office figures, student visa applica-

t i o n s f r o m

s a 1 7 % decrease compared to the same period in 2023

The Ind ian Jo urnalists’ A sso ciation that w as established in M ay 1947 , has elected its new Presid ent, office bearers an d ex ec u ti v e co m m it tee o n Frid ay

The election that was held on 27 September at the Taj, made history, as members for the first in the organisation’s 77 years of history elected an all women team of office bearers, i

and Treasurer The first time it had an all women President and Secretary i n

majority of the executive committee were women too!

As Dr Danish Khan finished his 2-

President of the IJA

Smith received Tony nominations for ‘Private Lives’ and ‘Night and Day’, winning Best Actress in a Play for ‘Lettice and Lovage’ in 1990, the s a m e y e a r s h e w a s k n i g h t e d b y Queen Elizabeth, earning the title of Dame

In her later years, Maggie Smith captivated audiences as a cantankerous retiree in ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel’ (2011), filmed primarily in Rajasthan (India), including Jaipur and Udaipur

as the Secretary

An urgent warning has been issued to UK drivers about parking fine scams posing as government agencies The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) reports that scammers are sending texts claiming to serve “parking penalty charges” and including links for payment These messages often threaten penalties such as driving bans increased fines or court action if the sum is not paid within a specified timeframe The DVSA does not handle parking fines and will never send such texts Key indicators of scams include spelling and grammar mistakes and messages sent from personal mobile numbers Recently, the DVSA highlighted a common scam text: DVSA notice for you: You have a parking penalty charge due If you do not pay your fine on time, your car may be banned from driving, and you might have to pay more or go to court The agency advises anyone receiving a suspected scam text to report it to the National Cyber Security Centre



A corner shop owner in Swindon, Rabiyama Mohamed Hussain, has been fined £10 000 by immigration enforcement for allegedly hiring an illegal worker The Home Office claims he employed someone without a visa at AAA Shop on Cricklade Road, a charge Hussain denies The shop has now closed,

by him He explained, I was at the cash and carry when the Home Office visited The brother came to see his sister, who worked in the shop When the Home Office arrived they found him there I told them he wasn’t working for me, but they wouldn’t accept it ” He described the situation as bad luck and mentioned that

Saif Kahya Abalzaq Salih Anthony Anantharajah
Uma Kumaran
Maggie Smith

Kemi Badenoch's maternity pay remarks ignite Tory controversy

A cont rov er sy h as e rupt ed

o v e r co m m e n t


le a d er sh ip can d id a te Ke m i

B a d e n o c h, wh o s ug g e st e d

Scandal-hit UK nursing chief steps down

t ha t m a t e r n i t y p a y h a d " gone too

r," ov ersha dow-

C on ser va t ive Pa r ty con fer -

e nce

Later, the shadow hous-

i n g s e c r e t a r y c l a

d h e r position to reporters, stating she believed maternity pay "doesn't need changing at all " She maintained that her

c o m m e n t s w e r e a i m e d a t r e d u c i n g b u s i n e s s r e g u l ations and were "misrepresented " Her remarks quickly became a focal point for her leadership rivals as the com-

p e t i t i o n t o s u c c e e d R i s h i Sunak intensified

D u r i n g a n i n t e r v i e w with Times Radio, Badenoch

e m p h a s i s e d t h a t a c e n t r a l t h e m e o f h e r l e a d e r

campaign is to reduce state

W h e n a s

e t h e r s h e believed maternity pay was set at the right level, she responded, “Maternity pay

v a r i e s d e p e n d i n g o n w h o you work for, but statutory maternity pay is a function of tax, which comes from p e o p l e w h o a r e w o r k i n g

We’re taking from one group o

another In my view, this is excessive ” B

express concern about the

“Businesses are closing, and new businesses are not starting in the UK because they say the regulatory burden is too high ” When pressed further about whether her comments implied that maternit y p

e stated, “I think it’s gone too far too far the other way in t

regulation ” She added that t

maternity pay was “neither here nor there ” Statutory maternity pay b

n s


o f a v e

g e weekly earnings for the first s i x w

, a f t e r w h

c h i t drops to the lower of either £184 03 or 90% of the mother ’ s average salary for the following 33 weeks

Families of knife victims say watchdog is failing us

T h e f am i l ie s o f s tu d ent s k i lle d in t h e N o tti n g h am attacks h ave criticised the p olice watchd og, alleging it i s f ai l in g t o a d eq u ate ly i n v es ti g a te s i g n if i ca nt alleged shortcom ing s in the case

The parents of Barnaby W e b b e r a n d G r a c e

O ’ M a l l e y - K u m a r , b o t h 1 9 , who lost their lives alongside 65-year-old Ian Coates in the stabbings on June 13 last year, expressed their disa p p o i n t m e n t w i t h t h e

I n d e p e n d e n t O f f i c e o f

P o l i c e C o n d u c t ( I O P C )

T h e y a r e c o n c e r n e d t h a t crucial police errors are not being thoroughly examined and fear their serious con-

cerns, which were referred t o t h e w a t c h d o g m o n t h s ago, are being overlooked

Nottinghamshire police are under investigation for their handling of the case involving Valdo Calocane, a paranoid schizophrenic currently serving an indefinite hospital order following the violent rampage The police force has been accused of not doing enough to prevent C a l o c a n e , w h o h a d b e e n arrested during prior violent incidents

Additionally, officers in L e i c

n g scrutiny for failing to arrest Calocane after receiving an a s s a u l t r e p o r t , d e s p i t e a n outstanding warrant related

to an earlier violent episode

The IOPC is also investigating Nottinghamshire police for not informing families

a b o u t m i s c o n d u c t c a s e s i n v o l v i n g o f f i c e r s w h o shared details of the case via WhatsApp

Body parts illegally held at NHS waste site

H u ma n bo d y p a r t s a n d blood from Scott ish hospit als were illega lly stor ed a t a facilit y loca ted in t he const it uen cy of he alth se cr eta ry N eil G ray

T r u c k s a n d c o n t a i n e r s storing surgically removed organs, tumours, and bodyfluid-soaked dressings have been held at a site in Shotts, Lanarkshire, in violation of environmental regulations

The lorries, stationed at Hassockrigg Ecopark, just 10 miles from health secretary

N e i l G r a y

ment to process the most hazardous clinical waste A s S c o t l a

s t h e equipment to process hazardous clinical waste, NHS Scotland contractor Tradebe Healthcare transports it to E

incineration Since 2019, the company ’ s trucks have travelled an estimated one million miles, equivalent to 40 trips around the world, carrying body parts and surgical waste

Tradebe Healthcare’s incin-

Royal, has been used as an emergency storage site without proper licensing This is the same location that, six years ago, sparked a national

meeting after hundreds of tons of rotting human waste


Taxpayer-funded MBA courses for executives face crackdown

Keir Starmer has announce d a crackdown on the use of t axpaye r funds for unive rsity cour se s aimed a t t op exe cu-

t iv es, ma rking a victory for a campaign by Independe nt

Ministers faced growing p r e s s u r e t o r e s p o n d a f t e r reports revealed over £1 billion of taxpayer money was being allocated to master’slevel courses for executives

In a significant overhaul of the apprenticeship levy, the Prime Minister announced plans to restrict its use for

postgraduate courses during h i s s p e e c h a t t h e L a b o u r Party conference, emphasising the need to “rebalance funding in our training system back to young people

Experts have cautioned

intent, which has resulted in new entrants to the labour

ministers in 2017, the levy


0 5% of their wage bill, allow-

T h e c h ai r o f th e U K’s nu rsing regul ato r, S i r D av i d W arr en, h a s announced his resig natio n follo wing a sc ath i ng rev i ew tr ig g er ed b y an i nv es ti g at io n b y Th e Indep endent

Sir David, who leads the Nursing a n d M i d w i f e r y C o u n c i l ( N M C ) ,

down after a report highlighted the organisa-

endanger both the public and nursing professionals The independent review, conducted by Nazir Afzal KC, accused the NMC’s leadership of ignoring repeated warnings about systemic issues within the organisation

It uncovered dysfunction at "every level" and revealed that the regulator had overlooked serious instances of sexual, physical, and racial abuse The Afzal review was commissioned in response to whistleblower allegations reported by The Independent, which exposed how the NMC’s toxic environment allowed rogue nurses to continue practicing and left internal racism unchecked

The NMC oversees more than 800,000 n

a t e s across the UK, making it one of Europe’s largest professional regulators The review, published in July, also revealed the tragic news that six nurses had taken their own lives in a single year while under investigation by the NMC

Reeves poised to benefit from debt rule changes

Rachel Reev es is set to unlock as much as £50 b illio n fo r i nv es tm e nt i n ro a d s , h o u s in g , energ y, and o th er m a j or p ro j ec ts , acco rding to p lans being develop ed by officials

The Chancellor has requested the Treasury to consider altering the government's borrowing rules to create a financial boost that would help fulfil Labour's commitment to increase economic investment The current borrowing system has faced criticism from economists for hindering long-term investment that could stimulate economic growth

S e n i o r g o v e r n m e n t s o u r c e s i n d i c a t e t h a t

Reeves has instructed officials to explore options for modifying how the government calculates debt

This could potentially allow for “offsetting” assets, such as the £236 billion in student loans, against the national debt, thereby freeing up additional funds for investment

E c o n o m i s t s h a v e e s t i m a t

ing them to recruit and train a p p r

n d s unspent after two years are returned to the Treasury

However, the number of

e GCSE passes has plummeted from 53% of the total five years ago to just 24% Last year, a former education secretary highlighted that subsidising MBAs for high earners earning over £100,000 a year “makes a nonsense ” of the apprenticeship levy


Farmers have reached out to the leaders of Britain s “big six supermarkets, urging them to stop misleading consumers into believing that their own-brand food is sourced from “quaint family farms ” The Farmers Against Farmwashing campaign argues that these chains are employing false farm brands and Union Jack logos to create the illusion that their products originate from small, independent producers In reality, much of the food comes from “industrial US-style megafarms” or is imported from abroad, obscuring the decline of Britain s family farms The open letter has garnered support from over 100 individuals within the farming and food industry including television presenter Jimmy Doherty and chef Rick Stein Doherty emphasised Britain’s small-scale farmers are facing extinction pushed to the brink by the rise of US-style mega-farms It s time we take a stand before it s too late In response, Andrew Opie from the British Retail Consortium, which represents the supermarket chains, stated, “Supermarkets are committed to promoting British farming and adhere to strict food labelling regulations, including the use of flags ”


The Co-operative Group has reported losses of nearly £40 million due to shoplifting in the first half of the year, highlighting a worsening trend in retail crime As the seventh largest supermarket chain in Britain, the Co-op described shop theft as having reached “epidemic” levels with thieves becoming increasingly “brazen ” In total, the company lost £39 5 million to shoplifting during the first six months of the year, marking a 19 percent increase from £33 3 million in the same timeframe last year Additionally, the Co-op noted a 4 percent rise in overall crime within its stores compared to the previous year recording 172 008 incidents of shoplifting and antisocial behaviour from January to June equating to approximately 950 crimes per day


The BBC is facing accusations of being institutionally hostile to Israel from three prominent Jewish organisations, which have criticised its reporting on the Middle East conflict Danny Cohen, who served as the BBC's director of television from 2013 to 2015, has compiled a report alleging that the corporation has made “false and damaging claims about Israel’s conduct in this war” and has produced “misleading broadcasts and social media output ” The report has received support from the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the Jewish Leadership Council, and the Community Security Trust, a charity focused on combating extremism and antisemitism

h a t i f t h e s e revised rules had been in place during the last budget, it would have resulted in approximately £50 billion of additional financial flexibility This would not only support the creation of a £7 billion national wealth fund and cover the £8 billion cost of Great British Energy but also enable substantial investments in other infrastructure needs, such as new rail and road links and capital improvements in the NHS

However, this strategy will not permit Reeves to increase day-to-day expenditures, such as restoring winter fuel payments for p e n s i o n e r s , a s L a b o u r h a s c o m m i t t e d t o funding these through annual tax revenues

To facilitate Labour s plans for increasing day-to-day spending, Reeves is anticipated to raise taxes on capital gains and revise inheritance tax regulations


Sir Oliver Dowden the former deputy prime minister has become the highest-profile individual interviewed in an investigation concerning betting on the timing of the upcoming general election The Gambling Commission is reported to have interviewed Dowden as a witness, and he is also believed to have spoken with police; however, he is not currently under investigation himself The inquiry is examining whether Conservative officials violated gambling regulations by using insider knowledge to place bets on the announcement of an unexpected July election Dowden, a close ally of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, is not thought to have been interviewed by the inquiry, which, according to Sky News, has collected hundreds of documents from Conservative campaign headquarters

Kemi Badenoch
Rachel Reeves

luxurious amenities of their developments


showcased its 1% payment plan, offering buyers flexible monthly payments over 80

delivery, each development includes over 40 amenities and fully furnished homes

The launch followed a bro-

over 300 brokers and high-

like Fashionz and Diamondz

Rizwan Sajan, Founder a n d C

Group, led the London office launch, highlighting its role in expanding the company ’ s global reach

Hindu Council UK highlights new board and executive appointed

K r is h n a B h an ( C h a i r,

HC UK) opened the A GM by w elc o m i ng at ten d ee s an d i n tro d u c i ng fe ll o w d i re ct o rs , n o m i na ti ng Di p e n

Rajyaguru as the m oderator

Dipen read ou t th e ag enda, and Anil Bh anot p resented

sultation Mediation on May 31, 2024, was unsuccessful d u e t o t h e o t h e r p a r t y ' s reluctance to negotiate Chris Gopaul noted that U m e s h S h a r m

agreed to resign at a reconciliation meeting but later

a n o u tli ne o f t h e C on st it ut

e i g h t tru s tee s re g ard in g term limits and representati o n H e em p h asi se d th at the lack of position rotation led to stag natio n

Anil outlined challenges

s i n c e t h e l a s t l e g i t i m a t e

A G M o n J u l y 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 , including failed dispute res-

o l u t i o n s w i t h t h e f o r m e r

C h a i r a n d G e n e r a l

S e c r e t a r y , w h i c h l e d t o

C h a r i t y C o m m i s s i o n c o n -

the 12 to 14 category, the

team claimed first place, fol-

Singh Akhara Manchester in

Coventry secured first place, with Jeea Kaur from Akali

Baba Ajit Singh Warrington taking second

In the 15 to 17 age group,

won first place among girls,

Bahadur Derby taking second For boys, Baba Banda

Damdami Taksal Derby was

Taksal Derby also won first in the women's event, and



r e t r a c

d D


sised the need to update the Constitution and maintain a two-representative limit per organisation Krishna Bhan

s h a r e d t h e h i s t o r y o f Kashmiri Pandits and led a moment of silence for genoc i d e v i c t i m s , w h i l e A n i l B h a n o t v o i c e d c o n c e r n s about Hinduphobia in BBC reporting, calling for divers i t y r e f o r m T h e m e e t i n g ended with Bhan thanking t h e B r e n t I n d i a n Association and attendees

Covid bonus inequities hit low-paid NHS staff

Thousa nds of hospit al st aff wh o riske d the ir lives d uring t he p a n d e m i c ha v e n o t r e ce iv ed t he £ 1, 60 0 C ov id bonus g iven to NHS work er s last y ea r Campaigners note that many lower-paid employees, especially women and ethnic minorities, are among those missing out

A survey of outsourcing companies found discrepancies in bonus distribution

a m o n g N H S c l e a n e r s , porters, and caterers, with payments varying by contract type Unions argue this r e f l e c t s a b r o a d e r l o s s o f rights for hospital staff

D i m a H o o p

t H o m e r t o n H o s p i t a l employed by ISS, nearly died f r o m C o v i d

She believes she contracted

the virus at work and feels it s unfair not to receive the Covid bonus “We risked our l i v e s , w o r k i n g s i x d a y s a week, 12 hours a day Some lost their lives, and others can’t work anymore It’s not

there doing the same job,” she said

During the Covid crisis, hospitals depended on cater-

grounds However, essential staff on non-NHS contracts are excluded from the Covid bonus, with some caterers at Homerton receiving it due

tracts As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s important to recognise the contri-

Tan Dhesi MP with 9 Gatka team members
Pooja Raval ABPL with Rizwan Sajan

Anuradha’s Ugandan Asian artwork formally unveiled

L e ic e st e r C it y Ma y o

P ete r So ulsby re ne we d his g lowing tribut e to Uga nd an Asians wh o had mad e the city the ir home fo llowing t he 1972 e xod us Sir Soulsby was speaking at a community celebration at Belgrave Circle in the heart of Leicester last Thursday The event saw the unveiling of a sculptural gateway, creation of artist Anuradha Patel, and a large memorial foundation

e n


which beat off stiff competition, is rooted in the idea of unity and shared experience The steel uprights of the artwork represent two distinct communities coming together, with the apex

s y m b o

which their stories and lives interlock These differences

connections that give the sculpture its strength


guests shuffled into groups for photos Journalist Rupal


views capturing the special moments on audio

The celebration was led by the Mayor of Leicester Cllr Bhupen Dave and Lady

Consul General of Uganda Jaffer Kapasi, former High

Patel, Steve White, Suzan Owera and Shalom Okeke

Leicester, Riaz Ravat from St Phillip’s Centre, Nisha and Pradip Popat

Tribute to Lord Basaveshwara statue in London by His Holiness Shri Nirmalanandanatha Swami Ji

His Ho lines s Jadagu ru Sri Sri Sri Dr Nirmalanandanatha Swami Ji, th e 7 2nd po ntiff of Adic hunch anagiri Mahasams thana Math p aid tribute to the Lo rd Bas aves hwara monument in Lo ndon

He was joined by Smt Trupti Patel, head of the Hindu Forum of Britain, along with former Chief Whip Satish Reddy, Karnataka Secretariat

President Ramesh Sangha, Deputy Commissioner GST Mohammed Pasha, Ms Divya Rangenahalli, and Mr Harish Ramiah Dr Jagdish Sirvar from Gulbarga honoured the 'Adichunchanagiri' Swamiji The event, organised by the Lambeth Basaveshwara Foundation in collaboration with the UK Basava Samithi,

also saw participation from three Kannada councillors: Cllr Ravi Venkatesh, Cllr Suresh Gattapur, and Cllr

Prime Minister Keir Starmer invited to pay tribute to Lord Basaveshwara

The Prime Mi nister of the United Kingdom, The Rt Hon Sir Keir Starmer, was invited to j oin the British Indian c ommunity in paying tribute to Lord B as aveshwara

The invitation was extended by Neeraj Patil, former Mayor of the London Borough of Lambeth, on behalf of the British Indian community and the Lambeth Basaveshwara Foundation The Foundation is responsible for the installation of the statue of

Lord Basaveshwara, located opposite the British Parliament This statue is

significant for the Indian community in the UK as it was the first to receive conceptual approval from the British Cabinet in 2013 and was unveiled by Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi on November 14, 2015 The Lambeth Basaveshwara Foundation plays a vital role in promoting the values of Lord Basaveshwara, celebrated for his contributions to social justice, democracy, and the upliftment of the underprivileged

John Norman remembered

Dhiren Katwa

Family and fr ie nds came toge ther to mar k the first dea th an nive rsary of John Norma n, husba nd t o Han sa Norma n, founde r an d cha ir of San skrut i Ma hila Mand al The remembrance event featured bhajans by Parin Suchak and his group, Devubhai on tabla, Sharad-bhai on the octapad and singer Damini Chavda followed by “prasad” dinner

Held in the Normans’ home town of Droitwich, Worcestershire, last Saturday guests included Natubhai


TheRajeev Metri Dr Neeraj Patil, former Mayor of the London Borough of Lambeth, along with Basava Samithi officials Mr Abhijeet Saliamth, Mr Ajit Menon Das and Ranganath Mirji warmly welcomed the attendees, representing the British Indian and Kannada communities

absence of difficulties may be a good reason to be hap py for anyone, but w e need to learn the art o f being happy *despite* challeng es If yo u have a tooth ache, yo ur full attention rem ains on th at tingling pain causing d isco mfort Althou gh the rest of you r bo dy is healthy and you h av e no trou ble in any o ther part, the toothach e still has the pow er to make you unhappy Sim ilarly, if we face a m ino r issue in life, even when ev erything else is go ing smoo thly, w e tend to feel unh app y So, h ow can we learn to d isregard such setbacks and remain co ntent in all circumstances?

Human nature is to guard against adversities, which leads us to anticipate potential obstacles that may arise in the future This foresight can cause worry, robbing us of present happiness Similarly, logical thinking tells us not to overlook small concerns so they don’t escalate Again, this focus on challenges often takes precedence over peace However, this is not inherent in human nature but is acquired through upbringing Look at a child who has just fallen and injured himself In a few minutes, the child will forget the pain and start playing happily again Why can’t an adult do the same? During our upbringing, we develop the habit of dwelling on difficulties, which makes it hard to be happy when even the smallest issue exists

How can we develop that child-like attitude of remaining happy despite life's ups and downs? It is not easy to undo the conditioning we've received so far, but a conscious effort can help divert us from that unfortunate mindset The trick is to ask ourselves a few key questions whenever we feel unhappy The first question is: *What is the issue?* Which aspect of your life is being affected by this situation? What other areas of your life are *not* impacted? How can you separate the issue from those unaffected areas and remain happy while addressing the concern at the appropriate time and in a reasonable context? You may not have clear-cut answers to all of these questions, but just by asking them and reminding yourself to stay happy despite difficulties, you can plant seeds of happiness in your mind for the moment Over time, this practice will become a habit, and you won’t let a setback overshadow your entire life Ultimately, you will learn to be happy despite the hurdles (Expressed opinions are personal) How

UK-India relationship in focus at Labour Indians conference

La bour Ind ia ns, the Labour Pa rty ’ s d iaspora out rea ch gr oup, la unched th e publication The U K-In dia R ela tionship: Per spe ct ives on a Fut ure Pa rtn er ship' at t he par ty confer ence in Live rpool

cultural ties and contributing to both nations' prosperity Krish Raval, Chair of Labour Indians, underscored that Labour's partnership with the British Indian community celebrates

software developers lead global GitHub AI projects, while Britain excels in AI systems Together, they drive the future of artificial intelligence, rooted in shared values

The think tank ‘Bridge

The event, co-hosted by the Indian High Commission, was attended by Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds, Migration Minister Seema Malhotra, and other Labour MPs and councillors Indian High Commissioner Vikram Doraiswami highlighted the India-UK Roadmap 2030, which aims to strengthen trade, investment, defence, and climate cooperation through a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership He also praised the Indian diaspora in the UK, over 1 8 million strong, for fostering

diversity as a driver of economic growth and social cohesion He noted that close collaboration with the UK-India 'living bridge' can boost electoral support, enhance economic growth, and strengthen national security, positioning the UK for a more prosperous and secure future Kanishka Narayan, newly elected Labour MP for Vale of Glamorgan and ViceChair of Labour Indians, highlighted the strong UKIndia relationship, emphasising their shared forward-looking approach He noted that Indian

India’ is set to host an event titled ‘The Future of UKIndia Relations’ with MP Navendu Mishra on October 15 The discussion will focus on the potential direction of bilateral relations under a Labour government This follows the Labour Party Conference, where two key Indian diaspora-related groups, Labour Friends of India and the Labour Convention of Indian Organisations, announced their merger to enhance Labour’s coordinated engagement with the Indian High Commission and strengthen ties with India

From left: Lady Mayoress Steve White Dhiren Katwa, Lord Mayor Cllr Bhupen Dave, Sir Peter Soulsby
From left: Artist Anuradha Patel journalist Rupal Rajani HE Nimisha Madhvani
Patel, Meena
Jagdish Parmar, Pankaj and
Raksha Mehta of Mehta Sundries – to name just a few
Souvenir in memory of John B Norman
Hansa Norman with Meena Parmar
PM Starmer and Neeraj Patil (left)
Swamiji’s visit to Lord Basaveshwara statue
Indian High Commissioner Vikram Doraiswami, Seema Malhotra MP, Virendra Sharma, Jonathan Reynolds MP, Uma Kumaran MP, councillors and guests

Recruitment challenges and strategies in the UK hospitality sector

The hospitality indust ry in t he UK pla ys a crucial rol e in t he e conomy, employing 3 2 mill ion people However, t he

s e ct o r f a ce s si g n ifi

r ecr uitmen t chal lenge s that

y ears due to va rious factors, in cl udin g the afte rmath of B rexit and the Covid-19 pande mic

The UK hospitality sector is currently handling a

to attract staff Also, flexible working hours and sign-on

service delivery This shortage can be traced back to several influencing factors

The departure of the UK from the European Union in 2021 resulted in the loss of a s u b s t a n t i a l n u m b e r o f E U workers who previously contributed to the hospitality workforce A study conduct-

e d b y t h e C e n t r e f o r Entrepreneurs indicated that o v e r 8 0 , 0 0 0 w o r k e r s w i t h EU citizenship left the sector in 2021 alone

The Covid-19 pandemic led to mass layoffs and clo-

s u r e s , r e s u l t i n g i n m a n y workers finding employment in other industries or choosing not to return to hospitality Research from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) highlights that 25% of hospitality workers cited better job opportunities in other sectors as a reason for leaving

To combat recruitment challenges, hospitality businesses are adopting innovative strategies Many hospitality businesses are focusing on increasing their appeal to p o t e

Glassdoor, 77% of job seekers consider a company ’ s culture before applying Companies that successfully communicate their values, work environment, and commitment

t o s t a f f d

likely attract more talent

With rising labour costs, businesses are reevaluating their pay structures and ben-

found that 70% of hospitality

wages or enhanced benefits

The Unfiltered Lens

importance of diversity in attracting talent Employers

recruitment practices have witnessed improved employee satisfaction and retention rates

Skills for Jobs report indicates that over 63% of hospit

investing in skills training as

sion opportunities through apprenticeships and learning programs attracts potential employees seeking longterm careers

London Town Group of Companies has adopted a multi-faceted approach to recruitment for its hotels, focusing on both innovative s t r a t e g i e s a n d t r

group emphasises its commitment to staff developm

i e s within its range of properties

“We actively use a vari-

forms, including LinkedIn a n d i n d u s t r y - s p e c i f i c j o b boards, to reach potential


Furthermore, London's hos-

leveraged through partnerships with local educational institutions, offering work e x p

address the ongoing staffing challenges while fostering a

Shah, founder of London Town Group of Companies

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of technology in recruitment pro-

indeed, and specialised job boards to reach potential candidates A survey by the

& Employment Confederation (REC) revealed that 78% of

hospitality sector report an

recruitment methods postpandemic

The recruitment landscape in the UK hospitality sector is currently a complex challenge, with signific

exacerbated by Brexit and

enhancing employer brand-

inclusive environment, and

businesses can better navigate this landscape As the industry continues to recov-

strategies will be vital for building a skilled and dedicated workforce to thrive in a competitive market

h o p programs to attract entrants to the sector By combining modern recruitment techniques with an emphasis on benefits and perks of working in the industry such as access to heavily discounted hotel stays worldwide, din-

Syed Hadi Naqvi awarded with TUC Organising Award 2024

S yed (Hadi), a Usdaw



Hadi has effectively represented members by ensuring their rights are protect-

with migraines avoid disci-

g their condition was a disability and negotiated a shift change to alleviate symptoms He also organised a collective grievance against a bullying manager, leading to a successful Employment Tribunal case

Rec ent n ews abou t senior Labou r mi nisters and politic ians acc eptin g gi fts, acc ommodations, and entertainmen t rai se s conc erns about the growing cul tu re of freebie s i n politics

Reports of top Labou r offic ial s re cei vin g gi fts conc ert tic kets footba ll hospi tal ity, lu xury holi days an d clo thi ng, worth ov er £642,000 sinc e 2019, has demoral ised public tru st We expect integri ty from our lea ders, bu t these examples sug ge st oth erwi se I recently read a letter in the Times ( 24 September ) from Justin

Langham that showed a sharp contrast with Rishi Sunak’s actions

As Chancellor, Sunak received a case of wine from Langham Wine Estate as a "thank you ” for taking time to research and answer a question about duty on English wine production Instead of keeping it, he handed it over to the government and later bought it back at full price This act of integrity is what we should expect from all politicians

The Labour Party, which claims to represent the working class, now faces criticism for accepting gifts and privileges Even if no corruption is

involved, the mere perception of these gifts damages public trust

This isn’t just about Labour; as Langham’s letter suggests, integrity is essential for all politicians, regardless of party It's concerning to witness how prevalent this culture of entitlement has become, particularly when large corporations are offering these freebies And it’s clearly understandable that nothing comes for free, there should be a motive or favouritism behind it

This contrast in actions underscores the differing values and ethics between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer

Syed Hadi Naqvi
C Natarajan

Remembering the Mahatma

On October 2, we celebrate the birth anniversary of two of our great leaders Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri Mahatma Gandhi was a kind of person who loved nonviolence He wanted everyone to live happily without any form of non-violence He always wanted our nation to be democratic, free, and secular

Lal Bahadur Shastri was the second Prime Minister of India and the one who initiated the project to make India one of the largest producers of milk Gandhi had gifted us freedom, but Lal Bahadur Shastri gave the Mahatma’s efforts a direction This Gandhi Jayanti, let us remember the Mahatma, the man who found the soul of India and put it together with values of love and service

W h i l e M a h a t m a G a n d h i w a s a p r a c t i s i n g H i n d u ,

Christianity intrigued him In his reading of the four Gospels --- Matthew, John, Luke and Mark --- he was impressed by Jesus Christ whom Christians worshipped and followed

During his student days in London, he read the entire New Testament The impact of the 'Sermon on the Mount' on his mind was to remain with him all his life In volume 1 of his ten volume The Story of Civilization , eminent historian Will Durant lauds Gandhi thus: He did not mouth the name of Christ, but acted as if he accepted every word on the Sermon on the Mount Mahatma Gandhi is perhaps the best example of someone who was discerning enough to reject Christianity, not Christ He was deeply hurt by his experiences with apartheid and Christians during his time in South Africa, and it obviously stymied his relationship with Christ Jub el D'Cruz

The erosion of respect

The recent stabbing incident in Carmarthenshire, where a 13year-old girl attacked two teachers and a fellow pupil, raises serious concerns about how our youth view educators In Indian culture, we hold teachers in high regard, often treating them as next to God Sadly, this respect seems to be fading

We see more and more students disrespecting and bullying teacher’s even fellow students, which can lead to dangerous situations Many incidents have come to light that students' pranks have backfired It is crucial that we teach our children the importance of valuing their teachers and understanding the impact of their words and actions

Teachers may sometimes be strict, but their goal is to help students succeed We must encourage our children to appreciate the hard work teachers put into their education

Let us work together as parents, educators, and community members to create an environment where respect for teachers is essential This incident also indicates the mental state of students who seriously need help but many times are ignored by their family or friends We need to guide our youth to understand the significance of kindness and respect, ensuring a better future for everyone Rahu l Gow tham

Climate change and global instability

Travel sector is facing various challenges due to climate change, specifically highlighting the impact of wildfires, droughts, and heatwaves on popular destinations I am fond

o f t r a v e l l i n g a n d e x p l o r i n g n e w p l a c e s , c u i s i n e s a n d culture This issue is of significant concern as it threatens not only the beauty and allure of these places but also the very essence of travel and exploration Moreover war threats and communal riots are adding to the fear of travellers

As the world continues to advance, travel remains a vital avenue for cultural exchange, personal growth, and economic development However, the escalating risks posed by climate change are reshaping how and where we travel Tourists are increasingly seeking safer destinations, driven by the fear of extreme weather conditions that could disrupt their plans or worse, put their safety at risk It is essential for governments and industry leaders to collaborate on developing policies that balance tourism growth with environmental sustainability Together, we can create a future where exploration thrives in harmony with nature, allowing generations to come to enjoy the wonders of our world

Sexism in Heart health

A latest report revealed that sexist attitudes contribute to the unnecessary deaths of women from heart attacks, which is both alarming and unacceptable We must support the noble profession of medicine, which aims to heal and protect everyone, regardless of gender It's disappointing to see that, even with many female doctors and nurses, biases against female patients still exist

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, yet the perception that it is primarily a "man's disease" continues to prevail This outdated attitude not only weakens the reality of women s health needs but also endangers lives Women with known risk factors like high blood pressure and high cholesterol are often overlooked and undertreated compared to their male counterparts It is crucial that we change the narrative surrounding women's health, ensuring that medical professionals are educated to recognise and address heart disease in women as seriously as they do in men

Vanshika Agarwal

Soneri Sangat

Last week on Soneri Sangat, we delved into the remarkable work of the Vishv Umiya Foundation (VUF) Our guest speakers included R P Patel (President of VUF), Dr Rupal Patel (Chairperson of the Women’s Wing - VUF), and Deepak Patel (UK Convenor - VUF), who shared the foundation's history and mission They provided insights into VUF's impressive 60-acre site, featuring the tallest temple of Maa Umiya, which stands at 153 meters, serving as a symbol of their dedication and vision VUF focuses on promoting global cooperation and sustainable development to tackle challenges related to employment, health, the environment, education, business development, and various other social causes The guest speakers offered in-depth details about their initiatives, which were truly overwhelming to learn about

For those who missed it, catch up on this event and previous episodes by visiting our YouTub e chann el @abplgroup87 72

Stay tuned for more excitin g content comin g your way!


Khan faces pressure as London housing rate falls short

Sad iq Khan has been cautioned by the new Labou r Gov ernm ent that the pace

marked ly,” as current levels are

required targ et

In a letter, Deputy Prime

informed Mayor Sadiq Khan

challenges London faces in

expects him to take action

output As a sign of its commitment to collaboration,

order from former Housing Secretary Michael Gove that mandated a partial review of Khan's London Plan, which directs new developments in the city

T h e D e p u t y P r i m e

Th e world h as all owed t er rorists, in all t heir shades of ev il ideo logy, to get away with their madness for far too lo ng The co nv entional wisdo m (I say th at u nder advisement) has been th at if t err orists org anise themselves as no n-state actor s in foreig n nations, th en yo u sh oul d no t attack th em fo r t hreat of a wider war

Israel has shown that in the 21st C there is only one way to treat these terrorists Destroy them wherever they may be hiding Any nation that harbours any terrorist group confirms that they indeed are also a terrorist state The time has come for the world to eradicate this menace of spineless cowards in search of 72 virgins who are armed to their teeth with lethal weaponry

I stood up and applauded the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) when news came through that the Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh was killed I did somersaults (OK a bit farfetched, but I did do somersaults in my mind) when t

Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah was also sent packing to

Hezbollah operatives were also despatched to that same hell hole

M i n i s t e r , n o w H o u s i n g S e c r e t a r y , u r g e d M

r Khan to reevaluate industrial land in London for potential housing, aligning with his planned updates to the London Plan The mayor's office attributed the housing crisis to the "disastrous housing inheritance" from the previous Tory governm e n t , s t a t i n g t h a t i t w i l l take time to rectify the situation and deliver the necessary homes

Racist thugs assault young Muslim women, attempting to remove scarves

A woman felt violated and dehumanis ed after experienc ing horrific racist abuse and being spat on during protests in Manchester

T h o m a s R i c h a r d , 5 6 , joined a mob in Piccadilly Gardens on August 3, targeting three young women

F o o t a g

w n i n Manchester Crown Court revealed the group encircling the women, with one man spitting directly in a woman's face while she was shopping


s about a man involved in a t r a g i c i n c i d e n t i n Southport, leading to the g

, f r o m Miles Platting, Manchester, w h o a d m i t t e d t o v i o l e n t disorder, was sentenced on S e p t e m b e r 2 4 I n h e r impact statement, the vic-

t i m e x p r e s s e d s h o c k a n d disgust at the far-right EDL members' behaviour, stating, "The assault was completely unprovoked I do

not feel I deserved what happened " She described feeling "violated, degraded, a n d d e h u m a n i s e d " a f t e r being spat on and now fears leaving her home due to the attack

The court heard that a 2 2 - y e a r - o l d w o m a n , w h o identifies as white British and wore a hijab and keffiyeh scarf in support of Palestine, was observing a large group and police in Piccadilly Gardens

A s t e n s i o n s r o s e , s h e attempted to cross the area but heard shouts of Stop t h e b o a t s " a n d " G o b a c k home," along with derogatory remarks about her God and religion Feeling isolated, she said, "I could feel how hateful those words were " When confronted by a m e m b e r o f t h e g r o u p , who accused her of antagonising them, she explained s h e w a s j u s t w a t c h i n g

D e s p i t e c o n s i d e r i n g l e a ving, she chose to stay, not wanting to let them win in a public place

Operation “New Order” conducted by Israeli Air Force carried out a massive airstrike on the headquarters of Hezbollahin the heart of the Dahiyeh district of the Lebanese capital Beirut Think about it, these terrorist headquarters were built underground beneath residential buildings in the middle of the national capital When the Lebanese state provide cover and protects their home-grown terror outfits, they lose the right to scream victimhood Every Lebanese should get out on the streets and root out these terrorists and all state officials who have turned the nation into a terrorist state If the people of Lebanon don’t show spine, then they lose the right of protest against Israel

The so-calledself-proclaimed hero of the Islamists, the Iranian supreme leader Ali Khamenei showed his bravado by taking shelter inside an unknown bunker

Yes folks, this is the might and strength of these Islamist leaders, as soon as the going gets tough, they are the first, with their families, to run for cover

Let us also be clear, Hamas and Hezbollah are nothing but Iranian proxies Their main task, to target Israel and Jews Hamas and Hezbollah are not the only two terrorist outfits supported by Iran, there are countless others including Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq (Iraq),

Hezbollah (Iraq), Harakat Hezbollah al Nujaba (Syria), Badr Organization, and many others Iran’s expenditure in support of these terror groups now exceeds billions of dollars every year

Israel has shown all terror groups in the area, if you dare target Israel or any Jew, we will find you and we will wipe you out, no matter where you are hiding The Hamas Palestinian terrorists thought it was a good idea to attack Israel Look at Gaza today, beaten to a pulp Most Hamas leaders killed It’s an example of what will happen to Lebanon should they make the same error

There is a lesson for India in this Well known terror groups target India on a daily basis Many are based across the border in Pakistan, Bangladesh as well as further afield in nations like Canada We know who these terrorists are, we know where they are, yet for reasons beyond my understanding, India allows these terrorists to thrive Pulwama showed that it is possible to take the fight to the terrorists on their own turf Yet we have seen very few examples of such strident action by India

People say, we must be careful Attacking targets in Pakistan could escalate to a full-blown nuclear war I beg to differ The American masters who control Pakistan will not allow the nutters to proceed to any type of nuclear warfare Israel has set a standard for self-defence of a nation It’s time India proceedsswiftlyfor a total wipeout of as many terrorist training camps in Pakistan as soon as possible Terrorists do not deserve any mercy In the past such benevolence shown by India has only resulted in more terrorist attacks with many more Indian deaths

I s i t t i m e t o t e r r

answer is anything other than a resounding ‘YES’, then I suspect you are the disease that rogue ideologies thrive on

Kapil Dudakia
Sadiq Khan

Pizza gets a spicy makeover with Indian flair

Anusha Singh

I ndi an cuis ine is widely recognised for its rich diversity of spi ces, herbs, and bold flavours As more people around the world b ec ome exposed to I ndi an c uis ine, there's a rising i nterest in inc orporati ng I ndi an flavours into W estern dishes

Pizza, a universally beloved food, has become a prime canvas for this fusion This trend is particularly evident in countries with significant Indian diaspora communities, where Indian flavours are integrated into popular local foods and the UK is one of them Indianflavoured pizzas often feature toppings that blend traditional Italian elements with Indian cuisine staples Tandoori chicken, paneer (Indian cottage cheese), spicy lamb kebabs, and vegetables marinated in aromatic spices like garam masala, cumin, and coriander are common choices

Sauces can also be adapted, with pizza bases topped with tikka masala, butter chicken sauce, or spicy chutneys instead of traditional tomato sauce

This results in pizzas with deep, complex flavours that stand out in a crowded market The growing interest in healthier eating

habits has also played a role in shaping Indianflavoured pizzas With more consumers seeking plantbased and nutrient-dense options, many Indian pizzas feature ingredien like paneer, spina chickpeas, and le offering both a n and flavourful alternative Whole wheat or millet pizza bases and dairy-free cheese options have also been introduced to cater to health-conscious eaters

fine dining Italian restaurant in partnership with a restaurant in Bari However, when that partnership fell through, the concept of an IndianItalian fusion restaurant took shape “We decided to experiment and base the toppings on the food we grew up eating at home,” Devinder explained

One such pioneer of this fusion trend in London is East West London, owned by Devinder Singh Inspired by his travels to Puglia, Italy, Devinder initially planned to open a

Among the restaurant’s most popular offerings are ‘The O G ’ and ‘Hara Bhara,’ both inspired by classic Punjabi dishes like Butter Chicken and Palak Paneer but elevated with non-traditional ingredients Devinder’s personal favourite, however, is the ‘Fickle Pickle,’ which features

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tandoori chicken with a butter sauce base, accented by pickling spices For those new to Indianflavoured pizzas, he recommends the ‘C T M ’a nod to Britain’s beloved Chicken Tikka Masala On the inspiration behind the fusion concept, Devinder shared, “The idea was to take our favourite dishes and truct them for a onal 48-hour proofed n base When you a pizza from East est, you ’ re uaranteed a fulllavored experience with inventive toppings that appeal to people from all walks of life Indian and Italian cuisines re two of the most opular in the world, it made sense to g them together ” for the growing rity of Indianed pizzas, Devinder believes it stems from a desire for more variety “I think people are getting bored with the traditional Italian pizzas, which tend to be limited in their offerings, especially for vegetarians,” he said By blending the best of both worlds, Indian-flavoured pizzas offer a fresh, exciting, and inclusive dining experience

Concerns about free speech over Islamophobia definition

Ministers are re-evaluating plans for a leg al d efinition o

worries abo ut its potential impact on free speech


defined Islamophobia as a "type of racism that targets expressions of Muslimness or perceived Muslimness," but critics argue this defini-

could resemble a "blasphemy law " In a shift away from this stance, Lord Wajid K h

stated that existing equalities laws already offer ade-

that the current definition

colour, nationality, and ethnic origins

“We aim to ensure that any definition comprehensively reflects diverse perspectives and implications for various communities,” he said, adding that the government is exploring a more holistic approach to tackling I

h a t t h e Equality Act 2010 protects i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h r e l i g i o u s beliefs as well as those witho u t , a l l o w i n g v i c t i m s o f

civil courts

His comments were in response to a letter from the N e t w o r k o f S i k h Organisations (NSO), which expressed “ grave concerns ” over the potential adoption of a contested definition of Islamophobia They warned that it could severely restrict free speech and the ability to discuss historical truths Lord Khan reassured the NSO that freedom of speech and the right to discuss religion are “incredibly import a n t , ” p r o m i s i n g t h a t t h e

c o m b a t

e l i g i o u s h a t r e d w o u l d “ n e v e r i n h i b i t t h e lawful right to freedom of expression ”

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Devinder Singh
Lord Wajid Khan

AI: The Necessary Evil?

The rapid advancement of generative AI (gen AI) has prompted regulators worldwide to rush to comprehend, control, and ensure the safety of this transformative tech-

n o l o g y , a l l w h i l e p r e s e r v i n g i t s potential benefits As industries increasingly adopt gen AI, a new challenge arises for risk and compliance functions: balancing the use of innovative technology within an evolving and often inconsistent regulatory framework

The recent trailer for Ananya Pandey’s upcoming Netflix thriller ‘ C T R L ’ s e r v e s a s a c h i l l i n g reminder of the dangers posed by

t e c h n o l o g i c a l a d v a n c e m e n t s

While fictional, it offers a glimpse into the dystopian future we could face if we fail to keep these developments in check The swift breakthroughs in AI have intensified pressure on rule-makers to keep pace with this ever-evolving landscape

Moreover, the misuse of AI can p r o f o u n d l y i m p a c t c o m m u n i t y safety, cohesion, and trust, especially during festive periods that are meant to foster joy and unity During such times, communities often let their guard down, making

t h e m p a r t i c u l a r l y v u l n e r a b l e t o attacks and fraud

Elderly at g reater risk

Dr Harjinder Singh Lallie Ph D , M Phil , MSc , SFHEA, M Inst IP is a p rofesso r of C yber S ecurity at th e U niv ersity of Warwick He highlights that while all sectors of society are vulnerable to cyber threats, those lacking technological knowl-

e d g e a r e p a r t i c u l a r l y a t r i s k

" P e o p l e w i t h s o m e t e c h u n d e rstanding can apply that when making decisions, but those without it often struggle Their judgment can be impaired because they don’t have the foundational knowledge

t o m a k e i n f o r m e d c h o i c e s , " h e explains

This is especially true for the elderly in the South Asian community, who may not be as familiar with modern technology As the festive period approaches, many elderly individuals are eager to participate in community activities and contribute to charitable causes With so much now conducted online, scammers increasingly target this demographic in the name of charities or temples Even those who are technologically savvy can fall victim to these scams, so it’s unsurprising that older members of the community are often at risk

Age UK, a leading charity supporting older people, shared conc e r n i n g s t a t i s t i c s

m t h e i r research Nearly one in five people over the age of 50 in the UK around 4 9 million individuals


Similarly, 2 8 million people in this age group are afraid to open their

According to the Crime Survey for England and Wales, an average of four people aged 50 and older are scammed every minute, and Age UK suspects the real figure could be even higher due to underreporting

While scams can affect anyone, Age UK warns that older people, particularly those living alone or with cognitive impairments, are at greater risk of falling victim to certain types of fraud Financial losses are common, but the impact often

e x t e n d s

older victims experience feelings of

n physical health decline Some lose their independence entirely after being scammed

C aro l i ne A b ra h am s C BE , Charity Director at Ag e UK, commented on the issue: "Many scammers are highly sophisticated criminals, and it’s easy for anyone to be

sometimes face unique risk factors, including social isolation, limited


c y , a n d c o g

t i v e impairments, which make them prime targets for fraudsters " She continued, "We’re proud that Age UK’s scams programme has reached so many older people in local communities, helping to empower them against this growing threat However, a much larger national effort is needed to protect older people from this insidious c r i m e W h i l e o u r p r o g r a m m e offers a blueprint, this kind of support must be more widely available, which is far from the case today "

Women being targ eted as gov ernm ent strug gles to keep u p

T h e r i s e o f t e c h n o l o g y h a s made cybercrime against women increasingly prevalent, highlighting that it is still far from being a world where women can feel completely safe online It is estimated that one in ten women has been a victim of cyberviolence since the age of fifteen Festivals like Navratri, which emphasise socialising and connection, often see younger genera-

t i o n s q u i c k l y e x c h a n g i n g s o c i a l media information However, one poor decision can expose women to various cybercrimes, including online harassment, cyberstalking, revenge porn, doxxing, and identity theft The anonymity and vast reach of the internet allow perpetrators to target women with ease, leading to emotional, psychological, and even physical harm

At the same time, the UK's digi t a l e c o n o m y i s f a c i n g g r o w i n g threats from cybercriminals and state actors, with essential public services and infrastructure increasingly under attack In the past 18 m o n t h s , h o s p i t a l s , u n i v e r

s , local authorities, democratic institutions, and government departments have all been targeted R e c e n t c y b e r a t t a c k s o n t h e NHS and the Ministry of Defence highlight the severe consequences such breaches can have Our current laws have struggled to keep up with rapid technological advancements and if even powerful government organisations and essential institutions are struggling to fend off these threats, it underscores how vulnerable women and o t h e r m a r g i n a l i s e d m e m b e r s o f society are D r H a r

concerns about how


Author recounts harrowing assault experience in London

Soundar ya Bal asub ramani, a twot im e a u t h or a n d co -f

of Gr een car


ep ort ed being a ssault ed on t he stree ts of Lond on in broad day light

She recounted her traumatic experience on Instagram, revealing t

o n September 18 while she was searching for a co-working space Around 2 PM, a tall man approached her and asked for money, but when she refused, he allegedly punched her in the face

stating, "A major problem is that cybercriminals are now using AI to launch more sophisticated attacks In the past, preparing and monitoring these attacks would take two to three days Attackers needed time to configure their strateg

o gauge their effectiveness But with AI, these processes can now be c o m p l e

hours AI can develop, launch, and analyse attacks in real time, making it far more difficult for us to defend against them "

"On the positive side, we are also leveraging AI to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and efficiently Both sides are utilising AI, but at present, cybercriminals seem to be slightly ahead in terms of sophistication To close this gap, we must make significant investments in research, development, and education to enhance o u r c a p a b i l i t i e s U l t i m a t e l y , i t ' s crucial that we not only match their level of sophistication but stay two steps ahead to effectively counter these threats "

C o m m e n t i n g o n w h a t s t e p s the government has taken to boost cybersecurity and the work being done to protect communities as the festive season approaches, a spokesperson fo r the Department f o r S c ie nc e, I nn o v at io n , an d Technolo gy said, “Whether staying in touch with loved ones, using the web for shopping, or keeping up to d a t e w i t h t h e l a t e s t h e a d l i n e s , more and more of our lives are being spent online However, the threats we face are also growing, with people becoming more determ i n e d t h a n e v e r t o f i n d n e w opportunities to disrupt our digital lives and take advantage of our communities

“We won’t leave people out in the cold this festive season, and our New Year’s resolution is to introd u c e a C y b e r S e c u r i t y a n d

Resilience Bill in 2025 which will make our online world more secure than ever The government’s Stop! Think Fraud campaign also offers free advice to consumers and businesses preventing fraud and cybercrime, ensuring the UK has the knowledge, tools, and expertise we need to keep cyber criminals at bay and our communities safe for life, not just for the festive season ” It is essential for community leaders, policymakers, and technology developers to collaborate in establishing safeguards that promote the responsible use of AI This ensures that the advantages of technology are maximised while mitigating its potential harms As governments and regulators seek to define an effective control environment, the developing approache s r e m a i n f r a g m e n t e d a n d f r equently misaligned, creating significant challenges for organisations navigating this uncertain terrain

“For a few seconds, I was completely disoriented, unable to proc e s s w h a t h

blood on my hands, my shirt, and on the road Blood was dripping from my nose so quickly; I had never seen so much blood before ” She added that she dropped to her knees, feeling faint She noted that when she looked back, the attacker was still there, smiling at her In a matter of minutes, a crowd formed around her, including first responders, police, and bystanders She was rushed to the hospital, where she spent eight hours undergoing treatment “The entire time, I just kept thinking: Please don’t let this take away my

eyesight,” she shared She explained that she couldn’t open her eyes for the rest of the day

police apprehended her attacker the next day “Apparently, he had also assaulted two other people before me Thankfully, he is now detained and will soon face trial!” she wrote in her caption “I walked away from this incident with a broken nose and a black eye, and all I could think about for the past week is how much worse it could have been,” she reflected Since sharing her

Johnson claims Sunak was Brutus to his Caesar

Bori s Johnson has drawn a p arallel between h imself and Juli us Caes ar, portrayi ng R is hi Sunak as Bru tu s i n a dramati c narrative abo ut hi s p olitical do wnfall , s tating th at S unak’s decis ion to “ assass inate” hi s leadershi p was “ worse th an a cri me ” I n h i s a u t o b i o g r a p h y ,

‘Unleashed’, which is being serialised in the Daily Mail, the former prime m i n i s t e r a c k n o w l e d g e d t h a t h e “badly mishandled” various crises during his tenure and admitted to b e i n g “ s o m e t i m e s a r r o g a n t ” a n d c o m p l a c e n t J o h n s o n ' s e x i t f r o m office came after numerous ministers, including Sunak, who was then chancellor, resigned from his government in 2022

Reflecting on Sunak’s resignation letter, Johnson recalled internally murmuring the words attributed to Caesar: “kai su, teknon?” Greek for “You too, child?” He elaborated, “If Caesar received 23 stab wounds from his assassins, I ended up with 62, as a total of 60 ministers decided to follow Saj [Javid] and Rishi out the door ” I n h i s a c c o u n t , J

, describing him as a friend and partner However, he noted that he hadn ’

Sunak could manage the demands of the role, lead a significant campaign, or articulate a vision that resonated with voters

UK's largest steelworks shuts final furnace after a century

The U K's largest steelwo rks has ceased p rod uction after more than a centu ry, resulting in tho usands of jo b losses across South Wales Blast Furnace 4, the last operating furnace at Tata Steel's Port Talbot plant, was completely shut down this afternoon, with the final steel expected to be produced late o n M o n d a y e v e n i n g W i t n e s s e s saw plumes of white steam being vented from the furnace for the last time just after 5 PM, marking the end of traditional steelmaking in Wales

A spokesperson confirmed that t

"tapped" from the blast furnace, a critical process in steel production In an email to staff, Tata UK's chief executive, Rajesh Nair, described the day as one of "great emotion and reflection," acknowledging the challenges ahead Tata Steel plans to replace the furnace with a more environmentally friendly electric arc furnace that will utilise UKsourced scrap steel, although this facility won't be operational until 2028 The transition is expected to cost £1 25 billion, with the British g


Dr Harjinder Singh Lallie Caroline Abrahams CBE
Soundarya Balasubramani
Boris Johnson
Rishi Sunak

Addressing economic abuse in South Asian communities

W he n pe op le t hi n k o f

d o m e s t i c v io l e n ce , t h e y

ofte n focus on physical and se xual abuse, pa rt icularly in

i n t im a t e p a r t n e r r e la t

s h ip s Ho we v e r , e c on o mi c

a buse, a mor e insidious and

o f t e n i n v i si ble f o r m o f a buse, r eceiv es fa r le ss at tent ion d espi te it s sign ifica nt impa ct on victims

E c o n o m i c a b u s e i s a form of domestic violence that strips women of financial independence and security, often leaving them vulnerable and trapped in abusive relationships


This manipulation can

n v a r i o u s w

, such as controlling access to money, restricting employment opportunities, or forcing women to take on debt for their partner’s benefit

A n e w r e p o r t f r o m

W o m e n ’ s A i d , t i t l e d ‘ T h e Price of Safety’, reveals that i t c o s t s a p p r o x i m a t e l y

0 , 0 0 0 f o r s u r v i v

s t o e s c a p e a b u s e a n d r e b u i l d their lives, based on an illustrative case study

Asian Voice has spoken to several organisations to discuss the reality of eco-

n o m i c a b u s e f a c e d b y women and the underlying issues that contribute to it

Challe nge s faced by sur vivors

S p o k e s p e r s o n o f

R e f u g e ’ s E c o n o m i c Empowerment Partnership Manager, Fr an ce sca Fer rier s a i d , “ A l t h o u g h e c o n o m i c a b

a b o u t a s m u c h a s o t h e r forms of domestic abuse, it

c a n h a v e a d e v a s t a t i n g impact on the lives of survivors Our research shows that economic abuse rarely happens in isolation In fact, 85% of those experiencing economic abuse have also experienced other forms of d o m e s t i c a b u s e , s u c h a s t e c h

Despite how prevalent economic abuse is, it has taken a while for society to start to

s e e e c o n o m i c a b u s e a s a form of domestic abuse To this day, economic abuse is often not seen as a high-risk form of abuse ” P

and Chief Executive of The Sharan Project, highlighted

women, stating, "They are o

like mortgages and pensions,

bands or male relatives will

However, it’s common for credit cards and loans to be taken out in their names, often without their knowledge, leading to debt and poor credit ratings, which makes it difficult for them to escape abusive situations "

s where our clients have been f i n a n c i a l l y e x p l o i t e d through their dowry, which often involves money, gold and properties both here in the UK and overseas W h e r e a c c e s s t o t h e i r dowry has been withheld, w o m e n w h o e x p e r i e n c e abuse are often not believed, especially if their visa status is reliant on the abuser(s) or they are abandoned or left destitute with little to no legal recourse This is why

w e h a v e b e e n c a l l i n g f o r dowry abuse to be recognised as a form of coercive control and economic abuse so that abusers can be held t o a c c o u n t a n d t o a l l o w

S o u t h A s i a n w o m e n t o r e b u i l d t h e i r l i v e s , " s h e added

Ca ll for suppor t an d und ersta ndin g

Zla kha Ahme d, CEO of Apna Haq, emphasises the p r e v a l e n c e o f e c o n

m i c abuse in South Asian communities, particularly affecting immigrant women She said, “When their husbands run businesses, women are often expected to work long h


without fair compensation, earning as little as £3 per hour They also bear household responsibilities, including cooking and cleaning, after long workdays Many w

basic necessities, relying on

y supporting their husbands, they often take out loans or pay bills while facing abuse Those who leave do so with

their belongings

“Finding refuge is challenging, with many shelters charging over £480 a week, making it hard for women

afford a place Even those who secure council accommodation face tough choices, such as choosing between

g machine Additionally, many women lack budgeting experience, making it difficult to manage rising living costs and essential bills like heating,” she added

Zlakha underscores the government's role in ensuring a basic standard of living for all while highlighting the need to support vulnerable i

stated, “When women seek help with only the clothes on their backs, we turn to the community for support We must raise awareness about the realities of abusive relat

m i c hardships Food banks often provide culturally inappropriate items, like pork for M

’ s essential that food parcels m

nesses can also contribute goods and services to support these initiatives ”

India and UK collaborate to empower women in space

In dia an d the U K ha ve jointly la unched the Wome n in

S p a c e L e a d e r sh i p P rogra mme (W iSL P), aimed a t foster ing a gen der -in clusive env ironme nt in t he field of space scie nces

T h e D e p a r t m e n t o f

S c i e n c e a n d T e c h n o l o g y (DST), in partnership with the British Council under the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), has launched an initiative to p r o m o t e g e n d e r - i n c l u s i v e practices in space sciences

T h e p r o g r a m f o c u s e s o n helping institutions develop a strategic leadership frame-


work to strengthen gender diversity in the field “ E s t a b l i s h i n g a s t r o n g l e a d e r s h i p f r a m e w o r k w i l l empower women to make meaningful contributions to scientific research and innovation,” stated Dr Vandana Singh, Head of the Women in Science and Engineering ( W I S E ) - K I R A N d i v i s i o n a t DST The programme aims t o e s

boost scientific innovation by incorporating a gender perspective into key fields l i k e a s t r o p h y s



pill use declines amid TikTok misleading claims

The NHS h as w arned that an i nc rea si n g n u m be r o f yo ung w om en are d isconti nu i ng th e c o ntr ac ep ti v e pill and pu tting themselves at risk of unintended p regnancies d ue to misinfo rmati o n ci rc u la ti ng o n s oc i al media

Women’s health leaders are alarmed that misleading information about hormonal contraception on TikTok and Instagram is contributing to a surge in unplanned pregnancies and abortions

Viral videos perpetuate myths linking the contraceptive pill to infertility and c a n c e r , w i t h i n f l u e n c e r s comparing it to "this genera-

tion's cigarettes" and advocating for "natural" alternatives

T h e F a c u

Healthcare (FSRH), representing 14,000 UK healthcare professionals, reports t

Wales reached a record high of 251,377 in 2022, up from 184,122 in 2012 Dr Sue Mann, NHS clin-

tives, and peer-to-peer mentoring mechanisms Over the years, UKIERI

institutions, enhancing collaboration in research and industry between India and the UK

young women claiming they would


take the pill

NHS data indicates that the percentage of women using the pill as their prima-

from 47% in 2012-13 to 27%

infertility is leading more women to forgo contraception, risking unwanted pregnancies She stated, “Young women are coming into our clinics after stopping the pill due to unfounded fears of infertility fueled by damaging social media claims This

Polly Harrar Francesca Ferrier

Bringing Indian classical music to a global stage at Darbar Festival

Sandeep Virdee OBE on Curating the World's Largest Indian Classical Music Festival Outside India

Anusha Singh

The Darbar Festival, the world’s largest Indian classical music festival outside of India, is returning to the Barbican Centre from 24–27 October

Renowned for its com-

m i t m e n t t o s h o w c a s i n g exceptional talent, the festival provides a unique platf o r m f o r b o t h t h e U K ’ s l e a d i n g m

a n s a n d international artists, with a particular focus on highlighting female performers

This year, in addition to its musical performances, the festival has broadened its scope to include wellness a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s y o g a , breathwork, sound baths, meditation, family-friendly events, and lively pop-up markets

S a n d e e p V i r d e e O B E ,

A r t i s t i c D i r e c t o r o f Darbar’s Arts Culture and Heritage Trust, has been curating the festival for 19 years He believes the significance of the festival has grown over time, and each year he feels an increasing

r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t o f e a t u r e artists who might not otherwise have the opportunity to perform For Virdee, it’s essential that the festiv a l e m b o d i e s t h e v a l u e s championed by his father promoting Indian classical music on a global stage

I n a n i n t e r v i e w w i t h Asian Voice, Virdee shares insights into the intricate process of curating a larges c a l e f e s t i v a l l i k e D a r b a r and what it takes to ensure its success year after year

How do you select the artists and performers who showcase such a wide range of musical expressions?

When I start planning, I begin with a blank piece of paper, and though the process may appear organic, i t s q u i t e m e t h o d i c a l I always aim to strike a balance between Hindustani

m u s i c f r o m t h e n o r t h , C a r n a t i c m u s i c f r o m t h e south, Dhrupad the oldest form of Indian music and percussion A key part

of my approach is to highlight rare instruments, like the sarangi, that deserve a platform I also take time to r e v i e w U K - b a s e d m u s icians, emerging talent, as well as masters and legends o f t h e t r a d i t i o n I k e e p refining the lineup until I reach a point where I can say, "Yes, I would want to a t t e n d e v e r y c

ready to go on sale

What are some of the key elements that set this year’s festival apart from previous editions? Are there any new themes or features introduced for 2024?

Wellbeing has become an increasingly important

p a r t o f t h e f e s t i v a l , a n d w e ’ v e p l a c e d a s t r o n g emphasis on traditions like y o g a , l i n k i n g t h e m w i t h I n d i a n c l a s s i c a l m u s i c

What many wellbeing practitioners might not realise is just how powerful Indian classical music can be as a holistic art form it has a unique ability to connect people to nature and foster

d e e p s e l f - r e f l e c t i o n i n a meditative way Over the years, I’ve seen the populari t y o f t h e s e e v e n t s g r o w steadily, and it’s no surprise With the rise in mental health awareness, espec

l y i n t h e w a k e o f COVID, the value of mindfulness and holistic pract i c e s h a s b e c o m e e v e n c l e a r e r P e o p l e a r e m o r e conscious than ever about the importance of reconnecting with their bodies a n d m i n d s T h e f e s t i v a l provides a perfect space for t h i s k i n d o f h e a l i n g a n d self-growth, and I believe

that’s why these wellbeingfocused events resonate so strongly with our audience Could you share more about the importance of spotlighting female talent in the world of Indian classical music?

the world In a world where patriarchy reigns strong, it is essential that we have a focus giving a platform to women in music A space where they can shine We have always made sure that

taken a back to the sheer power and talent they bring forth This year we have some powerhouse female artists like Aruna Sairam, Ashwini Bhide, Shalmalee

returning to Darbar stage, some even for the first and some for the third time!

Whatrole do you think Darbar Festival plays in promoting Indian classical music in Britain and internationally? How important is it for you to nurture a new generation of listeners and performers?

Our focus has always

music into the 21st century

non- Asians that attend the

diversity Our approach is to work with world class venues and then with television companies like Sky Arts with whom we produce two-hour long programmes that take the concerts from the theatres into

social media takes it to millions of people across 160 countries Finally, if you are a buff we have the Darbar Player app, where you can find the treasure chest of many of the Darbar performances on your mobile and access the music anywhere - anytime!

British Indian cardiologist’s film ‘First! Do No Pharm’ targets healthcare myths

Br it ish Indian car diolo gist

D r A seem Mal h ot r a and film maker Do nal O’Neill

p remiered th eir new film

‘ Fir st ! D o N o P h arm ’ at Leicester Square, London,

r ev eal ing u neth ical pr act ices in th e glo bal p harmaceutical indu st ry th rou gh expert testimonies

D r A s e e m M a l h o t r a , known for challenging the widespread use of statins and highlighting the dang e r s o f h i g h s u g a r c o nsumption, now turns his

focus to the broader health system in his latest film H e u n c o v e r s s h o c k i n g truths about the pharmaceutical industry " T h i s i s t h e m o s t incendiary work I’ve ever d

upset many profit-driven individuals in the industry,

m a t t e

s W e ’ r e f a c i n g a pandemic of misinformed

d o c t o r s a n d h a r m e d patients, and it’s time to put an end to this "

Innovative Sikh music exam launches to enhance educational diversity

A pioneering mu sic examination in S ikh sacred music, believ ed to be the first of its kind , has been launched in the U K, m arking an imp or-

ng mu sic education

Introduced by the Music Teachers’ Board (MTB), this examination will integrate

system The initiative was

Harjinder Lallie, co-director o

Academy in Birmingham

Speaking to Asian Voice about the launch of this ini-

was inspired to create this exam after 26 years of teaching music Throughout that time, I've witnessed countless children invest signifi-

e n e r g y , a n d e n t h u s i a s m i n t o l e a r n i n g music, yet they often strugg l e t o h a v e t h e i r e f f o r t s r e c o g n i s e d M e a n w h i l e , their peers studying instruments like the violin, piano, or guitar receive recognition through exams I aimed to provide our students with the same opportunities for acknowledgement ” “Additionally, I wanted to elevate our music on the global stage; once an exam is established, it gains visibility, leading to broader recognition Finally, I sought to provide tutors with a structured framework to teach Previously, tutors had the freedom to teach without a clear end goal Now, they can prepare students for the e x a m a n d p r o u d l y s h a r e their success stories, fostering a sense of accomplish-

ment for both themselves a n d t h e i r s t u d e n t s ” , h e added

H a r j i n d e r e m p h a s i s e d about the challenges that he has faced while setting up the music examination He said, “The first challenge I encountered was the lack of interest from exam boards in supporting the new exam W i t h o u

n ' t have the necessary authority to validate the certificates, as I couldn't just create my own After approaching several boards without nami n g t h e m I f o u n d n o n e willing to support our initiative until we connected with the Music Teachers' Board ( M T B ) T h e y i m m e d i a t e l y recognised the importance of our proposal, especially regarding diversity, equality, and the acknowledgment of ethnomusicology ” “ A n o t h e r s i g n i f i c a n t h u r d l e w a s t h e d i s a g r e ement among teachers about t h e e x a m ' s c o n t e n t E a c h teacher had different ideas, and it required considerable diplomacy and tact to bring t h e m t o g e t h e r E d u c a t i n g tutors about the examination system was essential, as many were unfamiliar with s

Thankfully, we have since managed to overcome these obstacles and reach a consensus, ” he added

Harjinder believes this initiative will significantly contribute to preserving the tradition for several reasons

He said, “Firstly, as students p r o g r e s s t h r o u g h s c h o o l , they will be motivated to s t u d y t h i s m u s i c t o e a r n UCAS points for their university applications, enhancing their prospects They’ve o

their peers receive for similar achievements, which will encourage their engagement and practice Beyond academic benefits, this endeavour fosters spiritual growth

music instils discipline; it

will cultivate

Speaking about the long term goals for the GSA and expanding the music exami-

“The exam is already international, allowing anyone, anywhere in the world to participate and receive the

countries that do not have UCAS, but we are eager to expand our reach We have

curriculum, with plans to

y o r February There is a significant amount of work underway to broaden our offerings in other areas as well ”

Two British Indian writers shortlisted for Wolfson

History Prize

Gurinder Chadha OBE, one of the UK's top filmmakers, joined Dr Aseem Malhotra on stage at the premiere She praised his courage, saying, "Aseem is an old friend, and I’ve witn e s s e d h i s b r a v e , o f t e n risky journey in exposing corruption and malpractice He stands up for the Hippocratic Oath, fighting for the health of people l i k e m e a n d m i l l i o n s o f others seeking the truth about healthcare "

British Indian authors , Joya C ha t te r j i , P r of es s o r of South Asian H istory at the U n i ve r s i ty of C a m br i d ge , and N andini D as, Professor of Early Modern Literature a n d Cu lt ur e a t t he University of O xford, have b e en s h or tl i s te d f or t he pr es ti gi ous 20 2 4 Wo lfs on H istory Prize, which honours exceptional historic al writing produced in the UK D e l h i - b o r n C h a t t e r j i ’ s ‘ S h a d o w s a t N o o n : T h e S o u t h A s i a n T w e n t i e t h

Century’ traces the history f r o m t h e B r i t i s h R a j t o

Indian Independence and P a r t i t i o n , w h i l e K o l k a t ab o r n N a n d i n i D a s ’ ‘ C o u r t i n g I n d i a : E n g l a n d , M u g h a l I n d i a a n d t h e Origins of Empire’ exami n e s B r i t a i n ’ s e a r l y i n f l uence in the Indian subcontinent Their works compete a g a i n s t f o u r o t h e r s t h a t

cover significant historical turning points across India, P a k i s t a n , t h e A m e r i c a s , B r i t a i n , B a n g l a d e s h , Germany, and South Africa

J u d g e s p r a i s e d Chatterji’s work as "a captivating history of modern

S o u t h A s i a , r i c h w i t h i n s i g h t s i n t o i t s p e o p l e s lives, blending the personal and historical with verve and energy " Of Das’ shortlisted book, which won the 2023 British Academy Book Prize for Global Cultural Understanding, they noted i t a s " i l l u m i n a t i n g a n d compelling," describing it a s a s t a r t l i n g l y o r i g i n a l account of early diplomatic e n c o u n t e r s b e t w e e n B r i t a i n a n d p r e c o l o n i a l India "

Dr Harjinder Lallie
Sandeep Virdee OBE
Joya Chatterji Nandini Das

Building a Diverse and Sustainable Future: Recognising the Impact of South Asians in Britain

Celebr ating the contributions of South Asian groups within the UK is essen tial for fost ering inclusivity and promoting a mo r e d i v e r se a n d su st a i n a b l e B r it a in Comprising individuals from countries such as India, Pakistan, Ba nglade sh, Sri La nka, and Nepal , Sout h Asians represen t a sign ifica nt pa rt of the UK populat ion According to t he 2021 Census, South Asian s accounted for 7 5% of the popula tion , eq ua ting t o over 5 mil lion people Our communities have play ed a vita l role in shaping B ritish socie ty, cult ur e, a nd the economy Honour in g this diversity not on ly r ecognises our cont ributions but also e nriches societ y with varied ideas, pe rspe ctives, and ta lent s

The South Asian diaspora is rich and multifaceted, featuring a wide array of languages, religions, customs, and traditions In the UK, we speak over 20 different lang u a g e s , i n c l u d i n g H i n d i , U r d u , P u n j a b i , Bengali, Gujarati, and Tamil The religions p r a c t i s e d w i t h i n S o u t h A s i a n g r o u p s Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and Buddhism each contribute unique cultural practices and environmental perspectives Festivals such as Diwali, Eid, Vaisakhi, and D u r g a P u j a n o t o n l y c e l e b r

u r a l diversity but also serve as platforms for promoting sustainability through communal gatherings, environmentally friendly practices, and awareness-raising about ecological issues

South Asians in the UK significantly impact the economy, particularly in sustainable business practices As one of the most entrepreneurial ethnic groups, they account for a substantial number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in sectors prioritising sustainability, such as hospitality and retail Many South Asian businesses lead the way in sourcing local, sustainable products, minimising waste, and adopting eco-friendly practices Approximately 14% of SMEs in the UK are owned by individuals of South Asian descent, with many committed to ethical and sustainable business models

In addition, South Asian professionals c o n t r i b u t e t o v a r i o u s s e c t o r s , i n c l u d i n g healthcare, technology, law, and finance, often championing sustainability initiatives within their fields The National Health Service (NHS) heavily relies on South Asian staff, with many advocating for sustainable practices in healthcare delivery By promoting green healthcare initiatives, these professionals enhance patient care while reducing the ecological footprint of healthcare services

However, it is crucial to recognise that South Asians are among the most vulnerable to environmental hazards in the UK According to the Race Equality Foundation, m i n o r i t y g r o u p s d i s p r o p o r t i o n a t e l y f a c e environmental health issues compared to their White counterparts, primarily due to lower living standards exacerbated by societal inequalities For instance, “ 44 of the m o s t d

i n England contain four times more ‘minority ethnic groups ’ and people in Bangladeshi

and Pakistani groups are twice as likely to be living on a low income as their White counterparts ”

These factors result in a greater impact on ethnic minorities regarding socioeco-

challenges Poor-quality housing can lead to increased exposure to damp and mould, significantly affecting respiratory health and resulting in severe long-term conditions Additionally, South Asians are more likely to

flood-related insurance, making them particularly vulnerable to catastrophic losses from flood damage Coastal communities in areas like Hull and Merseyside, with significant Asian populations, face heightened risks due to climate change and rising sea levels

Extreme weather events also disproport

y struggle with inadequate heating during cold winters or insufficient ventilation during heatwaves As noted by Prevention Web, “Heatwaves have worrying implications for human health, including sleep loss, mental illness, and increased mortality and suicide rates ” Areas with high Asian populations,

these climate-related challenges Notably, UK residents from minority backgrounds are four times more likely to live in vulnerable areas compared to their White counterparts What Nee ds to Be Done ?

sources, like solar panels, benefits the envi-

However, those from lower-income households often find it challenging to afford such initiatives Implementing schemes to subsidise home insulation and renewable

reduce vulnerability to adverse weather con-

Supporting initiatives that increase funding for these upgrades would not only make homes safer but also align with broader environmental goals

Moreover, establishing low emissions zones and enforcing emissions standards that limit pollution in specific areas, such as London, have made strides in reducing air pollution exposure inequalities over the last decade However, there is still little evidence regarding how these policies impact specific ethnic groups individually

In conclusion, while we all share the community of Britain, the effects of environmental degradation do not impact us all equally South Asians, as the largest minority ethnic group in the UK, are a vital part of what makes Britain diverse and resilient By working together to address environmental challenges and promote sustainable practices, we can ensure that all members of our community thrive in a healthier and more

efforts will help create a sustainable future for everyone

Brent Deputy Mayor resigns after parking ticket scandal

Apache Indian headlines at the first-ever

'Best of India’ cultural


p arking ward en wh o fined

h er

She has also been susp e n d

Party following the incident on May 20, 2024, in London Road, Wembley

She threatened to report the parking warden to offi-

c i a l s a n d i m p l i e d h e h a d married someone to stay in the UK A complaint was submitted by the warden's manager on July 24, accord-

on September 25

After the warden issued a parking ticket for a car on a double yellow line, Cllr Collymore questioned him b u t r

m explain, insisting she didn t need a response She repeatedly stated her position as a councillor and threatened to report him to council officials She accused the warden of not knowing how to perform his duties, threatened to escalate the issue to high-

claimed she would report

Over 15 0 people attended the inaugural “Bes t of India” cultural ball at Porchester Hall, London on Friday 27 September 2024 The Platform for Indian D emocracy, an organisation that is uniting the Bri ti sh I ndi an communi ty hosted the ball to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and artistic contri butions of the

British Indian communi ty

The evening showcased diverse performances, featuring the iconic Apache Indian, who brought his signature fusion of Urban Asian and Reggae music Attendees enjoyed the traditional Indian classical dance, including Akademi ’ s two Kathak performers and

the elegant Bharatanatyam of Hiten Mistry

Suresh G rover, coChair Platform for Indian Democracy said, “The beauty of India is not just the formation of a united nation from the rubble of partition but its rich culture - a constellation of art forms and music; its unmatched landscape of diversity of language and religions This is where the beauty meets the best - and we in UK should be proud to showcase the full spectrum - from 'traditional to modern' to ensure love trumps hate”

In addition to the performances, the event

also premiered ‘Determined: Our Legacy as British Indians,’ a collaborative project with renowned exhibition curator, oral historian, and ethnomusicologist Rolf Killi us This 15-part film project highlights the significant impact of British Indians across various sectors and their enduring contributions to the UK s cultural and social landscape Speaking about the event, Ra ul Lai, project manager of the Platform for Indian Democracy, said: “For many British Indians, our culture and art are the strongest connections we have to our homeland It has also become such an important aspect of the UK's cultural landscape From bhangra, to garba to chicken tikka masala being the UK's national dish, the tapestry of Indian culture has spread far and wide It is so important for us to celebrate and uplift this legacy of music, art and culture Not only to take pride in the magical way Indian culture can bring people together but also to keep us connected to India ”

Labour ministers’ £642k hospitality havoc

L ab o ur m i n i s t er s ha ve faced criti cism for allegedly “ compromis ing their judgment” after ac cepting over £642,000 in free trips, event t i c k et s , a nd ho s pi t al i ty f r om c o rp or at e i n t er e s ts si nce 2019

These gifts include tickets to Bafta, football matches, and high-profile events, such as Glastonbury tickets from YouTube and Taylor S w i f t t i c k e t s f r o m t h e Premier League An analysis by The Times revealed that cabinet ministers declared over 160 free football match tickets, valued at £66,000, Glastonbury tickets worth £12,000, and clothing items

w o r t h £ 2 2 , 0 0 0 S i r K e i r Starmer has defended his use of an £18 million penthouse apartment, loaned by Labour peer Lord Alli, justifying the £20,400 donation for his son's studies

H o w e v e r , i t e m e r g e d that he used the flat to film political campaign materia

Starmer dismissed claims of misrepresentation as “farcic

Scrutiny has also fallen on S t a r m e r ' s a c c e p t a n c e


totalling £133,000 in gifts

since 2019, including those from corporate donors like Cain International Critics argue that Starmer's security concerns are inconsistent, pointing out that former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn regularly attended matches in the stands

S t a r m e r a l s o a c c e p t e d concert tickets, free accommodation, and an oil painti n g v a l u e d a t £ 1 , 5 0 0 G o v e r n a n c e e x p e r t E l i z a b e t h D a v i d - B a r r e t t f

David Lammy, the

Hiten Mistry performing Bharatanatyam
Apache Indian at the Best of India cultural ball
Keir Starmer Baron Waheed Ali
Councillor Diana Collymore

A U M C A R E G R O U P C E L E B R A T E S 5 Y E A R S O F G R O W T H A N D C O M P A S S I O N

On 21 September 2024, AUM Care Group

marked a significant milestone as it celebrated its 5th anniversary with a grand annual meet. The event, held in honour of the organisation’s journey and success over the past five years, brought together employees, directors, and esteemed guests for an evening of recognition, reflection, and celebration

The event began with an air of excitement as the e m p

o commemorate five years of the organisation's growth

a n d a c h i

Directors Pranav Vora and Nirav Patel, who have been

AUM Care Group since its

gathering, expressing their

tors took the opportunity to commend the employees, calling them their “ coworker family” and emphasising the crucial role that each member had played in the company ’ s success Pranav Vora, in particular, praised the unwavering d e d i c a t i o n a n d c o l l e c t i v e effort of the staff, stating, "This milestone is not just t h e a c h i e v e m e n t o f t h e company but the achievem e n t o f e v e r y i n d i v i d u a l here who has contributed to the growth and vision of AUM Care Group "

d s , t h e c o m p a n y ' s internal auditors, John and Patricia, also addressed the gathering, offering words of wisdom and encouragement They reflected on the i m p o r t a n c e o f i n t e g r i t y , transparency, and accountability in maintaining the o r g a n i s a t i o n ' s e x c e l l e n t track record

The event was seamlessly anchored and coordin a t e d b y H R E x e c u t i v e s

Amisha Mehta and Anshu

J a i n , w h o e n s u r e d t h e

lives, and for that, we are all deeply grateful " A h i g h l i g h t o f t h e evening was the screening of a short audiovisual (AV) presentation that took the a u d i e n c e t h r o u g h A U M Care Group’s journey and growth over the past five years The AV showcased t h e c o m p a n y ’ s h u m b l e beginnings, its expansion, and the tremendous impact i t h a s h a d o n t h e c a r e industry The presentation

s e r v e d a s a p o w e r f u l reminder of the hard work,

The next part of the evening was dedicated to recognising the hard work and dedication of employe e s T h e R e w a r d s a n d R

outstanding performances and contributions over the past year The recipients of the awards were presented with accolades by Deputy Mayor Anjana Patel, further adding to the prestige of the evening

The event was attended

b y A n j a n a P a t e l , D e p u t y M a y o r o f H a r r o w , w h o graced the occasion as the chief guest Her heartfelt speech resonated with all attendees, as she acknowle d g e d t h e s i g n i f i c a n t impact of AUM Care Group on the community and its vital role in the healthcare sector She emphasised the i m p o r t a n c e o f c a r e a n d

c o m p a s s i o n , t h e c o r n e rs t o n e s o f A U M C a r e Group's work, and praised the team for their relentless

c o m m i t m e n t o v e r t h e years

D e p u t y M a y o r P a t e l noted, AUM Care Group stands as a shining example of what can be achieved when a team is driven by empathy, compassion, and the desire to make a difference Your work has posi-

t i v e l y t o u c h e d s o m a n y

dedication, and resilience demonstrated by both the leadership and employees

The directors expressed

lighting the role of every employee in the success of

t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n P r a n a v

Vora stated, “The story of AUM Care Group is a story of perseverance, teamwork, and the belief that when we w o r k t o g e t h e

achieve great things ”

event honoured individuals from various departments,

teamwork, leadership, and innovation Each awardee was lauded for their dedication and impact within the organization The recognit

morale but also highlighted AUM Care Group’s comm

the efforts of its employees I

Jain pilgrims from India begin tour in Leicester and London

A group of 4 00 Jain p ilg rim s visiting Europe began their j ou r ney at th e re no w n ed Jain Derasar in Leicester, a si g n i fi c ant a ttra ct i o n f o r both p ilg rim s and tourists

While Jains and Hind us typically travel to Ind ia for pilgrimag e, as it is the birthplace of ou r relig io ns, th is tim e, we see that " the Gang a also flow s up stream," m eanin g m an y to u ri s ts h a v e come from India to Europe

Tirthankar Shantinatha and co-incidentally Sangh from India also brought the silver i d o l o f L o r d S h a n t i n a t h a This also coincided with the b i r t h d a y o f t h e l a t e D r Natubhai Shah, the visionary behind the Leicester and London Colindale Derasar, which falls on the 16th On September 16, 400 devoted Jains brought the idol of Lord Vimalnath, the 1 3 t h T i r t h a n k a

installed it alongside Lord

T h i s m o n t h , p i l g r i m s from various states, includi n g C h e n n a i , H y d e r a b a d , B a n g a l o r e , M u m b a i , a n d Pune, started their journey

evening flowed smoothly Following the formalities, t h e c e l e b r a t i o n t r a n s itioned into a more informal and fun-filled atmosphere Employees participated in various games and activities, fostering camaraderie and team spirit The lively atmosphere reflected t h e o r g a n i s a t i o n ' s c l o s ek

f a m i l y - l i

c u l t u r e , and the care workers, who often work tirelessly, got a c h a n c e t o u n w i n d a n d e n j o y t h e e v e n i n g w i t h their colleagues

In a conversation with A s i a n V o i c e a n d G u j a r a t

S a m a c h a r , P r a n a v V o r a s h a r e d h o w A U M C a r e

G r o u p ’ s p u r p o s e a l i g n s deeply with his life’s philosophy He emphasised that the essence of the organisation is to care for those in need, which has been the d r i v i n g f o r c e b e h i n d i t s s u c c e s s a n d g r o w t h o v e r the past five years He adds, “Its not a business, its a service In the next five years, we plan to expand our support and care in sectors like Child care and Residential care ” The evening concluded with dinner and a DJ ses-

s i o n , w h e r e e m p l o y e e s d a n c e

joy and enthusiasm

AUM Care Group’s 5th a n


o n was not just an acknowledgment of the company ’ s achievements, but also a t e s t a m e n t t o t h e s t r o n g bonds, dedication, and pass i o n s h a r

employees As the organisation looks ahead to the future, the event served as a reminder of the import

n c e o f t e a m w o r k , resilience, and shared values in building a successful a n d i m p a c t f u l o r g a n i s ation

t o g e t h e r a t t h e L e i c e s t e r

J a i n D e r a s a r , f o r m i n g a remarkable gathering that truly symbolises unity

O n t h i s o c c a s i o n , Smitaben, the former president of the Leicester Jain

S a n g h a n d c u r r e n t l y a n a d v i s o r f o r I n t e r f a i t h , shared insights with repres e n t a t i v e s o f A s i a n V o i c e and Gujarat Samachar She stated, This day has been a source of immense joy and pride for the Leicester Jain

S a n g h E v e r y o n e w a s buzzing with excitement to w e l c o m e t h e g u e s t s T h e temple was beautifully decorated President Ushaben, t h e t r u s t e e s , c o m m i t t e e members, and the Leicester J a i n S a n g h w a r m l y w e lcomed the guests with great fanfare as they entered the temple "

The event also featured a convergence of three spirit u a l l e a d e r s : L a l i t b h a i D h a m i , h e a d o f T a p o v a n f r o m I n d i a ; J a y e s h b h a i Shah, a religious leader from London Potters Bar (previously from Leicester); and H i t e s h b h a i , t h e c u r r e n t spiritual leader in Leicester

Additionally, the second t e m p l e M u l N a y a k ( m a i n idol in the temple) is 16th

Shantinath with great revere

r Derasar Under the leaders h i p o f J a i n c o m m u n i t y P r e

and Secretary Viral Dagli, the idols were ceremonious-

impressed by the heartfelt

ceremony, and the Jain meal that followed

, while exploring London, the

established Jainalay of the Jain Network in Colindale

members, and community

warmly welcome the guests, who were greeted with lively

After the aarti, lighting of the ceremonial lamps, satsang and


hosts' hospitality Everyone shared


AUM Care backend squad honoured by Deputy Mayor of Harrow, Cllr Anjana Patel
Promoted team members celebrate their senior level achievements with Cllr Anjana Patel
The entire AUM Care Group team at the event
Directors of AUM Care Group with Cllr Anjana Patel

Durga puja festivities begin with pomp and gaiety

As Durga puja a nd Navrat ri festivities k ick in, communities and individuals across the worl d ge ar up for wee ks of cel ebra tion s In the UK, t here are a round 80 Durga pujas n ow, according to a v ir tual compilat ion by a diaspora plat form - Indian B engal is in UK (IBUK)

Established in 2016, for B il ete B angal i, it all began with a humble Jagadhatri

Puja, bringing together likeminded people eager to keep their cultural traditions alive while far from home

It was during the pandemic, in 2020, that a new chapter for BIBA unfolded Determined to uphold tradition, changing adversity to success, BIBA founder Kingshuk Bose with wife Lopamudra Nag

Chaudhuri hosted their very first Durga Puja in their home, a small but significant gathering of just six people, due to restrictions The puja was streamed live, allowing others to be part of this emotional and momentous occasion virtually Little did anyone know that this small beginning would soon lead to one of the most anticipated Durga Puja celebrations in the UK

By 2021, Durga Puja had grown beyond the walls of a house, taking place at the Zoroastrian Centre in Rayners Lane, London, and featuring exciting events like fashion shows, cooking competitions, couples' contests (Sera Juti), as well as performances in singing, dancing, recitations and many more This year, BIBA’s Durga Puja has a new venue at the Chiswick Town Hall (10-13 October)

Similarly, Lond on Shara d Ut sav or famously known as the Ealing Durga Puja (11-14 October) has a new venue in Pitzhanger Manor in London’s Ealing Green, moving from the majestic Ealing Town Hall due to closure

Sa nskrit i Durga Pujo is hosting their puja from 11-13 October at Upper Basildon Village Hall, Reading

Originally famous for their fabulous Kali Puja,

A dda Slough is celebrating their sixth year of Durga puja this year, to be held at the Slough Cricket Club from 10-13 October 2024

Their unique celebration includes lighting from Chandanagar – a town near Kolkata famous for their remarkable illuminations and 60 years of traditions

They are also hosting a musical night on 26 October with Prabashi (Hounslow) which will award winning famous singer Somlata and the ACES

P ujas across th e world

Across the Channel, in Paris, the oldest Durga puja is reportedly held at Cite Universitaire, Maison de L’Inde Whereas Paris

M ahamaya Puja Porishad is hosting their puja at the La Villa in Bobigny from 9 till

13 October daily 9am

onwards With cultural programme daily from 810pm

IB CAJ Holy Durga Puja is celebrating 13th year of their puja this year in Tokyo, Japan It will be held at the Kitakasai Community Hall on Sunday 13 October from 10am till 7pm Their cultural programme will include the first ever fusion of Japanese Shishimai dance and Bangla


Ben gali Ass oc iation of South Af ri ca (BASA) is a prestigious non-profit organisation founded in 2005 by the Bengali Community of India and Bangladesh Their first Durga Puja was held in 2006, with the ‘protima’ or idol changing every three years, coming all the way from Kolkata This year their puja will be held at Marlboro Community Centre from 11 to 13 October 2024 Though the puja will be held with utmost precision and norms as every year, other celebrations will be low key, to show solidarity with those seeking justice for the R G Kar incident or death of Abhaya

Since 1995 'Durga Puja Stuttgart’ is held at the capital city of the state of Baden-Wurttemberg in South Germany In 2024 the Puja, the oldest in South Germany, will be celebrating 30 years Bengalis from across South Germany come to enjoy it This year the puja will be held in Schutzengesellschaft “Tell” in Stuttgart from 8 -12 October

Navnat Vadil Mandal pays tribute to departed loved ones

Jyotsna Shah On Friday, 27th Septem ber 2 02 4, Navnat Vadil M andal

and the United States Edinburgh Diwali, a registered Scottish charity, was launched in 2015 as an initiative by the Lord Provost of E d i n

have received overwhelming

s p o n s e s , l e a d i n g t o i t s a n n u a l c e l e b r a t i o n W e remember the virtuous souls who have left us and pray for t h e i r p e a c e a n d h a p p i n e s s wherever they may be By following this tradition of honouring our ancestors, we celebrate their lives "

E v e r y o n e r e l i s h e d t h e delicious food prepared by the women of the kitchen

departed souls with the song, Tamari

event coordinators,

S a v a d i a , Purnimaben Meshwani, and Kalpanaben Doshi, worked diligently to ensure its

expertly managed the stage decoration, highlighting her remarkable skills S

Doshi who recently passed away was a supporter of the

themselves in the devotional atmosphere M a r i n a b e n a n d Nileshbhai, along with Music M e l o d y E x p r e s s , p r e s e n t e d beautiful bhajans and songs, i n v o k i n g d e v o t i o n a n d including the departed souls in the tribute Emphasising that humanity is the greatest religion, they began with the song "Maitri Bhaavnu Pavitra Zharanu Muj Haiyama Vahya Kare " and concluded with t h e s o n g " O D u n i y a K e R a k h w a l e " f r o m t h e f i l m B a i j u B

ments with

family about making a £1,000 donation to Navnat Vadil Mandal in

Vinodray's 100th birthday In

Jayantbhai, daughter-in-law

daughter Aarti were present

matriarch Lastly, everyone enjoyed the delightful tea and biscuits together

Festival of joy, devotion and cultural heritage

A s the m oon rises and the air fills with the sweet scent o f m a ri g o ld s , th e v i br ant f es ti v al o f Nav rat ri app roach es , i nviting d evotees to imm erse themselves in nine nigh ts o f devotion, d a nc e, an d c ele br ati o n R oo t ed i n an ci e nt tr ad iti on s, Nav ra tri t ransc end s mere festivities; it is a time f o r sp i ri tu a l ren ew a l and co m m u nity b ond i ng T hi s y ear , fr o m Oc to b er 3 t o Octo ber 11 , 20 24 , fami lies an d c om m u ni ti es ac ro s s I nd i a a nd th e g lo b e w i ll c om e to g eth er to h o no ur the d ivine feminine energy of Godd ess Durg a With each night dedicated to a different manifestation of the goddess, Navratri

s e r v e s a s a p o w e r f u l reminder of the victory of g o o d o v e r e v i l a n d t h e

s t r e n g t h t h a t l i e s w i t h i n

u n i t y a n d f a i t h A s t h e

r h y t h m s o f G a r b a a n d Dandiya fill the air, hearts will beat in unison, celebrating the rich tapestry of cult u r e a n d s p i r i t u a l i t y t h a t defines this beloved festival

Each of the nine nights is dedicated to a different form of the goddess, with c e l e b r a t i o n s t h a t v a r y regionally but share a common thread of devotion and cultural richness The festival is not only a time for worship but also a celebration of life, community, and

t h e v i b r a n t t r a d i t i o n s o f Indian culture

During Navratri, devotees engage in various ritua l s , i n c l u d i n g f a s t i n g , prayer, and dance The festiv a l i s c h a r a c t e r i s e d b y vibrant colours, traditional m u s i c ,

D a n d i y a , p a r t i c u l a r l y i n Gujarat Communities come together in open spaces to participate in dance events, adorned in colourful tradit i o n a l a t t i r e , c e l e b r a t i n g their faith and heritage

In many regions, the festival culminates in the celebration of Dussehra, symbolising the victory of Lord Rama over Ravana, further emphasising the theme of r i g h t e o u s n e s s E f f i g i e s o f Ravana are burned in various locations, symbolising

the destruction of evil Fasting is


many devotees choosing to abstain from certain foods T

opportunity to enjoy tradi-

Puja by Bilete Bengali in London
After ’Sindoor Khela’ at the Durga puja by Bengali Association of South Africa
Yaad Nahi Bhulay, Divaso Jay, Varsho Vite " The
Nalinbhai Udani addressing the

Dear Financial Voice Reader, Alpesh


Win-Win C ollaborations in Finance: Lessons from Hedge Funds and TikT ok

As much as I’d love to claim a monopoly on great ideas in finance, I’ve come to realise that true success often lies in collaboration This principle has never been clearer to me than through my work with some of the world's most successful hedge funds and my ongoing experiments with social media platforms like TikTok

In the world of high finance, hedge funds that have consistently returned over 40% annually for at least the past three years offer valuable insights These funds have mastered the art of identifying stocks with exceptional growth potential But why stop there? I decided to take it a step further, using their stock holdings as a starting point, and running them through my own proprietary filters The result? A curated list of stocks that I believe have the potential to deliver similar returns over the next 12 months

But this is where the collaboration deepens I’ve made the decision to share these findings publicly not just with clients but also with a broader audience on TikTok (and YouTube) Why? Because I believe in the value of information dissemination and the power of community engagement By posting these investment insights, I open up a dialogue with an audience hungry for better financial outcomes, especially those dissatisfied with their pension performance

So, what’s in it for me? Well, here’s where the synergy of modern finance and social media truly kicks in With over 400,000 followers and individual videos reaching as many as 7 million views, I’m already partway to a financial goal I hadn’t even imagined a few years ago The magic number? A million followers and millions of views regularly could equate to around £1 million in annual income from TikTok alone I’m currently at 40% of the way there in terms of followers But this is a journey, not a sprint

In sharing these insights, the goal is not just personal gain but to create a win-win situation For my followers, t h e y g e t a c c e s s t o h i g h - q u a l i t y s

d through both the insights of top-performing hedge funds and my own investment acumen For me, if this engagement leads to more followers and views, I not only benefit financially but also enhance my reputation as a thought leader in finance

Ultimately, win-win collaborations are the way forward, whether with top hedge funds, social media platforms, or the everyday investor seeking better returns When done right, everyone stands to gain

As finance continues to evolve, so too must our approaches By embracing collaboration whether in financial markets or through digital platforms there’s no telling just how far we can go

i n d e x

s t h a t c

s u m e r e x p e c t a t i o n s f o r personal finances over the n e x t t h r e e m o n t h s h a v e fallen to -6, down from a positive score of 1 just a month prior Confidence in the economy has significantly declined, dropping to -21 from -8 in August,

a c c o r d i n g t o t h e B R C -

O p i n i u m C o n s u m e r

S e n t i m e n t M o n i t o r

A d d i t i o n a l l y , c o n s u m e r views on personal savings also worsened, with expectations decreasing from -4 i n A u g u s t t o - 9 i n September

Conversely, confidence

i n p e r s o n a l s p e n d i n g o n retail improved slightly by one point to -8, despite a five-point decline in confidence regarding personal

Driving sustainable change through Hilal and Buzz EV

Irshad Akhtar is CEO of Hilal, a Sharia Compliant Investment Fund currently being established in Abu Dhabi. He is also the founder of Buzz EV which specialises in renewables, including solar, batteries, EV and environmental management for homes, businesses and community centres (mosques & temples etc) in the UK

Asian Voice, Irshad shared insights on balancing profit with social responsibility in

well as the benefits of activi-

Middle East for the Asian


1) You have been involved in business and banking for many years. How do you reconcile the need to make profits with being a force for good?

Being an engineer and an investment banker has

ground for my businesses Buzz EV is focussed on the environment and Hilal, our investment fund can enable people to do good things through funding their ventures I don’t see a conflict between making profit and a

believe are universally beneficial to everyone: environment, healthcare, food security, education, and technology By investing in and enabling people to develop

believe we can enable people to profit Society gains our investors a good return

2) What motivates you?


and my cultural origins are m

beliefs in ethical practices, trust, and fairness which are essential for building strong

Our investment fund Hilal provides people the opportunity for people to profit f r o m w h i c h e n c o u r a g e s equitable financial dealings and risk-sharing, promoting sustainable growth I am a strong believer in community development and longt e r m p o s i t i v e i m p a c t A l l these principles which are shared beyond Islam by the wider Asian community are implicit in the principles o f E S G , E n v i r o n m e n t a l ,

Social and Governance By embedding these values into their structure and principles, businesses can foster integrity and cooperation, boosting profitability while promoting social goodwill


Does your business activities in Europe and the Middle East bring any benefits for the subcontinent and Asia?

T h e M i d d l e E a s t h a s benefitted from exceptional w e a l t h d e l i

r economies at the same time as damaging the world we live in A number of leaders a n d H N W i n d i v i d u a l s i n those countries now see the o p p o r t u n i t y t o i n v e s t i n

ators of Asia, most of which h a v e p r o s p e r e d t h r o u g h technology are now at the stage where they can invest By doing so they may bring profit back into the region Projects Hilal is developing in solar, healthcare, education and food security bring universal benefits wherever they are deployed But we're a l s o s e e k i n g t o e n a b l e entrepreneurs who are currently deprived of capital to develop their ideas, assisting them in finding the funding they need Hilal welcomes entrepreneurs of all backgrounds to approach us with business ideas in our specialised investment areas

4) You come from a "big business" backgroundwhy did you establish a new business in Buzz EV?

I h a v e w o r k e d i n b i g

u s i n e s s b u t h a v e g r e a t r e s p e c t f o r t h e e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l i s m o f t h e A s

manifests both in Asia and i

small business heritage and am very proud to have been t h e f o u

B u z z E V Buzz is an environmental company specialising in the i n s t a

l a t i o n a n d m

g ement of renewables, be that solar, batteries, heat pumps, EV chargers and integrate t h e m t h r o u g h a m a n a g ement system which makes t h e m w o r k t o g e t h e r I decided to found the business when I saw the financ i a l b e n e f i t s o r r a t h e r

savings that a similar system delivered at my own home We have developed a new system for home and commercial use, currently installing it in leisure centres, golf clubs, hotels, and mosques, in addition to residential installations

5) Where do you see Hilal and Buzz taking you in future?

H i l a l i s c u r r e n t l y focused on securing investment from the Middle East as well as High Net Worth I

Offices in Europe and Asia which we invest in projects b

worldwide We would like

Sharia-compliant and ethical investment globally My

founded the first regulated

the UK and that is certainly an option My aim for Buzz is to

brand for both businesses


o and a step on the way to my children and their children living in a cleaner, better world

UK borrowing risky, warns think tank

A significant incr ease in pub-

savings Helen Dickinson, c h i e f e x e c u t i v e o f t h e British Retail Consortium, n o t e d t h a t r e t a i l e

s m

y e n c o u n t e r a c h a l l e n g i n g few months as consumer c o n f i d e n c e h a s n o t a b l y diminished in September

She stated, “Negative publicity surrounding the state o f t h e U K ’ s f i n a n c e s appears to have damaged confidence in the economi c o u t l o o k , p a r t i c

among older generations ” Dickinson highlighted that the upcoming budget presents a vital opportunity to restore confidence in

business investment She criticised the current business rates system for hindering investment in jobs a n d l o c

c o m m u n

i e s within the retail sector

T h e c o n s o r t i u m i s advocating for a retail rates corrector, proposing a 20% adjustment to retail property rates bills to stimulate investment in local high streets and communities

oo st investment in the UK woul d come with risk s, a think-tank wa r n ed a he a d of t

n e w governmen t's first budget, as

watch the sca le and purpose of any addit ional borrowin g C h a n c

l o

R a c h e l Reeves recently called for a shift in focus at the Treasury, urging it to "move on from just counting the costs of investments to recognising the benefits too However,

stressed the importance of justifying any rise in borrow-

stated, "A large increase in borrowing would not be riskfree Hiding behind a technicality is not enough " The warning comes in the context of former Prime Minister Liz Truss’ 2022 tax cut plans, which were not subjected to fiscal scrutiny, triggering a bond market crisis and contributing to her eventual resignation Since t

from 64% in 2009/10

Reeves has committed to the current target of reducing public debt between the

fourth and fifth years of government but has not specified the precise measure of debt she intends to use The IFS suggested that switching to a measure of "public sector net financial liabilities" could allow an additional £53 b

investment A


the Bank of England's bond portfolio in the debt measure would provide £16 billion of fiscal headroom, while tar-


t worth could increase that by £58 billion

Bailey says rates to reduce gradually

Interest rates will co ntinue to decr eas e gradu al ly , even as inflation falls u nder control, bu t th ey a r e u nl i ke l y t o retu rn to the near- zero levels se en o ve r t h e p as t dec ade, ac cording to Bank of England Go vernor Andrew Bailey

B a i l e y e x p r e s s e d o p t imism about the recent drop in inflation, which has fallen from its October 2022 peak of 11 1% to 2 2%, close to the Bank's 2% target Bailey, who voted to maintain borrowing

c o s t s a t 5 % d

Monetary Policy Committee's recent meeting, told the Kent

Messenger that he does not foresee a return to the ultralow interest rates of the postfinancial crisis era “Will we go back to the very low, near-zero interest rates that we had until not t h a t l

n g a g o ? I w o u l

n ’ t expect that,” he said, attributing the previous low rates to major shocks like the 2008 f i n a n c i a l c r i s i s a n d t h

added that such conditions

though “ you don’t want very big shocks to happen ”

While rates are expected to gradually decrease, Bailey noted the UK economy is still feeling the effects of the pandemic, particularly in the l a

recent peaks, remain significantly higher due to the fallout from Russia's invasion of Ukraine in

Irshad Akhtar
Rachel Reeves

Govt launches PM E-DRIVE subsidy scheme with £1.09bn outlay


£ 1 0 9

subsid y scheme, the PM E-

D r iv e , m a r k in g t he t h i r d phase of the Faster Adoption

a n d M a n ufa c t ur i n g of H ybr id a nd El ectric Vehicl es ( F AM E) p ol i cy w hi ch h a s subsidized the purchase of

o v e r 1 6 m il l

v ehicle s in Ind ia since 2015

The new scheme will aim to boost adoption of electric




curtains down subsidies for electric and hybrid cars The PM E-Drive scheme will give demand incentives to deploy

1 4 , 0 2 8 e l e c t r i c b u s e s , demand for which will be aggregated across nine major

c i t i e s b y C o n v e r g e n c e Energy Solutions Ltd (CESL), a stare-run company With a £1 bn subsidy per kwh of battery capacity for each bus at a total outlay of £439 1 mn, public transport buses form the largest segment of the subsidy outlay

The E-Drive scheme will

a l s o a i m t o d e v e l o p a n e x t e n s i v e c h a r g i n g

electric buses, £267

mn will be set aside to subsidize 2 48

wheelers and 316,000 electric three-wheelers

A d d

each has been earmarked for

ambulances, aiming to drive

commercial vehicle segment for the first time

“For ambulances, we are going to give incentives to

vehicles,” Ashwani Vaishnav, U n i o n M i n i s t e r f o r i n f o r m a t



For trucks, the scheme will offer incentives only to those who have a scrapping c e r t i

scrapping centres approved by the road ministry

While FAME-II extended incentives for electric cabs, t

y Promotion Scheme (EMPS) that temporarily replaced it did not The E-Drive scheme skips electric cars entirely, in

Ltd, India's largest electric

o r subsidizing electric cabs in the new scheme

Tata Power to invest $14.3bn in Rajasthan over next 10 years

T ata Po wer said it h as inked

a n in it ia l p ac t w i th t h e R a ja s t h a n g o ve r nm e n t

investment o f Rs 1 2 trillion, in cl u ding £7 5 b n in gre en energy, in th e s tate' s po wer s ector Th e 10- year pl an aims t o s u p p o r t Ra ja s t h a n' s transf ormation into a po wer

s urp lus state, p roviding 24/7

c lean, affo rdable, and reliable

p ow er su pp ly Investments will be made in renewable energy projects

a n d m a n u f a c

y statement said T h e M o U w a s s i g n e d during the 'Rising Rajasthan' Investor Meet in New Delhi

An amount of £2 bn will b

transmission and distribution area to modernize the grid infrastructure, reduce energy l

Besides, £1 bn will be invested


An investment of £100 mn has been earmarked for s e t t i n g u p 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 E V

households will support the PM Surya Ghar Yojana

The MoU will have a

economic impact, creating over 28,000 direct jobs in the state

Bike loan firm Manba’s £15.1mn IPO subscribed 224 times

T he IP O for Manba F inance, a Mum bai-bas ed NBFC th at f ina n c es t w o a nd t h r e e w heelers, has been subsc ribed 2 24 times The c omp any th at aimed to mo bilise £ 15 1 m n n ow ha s a dem and fo r its s hares wo rth nearly £2 4 bn

T his is excl uding the £4 5 mn w orth of sh ares al lotted to anch or investors

High net worth investors were the biggest applicants in Manba Finance’s IPO, with the portion reserved for this group subscribed 512 times, data on BSE showed The part

r e s e r v e d f o r i n s t i t u t i o n a l investors was subscribed 149 times while the one reserved f

price band for the IPO, that closed last week, was Rs 114 to Rs 120 per share The stock is expected to list on BSE and NSE on Sept 30

Of late, there has been unprecedented rush for IPOs

picked up during the later years of the pandemic, in the second half of 2021, and has been showing a strong trend

that is often referred to as a ‘frenzy’ Compared to nearly £7 31 bn raised in 2023 from 61 main board IPOs, these

2024, industry data showed The rush to buy stocks in an IPO is currently as w i d e s p r e a d i n t h

S M E segment also Recently, a t

p with two showrooms and e

d s worth £480 mn for

mn offer


Hyundai, Swiggy, NTPC Green Energy and others to raise £6bn in 60 days

Th e Reserve Bank of Ind ia (RBI) called S eptem ber the b u si es t I P O m o nt h i n 1 4 years Th e month is near its end , but the prim ary m arket buzz is unlikely to fade as m


m p

i es w an t to rai s e around £6 bn in th e next 60 days Hyundai M otor India, S w ig g y, and NT PC Green Energy are big IPO nam es se t to hi t D alal S treet i n October and Nov ember

Apart from the three big IPO names, several other f i r m s l i k e A f c o n

I n f r a s t r u


Energies, Niva Bupa Health Insurance, One Mobikwik


The IPO rush is likely to continue till the end of the year with the Indian stock market witnessing the entry of 30 new IPOs, according t o M u n i s h A g g a r w a l ,

mix of fresh issues and offers for sale


The IPO rush aligns with the Indian stock market’s stellar growth, indicating a

opportunity for companies to boost their capex and raise funds for expansion plans, retire debt, support w

requirements, and provide

shareholders Here is the list of the top three muchawaited IPOs of 2024

India’s basmati rice exports to surge

In dia’ s decision to r em ove t he floor price for basmat i r ice ex ports is ex pected to spur a flur ry of orde rs from t he Midd le Ea st, Eur ope, a nd t h e A m e r ic a s , le a d i n g e xport ers sa id, helping New Delhi to incre ase it s sha re of t he global mar ket

The world’s biggest rice exporter earlier this month removed a floor price of $950 a metric ton for basmati rice, weeks ahead of the arrival of the new season crop

“This policy change has enabled Indian exporters to offer basmati rice at more competitive prices globally,

Akshay Gupta, head of bulk exports at KRBL Ltd said

price (MEP) posed a barrier to exporting certain basmati rice grades, and its removal

for global buyers to access

Bhatia, director at DD

International, one of the top basmati rice exporters India and Pakistan are the only growers of p

r a d e basmati rice, and the Indian restrictions helped Pakistan gain market share in some categories



h e removal of the MEP, India will be able to reclaim that lost share, said Dev Garg, the director of ViExport, a New Delhi-based exporter

Former SpiceJet chief launches private charter carrier

F or m e r S p ic e Je t e x e cu t iv e Arun Kashyap ha s l aunche d S ir i us I n d ia A i r l i n e s, a privat e char ter carrier aime d a t ca t e ri ng to t he up scal e tr avel mar ket

Kashyap, who served as the Chief Operating Officer at SpiceJet until early March, revealed plans to enter the air charter business, marking a strategic departure from h i s p r e v i o u s r o l e i n t h e commercial airline sector

Sirius India Airlines has set its sights on expansion, starting operations with a

Ministerial panel looks to rework GST rates on over 100 items

Similarly, there would be a hike in rates for some luxury items,” she said, adding that the revenue implications would have to be weighed At a meeting of the group of ministers led by Bihar deputy CM Samrat chaudhary in Goa, there was discussion on tweaking rates on f o o d p

, fertiliser, stationery and other items

looked into by the fitment committee, comprising officers “There would be

The discussions included lowering of taxes on certain goods from 12% to 5%

The GoM is now likely


meeting will discuss rationalisation of taxes on bicycles and bottled water, among other things, Bhattacharya said Some of the Opposition-ruled states, including West Bengal and Karnataka, a r e i n f a v o u r o f a s t a t u s q u o o n retaining the four slabs of 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% Multiple slabs are seen to be at the heart of complexity of the tariff structure, often making life difficult for consumers and sellers, who also have to tackle different interpretations across states

s f l e e t , w i t h projections to grow to three j e t s i


"The joint venture aimed t o p r

solution in the segment of charter business, fractional o w n e r s h i p i n I n d i

the company said in


Is anti-India sentiment fuelling more violence in Bangladesh?

Acountry that once fought and separated from Pakistan, despite having a majority Muslim population, just for the love and respect for their “mother tongue” and identifying it as their unifying force, today behaves no less than Pakistan in treating and persecuting its minorities

Bangladesh, which was known as East Bengal in an undivided India, was one of the most populous regions, home to 10 72 mn Hindus in the 1800s, out of 19 mn people, m

Muslims were only 7 96 mn, making 41% of the population In 1947, even during the partition of India, Hindu population was at 30% Once a nation of majority Hindus, now have e x c

attacked (and often converted) to their own on the basis of their religious differences

Rising violence and stopping Durga puja

The situation for Hindus in Bangladesh has become increasingly precarious, as the minority group faces rising persecution and violence

At 22% during the 1971 Liberation War, when Hindus were exceedingly targeted, they constitute just 7 95% of Bangladesh's 165 million people now Following the ouster of Sheikh Hasina's government, the plight of the Hindu community has worsened, highlighting deep-rooted issues of religious intolerance and regional instability

Hindu homes were marked by Jamaat-eIslami for attacks, with families forced to pay

money and jewellery to save their lives

Temples were desecrated, idols smashed, Hindus forced to resign from government

became disturbingly common

Yunus has promised to protect the Hindu minority, offering compensation and safety

However, attacks on Hindus persist, including vandalism, arson, and murder The gov-

groups has only intensified fears, making Yunus's promises seem increasingly hollow amidst ongoing violence

Ahead of Durga Puja, reports of rising violence in Bangladesh reveal attacks and p

Extremist Muslims are allegedly threatening Hindu businessmen, attempting to forcibly evict them from their shops, as seen in Dhaka’s beehive market, with claims that the country belongs to the majority community Bangladeshi Muslims are protesting in Dhaka, vowing to block Durga Puja in areas where it’s traditionally celebrated Some puja committees have received threats, and a pandal in Kishore Ganj was destroyed Islamist groups are also extorting temples, demanding Rs 500,000 Bangladeshi takas (£3,126 67) to allow celebrations The interim government requested Hindus to halt Durga Puja


namaaz times

Meeting between India and Bangladesh

External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met his Bangladesh counterpart Md Touhid

Hossain in New York during UN general assembly meeting During their bilateral meeting, Jaishankar emphasised the importance of ensuring the safety of minorities in Bangladesh

There is rise in anti-India sentiments and growing support for Pakistan Bangladeshi Hindus feel increasingly like strangers in

threats as a minority While Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken to Yunus, who promised action, India is now pushing for a full investigation into the attacks on Hindus, according to sources W

Lanka, there are concerns that anti-India sentiment in the region could grow stronger Coupled with ongoing challenges in neighbouring countries like the Maldives, Nepal, and Myanmar, as well as existing tensions with Pakistan and China, India will likely need to navigate a diplomatic tightrope to protect its interests in the region for the foreseeable future

Sharif again raises Kashmir issue in his UNGA address

U nited Nations: P akistan PM Sh ehbaz Sh arif accused India of “ m assive exp ansion of its m ilitary capabilities” and issuing th reats to cross the LoC for taking o ver Pakistan-o ccup ied K ashm ir, as he raised the K ashm ir issue again in h is U NGA address He dem anded that New Delhi rev erse the 2019 abrog ation o f A rticle 370

Pakistan routinely raises the Kashmir issue at the annual UN debate India is expected to exercise its right of reply to counter Sharif’s allegations Sharif said “like t h e p e o p l e o f P

Jammu & Kashmir have “struggled for a century for their freedom and right to self


He said the escalation of Islamophobia was a troubling global development “The

agenda in India It aggressively seeks the subjugation of 200 million Muslims and the obliteration of India’s Islamic heritage,” he claimed

“Even more worryingly,” he said, India “is engaged in massive expansion of its military capabilities which are essentially deployed against Pakistan” Its war doctrines envisage a surprise attack and a limited war under the nuclear overhang, he said, adding that India

had spurned his country’s proposal for a mutual strategic restraint regime, and its leadership has “often threatened to cross the Line of Control” and take over what Pakistan refers to as “Azad Kashmir” “Let me state in no uncertain terms Pakistan will respond most decisively to any Indian aggression,” he added The Pakistan PM said the escalation of Islamophobia is a troubling global development “The most alarming manifestation of Islamophobia is the Hindu supremacist agenda in India It aggressively seeks the subjugation of 200 million Muslims and the obliteration of India’s Islamic heritage,” he claimed

Lanka makes travel easier for tourists, scraps visa fees

C O L O M B O : S r i L an ka h as restored an online visa applica-

t i on p lat fo r m t o e nc o u rag e tourism after its top court susp ended a c ontrov ersial m ulti-

m il li o n- d o l la r d eal t h at o u tsou rced visa p rocessing to a foreig n consortium Th e gov ernm ent of newly elected Presid ent A nu ra Kumara Dissanayake said the mov e was intended to p rom o te th e i sl and na ti o n' s ke y tourism sector, as its eco nom y limp s out of the 20 22 financial crisis

Tourists will now be able to apply for a visa online without paying the $25 charged by Indiabased VFS Global, which won an o u t s o u r c i n g c o n t r a c t i n A p r i l from the previous government Rights activists had alleged in court that the contract was not awarded transparently and said the consortium stood to earn up to $2 75 billion over a 16-year p e r i o d S r i L a n k a ' s S u p r e m e Court in August ordered immigration authorities to revert to the online platform that was

used prior to the award to VFS

"The visa facility provided by the VFS Global has caused significant difficulties for many," Dissanayake s office said in a statement, adding that foreigners had faced challenges obtaini n g v i s a s I m m i g r a t i o n c h i e f Harsha Ilukpitiya was arrested for failing to heed the Supreme Court's decision

"We have initiated an immediate forensic audit to investigate the irregularities associated with the VFS Global," the presi-

Over 150 killed in Nepal floods, schools closed

KA T HM A ND U : The d eath toll from flo ods and landslides caused by heav y rainfall in Nepal has risen to 151, w ith 56 peo ple still m issing Th e g overnment has announced a three-day closure of schoo ls in response to the disaster

Since Friday, large areas of eastern and central Nepal have been flooded, with flash f l o o d s a f f e c t i n g v a r i o u s r e g i o n s I n t h e Kathmandu Valley, where 37 people have died, floods have brought traffic and daily life to a halt Witnesses reported that they had not seen flooding and devastation of this scale in the valley in the past 40-45 years

National highways have been blocked, causing hundreds of people to be stranded At least 322 houses and 16 bridges have been

destroyed, with over 20,000 security personn

, around 3,626 people have been rescued, and the operation is ongoing

T i

Home Ministry spokesperson Rishiram

resources are being used to reopen highway sections affected by landslides

Nineteen people died when a bus was buried by a landslide in Dhading district, near Kathmandu, while five more were killed i

Television footage showed police in kneehigh boots using tools to clear mud and recover 16 bodies from two buses that had been swept away by a landslide on a major route to Kathmandu


The BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in California was desecrated with anti-Hindu messages the second such incident in the US in the past 10 days The BAPS Public Affairs said their temple in Sacramento was desecrated with a Hindus go back" message "We stand united against hate with prayers for peace," the organisation said in a post on X The Sacramento Police said that they were investigating "vandalism being classified as a hate crime" at the BAPS Hindu Temple in Mather Police further stated that the accused also cut water lines at the property Meanwhile, members of the Hindu community gathered at the temple following the incident for a prayer ceremony to promote "harmony"


Fort Bend County Judge KP George was booked into jail following his indictment by a grand jury for misrepresenting himself online to influence the outcome of his election According to Fort Bend County judicial records, George was booked on a misdemeanour charge connected to a social media scheme aimed at swaying voters His bond was set at USD 1,000 A statement from his office said George was released from jail on a personal recognizance (PR) bond meaning he was released without paying bail by signing a written agreement to appear in court as scheduled and comply with any conditions of his release


Gurdial Singh Bajwa, a 51-year-old Sikh man of Indian origin, is set to contest the Austrian National Council elections Representing the Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) Bajwa will run for the Gaenserndorf and Bruck an der Leitha constituencies in the elections Bajwa s candidacy is a proud moment for Austria’s Indian and Sikh communities highlighting the increasing diversity in the country’s political landscape Originally from Mudowal village in Punjab’s Bholath Bajwa moved to Austria with his family at the age of seven Since 2020, he has served as a city councillor in DeutschWagram and has also held the position of Deputy Chairman for Transport and Traffic at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce

dent's office said "Any discrepancies found will be subject to legal action " Under the outsourcing deal, any foreigner entering Sri Lanka was required to pay a $25 visa processing fee - even citizens of countries that had visa-free travel arrangements with Sri Lanka

About 1 19 million tourists came to the island in the first seven months of this year, up 56 per cent from the same period in 2023, according to central bank data


Pulitzer Prize winning author Jhumpa Lahiri declined to accept an award from New York City s Noguchi Museum after it fired three employees for wearing keffiyeh head scarves, an emblem of Palestinian solidarity following an updated dress code “Jhumpa Lahiri has chosen to withdraw her acceptance of the 2024 Isamu Noguchi Award in response to our updated dress code policy,” the museum said in a statement “We respect her perspective and understand that this policy may or may not align with everyone s views Lahiri received the Pulitzer Prize in 2000 for her book “Interpreter of Maladies ”

Singapore's Indian-origin ex-minister pleads guilty in graft case

S I NGA P ORE: Singapore's former Transp ort Minister S Iswaran has p lead ed g uilty to receiving g ifts wh ile in office, local media repo rted, as pro ceedings beg an in a rare graft trial involving a state official in this A sian financial hub

The case has gripped the wealthy citystate which prides itself on having a wellpaid and efficient bureaucracy as well as strong governance Iswaran, who joined the cabinet in 2006, is the first Singaporean minister to be tried in court

The 62-year-old was arrested in July last year and was accused of taking kickbacks worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from property tycoon Ong Beng Seng, partly

to advance Ong s business interests Ong has not been charged with any offence Iswaran had previously rejected the allegations when he resigned from the cabinet In court, he had pleaded guilty to the charges of obstructing justice and of a public servant accepting anything of value without payment, or with inadequate payment, from a person with whom he is involved in an official capacity, Channel News Asia (CNA) reported, instead of the charges that include corruption

Prosecutors also reduced the charges facing Iswaran to five from 35, CNA said The remaining 30 charges will be taken into consideration for sentencing, it added

in brief


Shigeru Ishiba will be sworn in as Japan's 102nd Prime Minister by the Diet on October 1 the same day Fumio Kishida officially steps down from the role Former defence minister Ishiba successfully secured the role of Japan’s Prime Minister on his fifth attempt prevailing in a competitive race among nine candidates vying to succeed Fumio Kishida The 67-yearold Ishiba triumphed over hardline nationalist Sanae Takaichi in a run-off vote, capping one of Japan s most unpredictable leadership elections in decades, with a record nine candidates in the race


Pope Francis has offered to give refuge on Vatican territory to Myanmar s detained former leader Aung San Suu Kyi, Italian media said I asked for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and I met her son in Rome I have proposed to the Vatican to give her shelter on our territory,” the pope said according to an account of meetings with Jesuits in Asia during his trip there The Corriere della Sera daily published an article by Italian priest Antonio Spadaro giving extracts from these private meetings, which took place in Indonesia, East Timor and Singapore between Sept 2 and 13 “We cannot stay silent about the situation in Myanmar today We must do something ” the pope is reported as saying Suu Kyi 78 is serving a 27-year prison sentence on charges ranging from graft to not respecting Covid pandemic curbs


Saudi Arabia has carried out its highest number of executions in more than three decades after three executions announced last week took the 2024 figure to 198, according to an AFP tally The Gulf monarchy executed the third highest number of prisoners in the world after China and Iran in 2023, according to Amnesty International The latest tally surpassed its previous highs of 196 in 2022 and 192 in 1995 according to the London-based human rights group The country’s official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) announced the deaths of the three prisoners citing a statement from the interior ministry The 198 executions this year compare with 170 in 2023 according to tallies compiled by AFP from official media reports


South African police said they were launching a manhunt after 17 people were shot dead in a town in the east of the country “In one house 13 people were killed In another four people were killed An 18th victim is in critical condition in a hospital the police said South African media said the mass shootings occurred in the town of Lusikisiki in the Eastern Cape province We do not know the motive and we do not know if there is one or several suspects on the run , national police chief Fannie Masemola said on SABC public television


China launched an intercontinental ballistic missile carrying a dummy warhead that landed in the Pacific Ocean, the country s defence ministry announced, in a sign of President Xi Jinping s commitment to keep strengthening China s missile force after a period of corruption scandals and command turbulence The launch appeared to be the first time in 44 years that China has publicly announced a test of an ICBM in the Pacific region It was fired by the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force and struck in the “high seas,” China’s ministry of national defence said, without giving any details It said the dummy warhead “fell precisely into the assigned seas ”

Muslim group endorses Harris, says Trump bigger danger

WA S H I NG T ON : T h e U S Muslim ad vocacy g rou p Em gage

A c ti o n e nd o r se d D em o c ra ti c pres id ential c andi d ate Kam ala

Harris despite its ong oing concern over the war in Gaza, saying form er P resid ent Donald Trump posed a greater dang er with h is p ro m i s e to r ei ns ta te t rav el restrictions affecting majo rityMuslim countries

The endorsement comes as the 2024 race between Harris and Trump remains very tight ahead of the November 5 election Arab American and Muslim voters may play a decisive role in t h e o u

, Pennsylvania, Georgia and other battleground states These voters helped President Joe Biden defeat Trump in 2020 by thousands of votes

M a n y M u

p s , including Emgage Action, have criticized the Biden administration, where Harris serves as vice

Israel’s war in Gaza

“While we do not agree with all of Harris’ policies, particularly on the war on Gaza, we are approaching this election with both pragmatism and convic-

“honest guidance to our voters

they confront at the ballot box

endorsed Biden in 2020, said it mobilized 1 million Muslim voters in that election The group

defeat Trump and defend the community against what would be a return to Islamophobic and other harmful policies ”

Trump’s campaign had no immediate comment His campaign has held dozens of events

Muslims in swing states

Trump has said he will rein-

restricts entry into the United States of people from a list of largely Muslim-dominant countries Biden rolled back the ban


Asian A mericans to v ote for Harris

Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) and AAPI Data released the findings

from a survey of Asian American and Pacific Islander adults, after Harris became the Democratic nominee

Democratic presidential ticket among Asian American voters since the release of the organizations’ bi-annual Asian American Voter Survey in July Key findings among Asian

include: * Harris leads Trump by 38 percentage points Sixty

voter’s plan on voting for Vice President Harris, compared to 28 per cent who say they back Trump Those who say they will support another candidate or are undecided account for 6 per cent Harris’s identity as woman

London surgeon tells of joy after separating conjoined twins in 14-hour operation

L OND ON: A London surg eon has to ld of his joy after su ccessfu lly separating one-year-old tw in g irls in an extraord inary 14 -hour operation Professor Noor ul Owase Jeelani, a consultant paed iatri c neuros urg eo n at Great Ormond S treet Hospital (GOSH), com pleted the procedure at a h ospital in Turkey o n Ju ly


The twins, named Minal and Mirha, are now recovering in hospital and expected to make full recoveries Minal and Mirha were born in Pakistan with a rare pre-natal condition resulting in them being born conjoined at the head

The operation at Ankara Bilkent City

H o s p i t a l w a s c o m p l e t e d i n t w o s u r g i c a l stages over the course of three months, with the final procedure lasting 14 hours

Prof Jeelani said: “From what I hear, the

girls are thriving My team sometimes call me the ‘triplet’ as I become so intellectually and emotionally invested in helping these children It was so rewarding to see two healthy children and the joy on their parents’ faces - a really wonderful feeling ”

The case was referred to Prof Noor’s team in October 2023 when the twins were just a few weeks old Prof Jeelani carried out

Hurricane Helene rips through 7

US states, death toll crosses 130

C A RO L IN A : Hurr ica ne Hele ne k ille d more tha n 13 0 pe ople across Nor th C arolina , South Car olina , G eorgia , Flor ida, Tenn essee a nd Virginia , an d the de at h t oll is e xpecte d to rise once rescue tea ms r each isolate d towns a nd te lecommun ica tions ar e rest ored

"There are a lot of people hurting When you don't have power, when you don't have cell phone service, when you don't have water, this is a catastrophic situation for you, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper said "Some of our communities are completely wiped out," Cooper said

The state was coordinating 92 search and rescue teams from 20 states and the US government, Cooper said Most efforts were in the western part of the state where the storm


Amer ica n a ttor ne y ’ s law firm r epre sent ing a Ha itian communit y group in Ohio ha s file d a criminal complaint a gainst Don ald Tr ump an d JD Vance see king t heir ar rest for prov oking chaos, thre ats, an d unre st in Spr ingfield with false cha rge s that immigra nts ar e e atin g pet s of reside nts Under an Ohio statute that allows private c i t i z e n s t o f i l e c r i m i n a l c h a r g e s , t h e Cleveland-based Chandra Law Firm hired by the Haitian Bridge Alliance charged Trump and Vance with false alarms, telecommunications harassment, aggravated menacing and complicity, while asking the local court to affirm there is probable cause and issue warrants against the MAGA duo

ripped up roads, leveled trees and tossed homes about In North Carolina, some 300 roads were closed and more than 7,000 people have regi

National Guard was flying 1,000 tons of food and water to remote areas by plane and helicopter, they added Helene was a hurricane when it slammed into the Florida Gulf coast o n T h

through southeastern states for days on end

Nearly 1 8 million homes and businesses

remained without power on Monday night, including 643,000 in South Carolina and 480,000 in Georgia

attorney seeks

Springfield unrest

“If it were anyone else other than Trump and Vance who had done what they’ve donewreak havoc on Springfield, resulting in bomb threats, evacuated and closed government buildings and schools, threats to the mayor and his family, they would have been arrested by now They are not above the law,” the firm’s founder Subodh Chandra said Chandra, a former federal prosecutor who has handled several high-profile cases including the police-shooting death of 12year-old Tamir Rice by Cleveland police, said he was fighting the case pro bono after inaction by the local prosecutor despite TrumpVance claims about pet-eating Haitians being refuted the Ohio governor and Springfield mayor, both Republicans

the operation through his charity Gemini Untwined, which is dedicated to improving surgery and treatment for craniopagus children and others with complex craniofacial conditions

He said: “We had already operated on two Turkish boys in 2020 so approached the Turkish Government with a similar request They came back a week later with a positive response It was logistically complex arranging the children to get to Turkey from Pakistan and to get our team over from the UK, but it went really well and the Turkish team was fantastic Against the odds, we managed to pull it off ”

The team used mixed reality (MR) technology, which combined 3D images with the physical world to increase precision during the complex procedure

Indian origin New York health adviser fired over drug-fuelled sex party

NE W Y OR K : D r Jay Varma, the fo rmer Covid-19 czar of New York City, h as been f

ed fr o m h i s p o

o n at S I G A T echnologies follo wing th e revelatio n of his i nvolvement in drug-fuelled sex parties du ri ng the p andemic Dr Varma's NYC Covid p o li c

n al at te nt i o n w h e n B ro oklyn Nets' Kyrie Irvi ng was banned from playing for refu sing vaccination Dr Varma, who previously served as a senior health adviser under former Mayor Bill de Blasio, was reported to have boasted about attending underground raves and hosting parties while the city was under severe lockdowns These admissions were made public through secretly recorded conversations

On September 23, SIGA Technologies issued a statement confirming Dr Varma's immediate termination, stating, “Pursuant to the terms of his employment agreement, Dr Varma's service on the Company's Board of Directors also automatically ended effective immediately”

The scandal erupted last week when podcaster Steven Crowder released clips of Dr Varma's candid discussions, in which he said, “I did all this deviant, like sexual stuff,” and confessed to sneaking around due to his role in managing the city's Covid response

In one recorded conversation, Dr Varma recounted hosting a party in August 2020 where attendees used MDMA: “So we rented a hotel we all took, like, you know, molly and like it was like eight or nine or us, eight to 10 of us were in a room and everybody had a blast because everybody was like so pent up ”

Kamala Harris

SC pulls up Andhra CM Naidu for raking up laddu row

should be k ept out of the issue of fait h a nd the re wa s n othing prima facie t o pr ove t hat con tam in at

h r a P r a d e s h C M N

C h a n d r a ba bu N a i d u fo r

g o i n g pu bl ic w i t h h i s a lle g a t i on of a d u lt e r a t e d

pr asad am wit hout a ny ba sis, a nd hur ting the se nt im ent s of millions of de vote es

Hearing a batch of four petitions, including one filed by Subramanian Swamy, a bench of Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan said prasadam was not sent for test and repeatedly asked the state and Tirumala Tirupati

D e v a s t h a n a m s ( T T D ) t o s h o w e v i d e n c e t h a t contaminated ghee was used

f o r m a k i n g l a d d u s T h e court said according to the report, a sample of rejected ghee was tested

“ T h e r e a r e s o m e disclaimers in the lab report It is not clear at all It says

t h a t r e j e c t

d g h e e w a s subjected to the test If you y o u r s e l f h a v e o r d e r e d a n investigation, what was the need to go to the press? The report came in July and the statement was made in Sept The report says that was not

prasadam,” the bench said at the beginning of the hearing It sought answers from the state govt and TTD on h

a t contaminated ghee was used for making prasadam

S e n i o r a d v o c a t e Siddharth Luthra, appearing for TTD, said the test was

complained about change in

notice,” Swain said O

Actor Govinda suffers bullet injury as revolver misfires

A ct or Gov in da on Tue sd ay wa s rushed t o a hospita l in

M um bai a ft er susta ining an

a ccide nt al bulle t injur y on

h i s l e g w i t h h is o w n r evolve r

The incident took place at his Juhu residence while the actor was checking his l

Kolkata in the early morning

h o u r s T h e r e v o l v e r

a c c i d e n t a l l y f e l l f r o m h i s hand, misfired and suffered injury to his leg Meanwhile,

G o v i n d a ' s m a n a g e r h a s c o n f i r m e d t h a t t h e b u l l e t has been removed from the actor's leg and his condition is now stable

“We had a 6 am flight to catch for a show in Kolkata

a n d I h a d r e a c h e d t h e airport Govinda ji was about to leave his residence for the airport when this accident

h a p p e n e d , ” t h e a c t o r ' s manager Shashi Sinha said

" H e w a s k e e p i n g h i s licensed revolver in the case when it fell from his hand and a bullet got fired which

hit his leg The doctor has removed the bullet and his condition is fine He is in the h o s p i t a l r i g h t n o w , " h e added

Mumbai Police official also confirmed that Govinda is fine and the injury is not s e r i o u s H o w e v e r , h e w a s taken to the hospital as a precaution, according to a report

DCP (Zone IX) Dikshit

Gedam stated that no case has been registered as no complaint has been received from anyone so far A Juhu

p o l i c e o f f i c e r m e n t i o n e d that a diary entry will be m a d e a f t e r r e c o r d i n g statements from the actor's family members

sequence of events leading to the controversy

But the Supreme Court bench again said that when t

prasadam, then there could not be any justification for the CM to make comments before an FIR was lodged

decide whether the probe should be transferred from the state-appointed SIT to an independent agency and would seek the assistance of

Mehta on this issue

n through the SIT, what was the necessity to go to the p r e s s ? W h e n y o u h o l d a

restraint We expect gods to be kept away from politics,” the bench said “We are prima facie of

constitutional authority to make a statement which can

n t s o f millions of people We find that it would be appropriate

i f t h e S G a s s i s t s u s o n whether the SIT by the state s h o u l d c o n t i n u e o r t h e investigation should be by an independent agency, ” the bench said and posted the hearing to Thursday Initiating arguments in t h e c a s e , s e n i o r a d v o c a t e Rajashekhar Rao, appearing for Swamy, said the CM’s statements were refuted by the executive officer of TTD w h o s a i d s u c h g h e e w a s n e v e r u s e d H e s a i d t h e ongoing probe should have some kind of supervision

Senior advocate Mukul

R o h a t g i , f o r A n d h r a Pradesh govt, said Swamy’s petition was not bona fide and was filed to espouse the cause of the previous govt led by YSRCP

HC stays probe against Sitharaman, others over poll bond issue

In a relief for union finance minister Nirmala S itharaman, Karnataka high court ordered an interim stay on any furth er investigatio n based o n an F IR reg istered in Bengaluru in an electoral bond s-linked extortio n and crim inal co nspiracy case ag ainst her and oth ers

“Section 383 of IPC mandates that any informant who approaches court or jurisdictional police should have been put through fear It is only then that extortion can be prima facie established Criminal law can be set into motion by any person Who is the complainant here becomes significant,” Justice M Nagaprasanna said “In this case, permitting further proceedings at least until objections have been filed will become an abuse of the process of law ”The order came on a petition by Nalin Kumar Kateel, former Karnataka BJP president and Sitharaman’s co-accused in the complaint filed by Adarsh R Iyer, a Bengaluru-based RTI activist

The court said, "he (Iyer) has not been threatened to part with any property If the complainant in the case at hand wants to cite Section 384 of IPC, he should be an aggrieved informant, which he is not "

The complaint alleges corporate entities were coerced into purchasing electoral bonds (EBs), which were then encashed by BJP netas for political purposes It claims over £800 mn was illegally collected through EBs The police have charged Nirmala, BJP chief Nadda and others under IPC sections 384 (extortion), 120B (criminal conspiracy) and 34 (acts done by multiple individuals with common intent)

The complaint accuses Nirmala, ED and BJP members of misusing their authority by conducting raids, seizures and arrests targeting corporate entities, ultimately resulting in coerced purchases of EBs The FIR alleges aluminium and copper companies of Sterlite and Vedanta groups were forced to buy EBs worth £23 mn between April 2019 and Nov 2023

After Tirupati laddu row, Odisha to check Puri temple ghee

A m i d t h e co n t r ov e r sy

s u r r o un d in g t h e a l le g e d

pr esen ce of an imal fa t in the

g h e e u se d t o p r e p a r e

Tir upa ti laddus, t he Od isha

g ov t has de cid ed to sen d the g hee used in P ur i Ja gan nat h Te mple for quality t est

P u r i d i s t r i c t c o l l e c t o r

Sidharth Shankar Swain said

t h e m o v e w a s a i m e d a t preventing adulteration in the offerings to the deities at the 12th century shrine


a w y e r , D i l i

B a r a l , s u b m i t t e d a p l e a t o t h e collector, who is also the deputy chief administrator

o f J a g a n n a t h t e m p l e administration, suggesting a proper check on the quality

o f i n g r e d i e n t s , i n c l u d i n g ghee, used for preparation of ‘mahaprasad’ in the temple kitchen

Swain said although no complaint had been received

r e g a r d i n g t h e q u a l i t y o f

g h e e , t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n decided to get it examined i n t h e b a c k d r o p o f t h e Tirupati laddu controversy

G o v t - o w n e d O d i s h a

S t a t e C o o p e r a t i v e M i l k P r o d u c e r s F e d e r a t i o n (Omfed) has been supplying

ghee to the temple for the last few years According to sources in the Suar Mahasua N i j o g , a n a s s o c i a t i o n o f servitors who prepare the ‘ m a h a p r a s a d ’ d a i l y , a b o u t 6 , 0 0

every month at nearly Rs 700 per litre S w a i n s

f o o d safety and quality control authorities had already been informed to carry out the inspection of the ghee and other raw materials used in the shrine kitchen

As of now, a variety of items such as rice, khichdi, dal, dalma, curry and sweets are cooked daily for about 25,000 devotees, and served

also check the quality of the ghee used for lighting diyas

administration had made it mandatory for vendors to sell ghee supplied by Omfed,

companies being sold to the shrine We will check if the


Former Army, CBI chiefs spar over ‘assault’ in Odisha

For mer Army chief Ge n VK Sin gh an d CBI ex -director M N age sw ara Ra o, a n O disha-cadr e IPS office r, sw ipe d a t e ach ot her on socia l media ov er the a llege d a ssa ult of a milit ar y c a pt a i n a n d h is fia n c é e a t Bha r a t p ur p oli ce st a t i on i n Bhuba ne swa r on Sep t 15

Gen Singh, who’s also a former Union minister, shared on X a video from Sept 20 in which the woman recounted her traumatic experience Describing the case as “shameful and horrendous”, he wrote: “The chief minister should take immediate action against the police personnel and all who are trying to shield the criminals in police uniform ” He hashtagged his post as #ShameOnOdishaPolice Rao stepped in to defend state police He suggested the couple was at fault, saying they were drunk and involved in a brawl with engineering students before going to the police station W h e n

l examination and blood tests, which is the standard protocol of investigation, they refused,” CBI ex-director M Nageswara Rao wrote “Sir, we, the Indian Police, respect and honour our military because that is the last resort in defending the country from external enemies A reciprocation from the military towards police, which defends the country from internal enemies, is a normal expectation ”

Rao further criticised Gen Singh for his comments: “Sir, it is not done that you, having been a Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and later a Central minister, jumped to conclusions and castigated Odisha Police for the drunken brawl and uncouth behaviour of an Army officer and his fiancée, and Odisha Police officers were not even at fault ”

India sends invitation to Myanmar’s anti-junta forces

I n d i a h a s i n v i te d p ol i ti c a l a n d m ilitary oppone nts of Mya nmar ’ s ruling junta to attend a sem

A sian power that has m aintai ned

h t h e to p ge n e r a ls s hun ned by Western nations

A civil war in Myanmar since its military unseated an elected civilian g o v e r n m e n t i n a F e b r u a r y 2 0 2 1 coup now risks destabilizing India’s 1,025-mile border with Myanmar, and some of its key infrastructure projects there

A leader of an armed group and two sources with direct knowledge o

National Unity Government (NUG) and ethnic minority rebels from the states of Chin, Rakhine and Kachin bordering India had been invited to a seminar in mid-November The e v e n t w o u l d b e h o s t e d b y t h e government-funded Indian Council of World Affairs, whose council includes India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar, said two other sources It was not immediately clear if M

would also be invited to the event, which the sources said would be on the topic of “Constitutionalism and Federalism” They gave no further details

turned into a nationwide rebellion, w

c e movement combining with some established ethnic armies to seize control of wide swathes of territory, opens new tab from the military

The junta has refused to enter dialogue with the rebels, whom it

describes as “terrorists” Speaking o

chairman of one the ethnic rebel groups, the Chin National Front, s a i d , “ W

representatives This will be the first time, I think, formally, that India will engage with the non-state a c t o r s T h i s i s a g o o d , p o s i t i v e approach ” The other armed groups invited include the Arakan Army, which controls significant reaches of territory in Rakhine bordering B a n g l a d e s

forces, the sources added Although the junta has been condemned by Western powers, with most of them h a v

has kept up engagement with the

government and defense officials

I n d i a h a s b e e n r e l u c t a n t t o openly criticize the junta, which could push the generals closer to rival China New Delhi has had no formal engagement with the junta’s opponents

N Chandrababu Naidu
Actor Govinda

India moves more big guns to border amid China row Sevak

A f te r f o rw ar d de p l o y in g

h o witzers, miss iles, rocket

s y ste ms a nd lo i ter mu n itions along the China fro ntier, India is now step ping

u p induction of more longra nge, h igh - volu me p reci -

s i o n fi r ep o we r th at c a n

p ro ve decisive in battles as well as exp anding its indige-

n o u s a mmu n i ti o n ven do r base to cou nter glo bal supp ly ch ain disruptions


W i t h l e s s

which 80% of the casualties have been due to artillery fire, Army’s director general

o f a r t

y L


Adosh Kumar said the force will induct 100 more K-9 Vajra self-propelled tracked gun systems, as also additional Dhanush howitzers, Sharang guns and Pinaka

m u l t i - l a u n c h r o c k e t s y stems

S o m e ‘ w

e d ’ K - 9

Vajra regiments are already deployed in eastern Ladakh, out of the 100 such guns inducted earlier for £436 6 m n , a m i d t h e c o n t i n u i n g military confrontation with China, which is into its fifth year now

The £850 mn contract f

which have

strike range up to 48 km, is also set to be inked soon Moreover, trials

of 300 ‘shoot-and-scoot’

towed artillery gun systems

DRDO is also work-

lethality of the conven-

missiles (400 km range) and N

(1,000 km) Concurrently, DRDO is developing hypersonic missiles, which will be different from the already

BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles

“With its accurate and d

the true essence of military power We are modernising at a pace like never before Our mantra is 'modernisat

n i s ation’,” the Lt-Gen said

Jaishankar, his Bangla counterpart discuss safety of minorities

I n di a a n d B a n gl ad e sh h a d t heir fir st high-l evel enga gemen t in per son since former PM She ik h Ha sina’ s ouster in August in the form of a

b il a t e r a l m e e t in g b e t we e n foreign minist er S Jaishankar

a n d hi s cou n t e r p a r t , M d Touhid Hossa in , on the sidel in e s of t he UN G e n e r a l

A s se m b l y se s si on i n N e w York

W h i l e J a i s h a n k a r m e ntioned in a post on X that they had focused on bilateral ties, he is learnt to have reiterated India’s emphasis on B a n g l a d e s h r e s t o r i n g l a w and order and ensuring the safety of minorities, while reaffirming India’s commitment to work with a peaceful and stable neighbour

A c c o r d i n g t o D h a k a , i s s u e s o f m u t u a l i n t e r e s t s were discussed

W h i l e t h e r e h a d b e e n much speculation whether

P M M o d i w o u l d m e e t

B a n g l a d e s h g o v t ’ s c h i e f adviser Muhammad Yunus, New Delhi said there was no possibility of it with the for-

mer about to embark on his return journey by the time Yunus landed in New York I n d i a ’ s f i r s t b i l a t e r a l engagement with the new regime in Bangladesh took place amidt frayed ties over a s e r i e s o f h o s t i l e r e m a r k s against India by the interim g o v t ’ s t o p f u n c t i o n a r i e s , i n c l u d i n g Y u n u s a n d

Hossain In an interview earlier this week, Hossain had said it was not an ideal situation for the two govts to say that their relationship was good at a time when people i n B a n g l a d e s h h a r b o u r e d anti-India sentiments

A c k n o w l e d g i n g t h e p r o b l e m i s i m p o r t a n t f o r

addressing it We will definitely try to sort out the tension and maintain working

r e l a t i o n s ( w i t h I n d i a ) B u t the relationship will have to be based on mutual respect a n d f a i r n e s s , ” M d T o u h i d H o s s a i n s a i d j u s t b e f o r e meeting Jaishankar Despite India’s deep concern over the s a f e t y o f H i n d u s i n Bangladesh, Yunus has twice s a i d t h a t t h e i s s u e a b o u t attacks on minorities is exaggerated He has also called upon India to not remain “captivated by the narrative t h a t p o r t r a y s e v e r y o t h e r political party except Awami League as Islamist” or that B a n g l a d e s h w a s s a f e w i t h only Hasina at the helm New Delhi is also wary of t h e D h a k a ’ s e f f o r t s t o , a s

H o s s a i n m e n t i o n e d i n h i s interview earlier this week, build a normal relationship with Pakistan after Hasina’s e x i t Y u n u s h a s s o u g h t a r e v i v a l o f S A A R C , w h i c h remains stalled because of India’s opposition to crossborder terrorism

Maldives never opted for ‘India Out’ policy, asserts Prez Muizzu

M aldives Preside nt M oham ed M uizzu has d e n i e d ha v i n g a n “I n d i a Ou t” a g e n d a , as serting the is land n ation had a “serious problem” with the presenc e of foreign m ili tary on its soil

Muizzu, who is in the US to attend the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, made the remarks while responding to a question at Princeton University’s “Dean’s Leadership Series”

“We have never been against any one country at any point It’s not ‘India Out’ Maldives faced a serious problem with fore i g n m i l i t a r y p r e s e n c e o n t h i s s o i l , ”

Maldivian news portal adhadhu com quoted him as saying “The people of Maldives do not want a single foreign soldier in the country,” he said

Ties between India and Maldives came under severe strain since Nov last year when Muizzu, known for his pro-China leanings,

took charge as Maldivian president Muizzu had asked India to withdraw nearly 90 Indian military personnel operating three aviation platforms gifted by the country India withdrew its military personnel by May 10 and replaced them with civilian personnel to operate a Dornier aircraft and two helicopters

Muizzu further stressed he had taken action against deputy ministers for insulting Prime Minister Narendra Modi on social media “No one should say such a thing I took action against it I will not accept insulting anyone like that, whether he is a leader or an ordinary person Every human being has a reputation,” the report quoted him as saying Earlier this year, deputy ministers in Maldives’ youth ministry were suspended for derogatory social media posts against Modi following a backlash, with New Delhi strongly raising the matter with Male

Project transforming rural healthcare

T h e S ev ak P roj ec t, es tabl is h ed i n 20 1 0 , a


rov e health care ac cess and aw areness in rural comm

M o d i , th e n c h i ef m i n is te r o f G uj a rat , th e p ro j e ct h as since expanded its footp rint across India and even into S o u th A m e ri c a, rea ch in g ov er 250 villages in 33 distr ic

f Gu j a rat , Bi h ar , T am il Nad u, Od is ha, and Guyana, S outh America

The Sevak Project has impacted over 200,000 people by enhancing healthcare awareness and education in underserved areas At the core of this initiative is the “Sevak”- a trained villager who serves as a healthcare advocate, educator, and liaison These Sevaks provide p u b l i c h e a l t h e d u c at i o n , c o n d u c t h e a l t h screenings, and refer patients to specialists as and when needed They also play a vital role in promoting sanitation, access to clean d r i n k i n g w a t e r , a n d


Sevaks are trained to use medical kits like b l o o d p r e s s u

for data collection These tools allow them to gather r

metrics and household facilities Sevaks screen villagers for conditions like hypertension, diabetes, tuberculosis, anemia, and obesity T h

advice on managing chronic

Foundation in Washington and the WIN Foundation in India

under the project involves

thermometers, and laptops

tions, and lifestyle changes The initiative's success is bolstered by partnerships w i t h o r g a n i z a t

S Jaishankar


Land case: ED initiates probe against Karnataka CM, wife

B E N G A L U R U / N E W D E L H I : E n fo r ce m en t D i re ct o rat e h a s initiated a probe into the ro le of K a rna ta ka C M S i d d ara m ai ah and his w ife fo r possible m oney laund ering in th e Mysore Urban Develo pment A uth ority (Mu da) land allo tment case fo llo wing the recent F IR lod ged by the state L okayukta

According to sources, the anti-money laundering agency accepted a complaint filed by Mysurubased RTI activist Snehamayi Krishna seeking registration of a case under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and an investigation “into the m i s u s e o f o f f i c i a l p o w e r s b y Siddaramaiah and illegal allotment of 14 sites to his wife Parvathi” Accordingly, an ECIR, equivalent of a police FIR, was registered

requires investigation The HC has also

windfall gain due to the allotment of sites in favour of Siddaramaiah’s wife Parvathi,” Krishna's complaint read E D

Prevention of Money Laundering Act to book Siddaramaiah in its ECIR

Stalin appoints Udhayanidhi as deputy CM

CH EN NA I: In the first such instance in India since Sukhb ir Singh Ba dal se rved as Punjab’s de puty chief minister whil e his father, Park ash Singh Bada l was CM, Ta mil Nadu wil l now have a fat he rson duo as CM a n d d e p ut y C M D M K p a t r ia r ch M Ka runanidhi’s gra ndson a nd CM MK Stal in’s son Udha yanidhi Stal in wa s picked as Tamil Na du’s deput y CM amid mounting pressur e fr om senior party member s and ministe rial col lea gue s to entrust the 46-year -old with a l arge r role in the st ate

G o v e r n o r R N R a v i a p p r o v e d C M S t a l i n ’ s recommendations for Udhayanidhi’s promotion a n d t h e i n d u c t i o n o f V S e n t h i l B a l a j

Chezhiaan, R Rajendran, and SM Nasar into the council of ministers Balaji’s return to the cabinet comes just two days after he was released on bail following 471 days in prison for a money laundering case Udhayanidhi has risen swiftly through the

The RTI activist cited the high court o r d e r w h i c h h a d u p h e l d K a r n a t a k a g o v e r n o r T h a w a r c h a n d G e h l o t ’ s decision to sanction a probe into the scam allegedly involving the CM and his family “The high court of Karnataka has raised serious doubts with respect to the allotment of sites in favour of the CM’s wife, and the HC in its wisdom has c o n c l u d e d t h


Congress slammed the Centre over the ED action Party general secretary Jairam Ramesh said, “It is no secret that E D

vengeance on his political opponents by t

rejected him resoundingly in May 2023

whatsoever to fear The CM of Karnataka will be vindicated ”

Dera chief to leave jail ahead of Haryana polls

CHA N DIG A R H: De ra Sa cha Sa uda chief an d rape con vict G urmee t Ra m R ahim S in gh is se t t o walk out of jail aga in a hea d of y et anot her e le ct ion a ft e r t h e E le c t i o n

C o m m i ss io n a p p r o v e d h is pa role pet ition This will be his third tempor ar y re lea se in t he pa st nine months an d t he 15t h in the last four y ea rs

The release of Ram Rahim Singh, who wields influence in Haryana and Punjab,

c o m e s d a y

H a r y a n a A

consistently coincided with elections, be it to municipal bodies or state assemblies

During the parole period, the Dera chief will be prohibited from entering Haryana and is barred from participating in any election campaign activities, either in person or via social media With the Election Commission's approval in place, the Haryana government is now expected to soon issue an order for his release

G u r m e e t R a m R a h i m r e t u

n e d t o Sunaria jail on September 2 after a 21-day furlough, granted on August 13 Since


release 14 times, totalling 259 days, through furloughs and paroles Ram Rahim's parole on January 19 came ahead of the L o k S a b h a e l e c t

Similarly, during the 2022

the Dera chief was granted a

February 27 His eighth release, on June 17, 2022, also coincided with the Haryana municipal elections

sentence after being convicted of murder and rape He remains lodged in Sunaria jail in Rohtak

explanation from the state government when Ram Rahim sought 20-day parole, less than a month after he returned to R

y furlough Aggarwal asked the state govt to explain what “compelling” circumstances,

application to be accepted

assembly election The first-time MLA representing Chepauk-Triplicane constituency was appointed as a minister in Dec 2022 With his new role as deputy C M

development portfolio, in addition to his existing

development, special programme implementation, poverty alleviation, and rural indebtedness

Among the new appointees is Nasar, who was dropped from the ministry in May 2022 following complaints from party members Chezhiaan, a three-time MLA from Thiruvidaimarudur and the govt chief whip, and Rajendran, the lone DMK MLA from Salem district, will also join the cabinet

Punjab’s NRI quota criteria ‘fraud’ on medical education: SC

NE W DE LHI : Su preme Co urt castigated Pu njab’s AAP go vt f or expanding th e el igibility criteria for avail ing 15 % NRI quo ta in admis sions to state-ru n and private medical and dental coll eges to inclu de ‘wards’ of NRIs and termed th is a “fraud on the education s ystem to mint money ”

Taking exception to the last-minute expansion of criteria for NRI quota after the last day of submission of applications to include any near relative or ward of NRIs for admission to medical colleges, a bench of CJI D Y Chandrachud and Justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra strongly criticised the Bhagwant Singh Mann led govt for devising a “ money spinning” mechanism

“Look at the expressions‘nearest relatives’ and ‘wards’ of NRIs Anyone can be a nearest relative, even a third cousin And what did the govt mean by ward of an NRI? Any and everyone can be termed a ward of an NRI, and the proof is just an affidavit by the person residing abroad,” the bench said Dismissing Punjab govt’s appeal against high court’s order quashing the new criteria, the apex court said, “These are all back

spinning device for the govt It must stop ”

Appearing for general category students who are to avail the vacant NRI quota seats, senior advocate Abhimanyu Bhandari said a general category student with 630 out of 700 marks would not get a seat but an NRI ward with just 200 marks could get admitted “In Punjab, it is not difficult to find an NRI,” he said

RG Kar graft probe may be extended to other hospitals: SC

K O LK AT A: E ndin g t h e 42- d ay lo gjam, agitating junior docto rs c a l l ed o f f t h ei r “ c ea s e w o r k” pro test in the wake o f the rape and mu rder o f a you ng doc tor at RG Kar h os pital in Ko lkata and anno unced a p artial resu mption of wo rk The protes ting docto rs have als o w arned th e West Bengal governm ent that th ey will pro test again if ju stice is not s erved

A d d r e s s i n g a p r e s s conference outside the office of CBI, which is investigating the Kolkata doctor s rape case, the protesting medics said, “We are stopping our sit-in protest due to flood situation We will serve in f l o o d - a f f e c t e d a r e a s b u t o u r protest will not stop ”

“We will continue this in all medical colleges & hospitals We will see till the next Supreme Court hearing However, if the assurances and promises are not fulfilled, we will again start our agitation programme, ” a junior d o c t o r s a i d T h e p r o c e s s i o n , seeking a speedy wrap-up of the

probe by the CBI into the case, covered a distance of around 4 km from the

the CGO Complex

Outpatient Department (

and essential services

protest came after Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee held a meeting

impasse Following the meeting, Mamata Banerjee sacked Vineet

Chura chandpur and Kangpokpi distric ts l ast week, while f resh viol ence was reported from a villa ge in Jiribam, officials said The shutdown was called by Kuki-Zo

Leaders Forum (ITLF) and Kuki Students

Security Advisor Kuldiep Singh’s statement

establishments remained shut in the two districts, while vehicles stayed off the roads, officials said No untoward incidents have

September 20 claimed that security forces have taken a number of steps in the wake of reports that “ 900 militants” who have entered

peripheral villages of Imphal valley districts

The state government, however, retracted the statement, asserting that the likelihood of “ any such misadventures by armed groups is minimal and unsubstantiated” Meanwhile, fresh violence was reported from a village in Jiribam district, police said

Mongbung village from nearby hilltops and s

retaliation from ‘village volunteers’, they said Women, children and elderly people were moved to safer places following the violence, police said Security forces were deployed to control the situation, they said, adding that no casualties were reported


A seer and his Gau Dhwaj Sthapana Bharat Yatra entourage were stopped from entering Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland following fears of possible public unrest and protests against his campaign advocating a ban on cow slaughter across the northeastern states Shankaracharya Swami Avimukteshwaranand Saraswati s first stop was BJP governed Arunachal, but local authorities halted him at Donyi Polo airport in Hollongi and requested him to return After being denied entry, their chartered aircraft landed in Nagaland’s Dimapur, where he faced the same reception Shankaracharya was asked to return to Guwahati after spending a few minutes at the airport’s VIP lounge Permission was denied for the yatra scheduled for Sept 28 in Kohima Though initially agitated and seeking an explanation for why they couldn t proceed Shankaracharya was informed that the decision was made at the cabinet level and administration was merely implementing it BJP is part of the alliance govt in Nagaland We were directed not to let them leave the airport, Chumoukedima district DC Polan John said Dimapur police commissioner Kevithuto Sophie cited state govt’s directive dated Sept 12

C o m m i s s i o n e r ( C P ) a n d transferred some at the police and health departments

Chief Secretary Manoj Pant, following up on issues discussed i n t h e m e e t i n g b e t w e e n t h e agitating junior doctors and the state task force, issued a list of directives on the safety, security and conducive environment for healthcare professionals, saying t

implemented immediately

T h e W e s t B e n g a l M e d i c a l C o u n c i l c a n c e l l e d t h e registration of RG Kar Medical College's former principal Sandip G h o s h w h o w a s a r r e s t e d i n connection with the Kolkata rape and murder case


Supreme Court issued notice to Assam govt seeking its response on a plea seeking initiation of contempt proceedings against it for violating its order that no demolition should take place across the country without the court’s prior permission A bench of Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan agreed to hear pleas of residents of Assam whose houses were demolished and directed the authorities to maintain status quo in the matter The apex court had, on September 17, said there would be no demolition of properties without its permission Senior advocate Huzefa Ahmadi appearing for the petitioners said there has been an “egregious violation” and breach of the apex court’s order that had categorically said there should be no demolition without its permission

Gurmeet Ram Rahim

P M Narend ra M od i m arked th e

1 0th anniversary o f ‘Make in India’

c am p ai gn by s triking an u pbeat note about the p rospects o f manufacturing in Ind ia, asserting th ere is a lo t going fo r India and it has capabilities to be a key player in th e g lo bal supp ly chain and is a reliable p artner for business

The PM took to LinkedIn to celebrate a decade of the drive to turn India into a manufacturing hub, his post making a push for and argued that the “momentum is in India’s favour”

“Despite facing unprecedented challenges like the global pandemic, India has remained firmly on

Momentum is in our favour, says PM Modi on 10 years of Make In India

the growth track Today, we are

growth,” the PM said

The PM emphasised that the initiative has helped boost exports, push investments, promote manu-

‘Make in India’ shows that Bharat is unstoppable The imprint of ‘Make in India’ has become visible

where we never even dreamt of making an impact,” the PM said, citing the experience of manufacturing of mobile phones and the steel sector

He said from two mobile manufacturing units a decade ago, the

number has soared to 200 now and exports have skyrocketed 7,500% to £12 bn “Look at our steel indus-

production increasing by over 50%

Mahant Swami Maharaj’s 91st birth anniversary celebrated

His Holin ess Maha nt Swa mi M ahar aj’s 91st bir th an niversa ry wa s celebrat ed on 26t h Se pte mbe r in Mumba i and in BAPS Ma ndir s an d cent r e s a r o u n d t h e w o r ld Y o g v iv e k d a s Sw a m

Sw ami of N easde n Temp le, ha s pe nne d an ar ticle on the occasion “ I n a n e r

v i d e s invaluable guidance These sacred texts offer profound i n s i g h t s t o a c h i e v e i n n e r peace and foster unity Yet, to truly grasp the essence of these teachings, it can be illuminating to observe a liv-

i n g e m b o d i m e n t o f s u c h w i s d o m O n e s u c h e x e mplary figure is His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj

Born in 1933 in Jabalpur,

M a d h y a P r a d e s h , M a h a n t S w a m i M a h a r a j ’ s j o u r n e y into spirituality began with a n e n c o u n t e r w i t h H i s H o l i n e s s Y o g i j i M a h a r a j

The young Mahant Swami was profoundly touched by Yogiji Maharaj’s exemplary qualities In 2016, following the passing away of Yogiji

M a h a r a j – t h e c r e a t o r o f

Devotees during the assembly

Neasden Temple – Mahant Swami Maharaj was appointed as the present guru and p r e s i d e n t o f B A P S

S w a m i n a r a y a n S a n s t h a (BAPS) H e c a r r i e s f o r w a r d P r a m u k h S w a m i Y o g i j i

Maharaj’s legacy by serving f o r t h e g r e a t e r g o o d o f humanity and is thus a living testament to the virtues he espouses His life is a manifestation of the principles of harmony, humility, compassion, and integrity ”

since 2014, ” he added He also liste

energy and defence as success stories

He said that the productionlinked incentives (PLI ) scheme, focusing on 14 sectors, has been a game changer, channelising large investments and generating millions of jobs

Modi emphasised the need for popular support for the success of ‘Make in India’

“During one of the ‘Mann Ki Baat’ programmes, I had spoken about the need to have a vibrant

showed how that is done!

halved, particularly benefiting our local manufacturers and sellers, not to mention the little children as well!”, he said

“Today, we are being seen as drivers of global growth I call upon my young friends to come and join us in taking Make in India to new

PM Modi holds talks with Jamaican counterpart, inks four pacts

I n d i a a n d Ja ma ic a o n T ue sd ay i n ke d fou r pa ct s, i nc lud in g o ne o n po ssi ble r oll-out of India n UP I payme nt sy st ems in t he isla nd n a t i on , a s Pr i m e Mi n i st e r

Na re ndr a Modi he ld wide -

r a n g in g t a lk s w it h h i s J a m a i ca n c ou n t e r p a r t

An dre w Holn ess focusing on boost ing t ies in se ct ors like de fe nce a nd en erg y In his media statement, Modi said India has always been a reliable partner in Jamaica's development journey and it is ready to share its expertise with that country in areas such as digital public infrastructure, small industries, biofuel, innovation, health, education and agriculture The prime minister said India will move f o r w a r d i n t r a i n i n g a n d

c a p a c i t y b u i l d i n g o f t h e Jamaican military

M o d i s a i d h e a n d

H o l n e s s a l s o d i s c u s s e d

r e g i o n a l a n d g l o b a l i s s u e s and agreed that all tensions

a n d d i s p u t e s s h o u l d b e resolved through talks and both sides will continue to work towards ensuring global peace and security The prime minister's comments

Over 65% voter turnout in J-K final phase

Continued from Page 1

Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Rajiv Kumar while announcing the election schedule said that "J & K Assembly e l e c t i o n s h a v e m a

n t deepening of democracy, which will echo in the pages of history and continue to inspire a democratic spirit of the region for years to come He dedicated these elections to the people of J & K, acknowledging their determination and belief in the democratic process The peaceful and participative elections are historic, wherein democracy is taking root more profoundly than ever before, driven by the will of the people of J & K "

"These elections have witnessed a significant increase in voter turnout in areas which have been infamous for militancy and boycotting democratic

p r o c e s s e s P o l l i n g p e r c e n t a g e h a s increased by 12 97 per cent in Pulwama

A C i n t h e L e g i s l a t i v e A s s e

Elections 2024 compared to the corres

Zainapora AC in Shopian saw a 9 52 per cent increase while Eidgah AC in Srinagar registered a 9 16 per cent

dence in the electoral process," the release stated Kashmiri Migrant voters were also empowered to exercise

polling stations set up in Jammu (19), Udhampur (1) and Delhi (4) I n p h a s e - 3 ,

stituencies spread across 7 districts saw polling across 5,060 polling stations set up for voters in this phase A total of 415 candidates were in the fray, including 387 men and 28 women candidates in this phase of the elections The seven districts that went to polls in phase 3


Phase-1 and Phase-2 saw a polling percentages of 61 38 per cent and 57 31 per cent respectively

expressed hope that young and women voters will participate in good numbers in the last leg of polling About 3 9 million voters were eligible to cast their franchise at 5,060 polling stations in the third phase of polling Voting began a t 7

6 p m , Election Commission of India said

Jammu and Kashmir is holding its first assembly elections in 10 years This is also the first assembly election in the UT after the abrogation of special status under Article 370 in August 2019

came amid growing tensions in West Asia and the conflict in Ukraine Modi said IndiaJamaica partnership is characterised by the four CsC u l t u r e , C r i c k e t , Commonwealth, and CARIC O M T h e C A R I C O M (Caribbean Community) is a grouping of 20 island nations which are home to approximately 16 million people

"India and Jamaica may be separated by vast oceans, but our minds, our cultures and our histories are deeply intertwined," Modi said with Holness by his side

The prime minister said

t h e p e o p l e w h o m i g r a t e d from India to Jamaica nearly 180 years ago laid the strong f o u n d a t i o n s o f p e o p l e - t op e o p l e t i e

Jamaica home are a living example of our shared her-

itage," he said Holness arrived on Monday It is the firstever bilateral visit of a p


s t e r o f Jamaica to India In a special gesture, India has named a road in the national capital


which was inaugurated by Holness "In today's meeting, we discussed s

cooperation across all sectors and identified several new initiatives Trade and

Modi said India has always been a

Jamaica's journey of development All our efforts in this direction have been centred around the needs of the people of Jamaica," he said The prime minister identified organised crime, drug trafficking, and terrorism as common challenges of both the countries "We are ready to share our experience with Jamaica in areas like digital public infrastructure, small indus-

referred to cricketing connections between the two countries

PM Modi lauds success of watersaving drives, Swachh Bharat

PM Narendra M odi on Sunday marked the soon to be celebrated 10th anniv ersary of h is rad io program me ‘ Mann Ki Baat’ by praising the success of initiativ es taken as part of h is campaigns for water conservation and S wachh Bh arat Linking the completion of the 10-year journey of these efforts with the festive occasions of Navratri/Dussehra, the PM hailed it as a “divine coincidence”

“Ten years ago Mann Ki Baat started on the day of Vijayadashami on Oct 3 And, what a divine coincidence it is that this year on Oct 3, when 10 years of Mann Ki Baat are completed, it will be the first day of Navratri,” Modi said Talking about people’s initiatives, he cited examples of local efforts for both water conservation and under the clean India mission, which is going to complete 10 years on Oct 2 He mentioned how some women have given a new lease of life to the Ghurari river in Uttar Pradesh’s waterstressed Bundelkhand region and regenerated a pond in Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh Modi also expressed his satisfaction over the continual rise of FDI in the country facilitating the success of ‘Make In India’ that completed 10 years this month

Swamishri offers mantra-pushpanjali
PM Modi meets his Jamaican counterpart Dr Andrew Holness at Hyderabad House in New Delhi

Amul Dairy to set up plants in Andhra, Pune, Punjab

T h e Ka i ra D is tr i ct

C ooperativ e M ilk P rod ucers

U ni o n L i m i te d , p o p u lar ly known as A mul Dairy, w ill be setting up new plants at C hittoor in Andh ra Prad esh, P une and P unjab

For this, Gujarat’s oldest

m i l k c o - o p e r a t i v e w i l l b e investing £100 mn over the next couple of years In the

expansion of its plants

Amul Dairy is setting up a milk processing plant at Chittoor, which will be the

f i v e s o u t h e r n states of the country

T h e n e w p l a n t a t Chittoor is being developed to process 100,000 litres of m i l k , 5 0 t o n n e s o f d a h i , ghee, buttermilk and lassi, w i t h p r o v i s i o n f o r t h e manufacture of ice-cream,

y o g u r t a n d u l t r a h i g h temperature (UHT) milk in the future

The AP govt had entered an agreement with Amul for r e v i v a l o f t h e d e f u n c t C h i t t o o r D a i r y , p o p u l a r l y

c a l l e d V i j a y a D a i r y O n c e known for being the secondlargest dairy in the country, p r

over 20 years due to its debts ballooning to £18 2 mn

To inject new life into the defunct dairy, the AP govt has collaborated with A m u l “ A c c o r d i n g t o t h e agreement, we have already s t a r t e d t h e f i r s t p h a s e o f p r o c u r e m e n t , p

and packaging at Chittoor,” said Amul Dairy managing d


c u r e s and processes 50,000 litres of milk in the region “The new plant will be a fresh investment We are hoping the new plant will be ready in four months,” he said I n M a h

s h

, t h e dairy already runs an icecream plant at Virar It is

now setting up another icecream plant with a capacity of 100,000 litres per day in Pune

The dairy hopes to begin the operations of the Pune plant on Oct 31, which it traditionally celebrates as its Foundation Day I n P u n j a b , t h e

union is expanding its plant

white butter, UHT milk and

manufacture ice-cream and other dairy products,” Vyas said

near Kapadvanj in Gujarat, apart from Mumbai, Pune and Punjab

Air India passenger finds cockroach in food on Delhi-New York flight

A n Air India p assenger has

c o m p l ai ne d o f fi nd in g a

c o ckro ach in a n o m elette

s erv e d o nbo ard th e fl ig h t from th e natio nal capital to New Yo rk, with the airline saying the m atter has been taken up with the catering serv ice prov ider for furth er investig ation

"We are aware of a social media post by a passenger regarding a foreign object in the onboard meal offered to them on AI 101 operating

f r o m D E L t o J F K o n 1 7

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 2 4 , " a n A i r India spokesperson said in a

s t a t e m e n t a n d a l s o expressed concern over the incident

I n a p o s t o n X , t h e

passenger said a cockroach was found in the omelette served on the flight from Delhi to New York

"My 2 year old finished more than half of it with me

w h e n w e f o u n d t h i s S u f f e r e d f r o m f o o d poisoning as a result," she said

T h e p a s s e n g e r a l s o s h a r e d a s h o r t v i d e o a n d pictures of the food items served during the flight She

t a g g e d A i r I n d i a , a v i a t i o n regulator DGCA and Civil A v i a t i o n M i n i s t e r K R a m m o h a n N a i d u i n t h e post

I n t h

airline is concerned about

r i n t h e s a i d instance and has taken it up w i t h t h e c a t e r i n g s e r v i c e

p r o v i d e r t o i n v e s t i g a t e further

"We will take necessary

recurrence of such instances in future," the spokesperson said

F u r t h e r , t h e spokesperson said Air India works with reputed caterers w h o s u p p

stringent SOPs and multiple checks to ensure quality of meals served to the guests

Pak patient, Indian doctor and eye operation in Lanka

A un ique in stance of South

A sian regional coopera ti on unfolded when a M um baib ased eye s urgeon operated

o n a b li n d m a n f r om Lahore at an eye hos pi tal in C o l om b o e a rl i e r t hi s m on th

T h e e x t r a o r d i n a r y circumstances arose after the Pakistani patient was

u n a b l e t o g e t a n I n d i a n medical visa despite four months of follow up at his

e n d a s w e l l a s b y e y e surgeon Dr Quresh Maskati from Mumbai “As I was

s c h e d u l e d t o g o t o Colombo for a conference,

I a p p r o a c h e d S r i L a n k a n

M e d i c a l C o u n c i l f o r a licence to operate on the patient there and it agreed,”

said Dr Maskati With help from local eye surgeon Dr K u s u m R a t h n a y a k e , h e carried out the operation in Colombo on Sept 13

T h e p a t i e n t , w h o returned home on Sept 24, said he could see his family, i n c l u d i n g h i s s e v e n - y e a rold daughter, for the first time in four years “While cleaning our attic, a bottle of alkaline solution broke a n d i t s c o n t e n t p o u r e d onto my head and face,” s a i d t h e 3 0 - y e a r - o l d H i s right eye was completely d a m a g e d , a n d s p e c i a l i s t s p e r f o r m e d c o r n e a l transplants twice on his left

e y e b u t b o t h a t t e m p t s failed “As his only hope was

a n a



, h i s local doctor got in touch with me, ” said Dr Maskati He met the patient when he visited Pakistan for a c

u l d work Partial vision of the patient was restored within 48 hours of the operation

T h e p a t i e n t , w h o couldn’t work since he lost eyesight, chose India over the US because of the costs While the artificial cornea p r o s t h e s i s c o s t s o v e r R s 200,000 in the US, it is m a n u f a c t u r e d i n I n d i a u n d e r

S inventor for Rs 10,000 The procedure costs between Rs 100,000 and 150,000 here

Boy ‘sacrificed’ to bring ‘fame to school’

A Class II student killed in his school hostel in Hathras, Uttar Pradesh, earlier this week was ‘sacrificed’ as part of a black magic ritual to bring success and fame to the school, police said, adding that five people, including the director of D L Public School at Rasgawan and three teachers, have been arrested for their alleged involvement in the case Police said the five had tried to kill another boy in the recent past, although the attempt was not successful Hathras SP Nipun Agarwal said the school director Dinesh Baghel, his father Jashodhan Singh, and three teachers were involved in the murder The boy was sacrificed as part of a ritual for the school’s supposed success and glory Police investigation revealed that Baghel’s father believed in black magic and tantrik rituals, and together with his son and the three teachers, they believed that sacrificing a child would bring them success and fame A senior police officer said, “We sent the body for an autopsy, which revealed that the child was strangled to death A case of murder has been registered against the five accused ”

Zomato agent walks amid heavy rain to deliver order

Mumbai’s heavy rain couldn’t stop a Zomato delivery agent from going above and beyond his duty Rahat Ali Khan earned appreciation online after he walked through the city’s waterlogged streets to deliver food when his bike broke down After heavy rain battered Mumbai on September 25, several residents found themselves stranded due to severe waterlogging and disrupted traffic But while most were rushing for shelter, Khan was out on foot, delivering not one, but two orders – an extraordinary effort that didn’t go unnoticed “We ordered food and Rahat’s bike broke down That man walked to two different locations and finished his delivery all drenched,” Mittal said in her post that accompanied screenshots of her order She went on to highlight the privilege we often overlook: “We should really support delivery staff who are out on the streets in heavy rains, making our lives more convenient It’s a privilege! Thank you Rahat ”

Pension at doorstep for 80-year-old Odisha woman

Pathuri Dehury (80) began a new chapter with a little more dignity and comfort in Odisha’s Keonjhar district - she doesn’t have to crawl to survive in her twilight years The district administration brought her oldage pension for Sept to her doorstep and also a wheelchair as a gift This follows a report that she was forced to crawl nearly 2km along a muddy, uneven road to collect her pension for Aug from Raisuan gram panchayat office Telkai BDO Geeta Murmu assured that the pension will now be delivered directly to her home Keonjhar collector Vishal Singh said: “The Telkoi BDO was asked to investigate (why Dehury was left to fend for herself) Earlier, the panchayat extension officer had given her pension, and sometimes her family’s other beneficiaries collected the amount ” The investigation aims to ensure that no senior citizen living in remote and impoverished areas has to endure what Dehury went through

Lipstick leads to transfer of TN’s woman duffedar

Greater Chennai Corporation s first woman duffedar (marshal), a job that requires her to part of the mayor s ceremonial retinue, has been shunted out of the mayoral office for allegedly defying an order not to wear lipstick during an official assignment last month S B Madhavi, 50, purportedly received a transfer order minutes after she asked mayor R Priya's personal assistant, Siva Sankar, to justify barring her or anybody from wearing lipstick to work "You asked me not to wear lipstick, but I did so If this is a crime, show me the govt order prohibiting me from wearing lipstick," Madhavi wrote in response to an Aug 6 memo from Sankar On Aug 6, Madhavi received the memo with charges such as “dereliction of duty, not coming to work during working hours and disobeying orders of seniors” Madhavi responded by asking the mayor's office to furnish proof of her not coming to work on time apart from details of instances when orders given by her seniors were disobeyed by her She said she was late by a mere 30 minutes on Aug 6 and reached office at 10 30 am, as she was nursing a leg injury Noting that the only order she ‘disobeyed’ was wearing lipstick, she said she was forced not to talk to people from other departments as well

18-year-old girl saves four from drowning in Yamuna

An 18-year-old class 10 student, who sells flowers and puja items at the Bateshwar Ghat in Agra, rescued four youths from drowning in the treacherous waters of Yamuna river as they were being pulled into the deep side during Ganesh visarjan (immersion) The Firozabad youths had ventured further into the waters while immersing a Ganesh idol when they found themselves struggling against strong currents Mohini Goswami, a student, jumped into the river without hesitation to save them She swam and brought the boys safely to the shore Mohini’s selfless act earned her praise from local residents and officials alike, prompting the manager of the nearby ancient Shiva temple to recommend her for a reward from the administration Vajpayee, who is also the grand nephew of former PM prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said, “The girl demonstrated exceptional courage when she dived into the river, disregarding her personal safety, and successfully rescued the youths from drowning while others watched them drowning We have appealed to the local authorities to suitably reward her ”

Man celebrates birthday surrounded by pythons

A video of a reptile enthusiast lying among a multitude of massive pythons to celebrate his birthday has gone viral on social media, leaving users stunned by his daring act Jay Brewer, the founder of The Reptile Zoo, took his unique reptilian content to new heights The spectacle is so grand that counting the serpents becomes a challenge in itself "The video, which has gone viral with over 740,000 views and 9,300 likes, shows Brewer surrounded by his scaly friends 'It's a snake party! It's my birthday today, so I wanted to tell everyone how much I appreciate all the love and show y'all the incredible party I threw As you can see, most of my friends were able to make it, and we had a blast Jokes aside, another year around the sun for this old man Just wanted to thank all of you who have followed me along my journey Couldn't have done it without every one of you It's been absolutely incredible and better than I could have ever imagined," he captioned the post "

Women suffer heart attack deaths due to bias

a mong wome n from hea

a tt acks


being the leading cause of d e a t

that it is often perceived as a “ man ’ s disease ” Currently, over 3 6 million women in the UK suffer from heart

d i s e a s e ,

t s p o i n t o u t t h a t i n s u f f i c i e n t n u m b e r s o f women participate in clinical trials, and they often do not receive the same access to lifesaving treatments as men

A d d i t i o n a l l y , d o c t o r s tend to overlook symptoms like high blood pressure in women A report published in the journal Heart by a group of heart experts calls on the NHS to enhance cardiac care for women They emphasise the need for better education for GPs and

healthcare providers to convey that “heart disease does not discriminate by sex, ” and advocate for more research

i n t o h o w f a c t o r s s u c h a s menopause can impact heart disease risk The report also

s k f a c t o r s , such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, often do not receive timely treatm e n t c o

male counterparts P

University, the lead author of the report, stated, “There

that heart disease is

issue when a man presents with symptoms, he is more likely to receive immediate attention from paramedics

recognise that heart disease also affects women ” I n r e s p o n s e , a D e p a r t m e n t o f H e a l t h spokesperson indicated that the new government is prioritising women ’ s health

Weekend warriors don’t need daily workouts

L ife can oft en inte rfere with ex ercise d uring the work week , but a ne w study suggest s t hat those lookin g to st ay fit shouldn ’t be discour age d

According to the research, often referred to as "weekend warriors, individuals who concentrate their workouts into just two days can achieve similar health benefits as those who exercise daily The study, which analysed data from 90,000 adults in the UK, found that those engaging in intense weekend exercise sessions were at a lower risk for 264 diseases compared to those who were inactive The health benefits appeared to be comparable, regardless of whether individuals exercised only on Saturdays and Sundays or maintained a regular workout schedule throughout the week

For instance, weekend warriors had a 43% lower risk of developing diabetes, while those who exercised daily experienced a 46% reduction in risk In addition to lowering the risk o f h e a r t d i s e a s e , w e e k e n d w a r r i o r s a l s o h a d d e c r e a s e d chances of experiencing depression, kidney issues, and obesity over an average follow-up period of six years, as reported in the journal ‘Circulation’

Dr Shaan Khurshid, the lead author from Massachusetts General Hospital, noted that while previous studies highlighted the heart-protective benefits of weekend activity, this research demonstrates its potential to safeguard against a range of conditions, from chronic kidney disease to mood disorders The NHS recommends that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activities, such as brisk walking or gardening, or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise each week

Work pressure means health trouble ahead

Anusha Singh

Astudy has revealed that a demanding boss and tight work deadlines can significantly increase the risk of serious heart problems

Office workers facing high levels of job stress and feeling undervalued are 97% more likely to develop atrial fibrillation, a condition that causes heart palpitations and can lead to strokes Employees experiencing high job strain, combined with feelings of inadequate pay or recognition, were significantly more likely to be diagnosed with atrial fibrillation Even a high salary did not alleviate the stress-

strain and substantial pay were still 83% more likely to develop the condition

Cautionary tales everywhere

Work-related stress can elevate the risk of high blood pressure, which can subsequently lead ous heart issues, inclu

excessive drinking, fur

risk of heart problems

risk and may require medication to restore normal heart rhythms Ro sh ni M ukherjee was one of the people who was very much into the hustle culture up until she was faced with health scare which prompted her t o c h a n g e h e r l i f e s t y l e A f t e r h e r health scare, she made a conscious decision to prioritise her well-being

S h a r i n g t h e c h a n g e s s h e b r o u g h t n her life, she said, “I emented regular exere, a balanced diet, and m i n d f u l n e s

make time for self-care, a n d r e m e m b

h a t taking care of yourself is the best investment



Practical steps to implement One effective way to achieve this balance

defining specific work

dedicated workspace


Prioritising tasks is also crucial; using a task list to identify and tackle the most important responsibilities first can enhance time management It's important to learn to say no to avoid overcommitting and to know your limits, communicating them clearly to colleagues and supervisors

Just recently in In tragic death of 26-year-old EY employee Anna Sebastian Perayil, who succumbed to work pressure in July, has prompted the Big Four firms to implement various employee-friendly ini-

throughout India, sparking a nation-

balance in the private sector This

employees to share their distressing experiences at well-known companies, highlighting the urgent need for reform in workplace practices

In the UK, approximately 1 4 million people suffer from atrial fibrillation, which results in an irregular and typically rapid heartbeat, leading to symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, and fatigue Those affected by the condition face a higher stroke

c e s into my daily routine I

a l s o s e t c l e a r b o u n daries to ensure worklife balance, recognising that success isn’t susainable without health “ P r i o r i t i s i n g h e a l t h just about longevity; it's maintaining the energy, clarity, and resilience needed to navigate challenges By staying attuned to our bodies, we ensure that we can perform at our best, both professionally and personally ” She also shared an insight into her career and maintaining a balance She shared that, “In my banking career, I learned the value of structure and disc i p l i n e , b u t a s a n e n t r e p r e n e u r , I realised the importance of truly listening to my body It's easy to neglect h e a l t h i n p u r s u i t o f s u c c e s s , b u t burnout and stress can derail even the best plans ” Her advice to those in fast-paced environments is simple: listen to your body as ignoring warning signs is a dangerous gamble “Your productivity and success are directly tied to your health Schedule regular check-ups,

Taking regular breaks is also vital

breaks throughout the workday and using that time to step away from the desk or go for a short walk can signifi-

exploring flexible working options, such as remote work or adjustable hours, can help tailor your schedule to fit personal commitments Practicing mindfulness through activities like meditation or yoga can also reduce

enabling you to be fully present in both work and personal tasks

Limiting screen time after hours is another practical step; disconnecting from work devices and establishing tech-free times in the evening can help foster family and personal interactions without distractions Making time for personal activities is crucial, too; blocking off time in your calendar for hobbies, exercise, or socialising can enrich your life outside of work and help mitigate stress Open communication with your employer is essential as well; discussing your workload and seeking support can create a more manageable work environment

Remember that achieving balance is an ongoing process that may require p e r i o d

d j u s tments to ensure its effectiveness

Obesity rates stabilise after two decades

Eng land is beginning to turn th e tid

o n risi ng obes ity rates fo r the first time in two decades, according to NHS fig ures


weight children has dropped

rates have remained stable for the past five years Data from the annual NHS health s u r v e y i n d

t e s t h


e trend of expanding waistlines, which has persisted since records began in 1993, is finally levelling off This change reflects the effectiveness of public health initiatives, such as the sugar tax, and growing concerns about


The Labour government i s c o m m i t t e d t o f u r t h e r action, planning to introduce measures such as a ban o n j u n k f o o d

r t i s i n g Experts are optimistic that these initiatives, combined w i t h

tions like Ozempic, could

reverse obesity rates for the first time

P r o f e s s o r S i r S t e p h e n Powis, NHS national medical director, stated, “Obesity remains one of the biggest public health issues we face as a society, but these figures provide cautious optimism t h a t t h e c o m


costs to the health service, individuals, and the economy ” The annual data coveri n g



calculate their body mass index (BMI) It found that 27 percent of children aged 2 to 15 were classified as overweight or obese, the lowest level since 2000, down from 30 percent in 2019 and a peak of 34 percent in 2004 Meanwhile, the average BMI of adults has remained s t a b l e s i n c e 2 0 1 7 , a f t e r a gradual rise over the previous 15 years Currently, 64 percent of adults are classified as overweight or obese, a significant increase from 53 percent in 1993 and 60 percent in 2003

Home sweet safe home

To create a safe living environment, consider making several key modifications to your home Begin by installing grab bars in your bathroom to provide extra support while using the shower or toilet These bars help prevent falls, especially for elderly individuals or those with mobility challenges Additionally, ensure that walkways are clear of potential hazards by removing loose rugs and securing electrical cords By addressing these safety concerns, you can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and create a more secure space for everyone in your household.


Kolkata Trams bid adieu after 151 years

In the vibrant streets of Kolkata, history is palpable, intertwined with a sense of nostalgia After serving the City of Joy for hundreds of years, the trams have earned their place on the nostalgia list

The trams have reached

government has announced the

services starting in October

While a small stretch from Maidan to the Esplanade will be retained for tram lovers, for that occasional time machine

will be difficult It is deep as trams were an integral part of K

a residents are taking to social media to express their sorrow,

m o u r n i n g t h e l o s s o f y e t another piece of the city’s living history and the diaspora in the UK shares a similar feeling and have shared their nostalgia of the trams and their opinion on

t h e d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n o f t h e service

F o r J a y a n t a B e j , I T co n s ul ta nt f ro m No rt h o lt,

L o nd o n , C a l c u t t a t r a m s , especially the yellow and red

o n e s w e r e a c h i l d h o o d a n d college life nostalgia “During my school days, our academic sessions would typically end by

m i d - N o v e m b e r , l e a d i n g t o extended winter holidays My parents and I would travel from our village home to my aunt’s place via Esplanade My uncle, aunt, and cousins would then take us on a tram ride around

D h a r m a t a l a , a f t e r w h i c h w e would head to College Street

“ I v i v i d l y r e m e m b e r m y aunt pointing at a monument and encouraging us to offer our pranams, referring to it as a

t e m p l e W e w o u l d d o o u r

nomoskar, causing the fellow tram passengers to burst into l a u g h t e r T h e j o u r n e y f r o m Narendrapur to Esplanade and t h e n c a t c h i n g t h e t r a m t o

C o l l e g e S t r e e t f o r b o o k s h o p p i n g w a s a n o t h e r delightful experience I would enjoy the slow pace of the ride,

o f t e n t r y i n g t o s l e e p w h i l e snacking on peanuts, admiring the film posters, and savouring the aroma of kebabs wafting through the tram window It w a s a w o n d e r f u l t i m e f i l l e d with so many memories!”

S udi p Roy from Oakwoo d also shared his nostalgia of the T r a m , “ I f o n d l y r e m e m b e r number 1 and number 5 Both the tramlines used to go from

S h y a m b a z a r t o E s p l a n a d e I k n e w m o s t t r a m r o u t e s b y h e a r t a s I s p e n t m y e n t i r e school life travelling on the C a l c u t t a t r a m w a y s , a v o i d i n g the horrible and dangerous bus journeys that were the only alternative

“ I t i s s a d t h a t t h e g o v e r n m e n t a l l o w e d t h e demise of the tram through all these years My father is 84 years old and the only public transport he could avail was the tram I am sure there are plenty


demise of the services This is

not a retrospective note but

develop the tramways instead of giving in to the greed of realtors and developers ” A ni r ban M u kh o p ad h yay from Harrow shared a different

unfriendly for the trams and there were very few people on b o a r d ! U n l

heavy investment and subsidy, the writing was clearly on the w

facility than protesting now

The iconic Kolkata trams h a v e


m a d e m e

a p p e a r a n c e s i n s e v e r a l

Bollywood films, capturing the c i t y ' s c h a r m a n d n o s t a l g i a N o t a b l e e x a m p l e s i n c l

( 2 0 1 2 ) , ‘ D e t e c t i v e B y o m k e s h

B a k s h y ! ’ ( 2 0 1 5 ) , ‘ K a h a a n i ’

(2012), and ‘Gunday’ (2014) In these films, the trams are more than just a means of transport; t h e y s e r v e

o r y t e l l i n g device that adds depth to the

perspective stating with, “One may find it not environment friendly and if you consider

absolutely heartbreaking , but the reality has to be faced- I was in India a couple of years ago for an extended period and used to make it a point that I take the tram ride wherever possible and must admit the

erratic frequency and not very well maintained coaches “ T h o u g h t h e r e w e r e a couple of very well maintained


New research shows Everest's height still increasing

Astudy suggests that Mount Everest is experiencing a "growth spurt" due to changes in the surrounding landscape, causing the world's tallest peak to rise even higher

At 8,849 metres, Everest is the w o r l d ' s t


‘Nature Geoscience’ suggests its height may be influenced by a watercourse 45 miles away

T h e A r u n R i v e r h a s e r o d e d billions of tonnes of rock over millennia, forming a gorge that triggers "isostatic rebound," where the Earth's crust rises as it loses mass Researchers estimate Everest gains about 2 millimetres annually due to this effect, adding 15 to 50 metres in height over the past 89,000 years

The uplift also affects nearby peaks like Lhotse and Makalu, the fourth and fifth tallest mountains Dr Matthew Fox of UCL, a study co-author, explained, "Everest and i

A d a m S m i t h , a P h D s t u d e n t a t

University College London and coauthor of the study, explained, Mount Everest, a mountain steeped in myth and legend, is still growing Our research reveals that as the nearby river system erodes further, the loss of material is causing the mountain to rise even higher "

S instruments help us track this growth, and we now better understand the cause "

unusually tall for the Himalayas, as the next three highest peaks K2, Kangchenjunga, and Lhotse are all within about 120 metres of each other in height

cultural and historical context of Kolkata

M o r e o v e r , K o l k a t a t r a m s h a v e l e f t t h e i r m a r k i n l i t e r a t u r e , o f t e n s y m b o l i s i n g the city's unique character and evoking a sense of nostalgia Works such as ‘The Inheritance of Loss’ by Kiran Desai, ‘The Hungry Tide’ by Amitav Ghosh, and ‘Calcutta: Two Years in the City’ by Amit Chaudhuri utilise

t r a m s a s m e t a p h o r s f o r j o u r n

lives of their characters and the essence of Kolkata itself

£75,000 price for rare draft of London

Underground map

F e w i nd i v i d u a ls c an tru l y b e c al led a " beloved cartographer," but Harry Beck is one of them The designer of the iconic L ond on U nd erground map was paid just £ 5 for his g ro und breaking w ork Now, one o f h is earliest drafts is hitting the market for £ 75, 000

A "once-in-a-lifetime" exhibition and sale of London Underground maps is being held at The Map House, an antique map dealer, to celebrate 160 years of Tube maps and the 50th anniversary of Harry Beck's death The exhibition, opening next month, f e a t u r e s

9 3 2 annotated draft of Beck's map priced at £75,000 and a completed "double crown" version, of which only five exist, available for £55,000

curator of the exhibition in Knightsbridge

The display traces the Tube's mapping history, starting with 1860s items from the


Aanand L Rai compares ‘Tere Ishk Mein’ to ‘Raanjhanaa’:


Share Tragedy and Anger”


Aanand L Rai is convinced that Dhanush has a unique talent for breathing life into complex and layered characters, which is why the South Indian star is his go-to choice for directing The duo has previously teamed up for ‘Raanjhanaa’ (2013) and ‘Atrangi Re’ (2021), where Dhanush took on the role of an unconventional romantic hero in both films

The two are set to reunite for their upcoming project ‘Tere Ishk Mein’, with preproduction starting next month and film g scheduled to begin in January “Dhanush is in my comfort zone, and I feel at ease working with him When I challenge myself with layered stories like these, I need strong pillars to support the narrative, and Dhanush is one of them,” said the director, known for films such as ‘Tanu Weds Manu’ and ‘Zero’

For ‘Tere Ishk Mein’, Aanand L Rai reunites with frequent collaborators AR Rahman, lyricist Irshad Kamil, and writer Himanshu Sharma He expressed his reliance on Rahman for crafting music that complements his vision, saying, “With heavyweight stories, I turn to bigger talents like Dhanush and Rahman sir I never claim to make films alone; I need these pillars of support to build a strong bond and comfort ”

Saif Ali Khan says that “ Living off my parents' money was never an option”

ActorSaif Ali Khan reflected on his early life and career, stating that living off his parents' wealth was never an option He recalled how his late father, cricket legend Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, invested heavily in planning a different future for him, adding that he wasn't really consulted about his career choices.

Saif Ali Khan shared, "My father spent a lot planning a different future for me, but no one really asked what I wanted to do While I believe my mother's [Sharmila Tagore] influence sparked my interest in films, it took me some time to find my footing Eventually, I committed to

understanding this profession and becoming a better actor It’s a wonderful career, and I feel I’m just scratching the surface, hoping to keep growing " He added, "Living off my parents' money was never an option My father advised me not to rely on financial inheritance but promised me a good education, which he delivered " Saif, the eldest child of Sharmila Tagore and Mansoor Ali Khan, has two younger sisters, Saba and Soha He married actor Kareena Kapoor in 2012, and they have two sons, Taimur (2016) and Jehangir (2021)

IIFA 2024: Shah Rukh Khan wins best actor for ‘Jawan’, ‘Animal’ sweeps major awards

The International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) 2024 was held in Abu Dhabi, showcasing the brightest stars of the Hindi film industry, including legends like Hema Malini, Rekha, Shah Rukh Khan, Rani Mukerji, Anil Kapoor, Bobby Deol, Vicky Kaushal, Shahid Kapoor, and Kriti Sanon, among others Shah Rukh Khan captivated the

hosting, joined by co-hosts Vicky Kaushal and Karan Johar Together,

‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’


‘Animal’ by Sandeep Reddy Vanga triumphed as the Best Film, while Shah Rukh Khan won Best Actor for ‘Jawan’ Rani Mukerji secured Best Actress for her performance in ‘Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway’, and Vidhu Vinod Chopra was named Best Director for ‘12th Fail’ Anil

Supporting Actor for ‘Animal’, with S

Supporting Actress for ‘Rocky Aur Rani’ Bobby Deol took home Best


‘Animal’ ‘Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani’ was awarded Best Story, and ‘12th Fail’ won Best Adapted

dominated the music categories,

(Siddharth-Garima for "Satranga"), and male singer (Bhupinder Babbal for "Arjan Valley") Shilpa Rao won Best female singer for "Chaleya " S

Jayantilal Gada and Hema Malini for their Outstanding Contribution

achievement in completing 25 years in cinema

In his acceptance speech, Shah

Vicky Kaushal, and Sunny Deol,

performances He humorously noted, I think I had an edge because people were

happy I worked after so long " He also expressed gratitude to his wife Gauri, joking, "She may be the only wife spending more on her husband than the other way around, and reflected on the challenges they faced during ‘Jawan’, referencing the tough times surrounding the Aryan Khan case

Jai ler an d PS- II are a mon g bi g win ne rs at IIFA Uts avam 2024

The IIFA Utsavam 2024 was held in Abu Dhabi, showcasing the biggest stars from the South Indian f i l m i n d u s t r i e s T h e e v e n i n g ' s highlight was the announcement of the award winners The event celebrated the talents of the Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada film industries

The evening was a glamorous affair, attended by luminaries such as Mani Ratnam, Samantha Ruth P r a b h u , C h i r a n j e e v i , N a n d a m u r i B a l a k r i s h n a , A R R a h


Indian cinema: Best Picture (Tamil) went to ‘Jailer, while the best actor (Telugu) was awarded to Nani for ‘Dasara’ and Best Actor (Tamil) to Vikram for ‘Ponniyin Selvan: II’ The best actress (Tamil) was won by Aishwarya Rai for her role in ‘ P o n n

’ , a n d b e s t director (Tamil) was awarded to

Mani Ratnam, also for ‘Ponniyin S e l v a n :

o r b e s t music direction (Tamil) went to AR Rahman for the same film Special recognitions included outstanding achievement in Indian cinema for C h

contribution to Indian cinema for


The award for ‘Woman of the

categories, best performance in a negative role (Tamil) was given to SJ Suryah for ‘Mark Antony’, while S

‘Dasara’ in the Telugu category, a

home the award for ‘Kannur Squad’ in Malayalam For supporting roles, Jayaram won ‘Best Performance in a Supporting Role (Male – Tamil)’

Performance in a Supporting Role (Female – Tamil)’ for ‘Chithha’ Additionally, the ‘Golden Legacy A

Balakrishna, while Rishab Shetty was recognised for ‘Outstanding E

’ and Aradhana Ram received the award for ‘Best Debut (Female –Kannada)’ for her performance in ‘Kaatera’

Nassar says that “Film sets are now safer for women with a clear code of conduct”

Veteran actor Nassar emphasised that film sets have become safer for women, thanks to the implementation of strong codes of conduct and rules ensuring civil behaviour This shift in safety standards follows the Justice Hema Committee report, which exposed harassment and exploitation in the Malayalam film industry At the IIFA Utsavam green carpet, the 66-yearold reflected on these changes over his 40-year career.

“I have to admit, when I started in the 80s, we focused solely on production with minimal safety measures, especially during stunts and dance sequences Now, safety protocols are mandatory, covering both physical and psychological aspects There are strict rules and codes of conduct regarding interactions with women, ensuring everyone feels safe,” he explained

The Justice Hema Committee report, released by the Kerala government last month over four years after it was submitted to the Chief Minister provided a scathing critique of the discrimination and exploitation faced by women in the Malayalam film industry This 233-page document, even with redactions, sparked widespread outrage, leading to several public allegations against prominent figures

At the gala night’s green carpet, Nassar reflected on being one of the pioneers of pan-Indian cinema before it became trendy When asked about the differences among various Indian film industries, he stated, “Each industry has a different approach I can’t say one is better than the other; they all have their own methods ”

Singer and spiritual healer Kenishaa Francis addressed rumours linking her to actor Jayam Ravi's split from his wife, Aarti Ravi In an interview with DT Next, she clarified that she met Ravi for the first time during the launch of her song ‘Idhai Yaar Solvaaro’ earlier this year and had only limited contact until he reached out to her in June

The singer stated that Ravi reached out to her for professional help, feeling “mentally and emotionally bruised and battered” from his marriage She clarified, “He contacted me after sending a notice for divorce by mutual consent through his lawyer Claims that I am the reason behind his separation are false; he approached me because he wanted to keep this private in Chennai ”

Kenishaa shared a clipping of the article on her Instagram, urging people to “stay out of it ” She wrote, “I humbly request those who have taken the liberty to involve themselves in others' issues to stay out of it, as this is not your home’s matter, and you ’ re not entitled to an opinion Please leave me out of it; I have work to do and don’t support unnecessary gossip Lastly, be kind to everyone That’s what the world needs right now ”

Kenishaa Francis responds to Jayam Ravi divorce rumours:
“Not your home’s issue”
Dhanush admits jealousy over Dushara Vijayan’s

work with Rajinikanth

Actor Dushara Vijayan recently worked alongside both Dhanush and Rajinikanth Reflecting on her experience, she shared what Dhanush said when she mentioned that she had filmed a few scenes with Rajinikanth

Dhanush’s 50th movie, ‘Raayan’, and Rajinikanth’s ‘Vettaiyan’ simultaneously She recounted how Dhanush asked if she had shot scenes with Rajinikanth and admitted to feeling a bit "jealous" when she confirmed that she had She shared, “I shot for ‘Vettaiyan’ and ‘Raayan’ simultaneously I am incredibly grateful to have acted with Dhanush sir because he’s my favourite hero He asked if I had filmed scenes with Superstar Rajinikanth, and we all know he's a huge fan of Thalaivar When I said yes, Dhanush sir replied, ‘I’m feeling jealous for the first time because of you ’”

Dhanush was married to Rajinikanth’s daughter, Aishwarya, after dating for six months The couple tied the knot in 2004 while in their early 20s and parted ways in 2022 after 18 years of marriage, filing for divorce by mutual consent in 2024 They have two sons, Yatra and Linga Notably, Dhanush has not yet shared the screen with Rajinikanth

Ram Charan honours Chiranjeevi’s

Guinness World Record, calls him an inspiration

Ram Charan proudly congratulated his father, actor Chiranjeevi, for earning a spot in the Guinness Book of World Records. He shared photos from the event in Hyderabad, where Aamir Khan presented the award, expressing his admiration for his father, whom he affectionately referred to as "appa "

Ram Charan shared photos of Chiranjeevi proudly holding his Guinness World Record, captioning, “Congratulations Appa @chiranjeevikonidela, on achieving the Guinness World Record as the Most Prolific Film Star in Indian Cinema! With 156 films, over 24,000 dance moves across 537 songs in an incredible 45year journey, your hard work inspires me and millions ”

Chiranjeevi shared a heartfelt message on X (formerly Twitter),

expressing his gratitude to everyone who supported him throughout his journey He wrote, “My heart is filled with gratitude The Guinness World Record is something I never imagined achieving This was only possible because of each of my producers and directors who have given me opportunities over the years I can never thank you all enough!”

Shahana Goswami and Sunita Rajwar's Hindi film chosen as UK’s Oscar entry for 2025

After‘Laapataa Ladies’ was chosen as India’s official Oscar entry, Sandhya Suri’s Hindi police drama ‘Santosh’ has been selected by the UK as their official contender for Best International Feature at the 2025 Oscars.

Netflix rejects Vashu Bhagnani's claims, asserts he owes them money.

After producer Vashu

Bhagnani accused Netflix of non-payment of dues, the streaming platform responded by dismissing the allegations. A Netflix spokesperson refuted the claims, stating, "These accusations are completely unfounded In fact, Pooja Entertainment owes Netflix money We have a strong partnership with the Indian creative community and are working with authorities to resolve this issue "

for further investigation Additionally, Vashu Bhagnani made headlines recently when the Federation of Western India Cine Employees (FWICE) issued an official statement against him after directors Ali Abbas Zafar (Bade Miyan Chote Miyan), Tinu Desai (Mission

Bhagnani had accused Netflix of "cheating and conspiring against the rights of his films ‘Hero No 1 ’ , ‘Mission Raniganj’, and ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’

The producer has filed a complaint against Los Gatos Production Services India, which oversees Netflix's content investments in India, as well as Zoo Digital India and the executives of both companies Reports indicate that the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has summoned the production services company

Raniganj), and Vikas Bahl (Ganpat) claimed they had not received their fees from Bhagnani's Pooja Entertainment

Subsequently, Vashu and Jackky Bhagnani filed a complaint against filmmaker Ali Abbas Zafar, alleging that he misappropriated subsidy funds granted by the Abu Dhabi authorities during the production of ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan’ The complaint was submitted to the Bandra Police Station on September 3, 2024

As reported, ‘Santosh was selected by BAFTA, the ion responsible for choosing the UK’s submission on behalf of the American demy The film features Shahana oswami and Sunita Rajwar in leading roles and premiered in the Un Certain Regard section at this year ’ s Cannes Film Festival

‘Santosh’ became eligible for UK selection due to its wide release and support from British producers, including Mike Goodridge, James Bowsher, Balthazar de Ganay, and Alan McAlex The film, produced by Good Chaos with co-producers Razor Film and Haut et Court, is financed by BFI and BBC Film The UK often selects on-English language films for the Oscars, t aligns with the requirements for the nternational Feature Film category

Korean star Park Seo-joon expresses desire to visit India

Korean actor Park Seo-joon has shared his admiration for Bollywood films and expressed a desire to visit India if given the opportunity. In an interview, he also discussed the upcoming second season of his web series ‘Gyeongseong Creature’, directed by Chung Dong-yoon

When asked about visiting India to meet fans, Seo-joon enthusiastically replied, "If you invite me, anytime I love Bollywood Please invite me; I'd love to fly over " Han So-hee and director Chung Dong-yoon echoed his sentiments, agreeing with him

Regarding the two-part ‘Gyeongseong Creature’ and its departure from traditional Kdrama arcs, Park emphasised that while narratives may share

similarities, the storytelling approach sets them apart "As an actor, it's my job to provide viewers with diverse content and stories In that sense, ‘Gyeongseong Creature’ offers excellent material I'm eagerly waiting for your invitation to India," he said He also noted that not all events from the past are scripted, requiring him to use his imagination to fill in the gaps

The first part of ‘Gyeongseong Creature’, which premiered on December 22, 2023, centres on Jang Tae-sang (Seo-joon), owner of a top pawnshop, and Yoon Chae-ok (So-hee), a missing persons specialist searching for her mother Set during the Japanese occupation of Korea, their paths intertwine as they face various challenges

Hrithik Roshan proud of Saba's Asian Academy Award win

Hrithik Roshan

Actorcelebrated his girlfriend

Saba Azad's achievement of winning Best Actor/Actress in a Comedy Role at the 2024 Asian Academy Creative Awards for her performance in ‘Who’s Your Gynac’ He expressed his admiration and congratulations with a heartfelt post on Instagram Hrithik shared a poster of Saba receiving her award, highlighting the other nominees in her category “Yay!! So proud of you, Sa! This was such an incredible performance! I think I called this one, ” he wrote Saba stars in the medical comedy-drama ‘Who's Your Gynac’, created and produced by The Viral Fever (TVF), where she plays Dr Vidushi Kothari, a newly minted OB-GYN She recently began filming for the second season, which will also feature returning cast members Karishma Singh, Aaron Arjun Koul, Kunal Thakur, and Vibha Chibber ‘Who's Your Gynac 2 ’ is set to premiere soon on Amazon miniTV Hrithik officially confirmed his relationship with Saba at Karan Johar's 50th birthday bash in 2022, where they made a striking entrance hand-in-hand Prior to this, Hrithik was married to Sussanne Khan, with whom he shares two sons, Hrehaan and Hridhaan

Record-breaking India beat Bangladesh to seal series 2-0

I nd ia co m ple ted a rem arkab le sev e nw icket win ov er Bang ladesh on th e final d ay of a rain-hit seco nd Test in K anpur to seal a 2-0 series v ictory

The win was set up by a recordbreaking performance with the bat on day four, and means they have won 18 home Test series in a row - extending the record they already held

J a s p r i t B u m r a h , R a v i c h a n d r a n

Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja each took three wickets as Bangladesh were skittled out for 146 before lunch on Tuesday, leaving India needing 95 to win

O p e n e r Y a s h a s v i J a i s w a l h i t 5 1 , h i s second half-century of the match, as India comfortably chased down their target to secure victory in a match that lost two-anda-half days to rain

They now lead Australia at the top of the World Test Championship by eight points

India set the platform for victory during

a record-breaking fourth day that saw them become the fastest team to reach 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 in Tests

It is India's first Test series since the a p p o i n t m e n t o f f o r m e r o p e n e r G a u t a m Gambhir as head coach

The two teams now face each other in a three-match T20 series starting on Sunday in Gwalior

IPL auction: Six retentions, right-to-match comes back

A head o f the m eg a auction in Nov, the IP L gov erning co uncil has decid ed th at t h e 1 0 f ran ch i s es c an r eta in si x c ric keters A lso , th e Ri gh t to M atch ( RTM ) card , which was do ne away with befo re th e 20 22 mega auction, h as been brought back

“It is at the discretion of the IPL franchise to choose their combination

f o r r e t e n t i o n s a n d R T M s T h e 6 retentions/RTM’s can have a maximum of 5 capped players (Indian and overseas) and a maximum of 2 uncapped players,” the IPL said in statement

reduces a franchise’s purse In another key decision, the GC has decided to retain the Impact Player rule

Pant re-enters top 10; Rohit, Kohli slip in

ICC Test batting rankings

impre ssiv e six th posit ion but India sk ippe r R oh it Sharma and Vir at Kohli slipp ed Pant, who smashed a century in the opening Test against Bangladesh in Chennai,

Jaiswal moved up to fifth thanks to a halfcentury in the first innings of the same Test Rohit Sharma retained his place in the top 10, though he moved down five places with two underwhelming scores Kohli also dropped five spots to go out of the top-10 and he is now placed 12th

The Sri Lanka-New Zealand Test in Galle

shifts, with Prabath Jayasuriya solidifying his r

s t spinners, moving five spots into eighth after a nine-wicket haul Jayasuriya is the highestranked player representing Sri Lanka across the three disciplines, moving past Asitha Fernando, who slid down two spots to 13th Kamindu Mendis, who moved up three spots to 16th in the batting rankings and Dhananjaya de Silva, who climbed five spots to 18th on the allrounder rankings, were the other Lankan movers over note

I n O D I r a n k i n g s , y o u n g A f g h a n s t a r Rahmanullah Gurbaz and Australian Travis Head leapt into the top 10 in the batting rankings, thanks to quick-fire hundreds in action across UAE and England

Chess fed announces £320,000 cash reward


At the BCCI annual general body meeting in Bengaluru, Arun Dhumal and Avishek Dalmiya were re-elected to the IPL governing council V Chamundeswarnath was nominated by the Indian Cricketers Association (ICA) as a player representative and inducted into the IPL GC According to a BCCI press release, apart from financial matters like accounts and budget being approved the General Body also ratified the recommendations of the IPL Governing Council which included topics like player retention right to match and salary cap Although the BCCI did not spell out anything on the restructuring of Duleep Trophy it has been learnt that state units expressed their reservations about this season’s format, which was competed among four teamsIndia A, B, C, and D, picked by the national selectors Next season, the red-ball tournament is likely to return to its traditional format of a zonal competition The recently-concluded Duleep Trophy was highlighted by the presence of many star Indian players, but the state units were wary of the ‘unfair representation’ of players


Interestingly, the IPL GC, which met on Saturday, has also come up with a rider which is a ‘ pay more to retain more ’ formula, wherein the price for the fourth and fifth retentions come at a higher cost With each team having an increased auction purse of £12 mn each, there will be a reduction of £1 8 mn, £1 4 mn and , £1 1 mn respectively for the first three retentions The subsequent f o u r t h a n d f i f t h r e t e n t i o n s w i l l s e e t h e franchise purse getting lighter by £1 8 mn and £1 4 mn Effectively, five retentions will come at a cost of £7 5 mn, leaving the franchise with £4 5 mn to complete the lineup The price for the uncapped player has been pegged at £400,000, which further

‘Uncap ped ’ Dhoni can be retained

Chennai Super Kings can retain their former captain MS Dhoni as an ‘uncapped’ player because an old rule first introduced in 2008 and scrapped in 2021 has been brought back: Indian players who have been retired from international cricket for a period of at least five years can go into the auction pool as an ‘uncapped’ player Dhoni, for example, retired from international cricket in 2020 and can be retained for £400,000 CSK had shelled out £1 2 mn to retain him in 2022 M atch fee introd uced

In a landmark move, players featuring in IPL-2025 are set to receive a match fee of Rs 750,000 apart from the auction fee

Lanka crush Kiwis for historic triumph

Sr i La nka stor med to a serie s victory ove r N ew Ze aland, securing the two mat ch Test se ries with a re soun ding inn ings an d 154 -r un t r iu m p h on t he fo u r t h d a y i n G a ll e o n S u n d a y Th i s v i c t o r y , S r i L a n k a ’ s mo s t d ominan t ove r the Kiwis, a lso ma rks the ir first win a gain st New Zea la nd in 15 yea rs The hero of the games, left-arm spinner Prabath Jayasuriya, was named Player of the Series after a masterful performance, claiming 18 wickets across the two matches Meanwhile, Kamindu Mendis took home Man of the Match honours for his unbeaten 182, anchoring Sri L a n k a ’ s c o l o s s a l t o t a l o f 6 0 2 - 5 W i t h t h i s knock, Mendis etched his name in history, joining the great Sir Don Bradman as the third joint-fastest player to reach 1,000 Test runs Jayasuriya, who took nine wickets in the first Test, was at his best again, snaring another nine wickets in the second Test as New Zealand’s batters struggled to cope with S r i L a n k a ’ s s p i n - h e a v y a t t a c k D e b u t a n t Nishan Peiris was the perfect foil, chipping in with nine wickets of his own, including a five-wicket haul in the second innings New Zealand’s woes began early, bundled out for a paltry 88 in their first innings Forced to follow on, the Kiwis showed more fight in

their second innings, posting 360 - their highest total of the tour and in Galle - but it was too little, too late With this victory, Sri Lanka has now won three consecutive Test m a t c h e s a n d b o l s t e r e d t

Championship final at Lord’s next June

Brief scores: SL: 602/5 decl (Kamindu Mendis 182 not out, Dinesh Chandimal 116, Kusal Mendis 106 not out) beat NZ: 88 (Prabath Jayasuriya 6/42) and 360 (Glenn P h i l l i p s 7 8 , M i t c h e l l S a n t n e r 6 7 ; N i s h

n Peiris 6/ 170) by an innings and 154 runs

India’s ‘ golden generation’ of chess players is relishing its trium ph in the Chess Olympiad in both the Open and Women’s sections Hailed as ‘ super h eroes ’ , ‘role m odels’ and ‘kings and queens of 64 squares ’ after their rem arkable d isp lay in Budapest, the likes of D Gukesh, Ram eshbabu Prag gnanandh aa, A r ju n Er ig ai s i, V i d i t Gu j ra th i , P en tal a H ari kri s h na, H ari ka D ro nav a lli , V ai s h ali

R am es h b ab u , D iv ya De sh m u kh , V a nti k a

A grawal and T ania Sach dev are busy soaking in all the adu lation coming their way

At a felicitation function organised by the All India Chess Federation (AICF), the players were the cynosure of all eyes, with every word spoken, every statement made by them receiving a thunderous applause

Capturing the sentiments of the nation, t h e f e d e r a t i o n a n n o u n c e d £ 3 2 0 , 0 0 0 a s r e w a r d f o r t h e m e m b e r s a n d c o a c h i n g support staff of the team AICF president Nitin Narang made the announcement Each player from the winning teams will receive Rs 25,00,000, while the coaches of the men ’ s and women ’ s teams, Abhijeet Kunte and Srinath Narayanan, will be rewarded with Rs

1 5 , 0 0 , 0

Barua, head of the Indian delegation, will receive Rs 10,00,000, and the four assistant coaches – Swayams Mishra, Vaibhav Suri, Arjun Kalyan and Sankalp Gupta – will get Rs 750,000 each

As a curtain came down for Dwayne Bravo, another went up almost immediately As the West Indies legend bid goodbye to cricket as a player, he smoothly transitioned into a mentor IPL champions Kolkata Knight Riders (KKR) announced that Bravo has joined the franchise as the mentor, stepping into Gautam Gambhir’s shoes “Today is the day I say goodbye to the game that has given me everything My mind wants to keep going, but my body can no longer endure the pain, the breakdowns, and the strain I can’t put myself in a position where I might let down my teammates my fans or the teams I represent ” Bravo said


Britain s All England Lawn Tennis Club (AELTC) was granted planning permission by the Greater London Authority for a huge expansion project for the Wimbledon Championships Plans to transform the adjacent golf course and park with 38 new courts had proved controversial but the AELTC was given the green light at a public hearing at City Hall The new courts, including an 8,000-seater stadium on the adjacent grounds, will bring qualifying for the grass court Grand Slam on site in line with other majors “These plans for the site of a former private golf course will bring significant benefits to the local area, the wider capital and the UK economy, providing increased access to open green space and sport, new parkland and a host of new jobs, Jules Pipe, deputy mayor for planning, regeneration and the fire service said

No Indian team for Asian Rowing Championships

Indian rowing has fal len victim, unwittingly , to t he ca t-and-mouse game b eing pl ayed ove r the imple me ntation of the Na tiona l Sports Code by various ent it ie s One of the fa llouts of the Ra hul Mehra v s Union of India 2022 case , still pending in the Del hi High Cour t, is that t he gove rnment cannot re lease funds to the nat iona l sport s fe derat ions (NSFs) There is no bar, however, on providing support to the athletes directly As a result, the sports ministry had stopped funding the NSFs for holding camps and other activities

The situation has reached a critical point where the Rowing Federation of India (RFI) has taken an unprecedented decision of not sending a team to the Asian Championships, to be held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, from October 10 to 14 “We are not going to send a t e a m w i t h o u t a c a m p o f a t l e a s t f o u r months,” RFI president Rajlaxmi Singh Deo said “We sent a team to the Asian Junior (U19 & U-23) Championships (in Shenyang, China) two weeks back, and we finished ninth overall with just one bronze (in U-19

men ’ s single scull) It was one of the worst performances by an Indian team In 2022, the RFI had funded five junior athletes and even then they won two silver,” a deeply anguished Rajlaxmi said

The last time India didn’t send a team to the Asian Championships was in 2016 That was when the Army Rowing Node, which provides the cream of the Indian talent, and the RFI were at loggerheads Rajlaxmi said court order seemed to have forced a change in strategy on the part of the ministry

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