Shefali Saxena
Little by little, we're seeing a shift in th e way the world loo ks at and ap preci ates women, but let it be kno wn that the road to tru e gender equality remains long When it feels like the odds are stacked against women and their fellow females, they lean on other strong women for much- needed enco uragement and h ope that brighter days are indeed ah ead E very day, wo men keep chip ping away at th e everp resent glass ceiling Mo re women than ever hold political dec ision-making posts worldwide In 2023, the comedy film Barbie directed and co-written by Greta G e r w i g a n d s t a r r i n g M a r g o t Robbie shattered the glass ceiling by becoming the first movie s o l e l y d i r e c t e d b y a w o m a n t o become the biggest hit movie of this year The Norwegian Nobel C o m m i t t e e a w a r d e d t h e N o b e l P e a c e P r i z e 2 0 2 3 t o N a r g e s Mohammadi for her fight against the oppression of women in Iran and her fight to promote human rights and freedom for all Roshni N a d a r M a l h o t r a , C E O o f H C L Corporation & Chairperson, HCL Technologies, who is responsible for all strategic decisions for the $12 billion technology company, r a n k s n u m b e r 6 o n t h e l i s t o f youngest women in the Forbes’ World’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women
Women globally have come a long way To truly include women means to openly embrace their diversity of race, age, ability, faith, body image, and how they identify Worldwide, women must be included in all fields of endeavour Insp ire inclusio n
The Women In Conversation
i s a n a n n u a l p a n e l d i s c u s s i o n organised by Asian Voice in association with the Royal Air Force to celebrate International Women’s Day It will be held on 11 March 2 0 2 4 a t E d w a r d i a n I , T a j 5 1 B u c k i n g h a m G a t e T h i s y e a r ’ s theme is ‘Inspire Inclusion’ and the moderator and panellists will s h a r e t h e i r s t o r i e s - e x p e r t i s e , experiences, challenges they faced a n d p r a c t i c a l t i p s o n h o w t o inspire and influence I n o u r a n n u a l I n t e r n a t i o n a l W o m e n ’ s D a y c o v e r a g e , A s i a n Voice brings stories and glimpses f r o m w i t h i n t h e l i v e s o f s o m e
incredibly talented British Asian women Entrepreneur Rupa Popat t a l k s a b o u t h e r e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l journey, investing in women and the need for diversity in the field Priya Guha MBE said it’s all about “innovation inspiring inclusion”
While South Asian playwright and screenwriter, Sonali Bhattacharya s p o k e t o u s a b o u t m a i n s t r e a m d e p i c t i o n s l a c k t h e d e p t h a n d c o m p l e x i t y o f b r o w n w o m e n ' s e x p e r i e n c e s , S u s h m i t a P a t i , t h e
Artistic Director and CEO of Kala
The Arts, talked about Odissi's portrayal of femininity, challenges faced by men in classical dance, and the significance of supporting women in the field and Mamta
Singhal MBE spoke about women in STEM Dr Shriti Pattani offered her insight into the issues faced by women in the workforce and all that can be done to support them
Lubna Kerr explained the status of women in comedy, the stereotypes and challenges involved and what
they bring to the table Sandeep M a h a l , I n t e r i m C o - E x e c u t i v e Director of the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) talked about leade r s h i p r o l e s w i t h i n t h e t h e a t r e industry (See P12-18)
While we say “the future is female” as a personal reminder to ourselves that each of us has a voice, and that we must own it We have heard critics of the Black Lives Matter movement say “all lives matter”
Dr Nikita Kanani MBE, GP, S t Joh n ’ s Medical V isiting Professor, Sch ool of Medicine, University o f S u n de rl an d s u m m e d u p t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f i n c l u s i o n o n International Women’s Day and told Asian Voice, “As a GP, mother, and senior NHS leader, I am cont i n u o u s l y i n s p i r e d b y t h e resilience and strength of women in navigating diverse challenges, from health disparities to socioeconomic barriers International Women’s Day serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of fostering inclusivity across all spheres of society In recognising the multifaceted impact of factors such as h e a l t h , c o n f l i c t , a n d e c o n o m i c dynamics on women, we reaffirm our commitment to empowering and advocating for gender equality Let us unite in amplifying women ’ s voices, dismantling barriers, and creating a more inclusive world where every woman has the opportunity to thrive and fulfil her potential ”
Gender p arity is still far off
However, gender parity is still far off, according to the 2023 edition of the IPU-UN Women's Map of Women in Politics Going down memory lane, last year, according to UN Women, as of January 1, 2 0 2 3 , 1 1 3 % o f c o u n t r i e s h a d
women Heads of State and 9 8% h a d w o m e n H e a d s o f Government, marking an increase from a decade ago Europe led with the highest number of countries led by women Women also held key roles in the environment, public administration, and education, but men still dominated economic, defence, justice, and home affairs portfolios The proportion of women Speakers of Parliament rose to 22 7%
Co ntrol over their bodies
France has become the first country in the world to explicitly include the right to abortion in its constitution In a message to the w o r l d , t h e n a t i o n a n n o u n c e d ,
“We're sending a message to all women: your body belongs to you, and no one can decide for you ” P r e s i d e n t E m m a n u e l M a c r o n d e s c r i b e d t h e m o v e a s " F r e n c h pride" that had sent a "universal message" On the contrary, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, ending the right to abortion upheld for decades - the court's f i v e - d e c a d e - o l d d e c i s i o n t h a t g u a r a n t e e d a w o m a n ' s r i g h t t o obtain an abortion Paradoxically, i n I n d i a , a d e v e l o p i n g n a t i o n , w h e r e w o m e n s t i l l g r a p p l e f o r their safety, in a welcome move, the Nirbhaya rape case brought several anomalies in the legal system to light and led to significant c h a n g e s T h e C r i m i n a l Amendment Act, of 2013 (AntiR a p e A c t ) , i n t r o d u c e d n e w offences like stalking, acid attacks, and voyeurism under the definition of rape
The world has progressed in h o w i t s w o m e n a r e v i e w e d , included and treated, but we are f a r f r o m a n e g a l i t a r i a n d r e a m Having access to safety and security, as well as control over their bodies, is still subjective Safety at stake, globally
The lead detective in the Sarah Everard murder case revealed to the BBC documentary, her shock upon discovering that the killer, Wayne Couzens, was a police offic e r D e t e c t i v e C h i e f I n s p e c t o r Katherine Goodwin recounts the moment she broke the news to her boss This revelation is part of a n e w B B C d o c u m e n t a r y t h a t aired on Tuesday Couzens, a serving Metropolitan Police officer, abducted, raped, and murdered E v e r a r d i n L o n d o n i n 2 0 2 1 Detectives uncovered his involvement in other crimes, including i n d e c e n t e x p o s u r e G o o d w i n ' s team confronted Couzens at his home in Kent, and as they prepared to question him, a startling revelation came to light, emphasising the magnitude of the case C o u z e n s ' h e i n o u s a c t i o n s d r e w attention to the issue of violence a g a i n s t w o m e n a n d g i r l s H e received a whole-life prison sentence, ensuring he will never walk free
Priti Patel, Conservative MP for Witham and a former home secretary wrote in The Times, “We must treat this week as another call for action, to accelerate the delivery of reforms, to increase support for those affected by violence against women, and to galvanise us all to play our part to change attitudes in society, in our police and throughout our institutions There can be no better way to honour the memory of Sarah Everard and the lives of the many other victims of violence against women ”
B u t , w h e n i t c o m e s t o women ’ s safety across the globe, t h e p a r a d o x c o n t i n u e s Economically empowered Indian women are reshaping the travel industry From solo adventures to exotic destinations, they demand t a i l o r e d p r o d u c t s a n d s e r v i c e s Women now drive 80% of travel decisions, influencing a shift in attitudes towards female travel
This trend led to a 230% increase in women-focused travel companies Yet, in an unfortunate event, t h e a l l e g e d g a n g r a p e o f a B r a z i l i a n - S p a n i s h t o u r i s t i n India's Jharkhand state sparked widespread outrage The 28-yearold woman and her husband, on a motorbike tour, were attacked in Dumki district Four men were arrested, with three more sought T h e c o u p l e , h a v i n g t r a v e l l e d extensively in Asia, posted a video detailing the assault on Instagram, which garnered significant attention Despite language barriers, they sought medical help, leading to an investigation supported by t h e B r a z i l i a n a n d S p a n i s h embassies The chief of India's N a t i o n a
Women, Rekha Sharma's response to a journalist's account of sexual aggression in India drew criticism f o r v i c t i m - b l a m i n g A m i d s t renewed conversations on sexual v i o l e n c e i n I n d i
poured in for the couple, highl i g h t i n g t
address such atrocities globally
The coming of age of the Indian female traveller
Elizabeth Samuel
Bol d a nd bea utiful , e co nomically indep ende nt Indian wome n ar e be co ming a for ce to re ckon wit h in the tra vel and tour ism sector From tra vell ing solo to embra cing exotic locations, the y h av e evo lve d into a d iscerning cu sto mer grou p d ema nd ing its own range of pr odu cts a nd se rvices To da y, Ind ia n women are cha rting th eir own course s, ventu ring so lo, explo ring ad ventur e trav el, a nd r ed efining inde pe nd ence
Financial independence has given them wings to chart their own touristic trails As their financial prowess increased, Indian women decided to reshape their consumer identity From jetting off to the sandy beaches of Bali, historical cities in Europe to adventurous trekking in the Himalayas, they are making independent travel decisions
According to a recent survey, women have been a primary driver of growth in the travel and tourism business, since they make 80% of all travel decisions, whether solo or with partners, friends, and family
This change in the way Indian women now travel has also forced a change in attitude towards women's travel As more women step out of traditional roles and take on new challenges, there is growing acceptance of women travelling alone or in groups Furthermore, hen nights and solo trips to European destinations are becoming de rigueur
Increasingly, this is reflected in the growing number of female-friendly accommodations and tourist attractions, which cater specifically to the needs and interests of female travellers
These accommodations and attractions primarily offer a safe and welcoming environment for women, providing a range of services that cater to their unique requirements No wonder, there has been about a 230% increase in the number of women-only travel companies in the past six years
Travel companies such as F5 Escapes and Wander Womaniya Travel are cropping up to cater to their specific needs ‘Airbnb created ‘Solo Traveler’ - an inapp experience to better support safe solo travelling The product has also expanded to Hindi to increase its reach and use Thomas Cook, too, has launched a dynamic tool which allows solo women travellers to pick, choose and create their own itinerary
Innovative Indian states are also seeing an opportunity and offering secure destination visits , the Indian state of Kerala launched 'She Trips – a femalefriendly tourism project last year Kerala has an ambitious plan to declare the state as the first women-friendly travel destination in India
Em braci ng Adve nture, ex plorin g self
While they still embrace pilgrimages, Indian women are also increasingly seeking adventure travel experiences and exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations In recent times, there has been a clear shift in interest towards adventure activities such as trekking and wildlife safaris among travellers This trend reflects a movement towards experiential travel and a desire to challenge conventional norms
What many solo travellers are looking for is freedom, experience, exploration, and empowerment Solo trips are on the rise for ‘me-time’ and offbeat destinations The good news is that the industry is also responding well by catering to their needs and offering customised itineraries for solo women travellers Solo travel is typically associated with flexibility, compared to group tours that are seen as rigid Many prefer travelling solo as it also helps them meet new people and open their minds to unique experiences that inspire and enrich them
Di gital Nom ads
Furthermore, as the ‘live and work anywhere’ phenomenon has taken off among people who are able to work remotely, it has had a direct impact on the rise of Indian digital nomads According to Airbnb, approximately 30% of domestic and international bookings between Q2 2021 and Q2 2022 were by solo travellers from India Overall, solo domestic travel among Indians has grown by about 120% in Q2 2022, when compared to Q2 2019
The rise of remote work during the pandemic has opened doors for independent Indian women digital nomads They combine work and travel, exploring destinations while fulfilling their professional commitments Goa remains a favoured destination for those fleeing the madness of Mumbai
The evolution of Indian women's travel reflects a broader societal shift towards greater female empowerment and independence With their growing numbers, unwavering spirit, and increasing influence, it's clear that the future of travel holds exciting possibilities for the Indian woman who has spread her wings
Aiding women's well-being in the workforce
Anusha SinghDr Shr iti P atta ni O BE is an accre dited specialist in Occupa tiona l He al th wor king fo r L ond on Nor th We st Unive rsity H ospita ls NH S Tr ust a s the ir Cl inical Dire cto r, ov ersee ing the he alt h a nd wel lbeing of staf f across va rio us rol es, fro m expe rie nce d consul tants to clea ning a nd por ter ing sta ff
In a conversation with Asian Voice, Dr Pattani offers her insight into the issues faced by women in the workforce and all that can be done to support them
What are some common challenges that women face in the workforce, particularly in high-stress or demanding environments?
I believe women are still predominantly seen as caregivers, balancing a busy work life while ensuring there's time for personal advancement This poses a significant challenge as many women still feel pressured to choose between pursuing a career and raising children, which adds to the internal struggle and guilt they face Women also have to work harder to gain recognition or access leadership roles compared to men In addition to work-related challenges, women also grapple with various health issues that come with different life stages Monthly cycles and associated symptoms, pregnancy, menopause, perimenopause and other specific health issues present ongoing challenges that women must navigate while maintaining performance at work Each woman's experience is unique, adding another layer of complexity to balancing personal and professional responsibilities In another aspect, gender discrimination poses a challenge that women have to navigate as well This discrimination often leaves us feeling inadequate and unworthy, which is far from ideal This is perhaps why senior leadership roles remain predominantly maledominated It's unfair that women are often judged based on factors like potential maternity leave or family responsibilities, while men are not subjected to the same scrutiny
How can employers promote work-life balance and prevent burnout among female employees?
I believe that organisations can take practical steps to support their employees, particularly in terms of leadership development and coaching Often, there's a misconception that once someone reaches a leadership position, they no longer need guidance or support However,
all leaders, regardless of gender, require assistance and guidance to navigate their roles effectively This is especially true for women who often juggle multiple responsibilities and face unique challenges Offering coaching and leadership training tailored to women's needs can be incredibly beneficial Providing them with strategies to manage stress and prioritise tasks, both professionally and personally, can make a significant difference In my organisation, we have implemented various initiatives to support women, including women's health clinics, support groups, menopause support services, and leadership training programs Flexible working policies are also crucial in empowering women to make choices without fear of penalty and can greatly support working parents Additionally, male leaders within organisations need to recognise the importance of work-life balance and familyfriendly policies Just as they rely on support at home, they should advocate for similar support for their employees These initiatives aim to provide women with the tools and resources they need to thrive in their roles
How do systemic issues intersect with women’s health outcomes?
Women often grapple with impostor syndrome more than men and discovering that a male colleague earns significantly more for the same role can exacerbate feelings of undervaluation and erode confidence, especially among experienced women This impacts their willingness to pursue higher roles and contributes to the underrepresentation of women in top-tier leadership positions Research indicates that women tend to undervalue themselves when negotiating salaries, often underestimating their worth compared to their male counterparts Moreover, the stress stemming from these inequities can lead to reduced performance, exhaustion, and burnout, posing significant challenges on multiple fronts This situation is further compounded by the issue of menopausal symptoms in the workplace, which often leads experienced women to step
back from their careers
Recognising the importance of retaining these skilled individuals, employers must explore ways to accommodate and support women experiencing menopauserelated challenges
What steps can employers, policymakers, and healthcare providers take to prioritise women experiencing menopause?
In the UK alone, approximately 900,000 women per year opt to leave their jobs due to menopausal symptoms, resulting in a significant loss of talent and experience from the workforce In the workplace setting, I refer to menopause as "my pause," recognising that each individual's experience with menopause varies widely Therefore, facilitating discussions and accommodations tailored to individual needs becomes paramount This may involve providing time off for medical appointments, ensuring access to amenities such as fans or open windows to manage hot flashes, and maintaining supplies of sanitary products for those experiencing unpredictable floods Effective policy implementation is instrumental in supporting women through the menopausal transition Educating employees about the multifaceted nature of menopause and equipping them with the skills to address these topics sensitively can significantly improve workplace dynamics
What guidance would you provide to women regarding sharing the challenges they encounter in the workplace?
I believe it's important for us not to settle for anything less than equal terms and conditions compared to our male counterparts We should assert ourselves professionally and objectively In the workplace, women are sometimes perceived as more emotional than men, so we need to learn how to communicate effectively in a way that resonates with the organisation Each organisation may have its dynamics, but remaining silent is likely the least favourable option My advice to women is that, if you feel hesitant about speaking up, seek coaching to refine your communication skills It's not always a natural inclination for most of us, and often, we tend to soldier on without speaking up However, there's no reason why we should If you're unsure about expressing yourself and being heard, take the time to familiarise yourself with the policies and your rights Additionally, consider seeking coaching to practice assertive communication confidently
Women in comedy: Laughing in the face of stereotypes
Lub na Kerr is a comedian a nd a familiar face on t he Scottish comedy s ce n e wh os e hu mo ur d r a ws from her Asian heritage , bl ending wit with a pl ayful expl or ation of st ereotype s
I n M a r c h 2 0 1 8 , L u b n a p r emiered her debut show, The Asian Ellen DeGeneres , at the Glasgow I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m e d y F e s t i v a l
Showcasing her talent for character comedy, the performance featured characters laden with Asian stereotypes infused with a rich Scottish sense of humour From the UK to occasional appearances across the p o n d i n t h e S t a t e s , L u b n a ' s comedic journey has been one of breaking down and playing with cultural norms
Beyond comedy, Lubna is a versatile actor, gracing both stage and screen with her presence Notably, she starred in 'Still Game' at the Hydro in 2014 and has appeared in BBC1's 'Scot Squad' and 'Armchair Detectives' Her big screen debut came with the feature film 'Moon Dogs’, followed by a role in the film C h r i s t m a s i n t h e H i g h l a n d s i n 2019 Recently, she made a guest a p p e a r a n c e i n B B C O n e ' s ' T w o
Doors Down'
I n a d d i t i o n t o h e r c r e a t i v e e n d e a v o u r s , L u b n a ' s l i t e r a r y prowess shines through with her p u b l i s h e d s h o r t s t o r y o n 1 9 6 0 s Pakistani life in Glasgow, reflecting her deep connection to her heritage and the world around her
Here, she talks about women in comedy, the stereotypes and chall e n g e s i n v o l v e d a n d w h a t t h e y bring to the table
What inspired you to pursue a career in comedy?
C o m i n g f r o m a m i x e d - r a c e background, I used to go to watch lots of Pakistani and Indian films at the cinema growing up The only thing that kept me going through six hours of films with music was knowing there would be some comedy in it Even from a young age, I could relate to the funny characters in the films, whether they were men or women Another thing was t h a t m y f a t h e r h a d a n a m a z i n g sense of humour
He allowed us to say things to people, unlike today where we have to be careful about what we say Back then, people knew what a joke was My brother also had a wicked sense of humour, so I grew up with that
Later on, as an adult, I watched comedians like Dave Allen and Billy Connolly and loved going to their shows I believe laughter is the best medicine, and I love making people laugh So, when my mom died in 2013, I needed something to distract me from the grieving process I had become an actress by then, and I found it difficult to get parts as a female Asian actor I needed something to stand out, so I decided to try comedy I signed up for a comedy writing c l a s s d u r i n g t h e F r i n g e f e s t i v a l , which turned out to be a gig I was
nervous, but I decided to give it a try, even fumbled, but I absolutely loved it It was a pivotal moment for me
What are some common misconceptions about women in comedy, and how do you challenge or subvert these stereotypes through your work?
The biggest misconception is that women aren't funny You want a woman on the bill? Oh, my goodness! Maybe if you pay a hundred times
The second one is about Asian women not being funny, especially, when you're an older woman of colour That glass ceiling you hear about in business? It's even higher in comedy You have to prove yourself a hundred times over But for an Asian woman, it's a thousand times and for older women, a million times harder, proving yourself to be funny and worrying about validation I don't care what people think and I don't care if I look stupid
The most important thing is, am I enjoying it? I want to do what I enjoy And the barrier, with most promoters being white, is that you don't fit their demographic So, I'm all for flying the brown flag because I think it's really important to give people of colour a chance I want to be a trailblazer for older brown women
What unique strengths or perspectives do women bring to the comedy stage, and how does this contribute to the richness of comedic storytelling?
F i r s t o f a l l , w e ' r e f u n n i e r Women talk about their experie n c e s , a n d t h e y d i s c u s s r e a l - l i f e issues that are important in the world They're not just doing it to make people laugh; they're doing it to educate people A s w e m a k e u p 5 0 % o f t h e world's population, we bring a different angle into comedy, making people think and leave energised with a feeling of belonging We're bringing so much more than just laughter
We're educating and empowering people, be it men or women or w h a t e v e r y o u c a l l y o u r s e l f W e bring in so many positives, and I think that's what frightens some people Women are trailblazers and so much more relatable I mean men are relatable too but they don't have all the different experiences I t h i n k a s w o m e n , w e e x p e r i e n c e more in life in everything
How has the comedy landscape evolved for women and what advancements do you envision for women in comedy moving forward?
I d o t h i n k t h i n g s h a v e p r ogressed I've been doing comedy for 11 years now, and at that time, there weren't that many women in the scene But now, many more women are coming through the system
You know, they take comedy c o u r s e s , t h e y a t t e n d o p e n m i c nights, and there's a lot more diversity The good thing is that most of them are young, but there are also a few older women trying their hand at it, and that's great Additionally, more women are setting up open m i c n i g h t s , w h i c h i s a p o s i t i v e change When I first started, there w e r e n o f e m a l e p r o m o t e r s , n o women-run open mic nights, and very few women on the scene So, it has definitely improved, and that's really great
Untold stories: Advocating diverse voices
Subhasini NaickerSonali
Bh attacharyya, a dynamic So uth A sian p layw rig ht and screenwriter sh aping the theatre land scape With a passion for storytelling rooted in h er cu ltural h eritage, Sonali bring s d iverse narratives to life
Her award-winning works include Chasing Hares (Young Vic), Two Billion Beats" (Orange Tree Theatre), and "Megaball" (National Theatre Learning) Currently, Sonali is commissioned by Bristol Old Vic, Chichester Festival Theatre, Kali Theatre, and Fifth Word She also has drama series in development with Dancing Ledge Productions and Anagram
In an interview with Asian Voice, Sonali discussed the portrayal of diverse female characters in plays, audience reception to these characters, and the importance of investing in female voices in playwriting and screenwriting
What is the objective behind your portrayal of diverse female characters in your play? And how do you intend to empower or advocate for women through your work?
When considering the portrayal of women and girls, especially those from minority backgrounds like myself, I often feel that mainstream depictions lack the depth and complexity of brown women experiences As a brown woman, I've observed a dearth of narratives that reflect the diversity and intricacies of our lives It's not merely about shedding light on our existence as if we re anthropological subjects; rather, it's about responsibly sharing our stories and histories with one another
Being part of a minority group, particularly as a woman, necessitates a nuanced understanding of both our own culture and the majority culture in order to navigate society This unique perspective inherently offers insights and perspectives that may not be readily apparent from the majority viewpoint Therefore, I believe there's a responsibility to tell stories that capture this universality but from our distinct perspective
For example, in my play "Two Billion Beats," I sought to explore a narrative rarely seen before Coming from a British Asian, Bengali Hindu family, I experienced firsthand the divide within the South Asian diaspora following the events of 9/11
Sonali Bhattacharyya
The distinction between Muslim and Hindu identities suddenly became significant, altering dynamics within our communities This story, while deeply personal, also reflects broader societal shifts and divisions that continue to shape our interactions today
Are there any trends or shifts in audience reception towards works created by female playwrights or screenwriters?
There's still a glaring lack of representation for marginalised groups in the arts, as consistently revealed by surveys However, when it comes to work commissioned and produced by women writers, there s evidence of substantial audience engagement It's crucial to recognise this and move beyond viewing marginalised creators solely as demographics
For minority women, including those who are black, brown, or disabled, the emphasis should be on their merit as writers rather than reducing them to their identity This shift is essential, especially when their work is unfairly labelled as risky solely based on their demographic By acknowledging the audience appeal of their work, we can challenge such misconceptions and encourage broader representation in the arts
In theatre, diversifying voices is paramount to building a more inclusive audience base This means actively seeking out and supporting works from a variety of perspectives to resonate with a wider segment of the population
Similarly, in screenwriting, recent breakthroughs by British women writers highlight the significance of supporting diverse voices in film and TV
Why do you think it is crucial to invest in female playwrights and screenwriters? And how can the industry effectively support and foster this investment to create more inclusive and diverse narratives?
Several key obstacles hinder the entry and sustainability of playwrights, particularly
Embracing femininity: Sushmita Pati discusses gender dynamics and cultural narratives
Odissi d ance, a sym bo l of cultural richness, traces its roots back to the mystical land o f Odisha It has surv ived th roug h generations, sh owcasing graceful m ovements and intricate footwork that narrate stories of devo tion and sp irituality
those from working-class backgrounds The lack of adequate financial compensation within the industry poses a significant barrier, stemming from broader issues surrounding funding and support for the arts It's crucial to recognise that art and culture are not mere add-ons but integral components that enrich society and enhance quality of life
Even after breaking into the industry, women face challenges, particularly with career interruptions for caregiving responsibilities These breaks often lead to significant hiatuses, with limited support for re-entry as freelancers
I've faced a significant career hiatus due to bereavement and caregiving responsibilities, revealing the lack of support for individuals in similar situations There's a need for industry-wide initiatives to create a safety net for those stepping away temporarily Organisations like the Writers Guild are starting to address this issue, ensuring individuals, especially women and marginalised groups, don't face permanent exclusion due to life events
What advice would you give to aspiring writers and writers who are just starting out of their careers?
The key aspect of being a writer, which took me some time to grasp, is the importance of one's unique worldview and perspective No one else can replicate your take on the world, and this is what sets your writing apart While everything else about writing may be challenging, your individual perspective is something that cannot be taken away from you
While it's natural to seek validation and feedback on your work, it's essential not to compromise your unique perspective in the process Strive to maintain the authenticity of your voice while also being open to constructive criticism and opportunities for growth Ultimately, it's about honouring the initial spark of inspiration that ignited your journey as a writer and staying true to yourself amidst the challenges and pressures of the industry
In a recent interview with Asian Voice, we spoke with Sushmita Pati, the Artistic Director and CEO of Kala The Arts, about Odissi's portrayal of
those of traditional careers, the invaluable contributions made by individuals pursuing their passions are increasingly recognised and valued within our communities
Are there any specific themes or narratives in Odissi dance that you feel resonate particularly well, with a woman's experience or perspective? If so, could you provide any examples?
Odissi, a classical
femininity, challenges faced by men in classical dance, and the significance of supporting women in the field
How did your upbringing shape your perspective on success and unconventional career paths, particularly within the context of South Asian culture?
I consider myself fortunate to have grown up in an environment fostered by my open-minded parents Their attitude towards success was refreshingly different; there was never pressure to pursue traditional professions like medicine or engineering Instead, they instilled in me the importance of excelling in whatever field I chose As artists themselves, they embodied openness and acceptance, traits that permeated our family dynamic They were supportive of our aspirations, embracing our individual paths without reservation
However, I'm aware that within South Asian culture, there exists a stigma around unconventional careers and the perception of success solely tied to financial gain This became evident to me during an encounter with the Odissa Doctor's Association, where my profession as a dancer was met with skepticism, highlighting the prevailing mindset that equates success with high-paying professions
Despite these challenges, I believe attitudes are evolving as more individuals challenge societal norms and redefine success While the financial rewards may not match
participation in the arts, striving to create inclusive spaces where men feel comfortable expressing themselves through dance As a result, we've welcomed numerous LGBTQ professional dance artists into our fold, offering support and opportunities
temple dance form, has historically been dominated by female south Asian performers However, it has also attracted European dancers and enthusiasts who have embraced it as a profession The essence of Odissi often celebrates femininity, exemplified by its sculptural movements like Tribhanga, which celebrate women in their entirety The dance repertoire includes ancient classics narratives such as tales of Krishna, Draupadi, Sita, Radha, and Lord Jagannath, reflecting its roots in Orissa's rich cultural heritage In addition to classical themes, contemporary topics are also explored through Odissi, such as I am working on creating a piece using Odissi dance language on Mental Health, a taboo within the South Asian community and its awareness Another example is our exploration of environmental themes, highlighting our responsibility to nurture and protect the earth
Through Odissi, we endeavor to convey meaningful narratives that resonate with diverse audiences and address pertinent societal issues
From a female perspective,
how do you observe the historical trend of men being ridiculed or more for participating in classical dance forms? And what shifts have you noticed in recent times that challenge this gender stereotype?
In my experience, I've had the opportunity to dance alongside male performers in Odissa, many of whom have chosen dance as their profession I've been particularly passionate about promoting male
While it's true that there may be societal pressures and prejudices surrounding male dancers even now, I have not witnessed such incidents firsthand However, I understand that some families may hold reservations about sending boys to pursue dance Recently, we encountered a situation where a parent expressed concerns about their son's dance movements being perceived as too feminine during a Bollywood dance class In response, I emphasised the importance of allowing artists to express themselves creatively and facilitated a constructive conversation to address the parent's apprehensions
Through open dialogue, engagement with artists, visiting creative places and education, we were able to challenge and dispel misconceptions, ultimately fostering a more inclusive and understanding environment
Why is it crucial to invest in women in the dance industry? And what steps can organisations or societies take to offer better support and empowerment for women to excel in this field?
It's crucial for both male and female artists to be represented in the industry, as each brings unique perspectives, attributions, and dimensions to their craft Empowering women in particular not only creates job opportunities but also fosters leadership within the community By providing women with opportunities for growth and momentum, they can serve as role models for the younger generation, inspiring them to pursue their passions, develop skills, and aspirations and increase opportunities As a mother and a creative artist myself, I've seen the importance of empowering my daughter to explore her own interests, such as Odissi dance While it wasn't initially my intention to teach her, my mother's persistence in ensuring she learned the art form highlights the significance of artistic expression and its value in her life Through any arts, individuals can find a means to express themselves creatively and authentically, regardless of their chosen career paths
Inspiring Inclusion at Women in Conversation
Women In Conversation is an annual panel discussion hosted by Asian Voice in association with the Royal Air For ce to celebrate I nternational W omen’s Day It will be held on 11 March 2024 at the Edwardian I, Taj 51 Buckingham Gate, London This year’s theme is ‘Insp ire I nclusion’ and the moderator and panellists will share their personal stories, expertise, experience and challenges with a view to inspire inclusion and celebrate diversity and empowerment. The following interviews and bios is a preview of what to expect on the day
women in entrepreneurship
Ru p a P o p a t i s a n e nt rep r ene u r an d t h e d r iv i ng fo rc e be hi nd A r āya V entu res, a v entu re c api tal firm d ed icated to supporting v isio nary fou nders wh o are r ev o l u ti o ni s in g o u r w o rl d S he is also an influential angel investo r in over 4 0 start-up s and venture capital funds
Beyond her professional e n d e a v o u r s , s h e i s t h e f o u n d e r o f A V A A n g e l s , a t r a n s f o r m a t i v e i n i t i a t i v e aimed at introducing more women to the world of angel investing Recognised for her o u t s t a n d i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s , Rupa has been honoured as o n e o f F o r b e s ' T o p 1 5 I n v e s t o r s i n
Underrepresented Founders for 2022 and was a finalist for t h e U K B A A 2 0 2 3 A n g e l
Investor of the Year
Here, she talks about her e n t r e p r e n e u r i a l j o u r n e y , investing in women and the need for diversity in the field What motivated your transition from building businesses to becoming a venture capitalist?
I really enjoyed building businesses and found them to be quite rewarding, However, after I sold my company, I felt a strong desire to give back and realised that mentorship, along with financial support was one way to do so As an i n v e s t o r w i t h a n entrepreneurial background, I believe I can provide valuable insights and guidance to the founders I invest in I was inspired by the many impactful businesses being built by t a l e n t e d e n t r e p r e n e u r s , I wanted to contribute to their success as well Moreover, as a f e m a l e f o u n d e r i n 2 0 1 3 , I f a c e d c h a l l e n g e s i n r a i s i n g capital At that time, there were few female investors to be found and now, nearly a decade later, I am proud to be one of those women
What advice would you offer women entrepreneurs seeking funding for their ventures?
Firstly, I would strongly e n c o u r a g e y o u t o p u r s u e entrepreneurship if it's something you've been considering I was in banking for a long time before taking the leap, and looking back, I'm glad I did It's important to follow your passion and take calculated risks Secondly, I received some valuable advice a while back, which was to build my network before I needed it It is crucial to have a strong network of investors, f e l l o w e n t r e p r e n e u r s , a n d m e n t o r s w h o c a n p r o v i d e invaluable support, guidance, and opportunities If you're n e w t o e n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p , there are numerous accelerator and incubator programs o f f e r i n g m e n t o r s h i p , r e s o u r c e s , a n d n e t w o r k i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s L a s t l y , n o t e v e r y s u c c e s s f u l b u s i n e s s requires external investment, s o a s s e s s y o u r n e e d s a n d resources carefully Explore alternative funding options, such as loans, angel investors, or bootstrapping Why is it vital to involve more women in investing, and what strategies can empower more women to participate?
Over 70% of women are more likely to be asked about their weight than about their investments and part of the reason for this is that women tend not to discuss investments among themselves I b e l i e v e i t a l l s t a r t s w i t h awareness We need to raise awareness that anyone can be an investor; everyone should be thinking about their financial future and considering which asset classes they want to invest in Secondly, education is crucial, which is why w e ' v e d e v e l o p e d a c o u r s e c a l l e d " A n g e l I n v e s t i n g f o r All" to empower more women to learn about angel investing By providing accessible education, we can demystify investing and make it more inclusive Next comes collabo r a t i o n a n d c o m m u n i t y There are many opportunities for angel investors, regardless of gender, to join supportive communities that assist them in their investment journey,
Air Specialist 1 Mandeep K Golhar
Ma nde ep j oi ned as an
Avi on ic s Engin eer in the R AF af ter c om pleti ng he r a p pr e n t i c e s h i p pr ogr a m S h e w a n t e d th e chanc e to ex pe rienc e a variet y o f o pp o rt u n i ti e s t h at she wouldn’t have i n any other job
helping them learn from one another and build confidence What do you believe, can be done to support women's advancement in the business sector?
Firstly, the government's tax relief programs, such as t h e S e e d E n t e r p r i s e Investment Scheme and the E n t e r p r i s e I n v e s t m e n t S c h e m e , o f f e r p h e n o m e n a l incentives for investors supp o r t i n g e a r l y - s t a g e c o m p anies These initiatives encourage investors to participate and recently saw increased tax relief thresholds, making them even more attractive
Secondly, the government's efforts in providing resources and educational support for a s p i r i n g e n t r e p r e n e u r s a r e c o m m e n d a b l e s t e p s i n t h e right direction, most recently with their launch of the Help to Grow hub However, to truly address the funding gap for women entrepreneurs, we need a fundamental shift in h o w c a p i t a l f l o w s W h i l e existing venture capital prog r a m s a r e v a l u a b l e , m o r e investment in diverse funds managed by diverse managers i s c r u c i a l R e s e a r c h s h o w s that diverse fund managers are three times more likely to i n v e s t i n d i v e r s e entrepreneurs, therefore we need to accelerate capital and support to emerging diverse managers This will impact the flow of funding to women e n t r e p r e n e u r s a n d o t h e r underrepresented groups What are your aspirations for your role in fostering innovation and diversity within the startup ecosystem?
P e r s o n a l l y , m y m i s s i o n revolves around two key init i a t i v e s F i r s t l y , w i t h A r ā y a Ventures, our fund strives to channel more capital into the h a n d s o f d i v e r s e entrepreneurs In an industry where only 2% of venture capital typically goes to female founders, our portfolio has already allocated over 60% to female entrepreneurs While we invest in all entrepreneurs, our approach is underpinned by a commitment to diversity Secondly, through the AVA Angels course and community, I aim to bolster diversity among investors, ensuring a m o r e i n c l u s i v e i n v e s t m e n t landscape in the UK
Mandeep has a desire to travel and see new places, meet a diverse range of people, earn whilst learning on the job and acquire many new skills that will prepare
her for any situation
Having only been in the RAF a few years, Mandeep’s highlight so far has been to be chosen to go to Crete for a month with her aircraft Squadron, work hard in the sunshine, have some time to view the attractions in C r e t e a n d h i t t h e b e a c h afterwards Mandeep stated, “Every day is different and I’m so grateful for the journey to get to where I have so far ”
Flt Lt Margaret Welton BSc (Hons) MIET
Fli g h t L i eu t ena nt Marg aret Mary (M ag gie) Welton, is an A erosystem s
n g i nee r Of
er in th e Royal Air Force She is curr ent ly p o s te d to A i rb or ne
D el i v er y Wi ng as th e
E x ec u ti v e Of fi c er i n th e
A ir bo rn e E n g i nee ri ng
S q u ad r o n at R A F S t ati o n
Brize No rton H e r M i l i t a r y c a r e e r began in the British Army in Mar 2003 after enlisting into t h e C o r p s o f t h e R o y a l
E l e c t r i c a l a n d M e c h a n i c a l
Engineers Upon passing her trade training, she become an Aircraft Technician and has been posted to various aircraft operating Regiments in the UK and abroad She
has trained, maintained, or managed 10 types of Air systems operated by the three Services
T h e s e i n c l u d e a i r c r a f t , h e l i c o p t e r a n d U n m a n n e d Aerial Systems In Oct 2019, s h e c o m m i s s i o n e d a s a n
A e r o s y s t e m s E n g i n e e r Officer in the RAF, from her f i n a l r a n k o f S S g t i n t h e British Army S h e w a s d e p l o y e d o n Operations, UK and overseas E x e r c i s e s , w h e r e s h e s u pported the maintenance of Air assets, led personnel and m a n a g e d r e s o u r c e s H e r Aviation Engineering profess i o n i n t h e m i l i t a r y h a s gained her a Incorporated E n g i n e e r w i t h t h e B r i t i s h
Engineering Council She is an advocate for Diversity & Inclusion and is s t u d y i n g l e v e l 7 S t r a t e g i c L e a d e r s h i p a n d Management She welcomes o n g o i n g c h a l l e n g e s i n h e r role
"We must make the most of the opportunities we have"
San d ee p M a h al i s t h e I nte ri m C o - E xe cu t iv e D i rec to r o f th e R o ya l S hakesp eare C ompany(RSC )
With ov er 20 years o f experience in the arts, literature, and libraries sector, Sand eep j o i ne d th e RS C ’ s S en i o r
L e ad e rs h i p T eam as a L e ad e rs h i p A s so c i at e (E xecutiv e) in January 20 22 She comes from a humb l e b a c k g r o u n d w h e r e h e r p a r e n t s i m m i g r a t e d f r o m Punjab, and settled in Derby finding employment opport u n i t i e s i n t h e f o u n d r i e s , where they worked tireless l a b o u r - i n t e n s i v e s h i f t s G r o w i n g u p , s h e w a
t families and despite financial limitations, this upbringing had a huge impact on her Sandeep has held diverse leadership roles and beyond that, she currently serves on t h e a d v i s o r y b o a r d o f Warwick Arts Centre and the
Can you share with us your journey into the world of art and theatre?
My journey began with a deep passion for reading and books We did not own any books at home, but the local l i b
immersed myself in borrowi n g a n d r e a d i n g b o o k s L e a v i n g s c h o o l w i t h f e w q u a l i f i c a t i o n s , I a t t e n d e d
university much later, as a mature student and a mother I landed my first job as a library assistant in a mobile library Working in this role, I fell accidentally and passionately in love with the work of l i b r a r i e s M y p a s s i o n f o r m a k i n g a d i f f e r e n c e g r e w from working in multicultural communities with significant social deprivation and limited cultural opportunities I strongly believe in the transformative power of literature and storytelling to f o s t e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d empathy among people My p e r s o n a l e x p e r i e n c e w i t h reading inspired me to bring l i t e r a t u r e t o c o m m u n i t i e s and empower them to utilise library services effectively In your opinion, what are some of the most significant barriers that women still face in the theatre industry today? I believe the main barriers lie in the lack of opportun i t i e s f o r w o m e n i n t h e i n d u s t r y W h i l e w e h a v e m a n y s k i l l e d w o m e n , t h e y o f t e n s t r u g g l e t o f i n d t h e
Inclusion inspires innovation
iy a G u h a M B E i s a V en tu re P art ner a t Merian Ventu res, investing in w o m en - led i n no v a ti o n, a n Ad visor to K heiron Medical
T ec h no l o g i es and Gal lo s Technolog ies, a m em ber of th e Investment Gov ernanc e Bo a rd at F u tu re P la ne t Capital, a NED at Reach PLC , UK Research & Innov ation, Herald Investm ent Trust, th e Di g i ta l C a tap u l t & GB Ba d m i nt on and A d j u nc t Faculty at the A sh rid ge Hult Bu siness S ch ool Sh e was previously GM fo r RocketS pace, lau n ch i ng t h ei r U K o p e rations
Priya used to be a career d i p l o m a t , m o s t r e c e n t l y a s British Consul General to San Francisco and previously in India and Spain She sits on t h e R o y a l A c a d e m y o f E n g i n e e r i n g I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o m m i t t e e , A l t h e a Foundation Board and Global T e c h A d v o c a t e s A d v i s o r y Board She is a Trustee at T e c h S h e C a n P r i y a w a s awarded an MBE in 2021 for services to international trade and women in innovation
Here’s her exclusive Q&A with Asian Voice: It’ll take about 4-5 readings of your bio for a layman to process your multitalented personality and to understand the inspiring body of work.
When you look back from where you started, what do you think you did right as a woman to reach where you are today?
F o r m e , i t ' s j u s t a b o u t
s u p p o r t , m e n t o r s h i p , a n d nurturing needed to advance There indeed is a growing n u m b e r o f m e n t o r s a n d sponsors willing to help, but the challenge lies in connecti n g t h e m w i t h a s p i r i n g women P l a t f o r m s l i k e t h e o n e Asian Voice is creating on International Women's Day a r e e s s e n t i a l f o r f o s t e r i n g ongoing conversations about women's issues and breaking down barriers It's crucial to consistently centre women's voices and address the challenges they face Personally, I've been fortunate to negotiate flexible working arrangements that accommodate my f a m i l y r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s However, not everyone has this privilege, and employers need to be more open to flexibility to attract and retain talent
As a woman in a leadership role within the theatre industry, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?
F o r m e , i t ' s a b o u t courage As a South Asian woman, navigating an hono u r a n d s h a m e - b a s e d c u lture, the stakes were high While we're more progressive
opportunities when they present themselves, even if you don't know where they'll lead to And, make sure you do jobs that you enjoy We're all likely going to be working till we're past 70 years of age So it's important to enjoy your work and you get that sort of fulfilment from your work
As an expert in the innovation sector, how can innovation inspire inclusion and help break stereotypes?
I t h i n k i t ' s n o t a b o u t i n n o v a t i o n i n s p i r i n g i n c l us i o n F o r m e , i n c l u s i o n i n s p i r e s i n n o v a t i o n I f y o u h a v e d i v e r s e v o i c e s a t t h e table, you'll get different perspectives and you'll get different ideas and you'll get differe n t p r o d u c t s a n d d i f f e r e n t c o m p a n i e s o r i n n o v a t i o n s coming out of that discussion So actually, I believe, innovation only really happens when you have inclusion
To bring a balance in gender and diversity, what do you think is the key factor that could drive us towards an egalitarian society?
I think sadly we are still some way off being a fully inclusive society There are lots of things that need to happen for us to get there But one of the biggest opport u n i t i e s i s t a c k l i n g u n c o nscious bias Because that is so all-pervasive, and it affects h o w w o m e n a n d o t h e r underrepresented groups can
now, there was a time when those stakes were even higher It can be challenging for those outside my culture to grasp the significance of honour and shame The idea of choice becomes complex in s u c h r e s t r i c t i v e c i r c u mstances Initially, there was tension between my cultural expectations and my aspirat i o n s w h e n I e n t e r e d t h e daunting world of publishing and the arts Coming from a background where I didn't know anyone in those fields, it was intimidating, especially in an industry so different from what I was accustomed to What made the difference w a s t a k i n g a l e a p i n t o a n unknown industry and the e m b r a c e a n d s u p p o r t I received Despite moments o f i m p o s t o r s y n d r o m e , I realised the importance of staying at the table and finding my voice This journey taught me the value of nurt u r i n g e n v i r o n m e n t s t h a t e m p o w e r w o m e n t o b e authentic and confident in t h e i r o w n s k i n I t s a b o u t f i n d i n g t h e c o u r a g e t o b e yourself and speak up with i n f l u e n c e , e v e n i n s p a c e s where you feel like you don't belong Women need to have the platform and opportuni-
succeed in their personal and professional lives
How important will be the role of women in innovation and trade in the coming years in the global economy?
I t ' s f u n d a m e n t a l I f w e d o n ' t h a v e w o m e n a t t h e table, then we won't have the breadth and range of ideas and contributions to create innovation perspective We also won't have the economic p r o d u c t i v i t y o f h a v i n g w o m e n f u l l y p a r t i c i p a t e i n the economy So it's fundamental to have women fully involved
If a woman or a young girl were to be like you - where you are today as a professional, what advice would you give them?
I think the advice I would give them is to think about what your core values are And to live your values in everything you do Because ultimately, that's the way you will stay true to yourself, and be fulfilled in whatever you end up doing in your career
ties to be their authentic self
What advice would you give to young women aspiring to leadership roles in the arts and theatre industry?
My advice would be to p r a c t i c e , p r a c t i c e , p r a c t i c e
I've invested so much in selfdevelopment Going to university after marrying young was my way of seeking educ a t i o n a n d t h e h u n g e r t o learn grew within me The more I practised, the more confident I became So don't be afraid and just go for it Do the things you really want to do Consider how you can practice and seek out opport u n i t i e s t o d o s o O n l y through learning and doing w i l l y o u g a i n c o n f i d e n c e
Additionally, I've been fortunate to benefit from mentorship by other women I've also mentored other women, and I understand the value of finding the right mentor It's about shared values and finding someone who can help you achieve your goals Seek out mentors and be generous w i t h y o u r t i m e , s k i l l s a n d k n o w l e d g e , e s p e c i a l l y w i t h the next generation of leaders who give hope for the future We must make the most of the opportunities we have
“We need amazing men as allies”
Mamta Singhal MBE i s an advocate for diversity in ST EM fields With a remarkable array of qualificatio ns including a BEng, MSc, MBA, CEng, FIE T, and FWES , Mamta's credentials speak volumes about her exp ertise and dedicati on to her craft
Mamta's journey in engineering began as a graduate engineer at Dyson in 2003, later transitioning to roles at global giants like Hasbro Ltd, Mars Chocolate Ltd, Mattel Inc, and CocaCola European Partners Plc
In addition to her professional achievements, Mamta has been advocating for increased representation and opportunities for underrepresented groups Her efforts in this regard were duly recognised when she was awarded an MBE in the 2022 New Year's Honours for her services to engineering
Here, she talks about her journey, women in STEM and the need for diversity in the field
What are the key challenges in promoting diversity in engineering?
Engineering is a global profession, truly international and it is key we have representation of all types of people at the table Businesses that don’t have senior engineers and technical people who are of diverse backgrounds are truly missing out on fantastic opportunities and are likely to fall behind I think the challenge lies in the lack of senior people from a diverse background at the Senior Manager, Director and VP levels It is only recently that we are seeing people of colour, different backgrounds and thinking styles coming up the ranks but they have faced, at times, barriers and challenges It is key that we keep pushing and readdressing the issue It is indeed forums that help showcase the often ‘silent voice’ Finding role models, the right company culture and a general network are a few methods of addressing the challenges that are out there
What are some key challenges that dissuade women from a career in STEM?
Women are juggling a lot – family, children, ageing parents, work, running a home and there is a lot of pressure South Asian Women do have additional challenges in that they are managing cultural expectations, challenges of race, and ‘fitting in’ We are
raised as Indian women often in a semi-traditional environment– we aren’t taught to be big and bold we are expected to be the quiet ones – times are changing At the moment, approximately 15% of the engineering profession is female and 5% are from ethnic backgrounds Big steps have to be taken to ensure that we see the right people in the right seats and future is looking much brighter We need amazing men as allies, we need to think globally, and we need to be more multicultural while still valuing our environment
Why, in your experience, some women may feel intimidated or discouraged from pursuing careers in STEM?
Overall, I have had a lot of support but I still think people are taken aback when I tell people I have 20 years of experience in engineering and manufacturing and am a chartered engineer The stereotype of engineering being for white males in the UK is there but there is a lot of work being done via charities and communities to redress this I have younger women approach me, needing help through the maze and we need that sisterhood It is also unclear to many women and young ladies what STEM is about and it is key they see that these roles are in high demand – STEM is key for progression We are future thinkers and dream makers addressing sustainability challenges, launching new technology, developing new products and finding cures to everyday issues
What role do schools, families, and communities play in encouraging young girls to pursue STEM fields?
The engineering institutions are doing a lot to redress the challenges but it needs to go beyond that Parents and families must see how powerful a STEM degree can be The future revolves around STEM, from new apps to finding solutions to the climate crisis - STEM experiences are very much needed
When I graduated 20 years ago, it was tough to get access to the roles but now companies really want to get top talent and are active in calling for STEM graduates For women in the field, there are many competitions, mentoring systems, support groups and conferences, I see a very promising future for women in STEM I do personally try and use social media to showcase the fun, exciting and technical work that I do and have done for many years so that other people can see what STEM experts do
How has dyslexia and your general learning style shaped your career, and what advice would you give to fellow individuals with dyslexia pursuing STEM careers?
I have a spiky IQ and am classified as dyslexic but have an above-average IQ and excel in areas that are great for engineering I see things in pictures and shapes - seeing patterns and connections like method and process which is a very useful skill to have in a technical and manufacturing world I don’t notice my dyslexia that much but I know fully well how I was impacted as a child I focused on what I was good at which was Maths, Science and Art, so it was natural for me to become a design engineer
It is key that we play to our strengths My advice to those who are dyslexic would be that STEM is a great avenue as it is a creative, visual and collaborative area which is growing – language won't be a barrier to success
What advice would you give to young individuals, especially women and minorities, who aspire to pursue careers in engineering and STEM fields?
Please do it For me, it has given me direction and purpose plus an amazing community that is dynamic, global and forwardthinking I have built an independent and exciting career because of my passion for STEM subjects It is a growing and indemand field so it is key that we have the right women at the table and have their voices heard STEM is everywhere and with advances in technology, challenges with environmental issues and the need for new ideas, STEM is an amazing avenue Allowing for with a such a variety of job roles plus it is an international and wellrespected career
Artist Parul Baliyan celebrates womanhood and cultural identity
Parul Baliyan, originally from a s mall town in northern India, has found her artistic i nspiration in the cultural richness and simplicity of her childhood memories Now based in the UK for nearly two decades, she bri ngs the fusion of her upbringing to li fe in her pai nti ngs
As a self-taught artist and mother of two, Parul draws inspiration from the everyday imagery around her, capturing the essence of people, landscapes, and lifestyles Her upcoming exhibition called “Six Yards of Elegance” will be showcased at the Nehru Centre in London next week after International Women’s Day 2024 on March 8, and showcase many of these inspirations
The exhibition celebrates the essence of womanhood According to Parul, “Each painting is a heartfelt tribute to women, who have left indelible mark in our lives I chose sari as the thread which intertwines all my paintings Indian women have a very deep-rooted relationship with the sari, which plays a significant role in my identity as an artist My fascination with this graceful garment
began in my childhood when observing my mother donning a sari for work every day and I was providing a little help to perfect her pleats
landing mission, these incidents strongly illustrate the remarkable achievements a woman can attain while draped in a SARI All the subjects I have covered have gracefully donned sari, transcending the physical or social challenges with resilience ”
culture on a global stage
It's a momentous occasion that aligns perfectly with my artistic journey and aspirations ”
The British Asian Trust supports acid attack survivors in Bangladesh
The British Asian Trust is su p p o r ti ng s o m e o f th e most vu lnerable women in Bangladesh w ith vital mental health sup port The UK bas ed ch ari ty, fou nded by His M ajesty K ing C harles III ( w h en h e w a s H i s Ro y al
“A Sari is not just a sixyards cloth; it's a symbol of the cultural identity of an Indian woman The stereotypical image of a woman and Sari as a symbol of constraints has been crossed by many brave women, for centuries From Draupadi's resilience who stood up for the respect of women despite the loss of her family, to the recent celebration of women scientists in Sari in the Chandrayaan moon
About hosting the exhibition at the Nehru Centre, she said, “I always aspired to unveil this collection of work at the Nehru Centre on International Women's
Day As an artist, this opportunity holds immense significance for me
“The Nehru Centre stands as a vibrant bridge between India and the United Kingdom, an ideal platform to share my vision through art As my work primarily focuses on Indian themes, there couldn't be a more fitting venue for me to showcase the richness of Indian
Talking about hosting the exhibition on International Women’s Day, she said, “For me International Women's Day is a perfect occasion to pay tribute to the countless women whose contributions often go unnoticed, who are not celebrated as heroes or afforded privilege My tribute is to these unsung heroes, the foot soldiers who tirelessly navigate and overcome unimaginable challenges, steadfastly fulfilling their roles in society ”
Talking about International Women’s Day, she said, “For me, International Women's Day is a perfect occasion to pay tribute to the countless women whose contributions often go unnoticed, who are not celebrated as heroes or afforded privilege My tribute is to these unsung heroes, the foot soldiers who tirelessly navigate and overcome unimaginable challenges, steadfastly fulfilling their roles in society,” she added
Cancer patients and survivors take to the runway
In it s much ant icipa ted a n n u a l r et u r n on 8 t h
M a r ch , ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l W om e n ’ s D a y ) ; Th e Fa shion Brun ch, e st ablished by Anisha Vasan i ( Crea tive Direct or) ha s e xt raor dina rily d evia ted f r o m t h e e st a b li sh e d n orms of fashion shows a n d b e a u t y p a g e a n t s, c o n g r e g a t in g wo m e n f r o m d i ffe r e n t b a c kg round s an d fait hs, emp owe ring the m to be pr oud of t heir d iv ersity W i t h t h e I W D 2 0 2 4 theme ‘inspire inclusion’, the runway spotlight will be succ e e d e d b y 1 0 c o u r a g e o u s women battling cancer and c a n c e r s u r v i v o r s , i n s p i r i n g others with their resilience T h e w o m e n w i l l e x h i b i t stunning designs by Nikaza A s i a n C o u t u r e a n d D e e s h L o n d o n , s h a r i n g i n s p i r ational and powerful stories a b o u t t h e i r c h a l l e n g e s , struggles and courage O n e o f t h e i n c r e d i b l e s u r v i v a l s t o r i e s i s t h a t o f K r e e n a D h i m a n , w h o w a s d i a g n o s e d w i t h s t a g e 3
Breast Cancer aged just 33 In 2016, aged 36, Kreena was diagnosed with life-threate n i n g c h e m o t h e r a p yinduced acute heart failure S h e a l s o s u f f e r e d c a n c e rinduced fertility and lost the ability to carry a pregnancy, but never lost faith There is o f t e n a n e g a t i v e s t i g m a
attached within the South A s i a n c o m m u n i t y , s u rrounding cancer, infertility a n d a n y t h i n g d e e m e d a s w e a k o r f l a w e d , b u t w i t h
four children born through IVF and Surrogacy, Kreena is just one of the incredible women sharing her story on the day “We know that black and brown people face inequalities when it comes to cancer c a r e S o u t h A s i a n Supernovas was established to close the cancer care gap through education, awaren e s s a n d r e p r e s e n t a t i o n T h r o u g h t h e S o u t h A s i a n S u p e r n o v a s c o m m u n i t y , a space has been created to allow patients to be seen and heard throughout their canc e r e x p e r i e n c e , ” K r e e n a
Dhiman - Founder of South Asian Supernovas - breast cancer survivor said V e r o n i c a M e h t a i s a n influential household name within the South Asian community The London-born
R & B / B h a n g r a artist, a big name o n t h e A s i a n m u s i c c i r c u i t , w a s d i a g n o s e d with breast cancer, in 2016 She w i t h d r e w f r o m her public life, to c o n c e n t r a t e o n healing Only just returning with a new single called ‘Gone’ C o a s t i n g i n t o i t s 5 t h year, this annual celebration of women's empowerment h a s s e e n w o m e n f r o m a l l walks of life coming together for an elevation of acknowle d g e m e n t W i t h A n i s h a ’ s ‘Bold & Beautiful - plus size’ c o n c e p t l a s t y e a r w i n n i n g the ‘Best Creative Campaign’ award for her visionary and g r o u n d - b r e a k i n g a c c o mplishments, she continues to break through the ideological norms of beauty
“International Women’s D a y i s a c e l e b r a t i o n o f s t r e n g t h , r e s i l i e n c e , a n d empowerment, and as the C r e a t i v e D i r e c t o r o f T h e
Fashion Brunch event which I have been curating for the p a s t 5 y e a r s , c e l e b r a t i n g empowering women, it’s my h o n o u r t o c h a m p i o n t h e i n c r e d i b l e j o u r n e y o f t e n courageous cancer warriors Through this event, we aim t o s h o w c a s e t h e i r b e a u t y , grace, and unwavering spirit,
highlighting their inspiring stories of survival and hope It’s more than just a fashion e v e n t ; i t ’ s a p l a t f o r m t o u p l i f t a n d c e l e b r a t e t h e indomitable spirit of women everywhere I am immensely proud to witness the growth o f T h e F a s h i o n B r u n c h , knowing that we ’ ve created a platform where 300 women will gather to celebrate their worth,” says Anisha Vasani ( F o u n d e r a n d C r e a t i v e Director) W h i l s t i n c l u s i o n a n d d i v e r s i t y a r e t h e p i n n a c l e objectives, this event continu e s t o c e l e b r a t e w o m e n ’ s e c o n o m i c , s o c i a l , c u l t u r a l and political achievements
Taking place at the stunning v e n u e ‘ C o u r t y a r d b y M a r r i o t t ’ , L o n d o n , T h e F a s h i o n B r u n c h w i l l b e joined by successful influent i a l h o u s e h o l d n a m e s , e s t e e m e d c e l e b r i t i e s a n d m o t i v a t i o n a l s p e a k e r s , a w o n d e r f u l c e l e b r a t i o n o f
empowered women P a r t n e r i n g w i t h
‘RecommendAsian’, a platform of 75,000 women supp o r t i n g a n d u p l i f t i n g o n e another was a natural and easy execution for Anisha, with both platforms sharing t h e s a m e v a l u e s
Highlighting the importance of this wonderful celebrat i o n o f i n c l u s i o n i s t h e F o u n d e r o f R e c o m m e n d Asian, Zamiha Desai
Hi g h n es s T h e P r i nc e o f Wal es ) , is s tep p i n g u p efforts to help sup port acid and burn violence su rv ivors with life-changing su pport There is a dire lack of mental health serv ices and profe ss i o na ls a v ai l ab le i n Bangladesh
Acid and burn violence is primarily a form of gender-based violence in South A s i a T h e r e a r e a r o u n d 4,000 acid attack survivors in Bangladesh, nearly twothirds of them are women
Although acid attacks have reduced over the years due to more stringent legislation and punishments, an acid attack is life-changing for the survivors
P h y s i c a l d i s f i g u r e m e n t via acid attacks are often targeted at the victims’ face As well as having physical scars to remind them of the attack, survivors also have emotional and mental trauma to overcome This can lead to struggles to integrate b a c k i n t o s o c i e t y S e v e r e depression, suicidal tendencies, social anxiety are comm o n a m o n g s t s u r v i v o r s E m o t i o n a l a n d m e n t a l health support is critical at almost every stage of their lives
B r i t i s h A s i a n T r u s t A m b a s s a d o r K o n n i e H u q s a i d , “ T h i s i s a h u g e l y important area of work to support Bangladeshi women who have suffered greatly d u e t o a c i d a t t a c k s a n d related violence Services to support their mental health during this period can help t r a n s f o r m t h e i r l i v e s Women who have suffered such violence often find it difficult to reintegrate I am proud to support the British Asian Trust in their latest Mental Health programme
t o o f f e r s p e c i a l i s e d c o u ns e l l i n g a n d p s y c h o t h e r a p y s e r v i c e s t o s u r v i v o r s i n Bangladesh ”
The British Asian Trust is implementing a new and i m p r o v e d a p p r o a c h w i t h p a r t n e r A c i d S u r v i v o r s Foundation in order to provide mental health support to acid and burn violence survivors in Bangladesh
The Trust has co-developed a specialised training model focused on trauma counselling that takes into account biological, psychological and social factors for survivors This model will train and support counsellors at the community level T h e s e t r a i n e d i n d i v i d u a l s , w h o t h e m s e l v e s a r e a c i d s u r v i v o r s w i l l o f f e r e m otional and mental support to fellow survivors of acid and burn violence
This project is supported via vital funds raised at t h e B r i t i s h A s i a n T r u s t ’ s 2023 annual Iftar event, held in the month of Ramadan
This is the latest initiat i v e i n T h e B r i t i s h A s i a n Trust’s Mental Health programme in Bangladesh and follows on from the Trust’s project work with Primark s u p p o r t e d b y S A J I D A F o u n d a t i o n , t o p r o v i d e mental health first aid to g a r m e n t f a c t o r y w o r k e r s T h e B r i t i s h A s i a n T r u s t ’ s work in South Asia aims to reduce stigma, build awaren e s s , i n c r e a s e a c c e s s t o mental health services, drive systemic and policy change and support the vulnerable through trauma rehabilitation and counselling
T h e e v e n t i s open to all communities and genders, this free event is a must-attend
The speakers on the day will be Sujata Din, Women H e a l t h C o a c h , U m a C r e s s w e l l ( n e e T h a k r a r ) , NED on a number of boards including English Football L e a g u e T r u s t , R e e n a R a n g e r , C o - F o u n d e r o f Women Empowerment and Co-Chair of CFindia and Jay Rughani, Transformational Mindset and Energy Expert Here is the registration link for people who wish to attend- https://lcnl org/iwd/