Diwali Magazine 2023

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Let’s embrace wisdom to defeat all demons


nce again we have come together for the celebration of the festival of lights. In ancient times, Lord Rama, the epitome of virtue, defeated the Asura King Ravana, returning home to Ayodhya with wife Sita, bringing joy and auspiciousness, marking the end of darkness and evil. This celebration is not just a spiritual observance, but it encompasses our culture, traditions, and customs. The disciplined life and actions of Lord Rama serve as a guide for human conduct. From another perspective, for followers of Sanatan Dharma, Diwali involves financial activities such as annual accounts, stock-taking, performing ceremonies like Chopda Pujan and Lakshmi Puja, and planning for the upcoming year. It is a time to set personal and public goals, ensuring the progress and prosperity of family, community, nation - thus charting a well-defined course in both personal and public domains. This year, Diwali holds a special significance for all of us, both in India and abroad. In the Middle East, on 7 October, Israel was subjected to a devastating, ferocious attack by the terrorist organisation Hamas, resulting in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives and the imprisonment of hundreds. Israel therefore responded with a stern retaliation. The United States, being the wealthiest and most powerful nation in the world, carries the responsibility of leading in regions like the Middle East and beyond. It upholds its commitment even in the face of adversity. Meanwhile, China's expansionism and assertive authoritarianism continue to cause significant concern and turmoil for many countries in its vicinity. In Ukraine, a fierce conflict has been ongoing for the past two years, and its resolution does not seem to be in sight. On one hand, we witness bloodshed and unrest in these regions and on the other, Indian citizens and the diaspora continue to progress and prosper. Even in the midst of diverse and often conflicting viewpoints in India, a vibrant and active democracy prevails. With a population of 1.486 billion, addressing numerous questions, issues, and concerns requires a monumental effort from the government. If we look comprehensively, the government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is performing admirably and driving progress. However, a strong Opposition is necessary in every democracy, which can offer alternative solutions to problems. While the global economy has been facing downturns, India has been consistently increasing its annual production and economic progress. From 1979 to 2021, China achieved the fastest pace of development. Now, India is surpassing even that. It should be remembered that China is a treasure trove for socialism, and it does not hesitate to dangle 4

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

the economic carrot in front of neighbouring economically weak countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, etc., against India. It does not shy away from creating disturbances. However, India's sophisticated economic situation and the ability to find solutions to any problems, its prudence, diplomatic finesse, and relationship-building approach not only with neighbouring countries but also at the international level, the Modi government has been consistently fostering the ideology or principle of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' (The world is one family). This is not an easy task yet it has been achieved. For this, gratitude should be extended to the government that has been in power for the last 10 years. Britain also is a thriving democracy. In the last four years of Conservative party rule, many heads of government have changed. From David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson to Liz Truss, and now we have the Indian-origin Rishi Sunak. On 8 November, PM Sunak and wife Akshata Murty hosted their second Diwali celebration at No 10, that around 150 guests from the community attended. PM Sunak thanked the community for being his inspiration and talked about the challenges he has faced and the work he is doing to mitigate them. But the reality is that the former Prime Ministers since Brexit have only escalated problems within the Conservative Party. The Labour Party as Opposition, under the leadership of Sir Keir Starmer, has made sincere effortsto improve all aspects of the party, to bring a more balanced and robust approach. But the big issue is, in the last 8-10 years, the Labour Party voices have somewhat become unequal. The Israeli action against Hamas, has created a challenging situation within the Labour Party. The question arises whether the diaspora that resides abroad, can rightfully be influenced by events that are happening in their motherland? While each person may respect their respective faiths, cultures, and traditions, how much should the events that have happened thousands of miles away affect British politics? The answer is not straightforward, but it is true, along with the responsibility towards our motherland, we must not forget our duty towards our homeland, where we work and live. We can see that the public desire for peace is above all wishes for progress. Let us hope that in the new year, we are able to witness the dawn of a new era. With that thought, dear readers, supporters, advertisers and well-wishers, Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar wishes you a very happy Diwali and a safe, healthy and prosperous new year. Om Namah Shivaya! CB Patel Publisher/Editor-in-Chief

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Happy Diwali Wembley Stadium Industrial Estate, First Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 0TU T: 020 8903 8181 E: info@dhamecha.com • W: www.dhamecha.com

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Diwali greetings and reflections

“I would like to wish all Asian Voice readers a very happy Diwali. I’m proud that Diwali on the Square is a cornerstone in London’s calendar of cultural events, and every year we host the wonderful festival of lights in the heart of our great capital city. It is fantastic that so many Londoners and visitors of all backgrounds join together for this familyfriendly afternoon of entertainment to mark the symbolic victory of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. By celebrating our city’s diversity, we are building a better, fairer, more prosperous London for everyone.” The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan 10

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Diwali is an auspicious time when families and friends come together to celebrate the best of humanity. Hindus, Sikhs and Jains mark important events which symbolise the triumph of good over evil. At this time of year, we pray, feast and celebrate together with family, friends and loved ones. Across the country and all over the world we see local communities of all faiths and of none join these celebrations as places of worship open their doors and we invite neighbours into our homes. With all the difficulties in the world at this current time, this Diwali we pray especially for peace. During Diwali we reach out to all communities and extend the hand of friendship to all those who are affected by war, persecution and terrorism. It is important to remember while we in Britain all have different cultures and traditions, we have far more in common than what divides us. In these challenging times, the message of hope that Diwali brings is more important than ever. Our festival of light is a sign of hope and optimism that we can get through this pandemic together and come out stronger. I wish everyone a peaceful and safe Diwali. Rt Hon Priti Patel MP Member of Parliament for Witham Diwali is always a special time of year, and as the nights grow longer, light is brought into our lives by Diwali lamps and celebrations that bring our Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Buddhist communities together. We think about the light brought into society by those dedicated to improving our communities, about the light brought by our loved ones and friends to our lives, and about the inspiration and dedicated we see in everyday life. A shared Indian heritage is always a complex patchwork of cultures and a broad pluralist identity. I myself am a British-Indian, a Punjabi, from Jalandhar, Mandhali and Southall, and a Hindu with a Sikh education. India is more than just one country, it is an idea that travels the world with sons and daughters of India, it transcends class, age, and religious boundaries. Just as modern India conquered and continues to conquer the evils of discrimination, intolerance, sickness and poverty, Diwali celebrates the never-ending drive to improve the world and the fortunes of the people in it. We come together as family, friends and an Indian community to celebrate the good in the world and remember the light that even in the darkest night continues to burn. Virendra Sharma Member of Parliament for Ealing, Southall

I take immense pleasure in extending my warmest wishes for a joyful Diwali and a prosperous New Year to all. As we commemorate the festival of lights, let us pause for a moment to contemplate the challenges we face both locally and globally. Diwali isn't about turning a blind eye to life's hardships but rather about acknowledging the abundance of positive aspects in our lives worth celebrating. Even in our darkest moments, it reminds us that hope and resilience can be found. I was recently reminded of how faith can be a guiding force in our lives regardless of who we are. In August, our British Hindu Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak attended the Ram Katha at Jesus College, Cambridge. He shared that faith plays a pivotal role in shaping his decisions and choices. As a community, we are fortunate to come together to celebrate the positivity in the world and to offer support during challenging times. I extend my heartfelt wishes for a delightful Diwali and a prosperous New Year to all. Yours sincerely, Lord Dolar and Lady Sandhya Popat 12

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Diwali is the most important, grandest and immensely popular Indian festival, now celebrated worldwide. The globally dispersed Indian Diaspora spreads this epic message of the triumph of good over evil. As the Indians across the globe become increasingly thriving and vibrant, they can celebrate their festivals, especially Diwali, with great pomp and show. By preserving and propagating their culture, they have made the countries of their domicile richer and more colourful. Indian cuisine, music, jewellery and dresses are becoming increasingly popular with people from all backgrounds and ethnicities. Diwali is perhaps the only festival for which the celebrations last for several weeks and even months, as there are pre-Diwali and post-Diwali parties that run right up to Christmas. Gifts and sweets are exchanged with near and dear ones. Diwali brings happiness and lifts everyone's mood and spirits, which induces fresh zeal. As this is a family event, it is enjoyed by everyone, including the host communities. Many governments worldwide encourage and celebrate Diwali with the local population. Diwali celebrations in UK cities have probably become the largest outside India. Diwali is celebrated at the residence of the Prime Minister, 10 Downing Street, at the House of Commons, with cross-party parliamentarians joining in the celebrations as we do today. Thousands of people attend Diwali at Trafalgar Square, including tourists visiting the capital who are mesmerised to see the colourful pageant of music, dance and food. Diwali is the only day when the world's three great religions, Hindus, Sikhs and Jains, celebrate this day jointly and for different reasons. Hindus celebrate the return of Lord Rama with his wife and brother to his Kingdom of Ayodhya after an exile of 14 years. The streets and towns were lit up with Diwas (candles) to welcome them home during his return. The Sikhs, on the other hand, celebrate Diwali as 'Bandhi Chhorh Day'. On this day, their 6th Guru, Guru Hargobind Sahib, arrived in Amritsar after being released from Gwalior prison by the Mughal King, Jahangir. Guru refused to leave the prison unless 52 Hindu princes who were also in prison were released. The Jains celebrate Diwali as Lord Mahavira, the last Jain Tirthankaras, achieved Nirvana at a Pavapuri. Sri Gangadhar Gautam Swami also gained absolute wisdom on this day. This is what makes Diwali a wonderful day for so many. As a matter of fact, behind these celebrations, there is a serious message of preserving selfrespect, family honour and sacrifice for others. Lord Rama left the comforts of his kingdom with his devout wife and loyal brother to uphold self-respect and family honour. He showed the world that it would be a more selfish place without these attributes. Lord Rama also demonstrated that if one path was righteous, even the cleverest and most powerful Kings with massive armies could be defeated. The message of loyalty was shown to the world by wife Sita and brother Laxman, too. The values Lord Rama demonstrated have become even more critical in our world, where greed and selfishness have become rampant. Happy Diwali to all, and may the lights of Diwali bring enlightenment to our lives. Lord Rami Ranger CBE I send my very best wishes to all of those celebrating Diwali at this time. May you and your families have a Diwali brimming with happiness, hope and prosperity as we take this auspicious opportunity to honour the jubilation of light over darkness. This Diwali presents an opportunity to celebrate and champion the remarkable Indian heritage that has influenced the modern world so greatly. Ancient Indian practices are evident everywhere in the modern world, be it in science, art or architecture. This rich heritage stems back to its roots as one of the oldest civilizations and remains a confluence of religions, traditions and customs. It shows that despite our differences, we can live in harmony together with shared values of peace and happiness. Regardless of our background, the festival of Diwali can resonate with all of us as it reminds us to take a moment in our frequently busy lives to strive for the best version of humanity. It is a reminder that good will always conquer evil and light will always triumph over darkness. Further, it provides an opportunity to be grateful for all that we have, no matter how big or small and to look towards a brighter future, filled with the hope of new horizons and adventures. The story of Lord Rama reinforces the core Hindu beliefs that can resonate with each and every one of us. It emphasises the importance of promoting a harmonious society, working together and respecting each other regardless of background, religion or beliefs. With everything going on globally, this could not be more important. In the United Kingdom, we are in a lucky minority whereby such a diverse and culturally rich society can live harmoniously together. We must be vigilant as this is not the case elsewhere around the globe, with the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel a stark reminder as well as attacks on Hindus in countries where they are in the minority. Therefore, we must come together and take the opportunity of Diwali to celebrate and nurture our peaceful society, championing the values of service, responsibility, tolerance and joy in all that we do. I hope that you enjoy the celebrations and have a lovely Diwali, filled with love and happiness. Shubh Deepawali! Bob Blackman CBE MP 14

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

f r o m t hee M e h t a f a m i ly

w w w. pi c k for d s . c o. u k

w w w. d e s ig n e r p a r f u m s . co m | w w w. s ha n e e l . co m | w w w. n i r v a na b r a n d s . co m

Inter-racial couples embrace diversity with Diwali celebrations D

iwali, has its origins in India but carries universal significance. Rooted in Hindu mythology, it represents the triumph of light, good, and knowledge over darkness and evil. Diwali now symbolises unity and diversity, even among inter-racial couples, as it gains global recognition. Inter-racial couples celebrating Diwali together is a beautiful example of how love can transcend racial and ethnic divides and unite cultures. It shows how amazing it is for people from different origins to join together for shared celebrations, cultural exchanges,

Marlene Helmbrecht

and love. While dating her boyfriend Sumit, Marlene Helmbrecht, a sustainability manager from Germany, found her existing strong connection with India deepening as she became more immersed in the culture. She said, “During my relationship with Sumit, we celebrated Diwali both in Germany and Moscow, where I lived for three years. Over the past two years, our Diwali celebrations have included savouring our favourite Indian dishes, sharing a heartfelt call 16

with Sumit's parents, watching a Bollywood movie, and filling our apartment with the warm glow of numerous candles.” “This year, we’re planning to join the Indian community in Berlin to partake in the festivities and embrace some traditional rituals. I’m genuinely excited about this upcoming experience,” she added. Surbhi and Dario document their life as an inter racial couple on Instagram as Paneer & Parmigiano, Surbhi said, “Every year, I gather our friends for a grand Indian-style dinner. It’s always nice to have your friends around to celebrate these festive days. Dario is consistently impressed by the dedication that goes into preparing Indian dishes, and he's become my trusted sous chef. We may not whip up lavish meals often, but when we do, it's a great team effort!. Sometimes, we indulge in making Indian sweets, especially because Dario has quite the sweet tooth.” “Diwali is also that one special day where I can't resist dressing up in traditional Indian attire. We also get creative with henna designs and have UNO showdowns with our friends, and, of course, groove to the lively beats of Bollywood to set the mood,” she added. Beata Szczypek, a graphic designer and tattoo artist, currently resides in India following her marriage to her husband Vijay said, “Coming from Poland, celebrating Diwali was an entirely new experience for me, as we don't have any similar festivals in my Christian country. It's a Hindu holiday, which is why it wasn't part of my upbringing. All the rituals and practices come from

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Surbhi and Dario

my husband's South Indian family. To my eyes, it's a beautiful tradition involving decorating the home temple, heartfelt prayers, preparing delicious meals, and adorning the house with countless charming lamps." “During Diwali, my husband's family prepares a delightful array of South Indian dishes, including idli, masala dosa, wada, and sambar. What strikes me the most about this celebration is the strong sense of tradition that the women in the family bring. They oversee everything, arrange the flowers, prepare the food, and lead the prayers,” she added.

Beata Szczypek

Exploring Raja Ravi Varma's artistic heritage

Raja Ravi Varma was a renowned Indian painter and artist celebrated for his exceptional fusion of European academic art with a distinctly Indian sensibility and iconography. His notable contribution lay in making affordable lithographs of his paintings accessible to the public, significantly broadening his influence and reach as both a painter and a public figure. Through these lithographs, he significantly increased the public's engagement with fine arts and also played a pivotal role in shaping the artistic preferences of the common people. Notably, his depictions of Hindu deities and illustrations from Indian epic poetry and Puranas garnered widespread acclaim for their religious and cultural significance. He was a member of the royal family of the former Parappanad in the Malappuram district. Sachin Kaluskar, a resident of Baroda, is the owner of one of the largest collections of Raja Ravi Varma’s work, in the country. A friend’s gift of Saraswati painting from the “Ravi Varma Press” helped him delve into the significance of the piece, indicating its connection to the famous artist


Raja Ravi Varma. This incident prompted him to delve deeper into the artist’s life and art. Here, he discusses some of Raja Ravi Varma’s work and the thought process behind them. Shakuntala Patralekhan: The tale of Shakuntala, daughter of Vishwamitra and Meneka, marks the genesis of Bharat. Growing up at Rishi Kanva's ashram, Shakuntala fell in love with King Dushyanta and their union was marked by a ring and a promise. However, a visit from Sage Durvasa, while she was lost in thought, led to a crucial misunderstanding. The sage, in a fit of anger, cursed Shakuntala, decreeing that anyone she thought about would forget her. Distressed, she pleaded with him, explaining that Dushyanta, her husband, would return for her.

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Raja Ravi Varma

Vyasa suggested that Dushyanta would remember her if he saw a particular token. As Shakuntala wrote letters to Dushyanta, speaking about their relationship, her friends supported her efforts to reunite with her husband. This lithograph depicts Shakuntala and her friends writing to Dushyanta. But Dushyanta forgot her, and she gave birth to a son, Bharat. Years later, when Bharat displayed exceptional strength and met Dushyanta, showing the ring, Dushyanta regained his memory, reuniting them. Radha Vilas: In this art piece featuring Radha and Krishna, the scene depicts Krishna approaching

Radha from behind in an evening setting. Krishna, depicted as a teenage boy, surprises Radha, who appears slightly older. Radha is seen eagerly anticipating Krishna's arrival, symbolised by her delicate and intricate facial expressions. Her dupatta accidentally falls on her lap as she feels a sense of security and belongingness, expressing a moment of intimate connection and emotional security.The painting captures a serene and romantic moment between the divine lovers, symbolising the deep and spiritual relationship between Radha and Krishna in Hindu mythology.The original painting can be found in the Maharaja Fatehsingh Museum. Hansa Damayanti Samvad: The narrative of Nala and Damayanti is an intriguing love story. It began with Damayanti hearing of Nala's valour and

character and falling in love with him, despite not having seen each other. Their communication relied on a swan who could understand human language. After a meeting between the swan and Nala, Damayanti eagerly awaited news, and they ultimately got married. However, the story takes a tragic turn as Nala loses his kingdom in a game of dice and is exiled to the jungle. Feeling responsible for her suffering, Nala abandons Damayanti, 22

thinking she'd return home, but she stays, prompting Nala's realisation of his

mistake. The eventual reunion leads to Nala regaining his kingdom. Here, the depiction of Damayanti in a red, nauvari saree symbolises the rich cultural backdrop of Maharashtra, showcasing profound semiotics and reflecting the influence of Marathi tradition on the portrayal of women in Ravi Varma’s art. Sunlight soap: The advertisement with sunlight soap was centred on portraying Gods as the main celebrities, drawing brands to endorse products in the name of divinity. The impact of such endorsements in an illiterate society is magnanimous. For instance, seeing gods in advertisements, like Mata Parvati sitting with an authoritative tone, or Ganesh Ji featured in the advertisement, communicated the essence of these ideas, solidif the brand in the minds of people.

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

The Sunlight brand was associated with Hindustan Unilever, constituting the world's first branded soap. They capitalised and built a commercial empire centred around these divine figures, including Lakshmi, Vishnu, and more. These advertisements, in the form of calendars and posters, were freely distributed among people, creating an impression of divinity and trust. Dongre’s Balamrut: This brand is from a time when there were limited options for children's food. It was a brand mothers trusted and often provided to their children,and was a popular choice when other options for kids' food were scarce. Its significance lies in its association with Yashoda-Krishna, symbolising a certain cultural and mythological relevance. Additionally, the representation

within the brand showcases a woman, possibly from a more affluent background, as evident from her European-like features and the way she presents herself. The brand's target audience appears to have been wealthier individuals, signified by the portrayal of a happy and robust child. They were conscious of their audience and crafted their product to cater to such a demographic. This deliberate focus is why the brand holds Chitrashala at the Kilimanoor Palace a universal appeal.

wishes you a

Very Happy Diwali Lighting up lives since 1985



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The art of visual communication the most powerful tool for visual communication. According to him, “It's crucial that whatever we create should effectively communicate. When observing a single artwork, interpretations may differ. What you comprehend and what I perceive may diverge due to our individual thought processes. However, both perspectives hold validity in their Sachin Kaluskar own right.” Currently, his team is engaged in Sachin Kaluskar is an art creating a wall mural at Ayodhya ntrepreneur and a partner at Infine Airport. This large-scale mural will Art Ventures LLP, a distinguished depict the life story of Lord Rama. art start-up. One of Mr Kaluskar's most cherished Mr Kaluskar operates on a achievements is the "Ohm" steadfast belief that art stands as sculpture at Kedarnath. This intricate sculpture, made of 17 parts, presented a significant challenge. His team's creation at Dehradun airport, India’s largest wall mural, garnered praise from Minister India’s largest wall mural at Dehradun Airport

The Worshipful, The Mayor of Harrow Cllr Ramji Chauhan Wishing everybody a


and a prosperous New Year 24

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

“Ohm” installation at Kedarnath

Jyotiraditya Scindia. In Congo, Mr. Kaluskar fashioned the world's tallest Mother Mary statue, now pending certification by the World Book of Records, London. These achievements earned him an invitation and honour at the House of Commons in London last September.

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Garba at Navratri, jalebi and gathiya for breakfast, Indian origin diplomat talks about his heritage A

meer Kotecha is the HM Consul General at Ekaterinburg. His grandparents and ancestry are from Gujarat. Kotecha’s father was born in Kenya and grew up in Uganda and his mother in Malawi.

the Embassy or High Commission, usually located in another major city. I have responsibility for representing the UK Government and its interests in the Urals and Siberia, across an area 11 times the size of the UK.

They moved to the UK and he was born here in north-west London. “I won a scholarship to Merchant Taylors’ School in Northwood and then read Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) at Oxford University. I did lots of internships and work experience while at school and university to work out what I wanted to do. I ended up starting my career in the city at an African investment fund before applying for a job in the UK’s Diplomatic Service. I joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 2015 and have worked there as a diplomat ever since. I have done roles in London and abroad, including in Hong Kong and New York, and I am now serving in Russia,” Ameer Kotecha told the publication. In an exclusive interview, he talks about his current role, Indian heritage and more.

2. What parts of your Indian heritage do you value and embrace?

1. Briefly tell us about your current role. In June, I was privileged to be appointed His Majesty’s Consul General in Ekaterinburg, heading up one of the UK’s two diplomatic missions in Russia. A Consul General is a senior diplomat who is head of a Consulate-General, which is a subordinate office to 28

My Indian heritage is important to me in cultural terms. Garba during Navratri, jalebi and gathiya for breakfast on Diwali morning, Indian weddings, big family gatherings, and of course Bollywood films (you can’t beat the 1990s classics) and Indian music (A.R. Rahman of course). 3. Do you think diplomats benefit from having an understanding of Indian culture and language? There is no doubt that knowledge of Indian culture and language is a growing asset today, including for diplomats. That is reflected in the UK’s approach: the Foreign Office has a language school which trains people not only in Hindi but in regional languages like Gujarati, Tamil, Bengali and more. And there is a lively appreciation of Indian politics, history and culture in the Foreign Office, from lunchtime lectures to Diwali events hosted each year in our grand headquarters building in Westminster. I am still waiting, and hoping, for the office to host a screening of K3G though!

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Ameer Kotecha 4. What do you think is one significant contribution British Indians and their heritage have made to life in the UK? The food! I have a great interest in cooking and food, and there is no doubt that the Indian restaurants up and down the country have added hugely to the rich culinary landscape of Britain. In fact, this is something I write about in my book – the official Platinum Jubilee Cookbook, which was published last year. One of the recipes in the book is from the British High Commission in Delhi and the current British High Commissioner, Alex Ellis, explains that India’s cuisine has filtered into the British diet through both the many Brits who have lived in India and the almost 2 million people of Indian heritage in the UK. That culinary union continues to evolve and take new forms, including by taking much-loved classic British ingredients and giving them an Indian twist. I know I’m not the only one who loves masala beans on toast using Heinz baked beans. Food is certainly something that unites the UK and India!

SP JAIN LONDON CAMPUS: FIRST INDIAN-ORIGIN B-SCHOOL THAT CAN AWARD DEGREES IN THE UK SP Jain London School of Management is the first Indian-origin B-school to be given the right to award UK degrees. The newly launched London campus follows SP Jain School of Global Management's existing campuses in Mumbai, Dubai, Sydney and Singapore. The London campus in the business district Canary Wharf will offer undergraduate and masters programmes. In this interview, Nitish Jain, Founder & President of the S P Jain Group, explains why London is a great destination for a B-school to be in and what will attract students to the school. hat is the USP of the SP Jain London campus? SP Jain is known for the quality of education it provides and the strong career prospects that follow upon graduation. It is a trusted educational brand that provides a top-notch education at a reasonable cost. There will be an extra benefit of our global network, with campuses in Dubai, Singapore, Sydney and Mumbai. It will offer students a wide range of options to customise their education according to their needs and preferences. Students can commence their studies in London and then travel to the Singapore, Dubai, and Sydney campuses of our sister school for a term or a year before returning to London to complete their programme. At each of these locations, students have the invaluable opportunity to immerse themselves in diverse cultures, business environments, and decision-making contexts. This global exposure equips them with a competitive edge, as employers increasingly value candidates with international experiences and the ability to navigate global challenges. hat kind of students are you aiming for? We hope to attract students from the UK, Europe and all over the world. Through SPJ London, we also hope to cater to the educational aspirations of Indian students and parents who seek a trusted brand in the UK education landscape. We aim to create a vibrant, inclusive community where students from various countries and cultural backgrounds can come together to learn, grow,




launched a BSc Management and Technology programme and plan to launch of Master of Financial Technology programme which will be taught by leading experts and industry professionals. and thrive. hat are the courses that SP Jain will offer on its London campus? At the undergraduate level, we offer a Bachelor of Business Administration programme. This four-year programme provides students with opportunities to gain hands-on experience through internships with leading companies in London and around the world.


Nitish Jain, Founder & President, S P Jain Group


British students from SPJ London

At the postgraduate level, we are currently accepting applications for three distinct programmes: MSc Global Business, designed for recent graduates and young professionals aiming to kickstart their global business careers; a Global MBA, tailored for professionals with prior work experience; and a part-time Executive MBA, intended for experienced professionals aspiring to leadership roles. What truly sets SPJ London apart is our global campus network. While all our programmes are based in London, students have the unique advantage of completing terms at the Dubai, Singapore, and Sydney campuses of our sister school, SP Jain Global. This unique opportunity provides students with a truly global perspective, invaluable cross-cultural experiences, and a network that spans continents. We have also recently launched a Bachelor of Data Science programme. This programme has achieved remarkable success in Australia, with SP Jain graduates securing salaries in the range of AUD 78,000 - AUD 120,000. We have also

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

ow will the London campus be a game changer for students? Our students have the privilege of studying in a city renowned for hosting some of the world’s top financial institutions and corporations. This proximity provides our students with direct access to internships, networking events, and job opportunities at the heart of all the action. It’s an invaluable advantage for those pursuing careers in finance, business, entrepreneurship, and related fields. ow expensive will this course be for Indian students? The one-year Global MBA programme is priced at £13,000 per term for Indian students. hat about placements for your graduates? We have a dedicated Career Services Office in London that will play a crucial role in assisting our students in securing internships and full-time roles in the UK. Additionally, we will leverage our extensive alumni network and corporate partnerships in the UK to ensure that our students have access to a wide range of career and networking opportunities. Our strong Industry Advisory Board, whose members have deep connections to the business community, has also pledged their support.




Let the festival of light illuminate the importance of sevā By Dr Nik Kotecha OBE, Founder of the Randal ŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞ &ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶ Ɛ ƚŚĞ ŝůůƵŵŝŶĂƟŶŐ ůŝŐŚƚƐ ŽĨ ŝǁĂůŝ ĞŶƌŝĐŚ ƚŚĞ ůŝǀĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ /ŶĚŝĂŶ ĚŝĂƐƉŽƌĂ ǁŽƌůĚǁŝĚĞ͕ ǁĞ ŵƵƐƚ ĂůƐŽ ĞŵďƌĂĐĞ ƚŚĞ &ĞƐƟǀĂů ŽĨ >ŝŐŚƚ͛Ɛ ƐLJŵďŽůŝĐ ǀŝĐƚŽƌLJ ŽĨ ůŝŐŚƚ ŽǀĞƌ ĚĂƌŬŶĞƐƐ͕ ŐŽŽĚ ŽǀĞƌ Ğǀŝů ĂŶĚ ŬŶŽǁůĞĚŐĞ ŽǀĞƌ ŝŐŶŽƌĂŶĐĞ͘ ŝǁĂůŝ͛Ɛ ƌŽŽƚƐ ƐƚĞŵ ďĂĐŬ ƚŽ ,ŝŶĚƵ ŵLJƚŚŽůŽŐLJ ĂŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŝĚĞĂ ŽĨ ĚŝƐƉĞůůŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ĚĂƌŬŶĞƐƐ ŽĨ ƉŽǀĞƌƚLJ͕ ŝŶĞƋƵĂůŝƚLJ͕ ĂŶĚ ƐƵīĞƌŝŶŐ ĨƌŽŵ ƐŽĐŝĞƚLJ ʹ Ă ƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶ ƚŚĂƚ ĞŵƉŽǁĞƌƐ Ă ƐƉŝƌŝƚ ŽĨ ͚ƐĞǀĈ͛ ;ƐĞƌǀŝĐĞͿ ĂŶĚ ƐƉƌĞĂĚŝŶŐ ůŝŐŚƚ͕ ůŽǀĞ͕ ĂŶĚ ŚŽƉĞ ƚŽ ƚŚŽƐĞ ǁŚŽ ŶĞĞĚ ŝƚ ŵŽƐƚ͘ ĞLJŽŶĚ ƚŚĞ ŐůŝƩĞƌŝŶŐ ĮƌĞǁŽƌŬƐ͕ ĐŽůŽƵƌĨƵů ƌĂŶŐŽůŝƐ ĂŶĚ ǁŽŶĚĞƌĨƵů ĨŽŽĚ͖ ǁĞ ĂƌĞ ƌĞŵŝŶĚĞĚ ŽĨ ŽƵƌ ƌĞƐƉŽŶƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ ƚŽ ƐŚĂƌĞ ŽƵƌ ďůĞƐƐŝŶŐƐ ǁŝƚŚ ŽƚŚĞƌƐ͕ ǁŚĞƚŚĞƌ ƚŚŝƐ ŝƐ ĮŶĂŶĐŝĂů͕ ǀŽůƵŶƚĞĞƌŝŶŐ ŽƵƌ ƟŵĞ͕ Žƌ ƐƵƉƉŽƌƟŶŐ ŽƵƌ ĨĂŵŝůŝĞƐ ĂŶĚ ĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƟĞƐ͘ dŚƌŽƵŐŚ ŵLJ ĨĂŵŝůLJ͛Ɛ ĨŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶ ʹ ƚŚĞ ZĂŶĚĂů ŚĂƌŝƚĂďůĞ &ŽƵŶĚĂƟŽŶ ʹ ĞƐƚĂďůŝƐŚĞĚ ďLJ ŵLJ ǁŝĨĞ DŽŶŝ ĂŶĚ / ŝŶ ϮϬϭϳ͕ / ŚĂǀĞ ƐĞĞŶ ĮƌƐƚͲŚĂŶĚ ŚŽǁ ŝǁĂůŝ ŚĂƐ ďĞĐŽŵĞ Ă ĐĞůĞďƌĂƟŽŶ ŽĨ ƉŽƐŝƟǀĞ ƐŽĐŝĂů ĐŚĂŶŐĞ ĨŽƌ ƚŽĚĂLJ͛Ɛ ŵŽĚĞƌŶ ƐŽĐŝĞƚLJ͘




“Our unwavering vision is to directly save lives and significantly improve the quality of life for those in need in the UK and around the world.”

Happy Diwali from the Randal Charitable Foundation ...wishing you a happy, healthy, peaceful and prosperous Diwali and New Year!

Aylesbury veteran talks about Diwali light festival and fusion heritage Poonam Gupta opened a shop in Aylesbury town, selling ethically sourced home furniture and gifts from India. She saw many events being organised by the local authority which made her wonder if something could also be done for the Diwali – festival of lights. The town centre manager encouraged her to come up with a proposal for a themed market. Unbeknown to her, Poonam’s dream was for something like a mela, So she reached out to friends on Facebook and before she knew it the were pooling ideas together for a Diwali Mela where the entire town was invited. Asian Voice spoke to Poonam about her passion of organising Diwali lights every year in Aylesbury. 34


hat does it take to put together this event every year?

Three months of my life every year - which includes my very supportive family! If I had any idea of the amount of work involved, I sometimes wonder whether or not I would have embarked on this journey. Ignorance can sometimes be a wonderful thing as when hard work is rewarded with support from the wider community, seeing the joy on the visitors' faces, the curiosity and interest from the wider community through showcasing our artistic, culture in an entertaining while educating all about my heritage through celebration. For me, it’s a service to the community, and a desire to continuously improve year on year keeps the passion alive.


hat do you think is the impact of Indian festivals on the British social fabric?

British social fabric is a mixture of a great variety of cultures all of which

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

have a lot to offer. Indian and indeed any festival help to build bridges not only between wider communities but also within communities and across generations. A big part of Indian festivals is the culinary delights, combined with music, dance and storytelling built around sharing food in an environment around recognising values of family, friendship and support in the community. Indian festivals such as these provide a safe space to understand our similarities and embrace our differences.


ow difficult is it to preserve Indian heritage in the UK?

We can see a dilution in the Indian heritage in UK, and this will continue for the second, third and fourth generations living in UK. The preservation process is a job in itself and can be overlooked if funding is not so readily available. We appreciate that people's

Happ py y Diw D wali! ali! May the festival al off lights li h fill your life with joy and prosperitty y.

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viewpoints and thinking will change, its important to keep the rich history, traditions, and way of life alive at the same time recognising that they will continue to evolve. Future generations' heritage will also include fusion heritage and that could look very different.


hat aspect of Indian heritage excites you the most and how do you want future generations in the diaspora to nurture?

An understanding of Sanathan Dharma is something that really resonates with me and is something I have become more familiar with through organising the festival I have been made aware of the many references and quotes from the Vedas that are being translated in many forums. These ancient texts that touch on humanitarianism is what I would love to see future generations appreciate and embrace. There is a big shift in telling untold historical stories, access to a plethora of information on the internet and advances in telecommunications have brought the world closer together. The future generations will be so much more connected which really excites me.


lease share any interesting anecdotes from previous Diwali events.

In 2020 during the pandemic, we delivered a virtual festival, for a bit of extra cheer where one viewer would win a holiday. Our compere who was introducing the acts shared at the beginning of the program that to win all the viewers had to do was to look out for and count how many times they spotted an animated Diya appear across the screen and submit their answers at the end of the virtual program. Whilst most watching knew what a Diya is those who are not familiar with the word Diya were looking for a Deer and could not participate in the competition. We can sometimes take for granted that if we say something, that others will understand. 36

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Ancient Diwali legends of light and victory


he significance of any entity, be it materialistic, emotional or occasional, increases with knowledge. When we understand the impact, stories and legends behind the festivals we celebrate, they become much more important. With over 2,500 years of heritage, Diwali is enshrined in an array of legends and stories. This festival, celebrated as the grandest in India, extends its influence worldwide through the Indian diaspora.The festival's historical roots are intricate and challenging to trace, yet the diverse narratives from the profound mythologies of the Indian subcontinent help unveil its multifaceted nature. We have put together some legends behind the revered celebration, spanning Ramayana to Mahabharata and spread across Jainism and Sikhism.

The victory of good over evil The significant legend of Diwali follows Rama's return to Ayodhya, a tale rooted in the Ramayana. The epic narrates the tale of Lord Rama, who, according to Hindu mythology, was the seventh incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Rama's triumphant return to Ayodhya after a 14-year exile stands at the heart of Diwali celebrations. Rama, along with Lakshman and Sita, endured a 14-year exile from their kingdom, Ayodhya. While living harmoniously in the forest, Sita was abducted by the demon king Ravana. Determined to rescue her, Rama triumphantly defeated Ravana and brought Sita back. Following this victory of good over evil, Rama, Lakshman, and Sita returned to Ayodhya. Their joyous return marked the essence of Diwali, the lighting of lamps and the jubilant festivities symbolising the spiritual victory of good over 40

evil, fostering hope, joy, and the everlasting spirit of positivity. Inviting prosperity with the rebirth of Lakshmi

commenced the task of churning the milky ocean, a process that endured for 1,000 years. Their dedication was rewarded when

According to ancient Hindu mythology, Lakshmi was once residing in the divine realms. Due to a display of arrogance by Indra, the king of gods, Lakshmi was angered and chose to leave the heavenly abode, entering the milky ocean. With the departure of Lakshmi, the world was

Lakshmi re-emerged from the depths, seated gracefully atop a beautiful lotus. Her return brought back her divine blessings of prosperity, fortune, and well-being to the world. During the auspicious celebration of Diwali, people honour and invite Lakshmi into their homes and seek her divine blessings for wealth, happiness, and prosperity in the coming year.

The triumph of Lord Krishna

deprived of her blessings, and the divine beings realised the essentiality of bringing her back. The gods joined forces and

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The legend of Lord Krishna's triumph over the demon king Narakasura holds great significance. According to Hindu mythology, Narakasura was bestowed by Lord Bramha, with a boon of invincibility from everyone except his mother. Believing that his mother would never harm him made him extremely formidable. In a twist of fate, Narakasura's mother reborn as Satyabhama, Krishna's wife, unknowingly fulfilled the prophecy by fatally striking and vanquishing him when he grievously injured Krishna. As he neared death, Narakasura wished for celebratory joy rather than mourning. Diwali hence symbolises the victory of

light over darkness, embracing vibrant celebrations, colours, and illuminations as a tribute to righteousness and triumph.

The righteous King Bali visits his subjects The Diwali celebration's fourth day, Balipratipada, commemorates the return of King Bali, a central figure in the festival's narrative. The legend of King Bali speaks of his generous reign that spanned across realms - the netherworld, earth, and celestial abodes. However, the gods grew concerned about his authority. To subdue him, Lord Vishnu assumed the form of a dwarf named Vamana and approached Bali, asking for three steps of land. Bali, known for his kindness, granted the dwarf's request without realising his true identity. Vamana's small form expanded to cover the entire earth and heavens with two steps. In a show of great devotion, Bali offered his head for the third step, keeping his promise. Vishnu, moved by his dedication, granted Bali the chance to visit the earth once a year to meet his people. Balipratipada serves as a reminder of Bali's humility, illustrating righteousness, devotion, and the significance of honouring one's commitments.

The long exile and return of Pandavas In the ancient Indian epic, Mahabharata, Diwali holds an association with the return of the Pandavas after their period of exile. The narrative tells the story of the Pandavas, five brothers who faced a series of challenges, including being exiled from their kingdom by losing a game of dice. This forced exile lasted twelve years. Upon the completion of their exile period, the Pandavas returned home to their kingdom, Hastinapur. To celebrate their return and acknowledge their victory over adversity, people lit rows of lamps, illuminating the kingdom to signify the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival was a jubilant occasion, marked by the joyous lighting of lamps throughout the city streets to welcome the Pandavas back to their rightful place. 42

A ferocious Kali rid the world of demons The Diwali legend of Kali is a significant narrative in Hindu mythology, particularly in West Bengal and Assam.Legend has it that as the demons' oppression grew intolerable, Kali stepped in to annihilate these malevolent entities and free the earth from their cruel dominion. With her indomitable

strength and fearsome powers, she ferociously vanquished the demons and ushered in an era of tranquillity. However, once she embarked on her divine mission, Kali became uncontrollable in her rage, continuing her destructive rampage even after the demons were obliterated. Witnessing the imminent devastation, Lord Shiva, her consort, intervened to halt her wrath and end the cycle of destruction. As a day of repentance and redemption, Diwali in West Bengal venerates Kali, acknowledging her awe-inspiring might, courage, and role as the harbinger of the ultimate triumph of good over evil. The celebration stands as a tribute to the unyielding power of Kali and the significance of her unwavering fight for righteousness. The ultimate enlightenment attained by Lord Mahavira Diwali holds a special significance for Jains due to its association with Lord Mahavira. The legend narrates the remarkable attainment of enlightenment by Lord Mahavira on the day of Diwali around the 6th century BCE. Mahavira renounced the world at an early age to seek spiritual truth

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

and propagated non-violence, truth, and self-discipline throughout his life. It was on this auspicious day of Diwali that he achieved ultimate enlightenment, breaking free from the cycle of rebirth and achieving Nirvana. Jains celebrate Diwali in honour of Lord Mahavira's profound spiritual attainment, dedicating the festival to prayer, reflection, and the

pursuit of inner peace.

Guru Hargobind's condition for freedom Bandi Chhor Divas commemorates the release of the sixth Sikh Guru, Guru Hargobind Ji, from the Gwalior Fort prison in 1619. Emperor Jahangir imprisoned Guru Hargobind Ji, along with 52 Hindu kings, on false charges due to his growing influence and support among people. The Emperor was influenced by his wise courtier and requested Guru Hargobind Ji's release. Guru Ji agreed to leave the fort on the condition that the other unjustly imprisoned kings would also be set free. Jahangir accepted the deal and freed the kings who held onto Guru Ji's cloak's tails. The Guru managed to secure the release of 52 captive kings, and this event is celebrated as a symbol of freedom, justice, and the victory of truth over injustice. The occasion is observed by Sikhs by lighting up their homes and Gurdwaras (Sikh temples) with Diyas (lamps), offering prayers, singing hymns, and engaging in spiritual gatherings to celebrate the significance of Guru Hargobind Ji's release and to honour his role as a beacon of truth and righteousness.

The enduring impact of Shri Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya


ounded by the Royal family of Gaekwads in the Baroda state, Shri Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya stands as one of the earliest self-governing women’s charitable organisations in the country. Committed to nurturing women in need, the institution provides job skills, vocational courses, scholarships, domestic counselling, and work opportunities, in line with its foundational principles of female empowerment through education and employment.


estled alongside the Sur Sagar, the Udyogalaya stands as a pivotal hub for art and empowerment. Encompassing its surroundings are The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda’s Faculty of Performing Arts, Padmavati Chaugaan, a residence for working women, and the Maharani Girls Schools on three of its sides. Chimnabai: The visionary who set it all in motion Established in 1914, Shri Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya was envisioned and spearheaded by Maharani Chimnabai II as a prestigious women’s institution aimed at fostering enterprise among the women of the Baroda state. The queen's vision was to provide a platform for women to explore their creativity, acquire vocational skills, and earn a livelihood. When her vision initially faced resistance from her own community and family members, Maharaja


Sayajirao III offered personal financial support only if the Maharani could succeed in her venture. Undeterred, Maharani Chimnabai took the initiative by organising an extraordinary bazaar at the Central Hall of Nyaya Mandir. This endeavour proved to be a runaway success, generating a profit of a significant sum of Rs. 3,500/- and eventually receiving a generous donation of Rs. 10,000/from the Maharaja himself. Initially, the traditional roles for women were limited to stitching and cooking and Maharani Chimnabai aimed to empower women by offering vocational training, encouraging them to turn their hobbies into livelihood skills. The organisation has facilitated women in establishing successful enterprises in various fields such as food preparation, computer education, book-binding, block printing, beauty parlours, complex embroidery, and tailoring. The educational programs also include basic mathematical and business education, allowing women to grasp the financial and business aspects of their practice. Tailoring and parlour training remained the primary focus of Udyogalaya for many years, marking a significant contribution to women's skill development and empowerment. Today, the

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Maharani Chimnabai II

establishment offers courses in Kathak and music as well. Empowering artisans and the LGBTQ+ community Guided by the leadership of Maharani Radhika Raje Gaekwad, the Udyogalaya has broadened its horizons, aiming to champion inclusivity and provide support for artisans. This pivotal endeavour aims to empower women and the LGBTQ+ community, aligning with a larger vision of nurturing diversity and empowerment. The Gaekwad family has a longstanding tradition of endorsing the arts and aiding artisans. Maharani Radhika Raje, recognising the challenges faced by artisans during the difficult period of India's Covid-19 lockdown, intensified Udyogalaya's support for these

figures, generating increased visibility and support for the featured artisans. The impact of Urja has substantially grown, attracting artisans not only from the local area but also from cities like Kolkata, Meerut, Delhi, and various other regions, seeking a platform to exhibit their crafts and widen their market reach. Additionally, Radhikaraje has taken charge of the "Gazra" project aimed at supporting and uplifting the LGBTQ+ community. Her Royal Highnesses Rajmata Shubhangini Raje Notably, Chimnabai was affectionately referred to Gaekwad and Maharani Radhikaraje Gaekwad as Gazra by Maharaja craftsmen. Sayajirao III. During this time, she initiated Regarding the LGBTQ+ "Urja," an annual exhibition focused community, although transgender on uplifting artisans, providing them individuals often hold the spotlight, a platform to display and sell their there exist numerous facets of the creations. The annual event community that remain overlooked. garners attention from prominent Radhikaraje aims to shine a light on

these often disregarded aspects. The Gazra Project seeks to provide support for the community's physical and mental well-being, introducing inclusive initiatives such as the Gazra Café to bolster their livelihoods and sustainability.

Spearheading representation: Gazra Café As part of the initiative to support and empower the LGBTQ+ community, 'Gajra Cafe' has been established within the premises of Shree Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya, in Vadodara. Where the Gazra Café stands today, was once a hostel for the women who received vocational training at the Udyogalaya. This groundbreaking venture, operated by members of the LGBTQ+ community, receives backing from the royal Gaekwads and stands as the first café of its kind in the state of Gujarat. It was during Urja 2022 that the café underwent a soft launch, a preliminary introduction to the public before officially opening earlier this year. Gajra Café prides itself on offering a fusion Thepla chips with tomato thecha of authentically traditional Marathi and Gujarati cuisine alongside Baroda's street food culture. Patrons can relish popular dishes such as Puneri Missal, Chapdi Undhiyu, Thapatte, Kolhapuri Ussad, and Vadapav. The café also caters to refreshing beverages, serving natural mogra and rose sharbats devoid of artificial flavours. For tea enthusiasts, the menu includes Irani bun muska and Irani tea. Additionally, their offerings feature Thepla chips accompanied by a thecha-like tomato salsa. The dessert options here are pure vegetarian and eggless including mava cake and caramel custard. The café is planning on introducing a The staff at Gazra Cafe full-fledged Maharashtrian thali very soon. 48

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A legacy of celebrating Indian heritage

or more than two centuries, the East India Company played a pivotal role in shaping the trade relations between Britain and Asia. Accumulating immense wealth and even maintaining its own naval force to combat piracy, this historical entity has left a profound legacy. The Traders Gallery at the National Maritime Museum highlights this history, delving into the range of commodities that the company dealt with. This includes the influential figures who steered its tumultuous journey, the various conflicts and uprisings that eventually led to its downfall, and the enduring global implications of its actions. The gallery discusses knowledge and people across oceans, including the Indian Ocean and highlights some of the South Asian collection at the Museum and explores connections between Britain and India. There is, for instance, a portrait of Jmsetjee Bomanjee Wadia, a great Parsi Indian shipbuilder whose work was greatly admired by the Royal Navy, among various other interesting artefacts. With the inauguration of this gallery over ten years ago, the Museum began the tradition of celebrating Diwali, inviting the South Asian communities and providing an opportunity for visitors to broaden their understanding of South Asian histories and cultures, to engage with other cultures and families and to come together as a community to celebrate. Celebrating Diwali as part of the regular programme allows the Museum to continue exploring the relationship between Britain and India and the sharing of cultures in the modern era. Katie Cassels, Families and Young People Manager at Royal Museums Greenwich details the celebrations over the years, saying- “We have held a public festival

Akademi- Folk dances from Rajasthan 50

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Future Drape

to celebrate Diwali for over 10 years, and this has often included dance performances, rangoli demonstrations, storytelling and a lantern parade to close the day. “For the past two years we have been working with CommonGround& to develop the Diwali programme. This year the theme is ‘Shine your Light’, inspired by self-expression and self-acceptance. In 2022, the theme was ‘Finding Diwali’, where we hoped to begin reconnecting communities and exploring cultural identity, after the challenges and isolation created by the pandemic.” Katie also reminisces back to a 2022 dance workshop. She recalls, “The Great Map was absolutely packed with families, young people and adults who wanted to have a go. This was the first time that it felt like every generation came together and had a truly joyful celebration. It taking place right in the centre of the museum made it even more special.” About the festival's collection related to the themes and cultural significance of Diwali, there are some artifacts that have a special connection to the festival. Dr Aaron Jaffer, the Museum’s Curator of World History and Cultures, will have an information stall at the ‘Shine Your Light’ event this year, at which he will present his research into collection objects relating to South Asian communities in South Asia and the UK, including some beautiful photographs. These include images of Hindu sailors, Hindu rulers and Hindu places of worship. Outside of Diwali, the Museum has a vast South Asian collection, a large portion of it can be found in the National Maritime Museum, and that which is not currently on display is housed in the Prince Philip Maritime Collections Centre.

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THE CHALLENGES OF PRESERVING INDIAN HERITAGE What is the global relevance of Indian heritage? India’s heritage comprises many different elements and is unique in the scope of its diversity. There is not only the tangible and intangible history of different regions of the country, from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, but there are its performative and indigenous arts, foods, costumes, crafts, lifestyles, written manuscripts and deep spiritual legacy. In each of these areas, it has been impacting the world. If people are chanting “Om” and doing yoga or eating “chicken tikka” or wearing “silk kurtas”, all of these are indicative of India’s global soft power. India’s heritage resides not just in its past which is very rich in art, architecture sculpture and dance but is also everevolving, with some contemporary icons like Mahatma Gandhi adding to its soft power lexicon through lived experiences like “Satyagraha”. Thus India’s cultural heritage is ever evolving and continues to remain relevant. As someone who has put together museums to help record the past, what are the discoveries you've made about India's heritage which you'd have not known otherwise? Putting together the two museums on the partition of India in Amritsar and Delhi has made me realise the importance of the preservation of Indian history and heritage which still requires a huge impetus. The present government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi is much more focussed on the preservation of history than governments prior to this and major steps are being taken in this direction. But for a small NGO like ours, which started eight years ago, it was a surprise to discover how little is known even about contemporary Indian history and culture. We literally had to hunt globally for information on the partition because so much of the material lay in libraries and archives abroad, and then we had to correlate it to the material




Lady Kishwar Desai exclsuively speaks to us about the global relevance of preserving Indian heritage, the newly opened Partition Museum in Delhi, and why Britons must visit it.

available in the country. I also realised the importance of oral histories while we were putting together the museum because so much of the knowledge of contemporary India lies in the collective memory of the people. But most importantly I understood that India’s history is multi-layered and complex. However, it is important that Indian historians and Indian people tell their own narrative because my most important discovery was that Western historians often tend to give a different narrative. For instance, in our curation of the Partition Museums, we discovered that the partition was not as inevitable as had been made out to be all these years: the indigenous view of history from the people who had lived through the experience had barely been touched in the presentation of history. So sometimes research and curation throw up surprises and we should not take past studies of Indian heritage for granted. Let us be clear that most of these studies were conducted were those who did have a colonial mindset. What aspect of India's heritage appeals to you the most? For me, the historical aspect of India’s heritage is the most interesting. Contemporary history, especially from the colonial period fascinates me, especially because it explains how the nation has been shaped today. How do you think Indian culture and its heritage have influenced Britain and shaped its social fabric? There is an enormous impact, even though much of it may not have been openly recognised due to the master-slave relationship. To begin with, even while they were exploiting India, the colonial regime and those running it, set up enormous residences in the country and were able to take much of the wealth and artefacts back to the UK with them. This by itself meant that many of those



DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Lady Kishwar Desai British who came with very little to India were able to return to Britain as wealthy “aristocrats”. Homes in Britain had an abundance of Indian sculpture and art, silks and shawls. Thus apart from the archives and libraries which were overflowing with material looted from the colonies, especially India, the British who had never travelled to India were already exposed to the rich Indian culture. The language itself in the UK began to change and words like “curry” began to enter the vocabulary. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, intellectuals and nascent statesmen such as Tagore and Gandhi visited and interacted with other like-minded people. Of course, much of the impact came when many more Indians were able to live in the UK. But I do think that racism, for a long time, clouded real appreciation of Indian culture and heritage. That aspect has only truly come into play in the last four decades and now finally there is recognition of equality and appreciation of how India has influenced the West. Why should British people visit the partition museum? They should visit because the story of the partition of India is part of the colonial narrative which has never been properly taught in British schools and colleges. In any case,


Photo Courtesy: TAACHT Archives

partition has been passed off as “inevitable”. Only when people visit the museum are they able to gauge the complexities of the issues at stake and how haphazardly Partition happened: within five weeks by Radcliffe, a lawyer who had never been to India before. Today even the division of spoils within families takes decades to resolve! The impact of the Partition on millions of people forced to leave their homes and migrate overnight needs to be understood. Ours is a “People’s Museum” and gives the story of how people lost their homes, and their loved ones and became refugees overnight in their own country. The two museums are dedicated to those who lost their cultural and physical identities and contain their oral histories and the objects they have donated to us. Please tell us more about the Delhi museum. The Partition Museum in Delhi is set up in a beautiful hybrid building which contains partly Mughal, partly Colonial and partly contemporary features. This is the Dara Shukoh Library in Old Delhi which our NGO began working with around three


The Dara Shukoh Library Building, served various purposes in the 20th century, including as a school, college, polytechnic and offices of the Delhi State Archaeology Department. However, it was abandoned for many years and had become a dumping ground for unused material. Now, with the adaptive reuse undertaken by The Arts And Cultural Heritage Trust, the building has regained much of its former glory.

years ago. It had been locked up for a long time and was in a dilapidated state when it was given to us for adaptive reuse and to set up the Partition Museum. It was handed over under the “Adopt A Heritage” scheme which means we are responsible for everything within the building from its maintenance and upkeep, to running the Museum. However, because this is a legacy project, we accepted the challenge: it was important to set up the Delhi Museum because Delhi had been devastated by the Partition in 1947. Most of the city had become one enormous refugee camp and we needed to document that. And to tell the story of those who migrated into the city and those who migrated out, which includes families which were divided. The Museum also has a lot of contemporary art from artists who had not experienced the Partition but are commenting on forced migration, loss of identity, homelessness and many issues. Of course, many of them come from families impacted by the Partition. The Museum is complete and open for visitors and we receive hunThe violence of 1947 and the announcement of Partition resulted in millions of people being displaced from their homes overnight. Most people left their homes with the bare minimum that they could easily carry and travel on any mode of transport available –in kafilas on bullock carts or by foot, by trains, aeroplanes, ships, boats, camels, horses and cars. Replica of train compartment used by refugees to flee, Gallery of Migration

Photo Courtesy: TAACHT Archives


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dreds every day especially school and college students who are curious about a history they have been barely taught so far, even in India. In the next phase, which will be ready by January, we are also creating, for the first time in the world, a gallery dedicated to the “Lost Homeland of Sindh”. As you may know, while Punjab and Bengal have been well documented the story of the Sindhis whose homeland was entirely left behind in West Pakistan had not been documented in the same fashion, and now it will be. We have also set up a Cultural Hub here so that the Museum also becomes a space for people to meet and mingle. The book club recently opened is functioning well It will soon have a cafeteria and library. I must add that the Partition Museum in Amritsar which we set up close to seven years ago is already a landmark and receives thousands of visitors daily. How difficult is it to sustain Indian heritage monetarily as someone who has opened museums? What can be done to help people like you and your teams? It is extremely difficult as I work pro bono and we have a small team that has to work very hard on not just research and curation but also fundraising and management. As the Chair of the Trust which runs it. I am constantly looking for support for the museums. So anyone who wants to support and donate towards the project is most welcome! Please remember we also employ young people in both museums to inculcate an appreciation for preserving India’s heritage and culture and also a spirit of philanthropy! But it all requires funding. So if anyone wants to support it in some way please do reach out to me at ladykishwardesai@gmail.com. Or you can go to the Partition Museum website.


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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


The power of her words: Women as portrayed by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni The portrayal of women in Indian mythologies are often categorised as either 'ideal' or 'negative,' and they invariably bear the consequences of the actions of the men around them. Elders argue that these epics unfolded as they did to teach valuable lessons to the many generations to come. However, why are women consistently cast as victims of someone else’s actions? And why are these victims perpetually held responsible for the fate they endure? These are the questions that have persistently weighed on my conscience, leading me to question the narratives passed down through generations. It was only after delving into Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's literary works, specifically "The Palace of Illusions" and "The Forest of Enchantments," that I finally had the opportunity to view characters like Draupadi and Sita in the strong and opinionated light. Chitra Divakaruni is a distinguished author, activist, professor, and speaker, renowned for her extensive body of work, which includes 21 books such as "Mistress of Spices," "Sister of My Heart," "Before We Visit the Goddess," "Palace of Illusions," "The Forest of Enchantments," and "The Last Queen." Marked by profound depth, sensitivity, and meticulous attention to detail, her thought process demonstrates a keen awareness of the intricacies of identity, cultural nuances, and the human experience. Here, she sheds light on the powerful voices of the women in mythology. She also discusses her career and writing style.

Which of your book have contributed to discussions about women's empowerment and identity?

Novels like Palace of Illusions (The Mahabharat in Draupadi's voice), The Forest of Enchantments (The Ramayana in Sita's voice), The Last Queen (the life of 56

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Maharani Jindan of Punjab in her own voice) and Independence (the lives of three ordinary young women who are transformed by India's freedom movement) have touched many lives and given courage to many women today to see their lives differently, weigh their choices, and speak up against injustice. I feel very grateful about that.

What are the qualities you admire in the women you write about?

I admire their courage and honesty. They do not pretend that they are not afraid—because the majority of us are afraid when facing difficulties and crises. But they don't give up.

What inspired you to make Draupadi and Sita the heroines of their stories?

I was inspired to write about Draupadi and Sita because they have both been so misunderstood down the ages. They have been misinterpreted so many times by the patriarchal gaze and either deemed to be a "bad woman" because they spoke up when they experienced injustice (Draupadi when she is disrobed in the Kaurava court) or a "good woman" when they were interpreted to be meek, mild and obedient (Sita following Ram to the forest— though it is in actuality her own courageous choice.) My enterprise is to have women, as well as men, look at how strong and brave they were and draw comfort and inspiration from that.

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Can you describe your research and storytelling process for mythologies?

To tell a story, I must be inspired by the character. I read about the character and her world as much as possible and understand the values by which both men and women operate in that setting. Then I have to rethink everything for myself, get inside the main character's head and feel her feelings, understand her values and goals before I start writing.

What challenges do you encounter when reimagining ancient myths for contemporary readers?

The challenge is to make the character relevant for contemporary readers and so I look at aspects of the heroine's life that they would relate to. For instance, Sita and Draupadi both fall in love, question certain aspects of the expectations society has about how they should behave. They both undergo trauma and violence, questioning things that society says women should not do. These are all things that a contemporary woman deals with and thinks about, and this makes the ancient stories something they can relate to.

How do you balance being culturally authentic while ensuring that your novels resonate with a global audience?

Indian epics have fascinating stories, and the worlds they portray are full of adventure, danger and magic. That naturally excites the readers, so I try to portray all this authentically and try to be true to the characters. Beyond that, I don't worry too much about a global audience. I trust that good stories will appeal to good readers, regardless of their culture or ethnicity. After all, I grew up reading and enjoying the Greek and Roman myths and epics.

How does your writing process change with different genres?

The research is very different when I create a contemporary novel. I have to look at the world around me with a critical eye. I have to find an issue that's relevant today, usually something 58

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dealing with significant challenges that women are facing. So, I read a lot of newspaper and magazine articles to find my subject matter. Then I need to make sure I am getting the little details right. After writing, I find a "subject expert" to read through my novel to make sure I have really understood the impact of the issue on women. When writing a poem or short story, things are much looser and I can go with my feelings and focus on creating strong images and descriptions.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers who are looking to find their unique voice?

First of all, read a lot, read carefully and observantly like a writer. Keep writing—carve out some time so you can give your book enough time. This might mean having to cut down on other activities. Believe in yourself and find a writer's group where you can share your work and get feedback. All these things really helped me when I was starting out.

What can readers look forward to in the future from Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni?

I'm very excited about a non-fiction project I'm working on, an inspirational biography about a power couple in India. I'd love for readers to guess who they might be!

There was an unexpected freedom in finding out that one wasn't as important as one had always assumed! Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Palace of Illusions

Reimagining history through sculptural narratives A

rt has been a steadfast guardian of our cultural heritage, a medium that not only preserves but vividly represents our past. From ancient cave paintings to contemporary masterpieces, art transcends time, conveying the essence of our heritage and connecting us to our cultural roots. Artists' works serve as vibrant and lasting repositories of our cultural legacy, breathing life into the stories, traditions, and values of our ancestors. We spoke to sculptor Sangam Vankhade, whose work highlights various aesthetic and cultural choices through monuments and their momentariness. His artistic practice generates spaces through which histories, stories, traces, memories, and motifs as symbolic values are incorporated to create different grounds of lived past and present. 1. Can you share any personal anecdotes or experiences from your life that have directly influenced your art?

Growing up in Champaner (Pavagadh), a city steeped in rich heritage, has had a profound influence on my artistry. The heritage nuances, including the city's history and its majestic monuments, have served as the primary wellspring of inspiration for my artistic creations. The architectural wonders of Champaner, some of which have regrettably succumbed to the ravages of time, are still vivid in my memories. These


DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

monuments, their historical significance, and the stories associated with them continue to be central to my artistic vision.

2.Can you describe a specific project or artwork where your Indian heritage and culture played a significant role in the concept and execution?

I have meticulously incorporated motifs known as "Wishing tree," using a combination of white and black hues. The story behind this creation is a fascinating exploration of the shared techniques and motifs found in both mosques and temples. In my artwork, I've replicated these motifs to illustrate the remarkable similarity in design principles between these two religious structures. With a black and white contrast scheme, the art serves as a visual narrative, showcasing the harmonious blending of cultural and religious elements within Champaner's heritage.

3.How do you navigate incorporating elements from various regions and cultures of India into your work?

Beyond my hometown, and I find myself drawn to Hampi and the exquisite Odisha Konark Temple. I envision expanding my artistic horizons to encompass these other remarkable elements of heritage. Each place carries its own unique cultural and artistic elements, and I am eager to explore and celebrate them through my art. To bring these gems of the past back to life, I often turn to sources like UNESCO and ASI data and images, meticulously crafting miniature versions of these magnificent structures through my art. Furthermore, my artwork extends beyond mere visual representation. They

encapsulate the rich historical narratives that are gradually fading from public memory. These


DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

stories, once passed down through generations, find a new lease on life in my creations, helping to rekindle an appreciation for our heritage. One particular aspect that captivates my interest is the "Yalli" elements, guardian creatures known for their protective role, both physically and spiritually. These mythical beings stand as sentinels outside temples. Just as language and traditions evolve with every kilometre of travel, the Yalli and temple forms exhibit a fascinating diversity that reflects the rich tapestry of our cultural heritage. Currently, I am in the process of creating a sculpture that showcases various forms of Yalli, celebrating the uniqueness and unity of these guardian creatures.

4.Can you share any memorable experiences or interactions with your audience where they recognised and appreciated the cultural aspects in your artwork?

In a recent exhibition centred around the theme of heritage, I was heartened to witness a powerful connection forming between the audience and my artwork. It became evident that my artistic expressions conveyed a clear message: the importance of preserving and protecting our precious monuments. Through my art, I strive to engage and communicate with the audience, serving as a bridge that links them to the stories and significance of these historical treasures. This way, people can be educated about these architectural gems even if they haven't had the opportunity to visit them in person.


ekesh Chauhan BEM is a British pianist and composer. Rekesh has performed at the Royal Albert Hall, been commended by the UK Prime Minister, is a TEDx speaker, iTunes World Charts Top 3 artist and an Ambassador of Future Talent. Rekesh was awarded a British Empire Medal in The King's 2023 Birthday Honours for services to music. He spoke to us about his Indian heritage and the work he has done to further nurture it. Elaborating his thoughts on his Indian Heritage, Chauhan said, "My Indian heritage is a huge part of my identity. It has given me values which I carry with me everywhere I go. I grew up in a British Indian household surrounded by delicious Indian food and enjoying cultural festivals. My father taught me Indian Classical music from a young age and I attended classes to learn my mother-tongue, Gujarati. I always look forward to a cup of good masala chai!" Talking about his Symphony Hall Album Rekesh said, "The album reflects my identity with embellishments of my Indian heritage portrayed on the piano. The nuances of the musical pieces focus on the ancient raga (melodic scale) system of northern India, dating back to the 9th Century. I chose to keep the track names according to the raga" Working with British Asian Trust In 2020 Rekesh released Neelam's Story, a visual arts production depicting a real-life case study of an individual who experienced mental heath issues, inspired by a British Asian Trust case study in support of their Covid-19 Emergency Appeal. The production had an estimated reach of over 1 million people to help reduce stigmas of mental health in South Asian communities. The Prime Minister of the UK supported and commended Rekesh on his efforts for the production. Speaking on Neelam's Story, Rekesh said, "During the Covid-19 pandemic, I teamed up with the British Asian Trust, to help reduce stigmas around mental health, especially in South Asian communities. Using music is a powerful way to communicate messages, it is a universal language."


DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Ambassador of future talent Rekesh added, “I am proud to be an Ambassador of Future Talent - a charity founded by HRH The Duchess of Kent and Nicholas Robinson. The charity creates opportunities and harnesses the power of music to transform the lives of young musicians across the UK. I recently attended the charity's gala concert at St. James's Palace and it was wonderful to see the tremendous impact of the charity and how it has created lifechanging opportunities for the young musicians it supports across the UK." Looking ahead, Global Indian Creatives, he said, "I am putting together a publication with Anila Dhami, journalist and presenter, that will memorialise the legacy of Global Indian Creatives - the first publication of its kind here in the UK. We are interviewing emerging and celebrated individuals who have contributed significantly to the creative sector and helped bridge the gap between the Indian and British cultures. The Global Indian Creatives initiative coincides with 75 years of UKIndia relations post-independence and next year marking 75 years of the Commonwealth."

Haji Kasam’s Vijli:

A shipwreck lost to time

The Titanic, a colossal passenger liner, is widely remembered for its tragic maiden voyage in April 1912, when it sank after colliding with an iceberg, resulting in one of history's most devastating maritime disasters claiming over 1,500 lives. Renowned for its opulence and immense size, the ship's demise became a poignant symbol of human arrogance, sparking countless tales, inquiries, and cinematic portrayals of the catastrophe.

India harbours a lesser-known yet similarly poignant story of when 'SS Vaitarna', a ship carrying over seven hundred passengers, vanished off the coast of Gujarat. Often referred to as 'Gujarat's Titanic', this disaster unfolded 24 years prior to the sinking of the Titanic. Similar to the Titanic, none of the 'SS Vaitarna's' passengers survived to recount their stories and neither of their remains were recovered or laid to rest. Just like Titanic, the maiden journey of 'SS Vaitarna tragically marked its final expedition. The vessel earned the moniker "Vijli" owing to its distinctive feature of being illuminated with electric bulbs, becoming widely known as "Haji Kasam’s Vijli." Haji Kasam, also recognised as Kasam Ibrahim, served as the ship's captain. He was an aristocrat from Kachchh, owning extensive land areas situated between Borivali and Dahisar in Bombay. The ship embarked from Mandvi port on November 8, 1888, a Thursday, destined for Dwarka with 520 passengers. Along the journey, it collected additional passengers, totalling 703, as it headed towards Porbandar. There's a tale suggesting that the port administrator in Porbandar cautioned the Captain against sailing due to inclement weather, although subsequent investigations failed to confirm this. The ship bypassed Porbandar and made its way directly to Bombay. Observers spotted it near Mangrol in the evening, and it met its fate later in the night. However, no bodies or remnants of the ship were ever recovered. It's widely believed that the 'SS Vaitarna' sank in a storm in the 66

Arabian Sea. While some narratives suggest a death toll of around 1300, official records account for 746 individuals (703 passengers and 43 crew) who went missing, leaving behind an unresolved and tragic maritime mystery. Following the disappearance of the SS Vaitarna, the Bombay

Presidency initiated an investigative body known as the Marine Court of Inquiry to probe the incident. Their findings revealed significant deficiencies aboard the ship, notably the lack of adequate safety equipment such as lifeboats and jackets, rendering the ship vulnerable to the severe storm conditions it encountered. Moreover, they discovered

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inaccuracies in the aneroids of other ships within the same line. Despite extensive efforts by the Bombay Presidency and various shipping entities, the wreckage of the SS Vaitarna remained elusive. The tragedy of the 'SS Vaitarna' may not be widely known, yet in Gujarati culture, folk songs, literature, and artistic expressions have diligently preserved the memory of this event. If one were to mention 'Haji Kasmani Vidrikti,' immediate recollection of the 'SS Vaitarna' would ensue. This tragic event spurred the creation of numerous stories, myths, and songs within the folklore of Gujarat. Renowned poets like Durlabhrai V. Shyamji Dhruv and Bhikharam Savji Joshi compiled song collections that immortalised the incident. Jhaverchand Meghani, the biggest name in Gujarati folklore, dubbed as “national poet” by Mahatma Gandhi, also included one of these poignant songs in his anthology "Radhiyali Raat." Additionally, author Gunvantrai Acharya penned a book titled "Haji Kasam Tari Vijli," drawing inspiration from the incident. Researcher Y. M. Chitalwala also documented the tragedy in "Vijli Haji Kasamni." The impact of the catastrophe extended to personal accounts, as noted by Saeed Ibrahim, who, in the preface of his book "Twin Tales from Kutcch," mentioned the loss of his grandparents in this very event.



Guruhari Sant Bhagwant Sahebji

The first purpose-built crematorium for Hindus, Sikhs & Jains in the UK

or over five decades Hindus in their various capacities have campaigned for a purpose-built crematorium that would meet its faith-based needs while safeguarding cultural and traditional practices. Indeed, the government itself recognised this need. In 2015, the government commissioned an inquiry into the provision of crematoria facilities that are sensitive to the needs of all faiths and users. The results of that consultation – overseen by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government were published in 2019 and concluded there was a lack of suitable amenities particularly in areas of high Hindu, Sikh and Jain populations. It was therefore felt that the planning application would be favourably received. The application was refused. An appeal was therefore lodged under Section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The Hearing was presided over by Inspector Katie McDonald. At the end of the first day, the Council accepted that the need for the crematorium was much greater than the perceived harm to the Green Belt. On 16 December 2021, Anoopam Mission UK received the monumental planning decision. It has been heralded as a landmark moment for the entire Hindu, Sikh and Jain community in the UK. The Planning Inspectorate acknowledged the very special circumstances which justify building on green belt land. In particular, the Planning Inspector noted that for faith and cultural reasons, the Hindu, Sikh and Jain community in North and West London, and the surrounding counties, are disadvantaged by being denied the opportunity to fully observe their cultural and religious beliefs and traditions for funerals and

cremations. Specifically, existing crematoria in the area do not adequately cater for all Hindu rites and rituals due to the inadequate size of facilities, lack of parking space, difficulty in providing a funeral when necessary and insufficient service times. The proposals were noted for offering a quality, auspicious and fitting funeral experience for the Hindu, Sikh and Jain Community that is currently not provided for in this country. The planning decision means that a state-of-theart crematorium that caters to Hindu needs, and open to those of all faiths and none, can now be built on the grounds of Anoopam Mission, adjacent to its existing Hindu Temple and Community Centre, in Denham, Buckinghamshire. The new crematorium will be designed around the sacred funeral rites or antyeshti – the last samskara or rite of passage. The crematorium will provide a series of ceremonial spaces in which appropriate rituals as prescribed in the Hindu, Jain and Sikh traditions and scriptures, can be performed. Whilst the rites surrounding a traditional Hindu funeral in India would last for 12 days, and comprise numerous peaceful ceremonies in various locations, this facility will provide a location for a ceremony encapsulating the key elements. The crematorium building and associated facilities, have been thoughtfully designed and specifically tailored to meet the needs of the community. The Aum Crematorium is a community project for the community and making it a reality can only happen with your help. Having overcome immense hurdles, this vision can only be delivered with a strength of purpose that comes with our identity as British Hindus, Sikhs and Jains.

The Lea, Western Ave, Denham, Uxbridge UB9 4NA T: 01895 832709 | E: amuk@anoopam.org Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


Jainism and Prakrit in California and Maharashtra Anahita Hoose

Anahita Hoose


ome regular Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar readers may remember my previous pieces describing my time spent at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), first as a graduate student working on Sanskrit and other premodern Indian languages and, more recently, as a lecturer of Jain studies. My first year in the latter role, now complete, was an unforgettable experience. In the first half of 2023, I taught three undergraduate courses: an introduction to Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism and courses on Jain literature and on sacrifice in South Asian religions. A particular highlight was taking students on a field trip to the Jain Center of Southern California (JCSC), where they were able to observe young Jains studying in a pathshala (religious school), receive a tour of the temple and enjoy a delicious lunch. (Due to the importance of ahimsa for Jains, all food served at JCSC is vegan!) The short reports I had the students write on their experiences illustrate the value of connecting students with communities. One student wrote: “Although I do not identify as Jain, visiting the JCSC was one of my best spiritual experiences… When I stepped into the temple, I felt a sudden rush of vibrations jolt my body.” An Indian student


stated that the trip “gave me a sense of belonging and pride, to see a community so similar to mine uphold and protect its customs, traditions, and values in the face of a disruptive world.” Alongside my teaching, I carried on working on my own research. In March, I delivered a conference presentation on Svayambhudeva’s eighth- or ninth-century Paumacariu, one of a number of distinctive Jain versions of the story of Rama.These versions differ in interesting ways from the story familiar from the Ramayana. Jain authors present their versions as more authoritative and suggest that certain elements of the Hindu version, such as the role played by monkeys, are unlikely. My talk focused on Svayambhudeva’s Jain account of the conception and birth of Hanuman. For Svayambhudeva, Hanuman is a human hero, not a monkey. Two chapters of the Paumacariu describe the

complicated relationship between his parents, who finally enjoy a happy ending after many sufferings due to Hanuman’s father’s willingness to give in to rage. This story reflects the Jain concern with restraining passions. Events took an exciting turn when I successfully applied for a fellowship to study Prakrit at the International School for Jain Studies (ISJS) in Pune. Prakrit is a group of ancient speech varieties, related to Sanskrit, with special significance for Jainism. Most of the scriptures of the Shwetambara sect of Jainism are written in Ardha-Magadhi Prakrit, while Shauraseni Prakrit occupies a comparable position for the Digambara sect. Jain authors also composed literary texts in other Prakrit varieties. Despite Prakrit’s importance, it has been unfairly neglected and has a much lower profile than its more famous relative, Sanskrit. Being awarded this fellowship

Anahita visited Pune's Pataleshwar Cave Temple, an eighth-century Shiva temple

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

After experiencing these two facets of Jain spirituality, I was also happy (on a more earthly level) to take an evening walk along the iconic Marine Drive and see the imposing Gateway of India.

Anahita (third from left) and other scholars, pictured at JCSC with Dr Jasvant Modi (far left), one of a group of generous donors who created her position at UCLA

was a dream come true for me, for both intellectual and personal reasons. Although I get great satisfaction out of introducing undergraduates to unfamiliar cultural traditions, I’m still a linguist at heart. I think my future research will benefit hugely from the time spent in Pune. Finally, being half-Gujarati, I had long wanted to live for a substantial period in India. I’m deeply appreciative of the flexibility of my employer, who granted me a year’s leave of absence from my position at UCLA, to which I’ll return in September 2024.

The Jain temple near ISJS decorated for Paryushan

At ISJS, I’m part of a cohort of four students from all over the world. Two of my colleagues are Indian, while the third is Brazilian. We are learning Prakrit through the grammar written by Hemacandra (1088-1170), a very prolific and wide-ranging scholar, remembered by Gujarati Jains for his great influence over King Kumarapala, who is said to have been convinced by Hemacandra to live and rule according to Jain principles. However, the grammar was commissioned by Kumarapala’s predecessor and (according to the author Prabhachandra) wicked uncle,

Siddharaja. The text, which is itself in Sanskrit, describes differences between Prakrit and Sanskrit in minute detail. Outside the classroom, I recently made my first ever visit to Mumbai with a classmate whose father is the proprietor of Hindi Granth Karyalay, a distinguished Indological publishing house and bookshop. Browsing its shelves was a treat. At the shop, I was honoured to join the family and their guru in a swadhyaya (religious study) session. My classmate also introduced me to another of his teachers, a Shwetambara monk whose presence radiated peace. He spoke of the importance of imitating the virtues represented by the Tirthankaras (great Jain teachers who have realised the divine within themselves) and described the monastic life as a good one spent in this imitation.

At the time of writing, Shwetambara Jains are celebrating the eight-day festival of Paryushan, the height of the Jain religious calendar. (Digambaras celebrate slightly later and for ten days.) Held during the rainy season, the time when monks and nuns remain in one place and lay communities benefit from their prolonged presence, Paryushan is a time for fasting, study, meditation and seeking forgiveness for the past year’s transgressions, but also a time for community bonding and good fellowship. Several times last week, I joined a packed congregation for arti in a beautifully decorated Shwetambara temple minutes away from ISJS. Each evening ended with a lively bhakti session, which was a pleasure to witness. I’m sure that the remainder of my year in Pune will bring many more unforgettable experiences, and I wish all Asian Voice and Gujarat Samachar readers an enriching year too. Diwali Mubarak and Sal Mubarak!

Rangoli design created on the steps of the Jain temple near ISJS for Paryushan Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


The rich tapestry of

SANATAN DHARMA Nitin Mehta Nature's law dictates the cycle of new becoming old. Our parents grew up in times when charcoal was used to cook food. Remember the old phones, radio cassettes, video players, the queues to go and pay the utility bills and the council tax? Remember the licence you had to stick on your car windscreen? People used to remember the A to Z of London, but it is all redundant today. The same principle applies to the now irrelevant ideologies like communism, socialism and colonialism, for which millions of people died. For religions, although the fundamentals may remain true, their interpretation and implementation changes and new orthodoxy takes hold. Undesirable customs and beliefs creep in. To combat the undesirable, several reformers emerge. They challenge the negative practices that have become part of dharma and bring changes. In Trotskyite terms, there is a permanent revolution within Sanatan Dharma to keep the undesirable practices in 70

check. This makes Sanatan Dharma or Hinduism, the oldest and youngest faith in the world, simultaneously. The renowned Tamil poet and philosopher Thiruvalluvar, author of the Tirukkural (sacred couplets), was a significant reformer who

Today, the BAPS Swaminarayan movement is among the most dynamic Hindu spiritual movements, with over 1100 dedicated Sadhus and an ever-increasing number of youth embracing a spiritual life under the guidance of Gurus like Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj.

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

opposed the caste system and meat consumption, addressing various social ills. Over 500 years ago, the resurgence of Dharma began with the appearance of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. He introduced the Sankirtan movement which galvanised a long-suffering Hindu nation. He welcomed individuals from all backgrounds to make direct contact with Shri Krishna through the chanting of Hare Krishna maha-mantra, eliminating caste barriers. Today, the Hare Krishna movement has a global presence, having translated the Bhagavad Gita into all major world languages. In Mayapur, close to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's birthplace, a grand temple is currently being built. The birth of the Swaminarayan movement Reformers like Guru Nanak, Dayanand Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo provided new visions to the masses. Poets like Tulsidas and women like Meera played pivotal roles in reviving the Bhakti movement. During the early 19th century, the inception of the Swaminarayan

movement took place in Gujarat amidst dire circumstances. Gujarat was enveloped in a period of darkness, as described by Sadhu Mukundcharandas in his book, 'Vachnamrut Handbook' (insights into Bhagavan Swaminarayan's Teachings) – the region faced poverty, hunger, earthquakes, epidemics, and widespread banditry. In 1811, a locust swarm devastated Patan in North Gujarat, extending its destruction to Saurashtra and the Amdavad district, affecting crops and trees. Swami Mukundcharandas references the book 'Sahajanand Swami athwa Swaminarayan Sampradaya' by Kishorelal Mashruwala (1923). Mashruwala described how Sahajanand Swami brought light to countless hearts and motivated numerous individuals to sacrifice themselves under his guidance during a time of darkness in Gujarat-Kathiawad. Sahajanand Swami also restrained the raiding practices of the Kathys and Kolis, reinstated the Brahmacharya ashram, reformed the uncontrolled ascetic order, and established self-disci-

pline guidelines for the errant Gurus and acharyas. He elevated the status of women in society and the sampradaya, welcomed nonHindus into Hindu Dharma, and promoted literature, music, and arts. He advocated for non-violent sacrifices, forgiveness, pure Bhakti, Gnan, Bhagwat Dharma, and Ved Vyas' principles. If incarnations do occur on earth, then he can, without doubt be given the title of avatar. The BAPS movement Today, the BAPS Swaminarayan movement is among the most dynamic Hindu spiritual movements, with over 1100 dedicated Sadhus and an ever-increasing number of youth embracing a spiritual life under the guidance of Gurus like Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Mahant Swami Maharaj. BAPS has erected Hindu temples globally, including the remarkable Mandir in Abu Dhabi, the first in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the entire Swaminarayan movement faces criticism due to controversial comments made by a few sadhus from a particular sampradaya. We

must remain vigilant against those within our community who seek to divide us for personal agendas. The Hare Krishna movement, responsible for introducing Sanatan Dharma worldwide, has been accused in a circulating video of building temples in India solely to collect funds for the USA, a misleading claim. In fact, it is the only movement that actively seeks followers all over the world. Srila Prabhupada, ISKCON's founder, is esteemed as one of Hinduism's greatest saints and every Hindu should support the Sanskirtan movement. Despite claims that numerous denominations or sampradayas divide Hinduism, diversity enhances the faith, bringing in new ideas and vigour. For instance, the present Indian President, Droupadi Murmu, hails from a tribal community and is associated with Brahma Kumaris. This is because the movement extended support during her personal struggles. The essence of Unity in Diversity is pivotal in defending sampradayas against unjust assaults within Sanatan Dharma.

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


EMBRACE THE SPIRIT OF SUSTAINABILITY WITH ECO-FRIENDLY DIWALI DECORATIONS Diwali, is a time to rejoice in happiness, success, and good fortune and now is the perfect time to adopt a greener, more sustainable way of life, considering how our actions affect the environment. We can protect our natural resources and lessen our carbon footprint by decorating our homes and workplaces with eco-friendly Diwali decorations. Here are some eco-friendly decoration ideas for Diwali that you can try this year: Earthen diyas: The traditional Diwali adornment, diyas, represents the triumph of light over darkness. Use earthen diyas, which are made of clay and can be composted or reused, in place of electric lights, that can usually be used just once. To add some colour and charm, you can also adorn them with flowers, beads, or natural paints. Paper lanterns: Paper lanterns are another popular Diwali decoration that can create a festive ambience. You can make your own paper lanterns using recycled paper or newspapers and hang them around your house or balcony. You can also use reusable LED lights inside them to save energy and avoid fire hazards. Floral rangoli: Rangoli is a traditional art form that involves creating patterns on the floor using coloured materials. Instead of using synthetic colours or chemicals, use natural materials like flowers, leaves, petals, rice, or sand. You can create beautiful floral rangoli designs using marigolds, roses, jasmine, or any other flowers of your choice. Bamboo torches: These torches are a wonderful 72

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way to provide light and warmth to the outdoor. One can readily obtain bamboo from nearby merchants, a biodegradable and renewable resource. Cotton wicks can be used to ignite the bamboo torches, which can be filled with vegetable or coconut oil. Coconut shell candles: Coconut shells are another eco-friendly material that can be used to make candles for Diwali. You can scoop out the coconut flesh and use the shells as candle holders. You can also fill them with wax or oil and add some essential oils or spices for fragrance. Recycled bottles: Recycled bottles are a creative and fun way to decorate your home for Diwali. You can use glass bottles and paint them with acrylic colours or glitter. You can also cut plastic bottles into different shapes and sizes and use them as vases, planters, or candle holders. Jute lamps: Jute lamps are a chic and sophisticated way to light up your interior. Natural and environmentally beneficial, jute is a fibre that is strong. To create your own jute lamps, wrap wire frames or cardboard boxes with jute rope or cloth. Additionally, you can adorn them with shells, ribbons, or pearls. Terracotta pots: Terracotta pots are an additional ecofriendly option for your Diwali décor. Terracotta pots are made of clay and can be decorated with designs or painted in natural colours. They work well as planters, candlestick holders, and pen holders.

would like to wish all Gujarat 4BNBDIBS readers

A Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year!

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Diwali glam guide for a vibrant celebration M

akeup is a form of self-expression. It allows individuals to convey their personality, creativity, and style. For many, applying makeup is an art form that empowers and boosts self-confidence. Diwali is marked by various rituals, family gatherings, and bright decorations. It's a time for dressing up and Ankita’s perfect Diwali look enjoying the festivities. Makeup during Diwali involves vibrant and glamorous looks and here, beauty influencer Ankita Chaturvedi (@corallistablog) shares some informative tips that can help you get that right look.

Skincare is as important as it gets Skincare holds immense importance, contributing significantly to our holistic health and wellness. Within this domain, there are two commonly overlooked elements essential for South Asians to integrate into their daily routine. 1. Block the sun out: SPF is very important and sunscreen should be an everyday thing. The South Asian skin has more melanin and responds a lot more to the sun. It tends to get a lot of dullness and sunspots with sun exposure. Sunscreen should be

an important part of your routine. 2. Exfoliate the dead skin away: Chemical exfoliation is important to get rid of dead skin cells. Something like 5% to 8% glycolic acid, once a week, really helps get rid of the dead skin buildup and gives you a glow without damaging your skin. It is, however, more important to keep it gentle, not going overboard as it can damage to your barrier.

Timeless makeup looks for Diwali There are some trends that are timeless when it comes to festivities like Diwali. These trends just can’t go out of style ever and are the best looks to opt for. 1. Shimmer, shimmer and then some more shimmer: Tones of gold, copper and bronze, for nails and for eyes look amazing. It’s quite timeless and the warmer metallic colours work really well for South Asian skin. 2. Wine lips for the win: A dark lip, like wine colour,is also quite timeless. Especially given the timing of winter fast approaching with Diwali, dark lips paired with shimmery eyes is a very timeless look. 3. Let the colour pop, but don’t colour-block: Colours shine bright during Diwali celebrations but one thing to avoid is colour-blocking too much. For instance, if you're wearing a bright blue outfit, don't do a blue smoky eye with it. You do want to match a little bit of colour, maybe say with a blue eyeliner. That's going to bea little more subtle. Balance is key.

Avoid the cakey look this Diwali One thing that most people complain about with makeup is that it gets cakey with time and that is easily avoidable. Here’s how: 1. Serum and moisturiser: To avoid a cakey face, skin prep is very important. You want to make sure you're using a good bit of serum and moisturiser before you go in with your base. Most people just don't hydrate their skin enough. 2. Less is more: Another problem is using less skincare and more foundation. What you want to do is use more skincare, larger quantity of moisturiser and a lesser quantity of foundation. The less amount of product on your face, the less cakey it will be. Balance it with extra skincare so that your skin is not trying to suck moisture from your foundation.


DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

3. Conceal and correct: With South Asian skin, there is often discolouration or pigmentation, and in order to hide that we ended up applying a little too much foundation. To avoid that, one product that everyone should have is a peach or an orange corrector. This is something that goes before you apply foundation or concealer. You're going to need less amount of foundation after this.

Making makeup beginner-friendly Makeup is a skill that one picks up and gets better at with time. When starting out, one should know some tips and tricks that just make the process easier and here are two: 1. The eyeliner struggle is real: The one thing that beginners truly struggle with is eyeliner and liquid eyeliner can be harder to master. A pencil, however, is a lot easier. One of the simplest eyeliner looks can be achieved using a brown eye pencil. Smudge it immediately once you apply it, you don't have to be very precise. Smudging brown is a bit more forgiving and very underrated. You can also use bronze or copper eyepens. 2. Make it dewy: Another thing that can help beginners is a dewy base. You can add a drop of a liquid illuminator or a moisturiser to your base and that just gives you a natural glow.

Avoid these very common mistakes Not just beginners, even the experts make these very common mistakes that can be easily avoided. 1. Carefully avoid ashy makeup: South Asian skin has more neutral and golden undertones and doesn't have a lot of pink in it. When using a foundation which is more pink-toned, it ends up looking a little greyish and ashy and that is a

mistake. You can tell that something is a little off. So be careful about the foundation you are choosing, 2. Don’t skip on hydration: Spend more time on skincare- do a sheet mask to hydrate before any function. When your skin is hydrated, you automatically need a little less of base for your face. 3. Avoid Panda eyes: Many people use a lot of dark eyeliner, both on the top and the bottom. What that does is end up giving you panda eyes after a few hours. As you get older, it can also look harsh and draw attention to the lines and wrinkles around the eyes. Focus on either the top lash line or the bottom. If you're doing heavy coverage on the bottom, don't apply heavily on the top.

Ankita Chaturvedi ventured into the world of beauty in early 2011. It started with a blog, initially just a hobby. In a span of two years, she expanded her presence to YouTube and Instagram, steadily gaining followers and enthusiasts. People particularly appreciated the tutorials she offered, and Ankita found immense joy in teaching them various makeup looks for different occasions. The Indian diaspora finds her content particularly useful and this dynamic occurs organically. According to Ankita, “For the diaspora, the beauty landscape presentsa variety of choices and unfamiliar brands that can be overwhelming, particularly for those who are not deeply involved in the world of beauty. “Women seeking guidance on issues like base makeup or products suitable for their skin tones, tend to follow my content more actively. It's a natural connection that has developed.” Instagram: @corallistablog

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


Bringing hand weaving skill into mainstream design Many Indian designers have gained international recognition for their ability to infuse traditional aesthetics with modern trends, creating a unique and appealing style. These designers draw inspiration from India's heritage and reinterpret it in their creations, making it accessible and appealing to a global audience. One of them is self-made Indian fashion designer Vaishali Shadangule. Her eponymous label, Vaishali S, has explored authentic hand-woven textiles, from Chanderi silk to Khunn, a Karnataka native weave that Vaishali helped revive, while telling culturally rich tales of the country's heritage. take inspiration from India's rich cultural heritage, drawing from its iconic monuments and traditional ceremonies. Our yellow is similar to the marigolds that we see adorning our doors during festivals; pink reminds us of the classic colours of Holi; and orange is reminiscent of the sacred cloth that our monks wear.”

Preserving traditional craftsmanship with modern fashion trends

Colours are inspired by India’s cultural monuments and traditional ceremonies

Inspiration can manifest in both conscious and subconscious ways, often influenced by our surroundings and the innate energy they carry. Vaishali draws inspiration from a variety of sources, with a particular emphasis on Indian silhouettes and the skilled handweavers and craftspeople of the country. However, what sets the designs at Vaishali S apart is their ability to resonate on a deeper level, reflecting a profound understanding of the Indian lifestyle and our intricate relationship with fabrics and natural materials. She said,” colours incorporated into our collections 76

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In the early stages of her fashion journey, Vaishali encountered significant discouragement. “I vividly recall hearing the sceptical refrain of who would choose to wear such fabric in their daily lives?" “Whenever I faced with this question, my thoughts would turn to the dedicated Paithani weavers, steadfast in their commitment to preserve a rich tradition. I felt a personal responsibility to ensure the continued relevance of these handlooms.” Admittedly, navigating the swiftly changing tides of fashion trends was no easy task. However, I discovered that when you find your own niche and distinctive brand identity, as I did with handwoven cordwork, cultural relevance naturally unfolds without the need for excessive effort.” Vaishali’s designs are, and will always remain, deeply rooted in the spiritual and intrinsic essence of India. Yet they continuously evolve and develop, much like the ever-changing forces of nature that exist universally across the world. “For me, design is akin to embarking on a personal voyage of exploration, achieved by harnessing the energy of nature and channelling it to resonate with my audience through the intricate medium of hand-woven threads," she added.

Rich heritage, weaves, crafts, and colours set Indian fashion apart on the global stage

What distinguishes Indian fashion on the global stage is its culturally rich heritage, intricate weaves, crafts, and vibrant colours. Vaishali S, in particular, offers an authentic representation of these elements and it is one of the few couture brands that has such an intrinsically artisanal narrative integrated into our

brand philosophy. It holds the distinction of being the first couture brand to champion handwoven fabrics on such a significant scale. In many ways, it has become a window into the world of traditional Indian handweavers, akin to an encyclopaedia of their craft.

Being able to represent India and its textile industry is a big responsibility

Being the first Indian woman designer who made

her way into the Paris and Milan fashion world, was an incredible honour for Vaishali. “It makes me proud to a degree that I cannot express. The opportunity to represent our nation, the women of India, and the rich textile heritage of our country is a weighty responsibility. I firmly believe that these achievements do not belong solely to me; they are a collective celebration of the crafts that have remained silently exquisite for far too long." Talking about paving a path for women in fashion designing, she said, “India's textile sector stands as the largest employer of women throughout the nation. This fact underscores the significance of raising awareness about its presence and boosting demand for its products. Doing so not only sustains the sector's human capital but also ensures the livelihoods and promising futures of countless women. “Furthermore, my journey as a female designer offers inspiration to the young female designers of today. It serves as a testament that they should dare to dream, for their seemingly unattainable goals are within reach.” 78

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Boito is a community of very special people from remote weaving clusters of Odisha - their fashion sense, lifestyle, appreciation for slow, meticulous handloom weaving, and indigenous safeguarded cultures. The label is a celebration of this legacy, marrying raw handwoven textiles with high-fashion ensembles, exuding timeless elegance through conscientious luxury. We are a collaborative platform born out of a desire to make visible the craftsmanship and stories of these special people. Our vision is to sustain their style, repurpose their produce, and revive the magic of these timeless weaves joyfully, collectively, and slowly. 80

Richa Maheshwari completed her education with an engineering degree and went on to work with SAP, building and running successful products across its suite of offerings. Her first love, however, was always the land of her ancestors - her home state of Odisha. As time passed, she felt more and more drawn to her roots - unable to shake the feeling that this was where she would discover her true calling. The story of Boito is a story of homecoming, Richa’s own. Her travels of discovery led her into homes of communities where she was intrigued by the traditions and motifs intricately woven into cloth, using methods and colours that have endured for generations. She wanted to find a way to keep this beauty alive and prosper these art forms. Boito was thus set afloat as a collaborative platform that empowers artisans without disrupting their unhurried way of life. Richa lives in Bangalore with her husband, two children and their beloved golden retriever Maggi. We spoke exclusively to the founder Richa Maheshwari about the brand and her initiative.

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


What have you learnt as a founder and woman entrepreneur about saving our heritage and gathering resources to do that as a woman? Being a woman, I felt like a daughter being welcomed back home by my own community. I would be in a village buying textile at a store, and get lunch cooked by the shopkeeper’s wife at home. There were also episodes of receiving beautiful glass bangles, or jasmine flowers as gifts from artisans in remote Malkangiri, for daughters of Odisha must always be bedecked! I did have my fears when I began this journey travelling alone into the heart of Odisha, with the backdrop of horror stories in this country. To be honest, I always move with precaution, wishing for the company of a known face in the area I visit, and try to get transport with a known agency. However, what puts these fears aside is a feeling of pure joy. It is the harmony I witness in little homes, in lush green surroundings. A full room is dedicated to weaving, where the man and woman

use synchronised rhythmic techniques to create patterns on a loom, while the child runs around to change yarn when needed. It is this love, and a feeling of oneness, that has kept us going strong in growing our tribe. What do we need to learn from these tribes you work with, in order to safeguard our cultural heritage? Having seen the beauty of ‘slow’, it is Boito’s vision to help our mainstream world appreciate ‘indigenous’, and recognise elements of peace in a lifestyle that has no interference from technology, that our tribal communities very proudly boast of. Most of these lands have no network coverage, but they are content being around loved ones, and eating one or two meals a day made with local produce. If it is jackfruit season, bring on jackfruit twice a day for the whole month, for a happy stomach! With a bare minimal influence from the outside world, safeguarding heritage techniques and holding dear ones very close comes naturally. What is the most fascinating and motivational aspect of tribal culture? Odisha boasts of being home to 10% of India’s tribal population, and what is fascinating is their truly indigenous character, in



waste disposal needs, nor is there any trace of a carbon footprint originating from these lands. Very different from our progressive people, who have so much to fill our lives with, that time becomes our most critical and most limited resource, and we would not hesitate to take that flight, not thinking about how it impacts our planet. What can diaspora abroad in the UK do to help nurture businesses and missions like yours? Our master craftsmen work with limited resources, a deep knowledge of that one art form that passes down many generations in a home, and a resilience that is astounding. This reservoir of beauty and belief systems lives in the shadow of financial difficulty, despite the collective efforts of many. We need to share stories of these intriguing masters of ‘one’, and popularise their timeless motifs, thereby infusing pride back into our artisan community. Historically ‘Boito’ or a boat would set sail from Kalinga (erstwhile Odisha), laden with textiles for trade, and bring back fortune in our lands. The festival Boita Bandana is celebrated with zest and vigour to commemorate this maritime history while praying for its revival.


every sense of the word. Every such tribe I spent time with, stood out with something peculiar yet heartwarming - a tale of slow movement, a tale of contentment, a tale of not swimming with the stream but standing your ground firmly. Dongria people, for example, fought a decade-long battle to safeguard their lands from being mined. They are true worshippers of our planet, grateful for the water, fertile land, and security it provides. These communities see minimal movement as the right way to live, with everything including their alcohol being made with seeds found in their habitat, resulting in no packaging and therefore no

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT



Reviving tradition with a modern twist for Diwali


iwali is a time of immense joy and togetherness for millions across the world. While mass-produced treats certainly have their place, it's the art of crafting exquisite artisanal sweets that truly elevates the Diwali experience. These handcrafted confections, made with meticulous care, not only appealing taste buds but also symbolise the exchange of goodwill and affection that defines the spirit of Diwali. Michelin-starred chef Manjunath Mural (owner of ADDA) discusses to us about the handcrafted artisanal sweets infused with a contemporary twist. Growing trend of artisanal sweets The future of artisanal sweets appears incredibly promising. “I’ve noticed a growing inclination among people to seek unique and distinct culinary experiences,” he said. “When venturing into artisanal sweets within a particular region, it's imperative to infuse local elements, as a mere replication of traditional sweets simply won't suffice,” he added. Craftsmanship is at the heart of this endeavour, and using handmade products not only showcases our dedication but also elevates the artistry of the sweets, making them all the more appealing. For Manjunath, the inspiration for creating artisanal sweets tailored to the Singaporean community stems from the idea of meeting their distinctive preferences in Singapore. The demand leans towards lower sugar content and a multitude of unique flavours. To cater to this, it's essential to adapt 82

and innovate. “Drawing from the concept of mooncakes, I've crafted sweets that resonate with the locals in Singapore. I've incorporated intriguing ingredients such as hibiscus and lotus root paste, etc., which have resonated exceptionally, ”he explained. Philosophy and traditional ingredients used in artisanal sweets Manjunath’s culinary philosophy revolves around a deep reverence for traditional Indian cuisine,

which offers a rich tapestry of flavours and culinary heritage. “I am consistently inspired by the

diverse and intricate flavours that our cuisine embodies. My approach is to refine and contemporize Indian food, present-

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

ing it in an elegant and modern manner, resulting in what I like to call 'Modern Indian Gastronomy’.” Talking about traditional ingredients, he said, “I use gulkand, pistachios, and figs as key traditional components in my sweets. I usually combine traditional elements with locally available Southeast Asian ingredients. For instance, I pair gulkand with lychee for a fragrant and flavorful twist. Matcha Green Tea Barfi is a unique creation that blends pistachios and cloves

to balance the Matcha's bold flavour, offering a modern and delightful treat.” Global representation of Indian culinary practices In terms of the global representation of Indian culinary practices, Manjunath firmly believe that Indian chefs, have already set a commendable example, with qualities dedication and hard work are qualities that stand out. In the culinary world, finding hardworking chefs can be a rare feat, and it's something I've observed consistently. “What I've noticed in our younger generation of chefs is an ever-increasing level of dedication. However, they could greatly benefit from more hands-on guidance and mentorship from experienced chefs. This passing down of knowledge is essential, especially considering that they represent the second generation of Indian culinary talent.” He added that “Renowned Indian chefs such as Vikas Khanna, Gagan Anand, and many others have already carved out a global reputation for themselves, serving as role models for aspiring young chefs. The key lesson for emerging talents is to offer time and unwavering dedication to their craft. It's through this combination of hard work, mentorship, and learning from the industry's best that we can further elevate the global presence of Indian cuisine.” Diwali invokes treasured memories of culinary traditions For the chef, Diwali invokes treasured memories of his mother's culinary traditions. “I fondly

recall how she skillfully prepared an array of delectable Farsan (salty snacks) and sweets. Her creations included the likes of besan ke ladoo, mohanthal, coconut ladoo, poha chevda, and chakli. These treats were more than just

snacks; they were an embodiment of the love and care she poured into them.” “I vividly remember the steel boxes she would use to store these homemade delicacies, carefully placed in the kitchen. It was a nightly ritual for my siblings and me to sneak into the kitchen and savour these delights, connecting us to the heartwarming essence of Diwali,” he reminisced. In an effort to relive those cherished moments, I sometimes find myself recreating the very dishes my mother used to make. It's a way of preserving not only the flavours but also the beautiful memories associated with this special festival. Speaking about incorporating heirloom recipes, he said, “Inspired by my grandmother, I set out to replicate her signature sweets, and thus, 'Beetlenut and Pistachio Barfi' was born. Drawing from my mother’s recipe “Orange Basundi”, I ventured to create a contemporary rendition. By introducing Chinese Mandarin and berry roll, I aimed to infuse new dimensions of taste into this beloved classic.”

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


Diwali is synonymous with a vibrant array of sweets or "mithai," cherished throughout India and in diasporic communities worldwide. These traditional delights hold a unique emotional connection and cultural significance. From the syrupy softness of Gulab Jamun to the crispy allure of Jalebi, the comforting richness of kheer to the round, bite-sized ladoos, Diwali sweets offer various textures and flavours. The preparation of these treats is an age-old custom, steeped in familial tradition, where households unite to create these confections, exchanging tales and nurturing bonds while shaping these delectable treasures. The sweets represent the shared experiences, traditions, and the festive essence that Diwali embodies. Today, these traditional recipes are undergoing modern interpretations, presenting new tastes and artistic presentations, enriching the diverse world of Diwali sweets. Among them, Kheer & Co, a London-based sweet shop, specialises in the classic Kheer, while innovating with an assortment of flavours. Their focus is to showcase this silky, creamy delicacy and rekindle the nostalgic essence that defines this beloved treat. Inder Toor, the founder of Kheer & Co was inspired to launch this venture from the kheer his mother made. She would make and distribute the delicacy amongst family and friends and everybody loved it. This Gave Inder the idea of selling it and once he started to think about it more seriously, he realised that no one was really selling Kheer, it seemed like an untapped market. Inder feels that his venture can successfully reintroduce Kheer to the younger generations. “The younger generation doesn’t know how to make kheer anymore and it’s typically the older generations who dedicate their time to it. So it’s also about making sure that this traditional recipe doesn’t die down and Kheer doesn’t get forgotten”, he said. The idea of flavoured kheer was thought of from wanting to turn a traditional recipe into something modern, especially for the younger generation who are interested in seeing something different. Keeping the original taste and recipes that hold true to the traditional aspect of Kheer, the shop curated various flavours,hoping to shine a new light on Kheer and make it exciting again Kheer & Co offers flavours like Rose, Oreo, Mango, Strawberry, Caramel and Orange. The plain and Rose kheer are fairly popular, synonymous with Asian culture and nailing down the authentic taste that has been passed through generations. When it came to the making of these modern flavours Inder and his team have focused on what’s missing in the market and incorporated fruit flavours and decadent rich flavours such as caramel. With Diwali coming up, Kheer & Co has introduced display tables which are perfect for parties, gatherings or any size event. One can bring in all the unique flavours to a large crowd and have everyone try. The shop has further planned to offer a complete indulgence package, offering traditional desserts like barfi,jalebi, etc alongside the kheer.It will be aonestop shop for all the dessert needs. 84

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Gobi or cauliflower is a vegetable that lends itself to any kitchen, be it the Indian or the Western. It is available and eaten across the world, boiled, baked, sautéed, grilled, curried and cooked in the tandoor! Preparation and marination -1½ hours Cooking-15 minutes MAIN INGREDIENT Large Cauliflowers - 2

MARINADE Ginger paste 1 tbsp Garlic paste 2 tsp Carom seed ½ tsp Red chilli powder 2 tsp Yoghurt 1 cup Split chickpea flour 1 cup Oil 3 tbsp Salt to taste GARNISH Fresh Coriander SERVED WITH Onion tomato yoghurt salad

METHOD  cut the cauliflower into medium-sized florets, leaving inch long stalks for easy skewering.  Prick the florets lightly all over.  Mix all ingredients of the marinade to a uniform thick consistency. Put the florets in the marinade for one hour, turning at regular intervals.  Oil the baking tray and placed the cauliflower florets. Make sure they are well covered with the marinade. Put the tray into the oven and cook for 12 minutes on 180c.  When ready, garnish and serve. 86

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FOXTAIL MILLET KHEER WITH SAFFRON & NUTS INGREDIENTS 1 litre Milk 50 grams Foxtail Millet 5 Saffron strands 2 tablespoon Fresh coconut grated 1/4 cup Sugar 1/4 cup Dry Fruits, (like almonds, pistachios) METHOD  To begin, transfer the milk into a heavy bottom pan. Keep it on medium heat.  Meanwhile, wash the foxtail millet and drain excess water.  Once the milk comes to a boil, add the washed foxtail millet and saffron strands to the milk. Allow the milk to come to a quick boil.  Once the milk comes to a boil, turn the heat to low and simmer the kheer until the foxtail millet cooks completely. This will take about 10 to 15 minutes. (You will have to take a bite to check)  Once the foxtail millet has cooked completely, add in the freshly grated coconut and sugar, and simmer for another 10 minutes.  Stir occasionally so the milk does not condense and settle to the bottom. Check the sweetness at this stage and adjust to suit your taste.  Turn off the heat and the kheer now ready to be served.  Garnish the Foxtail Millet Kheer with slivered almonds and pistachios and serve warm or chilled as desired.

PANEER MAKHANI METHOD The Paneer Makhani recipe is an all-time favourite North Indian dish that is cooked in  Heat 1 tbsp oil rich tomato-based gravy. The subtle blend of in a non-stick spices like cardamom, dried fenugreek leaves pan over lowand cream adds to the richness and flavour to medium heat the Makhani recipe. Serve the Paneer Makhani until it sizzles. with an Indian bread of your choice as you  Add ginger celebrate Diwali or for weeknight dinner. garlic paste, red chilli INGREDIENTS powder, then 2 tsp butter add tomatoes & tomato purée, garlic pod, cardamom 2 tbsp vegetable oil pods, cinnamon stick and bayleaf. Cover with a lid and cook for 10 mins over a medium heat, stirring 4 tomatoes chopped, or use a 400g can occasionally. After 10 mins, add cashew& salt (to taste). chopped tomatoes Boil other ten-minutes and remove from the heat. Leave 1 tsp tomato purée to cool, then remove the bayleaf & cinnamon stick. 3-4 garlic cloves, roughly chopped  Once cooled, tip the mixture into a blender and blitz to a 1 tbsp ginger garlic paste smooth paste. Set aside. 4-5 cardamom pods  Return the pan to a medium heat, add the remaining 1 small cinnamon stick butter and oil and cook the ginger for a minute. Reduce 1 bay leaf the heat to low. Add chilli powder and stir for 2 minutes. 10 cashew nuts, Tip in the tomato and cashew paste and cook for 5 1 tsp red chilli powder, such as kashmiri mirch minutes more. 1 chilli, sliced in half lengthways (optional)  Add the sliced chilli, if using, 1½ tsp sugar and the 250g paneer, cut into medium cubes paneer. Mix well and cook for a few minutes more. Add 1 tbsp fenugreek leaves the fenugreek leaves and garam masala. Mix well. Stir in 1 tsp garam masala up to 100ml water to loosen, then remove from the heat, 80ml single cream, to serve (optional) swirl in the cream, if using, and serve.

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


The Case of Cat Adam: Echoes across time

Indian heritage and culture, with its roots dating back thousands of years, have transcended geographical boundaries to become a source of inspiration and admiration worldwide. It is known for its ancient wisdom, breathtaking landscapes, and a tapestry of languages and traditions, has captured the imagination of people far beyond its borders.


oger Ashton Griffiths is well known for his tremendous acting career. His screen roles include PT Barnum in Gangs of New York (Scorsese, 2002) and Mace Tyrell in Game of Thrones (HBO, 2011-19) etc. and he has recently published a debut novel “The Case of Cat Adam”. Here he talks about the description of ‘1920s India in the novel which is at once comic, subversive, intriguing and informative.

Harboured the idea of writing The Case of Cat Adam from Billy Bunter For a long time, Griffiths harboured the idea of writing about a character named Billy Bunter, an almost forgotten figure from the past. He first appeared in literature back in 1906, as a rotund English public schoolboy. “Back in the day, the character was significantly popular, even my father read about him during his childhood. Nowadays, these books have fallen out of fashion, and it's unlikely that anyone would read them,” he said. “However, I found myself pondering what might have become of Billy Bunter had he grown into adulthood, similar to how the Flashman series continues the adventures of its eponymous character. This idea occupied my thoughts for a considerable time. Ultimately, I decided to delve into this literary endeavour, but I faced the challenge of contextualising the character in the contemporary world,” he added. To bridge this gap, Griffiths introduced the character Philip Adam, whose role was to search for William ‘Cat’ Adam. This narrative device allowed me to alternate between the two characters, blending the past and the present into a cohesive story.

My work is focused on debunking colonial myths Griffiths wanted to make it clear that my work is focused on debunking colonial myths and decolonizing narratives. According to him, “When you read the story, it becomes evident that the character of the cat in 1924 was closely intertwined with the 88

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colonial project. They used various tribes, and I took a different transliteration approach. For instance, 'Hari' became 'Hurree' in the past, whereas in Philip's time, it was simply 'Hari' in a more modern rendering.” “Of course, Philip is shown as being embarrassed when he makes what he perceives to be mistakes regarding racial mixes. My intention is to highlight the transformation from what was to what is now, to showcase the evolution and the ongoing process of change,” he added. These stories revolve around the characters'

acting and writing has proven to be an integral and invaluable part of my writing process,” he added.

My interests and motivations revolve around a profound passion for the subcontinent

personalities. They're about a portly man striving to lead a regular, content life – a journey. Griffiths have personally experienced, having been much heavier in the past. It's also about a modern man attempting to establish a career while feeling a bit lost and out of place. “The plan for this is to be a four-book series. This way, we can follow the characters as they progress through the stories, and hopefully, we'll see them becoming more well-rounded and complete individuals,” he said. Talking about how the influence his acting career on his writing, he said, “For me, the essence of being both an actor and a writer lies in the art of crafting characters. Drawing from my professional experience of inhabiting different roles, I can immerse myself in the mindset of a character when I write. When I adopt this particular perspective, characters seem to develop themselves, and their dialogues flow quite naturally. “Furthermore, my background in acting has familiarised me with working in scenes and constructing stories in a sequential, almost a building-block like fashion. Consequently, my writing tends to follow a scene-to-scene approach. This interplay between my

Roger’s own extensive travels throughout the subcontinent hold great significance in his writing. It's all about drawing from lived experiences rather than weaving fantasy tales. Having explored Pakistan, India, and Sri Lanka extensively, he has immersed myself in the local culture, and gained a unique perspective on what it's like to be an Englishman or a white man in these hot, vibrant environments. Talking about British rule, he said, “My writing is deeply influenced by a sense of embarrassment and unease about the colonial project. I feel a strong compulsion to address and confess this, a sentiment I share with writers like Paul Scott. In fact, part of my PhD research delved into this complex process of how Anglo-Indian fiction evolved from an early aesthetic of "India is a great place, but it would be better if we were here" to later reflections that acknowledged the mistakes of the colonial endeavour. “In my work, I align with the post-independence genre, which carries an undertone of apology and self-reflection. This perspective is essential to my writing, and it's a path I find myself deeply committed to,” further added. He said, “My interests and motivations revolve around a profound passion for the subcontinent. What drives me is the desire to explore these lands as a friend, not as someone attempting to act as a colonist or occupier, but simply as a visitor seeking to appreciate the places, people, and the exquisite cuisine. However, I acknowledge that this is a challenge due to the baggage of four centuries of colonial influence and institutions. Yet, it is precisely this challenge that fuels my motivation to approach the subcontinent with respect and genuine appreciation.”

Creating hand prints with Siân Phillips for the walk of fame


DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Bhautik Shukla: A storied journey with the wonderful game! Paul Robert Mullen


he tale of Bhautik Shukla’s cricketing journey is one that charts the journey of many a man with a fascination for a wonderful game that dates back well over a century, a tale of love for a game that has enriched the lives of many over the years. In a land where cricket is nothing short of a religion, young boys aspire all their lives to become players, and Bhautik was no exception.

Born in Surat, Gujarat, India, Bhautik's tryst with cricket began in the narrow streets of Gandhi Chawk, where tennis balls served as his first bowling weapons. The buildings that served as landmarks for scoring 2s, 4s, and 6s bore witness to his early exploits, and occasionally, some unsuspecting passersby felt the sting of his and his friends’ powerful shots. Street cricket had grassroots and was a place where youngsters, such as Bhautik, learned their trade. As Bhautik entered school, he started playing more seriously, honing his skills and embracing the competitive spirit that would define his cricketing journey. It was at the age of 16 that he first held a hard cricket ball, and from that moment on, his destiny as a left-arm bowler was set in motion. After watching countless hours of cricket and learning from the best, he transformed into a serious and valued player. In 1989, Bhautik embarked on a new chapter by relocating to England with his wife, Bina. He integrated into the local cricket scene and became an integral part of teams like Crossens, Southport & Birkdale, and more recently, captain of Fleetwood Hesketh. Initially a seam bowler, he later embraced the role of a spinner, demonstrating his versatility and adaptability. Bhautik’s career has spanned over four incredible decades, with some remarkable landmarks to boast of in English club cricket. Some of his memorable spells include an incredible nine overs, nine maidens, zero runs, and two wickets—an unbelievable return that is etched in the annals of local cricket history. From taking four wickets in four balls to executing a

game-winning hat-trick by a single run, Bhautik's contribution has been nothing short of legendary. In a T20 game, he bowled a maiden in the 20th over, taking 3

and 56 in the Southport & District League. Bhautik's passion for cricket runs in the family. His two sons, Benish (20) and Bellis (17), have inherited their father's love for the game. They have total of 8 centuries between them. He has been a constant and dependable figure in local cricket clubs, running a successful third team at Fleetwood Hesketh in his 50s, which sees cricketers of all ages and abilities enjoying the game and the craic that goes with it. Alongside his wife, he has built a successful accountancy firm, employing numerous individuals. He generously sponsors teams and invests back in the sport he holds dear. Bhautik Shukla's cricketing

Bhautik with his sons, Benish and Bellis

wickets and ensuring victory by a mere 3 runs. And in a game that left everyone on the edge of their seats, Bhautik sealed a win by hitting a six on the last ball. Some remarkable achievements also include an impressive tally of nearly 1500 wickets, with 1415 of them in the prestigious Liverpool Competition

journey is more than just a collection of statistics: wickets, runs, wins, and memorable moments. It is a testament to the enduring spirit of a man who has found his true calling on the cricket field and has etched his name in the annals and conversations of local cricketing history.

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The wonders of essential oils: Aromatherapy explored


ssential oils, often referred to as volatile oils, are concentrated hydrophobic liquids that contain volatile chemical compounds derived from plants. These compounds are easily evaporated at normal temperatures, giving essential oils their distinct aroma and properties. Aromatherapy, the science of working with essential oils, involves utilising extracts from various parts of plants. Each of these oils offers distinct therapeutic benefits for both the body and the mind, contributing to a holistic approach to well-being. Seema P D’Souza, the founder of Saamya Aromatherapy Blends elaborates on the various details about essential oils and their various aspects.

A versatile solution to various problems

Essential oils offer a holistic approach to health, allowing you to manage certain issues without relying on conventional medication. They are versatile and can address various aspects of well-being, offering therapeutic benefits across various aspects, and seamlessly integrating into our daily life. There are several ways to use essential oils.Seema explains“The most popular is the method of using a diffuser, allowing the aroma to fill the room and influence your senses, contributing to an improved mood and overall well-being. You can also integrate essential oils by adding a few drops to massage oil, shampoo, or conditioner.”

Your initiation to essential oils

Seema recommends a basic set of essential oils that can benefit individuals from all walks of life, offering a versatile solution to address various health concerns: peppermint, lavender, tea tree, frankincense and rosemary. These essential oils serve as a foundational set that can be safely kept at home for various purposes and serve as a versatile starting point 92

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suitable for most individuals. In Seema’s opinion, essential oils can be particularly beneficial for addressing various health issues and their versatility makes them a valuable addition to wellness routines. However, there are some important guidelines to follow when dealing with essential oils- ensure that you're purchasing pure essential oils and store them in a cool, dark place to prevent them from evaporating.Always remember to securely close the lids of the oil bottles to avoid evaporation.Avoid using essential oils directly on your skin, with the exception of oils like lavender, which is generally safe for topical application. Also, do not ingest essential oils. While essential oils can assist in the healing process, they typically cannot entirely replace traditional medicines.Certain oils may also not be suitable for specific medical conditions.

A thoughtful gift of well­being this Diwali

According to Seema, essential oils are a great gifting choice for Diwali, thoughtful and useful. She suggests to include additions like candles and other specific items to make the gift more personal. At Saamya, there are four unique candle variants for selection, including- Rose and Cardamom, Turkish Lime and Guava, Oud and Citrus and Sweet Tea and Berries. Each candle is thoughtfully crafted to enhance the festive ambiance and create a warm, inviting atmosphere. The brand curates special products for the festive season, especially keeping the body's wellbeing in mind. Seema D’Souza

Young voices celebrating Diwali heritage Shri Jagannatha and I By Aarushi Lenka, Howell School Llandaff, Cardiff

Have you ever felt as if the pouring rain has finally wiped you clean? That is how I feel when I go the Jagannath temple. We walk in the scorching heat, each step painful and tiring, your lungs fighting for a fresh breath of air and your body fighting your mind for solace. But when you reach those two gates, everything just stops, the Lord of the Universe secured my sanity. Images of wooden Gods, of a jungle neem tree interspersed with celebrations of celestial love. The theme remained of beauty in sandstone of its golden-brown hues against the blue sky, of a yellowed middleman between me and God. He, the omnipotent God, seemed armless, his eyes were large, circular and lidless, he sees us unblinking, in our absurdness and in our countless follies and pointless fears. His serenity is what I carry with me, in every step I take, every jump I make, while being bold and brave like the sound of my ghungroos. His energy flows through me when I dance, and this power descends onto me, so strong, that in that moment, nothing can stop me for Lord Jagannath surges through me.

Dance style Kathak By Tiya Patel, London

The origins of dance in India go back to ancient times. India has several classical Indian dance forms, each of which can be traced to different parts of the country. Classical and folk dance forms also emerged from Indian traditions, epics and mythology. There are many classical dance forms such as Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Odissi, etc. Kathak is the Dance form from North India. I love dancing and I started learning Kathak at the age of 7. I have successfully completed grade 2 examination. I enjoy learning kathak from my teacher and making new friends. The term kathak came from the Sanskrit word (katha) which means “story” and “Kathakar” which means the one who tells a story. There are 3 Gharanas in Kathak: Lucknow, Jaipur, Banaras. I am learning Lucknow Gharana. Woman wear full flared kurta with dupatta and pyjama. Men’s costume is Kurta pyjama/dhoti with dupatta on waist. Ghoongroos are the instrument of kathak dancers and making a proper sound is essential part of kathak. Dancers can’t perform kathak without wearing ghoongroos. When people first start learning kathak they start with an easy tukda which is a rhythmic composition of kathak syllables. Tukda always finish on the first beat of particular Taal. Finishing point is called sum. A Taal is any Rhythmic beat that measures musical time. It is very important to keep the Indian dance heritage alive by encouraging children and adults to learn Indian classical dance and participate in various dance programs. 94

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My learning of Bharathanatyam

By Meera Shaji, Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence

Bharathanatyam is one of the main dance forms of India, it links me to India although I live in the UK. This ancient and graceful dance form has beautiful single hand gestures called Asamyutahastas, when I practise them itmakes me feel I can be a good performer on the stage. The facial expressions or the Navarasa teach us emotional balance. This also helps to focus and improve memory. The postures araimandi (half sitting) and muzhumandi (full sitting) aidin flexibility, in particular theeye exercises have reduced my head ache. The greatest benefits I have experienced are, it made me follow good discipline. I have become more time conscious and organised. The language barrier has been removed. Motivation from teacher while doing difficult steps, has given rise to self motivation during times of insecurity. The confidence level and the feel that I can achieve anything in life have increased. The stories narrated by teacher have made me learn about my culture, heritage and being spiritual. I want to learn this art form and perform at various stages across geographies and make Bharathanatyam reach everywhere, which will create awareness and interest for more people to learn. I would also teach and pass it on to future generations.

How I celebrate Diwali Kavya Arora, Age 14

Diwali is a festival of lights. It is one of the biggest and grandest festivals celebrated mainly in India. Diwali is a festival commemorated to mark joy, victory and harmony. It is celebrated after 20 days of Dussehra festival. ‘Deepavali’ is a Hindi word that means an array of lamps. ‘Deep’ means earthen lamps and ‘avali’ means a queue or an array. Diwali is celebrated in honour of Lord Ramchandra because, on this day, Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. During the exile, he fought with demons and the demon king Ravana, the powerful ruler of Lanka. On Rama’s return, the people of Ayodhya lit diyas to welcome him and celebrate his victory. Since then, Diwali has been celebrated to declare the victory of good over evil. It's celebrated worldwide. It is a festival of fun and happiness. People decorate their homes and offices with various lights, cook delicious food, exchange gifts and share happiness. Indian businesses consider Diwali the first day of the financial new year. On this festival day, corridors are decorated with colourful rangoli and lamps are lit on the rangoli. People dress in new clothes, eat delicacies, light lamps and as the sun sets they burst firecrackers. I enjoy Diwali very much with my friends and family.

Indian heritage: A glimpse into our glorious Past

By Sanjana Reddy Yella, Sanskruti Centre for Cultural Excellence

Indian heritage is a magical journey through time, showcasing our incredible land's rich history and traditions. It's like opening a treasure chest with stories, colours, and flavours cherished for centuries. One of the most essential parts of our heritage is our festivals. Diwali, Holi, and Dussehra. are just a few celebrations that joyfully fill our hearts. They teach us unity, love, and the triumph of good over evil. Our heritage also includes beautiful dances and music. Kathak, Bharatanatyam, and classical music with sitar and tabla create mesmerising performances. These arts have been passed down from generation to generation, making them a special part of our culture. Indian heritage is incomplete without mentioning the marvellous temples and historical monuments like the Taj Mahal. They stand tall, telling stories of great emperors and intricate carvings that amaze us. Our food is another highlight. Spices and flavours combine to create dishes like biryani, dosa, and butter chicken, making Indian cuisine famous worldwide. In conclusion, Indian heritage is a tapestry of colours, flavours, and traditions that make our country unique and special. Learning about and preserving this heritage is essential, as it's a window into our glorious past and a source of pride for all Indians, young and old.

Our rich tapestry of Indian heritage

By Aaryan Pandit-Year 8, Cardiff

I think that Indian heritage is a rich tapestry of traditions, and many aspects continue to be learned, nurtured, and practised by people around the world. One such element is the art of classical Indian dance, which encompasses various styles. There are many different styles and I have performed a few of them at festive events like Diwali. Another essential aspect is Indian cuisine, which includes a vast array of dishes that vary from region to region such as: dosa, idli, aloo tikka and pakora etc. I love trying some cooking observing and cooking with my family and enjoying traditional Indian food as it is a way to connect with my roots and promote a healthy lifestyle. The intertwining of Indian heritage and cricket is a fascinating and enduring aspect of the nation's identity, although not indigenous sport. Cricket is my favourite sport and I represent Cricket Wales East. Cricket is deeply rooted in the country's cultural fabric, reflecting its rich heritage in various ways. In summary, I savour all my aspects of Indian heritage like classical dance, cuisine, and cricket, which I learn, practise and enjoy. I know they will continue to be embraced and celebrated, connecting people to their roots and fostering a sense of cultural pride.

Temples­ Our heritage Khushi Sunil, Year 7, London

This year during the summer holidays, me and my family visited Bangalore, Karnataka to my Ajji & Thatha’s home (grandparents’ house). My Thatha had planned for a Temple tour, 10 days visit to all the prominent and well-known Temples and Heritage sites in and around Karnataka. For Hindus, Temples are energy centres and places of worship. Each Temple is built for a particular deity and has its own architecture style. The Temple Gopuras(the roof of the temple) are beautifully structured and engineered in a way that they will not collapse by it’s weight. They are remarkably built with large slabs of stones and delicately carved with intricate designs, idols of Gods and Goddesses, dance poses depicting the ancient epics of Bharatha by skilled sculptors with deep devotion! Beluru, Halebidu, Sringeri, Udupi, Murdeshwara, Gokarna, Madur Ganapathi, Udajunji, Hornadu, Kateelu, Dharmasthala were a few temples we visited. We could see the vehicles of the deity, who were all animals carved outside or next to the shrine. All temples gave prasad and delicious full meal, which I enjoyed. There were trained elephants in some temples, which acceptedbananas and coconutsand blessed us in return. Some temples also had cow sheds. My little brother and myself had a good time playing with the calves and looking at the mischievous monkeys which were stealing food and snacks from people. It was sad to see that some idols and carvings were chopped off by the invaders. Despite that the temple still stands beautiful. I enjoyed eating local cuisine, dressing up in traditional clothes, shopping in temple streets and some of the scenic hotel rooms we stayed in.

The biggest festival Shwar and Shwara

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals celebrated in India. It is a time when children get a few days off from school. My family always starts the preparation for Diwali with a thorough cleaning of our home. We clean every nook and corner to bring prosperity and positivity to the house. Diwali is called the Festival of Lights. On this day, we light diyas all around our house. My sister and I love making colourful rangoli, and my parents decorate the house with fresh marigold garlands. Me & my sister and friends enjoy firecrackers. We like to celebrate a clean and green Diwali. My parents always get me new clothes to wear for the festival. We wear new dresses and eat lots of sweets and other delicious dishes We gift sweets to family and friends on Diwali. To make sure everyone is happy on these festive days, my family distributes sweets and other gifts among the poor. Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


My Indian heritage­ Carnatic music

By Urvi Chimata- Year 8, Aylesbury High School

Carnatic music is a system of music originating in South India - a classical art that I continue to learn and practice. I started learning music in 2013, aged about 3 years old and Indian music has been a part of my life since then. Now I am 13. I am currently learning keertanas and krithis under the tutelage of Shri Sampath Kumar Acharya and I recently completed the Carnatic Grade 5 exam. I enjoy learning this art form because it is a part of my culture, gives me a sense of belonging and I feel happy when I perform for other people or if I finally master that hard gamaka that I have been practising. It is a fun skill to learn and I think that I can embrace my heritage better by learning these art forms. Whether listening to recordings at home or attending a concert, I enjoy listening to the soothing tones of Kaapi with its distinct swaras, the bold Bhairavi with all its beauty and the fluid Kharaharipriya with its mellifluous gamakas. All these together allow for the expression of diverse moods and feelings, giving the singer and the audience a sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Deepavali, my favourite festival Hirva Shah, Age 9

Diwali is my favourite festival and I eagerly wait for it every year. The day before Diwali is called Naraka Chaturdashi. On that day people worship Mahakali and on Dhanteras, we worship Goddess Laxmi. During Diwali, we decorate our home with flowers, and strings of lights, make beautiful rangolis and lit diyas. We celebrate this festival with our family and friends for almost 5 days. A few days before Diwali, we clean our houses. I enjoy going to temples on his day with my family members. We also invite relatives for dinner or lunch. On Diwali, we burst crackers and eat a lot of sweets. May every lamp you light bring happiness to your life. Happy Diwali to all!

This Diwali, praying for the peace in the world and our hearts Aryana Nileshkumar Raval Mount Stewart Junior School, Kenton, Harrow, Year - 5,Age- 9 years

I feel that Diwali is the most enjoyable time of the year. During our Pooja, we read religious stories ‘Katha’ of the past, I feel very calm and relaxed and it feels like I am in a different world. I really like the food such as puris, Samosas and different savouries. But I assure you, my brother would finish almost all of the snacks one week into the Hindu New Year. But the fireworks are my favourite part because of all the awesome Rockets and the design they make in the sky when they blast. However, the most important thing about Diwali is that we honour Goddess Lakshmiji, the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury and beauty. Every night my dad and I pray for her blessings and I pray that all the suffering in Ukraine and Palestine ends and that everybody is blessed with good health and peace. 96

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My Indian clothing, my heritage

By Vedha Aveen Krishnan, Year 9, School: St. Bartholomew, Newbury

A whirlwind of colors engulfs me. Golden patterns on vibrant skirts twirl. Churidars, saris and millions of other clothes swivel around, creating a rainbow of joy. India is shown through something as simple as clothing. I live in England, and it often feels as if my Indian heritage is slowly forgotten, I see a rare glimpse of it once in a while, before it elusively disappears. However, the moments that I can never forget are those during a cultural celebration. A small portal to India is opened and a fragment of the culture reaches a small city hall in the south of England. Everyone outside on the streets may be dressed in hoodies and jeans, but in our little piece of India, we stand proud in saris, lehengas, dhotis. As I stand in front of a mirror, in a churidar perhaps, or a new pattu pavadai, I remember the beauty of Indian culture. In so many other places, historical clothes are just forgotten, part of a fleeting history lesson or a fun Halloween costume, yet India still cherishes the clothes worn so long ago. Every forgotten dhoti, every bridal lehenga is filled with unique memories, every small symbol on it represents something. Represents India.

Indian heritage

Rohan Bej, 11 yrs, Year 7 City of London School

In India, we celebrate a variety of events, and we enjoy it to rejuvenate our mundane souls. But when we live abroad, does this mean that we cannot enjoy these wonderful traditions? Well, that in mind, join me, as we dive into the measures the UK takes in order to prove this wrong. In UK, we celebrate many things that remind us of our sweet motherland, and one of these is to imitate the festivals that happen in India. Should definitely mention Durga puja and Dol (also known as Holi) for Bengalis, Janmashtami, Ganesh Chaturthi, Diwali, Navrathri and Raksha Bandhan for Hindus, Eid for Muslims, Pongal for South-Indians, Gurpurab and Baisakhi for Punjabis. In terms of traditions, there is a variety of customs and history in the UK, such as religious festivals, traditional clothing, cuisine, language, music, dance, mehendi and weddings. All these are wonderful, but as they say, you can’t do it on an empty stomach, so let’s talk food! Curry, biryani, tandoori, naan, samosas, pakoras, chaat, dosa, masala chai, and mishti! Food galore! When out to see India in UK, you will notice that there is a plethora of fabrics, clothes and jewellery. This is sure to be music to the ears, and on the subject of music, there is a lot of music to choose from, dance to and sing along to! This is just a fraction of the Things UK does to make us feel at home as if we were in India. That is all, but I hope that some of this has inspired you to give India a try!


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The inspiring and historic Ram Katha at Cambridge T

he art of Ram Katha shapes humanity. Remembering Ram embodies truth, chanting Ram's name represents love, and listening to Ram's story instils compassion, says Pujya Morari Bapu. The historic city of Cambridge marked a momentous occasion as Jesus College, part of the esteemed University of Cambridge, witnessed the Ram Katha by renowned Indian spiritual guru and storyteller, Pujya Morari Bapu, from August 12 to 20, 2023. The sacred Ram Katha was hosted by Lord Dolar Popat's family and the youth of Britain, led by Paavan Popat. Lord Popat humbly carried the book to the venue, placing it on his head at a remarkably modest cost. Pujya Bapu, in narrating the Ram Katha, remarked that a universal book had been brought to the grounds of an esteemed global university and highlighted that the Ram Charit Manas, in essence, is a university in itself, christening the phrase 'Manas Vishwavidyalaya'— a vibrant mobile university of the mind. Message from King Charles Lord Dolar Popat conveyed a message from His Majesty King Charles III at the Katha, where he congratulated the British-Hindu community for this commendable initiative, underscoring the inspirational impact of Morari Bapu's teachings of truth, love, and compassion. Lord Popat also shared a message from the Archbishop of

' ा ा ु ा ी । ' ु ' ा ' ' ु ा ी ।। bisvanātha mama nāthapurārī। tribhuvanamahimābiditatumhārī।। ा ा - ो ा १०७ Balkand - Doha 107 Canterbury. In his welcoming address, he expressed, "I extend a warm welcome to Pujya Bapu on behalf of my government. Bapu will seamlessly integrate knowledge and spirituality through Ram Katha."

ु ा' ा ा । ' ा ा ा ।। bhagatabachhala prabhu kṛpānidhānā । bisvabāsapragaṭebhagavānā।। ा ा – ो ा १४६ Balkand Doha 146

On 15 August 2023, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also attended the Ram Katha. He said he was there not as a prime minister but as a Hindu. "It is truly an honour and pleasure to be here today at Morari Bapu's Ram Katha at the University of Cambridge on Indian Independence Day," he said. "Bapu, I am here today not as a prime minister but as a Hindu!” The Indian-origin British Prime Minister said that faith was very personal for him, guiding him in every aspect of his life. Sunak also made salutations of 'Jai Siya Ram'. The UK PM referred to a portrait of Lord Hanuman that featured in the background on the stage and said: "Just like Bapu has a Golden Hanuman in his background, I am proud that a Golden Ganesha sits

gleefully on my desk at 10 Downing Street." In his concluding remark, Sunak said Lord Ram would always be an inspirational figure for him. "I leave here today remembering the Ramayana that Bapu speaks on, but also the Bhagavad Gita and the Hanuman Chalisa. And for me, Lord Ram will always be an inspirational figure to face life's challenges with courage, to govern with humility, and to work selflessly."

Rishi Sunak: I am here as a Hindu

Ameet Jogia MBE: Actively promoting community engagement Ameet Jogia is the Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate for Hendon - a key marginal constituency that the party needs to win to secure a majority at the next general election. Ameet is based at No 10 and serves as the Prime Minister’s political adviser and joined the team shortly after Sunak became Prime Minister. He specializes in faith and race matters, playing a key role in promoting community engagement. 98

DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Previously, Ameet has served as a special adviser in the party Chairman’s office and as an adviser in the House of Lords to Lord Popat. Having grown up in North West London, Ameet is well accustomed to living and working with diverse communities and is the co-chair of the Conservative Friends of India - the largest affiliate group for the party. He has been a Harrow Councillor for Stanmore for almost ten years and a party activist for over twenty years. He also serves as a magistrate in North West London and was awarded an MBE last year for political and public services.

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT



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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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JAY VADHER & CO SOLICITORS AND NOTARY PUBLIC Jay Vadher and Rajay Vadher wish you and your family a Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year We specialise in commercial & residential property conveyancing, wills, probate, family law and litigation.

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Bhakti Shyama Care Centre

1 BalhamNew Road, London, SW12 9PH

Old age is the last stage of human life before the end. After enjoying the spring of youth, old age feels like the autumn season in which ripe yellow leaves fall from the tree one after the another. By the age of 60 or more, many health-related concerns are often faced like blood-sugar, cholesterol, blood pressure, arthritis, heart disease-bypass surgery, memory loss i.e. Alzheimer's etc. At several occasions elderly people often seem to be gloomy and suffering from depression mainly because of loneliness. The fear of grief and dying in old age haunts many people. In order to control the mind at this stage of life, it is necessary for them to adopt a positive attitude. In this present and fast-paced life, young children and other members of the family are tied up with their jobs or other activities and they can hardly spare time for their elder family members. Even when

Email : enquiry@bhaktishyamacarecentre.co.uk

they need to go on holidays to revive themselves and enjoy leisure time, their main concern is always about their elders and in such circumstances they have to turn towards care homes so that proper care is taken of them. A Residential/Nursing home in Balham, South London, the Bhakti Shyama Care Centre opened in December 2011, largely caring for Asian seniors in mind. An experienced and passionate team fully acquainted with the demands of a care home, looks after residents suffering from Dementia, offers them palliative care, respite care, long term care, reablement care, and end of life care. Emphasising the term ‘Asian Care Home', Manager Anita said, "I stress on the term, Not only are our seniors pure vegetarians by choice of religion or others, there is also a

language barrier which triggers the major part of their problems. How will a person communicate in a dialect foreign to them? Our Asian residents then keep themselves, making treatment ineffective." Elaborating on the services provided by Bhakti Shyama Centre, Manager Anita said they make sure the right kind of care with dignity is being offered, with service with quality to all. Care homes like Bhakti Shyama are functional examples of why such centres are not always bad places for your loved ones. With home-like hospitality and an eagerness to serve the elderly, this Asian care home serves up the best of treatment and management. It is like Home Away from Home. Bhakti Shyama Care Centre has been rated good by CQC.

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Mahavir Foundation Registered Charity NO 296175 557 Kenton Road, Kenton, Middlesex HA3 9RS Derasar Tel: 020 8206 1659 – President: Niraj Sutaria www.mahavirfoundation.com

આ´ Âκ³щ¸ÃЦ¾Ъº µЦઉ׬ъ¿³ ¯ºµ°Ъ §¹ ╙§³щ×ĩ અ³щ³а¯³ ¾ÁЦ↓╙·³є±³

We at Mahavir Foundation wish you a Very Happy Diwali and a Prosperous New Year

Mahavir Foundation - Executive Committee Names from left to right Seated: Kalpanaben Shah, Radhaben Vora, Chandrakant Shah, Niraj Sutaria (President), Dr Vinod Kapashi, Rajen Shah (Secretary) Standing: Kirit Mehta, Sunil Gandhi (Treasurer), Mukesh Kapashi (Vice President), Rajkumar Shah, Nilesh Mehta, Amit Mehta

Derasar Opening Times in Diwali and New Year Day: Morning 8 am to 9 pm (Executive Committee of Mahavir Foundation, Advisors, Ladies Wing, Youth Wing, Yuva Wing, Pathshala and Mahavir Mandal) (Sponsored by a Well-wisher)

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Happy Diwali & a Prosperous New Year

K's lounge & Sports Bar K ton Vegeterian and Nonvegeterian Restaurant

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K's Lounge Kenton Branch address and contact

34, Kenton Park Parade, Kenton Road, Kenton, Middlesex HA3 8DN

Contact: 020 8909 2938

K's Lounge Bar Grill & Restaurant

We are oppening a new branch on 11th of December


187 Oldham Road Springhead Saddleworth, Manchester OL4 4QJ Stay tuned ....

 Vegetarian and non-vegetarian food is cooked in separate kitchens.  Private Bear garden & banquet for private parties available

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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Hindu Council Brent Register Charity No 291907

Hindu Council Brent Committee Members wishes everyone Happy Diwali and a Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous New Year Newly Elected Committee

Nirmalaben Patel - Chairperson Jayantibhai Popat - Vice Chairman Anjanaben Thaker - Secretary Mahendrabhai Pattni - Treasurer Rupalben Pandya - PRO

Committee Members

Upendrabhai Solanki Nilimaben Raval Sammetbhai Pandya Bharatbhai Patel Sumantrai Desai

Rajubhai Pandya Pramodbhai Patel Arvindbhai Dhutia Ashwinbhai Halai Manubhai Makwana

Rupal Pandya (PRO), Bharat Patel, Ashwin Halai, Jayanti Popat (Vice Chairman), Nirmala Patel (Chairperson), Mahendra Pattni (Treasurer), Sumantrai Desai, Arvind Dhutia

Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT



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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023 | DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT


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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Happy Diwali

and a prosperous New Year

આ´³Ц 羧³³Ъ ╙¥º╙¾±Ц¹³Ъ ¾Â¸Ъ ´½щઅ¸щઆ´³Ъ ´¬¡щ ઉ·Ц ºÃщ¾Ц Âĸ±¹ ÂÃકЦº આ´¾Ц ¯Ó´º ¦Ъએ

All Religion Respected

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⌡ Private Viewing in our Chapel of Rest

⌡ Wash & Dress

⌡ Horse & Carriages

⌡ Weekend Funerals

⌡ Flower Arrangements

⌡ Worldwide Repatriation

⌡ Final Dispersal of Ashes in UK



⌡ Priest Arrangement

⌡ Embalrning & Hygiene Treatment

⌡ ઇ×¬Ъ´щ׬ת Ù¹Ь³º» ¬Ц¹ºщĪº ⌡ Ãђ¸ ╙¾╙¨ªÂ ⌡ ĬЦઇ¾щª ઔєє╙¯¸ ±¿↓³ ¸Цªъઅ¸Цºщ Ó¹Цє¥щ´»³Ъ ¢¾¬ ¦щ ⌡ ´Ц╙°↓¾ ±щóщç³Ц³ અ³щ§щ¯щ´ђ¿Цક ÂЦ°щ¯ь¹Цº કºЪએ ¦Ъએ ⌡ £ђ¬Ц ÂЦ°щકыºщ@ ઉ´»Ú² ¦щ ⌡ ¾Ъકы׬¸ЦєÙ¹Ь³º» કºЪએ ¦Ъએ ⌡ Ù»Ц¾º એºщק¸щ×ΠકºЪએ ¦Ъએ ⌡ ¾à¬↔¾Цઇ¬ ºЪ´щĺЪએ¿³ ⌡ ¹Ьકы¸ЦєઅЩç° ╙¾Â§↓³³Ъ ã¹¾ç°Ц ⌡ ĬЪçª (¾щ±ђŪ ╙¾╙² કºЦ¾³Цº) ĮЦΜ®³Ъ ã¹¾ç°Ц ⌡ ´Ц╙°↓¾ ±щÃ³ЬєએÜ¶Ц»¸Ỳ¢ અ³щÃЦઈ@³ ĺЪª¸щת

Kalpesh Patel Tel: 0208 922 3344 M: 07400 604 460 KENTON BRANCH: 445 KENTON ROAD, HARROW HA3 0XY ILFORD BRANCH: 1-3 Beattyville Gardens, IG6 1JN

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023

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Abbey Total Care Group Ltd AG & SONS UK LTD AJ Tours & Travels Albury Associates Ltd Amba Forwarding (London) Ltd Arora Group Artemis Insurance Brokers Asher's Africana Asian Funeral Care Ltd AUM Care Group (UK) Ltd AUM Crematorium Awnhill Ltd B Shukla Balham Mandir Balkrishna Gaushala Blue Bird Care Blue Ginger Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University British Airways Cardiff Sanatan Hindu Mandir Carpet Rite Ltd Carter Bond Solicitors Chan Neill Solicitors Chandu Tailor & Son Ltd Charotar University of Science & Technology CHRF Citibond Travel London Ltd Cll Ramji Chauhan Complete outsource Solutions Accountants Contact 4 Support Services. Creative Cut's Croydon Motor Spares Ltd Deven bhai Sanghani Dhamecha Cash & Carry Dharmaj Society Of London Dr. Zarna Purohit Taluja Dream House Construction Eran Diamond Uk Ltd Everest Construction Exchange Legal Services Ltd Galaxy Wholesalers Ltd Genisys Group Global Travel Gold Investments Ltd Golden Meadows / G M Impex Ltd Gujarat Hindu Society Harrow Business Centre Health Aid Ltd Heartfulness UK Hindu Council Brent Hitesh Tailor ICICI Bank InXpress Harrow IOJ Ltd for One Jain Jade Pharmacy Jay Vadher & Co Solicitors John Cumming Ross Ltd Kadwa Patidar Samaj Uk Ltd Kakira Sugar Ltd- Madhvani Group Kinnari's Beauty Parlour Klyn Stone

125 172 103 43 108 31 93 175 171 26 67 149 91 125 163 177 133 105 3 173 175 47 37 185 44 45 97 24 127 133 129 171 38 7 169 145 123 151 71 167 65 23 18 55 77 137 39 159 49 169 24 9 149 175 73 115 53 109 153 173 107



K's Lounge Lifelines International Fund for Education London Imperial Immigration Services Lord Dolar Popat Lord Dolar Popat Maharaj Foods Ltd. (Jaimin Namkeen) Mahavir Foundation Maher Centre Leicester Moore Kingston Smith LLP Nagrecha Brothers Ltd Narayan Seva Santhan UK Navnat Vanik Association (UK) Necessity Supplies Ltd Neejanand Resort Oum Funeral Care Ltd P S J Alexander & Co Padam Banquet and Lawns PALAN FOUNDATION PBL Jewellers Pendley Manor Hotel Phone Man Pickfords Move Management Ltd PLC UK Ltd Polio Children Prideview Agency LLP Radhakrishna Temple Shyama Ashram- VYO Raj Vaid Guruji Randal Charitable Foundation Reach to Teach Reliable Personnel Ltd RNS Chartered Accountants Royal Air Force RWorld Express Safedale Ltd Sakhiya Skin Clinic Sangam Ltd- Hinduja Group Sangat Advice Centre Saya Enterprises Ltd SBI UK Shanti Funeral Services Ltd Shree Jalaram Prarthna Mandal Shree Krishna Hospital Shree Kutch Leva Patel Community Uk Shree Swaminarayan Temple - Stanmore Shreeji Cars Ltd Shreyas Dental Hospital Sigma Pharmaceuticals Plc SP Jain London School of Management SP Jain London School of Management Sri Aurobindo Trust- Koolesh Shah Suman Marriage Bureau Sunrup Cash & Carry The Gold Warehouse Limited Tilda Ltd Vascroft Foundation Vijay Homeopathic Clinic Vissi Uniforms Volcanoes Safaris LTD Vyman Solicitors Westcombe Homes Ltd Zoom Finance Ltd

165 5 99 1 98 85 159 157 35 21 181 59 155 117 189 87 121 63 147 51 167 15 61 112 115 122 171 32 25 135 79 13 175 99 143 11 173 29 17 193 161 141 169 89 87 139 55 2 30 131 173 113 57 195 169 138 129 41 111 196 172

THE TEAM Publisher & Editor-in-Chief : CB Patel Group Editor : Mahesh Liloriya Managing Editor, Asian Voice : Rupanjana Dutta Consulting Editor, Gujarat Samachar : Jyotsna Shah Consulting Editor, Gujarat Samachar : Kokila Patel Consulting Editor, Asian Voice : Alpesh Patel Head - Business Development : Cecil Soans Advertising Manager : Kishor Parmar Manager, Business Development : Pooja Raval Representative Community & Media : Surendra Patel Customer Support : Ingrid Pinheiro

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DIWALI FESTIVAL OF LIGHT | Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2023


⌡ Inter-racial couples Diwali celebrations 16 ⌡ Raja Ravi Varma's artistic heritage 20, 22, 24 ⌡ Indian diplomat talks about his heritage 28 ⌡ Aylesbury veteran talks Diwali light festival 34, 36 ⌡ Ancient Diwali legends 40, 42 ⌡ Shri Maharani Chimnabai Stree Udyogalaya 46, 48 ⌡ A legacy of celebrating Indian heritage 50 ⌡ The challenges of preserving Indian heritage 52, 54 ⌡ Women by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni 56, 58 ⌡ History through sculptural narratives 60, 62 ⌡ Exploring Indian heritage with music 64 ⌡ Haji Kasam’s Vijli 66 ⌡ Jainism and Prakrit 68, 69 ⌡ Sanatan Dharma 70, 71 ⌡ Eco-friendly Diwali decorations 72 ⌡ Diwali glam guide 74, 75 ⌡ Hand weaving skill into mainstream design 76, 78 ⌡ Boito- Saving India’s tribal heritage 80, 81 ⌡ Artisanal Sweets 82, 83 ⌡ Kheer and innovation 84 ⌡ Recipes from Amit Bagyal 86, 87 ⌡ The Case of Cat Adam 88, 90 ⌡ The wonders of essential oils Aromatherapy 92 English articles written by: Anusha Singh, Shefali Saxena and Subhasini Naicker


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