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Manor elebrations

Manor elebrations

Mahant Swami Maharaj's saintliness, purity, equanimity and devotion to God earned him the profound blessings of his gurus Yogiji Maharaj and Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Here is a selection of their revelations about his greatness.


❀ If you want to please me, please Mahant Swami.

❀ Once Mahant Swami stamps [your passport], no one all the way up to Prakruti-Purush can block your entry [to Akshardham].

❀ In this way, if you worship Bhagwan, study Sanskrit and follow the commands of Mahant Swami and Pramukh Swami, then you will [become] like gold!

❀ The spiritual state [of Bhagatji Maharaj] can be seen in our Mahant Swami –Mahant Swami from Mumbai, Keshavjivandas Swami. If you haven’t had his darshan, then you must go to Mumbai. He has such an elevated spiritual state, he is devoid of ego. If someone honours him or insults him, it makes no impression on his mind.

❀ How can Bhagwan and the Satpurush be pleased? We have revealed Mahant Swami to be great, so everyone should abide by his commands.

❀ Understand him [Mahant Swami] to be as great as [Gunatitanand] Swami. Understand his glory in this way. If you speak of his greatness in this manner, you will experience peace.


❀ Doing darshan of Mahant Swami fills one with profound tranquillity. Everyone is captivated by his saintliness and humility, and he has always given me his unreserved support.

❀ While remembering Mahant Swami’s father, Manibhai

Narayanbhai Patel, Pramukh Swami Maharaj said, “He has gifted us a great gem. That great gem is Mahant Swami! That is the greatest of all gifts. Mahant Swami is such that his darshan bestows peace. He has been blessed immensely by Yogi Maharaj.”

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