Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022 3
ÃЪ¸Ц·Цઇ ´ªъ», ¸¢³·Цઇ ´ªъ» Â╙ï³Ц ÂÓÂє¢Ъઓ ˛ЦºЦ ´Ьæક½ ¸±± ¸½Ъ ºÃЪ Ã¯Ъ. 1955¸Цє ´Ãщ»Ъ ¾Цº ¹ђ¢Ъ ¸ÃЦºЦ§, Ĭ¸Ь¡ç¾Ц¸Ъ ¸ÃЦºЦ§ Â╙ï³Ц Âє¯ђએ આ╙ĭકЦ³Ъ ¸Ь»ЦકЦ¯ »Ъ²Ъ અ³щ¸є╙±º³Ъ ç°Ц´³Ц કºЪ ïЪ. આ ºЪ¯щBAPS³ђ ╙¾±щ¿³Ъ ²º¯Ъ ´º ĬЦºє· °¹ђ ïђ. 1971¸Цє¹ђ¢Ъ ¸ÃЦºЦ§³Ц ╙³¾Ц↓® ¶Ц± ´а˹ Ĭ¸Ь¡ç¾Ц¸Ъએ BAPS³Ц આÖ¹ЦЩÓ¸ક ¾¬Ц ¯ºЪકы³Ъ કЦ¸¢ЪºЪ ¿λ કºЪ ïЪ. ¹ђ¢Ъ ¸ÃЦºЦ§ કÃщ¯Ц કы ¸Цιє અ²Ьιє કЦ¸ Ĭ¸Ь¡ç¾Ц¸Ъ ´Ьιє કº¿щ ¯щઓ ¸ЦºЦ ¸Цªъ ¾↓ç¾ ¦щ આ´®Ъ Â³Ц¯³ ²¸↓ Ĭ®Ц»Ъ¸Цє ¢Ьιઓ આ¢¾Ь є ç°Ц³ ²ºЦ¾щ ¦щ ĴˇЦ½Ьઓ ´ђ¯Ц³Ц ¢Ьι¸Цє ´º¸ЦÓ¸Ц §ђઇ ¿કы ¯щ¾Ъ આ´®Ц ¿ЦçĦђ³Ъ ¿Ъ¡ ¦щ . આÓ¸Ц - ¸ÃЦÓ¸Ц - ´º¸ЦÓ¸Ц એ આ´®Ц ઉ´╙³Á±ђ¸Цє ç¾ЪકЦºЦ¹щ»Ъ ÃકЪક¯ ¦щ . BAPS³Ъ ç°Ц´³Ц¸Цє Âѓ°Ъ ¾²Ь Âє¢Ъ³ અ³щ Â╙ĝ¹ ¹ђ¢±Ц³ ¿ЦçĦЪ ¸ÃЦºЦ§³Ь Ã¯Ь ¯щઓ ઊє¥Ц - ±щ¡Ц¾¬Ц અ³щ Ĭ·Ц¾¿Ц½Ъ
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I can still recall that when I was just 8-10 years old. I used to hold my grandfather's and father's fingers and go to temple for Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj's affection (Vatsalya). My grandfather Manibhai Patel also participated in the emplacement of the idol in the Bochasan temple. That image of my grandfather is still imprinted in my mind.
Patel who were serving in the railways. For the first time in 1955, saints including Yogiji Maharaj, and Pramukh Swami Maharaj visited Africa and established a temple. This is how BAPS began its foundation on foreign soil.
On 7th December 1921, a child was born to Motilalbhai Prabhudas Patel and Diwaliba Patel in Chansad village of Gujarat. The child was named Shantilal Patel. Founder of Bochasanwasi Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan (BAPS) organization Brahmaswarup Shastriji Maharaj blessed the newborn and said to Motibhai and Diwaliba, this child is ours. When the right time comes, give this child to us. This child is destined to lead thousands of people – devotees to the faith of God. Through him, thousands will experience salvation. The promises made by Brahmaswaroop Shastriji Maharaj were fulfilled and Shantilal became Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj, who preached the Lord Swaminarayan message all over the world and elevated BAPS to a prominent position in the realm of spirituality.
Around the world, people are celebrating the 100th anniversary of Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj's birth with joy, fervour and unforgettable glee. My family and I vividly remember the happy times we shared with Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
On September 26, 2007, addressing devotees at the BAPS centenary celebrations at Neasden Swaminarayan Temple in London, I felt blissful when Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj spoke about his relationship with my family. Ever since Brahmaswaroop Shastriji Maharaj established the first temple in Bochasan, Pujya Shastri Maharaj has been part of my family’s lives.
He used to reach the temple at 9 o'clock every morning dressed in a long coat, Dhotiyu (White cloth), Khesh on his shoulders with a red turban on his head and holding a silver stick in his hand. My grandfather and father strictly followed the orders of Brahmaswaroop Shastriji Maharaj to serve the saints.
My family was always ready to serve the saints. Shastriji Maharaj had consistently praised my family for the support and financial assistance they continue to provide. I will never forget how my father Babubhai's satsangi character and boldness were commended by Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj at the opening ceremony of the centennial festival at the Neasden temple.
I consider myself extremely fortunate because I had the opportunity to see Pujya Yogi Bapa Maharaj, Pujya Shastriji Maharaj and Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj together.
At the age of just 28, Shastri Narayan Swarupadas was appointed as the Administrative Head (Pramukh-man) of BAPS by Shastriji Maharaj on May 21, 1950, at Ambaliwali Pol in Ahmedabad. After that, Shastri Narayana Swarupadas gained the name Pramukh Swami. After the departure (Nirvana) of Shastriji Maharaj in 1951, he continued to work under the guidance of Yogiji Maharaj, the spiritual head of BAPS.
Yogiji Maharaj and Pramukh Swami Maharaj started the indirect propagation of Satsang among the followers of BAPS and settled in Kenya. The growth of BAPS Satsang in Kenya was getting a lot of help from the satsangis including Himabhai Patel and Maganbhai
After Yogiji Maharaj's departure (Nirvana) in 1971, Pujya Pramukh Swami became the spiritual head of BAPS. Yogiji Maharaj used to say that my unfinished work will be completed by Pramukh Swami. They are everything to me. Gurus occupy a prominent place in our Sanatan dharma system. Our scriptures teach that devotees can see the divine in their Guru. Atma - MahatmaParamatma is a fact accepted in our Upanishads.
The most active and outstanding contribution to the founding of BAPS was made by Shastriji Maharaj. He had a tall, attractive, and endearing personality. He was a dedicated student and an ardent scholar of Sanskrit. However, his greatest speciality was that he imbibed the teachings of Shreeji Maharaj. Pramukh Swamiji had always accomplished the assigned jobs by Shri Yogiji Maharaj by putting extravagant strength. From this, we feel that Yogiji Maharaj's objectives were fulfilled through Pramukh Swamiji.
His sainthood was instinctive. His expulsion from Vadtal Dham is documented in history, but keeping up with the objectives and guiding principles of Param Pujya Bhagatji Maharaj, he made a revolutionary change by eliminating nepotism, casteism, and apartheid from Swaminarayan Satsang. It is noteworthy that he gave absolute priority to Aradhana, the Aradhana of Shrihari.
Following on his footsteps, Param Pujya Yogibapa was a wonderful and extraordinary person. I have benefited from his darshan many times. I had the good fortune to sit next to him and observe his gestures and speech. In the true sense, he was an innocent saint sitting at the feet of God. He devoted his entire life
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to the propagation of Shastriji Maharaj and the Swaminarayan's objectives.
Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj has continued the tradition and also further developed the objectives of Param Pujya Shashtriji & Yogiji. The religious tradition was further ennobled. Supreme elements like faith, spirituality, and selfconfidence were added to the lives of not hundreds, but millions of people through Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Addressing the opening ceremony of the centenary, Prime Minister Narendra Modi described Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj as his father. He talked a lot about his emotional relationship with him. I was fortunate to have the privilege of being part of many faceto-face Satsang with Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Additionally, I was also privileged to drive Pramukh Swami Maharaj to Padhramani, which I would remember for the rest of my life. He used to speak in simple language, offer advice, and instantly transform someone's life.
His Holiness Swami Maharaj took the leadership of the BAPS following Yogiji Maharaj's departure in 1971. In his final years, Yogi Bapa bestowed special blessings on a few young saints because he was kind, innocent and godlike. He instructed these saints to undertake particular initiatives for the betterment of young people, entrepreneurs, women etc. But in the last years of Param Pujya Yogi Bapa and after his departure to heaven, some people became alienated from BAPS.
At that time Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj maintained composure and without wasting time, energy and resources. Param Pujya followed in the footsteps of Yogiji. He built hundreds of temples, spread Hindu religion and culture and became a source of inspiration for millions. He was a true visionary. This is our humble attempt to pay homage to Param Puja Pramukh Swamiji, he was unprecedented in past and future times, and this type of personality is rare in other words Pramukh Swami Maharaj was a distinctive religious leader for this type of objective- 'Shat Shat
Pujya Param Pramukh Swami Maharaj's words and Sadaiv Param Pujya Shastriji and Param Pujya Yogiji Maharaj's deeds shine all over the world. He was the epitome of love and respect. Mahantswami Maharaj is subject to the same rules that Param Pujya did. His Holiness spent his entire life according to the principles and ABPL was very fortunate to publish a special magazine highlighting the life & work of Param Pujya Mahant Swami Maharaj in September-2017. Additionally, I've been fortunate enough to meet Mahant Swami Maharaj many times.
Param Pujya Mahant Swami Maharaj has dedicatedly served not only BAPS but the entire mankind. It is hardly an overstatement to say that BAPS has undergone a profound transformation in the past two years thanks to his forceful and forward-thinking leadership. Along with him, Param Pujya Iswarcharan Swami, Param Pujya Viveksagar Swami, Param Pujya Brahmavihari Swami as well as some welleducated, influential, young saints are carrying the torch of tradition and raising the flag of our holy heritage in all the directions and areas of the world.
Under the leadership of Reverend President Swami Maharaj, BAPS emerged as a global Hindu organization. After the departure of Yogiji Maharaj, hundreds of temples and centres were built around the world under the leadership of Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Under his guidance, 1000 temples were built in India and 125 in foreign countries. Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj gave utmost importance to temple construction.
He said that in today's modern society, temples are significant to inspire the members of the society to uphold faith and values. Talking about BAPS and Param Pujya Pramukh Swami, if there is no mention about our Neasden Swaminarayan Temple, then the story seems incomplete.
This temple represents the accomplishment of Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj's dream in a country across the ocean. I lack words to adequately express the all-encompassing services provided by Yogvivekaswami as well as
other saints and trustees in various capacities at the renowned Neasden Swaminarayan temple in London.
I can honestly state that I have a long-standing special bond with the Neasden temple as well. I came to London from Africa in 1966. In March 1967, I came in contact with two Satsangi dignitaries. These dignitaries were Dr. R. B. Shah and Shri Poonambhai Patel. At that time, Satsang meetings were regularly held at Shri P.K. Patel's home in Marble Arch, Central London. I went there quite often.
As time went by, the connection with BAPS grew stronger. After 56 years, I can now affirm that Dr Mayankbhai R.B. Shah and Shri Girishbhai Poonambhai Patel are the bright stars and members of the BAPS Neasden Mandir's Board of Trustees.
BAPS has been one of the biggest contributors to spreading Hinduism around the world. Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj is one of the greatest spiritual gurus in the world because of his hard work in spreading Hinduism beyond India's borders to other nations. Even countless articles will fall short if we attempt to discuss Param Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj in this manner.
The main reason for publishing this modest special magazine is to strengthen the connection of the youth abroad with the Sanatan Dharma and introduce them to Param Pujya Swamiji. We wish to tell you about Bapa's life narrative and his charitable actions.
Our endeavour is grounded in the timeless principles of Param Pujya Swamiji. Consider it a modest effort to honour Pramukh Swami Maharaj and a tribute to a noble soul. Furthermore, I want to thank the people who support my publishing efforts, including my office colleagues. At present, when the birth centenary of Pujya Pramukh Swami Maharaj is being celebrated across the world, my sincere salute to this ardent flag bearer of religion...
Jay Shree Swaminarayan
CB Patel
8 10 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
Publisher & Editor in Chief Gujarat Samachar and Asian Voice
from pg. no.
Locating hidden wealth in India
Bhupen Dalal
In India, if a shareholder does not cash his dividend for a continuous period of 7 year , the listed companies are required to transfer the dividend to the Investor Education Protection Fund ( I. E .P F) . There is an obligation on them to transfer total no of share to the fund. The value of such unacclaimed assets are estimated to be about Rs 2 trillion ( Or approximately Pound sterling 20 billion) . This also includes unclaimed units in mutual funds, unclaimed insurance policies and Bank deposits .
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Once the shares are transferred to I E PF , it does not mean that they are lost . The assets can be claimed along with the past dividends as well as the shares . The process is cumbersome but not impossible. It takes anywhere from 18-24 months . If the shareholder is a single holder and has expired , it is incumbent of the legal heirs to file for succession certificates/probate from a competent court in India.
There are a few agencies like Wealth locater division of CIFCO Ltd( formerly Champaklal Investment & Consultancy Ltd who provide the services for getting duplicate shares and also claiming back the dividends when those that are deposited in the I.E P. F .) Cifco Ltd as the merchant Bankers regularly held “road shows “for public offers of shares” in London in the premises of Gujarat
Samachar . This was the period of 1970’s and 1980’s There are very few reliable agencies in India like the Wealth Locater division of Cifco Ltd . However large number of individuals with no office or infrastructure who have also jumped into the fray . Not all of the are reliable . Unless you know the person who approaches you are well known to you , one should exercise caution. There has been a scam from telemarketer from India who have threatened in the past to U S tax payers posing as Internal Revenue Service ( IRS) and blackmailed the gullible people in U SA to fall prey to such telephone frauds. The result is that wherever an effort is made to connect some of the people especially in U S, the response is one where they bang the phone. This gang has been busted by the Mumbai police from one the suburbs of the city , The result is that most people of Indian origin residing in U S and elsewhere perceive this as a SCAM and they are losers of a vast sum of money . As far as reputable agencies are concerned, in one case a client had invested in Dr Reddy’s laboratories while he was in Dubai. He had moved to Toronto. It required a lot of detective work to locate the gentleman. His investment was mere Rs 30,000 in 1992 but after calculating the bonus shares, the value had risen to over INR 12.50 million in 2016. Normal procedure is to enter into an agreement with a reputable agency who would take a small upfront retainer fee and balance only on receiving the assets. The fee generally ranges around 20% of the value as per rate of the shares , prevailing on the date when they are finally reclaimed.
The procedure is cumbersome and therefore most the few large organization restrict themselves to assignments where the value is at least around Rs 250,000/-and over. (Pounds 25,000.)
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022 11
Pramukh Swami
Maharaj was the fifth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. His message, “In the joy of others, lies our own” inspired over a million followers around the globe to offer dedicated service to God, guru and society. Pramukh Swami Maharaj reached out to all sections of society, visiting more than 250,000 homes in 17,000 villages and cities, and personally counselling and comforting more than 810,000 people. His natural humility, compassion for humanity, universal wisdom and striking simplicity touched many religious and national leaders. But most important of all was his quiet, undisturbed love for God.
BORN: 7 DECEMBER 1921, WEDNESDAY (Magshar sud 8, VS 1978) Chansad, Gujarat, India.
PASSED AWAY: 13 AUGUST 2016 (Shravan sud 10, Samvat 2072) Sarangpur, Gujarat, India
Time to reflect on the life of a GREAT SPIRITUAL leader
Sadhu Yogvivekdas
More than 12 million people from all over the world are expected to convene in Gujarat, western India, for a month-long festival marking the centennial anniversary of the birth of His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj, one of the great Hindu leaders of our time and the fifth spiritual successor of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
Bhagwan Swaminarayan (1781-1830) founded the eponymous Swaminarayan Hindu tradition at the beginning of the 19th century in India. Today it is considered one of the fastest-growing forms of Hinduism in the world. The Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) denomination of Swaminarayan Hinduism, in particular, has been described as “the single largest identifiable Hindu community in the West”.
Most of that growth and consolidation can be credited to Pramukh Swami Maharaj, who served as the guru of BAPS for 45 years, from 1971 until his death in 2016.
He was born on December 7, 1921, in the village of Chansad in Gujarat. His childhood name was Shanti, which means “peace” in Sanskrit. His peaceful nature, spiritual inclination and enthusiasm to help others gained him respect and admiration even as a child. At the age of 18, he renounced the material world to dedicate his life to religious service, receiving the monastic name “Swami Narayanswarupdas”.
For 11 years, he studied and served under his guru, Shastriji Maharaj, the founder of BAPS. On May 21, 1950, Shastriji Maharaj appointed him president of BAPS. He was 28. From that day, he was addressed as “Pramukh Swami”; “pramukh”, in Sanskrit, means head or president.
After the passing of Yogiji Maharaj (1892-1971), the next guru, Pramukh Swami Maharaj assumed the spiritual leadership on top of his administrative duties of the fellowship.
In the years that followed he wrote more than 700,000 letters providing spiritual guidance, travelled to over 17,000 villages, towns and cities around the world, blessed more than 250,000 homes and
counselled countless individuals.
Perhaps one of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s most enduring contributions to Hinduism has been the more than 1,100 temples that he built worldwide. Neasden Temple — the first traditional Hindu temple of its kind in the western hemisphere — is one example. It is an integral part of Britain’s religious landscape and the local community in northwest London.
Although a guru of the Hindu faith, Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s compassion reached everyone, irrespective of race, rank or religion, exemplifying a well-known Sanskrit phrase: “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” — “The whole world is one family”. In April 1984, he met Pope John Paul II at St Peter’s Basilica in The Vatican City. Before the meeting, a Reuters journalist asked, “What will you be discussing with the Pope? Others often discuss politics.” Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s frank and swift reply underlined his abiding priorities: “We want to talk about how the world can become a happier, more righteous place, and how everyone can worship God in peace and harmony.”
On September 24, 2002, two militants attacked the BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham complex in Gandhinagar, the capital of Gujarat, killing 33 and injuring 80 more. At the time, Gujarat was reeling from one of its worst ever communal riots. A palpable fear of further violence gripped the state. Pramukh Swami Maharaj, however, immediately appealed for peace, exemplifying Hinduism’s ideal of mercy.
He taught that “In the joy of others lies our own”, and dedicated his life to serving others, including mobilising volunteers during times of natural disaster. This still continues today under the guidance of his spiritual successor, His Holiness Mahant Swami Maharaj. During the recent Diwali celebrations and throughout this winter, BAPS in the UK has partnered with The Trussell Trust to support families adversely impacted by the cost of living crisis.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj strove to help every citizen to become a better member of their family, community and country — and in doing so, helped to make the world a better place. Seldom has someone served so many, so selflessly, and for so long.
(Swami Yogvivekdas is the head monk at Neasden Temple)
14 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
Pramukh Swami Maharaj is an exceptional guru who speaks little. However, when he does speak, his words convey the wisdom of eternal truth and carry the power to liberate all of humanity. His simple, humble and direct words are a reflection of the Supreme Divinity within him. Through him God speaks.
His thoughtful and meaningful words are a distillation of his profound experience, bringing peace to even the most disturbed.
His words remove impurities, bring joy, inspire greatness, lift the gloom, give direction, remove ego and imbue the bliss of God.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s experienced words of wisdom provide inspirational guidance on dharma, jnan, bhakti, family values, nurturing children, duty of citizens, appropriate speech and many other essential aspects of daily life.
y In times of difficulty, the refuge of God and the company of a Sant liberates.
y True life is about living for the good of others and for God.
y The means to solve misery and pain in life is to do God’s bhajan and offer him prayers.
y By giving up bad company (kusang) and doing daily satsang (nitya satsang)
transforms one’s innerself.
y Reading good books enables one to keep the mind clean.
y Kusang is that which distances you from God and moral behavior.
y The darshan of a true Sadhu dissolves one’s sins of countless births.
y A student who observes celibacy is able to attain and realize knowledge.
y Earn what one requires, however, having greed invites misery and pain.
y Happiness and peace lie in seeing God in all.
y By going to the mandir one’s mundane burdens are lightened and the mind gets rest.
y Dharma is that which spreads love for one another.
y There would be no differences if each studied their Dharma. By becoming deeply spiritual you will never want to make another unhappy or snatch away another’s property. We are all atmas – souls.
y Vayam amrutasya putrãhã! –We are all sons of the Eternal!
y Of which caste is the atma? Which is its family? Which is its country? Dharma teaches that
the body, for which we perform all manner of hurtful things, is itself not going to live always. Then why do wrong, believing ‘this is mine and this is yours’? Share one another’s fortune and misfortune, help one another rise. All this is taught by dharma.
y Dharma is only one – humanity and sadachar.*
y If one does not have values in life then it won’t take long to lose one’s wealth.
y Eating a dry millet bread earned honestly brings peace, instead of earning abundantly through dishonest means.
y When one sees God in everyone then the sentiments of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ are born. Then no one is seen to be different.
y Without character and morality as the first step, no one can attain God.
y Character is the foundation, if it is kept firm and intact the monument of life built upon it will be unshakeable. If character is lost, the monument will soon tumble. Keep all thoughts and actions pure.
y Youth should think first of character. They should have no
16 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
addictions. All those who have become great have first moulded their character – built their life. There is no outcome if you serve society with a lack of character. Even if you talk to somebody you cannot hope to influence him if you are lacking in character.
y Immorality may give you great gains, but a dry piece of bread given with morality will guarantee peace of mind. Do not become lazy and negligent. Fruits obtained without effort do not give peace and joy. Do not be trapped by greed and superstition. Walking through life in consonance with instructions given by God will ensure that we are not met by unhappiness.
y Failings should be abandoned. Addictions, temperaments, prejudices, harmful thoughts and actions and whatever should all be renounced. Through the centuries the wealth of character is what India has given to the world. If everyone together decides to rid themselves of failings then the world would become faultless. Stop looking at the faults of others and grasp only their virtues.
y This body should not be made into a hell, but into a mandir. The jewels of the body-mandir are compassion, character, satisfaction. What is the point in being smart from the outside and impure from inside? One’s birth will be worthwhile when one purifies one’s inner self and installs God in one’s physical mandir.
y One who gives is divine, whereas one who has the motive to take another’s wealth is a devil. By doing good to others one invites goodness upon oneself.
y Till one does not become pure and pious, one does not get good thoughts and so how can one get nearer to God?
y Bad company benefits no one. There is no progress; be it a village or a home, society or country. If you keep bad company then you will lose your money and name. Therefore, give up bad company and addictions, and keep good company.
y Only through Satsang can one discriminate between the eternal and ephemeral.
y Soap cleans the body, but what of deceit and fraudulence that remain in the mind? Satsang is the soap that cleanses the mind.
y For countless births we have been intoxicated with the world. This Satsang removes that craving. Can such intoxication be cured in three or four days? Unbroken Sant samagam leads to a cure.
y When thirsty only water can quench one’s thirst, not even pearls and diamonds can. In the same way, only Satsang grants inner tranquility. Many have houses and cars and other wealth, but they suffer inner turmoil. This is because the soul is not fed what it wants.
y Unbroken Sant samagam gives inner strength. The soul is
strengthened. To the very last breath should we do Sant samagam. Just as we need food every day we should do Satsang every day. Grain nourishes the body, Satsang nourishes the soul. Without Satsang the soul becomes weak.
y Knowledge cannot be had from books alone. Association with the holy Sadhu is a must. If by mere reading one could become a doctor, why do children have to go to school? To obtain spiritual knowledge you will have to do Sant samagam.
y Satsang is the soap that cleanses the mind.
y What is devotion? Never seeing the Lord as one with human qualities, understanding that ‘happiness’ has been given by God, and that ‘distress’ has been also given by God, and thus never feeling spiteful or prejudiced towards anyone –this is devotion.
y If we devote ourselves to God the trash within us will leave.
y One should become a humble servant, as did Hanumanji, and then offer devotion. Only when the ‘I ness’ has been eradicated can we experience the bliss of God.
y Knowingly or unknowingly, if one drinks nectar one becomes immortal. Similarly, devotion is always fruitful.
y Centre God in all your activities. Serve society but keep God before you. Never forget God.
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022 17
A legacy of 100 years, which tells usthe
“Freight Forwarding” of Culture from one
Mahesh Liloriya
Sanskaar is the main pillar behind unity in any family. Unfortunately, there is no similar word in English but we can say Sanskaar is a Subconscious impression or it is the process by which positive qualities in a man are developed and enhanced. While the centenary celebrations of HH Pramukh Swami Ji Maharaj are going on, here is another legacy of 100 years, which tells us the value of Sanskars in a family. This story started in the year 1920 when a Patel Family moved from Bhadran village of Gujarat (India) to Mombasa (Kenya). In the later years, Raojibhai started working in a Bank there with a very limited income. He and his wife Sushilaben brought one precious thing with them from India- Sanskaar. Both nurtured the Sanskaars into four children and everybody who met them. Raoji Bhai always said, “Eating when hungry is Prakruti, eating another’s share is a Vikruti and ensuring that all in the household including guests, servants and cattle have eaten and then eating the food as Prasad after offering it to the
Deity as Naivedya is Sanskruti. In the same way, taking someone else’s belongings without telling him is a Vikruti, borrowing them with his permission is Prakruti and giving your belongings to others is Sanskruti. For this, Sanskars are necessary.
This was the Golden rule book of the Patel family who was living in "the white and blue city" in Kenya called Mombasa. With Sanskars the childrenAvinash, Meena, Prakash and Rajesh created a Rainbow of success. Today they are leaders in the Freight Forwarding industry. Their headquarters are in London and dealing all over the world. All four children of Raoji Bhai have cultivated the same Sanskars in their children who are now in the process of taking over this big empire of Freight Forwarding.
In a very special get-together, Avinash bhai and Prakash bhai shared the “Freight Forwarding” of Culture from one generation to another. Avinash bhai said, “What we received from our parents, we transferred to our children. The rich Gujarati Culture is
The Future of Logistics
Reliable Freight Forwarding
Uneek Group has many years of experience in working with clients to meet their requirements and exceed their expectations, continuously making us leaders within the Freight Forwarding industry. HM Revenue and Customs recently announced that the Customs Declaration Service (CDS) will fully replace the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system by 31st March 2023. Uneek Forwarding is already in the final stages of testing for migration to CDS and has already completed much of the preparation work on our customers’ behalf.
Authorised Economic operator status
Uneek has achieved Authorised Economic Operator status, an internationally recognised quality mark that shows our business’s role in the international supply chain is secure and has customs control procedures that meet a high level.
Uneek Group and Uneek Forwarding offers reliable and professional global freight services. When transporting your valuable goods and possessions around the world, you want to know it will be managed by someone with the right knowledge, expertise and experience. You want to be confident that it will be done efficiently, reliably and professionally in the shortest possible time.
18 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
Sea Freight
Air Freight
Rail Freight
Road Freight
Customs Declaration Service (CDS)
the value of Sanskars in a family
generation to another in an “Uneek” way
behind us. Now our kids are moving ahead to give new horizons to the family business in their own ways but as a united workforce.”
“Nobody had done Business or entered into business in our Father or Mother’s family. This business was started by my brother Prakash bhai and then I joined him. We didn't have any knowledge about this business in the beginning. Originally, we started Sea freight after buying the company Uneek”- recalls Avinash bhai. He said, if you saw a seed, you can’t immediately expect fruits. We have worked very hard in starting. No money was with us to invest in the business but we had a rich culture, morals and values. So, we developed relationships with clients, developed faith and deliver best-in-class service. Well-wishers helped us very much.
Prakash bhai says, “From the start, I decided that whenever I will start my business, I will take my brothers on board and will share everything. Now our children are taking over the business but we are going to work forever like this. When the whole world is going behind the money and family troubles, I made it very clear that there will be no dispute over money. Everything will be
shared with everybody. We wanted a simple life with high morals.
Our message to the next generation is- Continue the legacy and keep moving ahead… Our kids have learned the same thing to share things equally. I have not seen any dispute, all are living and supporting each other with great bonding, what else do I expect from life?”
Avinash Bhai recalls, “In Mombasa, ships were arriving every week, and our house was always full of guests. That all was done on the salary of only one man- my father. Three brothers and one sister had struggled to live hand in hand but we learned one thing from that- Whatever you have, share it with all. We have experienced the joy of sharing. The humble beginning started with my mother. This is how she raised us.”
Sandeep and Amar shared their vision, “We would like to insert the same culture, morals and sense of respect into our kids. We are working as a united team where everyone has their own role in building a united workforce. Giving back to society is very important. We do charity in India keeping in mind that money should be given in good hands. We want to maintain the most precious thing in our family, the family traditions.”
The Joy of Giving…
Our family commenced a multi-dimensional charity programme some sixteen years back, mainly in the field of EDUCATION.We operate from Survada, a small village in the midst of Adivasi vistar, South Gujarat. The cluster of villages is occupied by poor people. Every year we donate books, stationery, school bags and school fees. For the past many years, we have been supporting University Students and, in the process, hundreds of university students have graduated with our support.
Higher Education:
• Civil, Electrical, Computer, Mechanical, Automobile, Architecture, etc.
• Others: B.Sc., M.Sc. Microbiology, B.A., M.A., B. Com and Medicine.
Educational Institutions supported by our family:
•Saraswati Vidya Mandir – a high school in Navsari.
• Vanvasi Kanya Chhatralaya, Vyara, near Navsari.
• Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Killa Pardi.
• Swami Vivekananda Gurukul, Vapi.
• Vanvasi Klyan Ashram - Kumar/Kanya Chhatralaya and Gaushala- Randha.
•Bopi Kanya Chhatralaya.
•Sarvodaya High School, Segvi.
•Bai Avabai High School.
All-round Involvement: Swings, slides and water treatment plant, computer hall, computers, musical instruments – Sarvodaya High Sch.
Key Activities: •Regular donations of groceries. •Donations of gas cylinders and stoves. sewing machines, blankets, etc. • Built toilets and kitchens for poor people. Help build gram panchayat building-Segvi.
• Monthly financial help to orphans and single-parent children.
Medical expenses.
Kanyadaan-wedding expense to orphans and girls from poor families.
Support five youth cricket clubs.
Donations to smashan bhoomies-Tithal and Mangelvad.
With our limited resources we have managed to carry out the above and numerous other activities. - Vibhakar, Avinash, Prakash, Rajesh & Sima
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022 19
From Bhadran to London via Mombasa: Patel Family Raojibhai and Sushilaben Patel
Avinash & Daksha
Meena & Dr Naresh Patel Rahul, Kunal
Prakash & Varsha Amar, Vivek
Rajesh & Kunjlata Amit, Anjali
Apeaceful, humble, simple and spiritual personality. A rare soul who has always lived for others and remained in constant rapport with God. He is an advocate of world peace, and revered as one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the world. Pramukh Swami Maharaj lives by his maxim, ‘In the joy of others lies our own’ and has dedicated his life to selfless service for the spiritual and social
uplift of society. Over the last seven decades, Pramukh Swami Maharaj has inspired countless aspirants, and for the betterment of humankind, he has visited over 17,000 villages, towns and cities. In addition to the renowned Swaminarayan Akshardham complexes, he has gifted the world with over 1,100 mandirs. These mandirs and cultural complexes have become hallmarks in preserving culture
and performing social services. Pramukh Swami Maharaj is the fifth spiritual successor in Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s succession of Gunatit gurus, and he has uplifted and inspired spirituality in the lives of numerous people. Many aspirants have experienced the bliss of God in his presence. Many aspirants have reached the highest spiritual state, and today, many others continue to tread this path.
vicharan with Shastriji Maharaj, various services in the mandirs.
21 May (Jeth sud 4, VS 2006) Appointed as Pramukh (President) of Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha (BAPS) by Shastriji Maharaj, Ahmedabad.
In Sarangpur, Shastriji Maharaj returns to Akshardham. Yogiji Maharaj becomes spiritual guru of BAPS. Pramukh Swami serves the BAPS under the guidance and blessings of Yogiji Maharaj.
24 October to 3 July 1960
Overseas Satsang Tour to East Africa with Yogiji Maharaj.
27 November
Pramukh Swami’s 48th birthday celebrated in presence of Yogiji Maharaj, Mumbai.
Yogiji Maharaj instructs devotees to celebrate Pramukh Swami’s birthday every year.
of Important Events and Contributions from The
VS 1978) Born
November (Aso vad 11, VS 1995) Leaves home to become a sadhu. 22 November (Kartik
Initiation into
1921 A chronology
Life of Pramukh Swami Maharaj 7
(Magshar sud 8,
in the village of Chansad near Vadodara, Gujarat; named Shantilal. 1939 7
sud 11,
by Shastriji Maharaj, Ahmedabad.
10 January (Posh sud 1, VS 1996)
into sadhu order by Shastriji Maharaj at the Akshar Deri, Gondal; named Narayanswarupdas Swami.
Sanskrit studies,
& Asian Voice 2022
Gujarat Samachar
23 January (Posh vad 11, VS 2027)
In Mumbai, Yogiji Maharaj returns to Akshardham; cremation rites in Gondal. Pramukh Swami Maharaj becomes spiritual guru of BAPS.
7 March to 13 April
Bhagwan Swaminarayan Birth Bicentenary Celebrations, Ahmedabad; 37-day festival. Initiation of 207 youths into sadhuand parshad-order. Visited by 8 million people.
Cattle camps and famine relief activities in Gujarat.
In Sankari, murti-pratishtha of the first shikharbaddha mandir by Pramukh Swami Maharaj. Over the next 45 years, he consecrated 1,100 mandirs in India and abroad.
First overseas satsang tour after becoming guru. Received many ‘Key to the City’ honours. Consecrated first BAPS mandir in USA in New York. Over the next 40 years he consecrated 6 shikharbaddha mandirs and 70 hari mandirs in North America.
5 February
Pramukh Swami Maharaj, aged 62, suffers heart attack, Sundalpura. Even afterwards, for 30 years, he continued to serve tirelessly day and night.
7 April 1984
Meeting with Pope John Paul II, Vatican City.
International Children’s Convention (Adhiveshan), Vidyanagar; 15,000 children participated.
International Youth Convention (Adhiveshan), Vidyanagar; 21,000 youths participated.
Grand 33-day Cultural Festival of India celebrated at Alexandra Park, London. Pramukh Swami Maharaj honoured in Suvarna Tula ceremony at QPR football stadium. All donations received gifted to Karamsad Medical College.
1991 22 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
December Kalash Mahotsav, Ahmedabad; initiation of 56 youths into sadhu order.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj honoured in the British parliament.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj honoured in Canadian parliaments.
12 July to 11 August Cultural Festival of India, Edison, New Jersey, USA; Over 1 million visitors.
Grand 35-day celebration of Yogiji Maharaj’s Centenary. Inauguration of Swaminarayan Akshardham, Gandhinagar.
Relief and rehabilitation activities following earthquake in Latur, Maharashtra.
20 August
Murti-pratishtha of the BAPS shikharbaddha mandir in Neasden, London. Swamishri’s Amrut Mahotsav celebrated in Mumbai, during which he publically dedicated an eye hospital. Thereafter, over next two decades, he established 7 hospitals and 11 mobile medical vans to provide quality healthcare to countless people. BAPS granted affiliation to the United Nations as ‘NGO in Consultative Status to the Economic and Social Council of the UN’
Murti-pratishtha of BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Nairobi. Visit to Israel where Pramukh Swami Maharaj prayed at holy sites for Christians and Jews. Meeting with Rabbi Lau and Rabbi Doran Bakshi.
Historic meeting with US President Bill Clinton and Secretary-General of the UN Kofi Annan.
Cattle camps and relief aid for victims of drought in Saurashtra. Inauguration of BAPS Swaminarayan Vidya Mandir for Girls, Karamsad.
In Dabhoi, opening of general hospital for the underprivileged. De-addiction campaign by BAPS children. Over 400,000 de-addicted.
BAPS serves after earthquake in Gujarat: Emergency aid to 409 villages, infrastructure constructed in 15 villages and colonies; 49 schools built.
Guinness World Records recognizes Pramukh Swami Maharaj as one of the 20 most influential people of the world.
Guinness World Records recognizes Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London as the ‘Largest Stone Hindu Mandir Outside India’. BAPS volunteers serve after cyclone in Andhra Pradesh.
50th anniversary of BAPS Bal Mandal celebrated at Swaminarayan Akshardham, Gandhinagar, in the presence of H.E. APJ Abdul Kalam, President of India. 20,000 children attended. Pramukh Swami Maharaj receives Lifetime Achievement Award from the USA government.
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
Pramukh Swami Maharaj received at St. James’ Palace by HRH Prince Charles, The Prince of Wales. BAPS volunteers serve during floods in Gujarat.
7 July, Swamishri undergoes heart bypass surgery, New York, USA.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj addresses the Millennium World Peace Summit of Spiritual Leaders at the United Nations, New York, USA.
Mayor Mel Lastman of Toronto presents the Key to the City.
2000 2000 2001 2004 2000 1996 1999 1995 1998 1993 1997 1992 23
6 November
(Kartik sud 5, VS 2062)
Opening of Swaminarayan Akshardham, New Delhi, by Pramukh Swami Maharaj, H.E. President Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, Prime Minister Shri Manmohan Singh and other dignitaries.
BAPS volunteers serve after tsunami affects Andaman, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry: Emergency aid to 51 villages.Release of ‘Mystic India’ large format film.
De-addiction Campaign by BAPS children. 630,000 people pledge to give up addictions. Inauguration in Sarangpur of the Youth Training Centre for the all-round development of youths.
Grand 4-day BAPS Centenary Celebrations, Ahmedabad. ‘Guinness World Records’ honour Pramukh Swami Maharaj as having consecrated the most mandirs and declare BAPS Akshardham temple in New Delhi as the largest Hindu temple in the world.
Swamishri has pacemaker implant, Ahmedabad.
Inauguration of BAPS Yogiji Maharaj Hospital in Ahmedabad.
Inauguration of BAPS Yogiji Maharaj Hospital in Ahmedabad.
Over 60,000 youths attend BAPS Youth Activities Diamond Jubilee in Ahmedabad.
Inauguration of BAPS Shastriji Maharaj Hospital in Vadodara.
BAPS serves during floods in Surat and other parts of Gujarat. Public dedication of two reconstructed tsunami-affected villages: Pattipulamkuppam and Mahabalipuram.
Gifting the people of Canada with the Mandir in the presence of the Prime Minister of Canada, Mayor of Toronto and the Premier of Ontario.
BAPS Mandir in Neasden, London, wins UK government’s ‘Pride of Place’ Award. Assistance to victims of floods in Bihar and Hurricane Ike in USA.
Relief aid to flood-affected in South Gujarat.
BAPS Mandir in Neasden, London, wins ‘Queen’s Award for Voluntary Services’.
Swamishri inaugurates the ‘BAPS Swaminarayan Research Institute’, New Delhi.
‘Reader’s Digest’ selects Swaminarayan Akshardham in New Delhi as one of ‘The Seven Wonders of the 21st Century’.
Shilapujan Ceremony for Akshardham in New Jersey, USA.
BAPS assist victims of ammunitions blast in Tanzania and tsunamiearthquake in Japan.
Inauguration of BAPS Shastriji Maharaj Hospital in Vadodara.
2013 10 August (Shravan sud 15, VS 2070) Pramukh Swami Maharaj performs murti-pratishtha of new shikharbaddha BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Robbinsville, NJ, USA.
15 August
Pramukh Swami Maharaj performs the Bhumital Pujan ceremony of Swaminarayan Akshardham Mahamandir in Robbinsville, NJ, USA. During the year-long celebrations of Shastriji Maharaj’s 150th Anniversary, 23,000 trees are planted and 572,000cc of blood donated.
24 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
20 June, Sarangpur
Former President of India, Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, presents his book ‘Transcendence: My Spiritual Experiences with Pramukh Swamiji’ to Swamishri.
3 to 13 May 2016
The centenary celebrations of BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir, Sarangpur, was celebrated in Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s presence.
On 12 May, Pramukh Swami Maharaj performed the maha-abhishek and 100th patotsav arti of the murtis in the main mandir.
On 13 May, Pramukh Swami Maharaj blessed the centenary celebrations assembly in Sarangpur.
13 August 2016
(Shravan sud 10, Samvat 2072) at 6.00 p.m
Swamishri passed away at 95 years in BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir Sarangpur, India.
& Asian Voice 2022 25
Gujarat Samachar
People around the world are starting to realize that power and material objects do not yield peace. They are turning to spirituality and religion to fill a void in their lives. Religion and spirituality is the key. Your sadhus are setting an example of content, co-existence and selfless service. There is an ideal for all of mankind. His name is Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Spiritual progress and liberation can only be attained in the company of a God-realized sadhu. Pramukh Swami Maharaj is a God-realized sadhu. His presence rids people of their materialistic desires.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life is an example of spiritual beauty. That beauty shines throughout India and the world as he continues to guide mankind on the path to spirituality. He loves unconditionally and forgives. Revenge and vengeance are never to be seen in his life. This is illustrated in his credo: “In the joy of others lies our own…”
Pramukh Swami Maharaj is always considerate, simple and humble. He leads a multinational organization, yet is always relaxed. He is as light as a flower. He is able to do so because he has surrendered himself to Bhagwan Swaminarayan. He continues to serve society with the aim to please God. He thinks nothing of himself. He is just a means. God works through him.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s life is an extraordinary example of love and harmony. If the entire nation were to take a cue from him and live by those standards, it would solve all of our problems. He has sacrificed in the true sense
Along with his spiritual activities, Pramukh Swami Maharaj has contributed a lot to society through his social initiatives. His work is immeasurable. I bow my head in reverence to his contributions to society and mankind.
You are safeguarding Indian culture. I have heard and read a great deal about you. Today, I realize that it is all true. You are culturally, morally and socially changing our country. You have inspired some of the nation’s greatest engineers, technologists, scientists and philosophers to give back to the community. Only God can inspire them. He inspires them through you.
26 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s humility and selfless love have touched my heart.
I feel a very strong and divine aura in his presence. I feel at peace in his presence. I forget about all my worries and difficulties. He truly loves people unconditionally. That is why he is able to counsel and take part in their difficulties and problems. Their problems become his problems. I can see it in him.
Pramukh Swami was a man of great achievement who held a deep and abiding pride for the beauty and strength of BAPS. Under his leadership and vision BAPS became a symbol of tolerance, knowledge and community that serves not only its spiritual congregation and the wider GTA but our great country Canada as well. I had the privilege of visiting your congregation on three occasions during my time as Prime Minister including the cremoney to open your beautiful mandir (2007). Over the years the warmth of your hospitality, the strength of your enduring support, and the bonds of our friendship were a great inspiration to me as Prime Minister…
When I look into his eyes, they are filled with integrity. I saw in his eyes that he is a man who has not come ahead by eclipsing others. He has come forward by always placing others before him
Swaminarayan Akshardham, New Delhi, is one of the contemporary Seven Wonders of the World. In fact, it is the best! It is beyond my imagination. This is one of Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s miracles. No emperor, king, government or international organization can create such a marvel. Every company, organization and government can learn a lot from this creation.
I had the fortune to meet Pramukh Swami Maharaj ten years ago. I was impressed then and I am impressed now. I experience spirituality like never before. It is unique. Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s spirit of social reform is living through Pramukh Swami Maharaj.
Despite being the President of BAPS, I have seen Swamishri perform menial seva in Sarangpur. ‘I am the President of this organization. I cannot perform such ordinary tasks.’ This kind of pride doesn’t exist even in the deepest corner of his mind. He doesn’t have the slightest trace of ego. He sees God in all.
Ancient India was known for its sadhus, sages and sadgurus. Out of all the sadhus in India, Pramukh Swami Maharaj is different. There is no doubt about his work. It rises above the rest. This is not specific to India; it is known all over the world. He is the walking and talking form of India’s spirituality and morality.
Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
They tell me your divine holiness that you are 87 years of age and that you pursue a more aggressive world travel circuit that I can possibly undertake myself. It is truly an honour to have you here today. … We are all here to witness the grand opening of this truly exceptional and magnificent architecture (BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Toronto) –inspired by both genius and faith. Because of this Mandir and following my recent trip to India, my admiration for the Indian people and Ontario’s own South Asian community has further deepened…I think of the people, people like you, who cherish their history and work hard to build a brighter future… thank you for this wonderful gift to the people of Ontario and Canada. You have enriched us in so many ways.
Swamishri’s pure heart never ceases to amaze me. I have interviewed many celebrities and figureheads throughout my career as a journalist, but there is something different about Pramukh Swami Maharaj. It’s his simplicity and transparency. There is no malintent in his answers. It is pure. He is selfless and humble.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj is a great spiritual leader. I have met him quite a few times and each time I experience peace. Very few people’s presence gives you that feeling. It is a feeling of spiritual elevation. Swamishri’s presence has a mesmerizing effect. What surprises me the most is his ability to motivate and inspire so many people. It is always a pleasure and fortune to have his darshan.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj has given so much to mankind. It is indescribable. I have gained so much from his darshan, his blessings and that simple dialogue with him. Meeting such a Godrealized sadhu gives meaning to one’s life. Bhagwan Shri Krishna says in the Shrimad Bhagvad Gita that he always manifests in the different ages. He is present today through Swamishri. His personality is as pure as the waters of the Ganga. Every time I meet him, I feel like I am bathing in the holy waters of the Ganga.
Creating a moral society is at the foundation of building a successful nation. Pramukh Swami Maharaj is doing this through BAPS. He is working to build a society with strong values and a pure character. He is doing an extraordinary job instilling those values in children and youths. I call that developing the nation. Moulding the character of one youth is equivalent to shaping a nation.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj is ultimate divinity.
28 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
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2023 Winner: Top 100 Influential People VRAJ PANKHANIA
The Pride Of Gujarat, Shining Globally
Vraj Pankhania is on the winner list of Top 100 Influential People
Vraj Pankhania, Founder and Group Chairman of Westcombe Group and the Founder of the Westcombe Foundation is listed by Top 100 Influential People as one of their winners for the year 2023. The Top 100 programme highlights and rewards individuals who are truly influential, affecting and impacting society across a broad range of sectors.
Over a 50-year career, Vraj has used his influence to build a property empire with a community purpose. Virtually penniless when he arrived in Britain, he has been a pioneering role model, demonstrating how doing things the right way can lead to business success. He is a philanthropist and businessman from humble origins who believes in giving back to the community. He has been a pioneering role model, demonstrating how doing things the right way can lead to business success. As a Founder and Chair of Westcombe Group, he has led the company to
(Vajubhai) Pankhania is a philanthropist and businessman from humble origins who believes in giving back to the community
become a £500m property development business in the UK Top 25 and is targeting a group value of £1bn in the next 5 years.
Vraj’s speciality has been converting crumbling Listed buildings into beautiful apartments, affordable housing, offices and hotels. He has both saved them for the nation and provided much-needed homes. He is now using his influence again to lead the way with a social-justice focus involving regeneration projects and tackling homelessness. Equally, as Chair of Westcombe Foundation, Vraj has given away millions to transform lives in the UK, India and other emerging economies.
Vraj’s influence has been recognised by various highprofile awards like the Social
Entrepreneur of the Year Award, Personality of the Year, 2018 Asian Achievers Awards etc. He has also been invited to Clarence House to meet the then Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall.
The Top 100 Influential People 2023
The Top 100 programme is the brainchild of Awards Intelligence Founder, Mark Llewellyn-Slade. The guiding principle is that people who are genuinely making the world a better place need to be encouraged, thanked and given every opportunity to get their message out.
This prestigious list is for a worthy person based in the UK. An award is bestowed by an internationally recognised, independent judging panel of leaders in their field.
34 Gujarat Samachar & Asian Voice 2022
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