Shanti Cover-7.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:29 Page 1
Winter edition 2017
Life Policy reclaim Ltd.qxp_A4 Temp 28/11/2016 11:06 Page 1
3-4 CB Comment.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 17:14 Page 3
We all need Shanti
'Shanti' during our life time and 'Shanti' subsequently. Om Shanti Shanti is not the end of life. Even prior to one's birth, Shanti, that bliss is of paramount importance for the wellness of that baby in the womb. Through every turn as well as ups and downs of the growing up process, a person with Shanti can and should be more happy and valuable citizen of the society. How do we achieve it?
To some it is a process of training our mindset, which is easily said than done. We all crave for serenity. It's an ongoing struggle in the modern day hectic life. This special magazine, Shanti, is primarily focussed on simple and several steps, to enable us, to help us achieve tranquility and along the way enable us to become and remain a better human being. From one child's birth to the process of growing up, including education and career, family and friends, to inculcate a way of life with a goal of Shanti requires certain pre planning and perseverance during own life and after the great departure. Health and especially one's later life living standards have been also described in various articles written by professionals in the their respective fields. One may be relatively less endowed with health, wealth or other common factors. But with the correct frame of mind, one can improve our capability to live with happiness. Dr Nandakumara, an eminent scholar and director of Bhavan has elaborated the attitudes imbibed in the Sanatan way of life. In the modern world, where some form of wealth, e.g. property, savings, investments, pensions or other worldly asset can impinge one's peace of mind, during and after lives, as discussed in various articles on financial arrangements, wills and probate etc. ABPL has been publishing various theme based specials to provide our subscribers and readers information relevant and useful in day to day life in present age. Our team is always eager and active to serve our readers. We are also very fortunate to have authors with expert knowledge of various fields to provide informative, inspiring and useful articles. We are grateful to all the sponsors, advertisers, contributors and above all to our over 200,000 esteemed readers who have encouraged and enabled us to perform as best as we could. Once again have a long healthy and happy life. Perhaps plan yourself so well, that your legacy remains clear and non controversial. To one and all Om Shanti Shanti and Shanti. With Best Wishes
CB Patel Publisher / Editor Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
3-4 CB Comment.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 16:57 Page 4
સૌનેઆવશ્યક શાંતિ
‘શાંતિ’ આપણા જીવનકાળ દરતિયાન અનેિેપછી પણ આવશ્યક છે. ૐ શાંતિઃ શાંતિઃ શાંતિઃ એ જીવનનો અંિ નથી. જન્િ પહેલાંપણ શાંતિ ગભભિાંરહેલા બાળકના કલ્યાણ િાટે આતશવાભદ િરીકેિહત્ત્વપૂણભછે. આપણા તવકાસની પ્રતિયાના ચઢાવ-ઉિાર અનેદરેક વળાંકે શાંતિ ધરાવિી વ્યતિ વધુઆનંતદિ રહેવા સાથેસિાજનો અિૂલ્ય નાગતરક બની શકેછે. આપણે શાંતિ કેવી રીિે િેળવી શકીએ? કેટલાક િાટે આ આપણી િાનતસકિાને િાતલિ આપવાની પ્રતિયા છેજેકહેવુંસહેલુંછેપણ કરવુંિુશ્કેલ છે. આપણનેબધાનેશાંતિ જોઈએ છેઅનેઆધુતનક જીવનની વ્યસ્િ તદનચયાભિાંિો સિિ સંઘષભચાલિો રહેછે. આ તવશેષ સાિતયક ‘શાંતિ’ િુખ્યત્વે સરળ અને કેટલાક જરુરી પગલાં પર ધ્યાન કેન્ન્િિ કરેછેજેનાથી આપણેશાંતિ હાંસલ કરી શકીએ અનેપરીણાિેવધુસારા િાનવી બનવા અનેરહેવા િાટેિેઆપણનેસહાયરૂપ બને. બાળકના જન્િથી િેના તશક્ષણ અને કારકકદદી, પતરવાર અનેતિત્રો સતહિ તવકાસની પ્રતિયાિાંશાંતિ સાથેનુંજીવન જીવવુંિેિાટે પૂવઆ ભ યોજન, પોિાના જીવનિાં ધીરજ સતહિ આત્િતવશ્વાસ અંતિિ તવદાય પછી પણ િહત્ત્વપૂણભબની રહેછે. વ્યતિના પાછલા જીવનના જીવનધોરણો સતહિ આરોગ્ય તવશેની બાબિો સંબતંધિ ક્ષેત્રોના તવતવધ તનષ્ણાિો દ્વારા આલેતિિ લેિોિાંજણાવાઈ છે. વ્યતિને આરોગ્ય, સંપતિ અથવા અન્ય સાિાન્ય પરીબળો પ્રિાણિાં ઓછાવિા હોઈ શકેછેપરંિુયોગ્ય િાનતસકિા સાથેઆપણેઆનંદ સાથેજીવવાની ક્ષિિાિાંવધારો કરી શકીએ છીએ. પ્રતિતિિ તવદ્વાન અને ભવનના ડીરેક્ટર ડો. નંદકુિારે સનાિન જીવનશૈલીિાં રહેલા અતભગિોની તવસ્તૃિ રજુઆિ કરી છે. આધુતનક તવશ્વિાં સંપતિના કેટલાક સ્વરૂપો, ઉદાહરણ િરીકે પ્રોપટદી, સેતવંગ્સ, ઇન્વેસ્ટિેન્ટ્સ, પેન્શન્સ િેિજ અન્ય ભૌતિક સંપતિઓ િેિજ િેની વ્યવસ્થા આપણા જીવન અનેિેપછીના સિયિાંપણ વ્યતિની િાનતસક શાંતિ ઉપર અસર કરી શકેછેજેની ચચાભનાણાકીય આયોજનો, તવલ્સ અનેપ્રોબેટ તવશેના તવતવધ લેિોિાંકરવાિાંઆવી છે. એબીપીએલ ગ્રૂપ દ્વારા તવતવધ તવષયો આધાતરિ તવશેષાંકો તનયિીિ પ્રતસદ્ધ કરાય છે ં િ અને જે આપણા લવાજિી ગ્રાહકો અને વાચકોને વિભિાન યુગિાં દૈતનક જીવનિાં સુસગ ઉપયોગી િાતહિી પૂરી પાડેછે. અિારી ટીિ સુજ્ઞ વાંચકોની સેવા કરવા હંિશ ે ાંઆિુર અનેસતિય રહેછે. અિારી પાસે િાતહિીપ્રદ, પ્રેરણાદાયી િેિજ ઉપયોગી લેિો પૂરા પાડવા િાટેતવતવધ ક્ષેત્રોના તનષ્ણાિ જ્ઞાન સાથેના લેિકો છે. અિેશ્રેિ કાિગીરી બજાવી શકીએ િેિાટેસિિ પ્રોત્સાહન આપનારા ૨૦૦,૦૦૦થી વધુ વ્હાલા વાચકો િેિજ સ્પોન્સસભ, એડવટાભઈઝસભ અને અને કન્ટ્રીબ્યુટસભના અિો આભારી છીએ. આપણુંજીવન દીઘભ, આરોગ્યિય અનેઆનંતદિ રહેિેિાટેસારી રીિેઆયોજન કરીએ જેનાથી આપણો વારસો સ્પષ્ટ અનેતબનતવવાદાસ્પદ બની રહે. આપ સૌનેૐ શાંતિઃ શાંતિઃ અનેશાંતિઃ શુભચ્ે છા સહ.
સી.બી.પટેલ. પ્રકાશક - િંત્રી ગુજરાિ સિાચાર - એતશયન વોઇસ
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Aventur Wealth.qxp_A4 Temp 26/01/2017 11:57 Page 1
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6-7-Will.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:55 Page 6
Why do I need a Will?
e spend our lives working to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. Asians especially save for the rainy days and you may be left with a house or flat (in the UK or overseas), shares, savings, investments as well as your personal possessions. All of these assets are your 'estate'. Making a Will ensures that when you die your estate is shared according to your wishes. In simple terms, a Will is a legal document that dictates how you want your assets to be distributed after you die. It’s a fluid document because it has no effect until you die – you can change it whenever you want.
According to the Law Society, Will includes specific directions on how you wish your estate to be distributed after your death, including provisions for any tangible personal property that you may own – jewellery, furniture, and the like, as well as naming guardians for any minor children. It also indicates what sources will be used to pay any estate taxes and debts that are due, and it names an Executor who will be responsible for the settlement of your estate. It ends with your signature, the signatures of required number of witnesses, and typically a notary public’s oath about the validity of the various signatures. If you don’t have a Will in place, the State you reside in will determine how your property is divided.
Importance of a Will:
If you die without a Will, there are certain rules which dictate how the money, property or possessions should be allocated. Your Will lets you decide what happens to your money, property and possessions after your death. You can also make sure you don’t pay more Inheritance Tax than you need to. You can write your Will yourself, but you should get advice if your Will isn’t straightforward.
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
You need to get your Will formally witnessed and signed to make it legally valid. If you want to update your Will, you need to make an official alteration (called a ‘codicil’) or make a new Will. l Unmarried partners and partners who have not registered a civil partnership cannot inherit from each other unless there is a Will, so the death of one partner may create serious financial problems for the remaining partner l If you have children, you will need to make a Will so that arrangements for the children can be made if either one or both parents die Seeking Solicitor's Service: It is generally advisable to use a solicitor or to have a solicitor check a Will you have drawn up to make sure it is effective. This is because if there are errors in the Will, this can cause problems after your death. Advisable to use a solicitor when: l you share a property with someone who is not your husband, wife or civil partner l you wish to make provision for a dependant who is unable to care for themselves l there are several family members who may make a claim on the Will, for example, a second wife or children from a first marriage l your permanent home is not in the UK l you are resident here but there is overseas property involved l there is a business involved. Keep your Will at home or store it with: l your solicitor l your bank l a company that offers the storage of Wills the London Probate Service l You should tell your executor, close friend or relative where your Will is. For your Will to be legal, you must: l be 18 or over l make it voluntarily l be of sound mind
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make it in writing sign it in the presence of 2 witnesses who are both over 18 l have it signed by your 2 witnesses, in your presence l If you make any changes to your Will you must follow the same signing and witnessing process. l l
Update your Will
For major changes you should make a new Will. Your new Will should explain that it revokes all previous Wills and codicils. You should destroy your old Will by burning it or tearing it up. You can’t amend your Will after it’s been signed and witnessed. The only way you can change a Will is by making an official alteration called a codicil. You must sign a codicil and get it witnessed in the same way as witnessing a Will. There’s no limit on how many codicils you can add to a Will. You should also review your Will every 5 years and after any major change in your life, eg: l getting separated or divorced l getting married (this cancels any Will you made before) l having a child l moving house l if the executor named in the Will dies
Executors: Executors are the people responsible for carrying out your wishes and sorting out the estate. They will have to collect together all the assets of the estate, deal with all the paperwork and pay all the debts, taxes, funeral and administration costs out of money in the estate. They will need to pay out the gifts and transfer any property to beneficiaries. Who to choose as executors? It is not necessary to appoint more than one executor, although it is advisable to do so, for example, in case one of them dies. It is common to appoint two, but up to four executors can take on responsibility for
administering the Will after a death. The people most commonly appointed as executors are:l relatives or friends l solicitors or accountants l banks In England and Wales, the Public Trustee or in some cases the Official Solicitor if there is no one else willing and able to act. If an executor dies, any other surviving executor(s) can deal with the estate. If there are no surviving executors, legal advice should be sought. Probate: If you die with a Will in place, the Executor named in the Will typically presents the Will to the local clerk of court and asks the court to authorise the Executor’s administration of the estate. This process of presenting the Will and administering the estate is called the “probate” process. The probate process generally is fairly informal - the Executor presents the Will, is authorised to administer the estate, determines the beneficiaries and creditors entitled to the money or other property, makes the distributions, files any tax or probate documents with the various government entities, and closes the estate, all within the monitored timeframe. If the Executor sees potential problems with the Will or foresees a Will contest, he or she may request a more formal process, but this rarely is needed. If you die without a Will - known as intestate - the local court must monitor the estate’s administration even more closely. This is because the court - not a Will provides all of the authority to act. The administration and closing of the estate generally requires more court involvement, often more publicity, and definitely more red tape. (This article is for informational purposes only. The services of a professional advisor should be sought, if needed) [Ref: and] Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
HBFS.qxp_A4 Temp 26/01/2017 12:17 Page 2
HBFS’ expert guide to utilising your annual tax allowances. Are you making use of your Capital Gains Tax (CGT) allowance? The CGT allowance is probably one of the most underused tax breaks available. The allowance allows you to crystallise capital gains of up to £11,100 tax free on any collective funds or individual shares you own.
Kishan Devani, Consultant
HBFS was founded in 1977 and established as a financial services company. Since that time, HBFS have expanded to become a business that has been included in the Financial Times’ Top 100 UK Financial Advisers for 2013, 2014 and 2015, based on new assets under management.
If you are not using your CGT allowance elsewhere, we provide a free service to our clients who hold collective investments with us to make sure they utilise their CGT allowance on an annual basis. Do you contribute into a pension scheme? Most UK tax payers are entitled to make annual pension contributions up to a maximum of their annual salary or £40,000pa, whichever is the higher. In certain circumstances, you may also be able to make additional contributions covering the last three tax years. Contributions attract basic rate tax relief at source, so for example, a £10,000 contribution will only cost you £8,000, with the remaining £2,000 being paid for by the government.
The reason for our growth is simple. We strongly believe in building long-term relationships with our clients. Our existing clients vary from individuals to board directors of multi-national companies. The services we offer vary depending on their needs, from investing tax efficiently and retirement planning to trust and inheritance tax planning Higher and additional rate taxand corporate investments. payers can claim further tax relief through self-assessment. All growth When it comes to investing, we is tax free, and on retirement clients always recommend our clients to are entitled to take 25 per cent of invest tax efficiently and to make their fund value as a tax free lump sure they fully utilise at least three sum, with the remaining 75 per of the annual tax allowances cent used for income purposes. available to them by asking them the following questions: Have you fully utilised your annual ISA allowance? You are able to contribute up to £15,240pa in an ISA account, which will rise to £20,000pa in the next tax year. Remember that all growth and dividend income is tax free.
With the introduction of pension freedoms in April 2015, there are additional options and benefits now available, which make contributing into a pension scheme very much worthwhile. We are also investment specialists in offshore wrappers (also known as offshore bonds)
which are also a tax efficient investment structure. All gains within the wrapper grow tax free, just like a personal pension, in addition to this tax deferred withdrawals of up to five per cent pa can be taken for a minimum of 20 years. An offshore wrapper is not a method of avoiding tax, it is a UK-regulated investment structure that defers tax. It is legal, compliant and operates under the UK Chargeable Event Legislation. An offshore wrapper offers tax efficiency together with access, control and flexibility. It can be used as a personal investment vehicle, for inheritance tax planning and a trustee investment, as well as providing additional income in retirement. In an ever-changing and complex world, the need for financial advice has never been so important. In conjunction with the HBFS ethos, we provide a one-to-one bespoke, confidential, caring and professional service to manage our clients’ wealth. We also provide a personalised and finely tuned Wealth Management Service to effectively manage our client assets in line with their attitude to risk and investment philosophy. For more information, please contact Kishan Devani: 020 8953 3444
HBFS.qxp_A4 Temp 26/01/2017 12:16 Page 1
Investing doesn’t have to be boring. (It’s just better that way.) We make no bones about it – if it’s excitement you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place. We are wealth managers who aim at decent returns of around 5% pa on low-risk medium and long-term investments. That’s good for your blood pressure, and good for your long-term financial well-being. Get in touch and see how we can be of value to you.
Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. You may lose part or all of your money. A full risk assessment is carried out. Services – Wealth management – Pensions – Inheritance Tax solutions – International services – Financial services
Products – Offshore Wrappers – Onshore Platforms – Discounted Gift Trusts – Gift and Loan Trusts – Bond & Equity Funds
– FTSE-Linked Investments – Pensions – ISAs
For more information please contact Kishan Devani on 020 8953 3444 or email us at HBFS is the trading name of HBFS Financial Services Ltd., which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. FCA number; 463752. Registered address: 52 High Street, Pinner, Middlesex HA5 5PW. Registered in England, Reg. no. 5273179. Trading address: 3 Theobald Court, Theobald Street, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 4RN. © 2016 HBFS Financial Services Limited. All rights reserved.
St Lukes.qxp_A4 Temp 26/01/2017 12:10 Page 1
St Lukes.qxp_A4 Temp 26/01/2017 12:11 Page 2
Join Cera.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:20 Page 12
Elderly care: Live-in care versus a care home
Supporting our loved ones as they grow old can be a challenging experience. It’s something we want to get it right. This article provides a brief guide into two full-time care options and the merits and drawbacks of each.
Live-in Care
ive-in care allows your relative to receive support from professional carers from home. Home care can help support daily activities, including personal care, daily household activities, companionship, and assistance getting around. Your loved one is also able to maintain a great deal of independence as they can work with their carer to maintain their lifestyle and daily routine whilst being able to stay in their home and community, surrounded by family and friends. Lastly, live-in care can offset the costs of residence at a care home, providing a more affordable option.
When considering live-in care, there are also some things to keep in mind. When using an agency, staff may have to be rotated to allow them time off. If you choose to self-employ a carer, you will have employer responsibilities, including managing pay, insurance, training, and vetting. Your relative’s home should also be adapted to prevent injuries and meet their Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
needs to ensure that they can stay in their home comfortably and safely.
Care Home
Care homes provide support for basic personal needs from a care facility in which your loved one will need to move to. They are specifically tailored for the elderly, thereby being easily accessible and safe. Your relative may also enjoy being part of the elderly community in a care home, as they will be surrounded by other residents.
However, there are also a few things to bear in mind when considering care homes. Relocating and losing contact with old neighbours, friends and relatives may lead your loved one to become lonely. Staff in care homes are also required to care for multiple residents, meaning your loved one will not receive individual attention and care. This may therefore clash with your relative’s usual daily routine, leading to a loss of independence. Lastly, residential living in a care home can be costly due to the accommodation costs. Both live-in care and care homes have their merits and drawbacks to consider. What the best option is for your family will therefore depend on your needs and that of your relative’s. By Cynthia Huang, Rehan Mirza
JoinCera.qxp_A4 Temp 09/12/2016 11:01 Page 1
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14-15-16-Death.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:53 Page 14
Dealing with death, when we lose a near and dear one
motionally dealing with death is a very painful event, especially when you lose someone close. But there are a set of legalities, one needs to care of, when someone dies in the family. First, if you were at home when a near one passes away, call the family doctor and nearest relative immediately. If the death was expected, the doctor will give you a medical certificate showing the cause of death. They will also give you a formal notice saying they have signed the medical certificate and telling you how to register the death. If the person is to be cremated, you will need two certificates signed by different doctors.
staff can offer and what you need to do. Registering a death: You need to register the death within five days, unless the death has been referred to the coroner. You can use any register office but it’s best to use the one in the area where the person died, otherwise the process might take longer. You will need to take with you the medical certificate showing the cause of death, signed by a doctor. If possible, also take the person’s: l birth certificate l NHS medical card or number l marriage or civil partnership certificate l passport l proof of address - such as a utility bill.
If someone dies in Today I looked into hospital, Age UK writes, the the sky and it was hospital will usually issue a beautiful. medical certificate and formal I then realised it’s notice. The body will usually because you are be kept in the hospital mortuary until the funeral there. directors or relatives arrange a You fly with the chapel of rest, or for the body angels now but part to be taken home. Sudden death: If someone of you will always be with us dies unexpectedly, or the family doctor hasn’t seen them in the last 14 days, the death You will have to tell the registrar: is reported to a coroner. A coroner is a l the person’s full name (and any other doctor or lawyer responsible for investigating names they had, such as a maiden name) unexpected deaths. They may call for a l the person’s date and place of birth post-mortem or inquest. This may take some l their date and place of death time, so the funeral may need to be delayed. l their usual address Death abroad: If someone dies abroad, l their most recent occupation register the death according to the l whether or not they were receiving any regulations of the country and get a benefits, including State Pension consulate death certificate. Register it with l the name, occupation and date of birth of the British Consul in the country too, so a their spouse or civil partner record can be kept in the UK. The registrar will give you: Government offers two leaflets which l a certificate for burial or cremation (known explain the practical support British consular as the Green Form) Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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l a certificate of registration of death (form BD8). You should fill this out and return it in the pre-paid envelope if the person was receiving State Pension or any benefits l leaflets about bereavement benefits l a death certificate, for which there will be a charge You can buy extra death certificates – these will be needed for the Will and any claims to pensions, savings, etc. It’s best to pay for several copies, as copies required at a later date may be more expensive. Ordinary photocopies aren’t accepted by some organisations, such as banks or life insurance companies.
Who to tell about the death
When someone dies, you must contact certain organisations to inform them as soon as possible. You need to: l tell the tax office l return the deceased person’s driving licence to the DVLA l return their passport to the UK Passport Agency l send any Lasting Power of Attorney or Enduring Power of Attorney they had back to the Office of the Public Guardian, along with a death certificate, if you were their attorney You may need to contact other organisations as well, such as: l pension scheme provider l insurance company l bank and building society l employer l mortgage provider, housing association or council housing office l social services l utility companies l GP, dentist, optician and anyone else providing medical care l any charities, organisations or magazine subscriptions the deceased person made regular payments to You could also register the name and address of the deceased person with the Bereavement Register, which tries to put a stop to post being sent to people who have died.
Tell Us Once service
The government's free Tell Us Once service lets you report a death to several government departments in one go, either online or by telephone. You will need a Tell Us Once reference number from the registrar when you register the death. The service isn’t available in every area. Local authorities that offer the service should explain it to you when you meet with the registrar. Taking over the purse strings after your partner dies If you have lost a partner who you depended on to manage your finances, you may suddenly find yourself having to take on a host of financial issues that you've never dealt with before. This video from the Money Advice Service explains what you need to do.
Arranging a funeral
If you’re arranging the funeral, start by thinking about what sort of funeral the person would have wanted. They may have left instructions in their Will or a letter about their wishes. If there aren’t any clear wishes, the executor or nearest relative will usually decide if the body will be cremated or buried and what type of funeral will take place. Most people use a funeral director. Choose one who’s a member of either The National Association of Funeral Directors or the National Society of Allied and Independent Funeral Directors. Get more than one quote to compare costs. A quote for a respectful, basic funeral will include: l the funeral director’s services l transfer of the deceased person from the place of death, and care of them before the funeral l a hearse to the nearest crematorium or cemetery l all necessary arrangements and paperwork. There may be extra charges for crematorium and cemetery fees, embalming and flowers. Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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Contact your local council if you want to arrange a funeral in your local cemetery or crematorium.
Paying for a funeral
Arranging a funeral can be stressful and expensive. If you're paying for the funeral, think carefully about what you can afford. The funeral can be paid by: l you or other family members or friends l a lump sum from a life insurance policy or pension scheme the person paid into l a pre-paid funeral plan the person took out l the person’s estate (any money, property or assets they left). Funeral costs take precedence over other debts l money the person had in a bank or building society, although they don’t have to release the money until probate is granted. If there’s a delay, you may need to pay the costs in the meantime.
Help with funeral costs
You may be able to get a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund if you are on a low income and meet the criteria. You must be claiming Pension Credit or certain other means-tested benefits, and had a close relationship with the person who died – for example, you may have been their partner. Call the DWP Bereavement Service on 0345 606 0265 to make a claim. You can find a form, which is available at your local Jobcentre Plus or If you don’t qualify for a Funeral Payment, or it doesn’t cover the full costs of the funeral, you may be able to get a Budgeting Loan from the Social Fund. These are interest-free loans of between £100 and £1,500 that you repay from your benefits. Organ donation and medical research If the person carried a donor card, was listed on the NHS Organ Donor Register, or told you or someone else they wanted their organs to be donated, you should tell the hospital staff or GP. The sooner you tell them, better it is.
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Dealing with the estate
When a person dies, someone has to sort out their estate – their money, property, possessions and debts. If the deceased person left a Will, this will explain what should happen to their estate. The Will should specify who the executors are – the people who will sort out the estate. They will need to apply for a grant of representation at the local Probate Registry to give them the legal right to do so. The right to deal with an estate is known as ‘probate’. If the person didn’t leave a Will, or the Will is invalid or doesn’t specify executors, the person who deals with the estate is called an administrator. They will need to apply for ‘letters of administration’ at the local Probate Registry. However, the law decides who will inherit the estate. The person’s spouse or civil partner and children will usually automatically inherit all their personal possessions. The spouse or civil partner inherits at least the first £250,000 of the estate. The rules around anything over £250,000 are complex and you should take legal advice on this. As the executor or administrator you have a legal responsibility to pay off any debts or outstanding payments before distributing the estate. You can use money from the estate to pay any fees as part of the probate process. If the estate is very small – less than £5,000 – probate isn’t usually needed. In this case, you should write to the bank, building society, or the organisation holding the money.
Inheritance Tax
Inheritance Tax may have to be paid on the estate if it’s over a certain amount. The current threshold is £325,000. Anything over that threshold is taxed at 40%.
(Read more on Inheritance tax in our article about inheritance tax)
Source: Age UK
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n By Harshad Kothari – FCCA, FCMi
y colleagues and other contributors have covered a vast range of topics, including Will, Probate, Executorship, Inheritance Tax and other related subjects. All these are very important in planning your Estate.
Though not related to Estate Planning, Travel Insurance is one important aspect of our travels abroad, which is either completely ignored or, if taken out, cheapest options with basic cover are preferred to save a few pounds. We worry about bags and valuables being lost, but not about Medical Emergencies and Accidents. Most Insurances cover: 1. Delays 2. Cancellation or curtailment 3. Lost or stolen baggage or belongings 4. Personal liability 5. Medical costs and repatriation.
For the purpose of this Guide, it is the last one that needs to be given prominence. For repatriation, in case of a medical emergency or after an unfortunate death, it is imperative that the insurance includes adequate cover. All policies cover the first 4 items. Many also include the 5th one but with limitation clauses. By making full disclosure about your medical history and paying extra, you can ensure that you are fully covered. Also ensure that your Policy should be very clear on Medical Cover and Repatriation. By not taking out a Travel Policy or an inadequate one, you will be increasing the anguish and uncertainty for those who will eventually be responsible for your welfare or repatriation to the UK. Conversely, if you have relatives visiting from abroad, urge them to commit to a Travel Policy which Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
covers the mentioned emergencies. There is a false belief that the Policy is for old and infirm. I have seen even younger persons involved in emergencies and how they have benefitted from these policies when they have had accidents abroad. I can quote a couple of personal and other experiences, including a nephew whose body had to be flown from Singapore to India – but had no insurance, a relative’s young daughter who had a medical emergency in India and how travel insurance came to their rescue. There are many actual scenarios which many of you would have experienced. Some of the renowned Funeral Directors would have sad and stressful case studies. Costs of medical treatment and repatriation are prohibitive and the logistics are horrendous when accidents happen in remote parts of the world. An Air Ambulance may cost between £25,000 and £50,000 in certain parts of the World. Repatriation of the deceased could be £10,000 - £15,000. Most of the well-known providers of these insurances are wellorganised and their networks abroad will take away most, if not all, of the stress in dealing with the situation promptly. When looking for a Travel Policy, go to the Price Comparison sites as most give detailed explanation of various types of covers and their pros, cons and costs. Ensure that the policy covers you and your partners and dependants who will be travelling with you
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1-Inheritance Tax.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 14:40 Page 20
Inheritance Tax: A Guide
nheritance Tax is a tax on the estate (the property, money and possessions) of someone who’s died. Each person has a tax-free allowance or ‘nil rate band’ on their estate. Their estate won’t have to pay Inheritance Tax if it’s under £325,000 until 6 April 2021.
The surviving spouse can inherit the entire estate without having to pay Inheritance Tax. They can also pass on their unused tax-free allowance to their spouse. From 6 April 2017, everyone has an additional £100,000 (rising to £175,000 by 2020-21) tax-free allowance to use against the value of their home. Also known as the residence nil rate band (RNRB). They can only get this additional allowance if they leave their home to their children or grandchildren. This allowance can also be transferred to the surviving spouse if it isn’t used up already. This means by 2020-21, a married couple could leave their heirs a combined estate of up to £1 million without incurring Inheritance Tax. Inheritance Tax is charged on your estate at 40%. The estate can pay Inheritance Tax at a reduced rate of 36% on some assets if you leave 10% or more of the ‘net value’ to charity in your Will. If Inheritance Tax on gifts is due, it’s charged on a sliding scale known as taper relief. Inheritance Tax reliefs, such as Business Relief, allow some assets to be passed on free of Inheritance Tax or with a reduced bill.
Who pays the tax?
The tax is normally paid from the funds in the estate, or from money raised from the sale of assets if the estate has no cash. This Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
is done by the person dealing with the estate (called the ‘executor’, if there’s a Will). Sometimes, the deceased has left money in their estate to pay this tax. They might also have arranged for a life insurance policy to cover this bill. If there is a Will, it’s usually the executor of the Will who arranges to pay this tax. If there isn’t a Will, it’s the administrator of the estate who does this. Once the tax and debts are paid, the executor or administrator can distribute what remains of the estate to the heirs. Your beneficiaries (the people who inherit your estate) don’t normally pay tax on things they inherit. There are some exceptions. They may have other taxes to pay, for instance if they get rental income from a house left to them in a Will. People you give gifts to might have to pay Inheritance Tax, but only if you give away more than £325,000 and die within 7 years. Inheritance Tax is normally paid within six months after the person’s death. If the tax is not paid within six months, Her Majesty's Revenue Collection (HMRC) department will start charging interest. HMRC can give the executor of the estate more time to pay the tax if certain assets in the estate, such as property, take a while to sell. In this situation, your executor can ask to pay the tax in yearly instalments over 10 years. But the outstanding amount of tax will still be charged interest. If your estate is likely to incur Inheritance Tax, it’s a good idea for your executor to pay some of the tax even before they finish valuing the estate. This will help the estate avoid getting charged interest if it takes longer to sell the assets to pay off the debts and taxes. If the executor or administrator is paying
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the tax from their own account, they can claim it back from the estate. HMRC will refund the estate if it has overpaid the Inheritance Tax.
Passing on a home
You can pass a home to your husband, wife or civil partner when you die. There’s no Inheritance Tax to pay if you do this. If you leave the home to another person in your Will, it counts towards the value of the estate. From 6 April 2017, you’ll get a bigger Inheritance Tax threshold if you give away your main home to your children (including adopted, foster or stepchildren) or grandchildren. Giving away a home before you die There’s normally no Inheritance Tax to pay if you move out and live for another 7 years. If you want to continue living in your property after giving it away, you’ll need to: pay rent to the new owner at the going rate (for similar local rental properties) pay your share of the bills live there for at least 7 years You don’t have to pay rent to the new owners if both the following apply: you only give away part of your property the new owners also live at the property If you die within 7 years If you die within 7 years of giving away all or part of your property, your home will be treated as a gift and the 7-year rule applies. What is exempt from tax? Some gifts and property are exempt from Inheritance Tax, such as wedding gifts and agricultural property. If the deceased gave a gift in the seven years before they died, that gift is counted as part of the estate, and likely to incur Inheritance Tax. How much tax is due depends on the value of the gift, when it was given and to whom.
How can I reduce the amount of tax paid? You can reduce the Inheritance Tax on an estate by taking the following measures: l Leaving your estate to your spouse or civil partner l Paying into a pension instead of a savings account l Regularly giving away up to £3,000 a year in gifts l Putting your assets into a trust for your heirs l Leaving a legacy to charity Small gifts up to £250 You can give as many gifts of up to £250 per person as you want during the tax year as long as you haven’t used another exemption on the same person. Using life insurance to pay Inheritance Tax Taking out a life insurance policy to pay some or all of an Inheritance Tax bill, can make things easier on your family when the time comes to sort out your estate. It can help protect your home from having to be sold to pay the Inheritance Tax. It can also help ensure your gifts to
family and friends in the last seven years of your life, are protected from this tax. In general, it works as follows: l You set up an insurance policy. l You specify that the policy is held in trust. If you don’t, the money from the insurance pay-out is counted as part of your estate and subject to Inheritance Tax. l When you die, the policy pays out to the trust, which might be used to pay all or part of your Inheritance Tax bill. l You might need to set out your wishes in a side letter to guide your policy trust Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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trustees to use the funds in this way. l It’s a good idea to write your wishes in a separate letter to help trustees follow your instructions. Estate and tax planning can be complicated, so it’s well worth getting advice to help you make the right decisions for your situation. When someone living outside the UK dies If your permanent home (‘domicile’) is abroad, Inheritance Tax is only paid on your UK assets, for example property or bank accounts you have in the UK. It’s not paid on ‘excluded assets’ like: l foreign currency accounts with a bank or the Post Office l overseas pensions l holdings in authorised unit trusts and open-ended investment companies
There are different rules if you have assets in a trust or government gilts, or you’re a member of visiting armed forces. Contact the probate and Inheritance Tax helpline if you’re unsure whether your assets are excluded. When you won’t count as living abroad? HMRC will treat you as being domiciled in the UK if you either: l lived in the UK for 17 of the last 20 years l had your permanent home in the UK at any time in the last 3 years of your life Double-taxation treaties Your executor might be able to reclaim tax through a double-taxation treaty if Inheritance Tax is charged on the same assets by the UK and the country where you lived.
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Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Chandu Tailor & Son.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:56 Page 23
Sending away the departed with dignity n Kokila Patel
Dedicated Shiva-rested Ashram
"Death must be so beautiful. To lie in the soft brown earth, with the grasses waving above one's head, and listen to silence. To have no yesterday, and no tomorrow. To forget time, to forget life, to be at peace," said Oscar Wilde. Death, one of the stark realities of life often comes unexpected.
Every religion comes with its own beliefs and views on the subject. Hinduism talks of several sanskaras. The word, which appears in the Rigveda, gently suggests to "purify, prepare". In this religion, they are rites of
passage; ones that begin when an individual comes into the world, and ends when he/she is cremated. There are different passages, all as diverse as Hinduism itself, some formal while some complex. One of the many sanskaras, Antiyesti or Antim Sanskar depicts the funeral rites of the dead. While the ceremony varies as per castes, gender and age of the person, all the rites are followed as directed in the scriptures. Norms for the dead are few in India. A person's last rites can be conducted the very day they died, which is not the case in England. Rules and legal norms require people to go through a series of paperwork
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for the deceased, which makes it impossible for relatives and loved ones to lay them to rest the very day. Making things easier for the bereaved, Chandu Tailor & Son have been offering their assistance for many years. A recent talk with Chandubhai Tailor himself helped us get an insight. Spread over 6000 square feet of space, Chandu Tailor and Son funeral services is always buzzing. "When a death occurs, family of the deceased call us following necessary paperwork and we send over our ambulance equipped with a special stretcher and bring the deceased to our funeral home. If a person dies in an accident or under mysterious conditions, a postmortem is conducted on him and only a coroner can release the body for funeral services. In our funeral home, we bathe the body, clean and embalm it. Last rites ceremony is just as important as a person's wedding. Family and relatives of the dead decide how grand a coffin they want, and then, depending on what religion they belong to; Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian, a symbol is etched on the coffin," begins Chandubhai as he walks us through the entire procedure of bidding farewell. "For the cremation, we bathe the deceased. Apply some make up, and dress it in proper clothes before we place it in the coffin. We have skilled women who work on female dead bodies, bathing them, clothing them, applying makeup, and making sure they are respectfully placed in the coffin. I go through the entire process, check the arrangements, and only when I am satisfied with the work done, is the body placed in the hearse. My wife Hansa and I make sure quality is maintained. When asked what is done if somebody does not have the time to scatter the ashes, Chandubhai said, "If anyone wants to scatter ashes in India, we give them proper guidance." Many are left clueless when Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
someone they know loses their life while on a visit to the country. What would it take to cremate the person in the UK? Is it possible to take the body back to India? What if somebody dies in India and the family wants to bring the body back to the UK? Chandubhai put an end to all the lingering questions. "A family had gone to India for a visit and one of the family members died in Gujarat. However, as per their family's wish, the body was brought back to the UK. To bring a body back from India, our associate office takes care of all the necessary paperwork, corresponds with the airline and sends over the body back. An approximate cost of transportation costs from ÂŁ3,000. Add to that funeral cost of ÂŁ3,000 here. Our priority is to carry out all last rites at a reasonable expense in India. Similarly, if a body is to be taken to India from the UK, over 11 certificates along with a death certificate is mandatory. Not only do we wash the deceased, appropriately dress and, place them in a coffin to be taken, but we make sure it is properly embalmed. We make sure the body stays stable at 40 degree, and does not decompose, for which we put special chemicals.
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When asked whether their funeral home He said, "It is very important for our generation to gain knowledge on what kind of has proper arrangements to hold ashes of the dead, Chandubhai said, "Once the funeral paperwork goes into the procedure, how is over, we bring the urn from the crematorium much a funeral costs, how many crematoria back to our funeral home and store it. We are there and in which area. Several have enough space to store all our clients. communities are so well-informed in the topic We even store ashes of people who died in a that their members find no issues arranging different country. The entire system is for a proper funeral. For example, if computerised." somebody from the Jewish or Muslim Funeral insurance is a recent and growing communities die, their funeral can be trend. Advertisements on television show arranged with in a day. These people are costs at least £7,000. Sharing his thought, the always prepared in advance, and know where funeral house owner said, "£7,000 costs the body is to be buried and their coffins are shown on television is of course not welcome. decided beforehand. This speeds up the People should opt for funeral insurance, paperwork process." however, they should consult a funeral Chandubhai further said, "We have put a director and chalk out regulation list on display funeral costs with him, in the waiting area of our "Ever since I began the instead of relying on such funeral house. Our venture, my wife Hansa has adverts. If we give a company is inspected supported me and stood by planning cost, with a three times a year in my side. Chandu Tailor & Son provision somewhere which, how we charge Funeral Services currently has between £4,500 to 5,000, our clients, how we a total investment of two million there would be a margin for continue our procedure, eight to ten days. In current amongst other things are pounds. My son Jay joined the times, a funeral can easily checked. We maintain company in 1999. The three of cost £3,000. The best way the deceased dignity, in us, along with five other to cope is by creating a every single process members, run the services and different bank account and from the start to end. jointly believe in better quality start saving. You can give When the funeral of work and high standards. proper instructions to your procession leaves the Funeral services isn't merely bank. So the day your deceased's house, we business for us, we are death certificate is made, pay our respects by invested in it and hope to give your family can show it to walking with a black stick the bank manager and pay in our hand and a black a reverent farewell to the dead." for the funeral." hat on our head. I am a Coming from a family of firm believer of religious well-known tailors, Chandubhai's father drifted traditions, which is why our company does to the automobile industry and spare parts what is required and needed in the antiyesti. business in Kenya. He himself shifted to the We hold bhajan-kirtan every year in UK in 1973 in a bid to start his own thing. remembrance of all the souls that departed Chandubhai began by volunteering in the and for their eternal peace. We have been tailor community in London. He managed a involved in several processions for which we limousine service which only catered funeral consider ourselves extremely blessed. We trade. It was in around 1993 that he began believe in the Hare Krishna Hare Ram temple directing funerals himself. Within two years, in Watford. Our company owns two limousine Chandu Tailor & Son was built in New cars and two hearse from Mercedes. Every Southgate, with all facilities, including time we bought a new car, we took it to the mortuary, embalming facilities, family washing temple and had them blessed by Lord and dressing rooms, two chapels, and prayer Krishna. We have also donated £10,000 to rooms. the temple." Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
1-Key Life- IHT.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 14:43 Page 26
Whole of Life Insurance and its role in Inheritance Tax Planning
n Yogesh Nagpal
(CeFA® CeMAP® MBA BCom) Co-Founder/Protection Specialist at Key Life Financial Services Ltd.
enjamin Franklin was right when he said there were only two certainties in life – ‘death and taxes’; and there has never been a truer word been spoken with regards to Inheritance Tax (IHT), where the two things collide.
Inheritance Tax (IHT)
Under the current tax regulations (which are always subject to amendment), IHT is payable by everyone who is UK domiciled and is payable on an individual’s worldwide assets. The first £325,000 is covered by the ‘Nil Rate Band’ – also called the IHT threshold. Estates incur a 40% IHT above that level. Married couples and civil partners are entitled to double this allowance or £650,000 before IHT becomes payable. The government increased the threshold in the summer budget of 2015. George Osborne announced the ‘Family Home Allowance’, phased over 4 years, the starting rate will be £100,000 from April 2017 going up to £175,000 per person in 2021 – purely based on the main residence. However, property is not the only asset that makes up a person’s estate; it also includes: your contents and possessions, Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
savings and investments and any life insurance policies that are not placed in trust. But why should the taxman take some of your assets when you die – especially when your “income tax” and “capital gains tax” records are clean. This area requires careful planning. The key is to start as early as possible.
Whole of Life Assurance
A whole of life policy is designed to provide life assurance cover for your whole life and doesn’t finish at a pre-defined term. If you continue paying into a whole-life plan it will eventually pay out on your death.
Advantages with this policy:
Certainty of Cost – You know exactly how much you will be paying, unless you make changes to the plan. Certainty of Outcome – Since death is inevitable, you don't run the risk of the term finishing. The new generation Whole of Life policies are guaranteed not to be reviewed or altered during the life of the policy i.e. the premiums and the sum assured will stay the same throughout.
Who does it suit?
l People who want a longer insurance policy and want to leave a lump sum to their beneficiaries. l When a defined pay-out will be needed, for example, to cover an IHT liability of an estate.
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Whole of Life plans and Inheritance Tax
The purpose of such policies is to create a fund via the payment from a life assurance plan that will pay part or all the IHT liability and thereby allow the beneficiaries to inherit the estate without having to worry about making arrangements for the tax bill. A Whole of Life policy set up on a Joint Life 2nd Death is an effective solution to make provisions for the IHT bill. The sum assured is payable on the death of the last of the policyholders – so in the case of the husband and wife joint life policy, the surviving spouse must maintain the premium payments until their own death. On death of the clients, the estate will be subject to a probate and the policy proceeds can be used to clear off the IHT liabilities.
children to inherit the full net value of their parents' estate.
Anyone above 18 and under 89 is eligible to apply for these policies.
The policies have the provision of index linking the sum assured to keep in line with inflation. It also allows the policyholders to increase the sum assured, if, due to change in the property values or tax rules, there is an increase in the IHT liability. Alternatively, you can reduce the sum assured if the IHT liability reduces in future.
It must be ensured that the policy is put in a Trust, which ensures that the proceeds can be paid to the beneficiaries outside of the estate for IHT purposes and avoiding probate. Once the Trust is set up, it is advisable to appoint additional trustees to ensure that there are individuals alive when a claim arises. The policy proceeds are then immediately available with no delay for probate.
Case Study
Mr & Mrs Patel are both 60 and have an estate worth £800,000; the main beneficiaries of which are their three children. They decide to affect a guaranteed joint life second death whole of life assurance plan for £60,000, their estate’s current IHT liability at a cost of approximately £830 per annum and put in a trust for their children. Following the second death 20 years later, the plan was used to pay the estate’s liability to IHT, leaving the three
Premiums vary according to your age, health, amount to be insured and from insurance company to insurance company. It is advisable to seek independent professional advice on your options and to find you the best solution based on your individual circumstances.
(This information is based on current tax rules and legislation, which could change in future. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to change in future). Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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Power of attorney
Why someone may need to make a decision on your behalf?
he question we often ask is that why do we require an attorney, when we have family to take care of everything. Unfortunately death in itself is a devastating event and what seems simple before, gets very complicated once you lose your loved one. So it helps to have someone you trust, who can have the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf if you lack mental capacity at some time in the future or no longer wish to make decisions for yourself. It could just be temporary: for example, if you are in hospital and need help with everyday things such as making sure that bills are paid. Or you may need to make more long-term plans if, for example, you have been diagnosed with dementia. According to organisation the Age UK, there are two types of powers of attorney: ordinary and lasting.
Ordinary power of attorney
If you want to give someone full access to make decisions and take action concerning your finances while you still have mental capacity, you can set up an ordinary power of attorney. This is a legal document giving someone else authority to act on your behalf. It is only valid while you still have mental capacity to make your own decisions about your finances, so that you can keep an eye on what the person making decisions for you (your attorney) is doing. You can limit the power you give to your attorney so that they can only deal with certain assets, for example, your bank account but not your home.
Lasting power of attorney (LPA)
A lasting power of attorney gives someone you trust the legal authority to make decisions on your behalf, if either youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
unable to (in the future) or you no longer wish to make decisions for yourself. There are two types of lasting powers of attorney one for financial decisions and the other for health and care decisions. There are two types of LPA:
1. LPA for financial decisions
This can be used while someone still has mental capacity or you can state in your LPA application that you only want it to come into force if you lose capacity. An attorney (the person who makes decisions for you) can generally make decisions on things such as: l buying and selling property l paying the mortgage l investing money l paying bills l arranging repairs to property. You can restrict the types of decision your attorney can make, or let them make all financial decisions on your behalf.
2. LPA for health and care decisions
This covers decisions about healthcare as well as personal welfare and can only be used if and when you lose mental capacity. An attorney can generally make decisions about things such as: l where you should live l your medical care l what you should eat l who you should have contact with l what kind of social activities you should take part in l You can also give special permission to your attorney to make decisions about lifesaving treatment If youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re setting up an LPA for financial decisions, your attorney must keep accounts and make sure their money is kept separate
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and haven’t been put under any pressure to sign it. They must be someone you know well or a professional person, such as a doctor, social worker or solicitor. The LPA must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) before it can be used.
from your money. You can request regular details of how much is spent and how much income you have. This offers you an extra layer of protection. If you lose mental capacity, these details can be sent to your solicitor or a family member. Lasting powers of attorney were introduced in October 2007, replacing the old system of enduring power of attorney (EPA). An EPA created before October 2007 remains valid.
When is a lasting power of attorney valid?
How to set up a lasting power of attorney?
An LPA will only be valid if you have: the mental capacity to set it up you have not been put under any pressure to create it It must be your decision and you must be able to trust your attorney, as you're giving them extensive power to make decisions about your life. The LPA must be signed by a certificate provider who confirms that you understand it l l
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To register your LPA, first get the forms and an information pack from the OPG. Alternatively, a solicitor or local advice agency can help you set up the LPA and register it. Contact the OPG for information about LPA registration fees. If you have a low income, you may be eligible for a 50% discount, and if you’re receiving certain benefits you won’t have to pay anything at all. You can contact the OPG if you need to find out if your LPA has been registered. If you lose mental capacity but signed the LPA while you still had mental capacity, the attorney can still register it for you.
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Hindu funeral-1.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 16:04 Page 30
Death and rituals among different faiths: Hindus, Muslims & Jains Hinduism
Most of the Indians are usually Hindus, and Hinduism is more of a way of life. Within Hinduism there are a number of sects, subsects, and regional variations with differing beliefs. Hindus widely believe that life and death are part of the concept of samsara (life), or rebirth. The ultimate goal for many Hindus is to become free from desire, thereby escaping samsara and attaining moksha, the transcendental state of salvation. Once moksha is attained, the soul will be absorbed into Brahman, the divine force and ultimate reality.
When to hold a Hindu funeral
Preparations for the funeral begin immediately. The funeral should take place as soon as possible — traditionally, by the next dusk or dawn, whichever occurs first. A priest should be contacted and can help guide in the decision-making process and direct the family to a Hindu-friendly funeral home.
When death is imminent
When a Hindu is approaching death, a priest should be contacted and the priest and the family should gather to be with the dying person. Those present should chant mantras or play a recording of the mantras. When death seems imminent, the body should, if possible, be transferred to a grass mat on the floor. A small amount of water from the Ganges River should be placed in the dying person’s mouth. If this is not possible before death, then these actions should take place immediately following the death.
After death ceremonies
As soon as death occurs, those gathered will avoid unnecessary touching of the body, as it is seen as impure. Embalming and Organ donation are usually allowed by the Hindu faith. Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Preparing The Body
Traditionally, the body is washed by family members and close friends. Many Hindu funeral homes recognise the importance of the family washing the body and will allow the family to prepare the body. If this is not possible, the funeral home may wash and dress the body. For the ritual washing, the deceased’s head usually faces southward. A lighted oil lamp as well as a picture of the deceased’s favourite deity should be kept by the deceased’s head. Traditionally, for the “abhisegam” (holy bath), the body is washed in a mixture of milk, yogurt, ghee
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(clarified butter), and honey. The body may also be washed in purified water. While the body is being washed, those washing should recite mantras. Once the body is sufficiently cleaned, the big toes should be tied together, the hands should be placed palm-topalm in a position of prayer, and the body should be shrouded in a plain white sheet. If the person who died was a married woman who died before her husband, she should be dressed in red.
Viewing, Wake, Or Visitation Before A Hindu Funeral
Hindus generally hold a brief wake before cremation. The body should be displayed in a simple, inexpensive casket. “Vibhuti” (ash) or “chandan” (sandalwood paste) should be applied to the forehead of a man, and turmeric should be applied to the forehead of a woman. A garland of flowers is placed around the neck, and holy basil should be placed in the casket. During the wake, family and friends gather around the casket and may recite hymns or mantras. At the end of the wake, before the body is removed for cremation, many Hindus place “pinda” (rice balls) near the casket. At the end of the wake, the casket is removed feet-first and brought to the place of cremation.
Traditionally, all Hindus except babies, children, and saints are cremated. The casket is carried on a stretcher and walked to the cremation site, though it is acceptable to transport the body in a vehicle. If a vehicle, such as a hearse, is used for transportation, the eldest male relative (known as “karta”) and another male family elder should accompany the casket. It
is customary that only men attend the cremation. Historically, Hindu cremations used to take place on the Ganges River in India. The family used to build a pyre and places the body on the pyre. The karta used to circle the body three times, walking counter-clockwise so that the body stays on his left, and sprinkling holy water on the pyre. Then the karta would set the pyre on fire and those gathered will stay until the body is entirely burned. For Hindus living outside of India, there are companies that will arrange for the shipment of the body to India and hold a traditional cremation with a proxy karta. In the UK, only crematories may cremate bodies. However, most crematories will allow for ceremonies before the cremation and will allow for guests to be present at the cremation itself. Thus, most of the rituals may still be observed. The body should be brought to the crematorium feet-first, ideally with the feet facing south. Those gathered may pray, and then the karta will perform the ritual circling of the body. At this point, the body is ready for cremation, and should be placed into the incinerator feet-first. When the body has been fully cremated, those gathered will return home.
Post-Funeral Reception
Upon returning home, all family members will bathe and change into fresh clothes. Then the family will gather for a meal. A priest may visit the family at home and purify the house with incense.
Hindu mourning period and memorial events
The day after the cremation, the 'karta' will return to the crematory and collect the ashes. Traditionally, the ashes should be
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immersed in the Ganges River, though more and more other rivers are becoming acceptable substitutes. For Hindus living outside of India, there are companies that will arrange for the shipment of the cremated remains to India and will submerge the ashes in the Ganges. The cremation of the deceased marks the beginning of the mourning period, which lasts for 13 days. During this time, the family of the deceased will stay at home and receive visitors, though mourning rituals may differ depending on the community. A photograph of the deceased may be prominently displayed, and a garland of flowers may be placed on the photograph. Throughout the mourning period, the rite of “preta-karma” will be performed, which assists the disembodied spirit of the deceased to obtain a new body for reincarnation. The family will observe a memorial event called “sraddha,” which pays homage to the deceased. The karta will invite Brahmins, members of the highest caste, to their home and provide them with an elaborate meal, treating them as he would treat his own parents.
Among the Muslims, there are primarily two sects - Shi'a and Sunni, that hold different views on a number of religious issues. For the most part, however, Muslims commonly believe that the good deeds one does in life will yield entry into Paradise on the Day of Judgement, also called the Last Day, when the world will be destroyed. Many Muslims believe that until the Last Day the dead will remain in their tombs, and those heading for Paradise will experience peace while those heading for Hell will experience suffering.
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
When Death Is Imminent
When a Muslim is approaching death, family members and very close friends should be present. They should offer the dying person hope and kindness, and encourage the dying person to say the “shahada,” confirming that there is no God but Allah. As soon as death occurs, those present should say, “Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un” (“Verily we belong to Allah, and truly to Him shall we return”). Those present should close the deceased’s eyes and lower jaw, and cover the body with a clean sheet. They should also make “dua’” (supplication) to Allah to forgive the sins of the deceased.
When To Hold A Muslim Funeral
According to Islamic law (“shariah”), the body should be buried as soon as possible from the time of death, which means that funeral planning and preparations begin immediately. A local Islamic community organisation should be contacted as soon as possible, and they will help to make arrangements for the funeral service and burial, assist the family in identifying an appropriate funeral home, and coordinate with the funeral home.
Organ Donation
Organ donation is generally acceptable to Muslims, as it follows the Quran’s teaching that "Whosoever saves the life of one person it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind." If there is any question as to whether or not organs may be donated, it is best to consult an imam (religious leader) or a Muslim funeral director.
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Routine autopsies are not acceptable in Islam as they are seen as a desecration of the body. In most cases, the family of the deceased may refuse to have a routine autopsy performed.
Embalming and cosmetology are not allowed unless required by state or federal law. Because of the prohibition on embalming and the urgency with which the body must be buried, it is not possible to transport the body from one country to another. Many Muslims living in America have a desire to be buried in the country of their ancestry, and this cultural practice, while acceptable in some communities, is in conflict with shariah. An imam or a Muslim funeral director should be consulted if there are any questions on the matter. Cremation is forbidden for Muslims.
Preparing The Body
To prepare the body for burial, it must be washed (“Ghusl”) and shrouded (“Kafan”). Close same-sex family members are encouraged to give Ghusl, though in the case of spousal death the spouse may perform the washing. The body should be washed three times. If, after three washings, the body is not entirely clean, it may be washed more, though ultimately the body should be washed an odd number of times. The body should be washed in the following order: upper right side, upper left side, lower right side, lower left side. Women’s hair should be washed and braided into three braids. Once clean and prepared, the body should be covered in a white sheet. To shroud the body, three large white sheets of inexpensive material should be laid on top of each other. The body should be placed on top of the sheets. Women should, at this point, be dressed in an ankle-length sleeveless dress and head
veil. If possible, the deceased’s left hand should rest on the chest and the right hand should rest on the left hand, as in a position of prayer. The sheets should then be folded over the body, first the right side and then the left side, until all three sheets have wrapped the body. The shrouding should be secured with ropes, one tied above the head, two tied around the body, and one tied below the feet. The body should then be transported to the mosque (“masjid”) for funeral prayers, known as “Salat alJanazah.” When a Muslim dies, the body should be buried as soon as possible, thus there is no viewing before the funeral.
The Muslim Funeral Service
Salat al-Janazah (funeral prayers) should be performed by all members of the community. Though the prayers should be recited at the mosque, they should not be recited inside the mosque; instead, they should be performed in a prayer room or study room, or in the mosque’s courtyard. Those praying should face the “qiblah”— that is, toward Mecca — and form at least three lines, with the male most closely related to the person who died in the first line, followed by men, then children, then women.
After Salat al-Janazah has been recited, the body should be transported to the cemetery for burial. Traditionally, only men are allowed to be present at the burial, though in some communities all mourners, including women, will be allowed at the gravesite. The grave should be dug perpendicular to the qiblah, and the body should be placed in the grave on its right side, facing the qiblah. Those placing the body into the grave should recite the line “Bismilllah wa ala millati rasulilllah” (“In the name of Allah and in the faith of the Messenger of Allah”). Once the body is in the grave, a layer of wood or stones should Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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be placed on top of the body to prevent direct contact between the body and the soil that will fill the grave. Then each mourner present will place three handfuls of soil into the grave. Once the grave has been filled, a small stone or marker may be placed at the grave so that it is recognisable. However, traditionally, it is prohibited to erect a large monument on the grave or decorate the grave in an elaborate way.
Post-funeral reception
After the funeral and burial, the immediate family will gather and receive visitors. It is customary for the community to provide food for the family for the first few days of the mourning period (usually three days). Generally, the mourning period lasts 40 days, but depending on the degree of religiousness of the family, the mourning period may be much shorter.
Mourning period and memorial events
Widows are expected to observe a longer mourning period, generally of four months and ten days. During this time, widows are prohibited from interacting with men whom they could potentially marry (known as â&#x20AC;&#x153;namahramâ&#x20AC;?). However, this rule may be overlooked in cases of emergency, such as when the widow must see a doctor. It is acceptable in Islam to express grief over a death. Crying and weeping at the time of death, at the funeral, and at the burial are all acceptable forms of expression. However, wailing and shrieking, tearing of clothing and breaking of objects, and expressing a lack of faith in Allah are all prohibited.
Jain cremation ceremony is very simple and short. This is the order of the Rites: l Dressing the body: Natural flowers are avoided. Instead sandalwood mala (Garland) is
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
used Near the deceased casket: Swastika is placed. On top of swastika: a whole coconut is put, diya (lamps), and agarbatti (incense) l Stavans and bhajans for about one hour l Eulogy from family and friends l Final view by visitors. Family members get together by the casket and apply: l Water and rice three times on the body l Sandalwood powder on the body l Ghee on forehead, hands, and feet l At the end of the ceremony, guests chant Navkar Mantra, and put: l Sandalwood mala on body l Piece of gold in the mouth l A pearl in the right eye l The casket is then closed The Jains cremate the dead as soon as possible. First the body is rubbed with a wet cloth. The corpse is then clothed and placed in a bier and covered with a kafan. The body is tied to the bier and taken to the crematorium. A suitable place without any living organisms like grass or insects is selected so as not to harm them. There a platform of wood is erected. The body is taken from the bier and placed on the platform with logs of wood over it. Ghee, camphor and sandalwood powder are sprinkled all over the body and the eldest son of the deceased does the last rites. The son goes round the pyre three times sprinkling water all over the body. Chanting the Namokar Mantra, he lights up the pyre. Then after sometime they pour milk over the place. The remains are collected in bags and the place is thoroughly cleansed. The remains are not immersed in rivers as they can pollute the water. Instead they dig a hole in the earth and put the remains and sprinkle salt all over, so that it dissolves easily. The Jains believe that the dead soul would be reborn immediately. So for them death is a festival or Mahotsav. Loud wailing and observing anniversaries are not part of the Jain tradition. l
Bhaarat WelFare.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:00 Page 1
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1-Nandakumar.qxp_A4 Temp 06/02/2017 14:58 Page 36
Scriptures: The greatest n Dr. M.N. Nandakumara
teacher of life
ur scriptures have recorded in a most dignified way as to what life is all about. Once an individual is born, he/she goes through childhood, youth, mature age, old age and finally death. Death, the final destination of all beings, is a mystery. But our Vedas, Upanishads and Gita declare that it is only one of the stages in human life - like birth, growth, etc. It also mentions that these are inevitable certainties in one’s life. No amount of crying, worrying, etc. will bring back the dead person. What has gone can never be brought back. Hence our philosophy teaches us to be prepared for the eventualities of life. It helps an individual to understand this by explaining the journey of human life. As human beings, we develop attachment to people and things in this world which is natural. But when the time comes to say goodbye to these and accept realities that is when we get emotional, depressed. Our Vedas, Upanishads and Gita explain this aspect in detail to help us to come to terms with life.
Krishna says in the Gita,
“One who is born has to die and one who dies has to come back. There is no solution to this and hence O Arjuna, do not grieve.”
“As human beings throw away old clothes and put on new ones, so too does Atma discards a body that is worn out and goes in search of a new one to continue its journey.”
“The reality is that the Atma is imperishable, no weapon hurts it, no fire burns this, no water drenches it nor does air dry it.” Our scriptures place great importance to charity and service as these are the ones which help an individual in his/her onward journey. (To the family, to grieve someone who has been kind and helpful not only to one’s family but to the society at large becomes easier and helps one to reduce one’s agony). One of our ancient prayers goes like this: The question was what really Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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follows an individual after he/she dies.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The wealth one has earned must be left here, the animals that one has taken care of would stay back in their shed, wife/husband will follow up to a point only, friends accompany the body up to the funeral pyre and even the body that is so dear to an individual has to say goodbye when fire consumes it. Only the good deeds, the kindness and compassion one has shown to others follow an
individual wherever one goes.â&#x20AC;? When people die at a ripe old age, their death becomes a celebration. But at times people die at a very young age when it becomes difficult for anyone to accept the reality. This is when the wise words of our ancient Rishis come to our help. As no one can decipher the mystery of death, we presume that there is a higher principle which controls all life on this earth. We need to attach ourselves to our duties and responsibilities and leave the rest to the Supreme spirit. This is the only way left for us. To reach such a status of mind people take to devotion, prayers and other religious acts as prescribed in our scriptures.
Hindu wedding ceremonies and religious services
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Succession Planning
he first and most important rule of succession planning is to make a valid Will so that valuable assets within a family will be inherited by those intended to benefit.
If a Will has not been made the rules of intestacy will be used to distribute his or her estate according to law. Under these rules, which were amended in 2014, a surviving spouse or civil partner without any children would receive the entire estate. Where the deceased had children the surviving spouse or civil partner will keep all the assets (including property), up to £250,000, and all the personal possessions, whatever their value. The remainder of the estate will then be split half to the surviving spouse or civil partner and the other half to the surviving children equally. For most families this split is equitable but without a Will the law does not allow any discretion for the personal representatives and the deceased wishes will not be honoured. The Inheritance Tax Act 1984 provides a number of exemptions and reliefs available for taxpayers on transferring capital. For example there are exemptions for gifts on contemplation of marriage made by a parent - £5,000 or remoter ancestor - £2,500. Taxpayers can make small gifts of £250, gifts up to £3,000 per year, gifts out of income and gifts to charities, political parties
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or for national purposes are fully exempt. In addition gifts between individuals are potentially exempt from inheritance tax and if the donor survives 7 years it will not be included in his estate at death. However, where use of the asset is retained by the donor, the gift will be included in the deceased’s estate at death if he retained use of the asset 7 years prior to death.
One of the most important inheritance tax reliefs for owners of businesses is Business Property Relief and Agricultural Property Relief which in some cases could shelter 50% to 100% of a business from inheritance tax on the death of the owner. This relief could allow some owners to continue working up to the date of death and for their businesses to pass to family members without suffering inheritance tax at 40%. However it must be understood that the law in this area is complex and professional advice should be taken prior to adopting any strategy.
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Kaushikbhai.qxp_A4 Temp 06/02/2017 15:58 Page 40
Inheritance tax (IHT) forms
n Kaushik Desai
hen someone dies, in addition to coming to terms with the death of a loved one, it is essential to deal with their estate which is made up of the assets including savings, investments, properties and anything else that may be involved after deducting any debts that the deceased may owe.
This article only deals with the Inheritance tax account and the associated forms that need to be completed in order to get Grant of Representation, also known as Probate. Various forms, depending on whether IHT is due, need to be completed for inheritance tax purposes even if there is no inheritance due on the estate.
IHT is payable where the assets of the deceased after any debts and available exemptions (such as the spouse exemption) have been deducted exceed £325,000 known as the nil rate band or £650,00 where the deceased spouse or civil partner did not use their nil rate band on their death. An additional “residence-nilrate-band” of £100,000 per person will be introduced from 6 April 2017 and will rise to £175,000 in 2020/2021 effectively increasing the assets that you can pass without paying IHT to £500,000 (£1m for a couple). However, it is important to note that this residence-nil-rate-band will only apply to wealth tied up in your main residence and it can only be left to direct descendants – children, grandchildren,
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
step, adopted or foster children. If the deceased spouse or civil partner did not use their nil rate band when they died, it is necessary to use the unused portion for use against the Deceased’s Estate using Form IHT 217. For Estates where there is no IHT due it is often possible to complete a shortened Account (Form IHT 205) provided the following conditions are met: (a) No IHT must be due on death; (b) The Estate must not contain foreign property worth more than £100,000;
(c) The Estate must not contain an interest in more than one trust or an interest in a single trust worth more than £150,000;
(d) The Deceased must not have made more than £150,000 of non-exempt gifts in the 7 years preceding death;
(e) The Deceased must not have made a Lifetime Chargeable Transfer (e.g. set up a Trust) or made a Gift with Reservation of Benefit (e.g. gifted a property to a child but continued to use it without paying rent) or have benefitted from an alternatively secured pension scheme; and
(f) The gross value of the Estate must be less than £1m and no IHT is due because the spouse and any charity exemption applies.
If the Estate does not meet the above criteria, it will be necessary to complete the full IHT account (Form IHT 400) within 12 months from the end of the month in which the person died, or penalty charges may be applicable. Please note that IHT, however, must be paid within 6 months from the end of the month in which the deceased died. Prior to completing Form IHT 400, it will be necessary to apply for an IHT reference
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number and payslip which can either be done online or by completing Form IHT 422. IHT 400 is a very comprehensive form which allows HMRC to assess the value of the Estate and to determine the IHT payable on the death of the deceased. It generally results in a number of additional supplementary pages to be completed which are listed below:
l IHT 401 – details of the deceased’s
permanent home
l IHT 402 – which deals with transfer of any unused IHT threshold from a deceased spouse or registered civil partner to the deceased (the equivalent to form IHT 217 when using Form IHT 205) l IHT 403 – when the deceased had made gifts/transfers during their lifetime
l IHT 404 – list of assets that the deceased owned jointly with another person l IHT 405 – list of land, houses, buildings
and interest in land
l IHT 406 – list of bank and building society
accounts, NS&I investments and premium bonds
l IHT 407 – list of the deceased’s household and personal goods
l IHT 408 – to claim charity exemption if some or all of the deceased’s household and personal goods are donated to charity
l IHT 409 – list of pensions received by the
deceased (other than the state pension)
l IHT 410 – list the deceased’s life policies, annuities or investment bonds l IHT 411 – list of the deceased’s listed stocks and shares
l IHT 412 – list of the deceased’s unlisted stocks and shares
l IHT 413 – when business relief is to be deducted
l IHT 414 – when agricultural relief is to be
l IHT 415 –details of any inheritance or share in an estate to which the deceased was entitled (but had not received before they died)
l IHT 416 – details of any debts owing to the deceased as at the date of death
l IHT 417 – list of the deceased’s foreign assets
l IHT 418 – list of the deceased’s trusts interest
l IHT 419 – list of any loans, overdrafts and debts, etc., owed by the deceased In addition, once IHT 400 and its supplementary pages have been completed, you will also need to complete the Probate Summary – Form IHT 421. The completion of all these forms is involved and generally we would recommend that you seek professional advice in completing these forms either by a solicitor or perhaps better still with a firm of tax advisers who are used to completing these forms and who can ensure that you complete them fully and accurately and claim the maximum reliefs and exemptions available to reduce the IHT burden. For more infromation Contact:
Key Life Financial Services
Addendum to the article on Page 26 lThe type of Whole of Life policies discussed are pure insurance/protection policies with NO investment element lThe case study has assumed that the clients are both non-smokers with no health issues lThe purpose of such policies is to primarily make provisions for the potential Inheritance Tax bill in the future via the proceeds of the pay-out l Key Life Financial Services is Authorised & Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Raam Baapa.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 14:57 Page 42
જે જન્મે એનું મૃત્યુ નનશ્ચિત છે: જ્ઞાની મૃત્યુનો શોક કરતા નથી
ભગવાન શ્રી કૃષ્ણએ શ્રીમદ ભાગવત ગીતાના બીજા અધ્યાયમાં અજુુનને કહ્યું છે, "જે મનુષ્ય મૃત્યુ પામેલ છે અથવા મૃત્યુની સાવ નજીકમાં છે એને માટે જ્ઞાની પુરૂષો શોક કરતા નથી. કારણ કેજેમૃત્યુપામેછેતેપાછો જન્મેછે. એનુંપ્રમાણ વાસાંસસ જીણાાસિ યથા સવહાય િવાસિ ગૃહણાસિ િરોપરાસણ | િથા શરીરાસણ સવહાય જીણાાતયતયાસિ સંયાસિ િવાસિ દેહી || જેમ દિવાળીના મહાપવવેબધા માણસો જૂના વસ્ત્રોનો ત્યાગ કરીનેનવા સુંિર વસ્ત્રો પહેરેછેએનેકેટલી ખુશી થાય છેઅનેકેવા સુંિર િેખાય છે. એવી રીતેમનુષ્ય જૂનાંવસ્ત્રો ત્યજી નવાંવસ્ત્રો ધારણ કરેછે, તેમ િેહધારી આત્મા, જૂનાંશરીરો ત્યજી બીજાંનવાંશરીરો પામેછે. તેથી મૃત્યુનો શોક કરવો યોનય નથી કારણ આત્મા એ અજર-અમર છે. એ કયારેય મરતો નથી. જે માણસ મૃત્યુ પામે છે એનો આત્મા તુરંત જ બીજો જન્મ લેછેઅનેનવુંશરીર ધારણ કરેછે. એટલેહેઅજુુન, મૃત્યુનો શોક કરવો યોનય નથી. જ્ઞાની માણસ મરવાનો શોક કરતા નથી. િૈિંસિતદન્તિ શસ્ત્રાસણ િૈિંદહસિ પાવકઃ । િ ચૈિંકલેદયતત્યાપો િ શોષ્યસિ મારૂિઃ ।। આત્માનેશસ્ત્રો છેિતાંનથી, અગ્નન બાળતો નથી, પાણી ભીંજવતુંનથી અનેપવન સૂકવતો નથી. આજ દવષય પર રામાયણમાં પણ ભગવાન શ્રી રામચંદ્રજીએ એક પદતવ્રતા નારીને કહ્યું: "હે િેવી, છીત્તી જલ પાવક ગગન શરીર પાંચ રદચત અધમ શરીરા" જીવ દનત્ય છે. એમાંરહેલા જીવાત્મા અજર અમર છે, દનત્ય છેકોના માટેરોવેછે? એ કિી મરતો નથી તો પછી તુંકોનો શોક કરેછે? મહાપુરૂષો અનેશાસ્ત્રો મૃત્યુનો શોક કરતા નથી. કોઈપણ ગભુવતી સ્ત્રીનેલનન પછી પહેલુંબાળક આવવાનુંહોય ત્યારેડોક્ટર બતાવી િેકેતનેબહુ સુંિર રૂપાળો િીકરો આવવાનો છેએ સ્ત્રી કેટલી ખુશ થાય એમ ભગવાન આપણનેજો મૃત્યુપહેલાંકહે તમારો જન્મ કોઈ ઋષીમુદનને ત્યાં અથવા તો રાજા-મહારાજાને ત્યાં થવાનો છે. તો મરનાર માણસને અથવા મરનાર વ્યદિના કુટબ ું ીજનોનેજરા પણ મૃત્યુનુંિુઃખ થાય? અથવા કોઈનેરોવુંઆવેખરું? બલ્કે, બધાનેખુબ જ ખુશી થાય અનેરોવાનેબિલેહસે. કારણ મરનાર નેએના કરતાંબહુ સુંિર અનેસારો જન્મ મળવાનો છે. દવજ્ઞાનેમનુષ્ય જન્મ લઇ કયારેઅવતરશેએની મદહના-તારીખ સાથેઅાગાહી કરી છે પણ એનું મોત કયારે-કેવી રીતે થશે એની ચાવી તો મારા પ્રભુએ એના હાથમાં જ રાખી છે. મૃત્યુથી ભયભીત થવાની જરૂર નથી, જેજન્મેછેએનુંમૃત્યુઅવશ્ય છે, મૃત્યથી કેવલ શરીર પંચમહાભૂતમાંદવલીન થાય છે પણ અાત્મા મરતો નથી. The soul is never born nor dies; nor does become only after being born, For it is unborn, eternal, everlasting and ancient; even though the body is slain, the soul is not. સૌને રામબાપાના જય સીયારામ- જયશ્રી કૃષ્ણ Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2016
Devon Charitable Trust.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:02 Page 43
દેવન ચેરિટેબલ ટ્રસ્ટઃ સેવા હી પિમો ધમમ ૧૨ વષષથી સેવાક્ષેત્રેઅમૂલ્ય પ્રદાન આપતી સંસ્થા સેવા હી પરમો ધમમના સૂત્રમાંઅખૂટ આપથા ધરાવતા શ્રી પુરુષોત્તમભાઇ મજિઠીયાએ ૨૦૦૪માંપથાપેલી સંપથા એટલે દેવન ચેજરટેબલ ટ્રપટ. સેવાક્ષેત્રે પ્રશંસનીય પ્રદાન આપનાર આ ટ્રપટના માધ્યમથી પુરુષોત્તમભાઇએ જીવનસાથી લીલાવતીબહેન તેમિ ટ્રપટી મંડળના સાથીદારોના સહયોગમાં ધમમ, જશક્ષણ, આરોગ્ય સજહત અનેક ક્ષેત્રેમદદ પૂરી પાડી છે. િનસેવા એ િ પ્રભુસેવા શબ્દોનેસાચા અથમમાં સાકાર કરતી આ સંપથા ચેજરટી કજમશનમાંરજિપટડડથયેલી છે. ૧૨ વષષમાં૨.૫ મમમિયન પાઉન્ડની સખાવતઃ એક ઝિક • રાણાવાવ, ભાણવડ, વ્રિ અને વલસાડમાં જવજવધ હવેલીનું નવજનમામણ • વલસાડમાં નસમરી પકૂલનું નવજનમામણ • મથુરામાંધો. ૮થી ૧૨ની શાળાનુંનવજનમામણ • આજદવાસી જવપતારમાંપાણીના ૧૨ બોર • દ્વારકામાંિલારામ અજતજથ ગૃહમાંરૂમ જનમામણ • પોરબંદરમાંલોહાણા જવદ્યાથથી ભવનમાંઅન્નપૂણામ હોલ • ધો. ૧૦ના જવદ્યાથથીઓનેપકોલરશીપ • બેબાળકોનેબોનમેરો ટ્રાન્સપ્લાન્ટનો ખચમ• ૧૩ વષમની બાળાને કરોડરજ્જૂની સિમરીનો ખચમ • સુરતમાં એક ભાઇને હીપ સિમરીનો ખચમ • વલસાડ અને આસપાસની હોસ્પપટલોમાં દરરોિ બે વખત ૧૧૦ જટફિન સેવા • જશયાળામાં દર વષષે ધાબળા જવતરણ • ઉનાળામાં દર વષષે છાશ જવતરણ • ટોરોન્ટો (કેનેડા)માં શ્રીનાથજી હવેલીમાં યોગદાન • લોસ એન્િલસમાંસનાતન મંજદરમાંઆજથમક યોગદાન • મથુરામાંરાજીબાઇ ગેપટ હાઉસમાં રૂ. ૫ લાખના િનરેટરનુંયોગદાન • રાવલમાંપ્રજતજદન ગરીબો માટેજટફિનસેવા • જવજવધ પથળેસમૂહલગ્ન A Trust that believes in the Art of Giving
Established in 2004, in the UK, the Devon Charitable Trust has since then, involved itself in distinct projects, all similar in their goal; help those who need it the most. Founded by Purshottam Majithia, the charity provides free services like education, and proceeding funds to the poor. It all began when Purshottambhai percieved his inclination to contribute something to the society. With a Seva Hi Parmo Dharam motto, the Trust emerged, and indulged in various activities and projects that worked for the disadvantaged, or the deprived. Along with his wife Lilavatiben and other members of the organisation, Purshottambhai has over the years, donated funds for education, the poor, building religious institutions, and other services they deemed were in need. Not only the UK, the trust is registered both in India, and the US, and with the association of other similar organisations, the Devon Charitable Trust remains committed to dispense free services, all possible only with the donations it recieves. They currently have over 5 projects in the works in both, UK and India. They include providing medical aid to patients, building a haveli in Gokul, providing scholarship for higher education, amongst others.
શ્રી પુરુષોત્તમભાઈ મજીઠીયા - Tel.: 0208 908 6402
ADDRESS: FLAT-9, CORNERWAYS 112 SUDBURY COURT ROAD, HARROW, MIDDX, UK HA1 3SJ Email : Website: Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
Inheritance-Tax.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 14:58 Page 44
ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ જાણો અનેઅમલમાંમૂકો નહહંતો પસ્તાશો
આપણે આખી જીંદગી મહેનત મજુરી કરીને કમાયા હોઇએ અનેતેમાંથી ૪૦% રકમ સરકારને વેરા તરીકે આપી દેવી પડે તે કોને ગમે? ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ (IHT) એટલે કે કોઇનું નનધન થાય તે વખતે જો તેમની એથટેટ એટલે કે ઘર, મકાન, દુકાન, સોનાચાંદીના દાગીના, શેર, કાર, બચત વગેરેથથાવર કેજંગમ નમલ્કત ઇનહેરીટન્સ થ્રેસહોલ્ડ (ટેક્ષની મયાાદા) કરતા વધુ હોય તો તેમના સંતાનોને ૪૦% ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ચૂકવવો પડે. વ્યનિનું જ્યારે નનધન થાય ત્યારે HMRC દ્વારા મૃત વ્યનિની થથાવર કે જંગમ નમલ્કતની ગણતરી કરી તેમાંથી મોરગેજ કે અન્ય દેવાઅો બાદ કરી નક્કી કરાય છેકેજે તે વ્યનિની એથટેટ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવા યોગ્ય છે કે કેમ? આપણા સમાજમાં આ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ અંગેની સમજ અનેમાગાદશાનનો અભાવ છે, જેને કારણે ઘણાં પનરવારમાં વનડલોના મરણ બાદ સંતાનોએ મોટી રકમ ટેક્ષ તરીકે ભરવી પડે છે. ખાસ કરીનેઆજકાલ મકાનના ભાવ જેરીતેવધી ગયા છે તે જોતા ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવાના કકથસાઅો વધી રહ્યા છે. ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષનો દર અનેમયયાદય સરકારના તાજેતરના નનયમો મુજબ જો વ્યનિ એકલી હોય કે નડવોસસી હોય તો તેમના વારસદારોએ £૩૨૫,૦૦૦થી વધારે મુલ્યની એથટેટ એટલે કે માલ નમલિ પર ૪૦% ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડે છે. દા.ત. જો કોઇ નડવોસસી કે નસંગલ વ્યનિ ગુજરી જાય અને તેની 44
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
એસેટ્સ £૫,૦૦,૦૦૦ના મુલ્યની હોય તો વધારાના £૧૭૫,૦૦૦ ઉપર ૪૦% લેખે £૭૦,૦૦૦ ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડે. પરંતુ જે લોકોએ લગ્ન કરેલા હોય તેવા યુગલ કે પછી નવધુર કે નવધવા વ્યનિ માટે ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષની એથટેટની મયાાદા £૬૫૦,૦૦૦ છે. આવા કેસોમાં ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષનુંભારણ થોડુહળવુંથઇ શકેછે. તેમાં પણ સરકારના એનિલ ૨૦૧૭થી આવનાર નવા નનયમ મુજબ જે તે યુગ્લના મુખ્ય નનવાસથથાનનું મુલ્ય વ્યનિ નદઠ £૧૭૫,૦૦૦ સુધી મજરે આપવામાં આવશે. પરંતુઆજકાલ જે રીતે મકાનોના ભાવ વધે છે તે જોતાં આ રાહત ખૂબજ નજીવી બની રહેશે. ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષની મુશ્કેલી એ છે કે જો કોઇ વ્યવસ્થથત આયોજન કરાયું ન હોય તો થવજનના નનધનનેપગલેઆઘાત પામેલા તેમના સંતાનોને ટેક્ષનો બોજ સહન કરવો પડે છે અને તેમણે થવજનના નનધનના છ માસમાં જ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરી દેવો પડેછે. ઘણી વખત તો સંતાનોએ તેટલી રોકડ રકમ ન હોવાથી માતા નપતાએ વસાવેલી નમલ્કત કે ઘરેણા વેચીને ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડે છે. જો છ માસમાં તે રકમ ન ભરાય તો HMRC વ્યાજ વસુલ કરે છે. મોટા ભાગના કેસોમાં આપણાં થવજનોની સંપત્તી ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરી દઇએ તો જ મળેછે. અત્યારે ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષનો દર ૪૦% છે. પરંતુ જો કોઇ વ્યનિ પોતાના વીલમાં પોતાની કુલ ચોક્ખી (નેટ વેલ્યુ) સંપત્તીના ૧૦% જેટલી રકમ દાનમાં આપી દે તો તેમણે માત્ર ૩૬%ના
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દરે જ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડે છે. બીજા અથથમાં કહીએ તો સરકારને ભરવો પડતો ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ બચાવીનેતેરકમ તમેમનગમતી સંસ્થાને દાન તરીકે આપો તો તમને માનસસક સંતોષ મળેછે. જે તે વ્યસિ મૃત્યુ પામે તેવા સંજોગોમાં તેમના સવલમાં જણાવેલ મુખ્ય વ્યસિ (એક્ઝીક્યુટર)એ HMRCનેઆ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ચૂકવવાનો હોય છે. અમુક સંજોગોમાં તો જે વ્યસિએ પોતાની ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ મયાથદા £૩૨૫,૦૦૦ કરતા વધુરકમની મુલ્યવાન ગીફ્ટ પોતાના દેહાંતના ૭ વષથ દરસમયાન કોઇને આપી હોય તો ગીફ્ટ મેળવનાર જે તે વ્યસિએ પણ તે રકમ પર ૪૦% લેખેટેક્સ ભરવો પડેછે.. પોતાનુંઘર કોઇનેઆપો તો... જો કોઇ વ્યસિ ગુજરી જાય અને તે પોતાના પત્ની, પસત કે સસસવલ પાટટનરને પોતાનું મકાન આપી જાય તો તેના પર કોઇ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડતો નથી. પરંતુ તે જીવીત વ્યસિ વીલ કરીને તે મકાન કઇ બીજી વ્યસિને આપે તેવા સંજોગોમાં તે મકાનની કકંમત જે તે વ્યસિની એસ્ટેટમાં ઉમેરાય છે. ૬ એસિલ ૨૦૧૭થી મુખ્ય સનવાસ પોતાના સંતાનો, દત્તક સંતાન, ફોસ્ટર ચાઇલ્ડ કે પૌત્ર-પૌત્રીઅોને આપનાર વ્યસિના ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષના થ્રેસહોલ્ડમાંઉમેરો કરાશે. જે તે વ્યસિએ સનધનના સાત વષથ પૂવવે કોઇ સમલ્કત પોતાના સંતાનોને આપી દીધી હોય તો તેના પર કોઇ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ લાગતો નથી. પણ જો તે વ્યસિનું સાત વષથની અંદર જ મરણ થાય તો તેસમલિ ભેટ આપેલી ગણાશેઅનેતેનેસાત વષથનો કાયદો લાગુપડશે. ભેટ પર ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ જો કોઇ વ્યસિ પોતાના સાંતાનો, પૌત્ર-પૌત્રી કે દોસહત્ર-દોસહત્રીઅોને દીપાવસલ, સિસમસ કે જન્મ સદન િસંગેમામુલી ગીફ્ટ આપેતો તેના પર કોઇ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવો પડતો નથી. આજ રીતેપસત કેપત્નીનેકેસસસવલ પાટટનરનેઆપેલી ગમેતેટલી મોંઘી રકમની ગીફ્ટ પર પણ કોઇ ટેક્ષ લાગતો નથી. શરત માત્ર એટલી જ છે કે તેઅો
કાયમ માટે યુકેમાં રહેતા હોવા જોઇએ. જો ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ લાગતો હોય તો તેવા સંજોગોમાં ગીફ્ટ મેળવનારે તે ભરચો પડે છે. આ ગીફ્ટમાં રોકડ રકમ, િોપટટી, દરદાગીના અને જો તમે બજાર ભાવ કરતા સસ્તા દરે મકાન કે સમલિ વેચી હોય તો તેના ડીફરન્સની રકમ પણ ભેટ તરીકેગણાઇ જાય છે. દરેક વ્યસિ વષવે£૩,૦૦૦ સુધીની રકમ ભેટ તરીકે આપી શકે છે. આ ઉપરાંત જે તે વ્યસિ કોઇને પણ £૧,૦૦૦ સુધી લગ્ન કે સસસવલ સેરેમની માટે, પોતાના સંતાનના બાળકોને £૨૫,૦૦ લેખેઅનેિપૌત્ર-દોસહત્રોનેબાળક દીઠ £૫,૦૦૦ ગીફ્ટ આપી શકે છે. તમેે કોઇ પણ વ્યસિને £૨૫૦ સુધીની ગીફ્ટ આપી શકો છો. પરંતુ જો જે તે વ્યસિને મૃત્યુના ૩ વષથના સમય દરસમયાન ગીફ્ટ આપી હોય અને ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ ભરવાનો થતો હોય તો તો તેરકમ પર ૪૦% ટેક્સ ભરવો પડેછે. જ્યારે૩થી ૭ વષથદમસરયાન જો મરણ થયું હોય તો ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષના દર ૮%થી લઇને૩૨% સુધીના છે. યુકેબહારના રહેવાસીઅો માટે જો કાયમ માટે યુકન ે ી બહાર રહેતી વ્યસિ મૃત્યુ પામે તો તેવા સંજોગોમાં યુકેની સ્થાવર – જંગમ સમલ્કતો પૂરતો જ ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ લાગે છે. પરંતુ તેના યુકે બહારના બેન્ક એકાઉન્ટ્સ, સવદેશમાં મળતા પેન્શન, સવમા પોલીસી, શેસથ કે અન્ય રોકાણો પર ઇનહેરીટન્સ ટેક્ષ લાગતો નથી. જો તમેછેલ્લા ૨૦ વષથમાંથી ૧૭ વષથયુકેમાંરહ્યા હો તો તમે યુકેના સનવાસી ગણાવ છો અથવા તો જીવનના છેલ્લા ૩ વષથદરસમયાન વ્યસિ ક્યારેય પણ યુકેમાં મુખ્ય સનવાસ ધરાવતા હોય તો તેઅો યુકેના સનવાસી ગણાય છે. જો યુકેદ્વારા બીજા દેશ સાથે ડબલ ટેક્ષેસન ટ્રીટી કરાઇ હોય તો તેવા સંજોગોમાંઅમુક ટેક્ષ રીફંડ પણ મળી શકેછે. આ લેખમાં જે માસહતી જણાવાઇ છે તે માત્ર સામાન્ય સમજ માટે છે દરેક વ્યસિના સંજોગો, માલ-સમલ્કત વગેરે અલગ હોઇ શકે છે. તેથી આ અંગેસનષ્ણાંતની સલાહ લેવા અનુરોધ છે. Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
BhaaratWelfare.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 15:00 Page 46
મૃતાત્માનેપરમાત્માનુંમીલન કરાવનાર - ‘ગો-માતા’
દિપ્તીબેન દિસ્ત્રી, ભારત વેલ્ફેર ટ્રસ્ટ.
કહેવાય છે કે ૮૪ લાખ યોનીઓની યાતનાઓ બાદ મ હા મુ લો માનવજન્મ મળે છે. પૃથ્વી પર વસતા દરેક પ્રાણીઓમાં મનુષ્યને સૌથી બુતિમાન જીવ માનવામાં આવે છે. માનવ ભૌતતક સુખધન-ધાન્ય કમાવા પોતાનું સંપણ ૂણ જીવન ખચચી નાંખે છે. મહામહેનતે મેળવેલ કોઈપણ સંપતિ મૃત્યુ પયયંત સાથે આવતી નથી માત્ર સત્કમોણનો અમુલ્ય ખજાનો જ આપણને થવગણની સીડી સુધી પહોંચાડેછે.
।। ગાવો વવશ્વસ્ય માતરઃ ।।
સનાતન ધમણમાં ત્રણ માતૃશતિને સવોણપતર થથાન અપાયેલ છે. જન્મદાતા માં, ધરતી માંઅને ગૌ-માતા. જેમના રોમ રોમમાં ૩૩ કરોડ દેવતા તવદ્યમાન છે એવા ગૌ-માતાની સેવા કરનારને જન્મજન્માંતરનાંદુઃખોમાંથી મુતિ મળેછે. તહન્દુ ધમણમાં સોળ સંથકારોમાં ગૌ સેવાને સૌથી વધુ મહત્ત્વ આપવામાંઆવ્યુંછે. થવયં ભગવાનશ્રી કૃષ્ણ - ગોપાલે જેમની સેવા કરી છે અને ગૌ માતા તવના ગોપાલ પણ અધુરા છે, ત્યારેજ કહેવાય છેકે"ગૌ-સેવા એ જ સાચી ગોપાલ સેવા.” આપણાં શાથત્રોમાં પણ પ્રથમ રોટલી ગાયમાતનેઅપણણ કરવાનો તનદદેશ છે. એનુંએક માત્ર કારણ છે કે સવણદવે મયી ગૌ-માતા સાક્ષાત પરમાત્મા સમાન છે અને ગૌ-શાળા એક તીથણથથાન સમાન છે. Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
ખાસ કરીનેભારતીય દેશી ગાયના દૂધ, ગૌમૂત્ર, છાણ, તેની પીઠ પર આવેલ સૂયકણ તે ુ નાડી પર થયેલ અનેક સંશોધનો સાક્ષી છેકેતેમનુષ્યને અનેક મુશ્કેલીઓમાંથી પાર ઉતારનાર કામધેનુંસમાન છે. આ સંસારના સવદે પ્રકારના સુખ અને વૈભવ પ્રાતત કરવા હોય તો ગૌમાતાની સેવા જેવું બીજુ ઉિમ પુણ્ુ યકાયણ કોઇ નથી. મહતષણ ચ્યવને રાજા નહુષને કહેલું કે ‘ગોતભથતુલ્યં ન પશ્યાતમ ધનં કકંચીદા હાચ્યુત’ અથાણત આ સંસારમાં હું ગાયો સમાન બીજુંકોઇ ધન જોતો નથી. મહાભારતમાં કહ્યા મુજબ ગાયના શ્વાસોમાંછ અંગો પદ અને ક્રમ સતહત વેદોનો વાસ છે. ગાયની સેવાને શાથત્રોમાં અતતપુણ્યશાળી અને ફળદાયી માનવામાં આવે છે. ગાયની દરેક પ્રકારે સેવા કરવાથી હંમશ ે ા ઉન્નતત થાય છેઅનેતેની પૂજા કરવાથી કષ્ટો દૂર થાય છે. ગાયનાંદશણન માત્રથી આપણનેપુણ્ય અનેસફળતા પ્રાતત થાય છે. આજે આ દેશમાં ગૌ સેવાની તકો પૂરતી મળતી નથી ત્યારે ભારત સ્થથત ગૌશાળાઅોમાં દાન-સેવા કરીનેગૌસેવાના તમામ લાભ મેળવી શકાય છે. મૃત્યુ પયયંત મૃતાત્માને પરમાત્માનો સાક્ષાત્કાર કરાવનાર ગૌ-માતાની સેવા જ મોક્ષ પ્રાસ્તતની દીવાદંડી સમાન છે. માટે જ ગૌ સેવા થકી વૈતરણી પાર કરી શકાય છે. ચાલો આપણે સૌ ગૌ સેવા કરી આપણા ભવોભવનુંકલ્યાણ કરીએ.
।। વંદેગૌ-માતરમ ।।
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મૃત્યુ, અંતિમ સંસ્કાર અનેમોક્ષની પ્રાપ્તિ
કમલ રાવ આપણાં જીવનની એક નનવારી ન શકાય તેવી હકકકત છેમૃત્યુ. પરંતુમૃત્યુકોનેગમેછે? આપણને સતત મરણથી ડરતા જ શીખવવામાંઆવ્યુંછે, પરંતુ મૃત્યુના સ્વરૂપ, તેનો અથથઅનેજરૂનરયાત નવષેકદી કોઇ વાત જ કરતું નથી. એક મત એવો છે કે મૃત્યુ એ તો ઇશ્વરે આપેલું સવથશ્રષ્ઠ ે વરદાન છે. જો મૃત્યુ થતું જ ન હોત તો? તેની કલ્પના કોઇ એ કરી છે ખરી? નવખ્યાત સાનહત્યકાર અને કનવ શ્રી ન્હાનાલાલ કનવએ માટેજ કહ્યુંછેકે અસત્યો માંહથે ી પ્રભુ! પરમ સત્યેતુંલઈ જા, ઊંડા અંધારેથી, પ્રભુ! પરમ તેજેતુંલઈ જા; ભગવાન શ્રી કૃષ્ણએ ભગવદ્ ગીતામાંમૃત્યુઅને આત્મા માટે બે શ્લોક દ્વારા સમજ આપીને મૃત્યુ અંગેના મનુષ્યના તમામ પ્રશ્નો, નવટંબણાઅો અને તકલીફોનો આસાન બોધ આપ્યો છે. ભગવદ્ ગીતમાં ભગવાનશ્રી કૃષ્ણએ અધ્યાય બીજામાં૨૨માંશ્લોકમાંમનુષ્યના મૃત્યુઅંગેખેદ કે દુ:ખ વ્યિ ન કરવા જણાવ્યુંછેકે... n
અથાથત જેમ મનુષ્ય જૂનાં વસ્ત્રો ત્યજીને નવાં વસ્ત્રો ધારણ કરેછે, તેમ મનુષ્યનો દેહધારી આત્મા પણ જૂના શરીરો ત્યજીનેબીજાંનવાંશરીર પામેછે. આપણે સૌ આપણા તેમજ પનરવારજનોના દેહને ચાહીએ છીએ, દેહનું લાલન પાલન અને જતન કરીએ છીએ, પ્રેમ કરીએ છીએ અને તેની મોહમાયામાંરચ્યા પચ્યા રહીએ છીએ. પરંતુખરેખર તો આત્મા જેશરીરમાંવસેછેતેશરીર તો નાશવંત છે. શરીર માત્ર પંચમહાભૂતમાંથી બનેલું છે અને જ્યારે આત્મા શરીરને ત્યજી દે છે ત્યારે તે શરીર પાછુપંચમહાભૂતમાંભળી જાય છે. ભગવાન શ્રી કૃષ્ણએ ભગવદ્ ગીતાના અધ્યાય બીજામાં૨૩માંશ્લોકમાંઆત્મા નવષેજણાવ્યુંછે.
અથાથત આત્માનેશસ્ત્રો છેદી શકતા નથી કેપછી અગ્નન બાળી શકતો નથી, અમર આત્માને પાણી દ્વારા ભીંજવી શકાતો નથી કે પછી પવન દ્વારા તેને સૂકવી શકાતો નથી. માટે જ આત્મા અમર છે અને તેનો કદાપી નાશ થતો નથી તો પછી તે આત્માના જવા પાછળ દુ:ખ કેશોક શા માટેકરવો? શાસ્ત્રો મુજબ શરીરનો પ્રાણ, આત્મા કેજીવાત્મા ૮૪ લાખ યોનીમાં જન્મ લીધા બાદ મોંઘરે ો માનવ દેહ પ્રાપ્ત કરે છે. એમ પણ કહેવાય છે કે જીવન દરનમયાન કરેલા કમોથમુજબ પ્રાણી, પક્ષી, જીવ, જંતુ કે પછી બાળકના સ્વરૂપે જન્મ ધારણ કરે છે. પરંતુ શાસ્ત્રોમાં કહ્યુંછેતેમ આત્મા પોતાના કમથના બંધન અનેપુણ્યના પ્રતાપેનવુંસ્વરૂપ ધારણ કરેછેઅથવા તો જન્મ મરણના બંધનમાંથી મુનિ મેળવી લે છે. જેનેસૌ મોક્ષ કહેછે.
આપણા શાસ્ત્રોમાં સોળ સંસ્કારનું ખૂબજ સરસ રીતેવણથન કરવામાંઆવ્યુંછેજેમાંના છેલ્લા સંસ્કાર છે અંત્યેષ્ટી. એટલે કે અંનતમ સંસ્કાર. જ્યારે વ્યનિ નશ્વર દેહને ત્યજી દે છે ત્યારે તે દેહના અંનતમ સંસ્કાર કરવામાંઆવેછે. આપણો દેહ જેમાંથી બન્યો હતો તે પંચમહાભૂત એટલે કે પૃથ્વી, જળ, અગ્નન, વાયુઅનેઆકાશમાંપાછા મળી જાય છે. વ્યનિ અંનતમ અવસ્થામાંહોય ત્યારેપનરવારના સૌ સદસ્યો મહામૃત્યુજ ં ય મંત્ર કે પછી પોતાના
Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
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સંપ્રદાય કેઆથથા મુજબ મંત્રો બોલેછે. જેમનેઆવા મંત્રો આવડતા ન હોય તેઅો મ્યુઝીક પ્લેયર પર મંત્રની ધૂન મૂકેછે. મોટાભાગના પરરવારો થવજનની અંરતમ ઘડીએ થવજનના મુખમાં ગંગાજળ કે અરભમંત્રીત જળનુંઆચમન કરાવેછે. રિટન અને પશ્ચચમના દેશોમાં રહન્દુ સમાજમાં વ્યરિના મૃત્યુ પછીની અંરતમ સંથકારની સમગ્ર રવરધ અને કાયયવાહી ફ્યુનરલ ડાયરેક્ટર દ્વારા ખૂબ જ વ્યવશ્થથત રીતે કરાવાય છે અને સાચા અથયમાં મૃત્યુને ગૌરવશાળી થવરૂપ આપી ભવ્ય રીતે મનુષ્યના નશ્વરદેહનેરવદાય અપાય છે. અરહં કેટલીક મૂળભૂત અને મહત્વની રવરધ અંગે સામાન્ય સમજ કે મારહતી અપવામાં આવી છે. થવાભારવક છે કે રહન્દુ ધમયની દરેક જ્ઞારત, સંપ્રદાય, રાજ્ય અને દેશ મુજબ અંત્યેષ્ટી રવરધ અને રીતરસમો અલગ અલગ રીતે કરવામાંઆવેછે. રિટનમાં મોટેભાગે ફ્યુનરલ ડારેક્ટર દ્વારા હોશ્થપટલમાંથી મૃતદેહ લઇ લેવાય છે અને પરરવારની ઇચ્છા મુજબ જે રદવસે ફ્યુનરલ એટલે કે અંરતમ સંથકાર કરવાના હોય તે રદવસે પારથયવ શરીરને થનાન કરાવી તૈયાર કરીનેઘરેલવાય છેઅનેઘરેમાત્ર દશયન, પૂજા અને અન્ય લૌકકક રવરધ કરાય છે. સામાન્ય રીતેજો મૃતક પુરૂષ હોય તો પરરવારના સદથય પુરૂષ દ્વારા અનેમૃતક થત્રી હોય તો તેને થત્રીઓ થનાન કરાવી શરીર પર ચંદનનો લેપ કરી નવાંવથત્રો પહેરાવેછે. મૃતક થત્રી જો રવધવા ન હોય તો તેમને સૌભાગ્યવતી જેવો શૃંગાર કરવામાંઆવેછેઅનેજો થત્રી રવધવા હોય તો ચંદનનું રતલક કરી તેઅો જીવતા હતા ત્યારે જેવા વથત્રો પહેરતા હતા તેવા વથત્રો કેતેમની અંરતમ ઇચ્છા મુજબના વથત્રો પહેરાવવામાં આવે છે. જ્યાં શાંરત મંત્રની ધૂન સાથે પરરવારના રનકટના સભ્યો, રમત્રો અનેથનેહીજનો દ્વારા મૃતાત્માના દશયન કરાય છે. પારથયવ દેહનેઘરેલવાય ત્યારેદેહનુંમાથુંઉત્તર રદશા તરફ અને પગ દરિણ રદશા તરફ રાખવા આગ્રહ કરાય છે. મોટેભાગે અંરતમ રવરધ નજીકના Asian Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
અંગત સગાં દ્વારા કરાય છે. આ સમયે દીપ પ્રગટાવીને તે મૃતદેહની જમણી બાજુ માથા પાસે રખાય છે અને નજીકમાં ઘઉં કે અનાજ રાખવામાં આવેછે. આ સમયે નજીકના સગાં મૃતદેહની જમણી બાજુએ બેસીને અગર ઊભા રહીને સદ્ગતને રપંડદાન અપયણ કરે છે. આ રપંડ બાજરી, ઘઉં, તલ અનેખાંડના રમશ્રણથી બનાવાય છે. ૬ રપંડના ગોળા મૃતદેહની નજીક જમીન પર કેછાતી પર રાખવામાં આવે છે. રપંડદાન સમયે કોઈએ રડવું જોઇએ નહીં તેવો આગ્રાહ રખાય છે. અમુક લોકો રપંડદાન અને અન્ય રવરધ થમશાને
કે રિમેટોરીયમ ખાતે કરે છે તો અમુક લોકો તે ઘરે કરે છે. સીમેટ્રી કે થમશાનગૃહમાં મૃતકના થવજનો, રમત્રો, થનેહીજનો વગેરે અંરતમ દશયન કરી પુષ્પો અપયણ કરે છે. આ વખતે પરરવારના સદથયો પૈકી મુખ્ય વ્યરિ અને પરરવારના બાળકો મૃતકને શ્રધ્ધાંજરલ અપયણ કરી વિવ્ય આપેછેઅનેશોકમાં સહભાગી ઉપશ્થથત રહેવા બદલ સૌનો આભાર વ્યિ કરે છે. મૃતદેહને થમશાને લઇ જતી વખતે માગયમાંરામનામ સત્ય હૈ, હરર ૐ તત્સત્, ૐ નમઃ રશવાય કેશ્રી રામ જય રામ જય જય રામના મંત્રો બોલવામાંઆવેછે. િાહ્મણ કે મહારાજ તે રદવસ, પિ, માસ વગેરે સાથેમૃતકનુંગોત્ર બોલી સંકલ્પ કરાવેછેઅનેઅંગત સગાંફૂલ કેઘાસનાંતણખલાંવડેમૃતદેહ પર પાણી છાંટી મંત્ર બોલેછે. આ સમયેગંગાજળમાંતુલસીપત્ર
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રાખી મૃતકના મુખમાંગંગાજળનુંઆચમન કરાવાય છે. મૃતકના કંઠમાં તુલસીમાળા પહેરાવી કપાળ પર ચંદનનો લેપ કરી ચંદનનુંલાકડુંઅનેપાઉડર બાજુમાં મૂકી જવ, તલ સાથેઆહુતત આપવામાંઆવેછે. તે પછી સૂક્કું નાતળયેર લઇ તેમાં તલ અને ઘી નાખી, કપાળ પર રાખી મંત્ર બોલ્યા બાદ અગ્નનદાહ માટે તૈયાર કરાય છે. ભારતમાં મૃતદેહના દહન માટે કેસર, કથતુરી, ચંદનનાંલાકડાં, કપૂર, ઘી વગેરેસામગ્રીનો ઉપયોગ કરવામાં આવે છે. મૃતદેહનું માથું ઉત્તર તદશામાં રાખવામાંઆવેછે. મોટો દીકરો અથવા તો નજીકનો સંબધં ી પુરૂષ, મૃતદેહને પ્રણામ કરીને પાંચ વખત પ્રદતિણા ફરી પુષ્પો અપપણ કરીને અગ્નનદાહ આપે છે. અગ્નનસંથકાર પછી ફ્યુનરલ ડાયરેક્ટર દ્વારા મૃતકના અગ્થથ એકત્ર કરી લેવાય છેઅનેથવજનને સોંપાય છે. જો થવજન પાસે સમય કે અનુકળ ુ તા ન હોય તો ફ્યુનરલ ડાયરેક્ટર મૃતકની પસંદગી મુજબની નદી કે સરોવરમાં તે અગ્થથના તવસજપન માટેની વ્યવથથા કરેછે.
શાથત્રો મુજબ હવે નજીકના સંબધં ીઓ દસ તદવસ સુધી મૃત્યુનો શોક મનાવે છે અને તનધનના અતગયાર કે બારમા તદવસે પૂજારી કે કમપકાંડી મહારાજની મદદ લઇને તપંડદાન સંથકાર કરવામાં આવે છે. ઘણા લોકો આ તદવસે બ્રાહ્મણોને ભોજન કરાવી દતિણા આપે છે. મૃત્યુના તેરમાના તદવસે કે પછી અનુકળ ુ સમયેસંબધં ીઓ અનેતમત્રોનેમંતદર કે હોલમાં બોલાવી ભજન કકતપન અને ભોજન પ્રસાદી કરાવવામાંઆવેછે. અમુક પતરવારો મૃત વ્યતિના જીવાત્માની મુતિ માટે અને લોકોના આત્મકલ્યાણ માટે શ્રીમદ્ ભગવદ્દગીતાના ૧૫મા અધ્યાય ‘પુરૂષોત્તમ યોગ’નો પાઠ કરવામાં આવે છે. આજ રીતેગરુડપુરાણના પાઠ પણ કરાવાય છે. શીખ પતરવારો શીખધમપની પ્રથા મુજબ શ્રી ગુરૂગ્રંથ સાહેબમાં સમાતવષ્ટ ‘સોતહલા’ ગુરૂવાણીનું સાંજેવાંચન કરેછેઅનેપ્રાથપના કરાવાય છે. જ્યારે જૈનો મૃત વ્યતિના જીવાત્માના મોિનેમાટેપતવત્ર પંચકલ્યાણક પૂજા અથવા તો અંતરાય કમપની પૂજા કરાવેછે.
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Bereavement Benefits.qxp_A4 Temp 06/02/2017 14:28 Page 50
Bereavement Benefits
n Harshad Kothari
e all know that death is unavoidable. It could happen suddenly, slowly where terminal illnesses are diagnosed or it will happen due to old age. Almost all of us have experienced or will experience the trauma of bereavement after the passing away of a loved one, a close relative, work colleague or a friend. Many Asian Communities have Bereavement Committees who assist the bereaved family with almost all the arrangements once a loved one passes away. Our Family and Friends networks are strong and almost all of them rise up-to the occasion and help in any way they can. Whilst most have support from families and friends, there are unfortunate ones who have no such social or family network to help them overcome their grief and/or guide them through the funeral and bereavement process. Most established Hindu Community Organisations would have formal or informal bereavement counselling support. There are also a few national charitable organisations which assist with bereavement. Listed below are a couple here: Marie Curie Age UK These organisation are well established and provide telephone support.
Bereavement Benefits
Most of you probably may be aware that there are Bereavement Benefits that you could claim from the Government, subject to various criteria being met. An immediate benefit you may claim is a lump sum £2000, subject to HMRC rules. Look up: Voice & Gujarat Samachar - 2017
payment/eligibility for further details about what you may be eligible for. Perhaps, many of you do not wish to claim any of these benefits even though you qualify for them. In which case you may wish to consider claiming the benefit and then donating it to a charity of your choice.
Checklist of Documents and Information required after Death
No doubt that on death, however or whenever it happens, our nearest and dearest will be affected in many ways. However, to ease the burden and stress of coping with eventual Probate of the deceased’s estate, the following should be prepared, as soon as possible, and kept in one place or with a Solicitor and/or executor of the Will (where one exists):l Last Will and Testament l Contact information of the Solicitor and Executor of the Will l Birth Certificate l Marriage Certificate l Passport l Life and other Insurance Policies l Bank Account Details – including Log In Details l Properties – copies of Deeds, Mortgages, etc. – in UK and abroad l Pension and other investment details l Safe Deposit Box – access information l Income Tax Details for past year l Credit card details These are essential documents that may be required to speed up the process of Executorship and Probate. Some of the information must be updated as and when changes happen.
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Chandu Tailor & Son.qxp_A4 Temp 03/02/2017 14:22 Page 2
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