2 minute read
How our vision works
Women do 75% of the agricultural work - there by providing food and income for the family Women collect the water for the family
Improving agricultural techniques to save time will allow women to spend more time doing other beneficial jobs for the family Improving agricultural methods to improve output and therefore income and prevent hunger
Improving the resilience of the crops and livestock to reduce impact of unforeseen changes/crises
Women look after health of children and care for young preschool children Women collect the fire wood to fuel the cook fire
Reducing the time to collect water saves time for women to do other essential jobs - also reduces need for children to help out with these jobs by skipping school
Greater and quicker access to safer water means the health of the family is more likely. More water is able to be collected if it is easier to collect therefore used for more daily needs therefore more hygienic Changing fuel sources eliminates the time to collect wood and then begin the fire and get it to the right state to cook Creating safer cooking systems reduces the time taken to watch the fire and tend to the fire and keep the children safe and doesn't have safety concerns because of smoke Changing to a sustainable fuel eliminates beneficial trees being cut down to be fuel.
Improving the waste collection by realising it as a valuable resource will improve the health of the environment in which they live and the people Creating a safe space for the kids to play while still within supervision eye line
Women do all the cooking for the family Very few families have savings or surplus income
Educating women in nutrition can improve the health of the family and help kids gain weight and grow Improving nutrition subsequently improves family members sleep quality, focus, mental acuity, mood and energy thereby improving many other aspects of their life such as school
Improving health from improving nutrition reduces the amount of time a family member is unwell and the amount of time a woman has to look after children or reduce the amount a family has to pay for health care Improved productivity of land enables surplus to be sold
Women don’t get a lot of time for social engagement beyond their roles
Women gain a social support system through their groups resulting in greater mental health and resilience as they can rely on each other and problem solve as a group
Women become leaders in their community demonstrating the way forward to a sustainable and healthy future
With greater leadership and prominence within the community together with greater time from reducing the burden of domestic roles the gender quality will be improved Excess manure, urine fertiliser or slurry fertiliser can be sold to other farmers
Improved health from improved nutrition means less money spent on health services
Renewable energy to power services means families don't have to pay rates
Savings and loan groups can locally organise to have a savings system and provide loans to locals for various endeavours