1 minute read
Stage 1 Engagement
Establishing relationships and engaging in community values
First Introductions
Who: Women, Local Leaders, Design Team, Local NGO representatives, Baluou Salo, Kaira Looro What: Meeting Why: This is just a first meeting to introduce all the stakeholders to each other and begin to establish relationships. This can be done with informal shared meals or casual conversations.
Collaborative input & feedback Community input & feedback
Existing agricultural knowledges & practices
Values Workshop
Who: Women, design team, Baluou Salo What: Workshop Why: Organise a engagement workshop to discover what the women’s values are, what they see as key in their life, how they feel about different aspects of the needs that we identified, what their visions of their ideal life are among other thoughts and aspirations
Who: Design Team What: Site Analysis Why: While in Baghere care should be taken to observe and take in all that is happening. Question everything and do not make assumptions. While you’re observing take the time to record it all in photos, notes, sketches or other creative methods Community values & needs Existing and new networks
Community Interviews
Who: Design Team, What: Site Interviews Why: Ask people in the community about their lives and values. Making sure that a wide range of community members are interviewed. In conversations allow for silence to enable people the space to talk. Try not to direct the conversation so much and allow people to express what it is that is important to them.