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and the broader community
the Islamic region, most local women suffer an offense to her body and dignity (Dieng, 2021). A private phycological room is designed to soothe them and help them to get away from the cold violence.
Refer to employment, in Africa, over 60 per cent of all working women remain in agriculture, often concentrated in time and labour-intensive activities, which are unpaid or poorly remunerated ("Addressing gender gaps in Africa’s labour market" , 2016). They lack professional labor skills and equal access to all working opportunities. Our project is designed to set an experimental field to teach them advanced planting technology in these agricultural countries. Also, in order to provide more work opportunities for them, they will be hired to do some light construction work for this “Women’s House” after training sessions. In addition, women can do some simple handiwork such as soap, weaving bags or other stuff and sell these to the local market. By this way, our project also plans to hold a training workshop to teach them how to make the handcraft and also to help them to earn some daily expenditure. A “needs to functions” diagram for three aspects mentioned above is shown below (diagram 1-1). How these functions are corporated into the building itself will be analyzed in the architecture design part in the following.
Diagram 1-1 Needs to Functions
1.3 A plan of action for collaborative design and construction with the women of Baghere and the broader community
Our project plans to start onsite construction in August in order to avoid bad weather and long-time local celebration. A plan of action is shown in the table below (table 1-1). Ensuring the continent of the construction work will achieve cost efficiency in some degree. From February to June, the team will put efforts on legal and document work to ensure the land tenure and other local official approval. From June to August, the team will start to do the onsite visit to prepare the full set of drawings and documents until the start of the construction stage. Construction schedule with the corresponding budget allocation will be detailed in the construction consideration part in the following.