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Great Grant: APS Title 1

APS Title I Homeless Project Services
APS Title I Homeless Project Services is an innovative program that provides a comprehensive after-school program to Albuquerque Public Schools students who are experiencing homelessness. Focused on middle and high school students, the program includes free tutoring and career training. The twice-yearly career fair events hosted by Title I Homeless Project aim to educate and expose students to the varied possibilities for their future.
The program is making a big difference in the lives of individual students. James, a seventh-grader in the Title I program, has made great strides since joining. James comes from a background of poverty and tragedy; he lost his father at a young age and has been in and out of school and shelters his whole life. James is excelling in Title I, making terrific grades thanks to his own initiative and the bi-weekly tutoring at McKinley Middle School. He wants to be an engineer and has even applied for a summer camp for students interested in law.
The Title I program has accomplished a great deal in its short existence so far, including increased levels of math and literacy for students, as well as helping them develop stronger problem-solving and decision-making skills.