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Great Grant: ARCA
ARCA helps Albuquerque-area children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities live rich, healthy and fulfilling lives. The organization provides education, recreation, nursing, nutrition, vocational training, foster care and additional services to over 630 individuals each year. ARCA values developmentally-disabled people and the contributions they make to our community.
ARCA’s support even helps create families. Aimee, a little girl who was diagnosed with Shaken Baby Syndrome and PTSD as an infant, came to ARCA at age six. She began at ARCA suffering from seizures and sleep apnea, after undergoing multiple surgeries to alleviate her traumatic brain injury and other health problems. Through ARCA, she was welcomed into a foster family.

Aimee received excellent physical, speech, occupational and individual therapy and made incredible progress both medically and developmentally. Aimee has endured many surgeries and is learning how to walk after two hip replacements. She’s even learning Braille and sign language. Her foster family proudly adopted her earlier this year. Through ARCA’s customized care, Aimee has been able to grow, thrive and amaze her caregivers with her perseverance and resilience.