2015 Annual Report

Page 70

The place we call home. Annual2015Report ALBUQUERQUE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION leadership• trust• legacy

Albuquerque is a city of light and dark, shadow and sky, adobe and steel. Here, history mixes with modern innovation to create a truly one-of-a-kind community, a place that reflects the roots of our ancestors and the possibilities in our children. Our home is a place of catalyst and compromise, cutting-edge ideas and time-worn customs.Ourcity already has much to love and admire, but it’s our responsibility to continue striving to ensure Albuquerque will always be a place we’re proud to call home. We envision a dynamic city that evolves and expands sustainably, providing equal opportunities to all its Hereresidents.atthe Albuquerque Community Foundation, our work is driven by the desire to make Albuquerque a wonderful home for everyone. Together with our donors and grantees, we’re privileged to aim for something greater: a bigger, better whole. We see our home as a place where families are supported, where children are encouraged, where art is cultivated, where outdoor space is plentiful, where businesses can thrive, where residents can pursue a full, rich life without want of food, shelter, healthcare or other essentials. Our impact transcends generations, ideologies, interests, politics and cultures to make a real difference in the diverse lives of Albuquerque’s citizens. Albuquerque inspires us: this strong community of makers and doers, this changing city in the shadow of the Sandias, the place we call home. Thank you for your sustaining a strong place to call home for us all.

the place we call leadership • trust • legacy



• Assets under management grew to $66.6 million

• 18 Scholarships/Financial Aid funds awarding aid to 151 students

• Hosted deep dive community convenings to revamp the Foundation's competitive grant program which will go into effect in 2016 Snapshot 2015 From our inception in 1981, the goals of the Albuquerque Community Foundation have been to coordinate the receipt and investment of charitable contributions, to distribute funds for community needs in a timely and well-researched manner and to serve as a leader and educational resource in encouraging philanthropy in our city. We continue to strive to make sure that every philanthropic investment returns the greatest emotional, financial and civic benefit possible. We are committed to research, conversation, community involvement and investment and to protecting the spirit of each of our endowment funds and grants. to build, invest and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our community through informed strategic grantmakingto be a leader in community philanthropy

• Awarded $90,000 through the 3rd annual Great Grant Giveaway

• Established the Social Giving Club

• Together with the Cinco Amigos coordinated the 9th annual Concours du Soleil fundraising event netting a record-breaking $207,000 providing funding for “teen entrepreneurship”

• Awarded $4.7 million in grants. Largest ever!

In 2015, the Foundation


• Provided investment expertise for more than 100 nonprofit organizations

Our deepest gratitude to William P. Lang of the Albuquerque Journal and Starline Printing for the donation of the printing of this Report. Thank you to Kim Jackson Photography for the donation of photography in this report.

• Total Contributions $7.7 million

• 150 Future Fund members grew their endowment to $500,000

• Established the “Mayor's Prize” in partnership with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and the City of Albuquerque

Support the Work of the Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23

Competitive Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13

Letter from President & CEO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Advisory Review Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

contentsoftable 3

Great Grant: APS Title 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Great Grant: Christina Kent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21


Trolley Tours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Great Grant Giveaway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58-59 AwardFoundersProgramsAward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Change Award. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Summary Financial Statement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62-63 Board of Trustees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64-65 Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Letter from Chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Great Grant: Dental Care in Your Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sandia Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-29

Community Conversations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Impact Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 Grant Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11

Great Grant: SVEDC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Donor Advised Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-17 Applying for a Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Endowment Funds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-34

Corporate Philanthropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Great Grant: ARCA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Face of Philanthropy: Bob Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Philanthropy Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-41 Great Grant: Crossroads for Women . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Future Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43 Social Giving Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Great Grant: NM Wilderness Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Mayor’s Prize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46-47 Concours du Soleil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48-49 Heritage Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Faces of Philanthropy: Ted & Margaret Jorgensen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Becoming a Philanthropist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52-53 Partners in Philanthropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-56

Contents "The sun comes up over the Sandias on star time. It is another year, another morning. I watch it return in you and say one last song to return home on." from "Late Summer Leaving" ~Joy Harjo


Albuquerque is the place you and I call home. It’s up to us to create change in the city we love so much.

I am honored to call Albuquerque home. This is the place where I raise my family, grow my company and work to ensure a thriving community for all. I have invested time and energy in my home and am honored to partner with others who hold the same values.

As you’ll read in our Annual Report, the Foundation has made great strides in supporting people and organizations that are working to improve the lives of the people of Albuquerque. In addition to our grant programs, this year the Great Grant Giveaway program awarded over $90,000 to nonprofits in each of our fields-of-interest. The comments we hear from attendees always highlight the direct connection between the Foundation and work of each of the selected nonprofits. We also launched the Mayor's Prize, specifically aimed at job growth, and the Social Giving Club which supports the work of even more nonprofit organizations in our community. In 2015, our annual fundraising gala, Concours du Soleil, was centered on teen entrepreneurship. We believe that teens who enter the workforce with skills, confidence and mentoring are far more likely to fare better than those who do not. Investing in our young people and their goals will ensure a trained workforce so local businesses can flourish, entrepreneurs are encouraged and more of our young people choose to make Albuquerque home. The Foundation also awarded $151,000 in scholarships to 151 local Morestudents.thanever before, we’re collaborating with local thinkers, movers, shakers and doers to support transformation and equity in Albuquerque. The Foundation continues to develop innovative pathways to supporting our community and we’re involved in conversations, collaborations and partnerships that will help us—with your help—do just that.

Jennifer Thomas Bank of Albuquerque Letter from Board Chair Jennifer Thomas

chairboardfromletter 4

During my year as chair of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, I have enjoyed working with incredible people who, like me, are invested in our community. Our joint commitment to seeing our city thrive and grow will create opportunities for education, economic growth, social justice and a better quality of life.

I’ve seen so much change in my hometown of Albuquerque over the years. It’s my goal, as President and CEO of the Foundation, to help drive positive change in this place four living generations of my family and I call home.

Albuquerque is my home, and yours. It is with your generosity and dedication we are able to take on challenges. Your spirit, heart and intellect inspires us to continue to work toward solving complex issues while collaborating as a community. Thank you for partnering with us to make a better hometown for us Randyall.

PresidentRoyster,andCEO from President & CEO Randy Royster

2015 was a wonderful year for the Foundation. We granted $4.7 million, our biggest year ever. Throughout this report, you will see the power of community, collaboration and creativity embodied in the stories of our donors, grantees and partner organizations. We’re proud to share this city with them. We also spent time this year making some changes to our programs, honing in on what we can do to best serve our community. The Foundation determined a need to review and revamp our competitive grant program. We started with Community Conversations, which drew people together from all over Albuquerque to participate in open conversations about our grantmaking programs. The eight meetings we held convened hundreds of stakeholders involved in improving the place we call home. We learned invaluable information about what our community would like to see and how the Foundation can best work with donors, partners and our community-at-large to achieve it. Our changes were thoughtful, carefully considered and intentional. The changes in our grantmaking programs began in 2016.

2015 ANNUAL REPORT ceo&presidentfromletter 5 Letter

At the Foundation, our commitment to improving Albuquerque for all of its residents is unwavering, as is our dedication to partnership. We know we can’t make an impact without the support of our community, and we honor our vital partnerships with individuals, businesses and local government who share our vision for a stronger Albuquerque.


about what people want: the opportunity to collaborate with each other in getting to the root of systemic change, an emphasis on issues affecting children living in poverty and public-private partnerships focused on making differences in the place we call home. Nonprofit agencies and donors alike want to see collaboration amongst the groups working together to tackle major issues facing the city. Each convening saw various groups ask for more discussion, with other players— including city and county agencies— at the table. Many said they would like the Foundation to become more involved with advocacy at the legislative level. They see the Foundation as an organization with a bank of good will and without an ax to grind—just the kind of voice that can be heard above the din.

We convened eight meetings across the city and hosted hundreds of people. The community had a lot to say; we wrote down nearly 40,000 words spread over 70-plus pages of notes. Some themes arose again and again, including a need for cooperation among agencies, increased educational and employment opportunities, strong support for community-based services and a plea for more conversation and Weconnections.learnedmuch

We believe conversations can change communities. That’s why, in 2015, we invited Foundation donors, community nonprofits and others into open conversations about our fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.

We are entering 2016 enlightened and emboldened. The Foundation has digested the information and planned its next steps. We are excited about the opportunities ahead to engage our donors and nonprofit partners in more innovative ways. It is clear to us that this is the dawn of something wonderful and that we have a chance to be more effective than ever. We look forward to more conversations and to bringing more agencies together. And we are thankful for each person who took the time to talk to us about what matters most and how to achieve more together.

conversationscommunity Environment conversations 7

“But for a greatness of beauty, I have never experienced anything like New Mexico. ”— DH Lawrence


Robert W. Kaufmann Fund Theodore R. Brown Fund Wells Fargo Bank Fund Other Impact Grants

Aetna Life & Casualty Fund Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund American Home Fund Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund Gordon Church Fund Hueter Bass Family Fund

We began the Impact Fund as a way to award unrestricted grant dollars to organizations and causes we identify as great community need. Our experts evaluate all aspects of wellbeing in our community in order to identify where and how funds can make the greatest impact. After a thorough search, the committee made the decision to award a 2015 Impact Grant—a value of $50,000—to the Mayor's Prize, highlighted on page 46. A 2014 Impact Grant was made to Running Start for Careers. The following page is a report on the results of that grant.

Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund

Impact Fund

Gifts to the Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund Bank of America Ms. Melissa Freeman & Mr. Brad Raisher Steve & Kat Larese Suzanne Strong Catalyst Week Good Shepherd Great Grant Giveaway Manzano Day School SHARE New Mexico Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of New Mexico (YNPN)

Jorgensen Family Fund Kurt & Edith Kubie Family Impact Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund Molly R. Huber Fund

Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund

Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund

JoAnn & Steve Ruppert Fund John & Marie Marshall Fund

Mr. Jon Bell Dr. Judith C. Brillman & Mr. Barton Wohl Ms. Diane Friedman Ms. Tova Indritz Ms. Laura Kaplan Ms. Barbara Sandler Ms. Monica Sandler Mr. Robert Schwartz Ms. Cheryl Sharps Impact Endowment Funds

In Honor of the Brillman-Wohl Wedding



Running Start for Careers was named a Top 25 innovator in government by Harvard University’s Ash Center for Government Innovation in 2015, which garnered national recognition for the program. We’re proud to support Running Start For Careers and to ensure it can continue its extraordinary success to engage Albuquerque’s young people and create a stronger workforce for growing local businesses and new businesses considering an Albuquerque location.

Running Start for Careers is an innovative, educationfocused, public/private partnership program that serves 11th and 12th grade students. It is designed to engage young people in career training, to increase graduation rates and to create an integrated workforce that attracts companies to our region while keeping our young talent here in Albuquerque. Through dual-credit classes and realworld career experience, high school students learn about the vast employment opportunities available to them in Albuquerque. The program is administered jointly by the City of Albuquerque and Albuquerque Public Schools.

Running Start for Careers has served over 750 students in 30 public schools in Albuquerque since the program began in 2012, providing them with coursework in fields from construction and surveying to healthcare, finance and hotel management. Students can earn college credit while still in high school, simultaneously gaining valuable job industry experience along with their core curriculum. Placement in real-world learning environments (like internships and job shadowing) helps students see themselves as capable, successful workers, contributing to their long-term career motivation and engagement.

Running Start for Careers



The Foundation’s grantmaking allows people and organizations to fulfill their visions for Albuquerque’s future— and to cement their role in shaping it. We invest in the ideas, passion and expertise of many nonprofits, supporting an array of programs as diverse as the people of this city. Grants are driven by results that will bring lasting benefits to our community. They are an excellent way for the Foundation and its many donors and stakeholders to make an impression on Albuquerque, a city marked by creative generosity.

2015 Grant Program

Competitive Grants

Grants 2015 was the most successful year to date for the Foundation’s grant program. We are proud of our role in helping people and organizations fulfill their visions for Albuquerque’s present and future. Harnessing the potential and the passion of the place we call home and of the many minds and hearts that make up our powerful community, is an honor we do not take lightly.

Our grantmaking is driven by results that will bring lasting change to everyone who calls Albuquerque home: our children, students, families and elderly. The Foundation’s goal has always been—and always will be—to make Albuquerque a greater home for us all.

Through grants to nonprofit organizations from endowment funds established specifically to accommodate the community’s changing needs, the Foundation supports projects that are innovative, meet the needs of underserved segments of the community, encourage matching funds, promote cooperation among agencies, empower the disadvantaged and disabled and improve the effectiveness of local charitable organizations. The Foundation supports nonprofits in their efforts to imagine great things for their community.

The Foundation’s staff and volunteer advisory review committees conduct thorough reviews of the grant applicants’ proposals. For the first time in our history, grant applicants were invited to present their program in person to the volunteer selection committees. See page 24 for a list of this year’s advisory review participants.committee

GRANTS programgrant2015

Grants are distributed through a competitive process across six specific fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.




In a thriving local economy, businesses focus on collaboration instead of competition.

Access to healthcare is a vital concern for our donors. Grants assist programs providing healthcare—including direct service dental, medical and behavioral—to varied populations in need.

The Foundation’s goal is to support intentional, inventive efforts to ensure a strong local economy. The new field promotes social and economic growth by supporting innovative support systems for entrepreneurs, educational institutions and the state’s workforce.


& Historic Preservation Foundation donors provide funding for those in our community in need of food, housing and shelter. Funding also provides support for at-risk youth, including foster care and life skills training. Other grants support people with disabilities, seniors and women and children experiencing domestic violence. Both our natural and our built environments are important to the spirit of the greater Albuquerque area. Foundation donors support opportunities to experience nature, conservation and open space. Grants assist community groups to preserve historic buildings, protect our state’s wildlife and open space.

Through grants for school programs, visual and performing arts programs and projects at our community’s museums, Foundation donors provide financial support to enhance the cultural life and creative economy of our community. Creativity abounds in Albuquerque with artists, actors, musicians, chefs, film makers and entrepreneurs. Arts & EconomicCulture&Workforce

Whether a small volunteer-based organization or a major educational institution, Foundation donors demonstrate and impart a love for learning. Early childhood education, high school graduation, career development, English as a Second Language (ESL) and literacy programming are supported through our grants.

Human Services GRANTS Great Grant Giveaway Great Grant Giveaway RecipientsOFFCenter Arts

ARTS & CULTURE Bosque School – Horizons $10,000 Funding will support the addition of one grade which will bring enrollment to 65 students. Funding will also support two new summer grades for 2016.

Enlace Comunitario $10,000 Funding will support the initiation of Enlace’s pilot Batterers Intervention Program to work with men in eliminating domestic violence in the Spanish-speaking Latino immigrant community.

Bosque School BEMP $9,687 Funding will support bus and transportation needed for Albuquerque elementary, middle and high schoolers from partner public schools to participate in BEMP education and field experiences in the bosque throughout the school year.

Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $11,830 Funding will provide 1,820 medically-tailored meals for low-income individuals with severe medical illness and dietary restrictions.

Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $3,750 Funding will support the T.E.A.C.H Scholar Program to enable low-income teachers to attend early childhood education college courses. Crossroads for Women $21,080 Funding will support operational expansion while Crossroads provides integrated services to women working to break the cycle of homelessness and incarceration.

Escuela del Sol (Harwood Art Center) $10,000 Funding will support the Creative Roots program, which offers 6-15 free arts learning, leadership, exhibition and engagement opportunities for low-income youth.

Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center $2,700 Funding will allow for 3 to 5 year-old children attending Cuidando Los Ninos Preschool for the Homeless to receive 16 interactive, outdoor, nature and science-related classes.

Hawks Aloft $9,000 Funding will support the Living with the Landscape Program, which partners with five Title I schools in Albuquerque and ensures that each student at the schools will interact with birds of prey. Keshet Dance Company $10,000 Funding will support a mentorship program which exposes incarcerated and paroling youth to a wide range of movement and music styles, while using arts to reduce recidivism rates.

Animal Humane New Mexico $9,211 Funding will support the Senior Pet Owner Veterinary Fund to help seniors in caring for their pets.

Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless $7,800 Funding to support the Expanded Health Campus and Resource Center to help people experiencing homelessness.

Albuquerque Center for Hope and Recovery $4,846 Funding will support operating costs to employ a part-time job developer to enhance services to members of the community with barriers to employment and further educate and empower individuals facing co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues.

Boys & Girls Club of Central New Mexico $5,019 Funding will support STEM afterschool programs for Club members ages 5-18.

Albuquerque Philharmonic $7,500 Funding to support eleven live performances throughout Albuquerque and Rio Rancho at no cost to the public.

Environmental Education Association $7,775 Funding will support a teacher training using the Places We Live curriculum, which provides an introduction to local community planning and a second workshop to build a water harvesting feature at School on Wheels’ campus.

Art in the School $7,500 Funding will support two programs: 1. afterschool art program at Title 1 elementary schools for low-income children; 2. professional development workshop for certified teachers, teaching them to include art in their instruction to enhance the core curriculum.

Assistance League of Albuquerque $10,000 Funding will support Operation School Bell in providing new uniform clothing to over 4,200 low-income school children and providing books and materials to two APS schools.

APS Title 1 Homeless Project $8,000 Funding will support the Career Kids afterschool tutoring program for homeless elementary school students.

All Faiths $15,000 Funding will support the Family Wellness Program that provides behavioral support to children who have experienced trauma while also working with their caregivers to address their own histories of trauma.

Audubon NM $12,500 Funding to support an Audubon educator collaborating with Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge in the delivery of Audubon’s “Birds of a Feather” programming to all 4th grade classrooms at four South Valley schools for the upcoming school year, doubling the environmental educational programming.


Dental Care in Your Home $8,931 Funding will allow for more part-time dental hygienists and dentists to see patients who are unable to leave their homes for dental care.


Presbyterian Ear Institute $12,750 Funding will be used to purchase equipment to ensure infants with hearing aids are hearing at optimal levels for speech understanding, language learning and overall communications.

Sandoval County CASA $3,200 Funding will be utilized to train and supervise eight new CASA volunteer advocates who will be assigned to foster care abuse and neglect cases.

Southwest Women’s Law Center $8,000 Funding will allow low-income women to learn the functional, useable skill of sewing to gain economic security and learn marketing and business models.


The grants listed above with a description of the project are made through the Foundation’s Competitive Grant Program. Other grants are listed throughout this report by program. 13

South Valley Economic Development Center $15,000 Funding to support the hard-to-reach entrepreneurial population in the South Valley by making it easier for entrepreneurs to find the resources they need and expanding the Taza program as a gateway for newly engaged bilingual entrepreneurs.

The Rock at Noon Day $5,000 Funding will support the feeding program by offering nutritious meals for 6,000+ homeless individuals. The Storehouse $10,000 Funding will provide over 55,000 meals to low-income families with children. Working Classroom $10,000 Funding will provide six, 30 hour art and theater workshops with integrated and supplemental academics and life skills support during afterschool street conservatory and summer art institute workshops.

New Mexico Center for Law and Poverty $10,000 Funding will increase access to the TANF cash assistance program for low-income Albuquerque children and families.

New Mexico Jazz Workshop $8,412 Funding will support the Empowerment through Music workshop, which serves low-income, at-risk and incarcerated youth.

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $7,500

NM Wilderness Alliance $7,500 Funding will allow NM Wilderness Alliance to partner with the Cibola National Forest, Sandia Ranger District in leading a range of volunteer service projects that include fence repair, graffiti removal and trail maintenance.

Funding will support the Clients in Need program at three Planned Parenthood sites in Albuquerque. The Clients in Need program offers low or no cost healthcare for patients seeking reproductive health services.

Talking Talons Youth Leadership $10,894 Funding will provide eleven field-based and five classroom-based environmental and wildlife education to APS Title I Homeless Project and low-income Community Center Youth.

“There’s no place like home . . . ” from “The Wizard of Oz” –Dorothy

National Dance Institute New Mexico $5,000 Funding will be used to serve over 2,500 predominantly low-income children in afterschool and summer programs that provide high quality and intensive arts and dance programs.

Through the Foundation’s inaugural grant, the SVEDC created a program in partnership with local agencies to develop a coordinated business development campaign for Spanish and English-speaking entrepreneurs and business owners in the South Valley. They have already begun to see the seeds of change take root through this effort. For the first time in five years, the SVEDC’s business incubator is at 100% capacity. Six new clients joined the SVEDC since January, half of which are primarily Spanish-speaking.

The SVEDC’s roadmap to support small businesses has evolved into an entire support system of virtual incubation, designed to provide one-on-one, high-touch business support to South Valley entrepreneurs, with a focus on low-income and immigrant entrepreneurs. Since rolling out a pilot in January, this virtual incubation program has begun to prove itself and now has five entrepreneurs working to grow their startups, formalize their business operations and continue their expansion.

South Valley Economic Development Center - TAZA Program In 2015, the Foundation opened grantmaking in our newly established Economic & Workforce Development field-of-interest. While community foundations have not historically been directly engaged in economic development services, we recognize that permanent, real change in the community requires job growth, along with education and training for the careers of the future. Our approach for Economic & Workforce Development grantmaking is to engage in partnerships with nonprofit organizations, business leaders and the government to promote job growth and workforce development. With that in mind, the Foundation awarded its first Economic & Workforce Development grant to the South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC). As an organization, the SVEDC provides facilities, resources and training for new and expanding small businesses, with an eye towards job creation and fostering economic revitalization in the South Valley.


Donor-Advised grants

More than 80% of grants made each year are from funds restricted by donors. Donor-advised fund holders may make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees throughout the year to award specific grants to nonprofit organizations. Foundation staff members review recommendations to verify that organizations are qualified nonprofit groups. In light of the number of unfunded competitive grants every year, the Foundation encourages those with donor-advised funds to respond to grant proposals submitted for the Competitive Grant Program.

APS Title I, Homeless Projects $1,000 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $26,700 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $100 Archaeological Conservancy $500 Armand Hammer United World College $20,000 Assistance League of Albuquerque Barrett$1,000Foundation $5,000 Basement Films $5,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico $50 Bosque School $6,000 Bosque School - Horizons $5,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Bro$2,500&Tracy Animal Welfare $25 Camp Rising Sun $150 Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque Care$25Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque Casa$25Angelica $250 Cathedral Church of St. John $500 Cathedral Church of St. John $30,597 Catholic Charities$1,000 Catholic Charities$100 Center for Action and Contemplation$50 Children's Grief Center of New Mexico CLN$225Kids $1,000 CLN Kids $100 CNM EnlaceEnlaceEarthworksDoctorsDobermanDentalFoundation$1,800CareinYourHome$500RescueofNewMexico,Inc.$200WithoutBordersUSA$1,000$3,000Comunitario$1,000Comunitario$1,000

516 ARTS $50,000 516 ARTS (Central Features) $15,000

ACCION New Mexico Arizona Colorado $2,000


A New Day Youth & Family Services $1,000 A New Day Youth & Family Services $2,024

Donor-Advised Grants

Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice AllAllAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueAlbuquerque$50ChristianChildren'sHome$25GED$2,023HealthCarefortheHomeless$2,000HealthCarefortheHomeless$25,000HealthCarefortheHomeless$100MealsonWheels$500MuseumFoundation$1,000MuseumFoundation$300MuseumFoundation$165,000OperaGuild$250RescueMission$1,800RescueMission$100SANECollaborative$50Speech,Language&HearingCenter$1,000YouthSymphonyProgram$300YouthSymphonyProgram$4,000Faiths$450Faiths$12,000

A New Day Youth & Family Services $4,000

All Saints Lutheran Church $25 Alzheimer's Association $4,000 Alzheimer's Association $2,024 Alzheimer's Association $25 Ambercare Foundation $25 Ambercare Foundation $200 American Cancer Society $100 American Heart and Stroke Association $450 American Lung Association of the Southwest $450 American Red Cross $1,000 American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals $342 Angel Flight West $3,000 Animal Humane New Mexico $100 Animal Humane New Mexico Animal$2,000Humane New Mexico Animal$10,000Humane New Mexico $50 Animal Protection of New Mexico Animal$2,000Rescue League of El Paso Anti-Defamation$2,500 League New Mexico Anti-Defamation$2,000 League New Mexico APS$1,000Education Foundation $500 APS Education Foundation $850 APS Education Foundation $7,337

Equality New Mexico Foundation Escuela$3,000del Sol Montessori School Escuela$20,000del Sol Montessori School

Museum of Natural History Foundation $6,000 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $100 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $250 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $7,146 New Mexico PBS$1,000 New Mexico PBS$2,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $12,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,000

Donor-Advised grants continued 16 DONOR-ADVISED GRANTS !

Women Voters of Central New Mexico Education Fund $250 Learning Alliance New Mexico $25 LifeQuest USA $500 Littleglobe $5,000 Lodestar Dog Ranch $1,500 Lodestar Dog Ranch $1,000 Los Ojos de la Familia $50 March of Dimes Foundation $50 March of Dimes Foundation $100 Massai American Organization Menaul$18,300School $5,000

NM $1,000 Fort Stanton $1,000 Friends of Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly $4,000 Friends of Public Radio $150 Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $250 Gallup Public Radio/KGLP 91.7 FM Garden's$250 Edge $250 Global Health Partnerships $50 Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity $300 Guitar New Mexico $200 Happy Hill Farm Children's HeadingHome$100Home $2,500 Heading Home $25 Healing the Children $1,500 Healing the Children $100 Heritage for the Blind $25 Hidden from View $5,100 Hubbell House Alliance $250 Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Program IMPACT$100

FamilyExplora!$250$15,000Promiseof Albuquerque First$2,300Serve

New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches New$200Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches New$1,018Mexico Child Advocacy Networks New$2,000Mexico Child Advocacy Networks New$100Mexico Community Foundation New$2,000Mexico Environmental Law Center New$5,000Mexico Foundation for Open Government $3,000 New Mexico Foundation for Open Government $500 New Mexico Jazz Workshop $800 New Mexico Jazz Workshop New$20,000Mexico Kids Matter $1,000 New Mexico Kids Matter $500 New Mexico Kids Matter $2,500 New Mexico Kids Matter $25

Personal Safety $2,500 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Indian$3,000Pueblo Cultural Center $25 International School at Mesa del Sol James$30,000Dick Foundation for the Performing Arts $1,561 JDRF International $2,500 Job Path $2,500 Joy Junction $150 Joy Junction $50 Joy Junction $100 Junior League of Albuquerque $75 Kindred Spirits Animal Sanctuary $200 Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Charitable Foundation $150 La Familia Medical Center$10,000 L'Alliance Francaise D'Albuquerque Landmark$750 Musicals $1,500 Las Campanas Compadres League$2,000of

Metropolitan Community Church of Albuquerque $25 Metrowest Jewish Day School $750 Metrowest Jewish Day School $100 Missionaries of the Poor USA Missionaries$2,500 of the Poor USA Morris$5,000Animal Foundation $2,000 Museum of New Mexico Foundation Music$5,000Guild of New Mexico$3,000

New Mexico Lions Sight Conservation Foundation $450 New Mexico Military Institute Foundation New$63,402Mexico

New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $2,000 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $410 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $50

National Atomic Museum Foundation $100 National Dance Institute of New Mexico National$2,000Dance Institute of New Mexico National$25 Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $250 National Jewish Health $2,500 National Jewish Health $2,000 Nature Conservancy New Mexico $100 New Mexico Appleseed $2,500 New Mexico BioPark Society $500 New Mexico BioPark Society $6,000

UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center

$1,018 Prosperity Works $50 Quintessence: Choral Artists of the Southwest $250 Rape Crisis Center of Central New Mexico $100 Rio Grande Food Project $1,239 Roadrunner Food Bank $500 Roadrunner Food Bank $3,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $400 Roadrunner Food Bank $100 Roadrunner Food Bank $75 Roadrunner Food Bank $997 Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico $500 Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico $500 Ronald McDonald House Charities of New Mexico $100 Running Start for Careers $1,250 Sacred Heart Cathedral $2,500 Safeteen $5,000 Salvation Army $1,000 Salvation Army $1,018 Samaritan Counseling Center $1,000 Samaritan Counseling Center $1,400 Samaritan Counseling Center $1,500 Sandager Presentations $1,000 Sandia Preparatory School$6,000 Sandia Preparatory School$200 Santa Fe Community Foundation Santa$2,500FeConcert Association Saranam$5,000 $500 Saranam $800 Saranam $25 School for Advanced Research on the Human Experience $7,500 Sequoyah Educational Center Sierra$50,000Club Rio Grande Chapter $25 Silver Horizons New Mexico $500 Silver Horizons New Mexico SOS$5,285Outreach $2,000 South Valley Economic Development Center Southwest$75 Research and Information Center Special$1,500Olympics

VSA arts of New Mexico $250 VSA arts of New Mexico $25 Watermelon Mountain Ranch Wildlife$2,000Center $100 Wings Ministry $5,000 Wolf Conservation Center $10,000 Working Classroom $15,000 Wounded Warrior Project $450 YAI Young Adult Institute $5,000

YMCA Central New Mexico$1,000 YMCA Central New Mexico$150 YMCA Central New Mexico$30,597 YWCA Middle Rio Grande$1,000

Donor-Advised grants continued 17DONOR-ADVISED GRANTS

New Mexico $100 Student Clothing Bank $350 Temple Shir Tikva$500 TenderLove Community Center $1,500 The Horse Shelter $5,000 The Storehouse $25 Think New Mexico$3,000 Think New Mexico$500 United Way of Central New Mexico United$3,000Way of Central New Mexico United$50,000Way of Santa Fe $15,000

OffCenter Community Arts Project

OperationOperaOperaOperaOpera$20,000Southwest$500Southwest$1,000Southwest$1,500Southwest$35,000WoundedWarrior Support Outcomes$2,000 $2,500 Paws and Stripes $300 Paws and Stripes $50 Pegasus Legal Services for Children Planned$10,000Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $4,000 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $50 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $8,372 Precious Gifts Foundation $500 Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation Project$750,000HOPE

UNMUNMUNMUNMUNMUNMUNMUNMUNM$10,000Foundation$3,000Foundation$2,250Foundation$6,000Foundation$883Foundation$400,000Foundation$275,374Foundation-H20Club$10,000Foundation-KUNM$3,000Foundation-ParkerCenterfor Family Business $1,000 UNM Foundation - UNM 4 Nepal UNM$5,000Popejoy Hall $500 UNM School of Law $3,500

New Mexico Voices for Children $1,000 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance New$5,000Mexico Wildlife Association $1,000 Next Step Ministries $10,000 Nicodemus Wilderness Project $25 NM Parkinson's Disease Coalition $25 NM Parkinson's Disease Coalition $200 Noon Day Ministries $30,597 Notah Begay III Foundation $12,000

Zia Family Focus Center $1,000


Many organizations meet the basic requirements to apply for a grant, which makes applying for a grant a highly competitive process. The Foundation uses an extensive grant review process to assure donors and grantees that their interests are represented. Requests for funding are reviewed by committees consisting of members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and volunteers broadly representative of the community. Committee members use their individual expertise to contribute to a committee’s overall assessment of each proposal, including the degree to which a proposal fits the Foundation’s priorities. Committee recommendations are sent to the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for final grant approval.

Many donors establish field-of-interest endowment funds to respond to our community’s evolving needs. Grants from these funds are made through the Competitive Grant Program, which allows organizations to request funding for current needs in the community through an application has grouped these endowment funds into six general fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services. Within these fields, the Foundation also has funds addressing specific issues including art education in the schools, direct services for the elderly, mediation, domestic violence and programs that encourage the discussion and study of ideas.

Application Review Process

Applying for a Grant



Who Qualifies

To be eligible for the Competitive Grant Program, an organization must serve the Greater Albuquerque FourCounty Metropolitan Area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance) and be a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization in good standing, a public educational institution or a governmental agency. Grants are not made: to individuals; for political or religious purposes; to retire indebtedness; for the payment of interest or taxes; to annual campaigns, endowments, or as emergency funding; to influence legislation or elections; to private foundations and other grant-making organizations; or to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.

How to Apply

The application process includes an initial submission of a Letter of Intent. Complete application criteria and guidelines are available on the Foundation’s website at albuquerquefoundation.org. Letters of Intent are reviewed and organizations are notified if they are invited to submit a full grant proposal. Criteria, guidelines and deadlines are posted on the Foundation’s website in January of each year.

Foundation grants are made to support, strengthen and sustain an organization and its programs. In order to make the best use of available funds, organizations that address needs of underserved populations and are innovative, collaborative, strongly community oriented and responsive to changing and emerging community needs receive the highest priority. The grant application process has been reevaluated and will change in 2016. Interested parties should visit the Foundation’s website for current and up to date information.

Other Grants Throughout the year, the Foundation also makes grants from other types of funds that are not part of the Competitive Grant Program. Funds may be designated for a specific organization or program within a nonprofit. Others are donor-advised funds with donors actively supporting the organizations and charitable projects of their choice. Donor advisors may rely on the Foundation’s knowledge to identify particular agencies and programs they wish to support with their philanthropic dollars. With our ever-growing donor community, you never know just how or when the right funding connection might be made.

2015 Grant Application Process

James comes from a background of poverty and tragedy; he lost his father at a young age and has been in and out of school and shelters his whole life. James is excelling in Title I, making terrific grades thanks to his own initiative and the bi-weekly tutoring at McKinley Middle School. He wants to be an engineer and has even applied for a summer camp for students interested in law.

APS Title I Homeless Project Services 19

APS Title I Homeless Project Services is an innovative program that provides a comprehensive after-school program to Albuquerque Public Schools students who are experiencing homelessness. Focused on middle and high school students, the program includes free tutoring and career training. The twice-yearly career fair events hosted by Title I Homeless Project aim to educate and expose students to the varied possibilities for their future. The program is making a big difference in the lives of individual students. James, a seventh-grader in the Title I program, has made great strides since joining.

The Title I program has accomplished a great deal in its short existence so far, including increased levels of math and literacy for students, as well as helping them develop stronger problem-solving and decision-making skills.


Christina Kent Early Childhood Center serves children of economically diverse, working families with quality childcare, early education and nutritional services in a safe and nurturing environment. Through their educational programs, Christina Kent offers childcare/early childhood education for children ages two to five years old. Christina Kent’s programs expand beyond education and include a Mobile Food Pantry to their families and the community. Each month, the pantry distributes 4,000 pounds of food to over 100 families, many of whom are living below the federal poverty Inline.2015, the Foundation supported Christina Kent’s multifaceted, T.E.A.C.H. Scholar Program. This program, aimed to empower and educate the teachers of Christina Kent, provides teachers with tuition, book scholarships and the opportunity to continue their education and skills development as early childhood educators. Most early childhood educators are low wage, female workers who, in New Mexico, earn an average of $9.98 per hour or $18,600 per year. Allison has been a T.E.A.C.H. Scholar for the past three semesters. She is pursuing an Associates degree in Early Childhood Multicultural Education and has completed half of the credits toward graduation. When Allison joined the T.E.A.C.H. program, she was an assistant teacher in Christina Kent's PreK Classroom. She loves teaching children ages four and five years old. Because of her educational attainment, work experience and passion, Allison was promoted to lead teacher in the PreK Classroom. Her salary increased by over $5,000 per year in this new position. The T.E.A.C.H. program allows early childhood educators across New Mexico to significantly improve their economic Throughstatus. the T.E.A.C.H. Scholar Program, teachers have increased access to education, and eventually, increased income. Because of this program, families and children at Christina Kent benefit from passionate, dedicated and caring teachers who place the well-being of Albuquerque’s youth at the forefront of their professional careers. Christina Kent Early Childhood Center


To provide financial assistance to address the ‘gap’ in financial aid packages for both graduating high school seniors and students continuing their education

The American Advertising Federation-New Mexico (AAF-NM) Scholarship A scholarship for a deserving individual who intends to enter the advertising and communications field

Providing assistance for graduating seniors from 24 designated central New Mexico high schools attending a New Mexico four-year college or university Notah Begay III Scholarship

Supporting exceptional female students on the debate team at the Albuquerque Academy who are academically successful Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund

Providing assistance to young adults who have been in the New Mexico foster care system who want to develop a marketable skill or continue their education

Trythall Family Scholarship for Excellence in Continuing Education

Many of our scholarship and financial aid donors give to honor the memory of a loved one or to promote a field of study or career path that resonates with them. When you create a scholarship or financial aid fund at the Foundation, you create an opportunity to improve a student’s life and also the lives of their family members for generations to come.

Scholarship and financial aid donors value their role in providing education and career development opportunities for a range of learners, including high school students, current college students and those who may be students returning to or starting college after many years. The Foundation offers flexible options for establishing a scholarship or financial aid fund based on your desired level of involvement.

Recognizing an outstanding New Mexico Native American athlete playing a varsity-level sport and demonstrating strong academic achievement Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women Awards those remarkable women who are continuing or returning to college/university for their first undergraduate degree and need financial assistance for their senior year

Funds contributing to the 2015 student aid awards:

During 2015, $151,154 was awarded to new and renewing students.

Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship

A scholarship for Albuquerque high school graduating seniors of exceptional promise in the fields of science and math Youth in Foster Care Scholarship

Woodcock Family Education Scholarship

No one embodies the power of present and potential achievements more than Albuquerque’s students. Scholarship and financial aid donors believe in the power of education to uplift and transform lives. These donors envision a city of students, learning what they need to make Albuquerque a healthy, inventive and successful community.

Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship

Providing assistance to individuals who are employed a minimum of 20 hours a week while attending college

James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship

Providing assistance to a La Cueva High School graduating senior who has a language learning or other reading disability

Sarah K. Caplan Scholarship

For an Albuquerque High School graduate pursuing a degree in one of the STEM majors: science, technology, engineering or mathematics


David R. Woodling Memorial Scholarship Assistance to students in pursuit of a certificate or degree in a metals technology program with a concentration in machine tool technology and welding

Charlie & Kathy Barnhart & Ken Haynes, Jr. Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship

Providing assistance for New Mexico graduating high school seniors residing in a manufactured home

Scholarships & Financial Aid Funds • Creating Opportunities for the Future

Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. Providing assistance to Quay County, New Mexico residents to continue their post-secondary education

Providing assistance to students pursuing an education and career in automotive technology and/or related technical vocational fields

22 Albuquerque is our home—and we can help you build a fund to ensure your neighbors, friends and community members receive the best education to build a future for generations to come.

Recognizing students who are pursuing a “life dream” in spite of facing adversity or extraordinary challenges in life Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship

Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Recognizing an extraordinary graduating male and female senior at Eldorado High School playing for the varsity soccer team

Barnes W. Rose, Jr. & Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship

For graduating students with strong community service experience, strong academic records and planning a career in child development and/or teaching Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship

Shaina Aguirre Blade M. Allen Hailey Alter Omar MaryJenniferMoniqueIsabellaAlliahDesireeLarisaBethanyMariahEssenceDeniseNathanielAbou-NicaAddisonGeorgeTadeoElizabethBrittanyPatrickDaynaDesireeAlexandriaJuliaNaudieaTrystynNathanKristoferKathrynEmilyRobertAndrewLeanzaDennisonRobertRobertJavierJulianitaTimothyJanaiCearraKathrynCarrieDestinyJacobCarlyAmeliaCamberArballoArnhartBarriosBeckerBelinBolinBomarBowenBurrellCamposCarlton-McQueenCasausA.CastilloCastilloIIIL.CastleCharleyChavezChenChenCollinsCookCordovaCowanCrenshawDavisDeBlassieDeGeryA.DesvigneDiamondDolceR.DrakeEspindolaPerezEsquerFerrisFlores-ThorpeFomukongFreemanGarciaGarciaGarciaGardnerGearhartGonzalesGriegoGrierGrilloGutierrezLeeGutierrez


Danielle Pena Gerren J. Peralto Katia SusieDustinKeannettePerez-FuentesPerkinsPerrigueyNamTranMinh Pham Mostafa Qasemi Carl


23 Students who received aid from the Foundation in 2015: SCHOLARSHIPS

JinSierraLucianoNuriaDeyaniraAdriannaUyen-PhuongThuCaileeOmarGeorgeMuhammadAnaisJennaShelbyGabrielSoniaRiaDorianSilviaJacquelineKallyeMarkEmmaPryceMadisonAnicaAndresJustinKimberlyJulieYuridiaRoanBrendenDylanAntonioStephenToriaMagdalenaBryanNicoletteSarahLeonardGarrettCristianRaelynAlejandroHeatherHayesHigginsHillHillHinojosaHiselHoranIIIHydeIgnacioJaramilloKerkmansKovacsLambrosLarezLarsonLeeLee-PlunketLoeraLopezLopezLovatoLuceroV.LuceroMadyMarezMarinerMarquezMartinMartinezMartinezMartinez-SalazarMazumdarMeleroA.MercureMontoyaMorrisMunozMuslehNailNdiayeNelsonNgoNguyenNicolayNunezOrtizPadillaPadillaPark SilowenRitaKevinBrianEdwardPatrickChristiannaMadelineJalisaShaquoiaLaurenMatthewKooshairSoniaLluviaBrittanyAlexisKeelyWyattEmmaNoahAlexanderKatelynAnnaShanaLukeHenryAlistairJoselynSarahKevinLuisMartinaNathanJesseSavannahAngelaEricKimberlyLunaMarisolReyesRoblesRodriquezRogge-ObandoSaavedraSalasSalazarSanchezSanchezL.SandovalSantiagoSchumakerScottSepulvedaShawSimeA.SmithSorrelsStahlSteenSteinigerSternStevensStrandStuddardTiefaTrejoTrevizoTrilloVahidianVillarealWadeWaitesJ.WhitehorseWiegelWilsonWoodWyckoffWyssWyssYtuarteZeir Recipient

Sothearos Gyallay-Pap Eric Haocheng Li Taylor


Volunteers assisted in making decisions about the competitive grant and student aid programs in 2015. They contributed time, thought and knowledge to the process of reviewing requests from nonprofit organizations and students. Our volunteers, as in years before, wrestled with the challenge of many more requests for support than could be funded, however, this year was a little different. In 2015, we added the option of live grantee presentations, which helped our volunteers get a better sense of the organization and the heart and intention behind their work. Live pitches from grantees provided the opportunity to ask and answer questions, making the process even more exciting and effective. The Foundation convened many separate volunteer advisory committees to review requests for funding and make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.

These volunteers represent all segments of the community:

Jennifer DePaolo Mike


For Grant Programs, Student Aid and Individual Achievement Award Programs

24 2015 Advisory Review Committee Members

Beverly KelliDeanKenBrianJoannaKathyGabrielaLauraCindyEllenLindsayMikeShawnaVinceSvetlanaJudithDanelleKeithCindyRandyKarenJanKarenPaulJoAnneAbinashAbrahamAchrekarAlbrechtArellanoBakerBandrofchakBardBlockBonafairBowenBrennanBrillmanBrothersBrothersBrownBuckBurkhardCaplanChavezChavezChavez-LopezChiltonColangeloColónConwellCooperCooper


Matt Makofske Tony Martinez Ed

Kathleen Raskob Mike


Dental Care in Your Home


Dental Care in Your Home served over 600 people in 2015, 59% of whom are over the age of 81. In 2016 the organization hopes to double the number of homebound people they serve.

Dental Care in Your Home is a valuable nonprofit that provides dental care, including cleaning, X-rays and other much-needed procedures, to homebound people. Founded in 2010, the program brings dentists and dental hygienists directly into the homes of elderly, sick and disabled giving them the opportunity to be cared for in the safety and convenience of their own living spaces.

The top-notch care this organization provides really makes a difference in the lives of needy New Mexicans: consider the story of an elderly man with stage 4 cancer who was confined to his bed. A visit from Dental Care in Your Home revealed his damaged, bleeding gums, as well as multiple broken teeth and dentures. The professionals cleaned his teeth and applied silver nitrate, helping soothe his continued pain and discomfort. When they returned for a follow-up visit three weeks later, his gums were completely healed. With help from the Foundation, Dental Care in Your Home was able to increase the availability of dentists in 2015.


albuquerquefoundation.org foundationsandia 27

After the Woodwards’ cattle died in a severe snowstorm, the couple relocated to Albuquerque where they began investing in commercial real estate. Once in Albuquerque, Hugh continued practicing law and began a relationship with the University of New Mexico (he served as regent of UNM from 1935 to 1937). The Woodwards’ commercial real estate ventures became very successful, leaving them with a large fortune. In 1948, Hugh and Helen established the Sandia Foundation to benefit UNM, Dickinson College (their alma mater) and nonprofits in Albuquerque. It was started with just a few thousand dollars. Twenty years later, following Hugh’s death, the Foundation began to grow, and by the time Helen passed away in 1974, the balance of their estate was transferred to the thriving foundation they’d established.

The Sandia Foundation has long been one of the biggest contributors in the Albuquerque area. The Foundation, which was founded by Hugh and Helen Woodward, New Mexican transplants who wanted to generously give back to the city they called home, continues to provide grants to support nonprofit organizations in Albuquerque. Hugh and Helen moved to New Mexico in 1915, hoping the dry climate would provide relief for Helen’s debilitating tuberculosis. Hugh began practicing law in Clayton, NM, but the two former Pennsylvanians also enjoyed a typical western lifestyle, ranching and raising cattle in the high plains region. They loved life in New Mexico and became invested in supporting a prosperous and healthy future for our state. Hugh Woodward was elected as the lieutenant governor of New Mexico in 1928 and also served as the US Attorney for the state.

Today, the legacy of the Woodwards’ love for Albuquerque lives on, providing UNM and other local causes with funds to strengthen and sustain their important work. The Albuquerque Community Foundation manages this grant program.

To provide lending support and financial education training for entrepreneurs in Bernalillo County Adoption Exchange $10,000 To support the Albuquerque-based activities of the New Mexico Family Recruitment Program, which serves children in the foster care system, supports families in the adoption process and provides pre and postadoption resources

New Mexico Philharmonic $10,000

New Mexico Soccer Association $7,000

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $5,000

National Dance Institute of New Mexico $10,000

New Mexico Dental Association Foundation $9,000 To provide an expanded dental laboratory and case management funding for Albuquerque residents receiving services through the Donated Dental Services Program

Albuquerque Oasis $8,000 To support the Intergenerational Tutoring Program, which combats illiteracy and low reading levels by training older adult volunteers to reach young, at-risk students

To support the Responsible Sex Education Institute Programs which aim to reduce unintended teen pregnancies, the spread of sexually-transmitted infections and empowers youth to make positive decisions about their sexual health throughout their lives 2015 Sandia Foundation Grants

To offer nearly 2,500 low-income Albuquerque youth with the opportunity to learn dance, movement and acquire the skills and tools necessary for making healthy educational and life choices


To support Explora’s Youth Intern Program that provides 30 paid internships a year for low-income, high-achieving, culturally-diverse teens in Albuquerque Menaul School $5,000 To support low-income students in accessing educational opportunities to prepare them for college through Menaul School’s College Prep Program

Catholic Charities $10,000 To support the Children’s Learning Center which offers a fully bilingual program for preschoolers that both prepares the children for kindergarten by teaching basic concepts and works with children learning English Children’s Grief Center $10,000

To support life skills education for homeless, near-homeless and disconnected youth ages 15–24 providing a direct path to education, community engagement and a more secure future

Explora! $10,000

To support the Kinship Guardianship Program which helps grandparents and other caregivers obtain legal guardianship for children in their care who are at risk of abuse and neglect

CNM Foundation $10,000

NewLife Homes $10,000

To provide advanced music education to over 550 Albuquerque area students each year through 12 core programs and the Chamber Music Program APS Title 1 Homeless Projects $10,000

To provide homelessness-prevention legal services to help at least 100 Albuquerque individuals and families, a majority of whom are women and children

Albuquerque Youth Symphony $7,500

To provide an afterschool tutoring program that emphasizes career awareness and leadership skills for homeless youth at the secondary level

Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $10,000 Funding to prepare and deliver 1,560 medically-tailored meals through the Low Income Food and Enrichment (LIFE) program

ARCA $10,000 Funding for the Health Matters program which provides exercise, fitness and nutritional lessons and activities to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to improve self-determination and overall fitness Barrett Foundation $10,000 Provides the necessities of a comfortable bed, nutritious meals, clothing, case management services and opportunities for socializing. Homeless women and children can stay 3-4 weeks with the primary objective being to identify housing opportunities Bosque School $25,000 The Rod J. Pera & Mary Kay Pera Endowment Scholarship Established by the Sandia Foundation

New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $5,000

New Mexico Legal Aid Society $10,000

To help fund low-income youth continue to play competitive soccer

New Day Youth and Family Services $10,000

To support the Young Musician Initiative, a 27-week afterschool program that trains children in musical instruments, rhythm and song in order to build confidence while instilling life skills

ACCION New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado $10,000

Pegasus Legal Services for Children $13,000

Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless $15,000 To provide free, high quality oral health care to people who have long lacked access to even the most basic dental services

To provide approximately 20 student scholarships for the Rust Opportunity Fund that assists some of the highest need students who, despite being dedicated students, are at risk for discontinuing their education

New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $7,000 To support the Building Futures and Foundations Initiative that works with community partners and young people while using national evidencebased strategies for improving outcomes in education, employment health, housing, permanency, financial capability and social capital for youth aging out of foster care

To provide free peer bereavement support groups for 20 children, teens, young adults and their caregivers who are grieving the death of someone close to them

To support the Protecting the Public Benefits Safety Project, which makes it easier for struggling Albuquerque families to access food, healthcare and temporary cash assistance

Providing new energy-efficient windows at NewLife Homes’ oldest property where the most vulnerable residents reside

Funding to replace the computer system that operates the heating and cooling system used exclusively to provide safe shelter to adult and child survivors of domestic violence Samaritan Counseling Center $5,000

WESST $10,000

S.A.F.E. House $11,000

To support the development of the innovative Common Grant Application process which will create a collaborative and easily navigable digital platform for nonprofit organizations to access a universal grant application reducing duplicative work for organizations already struggling with limited staff resources

A New Day Youth & Family Services $500 Bosque School $500 Mandy's Special Farm $250 Manzano Day School $500 National Dance Institute of New Mexico $500 New Mexico Appleseed $500 New Mexico Soccer Foundation $500 Opera Southwest $250 Paws and Stripes $1,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $500 The Rock at Noon Day $250 United Way of Central New Mexico $500 UNM Foundation Alumni Association $250 Board

Presbyterian Ear Institute $5,000

To provide tuition support for deaf or hard-of-hearing children who are enrolled in Presbyterian Ear Institute School for Oral Deaf Education

To support comprehensive business training, consulting and incubation services for start-up and existing entrepreneurs by offering business and financial literacy and self-employment assistance

To provide 75 low-income Albuquerque students between the ages of 11-18 with tuition-free artistic training, academic tutoring, professional development and life skills building opportunities

Supportive Housing Coalition $10,000

To support a Service Coordination Program for residents with special needs at the Sunport Plaza Apartments, a building which houses low-income residents who have experienced homelessness and/or have a chronic mental illness or other health conditions

To support the Senior Hunger Initiative, providing nutritious food directly to low-income seniors at senior-specific sites


The Storehouse $10,000 To provide 22,000 meals to hungry individuals and families who are unable to access federal benefits, are the "working poor" or are seniors with benefits too little to cover necessary groceries

Roadrunner Food Bank $7,500

Funding so low-income individuals can utilize counselors from the Guhl Center for Children and Center for Changing Families to receive education and counseling for families in crisis Saranam $10,000 To support formerly homeless families to live in a furnished apartment while focusing on gaining the skills needed to achieve sustainable independent living including life skills training, education, parenting and financial literacy

Funding for Rio Grande Food Project to provide food boxes once a month, supplemental and emergency meals for 50,000 children, youth, adults and seniors

Share NM $5,000

Rio Grande Food Project $10,000

Grants 2015 Sandia Foundation Grants continued

Working Classroom $10,000

Albuquerque Community Foundation Children & Youth Fund, 2002 Ms. Tameka Huff

See page 46 Nina Forrest Fund Nina Forrest A. David Sandoval Fund for Music Education, 2002

Albuquerque Community Foundation Arts & Culture Fund, 1984 In honor of Nancy Johnson’s retirement:

JamesAnonymous&Diane Bonnell

Albuquerque Community Foundation Economic & Workforce Development Fund, 2014 Susanne B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Mr. Tom Jenkins & Ms. Elaine Roy Aaron Kraft Albuquerque Community Foundation Education Fund, 1984 Dr. Judith C. Brillman & Mr. Barton Wohl In memory of Peter Cogen: Mrs. Francine Cogen Albuquerque Community Foundation Emergency Action Fund, 2011 Dr. Judith C. Brillman & Mr. Barton Wohl Lauri WalterEbel&Mimi Stern

See Page 44 David E. & Cynthia M. Stuart Fund for the Linda S. Cordell Book Award Drs. David & Cynthia Stuart


Jeff & Peggy Roberts Michael Walker & Gari Fails In memory of Marsha A. Boekeloo: Ms. María Griego-Raby & Mr. Randy Royster

Funds Established in 2015

Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2015

Albuquerque Community Foundation Social Giving Club

Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed, or is misspelled, please accept our apologies & contact us so that we have correct information for future publications.

Each of our endowment funds is customized to meet the donor’s philanthropic goals and the community’s needs. Establishing an endowment fund with the Foundation allows donors to meet their charitable goals, as well as to receive tax benefits without administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations. Our donors have different motivations in establishing their funds. Some want to give back to organizations that have helped them—others want to memorialize a loved one or create an income stream for a cause that’s close to their heart. Others want to educate, to create or to help cultivate a passion. The Foundation helps donors meet their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to the place we call home.

Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Fund

Aetna Life & Casualty Fund, 1984

New Mexico Hospitality Association Mayor's Prize Program


Albuquerque Community Foundation Now & Forever Fund, 2007 Albuquerque Community Foundation Preservation Fund of New Mexico, 1984 Ms. Nancy E. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Richard Lindberg Albuquerque Community Foundation Visionary Fund, 2011 Albuquerque Monthly/Coronado Center Fund, Albuquerque1984 New Car & Truck Dealers Fund, 1986 American Home Fund, 1986 Anand Fund, 2004 Anonymous Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2010 Ms. Nancy E. Arnold Mr. David Piech Ann & Russell Rhoades Fund, 2006 Anne B. Little Fund for Aid to Senior Citizens, 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Education, 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Health, 2003 APS Fine Arts Enhancement Fund, 1989 Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund, 1996 Arthur J. & Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund, 1997 Bank of Albuquerque Charitable Fund, Barnes2000 W. Rose Jr. & Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship Fund, 2003 Becky & Rudy Diaz Fund, 2006 BeNicePlayFair.com Fund, 2004 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals, 2013

Following is a list of the Foundation’s funds. Fund names are listed in bold type, contributors to funds are listed in light type.

Mr. Peter & Mrs. Judy Basen Weinreb Albuquerque Community Foundation Health & Human Services Fund, 2001 Dr. Judith C. Brillman & Mr. Barton Wohl In memory of Peter Cogen: Mrs. Francine Cogen Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund, 1984 See page 8


Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Educational Opportunities for Navajo Children, 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for the Environment, 2013 Betty & Luke Vortman Fund, 2003 Betty & Luke Vortman Restricted Fund, Blaine2013Ryan Kindler Memorial Education Fund, 1999 Bob & Gwen Cameron Charitable Fund, 2006 The estate of Bob & Gwen Cameron Bob L. Turner Family Fund, 2014 Mr. Bob Turner Bridge Fund, 2004 Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund, 1987 Carl David Bedford Fund for People in Need, 2003 Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M., 2005 Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund, 2006 Ms. Carolyn M. Martinez Cathy E. Harman "Light From Darkness” Fund, Cavanaugh2009Young At Heart Fund, 2009 Drs. James L. & Stephanie Von Ammon RobinCavanaughBrulé& Lonnie Talbert Charles D. Ryan Memorial Fund for Education, 2003 Charlie & Kathy Barnhart & Ken Haynes, Jr. Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship Fund, 1996 Ms. Elizabeth Arellano Ms. Cynthia Cox Mr. Douglas Gorman Mr. Kenneth Haynes Mr. James Knott Ms. Sharon Mann Mr. Daniel Noon Mr. R. Dean Stalcup & Ms. J.L. Morgan Western Bank Mr. James Wills Chester French Stewart Fund, 2005 Mr. & Mrs. Chester F. Stewart Cinco Amigos Fund, 2007 C. E. Mendez Foundation Concours du Soleil Mark KevinAnneJerrySteveJasonGorhamHarringtonMaestasRoehl&KenSaponYearout Cindy & Ken Johns Family Fund, 1996 Classical Music Fund, 2013 Connor Mantsch Memorial Fund, 2014 ShariAnonymousO'Loughlin Conscience of Society Fund, 1986 Cramer Family Fund, 2006 Crazy Granny's Cookie Jar, 2000 Ms. Mary B. Larsen Cumulus Media to Expand Music Education in APS Schools, 2001 Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks Memorial Fund, 2001 Daulton Family Fund, 2008 Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Arts & Culture, 2009 Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Children & Youth, 2009 David & Martha Cooper Fund,1984 David Maccini Memorial Fund, 1996 Michael Maccini & Barbara Koenig David R. Woodling Memorial Fund, 2008 Dazzo Family Fund for Children & Youth, 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Dazzo Jr. Debbie & David Dozier Fund, 2014 Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund, 2006 Donald E. Carnicom & Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund, 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom Doyel Family Fund, 2005 Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund, 1994 Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Fund, Dr.2001Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Arts Fund, 1984 E. Blaugrund Family Fund, 1994 Ebel Family Fund for Children & Youth, 1985 Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel In honor of Bill Ebel’s 50th Anniversary with Northwestern Mutual: Ms. Sally Goodwin Effective Families Fund, 2003 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alongi Anonymous Eye Associates Gerald & Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund, 2005 Mr. & Mrs. William N. Hagler

First Things First Fund, 2008 Anonymous Florence & Bob Stamm Fund, 1986 Floyd & Patricia Wilson Fund, 2001 Footprint Fund, 2014 Anonymous Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund, 1997 Frank & Mickey Peloso Fund, 2006 Frank & Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund, Frank2007D. & Marie K. Gorham for Classical Music, 2013 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund, 2001 Future Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation, 1997 See Page 42 Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund, Garcia1988Automotive Group Fund,1999 Ms. Sheilah Purcell-Garcia George & Jenean Stanfield Fund, 2010 Mr. & Mrs. George Stanfield George Clayton Pearl Family Fund, 1993 Goodman Family Fund, 2003 Gordon Church Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Cadwallader Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund, 2010 Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund, 2003 Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison Ogawa PNM Resources Foundation Hanna/Woodford Family Fund, 2013 Harvey Yates Education Fund, 1984 HB Construction Fund, 2011 HB Construction Hearst Music Education Fund, 2013 HENMAR Fund, 1998 Himalayan Progressive Education Fund, 2009 Mr.Anonymous&Mrs.Carl Alongi Ms. Julia LaFleur Order of Saint Benedict Ms. Linda Prediger Ms. Natalya Shulga Mr. Aalif Surti Mr. Steven Van Rooy Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2015

Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund, 2006 Jolly Family Foundation, 2011 David Jolly June D. Schutzberger Fund, 2014 Casa Manana, Inc.

Kubie Family Human Services Fund, 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubie Family Impact Fund, Lanting2007 Shibuya Fund, 2012 Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial Fund, 2008 Lee Blaugrund Fund, 2005 Levy Family Fund, 2008 Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund, 2000 Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund, 2005 Long Leash on Life Fund, 2010 Lucy Ann Warner Fund, 2002 Lynn Rosner Memorial Fund, 1997 Maggie's Giving Circle, 2006 Beverly Abraham Nancy Herring Bobbi Kay Nelson Terri LindaSusanMaggiePachelliSimmsThrockmortonN.Weil

Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund, 2007 Molly R. Huber Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Arts & Culture Fund, 1985 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund, 1986 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund, 1994 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Health Fund, Nancy1994Anderson Roberts Arts & Culture Fund, 1983 Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund, 1983

Jim & Ann Nelson Student Aid Fund for Foster Youth, 2007 Ms. Yolanda Garcia JoAnn & Steve Ruppert Fund, 1998

Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund, 1984 Junior League of Albuquerque Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko, 2009 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Family Fund, 2006 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Kevin & Lian Yearout Family Fund, 2009 Killin Fund, 2002 Kim & Steve Nunley Acorn Fund, 2008 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Nunley King Family Fund, 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Jim King Kirschner Family Fund, 2014 Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund, 1996 Kubie Family Fund for Classical Music, Kurt2013&Edith

Renee Wolters & John B. Ellig Notah Begay III Charitable Fund, 2001 Notah Begay III Scholarship Fund, 1999 Novak MPGJ Family Fund, 2008 Pamela B. Gordon Fund, 2011 Para los Niños Fund, 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alongi Paul Noble Vosburgh & Jane Berry Vosburgh Fund, 2007 Peggy Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music, 2014 Casa Mañana The estate of Peggy Cavett-Walden

ENDOWMENT FUNDS32 Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2015 continued

Michael Henningsen Youth Fund, 2014 KimWriteDanetteJulieanaCarolKayGlendaPaulaTeresaAnonymousGarciaKollerMillerPattisonPinnellReedK.TownsendThisWayProductionsZamarin

Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation, 2002 Jeanne M. Trauger Memorial Homecare Fund, 2009

Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children, 2002 Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. George N. Nellos OK SWSLiquorsCharitable Foundation

Nancy Thompson Harris Memorial Fund, Nathan1997 Wineberg Fund for Senior Centers, 2006 Nellita E. Walker Fund, 1997 New England Fund, 1990 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund, 2001 New Mexico Human Rights Education Coalition, 2014 Ngala Memorial Fund to Assist Musicians with Medical Care, 2014 David Harris

Holocaust Memorial Fund, 1988 Hopkins Campbell Family Fund, 2012 Karen Hopkins & Richard Campbell Howard W. & Zona Ehret Henry Fund for the Performing Arts, 2010 Hueter Bass Family Fund, 2000 Jack & Donna Rust Family Fund, 1996 Jack Grevey Memorial Fund, 2005 Jackie A. Fallis Fund, 2007 James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2011 Ona KevinNanciKimberlyAlbertAyresBeckesLedwith

Joe & Christine Di Gregorio Fund, 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Joe Di Gregorio John & Marie Marshall Fund, 2004 John F. & Mae M. Lark Fund in Honor of Franklin & Bernice Jones, 1994 John P. & Terri Salazar Fund, 2013 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Salazar

Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund, 2002 Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Maisel Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Fund, 1991 Margaret & Ted Jorgensen Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Ted Jorgensen Margarita Martinez Fund for Theater Arts, Marie1988Kelly

Jane & Doug Swift Fund for Art & Education, 1997 Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Swift In honor of Jane & Doug Swift’s 64th Wedding Anniversary:BarbaraSwift & Clyde Burke Mr. & Mrs. David Swift

Gorham Fund for Women's Issues, 2006 Robert & Barbara Gorham Martin S. Morrison Fund, 2006 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Children, 2011 Mayor's Fund for Children, 1987 Mediation Fund, 1989 Mesa Del Sol Education Fund, 2008 Mesa del Sol

Peggy Pick Bacon Memorial Fund for Education, 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bacon Performing Arts Fund, 1988 Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women, 2012 Rae Siporin

Mr. Brian Johnson Mr. Jonathan Karush Mr. Michael Laker Mr. Justin LeVois Mr. John Manulis Mr. David Scott Martinez Mr. Juan Martinez Mr. Daniel McLean Ms. Sarah Milligan-Toffler Ms. Olivia Mora Mr. Joseph O'Brien Mr. Daniel Pabon Mr. Alfred Park Ms. Maria Rivera Matt & Janine Rivera Mr. Larry Romero Ms. Tina Romero Mr. Aaron Smith Ms. Kelly Squires Ms. Preeti Sriratana Mr. Thomas Swisstack Mr. Lonnie Talbert Ms. Brandi Urrutia Mr. Steve Welchert

Richard & Linda Eitzen Fund, 2000 Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2003 Alexandra Kiska

The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico, 2012


THE REALTOR® FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®, 2011 Mr. & Mrs. M. Stephen Anaya In honor of Morgan Cannaday’s Wedding:

Jerome S. & Grace H. Murray Foundation

The FUNd, 1988

Trythall Family for Excellence in Continuing Education, 1988 Mr. & Mrs. Duane Trythall Vagh/Zavery Fund, 2006 Vernon's Steakhouse Walter White Fund, 2013 Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2015 continued

Ebbens Ms. Emma Emerson Ms. Lamia Faruki Ms. Bridget Gilbert Ms. Janie Gilmore-Daniels & Mr. Michael L. Daniels Mr. Marc Guggino MaryKay Gutierrez Ms. Rosie D. Harmon Ms. Teri J V. Hatcher Bridget & Chad Hazen Mr. Bonsal Henry JG Maduena Inc. Ms. Channing Kelly Ms. Ida J. Kelly Ms Nancy Kennedy Ms. Karma Kutkuhn John Kynor Ms. Donita Lazar Ms. Melody J. Mar Johnson Mr. Kenneth S. Mills Nusenda Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Reginald L. Olson Ms. Lee Ann Pautz Ms. Mary C. Porter Greater Albuquerque Association of Realtors Mike & Janice McCrary Rice Ms. Michelle Rohl Mr. Robert Sanchez Ms. Rita Sansone Ms. Jeanne Schnoor Ms. Susan Sedoryk Sunrise SouthwestRealtyMultiple Listing Service Ms. Jolynn Torres Alice A. Tozer Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wilson

The Bright Futures Fund, 2014 Mayor’s Charity Ball Ms. Jenica Jacobi Nusenda Credit Union



Robert & Ann Clark Arts & Culture Fund, Robert1986 & Ann Clark Preservation Fund, Robert1986 & Celeste Loughridge Fund, 2001 Robert & Zane Taichert Fund, 1984 Robert C. & Mary D. Poole Family Fund, Robert1996 P. Marshall, Sr. Memorial Fund, Robert2007 W. Kaufmann Fund, 2001 Roy Lee Cain Fund, 2011 Sandia Foundation and Estate of Hugh & Helen Woodward Fund, 2006 See page 26 Santangelo Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santangelo

T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Education Fund, 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Environmental & Historic Preservation Fund, 2000 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Fund for Public Television, 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund, 1995 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable Fund for Preservation of Public Trees and Gardens, 2006 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable Fund for Wildlife Protection and Control, 2006 Team Tio Fund, 2011


The Ties Fund, 2011 Anonymous Theodore R. Brown Fund, 1983 Three Hearts Fund, 2006 Kim & Robert Federici

Sarah K. Caplan Scholarship Fund, 2014 Anonymous Sean Hopkins Fund, 2013 in memory of Peter Cogen: Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins Samaritan Counseling Center Mr. & Ms. Jerry S. Sklar Ms. Donna Stumpf Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Programs Fund, 1996 Shelly & Rafael Colón Memorial Fund, 2006 Aleli & Brian Colón Mrs. Ofelia D. Muenzer Stephen J.E. Sprague Memorial Fund, Stephen2007

L. Moody Memorial Fund for Children with Special Needs, 1995 Strosnider Family Fund, 2004 Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund, 1994 Patrick V. Apodaca & Leslie McCarthy Apodaca Mr. Timothy Cain Ms. Pamela Gooden Mrs. Ina Miller Ms. Laura Shaw Ms. Anita Summers

Moritz Mr. & Mrs. Brian O'Connell Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison Ms.OgawaMaría Griego-Raby & Mr. Randy Royster Mr. Mark Rupert & Ms. Regina Guest-Rupert Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shank Mr. Steven Simms & Ms. Gail Lemons Mr. & Mrs. James Timmons Mr. Peter A. Winograd Ms. Nancy L. Wood


Shipman Vodian Fund for Breast Cancer Research, 1999 Marnie Spiegel Collister Memorial Fund, McCune2009 Foundation, 2008 Patrick Grange Soccer Development Fund, 2012 Phillip Raby & Connie Moore Fund, 2005 PNM Resources Employee Crisis Fund, Rio2012Rancho Education Foundation Fund, Society2013 of the Little Prince, 2004 Non-Endowed Funds

Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Victim Assistance, 1999 William "Bill" Cooper Memorial Fund, Woodcock2006 Family Education Scholarship Fund, Albuquerque1993 Cristo Rey High School Fund, 2010 Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Fund, Jacqueline2014



34 Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2015 continued Walter & Allene Kleweno Fund, 2003 Wells Fargo Bank for Classical Music, Wells2013Fargo Bank Fund, 1998 Wilfred "Coach" Tull Fund, 2005

In memory of Monica Tull: Atkinson, Thal & Baker, PC Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Ms. Julia B. Bowdich Carefree Living Citizens Trust & Investment Group Mr. Dane Coalson Ms. Leebertha J. Flores Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fordice Mr. & Mrs. James Gates Ms. Carolina Girimonte Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goldring Ms. Ellen Guest Mr. John P. Haaland Ms. Sheila Hard Harvey & Foote Law Firm Mr. & Ms. Osaro O. Ighodaro Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Leach Mr. Kenneth & Mrs. Hazel Tull-Leach Mr. Frederick H. Leonhardt II Mr. James Mackenzie & Ms. Mary E.

Bob L. Turner Family

35 Bob Turner is remembered here in Albuquerque as a savvy businessman and an innovative auto dealer who combined his trademark off-the-wall humor with industry acumen and smarts. But long before he worked his way up the ladder at Rich Ford and then opened Bob Turner’s Ford Country, Turner was an avid Lobos basketball fan. He made sure of two things: that his friends and family got their Fords from him and that they were loyal Lobos fans, even though Turner was a University of Texas grad whose roots were in Corpus Christi. Turner so loved his Lobos that he helped launch the University of New Mexico’s auto program for coaches. When Turner passed away in June of 2015 at age 83, his family turned to the Albuquerque Community Foundation to establish the Bob L. Turner Family Endowment to support the advancement of collegiate athletics including UNM athletics, to provide university scholarships for business students including the Anderson School of Management and to support organizations that research Alzheimer’s disease or assist people and families affected by the Turnercondition.always gave it his all. His strong work ethic was honed early on in his life, when he would rise long before his school day began to milk the family cow before starting his day. His interests were diverse—Turner loved to dance and write poetry as much as he loved basketball and business—and he applied that same strong work ethic to each of his Throughinterests.the fund that carries his name, Turner’s family hopes to support organizations that will support and guide others in the areas that were important to him throughout his life. With the Foundation’s help, Turner’s legacy as that lovable businessman we knew will live on. And that’s no bull.



Philanthropy Central Funds Established in 2015

Constance Zandstra Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1998 Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, 2008

United Way of Central New Mexico Funds: Joanne W. Finkelstein Fund Carol Hinton Karen & Tad Pound Fund Mr. & Ms. Tad Pound Power of the Purse Fund Karen Lynch

There are two types of Philanthropy Central Funds: Organization Endowment Funds (where an agency establishes a fund with their money) and Donor-Designated Endowment Funds (where a donor establishes fund for the benefit of an agency).

Philanthropy Central

Many of these organizations depend upon the annual distributions from their endowment(s) to help them meet the needs of our community. Others choose to reinvest their annual distribution into their fund for faster growth. Endowment funds are most successful and yield the most investment potential the larger they are. By pooling the funds of your organization with the Foundation’s endowment, you will enjoy the benefits of a diverse investment portfolio, as well as low investment fees that typically come only with very large funds.


The following have entrusted their endowment(s) to us. Fund names are listed in bold type. Donors to the fund are listed in light type.

Betty & Luke Vortman Endowment for New Mexico Philharmonic Mrs. Betty Vortman Opera Southwest Opera Southwest St. George Greek Orthodox Church Fund St. George Greek Orthodox Church

Donor-Designated Fund, Established Prior to 2015 Agnes Faggart Bussiere Memorial Fund for Menaul School, 2007 Albert W. Tarbell Fund for the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John, 2013 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund for Crime Stoppers, 1985 Alfred A. Abbott Charitable for ARCA, 2006 Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Fund for the Good Shepherd Center for the Homeless, 2007 Ann Simms Clark Fund for Planned Parenthood, 2005 Anne B. Little Fund for the Botanic Garden at New Mexico BioPark, Boys2003& Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Fund, 1995

Dean & Alice Irvin Fund for the UNM Cancer Center, 1986 Mrs. Alice Irvin Dismas House at St. Martin's Fund, 2003 Dr. Jane Ann Blumenfeld Fund for the SW Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, 2004 Frank Csepregi & Alice Marosi Csepregi, for Dominican Ecclesial Institute, 2007 Futures for Children Fund, 1984 Heights Healthcare Foundation Fund for Osteopathic Education, 1984 ENDOWMENT FUNDS

Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for New Mexico Military Institute, 2005 Constance Zandstra Fund for Good Shepherd Center, 1998

The Foundation exists to help organizations achieve their goals and meet the myriad needs of our community. Here in Albuquerque, we’re fortunate to be served by so many generous nonprofits and philanthropists who are invested in improving our city. The Foundation considers effective management of organization endowment funds an important contribution to maintaining the strength of our community’s nonprofit organizations. We believe that managing endowment funds through Philanthropy Central is one of the things we do best. It is a privilege to help ensure Albuquerque remains a city of generous visionaries.

Ms. Mamie C. Chan & Mr. R. G. Cottrill Ingrid & Mark Gorham Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hallenbeck Brittany & Lence Jorgensen Mr. Charles B. Kim & Ms. Diane A. Tovey Mr. & Ms. Robert D. Koudelka Ms. Heather Kraemer Ms. Nicole McCleskey Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nordyke Mr. & Mrs. Carlos R. Ozuna Mr. & Mrs. John P. Steenson Ms. Mary C. Tobler & Mr. Max J. Minzner Mr. Odell Wilson Walter E. & Shelley Cohen Fund for Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, 2013


Robert & Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Animal Humane, 2009 Robert & Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Crime Stoppers, 2009 Robert & Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Robert2009 & Barbara Clemmensen Fund for People Living Through Cancer, 2009

Ley Lost Worlds: Treasures of the Past Mr. & Mrs. Rex A. Lucke M2 Production Ms. Ranee L. Malanga Ms. Karen Marchand Joseph W. Marchiani Martha Hopkins Struever Ms. Christine Mather Ms. Christine Mayrina Mr. Edward J. Krodel dba Top Notch Enterprises Native Jackets, Etc. Ms. Donna J. Norman Mr. John F. Parks Mr. Charles H. Paterson Ms. Sandra R. Pemberton Mr. & Ms. Paul Plunket Mr. Mario Pollo Mr. John C. Pullin The Rainbow Man Ms. Bette Rossen Sparrow Antiques The Standard Art & Antiques Co. Mr. Jeremy Steenblik Mr. & Ms. Timothy Steenwyk Mr. Steve SundancerStoopsBuyers Group Taylor A. Dale dba TAD Tribal Art Mr. Otis Taylor

Sally Denzer Fund for Watermelon Mountain Ranch, 2014 Sunset Mesa Teacher Fund, 2006 Mr.Anonymous&Mrs.Bruce Budagher

Walter E. & Shelley Cohen Fund for Congregation B'Nai Israel Fund, 2013 Walter E. & Shelley Cohen Fund for United Way of Central New Mexico, 2013 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Catholic Charities of New Mexico, 1996 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Christina Kent Day Nursery, Wilhelmina1996 Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Friends in Time, 1997 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Habitat for Humanity, 1997 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for Health Care for the Homeless, 1998 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, Wilhelmina1997 Neat Coe, Peace Foundation '57 Fund for New Mexico Conference of Churches, 1999

Donor-Designated Beneficiary Funds, Established prior to 2015 continued

38 Ida May Cowan Fund for the Homeless at Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, Janet1992Youngberg for Roadrunner Food Bank, 2013 Jeanne M. & Fred Trauger Genealogical Society Fund, 1991 Jeanne M. & Fred Trauger New Mexico Geological Society, 1991 Karen Ortiz Fund for the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program at Challenge New Mexico, 2004 KNME New Mexico PBS Great Southwestern Arts & Education Fund, 2013 Mr.Anonymous&Mrs.Mark B. Brightman

Toby Herbst Antiques Ms. Mary Lou Walbergh William R. Talbot Fine Art KNME-TV Fund, 1987 Kubie Family Fund for B'nai Israel, 2005 Kurt & Edith Kubie Family for Planned Parenthood, 2007 Lordic Fund for Futures for Children, 1984 María Griego-Raby Fund for San Felipe de Neri Church Capital Projects, 2003 Moise Memorial Library Fund, 2005 Nellita E. Walker Fund for KNME-TV, 1999 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation Fund, 1986 New Mexico Voices for Children Future Fund, 2002 Ralph Berkowitz Fund for Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 2011 Rex Ward 611 Lineman Apprentice Scholarship at SW Line Constructors, Reyer2012Fund in Support of Tribal Community Development, 1986 Roadrunner Food Bank Fund, 1984

Mr. John Burch C & O Antique Arms 0299 Caren Archive, Inc. Ms. Diana L. Coles DBA Smith Bros Trading Co Mr. Terry DeWald Ms. Mary Emmerling Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Finger Four Winds Gallery Ms. Trinie Garcia-Valdez & Mr. Frank Valdez Mr. John L. Glasser Ms. Susan F. Golden Ms. Diane G. Hill & Ms Karen L. Huff House of Ancestors Antiques Indian Summer J. Alexander Rustic Silver Kania-Ferrin Gallery Kemo DonnaKimosabeSabe&Paul

The Albuquerque Community Foundation has been supporting Crossroads for Women with grants since 2000. In 2015, the organization was proud to open two new facilities, including one devoted exclusively to supporting women exiting prison. The support from the Foundation continues to bolster Crossroads, ensuring it can provide quality care to the women and children who need it most.

Jennifer’s health issues had become so bad that her heart stopped three times in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. When she recovered, she felt like “everything was different”— she was motivated to transform her life. After participating in Crossroads’ after care program, Jennifer and her four children are happy and healthy and are active participants in the supportive community that Crossroads provides.

The Crossroads program helps to transform lives. Take Jennifer, a mother and former addict who is thriving in the program, as one example. Jennifer grew up in a loving family, but had her first two children at a young age and was in and out of relationships. An abusive relationship sent Jennifer into a spiral of medical problems, reconstructive surgeries, PTSD, addiction to pain pills and then eventually, heroin. She managed to hide her drug use for years, but things came to a head and Jennifer went to jail. While she was incarcerated, her heart stopped—literally.

Crossroads for Women serves women experiencing homelessness and incarceration in the Albuquerque area, while also providing support for their children. The organization offers evidencebased, trauma-informed counseling, housing services, case management and more, and works to empower women and help them overcome difficult histories. The Crossroads model doesn’t just help with the present; the work also addresses the challenges of the past and future, taking into consideration the individual importance of each woman in the program.

Crossroads for Women 39

Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque Fund, Menaul2009 School Fund, 2007 Menaul School

Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2015 A Child's Garden Fund, 1989 Adelante Development Center Fund, 1996 Albuquerque Boy Choir Fund, 2010 Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association, 2012 Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association Albuquerque Crime Stoppers Fund, Albuquerque2007 Genealogical Society Fund, Albuquerque2005 High School Alumni Association Fund, 2004 Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Fund, 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Ernie C'deBaca Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation Albuquerque Little Theatre Fund, 2008 Albuquerque Rose Society Fund, 2007 All Faiths Fund, 2002 Amy Biehl High School, 2013 Animal Humane New Mexico, 2008 Animal Protection of New Mexico Fund, Arc1996ofNew Mexico Fund, 1983 ARCA Fund, 2001 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Fund, 1987 B'nai Israel Fund, 1990 Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Fund, Casa2012Angelica Fund, 1997 Casa Esperanza Fund, 2007 Chamber Music Albuquerque Fund, 2004 Chamber Music Albuquerque Children's Cancer Fund of New Mexico, 2008 Children's Cancer Fund of New Mexico Children's Grief Center Fund, 2009 Cibola County Education Foundation Fund, Congregation2005 Albert Fund, 1994 Corrales Future Fund, 2009 Corrales Future Fund Mr. Vincent Paoletti

Manzano Day School Maggie Simms WINGS Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Manzano Day School Peterson Learning Center Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Stewart Family Wings Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Manzano Day School Wings 5 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Manzano Day School Wings 6 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Manzano Day School Wings of Brotherhood Fund, 2009 Manzano Day School


Gloria Griffin Mallory Fund for Teacher Development, 2006 Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory Gorham Fund for Scouting, 2013 Great Southwest Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2011 Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership, Guadalupe2008 County Hospital Fund, 1998 Heading Home Fund, 2012 Joseph Saavedra's Pennies for the Homeless Fund, 2014 In memory of Judge Diane Dal Santo: Ms. Carol S. Alley Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson Ms. Gwendolyn Anlian Ms. Robin Anlian Ms. Carla Aragon Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Beda Ms. Mary Ann Beda & Ms. Jill Beda Daniels Hon. & Mrs. Jeff Bingaman Carol & Greg Brown Mr. & Ms. James O. Browning Ms. Kelli Cooper Ms. Kathleen M. Dal Santo Ms. Paula Dal Santo Ms. Wynona E. Dreuss Ms. M. Marie Eaves Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Eisenstadt Ms. Virginia L. Ferrara Ms. Frances Fidel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ghattas Mrs. Josephine E. Gutierrez Mr. Jay Hertz & Ms. Helen Grevey Ms. Susan Horn Ms. Judy Jones Ms. Elizabeth L Lauer Mr. & Ms. David B. Martinez Ms. Linda V. Martinez Mr. John J. McMullan Mr. & Mrs. Al Mumford Mr. & Mrs Walter O'Cheskey Pennies for the Homeless Mr. Charles Price Ms. Julie Silverman Mr. Michael D. Sweet & Mrs. Robin Nelson Sweet Mrs. Carol Tucker Treleaseo Chuck & J.D. Wellborn Yanni's Junior League of Albuquerque Administrative Fund, 1999 Leadership New Mexico Fund, 2009 Manzano Day School Fund, 1985 Manzano Day School Manzano Day School Kathy Rimsha Fund, 2007 David & Gay Bernitsky

Dale E. Kempter Legacy Fund for the Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 1996 de Profundis Organization Fund, 2007 de Profundis Dual Language Education New Mexico, 2012 Dual Language Education of New Mexico Easter Seals New Mexico Fund, 1987 ¡Explora! Science Center & Children's Museum of Albuquerque Fund, 2002 Michael & Jane Flax Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Fund, 2003 Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Friends of Music Fund, 1998 Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Fund, 2000 Ginger Grossetete Fund for Silver Horizons, 1984 In memory of Connie Alexander, Shirley Berrian & HankMrs.Mullin:Ginger

NDI New Mexico Fund, 2012 New Mexico Academy of Science Fund, 2007 New Mexico Academy of Science New Mexico Art League Fund, 1992 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund, 1987 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund for the Aquarium & Botanic Garden, 1988 New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Fund, New1988Mexico Engineering Foundation Fund, 2005 New Mexico Veterans' Memorial Foundation Fund, 2012 New Mexico Voices for Children Fund, Outpost2007 Productions Fund, 2006 Parents Reaching Out Fund, 2008 PB&J Family Services/Angie's Legacy, 2007 People Living Through Cancer Fund, 1998 In memory of Dianne De Angelis & Tracy Sedberry: Kelli & Kevin Cooper CENTRAL



Manzano Day School Wings of Friendship Fund, 2006 Manzano Day School

Joseph E. & Virginia Lee Wright Memorial Fund, 2014 Kirk & Debra Benton Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, Larry2008&

Sheriece Strickland Fund, 2010 Mr. Larry Strickland Mary Wicker Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2013 M.J. Hicks Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2012 Ms. Colleen Berger Mary Jane Hicks, PhD

Community Health Early Childhood Development Fund, 1997 St. Mark's in the Valley Day School Fund, St.1986Martin's Hospitality Center Fund, 2008 Think New Mexico Fund, 2004 VSA arts of New Mexico Fund, 1998 WESST Fund, 2013 WildEarth Guardians, 2007 YMCA Fund, 1998 YWCA of the Middle Rio Grande Fund, 2000

United Way of Central New Mexico Funds: 10th Anniversary Women in Philanthropy Council, 2012 Mr.Anonymous&Ms.Earl Godwin Mr. & Mrs. Norman Keator Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 1993 Community Fund established by Mr. J. Alan Hunton, 2007 H. Patrick & Debra Jo Dee Alexis de Tocqueville Society, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H. Patrick Dee Herman & Marina Mauney United Way Fund, 2007 Mr. Herman Mauney Jennie & Shirley Wells Fund, 2013 Clint Wells John Merson Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2008 Frances Holmes Mr. & Mrs. John Merson



Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2015 continued Presbyterian Ear Institute Fund, 2011 Samaritan Counseling Center Fund, 2003 Senior Citizens’ Law Office Fund, 2014 Senior Citizens' Law Office Special Olympics of New Mexico Fund, St.2001Joseph

Talbot Women's Fund, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Talbot Thomas J. Horan & Mary Ann CampbellHoran, 2007 Virginia Nelson Mayo Memorial Fund, 2013 Mr. & Mrs. John Cochran


purchase food, packing supplies and

To to 2015

42 Future Fund Pegasus Legal Services for Children $10,000 To support the Kinship Guardianship Program to increase the level of services Barrett Foundation $5,000


José Viramontes, Chair-Elect, and Maureen O’Leary, Chair honor long-term Board Member Billy Gupton

This was a monumental year for the Future Fund. In 2015, endowed Future Funds at the Foundation reached $500,000. The Future Fund distributed $19,000 in grants, including their first ever microgrants and hosted more community service activities than ever before.


provide housing advocacy, resources and supportive services for homeless women and children Rio Grande Food Project $1,239

Microgrants FUTURE FUND

cover utility expenses to keep fresh and frozen food cold 2015 Grants NM Kids Matter $1,000 New Day Youth & Family Services $1,000 Enlace Comunitario $1,000

Over the past eighteen years, this fund has allowed young Albuquerque professionals to be a force for good in the place we call home. For $200 a year—the equivalent cost of a cup of coffee each week—Future Fund members have grown a large endowed fund at the Foundation, while distributing over $240,000 to forty-five Albuquerque nonprofits. Collective Impact at its best! This group of young leaders has inspiring foresight focusing on doing good today for a better tomorrow.

43 Future Fund 2015 Members Shalini & Abinash* Achrekar MaDonna Analla Paul Arellano & Cindy Chavez Meredith Baker Bobbie Batley & Billy Stevens Maralyn Beck Jade Vincent*JessicaDanelleBockBrennan*Bridwell&Svetlana Brothers Shawna Brown Jennifer Brunkow Andrew & Jessica Bundy Stephen Burke & Sandy Alvarez Lindsay N. Burkhard Joshua & Jessica Carothers Cathy & Brendan Cavanaugh Israel Chavez Jen AlexCoreyCodyCooperCurtas& Julia Mandeville Nick & Kelsey Denissen Tam Doan & Brian Naughton Keith & Lindsay Drennan John & Jesse DuBois Mandy Edwards Megan Edwards Ian & Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington Karen & Alex Flores Kristin Garcia & Brian Ferguson Manuel Garcia & Larry Perez Matthew StephanieGarcia&Jake Garrison Matthew & Marianna Geter Gabriela Gómez Mario & Michelle Gonzalez Lisa & Ryan Goodman Nick Gordon Joey BrianRebeccaMarthaSeanJoshReneeBillyAnthonyGorvetzianGriegoGupton*&BradGwyther&VanessaHale&ElizabethHallHargrove&JasonHarringtonHaverly&MargueriteHaverly Lisa JenniferHenson&Jordan Herrington Judy Hines Jeff TorriHoehn&Jesse Jacobus AnnMarie Jaramillo & Michael Otero Christopher Jaramillo Shannon Jaramillo & Alicia Sedillo Michelle Jimenez Rachel* & Andrew Johannsen Jacqlyn & Jeff Johns Webb Johnson Brad & Lisa Justice Dan Kammler & Vivian Guzman Hannah A. Kastenbaum Justin & Monica Kimbrough Aaron Kraft* John SeemaKynorKatiyar LaGree & Brooks LaGree Andrés Lazo Damian Libutti Amy & David Liotta Christina M. Lujan Mark & Raquel Lujan Rebecca Lujan* Bethany Luke Patrick Martinez Crystal McAlerney & Matt Sanchez Katixa Mercier & William Cookson Wendy & Allen Miner Jamie Moran Erin MaureenMelissaSarahDeniseRickAliceMuffoletto&JeffMyers&WindsorNaethingN.NavaNewmanNuñezO'Leary*&Mike Buck Jillian Oaks Katie Ogawa & George Douglas Mitch LaurenOlson&Santosh Oommen Eduardo Alas & Chamiza Pacheco de Alas April S. Perkins Serena Pettes Aldis SaraLesliePhilipbarPhinney&JavierPrada Cassandra Reckaway & Leroy Garley Jr. Derek & Sarah Riewe Heather KatherineRoach*&James Roberson Taylor & Christine Roehl Kendall Rogers & Shilpa Reddy Ingrid L. Roosild Kristin JonathanJaymieRortvedtRoybalE.Saint Cyr & Jessica Williams Anna & Gabriel Sanchez Roby JessicaMosesChevaunAndrewSkyler*ClintShawnCindyJohnLoriGabrielleLorenzoDanielRachelKrishnaSaraSonyaKellieNickTrishaKarieIrinaEzraAmyDavidEricJustinSchapira&JenSchroer&CynthiaSchultz&ShelleySilvermanSorensen&SherrySpitzerStanaselTaylorTerhar&MaryLacy&KaseyTeske&CharlieTomlinB.TorrezTraub&SangeethaTripuraneniTrojahn*O.TrujilloTrujillo&AmyBarnhart&AlexUballezAnne&RonVanamanVaroz*&José*Viramontes&DanielleWeedWells&BrittanyWildenstein&JustineWilliamsWilliams&SarahStryhanynWinstonWoods *Denotes 2015 Board Member Membership Celebration FUTURE FUND

This year, we established the “Social Giving Club,” another fun way to give back to the community. The Club welcomes members who contribute $1,000 each year; 50% of which will be pooled with other members to award one large grant annually to an excellent nonprofit chosen by the members. The other 50% is added to the Social Giving Club Endowment Fund to provide additional grant funding in the future. The Social Giving Club harnesses the power of collaborative social giving and creates an indelible community among our givers.

SOCIAL GIVING CLUB Social Giving Club launch event at Fusion Forum

John PamCarolGrasshamHintonHurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief

Cris F. ChrisMarshaAbbottAdams&Karen Bard Emily & Mark Benak

44 Social Giving Club Members

FBT Architects Sponsoring:

Brett TrestTedSanjayMicheleBeatyCarterEngineerGrumblattJaredLarsenMattObererPolinaMikiRothJeremeyTrumble

Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock

Jeff & Peggy Roberts

Jessica DebbieMichaelKelliKennethBridwellL.Conwell&KevinCooperE.Dexter&DavidDozier

Ted & Margaret Jorgensen

Julie JenniferCorinneSuzanneSilvermanStrongThevenet&DavidThomas

The New Mexico Wilderness Alliance is a grassroots organization dedicated to the protection, restoration and enjoyment of New Mexico’s wild lands and wilderness areas. This organization makes sure our incredible desert and mountain lands, like Otero Mesa and Rio Grande Del Norte, will remain beautiful and wild forever. This year, the Wilderness Alliance used funds from the Foundation to help remove graffiti in the Sandias. Utilizing a workforce of college students, the Wilderness Alliance developed literature on how to best remove graffiti, as well as social media programs and presentations about the topic of graffiti in wilderness areas. The messaging created by these passionate students will help educate the people of Albuquerque about keeping our wild lands clean and Thegraffiti-free.NewMexico

New Mexico Wilderness Alliance 45

Wilderness Alliance is interested in building diverse coalitions of people united in their concern for our natural world, including ranchers, sportsmen, scientists, tribal and religious leaders, students, community leaders and more. We’re proud to support this organization, whose demonstrated commitment to community and collaboration for New Mexicans clearly mirrors our own commitment to the place we call home.

The Mayor’s Prize brings a venture philanthropy approach to growing a community of successful entrepreneurs in Albuquerque. Together we are improving the conditions in Albuquerque to start and grow companies that can support our home.

Entrepreneurship in New Mexico goes back centuries, and entrepreneurial activity is among the best barometers to measure the health of a city’s economy. With successful entrepreneurs, we see more jobs, economic security and increased economic mobility. Together we are growing possibilities right here at home.

Fromnonprofits.27applicants, three winners were selected to share the prize. The following three organizations were announced as the 2015 inaugural winners of the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship:

WESST – Creative PIE, the program that landed WESST the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship, provides creative entrepreneurs with the wrap around support and tools they need to build sustainable, growthready businesses. Creative PIE will provide low-cost workshops and training to plug creatives into an ecosystem of support that includes financial literacy and business development training as well as marketing support and access to a comprehensive resource network.

Technology Ventures Corporation (TVC) – While TVC’s usual focus is startups, the program that was awarded the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship is all about supporting second stage companies as they grow into new markets and create jobs here at home.

albuquerquefoundation.org entrepreneurshipforprizemayor’s

TVC is providing participating companies with critical raw resources—like access to behind-the-fence technology from the laboratories and second stage capital—while also engaging in guided practice and high levels of support as businesses confront new challenges like preparing for acquisition or confronting new HR needs.

Global Ties ABQ – Global Ties ABQ, previously known as the Albuquerque Council for International Visitors, is dedicated to building bridges between New Mexicans and emerging leaders from around the world. With the help of the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship, Global Ties ABQ is implementing a new pilot program—called the Global Innovator Program—focused not on receiving visitors from abroad, but rather on preparing Albuquerque’s own to break through and succeed in the international marketplace.

The Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship is a new partnership between the Foundation, the City of Albuquerque and the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. The prize, which amounted to $200,000 in 2015, seeks to support bold ideas that create and grow new companies in Albuquerque, but through the lens of mission-driven


Albuquerque Community YearoutJenniferMimiSoundNancyKathleenPeacockMaestasKauffmanArthurMr.KelliAleliPamelaBeverlyBecketAnonymousLindaFoundation&CarlAlongiFamilyFoundation&PerryE.BendicksenIII&VictorChavez&BrianColón&KevinCooperGlennFellows&Ms.PatriciaHancock&SonjaGardenswartzFoundationDevelopmentGroupMyers,PC&WillRaskob&JerryJ.Roehl&SignalSystemsofNewMexico&WalterStern&DavidThomasCompanies The ENTREPRENEURSHIPcontributeddonorsfollowinghavetotheMAYOR’SPRIZEFOR MAYOR’S PRIZE ENTREPRENEURSHIPFOR WESST - Creative entrepreneurs learn to photograph their products for online Etsy sales. 47

All donors hope the fundraising events they attend will accomplish something meaningful with the funds raised. This is always evident with our annual gala event, Concours du Soleil, which ensures prosperous use of the proceeds with every passing year. This year, the Cinco Amigos, organizers of Concours du Soleil decided to focus on teen entrepreneurship, believing that investing in our city’s young people will contribute to a brighter future.


48 Teen Start-Up Weekend - Bosque School Junior Achievement CNM for the STEMulus Center Epicenter @ InnovateABQ Microsoft DigiCamps Support Grants Albuquerque Community Foundation UNM Formula SAE Program - Lobo Motorsports UNM Foundation for Law School Scholarships Future Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation

Teen GrantsEntrepreneurshipwereawarded to the following:

Teen startup programs, business plan competitions, mentorship and school-based entrepreneurship curriculums ensure that teens will enter the workforce with skills and Thisconfidence.year'sevent netted $207,000. Being that Concours du Soleil is one of the Foundation's Now and Forever Funds, a portion of the proceeds were added to the Cinco Amigo Fund of the Foundation.

Concours du Soleil

SponsorsPresenting Sponsor

Cook &

Boule Mrs. Joan Bowen Susanne

Anonymous (9) Mr. & Mrs. Ron Abramshe Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ackerman Ms. JoAnne Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andes Atkinson Mr. C. David Bedford Mr. & Mrs. Perry E. Bendicksen III Ms. Nancy M. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Dale Berglund Ralph Berkowitz Don Blaugrund Mr. & Ms. Bernie Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Ms. Claudia Bloom-Darby C. B. Ms. Gwen Mrs. Cavett-Walden L. Ms. Roberta J. Buell Mrs. Warren B. Cox Dr. Sue Forster-Cox Henry C. & Sarah B. Dennis Sally Denzer William & Lilian Dolde Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. LauriMooreEbel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel • Dr. Sterling & Ann Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian Esquibel Ms. Nada Fahnestock • Goldina Moise Fine Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Ms. Nancy Furbush Mr. Richard E. Gault Mrs. Mildred Gauntt Hall Ms. Sarah M. Geiger Gary & Terri Giron-Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb Ms. Jeanne Grealish Mrs. Ginger Grossetete Mr. Howard W. Henry Mr. Kreg Hill • Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks • Mrs. Keziah S. Hoyt • Mrs. Molly Huber Mrs. Alice P. Irvin • Robert W. Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kleweno • Leona Kohlhaas Edith & Kurt Kubie John F & Mae Lark • Anne B. LIttle Ms. Shirley Lambert Mr. Robert Loughridge Ms. Ann Lucero Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory Mr. William F. Mann Mr. & Mrs. Paul Marianetti Ms. Jean Marshall • Ms. Patricia L. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller Mr. Marion Lee Miller Steven K. & Beth M. Moise Dr. Frank & Dr. Dianna Montoya Mrs. Mary W. Nuñez Kathy Oakley & Doug Edgar Mr. David Oberg George Clayton Pearl Ms. Laree E. Perez Mrs. Mary Poole Mrs. Nancy Anderson Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert Betty Virginia Rynd Jane P. Sandoval June D. Schutzberger T.J. & Mary Ray Sivley Ms. Myrna Smyer & Mr. Carlton Canady Carl F. Scott Mr. & Mrs. William Snead Mr. Robert J. Stamm Sterling Ms. Sally Storrs Mrs. Marilyn Strauss Drs. David & Cynthia Stuart Shirley Sussman Spiewak Rev. A.W. Tarbell Templeton Frederick D. & Jeanne M. Trauger Mrs. Valerie Trujillo Ms. Karin Urban Mrs. Mary S. Utsinger Mrs. Betty Vortman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vosburgh Ms. Diane K. Yanney Nelita Walter Lucy Ann Warner Nathan Wineberg Clifton Elbert “Woody” & Dixie Woodcock H. Zeuch & Nena Joy Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zimmer

Joe Cotruzzola Mr.




The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation’s founders and its first board president, is designed to make Albuquerque a better place to call home for future generations. It is our city, both as it is today and as we envision it in the future. The Society recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our community by naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments. We appreciate our Society members’ foresight, generosity and thoughtfulness. When Heritage Society donors create a gift of this kind, they do so because they believe in Albuquerque, in its potential and in the great power of its people. Their donations will undoubtedly make a difference in the future of our city. Acknowledging Society members is our simple way of acknowledging future benevolence. We also appreciate the gifts of those who wish to remain anonymous.

Donald Carnicom • Peggy

• Remembered Heritage Society HERITAGE SOCIETY

Cameron Mr. &


• Frances Joy Dazzo •

Brown •


James & Diane Bonnell • Robert

Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. &

• Gordon Church • Jack Clem • Robert & Barbara Clemmensen • Walter & Shirley Cohen • Minnie Condey Gooch Hall • David Cooper Mr. James


Ted and Margaret Jorgensen 51

Ted and Margaret place a great degree of importance on cultivating the spirit of giving with their family and community. The couple’s children helped spur their desire to give back and create greater good in the world we all live in. Their giving eventually grew and expanded to many different local causes and organizations. Most recently, friends and family who have been affected by cancer, inspired them to support the new Ted and Margaret Jorgensen Cancer Center at Presbyterian Rust Medical in Rio Rancho.

Ted and Margaret Jorgensen are longtime Albuquerque residents who are truly invested in the power and the potential of their community. Born to New Mexicans in Arizona, as children they moved to New Mexico, Margaret to Red River and Ted to Albuquerque. Both fathers worked in mining; Ted’s father, Al, eventually became a local plumber. Ted graduated from Albuquerque High School and quickly began a busy life as a husband, father and businessInman.1963, Ted opened Titan Electric. In 1974, he founded Sound and Signal Systems of New Mexico, a specialty systems low-voltage contractor providing life safety systems. Ted and Margaret were focused on raising their family, and as their extremely successful company grew, their desire to share their good fortune grew, too.

Today, Ted and Margaret live in the beautiful North Valley of Albuquerque where they raised their children, grew their businesses and continue to contribute their time and energy to causes they care about. We’re honored to hold the Margaret & Ted Jorgensen Endowment Funds. The support of these strong, committed givers make it possible for us to help support the safe, healthy and exceptional community that Ted and Margaret envision for their family—and for us.

We can help you turn a home, a business or land into a charitable gift.

For 34 years, the Foundation has served as a trusted philanthropic advisor for individuals, families and businesses. We assist you whenever and however you need us, providing solutions and services tailored to you and your objectives. We also work in conjunction with our community partners, grantees and other interested groups to discover how every dollar donated can make the most impact in the community.

These classic charitable gifts are easy and effective. Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds

Life Insurance

Getting Started

Place cash or property into a trust that pays a fixed amount to the Foundation. You can select the trust to pay the Foundation for as many or as few years as you select. Once the period ends, the assets held by the trust are transferred to the beneficiaries you name. In some cases, you can receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.

Our work leads us to many discoveries here in Albuquerque. And one of the things we’ve learned is that giving is personal—visions for the future are often connected with individual values and goals. The Foundation is dedicated to working with you to create a charitable giving experience special to you, addresses your concerns and makes it easy to engage with your community as a philanthropist. We will help you give in a way that’s both deeply meaningful and effective.


Real Estate

Retirement Account

Because retirement plan withdrawals are double-taxed, the value of the plan is decreased for your heirs. Consider providing other assets to your heirs and naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts. This will allow you to both avoid taxes and preserve your assets for the good of your community.

Cash, check or credit card

Naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as a beneficiary of your insurance policy enables you to create a charitable legacy without using cash and other assets you may want to go to your heirs. The process is simple: purchase a policy, make the Foundation the owner and beneficiary and then make a gift to the Foundation in the amount of the annual premium. Then, you take that amount as an annual tax deduction.

You may name the Albuquerque Community Foundation as sole beneficiary of your policy, transfer ownership and receive a tax deduction for the policy’s cash value.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Life Insurance

Charitable Lead Trust


Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds result in a charitable deduction for the full market value of the donated asset, even if you bought it for far less, and help you avoid capital gains tax.

Becoming a Philanthropist

The simplest gift is a bequest in your will or trust that directs specific assets or a percentage of your estate to your fund at the Foundation. This can be used to establish a fund or to be added to an existing fund. A bequest will reduce estate taxes and grow your charitable legacy.

A variety of fund types we offer allow your gift to benefit the programs, individuals, focus areas or organizations you care about. Funds can be created in as little as one meeting and grown over a two—to five-year period. Additional tax-deductible gifts can be made at any time.

Place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you (or another named beneficiary) for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the Foundation and is placed into the charitable fund you’ve selected. You receive income tax benefits for the year in which you establish your trust.

Give Tomorrow

Charitable Bequest

Assist students pursuing education through scholarship or financial aid awards. You suggest eligibility criteria based on high school, college, merit, need, field of study or other interests.

You may contribute to the collective giving effort of the Impact Fund, joining with other donors to achieve the greatest possible impact or you can establish your own Impact Fund. These gifts allow the Foundation to invest in the most effective organizations in a specific impact area selected each year.

Fund Types

A group contributes to a single fund focused on a shared cause, with grants recommended by a member or representative advisory committee.

Donor-Advised Fund

Becoming a Philanthropist philanthropistabecoming 53

Student Aid Fund

Field-of-Interest Fund

Donor-Designated Fund

Endow your partnership with the Foundation by creating an administrative fund that will support the work of the Foundation forever. Impact Fund

Now & Forever Fund

This option is ideal for those who wish to play an active role in supporting multiple organizations and programs throughout the year. Our staff can help identify organizations and programs, ensure their charitable status, provide grantmaking and administrative support.

Administrative Fund

Collaborative Fund

Grants from these funds provide a reliable annual income stream to one or more of your favorite organizations, forever.

You can select one of the Foundation’s interest areas—Arts & Culture; Economic & Workforce Development; Education; Environmental & Historic Preservation; Health and Human Services. Through the competitive grant program, the Foundation awards grants to effective organizations and programs in your selected field.

For those who want to see their philanthropic dollars make both an immediate and a perpetual impact, this is the perfect vehicle. Half of the annual contributions are available to fund grants now, the other half are added to the Forever fund for annual distributions in line with the Foundation’s current distribution policy.

Community support is crucial to the Foundation. Our work would not be possible without our Partners in Philanthropy. These generous donors support the Foundation’s operations so that we can devote our attention to our community and our grantees. They invest in us, so that we can invest in others. These donors exemplify and embody the notion of community support, making this place we call home truly remarkable. Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us achieve our goal of supporting Albuquerque through philanthropy.

Partners in Philanthropy

The following donors have elected to support the Foundation's operations in perpetuity through the establishment of an endowed administrative fund: Administrative Funds 624 Champion Building Fund, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ackerman Albuquerque Community Foundation Administrative Fund, 2005 Christopher Rustay Bank of America Fund, 1994 Bradbury Stamm Administrative Fund, 2002 Doug & Sarah Brown Administrative Fund, 2004 Frank Gorham, Jr. Fund, 1989

Laura Hueter Bass Fund for Administrative Excellence, 2006

Moise Family Administrative Fund, 1997 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Administrative Fund, 1989 Nancy Anderson Roberts Administrative Fund, 1983 Peltier, Gustafson & Miller PA Fund, 1996 In memory of John Keller: Peltier, Gustafson & Miller, PA Ray & Barbara Zimmer Fund, 1989 Robert & Ann Clark Administrative Fund, 1991 Susanne B. Brown Administrative Fund, 1989 Theodore R. Brown Administrative Fund, 1983 Walter E. & Shelley Cohen Fund for Albuquerque Community Foundation, 2013 Wells Fargo Bank Administrative Fund, 1994

inpartners philanthropy 54

Jeff & Janet Sterba Partners in Philanthropy Fund, Laura2014& Zack Clem, Jr. Fund, 2007

Neal** Dr.







Mr. & Mrs. Mark Humphrey* Wilson Hurley** League of Albuquerque** Carolyn M. Martinez & Mrs. Stan Mason* Joan McDougall & Mrs. John T. McMahon** Muldawer Leslie E. & Mrs. Anthony Pachelli* Stephen Royce Esq.** Ann Ryan** Mr. & Mrs. Randy Talbot** Mr. & Mrs. Tony Trujillo* Uhlenhuth, MD** Mr. & Mrs. David E. Weymouth*







55 2015 Donors Community Builder $2,500 + Benefactor $1,000-$2,499 *Five – nine years as a Partner in Philanthropy ** Ten or more years as a Partner in Philanthropy continued COMMUNITY BUILDER BENEFACTOR Carl & Linda Alongi** Karen & Chris Bard* Beverly & Perry Bendicksen** Will & Elaine Chapman** Aleli & Brian Colón Mrs. Sue M. Daulton** William & Suzanne Ebel** Mr. Robert G. Frank Glenn Fellows & Patricia Handcock Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon** Mark & Ingrid Gorham** Julie Weaks Gutiérrez & Alberto Gutiérrez Albert T. (Ted) & Margaret Jorgensen* Steven & Janis Keene Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kinsella** Pam Hurd-Knief & Ron Knief William & Elizabeth Lang** Mr. & Mrs. Greg Leyendecker Kenneth Leach & Hazel Tull-Leach Steve & Debbie Maestas* Bev & Lennard McMillan* Marcus Mims Mr. & Mrs. Martin Mondlick** Diane Harrison Ogawa & Greg Ogawa** Deborah Peacock & Nathan Korn Kathleen & Will Raskob Ron & Adrienne Rivera** Jerrald & Nancy Roehl* Walter & Mimi Stern* Jennifer & David Thomas** Peter & Alicia Touche Kevin & Lian Yearout* Lee NancyMrs.TheMr.Mr.VanDebbieDr.DavidSteveBlaugrund**&JudyChreist**&MaryColton**Jan&NormCorzine**&DavidDozier*&SandraGilbert*&Mrs.LowellA.Hare*&Mrs.KeithHartnettHonorableHarrisL.Hartz*MaryHerringStamm**Herring&MatthewSegura*


Lauri Dr.SharonEbelGross**&Mrs.Roger Hagengruber**


Connie & Doug Henry –in memory of Henry C. & Sarah B. Dennis Dr. & Mrs. James R. Hutchison* Independent Community Foundation Mrs. Alice P. Irvin** Greta & Tom Keleher** Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly* Ms. Jeron Kerwin Frank & Judy Love** Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory** Kathleen & Andrew Metzger* Jim Mills & Peggy Sanchez Mills* Ms. Shirley Morrison & Dr. Cornelis Klein** Mark & Marsha Napolin*

Albert & Shanna Narath* Hon. & Mrs. James Parker* Dr. Robert & Kathleen Reidy* Mike & Janice McCrary Rice** Jeff & Peggy Roberts* Estelle H. Rosenblum** Ms. María Griego-Raby & Mr. Randy Royster** Claudia & Ron Short** Julie Silverman* Dr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Stark** Jim ChuckMrs.Mr.Mrs.Templeton**CorinneThevenet**RobertP.TinninJr.**CarolTuckerTrelease**&J.D.Wellborn**

Berta Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender** Dr. David Bernstein & Erika Rimson** Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bickes Jr.** Alan & Bronnie Blaugrund** James & Diane Bonnell* Mr. Wallace J. Bow Mr. Wesley A. Burghardt Ms. Mary Ellen S. Capek Ms. Pepper Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Hap

56 PARTNERS $500-$999 FRIENDS up to $499

Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed, or is misspelled, please accept our apologies & contact us so that we have correct information for future publications. continued from previous page Mr. Rudolfo Anaya**

Crawford Dr. & Mrs. Phillip Dayin honor of Kelli Cooper Mr. Barton Darrow** Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Espat** Mr. & Mrs. Gary Eyster* Mr. Franklin Fine & Mrs. Leslee Richards Fine** Dr. Daniel B. Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Jim HaKeem C.A. DavidHennings&Stephanie Kauffman** Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelly** Stephen & Renee Klein* Ms. Sarah B. Kotchian & Mr. Robert O.Nellums* Matrix Medical – Emil & Lori Ashe* Michael Nutkiewicz & Joan Weissman Ms. April M. Padilla Calla Ann Mr.JudyMs.AndrewRayThomasChristopherPepmuellerRustay*C.Schwab&PamelaB.Donegan&MaureenTrujillo**T.&CarolH.Watson*NancyL.WoodZanotti&DavidDavis*EmmanuelZupko* *Five – nine years as a Partner in Philanthropy ** Ten or more years as a Partner in Philanthropy PARTNERS IN PHILANTHROPY

The Trolley Tours are a big hit with participants; one of our generous donors said she was “amazed at the knowledge, competence and passion of all the places and people we visited today.” What a gift it is to have the opportunity to connect our contributors with the real and thriving communities they fund. What a great way to celebrate the place we call home.

We spent time at each organization, talking to the leaders, the staff and the people the organization serves.

Jump Aboard a Trolley Tour


In 2015, the creative minds at the Foundation came up with a fun, social way for donors to see and experience the work of our nonprofits: Trolley Tours! We loaded up the “ABQ Trolley” with donors and community leaders and spent time cruising the streets of our city, visiting some of our neighborhood nonprofits. The intention behind the sunny, open-air tours are to help our donors connect with the organizations we support, seeing them and their work in an up close and personal way. Later in the year, Molina Healthcare relocated to downtown Albuquerque. Being a good neighbor, Molina provided transportation in their employee van for one of our tours.

2015 brought our third annual Great Grant Giveaway! 58 Featured organizations: Albuquerque Meals on Wheels • Albuquerque Youth Symphony New Mexico Water Collaborative • Paws and Stripes PB&J Family Services • ABQid

Albuquerque Youth Symphony $13,525


PB&J Family services helps at-risk children to grow and develop to their full potential in nurturing families within a supportive community. With the support of the Great Grant Giveaway, PB&J continues to work with families to break multi-generational cycles of violence, abuse, neglect and incarceration. Through its community and education programs, PB&J ensures children have transportation to school, meals and access to rich cultural experiences in Albuquerque, likeExplora!, Keshet's "Nutcracker" performance, hikes in the Bosque and programs at the National Hispanic Cultural Center.


Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $16,450

As the only organization providing seven different types of medically tailored meals to seniors and home-bound individuals, Meals on Wheels used Great Grant Giveaway funds to support doubling their food production over the next 2-3 years. By increasing their production, Meals on Wheels can serve more people both by providing nutritious food and offering companionship, which is at times the only interaction their clients have with members of the community and breaks the isolation and loneliness from which so many homebound people suffer.

The New Mexico Water Collaborative is dedicated to the reduction of water footprints for communities in New Mexico. The Great Grant Giveaway supported the Mill Pond Reuse Project, an onsite waste water treatment system currently under construction, that will treat up to 2,000 gallons of waste water from a new multi-family housing building within Sawmill Village in Albuquerque. This collaborative project will result in an urban greenspace with a zero water footprint, meaning no fresh water will be used to sustain this community park.

ABQid $10,200 ABQid understands that a key component to changing New Mexico's economy is to grow our own business and support the highly talented, motivated and visionary entrepreneurs in Albuquerque. The Great Grant Giveaway supported ABQid's accelerator program that cultivates and nurtures the start-up community and helps to develop ideas into full businesses rooted in Albuquerque's expanding economic landscape. Grant

Paws and Stripes $21,650

The Albuquerque Youth Symphony provides opportunities for more than 550 young musicians to grow and learn through advanced music education and musical performances. Understanding that not every student has the means to enroll in the Albuquerque Youth Symphony, the program subsidizes tuition for 115 students. Funds from the Great Grant Giveaway, allow the Albuquerque Youth Symphony to continue off-setting tuition costs for many of the city's most talented and promising young, symphonic musicians.

New Mexico Water Collaborative $12,800

Paws & Stripes provides service dogs for wounded military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury through integrating service dog training and education with mental health support. In this unique model, dogs are rescued from shelters and trained to help veterans live fuller, richer lives. Funding from the Great Grant Giveaway has supported counseling, weekly workshops, dog selections and on-call support for veterans and their families.


PB&J Family Services $15,650

Featured Organizations 2015 brought us our third annual Great Grant Giveaway, the meeting event that makes charitable giving even more fun and exciting. Six nonprofits from each of our six fields-of-interest are highlighted with video presentations. Then, each table of attendees is given a $500 check to award to their favorite organization.

John L. (Jack)

Past recipients of this award:

Jack TheCalvinHolmesHornJuniorLeague

of Albuquerque William P. Lang Gloria Griffin Mallory Paul and Patti Marianetti Ina StevenMillerK. Moise Connie and Jan Nellos

Since that time, they have made 243 grants from their fund! They are true donor partners and have been important to the Foundation’s growth and development. 2016 will mark the Swift’s 65th wedding anniversary! Jane & Doug selected Roadrunner Food Bank for the $1,000 grant in their name.



Founder’s Award Jane & Doug Swift Award Programs AWARDS

Bob RayLarryStammWillardZimmer

Barbara Allender The Clinton P. Anderson Family The Emanuel Blaugrund Family Lee YeiSusanneDouglasBlaugrundM.BrownB.BrownGorham&theGorham Family Sheilah Purcell-Garcia

This year, we are pleased to recognize two very special individuals who are well known and loved throughout the community. Jane and Doug Swift have demonstrated a lifelong commitment to Albuquerque. While raising six children, Jane and Doug, like many parents, volunteered for youth-oriented organizations, such as PTAs and the Boy Scouts. They didn’t stop there. They found time to serve on the boards of Opera Southwest, New Mexico Ballet Company, and Albuquerque Arts Alliance just to name a few. In 1997, they established the Jane and Doug Swift Fund for Art and Education.

George Mary RobertaPooleCooper Ramo


Andy Najar, Catholic Charities

Lydia Vandiver, Albuquerque SANE Collaborative

Jahaan Martin, Breast Cancer Resource Center

Karen Navarro, St. Martin's Hospitality Center

Carmel Merryman

There is a "best and brightest" in every field — a diligent person who goes the extra mile, who inspires others to flourish in their own right. Here is a short paragraph from the nomination letter of this year's winner... “Carmel brings joy to the household and is gifted to always find the good in any situation. She changes the lives of women up close and personal, each and every day. She truly is one of our most precious gifts!”


This year’s Change Award is awarded to Carmel Merryman of the Precious Gifts Foundation. Carmel selected Precious Gifts Foundation for a $1,000 grant in her name. Past recipients of this award: Randi Malach, Abrazos Family Support Services

Katrina Owensby, New Life Homes

Chandler Smith-Stetson, Albuquerque Heading Home


Change Award


For the Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2015

* These numbers include Agency Fund contributions and grants. The objective of the Foundation’s investment program is to produce growth and income sufficient to support both donor goals and Foundation objectives and to maintain the purchasing power of the fund for future beneficiaries.

Financial Summary & Highlights Community Foundation Foundation’s Foundation’s

This financial information (below) reflects highlights of the calendar year 2015’s unaudited financial statements. Our most recent audited financial statements with accompanying notes and report from an independent auditor are available on our website at albuquerquefoundation.org.

The long-term total return need of the

portfolio is CPI plus the current spending policy rate, plus the

The Finance Committee oversees the accounting process and system of internal controls. The Finance Committee is also responsible for overseeing the audit process. The Investment Committee oversees all aspects of the investment program to ensure assets are welldiversified with an asset allocation designed to meet the Foundation’s objectives. Our investment management summary, along with quarterly investment performance reports, are also available on our website.

average administrative fee. FINANCIALS $4.9$4.9MM CONTRIBUTIONSCONTRIBUTIONSTOTALTOTAL $5.9$5.9MM $4.5$4.5MM 12.31.11 12.31.12 12.31.13MillionsinDollars $2.5$2.5MM TOTAL GRANTSTOTAL GRANTS $3.2$3.2MM $2.6$2.6MM 12.31.11 12.31.12 12.31.13MillionsinDollars



63FINANCIALS $4.8$4.8MM $7.7$7.7MM 12.31.14 12.31.15 $53.4$53.4MM TOTAL ASSETSTOTAL ASSETS $58.4M$58.4M $64.0$64.0MM $66.6M$66.6M 12.31.11 12.31.12 12.31.13 12.31.14 12.31.15 MillionsinDollars $3.0$3.0MM $4.7$4.7MM 12.31.14 12.31.15 ENDOWMENT RETURNSENDOWMENT RETURNS -4.7%-4.7% 3.7%3.7% 3.8%3.8% 1 YEAR 2 YEAR (0.6%) 3 YEAR 5 YEAR Pass-ThroughPass-Through25.6%25.6%Competitive GrantCompetitive6.7% Grant 6.7% Donor-AdvisedDonor-Advised40.2%40.2% AgencyAgency15.8%15.8%ACFDirected8.5%ACFDirected8.5%StudentStudent3.2%AidAid3.2% 2015 GRANTS2015 GRANTS Arts & Culture $58,412 Economic & Workforce Development $15,000 Education $34,769 Environmental & Historic Preservation HumanHealth$60,056$63,811Services$83,337 GrantsField-of-Interest $67.7M$67.7M

64 Albuquerque is a city of great vision, passion and leadership. These qualities are hallmarks of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, a group of dedicated individuals who invest in our community with their talent, treasure and time. Each trustee serves a three year term contributing a minimum gift of $5,000 per year toward the Foundation’s operating expenses. Beverly R. Bendickson, Southwest Brands Carl REDWChair-ElectAlongi,LLC William E. MutualNorthwesternEbel,Brian Colón, Esq., Robles, Rael, & Anaya, P.C. Terri GenQuest,Giron-Gordon,Inc. Mark L. Gorham, Lorelei Investments Pam PhilanthropicHurd-Kneif,Advisor Albert T. SystemsSoundTitan,Jorgensen,(Ted)Inc.&&SignalofNew Mexico Steve Keene, Moss Adams LLP William P. AlbuquerqueLang,Journal Kenneth C. Leach, Kenneth C. Leach & Associates P.C. Julie Weaks Gutiérrez, Geolex,TreasurerInc. Glenn SMPCSecretaryFellows,Architects Karen Bard, Merrill Lynch BOARD OF TRUSTEES Jennifer Thomas, BankChair Albuquerqueof 2015 Board of Trustees

Emeritus Board of the Foundation is

The Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of volunteers who demonstrate a lasting commitment to Albuquerque through productive conversation, passionate support and philanthropic investment. are bold and visionary, leading the way forward to place call home.


who have demonstrated long and distinguished service and contributed significant and

in 2015, James N. King Lee VictorDouglasCurtisRobertBlaugrundBovinetteBrewerM.BrownJ.Chavez Robert M. Goodman María Griego-Raby Karl GloriaShirleyCindyGustafsonJohnsLeslieMallory Steven K. Moise Mary Poole Barry W. Ramo Roberta Cooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust John Salazar Robert J. Stamm Jeffry E. Sterba Barbara Trythall Larry RayMichaelWillardWalkerZimmer Steve Co.MaestasMaestas,DevelopmentKathleenRaskob,JuniorLeagueofAlbuquerque Bev REDWRonAllianceMcMillan,DataJ.Rivera,LLC Jerrald J. Roehl, The Roehl Law Firm P.C. Walter E. Stern, Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk P.A. Peter SandiaTouche,MediaLLC Marcus CliftonLarsonAllenMims, LLP Diane Harrison Ogawa, PNM FoundationResources Deborah Peacock, Peacock & Myers P.C. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Kevin Yearout, Past YearoutChairCompanies




invest in the

to the Foundation.


The comprised of trustees ongoing financial support


we are committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in all things we do. Member of: The Council on Foundations CF CommunityLeads Foundation Coalition of New Mexico New Mexico Estate Planning Council Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Development Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Forum Confirmed in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations ALBUQUERQUE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Kelli Cooper Vice PhilanthropicPresidentServices Randy PresidentRoyster&CEO Gabriela PhilanthropicGómezServicesDonors - Grants Joanna PhilanthropicColangeloServicesGrants Advisor & Community Outreachbeginning 7/1/15 Denise PhilanthropicNavaServicesScholarships Sandy PhilanthropicMweiServicesDonor Relations Andy CommunicationsWilliams Associate through 9/30/15 Maureen AccountantMartinick AlbuquerqueFoundationCommunityStaff Nancy Johnson Grant Director through 7/31/15

The Foundation maintains a system of designed to provide and in all material respects, assets are safeguarded established policies and procedures are carefully followed. As the community's foundation,


Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed or is misspelled in this please accept our apologies contact so that correct information

internal accounting controls



we have

responsible assurance that transactions are properly executed

for future publications.



Foundation.theofworkthesupporttolikeI’d ofdonationmyisEnclosed $____________________. law.byallowedmaximumthetodeductibletaxaregiftsAll Payment: MasterCardCheck ExpressAmericanVisa albuquerquefoundation.orgatOnline to:payablecheckyourMake FoundationCommunityAlbuquerque publications:inlistedbeshoulditasName anonymousremaintopreferI _________________________________________ #____________________________________Card ______________________________cardonName___________________________________Address _____________________________dateExpiration______________________State________ZipCity ______________________________CodeSecurityEmail:____________________________________ _________________________________Signature)______________________________(____Phone $1,000ClubGivingSocial programdonoryoungFundFutureFor more)or$200ofgift(a EndowmentBuildingChampion624 Fund throughcomewillcontributionMy Way.UnitedFoundationCommunityAlbuquerqueto:formcompletedthismailPlease 87125-5266NMAlbuquerque,25266BoxP.O. ininterestedamIme,contactPlease orgiftplannedaaboutmorelearning fund.donor-advised Name:___________________________ )_____________________(____Phone ___________________________email: is:GiftMy Unrestricted pressingmostthemeettogiftmy(Use needs) :thetoaddedbeTo PhilanthropyinPartner $2,500+BuilderCommunity $2,499-$1,000Benefactor $999-$500Partner $499toupgiftanyFriend $1,000RooftheRaise FundCulture&Arts FundAdministrative FundDevelopmentWorkforce&Economic FundEducation (EnvironmentalMexicoNewofFundPreservation Preservation)Historic& FundServicesHuman&Health FundImpact FundActionEmergency the Foundation appreciates GIFTS of allsizes. We have an for anyone wanting to support the long term needs of the Please contact our office for more details ALBUQUERQUEOPPORTUNITYCOMMUNITY 505.883.6240

Aimee received excellent physical, speech, occupational and individual therapy and made incredible progress both medically and developmentally. Aimee has endured many surgeries and is learning how to walk after two hip replacements. She’s even learning Braille and sign language. Her foster family proudly adopted her earlier this year. Through ARCA’s customized care, Aimee has been able to grow, thrive and amaze her caregivers with her perseverance and resilience. 68

ARCA ARCA helps Albuquerque-area children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities live rich, healthy and fulfilling lives. The organization provides education, recreation, nursing, nutrition, vocational training, foster care and additional services to over 630 individuals each year. ARCA values developmentally-disabled people and the contributions they make to our community.

ARCA’s support even helps create families. Aimee, a little girl who was diagnosed with Shaken Baby Syndrome and PTSD as an infant, came to ARCA at age six. She began at ARCA suffering from seizures and sleep apnea, after undergoing multiple surgeries to alleviate her traumatic brain injury and other health problems. Through ARCA, she was welcomed into a foster family.

2015 Corporate Partners Bradbury Stamm Construction, Inc. Contract Associates, Inc . EnvisionIT LoPour & Associates DDS Linton & Associates LLC New Mexico Mutual Charles Stephen Peacock Myers, P.C. The Payroll Company Partner • Up to $2,500 Ambassador • $10,000 Benefactor • $5,000 Champion • $25,000 Lorelei Investments CORPORATE PHILANTHROPY

Corporate Philanthropy

In today’s world, customers and clients want to do business with companies that help make their communities better places and Supporting the Foundation sends a visible message to your current and prospective employees and customers that you care about your community and want to be a part of positive change. When you invest in the Albuquerque Community Foundation, you create a win-win partnership that benefits your company, the Foundation and your home of Albuquerque. Your foresight helps to improve the community for your employees and customers alike.

to live, work


624 Tijeras NW • Albuquerque, NM 87102 • 505.883.6240 • albuquerquefoundation.org • At the Albuquerque Community Foundation we help people invest in the extraordinary community we call home. The Foundation supports individuals and groups as they make long-term differences for the causes they care about. We work to support local organizations that are contributing to the health, education, youth, arts, animal welfare, environment and economic development in SinceAlbuquerque.1981, we’ve been helping individuals and families establish permanent funds to support our community. We also make grant investments to organizations that envision a stronger, more vibrant future for us all. Today, we manage nearly $70 million of community assets that help support the Greater Albuquerque area. Alone, we can contribute, but together we can transform this community and make it an even more beautiful home for us all. ALBUQUERQUE COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONALBUQUERQUE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION

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