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Competitive Grants



Albuquerque Center for Hope and Recovery $4,846 Funding will support operating costs to employ a part-time job developer to enhance services to members of the community with barriers to employment and further educate and empower individuals facing co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues.
Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless $7,800 Funding to support the Expanded Health Campus and Resource Center to help people experiencing homelessness.
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $11,830 Funding will provide 1,820 medically-tailored meals for low-income individuals with severe medical illness and dietary restrictions.
Albuquerque Philharmonic $7,500 Funding to support eleven live performances throughout Albuquerque and Rio Rancho at no cost to the public.
All Faiths $15,000 Funding will support the Family Wellness Program that provides behavioral support to children who have experienced trauma while also working with their caregivers to address their own histories of trauma.
Animal Humane New Mexico $9,211 Funding will support the Senior Pet Owner Veterinary Fund to help seniors in caring for their pets.
APS Title 1 Homeless Project $8,000 Funding will support the Career Kids afterschool tutoring program for homeless elementary school students.
Art in the School $7,500 Funding will support two programs: 1. afterschool art program at Title 1 elementary schools for low-income children; 2. professional development workshop for certified teachers, teaching them to include art in their instruction to enhance the core curriculum.
Assistance League of Albuquerque $10,000 Funding will support Operation School Bell in providing new uniform clothing to over 4,200 low-income school children and providing books and materials to two APS schools.
Audubon NM $12,500 Funding to support an Audubon educator collaborating with Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge in the delivery of Audubon’s “Birds of a Feather” programming to all 4th grade classrooms at four South Valley schools for the upcoming school year, doubling the environmental educational programming.
Bosque School BEMP $9,687 Funding will support bus and transportation needed for Albuquerque elementary, middle and high schoolers from partner public schools to participate in BEMP education and field experiences in the bosque throughout the school year. Bosque School – Horizons $10,000 Funding will support the addition of one grade which will bring enrollment to 65 students. Funding will also support two new summer grades for 2016.
Boys & Girls Club of Central New Mexico $5,019 Funding will support STEM afterschool programs for Club members ages 5-18.
Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $3,750 Funding will support the T.E.A.C.H Scholar Program to enable low-income teachers to attend early childhood education college courses.
Crossroads for Women $21,080 Funding will support operational expansion while Crossroads provides integrated services to women working to break the cycle of homelessness and incarceration.
Dental Care in Your Home $8,931 Funding will allow for more part-time dental hygienists and dentists to see patients who are unable to leave their homes for dental care.
Enlace Comunitario $10,000 Funding will support the initiation of Enlace’s pilot Batterers Intervention Program to work with men in eliminating domestic violence in the Spanish-speaking Latino immigrant community.
Environmental Education Association $7,775 Funding will support a teacher training using the Places We Live curriculum, which provides an introduction to local community planning and a second workshop to build a water harvesting feature at School on Wheels’ campus.
Escuela del Sol (Harwood Art Center) $10,000 Funding will support the Creative Roots program, which offers 6-15 free arts learning, leadership, exhibition and engagement opportunities for low-income youth.
Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center $2,700 Funding will allow for 3 to 5 year-old children attending Cuidando Los Ninos Preschool for the Homeless to receive 16 interactive, outdoor, nature and science-related classes.
Hawks Aloft $9,000 Funding will support the Living with the Landscape Program, which partners with five Title I schools in Albuquerque and ensures that each student at the schools will interact with birds of prey.
Keshet Dance Company $10,000 Funding will support a mentorship program which exposes incarcerated and paroling youth to a wide range of movement and music styles, while using arts to reduce recidivism rates.

National Dance Institute New Mexico $5,000 Funding will be used to serve over 2,500 predominantly low-income children in afterschool and summer programs that provide high quality and intensive arts and dance programs.
New Mexico Center for Law and Poverty $10,000 Funding will increase access to the TANF cash assistance program for low-income Albuquerque children and families.
New Mexico Jazz Workshop $8,412 Funding will support the Empowerment through Music workshop, which serves low-income, at-risk and incarcerated youth.
NM Wilderness Alliance $7,500 Funding will allow NM Wilderness Alliance to partner with the Cibola National Forest, Sandia Ranger District in leading a range of volunteer service projects that include fence repair, graffiti removal and trail maintenance.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $7,500 Funding will support the Clients in Need program at three Planned Parenthood sites in Albuquerque. The Clients in Need program offers low or no cost healthcare for patients seeking reproductive health services.
Presbyterian Ear Institute $12,750 Funding will be used to purchase equipment to ensure infants with hearing aids are hearing at optimal levels for speech understanding, language learning and overall communications.
Sandoval County CASA $3,200 Funding will be utilized to train and supervise eight new CASA volunteer advocates who will be assigned to foster care abuse and neglect cases.
South Valley Economic Development Center $15,000 Funding to support the hard-to-reach entrepreneurial population in the South Valley by making it easier for entrepreneurs to find the resources they need and expanding the Taza program as a gateway for newly engaged bilingual entrepreneurs.
Southwest Women’s Law Center $8,000 Funding will allow low-income women to learn the functional, useable skill of sewing to gain economic security and learn marketing and business models.
Talking Talons Youth Leadership $10,894 Funding will provide eleven field-based and five classroom-based environmental and wildlife education to APS Title I Homeless Project and low-income Community Center Youth. The Rock at Noon Day $5,000 Funding will support the feeding program by offering nutritious meals for 6,000+ homeless individuals.
The Storehouse $10,000 Funding will provide over 55,000 meals to low-income families with children.
Working Classroom $10,000 Funding will provide six, 30 hour art and theater workshops with integrated and supplemental academics and life skills support during afterschool street conservatory and summer art institute workshops.
“There’s no place like home . . . ”
from “The Wizard of Oz” –Dorothy
The grants listed above with a description of the project are made through the Foundation’s Competitive Grant Program. Other grants are listed throughout this report by program.