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Future Fund

o f t h e a l b u q u e r q u e
c ommunity fo undation
Grant Committee Co-Chairs, Rebecca Lujan & Skyler Wildenstein
Future Fund
Future Fund is a collaborative giving circle comprised of young leaders from various sectors who share the love of philanthropy and community engagement. Every member (or couple) contributes $200 annually to support worthy causes. Future Fund celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2017. In addition to granting $19,000 to local nonprofits, the group hosted several one-of-a-kind social events and volunteer activities.
In 2017, Future Fund focused on strengthening community partnerships with other young professional groups, such as Young Professionals of Albuquerque, Albuquerque Involved, Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of NM and UNM Young Alumni. Future Fund, along with these groups, co-hosted a lip sync competition at Marble Brewery and awarded a $1,000 grant check to the winner’s nonprofit of choice. Members also partnered with Albuquerque Involved to serve lunch to those in need at The Rock at NoonDay.
Explora To provide 30 paid internships a year for lowincome, culturally diverse high school students. ($5,790)
Best Buddies New Mexico To secure jobs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves. ($10,000)
$1,000 Horizons Albuquerque at Marble Mouth Off $1,000 Big Brothers Big Sisters $1,000 TenderLove Community Center $1,000 Saranam

Shane Acuff & Erin Murphy MaDonna Analla Amanda Aragon Paul Arellano & Cindy Chavez* Terri Nikole Baca Zach Baker Maralyn Beck Matthew Bernabe Julie Bernard & Lester Rodriguez Danelle Brennan Savanna Bridgwater Vincent & Svetlana Brothers Shawna Brown* Andrew & Jessica Bundy Lindsay N. Burkhard Melissa & Nicholas Callas Helena Campion Rathi & Ben Casey Israel Chavez Paul Chavez Adam Ciepiela Corey Cooper Thomas Cooper & Celeste Ranken Farah Council Katherine Cox Dea & Matt Crichton Katherine & Benjamin Davidson Sue Doucett Joy Dow Nicole Dozier Jessica Duncan A. Blair Dunn & Rebekah Preston Andre Durham & Katja Fitz Ray Ely Ian & Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington Allie Federici Cole & Kelcy Flanagan Jack Flicker Nicholas Ganjei Kristin Garcia Victor & Mia Garcia Amanda Giannini Gabriela Gómez Lisa & Ryan Goodman Jennifer Gordon Nick Gordon & Anna Mallory Billy & Rachel* Gupton Mariah Harrison & Aaron McCrea Sarah Hendrickson Annemarie C. Henton Christina Herrera Furst & Brandon Furst Jennifer & Jordan Herrington Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern Justin & Lauren Hyde Christopher Jaramillo* Chris & Brandy Jiron Rachel* & Andrew Johannsen Dan Kammler & Vivian Guzman Sara Keller Justin & Monica Kimbrough Chauna & Tyler King Aaron Kraft* & Monear Makvandi Seema Katiyar LaGree & Brooks LaGree Adelle Lees & Oskar Sajka Parker R. Leyendecker & Brittany Yocom Damian Libutti Derek Lin Amy* & David Liotta Virginia Loman Larissa Lozano Christina M. Lujan Rebecca Lujan* Amanda Marquez Mo Marwan Jill McGuire Erin Muffoletto Matt & Nikki Mulligan Denise N. Nava Hallee & John Nguyen David “Ben” Nolte Katie Ogawa & George Douglas Maureen O’Leary & Mike Buck* Mitchel Olson John Michael & MacKenzie Ordorica Anthony Ortiz Justin Owens Sandra Palomares & Brandon Vermillion Amanda & Yiannaki Pavlakos Lacee Peloquin Serena & Xavier Pettes Leslie Phinney Marshall Quam Matt & Kathryn Richards Adam Rios Kendall Rogers & Shilpa Reddy Jaymie Roybal Monique & Manny Rubio Rhiannon & Adan Samuel

Anna & Gabriel Sanchez Jessica Sanchez Sofia Sanchez Vince Sandoval Stephanie Santillanes & Marcus Garcia Christopher Schroeder & Crystal Avila Eric & Cynthia Schultz Danielle Silva David & Shelley Silverman Brett & Morgan Smith Tiffany & Justin Smyth Jasmine & Aaron Stromberg David Stroud & Matt Sandoval Sean Sullivan Alexandria Tavarez & Tyson Hafler Karie Taylor & Mike Montanez Trisha Terhar & Mary Lacy Kellie* & Charlie Tomlin Sonya B. Torrez Tri Trinh Taylor Trodden & Sal Gonzales Daniel O. Trujillo Richelle Urenda Lori Anne & Ron Vanaman John Varoz* Selene Vences-Ortiz & Nora Vences Mitch Vigil & Camaree Vigil Lorilynn Violanta* José Viramontes* Dathan & Jessica Weems Clint Wells Melody Wells Skyler* & Brittany Wildenstein