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Board of Trustees
back row (l-r): Marcus Mims, Ted Jorgensen, George Stanfield, Bill Ebel, Patrick Apodaca: Secretary, Beverly Bendicksen, Steve Keene: Past Chair, Steve Maestas, Rebecca Harrington, Ken Leach, Debbie Johnson front row: José Viramontes, Pam Hurd-Knief, Linda Parker, Arellana Barela Cordero, Julie Gutiérrez: Chair, Walter Stern: Chair-elect, Carl Alongi, Paul DiPaola not photographed: Bill Lang: Treasurer, Glenn Fellows, Ed Garcia, Kathleen Davis, Jerry Roehl, Anne Sapon
Albuquerque draws its strength from those passionate leaders who are committed to making our city the best it can be and inspire all of those around them to do the same. These leaders build connections in our community, meet challenges head-on and celebrate the great accomplishments that are always possible when people work together with a shared vision.
The Foundation’s Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated individuals who invest in our community with their talent, time and resources. Each trustee serves a three-year term, contributing a minimum gift of $5,000 per year toward the Foundation’s operating expenses.
The Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of volunteers who every day demonstrate forward-thinking, tough decision making, passionate support and philanthropic investment. They are bold and visionary—a team the Foundation is proud to call our own.
The Emeritus Board of the Foundation is comprised of former Trustees who have demonstrated long and distinguished service and contributed significant and ongoing financial support to the Foundation.
Lee Blaugrund Robert Bovinette Curtis Brewer Douglas M. Brown Victor J. Chavez Robert M. Goodman María Griego-Raby Karl Gustafson Cindy Johns James N. King Shirley Leslie Gloria Mallory Steven K. Moise Mary Poole Barry W. Ramo Roberta Cooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust John Salazar Robert J. Stamm Jeffry E. Sterba Chet Stewart Barbara Trythall Larry Willard Michael Walker Ray Zimmer