2 minute read
Ray Zimmer Heritage Society
The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation’s founders and its first Board President, is designed to make Albuquerque a place of stronger partnerships for generations to come. The Heritage Society connects the past, present and future. It recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our community by naming Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments.
Acknowledging Society members is our simple way of recognizing future benevolence.
Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. Ron Abramshe John & Kim Ackerman Ms. Gertrude E. Adams Ms. JoAnn Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andes Mr. Ron Beauchamp & Ms. Cecilia Navarrete Mr. C. David Bedford Beverly & Perry Bendicksen Ms. Nancy M. Berg Mrs. Fran Berglund Mr. & Ms. Bernie Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Ms. Claudia Bloom James & Diane Bonnell Mrs. Joan Bowen Susanne B. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Mr. James L. Cook & Ms. Roberta J. Buell Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cotruzzola Mr. Warren B. Cox & Dr. Sue Forster-Cox Tom & Jan Daulton Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Ms. Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian & Katie Esquibel Ms. Nada Fahnestock Ms. Nina Forrest Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Ms. Nancy Furbush & Brenda Nehring Ms. Sarah M. Geiger Mr. Larry Gilbert Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb Mr. & Mrs. Ray A. Graham III Ms. Jeanne Grealish Mrs. Ginger Grossetete Mr. Howard W. Henry Mr. Kreg Hill & Dr. William Christensen Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins Jane Jones Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kleweno Mr. Bryan Konefsky Ms. Amy Legant Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón Judy Bearden Love Kathleen “Nats” Lunde Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory Mr. Paul Marianetti Ms. Jean Marshall Ed & Jane McCullough Mr. Gary Miller Steven K. & Beth M. Moise Dr. Frank & Dr. Dianna Montoya Claudia & Robert Moraga Ron & Mary Moya Mrs. Mary W. Nuñez Kathy Oakley & Doug Edgar Mr. David Oberg Ms. Laree E. Perez Mrs. Mary Poole Mr. & Mrs. Russell Rhoades María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert Mr. Arthur Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Harlan Seeley Ms. Myrna Smyer & Mr. Carlton Canady Mr. William Snead Andrea Sterling & David Haughawout Ms. Sally Storrs Mrs. Marilyn Strauss Drs. David & Cynthia Stuart Todd Tibbals & Andrea Escher Mrs. Valerie Trujillo Ms. Karin Urban Mr. & Mrs. John Vanlandingham Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vosburgh Ms. Debbie Walters Ms. Diane K. Yanney David H. Zeuch & Nena Joy Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zimmer