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Endowment Funds
Each of our endowment funds is customized to meet the donor’s philanthropic goals and the needs of the Albuquerque community. We work as partners with donors to help them meet their charitable goals, as well as to receive tax benefits without administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations.
Our donors have different motivations in establishing their funds. Some want to give back to organizations that have helped them—others want to memorialize a loved one or create an income stream for a cause that’s close to their heart. Others want to educate, to create or to help cultivate a passion. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to this terrific place we call home.
Following is a list of the Foundation’s funds.
Funds Established in 2018
Alan Hudson Fund for Education The Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals Bryan Konefsky Fund Erik and Veronica Olson Endowment Frank Fine and Leslee Richards Fund Harrington Family Fund Jennifer Riordan “Sparkle” Fund La Meristema Fund Nina J. Wing Scholarship Fund Tom Jenkins and Elaine Roy Fund Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment The William F. Mann Scholarship Fund
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2018
A. David Sandoval Fund for Music Education 2002 Aetna Life & Casualty Fund 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Arts & Culture Fund 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Children & Youth Fund 2002 Albuquerque Community Foundation Economic & Workforce Development Fund 2014 Albuquerque Community Foundation Education Fund 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Emergency Action Fund 2011 Albuquerque Community Foundation Health Fund 2015 Albuquerque Community Foundation Human Services Fund 2001 Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Preservation Fund of New Mexico 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Social Giving Club 2015 See pg 43 Albuquerque Community Foundation Visionary Fund 2011 Albuquerque Monthly/Coronado Center Fund 1984 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund 1986 American Home Fund 1986 Anand Fund 2004 Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Fund 2010 Ann & Russell Rhoades Fund 2006 Anne B. Little Fund for Aid to Senior Citizens 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Education 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Health 2003 APS Fine Arts Enhancement Fund 1989 Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund 1996 Arthur J. & Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund 1997 Bank of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 2000 Barnes W. Rose Jr. & Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship Fund 2003 Becky & Rudy Diaz Fund 2006 BeNicePlayFair.com Fund 2004 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Educational Opportunities for Navajo Children 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for the Environment 2013 Betty & Luke Vortman for New Mexico Philharmonic 2015 Betty & Luke Vortman Fund 2003 Betty & Luke Vortman Restricted Fund 2013
Bright Futures
Whether public servants as the Mayor and First Lady of Albuquerque or private citizens and business owners, RJ and Maria Berry have always kept philanthropy as a core value in their lives. For the Berrys, “philanthropy lifts up the entire community. It highlights the generosity and passion that we all have for this place we call home.”
RJ and Maria established the Bright Futures Fund to support organizations that offer innovative approaches to help people thrive and become more self-sufficient. Due to the generosity of the community through the Mayor & First Lady’s Charity Gala, investments were made in the Bright Futures endowment fund at Albuquerque Community Foundation. In 2018, Maria and RJ advised their first grant to Best Buddies for its Jobs program, which supports employment opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Best Buddies Jobs serves people with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, multiple disabilities and traumatic brain injury. The program helps individuals maintain jobs by providing ongoing support and training, enabling participants to earn an income, receive benefits such as health insurance, pay taxes and work in an environment alongside others in the community. In Bernalillo County, among existing Best Buddies Jobs participants, 19% of participants have an autistic disorder and 15% have an intellectual impairment; 82% are between the ages of 20–29.
Blaine Ryan Kindler Memorial Education Fund 1999
Bob & Gwen Cameron Charitable Fund 2006
Bob L. Turner Family Fund 2014 Bridge Fund 2004 Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund 1987 Carl David Bedford Fund for People in Need 2003 Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M. 2005
Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund 2006 Cavanaugh Young At Heart Fund 2009
Charles D. Ryan Memorial Fund for Education 2003
Chester French Stewart Fund 2005
Cinco Amigos Fund 2007 Conscience of Society Fund 1986 Cramer Family Fund 2006 Crazy Granny’s Cookie Jar 2000 CTWCRW Fund 2017
Cumulus Media Fund to Expand Music Education in APS Schools 2001
Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks Memorial Fund 2001
Daulton Family Foundation Fund 2008
Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Arts & Culture 2009
Cindy & Ken Johns Family Fund 1996
Classical Music Fund 2013
Connor Mantsch Memorial Fund 2014 Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Children & Youth 2009
David & Martha Cooper Fund 1984 David E. & Cynthia M. Stuart Fund for the Linda S. Cordell Book Award 2015
David Maccini Memorial Fund 1996
David R. Woodling Memorial Fund 2008
Davis-Kozoll Village of Cuba Fund 2017
Dazzo Family Fund for Children & Youth 2000 Debbie & David Dozier Fund 2014 Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund 2006 Donald E. Carnicom & Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund 2011
Doyel Family Fund 2005 Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund 1994
Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Advised Fund 2001
E. Blaugrund Family Fund 1994 Ebel Family Fund for Children & Youth 1985
Effective Families 2003
Eye Associates Gerald & Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund 2005
First Things First Fund 2008 Florence & Bob Stamm Fund 1986
Floyd & Patricia Wilson Fund 2001 Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund 1997
Frank & Judy Love Impact Fund 2017 Frank & Mickey Peloso Fund 2006 Frank & Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund 2007 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund for Classical Music 2013 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund 2001
Future Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation 1997
See pg 40 Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund 1988
Garcia Automotive Group Fund 1999 George & Jenean Stanfield Fund 2010 George Clayton Pearl Family Fund 1993
Glenwood Impact Fund 2017 Goodman Family Fund 2003 Gordon Church Fund 2007
Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund 2010 Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund 2003 Hanna/Woodford Family Fund 2013 Harvey Yates Education Fund 1984 HB Construction Fund 2011
Hearst Music Education Fund 2013
HENMAR Fund 1998
Himalayan Progressive Education Fund 2009
Holocaust Memorial Fund 1988
Hopkins Campbell Family Fund 2012 Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Fund 2015
Howard W. & Zona Ehret Henry Fund for the Performing Arts 2010
Hueter Bass Family Fund 2000 Infinite Gesture Fund 2016 Jack & Donna Rust Family Fund 1996
Jack Grevey Memorial Fund 2005 Jackie A. Fallis Fund 2007
James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund 2011
Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment
The Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment Fund works to improve the lives of neglected, abused and underserved children. Since her grandmother’s passing in 2016 at age 97, granddaughter Sarah had been trying to think of a special way to honor her grandmother. Last year, she established this permanent fund in Verstella’s name as a tribute to a strong and talented woman, mother, grandmother, wife and friend.
Verstella was born on Armistice Day in 1918 in Rutland, Vermont, the fourth of eight children. Growing up in poverty, she left school at a young age to do domestic work and help her mother. She married James A. Biondi, and together they had three children, ten grandchildren and seven great grandchildren. A lifelong and passionate artist, Verstella brought energy, focus and intelligence to her art and craft work. She was a true maker in every sense of the word, from canning, crocheting, doll-making and knitting, to wood carving, painting and baking. She had a strong love of learning; she began oil painting in her 40s and took up wood carving in her 70s. Her greatest creation was the warm and loving home she created for her family.

The recipients of the Verstella Biondi Charitable Endowment Fund will work to share her spirit of love and caring for children.
Jane & Doug Swift Fund for Art & Education 1997 Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation 2002 Jeanne M. Trauger Memorial Homecare Fund 2009 Jim & Ann Nelson Student Aid Fund for Foster Youth 2007 JoAnn & Steve Ruppert Fund 1998 Joe & Christine Di Gregorio Fund 2006 John & Kathleen Avila Family Fund 2017 John & Marie Marshall Fund 2004 John F. & Mae M. Lark Fund in Honor of Franklin & Bernice Jones 1994 John P. & Terri Salazar Fund 2013 Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund 2006 Jolly Family Foundation 2011 Jorgensen Family Fund 2007 June D. Schutzberger Fund 2014 Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund 1984 Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko 2009 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Family Fund 2006 Kevin & Lian Yearout Family Fund 2009 Killin Fund 2002 Kim & Steve Nunley Acorn Fund 2008 King Family Fund 2006 Kirschner Family Fund 2014 Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund 1996 Kubié Family Fund for Classical Music 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Human Services Fund 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubié Family Impact Fund 2007 Lanting Shibuya Fund 2012 Lasso the Moon Fund 2016 Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial 2008 Lee & Jan Miller Fund 2017 Lee Blaugrund Fund 2005 Levy Family Fund 2008 Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund 2000 Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund 2005 Lucy Ann Warner Fund 2002 Lynn Rosner Memorial Fund 1997 Maggie’s Giving Circle 2006 Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund 2002 Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Fund 1991 Margaret & Ted Jorgensen Donor Advised Fund 2007 Margarita Martinez Fund for Theater Arts 1988 Marie Kelly Gorham Fund for Women’s Issues 2006 Martin S. Morrison Fund 2006 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Children 2011 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Preservation 1987 Mayor’s Fund for Children 1987 Mayor’s Prize 2015 Mediation Fund 1989 Mesa Del Sol Education Fund 2008 Michael Henningsen Youth Fund 2014 Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund 2007 Molly R. Huber Fund 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Arts & Culture Fund 1985 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund 1986 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund 1994 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Health Fund 1994 Nancy Anderson Roberts Arts & Culture Fund 1983 Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund 1983 Nancy Thompson Harris Memorial Fund 1997 Nathan Wineberg for Senior Centers 2006 NDB & CEB Fund 2017 Nellita E. Walker Fund 1997 New England Fund 1990 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund 2001 New Mexico Human Rights Education Coalition 2014 New Mexico Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship Fund 1996 Ngala Memorial Fund to Assist Musicians with Medical Care 2014 Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children 2002 Nina Forrest Fund 2015 Notah Begay III Scholarship Fund 1999 Novak MPGJ Family Fund 2008 Pamela B. Gordon Fund 2011 Para los Niños Fund 1989 Patricia McDonald Fund for Health 2016 Paul A. & Patti A. Marianetti Fund 2005
Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals
At the time of her death, Ann C. Bailey, originally
from the Pittsburgh area, had been living in
Albuquerque for several years. Annie, as she
was known, had moved to New Mexico from
Washington, DC, where she had owned an art
framing shop. She was looking for a fresh start after
living on the East coast. Friends report that Annie was a generous person who shared her resources freely. She surrounded herself with her pets–a dog named Bristol and two cats, Harper and Izzy. Ill health prevented her from leaving her home and her animals brought her great comfort and joy.
The Ann C. Bailey Fund for Animals was established to support and improve the care, maintenance and welfare of animals.

Paul Noble Vosburgh & Jane Berry Vosburgh Fund 2007 Peggy Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music 2014 Peggy Pick Bacon Memorial Fund for Education 1995 Performing Arts Fund 1988 Philip’s Family Fund 2017 Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women 2012 Rashap Family Fund 2016 Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare 2016 Reba Price Fund for Children & Families 2016 Reba Price Fund for Performing Arts 2016 Richard J. & Linda N. Eitzen Fund 2000 Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund 2003 Robert & Ann Clark Arts & Culture Fund 1986 Robert & Ann Clark Preservation Fund 1986 Robert & Celeste Loughridge Fund 2001 Robert & Zane Taichert Fund 1984 Robert C. & Mary D. Poole Family Fund 1996 Robert P. Marshall, Sr. Memorial Fund 2007 Robert W. Kaufmann Fund 2001 Roy Lee Cain Fund 2011 Royce Family Fund 2017 Sandia Foundation & Estate of Hugh & Helen Woodward Fund 2006 Santangelo Fund 2007 Sean Hopkins Fund 2013 Shelly & Rafael Colón Memorial Fund 2006 Stephen J.E. Sprague Memorial Fund 2007 Stephen L. Moody Memorial Fund for Children with Special Needs 1995 Strosnider Family Fund 2004 Susie Kubié Symphonic Music Scholarship 2017 Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund 1994 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Education Fund 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Environmental & Historic Preservation Fund 2000 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Fund for Public Television 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund 1995 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Preservation of Public Trees & Gardens 2006 Taylor & Joan Bowen Charitable for Wildlife Protection & Control 2006 Team Tio Fund 2011 The Bright Futures Fund 2014 The FUNd 1988 The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico 2012 THE REALTOR® FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS® 2011 The Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. Endowment 2016 The Ties Fund 2011 Theodore R. Brown Fund 1983 Three Hearts Fund 2006 Trythall Family Fund for Excellence in Continuing Education 1988 Vitality Works 2017 Walter & Allene Kleweno Fund 2003 Wells Fargo Bank for Classical Music 2013 Wells Fargo Bank Fund 1998 Wilfred “Coach” Tull Fund 2005 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health & Human Services 1999 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Victim Assistance 1999 William “Bill” Cooper Memorial Fund 2006 Women in Rhetoric & Logic Scholarship 2014 Woodcock Family Education Scholarship Fund 1993

Leslee Richards and Frank Fine
Leslee Richard and Frank Fine have lived in Albuquerque for more than 40 years. It’s their home, and they raised two daughters here.

“We are committed to the community and want to see it grow and improve,” they say. “We established the Fine Richards Fund with Albuquerque Community Foundation as a way to have a long-lasting impact on the community and organizations we care about.”
Together, the couple owns local travel company Sun Tours. Frank founded Lieber’s Luggage, which he ran for 20 years and Leslee for 20 more, before they sold it last year. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with the local theater scene recognizes Leslee as a director, fundraiser and board member of the Vortex and the New Mexico Shakespeare Project. Together, they spearheaded the capital campaign for construction of the Vortex’s new theater. Frank serves on the board of Roadrunner Food Bank and is the current Treasurer. He was instrumental in the 2007 capital campaign for the Food Bank’s permanent home on Singer NE. He has also served on the ACCION loan review committee.
Because they both have experience aiding capital campaigns, the Fine Richards Fund will have a special emphasis on supporting capital campaigns for social service and arts organizations.
“The Foundation has the infrastructure to manage foundations and trusts, and allows us to pay attention to other matters while having confidence that the funds will be well managed and distributed,” says Frank.
William Mann Scholarship
William “Bill” Mann has seen a lot of changes in Albuquerque over the years. The son of an undersheriff and housewife, he was born in 1936. He grew up on his parents’ vegetable farm, land that is now the New Mexico Museum of Natural History.
After graduating from Albuquerque High School, Bill attended the University of Albuquerque (now closed and the campus of St. Pius X High School). Always one to stay busy, he also worked several part-time jobs during his college years. With his degree, Bill took a position with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as a liquidator, someone who manages the orderly distribution of a company’s assets. Bill relocated several times for his job, something he enjoyed because it gave him the opportunity to continue learning about different parts of the country and about many different types of companies.

Home and Albuquerque called him back in 1980, when he began managing his parents’ estate. When planning his own legacy with Albuquerque Community Foundation, Bill said, “I want to educate people and I don’t want to pay estate taxes!”