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Fund Types
Becoming a Philanthropist
Fund Types
Administrative Fund Endow your partnership with the Foundation by creating an administrative fund that will support the work of the Foundation forever.
Impact Fund You may contribute to the collective giving effort of the Impact Fund, joining with other donors to achieve the greatest possible impact or you can establish your own Impact Fund. These gifts allow the Foundation to invest in the most effective organizations in a specific impact area selected each year.
Field-of-Interest Fund You can select one of the Foundation’s interest areas—Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health or Human Services. Through the competitive grant program, the Foundation awards grants to effective organizations and programs in your selected field.
Donor-Advised Fund This option is ideal for those who wish to play an active role in supporting multiple organizations and programs throughout the year. Our staff can help identify organizations and programs, ensure their charitable status, and provide grantmaking and administrative support.
Now & Forever Fund For those who want to see their philanthropic dollars make both an immediate and a perpetual impact, this is the perfect vehicle. Half of the annual contributions are available to fund grants each year, the other half are added to the forever fund.
Student Aid Fund Assist students pursuing their education through scholarship or financial aid awards. You suggest eligibility criteria based on high school, college, merit, need, field of study, or other interests.
Donor-Designated Fund; Organization Fund Grants from these funds provide a reliable annual income stream to one or more of your favorite organizations, forever.
Collaborative Fund A group contributes to a single fund focused on a shared cause, with grants recommended by a representative advisory committee.