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Partners in Philanthropy
communityPartners in Philanthropy
Community Support is precious to the Foundation. Our work would not be possible without our Partners in Philanthropy. These generous donors support the Foundation’s operations so that we can devote our attention to our community and our grantees. They invest in us, so that we can invest in others. These donors are an embodiment of community support; they are Albuquerque, and they lift up your Foundation.
Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us achieve our goal of supporting our community through philanthropy.
The following endowment funds have been established by donors wishing to support the Foundation’s operation in perpetuity.
Administrative Funds Established in 2014
Jeff & Janet Sterba Partners in Philanthropy Fund
624 Champion Building Fund
Robert J. Stamm & Mrs. Mary Herring Stamm Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry E. Sterba Jane & Douglas Swift
Gifts to the 624 Champion Building Fund in Memory of Bob Stamm
Anthony Anella Cliff & Nancy Blaugrund Kelli & Kevin Cooper Dorothy Crist Gale Williams Doyel & Gary K. Moore Honorable Harris L. Hartz Sharon Gross Falba Hannett Carolyn Martinez Dr. Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster Mr. & Mrs. Randel Shadid Southwest Glass & Glazing, Inc.
Albuquerque Community Foundation Administrative Fund, 2005
Christopher Rustay
Bank of America Fund, 1994
Bradbury Stamm Administrative Fund, 2002
Doug & Sarah Brown Administrative Fund, 2004
Frank Gorham, Jr. Fund, 1989
Laura & Zack Clem, Jr. Fund, 2007
Laura Hueter Bass Fund for Administrative Excellence, 2006
Moise Family Administrative Fund, 1997
In honor of Steve Moise Mr. & Mrs. Barry Beller Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cronin Mrs. Susan C. Feil Steven K. & Beth M. Moise
Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Administrative Fund, 1989
Nancy Anderson Roberts Administrative Fund, 1983
Peltier, Gustafson & Miller PA Fund, 1996
Ray & Barbara Zimmer Fund, 1989
Robert & Ann Clark Administrative Fund, 1991
Susanne B. Brown Administrative Fund, 1989
Theodore R. Brown Administrative Fund, 1983
Walter E. & Shelley Cohen Fund for Albuquerque Community Foundation, 2013
Wells Fargo Bank Administrative Fund, 1994
Annual Fund Gifts received January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
Community Builder - $2,500 +
Carl & Linda Alongi* Karen & Chris Bard* Perry & Beverly Bendicksen** Mr. & Mrs. G. Dana Brabson Will & Elaine Chapman** Bill & Suzanne Ebel** Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock Gary & Terri Giron-Gordon** Ingrid & Mark Gorham** Julie & Alberto A. Gutiérrez Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief Ted & Margaret Jorgensen Steve & Janice Keene Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kinsella** Bill & Elizabeth Lang** Ken Leach & Hazel Tull-Leach Steve & Debbie Maestas Bev & Lennard McMillan* Marcus Mims Mr. & Mrs. Martin Mondlick** Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison
Ogawa** Deborah A. Peacock & Nathan Korn Kathleen & Will Raskob Ron & Adrienne Rivera** Jerry & Nancy Roehl** Stephen Royce Esq. Walter & Mimi Stern Jennifer & David Thomas** Peter & Alicia Touche Kevin & Lian Yearout*
Benefactor $1,000-$2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Benoit** David & Gay Bernitsky* Mr. & Mrs. Stan Betzer Mr. Lee Blaugrund** David & Mary Colton Dr. Jan & Norm Corzine Debbie & David Dozier* Van & Sandra Gilbert Mr. & Mrs. Lowell A. Hare* The Honorable Harris L. Hartz Nancy Herring & Matthew Segura* Junior League of Albuquerque** Mr. & Mrs. Mark Humphrey Mrs. Wilson Hurley** Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly Tom & Susie MacLean Mrs. Joan McDougall* Mr. & Mrs. John T. McMahon** Ms. Roxanna Meyers & Mr. Stanley
Mount* Leslie E. Neal** Dr. Robert & Kathleen Reidy* Jeff & Peggy Roberts* Mrs. Ellen Ann Ryan* Robert J. Stamm & Mrs. Mary Herring** Jean Ann & Duffy Swan Jim Templeton Mr. Tony Trujillo E.H. & Helen Uhlenhuth** Mr. & Mrs. David E. Weymouth**
Partner - $500-$999
Mr. Rudolfo Anaya** Louisa Barkalow Yvonne & Jim Beckley* Mr. C. David Bedford** Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bier** Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund** Tom & Francesca Blueher** Bob & Yvonne Bovinette** Mrs. Louise Campbell-Tolber & Dr. Steven Tolber Steve & Judy Chreist** Hilma & Jim Chynoweth Leo Harris & Ann Simms Dorothy C. Crist** Billie Jo Crouse** Mr. & Mrs. Philip Custer** Linley & Mike Daly Mr. Barton Darrow** Mr. & Mrs. Irv F. Diamond* John & Judie Dwyer* Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Espat** Sharon Gross** Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hagengruber Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hartnett Connie & Doug Henry Dr. & Mrs. James R. Hutchison** Mrs. Alice P. Irvin** Greta & Tom Keleher** Mr. & Mrs. Frank Love** Dr. Gloria & Mr. Robert Mallory* Ms. Jean Marshall Ms. Carolyn M. Martinez
Partner - $500-$999
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Mason* Matrix Medical - Emil & Lori Ashe Andrew & Kathleen Metzger Jim Mills & Peggy Sanchez Mills Shirley Morrison & Dr. Cornelis Klein** Mark & Marsha Napolin* Albert & Shanna Narath* Hon. & Mrs. James Parker* Leslie Phinney Beverly Ann Rogoff** Estelle H. Rosenblum Mr. Bill C. Rothanbargar María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster** Claudia & Ron Short* Julie Silverman* Corinne Thevenet** Robert P. Tinnin Jr.** Carol Tucker Trelease** Chuck & J.D. Wellborn** Karla Wilkinson Anonymous**
Friend – up to $499
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender** Paul Augustine Dr. David Bernstein & Erika Rimson** Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bickes Jr.** Alan & Bronnie Blaugrund James & Diane Bonnell** Mr. & Ms. Greg Burdett Wesley A. Burghardt Mary Ellen S. Capek Dr. & Mrs. Lance Chilton** Mr. & Mrs. Gary Eyster Franklin Fine & Leslee Richards Fine** Melissa Freeman David & Stephanie Kauffman** Mr. & Mrs. Hank Kelly** Stephen & Renee Klein Sarah B. Kotchian & Robert O. Nellums Mr. & Mrs. Steve Martinick Abigail Maxwell Michael Nutkiewicz & Joan Weissman April M. Padilla Calla Ann Pepmueller David N. & Ruthie Horn Robbins Jonathan D. Roepcke Thomas C. Schwab & Pamela B. Donegan Margaret Simms Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Trujillo Michael Walker & Gari Fails Andrew T. & Carol H. Watson Peter & Judy Basen Weinreb** Bruce & Lorna Wiggins* Judy Zanotti & David Davis Emmanuel Zupko Mr. & Mrs. Fred Zutavern* Anonymous**
Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed, or is misspelled, please accept our apologies & contact us so that we have correct information for future publications.