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The Foundation’s grantmaking allows people and organizations to fulfill their visions for Albuquerque’s future, as well as their role in it. We invest in the ideas, passion and expertise of hundreds of nonprofits, supporting an array of programs as diverse as the people of this city. Grants are driven by results that will bring lasting benefits to our community. They are an excellent way for the Foundation and its many donors and stakeholders to make an impression on Albuquerque, a city marked by creative generosity.
Program grants are distributed through a competitive process across six specific fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.
Through grants to nonprofit organizations from endowment funds established specifically to accommodate the community’s changing needs, the Foundation supports projects that are innovative, meet the needs of underserved segments of the community, encourage matching funds, promote cooperation among agencies, empower the disadvantaged and disabled and improve the effectiveness of local charitable organizations. The Foundation is privileged to support nonprofits in their efforts to imagine great things for their community.
The Foundation’s program staff and volunteer advisory review committees conduct thorough reviews of the grant applicants’ proposals. See page 42 for a list of this year’s advisory review committee participants.
More than 80% of grants made each year are from funds restricted by donors. Donor-advised fund holders may make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees throughout the year to award specific grants to nonprofit organizations. Foundation staff members review recommendations to verify that organizations are qualified nonprofit groups. In light of the number of unfunded competitive grants every year, the Foundation encourages those with donor-advised funds to respond to grant proposals submitted for the Competitive Grant Program. Donors with donor-designated funds may choose a specific cause or organization. Some donordesignated funds have separate guidelines and committees.
The Woodwards established the Sandia Foundation in 1948, to benefit Dickinson College, The University of New Mexico and Albuquerque charities. The Foundation administers a competitive grant process for the Albuquerque charities funded by the Sandia Foundation. Following each grant is an explanation of the fund type from which the grant was awarded. In each case of a grant from a competitive program, a short description of the project is included.