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Founder’s Award
When Greg Ogawa and Diane Harrison Ogawa were introduced to the Foundation in 1997, we had no idea what a lasting partnership this would become. As emerging community leaders, Greg and Diane were co-chairs of our young donor group, the Future Fund. Their enthusiasm for promoting philanthropy helped to launch an idea that continues today as an inspiring example of collective impact and really fun social partnerships.
Greg and Diane established their endowment fund, the Greg and Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund in 2003 from which they will support the community in perpetuity together with their remarkable daughters, Katie and Allison.
Diane served on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees for three terms, 2007 – 2015 and Chair in 2012. Diane has an inherent leadership ability, she leads by example, always has a positive smile and usually knitting needles at work in her hands.
The Ogawa’s embody the definition of our Founder’s Award and through this honor we sincerely thank them for being our partners.
Past recipients:
Barbara Allender The Clinton P. Anderson Family The Emanuel Blaugrund Family Lee Blaugrund Douglas M. Brown Susanne B. Brown Yei Gorham & the Gorham Family Sheilah Purcell-Garcia Jack Holmes Calvin Horn The Junior League of Albuquerque William P. Lang Gloria Griffin Mallory Paul and Patti Marianetti Ina Miller Steven K. Moise Connie and Jan Nellos George Pearl Mary Poole Roberta Cooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust Bob Stamm Jane and Doug Swift Larry Willard Ray Zimmer
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Change Award Winner – Nutan Patel, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless (AHCH)
Nutan Patel, AHCH Dental Hygienist for 21 years, works behind the scenes improving the oral hygiene of nearly 1,000 people annually. She gives people a reason to smile where there was none before. Her efforts ensure access, sometimes for the first time in years, to oral health care that is integrated with long unaddressed primary care, behavioral health care and social services.
In addition to providing care on the streets, and her diligent work to always find clients through “in-reaches” to AHCH programs, Nutan has been involved in many outreaches at the Barrett House, CLN Kids, Joy Junction, Crossroads for Women, S.A.F.E House and The Rock at NoonDay. Nutan also provides services through Dental Care in Your Home, a nonprofit organization serving special needs and homebound clients by bringing fully mobile, state-of-the-art dental equipment into client’s homes or care facilities.
Nutan is known for her gentle approach to dental hygiene care. Oftentimes, clients require multiple visits and she is always flexible and makes as many appointments as necessary to complete the care required to ensure future dental work is not compromised.
As a mentor for hygiene students who complete rotations at the AHCH Dental Clinic, Nutan teaches in-depth perspectives on public health dentistry for people who are experiencing homelessness.
We are proud to recognize Nutan with our 2016 Change Award.
Jahaan Martin, Breast Cancer Resource Center Lydia Vandiver, Albuquerque SANE Collaborative Andy Najar, Catholic Charities Karen Navarro, St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Katrina Owensby, New Life Homes Chandler Smith-Stetson, Albuquerque Heading Home Randi Malach, Abrazos Family Support Services Carmel Merryman, Precious Gifts Foundation

Past recipients: