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Social Giving Club
ALBUQUER QUE COM M UNIT Y F OUNDATION Social Giving Club Social Giving Club
In only its second year of existence, the Social Giving Club accomplished two amazing goals. Not only did they grant their first ever $25,000, they also established powerful partnerships among the group of 51 members. This giving circle represents an enduring way to learn more about philanthropy and the enormous power of collective impact.
The Foundation welcomes members who contribute $1,000 each year. 50% of each donation is pooled with other members and then awarded as one large grant annually, always to an excellent nonprofit chosen by the members. The other 50% is added to the Social Giving Club Endowment Fund to provide additional grant funding in the future.
After narrowing the interest areas down to Health and Economic and Workforce Development, the Social Giving Club’s inaugural grant of $25,000 was awarded to Cultivating Coders, an Albuquerque-based coding bootcamp that brings tech skills to rural, tribal and other low-income communities. The eight-week intensive training workshop in coding and web application development curriculum will focus heavily on the most desired sets of skills sought by employers, with the goal of creating a graduating class of “full-stack” developers. Students will also work with local employers on three projects over the course of the program—this gives them the opportunity to graduate with a professional portfolio and a reference contact.
The Social Giving Club harnesses the power of collaborative social giving and creates an indelible community among our givers and partners.
Members gather at Karen Lovelady’s home.

Grant Night $25,000 Awarded
Cultivating Coders
Trustees, Karen Bard and Pam Hurd-Knief promote the Social Giving Club

2016 Members: Cris & Ken Abbott Marsha Adams Rohini Arter Jeff & Alena Bard Chris & Karen Bard Brett Beaty* Emily & Mark Benak Christopher Boone & Jennifer Anderson Jessica Bridwell Sandy Buffett Michele Carter* Aleli & Brian Colón Kenneth L. Conwell II Kelli & Kevin Cooper Michael E. Dexter Debbie & David Dozier Sanjay Engineer* Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock John Grassham Ted Grumblatt* Debbie & Irwin Harms John & Kim Helm Keith & Bernadette Hinds Carol Hinton Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief Lynn Johnson & Frederick Eberle Ted & Margaret Jorgensen Betty Karlsson Pat & Terry Keene Steve & Janis Keene Jared Larsen* Ed & Tara Lopez Karen Lovelady Miki Roth Mahan* Bobby & Jeri Martin Steve & Maureen Martinick Beverly & Lennard McMillan Matt Oberer* Trest Pollina* Jeff & Peggy Roberts Anne & Ken Sapon Julie Silverman Betsy Skye Smith Suzanne Strong Corinne Thevenet Jennifer & David Thomas Rogan & Laurie Thompson Chaoming Ting & David Martinez Jeremy & Jessica Trumble* Debbie Walters Susan Wilson
* Signifies those members who’s membership is sponsored by FBT Architects.