As we close 2016, our vision and mission endure. We continue to be a leader in community philanthropy and to build, invest and manage endowment funds to enhance the quality of our community through informed strategic grantmaking.
• Work in partnership with Albuquerque’s anchor institutions to launch Healthy Neighborhoods ABQ: A Community Wealth Building Collaborative
• Add the focus of “access to economic opportunity” through six competitive field-of-interest grant programs
• Hire a new investment firm, RVK, to manage the Foundation’s assets
• Administer 18 Scholarships/Student Aid funds, resulting in aid to 143 students
Through our development and leadership programs, we were proud to:
• Grow the Future Fund endowment to $506,473
In 2016, the Foundation had contributions totaling $4,771,000 and assets under management grew to $70,823,000.
• Institute Impact Investing as a long-term strategy to grow our community
• Award $3,658,000 in grants
The Albuquerque Community Foundation would like to acknowledge William P. Lang of the Albuquerque Journal and Starline Printing for the donation of the printing of this report.
q 1
• Provide investment expertise for more than 102 nonprofit organizations through Philanthropy Central
• Award $200,000 in prize money through the Mayor’s Prize in partnership with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and generous local donors who believe entrepreneurship is the best path to job growth
• Continue to support City Alive, Albuquerque’s Living Cities Integration Initiative
Since we were founded in 1981, the goals of the Foundation have remained the same: to coordinate the receipt and investment of charitable contributions, to distribute funds for community needs in a timely and well-researched manner and to serve as a leader and educational resource in encouraging philanthropy in this great city. We continue to strive to make sure that every philanthropic investment returns the greatest emotional, financial and civic benefit possible. We are committed to conversation, community involvement and investment. We endeavor to protect the spirit of each endowment fund and the grants made from those funds, to ensure partnerships that are working together towards these common goals.
• Award the first $25,000 Social Giving Club grant
Snapshot 2016
• Introduce grant e-blasts to spread the word about the engaging work and programs of grantees
• Introduce grant cohorts by field-of-interest for all competitive grantees
Through our grant programs, we were proud to:
• Join with the Cinco Amigos to coordinate the 10th annual Concours du Soleil fundraising event, which netted $165,000 and provided funding for economic and workforce development
• Award $127,000 through the 4th annual Great Grant Giveaway
• Introduce the first Rally du Soleil - a vintage car rally through Northern New Mexico
Snapshot 1 Table of Contents 2 Letter from Chair & CEO 4 Trolley Tour 7 Grant Program: Competitive & Donor Advised 9 How to Apply 17 Scholarships 23 Sandia Foundation 26 Endowment Fund 30 Heritage Society 36 Philanthropy Central 38 Partners in Philanthropy 46 Future Fund 48 Social Giving Club 50 Mayor’s Prize 52 Concours du Soleil 54 Becoming a Philanthropist 56 Great Grant Giveaway 58 Awards 60 Financials 62 Return donation 64 Staff 65 2016 Advisory Review Committee 66 Trustees 67 Corporate Partners 69 Contents y Partnerships Partnerships 2

Jane’s own passion was paleontology. She volunteered for the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science where she learned that funding for fossil preparation was difficult to secure. The Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation supports fossil preparation of Triassic and Permian vertebrates and Jane’sinvertebrates.originalgift for the two funds was $348,072. Today the balance of her funds is $344,382. And guess what? The two funds have granted $238,000 to the two organizations the Sandoval’s chose to support, the New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation and the APS Arts Program. Paleontology research continues and public school students continue to enjoy arts education thanks to Jane and to the enduring power of endowment.
Jane Sandoval established two funds with the Albuquerque Community Foundation. One, in memory of her late husband, David, for music education in public schools. David attended Eugene Field Elementary School where he credited his early introduction to music with keeping him out of trouble as well as giving him a lifelong appreciation of music.
FUND TODAY:BALANCE$344,382* th endurin powe o endowmen GRANTS:
ORIGINAL GIFT: $348,072 $238,000
Our key goal for the Foundation is to maintain relevance as a trusted voice of knowledge and influence within the community. With this in mind, the Foundation surveyed the community to better understand the issues Albuquerque faced, across all sectors of the city. The information collected spoke of a dire economic landscape, which signified the root of nearly all subsequent social issues—in cluding poor education, high crime rates, child welfare concerns and limited access to healthcare. Put simply, Albuquerque suffered from entrenched poverty, making it difficult to attract national businesses and challenging local businesses to grow. In tandem with community conversations, we were observing trends in our city that demonstrated these economic challenges: 25% of children and 18% of the general population lived in poverty and 32% of parents lacked secure employment. Nine of Albuquerque’s 17 zip codes had a poverty rate greater than the national average, with some approaching two and a half times that rate. Albuquerque has struggled to recover from the 2008 recession, and in fact, we were recently ranked last in job growth. These statistics showcased a clear, pressing need: to create and ignite economic and workforce development initia tives for the city to sustain itself. The question we asked our team and our partners was: how can we leverage—and increase—philanthropic dollars to help catalyze economic growth in our community? The Foundation developed an overarching theme that will now guide all avenues of grantmaking: mobilizing individual donors and the local business community to stand behind philanthropic investments in powerful new ways.
For years, community foundations have taken a slightly segregated approach to their work; the development staff engage with donors, communications and marketing staff secure press connections and brand foundation identities and grantmakers allocate philanthropic dollars into the community. While this approach is not necessarily a weakness, it doesn’t prioritize partnership and a shared vision of positive change. In recent years, the Foundation decided to merge these functions under a larger umbrella of Philanthropic Services. We acknowledge creative grantmaking can’t be accomplished without coordination and collaboration. We believe fundraising cannot be sustainable without strategic grantmaking that both addresses community challenges and bolsters opportunities for economic growth.
A Collaborative Effort to Strategically Invest in Albuquerque’s Future

While we’ve just started to see the positive effects of these structural shifts, we’re proud of the possibilities they’ll create. Embracing our own entrepreneurial philosophy, we created a vision, cultivated partnerships to achieve that vision and forged ahead to raise and invest funds to contribute to Albuquerque’s overall success. We did this as a team—an engaged Board with an integrated staff with a shared vision—and through community input. We did this with the belief that philanthropy can only exist in an economically stable community, where people have access to education, healthcare, jobs and opportunities for a sustainable future. We did this together and we can’t wait to go even further—in partnership with you.Carl
Alongi Randy Royster Board Chair President & CEO
This year, we introduced the concept of providing access to economic opportunities within all fields-of-interest of our grantmaking. The results have been transformative both for us and the Albuquerque community—not only within our grantmaking programs, but by increasing donor gifts to the Foundation. This has also helped place the Foundation’s voice and vision in prominent platforms throughout the community and on the national stage. For the first time in the history of the Foundation, we have successfully integrated the internal roles of fundraising, communications and grantmaking to achieve a result that has positioned us as an influencer in philanthropic investments and in the revitalization of our community. We are now, truly, partners within our organization and with the community as a whole. We’ve seen the result of these efforts stretch beyond our walls, opening opportunities. We now have a voice and presence in public-private community partnerships like City Alive, Healthy Neighborhoods Albuquerque and in the ongoing efforts to bring the biotech industry to New Mexico. These partnerships demonstrate that philanthropy is not only enhanced but becomes more of a critical component to a community’s overall economic, social and cultural health and well-being.

Why are we embarking on this idea of investing in programs with “social impact?” With over $600 billion in the endowments of U.S. foundations, the next step is considering how these funds can be put to use—beyond generating income for grantmak ing. We’re excited to take part in the spirit of creativity and originality that’s flowing into philanthropy. This new approach allows philanthropic organizations to unlock a larger share of their capital and deploy it in innovative ways at the local level. Impact investing is becoming a permanent part of the philanthropic toolkit of many community foundations and we feel certain that it will be a valuable part of ours, too.
Verge II.5X The Verge II.5X, a high-growth portfolio venture, is committed to building an innovation-led economy in New Mexico. Consisting of a powerhouse team of professionals who have joined forces to build a portfolio of highgrowth companies based in our state, Verge II.5X is a four-year venture fund, designed to yield serious results and incredible impact. Verge II.5X will focus its investment activity in four specific high-technology sectors: cleantech/energy, electronics/instrumentation, human factors and software-as-a-service (SAAS).
This year, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees authorized a social impact investing initiative to reallocate a portion of endowed assets into social impact investments. We committed to a five-year pilot period where up to $2.5 million will be invested in programs that stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives and economic development. These programs will improve the lives of low income people through the creation of living-wage jobs with benefits and access to affordable capital, affordable housing and quality education. We know these social impact programs will enhance the quality of life in our city.
Our first two investments were made in 2016. Those investments supported the work of the following two efforts: ABQid The Accelerator is a partnership formed to make investments in early-stage, high-growth companies. Operated by ABQid, The Accelerator was created with the belief there is substantial untapped entrepreneurial potential in the Albuquerque area and that training, support and seed investments are necessary to realize that potential. Selected companies will receive resources including three months of intensive coaching in a variety of entrepreneurial skills.
Las Huertas Farmer Training
The Trolley Tour is one of the Foundation’s favorite ways to bring donors to visit various nonprofits in the city. As a fun, social way for donors to see and experience the work of our grantees, Trolley Tours cruise the streets of our city, visiting neighborhood nonprofits. The intention behind the sunny, open-air tours is to help donors connect with the organizations we support, seeing them and their work in an up close and personal way.
Las Huertas Farmer Training is a skills develop ment program operated by Rio Grande Communi ty Farm. It is dedicated to training both current and aspiring producers in organic farming techniques, here in the high desert of New Mexico. Las Huertas focuses on minimizing barriers faced by the young and disadvantaged people interested in farming and agriculture.
NMSL&RHS (New Mexico Steam Locomotive & RailRoad Historical Society) is a nonprofit organization formed in the mid 1990s and staffed solely by dedicated volunteers and train-enthusi asts. Their mission is to fully restore the Baldwin 4-8-4 Steam Locomotive (2926) to operational sta tus, while also promoting and educating the pub lic about the relationship between our state’s eco nomic development and rail transportation. In the not-too-distant-future, we’re confident that, with the hard work of this organization, the thunder of 2926 and the wail of her whistle will be heard again in Albuquerque.
New Mexico Steam Locomotive & RailRoad Historical Society
Three Sisters Kitchen is a community food space on the corner of 1st street and Gold committed to community-wide health and economic opportuni ty. The Kitchen—a project of the DowntownABQ MainStreet Initiative—cultivates a vibrant commu nity food space that focuses on health and culinary education, community building and local business development and sustainability.

Over the coming years, the Rashaps will gather as a family to determine how the fund will help support local causes. “As the children grow and their interests change, we will be able to de cide as a family what the greatest needs in our community are and then do something about it. How cool is that?”
In addition to the positive impact the Rashap Family Fund will have on Albuquerque, their approach to strategic giving will hopefully inspire other families to explore their own unique approach to philanthropy. Rashaps: Four Family Members - One Thoughtful Approach to Giving
After a few meetings with Foundation staff, Brian and Krista decided to form a family fund. “We were so impressed with how easy the entire process was and with how genuinely interested the staff at the Foundation was in helping us figure out an approach to giving that was best for us.”
Philanthropy is a family affair for the Rashaps, and in 2016, it also became a permanent fixture when Brian, his wife Krista and their two children Shelby and Ethan established the Rashap Family Fund. Each of the family members has followed their own path to philanthropy. Brian, who oversees Intel facilities throughout North America, has been a non profit donor, board member and a mentor at var ious organizations. Krista has served as a loaned executive for the United Way Campaign and was very active with Girl Scouts and at Bosque School where both Rashap children have attended. From a young age, Shelby and Ethan received an allowance and put 25% towards savings and 25% towards charity. That foundation of giving carried into their later years. Ethan, a freshman at Bosque School, has raised funds to purchase soccer cleats for athletes across the globe, and Shelby, a freshman at the Pratt Institute in New York City, received the New Mexico Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals first ever Outstanding Youth in Philanthropy award when she was seven years old. A chance introduction to the Albuquerque Community Foundation opened the opportunity to braid their individual efforts into a long-term family approach to philanthropy. According to Bri an, “Krista attended the Great Grant Giveaway in 2016 and was excited by the opportunity to approach our family giving more strategically and in a way that would live on well into the future.”
9 The

This theme was the result of 12 months of research, community convenings and open communication with donors and non profit partners. We heard from many different voices, and a common concern was made clear from our community partners: our community lacks economic opportunities. By integrating this idea into our grantmaking, the Foundation is contributing to a community-wide effort to assist Albuquerque residents to become successful and prosperous.
With these changes, the Foundation saw an influx of new organizations applying for funds. In 2016, the Foundation awarded grants to 14 new visionary organizations in the Competitive Grant Program. Of these 14, seven groups are first-time Foundation grantees, meaning it is the first time they have received funding through the Foundation in any capacity.
Economic & Workforce Development: Economic & Workforce Development grants support intentional, inventive efforts to ensure a strong local economy. The new field promotes social, economic and environmental growth by sup porting innovative support systems for entrepreneurs and the state’s workforce.
Environmental & Historic Preservation: Environmental & Historic Preservation grants focus on the “environmen tal economy” and the preservation of historic landmarks, attractions, buildings and venues. The “environmental econo my” can be defined as organizations working within the environmental sector to bolster economic growth.
Arts & Culture: Arts & Culture grants focus on two primary funding areas: organizations and programs that provide access to arts and culture for low-income and/or at-risk populations and organizations supporting the Greater Albu querque Metropolitan Area through visual and performing arts.
Education: Education grants focus on supporting at-risk populations to ensure they receive educational opportunities to better the course of their lives and careers. Specific focus areas in this field are: elementary education literacy pro grams, at-risk youth, students with special needs and skills-based education for youth and adults.
Health: Health grants focus specifically on meeting the mental health needs of individuals in the Greater Albuquerque Metropolitan Area. Populations served through mental health programs may range from early childhood to seniors and can include the many diverse populations in between.
Human Services: Human Services grants serve as “springboard” grants to help individuals transition to more self-sus tainable lifestyles. Special focus will be given to organizations and programs that support one or more of the following: parental or guardian skills training, teen pregnancy, job training, independent living and children aging out of foster care.
2016program GrantGrant
The Foundation’s staff and volunteer advisory review committees conduct thorough reviews of the grant applicants’ proposals. See page 66 for a list of this year’s advisory review committee participants.
In addition to integrating this overarching grant theme, the Foundation also reassessed its focus areas in our six main fields-of-interest. We did this to ensure the Foundation was filling funding gaps and investing its philanthropic dollars in areas that represent both critical needs and opportunities for growth.
In 2016, the Foundation introduced significant changes to its Competitive Grant Program. With our new philosophy of solving community challenges at their root, we identified a common theme throughout all fields-of-interest in the Competitive Grant Program: providing access to economic opportunities.
With this theme of economic opportunity, we then sought to leverage the Competitive Grant Program to do two things: one, we wanted to meet the needs of individuals and support their efforts to achieve independent economic stability. And two, we felt it was important to also support our city’s collective economic growth and development.
Funding will support Keshet’s Movement+Mentorship=Meta morphosis (M3) program, which helps create self-sustainable lifestyles for at-risk populations and helps break the cycle of youth incarceration through the art of dance.
Funding will support the “FUSION Forum,” an economic devel opment project that provides co-operative office, meeting, culinary and rehearsal/performance spaces for practitioners, patrons and supporters of the performing arts in Downtown Albuquerque. Keshet Dance Company $15,000
Arts & Culture 516 Arts $8,746
Creative Startups $15,000
New Mexico Philharmonic $15,000
Funding will support students by providing free and affordable artistic training, life skills, academic support, paid internships and entrepreneurial oppor tunities, in addition to pairing students with youthengaged artists-in-residence who will mentor students on exploring futures in the arts.
Funding will support the New Mexico Philharmonic’s 2016-2017 performance and education programs, including concert series at Popejoy Hall, the Albuquerque BioPark and local churches, in addition to supporting the Young Musician Initiative, an intensive music education program for elementary students.
Creative Startups received the Foundation’s second-ever grant in this field-of-interest. The grant is supporting the Creative Startups Labs, the only pre-business accelerator lab for creative professionals in Albuquerque and New Mexico. The Lab intentionally targets young people and will increase the number of startups by success fully connecting local startups to a global network of resources, and increasing the knowledge and skills of our next generation of entrepreneurs. Through the intensive 4-week program, participating startups cover themes critical to early-stage business development and capacity building, such as business model development, customer discovery, and branding.
Creative StartUps
Working Classroom $10,000
Economic & Workforce Development
Competitive Grants
GrantGrant 2016program
An independent, nonprofit contemporary arts organization, which operates a museum-style gallery in downtown Albuquerque. See page 64 Fusion Theatre $10,000

Environmental & Historic Preservation Galloping Grace Youth Ranch $10,000
Funding for the Las Huertas program, a farmer training and incubator program for the high desert of New Mexico. Las Huertas is a skills development program dedicated to training both current and aspiring producers in certified organic farming techniques, specific to the arid environment of New Mexico and assisting them to become small-scale food entrepreneurs. The program, which seeks to graduate 8-15 students per year, anticipates as many as 20 new farmers growing on the Los Poblanos Fields Open Space land by 2017. 11
Funding will support the restoration of the former Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Locomotive 2926 to operational status. Upon completion of its restoration, the locomotive will serve as a moving museum, exhibiting NM railroad history and attracting travelers/visitors onto the train for historical trips originating from Albuquerque to Las Vegas.
Funding to support the Galloping Grace Youth Ranch’s Food Recovery Program, which reduces food waste, feeds families, contributes to sustainable food sources, conserves energy, impacts the local economy and educates youth, thereby building a healthier community and more resilient environment.
Manzano Mountain Art Council $10,100
New Mexico Acequia Association $15,000
New Mexico Steam Locomotive and Railroad Historical Society$8,000
Rio Grande Community Farm $10,000
Manzano Mountain Art Council Rio CommunityGrandeFarm
• 54% identify of Hispanic or Latino; • 29% are monolingual Spanish-speaking or consider Spanish their first language; • 23% have a household income less than $20,000/year, and 29% with an income between $20,001 - $24,999 and 5% with a household income over $100,000; and • 57% are women, 5% are veterans and 13% identify as disabilities.having
Two years ago, the Foundation added a sixth field-ofinterest, Economic & Workforce Development. The inaugural $15,000 grant was made to the South Valley Economic Development Center (SVEDC). The purpose of the grant was to leverage the SVEDC’s engagement with South Valley business owners to drive business growth and add new entrepreneur development in the South Valley. Within the grant period, SVEDC gained 68 new clients and hit the maximum business incubator capacity for the first time in its history. Of the new clients:
Funding will support a pilot farming program for students in the South Valley to train in the revitalization of rural communities, particularly by strengthening the traditional, land-based culture and local food economy. Ten student farming interns will learn: acequia education, hoophouse agriculture, composting, soil amendment, beekeeping, food preservation and distribution/sales marketing at local farmers’ markets.
South Valley Economic Development Center
A Historic Preservation Grant to help restore the Mountain Arts on Broadway Art and Community Center. The building, built in the early 1900’s, holds art studios, educational programs, business meet ings, workforce development seminars and performing and visual arts events. The Foundation’s grant has been used in part to install a stateof-the art lighting system, preserve the historic tin ceiling and develop a rain catchment in the garden.

CLN Kids $12,500
Crossroads for Women $15,000
Funding will support CLN’s Early Childhood program, which provides trauma-informed education to children ages 3-5 whose families are homeless or living 80% below the poverty level. The program ensures students who have endured physical, emotional and sexual traumas are at reading and math levels appropriate to enter Kindergarten and are on pace for a successful path of continued education.
Healing Addiction in Our Community $10,740
Health Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless $10,000
Funding to provide supervision and licensure test preparation for be havioral health and social service professionals seeking their highest level licensure, which not only fills a critical “provider gap” in the South Valley, and also builds a workforce pipeline for behavioral health professionals.
Education APS Education Foundation $2,086
Environmental & Historic Preservation - continued The Nature Conservancy $10,000
Explora $12,500
Explora’s Youth Intern Program offers high school students an inter active summer experience to gain and practice job skills, including effec tive communication, professionalism, resume-writing, interviewing, custom er-service, and teaching in an informal setting. The internship experience helps low-income students prepare for the future through mentoring and opportunities to explore colleges, STEM careers and lifelong learning.
All Faiths $10,000
Funding to support the Serenity Mesa Youth Recovery Center, which offers long-term residential treatment for young men, aged 14-21 who struggle with addiction issues. Funds will support the Parent Project, helping parents and guardians handle reoccurring mental and behavior al health situations after their child is discharged.
Support for the mental health services for 25 Pan-Asian, Middle Eastern and African immigrants and refugees who have experienced trauma due to war in their home countries, displacement via refugee camps and/or resettlement. The New Mexico Asian Family Center’s holistic service model extends beyond mental health counseling and includes job place ment, workforce development and transitional housing.
Funding for the Therapist of the Day pilot program, increasing access to behavioral health services by creating a streamlined and client-centered triage process. By adding this position approximately 65 homeless indi viduals will benefit from mental health services each week.
Centro Savila $10,000
To support the Family Wellness Program providing behavioral support for children who have experienced trauma while also working with their caregivers to address their own histories of trauma to break the cyclecreating overall positive change in both the educational and economic opportunities of families.
Funding will support the LapTime Reading Club at New Futures High School, the high school of choice for pregnant and parenting teenagers earning their high school diplomas. The multi-generational program helps prepare young children for academic success by being read to, while also helping parents increase their own literacy.
Funding will support the Rio Grande Water Fund, which invests in the restoration of forested lands upstream to secure water for communities downstream. It will restore 600,000 acres of forested land to a healthy state over the next 20 years; creating approximately 600 jobs in the Water Fund area reaching 500 students/youth per year through educa tional programs focusing on the connection between forest health and water supplies.
Funding will support Prosperity Kids, a dual-generation savings initiative en suring at-risk Latino youth from low to very-low income families, as well as youth in the foster system, are on track to graduate from high school, be col lege-ready and enroll in and graduate from college while having established savings accounts to help them reach their continuing education goals. The program’s adult component also ensures that parents/caregivers have the financial education and un derstanding to create more financially stable futures for their families.
Prosperity Works $8,000
New Mexico Asian Family Center $10,000
Trust for Public Land New Mexico $5,000
Funding to support the development of a Greenprint, a strategic, GIS-informed, community-driven conservation plan for the county, to prioritize conservation needs for the community, including promot ing and supporting recreational open space and local urban agriculture enterprises.
Funding for the Day Program, which helps provide a comprehensive set of skills for formerly incarcerated women with co-occurring mental health and addictive disorders build stable, self-sufficient lives.

Funding will support Planned Parenthood’s Responsible Sex Education Institute, which aims to educate teens and reduce unintended teen pregnan cies and the spread of sexu ally transmitted infections, while empowering youth to make healthy decisions for their future.
NM Legal Aid $10,000
Paws & Stripes $11,102 (Restricted to domestic animals)
Enlace’s PROSPER program provides financial literacy education for immigrant survivors of domestic violence. The program increases the safety and economic security for approximately 100 Spanish-speaking survivors of domestic violence, while also offering culturally and lin guistically-specific financial literacy materials to over 500 Spanish-lan guage immigrants. An example of what someone can do with PROS PER savings is to start a small business.
A new grantee to the Foundation, Generation Justice provides on-going radio broadcast train ing/productions that are youth led, commu nity based, structured from a critical race/ equity theory lens and propel educational excellence and career pipeline. In the ten years the program has existed, 92% of Gener ation Justice members have pursued higher education while more than 35% have gone on to study and work in journalism and/or media.
NM Child Advocacy Networks $7,928
Harwood Art Center $7,400 Arts education grant to support Creative Roots, a free outreach program engaging low-income youth aged 6-15 in hands-on learning and art exhibiting. Creative Roots offers 15-20 workshops annually at Community Art Days throughout the city.
Fathers Building Futures, a social enterprise initiative offering oppor tunities for emotional, social and financial stability. The program hosts four departments: Woodshop, Auto Detailing, Mobile Power Washing and Freight & Delivery (truck driving), and provides training, mentor ship and ultimately permanent job placement. In some cases, graduates of the program start their own business.
GrantGrant 2016program
Art in the School $7,400 Art in the School’s goal is to improve education for Albuquerque’s children with programs that provide quality visual art education the core curriculum. The Foundation’s grant supported After School Art Program at Title I Elementary Schools. The program supplements cuts in public art education, reaches 250 K-5th graders and provides over 25 teachers with professional development art workshops.
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $7,400 To expand the Magic Bus Program to include the new Art Start Program. Art Start provides pre-school children and families at Title 1 schools with transportation and access to the Museum, while training teachers to integrate the arts into learning at the early childhood level.
PB&J Family Services $17,291
Funding for Opportunity Passport, a program helping youth aging out of foster care understand financial responsibility and assists them in establishing, maintaining and growing bank accounts through matched saving opportunities.
IMPACT Personal Safety $4,440 (Restricted to alternatives to violence)
Funding to support service dog training for 35 animals and their owners–veterans experiencing debilitating PTSD and/or traumatic brain injury. Veterans, many of whom fall below the federal poverty threshold and earn less than 76% of the state’s average annual income, will acquire skills to help reduce PTSD levels and succeed in gaining employment and continuing their education.
Human Services Enlace Comunitario $15,000
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains$15,000
Foundation-Advised Grants Generation Justice $4,562 (Restricted to social justice, media and education)
Funding to support the new medical-legal partnership (MLP) with First Nations Community HealthSource. The program is New Mexico’s first tribal MLP and a critical testing ground for the model. This program will offer legal services and help the city’s underserved Native American population overcome housing, safety, education, health and employ ment issues and achieve healthier, more sustainable lifestyles.
Funding to provide up to 32 youth (ages 12-19) at Bernalillo County Youth Services Center with 16 hours of experiential, role playbased violence prevention classes focusing on anti-bias/anti-bullying skills, ally behavior, boundary-setting and de-escalation. By giving youth tools to become their own advocates, IMPACT will prevent substance abuse, incarceration, future domestic violence (both as perpetrators and victims) and other health issues related to abuse and assault.

Funding to support NMSC’s performances of choral music during the 2016-2017 season, allowing the organization to engage professional New Mexico orchestral musicians and soloists.
When the New Mexico Symphony closed its doors in 2011, the Foundation held a number of funds for the benefit of the Symphony. One of the many values of endowed funds is they are protected from bankruptcy and can be absorbed by the Foundation even after an organization ceases operations. The Foundation now leverages the Symphony’s endowment funds for our Orchestral Symphonic Music Grant Program, which ensures symphonic music performances and education are being supported in perpetuity for our community.
Funding to support live performances by professional symphonic musicians in the pit orchestra of all opera productions. NM Symphonic Chorus (NMSC) $5,000
New Mexico Philharmonic $95,000
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program (AYSP) $20,744
2016 Orchestral Symphonic Grant Program
Funding to pay New Mexico musicians for concert performances of orchestral symphonic music literature and to deliver orchestral symphonic instrumental music education programs.
Funding to provide direct support for the salaries of professional musicians and artistic staff who provide weekly and sup plemental instruction to prepare AYSP ensembles and performances. Opera Southwest $10,000

Thisfields-of-interest.conceptbrings grantees together three times a year to discuss: • What success for an organization can look like during the grant period • Major foreseeable challenges • How the Foundation can be supportive in ways beyond funding • How grantees can be helpful in collaborating with each other • Universal issues that affect organizations in each field-of-interest Environmental and Historic Preservation Cohort 15
In the Competitive Grant Program, our grant review panels made a conscious shift to fully fund organizations with their requested amount whenever possible. This means that while the Foundation may have awarded fewer grants, those that were awarded can have a greater impact on the organization, enabling them to do even more great work without struggling to supplement funding shortfalls. This funding philosophy offered an opportunity to build stronger relationships with grantees throughout the fund ing cycle. In the summer of 2016, the Foundation launched Grant Cohorts for grantees in each of the Foundation’s

Adelante With the support of a donor-advised fund, the Foundation supported Adelante’s Back in Use program. Back in Use provides employment and the opportunity to earn a paycheck for individuals with disabilities in Albuquerque. Most Back in Use em ployees are individuals on the autism spectrum who work part-time refurbishing computers and assistive technology. They receive support through Adelante’s job coaching program while gaining skills in a high quality technology job that will eventually lead to higher level IT positions outside of Adelante.
Great GrantGreat Grant

How to Apply
To be eligible for the Competitive Grant Program, an organization must serve the Greater Albuquerque Four-County Metropolitan Area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance) and be a 501(c)(3) taxexempt nonprofit organization in good standing, a public educational institution or a governmental agency.
The application process includes an initial submission of a Letter of Intent. Complete application criteria and guidelines are available on the Foundation’s website at albuquerquefoundation.org. Letters of Intent are reviewed and organizations are notified if they are invited to submit a full grant proposal. Criteria, guidelines and deadlines are posted on the Foundation’s website in January of each year.
Other Grants
2016 Grant Application Process
Many of our donors establish field-of-interest endowment funds to respond to Albuquerque’s evolving needs. Grants from these funds are made through the Competitive Grant Program, which allows organizations to request funding for current needs in the community. An application process is required.
Throughout the year, the Foundation also gives grants from other types of funds that are not part of the Com petitive Grant Program. Funds may be designated for a specific organization or program within a nonprofit. Others are donor-advised funds with donors actively supporting the organizations and charitable projects of their choice. Donor advisors may rely on the Foundation’s knowledge to identify particular agencies and programs they wish to support with their philanthropic dollars. Working with our ever-growing donor com munity, we take pride in making sure donors feel passionate about the causes they support.
Application Review Process
A variety of local organizations meet the basic requirements to apply for a grant, which makes applications a highly competitive process. The Foundation uses an extensive grant review procedure to assure donors and grantees that their interests are represented. Requests for funding are reviewed by diverse committees, consisting of members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and volunteers who are broadly representative of the community. Committee members use their individual expertise to contribute to a committee’s overall assessment of each proposal. Committee recommendations are then sent to the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for final grant approval.
Who Qualifies
Grants are not made: to individuals, for political or religious purposes, to retire indebtedness, for the payment of interest or taxes, to annual campaigns, as endowments or as emergency funding, to influence legislation or elections, to private foundations and other grantmaking organizations, or to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.
The Foundation has grouped these endowment funds into six general fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Work force Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.
Community philanthropists Jim and Ellen King have been working to build communities for decades. Jim has been an owner of Bradbury Stamm Construction since 1979 and ran the daily operations for over 30 years. He continues to serve as Chairman of the company today, while his wife Ellen manages the company’s philanthropic efforts to support nonprofit organizations across our community. Together with Bradbury Stamm employees and their two daughters Cynthia and Michelle, Jim and Ellen King have had a significant impact on Albuquerque. And in 2016 Jim and Ellen’s philanthropy took a new and exciting turn as they launched a donor advised fund at the Foun dation to provide support to those seeking education in a skilled trade. “We wanted to help bridge the gap tradespeople face when considering taking their skills as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and other trades to the master’s level, or though a certificate program,” said Ellen. “When we look at the opportunities for improvements in our community,” added Jim, “educa tion is often a common connection, and this includes education within trade careers.”
Jim and Ellen saw an opportunity. “We wanted make an improvement in our community,” said Jim, “and the Albuquerque Community Foundation was a great way to make it all happen.”
Jim and Ellen King
For donors like Jim and Ellen, supporting education is a very personal approach to philanthro py and the Foundation is honored to be a partner in their efforts.

A New Day Youth & Family Services $5,000 AARP Foundation $1,069
Designs for Learning Differences Sycamore School $4,000 Doctors Without Borders USA $3,000
The majority of grants made each year are from funds restricted by donors. Donor-advised fund holders may make recommenda tions to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees throughout the year to award specific grants to nonprofit organizations. Foundation staff members review recommendations to verify that organizations are qualified nonprofit groups. In light of the number of un funded competitive grants every year, the Foundation works closely with donor-advised fund holders to align their grantmaking, supporting unfunded grant proposals and considering letters-of-intent from the Competitive Grant Program.
Alzheimer’s Association $12,127
516 ARTS $50,000
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program $200 All Faiths $3,000 All Faiths $200 All Faiths $10,000
ACCION New Mexico Arizona Colorado $2,000
Albuquerque Regional Community Chaplain Corps $500
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $150
Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice $250
Albuquerque GED $9,200
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $1,000
Doctors Without Borders USA $3,000
Albuquerque Museum Foundation $300
Donor Advised
Creativity for Peace $1,000 Danforth Museum of Art $2,999 Danforth Museum of Art $3,700 de Profundis $3,000 Democracy Now! $1,100
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $25,000
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $250
Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $3,000
Albuquerque Opera Guild $250
Doctors Without Borders USA $1,000 Downtown ABQ MainStreet Initiative $5,000 Drug Policy Alliance $5,000 Duke University $10,000 Earthworks $10,000 Electronic Frontier Foundation $1,000 Ensemble Music New Mexico $3,000 19
Albuquerque Chamber Soloists $5,000
Adelante Development Center $10,000
ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $500 ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $5,000
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central NM $50 Brown University $1,600 Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque $100 Career Guidance Institute $5,000 Cathedral Church of St. John $500 Catholic Charities $10,000 Catholic Charities $2,410 Catholic Charities $1,000 Chamber Music Albuquerque $500 Charger Aquatics - Los Alamos $500 Children’s Grief Center of NM $100 Children’s Grief Center of NM $100 Children’s Miracle Network $500 Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $500 Chrysalis Center $1,000 CLN Kids $100 CNM Foundation $3,000 CNM Foundation $1,900
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central NM $5,000
Albuquerque Academy $5,000
American Civil Liberties Foundation $5,000 American Legion $5,000 Amigos Bravos $2,000 Amigos Bravos $1,000
Principal Principal
Animal Humane New Mexico $2,500 Animal Humane New Mexico $250 Animal Humane New Mexico $7,500 Animal Humane New Mexico $10,000 Animal Humane New Mexico $200 Animal Humane New Mexico $100 Animal Humane New Mexico $50 Animal Humane New Mexico $50 Animal Humane New Mexico $125 Animal Protection of New Mexico $3,000 Animal Rescue League of El Paso $4,000 Anti-Defamation League New Mexico $2,000 APS Education Foundation $750 APS Education Foundation $250 APS Education Foundation $300 APS Education Foundation $10,000 APS Education Foundation $7,316 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $5,000 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $100 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $100 ARCA $2,000 Armand Hammer United World College $20,000 ATF Teacher Leadership Foundation $1,000 Axle Projects $5,000 Bang on a Can $1,000 Barrett Foundation $1,069 Barrett Foundation $3,000 Barrett Foundation $100 Barrett Foundation $100 Basement Films $5,000 Best Buddies New Mexico $5,000 Bethel Community Storehouse $1,069 Bosque School $10,000 Bosque School $2,410
OFFCenter Community Arts Project $250
Environmental Defense Fund $2,000 Equality New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Escuela del Sol Montessori School $20,000 Explora! $10,000 Explora! $250 F.A.T Katz $25 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) $1,000 Feeding America $1,497 First Serve NM, $2,000 Fort Stanton, $2,500 Friends of the Bosque del Apache $214 Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center $1,027 Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace $2,000
Rio Grande School $2,000
OFFCenter Community Arts Project $20,000
New Mexico PBS - KNME $2,500
New Mexico PBS - KNME $428
ProgressNow NM $500 ProgressNow NM $10,000
Project Defending Life $100 Project HOPE $1,021
NM Foundation for Open Government $500 NM Foundation for Open Government $4,000
PB&J Family Services $1,000
PB&J Family Services $2,000
Outside In $100 Partners in Health $2,000 Paws and Stripes $75
Pegasus Legal Services for Children $300
Prince of Peace Catholic Church $2,500
PB&J Family Services $5,000
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $8,421
Next Step Ministries $10,000
Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $500 From The Heart Foundation Resource Program $2,138 Garden’s Edge $500 Good Shepherd Center $50 Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity $300 Grief Resource Center $500 Heading Home $500 Healing the Children $100 Hubbell House Alliance $300
Mandy’s Special Farm $1,000 Manzano Day School $500 March of Dimes Foundation $100 March of Dimes Foundation $100 March of Dimes Foundation $100 Menaul School $5,000 Metrowest Jewish Day School $1,000 Mission Viejo Pateadores $5,526 Missionaries of the Poor USA $5,000 Morris Animal Foundation $4,000 Museum of New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Musica Antigua de Albuquerque $250 National Atomic Museum Foundation $100 National Dance Institute of NM $1,000 National Dance Institute of NM $100 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $5,500 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $5,000 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $250 National Jewish Health $2,500 National Jewish Health $4,000 Nature Conservancy New Mexico $100 New Covenant Christian Church $25 New Energy Economy $250 New Israel Fund $1,000 New Mexico Appleseed $2,500 New Mexico Appleseed $500 New Mexico Appleseed $2,409
OFFCenter Community Arts Project $100
Planned Parenthood Federation of America $5,000
Prosperity Works $100 Rio Grande DevelopmentCommunityCorp. $12,000
Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $250
New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500
OFFCenter Community Arts Project $5,000 Opera Southwest $35,000 Opera Southwest $1,000 Outpost Productions $250
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $5,000
Project Vote $1,000
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $5,000
New Mexico Asian Family Center $25 New Mexico Autism Society $250 New Mexico BioPark Society $6,000 New Mexico BioPark Society $500 New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches $1,021 New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $10,000 New Mexico Community Foundation $50 New Mexico Environmental Law Center $8,000 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation $10,000 New Mexico Jazz Workshop $20,000 New Mexico Kids Matter $5,000 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $6,000 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $250 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $100 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $7,130
Rio Grande Valley Blue Star Mothers $500 Rio Rancho Education Foundation $981 20
Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation $1,000,000
New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial $100 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $5,000 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $2,000
New Mexico Wildlife Association $1,000
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center $4,000 Island Press $5,000 Italian Festivals of New Mexico $6,000 James Dick Foundation for the Performing Arts $2,500 JDRF International $2,500 Jewish Community Center $1,250 Jewish Family Service of Metrowest $5,500 Job Path $2,500 Joy Junction $1,069 Junior Achievement of New Mexico $7,000 Junior League of Albuquerque $25 La Familia Medical Center $10,000 Landmark Musicals $1,500 Las Campanas Compadres $2,000 League of Women Voters of Central NM Education Fund $250 Little Sisters of the Poor Villa Guadalupe $500 Localogy $5,000 Lodestar Dog Ranch $3,000
New Mexico PBS - KNME $5,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $4,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $500 New Mexico Philharmonic $10,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,543
zz 21
Donor Advised Grants Roadrunner Food Bank $1,711 Roadrunner Food Bank $200 Roadrunner Food Bank $4,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $400 Roadrunner Food Bank $1,187 Roadrunner Food Bank $5,000 Roadrunner Food Bank $100 Running 505 $25 Safer New Mexico Now $100 Salvation Army $1,069 Salvation Army $1,000 Salvation Army $1,021 Salvation Army USA $1,069 Samaritan Counseling Center $500 Samaritan Counseling Center $1,500 Samaritan Counseling Center $500 Sandager Presentations $1,000 Sandia Kiwanis Club $2,000 Sandia Preparatory School $10,000 Sandia Preparatory School $500 Santa Fe Opera $15,534 Saranam $300 Saranam $200 Saranam $5,000 School for Advanced Research on the Human Experience $7,500 Senior Citizens’ Law Office $5,000 Service Companion Dogs of America $3,500 Silver Horizons New Mexico $687 Silver Horizons New Mexico $5,289 Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation $2,000
Student’s Clothing Bank $350 Susan’s Legacy $5,000 SW Research & Info Center $4,000 The Film Collaborative $2,827 The First Tee of Denver $150 The Rock at Noon Day $250 Think New Mexico $250 Think New Mexico $500 Think New Mexico $1,000 United Way of Central New Mexico $500 United Way of Central New Mexico $3,000 United Way of Santa Fe $15,000 UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center $10,000 UNM Foundation $750 UNM Foundation $10,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $2,350 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,000 UNM Foundation $886 UNM Foundation $3,000 UNM School of Law $4,000 VSA arts of New Mexico $250 VSA arts of New Mexico $2,000
Southwest Research and Information Center $5,000 Southwest Women’s Law Center $500 Southwest Women’s Law Center $50 Spencer Theatre for the Performing Arts $1,000 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital $25 St. Thomas Aquinas $100
Watermelon Mountain Ranch $3,000 Watermelon Mountain Ranch $3,930 WildEarth Guardians $250 Wildlife Center $100 Wise Fool New Mexico $100 Wolf Conservation Center $10,000 Women’s Housing Coalition $50 Working Classroom $18,000 YAI Young Adult Institute $5,000
Patrick Grange Soccer Development Fund
From the time he could walk, it was evident that Patrick Grange would be an athlete. He loved to play several sports, but soccer would be the one he excelled at and the one he would play during school at Albuquerque High, the University of Illinois at Chicago and UNM, and after college for the semi pro team, Albuquerque Assylum and pro soccer in England. Patrick was known for his ability to head the ball, that is, redirecting the ball with one’s head into the net for a goal. At the age of 28, this optimistic, sensitive and humorous young man was diagnosed with ALS-Lou Gehrig’s disease. Patrick passed away on April 10th, 2012 at age 29. It was determined later that he suffered chronic traumatic encephalopathy--a brain disease linked to repeated blows to the head.
At the time of his passing, his parents Michael and Michele, his brothers and grandmother established the Patrick Grange Soccer Development Fund at the Foundation. Since that time, the family sought just the right place to grant the memorial gifts made to this fund. That right place came this year when theVentana Ranch Community Park opened. It’s soccer field would be named in memory of Patrick; a perfectly suitable place where young soccer players can enjoy their sport much like Patrick did during his short life time. It is through this Memorial Fund that Patrick’s memory will last forever.

This scholarship recognizes an extraordinary graduating male and female senior at Eldorado High School, who plays for the varsity soccer team.
This scholarship provides assistance to New Mexico residents from Quay County to continue their post-sec ondary education. Opportunities for the Future Funds Contributing to the 2016 Scholarship & Student Aid Awards
&2016Student Aid Funds
Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship
A scholarship for an Albuquerque High School graduate who is pursuing a degree in one of the STEM majors: science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
This scholarship provides assistance to students pursuing an education and career in the field of automotive technology and/or related technical vocational fields.
Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship
Barnes W. Rose, Jr. and Eva Rose Nichol Scholarship
Scholarship and student aid donors value their role in providing education and career development opportunities for a range of learners, including high school students, current college students and non-traditional students (those who may be returning to or starting college after many years). The Foundation offers flexible options for establishing a scholarship or student aid fund based on your desired level of involvement.
New Mexico’s students embody the power of present and potential opportunities. Our students can create and engage as com munity partners and contribute to the New Mexico workforce. With our scholarship programs, we aim to uplift and transform lives. Our donors envision a state full of accomplished students, learning what they need to become passionate community partners, inventive and successful. Many of our scholarship and student aid donors give to honor the memory of a loved one or to promote a field of study or career path that resonates with them. When you create a scholarship or student aid fund at the Foundation, you create an opportunity to improve a student’s life and the lives of their family members for generations to come—forging partnerships across New Mexico communities.
During 2016, we awarded $153,000 to new and renewing students. New Mexico is our home—and we can help you build a fund to ensure your neighbors, friends and community members receive the best education. We and our partners are building a future for generations to come.
The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship Presented by the American Advertising Federation of New Mexico
Carl F. Scott Scholarship for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. & A.M.
A scholarship for a deserving man and woman who intend to enter the advertising and communications field.
David R. Woodling Memorial Scholarship
Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship
Trythall Family Scholarship for Excellence in Continuing Education
This scholarship awards those remarkable women who are continuing or returning to college/university for their first undergraduate degree and need financial assistance for their senior year.
This scholarship provides assistance for graduating seniors from 24 designated central New Mexico high schools who plan to attend a New Mexico four-year college or university.
Notah Begay III Scholarship
A scholarship for high school graduating seniors in Albuquerque of exceptional promise in the fields of science and math.
Charlie & Kathy Barnhart and Ken Haynes, Jr. Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship
This scholarship provides financial assistance to address the ‘gap’ in financial aid packages for both graduating high school seniors and students continuing their education.
Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women
Youth in Foster Care Scholarship
Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship
This scholarship provides assistance to a La Cueva High School graduating senior who has a language learning or other reading disability.
This scholarship provides assistance to young adults who have been in the New Mexico foster care system who want to develop a marketable skill or continue their education.
Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship
Woodcock Family Education Scholarship
A scholarship for graduating students with strong community service experience, strong academic records and who are planning a career in child development and/or teaching.
This scholarship provides assistance for New Mexico graduating high school seniors who reside in a manufactured home.
Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund
These student aid awards provide assistance to individuals who are employed a minimum of 20 hours a week while attending college.
Funds Contributing to the 2016 Scholarship & Student Aid Awards 24
James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship provides assistance to students in pursuit of a certificate or degree in a metals technology program with a concentration in machine tool technology and welding.
Women in Rhetoric & Logic Scholarship
A scholarship that supports exceptional female students on the debate team at the Albuquerque Academy to continue their education.
A scholarship that recognizes an outstanding New Mexico Native American athlete who is playing a varsity-level sport and demonstrating strong academic achievement.
This scholarship provides assistance to students who are pursuing a “life dream” in spite of facing adversity or an extraordinary challenge in life.
Sonia JennyCaileeAlanGeorgeAlejandraMeleroMendozaNailNajeraNelsonNguyen
Students receiving awards in 2016 Shaina Aguirre Angela Akridge José CamberDeannaBriannaAndazolaAppelAragonArnhart
Joselyn Sepulveda Alistair Shaw Lydell Shetima Henry WilliamNicoleHaleyMariahSimeSimplicioSoSpenceStanopiewicz Katelyn Steen Rodney Stubblefield Felicia Tafoya Arjun DallanaSoniaLluviaAlexisMagdalinaTandonTapiaTiefaTrevizoTrilloVallenciano Abigail KippiMatthewVermetteA.VillarealWebb Madeline Wiegel Edward Wyckoff Kevin Wyss Silowen Zeir Randy Zhang Kourtney Zimmerly
Samina Kabir Jessica Kessler Toria Kovacs Stephen Lambros Dylan BrendenLarsonLee Roan Lee-Plunket Cinthia Leon Arena Lewis Justin Lovato Reyna Lucero Robyn Lucero Danae MarkMadisonMaesMarinoMarquez Jacqueline Martinez Michaela Martinez Kayla KelleyMaxwellMcCall
Monique Grillo Mary Lee Gutierrez Eric Haocheng Li Taylor Hayes Cristian MatthewHinojosaHolly Tierra BryanPriyankaSummerHudsonHuizarJainJaramillo
Samuel Robinson Marisol LunaElighioAlexandraRoblesRodriguezRodriguezRodriquez Kimberly Rogge-Obando Jovan HavenNathanSavannahJordanRomanRunyanSalazarSanchezSandoval Kaniya Sandoval Luis SarahKevinSantiagoSchumakerScott
Luis BrintonJeseniaTaelynMistyPulidoQuamReidRiosRoach
Austin Arnold Suleima Astorga Julio de Marco Avila Robert J. Baca Jr. Hailey Barlow Carly AlyssaBeckerBeltran Kyle KathrynPaolaBiederwolfBojorquez-RamirezBowen Mikaela Bruhn Cearra Burrell Janai MaHaleeElizabethRobertAndrewArthurRobertNicoleCamposCastellanoL.CastleChaconChenChenColungaConway
Uyen-Phuong Nguyen Christian Ojeda Mikayla Olson Brandon Ortiz Angelica Padilla Luciano Padilla Danielle Pena Katia DustinKeannettePerez-FuentesPerkinsPerriguey Susie NamTran Minh Pham
Kathryn Cook Nathan Cowan Trystyn JuliaNaudieaCrenshawDavisDeBlassie Keiyana Denetdale Desiree A. Desvigne Nathaniel Dissassa Nathan Duran Mariela TylerJohnAlexaJosephMichelleElizabethEscarcagaEspindolaEspinozaEstradaEvansFennellyFerguson
Addison Abou-NicaFlores-ThorpeFomukong Akol B. Franklin Kayleigh Fury Alexandria Garcia Denise RyanVidalJasmineGarciaGarciaGonzalesGriego
q 25
Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $6,790
Funding to support Adelante’s Desert Harvest Program, which connects individuals with disabilities to volunteer opportunities aimed at ending hunger. Through Desert Harvest, Adelante volunteers provide 1.3 nutri tious meals at a yearly cost of three cents per meal.
Albuquerque Oasis $7,240
Funding to assist approximately 30 homeless secondary youth with after school tutoring two evenings per week during the school year. Additional funds will be used to serve approximately 200 students through middle and high school career fairs to help them explore potential options for their professional futures.
ARCA $6,340 To support ARCA’s Health Matters Program, which offers individuals with disabilities various health and wellness activities, such as, weekly wellness walks, nutrition and cooking classes, educational health and wellness parties and home visits to provide health support for individuals receiving direct services.
Funding to support the Barrett Community Garden, a 1,500 sq. ft. growing space and greenhouse, which offers nutritional food for the women and children residing at Barrett House’s Emergency Shelter.
APS Title I Homeless Project $9,050
Albuquerque Healthcare for the Homeless $9,050
Funding to support the OASIS Intergenerational Tutoring Program, which pairs public school students K-4, who are reading just below grade level, with adult volunteers. The program utilizes committed, trained adults who have the time, patience, enthusiasm, and the life experience to make a profound difference in the lives of elementary school students at risk of falling through the cracks.
Assistance League of Albuquerque $4,530
Albuquerque Museum $4,530
To provide greater access to capital and financial education for aspiring and existing women entrepreneurs. Adelante $4,530
Funding for the ArtStart program, an arts education program for Pre-K students in APS Title I schools.
Funding to support the Low-Income Food and Enrichment (LIFE) program, which provides no-cost/reduced-cost meals to Albuquerque residents who may have specific dietary restrictions related to illness. 100% of LIFE clients are disabled and 85% report that Meals on Wheels volunteers are the only visitors they have each day.
SS Hugh and Helen Woodward established the Sandia Foundation in 1948 to support the University of New Mexico and charities in Albu querque, as well as Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA.
Funding will provide access to oral health care (comprehensive care appointments, urgent care visits and dentures) for the most vulnerable people in our community. Specifically, funds will safeguard free oral health services to 1,500 people who are homeless and complete or partial dentures for 40 clients.
Funding supported Operation School Bell, which assists elementary and middle school APS students in need at 35 Title I schools requiring uniforms. Their goal for the 2016-2017 school year is to provide clothing for at least 4,100 students and to establish clothes closets in at least 20 Title I schools.
ACCION New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado $4,530
Barrett Foundation $9,050
2016 Sandia Foundation Competitive Grants:
A Note from Riis Gonzales: It has been noted the Sandia Foun dation, which was estab lished in 1948, was the first non-profit founda tion in New Mexico. Our founders, Mr. Hugh Wood ward and Mrs. Helen Woodward’s vision and gener osity has inspired and improved the lives of countless people during the past 69 years. Since its inception, the Sandia Foundation has awarded more than $8.5 million to Albuquerque nonprofits. As the new President & CEO of the Sandia Founda tion it is my honor to continue to support their spir it and legacy. Together with the Sandia Foundation Board of Directors, we are committed to prudently managing the Foundation’s assets so that our three beneficiaries, (University of New Mexico, Dickinson College and the Albuquerque Community) can con tinue their pursuit of transforming the lives of college bound students and supporting Albuquerque’s philanthropic initiatives.
In 2006, the Sandia Foundation engaged the services of the Albuquer que Community Foundation to administer its annual grant award program. While the Sandia Foundation’s Trustees reviews and rec ommends grant recipients, the Foundation manages, organizes and performs required due diligence for the grant program. Through this ten-year partnership, the Sandia Foundation, with the support of Albuquerque Community Foundation staff, has awarded over $3 million of grants to over 120 organizations in Education, Health and Human Services.

CNM Foundation $9,050
Funding to provide high quality educational enrichment through dance and performing arts training for children, targeting underserved popula tions and help children understand nutrition and regular exercise and its impact on wellness and academic achievement.
Casa Esperanza $4,530 Casa Esperanza is New Mexico’s “home away from home” for families requiring treatment for cancer and other serious medical illnesses. The house provides lodging and support to both adult and pediatric patients, with patients around the state becoming temporary Albuquerque residents. Funding will support the purchase of linens, mattress pads and other essential items to leverage a donation of 28 new mattresses.
Enlace Comunitario
Funding to support the Building Futures and Foundations Initiative, work ing with community partners and young people to identify the unique strengths and needs of New Mexico’s foster youth while using national evidence-based strategies for improving outcomes in education, employ ment, health, housing, permanency, financial capability and social capital.
New Mexico Foundation for Dental Health $8,150
New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation $4,530
Funding for NM Legal Aid’s Keeping Your Home program, which provides housing-related legal services to low- and moderate income New Mexicans primarily residing in greater Albuquerque. Attorneys provide free advocacy to about 200 families earning less than 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, and do biweekly community education reaching another 130 individuals a year. Community education is provided, regard less of income, to those who are representing themselves in housing-related matters like foreclosure.
Funding will help support an on call Resident Manager and Community Support for Crossroads’ residential programs, including Maya’s Place, The Pavilions and HOPE House. These houses serve homeless women who have been cycled in and out of incarceration.
Support for the Canine Training, a program that trains service dogs to be paired with veterans suffering from PTSD and traumatic brain injuries.
Children’s Grief Center $9,050 To provide peer support groups in Albuquerque for 12 bereaved children who have recently lost a family member, often a parent. Through these groups, children can talk, draw, write, play or act out their experiences and process their experiences with others who are going through a similar loss.
Funding to the Mayor’s Prize Program Powered by the Albuquerque Community Foundation, which is designed to improve the city’s economic conditions by coordinating and increasing philanthropic resources for entrepreneurial support organizations (ESOs) and provide grants and technical assistance to ESOs to scale quality supports for ESOs and improve connectivity within the Albuquerque entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Explora! $9,050 Funding to support Explora’s Youth Intern Program, which provides 30 paid internships per year to low-income, high achieving, culturally-di verse teens in Albuquerque. The program supports the interns as they de velop workforce skills, receive college and career mentoring, explore the principles of experiential learning, provide community service, and serve as mentors for up to 5,000 low-income elementary school children annually via Explora’s STEM educational programs.
Catholic Charities
National Dance Institute $9,050
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $4,530
Funding to support low-income Albuquerque residents access food, health care and cash assistance benefits they need to feed their families, obtain health services and stay in their homes. These programs include Medicaid, TANF (temporary cash assistance), and SNAP (formerly food stamps).
New Mexico Legal Aid $9,050
Funding for the Kinship Guardianship Program, which focuses on the basic needs for safety, stability, and access to healthcare and education of children being raised by grandparents or other caregivers when the child(ren)’s parent is unable to provide proper care and refuses to allow the caregiver to obtain the legal authority necessary to ensure that these needs are met.
Crossroads for Women $4,530
Mayor’s Prize Program $4,530
New Day Youth and Family Services $9,050
Pegasus Legal Services for Children $9,050
Funding will support New Day’s Safe Home Computer Lab project, which provides homeless and disconnected youth with computers and computer literacy skills so they can take advantage of educational and employment opportunities.
Paws & Stripes $4,530
To provide donated dental services to 55 Albuquerque residents who are either permanently disabled or age 60 or older and afford them the oppor tunity to eat healthy and nutritious diets to improve their overall health. This is part of a matching grant, allowing Sandia Foundation’s dollars to go farther and have a greater impact in the community.
To support Project Heart Start, a training program that teaches individuals life-saving skills, including CPR, how to use an AED machine, how to save a choking victim and how to recognize the signs of a heart attack. Specif ically, these funds will help train employees in major corporate entities in central Albuquerque.
Funding to continue building the Rust Opportunity Scholarship Fund through awarding emergency scholarships to students, which provides essential financial assistance to students who are facing unforeseen emergencies that could impact their educational progress.
Funding for the Young Musician Initiative (YMI), which supports academic performance and encourages successful early learning habits, including focus in class, timely/accurate completion of homework, self-control, empathy, cooperation and self-confidence.
2016 Sandia Foundation Competitive Grants - continued 27
New Mexico Child Advocacy Networks $6,340
Funding for Catholic Charities’ Children’s Learning Center, a five star, accredited preschool program in Albuquerque’s South Valley. The children attending the Children’s Learning Center come mainly from immigrant, low income, Spanish speaking families in the South Valley. The program addresses the educational learning gap between Hispanic and Caucasian students, by offering bilingual early childhood education.
New Mexico Philharmonic $7,240
Funding for PROCESS DV, a weekly, non-therapeutic, domestic violence education and support drop-in group for Spanish-speaking victims of domestic violence. The peer-to-peer approach reduces the intimidation many victims feel when initially accessing more traditional services and the consistent weekly nature of the group allows victims to listen and reduce feelings of isolation often caused by domestic violence.
Rio Grande Food Project $6,790 Operational funding to help Rio Grande Food Project provide 1.6 million meals of supplemental food to over 48,000 hungry children, youth, adults and seniors who live and work in Albuquerque.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $4,530 To support Planned Parenthood’s Responsible Sex Education Institute programming, which works to reduce teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection rates in Albuquerque, by ensuring youth have the education they need to make responsible decisions and delay parenting.
Supportive Housing Coalition $9,050 Funding for Supportive Housing Coalition’s Housing First program, which seeks to help individuals and families who have experienced both chronic homelessness and serious health disorders. Specifically, funding will support the Service Coordination Program for 80+ residents with special needs at the Sunport Plaza Apartments.
2016 Sandia Foundation Competitive Grants - continued
Albuquerque Community Foundation $500 Children’s Cancer Fund of NM $500 Mandy’s Special Farm $250 Manzano Day School $500 Menaul School $500 NDI $500 New Mexico Appleseed $500 New Mexico Soccer Foundation $500 Opera Southwest $250 Paws and Stripes $500 Paws and Stripes $500 Roadrunner Food Bank $500 The Rock at Noon Day $250 United Way of Central New Mexico $500 UNM Alumni Association $250
Sandia Foundation Board of Trustee Grants
SHARE New Mexico $22,630 Funding to support the development of SHARE 2.0, an online web platform developed in Albuquerque, that serves as the state’s most comprehensive directory of nonprofit services. Requested funds are available to be matched by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and will be utilized to ensure the over 8,000 organizations and 10,000 programs SHARE has included in the resource directory (the majority of which are in the greater Albuquerque area) are easily accessible by those who are helping individuals, especially in the areas of Education, Health and Human Services.
Family Rooms allow the family members of sick children to stay close by in the hospital.
Rock at Noon Day $4,530 Operating grant to help provide a safe place and basic resources for homeless and hurting individuals in the city.
To provide a full range of academic, artistic and financial support and mentoring for talented, low-income students. Funding will allow students to receive free, year-round, bilingual artistic training, academic tutoring, paid internships, college prep programming and opportunities to collaborate with prominent national artists to create art and theatre that addresses social change.
Presbyterian Ear Institute $4,530 Funding will support tuition for low-income individuals and families to attend Presbyterian Ear Institute’s School for Oral Deaf Educa tion, which offers an education option to families who choose spoken language (without the use of manual signs) as the primary mode of communication for their children with hearing loss. The goal of the program is to empower deaf children to not only devel op speech and language skills needed for oral communication, but also to develop social and emotional skills required for successful ly entering mainstream schools.
WESST $9,050
Prosperity Works $4,530 Funding for La Red del Abajo’s Young Men and Men Program, which focuses on the meaningful engagement of at-risk, low income Latino youths who live in Albuquerque’s semi-urban, heavily immigrant, and severely marginalized South Valley. With strong educational compo nents at its core, the immediate program goals are for Latino youth to learn to solve problems peacefully, to become financially knowledgeable, to learn about nutrition and health.
St. Martin’s Hospitality $4,530 To support Project End Homelessness, which focuses on low/no income people with mental health issues and/or addiction disorders. The project helps these individuals obtain employment opportunities through the Coffee Shop.
The Storehouse $9,050
Funding for The Storehouse’s new program, “The Storehouse Goes Mobil,” a mobile food pantry that will deliver food to churches, senior centers and/or community centers. Clients can choose food at these lo cations and take it home to prepare; funding will provide 50,000 healthy meals to low-income households through this new program.
Samaritan Counseling $4,530 Funding for the St. Joseph’s Center for Children and Families, which provides mental health counseling to primarily low-income, Spanishspeaking and bilingual adults, adolescents, and children in the International District, Central Albuquerque and the South Valley.
To provide start-up and existing entrepreneurs in Albuquerque with high quality training and one-on-one consultations, as well as incuba tion services for companies housed at the WESST Enterprise Center. Additional funds will support WESST’s work with small businesses, with an emphasis on business finance, marketing and management.
Ronald McDonald House $4,530 Funding to provide basic needs for families utilizing the Family Room programs at the UNM Children’s Hospital and Presbyterian Hospital.
Working Classroom $9,050
In late 2002, Allen’s daughter Jamie was diagnosed with stage two Hodgkin lymphoma. She was 24 years old.
During her treatment, Jamie received excellent care from the New Mexico Cancer Center, which included four months of chemotherapy and one month of radiation. Nearly 18 months later, Jaime was given a clean bill of health. In 2008, as part of celebrating five-years cancer free, the family hosted a golf tournament to raise funds that would ease the burden for families with children experiencing medical hardship. The proceeds from that tournament, and four following tournaments, were given to the New Mexico Cancer Center.
Allen Lewis and Carla Aragón
In Frank Capra’s classic film, It’s a Wonderful Life, George Baily is reminded of the positive impact he had on the residents of his hometown of Bedford Falls. Through George’s slow, steady and genuine care for his fellow man, he created ripple effects that had tremendous influences on the lives of people around him.
For Carla Aragón, her husband Allen Lewis and his three daughters, Sarah, Jamie and Katie, It’s a Wonderful Life is an important reminder that actions should always be intentional and inspired by integrity and care. Over their personal and professional lives, Carla and Allen have worked to embody those values by support ing causes they believe in with their time and resources.
“Giving back to the community was a prominent part of my daughters’ upbringing,” said Allen. “We were thrilled when they modeled the behavior, and now we are excited to follow in their footsteps with the creation of our own family fund.” Through creation of the Lasso The Moon Fund, Allen and Carla can ensure that their giving, like the film their fund is named after, will be timeless.
The film It’s a Wonderful Life hasn’t only inspired their family, it also inspired the name of Carla and Allen’s Lasso the Moon Fund, a donor-advised fund created at the Foundation in 2016. The Lasso the Moon Fund supports causes they believe are important, like entrepreneurism, as well as one close to their hearts - supporting the needs of families during cancer treatment.
A Classic ApproachA Classic Approach

Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2016 30
The Robert P. Tinnin, Jr. Fund Mr. Bob Tinnin A. David Sandoval Fund for Music Education, 2002 Aetna Life Casualty Fund, 1984 Albuquerque Community Foundation Arts & Culture Fund, 1984 Ray & Maureen Trujillo Albuquerque Community Foundation Children & Youth Fund, 2002 Marcia & Jonathan Parkes in honor of Hannah Parkes Albuquerque Community Foundation Economic & Workforce Development Fund, 2014 BeverlyAnonymous&Perry Bendicksen Mr. & Mrs. Howard Friedman Mr. Patrick Lambert Mr. & Mrs. Lennard McMillan Albuquerque Community Foundation Education Fund, 1984 Denise N. Nava
a list of the Foundation’s funds. Fund names are listed in bold type, contributors to funds are listed in light type. Funds Established in 2016 Avery Fund Linda & Richard Avery Infinite Gesture Fund Anonymous Lasso the Moon Fund Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón Patricia McDonald Fund for Health the estate of Ms. Patricia L. McDonald Rashap Family Fund Brian & Krista Rashap Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare the estate of Ms. Reba Price
Foundation donors have different motivations for establishing their funds. Some want to give back to organizations that have helped them—others want to memorialize a loved one or create an income stream for a cause that’s close to their heart. Others want to educate, to create or to help cultivate a passion. The Foundation assists donors in meeting their goals, whether they seek to support multiple organizations, donate anonymously or simply share in the joy of giving back to the terrific places we care
Albuquerque Community Foundation Preservation Fund of New Mexico, 1984 Ms. Nancy E. Arnold Albuquerque Community Foundation Social Giving Club, 2015 See page 50 Albuquerque Community Foundation Visionary Fund, 2011 Albuquerque Monthly/Coronado Center Fund, Albuquerque1984New Car & Truck Dealers Fund, American1986 Home Fund, 1986 Anand Fund, 2004 Anonymous Andrew Piech Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2010 Ms. Nancy E. Arnold Ann & Russell Rhoades Fund, 2006 Anne B. Little Fund for Aid to Senior Citizens, 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Education, 2003 Anne B. Little Fund for Health, 2003 APS Fine Arts Enhancement Fund, 1989 Arthur H. Spiegel Family Fund, 1996 Arthur J. & Naomi C. Rosenberg Charitable Fund, 1997 Bank of Albuquerque Charitable Fund, 2000 Barnes W. Rose Jr. & Eva Rose Nickol Scholarship Fund, 2003 Becky & Rudy Diaz Fund, 2006 Becky & Rudy Diaz BeNicePlayFair.com Fund, 2004 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Animals, 2013 Beresford & Margaret Menagh Fund for Educational Opportunities for Navajo Children, 2013 Betty & Luke Vortman Fund, 2003 Betty & Luke Vortman Restricted Fund, 2013 Blaine Ryan Kindler Memorial Education Fund, 1999 Bob & Gwen Cameron Charitable Fund, 2006 Ms. Gwen Cameron Bob L. Turner Family Fund, 2014 Bridge Fund, 2004 List continued on next page
Each of our funds is customized to meet donors’ philanthropic goals and community needs. We work in partnership with donors to help them meet their charitable goals, as well as to receive tax benefits without administrative responsibilities. Funds can be established by individuals, families, businesses or organizations.
2016 FUNDs
Reba Price Fund for Children & Families the estate of Ms. Reba Price Reba Price Fund for Performing Arts the estate of Ms. Reba Price
Albuquerque Community Foundation Emergency Action Fund, 2011 Becket Family Foundation Ms. Lauri Ebel Ms. Carol Hinton Mr. Peter & Mrs. Judy Basen Weinreb Albuquerque Community Foundation Health Fund, 2001 Albuquerque Community Foundation Human Services Fund, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Albuquerque Community Foundation Impact Fund, 1984 Ms. Lara Dale Ron & Mary Moya Mr. Giuseppe Rizza in memory of Kase Klein Jeff & Peggy Roberts
Mr. Travis Suazo Mr. Phillip San Filippo Yogash Kumar Mr. Robert Herman Mr. Richard Holcomb Indian Pueblo Marketing, Inc. in honor of Calvin Tafoya Ms. Rebecca Latham Valkyrie Meek
Alongi Ms. Katherine Bailey Ms. Julia Bolz Mr. Adam Elias Mr. Nicholas Emlen Mr. Matthew Levin Radhika Malhotra Ms. Nancy J. Paul Mr. David Rosen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Santangelo Anne & Ken Sapon Mr. Jaideep Singh Ms. Virginia Tiernan Mr. Steven Van Rooy Holocaust Memorial Fund, 1988 Hopkins Campbell Family Fund, 2012 Karen Hopkins & Richard Campbell Hospitality & Tourism Scholarship Fund, 2015 NM Hospitality Association Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tonjes
Howard W. Zona Ehret Henry Fund for the Performing Arts, 2010 Hueter Bass Family Fund, 2000 Jack & Donna Rust Family Fund, 1996 Jack Grevey Memorial Fund, 2005 Jackie A. Fallis Fund, 2007 List continued on next page 31
Alongi Eye Associates Gerald & Alice Rubin Memorial Foundation Fund, 2005 First Things First Fund, 2008 Florence & Bob Stamm Fund, 1986 Floyd & Patricia Wilson Fund, 2001 Frank & Dolores Hines Family Fund, 1997 Frank & Mickey Peloso Fund, 2006 Frank & Mickey Peloso Memorial Fund, 2007 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham for Classical Music, 2013 Frank D. & Marie K. Gorham Fund, 2001 Future Fund of Albuquerque Community Foundation, 1997 See Page 48 Galles Chevrolet Friends of Youth Fund, 1988 Garcia Automotive Group Fund, 1999 George & Jenean Stanfield Fund, 2010 George Clayton Pearl Family Fund, 1993 Goodman Family Fund, 2003 Gordon Church Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Cadwallader Gorvetzian Croker Family Fund, 2010 Greg & Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund, 2003 Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison Ogawa PNM Resources Foundation Hanna/Woodford Family Fund, 2013 Harvey Yates Education Fund, 1984 HB Construction Fund, 2011 Hearst Music Education Fund, 2013 HENMAR Fund, 1998 Himalayan Progressive Education Fund, 2009 Mr.Anonymous&Mrs.Carl
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2016 Bryan Cline Memorial Soccer Scholarship Fund, 1987 Carl David Bedford Fund for People in Need, 2003 Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for Tucumcari Lodge #27 A.F. A.M., 2005 Carolyn Dooley Martinez Fund, 2006 Carolyn Dooley Martinez Cathy E. Harman “Light from Darkness” Fund, Cavanaugh2009Young At Heart Fund, 2009 Greg Levenson & Family Charles D. Ryan Memorial Fund for Education, 2003 Mrs. Susan E. Ryan Charlie & Kathy Barnhart & Ken Haynes, Jr. Manufactured Housing Association Scholarship Fund, 1996 Mr. Douglas Gorman Ken Haynes Jr. J B Mobile Homes Ms. Sharon Mann Chester French Stewart Fund, 2005 Cinco Amigos Fund, 2007 Concours du Soleil Mark Gorham Jason Harrington Steve Maestas Jerry Roehl Kevin Yearout Cindy & Ken Johns Family Fund, 1996 Classical Music Fund, 2013 Connor Mantsch Memorial Fund, 2014 Shari O’Loughlin Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ruppa Conscience of Society Fund, 1986 Cramer Family Fund, 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cramer Crazy Granny’s Cookie Jar, 2000 Ms. Mary B. Larsen Cumulus Media to Expand Music Education in APS Schools, 2001 Daniel & Marian Frances Smith Hooks Memorial Fund, 2001 Daulton Family Foundation Fund, 2008 Dave & Mary Colton Fund for Arts & Culture, Dave2009& Mary Colton Fund for Children & Youth, 2009 David & Martha Cooper Fund, 1984 David E. & Cynthia M. Stuart Fund for the Linda S. Cordell Book Award, 2015 David Maccini Memorial Fund, 1996 Michael Maccini & Barbara Koenig David R. Woodling Memorial Fund, 2008 Eileen & Robert Palles Dazzo Family Fund for Children & Youth, 2000 Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Dazzo Jr. Dean & Alice Irvin Designated Fund, 2001 Mrs. Alice P. Irvin Debbie & David Dozier Fund, 2014 Debbie & David Dozier Don Blaugrund LGBT Fund, 2006 Donald E. Carnicom & Mina L. Koym Carnicom Fund, 2011 Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom Doyel Family Fund, 2005 Dr. & Mrs. Sterling Edwards Family Education Fund, 1994 Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Advised Fund, 2001 Dr. Barry & Roberta Cooper Ramo Arts Fund, 1984 E. Blaugrund Family Fund, 1994 Ebel Family Fund for Children & Youth, 1985 Ms. Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel Effective Families, 2003 Mr.Anonymous&Mrs.Carl
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Williams Maisel/Goodman Charitable Fund, 2002 Manuel Lujan Excellence in Education Scholarship Fund, 1991 Margaret & Ted Jorgensen Donor-Advised Fund, 2007 Margaret & Ted Jorgensen Margarita Martinez Fund for Theater Arts, Marie1988Kelly Gorham Fund for Women’s Issues, 2006 Martin S. Morrison Fund, 2006 In memory of Cornelis “Kase” Klein: Mr. & Mrs. Howard S. Berger Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Mrs. Sandy Eastham Dr. & Mrs. David Hillson Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Children, 2011 Mary Stephenson Utsinger Fund for Preservation, 1987 Mayor’s Fund for Children, 1987 Mayor’s Prize, 2015 See page 52 Mediation Fund, 1989 Mesa Del Sol Education Fund, 2008 Mesa Del Sol Michael Henningsen Youth Fund, 2014 Anonymous Ms. Danette K. Townsend Ms. Bonny Vallo Minnie Gooch Hall Charitable Fund, 2007 Molly R. Huber Fund, 2007 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Arts & Culture Fund, 1985 Mr. & Mrs. H.L. Galles, Jr. Fund, 1986 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Fund, 1994 Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Health Fund, 1994 Nancy Anderson Roberts Arts & Culture Fund, 1983 Nancy Anderson Roberts Fund, 1983 Nancy Thompson Harris Memorial Fund, 1997 Mr. & Mrs. David Swift in honor of Doug Swift’s 90th Birthday Nathan Wineberg for Senior Centers, 2006 Nellita E. Walker Fund, 1997 New England Fund, 1990 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation Fund, 2001 New Mexico Human Rights Education Coalition, 2014 List continued on next page32
Mr. & Mrs. John Ledwith Mr. Kevin Ledwith Jane & Doug Swift Fund for Art & Education, 1997 In memory of Doug Swift: Albuquerque Community Foundation Community National Bank Ms. Merrie Courtright Ms. Susan Ertmer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Goldfarb Sharon Gross Ms. Sharon Leslie Frank & Judy Love Ms. Betty L. Neuenschwander Mr. & Mrs. David L. Neuenschwander Barbara Swift & Clyde Burke Mrs. Jane Swift Mr. & Mrs. David T. Van Covern Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Wable Ms. Marilyn E. Wanty Jane P. Sandoval Fund for Fossil Preparation, 2002 Jeanne M. Trauger Memorial Homecare Fund, 2009 Jim & Ann Nelson Student Aid Fund for Foster Youth, 2007 Mountain States Insurance Group JoAnn & Steve Ruppert Fund, 1998 Joe & Christine Di Gregorio Fund, 2006 John & Marie Marshall Fund, 2004 John F. & Mae M. Lark Fund in Honor of Franklin & Bernice Jones, 1994 John P. & Terri Salazar Fund, 2013 Mr. & Mrs. John P. Salazar Johnnie Mae Tate Memorial Fund, 2006 Jolly Family Foundation, 2011 Mr. David Jolly Jorgensen Family Fund, 2007 June D. Schutzberger Fund, 2014 Junior League of Albuquerque Charitable Fund, 1984 Junior League of Albuquerque Kate Nanlohy in Memory of Charles Marko, Cooper Family Fund, 2006 Kelli & Kevin Cooper Kevin & Lian Yearout Family Fund, 2009 Killin Fund, 2002 Kim & Steve Nunley Acorn Fund, 2008 King Family Fund, 2006 Kirschner Family Fund, 2014 Kiwanis Club of Albuquerque Scholarship Fund, 1996 Kubie Family Fund for Classical Music, 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubie Family Human Services Fund, 2013 Kurt & Edith Kubie Family Impact Fund, 2007 Lanting Shibuya Fund, 2012 Lawrence Monte, Sr. Memorial, 2008 Lee Blaugrund Fund, 2005 Levy Family Fund, 2008 Lewis O. & Leona R. Kohlhaas Fund, 2000 Linda K. Estes Giraffe Award Fund, 2005 Long Leash on Life Fund, 2010 Lucy Ann Warner Fund, 2002 Lynn Rosner Memorial Fund, 1997 Maggie’s Giving Circle, 2006 Kenneth L. Conwell II in memory of Kathleen Edith Conwell Ms. Nina Forrest
In memory of Susie Libit: Beverly Abraham Susan N. Anderson Cindy Bonafair Elaine Chapman Kathie Chavez Dr. & Mrs. Robert Dubroff Nancy Johnson Daniel J. Libit Queue Metts Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Midkiff Mr. & Mrs. Rob Nelson Bobbi Kay Nelson Mr. Robert Nelson Faye Butler North Terri SusanVictoriaAnnSusanMr.MargaretBarbaraPennyCherylPachelliSchultzShannenL.ShirrodSimmsMichaelR.ThompsonThrockmortonTravelsteadVandersliceE.Walton
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2016 James Ledwith Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2011 APS Education Foundation Ms. Kimberly Ayres Ms. Nanci Beckes Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Bek
Karl & Jane Braithwaite Ms. Eleanor Bravo Steve & Noelle Brodeur Loral DavidButler&Micky
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Rainosek Dr. & Mrs. James Renken Mr. & Mrs. Duane W. Roberts María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster SJ Investments LLC Jeanne & Daniel J. Smith Mr. Donald Smith & Ms. Lucy Crane Ms. Mary K. Smith Southern Glazer’s Wine & Spirits Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tras III Triangle Paving Co., Inc. Mrs. Helen Tricoglou Mr. Albert Viggiano & Ms. Janet Popp Walker Consulting Engineers Chuck & J.D. Wellborn Mr. & Mrs. John E. Whisenand Ms. Laura R. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Hess Yntema Mr. & Mrs. Steven Zenos
Byrd Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Clinton Lisa Clugston Ms. Maria Clunie Francis Aleli & Brian Colón Gary & Susan D’Lamater - The Delgado Agency Jerry & Jannie Dusseau Drs. Anthony & Juliet Edwards
Nicholas C. Nellos Memorial Fund for At-Risk Children, 2002 Alpha Assessment Associates LLC Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arrigoni Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Barrow Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Blech Mr. John D. Bond Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Brown Mr. John Burton Ellig Maren L. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. Brian Colvin Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crowley Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip Custer Mr. Robert H. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Herb Denish Mr. Michael E. Dexter Larry & Donna Diller Mr. Scott L. Dotson Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dountas Mr. Jim P. Dountas Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Ms. Ann Ethel-JaneEdenfieldWestfeldt Bunting Foundation Ms. Jan Everhart & Mr. Paul Phelan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Zeter Ms. Helen Zournas Nina Forrest Fund, 2015 Ms. Nina Forrest Notah Begay III Charitable Fund, 2001 Notah Begay III Scholarship Fund, 1999 Novak MPGJ Family Fund, 2008 Pamela B. Gordon Fund, 2011 Para los Niños Fund, 1989 Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alongi Paul A. & Patti A. Marianetti Fund, 2005 Paul Noble Vosburgh & Jane Berry Vosburgh Fund, 2007 Peggy Cavett-Walden & Professor Jerrold Walden Fund for Art & Music, 2014 The estate of Peggy Cavett-Walden AdFamily Peggy Pick Bacon Memorial Fund for Education, 1995 Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bacon
The Star Foundation Norman & Aleta (Tweety) Suazo Ms. Janis Teal Martha & Richard Van Riper Barbara H. Weinbaum PhD Mr. Weinstein & Ms. Gombach JuanWeinstein&Bobbi Williams Mr. & Mrs. Garnett S. Wright Mr. Stephen Zwerling & Rona Middlebury
Performing Arts Fund, 1988 Rae Lee Siporin Scholarship for Women, 2012 Ms. Rae Siporin Richard & Linda Eitzen Fund, 2000 Robby Baker Memorial Scholarship Fund, 2003 Ms. Alexandra Kiska Robert & Ann Clark Arts & Culture Fund, 1986 List continued on next page
The Ford Foundation Ms. Karleen K. Freeman Ed & Linda Gesek Mrs. Jackie Gibson Ms. Sandy Gold Sue Gradisar, Media Designs, Inc. Ms. Allison M. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Hoyt Hart Ms. Shireen Jacobs Mrs. Maxine Jones Dr. & Mrs. Richard Kotomori Ms. Erica Landry Mr. Frank Leto Mr. James Lewis Ms. Jolene Maes Jim & Mary McCue Denis & Joanie McSweeney F.C. DennisMenzies&Carolyn O’Mara Joe & Rita Powdrell Bettye Pressley John D. Rael Ruth S. Roberts Pat & Bob Rosenak June Walker & Warren Sloat
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2016 Ngala Memorial Fund to Assist Musicians with Medical Care, 2014 JoAnonymousAtkins Joseph & Rosa Auletta Ms. Frances Boggess Dr. Joseph & Mrs. Florence Bowers
Mr. Michael D. Freccia Dr. Ann Gateley Robert & Barbara Gorham Mr. Martin Grummer & Ms. Marilyn Ms.KellyKurstin Johnson Mrs. Georgia P. Kartas Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Keleher Mr. & Mrs. William B. Keleher Valsala Koshy & Koshy Kochukoshy Ms. Ann Lerner Mr. Allen Lewis & Ms. Carla Aragón Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. MacFarlane Rita & Robert Maguire Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mallory Mr. & Mrs. Jerry B. Monahan Mr. Jacob Moore Dr. & Mrs. John O. Mosman Dr. & Mrs. Scott Obenshain Mr. & Mrs. Carter Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Diamantis D. Preonas
Mr. & Mrs. George N. Nellos Mrs. Mary Fanning Ms. Cathy Fernandez Ms. Carol Flynn
Funds Established Prior to January 1, 2016 Robert & Ann Clark Preservation & Fund, Robert1986& Celeste Loughridge Fund, 2001 Robert & Zane Taichert Fund, 1984 Robert C. & Mary D. Poole Family Fund, 1996 Robert P. Marshall, Sr. Memorial Fund, 2007 Robert W. Kaufmann Fund, 2001 Roy Lee Cain Fund, 2011 Santangelo Fund, 2007 Sean Hopkins Fund, 2013 Rabbi & Mrs. Paul Citrin Dr. & Mrs. Paul Hopkins
Mr. Justin LeVois McKinsey Company Ms. Olivia Mora Matt & Janine Rivera Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rivera Mr. Thomas Swisstack The Bright Futures Fund, 2014 Coca-Cola North America Mayor’s Charity Ball Nusenda Credit Union The FUNd, 1988 The Pam Schneider Memorial Scholarship
Jacqueline Shipman Vodian Fund for Breast Cancer Research, 1999 McCune Foundation, 2008 Phillip Raby & Connie Moore Fund, 2005 PNM Resources Employee Crisis Fund, 2012 Ruthie Schwed Memorial Fund, 2016 Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Adams Albuquerque Community Foundation Albuquerque Economic Development Foundation Ms. Breanna Anderson Mayor & Mrs. Richard J. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Keith Brink Joanna Colangelo Corey Cooper Kelli & Kevin Cooper Claire Dudley Chavez & Michael CynthiaChavez& Randy Edwards Ian & Katie Esquibel Ed Mr.GarciaThomas Gilmore Ms. Alison Gold Ms. Ada Gorton The Grant Plant, Inc. Rebecca & Jason Harrington Heading Home Mr. & Mrs. Ed Houchard Mr. Travis G. Jackson & Mrs. Olivia E. Ms.Ms.Padilla-JacksonPatriciaKinsmanM.KathrynMauldin
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Mwei
Non-Endowed Funds List continued on next
Presented by American Advertising Federation of New Mexico, 2012 THE REALTOR® FUND of the Greater Albuquerque Association of REALTORS®, 2011 Anonymous Ms. Vivian Austin Mr. Jason Balthrop Mr. Paul Billingham Ms. Kristine Cannaday Mr. Mike Carter Mr. Steve Cecco Ms. DeeDee Cordova Ms. Rachel Donovan Ms. Jean Duran Ms. Megan England Ms. Julie Greenwood Mr. Marc Guggino Ms. Pamela Highstrete Mr. & Ms. Jim J. Kapuranis Legacy Mortgage Mr. David A. Lynch Ms. Jessica Martin Nusenda Credit Union Ms. Carol Pinnell
Greater Albuquerque Association of SandiaRealtorsLaboratory Federal Credit Union Mr. Robert Sutton Southwest Multiple Listing Service Ms. Lisa C. Vigil The Sage Fund, 2014 Anonymous The Ties Fund, 2011 Theodore R. Brown Fund, 1983 Three Hearts Fund, 2006 Kim & Rob Federici Trythall Family for Excellence in Continuing Education, 1988 Mr. & Mrs. Duane Trythall Walter & Allene Kleweno Fund, 2003 Wells Fargo Bank for Classical Music, 2013 Wells Fargo Bank Fund, 1998 Wilfred “Coach” Tull Fund, 2005 Ken & Hazel Tull-Leach
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health & Human Services, 1999 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Victim Assistance, 1999 William “Bill” Cooper Memorial Fund, 2006 Women in Rhetoric & Logic Scholarship, Woodcock2014 Family Education Scholarship Fund, 1993 Carl C. Anderson Sr. & Marie Jo Anderson Charitable Foundation Fund, 2014 Anderson Charitable Foundation
Donna M. Stumpf Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Programs Fund, 1996 Shelly & Rafael Colón Memorial Fund, 2006 Anonymous (2) Albuquerque Community Foundation Aleli & Brian Colón Mr. Deion Ellis Stephen J.E. Sprague Memorial Fund, 2007 Stephen L. Moody Memorial Fund for Children with Special Needs, 1995 Strosnider Family Fund, 2004 Sussman-Miller Educational Assistance Fund, 1994 Patrick V. Apodaca & Leslie McCarthy Apodaca Greg & Dana Fotieo Mrs. Ina Miller Ms. Anita Summers T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Education Fund, T.J.1997Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Environmental & Historic Preservation Fund, 2000 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Fund for Public Television, 1997 T.J. Sivley & Mary Ray Sivley Perpetual Fund, Taylor1995& Joan Bowen Charitable for Preservation of Public Trees & Gardens, Taylor2006& Joan Bowen Charitable for Wildlife Protection & Control, 2006 Team Tio Fund, 2011
Like the jazz music she loved to listen to, Reba Price’s life was built of intricate layers and themes stacked one upon another, each layer as diverse as it was enriching. One of those layers was a conscious choice to fully experi ence, share and support those parts of life she loved so much. This approach led her to Albuquerque from Cleveland in the mid-2000s, when Albuquerque’s arts and culture scene drew her to the Southwest.
Ruthie Schwed Memorial Fund, 2016 cont Nusenda Credit Union Dr. Greg Ogawa & Ms. Diane Harrison Ogawa Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Roverse María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster Ms. Rhiannon Samuel Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Sanchez Ms. Anna Sanders Michael & Roslyn Savitt Harald & Carol Sorensen Ms. Barbara N. Squires Jean Ann & Duffy Swan Ms. Daysha Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Vogel Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Williams Mr. & Ms. Randy Woodcock Ms. Kirsten Wysen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Yearout Society of the Little Prince, 2004 BioTech Study Fund, 2015 Albuquerque Community DekkerFoundationPerich Sabatini Mr. & Mrs. Steve Maestas New Mexico Gas Company Mr. Gary Oppedahl Sandia Foundation State of New Mexico Economic Development Department UNM Health Sciences Center Office of Research US YearoutBankCompanies Marble Street Fund, 2015 Albuquerque Community Foundation Bank of Albuquerque Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cassidy Dekker Perich Sabatini FRENCH Funerals Cremations HB Construction Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris Sisk, P.A. MLK Indoor Track Invitational, 2016 Dr. Richard J. Ceronie Concours du Soleil Mr. & Mrs. James R. Hulsman Mr. & Mrs. Jerrald J. Roehl Funds
Rhythms of RhythmsGenerosityofGenerosity Reba Price
Fiscal Sponsorships
“There was hardly a week that we didn’t go to a music or theatre production,” said her life partner Hal Mackey. Opera Southwest, the Albuquerque Little Theatre and the Outpost Performance Space were a few of her favorites. Reba felt strongly about the need to share these passions with others and she often invited friends to join them on their artistic “Sheoutings.always wanted people to experience live performances the way she did - and those smaller venues were perfect places for her to do it,” said Hal. Her caring and loving spirit extended well beyond her person al life. Her career as a counselor and independent insurance sales agent allowed her to connect with people in meaningful ways and she was known for putting the needs of her clients first, and for going the extra mile. In addition to performing arts, Reba wove a love for children and animals into her life.
Reba passed away unexpectedly on April 11, 2016. Through her estate planning she made arrangements to establish three endowment funds at the Foundation - the Reba Price Fund for Animal Welfare, for Performing Arts and for Children & Fami lies. The first three grants were made this year to support the Albuquerque Little Theatre Capital Campaign and the Sandia Kiwanis Club, where she and Hal were long-time members.
As a result of her generous spirit and careful planning Reba’s melody will continue to grace the ears of Albuquerque residents for years to come.

The Ray Zimmer Heritage Society, named in honor of one of the Foundation’s founders and its first board president, is designed to make Albuquerque a place of stronger partnerships for future generations. The Heritage Society truly represents our people, working to accomplish shared goals. It recognizes donors whose far-sighted generosity will benefit future generations through deferred gifts and estate plans. These individuals have committed to the future of our community by naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation in their wills, qualified retirement plans, life insurance policies, trusts or other instruments.
Acknowledging Society members is our simple way of recognizing future benevolence. We also appreciate the gifts of those who wish to remain anonymous. Society Members
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Miller Mr. Marion Lee Miller *Mr. Maynard Miller Steven K. & Beth M. Moise Dr. Frank & Dr. Dianna Montoya Ron & Mary Moya Mrs. Mary W. Nuñez Kathy Oakley & Doug Edgar Mr. David Oberg *George Clayton Pearl Ms. Laree E. Perez Mrs. Mary Poole *Ms. Reba Price *Mrs. Nancy Anderson Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ruppert *Betty Virginia Rynd *Jane P. Sandoval *June D. Schutzberger *Carl F. Scott *T.J. & Mary Ray Sivley Ms. Myrna Smyer & Mr. Carlton Canady Mr. & Mrs. William Snead *Mr. Robert J. Stamm Andrea Sterling Ms. Sally Storrs Mrs. Marilyn Strauss Drs. David & Cynthia Stuart *Shirley Sussman Spiewak *Rev. A.W. Tarbell Jim *FrederickTempletonD.& Jeanne M. Trauger Mrs. Valerie Trujillo *Mr. Bob Turner Ms. Karin Urban *Mrs. Mary S. Utsinger Mrs. Betty Vortman Mr. & Mrs. Paul Vosburgh Ms. Diane K. Yanney *Nelita Walter *Lucy Ann Warner *Nathan Wineberg *Clifton Elbert “Woody” & Dixie Woodcock David H. Zeuch & Nena Joy Almodovar Mr. & Mrs. Ray Zimmer
*Peggy Cavett-Walden Dr. & Mrs. Lance Chilton *Gordon Church *Laura & Zack Clem *Robert & Barbara Clemmensen *Walter & Shirley Cohen *Minnie Condey Gooch Hall *David & Martha Cooper Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. Kenneth L. Conwell II Mr. James L. Cook & Ms. Roberta J. Mr.Buell&Mrs. Joe Cotruzzola Mr. Warren B. Cox & Dr. Sue
Abramshe Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ackerman Ms. JoAnne Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Andes
*Josephine Atkinson Mr. C. David Bedford Beverly & Perry Bendicksen Ms. Nancy M. Berg Mr. & Mrs. Dale Berglund *Ralph Berkowitz *Don Blaugrund Mr. & Ms. Bernie Bernard Mr. & Mrs. Wes A. Bigney III Ms. Claudia Bloom James & Diane Bonnell *Robert C. Boule Mrs. Joan Bowen Susanne B. Brown *Mr. Roy Lee Cain *Ms. Gwen Cameron Mr. & Mrs. Donald Carnicom
B. Dennis *Sally *WilliamDenzer&Lilian Dolde Ms. Gale Williams Doyel & Mr. Gary K. Moore Lauri Ebel Mr. & Mrs. William E. Ebel *Dr. Sterling & Ann Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Eitzen Mr. & Mrs. David Emin Ian
Dale Dekker, AIA, AICP John A. Myers Award
Julie LawrenceHerbMattAmyMichaelBanuBuckalewBungul-McKinleyCastilloCoburnMyers&KatieCurryDenishWells&Patricia Dickinson Bill KimberleighDolan Dougherty Bob NormanFeinberg&Jane Gagne Nate & Erin Gentry Nick Gentry & Mary Lebeck
Other Contributors to the Fund: Carl & Linda Alongi Fred ScottArfman&Missy Ashcraft
“You look at people in our community who have really made a difference and they’re not necessarily the ones that get the headlines. They’re not necessarily the ones that get all the accolades, but it’s people like John, who’s kind of that human infrastructure that helps build a quality community.”
Dan & Terry Ashcraft Cliff Blaugrund Fred & Shawn Brennan
Sean Gilligan & Marilyn Keller Gary ArthurGoodman&Tammy Hayman Tom Horan Tom & Greta Keleher Pat
Narvaez Wayne
ULI New Mexico presented its first award to its namesake John Myers, whose life’s work as a real estate attorney, advisor, community activist and catalyst for progress and whose knowledge, wisdom and genuine concern for fair equitable outcomes have made some of the city’s most sig nificant development projects possible.
Paschich Scott
Price John
Kathleen Yeager Roger
John & Sarah Brennan Rick & Karla Bressan
Oliver Tiffany Oliver
Presenting Sponsor - $10,000 Pulte Group Supporting - $5,000 RomeroDekker/Perich/SabatiniRose,LLC Friend - $2,500 Lee RandyRetailJimBillBillCurbColliersBlaugrundInternationalNorth,Inc.&DebbieBurrell&MargieLang&SusanRogersSouthwestDevelopment&DebbieTraynor LeadershipLeadership 37
KimKevinKendraKevinJohnKarenMarylouKennedyKraemerLeeWard&JillMahoneyMcCreadyMontanariMurphyMurphy&Patty John & Alice Myers Henry & Bessie EdwardNicholsO.&Dennie & Gail Leigh Charles BrentHarryRansomRelkinRicks& HopeSteveFirozGailBruceJeanieDanielleSchluntzSosaSpringerStidworthyTorino&JabeenVagh&LindaWedeenWynn
Established by Urban Land Institute (ULI) New Mexico, this fund will honor thoughtful, visionary, and conscientious individuals who rise to the high standards exempli fied by local real estate attorney, John Myers. Recipients will be a force for positive change as Albuquerque grows, matures and adapts to new challenges and opportunities.
The Urban Land Institute provides leadership in the responsible use of land and in creating and sustaining thriving communities worldwide. ULI is an independent global nonprofit supported by members representing the entire spectrum of real estate development and land use disciplines.

The following have entrusted their endowment(s) to the Foundation. Fund names are listed in bold type. Donors to the fund are listed in light type.
John A. Myers Award for Leadership in Urban Excellence Fund
New Mexico Parents of Multiples Fund, 2016 New Mexico Parents of Multiples
United Way of Central New Mexico Funds:
Philanthropy Central Funds Established in 2016
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 38
The Bartok Love Fund - A Pomeranian’s Gift to People, 2016 Ms. Elizabeth Cordova YLS High School Youth Leadership Fund
Adelante Development Center Fund, 1996 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Friends in Time, 1997 Albuquerque Boy Choir Give boys a chance to grow through musical learning, self-discipline, performance demeanor and working together for the common joy of singing. Albuquerque Boy Choir Fund, 2010
The Foundation financially supports the statewide programs and ser vices of the New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
Many of these organizations depend upon annual distributions from their endowment(s) for organizational support. Others choose to reinvest the annual distribution for faster growth.
By pooling the funds of an organization with the Foundation’s endowment, an organization can enjoy the benefits of a diverse investment portfolio, as well as low investment fees that typically come only with very large funds. Together in partnership we can accomplish more.
The New Mexico Parent of Multiples (NMPOM) is committed to mutual support and education for parents, guardians and primary care givers of multiples and their families.
Working with others is at the heart of what we do at the Albuquerque Community Foundation. Whether it is partnering with donors, nonprofits, our business community or our public sector, we know that our strength lies in positive collaboration. Here in Albuquerque, we are fortunate to have a generous and engaged nonprofit sector that is invested in improving our city. We know that the effective management of organization endowment funds is an important way to maintain the strength of our community’s nonprofits. We believe that managing endowment funds through Philanthropy Central is one of the things we do best. It is a privilege to work together to ensure Albuquerque remains a city of generous visionaries.
Evelyn Curtis Losack for Music Education Corrales Cultural Arts Council
New Mexico School for the Blind and Visually Impaired Fund
New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation New Mexico Ballet Company
PhilanthropyPhilanthropy CENTRAL
For 45 years, the New Mexico Ballet Company has produced profes sional and innovative dance productions for New Mexico audiences while providing the highest caliber of education and training for young artists in the community
The Suzanne M. Johnston for the New Mexico Ballet Company New Mexico Ballet Company
Friends of the Corrales Library
See page 37 New Mexico Parents of Multiples
New Mexico School for Blind & Visually Impaired Foundation
Adelante Development Center
There are two types of Philanthropy Central Funds: Organization Endowment Funds (where an agency establishes a fund with their money) and Donor-Designated Endowment Funds (where a donor establishes fund for the benefit of an agency).
Adelante provides job training, coaching and employment support for our clients through six social enterprises and volunteer opportunities through Adelante’s Desert Harvest food rescue program.
The Friends of the Corrales Library (FOCL) is a 502(c)(3) nonprofit organization made up of local residents and supporters of the Corrales Community Library. Fund for the Friends of the Corrales Library, 2016 Friends of Corrales Library Corrales Cultural Arts Council CCAC enriches the community with outstanding musical performances and education for children and others with special needs. We value music as a powerful force for good and as a positive influence in human development.

Albuquerque Genealogical Society Fund, 2005 Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger Genealogical Society Fund, 1991 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless Provides integrated health care to people experiencing homelessness through outreach and site-based services, including medical, dental, and behavioral health care, social supports, and drop-in spaces, where people receive respite from the streets and linkages to housing.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Health Care for the Homeless, 1998 Albuquerque High School Alumni Association
Albuquerque Rose Society
Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association, 2012 Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association Albuquerque Genealogical Society
Fosters life-long camaraderie, goodwill, communication and activities among alumni; establish a foundation to endow educational scholar ships and other forms of charitable philanthropic assistance to qualified AHS students, teachers, administrators and programs.
Provides a forum for genealogical research and support the Albuquer que Special Collections Library with computers, census microfilm, CDs, books, and volunteers.
Amy Biehl High School Foundation
Through innovative programs, All Faiths serves as the premier trau ma-healing center by empowering generations of New Mexicans to cre ate pathways to prevent and transcend the effects of trauma and abuse. All Faiths Fund, 2002
Albuquerque Metropolitan Crime Stoppers
Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Fund, 2011 Mr. and Mrs. Ernie C’Debaca
Albuquerque Crime Stoppers Fund, 2007 Albuquerque New Car & Truck Dealers Fund for Crime Stoppers, Robert1985 and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Crime Stoppers, 2009
The premier organization devoted to the enjoyment, enhancement and promotion of our national flower.
Albuquerque Little Theatre Albuquerque Little Theatre is an 87-year-old, 500 seat institution of fering 7 professional-quality productions annually with volunteer par ticipation led by a small staff of professional directors and designers. We offer educational programming and are a resource for all the other theatre companies in the community. Albuquerque Little Theatre Fund, 2008 Albuquerque Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque is a home delivered meal program preparing specialized diets for anyone of any age. We keep people hap py, healthy, and independent by delivering food and friendship straight to their door.
Albuquerque Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America Provides assistance to military students and promote the military career life.
Dale E. Kempter Legacy Fund for the Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 1996 Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Ralph Berkowitz Fund for Albuquerque Youth Symphony, 2011 All Faiths
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 39List continued on next page
Meals on Wheels of Albuquerque Fund, 2009
To develop as an effective crime-solving organization throughout the world, with the primary objective of this tri-partite organization, Com munity, Media, and Law Enforcement, “Working Together to Solve Crime.”
Albuquerque Rose Society Fund, 2007 Albuquerque Rose Society Fund in honor of Kreg Hill
Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program Instills a life-long passion for music in motivated young people in the greater Albuquerque area through the pursuit of excellence in orches tral musical performance.
At Amy Biehl High School and the Amy Biehl High School Founda tion we believe that with deliberate preparation and support ALL stu dents can succeed. We strive to graduate civic-minded, college-bound, and career-ready scholars. Amy Biehl High School, 2013 Animal Humane New Mexico Animal Humane New Mexico is the state’s leading private animal welfare organization. We support every cat and dog at our shelter with outstand ing veterinary care, behavior training and, most importantly, love until they are adopted. Animal Humane New Mexico, 2008 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Animal Humane, Walter2009E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Animal Humane Association of New Mexico, 2013 Animal Protection of New Mexico Advocate the rights of animals by effecting systemic change, resulting in the humane treatment of all animals. Animal Protection of New Mexico Fund, 1996
Albuquerque High School Alumni Association Fund, 2004 Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Foundation Supporting organization to support the charitable and educational pur poses of the Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce including the operation of the Barelas Job Opportunity Center and scholarships to local students.

To provide services and support to people who are physically and men tally challenged.
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico, 2008 Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable for ARCA, 2006 ARCA Fund, 2001 Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico
Big Brothers Big Sisters provides children with a role model who will inspire them, guide them and encourage them to journey beyond their boundaries and unlock their potential, creating success stories every day.
continued on next page
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Fund, 1995 Cancer Services of New Mexico To provide services to reduce cancer suffering in New Mexico. Cancer Services of New Mexico Fund, 1998 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Cancer Services of New Mexico, 2009 Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Christina Kent Day Nursery,1996 Cibola County Education Foundation
D+E+I is a lay led adult education and faith formation ministry of study, prayer, celebration and service, which is a collaborative work of the Arch diocese of Santa Fe, the Laity and the Central Province Dominican Friars.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central New Mexico Fund, 1987 Boy Scouts of America Preparing young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
Karen Ortiz Fund for the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program at Challenge New Mexico, 2004 Chamber Music Albuquerque
Children’s Grief Center Fund, 2009 Christina Kent Early Childhood Center Christina Kent Early Childhood Center’s mission is to provide quality childcare, early childhood education and nutritional services in a safe and nurturing environment to economically-diverse, working families.
Casa Angelica Fund, 1997 Casa Esperanza Since 1992, Casa Esperanza has provided a home away from home for patients and their families that travel to Albuquerque for vital medical treatment. In addition to lodging, we provide a variety of other services.
ARCA Working together to open doors for people with developmental disabili ties to be valued members of the community.
Casa Esperanza Fund, 2007 Cathedral Church of St. John A place of worship and ministry for all people Albert W. Tarbell Fund for the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John, 2013 Catholic Charities
Improving education and educational opportunities in Cibola County Cibola County Education Foundation Fund, 2005 Congregation Albert New Mexico’s oldest continuing Reform Jewish Institution. Congregation Albert Fund, 1994 Congregation B’nai Israel
Creating an environment in which all who enter our doors can be en riched and inspired by Conservative Jewish life, values, and spirituality. B’nai Israel Fund, 1990 Kubie Family Fund for B’nai Israel, 2005 Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for Congregation B’Nai Israel Fund, 2013 Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School
Gorham Fund for Scouting, 2013 Great Southwest Council, Boy Scouts of America, 2011 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico provides at-risk children, between 5 and 18, with a safe place to learn and grow. The Club serves over 2,500 children in its Albuquerque and Rio Rancho.
CTHF is dedicated to enhancing the lives of Carrie Tingley Hospital Patients and children with disabilities throughout New Mexico by sup porting Carrie Tingley Hospital, providing a Parent and Family Program and Quality of Life Program. Carrie Tingley Hospital Foundation Fund, 2012 Casa Angelica
To develop highly skilled learners who, through a broad knowledge base, can analyze, synthesize and evaluate new information. Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, 2008 de Profundis
The Children’s Grief Center of New Mexico provides specialized peer support for young people ages 5 - 25 who are grieving the death of a loved one. Thanks to community contributions, these services are pro vided at no charge.
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Catholic Charities of New Mexico, 1996 Challenge New Mexico
To make music together for intellectual challenge and nourishment for our souls. de Profundis Organization Fund, 2007 de Profundis Dominican Ecclesial Institute
Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico
Frank Csepregi and Alice Marosi Csepregi , 2007
The Children’s Cancer Fund of New Mexico exists to help New Mexico’s children with cancer and their families cope with the day-to-day educa tional, emotional, and financial needs of living with and fighting cancer.
A home for children and young adults with developmental disabilities, established and directed by the Daughters of Charity of Canossa since 1967. The Canossian Sisters provide a family centered program designed to enhance lives through spiritual, educational and social development.
To present the world’s finest chamber music artists in live performance and share the power of music with the community. Chamber Music Albuquerque Fund, 2004
To provide help and create hope by supporting families, fighting poverty, and building community.
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: List

Manzano Day School is dedicated to innovative child-centered educa tion, excellence in teaching, and Joy in Learning®.
Manzano Day School Fund, 1985 Manzano Day School
next page
Dual Language Education New Mexico , 2012
First Presbyterian Church A non-sectarian community outreach program of First Presbyterian Church to provide a school experience for young children that acknowl edged the development of the whole child--social, emotional, physical, cognitive and affective domains of development.
Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership
Manzano Day School Kathy Rimsha Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School
Founded in 1938, Manzano Day School is an independent, nonprofit elementary school for children in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade.
Friends of Music Fund, 1998 Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center
Dual Language Education of New Mexico Develops and supports effective high quality dual language education (PreK-12), throughout New Mexico. Providing program development for dual language school communities, and sharing best practice through on-line clearinghouse, and annual La Cosecha Conference. www.dlenm.org
Alfred A. Abbott Charitable Fund for the Good Shepherd Center for the Homeless, 2007 Constance Zandstra Fund for Good Shepherd Center, 1998 Ida May Cowan Fund for the Homeless at Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 1992 Robert and Barbara Clemmensen Fund for Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd, 2009 Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity builds community - one home, one family at a time - by making it possible for low-income fami lies in Albuquerque to build and own affordable energy efficient homes.
To promote volunteerism, develop the potential of women and improve the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.
Junior League of Albuquerque Administrative Fund, 1999 Junior League of Albuquerque Leadership New Mexico Funding will provide support for statewide Core, Connect and Local Government programs that bring together a diverse range of existing and emerging New Mexico leaders to educate them about the state’s critical issues and opportunities. Leadership New Mexico Fund, 2009 MANA de Albuquerque MANA de Albuquerque empowers Latinas through Leadership Development, Community Service and Advocacy through the MANA de Albuquerque Scholarship Fund, Hermanitas Leadership and Madri nas Mentor Program, and AvanZamos Leadership program for adult women.
To support the Nature Center’s mission to preserve and protect the Rio Grande Bosque, to educate the public about Rio Grande ecosystems and to foster positive human interactions with those systems. Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center Fund, 2000 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kleweno in memory of Sei Tokuda & Don Parker Good Shepherd Center To help the poor - especially those who no one else wants or is able to help -- to feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the naked, nurse the sick and minister to the imprisoned.
Manzano Day School Maggie Simms WINGS Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 41List continued on
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for Habitat for Humanity, 1997
Constance Zandstra Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1998 Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for MANA de Albuquerque, 1997 Manzano Day School
¡Explora! ¡Explora! is an innovative experiential learning center with a mission of creating opportunities for inspirational discovery and the joy of lifelong learning through interactive experiences in science, technology, engineer ing, art, and math. ¡Explora! Science Center & Children’s Museum of Albuquerque Fund, 2002 Dr. and Mrs. Michael Flax Ms. Beth Corbin Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Promotoe understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation and enrichment of Filipino Americans.
To raise the economic and social levels of Albuquerque residents by pro viding affordable housing opportunities. Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership, 2008 Guadalupe County Hospital
Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico Fund, 2003
Junior League of Albuquerque
To provide full-service hospital medical care and emergency room service to the 4,545 residents of Guadalupe County. Guadalupe County Hospital Fund, 1998 Heading Home Six housing and emergency shelter programs for men, women and fami lies that all aim to make experiences of homelessness rare, short-lived and non-recurring. Heading Home Fund, 2012 Ms. Beth Corbin
A Child’s Garden Fund, 1989 Friends of Music Provides scholarships for the most talented music students at UNM and to develop, cultivate interest in, and financial support for music educa tion; and to present/support musical cultural programs.
Manzano Day School Peterson Learning Center Fund, 2004 Manzano Day School Stewart Family Wings Fund, 2007 Manzano Day School Wings 5 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings 6 Fund, 2012 Manzano Day School Wings of Brotherhood Fund, 2009 Manzano Day School Wings of Friendship Fund, 2006

Menaul School
New Mexico Osteopathic Medical Foundation
NDI New Mexico Fund, 2012 National Sisterhood United for Journeyman Lineman Assists families of Fallen/Injured I.B.E.W. Journeymen Linemen, Utility Linemen, Apprentice Linemen, Groundmen, Operators, and the families thereof. NSUJL provides emergency financial, emotional and physical assistance, in cases of work related injuries or death.
To promote the development of the Albuquerque Biological Park and to further community interest in the Rio Grande Zoo, Botanic Gardens, Albuquerque Auarium and Tingley Beach; and to assist in education.
Anne B. Little Fund for the Botanic Garden at New Mexico BioPark, 2003 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund, 1987 New Mexico BioPark Society Fund for the Aquarium & Botanic Garden, 1988 New Mexico Coalition for Literacy To encourage and support community-based literacy program, including the national program of ProLiteracy America.
New Mexico Art League Fund, 1992 New Mexico BioPark Society
Wilhelmina Neat Coe, Peace Foundation ‘57 Fund for New Mexico Conference of Churches, 1999 New Mexico Engineering Foundation
Menaul School develops excellence, confidence and integrity and pro vides the foundation for life-long learning and ethical leadership.
National Dance Institute of New Mexico
To foster interest in engineering. New Mexico Engineering Foundation Fund, 2005 New Mexico Geological Society
Jeanne M. and Fred Trauger New Mexico Geological Society, 1991 New Mexico Military Institute Foundation
The New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation is a non-prof it corporation whose sole purpose is to further the cultural, educational, and scientific programs and purposes of the New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science. New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation Fund, 1986
To establish an osteopathic internship/residency program in family prac tice medicine associated with the currently approved ACGME family medicine.
In mind, body and spirit, our mission is to prepare students to succeed.
Agnes Faggart Bussiere Memorial Fund for Menaul School, 2007 Gloria Griffin Mallory Fund for Teacher Development, 2006
Using the medium of dance, NDI-NM engages and motivates children, helping them develop discipline, a standard of excellence and a belief in themselves that will carry over into all aspects of their lives.
Dr. Gloria and Robert Mallory Menaul School Fund, 2007 Menaul School
New Mexico Coalition for Literacy Fund, 1988 New Mexico Conference of Churches New Mexico Conference of Churches unites Community of Christ, Disciples, Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, United Church of Christ and United Methodist churches in compassion and advocacy for the poor of New Mexico.
The New Mexico Military Institute Foundation, Inc. is a single purpose entity formed to maintain an endowment fund for the benefit of and to support the New Mexico Military Institute, a state educational institution.
To promote geology and research through education and publications.
Heights Healthcare Foundation Fund for Osteopathic Education, 1984 New Mexico PBS To inform, engage and connect New Mexico’s diverse communities, reflecting their interests and needs through quality programming, community services and on-line content. KNME New Mexico PBS Great Southwestern Arts & Education Fund, 2013 American Indian Art Christin Mayrina dba Gypsy/Hunter Smith Bros Trading Co Four Winds Gallery Gerald Oppenheimer Family Foundation House of Ancestors Antiques
Carl F. Scott Scholarship Fund for New Mexico Military Institute, 2005 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation
New Mexico Academy of Science Fund, 2007 Mr. Marshall Berman New Mexico Art League To provide opportunities for education and participation in a wide vari ety of visual arts while maintaining core courses in traditional teaching methods.
Indian LostKimosabeKhyberKemoKania-FerrinSummerGallerySabePassCompanyWorlds:Treasures of the Past M2 MarthaProductionHopkins Struever LLC Morning Startraders Inc. Native Jackets, Etc. Tad Tribal Art Toby Herbst Antiques
Rex Ward Fund, 2012 New Mexico Academy of Science Science education advocates to foster scientific research and scientific cooperation, increase public awareness of the role of science in human progress and human welfare and promote science education in New Mexico.
Mr. Paul Gershowitz and Ms. Jane Sinclair Ms. Sandra R. Pemberton Ms. Donna J. Norman Ms. Susan F. Golden Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Finger
Mr. James W. Owens Bradley K. Windell Ms. Karen Marchand Mr. Mark A. Blackburn
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 42 List continued on next page

PB&J Family Services/Angie’s Legacy, 2007 Pennies for the Homeless
PB&J Family Services
continued on next page
To serve parishioners by celebrating the Word of God, providing a forum and environment for communal education, instructing those interested in our faith and traditions, establishing a community of charity and social justice.
Janet Youngberg for Roadrunner Food Bank, 2013 Roadrunner Food Bank Fund, 1984 Samaritan Counseling Center
The New Mexico Philharmonic enriches the lives of New Mexicans through musical excellence, educational opportunities and community engagement. It achieves this through live orchestral concerts for the pub lic and education programs for public school children.
PB&J provides effective, compassionate, evaluated services in child abuse prevention, family safety, optimal child development, school readiness. Family involvement with the law, and addiction decrease.
Moise Memorial Library Fund, 2005
Mr. Mark Del Frate
Ms. Diane G. Hill and Ms Karen L. Huff KNME-TV Fund, 1987 Nellita E. Walker Fund for KNME-TV, 1999 New Mexico Philharmonic
Parents Reaching Out Fund, 2008
Joseph Saavedra’s Pennies for the Homeless, 2015 Pennies for the Homeless Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains empowers people to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health by providing high quality health care, comprehensive sex education, and strategic advocacy.
To help people in central New Mexico find wholeness and healing through professional psychological counseling and education that inte grates medical and spiritual resources.
Stability grows in parenting, housing, mental health, income, overall child well-being.
New Mexico Voices for Children works to create systems-level sustain able policy change to improve the status, well-being and racial/ethnic equity of New Mexico’s children and families in the areas of health, edu cation, and economic security. New Mexico Voices for Children Fund, 2007 New Mexico Voices for Children Future Fund, 2002 Opera Southwest Opera Southwest’s mission is produce quality, professional, enjoyable and accessible opera in an intimate setting for audiences of all ages.
Betty and Luke Vortman for New Mexico Philharmonic, 2015 Mrs. Betty Vortman New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial To operate and maintain the NM Veterans Museum, library, and grounds of the Veterans Memorial Park. New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial Foundation Fund, 2012 New Mexico Voices for Children
Presbyterian Ear Institute
To educate students, professionals and the general public about the real ity of homelessness while directly funding shelter, meal centers, day care and other efforts to improve the quality of life for homeless people.
To provide an educational program for children with hearing loss in which they learn to communicate using spoken language without the use of manual signs.
Justine Opel Opera Southwest Fund, 2015 Opera Southwest Mr. Leroy Lehr and Ms. Veronic Reed Outpost Productions Albuquerque’s premiere non-profit, member-supported, community based performing arts venue, Outpost presents jazz and other musical styles, spoken word, youth performances, Jazz and Latin music classes, visual art exhibits and the annual NM Jazz Festival. Outpost Productions Fund, 2006 Parents Reaching Out Parents Reaching Out (PRO) supports families throughout New Mex ico who are raising children with disabilities and/or special health care needs. From no-cost individual support to trainings and publications, PRO is committed to helping parents advocate for and receive educa tion and health care resources for their children.
Samaritan Counseling Center Fund, 2003 San Felipe de Neri Church
Mr. Jack N. Clift Mr. John F. Parks Mr. John Ruddy Ms. Darlene Tyra Ms. Mary Emmerling
New Mexico PBS - continued Mr. Robert S. Smith Mr. Jeremy Steenblik Ms. Mary Lou Walbergh Mr. James Compton Mr. and Ms. Royce Porter
Ann Simms Clark Fund for Planned Parenthood, 2005 Kurt and Edith Kubie Family for Planned Parenthood, 2007
Presbyterian Ear Institute Fund, 2011 Roadrunner Food Bank To supply food to a network of organizations that are engaged in feeding the hungry by soliciting, collecting and transporting salvageable food from food industry donors nationwide as well as purchasing food in bulk.
María Griego-Raby Fund for San Felipe de Neri Church Capital Projects, 2003 Santa Rosa Library Public library serving 2400 residents including 2,279 amazing card holders with a collection of 16,596 books and periodicals.
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 43List

Dean and Alice Irvin Fund for the UNM Cancer Center, 1986 Mrs. Alice P. Irvin United Way of Central New Mexico
VSA arts of New Mexico
Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016:
Think New Mexico is an independent, nonpartisan, results-oriented think tank whose mission is to improve the quality of life for all New Mexicans, especially those who lack a strong voice in the political process. Think New Mexico Fund, 2004
To encourage, develop and present the creative and entrepreneurial endeavors of New Mexicans with disabilities and other unique needs and to engage our community in global awareness, social action and cultural discovery.
Sally Denzer Fund for Watermelon Mountain Ranch, 2014
To support New Mexico’s senior population by offering programs, services and events that facilitate independence, promote well-being, maximize quality of life, provide access to community services, and celebrate the lives of our elders.
UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center
The Arc New Mexico promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively sup ports their full inclusion and participation in the community through out their lifetimes. Arc of New Mexico Fund, 1983
The UNM CCC treats about 60 percent of adults and virtually all the children in New Mexico diagnosed with cancer from every county in the state in more than 135,000 clinic visits each year.
Ms. Heather Kraemer Mr. Jeffery Greathouse Mr. and Mrs. John P. Steenson
The Senior Citizens’ Law Office provides critically needed systemic and individual advocacy to Central New Mexico seniors to uphold their rights, maximize their autonomy and ensure they receive the benefits to which they are entitled.
Senior Citizens Law Office Fund, 2014 Silver Horizons New Mexico
Special Olympics of New Mexico Fund, 2001 St. George Greek Orthodox Church St. George Greek Orthodox Church is a diverse congregation of believ ers worshiping Jesus Christ, serving each other, and reaching out to the Albuquerque community. St. George Greek Orthodox Church Fund, 2015 St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School
Watermelon Mountain Ranch
WildEarth Guardians protects and restores the wildlife, wild rivers, wild places, and health of the American West. Founded in 1989, Guardians has a long history of successes protecting rivers, ancient forests, threat ened landscapes, and wildlife.
VSA arts of New Mexico Fund, 1998
To provide full day, year round quality early care and education for children ages two through five regardless of ability, socio-economic status or culture.
To foster community awareness and understanding of dyslexia and to facilitate opportunities for individuals with dyslexia to receive an effec tive and appropriate education.
The Arc of New Mexico
Think New Mexico
Centro Savila is a community-based clinic located in the South Valley providing linguistically and culturally appropriate, trauma informed, behavioral health care, addictions recovery and social services in an effort to decrease health disparities in Albuquerque.
This organization was created by parents to support the teachers and staff at Sunset Mesa and to build a strong parent community.
44 List continued on next page
St. Mark’s in the Valley Day School Fund, 1986 St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
WildEarth Guardians
WildEarth Guardians, 2007
Vagh/Zavery Fund, 2006 Senior Citizens’ Law Office
Sunset Mesa Teacher Fund Corp. Fund, 2006 Mr. and Ms. Robert D. Koudelka
Savila Collaborative (Centro Savila)
A statewide small business development and training organization committed to growing New Mexico’s economy by cultivating entrepre neurship. WESST has nurtured the entrepreneurial dreams of thou sands by providing training, consulting, business incubation and access to capital. WESST Fund, 2013
Sunset Mesa Teacher Fund
Society for the Preservation of American Indian Culture
To assist homeless and near homeless people by providing resources, opportunities and hope. St. Martin’s Hospitality Center Fund, 2008 Dismas House at St. Martin’s Fund, 2003
Ginger Grossetete Fund for Silver Horizons, 1984 Mrs. Ginger Grossetete
To promote the recognition and protection of American Indian Culture.
Dr. Jane Ann Blumenfeld Fund for the SW Branch of the International Dyslexia Association, 2004 Special Olympics New Mexico
Reyer Fund in Support of Tribal Community Development, 1986 Southwest Branch of International Dyslexia Association
The goal of Special Olympics is to help persons with intellectual dis abilities participate as respected members of society by giving them the chance to develop and demonstrate their skills thru sports training and competition.
To make a positive difference in the lives of abandoned, abused and un wanted animals through compassionate care and permanent placement in a loving home.

Philanthropy Central Endowment Funds established prior to 2016: 45
YMCA Central New Mexico To develop and promote personal growth - spiritually, mentally, and physically - which will enable people of all ages, ethnic groups and faiths to reach their potential and to enrich the quality of life in the community. YMCA Fund, 1998 YWCA Middle Rio Grande YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. The YWCA New Mexico is committed to empowering women of all ages in their pro fessional and economic development through racial and social justice, education, and advocacy. YWCA of the Middle Rio Grande Fund, 2000 United Way of Central New Mexico Funds: 10th Anniversary Women in Philanthropy Council, 2012 Dr.AnonymousDavidBernstein and Erika Rimson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Talbot Dr. and Mrs. Michael Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Norman Keator Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, Community1993 Fund established by Mr. J. Alan Hunton, 2007 H. Patrick and Debra Jo Dee Alexis de Tocqueville Legacy Society, 2007 Mr. and Mrs. H. Patrick Dee The Herman & Marina Mauney United Way Fund, 2007 Jennie and Shirley Wells Fund, 2013 Clint Wells Joanne W. Finkelstein Fund, 2015 John Merson UWCNM Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2009 Mr. and Mrs. John Merson Joseph E. and Virginia Lee Wright Memorial Fund, 2014 Karen and Ted Pound Fund, 2015 Kirk and Debra Benton UWCNM Community Fund in Honor of Jack & Frances Holmes, 2008 Larry and Sheriece Strickland Fund Endowment, 2010 Mr. Larry Strickland Mary Wicker Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2013 M.J. Hicks Fund for Self-Sufficiency for Women, 2012 Mary Jane Hicks, PhD Power of the Purse Fund, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Solomon Talbot Women’s Fund, 2014 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Talbot Thomas J. Horan and Mary Ann Campbell-Horan, 2007 Virginia Nelson Mayo Memorial Fund, 2013 Mr. and Mrs. John Cochran Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for United Way of Central New Mexico, 2013

Community Builder $2,500+ Carl & Linda Alongi** Patrick V. Apodaca and Leslie McCarthy Apodaca Karen & Chris Bard* Beverly & Perry Bendicksen** Lee WilliamMrs.ArellanaAleliWillBlaugrund**&ElaineChapman**&BrianColón&AdrianCorderoSueM.Daulton**&SuzanneEbel**
in Philanthropy invest in us, so that we can invest in others. These donors exemplify and embody the notion of community support.
Henry C. Dennis and Sara B. Dennis 624 Champion Building Endowment Fund, 2014 Mr. & Mrs. John T. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Brown Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief Ms. Lynn M. Johnson & Mr. Fritz R. Eberle Moss Adams LLP Albuquerque Community Foundation Administrative Endowment Fund, 2005 Christopher Rustay
Mrs. Clinton P. Anderson Administrative Endowment Fund, 1989 Bank of America Endowment Fund, 1994 Laura Hueter Bass Fund for Administrative Excellence, Bradbury2006 Stamm Administrative Endowment Fund, 2002 Doug and Sarah Brown Administrative Endowment Fund, 2004 Susanne B. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund, 1989 Theodore R. Brown Administrative Endowment Fund, Robert1983 and Ann Clark Administrative Endowment Fund, Laura1991and Zack Clem, Jr. Endowment Fund, 2007 Walter E. and Shelley Cohen Fund for ACF, 2013 Frank Gorham, Jr. Endowment Fund, 1989 Moise Family Administrative Endowment Fund, 1997 Peltier, Gustafson & Miller PA Endowment Fund, 1996 Nancy Anderson Roberts Administrative Endowment Fund, 1983 Jeff and Janet Sterba Partners in Philanthropy Endowment Fund, 2006 Wells Fargo Bank Administrative Endowment Fund, 1994 Ray and Barbara Zimmer Endowment Fund, 1989
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Mason* Bev & Lennard McMillan* Marcus Mims Dr. Ruth Shore Mondlick** Lisa Riley Ron & Adrienne Rivera** Jerrald & Nancy Roehl* George & Jenean Stanfield Walter & Mimi Stern* Jennifer & David Thomas** Kevin & Lian Yearout* Partners in Philanthropy 46 partners in
The following donors have elected to support the Foundation’s operations in perpetuity through the establishment of an endowed administrative fund:
Community support is crucial to the Foundation. Our work would not be possible without our Partners in Philanthropy. These generous donors support the Foundation’s operations so that we can devote our attention to our community and our Ourgrantees.Partners
Please join us in thanking the following donors, who help us achieve our goal of supporting Albuquerque through philanthropy.
Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock Ed & Diana Garcia Julie Weaks Gutiérrez & Alberto Gutiérrez Rebecca & Jason Harrington Pam Hurd-Knief & Ron Knief Debbie Johnson Albert T. (Ted) & Margaret Jorgensen** Steven & Janis Keene Patrick & Debbie Kinsella** William & Elizabeth Lang** Kenneth C. Leach & Hazel Tull-Leach Steve & Debbie Maestas*
Mr. C. David Bedford** Mr. & Mrs. James S. Bier** Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Blaugrund** Tom & Francesca Blueher** Mr. Robert L. Bovinette & Mrs. Yvonne L. Truesdell** Loral Butler Mrs. Louise Campbell-Tolber & Dr. Steven Tolber** Dr. & Mrs. Lance Chilton** Hilma & Jim Chynoweth Joanna Colangelo David & Mary Colton** Billie Jo Crouse** Mr. & Mrs. Philip Custer** Ms. Lauri Ebel Drs. Steven Bush & Peggie Ann Findlay Terri Giron-Gordon & Gary Gordon** Sharon Gross** Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hagengruber** Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern Dr. and Mrs. James R. Hutchison** Mrs. Alice P. Irvin** Greta & Tom Keleher** Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly** Frank & Judy Love** Tom & Susie MacLean Mr. Doug Majewski & Ms. Marilyn Dr.GruenGloria & Mr. Robert Mallory** Ms. Jean Marshall** Kathleen & &rew Metzger* Ms. Shirley Morrison** Mark & Marsha Napolin** Albert & Shanna Narath** Mr. Patrick O’Connell Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Pachelli* Silberio & Maria Anna Paez Hon. & Mrs. James Parker** Jeff & Peggy Roberts** Estelle H. Rosenblum** Mr. Bill C. Rothanbargar María Griego-Raby & Randy Royster** Claudia & Ron Short** Julie Silverman* Dr. & Mrs. Stanley N. Stark** Jean Ann & Duffy Swan** Jim BruceChuckTonyTempleton**&AnnTrujillo**&J.D.Wellborn**&LornaWiggins*
Friends Up to $499 Ms. Berta Aguilar Mr. & Mrs. Rex Allender** Dr. David Bernstein & Erika Rimson** Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bickes Jr.** Alan & Bronnie Blaugrund** James & Diane Bonnell** Mr. Wallace J. Bow Mr. Wesley A. Burghardt Ms. Mary Ellen S. Capek Ms. Tara Denetsosie Mr. & Mrs. Gary Eyster** Mr. Franklin Fine & Mrs. Leslee Richards Dr.Fine**Daniel B. Friedman David & Stephanie Kauffman** Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kelly** Ms. Sarah B. Kotchian & Mr. Robert O. MatrixNellums*Medical – Emil & Lori Ashe* Michael Nutkiewicz & Joan Weissman Ms. April M. Padilla Dr. Brad ThomasChristopherRaisherRustay*C.Schwab& Pamela B. RayDonegan&Maureen Trujillo** Michael Walker & Gari Fails* Andrew T. & Carol H. Watson* Alan & Joyce Weitzel
Benefactor $1,000 - $2,499
Mr. Robert G. Frank Van H. & Sandra V. Gilbert* Mr. & Mrs. Lowell A. Hare* The Honorable Harris L. Hartz* Connie & Doug Henry* – in memory of Henry C. & Sarah B. Dennis Mrs. Mary Herring Stamm** Nancy Herring & Matthew Segura** Mr. & Mrs. Mark Humphrey* Mrs. Rosalyn R. Hurley** Ms. Katie Lindsay Lineberry Foundation Mrs. Joan McDougall** Mrs. Millie McMahon** Michael & Judy Muldawer
Ms. Leslie E. Neal** Mr. Roberto Ortega & Dr. Loretta Cordova de Ortega* Calla Ann Pepmueller Ellen Ann Ryan**
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Talbot** Mr. & Mrs. David E. Weymouth** Partners in Philanthropy continued Partners $500 - $999
*Five-nine years as a Partner in Philanthropy **Ten or more years as a Partner in Philanthropy 47
SteveAnonymous&Jolene Benoit** Steve & Judy Chreist** Norm & Jan Corzine** Debbie & David Dozier**
YvonneAnonymous&Jim Beckley**
New Day Youth & Family Services $6,696
To reduce instances of chronic homelessness for people with medical vulnerabilities Susan’s Legacy $5,000
2016 Grants - From Annual Grant night: Heading Home $5,666
To support the Life Skills Academy There’s a Better Way $1,000 at Great Grant Giveaway Centro Savila $1,000 at Future Fund Fiesta CLN Kids $1,000 at Beers & Brats Awarded at events: Tablao Flamenco at Hotel Albuquerque Beer & AmandaRachelMaureenBratsO’Leary,Johannsen,Aragon
To provide women with mental health counseling, addiction counseling, intensive case management, psycho-educational groups, and addiction support groups
Future FundFuture Fund
Collective impact is one among many ways, to describe the Foundation’s Future Fund, and epitomizes our emphasis on team work and partnership. The Future Fund is a collaborative giving circle comprised of professionals in their 20s and 30s. The beau ty of the Future Fund is that individual members can decide their own level of involvement, but every participant is assured that 100% of their $200 membership will go toward supporting deserving causes. The Future Fund proudly celebrated their 19th anniversary in 2016, and in addition to granting over $20,000 to Albuquerque nonprofits, the group hosted several fun and unique social events and volunteer activities. In 2016, the Future Fund held intimate events at Fusion Theatre and Tablao Flamenco at Hotel Albuquerque, in addition to larger social events that were generously hosted at private homes. Members also partnered with Albuquerque Involved to host a day of service for senior citizens. This group of visionary, thoughtful young leaders is planning for a better tomorrow through active, involved giving.

Members: c c
John Michael & MacKenzie Ordorica
Serena & Xavier Pettes
Moses Winston Luke & Audrey Zancanaro*BoardMember
Clint Skyler*Wells&Brittany Wildenstein
David & Shelley Silverman Brett & Morgan Smith Tiffany & Justin Smyth
Sara LorenzoDanielTraubO.TrujilloTrujillo& Amy Barnhart Gabrielle & Alex Uballez
Shalini Shanker & Abinash Achrekar MaDonna Analla Amanda Aragon Paul Arellano & Cindy Chavez* Tania Armenta Terri Nikole Baca Zach BobbieBakerBatley & Billy Stevens Maralyn Beck Robert Bischoff Jade Vincent*SavannaDanelleBockBrennanBridgwater&Svetlana Brothers Shawna Brown Andrew & Jessica Bundy Lindsay N. Burkhard Israel NickAlexCoreyJenAdamChavezCiepielaCodyCooperCurtas&Kelsey Denissen Keith & Lindsay Drennan John DuBois Ryan Dudley & Angela Janda A. Blair Dunn & Rebekah Preston Ray Ely Ian & Katie* Esquibel Teala & Michael Farrington Jack MariahSeanBillyLoraNickLisaGabrielaAmandaFlickerGianniniGómez&RyanGoodmanGordon&AnnaMalloryGraingerGupton&RachelTrojahn*&ElizabethHallHarrison Christina Herrera Furst & Brandon JenniferFurst & Jordan Herrington Scott Hindman & Meaghan Stern Judy JustinHines&Lauren Hyde Christopher Jaramillo Rachel* & Andrew Johannsen Webb Johnson Dan Kammler & Vivian Guzman Justin & Monica Kimbrough Chauna & Tyler King David & Lauren Kistin Aaron Kraft* & Monear Makvandi Seema Katiyar LaGree & Brooks MichaelAmandaRebeccaMarkChristinaVirginiaAmy*DamianLaGreeLibutti&DavidLiottaLomanM.Lujan&RaquelLujanLujan*MarquezMartin&Carly Donahue Mo WendyMarwan&Allen Miner Val & Edgar Molinar Yiannaki Pavlakos & Amanda
Trisha Terhar & Mary Lacy Aaron Thompson Kellie & Charlie Tomlin
Buck Jillian Oaks Katie Ogawa & George Douglas Mitch Olson
Aldis ZemmieLesliePhilipbarPhinney&Brian Pollock Sara & Javier Prada Marshall Quam Matt & Kathryn Richards Derek & Sarah Riewe Kendall Rogers & Shilpa Reddy Jaymie Roybal Bryan & Johannah Ruddy Anna & Gabriel Sanchez Eric & Cynthia Schultz
Chevaun Williams & Sarah Stryhanyn
Gatsby party at Southwest Capital Bank, ACF staff & friends
Lori Anne & Ron Vanaman John ShawnJoséLorilynnVaroz*ViolantaViramontes*&Danielle Weed Dathan & Jessica Weems
Sonya B. Torrez
Irina LeighStanaselAnna& David Steele Karie Taylor & Mike Montanez

The Social Giving Club harnesses the power of collaborative social giving and creates an indelible community among our givers and partners.
The Foundation welcomes members who contribute $1,000 each year. 50% of each donation is pooled with other members and then awarded as one large grant annually, always to an excellent nonprofit chosen by the members. The other 50% is added to the Social Giving Club Endowment Fund to provide additional grant funding in the future. After narrowing the interest areas down to Health and Economic and Workforce Development, the Social Giving Club’s inau gural grant of $25,000 was awarded to Cultivating Coders, an Albuquerque-based coding bootcamp that brings tech skills to rural, tribal and other low-income communities. The eight-week intensive training workshop in coding and web application development curriculum will focus heavily on the most desired sets of skills sought by employers, with the goal of creating a graduating class of “full-stack” developers. Students will also work with local employers on three projects over the course of the program—this gives them the opportunity to graduate with a professional portfolio and a reference contact.
Social Giving ClubSocial Giving Club
In only its second year of existence, the Social Giving Club accomplished two amazing goals. Not only did they grant their first ever $25,000, they also established powerful partnerships among the group of 51 members. This giving circle represents an enduring way to learn more about philanthropy and the enormous power of collective impact.
b j ALBUQUER QU E COM M UNIT Y F OUND AT IO N Members gather at Karen Lovelady’s home. Members enjoy time together at the summer party sponsored by Ken Conwell II. 50

Cris & Ken Abbott Marsha Adams Rohini Arter Jeff & Alena Bard Chris & Karen Bard Brett EmilyBeaty*&Mark Benak Christopher Boone & Jennifer Anderson Jessica Bridwell Sandy KennethAleliMicheleBuffettCarter*&BrianColónL.Conwell II Kelli & Kevin Cooper Michael E. Dexter Debbie & David Dozier Sanjay Engineer* Glenn Fellows & Patricia Hancock John Grassham Ted Grumblatt* Debbie & Irwin Harms John & Kim Helm Keith & Bernadette Hinds Carol Hinton Pam Hurd-Knief & Dr. Ron Knief Lynn Johnson & Frederick Eberle Ted & Margaret Jorgensen Betty Karlsson Pat & Terry Keene Steve & Janis Keene Jared Larsen* Ed & Tara Lopez Karen Lovelady Miki Roth Mahan* Bobby & Jeri Martin Steve & Maureen Martinick Beverly & Lennard McMillan Matt Oberer* Trest Pollina* Jeff & Peggy Roberts Anne & Ken Sapon Julie bywho’s*SusanDebbieJeremyChaomingRoganJenniferCorinneSuzanneBetsySilvermanSkyeSmithStrongThevenet&DavidThomas&LaurieThompsonTing&DavidMartinez&JessicaTrumble*WaltersWilsonSignifiesthosemembersmembershipissponsoredFBTArchitects. 2016 Members: Grant Night$25,000 Awarded Cultivating Coders Trustees, Karen Bard and Pam Hurd-Knief promote the Social Giving Club 51

A business incubator for fledgling entrepreneurs, a lab for developers, a production facility for manufacturers, a resource for community members and a hub of connectivity for credit and non-credit educational resources and workforce training programs.
The Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship funds nonprofits contributing to Albuquerque’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and sup porting the success of our city’s entrepreneurs. In its inaugural year, which closed in 2016, the Prize awarded $200,000 to pro grams supporting bold ideas that create and grow new companies in Albuquerque. From 27 applicants, three nonprofits were selected to share the inaugural prize: Global Ties ABQ, Technology Ventures Corporation and WESST. Each of the Mayor’s Prize winners approach the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Albuquerque differently: TVC focuses on tech nology commercialization, and the Mayor’s Prize for Entrepreneurship has helped to expand its efforts from startups to second stage companies; Global Ties ABQ focuses on international business, and is now not only receiving visitors from the likes of Panama and Indonesia, but as a result of the Prize is training local NM businesses to expand their markets abroad; and WESST has launched their Creative P.I.E. (Practice, Innovation, and Enterprise) program to provide 360 degree support and training for creative businesses in Albuquerque in an effort to expand the creative economy and to financially support founders and job growth. In its first year, we have already seen 52 businesses supported or started, over 300 jobs created or supported and 192 entre preneurs engaged across grantees. Companies and businesses participating in Mayor’s Prize winning programs in 2016 saw a collective revenue increase of over $11 million! This year also brought the announcement of the winners of the second cohort of Prize winners. Announced in November, the four winners sharing $200,000 in prize money are: 2016 Mayor’s Prize Winners
Nusenda Credit Union Foundation Co-Op Capital program $50,000
Entrepreneurship in New Mexico goes back centuries, and entrepreneurial activity is among the best barometers to measure the health of a city’s economy. And, it goes without saying, all of us hope to see jobs growing in our city. However, we are aware that at this stage in our economic development, we also need to patiently build connections and partnerships. That is why we partnered with the City of Albuquerque, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and generous local donors to create the Mayor’s Prize for Entre preneurship, a Now and Forever Fund at the Foundation.
To serve artists, artisans, craftspeople, makers and food producers by offering core business financial literacy and business skills curriculum to creatives. 2016
A 16-week bootcamp-styled program that will serve students in creative tech and innovation fields. The unique collaboration marries the startup expertise of Creative Startups with the student access of UNM Innovation Academy and the know-how of STC’s tech transfer team.
To support entrepreneurs with reliable access to affordable capital. Many businesses and potential entrepreneurs find them selves marginalized from traditional systems of securing capital because of a lack of credit history, poor credit score, or lack of collateral. Co-Op Capital will address this issue.
Creative Startups supports Lobo Launch Labs $50,000
CNM Ingenuity supports the FUSE Makerspace $59,000
WESST Creative P.I.E. (Practice, Innovation & Enterprise) program $41,000

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Yearout Susan Zimmerman & Lynn Slade
Dr. & Mrs. Barry W. Ramo Mr. and Mrs. Will Raskob Mr. and Mrs. Jerrald J. Roehl Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rivera Sandia Foundation SMPC Architects Sound & Signal Systems of New Mexico Mr. & Mrs. Walter Stern Jean Ann & Duffy Swan Jennifer and David Thomas
Peacock Myers, PC PNM Resources Foundation
Bernalillo County Treasurer’s OfficeCommissioner Lonnie Talbert Champion Agency Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chavez Aleli & Brian Colón Kelli & Kevin Cooper Mr. Glenn Fellows & Ms. Patricia Hancock Garcia Automotive Group Carlos and Ashley Garcia Art & Sonja Gardenswartz Holman’s USA, LLC
Mr. David Hughes & Ms. Angela Anderson Independent NAIMr.McCuneDebbieMr.KirtlandKauffmanFoundation,CommunityInc.FoundationFederalCreditUnionandMrs.GregLeyendeckerandSteveMaestasCharitableFoundation&Mrs.ChristopherMuirheadMaestas&Ward
New Mexico Gas Company
AlbuquerqueAnonymous Community Foundation
At the Foundation, we are thrilled to support homegrown economic development through mission-driven nonprofits and partnerships. The dedication, commitment and contributions to our entrepreneurial ecosystem through this Prize and aligned efforts are already demonstrating results. As we continue to support the success of entrepreneurs in our city, job growth will increase and annual household incomes will improve, promoting prosperity and progress across our entire community. Donors
Albuquerque Journal Mr. & Mrs. Carl Alongi Bank of Albuquerque Bank of America Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bard Becket Family Foundation Beverly & Perry Bendicksen
2016 Prize Winners 53

Trep Connect and the Molino Project—Pilots of City Alive—are online resources that help Albuquerque entrepreneurs and small business owners find the right resources to grow their startups and small businesses. Trep Connect is an app that integrates and connects startups with incubator services and provides valuable business information.
Teen Start-Up Weekend - Bosque School - $1,000 Martin Luther King Indoor Track Meet - $2,500 Children’s Cancer Fund - $3,000 UNM Formula SAE Program - Lobo Motorsports - $10,000 UNM Foundation for Law School Scholarships - $18,600 Albuquerque Community Foundation - $25,000 Entrepreneurship grants: Concours du Soleil & Rally du Soleil Other 2016 Support Grants: b Models adorned as hood ornaments welcome the crowd A Million Dollar Partnership - The Cinco Amigos 54
Concours du Soleil, an annual fundraising event organized by the Foundation and five local businessmen (also known as the “Cinco Amigos”), celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2016. The Cinco Amigos joined advocates and well-known philanthro pists to support the growth of Albuquerque’s local entrepreneurial community. The Amigos were happy to invest in nonprofit organizations focused on workforce development and entrepreneurship. The 2016 theme, Art That Moves, showcased beautiful automobiles in various categories including Masterpieces and Georgia O’Keeffe Low-Riders. The Concours Du Soleil partnership raised $165,000, an amount we’re proud to help redistribute in the Albuquerque community. Trep Connect/Molino Project - $30,000

Rally du Soleil
The inaugural Rally du Soleil is a new addition to the annual Concours du Soleil fundraising event. This fun, unusual event cruised the scenic byways of northern New Mexico. Through Chama, Taos Pueblo, Puye Cliffs and Georgia O’Keefe’s Ghost Ranch, the drivers enjoyed the scenery, ultimately ending with a parade into the Santa Fe Plaza. This brand new effort undoubtedly paved the way for a new tradition to celebrate pre-1973 automobiles across New Mexico.
s Sponsors Inaugural Rally 1950 XK120 Jaguar Roadster 55

Real Estate
We can help you turn a home, a business or land into a charitable gift Administrative Fund Endow your partnership with the Foundation by creating an administrative fund that will support the work of the Foundation forever.
You can select one of the Foundation’s interest areas—Arts & Culture; Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, or Health and Human Services. Through the competitive grant program, the Foundation awards grants to effective organizations and programs in your selected field.
Impact Fund
Field-of-Interest Fund
Gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds result in a charitable deduction for the full market value of the donated asset, even if you bought it for less. This option helps you avoid capital gains tax.
becoming a Our work leads us to many discoveries here in Albuquerque. And one of the things we’ve learned is that giving is personal—visions for the future are often connected with individual values and goals. The Foundation is dedicated to working with you to create a charitable giving experience special to you. We are committed to addressing your concerns—our assistance makes it easy to engage with your community as a philanthropist. We will help you give in a way that is both deeply meaningful and effective.
These classic charitable gifts are easy and effective.
Cash, check or credit card
Stocks, Bonds and Mutual Funds
If you have life insurance, you may name the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the sole beneficiary of your policy, transfer ownership and receive a tax deduction for the policy’s cash value.
You may contribute to the collective giving effort of the Impact Fund, joining with other donors to achieve the greatest possible impact. You can also establish your own Impact Fund. These gifts allow the Foundation to invest in the most effective organizations in a specific impact area (which is newly selected each year).
Getting Started Give Today - Fund Types 56
For 35 years, the Foundation has served as a trusted philanthropic advisor for individuals, families and businesses. We can assist you whenever and however you need us, providing solutions and services tailored to you and your objectives. We also work in conjunction with our community partners, grantees and other interested groups to ensure that every dollar donated makes the most impact for all of us. We offer a variety of fund types. This allows your gift to benefit the programs, individuals, focus areas or organizations you care about. Funds can be created in as little as one meeting and grown over a two to five-year period. Additional tax-deductible gifts can be made at any time.
Life Insurance
Give Tomorrow Give Today - Fund Types xx 57
A group contributes to a single fund focused on a shared cause, with grants recommended by a member or representative advisory committee. Charitable Bequest
Because retirement plan withdrawals are double-taxed, the value of the plan is decreased for your heirs. Consider provid ing other assets to your heirs and naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as the beneficiary of your retirement accounts. This will allow you to both avoid taxes and preserve your assets for the good of your community.
Collaborative Fund
This option is ideal for those who wish to play an active role in supporting multiple organizations and programs through out the year. Our staff can help identify organizations and programs, and provide you with grantmaking and administra tive support.
The simplest gift is a bequest in your will or trust that directs specific assets or a percentage of your estate to your fund at the Foundation. This can be used to establish a fund or be added to an existing fund. A bequest will reduce estate taxes and grow your charitable legacy.
Student Aid Fund
Retirement Account
Assist students pursuing education through scholarship or financial aid awards. You suggest eligibility criteria based on high school, college, merit, need, field of study or other interests.
Charitable Lead Trust
Donor Advised Fund
Charitable Remainder Trust
Grants from these funds provide a reliable annual income stream to one or more of your favorite organizations, forever.
Life Insurance
A charitable lead trust allows you to place cash or property into a trust that pays a fixed amount to the Foundation. You can select the trust to pay the Foundation for as many or as few years as you select. Once the period ends, the assets held by the trust are transferred to the beneficiaries you name. In some cases, you can receive a substantial reduction in federal gift and estate taxes.
Donor-Designated Fund
For those who want to see their philanthropic dollars make both an immediate and a perpetual impact, this is the perfect vehicle. Half of the annual contributions are available to fund grants now, while the other half are added to the Forever Fund for annual distributions.
Now & Forever Fund
Naming the Albuquerque Community Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy enables you to create a charitable legacy without using cash and other assets you may want to go to your heirs. The process is simple: purchase a policy, make the Foundation the owner and beneficiary and then make a gift to the Foundation in the amount of the annual premium. Then, you take that amount as an annual tax deduction.
With a charitable remainder trust, you can place cash or property in a trust that pays annual income to you (or another named beneficiary) for life. After your death, the remainder of the trust transfers to the Foundation and is placed into the charitable fund you’ve selected. You receive income tax benefits for the year in which you establish your trust.
Education – Boys and Girls Club $20,975
2016 marked our fourth annual Great Grant Giveaway, an interactive luncheon that makes charitable giving that much more fun, collaborative and exciting. Great Grant Giveaway attendees view videos about nonprofit recipients and then have the opportunity to select the winner of their table’s $500 Great Grant Giveaway check. Between $500 table donations, the generosity of our event donors and individual checks, we were able to award over $125,000 to these six nonprofits from each of our six fields-of-interest listed below. The spirit of collaborative competition makes this annual event a favorite among attendees.
Economic & Workforce Development – CNM Ingenuity $24,500
The FUSION Forum is a program envisioning a new future for a physical location in downtown Albuquerque. FUSION will renovate a historic property where arts organizations and supporters can collide in the city, encompassing indoor and outdoor performance spaces, co-op offices for start-up arts, a coffee shop, a pop-up café and a food truck pod. This collab orative program focuses on economic development, job creation and organizational self-sustainability.
The vision of Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) is Changing Lives, Building Community. CNM is committed to the success of the residents of central New Mexico. Through the creation of CNM Ingenuity Inc, CNM is offering new ways for citizens to access education and training, including coding bootcamps and fast track degrees. A second program, the Entrepreneurial Mindset Program (EMP) is a powerful curriculum designed to educate and engage participants in the tools needed to create innovation when building businesses.
Arts and Culture – Fusion Forum $13,510
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central New Mexico (BGCCNM) provides a safe haven where all young people can learn, dream and grow while building character, self-esteem and passion. Club members attend a variety of after-school and summer programs,including STEM courses.By offering these opportunities, BGCCNM opens door for future leaders, scientists and engineers.

As a solution to panhandling on the city’s street corners, Mayor Berry in partnership with St. Martin’s Hospitality Center introduced the “There’s a Better Way” program in 2015. The Better Way van drives around Albuquerque offering panhandlers a day of paid work, along with lunch and overnight shelter. The program aims to end panhandling by giving people the dignity of work and connecting them with services through St. Martin’s Hospitality Center. It also helps to beautify the city, making Albuquerque a better place for everyone to enjoy.
Corporate Sponsors support recipients 59
Health - Adelante’s Wellness Referral Center $12,050
In New Mexico, the Rio Grande and its tributaries provide water to nearly one million people. The Nature Conservancy and partners launched the Rio Grande Water fund in 2014 to secure drinking water, increase social and economic benefits for local communities and further contribute to an improved quality of life. This groundbreaking, collaborative effort will dramatically increase the pace and scale of forest treatments over the next 20 years resulting in the restoration of 600,000 acres of at-risk forest.
Environmental & Historic Preservation – The Nature Conservancy$11,125
The Wellness Referral Center creates sustainable, effective links between the clin ical and community settings. This improves patients’ access to preventative and chronic care services. The program was developed through partnerships between organizations that share a common goal of improving the health of people and the communities in which they live, further proving that we’re stronger together.
Human Services –There’s a Better Way $43,020

When Greg Ogawa and Diane Harrison Ogawa were introduced to the Foundation in 1997, we had no idea what a last ing partnership this would become. As emerging community leaders, Greg and Diane were co-chairs of our young donor group, the Future Fund. Their enthusiasm for promoting philanthropy helped to launch an idea that continues today as an inspiring example of collective impact and really fun social partnerships.
Diane served on the Foundation’s Board of Trustees for three terms, 2007 – 2015 and Chair in 2012. Diane has an inher ent leadership ability, she leads by example, always has a positive smile and usually knitting needles at work in her hands.
Barbara Allender The Clinton P. Anderson Family The Emanuel Blaugrund Family Lee YeiSusanneDouglasBlaugrundM.BrownB.BrownGorham&the Gorham Family Sheilah Purcell-Garcia Jack TheCalvinHolmesHornJuniorLeague of Albuquerque William P. Lang Gloria Griffin Mallory Paul and Patti Marianetti Ina StevenMillerK.Moise Connie and Jan Nellos George Pearl Mary RobertaPooleCooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust Bob Stamm Jane and Doug Swift Larry Willard Ray Zimmer Past recipients: 60
Greg and Diane established their endowment fund, the Greg and Diane Harrison Ogawa Family Fund in 2003 from which they will support the community in perpetuity together with their remarkable daughters, Katie and Allison.
The Ogawa’s embody the definition of our Founder’s Award and through this honor we sincerely thank them for being our partners. Founder’s Award

Katrina Owensby, New Life Homes Chandler Smith-Stetson, Albuquerque Heading Home
Change Award Winner – Nutan Patel, Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless (AHCH)
Randi Malach, Abrazos Family Support Services
SS 61
Carmel Merryman, Precious Gifts Foundation Past recipients:
Jahaan Martin, Breast Cancer Resource Center Lydia Vandiver, Albuquerque SANE Collaborative Andy Najar, Catholic Charities Karen Navarro, St. Martin’s Hospitality Center
Nutan Patel, AHCH Dental Hygienist for 21 years, works behind the scenes improving the oral hygiene of nearly 1,000 people annually. She gives people a reason to smile where there was none before. Her efforts ensure access, sometimes for the first time in years, to oral health care that is integrated with long unaddressed primary care, behavioral health care and social services. In addition to providing care on the streets, and her diligent work to always find clients through “in-reaches” to AHCH programs, Nutan has been involved in many outreaches at the Barrett House, CLN Kids, Joy Junction, Crossroads for Women, S.A.F.E House and The Rock at NoonDay. Nutan also provides services through Dental Care in Your Home, a nonprofit organization serving special needs and homebound clients by bringing fully mobile, state-of-the-art dental equipment into client’s homes or care facilities.
Nutan is known for her gentle approach to dental hygiene care. Oftentimes, clients require multiple visits and she is always flexible and makes as many appointments as necessary to complete the care required to ensure future dental work is not compromised. As a mentor for hygiene students who complete rotations at the AHCH Dental Clinic, Nutan teaches in-depth perspectives on public health dentistry for people who are experiencing homelessness. We are proud to recognize Nutan with our 2016 Change Award.

The financial information below reflects highlights from unaudited financial statements in the 2016 calendar year. Our most recent audited financial statements with accompanying notes (plus a report from an independent auditor) are available on our website at albuquerquefoundation.org.
Financial Summary & Highlights FINANCIALS2016 SS 62 Total Grants 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $3.0 M $2.2 M $2.6 M $4.2 M $3.7 M millionsinDollars Total Contributions 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $4.6 M $2.4 M $4.1 M $6.5 M $4.8 M millionsinDollars
The Finance Committee oversees our accounting process. They’re also responsible for overseeing the audit process. The Investment Committee oversees all aspects of the investment program, ensuring assets are well-diversified and designed to meet the Foundation’s objectives. Our investment management summary, along with quarterly investment performance reports, is also available on our website. We welcome your comments and input.
The objective of the Foundation’s investment program is to produce growth and income sufficient to support both donor goals and Foundation objectives and to maintain the purchasing power of the fund for future beneficiaries. The long-term total return need of the Foundation’s portfolio is CPI, plus the current spending policy rate, plus the Foundation’s average administrative fee.
63 Total Assets 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 $58.5 M $64.0 M $67.7 M $66.4 M $70.8 M millionsinDollars Endowment Returns 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 Year 7.00% 2.73% 5.56% 5.14% feesofnet 11.7%Agency StudentACF12.7%Directed3.5%Aid Pass34.4%Through Donor29.7%Competitive8.0%GrantsAdvised 2016 Grants Arts & Culture $58,746 Education $35,086 Health Human$65,740Services$65,219Environmental& Historic$68,100Preservation Economic & Workforce Development $15,000 interestField-of-Grants (These numbers include Agency Fund grants.) FINANCIALS2016 SS
Foundation.theofworkthesupporttolikeI’d ofdonationmyisenclosed $____________________. law.byallowedmaximumthetodeductibletaxaregiftsAll Way.UnitedthroughcomewillcontributionMy payment: MasterCardCheck ExpressAmericanVisa albuquerquefoundation.orgatOnline topayablecheckyourMake : FoundationCommunityAlbuquerque publications:inlistedbeshoulditasname anonymousremaintopreferI #____________________________________Card_________________________________________ ______________________________cardonName___________________________________Address _____________________________dateExpiration______________________State________ZipCity ______________________________CodeSecurityEmail:____________________________________ _________________________________Signature)______________________________(____Phone is:GiftMy Unrestricted PhilanthropyinPartner $2,500+BuilderCommunity $2,499-$1,000Benefactor $999-$500Partner $499toupgiftanyFriend Funds:Field-of-Interest Culture&Arts DevelopmentWorkforce&Economic Education PreservationHistoric&Environmental Health ServicesHuman needs)pressing(mostImpact Administrative FundActionEmergencytoformcompletedthismailplease FoundationCommunityAlbuquerque: 87125-5266NMAlbuquerque,25266BoxP.O. ininterestedamIme,contactPlease orgiftplannedaaboutmorelearning fund.donor-advised Name:___________________________ )_____________________(____Phone: Email:___________________________$1,000ClubGivingSocial $200GroupDonorYoungFundFuture FundEndowmentBuildingChampion624 $100RooftheRaise0 516 Arts From October – January, 516 Arts ran their citywide exhibit, DECADE, to celebrate the 10th anniversary of 516 Arts. Through a series of programs and off-site projects, the exhibit encompassed a variety of themes and practices 516 has explored since its inception: environ mental/land-based art; street art; new media art; public art; and social-engaged projects. The exhibition featured over 15 artists, seven public programs and installations at the Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Farm & Table Restaurant, the Tamarind Institute, the Tony Hillerman Public Library and Silver Street Market. envelopeaninreturnandheretear 64

Every effort is made to maintain accurate records; however, mistakes may occur. If you feel your name should have been listed or is misspelled in this Report, please accept our apologies and contact us so that we have correct information for future publications. The Foundation maintains a system of internal accounting controls designed to provide responsible assurance that transactions are properly executed and recorded in all material respects, assets are safeguarded and established policies and procedures are carefully followed. As the community’s foundation, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion in all things we do.
Not Pictured: John Maes, Finance Director through February 2016 & Maureen Martinick, Accountant Associate through April 2016 Staff
in Compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations 65
(L to R): Hallee Kells (Concours du Soleil), Denise Nava (Scholarships), Gabriela Gómez (Donor Services Manager), Joanna Colangelo (Grants Advisor & Community Outreach), Randy Royster (President & CEO), Sandy Mwei (Donor Services), Kelli Cooper (Vice President), Nick Williams (Finance Director) and Andre Durham (Accounting Assistant)
Member of: The Council on Foundations CF CommunityLeads Foundation Coalition of New Mexico New Mexico Estate Planning Council New Mexico Association of Grantmakers Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Development Albuquerque Hispano Chamber of Commerce Albuquerque Economic Forum partisan2016 STAFF

AdvisoryAdvisory2016 Review Committee Members
For Grant Programs, Student Aid & Individual Achievement Award Programs
Mastersintheartof I I You!”
Adam MaureenAnnamOscarKristinKevinJohnKennethKayMonicaHalleeKiranNancyPamCarolTedFredPamelaGabrielaGlennSueJanSanjayJoshSuzanneAndreMarkWendyJasminePepperKelliDeanTJBrianJoannaIsraelCindyMicheleEllenRyanGiovannaSusanneJessicaKayAsherKarenKarenCharlesLydiaKaterynaJamieCatherineDennyCiepielaHillAllenAragonArtyushkovaAshaninAshleyIIIBakerBardBarrettBounkeuaBridwellBrownBurrellCangiolosiCaplanCarterChavezChavezColangeloColónCookCooperCooperCooperCuffeeDeetzDuranDurhamEbelEdwardsEngineerEnglishEubankFellowsGómezGoodenGriegoGrumblattHintonHurd-KniefJohnsonKatiraKellsKimbroughKnutsonLeachLedwithLedwithLeighLermaManthiramMartinick Cathryn McGill Bev KimAndrewLaurelMosesNickKateJoséCharleyDezareeDuaneBarbaraJeremyPeterEddieCarolynCindyDavidKarenSommerRaeAnnmarieJoanneSofiaChristopherShanaMannyTsailiiMikeRobertJenniferMattJonJanRobertaTimTrestPhillipGinaGerryMariaDaveKathyBillJimAnneSandyConnieJoannaInaNatalieMcMillanMeyersMillerMillerMoore-RabyMweiNelsonNelsonNolandNunnOrnerOrtegaPiechPiechPiechPollinaPriceRaelRandallReadeRichardsRiordanRoarkRodriguezRogersRubioRunckRustaySanchezScheuchSheahanSiporinSmithSmootStuartStuartThomasThomasToucheTrumbleTrythallTrythallVega-GarciaVillaViramontesWilliamsWilliamsWinstonWyckoffWyrickZamarin
Volunteers are some of our most effective partners in Thephilanthropy.processofreviewing requests from both non profit organizations and students requires a sub stantial amount of time from nearly one hundred community volunteers. Working together with the Foundation, volunteers assisted in making deci sions about the competitive grant and student aid Inprograms.yearsbefore, our volunteers wrestled with the challenge of many more requests for support than could be funded. However, 2016 was a little differ ent. Following our addition of live grant presen tations in 2015, our volunteers were able to get a better sense of each organization, as well as the heart and intention behind their work. Live pitch es from grantees provided volunteers with the opportunity to ask and answer questions, making the process even more exciting and effective. The Foundation was happy to host multiple volunteer advisory committees to review requests and make funding recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. We salute our volunteers and their faithful dedica tion and say a heartfelt . . . .
2016 Board of Trustees
Not Pictured: Steve Maestas & Brian Coló n
Patrick Apodaca, PNM Resources Karen Bard, Merrill Lynch Beverly R. Bendicksen, Sandia Financial Consulting, LLC Brian Colón, Esq., Robles, Rael, & Anaya, P.C. (through June, 2016) Arellana Cordero, Southwest Capital Bank (beginning July, 2016 William E. Ebel, Northwestern Mutual Glenn Fellows, SMPC Architects Ed Garcia, Garcia Automotive Rebecca Harrington, Junior League of Albuquerque Debbie Johnson, CNM Albert T. (Ted) Jorgensen, Titan, Inc. and Sound & Signal Systems of New Mexico William P. Lang, Albuquerque Journal Kenneth C. Leach, Kenneth C. Leach & Associates P.C. Steve Maestas, Maestas Development Group Bev McMillan, Community Member Marcus Mims, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Lisa Riley, Wells Fargo Ron J. Rivera, REDW LLC Jerrald J. Roehl, The Roehl Law Firm P.C. George Stanfield, Bank of the West Walter E. Stern, Modrall Sperling Roehl Harris & Sisk P.A. Jennifer S. Thomas, Past Chair, Bank of Albuquerque Kevin Yearout, Yearout Companies
Albuquerque draws its strength from its people who are passionate leaders committed to making our city the best it can be. The Foundation’s Board of Trustees, as partners with community, are guided by that same passionate lead ership. As a group of dedicated individuals who invest in our community with their talent, time and resources, each trustee serves a three-year term, contributing a minimum gift of $5,000 per year toward the Foundation’s operating Theexpenses.Foundation is grateful for this remarkable team of volunteers who demonstrate a lasting commitment to Albuquerque through productive conversation, passionate support and philanthropic investment. They are bold and visionary, and a team we’re proud to call our own.
(L to R - Back Row): Marcus Mims, Kevin Yearout, George Stanfield, Glenn Fellows, Steven W. Keene (Chair Elect), Ed Garcia, Albert T. (Ted) Jorgensen, William E. Ebel, Walter E. Stern, Kenneth C. Leach & William P. Lang. (L to R – Middle Row): Ron J. Rivera, Karen Bard, Rebecca Harrington, Carl M. Alongi (Chair), Jerrald J. Roehl, Patrick Apodaca, Lisa Riley, Jennifer S. Thomas (Past Chair) & Beverly R. Bendicksen. (L to R – Front Row): Arellana Cordero, Pam Hurd-Knief (Secretary), Bev McMillan, Debbie Johnson & Julie Weaks Gutierrez (Treasurer).
Roberta Cooper Ramo John L. (Jack) Rust John Salazar
Carl M. Alongi, Chair, REDW LLC Steven W. Keene, Chair Elect, Moss Adams LLP Pam Hurd-Knief, Secretary, Philanthropic Advisor Julie Weaks Gutiérrez, Treasurer, Geolex, Inc.
Robert J. Stamm
Steven K. Moise Mary Poole Barry W. Ramo
Jeffry E. Sterba Barbara Trythall Larry RayMichaelWillardWalkerZimmer
Lee RobertVictorDouglasCurtisRobertBlaugrundBovinetteBrewerM.BrownJ.ChavezM.Goodman María Griego-Raby Karl GloriaShirleyJamesCindyGustafsonJohnsN.KingLeslieMallory
The Emeritus Board of the Foundation is comprised of former trustees who have demonstrated long and distinguished service and contributed significant and ongoing financial support to the Foundation.

Children’s story book characters introduce each of us at a very young age to the value of partnerships. As we move through life, we establish partnerships in many different ways; marriage, business, volunteering, giving, socializing and collaborating.
Through our 2016 annual report, we express our sincere gratitude to those who partner with us to make our city a great place to live, to work and to play.
Sarah MacLean, bestselling romance author and Washington Post columnist
“The best partnerships aren’t dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of equality, desire, and no small amount of passion.”