12 minute read
How to Apply
Many of our donors establish field-of-interest endowment funds to respond to Albuquerque’s evolving needs. Grants from these funds are made through the Competitive Grant Program, which allows organizations to request funding for current needs in the community. An application process is required.
The Foundation has grouped these endowment funds into six general fields-of-interest: Arts & Culture, Economic & Workforce Development, Education, Environmental & Historic Preservation, Health and Human Services.
2016 Grant Application Process
Application Review Process
A variety of local organizations meet the basic requirements to apply for a grant, which makes applications a highly competitive process. The Foundation uses an extensive grant review procedure to assure donors and grantees that their interests are represented. Requests for funding are reviewed by diverse committees, consisting of members of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and volunteers who are broadly representative of the community. Committee members use their individual expertise to contribute to a committee’s overall assessment of each proposal. Committee recommendations are then sent to the Board of Trustees, which is responsible for final grant approval.
Who Qualifies
To be eligible for the Competitive Grant Program, an organization must serve the Greater Albuquerque Four-County Metropolitan Area (Bernalillo, Sandoval, Valencia and Torrance) and be a 501(c)(3) taxexempt nonprofit organization in good standing, a public educational institution or a governmental agency. Grants are not made: to individuals, for political or religious purposes, to retire indebtedness, for the payment of interest or taxes, to annual campaigns, as endowments or as emergency funding, to influence legislation or elections, to private foundations and other grantmaking organizations, or to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation.
How to Apply
The application process includes an initial submission of a Letter of Intent. Complete application criteria and guidelines are available on the Foundation’s website at albuquerquefoundation.org. Letters of Intent are reviewed and organizations are notified if they are invited to submit a full grant proposal. Criteria, guidelines and deadlines are posted on the Foundation’s website in January of each year.
Other Grants
Throughout the year, the Foundation also gives grants from other types of funds that are not part of the Competitive Grant Program. Funds may be designated for a specific organization or program within a nonprofit. Others are donor-advised funds with donors actively supporting the organizations and charitable projects of their choice. Donor advisors may rely on the Foundation’s knowledge to identify particular agencies and programs they wish to support with their philanthropic dollars. Working with our ever-growing donor community, we take pride in making sure donors feel passionate about the causes they support.
Community CommunityBuilders Builders
Jim and Ellen King
Community philanthropists Jim and Ellen King have been working to build communities for decades. Jim has been an owner of Bradbury Stamm Construction since 1979 and ran the daily operations for over 30 years. He continues to serve as Chairman of the company today, while his wife Ellen manages the company’s philanthropic efforts to support nonprofit organizations across our community.
Together with Bradbury Stamm employees and their two daughters Cynthia and Michelle, Jim and Ellen King have had a significant impact on Albuquerque. And in 2016 Jim and Ellen’s philanthropy took a new and exciting turn as they launched a donor advised fund at the Foundation to provide support to those seeking education in a skilled trade. “We wanted to help bridge the gap tradespeople face when considering taking their skills as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and other trades to the master’s level, or though a certificate program,” said Ellen. “When we look at the opportunities for improvements in our community,” added Jim, “education is often a common connection, and this includes education within trade careers.”
Jim and Ellen saw an opportunity. “We wanted make an improvement in our community,” said Jim, “and the Albuquerque Community Foundation was a great way to make it all happen.”
For donors like Jim and Ellen, supporting education is a very personal approach to philanthropy and the Foundation is honored to be a partner in their efforts.
Principal Partnerships Principal Partnerships
Donor Advised Grants
The majority of grants made each year are from funds restricted by donors. Donor-advised fund holders may make recommendations to the Foundation’s Board of Trustees throughout the year to award specific grants to nonprofit organizations. Foundation staff members review recommendations to verify that organizations are qualified nonprofit groups. In light of the number of unfunded competitive grants every year, the Foundation works closely with donor-advised fund holders to align their grantmaking, supporting unfunded grant proposals and considering letters-of-intent from the Competitive Grant Program.
516 ARTS $50,000 A New Day Youth & Family Services $5,000 AARP Foundation $1,069 ACCION New Mexico Arizona Colorado $2,000 ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $500 ACLU of New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Adelante Development Center $10,000 Albuquerque Academy $5,000 Albuquerque Center for Peace & Justice $250 Albuquerque Chamber Soloists $5,000 Albuquerque GED $9,200 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $150 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $25,000 Albuquerque Health Care for the Homeless $3,000 Albuquerque Meals on Wheels $250 Albuquerque Museum Foundation $1,000 Albuquerque Museum Foundation $300 Albuquerque Opera Guild $250 Albuquerque Regional Community Chaplain Corps $500 Albuquerque Youth Symphony Program $200 All Faiths $3,000 All Faiths $200 All Faiths $10,000 Alzheimer’s Association $12,127 American Civil Liberties Foundation $5,000 American Legion $5,000 Amigos Bravos $2,000 Amigos Bravos $1,000 Animal Humane New Mexico $2,500 Animal Humane New Mexico $250 Animal Humane New Mexico $7,500 Animal Humane New Mexico $10,000 Animal Humane New Mexico $200 Animal Humane New Mexico $100 Animal Humane New Mexico $50 Animal Humane New Mexico $50 Animal Humane New Mexico $125 Animal Protection of New Mexico $3,000 Animal Rescue League of El Paso $4,000 Anti-Defamation League New Mexico $2,000 APS Education Foundation $750 APS Education Foundation $250 APS Education Foundation $300 APS Education Foundation $10,000 APS Education Foundation $7,316 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $5,000 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $100 APS Title I, Homeless Projects $100 ARCA $2,000 Armand Hammer United World College $20,000 ATF Teacher Leadership Foundation $1,000 Axle Projects $5,000 Bang on a Can $1,000 Barrett Foundation $1,069 Barrett Foundation $3,000 Barrett Foundation $100 Barrett Foundation $100 Basement Films $5,000 Best Buddies New Mexico $5,000 Bethel Community Storehouse $1,069 Bosque School $10,000 Bosque School $2,410 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central NM $5,000 Boys & Girls Clubs of Central NM $50 Brown University $1,600 Care Net Pregnancy Center of Albuquerque
$100 Career Guidance Institute $5,000 Cathedral Church of St. John $500 Catholic Charities $10,000 Catholic Charities $2,410 Catholic Charities $1,000 Chamber Music Albuquerque $500 Charger Aquatics - Los Alamos $500 Children’s Grief Center of NM $100 Children’s Grief Center of NM $100 Children’s Miracle Network $500 Christina Kent Early Childhood Center $500 Chrysalis Center $1,000 CLN Kids $100 CNM Foundation $3,000 CNM Foundation $1,900 Creativity for Peace $1,000 Danforth Museum of Art $2,999 Danforth Museum of Art $3,700 de Profundis $3,000 Democracy Now! $1,100 Designs for Learning Differences Sycamore School $4,000 Doctors Without Borders USA $3,000 Doctors Without Borders USA $3,000 Doctors Without Borders USA $1,000 Downtown ABQ MainStreet Initiative $5,000 Drug Policy Alliance $5,000 Duke University $10,000 Earthworks $10,000 Electronic Frontier Foundation $1,000 Ensemble Music New Mexico $3,000
Environmental Defense Fund $2,000 Equality New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Escuela del Sol Montessori School $20,000 Explora! $10,000 Explora! $250 F.A.T Katz $25 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) $1,000 Feeding America $1,497 First Serve NM, $2,000 Fort Stanton, $2,500 Friends of the Bosque del Apache $214 Friends of the Rio Grande Nature Center $1,027 Friends of Tucson’s Birthplace $2,000 Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $250 Friends of Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge $500 From The Heart Foundation Resource Program $2,138 Garden’s Edge $500 Good Shepherd Center $50 Greater Albuquerque Habitat for Humanity $300 Grief Resource Center $500 Heading Home $500 Healing the Children $100 Hubbell House Alliance $300 Indian Pueblo Cultural Center $4,000 Island Press $5,000 Italian Festivals of New Mexico $6,000 James Dick Foundation for the Performing Arts $2,500 JDRF International $2,500 Jewish Community Center $1,250 Jewish Family Service of Metrowest $5,500 Job Path $2,500 Joy Junction $1,069 Junior Achievement of New Mexico $7,000 Junior League of Albuquerque $25 La Familia Medical Center $10,000 Landmark Musicals $1,500 Las Campanas Compadres $2,000 League of Women Voters of Central NM Education Fund $250 Little Sisters of the Poor Villa Guadalupe $500 Localogy $5,000 Lodestar Dog Ranch $3,000 Mandy’s Special Farm $1,000 Manzano Day School $500 March of Dimes Foundation $100 March of Dimes Foundation $100 March of Dimes Foundation $100 Menaul School $5,000 Metrowest Jewish Day School $1,000 Mission Viejo Pateadores $5,526 Missionaries of the Poor USA $5,000 Morris Animal Foundation $4,000 Museum of New Mexico Foundation $5,000 Musica Antigua de Albuquerque $250 National Atomic Museum Foundation $100 National Dance Institute of NM $1,000 National Dance Institute of NM $100 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $5,500 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $5,000 National Hispanic Cultural Center Foundation $250 National Jewish Health $2,500 National Jewish Health $4,000 Nature Conservancy New Mexico $100 New Covenant Christian Church $25 New Energy Economy $250 New Israel Fund $1,000 New Mexico Appleseed $2,500 New Mexico Appleseed $500 New Mexico Appleseed $2,409 New Mexico Asian Family Center $25 New Mexico Autism Society $250 New Mexico BioPark Society $6,000 New Mexico BioPark Society $500 New Mexico Boys & Girls Ranches $1,021 New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty $10,000 New Mexico Community Foundation $50 New Mexico Environmental Law Center $8,000 New Mexico Heart Institute Foundation $10,000 New Mexico Jazz Workshop $20,000 New Mexico Kids Matter $5,000 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $6,000 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $250 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $100 New Mexico Museum of Natural History Foundation $7,130 New Mexico PBS - KNME $428 New Mexico PBS - KNME $2,500 New Mexico PBS - KNME New Mexico PBS - KNME
$5,000 $4,000 New Mexico PBS - KNME $500 New Mexico Philharmonic $10,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,000 New Mexico Philharmonic $1,543 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500 New Mexico Symphonic Chorus $500 New Mexico Veterans’ Memorial $100 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $5,000 New Mexico Wilderness Alliance $2,000 New Mexico Wildlife Association $1,000 Next Step Ministries $10,000 NM Foundation for Open Government $500 NM Foundation for Open Government $4,000 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $250 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $20,000 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $100 OFFCenter Community Arts Project $5,000 Opera Southwest $35,000 Opera Southwest $1,000 Outpost Productions $250 Outside In $100 Partners in Health $2,000 Paws and Stripes $75 PB&J Family Services $2,000 PB&J Family Services $1,000 PB&J Family Services $5,000 Pegasus Legal Services for Children $300 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $5,000 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $8,421 Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains $5,000 Planned Parenthood Federation of America $5,000 Presbyterian Healthcare Foundation $1,000,000 Prince of Peace Catholic Church $2,500 ProgressNow NM $500 ProgressNow NM $10,000 Project Defending Life $100 Project HOPE $1,021 Project Vote $1,000 Prosperity Works $100 Rio Grande Community Development Corp. $12,000 Rio Grande School $2,000 Rio Grande Valley Blue Star Mothers $500 Rio Rancho Education Foundation $981
Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Roadrunner Food Bank Running 505 Safer New Mexico Now Salvation Army Salvation Army Salvation Army Salvation Army USA Samaritan Counseling Center Samaritan Counseling Center Samaritan Counseling Center Sandager Presentations Sandia Kiwanis Club Sandia Preparatory School Sandia Preparatory School Santa Fe Opera Saranam Saranam Saranam $1,711 $200 $4,000 $400 $1,187 $5,000 $100 $25 $100 $1,069 $1,000 $1,021 $1,069 $500 $1,500 $500 $1,000 $2,000 $10,000 $500 $15,534 $300 $200 $5,000
School for Advanced Research on the Human Experience
$7,500 Senior Citizens’ Law Office $5,000 Service Companion Dogs of America $3,500 Silver Horizons New Mexico $687 Silver Horizons New Mexico $5,289 Southwest District Kiwanis Foundation $2,000 Southwest Research and Information Center $5,000 Southwest Women’s Law Center $500 Southwest Women’s Law Center $50 Spencer Theatre for the Performing Arts $1,000 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital $25 St. Thomas Aquinas $100 Student’s Clothing Bank Susan’s Legacy SW Research & Info Center The Film Collaborative The First Tee of Denver $350 $5,000 $4,000 $2,827 $150
The Rock at Noon Day Think New Mexico Think New Mexico
$250 $250 $500 Think New Mexico $1,000 United Way of Central New Mexico $500 United Way of Central New Mexico $3,000 United Way of Santa Fe $15,000 UNM Cancer Research & Treatment Center $10,000 UNM Foundation $750 UNM Foundation $10,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $2,350 UNM Foundation $5,000 UNM Foundation $1,000 UNM Foundation $2,000 UNM Foundation $886 UNM Foundation $3,000 UNM School of Law $4,000 VSA arts of New Mexico $250 VSA arts of New Mexico $2,000 Watermelon Mountain Ranch $3,000 Watermelon Mountain Ranch $3,930 WildEarth Guardians $250 Wildlife Center $100 Wise Fool New Mexico $100 Wolf Conservation Center $10,000 Women’s Housing Coalition $50 Working Classroom $18,000 YAI Young Adult Institute $5,000
Legacy Legacy

Patrick Grange Soccer Development Fund

From the time he could walk, it was evident that Patrick Grange would be an athlete. He loved to play several sports, but soccer would be the one he excelled at and the one he would play during school at Albuquerque High, the University of Illinois at Chicago and UNM, and after college for the semi pro team, Albuquerque Assylum and pro soccer in England. Patrick was known for his ability to head the ball, that is, redirecting the ball with one’s head into the net for a goal.
At the age of 28, this optimistic, sensitive and humorous young man was diagnosed with ALS-Lou Gehrig’s disease. Patrick passed away on April 10th, 2012 at age 29. It was determined later that he suffered chronic traumatic encephalopathy--a brain disease linked to repeated blows to the head.
At the time of his passing, his parents Michael and Michele, his brothers and grandmother established the Patrick Grange Soccer Development Fund at the Foundation. Since that time, the family sought just the right place to grant the memorial gifts made to this fund.
That right place came this year when theVentana Ranch Community Park opened. It’s soccer field would be named in memory of Patrick; a perfectly suitable place where young soccer players can enjoy their sport much like Patrick did during his short life time. It is through this Memorial Fund that Patrick’s memory will last forever.