4 Ways To Extend Your Water Heater’s Useful Life If you are reading this post, it’s obvious that you are concerned about the lifespan of your water heater and you’re willing to do all it takes to extend its life span. But, how long does it take, before you replace your water heater? Apparently, a typical water heater can last up to 8 – 12 years, depending on the brand you purchased. Although in rear cases you find some homeowners using their water heater for up to 15 to 20 years. These days, many of the tanks available in the market are lined with porcelain or glass, which makes them even susceptible to oxidation and deterioration easily. However, in some cases, we find some of the tanks leaking at a slow or fast pace. Thus, it’s pertinent to know the location of your water shutoff valve. Also, it’s important to note, that many water heaters decrease in efficiency without the homeowners even noticing. Hence, you have to take preventive measures to ensure that your water heaters last long enough to give you your money’s worth. Here are 5 things you can do to extend the lifespan of your water heater.
Install a Second anode rod The installation of a second anode rod will largely enhance the increase in the lifespan of your water heater. The anode rod is composed of aluminum or magnesium. Thus, it acts as the sacrificial rod, which prevents the tank from corrosion.
Make Use of an Expansion Tank The installation of an expansion tank can possibly increase the life of your water heater, especially if you’re on a closed system. As a matter of fact, your tank experiences an additional volume, anytime water is heated from 50 degrees to 120 degrees centigrade.