7 Quick Tips for Enhancing your Spray Tan
To escape from the dangerous effects of UV exposure, tan devotees have switched to the harmless spray tan. Apart from the fact that the latter enables the skin to maintain the revered golden look, it is also easy to apply with incredibly quick results. Nevertheless, achieving the look you desire is not always easy. If you have been struggling to get the perfect tan on your skin, you can skip the trial and error by putting into use some valuable tips.
Find Time for a Thorough Scrubbing Take your skin through a proper exfoliation to get rid of any dead cells. The process will also make your skin smooth as well as ensure that the tan has a smooth surface to spread on. Pay attention to the knees and elbows. However, remember to avoid oil-containing exfoliators.
Wear Loose Clothing You don’t want your tan to be rubbed off by your clothes. Therefore, go with loose clothing on the day you get the spray tan. A T-shirt dress is often an excellent choice. Just do anything that will ensure that the tan stays on your skin.