A Child Support Attorney Can Help Get A Support Order Modified

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A Child Support Attorney Can Help Get A Support Order Modified

There are numerous reasons why child support attorneys are invaluable. A lawyer who specializes in family law and has expertise in child support is handy. Such a lawyer can guide you in support order modification cases. The process is usually a very stressful one, but a reputable attorney such as a Hallandale Beach Child support attorney will guarantee success.

What Does Child Support Entail? There are some fundamental aspects of child support modification that you must understand. First off, when a couple with a child gets a divorce, support payments are ordered. An attorney does this. It implies that the parent in custody of the child will be paid a specific amount of money. This payment is made every month by the non-custodial parent. The money is used to cater for the child in terms of food, clothing, shelter and medical care. How is the Amount Determined? The amount of support required is determined by considering the financial means of both parents. This comes after considering the needs of the child. The amount is then set by the court.

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