Child Resistant vs. Childproof Container What’s the Difference

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Child Resistant vs. Childproof Container: What’s the Difference?

Young children are naturally curious. To satisfy their curiosity, they put things in their mouths. Unfortunately, they cannot tell the difference between safe and harmful products. To get children out of harm’s way, therefore, there has been a great rise in the need to come up with ways of ensuring that children cannot easily open containers. Among the recent innovations is the use of child resistant and childproof container in the marijuana packaging industry. However, it should be noted that there is a difference between child resistant and childproof packaging.

1. Opening Mechanism For a container to be child-resistant, the mechanism put into play when opening it must make be difficult for children to use. The most common mechanisms require the person opening the container to press the lid downwards while twisting it at the same time. Nevertheless, remember that just because the mechanism makes it difficult for children to open the container does not make it an impossible endeavor.

Children learn by watching; therefore, there is a chance that your child knows exactly how to open the container by watching you do it. In other words, there is a possibility that your child can open the child resistant container in spite of the difficulty presented by the opening mechanism. On the other hand, there must be no chance for a child to open a container that’s termed childproof.

2. Level of Opacity Some products have a striking similarity with some of the sweet edibles children love. Thus, the likeness would lure the child into opening the container with the aim of getting to the product in the container. A good example is edible cannabis which is not very much unlike candy.

In order to restrict child access, there should be a way of hiding the contents through making the container opaque. Unfortunately, many child resistant containers have little or no opacity. Accordingly, they do not qualify to be termed as childproof even when they fulfill such requirements of child-resistance as two simultaneous ways of opening the container.

3. Testing There are certain guidelines that require containers holding some substances to be child resistant. For cannabis, the containers must go through vigorous testing by a lab which is accredited and independent. In addition, the containers must pass through the hands of children specially picked for the exercise. The children are usually five year old or below. During the exercise, they are given a chance to open the containers within a certain amount of time. When the children find difficulty in opening them, the containers are certified as child resistant.

However, this does not make them childproof simply because some children will attain success in opening them after some struggle. Remember that a childproof container should give absolutely no opportunity to the child to open it. Put in another way, it should not be opened by the children no matter how hard they struggle or how much time they take.

Final Verdict There may seem to be a thin line between childproof and child resistant containers. Viewed closely, however, the difference is huge. Keep in mind that child resistant containers are certified as so because of the effort by manufacturers in making it difficult for children to open them. Still, there is always a chance that they can be opened. Childproofing a container, on the other hand, means that nothing is left to chance in the effort to prevent children from getting to the contents. Simply put, a childproof container cannot be opened by a child.

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