Five Ways a Domestic Violence Lawyer Can Save You From That Abusive Marriage It is normal for you to feel trapped in an abusive marriage and becoming a victim of domestic violence. You are not the only one facing this ugly situation; at least 25 percent of women in the US continuously face domestic violence in their marriages. A large number of these women mentioned that they get trapped in such abusive marriages because of lack of resources, a fear of facing more severe abuse if they try to leave or because of the presence of children in the marriage. No doubt, there are a ton of self-help methods for victims of domestic violence—an example is visiting or calling the hotlines of the National Sexual Violence Resource Center—which are all great options. But a better and lasting way of dealing which such a situation is by hiring a domestic violence lawyer—we promise to shed more light on how a domestic violence lawyer is a perfect option for you. Want to know the best part? In this article, we would be listing five great ways a domestic violence lawyer can save you from an abusive marriage. Keep reading to find out.
1. Help You In Filing A Domestic Violence Lawsuit A domestic violence lawyer will help you file a domestic violence lawsuit—which will enable you, as a victim of domestic violence, to recover from any financial loss, suffering, pain or medical expenses caused by the ugly incident.
2. Get A Protective/Restraining Order Put In Place For You Every victim of domestic violence can get a restraining order or protective order as it is called in other states. The restraining/protective order will ban the abuser from making any further contact with you, possessing firearms or trespassing within a certain radius around you.