How To Prepare For A Spray Tan, And What To Expect During Your Treatment Who wouldn’t want to feel bronzed and beautiful year round. Those dark, winter months can leave us all feeling pale, pasty and make us want to hide our skin from the world. The beauty of a spray tan is the instant lift a new glow can give to both your mood and look, not to mention making you ready for summer and skirts again. So if you’re thinking about getting a spray tan but aren’t sure what to expect and how you should prepare, then read on.
There are a few things you can do before you arrive at the salon which will ensure you get the best possible result from your spray tan. Make sure to wax or shave your legs and armpits, and wherever else you normally remove hair, at least one or two days before the treatment. This means you will avoid any spotting on your skin where the tanning product clings on to pores and other dry areas. Another top tip is to get rid of any dead skin by exfoliating and moisturising your body the night before your tanning treatment. This way there will be no tell tale dark elbows and knees. Lastly, put down that deodorant and perfume and head to the salon without using either. You want to be free of any products on your skin and completely natural. That also means no make-up and jewellery.
So what happens during the spray tan itself? If you’re new to the whole experience, there are a few things you should know before going into the treatment room that will mean no nasty surprises and ensure you are fully prepared and know what to expect. Firstly, prepare to get (nearly) naked. Spray tans work best when you have the least amount of clothing on. While some people opt for a bikini or similar, don’t forget that you will have tan lines wherever you have clothing so it is best to go topless and wear paper pants, which the salon can provide. You will need to remain still and turn around as the tanning expert applies the product. You will be given glasses to protect your eyes.