How to Prepare For Your Botox Treatment

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How to Prepare For Your Botox Treatment Botox treatments have become a widely used procedure to counter wrinkles. The treatment works by obstructing the nerves that shrink the muscles, thus softening the image of wrinkles on your face.

Before you undergo any sort of procedure, it is imperative you take necessary care so as to ensure the success of the treatment. The same theory applies to Botox. Although the treatment of Botox injections is not considered a major surgery, it is still imperative you do all that you can to reduce the risks of getting an infection, complications and side effects.

Do not feel shy or hesitant. You can ask your doctor any questions and queries you have regarding what you should and should not do prior to your treatment. Accordingly, you can follow the prescribed care routine. Nevertheless, we know you may wish to start your pre-preparations for your treatment by researching all that you can find regarding the required care routine you will be required to undertake!

So what can you do to ensure your treatment is successful and you get the results you desired for? Here are a few tips for you to prepare you for your treatment.

1. Schedule your Botox appointment minimum 2 weeks before the day of the event you have to attend. The event could be a vacation or a wedding. You will be able to see the results of the Botox injections start to appear in about four to seven days. In addition, swelling and bruising may appear in that timeframe.

2. Postpone your appointment minimum 24 hours ahead if you feel a blemish, rash or cold sore on the area. In case you regularly have a bout of cold sores, it is essential you let your doctor know so they can prescribe you anti-viral medicines prior to your treatment.

3. Make sure you have a hearty breakfast on the day of your procedure. This will help reduce the chances of you feeling lightheaded at the time of your treatment.

4. Do NOT drink alcoholic drinks minimum 24 hours before the day of your treatment. This is because alcohol thins out the blood, thus the chances of bruising are increased.

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