Injectable Fillers: Facts Or Fiction? People, who want to refrain from more invasive and permanent surgical procedures, often turn towards injectable fillers to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines more naturally. One of these fillers is called JUVÈDERM. It is one of the most commonly used anti-aging fillers used by thousands of men and women across the world to reverse signs of aging. JUVÈDERM is a gel filler made with Hyaluronic Acid that is found in the skin naturally, that is injected in to problem areas to treat moderate to severe wrinkles and fine lines. Since the gel is made with Hyaluronic acid, it is one of the safest anti aging treatments, approved by the FDA. Even though research has proven its effects, there is still a lot of contradiction and speculation around these injectable fillers. People have preconceived notions and wrong information that might be confusing them about the JUVÈDERM fillers. In order to remove these confusions and clear the air about them, following are the facts and fiction about JUVÈDERM fillers:
FACT: The Fillers Actually Do Have Anti Aging Effects The easiest fact to put across first is that these injectables do actually work. What you hear is not just marketing magic, the fillers work prophylactically and as a treatment. The earliest proof of this fact comes from a study done in 2007, when it was found that injecting a non-animal derived Hyaluronic acid stimulated collagen production. This means that the fillers not only fills any wrinkles, but also prevent from new ones forming quickly. The catalysed collagen production restores the skin’s elasticity and some of the structural integrity, making it appears younger and fresher.
FICTION: You Will Look Like You Had “Work” Done This is a pretty common understanding among unaware people that if you have dermal fillers injected into your skin; your skin will look like it has been tampered with. Well, the explanation here is that it’s not about what you do to your skin, but HOW you do it.