Low Calorie Diets and the Idea of Restricting Calories When it comes to losing weight, you will find people try all sorts of new and novel tricks and diets. They try many fad diets and hope that it will help them lower weight. Most of these diets do not work because you need to lower your calorie intake to notice any change in your weight. You have to stick to low calorie meals to ensure that your body switches to fat for energy. When you switch to a healthy diet, you will notice how it trains your body to live without relying too much on additional calories. Your body needs a specific number of calories to perform different processes, and it stores those additional calories you eat. Therefore, you need to eat fewer calories and learn to burn more through exercise. It will send your body into a calorie deficit mode that promotes weight loss. What exactly is a low-calorie diet? You are following a low calorie diet when the food you eat in a day provides you with anything between 1,200 and 1,600 calories. Many people lower their calorie intake even further to trigger weight loss. They usually opt for special foods, such as bars, shakes, or soups that replace their original meals. What you should keep in mind is that following a low calorie diet is a good idea, but sticking to a very low calorie diet can lead to several health complications. Studies have shown that restricting your calorie intake while paying attention to your unique requirements can help you achieve numerous health benefits. Of course, it can help you lose weight, but it also results in a longer life. You will be at a reduced risk of developing age-related mental health issues. It also lowers rate of cancer and leads to improved reproductive performance. Most people restrict calories because they want to lose weight, and it is the right thing to do because obesity can increase your risk of hypertension, diabetes, coronary artery disease, and sleep apnea. When you are eating fewer calories, your body would no longer be in a calorie surplus mode. It means that it will stop storing calories and tap into fat reserves to facilitate different bodily processes. This, in turn, will make you experience a number of health benefits. Is it a right option to consider? You may be interested in following a low calorie diet, but you should always talk to your healthcare provider first. When you are overweight, cutting too many calories too quickly can lead to many health problems. Before you even go further with the idea, you should ensure that your BMI is high enough for a low-calorie diet. For people with healthy body weight, it is not a good idea to go on a low-calorie diet if their BMR is already below 22.